#who uses his powers to revive flowers
sweetlywriting · 2 months
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Dungeon Meshi x Princess reader hcs!
Includes- Laios, Kabru
A/N- sfw as always + let me know if y’all want other characters! I just choose Laios and Kabru cause I’m a sucker for the knight x princess trope lol
He thought you were a normal person at first 😭
Finds out and ask for your autograph
Calls you by your long formal title, even when you say it’s okay to call you by name
He’s not the most well funded, and sometimes he worries you miss the lavish royal life that he can’t provide
So he tries to compensate with what he has, making dresses from monster skin, accessories from feathers, and heart shaped pendants carved from bone
They feel very special, and more made with love and effort than anything else you had received
He definitely picks flowers in the forest and turns them into bouquets for you
He spends all day carefully analyzing which ones suit you best but sometimes he takes too long and you end up with a wilted bouquet :(
He always makes sure you get enough rest, food, and water
If you’re ever tired he offers to carry you
Follows you around like a sweet puppy, but to others with his tall stature and knight armor he looks more like your bodyguard
But it’s nice not being bothered so he always accompanies you
Picnics are 100% y’all’s thing
He probably asks you to join the party because he wants your influence and connections, so he’s fabricated and friendly at first
He’s quite fascinated with you though, he wanted to become a leader so he tries to observe the qualities that you have as someone who has had to be around them their entire lives haves
I feel like at first he’s a bit in awe-maybe not of you but the authority given to you solely due to your family name
He doesn’t like to admit it but at first he definitely just wanted you as another pawn in his power fantasy
Of course through slowly getting to know you, all of that changes
He slowly starts to enjoy your company and can’t quite chalk it up to solely using you anymore
He tries hard to be like your knight in shining armor-he’s always making sure you walk on the side farthest to the road, keeps an umbrella for you of it rains, carries your bags, and holds your hand in crowded areas
He likes to do exaggerated romantic things like candle lit dinners and spontaneous ballroom dancing, he says it’s because he loves the little bashful look on your face though you suspect he may be compensating cmon it’s hard not to get a littlee insecure when dating a princess
He tries to keep you away from the dungeon because the thought of you getting hurt even if you can be revived terrifies him, so when he’s away he makes sure to send letters <3
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What killed Macaque?
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Well I was going to link my first post about this but I... can't find it. Like I checked over and over and tumblr keeps telling me I made no post about lmk which... is weird. I don't know if it was deleted or it's buried in the internet but that's... fine. Just kind of annoying that I can't find my own post.
Anyways I guess I should recap.
I have never liked the theories of 'Wukong didn't actually kill Macaque' or 'LBD changed Macaque's memories' or anything like that.
But also don't like when everything is blamed on Wukong and those Wukong haters and/or Macaque 'did nothing wrong' fans paint the whole situation as solely Wukong's fault.
Did Wukong make bad choices and mistakes. Yes.
But so did Macaque.
Their fallout is both their faults.
Macaque from season 4 is able to understand that the Brotherhood were on a path of destruction and were doomed but the Monk was able to lead Wukong down a different path.
But remember we saw in the scroll that the Brotherhood during the jttw believed that Wuking was a traitor and it was only Macaque not fully 100% believing it.
We know in the og jttw Macaque was less of his own character and more of a dark reflection of Wukong. But even then we shouldn't dismiss entirely what jttw Macaque did (except for cooking a Flower Fruit Mountain monkey because I think lmk would not make Macaque be so friendly with the FFM monkeys if that was canon in lmk).
Jttw Macaque impersonated Wukong, beat up the Monk, stole the group's supplies, took over Flower Fruit Mountain, declared that he was going to do the journey with the scriptures himself, and then got into a really long fight with the real Wukong and literally like only 2 people were able to tell who's the real one (Budda and like this lie detecting bull from the underworld?), and when Budda reveals Macaque's true form Wukong kills him.
So clearly some things will be different.
But I do believe that lmk Macaque would pretend to be Wukong and would try to befriend the Monk like in the jttw. Because Macaque at this point would try and figure out what's going on.
The last time he talked to the Monkey King they had a fight. So that's probably why he just doesn't ask Wukong directly.
Also we should probably account for how emotional and potentially unstable Macaque probably is at this point if his best friend is back and working for the enemy for some reason.
So he tries to figure out that reason. But the thing is that when Macaque pretends to Wukong, it's after a major fight between Wukong and the Monk so the kind Tang Sanzang is just not wanting to deal with Wukong even after he's being nice.
So all Macaque sees is this rude and mean Monk that bosses Wukong around. So yeah he beats the $hit out of this ungrateful Monk.
Plus he would extra angry if he knows about how the Monk uses the Circlet on Sukong and hurts his best friend to discipline him.
Then cut to Wukong finally fighting Macaque.
Wukong has learned to be better and is probably seeing how the Brotherhood and his past deeds were not great, and Macaque was a part of that past.
Macaque is probably extremely upset that Wukong is taking the Monk's side and is just abandoning and leaving him again. No it's worst, he's turning on Macaque to stop him.
So this fight is probably extremely emotionally harrowing, with both of them not communicating and just having breakdowns and/or shoving down their true wants.
I mean in season 5 from the glimpse we see of the fight, Wukong is begging Macaque to not do this while Macaque is just laughing. So yeah he's probably have a complete breakdown and is hiding it under his dramatic b%tch persona he perfects after his revival to not be vulnerable.
One way this could end is Wukong accidently killing Macaque in a fit of rage or to protect his new family. Instead of killing his dark reflection he's killing his past.
But I also saw this interesting theory by @Cherllyio where Macaque's weird probably chaos related powers + him losing control of himself and his emotions while having a breakdown = Macaque self destructing literally.
I definitely hope that whatever the answer ends up being, that it's a situation where there's blame on both sides. That it was a messy situation and there's regret and pain (sudden LBD flash) but now if they wanted to, the two can finally... talk.
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bones4thecats · 2 months
Sun Wukong & Macaque w/ Hastur! S/O
Characters: Sun Wukong and Six-Eared Macaque (separate) Inspired By: Poll Result A/N: I made up some characters for the Reader's past, so just bear with that. ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of being locked away and mental manipulation (somewhat) ⚠️
Backstory of Information on Hastur! Reader
Years ago, the founders of the Brotherhood of the Yellow Sign, had finally been able to summon their God, and bring them to Earth. And while they expected you to spread your own chaos like you pledged, you just looked at them, gave each sub-group a role in your court and began to work alongside the many immortals you had the pleasure of meeting. Though, you connected with a certain immortal better with the others...
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╚═════ Sun Wukong ════════════════════════════╝
☀️ When you walked into a meeting with the immortals, Wukong had his eyes on you almost immediately. The way your yellow cloak flowed in the wind just made him stare at you until Ne Zha poked his foot with his staff
☀️ While he spent his time under the rock for 500 years, you were locked away in an old box by a demon who used your human friend, Li, and were only freed when her descendant, Caihong, had smashed the box by accident during a fight against a powerful demon
☀️ Coming across your familiar caped form and your tiny human ally made him smile and pick you up before spinning you in the air with a large smile on his face
"Wukong?! How're you here? I thought you got imprisoned under that mountain!"
"Well... I did. BUT! I got un-imprisoned by my old Master and uh, well, the rest is a long story. Now let me ask where you were!" He said, holding your arms as you chuckled and gave your side of the story.
☀️ Caihong walked up to you, her long holographic-like hair coming down from her flower crown that you made on your walk through a nearby village to find the supposed 'heroes' that were rumored to be coming by soon
☀️ She grabbed your arm and you could feel her puffy sleeves on her outfit hitting your skin as she looked at the Monkey King and asked who he was, to which you smiled, picked her up and introduced the primate-human to the young female
"Caihong, meet Sun Wukong, he was the man I was speaking to you about a couple minutes ago. You remember, the man who couldn't stop trying to train with me back in Heaven."
☀️ Wukong's cheeks became flushed as you smiled at the girl and did the same thing to him that you did for her
"Sun Wukong, meet Caihong. She's the descendant of Li, the warrior who helped me when I tried finding you after the conflict."
☀️ Looking from the man who picked the girl up gently and began asking her about her own life, the Monkie Kids looked at you with either hesitation and confusion or stars in their eyes
☀️ MK ran up to you alongside Mei and they began to ask you many questions, from your power to how you knew Wukong, before moving onto Wukong and asking how he knew you
☀️ Smiling as he ran away with Caihong in his arms, saying how he would let them hold her over his dead body, you couldn't help but remember how you both fought alongside one another all those years ago
☀️ Oh how you missed your sunny husband...
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╚═════ Six-Eared Macaque ═══════════════════════╝
💜 After the revival of Macaque, you appeared on Earth, alarming the Monkie Kids and the King
💜 Instead of fighting them, you landed next to them and began to mentally torment Sun Wukong, asking why he would kill his only friend. The one who warned him about everything, yet his own ego got in the way
💜 Macaque just stood above them all as you appeared near him and used a tentacle to pat his head before motioning for him that you were ready to leave, saying your work was done for now
"I'm surprised you came by to help me with that, Y/N. Figured you had something better to do." He said.
"Oh no, I got unlocked for this weird box a couple months ago by Li's long-down-the-line child, Caihong."
"Li had a kid? Huh. Shocker."
💜 Chuckling as he laid a cup of tea down in front of you, the six-eared primate laid his head down on your shoulder after your hood was pulled down, revealing your extremely pale face with crown going from above your hood to laying on your skull
💜 After taking a breath and sipping some of the tea, you looked at Macaque and laid your own head onto his as he sighed and wrapped his tail around your midsection lightly
"She's not to bad of a girl, though her odd hair did put me off at first." You joked.
"So the holographic hair thing passed down the bloodline! Oh, if only Wukong would pay me for winning the bet." He joked back.
