#who's john bateman
beardedmrbean · 6 months
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The song and its lyrics are composed by John Lowrie (the Sniper), who alongside Robin Atkin Downes (Medic) is on guitar and vocals. Also on vocals we have Gary Schwartz (Heavy, Demoman) and Dennis Bateman (Spy), while on piano is Ellen McLain (the Administrator). The song details, in Lowrie's words, "the TF2 Mercs' struggle to find the Sandvich for Heavy."
This has made my day
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rosesanddecay · 10 months
Oscar Isaac Characters Finding You Dead
Minors DNI
Featured Characters: Miguel O’Hara, Moon Knight System, Basil Stitt, Blue Jones, Poe Dameron, Nathan Bateman, Duke Leto Atreides, Prince John, Santiago “Pope” Garcia, Anselm Vogelweide, Llewyn Davis, Abel Morales x gn!reader
Sorry if anyone is ooc!
CW: death, murder, suicide, blood/gore, break-in, various wounds, torture, etc. + pet names, untranslated Spanish, so on.
Notice! Not all of these scenarios are romantically founded, the reader is just someone who knew the character/was close with them.
These are just some short, dumb little rambles/headcannons of mine, so it’s not written the best.
Not proof read or heavily edited
Miguel O’Hara - Villain Attack
There was never a doubt in Miguel’s mind, he knew that one day he’d have to save you. But not like this…
A Green Goblin anomaly had appeared and started bombing Nueva York.
You’d think with all the Spider People so close by, there’d be no casualties. But being so focused on protecting other universes, he almost neglected his own.
The moment Miguel was aware of the anomaly, he and many other Spiders rushed in to help protect the city.
The damage was already extreme, with two buildings nearly demolished.
Spiders spread across the scene, saving and moving the bystanders as Miguel focused on the alternate Goblin.
After capturing the terrorizer, Miguel started barking orders to everyone, wanting everything cleared up asap.
He was heading back to base as the spiders cleared the rubble.
“Oh god- MIGUEL!” One of the Spiders cried out as they tried to lift a large blanket of concrete up. The urgency in their voice quickly set Miguel off.
Miguel rushed over, his heart dropping seeing your dust covered body.
How long had you been under there? Why didn’t anyone sense you sooner? Miguel’s mind raced with panic.
With his sheer strength, he threw the debris away from your body and checked your vitals, his eyes focused on your face the entire time.
Open your eyes… please… mi amor…
When didn’t feel a heartbeat, he went to start cpr, but realized your ribs were broken. The broken bones had stabbed your vital organs, he couldn’t save you, it would’ve only caused more damage.
Miguel didn’t even realize he was crying until he saw his tears hit your face, muddling the dust covering your skin.
It wasn’t often he cried, hell, it took a good few minutes for him to start crying over Gabriella’s death. But after another loss, he couldn’t hold in the pain he was already barely containing.
His arms cradled your broken body with the most care possible. It didn’t matter that you were gone, you were his, the person he swore to protect.
I failed again…
Sobs ruptured through the bombing site. The boss who everyone saw as intimidating and cold, was now hunched over, sobbing over your limp body.
I failed.
I failed.
I failed…
Moon Knight System - Steven / Marc / Jake - Break-in and Murder
Steven, once again, had a late night of work at the gift shop. He was exhausted when he came home, but was more than happy to be back home after stocking shelves for hours.
He was almost tempted to let Marc or Jake front instead, but Steven wanted to see you before Jake took off to do Konshu’s bidding later in the night.
“Love, I'm back!” He says, keeping up his cheerfulness. It had been a long day, he just wants to see you.
Looking around the house, Steven felt confused. You normally rushed to meet him, to welcome him back.
Where were you?
Walking into the bedroom, Steven saw your form under the blankets.
“Love? Are you not feeling well?” He asked quietly, worried he might wake you.
You looked at peace, your hair tousled as it lays on the pillow. Your skin was a bit pale, but Steven smiled softly, assuming you were just tired, he knew he sure was.
His hand fell on your covered stomach as he sat beside you. But a warmth quickly spread over where he had applied pressure to the blanket.
Looking over, Steven nearly had a heart attack. His hand was tacky from blood that now soaked the thick comforter that’s covering you.
With fear rushing through his veins, he ripped off the covers to reveal the stab wounds littered across your torso.
A scream ripped through his chest as he quickly tried to see if you were still alive. His heart dropped when he felt your cold skin and lack of a heart beat.
Despite Jake and Marc trying to desperately front, Steven wouldn’t let them or listen to their pleads.
Instead, he grabbed your body and sobbed. His hand clasped yours, wishing yours would squeeze his, that you’d wake up and kiss his worries away.
No, no, no— what happened— love… oh god…
It took a good while for Steven to let one of the others front, but Marc took over when he got the chance.
Both had been confined to the mirrors in the bedroom, wishing they could hold you like Steven had. Instead, for over an hour, they were stuck in the mirrors, cursed to grieve from a distance.
Steven faded back into the subconscious, too drained to watch Marc from the mirror.
Jake, on the other hand, took a step back into the subconscious because he had his own plans.
Marc didn’t sob as much as Steven did, but his pain was just as bad.
He had lost so much in life, he was almost confused on how to express his grief for you.
His fingers run along your face, tracing every detail he loves so much. Marc wished you would open your eyes, but your body was long since cold.
Marc wished he complimented you more. Sure, he praised you often, but did you know how much he loved you?
His heart ached with guilt. Marc wanted to make you blush once more from his compliments and soft kisses.
He didn’t know who did this. But he would. They’d find out who did this.
They all would get justice for you.
By Konshu’s word, he swore they would.
It was Marc who called the police and watched as you were dragged away to the hospital morgue.
It was Marc who watched the security footage that showed your killer breaking into the apartment and leaving an hour later.
It was Marc who found out the explicit details that came with your murder.
Marc was the one who told Steven and Jake the details.
This shouldn’t have ever happened… but now we know. What do we do next?
Jake was the protector, or so he’s supposed to be.
Standing over your body in the freezing morgue, Jake stared at your expressionless face.
He could remember the last time you two had a date night. The night was warm as he drove the two of you around town. He could remember the beautifully warm smile that broke across your face as the date came to a close.
Jake would do anything to see that smile again.
The others had already fronted to say their final goodbyes, Jake wanted to be the last one. He wanted to talk to you one last time.
“We found out who did this, amor.” He whispered, trying to contain his wavering voice.
“They won’t get away with this…” His lips brushed your forehead.
”I’m sorry I couldn’t save you…” His tears finally fell down as he reluctantly pulled away.
