#who exhibits deep empathy
I get it. I'm quite the catch. I'm flattered, but I'm hopelessly in love with my wife who can't get enough of me. I'm a lost cause. You're gonna have to find your own fucked up White boy and fix him for yourself.
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astroyongie · 4 months
My Opinion On The Moon Signs and Placements 
Note: the venus placements will be next <33 hope you guys like it, also take it lightly its just my opinion on the placements and not necessarily the true
Aries Moon: I often have a hard time reading Aries moons because they have such an intense way of communicating their emotions. they are either all in or all out and there isn't mid terms with them. Aries' moon is fierce, their instinct tingles. Some people see them as selfish people.  
Taurus Moon: they are so much more than what meets the eye. They tend to be pretty rational with what happens around them, yet they can be quite intuitive as well despite not being a water sign. They are the type to hide their emotions so well, but also to run away from them. They are often emotionally stable but their ability to hold grudges is.. scary
Gemini Moon: There’s this stereotype that gemini moods are emotional wrecks because we never know how they are feeling and also because they exhibit huge emotional swings depending on their environment and people they are with. The true is they don't understand what they feel deep down so they are often just as confused  
Cancer Moon: Again they have this stereotype that they are super sensible, emotional and super manipulators. Although in some cases this can be true, cancer moon is also someone that has that protective fire in them, they have such a huge protective instinct. They are super pessimists tho
Leo Moon: They aren’t as egocentric as one can think. Yes, they will put themselves first in certain situations but that’s because people tend to also take their loyalty and their warmth for granted. They are a little dramatic when they are feeling stuff.  
Virgo Moon: Virgo moons often have a sharp instinct, they have a good memory as well and they always try to process their emotions through rationalizing them, which often hurts because they don't allow their emotions to be processed. They fear losing control over what they feel. 
Libra Moon: Their head is a big mess, they never know who to trust, what to feel and how to understand their feelings. often these placement gets co dependent on other people for their emotions because they kind are unable to live by themselves with their own heads 
Scorpio Moon: Of course that they are intense, they feel things deeply and with all its rawness. Their intuition is high, they can read people so well and they do have empathetic feelings toward others. When they are in love, it's so beautiful but the trust issues of this placement is no joke 
Sagittarius Moon: My opinion on them might be a little biased but gosh, they are so intense, in a way that their emotions are so outbrusting. They can be the happiest person and 5 minutes later they are shifting and it's impulsive and reckless and they have no control over what they are feeling. they have short memory too in my opinion. .
Capricorn Moon: Like most earth placements, Capricorn moons are scared to not be in control of what they feel. They are clever, they are intuitive to a certain point but they are way too cautious and don't allow their emotions to be fully processed. Sometimes they like sensitivity or lack understanding toward other people’s feelings because they see it as dramatism. 
Aquarius Moon: Please someone enlighten me about them because I swear I don't understand them. they way of feeling, they way they expose things, they way they remember things. their brain, their emotional output is not conventional and is different from other people,which often makes them misunderstood. but their lack of empathy and their lack of seeing things through other perceptions is also the cause. 
Pisces Moon: Yes, another stereotype that they are overly sensitive and that they are cry babies. but their intuition is huge, their emotional sponge is hard to control.yet they can also be the most cold placements ever. if they don't want to feel, they won’t. their escapism ability is out of this world 
Moon in the 1st House: Usually they are seen as people that are caregivers. They are often leaned on due to their ability to be able to understand others and always find solutions when it comes to solving issues. They have a very soft personality and they are reliable yet people often take advantage of them because they can’t say no. they have that dreamy beauty in them as well  
Moon in the 2nd House: Their whole emotional being depends on how they live their life, on how comfortable they are and how much of the dream life they can live. More often, people with this placement tend to want luxury in their life and they can be an emotional wreck when their values, their possessions or their goals are shattered by life. 
Moon in the 3rd House: these people are super smart, like socially and emotionally smart. They make such good teachers, therapists but also manipulators because they are able to use people’s strengths and weaknesses to their own expenses but also to help others. They overthink a lot though, and they tend to suffer a lot from their own emotional health. 
Moon in the 4th House: They put a lot of importance in what they consider to be their roots, their culture and their family. They are often family oriented, they love kids and kids love them. some of them can even have that superpower of knowing when someone is pregnant! Some also have taken since young age the role of parent or responsibility in their household 
Moon in the 5th House: The creativity that they have is unmatched, the talent that they have for arts, for self expression through their body and their hobbies is amazing. definitely a good placement when one wants to pursue a career in the arts related businesses and professions. These people also have a very funny sense of humor, and they are hopeless romantics. 
Moon in the 6th House: This placement can be tricky because it can make someone super emotional, to struggle a lot with their health in general (both emotional and physical). Yet these people also have a good sense in business and they can easily get the career of their dreams just by the power of manifestation. 
Moon in the 7th House: They are hopeless romantics as well, they live for their love life, they live for romance, for relationships. People with these placements often tend to be unable to stay alone for a long time and not having someone to love is something that causes them inner turmoil and pain. they have such a good instinct tho, and their love truly is pure 
Moon in the 8th House: their emotional intuition is no joke, these people are not only gifted when it comes to the occult and the spiritual world, some can also have the power to predict changes, shifts and even physical death due to their strong and sharp sense of intuition. They are super emotional as well and often tend to suffer from that. They can’t let go of past feelings
Moon in the 9th House: They are so smart, a lot of people with this placement have a photographic memory, like they are able to remember every single detail. They are people who often feel either connected with their religion and practice, or they are connected with their education, their traditions and overall values. they can have such impactful, deep conversions as well due to the way they are passionate about these things. 
Moon in the 10th House: Their whole well being is only based on one thing: their status and their career. Nothing much is important to them other than what they are able to bring into life for themselves. some people might think that they are arrogant or lack emotional maturity, but this placement is actually a placement that demands to be stable in their overall life, in order to be able to be healthy emotionally 
Moon in the 11th House: Their friendships are super important to them, but so is their social reputation, their emotional well being is often tied with how well they are perceived by others. They want to be seen as reliable and cool, for some even popular. They easily make friends but they get attached quickly as well. they have a strong manifestation 
Moon in the 12th House: Similarly to the 6th house, people with this placement can have some struggles with their emotions. yet they can also be so damn intuitive and have gifts when it comes to the spiritual world and the sensing of the spiritual world. Yet these people are also seen as weird by others and because of that they can feel lonely all their life. they self sabotage themselves because of that 
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stellarwhisper · 1 month
Examining Astrological Dynamics:
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People who have sun in the 8th house are frequently perceived as intense, profound, and passionate, with a strong drive for understanding deeper truths and transformation. Their ferocity can, in fact, have two sides. It can result in deep bonds and significant personal progress, but it can also occasionally show itself as possessive or controlling behavior. The secret is striking a balance and using their intensity in constructive, healthy ways.
People with Scorpio Rising signs frequently exhibit a strong, enduring dedication to the people they love. Because of their keen observation and intense personality, they pay close attention to nuances in their interactions, which can make them very observant and supportive friends and partners.
Mars in conjunction with Pluto can produce a strong and driven person. This feature makes for a person who can be extremely resilient and strategic by fusing the intensity and focus of Pluto with the desire and ambition of Mars. Despite their quiet demeanor, they have a strong sense of inner strength and drive, which they frequently use to focus their energies on long-term objectives. They can be highly successful in their endeavors if they can control their rage and channel it into something positive.
People with Mars in Taurus can have a powerful and influential voice, as the planet frequently bestows a steady, resolute energy upon its occupants. They can, however, occasionally take a more obstinate or uncompromising stance when handling disagreement or displeasure. Their responses might become irritable or petty when they feel challenged or threatened, particularly if they believe their stability or morals are being jeopardized. Their responses can be fairly strong when their underlying desire for comfort and security is violated. This is how most of their reactions originate.
People with a Leo Moon frequently exhibit strong emotional presences and a yearning for approval. Despite their obvious egocentric inclinations, they have the potential to evolve into profoundly inspiring individuals. When mature, Leo Moons possess a strong moral compass, the capacity to inspire and encourage people around them, and the capacity to be intensely passionate. Their charm and energy can be a real source of motivation and encouragement.
People with Venus in Libra frequently have a strong sense of harmony and beauty, and they place a high emphasis on relationships. Their initial attraction to their partners' attractiveness and charisma may occasionally come across as shallow, but their commitment in partnerships is usually sincere. They look for harmony and connection, and once they commit, they are typically quite committed to maintaining balance and relationship. Their emphasis on connections is frequently a reflection of their desire for a fulfilling and harmonious interpersonal relationship.
Although people with a Sagittarius Moon are frequently perceived as upbeat and daring, their emotional landscape can be somewhat nuanced. Underneath their laid-back and witty façade, they may in fact experience volatility and defensiveness, particularly when their freedom or views are questioned. Rather of dealing with problems head-on, their propensity to shy away from conflict might result in them ghosting or vanishing from relationships. Their high feeling of pride and desire to keep their independence may also be contributing factors to their unwillingness to accept responsibility for their mistakes.
People with Pisces Sun signs frequently present a certain strength or mystique, which can conceal their underlying weaknesses. Although they may first come out as confident or tough, they can actually be quite sensitive and emotionally complicated. Their capacity to "disappear" or withdraw from circumstances may serve as a coping strategy for them to manage overwhelm or to safeguard their inner selves. Their profound empathy and intuitive nature frequently cause them to make a lasting impression on anyone they come into contact with, even if they are occasionally invisible.
In the creative sector, Neptune dominance in the Mercury persona chart can be rather advantageous, particularly when combined with a Pisces stellium. While Pisces gives depth, empathy, and artistic flare, Neptune's influence brings a strong sense of creativity, intuition, and visionary thinking. Projects can benefit from the uniqueness and emotional resonance that a Pisces presence can bring, as it can open doors to deeper and more creative thinking. When it comes to idea generation, creation, and realization, this combination can be immensely helpful.
In Vedic astrology, Virgo Rising can have an effect on home and family life since these domains are governed by the planets and the 4th house. Multiple residences or a variety of living conditions could result from Sagittarius in the fourth house. In the 4th house, Jupiter, Venus, or the Moon can provide harmony and expansion. A fourth house empty indicates an unstable household life.
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gwandas · 3 months
Idk where this Nesta vs. Feyre empathy discourse came from but anyway here are my two cents
I think something to remember is that there is a difference between compassion and empathy.
Empathy is specifically a demonstrated understanding of what another is feeling.
Compassion is characterized by the desire to take action to help someone who is suffering. Compassion often involves empathy, yes, but an understanding of why another person is suffering isn't a requirement for compassion.
In my opinion, Nesta has high empathy and low compassion while Feyre has low empathy and high compassion. To be clear, they've both exhibited both empathy and compassion at times, I just think each character favors one over the other.
Feyre at her core is a fixer. She has always seen people's problems and wants to help—it's a core tenet of her character. Successfully being able to identify when people are struggling and wanting to help is compassion. Some examples of this are:
hunting in the cabin
giving jewels to the wraiths in Spring
desperately wanting to train and do more to help Tamlin rebuild Spring
her interference in Mor and Azriel's relationship
her interference in Elain and Lucien's relationship
dealing with Nesta after the war
starting the art studio for the kids, etc.
At the same time, she has trouble putting herself in other people's shoes—even in moments where she really should've been able to—which are examples where she is unempathetic.
not understanding or caring of why her sisters are apprehensive towards letting fae into their home and what that would mean for their lives (she hated the fae too)
pushing Nesta into sharing her cauldron story
jealousy of Nesta’s friendship and confiding in Amren over her
not understanding why Lucien doesn't want to be in Velaris
not understanding why Nesta was angry about the vote (she herself was angry when she learned about her mating bond)
not understanding why the CoN wants out from the Hewn City (UTM, enough said)
in general her relationship with Nesta is lacking in empathy—something that comes to mind is making Nesta’s attitude in ACOWAR all about her and the IC and completely disregarding Nesta’s actual trauma. (and it goes the other way around as well, like Nesta thinking Feyre doesn’t care about her, those girls do nooot understand each other at all)
There are times where she is empathetic too! A lot of her empathy goes towards Rhys, she understands Elain's apprehension towards Lucien, she connects the priestesses experiences to her own with Tamlin, and the jewels she gave to the wraith and the art studio are also both examples of empathy as well as compassion.
