#whoa this is. so long oopsies
faereun · 1 year
ilsa nereze was born to two ordinary humans in neverwinter, her father a blacksmith, and her mother a seamstress. growing up she'd always been a very shrewd, calculating girl—her parents oft referred to her in passing as their little ice princess. they were an obedient child nonetheless, agreeing to an arranged marriage with a nobleman from baldur's gate to ensure their parents' welfare. only, this nobleman was a vile, wretched creature. he was a slaver, which is where his riches had come from, though he'd managed to hide that from ilsa's parents. he intended on making ilsa a slave of his own—trapped in the kitchen or the bedchamber, her life never to be her own again.
yeah fucking right. ilsa is nothing if not diligent—she'd always studied well, always had an innate knack for magic too. they dig through the alcoves of the nobleman's library until they find the tome they're looking for: an ancient, leather-bound monstrosity on pact magic and rituals. the ritual she finds requires a number of frivolous things, but the most important one is this: the still-beating heart of an arrogant man. quickly she begins planning her husband's demise and her own rise to power, eager to see him claimed by the rot, her own veins surging with magic enough to protect herself. when the time comes and he is fast asleep in her bed, they arrange the binding circle and slit their husband's throat. she utters the incantation and tears his heart free from his chest, where it beats in her palm still. she completes the rite and the air surges with magic, her blood like white-hot fire in her veins. 'it is done.' an ancient, ages-old voice rumbles in her ear like the crash of a thousand waves. she shivers, and her fingertips spark with the weave. this is it. this is her freedom—she is power.
when death comes for the man lying bloody and bereft of heart on his bed, he comes in person—eager to judge the soul that had claimed so many lives. curious to see that which had ended such a life so brutally. lord kelemvor, the judge of the damned himself comes to collect the nobleman's soul, only to stop short, finding himself struck speechless by ilsa's beauty—ilsa's unfettered, rapidly growing power. their soul burns so bright he has to blink away the spots of light behind his eyelids. he sees the ring on her finger, and the corpse of the unfit fool she'd called her husband. his self-restraint wavers. i can bring him back to you, he offers, unsure of the words even as they spring forth from his lips. his death was unnatural, i can tell. it wasn't his time yet, so if you wish it so... he trails off as ilsa barks out a cruel, guttural laugh. she tugs down the sheets and reaches for something to show kelemvor—it is the fool's heart, crimson red and still beating weakly. i think you'll find i am quite pleased with this arrangement, she says with a wicked grin as she crushes the heart in her fist.
death and the girl fall in love that night. when can i see you again, they ask, to which the lord death does not answer. i should not be with you, he says instead, it will upset the balance of nature. the balance of life and death, that which i am tasked with maintaining. and with a cool kiss 'pon ilsa's brow, he vanishes, leaving her dizzy and wanting and full of emptiness. she begins chasing traces of death, trying to catch him at the scene of the crime but to no avail. they follow him to the executioner's block, to the bedsides of the sick and the elderly, only for him to slip in and out unnoticed every time. still, she persists, and one night she is greeted by a visage of death in her dreams. she thinks it to be lord kelemvor, but eventually she will realize the trick. lord myrkul had begun rising to power once again, as all gods with worshippers and believers did eventually. and so myrkul disguised as her love, the lord death, bade her this: continue to chase me. if you cannot find death, create it yourself. with every soul you have slain you can take with it their lifeline. and with those lifelines you can tie a string that will guide you to my domain, where death comes to rest, and i will welcome you by my side—as my love.
ilsa is whip-smart and unusually sharp for a human woman of her age, but she is also blinded by devotion. she falls easily into myrkul's trap, and begins her massacre of souls in order to sit proudly by her love. at first she only kills those whose death was inevitable anyways, or rather deserved. slavers like her husband, corrupt nobles, rapists and racists and all manner of their ilk. but slowly all of the blood and death and gore and viscera begins to feed something inside her, a soul of a soul wedged inside her own that begins to flicker and grow with every kill. and soon she does not care who she kills, only that she bathes in the crimson red and comes closer with every slash of her dagger and spark of her powers to her love death. for this is not just myrkul's cruel trick on ilsa and death, but mykrul's prank on bhaal. what would the lord of murder think if the new god of death took one of his children for his chosen?
soon enough, ilsa has killed plenty, and she begins her descent into her love death's domain. the damned souls which she had razed herself chase her down the endless halls and sprawling darkness until she reaches the throne room, where kelemvor is waiting for her, eyes glittering with sadness but a steely resolve. it is then that all is revealed to her—myrkul's betrayal, her own mortal folly and foolishness—and she feels her heart shatter to pieces. but surely you understand this isn't my fault, she begs, but to no avail. it is then that kelemvor reveals the final truth to ilsa—she is a child of bhaal, a divine fragment of the lord of murder's soul wedged deep within her own. slaughterkin, bhaalspawn. she is destined for darkness, for evil and malice and blood and she cannot be saved. will not be saved. kelemvor punishes her as a deathless thing—rips her death right from her soul so that she might never be free from this cycle she's fallen prey to, a cycle created by the very gods she'd fallen in love with. she's thrown out of kelemvor's realm back into the mortal plane without a shred of remorse or an inkling of pity. ilsa hardens her heart that day, and swears revenge on all the gods who'd played her for a fool.
verse notes: ilsa is the dark urge but can easily be reworked as a durge sibling due to the extensive flavoring ™ of her backstory. also, with the mindflayer parasite and their memories wiped, ilsa's personality reverts to something closer to who she was before she began chasing death. she is actively fighting the urges, and trying to be a better person than who she'd become at the hands of the gods.
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bonesbugs · 3 months
I’ve followed your main for so long and legit, when I saw your stuff last night, was like, whoa! miraculous stuff in the style bones :) that’s crazy…. Wait a minute. That username.. :0!!
Anyways, glad to follow you on yet another art blog lolol
LMAOOO oopsie.. I honestly was not expecting the warm welcome, I had no idea the miraculous fandom was so active!! I’m so glad I decided to share my doodles 💚
For those asking, my main art account is @bonesbunns, but I truthfully don’t post there often, I’m much more active with my finished work/original stuff on Instagram!
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champagne-bucky · 4 years
The Things We Do for Money
Summary: Your boss is a pain in the ass… sometimes 
Warnings: Chris Evans x Reader, smut, oral (female receiving), a bit of drunk! Chris
Notes: I know Chris Evans has big brat energy and I needed to get it out of my system.
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There was no one on this planet who could hate their job as much as you hate yours. Sometimes you’d curse yourself out for agreeing to take on this stupid assistants job, but you were in a pinch and desperately needed the money. Now here you are, stuck three months in with the most absurd and demanding boss. He always has you doing his bitch work for him.
Okay, you’ll run out and get him a coffee from time to time when he’s at work. You’ll go run the errands and make the phone calls he’s unable to make, but you drew the line the second he asked you to do the most dumbest tasks for him. 
He started acting ridiculous literally a month into the job, when he called you at the ungodly hour of 5 a.m. Turns out the dumbass couldn’t find his running shoes and you had schlepped yourself half an hour to his house only to find them under the bed the first minute of your arrival. Then, he’d call you for things like tying his shoe laces “because his hands were tired”, whatever the fuck that means, or picking out his evening wear when he’d go out with the guys (and he’d never end up liking what you picked out!)
Now here you are, in your cold ass car in the middle of a Boston winter, driving to your bosses house at the crack ass of dawn. You were annoyed because the night before he’d kept you up till late rattling off your To-Do list for the very next day, half the stuff would probably be scratched from the list anyways. 
Your phone started to ring and you groaned knowing exactly who it was... BECAUSE WHO ELSE WAS UP THIS EARLY!?!?
“Yes, Chris,” you grumbled.
“Whoa, whoa, someone’s a little grouchy for 5:30 in the morning. Speaking of, you’re 30 minutes too late,” you wanted to cure the bastard out, but then he followed up with a laugh.
“Kidding, kidding, anyways, Assistant, I need a favor,” here we go…
“I’m your assistant, doing you favors is my job description, and I have a name you know.”
“Eh, Assistant suits you better. Anyways, if you could run to the shop and pick up my shoes for that award show I have later, oh, and schedule me a haircut would you? You know what to tell them,” this man was way too cheery for this early in the morning.
“No, it does not, the award show is three months away, and no, I do not know how you get your haircut, and I don’t want to know,” Chris responded with a low whistle.
“Gee, someone’s a little cranky monster. Let’s fix that frown before you come over okay?” you grit your teeth. Chris didn’t like a nasty attitude and he had the power to fire you for it.
“Yes, Mr. Evans,” you huffed and he hung up the phone after telling you a few more demands.
As much as this man was slowly pushing you towards your breaking point, the job came with perks. One of those being travel. You never had an opportunity to travel a lot and working for Chris gave you the chance. From Singapore to Australia, you finally got to see what was beyond your small town of Massachusetts. 
Right now, you were in Atlanta where Chris was filming a new Marvel movie. You didn’t get to see much of the set, or the cast, or the inside of your bosses trailer, but you did get to see a lovely highway every couple hours while running around for that pain in the ass. However, when you got done you got to have lunch in Chris’ trailer without him, which was a big plus. Actually, every moment away from Chris was a true blessing.
“ASSISTANT” you groaned as you heard your name being called from outside the trailer. You put down your half eaten sandwich and swung open the trailer door. There stood Chris in his Captain America suit, arms crossed and tapping his foot.
“Yes, Mr. Evans?” Chris put a smile on his face and motioned you to come closer to him. You stepped closer, but he made you come even closer. You came as close to his mouth and he whispered in your ear.
“Do you know what time it is?” you pulled back from his lips with a confused expression.
“Uh, no. W-What time is it?”
“Time for you to help me out of this tight ass costume,” your eyes went wide in horror. Not this shit again.
“No, no, please Mr. Evans, can’t you ask someone else, like a male, to take off your costume,” you pleaded as marched past you.
“Nope, that’s why I hired an assistant, Assistant. Now hurry up, the boots are the hardest to get off,” you groaned and stepped into the trailer.
Chris sat down on the couch and motioned for you to get by his one boot. You grimaced and got to your knees and started to take the boot off. You tugged and tugged until it loosened a little. When it finally did, the whole room filled with a stench.
“Mr. Evans, ew, can’t you wear socks with these things,” Chris let out a deep chuckle and shook his head.
“Can’t do that or the boots will be too tight on my poor little feet,” he put out the other boot clad foot.
“Little is an understatement, sir,” Chris covered up his small groan with a clear of his throat.
“Well Assistant, you know what they say about big feet,” you choked on your spit and looked up at the man.
“They sign you big paychecks. Now hurry up, I’m getting drinks with the guys tonight,” you groaned again and worked the other boot off.
When the costume was fully off, averting your eyes where necessary, Chris was changing back into his regular clothes while a knock sounded at the door.
“Get that for me, Assistant,” you went to the door and swung it open and were faced with two of his co-workers, Anthony and Sebastian.
“Oh, assistant girl? We aren’t interrupting anything are we?” Anthony winked and Sebastian chuckled. Your cheeks were heating up at that comment when you felt Chris behind you.
“Yeah guys, just one second I gotta put on a shirt,” your eyes noticeably widened knowing Chris was right behind you, shirtless. 
The men suppressed their laughter at your shocked expression. They probably thought you were sleeping with your boss! Oh god, listen, Chris wasn’t an unattractive man, hell no, but he was your boss (and also a pain in the ass), you couldn’t cross that sort of line. 
“I’ll be going now, Assistant. Clean up for me and finish up that list,” Chris grabbed his wallet and left the trailer.
“Yes, Mr. Evans.”
Anthony and Sebastian stopped in their tracks to laugh a little. When Chris turned around to give them a ‘what’ look Anthony finally spoke. 
“Yes, Mr. Evans. I’ll clean up the trailer and then clean you up later, sir,” Anthony mocked your voice as Chris punched his arm lightly.
That blare of your ringtone made you shoot up out of your peaceful sleep and clutch your heart. You peered over at the time to see that it was 3 a.m. Groaning, you ignored that call without seeing who it was and tried to sleep again, but then they called you back.
You turned your light on and grabbed your phone and saw that Chris was calling you. Pissed off and tired, you answered the phone with an angry ‘what’.
“Oh, Assistant, I need you,” Chris sounded like he was slurring his words. He was still at the bar?
“Mr. Evans? Are you drunk?”
“Yessssss, I made an oopsie and had tooooo much to drink. Can you pwetty pwease come pick me up. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee…” he dragged out the last vowel as you started looking for your keys.
“Fine, but you’re paying me overtime for this,” you slide on your shoes and run out of the hotel room to go get the big drunken baby.
It took you awhile, but you finally found the bar Chris was at. Luckily, he has always shared his phone location with you for emergencies like these. It didn’t take long to find him either seeing as he was moping on the curb nursing a beer in his hands. 
You rolled your eyes and got out of the car. Chris’ ears perked up at the sound of a door slamming shut and he immediately was smiling like a dope. 
“ASSISTANT!” He screamed and held his arms out for you. The people passing by on the sidewalk gave him dirty looks.
“Chris, shhhh, let’s get you back into the car, okay?”
“HEY! THAT’S MR. EVANS TO YOU or sir if you want to spice things up,” he barely whispered and gave you a wink. Scoffing, you shoved him into your tiny car before he took off down the street.
The drive back to Chris’ Atlanta home was a bit of a drive, but there was not much traffic on the road so it would be quicker than usual. Chris was falling asleep in the passengers seat, but would come to every so often to slur something stupid. This time, when his head went up to speak to you his words were loud and clear.
“You’re pretty,” your cheeks were heating up, but it was too dark to see.
“Thank you, Mr. Evans.”
“And kind, sweet, lovely,” he was showering you with compliment after compliment and you didn’t know how to respond.
“I like you, Assistant,” you tried to keep your composure, but you were stunned. He was drunk so that meant nothing, right?
“I would figure since you keep me around all the time,” you laughed off.
“Noooo, I really like you. Not in a “like” you, but in a “like like” like you way,” his body was now fully turned to face you. 
“Oh, well, Mr. Evans I’m flattered, but you’re my boss. I can’t ruin our professional relationship,” Chris let out a whine just as you were pulling up to his house and getting out of the car.
“Then as your boss, I demand you to like like me,” you laughed as you opened the car door for him to get out.
“Mr. Evans, you know we can’t allow that,” you tried your best to joke with him, but he kept up pestering you.
“How about a thank you for helping me get home,” you furrowed your brows as Chris unlocked his door and was leaning up on the threshold.
“Umm, Mr. Evans I-,” you didn’t get a chance to finish because Chris grabbed your face and was leaving a sloppy kiss on your lips.
Your eyes were probably wider than they have ever been in your lifetime. Chris Evans was kissing you. Chris Evans was kissing his assistant. Chris Evans was drunk and kissing a woman who he signs her paychecks for every week. 
He pulled back a few moments later with a satisfied look on his face. He was still stumbling drunk, but it seemed as if he didn’t care. Chris had a cocky grin on his face while looking at your frozen expression.
“Um, Mr. Evans, um. I’ll see you tomorrow,” and you sprinted back to your car and pulled out of the driveway, not even glancing back at your boss.
It had been a while since the whole drunk kiss incident. The day after that night you didn’t bring up what had happened and neither did Chris. 
You assumed that he was so drunk that he probably forgot about the kiss. To be fair, he didn’t even remember him calling you to come pick him up or the whole drive back home. He must’ve forgotten about the kiss and you intended to never bring it up.
Things between you and your boss went back to normal after that. You were still dealing with his antics and absurdities, but it paid your bills so you couldn't complain. However, Chris seemed to be lenient with you nowadays.
You couldn’t put your finger on it, but he definitely changed his demeanor recently. He let you come into work an hour later than usual, anytime you said you were unable to do something he let it slide, and he also had given you a raise out of nowhere. Maybe he was changing…
“ASSISTANT,” nevermind…
“ASSISTANT!” you followed Chris’ voice to the backyard where he was standing by the pool.
“Yes, Mr. Evans,” you rolled your eyes.
“Assistant, can you do me a favor?”
“Will I get fired for saying no?”
“Then what is it,” you walked over to him as he started to take off his shirt.
“I want to go for a swim, but I don’t want to miss an important phone call I should be getting.”
“And I want you to sit out here and watch my phone till it rings,” you looked at him in disbelief. He really wants you to babysit a phone?
“Are you serious? You just want me to sit out here and stare at your phone?”
“Well, I’d invite you to join me in the pool, but you don’t have a swimsuit,” Chris scoffed and jumped into the pool.
You rolled your eyes and took a seat on the lounge chair. If you were going to babysit his phone you might as well relax a bit. Plus, you didn’t mind the little show you were getting courtesy of Chris.
About an hour went by and still no phone call. Chris had been busy swimming laps in his pool and playing with Dodger who would jump in for a swim. Either Chris was pulling your leg just so you could watch him or this phone call was never happening. You’d think after an hour someone would call soon.
You moved to get up and go back in the kitchen to answer some emails to the rest of Chris’ team when he called for you to come back.