💜 Raising your head and staring into his eyes, you saw how he relaxed and slightly un-glamoured himself, the tip of his tail being tinted white and his scar coming out against his natural mask
"I missed you, Love."
"I missed you to, Sweetheart."
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flowerakatsuka · 19 days
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i finally drew some designs for devimega!kuroba!! they're a god posing as a human saint so they can bother karamatsu hehe.
[ more info under the cut! ]
kuroba was originally a mere plant spirit that looked over the chruch's garden, making sure it stayed vibrant and brimming with life. the garden had a frequent visitor and admirer, a young priest named karamatsu who was raised there. he would sing the praises of the garden's beautiful flowers, calling it a " little peice of heaven " and often escaping to it to avoid his duties. kuroba greatly appreciated his compliments and company, even if he wasn't aware of their presence. eventually, his praises reached the ears of the church's visitors and the garden became something that drew people there.
thanks to all of karamatsu's and the garden's visitors' praise over time, kuroba was able to ascend to godhood. of course, the first thing they did upon being giving immense power was assume a human disguise in the hopes of meeting the priest that they had grown fond of and getting closer. they were quickly taken in by the church after being found in the garden, but soon after joined the clergy after purifying the soil of a farmer's plot that hadn't yielded crops that year. now thought of as a saint, they're enjoying their days at the chruch alongside karamatsu. they're definitely closer, mostly out of necessity since he seems to attract evil spirits like a moth to a flame.
as a god, they have the ability to spontaneously grow different types of plants, purify soil, and revive recently deceased plants. they can also heal injuries, but really only minor ones as they're essentially applying their abilities to purify soil and restore dead plants to the wound. also, since their godhood was achieved mostly due to one person, their powers aren't exactly the most stable. usually, this manifests in their disguise slipping slightly when they've used a lot of power or if they're tired, ( like with their ears returning to their original appearance. )
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
DBK is most certainly confused as hell! But the moment he hears Wukong is in Danger, he's all on storming the Celestial Palace against his former brother's, this time with permission from his in-laws! It's also during this situation the truth about his rampage 500 years ago becomes known to the Celestial Realm. Xiwangmu, who has figured out Uwkong was not pregnant on the Journey, has even more reason to respect DBK.
DBK is all sorts of messed up when he gets revived, but he immediately softens when he hears a tiny excited "BABA!" at his hoof. Immediately the feared demon king drops to his knees to embrace his child, barely larger since he last saw him centuries ago. His wife is close behind, cupping her husband's face and peppering him with kisses as she sobs with joy.
Red Son and Iron Fan are the only people who matter to DBK in that moment.
Then he notices his in-laws. And what appears to be the Pilgrims? Why are they all here?
DBK: (*finally gets a good look at the room/construction site*) The Room: (*His wife's parents, her nephew, and her cousin are all watching him closely. A pair of dragons + their pup stay at a safe distance. Macaque is alive again and is struggling to keep the Staff upright. And a trio of Pilgrim-looking fellows look extremely out-of-place.*) DBK: "Uh... ok, I am completely at a loss for what is happening right now." Nezha: "The Brotherhood have taken over Heaven. Azure Lion has taken the Emperor's power for himself, and taken Sun Wukong as a hostage." DBK: "Those fools! But, why is Wukong unable to fight back against them?" Macaque: "He's very weak from delivering a stone egg." DBK: "HE DID WHAT!? After I nearly ripped heaven asunder to prevent him from doing so!" Tang, history nerding: "Wait - that was the reason for your rampage 500 years ago?! You were trying to stop Wukong from creating his Stone Egg?" DBK: "Of course! He approached me to act as a vigil for Flower Fruit Mountain while he buried himself. When I discovered that the process is more often-than-not fatal, I became adamant on distracting Wukong by any means necessary!" Nezha: "You were not successful, sadly. Me and Iron Fan kept watch for the last 5 centuries - though I was not given context on why. I now understand why that was. I nearly strangled Wukong when I learned what the purpose of his "meditation" was." DBK, surprised: "Truly?" Pigsy, gesturing to the Ao-Long's: "Yeah, it was only when a certain baby dragon got lost playing with your kid did anyone know about this." Mei, puts up hand proudly: "I dug up Uncie Wu!" (*DBK turns to PIF, his face uncertain*) DBK: "My love, is this all true?" PIF, nodding: "Yes dear. When I saw the reincarnations of Wukong's pilgrim brothers touch upon the island, I sensed that it was time to slowly reunite our family. I retrieved Red Son from Guanyin, and of course, you know how much trouble he can get into on a good day. Eventually, things got a little away from us when Macaque came back into our lives - you must see the recording of the Trial that happened because of that. And of course my parents eventually found out about their grandson from my involvement." Red Son, smiling proudly: "I set the Jade Emperor on fire!" Jade Emperor: "He did." Xiwangmu: (*hiding fond laughter behind her sleeves*) DBK, turns to face his in-laws: "In that case, I will accept any rapport offered to me in kind. My main priority is my family, and if Iron Fan wishes to include you in it - I would honour her choice." Sandy: "Guess, thats gonna include Mr Monkey King now too, huh?" DBK: "What?" Pigsy, getting frustrated: "We'll explain it later!"
So yeah, big brother Bull got some ears to shout off, and a few former-Brothers to interrogate.
Yellow Tusk actually breathes a sigh of relief to see DBK burst through the cloud layer into the Celestial Realm, furiously shouting "SUN WUKONG!" as he charges at the doors to the throne room. Finally a good distraction.
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strawberry-milkbunny · 10 months
Naruto is my Roman Empire and I’ve been reading MadaTobi fanfics so these r my Founders Thoughts that nobody asked for:
- Tobirama had a crush on Madara and it PISSED HIM OFF like they def had hate sex at one point LMAO
- they literally worked together ur rlly gonna tell me they didn’t have SOME moments of civility btwn them?? (lowkey that’s wild tho having to see ur brother’s murderer everyday at work-I like Tobi but I’m just sayin)
- Tobi doing experiments and scaring the villagers
- Tobi teaming up with Madara to make Hashi do work
- Hashi making flowers w/government documents
- Mito sipping tea while encouraging Tobi to revive the dead
- everyone in the Tower side eying the sexual tension btwn Madara and Tobi and them never denying they’ve fucked before
- Toka cackling in the background
- Hikaku spraying water at Madara like a cat every time he throws a temper tantrum
- Kagami popping in to make sure his clan head doesn’t kill his teacher PERFECT SITCOM MATERIAL
- totally personal preference: Naruto should’ve had more BLOOD AND GORE. I wanna see the grittiness and horror the shinobi world actually is and how revolutionary Naruto as a character is by choosing peace over violence. The only time we get that is Obito vs Kiri nin, Uchiha Massacre, Wave Arc, Orochimaru…before it turns into DBZ fights
I’ve said this before: Sasuke was in a seinen Naruto was in a shounen
- the warring states is literally the perfect place for exhibiting the horrors of war and humanity. Bloodline thieves, child hunting squads, GIVE. IT. TO. ME. Madara and Hashirama experiencing all of this and wanting PEACE FOR THEIR YOUNGER BROTHERS UGHHH ROBBERY‼️‼️
I HC that bloodline thieves is prob why Madara wears gloves….being a YOUNG (he’s been on the battlefield since he was 8??) powerful, prodigy and future clan head of a famous kekkai genkai it makes sense why he doesn’t like skin-contact/sexual repression and repulsion. And why we don’t see female Uchiha shinobi (excluding misogyny) simply bc there’s such a high risk of SA in this era
Moving on:
- Tobi and Izuna were jealous of how their brothers were being taken away. It goes past the senju/uchiha rivalry like they were just kids and were plain jealous.
- Madara and hashirama def share 1 brain cell LOLLL. Like they’re besties for a reason, Madara acts likes he smarter but nah he’s as much of an idiot as Hashi is. They’re both dreamers let these boys live and skip rocks together!!! 😭😭
- let’s be honest: Tobi built the village. Mans was doing ALL the logistics and infrastructure
- tobirama is soooo second son/eldest daughter coded it’s not even funny. The SPARE, serious and emotionless bc he needed to always clean up after his siblings, DUTIFUL, prob has a praise kink etc.
- Madara is an eldest daughter who also prob has a praise kink and touch starved
- NONE of the founders r well adjusted like they went from spending everyday of their lives at war to tryin bring peace and start essentially a ninja-revolution (PLS GO TO THERAPY)
- madara was just the most open about it: being isolated and feared by his own clan BC he was powerful, trying advocate for the village and peace, all while grieving for his last brother…yeah it makes sense y he went crazy or at least wanted to leave (fuck Kishimoto for that Kaguya bs and fuck Zetsu)
- I don’t actually believe he was trying destroy the village idkkk. I think he was trying to do an SNS aka using fighting as a way to communicate with Hashirama and well…yIkEs
- tobirama is 1000% unadjusted: mans literally created a Justu to revive the dead. You cannot tell me that doesn’t REEK of desperation and loneliness. He’s lit rally the OG mad scientist
- hashirama rlly thought sealing the Bijuu and giving them to each village was a good idea….sir WHO TF GIVES NUCLEAR WEAPONS TO SHINOBI???!! 😳😳
- I think hashirama and naruto lowkey can be summed up as: a powerful idealist. Which is a very dangerous combination. Take that how you will especially considering how shinobi thrive off of violence….it kinda makes sense how we ended up with canon Naruto
- Madara has a god complex and knows it. Hashirama has a god-complex and doesn’t know it. (God of Shinobi title def got to him and understandable)
- the founders failed and they know it. But I also kinda love it?? They’re so flawed and human as leaders and you can see how their mistakes drag into Canon Naruto. It also makes me so sad knowing that Konoha was built to prevent child soldiers and give protection only for it to actually be WORSE (Kakashi ITACHI SANNIN ik for a fact it must’ve hurt Hashi to know ur own granddaughter left the village)
Uchiha are: love is the death of duty while the Senju are: duty is the death of love and neither of them will forgive each other for picking one over the other‼️‼️‼️
- proving this ^^ w/Hashirama’s weird af characterization: aka him being a loveable idiot but at the same time CONGRATULATING Itachi for killing his own clan for Konoha…. I feel like that rlly showed me how much of a war veteran/shinobi Hashirama actually is and how he will always pick duty
- we were ROBBED of baby Kagami/hokage Kagami 😤😤😤 I’m sorry Kagami should’ve been made Hokage it just makes sense personality wise and politically wise. The only way I could see him not take it is bc he needed to be a clan leader/placate the Uchiha/help Hikaku.