Nesta from the very beginning of her POV in ACOSF (and arguably before too) displays a deep understanding of how she is perceived and why, in addition to more general examples of empathy.
calculating the ships + crying at the thought of humans dying in the war with Hybern
her general awareness of the effect her presence has (ACOWAR dinner scene, ACOFAS solstice)
understanding while Rhys and Mor hate her
when Cassian was sad about being bested by Eris (really all the examples of her empathizing with his bastard insecurities, of which there are many—also Cassian acknowledges the dick sucking (ew) as an act of empathy)
understanding instantly why Cassian shut down while talking about his mother
softening her tone towards Gwyn when she remembered why the library was created
Feyre's comment to Cassian about how Nesta feels more deeply than others... literally the definition of empathy
understanding why the Illyrians were afraid of her (the children should be afraid of her comment or whatever it was)
if we're being real, her ability to pinpoint other people's insecurities is twisted example of empathy since it requires an understanding of how the other person feels and what would cause them pain
giving the Mask to Bryce after hearing about the murdered humans on Midgard because she understands that drive to protect humans
Something that's notable as well is that she not only understands the feelings of others, but also that she doesn't blame others for disliking her. She consistently justifies and agrees with the way she is spoken to and treated because she is empathetic towards how her mistakes have impacted other people.
Nesta however, for all her understanding, has a lot of difficultly taking action when seeing others suffering, which comes out as a lack of compassion
We know she's always harbored guilt over Feyre hunting, but never stepped in to take over that burden
She knows humans will be affected by war, as we see when she cries when the human queens say they won't help, but is reluctant to help (both in ACOMAF dinner scene and ACOWAR when Feyre wants her to share her story)
Knows what everyone wants from her after the war—Amren wants her to train, Cassian and Feyre want her to deal with her trauma, but she prioritizes going about it her way instead of the way that would make them happier (showing up to stuff and being happy?)
She knows full well what sitting on that rock means for Cassian but chooses her own discomfort and rebellion over alleviating his embarrassment
Doesn’t want to scry until threatened that Elain would if she wouldn’t, was also fine with Feyre taking on the danger if it meant she didn’t have to
This isn’t pro or anti either of them. Feyre always wants to help, but sometimes can’t see when it isn’t wanted and can’t understand the other person’s perspective in order to help them the way that they need. Nesta feels and understands a lot but has a lot of trouble outwardly expressing that empathy towards others either in the form of words or actions. This causes her to come off as cold and unfeeling when… in her POV we can tell she’s not.
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bitchiswild · 10 months
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The Queen’s Love
Jang Wonyoung x F! Reader
Warnings: none all fluff
Word Count: 7.2k
A/n: This was the sweetest story I’ve written 🥺 it’s sickening 🥹
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In the heart of the kingdom of Amorella, Jang Wonyoung's presence cast a chilling aura. Her rule was marked by an unwavering demand for obedience and an unforgiving stance toward mistakes. Her icy stare could freeze even the most seasoned courtiers, a stark warning of her expectations.
Workers toiled under the weight of her exacting standards, knowing all too well the consequences of a misstep. For Jang Wonyoung, even the smallest error warranted severe punishment. Locked doors and concealed chambers whispered tales of those who fell afoul of her wrath, their echoing screams a haunting reminder of her unforgiving nature.
Her courtiers and subjects dared not cross her path, fearing the repercussions of inviting her displeasure. The atmosphere within the kingdom grew tense and suffocating, a palpable air of fear and trepidation gripping every corner.
Despite the cruelty she exhibited, there were whispers in the shadows. Whispers of a ruler burdened by the weight of expectations, haunted by the echoes of her own past. Some spoke of fleeting moments when Wonyoung's facade wavered, glimpses of vulnerability that hinted at a soul conflicted by the demands of power and the desire for something more.
Yet, these whispers remained veiled in the darkness, overshadowed by the imposing figure she presented to the kingdom—a figure that inspired fear rather than empathy.
Before Jang Wonyoung ascended the throne, she was not always the chilling figure she became known as. Her upbringing within the confines of the royal palace was fraught with the controlling and oppressive hand of her father, King Hanseok.
As a child, Wonyoung yearned for her father's affection and approval, yet she was met with only harsh criticism and unattainable expectations. King Hanseok's authoritarian rule extended beyond the kingdom's borders and into their familial domain, casting a shadow of fear and submission over his household.
He groomed Wonyoung to inherit his throne, instilling in her the belief that rulership meant wielding power without mercy. Her father's relentless demands and punishments for even the slightest imperfection sculpted her perception of authority and control.
Each reprimand, each harsh word, and each cruel punishment etched deeper into her psyche, shaping her into a reflection of her father's unyielding rule. She was taught that strength meant suppressing emotions, that kindness was a weakness, and that ruling meant ruling with an iron fist.
Her transformation from a hopeful, spirited child to a ruler shrouded in coldness and severity was a result of the toxic environment she grew up in—a reality that she struggled to reconcile as she ascended to the throne herself.
The dichotomy between Jang Wonyoung's inner desires and the imprint of her father's influence weighed heavily upon her. Despite her fervent wish to diverge from her father's oppressive ways, his control over her upbringing left an indelible mark on her personality and ruling style.
As she assumed the throne, Wonyoung grappled with an internal struggle—a battle between the ruler she felt compelled to be and the person she yearned to become. She despised the coldness she wielded, knowing deep within that it wasn't the leader she aspired to be. However, the echoes of her father's voice, the haunting memories of his stern teachings, seemed inescapable.
Her attempts at kindness were often overshadowed by the fear instilled in her from her upbringing. The constant conflict between her innate compassion and the molded ruthlessness tore at the core of her being. She found herself torn between breaking free from her father's influence and adhering to the only ruling style she had ever known.
The weight of her father's expectations, coupled with her fear of repeating his mistakes, further ensnared her within the rigid confines of her rule. It was an internal battle that seemed insurmountable, leaving her isolated in her struggle for self-redemption.
In the heart of the kingdom, where the legacy of her father's stringent rule lingered, Jang Wonyoung held court with a chilling authority. Her reputation as a relentless and unforgiving ruler preceded her, shrouding her in an aura of intimidation.
Amidst the stifling atmosphere, a commoner known as "Y/n" crossed paths with the formidable queen. Their encounter was a collision of two worlds—one of power and one of humility. Y/n, cautious yet compassionate, possessed an understanding that seemed to pierce through Wonyoung's icy facade.
Their initial interactions were veiled with caution, yet a silent understanding began to weave its way between them. Y/n's gaze, unclouded by the tales of Wonyoung's ruthless nature, saw beyond the queen's daunting exterior, recognizing the burden she carried—a weight shaped by a lifetime of trying to meet her father's insurmountable expectations.
In the moments shared, Wonyoung sensed a glimmer of something she had long suppressed—an acceptance devoid of judgment. Y/n's presence served as an anchor—a beacon of light in the darkness of her existence.
Their connection, initially fragile, burgeoned into a sanctuary for Wonyoung—a place where she felt a sense of liberation from the stifling grip of her past. With Y/n, she dared to dismantle the barriers she had erected, slowly peeling away the layers of control and harshness that defined her rule.
In Y/n's company, Wonyoung glimpsed the possibility of a different narrative—a chance to rewrite the tale of her reign, to redefine herself not as a tyrant, but as a ruler guided by empathy and compassion.
Their relationship blossomed beyond the confines of titles and expectations, evolving into a haven of mutual understanding and respect. Through Y/n's unwavering acceptance, Wonyoung found the courage to challenge her ingrained beliefs and embrace the warmth she had long kept buried.
The union of Y/n and Wonyoung marked a transformative chapter in the kingdom of Amorella. Their love story became the cornerstone of a new era—one defined by compassion, understanding, and unity.
As they professed their love and exchanged vows, Wonyoung's resolve to rule with kindness and benevolence solidified. Her ascent to the throne alongside Y/n transformed her reign from one of intimidation to one of forgiveness and respect. She vowed to Y/n that they would nurture the kingdom together, fostering peace and harmony in their realm.
The shift in Wonyoung's ruling style echoed across Amorella. Her subjects witnessed a queen no longer driven by fear but guided by empathy. Though her sternness still commanded respect, it was now intertwined with a newfound compassion that emanated from her partnership with Y/n.
Despite her efforts to instill kindness, remnants of fear lingered among some of her subjects. There were those who still approached her with trepidation, unwilling to let her down or fall short of her expectations. Yet, gradually, they too began to witness the transformation within their queen—a transformation driven by love and a genuine desire for the well-being of her kingdom.
Y/n's influence as queen by Wonyoung's side became a testament to the unity they sought to foster. Together, they initiated policies and reforms that aimed to heal the scars of the past, striving for equality and prosperity for all within Amorella.
The kingdom, once veiled in apprehension, began to bloom under their joint rule. Acts of kindness and unity flourished, bridging the gaps that once divided the realm. The tales of Wonyoung's formidable reign slowly transformed into stories of a queen who ruled not with an iron fist, but with a compassionate heart.
Their partnership became a beacon of hope, inspiring a new legacy—a legacy of a queen who found love, redemption, and the courage to rewrite the future of her kingdom.
As the eve of Y/n's birthday approached, an air of anticipation swept through the palace of Amorella. Queen Wonyoung, usually composed and regal, found herself consumed by a flurry of nerves and excitement, her fingers tapping anxiously against her throne.
In a rare display of restlessness, Wonyoung paced the grand halls, her mind consumed by the intricacies of the impending surprise. Her loyal servant, attuned to her every concern, stood before her, reassuring her with unwavering confidence.
"It's all going according to plan, Your Majesty," the servant assured, his demeanor calm and collected, a stark contrast to Wonyoung's jittery demeanor.
Wonyoung's eyes flickered with a mixture of anticipation and concern. "The flowers, the gifts, the decorations... everything has arrived and is being set up precisely as planned?" Her voice, usually firm and commanding, carried a hint of vulnerability, revealing her desire to make Y/n's birthday an extraordinary affair.
"Yes, Your Majesty. The arrangements are underway, and the palace is adorned with elegance fit for the occasion," the servant confirmed, his assurance aimed at calming the queen's restless nerves.
Everything had to be perfect for her queen—the Queen Wonyoung, whose usually stoic facade now reflected an endearing nervousness. Her determination to make Y/n's birthday a flawless and joyous celebration surpassed any sense of royal protocol.
Amidst the meticulous planning and anxious anticipation, Wonyoung's heart beat with the fervor of someone eager to see joy reflected in Y/n's eyes. The preparations, meticulously organized and executed, were all part of a grand gesture—a testament to Wonyoung's love and devotion to the one who had transformed her kingdom and her heart.
As if summoned by fate, Y/n's presence graced the halls of the palace at that very moment. Queen Wonyoung's anxious pacing halted as her gaze fixed upon the approaching figure, a warm smile adorning her features.
"Ah, here comes the angel," Wonyoung murmured softly to herself, her eyes brightening with a mixture of excitement and adoration.
Y/n, unaware of the birthday preparations underway, entered the grand hall, radiating an aura of grace and serenity. The usual composure of the palace seemed to amplify in Y/n's presence, the air tinged with a sense of reverence.
Wonyoung's heart skipped a beat at the sight of Y/n, her beloved's presence instantly calming her nerves. With a regal nod to her loyal servant, Wonyoung dismissed him, signaling that her attention was now solely devoted to the approaching figure.
"Y/n," Wonyoung called out, her voice infused with a tender affection that echoed through the grand hall, drawing the attention of everyone present.
Y/n turned at the sound of Wonyoung's voice, their eyes meeting in an exchange that spoke volumes—a silent language of understanding and love that transcended words.
For Wonyoung, the sight of Y/n felt like a beautiful symphony playing in her heart, a melody of warmth and comfort that washed away any lingering traces of anxiety. As Y/n drew closer, Wonyoung's smile widened, her eyes shimmering with anticipation for the grand celebration that awaited her beloved.
"Y/n, my love, welcome," Wonyoung greeted, extending her hand to Y/n, eager to embark on the enchanting journey of celebrating the person who had become the light of her life.
Wonyoung's nerves had temporarily subsided in Y/n's presence, replaced by a fervent desire to ensure everything was perfect for their beloved's birthday celebration.
"How was your visit to the garden? Everything meeting your expectations?" Wonyoung's words flowed in a rush, a testament to her eagerness to please Y/n. Her tone held a mix of anticipation and concern, her eyes searching Y/n's face for any hint of dissatisfaction.
A faint unease lingered in Wonyoung's expression, a fear that perhaps something might not have aligned with Y/n's desires. Her mind raced with scenarios of potential shortcomings, ready to rectify any flaw, no matter how minor, to ensure Y/n's special day remained flawless.
