#whoo sorry I talked for a while!
lecl3rcw · 4 months
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KEEPING UP WITH THE LECLERCS | Leclerc brothers x sister! reader
Pairings: Charles, Arthur, Lorenzo Leclerc x sister! reader (model reader)
Summary: As Arthur and Y/N are on live together, Arthur accidentally spills his guts on Y/N crush on this mystery man, who is this man? And what will her brothers’s reaction be.
Warnings: I’m using meeya dugied’s photos as a reference! But reader has no faceclaim!
Author’s note: WHOO it’s been a while, hope you guys have been well, I just wanted to say Thankyou for being so patient with me, I’ve had a lot going on in my life but just know your requests are in the process of being finalized! I’m the meantime, this is just a little short fic for everyone!
“Do you think the chicken came first or the egg?”
“….Shut up Arthur”
The boy narrowed his eyes at his twin, the two youngest leclercs were on Y/N’s Instagram live because they were so bored and since then it’s been a blur.
“Y/N who is your favorite brother out of the 3, Lorenzo for sure” she reads out the question and answers it without hesitation.
“Girllll whats up your ass today, did Jo-” before he could say more, the girl quickly covers his mouth, “Shut the fuck up Arthur! I swear I’m never telling you anything again!” She says, pushing his face out of the frame.
“Ouch! See guys this is what happens when you’ve had the fattest crush on this dude named J-” She interrupted him once more.
“Ok everybody! That’s it for this live, Thankyou so much for keeping us entertained and I hope you all have an amazing day! Love you” she says quickly before turning the live off.
“You’re actually such a cunt Arthur” she says as she pushes him again.
“What? It’s not like I said his name” he responds standing up
“it’s not your place Hoe” she responds standing up.
“Whatever girl, talk to the fucking hand” he says raising his hand in the most sassy way possible before walking off.
What in the sassy men apocalypse, she shook it off and just allayed down on the couch, before she got a text.
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She rolls her eyes again, “I’m so sick of them” she scoffs.
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She smiled at the replies her tweet got, the f1 fanbase has got to be the most creative one yet to exist. Tired from scrolling, she shuts her phone down and decides to rest her eyes. However, her peace only lasted for 20 minutes as her phone rang for a Group FaceTime call. She lets out a loud groan but answers it.
“So Y/N, Tell us who this man” Lorenzo asks.
“Again, no hi, no hello” she responds.
“Y/N I swear!” Charles interrupts her.
“Oh my god, for fucks sake, it’s Jo-” Arthur starts but is immediately interrupted,
“STOP, fine, I’ll text it to you” she says before shooting the groupchat a text.
“Oh Y/N, you know that never ends well” Charles says.
“Says you? Let me ask all your ex girlfriends” she responds in a very snarky way, Charles looked taken aback.
“Ok damn girl, calm down no need to get all violent🙄” he says visibly rolling his eyes.
“Sorry Charlie, i didn’t mean that, if Alexandra and Charlotte are there tell them i love them and that they’re way better than their mans, anyways bye goodnight, have a good trip” she says.
“You too Chérie, hope your photo shoot goes well tomorrow!” Charles says before hanging up, Lorenzo adds to that with “and goodluck with J-”
“OK GOODBYE” she says hanging up, she lets out a sigh and puts her hand on her face. She gets up and does her skincare routine, and goes to sleep.
The next morning, her flight to Milan was very early so she was at the airport by 6.
She hugs Arthur, “Bye tur tur, hope your race testing goes well” he hugs back tight, “you too Y/n/n”
She hugs her mom tightly, “Love you Maman” she squeezes her, Pascale reciprocating the action. “I love you, text me when you land” her mom says, and the young girl nods. She waved one last goodbye to her mom and her brother before boarding the flight.
She makes a quick post on her Instagram before shutting her phone off for her flight.
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y/n.leclerc june with my fav people ever🫶🏻 p.s. Alexandra is the best photographer
tagged charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, lorenzotollotaleclerc, alexandrasaintmleux, carla.brocker, charlottedipietro, pascale_leclerc
Liked by bengals, charles_leclerc, alexandrasaintmleux, and 1,000,000 others
arthur_leclerc WHATS 4+4😝
^y/n.leclerc ATEEEEEEE
^charles_leclerc girllll more like -8
^y/n.leclerc I’m gonna beat your ass.
alexandrasaintmleux my chérie😍
bellahadid let’s get married
^y/n.leclerc I’m gonna bite you☺️
What the girl didn’t expect was to get a text from one of the most popular teams ever.
Bengals Hello! We would like to host a partnership with you, we wanted to invite you to one of our games as an honorary guest, you can bring up to 6 people.
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writingoddess1125 · 6 months
Yes Buggy and his hot wife are Roger and Jessica Rabbit, but if I may submit this comparison to the council:
✨Buggy and his wife are The Grinch and Martha May Whovier✨
Oh It Is ON!
In the spirit of the Winter Holiday Spirits! We are doing a Christmas Spin on My Effect Series!
So get you a egg nog with 90% rum maybe some holiday 'cigarettes' sit back and enjoy this clusterfuck idea! 🍃 🚬
The Grinch and Martha May Effect 🎄
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If you like my shit, support me on Ko-Fi because recession!
Link to Main Masterlist
• This Crusty Bastard has had the heart of the most beautiful women in the world.
• And didn't even realize it-
• You had all met on Gol D Roger's ship- Buggy being a snot nosed apprentice with his gaggle of friends- While you being one of the few girls on the ship was a cup bearer for your father. Silvers Rayleigh.
• This made you incredibly off limits to all, Sheltered by a life of luxury your father provided as your only real 'job' was to fill his cup. Even Gol D Roger the famed Captian spoiled you in cute dresses and expensive bows.
• Turning you into the Doll of the Oro Jackson.
• A Princess Wrapped in Silver and Gold
• You still remembered the first day you ment him-
• Both of you 13 years old, fresh faced kids still needing the guidance of adults.
• You'd snuck off from your normal areas, wanting to explore the ship some more. That's till you saw a boy- His face covered in what seemed to be gunpowder as he filled homemade bombs with total care.
• His blue hair peaking out of the red hat and drawing you to step a big closer to get a better look.
• The Tull of your sparkling dress catching the corner of his eye as he spun around quickly holding a knife out.
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• Then, Ocean eyes met Your own and time seemed to slow. Ever so slightly- Your cheeks warming as you gave a soft smile.
• "Hello" Your little voice slipped out, Buggy stating at you with unsure interest. A crooked smile on his lips as he greeting you quickly- "H-Hi!"
• "Is something wrong with your nose? It looks kinda funny" Buggy glares hard at you, making you blink in question at his reaction.
• Buggy covering his face, his ocean eyes starting to cloud with tears like a storm eyed he stared at you. "Whats so funny about my nose!? Huh!"
• "Well don't get angry- I don't mind. I think its cute. Im sorry if i offended you" You smile so sweetly, feeling bad for making his sad as Buggy felt his face start to glow.
• "You think.. My nose is cute?" He questioned, making you nod honestly. He giggled into his hands, a high pitch squeaky laugh that made you smile and your heart flutter.
• "Whats your name?" He grins at you, Hearing you actually want to know about him. "Buggy! What about you pretty girl?" Your face flushing at his words.
• "I'm-"
• "(Y/N)!" You heard your name being called before you could speak, recognizing the voice of your father.
• "(Y/N)- That's such a pretty name.. Will I see you again?" Buggy asked, his eyes sparking at such a chance. Your delicate hand reaching forward and tucking a strand of his blue hair back into his hat. "I will try"
• And try you did. For a year the two of you would meet, talking on the deck of the ship for hours till you had to sneak away again. Buggy even using his Chop Chop abilities to help you get back to your room.
• It was tragic to say, but you'd never get a chance to see Buggy for many many years after your 14th birthday- Your Father sending you to an Island to keep you safe as you entered your teens.
• The disbanding of the Roger Pirates aiding in this as well-
• The death and heartache Seeming to follow you as you found yourself handing in the hands of Sir Crocodile.
• Crocodile having had an interest to whoo you for years- as he too had met you on Gol D Roger's ship, finding you the only person more then suitable to be at his side.
• You had never truly accepted his advances, Despite his power, status and more. He didn't have your heart, and you wouldn't give him any part of yourself in compensation.
• Decades it had been like this, still the girl wrapped in silver and gold. Hoarded like treasure for everyone to admire, however nothing more.
• But it seemed the tides were beginning to change- After Crocodile time in Impel Down- as well as the formation of the Cross Guild- You would meet your blue haired friend once again. Just in a unique Flashy way
• AKA by his head being punched off by Crocodile and accidently flung into your waiting chest.
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• "(Y/N)?-" He mumbled against your bust, your cheeks flaring deep crimson as he floated his head up to lock eyes with your flushed face.
• He got his ass beaten for that by Crocodile of course-
• But for you it was like your heart was Kickstart again!
• At the Cross Guild, you'd always attend. Crocodile assuming it was because you were warming up to him, But in truth it was to see Buggy-
• The two of you talking to each other constantly. He was so fascinating to you-
• Like you two were children again falling in love- Sitting out under the stars talking for hours. You tucking strands of his blue hair back into his hat, him fixing any Imperfections on yohr dresses as you sat next to him. Which often lead to Buggy giggling into his gloved hands while turning away from you
• You accepted him as he was, and adored him for it. You loved his mind, his passion, even his laziness and lewd humor.
• As time went on, you noticed the same for him. How he would ask you YOUR interest, what things YOU actually liked.
• Something no one had asked you since you were a child. Most just assuming your taste and interest.
• Hell when he came for meetings he would bring you something you'd actually want. Not just shiny things to make you look more valuable.
• "Hey (Y/N)!" Buggy cloaked towards you excited as he held out a old dirty crate to you. "I remeber you said you really liked weird plants, so I found these old books and scientist-y samples of the weirdest! Hope you like them!"
• You'd almost cried at the gift, so overfill with you you hugged Buggy. Before spending hours going through the crate and organizing it all to your liking.
• However with the sweets, came the sours...
• There had been countless times you'd walk into the Guild and see Buggys face. Beaten and bruised- How Crocodile and Mihawk kicked his ass as their own personal stress relief or just to show dominace.
• It broke your heart.. truly- Buggy humiliated like that infront of everyone time and time again... You would try to comfort him after the meetings but he would just run away- You swore you saw tears in his eyes a few times.
• You'd want to many times to have him run into your arms, so you could whisper how good of a man he is and deserving so love.
- It had been a particularly festive day in the Guild Hall, Crocodile dressing in a nicer suit as better food was served and fancy alcohol was served. You even being gifted a dress by the Desert King himself to wear today, you didn't refuse but felt rather uncomforble at how attentive he was acting with you.
And uncomfortable that he had purposely sat Buggy so far away from you..
As dinner was being served, Crocodile stood up from his seat next to you. Slapping his hand on the table to gather everyone's attention.
"I have an announcement-" Crocodile voice boomed through the room, you glancing up as the hook handed man gestured for you to stand. Which you silently did-
Oh No...
"(Y/N)- Daughter of Silvers Rayleigh. A women of greatness and deserving of only the finest of riches"
"I ask for your hand- I swear I will give you all the wealth you desire"
Please No...
"From Riches, Silks and even the One Piece if your little mind wishes for it"
"Will you Marry me?"
Something inside you just snapped. Staring at Crocodile face that had the crooked cigar hanging from his lips.
Crocodile taking your silence positively as he handed you a velvet box with a massive diamond ring inside of it.
You stared at the ring box that had been placed in your glove hands and felt... nothing. Absolutely nothing...
Before A fire of rage filled your insides-
"We- We aren't even dating!-" You shouted, everyone looking to yoh in shock as you looked around wildly.
"What makes you think I want to stay by your side!? You were just ment to protect me not use me as a Scudo Girlfriend! I'm not yours nor will I ever be!-" Crocodile face starting to turn red, his eyes glancing around him before setting on you with a harsh glare.
"So I-I can't accept this" You finally hissed out, bright red in the face from both embarrassment and anger. Everyone in the Guild Hall staring at you in total shock.
"Besides My Heart... Belongs to someone else-" Crocodile eyes widen as he clenched his hands in rage. You handing the ring box back to him delicately, before turning to look at Buggy who had been picking his nose diassociating heavily at the dramatics. Only coming back to reality when he saw everyone was staring at him-
Buggy stares confused, 'Why are you all looking at me?' He looked behind himself first, Then around to see who you could be talking about, that had your heart. Realizing quickly he was alone and you actually ment HIM!
"Wait Me!?"
• After such a stunning yet shocking reveal, Crocodile cut you lose. Feeling you embarrassed him infront of everyone- Which had been the greatest day of your life!
• As you fly into Buggy's (Who got beaten senseless once again) arms. Who accepts you happily into his life-
• Frolicking away to his Circus Themed Ship in what can only be described as total Joy!
• "HAHAHAHAHA I WIN!!" He yells out, holding you in his arms as he flips off Crocodile once more and holds you in his arms.
• You adore his Flashy Crusty ways, the way he weirdly cackled and utter lack of emotional control.
• Oh How you love your Crusty Clown!
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adrienneleclerc · 4 months
Hips Don’t Lie
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: There is an after party after the premiere of “the ministry of ungentlemanly warfare” and Henry meets his co star, Eiza Gonzalez’s friend, Y/N.
Warning: spelling and grammar errors, non translated Spanish’s because I get lazy.
A/N: this is my first ever real person fanfic so I hope you like it.
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Henry was on the red carpet answering a few questions until it was time to head into the theater with everyone to see his new movie. As he was walking in, he saw Eiza Gonzalez, his costar.
“Eiza, how are you?” Henry said, greeting her.
“Henry, que guapo te ves! I’m definitely not used to your clean shaven look. There’s a party after the premiere, are you going?” Eiza asked.
“I’m not sure, I think I’m going to my hotel after this, spend time with the bear.” Henry said and Eiza giggled.
“You should come! I want you to meet my friend, she came back from her European tour la few days ago, I think you guys would hit it off.” Eiza said.
