#who made a comment about how uncomfortable my girls masks must be
"Oh my god! No you never!" Emily's laughter echoed around the empty house. " No Jax, I call bullshit!" She struggled to get the words out in between giggles. A red faced Jax was a sight for sure. He was never the type to get embarrassed, not easily anyway. But he could feel the warm glow on his cheeks as he told Emily the story of him falling victim to one of Opies pranks. "No seriously! I had to walk back from the lake Naked Em! Fucker stole my clothes while I was swimming with a girl. Wouldn't have been as bad but I had to walk through town in the middle of the day! My mom wasn't impressed." That spurred on another round of laughter from Emily as she imagined a naked Jax strolling down Main Street. They sat curled up on either end of Emily's plush sofa. Both comfy under the fluffy blankets she kept within arms reach. The TV played in the back ground, a movie neither of them had paid attention to. Instead they sat and actually talked. About any thing and everything, childhood memories, family and what they want from life. Jax's kutte hung on the hook by the front door, his phone in the pocket, giving Emily his full attention. And for the first time in a long time Jax felt disconnected from the stress and worry of the club. It felt weird to say but being there with Emily, it felt homely. Safe. "So you know all about my disastrous love life. It's only fair I learn about yours." Emily smiled at Jax over the top of her mug of tea as she took a sip. He shifted against the side of the sofa, always uncomfortable at the mention of Tara, but she was right it was only fair. "That was a mess, to say the least. First love, high school sweethearts. Felt like I had to be with her every minute of every day or id lose my mind. She just took over everything ya know? Couldn't see myself with anyone else. But her and club never mixed. She just couldn't understand my connection to it. My future has always been laid out for me, I'm gonna be at the head of that table, with alot of men's lives in my hands one day. My responsibility to keep them safe, to make the right decisions and get them back to their families. My mom always said it was flawed from day one. Said Tara wasn't strong enough. And looking back she was right, she pulled me away every opportunity she got. She had bigger dreams. Wanted to be a successful doctor with a cookie cutter house and a white picket fence. But I couldn't give her that. And so came the ultimatum. Her or club." Jax's eyes never left Emily as she listened to him talk. The way her face twisted he could see she wanted to say something. "Did you ever consider it? Leaving club for her I mean?" Jax smiled at her. "Of course I did. Packed a bag and everything. But then I quickly realised that I couldn't go. Look, ever since I was a kid all I wanted was a Harley and a Kutte. If I left with her I would be giving that up. Plus, what the fuck was I gonna do? I'm an okay mechanic who barely got his GED. How the fuck was I meant to provide for us, or even think of starting a family? I'm not Noah. I won't sit on my arse and let my girl bust hers to pay for everything." Emily nodded as Jax spoke. She couldn't help but think how nice it was. To sit here and just talk, be open. " Sorry for that last comment. But you must get what I mean? What kind of man would I be if I can't provide for my own." Emily smiled as she placed her now empty cup on the coffee table. "Don't worry. I know i was stupid when it came to Noah. I only have myself to blame for letting him do me dirty like that. I didn't want to see what was infront of my face. Like I said before, love blind." Emily quickly brushed the comment away, not wanting to reveal the truth. The truth was ugly and painful, and she didn't want to admit it to anyone, let alone Jax Teller. Noah had broken her, but she wouldnt admit it to anyone. She wouldnt give him the satisfaction of knowing he made her weak. Anyone asked she was fine, like always. Emily was a pro at masking how she really felt.
Jax sat looking at Emily. He could tell she wasnt as okay as she was trying to make out. Nobody could be in a relationship for that long, go through a betrayal like that and just be fine. Jax's phone rang, cutting through the comfortable silence. "You should probably get that." Emily smiled as she grabbed their cups and headed into the kitchen to give him some privacy. Jax's eyes widened in suprise. Most girls would go moody at their time being cut short, or atleast wanted to listen into the call. Being privy to club information is only an old lady perk. While he took the call from Chibs, Emily quickly tidied her kitchen packing a to go box of the meatball subs she had made them earlier, along with some victoria sponge cake. Making sure they were wrapped good she quickly popped them in a bag as Jax appeared in the kitchen. "Im sorry, i've got to go. Club shit." Emily smiled at him and handed him the bag of food. "Its okay. I get it dont worry. I packed you some left overs from earlier. If it turns out to be a late night atleast you'll have some decent food." For the second time that night Jax's eyes widened in suprise. Taking care of people clearly came natural to her. "I had a really nice time tonight Em." Jax smiled at her as she followed behind him to the front door. "Me too." She pulled him in to a hug before opening her door for him. "Look Jax, i dont know what club business your going to deal with. Its not my place to know. But just be careful." He smirked at her concern as he leaned against her door frame. "Always am Babe." Rolling her eyes, but unable to wipe the smile from her face at the blatant flirting from the blonde adonis, Emily watched as Jax rode away on his Harley.
Butterflies still flew around her stomach long after Jax had gone, but she did her best to ignore them. He flirted with everyone. From what she knew about this town he had slept his way through most of it after Tara and never settled down. She would just be another notch on his bedpost if she gave in to the temptation. Another woman silly enough to swoon over THE Jaxon Teller.
Or would she?
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momomomma2 · 4 years
I’ve been 5′11 since I was in high school and built like a linebacker thanks to my father’s genetics. I do not look like I would be meek or shy. I have worn my mask every single time I have left the house for the past 4 months (before it had swept across Ohio because I knew it was coming and I have 2 immunocompromised individuals in my home), and my masks are designed so both my children and I can wear them. They have funny faces on them, basically giving me the look of an emoji. 
Do you know how often anti-mask people have started shit with me about it? Zero times. Because I do not fit their idea of someone who can be antagonized. All this bullshit about them trying to convince people to follow their rhetoric because they want to “save others from tyranny” is a pile of steaming horseshit. If it was true, as the primary person in my household who leaves for necessities, I would have a couple stories under my belt about run-ins with these morons. 
I. Do. Not. They harass people who they feel can be victimized. People they think won’t put up a fight. They’re the same bullies who picked on the loners in school because they knew they had a better chance at winning. 
I’m going to give everyone who might encounter these assholes the same advice I give my very petite children, who look like I must’ve somehow adopted them given their blonde hair, blue eyes, and thin build. You do not have to be nice. You can scream, fuss, cause a scene. Because polite people can be taken advantage of far too easily. 
There is no such thing as being nice to someone who wants to beat you down. 
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Burn The Witch 18 - Sleepless Night [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback my loves ! ❤ Here’s the next chapter, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, fake dating, mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language, guns, knives.
Summary: Midnight texts make things complicated.
Series Masterlist
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Everything considered, maybe you shouldn’t have barged in guns blazing to your fake boyfriend’s mission.
Especially because the said fake boyfriend thought you were a sweet civilian but as long as you kept your ski mask on, you figured you would be fine.
Even if it felt a lot like pushing your luck.
“What the hell are you doing here?” he asked and you looked around the hall to check whether there was anyone else, then shrugged your shoulders.
“I was in the area,” you said, “So, who else are we killing?”
“We’re not killing.”
“Speak for yourself, I just killed that guy over there.” You pointed over your shoulder “Killed him hard. HYDRA?”
“Aren’t you a sniper?”
“I can be whoever you want me to be,” you said with a grin and Bucky blinked a couple of times, shifting his weight.
“Why aren’t you on some rooftop if you’re a sniper?”
“Change of scenery. How do you know my alias?”
“Why would you help me?”
“I’m a nice person—“ you started but as soon as you saw someone lunging out of the shadows you pointed your gun and pulled the trigger, sending the guy to the ground.
“Most of the time,” you completed your sentence and Bucky raised his brows.
“You’re still taken?” you asked and he stared at you as if he was at loss for words, then pulled himself together and walked past you.
“Oh come on, I just saved your ass.”
“I had it under control.”
“No you didn’t,” you rushed to catch up with him, “And you didn’t answer my question. You still got a girl at home?”
“Why do you want to know?”
“I’m just curious. Is she pretty?”
“Do you always flirt with people you don’t know?”
You opened your mouth to retort but before you could, you heard a voice behind you.
“Buck, what the hell man?”
You looked over your shoulder to see Sam gawking at you and Bucky cleared his throat.
“Um….Sam, Shrike.”
“Okay, what is she doing here?”
“Beats me.”
“I was around,” you answered helpfully, “So who are we killing?”
“We’re not killing!” Bucky and Sam said at the same time and you held up your hands.
“Jesus, fine. Who are we maiming?”
“Did you tell her—“
“I didn’t tell her anything.” Bucky cut him off, looking uncomfortable for some reason. You hummed, clicking your tongue.
“I’m just here to help.”
“Why?” Sam asked and you shrugged your shoulders.
“I’m a huge fan?”
“Try again.”
“I’m hoping he’ll get with me.” You pointed at Bucky with your thumb, making him shake his head. Sam raised his brows, a grin pulling at his lips.
“Oh is that right?”
“Don’t.” Bucky said while you heaved a sigh.
“Listen guys, not that I don’t enjoy this but this is basically a HYDRA building, so you might want to make it fast, whatever it is you’re doing.”
“Can you wait at the door while I get—the thing?” Sam asked Bucky and he nodded.
“I didn’t say you could come.” Bucky said and you scoffed.
“I gotta tell you, I was hoping you would say that to me in a completely different context.”
Sam let out a chuckle, “Oh she’s good.”
“I don’t even want to know what you’re trying to get, okay?” you asked, “I just want to make sure no one dies.”
“Because you’re a nice person?” Bucky asked, his voice full of doubt and you thought for a moment.
“Eh, I have my reasons.”
“But she has a point, we need to make it fast.” Sam said, “Let’s go.”
“Seriously?!” Bucky groaned but rushed after him with you following his lead. After you all reached the end of the hall, Sam kicked the door open and you quickly peeked inside to see a computer in the middle of the office.
They were after some sort of a file.
“Don’t let anyone in,” Sam said and closed the door behind him. You leaned your back to the wall, flipping a knife in your hand and Bucky stole a look at you.
“Why Shrike?”
You turned your head, “Hm?”
“Why do they call you Shrike?”
You clicked your tongue, “Oh you wouldn’t get it,” you said and he tilted his head.
“Try me,” he said, “Looks like we’ll be here for a while.”
I kicked a target out of the window and he fell on top of a steel spike from a construction site.
“I like knives better than guns,” you lied and Bucky scoffed.
“You’re a sniper.”
“So were you, but look me in the eye and tell me you don’t have a favorite knife.”
“I can’t look you in the eye, your mask has goggles,” Bucky retorted, making you smile.
“My turn,” you said, “Is your girlfriend pretty?”
“The prettiest,” Bucky said without even hesitation and you had to hold back your aww.
“Does that mean I don’t have a shot?”
“That’s exactly what it means.”
“Maybe I’m prettier,” you taunted and he shook his head.
You couldn’t help the smile on your face under the mask, “Loyal type, aren’t you?”
“Not a cheater at least.”
You heaved a dramatic sigh, “Well that’s a shame,” you said, “Lucky girl.”
“Nah, I’m the lucky one.”
“Maybe I should—“ you started but stopped talking when you saw a shadow by the hall.
“I call dibs,” you said before Bucky could even object, then grabbed and pulled the figure around the corner. He almost punched you but you dodged it, sending him back with a kick on the chest.
“No killing,” Bucky called out calmly and you groaned, dodging another punch as you did a backflip, then grabbed your opponent by the hair and slammed his head in the wall, making him pass out.
“Don’t be so vanilla, Barnes.” You commented as you made your way back to him, and tilted your head when you saw the way he was looking at you, almost—
No it wasn’t it, it was something else.
“Huh?” he asked, then tried to pull himself together, “Wh— I’m not even going to ask.”
“I’m just saying, there’s nothing wrong with liking it a little rough,” you grinned, “On the missions, that is.”
He scoffed a laugh, shaking his head.
“You can kill someone and flirt with someone else within minutes?”
“What can I say, I’m the whole package,” you stated, “I mean, not that it works on you, Mr I’m-in-a-relationship. So are you in love then?”
“Forgive me if I don’t want to share any details of my relationship with a homicidal maniac who apparently has a thing for bad pick-up lines.”
“How rude,” you pouted, “I think they’re really good pick-up lines.”
You could see the way he was trying to suppress a smile and you flipped the knife in your hand again, his eyes automatically following your movements.
“You won’t take off that mask, will you?” he asked after a beat and you shook your head.
“Trust me, you wouldn’t like the consequences if you saw my face.”
“Will you tell me who you work for?”
“Nope,” you said, “I don’t want to end up dead. My superiors have a strange idea of discipline.”
“Why are you helping us?” he asked again but before you could come up with an excuse, the door opened.
“It’s done, let’s go.” Sam said and you pushed yourself off the wall.
“We should do this again sometime,” you said and nodded at Sam “Captain.”
Sam smiled slightly. “Thanks for the help.”
“No problem,” you said and turned to look at Bucky.
“Until next time, soldier,” you said and walked away from them, smirking to yourself.
So maybe that was a heat of the moment decision, and maybe Chloe was going to kill you if she ever found out about what had happened but good news was that your cover wasn’t blown.
And Bucky was fine.
You turned the vacuum cleaner off, wiping at your brow and put your hands on your hips, looking around the apartment.
“What the hell are you doing?”
You let out a squeal and turned around to see Keith standing by the doorframe.
“Keith, what the fuck?!”
“What are you doing?”
“How did you get in?”
“I’m a spy. I heard vacuum cleaner and I thought someone broke into your apartment, so I had to check.”
“You thought someone broke into my apartment to clean it?”
“Someone’s gotta,” he commented, making you glare at him before you unplugged the vacuum cleaner. “I’ve literally never seen you clean, what is happening?”
You flung yourself on the couch so that he could sit beside you. “No wonder I don’t do this shit, it’s boring.”
“But why are you doing it?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “I’ll invite Bucky over.”
“So what?”
“I can’t have the apartment look like this,” you motioned around, “The guy grew up in the…. Everyone’s apartment must be spotless era.”
“He’s been here before though—“ Keith started but then covered his mouth, “Oh shit, now I get it. You’re gonna jump on his bones.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “Not even a word, Keith.”
“I have lots of words,” he said, “Number one, you do realize guys don’t care about the apartment, right? I have never once gone to a girl’s apartment and walked out because she hadn’t vacuumed the place.”
“Also, if you’re trying to go all wife material—“
“Shut the fuck up, I’m not.”
“I’d like to remind you that it’s a fake relationship,” he grinned, “Are you going to dress up like a Stepford Wife too?”
“I hate the day I decided to become your friend.”
“You love me,” he shot back and you slipped a little on the couch, “But hey, do you actually want to?”
“Want to do what?”
“To sleep with him?” he asked, “Or is it just the mission?”
You tried to keep your expression stable, excitement filling you at the thought of sleeping with Bucky.
Oh God, you felt like a lovesick girl instead of a serious spy.
“It’ll help the mission,” you lied through your teeth, “That’s all I’m focused on right now.”
“Aren’t you a little curious about how the most ruthless assassin of the century is in bed though?”
You let a grin pull at your lips, “Maybe?”
“Ha! I knew it!” he said triumphantly, “So how detailed will your report be, exactly? Asking for a friend.”
You threw a pillow at him, “You’re terrible.”
“Mm hm,” he checked his watch, “Ugh, I gotta go to base. But if I don’t see you before tonight, just…”
“I don’t want any gross advice, Keith.”
“Remember,” he said, “You have a cover to maintain.”
You pulled your brows together, “What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means your cover probably likes missionary and soul gazing and stuff in bed. Complete opposite of you, so don’t be like yourself.”
“How do you even-?”
“I have it on good authority that you like knife play, Y/N,” he said, making your jaw drop, “And your cover is a sweet small town girl.”
“Did you talk to Julian?!” you exclaimed and he made a face.
“No,” he said, “You have a knife collection, you idiot. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.”
“Bullshit, who told you—“
“Ryan,” he said, “The agent you slept with and dumped, before Julian.”
“He was boring.”
“It’s beyond me why you thought it was a good idea to sleep with him,” he shook his head, “Anyways, I’m out.”
“Why do you have to go to the base, exactly?”
“I have to brief the General,” he said as he walked to the door, “I was supposed to do that yesterday but he was busy with Julian. I think those two are planning something.”
You frowned, deep in thought.
“Tell Chloe I said hi!” you called out and he saluted you, then left your apartment. You pursed your lips and stood up, looking around.
“I should probably dust the place,” you mumbled to yourself, “Where the fuck do I get one of those feather dusters?”
Unfortunately, Tara needed you to cover her shift that day so you had to change plans. Normally you were supposed to meet Bucky for your date, but when Tara told you there was an emergency, you couldn’t say no to her.
Keeping yourself busy at work, even if it was just a cover, helped you to get your mind off the nervousness you were feeling about tonight.
You had never been this nervous before, which came as a shock for you. Bucky was just a target, and you knew better than anyone how to manipulate targets but—
You really, really wanted this. Regardless of it being a part of the mission or not.
So you had just finished with the inventory and closed the cash register when the wind bell chimed by the door and you turned your head, a big smile lighting up your face.
“Hi!” you rushed to throw yourself into Bucky’s arms and he caught you, lifting you a little to kiss you on the lips.
“Hi darling.”
“I’m almost done.”
“No worries, I can wait,” he said and you went behind the counter to hurriedly place the jars on the shelves so that when Tara came back tomorrow morning they would be all ready.
“Sorry about falling asleep last night,” you said, an image of you killing that HYDRA agent in front of Bucky flashing in your mind, “Did you stay up late?”
“Just a little,” he said and you bit down on a smile, he really wasn’t a good liar.
“Oh? What did you do after I went to sleep?”
He waved a hand in the air, as if looking for words, “Um—I—I was with Sam.”
“Sounds fun.”
He took a deep breath and cleared his throat.
“Actually I went on a mission,” he said after a beat and you turned to him, raising your brows.
“A dangerous one?”
“Not really,” he said, “But I wanted you to know, because…”
You stayed silent, waiting for him to continue.
“I don’t really know about the relationship rules so I figured honesty is the best way to go,” he said, making your heart skip a beat, “I think I accidentally flirted with someone last night.”
The words “No you didn’t.” were at the tip of your tongue but you managed to control yourself and tilted your head.
“…Oh,” you ended up saying, “With who?”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “Remember how I told you there was this spy I kept running into?”
You really needed to control your expression.
“I mean she flirted with me, I don’t actually think I flirted back but I wanted you to know just in case.”
You smiled slightly, “Bucky, it happens.”
He let out a relieved breath, “Okay,” he said, “Okay, good.”
“I mean as long as you don’t have a crush on her or anything.”
His hesitation lasted only for a second, maybe even less than that but it was there. Your heart skipped a beat and you frowned before he spoke.
“Of course not,” he said quickly, “Not at all, I don’t even know her.”
Was that possible? Could he be attracted to your real self as well as your cover?
Or maybe even more than your cover?
“Alright then,” you said with a smile, “I just don’t like competition.”
“There’s no competition, I promise,” he assured you and you shifted your weight, then placed the last jar on the shelf and turned to him.
“So then,” you said as you both left the shop and he threw an arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer. “Did you know she would be there?”
“I had no idea,” he said while you approached the motorcycle, “She ended up helping us but I don’t know what she’s playing at.”
“I think I have an idea what she’s playing at, if she flirted with you.”
Bucky chuckled and pressed a kiss on top of your head, then tilted your chin up.
“What? I’m pretty sure flirting existed back in the 40s, and you know what it means.”
“What happened to it happens again?” he asked you with a grin and you shot him a look, then grabbed the helmet from him.
The road to your place was pretty short, especially with the way Bucky was riding his motorcycle. Soon enough, he pulled over in front of the building and you tried to ignore how excited you were, it—
It was finally happening.
Who were you kidding? This had nothing to do with the mission, you really, really wanted him. Your heart felt like it would break your ribcage and you took a deep breath, then got off the motorcycle and placed the helmet in its place.
“So,” you said as he got off the motorcycle as well, then pulled you closer, “Any plans for tonight?”
“Any accidental meetings with hot spies?”
“Mmm, I don’t know any,” he taunted you, making you smile.
“Yeah? You sure?”
“Oh totally. Besides, I’m happily going steady with the prettiest dame in the world, remember?”
You thought you would melt right then and there, and stepped closer to him before standing up on your tiptoes.
“Right answer,” you muttered after kissing him on the lips, and tugged him by the hand. “Come on.”
“Where are we going?”
“Upstairs,” you said, leading him into the building and he followed you as if he was hypnotized. You grinned when you got to your door, adrenaline rushing through you and you opened the door, then pulled him inside by the shirt, locking lips with him. He easily lifted you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist as he kicked the door shut and you pulled back to giggle.
“Bedroom,” you pointed at the room at the end of the hall and he pulled you into a kiss, walking there, still carrying you. You let out a squeak when he dropped you to the bed but then sat up when the thought hit you.
“Oh God damn it—“ you pushed him slightly to get off the bed and he looked up at you as you stumbled to the drawer.
“Is everything okay?”
“More than okay,” you grabbed the lingerie set from the drawer, then turned to him, “Just— close your eyes and don’t go anywhere, alright?”
“…Okay but are you sure—“
“I’ll be back in a second,” you said, running to the bathroom with the lingerie set clutched in your arms and you let out a breath, looking yourself in the mirror.
Even your eyes were shiny with excitement.
You shook your head at yourself and quickly shed your clothes to get into the lingerie set. You tilted your head, checking the garter belts and the corset, then pressed a hand over your chest to calm yourself down and walked out of the bathroom.
“Are your eyes closed?” you asked with a smile as you got to the bedroom and he nodded, holding a hand over his eyes.
“Cross my heart.”
You let out a small laugh and pulled at your hand so that he could open his eyes. As soon as he did, he blinked up at you, his jaw slightly agape.
For a second, there was absolute silence in the room.
“Is this a good silence or a bad silence?” you asked, for the first time in your life you were insecure about how you looked half naked in front of a partner, “Because I’m—“
You didn’t get to finish your sentence when he grabbed you by the waist to get you under him, making you squeal.
“You’re perfect,” he breathed out and you pulled him into a kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck.
You had no idea why you woke up. In fact, considering how peaceful you felt, it was a wonder how you woke up in the middle of the night.
You could almost feel the warmth surrounding you as you leaned in to press a small kiss on his bare chest, then grabbed his shirt in the dark and put it on to walk to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Surprisingly he didn’t wake up, instead he mumbled something under his breath, his dog tags shining under dim light coming from outside.
You felt like you could lie there and just lose yourself in the bliss, and the mission— no, everything else could wait.
You pushed your hair behind your ear after putting your phone on the counter, then you went to the sink to fill yourself a glass of water, and finished it in three big gulps, a smile which was impossible to stop pulling at your lips.
No one, target or a boyfriend, had ever made you feel this way.
Maybe you could just tell him. After tonight, after absolute happiness, you could just tell him and maybe he would understand, maybe you two could have a future, maybe—
Your phone vibrated on the counter, interrupting your thoughts and you frowned slightly, then touched the screen to open the text.
From: Julian
We may have found something. Good thing you didn’t get too attached.
The smile was wiped off of your lips in a second and your stomach dropped as you stared at the text message.
Chapter 19
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murphslass · 3 years
Nervous Much?
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Pt.2 >> Pt.3 >>> Pt.4
Warnings: teasing, flirting, jealousy, fluff, plus sized!reader, slight angst
GIF Creds: @londoncapsule
Being someone on the heavier side always made you feel different. Either all eyes were on you or not even in your direction, especially when it came to men. You had been craving some sort of attention from guys but no one ever gave you time. Except weirdos who were more interested in you as an experience or just a chubby chaser. It was seriously so degrading and annoying.
You currently worked at a bar serving drinks and had a massive crush on the bartender Negan. He was gorgeous and such a charmer. He put the flirt mode on everytime he saw you or any other woman. So you always never took his words seriously whenever he would sweet talk you.
Saturday night was really busy like always, drunk frat boys and annoying girls all thirsty. These nights tired you out the most when going back and forth from the bar to tables. Drinks were super heavy and orders were growing complicated. Your break couldn’t come any sooner as one of the bartenders told you it was time. You silently thanked goodness as you placed your tray down. Going towards the back of the bar you stood outside and cursed under your breath.
“Fuck me…”
“Well don’t mind if I do sweet lips.”
You jumped at the voice and saw Negan smoking on the bench. You felt yourself getting flustered at his comment but remained calm on the outside.
“Sorry, didn’t know anyone else was out here.”
“Don’t apologize. I could use a beautiful gal’s company.”
You let out a giggle as moves to make room on the bench for you. Your feet felt instant relief as you sat down after hours of serving.
“Damn babygirl, you seem all worn out. They murdering you in there?”
“You have no idea. But I guess you’ll find out once you finish your cigarette.”
He chuckles as he takes a drag. Your eyes couldn’t help but wander to his pursed lips and how they parted to blow out the toxic smoke.
“See something you like babe?”
You say quickly and turn away from him. Suddenly you felt anxious as Negan moved close and brought his arm to rest behind your shoulders.
“Wow. You must be so fucking on edge. You like me that much that I just get you all flustered in shit. Gotta say that shit is refreshing and adorable!”
He laughed loudly as you fiddled with your tank top and tried to look at his face. But you couldn’t help that remaining in eye contact made you feel tingly. Especially with that smile and it made you want to smile. Slowly your lips curled and he seemed happy with myself.
“Oh shit! There’s that pretty smile I’ve been dying to see. Look at you, such a fucking treat.”
You laugh and feeling more relaxed as he made comments.
“I know you probably gotta go back in soon but before you do could I borrow your phone? I actually lost mine in my truck.”
“Sure. Let me help.”
Negan stood with you and put out the cigarette as you followed him to his car. He unlocked the doors and called himself on your phone. As you tried listening for his phone you saw him pull it out of his pocket.
“Oh silly me. It was on me, but hey look here. I got some cute girl’s phone number now.”
You couldn’t say much as he saved your number and show that he put you in his phone as “Sweetcakes🍑” It made you feel all warm inside and maybe even a but confident. But that could wait as you realize your break was over. Rushing back inside and continuing labor for the drunks, you felt more at ease as Negan began his shift. He would look over towards you with a grin and made drinks.
After a few hours and growing close to closing up you saw a girl desperately flirting with Negan. She was the only few left in the building and it made you feel anger. The way he was looking at her and smiling at her made you feel sad. Was he really just pulling your strings for a quick fuck or was it just being nice. Gradually the last few left except the girl and you had to approach her.
“Excuse me ma’am. But were closed now.”
“I’m not done with my drink yet sweetie.”
“I can see that but it’s late and we all want to go home.”
“Fine then. Meet me outside you handsome devil.”
Your fingers gripped at your tray as you masked the jealousy you felt. She walked with an obvious sway in her hips and turned to wink at Negan.
“You can go Negan. I’ll clean up the bar and close up.”
“What makes you think I wanna leave?”
“Well your dates leaving isn’t she?”
“Oh please. I only flirt whenever I know the tip is gonna be huge. And boy did she tip.”
He said as held up the fifty dollars she left for his service. You still couldn’t shake the bad feeling she brought.
“Oh! I get it now. You’re jealous aren’t you?”
“I am not!”
You say as you wiped off the bar top with a damp rag. He giggled to himself as he dried glasses and watched you closely. The music played low in the background as you finish organizing everything. Negan followed and turned off all the lights, you both met the exit and locked the door. As you stepped out you wanted say something to Negan but that girl was outside waiting for him.
“Hey sexy. Wanna take me home?”
Negan cleary felt uncomfortable as she touched his arm and got a little too close. You were about to walk away before Negan took a hold on your wrist.
“Sorry. But my girlfriend and I are heading home. However, I did appreciate the tip.”
“Are fucking kidding me? You and this fucking whale?”
“Hey now, no need for disrespect missy.”
You felt nervous as he forcefully pulled you by the waist to toward his body.
“Ready to go home baby?”
Before you could answer he brought you into a deep heated kiss. You gasp against his lips and melted into him. Your concentration left as he held you so protectively and carefully. You let out a noise when he pulled away and you saw the girl stomp away. He laughed as walked you to your car and kept his hold on you. The courage you had left as you couldn’t face him after such a kiss.
“So can I expect another kiss?”
“From me?”
“Of course you sugar lips. Besides I hope you didn’t mind me calling mine. But if you like me as you perceive to, I think you’d like to be mine baby.”
You didn’t have much to say as you lean your back against your car with him standing next to you.
“How about this, I take you on a date. Dinner or a movie or whatever you’d like sweetcakes. That’s only if ya want to though.”
“That would be nice. But are you sure you’d want to? I mean look at me.”
“Fuck yes! I’ve been staring at you all night wanting to do all kinds of things, especially things go further than kissing.”
He says as moves hold your hand and look deeply in his eyes. Negan kisses your hand before stepping away but you stop him but grabbing his shirt.
“Yes honey.”
“Could we maybe kiss again?”
He smirks and gently pins you against your car before kissing you yet again. His lips taking dominance over you so quickly and you submitted under his hold. You stay like this for a few minutes and just enjoy the treatment. You then groan frustrated as your phone rang in your pocket. You pull away and see your roomate calling.
“You aren’t home yet so I just wanted to check on you.”
“Oh! I’m fine, just taking care of things.”
Your breath hitch as Negan kissed your neck and groped at your ass. You went to end the call fast and tugged at Negan’s hair to stop him.
“I gotta get going.”
“So soon?”
“Yeah I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. Just know I’ll be texting you and most definitely gonna stroke my cock to this very moment.”
You face grew red and yet he laughed at your nervous attitude. His lips kissed your cheek as he pulls away to his vehicle. You couldn’t believe it at first but now it all sank in, you got a boyfriend now.
Part 2 🤭🤭???
@ffakc @negans-attagirl @jonasdean02 @eddiesgirl @littlebadgirly @cosmilla @iluvneganandjamie @little-bad-girly @ohyoubetterbejokin @bratty-dolly @jdmsgal
196 notes · View notes
Tell Me What You’re Thinking (c.h)
Pairing: Calum Hood x Fem! Reader
Summary: You overhear something you shouldn’t hear. But Calum will make it right, won’t he?
Warnings: ANGST. Language (including insults), mentions of alcohol, drugs and cheating. MC with low self esteem. Some grammar mistakes (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word count: 4 k
Author’s Note: hi I’m back with the angsty shit. This is very self indulgent, and I put Mitchy as a bad guy here, so sorry if you like him? Reblogs, Commets, Feedback and likes are very welcomed and encouraged! I love to hear from you guys ❤️ hope you like it and Happy Reading ✨🦋🌻
My materialist // wanna be part of my tag list?
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You sighed as you finished your last paper. It was finals week and you were officially done with your exams and term papers for the semester. The last couple of weeks were rough and no one knew that more than you and your boyfriend Calum who has been by your side through this whole stressing process.
You smiled to yourself as you remembered the encouraging words that Calum often said to you. He knew how hard you worked in school and at your part time job in a law firm, and you appreciated how much he cared for you in times of stress and frustrations. Always cheering you up from the bleechers as you made a name for yourself.
Calum promised that once you were done with school for the semester, he was going to take you out on a well deserved Holiday, just the two of you and Duke as you celebrated another six months worth of work done. Everything was already planned for the next weekend and you couldn’t wait.
You reread your final essay one more time and decided that it was enough for today and if there were any mistakes left, then you’ll deal with them tomorrow. Now the only thing in your mind was a cozy blanket and a feel good movie. But first, you needed to get some food and drinks for your mini celebratory self care session.
The thought of asking Calum to come join you crossed your mind, but you quickly remembered that tonight was boys night. Every couple of weeks Calum and his friends have a little night out to catch up and decompress all of the stress of the week. Tonight was Calum’s turn to host boys night as they decided to have a quiet night in, so they must be having a good time downstairs and you didn’t want to ruin the mood.
With that thought in mind, you carefully placed your laptop on Calum’s side of the bed and carefully untangled your legs from under the covers so you wouldn't wake up Duke, who snuggled with you every time you had to work to keep you company. You put on one of Calum’s hoodies and headed downstairs trying your best to not make any sound.
Before you even reached the last step of the stairs, you could already hear your boyfriend’s laugh and it made your heart flutter. Even after almost three years of being together, his laugh still gives you butterflies every time you hear it, falling even more in love than what is possible.
Once you were in the kitchen, you started looking into the cupboards as you searched for your favorite snacks, but in the end you were unable to find any, thinking that maybe Calum has hidden them somewhere on the top shelves where he knows you can’t reach.
Letting out a small huff, you debated with yourself the option of climbing up the counter or admitting defeat and go ask your boyfriend for some help. Luckily, you didn’t have to decide as you heard a familiar voice behind you.
“Well, if it isn’t my favorite scholar” Said Ashton with a light chuckle “What are you doing here? I thought you’d be out tonight since it’s boys night”
You smiled as you let him wrap his arms around you to give you a hug. Ashton was the first friend you made when you moved to LA a couple of years back, he was the one who introduced you to Calum in the first place, and you were very thankful for having him as a best friend.
“I had to finish up some term papers, so I had to reschedule my girl’s night for tomorrow” You explained to the black haired man “And what are you doing here? Need a refill?” You ask, pointing to the empty glass he was holding.
Ashton nodded, “Yeah, but I also needed a time out. Mitchy is kinda being very obnoxious today” He said with a sigh.