"If not, I'll call the gardener to change everything," Wonyoung continued, her anxiety manifesting in her words. Her commitment to perfection reflected her unwavering dedication to Y/n, the thought of any disappointment on their special day causing her visible distress.
Despite the meticulous planning and preparations, Wonyoung's sole focus was on Y/n's happiness. Her determination to surpass their expectations was evident, her willingness to go to any lengths to ensure Y/n's joy unmistakable in her fervent ramblings.
Y/n's words washed over Wonyoung like a soothing balm, instantly calming the queen's anxious heart. Her beloved's reassurance brought a serene smile to Wonyoung's lips, a sense of relief flooding her.
"My love, calm down," Y/n's voice, tender and reassuring, carried a touch of amusement, affection dancing in their eyes as they looked upon Wonyoung.
The weight that had burdened Wonyoung's shoulders lifted at Y/n's words. A warmth spread through her, a profound gratitude swelling within her chest. The genuine appreciation reflected in Y/n's eyes filled Wonyoung's heart with an immeasurable joy.
"I love everything the gardener does; it's all beautiful. Thank you for my present," Y/n expressed, their words carrying a depth of gratitude that tugged at Wonyoung's heartstrings.
Wonyoung's eyes shimmered with unspoken emotions—relief, gratitude, and an overwhelming love for Y/n. The acknowledgment of her efforts by the one she cherished most meant more to her than any meticulously planned celebration.
Her nerves finally settled, replaced by an overwhelming sense of contentment. In that moment, Wonyoung felt a profound sense of fulfillment, knowing that the love and thoughtfulness she poured into the preparations had been received with such heartfelt appreciation by Y/n.
With a soft smile, Wonyoung gently grasped Y/n's hand, her eyes conveying a depth of affection that words could never fully capture. In Y/n's gratitude, she found the greatest gift—a validation that her love and efforts were cherished and valued above all else.
Wonyoung's smile widened at Y/n's gracious words, their appreciation washing away any lingering trace of tension. With a soft chuckle, she gently kissed Y/n's hand in response to their heartfelt gratitude.
"That's not your only present, more is to come," Wonyoung revealed, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes. Her tone held a playful hint, hinting at the surprises yet to be unveiled for Y/n's special day.
Her words carried a promise, an assurance that the celebration was far from over. Wonyoung's heart swelled with anticipation, eager to witness the joy and delight that awaited Y/n as the day unfolded.
Y/n's eyes widened with pleasant surprise, curiosity sparking in their gaze at Wonyoung's playful hint. The queen's cryptic declaration filled the air with an aura of excitement, heightening the anticipation of what other surprises Wonyoung had orchestrated for their celebration.
In that moment, a sense of joyful anticipation enveloped them both, the promise of more surprises adding an extra layer of magic to Y/n's birthday celebration. With a shared glance filled with love and excitement, they stood on the cusp of a day brimming with surprises, laughter, and boundless love.
Wonyoung's heart fluttered at Y/n's endearing words, a tender affection sweeping through her. She met Y/n's gaze with unwavering adoration, the depth of her feelings shining in her eyes.
"Your presence is more than enough, Wony," Y/n reiterated, their voice filled with heartfelt sincerity that resonated deeply within Wonyoung's being.
A soft chuckle escaped Wonyoung as she gently shook her head, a fond smile gracing her lips. "But let me spoil you," she insisted, her voice carrying a playful insistence.
There was an earnestness in Wonyoung's desire to shower Y/n with affection, to adorn them with tokens of her love and appreciation. The joy she found in making Y/n happy was immeasurable, and she was determined to make this day unforgettable in its simplicity and tenderness.
"As long as you're happy, that's all that truly matters," Wonyoung added, her words infused with a deep sense of devotion.
In that moment, amidst the affectionate exchange, Wonyoung silently pledged to create cherished memories with Y/n, intertwining every heartfelt gesture and shared experience into the tapestry of their love story.
As the night draped the room in a serene stillness, Y/n found solace within the pages of a beloved book, nestled comfortably in the expanse of their bedroom. The gentle whispers of pages turning filled the air, casting a tranquil ambiance.
The clock's hands converged at midnight, marking the arrival of Y/n's birthday, yet Queen Wonyoung was conspicuously absent. A tinge of uncertainty flickered in Y/n's eyes, wondering if perhaps the day would pass without any fanfare.
However, the quietude was soon interrupted by the soft creaking of the door. In stepped Wonyoung, her presence a welcome sight as she entered the room, bearing a birthday cake adorned with flickering candles. The warm glow of the candles illuminated her face, reflecting a tender smile that graced her lips.
"Happy birthday, my love," Wonyoung greeted, her voice laced with genuine affection as she presented the cake to Y/n. Her eyes shimmered with a hint of anticipation, eager to share in this special moment.
Y/n's initial surprise transformed into a radiant smile at the sight of Wonyoung, her heart swelling with gratitude and love. The tender gesture, though simple, held a depth that touched Y/n deeply.
"Thank you," Y/n murmured, their voice carrying a heartfelt warmth, appreciating the thoughtfulness behind Wonyoung's gesture.
In that intimate exchange, surrounded by the soft glow of candlelight, Wonyoung's presence filled the room with an atmosphere of love and celebration. The simplicity of the moment held a beauty that surpassed any grand festivities—the queen's heartfelt gesture a testament to the depth of their connection.
"Make a wish, and I promise you it will come true," Wonyoung gently urged, her voice soft yet filled with a heartfelt assurance.
Y/n gazed at Wonyoung with profound affection, a single wish resonating deep within them, something to enrich their lives—a family. "I wish for us to start a family," they whispered, their voice carrying a heartfelt longing.
Y/n, still holding onto the heartfelt wish, leaned forward to blow out the flickering candle atop the birthday cake. As the gentle breeze extinguished the flame, a quiet sense of hope and anticipation lingered in the air—a wish for a future filled with love, unity, and the prospect of starting a family.
Wonyoung gasped in surprise, her eyes reflecting a whirlwind of emotions—astonishment, joy, and a profound sense of commitment. "I will make sure that comes true, my love," she vowed, her voice resolute with unwavering determination.
With the cake set aside, Wonyoung moved closer, enveloping Y/n in a tender embrace. Cradling Y/n in her arms, she held them close, feeling the warmth and comfort of their closeness.
As Y/n nestled against her, Wonyoung's thoughts swirled with the weight of Y/n's wish. She gazed down at them, her heart swelling with emotions as she envisioned a future with their family. The image of Y/n, radiant and swollen with their children, stirred an indescribable joy within her.
In that intimate moment, nestled together, Wonyoung's heartbeat with a newfound anticipation, envisioning the legacy they would create together—their heirs, the future of their kingdom, and most importantly, the love that would bind their family.
In the serenity of the night, cocooned in each other's embrace, the weight of their shared dreams and promises lingered in the air. As the tranquil stillness of the room enveloped them, Y/n and Wonyoung succumbed to the gentle embrace of slumber, their intertwined dreams painting a canvas of a future filled with love, family, and boundless possibilities. The soft cadence of their breathing, in perfect harmony, echoed the tranquility of their hearts as they drifted into a peaceful sleep, their hopes and desires intertwined in the embrace of their shared journey.
As the morning sun painted the sky with hues of gold, Y/n lay peacefully in bed, serenely lost in slumber. Meanwhile, Queen Wonyoung, adorned with an air of excitement, moved with purpose through the corridors of the castle. Her steps were swift yet purposeful, ensuring every detail was meticulously arranged for the day's celebration.
The palace buzzed with the final preparations, the atmosphere charged with an air of anticipation. Wonyoung's heart swelled with eagerness as she oversaw the last-minute touches, ensuring that the surprise for Y/n's morning celebration would be nothing short of perfect.
"Your Majesty, everything is perfect and complete. When you are ready, you should bring Her Majesty down," one of the castle attendants informed Wonyoung, their voice laced with a hint of excitement and readiness.
A smile tugged at the corners of Wonyoung's lips, a sense of satisfaction washing over her at the news of the completed arrangements. With a regal nod, she acknowledged the attendant, her heart racing with anticipation to share the day's surprises with Y/n.
As the attendant departed, Wonyoung took a moment to collect herself, her excitement bubbling beneath her composed exterior. With a deep breath, she prepared herself to awaken Y/n and unveil the morning's celebrations—a cherished moment meant only for the two of them before the town joined in the evening festivities.
"Yes, I shall wake her up," Wonyoung exclaimed, her voice brimming with excitement as she dashed up the stairs, anticipation radiating from her every step. The joyous anticipation of surprising Y/n filled her with an electrifying energy, her heart racing with eagerness to share this special moment.
With each stride, Wonyoung's excitement grew, her thoughts consumed by the happiness she aimed to bring to her beloved. As she ascended the stairs, she imagined the delight on Y/n's face upon discovering the morning's carefully planned surprises—a moment she eagerly anticipated.
The image of Y/n's radiant smile and the shared moments of joy spurred Wonyoung onward, her steps quickening with the fervor of someone eager to bring happiness to the person she cherished most. With a determined resolve, she approached their chambers, ready to awaken Y/n to the delightful surprises awaiting them.
Wonyoung stepped into their shared suite, a gentle smile adorning her features as she beheld Y/n, peacefully asleep before her. With utmost tenderness, she approached the bed, her voice a soft whisper, laden with affection.
"Y/n, my love, wake up. I have a surprise for you," Wonyoung murmured, leaning closer to gently nudge Y/n awake, eager to share the morning's special celebration with her beloved.
Her heart swelled with anticipation, the excitement of revealing the carefully orchestrated surprise palpable in the air. As Y/n stirred from slumber, Wonyoung's eyes shimmered with a mixture of joy and anticipation, waiting eagerly for Y/n's awakening, ready to unveil the morning's surprises crafted solely for them to cherish together.
Y/n's eyes fluttered open, greeted by Wonyoung's adoring smile, causing a warm sensation to bloom within. "Good morning, my love," Wonyoung greeted affectionately.
"Morning," Y/n replied, their voice soft and slightly groggy as they stretched, the remnants of sleep still lingering.
With a gentle nudge, Wonyoung encouraged Y/n to freshen up, a glimmer of excitement dancing in her eyes. "Come on, let's freshen up. I want to show you your surprise," she urged, her voice filled with anticipation, eager to share the meticulously planned celebration she had arranged for Y/n's special day.
Y/n, though still waking from their slumber, nodded with a faint smile, energized by Wonyoung's enthusiasm. With a shared glance filled with love and anticipation, they prepared themselves for the surprise that awaited—a morning meant solely for their celebration and togetherness.
With a sense of anticipation and curiosity, Y/n swiftly prepared themselves and stood ready to experience Wonyoung's surprise. Eager to unveil the celebration planned by her beloved, Y/n's eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Okay, Wony, show me your surprise," Y/n expressed, a playful enthusiasm evident in their voice. They couldn't contain their excitement, already tugging Wonyoung toward the door, eager to discover the carefully orchestrated surprises that awaited them.
Wonyoung beamed with delight at Y/n's eagerness, allowing herself to be pulled along, her heart filled with joy at the prospect of sharing the morning's festivities with her beloved. Hand in hand, they embarked on the adventure awaiting them, ready to explore the surprises and celebrate the day meant solely for their shared happiness.
As Y/n and Wonyoung descended the stairs, a breathtaking sight greeted them—the entire castle adorned with exquisite decorations, a celebration in honor of Y/n's birthday. The grandeur of the decorations took Y/n by surprise, prompting a gasp to escape their lips.
Overwhelmed by the sheer thoughtfulness and effort Wonyoung had poured into the surprise, tears welled up in Y/n's eyes, shimmering with a mixture of astonishment and deep gratitude. The sight of the castle transformed into a haven of celebration left Y/n speechless, emotions swelling within them.
Wonyoung stood by, her heart swelling with joy at Y/n's emotional reaction. The glimmer of tears in Y/n's eyes reflected the depth of their appreciation for the efforts made by the queen.
"It's... it's beautiful," Y/n whispered, their voice quivering with emotions as they took in the grandeur of the castle's transformation, a celebration dedicated solely to them.
Wonyoung, beaming with pride and happiness, gently squeezed Y/n's hand, her eyes reflecting her own joy at witnessing Y/n's emotional response to the surprise. In that moment, amidst the enchanting decorations, the shared love and affection between the two illuminated the castle even more than the exquisite adornments.
"I'm glad you love it, my love," Wonyoung murmured, her voice filled with genuine warmth and affection as she gazed at Y/n, her heart swelling with happiness at their response to the surprise.
Y/n turned to Wonyoung, their eyes shimmering with gratitude and love. "It's beyond anything I could have imagined," they replied, their voice trembling with emotion.