“Are you really trying to play Cupid?” Henry said,
“I just want you guys to meet, I never said anything about wanting you two to date. But if you happen to fall in love with her, don’t forget to mention me in your wedding toast.” Eiza said.
“Are all Mexicans this delusional or just you?” Henry asked, eiza stared at him. “You’re right, I shouldn’t have said that, sorry.”
“Don’t worry my colonizer friend, it’s fine. And it’s probably just me.” Eiza said.
“How come you get to make jokes about my race but I can’t?” Henry asked.
“You are a straight white man, I rest my case, now let’s get inside, I’m pretty sure we have to make a speech before the movie starts, which I find totally stupid.” Eiza said,
The premiere was over and he went to his hotel room. He thought about how it’s been a while since he dated anyone and decided to call eiza.
“Bueno?” Eiza answered the phone.
“Hey eiza, where is the party?” Henry asked.
“Yes, you’re coming, it’s at xxxx” Eiza said.
“I’ll be right there.” Henry replied and hung up the phone. Henry changed out of his suit to something more casual but still presentable and said goodbye to his dog before asking his driver to take him to where the after party was. When he gets there, he was greeted by Eiza in a fitted dress.
“Yes, you’re here! Great decision, Y/N is probably at the bar, mingle while I go find her. Oh my god, Diego! Compa, como has estado, no te ha visto en…” Eiza greeted her friends walking away from Henry. Henry saw Chris drinking at the bar and decided to walk towards him.
“Henry, buddy, how have you been?” Chris asked, hugging him.
“I’ve been great, how’s married life treating you?” Henry asked.
“Really well, I’m very happy to be back in Boston but I can’t lie, I do miss these parties.” Chris admitted. They kept talking and when they played a Daddy Yankee song, Henry heard a voice screaming.
“AAHH!! Es mi canción! Joel, cuida mi bolsa!” the Woman said, downing a shot of tequila before heading to the dance floor. Henry thought it was Eiza but it was someone else. However, when the woman started dancing, Henry couldn’t take his eyes off of her.
“Hey man, who are you looking at?” Chris asked but he just followed Henry’s line of sight and spotted the woman that was basically demanding the attention of everyone else with her dancing, that’s when Eiza approached the two mean at the bar.
“Whoo, go Y/N! That’s my bestie!” Eiza cheered her on.
“What, that’s Y/N?” Henry asked,
“Yeah, that’s her. I mean, i knew she could dance because I’ve seen her concerts when she performs at the forum, but I never knew she could dance like this.” Eiza said.
“I think your friend is making Hnery want to learn Spanish, he hasn’t taken his eyes off her since she started dancing.” Chris said and Henry hit his chest, still not looking away from the woman dancing.
“Perfect! I’ll get her when the song is over so you can meet her.” Eiza said, clearly excited that henry is interested in her friend. When the song finished, Eiza made her way to Y/N. “Y/N! Como has estado? Que me cuentas de la gira?”
“La gira fue espectacular, todos los fans cantando mis canciones, llevándome flores, estoy súper agradecida. How was the premiere? I wish I could have gone but I wasn’t invited.” Y/N said,
“Sorry! I forgot when your tour ended. Anyway, I have someone I want you to meet.” Eiza walked Y/N over to when’re Henry and Chris were. “Y/N, this is Henry Cavill. Henry, this is Y/N L/N. Chris, come dance with me.” Eiza said, pulling Chris with her, leaving Henry and Y/N alone by the bar.
“Hi.” Henry said bashfully.
“Hey.” Y/N said, fiddling with her fingers.
“I saw you dance, you were amazing, by the way, you seemed really into it.” Henry commented.
“Well i grew up listening to Shakira so you could say my hips don’t lie.” Y/N said and both of them ended up laughing. “Oh my god, I can’t believe I made that joke, que tonta soy, eh.”l
“No no, it’s okay, I laughed, right?” Henry said, making Y/N feel more comfortable.
“But seriously, my mom would put me in these dance classes, well, her friend who taught dance classes would give me free lessons.” Y/N said. “Do you dance?”
“No but I took lessons when I was filming Argyle.” Henry said.
“I haven’t seen Argyle but I really want to see this movie. Like yeah, my bestie is in it, but I really like your look in this movie.” Y/N said.
“Really? You like the messy hair and the full beard?” Henry asked.
“Yeah, your curls show off more than in your other movie, Night Hunter.” Y/N commented.
“So you’re a fan of my movies?” Henry asked.
“Am I a fan of the movies or just the attractive British actor starring in them?” Y/N asked, getting closer to Henry.
“I say you’re a fan of me.” Henry said.
“Bingo! Hope Im not being too forward.” Y/N said
“Not at all.” Henry said. They started playing Propuesta Indecente by Romeo Santos.
“Well, time to put your dancing skills to use, do you think you can dance bachata?” Y/N asked, taking Henry’s hand and led him on the dance floor.
“Only if you show me how.” Henry said.
“Of course, just follow my lead.” Y/N said.
They danced every bachata song that was played, and when they weren’t dancing, they were just talking.
Eiza sips her drink, observing them.
“They would be a cute couple.” Eiza commented to Chris.
“Yeah, he seems happy enough.” Chris said.
“Could I get your number?” Henry asked.
“Of course, give me your phone.” Y/N said. Henry handed her his phone and Y/N gave it back. “I’m gonna head out but I’ll be waiting for your call. Hasta luego, guapo.” Y/N kissed Henry’s cheek and left the party with Eiza. Chris then approached Henry who was holding his cheek where she kissed him.
“What are you thinking about?” Chris asked.
“How much a Spanish tutor costs.” Henry commented.
“Alright, buddy, let’s get back to the hotel.” Chris said, leading Henry to the exit.
The End
Taglist: @warriormirkwood @shellyshellshell
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neosexuals · 9 months
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glasses! ]]> l.dh NCT
The idea !!
A/n: meow meow meow meow meow meow (I am clearly feral for this man)
Warnings/pairings :: haechan with glasses , gn!reader , oral (m), nerd !haechan, marking, VERY vocal haechan, nicknames (cutie) , haechan is taller than the reader
You weren't all popular to be fair you were just there, average grades , average social status but still got invited to parties and shit.
Jaemin—one of the popular kids— invited everyone , and he mean everyone , for his new years party. Nothing wrong with it but it wasnt the best party it was boring , a typical frat boy party but with a simple 1 2 3 HAPPY NEW YEARS
Thrown around at the end , like boozed punch , coke snorted in the corner , floaties for some reason being thrown around and ofcourse beer pong. You don't enjoy these parties too much cause there's not too much to do other than watch the random guy make out with one of your friends.
Evidently troubled by the view you grab a tad too many drinks and get a bit tipsy and decided to dance a bit , love talk playing on the speakers drowned out by the sound of moans and "whoos"
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After a while of shaking your hips every 2 seconds you feel something grinding behind you , ofcourse two or three boys came around and grinded on you before you uncomfortably shoved them away , this one didnt feel intentional tho you turned you head behind to see haechan being pushed around and against you.
You take a moment before trying to move out of the slightly crowded area before he grabs your shoulders and presses against you. You start to feel something against your ass before realising he was hard , although his eyes trying to convey it wasn't intentional you grabbed hi arm and pulled him out of the crowd.
As he tried to explain himself you couldn't look or think about anything else other than the fact that he had a boner and he looks hot , his hair messy , his glasses a bit crooked and his lips just pretty. You didn't even listen about the shit he was spewing other than the first sight he let out and a sorry.
You just stared into his sorrowful eyes till you grab his neck and pull him down to kiss you before pulling away "oh my god I'm so so sorry" he take a second to recollect his thoughts , staring at you for a second before kissing you again , locking his lips with yours, his hands cupping your face.
Pulling away once again you drag him to the surprisingly empty bedroom , sitting him down on his bed. Kissing him once again pushing him down before he pulls away "are you sober enough to know what your doing?" He asks sincerely
"sober enough to want to do this , and atleast I know your name cutie" cutting him off before he could even speak by a kiss once again pecking down his neck sucking and licking leaving faint marks, before dragging your body down to inbetween his legs at the edge of the bed.
He sits up and ruffles your hair a bit "god ____"sounding out what sounded like a whimper as you unzipped his pants pulling them down to his ankles "so you know my name too?" You smirk at his cocky smile before he shifts his body weight to his hands behind him.
You palm his dick earning a groan from him, his face practically begging you to do more while he fixed his glasses. You slowly slip down his boxers revealing his quite long dick , springing up to slap his stomach causing him to sigh in relief. You looked up at him maintaining eye contact as you slowly pumped his cock , rolling his eyes back as your hand ran down his shaft.
"___ please just- fuck" his moans enticing you , your head looking down at his leaking cock spreading his pre cum around it , spitting around it before taking his slender length in your mouth hearing more groans and moans come out of his sweet mouth. He grabs your hand
"Oh god, you're so fucking " haechan moaned, his hips bucking forward involuntarily as you bobbed up and down on his dick. "So fucking pretty on my cock" his hand grabbing your hair to fuck your throat, you weren't sure you knew this haechan , the one who sat at the front in english and occasionally asked homework from haechan. He's now fucking your throat moaning for your mouth.
"fuck ___ I'm gonna cum..." His voice dragged out from the moans "can I cum in your mouth?" He asked as he looked down at you , your eyes meeting as you hum as a nod , till he cums down your throat, your hand tightly gripping on his before you pull away , his hand leaves your hair.
"cute" you mumble swallowing his cum seeing his fucked out expression before he pulls you up for a kiss his taste lingering on your tongue.
"your amazing..." He breaths out.
"I could tell , had to swallow a fuck load" you respond playfully.
Tags : @hyuckiegirlfriend @fay-ebrahim @drkn3ss-blog
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cyverrieee · 1 year
May I request the Astral Crews reaction to a timid!reader (tending to hide away, super quiet, and overall super nervous) being witty, sweet, and overall very comfortable with PomPom? Like those two getting along like a house on fire. The reason being that the reader has the ability to travel peoples minds when asleep, and since Pompom discovered it (via accidental mind walking) , reader finally felt comfortable enough to be themselves with someone. As a result, they hang out regularly in their dreams. (Bonus if PomPom ONLY lets reader hold them)
Thank you,
“ Pom pom ”
Haha, sorry for the wait whoo im trying to keep up right now 🤡 trying a different format this time!!!
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You were a new addition to the Astral Family, you were mostly timid and shy around them but either way, they still love you and you love them. Mostly you just stay with Pom-pom with half of the time. They were happy you found someone who you are comforted with!
March, Himeko
They are notoriously happy for you to have someone you're comfortable with. They dont really mind, they would love to hang out with you though. They would see you hanging out with pompom mostly.
"WOAH! Pom-pom you let [Name] hold you!? I gotta take a picture!!"
"Im surprised Pom-pom is letting you hold them! Im glad, i need to tell this to Welt!!"
Welt, Dan Heng
They were okay with the fact that you were pom-poms favorite, they also kinda glad you had some personal company with Pom pom.
"Im glad you stopped March from nagging Pom pom, i think they'll thank you for it"
"im glad you found someone that you enigmatically love to be with. i hope it doesnt bother you when i asked to spend time with you?"
Caelus, Stelle
They didnt mind, they were chill with it. Glad you and pom-pom arent lonely and all, would just walk around seeing you and pom pom together. Mostly they come to talk to pom-pom about their trailblazer level, side missions from pom pom, and just talking. Sometimes they want to talk to you and they will.
"If its okay, can we hang out for a bit?"
They were kinda surprised and awes about your dream hopping abilities, they dont really mind if you hop into their minds while sleeping unless that dream is super embarrassing for them. Mostly they are asleep but some over nighters saw you just poof into someones dream they'll ask you about it like tomorrow so don't stress out. Either way they'll accept you and love as a family ^^
“ 💜 ” sorry (if its short, i didnt grasp their personalities in the time being) im getting lazier and lazier to write i think im getting burntout again smh or unmotivated:') probably why i closed requests for a while i cant catch up ^^"
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dwindlinghaze · 6 months
part i : no one mourns the wicked
(remus lupin x reader, sirius black x reader, soulmate!au)
series masterlist
summary: after the first quidditch match of the school year, sirius and remus became somewhat aware of their feelings towards you.
contents: fluff, really there's no warnings!! the next chapter will be more about them discovering what they feel, this one is just like an orientation of their background.
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
walking through the halls of hogwarts is usually considered calm and peaceful; wind softly blowing through the creaks on the carved out gothic windows and the rubber soles of shoes padding across the marble floor were the only sound and feel. well, that is, unless it was around a quidditch match.
every semester, the annual quidditch match between the four houses will be held. now stepping a foot in the hall outside a classroom felt incredibly crowded and overwhelming.
a ravenclaw chaser yelling at his beater to put himself up together, first year students who are still questioning what the sport is all about, the gryffindor captain explaining on the tactics of playing. it was chaotic.
"we're going to win this one!" james put his fist up in the air, followed by his teammates who were just as excited as he was. a series of 'whoos' and 'yes' were yelled, bumping their shoulders together.
it was an understatement if you said you weren't ecstatic to see james and sirius playing the match this early october. they were both outstanding quidditch players, they have all your support. speaking of which, remus was still healing from last night's event.
it was a full moon. he woke up this morning, struggling to move from his bed. james and sirius had already assured him that it's completely okay if he missed. but remus was a sweetheart and would never miss his best mates' long-awaited quidditch match. it was all they ever talk about.
"y/n wait up!" remus shouted from behind as he limped to where you were standing.
you reluctantly whipped your head around, steps coming to a halt to wait for your friend. once he was close enough you reached out your hand for him to hold. "sorry remus," you chuckled. "come on, the good seats will be taken if we're slow!"
remus hesitated for a while to hold your inviting hand. he didn't want you to get left behind because of him. you noticed his expression of course, being the observant friend you are. a soft sigh escaped your lips as you squeezed remus' hand, beckoning him that it's okay.
