#he’s js so!?!?
y2kuromi · 6 months
✶ : ❛ 𝗦𝗪𝗘𝗘𝗧 𝗟𝗢𝗧𝗨𝗦 : seishiro nagi x reader ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა
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˖ ִֶָ𐀔 — contents ⋮ birthday fic for moi <3 fluff, fluff, fluff, fem! reader, established relationship, nagi is literally whipped. reo being a d1 hater. pet names . second person (you/your/yours) and third person pov. w/c : 2.4k
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if you told nagi he'd be sitting cross-legged in his kitchen picking thorns off pink roses and counting them under his breath while his best friend reo talked him through this (or at least attempted to), he would've laughed in your face. even more so if you'd told him his cheeks were flushed a shade darker than the soft petals he clutched and his heart hammered loudly in his chest. but here he was doing just that hours to your birthday
"what do you think?" nagi asked reo, bringing the bouquet into view. he was quite proud of the floral arrangement of roses, chrysanthemum, lotus and hydrangea flowers. "’s it too much?"
"it's pretty lame, why don't you just cover (y/n)'s apartment in rose petals instead" reo suggested, he was only kidding
"you just want to see me suffer" nagi grumbled. when he'd facetimed him for moral support, he hadn't expected him to crack jokes at his expense, "cleaning that up would be such a hassle"
"i'm surprised you made the bouquet yourself," reo said thoughtfully, "wouldn't ordering one be more your speed?"
"nahh" the grey-eyed boy shook his head, "(y/n) likes these specific flowers for some reason, florist didn't have any arrangements like this"
"so you just bought four bouquets....? you do know custom orders exist right?" there's a small smirk on reo's lips as he teased. nagi shot him a withering glare as he firmly tied the stems together with twine
"wouldn't be as special that way" nagi muttered. he was blushing again, despite being in the comfort of his own home, he could feel the blush still warming his neck and ears
"you really love her, huh?" reo questioned gently his eyes softening when he saw nagi shyly smile at him
"yeah..." nagi breathed out quietly, smiling softly down at the flower arrangement, "should i bake a cake?"
"'ve got this heart-shaped pan, and i bought cake mix and some other stuff after training today. i think i could pull it off”
“are you sure about that?” reo queried, “i’m not gonna help you”
“that’s fine, not like you can bake anyways,” nagi scoffed, setting the flowers down on the counter. “it shouldn’t be that hard right?”
“depends on the flavour” reo affirmed
“what should i do for icing, buttercream?” nagi asked, picking up a bag of sugar and a tub of butter. “’s the easiest”
“buttercream then”
“i wasn’t really asking you, but sure”
“(y/n)’s dumbass” he grinned, his voice softening at the mention of your name “god i hope she likes this. i feel like i could’ve done more”
“you made her a bouquet, you made her a gift basket and now you’re baking her a cake. you didn’t even get me anything for my birthday” reo said pointedly
“you’re not my girlfriend reo, and you can buy stuff for yourself”
“you’re a terrible friend”
“i’m a good boyfriend though” nagi said softly, “the best in the world”
reo couldn’t argue with that. nagi only put effort in the things he deemed important. you stood at the top of that list, above soccer, gaming and sleeping. he wanted nothing more than to make you happy.
to his credit, he tried his best. he went grocery shopping whenever you asked him to pick up groceries. he made sure you ate enough, and he always made time for you. even if he wanted to spend his entire day playing video games, he still made sure he was by your side.