“Mr. Evans, it’s been an hour and no one has called. I have work to do, I can’t stand around all day watching you swim and wait for your phone to ring. You’re a big boy you can do it,” you didn’t hear him get out, but Chris was hot on your tail as you entered back in the house.
“So, you were watching me, huh,” you tried your best to hide the blush creeping up on your face.
“Not the point, sir. I need to get back to work,” Chris clicked his tongue between his teeth. 
“Alright, while you get back to work, I’ll be in the shower,” you went back to your computer and hummed in agreement with his plans.
You heard a ruffle of clothing hit the floor as you looked up from your laptop screen. You gasped in horror as you saw Chris had shucked his bottoms off right in front of you and turned to walk to the bathroom. You put your head down as he turned around to look at you with a satisfied smirk. 
The faint sound of the shower running filled the silence for a few minutes as you contemplated your next move. The swim shorts stayed where they were and you refused to pick them up. You still couldn’t get the image of your boss and his bare ass out of your head. 
What did this mean now for your job? 
“Assistant,” you froze at the sound of Chris’ voice, “I need you.”
“Yes, it’s urgent,” he sounded anxious.
“Yes, Mr. Evans,” you said from behind the cracked door.
“Can you get me a towel from the closet? I forgot mine.”
You went to grab him a towel and stuck your hand through the door. When you didn’t feel him take the towel from you you got worried.
“Mr. Evans,” you called out.
All of a sudden the door opened and you were face to face with a naked Chris Evans. You kept your wide eyes on his and pushed the towel to his chest.
“Assistant, I need some help getting dry,” you were stumbling over your words, but not for long until Chris pulled you in the bathroom with him and brought your hands up to his chest.
You kept your eyes on him and you dried off his upper body. Chris looked into your eyes with adoration and a hint of lust. This was getting too serious way too fast, you went to pull away, but he grabbed your wrists.
“You know, I meant what I said. You are very pretty,” you gasped. 
“Chris,” he pulled you closer until your lips touched. Fuck it. You couldn’t fight this anymore. This gorgeous man wanted you and a part of you wanted this pain in the ass too.
The kiss started slow, but descended into something so raw and animalistic. Your tongues were all over each other’s mouths and your teeth were scraping and hitting together. Chris pushed you up against the bathroom door and moved his lips to your neck.
“So good, wanted you for so fucking long,” he continued to kiss down your neck to the collar of your shirt.
“I want this off, now Y/N,” you gasped again. That was the first time he ever used your real name.
You couldn’t deny his orders, so you happily took off your shirt, bra included, and threw them on the floor. Chris went to praise you for being so good and attacked your sensitive buds. 
He scraped, licked, and sucked gently on each nipple, giving him all the attention they deserved. You moaned loudly and he went to kiss you again. He pressed himself into your thigh and started to grind.
“All for you, baby. It’s all for you,” you let out a breathy moan.
“Please, Chris, please, sir. I want it,” Chris growled in response.
His hands began to wander. They rubbed up and down your sides before they inched their way towards your center. Chris took his one hand and put it under your shorts. You whimpered as he went and rubbed your center in teasing strokes.
“Chris, please,” he removed his hand and opened the bathroom door.
“Patience, baby,” Chris picked up your shaking body and carried you throughout the house towards his bedroom.
He kicked opened the door and laid you down on the bed. Chris removed your shorts and stood back to admire your bare body. His thumbs drew small circles around your hips as he looked up at you with dark eyes.
Chris connected his lips with the top of your belly button and started to kiss downwards. He came in contact with your pussy, but wouldn’t kiss it. His lips ghosted yours, his beard was scratching the surrounding area. It seemed as if time had stopped when all of a sudden he attacked your core. 
Your hands flew down to his hair and began to pull at the roots. Chris groaned into your pussy as you arched your hips into his mouth. He brought his thumb to your clit and started to rub fast and hard circles. You were so close to cumming, but you could barely form the words.
You tried to tell him, but it felt so good and he was doing all the right things to restrict your speech. The tiny bubble within you had grown bigger and bigger and was going to pop any second. Chris started to thrust two fingers in you while his lips sucked your clit and that’s when it happened.
“Holy fuck,” you looked up with a heaving chest to see Chris’ beard, lips, and fingers soaked. His eyes grew darker as he grabbed your chin and kissed your breath away.
“Fucking squirted all over me baby, how you gonna clean me up?” He nuzzled his face into your neck and started to pepper kisses all over.
You were at a loss for words, but your body was doing all the talking. Your hips started to thrust up into Chris’ thigh and he looked down with a smirk.
“I know you want it, honey. Give me one second,” Chris moved off your body and made his way to his nightstand drawer. He pulled out a condom and rolled it on.
Now, he was back on top of you and drinking you in. You kissed one more time before he lifted your leg over his shoulder and positioned himself at your sensitive entrance.
“You sure?” You shook your head rapidly at his question.
“Yes, get on with it, sir,” he smirked as he entered you.
The stretch hurt, but the pain was replaced with pleasure as he started to thrust. He started off slow, careful not to hurt you, but he was going deeper into your pussy. You cried and slapped his bicep, urging him to go faster.
“If that’s what baby wants, then that’s what baby will get,” and Chris went into overdrive.
You screamed his name and moaned so loud that you were sure the neighbors would hear you. Chris loved hearing those sweet noises and was doing all he could to make them louder. You were reaching a second high, but Chris was still keeping a brutal pace.
“Chris, I’m about to cum.”
“Hold on, sweetheart. We aren’t finished this just yet,” he grabbed your other leg and threw it over his shoulder, attempting a deeper angle.
Chris kissed you with all his might. His tongue evaded your mouth once more and his thrusts were getting faster and faster. A sweat broke out on him and he was getting close. 
“Baby, you can let go whenever you want,” a final scream ripped through you as you arched your back and came for the second time.
Chris fucked you even harder through your orgasm. He wanted to fuck your pussy so that it was be sensitive for the next couple days. He wanted you to never forget this moment.
Tears formed in your eyes as he kept going. You were trying to keep up, but your body started to get weak. Chris noticed this and worked faster to get himself to the edge.
When he finally came, it felt as if his eyes had rolled back up into his head. He was sweaty and growing tired, but he didn’t want to leave your pussy yet. He knew he had to because the position you were in was starting to get uncomfortable. Chris finally removed himself and threw the condom out.
He saw your eyes were dropping and quickly picked you up to take you to the bathroom. He let you do your business and went to grab you a bottle of water. 
When you came out of the bathroom, with shaky legs, Chris was there with a water bottle  by the bedside table and the sheets drawn back waiting for you to get in beside him. You gladly accepted the comfy spot next to him and soon you drifted off to sleep.
When you finally woke up, you felt something heavy weighing down across your abdomen. Your eyes shot up as you looked around a room you didn't recognize. As if right on que, Chris groans beside you and opens his eyes. He smiled and pressed you closer to his body and gave you a sweet kiss to your temple.
“Evening,” Chris buried himself in your hair as you lifted your head to look out the window, confirming it was night.
“What time is it?” your voice was strained.
“Close to 11. Didn’t think we’d be out for this long,” he winked and for a moment you forgot why you were in his bed.
“OH MY GOD,” you gasped and shot up and Chris followed suit.
“I KNOW I WAS THERE. WHY ARE YOU YELLING?” Chris matched your voice.
“I’M YELLING BECAUSE YOU’RE MY BOSS. I SLEPT WITH MY FUCKING BOSS,” you slammed your head back down on the pillow and buried your face in it. You only lifted your head off the pillow to hear him laughing at you.
“I get why you’re laughing, but I’m not. I’m a slut,” Chris laid back down next to you and pulled you into his arms.
“Hey, hey, you are not a slut. Please don’t think of yourself that way,” he cradled you into his arms.
“I did the one thing that nobody is supposed to do. I shouldn’t have ruined our professional relationship,” you tried to break free from Chris’ hold, but you wouldn’t let you go. 
“Listen to me, you did not do anything wrong. I wanted to ask you out for a long time… I just, well, you see-”
“You got piss ass drunk and ruined your plans,” you giggled into his bare chest. 
“That’s one way of putting it, yeah,” and he laughed along with you.
“So, I guess this means I should resign now shouldn’t I?”
“Not necessarily no, I still need my assistant.”
“So I get to sleep with you AND be on payroll? Wow, what a dream come true,” Chris laughed some more.
“We don’t have to tell anybody for a while. I’ll help you find a new job so it won’t look so fishy whenever we tell people we are dating.”
“I don’t know, I am gonna miss that fat Christmas bonus I get every year…” 
“I think I can think of a way to make up for that,” Chris’ hand was stroking up and down your thigh which made you shudder.
You turned to kiss him as you hummed in agreement. Things started to get hot and heavy once more and soon the sheets were pushed off the bed, Chris was attacking your lower half with kisses. Right when he got to your center, his phone rang.
“You wanna get that for me, Assistant?” 
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shark-b0i · 3 years
listen. LISTEN. i’m too emotionally drained after that finale to write an essay. so. instead. have some incoherent thoughts i wrote down while watching it.
time is honestly such a *concept*
it’s hogwarts but spooky
ooh magic opening doors
miss minutes is terrifying wtf i audibly gasped
why does miss minutes’ voice feel like ASMR i hate it ✌️
free will? never heard of her.
why is a southern accent so sinister tho
sounds like 4D cinema my dude
bad guy chillin with an apple
bad guy makin Sylvie mad
h o m i e c i d e
teacher reynslayer arc
whoa it’s a script how scary
“look by the lake” hate it ✌️
ah we love a dictatorship
give mobius a blowtorch please
ok but the end of time is rly pretty
he’s singing with the background music how epic of him
ngl i love kang tho
bad guy is sleepy
man child is shouting to grow up
cheshire the cat.
how anti-climactic
honesty is the best policy y’all
the long con broskis
poor loki i feel rly bad for him
loki can be trusted. loki can trust.
love is a dagger
oh crud marvel made a really good emotional moment
oopsies they ruined it with a kiss
not watching the screen now
uh oh spaghettio bye bye loki
new computer wallpaper
c l o c k
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derireo · 5 years
be mine, valentine! (all troupes)
ok but fr this took me way too long to finish lol. sorry for being super extra duper slow! happy late valentines day bbs!
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With Valentine's Day coming up, the boys from the Spring Troupe were getting restless with excitement, save for Itaru and Tsuzuru. Despite Masumi being excited to give Izumi chocolates for the romantic holiday, Sakuya was practically vibrating.
Valentine's Day was such a sweet holiday, and he loved seeing couples walk around during this time of year. Citron was merely excited to experience Japanese Valentine's Day for the first time.
"What are you planning on doing this holiday, Izumi?" Citron had asked curiously as the director was putting a small stack of papers into a file at the dinner table. Unknowingly, Citron had piqued the interest of Sakuya and Masumi who were studying together in the lounge room, and even Tsuzuru who was reading over his most recent script to see if there was any changes he needed to make.
When reminded of the upcoming holiday, Izumi pinched the bridge of her nose between her index finger and thumb as a habit of stress and held her head in her free hand, sighing in defeat.
She'd been single ever since she was born, never experienced a happy Valentine's day full of chocolates or laughter, and was too cowardly to ever give any of her past crushes a gift or even a letter.
She's probably planning on doing nothing this year too.
"Think I'm just gonna work. There's no reason for me to do anything for Valentine's Day." She comforted herself by patting her cheek then leaned back into her chair to smile at Citron who was frowning at her from the kitchen counter.
"Well ain't that sad." Itaru yawned lazily when he popped out of nowhere, effectively startling Izumi who was silently sulking. The business man rummaged through the fridge until he found a water bottle and shut the door, leaning against the kitchen appliance to stare at Izumi, a bored expression on his face.
"I'm getting the holiday off. I hate bringing gifts home from work," Itaru sighed and shrugged a shoulder. "My room's open if you need company that day."
Masumi quickly protested. "I should be the one saying that."
"Uhm, no." Tsuzuru shut down Masumi before the teenager could continue to be possessive over Izumi and held an arm over his chest to prevent him from standing up from the chair, his face slightly worried.
Citron pursed his lips as he leaned against the counter and watched as Izumi put her attention back on him, his hands excitedly clapping together when an idea popped in his head.
"I shall personally take you to the Cherry Blossom Festival!" He exclaimed.
A frown made its way onto Sakuya's features and he couldn't help but shake his head at Citron, who was understandably happy for the great idea, and had to regrettably break the news to him.
"The Cherry Blossom Festival is in the Spring. Valentine's Day is in the Winter."
Citron slumped and held his cheek in his hand, the frown coming back to decorate his face. "That is too bad."
Sakuya suddenly jumped up to his feet right then and ended up startling both Tsuzuru and Masumi who were huffing and puffing at each other. The sweet redhead reached out for Izumi's hands and stared at her with bright eyes, his teeth showing as he smiled.
"Why not bring the whole Spring Troupe out on an excursion?" The young boy bounced on his feet as Izumi looked at him with an unsure expression, her smile turning into a grimace.
"Depends on what kind of excursion we're talking about."
"A picnic!" Sakuya quickly exclaimed, this time startling Izumi while she was in the middle of releasing his hands, her eyes blinking rapidly when her body unwillingly jolted while sitting in her chair.
Itaru groaned and hit his head against the fridge door. "My games."
Izumi scoffed at the grown man amongst the younger members of the group and crossed her arms over her chest with a reprimanding glare, standing up from her chair to wrap an arm around Sakuya's shoulders.
"It's only a few hours outside, Itaru. I'm sure it'll be just like how you don't play video games at work."
His bright eyes glowered right back at Izumi when he pushed himself off of the fridge and trudged to where she stood, looking down at her as he squinted while she stared right back with a challenging look in her eyes.
When she wouldn't look away, Itaru sighed and ran his fingers through his hair before reaching out to hold the back of Izumi's head, fingers tangled in her messy hair. He leaned down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead to soothe the furrow there and deliberately ignored the betrayed sound Masumi made from the couch.
"Whatever. I'll think about it the day of." He murmured and ruffled Izumi's hair before moving to go back to his room, playfully sticking his tongue out at the student who was staring at him with evil intent.
Sakuya was already excited as Izumi rested her cheek against his and he curled his arm around her waist to squeeze her close to him.
"Awesome! I don't think any of the others are against this idea so let's start planning now!"
Citron nodded enthusiastically in agreement while Masumi pouted as Tsuzuru scolded him for being so hostile towards Itaru who had already gone into his room, Izumi also managing to get a small word in while she patted Masumi's head when her and Sakuya moved to the living room.
"Spending Valentine's with the director is a dream come true." Sakuya sighed dreamily to Citron as they both watched Izumi laugh at Tsuzuru and Masumi who were arguing over something and leaned against Citron who made a noise of agreement.
"Most definitely. I am sure Itaru wouldn't miss the picnic!"
On the day of, Izumi was pretty sure Itaru was the most clingiest to her out of all troupe members. Despite turning his phone on and off multiple times during the outing, he would only curl himself against Izumi and bury his face into her neck like a sulking child; itching to do something he's not supposed to do.
Masumi was irked that she fed that old, grown man his lunch while she didn't do the same to him, but he has to be understanding. Izumi is the nurturer.
Sakuya, Tsuzuru, and Citron were just happy to have a successful excursion with everyone, and the chocolates that Izumi surprised all of them with definitely made them glad that they planned this whole thing.
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"Don't make me go to school today, I beg of you." Tenma pleaded with Izumi as she stared down at the young boy who was kneeling down in front of her in the living room. The boy was obviously dishevelled, with his uniform shirt buttoned incorrectly and pants wrinkled.
Tenma did not want to go to school.
"Yeah, me too." Yuki said impassively as he walked past Tenma and into the kitchen to grab a water bottle from the fridge, still in his pajamas. He plopped onto a chair at the dinner table and let out a sigh, slumping in the uncomfortable wooden seat.
Muku ran into the living room with wide eyes and tripped onto the couch with a surprised shout, already managing to crumple up his middle school uniform.
"It's Valentine's Day, Yuki! We have to go!"
The other middle school student grimaced and waved his hand at Muku who was pouting and whining like a puppy as Tenma continued to beg for Izumi's lenience just this once.
"Whoa, the gang's all here!" Kazunari cheered gleefully and plopped onto the other couch that wasn't taken up by Muku, with Misumi clattering against the walls as he scaled them excitedly.
Izumi internally groaned at the sudden commotion that the Summer Troupe brought along with them as they gathered in the commons, and she placed her hands on her hips to calm herself down.
"Kazu said it was Yummy Triangle Day!" Misumi hollered happily as he tackled Izumi's side and didn't let go, his eyes sparkling with excitement as the promise of triangles from Kazunari had him buzzing with joy.
The director quickly whipped her head to stare at Kazunari who playfully poked his tongue out at her, his smile unashamed as he rubbed the back of his head to say 'oopsie!'.
Inhaling, Izumi plastered on a sweet smile and curled an arm around Misumi's shoulders to make sure he had his attention on her, his eyes still wide as he looked down at her with a tilted head. She raised a hand to pet his cheek and couldn't help but laugh when the young man leaned into her touch, letting her know that she had his attention now.