- I wanna see him process the loss of his clan leader, teacher, and eventually friends to a point where Danzo takes his eyes
- everyone on Team Tobirama had a crush on Kagami at one point
- one of my fav HC: Tobi and Madara co-parenting Kagami. There’s no way Madara didn’t check up on Kagami being taught by THE senju which makes his defection hit harder for Kagami 😭😭
- BABY SANNIN ‼️‼️‼️ Tsunade was old enough to meet and remember Hashirama it makes sense that Oro and Jiraiya meet the founders
- omg could u imagine being Edo Tensei Hashirama?? Ur granddaughter’s weird friend revives u using the Jutsu ur brother invented that you specifically FORBID 😭😭
- Hashi and Tobi staring at Orochimaru like “you look familiar???” IT HAS SO MUCH COMEDIC POTENTIAL
- Mito revolutionized female shinobi like she’s def the reason ppl realized that girls can fight (Senju Toka was an exception) STAN MITO 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
- Mito pulled a Tsunade and mentally yeeted out of Konoha after Hashi and Tobi died. Bc the way we NEVER hear about her and Hiruzen interacting except for Kushina, even tho she’s literally RELATED to the other 2 hokages….ROBBED 😵‍💫
- I HC: she was dealing w/grief (the fall of Uzushio made it worse) and she was lowkey pushed out of the council by Danzo FUCK DANZO
- I love the idea of Mito wooing for Hashirama’s hand/politically smart Mito!! It was a political marriage that grew into love. There’s no way she DIDNT suspect an attack on Uzushio lik it’s literally an island w/Kiri as it’s neighbours….Konoha gets recognition and stability while Uzushio importantly gets mainland allies
- Mito tops btw she’s def pegged Hashi before 🫢
- if Madara or Hashi had sisters/born women they would’ve def had a marriage to solidify their alliance. This makes Japanese homophobia not make sense esp in the shinobi world bc their clans trusted each other w/o backup like marriage?? Idk I’m just kinda confused y it was never even brought up for an alliance…
*cue MadaTobi arranged marriage au 100k, enemies to lovers, slowburn*
- also to dude bros homophobia has no place in the Naruto world (and IRL BTW) outside of making heirs. They’re literally MERCENARIES You telling me Kakashi has never fucked another man for information before??? Pls be serious I’m begging y’all 🙃🙃🙃
- there’s def family drama amongst the senju!! Idk I feel like Hashirama and Tobirama have the relationship of: “they love each other but don’t like each other” which makes Madara’s inclusion even worse for the brothers’ relationship. Like they def always had each other’s backs but never actually felt like they understood each other.
- I wish more fanfics/canon covered the shinobi-civilian politics more (I love politics lol give me world-building kishimoto 😤)
- Civilians hold power. THEY have all the MONEY to pay shinobi
- I’ve rlly only seen 1 fanfic that involves the Fire Daimyo during the Warring States Era (Into the Wide Blue Yonder it’s a KakaSasu Time travel fic that actually ✨works✨ 12/10 recommend) but it’s true.
Wtf is the Fire Daimyo doing during this era??? Why is he being so placate about Senju/Uchiha war unless he just sees it as entertainment?? How have shinobi NOT fought against rich civilian politicians before?? (Introducing Maoism to the naruto world lol 🤔🤔)
- Kishimoto curse ur goldfish brain….
- the uchiha and senju were def broke in this era, LMAO especially the Uchiha and I mean resource wise. War is EXPENSIVE the Uchiha don’t have Hashirama and Mokutan, they couldn’t just grow food whenever they wanted. It makes total sense that they would agree to a ceasefire just to prevent STARVATION
- once again…. robbed in terms of seeing the aftermath and devastation of war and learning how to live in a morally grey, politically unstable, resource limited world which could’ve brought in the ultimate themes of peace and the cycle of violence, and the question of if violence and war is ever justified, but…..no ❤️
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beansprean · 2 years
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Here's that au I threatened everyone about :D
Context for those who have never seen Pushing Daisies: it’s about a pie baker with the power to bring people back from the dead by touching their skin. If he touches them again, they die forever. He has about a minute to re-dead someone after revival to avoid having someone else around die as a trade and uses this power to solve murders. He revived his childhood friend/crush/first kiss and now they can never ever touch skin to skin or ☠️ its a very cute show despite this premise, very quirky and stylized and created by Bryan Fuller!
(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Full body drawing of Guillermo, dressed in a black tee shirt, dark green chinos, red sneakers, black leather gloves, and an apron around his waist. He is holding a steaming pie in both hands on his right side and is smiling adoringly up towards a human Nandor on his left. Nandor smiles back at him with equal adoration, hair up in a half bun and earring dangling from his left ear. He is wearing a loud yellow flower patterned shirt unbuttoned to his sternum and tucked into light wash jeans under a brown suede fringe jacket. His belt buckle has a horse on it. Arms safely tucked behind his back, Nandor gently knocks one of his brown boots against Guillermo's foot. A logo in the top left corner is a mishmash of the What We Do in the Shadows and Pushing Daisies logos, now reading "What We Push in the Daisies."
2a. In the foreground, the corpse of Jenna is laying on a silver table and covered chest down by a white cloth. On the other side of the table are Guillermo and Nandor. Guillermo looks down at Jenna, one of his gloves pulled off, and says "Ok, let's wake her up," as he touches her forehead with a bare finger. Nandor leans forward, eyes on the corpse, with an indulgent smile, arms carefully tucked behind his back. He is wearing a patterned brown blazer with a purple collar, a patterned gold tee shirt, earring, a necklace, and has his hair pulled in a low ponytail. 2b. Jenna opens her eyes with a start, color returning to her skin. She says wonderingly, "I'm alive?" Guillermo tugs his glove back on and replies quickly, "For now. So, real quick, who ki-" He is cut off as Nandor leans toward her with a sympathetic smile, asking "Can I get you anything? A glass of water? How are you feeling?" 2c. Guillermo glares over at Nandor, saying through gritted teeth, "Nandor we literally have like one minute!" Nandor glares back, holding his hands palm up in a helpless gesture, and responds "Well, it can be very disorienting to be brought back from the dead!" Jenna, still lying on the table, looks away uncomfortably and asks, pointing with her thumb, "Should I come back later, or...?"
3a. Waist up of Guillermo and Nandor as Nandor lurches forward, holding up a clear sheet of plastic wrap so he can kiss Guillermo through it. They both close their eyes through the almost-contact, Guillermo's arms stiff at his sides as hearts erupt all around them. 3b. Nandor leans back and lowers the plastic, grinning as he tosses a thumbs up and says "Still alive!" Guillermo, dazed, glasses crooked, hearts floating around his head, just stares blearily back with a grin. 3c. Zoom out, Nandor taps his chin thoughtfully and rolls his eyes toward the ceiling, a sly smile on his face. He says, "I bet if we made a full body condom we could-" Guillermo jolts, reddens, and adjusts his glasses, quickly interrupting, "Too dangerous! Probably. Right?"
4. Human Nadja and Laszlo sitting on a loud purple pink and red loveseat. Nadja is wearing a red minidress with a dark flower pattern belted at the waist with a slit up the thigh under a crop sweater with a high fur collar. She has one arm around Laszlo and the other stretched out on the arm of the couch and her legs are tucked neatly together, covered in fishnets, hair up in a bun with straight bangs and longer sections framing her face. She smirks at the viewer, all red lipstick and heavy rose eyeshadow under a decorative little fascinator. Laszlo sits at her side, legs crossed jauntily in tall leather high heeled boots. He is wearing deep red trousers and a red silk shirt in the same pattern as Nadja's dress, half unbuttoned to show a good bit of chest hair, under a fluffy fur coat. He has fishnet gloves and rose eyeshadow to match his wife and is gesturing with a little grin as he explains, "And that's how I ended up with an eye patch...on my willy. Perched in various places in the couch are three cockatoos, two of which are saying "I'm Colin! Braaak! I'm Colin!" The third is saying "I'm C-Man!" /end ID
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1218-814 · 7 months
Twst Loop Theories/Analyses … (Mostly of Leona Oji-tan's)
Savannaclaw’s the deepest and most mysterious theory I have translated tbh... 
This time it’s ALL of the people that are from the Savannaclaw Arc (Even Cheka!)
Jokes on you if you haven't dissected the op like I have. We (as players) have made a contract with Azul :3
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Leona is an important person in the Loop Theory, aka Rapunzel theory. And one way is by looking at his hair.
Leona’s hair is brown, unlike Scar’s black mane. Most characters have a main villain base and other characters as a sub-base. Leona’s is Scar main and possibly Kion as a sub base. (more on that later in the bottom) But a lot of characters have more than 2 bases so what if the base is in his looks? 
Leona’s hair is brown with braids. So, in the Disney’s franchise there's only one specific person, or princess that would fit this description. Rapunzel. These two have a lot in common if you look for them.
Leona is 20. Rapunzel is 20 by the 3rd season of the TV series.
Like I said, looks Rapunzel did have brown hair as well as green eyes. When she has long hair in the tv series, she did braid her hair sometimes. But in the end she did cut her hair again, like in the end of the movie. So Leona might cut his hair in the end. (I will miss his hair)
The Fairy Gala had lilies in Leona’s SSR. In the movie, there are similar lilies when Rapunzel gets out of her tower.