he would do anything for you. hell, if you asked him to do a handstand and sing baby shark backwards, as stupid as it sounded, he would do it just to see your heartbreakingly beautiful smile
“‘m gonna make (y/n) breakfast in bed” he murmured, he could already see the smile stretching across your face “french toast or pancakes, dunno yet”
“you? cook?” reo laughed, “you’re gonna poison her”
“shut up” nagi scowled, his nose scrunching up in mock annoyance, “i know how to cook, ‘s just a hassle but if it’s for (y/n) i don’t mind” he said as he mixed the dry ingredients until the salt, sugar and cake mix were evenly combined. he cracked two large eggs into the bowl and poured in milk, oil and vanilla extract. the cake mix reminded him oddly of you. sweet and sugary
“you’re whipped” reo said. “you’re too far gone,look at your face all mushy like that you’re making me sick”
“‘s called being in love, not that you can relate” nagi retorted. he gently scooped the batter in the baking pan with a spatula while reo stared at him agape. “‘s obvious” he shrugged, slipping the pan into the pre-heated oven.he ran a hand through his hair as he leaned against the counter with a content look on his face
nagi was still learning what love really was. to him, it looked a lot like you.
loving you felt like breathing, like waking up in the morning after a good night’s sleep. he loved your smiles, your laugh, the sparkle you got in your eyes when you were around him. he loved everything about you. he’d probably never love anyone the way he loved you. and he was okay with that, he wouldn’t trade you for the world
“simp” reo said “ i’m surprised she puts up with your lazy ass”
“you call this moral support?” nagi muttered, “should’ve called someone else”
“who else would sit on facetime with you while you did all this?” reo asked, “i’ll wait”
nagi was deep in thought for a moment but he remained silent. he knew you would, but that would inherently ruin the surprise
"so, nobody, huh? thought as much," reo remarked, rolling his eyes, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. it was a breath of fresh air to not be the one pushing nagi to do something for once
*ding* nagi’s eyes lit up as the timer chimed. the kitchen was filled with the scent of freshly baked vanilla cake. he slipped on an oven mitt before he took the pan out of the oven and placed it on the island. his cheeks were flushed as he glanced over his shoulder to shoot him a triumphant look
“cake’s done” he was slightly giddy with anticipation, once he was done icing it he could finally drive to your apartment and see you. he knew you were already sleeping, he’d called you an hour ago and your voice had been laced with the precipice of sleep. he didn’t really care, he selfishly wanted to be the first to wish you a happy birthday. even if it meant waking you up at midnight
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true to his word nagi slipped into your apartment as soon as the clock struck midnight. to his credit he was as quiet as possible. setting your presents down on the counter before sneaking into your room
the bed dips and suddenly there’s a warm body behind you. nagi wraps an arm around your waist, pressing himself closer to you. you let out a small noise as he pulls you in for a long kiss, his hand reaching up to stroke your cheek.
“sei…” you yawn, squinting at him with your sleepy (e/c) eyes. you’re unbelievably pretty he thinks. even with furrowed eyebrows and a worn-out look on your face. your lashes fan across your face and he can feel his heart melting
“happy birthday baby” he murmurs, placing the sweetest of kisses on your forehead.
“thank you” you hummed, resting your head on his chest, enjoying the warmth radiating from the blankets. “thought you weren’t coming till later…”
“couldn’t stay away” he admitted with a sigh, wrapping an arm around your waist, “‘m sorry i woke you”
“it’s okay” you smiled,you brush a few locks of his hair away from his forehead, leaning up slightly to peck his lips. you pulled back slightly content with blissfully reveling in his presence before you sat up properly, pulling back the covers and climbing out of your bed, “c’mon i want my presents now”
“what makes you think i got you anything?” he mutters. eager to stay cuddled up in bed. his hopes were dashed as you dragged him towards you
you wonder how someone could be as cute as he was, despite his hair being messed up more than ever and his eyelids heavy with sleep. you bring your free hand up to his cheek and smile. his hand comes up to hold yours as he nuzzles into your palm, soft grey eyes affectionate and loving, the everpresent pout no longer visible on his face.