"It is. Why don't you sit down with Kazunari and I'll give you something to eat after I've dealt with Tenma and Yuki?"
Yuki scoffed while Misumi listened and plopped down beside Kazunari who was scrolling through something on his phone.
"Yes, you too." Izumi groaned and crouched down on the floor to stop Tenma from kneeling down, gently chiding him by slapping the back of his hands with light palms.
"I get it, you don't want to go to school," she rubbed her forehead, making a disgusted sound when she saw the fat, fake tears that were rolling down Tenma's face (crying was his strength, of course). She gently pushed Tenma away with a hand on his chest and scooted backwards on her knees. "But I don't think any of your parents would like it if they heard I let you skip."
It was Tenma's turn to groan and as dramatic as he could, flopped onto the floor in front of Izumi.
"My parents won't even bat an eyelash." He reasoned with the director who wasn't even looking at him anymore. Izumi was busy telling Kazunari that there was still some leftover triangle onigiri left in the fridge that she managed to hide from Masumi, and told him to feed Misumi that for breakfast.
Immediately after, she turned back to Tenma with a deadpan look and harmlessly snarled at him.
"Doesn't mean you should skip school just because you hate getting chocolates from girls. If anything, give them to Juza; last year all he got was dark chocolate and he looked like he was going to break something in the dorm.
And you, Yuki. Just because you hate seeing your classmates do 'dumb things' like handing each other love confessions doesn't give you enough of a valid reason to skip."
"Plus, I think it's really sweet when they do those things!" Muku chimed in, making Izumi nod in approval as she stood up from the floor to let Tenma roll around in his fake tears, walking over to the pink haired St. Flora High student to run her fingers through his hair.
"Muku's a good boy." The director spoke in an endearing tone and smiled down at the young teenager when he turned around with glittering eyes. She carefully fixed his uniform and did the tie that was loosely wrapped around his neck with skilled fingers, squishing Muku's cheeks when she was done.
The young boy stood up tall from the couch and put on his backpack that he had dropped earlier when he was stumbling into the living room. Izumi did a few final checks of his uniform and made sure he had everything he needed for school, including a small chocolate treat that he was going to give to a friend today.
"Alright, come home safe." She cooed and slightly dipped her head down to place a light good luck kiss to the boy's forehead, causing Muku to flush at the action that he should be getting used to by now. He quickly bowed to Tenma and waved at Izumi and the rest of the boys in the kitchen before scurrying down the stairs to get to school.
"Tenma, please get off of the ground." Izumi sighed in exasperation and went back to crouching, her hands gently tugging at the crinkled uniform shirt that belonged to Ouka Public High. The young boy let his body go ragdoll like, and by the time Izumi managed to get a strong hold on him, he lay lifeless in her arms.
The director groaned in annoyance and sat down on the floor instead with Tenma's head resting comfortably in her lap. The Ouka High student managed to keep a smile from showing on his face when she combed her fingers through his bedhead, and Izumi started pointing at the boys who were in the kitchen.
"Kazunari! Don't you have a festival at school today?" She questioned when the young man popped his head out from behind the fridge door with a small piece of onigiri hanging from his mouth, Misumi already at the dinner table with his own plate in front of him.
"I do, but I've got no date." He pouted. "Can you be mine for the day?"
Yuki gagged at how casual Kazunari managed to say that line and threw his now empty water bottle at the university student who was giggling to himself. Misumi was happily jittering as he handed Yuki some of his onigiri to make the student feel better, and he took it with a low grumble under his breath.
Izumi grimaced at the greasy line that was delivered towards her and sighed as she watched Kazunari playfully wave his hand at her to tell her that he was joking. The university student skipped towards where both Tenma and the director sat and patted her head.
"I was joking, but the offer still stands! I gotta get ready now!" He shouted after squishing Izumi's cheek between his fingers and scurried to his room with excited footsteps pounding on the floor.
Tenma groaned next and the director quickly redirected her attention to him, her fingers gently slapping at his cheek to reprimand him.
"Still not gonna go to school, huh?" She taunted him as he whined when she continued to pester him with little slaps to his face, his hands coming up to protect himself from the assault. Izumi did her best to make the teenage celebrity get up from her lap by bouncing her legs next.
Yuki stood up from his chair after he helped Misumi finish his breakfast and began to stride back in the direction of his room with Izumi calling after him with a pout.
"I know you're not gonna go to school, Yuki!" She started desperately, "But I'll at least take you shopping after I'm done helping Kazunari out."
"Whatever. Come by my room when you get home." Yuki sighed and entered his shared room with Tenma, shutting the door closed so that he could go back to sleep.
Izumi pinched Tenma's nose much to his dismay.
"And as for you, you don't want to go out because you'll attract attention everywhere." She gritted out while Tenma whined and swatted at her hand, wriggling around in her lap as he got his uniform shirt even more wrinkled.
"I can't bring you to Kazunari's festival, nor can I bring you to the mall with Yuki." Izumi frowned and gave Tenma a break, her hands coming up to hold his face in her palms as he stared up at her, upside down, with squinted eyes. His lips were pouted because he knew she wouldn't be able to hang out with him in public due to his status as a celebrity, but he still wanted to do something fun with Izumi!
The director glared right back at him and rubbed the spot between his eyebrows to remove the furrow there, her mouth twitching as she tried not to smile.
"We can go somewhere late at night and eat a snack? Food tastes better when you're not supposed to be eating."
Tenma frowned. "Clearly, that's a bad idea "
Then he smiled. "I'm in."
"Thank goodness." With a big sigh of relief Izumi finally pushed Tenma's head off her lap causing the student to groan when his head met the rug on the floor. Standing up from the floor, Izumi smoothed down her pants and motioned to Misumi who was doing whatever in the kitchen.
"Come, Misumi. You have to change clothes if you want to see some triangles at the Valentine's Festival today!"
Cutlery began clattering where the young man was before Izumi saw him begin to bound towards her, his body agile as he jumped over the sofas and the coffee table until he collided with the director. He laughed happily when she let out an oof! and dragged her down the hall.
Kazunari left his room first once he was ready, and both Tenma and the university student whistled; impressed when Izumi left her room with Misumi in tow.
She wore a simple pale blue sundress that flowed prettily at mid-thigh while Misumi wore a subtle triangle patterned button down with his usual pair of jeans.
"You guys are looking totally awesome! I can't wait until we can take photos at the fest!" He cheered and threw a casual arm around Izumi's shoulders as the director firmly held Misumi's hand in hers to keep him from wandering away.
Before they descended the stairs, Izumi turned her head to look at Tenma who was waving goodbye.
"Make sure you're ready for tonight!"
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"I can't wait for Valentine's Day tomorrow!" Taichi all of a sudden crowed once the Autumn Troupe's session in the practice room was over. His booming voice startled Izumi, who was going over a few things on a camera with Sakyo listening to her concerns.
She nearly dropped the device when Taichi jumped on his feet, but the camera was quickly caught by Juza who was sitting down on the floor beside her with a towel wrapped around his neck. She crouched beside the high schooler and thanked him in a flustered panic, already feeling the judgemental gaze of Sakyo burning into the back of her head.
"Keep your voice down, Taichi." Omi gently scolded the boy beside him and aggressively ruffled his hair to make him apologise.
Juza stared unblinkingly at Izumi who was still fumbling around with her camera while all of this was happening, but merely went to drying his hair with his towel as Sakyo lifted their director back up to her feet with his hands on her waist.
"Dummy." He grumbled and knocked his knuckles gently against her temple to reprimand her clumsiness.
Banri could only yawn in mock boredom.
"Valentine's Day sucks. I hate being nice to girls when they give me their crappy chocolates." He sighed, pulling his hair tie from it's place in his hair to let the sweaty locks dry.
"Same." Juza mumbled sadly. Whenever he received gifts from girls, the chocolates wouldn't be sweet enough, and most of the time they'd always assume that he was a dark chocolate kind of guy. The gifts always somehow ruined his mood and he'd always have an uneaten pile of sweets spilling from his locker and shoe cubby.
"Oh, shut it. As if a girl would give you chocolate." Banri waved his hand at Juza dismissively, causing the latter's eyebrow to twitch in annoyance.
Taichi quickly cut in after Omi released his unrelenting grip on his head, invisible tail wagging.
"So lucky! The girls always give me pity chocolates, but I bet you guys get the real deal!"
Just the slightest bit agitated, Sakyo lifted an arm to rest heavily on Izumi's head causing the woman to falter for a brief second before she curled an arm around his waist to keep herself up, the pout on her face charming the boys and men in the room.
"I'm sure you guys have better things to do than worry about a holiday that only makes you complain."
Omi nodded in agreement and pushed over Taichi who was sulking to the side. "And anyways, I can make sweets for you guys at home."
"It's not the same!" Taichi wailed once he hit the floor, and Banri rolled his eyes, gently kicking the boy in the side to keep him quiet.
"A lil' weird getting chocolate from you on Valentine's Day, Omi, but sure."
Juza stayed silent, but somewhat agreed with Banri.
Izumi frowned alongside Sakyo when the conversation about Valentine's Day continued and she sighed, shaking her childhood friend (or babysitter?) off of her to fix her messy hair. Sakyo was only a little disappointed when she removed her arm from his waist, but covered it up by crossing his own pair over his chest.
"I can make sweets for Juza. Last year, he looked so pissed off when all he received were boxes of dark chocolate." Izumi quietly mused to herself and ruffled the top of the boy's head as if to coddle him, and only smiled cutely when Juza wrinkled his nose at her touch but leaned into her hand nonetheless.
Last Valentine's Day, Izumi was greeted with a sulking Juza who had an extra bag on his shoulder that held all of the chocolates he was given for the holiday. His expression was cranky, and Izumi did her best not set him off by greeting him normally, and didn't bother saying anything when he dumped the chocolate filled bag on the floor with a glare.
He had plopped onto the couch beside Izumi while she took a peek inside, and was delighted to see the bundles of chocolate he had brought home. None of them seemed to be touched, and with Juza's current attitude, it looked to Izumi that he wasn't going to eat those anytime soon.
She pursed her lips and looked at the coffee table where her untouched piece of cake lay, then looked back at Juza who was staring up at the ceiling; slightly dazed.
"Hey, Kid." Juza turned his head.
"You can have my cake. You look like you had an awful day." Izumi cooed and reached out to pet the boy's messy hair, causing him to nod stiffly in agreement and scoot closer to where the director sat, politely waiting to be handed the plate.
"If you want, I can give these chocolates to the adults." She offered, only to be met with a mumbling Juza who was already eating the cake she gave him. By the time Izumi was finishing whatever she was reading, Juza had finished eating and was napping on the sofa with his head in her lap.
Banri had bumbled into the dorm not too long after and when he witnessed a knocked out Juza on Izumi's lap, he almost screamed in shock.
"Um! Talk about unfair?" He whisper shouted as he dropped his own bag full of candies and sweets onto the floor, not so surprisingly shocking the director and causing her to drop a few papers on Juza's sleeping face. He did not wake up.
"You playin' favourites, Izumi?" Banri had accused the director all of a sudden and didn't even wait for an answer before he had snatched up the spot beside her that wasn't occupied by Juza, his arm casually wrapping around her shoulders. She grimaced at the sudden addition of body heat that Banri shared with her and couldn't reprimand him when the boy happily cuddled himself into her side.
"Brats, both of you." Izumi complained when Banri hummed a jovial tune into the cut of her jaw, his nose lightly pressed to her cheek as he decided to be a bit risqué and pulled one of her legs over his knee to curl his hand around, almost bursting into a fit of giggles when she punched him in the chest.
"Sakyo's gonna kill me." She weeped when Banri wouldn't let her go.
And she was somewhat correct, because Izumi fell asleep a few minutes after Banri coaxed her into resting her eyes and when Sakyo came home to the sight of two young boys sandwiching their precious, sleeping director, he had automatically slapped the back of Banri's head and lifted Juza's upper half from her lap with just a fist holding onto the boy's shirt.
The trio were startled awake by the threatening voice that whispered creepily into their ears, and Izumi almost cried when Sakyo gently scolded her for not being stricter with the boys; still half asleep.
The man quickly shut up when sleepy tears welled in the young woman's eyes, and with a cutting glare that was directed to both a groggy Banri and Juza, Sakyo had carried Izumi back to her room to give her some more time to sleep until dinner.
Omi frowned once the director was done recounting the story of last year's Valentine's Day and leaned back against the wall with a pondering expression, his arms crossed over his chest.
"Wish I had come home earlier that day. Would've been cute to see a weepy, lil' Izumi. Sakyo probably didn't even kiss her tears away."
An offended gasp escaped her when Omi suddenly winked, silently suggesting that he would have done so instead.
"What were you doing that kept you so busy?" Taichi asked from the floor he was still lying on, causing Omi and Banri to look down at him with squinted eyes. With the towel that was wrapped around his neck, Omi blinded Taichi by dropping the soft fabric on his face, sighing.
"I was helping out at a Valentine's party. Took photos and all." He shrugged.
"I was really hoping it would end sooner, though. I wanted to make something special for Izumi, considering she told me earlier that morning that she had no plans." Omi pouted, and Sakyo couldn't help but scoff as he unconsciously wrapped a protective arm around the director.
"At least I got my goodnight kiss." He casually tacked on.
Every other troupe members in the room sputtered in surprise, their eyes wide as they all looked between Izumi and the university student.
"Excuse me?" Taichi shouted, sitting up from the floor.
"It was a kiss on the cheek to keep his nightmares away! Goodness gracious." Izumi groaned when Sakyo glared at her for the unsatisfactory explanation while Omi smiled behind his water bottle, watching as Taichi and Juza fell into a silent frenzy.
"That's it," Banri dropped his towel on the floor. "I got dibs on her bed then."
"I don't think that's how it works, Kid." Sakyo quickly interjected and glowered at Banri who was snarling right back at him. Izumi had to hold Sakyo back by his wrist while pushing away Banri by the chest when he tried to square up; the two men sandwiching her body in an uncomfortable position. They towered over her as she tried to keep them apart with an annoyed groan escaping her lips, and the other boys in the room only reacted to keep the situation from escalating when she clumsily stumbled into Banri's chest from a loss of balance.
Juza silently pulled Sakyo back as Omi tried to laugh the tension off while roughly smacking Sakyo between the shoulders, his eye smile slightly threatening to make the older man back off and cool down.
Taichi made sure to get Izumi away from Banri to keep the young man from tightening his hold on her and stuck his tongue out when the Hanasaki student barked at him.
"How about we all have a sleepover on the living room floor tonight? Just me and the Autumn Troupe." Izumi begged while she ignored how Taichi protectively curled his arms around his waist, his chin resting on her shoulder as he looked wide eyed at everyone in the room.
Somehow, that offer got everyone to calm down and the boys and men were nodding their heads in silent agreement.
And the next morning on Valentine's Day, Izumi woke up with her head in a dozing Sakyo's lap while Banri and Juza were on either side of her. The former's hand was mischievously placed underneath her sleep shirt with his fingertips just barely grazing her bra while Juza's head rested on her splayed out arm.
Taichi was plastered to her side as his arms were wound tight around her waist, his nose pressed into her ribcage while Omi on the opposite side had his own head comfortably resting on the spot where her hip and thigh met, his nose dangerously pressing into the waistband of her shorts while he cradled her leg between his arms.
Sakyo may or may not have kicked everyone in the stomach (save for Izumi) once he awoke.
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It was Valentine's Day.
Izumi had a cup of black, bitter coffee in her hand.
Homare was somewhere in the courtyard spewing whatever romantic ridiculousness he had conjured from the top of his head while the director was aimlessly stirring her coffee with a spoon, the silence of having no students in the dorm a bit too lonely for her.
"It's odd, seeing you awake so early." A voice came from behind where she was standing at the kitchen counter, barely startling her as she was still half asleep and in a daze when the deep voice addressed her.
Izumi turned her head to see who was talking and was met with a sweaty Tasuku who was holding a cold water bottle in his hand, having just come back from his morning run. He must've left the dorm in the early morning if he had come back in a sweat.
The director shrugged her shoulders lazily and went back to staring at the centre of her cup of coffee, her body sulking as if she was going to melt and fuse with the counter she was leaning against.
"I know. My body automatically woke up today." She murmured before taking a sip of her acrid beverage, her face not even moving an inch as the disgusting taste of bitterness swept through her mouth.
Tasuku let out a 'hm' and greeted Tsumugi who seemed to be wide awake and happy. The young man walked into the kitchen with a curious smile and thanked his friend when he was given a cold water bottle of his own.
"Mornin', you two." The troupe leader chirped after he took a refreshing swig of water, not minding that Izumi only responded with a wave of her hand as Tasuku went to make a plate of toast for the three of them.
"Not happy it's Valentine's, huh?" Tsumugi gently teased Izumi who was chugging her coffee down like it was juice, and much to his amusement, Tasuku was heard making a confused noise.
"Totally forgot about that." He murmured in the midst of slicing bananas onto a plate.