Mitchy Collins was a close friend with the boys for many years now, but you can’t say that he is a friend of yours. It’s not like you haven’t tried to befriend the singer, on the contrary, you both had multiple chances to get to know each other but he either ignored you or made things very awkward between you. And, to be honest, you were not that excited to become his friend either. There was something weird about him, a bad vibe per se, that made you not trust him at all. He was always very loud, obnoxious and downright rude sometimes and it made you very uncomfortable. Both Calum and Ashton knew about your uneasiness with Mitchy, so they didn’t push it too far and you were thankful for that.
“Oh?” You asked, trying to mask your discomfort “What is he saying this time?”
“Just a bunch of bullshit, to be honest. He is very high right now and thinks he’s above everyone else” Ashton said, taking a seat on one of the kitchen island stools. You did the same as you offered him a glass of water.
“Are you high right now?” You chuckled.
“Nope. Calum and I decided to stay clean tonight cause tomorrow we start early in the studio and the weed kinda messes up our pipes” He explains.
“What about Luke and Mikey?”
“They are not here yet, they said they needed to finish up something for a song and then they will meet us here” Ashton shrugged, not giving it too much importance “And what about you, darling? How was your day?”
You began to tell Ashton about how you finally finished the semester and how excited you were for your little getaway with Calum next week. However, every couple of minutes you were interrupted by a loud laugh or an obnoxious comment coming from the living room where the rest of the boys were sitting. Sometimes their loud comments started loud conversations that neither of you could help but overhear, but you did your best to ignore them. But some things are easier said than done.
“I’m telling you man! You can do so much better” You heard Mitchy’s voice echoing through the house, followed by a chuckle from Calum who mumbled something among the lines of “Fuck off”
You furrowed your eyebrows as you stopped the conversation you had with Ashton in order to pay attention to what was being said down the hall. You looked at Ash with a confused face, wondering what they could be saying but at the same time not knowing if you should continue listening to their private affairs. You were about to open up your mouth to continue what you were saying until another comment made by Mitchy caught your attention.
“You have to admit she is the worst sometimes. All she does is boss you around like you are some kind of puppet. She is the definition of annoying”
You sat up straight as you looked at Ashton, who mirrored your puzzled expression.
“Is- is he talking about me?” You asked in a whisper.
Ashton shook his head “I don’t thi-”
“I swear! What does she even do besides work and study all the time? She barely has time for you. You said it yourself! And when she’s not doing any of those things? She’s nagging around and clinging to you like you’re a damn purse! That’s who Y/N is”
You froze in the spot. So they were talking about you… and did Calum really say you don’t have time for him? You don’t even get time to yourself and he knows that! He said he was okay with it, that he understood and supported you through and through… Guess not.
“I still don’t know what you saw in her, dude. She’s just plain boring, playing to be a good girl when in reality she has zero personality” He continued his rant “She does nothing for you! Honestly! I’m surprised you made it this far with that bitch”
You knew that wasn’t true. He never really made an effort to get to know you! how could he be saying all those stuff? You did everything for Calum, all your goals, your plans are for the both of you. How could he know that if he never really talked to you? But you had to admit that that first comment really hurt. You were always doubting yourself at the beginning of your relationship with Calum, always feeling like you weren’t good enough, or pretty enough, or smart or fun or hot… To fight off those kinds of feelings was a difficult job to say the least, but Calum was always there to fight them with you, reassuring you that he loved you. He loved every part of you and he will love you forever.
“Is she at least a decent fuck? Cause I don’t see her doing anything remotely interesting in bed” Mitchy laughed “If she’s not she’s just wasting your time”
You noticed how Ashton suddenly stiffened next to you when he heard Mitchy’s comments. His knuckles turned white as he gripped his fists at the side of his body “Okay, that’s enough” But you were quicker, grabbing onto his shirt as a sign to make him stay there with you and not cause a scene.
His eyes found yours and you could see the anger build up on them, you knew that he would defend you no matter what and you loved him for that. But you knew Calum would defend you over there, he wouldn't let him talk about you that way.
“Ash, please” You pleaded, tugging on his shirt for him to take a seat again. But he preferred to stay standing next to you, almost like guarding and shielding you from any other comment that might hurt your feelings.
“I can’t let him talk about you like that!” He hissed. But you just shook your head.
“I know, Ash. I know. But Cal will handle it” You said confidently, trying to keep yourself together.
You knew Calum would not let those comments slide. Even if you weren’t in the room with him, those comments were awful and very hurtful, no one deserves to be treated like that, especially by someone as close as a friend of his.
You waited for his intervention, but your heart crushed when the only thing you heard from him were laughs.
“She’s a good fuck” That’s all he said.
The grip you had on Ashton’s shirt suddenly flattered as you fought the lump in your throat “Y-you said he wasn’t high” You whispered to Ashton, who was just as frozen as you were after hearing his best mate’s comment.
“He’s not” He said, standing tall next to you. As much as he wanted to go in there and give the guys an earful, he knew you needed him here with you.
Out of all the things Mitchy has said, out of all the insults and belitments, that’s what he says? That you’re a good fuck?
You knew that you could be annoying sometimes when you got happy. You just wanted to share that happiness with everyone around you and you thought… you thought that Calum liked that. You were not a bad girlfriend, you always tried your best to make him as happy as he makes you; to love him as much as he loves you, cause he loves you. Doesn’t he?
If he loves you then why is he letting his friend say all of this stuff about you? Why is he not saying anything? Does- does he agree with him?
The tears started rolling silently, half of you not believing what you were hearing while the other half clang to the idea of Calum defending you at some point.
“Oh I know!” Said Mitchy after a while “I can introduce you to someone! Right now, actually. Her name’s Vanessa and she’s crazy hot, dude”
He can’t be serious.
Ashton looked at you with pleading, furious eyes. Almost begging you to go and let him deal with them. But you grabbed his hand and made him stay. This has to be it. This has to be the chance for Calum to say something.
“You’re kidding right?” The curly haired man asked. Making you let out a breath of relief.
“Not at all! Think about it. We go, you meet her, you fuck her and done!” He said like it was nothing “Y/N will never find out cause she’s stuck up her ass. Your fans will never know or they won’t care cause they don’t even know you are in a ”relationship” to begin with! You are single to their eyes. And you get a decent fuck from someone who looks the part and knows how to have fun! It’s a win - win!”
Your heart stopped as you waited for Calum to answer. To tell Mitchy to go fuck himself. To tell him that he loves you and would never do that to you.
“I don’t know, man. I’ll think about it” Calum shrugged “Plus, if we go out I’ll have to tell Y/N. She’s upstairs finishing some shit for her university”
“Fucking hell… see! I told you! A stuck up bitch” Mitchy said, making Calum laugh.
But their laughs and the rest of the conversation grew numb to your ears. Your body trembled as the tears came flooding in, holding in the sobs that were tearing up your throat. How could he? He was really thinking of cheating on you.
You could feel every little piece of your heart shattered as you search for some kind of leverage that could hold you still so you don’t fall and break. You felt ill, disgusted and heartbroken.
As you tried to get up, you felt your knees buckle and almost fell to the ground if it weren’t for Ashton holding you up. He was still there and you knew by the look in his eyes that he was not going anywhere.
He was just as disgusted and angry as you. He couldn’t believe all the things that were said tonight, all the things that Calum failed to make it right and hurt you in the process. He knew that if he were in that room that the conversation would’ve died the moment it started. He would never let them talk about you that way.
“I-I can’t-“ You cried, moments away from hyperventilating “I can’t stay here, Ash”
He nodded, pulling you into a hug and kissing the top of your head for reassurance “Go upstairs, love. Grab your stuff and we’re getting out of here. You’re staying with me tonight, okay?” Ashton let go of you and started walking towards the living room where the rest of the guys were still talking.
“Ash” You called, making him turn around “D-don’t make a scene, please”
He sighed as he muttered a quiet “okay” before turning around, leaving you alone as you went upstairs to grab the bare necessities to spend the night, you’ll figure out the rest later. Right now you just needed to get out of here.
You opened the bedroom door and almost collapsed at the entrance. Duke came running towards you, sensing that there was something wrong as he started to whine and tried to jump into your arms. That only made you cry harder as you realized that you were leaving him too. You fell to the floor and patted the puppy as he tried to wipe off your tears with his tongue, breaking your heart even more.
A loud voice cut you out of your thoughts. You could hear Ashton yelling, although you couldn’t exactly figure out what he was saying. This meant that Calum knew you heard everything and that, if he had at least some decency left in him, he would come and get you. You needed to act fast.
You stood up and grabbed the first big bag that you could find. Inside of it you threw your laptop, your books, your charger, some clothes and some bathroom essentials. You debated on whether or not to take with you a picture of you, Calum and Duke… it was your favorite memory with them. But the damage was stronger than the nostalgia, so you threw that picture to the ground before you left the room that once belonged to you.
You were running down the stairs when you passed Calum running up them. You ignored him as he stopped in his tracks and followed you to the hall.
“Y/N!” He said, desperate to try and stop you “Y/N, baby, please! Hear me out!”
“Hear what?! I already heard enough!” You said as you turned around.
Calum’s face was almost unrecognizable. The fear in his eyes, the desperation in his voice and his close off body language was not something you’d normally see in him. The “I fucked up” expression showed all the regret in the world, yet you didn’t seem to care at the moment.
“I. Heard. All of it, Calum” You cried through gritted teeth, anger boiling inside of you as you stared at the man you thought you’d marry “All of it and not once did I hear you say something to try and defend me. How do you think that made me feel?!”
“Baby-“ He tried, but you cut him off.
“I work my ass off all day and night for you, for us. For me to go and see you on tour like you ask me to, knowing damn well I would go to the ends of this fucking earth for you! Catching up extra classes and shifts so I can go with you. I cancel everything to be with you. I gave up everything for us to be together. I barely even have time for myself as I try my best to be something worthy of you!” Your tears were staining your face, but you pushed away the pain for a moment, knowing that once you break down it’s over “I try my best to be a good girlfriend, a good friend! I loved you with all my heart and this is what I get after almost three years? A good fuck? That 's it?”
Calum’s world fell to the floor as he tried hard to fight off the lump in his throat, whispering in a broken voice “Loved?”
“That’s all you get from it?” You ask defeated “Calum I would’ve never let my friends call you names, insult you or offend you in any way. I would’ve gone to the ends of the world for you, defended you till the day I die. All because I trusted you to do the same for me and you failed me, Calum. You broke me. You let him call me a bitch, a stuck up, worthless, stupid, bossy, annoying… should I go on? Cause those words are now printed in my memory, next to you agreeing to all of those things. Is that what you think of me?”
“Baby, I swear it’s not like that!” He said, grabbing your hand and trying to make you stay “I fucked up! I know! You are right, I failed you and you don’t know how much I hate myself for it! But please, love. You know I could never think of you like that… you are the most wonderful person there is! You are kind, smart, loving, beautiful-“
“Did you cheat on me?” You ask bluntly.
“Did you cheat on me?”
“No!” Calum said instantly “No, I would never!”
You nodded “Yet, you thought of it.”
Calum opened his mouth to say something, but you cut him off again “Is that why you never made our relationship public? So you could have a free pass whenever you want to? Cause I thought it was to protect our privacy, for us to have a normal life in the midst of the chaos that is to date a celebrity. When you told all of that I thought “wow, this is a guy with integrity and with values” Yet I don’t know what to believe now. I thought you loved me-“
“I do love you-“
“I thought you loved me” You said, the tears were already dry as the anger came flooding in “But you don’t hurt the people you love. You don’t break them like you did to me. You don’t let anyone hurt them, even if they are not in the room with you. And you don’t cheat on them like you were going to tonight with that girl Vanessa while I waited here like an idiot for you to come home and spend some time with me”
You pull your hand out of his grasp, holding onto your bag as you heard Calum cry “Y/N-“
“You are free to do whatever you want now, Calum. Cause to the eyes of your fans you are single, and I am as well”
You turned around and saw Ashton waiting by the door with his keys in his hand. He opened up the door for you as you walked by, ignoring all of Calum’s pleads for you to stay.
“So you are just going to leave?!” He yelled, not knowing what else to do. “Whe- Where are you taking her Ashton?”
The black haired man made sure that you were already sitting in his car before turning around to face his friend “I’m taking here with me and away from you cause that’s what she needs now. So don’t bother calling or showing up cause you are not welcome right now. And don’t even try to call Luke or Michael cause they already know and we won’t support you on this” Ashton said as calm as he could. He already told him off, but the anger of seeing you cry in front of him still resided in him.
“I- I love her , Ash! You can’t just take her away from me. I’m her boyfriend!”
“Correction, you were her boyfriend. And I can take her away and I will cause she asked me to” He said taking an intimidating step closer to Calum “Cause while you were here talking trash about her behind her back, planning on how to cheat on her. I was back there, holding her while she broke down crying cause she couldn’t believe that her boyfriend didn’t stand up for her and let a fucking stranger insult her all night long! You weren’t there to see her eyes water or her lip tremble. You weren’t there when she begged me with tears in her eyes to not make a scene cause all she wanted to do was to get out of here. She is the most amazing person ever, she is a light in all of our lives and you extinguished her without a second thought. You might be my friend, but she is too and I love her and I will defend her no matter what, she doesn’t deserve this kind of crap you just showed to her. So don’t count on me to try and help you get her back, I won’t blame her if she doesn’t”
Calum felt small as Ashton walked away from him, closing the door with a bang and leaving him all alone in his big house. Well, almost.
“Dude, that was intense” Mitchy laughed as he placed a hand on Calum’s shoulder “So, wanna go now?”
A blind rage fell over Calum as he heard the mocking laughs of his so-called friend, acting like his life just didn’t fall apart in front of him.
Calum grabbed the singer by the neck of his shirt and pushed him forcefully against the wall “You are going to get out of my house and never come back. You hear me?!” He yelled to his face, almost letting out steam from his nostrils as he was sure he could kill him right now.
“Dude, what’s wrong with yo-“
Calum quickly grabbed a bottle from his nearby mini bar, suddenly gaining all the courage he should’ve had hours ago, and throwed it to Mitchy’s feet, making him jump “Get the fuck out!” He yelled, grabbing bottle after bottle, glass after glass and throwing them into the ground “OUT!”
Only when the last bottle was smashed into pieces did he realize he was completely alone.
And only then did he allow himself to cry for the loss of the love of his life, walking away from him and leaving him to pick up the pieces of two broken hearts.
part 2
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @talksoprettyjjx @mystic-232
698 notes · View notes
someonedm · 3 years
It was an inconvenience, really. Jane didn't want to be here, and neither did I. She had all her friends to be with, chatting and quacking about things I had nothing to do with. And I had... my alone time, I guess. Sweet, quiet, alone time.
But things didn't go out as planned. Jane got suspended, for being a bitch, and when school said she couldn't go to the field trip, she called her rich parents who got it all sorted out. But room arrangements were already made, which landed her right here, with me.
I suppose we both made the best out of it. She spent her time with her girls, while I had a blast going through social media. But, when bedtime finally arrived, we couldn't avoid it. We have to stay together in the same room.
She steps out of the shower, her wet hair dripping drops of water onto the floor. She turns to me with annoyance. "What are you looking at?"
I hadn't noticed I was staring at her until her remark, and it caught me off by surprise. "Oh. I just-yeah." I got in the shower. "Good thing you are finally washing, don't know if I could sleep with you stinking out the room." She said it so incidentally, not caring about if it'd hurt me or not. The kind of effort someone puts in a "congrats" message in a group chat.
Coming out of the shower, I find her still standing there, looking at her own reflection in the mirror. Seeing me, she swiftly turned to her toothbrush, trying to hide the self-absorbance this entails.
Her eyes, reflecting from the mirror, look tired. Her skin is dotted with little imperfections. Her mouth, which I was so used to see lie on a self-assured smirk, was curved down. She wasn't wearing any makeup, and we could both see her.
Perhaps she was thinking of another insult, perhaps she didn't mind my blank stare, but I noticed her relentlessness as she offered me a moisturizing cream. "You want some?"
"no, thanks."
She went back to her bed silently. She was no longer wearing her popular girl persona. We were both tired and just wanted to sleep.
After finishing my prep up, I too went back to my bed. I stretched my arm into my bag, fishing out a flask. I waved the flask in front of jane. "You want some?"
"Where'd you got this?" She laughed, reaching out her hand to take the flask.
"Stole it from my mom's cabin."
She gave it to me back. "Won't she be pissed at you?"
I gulped some of the scotch. "No way. She must've noticed it was gone as soon as I left. If she cared for me I would have heard from her way too long ago."
"Aaah." She yelped. "Sorry for asking".
"First time?" I asked with a full grin, unable to hide my satisfaction with the situation.
"You think?"
"You goody two shoes got yourself detained recently, so I don't know what to think."
"Hell nah. The first time was eighth grade. My ex's brother organized a party and snuck in booze. They said they would have got me with them, cause I looked a lot older than I was. I think that that sentence was why I took that first glass." She sighed, and I knew she has something weighing on her, but she stopped herself from speaking. "What about you?"
"My mom thinks that my first time was when she gave me, after he- after he- uhhh... yeah. It was a bad night for her, and she couldn't give any shit. I had to act like it was all new to me, as if I hadn't had one of those after other nights. I am not a great actress, but I did have a drunk and tired audience." I looked up to her, and noticed she too had a hard time looking in my eyes. "Forget about me. What about your party? Your ex??" I raised my eyebrows repeatedly, and it got a chuckle out of her.
"I'd rather not talk about him." She smiled, though it was a sad smile. "But since we are discussing firsts... well, me and Tyler. Homecoming party."
"Tyler, huh? never thought he was your type!"
"What do you think my type is?" she asked, intrigued by my statement.
"I thought you liked your boys strong and sassy. The kind of jock smart enough so you won't have to actually tutor him during your 'study sessions'. Not some theater student exchange kid!"
I laughed, but she didn't seem to like it. "Do you really think of me like that? That I'm that basic?"
I looked her in the eyes. Even after knowing how she looked without her makeup, she seemed so tired. The kind of tired that stems from frustration, rather than lack of sleep. Jane cared a lot about how people think of her, even if those people were outcasts like me. "If you want me to be sincere" she nodded. "Yes."
Her soft smile faded. "I guess I should go to sleep, then."
"Wait, I am sorry. Why don't you tell me about Tyler?"
"Okay, but, I can't promise to be awake to finish."
"Consider me an elephant. I am all ears." I gestured with my hands curved, extending my ears.
"He is smart, and funny, and kind - I thought he was kind. He helped me learn for history, and we actually did study, unlike what you were guessing. He said how he missed his friends at home, and I thought it was really sweet. I felt safe with him, that he cared for me. I think he did - I wasn't just a popular girl to achieve. He made it clear, romantic gesture after romantic gesture, and when homecoming came I offered him myself. And it was all great going forward, up until Christmas break. He finally had a chance to go back home and insisted I'd stay home with my family. He ghosted me all that time, including a week after he got back. Then he confronted me. Apparently, he was having a long-distance relationship with whom I thought was his ex, and they had sex when he came back for his visit. Said he loved me but that she won't let him be with me.
So I got a little basic, and invited one of the jocks to have rebound sex in his car. While his girlfriend was over."
I chuckled. "I am sorry. What you went through is terrible. But god damn is that a good way to get back at someone, you magnificent bastard."
"I am glad I am amusing you." I couldn't decipher the look on her face, resting for a split second, before turning back to gossip. "So, who's your first?"
"I had a first- yeah uh I definitely had one."
A malicious smile sneaked onto her face. "No, you didn't."
I held the palm of my hand at the back of my head and looked down in shame. "No, I didn't."
A familiar sense of vanity came from her. "Doesn't matter. Who'd you kissed?"
I wanted to lie, but instead, I hid my face in the palms of my hands, hiding from her glare. "I uh - I hadn't kissed anyone yet."
"Well, that's such a shame! I bet many boys like you. You just don't notice them, that's all."
This comment, coming from her, caught me off by surprise. I had anticipated some sassy, if not outright a bit mean remark. "Really? You think that? Cause you kinda sound like my mom."
I guess I shook her a bit too, cause the sass was quick to come. "I'm sure of it. You know how boys are - they lust after anyone they think they have a chance with."
"Ahh, there it is. Should I take it as a compliment?" I smiled softly. "Cause I'm not hurt."
Her eyes widened for a moment. "No I- I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it like that - Ugh, nevermind." She rubbed her eyes. It was late. "If you want me to, I can help you get any boy you'd like. Who you've got your eyes on?"
I was starting to feel uncomfortable, but I couldn't tell what about this innocent question was so jarring. "I don't know. I never thought about it."
She leaned forward on her bed. "Tell me your type, then, since we already talked about mine."
"You must guess first."
She looked me deep in the eyes, assesing how I looked. She then turned her head to the flask. I imagine she was going through what I've told her, trying to make a sense of me.
"You like shy artsy boys that keep to themselves. You get tired of the enthusiazm of other people, even if it's about things you like, so it's nice having someone who's more quiet, like you. But you also want him to be more emotional than you, cause if it was left up to you, you'd be scared of the relationship falling apart. Did I get it right?"
Her description felt off. It wasn't insulting or arrogant, and I couldn't tell what exactly was incorrect, but it felt wrong.
"I... I don't know." I knew what I wanted to say, and it made me anxious. I could feel the saliva getting stuck in my throat. "I like someone who's sarcastic and witty, and doesn't open up, so when they finally talk earnestly it feels like winning a prize. Someone who cares so much about how other people see them, that they take off their hand crafted mask just for you, and seeing them that way, they are only ever more beautiful."
My gaze drifted away from her as I spoke, and I couldn't bare to see how she had reacted.
"I am tired." Her voice finally broke the silence.
"Me too. I don't want to stop talking to you."
"Me too."
The vision of that flask felt burned in my memory as I thought about reaching out and taking another sip. I couldn't sleep, and perhaps more alcohol in my blood stream meant stopping to think. I couldn't stopped thinking, and it paralized me. Images ran in my mind, thoughts and ideas being intrusive, and I had no help in silencing them.
The steady rhythm of her breath calmed me down, but as I focused on it the intrusive thoughts only grew.
"Hey." Her voice was quite, almost a whisper.
"Can't sleep?" I answered, with the same crooked tone.
Her breath is still slow and calm, but I can feel my own heart pounding faster. I wonder if she can hear it beat from beyond my skin.
"When you talked about the type of person you like.
You weren't talking about a boy, right?"
I turned my head to face the wall, watching the creaks, trying to make them absorb my thoughts and visions. I knew she would hate me for it, and the thought of being honest made breathing almost impossible.
I listened the rumble of her bed sheets, and her light steps on the floor, and my squeaking bed as she set on its other edge. Tears filled my eyes and I swallowed the saliva down my throat.
"Was it about me?"
I rose up on my end of the bed, looking at her being the most difficult thing I have ever done. I couldn't see her clearly through my tears, but I knew she was absolutely beautiful.
She reached out her soft hands around the back of my head, leaning closer and kissing me.
I was surprised and uncomfortable but I loved every moment her tender lips touched mine.
I parted away, breathing heavily as I only now felt relieved. I sounded like a wailing baby, and I must have looked like one when I wiped off my tears that continued to come.
She sat there, holding herself. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable... I didn't..."
I braced her as hard as I could. We kissed again, now calm between each other's arms, trading our air between our body and stopping only when we had to. We cherished each other's beauty, finding comfort in each other's eyes.
She laid her head on my lap, and I caressed her hair. "I don't want to leave you."
"Me neither." I leaned in and kissed her forehead. "I want to hold you until dawn. But the bed is too small."
She woke up and went to bed, and it dawned on me how tired I am. As we both lay in our separate cushions, she lends her hand towards mine, and I hold hers.
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flippin-fins · 3 years
LadyNoir July 2021 Day 21: Roommates
Read on AO3
It made sense after they had revealed their identities to each other.
What better roommate than someone who had been your partner since you were 14?
Even if he had to push down his unreciprocated feelings, sharing an apartment with Marinettee (and all her fabric) had been an easy decision when he was old enough to move out of the mansion. Plus, having all of the kwamis were fun as roommates, even if the trouble all of them got into together could put Plagg to shame.
Adrien smiled as he watched Marinette beat Nino at yet another video game. Why Nino had thought he could beat Marinette at any of their video games was beyond Adrien’s comprehension.
Adrien pulled out his phone to check the time, not realizing how late it had gotten. Trying to figure out how to get Marinette’s attention, she was better at ending the night with minimal questions or lingering, Adrien missed Alya watching him.
“Nino, I think it’s time for us to head out,” Alya called to her boyfriend. “Maybe it’s time to accept that she’s just better than you.”
Nino scoffed, but set the controller on the coffee table as he stood up. Marinette joined him a moment later, extending her hand.
“Always a pleasure.”
“Yeah, yeah, but your winning streak can’t last forever.”
The room filled with laughter as Alya and Nino grabbed their things, Marinette pressing a tupperware of baked goods into her friend’s hands.
As the door closed, Adrien looked at his roommate. All he wanted was to wrap her up in his arms, leaving a kiss on the top of her head. Instead, he stepped towards their balcony.
“Ready for a race around the city, Bug?”
She turned, never one to turn down a competition. “So eager to lose?”
She transformed and was out the window before he could blink, and Adrien quickly changed into Chat Noir before chasing her with a laugh.
He let his muscle memory carry him along to rooftops, setting an easy pace. He’d let her win every race she wanted for the chance to see the smile on her face. He couldn’t make it look like he let her win (and often he struggled to keep pace with her), but tonight he was caught up in his thoughts.
When he’d first approached her to be his roommate, Adrien had been nervous. He didn’t want to overstep, didn’t want to scare her away. He knew there was someone else, and while his feelings hadn’t changed, he didn’t want Marinette to be too uncomfortable to be his friend.
But sometimes, sometimes being just roommates was hard. Hanging out with Alya and Nino, all he could think about was the potential for double dates. Cooking together in the kitchen, all he wanted was to hold her close and dance to the music filling the room. Their sleepy, late night conversations were something he treasured, more precious than late night patrols or when he used to meet Marinette on her balcony and see the stars.
Maybe he wanted more, but for now, this had to be enough. In the past, he’d made it clear where his feelings were his partner lay, and it felt wrong to push when she’d set that boundary.
Too soon, Chat landed on their favorite landmark, the twinkling lights of the Eiffel Tower glittering around them.
Ladybug turned to look at her partner, to gloat at her win, but one look at his face stopped her.
“Chat? Are you alright?” Ladybug asked, moving to step towards him.
Plastering a grin on his face, Chat looked up at her. “Of course, just a little caught up in the sights of the city tonight.” He wanted to add that she was his favorite sight, but that felt too far.
She sat down next to him, resting her head on his shoulder. Wrapping an arm around her, Chat Noir held her close, trying to ignore the distance he felt between them. Far below, he imagined the lovers strolling the city, couples that held no secrets, just kisses and held hands warming each other.
He tried to ignore how much he wanted to be one of them.
He turned towards Ladybug as he heard her hum, lost in thought. He squeezed her shoulder lightly, and felt her eyes on him.
He could question her thoughts, but knew she’d voice them when she was ready. Instead, she took his free hand in both of hers, playing with his fingers.
“Alya made a funny comment tonight.”
Chat frowned, trying to think of what could have been said, but nothing came to mind.
“When we were in school, in lycee, I wouldn’t have imagined it would end up like this. I mean, Alya and Nino being together still is no surprise, but for you, for the guy who sat in front of me to be my partner, the flirtatious Chat Noir,” he grumbled at that, but she pressed on. “For us to end up such close friends, to be roommates. I just think that 14 year old Marinette would be surprised.”
“Is it that surprising that we’re friends?” Chat tried to joke, to sweep the pieces of how her words broke his heart under a nearby rug.
“No no, it’s not that. It’s just, well,” he could feel her tense against his shoulder, and Chat resisted the urge to turn, to see the secrets hiding in her eyes.
He was sure she could hear his heart pounding, desperate to know more.
She took a deep breath before continuing, and it felt like the longest silence he’d ever experienced. “Did you know I had a crush on you back then?” Her voice was just a whisper, but if she hadn’t been leaning on him then Chat would have fallen off the beam. He must have stiffened, frozen by her words. “I mean, it’s not, don’t misunderstand. I didn’t agree to be roommates to be creepy, I mean I did want to be roommates but not like that I mean we’re friends and partners and it makes sense and if this is weird just tell me and I can move out and -”
“Marinette,” he whispered, cutting off her rambling.
She dropped his hand, sitting up, away from him.
It was amazing how fast his side grew cold, how quickly he missed her presence.
He twisted to look at her, to fully see her, even if her eyes were hidden by her eyelashes as she looked down at the city.
“Marinette,” he repeated, reaching out to brush a stray hair behind her ear. “Do you remember what I told you, well before we revealed our identities?”
Her eyebrow furrowed as she tried to figure out what he was talking about.
“I said that I loved you, whoever you were under the mask. I loved the superhero, and all I wanted was to know who she was, so that I could get the chance to love her too. But then this girl in my class started to capture my attention, so I would visit her balcony some nights, just for the chance to see her.” Ladybug tried to turn away, to hide the tears shining in her eyes, but he kept going. “Imagine my surprise when I discovered they were the same person.”
“But that was so long ago-”
“I told you I would wait until you were ready. Maybe I hoped being roommates would speed up the process.”
She whipped her head around to look at him, and Chat couldn’t tell if he was imagining the hope he saw in her eyes.
“Do you still?” She breathed, still speaking so softly, as if anyone could overhear them.
“Of course, I planned to wait my whole life if I had to.” Chat grinned, and he tried to ignore the cracks in his heart as he focused on her, on what she’d said. “Was I too late? Did you leave it behind at lycee?”
He startled as she jumped forward, wrapping her arms around him. “I have loved you since the day you handed me that umbrella in the rain, offering an apology I never deserved.”
Chat didn’t realize he was crying until a sob choked it’s way out.
“What does this mean for us? Now that you know my motives, does that change your decision on being my roommate?”
“Adrien, nothing could make me not want to be your roommate. I want to be your roommate as long as you’ll have me.”
He thought back to a joke that he’d heard Alya say, something that always made Marinette blush.
“Even if it includes three kids and a hamster?”
He heard her gasp, knowing exactly who he’d heard that from. She leaned back to look at him.
“Three kids and a hamster was always about you, so I’m in it especially if being roommates leads to that.”
Chat pulled her back into a hug, content with knowing the rest of his life was safe as long as she was in his arms.
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another-tmnt-writer · 4 years
You Fell From the Sky
Leonardo x Reader
Author: Admin Mo
Prompt: okay this'll sound real dumb bUT- this universe!reader meets bayverse boys? like maybe reader wakes up in the bayverse and is very aware about the turtles? i dunno it sounds confusing but maybe it's an interesting prompt?
Note: I love this concept. I’ve dipped my toes in the water before, but this time, I’m going all the way. Also, I know you didn’t specify a turtle, but I zoned it in on Leo. I can definitely write another if y’all want more because I’m obsessed with this idea. <3
Warnings: Some language…
Word Count: 1.9k
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“Okay, guys, don’t crowd her. I’m sure she’s gonna be disoriented, and-”
“Donnie, is the angel alright? It must have hurt, falling from heaven.”
“Get outta the way, Mikey. Go wash the pizza off your hands.”
“Could we give her some room, please?”
The voices echoed around in your head, which was pounding painfully. You opened your eyes and everything was blurry. You were just about positive you were hallucinating, because when your vision finally started to come into focus, you were surrounded by four very tall, very familiar mutant turtles.
“No fucking way…” you murmured, looking up at each of them. They were even more detailed and lifelike than they were in the movies. Which was to say, very lifelike.
“Not the reaction I expected, but I’ll take it.” Mikey smiled, shifting to present himself to you. “The name’s Michelangelo, but the ladies call me—”
“Mikey, yeah, I know.” You cut him off and he gaped at you, his blue eyes wide.
“Are ya psychic or something?” Raph asked. You stared at him for a long second. His muscles were impossibly large, his eyes just as green as you thought they’d be.
“N-No, not exactly. I…well, I’m pretty sure I’m from an alternate universe. Or something.” You looked at Donnie, who was furiously taking notes and way taller than you expected him to be, and then to Leo, whose arms were crossed, his clear blue eyes analyzing everything you said. “Because where I come from, you guys are fictional.”
“Woah. I did not expect that.” Mikey said, looking at Raph for some sort of reaction from his older brother. “Bro, did you—”
“Shut up for like two seconds.” Raph snapped, his attention turning to you. “Can you say that one more time?”
“You guys are fictional. When I was growing up, I watched your cartoons, collected action figures, read your comics…This is unreal.”
“Comic books?” Donnie inquired.
“Cartoons?!” Mikey’s eyes widened.
You nodded.
“So…you know everything about us?” Leo asked, a twinkle of amusement working its way into his icy gaze. He wasn’t quite convinced yet, but he had to admit you were convincing at the very least.
“I mean, not really. Kind of. Maybe?” You shrugged. “I know you have a bonsai in your room.”
You didn’t think it was possible for them to blush, but after that comment, Leo proved you wrong, chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck.
“Just about everything then, yeah.”
“So what happened, Donnie? Why am I here?”
Donnie straightened up when you addressed him by name. “Uh, well, I was trying to figure that out, actually. We were out on patrol and there was a bright flash in the sky and you fell from it.”
“Leo caught you even though I called dibs.” Mikey pouted.
“You saved my life.” You gasped and looked up at Leo. “Thank you.”
“I couldn’t just let you fall, ma’am.”
“(Y/N).” You introduced. “My name is (Y/N).”
“Well, (Y/N), I hope ya like the smell of sewer.” Raph chuckled. “If not, you’ll get used to it.”
The turtles spent the rest of the day asking you lots of questions about your world and the representations of them that were in it. You told them that the universe they were in was closest to a series of movies by Michael Bay, which, Raph and Mikey found exciting given their love of the Transformers movies.