“because you love me” you reply, smiling when he grins lazily at you, a little bit dazed
"i do love you," he mumbles, leaning up and slowly kissing the corner of your lips. “wait here” he tells you softly as he stands up, giving you another quick kiss. you watch him leave the room with a fond expression on your face.
your 6’3 boyfriend returns less than two minutes later, cradling a (f/c) box filled to the brim with your favourite snacks, manga and a fluffy miffy plush. as well as the prettiest bouquet of flowers you’d ever seen.
you practically tackle him, hugging him tightly as he laughs. you pull back to admire the flowers in his hands and you gasp, reaching out to take one of them.
“are those lotuses?” you ask, staring at them lovingly. they almost glow under the light in your bedroom
“yeah,” he nods, “you said you liked them”
you loved lotuses, although nagi didn’t understand why. the soft pink lotus flowers and their dreamy forgetfulness and symbolic unwillingness to leave reminded you distinctly of him
“they’re beautiful, thank you so much” you beam. you took the bouquet from him, eyes widening when you realized they weren’t store bought. tears pricked your (e/c) irises and you sniffle as you tried your best not to lose it.
“ hey!” he says, noticing the tearful expression on your face. he cups your face gently “don’t start bawling on me yet”
“you made this yourself?” you whisper, staring in awe at the bouquet, “for me?”
“do i have another girlfriend or something?” he says, raising a questioning eyebrow at you. you glare at him before laughing
“shut up, i love you” you say. you wrap your arms around his neck and give him a tight hug. or at least you try to, the box slightly gets in the way.
“i love you too” nagi smiles, and it’s one of those smiles he reserves for you, one that lights up his face and makes him shine brighter than any star, “now look at the rest, ‘m sorry i didn’t wrap anything”
“too much of a pain?” you asked, tilting your head to the side. he nodded in response, holding out the next gift. a sleek photo album. the first page is filled with a plethora of pictures. there were candid shots of you, pictures you didn’t even know existed. the one that stuck out to you the most was a picture of you at the arcade on your first date.
“you can fill up the rest yourself” nagi yawned, trailing towards your bed and placing the box carefully down on it. you placed the pink and purple bouquet on your dressing table before joining him
“thank you sei” you said, you honestly couldn’t say it enough. when nagi had asked you out a few months ago you’d never imagined he could possibly make you feel this special. hell, you didn’t even care about your birthday that much. you almost hated him now, he’d ruined your expectations for life by making you feel like this..
nagi’s grey eyes drooped as he leaned against your pillow, “s’nothing, there’s one more thing you’ve gotta see tonight” he lazily pointed at a white box tucked neatly beside the cinnamoroll plush with a striking resemblance to nagi
you opened the box gingerly, the sweet scent of buttercream filled your senses. “a cake?” you exclaimed, “sei, you baked?? you baked me a cake??”
“i baked” nagi shrugged, “’s just a small one, and ‘s not from scratch”
you dipped your finger into the buttercream and licked the sweet (f/c) frosting off, “this is really good,” you tell him
“‘m just good at everything” he murmurs, grinning when you gave him an exasperated glance “‘m glad you like it”
“of course i do” you frowned slightly, “sit up for just a second, you gotta sing while i blow out my candles”
“‘m not singing”
“pleaseeeeee” you pleaded, “it doesn’t even have to be the full song, you owe me sei, since you woke me up”
“fine” he sighed, sitting up reluctantly. he watched patiently as you placed the candles in the centre of the cake and pressed the flame to the wax. once the candles were lit, you reached over and grabbed his hand.
he thought you looked really beautiful like this, with the candlelight casting your features in warm glow and your hair fanned out over your shoulders. you seemed ethereal. he stared at you and smiled softly, watching as the flickering light danced on your face, casting shadows onto your (e/c) eyes
“i don’t hear you singing” you said, giggling when his cheeks flushed a startling shade of pink.