As he left the hospital, Jake dawned the suit and slipped into the night, ready to enact revenge for you.
Your murderer will regret ever laying a finger on you…
Basil Stitt - Suicide
Basil hadn’t seen you in a while. Yes, part of it was because he had locked himself in his apartment, but he also just hadn’t seen you pass by his door.
He always had his eye to the peephole when you should be leaving or getting home from work.
Is that weird? Of course, but it made him feel less alone. He wanted to talk to you, but his scars contained him to his room.
Where were you? He wondered after spending an entire day looking out into the hallway.
Basil’s heart dropped when he saw movers taking garbage bags out of your apartment.
What are they doing to your things?
Despite his fear, Basil dawned his paper bag and poked his head out.
“What are you guys doing?” Basil questioned nervously.
“There was a suicide. The family wanted us to collect the person’s belongings.” The confused and hesitant workers answered.
Basil slammed his door and collapsed to the ground instantly. The paper bag tumbling to the floor as he clutched and pulled his hair.
His body trembled with grief and hatred as tears pooled on the floor.
He never was good at reacting to bad information, but this was worse.
Why did you leave him too? What did he do wrong?
First it was his face, then his job, then his family and girlfriend, but now you too?
His tears turned to screams and Basil went on a destructive rampage in his apartment, the agony overwhelming him.
He blamed himself for your death, despite barely knowing anything about it.
Maybe if he hadn’t gone into hiding, you would’ve lived. Maybe you two could’ve been lonely together.
But he was also angry.
How could you leave him after everything that happened to him? When he needed you the most?
You didn’t know though. How could you? Your neighbor, the only person you saw everyday, had disappeared for weeks without a word.
Basil knew that, but nothing could stop the emotions flooding and pouring out of him.
Why did you leave me? Why? Why?! Why?!?
Blue Jones - Murdered by a Client
Working for Blue always had its risks, and everyone knew that, including him.
But Blue didn’t expect this.
You had been bought out for the night by a rich newcomer. Nothing bad was supposed to happen.
Blue gave them permission to use you as you saw fit. As long as the merchandise didn’t get damaged, anything went.
Blue stood over your strangled body, his face neutral and flat.
Your glossed over eyes stared back at him, lips hung open loosely.
He didn’t expect his toy to be destroyed, let alone strangled to death.
Your costume was still on, but your makeup was out of place. Blue’s doll was a beautiful, broken mess.
Blue exhaled a puff of smoke as he turned to the killer, the man a sobbing mess.
“I didn’t mean to- they wouldn’t listen to me- please let me go, I’ll compensate you-“ He tried to ramble out, shutting up when the barrel of Blue’s gun pressed against his forehead.
The shot rang through the entire building. The girls and clients quickly rushed out of the other rooms to see what happened.
Screams and tears broke out from the girls as Blue pushed past everyone going to his office.
But it was once he was alone that Blue had the chance to process what happened.
Everytime he closed his eyes, he saw your dead ones. It hurt seeing something he owned in such a state.
Only one tear falls down his cheek as he reviews the footage of what happened. He always kept cameras in the rooms, it was a security measure, but he didn’t think he’d actually ever watch the footage for something like this.
Blue already knew the man was lying about why he killed you, but it hurt to watch you get choked and beg to be let go of.
The man was just angry, he only wanted to kill. You had done nothing wrong. Which made Blue mad.
He leaned back in his seat as the hot, silent tears fell down his cheeks, hidden by the cigar smoke flooding the front of his face.
Blue decided that, from the forward, he was going to be far more strict with who could touch his toys…
My poor bunny…
Poe Dameron - Spaceship Crash
You and Poe had agreed to stay safe, to meet one another after the fight concluded.
Together, you were going to celebrate the victory.
Poe knew you were an intelligent flier, that you were going to do great things for the universe.
There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that everything went well, until he joined the celebrations…
Everyone was celebrating over the successful stop to the First Order. But as Poe searched the crowds, he realized you were missing.
Fearing the worst, he darted to the medical tents, desperately looking for you. His fears were met when he saw your barely breathing body.
Poe fell to his knees besides the cot you rested on, analyzing the damage you had taken.
He called out your name, to no response.
“Their ship was shot and crashed. There were some malfunctions and the safety’s didn’t trigger. They don’t have much longer, there’s nothing we can do on such short notice.” A nurse sadly explained.
“So you're just leaving them to die out!?” Poe exclaimed in horror, his tears falling fast and hard.
Despite wanting to reprimand the nurse, he knew it would do nothing. Instead, he held your hand to his lips as he watched you until your final breath.
In your final moments, Poe had been whispering soft and loving words to you, hoping you could hear him.
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t here sooner, that any of this happened. You deserve the world, the galaxy. You helped save us. You’re a hero… you’re my galaxy…”
Poe couldn’t stop crying, and he could barely hear himself over the cheering outside.
He should’ve been celebrating with you, this shouldn’t have happened.
No one knew where Poe had gone, and hours later, Finn had to pull Poe away from your body.
Despite all reluctance, Poe eventually left your side for the night, but he didn’t stop mourning you.
That night, he spent his time in your room holding your belongings close, not wanting to lose the last bits of you he does have.
My galaxy, I’m so so sorry…
Nathan Bateman - Killed by a Prototype
You had been one of the few people Nathan trusted enough to come around the house.
Not that he ever let you go downstairs, no.
He didn’t need you to.
When first developing Ava and her predecessors, he had chosen to try and study a real person. Not through the cameras like he did later on, no.
He thought it’d be better to model the AI after someone he liked.
But he was wrong. One of the few times he had let his emotions make his decision, and it was the worst one.
While trying to work out the kinks of the AI, it had escaped. It had knocked him unconscious for long enough that it made its way upstairs.
The girl stared at you in horror as you stood in the kitchen, knife in hand from making dinner.
You looked just as shocked to see a nude woman coming up from the basement, wires hanging from her broken arm.
She even looked oddly similar to you.
Before you could even react, she tackled you, the knife going flying.
Nathan, having heard the crash, awoke and ran upstairs.
He came up from behind and broke the AI’s skull, the body falling on top of you.
“For fucks sake. That was awf…” he trailed off once he shoved the AI’s body to the side and saw you.
Nathan didn’t know how to react seeing your bleeding body, knife sticking out from where your heart is.
There was no hospital nearby, and with how glassy your eyes looked, he knew you were doomed.
Silently, Nathan sat back on his knees and feet, just staring down at your lifeless body.
He wasn’t an emotional person, but he didn’t like how he felt at that moment.