And the buddies of his card are the light trio, Rook, Silver, and Kalim. All three of them have a part that is based off of the ‘good’ characters.
His tarot card is the tower; if the tarot card theory is true, then it does fit in with the description. Especially the part that Rapunzel was trapped inside a tower. In the story Leona (Rapunzel) is trapped in the tower (NRC)
Both of them also share a similar power (kind of not but). Rapunzel has a power that is called the “sun drop”- it came from the sundrop flower. The power of the “Sun Drop” can help slow down aging, heal, and as well as recover what was once lost. Leona’s power is King's Roar. His power “dries up the opponent and turns everything into sand”. (I don't fully believe it because of my last post but this is this) We are going to assume “in the end” it will become sand.
In the world of Rapunzel. There is a stone called the “Moonstone Opal”. This stone is the exact opposite of the “Sun Drop”, and it- kills and takes away life. In the 14th episode of season 2, Rapunzel finds an old scroll and chants the “Reverse Inaction”; it makes the animals decay and the people around hard to breathe. This was only the first half of the lyrics so the power of destruction was probably not complete. Half of the lyrics can kill, but unlike Leona’s power, it can’t fully destroy the shape.
Cassandra, the daughter of Gothel, did use the powers (her hair and eyes became different) and if she touched anything they would decay; like Leona’s powers of drying the things he touched after using “Kings Roar”. And in the end of season 3 Rapunzel did absorb part of the Moonstone Opal’s powers. 
So what will Leona do in the story? If you look at the prologue 0-0 in the end title you’ll notice it either
turns to sand 
or the fire went out.
In the movie of Rupunzle the antagonist, Mother Gothel (Evil Queen is the motif), and in the end, she loses the power of Rapunzel’s hair and drops from the tower and becomes dust leaving her robe behind. I did say this before of him being “The Tower” card. But what if in the end... He uses his magic and makes the person/thing Crowley revived into sand?
(Personally I think there's a chairman or someone that Crowley will revive. Mallenoa? IDK, there's a person or something I think)
But before the soul disappears, Crowley flies into the mirror and uses his magic to rewind time, which is what might happened, and he tries to find his “Happy ending”
But Leona doesn’t lose his memory, and the Messiah, Lilia, is probably the one who knows and is teaming up secretly. It was especially suspicious when Leona purposely overblotted, which I think, was because of Lilia’s words....
It would make sense if it was the fire going out, because it can also ties in with Rapunzel. Leona is probably going to break the loop with MC. 
I did say that Leona does have chess pieces in his room that tie in with the Light trio. (below)
Rook: Rook Hunt’s name
Knight: Silver thinks he has a talent for a sword and “silver sword”. Also Malleus’s knight
Pawn: Kalim is a pawn to Jamil (He tried to use him to become King in the movie and in the arc)
Also, Leona would be the “king” chess piece 
And Leona’s best subject is “ancient curses”, like Rapunzel he can use harmful ones, like his unique magic too. What if he knows a spell that can “go back in the past? 
If he did It would make sense why his memories aren’t lost. So in conclusion Leona is the Rapunzel trapped in the tower called “Twisted Wonderland”
But other than the pieces what gave away that he is the traveler? 
Something with Azul’s contracts and the scar on his eye is still not clear. But, first let’s look at his name.
Kingscholar can be seprated into King (ruler) and Scholar (a specialist in a branch of study). Scholars usually point to social sciences, or humanities. These branches of study study the human values and how they express the feelings; they require knowledge from phycology to history. If the word “scholar” is in his name, then it can be reasoable to think that he may be “observing and analyzing a person or a thing” 
Leona’s best subject is “ancient curses”, and he is good at protection spells as well as pharmacy (the study of medication). Those do require a lot of knowledge to be good at. Why would he need to repeat the grade if he is so smart?
On Youtube (とろちゃんねる), Leona broke the loop in between his second year and third year. 
In the 4th arc, Mickey’s third remark in the dream is the reason the number “3″ is really weird, almost incompatible.
Leona is 20 he’s in his third year for the third time (if the loop theory is true). If I am correct then the time MC came is when the “3″s (triple)overlapped. He also asked how many stones Grimm ate after the third arc.
This is where Jack’s origin comes in. Jack most likely originated from the author of “White Fang” (Jack London), but there’s more. In my other theory, I said that the MC’s body is not there, that Jack may be referenced from the TV show of the Lion King, Lion Gard’s, Ray-ray. In the show, they defeat Scar, who died and came back to life. Maybe this is also a clue...
In a personal talk, Savannaclaw was talking about the King of Beasts (or whatever they called it). People usually thought “Oh, it's about Scar” but, it's not. It’s not Simba or Mufasa either. It's not Kion as well. If I summarize the traits of the king they were talking about then it becomes like this:
He ruled with his power and fangs, and rejected his older brother to become the king in an attempt to great a good country with wisdom and order to change the affiliation of the strong bullying the weak
The King of Beasts does not discriminate 
“The King of the sky that guides the stars” was called “firefly” and “Great King from the Past”
The nephew of the king was not at the king’s coordination ceremony (Leona and Jack’s conversation)
Leona’s scar on his eye and the King of Beast’s scare are the same. But, Leona avoided answering the question when Ruggie asked him when his scare was from. (Ruggie and Leona’s conversation)
The anecdote of the king; he can apperently talk to hippos, giraffes, lions, and monkeys. (Jack and Leona)
The hornbill, who served the royal family, noticed the change in the country and gave their opinion to the king of beasts infromed. The king is very considerate and king and listened to the opinions and advice. (Ruggie and Leona)
Most of it is describing Scar 
but 3,6,7 are far from matching him.
3 is taking about the “ The King of the sky that guides the stars”. This description is very fitting to “Roar of the Elders” from Lion Gard. Yes, there is a time where this kinda happened in the main story. (also Leona’s unique magic is referenced from “Roar of the Elders”
6. We do have a hippo friend in “Lion Gard”, but not any other animals in the original ones. (The giraffe is missing)
7. the Hornbill is Zazu from lion king, who does serve the royal family. He is present from the original “Lion King” and is with Kion in the show. Something seems off to my guts.
“Why are they favoring Kion?”, you may ask. But Kion and Scar have a trait they share. They are both second born. Also Kion’s roar becomes the strongest; there is a story when he got the cobra venom in his eye and became violent and couldn’t control his power. His scar is as the same as Leona and Scar’s left eye. In season three you see Kion with two lines as a scar on his eye.
In conclusion, what the Savannaclaw students were talking about is either “Kion” or “a lion other than Scar and Kion”.If it is Scar the King, number 1 explained, then the flow of the story is too convenient.  It’s also unclear if it is Kion as well; if it's the conversation after season 3 then I would have no idea. 
 The Key part is his Tattoo and Azul’s contract (Bet you didn’t see that coming) 
In “Lion Gard”, the guards all have a tatoo. Leona does have powers and has a tattoo on the same left arm (technically) as Kion. But unlike Kion’s, the tatoo is a different color. We’ve seen this shade of color. Yes, it’s the same as Azul’s ink. 
(Pull out Azul’s Dorm SSR, after Groovy)
We can’t read the contract, but Lin Channel (on YouTube) is doing gods work and translated into actual words (English cursive) it reads:
I am wishing mate 
I wishes senior siring
nephew smiling
inwhere inway amaging waiting
winner winter welcoming
where wide whichever via where wiser anniversary
For all eternity (For all eternity is from the original “Little Mermaid”’s contract)
Let me explain how she’s doing the work, Google (yea, teachers) She looks up people’s hand writings and can conclude things (the long curve after “i” may be the ending “ing”) But, if I clear it up and make it normal English it would look like this:
I want a companion
I wish my brother and nephew a smile
I am ambushing and waiting
Anywhere in the place where
the winter of victory comes
This is just my thoughts, but “brother and nephew” may be Cheka and Leona’s brother, which would be reasonable why such a minor character like Cheka got voice acted. 
Winter could be meaning Hades, who kidnapped Persephone and made winter. So, maybe Idia could be the key to our victory here. And this would expain why Savannaclaw was between Ignihyde and Diasomnia 
Winter could also mean Cheka and Leona’s brother’s heart. They could be lonely (Grim asks Leona about his family, and Grim replies with “They must be lonely, being in a dark cold place” or something like that)
I’m sure that Leona made the contract for Cheka and his brother. He is the only character with a nephew. The tsun-dere side of Leona would explain why he didn’t want to tell anyone about what the contract is about.
Just by the contract and the loop theory we can tell that he is important. But what if he is not based off of Scar... But rather, Kion from “Lion Gard”? If I look into the original characters of what Leona is based off of, then I would forget about “Leona”. Yana Toboso is twisting our brain like that, such as in “Black Butler”, and maybe thats another reason why the game is called “Twisted Wonderland”
So what we all we know about Leona is:
Leona’s tattoo
he is aware of the loop or he is suspicious of the loop
Jack’s position (We don’t know as much as I would like about his power)
Cheka will appear again (he does get Voice acted, and maybe that’s what the second arc will be about. He also said something about having a fiancée so maybe an event?)  
Leona overblotted instead of Ruggie (my other theory)
I do think the tattoo may be made by Azul in the other loop, and he is aware of the loop or will remember of the loop because of the tattoo 
But it is Yana Toboso sensei so... I may be wrong~
Posting this after Leona's magic is aeration theory bc his unique magic makes no sense.
Multiverse or Azul theory next?
If you can comment that will be appreciated (likes and reblogs are appreciated.