“shut up” he huffed, looking away, but you only grinned wider as he sang for you. you didn’t know why he didn’t want to in the first place, he sounded like an angel. after the song was finished, you blew out your candles gently
you wished for a plethora of things all of which you knew nagi would stop at nothing to give you. you felt like he’d given you the entire world already. so you wished you could give him endless happiness. you wished you could spend day after day falling further in love with him, and you wished you could give him the entire universe
after the cake had been kept safely in the fridge and your breathtaking flowers arranged in a vase, you placed a lone lotus flower on your bedside table, nimbly slipping under the sheets beside your sweet boyfriend
“what did you wish for?” he asks, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as he kissed the top of your head
“my wish won’t come true if i tell you” you hummed.
“‘s not fair” he pouted, “i told you what i wished for on my birthday”
“if i kiss you will you shut up and go to sleep ?” you asked. nagi nodded meekly. you didn’t need to ask him twice. he’d do anything for you
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© Y2KUROMI ‘23 please do not plagiarise, repost, or translate any of my works on here or any other websites.
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astrolavas · 1 year
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thinking about the... potential clawthorne woodcarving mentorship.
+ bonus cuz also thinking abt how if hunter ever met dell's palisman and got reminded of flapjack, he'd probably feel bad abt making that association cuz he knows what it's like to be seen only as someone's different version (even though the bird wouldn't mind much so lol)
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#eda having that palistrom seed.. hunter saying he wants to learn how to carve palisman... his relation to clawthornes. it HAS to mean STH js#the owl house#toh#hunter toh#toh hunter#hahaa always thinking abt hunter growing a soft spot for palismen and loving creating and bringing them to life#but never being able to replace flapjack no matter how many palismen for other ppl he carves. I'M GONNA-#:((((( :///#like he's not going to want to replace flapjack just like that rn. cuz he LOVES that bird. it's gonna be so hard for him to just.. Move On#and flapjack's a PART of him.. so very curious where they'll go with this because..... HM. HM like he serves as his disability aid almost#and he can't just REMAKE him. but he cannot also just.... ignore what happened straight away. but it's also important to heal#but whatever he decides to do i feel like he'd love to just............ create. whether it be for himself or others#BUT GAH. ANYWAY XKJSJSK wrote an essay abt this already don't need to write one in the tags TOO. so uh .. yea#little guy.. pls find happiness#my art#fanart#hunter#hunter noceda#hunter wittebane#eda#eda clawthorne#dell#dell clawthorne#dell's palisman#toh art#edalyn clawthorne#also like...... if flapjack and dell's palisman were caleb's and evelyn's palismen...... and knew each other........#and while flapjack was waiting for his new person at the bat queen's cave dell's palisman was being passed down clawthorne generations#OUUHGHHHHGHHHH they were probably friends..... they Knew each other#what's up with you you mysterious yellow bird with eyebrows...... what's your story
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saturnniidae · 26 days
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rayroseu · 23 days
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the two princes that are blessed with beauty... 😭🙏✨💚🤍
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necroixe · 2 months
@ younger creepypasta fans, don't be worried about sharing what you make for the fear of people finding issue with it for existing. We like your art for what it is, and encourage you to keep making it, because that's what the core of being an artist is. The ability to write, draw, create, whatever it is that drives you, and literally nobody ever can take that away from you. Those kids with the shitty stories and self inserts built a fandom from the ground up, wrote and drew their characters just because they wanted to. If you don't care for it, make your own art, or move elsewhere.
The quote in anton's original post is incomplete, so here’s a better one— "find what you love, and let it kill you."
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ladystoneboobs · 2 months
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I will not tolerate any Aaron Minyard slander
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Tomarry AU time travel but with a twist
— where Tom and Harry are best friends but Harry ends up falling for Tom — and Tom? He rejects him. Because Tom isn't ready. Because he thinks relationships are a waste of time — and believes what he and Harry has is better. And, Harry? Though hurt, accepts his answer. Though there is some residual awkwardness — they go back to being friends.