Leo didn’t say much, but he was always in the room, listening. When night came, Donnie was the first to leave the room, retreating to work in his lab. Then Leo went to his room to sharpen his swords and water his bonsai. Raph went to sleep next, and Mikey stayed up the latest, playing Mariokart with you until pretty close to dawn. You’d almost forgotten that the boys usually slept during the day.
When you were out alone in the living room, Leo came into the room, holding a large knitted blanket and a pillow, a tentative look on his face.
“Hey.” He approached you quietly. “I figured you’d need these. It gets kind of cold down here.”
“Thanks, Leo.” You tucked your hair behind your ear. “I really appreciate you guys letting me crash here.”
“Don’t mention it. It’s the least we could do.” He shook the blanket out and draped it over your legs. “If you need anything, my room is over there.” He pointed back towards where he’d come from.
“Thank you.” You smiled. “I’m sure Donnie will figure this all out soon enough and then I’ll be out of your hair.”
“Well, you’re welcome to stay for as long as that takes.” Leo smiled and then added, “Good night.”
Once he was gone, you laid down on the couch and stared up into the darkness for a little while, thinking about the events of the day. You were stranded in the Bayverse. And…well, actually, you weren’t all that upset about it.
When you opened your eyes the next morning, you half expected it to all have been a dream. I mean, that was the only logical explanation, right? Well, then you took a look around at your surroundings and realized that it was three in the afternoon and you were in the lair instead of your bedroom.
Once you stretched and got your bearings, you got up and walked to the kitchen, where Splinter was pouring tea from a teapot.
“And you must be the girl who fell from the sky.”
You had to stop and admire him for a second. Master Splinter, the boys’ dad, a wealth of endless support and wisdom. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t looked up to him when you were young. Hell, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t look up to him now when you needed advice.
“It’s an honor to meet you, sir.” You were shaking. “I’m not sure if the boys told you where I’m from…”
“They have, yes.” He nodded. “Donatello told me of the alternate universe you came from.”
“You helped me through so much when I was growing up. You all did. It’s really surreal being here.”
Splinter smiled and stroked his beard, that wise twinkle in his eyes. “I’m glad you found your way to us, child. We’ll make your stay here as easy as possible.”
“Thank you.”
“(Y/N), I made eggs.” Leonardo’s voice from behind you scared the hell out of you.
You jumped and turned around, laughing as your racing heart slowed back down to normal.
“Sorry. Do you like eggs?”
“I do, yeah.” You chuckled. “Thank you, Leo.”
“Of course. They’re on the stove.”
“There’s cheese on the counter!!” Mikey added, already sitting at the table. “I saved you a chair over here, angelcakes.”
You had to admit, hearing him say that in person did make your heart flutter a little bit. You put some eggs and toast (with jam, provided by Donatello) on a plate, sprinkled some shredded cheddar on top and settled into the seat Mikey had saved, conveniently located between the youngest brother and the leader in blue.
“So every day, you guys wake up this late?” You asked, still a little bewildered that breakfast was at three in the afternoon.
“That’s just the downside of living in the shadows.” Raph shrugged. “But it ain’t so bad.”
“Right, of course. It’s just different than what I’m used to is all.”
“So what do you do, normally? Like, in your world, I mean.” Donatello asked. He didn’t have his notebook on hand, but you could tell he was taking mental notes.
“Well, I’m a student. I’m in college. I read comics and watch movies, and sometimes I write in my free time.”
“Comics about us?” Mikey raised an eyebrow, smiling knowingly.
Your cheeks burned red and you laughed. “Maaaaaaybe.”
Leo let out a little sigh and shook his head. “That’s still so weird to me.”
“Let me tell you, that’s a two way street.” You chuckled. Even thinking about it was still almost too weird to comprehend. You pulled out your phone, which still worked, fortunately, and went through your photos, scrolling all the way back to Halloween. You held it up to show them. “My roommates and I were you guys for Halloween.”
“And you were Leader Boy, huh?” Raph pointed out. “Noted.”
“I mean, yeah.” You didn’t think your face could get any more red.
“Wait, Leo’s your favorite?” Mikey pouted. “Aww…”
“I don’t think it’s fair to pick favorites. I like all of you guys for different reasons.”
“It’s alright if you admit you had a crush on Leo.” Raph whispered, cupping a hand around his mouth.
“Alright, alright, enough of that. She’s our guest. We’re not gonna grill her. She just got here.” Leo stepped in, a faint blush on his cheeks. He wasn’t sure why, but he couldn’t get the picture of you in a blue mask with little foam katanas out of his head.
“Right, there’s a two week minimum before we get to grill her.” Donnie added, grinning as he pushed his glasses up his nose.
“Aww, how considerate.” You laughed.
The rest of breakfast was pretty uneventful. You finished eating and then went out to the living room and settled onto the couch. Luckily, your backpack had made the trip over with you, so you had your laptop and some of your homework. Not that you could get online and get in touch with people from your universe, but at least you could get some writing done if you wanted to.
Leo wandered out, his muscular arms crossed over his chest, a soft look in his eyes. He hovered behind you for a few seconds before finally speaking. “Hey.”
Unaware that he had been there, you jumped. “Jesus! You guys are quiet, holy fuck.”
“Sorry about that.” He laughed, carefully sitting on the opposite end of the couch, giving you space, but still sitting close enough to make your heart flutter the teeniest bit. “And, uh, I’m sorry about them earlier. Raph specifically. I’m sorry if he made you uncomfortable or—”
“No, it’s fine. Really,” you said. “But thank you for checking. I appreciate it.”
“Of course.” He was quiet for a few moments before he asked. “Do you believe in fate?”
“Until yesterday, I’m not sure I did. But there’s gotta be something like that out there for me to end up here of all places.”
“For the record, I’m glad you ended up here, too.”
“Yeah.” He nodded. His blue, blue eyes met yours. “Is it selfish if I say I wouldn’t mind if you stuck around for a while?”
“Is it selfish if I agree?” You replied, causing him to laugh.
“Glad we’re on the same page, then.”
“Me too.” You smiled and just spent a few long moments admiring him. The movies truly didn’t do him justice. Honestly, it was the truth: you wouldn’t mind sticking around for a while. For a long while…
Part 2
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
A Dream Come True: Shigaraki x Dabi x Reader part 1/2
So my friend wrote this fic but she didn’t have anywhere to post it so we decided to share it here! All creds go to her 🤪
I’ll post part 2 tomorrow, which is when it gets spicyyyy
“Y/N I am leaving for the night. You know what to do and your paycheck is on the desk in my office.” 
And with those final words, a cheeky wink, and the slam of the back door, your boss stalked out of the empty bar. He wasn’t a bad person but a lousy boss and an even lousier business owner. Most of the liquor went into his morning, afternoon, or evening coffee sometimes forgoing the coffee altogether. You overheard some of the other workers in the area saying that this place was gonna go under pretty soon. Even without the boss’s nasty habit of drinking the alcohol, you’re are in a part of town that doesn’t attract many people. On a busy night you might have three or four people come in for a lonely drink. It was a lonely place and a lonely job but it was easy work and the boss always seemed to pay you more than what the job is worth. Just another poor business practice. 
Tonight had been the same as usual. You came into work at 6 and set up the bar for opening at 6:30. It wasn’t until 9:45 that another soul entered the bar. He was one of the usuals and it was nice having another human being to chat with while you fixed his drink. He made the routine comments about how you’re still young and shouldn't be working in a run down place like this, and you gave him the same answer as always that you were saving up to finish school, and that it was a fine job. When he left it was back to mindless wiping of surfaces and organizing the glasses and no one to talk to. It was 11:30 now and no one else had entered the bar, but that was normal. It was almost closing time now, and the boss never minded if you shut down 15 minutes early.  
You were locking up the liquor, back turned to the rest of the bar when two male voices came from the front door. That’s weird you didn’t hear the door. They seemed to be arguing, and one of them seemed to be in pain based on his frequent groans and strained voice. 
“Sorry we’re closing up for the night.” you yelled, continuing the shuffling of bottles. 
“And who in the hell are you?” 
You had heard that voice before, but that was insane, just a coincidence. However at that moment you felt an arm roughly grab around your waist and a strong lock around your wrists violently pushing them into your back. 
You were violently pushed around, body finally turned to see the man that wasn’t currently restraining you from behind. If this was some dumb cartoon your jaw would have touched the floor. What the hell was going on? All logical thought swept from your brain. How could this be? This man could not be standing in front of you. No you’re dreaming. You must be. You fell asleep at work and you’re dreaming. Okay. Okay. You just need to wake yourself up. Yeah that's it. You tried pinching yourself but you couldn’t move your hands out of the tight grip. The only unrestrained part of your body were your legs. You violently landed a kick to your left shin.
“FUCKING SHIT!!” Was that supposed to hurt that much in a dream? 
“If that was aimed at me, you’re pathetic” The deep voice behind you chuckled lightly at the self inflicted kick. You felt the reverberations of the low tone where your body was pressed against his. You knew that voice too! You looked down at the arm still gripping threateningly around your waist. Charred skin ran all the way down to the hand where a ring of staples held it to viable flesh.  Oh my god. This can’t be happening. You continued to violently kick yourself, closing your eyes tightly before opening them again, persistently trying to wake yourself up and make sense of this situation. 
“Hey. Hey. Hey quit squirming” You felt a leg separating your own, preventing you from further abuse to your shins. The arm around your waist tightened in support since your legs started to give out. 
“Crusty come help me out I think she’s gonna faint” 
When you opened your eyes, the lights of the bar were harsh against your blurry vision and foggy brain. 
“That was a weird dream. What time is it?” you wondered aloud, looking up for the clock on the wall.
“And she’s back, and this isn’t a dream sweetheart.” the deep voice sent a shock down your spine.
No way. Your eyes darted to the two men standing next to the bar. It was only then you realized you were slumped awkwardly in one of the leather chairs scattered throughout the room, ropes replacing the rough hands from earlier.
“Now as I asked you before? Who the hell are you?” This time it was the scratchy voice that shot at you. The familiar lanky form of Tomura Shigaraki was leaning against the bar, this time the edges of his frame curved into shadow and his height adding much more presence than what you could have imagined. 
“You… you’re Tomura Shigaraki” you stuttered in shock.
“I asked for your name girl, not mine. Now spit it out” He barked impatiently. 
“I-I-mm Y-yy-/N-nn” 
“What are you doing here?” He shot again. 
“I-I work here” Eyes darting between the two men you’ve studied so closely before, but always through a screen. This can’t be real. They can’t be real. It was rather ironic how defiant your mind was being to the presence of two men you had spent hours watching, reading, and fantasizing about but this was insane.  
“No you don’t.” Shigaraki’s voice becoming more and more impatient with your slow and stupid answers. 
“This bar has been closed for years.” Dabi stated flatly as though proving you’re lying. 
“I can’t believe this. This has to be a dream” you started mumbling to yourself quickly trying to understand how this was reality. 
“HEY! This isn’t a dream, you stupid girl! Now tell us why you're in our bar!” 
“You’re Tomura Shigaraki and you’re Dabi from My Hero Academia” you started calming down and succumbing to the fact that this was happening even if you were going crazy. Two villains from an anime you watch are standing in front of you seemingly real. 
“From wha–– oh nevermind. What’s your quirk?” Shigraki continued to shoot questions at you but none of his words could cut through the hurricane of questions storming through your brain. 
“How are you guys real? How are you guys here?”
“I am the one asking questions here. Now tell me what your quirk is?”  He said annoyedly, starting to scratch his neck.
“I don’t have a quirk. No one here does” 
“What are you talking about? Nearly everyone has a quirk.” Dabi questioned coldly. 
“This is the real world. There are no such things as quirks here.” You continued finally allowing yourself to come to the ludacris idea that this was in fact reality. 
“Very funny. Dabi what do you say we just kill her?” Shigaraki said with a sadistic grin evident behind the hand, taking a step closer to you. Dabi shrugged leaning against the bar, an air of unamusement lingering in his face. 
“WAIT...wait...What if I can prove to you that this is a different reality?” 
“Well go on then prove it” Shigraki teased continuing his advance on you. 
“You’re Tomura Shigaraki leader of the League of Villains ––” 
“Blah Blah everyone knows that” He said annoyed now looming over you, his deadly hands reaching out. 
 Closing your eyes and turning away from him, you continued to spurt out facts, waiting to be turned into ash. 
“Your real name is Tenko Shimura, the hand on your face you refer to as father, you…” 
SLAP! Your face stung but your body still seemed to be intact. When you dared to open your eyes,  Shigraki’s face was inches from yours, murderous crimson glaring at you from between the fingers of his mask. Pinned into the chair between his two arms gripping the armrests, you were trapped. 
“How do you know that?” He said through clenched teeth. 
“You’re a character from an anime I watch. I’ve watched you guys for months”
“Liar. You must have hacked us or stolen or….” You could tell he was trying to figure out how you knew information that isn’t in any record or known by anyone. 
“I promise. I didn’t do any of that. I am telling the truth.” you continued to plead. 
“What about me? Do you know shit about me?” Dabi didn’t seem to be convinced. 
“Ummm...Well I know your name is Touya Todoroki and you’re the oldest son of Endeavor and...
“You’re the son of Endeavor?” Shigaraki standing up and looking at him revolted. 
“Hey I didn’t say that. She did.” Dabi seemed pissed behind the flat face. 
“Okay but SHE seems to know everything about us so…” 
“Fine. What do we do then? Kill her?” Dabi asked.
“Fine by me.” Shigaraki shrugs. You stared helplessly as the blue haired man turned back to you still tied in the chair. 
“Wait! I know information about other people. I’ll tell you everything I know please” 
“Sorry, but I’ve made up my mind” 
The excitement was evident in his scratchy voice as he violently grabbed your face smushing your cheeks together uncomfortably. Shigaraki’s cold fingers dug into your skin, nails sharp and ragged. You could see his pointer finger still raised in your field of vision. You shut your eyes tightly as he slowly brought his pointer finger down to meet his others. You waited for something to happen. Were you already dead? Was it that simple? You opened an eye when you felt Shigaraki’s nails dig further into your skin. He was still standing in front of you with his hand still on your face, just as confused as you were on why you weren’t a pile of ash.
“I guess your quirks were erased when...” 
SLAP! Where his hand had laid flat moments before was now red and stinging as he landed his second blow to your face tonight. 
“Scar face any fire?” he shot, standing up straight again and turning towards Dabi.
“Nope. I am just as useless as you” Dabi returned. 
You could see the annoyance fuming in Shigaraki’s eyes as the realization that what you had been stating was true. He was currently stuck in a different dimension with no quirks. You let out a sigh of relief, glad that you didn’t have to be worried about being turned into ash by either men.
“Alright brat” Shigaraki hissed turning back to you. “ What were you saying about information?”
“Well like I said before. You two are characters in an anime in this universe, and that means I know just as much about other characters... I mean other people in your universe. Of course not everything but just what’s been released”
“An anime you say. What’s this show called?” 
“Um…” You hesitated knowing he wasn’t going to like the answer”
“Spit it out” 
 “My Hero Academia” 
“Tch. Of fucking course it’s about the heros.” He said the last word with such disdain that it oozed onto the floor. 
“Let me guess. All Might is the main character?”
“Well not exactly.”
“Then who the fuck is it?” 
“Well….Izuku Midoriya” 
“That annoying little green haired brat is the main character?! What makes him so special?” 
“Well that’s kind of a long story and the whole premise of the show” 
“Well we’ve got time, and we need to figure out how in the hell we got here and how the fuck we’re gonna get back, so keep talking” 
“Fine, but first untie me.” 
“What did you say?” Shigaraki questioned. A small chuckle came from Dabi who was now playing with the toothpicks you used in drinks, lazily moving them around with his hands, one already perched between his teeth. 
“I told you to untie me” You were gaining some confidence since you realized you had the upper hand. 
“There are no quirks here and I have no intent on trying to deceive you two, believe me I know what you’re capable of ” They could still harm you in many ways but you were a source of information and someone who understood their situation. 
“So if you would please untie me. I promise to help you” At this point you surmised that they had somehow been warped here by someone else’s quirk either in or after some kind of fight. Shigaraki had a growing bloodstain seeping through his jeans, and Dabi had some deep cuts and few staples loose. Dabi and Shigaraki looked at eachother deciding whether or not to trust me.
“Look” You said exasperatedly. You were starting to lose feeling in one of your legs that was pressed awkwardly underneath you, and your shoulders becoming sore from the awkward angle of your arms. “I don’t know how you are here or why it was me you happened to run into, but you need help and are you really gonna try and explain this situation to someone else?” 
“She’s right you know” Dabi said casually to Shigaraki who was obviously trying to come up with an excuse to hurt you. 
“Fine. Go utie her” 
With a heavy sigh Dabi slid off his stool dropping the toothpicks in his hand, the one still pursed between his lips moving idly as he chewed on it. He stalked over to you as Shigaraki sat on a stool at the bar from the growing pain in his leg. Dabi came up in front of you, and you couldn’t help but flush at how close he was. You thought back to the copious amounts of fanfic you’ve read as he reached around you to untie the rope. He was so close you could feel his breath on your neck and hear him chewing on the toothpick. He smelled of worn cologne with a musky yet slightly minty scent mixed with what you presume to be the scent of charred flesh. Once you were free and he was no longer in your personal space, you rubbed your wrists standing up trying to get blood flow back to your legs. 
“Thanks” you say casually to Dabi as he walks back over resuming his seat at the bar next to Shigaraki. He doesn’t respond. 
You start to walk towards the door at the side of the bar that leads to the boss’s office and the back room where you keep your stuff. 
“And where do you think you’re going?” Shigaraki asks sliding off his stool threateningly, but he nearly stumbles when he lands on his ill leg. 
“Don’t worry I am just going to grab my stuff” 
“Dabi go with her” 
“No. She’s not gonna go anywhere. Besides if this is anything like the bar then that room has no exit”
“Tch–” was Shigaraki’s only response. You take this as a concession and push open the door to the back room. When the door closes, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. 
Dabi and Shigaraki from MHA were real and standing in the room next door. And you were going to help them?! Did that make you technically a villain? How were you supposed to figure out how to get them back? Did you want them to go back? After all you had dreamt of scenarios similar to this many times. Maybe if you figured it out could you go with them? That thought alone was enough to make your simp dreams explode. What weeb gods had blessed you? 
Your brain was racing as you gathered your sweatshirt and bag. You popped quickly into the office attached to the back of the room to grab your paycheck. Like you suspected, he gave you a random bonus but you weren’t complaining. You stuffed it into your bag and walked back towards the bar. You took a deep breath before pushing open the door, half expecting to be met with an empty room, but there they were, talking in hushed tones. They immediately stopped when they heard you come back. 
“Are you going somewhere?” Shigaraki asked, noticing your bag as you pulled on your sweatshirt. 
“This place closed over 20 minutes ago and unless you want the other business owners around here to come poking around, since I always close on time, we should head out” 
“And where exactly are WE going?” Dabi asked boredly, staring off at the ceiling. 
“I live about six blocks from here. Think you can make it? I have first aid shit at my place” You directed the last part towards Shigaraki. 
“I will take that as a yes.” you said as you turned off the decorative lighting around the bar, and locked the register. You walked towards the front door and you heard the two men shuffle around to follow you. You open the door letting them walk out in front of you. Shutting off the main lights shrouding the bar into complete darkness cept the bright green exit sign above the door, you locked the bar door and turned to see Dabi and Shigaraki looking around at the buildings surrounding the bar. Shigaraki had stowed father into his pocket and Dabi popped up the collar of his jacket to try and obscure some of his scars. You also glanced around taking in the familiar scenery. You never really noticed how similar it was to the shots in MHA. Weird. 
Anyways you can think about that later. You started the route back to your house the two men trailing closely behind you whether it was for their own comfort or to make sure you didn’t try to bolt, you didn’t know but you felt much safer with these two with you. Normally you would walk quickly, key in hand, always crossing the street to whichever side had the most light, but tonight you didn’t worry too much about the potential danger lurking on the streets. All of them seemed miniscule to the two men behind you. 
You walked in complete silence for the majority of the time. You had so many questions but all of them could wait till you got home. I am sure they have just as many questions for you. You could hear Shigaraki grunt in pain every once in a while, walking becoming harder as time went on. You were about a block away coming up on the small 24 hour grocery/convenience store where you frequently bought snacks and food on your way home from work. 
“Hey I need to quickly grab some stuff. I don’t have much food at home. Are you guys hungry?” 
Neither responded. 
“Okay then.” Neither one objected as you turned into the small parking lot walking up to the store. They both followed you inside like two overgrown shadows. You grabbed a basket and started making your way through the isles grabbing essentials like milk and cheese. 
“Feel free to grab some stuff if it catches your eye. There’s Soba cups down that aisle and Shigaraki there’s chips and other snacks there too. I just need to grab something over here” you say pointing towards the other direction. Dabi and Shigaraki glance at each other and stalk off together. 
“You know it's getting rather annoying how she knows all this stuff about us” You catch Shigaraki telling Dabi as you turn to go grab all the other items you need. When you return they’re both there, bags of chips and soba cups in hand. It was rather cute how they stood there waiting for you to return. You walked up to the counter to check out and once Dabi and Shigaraki dropped their haul for you to pay, they walked outside to wait for you. 
“Good Morning Y/N” 
“Oh. Hey Thomas” you say to the cashier you’ve come to know over the many late night trips. He always amused himself by saying good morning whenever you came in after midnight. 
“Who were the two guys with you? They seem kinda rough. Is everything alright?” he finished scanning your items as you handed over your card. 
“Oh haha. Don’t worry they’re some family friends. They came to visit me while they’re passing through” 
“Oh alright then. Well I hope you have a good morning” He said with a cheery smile.
“Good morning” you returned, resistantly. You grabbed the bags of groceries and waved to Thomas, pushing the door open and stepping outside scanning for Dabi and Shigaraki. 
You spot them leaning against the side of the store watching some teens try and pick a redbox movie. 
“We only have a block to go,” you told them as they stood up straight to follow you.
“Woah!!! Jamie look that dude is dressed up as Dabi!” 
We turned to see one of the teens staring at Dabi. 
“Look at the guy next to him! That’s the best Shiggy I’ve seen” 
You had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from laughing. The look on Shigaraki’s face at a random teen calling him Shiggy was priceless. If only these kids knew. Dabi continued walking down the parking lot and Shigaraki looked like he was about to murder someone. 
“Hey do you think we could get a picture with you guys?” one of the teens asked walking towards Shigaraki. 
Oh no bad idea. 
“Hey guys. Not tonight. Sorry” You intervened quickly, shooting Shigaraki a look that said don’t do it. He seemed to understand because he started to walk towards where Dabi was waiting. 
“Aww man. Shigaraki’s my favorite character. Tell them amazing costumes.”  
“Will do” you said with a smile and turned to walk towards where the two men were waiting for you. 
The rest of the walk had an air of impatience as you all wanted to just get to your destination. You had finally made it to your apartment, unlocking the door and stepping inside. It was a fairly new building so the apartment was rather nice however it was one of the smallest models. There was only one bed and bath but the open concept living room and kitchen made it feel rather spacious. You walked into the kitchen putting away all the groceries as Dabi and Shigaraki looked around surveying your apartment. 
“Feel free to make yourselves at home. I’ll grab my first aid stuff. There’s food and drink in the kitchen”
You walked down the hall to your room kicking off your shoes and taking off your sweatshirt. You grabbed the rather large first aid kit from the bathroom and brought it back into the main room. Both Dabi and Shigaraki had shed their jackets and seemed to have found some left over beers in your fridge. Dabi was sitting on the kitchen counter and Shigaraki was sitting at the dining room table, prodding at the wound on his leg. 
“Don’t touch it. That's only gonna make it worse” you told him. 
“Oh shut up. Don’t tell me what to do” he hissed.
“Fine I guess I’ll fix Dabi up first” 
Shigaraki shoots Dabi a look of incredulity and annoyance, to which Dabi only raises his eyebrows and shrugs as he takes another swig of his beer. You set down the first aid kit and grab the extra stuff you bought at the store. 
“Do you even know how to do first aid?” Dabi asks, watching you rummage for supplies. 
“Yes. I had to get certified in order to work at a summer camp, so don’t worry I know what I’m doing. Although I’m not much help if it’s anything more than stitches. Of course unless you’re drowning or need CPR” 
“Okay I get it” he said, taking another sip. 
“Can you roll up your sleeves so I can see the cuts?” You turned to dampen a towel in the sink, and when you turned back around you were not expecting to be faced with a shirtless Dabi. You paused for a second, staring, before you heard Shigaraki ‘tch’ snapping you out of simp shock. You shook your head and started to address the wounds to Dabi’s arm and shoulder. 
“(another name that’s close to Y/N) it’s time you answered some of my questions” Shigaraki said while sipping on his beer and propping his leg up on another chair. 
“ It’s Y/N. Also if your gonna put your feet up at least take off your shoes” 
“Whatever Princess” he said snarkily, dramatically kicking off his shoes. It took you a second to register the pet name he had just called you. No get your mind out of the gutter this is the real them, not the fanon fanfiction them. You continued to wipe away the dirt and grime surrounding Dabi’s wounds. 
“So... we were recognized earlier by those stupid kids. Just how popular is this show you say we’re from” 
“Umm that’s kinda hard to say since it’s within a specific genre but within that genre I’d say very popular, maybe one of the most currently” 
“How do we fit into this show?” 
“Well you’re the main antagonist as the leader of the League of Villains. The show introduces you through the USJ attack in season 1” 
“What about me?” Dabi asks. 
“Oh.. well you don’t come in till season 3 I think. Wait actually I think it’s the end of season 2 after the Hosu incident” 
A small chuff came from Shigaraki, no doubt in whatever pride there was in being a more prominent character. 
“Do you guys have any idea how you got to this world?” You asked. 
“Hey I’m asking the questions here, but no. We were on an important recruiting mission when it turned ugly. I called for Kurogiri and we ran through his portal and you know the rest” 
“Did you know any of the quirks you were battling against?” 
“One guy had a weak poison quirk but I took him out in the beginning.” Dabi stated flatly. 
“The two guys in front both had strength related quirks I think,” Shigaraki continued. 
“There was that one tall girl in the back behind the pillar. Could have been hers but who knows” 
“Hmmm….maybe somehow a quirk mixed with Kurogiri’s. Sorry this next part might sting a little” You said this last part to Dabi dabbing some rubbing alcohol onto the cuts to which he made no verbal reaction but his muscles tensed at the cold stinging. 
“So you said the main character was the green haired brat right? So what’s the plot as you say? Why is it all about him and the heroes?”
You pause for a moment thinking. Is it okay to tell him this? He is a villain. Are there consequences to other characters? 
“Sorry...um basically the show starts with All Might choosing him to be his successor as the number one hero. Then it follows him through his path from being weak and quirkless to his journey through UA. That’s when you guys come in as the villains with all your attacks on the school and students” 
“What do you mean quirkless? Green top has an annoyingly powerful quirk.” Dabi questions. 
“Yeah… he defeated Muscular and that Overhaul bastard” Shigaraki continues. 
Screw it. 
“Well All Might gave his quirk to Midoriya” 
Shigaraki’s eyes widened in interest, but kept silent in his thought process. 
A few minutes pass in silence and you finish patching up Dabi and handing him a mirror so he can fix his own staples. He claimed to be pretty good at it now. You move the first aid stuff over to the table where Shigaraki sat. 
“Your turn” you say looking down at his leg. He looked up at you defiantly. 
“What are you not wearing boxers? Or do you not want me to treat it?” You said pulling a chair to where his leg was resting. He rolled his eyes but stood up and undid his belt and pulled down his black jeans. He was wearing red boxers that looked a size too big as they hung loosely around his lean muscles. You made sure not to stare after being caught earlier. You started to repeat the same process you did on Dabi but Shigaraki was much more vocal about the discomfort you caused as you cleaned the wound. 
“You’re cut is deeper. It’s gonna need stitches if you want it to heal properly”
“Whatever” he said in response.“I wanna know more about how people here see us. That kid back there said I was his favorite character. How do people see us in the show” 
“Well it depends. Everyone has their favorite characters for different reasons” 
“Yea...yea.. answer the question” 
“Fine. Most people like you as a villain and as a character. However you’re seen as childish.” A chuckle from Dabi that earned him a death glare. “Dabi you’re more popular and your past is a rather hot topic for fans. However both of you are pretty popular in the fandom. Does that answer your question.” 
“What do you mean popular in the fandom?” 
“Well you know like fan theories, fanart, fanfiction, etc. A lot of people like you guys. However a lot of it is fan theories, guesses, and headcanons, but people don’t actually know” you said threading the needle for the stitches. 
“What kind of theories?” Shigaraki asks hesitantly
“Well for example for a long time it wasn’t actually stated that Dabi was the missing Todoroki child but fans believed it so much that it was basically thought of as fact, and then it became truth. Other theories are less intense like Dabi again for example is presumed that his favorite food is hot soba and yours is junk food or hand food like chips and stuff.” 
“How the fuck do you people figure these things out?” Shigaraki asked, wincing at the pinch of the needle. 
“Well the food thing was because you have the thing with hands so hand food” 
“That’s so stupid” He hissed. 
“But is it wrong?” You asked, already knowing the answer based on the grocery trip. 
“Why hot soba for patchwork overthere?” 
“Oh because it was revealed that Todoroki, I mean Shoto’s favorite food is cold soba and the whole brothers thing. People connected dots” 
“That’s so stupid” Dabi was the one who spoke this time. 
“And again were they wrong?” You looked up at him raising your eyebrows knowingly. 
“Also those aren’t even the stupid ones. People make up the weirdest shit, some as jokes, others as forms of comfort or just for imagination’s sake. Okay you’re all done.” You say  standing up and clearing away the dirty gauze and other first aid supplies. Shigaraki pulls his dirty and bloodstained pants back up over his neatly bandaged leg. You take all the first aid stuff back to the bathroom and return a little bit later to find Shigaraki and Dabi arguing over who knows what.  You hear some words like ‘She’ and ‘think’, so you assume they’re talking about you but just as before they stop when you walk back into the room.
“So I set out some towels in the bathroom along with some old clothes my ex boyfriend and my brother left here. They may not be the best fit sorry but it’ll do. If you leave your clothes in the laundry basket I’ll throw them in the wash tomorrow” 
“I call dibs on the shower first” Dabi said, hopping off the counter. 
“Bastard” Shigaraki muttered.
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beewolfwrites · 4 years
And When I am Formulated, Sprawling on a Pin - Chapter Four: Midnight Pharmacy
Hi again! Just the fourth instalment of my Chishiya x OC/ x reader fic. You can find the all the chapters so far on AO3 here. 
Thank you to all the kind people who’ve liked and commented so far. Hopefully you’ll enjoy this chapter too (and hopefully it wasn’t boring haha) :)
I fell to my knees, shuddering. We did it. We made it. It was close, but we won. My relief was short-lived, however, as the tagger shifted upright. The movement caused his horse-head mask to fall off, revealing, not an ex-military man, but instead, an older woman.
Oh god no…
She looked around frantically, tears and fear welling in her eyes. A metal collar around her neck started flashing, and a small yelp escaped her lips as the collar exploded, drenching the white walls red with her blood.
My eyes burned. I couldn’t tear them away. I couldn’t breathe or move with the impact of what had just happened. And it seems that I wasn’t the only one, because the room was silent.
She was an old woman… scared…. She was a player too, and we killed her by surviving.
I peeled my eyes from her limp body and looked down. I was covered in blood, only some of it my own. My hands were red and slick too, and when I swallowed, there was a tang of metal.  
Movement caught the corner of my vision. It was Chishiya. He casually inspected the carnage, his eyes shifting from the body, to the walls, to me.
He’s so… unbothered.
He leaned against the doorframe as the other man and the climber girl slowly made their way out of the room. They walked slowly, refusing to look at the woman’s drained features. There was a faint click as the door to the apartment closed, and we were alone.
He strolled to the centre of the room, taking a good look at the buttons, before crouching over the tagger’s body. Something instinctual stirred within me as he began to root through her pockets. I wanted to tell him to leave her alone, that she didn’t deserve to be prodded and poked, but I didn’t have the words. It was like they had been ripped from my throat.
He pulled something out of her coat – a square piece of paper – and unfolded it. I couldn’t see it from where I was sat, but he stared at it for a long moment before slipping it into his pocket.
‘Are you going to keep sitting there on the floor?’
‘She was a player.’ The words felt worse saying them aloud. They tasted bad. ‘She was fighting for her own life too.’
Chishiya turned around, presumably to make some kind of snarky comment. Instead, his eyes were serious. ‘It must hurt by now.’
He was looking at my gunshot wound. With my uninjured arm, I patted the area around the marred skin, feeling pure, sharp pain shoot through.
‘I forgot all about it.’
He stood slowly, then moved to the doorway. ‘Come with me,’ he said, and disappeared into the other room.  
I don’t know why I did it. A part of me hated him. A part of me owed him my life. Hell, a part of me wondered if his casual cruelty was just a coping mechanism for everything going on around us. But no matter why I did it, I clambered unsteadily to my feet and followed.
He was waiting for me outside the apartment, and I closed the door softly behind me as the electricity began to shut off. In silence, we descended the central staircase and made our way out of the building. A hard rain had begun to fall, the drops washing away the blood from my face, hands and hair… washing away the evidence… washing away her existence like that collar.