"Wouldn't put it past you, Tachan." Tsumugi rolled his eyes and sidled up to Izumi with a kind smile, his hand coming up to soothe the pouting woman by combing her hair with his fingers and giggling when she responded by leaning into his side with her eyes falling shut.
"Tasuku, come join." Izumi waved her free hand at the man who was sliding plates of honeyed toast with bananas across the counter and hummed a faint sound of approval when her own plate was presented to her. She bumped her shoulder against Tasuku's when he sidled up to the spot that wasn't occupied and lifted an arm to wrap around her shoulders while Tsumugi lifted a piece of toast to her mouth.
She gratefully chomped at the toast she was being fed and slumped against the counter again, feeling a little better about the day as she was squished between the best friend duo, their warmth gradually seeping into her bones and making he toes feel tingly.
Azuma strode into the kitchen next, looking lovely as always as the sun rays filtering in through the blinds made him look like he was glowing. His long hair was silky and shiny in the sunlight, and Izumi couldn't help but stare in amazement with how ethereal he managed to look so early in the morning.
"Good morning, Honeypie." The older man cooed from the other side of the counter and held out a hand to brush his fingers through Izumi's already messy hair, leaning over to press a chaste kiss to her forehead with a sweet smile. The director let out a small sigh and let herself be pampered this quiet morning, her eyes falling shut once more when a comforting arm slung itself around her waist.
"Any idea if Hisoka's awake yet?" Izumi murmured with sleep still riddling her voice, and finished the last bite of her toast that Tsumugi offered to her, his cheek gently pressed to the side of her head as it seemed it was his arm around her midriff.
Azuma chuckled faintly and took Izumi's plate to eat the bananas she wasn't touching, nodding as he motioned towards the sofa.
"He followed me down the hall and fell asleep in the living room. Homare is still reciting his poems in the courtyard."
Tasuku scoffed at the mention of the word poem and rolled his eyes, popping a piece of sliced banana into his mouth as Azuma took a high stool and sat on it comfortably, the man of the night resting his cheek in his palm as he adoringly watched Izumi get cuddled by the duo.
"I need to feed Hisoka." She murmured, but was quickly caught by Tasuku when she slipped away from Tsumugi's casual grip on her waist, the former God Troupe member staring down at her with sharp, but curious eyes.
"What are you planning on making for him?"
"The omelette soufflé Omi always cooks." She pouted when she was crowded back into the counter by Tasuku, the edge gently digging into her spine as he uncharacteristically kissed her temple, Tsumugi already moving around the stove to get the pan and bowl ready.
"How about you just stick to your curry while one of us makes breakfast for Hisoka?" Azuma kindly offered Izumi, but the director knew deep down that with the tone he was using, they were not going to let her cook such a difficult meal and ruin it for one of the pickiest eaters in the dorm.
"Now up you go." Tasuku crooned and held Izumi's hips with firm hands, effortlessly lifting her up onto the counter without so much of a grunt as the sound of eggs cracking distracted her. With a pout, Izumi pushed Tasuku away while she set down her empty coffee mug and turned her body slightly to face Azuma, the man already gazing at her with warm eyes as he held out the last piece of banana for her to take from his fingers.
A small ah left her when she leaned in, picking off the banana from Azuma with a thankful grin. Almost as fast as it came, Izumi's grin fell in shock when the former professional cuddler proceeded to lick the fingertips that her lips touched to get the honey off his skin.
He winked.
"Azuma! Oh Go–" She gasped, but was interrupted by a half asleep Hisoka who was tightly wounding his arms around her waist to snuggle up against her, his body sulking as he rest his head against her chest.
"So warm.." Hisoka sighed when Izumi immediately responded by wrapping a comforting arm around his shoulders, her free hand coming up to brush through his bedhead as he decided to go back to snoozing.
The sound of Tsumugi and Tasuku quietly bickering over how to properly flip the omelette was background noise to Izumi as she pet Hisoka's head, the gentle lull of his calm breathing slowly seeping into her body as she relaxed again in the sweet embrace of a friend, her legs curled around his torso to make sure he wouldn't fall to the floor in his sleep.
Just then, Homare came back inside the dorm, but was quiet as he tiptoed back up the stairs. He curiously looked around the corner when he reached the top, and was relieved to see that everyone else in the troupe was awake.
He was reciting his poems out loud in the courtyard rather than in his room because he finally understood why Hisoka always had a difficult time sleeping in there. Plus, it was best to not disturb the other members in the dorm as well.
"Good morning, everyone." He greeted jovially and somewhat skipped towards the kitchen where everyone was with his indoor slippers sliding across the floor, a small bundle of light red and pink carnations in his hands.
He handed the flowers to Izumi who was still holding Hisoka as he slept, but didn't seem to care as he lifted his hand to hold the back of her head and carefully pull her a few centimetres down to print a kiss to her forehead, his smile near blinding when he ruffled her hair and kissed her cheek next.
"And Happy Valentine's to you, Izumi."
"Thanks, Homare." She laughed bashfully and removed her hand from Hisoka's hair to affectionately rub her palm against the poet's cheek in gratitude.
Tsumugi turned around after giving up arguing with Tasuku and let the fitness junkie do whatever he wanted with the omelette. He was surprised to see the flowers that were held in Izumi's hand and looked up at the director who seemed to be happy to be surrounded by his troupe members.
His heart slightly swelled at the smile she so shyly hid by ducking her head and sighed, his shoulders loosening up as he reached out for the carnations that were cradled by shaking, caffeinated fingers.
"Great choice, Homare." He complimented the poet who was now sitting at the dinner table with Azuma. Homare smiled proudly before going back to explaining his latest unpublished work to Azuma, who was nodding along with half lidded eyes.
Tsumugi took the carnations from Izumi so she could go back to holding Hisoka and went to find a vase in one of the low cabinets in the kitchen, a nostalgic melody escaping him as he found a little pot for the flowers to sit in.
He filled the glass with a bit of water then gently sunk the flowers' thin stems into the vase, pushing it into the corner of a separate counter that had the most sunlight.
The carnations wouldn't last very long, but they still deserved the utmost care.
"I think dark red carnations would've been a nice addition." Tsumugi commented as Tasuku helped Hisoka sit down on a chair so that he could eat his breakfast. Izumi turned to look at the troupe leader with a curious gaze, but the man could only laugh and shake his head to dismiss the thought, only making Izumi more curious to know why.
"You can find out on your own when you're feeling better." He spoke ominously, but with a gentle expression as he brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, his warm fingertips lightly tickling her skin while she pouted.
Tsumugi brushed his knuckles against her cheek and grinned.
"Happy Valentine's Day."
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seanfalco · 4 years
And now I return the favor if you want it :) Klaus x Reader, #39 from the "I found you" prompts: Dancing under the stars, myself watching with your reflection sparkling in my eyes.
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Pairing: Klaus x Reader Word Count: 459 Rating: G Warning(s): Alcohol mention a/n: Okay, I’m officially going to be writing TUA fics now, so feel free to send me more requests for Klaus  am I predictable yet, mom?
Klaus’s hand in yours, you stumbled out of the crowded bar behind him, nearly tripping over the curb as he dragged you across the street, almost running into a parked car in the process.
“Klaus, slow down!” you called, giddy laughter tinging your words.
“What, can’t keep up?” he teased, swinging you around once you hit the sidewalk on the other side of the street.
“Do that again and I swear I’ll puke on you,” you threatened.  Klaus however, seemed completely unbothered, twining his fingers with yours and swinging your interlocked hands as you walked side by side.  “Where are we going?” you asked, fighting the spinning in your head from the probably one-too-many drinks you had earlier.
“You’ll see,” Klaus answered playfully, the feathers at the collar of his long black coat fluttering in the cool night breeze.  Noticing you shiver he let go of your hand to sidle closer, throwing his arm around your shoulder in an attempt to keep you warm.  This close you could smell the strangely alluring scent of whiskey and cigarettes, and something else you couldn’t put a name to, but it was distinctly Klaus. 
Turning the next corner brought you to the large park in the center of town; the one with the pond.  Looking up, you stumbled over your feet, too drunk to walk straight and lost in the inky expanse of twinkling stars.
“Whoa, oopsie daisy,” Klaus exclaimed, catching you before you fell.  “Usually I’m the clumsy one.  How much did you drink?” he asked incredulously.  Counting on your fingers, you frowned, losing track and then shrugging.
Faint music began playing from someone’s open apartment window nearby and a delighted laugh left Klaus’s lips as he heard it, swinging you around to catch you in his arms.
“Dance with me [Y/N],” he pleaded dramatically and you had to quickly wrap your arms around his shoulders to keep from tipping over again.  
“What did I say about the swinging?” you gasped and Klaus grinned sheepishly before slipping his arms around your waist and beginning to sway slowly.
“There, that better?” he asked and you nodded, the spinning in your head no match for the pounding of your heart as you watched him dance contently, holding you close, tilting his head back to gaze at the sky.  In the starlight his eyes sparkled and you swore no man had any right to be that beautiful.
When he looked back down at you, a soft smile gracing his face, you nearly forgot how to breathe.  
“You sure you’re okay [Y/N]?” he asked, concern and amusement mixing on his features.
“Yes!” you exclaimed, a little too quickly.  “I’m more than fine,” you assured him, not wanting to stop dancing any time soon.
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rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
laser tag | p.p.
summary: tony organizes a game of avengers laser tag. you and peter are on opposite sides and have made it clear to each other that you will fight to the death- whatever it takes.
warnings: idk... it's cute and fluffy and yeah
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Tony Stark walks into the room, colorful sunglasses on and a smirk on his face. Everyone looks up at his presence, expectant looks on your faces as you wait for him to talk.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y., initiate the Ultimate War protocol." the man smirks.
Your eyebrows furrow at his words, head turning to look at Peter, his expression mirroring yours.
You and Peter had been friends for as long as you could remember. He was the boy across the hall that your parents forced you to play with when you were four, and after your first play-date, the two of you became attached at the hip. The more time that passed, the closer you two got, frequently spending the night at each other's apartment, always sharing a bed. It didn't take long for the two of you to grow crushes. Even your other best friends, Ned and MJ, thought the two of you were dating when you met. Each time they brought it up, roses would bloom on your cheeks, embarrassment filling you as the two of you awkwardly cleared your throats to change the topic.
Your parents worked in a lab. When you were eight, you were wandering in the lab, messing around and causing a small explosion that resulted in your powers. You were gifted with telekinesis. The next day, you were whining to Peter about how far away the remote was. You lazily waved your hand at the device, causing it to float in the air.
Your eyes widen at the floating object, looking over at Peter. The young boy's mouth falling agape as he stares back and forth between you and the remote.
"How are you doing that?" Peter gapes, leaning towards the remote as you began moving your hand around, the remote shakily shifting as it hovers.
"I don't know," you whisper, a small smile on your face as you sit up, waving your hand and making the object fly around the room.
When Peter was bit by a radioactive spider, you were the first to know of his powers. The two of you quickly put your powers to use, fighting crime around Queens as Spider-Man and Shift. It wasn't long until the two of your were recruited by Tony Stark, and thus began your adventures together as Avengers.
As soon as the Avengers met you and Peter, they had the same reactions as your best friends and thought you two were dating. In fact, they all still believed it now, but decided to sit back and watch the two of you figure it out, only occasionally giving you looks and snarky comments that made your faces flush.
"Ultimate War proto- whoa," you blurt, turning your head to look around at the compound, your surroundings darkening and bright neon lights popping up. The couches beneath all of you began sinking into the ground, making all of you stand and watch as maze-like walls pop up in their place. The large wall behind Tony was illuminated with neon vests and guns, separated into the colors blue and red.
A gasp falls from Rhodey's mouth. "Are we playing laser tag?"
Realization floods your face, making you smile immediately and look over at Peter, who was already gazing at you with a smirk.
"We got this," you nod, nudging him in the side.
"Definitely." the boy replies smugly.
Tony laughs. "Not so fast."
You tilt your head in confusion until two lists appear in the air.
TEAM RED Tony Natasha Bruce Vision Rhodey Peter T'Challa
TEAM BLUE Steve Bucky Sam Scott Wanda Y/N Clint
(a/n: yes i know i separated it into civil war it was just easier i'm tired and doing my best okay)
A gasp escapes your mouth as you realize you've been separated from Peter, immediately stepping away from him and giving him a fake dirty look. You hold in a laugh as he crosses his arms and glares at you.
"You're going down, L/N," he mouths.
"We'll see about that, Parker." you reply, walking over to Scott and giving him a high-five.
"Alright, everyone, here are the rules: Team Red's safe zone is over there, and Team Blue's is over there," Tony says, gesturing to the opposite corners of the rooms with red and blue signs hovering over the safe zones. "if you get shot, you have to go to your safe zone for two minutes before you can rejoin. No going into the other team's safe zone. No physical combat. And, no powers."
Tony's words make you groan lightly, throwing your head back in annoyance.
"If you use your powers, you're out for the rest of the game. Y/N." the man comments, looking over at you pointedly, eyebrow raised. You raise your hands in defense.
Everyone goes to the wall, grabbing vests and guns.
"You're gonna lose," Peter teases.
"Okay." the boy swiftly replies, slightly taking you aback. "The winner gets to control what the loser does for a day. And they have to do everything no matter what."
Peter's confidence throws you off a little but you shake it away. The two of you reach out, shaking hands and ignoring the tingly feelings that run up each of your arms. "Deal. Prepare to serve me for a day."
"Shut up."
"Make me." you reply cockily, a smirk planted on your lips.
"I could, but I might have to make you moan a little."
The air is knocked out of your lungs at Peter's words, a giddy smile on his face as he watches the shock grow on your face. You regain yourself, giving him a shove and turning around, walking to your teammates and flipping the boy off. You hear him laugh as he walks behind the walls to his safe zone.
The game begins and you creep out of the zone stealthily, finger on the trigger of your gun in case anyone jumps out. It goes by quickly and you feel lucky, having shot both Bruce and T'Challa and still being alive. You slowly crawl around a corner, a force suddenly hitting you and pushing you into the corner.
Your breath catches in your throat as you regain yourself, focusing to see Peter standing in front of you, cornering you. Your eyes widen as you look up at the grinning boy.
"Gotcha." he smirks.
You try to dodge underneath his arm to run away put he sticks his arm in front of you, blocking you. This causes you to jump back slightly, your back hitting the wall, Peter quickly putting a hand on your cheek and forcefully connecting your lips. Your breath catches in your throat as the boy pulls away after only a second. You look at him with wide eyes before he raises his gun, shooting you in the chest with a cocky smile, walking away while maintaining eye contact.
You look down at your chest defeatedly, a series of conflicting emotions flooding you as you make your way to the safe zone.
Did he just kiss me? And then shoot me?
A soft thud sounds as you sit down in the safe zone, looking at your watch to see you have a minute until you can reenter. You watch as Natasha swiftly shoots Clint in the chest, a small laugh escaping your lips as Clint groans, whining as he shuffles back to his safe zone.
The beeping of your watch snaps you out of your thoughts. You shoot up, spotting Peter as he looks around, making you crouch down as you sneak to him. You turn a corner, seeing Peter's back as he moves slowly against the wall. A surge of energy runs through you as you jump forward, putting your gun away before reaching out and spinning Peter around. Your fingers wrap around the collar of his shirt and you pull him to you, colliding your lips.
The boy tenses before slowly easing into it, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to him, tilting his head and deepening the kiss. You move your lips against his for a few seconds, fireworks going off in your stomach as you run your fingers through his soft curls. Peter's tongue swipes against your lips and you open your mouth slightly, feeling his tongue explore your mouth. A small moan falls from your mouth, making you gasp and pull away.
"Told you I had to make you moan." Peter smirks.
"Shut up," you groan, shaking your head.
"Make me."
The knowing look on Peter's face makes you laugh. You cock an eyebrow at the boy, ignoring your racing heart. "You want me to?"
"Desperately." he replies. You gape, face heating up as you hit him in the arm before looking over, seeing the entire group standing and watching with cocky smiles.
"Well, you two are a bit dirtier than I thought." Tony raises his eyebrows.
Your eyes widen and you quickly turn back to Peter, grabbing your gun and shooting him in the chest. A grin tugs on your lips as you drop the gun, sprinting away and out the doors of the room, hearing Peter's laughter and footsteps behind you. You slow down and feel the boy grab your wrist. He pushes you against the wall and you look up at him expectantly.
Peter pants for a moment, his cocky confidence slowly fading away. "I, uh, I like you,"
"I like you too," you smile lightly. The boy's face lights up and he leans in, kissing you. You reciprocate for only a second before pulling away and slipping out of his grasp, walking away from him.
"That's not fair!"
+ + +
a BIT steamy oopsies
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Evil Author Day! 2020
I decided to contribute some wips to this beautiful day! 