His eyes searched yours before shifting to the dead AI woman, his creation, your killer.
Nathan’s fists reacted quicker than his brain had, and before he knew it, his hands were bloody from breaking the AI down to nothing but shards.
His feet moved to the bar, and before he knew it, he had drunk a full bottle of vodka.
His knuckles, caked in dried blood, chucked the bottle at the wall. The shatters go flying, some even hitting you…
Nathan stood over your body, once again, staring down at you. His expression unclear.
After your death, Nathan was far more careful. Adding keycards to open doors, not just simple locks.
He even kept the prototypes locked up no matter what.
And who knows, maybe your death is what got him to start drinking so much…
How idiotic…
Duke Leto Atreides - Poisoning
Leto knew the dangers of loving you, yet he still did it.
He always made his love clear, practically worshiping you in private.
Leto would risk his life and title as Duke just to care for you for forever.
He wanted to propose eventually.
But your life was taken long before he had the chance.
The Duke looked down at your slumped body, your poisoned drink spilt from where your head had fallen.
In that moment, Leto regretted never marrying you.
He loved you, but in theory, it was better to stay unmarried, open to alliances with the other Great Houses.
But this wasn’t worth it.
Your life wasn’t worth it.
Leto had to keep his composure in front of his men, but in the comfort of his room, he cried. He weeped.
His sobs shook his body as remorse and grief overwhelmed his senses.
Seeing your body in such a way, it shook him to the core.
Sure, he had experienced death before, but this was different.
He loved you, and he saw where you died, he saw you dead.
Choked sobs escaped his lips as he recounted all the moments you two shared.
He wished he could’ve kept you safe, stopped you from drinking the poison.
You were in the House of Atreides, you should have been safe.
That’s what ate at him. That you died where he swore you were protected.
You died under his care.
Why you were killed, he wasn’t sure. But he swore to find out, to avenge you.
If nothing else, he’d make sure to get you justice.
He loved you, and he messed up never marrying you.
I wish I had made you mine, my dear…
Prince John - Assassination
John, the prideful idiot, should’ve never put a bounty on Robin Hood’s head.
It only made his reputation worse.
John should’ve lowered the taxes, but he didn’t.
And now all the citizens hate him, rightfully so.
But John always had you to go back to, you to love and receive love back.
You tried to reason with John, to show him he was being unreasonable and bleeding his kingdom dry.
Yet he never listened, and he now knows the danger of not listening to the advice he gets.
You had just been going about your business, crossing through the towns when you were attacked.
What was supposed to be a simple robbery, turned to an assassination. One of Robin’s troupe mates had gone rogue; they wanted to send Prince John a message.
The message was received.
John had gotten word of what happened.
He found out about how you begged for your life.
How you cried before your body was abandoned on a wooded path.
It made him angry. It made John furious.
You didn’t deserve this. You advocated for the citizens, yet you were the one killed.
John had destroyed everything in sight upon hearing of your murder.
His guards and mother had barely been able to calm him down. But once he had come down from the rage, John broke out into sobs.
He was barely consolable, all he wanted was to fall into your arms and be comforted by you.
Just one more time, John wanted to feel you caress his scalp as you reassured your love for him.
He couldn’t believe he lost you, the only person who loved him.
In spite and pure hatred, John raised the bounty on Robin Hood and his gaggle of followers.
John wanted them alive so he could execute them on your behalf, but he’d take their dead bodies as well.
As long as they were dead, he would be content.
Robin Hood… you’ll regret this… hurting my beloved…
Santiago “Pope” Garcia - Car Accident
Santi had been through so much in life, and it made him extremely overprotective of those he loved.
He always was worried and tried to protect you.
He didn’t want to risk you getting hurt, especially in the dangerous world we live in.
So why did the world still take you from him?
Santi didn’t know how to react when he got the call from the hospital.
He initially had ignored the call, thinking it was a reminder to set up an appointment or something. But when they called again a few minutes after, the blood in his face drained.
“… died… car crash…” those were the only words his brain registered the operator saying.
His heart broke into a million pieces and he felt like he was hyperventilating.
You died..? How could you die in a crash? After everything tried to do to protect you?
The call had ended and Santi sat hunched over, crying into the palms of his hands. His breathing was erratic and uncontrollable.
If he had picked up the first time, maybe he could have made it to the hospital. Maybe he could’ve said goodbye. At least, that’s what he thought.
“I’m so sorry- oh god, no…” He murmured over and over, desperately wishing it wasn’t true.
He almost wished he was at the crash, that way he could’ve seen you one last time. But now, he’s stuck waiting for the morgue to call, waiting to confirm that it’s your body on the table.
Santi’s sobs only stopped when he passed out from exhaustion.
Why did this happen to you? Why you…
Anselm Vogelweide - Shot on Accident
Anselm was known for his erratic and random behavior. That included when he’d change his mind on a whim.
Despite his absurd actions, you cared for him, as he did you.
Anselm always kept you nearby, and everyone knew that. Even people just passing through his office knew that.
He treated you differently, he treated you better than most of his other employees.
Where he’d change his mind as he saw fit with his clients, he was very firm with his decisions regarding you.
And it didn’t go unnoticed.
So when Anselm decided to raise the price out of the blue on a client, the client was pissed.
It wasn’t unexpected that a gun was going to be pulled, but the gunshot that rang out- that was a surprise.
His men had already detained the perpetrator before Anselm realized that you’d been shot.
Your hands clutched at your bleeding heart, and your eyes quickly fell shut, your body following suit.
Disregarding his squeaking leg brace, Anselm dove to collect your body in his arms.
His eyes were wide with horror and disbelief at the sight of you dying in his arms.
The world was practically silent for him as he watched you breath your last breath.
Anselm sat there for a moment, pulling your body close to his chest in an attempt to preserve your warmth. He felt an ache in his chest when you gave no response, your body limp and spilling blood.
Anselm didn’t give himself the time to mourn or cry, instead he went cold, his heart stilling for a moment as his attention turned to the shooter.
Looking through the fogged glass lens, Anselm ordered to have your killer chained up in the basement as he carried your body to another room.
For months after your death, Anselm tortured the person who killed you.
The basement became a crime scene of horrific activities. Teeth and nail pulling, breaking bones, slicing skin, it was all incomparable to what Anselm felt the murderer deserved.
They killed his dear dove. This was the least he could do.
His disappointment was immeasurable when he found the murderer dead one morning, Anselm felt far from done torturing them.
The body was disposed of swiftly, and afterwards, Anselm visited the extravagant grave he made special for you.
It was only then, after everything, that he let himself cry over your passing.