In that moment, amidst the grandeur of the celebration and the depth of their shared emotions, Wonyoung and Y/n stood united, their bond strengthened by the overwhelming love and care they held for each other. The beauty of the decorated castle paled in comparison to the depth of their connection and the heartfelt efforts made by Wonyoung to make Y/n's birthday a cherished and unforgettable occasion.
"Don't cry, honey," Wonyoung said softly, reaching out to gently wipe away Y/n's tears, her touch conveying comfort and reassurance.
Y/n managed a soft laugh through their tears, feeling overwhelmed by the heartfelt emotions. "I can't help it, it's just so... beautiful," they expressed, their voice quivering with heartfelt emotions.
Wonyoung pulled Y/n into a warm embrace, holding them tenderly against her, offering solace and reassurance amidst the overwhelming emotions. In that serene moment, enveloped in each other's embrace, the love they shared transcended the grandeur of the celebration, becoming the true essence of the day's beauty and significance.
"I'll do anything to make you happy," Wonyoung whispered, her voice filled with unwavering commitment and adoration as she held Y/n close, offering an unspoken promise within her heartfelt words.
Y/n's heart swelled with warmth at Wonyoung's earnest vow. "You already do," they replied softly, their voice resonating with love and appreciation for the queen who had gone above and beyond to create a momentous celebration, one filled with love, surprises, and cherished memories.
In that intimate exchange, surrounded by the beauty of the decorated castle and the depth of their affectionate bond, Wonyoung and Y/n stood together, united by a love that surpassed any grand gesture or celebration—a love that was the true foundation of their happiness and contentment.
"Come on, let's head to the garden for our morning tea and breakfast," Wonyoung suggested softly, her voice carrying a gentle warmth as she guided Y/n through the adorned halls, allowing them to take in the beauty of the decorations that surrounded them.
Y/n marveled at the intricate decorations, still touched by Wonyoung's thoughtfulness. They nodded in agreement, allowing Wonyoung to lead the way, appreciating every detail of the transformed castle as they walked towards the garden.
Stepping into the lush garden, the serene beauty of nature enhanced by the ornate decorations, Y/n's heart fluttered with gratitude. Wonyoung's efforts had transformed the space into a haven of tranquility and celebration, a perfect setting for a morning meal together.
They found themselves a cozy spot amidst the blossoming flowers and gently flowing fountains, a serene tableau set against the backdrop of the adorned garden. As they settled, Y/n couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment, grateful for the love and care Wonyoung had poured into every aspect of the morning's celebration.
Seated amidst the serene beauty of the garden, savoring the morning tea and breakfast, Wonyoung excused herself, expressing a desire to retrieve Y/n's present. As Y/n awaited her return, a soft, tender touch caressed their stomach, an action filled with hidden anticipation and a precious secret.
In the quiet solitude of the garden, Y/n couldn't help but smile, the news they held close to their heart warming them from within. Tonight held its own surprise—a joyous revelation they eagerly anticipated sharing with Wonyoung, a moment that would deepen their bond even more.
The gentle breeze played with the foliage, creating a soothing ambiance that seemed to echo the excitement bubbling within Y/n. They gazed fondly at the surroundings, contemplating the delight that would soon envelop Wonyoung upon hearing the unexpected news, a revelation that would add an extra layer of joy to their shared celebration later in the evening.
Wonyoung returned, slightly out of breath, but her face lit up with excitement as she presented the medium-sized jewelry box. Y/n smiled warmly, assuring her that the wait was no inconvenience at all.
As Y/n carefully held the box in their hands, anticipation filled the air. With trembling fingers, they opened it, revealing a stunning necklace that left them speechless. Tears welled up in their eyes, overwhelmed by the beauty and thoughtfulness of the gift.
"It's... it's beautiful," Y/n whispered, their voice choked with emotion, marveling at the exquisite design and the personalized touch of the queen's initials engraved on the back. They were too moved to articulate the depth of their gratitude.
Wonyoung beamed with pride and affection at Y/n's reaction. "I designed it and had it made to fit a queen like you," she expressed, her voice filled with adoration. "Made with our most expensive diamond because you deserve it all, my love."
Y/n's heart swelled with an overflow of emotions, unable to find the words to express the overwhelming gratitude they felt. Wonyoung's declaration of love and the sentiment behind the gift moved them deeply.
"Wonyoung, it's beautiful," Y/n managed to whisper, their voice filled with heartfelt appreciation.
"I'll get you whatever your heart desires, my love. Remember that," Wonyoung declared, her gaze filled with unwavering affection as she stared at Y/n lovingly.
In that heartfelt exchange, amidst the beauty of the moment and the depth of their shared emotions, Y/n and Wonyoung stood united, their love and commitment shining brighter than any gem, an unbreakable bond that held their hearts together.
The day passed in a tranquil celebration, Y/n and Wonyoung basking in each other's company, cherishing quiet moments and shared smiles. It was a peaceful prelude to the grand festivities awaiting them later that night—a time for the two of them to revel in the calmness before the excitement of the evening's party.
Wonyoung would occasionally jest, calling it "the calm before the storm," hinting at the imminent lively celebrations. Yet, the serene moments spent together were just as cherished, filled with laughter, intimate conversations, and the warmth of their shared love.
As night descended, the castle came alive with preparations for the grand party. The air was charged with anticipation, the energy palpable as guests began arriving, their laughter and chatter filling the halls.
Wonyoung and Y/n, adorned in their finest attire, stood side by side, ready to greet the guests and partake in the joyous festivities. The night promised to be a celebration of love, unity, and the shared journey of the royal couple—a night where the kingdom would come together to honor their queen and celebrate the depth of their bond.
Amidst the lively atmosphere of the party, where laughter and music filled the air, Wonyoung's eyes locked with Y/n's, a silent invitation conveyed in her gaze. She extended her hand gracefully, offering Y/n a dance, her smile warm and inviting.
Y/n's eyes sparkled with delight at Wonyoung's gesture, a grin spreading across their face. Without hesitation, they clasped Wonyoung's hand, their heart brimming with excitement at the prospect of sharing this moment with their beloved.
Together, hand in hand, they made their way to the center of the dance floor, the crowd parting respectfully, forming a circle around them. All eyes were on the royal couple as they prepared to dance, the admiration and respect evident in the gazes of the guests.
As the music enveloped them in its enchanting melody, Wonyoung and Y/n swayed together, moving gracefully in perfect harmony. Their dance was a mesmerizing sight—a reflection of their unity and the depth of their connection, captivating everyone around them.
The guests watched in awe as the royal couple waltzed, their movements synchronized, exuding elegance and grace. It was a dance that transcended the celebration—a beautiful portrayal of love and unity that touched the hearts of everyone present, a moment that would be remembered and cherished throughout the kingdom.
As the night's festivities wound down and the party came to an end, the echoes of laughter and music slowly faded, leaving the royal chambers in a tranquil embrace. The vibrant celebration had drawn to a close, the jovial guests bidding their farewells and departing, leaving the castle cloaked in a serene stillness.
Wonyoung and Y/n found themselves alone in the privacy of their chambers, the remnants of the lively soirée a distant memory. They changed into more comfortable attire, basking in the quietude that followed the night's excitement.
As Wonyoung emerged from changing, she found Y/n waiting with a hidden surprise behind their back. Curiosity sparkled in Wonyoung's eyes as she inquired about the unexpected gesture.
"Wonyoung, I know it's my birthday and all, but I have a present for you too," Y/n revealed, producing a rattle with a white bow wrapped around it. A sheepish yet joyous smile adorned their face as they shared the heartfelt news. "We're going to start a family."
Tears welled in Wonyoung's eyes, shimmering with a mixture of happiness and awe. "Really?" she whimpered, her voice trembling with sheer joy.
"Yes, you're going to be a mommy," Y/n confirmed, tears of joy streaming down their faces.
Overwhelmed with emotions, Wonyoung enveloped Y/n in a tight embrace, tears of happiness cascading down her cheeks. "I'm going to be a mommy," she whispered in disbelief, the enormity of the moment sinking in.
Pulling away slightly, Wonyoung gazed into Y/n's eyes, a surge of love and joy filling her heart. She cupped Y/n's face gently, expressing her affection with a passionate kiss, every touch conveying love and joy.
"I love you so much," Wonyoung expressed, caressing Y/n's face tenderly.
With heartfelt tenderness, Wonyoung knelt down, drawing closer to Y/n's stomach. "I love you too, my baby. I will never let anything harm you or your mama. And I promise you, I will never be like your grandpa," she vowed, her voice filled with determination and love, promising to protect and cherish their family with all her heart.
Nine months passed in a whirlwind of anticipation and excitement, culminating in the arrival of the newest member of their family, Sarang. She was a living testament to the love shared between Wonyoung and Y/n, a perfect blend of their features and an embodiment of their unwavering affection. Thus, they chose to name her Sarang—a name that signified their boundless love and adoration.
From the moment Sarang entered their lives, her presence filled every corner of their home with an indescribable joy. Her laughter, her curious gaze, and the warmth of her tiny hands wrapped around their fingers became the very essence of their existence. She became the epitome of their love, a source of immeasurable happiness that surpassed anything they had ever experienced.
Wonyoung, gazing at her daughter nestled in Y/n's arms, felt her heart swell with an overwhelming sense of completeness. The sheer sight of Sarang filled her with an inexplicable joy that radiated from within. In that moment, as her eyes met Sarang's, she knew that her family was whole, that this tiny, precious soul completed the circle of their love.
Every coo, every smile from Sarang reaffirmed the depth of their bond. Wonyoung and Y/n were overwhelmed by the love their daughter showered upon them. Sarang's presence was a constant reminder of the beauty and warmth that their love had created—a love that had blossomed into the most cherished gift of their lives.
Wonyoung felt vulnerable, but the immense love emanating from both you and your child was undeniable. She gazed at the two people who had become her world, her heart aching with an indescribable joy. ”'I love you both so much,” she whispered, her voice filled with vulnerability and raw emotion.
The weight of her words encapsulated the depth of her feelings—feelings that transcended any vulnerability she may have felt. It was a confession, a declaration of the profound love that bound their little family together. In that tender moment, amidst the warmth of their embrace, Wonyoung's vulnerability became a testament to the immeasurable love she held for her beloved Y/n and their precious daughter, Sarang.
In a room enveloped by tense silence, Wonyoung's voice pierced the air, cutting through the caregiver's attempts to explain the incident involving Sarang's injury.
"You were trained to watch my daughter while my wife and I performed our royal duties, and she got injured under your care," Wonyoung's voice was cold, her eyes flashing with a mix of anger and disappointment.
The caregiver's explanations were swiftly interrupted by the Queen's sharp rebuttals, rendering each sentence futile.
"Silence!" Her command echoed, freezing everyone in the room, the atmosphere growing heavy with the weight of her displeasure. Not a single soul dared to utter a word.
With unwavering authority, Wonyoung's decree rang out. "Guards, escort this woman out of my castle and ensure she never sets foot here again," she ordered firmly, her tone leaving no room for negotiation.
The main guard wasted no time, swiftly adhering to the Queen's commands, despite the caregiver's tearful protests. As the woman was escorted out, Wonyoung, feeling the tension grip her, sank back into her seat, rubbing her temples in frustration.
The past version of herself would have taken harsher actions, but she now understood the delicate balance between authority and compassion. She reflected on the person she had become, a ruler who wielded her power with a sense of fairness and restraint. Though her anger simmered, she chose a measured response, a testament to her growth and evolution as a leader.
The heavy tension in the room dissolved into the sweet melody of laughter when Y/n and Sarang's joyful giggles echoed through the chamber. Unaware of the earlier confrontation, Y/n carried Sarang in her arms, gliding toward Wonyoung with an innocent ease.
"Mommy!" Sarang squealed with delight, wriggling free from Y/n's arms and darting towards Wonyoung, leaping into her awaiting embrace.
Wonyoung's stern countenance melted away at the sight of her daughter. "My baby, how's your boo-boo?" she inquired, feigning a pout, a rare sight that surprised her guards, who had never witnessed their queen in such a tender moment.
Sarang, oblivious to the earlier incident, beamed up at Wonyoung. "It's okay! Mama made me all better. She said her kisses are magic," she giggled, her eyes sparkling with innocence.
"Your mama's kisses are magic," Wonyoung affirmed with a smile, her gaze then shifting to Y/n, a playful wink exchanged between them. In that precious moment, surrounded by the love of her family, Wonyoung's walls came down, revealing the softer side of the queen—the side that only emerged in the presence of those she cherished the most.