Reminder that they may never be finished :)
Here are my humble offerings:
Batman fandom
Warnings for dark themes, swearing, creepiness, inapropriate humor, sarcasm
1.Au "With This Ring"
Nightwing is closest when Babs issues the notice. 20 minutes after they lost contact with Red Robin, he arrives at the scene. Dresses thrown around like confetti, suspicious tears and stains on them. He carefully makes his way inside, noting the signs of forced entry. Inside the shop, a chaos of mannequins parts and broken furnitures greet Nightwing but what makes his heart drop is a single mannequin on the pedestal in front of the mirrors, Red Robin's cape messily draped over it. It is visibly damaged and worst, dripping in fresh paint of familiar garish colors with a piece of paper pinned with a knife through the neck. N doesn't register himself moving until he has the paper in his hands. A message written in a too familiar and hated script. Joker. Joker has his baby brother and he is going… He's gonna…
"-twing! Respond! Nightwing answer me!"
Footsteps coming from the back.
"Oracle, I'm at the location. Whoever was here, they escaped through the sewers. There's footprints leading to the basement. Found one of Red's gloves. Access the plans and possible- I have visual on Nightwing."
2. Animal transformation au
A not so abandoned part of a factory on the edge of an old industrial zone. Creepy, a health and safety hazard, there's even a couple of traps! How lovely! Reminds me of my childhood home… oopsy there Ader! Shoulda watch where you walk! Hehe… Oh, somebody shut him up! We're on a schedule here! If the Doc's here, he knows we coming now. Bah! One surprise ruined, lots more to come! 
"You! Take a camera and film around the place! Such opportunities!! The angles. Don't forget the angles! Dolly Sisters, go with him. And be discreet. We don't want bats in our belfry too soon, do we? Hehehe"
"The brat's still out? Good. Okie doo. Let's meet the maker!"
"Good evening Doc! We rang."
"I heard. Interesting doorbell… Like a dying man..."
"Why! Thank you! Now. We don't have an appointment, tight schedule and all. But I'm sure you can squeeze us in."
The doc look at the group, spotting what appears to be the Robin bound and unconscious in one of the thugs arms.
"You brought your own subject for my studies?"
"Of course we came with presents! What kind of maniac do you take me for?"
Going to a file cabinet, taking out a binder with the list of choices available and putting it on a rickety table with a flickering old lamp, the man motion them to come take a look.
"Hmm. Do you have a preference?"
Joker make a show of looking at the pages, fussing here, cooing there, until, grin widening, he puts his finger on a line.
"You know what Doc? The brat's a bore, worse than his babysitter! Never heard him laugh! It's heartbreaking."
"Oh yes yes. I have something you might like. Please, follow me this way."
They follow the doc into another crumbly room, repurposed into a makeshift lab with a refrigerated cabinet full of vials, a sturdy table with straps and a reinforced large animal carrier in close to it. Further, through door shaped hole in the far wall, glimpses of cages shining dully in the dim light. It looks like veterinarian kennels, mostly large ones, some were even on wheels.  They could see fingers and what looks like claws peeking through the wiring.
"Got lots of guinea pigs there Doc?"
"The change cause less stress and has more survival chances if the subject is young. Of course it depends of the size and animal wanted." Eyeing one of the bulkier thugs. "I haven't try the… bigger ones yet. Cow, rhino...maybe walrus."
3. Semi immortal Jason au "The Lives Of Jay"
Hood walk back to his safe house, because his motorbike ain't where he stashed it, after a rough night in the Narrows. No hood or mask on his face, but with the amount of ashes he's covered in, there's almost no risk of exposures. Clothes singed, burn to a crisp in certain places, he mourns the lost of his weapons, his boots and his favorite jacket. Finally arrived at his safe house, making a beeline for the bathroom. Shower time! Sweet hot water washing away the grime. 
It's after his shower, with a towel around his waist, that Jason realize the state of the safe house, there's dust on certain places and a couple dirty take outs boxes on the kitchen counter, with the coffee machine almost shining out of the mess.
Fuck, did it happened again? How long has it been? Maybe he can play it off, say he had an urgence with the Outlaws?
A beep/alarm from his laptop on the coffee table (that he did not left there) caught his attention.
"Hood?" Even with the electronic filter, Jason could pick up that Babs was shaken and hesitant? Shit. He must have triggered a sensor they put there. Okay, play it cool.
"O. What's up?" Now that sounds just like an idiot.
"Heard rumors there was a big building fire in your neck of the woods. With you in it."
"Just some trigger happy idiots in a room with explosives. Big company with no scrupules likely. Families were in the building. Hey, I must have been knocked out by a beam or something, are the families ok?"
"Yeah, Hood, the Wayne foundations took care of them, they're ok." 
There's at least that. 
That's not good.
"Spill, what's going on?"
"The fire had been really bad. We looked for you. All B found was blood, lots of blood and  your helmet, melted. And before you lie to me, your friends haven't seen you in months. Care to explain what happened?" 
Oh shit-fuck. Oh this was bad. He had to get out of Gotham, right now.
Quick before- How long has he been talking to Babs? Crap. He doesn't want to, but Jason will run with just the damn towel on him if he has to.
"Jay?" Oh not Babybird, but better than the Bat, or Grayson.
Turning to the window with the fire escape outside, he sees Red Robin climbing in.
"Uhm. Hey Red."
The glare he received gives him an idea of how much shit he's in.
"First off, go put some clothes on. And please don't try to run away. The others have been notified, I was closest."
"Ok ok, while I change, can you explain to me why my place looks like a dumpster?"
"Yeah, I'm working a case, or half a dozen, trying to cover your territory. It's been a rough couple of months, you know?"
That has Jason freeze. "Months? Really?"
"Yeah man. So, as much as you don't want to, we are going to the Manor."
"Whoa wait a min-"
"No, Jason. We're going. And if you try to run, remember, we all have supers and speedsters on call. Come on man, there's something going on with you and we need to know what."
"Dude I just got home after climbing out of burned ruins and walking in disintegrated boots. I'm tired, hungry and not in the mood to see B or Dick right now."
"That's good then, because Bruce is out with the JL and Dick's in 'haven, Damian with him, O made sure the alarm didn't reach them."
"You're welcome" The computer chirps. 
"Come on Jay. Alfred needs to see you."
Cheater, taking him by the sentiment.
"Low blow. But alright. How we go?"
"My bike's not far, yours at the Cave."
"Bruce has trouble letting go, you know?"
"I'd prefer it if had been stolen instead."
4."The Distraction"
Assassins surrounding Tim, being less and less subtle, encircling their prey as the bird is making his way through less populated areas.
"The Master is demanding your presence."
"How can he be so interested in an american?" 
"One as bothersome as him?"
"Hey! I'm not happy by the situation either, ok?"
"You know better than question the will of The Demon."
"Didn't I kicked your asses before?"
"The Cradle."
"So mixing business and pleasure then."
The Master orders are to bring you to him. He did not specified the condition he wants you in. 
"Wow. This is getting a bit serious. And my communications are blocked, of course." 
Of course. You understand how we operate. Now, will you accompany us without resistance or will you have us dragging your broken corpse to the Master?
5. "Magic gives Batman a headache"
"B. We have a situation"
"What happened?"
"Well, Im hoping for an hallucination but I got evidences of it actually happening."
"Okay, here goes: Hood and Red have been kidnapped by a magic user in a Disney princess costume."
"Red Hood and Red Robin have been kidnapped? By a magic user?... Dressed in a princess costume?"
"Yup. Come to think of it, I think the guy was dress as Snow White."
"A man in a Snow White costume has kidnapped your brothers?"
"Yup. I got video footage"
"Come back to the Cave, I'll contact Zatanna. Alfred? I'm gonna need something stronger than coffee"
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osakaso5 · 5 years
Spirit Kaleidoscope: Empty Absolution
Chapter 6 - Second Day on the Job
Chapter Index
Huff, huff..! I need to run. I can't let them catch me... ...Deeper into the woods... Quickly..!
U-urgh... I'm scared... I don't like this... I don't like being alone... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...
Haah, haah, haah... ...What's that..? A lake in the middle of the forest..?
...It's the moon... Reflecting on the lake...
......! Ah, ah... On its other side...
Hic... Uuuh... ...I'm so glad you're there..! That you're still alive..!
...Wait there. I'll come over right n---
Katanashu Station - Momiji's Room
Shikigami: ...Peck. Peck peck.
Momiji: ....... ...That hurts. Stop pecking my cheek.
Shikigami: Peck peck peck peck peck!
Momiji: Fine, I'll get up. I know I ordered you to wake me, but not like this... Ow, ow, stop pulling my hair.
Shikigami: .......
Momiji: ...Phew. Finally gone... It's way too early for this...
Momiji: I have to get used to handling shikigami soon... Just the basic commands aren't a problem for me, but it's difficult to do anything more detailed.
Momiji: ...It's been a while since anyone woke me up in the morning. Normally, I'd just wake up at the right time on my own...
Momiji: Maybe the move to a yokai city has me more tired than usual..?
Momiji: ...I need to get it together.
Katanashu Station - Courtyard
Aoi: Good morning, Commander Hanabusa. You're up early, as usual. Are you doing morning training?
Hanabusa: Yes. Are you? If you are, then spar with me. I'd sick of going up against shikigami.
Aoi: I don't mind, but that's awfully tough training to do before breakfast... Huh? Someone is in the courtyard... Perhaps an early guest.
Hanabusa: ...That's...
Momiji: Four... Five... Six...
Woosh, woosh
Aoi: ...That's the newbie who joined the second squadron. Is he practice swinging? This has to be the first time someone other than us is training so early.
Aoi: ...Such a beautiful form. I wonder which school he went to...
Hanabusa: ........
Hanabusa: ...Aoi. You don't have to accompany me today.
Aoi: Huh?
Hanabusa: Momiji.
Momiji: ......! Huff, huff... Good morning.
Hanabusa: Yeah. ...Spar with Aoi.
Momiji: Huh..? If that's an order, I'll follow it... You mean we should have a practice match?
Hanabusa: That's right. You may use wooden swords.
Aoi: Wait, Commander! Why must I...
Hanabusa: You're always asking for opponents other than me. This as good an opportunity as any.
Aoi: Yes, but... You don't have to make me spar with the newbie...
Momiji: If you're chickening out, I won't stop you. Retreating is a useful battle tactic, too.
Momiji: That way you won't have to embarrass yourself by losing to someone who's only been here for a day.
Aoi: ...Excuse me?
Hanabusa: What will you do, Aoi?
Aoi: ...Sigh. You're demanding even outside of our working hours. But as you say, this may be a good opportunity.
Aoi: The first training of a new soldier is the most crucial, after all.
Momiji: I'll humbly accept your teachings, Aoi-senpai.
Aoi: Hmph.
Hanabusa: Then it's settled. Get in position.
Aoi: ........
Momiji: ........
Hanabusa: ...Begin! 
- - - -
Kasane: Yawn, so tired... As soon as I get some breakfast in me, it's back to bed... Wait... Huh? What's that?
Uta: ...Ah. Good morning, Commander Kasane. Look at that! Commander Hanabusa and the others are doing something fun.
Kasane: Looks like Aoi and Momiji are trainin'. What're they up to, so early in the mornin'..?
Uta: Who knows? Hazing the newbie, I guess? As like, a rite of passage for our new katanashu?
Kasane: ...Since when were we some kinda frat house?
Uta: Anyway, it's rare for you to be up so early.
Kasane: Right back at ya. Yer usually coming to work at the very last minute.
Uta: Ehehe. I stayed up too late last night. I wasn't sure if I could get up at the right time, so I ended up pulling an all-nighter.
Kasane: Uh oh. Try not to get scolded by Commander Ogre over there, ya hear? He'll lecture ya on self-management and whatever.
Uta: I'll be fine. He seems to have his hands full with bullying the new guy today.
Kasane: Gee, that's no good. I wish he wouldn't harass my cute newbie so much.
Uta: Then why don't you help him out?
Kasane: Ahaha. Yer a funny one. Were jokes like that popular in the capital?
Uta: You don't have to always be so snarky. ...Should we take a detour to the dining hall? I didn't wanna take the straight route, because those guys will notice.
Kasane: Right... It'd be a whole ordeal to get involved in that. 
- - - -
Clang, clang!
Momiji: Ugh! Aoi's movements  are so hard to read... Is he at least partially self-taught? His swings are big and his style is too loose, but his timing shows no hesitation.
Aoi: ...You're wide open! I've got you now..!
Momiji: .......!
Momiji: ...Huff, huff..!
Hanabusa: That's enough! One point for Aoi!
Aoi: Phew... You must've gotten distracted. If these weren't wooden swords, there would be a gaping hole in your chest right now.
Momiji: Yeah, you're right. ...It's my defeat.
Aoi: Hmph.
Hanabusa: Momiji. Your swordsmanship is too orthodox. Believe it or not, but  Aoi has experience with actual combat.  You're better off not expecting anything  too predictable from him.
Aoi: ...I didn't use a sword in combat, though.
Momiji: ......?
Hanabusa: The instructions of others won't do you any good when you're in real danger. You'll have to hone a technique unique to you.
Momiji: ...Yes.
Hanabusa: However... Your strikes and defensive timing were splendid. Your form wasn't bad, either. I can tell you've trained well.
Momiji: ....... Thank you, sir.
Hanabusa: ...Kasane. You ought to learn from him.
Kasane: ......! Oopsie~. Ya noticed us?
Momiji: ...Commander Kasane. And Uta, too.
Uta: Ahaha... Good morning... You guys sure are hard at work already...
Hanabusa: I can't believe even a commander like you would skulk around like this. Why don't you do some training for once? Your blade must be covered in rust by now.
Kasane: Well that's just mean of ya. ...Hey, Aoi. Dontcha think yer Commander's a real sourpuss?
Aoi: ...Please don't get me involved in this. I have no duty or intention of helping you. My apologies, but our squadrons are different.
Kasane: Yer no fun. We're old buddies from our last squad, ain't we? ...Guess I'll have to ask for help from Uta here, instead.
Uta: Huh? Nope, no way. You'll have to get yourself out of this mess.
Kasane: Ah... The second squadron's the only ones I can rely on. If only Madoka was here with me and Momiji.
Hanabusa: ...Is he still sleeping? Unbelievable...
Momiji: Commander Kasane. Your problems aside, I have a request for you.
Kasane: I can't believe ya would just sidestep my problems like that.
Momiji: I want to revise this map while patrolling Hikagemachi. As you can see, it has outdated information.
Kasane: And ya don't even react to me. ...Anyway, revising the map, eh...
Uta: Whoa. You must not be right in the head if you're willingly giving yourself extra work. But I thought the map's...
Aoi: ...Uta. That's their business. Don't say anything you don't need to.
Uta: Okaaay...
Hanabusa: .......
Momiji: An incomplete map will interfere with my duties. May I have your permission to revise it on my own?
Kasane: ...Well, if ya wanna do it so badly, I guess I don't mind? Just as long as ya stay outta trouble.
To be continued...
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rangerdrabbles · 4 years
Baby bat-shark 2-how it came to be
“How did you two end up together anyway?” RJ asked Master Swoop of AJ. “i didn’t think you were training much any more.”
“I had a visit from the spirit world,” Swoop said. “It was kind of funny really-”
“Oopsie. That’s not where I meant to end up.” A small child had seemingly popped up out of nowhere with a young woman in tow. The latter collapsed on the ground once they’d appeared.
“Where did you intend to be?” Swoop appeared out of nowhere, and surveyed the two nonchalantly.
“Gah!” The young woman gave a start and backed up a little. “Scary!”
“He’s not really,” the child said, looking from her to the new arrival. “I actually intended to take her to a spot by the ocean, but-” She walked over, and seemed to survey the newcomer. “Yes, you’ll do. You might do even better. Listen mister, I need you to take care of AJ here.”
“I haven’t trained a student in a long time.” He seemed to know what she was getting at. “I’m practically retired.”
“Welll, consider this a push out of it,” the child replied. “I know what you are, and what she is. You and she are the same-you call it Pai Zhua, I believe. Something happened to her, but it’s not her time to go yet. Because it’s not her time to go, she gets a second chance, so I brought her from one world to the next.”
“You brought her from the spirit world?” He blinked beneath his glasses.
“No. I brought her from her world through the spirit world to here,” the child replied. “This is a better place for her, but my landing was a little off. But it’s okay, because she’ll be in good hands with you.”
“I haven’t agreed to anything yet,” he said. Though he certainly wasn’t saying no.
“Oh, I’m not giving you a choice,” she said. “She is your charge now. Protect her, teach her, and show her that it’s okay to learn and grow. And most importantly, give her time to enjoy the little, beautiful things in life.  That is what she needs, and I believe you can give it to her.”
“Who are you? Are you from the spirit world?”
She smiled. “I was born of the human world and the spirit world. You could say I’m of the spirit world, but not from it. I have to go now, but I’ll be watching.” And with that, she poofed away.
-End flashback-
“Whoa,” RJ said. “So that’s how it happened. She’s awfully protective of you.”
“It’s charming. She doesn’t need to be, but she manages to be so and keep the calmness I’ve been trying to teach her about her. It’s one of many ways she shows her appreciation.”
“I thought she was going to break Theo’s arm for a second there.”