"m'sorry," remus said in embarrassment. realisation hit you when you remembered that last night was a full moon. poor boy he must be struggling to even stand up on his two legs.
to make it clear, you were the first person remus told about his lycanthropy. it didn't happen on purpose though. you happened to be at the hospital wing after remus transformed during second year.
he may or may not had said 'i hate being a werewolf' way to loud. loud enough for you to hear when you couldn't sleep from your painful sickness.
twelve year old remus with his heightened wolf senses seemed to hear your little gasp. he panicked, hating the way he was so careless, not making sure there are no one in the wing first before he spoke such things.
however, his worry came to an end when you said that you won't say anything about his condition to a single soul ever. since then, you and remus became close friends. after a few months he introduced you to the marauders and you befriended them also.
a warm smile spread across your lips, "s'okay remus," you said softly, "i'm sure there will be seats left for us. how can i help hm?"
remus shook his head, "never mind that, you can go up there before me and save a seat for us yeah?" he really didn't want you to have a view of heads while watching your best friends' first match of the year.
you couldn't leave him though. he looked sick and fragile after this particular full moon so you insisted on sticking with him just in case the pain was too much to handle. "who will help you climb that hundreds of stairs up the stands?" you joked earning a tired smile from him.
you helped him climb up the flight of stairs. it was slow, remus groaning each time he pulled a muscle. nevertheless, you both made it up. you beamed once you saw a perfect spot right behind the fences.
"perfect view," you said to him. the match has already started unfortunately, but you both were lucky enough to arrive right on time as to see james chasing after the snitch.
"look at siri's hair," you said in awe, nudging remus on his elbow.
"good hair is it?" he replied, eyes locking on sirius' beautiful, long, shiny hair. it still looked gorgeous even when he's sweating from head to toe, even after the wind blew his hair back.
"he has nice hair," you smiled coyly. remus looked away, feeling a weird sensation down his stomach. his hand went up to touch his messed up hair, insecurity washing over him knowing that his hair is not even half as good looking as sirius'. he never felt this way before. he couldn't be jealous, for you weren't his and sirius is his best friend.
"your hair is also very beautiful," you said. it's true. remus may not have long silky jet black hair like sirius but his hair is full and fluffy. you touched it once when you were taking out a piece of dirt, his hair is in fact very soft.
remus mumbled a small 'thank you', eyes glued to his shoes. it was not a rare occasion for you to compliment him. you always say how smart he is or how he looks more than good after a rough transformation. your compliments always leave him a mushy mess. he can't deny, he loves it. it's quite rare for him to have someone saying nice things about himself.
that weird feeling appeared again when you laughed and clapped your hands to sirius when he did a flip with his broomstick.
maybe it's the way you smile, that very smile that makes his heart felt at ease. maybe it's the way you didn't see him in any other way when he told you he's a werewolf. maybe it's the way you were so eye catching yet you never let anyone felt less.
there are so many things running through his head.
"gryffindor has won the 1976th quidditch match!" the bombing voice from the loud speaker has made its way to your ears, breaking remus' train of thoughts. you gasped as you took remus arms, "they did it!"
and just like that, you had left remus on his own up at the quidditch stand. he didn't blame you for leaving him though, of course you wanted to congratulate your friends down at the pitch after their win.
he waited until the students has all gone before he made his way down the tenths of stairs. now that you weren't here, it is hard for him to not feel a pain every time he bent his knees to step down. aching with every step, he met you halfway with your arms linking around sirius'. the sight giving remus a pain under his ribcage.
"moony!" sirius yelled and hugged him. "we won we won we won!"
"congratulations pads," remus said as he smiled into the hug. the long haired lad may or may not hugged him way to harsh. "ow padfoot," remus hissed as he pulled away, reaching for his scapula to soothe the pain sirius gave.
"sorry moons," sirius grinned. "gotta go now, have a blast you two!" he then skipped happily to the gryffindor's quidditch team on the other end of the hall, receiving congratulations and compliments from the people around.
your arm circled around remus' torso, saying that he can lean to you if the ache was too much. he didn't though, he doesn't want to look more pathetic than he already has. besides, who was he to get such treatment?
with the new found feelings remus discovered, he couldn't get you out of his mind. now everything that you do is mesmerising to him. you picking up a a piece of bread and spread it with butter, you furrowing your brows to focus while reading a letter from your dad, you pursing your lips in disapproval when james made a nasty remark about a third year.
remus noticed everything now. it felt like he was looking through a telescope but the only object there to see is you. only you.
sirius was sprawled on the red cushion sofa, legs dangling from the arm rest. he was talking to james and the other teammates over and over about their win. all of them were so happy and proud, after years of losing they can finally get that golden trophy.
sirius' eyes traveled to the common room's door where it flung open revealing you and remus laughing together as they stepped in. the two of you talked like you were the only person existed in the world.
the raven haired boy narrowed his eyes at the two of you, a sinking feeling in his stomach. he knew how much you enjoy spending your time with remus, but he couldn't help wishing it was him instead.
he recalled the amount of times when remus cried on your shoulder after a full moon, but then he remembered the amount of times you hugged him tightly when he received another howler from his mother.
you study with remus but you also help sirius do pranks. you always buy remus a bunch of chocolate but you also buy him a lot of things from zonko's joke shop.
sirius' was equally in the same spot as remus.
that left him at ease because he might have a silly crush on you. sure they were sixteen and mature but when it comes to romance they were just like twelve year olds.
"hey guys over here," james put his hands in the air, motioning for you and remus to come over.
"won't we be interrupting?" you joked as you dragged remus along to sit down at the empty sofa. half of the quidditch team had already left to clean themselves.
"nope. did you see me when i caught that snitch? gosh i was so cool. is there any possibility that lily saw me?" james asked, looking at you with pleading eyes.
you hesitated before answering. you didn't want to be the cause of his happiness coming to an end but you didn't see lily anywhere either. "i didn't see lily but i'm sure she saw you james, you were incredible."
"i know right? i better take a shower so when lilypad sees me, i will be fresh and handsome," he winked before jumping up from his seat on the way to the loo.
you conjured a cold towel and threw it to sirius, "you look like you ... are sweltering," you said, seeing his heated face from the adrenaline.
"whoa-" he sighed, placing the towel over his head as he leaned back to the sofa. "how did you-"
"witchcraft," you replied simply.
sirius lips turned into an 'o' as he closed his eyes in delight, feeling the cold sensation travelling through his hot skin. "why is it called witchcraft, why is there no wizardcraft..."
you scoffed, "there's a term called 'wizardry',"
sirius took a peek in between the fold of his towel to look over at his tall friend who has been real quiet. he saw how remus was looking at you like you were the one winning the quidditch match. "is moony staring at you the result of witchcraft too?"
hearing this, you turned your head swiftly to see the boy sitting next to you. you made an eye contact but not long before remus cheeks reddened as he looked away, eyes landing hard on his lap. before remus can make a lame excuse or before you can come up with a remark to leave remus alone, sirius had already stood from the carpet.
"i'm taking a shower, it's getting hot in here," he joked before running up the stairs. truth be told, he hated the way you and remus looked at each other. eyes soft and cheeks red. he can't control the jealousy from rising up by seeing you and remus together.
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daisygirlwrites · 1 year
Could you be able to do a headcanon of a video game night with the 141, I keep thinking about that headcanon in the third part of the ghost headcanon
Game Night Headcanons (Task Force 141 + afab!Reader)
note: König and Horangi appear, no use of (Y/N)
a/n: hey hey, this was really fun to write and there might be a second part to this. also this is a little shorter than normal, sorry about that. anyways, thank you all so much for reading!
taglist: @bobfloydsgf , @warenai , @devilsfoodcake22 , @itsscromp , @dilfsaremyfavourite, @imalovernotahater , @cutiecusp , @allen-444
gif credit: @pedrokkstuff
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The typical 141 game night, more often than not, leads to a fist fight at some point
As well as name calling, accusations, threats and sometimes, crying. Last part is done by Crash most times
It wasn’t like this before. Game night was more relaxed. There was usually multiple systems and even board games going at once
That is until Soap suggested Mario Kart. He was whining on about how he wanted the group to play together, even for one round
You and the others give into his insistent whining. However, Price used his ‘old man’ card to get out of playing and agreed to watch from the sidelines.
It took a while to convince Ghost to join, Soap literally begging on his hands and knees. But it was you that ultimately got him to play, by taunting him. There is still a rivalry going on between you two though it’s become friendly in recent times. 
Your taunting worked, calling him an old man to his face and that he’s probably embarrassed to play because it’s the one thing he’s bad at. The thing that pissed him off most was you told him that he’s a ‘has-been’ 
He stares at you as you give him a smug grin back. Ghost opens his hand towards Soap, not breaking eye contact with you, he says one word, “Controller.” Johnny lets out a little “whoo!” and places a switch controller onto his hand
Ghost would either main Shy Guy, Dry Bones or Dry Bowser for obvious reasons
Soap plays Bowser or Bowser Jr. He mentions something about having a similar hairstyle as them. (Bonus points if he’s matching with Ghost)
Gaz plays as Toad because the little screams Toad makes is low key funny
Crash usually plays as Isabelle but whenever Ghost joins, she switches to King Boo
First game, Crash wins with Ghost coming close at second place. Lowkey, Crash got real nervous during the last lap since Ghost was in the lead but with the magic called button smashing, she kept blue-shelling him.
Second game, Ghost absolutely demolished everyone, paying close attention to you. 
You, being a sore loser, calls him out for cheating and demand a rematch
To everyone’s surprise, he does. And round after round, he beats everyone
Gaz was speechless, Soap looks at the Lieutenant with awe and it took everything in you to not bitch slap Ghost
The little argument becomes a little bit too intense which turns into a yelling match
Crash : “Bitch do you want me to jump across this table because I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY FOR THIS, OKAY?!” Ghost, with a shit eating grin under his mask : “You feeling froggy? Leap.” Crash, rolling up her sleeves : “Okay, well here I come."
Price, who was napping on the lazy chair while they played, woke up to a scuffle. Lifting up his hat, he takes in the scene in front of him:
You were very animated, talking with your hands as you argue with the Lieutenant. Ghost has his hands on his hips, back straightened as he looks down at you.
Soap was in-between you and Ghost, hand on the latter's chest and the other on your shoulder, keeping distance from each other. He looked a little nervous, being literally in the middle of Ghost and essentially, a mini Ghost. "Hey, let's talk this out first, no need for fightin'!"
Gaz had a hand on your other shoulder, trying to pull you away. He would lift you up, and he can, but he doesn't want to get his ass beat by someone who's five foot four
Price, after watching them for a couple minutes, finally steps in.
Had to use the 'dad voice' on everyone
That weeks game night ends there
The next one though, basically the same thing happens. Only difference is that you guys were playing Super Smash Bros.
Ghost would either play Dark Samus, Sheik, Cloud or Snake
Soap plays Bowser, Roy or Ryu
Gaz usually plays as Lucario or Ness, but sometimes switches to Marth
Crash mains Kirby, however she does have a soft spot for all of the cute game mascots (especially Pikachu)
Same thing happens, Ghost beats everyone and you start an argument because "No one his age knows how to play."
"For God's sake, Crash, I'm twenty-nine!" "Pretty fuckin' old to me." "We're six years apart, Tiny."
You low key hated that nickname. It was a reminder to you that everyone else was six foot and taller.
With no hesitation, you jump towards him
Thankfully, this time Price is awake and grabs you just in time
He holds you back as you shout "These hands are rated E for Everyone"
After that, game night was cancelled for a while, for oblivious reasons
That is until the KorTac team joins them. Game night is brought back since it's good for 'team bonding'
It's mostly König and Horangi that hangs out with them, with Hutch occasionally coming by
All of them are really good at Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros.
It was kind of embarrassing for the 141 to get beat against the new guys
Everyone was nice at first but as game nights continue, König lets out a snide comment
"Thought you guys are the best of the best. Guess you're not good at everything."
As much as you liked König, you were not gonna let that slide. Same with Ghost
Both of you form a truce and team up together
As you were on the field, both of you are a deadly combination
Unsurprisingly, you win. But learning from previous mistakes, you behave yourself.
König and Horangi lose gracefully, telling you "GG" and even apologizing for the comment he made earlier
Price gives a sigh of relief, not wanting to break up a fight, especially since one of them is almost seven feet tall
Other games the team plays:
Halo (specifically the first three). Ghost doesn't say but he low key relates to Master Chief. Soap likes it because there's a pretty lady that talks to him
Mario Party. Price has to supervise
Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter. Everyone is surprisingly chill when they play those two. Just something about Super Smash Bros that gets they hyped up
Untitled Goose Game and Goat Simulator. It's mostly you and Gaz playing. Funny games that makes you forget about the world for a few hours
The team also plays card and board games as well but that's for another time
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Vil: I see... So we wouldn't see Leona become a young dad.
Epel: ...
Epel: Why would you want him to become like that?
Vil: Isn't it obvious? Just imagine seeing Leona carrying his baby when he dislikes children so much.
Rook: Um, Roi du Poison? I think that's not something to say when the wife is here.
MC: *smiles* It's okay. I'm aware.
Vil: Oh? And you still chose him?
MC: Yes. Leona might dislike children but he knows how to take care of them.
MC: That's the reason why Cheka likes him.
Rook: Aww~.
Epel: By the way, Your Majesty?
MC: Yes?
Epel: Since we're talking about children. How many children do you want to have with Leona?
Rook: Such a bold question, Epel.
MC: It depends. It could be one or more.
Epel: One or...more?
Vil and Rook: ...
Vil: You're not thinking of a number, do you?
MC: *smiles* No. Number of children is not something I would be able to guess.
Vil: Fair enough.
Epel: ...
Epel: No, it's not? There's family planning!
Rook: Family planning only applies for those who have no resources.
Epel: ...
Epel: You all rich bastards.
Vil: *stern* Epel.
Epel: S-Sorry.
Lilia: Looks like the end of the world is nearing.
Leona: *has visited Malleus in his dorm* Shut up.
Malleus: What brings you here, Kingscholar?
Leona: My wife wouldn't be in our dorm for this whole week. And my brother said something stupid that's why I'm here.
Malleus: And what is that?
Leona: It's nothing.