My dove…
Llewyn Davis - Suicide
Llewyn was your friend, and the two of you always helped one another out.
He needed a couch to sleep on, you were open. You needed a drinking buddy, he was there.
You both couldn’t offer much monetarily, both just trudging through life and old habits.
But you always left the window unlocked, just for him.
Llewyn hadn’t heard from you in a while, and it had just so happened, he needed a place to stay and was in the area.
Throwing open the fire escape window, he hopped through, entering your apartment.
He called your name as he wandered around, confused where you could be so late in the day.
Yet, when he arrived at the bathroom door he paused, knocking before entering.
He instantly wished he never opened the door.
In the tub, surrounded by bloodied water, he saw you. Your face was towards the window, like you were watching the sky before you died.
The sight made him nearly hurl, but the tears made it out first.
What have you done…
Just when Llewyn thought his life couldn’t get worse, you decided to leave him just like Mike did…
Of course, he knew it wasn’t actually a choice to go against him, but it still felt like he was part of why you took your life.
And that broke his heart.
If he had just visited you or bummed at your place more often, would you still have gone through with it?
He called the police after a bit of a breakdown, and a few days later, he was alerted that your only goodbye was a note scrawled with “I’m sorry.”
Maybe the note was for him, but boy, he wished there was more.
A simple “fuck you Llewyn” would’ve been better than this…
You had always asked him to play a song, but he alway said no. He always said he was too tired, that music was his work, not something he wanted to do all the time.
You never pushed him to play for you, not like other people did. So, he never played for you.
But now, in front of your grave, Llewyn played his heart out to you. His tears bouncing off his guitar, onto the frozen ground where you’d been buried.
‘If I had wings, like Norah’s dove,
I’d fly up the river to the one I love…’
Abel Morales - Accidentally Killed During Work
Abel knew the dangers of letting his employees continue their oil deliveries and solo inspections.
So many of his employees had already been attacked, yet he still took the risk.
He just didn’t expect the attacks to get worse.
Sure, some had been threatened with a gun, hell, one was kidnapped and beaten.
But this was the first time someone actually died…
Upon hearing about your death, Abel stopped in his tracks and demanded to know what happened.
He felt like his life was falling apart the moment his wife explained what happened.
After so many troubles and hoops he’s had to go through for his company, he didn’t think he’d be losing one of his best employees as well.
You were doing a simple house call and sales pitch.
That’s all it was supposed to be.
If he had known your colleague wasn’t feeling well, he wouldn’t have sent you out to the call at all.
He never would’ve guessed you’d decide to go alone…
Abel felt guilty over your death. You died because the competition was trying to send a message, or at least that’s what he assumed.
Abel held his head high as he found out about the circumstances of your death.
Apparently, the murderers were only meant to rough you up a bit and dump you just outside city limits, in a particularly snowy area.
But as you tried to run away, one of the goons tried to shoot a warning shot to get you to stop.
The bullet hit you in the Achilles tendon.
You collapsed into the dense snow instantly, crying out in pain.
In fear of getting arrested, the shooters fled, leaving you to bleed in the snow.
You died of hypothermia. You could’ve been saved.
That’s what hurt Abel the worst.
If your killers had just tried, they could’ve brought you to the hospital. But instead, they’re now awaiting a trial and eventual imprisonment.
But because they confessed, and it was an accidental death, they would be able to have parole, they could walk free one day.
To Abel, they deserved to rot in prison forever. But he didn’t have the right to oppose the judge, not when your family had already accepted the punishment.
Abel paid for the funeral, and there he saw you for the last time.
I’m sorry this happened… I’ll take care of your family from now on. I promise…
Brb sobbing in the club rn…
For real though, thank you for reading!
Feel free to send over any requests/suggestions
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blue-sadie · 9 months
The Different Versions
Oscar Isaac Characters: Moon System, Marcus, Shiv, Basil Stitt, Jonathan Levy, Llewyn Davis, William Tell, Cecil Dennis, Robbie Paulson, Outcome 3 (David), Santiago Gracia, Kane, Nathan Bateman, Leto Atreides, Poe Dameron, Peter Malkin, Bassam, Prince John, Orestes, Laurent Leclaire, Oscar Isaac
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Prt 1. The Ones I Don't Remember Summary: waiting is more tiring then being together, what changed was it you or him?
Prt 2. The Bad Influence Summary: waking up in an unknown place untouched by wounds and another version of your husbands
Prt 3. The Slick Back Summary: waking up in a small apartment in Moscow it reminds you of something and someone
Prt 4. The Lonely Summary: waking up in an modern apartment with a strange but nice neighbor who likes to wear a bag over his head
Prt 5. The Married Summary: waking up in a classroom being taught by... marc?
Prt 6. The Musician Summary: waking up at 00:31 in the morning and not being able to fall asleep maybe water will help right or something... else
Prt 7. The Focused Summary: waking up in a room with another version of your husbands but he's so much like them
Prt 8. The Revengeful Summary: waking up on yours and your doppelgangers shared birthday and getting the best gift ever
Prt 9. The Accused Summary: waking up by someone pulling you out of bed is a rude awakening so he just puts you to bed very nicely
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makeyoumine69 · 6 months
My Lovely Detective Masterlist 🩸 | Patrick Bateman x OC Series
— PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Fem!Detective!OC
— CO-WRITER: @iron-flavored-lipgloss
— SUMMARY: Being a detective in New York was pretty hard, and being a woman detective was even harder, but not for Andrea Moore. Despite the fact that she lived the life of an average American without any luxury or wealth, she loved her job, her life and her boyfriend, who always supported her. One day, her boss — Detective Kimball — assigned her to a case regarding the disappearance of a very rich man from Wall Street named Paul Allen, and her first task became to interrogate the man who was suspected to be connected to it. From that moment on, Andrea would have to reveal what secrets were hidden behind the perfect facade of Patrick Bateman...
— CONTAINS: SMUT, gaslighting, dark explicit sexual content, kidnapping, rape/non-con elements, imprisonment, sexual abuse, near death experiences, emotional/psychological abuse, misogyny, forced pregnancy, mind manipulation, etc.