Wonyoung's heart skipped a beat, her eyes meeting Y/n's with a hint of unease as Sarang played with her hair, absorbed in her own little world.
"It was just a scratch, Wony, nothing too bad. I hope you didn't do anything too harsh to the caregiver," Y/n said, raising an eyebrow, her concern evident.
Wonyoung felt a pang of guilt as she hesitantly confessed, "I... I kicked her out and forbade her from coming back." She winced, apprehensive about Y/n's response.
The sternness in Y/n's voice caught Wonyoung off guard. "Why would you forbid her from coming back? Kicking her out is fine, but everyone is welcomed here," Y/n stated firmly, her tone leaving no room for ambiguity.
Wonyoung swallowed hard, realizing her mistake. She knew Y/n's compassion extended beyond their own family, encompassing everyone within the kingdom. The weight of her decision weighed heavily on her, and she realized she had acted in haste without considering the broader implications.
With a sigh, Wonyoung nodded, acknowledging her misstep. "You're right, love. I'll rectify the situation," she promised, determined to make amends for her actions and uphold Y/n's principle of inclusivity and compassion within their kingdom.
As Sarang eagerly clasped onto Y/n's hand, their little expedition towards the kitchen began. Wonyoung, still seated, couldn't help but express her desire for a treat.
"Bring me something?" Wonyoung called out with a hopeful tone laced in her words.
"No, get it yourself," Y/n retorted in a playful manner, sticking her tongue out teasingly as they rounded the corner, heading toward the kitchen.
Wonyoung let out an exaggerated huff, feigning annoyance, yet a hint of amusement danced in her eyes. She couldn't resist trailing behind them, finally rising from her seat and following after her family. After all, the banter and playful teasing were all part of the affectionate dynamic they shared, and the prospect of joining them in the kitchen was too tempting to resist.
The passage of time had woven a tapestry of love and growth in their lives. Sarang, their beloved daughter, had blossomed into a mature individual. She yearned for a love as enduring as the one shared between her parents, and Y/n assured her that her destined time would arrive.
Meanwhile, Wonyoung, fiercely protective of her daughter, attempted to deter any potential suitors. Yet, fate intervened, and Sarang found her forever—her soulmate, someone who seamlessly fit into the fabric of their family. Their love story became an extension of Y/n and Wonyoung's, a testament to the enduring power of love that transcended generations.
As years passed, Sarang had children of her own—a little boy and a girl. Y/n and Wonyoung embraced their roles as doting grandparents, indulging their grandchildren with affection and fulfilling their every wish.
Yet, time was a relentless force, aging Y/n and Wonyoung gradually. Their love, however, remained unwavering, weathering the trials of time. Eventually, as their twilight years approached, they found solace in each other's presence, their love standing the test of time.
In the twilight of their lives, they held hands, their fingers entwined in an unspoken promise that transcended words. Together, they took their last breath, their love enduring beyond the boundaries of mortality, leaving behind a legacy of profound love and an unwavering bond that would forever linger in the hearts of their family.
The End.💕
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mecachrome · 2 months
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if you ever wanted to talk about your view of them and their dynamic and what makes them interesting to you? i'd be down to read that 👀
hlksdfhh jasmine i completely forgot about this after hungary... why does Everything Happen So Much 😭
anyway i would love to discuss the joys of 2381!!! admittedly 50% of this is just my 2-pick shipping (which i am wont to do 😔) but i really do find their dynamic/potential dynamic sooo interesting... the gist of it is basically that alex and oscar are very similar people but in a way where it doesn't actually allow them to mesh that well if that makes sense? which is what makes them fun to me LOL 🧡💙
like the way i see oscar's character at a glance is that he has a very strong sense of self but in most cases lacks a desire to rock the boat or overexert himself without good reason to (all actions must be done toward a Tangible Benefit !), so he's good at carefully balancing being an assertive speaker in a very casual, imperturbed manner + being just charming enough despite not being naturally drawn to or really even enjoying social spaces. i've talked at length about the empathy/sympathy split and how in a lot of ways his character is kind a mirror of lando's, or how basically oscar = extroverted thinking / introverted feeling and lando = extroverted feeling / introverted thinking. imo oscar isn't afraid of communication, he's just very careful and diplomatic in public situations and knows exactly how much of himself he's willing to "give" up to an audience, even when he comes off as a little reserved or awkward... i think people often boil oscar down to just being the Mature Intelligent Introverted Listener and lando to being the Reckless Clueless Extroverted Yapper even though they actually possess very similar baseline mentalities; where they primarily differ is just in conversational processing styles and how they choose to communicate meaning/intent.
but anyway. alex meanwhile is clearly SUCH a fascinating and deeply charismatic person who is also very introspective and has gone through a lot of hardship to attain the shrewdness he exhibits today, and although his story is quite different to oscar's and i do think he has more of an extroverted persona than him you can see that they interact with people from a very similar perspective + act in that same deliberate & controlled manner. instead of doing what looks/feels right, oscar and alex are the type of person who operates on the True Belief that their actions are correct, that they've thought through their decisions carefully and are taking the most informed risk possible in every situation; imo they have a very strong need for control in their lives but camouflage it with their desire to come off as ~subtle and effortless~ in presentation lol. like it's not that oscar doesn't swear in the car, he just thinks it's cringe to turn on the radio and broadcast it, etc. etc. so he and oscar are relatively "simple" people but also very deep thinkers who are quite sharp and witty and er... at the end of the day occasionally Judgmental Assholes. hlskdhflh that's why i call them insincere4insincere 🧡🧡🧡
Like when you look at the way oscar talks about guys like dr3, it's clear he's fascinated by their personalities and enjoys them as people but at the same time also feels a sort of... i call it "sociological fascination" LMFAO but in short there's a sense of detachment where he's content to simply observe these Conventional Social Patterns but the thought of actually living that way or thinking and acting that way gives him a headache. he'll be like "this is something dannyric would do/say... but Not Me 😅" and ofc it's meant as a compliment and not at all judgmental but at the same time it's very much implied that >These people live in another world and I live in mine. and he's comfortable and clear about delineating what that world is LOL
anyway i'd argue alex is quite similar, because if you watch his high performance interview there's this bit where he talks about how his self-awareness is simultaneously his biggest strength and weakness— which is such an alex thing to discuss... he's soooo frank and vulnerable in a way very few athletes are willing to be but it always comes from a place of very careful admittance, lessons that can only be imparted with enough distance established to the hardship that created them in the first place @__@ wah — and then is like wow it's So interesting how some guys are literally just no thots head empty ! like verbatim he says he's "intrigued" by their "blissful unawareness" which krills me because mentality is such a tricky thing to discuss in motorsport and sports in general, but alex being like ~i know i'm not like most athletes~ (#notliketheothergirls) but also I'm Capable Of Thinking And Using My Brain... for better or for worse... is so freaking funny to me.
tl;dr: alex and oscar basically just think other people are A Little Bit Stupid. which is very budding pundit/future color commentator à la jb22, just guys who are able to break things down and think things through and talk about them eloquently and therefore believe that Everyone Else Except Them Is A Bit Of An Idiot. and most importantly they enjoy being that person in a one-on-one dynamic; they thrive off being the one who gets to be the smart guy and know things and correct people pedantically and kickstart teasing banter and get the last word in. and because they're so often surrounded by specific athlete types who complement their know-it-allness, it works most of the time — like a lot of why landoscar are comaptible is that the gaps in lando's communication are filled by oscar and vice versa, i.e. they're both willing to do the work the other isn't — so when you look at 234's dynamic it's kind of like... "Why are we the same person and What are we supposed to do about it." and since they're both naturally "polite" characters it's not necessarily awkward or anything but it is kind of like. idk the vibe is just so interesting HLSDFHKH. it makes too much sense to the point that it kind of just circles back to not working 😭
like they're both good speakers but hate doing contentTM and don't like being taken too seriously (or actually don't like coming off as taking themselves too seriously), even though they're also very frank and straightforward and able to speak about themselves and their mentalities with overwhelming clarity. and ofc they're not exactly the same person but when you look at how alex talks about himself, how he's grown in confidence over time and had to rely on purely himself for sooo much of his career, it's super interesting contrasted with oscar being such an entj who clearly values his autonomy, likes to know how everything functions around him and understand the fundamentals of everything he does or tries, and likes believing he's achieving something through objective and empirical methodology — i.e. an "overthinker" but more so one caught up in the facts and technicalities rather than in emotions.
anyway so all their interax are just like >Ribbing each other about padel and random little moments here and there and they do make sense and have things in common but it's also kind of weird and unnerving on another level. they're both too assured in not getting "consumed by the narratives" around them and too unwilling to concede to the #cringe to ever really fundamentally Work... but that's what makes it fun ! insincere4insincere 😌
like when oscar says he's still "grounded" and you hear people talk about him being humble, what's most important to note is that his being humble or introverted doesn't come from shyness or a lack of self-belief, it comes from being secure enough in himself to not need his worth validated by other people... likekhklsdahflh so random but i find it kind of funny when people act like oscar worships mark because obviously he's very important to his life and career but 80% of the time when oscar talks about mark it's with a tone of like Yeah that's just my fuck ass old manager who couldn't even beat sebastian vettel (said lovingly but also a bit pityingly) also he doesn't even run the company by himself put some respect on the other people's names. anw that kind of groundedness, knowing where credit and criticism should be given and never going overboard in his assessment of a situation are all things alex had to learn to develop in himself after his red bull days.
ok what was i saying.
this literally means nothing idk if it even makes sense. but don't you think 23481 is so fascinating like the triangle of oscar somewhat following lando's career growing up > alex being lando's "hero" when he was younger and then alex and oscar are just there and alex doesn't really believe in that cringe shit (except for of course the spirit of valentino rossi at the foundation of all of this). LMFAO
also that's why it's so funny that during this get to know alex albon video he gave THREE answers that were the exact same as oscar's from his own interview in this series and every time it was brought up he was like Oh... Hm... and was kind of weirded out by it 😭 like he gave the same answer about choosing his own team + lewis singing, and then when he said he wanted to be an astronaut for a day and heard that it matched oscar he went: "Does it? Now I feel… I don’t want to be in a space shuttle with Oscar, so I’ll change mine. I’ll be a zookeeper, like in a sanctuary." like when ur no longer not like the other girls... 😔 freakmatched a little too hard
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writing-with-sophia · 10 months
I'm not really sure if this is has been asked before, but how do I write a believeable egotistical character?
I don't mean in a cutesy, likeable way either I mean egotistical in a way that kind of makes you want to strangle them.
Sorry if this doesn't make sense. :')
How to write a believeable egotistical character
Your question is really interesting!!
Creating a believably egotistical character who evokes strong negative emotions can be a compelling challenge. Here are some tips to help you develop such a character:
Establish consistent behaviors: An egotistical character should consistently exhibit behaviors that emphasize their self-centeredness and inflated sense of self-importance. Show them constantly seeking attention, disregarding others' opinions or feelings, and demonstrating a lack of empathy. Consistency in their actions will make their egotism more believable.
Show excessive self-promotion: Egotistical characters tend to constantly promote themselves and seek validation. They may boast about their achievements, exaggerate their skills or talents, and constantly seek admiration from others. Portray them as always looking for opportunities to showcase their superiority or belittle others.
Highlight a lack of empathy: Egotistical characters often demonstrate a lack of empathy towards others. They may dismiss others' problems or feelings, use people for their own gain, or manipulate situations to benefit themselves. Emphasize their indifference to others' needs or emotions, and their tendency to prioritize their own interests above all else.
Use arrogant dialogue: The way your egotistical character speaks can contribute to their unlikable nature. Give them dialogue that is condescending, dismissive, or patronizing towards others. They may interrupt or talk over people, dominate conversations, and belittle others' opinions or accomplishments. Their language should reflect their inflated sense of self-worth.
Portray a lack of self-awareness: Egotistical characters often lack self-awareness regarding their own flaws and the impact of their behavior on others. Show them oblivious to the negative consequences of their actions, and resistant to feedback or criticism. They may be unable to recognize their own shortcomings and instead blame others for any failures or setbacks.
Create conflicts and antagonistic relationships: Egotistical characters tend to clash with others due to their self-centered nature. Develop conflicts and antagonistic relationships with other characters who challenge their superiority or refuse to tolerate their behavior. These conflicts can highlight the negative effects of their egotism and further emphasize their unlikable qualities.