But— now, Tom is more aware of Harry. Now, that he knows Harry is okay with having a romantic relationship with him, he starts noticing things that he hasn't before. He starts thinking about Harry more than he did before (which basically means he thought about him every second now, back then it was one thought per ten seconds but anyways—) and having realizations about himself that he has been ignoring before due to always thinking about the future. After all he is a busy man with a grand plan — he was just too busy to have time for something mundane like introspection, am I right?
Unfortunately, though before Tom could do something about his emotions derailing his plans — Harry dies. For him. To save him
Tom being Tom, through his all consuming grief and regrets — breaks time conventions to save Harry and ends up travelling back on the day Harry came to Hogwarts. And as Tom tries to make amends for his mistakes by trying to befriend Harry, who is the new transfer student earlier than before, he realizes how strange Harry used to be.
How he would act skittish around Tom or glare at him with so much hatred that would make him stumble. Because Harry never did that, or did he? That didn't matter though, because Tom would win him over anyways — because he is the one whom Harry loves loved. So, he is one who would end up winning him anyways — not Black or Longbottom for that matter.
So this au is basically time travelling harry and time travelling tom but both of them from different points of time, trying to do their best — trying to save the world (for Tom, it's Harry and is that my way of implying Harry was his world? Yes.)
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mysteriousmissme · 2 months
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appleberrycenter · 2 months
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kaeichi · 2 months
ღ ˚⋅ coffee talk — mikage reo.
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mikage reo is not addicted to caffeine.
that's what he keeps telling nagi, anyway. the latter doesn't know why he keeps reiterating that “fact” either—he doesn't even care, nor does he believe him in the first place—but even someone like nagi would suspect something is amiss solely by the way reo keeps coming back to the coffee shop that the heir deemed second-rate not too long ago.
today marks day eleven of visiting said coffee shop in a row; nagi barely steps his foot in, and he already wants to leave.
“welcome, reo! and nagi too!”
that something that nagi suspects comes in the form of a living, breathing person; one that usually takes reo’s order and makes his specialized coffee for him.
(“it tastes different somehow, nagi!” reo had explained to him the other day, justifying his countless visits and spending too much on tips—though for the pro soccer player and CEO of a business corporation, absolutely nothing is too much for him. “you should give it a try. i swear, that barista has magic hands or something. i've had so many macchiatos before, but none of them has tasted so…delectable, so lush, and so—”
“oh, i’m sure.” nagi commented offhandedly, zoning out and hoping this is just another one of reo’s many fleeting interests.)
unfortunately that is not the case this time, especially not with the way reo’s legs immediately go stiff when he advances rather awkwardly over the counter, as if he suddenly forgot how to walk just by the sound of your voice. nagi can tell how you pretend not to notice, a gentle smile on your face beckoning him closer, your eyes as warm as the yellow string lights hung on the walls around the quiet shop and the freshly ground arabica beans that you’ve been brewing in the back.
this is so…yeah, no. nagi should definitely just leave.
“the usual caramel macchiato today? or just a regular latte this time?” your eyes look up from the register when reo doesn't verbally reply, peering at him through your lashes, and he wants to smack himself for accidentally being entranced by your lips moving and taking too long to answer. he can already hear nagi’s voice taunting him: get a grip already, reo.
“yes, please.”
“…sorry, which one?”
he takes a second to breath. he has to, or else he'll end up making an even bigger fool of himself. “uh, i'll just get a latte. since i already had one this morning.”
you then focus your full attention to him, a teasing look evident in your gaze. “you should really tone down the caffeine intake, reo. i can't imagine how that'd be healthy for you.”