Lilia: Come on. We're curious.
Leona: ...
Leona: He said I was not attractive enough.
Lilia and Malleus: ...
Lilia: *bursts out laughing*
Malleus: *who doesn't get it*
Lilia: *slapping his shoulder while laughing his ass off*
Leona: *frowning*
Lilia: Whoo! That's a good one. Anyway, your brother did you dirty.
Leona: I know. Everyone knows I'm more attractive than him. He's just a goof.
Malleus: Then why are you worried about what he said?
Leona: ...
Leona: You see, my wife is two years older than me.
Lilia: So somehow, you think your brother has a point?
Leona: Tch.
Malleus: Why? Is age important?
Leona: Besides our long hair, maturity is a factor as well.
Malleus: I see. I think I understand now.
Malleus: You're a spoiled brat.
Leona: ...
Lilia: You didn't need to go there, Malleus.
Leona: You're dead.
*One week has passed*
MC and Leona: *embracing each other in bed*
Leona: Next mating season, could we just leave the school for a while?
MC: On your senior year, we could do so.
Leona: Good.
Leona: ...
MC: ...
MC: Is there anything else you want to say to me, honey?
Leona: ...
Leona: When you've chosen me as your husband, is it because you think I'm attractive or is it something else?
MC: *nuzzles* Attractiveness and all other things I could think of.
Leona: ...
Leona: Honey?
MC: Yes— Hmp!
Leona: *has kissed her* For the mating season we had to miss.
MC: ...
Leona: ...
Leona and MC: *both blushes in embarrassment*
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spookymystery67 · 4 months
I Wish I Could Walk In Heels
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AN: Wow, I missed posting last week. I'm a loser. Sorry. Truthfully I was not fully in it last week, or this week for that matter. But I wanted something posted and it's freaking confession time so I persevered and did it! Whoo! This chapter is a tad bit shorter and I have never, ever written a scene like this before so it was an experience. Hopefully my reading experience didn't make it suck as bad. I'm trying. I really am lmao. Enjoy!
Chapter 18:
The next morning, you said your goodbyes to Jill as she had to leave to finish her mission while you had to make your way back to the hotel you and Ada were sharing. You were sad to leave your friend once again, and you could only hope that life will be kinder to her. Maybe you will run into each other again at some point in the future.
Maybe once Umbrella was gone for good.
You were nervous to walk through the door of the room you shared with Ada. You wanted to tell her how you felt, but your doubt and insecurities were going to make it ten times harder to do.
You took a deep breath and tried to ignore the negative thoughts, before doing the secret knock you and Ada came up with early on, as she has the only key to the room.
You listened for movement from inside as the door abruptly opened and Ada stood in front of you with a deadpan look on her face.
“Y/n. How was your little sleepover?” She asked, tone nonchalant as she walked away, back facing you. You could tell from the way her shoulders have tensed that she was bothered by something.
“Uh, it was good. It was nice catching up with her after so long.” You said as you walked into the room, keeping your eyes on her as you shut and re-locked the door behind you.
Ada huffed as she sorted and packed her things in her duffle bag. “I'm glad you had fun. Start packing your things. We're heading out soon.” She aggressively shoved a dress into her bag.
You hesitated. “Are- are you okay?” 
“Fine.” Ada dismissed.
You hummed, watching her as she was still turned away from you. “You know, we talked about you last night.”
“Did you now?” Ada drawled, uninterested in whatever you and Jill talked about.
You took a slow, hesitant step forward. “Yeah. She brought something to my attention. Something about you.”
Ada paused before slowly turning to face you, arms crossed, hip jutted to her right. “What about me?” She asked, ready to defend herself as she assumed the worst.
You took a deep breath and another hesitant step forward. “She told me you were jealous.”
She raised a brow. “Jealous?”
“Mhmm. Jealous.”
“Jealous of what?”
“Of her. Jealous of the way we interacted with each other.”
She huffed and rolled her eyes. “Right.”
You walked closer to her, now only a few feet apart. “You shouldn't be jealous of her. She's only a friend.” You said before she could speak.
“I'm your friend.” She snapped, arms still crossed as her frustration rose.
You can't help but smile, her feelings for you becoming more clear now that Jill had helped you open your eyes. “You are. And you know I can have more than one friend, right?”
Ada scoffed with an eye roll. “Uh huh.”
You decide to just tell her right now before she becomes more upset. “But… maybe me and you can be something more than just friends.”
Ada's face fell in shock, completely taken aback from the sudden turn in the conversation. “Y-you… I'm sorry. What?” 
Huh, she stuttered. It wasn’t often that you got Ada Wong to stutter.
You take a deep breath. “Look. I've never done this before so there is a good chance that I might embarass myself by saying this but, I like you, Ada. I really like you. And I think I have for a while now. I have always admired you. Even when we first met. The entire time we were in Raccoon City together I was trying to convince myself that I hated you, but I didn't. I don’t. I've always found it very hard to hate you.” You paused, looking down and away from Ada who just stared at you with a look you couldn't quite decipher. You quickly lost what courage you had started with when you couldn’t figure out what she was thinking. “But, um, if you don't feel the same way as I do then that's fine. Just figured I should let you… know.” You finished awkwardly.
From the corner of your eye you saw Ada take a slow step forward, as if she was afraid she would frighten you, before taking another more confident step. Then another, and another.
Once she was close enough, she reached her right hand down to take your chin in a gentle grasp with her pointer finger and thumb, carefully moving your head up to make eye contact with her.
She gave you a moment to allow you to pull away from her if you so choose, before her straight, unreadable, face broke into a warm, gentle smile that she has only ever shown to you.
“Can I kiss you, Y/n?” She asked, her warm smile and gentle grasp on your face still there as she patiently waited for your response.
You were dumbfounded, completely caught off guard, having not at all expected this outcome. Fully expecting to be denied. Not embraced.
Your cheeks flushed as you worked through the brain fuzz her touch caused, quickly nodding your consent. “Yes.”
Her smile widened before she slowly closed the space between the two of you. Her warm, glossed lips, connected with yours almost hesitantly in a slow, but affectionate kiss. Giving you time to get used to it. Used to her. She kept you in a weak hold in case you decided to pull away.
You responded to the hesitation by moving your arms around her to hug her waist, bringing her closer to you in encouragement. Wanting to show her you truly meant every word of your confession. 
You wanted to be more. You wanted to be with her.
She responded to the encouragement with eager, yet gentle, enthusiasm. The hand on your chin moved to be placed on the back of your head as her other hand came up to cup your cheek in her palm, urging you to be closer to her.
The kiss was pure bliss and felt like it lasted for hours, but in actuality it only lasted a few short minutes before you had to pull away. You both gasped for the air that you neglected during the moment you had both waited years for and thought would never happen. Ada looked at you with pure joy and admiration in her eyes that you returned, before she pulled you forward once more for a quick peck on the lips.
“So, that's what you and Jill talked about? Us?” Ada asked after a few moments, your face still held in her hands.
You nodded. “She helped me realize that you might feel the same way I do.”
Ada hummed as she leaned forward, resting her forehead against yours. “I might have to thank her whenever I see her again. She was right. I do like you. In fact, I might even go as far as to say that I love you, Y/n.”
You smiled wide as you laughed, face flushed with pure joy as you pulled your head back slightly to face her properly. “You just had to one up my confession, didn't you.” You teased her.
Ada shrugged with a grin. “I mean, you get full points for admitting it first and getting the ball rolling. But I didn't think you would admit your full feelings for me if I didn't do it first.”
Leave it to Ada to notice that you avoided the L-word for the word like. She was right. You didn't say it first because you didn't want to scare her off for good.
“You're right.” You admitted.
“As usual.” Ada teased, still hugging you close.
“Shut up and let me confess.” You playfully shoved her shoulder, before taking another breath. “I love you too, Ada.”
Her teasing smile softened as she pulled you in for another slow kiss, before pulling away and placing a short peck to your head.
“I’m glad you admitted it first. I had convinced myself you didn’t feel the same way and that it would never happen. Was just going to continue living in the friend zone for the rest of my life.” Ada said as you two separated, her dragging you to sit beside her on the edge of the bed.
“Funny. I was the same way. When Jill first brought it to my attention, I didn’t believe her.” You said as you grabbed her hand in yours.
Ada seemed surprised by your statement. “Why not? You’re smart, hilarious, and kind. Not to mention gorgeous. But I see you for more than just your looks. You’re the first person I’ve met in a while to accept me for me. You don’t try to change every part of who I am. You understand that not everything in this life is simply just black and white. You actually take the time to understand my thoughts and opinions in situations where we disagree.”
“You do the same. Like what happened with the files and Jill.” You pointed out.
She nodded, squeezing your hand. “The point is, you taking the time to have those conversations just proves that you care. That I’m not just a pretty face to you. That I actually mean something to someone. Something to you. It’s been a long time since I’ve had that. So, I love you, Y/n. I mean it.”
You nearly wanted to tear up from her words. The honesty and vulnerability she was showing you right now was something you never thought either of you would have with one another. The fact that she was comfortable enough with you to tell you this made your heart hurt in the best way. 
Instead of crying, you smiled, pulling her into an embrace that made you want to hold on tight and never let go. Ada immediately returned your embrace and held you with the same amount of strength that you held her in. Usually you could only stand hugs with people for a short amount of time. But with her, you would happily stay in her arms forever if she wanted you to. 
“And I love you, Ada.”
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callsigndragon · 2 years
Don't go on that date | Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
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A/N: FIRST REQUEST FROM THE PROMPT LIST WHOO! This was longer than intended. Hope you like it @beebslebobs!
Pairing: Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of death, Rooster's baggage, mentions of alcohol, mentions of food, bit of angst and fluff.
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“Sorry, y/n, but I don’t feel the same” Rooster said with a sad smile. “I hope we can still be friends”
He had said that to you two months ago, and it was hard for you to keep him in your life. Rooster was a good friend, and you couldn’t just walk away from him. He was everywhere.
As a bartender of the Hard Deck, you would always be a part of his world, and he would always be around there. Rooster worked now as an instructor in Top Gun, taking Maverick’s place once he left to work on his relationship with Penny. You were bound to see each other almost every day.
Phoenix, one of your best friends, had been there to help you restore your broken heart once Rooster rejected you. It wasn’t easy, you were head over heels for the man. Who wouldn’t? He was practically perfect.
“I just don’t get it” she said, the night you called her crying because Rooster broke your heart. She knocked your door 20 minutes later, holding a back full of sweets, ice-cream, and a box of your favorite pizza. “He’s always talking about you, messaging you when we’re away, heck he even made two students do 200 push-ups because they were saying how hot you were.”
“Nat, he was pretty clear about it. I’ve been torturing myself for months now, trying to confess and for what? I’ve been friend zoned!”
“This is bullshit, I’m telling ya. I’ll keep an eye on him, see what this is all about” she hugged you and gave you a slice of pizza. “Now you gotta eat something”
The next day, Phoenix and Rooster were called for an important and secret mission. They left without many explanations, only knowing that they were still alive from the messages you received every few days.
Two months later, they came back. You almost cried when you saw them entering the bar, smiling at you. You were so excited that you jumped over the bar top, running towards them.
“Damn, this is the kind of welcoming I’ve always wanted” laughed Phoenix, hugging you. You couldn’t help but laugh, too.
You turned towards Rooster, his smile reaching his eyes. “Hello, sweetheart”
You smiled, a few tears welling up to your eyes. He hugged you, harder than ever before, while stroking your hair. “Glad to see you”
You moved away from him, getting inside the bar and giving them two beers. “These ones are on me. Now sit and tell me everything you can about the last two months”
You didn’t notice but Rooster’s eyes looked at you differently. There was a slight adoration in his eyes. His mouth twitched every time you smiled, his own mouth seeming to reciprocate your happiness. But Rooster knew he couldn’t smile at you like that.
He was an absolute idiot.
What he said to you wasn’t true. He didn’t understand the deepness of his feelings towards you but he knew for sure that he wanted you. He couldn’t stop thinking about you. You were his sweet, precious, happy girl. And he couldn’t allow himself to be with you. He couldn’t destroy you like that.
Life as an aviator wasn’t easy. There was always a possibility of not making it back from a mission, to have a problem with the aircraft in an exercise. To die during an ejection. His own father had died like this. And he didn’t want to see in your eyes the same pain that had killed his mother slowly during years. He didn’t want you to be left with a folded flag and a broken heart. He chose the easy option.
He lied to you.
He saw that same pain in your eyes, but he knew that you would recover eventually. You would move on, forget about him. You would find someone better. You would marry, begin a family. Maybe you would even leave the town and he would never see you again.
That’s when Rooster realized how big a mistake he made.
In those two months he spent away from you, he understood his feelings. He knew when the first text message arrived. Even after being rejected you still wished him to be safe and to come back home in one piece. He wished he could turn back home and ask for forgiveness.
He couldn’t. And he would have to go through Phoenix first, though. She became your protector after you confessed.
Phoenix wasn’t very subtle. Well, she wasn’t trying to be subtle at all. She asked openly why did he reject her when it was obvious that he wanted to be with you.
Let’s just say that it had been two very long months.
Now, you’re here, at the bar. You’re not working tonight, you’re having a few drinks with your friends. Some of the dagger team members arrived to town a few days back. Hangman, Coyote, Payback, Fanboy and Bob are playing darts with you. You totally suck, but is fun to see how everyone tries to cover Hangman’s eyes to stop him from winning. Every single time.
Phoenix and Rooster are sitting by the bar. They seem to be talking about something really important.
“Maybe if you stopped staring at her and actually talked to her, you might have a chance.” says Natasha to Rooster, tired of his eyes following her friend all night.
“You know that’s impossible. I fucked up. I don’t think she would ever look at me that way again”
“You won’t know unless you try, Bradshaw”
“Would you give me a second chance?”
“It’s not me we’re talking about. She has been your friend even after that little stupid brain of yours thought that hurting her now would be easier than whatever the heck you believe is gonna happen in the future. Man, breaking her heart to ‘save her from living without you'? That’s stupid”
“You’ve been scolding me for the past two months. I don’t think you gave anything more to say about it” he says, voice tired about the topic. He fucked up and he can’t gain you back. That’s it.