“Oh trust me, she could have.” Swoop grinned. “Baby bat-shark can turn into Mommy shark any time she wants.”
“Baby....oh no, tell me you didn’t introduce her to that,” RJ groaned.
At that, Swoop just grinned. Somewhere in the background, one could hear AJ singing: 
“Baby bat-shark doo doo doo doo doo...”
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bing-fucker · 4 years
Some Marvin/Jackie/Jamie/Silver 🅱️lease? For the soul?
You are everything that my heart yearns for, Anon other than for Bing to snuggle with. Anyway! This was inspired by another anon ask I got earlier that I really wanted to do after thinking about it!
Also, I really didn't know what to do with Jameson in this, so he kinda just disappears for the middle and then returns at the end. I also don't know how to write orgies, and I think this might not count as one.
Also, also! Combining this with Marvin's weird 50s housewife fantasy in the skirt fic, I really think that he just has a cheating kink-
Warnings: Orgy (maybe), consensual cheating, improper use of Evard's Black Tentacles. As always, ask me to add any necessary warnings!
Silver had just wanted to spend the day with his boyfriend, if he was honest. They'd both been given the opportunity to have a break, since crime had been really down lately and they were both exhausted. Silver had, mostly, been stuck helping out around the manor. But now he had the chance to spend the day with Jackie. A day that was swiftly interrupted by the arrival of a certain cat-masked magician. Marvin took one look at Silver and Jackie snuggling, scoffed, and declared himself the better boyfriend.
And that was how Silver ended up on the couch, sipping hot cocoa with Jameson Jackson, and watching their boyfriends argue. Silver sighed deeply, carefully chewing on a marshmallow as the argument turned to who was hotter. And now both hero and magician were shirtless. Silver wasn't really complaining, given Jameson and Marvin had seen Jackie shirtless before, but he was a bit shy seeing Marvin shirtless.
"Are they always like this?" Silver asked Jameson, watching hero and magician flex for each other. Jameson nodded in response.
"I am going to go do other things," Jameson said, his slides flickering slightly. "Call me when they finish showing off."
"Will do," Silver said, giving Jameson a thumbs up as the little gentleman left before tuning back into the conversation.
"I am a much better lay than you!" Marvin exclaimed, poking Jackie's chest aggressively.
"Oh, great," Silver muttered.
"Uh, in case you didn't notice!" Jackie replied, aggresively grabbing Marvin's crotch. "I have a bigger dick! I'm definitely the better lay!"
"Psh," Marvin huffed, shoving Jackie away. "I have magic, dumbass! I'm way better! Right, Jamie?" Both Jackie and Marvin turned to Silver and Jameson's now vacated spot. Silver awkwardly sipped his hot cocoa.
"Yeah, uh. He got bored and left," Silver said, looking around a bit awkwardly.
"Then you judge," Jackie said, crossing his arms. Silver choked on his hot cocoa, coughing and setting the mug to the side.
"Excuse me!?" Silver gasped. "I can't!"
"Yeah!" Marvin exclaimed.
"Thank you for agree-"
"I haven't fucked him, he can't tell accurately!"
"Definitely not where I thought that was going."
Jackie looked between the two, grinning. "What, you scared?" he asked, shoving Marvin gently. "Scared you're not good enough?"
"Hey, I'm fucking fantastic," Marvin declared, shoving Jackie back. "I bet you're just scared he'll like me better!"
"Whoa, wait, who said I wanted Marvin to fuck me!?" Silver exclaimed. Marvin and Jackie paused, looking over at Silver.
"Well, do you?" they asked in unison.
"I-" Silver paused, looking at Jackie for advice. The older hero simply gave him his best puppy eyes in response. "Ugh. Fine, I'll judge your dumb competition.
Marvin grinned and strode over to Silver, pulling the small hero to his feet and against his chest. Silver blushed faintly, looking up at Marvin. Marvin winked cheekily to Jackie, snapped his fingers, and then he and Silver disappeared. Silver looked around, quirking an eyebrow.
"Uh... Where are we?" he asked. The room was practically filled with soft pillows, silks hung all over the walls and ceilings, perfumed smoke swirling around. Ultimately, it very much reminded Silver of a stereotypical harem room.
"My bedroom," Marvin purred, spinning Silver around so the younger's back was against his chest. Marvin carefully ran his hands down Silver's body, gently groping at him.
"Y-you live like this?" Silver asked, blushing brightly at the magician's gentle touch.
"Technically, it's a room off of mine," Marvin corrected himself, gently kissing Silver's throat. "Hey, can you protest me marking you? I want to feel like I'm taking something away from Jackie. And call him your husband. Like I said, I want to take something away from him."
"Oh," Silver whispered. He swallowed thickly and gently pushed at Marvin's head. "N-no, don't leave marks! I-I don't want Jackie to know..."
Marvin groaned softly, looking at the door through his eyelashes as Jackie entered, looking annoyed. He roughly bit Silver's throat, sucking a dark mark into where he bit and drawing a moan from Silver. Silver's eyes had fluttered closed at some point and didn't notice Jackie's arrival.
"No, we can't," Silver said. "My husband will notice..."
"I don't care," Marvin said, unbuttoning Silver's shirt slowly. "Trust me, darlin', I'll fuck you better than he ever could~" Marvin gently pushed Silver down onto the large collection of pillows surrounding them, stripping the younger quickly and sucking in a harsh breath.
"Oh, fuck," he muttered, running his hands up one of Silver's long legs. "You're beautiful. No wonder Jackie married you, you're fucking gorgeous~" Silver blushed, shyly watching Marvin kiss all up his legs.
"Wait, wait, no he'll see!" Silver protested, mouth falling open in a moan as Marvin sucked a mark into his inner thigh.
"I know," Marvin purred. "My precious little gem, I want him to see how much better I fuck you~ I want that no good husband of yours to know that he can't satisfy you anymore~"
Silver bit his lip, looking over Marvin's shoulder at Jackie, who was lounging on a settee across the room, clearly watching the pair. Jackie nodded encouragingly at Silver. Silver bit his lip and looked back at Marvin. Marvin grinned up at the younger, spreading Silver's legs and propping them up on his shoulders as he leaned down and teasingly licked around Silver's hole. Silver gasped, gripping the pillows beneath himself and looking away from Marvin.
"He prefers giving oral rather than receiving it," Jackie advised, watching the pair from across the room and slowly palming himself. "If you want to really get him going, occupy his mouth with something."
"That I can do," Marvin purred, pulling away and thinking for a second.
"Sure you wouldn't like some help?"
"Absolutely not," Marvin replied, muttering a small spell. Something long and thick prodded at Silver's mouth. He looked down, a bit shocked at the sight of an ebony tentacle, gasping softly and then moaning as the tentacle forced itself down his throat. Silver sucked eagerly, cock hardening further against his stomach.
Marvin grinned smugly, looking back at Jackie. "He's adorable," he praised, snapping to coat his fingers in lube before pushing two into Silver immediately. "Absolutely precious. I think I like him, Jackie. Maybe I'll keep him. Turn him into my little slut~"
Jackie growled faintly, glaring at Marvin despite how hard his cock already was. Marvin grinned and angled himself so Jackie could see how eagerly Silver's hole took his fingers inside. Jackie groaned softly and pulled his cock out, slowly stroking himself.
"Look at you," Marvin cooed, turning back to Silver and gently pushing two more fingers in. The small hero moaned around the tentacle in his mouth, eyes rolled back slightly. "So desperate and needy~ I'll fuck you better than he ever could, don't you worry." Marvin grinned and pulled his fingers out to lube up his cock, watching Silver moan and clench around nothing for a minute.
Marvin carefully dismissed his spell, wanting to hear Silver fully as he slowly pushed his cock into him. He moaned deeply, grinning when he noticed a faint bruise on Silver's neck, no doubt created by Jackie. He slowly leaned down and placed his mouth around it, hoping Jackie was watching as he erased the sign of Silver being his.
"Please," Silver moaned weakly, gripping Marvin's shoulders tightly. "Please, fuck me."
"Gladly~" Marvin purred, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back into Silver and setting a brutal pace. Silver moaned loudly, nails dragging down Marvin's back.
Marvin groaned pressing his forehead against Silver's and practically bending the young hero in half as he fucked him. He could hear Jackie behind them. The man wasn't quietly normally, much less when masturbating. Marvin grinned angling his hips to hit Silver's prostate. Silver moaned loudly, arching his back and practically screaming as he came.
"Hah-" Marvin moaned softly. "Basically untouched. Bet you can't do that, Jackie~"
"Jokes on you," Jackie groaned. "I once got him to cum just from sucking me off~"
"Fuck," Marvin muttered, leaning down and biting Silver's lip harshly as his thrusts stuttered as he came closer to his own edge.
"Marvin, don't you fucking dare cum inside of him," Jackie growled, glaring deeply.
And that was what pushed Marvin over the edge as he thrust deep inside of Silver. The very idea of taking something that belonged to Jackie making him cum, filling the hero beneath him.
"Oopsie," Marvin teased, finally looking back at Silver and gently wiping away his over-stimulated tears.
"Damnit, Marvin," Jack growled, standing and striding over to the two. Marvin pulled out and rolled to the side, laughing at Jackie's outrage and watching the two heroes join together quickly.
Marvin looked over as the door opened again, grinning and lassoing Jameson with magic. Jameson rolled his eyes as Marvin dragged him over and into the magician's lap.
"Have you had your fun?" Jameson asked, looking at Marvin unimpressed.
"You know me, I'm always up for taking what's not mine," Marvin purred, gently groping Jameson. "And what is mine."
"You're a pervert."
"You love me for it."
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Dark Desire: Chapter 1
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Word Count: 2,510 
Pairing: Harry Hook x Reader 
Summary: (Y/N) is the daughter of Belle and Beast, and the sister of King Ben. She’s a much more shy and quiet version of her brother and likes to hang out with books than people. King Ben continues with his program of recruiting more VKs from the Isle to come live with them in Auradon, and one day, they bring alone The Sea Three. One of them takes an interest in (Y/N) and starts to hang around her more than the others, surprising (Y/N) herself. What happens when everything is not what it seems and secrets/plans start to spill out? 
It has been six months since the arrival of the core four from the Isle of the Lost. Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos have all adjusted well to their new life in Auradon. Each of them strive in their own talented ways, making friends with others, and doing more good than evil. With that, it has been decided that the program to recruit more kids from the isle continue on successfully Each week, King Ben and the core four meet up to consult on who shall be recruited from the isle to come live in Auradon. The previous week, they all decided on Dizzy, the granddaughter of Lady Tremaine and Celia, the daughter of Dr. Facilier to join them in the beautiful mainland. Upon arriving for the present week, Ben has conducted a meeting with his friends to decide who will be joining them next.
Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos have all arrived in Ben’s office and sat down at his grand meeting table. Ben respectfully sits at the head of the table surrounded by piles of folders and applications with the pictures of the Vks they are deciding on bringing over. “It has come to my attention that you four have been acquainted with some of these Vks in the past, and they have made quite the namesake for themselves since you all have left. Before we officially decide, it is only fair of me to ask you all how you feel about these possible recruits.” He looks around the table, waiting for someone to speak. Evie looks curious as she tries to glance over at the pictures. “Who are they? There are many VKs you could be talking about.”
Ben flips the photos over and pushes them towards her so she can take a good look. “Gil, son of Gaston, Harry, son of Captain James Hook, and Uma, daughter of Ursula. Do any of these names sound familiar to you?” Mal suddenly glares as her eyes glance over the picture of the sea witch’s daughter. “I’ve heard of them……nothing special.” Ben doesn’t look convinced. “Your face says otherwise. What is it, Mal?” he asks his girlfriend. Mal waves him off as she crosses her arms over her chest, looking away from the picture. “Nothing. Just…..out of all the VKs on the isle, you had to choose between these three?” Ben looks hopeful. “I’ve been reading their application, and it seems as if they need to come over to Auradon the most. Look, even Uma wrote a note on her application saying that she desperately wants to get off the island and live a better life.” Mal snorts, not believing him. “Uma doesn’t beg. She secretly wants something and is using this program to get it.”
Jay places a gentle hand on Mal’s arm. “Maybe they’ve changed? I mean, look at us. We never thought we’d be in this position in a million years. Perhaps we can give them a chance for a better life. Everyone deserves at least that.” Evie nods in agreement. “Yeah, M. I know you and her have never really gotten along, but maybe having her here in Auradon can change that. Maybe you two could even become friends.” Mal rolls her eyes. “Yeah, okay, first of all, that’s never gonna happen, and second…..she could be constructing an evil plan to destroy us all and our guards would be down because we were too busy trying to make them feel welcome. This is how she’ll strike.”
Ben chuckles sheepishly. “Mal, I think you’re looking too much into this. We have security here, guards lined up all around us. We would be alerted at a moment’s notice if anything bad were to happen. We have defenses if she tries anything. No matter what, the people of Auradon will be safe. I mean, it worked out so well for the four of you, maybe it can work out for these three as well. We just have to give them a chance. Isn’t that the whole point of this program?” There’s silence around the table for a few moments as Mal thinks this through. She glances at her friends, who give her encouraging nods. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them back up to look at her boyfriend. “Alright, fine. We can give them a chance. But, if I smell anything fishy, they are booted right back to the isle, okay?” Ben nods, smiling softly as he grabs the VK photos and places them back in their correct folders. “Then it is settled. Gil, Harry, and Uma will be the next arrivals in Auradon!” The table erupted into cheers, except for Mal, who still feels very skeptical about this whole ordeal, but if it makes Ben and her friends happy, then she is willing to give it a chance. She just hopes that it doesn’t backfire on them later on.
The pounding of the school’s marching band can be heard outside as the whole school is waiting out by the front entrance for the new Isle of the Lost recruits. The crowd cheers as Fairy Godmother, Ben, Mal, and (Y/N) exit the school and walk across the paths to stand in front of Beast’s statue to welcome the recruits. A long black limo drives up the pathway towards the school, the crowd cheering louder as they get closer and closer. (Y/N) stands a step behind his brother and Mal, feeling a bit shy to meet the VKs. It happened the same way back when it was Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos joining them for the first time, except it was Princess Audrey standing with Ben and not Mal.
The limo makes its way to the front of the school and the driver hops out of the front seat, walking towards the back of the limo to open the door for the new arrivals. The music instantly stops and the crowd silences as a sword suddenly flies out of the car and lands in the lawn, right in front of the band. The first thing to pop out of the car is a shiny silver hook. “Oopsie, daisy. Sorry, mates. Just makin’ sure it was safe to come out.” The one and only Harry Hook appears out of the car in all his piratey glory. He is suddenly slapped on the arm as a beautiful dark-skinned girl climbs out of the vehicle. “Calm down, Harry. We aren’t on the isle anymore, remember? No one’s out to get us.” Harry rolls his eyes as he grabs his hat from inside the car to put it on his head. “Ye can never be too careful, mate. Bad things always happen when you let yer guard down.” Mal suddenly stiffens when she hears Harry say that. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Ben though. He wraps an arm around her waist as he glances at her. “Hey, it’s going to be alright. Trust me on this.” She feels comforted by the presence of Ben’s arm around her and nods slowly.
“Whoa…...what is all this green stuff on the ground?” a third voice suddenly says. Gil, son of Gaston, slowly climbs out of the limo as he looks around the place, admiring its beauty. Uma rolls her eyes. “It’s called grass, you dummy. It’s like seaweed, but for land.” Gil’s eyes widen in sudden recognition. “Oh…..cool.” Uma rolls her eyes and faces forward towards the welcoming committee, Harry right by her side. Ben smiles at the three and steps forward to extend a hand of welcome. “Welcome to Auradon. I hope your journey here was comfortable and pleasant?” Uma looks down at the hand in front of her, not amused. “Right…..” Ben awkwardly retracts his hand and folds them in front of him. “Right, well, as you may have guessed it, this is Auradon Prep, the school you will be attending. I’m King Ben, son of Beast and Belle. I will make sure your stay here will be as painless as possible.”
Gil looks over at Ben at the mention of his parents. “Oh, hey I know you. Your dad knew my dad, except they didn’t really get along well at all.” Ben chuckles nervously. “Yeah, of course. Anyway, over to my left is Fairy Godmother, she is the Headmistress here at Auradon Prep and will later on give you a tour of the school.” Fairy Godmother approaches them with a big, warm smile. “Welcome, dear ones. I can assure you that your time here in Auradon will be a magical one.” Uma snickers at the old lady’s excessive perkiness. Fairy Godmother frowns slightly. “I understand that you are new arrivals here today, but I always treat my students the same way as every one. With that in mind, I hope you all can remember for future circumstances that I do not tolerate attitude.” Uma snorts as she crosses her arms over her chest.