Never even once looking back, Chishiya led me down the road and through twisted streets before coming to a stop outside a pharmacy. The door was open, unlocked, but inside some of the shelves had been scavenged. Making his way behind the counter, he disappeared into the shelves at the back. I could hear the rustles and crinkles of wrappers and packaging as he picked out items. Wandering around the room, I caught sight of myself in a small mirror.
I was still covered in specks of blood. Her blood.
A spike of nausea hit me. Grabbing a half-drunk water bottle abandoned on the counter, I used the remaining water inside to scrub away the dried blood that the rain hadn’t cleared. I only felt slightly more at ease once I started to look like myself again.
Chishiya returned carrying several rolls of bandages, dressings, a bottle of some kind of antiseptic and a sterile cloth still wrapped in packaging. Dumping them on the countertop, he pointed to a desk chair lurking in front of the till. Again, I don’t know exactly why I obeyed so easily. Perhaps it was the exhaustion, combined with the throbbing torture of my arm, that left me too tired to argue. He pulled up a stool and sat across from me, a little too close. Every time he leaned forward, I could see the jut of his collar bone, could smell the laundry detergent of his clothes.
‘Your jacket needs to come off,’ he said.  
‘I don’t think I can move my arm. You were right, it’s killing me.’
‘It still needs to come off,’ he replied, and with a surprising amount of care, began to peel the shoulder of my torn jacket away.
Biting my lip against the pain, I tried not to shriek as he slowly maneuvered my arm out of its sleeve. Once free, I shrugged the ruined jacket to the ground. It was useless now. He briefly turned away to rub his hands with alcohol, before scrutinizing the wound.
‘You’re lucky,’ he concluded. ‘The bullet only grazed you, and it doesn’t need stitches.’
I fought the urge to roll my eyes. ‘Oh, lucky me. It still hurts like hell.’
‘Well, it’s about to hurt more,’ Chishiya said, as he took the sterile cloth out of its packaging and reached for the bottle of antiseptic.  
Before I’d even had the chance to register his words, he pressed the dampened cloth to the wound. This time, I couldn’t hold back a cry, and I put my hand in my mouth, biting as hard as I could in distraction. Meanwhile, he continued to clean the wound, unaffected by my struggles. By the time he’d finished and pulled away, I saw that look in his eyes once more. The same one that he’d given me in the entrance of the Tag game, that left me feeling like a tiny being trapped by a monster.
‘The eyes that fix you in a formulated phrase,’ I whispered under my breath between wheezes.
He raised a brow in silent question.
‘It’s from a poem,’ I explained. ‘I have known the eyes already, known them all –
the eyes that fix you in a formulated phrase, and when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin, when I am pinned and wriggling on the wall, then how should I begin.’
Chishiya had stopped what he was doing. ‘Do bullet wounds normally make you recite poetry?’
I glared at him. ‘Of course not. I just realised something. The way you look at me sometimes… it makes me feel like a bug, like I’m a specimen and you’re studying me. I hate it when you look at me like that.’
He seemed to consider this for a moment, then unwrapped a dressing from its sterile packaging. ‘Do you read poetry a lot?’
From his tone of voice, I could tell that he didn’t care. He was probably just finding ways to fill the silence as he pressed the dressing down firmly.
‘I studied it,’ I confessed. ‘I have a Masters, and I’d just graduated before, you know, ending up here.’
He scoffed as he unwrapped a roll of bandages. ‘There is no use in studying fiction. It’s a waste of time.’
His answer didn’t surprise me. I was used to people looking down on my passion and my subject. Even in my own family, it was my brother who supported my decision. As for my father…
‘It’s not a waste,’ I insisted. ‘It’s not even about the fictional bits. It’s about life and finding meaning and purpose in everything.’
Chishiya’s hands stilled. ‘Tell me, then,’ he began, ‘what meaning could you possibly find in books that you couldn’t find here? Every game you play pushes you to the edge of survival. There is no more meaning to life than that.’ He paused, looking me coldly in the eye. ‘When you used my taser on the tagger… when she died simply because you lived… where were your books then?’
I froze. His words were callous, edged with bitterness, and I couldn’t really deny them. But I wouldn’t expect someone like him to understand. He would never understand.
‘What did you do then?’ I muttered coldly. ‘In your previous life, I mean. It must’ve been something huge and super important then.’
He didn’t reply. Maybe it was a touchy subject, or maybe he just didn’t want to make small talk. Instead, he busied himself with winding bandages around my arm, his cool fingertips occasionally brushing my skin.
‘Fine then,’ I said, ‘don’t answer me. But I have another thing I need help with understanding.’
He was silent, waiting.
‘I… I admit, I still haven’t figured out what the difficulty levels mean… or even how the visas work.’
He hummed with vague amusement. ‘It shouldn’t be that difficult to work out… I must’ve overestimated your intelligence.’
The comment was clearly intended to get me to rise to it, but I refused to go for the bait. I genuinely needed his help understanding how these games worked, how the system worked, how this entire alternate Tokyo worked. Falling into his snide traps wouldn’t help me, even if every word he said rattled me deep down inside.
After a few moments silence, he finished tying the bandage around my arm and removed his hands, tucking them to his pockets. But he didn’t move away, and now that he wasn’t giving me first aid, the closeness between our bodies had become distinctly uncomfortable. I was suddenly aware that his knee touched mine.
‘It’s simple,’ he said at last. ‘The number from one to ten is the difficulty, but the card suit represents the type of game. The first game we played together, that was a Clubs game. Clubs are based on teamwork. And then there’s Diamonds games, which are based on intelligence.’
I nodded, as it began to click. My first game was built around strategy, so naturally it would be a Diamonds game. Meanwhile the Jack in the Box game was entirely based on working as a team. In the first game there could only be one winner, whereas in the second we had to open both doors and save each other.
‘And Spades?’ I asked.
‘Spades games can be hard,’ he continued. ‘Like the game we just had, they focus more on physical ability. But it’s Hearts games that are the most fun.’
I blinked. ‘Fun?’
He nodded, lips curling at the corners. ‘Hearts games are about betrayal… toying with people’s emotions.’
I gulped. It sounded horrible, like a game of manipulation.
‘Doesn’t sound like fun if you ask me,’ I said.
He laughed, a quiet huff of air. ‘It’s interesting to see what people are willing to do in order to survive.’
The words sent a shiver through me. The thought that Chishiya may be a genuine psychopath had occurred to me before, however I was reluctant to consider it. He clearly viewed the people around him as things to be looked down upon, to be analysed for their behavioural ticks. He wasn’t interested in doing anything that didn’t benefit himself in some way, that was clear. And yet, here he was, bandaging my wounds. But for what gain? It couldn’t be for his own… unless he had an ulterior motive.
‘Why are we here?’ I whispered. ‘Why did you really bring me here?’
‘Because I thought you might have potential.’
‘Potential for what?’ I pried. ‘You mean, for the games?’
Leaning back on his stool, he let the question settle in the air for just a second too long. It only took that extra second of silence for the atmosphere to drop even further into discomfort, like a song playing just a half-beat too slow.
‘Have you heard of the Beach?’ he asked.
‘The Beach?’
He let out a short sigh, as if I had disappointed him somehow. ‘I suppose you wouldn’t have, since you’re still new to this world.’ He pulled his headphones out of his pocket, beginning to untangle the wires. ‘The Beach isn’t really a beach. It’s a hotel. But it has food, shelter, electricity, hot water… all the comforts of the real world.’ Hesitating, he added. ‘It’s a utopia.’
This time, it was my turn to snicker.
‘A utopia? ‘I laughed, joyless. ‘There’s no such thing. Did you forget what I told you? I’ve studied literature. People know all about dystopias, places that are bad, and they assume that utopias are the opposite – a good place. But the whole idea of a utopia as a perfect society was created by a man named Thomas More. He wrote a book called Utopia. It’s about a fictional island, a place where everyone lives in harmony.’ I leaned forward, smiling triumphantly in spite of the pain that shot through my arm. ‘But here’s the thing – it’s just fiction. The actual Greek word ‘utopia’ doesn’t mean good place. It means no place. More was being ironic. Societies are a reflection of the people within them, and humans are naturally flawed. So an ideal society could never possibly exist.’
I fell silent, hoping that I had suitably ruined Chishiya’s attempt to recruit me into his group. But he didn’t seem at all phased by anything I had said. He was quietly observing me as if all my knowledge was some form of mild entertainment to him. After a minute of silence, things were starting to get really awkward.
Mumbling, I added, ‘I don’t recommend his book. It’s a bit of a dull read.’
‘I can imagine,’ he replied, finally. ‘Reading something like that would be a waste of time.’
Any pride I felt after my little speech suddenly deflated. How does he always manage to find a way to put me down?
His eyes lowered, as if considering something. ‘You do have potential to be of use to the Beach. If you come with me now, you’ll be welcomed in—’
‘I don’t want to go with you,’ I said. ‘I don’t care about your utopia. I just want to survive.’
‘I see,’ he said quietly. ‘But you will join the Beach sooner or later. Every night our people take part in games. The others from the Jack in the Box game, they were members. And in the Tag game, the two men in the elevator with you.’
Listening to the way he talked about the place, it didn’t seem like he cared much for it. He had walked away during the Eight of Clubs game despite one of his ‘members’ having died.
‘What are you saying?’ I asked, knowing I probably wouldn’t like the answer.
‘I’m saying that you’ll come across our members repeatedly. And chances are, they’ll try to approach you like I have. Take it from me, they won’t be so nice about it.’
Does he mean that they’ll force me to join? They can’t possibly… could they?
I shook my head firmly. This conversation was over. ‘I’m sorry, but no. Thank you for the offer, and for treating my arm, but I’d rather take my chances.’
He shrugged and got to his feet. The air suddenly felt colder now as he moved away, sauntering towards the door. ‘Suit yourself. But we’ll see each other again, and not necessarily in a game.’
And with that, he left me alone in the pharmacy, the door swinging closed behind him.
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What if... 10c
First off, right away, I know some were looking forward to a Mandorin wedding and Grogu joining them, but truth be told, the What If story would have ended up on 500k too if that was to happen, because the boys are still so very young and I love exploring their lives and their first times for everything too much to do a big time jump... So my deep apologies to the ones who were waiting for that, but hope that some sweet teenage feels can soothe the disappointment a little. And, yeah, while we might not reach that point in this fic, of course these two got married and adopted the little bean, just a bit later on in life <3
Second, this is a monster so beware of a chaotic mess of plenty of POVs behind the cut. The main story was Dulcy’s but here she shares it with the others. Beware of feels and maybe a familiar face or two ;)
And, again, THANK YOU to the supporters of this fic. I appreciate every kudos, re-read every comment a worrying amount of times and cherish the reblogs like beskar! (You guys have some of the best tags ever xD ) 
And Sprungich, this chapter is for you! <3 With the lovely coffee you provided, feel free to send me a message if there is a particular one-shot you would like to see happen! <3
What if Dulsissia hadn’t died, what if she had grabbed Corin and fled? What if she met Davarax? What if…
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10a Part 10b
Epilogue Everyone:
They have six entire months of just blissful happiness and fawning over their new family member, then Zev disappears. Again.
Dulsissia hates when she does that, but Davarax knows there is little they can do about it, except let her know that she’s always welcome home.
After nine days without a word, Zev’sonya reappears.
Standing right outside the entrance door, her face a mask of defiance as usual, Zev sticks her chin out. “Can my friend stay here too?”
Davarax shrugs. “Are they in trouble?”
“Yeah.” Zev replies. “His family is a bunch of mean jerks. He needs a safe place.”
Instantly filled with empathy, Dulsissia steps up next to Davarax. “Of course, baby.”
“Awesome.” Zev turns and gestures for her friend to step forward. “I said they were cool. Come on.”
Davarax instantly places his hand on his blaster while Dulsissia looks like she wants to scream but she’s too shocked to make any sound.
“This is Mose.” Zev’sonya declares with a grin.
A massive Hutt glares at them.
The silence stretches out until Zev’sonya reaches out and smacks the Hutt across the stomach. “Say hello, idiot.”
“Hello.” Mose grouses. A big drop of drool slides from his mouth.
Struggling to regain her words and the ability to form a comprehensible sentence, Dulsissia looks from one to the other until she ends up back with the Hutt. “Uhm, hello. N-nice to meet you?”
“He stays outside.” Davarax growls, not having that thing anywhere near where his children sleeps.
Zev’sonya frowns, but the Hutt nods and doesn’t seem surprised by the order.
A good thirty minutes later, Dulsissia is shoulder by shoulder with Davarax as they stand there and look out at where Corin and the others are cautiously approaching the Hutt, driven by youthful curiosity and bravery.
“That’s a Hutt.” Dulsissia says.
“Mhm.” Davarax confirms.
They continue to stare for a while, then she speaks again, a little worried this time. “What… what do Hutts eat?”
The size of their new arrival says whatever they eat, there will have to be a lot of it. Davarax is not thrilled at the idea of having to get even more credits to feed a Hutt. “Whatever doesn’t run fast enough, I think.” Davarax mutters. “Better keep an eye on that one, ner riduur.”
Dulsissia studies the Hutt. “He doesn’t seem… evil?”
“He’s a Hutt. I’ve seen what they can do.” Davarax declares in a hard voice. “They have their reputation for a reason.” He lets out a soft breath. “If he hurts one of our kids, he’ll find out that we Mandalorians have ours for a reason too. I will skin him alive.”
“If he hurts any one of them, you will have to get in line.” Dulsissia says. “But he hasn’t harmed anyone yet.”
To Davarax’ irritation, she then walks over to join in on the welcoming committee. She introduces herself, tries to put on her polite smile and only shudders a little at the drool dropping from the creature’s mouth and soaking his belly. “So, tell me, how did you meet our Zev?”
The Hutt gives her a blank stare. “She robbed me. I tried to kill her and she offered me a job.”
Dulsissia blinks. “Oh.”
Zev’sonya grins.
Davarax is not amused.
The day passes, so does the next and soon a week, and the Hutt does not harm anyone or try to eat any of them. Mose mostly keeps to himself. He sleeps in the shed Davarax and Din had set up for the speeder bikes, eats less than what a Hutt normally would and doesn’t really speak unless spoken to.
Davarax doesn’t relax, but he won’t end the Hutt’s life before he gives him a reason to as Zev’sonya really seems attached to him for some reason, almost to the point where he rivals her friendship with Din. So he watches and waits.
While he has trained and taught no small amount of children, Davarax have no real experience with babies. They are mystical beings to him, beautiful little wonders with endless potential, and his daughter is very much that. She amazes him when she starts to crawl around with curious determination to explore the world without any sign of fear. If something scares her, she watches it and frowns, but she will not back away and only cries when in pain.
There are moments when Davarax fears his heart will physically burst with pride.
So the horror he feels when he takes his eyes off his daughter for just a moment to reply to a message from Dulsissia, who is on a supply run with Corin and Din, and finds her gone; there are no words to describe it.
She’s not walking yet, but that little girl crawls at lightspeed when she sees something she wants to investigate and something must have caught her eye.
Davarax runs, panic snapping at his heels when he sees the doors are open to let some of the breeze into the too warm house, and his hand goes to his blaster as he sees his precious daughter having made it just outside the entrance door and is struggling to sit up in front of the massive Hutt standing there.
Nonono! Davarax can’t breathe, the fear is too strong and his fingers fumble at the hilt of his blaster and can’t quite get a grip. He’s never failed to draw his weapon before.
The girl reaches up and makes a curious coo.
Mose eases himself down, watches her for half a second, amused by her grabbing hands, then slowly reaches out and holds out a finger to her, which she eagerly takes a hold of and starts exploring.
Davarax’ panicked run morphs into a slow trot and then an awkward halt. He can’t quite believe what he’s seeing.
Unaware of being watched, Mose’s mouth eases ever so slightly into a faint smile. His big eyes give a slow blink with a benign softness that doesn’t belong in a terrifying and cruel Hutt facing the offspring of the enemy.
And then he notices Davarax.
Mose quickly pulls himself back up into his usual towering posture, but him yanking his hand away unsettles the little girl and she topples backwards.
Another fierce jab of fear cuts into Davarax, but before he can do anything; Mose curls his tail behind her and prevents her from falling. He doesn’t take his eyes off Davarax while he does it, keeps staring, keeps holding himself upright and a big glob of drool soon leaks from the corner of his mouth.
Davarax frowns. He’s starting to put some pieces of a puzzle he didn’t want to see together. That posture is not the Hutt’s arrogance, as Davarax had concluded earlier, this is a defensive pose. This is an intimidation tactic to fend off attacks, not seek them out. And the drooling? Now that he thinks about it, Davarax can only remember the Hutt drooling around him and Dulcy.
-He’s scared. The realization comes sudden and hits hard.
And shortly after it, a question arises. How old is he? Mose is far from the tallest Hutt Davarax has ever seen and his body mass is skinny compared to them, it kind of says oversized teenager or young adult. The life expectancy for a Hutt would make them slow developers, no? He might be older than Davarax and Dulcy put together, but still a kid by Hutt standards, and Davarax never once considered it. A Hutt foundling? That’s one for the legends.
Walking over, Davarax bends down and picks up his daughter, noting how Mose cautiously withdraws his tail and curls it protectively around himself. More drool is slipping from his mouth.
Somehow Zev’sonya had seen this side of Mose, or sensed it somehow, and decided to bring him home instead of leaving him to be devoured by the other Hutts. His baby daughter had shown Mose nothing but curiosity and trust. Davarax decides to do the same. He looks over at Mose, who is barely breathing, and nods towards the house. “You can come in.”
For a second there is confusion on Mose’s face and then he mumbles; “The shed is fine.”
A thick dollop of drool hits the ground with a splat. That’s going to be annoying indoors.
“It’s not. You are a guest here.” Davarax heads inside again but pauses in the doorway. “Come on.”
Mose cautiously does as he’s told. He carefully squeezes in through the door and follows Davarax down the hallway. Eyes flickering nervously from doorway to doorway, drooling non-stop and twitching fingers reveal how uncomfortable he is, but Davarax feels a pinch of actual guilt when he stops by the room he wants to place the Hutt in and he turns around to see Mose no longer going for the towering intimidation pose but actually shrinks and somewhat cowers anxiously. Inside the house, the Hutt is at a disadvantage. His movements are restrained and Davarax is armed.
“I’m not going to hurt you.” Davarax reassures him, hoisting his warbling daughter a little. “I know I haven’t been the friendliest and I apologize. I thought that you… Well, I thought wrong. And I’m sorry.” He turns and pushes the button to open the door to the room used for storing furniture. “I’ll get the others to help clear it out, but you can fit in here, right?”
“The shed is fine.” Mose mumbles.
“Yeah, you’ll fit in here.” Davarax then realizes something. “But we don’t really have Hutt beds. Will have to make one.”
“The floor is fine.” Mose mumbles.
“I’ll ask Barthor to set up some calculations. It’s going to have to be strong.” Davarax sighs. “Okay, so what else will we need. Maybe-”
“What’s going on here?” Zev’sonya’s voice is sharp. She stalks forward and places herself between him and Mose.
Davarax nods towards the open room. “We need to get the others and clean this out. For Mose.”
Zev’sonya blinks with surprise and then, for the very first time, she gives Davarax a genuine and bright smile. “Really?”
Momentarily stunned by the sweet, happy side of her, usually hidden behind frowns and scowls, Davarax has to clear his throat. “Yeah. Really. We can’t have guests sleeping out in the shed.”
“The shed is fine.” Mose mumbles.
“I’ll get the others.” Zev’sonya declares and runs off.
Davarax watches her, gives a faint shake of his head in amazement, then looks over at the awkward and heavily drooling Hutt. He sighs with a faint smile. One more troubled youngster. Why not.
Barthor is heading back to his speeder bike after finally getting his hands on the last computer chip he needs for his little project. He’s parked right outside of the small town and it shouldn’t take more than fifteen minutes before he’s back home.
It shouldn’t, but it does.
Because as he steps outside the town walls, something wraps itself around his ankles, tightens and he drops like a roped tauntaun.
Training kicks in. Barthor instantly reaches for his blaster and his blade, seconds before he’s rolled over on his back to face his captor.
Blinking surprised, Barthor forgets to draw his weapons.
“Hello.” A voice says.
“Uh…” Barthor replies. “Hello?”
“They say you are very clever. Is that true?”
Barthor doesn’t do modesty. “I suppose so.” He gives his restrained ankles a pointed look. “Is that why you roped me? To ask me if I’m clever?”
“Maybe.” There is a flick of a wrist and the rope loosens so he can free himself. “Your friends seem more brawn than brain, which made me curious about you.”
Barthor gets up, a little tense. “They’re more clever than this entire town put together.”
“Loyal too?” A thoughtful hum. “You really are interesting, Barthor.”
“Wait. How do you know my name.” Barthor takes a step forward as they step away. “W-what’s your name?”
“Do you have to go?” Barthor shrugs a little. “You can’t just rope some guy, ask him if he’s clever, insult his family and then walk away without an explanation, you know?”
A soft laugh. “I told you; I find you interesting.”
“The feeling is mutual…” Barthor mumbles. Then he twitches when they step away again. “Can I see you again?”
“When you find out where I live.”
Puzzled, Barthor shakes his head. “Why can’t you just tell me?”
“Because you’re the clever one.” Is the reply. “You’ll figure it out.”
With the constant adding to their family, it comes as quite the shock when they lose one.
Davarax, Din and Paz are at a marked on the neighbouring planet when Din suddenly goes from half-asleep to full alert and shaking with eagerness.
Before Davarax can ask him what is going on, Din runs off.
It’s not difficult to track him down and when he does, Davarax instantly realizes why Din had reacted the way he did. He remembers the clothing on the corpses that littered the streets where he’d found Din and the man talking to Din right now is wearing that very thing.
It’s Din’s tribe. What’s left of it, anyway.
It’s a handful of people who have set up some stalls at the end of a marketplace. A couple of kids are running around in outfits similar to the one Din had worn when Davarax had brought him back to the Covert that first time.
Din is talking in a language he barely remembers, struggles a bit with the words and pronunciation, but the smile on his face is something Davarax can count on one hand he’s seen in the Covert. And when they go back home, there is a distance in his eyes that wasn’t there before and a heavy sadness settles in the pit of Davarax’ stomach.
Back home, Din instantly seeks out Corin to tell him about what had happened and for once he is the one eagerly talking while Davarax and Paz exchange quiet looks.
For the next week, Davarax spends no small amount of hours checking out the story of these people wearing clothes from Din’s tribe. He stalks and spies and learns as much about every individual as possible. He has to know they are who they say they are. He has to know they are good people.
They are.
Meanwhile, Dulsissia hugs Corin a little closer and a little more often that week, unable to explain to him why because she has a weak hope that she, Paz and Davarax might be wrong.
They’re not.
Din wants to go back and talk to them again and once he does, he learns that they are about to leave for the next planet on their path. After losing their home, they lead a rather nomadic life, searching for others from their tribe and lost relics to reclaim. They ask if Din will join them.
“Please don’t go…” Corin asks, tears in his eyes, holding on to Din’s arm as if he would float away into space if he didn’t.
“It’s just six months.” Din reassures him. “Then we are coming back here a-and we could-”
“What if we’re gone by then?” Corin blurts out, absolutely miserable.
“Then I’ll find you.” Din promises, reaching out and placing his hand behind Corin’s neck. “I’ll find you, okay?” He leans in and rests his forehead to his. “Stay safe. Look after the others. And we’ll talk again in six months.”
Silent tears running down his face, Corin gives a faint nod.
Din walks over to Dulsissia and lets her hug him, kiss his hair, squeeze his face and kiss his forehead with a patience he’s never show before. He even holds on to her a little longer than usual. Paz is furious and refuses to utter a word. Raga mutters for Din to look after himself. Zev’sonya is nowhere to be found. Barthor gives him a brief hug and wishes him luck.
Davarax waits a small distance away from the others. When Din walks over to him, Davarax has to clear his throat to speak. “You got everything you need?”
Din nods.
A heavy silence hangs between them for a moment before Davarax tells him in a quiet voice; “If you change your mind, if something happens, if… if anything, you send me a message and I’ll come for you. Day, night, one day from now, one week or a month, it doesn’t matter. You always have a place here, Din.”
Din nods and looks away, trying to hide the tears in his eyes.
Davarax hesitates before speaking again. “Din, I…” I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I failed you.
Din looks back at him.
“Be careful out there.” Davarax says, hating himself for his cowardice. “And remember, if you need us, if you need me, I’m here. Always.”
Din nods again, a couple of tears breaking free and he turns and stalks towards where his tribe is waiting for him.
Dulsissia absently pulls Corin close as he heaves for air between the tears.
Paz turns and stalks back on board the Razor Crest, Raga follows, then Barthor, Dulsissia and Corin. Davarax is the last to leave, his eyes on Din for as long as he can see him...
Corin’s heart is broken. His best friend is gone. No, not just best friend… He and Din was… Whatever they were, it was special. It was not like anything he’s ever felt for or with anyone else.
A heavy sadness settles over their family for a long, long time. They all miss Din and it feels like they are missing a limb.
His parents find distraction in his sister. Paz and Raga find comfort in each other. Zev’sonya runs off and does whatever she does. Barthor keeps heading into town to be with this Kaleo person. Corin is the only one who can’t stop thinking about how Din isn’t there any more.
None of the girls and boys in town can take his mind off Din. Nothing can.
Which is probably why Davarax agrees to let Corin come along on a bounty hunting job. Usually he goes alone on these, but Corin asks and after a brief discussion with his mother, Davarax agrees.
“You do as I tell you. Understand? This is a hunt and they will do whatever it takes to escape. Including shooting us.” Davarax warns Corin as they enter the city to find their bounty.
“I understand.” Maybe getting shot at might cure the numb feeling inside?
It does. Once the first blaster shot flies by him, Corin yelps and flails and forgets all about being sad. He has to focus on surviving instead.
Davarax goes after their prey like a Corellian hound. Corin has gotten so used to seeing his mild and calm side that he’d almost forgotten how dangerous and brutal his dad can be if he wants to.
They chase after their bounty into an abandoned building so worn down it is barely standing.
“Stay here.” Davarax orders and uses his jetpack to fly up the middle of the winding stairs.
Corin stays, but when he leans forward against the railing to look up to see if Davarax had caught his prize; the railing just gives in and Corin falls.
Luckily he doesn’t drop more than a floor before he slams into the ground, but it’s enough to knock the air out of him and scramble his brain for a bit. (If not for his helmet, his brain would probably have been scattered all across the floor…)
When his blurry sight clears up, Corin realizes that what he thought were white pillars are moving and he rolls over on his back with a startled sound to see the storm troopers walking towards him. He fumbles for his blaster, but a kick to his hand sends the weapon sliding across the floor and then a storm trooper is pointing their blaster right at his t-visor.
Corin closes his eyes and prepares to die.
“Wait.” One of the troopers says. “Wait. Stop. Wait.”
Corin opens one eye and sees one trooper grabbing the arm of the one aiming at him.
“Look. That’s a kid.” The trooper preventing the other from shooting says. “You can’t shoot a kid, man.”
“He’s right.” A third trooper says, appearing next to them. “We don’t shoot kids, remember?”
“But this one has seen us.” The one with the blaster growls.
“The kid is not going to say anything.” The one who had prevented him from shooting says, then turns to Corin. “Right? You’re not going to say anything? You never saw us, kid. Right?”
Corin nods. Sure. Whatever. He’ll agree to anything as long as they don’t shoot him.
“Put the weapon down, Pat.” The third one says and takes off his helmet. It’s a man in his early twenties with dark hair and tired eyes. “Listen, kid, I’m sorry. We thought you were someone else. You run along.”
Growling, the one called Pat reluctantly holsters his blaster. “You better be right, Dee. If this kid gets us killed, I will never forgive you.”
The one who had stopped him from shooting reaches out a hand towards Corin. “Come on, kid. Upsy daisy.”
Dazed, not sure what the right thing to do is, Corin slowly reaches out and lets him pull him up on his feet. “T-thank you…”
“Don’t worry about it, kid. But you better get out of here.” The man says.
Dee puts his helmet back on. “Drop is right. Go.”
Corin takes one step, but then something heavy lands behind him.
“There you are, little Mando.” It’s the twi’lek man Davarax had been hired to hunt down.
Pat reaches out, grabs Corin’s shoulder and yanks him towards him and the others. “Stay down, kid!”
A mess of blaster fire follows. Corin is boxed in by white armor as the three take up a defensive stance around him and he can’t see what happens, just hears the battle. It’s over within a minute.
When the storm troopers step away, Corin sees the twi’lek lying there, dead, with a blaster in his hand that he’d meant to use on Corin.
“Someone will have heard that.” Dee says. “We have to get out of here. If the others find us, it’s all over.”
“Do you think we’ll get a trial?” Drop asks with a touch of hysterical humour.
“No. They’ll execute us in this shitty place.” Is Pat’s deadpan reply.
Dee turns back to Corin. “Go. Hurry. You don’t want to be here either if the imperial army decides to check out this place. And be careful.”
Corin opens his mouth to thank them when another heavy shape lands behind the storm troopers. An arm goes around Dee’s throat and he’s yanked back against unforgiving armor while Davarax lifts his blaster to fire at Pat. Drop instantly draws his own blaster.
“No!” Corin runs to stand between them, his helmet nearly touching the muzzle of Davarax’ blaster. “Don’t shoot them!”
Davarax hesitates, ignoring Dee’s wheezing attempts to pull his arm away from his throat. “Corin, what is going on here?”
After the explaining is done, Davarax reluctantly lets go of Dee, who stumbles forward into the protective grasp of his friends and coughs there for a moment while Davarax yanks Corin over to his side just in case.
“What are three storm troopers doing down here?” Davarax asks, suspicious.
“I think they are deserters…” Corin replies, looking at the three. “Am I right?”
“Hand the kid a medal.” Drop says with a wry smile in his voice. “Correct on the first try.”
Corin looks up at Davarax. “They can’t stay here. We have to help them, dad. Please?”
Davarax sighs.
And that is how he not only returns home with credits for a successful hunt and a revitalized Corin, but also with three ex-storm troopers in the cargo hold of the Razor Crest.
Dulsissia brings their daughter to greet them when the ship lands, only to freeze at the sight of what follows her husband and son off the ship.
“It’s okay, mom.” Corin reassures her. “They’re good guys. They saved my life.”
Dulsissia swallows down her fear and forces herself to put on a smile. As much as she hates that armor, she cannot hate men who has saved her son. “Then I am in your debt, sirs.”
While Davarax walks over and holds out his arms as the little girl eagerly reaches out for him, the storm troopers line up next to the ship and remove their helmets.
“Your son saved our lives in return, so I figure we are even, m’am.” Dee says.
Pat nods. The tallest of the three and with a semi-permanent scowl on his face.
Drop is staring at Dulsissia. “That is true. And something else that is true is the fact that you have to be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, my lady. You don’t happen to need a new father to your charming son here?”
Davarax looks up from the toddler in his arms and his t-visor locks on Drop. “I think I changed my mind. I’m going to shoot you after all.”
Drop’s eyebrows flies up. “Oooh. You two are…? Oh. Ah. My bad.”
Flattered, Dulsissia smiles at Davarax. “I like these guys.”
Davarax grunts. “Yeah, I’m definitely shooting them.”
He doesn’t. Instead, the three are allowed to spend the night in the house and Davarax and Corin will head into town tomorrow to get them other clothes so they won’t be shot on sight. But the evening is spent with Davarax and Dee talking for hours over some strong smelling drink, speaking quietly and solemnly.
 Corin tries to eavesdrop, but he keeps getting distracted by Drop constantly trying to cheat to win the second round of the boardgame he had challenged just about everyone to join in on.
Paz, Raga and Barthor had all been a little bit taken back when three storm troopers walked into the house, but then Paz shrugged and decided to just go with it as it wasn’t the weirdest thing he’d experienced since leaving the Covert. Raga and Barthor couldn’t ague against that.
Zev’sonya and Mose have no opinion as they have disappeared again. Corin wonders what Din would think. He hates storm troopers. Din would probably never allow a storm trooper to stay with him.
The next day, in town, looking for clothing that will fit the men, Corin is not prepared to make another friend in such a short time.
“Hi.” A voice says as Corin tries to decide between two different leather jackets for Dee and it startles him into jumping around to face the culprit.
The owner of the voice is a brightly smiling blond boy around Corin’s own age. He is broad shouldered and clearly no stranger to staying in shape, but his incredibly cheerful attitude drowns out almost everything else about him. “You need help with that? Go with the left one. Way cooler.”
Corin blinks. “O-kay… Thank you?”
“No problem.” The boy steps closer. “I’m Leo. What’s your name?”
“Corin…” Corin decides Leo is right. The left one ‘is’ way cooler. He hangs back the other. “I haven’t seen you around here before?”
“I’ve just arrived with my family.” Leo happily shares. “My mom brought my dad to this place. He’s sick. There’s a doctor here that they say can help him.”
“Oh…” Corin shudders at the idea of either of his parents getting sick and it must be horrible not to have any friends in a new place during such a time. “So, uh, I’m looking to buy my, uh, uncles some clothes. All three of them. For their birthday. Today.”
Leo frowns a little. “They’re all born on the same day?”
“They’re triplets.” Corin lies with a tense smile. “You wanna help me pick out the rest?”
Brightening again, Leo coughs once and then nods eagerly. “Sure. Yeah. Awesome.”
Dulsissia is relieved to notice that things improve a little after that. The former troopers are eager to abandon their armor, which Davarax throws out of the airlock somewhere in space, and Dulsissia is pleased to discover a house for rent not too far away from their own where they can hide out and decide their next move. (Dee swears to pay them back and will not hear of anything else.)