“You’re literally an idiot” she says, Rooster turning around to ask for another beer. Phoenix looks at Coyote and nods, making the man smile. If Rooster doesn’t want to confess… they’ll make him confess.
“Hey y/n!” says Coyote, putting an arm around your shoulders. “I have a proposal”
“Do tell me, Coyote”
“I was thinking that maybe, and just maybe, we could go out this weekend. There’s a new restaurant I’ve been wanting to go”
You can see Hangman, Bob, Payback and Fanboy’s eyes moving towards Rooster. You stop yourself from looking to. He said that he wanted to be friends. Friends. And if you want to go on a date with Coyote, you’ll go. But do you really want to go?
“What do you say?”
“Oh, yeah. I’d like to” you smile, turning around to continue watching the game.
A few meters away, someone has lost his smile. “Did you hear that?” Rooster asks, leaving his beer on the bar.
“What, Coyote asking y/n out? Yeah, I heard it” she answers, a smile on her lips.
That makes Rooster frown. “You seem to like the idea of Coyote dating her”
“I told him to ask her out, actually”
“You did what?” he turns completely in his stool, looking at her with widened eyes.
“C’mon, Rooster. She has been moping around for two months because of you. She needs to go out, live a little. Maybe even get la-“
“Do not finish that sentence”
“You said you didn’t care, and I want my friend to be happy” she shrugs.
“I didn’t say I don’t care, I said I can’t fix this”
“Have you asked her?” she stands up, tired of Rooster’s pessimistic attitude. He remains silent. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. You don’t ask her to forgive you, but you don’t want her to be with someone else. That’s egotistical, you know?”
He stands too, looking down at her. “What do you want me to do? Beg her?”
“Yes! Do it! Because if you don’t do anything now she’s going to be kissing Coyote in a few days” she sees something snap inside him. The realization. He leaves her without a word, walking in your direction.
“Y/n, can we talk?” you turn around, looking at Rooster’s serious expression.
“Is everything okay?”
“Let’s go outside” he grabs your hand, taking you out.
“Rooster are you ok-“
“Don’t go on that date” he interrupts you. You look at him. He looks tense. His jaw clenched, his eyes focused on yours.
“You’re joking, right?” you try to laugh, but his face tells you that this is not a joke. “You’re serious”
“Yeah. Y/n I know I fucked up, I really did. And I’m really sorry. But if you let me explain…”
“You told me you didn’t feel the same. You just wanted to be my friend and now that someone is interested in dating me you do this? How can you explain this?” your words hurt him. You can see it in his face, and his closed eyes and sorrowful expression.
“I was trying to protect you” he confesses.
“Protect me from what?”
“I didn’t want you to be hurt if something happened to me”
“That it’s my decision, Rooster” you move towards the beach, trying to put some distance between the aviator and you. But every step you move away, he follows.
“I knew you would be mad at me”
“Then why did you do it?!” you’re tired of this conversation. It’s like going around in circles.
“Because I love you!” he says, raising his voice.
You both stay silent, looking at each other with thousands of thoughts running through your head. He loves you. You should be angry at him for lying but he just admitted his feelings. Natasha was right, he loved you. And he still does.
“You love me” you repeat.
“With my whole fucking soul” he admits in a whisper.
“I should be mad at you, you know”
He looks at the floor, kicking the sand with his boots. “I won’t blame you if you are”
You walk closer to him, grabbing him by his shirt and pulling down to kiss him. He freezes for a moment, not really understanding what’s happening. Then he pulls you closer, his hands on your hips, his tongue fighting for dominance. You pull back to breath, and Rooster follows you, searching for your lips. You chuckle a bit and he opens his eyes.
You hear cheering and clapping from inside the bar, turning to see all your friends celebrating that the two of you got together. Finally. Phoenix and Coyote high five each other and you know those two had a plan.
“…are you still mad?” Rooster asks in a tiny voice. Why is he so cute?
“Oh, I’m really mad. But you’ll have time to make it up”
He smiles. “I like the sound of that” he says, pulling you closer to kiss you again.
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This is a little different from your usual content. But you have so much niche information that just I love to hear about. Do you have any podcast recommendations?
WHOO okay so I'm doing my nonfiction podcast recs and leaving out my horror or audio dramas but without further ado:
It's been out of production for years, but Caustic Soda is probably my favourite of all time. It's a small Canadian production of tons and tons of episodes on everything from shark attacks to murder to warfare to bugs and anthropology. It's so fucking funny and pretty well-researched as time goes on. Honestly, I was so young listening to this that it formed part of the lens through which I view the world.
Stuff You Missed in History Class: Often corny, wee bit lame, occasionally hilarious, always solid; this one is probably the one that has taught me the most. It's been on the air forever now, and it's really fucking great. They have also used sources that I actually dug out and made public for the first time and I'm quite proud of that. Its the favourite sweater of podcasts.
Time to Eat the Dogs is about the history of science and exploration. I highly recommend it if you like any of those things. I really like the host's interview style; all the guests are academics and authors. It's very conversational and feels like having a lovely sit-down with good friends, but those friends have Ph. Ds.
Casting Lots: Two really, really funny Brits discuss survival cannibalism across time and space. This podcast informed me that a story i heard as a fireside tale was based on true events. It somehow manages to mention Canada in every other episode and then some. I love the first three seasons in particular. They have truly done some incredible work in the course of their series and pulled from some primary sources that surprised even me, an actual archivist. They're shockingly respectful for how funny they are and how disturbing the content is and really take into consideration things like culture, empire, sex and racism as they discuss cannibalism, and it's just. I love it so much, truly.
Big Old Boats: It's not technically a podcast, but I've never once in my life actually watched the video as he discusses various maritime disasters, and I don't think I've ever missed anything by doing so. This is an absolute must-listen if you enjoy maritime history, missing ships, ghost ships, or just anything weird related to a boat. Archival work I did is actually mentioned in a couple of episodes!
Not What You Thought You Knew: Another podcast I really love that was, unfortunately, a very short run but academics and actual historians debunking popular historical myths. I am very, very fond of the episodes on The Night Witches in particular.
The Midnight Library: Last but not least my favourite fucking podcast currently running. It's a nonfiction podcast framed as a fictional witch/librarian in her cursed library telling (mostly) true stories around a particular theme, human vice, or any number of stories. And the way it's framed is so fucking great. Like they're talking about real history, witchcraft and folklore in so many of these, but you get little glimpses of world-building that have honestly started to bleed into the way I write. Even the ads are for fake magical businesses like 'the League of Lady Grave Diggers, the Broom and Fang pub. The library assistant/bouncer is a werewolf. The Witch's on-again and off-again boyfriend is a spring-heel jack. It's just so fucking clever a way to frame a nonfiction podcast in a spooky atmosphere while being historical, terrifying and funny in turns.
Anywho, if you listen to any of them let me know! And sorry if that went overboard!
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galexystern · 1 year
prove to me your loyalty - 18+
pairing; eddie munson/reader
rating; E
warnings; smut (MDNI), pwp, oral sex, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, established relationship, fluff
word count; 4.5k
desc; "You have to tell me all the songs in Corroded Coffin's setlist, in order. Otherwise, you will not be cumming tonight."
read on ao3 / setlist / masterlist
The bartender places two shots of tequila in front of you and Theo, sliding over the salt shaker and setting two lime wedges next to it. The drinks are filled to the brim, threatening to spill over, and you look at your best friend in excitement.
"Okay, so how do we do this again?" She asks, returning your manic grin.
"Here." You lick the back of your hand, just under your thumb, and motion for her to do the same. She copies you, and you use the shaker to sprinkle salt on the wet spots. "It's lick the salt," you hold up your hand, "take the shot, then suck the lime. Salt, shot, lime. Got it?"
Theo nods. You both grab the tiny glasses and look each other square in the eye.
"To our reunion," she cheers and you toast her gently, not wanting to spill any of the liquor. You two lightly tap the shots on the bar while licking up the salt. You then throw them back, immediately reaching for the limes and squeezing them between your lips. Theo puckers and shouts, "Whoo!"
You laugh loudly. You were so excited to have your best friend back in town. After moving to stupid Chicago for college, you'd missed the living heck out of her. It just reinforced that you and her belonged in the same town—you were planning to move up there with her as soon as graduation came around, running straight from the stage to the city. It was going to be perfect.
"Excuse me?" You turn around as Theo peers over your shoulder. Next to you are two girls with "distaste" written across their faces.
You raise an eyebrow. "Yeah?"
"Could you like, keep it down? We're trying to hear the band," one of them says, voice nasally with prissy irritation.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, your highness!" You bring a hand up to your chest, a dead ringer for fake Southern concern. "Please accept our deepest apologies."
They shoot you dirty looks with scrunched noses and turn away. Focusing back on Theo, you both snicker.
"Another one?" She asks.
"Hell yeah," you reply.
As she tries to get the bartender's attention again, you work to hear the band over the din over the crowd's noise. After a few seconds, you manage to catch a couple notes and recognize the song. You also overhear one of the girls next to you squeal, "Oh my god, the guitar player is so cute."
Her friend replies, "I know! I'm gonna try and catch him after the show."
You smirk.
The bartender comes back around and supplies another set of tequila shots for you and Theo. After you throw those back, you talk animatedly. Theo recounts spring semester classes and raunchy frat parties and dorm life nightmares. You complain about the amount of work in Mrs. O'Donnelly's class and describe the piece you're working on and planning to enter into the school district's art show. Your art teacher says it'll have a really high chance to make it to the regional show. First prize is a good chunk of cash to any school of your choice. If you get it, you'll put it towards your spot at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago—you've already been accepted, but have to find the money.
At some point, you key back into the music. Upon hearing what's being played, you signal to the bartender and order a large glass of water and a Corona. They appear a minute later, just as the song comes to an end. You hear the singer thank the audience over a rush of applause, to which you and Theo contribute a lot of clapping and yelling.
"Oh-em-gee, he's coming over here!" One of the girls behind you exclaims and you spin your barstool around. They're fluffing up their hair and reapplying their lipstick. You follow the head of black curls they're watching snake through the crowd and wish you could get this on video.
Eddie Munson, guitar player for Corroded Coffin, sweeps past the girls beside you without a second glance. He stops in front of you, gives you a brilliant smile, and plants a huge kiss on your waiting lips.
"Hi, angel," he says, breathing hard but clearly still revved from the performance. "Theo! Glad you could come."
She nods with a big smile. "Me too."
With an eye tracking the blondes, you lean in, grab Eddie's denim jacket by the collar, and reply, "Hi, pretty boy. You guys sounded great. Have fun?"
His head bounces up and down in excitement. "Yeah!" He sounds like a little kid and you grin in response.
"These are for you." You grab the water and beer, handing them to him.
He groans. "You are the best, princess." He downs the water in one go and then immediately chugs half of the beer. You roll your eyes but laugh, motioning for the bartender to refill the water when they can.
That should be it. You know that's enough. But you can't help milking it a little further.
"Baby," you say and Eddie brings his attention back to you. "These girls here," you turn and gesture at the blondes sitting next to you, "are huge fans! They wanted to say hi."
You feel your little gremlin heart squeeze with joy when you turn to see the two of them with their mouths hanging open.
"Hey!" Eddie exclaims. "Thanks for coming to the show!"
One of them regains composure and uses a hand to flick her hair over her shoulder. "Hey," she draws out, trying to be sexy, you think. "I'm Alyssa and this is Haley."
"You sounded great," Haley chimes in, voice oozing with an obvious superiority complex.
"Aw, thanks! Well, I'm Eddie, and this is my girlfriend, Y/N, and her best friend Theo!" You and Theo both wave daintily, shit-eating grins on your faces. "Hope to see you at the next one!" Eddie gives them each wide smiles before turning back to you. "I gotta get backstage and pack up. I'll meet you at the car in like 10?"
You nod and he starts to walk away. "Wait!" You call out and he looks back at you. "Take these," you hold out the refilled water and half-finished Corona, "and you better drink that water."
He salutes you before taking the drinks out of your hands. With one last quick kiss, he disappears into the crowd.
"Ugh!" You hear from beside you, and you and Theo watch as Alyssa and Haley storm away from the bar, out the door, and into the night. You turn to Theo and you both erupt into roaring laughter.
The van is warm and quiet. Eddie's driving, humming along to one of his many mixtapes, hand on your thigh as you lean against the passenger side window. He's tapping along with the rhythm, a familiar, relaxing motion. This was your favorite part of your boyfriend's gigs, when he was happy and calm, having expended all his energy onstage, and you got him all to yourself. 
"Hey," he says softly, breaking the silence. You hum and turn to him. "What was up with that thing at the bar? With those two girls?"
You laugh lightly. "Oh, nothing. They were annoying, asking us to be quiet when we were talking. Then I heard them talking about how cute you were and had to rub it in their faces a little bit."
"Rub what?" You roll your eyes at Eddie's teasing.
"That you're mine, of course," you answer, giving him a wink when he glances at you. He grins but you can see a hint of anxiety in his mouth. "Hey...what's wrong?"
He brushes his thumb across your thigh, something he does when he's nervous. "I thought you usually listened to us play too."
"Baby, I always listen," you say. "It's just that Theo's in town. You know how important it is to me to see her while she's here. I miss her."
"I know, love," he replies soothingly.
"Besides," you wave a hand, "I know your setlist like the back of my hand. I checked in a couple of times and recognized each song when I heard it. I even had your water and beer ready when you got offstage." Eddie pinches you for the teasing tone and you slap his hand. "And we could hear you anyways and I was right, you sounded awesome."
He gives you a grateful smile, which you return. You slip your hand under his and he grabs tight, interlocking your fingers.
"Babe," Eddie calls from the bathroom. You're in the kitchen, snacking on some pop-tarts as a late-night treat. He emerges a few seconds later, wiping his hands on a towel. It's a hot night, no breeze whatsoever, and so he's sweating again, beads running down his temple. "I've been thinking."