Show vulnerabilities and insecurities: While egotistical characters may project an air of confidence, they often have deep-seated insecurities driving their behavior. Explore their vulnerabilities and the underlying reasons for their need to constantly assert their superiority. This can add complexity to their character and make them more human, even if it doesn't excuse their egotism.
Provide opportunities for growth or consequences: Consider incorporating story arcs that allow your egotistical character to experience personal growth or face consequences for their behavior. This can create a more dynamic character arc and add depth to their journey. Whether they learn from their flaws or suffer the repercussions of their egotism, it can make their character more compelling.
And here are some common features of egotistical character. I hope they can help you:
Constant self-promotion
Dismissive attitude
Interrupting or talking over others
Exaggerating accomplishments
Need for control
Lack of empathy
Sense of entitlement
Inability to accept criticism
Patronizing or belittling language
Overestimating abilities
Remember, it's crucial to strike a balance between creating an unlikable character and ensuring they remain believable and engaging within the context of your story. By incorporating these tips, you can develop an egotistical character who evokes strong negative emotions and adds tension to your narrative.
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blakeswritingimagines · 10 months
Dating Yandere Robb Stark Would Include:
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His yandere traits are loyalty, devotion, possessiveness, and obsessive behavior. He is intensely loyal to the person he loves, he would do anything for you, he is very possessive and he does not like sharing his loved one with anyone, he is obsessed with you and he wants you to be with him all the time.
He is completely devoted to the one he's in love with and willing to do anything to ensure your safety and happiness. He will go to extreme and sometimes violent measures to protect you from any perceived threat or harm, even if it means eliminating those who stand in his way.
He may become obsessive, controlling, and even violent in his efforts to keep you all to himself. He may also exhibit a strong sense of loyalty and dedication to the person he's in love with, willing to do anything to ensure you are his even at the expense of his own well-being. He may be emotionally manipulative and even use physical violence to get what he wants, justifying it as being for the well-being of the one he loves.
He may also have a distorted sense of morality, seeing his actions as justified in order to achieve his desired outcome. He may also exhibit a desire for total control over you, believing that he knows what is best for you and being willing to do anything to ensure that you follow his plan, even against your will. He may be overly protective of the one he loves, wanting to shield you from the world and any possible harm or danger, to the point of limiting your freedom and autonomy.
He may also demonstrate a complete lack of empathy and a disregard for the feelings of others, perceiving everyone as competition for the affection and attention of the one he loves. He may become completely consumed by his obsession and resort to extreme measures such as murder, kidnapping, or imprisonment in order to protect or control you. In short, he is driven by a deep-seated love for the person he's in love with, but his actions may become irrational, even deranged at times, all in the name of protecting you and making you his.
He may also experience extreme levels of anger and anguish when you show any signs of rejecting him or showing interest in someone else. This can often lead to violent bouts of anger and sometimes even physical violence towards those who stand in the way of his love or the person he is in love with. He'll even feel the need to control and manipulate you in order to ensure your loyalty and devotion to him, even at the expense of your own agency and independence. In general, yandere have a very intense and unhealthy attachment to the object of their desire.
He has a deeply rooted fear of abandonment, causing him to become obsessive and irrational in trying to ensure that you never leave him. He tries to keep you close to him at all times. He may also demonstrate a lack of respect for boundaries and personal space, as he tries to assert his dominance over you. Furthermore, he may exhibit different extreme and unpredictable moods, ranging from extreme possessiveness and jealousy to intense feelings of love and adoration for his beloved.
He will become more possessive, possessive, and overbearing, with little regard for the feelings or desires of others the longer you are together. He may exhibit extreme paranoia, believing that others are trying to take you away from him, which can lead him to take drastic and violent measures to protect you. He may become extremely emotionally volatile, alternating between extreme love and rage, and even resort to stalking or kidnapping you. All of his actions are rooted in a twisted form of love and loyalty, with the aim of keeping you all to himself.
Most of what goes on in his head can often be difficult to control or express in a healthy manner. This can lead to feelings of sadness, anger, and even violence, as he struggles to cope with his emotions and express them in a healthy way. He'll become hyper-focus on the person he's in love with, making you his whole world and neglecting the needs of others.
He may have intense feelings of jealousy towards any person or thing that threatens to take the attention and affection he gets from you away from him. He may feel deeply insecure and threatened by the thought of you being with someone else, leading him to become possessive and even controlling in his attempts to ensure you remain focused on him. He may feel a deep sense of unease and anxiety when not with you, making it difficult to regulate his emotions and think clearly.
He may experience resistance to his actions and attempts of controlling you. Others may try to reason with him, appeal to his logic or emotions, or even resort to direct confrontation in an attempt to stop his actions. This resistance can be frustrating and difficult to manage, and it may lead him to lash out in anger or become more forceful and controlling to get what he wants.
He will be deeply passionate and affectionate with the person he loves. He'll express his affection through displays of physical affection, such as cuddling, hugging, and kissing. He'll attempt to show his affection through thoughtful gifts or gestures that demonstrate how much you mean to him. He'll also express his affection through constant attention and desire to be with you, always wanting to be close to you and wanting to spend time with you.
He'll have an exaggerated sense of entitlement towards the person he loves, feeling that you owe him your love and attention. This can lead him to exhibit manipulative and possessive behaviors, seeking to control and limit your interactions with others in an attempt to ensure your exclusivity to him. He may attempt to isolate you from your friends and family or act in a controlling manner to limit your access to other sources of support and social interaction. This excessive sense of entitlement and possessiveness can make it difficult for him to recognize your autonomy and right to your own feelings and life choices.
He may struggle with feelings of inferiority or insecurity, leading to a need for control and an excessive reliance on the person he loves for validation and reassurance. He'll become overly dependent on you for his sense of self-worth. His intense fear of abandonment or rejection can lead to emotionally manipulative behavior and controlling actions in an attempt to keep you close to him.
He could be prone to engaging in unhealthy and maladaptive behaviors that are destructive to himself and the person he loves. This could include self-harm, substance abuse, excessive spending, or other risky and self-sabotaging behavior. He becomes obsessed with his idea of the person he loves and struggles to accept or see you for who you really are. This could lead him to have unrealistic expectations, setting himself up for disappointment and further hurting himself and the person he loves. Ultimately, he will exhibit unhealthy and potentially harmful behaviors that are detrimental to his mental, emotional, and physical health
He may have difficulty forming healthy relationships with others, due to his extreme attachment and possessiveness towards you. He may find it difficult to trust others or let them get too close to him, for fear of them taking him away from you. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness and can be further exacerbated if the object of his love is unwilling or unable to reciprocate his feelings. This can lead to a vicious cycle of unhealthy behavior and emotions, further fueling his desire to control and possess the one he loves.
He'll exhibit stalker-like behavior, following and shadowing you. He will constantly keep tabs on your whereabouts and activities, trying to control and monitor your actions. He will become obsessed with understanding your thoughts and feelings, going to extreme lengths to gain access to your personal belongings or accounts. Even if you express a desire for privacy.
He'll experience intense feelings of anxiety and insecurity when separated from you. He will seek constant reassurance about the stability and security of your relationship and may not be able to function or make decisions without first consulting you. He may constantly fear that you are not as invested in your relationship as he is and may become overly suspicious of your motives and behaviors when you are not around. While this can sometimes be beneficial if it leads him to notice something that may be harmful to the relationship, it can also lead to accusations and suspicions that harm your emotional connection.
In the beginning, he may experience a distorted sense of reality and a warped understanding of what love is. He'll slowly use fear, manipulation, and even violence to control and possess you, believing that these actions are necessary for your safety and protection. He will use emotional blackmail and guilt-tripping to control you, conditioning you to accept and even feel happy or grateful for his controlling behavior. This can damage your sense of self and self-worth, as you are made to believe that your only value is in pleasing and providing for him.
Voyeurism: He enjoys seeing you in vulnerable and intimate moments, such as when you are changing clothes, using the bathroom, or sleeping. He seeks out opportunities to spy on these precious moments, either by installing cameras in private spaces or by trying to sneak a peek when you are not expecting it. The thrill of getting caught or discovered may also be enjoyable to him.
Dominance/Submission: He wants control over you and the power to make you submit to his will. He takes on a dominant role in your relationship and uses a range of tactics to control and manipulate you, he may also derive pleasure from seeing you in submissive positions, such as kneeling before him or taking on submissive roles in sexual acts. The sense of ownership and control over you can be immensely thrilling to him.
Sadism/Masochism: He may enjoy seeing you in pain or discomfort, either physically or emotionally. He may seek out opportunities to inflict pain or discomfort on you, in the form of hitting, beating, whipping, or even emotionally abusing or bullying them. The pleasure he gains from seeing your suffering can be erotic and arousing to him. He may also be willing to inflict pain or discomfort on himself, either because it feels good or because it helps him to express himself.
Bondage/Discipline: He may be turned on by the idea of physically restraining or disciplining his love. The sight of you in chains, ropes, or other restraints can be arousing and exciting to him.
Fear Play: He also enjoys seeing you experiencing fear or anxiety, such as when you are nervous or shy about something or when you are faced with a dangerous or uncertain situation. Seeing you in this state can make him feel powerful and in control of you, and the thought of protecting you from the fear or dangers of the world can make him feel possessive and dominant.
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springtrappd · 5 months
the fnaf movie cast & crew on movie!vanessa:
Female supporting lead, VANESSA, 20s "Vanessa is a police officer who shows up during one of Mike’s work shifts. While leading with a bright and sunny disposition, Vanessa has a keen understanding of the dark history and inner workings of the restaurant. Not wanting to reveal too much of what she may know, she works to help Mike survive the night."
Tammi, in turn, was wowed by [Elizabeth Lail]. “Vanessa in many ways was the most complicated character to inhabit,” Tammi says. “She’s a cop with a hidden agenda. Elizabeth did an incredible job finding the authenticity within Vanessa, not turning her into a caricature, but really giving her dimension and empathy. She had to be strong, but also exhibit softness and vulnerability. It’s not an easy thing to do, and Elizabeth nailed it.” Game creator and film producer Scott Cawthon saw Lail’s performance as a promise fulfilled. “Elizabeth Lail was so genuine in her portrayal of someone who was strong on the outside but had a lot of pain and confusion inside,” Cawthon says. “She was amazing. Very often during her takes I would text Emma and remind her that I take full credit for selecting her to play Vanessa.”
We meet both Mike and Vanessa at really lonely points in their lives. They’ve both had to bury really significant childhood trauma deep down within themselves in order to get through their day-to-day lives. In Mike’s case that’s taking care of his younger sister, and in Vanessa’s case it’s putting on this front as a cop while still trying to be protective of someone very close to her. There’s something that those two characters see in each other, both said and unsaid, that is a recognition of trauma and a unique experience they both underwent in different ways. There’s been a shared path that they’re able to connect on in a way that is very unlike them being able to connect with anyone else. That yearning for companionship and a shared understanding of each other’s past is the main thing that draws them together.
INSPO: FNAF style, *yet* again. Up next is Vanessa. Drawing from the quiet simplicity of Simone in “The French Dispatch”, the brooding strength of Julia in “The Watcher”, and the pure fortitude of Dani in “Midsommar”, Vanessa reflects a quiet purity with an undertone of mystery.
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giuliopozzali · 4 months
If you are a cat person, you are...
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Cats are fascinating creatures that have captured the hearts of humans for centuries. Those who consider themselves "cat people" often exhibit a unique set of characteristics and traits that set them apart from other pet owners. The affinity towards feline companionship goes beyond simple preference; it delves into the complex realm of personality traits and psychological tendencies.
One prominent trait of cat lovers is their independent nature. Cats, as animals, are known for their independence and self-sufficiency, and those who are drawn to them often share these qualities. Cat people value their autonomy and often appreciate having a pet that can coexist without constant attention or supervision. This shared sense of independence can manifest in various aspects of their lives, from their relationships to their work habits.
Anothe trait of cat lovers is that they tend to be introverted and reflective individuals. Cats are often associated with solitude and contemplation, qualities that resonate with those who prefer a more introspective approach to life. People who gravitate towards feline companionship may find solace and comfort in the quiet companionship that cats provide, fostering a sense of peace and tranquility in their daily lives.
Cat people are often characterized by their keen sense of observation and intuitiveness. Cats are inherently observant creatures, attuned to subtle cues and changes in their environment. Similarly, those who cherish feline companionship may possess a heightened awareness of their surroundings and the emotions of others. This acute perception allows them to navigate social interactions with grace and empathy, making them adept at understanding the complexities of human behavior.