Plus her son has made a new friend who seems to be able to cheer him up again, which makes Leo a very welcome guest in her eyes.
Paz bullies Leo a little but loses interest when it’s like kicking a defenceless Porg. Raga and Barthor both treat him with mild indifference. Davarax appears a little overwhelmed by the boy’s enthusiasm and habit of holding on to an uncomfortable subject, but her baby boy is finally laughing again and that is music to Dulsissia’s ears.
A little over two months pass before the next incident occurs.
At the shooting range they had set up behind the house, Dulsissia aims her blaster at the target despite little hope of actually hitting it as long as Davarax’ mouth is on her neck and his hand slides across her stomach to urge her to lean back against him. She fires and misses and doesn’t care as that gives her the excuse to twist around a little to making him move his lips up to hers.
Dulsissia knows how important it is to be improving her aim, but her husband is so incredibly attractive, sweet, kind, caring and the best kisser ever, so…
Davarax suddenly pulls away to prod at his vambrace. “Sorry, I…” He prods some more before stalking over to pick up his helmet. “Just…”
Dulsissia waits while he puts his helmet back on and listens to the message he’d just received. Whomever had contacted him had to be someone of importance for him to react like this, so she feels worry instead of annoyance at the interruption.
A little while later, he removes his helmet and Davarax sends her a wide-eyed look. “It’s Din.”
“Din?” Dulsissia’s worry triples. “Is he okay?”
“Yeah.” Davarax replies, sounding a little dazed. Then a faint smile appears. “He wants to come home.”
Getting Din back feels wonderfully right. Dulsissia feels no small amount of relief seeing the teenager again and find him looking healthy and unharmed. He even smiles when Paz hugs him a little too hard.
Everyone except the absent Zev’sonya and Mose are eager to welcome him home, especially Corin. Her sweet son has been climbing the walls since he heard Din was coming back and finally the two are reunited again.
“So much has happened while you were gone.” Corin declares. “Nemi is starting to walk. Barthor keeps sneaking off on dates with this person he thinks we don’t know about. I went on a bounty hunting mission with Dad and met these three awesome dudes who saved my life and are now our neighbours. And I can’t wait for you to meet Leo! Mom said I could invite him for dinner so you can say hello.”
“Our dear neighbours are coming over to dinner as well. I invited them.” Dulsissia adds, with a touch of glee as it makes Davarax groan. She knows he gets along really well with Dee, but Pat is too tense to relax around and Drop winds the youngsters up even more than hyper-sugar.
Din exhales with a faint smile that doesn’t reach his eyes. “I guess I missed out on a lot, huh?”
Paz reaches out and smacks the back of his head. “That’s what you get for leaving, idiot.”
Deliberately falling behind a bit while the teens stalk towards the house, Dulsissia hoists the toddler on her arm before looking over at the quiet Davarax walking next to her. He’s watching Din.
“Did he tell you why he wanted to come back?” Dulsissia asks.
“No.” Davarax replies, sounding uncomfortably solemn. “He hasn’t said much of anything.”
“You think they were mean to him?”
“No.” Davarax says again. “He wasn’t angry or scared or resentful or… or anything. Sad, if I was to make a guess. But he was quite determined to leave.” He sighs. “If he wants us to know, Din will tell us in his own time.”
Dulsissia hopes he’s right.
They are going to have to move. The house is nowhere near big enough for all the souls who have come into their lives, but Dulsissia realizes that she’s going to miss this place. She’s grown so very fond of it. There are so many good memories here. And they keep creating more.
Barthor is sitting by the kitchen table with Nemi on his lap, keeping her entertained and hiding from the lively ruckus in the living room where there is far too much activity and far too many people for his taste.
Dulsissia is mixing up some treats on a plate when Davarax appears to hover in the doorway to the kitchen.
“Need some help?” He asks.
“No, but thank you for asking, cyare.” Dulsissia replies. She glances back at him. “Things okay in there?”
Davarax leans his shoulder against the door frame and sighs. “I think having Drop and Leo in one room might cause a black hole to appear. That kind of energy is not natural.”
Giggling a little, Dulsissia adds some fruit to the plate as well. “Leo is a sweetheart.” She glances back at Davarax again and sees Paz hovering behind him and trying to sneak into the kitchen but is being blocked by the man. “And Drop is always welcome in our house.” 
It’s mean of her to tease but it is kind of flattering to see Davarax’ eyes narrow a little as he’s reminded of how interested Drop had been at the very first sight of her. Dulsissia purses her lips thoughtfully. “I wonder how he got his nickname?”
“Probably because his parent dropped him on his head while he was a baby.” Davarax mutters.
This is when Paz loses patience, wraps his arms around Davarax’ waist and simply picks him up.
What follows is probably the most hilarious thing Dulsissia has ever seen in her entire life.
The raw shock and utter disbelief on Davarax’ face as his arms and legs flail while he’s unceremoniously moved to the side and set back down again is something she will remember until the day she dies. Even after Paz has set him back on his feet and simply saunters into the kitchen to find himself something to drink, Davarax stumbles away from him and glues his back to the wall, looking horrified. He’s not a small and frail man, by far, and probably hasn’t been lifted since he was a child. If anything, Davarax is the one to pick other people up and move ‘them’ out of his way.
But Paz is now quite a bit taller than him and he’s gaining muscle by the day. Davarax watches him warily as he saunters back out and even takes a step away so not to risk humiliation again.
“Welcome to my world.” Barthor mutters.
Dulsissia breaks down laughing, wishing she had a way to immortalize the look on Davarax’ face.
Din greets Dee, Pat and Drop with polite distance, but he does brighten a bit when, to Dulsissia’s surprise, Zev’sonya and Mose suddenly appear in the doorway.
“I heard you were coming back.” Zev says with a grin, reaching out a hand towards Din, and they pull each other close for a brief hug/bump against each other.
“I had to come back and make sure you stay out of trouble.” Din replies with a grin of his own.
Over by where Dulsissia and Corin are sitting, Leo grabs her son’s arm with a soft gasp. “Is that your sister?” Unlike the gawking ex-troopers, he seems oblivious to the Hutt standing there as well.
Corin looks over at where Zev’sonya is bragging to Din about whatever she and Mose have been up to, nothing legal would be Dulsissia’s guess, and Corin makes a face. “No. She’s, uh, it’s complicated. She kind of lives here with us. Sometimes.”
Leo can’t seem to take his eyes off her. “Dude, you got to introduce me to her.”
Corin frowns. “Why?”
“Because I’m going to marry her.”
Corin looks somewhere between amused and genuinely scared for Leo’s safety and sanity. “Maybe you shouldn’t say that so she can hear it…”
“I’m in love.” Leo breathes, still with his eyes glued on Zev. “Come on, man. Introduce me.”
Corin looks over at Dulsissia, who shrugs. If Leo wants to risk his life, who are they to deny him? And maybe, hopefully, that sweet boy can be a good, calming influence on the troubled girl?
Dulsissia leans back and watches as Corin and Leo walk over and the introduction is made. It’s no surprise that Zev’sonya’s immediate reaction is to scowl and throw her emotional walls up, but Leo isn’t put off. He’s gentle in his approach, careful, like he’s defusing a bomb, but he’s not scared.
Dulsissia is about to smile, but then she sees Din’s face and she doesn’t feel like smiling anymore.
He’s looking at Leo with something dangerously close to hatred in his dark eyes.
When things wind down for the night, Dee, Drop and Pat agree to walk Leo home, despite the blond’s objections that he’s perfectly capable of getting there by himself. Dulsissia sends with them food and snacks, knowing they’re still finding their footing as civilians, and doesn’t know what makes her flush the hardest; Dee’s soft kindness, Pat’s intense respect or Drop’s shameless flirting as they fight to thank her.
She looks over at where Corin and Leo are saying goodbye, the blond making Corin promise to be his best man at his and Zev’s wedding, and the two laugh before Corin gives him a gentle kov’nyn and shoves Leo into Drop’s arms.
Din is nowhere to be found.
After they clean up, one by one they saunter off to their rooms.
Her riduur is one of the last to go. The long journey to get Din had Davarax start yawning early in the evening and now he’s close to falling asleep on his feet, so he only puts up a weak fight when Dulsissia orders him to bed while she finishes up the last bits of the cleaning.
Plus there are a couple of things she has to clear up before she has any chance of finding sleep.
Dulsissia piles food on a plate before heading to the backdoor and stepping outside the house.
Mose is lounging on the grass, staring up at the stars, but he carefully pushes himself up when he sees her approaching him. His gaze flicker cautiously from the plate to her face and back again.
“Here.” Dulsissia holds the plate out for him. If someone had told her that she’d be worrying over the well-being of a Hutt when she was younger, she would have laughed her head off. “I noticed you didn’t eat much earlier. You got to be hungry.”
Mose hesitates before slowly reaching out and accepting the plate. “Thank you.”
But Mose isn’t the only one who is on her mind tonight. “Do you know where Din is?”
Mose lifts his tail and points towards the Razor Crest.
Of course. His favourite place. Dulsissia sighs and pats Mose’s arm as she walks by him on the way to the ship. “Eat up and then get some rest, baby.”
Mose watches her leave in silence.
The Razor Crest’s left ramp, the one out of sight of the house, is lowered and Dulsissia makes her way up it and into the ship. Once inside, she sees Din right away.
He’s sitting on one of the fold-down seats in the cargo hold, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.
“Din?” Dulsissia speaks softly, hoping not to scare him. “Are you okay?”
Jolting into an upright sitting position, Din stares wide-eyed at her. “Dulcy. Yeah. Yeah, I-I’m fine.”
He’s lying. It’s obvious. Sighing, she takes a step forward and gestures towards the seat next to him. “Mind if I sit with you for a bit?”
“I don’t mind.” Din looks cornered and almost a bit scared.
Sitting down, Dulsissia looks over and fights the urge to hug him close. “Want to tell me what’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.” The answer comes a little too fast and his voice is too weak for it to be true.
“You can tell me, baby.” Dulsissia reassures him. “I promise I won’t tell anyone else.”
Din is about to say something but then he pauses and his eyes flicker for a moment before he asks, quietly, cautiously; “You promise?”
Dulsissia places one of her hands over his and gives it a gentle squeeze. “I promise.”
Din hesitates, then takes a deep breath and looks towards the open ramp. “I just thought… I thought that being with my parents people, it would feel like home. I thought I’d finally feel like I belonged. But… I didn’t. All I could think about was going back to you guys.”
Her heart shivers with pain, but Dulsissia is careful to keep her voice free of it. “You left because you didn’t feel like you belonged with us?”
Din turns his gaze down to the floor. “You feel like family to me…”
There is something unspoken at the end there. Dulsissia squeezes his hand again. “But?”
Din doesn’t answer right away. He tenses up and his breathing becomes a bit laboured and choppy, as if trying to fight back a wave of emotions, but eventually he loses and Din looks up at her with tears in his eyes. “He adopted Corin!” The tears begin to slide down Din’s face. “He found me, he saved my life and taught me almost everything I know, but he gave me away to those people and then adopts Corin. What is wrong with me? W-why doesn’t he want me…?”
“Oh, baby…” Dulsissia whispers and gently eases him into leaning over so she can hold him close, running a comforting hand up and down his back while his shoulders shake with grief. “Sweet, sweet baby. There is nothing wrong with you. Nothing. Davarax simply thought you’d be happier with parents who could be with you instead of him who had to leave all the time. And he knew how dangerous his work was. It was not because he didn’t love you. He does.”
“He’s got you, Corin and Nemi now. He has his family.” Din whispers. “If I hadn’t come back, no one would have cared.”
“That’s not true.” Dulsissia argues gently. “We all missed you terribly.”
“Yeah. I saw.” Din’s voice takes on a sharp edge. “Corin missed me so terribly he replaced me with the first cute guy he could find.”
Petting the dark hair, Dulsissia sighs. “Din, Corin doesn’t think of Leo that way at all. They’re just friends. You don’t have to be jealous of Leo, trust me.”
Din pulls back to stare at her with a startled look, despite the tears still making his cheeks shine. “I didn’t mean… I’m not jealous.”
That makes Dulsissia smile a little. “Yeah. You are.” She wipes away a tear from his face. “Leo is a nice boy, but he couldn’t steal Corin away from you even if he wanted to.”
Din flushes and his gaze slides away, too embarrassed to meet hers.
“Din.” Dulsissia makes him look at her again. “You have a home with us. You do belong with us. We all love you.”
That brings a faint smile to Din’s face and he lets her pull him into another hug and this time, he hugs her back.
The conversation helps, but it doesn’t solve everything.
Dulsissia can see the tension to Din’s shoulders and the hint of anger in his eyes at times. And his patience becomes close to non-existent. Especially when it comes to Paz sliding right back into the role as his protector and supervisor.
“You don’t like those.” Paz says as Din reaches for some spicy spinach at dinner. He takes a hold of the tongs and puts some other vegetables on Din’s plate instead. “Here.”
Dulsissia sees the spark in Din’s eyes half a second before he explodes.
“Maybe I’ve started to like them!” Din shouts, making everyone turn to stare at him.
“You don’t like them!” Paz shouts back. “You refused to eat them the day before you left, idiot!”
Davarax glares over at them. “Hey! Tone it down. Now.”
Din grits his teeth and stares at his plate. Paz looks tense enough to want to punch him. But they leave it that. That day.
Because that is just the start. More shouting matches follow and the comments go from angry to mean as the tempers keep growing hotter and hotter.
When Din stalks off after bellowing that he regrets coming back, Dulsissia decides it has gone on long enough as she sees the hurt in Paz’ eyes. She inches over to the boy who now towers over her. “Paz…?”
Exhaling his anger, now just sad and tired, Paz looks over at her. “Yeah?”
Dulsissia puts on her most innocent face. “I was wondering if I could ask you a huge favour?”
He shrugs. “Sure.” While he was rumoured to be sullen and uncooperative at the Covert, Paz has always been incredibly amiable and helpful to her. Her sweet giant boy.
“I’ve been super-busy lately, got a lot of projects going on and with my blaster training and… Well, you know how it is.” Dulsissia lets out a dramatic sigh. “I could really need a little help with Nemi.”
Paz actually smiles a little. “No, you don’t.”
“Yeah, I do, actually.” Dulsissia insists, giving him her doe eyes. “I’m serious, Paz. I would really appreciate your help.”
“Why me?” Paz asks. “Why not Davarax or Corin?”
“Davarax, well, I don’t want him to do more than his share. And Corin has his mind on other things these days. If you don’t want to do it, that’s fine. I can probably ask-”
“No. I’ll do it.” Paz shoots in. “No problem. Just let me know what you need me to do.”
Dulsissia almost smiles. She could have had a great career in the Imperial army with her evil genius.
“Cyare?” Davarax’ voice says, half a day later. His voice worrying sweet and high pitched.
“Yes, cyare?” Dulsissia replies, curious.
He steps into the room where she’s doing adjustments on her helmet. “Do you mind telling me why I come home to find that our daughter has been kidnapped by a 6”7 man-child who told me he would, and I quote; knock my helmet off if I woke her up after he just got her to sleep?”
Giggling, Dulsissia wanders over to give him a quick kiss on his stubbled cheek. “I asked him to help out.”
Davarax frowns. “Why? Are you okay? I could-”
“Din and Paz have been fighting a lot lately. Din wants to stand on his own feet and Paz is too overprotective to let him so I decided to defuse things by directing Paz’ paternal instincts over to someone who wouldn’t mind.”
Sighing, Davarax returns the sign of affection and places a light kiss on her forehead. “I love how you love these kids and how you want them all to get along, but those two? With their tempers and stubbornness, I fear they might be doomed to be butting heads while killing anyone who dares to hurt the other.”
Dulsissia fails to hold back a smug smile. “Let’s see, shall we?”
At dinner, Din sends Paz a defiant look as he reaches for the spinach again, ready to erupt the second Paz makes a comment, but ends up having to ease some over on his plate without a word as Paz is too busy tending to Nemi trying to rub her food into her hair to care what Din is doing.
(Din still doesn’t like spinach and ends up just pushing it around on his plate with a frown.)
As days go by, Din tries to provoke one way and the other, determined to show he is the master of his own life and that Paz doesn’t get to tell him what to do, but time and again; Paz is distracted by the child and ends up ignoring Din all together.
Ignoring him little too much, as it turns out. Because one day Dulsissia sees Din stare after Paz’ retreating back as he carries Nemi off to fetch the toys she wants and she sees the sad slump to Din’s shoulders and the lost expression on his face. First Davarax, then Corin, and now Paz, Din thinks he’s lost them all.
Oh no. Her plan is working too well! Curse her evil genius.
Dulsissia considers interfering again, but luckily she doesn’t have time to conjure up another plan before she gets to witness Din inch over to where Paz and her daughter are building with blocks on the floor. Din asks what they’re up to, listens and nods and then cautiously offers to help.
Paz looks up at him, surprised, then lights up and gestures for him to sit down with them.
Together they watch over and help the little one. There is not a single harsh word between them.
“Fine…” Davarax mutters as he comes to a halt next to where Dulsissia is lurking and spying on them. “You win. Your little trick is working.” He nuzzles her neck. “Jedi witch.”
Quietly cackling, offering up her neck, Dulsissia feels unbearably smug. “No trick. Just logic. You Mandalorians really do love to complicate things.”
But Dulsissia’s evil plan do affect another victim when Paz and Raga are in the middle of another make-out session in the living room, which Dulsissia is pretty sure is just to annoy Davarax, and when her daughter makes an unhappy whine, Paz instantly breaks the kiss to see what is going on.
Barthor awkwardly adjusts the child in his arms but she is clearly still not pleased.
“You’re holding her all wrong.” Paz states, taking a hold of Raga’s hips, lifts her off his lap and sets her mindlessly aside so he can walk over to Barthor to show him what he’s doing wrong.
Raga rolls her eyes and flops down to lie on the sofa with a frustrated groan. She sends Dulsissia a glare.
Dulsissia responds with an apologetic smile.
She’s not forgiven.
Pleased that she had managed to salvage the friendship between Din and Paz, Dulsissia decides to take the chance. “Dav?” She speaks into the darkness of the night as the two are curled up together in bed.
“Mmh?” He mumbles against her shoulder.
“You have to talk to Din.”
There is a moment of silence, then Davarax lifts his head to look down at her, what little he can see in the darkness. “Is he okay? What’s wrong? Did he tell you something?”
“I promised not to tell anyone.” Dulsissia replies. “Just… please talk to him.”
Davarax hesitates, then slowly lies back down again. He doesn’t say anything, but he is awake for a long, long time after that.
All it takes is a simple question if Din wants to help him do some repairs on the Razor Crest and Davarax has the boy eagerly trotting along towards what he fears will be a rather uncomfortable conversation. Something is clearly wrong and odds are that it’s Davarax’ own doing.
Davarax has a moment of soft affection when he sees the adoration in Din’s eyes when he looks at the trusty old ship. He might be the only one who loves her as much as Davarax himself does.
They work in the cockpit in silence for a bit until Davarax manages to build up his courage.
Sighing, he wipes his oily hands on a horribly oily rag. “Din?”
“Yeah, yeah, almost done.” Din replies, half-way under the control panel.
“Just… leave it for a bit.” Davarax says. “I want to talk to you.”
Din’s body freezes. He breathes once, twice, then he inches out and looks up at where Davarax is sitting in the pilot seat. His face is awfully pale behind the smudges of oil. “She told you.”
“Nobody told me anything.” Davarax reassures him. “Whatever secrets you have, they are still yours. I just want to make sure you’re okay. A lot can happen in two months.”
Staring at him, studying his face, Din eventually relaxes a little as he can’t see whatever he fears seeing in Davarax’ eyes. He clears his throat, inches himself further out so he can sit up. “I’m fine.”
“You hardly said a word the entire ride back home, Din. You’ve been fighting non-stop with Paz. I barely see you with Corin anymore. You’re not fine.” Davarax says, firm but gentle. “Will you let me help?”
Frowning, Din stares at him and there’s a touch of anger there. “So now you care?”
Davarax blinks, not expecting that. “I always care.” And the snort Din gives at that feels like a slap to Davarax’ face. He reaches out and places a hand on Din’s shoulder, making him meet his eyes. “Din. I care.”
The teenager tries for a defiant stare, but there is hurt there and Davarax realizes this is why Dulcy had told him to talk to Din. Guilt settles on Davarax’ shoulders and weighs him down so hard he can barely breathe. “You think I don’t care? Why? Because I let you leave?”
Din shrugs.
“I didn’t want you to leave, Din. Of course I didn’t. But you wanted to go, you wanted to be with them, and what you want is more important to me than what I want. It wasn’t because I didn’t care.”
“It wouldn’t be the first time you gave me away…” Din mumbles quietly, his gaze dropping to the floor.
Davarax opens and shuts his mouth a couple of times. Oh, the guilt is so heavy it hurts now. “Din, I…” He gently squeezes the boy’s shoulder and makes him look back up at him again. “I’m sorry that didn’t work out. I thought… I just thought that it would be better for you to have a steady family, someone who didn’t leave all the time and who might not come back alive. I wasn’t in a good place back then, Din. But I never stopped caring. I still care. I will always care.”
“You have a new family now.” Din mumbles. “I have no one, because no one wants me.”
“Hey.” Davarax places his other hand on Din’s other shoulder, holding a little too tight but unable to stop himself “My family? You are a part of that. You always will be. Nothing can ever change that. From the very first time I saw you, the second you gave me your trust, you were family to me.”
Din’s eyes grow blank with tears and he smiles a little. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Davarax confirms, then leans a little closer to give him a pointed look. “You’re the only one I’d trust to look after the Razor Crest if I end up parking my slippers for good.”
Din’s smile widens and turns genuine. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Davarax confirms again, now with a faint laugh. He gives him a light shake before he gets up and pulls Din up on his feet too so he can hug him close. Feeling Din’s arms go around him in return and how tights he holds on makes Davarax’ heart shrivel up with even more guilt. “I’m sorry, Din. I’m sorry I let them adopt you. I’m sorry you thought I didn’t care whether you left or not. I’ll try to do better from now on. I promise.”
“S’okay.” Din mumbles, his face buried into Davarax’ chest.
“You forgive me?”
Din nods.
Davarax runs his hand over Din’s smooth hair. He doesn’t deserve his forgiveness after so many mistakes, but that’s not his decision to make. All he can do is try to keep from making more and not have Din regret his kindness. “Thank you.”
Din merely hugs him harder.
When Din and Davarax return to the house, Dulsissia is relieved to hear Din talking like he used to; relaxed and almost playful with his great hero by his side. Davarax is smiling too.
She hides in the kitchen, doesn’t want to interfere, but she’s dying to ask. It takes no small amount of will-power for her to just wait.
Finally Davarax walks into the kitchen.
She turns to face him, about to start talking, when his hands cup her face and he leans down to give her a couple of soft, lingering kisses on her lips, before kissing her forehead and just pulling her into a tight, lingering hug as he sighs.
“Why do you put up with me?” Davarax asks.
“Because you’re hot.” She replies. Then she leans back and looks up at him. “So, you talked to him?”
“Yeah.” Davarax gingerly eases a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Thank you.”
Smiling, Dulsissia goes up on her toes to give him a soft kiss.
Luckily Leo is busy harassing Zev and Barthor is off to be with his mystery date, so Din gets to have Corin all to himself when they head into town to buy some supplies.
A lot has happened in the two months Din has been away, that much is clear by Leo’s arrival and them suddenly having three uncles now (who, Din had been horrified to learn, are in reality three storm troopers who have defected and will be shot if discovered.), yet the biggest change is the one he’s currently witnessing.
“Two? Are you sure I can’t get three for that price, Tahm?” Corin says to the shop-keeper’s daughter. He smiles, holds her gaze and even tilts his head a little. “Pretty please?”
The girl giggles and flushes.
Corin reaches out and slides a finger along her jawline and leans a little closer as he lowers his voice. “Pretty, pretty please?”
Din blinks. Corin is gorgeous. He’s always been a good looking kid, sure, Din isn’t blind and people have been talking, but over time Corin has gone from cute to gorgeous and… he’s clearly aware of it. There is nothing modest about the wink he gives that girl. Or the look he gives the young man who ends up selling them his wares to half of his original asking price.
“What was that?” Din asks as they load the bags up on the speeder bike.
“What was what?” Corin asks in return, fastening one bag.
“That.” Din insists. “Back there. The… that. The thing. You did.”
Corin snorts a laugh before glancing over at Din with a wicked grin. “Making them give me a discount? Leo taught me. It’s easy. You should do it too.”
Din feels his face heat up. “I don’t think I…”
Corin steps over, a little too close, and looks at him with bright, earnest eyes. “You could totally pull if off too, Din.” He touches Din’s jawline with light fingertips and the skin burns.
“I’m not…” Din swallows, his heart racing like crazy. “I’m not pretty. Like you.”
“Are you kidding me?” Corin laughs a little. “Din, you’re beautiful.” He leans in, gives Din a minor heart attack, and gently places his forehead to Din’s before turning back to the speeder bike again.
Din can barely breathe.
“I think that was everything?” Corin says. “Let’s go.” He gets on the bike, looks over at Din when he doesn’t move and raises his eyebrows. “Din?”
“Yeah…” Din croaks, forcing his legs to work. “Okay…” He gets on the bike too.
“No.” Zev snarls. “Go away.”
“Come on.” Leo whines, trailing after her. “One date. If you still hate me after, I will leave you alone. Pretty please?”
“I cannot think of a single thing that would change my mind about hating you, so I see no point.” Zev’sonya declares, chin held high and refusing to look at him.
“I could surprise you.” Leo tempts her. He coughs a couple of times before continuing. “One date, Zev. One!”
Zev’sonya wrinkles her nose. “You’re just going to give me your cold.”
Leo shakes his head. “I’m not-” Suddenly his gaze shifts over to something behind her and he frowns.
By the time she has turned around to see what he’s staring at, Leo is already running towards the three brats ganging up on Mose and trying to provoke him into a fight. By the time she’s caught up with him, Leo has already knocked one of the brats out.
The fight is over within minutes. Once Zev’sonya has made sure Mose is okay, hating how resigned he is to being hated and loving how Leo is huffing with offence on his behalf, she makes her choice.
“One date.” Zev’sonya says.
Leo spins around to face her, eyes huge and jaw dropping. “Really?! Wait, why? Wait, I don’t care.”
“One.” She underlines.
Leo nearly nods his head off and she has to hide the smile threatening to break free.
Din can’t forget about it. Can’t forget about watching Corin flaunting his good looks, the touch of his fingers and the kov’nyn… He can’t forget about it!
For years Corin has been his best friend. He felt so lucky to have him as his friend. He still does. But… it is getting harder and harder to be happy for Corin when others look at him the way Din does when Corin is not paying attention.
And after hearing Corin call ‘him’ beautiful, after having his full attention like that, Din can’t karking forget about it!
Din sits on Corin’s bed, thinking about this, when Corin enters the room again after he’d headed out to raid the kitchen for something to snack on. He returns victorious with a plate of cookies.
Sitting down on the bed as well, Corin places the plate between them and grins. “Mom said no, but then I gave her the eyes and she folded. I am a genius.”
“How… how do you do it?” Din asks, his pulse thrumming under his skin after daring to ask.
“As I said,” Corin inches closer so his knee almost touches Din’s, “it’s easy. All you have to do is keep eye contact.” He looks directly into Din’s soul with those incredible eyes of his. “Add a smile.” His lips curve into a smile that sends a frightful heat into Din’s blood. “And if you really need to bring in the big guns…” Corin reaches out and places his hand on Din’s knee. “...touch.”
Oh, Din swallows hard, struggles to find his voice. “I don’t think… it’ll work if I do that.”
“It definitely will.” Corin reassures him. “Your face? You will get whatever you want.”
“Whatever I want?” Din asks, his pulse thrumming in his throat.
“Okay…” Din gathers his courage. “Eye contact.” He moves a little closer, so their knees not only touch but cross each other a little. “Smile.” Din forces his mouth to shape into what he hopes is a careful but appealing smile. (He sees Corin’s gaze dart down to his lips for a second and it makes his hear jump.) “Touch…” Din reaches up and carefully cups the side of Corin’s face, runs his thumb along his cheekbone. “Like this?”
A slight flush creeps into Corin’s cheeks. “I, uh, yeah…”
Din is keenly aware of how he’s pushing his luck, but he can’t make himself stop. “Now what?”
Corin is staring at him. “It depends.”
“On what?”
“On what you want?” Corin almost whispers.
Din can’t say it, couldn’t say it to save his life, so he just looks at Corin’s lips with unspoken longing, hating himself for being such a coward. He just fears that if he gets a taste, he won’t survive seeing someone else kiss those lips…
“Okay.” Corin says, as if Din had spoken out loud, and before Din can ask him what he means; Corin leans in, tilts his head and gently touches his lips with his.
Din inhales sharply, startling Corin and causes him want to pull back, but Din’s hand flies up to grab his shoulder and hold him there. And then Din is the one to move closer to touch his lips to Corin’s.
It is such a sweet feeling. Soft, warm, cautious and fragile, and utterly perfect.
“I missed you so much…” Corin whispers, eyes closed and lips brushing his as he speaks.
Din’s throat snares up with a thousand feelings. “I missed you too. All the time.” They share another kiss before he can speak again. “Corin, I… I like you.”
That brings a soft laugh from Corin, startling Din a little into leaning back, but Corin merely grins at him. “I like you too, stupid. I kind of hoped we were past the obvious bit when we started kissing?”
Din’s face flushes hot. “I…”
“I kind of thought you did, was waiting for you to say something,” Corin says, shrugging one shoulder, “but then you left and I thought that meant you didn’t like me after all, but then you came back and… Well… “
“How did you know…?” Din mumbles, dying of embarrassment. He’d been so careful!
That makes Corin laugh again. “It was pretty obvious, Din. Come on.” He leans close again and smirks. “You’re always so nice to me. Not nice like with the others. Extra nice. And… you look at me a lot.”
Din’s face is about to melt off his skull. “I…”
Corin is dangerously close now. “You want to look some more or should we go back to kissing?”
Din stutters.
Laughing, Corin sits back up and grabs a cookie. “I’m sorry.” He munches on the cookie. “I’ll be good.”
Din’s heart is beating a thousand beats a second. He can’t stop staring. “You don’t have to.” He clears his throat. “Be good, that is. You can be… whatever you was just being. That’s… that’s fine.”
Corin lowers the cookie. “Yeah…?”
“I-if you want to.” Din adds cautiously.
Corin eagerly leans closer. “I really, really want to.”
Din grins, a little more confident. “Good.” He moves closer, both of them ignoring the plate tumbling to the floor, reaching up to touch Corin’s face. “Because I really want you to.”
Din is not a good kisser, he knows, it’s not something he has practised too much, but oh Corin is. Din follows his lead, moves his lips as softly and sweetly as he does, and can’t decide whether he’s grateful for Corin knowing how to do this or viciously hating every person who has kissed him. In the end, it doesn’t matter, Din is just weak with happiness.
“Obvious? What do mean it was obvious?” Din snaps, not expecting this kind of nonchalance from Paz when he confessed that he and Corin have become… a thing.
Paz shrugs, adjusting the wrapping around his left hand. “It just was. Everyone could see it.”
“Everyone?” Din asks with utter disbelief.
“Yup.” Raga confirms, delivering some hard hits that has the punching bag make a sound like it is groaning with pain. “Everyone.”
Din sinks down to sit on a crate, stunned by shock and horrible embarrassment. “But you never said anything?”
“I wanted to.” Paz says. “Believe me.”
“But Dulcy told him not to.” Raga throws a vicious punch. “I think she and Davarax have a bet going on which of you would make the first move.”
Din hides his face in his hands and groans.
Zev’sonya cannot believe she’s agreed to this. It was a moment of madness, that’s all. She got carried away after punching those jerks who bullied Mose and that blond idiot just happened to be there with his stupid date request.
What was she thinking?
Zev’sonya sighs as she looks at herself in the mirror. She’s clean, the clothes she’s wearing are whole, all the daggers and blades are hidden, that is good enough, isn’t it? Or do humans have other standards for this… dating thing?
She sees Mose’s reflection as he is standing behind her and scowls at the grin on his face.
“Don’t.” Zev’sonya warns, but his grin only widens so she flees before he can say anything.
Leo had wanted to come and pick her up, but she refused and insisted on her meeting him by his house. Bad enough Mose knows, but if Din and the others learns of this… ‘date’, there would be no end to the comments.
Approaching the house, Zev’sonya is surprised to see Leo sitting on the stairs leading up to it. But the surprise morphs into unease as she feels an intense wave of… sadness wash over her. No, he’s not just sad. It’s more. Deeper. More painful. Zev’sonya pauses in front of him, he doesn’t even notice her presence, and braces herself. “Leo?”
Starting a little, he looks up and when seeing her; he tries to smile. “Hey.” The boy is pale, there are dark smudges under his eyes and he looks miserable under his facade. “I, uh, I’m sorry, Zev. I know I hassled you for this date, but, uh… I don’t think I can go.”
Frowning, Zev’sonya crosses her arms. “What happened?”
Leo’s smile wavers. He swallows a couple of times before he can speak. “It’s, uh, it’s my dad, he…” Another swallow. “He died.”
That’s what she’s feeling from him. Grief. Zev’sonya exhales, forgetting about being angry and defensive and she merely moves to sit down next to him. “I’m… I’m sorry, Leo.”
He nods, turns to stare at the ground again. “We knew it was a long shot. They said it couldn’t be cured.” He carefully wipes at his left eye. “At least you won’t have to go out with me now.”