Fairy Godmother gives them all one final look before stepping back and letting Ben take over once more. Ben clears his throat to avert the attention onto him. “Continuing on, I’m sure you all know Mal, my girlfriend.  I can see you two have a lot in common and can slowly become great acquaintances, perhaps?” Uma clicks her tongue. “Not in this timeline, we won’t.” Mal huffs as she looks away from the young sea witch. Ben frowns, but tries to continue on with the welcome ceremony. He gently moves Mal slightly to the side, so he can introduce his sister. “And last, but certainly not least, this is (Y/N), my sister. She will be showing you around Auradon and where you will be staying in the dorms.” (Y/N) nods with a soft smile. She opens her mouth to say something, but is suddenly interrupted by a slowly approaching pirate with a sultry expression. “Well, well, well. Harry Hook, and you ...little duckling, are ravishing,” he says with a soft, almost whisper-like voice. (Y/N)’s eyes widen at the look Harry is giving her. She isn’t used to this kind of attention, and suddenly has lost all the will to speak.
Harry smirks when the princess doesn’t say anything. “Aww, what’s the matter, dove? Cat got yer tongue?” If she wasn’t surrounded by guards, Ben, his girlfriend, and basically the entire school, (Y/N) would have definitely gone weak in the knees by just hearing that gorgeous accent alone. Ben glares at the pirate that won’t take his eyes off his sister. Before he can say anything that he might regret later, Uma puts out an arm in front of Harry to keep him from coming closer to the princess. “Harry, settle down. We are with company.” Harry huffs lowly and slowly, but hesitantly averts his eyes away from Ben’s sister. He backs away slightly to stand next to Gil behind Uma, but that doesn’t stop him from making subtle glances at the princess every now and then.
After awhile, (Y/N) finds her voice and has the will to speak once more. “Uh, hello. As Ben said, I’m (Y/N). I will be showing you around the area and the place where you will be staying as you attend Auradon Prep. I will also be handing your school packets with all the information about your classes and when you will be attending them.” She glances over the three, but her eyes pause at Harry as she sees him fiddling with his hook in his mouth while purposefully giving her a look with those icy blue eyes. Her cheeks turn a shade of red and finds the urge to look away from the unshameful pirate. She clears her throat and composes herself, unaware of the dark haired pirate smirking at her. “Right, well, shall we get going? We’ve got lots to look at.”
The crowd slowly disappeares, going back to their regular scheduled days as the new arrivals start to follow (Y/N). Harry is standing particularly close to (Y/N) as he walks by her side. Every now and then, he would glance towards her, studying her facial features and trying to get a good look at her. For an Auradon kid and the daughter of the royal family, she doesn’t seem too bad. Perhaps he’ll take the time to get to know her during his time here. (Y/N) is totally oblivious to the pirate’s constant staring as she is focused on leading them around the campus and showing them the places where the students like to hang out the most. Gil seems to be the only one that looks interested, while Uma looks bored. “And over here we have our state of the art tourney field. This is where the players practice and play home games throughout the school year. We are quite proud of our tourney team, so far we are undefeated.” (Y/N) explains as she leads them onto the field.
Gil looks excited as he runs around. “Everything is so……..green! Ooh, what’s this red part in the middle of the field?” I chuckle. “It’s called the kill zone.” Surprisingly, all three of them widen their eyes. “Oh, no no. It’s not what you think. See, what happens is that if you are ever running through the kill zone, someone on the sidelines shoots out discs at you to try to slow you down.” Uma snorts. “You guys come up with the strangest things to do for fun.” She walks around and nudges Harry in the side as she passes by him. He nods and clears his throat as he approaches me. “So, what do yer do for fun around here, lassy?”
(Y/N) shrugs. “I don’t really have much time for myself. Being the sister of the king keeps me pretty busy. But, on the rare occasion that I do find some downtime, I like to curl up in a ball by the fireplace in the library with a good book. It helps keep the stress down.” Harry hums lowly as he slowly approaches her. “Sounds pretty boring. Don’t ye have friends to hang out with?” (Y/N) frowns. The subject of friendship always puts a damper on her mood. She suddenly retracts and hugs the books in her arms close to her chest, as if shielding herself from the world. “I…….don’t have any friends, actually.”
Harry looks a bit surprised by the fact. He never expected the princess of Auradon to have no friends. He would have guessed that she’d be the most popular girl in the kingdom, but alas he was wrong. “Really? Ye don’t have any friends? That’s…...surprising. Why is that?” The young princess bites her lower lip nervously, suddenly at a loss for words. “I…..because…….c-can we not talk about this please? Let’s just say, I prefer to be alone.” There’s a bit of awkward silence in the group before (Y/N) clears her throat. “Right, well shall we continue with the tour? There’s lots more to see.”
Chapter 2 may appear if this part does well 
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memoriesofyourdread · 5 years
So, I hope this is worth the wait because it took longer and IS longer than I thought it’d be. Oopsies? Your numbers got you Futaba and Pokémon. I hope you enjoy? (EDIT: Here’s the link on AO3. And thanks so much to @phantom-thieves-official and other lovely people on her P5 discord I'm part of for some of the Pokemon I used for Futaba.
Futaba whines as she tries to roll over in her bed. There’s a weight on her chest, and as she blinks her eyes open, she sees a small, cute face blinking back at her. With a sigh, Futaba picks up Happiny and smiles. Happiny coos in response and snuggles against her chest.
“Can’t just let me sleep in, huh?” she murmurs as she places the baby pokémon on her bed. “All right, all right, I’ll help Sojiro feed the pokémon.”
Happiny squeals and bounces on the bed as Futaba changes out of her pajamas. “Jeez, calm down, Hap,” Futaba says with a laugh as she pulls her comfiest sweatshirt over her head. “Let’s go get Audi and check on the eggs.”
Futaba scoops Hap into her arms before heading downstairs. She skids on her socks as she turns a corner to head into the hatchery room. Hap butts her head against Futaba, to get her attention. The Audino Sojiro had given her smiles up at her as they enter the room together.
Audi is one of the handful of pokémon Futaba has received over the years as an attempt at therapy. She knows Sojiro’s trying to help her cope, and it’s not that all these pokémon aren’t helping. Futaba just wishes he were a little less obvious about it, even thought Sojiro swears Audi was to help with hatchery and Blissey and Miltank were to help with the café.
Futaba puts Hap down as Audi makes his rounds, checking the eggs with the feelers on his ears. “Any ready to hatch today, Audi?” she asks as she adjusts the heat lamps.
Audi makes a pleased sound as he stops in front of an egg. Taking that as a yes, Futaba hurries over as Hap hops to the egg. They wait around it as it starts shake and crack. A small smile on Futaba’s face widens as the egg falls apart, and an Elekid rolls out with a small cry.
“Let’s see, whose egg was that?” Futaba mutters to herself as Blissey comes into the room. “Hey, Bliss, take care of this Elekid? We don’t want him to fry any of our systems since he won’t know how control his shocks yet.”
Bliss replies with an affirmative trill as she scoops up the Elekid. Hap bounces onto her mother’s head, and pokémon talk with each other. Futaba notes that the Elekid was an egg for the Sakamotos and jumps when Audi exclaims again.
“Another one?” she questions as they all gather around another egg that’s already half-hatched. “Whoa…”
The egg shell bursts open, and a fiery little Magby appears with a cry. Bliss shuffles back the eggs to take care of Magby as well. It doesn’t take long, and Bliss as areas set up for Elekid and Magby to play, eat, and sleep safely until their owners arrive to pick them up.
“And the Magby is for Takamaki Ann…” Futuba murmurs to herself as she uses the computer to send automated messages to the owners to tell them their eggs have hatched.
The hatchery computer beeps with an error message, and Futaba sighs as she takes out her pokéball and presses it against the usb port. It glows for a moment before her Porygon-Z appears on the screen and starts assessing the situation before getting working.
“Thanks, Z,” she tells it as she stretches. “I have a feeling Sojiro forgot those updates I said the system needed…”
Z beeps at her through the computer speakers. “You’re not wrong,” Futaba replies as she watches Elekid and Magby play. “I really hope I don’t have to-”
Before Futaba can finish her sentence, her cell phone rings. “Hello?” she answers, just barely not fumbling the phone to the ground. “What? Sojiro, I can’t- Yeah, Z sent that message. …okay, fine. I’ll wait for the owners. You suck. …yeah, yeah, love you too.”
Futaba sighs as she leaves the hatchery, heading to wait hall by the front door. Sojiro had said that both owners should be around to collect the baby pokémon. Sometimes she and Z wishes she hadn’t upgraded their system for alerting to the egg owners so well.
There’s an obnoxiously knock at the door, and Futaba shakes her head as she pumps herself to open the door. It takes longer than she’d like, but not as long as it used. When she swings the door open, Futaba’s greeted by two excited blonds.
“I heard our eggs hatched!” the bleach blond teen exclaims with a grin as the blonde with pigtails elbows him.
“Don’t mind him. I’m Takamaki Ann, and this is Sakamoto Ryuji,” Ann apologizes with a soft smile. “I can’t wait to find out what they are.”
Ryuji rolls his eyes as he elbows Ann back. “Yeah, yeah, but our pokémon are waiting!”
“They’re really cute,” Futaba says quietly as she steps aside and leads them to the hatchery.
Ryuji bounces on the balls of his feet when they reach the hatchery. “Oh man, oh man.”
“Aww, a Magby! I love fire pokémon!” Ann exclaims as Bliss carefully hands over her pokémon.
“Elekid! Yes!” Ryuji shouts as he reaches for him and gets a shock for his trouble. “Whoa!”
Futaba rolls her eyes as she hands Ryuji rubber gloves. “He’s a baby. It’ll take some time before you can pick him up without these,” she explains before turning to Ann. “And you should only hold Magby with those fireproof oven gloves. Careful of your clothes and hair too.”
Ann nods while Ryuji snorts, pulling on his yellow, rubber gloves. “Yeah, wouldn’t have to get a hair cut because of burnt hair, right?” he teases.
“Shut up! That was one time!” Ann exclaims with a dirty look as she pulls on her pink, fireproof gloves. “Mags won’t burn me, will you?”
Mags gurgles as she snuggles into Ann’s arms, and Ann coos in response. “I have their hatching certificates. You can register them at your local pokécenter if you want to train them for battle,” Futaba interrupts as she shoves the papers at both of them. “We have a café down the street that sells Moomoo Milk, if you want some for your pokémon.”
Ryuji snorts. “Wow, you’re trying to get rid of us quick.”
Futaba huffs as Hap hops down from her perch on her mother to headbutt Ryuji’s shin. “Hap, no,” she reprimands lightly as she scoops up the baby pokémon. “Sorry?”
Ann laughs. “Pokémon love to headbutt Ryuji. It’s fine.”
“She’s not wrong,” Ryuji mutters then shrugs as he pockets his hatching certificate. “We’ll get out of your hair. Food doesn’t sound bad right about now, though…”
“I heard Moomoo Milk’s good for your hair…” Ann says thoughtfully.
“Your hair’s already gorgeous,” Futaba blurts out then spins around the tap away at the hatchery computer.
“Aww, you’re sweet,” Ann teases as she gently places a hand on Futaba’s shoulder. “Come with us. We’re liable to get lost on the way to this café…”
Futaba turns around to call shenanigans on her, but when she does, Ann’s face isn’t far from hers. The earnest look makes her stomach flip and her heart flutter as she can’t help but nod dumbly in response. Ann beams as she takes her hand, and Futaba’s sure she’s a goner as Ann drags her out of the room and calls after Ryuji to follow them.
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pythiian · 5 years
Santa Clarita Diet Roleplay Sentence Starters: Season 2
The following starters are all taken from Season 2 of the Netflix television show Santa Clarita Diet. Change the pronouns, names, punctuation as it suits you. Feel free to shift the spelling to convey your character’s accent and dialect. Includes phrases good for plots involving zombies, murder, and other wholesome family content.
Content warning for: foul language, sex, murder, death, cannibalism, body horror, vomiting & other bodily functions. Definitely a NSFW meme.
Why should I help you when you don’t even treat me like a human being?
She has an intensity I love, but having to find human flesh for her to eat … that’s been hard.
We’re realtors so killing people and stuffing them into freezers doesn’t come naturally.
Are you sure it has to be Serbian bile to make the serum?
I feel like I’m blowing this!
And I know you’re worried I’m gonna go out there and kill somebody, but think about all the people I haven’t killed. Literally everyone in the world except three people.
There’s no way she can get out of those chains, right? Oh what am I doing? Nobody asks that and lives.
I got upset and trashed someone’s house.
Why do they tease us with such tiny amounts of juice? Who wins this game?!
We don’t fix anyone. We just put Band-aids on people and toss them back, alone, into a cold, cripplingly indifferent society.
God, what are you into?
Our kitchen looks like the inside of a shark.
Well, I admit it — it went on a little longer than necessary. And then ten minutes after that.
I took samples of her tar-blood-goo.
Huh, look at that. Not a drop of blood on my pepper mill.
If you saw it, you would not know how to process it.
Do you want the cookies?
I helped someone. Made me feel better about myself.
I wanted to make sure you weren’t overwhelmed.
Sometimes I do feel overwhelmed.
There’s just so much happening right now. And I don’t always know the right thing to do.
We all just do the best we can.
I know, I read your Yelp review.
Just … don’t give up on me.
I lost you once. That was enough.
Don’t eat me.
So, maybe we can hang out sometime.
Okay! You’re awake!
Anyway! I didn’t want you to wake up and find me gone and worry.
You were chasing rabbits?
You know what’s cool? I’m never surprised anymore.
I feel like channeling my bloodlust is key to preventing something like last night’s oopsie.
Look at me, I’m becoming a morning person.
I just think you should keep a low profile until we know what’s going on.
Don’t come at me with that weak tea.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
We get rid of one cop and now you bring another cop into our lives?
We can’t solve all our problems with murder.
Last night I saw you swallow a man’s tongue like an oyster.
Don’t you think it’s ridiculous for us to keep lying to each other?
Before you kill me, I do have one last request.
The only reason it’s spooky down here is because you’re down here. We could put you in a garden of lollipops and it would still be spooky.
I think at best, we’re in a moral grey area.
I would love nothing more than to have a date night with you.
I also haven’t written a restaurant review for Yelp in a long time, and my followers rely on me. Elite status is a privilege and a burden.
Let’s not make everyone’s problems our problems. People get ripped to pieces all the time.
We have a hummingbird feeder and we kill people. I’m just saying, you can’t always judge a person by their aviary accessories.
Wow, look at those bookshelves.
God, I respect a man who’s unafraid to embrace the past.
Are you okay? You seem a little hostile.
We talked about this, honey. We can’t keep murdering people impulsively.
Okay remember this isn’t a cure; it just arrests your symptoms.
We had some fun, but I’m kind of a loner.
I used to be high-strung and judgy like you. You need to relax.
We’ve got a lot on our plate. I don’t wanna be opening up a finishing school for the undead.
Is he a knight that fights the undead or is he an undead knight?
He’s little, so if he tries to run, I can catch him. Then I’ll do something small but memorable to his legs so he won’t try it again.
Gonna eat this bastard tits to teeth.
Killing people is hard. I used to think that was a good thing.
You’re not gonna pretend you’re a health inspector, are you?
We have to get everything incriminating out of the house.
It’s kind of ironic. The more care you put into a murder, the harsher society judges you.
‘I’m sorry, but —’ is not an apology.
Yeah, let’s get them out of here. Then go home and read up on moral relativism.
I’m an outstanding dancer.
I promise I’ll be the coward you want me to be.
I’m a vegan, not a monster.
Weird way of saying that, but okay.
I just wanna eat danish with you. Why can’t we eat danish together?
I love the hair, by the way. You look like an attainable Jessica Rabbit.
You’re stress-eating yourself!
I don’t want to stop living just because I’m undead!
No loose ends. I learned that from you. Mostly from your mistakes.
Yes, we’re not good at murder. I happen to think that’s a positive quality.
And what I find most upsetting is that you don’t seem to have any remorse.
As the great juggler Francisco Garibaldi once said, ‘when there’s fear in your heart and knives in the air, the wise juggler focuses on but a single blade.’
Whoa, buddy, there’s a lot to unpack there.
How would you like it if I put my foot so far up your perfect little ass that you won’t find it again until you shit it out on Christmas morning?
Well, we should check inside and see if I strung up anyone’s entrails like Christmas lights. I’ve been dreaming about that lately. I think I’m excited for the holidays.
So many people play it safe, but not you.
You know who else likes hiking and nature? Well-known monster, Bigfoot.
Just because one monster does those things doesn’t mean he gets to own them.
Yeah, well, spoiler alert: this does end with his torso in our freezer.
There’s always time to respect the differences that make us great.
We’ve been friends a long time. I know something’s been going on with you lately. Why don’t you tell me what it is?
Wow, you will never work in corporate PR.
It’s just that when it comes to being clandestine, spelling dirty words in alphabet soup is kind of the edge of my comfort zone.
So before this ends, I want to know that I was here, that I existed. I need to make a mark.
I really admire your commitment and steely resolve, but I just wish you didn’t have any of it.
He’s a homicide detective and we’re homicide enthusiasts — it’s not a good match.
I believe I serve God by bringing evildoers to justice.
I’m gonna throw up.
You’re not gonna shoot me.
I will shoot you.
Okay, you shot me. It’s your training. I’m not mad,
I died and then I came back to life.