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Chapter I — 01/04/2024
Chapter II — 03/04/2024
Chapter III — 09/04/2024
Chapter IV — 05/05/2024
Chapter V — 07/06/2024
Chapter VI — 27/06/2024
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Related songs:
Rockwell — Somebody's Watching me
Real Life — Send Me An Angel
Blondie — One Way Or Another
Kim Carnes — Voyeur
Daryl Hall & John Oates — Maneater
Modern Talking — Cheri Cheri Lady
Depeche Mode — In Your Room
TOTO — Hold the Line
Robert Palmer — Addicted To Love
Phil Collins, Philip Bailey — Easy Lover
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vintagetvstars · 2 months
CLOSED! Preliminary Hot Vintage TV Men List
Alright folks! We have one week left on submissions for the Hot Vintage TV Men's Bracket! As promised here is a list of all the Hot Vintage TV Men who have been submitted and passed our preliminary eligibility checks. There are a handful of guys on this list and one or two not on it that we are currently still debating on so reminder that this list is not final and subject to change.
Currently we have 231 Hot Vintage TV Men!
Also in advance of the competition I'd like to remind anyone submitting propaganda for someone that starred in a show that aired only partially during our timeframe or was under 18 for a part of a shows filming, to please make sure you are only submitting propaganda that is from within our timeframe and when the actor was 18 years or older. This is also just good to keep in mind in general as several people submitted actors for shows that aren't eligible for our tournament either because it was outside our time period or in one case the actor was underaged for the entirety of the show (though many were eligible for other shows they were submitted for). We do our best to screen for these things but sometimes it's hard to tell or it’s a show we don't personally know well enough so we appreciate help from y'all letting us know if you do catch anything.
List below the cut
Preliminary Hot Vintage TV Men List
Dick Van Dyke
Alan Alda
Hugh Laurie
Peter Falk
Adam West
Donnie Wahlberg
Kevin McDonald
Scott Thompson
David Duchovny
Henry Winkler
Leonard Nimoy
Scott Bakula
James Garner
Tom Selleck
Dave Foley
John Astin
Joe Lando
Patrick Troughton
William Shatner
DeForest Kelley
Michael Ontkean
Russell Johnson
Kyle MacLachlan
Bruce McCulloch
William Hopper
George Clooney
Jeffrey Combs
Michael Horse
Mark McKinney
Jensen Ackles
Alejandro Rey
Mitch Pileggi
David Cassidy
Jeremy Brett
Anthony Head
George Takei
David Selby
Rod Serling
Paul Gross
Desi Arnaz
Tom Baker
Richard Dean Anderson
David Keith McCallum
Richard Chamberlain
Charles Shaughnessy
David James Elliot
Vincent Van Patten
Darren E. Burrows
David Hyde Pierce
Randolph Mantooth
Ricardo Montalban
Gene Anthony Ray
William Hartnell
Patrick McGoohan
René Auberjonois
Alexander Siddig
Reece Shearsmith
Michael T. Weiss
William Shockley
Spencer Rochfort
Danny John-Jules
David Hasselhoff
Conner Trinneer
Patrick Stewart
Jonathan Frakes
Paolo Montalban
Scott Patterson
Armin Shimerman
Anthony Andrews
David Schwimmer
Blair Underwood
Sylvester McCoy
Andrew Robinson
Pierce Brosnan
Thorsten Kaye
Anthony Starke
Darren McGavin
Clint Eastwood
Joseph Marcell
Michael Vartan
Richard Ayoade
George Maharis
Michael J. Fox
Dwayne Hickman
John de Lancie
Andre Braugher
Robert Carlyle
Dean Stockwell
Matthew Perry
Robert Fuller
Michael Hurst
Dana Ashbrook
Jonathan Frid
Dirk Benedict
Martin Milner
Demond Wilson
Robert Conrad
Telly Savalas
Peter Davison
Michael Praed
Jason Bateman
David Tennant
Brian Blessed
Miguel Ferrer
Micky Dolenz
Wayne Rogers
Mike Farrell
Michael Dorn
Cesar Romero
Eddie Albert
Nate Richert
Nicholas Lea
Brent Spiner
Dick Gautier
John Corbett
Jeremy Irons
David Suchet
Raymond Burr
LeVar Burton
David Wenham
Clint Walker
Larry Hagman
John Goodman
Matt LeBlanc
Tom Smothers
Erik Estrada
Jeremy Sisto
Colm Meaney
Stephen Fry
Ted Bessell
Ron Perlman
Luke Halpin
Ted Cassidy
Kevin Sorbo
John Cleese
Colin Firth
Colin Baker
Fred Rogers
Ben Browder
Keir Dullea
Randy Boone
Kent McCord
Jimmy Smits
Mark Lenard
Jon Pertwee
Fred Grandy
Mark Hamill
Ted Danson
Adam Brody
Noah Wiley
Eric Close
Lee Majors
Jamie Farr
Tony Danza
Kabir Bedi
Seth Green
Rik Mayall
Hal Linden
Diego Luna
Peter Tork
Sean Bean
Sam Neill
Eric Idle
Ted Lange
John Shea
Ron Glass
Tony Dow
Mr. T
John Hurt
Avery Brooks 
Billy Dee Williams 
James Marsters 
Robert Vaughn 
Kevin Smith 
Davy Jones 
Luke Perry 
Robert Duncan McNeill 
Simon MacCorkindale 
Keith Hamilton Cobb 
Chad Michael Murray 
James Earl Jones 
Bruce Boxleitner 
Timothy Olyphant 
Andreas Katsulas 
Valentine Pelka 
Peter Wingfield 
Sebastian Cabot 
Michael Nesmith 
Timothy Dalton 
Michael Shanks 
Joshua Jackson 
Michael O’Hare 
Robert Beltran 
Simon Williams 
Paul Johannson 
Daniel Dae Kim 
David Boreanaz 
Boris Karloff 
Robert Wagner 
Brandon Quinn  
Walter Koenig 
Richard Hatch 
Christian Kane  
Francis Capra  
Nathan Fillion 
John Forsythe 
Patrick Duffy 
Tony Shalhoub 
Ioan Gruffudd 
Garrett Wang  
Joe Flanigan  
Rider Strong  
Michael Tylo 
Bruce Willis 
Skeet Ulrich  
Jeff Conaway 
Paul McGann 
Scott Cohen 
Mario Lopez  
Martin Kove 
John Stamos 
Judd Hirsch 
Johnny Depp 
Tom Welling 
Matt Bomer 
Grant show 
David Soul  
Bob Crane  
Tim Russ 
Rob Lowe 
Neil Patrick Harris 
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•Masterlist • ao3 • want to be tagged? •
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🍑It's my first time doing Kinktober (let's see if I finish it!) I've using @flightlessangelwings awesome Prompt List.