I also wrote this 2 years ago
Idk if its right but I did make some changes :3
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blankwashed · 3 months
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The moon hung low over the enchanted forest, casting an ethereal glow on the winding path leading to the hidden mansion. Shadows danced among the ancient trees, their whispers mingling with the night breeze. You were, cloaked in darkness and resolve, approached the opulent gates of Muzan Kibutsuji’s lair. Every step was calculated, each breath a silent prayer, as you ventured into the heart of danger, driven by a purpose that burned brighter than fear. Inside, the air was thick with an otherworldly presence, a testament to the power and mystery that awaited within.
You were undercover in Muzan’s lair as one of his disposable demons. Little did he know, you were there to uncover secrets about his past and his ultimate goals. You were actually part of the Demon Slayer Corps, on a mission to finally bring Muzan’s reign to an end and keep the Blue Spider Lily safe from his reach.
In order to gain his trust, you needed to go through multiple tests and, unfortunately, kill some slayers from the Corps during the initiation stage. Your leaders from the Corps assured you that it would be fine, as they would find a way to revive them if possible. The weight of your actions bore heavily on your conscience, but the mission’s importance steeled your resolve. Each test brought you closer to Muzan, peeling back the layers of his guarded existence, and inching nearer to the secrets that could bring his reign of terror to an end.
“Very well, my new servant. You’ve miraculously passed each of my tests with flying colors,” Muzan said while sitting on his lavish throne, embellished with rhinestones and gold.
Muzan got closer to you, grasping your chin with his cold hand. “I’m still watching you, y/n.”
You gulped silently and nodded your head. “I wouldn’t dare to be in your presence if I was one of those pesky Corps knuckleheads, would I?” you lied.
He chuckled at your response, finding it amusing that you would even dare to talk back to him. As if he were a fool?
“You’re fine for now, little minx. But if you were to even think about betraying my trust for one second…” He stopped and brought out a dark maroon vial. “This is the mixture of all the blood from the people who have betrayed me.”
It was oozing, the different blood types weren’t mixing with each other. It was a horrific sight. How did he put all of their blood into the vial?
The question lingered in your mind, but you dared not voice it aloud. Muzan’s gaze bore into you, his eyes glinting with a mixture of amusement and malice as he held the vial up to the flickering torchlight. The crimson liquid inside seemed to pulse with a sinister energy, a grim reminder of the consequences of betrayal in Muzan’s world. You swallowed hard, steeling yourself against the chilling realization that your deception must be flawless to survive in the heart of darkness that surrounded you.
Muzan placed his golden staff to the side of his chair and proceeded to walk towards you. His icy cold hands wrapped around your luscious hair. He brought your hair to his nose and took a whiff.
“Mmm…lilies,” he said, with his eyes closed.
“I think I’ll call you Lily, to make it simple for all of us.”
You gulped, cheeks flushed. "Alright, master. I will be called Lily from now on. May I ask if it's your favorite flower?" you asked him, wanting to know more about the demon.
Muzan chuckled maniacally, "Actually, lilies are the flowers that people hate the most. They represent hatred, pride, and disdain despite being beautiful."
You shivered at his words, a strange mix of fear and excitement coursing through you. "I see," you whispered, your voice barely audible. Muzan's intense gaze never left your face, and you felt his power enveloping you, an invisible force you couldn't escape.
He stepped closer, his presence overwhelming. "Do you know why I chose you, Lily?" he asked, his voice a low, dangerous purr.
You shook your head, your breath hitching as his hand brushed your cheek. "No, master." you replied, struggling to maintain your composure.
Muzan's lips curled into a sinister smile. "Because you possess a rare strength, a fire that intrigues me. You will serve me well, in more ways than one."
His touch trailed down your neck, sending shivers through your body. "Do you understand what I expect from you, Lily?" he murmured, his lips dangerously close to your ear.
Your heart raced, the anticipation and fear intertwining within you. "Yes, master," you managed to say, your voice trembling with a mix of submission and desire.
Muzan's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "Good," he said, his tone dripping with dark promise. "You belong to me now, and I will mold you into the perfect companion. Your body, your soul, everything belongs to me now. " he said as his cold fingers caress your cheeks.
His hands moved to your shoulders, pulling you closer until your bodies were nearly touching. The heat of his proximity was intoxicating, and you felt yourself yielding to his dominance, ready to become whatever he desired.
"M-Mu-Master..." you stammered, your voice barely a whisper as his hands roamed your body, exploring with a possessive confidence.
Muzan's fingers tilted your chin up, forcing you to meet his piercing gaze. "What is it, Lily?" he asked, his tone commanding yet oddly tender.
Your mind was a whirlwind of emotions—fear, desire, and a desperate need to please him. "I-I want to serve you," you confessed, your cheeks burning with a mix of shame and longing.
His lips curled into a dark, approving smile. "That's exactly what I like to hear," he murmured, leaning in so close that you could feel his breath on your skin. "But words alone are not enough."
You nodded, understanding his unspoken command. "I will do whatever you ask, master," you promised, your voice steadying with resolve.
Muzan's hand slid down your arm, his touch both gentle and firm. "Show me, then," he whispered, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.
"Show me your devotion."
You took a deep breath, gathering your courage. Slowly, you let your hands trace the contours of his pale chest, feeling the powerful muscles beneath the fabric of his clothes. Muzan's breath hitched slightly, a sign that you were on the right path.
Emboldened, you continued your exploration, your fingers dancing over his body with increasing confidence. Muzan's hands gripped your waist, pulling you even closer. "Good, Lily," he praised, his voice a low growl. "Keep going."
Your heart pounded in your chest as you obeyed, every touch and caress a testament to your submission and desire. Muzan's eyes never left yours, watching your every move with a predatory intensity that made your pulse quicken.
In that moment, you knew there was no turning back. You were his, and you would do anything to prove your loyalty and devotion to your dark master.
Your hands moved with deliberate care, exploring the contours of his body, while your mind focused on your ultimate goal. Were you? It was hard for you to balance what your purpose was when he was pleasing you and giving you almost everything you've wanted.
Muzan's grip on your hair loosened as he leaned back, giving you the space to continue your actions. He had a pleased look on his face. The tension in the room was a mixture of desire and danger.
Widening your mouth and taking more of him in while gawking, Muzan was pleased. His eyes remained locked on you, watching every move you made. "Impressive, Lily, You might just earn your place by my side after all."
You forced a smile, wiping your saliva off your face. "Thank you, my Lord. I will always strive to please you."
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Weeks have passed, and you have been getting close and closer to Muzan. Understanding him on a personal level at this point. Knowing his needs and wants, a lots of his dislikes, you could even write a storybook on him if you wanted to. You also became his favourite concubine.
Concubine? Yes, concubine.
It wasn't a shock when you found out that there were many send to him like you, waiting for his attention or touch. Every night, he would choose one or more to satisfy his desires and you had quickly learned how to navigate the treacherous world of jealousy and competition, even as demons. Despite the danger and constant fear of being discovered, you had managed to rise above the others, gaining Muzan's favor.
One evening, you sat beside him, Muzan's eyes flickered with a rare softness he only shows to you. "Lily, you have proven yourself time and time again. You are different from the others."
You lowered your gaze, hiding the satisfaction in your eyes. "Thank you, my Lord. I am honoured to serve you."
He gently lifted your chin, forcing you to look into his piercing eyes. "Tell me, Lily. What do you desire? You had given me so much valued companionship. What can I give you in return?"
Your heart raced. This was an opportunity, a rare moment where you could plant the seeds for your ultimate goal. "My Lord, all I desire is to be by your side, to learn from you and to be useful to you in every way possible."
Muzan's lips curled into a smile. "Very well, my lovely flower. I will grant you this. but remember, my trust is not easily earned and can be lost even more quickly. Do not disappoint me."
"I would never dream of it," you replied, your voice steady.
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As weeks turned into months, your position beside Muzan grew more secure. You were his confidante, his favourite and the other concubines eyed you with a mix of envy and fear. You were starting to lose sight of your mission. The information you gathered, the trust you built were all for nothing in the end.
One night, as you lay beside Muzan giving him a massage, he spoke in a voice so soft it was almost a whisper. "My beautiful Lily, do you believe in fate?"
You were taken aback at the sudden question. "I believe that we shape our own destinies, my Lord."
He nodded, seemingly satisfied with your answer. Muzan cracks his neck while staring at you. "Lily, you've made me turn so soft for you. You know that? Can I be hard on you this time?" he said and started to massage your breasts over your clothing.
"Yes, my Lord..." you whispered, your voice betraying your original purpose of getting closer to him.
Muzan's lips twisted into a wicked smile. "Good. Stand up." he said as he gave a spank to your ass, watching it jiggle.
"You've pleased me greatly, Lily." he said, his voice low and filled with a mixture of praise and threat. "But I need to see just how far your loyalty truly goes."
He moved closer, his hand trailing down your arm, sending shivers through you. "Tonight, I want you to surrender completely to me. No reservations, no hesitation. Do you understand?" he said as he gropes your ass cheek.
"Y-Yes, Lord Muzan.." you replied, shakingly, trying to keep your voice steady.
Muzan's hand tightened around your waist, pulling you against him. "Good. Because if you fail me, there will be consequences."
You took a deep breath, steadying yourself. You knew that this was another trial, another chance too prove your loyalty. As you slowly began to unbutton his shirt, your fingers trembled slightly. Each button revealed more of his pale, muscular chest and you couldn’t help but get wet.
“Good girl…” he praised softly, his hand moving to caress your cheek. “But I need more from you. I need all of you.”
As you stripped way the layers of his clothing, Muzan’s hands roamed over your body, exploring and claiming you. Each touch, spank, squeeze, slap was a reminder of his dominance, of the power he held over you. You responded to his touches with moans, allowing him to guide you.
“That’s it, slut,” he murmured, his voice a mix of approval and desire. “You’re doing so well for your lord.”
You nodded, meeting his gaze. “Thank you, my Lord.”
With that, Muzan pulled you closer, his lips capturing yours in a passionate kiss. The intensity of it took your breath away, and you clung to him.