"Uh-oh," you say playfully. "That's dangerous."
"Smartass," he mutters and stands in close to you. In the sticky heat, with him so close, you can feel sweat drip down your neck and back. You shiver when he throws the towel on the counter and hooks his thumbs in your belt loops.
"Anyways, I've been thinking about what you said earlier."
You tilt your head. "Is this about me not listening? It was just this one time."
"No, no." He shakes his head, strands of hair sticking to his forehead. "I get that, don't worry."
"Then what did I say?"
"You mentioned that you knew the setlist 'like the back of your hand', your exact words were."
You shrug. "Yeah, and?"
He raises an eyebrow. "You seem pretty confident about that." He lowers his voice and steps in. "Aren't you?"
Pop-tarts forgotten, you rest your hands on his chest and look up at him with an almost cocky expression. "I am confident about it."
"What do you say we put that knowledge to the test?"
"What do you mean?" You ask but Eddie doesn't reply. Instead, he moves his hands to your ass and lifts you so you're sitting on the countertop. He kisses you deeply, and you move your arms to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer. You dart your tongue out to swipe across his bottom lip and his mouth opens almost instantly. You swallow the groan he lets out and lock your legs around his hips. His hands are tight on your waist, underneath your shirt, hot skin against hot skin. 
He breaks away. "I'm gonna make you feel so good, beautiful," he says and you growl. "But only if you pass the test."
"Which is?"
"You have to tell me all the songs in Corroded Coffin's setlist, in order. Otherwise, you will not be cumming tonight."
You narrow your eyes. "Shouldn't be a problem."
He smiles wickedly. "Oh, there's just one thing," he starts, but stops to bring his face close to yours. You hope he'll kiss you again, but he bypasses your lips and goes straight for your jaw, dragging his mouth down your neck and to your ear. You whine at the feel of his tongue along your earlobe, grinding against him and feeling his hard cock through his jeans. "I'll be distracting you with things like this," he bites your pulse point, "and this," he pushes his hands up your shirt and under your bra to pinch your nipples, "and this," he thrusts his crotch against yours to create that delicious friction you need. He leans back and looks at you hungrily. "Up for the challenge, princess?"
You thread your hands through his hair and tug firmly. "Bring it on, pretty boy."
He bares his teeth in corrupt glee. "Then you may begin at any time."
He doesn't move and you understand the concept: get one right and he'll give you pleasure; get one wrong and he'll give you pain.
"Well," you draw out. "You always start with 'Welcome to the Jungle' by Guns N' Roses. A natural opener."
He nods. He leans away to remove your shirt and bra and throws them to the floor. Coming back to you, he attaches his lips to your neck again and you sigh, leaning your head back to expose more skin. He sucks deeply, surely leaving a mark, but then he stops and doesn't move.
"Keep going," he taunts, breath tickling you.
You huff. "Followed by 'Cum on Feel the Noize' by Quiet Riot. Keeping the upbeat tempo."
He hums and slides down to suck another mark onto your collarbone.
"Next is 'Hold On Loosely' by 38 Special, a favorite of mine. Slows the temp a bit from the first two songs."
Eddie licks down your chest until he's level with your tits. He flicks his tongue against one nipple and you gasp. You expect him to put his mouth on it, but when you look down, he's watching you expectantly.
"Then 'Runaway' by Bon Jovi. Stays a bit slower but hits harder."
He finally sucks a nipple into his mouth and you moan, your hips involuntarily thrusting up to find any kind of friction that will help you find release. He switches to your other tit, lavishing the same amount of attention.
"Fuck, yes," you cry out.
Eddie's mouth keeps moving down, pressing light kisses to your stomach and waist. He then stands back up, and while unbuttoning your jeans, murmurs, "Lift yourself up, baby."
You plant your hands on the counter and suspend yourself above the counter so he can slide your pants and underwear off. It takes more effort than you would've liked, telling you that you're shakier from Eddie's ministrations than normal. The tension of the game and Eddie's control over the situation seems to heighten everything, and you can feel yourself straining for release already. You wonder if you'll be able to make it through the whole setlist.
Eddie has kneeled on the floor and is looking at you with those big eyes and long eyelashes. "You're doing so good, angel," he praises and you whine. "Keep going."
"Um," you start. "Next song switches with every gig. It's either 'Girls, Girls, Girls' by Motley Crüe or 'Rock You Like A Hurricane' by the Scorpions. Either way, it's about sex."
"Cheeky," Eddie says, but follows the rules. He spreads your thighs and licks up your slit. You keen and buck your hips up to chase his mouth. He chuckles but doesn't touch you again. You look down at him and decide to give him a taste of his own medicine.
"The next couple of songs are for the great Eddie Munson to show off his amazing guitar skills," you tease lowly. His eyebrows raise. "'Wheel in the Sky' by Journey first." You can tell he wants to punish you, but you'd gotten it right, so he just leans down and sucks your clit into his mouth. You groan in pleasure and Eddie's hands clench your thighs tight. You can tell he's losing himself just as much as you are yourself.
"Hey," you say to get his attention. His eyes lock onto yours but he doesn't stop moving his tongue. "Fingers. I want one finger per correct song for these next two, since they alternate as well."
He clearly doesn't like you directing what he's doing, but concedes with a thumb across your thigh. He brings a hand to your pussy and teases you, rubbing his fingertips against your folds. "If Eddie Munson is feeling worn out or tired, but still wants to impress a crowd, he'll play 'Sweet Child O' Mine' by Guns N' Roses. That opening guitar solo is sure to make the ladies in the audience wet."
Without warning, his middle finger pushes all the way inside you, hard and fast. You wail at the sudden pressure, surely his revenge for your sass. He thrusts it in and out without mercy and you knock your head back against a cabinet, letting out pitiful whimpers at the mix of pain and pleasure.
Once you get used to the feeling, you double down. "But if Eddie Munson is feeling up to the task, he'll break out 'Master of Puppets' by Metallica, which he spent a whole month trying to get right." Eddie bites the inside of your thigh and you dial it back. "It paid off, of course, because he plays it so well, all the women and men in the crowd want to fuck him after watching him do so. I know I do."
Another finger probes your entrance. Eddie's nice this time, and he slides it in slowly, letting you adjust before fucking you with both. He does it leisurely, but they hit so deep inside you, and they curl to reach that spot that makes your back arch, which you do right there on the kitchen counter. He doesn't stop this time, instead keeping them going as he looks up at you.
"I think I'm gonna need to step it up," he says, chin shining with your wetness, "if I'm gonna make you lose your mind. One more, princess, and then I'm taking you to the bedroom."
You smirk, thinking it'll be easy, but you've never been more wrong. Before you can answer, he leans back down and sucks your clit into his mouth again. You choke, the combined sensations of him eating you out while finger-fucking you so far inside you can feel the cool steel of his rings against your pussy making you go crazy. "Um, next is..." He rubs that spot within you again and you whine. "It's—oh, god—'Pour Some Sugar On Me' by...fuck," you swear. Eddie has sped up his motions, sucking your clit harder. "It's by...oh, who is it by?" You think aloud. "I know this—shit!" You can't think straight.
You close your eyes so you can't see Eddie look so beautiful between your legs. You rack your brain, letting out whimpers here and there as he continues unraveling you. "Oh!" You cry out, popping your eyes back open. "It's by Def Leppard."
At that, Eddie stops everything he's doing. You whine loudly at the sudden emptiness, but then he stands and makes sure your legs are wrapped around his hips before lifting you from the counter. He carries you effortlessly down the short hallway and into his bedroom. The wind has finally picked up and blows in through the open windows; you sigh at the cool air on your naked body. Which reminds you...
He sets you down gently on the bed. He goes to just open his jeans and pull out his cock, but you stop him.
"No," you pant. "I want it off. I wanna see you, all of you, as I ace this test and you fuck me into oblivion."
His eyes widen at the order but he complies. He takes his time, though, and you grow whiny and restless as he removes articles of clothing one at a time, at the pace of a snail.
"Come on," you groan. "Hurry up and fuck me already."
"Don't be a brat," he replies as he finally takes off his underwear and reveals his rock-hard, red, throbbing, leaking cock. You lick your lips at the sight. He grabs your chin and forces you to meet his gaze. "I can punish you if I want. Game or no."
You smile at him, internally considering his words. It would be fun to be spanked right now...but you wanna prove you know what you're talking about. "At this point in the setlist, it's time to get slow and quiet and acoustic." He nods as he pulls a condom from the nightstand drawer and opens it with his teeth. "This next song is another favorite of mine, especially when it's dedicated to me, which it usually is."
"I haven't heard the title or artist yet, baby," Eddie sing-songs. "I thought you wanted me to fuck you nice and hard."
You bite your lip, wanting to snap back at him but your body overpowers your brain by reminding you how wet you are and how close you are to your climax.
"'Lights' by Journey," you rush out.
He positions himself above you and presses the head of his cock against your pussy. You sigh at the feeling. "Fuck me, Eddie, please," you hear yourself say.
Eddie smirks but pushes inside you slowly. He'd been forceful when fingering you, but he'd never put you in as much pain as you would be if it was his cock instead. He always lets you adjust to the stretch of him inside you, follows your signals on when to push in further or actually thrust. One of the reasons you love him to death.
He finally bottoms out, and you both moan at the feeling.
"I love how tight you are, angel," he says, voice strained. "Always so tight for my cock."
"Only for you," you reply and press back against him, telling him he can start moving again.
At that, he stares at you, eyes half-lidded in pleasure but still gleaming wickedly. "Next song."
"Oh, come on," you whine, trying to buck up against him. He puts his hands on your hips and pushes down, pressing them against the bed firmly.
"Next song," he asks again.
"'Live Wire' by Motley Crüe," you grit out.
Eddie leans down to kiss you, murmuring "good girl" against your lips. He pulls out slowly and thrusts back in. You cry out and he keeps going, sending you into ecstasy.
"Another song," he pants, "and I'll rub your clit. Can you do that for me, pretty girl? I think you're aching for it."
"Fuck, yes," you moan. "It's—it's 'Rainbow In The Dark'."
A hand leaves your hip and fingertips ghost across your clit. "And the artist?"
"Dio," you breathe out.
"So good," he whispers. His fingers press down hard and rub tight circles on your clit. You keen into the dark room, loud enough that the sound will surely float out the open windows and to the neighboring trailers. You don't care. You can feel your orgasm in the distance, moving fast.
"M'gonna cum," you whimper.
Eddie doesn't stop fucking or stimulating you, but groans out, "One more, baby. I know you've got it in you."
"It's 'Detroit Rock City' and the artist's name is what I want you to do me right now." Eddie stares at you, eyes full of hunger and love and temptation and desire. "KISS."
He moans and crashes his lips onto yours. Your tongues tangle together and teeth bump and then you're cumming, falling over the edge into bliss, tensing your entire body before letting go completely. Eddie goes mad as you clench hard around his cock, and a few thrusts later he's following you into the ether, into complete and utter euphoria.
You ride out your highs together, trying to make them last as long as you can. Eventually, Eddie pulls out and sits back on his knees. You collapse on the bed, a puddle of limbs and hair, and watch as he shakily stands up and moves into the main area of the trailer. You hear a sink running and then stop, and then he reappears holding a wet towel. He cleans you up gently, and you're filled with so much love it feels impossible when you feel the warmth against your skin. He throws the cloth somewhere in the room and joins you in bed, pulling the covers up to encase you both. He props up on his elbow next to you, gently tracing abstract art on your bare stomach with his fingertips.
"I hate to say it, babe," he says quietly, "but you missed o—"
"'Caught Up In You' by 38 Special," you breathe. It'd taken the rest of your energy to say that and now you were out.
Eddie is speechless for a couple seconds but eventually laughs. "You're amazing, angel."
You hum in happiness as he kisses you sweetly. Then he lays on his back and you snuggle close to him, head resting on his chest, his arms encompassing you in safety and warmth. You fall asleep listening to his heart beat evenly, a sound better than any other in the world.
"Princess, I've been thinking again—"
"That's new for you."
Eddie gives you a look and you snicker. You two are in the music shop where you both work, sorting through that day's donated cassettes. You're checking them for damage and dividing them based on whether they're still sellable or not.
You look at your boyfriend. "Sorry," you say sheepishly. "Go ahead."
He rolls his eyes but smiles at you fondly. "I've been thinking about our setlist."
"Baby, I proved I listen to you play—"
"I know, angel, that's not what this is about," he reassures you and you sigh in relief. "I think maybe it's time to change it up a bit. Gotta keep you on your toes." He winks.
You laugh. "Whatever you wanna do, babe. I like your setlist how it is, but I'd be interested to see how you wanna switch it."
"Well, I wanted to ask if you had any recommendations." He says it nonchalantly.
You narrow your eyes at him. "Really?" He wasn't very good at taking anyone's input, even yours.
"Yeah," he shrugs, "I trust your music taste."
"Okay," you reply. Your brain goes into overdrive and focuses in on something. "One sec." You jump off the counter and run to the stacks of cassettes. You grab three and bring them back to Eddie.
He studies them; you'd handed him three of Boston's tapes.
"This one," you start, pulling out the self-titled album, "is their first one from 1976. They did this one," switching the first with their 'Don't Look Back' cassette, "two years later. I know they're a little old, but they just came out with this one super recently." You pointed to the 'Third Stage' tape. "I really like their stuff and I think you would too. I think you could put 'Foreplay / Long Time' as another alternate for 'Master' and 'Sweet Child'—it has a really long intro that would highlight not just you but others in the band." You spoke quickly, excitedly. "I really love all the songs on the self-titled but the title track from 'Don't Look Back' is also really good."
You look up at Eddie and find him gazing at you with all the love in the world. You blush and look away, but he brings a hand to cup your face and gently pulls you back to him.
"Thank you, my love," he says so sincerely your heart hurts. "I can't wait to listen to these."
You hug him tight, and he holds you even tighter. "I love you," you murmur.
"I love you too."
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bingbongsupremacy · 1 year
Pairing: Ellie Williams x reader
Warnings: Drunk, disrespectful boyfriend. Yelling.