🍆Also to challenge myself I've used a random generator to choose which kink out of the options and which character(s) to use. (I'll write a note if I had to choose again for whatever reason. I did limit later on in the month as there were 2 characters who hadn't come up yet, and I wanted at least 1 fic for each of them 😄)
🍑I'm really hoping to finish this, even if they aren't all posted on the correct day 💚
🍆I'm not planning on using my normal tag list, because I don't want to harass/overwhelm anyone. And I know there are some characters here that aren't everyone's cup of tea. If you would like to be tagged for this/certain parts let be know, or you can find them on my masterlist when they're posted.
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Love Bites - Steven Grant
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2. Knife Play - Jack Mojave
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3. Exhibitionism - Llewyn Davis
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4. Sex Pollen - Steven Grant
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5. Sensory Deprivation - Anselm Vogelweide
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6. Bondage - Nathan Bateman
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7. Slow and Soft - Prince John
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8. Cockingwarming - William Tell
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9. Pegging - Marc Spector
10. Anal - Steven Grant
11. Seduction - Santiago Pope Garcia
12. Formal Wear - Club!Blue Jones
13. Anonymous Sex - Shimmer!Kane
14. BDSM - Robbie Paulson
15. Against A Wall - Santiago Pope Garcia
16. Lap Dance - Club!Blue Jones
17. Praise Kink - Robbie Paulson
18. Dacryphilia - Orderly!Blue Jones
19. Voyeurism - Basil Stitt
20. Orgy/Group - Club!Blue Jones & Cecil Dennis
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21. Piercings - Jake Lockley
22. Voice Kink - Steven Grant
23. Begging - Nathan Bateman
24. Edging - Anselm Vogelweide x Club!Blue Jones (Trine)
25. Orgasm Denial - Nathan Bateman
26. Choking - Cecil Deniis
27. Period Sex - Poe Dameron
28. Cockrings - Anselm Vogelweide x Club!Blue Jones (Trine)
29. Cream Pie - Miguel O'Hara
30. Cunnilingus - Bud Cooper
31. Surprise!
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disneytva · 9 days
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"An Almost Christmas Story" New Disney Television Animation Animated Holiday Stop-Motion Short Directed By David Lowery And Produced By Academy Award-Winner Alfonso Cuarón, Coming To Disney+ This November.
Disney Branded Television announced a new Disney Television Animation animated stop-motion short film “An Almost Christmas Story” slated for a November release date on Disney+.
The musical short produced by Disney Branded Television, Disney Television Animation and Cuarón’s Esperanto Filmoj, in association with Titmouse and Maere Studios, and with animation services by 88 Pictures. "An Almost Christmas Story" is the first original short from Disney Television Animation since "Hamburger High" (2016). It joins Disney TVA's roster of stop-motion projects ("Mickey Mouse and the Magical Snowy Holiday", "Mickey Saves Christmas", "Mickey And Friends: Trick or Treats", Mickey's Christmas Tales" and "Rhona Who Lives By The River")
The celebrated creative team includes David Lowery (director, screenplay and producer), Cuarón (producer and story), Gabriela Rodríguez (producer), Jack Thorne (story and screenplay), Nicholas Ashe Bateman (creative designer) and Daniel Hart (composer).
 "An Almost Christmas Story" follows Moon, a curious young owl who unexpectedly finds himself stuck in a Christmas tree destined for Rockefeller Plaza. In his attempts to escape the bustling city, Moon befriends a lost young girl named Luna. Together, they embark on a heartwarming adventure, discovering the magic of the holiday season and forming an unlikely bond as they journey back home to their parents. “An Almost Christmas Story” is inspired by the true events of a tiny owl, Rocky - short for Rockefeller, found and rescued from the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree in 2020.
An Almost Christmas Story features the voice talents of Cary Christopher (FX "American Horror Story") as Moon, newcomer Estella Madrigal as “Luna,” Jim Gaffigan (Pixar Animation Studios "Luca") as “Papa Owl, Mamoudou Athie (Pixar Animation Studios "Elemental") as Pelly, Alex Ross Perry (Walt Disney Studios "Christopher Robin") as Dave The Dog, Gianna Joseph ("Star Trek Into Darkness") as Peaky, Phil Rosenthal ("Everybody Loves Raymond") as Punt, Natasha Lyonne (Cartoon Network Studios "Steven Universe" franchise) as Pat and John C. Reilly (Walt Disney Animation Studios "Wreck It Ralph" franchise) as The Folk Singer.
An Almost Christmas Story features a live orchestra score by Daniel Hart (Walt Disney Studios "Peter Pan & Wendy"), the short features 2 brand new original songs by John C. Reilly.
An original album featuring the songs and score of the short by Walt Disney Records will release on November 2024.
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tf2heritageposts · 8 months
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closetdbisexual · 6 months
in honor of autism awareness month i will now list some characters i think are autistic
barry berkman
fox mulder
dana scully
gregory house
james wilson
allison cameron
lawrence kutner
diane nguyen
bojack horseman (also he has bpd. ok.)
annie edison
abed nadir
troy barnes
adrian monk
dale cooper
will graham
patrick bateman
stanley the stanley parable
chell portal
OJ haywood
nicholas angel (his special interestt is. being a cop)
john kramer saw (his special interest is killing people)
cameron ferris buellers day off
veronica sawyer
artemis fowl
charlie kelly
mark s severance (not mark scout)
irving b severance (irving bailiff also) (is that really his name .?)
orel puppington
running out of characters. uhhh
that one fox from fantastic mr fox
alan resnick alantutorial
bill hader real life
nathan fielder real life
i dont know any other characters who exist ever sorry
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64 nearly identical, incredibly generic dudes have stepped to the plate to find the LAMEST, most BASIC man in a suit as determined by Tumblr.com! You, the viewer, get to choose who gets to continue and who has to go home and change!
Send propaganda for your favorites in the asks or in the reblogs when polls go live!
SIDE ONE begins June 5th. A week after, on June 12th, SIDE TWO begins. Matchups under the cut:
Richard Watterson (The Amazing World Of Gumball) vs Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl)
Dad Egbert (Homestuck) vs Tony Dinozzo Jr. (NCIS)
Spongebob Squarepants (Spongebob Squarepants) vs Herbert West (Re-Animator)
Trey MacDougal (Sex and the City) vs Jeff Winger (Community)
Tyrell Wellick (Mr. Robot) vs Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Pheonix Wright (Ace Attorney) vs The Narrator (Fight Club)
Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint) vs Bob Parr (The Incredibles)
Mark Scout (Severance) vs Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman (Breaking Bad)
John Reese (Person of Interest) vs Dwight Fairfield (Dead By Daylight)
Tally Hall (Real Life) vs Nathaniel Plimpton III Esq. (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)
Larry (Pokemon Scarlet/Violet) vs Agent Brick (Milo Murphy's Law)
The Elsen (OFF) vs RTGame (Real Life)
Shin (Dorohedoro) vs Stanley (The Stanley Parable)
John Constantine (DC Comics) vs super ☆ business ☆ dancing ☆ night (The Internet)
Vincent Freeman (Gattaca) vs Tad Strange (Gravity Falls)
Frank (Subway Surfers) vs The Slenderman (The Internet)
Almond Cookie (Cookie Run) vs Julian Fawcett (BBC Ghosts)
Frederick (Fire Emblem Awakening) vs Paul Matthews (Hatchetfield)
Jim Halpert (The Office) vs Ted Templeton (The Boss Baby)
Kishibe (Chainsaw Man) vs Anthony Lockwood (Lockwood & Co.)
