#who knows what the future holds
wings-of-ink · 2 days
Wow, I can't believe MC is going to find, manhandle, and wed a god. This is real and so very true.
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cosmoseinfeld · 9 months
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these pictures of punk and the rock...
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jokerislandgirl32 · 5 months
Don’t Ask Me How I’ll Do It….
But if I ever get a partner, get engaged, get married, or have/adopt a baby you all will know, and I’m going to use something Zach related to relay the exciting news.
For example, I might do something like this:
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Please know I HAVE NOT had a baby, this is just an example for how I may announce a major life event.
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averyghe · 6 months
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The Gardeners that have created a garden of Ea in the Solar system. Created as they did on the many other stars. In the Middle of the Garden there was a gigantic God-Tree, that have sprouted up to the space, with its titanic trunk, several thousands of the kilometres long. From the garden – the Eden, life have appeared.
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Recently I feel horrible in terms of my art, and writing. I see many magnificent people creating their magnificent universes – the immérité magical worlds. And then I look at my art. At my world, which I’m retconing far and wide, without actually creating much. I look at my art style which, creates the feeling that I barely know what I want to draw, like if im trying to simulate an artwork of others be it Moebius, Android Arts, or Lucas Roussel. I always believed the the true artist is a thief – that you are unable to create something of your own without gathering an inspiration from the others. However with my art it feels like there is barely anything of my own. It feels like I’m processing the work of others just to spit out something of a lesser quality. Indeed I’m trying to make my own vision of a Roussels Rust and Humus. Some say that an imitation is a highest form of flattery. Well, I’m a proof that this is true. While drawing the tree of Ea, and thinking about how it’s trunk eventually became the Moon, I realised that it is literally the rust and Humus. I’m copying without realising!
That is certainly no good. At least from my perspective. And from here on, I will search for a new way. While still having Roussel, or be it Moebius, or both Miyazakis, I’m starting my search for a CLEAR MIND. At the end I want to finally become a Cosmic Gardener, nurturing orchards of my own creation.
As always I need to think. I’m a very slow person in the field of those matters. I need to think, rearrange staff, again and again, maybe bake a couple of Pies. Working with the dough is always good. The only thing better is a walk from a forrest to the meadows,in pastures, somewhere in the end of July. Oh Wallonian Forrests – My love. There certainly should be a Forrest in a story I wish to create. Forrests are always good.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 months
See Soulmate Survey to see the trope done right.
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sirbobgaydolf · 1 year
I do wonder tho what issues I have.
My 2023 big crushes so far are, in chronological order,
-Kayvan Novak (44)
-Christian Slater (53)
-Serj Tankian (tbh always had a crush on him, it just reignited recently) (55)
Like, my dad is a lovely person, I swear
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I like the little things. They mean the most to me. The ‘I miss you’ text randomly through the day, the ‘I saw this and thought of you’ gift for when you see me next, the ‘I’ve been a little busy but I promise I’m gonna call you later and we can talk all night’ (even though you have an early af shift the next morning), that smile that’s only directed at me, FOR me. That noise of surprise when you realise Im not like those other girls. The fact that you have trust issues from your last relationship but you told me that you can’t help but want to talk to me. That playful banter we have ahhh I could go on for ages. I love it. I love it all
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heystephen · 1 year
can I confess something? shortly after the breakup one of the first things I thought to myself was “well, now she and Harry could give it another go”. Of course I’m not trying to imply anything and I wish them both the best. but you know … thoughts were thunk …
i will say they are a lot more compatible now than they were ten years ago in terms of like, seemingly wanting the same things, and the amount of exposure they both receive for every small thing tbh
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supremeprince-bensolo · 9 months
now i know ashoka had final lesson with anakin in wbw but let hope for ben solo return in the future
Now that the WBW has been established in live action theres so many storytelling possibilities!
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efteris · 1 year
I never considered labels to be like a strict ID of my sexuality or my gender identity.
I used labels to find people and experiences that were similar to mine. I still do.
I don't wanna get in a box, I don't care about the box. The point was to get out of the box I was put in by others.
That's why I like queer. For me it stands for ''out of the box'' and that's all I need.
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crescentdolts · 1 year
the that i like about tumblr is that i can easily escape to here. i feel like this is my safe area and sometimes i wish i was more into this media than stuff like twitter for example, it gets way too toxic there most of the time
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dreamofbecoming · 2 years
guess who’s updating their dormant wip after like 6 months!! ya boiiiiiiii
it’s jaskel trauma hours up in here
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actualaster · 2 years
RIP Aseliacon, 2012-2022.  Most fun con I’ve been to, being such a small-scale thing.  Glad it lasted as long as it did, it had a good run.
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naes-dairy · 3 months
what if I killed myself, huh?!
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 4 months
I really think Taylor and Travis are endgame
There’s something really different and special about this relationship, that’s for sure.
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maxthecreeper · 4 months
I must rediscover who I am without her. It’s been so long since she wasn’t such a big part of me. Not that she’ll ever not be.. but I have to process and heal and grow as my own person .
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