Another notable trait of cat lovers is their creativity and artistic sensibility. Cats have long been associated with creativity and inspiration in various cultures, symbolizing mystery, elegance, and grace. Those who feel a deep connection to these animals often express themselves through artistic pursuits such as writing, painting, or music. The presence of a cat can serve as a muse, inspiring creativity and fostering a deeper appreciation for beauty and aesthetics.
In addition to these traits, cat people are often described as gentle, nurturing, and empathetic individuals. Cats have a unique ability to form strong emotional bonds with their human counterparts, offering comfort and companionship in times of need. Those who are drawn to feline companionship may exhibit a similar capacity for compassion and understanding, demonstrating an innate ability to connect with others on a profound emotional level.
Ultimately, being a cat person is more than just a preference for a certain type of pet; it is a reflection of one's personality, values, and worldview. The qualities that define a cat lover – independence, introspection, creativity, observation, and empathy – contribute to a rich tapestry of traits that shape their interactions with the world around them. Embracing the unique bond between humans and cats offers a glimpse into the intricate nuances of human nature, revealing the depth and complexity of our shared experiences.
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13lunarstar · 7 months
The eighth nakshatra
Degrees: from 03°20' to 16°40' of Cancer sign
The ruler of nakshatra: Saturn (sans. Shani)
Nakshatra's guna: sattwa (divine)
Pushya keywords: nourishment, milk, abundance, caretaking, devotion, protection, upbringing, traditions, healing, teaching, peace
Symbol: a cow's udder, representing nourishment and abundance
Pushya in various planets
Sun in Pushya: enhances qualities of leadership, authority, and vitality. Individuals may exhibit a strong sense of responsibility ( because of Saturn's influence) and may be drawn to positions of power or influence. They may also possess a nurturing and protective nature, especially towards their family or community.
Moon in Pushya: a very auspicious placement for the Moon. Individuals born under the Moon's influence in Pushya may be emotionally sensitive, nurturing, and compassionate. They have a deep connection to their roots and may excel in roles that involve caretaking, counselling, or supporting others.
Mars in Pushya: can amplify its assertive and energetic qualities. Individuals may be driven by a strong sense of purpose and may be determined to overcome obstacles in pursuit of their goals. They may possess leadership qualities and a desire to defend their values, and protect and nurture those they care about, especially family. Also, Mars in Pushya can signify emotional intensity and passion. Individuals with this placement may experience strong emotions and may express themselves assertively in their relationships and interactions.
Mercury in Pushya: enhances communication skills, intelligence ( including emotional), and adaptability. Individuals may excel in fields that require effective communication, such as teaching, writing, or public speaking. They may also be adept at networking and building connections within their community. Good placement for social work. Individuals may excel in academic pursuits or intellectual hobbies that stimulate their minds.
Jupiter in Pushya: enhances qualities of wisdom, spirituality, and benevolence. Individuals may possess a deep faith and may be drawn to spiritual teachings or practices. They may also be generous, compassionate, and devoted to serve as guides and mentors, offering wise counsel and guidance to those in need. Pushya Nakshatra is associated with cultural heritage and ancestral wisdom. Individuals with Jupiter in Pushya may have a deep respect for tradition and may seek to preserve cultural practices and customs. They may be involved in activities that celebrate and promote cultural diversity.
Venus in Pushya: creates a keen eye for beauty and may excel in artistic pursuits such as art, music, or design. They may build environments that are visually pleasing and inviting. Venus in Pushya indicates emotional sensitivity, vulnerability and empathy coupled with romantic idealism. These individuals are attuned to the feelings and needs of others and may excel in providing emotional support and comfort. They value intimacy and connection in their relationships and seek to create bonds based on mutual understanding and trust.
Saturn in Pushya: brings a sense of discipline, responsibility, and stability. Individuals may be diligent workers who take their duties and obligations seriously. They may also have a deep respect for tradition and may uphold traditional values in their personal and professional lives. Saturn in Pushya Nakshatra emphasizes a practical and pragmatic approach to life. These individuals are realistic and down-to-earth, preferring to focus on tangible results and achievable goals rather than lofty ideals or dreams.
Rahu in Pushya: may amplify desires for deeper and intense emotional experiences (which may lead to dependability), material success and worldly achievements. Individuals with this placement may strive to obtain status and accumulate wealth, property, or resources as a means of establishing security and stability in their lives. However, there may also be a tendency towards excess or obsession, which could lead to challenges if not kept in check.
Ketu in Pushya: emphasizes spiritual growth and detachment from worldly attachments. Individuals may be introspective, intuitive, and drawn to mystical or esoteric knowledge. Natives with Ketu in Pushya may be on a lifelong quest for self-discovery and spiritual growth, exploring different paths and philosophies in search of deeper meaning and purpose. Ketu in Pushya may indicate a release of past karma and a willingness to let go of attachments and burdens from previous lifetimes. These individuals may be liberated from the cycles of birth and death, finding peace and contentment in the present moment.
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hazey-moonlight · 3 months
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-"I came to Snaktooth Island to look out for Shelda and find myself. The more I uncover, the more I realize that understanding who I am is tied to the mysteries of this island and the creatures that inhabit it. My journey is about more than survival; it's about discovering the truth hidden in every corner of this island."
Name: Meeptah Moonsmoke She/They Age: 30
more under cut
Came to Snaktooth to keep an eye on gramma, Shelda, and to seek new experiences and come out of her shell.
Meeps is a gentle soul with an insatiable curiosity and a deep empathy for all living things on Snaktooth Island. Despite her unique abilities and the mysteries surrounding her, she remains humble and approachable, always willing to lend a helping hand or a listening ear to those in need. Her bond with Bugsnax is not just about survival but stems from a genuine respect for their individuality and role in the island's ecosystem. Meeps' journey is guided by a quiet determination to uncover the truth about her origins and protect the island's delicate balance from those who seek to exploit it.
Bugsnax around Meeps have started exhibiting unusual behaviors and even evolving into new variants. Meeps shares a special bond with Bellatina, a Sweetiefly unlike any seen before on Snaktooth Island. Bellatina acts differently from other Sweetiefly, it acts more like a Grapeskeeto as it feeds off of other bugsnax the same way. Bellatina's presence seems to catalyze these changes, hinting at deeper connections between Meeps, the Bugsnax, and the island's mysterious origins.
She only loses her fluff for a short time in the spring/summer. You can draw her in clothes, she likes crop tops n shorts but anything works. She can have any hairstyle! I prefer the one on her and the top left the most! you can draw her with any style, she tends to like either long beautiful hair with shaved sides, or short haircuts. She dyes her hair a lot but usually only colors that complement her fur.
Still some mystery to uncover~
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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Venus Entering Cancer Today
During the period from June 17 to July 11, Venus will grace the zodiac sign Cancer with its presence, bringing forth a wave of emotional and loving energy. On June 17, Mercury also transitions into Cancer, creating an atmosphere of intuition and benevolence as we embrace the arrival of summer. Prepare yourself for a month of emotional introspection by curating a playlist of soothing songs on Spotify. Don’t forget to have a box of tissues nearby.
Venus in Cancer takes time to build trust, but once it does, it endures forever. This placement in Venus emphasizes the importance of nurturing relationships and only relinquishing them when all emotional attachment has dissipated. Instead of avoiding conflict, Venus in Cancer tends to confront situations in order to make a statement or bring attention to an issue. When Venus is in Cancer, it tends to be influenced by the phases and signs of the moon. It’s a beneficial idea to approach people and make amends or express your feelings when the lunar vibe is calm, typically in the sign of Taurus or Sagittarius, to elicit a positive response.
While Venus is in Cancer, it’s critical to be mindful of the company you keep. It is important to surround ourselves with individuals who uplift us and provide unwavering support, as our emotions can be quite sensitive. Given the nurturing and loving combination of Venus in Cancer, it is important to receive loyalty and affection after extending the same to friends, family, and lovers. Venus in Cancer exhibits a strong sense of empathy, often causing us to shoulder the burdens and challenges of our loved ones. We will empathize with others, exhibit selflessness, reliability, and a combination of strength and gentleness to protect those around us. It is important to prioritize tending to our own emotional well-being to avoid depleting our resources by constantly giving to others. It is advisable to establish clear boundaries.
This year, Venus’ influence in Cancer is characterized by increased expressiveness and a decrease in passion. Typically, Cancer, as a water sign, is more reserved, which makes the upcoming weeks a unique period for this transit. The planet associated with love and enjoyment seeks deep connections with others, reminding us to prioritize self-care. During this period, we have the opportunity to tap into our creative potential and manifest our visions through the expression of our unique artistry. It is important to approach the decisions in our lives with careful consideration and seek the advice of trusted friends before taking action, as the cosmos guides us towards the right path. It is important to approach the situation with caution, as our emotions will be on full display, just like a professional astrologer would advise.
When your natal Venus is in Cancer, you will be going through your annual Venus return. To help manifest your desires, consider setting new intentions for love and money in the upcoming year. Reflecting on your emotions and evaluating where you’re directing your energy during the Venus return is a great opportunity to ensure alignment with your goals. You may discover a desire to enhance your relationships or disengage from situations that are not serving you well. Nevertheless, Venus’ arrival is a wonderful opportunity to embrace the essence of the divine feminine and celestial bodies. Indulge in some well-deserved self-care and establish a remarkable routine to nurture yourself.
Venus in Cancer: Important Astrological Dates June 17th: Venus gracefully transitions into the sign of Cancer, bestowing upon us a delightful period of 28 days filled with tenderness, empathy, and enhanced connectivity. We can expect our emotions to be genuine, and our hearts to be receptive.
June 17th: There is a powerful alignment between Venus and Mercury in Cancer, encouraging us to express ourselves authentically and share our deepest emotions.
June 26th: There is a significant astrological aspect involving Venus and the Nodes of Destiny. This alignment urges us to carefully consider and make important choices in both our financial and romantic lives.
June 29th: Venus and Mars in Taurus come together in perfect harmony, bringing about a serene and tranquil atmosphere that will help soothe any restlessness.
July 2nd: There is a harmonious alignment between Venus and another celestial body. Saturn is currently in retrograde in Pisces, encouraging us to embrace a focused mindset, make wise investments, and cultivate a consistent sense of self.
July 8th: There is a powerful connection between Venus and Uranus in Taurus, which will ignite our emotions and push us to step outside of our comfort zones.
July 11th: Venus aligns with Neptune in Pisces, creating a dreamy and enchanting atmosphere that transports us into a world of imagination and wonder. We can expect a powerful wake-up call to have a significant impact on us. by Conscious Reminder Goddess Venus by Talon Abraxas
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Pisces Sun + Moon
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₊˚ପ⊹ Aries Moon: Possessing an innate intuition and agility, you shine in your brilliance and determination. Your wit and humor make you an amusing and captivating friend, though your reliability within the family sphere might be lacking. You possess the intriguing ability to oscillate between moments of self-interest and genuine consideration for others, showcasing the complexity of your character.
₊˚ପ⊹ Taurus Moon: The Taurus Moon graces you with a sociable and charming demeanor, enhanced by your musical and artistic talents. Your friendly nature draws others to you, while your elegance adds an aura of allure. Despite occasional bouts of reluctance to initiate projects, once your decision is made, you exhibit unwavering determination. Your tenacity is commendable and complements your overall appeal.
₊˚ପ⊹ Gemini Moon: The Gemini Moon instills within you a nervous yet intellectually adept disposition. Your gift of eloquence and curiosity is paired with a need for a dependable partner who understands your multifaceted nature. While your conversations are engaging and entertaining, there's a perpetual youthful quality about you that resists complete maturation, keeping your spirit forever youthful.
₊˚ପ⊹ Cancer Moon: A Cancer Moon graces you with sensitivity, kindness, and thoughtfulness. Your moods may sway like the tides, yet beneath these fluctuations lies a genuine and caring heart. Your potential to excel in nurturing roles, such as nursing, teaching, or healing, is profound. You're drawn to the culinary arts and possess an interest in diets, but practicality might sometimes take a backseat to your comprehensive vision.
₊˚ପ⊹ Leo Moon: Under the influence of the Leo Moon, your generosity and creativity radiate like the sun's warmth. The desire for new friendships and experiences fuels your imagination. You have a high capacity for trust and are attuned to the adoration that comes your way. However, your inclination towards seeking stimulation can sometimes overshadow your need for stability.
₊˚ପ⊹ Virgo Moon: The Virgo Moon brings forth nervous energy, deep thoughts, and perceptive insights. Your talents thrive in creative endeavors, especially when working independently. Attention to detail is a hallmark of your approach, and your interest in food, diet, and health is pronounced. While you might exhibit tendencies towards excessive worry and meticulousness, a strong and understanding companion can offer the grounding you seek.