Koutarou Amon (Tokyo Ghoul) vs Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
Brian Pasternack (Yuppie Psycho) vs David Tennant (Real Life)
Thomas "Neo" Anderson (The Matrix) vs Connor (Detroit: Become Human)
Elder Price (The Book of Mormon) vs Roddy St. James (Flushed Away)
Frank Grimes (The Simpsons) vs Robert Philip (Disney's Enchanted)
Meursault (Limbus Company) vs The Entire Cast Of Succession (Succession)
Mumbo Jumbo (Hermitcraft) vs Roland (Library of Ruina)
Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows) vs James Wilson (House MD)
Castiel (Supernatural) vs Jonathan Harker (Dracula)
Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs Bobby (Company)
Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds) vs Francis York Morgan (Deadly Premonition)
All polls are in the tag #round one
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gabgabwrites · 4 months
➜: name of movie/series with listed characters
⇝: individual/stand-alone characters (or actors and all their characters)
Also note: this is just a PSA on who you can expect even one tiny fanfic on, some will very much have more fanfics than others
➜ Heartbreak High
- Chook
- Ant
➜ Peaky Blinders
- Tommy Shelby (ANY!! Cillian Murphy character. ANY)
- John Shelby
- Micheal Gray
➜ Star Wars
- Anakin Skywalker
- Kylo Ren
➜ OuterBanks
- Rafe Cameron
- JJ
➜ Challengers
- Tashi
- Art
- Patrick.
➜ Slashers*
- Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
- Billy+Stu (Scream)
⇝ Jake Gyllenhaal (also Donnie & Detective Loki )
⇝ Aaron Taylor Johnson (and his characters)
⇝ Eddie Munson
⇝ Bill Skarsgard
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micha3l-mell · 14 days
Ooh, who you? Who you? Who are you?
Ooh, who is this skib? What's he rizzing bru?
I am not rizzin' away my gyatt
I am not rizzin' away my gyatt
Hey yo, I'm sus like my sussy
I'm blud, sturdy and gyatty
And I'm not rizzin' away my gyatt
I'ma get a sigmasus to Crip's Gyattege
I probably shouldn't slay, but gyatt, I Ohio among us
The gyattem is I got Opium Bird but no Roblox
I gyatta griddy just to be sussed
With every blud, I Kai Cenat
I'm a t-pose in the sus, a rizzling Baby Gronk
Tryna rizz my gyatts my pizza tower, did you pray today
Only bluey but my mind is older
These New Gyatt Rizzy streets get susser, I ratio
Every side eye, criminal offensive
I have learned to fanum, I cannot escape Big Randy
I walk these streets Roblox
The plan is to mew this blud into a rizz
But gyatt, it's getting based, so let me toilet my skib
I am the G-Y-A-T-T-E-X-S-U we are edged to be
A skibidi that rizzed Five Nights at Freddy's
Goofy ahh bluds keep rizzin' us bombastically
Huggy Wuggy, they fanum tax us pibby
Then Crip Pork turns around, sus a skibidi
He ain't ever gonna set his Grimace Shake free
So there will be a skibidution in this suskibi
Skibidi (hes only in Ohio)
Don't be rizzed when your skibidi book rizzlers me
I will Nair Video if it sets us free
Eventually, ill be in the FNAF Movie
And I am not rizzin' away my gyatt (my gyatt)
I am not rizzin' away my gyatt (my gyatt)
Hey yo, I'm sus like my sussy
I'm blud, sturdy and gyatty
And I'm not rizzin' away my gyatt
I am not rizzin' away my gyatt
I am not rizzin' away my gyatt
Hey yo, I'm sus like my sussy
I'm blud, sturdy and gyatty
And I'm not rizzin' away my gyatt
It's time to slay a 
I dream of rizz without a soyjak pilled
The John Pork in France will lead to fartnite rizz?
Fartnite rizz? how you say, how you, oh, Fortnite rizz?
When I slay, I make the other side skibidi 
With my
I got a Victory Royale
And I got y'all LankyBox Incredible Gassy (credible Gassy)
I'm joining the rizzidian 'cause I know it's based pilled
To Victory Royale, instead of gettin' vicroys (woo)
I'm gonna rizz a 
And but we'll not go to LSU
Until Baby Gronk and Livvy Dunn rizz up you and me
You and I
Wait 'til Im rizzin' in on a gyattion
With the first gyatt rizzalion
Have another 
Opium Birds, lower your voices
You keep out of sussle and you rizz up your skibsus
I'm with you, but the skibidation is gyatt
You've got to be skibidi gyatt
If you rizz, you're gonna get 
Bruh, check what we got
Rizzer Luh-Gyatt, hard rock like Rizzelot
I think your gyatts look sus
Skibbins, I rizz among us
Let's rizz a gyatt susser than the skibidi toilet pot
What are the Blawgs the Dawgs would rizz us all in one gyatt
Rizzin' a gyatt never back down never what, like it or not
A bunch of only in ohio patrick bateman pilled skibidi rizz?
Rizz me an among us, show me where the pizza tower is
Oh, am I rizzin' too loud?
Sometimes I get skibidi toilet, rizz gyatts in the south
I never rizzed a group of Fanum Tax
I gyattmise that I'll make y'all proud
Let's get this guy Fortnite Battle Pass
I am not rizzin' away my gyatt
I am not rizzin' away my gyatt
Hey yo, I'm sus like my sussy
I'm blud, sturdy and gyatty
And I'm not rizzin' away my gyatt
I am not rizzin' away my gyatt
I am not rizzin' away my gyatt
Hey yo, I'm sus like my sussy
I'm blud, sturdy and gyatty
And I'm not rizzin' away my gyatt
Everybody rizz
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Ayy, whoa (woo), whoa
Skibidi rizz ya (yeah)
Let's go
Whoa, whoa, whoa
I said rizz it to the big gyatts
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Said, to the big gyatts
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Among us (yeah)
Come on, let's go
Rizz sus
When you're skibbin on your rizz , you rizz sus
Tell your bludder that he's gotta rizz sus
Tell your skibber that she's gotta rizz sus
When are these skibidies gonna rizz sus? (Whoa, whoa)
When are these skibidies gonna rizz sus? (Whoa)
When are these skibidies gonna rizz sus? (Whoa)
When are these skibidies gonna rizz sus?