Zev’sonya plucks at the fabric on the knee of her pants. “I can wait.”
Leo shakes his head. “No.” He wipes at his other eye. “I, uh… It’s better if we don’t. There’s no point.” He clears his throat. “Don’t worry. It’s not contagious. I got it from working the mines with him.”
Startled, Zev’sonya looks over at Leo. “You’re sick too?”
Now Leo nods.
Fear and horrible resignation, both seep from him and into her. He will die choking and gasping for air, thrashing, terrified, like his father.
Zev’sonya reaches out and places her hand on his neck, and after a second of surprised hesitation; Leo shudders once before he breaks into helpless tears. She eases him over and wraps her arms around him, her eyes narrowing with determination.
He’s not going to die.
Davarax is biting his lip as he watches Nemi wobble along the table with a firm grip on it with her tiny hands and a look of thoughtful concentration on her adorable face. He is so proud, watching her progress, that he could die. His heart is not designed to handle this kind of emotion. He’s too happy.
“I need to talk to you.” Zev’sonya stalks into the room.
Nemi blinks, lets go and drops down on her behind to stare wide-eyed at the twi’lek.
Davarax stares at Zev too. She wants to talk to him? Why? Is she going to try to kill him again? She hasn’t done that in a long time. He thought they were making progress when she smiled at him after Mose moved in. What has changed? Why is she angry with him now? “Uh… Okay?”
After she’s done explaining, Davarax almost wishes she had tried to kill him instead. It would have been easier to handle than failing her meek request and having to watch her have her heart broken when the boy dies. “I… I’ll ask around.”
Zev’sonya brightens with hope and that terrifies Davarax.
“Zev.” He stops her from leaving. “I can’t promise anything, okay? I will try, but it sounds like they’ve been looking pretty hard for a cure already.”
Her dark eyes flicker before she focuses on Davarax again and she shrugs. “You got a good track record of saving kids. If anyone can save him, it’s you.”
Davarax stands there, staring, long after she’s gone.
At first Dulsissia is heartbroken when she learns that Leo is sick. That sweet, cheerful boy seemed like someone who would live forever. Hearing that he’d watched his own father die in such a terrible way makes her hug him for so long he gets a little worried.
Davarax sends out a message to every contact he’s ever made in his years as a bounty hunter and mercenary, but one by one they come back negative.
It’s ironic that the one sliver of hope they get is from one direction they did not expect.
“Yeah, I’ve heard of it.” Dee says. “They call it Miner’s Lung.”
“Is there a cure for it?” Davarax asks, trying not to get his own hopes up.
Drop makes a face. “Depends on how advanced it is. Once it catches proper hold, when it gets in the blood, it’s basically impossible to weed it out.”
“Tell us where to go.” Dulsissia says. “We have to try.”
On board the Razor Crest, Dulsissia doesn’t know what makes her smile the most; Zev’sonya’s expression of utter disgust but not doing anything to stop Leo from holding her hand, or how at the very back of the ship; Din tries to hide how sneakily he reaches out for Corin’s hand.
The doctor refuses to see them until he hears ‘Motti’. Dulsissia has absolutely no qualms about using her name to wring the arm of this horrible man to help Leo. No baby will be dying as long as there is something Dulsissia can do about it.
A complete medical scan, some tests run and a lot of frowning later, the doctor hands them a datapad with a treatment schedule that will last for about eighteen standard months and drugs that would knock out a fully grown Sarlacc. “This should work, but I can give no guarantees. It’s not like that boy has grown up on the most nutritious diet. His immune system is as poor as his family clearly was.”
Dulsissia takes the datapad, hands it over to Davarax, so she can step close to the doctor. “If it fails, then I know who to hunt down. You should know, sir, we Mandalorians are very protective of our children. We take the loss of one very hard and will take our anger out on whomever is responsible for their death.”
The doctor goes pale. “If he’s not showing any signs of improvement in two months, you better come back so we can make some adjustments to his medication.”
Dulsissia gives him a sweet smile. “Lovely. Thank you.”
Davarax looks at her like he wants to propose all over again.
When they walk back to the Razor Crest, Dulsissia is eager to hold her daughter again but also can’t help but to adore the sight of the group of teenagers ambling in front of her and Davarax. It feels like only yesterday they were mere youngsters and now they are snapping at the heels of adulthood.
Corin has his arm around Leo’s neck, laughing and tugging him into a mix of a hug and a headlock, while Din and Zev’sonya walk behind them and give identical shake of heads at the boisterous duo.
Paz is standing by the ramp to the Razor Crest, his back towards them, and Dulsissia wonders what he’s doing until she sees the hands sliding up to cup the back of his neck and she knows.
“For the love of…” Davarax mutters. “They will get brain damage from lack of oxygen soon.”
Dulsissia giggles.
“Hey.” Davarax snaps, making Paz and Raga flinch apart. “Don’t make me hose you two with cold water.”
Raga rolls her eyes. Paz clears his throat and glances over at Leo. “How did it go?”
“We got a plan and hopefully a cure.” Davarax replies.
“Nice.” Raga replies, punching Leo in the arm and laughs at his yelp. “The clan keeps growing.”
“Let’s go home.” Dulsissia says, entering the ship and heading over to where Mose is curled up with the sleeping Nemi in his arms. She has to smile at that sight as well. It’s just too cute.
The little girl has everyone wrapped up around her little finger, but Mose maybe most of all. Who would have thought a Hutt could be such a softie?
“Everything okay?” Dulsissia asks, running a gentle hand over Nemi’s hair.
“She’s good.” Mose confirms in an affectionate tone. “Fell asleep ten minutes ago.”
The ride home is blissfully incident-free, which is why it is no big surprise the shock comes the day after they return home.
Dulsissia opens the door and blinks at the sight that meets her.
Dez Vizla is standing there.
“I, uh…” Dulsissia is suddenly awkwardly aware of standing there in Mandalorian armor, helmet off, and looking like the fraud she is. Luckily Davarax appears in the hallway, carrying their daughter, and he walks over to hover behind her.
“Dez. What are you doing here?”
Dez’ t-visor shifts up from the little girl on Davarax’ arm to his face. “You had a child?”
“Yes.” Dulsissia replies cautiously, placing a protective hand on the curious Nemi’s back.
“Mom! Dad!” Corin shouts, stepping into the hallway with Din and Leo in tow. “We’re heading over to Dee, Drop and Pat. We’ll be back for dinner.”
“Fine.” Davarax shouts back.
Dez watches the three and tilts his head a little, a bit puzzled. “More Foundlings, I see.”
Then Zev’sonya steps into the hallway to head into the kitchen and Dez says; “A Twi’lek?”
“Well…” Davarax manages to say, before Dez flinches and places his hand on his blaster, and Dulsissia deducts that Mose has appeared behind them. “It kind of just happened.”
Dulsissia keeps a wary eye on Dez’ hand on that blaster. “Please don’t draw that blaster. Mose is a part of the family.” She knows she has absolutely no chance of overpowering Dez Vizla, but she will not let him just threaten her family.
Dez rumbles before he reluctantly takes his hand off his weapon. He seems a little overwhelmed. “I just… I want to see my son.”
Davarax nods then points.
Dez turns his helmet and looks.
Walking towards them, oblivious to the visitor, Paz and Raga are entirely lost in each other. Paz has his arm around her shoulders, she has her arm around his waist, and instead of looking where they’re going, they are staring at each other, making grinning comments and exchanging kisses.
Dulsissia hears Dez exhale and in that moment, she realizes that while the man might be cold (He hasn’t seen Paz for years and he hasn’t sent a word, not since they left) and that he can be cruel at times, he’s not entirely without a heart. At least not when it comes to his son.
Seconds after that, Paz and Raga both discover Dez’ presence and they come to a sudden halt not too far away. Both of them look extremely worried at the sight of Paz’ father.
“Paz.” Dez greets his son.
Paz gingerly removes his arm from around Raga, but she follows when he walks over to his father. “Father. What… What are you doing here?”
“I came to see my son.” Dez replies, reaching out to grab Paz’ shoulders, looking him up and down before snorting a laugh. “And what a sight!”
Paz manages a faint smile. He’s taller than his father now and working on becoming as muscular as him.
Seeing the unease in the boy’s eyes makes Dulsissia frown and she looks up at Davarax, but he simply looks every bit as nervous as Paz. Clearly the awe-inspired fear that everyone in the Covert had towards Dez and most Vizlas didn’t just apply below ground.
“And little Raga Saxon.” Dez drawls, turning his attention to the one next to his son. “Not so little anymore. Quite the warrior. Your mama said you were doing well. I’m pleased to see she’s right.”
Raga dares a careful smile and nods.
“Vizlas and Saxons, it would be a powerful clan union.” Dez points out, now sounding smug.
Paz clears his throat. “We… we took our helmets off, father. I don’t think they care what two outcasts are doing.”
“Don’t underestimate the influence your father has.” Dez gives Paz a couple of semi-harsh pets to the cheek. “As far as they know, you removing your helmet is just a rumour.”
Paz frowns, looks down. “I’m not going to lie and pretend I didn’t take it off. I’m not a liar.”
Dez lowers his hand and his t-visor stares at his son in silence for several long seconds. “I see…”
An awkward tension follows and eventually Dulsissia steps forward, trying to put on her pleasant face that she used whenever rival families had to meet during the social events on Seswenna. “Let’s all go inside, shall we?”
Luckily her trick works.
Paz’ reply seems to have knocked Dez off balance a bit and he spends the next couple of hours talking to Davarax, just glancing over at his son as if he doesn’t quite know how to approach him again. “I have to admit,” Dez says, having turned ignoring Dulsissia into an art form, “I did not expect to find you like this, Davarax. I didn’t think you’d last long without the Covert. Without her.”
“How is she?” Davarax asks, careful hope in his eyes for news about his sister.
Dez shrugs. “Like she always is.”
Davarax smiles a little and Dulsissia feels guilt wrapping around her heart. If not for her, Macero would not have sent the mercenary after Davarax, his helmet would have stayed on and he wouldn’t have had to leave the Covert. Davarax being here is her fault. She wonders if he regrets saving her that day when they’d met for the very first time.
No, he wouldn’t regret something like that. But maybe he regrets bringing them to the Covert? Maybe he regrets letting her into his room that night?
When it is time for dinner and the others return to the house,  Dez declares it is time for him to head back to the Covert. He says so with a final look over at his son, but Paz tenses up and stares at the floor, which leads to him merely offering Paz a formal goodbye and stalking out of house, ignoring the other children gawking at him.
Dulsissia walks over to Paz, touches his arm and gets his attention. “You okay?” He nods, but it’s not really convincing.
Din appears on Paz’ other side, shoves Raga away, and punches him in the shoulder. When that gets him an angry glare, Din speaks. “He’s a douche. This is your home now. Trust me, leaving will only make you realize that. We’re your family too.”
That actually makes Paz smile and to Dulsissia’s delight, he pulls Din into a hug. It’s so sweet. It’s adorable. It’s… She sighs when she sees Paz’ biceps starting to bulge and Din squawks angrily before he starts trying to battle his way to freedom before he’s squeezed flat.
“I’m hungry.” Barthor whines.
“Let’s go eat.” Dulsissia declares.
That night, Dulsissia struggles to find sleep. All of her babies are in bed, safely tucked in, her husband is drowsing next to her, all is well, and yet there is an unease in her chest. She turns to look at Davarax. “Dav.”
“Are you awake?”
Davarax opens one eye to look at her. “If I say no, will you go to sleep?”
Dulsissia grins.
Sighing, Davarax turns on his side, fluffs his pillow and settles to look at her. “What’s on your mind?”
She reaches out and fidgets with the collar of his shirt. “Do you regret it?”
That brings a confused frown to his face. “Regret what?”
“Bringing us to the Covert.” Dulsissia rests her hand to his chest. “You lost everything because of that one decision.”
“I didn’t lose anything.” Davarax counters, reaching out and tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear. “I gained a family. You, the kids, that scary twi’lek, a genuine Hutt and even our three bothersome neighbours, I wouldn’t trade this for the Dark Saber.” He leans over and gives her a soft kiss. “Without you, I’m scared to think where I’d be today.”
Dulsissia’s eyes well up with emotional tears as usual. “My life was horrible before I met you, I know it would be horrible today without you.”
“No regrets?” Davarax asks with a faint smile.
“No regrets.” Dulsissia confirms, burrowing close to him and savours the sensation of his arms going around her.
“Yes, Dulcy?”
“Will you help me take the Creed?”
“Yes, cyare. It would be my honour.”
The unease in her chest is suddenly nowhere to be found and holding on to each other, they both slip into a peaceful sleep.
The End...?
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purpleyellow · 4 years
Make a deal
BTS extra member + NCT extra member 
Sunny’s Masterlist + Bee’s Masterlist
“Can this be considered an extra post?” 
a/n: This is basicaly 50/50 sunny and bee so I’ll just add it to both of their masterlists :p also, I had in mind to post it this weekend but life got busy so there you go. 
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“I didn’t know you and Sunny were friends” Jaehyun tried to make small talk as he and Bee walked towards the restaurant down the block. Both idols had long coats and masks to prevent people from recognizing them on the busy street. 
“We met a few times” The girl looked up at him before staring at the sidewalk and mumbling “I didn’t know we were friends either, to be honest”
“Friendships just happen. One day you met each other and in the other, boom, you’re friends” He gestured an explosion with his hands while talking, “She said she didn’t want to third wheel, so maybe that’s why she asked you to come”
“She would be third-wheeling?” Bee giggled at him and he wrapped an arm on her shoulders while opening up the door for them to go inside.
“Her words, not mine” Jaehyun rolled his eyes before scanning the place and pointing to a table in the far back “There they are, let’s go”
The place itself wasn’t well lit, and in the corner of it, there was a pool table along with some dart games. Both girls mentally noted that this wouldn’t be their first choice for dinner, the American college bar spirit was a bit too obnoxious for them.
“Sunny was dying so we already ordered,” Jungkook said after they went through the formalities of greeting each other. He and the girl sat on one side of the table while Jaehyun and Bee sat on the other. “Hope that isn’t a problem”
“That’s fine. I’m starving too” Jaehyun agreed without a second thought and gave a thumbs up to a waiter, who nodded and turned around to grab something. Looking back at the table, the boy placed a hand on Bee’s shoulder “You can legally drink, right?”
“Uh, I guess” She stumbled over her words with wide eyes “I’ve never actually drink before though, do you think-”
“Well, I’ll give you your first shot and we can make Doyoung jealous later” Jaehyun chuckled making her sigh nervously. 
“There’s a first time for everything right” Sunny gave her a gentle smile “You can try it and if you don’t like the taste we can order a soda to share. I’m not the biggest fan of soju myself”
Soon enough, the waiter came with a green bottle and four little cups, setting everything in the middle of the table and excusing himself off. Jaehyun taking the role to fill everyone’s cups and getting his own filled by Jungkook, who also started a cheer.
“To a very random dinner,” He humorously commented before the four of them downed their shots.
The two girls frowning afterward, Sunny from having alcohol on an empty stomach and Bee from the burn the liquid gave her.
“I don’t think she enjoyed it very much” Jungkook laughed as she opened and closed her mouth to get rid of the aftertaste.
“No, no. It’s not that is bad. It just. It’s different” Bee shook her head trying not to seem unpleased.
“Maybe you’ll like it better once the food arrives” Sunny laughed and then dropped her body on the chair, far too hungry to hold herself up anymore “Talking about it. How much longer do you think it’ll take?” 
“It should be coming anytime” Her member noded to the empty place “Hold up for a minute and don’t die on me, Jin Hyung will kill me if you do that” 
“I don’t know if I can, I already see the dark tunnel, it’ll take a second before the light shows up too” She rolled her head dramatically before fixing up her posture and sitting like nothing had happened. 
The food arrived a considerable amount of time later and the four young adults fell in silence while eating, it was only when half of it was already gone that Jaehyun and Jungkook began talking about a random topic and the two girls were left not knowing what to do next.
“Sorry if this felt sudden” Sunny placed a hand over her mouth to hide her chewing “Namjoon overreacted and had me tag along with Jungkook, so I thought if you came too it would make things less uncomfortable”
“No, no. It’s fine. I was a little surprised at first but I’m happy to be here” Bee smiled as she reached over to the dumplings “Some of my members say I should go out more too, I think I get what you mean”
“What? No, that wasn’t it. I mean the boys used to nag me into making friends before too but that wasn’t the case today” Sunny chuckled not paying attention to where she was going with the conversation “I didn’t have lunch today, that’s why he had Jungkook drag me out here”  
“You skipped a meal?” Bee frowned worried as the older waved her off like it was nothing.
“No. I mean, yes. But that’s nothing to mind really. Don’t you just… get carried away with work and forget to do the things humans need in order to survive?” She gestured with the chopsticks as she spoke and with each word, Bee’s eyes grew more worried. “Okay, I might have exaggerated a little”
“Unnie, I understand work is important but you don’t need to set yourself aside in order to get things done” The young girl started to talk, nervous that she might be stepping over a line.
“I get it, you don’t need to worry” Sunny laughed a little uncomfortable that she had brought up that topic. Cleaning her throat she shook off the matter “I just wasn’t on top of my game today, that’s all. It’s a little weird but I do enjoy working” 
“As long as you’re fine” Bee gave her a tight-lipped smile and Sunny snapped her fingers at her, nodding happily as she chewed on her noodles.
The two boys sitting next to them excused themselves since they were already satisfied and walked to the pool table, leaving the girls by themselves, which wasn’t much of a difference for Sunny, considering they were already having two different conversations. 
Bee on the other hand sighed and stretched her limbs, feeling much more comfortable than before. Noticing the older had raised an eyebrow at her clear relief, the girl cleared her throat and fixed her coat like nothing had happened. 
“You and Jaehyun aren’t close?” Sunny tried not to laugh at her change of behavior and Bee inevitably became flushed.
“It’s not that… We’re- I guess, it’s awkward but it’s okay” She stumbled over herself and ended up giggling at her own reference of the NCT content. “I’m sorry, we’re just not the closest people. Also, I might have made him mad earlier this week”
“I get it. You have too many people around, it can get overwhelming. Sorry for assuming you and him were friends” The older smiled fondly, very amused at how the girl found trouble to explain the weird relationship.
“Thank you for it actually, we should be bonding more now that all of us are going to be promoting together” Bee laughed along with her “This might have been the second time we even talked this year”
“Well, I’m happy to be part of this bonding exercise” Sunny winked at her before leaning over the table “It must be hard to deal with that many people”
“You get used to it earlier than expected” She shrugged her shoulders while feeling her cheeks with her palms. “I mean, it is hard to keep up with how everyone is with you, but I’m getting by”
“What do you mean?” The older asked, interested in the different dynamics found in their groups. 
“It’s like, event X happens, and then after it’s over you have three groups of people. The first one got over it with you, the second seems wary but lets you live normally. Then the third group seems unable to let it go and constantly reminds you of it” Bee talked with her eyes fixated on the table, trying to make as much sense as possible “It is pretty hard to keep track of who belongs in which group”
“Are you talking from experience? You can share more if you’re comfortable” Sunny smiled as Bee stole a glance at Jaehyun, who had his back facing the table the whole time.
“I had this crush on a groupmate” She mumbled making the older hiss “Yeah, it’s bad I know”
“Things can get complicated, I can see that” Sunny nodded trying to explain herself “But there’s nothing illegal about it, feelings can’t be controlled” 
“Well, it didn’t last long enough to develop into something more serious if you’re worried” Bee chuckled at her covering up her reaction “But like I was saying, some of the boys still look at me like I just lost a limb or something”
“Wait, so like, the twenty-something of them know about it?” She gasped when the possibility hit her, the younger laughing at her wide eyes. 
“No, well, not that I know at least. And it’s only just two of them who make me feel pitied. Not that big of a deal now that I think about it” She shrugged her shoulders again making Sunny frown.
“But it is. You told them you’re over whoever it is right?” Sunny asked and she nodded “Then that’s all there is, they don’t need to make you feel bad for it”
“I mean, I can see that they don’t mean to harm me or anything” Bee tried to defend her words “I get a little annoyed but I try to move on since they aren’t” 
“Oh, totally. It’s coming from a good place, but at the same time, your business is yours to take care of. For some things, your word needs to be final and they need to understand that” Sunny looked firmly at her “It can be tricky to find a balance in sharing things with your friends but not letting them overstep on your life”
“I guess I’m lacking on the later” Bee smiled sadly before turning into a surprised face “Oh, we can make a deal”
“A deal?” The girl frowned at her happily nodding.
“Yeah, I’ll be firmer with my words and you’ll take care of yourself” She clapped making Sunny laugh despite wanting to be serious.
“What’s with everyone thinking I don’t care for myself?” She rolled her eyes grinning at her expectant face. “Okay, deal. But I’m going to check in to see if you’re actually doing it”
“That’s fine by me” Bee giggled while shaking her hand. Remembering what JAehyun had said in the begining of the night, she hapily said “I guess this is our Boom moment”
“What?” Sunny frowned but got waved off by the younger.
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macncheesenketchup · 4 years
things you should avoid, know, or do if you support autistic and adhd people and why: a list for allistic, non adhd or neurotypical people
People often don’t realize why what they say or do is offensive, and want to do better but don’t understand how. So, for those of you who want to be less ableist/stigmatizing, here’s a list of things you can do to help autistic and ADHD people live more easily. If someone has a question or an autistic/adhd person has something to add, please feel free to do so in the notes/reblogs and I’ll most likely answer you or add it to the post!
1. Never, ever support Autism Speaks. Autism Speaks is an organization that has never been on the side of autistic people. There’s plenty of research on the wrongs they’ve committed, but off the top of my head:
- Supported the Judge Rotenberg Center, who are known for using shock therapy on autistic people.
- Supported and made their own version of ABA therapy, a form of therapy designed to stifle/“cure” autism. This therapy form is traumatizing, often forces autistic people not to stim, to word things in an uncomfortable way or do things that are physically painful to them.
- Tried to look for a ‘cure’ to autism, for the longest time didn’t have a single autistic person on staff, and had influential members who had said and done horrible things (what comes to mind first is the member who was shown on camera with their autistic child in earshot saying that they hated having an autistic child so much, they had more than once considered getting in the car with their autistic child and driving the both of them off a cliff, leaving their non autistic child alive)
2. When an autistic/adhd person says they’re autistic/adhd, it’s okay to ask questions. An autistic/adhd person won’t usually be offended by innocent questions designed to better understand us. With that said, if an autistic person tells you a statement or question is offensive, just take their word for it. Examples of typically offensive things to say as a person without the disorders include “you don’t look/act autistic,” “oh, like Einstein/The Good Doctor/Rain Man/Sheldon,” using autistic/adhd like a slur or adjective, or using autistic/adhd as an adjective for yourself or for derogatory purposes.
3. If you respect neurodivergent people, you respect their behaviors, too. If someone with autism/adhd tells you that something they do is because of their disorder, please don’t argue. And don’t make fun of behaviors like having ‘weird’ interests, stimming, laughing inappropriately, not knowing social things, etc.
4. Never use the R-slur. The R-slur refers to the word “r*tard”, and both this word and variations of it are extremely harmful. Don’t say it, don’t write it, don’t Morse code it or sign it. Don’t. Not even as an example.
5. Don’t victimize yourself for knowing an autistic or ADHD person. Just don’t. It’s a horrible and disheartening thing to see as an autistic/ADHD person.
6. Don’t use functioning labels. Functioning labels are most common for autism, and consist of words like ‘low functioning’ or ‘high functioning’. Terms like these are harmful and don’t give a full sense of what autistic people are like because it makes autism seem like a scale where you either can’t do anything and are incapable or you can do everything a neurotypical can and don’t deserve accommodations. Instead, view and explain it with the ice cream bar analogy, which says that autism is more like an ice cream bar with various symptoms as flavors and toppings that can be mixed in any way.. You don’t have a high functioning autistic child, you have a child who, using the ice cream bar analogy, doesn’t have social issues in their sundae, but DOES have educational barriers in their sundae, and they don’t struggle with loud noise but they do struggle with COMPLICATED noise. It’s more effort, yes, but it’s more kind to autistic people.
7. Don’t tell someone with autism or ADHD what their experiences are. Don’t tell them they’re using their disorder as a crutch. Don’t tell them they don’t experience a certain symptom when they say they do. Don’t tell them what they don’t need when they’ve told you what they do. Just listen, and accommodate as much as you can. You do not know them better than they do.
8. Autistic people often experience nonverbalism or selective muteness. This means sometimes they can’t talk, and it physically harms them to do so. Don’t force them to speak. Let them write down what they have to say, or put it into a text to speech, or do what they must.
9. People with ADHD often experience hyperactivity or an inability to focus. Don’t tell them to ‘just be still’, because often doing so can be painful. Don’t yell at them for not being able to focus, because the result will be them forcing themselves to focus and not actually hearing. Rather, if someone with ADHD can’t sit still, allow them to stand up and pace back and forth in the room, or step outside or go for a walk. If they can’t focus, ask them what you can do to help and DO YOUR BEST to do that.
10. People with autism and ADHD come in every shape, size, color, ethnicity, and personality. Don’t dwindle them down to a ‘type’. You’re harming them by doing that. There are POC, trans, female, male, non-binary, and lgbt autistic/adhd people, there are autistic/adhd people who can sit still, who can mask well, who don’t show specific symptoms, or who like things that aren’t autistic/adhd in nature and they’re all valid and deserve representation. Don’t act like they aren’t, don’t act like they don’t, and give them what they deserve whenever you can.
11. Not every symptom of autism and ADHD is well-known. ADHD people can experience impulse lying, horrible intrusive thoughts, and RSD (rejection sensitive dysphoria) that can take extreme forms. Autistic people can experience using extremely offensive language or dogwhistles without being aware that it’s offensive or bad, selective muteism that isn’t complete nonverbalism but still makes the autistic person incapable of speaking without harming themselves, and harmful stims like slamming their head against things or biting their skin. These are only a few examples of things people don’t seem to consider when meeting a person with autism or ADHD, but they’re easy to fix without being harsh, discriminatory, or ableist. If you ever don’t know how to address a symptom or behavior, ask an autistic/adhd person for help! You can find many of them in tags like #autism, #actuallyautistic, #actuallyadhd or #adhd.
12. Please don’t claim autistic/adhd culture, terminology, behaviors or otherwise things that are theirs for yourself. Don’t use #actuallyautistic or #actuallyadhd if YOU, YOURSELF are not autistic, even if you have an autistic family member. Don’t say you stim/have self-stimulatory behaviors. Don’t say you experience special interests or hyperfixations. Don’t say you’re ‘so autistic’ or ‘so adhd’ based on a stereotypical autistic/adhd thing you did. Don’t use fidget toys, stim toys, or chewing toys if you aren’t an autistic/adhd person who needs them, especially not in places like schools or workplaces where abusing necessary accommodations can lead to the people who need them being refused them. If you think something MIGHT be an autistic/adhd thing that you yourself shouldn’t use, do or say, ASK.
13. Self-diagnosis is valid. Autism and ADHD are severely undiagnosed because of the diagnostic requirement and bigotry in psychology. You can have autism and ADHD and not be diagnosed simply because you’re POC, or don’t ACT autistic/adhd enough, or looked for diagnosis late in life, or even just because you’re a girl. Don’t tell someone they aren’t actually autistic or ADHD if they are self-diagnosed because many people with these disorders CAN’T be diagnosed due to things outside of their control.
14. Don’t spread false or unchecked information about autism and ADHD. You can fact check things you read online or hear by mouth just by asking an autistic/ADHD person, and it’s best to do such before saying something that isn’t true.
15. Possibly most importantly, listen to autistic/adhd voices and support people with autism/adhd. Allow people with autism/adhd to have jobs. Reblog when autistic/adhd people speak out. Correct people who show ableist behaviors online and if they argue with you, tag or otherwise get ahold of autistic/adhd people who you know would be willing to help you. Block and report ableists who refuse to cooperate when their ableism is pointed out. Buy from autistic/adhd businesses. Don’t go blue for autism, use red instead. Follow tags like #actuallyautistic and #actuallyadhd in order to familiarize yourself with and validate their voices, but if they don’t want neurotypical or allistic people to reblog or comment, don’t. It’s not difficult to let our voices be heard, and you can do so without supporting corrupt organizations or using non-autistic people, non-adhd people or neurotypical ‘autism/adhd moms/dads’ to get information. Ask autistic/adhd people questions, check in with them, make sure they’re okay. Treat autistic and adhd voices like biblical word on the matter because they ARE.
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Chapter 55: Movie Night
Lots of quotes from the movie Lilo & Stitch ahead! Fewer quotes, but some, from Trolls and Frozen.
Bold italics are trollish, ~tildes~ indicate goblin.
Content warnings for this chapter: Swearing. Here we reach the story's first F-bomb.
Also, there is some talk between characters about the harshness of life in the Darklands, how Changelings are treated by the Gumm-Gumms, and mentions of cannibalism.
This was supposed to be a light-happy chapter that got feels-y at the end, but then it went and got all dark on me.
Oh, also-also, (Not) Enrique finds out Claire flirted with Jim a while ago and misinterprets what exactly happened between them, but that gets cleared up fast.
Becoming The Mask
Once again, Javier and Ophelia Nuñez were out for the evening, leaving Claire in charge of Enrique. Claire had gotten permission to invite "some friends" over to watch movies. Jim and Toby arrived to find Mary and Darci already there – Jim suspected, like the time he'd 'babysat', that Claire had purposefully asked him to arrive after she knew her parents would be gone.
They set up piles of cushions and blankets on the floor between the couch and the TV. Jim propped the Amulet up on the coffee table they'd pushed to one side. Maybe some of the ghost Trollhunters would be interested in human movies.
"Finally get your fill of the touchy-feelies?" Enrique teased Jim, seeing how they were all seated separately. Jim snorted.
"Not hardly." He pulled the smaller Changeling in for a hug. "Humans just have different rules about casual touching, is all. Freezing to death's not really a concern in this climate."
"Wait, what?" said Toby, dropping the pillow he'd been holding. Jim looked up to see all the humans staring at him.
"Darklands thing," said Enrique easily. "Gets cold there."
"We'd sleep in piles," Jim explained. "I had a bit of a reputation for being … clingy."
"If you weren't good at finding food and soft stuff, we'd never've put up with ya." Enrique proved himself a liar by climbing onto Jim's shoulders instead of jumping back to the floor. He fluffed the hair on Jim's scalp. "Jimmy-boy got his first nickname for that."
"Shut up," said Jim playfully. "Anyway, humans get weird about touching around puberty. I can still hug Mom whenever I want, but Toby gets embarrassed if I hug him around other people, and Claire, Mary, and Darci haven't given me permission to touch them casually yet."
"… Did you … want permission?" asked Claire. "You, kinda, said you were uncomfortable with that, I thought."
"No, it was more wondering if you were flirting with me that felt weird," Jim assured her. "After that conversation I felt like it'd be awkward to bring up that I was open to hugging and such."
Jim thought he felt Enrique growl, to quietly to properly hear. His hand, still in Jim's hair, changed position so the tips of Enrique's claws were on Jim's scalp.
"When exactly did this happen?" Enrique asked.
"Claire kissed Jim on the cheek on his birthday and then Jim said he wasn't interested in dating her," said Mary.
"Also that I realized she might not have meant it in a flirty way and if I was misinterpreting things she could ignore what I was saying," Jim added. The claws retreated.
Claire looked away. "So what movie did we want to start with?"
"Lilo & Stitch!" exclaimed Darci, looking through the shelves. "I haven't watched this in forever!"
"That's a good one." Jim tilted his head to get Enrique back in his peripheral vision. "Enrique, have you seen it yet?"
"… Yeah."
"Isn't that the one that always makes you cry?" asked Toby.
"It's beautiful. Of course I cry."
Stitch was a constructed 'abomination', who shapeshifted to blend in, and his adopted family found out what he truly was and still wanted him. How could Jim be expected to keep his composure in the face of that?
"So, quick question," said Jim. "Is talking during the movie a crime, or is commentary what makes it a group activity?"
"Commentary," said all three girls together.
"Okay, good." Jim and Toby usually talked during movies, unless one or both of them were seeing it for the first time. Sometimes even then.
"Not guilty! My experiments are only theoretical, and completely within legal boundaries."
"We believe you actually created something."
"Created something? Ha! But that would be irresponsible, and, unethical. I would never, ever – make more than one."
"What is that monstrosity?"
"Monstrosity?! What you see before you is the first of a new species!"
"You have to wonder if she and Merlin ever had a talk like this," Enrique muttered in Jim's ear. Jim snickered.
"And as for that abomination … it is the flawed product of a deranged mind. It has no place among us."
Jim stopped laughing and cringed. He loved this movie a lot, but some of it stung.
"A quiet capture would require an understanding of 626 that we do not possess! Who, then, Mr Pleakley, would you send for his extraction?"
"… Does he have a brother? Close grandmother, perhaps?"
"Fun fact," said Darci, "in early drafts Stitch was a career criminal and Jumba was an old accomplice."
"Friendly cousin? Neighbour with a beard?"
"Surely the teacher won't notice I was late if he doesn't see me come in!" Claire narrated sarcastically.
"I'm sorry, Scrump!" Mary wailed, as Lilo ran back to retrieve the doll she'd angrily thrown aside.
"Let me illuminate to you the precarious situation in which you have found yourself. I am the one they call when things go wrong. And things have indeed gone wrong."
"As a cook, that kitchen horrifies me," said Jim.
"If you promise not to fight anymore, I promise not to yell at you – except on special occasions."