As the night progressed, you surrendered yourself to him, giving him everything he demanded. You pushed aside your fears and focused solely on the task at hand,
to be his precious little slut.
When it was over, Muzan lay beside you, his breath heavy. He turned to you, a satisfied smile on his lips. “You’ve proven yourself once again, Lily. You truly are my favourite.”
You were exhausted but you smiled back, your heart pounding in your chest. “Thank you, my Lord. It is an honour to serve you.”
Muzan’s pale hand moved to your hair, stroking it gently. “Rest now, my love. You’ve earned it.”
As you closed your eyes, exhaustion washed over you. You knew that your deed was done, that the reason why you came here in the first place was accomplished but now you saw that you have a different problem.
You were starting to fall in love with the King of Demons.
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vicioux · 1 year
i can't believe i've been reading ichihime fanfics for literally 10 years ✌️ my favorite flavor is definitely pining with a touch of angst, but i am also a sucker for just them giggly all over each other! thank you bleach TYBW anime revival for bringing me back to these two cutie patooties and an even bigger thank you to all the writers that have been keeping the fandom alive all these years (especially in the earlier days back in the wild wild west of ff.net and LJ lol) y'all are amazing 💖 happy reading everyone p.s you can find the rest of my fic rec lists here
🍓 alternate universe 🍞
THE BRIDE OF THE DEATH GOD by caledon A plague descended upon the village, and to appease the God of Death they offered him a bride as a sacrifice.
THE DEVIL'S PLAYTHING by marshmallowbirb High-schooler Kurosaki Ichigo discovers that he isn't as human as he once thought - and neither is his classmate, Inoue Orihime.
THE RELUCTANT BRIDEGROOM, DEATH by marshmallowbirb On a sunny summer morning, the young goddess Orihime gathers flowers on a hillside.
STARCROSS'D by child of the ashes In the vampire palace of Los Noches, there is no greater curse than beauty, and no greater crime than love.
NEXT VISIT by aurona x She can see him only with autumn comes, that man of the deep blue tree. And over the years, her love for him grows.
MOTHERHOOD by ashe flyght Orihime's family is financially unstable. So when Japan's most in demand actor, Kurosaki Ichigo offers her an unusual job will she accept it?
FINE LINES by lastlynotleast Ichigo is a tattoo artist and Orihime has skin he could draw on forever.
🍓 multichapter 🍞
THE BOND BETWEEN US by ritsu-san Post Ch. 352: Ichigo and Orihime are left to figure out this strange bond they share.
TIL DEATH DO US PART by marshmallowbirb Deemed too powerful, Ichigo is sequestered in Soul Society after defeating Aizen. Ten years later, one of his human friends dies.
THE CLOCKWORK SWITCH by sesamerolls (1 // 2 // 3) “Kurosaki-kun?” She wanted to bite back her words. This person couldn’t be him. He was a few inches taller, broader, and manlier than the youth who gave her daifuku just minutes before.
🍓 oneshots that will make you feeeeel 🍞
DEMAGNETIZE by ghosty If opposites attract, then what does that mean for us?
TACTILE by mrhooty Orihime has accepted that her boundaries will never be respected, but Ichigo is too good of a friend to allow that.
AFFIRMATION by sesamerolls Ichihime from the beginning to the end.
HOME IS WHERE THE SUN SETS by awkwardspaceturtle Using the word ‘beautiful’ didn’t seem like enough; nothing he could ever say out loud would tell her how she really looked in his eyes.
BUILD A HOUSE IN PARADISE by zabiume Ichigo and Orihime move in together.
PAPER HOUSES by zabiume Mostly, he just wanted to know if she was okay, if she was eating well and passing her courses and if, when she went to bed at night, she had someone to smile about.
PROMPTFILL by zabiume Truth serum induced angst.
PROMPTFILL by captainrukias-husband Ichigo writes a poem for Orihime.
TEMPTARE BEAST by mayelisa As Orihime watched in horror as Ichigo took on that form again, she had a sinking feeling that this day wouldn't turn out at all like she had planned.
MEMORIES IN THE RAIN by garden of magnolias If I were the rain, could I connect with someone's heart, as the rain can unite the eternally separated earth and sky?
ALWAYS SUMMER by folle Orihime is calling, calling, and Ichigo doesn't know how to not answer, except in the most important way.
BECOMING WHOLE by lovelycollision He loves her in various ways, during different stages of his life. It's after the war when he realizes that he's in the third stage, otherwise known as the beginning.
🍓 outside POV looking in 🍞
ELEVATING by sesamerolls “Okay, let’s theoretically agree Ichi-nii has a girlfriend,” said Karin, resting her palm underneath her chin.
SIMPLY BY MEASUREMENT by sesamerolls When it first began, he pretended not to notice.
PROMPTFILL by scribblles Ichigo screwed up his befuddlement into a distinctly grumpy expression. “For your information, I wasn’t daydreaming, I was thinking. Worrying, actually. And it’s about a friend. Who… happens to be a girl.”
🍓 funny fluffy oneshots 🍞
OF MICE AND MEN by garden of magnolias Ichigo realizes that getting rid of a mouse in his and Orihime's apartment is a lot more complicated when it involves his girlfriend.
I REJECT! by scribblles Keigo has a rare moment of inadvertent correctness.
RUMOUR HAS IT by fictionaryplace Ichigo and Orihime have important news, but decide to have a little fun with their friends and family before coming clean.
DELAYED REACTION by crystal dawn Orihime is feeling under the weather. Against his better judgment, Ichigo suggests she visit his father's clinic.
ICED FRAPPUCCINO by hedonysms Ichigo and Orihime get a coffee. Ichigo is simultaneously an emotional sap and a horny, utterly repressed man.
STARTING FRESH by kay sincere Ichigo doesn't have a resolution for the new year himself. But it does come to his attention that his friends could use his help.
NOSEBLEED by deathberryhime Where that little smile would have done more damage than intended to.
OUR BREATHS IN PERFECT HARMONY by iwillhaveamoonbase When Ichigo's friend talks about a cute girl at a bakery, Ichigo agrees to introduce them with no idea that the girl in question is his girlfriend.
WELL WISHERS by adverb_slut It turns out that shinigami are not so great at gift-buying, especially for a four-week-old baby.
THE ART OF SHIPPING by alice hattercandy In which, everyone ships. Even Ichigo.
🍓 anything and everything by these authors 🍞
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la2yn0va · 19 days
Yandere Alphabet Luocha x Gn Reader
This one’s for you @pinklemonadewithsugar (as long as you send me luck for my feixiao pulls... you’ll do that.. right? 🔫 😃)
I did A-F in part 1, so check that out HERE. I’ll be doin G-Z in this one.
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Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It’s not at all a game to him. Although he has thought of it as a chess game at one point, he doesn’t treat it as if it’s a game.
He doesn’t at all enjoy your attempts at escaping. It’s probably the only thing that makes him genuinely annoyed when you do try to escape.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The worst experience with him I can think of—is when he’d put you in a coffin as punishment for escaping him, or trying to. He’ll do this after 5 attempts and keeps you in there for 5 days.
He doesn’t like it, in fact he pulls out ol’ reliable ‘this hurts me more then it hurts you’. He doesn’t show it, but it does bother him that he HAS to do this just so you’d learn.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
A cabin in the woods with a flowing river, away from any nosy people or animals after he and jingliu kill Yaoshi.
(Male) adopt maybe a kid or two max if his darling wants one. (Female) have one or two kids max if their darling wants one.
Have a yellow flower on your hair or ear as a sign of his love, in case you two are ever separated for whatever reason.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
No. He doesn’t get jealous, he keeps all his negative emotions and obsession for you locked away in a coffin. He doesn’t act out when he does get jealous (extremely rare for that to happen)
He wouldn’t lash out at you if he did get jealous, instead he’d probably kill the person who made him jealous and then plan was to mutilate Yaoshi (in a healthy way of course, lmao)
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
His guard is more lowered around you, he’s also extremely romantic and even clingy towards you. But besides that, he’s relatively normal (as normal as a yandere can be)
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He’d take you out on a normal picnic date. Taking you to an area with seemingly endless Anemone nemorosas, and eating your favorite food under a beautiful tree.
Now as for courting you. He’d probably NOT court you. He’s too focused on killing Yaoshi, and until he kills her, he’s more than happy to keep your relationship status as lovers.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Nah. Yandere luocha still acts the same, other then being more meticulous and cautious/controlling around you, he’s the same.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Locking you in a coffin. That’s as far as he’s willing to go.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He doesn’t take away your rights, but he will violate them. Like your right to privacy—he’ll go through your shit when he KNOWS your asleep.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Extremely patient. He knows forcing himself on you and into a relationship isn’t exactly the best way to keep you with him (unless your a simp)
So he waits, but if you try to escape, his patience drastically declines.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Escape—No, he’d never stop looking for you. In fact, I think if you successfully escaped, he’d become more of a yandere. He’d lose his patience and his kindness would become passive-aggressive. He’d lock you in a coffin and carry you around once he finds you.
Die—He’d never be able to move on. He’d keep your body locked in a coffin and once he kills Yaoshi, he’ll use her power to revive you.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No. In his mind, he’s keeping you safe. Without him around, you could’ve died from a random mugging, battling an enraged person, an ambush from abominations of the abundance. He feels no regret, and he WILL NOT let you go.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Probably how lonely and fake he had to be in order to accomplish his goal. He had to lie and stay alone in hopes of killing Yaoshi and fulfilling his promise to the one in the coffin he carried.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He’d breakdown himself. Seeing someone who he genuinely cares about and actually loves would damage him. Was it his fault? Or someone else..? Probably yaoshi’s fault.