₊˚ପ⊹ Libra Moon: With a Libra Moon, your ideas flourish when paired with practicality, ideally from a strong and supportive partner. Collaboration is your strength, and your ability to execute ideas shines in harmonious relationships. It's vital for you to find motivation through interpersonal connections; otherwise, the tether to reality may loosen, leading to a disconnect from your aspirations.
₊˚ପ⊹ Scorpio Moon: Under the enigmatic influence of the Scorpio Moon, your perceptions run deep, and your insights are profound. Fields like medicine, law enforcement, or the judiciary may beckon, given your ability to discern others' flaws and motivations. Your emotional landscape is marked by swings, yet your capacity for empathy and assistance remains steadfast. Be cautious of occasional tendencies towards self-absorption and interpersonal challenges.
₊˚ପ⊹ Sagittarius Moon: A Sagittarius Moon imbues you with sales acumen and a serious, contemplative mind. Your venturesome spirit could lead you to roles within religion or environmental advocacy. However, your wanderlust and intellectual pursuits may often take precedence over familial attachments, presenting both opportunities and challenges in your quest for fulfillment.
₊˚ପ⊹ Capricorn Moon: The Capricorn Moon blends creativity, intuition, and practicality within you. This combination allows you to thrive professionally or in a familial role, though self-confidence might occasionally waver. Your aspirations can be fulfilled with the right balance, showcasing your adaptable nature and innate wisdom.
₊˚ପ⊹ Aquarius Moon: With an Aquarius Moon, your amicable nature coexists with a tendency to initiate projects and then shift focus. Your mystic inclinations and teaching abilities shine, though stability often relies on a sensible and dependable partner. Grounding is key for your sometimes ethereal demeanor, ensuring your ideas find solid footing.
₊˚ପ⊹ Pisces Moon: The Pisces Moon gifts you with an extraordinarily active imagination, often finding meaning in even the smallest occurrences. Solitary activities at home may bring solace, as you navigate through life's complexities. Your empathetic nature absorbs the struggles of others, occasionally making the demands of family life a formidable challenge. Your path is marked by both introspection and connection, as you seek to unravel the mysteries of the universe.
Extra Sources: Drawing by Destina Eroland; Template by dayslily on tumblr
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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inators · 1 month
@chio-chan2 and I have decided that Perry's birthday is November 1, 1971 (Scorpio).
Here is some information on November 1 birthdays. Excerpt:
November 1 Birthday Personality Magnetic and intense, Scorpios born on this day embody the enigmatic qualities of their zodiac sign. With heightened intuition and unwavering determination, they navigate life’s complexities passionately. Loyalty defines their relationships, seeking deep connections and transformative love. While their mysterious charm captivates, possessiveness and occasional stubbornness can pose challenges. Resilient and resourceful, November 1 Scorpios overcome obstacles with an allure that draws others in.
1. Compassion and Empathy: Those born on November 1, 1971 often possess a deep sense of compassion and empathy. They have a natural ability to connect with others on an emotional level and understand their feelings. This trait makes them empathetic listeners and supportive friends. They genuinely care about the well-being of others and are willing to go out of their way to help those in need.
2. Self-Destructive Tendencies: Despite their compassionate nature, individuals born on this day can struggle with self-destructive tendencies. They may engage in behaviors that harm themselves, both physically and emotionally. This could include reckless decision-making, substance abuse, or engaging in risky activities. The root of these self-destructive tendencies often lies in unresolved trauma or emotional pain that they have experienced in their past.
3. Apathy and Detachment: In certain situations, those born on November 1, 1971 may exhibit apathy and detachment. They may feel a sense of disconnection from the world around them and struggle to find motivation in their daily lives. This apathy can manifest as a lack of interest in activities, a sense of hopelessness, or a feeling of emotional numbness. It is important for them to find ways to reconnect with their emotions and find meaning and purpose in their lives.
4. Appreciation for Wit and Intelligence: Those born on this day often appreciate wit and intelligence in others. They enjoy engaging in intellectual conversations and are drawn to people who challenge their thinking. They value humor and can find joy in the absurdity of life. This appreciation for wit and intelligence can make them stimulating and entertaining companions.
5. Offended by Impulsivity: On the other hand, individuals born on November 1, 1971 can be easily offended by impulsive and reckless behavior. They may view impulsivity as a sign of immaturity and irresponsibility. This sensitivity to impulsivity can lead them to avoid situations where they feel their boundaries are being pushed or their sense of order is being disrupted.
6. Childhood Environment and Unresolved Trauma: The environment in which individuals born on November 1, 1971 were raised can have a significant impact on their personality development. Those who experienced comfort and stability in their childhood may be more likely to exhibit the positive aspects of their traits, such as compassion and empathy. However, those who experienced attachment issues or unresolved trauma may struggle with self-destructive tendencies and apathy.
7. Persistence and Striving for Improvement: Despite the challenges they may face, those born on November 1, 1971 are known for their persistence and determination. They are not easily discouraged and continue to strive for better and nobler outcomes in their lives. This tenacity can help them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.
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percheduphere · 8 months
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Thank you so much for your patience and your amazing ask, @indulligence! Special thank you, as well, to all the gif artists who made this meta possible.
I've been champing at the bit to get to this one, and I finally made it!
As a disclaimer, I am not a doctor, and I recognize we should take care in pseudo-diagnosing fictional characters as we don't want to perpetuate stereotypes of our neurodiverse and differently abled/people with disabilities communities. Having said that, if interpreting a character as being neurodiverse and/or differently abled/having a disability brings you comfort and joy, you should certainly do so! Canon is a sandbox. Fictional worlds and characters are meant to be engaged with for your pleasure.
I do cite a few medical graphic and their sources below. If any of those sources are problematic in any way, please let me know and I can switch out the graphic for one from a better source.
At first glance, Loki's characterization in Thor 1, Thor 2, and Ragnarok don't seem to present him as having challenges with executive function. He appears to be able to focus and sustain focus, able to organize, and able to sustain effort and process. Loki also has exceptional memory.
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As for mood, many mood symptoms of ADHD overlap with depression, the latter of which Loki clearly has. Nevertheless, it should be noted that ADHD and depression are often comorbid. He could have both.
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While memory and effort are not concerns, Loki has consistently shown challenges with impulse control, managing frustration, and modulating emotion. A number of his most consequential choices (i.e. inadvertently directing Malekith to his mother, chasing after Sylvie, etc.) are influenced by his emotional state rather than premeditation. This may suggest that if Loki has ADHD, he leans toward Type 2: Impulsive/Hyperactive:
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His characterization in the Loki series changes somewhat to include more hyperactivity and swings between hyperfocus and difficulty regulating attention and focus. Loki gesticulates, fidgets, and moves a lot more in the series than the movies. He also talks much more quickly when excited.
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Do I think these changes were intentional? I honestly have no idea. Whatever the case, I think it's lovely that the Loki who becomes the most powerful hero in the MCU is also the version that demonstrates a higher likelihood of being diagnosed with ADHD.
I think Mobius, for the most part, is neurotypical. Even with Loki being his special interest/hyperfixation, he doesn't exhibit the other symptom criteria to meet a Level 1 Autism diagnosis, an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder diagnosis, or an Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder diagnosis.
He may, however, be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).
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Mobius's empathy for others, perception of behavior, observation of circumstances, and deep appreciation for beauty (particularly when it comes to the beauty of people) are exceptionally strong.
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NOTE: Even when the stakes are dire, he's still willing to give Ravonna and Miss Minutes the benefit of the doubt. He really is a sweetie pie. A sweetie pie who can and will slap you if you deserve it.
I think Mobius may mask his strong emotional responses regularly in order to be able function in the TVA. There were only two incidents, when he was unable to suppress his feelings, and those outbursts were remarkable:
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That said, Mobius doesn't quite meet the other symptoms of HSP, which include sensitivity to stimuli, being easily startled, and aversion to violence. As we see in the series, Loki's antics don't overwhelm or startle him, and he has no issue with torture when he deems it necessary.
It is possible that Mobius may have Acquired Neurodivergence post-series as a consequence of trauma in the series finale. At present, we have nothing in canon to support this, but many fanfics show Mobius struggling to cope with the loss of Loki, his home, his family, and his identity. This severe level of loss can cause a variety of mental health conditions and disorders that may impact Mobius's future ability to function in a neurotypical way.
I've written about Sylvie's sexuality here, and I think some (if not most) of her quirks when it comes social interaction, emotional intimacy, and physical contact may be explained by trauma. As such, I think some of her behavioral symptoms, which can be mistaken as autism, is actually the result of PTSD causing structural changes to her brain. Loki likely has this as well.
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Like O.B., she is verbally blunt and appears to demonstrate lower empathy, especially with those she disagrees with.
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To be clear, this doesn't mean Sylvie doesn't have empathy. She does, as can be seen in the gif above. What I mean is, her empathy and ability to demonstrate it are generally low throughout the series. This is likely a psychological defense mechanism. Having lowered empathy is advantageous if growing up in apocalypses is the only means of survival. Every friend and lover she's ever had is either dead or will die because of those apocalypses or because of who she is to the TVA.
Unlike O.B., Sylvie initiates social interactions and develops friendships more easily. Sylvie has acquaintances, if not friends, in John (McDonalds,) Eric (bartender), and Lyle (record shop). NOTE: You can tell the writer is a man when the bias in creating side characters skews male instead of female. Sylvie should at least have ONE girlfriend in her 1982 timeline, but she doesn't.
Here he is! Here is our favorite neurodiverse ray of sunshine! Our autistic cinnamon roll! The MVP of season 2!
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Now, I have mixed feelings regarding how people on the autism spectrum are portrayed in media. While they are often shown as socially awkward, they are also shown to be exceptionally brilliant in their area(s) of interest. This is quite flattering and often true in real life, yet I worry that this creates a stereotype that not only are all autistic people "geniuses", they are also geniuses in a way that is useful to a capitalistic society. That expectation isn't healthy and perpetuates the belief that a person is only valuable if they are useful. Further, it is a narrow portrayal of the autism spectrum. It is important to have representation across that spectrum instead of stopping at Level 1.
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But I don't like being a Debbie Downer, so let's focus on the good representation that can be found in O.B.!
O.B., in a lot of ways, reminds me of Entrapta from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. He doesn't always read social cues correctly, which often plays out as fantastic comedy relief on screen when the stakes are outrageous.
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Like Entrapta, his science and engineering aptitude are nearly unmatched if not for Victor Timely. However, the hyperfocus O.B. exhibits does have negative consequences, as exemplified when he explains he lost his job and wife due to dedication in creating a TemPad prototype. Despite these losses, O.B. is resilient and looks forward to what comes next (another possible symptom of his neurodiversity).
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I love that O.B.'s neurodiversity allows him to believe Loki when Loki finds him on his branched timeline with his "crazy story". It is also what allows him to see the patterns in Loki's timeslipping and propose, with confidence, that timeslipping can be controlled.
He is also a very good friend. Though he might not be the "huggy" type, he always makes an effort to find concrete solutions to big problems. I would say that O.B. is Loki's second closest friend in the series after Mobius.
I can't tell if it's O.B.'s autism or O.B.'s inner asshole that's fucking around with Loki in this scene. Not once but twice! Either way, I love it (and the fact that Loki resists the temptation to zap him back).
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What I appreciate about Casey is that if he is interpreted as autistic, he is not a super genius. He is still quite gifted, but I think he represents where a good number of level 1 autistics actually land in life. I feel this is a much healthier portrayal and balances out O.B.'s genius representation nicely.
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NOTE: Look how cute they are! They must be protected at all costs.
I am also so happy that Casey and O.B. found friendship in each other. We have to give B-15 (Verity) credit for this. The only reason they met at all is because B-15 had the presence of mind to think of Casey to help O.B. with the Loom debacle.
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Together, they become unstoppable, but there's one more friend who completes the Science Club Trio ...
Since I've discussed autism interpretation and representation at length with O.B. and Casey, I'm going to concentrate on the portrayal of Victor Timely's speech impediment.
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I also have mixed feelings regarding the media portrayal of people with speech impediments. This medical condition is often used as a means of showing a character is "meek" or "harmless". I don't doubt that this character feature was chosen for that exact purpose, to immediately contrast Timely against HWR in the quickest, most efficient way possible. Unfortunately, this kind of narrative "shortcut" leads to stereotyping people with speech impediments accordingly.
It's a good thing, then, that Loki series takes the time to add some depth to Timely's character. Yes, he has a speech impediment, but he is also very willful, crafty, and brave.
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