Summary: Ellie defends you from your disrespectful boyfriend.
*Not Proof Read* TLOU Masterlist
I don't know why I let Dina talk me into going to the bar. It always ends up a disaster. Simon almost always ends up drunk and acting like an asshole. He's been kicked out of 2 bars this year.
I have to invite him though. Otherwise he gets all pissy and calls every five fucking minutes. He isn't always a dick. He's just a little insecure. I just wish he trusted me enough to go out with my friends.
" Whoo! " Simon cheers after chugging another beer. He slams the glass onto the table. " Bartender, A vodka this time. "
He's had so much already, fuck.
" I'm gonna have to cut you off, kid. " The bartender shakes his head while grabbing the glass. " I think you've had plenty tonight. "
Simon's eyes darken.
I let out a sigh and glance over at Dina and her friends on the dance floor. I was only supposed to come over to the bar to grab a few more drinks. I wouldn't be surprised if we get fucking thrown out.
" I said give me another fucking drink. " Simon spits, all cheeriness in his tone gone.
The bartender doesn't back down. " No. You're drunk. I don't need you passing out or causing a scene. "
" Hey, Si. Let's go dance. " I try to distract him. I gently grab his clenched fist.
Simon roughly shakes me off, surprising me with his sudden movements. " Fuck off, Y/N. " Simon turns his attention back to the bartender. " Your job is to get me drinks. Get me a motherfucking drink! " His voice raises.
The bartender nods towards a bouncer on the other side of the room, obviously signaling him to get Simon out of here. " I think it's time you leave. "
" Oh fuck you! " Simon yells, preparing to lunge at the man.
A pair of strong hands yanks him back. The bouncer pulls him towards the door. " Get the fuck out! You're banned! "
His loud tone draws the attention of everyone in the bar, including my friends.
I feel heat rising in my cheeks. Fuck this is embarrassing.
" Sorry. " I apologize to the bartender as I follow my boyfriend out.
" What happened? " Dina asks while catching up. " Is Simon alright? "
I nod. " He's just being an idiot. He's drunk. " I mutter in embarrassment. I can't go one day without him doing something stupid in front of my friends. It's like he doesn't even try. They already don't like it. They haven't said anything, but I can tell by the way they look at him. The way he acts doesn't help his case.
He's really a sweet guy underneath it all...at least he was when I first met him.
The bouncer drops Simon onto the curb before shutting us out of the building.
" I'm sorry guys. " I apologize to the three others.
" 's okay. " Dina sends me a sympathetic smile.
I help Simon get up. He wobbles slightly before finding his footing.
" Shit, I forgot my purse! " Dina begins to panic.
" Where did you leave it? " Jesse asks.
Dina glances at me. " At one of the tables. We'll be right back. Just stay right here and we'll help you get him into a cab. " Dina rushes to get back inside, Jesse trailing not far behind.
Soon it's just Ellie, Simon and I.
Ellie and I aren't the best of friends. We don't hate each other or anything. We just haven't really talked or hung out before. I met Jesse and Dina before I met Ellie. She's usually pretty quiet, keeping to herself whenever we all meet up.
Suddenly I feel a hand on my ass.
" Simon! " I shriek in surprise, shifting in surprise. " Stop. "
Simon chuckles before placing a messy kiss on my neck. He begins to suck on the skin, leaving a trail of wet slobber behind.
" Simon what the hell! " I push him away.
His grip on my waist tightens.
A hand yanks his body away from mine.
I stumble away from Simon, trying to put some distance between the two to us.
Ellie gets in between the two of us, her arms out, acting as a barrier. " They said stop! Back the fuck off! "
Rage fills Simons blue eyes. " Who are you to tell me what the fuck to do with my partner?! This is my business! YOU need to back the fuck off! "
Ellie's body tenses in a defensive posture. " Y/N said no. You didn't fucking listen. It became my business the minute you started touching them! "
Ellie's muscles tense under her black button up. Her fists clench like she's ready to punch him.
" Y/N wanted it! They're my partner! Not yours! I know what they want, you fucking freak. "
My mouth drops in shock. What the hell is wrong with him?
" Didn't look like they wanted it to me. " Ellie spits.
Simon doesn't talk anymore. Instead, he lunges forward, attempting to pounce on Ellie. He misses by a foot and lands on the concrete. Ellie jumps down on top of him, giving him a solid punch to the jaw. She lifts his neck up by the collar of his shirt.
" If you ever come near Y/N again I'll fucking kick your ass, you understand? " Ellie hisses.
Simon groans in pain, blood dribbling down from a cut from one of Ellie's rings.
" I said do you fucking understand! " Ellie presses, pulling him closer.
Damn she's strong.
Simon nods slowly, obviously disoriented from the alcohol and the punch.
Ellie lets go of his shirt and his head drops back onto the pavement. Simon lets out another small groan of pain.
Ellie looks down at her hand, closing it slightly. She lets out a small hiss. A line of blood drips down her knuckle, under her shirt.
I shake off the shock and step towards her. " You're bleeding. " I blink, trying to comprehend what happened.
Ellie glances up. " It's nothing. " She shrugs while opening up her hand.
I open up my bag and pull out a tissue. " Here, just let me wipe it up. It's the least I can do. " I grab her bruising hand.
She got him good.
I dab the small cut carefully. " Sorry. " I mutter when she lets out a small grunt.
" 's okay. "
The bleeding slowly dies down and soon there's no new blood.
" Thank you for that. " I glance up at Ellie to see she's already looking at me.
Ellie sends me a small grin. " Of course. Anything to help a pretty girl. "
I feel a smile crawl up my face. My stomach begins to flip flop at the nick name. " Is there any way I can repay you for saving me? "
" Hmm. " Ellie looks down at my hands, thinking. " You could let me take you to dinner. "
" Deal. " I nod. " But I'm paying. "
Ellie shakes her head. A strand of auburn hair falls into her face. " I don't let pretty girls pay. It's bad luck. "
I let out a small laugh. " Bad luck? "
Ellie nods. " Yeah. I'll tell you more about it over dinner say...tomorrow? "
I bite my lip, looking into her emerald eyes. " Sounds good, Ellie. "
We're interrupted by the sound of Dina's shocked voice.
" What the fuck happened here. Gosh, we're gone for five minutes and you knock Simon on his ass. "
Ellie grins. " Gotta keep 'em on their toes, D. "
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chuusei-matsu · 7 months
Do you have any headcanons for *hehehe* Dom Choro?
Oof, baby, I'm so sorry if my dom choromatsu is not the choromatsu you dream of, however I'll try to fulfill your fantasy.
Let's go, dom choromatsu, whoo!
Choromatsu actually started off as a sub, but after he split from his old dom, he took their techniques and adapted them to what he liked and what was good for him and his partner.
Choromatsu is actually is big on spanking, he feels in control as he bends his partner over and spanks them.
He specifically learned proper shibari so he could safety dominate his partner.
Everything about sex with him is very structured and organized, you already established that he was the dom, you'd go through all these steps, and after you guys have sex, he absolutely worships you with aftercare.
Choromatsu can get absolutely filthy with the dirty talk if he wants, he can start off seeming innocent and even offended you'd imply he would do dirty talk, then he'd start calling you his slut and mentioning how you'd look pretty filled up by him.
Choromatsu will actually sit there watching you squirm with a vibrator on just so he can watch you lose your mind while he plays with the power settings, of course he loses will power easily and gives up pretty quick, but he tries to keep you edged for awhile.
One time he got so worked up (with consent) he practically just dragged his partner to the bathroom and did them over the sink, he can be adventurous when he wants.
He will genuinely shame you if you do not do aftercare, he's learned enough to know that aftercare is an essential part to any sexual relationship working.
Honestly, I was considering going realistic for him, but I know anon wanted their fantasies indulged a bit, so if it's kind of ooc, that's why. If you're curious about my real opinions on "dom" Choromatsu, I can make a follow up post.
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It so stupid but I really just like that idea of Bi-Han not really good at handling with Romantic affection or just being told “I love you”. Like someone(Sareena) could just kiss him on the cheek and he’ll just freezes in place for a moment before passing out.
It’s stupid but I can’t see that man being that romantic to someone, he’d fucking get as excited about someone liking me like that as the live-action Grinch did when he found out Mary-Whoo wanted to be with him(sorry for talking this much :1)
Don't apologize! I love it!
Bi-Han is so composed and calm about it on the outside but the moment he's alone he's jumping for joy and shouting joyful babbling nonsense
Sareena and Johnny hear him from the other side of the door and think it's adorable
plus, if they kiss him while sparring, he just melts and needs an hour to process
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hurlingsupport · 1 month
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (Gender Neutral Reader Insert)
Chapter 5: Things Fall Apart
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It was a bright morning when you awoke from a restless slumber. Your sleep felt as if it only lasted a few minutes before your body unwillingly thrust you into the day.
Your hand immediately went to the nightstand beside you, seeking your glasses. When the search proved fruitless, you finally opened your crust-filled eyes to seek them out with your less than average vision.
It was only when you recognized Darius’s soft snores did you remember what happened to your glasses. Thinking about it now, perhaps you could have kept them? Though you quickly shoved those thoughts away with logic. 
Not only would the cracks strain your vision and lead to headaches, but it also risked the pieces loosening and falling straight into your eyes. It was the safer option to just throw them out. After all, you weren’t blind without them or anything. 
Rubbing the crusts out of your eyes, you made your way to the bathroom. Doing your daily routine of washing your face with a clean washcloth, before pushing any stray hairs away from your damp face. 
Staring at the mirror with half-lidded eyes, you decided it wouldn’t hurt to take a shower. You were still wary of the mud beneath your fingernails, and possibly elsewhere. Of course, you took a shower not long after your conversation with Darius; although it was a quick one filled with thundering thoughts.
It’d be nice to have a shower with music and not just your thoughts to fill your mind. Though you’d have to ask Brooklynn if you could borrow her phone if you wanted to listen to any music. And though you had grown closer to her, you still wouldn’t speak with her of your own free will.
And so you had a shower with nothing but your thoughts to occupy your mind.
By the time you finish your shower, it seemed Darius had finally woken up. Given the fact he had just barged into the lounge while shouting a greeting. He sure slept in a lot despite being a so-called dinosaur enthusiast.
You sat next to Ben, who offered a crayon to you. With a confused glance, you took it before your eyes lowered to what was taking up his attention. He was coloring in those kiddie drawing pages. You joined him with a shrug.
“Not in a ‘whoo-hoo’ mood this morning, Darius.” Kenji addressed him as he leaned back in a wheeled computer chair. “Not after yesterday. Trekking through a rainstorm will do that.”
Ben momentarily stops coloring to argue, “We only had to walk because you crashed our gyrosphere.” 
When Kenji meets his eyes with a glare, Ben squeaks before leaning backwards behind Darius’s standing form.
Darius ignores the obvious tension and instead focuses on the positives. “But today’s a new day! Kayak day!” He said excitedly.
As he passed by Sammy and Yasmina, he continued to rant about how exciting it would be to kayak alongside dinosaurs. Though you weren’t too excited considering how riding along with them in the gyrospheres went. 
Darius pauses his ranting as his eyes search the lounge room. “Wait, where are Dave and Roxie?” 
“The babysitters took off early and left this,” Kenji says angrily as he uses the chair to glide over to Darius and slap a sticky note onto his chest.
Darius reads the note aloud. “BRB. Gotta go. Boss-talk. BB. Later. Smiley face. Is that a dinosaur emoji with a thumbs up?” It was quite apparent who wrote it. 
“It’s Dave talk. Roxie translated on the back.” Kenji huffed.
Turning the note around, Darius read the note once more. “We have to go talk to our boss. Stay inside until we return. Draw, bond, whatever. The radio’s set for channel six in case you need us. Stay inside, stay inside. Do not leave. Kenji, looking at you.” Darius chuckles.
“Sorry for the kid’s menus, it’s all Dave had...” Darius finished as he turned around to stare at the kiddie menus. 
Kenji complained about how the counselors didn’t consider how old they all were.
“I mean, when was the last time you saw a crayon?” Kenji questioned no one in particular. 
Ben happily turns the paper he was working on around to showcase a crude drawing of him and Bumpy. You barely held back a snicker at his proud smile. 
Yasmina hummed pointedly, “I have notes.”
“Yasmina!” Sammy shoved her playfully with a giggle.
The double doors draw everyone’s attention as Brooklynn aggressively slammed them open.
“What’s new on the internet, superstar?” Yasmina addressed her. With her crossed arms and scowl obviously present on her face, you couldn’t help but grimace at whatever was to come.
“I wouldn’t know. Because when I went to get my phone from its charger, it wasn’t there!” She said, her voice a touch away from a shout. Scratch that, she was definitely shouting. Damn. The things technology does to society…
“Someone stole my phone.” She declared. 
Yasmina dismissed her accusation with a sigh. “Brooklynn, who hasn’t had your phone?”
“I-I needed to check the weather last night…” Ben stuttered.
“Dr. Sattler posted a new column on microfossils yesterday…” Darius held his hands behind his back.
“... too good to miss the selfie opp, but I haven’t used it since then, I swear!” Kenji admitted with a smile. His words mixed with Darius’s as everyone scrambled to defend themselves.
Brooklynn rolls her eyes in disappointment, though her gaze ends up locking onto Sammy.
“I… haven’t seen it either.” Sammy said nervously when Brooklynn’s stare didn’t waver.
“Really?” Brooklynn almost growled.
Darius stepped in before the fighting got out of hand. “Hey, hey, it’s okay! Since we’re not kayaking till later, we’ll have plenty of time to look for the phone.” 
However, it appeared his attempt at defusing the situation didn’t satisfy Brooklynn in the slightest. 
“Oh, I think I know exactly where to look.” She spoke with confidence as she strolled up to Sammy.
“I also think that whoever took the phone might be trying to hide some of the things that are on it.” With a single brow raised, she glowered at the girl sitting before her. “What do you think, Sammy?” 
“Um, what?” 
Yasmina jumped to defend her. “What is your deal? Sammy said she didn’t touch it! Ever think you might have just lost the stupid thing?” 