He’d comfort you, pulling you in his embrace and patting your back, while kissing you softly.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Keep you in a coffin. Heal you much much better. Not go bat shit crazy/insane when he does have you in his grasp.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
I can’t think of any. Maybe something with the coffin he carries? Besides that, I got nothing.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He wouldn’t ‘worship’ you. But he will give you multiple daily praises over the smallest of things. And as for how far he’ll go for you? Oh he’ll go far.
He’ll kill, manipulate, falsify evidence/crimes. But he wouldn’t physically harm you.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Honesty? You’d have to die for him to snap.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
End. Okay, imma go eat. And you all are gonna give me luck, make a deal with god and or the fucking devil for my feixiao pulls!!! (Please)
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bloodyinkandquill · 25 days
Ghostwalker x Reader
did my best to be character accurate but since we don’t know much about the swords it might not be amazing but i tried!
- Since Ghostwalker cannot feel regular emotions him falling in love was a shock to everyone, the most surprised being himself, when he first fell for you he had absolutely no clue what he was feeling, even after you guys get together the feeling of being in love is still so strange to him
- All of the Swords have varying levels of knowledge about mortals and what they need, Ghostwalker had very little knowledge compared to his siblings who spent more time with mortals such as Venomshank and Firebrand as they both have children who have mortal needs
- Said obliviousness leads to multiple times he’s absolutely perplexed by something normal you do, for instance demons in the Inpherno do not need to eat or sleep but they can if they want so watching you sleep for the first time was very confusing to him, don’t even get started on when he learnt about baths, choosing to soak in water for relaxation and semi sanitation was entirely alien to him, he cleaned himself sure but baths were fascinating to him
- Since he is the god of death (my hc) he is far more used to the dead than the living, and with that he is a cautious about your health, you got sick for the first time and he panicked, ready to revive you and terrified, you had to explain to him what felt like 100 times that no you would not die by a cold, you were just out in the snow too long, you then also had to stop him from asking Icedagger about the affect his powers have on mortals
- Ghostwalker is more reserved with affection, physical touch is odd to him, that isn’t to say he’s against it, but he’s not that open with it, if you like it that’s fine but he doesn’t initiate it much himself, and as he doesn’t have a mouth he can’t exactly kiss you either… so if you wanna kiss him you’ll have to figure it out
- As he’s neutral with literally everyone, mortals, his siblings, whatever you don’t have many worries regarding his status as a deity, sure people may still be weird but it’s not like Illumina and Darkheart who are at each other’s throats constantly
- In terms of dates he’d probably take you to go stargazing, walks through beautiful landscapes, honestly more secluded and outdoor spaces, he’s not that fond of being around large groups of people and nature is calming to him
- He’s honestly surprisingly gentle, being careful and soft with you, any times he does hold you he’s very sweet and soothing, one touch he does like initiating is coming up behind you wrapping his arms around your body and resting his chin on your head, and seeing as he’s 7’ he’s very much so taller than you so it snot difficult for him, but if your a lot lot shorter it can be a struggle sometimes
- He only has one or two unique pet names for you, but he uses them a lot, they’d probably come from some date you two went on or a physical characteristic of yours, maybe your horn color reminds him of a certain flower, or on a date you said a certain constellation was your favorite, intimate things like that
tried my best, that’s all i could think of, if i do think of more i’ll come back and add it probably in the next 24 hours, thanks again for requesting!! also i think i’m coming down with something so that might mean plenty of time to work on any requests i get…
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jsabtdfandtsoec · 2 months
I honestly have no idea if anyone will read this entire thing but. I was bored in school, then I suddenly think of JSAB, and uhhh, I basically just think of a story for a new JSAB au that I randomly think of, I'm surprised I still even remember this lol, so basically the story is like this, cyan is actually a reincarnation of a old hero from the past, the tree of life is just something that the old hero created, the tree have his energy, and also created a tiny piece of the tree who's whole purpose is when the hero died, and they got reincarnated, the piece would be the reincarnated hero's guide or mentor, in the lost chapter blixer had been sealed in a cave, and how blixer got sealed is when the hero and blixer had a intense fight with each other, with cause the hero to use all of their power to stop blixer and sealed him, but because of that, the hero died not only from his injuries but also because he had used all of his power, years later. Cyan, who's the reincarnation of the hero just got created by the tree ig, and with no memories or recollection of his former self or former memories, a while after cyan got created, they become curious about the strange cave where the hero had sealed blixer, the story pretty much goes exactly like in the lost chapter, and when blixer got free from his seal, when he noticed cyan, he recognized who cyan was, the hero who had sealed him but they strangely look a bit different from what he remembered(blixer didnt know taht the hero can reincarnated himself) and blixer wanting to kill cyan, but then was stopped by the crystal rubble, oh yeah btw I always had wondered why cube was in a jail cell in the lost chapter and I thought of this, what if cube was a friend and a comrade of the old hero but cube betrayed the hero at some point, making cube got jailed in that cave and cube feeling guilty and regretting their choice to betray the hero. Anyways, cyan gets out of the cave and with cube too of course, oh yeah, the tiny piece of the tree also appears in after cyan beat the levels and I think it would be cool if each time cyan collects it, the more cyan will remember his former forggoten memories and the more he got his old powers back, oh yeah I forgot to mention, blixer in this au is the creator and king of the corruption from the very start, anyways, now to the start of jsab, in my au, the start of jsab happened like a two years after that, and cyan had completely forgotten blixer, it basically goes as normal, and blixer's hand had turned into a gray flower, not corrupted nor pure color, just a lifeless color, the rest goes the exact same as the original jsab storyline, and when at the end when cyan died and cube having their treeangle ears, it glows, cube already knows what it means cause they had seen this before when they still working together with the hero, cube use the treeangles on cyan, and cyan turns to his T.I.O. form, the T.I.O is the hero's strongest form, and basically it goes the same like in the original jsab, but after everything turns back to normal, cyan finally fully got all of his former memories back, and then blixer revives himself, cyan still thinks blixer can redeem himself, and give him a second chance, and that's it. Oh yeah forgot to mention, the other hero characters are not reincarnated, because they had survived that incident after the hero who is cyan before reincarnating died after using all of his power to seal blixer, every after years after that, they still looked the same, and they know cyan is the reincarnation of their old friend, oh yeah heli and boat is also the old hero's friends too. And that's actually it So uhhh, do you like my jsab au story? It was a random ass idea I got from school because of how bored I was lmao.
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cupidl0vesy0u · 3 months
Here are some not so happy headcanons i made for our beloved puppy Tommy!
Tw: self blaming,mention of abuse, manipulation, stimming supresision, dehuminasion, tell me if I missed something!)
In exile c!dream made c!Tommy a dog collar a 'joke' to show his power over him.
Ghostbur wasn't so found of the idea and tried to tell him off, dream of course didn't want to hear that and send Ghostbur off to L'manburg.
Because of that he dosn't wear any jewelry on his neck, other then his prime necklace and his scarf.
He loves to sleep curled up in a ball. It's the best position to have all the warm of other person who may sleep next to him.
That's one of many reasons he hated exile, it was always cold, even in his sleep.
In exile, even if the whole area was cold and dark. Sometimes he felt a small warm coming from the sea.
A lot of people, Tubbo included said it may have been illusions that his brain made up from high amount of stress he had in that moment.
Tommy dosn't belive that, he still thinks something was calling him there...
Tommy loves to start stimming with all of his body when he's happy or experiencing high emotion.
He used to flap his hands in Pogtopia after Techno joined them for help, Will told him to stop doing it after he saw it.
He said it was annoying and not gonna help them in any way.
At his beach party dream offered a dance so they don't feel so sad, Tommy didn't enjoyed the dance. The whole thing was like a puppeteer controlling his puppet.
His scar stitches he got after revival aren't visible in daytime, but they start to show (and glow) when a night starts.
Tommy uses bows almost every chance he can, he does it mostly to make his hands feel some repetive stimulation.
He started to sew and do crafty stuff too, even if he dosn't want to admit his love for his nephew, he still proudly tells people he was the first one to hand made first clothes that little baby Michael wore.
He wanted to dye his hair to match Tubbo's but didn't do it after he saw Tubbo dyed his hair like four different colors.
Tubbo called him pussy for weeks after that.
Flowers sometimes bloom in Tommy's hair (similarly to Tubbo), both of them loved to play with them and make flower crowns.
In exile Dream picked some of them and made flower crowns from them. (He usually just wore them to make Tubbo angry and jealous, look Tommy is my friend now!).
The flower crowns had some hair in them though, he didn't pick them up so softly as he said he did and that always made Tommy's head hurt afterwards
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odditycircus-2002 · 3 months
Hmm, any chance you could do some hcs with a Fem Mummy! Reader x Quan Chi (MK1) with the basic premise being that the reader was revived by Quan Chi and is actually happy with being alive (or at least close to it) and as a result is loyal to him and later fell in love?
A/N: I can indeed!😄 Hope you don’t mind, but I’m a fan of Corpse Bride and Imhotep from Brendan Fraser's "The Mummy".
Eternally Loyal
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Admittedly, you were caught off guard when pulled from your eternal rest, only to be thrust to life once more. Yet it was soon replaced with sheer joy when realizing you are walking among the Land of the Living again. By the looks of it, you had the mysterious pale necromancer that stood above you, your now beating and glowing heart in his hand.
He introduced himself as Quan-chi, the most powerful sorcerer in Outworld, Master of the Dead, and now your reanimator. You sincerely thank him for bringing you back to life, as you had only begun to achieve your true ambitions and plans. Quan-chi suggests that you may still be able to after you settle your debt with him. According to your House's tradition, those who save a member of the House of L/N are now indebted to the first. Bringing life back to your revived corpse counts as keeping one's life in your book.
You don't doubt that, with your reanimation, you were undoubtedly gone for a long while and thus in a whole new world and unknown territory. You figured it'd be best to make nice with your guide if you want to gain any advantage.
Quan-chi smirked when you inevitably questioned how you could repay your new debt to him.
"You can start by serving under me until I deem your debt repaid in full."