"Tuesdays and bank holidays would be good."
The entire group cracked up.
"How does kid Lilo's age even know what a bank holiday is?" said Claire. "I don't even know what a bank holiday is!"
"Maybe she saw it printed on a calendar?" said Toby.
A raindrop fell on Stitch's head. He fired his ray gun into the sky. It started raining, hard.
"Oh, no, I broke the sky!" Darci cried.
"Does it have to be this dog?"
"He survived getting hit by a truck, how much more sturdy and not-gonna-die do you want?" asked Jim.
"Yes. He's good. I can tell."
"I'm sorry I bit you. And pulled your hair. And punched you in the face."
Mary nudged Claire. "Remind you of anyone?"
Like sunflowers, everyone else popped up and turned towards them.
Claire blushed. "We got into a fight in first grade and for like two days we decided we didn't want to be friends anymore, then our moms made us say sorry."
"He will be irresistibly drawn to large cities, where he will back up sewers, reverse street signs, and steal everyone's left shoe."
"It's weird they get in trouble for everything but this," commented Enrique. "Human grown ups might not believe a dog stole a trike, but wouldn't they think Lilo did it? She's fought the other kid before."
"It's nice to live on an island with no large cities."
"It's not an angel, Lilo, I don't even think it's a dog!"
"Isn't that the rolling thing Draal can do?" said Toby.
"Yeah, more or less," said Jim. "I mean, I don't think Draal bites his feet – but maybe that's the trick."
"At least with those stick legs you've got," said Enrique. He curled into a ball and rolled in a circle around the group. "Face it, you're out of proportion for this move."
"626 was designed to be a monster. But now, there is nothing to destroy. You see, I never gave him a greater purpose. What must it be like, to have nothing? Not even memories to visit, in the middle of the night?"
"Now, this next bit I don't care for," said Jim. "The Ugly Duckling is a messed-up story."
"What've you got against The Ugly Duckling?" asked Mary.
"The blatant segregationist propaganda? 'A swan will never fit in with ducks and everyone is better off sticking with their own kind'. You don't even have to read it as a race metaphor. Between that and The Little Mermaid, I thought for while that Hans Christian Anderson was a Changeling writing cautionary tales about why we shouldn't get attached to humans."
"… Was he?" asked Claire.
"Probably not. I couldn't find any real evidence and the rest of his work doesn't match the pattern."
"Counterpoint," said Darci. "The Ugly Duckling is pro-integration. Everyone thought he was an ugly duckling because they didn't know what swans look like. If he'd grown up with ducks and swans around, they could've judged him for what he was instead of what he couldn't measure up to, and he might've had a happy childhood instead of only finding a community that accepted him as an adult."
Jim considered this, and nodded. "I guess I can see that, too."
"Heard you lost your job."
"Well, uh, actually, I just quit. That job. Because, you know, the hours are just not conducive to the challenges of raising a child –"
"Nani, no!" Jim begged. "I know almost nothing about Social Services but I'm pretty sure choosing to leave your only source of income looks worse to them than just losing it!"
"Thus far you have been adrift in the sheltered harbour of my patience; but I cannot ignore you being jobless. Do I make myself clear?"
"And next time I see this dog, I expect it to be a model citizen. Capiche?"
"Uh … yes?"
"New job. Model citizen. Good day."
"So, we saw Cobra on the beach after all the tourists got scared off … D'you think he was just standing there watching them the whole time?" Mary wondered out loud after the surfing sequence.
"Until we meet again …"
Lilo was about to tell Stitch about her parents. Without thinking, Jim grabbed the remote – on the coffee table, next to the amulet – to fast forward.
"What are you doing?" Darci cried. "This is one of the big emotional turning points of the film!"
Jim paused it. "Sorry. Uh … Tobes and I usually skip this scene."
"I think I can handle it," Toby assured Jim. To the girls and Enrique, he explained, "My parents died in a storm when I was two. A cruise ship, not a car accident. I got kind of upset the first time we watched this as kids, and, we got in the habit fast forwarding this part. I think I'm okay with it now."
"You're sure?" asked Jim.
"I'm sure."
"Okay …" He rewound to the point where he'd started fast forwarding.
"That's us before. It was rainy, and they went for a drive. What happened to yours?"
Jim watched Toby more than the movie for the next few minutes.
"I'll remember you, though. I remember everyone that leaves."
"Do you remember them?" Claire asked quietly.
"Only the stuff Nana tells me." Toby shrugged, and readjusted the cushions he'd propped up his arms on. "I've seen lots of pictures. A couple home movies."
"Don't run. Don't make me shoot you. You were expensive. Yes, yes, that's it, come quietly."
"I'm … waiting."
"For what?"
"Ah. You don't have one. I made you."
"Maybe … I could –"
"You were built to destroy. You can never belong."
Jim blinked fast to keep the tears back. He sniffed, and pulled the blankets more tightly around him.
"Okay, talk! I know you had something to do with this, now where's Lilo? Talk! I know you can."
"Claire?" said Mary. "You okay?"
Jim looked over. Claire's jaw was clenched, and her hands were tight on the blanket, and her eyes were huge and fixed on the screen, and she was shaking.
"Ah … maybe the little sib getting snatched by otherworldly forces wasn't the best movie choice," Enrique said. He reached out like he was about to go to Claire, then pulled back his hand and hunkered down where he was.
"LILO! She's a little girl this big, she has black hair and brown eyes, and she hangs around with that THING!"
"I'm. Fine," Claire insisted.
"You're sure?"
"We can just fast forward."
"I said I'm fine!"
"Okay …"
Mary and Darci each scooted their blanket and cushion piles closer to Claire's, bracketing her on either side. Jim tactfully retreated to the Nuñezes kitchen to microwave a few more bags of popcorn. Enrique went with him. They could still hear the TV.
"What? After all you put me through, you expect me to help you just like that? Just like that?!"
"Fine? You're doing what he says?"
"Ah, he is very persuasive."
"Is it normal to feel bad for her?" Enrique asked.
"I think so? It's an awkward situation for both of you." Jim selected the white cheddar flavour. "But it's not like there's an alternative. You're not a polymorph. And really, the only reason she's upset is because she found out."
The Nuñezes had the same microwave as the Lakes. Jim didn't find the popcorn setting especially useful for this brand of popcorn – it tended to burn a third of the kernels– so he used the timer instead.
"I never apologized to you for that, did I?" Jim asked.
"It wasn't all your fault."
"Still, I'm sorry for my part in getting you caught."
The Changelings got back to the living room in time to see the unfortunate tourist lose his ice cream for the third time.
"Does Stitch have to go in the ship?"
"Can Stitch say goodbye?"
"… Yes."
Like he always did during this scene, Jim cried. He let himself do it this time.
"Wait, how is Little Mermaid a cautionary tale?" asked Enrique during the credits. The camera panned over a photo of Stitch reading to a flock of ducklings. "For getting attached, I mean. I thought the moral of that one was to control yer temper and be careful who you made deals with?"
"Sure, the Disney version," said Jim. "They adapted it to make a more dramatic, less depressing story. And give the characters names. In the older version, the sea witch is actually a neutral character. The terms of the mermaid's transformation are that she's traded her tongue for legs, but walking on land hurts, and she'll become fully human if the prince marries her, but if he marries anybody else, she'll die."
"That doesn't sound neutral."
"Wait for it. The prince gets engaged to a human princess, so the mermaid's older sisters trade their hair to the sea witch for a magic knife and a loophole; if the little mermaid kills the prince before the wedding, she can turn back into a mermaid and survive."
"Kay, I see it now."
"Except she doesn't go through with the kill, so she dies, and because she wasn't really human, she doesn't have a proper soul, so her spirit's not allowed to go to Heaven."
"… Whoa."
"I know, right?"
"I mean," Mary commented, "not murdering somebody is kind of a low bar for moral decency. It's not as if the prince owed her anything just because she was attracted to him."
"No, no, whether the prince deserved to die or not is irrelevant," said Jim. "The point is that the mermaid had a chance to, objectively, trade one life for another, and because she was attached to the particular person she'd have to kill, she didn't prioritize her own survival, and therefore suffered."
"Wouldn't the guilt of murder have caused suffering anyway?" Toby pointed out.
"Not if she wasn't attached," Jim insisted. How were they not getting this? "If she could've just cut the throat of any random human, she'd've been fine. The moral of the story is that caring about people causes pain. That's what makes it depressing."
"Do you like any fairy tales?" asked Darci.
"Sure. Just not most of Anderson's work."
"What should we watch next?" said Claire hospitably. "If we're on a 'sister movies' theme, I've got Frozen."
"Isn't that one also based on an Anderson fairy tale?" said Mary.
"Not really," said Jim. "The Snow Queen was more 'inspiration' than 'source material'. Elsa never kidnaps anyone, and they left out the broken enchanted mirror. Plus it's fun to see all the different ways humans think trolls are like."
"We also have the Trolls movie," said Claire. "I haven't watched it yet. My dad got it for Mom's birthday because she used to collect the dolls."
"I haven't seen that one yet, either," Darci commented.
"Should we?" said Mary. "Any other votes?"
"I'm game for whatever," said Toby. "This one's a musical, right? Those are always fun."
Jim squirmed.
He hadn't watched this movie despite his curiosity, after an online clip of the opening had explained the premise. Getting eaten alive was his greatest fear. Did he want to watch a movie about trolls narrowly avoiding being eaten? Did he want to explain why he didn't want to watch it?
While he debated, the movie got put in.
"Once upon a time, in a happy forest, in the happiest tree, lived the happiest creatures the world has ever known: the trolls. They loved nothing more than to sing, and dance, and hug, and dance and hug and sing and dance and sing and hug –"
Enrique started laughing.
Oh, shit, Jim hadn't warned him.
"Uh, Enrique –"
"Ssh! This is ridiculous. I mean, the huggy bit's kind of like you, but the rest of it – ha!"
"But then one day, the trolls were discovered by – a Bergen!"
"The trolls are gonna –"
"Ji-im! Spoilers!" Toby hissed.
"They were the most miserable creatures in all the land."
Jim grabbed Enrique and covered his eyes. The smaller Changeling yelped and squirmed. Jim switched forms so his fingers wouldn't bleed from the clawing.
Enrique got his eyes uncovered just in time to see the Bergen flick a troll into its mouth.
The onscreen troll's exclamation of "Oh my god!" was drowned out by Enrique's much more lurid cursing.
"What the –?" The girls and Toby all turned to stare. Claire pointed at Enrique accusingly. "I knew that didn't mean 'I'm sorry'!"
"The hell kinda movie is this?! Why would you watch this?!" He twisted to look at Jim, who let go of him rather than risk yanking his scruff by accident. "You knew?!"
"I saw a bit of it on the internet when it first came out. That's why I froze up when Claire suggested it."
That … that was the wrong thing to say. Enrique rounded on Claire. A techno-rock cover of In The Hall Of The Mountain King boomed from the movie soundtrack.
"Why in FUCK'S NAME would you think we'd WANT to watch trolls get EATEN? Is this some kind of threat?"
"How the fuck would it be a threat?" Claire shot back, stealing some cushions from Mary to prop herself up taller without getting out of her blanket cocoon.
"Most Changelings –" Jim started to say.
"We've all had close calls," Jim finished. "Nyarlagroths, Hellheetis, goblins if you catch them in the wrong mood, Gruesomes if you're already hurt, Stalklings, and it's a … popular threat from Gumm-Gumms."
"You forgot the sloorbeasts," said Enrique bitterly.
"Nobody's gotten lichen patches that bad." At least, they hadn't when Jim got out. "Have they?"
"Still counts."
"Uh, excuse me." Toby raised his hand. "I think I speak for us all when I say, what?"
"The Darklands are a hostile environment with predators and scavengers," explained Jim. "That's the other reason we slept in groups."
"Bigger targets, but we could have lookouts."
"Okay, that's its own kind of horrifying, but I was more reacting to the cannibalism?"
"Changelings don't count as real trolls," Enrique said sarcastically. "We're Impure."
He left out the part where they'd eaten their own dead. Jim didn't add it.
(It wasn't like they'd hunted each other for food. Sometimes a Changeling just died, somehow, in a way that didn't get them eaten by something else, and … well, food was scarce in the Darklands. They couldn't afford to be picky.
It also paid to keep watch over the sentry posts. Gunmar occasionally used the Decimaar Blade to post a sentry and then forgot to order them to rest and eat. Once they died, the average adult Gumm-Gumm was a meal for twenty Changelings, easily, if they could get to the body before the Gruesomes did.)
"Okay, we're switching to Frozen." Mary made the executive decision. "Wait," she said, while exchanging the disks. "If Changelings aren't trolls, how does Jim's adoption work?"
Because of course this was the perfect moment to tell Enrique about that, right in the middle of a squabble with his adopted sister.
"For one thing, most of Trollmarket still thinks I'm human." Jim switched back to human shape to illustrate the point.
"You got adopted?"
"AAARRRGGHH and Blinky thought I should have legal standing in Trollmarket outside of my job."
Enrique stared at him. Green diamond-shaped ears were pinned back. Buggy, slit-pupil eyes were wide and hurt.
"You get everything," he grumbled. "Two nicknames, and the goblins liked you, and you could always find food, and here you're the boss's favourite even when you're a traitor, and your human family still likes you, and now you get a troll family too? S'not fair."
"Hey, the goblins liked you, too." Jim was fully aware that wasn't much comfort compared to all the rest of it. "They gave you your nickname, remember?"
"They gave you one, too."
"Yeah, but you got yours first."
They probably weren't supposed to hear Darci when she muttered, "I feel like we're missing a lot of context."
"Shit," Claire muttered back. "Not Enrique told me a bit of the name part. They don't remember their names from before they were Changelings, and they don't get real names until they have Familiars, so they use nicknames instead. From each other or from goblins, he said."
"They don't get names?" Darci's voice went squeaky at the end of that.
"We're trying to come up with something other than 'Enrique' for him."
"You're trying," Enrique corrected. Darci squeaked again.
"Can we maybe circle back to the cannibalism thing?" said Toby. "That feels like the kind of trauma that should get unpacked at some point."
"I would rather leave it packed," said Jim.
"The way you blurted it out like that feels like you need to talk about it."
"Not all psychology is Freudian, Tobes."
"Do your parents still have baby name books from when they were picking Enrique's name?" Mary asked Claire. "Real Enrique, I mean."
"They didn't use one. He was named after our abuelo."
"Okay, so what about your other grandfather? What was his name?"
"Jose María." Defensively, "It's gender neutral in Spanish."
On the television screen, the movie menu finished another loop and started again.
"I tried spelling my name like it sounds, en are ee kay, but Claire said it spelled 'Nrek'. You get why I couldn't use that."
Jim laughed.
"What's funny?" asked Toby. "Is that an insult or something?"
"No, it's goblin, in English it means 'bottle'," Jim translated. "Or possibly 'container of food'." The only bottles he's seen them use held formula for the Familiars, and the word hadn't come up on the surface, so the distinction was unclear. "It's either a silly name or a really morbid one."
"Aaand we're back to the cannibalism."
"No we are not!"
"Na na na heyana, Hahiyaha naha …"
Either somebody had decided to start the movie, or the DVD had that feature where it automatically began playing if nothing was selected after a few loops of the menu.
The conversation went in circles a couple more times, then faded out.
"And who's the funky-looking donkey over there?"
"That's Sven."
"Uh-huh; and who's the reindeer?"
"… Sven."
"Oh, they're – ? Oh! Okay! Makes things easier for me."
"~Riot~," said Enrique.
"My nickname. Before. It meant 'riot'."
What are you doing? Jim wanted to demand. Was Enrique just – just giving up on a real name?
"You can call me that for now. Till we work out a for-real one. Better than 'Not Enrique'."
Jim stuffed some burnt popcorn kernels into his mouth to keep from protesting. He couldn't undermine Enrique's – Riot's – chosen name, right in front of a bunch of humans, when he'd been arguing with them about how rude that was for weeks now.
"Oh. Okay." Claire half-smiled. "Riot."
Jim shut his eyes to hide the flaring glow.
Previous Chapter (Angor Rot gets treated much better, and more sensibly, than in canon, and is correspondingly less vengeful)
Table of Contents 
Next Chapter (Featuring either Otto or Gatto)
A quick thank you to Taycin on AO3 for providing some name-gender context when this chapter first went up.
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stayextrafrosty · 4 years
I’m Dying for a Taste of You
Summary: Alex Manes is a vampire hunter tasked with hunting down rogues who kill humans. His next target is Michael Guerin. Known to sometimes over-indulge at the blood balls and was placed at the most recent scene by witnesses. But this might be more than Alex bargained for. Top Michael. Bottom Alex. Alex POV. PLEASE READ WARNINGS
A/N: I just wanted an excuse to have the two of them flirt while a weapon is pressed between them. Because reasons. I’ve left this open for continuation but I want to finish my other AU before starting a whole new one. There are the beginnings of a plot but this truly is just porn. Cute ending though.
Warnings: Please be aware that the kinks featured in here get intense. Light masochism, biting, blood drinking, overstimulation, marking/claiming, Dom/sub, Predator/prey, possessive behavior. There are some soft moments but it is very much a rough and dirty sex fest. Read at your own discretion.
Read on AO3 // Masterlist
Alex was no stranger to the smell of blood but this place made even him want to gag. Scantily clad men and women wandered around shamelessly, blood dripping from various wounds on their body. More power to them he supposed but how anyone could enjoy being sucked within an inch of their life by a vampire was beyond him.
Blood balls were the equivalent of drug dens. Except these were technically legal. Alex looked back at the police officers positioned at the doors and around the room. No one was supposed to die here but someone clearly missed that memo.
He knew he was overdressed. As a donor at least. He wanted to cover as much of his skin as possible without drawing suspicion. He didn’t need his target sniffing him out before he had time to take the shot. Not to mention he needed to keep his gun concealed. There was also a retractable knife slid into the side of his boot.
He looked down into his glass, the whiskey inside colored red from the lights surrounding him. He hadn’t seen his target yet. Then again, maybe he was already here, back in one of the private rooms drinking and being sucked off by his next victim.
“Hey there. You must be new,” a sweet, feminine voice said. He looked up as the young woman sat across from him. Her corset pushed her boobs up in a way he was sure drove any straight or bi man crazy. Long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Tall, slender. She was beautiful. Or at least she was until he noticed the blood dribbling from the side of her lips.
“Sorry. I’m just observing today,” he said shyly, hoping it would get her to go away.
“Oh honey. Careful with that one. Remember where you are.” How could he forget. Her nails tapped on the table a couple times before she grinned at him, flashing her fangs. She made her way around the table to stand in front of him.
“Just a tip, the best way to know if you’re into this or not, is to jump right in. I’d be happy to go easy on you. Or, if I’m not your type… I know some sweet guys who would treat you right.”
His shoulders tensed. Not that this was a place where he should be nervous about being gay. Most vampires didn’t seem to care one way or another. The woman leaned in close, the smell of her perfume covering the blood pretty well.
“I also recommend leaving that gun tucked away,” she teased. His eyes darted around the room, checking to see if anyone heard her. But if she noticed, chances are the others did too. Was his cover blown before he even started the mission?
“Maybe you can help me then.” She raised an eyebrow. “I’m looking for a rogue vampire. He’s been killing women he takes home from this place.”  She hummed and looked around.
“Does this vampire have a name or are you throwing around baseless claims, hunter.” Her voice was still sweet but there was an edge now. The nails on her fingers could almost certainly rip his throat out before he had time to react.
“The suspect is named Michael Guerin. Do you know him?” She barked out a laugh.
“You must be delusional. Michael wouldn’t hurt anyone. In fact, no one at this club does that kind of thing. If they do, we dispose of them ourselves.” He was taken aback. The woman played with the edge of her corset.
“I recommend you get out of here. You won’t find what you’re looking for,” she said, crossing her arms. He clenched his fists and stood slowly.
“I’m sorry for disturbing you.”
He turned and ran into a hard chest that didn’t budge. He gazed into golden brown eyes. A sharp jaw and a scruff that clearly hadn’t been shaved in days. A crown of curls sat atop his head and a lazy grin sat on his lips.
His shirt had the sleeves rolled up and buttons left undone. There was an unmistakable red stain covering the shirt. His slacks hung low, button and zipper left open. Alex wanted to drool at the sight. He mentally scolded himself. There was nothing attractive about a vampire.
“Someone looking for me?” His voice warmed Alex in places he knew it shouldn’t have. This was his target. “Should we go to my private room? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable on your first time,” he said, shamelessly looking Alex up and down. His cheeks warmed and he couldn’t think of anything to say.
“Careful there brother. He’s a hunter,” the woman said.
“Thanks Izzy. I got this. I think that beautiful girl I saw you flirting with earlier is waiting.” Alex assumed she left. He couldn’t take his eyes of Michael. He must be using a charm of some sort. It was the only explanation. He was a professional damnit.
Alex shook his head and broke eye contact with him. Not all vampires could control minds that way but it was better safe than sorry.
“Please. Follow me,” Michael said, turning away from him. Alex’s head jerked up to watch him go. He shouldn’t follow. It was safer surrounded by people. But he was inviting him to be in close quarters, making it easier to kill him.
The two of them walked away from the slow throbbing music. They passed a couple. A man leaned over another, licking up the blood that had run down the other’s chest. The man being fed on was clearly into it. Their moans were vulgar and Alex turned away from them. How could anyone just do that in front of others?
Michael led him to a door, even going as far as to open it for him. He wanted to reach for his gun but pulling to early would compromise the mission. He had to wait until his guard was down. Vampires enter an intoxicated like state after feeding. That was his opening. If he had to spill a bit of blood to complete the mission then he would.
The door led to a long hall with several doors lining the walls all the way down. Michael walked down about halfway before stopping in front of another door. It had his name scrawled on a golden plaque.
“I’m afraid you’re going to have to give me your gun mister hunter. I’m sure you can understand why. I’d hate to have to kill you before we get a chance to talk so best to just comply.” Alex met his stare for a brief moment before reaching inside his leather jacket to the holster for his gun.
He handed it over cautiously, praying that he didn’t just shoot him. Then again, Michael liked to drain his victims. There was never a single drop of spilled blood on the scene. Michael smiled and stepped inside the room. Alex followed him in and looked around.
The lighting in here was more normal though it still had a red tint. A loveseat sat to the side and a bed in the middle of the room, headboard pressed against a wall. Alex didn’t know what to do. The bed was too intimate. The loveseat reminded him too much of a casting couch from porn.
Michael fiddled with glasses at a small bar filled with various hard liquor and wine. He set the gun down next to an open bottle of bourbon. He must have been pretty confident to think that Alex couldn’t get it back from there.
“Well don’t just stand there. The bed and couch are cleaned between visitors.” Michael handed him a glass. He wasn’t going to drink it.
“I just have some questions for you. It wont take long,” he said.
“The first thing you say to me is a promise that I won’t get to enjoy this for long? Tell me, do you like to torture men?” Alex rolled his eyes but as hard as he tried, his flirting was getting to him.
“I just want to know if you’ve seen this girl,” he pulled the folded photo from his pocket and handed it to Michael. He looked at it for a moment and then shook his head.
“Can’t say that I have. Then again I don’t keep track of every person that comes here. And some guests opt to wear masks if you hadn’t noticed.” He had noticed. Which made this even harder. But this man had to be the killer. He was placed at multiple scenes by witnesses.
“How often do you leave with your food for the night,” he said, letting his disgust sneak through.
“Oh, I see. I’m a suspect.” Michael let out a heavy sigh, not seeming bothered by his comment in the slightest. He seemed more disappointed than defensive.
“Just answer the question,” Alex ordered. Michael’s nose twitched. He was moving into dangerous territory. This man could easily kill him if he wasn’t prepared. He shouldn’t be trying to piss him off but he couldn’t stop himself.
“For your information. We have rules.” He stepped closer. “We don’t leave with the donors. They all leave first.” Another step. “And we stay behind.” He was just a few inches away. “It’s also frowned upon to seek out donors outside of blood balls.” Alex’s breath hitched in his throat as he leaned in. Michael cursed under his breath and let out a heavy sigh. The tips of his fangs reflected the light.
“I don’t think you know how good you smell,” he muttered. Alex felt his cheeks flush. He tried backing up but his legs hit the loveseat, making him stumble back on it instead. Michael hovered over him, placing his hands on either side of his head. Alex couldn’t sink any farther into the couch.
Michael placed a knee between his legs on the couch, leaning into him. His eyes showed hunger and lust. Alex tried to squash down his own excitement. It was fucked up. He shouldn’t be feeling this way. He should be repulsed. But his body just wouldn’t listen.
Not wanting to ruin his jacket (at least that’s what he told himself) he shrugged it off and tossed it to the side. His heart raced when Michael groaned and ran his tongue over his teeth.
“I knew you liked teasing. I promise to be gentle.” Alex gripped the couch as his head moved to the crook of his neck. He tried to stay still but he wanted nothing more than to wrap his arms around him and pull him closer. Michael’s breath tickled his neck. “You can ask me to stop,” he said, voice shaking with need.
He wanted to. He didn’t want to.
This man was a murderer and he needed to end this before he was the next victim. Alex stamped down his desire and shoved Michael back. He wished he could have appreciated the surprise on his face longer.
He grabbed the knife in his boot, flicking the blade open. He tackled the vampire to the ground, straddling his hips, knife pressed to his neck. Michael just laughed and watched him.
“Now that you have me like this what exactly do you intend to do?”
“You will die here. You didn’t show mercy to those girls and I refuse to show mercy to you!” He pressed the blade into his skin, drawing a line of blood. This was it. All he had to do was pull and he would die. At least long enough to put a bullet in his head.
So why did he fucking hesitate?
“One second too long hunter.”
He was flung back. Or rather carried by Michael. His back hit the wall, knocking the air from his lungs. His hand wrapped firmly around his neck. Michael snarled at him, fangs on full display for Alex to see. He twisted the knife from his grip.
“Kill me if you want! There’ll just be more,” Alex threatened. Michael traced the point of the knife down Alex’s face, never pressing hard enough to draw blood. He shook his head.
“I don’t want to kill you. It would be a waste of a beautiful face.” he responded. His eyes flicked down. “Your body is far better suited for pleasure.” He knew he was blushing. What was this game they were playing? He dragged the knife over his neck and down his chest. His muscles tensed and he hated the way his cock responded. This had to be a spell.
“You don’t know shit about me! It’s not real pleasure if you have to put someone under a spell.” Michael’s eye twitched with annoyance. He pulled the knife away and released his grip on his throat.
What the hell?
“I don’t use that shit. It’s better if they actually want it.” He paused and shook his head. “I didn’t hurt those girls either. But you’re going to believe what you want.”
Michael turned away from him and moved back to where he had set the gun down. He picked it up after retracting the blade of the knife. He walked back to stand in front of Alex, holding out both weapons in front of him.
“Just leave hunter.” He took the gun and knife from him, wide eyed. They never taught them what to do when the vampire gives the weapons back. Especially not with a face that looked so crushed. Michael was back to pouring himself another drink
“Alex,” he found himself saying. Michael’s head turned slightly.
“My name is Alex. So you can stop calling me ‘Hunter.’”
“Why tell me? We’re never going to see each other again,” he said with a humorless laugh.
“Well that would be a shame,” Alex joked back without thinking.
He wanted to eat his words. For a second he forgot he was dealing with a vampire. He didn’t want to flirt with him. But the way the muscles in his back flexed at his words made it hard to regret. He watched his hands grip the bar, knuckles turning white.
“Leave Alex. Or I might do something you don’t want.”
Alex should leave. He knows it. But that look was so lost. So broken. And so familiar. He’d seen that look on himself in the mirror. He dropped his weapons on the couch, watching Michael’s shoulders jump at the sudden noise.
He took slow cautious steps toward the vampire, watching his breathing grow more erratic with every step.
“Please, don’t come any closer,” he begged. Alex stopped. He was close enough to touch him but didn’t want to upset him further. “I told you that you smelled good. That was an extreme understatement.” Alex stood there quietly for a moment, heart racing.
“What do I smell like,” he asked quietly. Michael let out a strained whine.
“Like fucking heaven. Vanilla, leather, alcohol and about a million other things. I can hear your heart racing you know. I’m scared that if I were to taste you, it would never be enough.” Alex swallowed.
“Why?” Michael spun around and stepped into his personal space, their noses nearly touching. His fangs were fully extended
“Because I can tell. You’re blood would be like top shelf drugs. There’s other vamps out there that can smell you and are pissed they can’t have you. Don’t let any vampire have you, understand? Claiming would be inevitable.”
He had only heard the most basic information about a vampires claim. They usually did it with another vampire but sometimes they would claim a human. It was the equivalent of marriage. He didn’t know much about the actual process.
“I understand.”
Michael stepped back again, running his hands over his face, probably trying to make his fangs go away. Alex knew that wasn’t easy. Once they had been pushed that far, it was either feed or starve until you can distract yourself from it. Like an even worse form of blue balls.
The thing was. If Alex left right now, Michael would go back out there and find some other donor to satisfy him. The thought made him clench his fists. Why was he jealous? It wasn’t like Michael was his. He didn’t want anyone to drink his blood. Even if it was someone as beautiful as Michael.
Alex turned away from him to grab his jacket and weapons. They would never see each other again after tonight. He would keep looking into the deaths of the girls. But he knew for certain it wasn’t Michael. He picked up his jacket and held it on his arm. He looked down at the knife. Then the gun. Then the knife again. He dropped his jacket.
He picked up the blade and flicked it open.
Am I really going to do this?
Yes. He was. He pressed the blade to the pad of his hand. He sliced.
The knife was flung out of his hand and he was pressed against the wall once again. Michael’s eyes were filled with fury and hunger. Heat shot straight down to his groin.
“What the fuck are you doing? I just said—”
“Drink.” Blood dripped down his arm. Michael’s eyes were wide and desperate.
“Alex,” he groaned.
He pushed his hand closer to his face. Michael just turned away. Fighting every natural instinct he should have. Alex pulled his hand back, pressing his own mouth to his wound. His blood was warm and tasted coppery. Though he knew it would be different for Michael.
Michael gasped like he was in pain. Maybe he was. Either way he didn’t hold Alex down hard enough to restrict his movements. He lifted his non-bleeding hand to turn Michael toward him again. Their eyes met briefly. Alex leaned in slowly, wanting to give him the option to back out.
The blood on his lips should have repulsed him. Yet he was finding that none of this was repulsing if it was Michael. Their mouths pressed together. Michael tried to keep his tongue from licking at the blood on his mouth but it was no use.
A shudder ran through Michael. Then he was yanking Alex flush against him, tongue driving past his lips to taste his own. Alex whimpered as his fangs grazed over his bottom lip. Suddenly he was laying on the bed, Michael positioned between his legs and hovering over him.
“I’m sorry,” he said desperately. He leaned to lick up the blood that had dripped and Alex’s hips rolled of their own accord. Michael groaned, pressing his hips against Alex in return.
Michael sealed his mouth over the cut, tongue running over the shallow wound and sucking gently. His teeth scraped but never pierced skin. Alex pushed his shirt off one shoulder and Michael yanked his arm out and the other followed. He tossed it somewhere in the room and moaned when Alex ran his hand over his torso.
He watched Michael in awe. It looked like he was kissing his hand. It was beautiful.
After a minute or so, Michael pulled away, a drop of blood still on his lips. Alex leaned up to kiss him again, wrapping an arm around his neck. His hands found the hem of his t-shirt and pulled up. They broke apart to toss it away as well.
Their skin moved against one another so easily, like they were made for this. For each other.
Michael broke the kiss again, resting his forehead against Alex’s. His teeth still hadn’t retracted. Alex, stroked his face softly. Then he turned his head to the side, exposing his neck.
“Fuck Alex. I said don’t let anyone have you. That includes me,” he said, tracing his fingers over his pulse point. His mouth may as well have been watering.
“But you need it don’t you?” Alex glanced back at him, angling his head further, encouraging him. Michael pressed his mouth against his neck, licking slowly. He kissed and sucked but never bit him. Alex rolled his hips again.
“I can find another donor. I won’t hurt you,” Michael pleaded. His voice was strained. It was taking everything he had to resist. A stab of pain in his heart. He shoved Michael back and grabbed his face, forcing him to meet his eyes.
“I don’t want you to find another donor.” His eyes flashed red, bloodlust taking over him. Alex leaned in close, pressing a hard, fast kiss to his mouth. He wasn’t afraid. This beast could kill him but he wasn’t afraid. He dragged his lips down Michael’s jaw and neck until he got to his pulse point. Then he bit.
Alex was yanked fully onto the bed, arms pinned above him. He couldn’t move even if he wanted to. Pure power rolled off Michael in waves. Alex knew the dangers of triggering bloodlust but he did it anyway. He wanted it more than anything. Wanted Michael to just take what he needed. But he knew, somewhere in the back of his mind, Michael wouldn’t hurt him either.
“You want this, Hunter? Fine. But we do it my way.” He laughed, burying his face against his neck, teeth scratching gently. Alex’s jeans were too tight and he wanted nothing more than to have them ripped off of him. Literally. “Never thought I’d see the day a hunter would beg for it like this,” he teased.
“Shut up and kiss me before I change my mind,” he ordered. Michael just shook his head, leaning close.
“Bossy, bossy.” He kissed him again. All the vampires he had interacted with until now had been almost cool to the touch. But Michael… he was as warm as Alex. Maybe it was the bloodlust or the desire but fuck if he didn’t love it.
He dug his nails into his back, pulling him in. Other guys he had been with hadn’t been into that but vampires were different. They lived for the pain. Or rather, as he was learning, the line between pain and pleasure.