So … you’ve risen from the dead? And you’re doing God’s work by ridding the world of evildoers? Is that what you’re saying?
This makes me a little uncomfortable.
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thedeliverygod · 7 years
Merry Christmas to @horribug! It is I, your secret santa. Sorry the ending is a bit sudden, I’ve had a family emergency come up so I had to rush a little bit. I hope you enjoy it :3
Hiyori and Yukine both let out a noise of surprise as they slid open the door to find Kofuku and Daikoku’s yard had quickly turned into a winter wonderland, completely covered in snow. Curious, Yato moved behind them to peek outside as well.
Turning her head to glance at him, Hiyori looked back outside in aw, “This is so much more than what they were predicting on the news!”
Yato shrugged, seemingly unsurprised, “I could have told you that.”
“What are you, the god of weather now?” Yukine gave him a tired look.
“No,” He gave him a look of betrayal in return, “Gods just know these things—”
“Look at all of the snow!!!” Kofuku came barreling into the group, almost knocking Hiyori out into the elements before both Yato and Yukine grabbed both of their shoulders. Grasping on to the brunette in an excited hug, she announced, “We should have a snowball fight!”
Yato gave a hum of uncertainty, “With you?”
“Yato.” Hiyori snapped at him and he waved his hands in a signal of defeat. Turning to the other god, she smiled brightly, “That sounds like a lot of fun, Kofuku-san.”
“I knew you’d think so, Hiyorin.” She giggled in delight before looking up at the others, “What about you, Yato-chan, Yukki?”
Yato considered it momentarily before rubbing his hands together, “Yeah, I guess I can join in.”
“I don’t know, Daikoku-san probably—” Yukine hesitated, angling himself back into the house.
“He’s fine! He even said he’ll have some tea waiting on us when we come back in.” Kofuku waved off his doubts and reached over to nudge him forward.
He laughed nervously, “Okay, okay. But let me go get my jacket first.”
“So are we just all against each other or are we gonna be on teams, or what?” Yato put his hands on his hips and looked between them curiously.
Kofuku clapped her hands together, “Ooh! We should be on a team together, Yato-chan~”
As Yukine returned into the room, his jacket halfway on as he shrugged his arm into the other sleeve, he commented, “I dunno, isn’t it a bit unfair to have two gods against a shinki and a half phantom?”
“You’re a hafuri, though.” Yato immediately corrected.
“You know what I mean.” He answered automatically, but gave a brief smile at the correction.
Kofuku tapped her lip in thought, “I guess you’re right…” Making a sudden gasp, she latched onto Hiyori again, “Then I’ll be with Hiyorin!”
“Sure.” Hiyori nodded enthusiastically.
“You suuure you don’t wanna be on my team, Hiyori?” Yato leaned in towards her face from her side giving his best imitation of puppy dog eyes.
As Hiyori parted her lips to answer, Yukine gave a loud huff, “We could just all be against you, you know.”
He grimaced and took a step back, waving his hands, “Shit. Yukine, I didn’t mean I didn’t want you to be—”
“Just stop talking.” The younger boy sighed, stepping out in the snow and immediately sinking to the point where it was almost up to his knees, “Whoa!”
Hiyori followed after him carefully, wobbling a bit as she stepped into the snow, “Wow, guess it’s even deeper than it looks!”
Kofuku zoomed off, practically taking a flying leap off of the deck and running through the snow in a bout of laughter.
Yato took his time to follow them out farther into the yard, still wallowing from Yukine’s snap at him. “So what sort of rules are we playing with?” He crossed his arms and looked off, leaving him wide open for the snowball that Kofuku hurled at him. Sputtering and clutching his chest, he looked back at the other god in disbelief.
“Don’t hold back!” Kofuku grinned and winked, “That’s the only rule.”
“You’re on.” He swiftly scooped up the snow and positioned himself to throw the snowball.
Playfully, Hiyori lightly tossed one in Yukine’s direction. Making a yelp as he barely dodged it, he immediately broke into a grin as he looked back at her, reaching down to join in as well.
It didn’t take long for the four become covered in a light crust of white powder. Yato had even somehow find the time to build a small mound to crouch behind, slightly shielding him from the endless barrage of snowballs coming from Kofuku and occasionally Hiyori’s direction. Blindly, he threw a snowball over the top, “You’re ridiculous, you know that?”
However the snowball battle was quickly stopped at the sound of a high pitched squeal, a crunch of snow, and Yukine shouting, “Hiyori!”
“Hiyori?” Yato repeated in confusion, standing up straight to see her fallen over sideways in the snow, her face almost completely blanketed, “Hiyori!”
“Why would you do that to Hiyorin, Yato-chan?” Kofuku pouted as he quickly made his way over, pulling Hiyori up by her shoulders.
“That was meant for you.” He glared back before kneeling down and brushing the snow off of Hiyori’s still stunned face, “Are you okay?”
Kofuku huffed, mumbling, “That’s not very nice, either.”
“I, um.” She blinked in confusion before locking eyes with him briefly, “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure, Hiyori? You fell pretty hard.” Yukine bent his knees and leaned over to take a closer look at her.  
She nodded, adding a small laugh, “I’m okay, Yukine-kun, I promise.”
“I’m sorry.” Yato said earnestly, still lingering close to her and her eyes flickered back to him as he spoke.
Hiyori stared at him momentarily, her cheeks darkening as she turned away, “It was an accident, Yato. Don’t worry about it.”
“It’s all because you’re paired with Kofuku.” She suddenly felt Yato’s hand grasping her arm and pulling her upward, “I told you that you should be on my team!”
“Hiyorin’s my partner!” Kofuku grabbed her other arm and tugged her in the other direction.
Yukine tried to yank Yato off of her arm, “What are you both, five!? Let go of her!”
“Yukine-kun, I—” Just as the younger boy finally managed to unlatch Yato from her, Kofuku lost her grasp and Hiyori went flying forward into the snow again.
Kofuku gasped loudly, “Oopsies…”
“Hiyori, I—I…” Yato reached out, unsure of what to do.
Sputtering as she rose out of the snow, she grumbled, “I think I should go home now.”
“I’m sorry!” He squeaked pitifully and Kofuku echoed his sentiments with small pout.
Yukine let out a sigh, “I don’t blame you.”
As Hiyori turned around to leave, Yato turned back to Kofuku, “I still think this is your fault.”
“You’re the one who practically gave her a concussion with a snowball!” Kofuku fired back, her hands on her hips.
Yato opened his mouth in disbelief before he answered, “Because of your bad luck!”
“But it was your snowball! And you have enough of your own bad luck, Yato-chan.”
“Only because I hang out with you all the time!”
“Fine, you don’t have to stay in our attic.”
“…Oh c’mon, you didn’t have to go that low. I already get threatened enough by Daikoku.”
Yukine quickly whirled around, “I am definitely not staying out in the cold to listen to you two bitching at each other.”
“Hey! Defend your master’s honor!” Yato called after him.
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How To Be A Wizard: Chapter One-Welcome To Wizard City
A Wizard101 fanfiction
I don’t own anyone except my own characters!
Chapter one: welcome to wizard city!
A wise old man leaned on his staff in exhaustion, peering into the crystal ball on his desk as if it held the answers to the universe. A gray owl wearing a cap flew onto his staff, peering into the crystal as well.
“Whooo are they, headmaster Ambrose?” the owl asked in a throaty voice.
“These seven teenagers are the key to stopping Malistaire once and for all, Gamma.” the aforementioned wizard teacher stated, stroking his beard in thought. “They come from a world that has magic, yet they don’t even believe in it! How unusual…” he murmured.
“Then we should bring them to Wizard City as soon as magically possible to teach them how to use their magic! There isn’t a moment to lose, headmaster!” The gray owl cried.
The old man sighed and adjusted the monocle on his left eye, “I suppose you are right, Gamma. The fate of the Spiral rests in their, albeit inexperienced, hands.” The owl flew off the staff and hid behind a stack of books, peeking his little grey head out to watch his master perform the spell that would bring the teenagers into their world.
In a matter of minutes and in a flash of light, there in his office stood seven teenagers. Three boys and four girls, all looking confused, worried, and scared.
The tallest boy, a latino with startling grey eyes spoke first. “Ay, what’s going on, ese?!”
“What the hell is going on…??” a girl with brown hair and light blue eyes questioned, examining her surroundings and her new comrades.
“Whoa! Check out the threads we’ve got!” a girl with tanned skin and amber eyes grinned and fingered the hem of her maroon sleeves.
Indeed, as soon as they set foot in this new world, their clothes changed from typical jeans and sneakers to cotton robes and soft but sturdy boots.
The commotion continued amongst the teenagers, as they examined themselves and questioned their whereabouts, their voices growing louder in panic.
This continued until the headmaster slammed the butt of his staff into the ground beneath him, sending out a blast of air and silencing the new students. Seven shocked faces finally acknowledged the person that brought them to Wizard City.
“I understand that you must be confused at the least, but if you will allow me to explain, then I shall.” He straightened up as much as possible, “I am Headmaster Merle Ambrose, of Ravenwood school of magical arts. This is my assistant, Gamma.” He motioned to the now revealed grey owl, who bowed in greeting. “Now, as for why I’ve brought you all here.” He gestured to the crystal ball on his desk and displayed a picture of a man with long black hair and beard. He had beady black eyes and a scowl on his face. “This is Malistaire,” he explained, “a dark wizard who seeks to destroy Wizard City for reasons unknown. He hasn’t done much yet, but he will eventually. And while I pride my school in teaching the wizards of the next generation, I fear that none of them are ready to stop this menace.” He swept a hand over the crystal and the image of Malistaire disappeared.
“Okay, that’s all well and good but…” the boy with gold eyes and long brown hair gestured amongst himself and the others, “…what makes you think that we can stop him? I mean we’re just simple humans, not mages or wizards or whatever.”
“Ah, but that is where you are mistaken.” headmaster ambrose waved his hand over the crystal ball again, this time displaying moving images of the seven teens before him. “You see, you all display great magical power that has been shown in your actions.” he turned to the latino boy. “You, young man, are Antonio Suncatcher. Your intense will and respect for others gives you the ability of divination. Storm magic.” the latino, now named Antonio, glanced at the crystal showing him at a young age sticking his finger in an electrical socket, giggling as his dark hair stood on end. He blushed in embarrassment at the image.
Merle then turned to a girl with black hair pulled into a ponytail and pretty violet eyes. “You are Angela Darkcaller, a woman whose love for others goes beyond even the grave. In turn, you have been given the ability of necromancy, the magic of the dead.” the crystal ball then showed her talking to a ghost standing above its grave. Angela smiled sweetly and forlornly, as the ghost was the spirit of her late mother.
“You, young lady, are Rowan Dragonblood,” said short-haired brunette girl with light blue eyes jumped at her name being called suddenly. “You have a cold soul yet have a warm heart, thus granting you ice magic, or thaumaturgy.” she turned to the crystal ball, which now featured her with longer hair and playing in the snow…in a tee shirt and shorts. Rowan blushed heavily, shielding her face with the hood of her robe.
The headmaster turned to the boy with lime-green eyes and disheveled blond hair. “You, my friend, are Blake Ironheart. Your spirit thrives with light and life, which is the magic you have been given. The magic of life, the theurgist’s magic.” Blake gazed fondly at the crystal ball now displaying a scene where he was making his aunt’s old withered rose bushes thrive with new life.
“You, are Calamity Moonhunter, a girl who was gifted with the magic of balance. You were given this magical talent due to your ability to adapt easily and to see things from all points of view.” the girl with amber eyes and dark brown curly hair grinned childishly as she peered into the crystal, showing her manipulating sand at the beachside.
“Oh, I remember that! You see, I was entering a sandcastle building contest and I was so desperate to win, so I tried my hardest to build the best sandcastle ever and I mean EVER, but it was still kinda disappointing and I was about to give up but then all of a sudden, I was CONTROLLING THE SAND! Can you believe it? I mean, everyone was staring at me like I was crazy, I mean, of course I’m crazy, who isn’t nowadays? And I-”
“Oh for the love of god, shut up!” the shortest girl with blonde hair and ruby red eyes shouted.
“You!” ambrose pointed to the girl who had shouted. “You, Iridian Flamerunner, have a fire in your heart that reflects your magical gift. You will have to learn to take control of your fire before it burns you.”
“Um…yes sir?” she bit her lip as she glared at the crystal ball displaying a memory of her as an infant playing with hot embers from the fireplace. The headmaster placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t worry young one. You are among friends who can help you master pyromancy. You won’t be alone anymore.” iridian smiled weakly as ambrose moved on to the boy with the gold eyes and long brown hair. “And lastly, Kane Wolftail. You have been given the gift of conjuring, of taming and befriending mythical beasts. You have a heart of gold and a great sense of responsibility.” the crystal ball pictured Kane helping an elderly woman walk her dogs, comforting a little girl who had scraped her knee, coming home with a straight A report card.
Ambrose stepped away from the new students and addressed them all as one. “You are the key to Wizard city’s survival. You were chosen to come to Ravenwood for a reason, to assist each other in the fall of Malistaire.” he gestured to Gamma. “It’s getting late. I will have Gamma show you to your shared room for tonight. Starting tomorrow, you will be attending classes based on your schools. But for now, I suggest you all get some sleep.”
“Wait, I’m sure we all still have questions!” Blake said, stepping forward.
“Questions I am afraid will have to wait for now,” the headmaster said. “Now, off you go. Tomorrow is a big day, after all.”
“Wow, this is soo cool!” Calamity jumped on her maroon-colored bed in excitement.
“No, this is so NOT cool!” Iridian stormed around the large, circular room in a fiery rage. “We’re stuck here with no idea why, a crackpot old man thinking we’re wizards, we don’t even know each other and we’re expected to work together to take down some guy for whatever reason!” unbeknownst to her, her feet started flickering and leaving scorched footprints in her wake.
“Uh, Iridian, you might want to calm down…” Blake said worriedly. Iridian stopped her pacing and whirled to face the Life mage.
“I’M COMPLETELY CALM!!!” she roared as flames shot out of her open mouth and hit Antonio’s long purple and gold robes.
“Ay! Caliente! Someone help!” Rowan shot a blast of ice at the latino, effectively putting out the fire. Unfortunately, it also froze his feet to the ground. “Eh…gracias, Chiquita,” he muttered.
“Ooh, so we’re practicing? Okay!” Calamity jumped off her bed and started waving her hands above her head like a madman. “Lookit what I can do!” out of thin air, it seemed, a mini tornado formed above her head and exploded into what looked like mock fireworks, getting everyone dirty with sand.
“Gah! Hey, care to cool it with the sandstorm, chica?” Antonio, who had successfully smashed the ice around his feet enough to walk, said in exasperation.
“Oopsie, my bad!” the Balance mage giggled cutely.
“Okay, everyone STOP!” Kane’s voice boomed in the large room and like he commanded, everyone stopped what they were doing as if someone had paused a movie. He took a deep breath and sat on his yellow and blue colored bed. “Look, I know this seems…well, insane to say the least,”
“Understatement of the year,” Rowan muttered.
“But we were all brought here for a reason, and that reason is to save this world.” Kane continued.
“But what about our families? Our friends, our LIVES? Do you really think we can just up and leave that behind?” Angela asked worriedly, fingering the skull brooch on her collar.
“I…” Kane hesitated. He took a great interest in his boots.
Rowan saw his hesitation and picked up where he left off. “Listen, we may be stuck here for now, but that doesn’t mean we probably won’t go home once all this is over.”
“So what you’re saying is that if we just off this Mal-whatever dude, we can go home?” Iridian interrupted.
“Yes, exactly!” Rowan said, throwing her hands in the air, accidentally freezing the ceiling in the process. “Oops…”
“Then that’s what we’ll do,” Kane spoke up, “but for now, let’s just get some sleep,” he pulled back the covers on his bed. “Like the old man said, we’re gonna start classes tomorrow, and we’ll need all the help we can get.”
“Okie Dokie, artichokie! G’night!” No sooner had Calamity plopped onto her own bed, she started snoring.
“Jeez, she falls asleep fast,” Iridian muttered as she took off her red and orange hat and set it beside her similar-themed bed. “But the dork’s right,” she followed Kane’s example, “The sooner we stop this guy, the sooner we can go home.”
The rest of the wizards decided to just leave it at that and call it a night.
As Rowan was removing her pale blue cloak, Kane spoke up. “Hey, Rowan?” the brunette turned and saw him sitting up, tugging on his fringe. “Thanks. For speaking up for me…I appreciate it,” His face warmed up as he glanced away from the ice mage.
“Hey, it’s no big deal. It was just impulse, y’know?” Rowan shrugged and got into bed.
“Still, it means a lot to me. Not a lot of people would do that for me.” Kane explained.
“How come?” she questioned, “you seem like a nice enough guy,”
Iridian spoke up from under her covers, “Hey if you two are done flirting yet, some of us are trying to get some sleep.”
The duo blushed and said a hasty “good night” to each other before diving under their own covers.
Tomorrow would hopefully be a bit better.
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