“haha, consider it as a compliment to your coffee-making skills.”
there is an actual growing concern that you have for him, since he has been showing up for the past eleven days and getting macchiatos or lattes; at times even twice a day, so your mild unease is valid. there is also that possibility that he's been getting those for someone else, but you discard that thought when you see him stay in the shop sometimes, leisurely drinking from his steaming mug as he types away on his laptop on nights that he's not overly busy.
nonetheless, he remains your favorite customer, and it's not just because of his generous tips and all. you do wonder what he does for a living; would it be rude to ask? though, you suppose you can reserve that question when you start to get to know him personally on some other occasion.
wait, get to know him personally? you glance towards the elegantly dressed male once again once you're done pouring the scalding liquid onto the disposable cup, taking in his lavish appearance and slicked back violet hair—you can't help but think he may be out of your league.
but something tells you that you shouldn't be afraid, not with the hint of pink dusting his cheeks and the earnest, tender smile that always adorns his face whenever he talks to you.
“my shift is ending in five minutes. if you wanna wait, then maybe we can head out together…?”
you're relieved to have taken the chance, because the purple-haired male suddenly jolts, “y-yeah, of course! let me just tell–” when reo turns around to see that his companion is nowhere to be found, he sighs. “…nevermind.”
he hears you stifle a giggle, a sweet melody falling in his ears, and he's so glad he found the time to squeeze in this quick trip tonight despite his hectic schedule. when you hand him his latte, the corners of his mouth inadvertently lifts up as he sees your handwriting on the cup in black ink:
Reo ღ ◡̈
a few minutes later, after you have changed out of your black apron and gathered your stuff, reo walks out of the coffee shop with you, the chilly autumn air breezing past his skin.
his eyes flit downward when you rub your hands in an attempt to heat them up.
it's cold tonight, coldest it has been in a week, yet reo feels warm all of a sudden, even though he barely had a sip from his drink. he wipes his free hand on his slacks, a build up of sweat coating his palm. he regrets not taking his blazer off in his car, because it now feels uncomfortably tight around him, and since when did it get so hot—
“you okay, reo?” you cast him a side glance over the shoulder, eyes raking over his restless form, “you're so fidgety.”
“sorry, yeah. it's just the coffee.”
you give a pointed look, wordlessly reminding him again that maybe he should dial it down or some. it's fine, he's not addicted to caffeine, to something else maybe, but not caffeine. reo’s gaze drifts downwards again, glancing at your empty palm again, and… oh.
that must've been why his fingers kept twitching. for now, he refrains from reaching out, hopeful that this wouldn't be his last encounter with you, and that he'll eventually find the courage someday.
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slicked back hair reo.... reo i need u so bad ples
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carmyboobear · 3 months
him being nervous coz he wants to look good for you even on a lazy chill at home binge movies date… just one ‘that’s such a pretty colour on you carm’ with a soft peck on his cheek and he’s all pink and flustered adjusting his tee just a little bit 🧂
(Clears my throat) Anyway…. So… I mean… I feel completely normal about that actually…
I’m imagining him wearing a beautiful dark brown, loose fitted shirt sleeve button up with some light wash jeans. I really do associate carm with brown, and I think it looks nice with his eyes <3
“This is such a pretty color on you, carm,” you’d tell him, maybe even thumbing the fabric of his collar. “Goes well with your pretty eyes, too.” You peck a kiss on his warming cheeks. “Always so handsome for me.”
Fuck I just think he’s get all blushy about it, idly adjust the collar of his shirt, fiddle with his silver chain (THAT DAMNED CHAIN).
“Thanks, baby,” is all I think he’d be able to really articulate. Soft spoken, eyes downcast, but also looking back at your warm expression. He’s too embarrassed to say anything else, you can tell.
He does start wearing that shirt and that color more tho <3
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drag00ni · 3 months
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Do you guys like my new cat
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reesescuffs · 5 months
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I'd like to think this is what happens after Scott goes to his silly fantasy world post s1
This is the sketch I did on ibis paint the other day while on the bus <3 I've got another one bur that's for a different draw
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spteez · 3 months
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sannie ♡
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jjkyaoi · 4 months
lucifer’s fight with adam was just him bragging about how much he fucks and then when it was all over he was like “lol you guys want pancakes 😊😊😊😊😊” WHAT are you talking about man
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