Michael moaned and nipped at his bottom lip. This time though, he let his fang catch, letting a drop of blood form before licking it away. His body shuddered at the taste. Alex didn’t know how he could be turned on but if he went to hell for the things he was feeling right now, then it would all be worth it.
Michael released his arms, dragging his hands down his body to the waistband of his jeans. His nimble fingers undid the button and zipper, yanking them down quickly. He broke the kiss again, making Alex whimper from the loss of contact.
“Patient hunter. I know you can be.” The nickname was no longer filled with suspicion and annoyance. Rather it sent another shot of need to his hard dick.
Michael went to pull his jeans completely off but stopped short of his knee. Alex froze. In all the tension and fighting, he had completely forgotten about his missing leg. He had never been so gone to forget that. What was this man doing to him? He looked down at Michael, worried this would make him stop all together.
“On or off?” It was such a simple question. But the fact that he had asked, while still very much in bloodlust had Alex relaxing back against the bed again.
“I can move better with it on. But if you want it off so you can have your wicked way with me…” Michael laughed and pressed his head against Alex’s thigh, nuzzling him.
“If you’ll let me, I’ll take care of you,” he assured. Alex nodded and sat up, beginning the process of removing the prosthetic. Michael moved to a different part of his body. He crawled around behind Alex and was kissing his shoulders, hands roaming all over his biceps and torso.
Alex tried to not get distracted but damn that mouth. His tongue darted out every now and then, wetting his skin. When he finally got it off along with the sock, Michael took it from him gently, setting it on the floor.
He resumed his attention on his shoulders and neck. Alex relaxed against him, whimpering sounds slipping from his mouth. Michael had found his pulse point again and was paying special focus on that one spot. His hands wandered down to his underwear and the very noticeable bulge. Alex groaned when he cupped him through the fabric. Michael didn’t tease long before he had pulled him out of the constricting material, rubbing him slowly.
“Fuck,” Alex sighed out. He felt Michael’s grin on his neck. Alex reached behind him, tangling his fingers in the beautiful curls, pressing his mouth over his artery. This pulled a moan from Michael.
“I’m dying for a taste of you. Please, can I have you,” he begged. Alex felt his teeth again and his cock jumped in anticipation.
“Yes,” he breathed out.
Michael didn’t go straight in like he thought he would. He pulled away from his neck, a tight control on his movements. He readjusted so that he sat behind Alex, legs on either side, body pressed flush against Alex’s. His slacks did nothing to hide his obvious arousal and it pressed against Alex’s lower back.
“Lean back against me and relax as much as you can,” he ordered gently. His hand continued stroking him, though it was more a second thought. Alex did as he was told, running his hands over what he could reach of Michael’s arms.
Michael’s free hand held his jaw gently, tilting his head to the side. He locked his lips over the spot again but still didn’t bite. He sucked and massaged with his tongue, serving only to work Alex up, making him thrust into the hand still wrapped around his cock. When he was satisfied, he pulled away, speaking low next to Alex’s ear.
“This might hurt at first. But it’ll get better. Trust me.” And he did. Alex didn’t know why, but he did.
Michael licked his neck again. Desire coiled in his stomach. A light pinch, then a throbbing pain. He gasped as Michael’s teeth sunk into him. His first instinct was to yank himself away but the warmth spreading throughout his body called for a different reaction.
His hand found its way into Michael’s curls again, holding him in place. His eyes fluttered shut, getting lost in the feeling of having Michael attached to his neck. He felt more than heard him groan. His hips jerked up into his hand again.
The dizziness set in quick, as though he had been drugged. Every part of his body felt like a nerve ending and all he wanted was Michael’s hands everywhere. The hand wrapped around his cock stroked with more purpose. Alex moaned loudly, not caring if anyone heard. Maybe even wanting people to hear.
He could feel Michael’s tongue licking at his neck where the blood dripped. His hips stuttered, struggling to keep up with the pace Michael set. Alex cursed and tugged on his hair. Desire twisted in his stomach and every muscle in his body flexed.
His orgasm hit harder than he expected. His back arched away from Michael though he was held in place. White stripes spurt over his torso and Michael’s hand. His body shuddered as he kept working him, overstimulating to the point of pain.
“Fuck! Michael…” he gasped out. He felt Michael detach from his throat. He pressed his tongue to the wounds, slowing the bleeding. He released his cock, running his hands up over his torso and through the cum. Alex whimpered at the touches. Every nerve in his body screamed for more while simultaneously making him want to run away for a bit of relief.
The waves kept rolling through his body, as though he hadn’t come down from his orgasm. He dug his fingers into Michael’s head and twisted his other hand into the sheets. The small moans only seemed to urge Michael on. He ran his hands over every part of Alex he could reach. He pressed gentle kisses to his neck.
“Shh… it’ll pass. Just relax,” he whispered to him.
“What… did you… do…” Alex panted out as his cock attempted to reharden.
“It’s my venom. I use it to take away the pain.”
Vampire venom. Sold on the black market as a party drug. When used in excess, it can put someone out for almost a day. In small doses, an aphrodisiac. When injected straight into the bloodstream…
“Fuck I feel everything… it’s too much, damnit!”
“It’ll wear off in a couple minutes. I’ll let you go until then.” Michael released him. He moved fluidly, not even brushing against Alex as he got off the bed. Alex scratched at his skin. He reached in the direction of the vampire. His fingers brushed against strong abs.
He refocused his eyes and took in the beautiful sight of him. His slacks still hung low and open. Enough that Alex could tell he didn’t have any underwear on. His muscles tensed under his fingers. He dragged his gaze up his body and finally landed on his face. Blood dripped from his lips and his pupils were dilated. His teeth had retracted so they only looked slightly longer than normal.
Alex grabbed his wrist, pulling him back onto the bed and on top of him. Michael let his surprise show when Alex grabbed him and kissed him. He hesitated at first but soon he was kissing Alex with all of his pent up need.
Alex grabbed his slacks, yanking them down to free his cock. He needed Michael inside him. Prep be damned.
“Fuck me. I need you to fuck me,” he pleaded, trying to pull him closer. He kicked off his own underwear in the process. Michael groaned and kissed him again. Alex felt the prick of his teeth.
“Damnit,” he cursed, pulling away from the kiss and hiding his face. Alex had caught the briefest glimpse of his teeth. Alex reached up to pull the hand away from his mouth. The teeth were already back. “I knew you would be a fucking addiction. I’ve had you and now... It doesn’t help when you say things that make me want to claim you,” he growled as he nuzzled against his shoulder. Alex’s heart flipped. He knew it shouldn’t have but this man turned out to be an addiction for him too.
“I need you Michael,” he mumbled again, taking his hand and dragging it down his body. His cock was half hard again. He was ready. Michael felt this and gave a low laugh.
“Who am I to deny you, hunter?” Michael was gone for less than a second before he was settling between Alex’s thighs, a bottle of lube in his hand.
Michael kissed his thighs as he coated two fingers with lube. Alex tried to keep as still as possible but the venom still working its way through his system had him thrusting toward wherever Michael touched him.
Michael rubbed around his puckered hole, the cool temperature of the lube a startling contrast to his own body. He pushed himself up on his elbows so he could watch Michael. The sweat that had formed on his neck rolled down his chest.
“Fuck, you smell even sweeter down here. But I feel like you’ll be pissed if I mark you up too much,” he said, nuzzling the soft inside of his thigh. He pressed a finger inside him, moving slowly. Teasing.
Alex let out a strained moan, the sound catching in his throat. He had to know what he was doing. How drawing this out drove him so crazy. He’d always been a patient person but with Michael, it wasn’t fast enough. He grabbed Michael’s hair, forcing him to look up at him.
“Mark me up as much as you want. But move your damn fingers faster or I might kill you,” he threatened. A sinful smirk grew on his face.
“You really know how to get a guy going,” he teased back. Alex would have responded but the finger that had been teasing him curved up, pressing against his prostate. His head rolled back as he released Michael’s hair and a second finger pushed in with the first.
The damned things fucked him open as he felt Michael’s tongue on his thigh. A quick nip then the sharp pinch of his teeth. The pain was hardly there compared to the first bite. The warmth that had been subsiding roared back to an inferno. His brain didn’t know what to focus on.
Michael decided for him as he scissored his fingers and began pushing a third in. He massaged the muscles, rubbing against Alex’s prostate more with every thrust. He was close again. Twice in less than ten minutes. It had to be a record. For him at least.
“Gunna… come…” He mumbled out. His hips moved with the thrusting of his fingers, forcing them deeper. Michael groaned and lifted the leg he was attached to over his shoulder, opening Alex up and giving him a better angle.
Michael seemed to bite down harder, sending a sting of pain through him. The not unwelcome feeling made his cock jump. He panted, reaching down to tangle his fingers in Michael’s hair again. He cursed as the fingers buried inside him spread him open. They twisted and curled to press against all the right places.
It was the press of a fourth finger that sent him spiraling over the edge again. His vision went white as it pushed in with the others. A choked sob ripped from his throat as his hips jerked, adding to the mess covering his torso. Alex fell to the bed, back arching as he gripped the sheets and Michael’s hair.
He felt Michael detach himself from his thigh, licking at the wounds to stop the bleeding. He pulled his fingers out of Alex’s ass slowly, careful to not press against any more sensitive areas. Alex’s head was spinning. Was it the orgasm or the loss of blood?
His hand fell from Michael’s hair as he crawled up his body, hovering over him. Alex’s half lidded eyes let him take in the beautiful man. He looked every bit like a predator deciding how to kill its prey. The blood that ran down his jaw and neck only made Alex want him more. He belonged to this man now. There wasn’t a single doubt in his mind.
Michael leaned in close, nuzzled the side of his neck that he hadn’t bit. Alex whimpered as his head rolled to the side. He would let this man kill him if he wanted. Michael exhaled a laugh, pressing soft kisses to his jaw and over his cheek. A gentle finger turned Alex’s head back to face him. Michael kissed him gently.
“No more. Don’t need you passing out from blood loss.” He brushed a piece of hair off Alex’s forehead, smiling sweetly. “You ok?”
Alex didn’t know if he could give an answer. He felt more than ok but also very obviously not thinking clearly. His body burned from the venom but he found that it wasn’t like before. He wasn’t desperate for more but Michael’s hands on his body were a welcome feeling rather than a painful one.
“I think so. What did you do,” he asked slowly when he found his words again.
“I took back some of the venom. While another vampire might be able to handle going a third round right away, I’m well aware you’re just a human,” he joked, rolling off and propping himself up on his elbow.
Alex looked over at him in all his naked glory. He was still rock hard and Alex felt bad that he hadn’t gotten off yet.
“You saying I’m not as good as another vampire,” he teased half-heartedly. Michael rolled his eyes and leaned in, speaking low against his ear.
“You far surpass any vampire. But if you were one… I could fuck you all night.” His heart hammered in his chest. Michael’s fingers traced patterns over his arm and torso, placing featherlight kisses to the spot under his ear and his jaw.
“You’re saying you want to turn me?” Michael froze in his movements, his body tensing.
“Careful Alex. Even suggesting it - especially when I’m high on you - the temptation is there. The idea of having you with me forever… fuck I want it. But you don’t deserve that kind of life.”
His heart skipped a beat. The idea didn’t exactly make him cringe or feel disgusted. Anything to keep this man next to him. His brain wasn’t in a right state and he knew it. As much as he wanted to believe it was.
He didn’t respond to the words. Just turned to face the vampire. He pushed him to his back slowly, pressing kisses to his collarbone and moving down his torso. Michael sighed happily, gently running his hand through Alex’s hair.
He nipped at the muscles on his sides, earning him a mixture of laughs and quiet moans. Alex wrapped his hand around his hard cock, rubbing slowly as he kissed his abs and down to his hips.
“Fuck Alex,” he breathed out. He felt himself grin. He moved and licked the head of his cock. Michael groaned and rolled his hips slightly. Alex took him into his mouth, using his hand to control how deep he went. The weight was heavy on his tongue and the salty taste made him moan. He hadn’t given head in a long time and he was remembering why he loved it so much. Then again, maybe it was just Michael.
Alex moved his tongue to massage the length of him. Michael rocked his hips slowly, never rushing him, just petting his head softly. He occasionally pulled but never hard. Alex relaxed his jaw, taking in more of him every downstroke. The head eventually hit the back of his throat. He held him there for a moment, loving the feel of him throbbing in his mouth.
Alex looked up at Michael through his eyelashes. He groaned and his hips jerked, making Alex gag slightly.
“Your mouth is a sin, hunter. I don’t know how long I can keep from fucking it.” The words sent desire straight to his cock. Though he wasn’t quite ready to have Michael abusing his ass again, he could at least give him a good blowjob.
Alex moaned around his cock, removing the hand wrapped around the base to run over his thighs. He dug his nails into the soft skin and scratched. Michael’s hips jerked again but he didn’t gag this time.
“You want me to fuck your mouth? Use you? Take what I want?” Alex groaned at the thought. That was exactly what he wanted. Michael pulled him off his cock. He released him with a wet pop and smirked at the vampire. He shook his head before climbing off the bed and standing at the edge.
“Lay down you damn brat.” Alex positioned himself on his stomach in front of him. He looked up at him, waiting for instructions. Michael ran a hand through his hair and down his face, looking at him almost lovingly.
“Tap my leg twice if it’s too much.” Alex nodded. “Words,” he ordered. Alex shuddered at the demanding tone.
“Ok.” Michael smiled and leaned down, pressing a kiss to his mouth. He pulled back slightly, still close enough for their lips to touch when he spoke.
“Now open your mouth and look at me the whole time.” Alex watched him as he stood up. He opened his mouth as ordered, waiting for any further requests. There were none as the fingers in his hair tugged gently and Michael was slipping his dick into his mouth.
Alex wanted to let his eyes close to focus on the feeling of him but he didn’t want to disobey him. Somehow he thought he might regret it. Michael moaned and started rocking his hips, slowly at first. He did the same as Alex had done earlier, working himself all the way in as to not choke him. Though Alex wouldn’t have minded it.
Michael hit the back of his throat and he shuddered at the feeling. His fingers tightened in his hair and he thrust his hips forward. Michael moaned and did it again. Curses tumbled from his lips as he fucked into his mouth. Alex groaned around him, causing his hips to stutter in their rhythm. Alex’s eyes fluttered shut.
“Look at me.” The order was practically growled at him. His eyes popped open and Michael forced his cock deep, triggering his gag reflex again. He gripped Michael’s thighs, attempting to control his thrusts. Unsuccessfully.
Michael thrust into him hard and fast. His own cock was starting to feel neglected and he rubbed himself against the sheets, looking for friction. Michael laughed and smirked above him, never faltering in his movements
“Is your cock hard already? You’re so fucking good for me. I don’t know how I’ll ever let you go. Maybe I won’t.” Alex moaned again, rocking his own hips. Michael panted above him, watching him the whole time.
Alex glanced down at his slightly elongated canines. They weren’t like before but Alex knew he was craving something. He met his gaze again and Michael growled placing a hand over his eyes.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Alex didn’t know what he saw but he didn’t have time to dwell. Michael’s thrusts were losing their pattern, getting deeper and harder.
Then he was calling out. Moaning loudly and shoving himself to the back of Alex’s throat. Hot spurts coated his mouth as he swallowed as best he could. The throbbing against his tongue had his own hips picking up speed. He was past the point of caring that he was dry humping the bed like a teenager.
Michael pulled away and was hauling Alex up to his knees, crushing his mouth to his. His tongue darted out to taste himself. Michael wrapped his arms around his waist, keeping most of his weight off his legs. Alex groaned at the pressure of his cock being trapped between them, pressing against Michael’s abs.
“You’re so sexy... So responsive… Drives me crazy,” he punctuated each phrase with a kiss. Alex took his face in his hands, running his fingers over the stubble. He pressed his forehead against Michael’s, just breathing him in. He smelled like rain. He ran his thumb over his lips, and when Michael’s mouth opened, slipped one inside.
He brushed it over his tongue and back out. He did it again, this time pausing to catch his thumb over one fang. Michael took in a shaky breath, as though this was the most intimate thing they had done since meeting.
Alex could no longer imagine his life without Michael in it. He refused to have this be the only time they saw each other. Despite all his training to kill people like him. He was beginning to think it was all a lie. What had these people really done? Just because they drank blood from willing doners? Sure some of them killed people and they should be held to the laws of the government, just like anyone else. But to generalize a whole group? That sounded too familiar.
The pad of his thumb caught on the point of his tooth, drawing blood. He hissed, more out of surprise than pain. But Michael didn’t see it that way. He took Alex’s hand and pulled it away from his mouth, holding it to his chest.
“Sorry. You shouldn’t mess with those. I don’t want to hurt you unnecessarily.” Alex smiled and shook his head. He tugged his hand out of Michael’s and pressed his thumb to his lip, just as he did earlier with his palm.
He kissed him softly. Michael whimpered as he licked at his lip. Alex found himself being lifted then placed on his back on the bed. Michael had settled between his thighs and he could feel him poking his hole. Michael bent his legs back to have easier access.
“I need to be inside you before I do something stupid,” he said with barely contained restraint.
“Stupid like what,” Alex couldn’t help but ask.
Michael leaned over him, kissing and nuzzling his marked neck. Alex turned his head as though it was instinct now. He couldn’t stop it even if he tried. Michael moaned quietly.
“You’re making it really hard not to claim you.” Alex wrapped his arms around his neck. Some part of his brain thought through his next words but it certainly wasn’t the rational part.
“Then do it.”
Michael jerked back from him, an almost terrified look on his face. But even that couldn’t hide the joy dancing in his eyes. He shook his head.
“Alex. You don’t know what you’re saying.” Alex blinked and sat up, running his hands over Michael’s torso and shoulders.
“Maybe. But it feels right, doesn’t it?” He leaned forward, pressing kisses to his chest. Michael groaned softly then pushed him back down to the bed, bending his knees back
“It’s the venom talking. If you still feel that way after I fuck you, then I’ll consider listening.” Michael pressed himself against his ass again. He grabbed the lube bottle again and coated his dick.
He used the excess on his fingers to slip them back into his hole. One finger, then two, then three, making sure he was still ready. Alex moaned but knew not to get too used to it. Michael pulled his fingers out and guided his cock to replace them.
He pressed forward slowly. Alex’s back arched as he stretched around him, marveling at the fact that just the head could make him feel so good. He heard Michael curse from above him as he tried to go slowly. Alex’s fingers twisted into the sheets.
Michael thrust forward firmly but not rough. Alex groaned and tried to move his hips toward him but Michael held him in place. He pushed again and the head of his cock rubbed against his prostate, making him whimper and moan.
“I’m fine, Michael. Fuck me,” he pleaded. Michael trembled as his hips thrust forward roughly. Alex yelped in surprise. He felt so full and his cock leaked with precum.
“Do you have any idea how good you look right now? Spread open on my cock, leaking, begging me to fuck you.” Alex moaned when he thrust forward as he spoke. Everything faded to the back of his mind except for Michael and the way his body moved against him.
His thrusts picked up speed and he grunted with the force he used. Alex could hardly think about anything other than the way he pounded into him. He tried to watch Michael above him but every thrust was sending shockwaves of need through his body. His eyes fell closed as he got lost in the feeling.
Little moans slipped out every time Michael sank into him again. The headboard of the bed bumped against the wall. Alex felt a hand wrap around his throat, fingers carefully avoiding the bite. He opened his eyes to Michael staring at him a small smirk on his face. He lifted his hand to cover Michael’s, squeezing his fingers around his neck.
“You are so fucking perfect, Alex. How has no one snatched you up yet,” he said, leaning forward as he squeezed the sides of his neck. Not giving him time to respond, Michael kissed him with an open mouth. The dirty sound of them separating made Alex whine. “You are mine now. Do you understand?”
Alex normally hated this kind of entitlement. He always insisted that he didn’t belong to anyone. But something about it coming from Michael’s mouth made him want it more. These were obvious red flags but he couldn’t help himself. He moaned against Michael’s mouth.
“Yours,” he gasped out.
After a few more hard thrusts, Michael pulled out, though Alex didn’t have time to complain. He flipped him over and pulled him up on his hands and knees. He pressed down on his shoulders, forcing him down on his forearms.
He spread his ass and slid into him again, not bothering to go slow. Alex buried his face in the mattress in an effort to muffle his moans. Michael grabbed his hair and pulled him back up.
“Don’t you dare. I want to hear you. I want the whole place to hear you.” Alex shivered and his own cock jumped. Michael fucked him ruthlessly though he was almost sure he was still holding back. The desire that coiled inside him was ready to snap.
“Michael,” he moaned out, only managing his name. Then he was being pulled up so his back was against his chest. Michael wrapped one had around his cock and stroked. The other was in front of his lips, bleeding from a small bite on the heel of his hand. The same place Alex had cut his own.
Alex pressed his lips to the wound, licking at the blood. He should have been disgusted but again he wasn’t. Michael pressed his lips against the spot he had bit earlier, grunting out his words.
“Tell me you want this. That you want me to claim you.” His voice was pleading. The rational part of his brain told him to say no. But every other part of him screamed yes.
“Please. Claim me,” he whimpered out.
Michael’s teeth were sinking into him before he even finished talking. It wasn’t as intense as before but there was a dull pain. Then the warmth was spreading again. So much hotter than before and taking over every part of him. Michael fucked him hard and he could feel every groove and twitch of the cock inside him.
Alex’s third orgasm rocked through him, making him call out Michael’s name repeatedly. He came all over the sheets but his body wouldn’t stop burning. Michael detached himself from his neck and pushed him forward again. He seemed to let himself go, slamming into him at an abusive rate. Alex’s cock tried to come again but there was nothing left as it twitched helplessly. All he could do was moan and take whatever he gave.
With one last deep thrust, Michael cursed and came inside him. He ground his hips against him, using Alex to milk his cock. He rocked his hips gently a few extra times before pulling out. Alex’s legs shook and he felt Michael trialing kisses over his spine.
He let himself down slowly, laying on his side and panting hard. The burn had turned into a dull smolder and was quickly fading. Michael curled around him, leaving kisses wherever he could reach.
“Are you ok,” he asked after a moment. His mind was starting to clear. What had just happened? He lifted is fingers to run over the bite mark on his neck. At first, a panic started to build, but it was overtaken by comfort.
“Yea. I’m just… processing.” They were silent for a couple minutes.
“You regret it,” he said, a sad certainty haunting his voice. Alex felt him start to pull away. He turned toward him immediately grabbing his hand and holding it to his cheek.
“No. I don’t regret it. The whole thing was just—”
“Intense,” Michael finished for him. Alex nodded. He glanced down at his mouth. Before he could think better of it, he kissed him. Their first non-desperate, lust filled kiss. Michael held him gently and Alex ran his fingers through the curls. They broke apart after a moment.
“I suppose now would be a bad time to make you promise not to kill me, hunter,” Michael joked. Alex snorted and ran his hands over his arms, feeling the muscle.
“I promise.” He paused. “What did you do to me exactly?” Michael sighed and propped himself up on his elbow. He ran his fingers over the mark on his neck.
“They don’t teach you that in training? Man, the academy is sure going downhill.” Alex rolled his eyes. He wanted a real answer.
“Michael,” he scolded gently. He sighed again, running his hand through Alex’s hair.
“Basically, my blood will heal you if taken alone. But I also injected you with my venom. Well over the amount needed to cause a blackout, mind you. But with my blood in your system, it forms a bond instead.” Alex nodded, covering Michael’s hand with his own. He smiled and leaned in close, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“No other vampire will dare to touch you unless they want to deal with me. I can keep you safe.” Alex chuckled as the vampire planted kisses all over his face and down his neck, eventually landing on the mark.
“I hardly know you,” Alex pointed out.
“But this feels right. And I can’t wait to get to know all of you,” Michael responded, lifting his head and gazing down at him with the softest expression Alex had ever seen. He pulled him in again, kissing him lovingly.
Alex was essentially married to this man. A man he was supposed to hate but didn’t. He knew nothing about him except that this wasn’t a mistake. That maybe he was finally making the right choices.
Alex ended up falling asleep. He didn’t know how long. Just that when he woke up, he was covered in clean blankets and Michael was right next to him.
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Johnny “Coco” Cruz x Reader
Anon asked: could you write something angsty with angel or coco?
Warning: a little angst.
Word Count: 2.1k
Author comments: I hope you all enjoy. English isn’t my first language, I’m sorry if I have some mistakes with grammar. Gif isn't mine. Also, I didn't study anything about Medicine, but I like drama.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 @chibsytelford @dazzledamazon @mara-mpou 💥 (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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You didn't see the car, but you felt how you flew off the motorbike, falling into the wet ground. Last thing you saw were two girls screaming and running to you, covered by pain. The agonic kind you feel before die.
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“What happened?!” Coco shouts crying when he finds the doctor. He's being followed by the crew, and Letti being supported by Chucky. She can't even walk without falling down.
“Johnny Cruz?”
“Yes, what happened?!”
“A car crashed her motorbike. She has several bruses, three broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder and... we had to induce her into comma. The helmet saved her life”.
The world falls down to his feet. His legs trembled. Tranq forces him to have a seat, while the crying of Letti floods thr hallway. The faces of the guys talk for them. Coco is sobbing with his head between his arms, shaking it. No air in his lungs for a few seconds.
“Is gonna get better...?” Creeper asks with trembling voice, something they want and they don't want to know.
“We don't know”.
“What do ya' mean, uh?!” Coco jumps off his sit about to take him by the coat. Taza and Riz hold him apart, trying to calm the youngest.
“Next... hours... are crucial”. The doctor replies scared, walking back two steps.
“Can we... see her?” Letti talks, leaving away Chucky, with her eyes and cheeks covered in tears. The man nods pointing the room. She runs, her father too.
Their lives fall apart when they find you. You're laying in the bed with a tube in your mouth and a lot of cables around your body: connected to some fingers, another in your wrist, two in your nose. The girl has to cover her mouth before start crying loudly. Coco wrapped in his arms tightly, giving her a kiss on top of his head. Angel can't go to the room, he's not ready to see you and it hurts his chest too much.
You've been there for them the last five years, always helping the MC with whatever they asked you for. And Coco's daughter is your bestfriend since you met each other. It's painful can't do anything to help you when you most need them.
“Sometimes, they can listen”. The doctor says, holding your medical record between both hands. “I recommend you talk to her as normal as possible. I mean, talk about how were your day, what movie you saw on tv...”
“Stay with her, brother. I'm gonna do all the paperwork”. Bishop puts a hand on his shoulder, stretching it for a second. “The club will pay everything”.
“You don't ha...”
“She's one of us, Coco. Club decision”.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
Yes, you could hear them.
Members of Stockton, Yuma and Samcro went to visit you. They talked you about how was going everything and telling you that, when you came home, a big party would be waiting you. The longest one with the four charters together. And you would like to smile, to say that will be amazing, but you can't.
Bishop, Tranq and Taza visited you every night. They laugh about something funny happened that day. Maybe Chucky left the crane on and destroyed a car. Maybe Angel got slapped by one of Vicky's girl. Or the recurrent story in wich they tell you that a cat went inside the clubhouse and broke a whole box full of beers, before lick it from the floor.
Riz, Creeper and Gilly went often. Every three or four hour you heard them saying “hi, pequeña, we're here again to bother you”. Sometimes they argued about what tv show is better, or talk about they wanted a new tattoo and you should choose it when you're awake.
The Reyes family always went together. Felipe was the optimist one. He used to tell you about his childhood and adolescence. Funny stories of an old man. EZ and Angel are like your brothers, so seeing you in that kind of conditions was painful. But they were there too, telling you everything was gonna be ok and how much they were missing you.
Letti and Coco made the hospital their home. Bishop ‘gave a present’ to have a bigger room with comfy sofas where they could sleep better. The younger was forced to continue with the high-school, being picked up by Chuky to go back to the hospital. Coco never left you, holding your hand, kissing you all the time. He also cleaned your face every morning and every night. Brushed your hair and put some of his cologne in your pillow to make you felt like you were at home. When he wasn't reading you ‘Hamlet’, 'cause EZ told him was your favourite book, making a lot of additionals comments like ‘shit, baby, everybody dies here’ or ‘what the hell is happening’; he mostly was in silence, blaming himself for what happened that night.
It was raining. A rare storm installed on Santo Padre and the surroundings. You were mad because you came home and he wasn't there, even when he promised you to make dinner and have some free time of the chaos. You had the accident on your way to the clubhouse. Two young girls were driving a car without license. They skipped a red light, tripling the allowed speed. You were there. And, like the doctor said, the helmet Coco gave you for your last birthday saved your life. One of those with full structure wich covered your head, face and neck. But your cross motorbike broke into pieces. But this was the less important.
Because of the shock and the pain, you had a kind of respiratory failure. Your lungs couldn't work. You also broke the left wrist and dislocated the right shoulder. Three splintered ribs, bruises around your body and a lash on the neck. The good news were that you only would need three months of rehabilitation and one for rest, after it. The comma was something preventive.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
“Dammit, mami! You look good in this white pajama!” Coco gives you a kiss on the forehead, laying on the hospital bed, when the nurses have showered you. He puts an arm under your neck, carefully, holding you next to his body.
As the days goes by, you have less cables connected. You also don't need a mask to breathe better anymore and the analyzes show positive results. The crew, your family, are happy and feels better.
“You know, we talked about marriage and this... bullshit, and no following traditions, but white is definitely your color, baby”. He has a smile on his tired face, stroking your hair. “We've to marry, you hear me?”.
Tears running again down by his cheeks, pressing his lips against your temple with all the love he feels for you.
“You...” Your throat is dry and it hurts a little, but you're feeling like life is giving you a second chance. So you take it.
“(Y/N)?” Letti jumps off of the couch, Creeper and Gilly walks to the bed. Coco is looking at you with his eyes opened like never before. Everyone is having a heartattack.
“Fuc... Fucking crybaby”. With a lot of effort you smile being sleepy yet.
“Baby! Mami! Can 'hear me?”
You nod one time, drawing a painful gesture on your face. Everyone goes crazy. Creeper shouts calling the doctor, Letti hugs you and Gilly starts to call the crew by phone. You can feel Coco's hand narrowing yours, kissing your lips once and again desperately.
“Shit, mami, you scared me”. He laughs in tears, while you try to put an arm on Letti's back. “How 'feel? Need something?”
“Wa-Water, please...” You mutter clicking the tongue.
Letti, literally, runs to the table three meters away to take a small bottle. Carefully she offers you directly to your lips with soft sips. Oh, god, it feels like heaven when the liquid falls down by your throat till your stomach. The headache is gone, as the pain that involved your body the last two weeks. The plaster in your wrist is a little uncomfortable, taking a look of it raising the heavy hand in air. You look around confused and kinda anxious. It wasn't a dream. You're really there.
“What happened? Where's my bike?” You inquire, turning your face to Coco with your mouth almost open. By his gesture you know he hasn't any good to say. Licking your inner lip, you nod.
“Two crazy chicks ran you ove’, (Y/N)” He stucks both ankles on the mattress, taking your hand between his to gives you some kisses. He closes his eyes stroking one of his cheek with it. You can see the black shadows under his eyelids and the beard in the jaw.
Moving yourself all you can, you take his other cheek with the tiny fingers, inside the cast around your arm, and a wince, bowing to him. You press your lips against his, softly, in a warm way. You need to say ‘thank you for being my anchor’ without words, and Coco can feel it. You love him. You love him the most and nothing else matters. Hugging him, you start to cry. He couldn't felt the pain in every inch of your body, but you felt every day his. And it was horrible couldn't say you were ok, and you were hearing everything he said to you, hold his hand or move your head.
“This wasn't your fault”. You say, brushing his lips with yours. “Don't say that again. It was those girls, not you Coco. Even the storm has more fault on it”.
“Must have been home, baby... Making dinner, waitin' you”. He shakes his chin, closed eyes, noses lifting perfectly as a puzzle.
“Coco, stop”. You demand kissing him again, before be interrupted by the doctor.
“(Y/N), is good to see you awake. How you feel?”
“Like I learned to fly in the worst way”. Trying to laugh, coughs some times. Letti smiles laying next to you. She missed you too a lot and, by difference, she was who talked you the most. Even Gaby went to see you.
“Sense of humor is a good omen. Do you wan...”
“Oh, god, please don't. I heard it a thousand times”. You beg for a moment. “Wrist, ribs, shoulder, neck, blablabla... How many time do I have to stay here?”
“If everything goes as good as now, maybe in one or two weeks you'll be at home”.
“You hear' that, mami? You should have your meds and do whatever doc' says, to come home next week”. Coco sounds excited, smiling for the first time since one month ago. He kisses you again all over your face, holding you in his arms.
“Enjoying your holidays?” Angel's voice sounds agitated, stopping at the door till your eyes meet.
In two big steps he reaches the bed, while Coco gives you some space to be hugged for the man with a biggest smile in his face. The crew start to arrive too. Jokes, laughs and kisses flood the room. You can see some colorful flowers around, even two huge balloons are floating in a corner. That probably was Riz's idea. You're pretty sure.
━━━━━━ ﹅ ━━━━━━
“You good, mami?”
Lights off and one of your legs on his waist. Coco has you between his arms, tightly and warmly. You're finally home, in your bed, smelling again like your favourite human being. Happiness isn't enough to explain how you feel, hidding your face under his chin.
“I always am when I'm with you, papi”. You say in a whisper, tangling your fingers in his shirt to put him closer. “Will you read me tomorrow a little more of ‘Hamlet’? It was my favourite part of the day”.
“'Course I'll do, baby. I'll do anythin' ya' ask me for”.
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