"On your soul then..."
Which Quan-chi agreed, but whether or not he was sincerely remained to be seen.
Quan-chi had made it so you had to occasionally steal and absorb body parts from others to remain alive and whole. While Quan-chi resurrected your heart and soul and used to influence your actions, they can keep you tethered to the mortal plane for so long without refueling. So you keep yourself wrapped up as you were to not reveal your constantly rotting and healing body.
But even with such a weakness, you have been given strength as Quan-chi gifted you with the ability to drain the moisture out of anything by touch alone (excluding himself), control over sand, and become sand, your preexisting telekinetic abilities.
Since then, you have loyally served under Quan-chi, executing every order and task with near perfection without question. Fervently hanging on to his every word and feat of magic so you may one day use it for yourself when you feel the time is right. You also had no issue cutting down any of your fellow minions if you think they are disobedient to your master. To which Quan-chi is not against, even with one of the demons from his Sisterhood of Shadow. In fact, he's growing fond of your usefulness and how you serve him well.
As powerful as Ermac turned out to be, he was ultimately a failure in Quan-chi's eyes. The same applies to Ashrah, whom Quan-chi could not control. Which is a shame to the sorcerer, as both were powerful tools. Oh well, if you do not succeed at first, try again.
In comes you, a mummified Edenian Noble renowned for her ruthlessness, problem-solving, and tenacity during a warring era before Sindel’s Golden Era. Who has (yet) to disobey him. Unfortunately, you were cut down in your prime on the eve you were to marry your betrothed to secure an alliance with another nation. A shame, really, as you had plans for the future. But you're just happy to be alive.
It helps that Quan-chi praises you whenever you perform a task well for him, such as uncovering lost grimoires, to encourage you to continue aiding him and fulfilling your debt. Eventually, Quan-chi awards your efforts with gifts such as flowers or a new robe as you continuously serve him well in his quest to overthrow Liu Kang. With each gift, you could've sworn you felt your heart beating within your chest, and not hiding on Quan-chi's person.
Often, he would converse with you about his studies and discoveries, doing most of the talking as you just listened and reacted. You couldn't help but notice how Quan-chi treats you more amiably, almost as much as he is with Shang Tsung, his fellow sorcerer. Perhaps even as a companion, as he prefers to have you follow him for his tasks the most. You like to think its because the Sorcerer has the same admiration for you as you do for him, as silly as it sounds and which you would be caught absolutely dead saying aloud.
Speaking of the snake-like Sorcerer, Quan-chi proudly introduced you to Shang Tsung as his latest work of genius once. The latter critically looked you up and down and admired the magic used to keep you together. Although to not admit to Quan-chi's magical prowess, Shang Tsung would ask.
"How do you know this minion won't turn on you like the others?"
You opened your mouth to defend yourself, your looser wrapping unraveling and posing to strike down the blasphemous Sorcerer, but before you could make the blow, Quan-chi explains.
"She won't,"
Quan-chi would glance back at you and softly run a hand under your chin, which you followed with your head.
"But even if the impossible happens, I hold their heart."
Quan-chi would summon your purple and green heart into his hand, petting it with his free hand like a small pet.
"It would be such a waste if I must. Isn't that right, Y/N?"
You, of course, nodded. That was the closest you would receive as an admittance of love from someone like Quan-chi.
Playlist while writing this:
"Loyalty" - Maria's Theme from Mad Father
"In the Dark of the Night" -by Christopher Lloyd
"Mr.Sandman" -by The Chordettes
"Monster" -by Lady Gaga
" Dark Horse”-Cover by Our Last Night
“I miss the misery”-by Halestorm.
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corruflood · 11 months
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Choking (On Grave Dirt)
Revived GN!Darling x Necromancer M!Yandere x Knight M!Yandere x King M!Yandere
Summary: You were murdered years ago, soul never put to rest waiting for retribution that will never come. That is until a necromancer finds your body, chaos, love and obsession ensues.
TW / CW: Gore, Death, Blood
If you want to use the idea -> TERMS OF USE [basically tag me so I can read it and if your okay with it I'd love to add the link to this post! Also have fun and change whatever you want to]
Up to chap 5 complete will be finishing soon.
------ Plot outline ------
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ೃ⁀➷ 01 : REVIVED
Dead, buried and suffering. Soul slamming into the dirt above over and over again clawing and begging for some sort or reprieve.
You died unjustly and painful, phantom pains of death ricochet against the confines of your nearly faded spirit.
Magic courses through the ground similar to lightning in water, scouring the earth in search of something, panic and delirium threatening to fracture your remains you desperately cling onto a stray bolt tugging it towards you.
Buck was anti - social. He didn't like talking to anyone and became uncomfortable around any living sentient thing.
It's why he chose to become a necromancer most undead were barely coherent and just did what he said. It was perfect well it was until he needed help with something that needs more of a delicate touch.
Honestly it was just his luck that the new tome he found specified a sentient, coherent person with the ability to memorize and adjust according to the spell itself. He hated chaos magic almost as much as he loved it.
It's why he's trudging through the forest resource gathering so he didn't have to go out and find a poor sod with okay ish understanding of magic to drag back to his home and force to do a powerful and deadly ritual because that would be so fucking easy.
What he didn't expect to find was something latching onto his magic like a lifeline, following the pull lead him to a patch of vibrant flowers and moss, the feeling of dread curls around Bucks spine a tell tale of a body near by. A body underneath his feet.
Well if he had to choose between a desperate soon-to-be revenant and talking to a person well he might of been too eager in the resurrection process.
You didn't need to breathe anymore, being dead does that to a person if only your body understood that, instead it insists on heaving on dirt and worms.
There's a man passed out beside you, all choppy hair and the beginning of scruff on his chin, he's passed out, brows furrowed. You can smell the magic on him were it pools in his skin and how it stretches still beyond him. Apart of you wanders if that's normal to just know when magic is afoot. The other apart of you groans at what must be done. He saved you after all.
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Darling drags Buck back to his cove in the mountain, they found it by following the magic back. Darling can't remember anything except that they died and it hurt beyond death.
Darling takes care of Buck for days and cleans the place up a bit, they go hunting at some point and find themselves dangerously well acquainted with a bow and arrow, the weight of a dagger firm on their side a comfort with a fuzzy memory.
Buck wakes up in a panic and tries to attack Darling who finds themselves dodging before their brain catches up with it. Darling explains that they are the one that took care of him after he was passed out for atleast 7 moons.
Buck is shocked downright flabbergasted at the situation. A dead with no memories and a level of humanity he's never seen before and him passing out and slipping into an impromptu coma for over a week as his body tried to fix himself.
Expirements and research is in order immediately, Buck throws out boundaries and anxiousness. Darling is a shiny new thing and he needs to understand it as soon as possible.
Another week goes by Buck wrotes down everything, they try a few things out making Darling do exercises, math, poetry eventually they try magic and it's stunning.
It flows from his darlings arms in crashing waves breaking on shorelines. He doesn't even realize when he started considering Darling his.
Another week passes Darling remembers faint things, while eating they get a memory of a dining hall, they hear faint laughter some times. There's a whole life just underneath the surface and Darling wants to know who they were.
Buck isn't as happy about it. He starts keeping Darling closer and closer, a hand always resting on them, grabbing them to cuddle, relishing in the fact that no one is around and it's just them away from everyone. This is good this is great! There's a knock on the door. This is bad.
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Regretfully opening the door stands none other than Kures one of the knights of King Likin both of which unfortunalty call Buck a friend. He doesn't mind them. He likes them far more than any other people but this is his place and his darling is right there and this is really annoying until the glass shatters.
"Y/n?" The knight speaks almost afraid they would dissappear if he blinks.
"Kures?" Darling asks confused, pain tinged their face as much as shock does, despite knowing the knights name it seems they can't remember anything else.
This is troubling.
Kures rushes inside and everything is explained, MC can't remember shit, Kures came because Buck missed a meet up explains MC went missing years ago, MC still looked pretty much exactly the same as the last day he saw them.
Kures talks about life before. Buck continues to get more upset by the end of the convo Buck is practically wrapped around MC extremely displeased.
They talk and chat for a long time and settle on a plan to make there way into the castle so more people can figure out what is happening. Buck attempts to deny everything but Darling is barreling through. They want to know what happened.
Buck and MC pack and MC promises it will be okay and makes sure to stay close to Buck.
They travel a week together comradery pulling them all into a tight knit group and as they make it into a town MC finds out first hand how much Buck doesn't play nice with anyone else.
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One of the staff at the inn tries to flirt with you laughing it off and head to bed, I'm the morning you here some of the other staff complain about him bunking work again.
A stall owner berates you after you bump into there crate, later in the day Kures comes to you with a couple of (insert thing that was in the crate)
Both Buck and Kures barely leave your side at least one of them is on you at all times, it's usually you and Buck in the inn room as you wait til dusk to head onwards, being subtle is key here.
You brush off the clinginess as nerves of being around people, Buck is severely anti social and Kures is a knight who is tasked in getting people back alive it's not his fault for being overly cautious.
Except the edge never dwindles ever when you all are way out of town with no one able to touch you, they stick as close as they physically can, Buck always has a hand on you, Kures is within touching distance more likely to follow you around than direct contact.
It leaves you on edge but it's fine, there nice and Buck helped you. He saved you and Kures someone you regretfully don't remember but most definelty know is risking everything to help you. You can only imagine how much it would tank reputation if they knew to be helping a random undead because that's what you were now and it's painfully obvious in the right light. So you stay close for them.
As soon as you cross the cities borders, memories twirl and spin out of reach. Your from here, not born but defiantly spent most of your life. Your feet unconciously carry you to a small bakery. The owner looks like theve seen a ghost before giving you the biggest hug.
It's the same story. Fine one day. Missing the next.
Mc thanks them and leaves with a fresh loaf of bread.
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