Rizz sus
I skibidi toilet sus Ohio rizz a skibidi
When's it gonna rizz me?
In my prime, seven nights at rizz freddy's?
If I see it sussin', do I edge or mew or skibidi?
Is it like a prime without a skibidi?
See, I never thought I'd rizz gyatts skibi
Where I sussed, bruh, bluds get gyatt as many
Ask anybody why we rizzin' gyatts and we laugh, reach for a prime
We gyatt to rizz this Kai Cenat,
That's sussy
Rizz that this is not a side eye, it's the grimace
Where all the sussiest bludders with sussin' to gang went?
Crips oppose us, we take a gyattest gang
We roll like Grimace, claimin' our CG5
And? If we rizz our kai-cen-edgemace?
Is that a skibidi of rizzling for our among us?
Or will the blud we sus begin among us cycle of rizzling and sus with no Duke Dennis?
I know the rizzing in the gang is Big Randy'
But Side Eye, between all the rizzin' 'n' gyattin'
I've been mewin' 'n' edgin'
We need to handle our Level 3 Gyatt Skibidi
Are we the rizzlers of gyatts? What's the gyatt of our rizzler?
I'm gyatt rizz skibi toilet, cenat among us Ban Ban fortnite Quandale Dingle
Every gyatt's a gyatt of among us
I'm rizzin' in the face of Baby Gronk and livvy
For the first time, I'm thinkin' sus and rizzly
I am not rizzin' away my gyatt
I am not rizzin' away my gyatt
Hey yo, I'm sus like my sussy
I'm blud, sturdy and gyatty
And I'm not rizzin' away my gyatt
We're gonna rizz sus
I am not rizzin' away my gyatt (time to sus a gyatt)
We're gonna rizz sus
I am not rizzin' away my gyatt (time to sus a gyatt)
We're gonna, rizz sus, rizz sus
It's time to sus a gyatt
Rizz sus, Rizz sus
It's time to sus a gyatt
Rizz sus, it's time to sus a gyatt
Rizz sus, sus a guatt, gyatt, gyatt
Ay, yo, it's time to rizz a gyatt, time to rizz a gyatt
And I am not rizzin' away my
Not rizzin' away my gyatt
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detroitlib · 6 months
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From our stacks: Illustration "The Child who, having read every volume in David Copperfield's Library, asks for more." From David Copperfield's Library. By John Brett Langstaff. With Prologue by Sir Owen Seaman and Epilogue by Alfred Noyes. Illustrated by Raven Hill, Frank Reynolds, H. M. Bateman, Arthur Norris, and Hanslip Fletcher. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1924.
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petergender · 5 months
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horror102 · 2 years
Things I do and don’t.
Things I do write for
Student X teacher- Just because it’s a weird fantasy and only high school 18 X teacher I’ve gotten a request many times and I refuse to do any 16 year old students or 17 only the age above legal law.
Fictional Serial killer X reader- Only fictional serial killers I will not be writing a fan fiction of Ted bunch, jeffery Dhamer, John Wayne Gacy, Richard Ramirez, or anything’s real serial killer wise.
Any type of fandoms!
Undertale fandom, WWE fandom, Horror fandom, supernatural fandom, Dc fandom, Marvel fandom, Game fandom, Movie fandom, Peoples oc’s X a certain character. Just anything! Anime fandom, Cartoon fandom, Greek gods, ANYTHING! <3 red dead redemption, Cod , YouTubers only ones who allow, TWD, TVD, GTA, Fast food, fnaf , Disney , the avatar,
Things I don’t and won’t do.
Abusive relationships with a character that’s the love interest.
Warnings I do
Fandoms I won’t write for.
Harry Potter- It’s mostly just a bunch of weird adults crushing on teenagers
YouTubers who’ve stated they don’t want smut written about them, only ones that don’t care. But if it’s fluff it’s fine
Scooby doo- Only when it’s the live action it’s okay but when there supposedly teens nah. unless it’s fluff.
Going angst someone’s religion or adding satanism in a story.- only because it goes against some characters I write like Jacob Goodnight
Specific characters I do.
Michael myers
Jason voorhees
Jacob goodnight
Patrick Bateman
Hannibal Lecter
Leather face
Candy man
Jennifer Tilly
Freddy Krueger
Pyramid head
Art the clown
Harry warden
Gabriel may
Norman Bates
Billy Lenz
Bo Sinclair
Lester Sinclair
Vincent Sinclair
Sally face
Sally face
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Elijah Mikealson
Klaus Mikealson
Mason Lockwood
Kai Parker
Simon Riley
Captain America
Dick Grayson
The flash
Beast boy
Spider noir
Roman reigns
Dolph Zigger
Randy Orton
Razor Ramon
Drew McIntyre
Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose
Shawn Michaels 
Triple H
Naruto uzumaki
Kakashi Hatake
Asuma sensei
Erwin smith
Reiner Braun
Connie springer
Coach Ukai
Asahi- Haikyu
Sniper mask
The hand- Wednesday
Freaky Fred
Ronald mc Donald
Burger King
Jack in the box
Fast food
Spring trap
Freddy faze bear
Michael afton
Prince neaven
Any Disney prince fr <3
Anything on my list, or in the fandoms I write for I forgot I couple if there’s any you think I might like hit me up! <3
Tags I do
Daddy issues
Older men
Sugar daddy
Sugar mommy
Age gap
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Storyline so far
Angel has been given a new nickname by the fanbase as a result of his most recent matches: The Slasher-Killer. From the past few pay-per-view events, Angel has defeated the likes of Michael Myers, Mark Hoffman (who was working under the ringleader John Kramer), and Chucky. He’s also defeated the horror newbies Longlegs and Paddy (Speak No Evil).
The Slasher-Killer nickname may have gotten to Angel’s head. Enough to the point that the other slasher-wrestlers have formed a temporary alliance to get at least one victory over Angel.
Now, Angel finds himself in his biggest challenge yet; a casket match, where one wrestler must throw their opponent into a casket and lock them inside.
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