While it was really none of your business, you sided with Sammy too. Brooklynn wasn’t making any sense, and despite you becoming closer with her yesterday, you felt that logic overpowered that closeness. 
“Yasmina’s right. What reason would Sammy have to steal your phone?” Ben briefly distracted you by snatching the crayon you were holding. You didn’t mind, you don’t feel like drawing anymore.
A flash of betrayal crosses Brooklynn’s face, while a prideful smirk grows on Yasmina’s. 
“See? You’re just making random accusations over a phone, of all things.” 
Brooklynn’s brows furrowed as she hummed sarcastically. “Well, let’s check her bags and test that theory out.” She made her way towards Sammy’s belongings before Yasmina blocked her pathway.
“You do not get to go through anyone’s stuff. I don’t care how famous you think you are!” 
Sammy held a pained face as she tried to talk to Brooklynn. “I didn’t-” 
Darius, once again the peacemaker, interrupted before a full-on fight could break out. “Brooklynn, guys, come on! We can’t be this upset over phones. Let’s make the most of this incredible opportunity! This is Jurassic World! It’s—it’s—”
A roar interrupts him before he can finish. The camp goes still in silence as everyone processes what they all just heard.
“What was that?” Brooklynn’s eyes bounced around the room as if the roar had come from within it.
“Um, a T. Rex?” Kenji guesses.
Darius shakes his head. “Mm-mm. I don’t think so.”
“Then what kind of dinosaur does it sound like?” Ben asks, though it’s in vain considering everyone is running to the balcony to see the culprit of the roar. 
He says something else, but you’re not sure what it is as you rush towards the balcony to get a look. 
“Where’s it comin’ from?” Sammy pushes her dark hair out of her face. She’s outright avoiding Brooklynn’s death stare by looking at everything but her.
“Can’t see anything from here. The trees are blocking everything.” Yasmina answers.
“Maybe they’re moving a new dino from the lab to another enclosure.” Darius gasps. “We can probably see it from the observation tower! Could be cool.” He grins.
Sammy pushes herself away from Brooklynn’s hard stare and grabs hold of Darius’s forearm. “Wow, that’s a great idea, Darius! What are we waiting for?” 
With Sammy rushing the lot of you into the elevator that leads to the bottom floor, you can’t help but feel uneasy. 
There’s just too many things going on. First Brooklynn accuses Sammy of all people of stealing her phone, and now there might be a dinosaur out and about the camp? 
The second one you’re less surprised about. It was plain to see with the compy on the first day that these people obviously didn’t know how to handle these prehistoric creatures. Although you hoped no problems would arise during your stay, it seems you really couldn’t hope for anything these days.
The first, however, you’re still confused about. If you were going to accuse anyone of stealing Brooklynn’s phone, it would be Kenji. And even then he’d probably do it more so in a teasing manner, like those boys who shut girl’s chromebooks in school and such. You didn’t think he’d outright steal it or anything. But you truly couldn’t understand how Sammy made her way to the top of Brooklynn’s suspect list. And with the other things Brooklynn said, you were even more confused. 
With a sigh, you decided that thinking about it with such little context would go nowhere. For now, you could only hope to satiate your curiosity about one thing; the roar. And then, hopefully, Dave and Roxie would come back and scold you all for leaving, despite their instructions. Then you’d all either kayak anyway, or you’d all be sentenced to staying within the camp grounds. Which you didn’t really mind. But like you said, you couldn’t hope for much nowadays. 
That statement echoed inside your mind as you watched the two (supposedly) strongest campers struggle with the blue gate blocking your guys’ entrance to the observation tower. 
Your disappointment grew with each time Yasmina and Kenji shoved their weight into the metal gate. 
“It’s locked.” Kenji stated, and you couldn’t help the snicker that escaped you. Kenji’s gaze snaps to you, and you turn your head away with a deadpan expression.
Luckily, Ben draws his attention away from you before he can get too offended. “Oh, wow. Guess we can’t get in. We should all go back before someone comes along and we get in trouble.” 
While looking at Ben’s retreating form, Kenji seems to notice the lack of the security. “Wait, where is everybody?” 
Everyone spares a glance around as he continues. “Uh, there’s usually someone around.” 
For once, Kenji is right. And your chest tightens in unease. Something was going on, yet without the camp counselors that were supposed to be responsible with you all, you had no means of knowing what was going on.
Your brows furrowed, and you remembered something. Wasn’t there a walkie talkie that Roxie and Dave left your group to communicate with? That would be really helpful right about now. You could tell the responsible adults (who never seemed to fit into their role) what you all heard, and also find out what was going on. 
As you solidified your reasoning, your shoes did a 180 as you turned around to head back to camp. You guys weren’t getting into the observation tower, no matter how big Kenji said his muscles were. Might as well get some info. 
“If we’re doing this,” Brooklynn says as she pulls out a Bobby pin from her hair. “Then we might as well do this.” 
Wait what?
In a matter of seconds, Brooklynn swings the metal door open. “Ta-da!” 
Why did Brooklynn have to be so good at everything? It was times like this that you wished you could’ve gone back to a time before your parent’s pity parties. If it weren’t for their lack of responsibility, you wouldn’t even be here right now.
“You coming, Dino-buddy?” 
Darius’s voice pulled you away from your thoughts, his hand resting on your forearm. He seemed hesitant to grip your arm with any actual strength.
“Maybe they’d rather go back to the camp? Y’know, it’s just the safest option. I bet they understand that.” Ben dragged you into his anxious precautions. 
You could go back and get in contact with some adults, but where have adults gotten you so far? On a dinosaur filled island with a bunch of people you have nothing in common with. It’s a little too obvious what your choice was.
“No, I’m coming.” You forcefully tugged your arm out of Darius’s grip and began trudging towards the now open observation tower gate. 
Darius and Ben shared a look before following your form.
At the top of the observation, everyone panted out of exhaustion, admittedly even you. Now, you didn’t run or anything like that; you don’t enjoy putting in more work than necessary. Let’s just say that Jurassic World needs to consider adding a lift to this tower of theirs. 
Your group’s panting paused as a rumbling overtook the silence of the island. It almost sounded like footsteps.
“There’s something out there,” Brooklynn whispered.
“Something big.” Darius added.
You all stood in anxious anticipation as the crashing footsteps got closer and closer. It was only when a brachiosaurus came into view as it bellowed that you all let out a relieved sigh. Some more out of disappointment than relief.
From his previous crouching position on the floor beside you, Ben stood up. “Ooh! Mystery solved. Guess we should head back now.”
However, Darius seemed less than satisfied. “But that doesn’t make any sense. Brachiosauruses don’t roar like that.” 
You had to agree on that one, both from what you know and research you’ve done. Brachiosauruses only let out those low bellows. There was another dinosaur, but where?
Your lips pursed in agitation as Darius gave a bad impression of a brachiosaurus bellow to prove his point.
“Didn’t quite catch that. Uh, one more time?” Kenji razzed. 
The sound of shouting from below immediately took your guys’ attention. Two men ran up to the base of the observation tower and yelled nonsensical words at your little group.
They were little blurs to you, because of the distance, but you could tell they were upset. 
“We should probably get down. Roxie’s going to throw a fit.” You didn’t include Dave because he didn’t seem to mind much when you all were in danger. 
Darius glanced at you and nodded. “Yeah, but they seem really adamant about something.” 
Your jaw clenched as your gaze met his. “What do you think they’re adamant about, Darius? We’re not supposed to be up here.” 
His eyes widened at your tone. “Okay, what is up with everyone today?” 
“I told you we’d get in trouble!” Ben wailed, gripping the railing as he stared down at the men.
“You’re gonna have to speak up!” Kenji shouted at the men. You wondered why he thought they could hear him when your group of 7 couldn’t hear a single word they were saying.
With a screech that only vaguely resembled its usual bellows, the brachiosauruses suddenly fell behind the trees it was grazing. 
Your heads snapped to the sudden movement, and varying cries of surprise rang out across your bunch. Only a heavy silence followed.
Despite the event, the men below were undeterred. Instead, they kept yelling. If it weren’t for your blurry vision, maybe you could’ve expected what happened next. Or maybe you should have, despite it. After all, it’s a bad idea to make so much noise after a humongous dinosaur like the brachiosaurus got taken down.
Either way, the men’s bodies ended up as stains on the ground below. The only indicator that they didn’t just suddenly implode was the blurry white, almost gray blur hovering over their corpses. 
You couldn’t even identify the creature. You wanted to blame that on your lack of glasses, but you’ve never seen, nor heard of a dinosaur like the one beneath you. 
It didn’t even eat them. Their mangled corpses were still visible. At least the red of their corpses was. That was the biggest blur out of all. Just red. 
“What is that?” Yasmina muttered, her voice barely audible against the wind.
Ben grabbed your shoulder as he screamed, “It got him! It got him!” His eyes were wide with terror. 
You could hardly imagine what this scene might look like to those with better vision. To the rest of them, these aren’t blurs, these are living creatures. Or at least two of them were living creatures. 
“Dr. Wu’s lab!” Brooklynn gasped. “There was a dinosaur. In--”
“Indominus Rex.” Sammy whispered.
Brooklynn turned to her with raised brows. “How do you know that name?” 
Sammy stayed silent. 
Darius stammered. “But there’s no dinosaur named--”
“There’s no time. We need to leave.” Sammy said with a serious voice. Which you never expected to hear from someone like her.
“Now, now, now! We have to go!” she hurried.
Kenji pushed against the stair railing as he leaned away from the edge of the tower. “Up here is safe, down there isn’t. Besides, this high up, it’s not like Whatever-Rex can even see us.” 
The so-called Indominus Rex certainly had better vision than you, because once its head turned towards the tower, it let out a roar as it came stomping closer.
Kenji just had to say something.
With a flick of its head, the blue gate that you all had been stuck in front of became a maimed jumble of metal bars. 
The tower shook as the creature attempted to climb up with terrifying intensity. You all yelped and grabbed a hold of anything around you to keep your grounding. Apparently, for Ben, your left leg appeared to be quite grounding. 
If it weren’t for the situation at hand, you’d have asked him why he trusted you enough not to kick him off and leave him to the wolves. Or dinosaur, in this case. Was it even a dinosaur, though? It couldn’t be anything else, especially with Brooklynn and Sammy’s little exchange.
Dr. Wu’s lab? Indominus Rex? What the hell was going on today? You couldn’t think on it any longer though, because the very structure keeping your group safe above the ground was crumbling from the weight of this monstrous dinosaur. 
Normally you wouldn’t call any dinosaur a monster, a circle of life and all. But this one was a special case. 
Screaming filled the air as you all tumbled about, balance thrown off by the constant motion of the tower. In only a few seconds, Sammy had fallen over the railing, her savior being Yasmina’s quick reaction. 
“Sammy!” she yelled. 
Seeing her vulnerable state, the creature briefly paused its climbing and opened its jaws impossibly wide. Mouth snapping with each desperate swing of Sammy’s body. It even jumped a bit to meet her halfway, as if she was a little toy dangling just out of reach. 
You pulled yourself out of these thoughts as Darius grabbed ahold of Sammy’s forearm and reminded yourself that one of your fellow campers was literally dangling from the edge of the observation tower. 
You grabbed her right arm, and not too soon after, you all pulled Sammy from the railing with the help of the rest of the camp. And though she almost fell back because of the creature below ramming itself into the tower, she quickly regained her bearings as she pulled herself up and over the railing. 
“The zip line. Go, go, go!” Darius pointed. 
Brooklynn and Kenji shoved Ben into the seat first. Ben yapped at the sudden push. 
With another swing of its head, the tower shook again because of the dinosaur’s assault. 
“I can’t! I can’t! I can’t!” Ben wailed as he relentlessly attempted to buckle the zip pine belt across his torso. 
With everything going on, you knew it was only natural to panic over little things such as this, especially someone like Ben. But you couldn’t help but get a bit agitated at his continuous whining. 
“Here!” you barked, grabbing his hands and forcing them together as the belt let out a satisfying click. With the belt locked on, the seat automatically turned and moved at an excruciatingly slow pace. 
Kenji, seemingly at a similar level of doneness as you, pulled Ben’s chair backwards and shoved it forwards with a force that you’re ashamed to say impressed you. 
Ben screamed the whole time, but he appeared to have a safe descent. However, you couldn’t say the same to the rest of your group. 
With the dinosaur’s relentless attacks on the tower, the rest of you were hurrying to get into the zipline seats. Sammy, Kenji, and Brooklynn’s seats all bumped into Ben’s as he suddenly came to a stop. 
You could hear them all yelling, and it only got louder as your seat came at theirs at full speed. You gripped the seat bar tightly and held your head away so you wouldn’t bump it against the bar like Kenji. 
You and Brooklyn yelped as you two collided. 
“Sorry.” You whispered. She only looked at you with conflicted eyes.
“Ben, what did you do?” Kenji accused.
“Nothing! It just stopped!” Ben cried out.
Hearing more shouting from behind you, you turned your head and immediately regretted it.
Darius was hanging off Yasmina and her seat, and they were coming at you all, full throttle. 
You would’ve screamed if the collision didn’t happen sooner than you expected. Luckily, Darius and Yasmina’s risky decision making got you all moving again. 
“It’s working! It’s working!” Darius shouted.
So this was one of those crazy plans of his? You had to admit; they came in clutch. 
You quickly took back that statement when the wire you all were zip lining on went slack, and the chairs detached from it. However, the chairs weren’t the only things that had detached, the seat belts keeping you in the seats had automatically released as well. Leaving you all to plummet to the ground below.
Though in retrospect, that was a good thing, at least now your bunch won’t break any bones under the weight of the seats.
At least that’s something you’d think about if you didn’t black out before you could even hit the tree line. Suppose it was a convenient thing to happen, since you didn’t get to feel the way your body aggressively hit the ground. 
Or at least you believe it did. You could’ve gently floated all the way down like some sort of holy being for all you know. But you know fully that something like that isn’t possible. Mercy isn’t something granted to those on Isla Nublar.
You’re certain that’s true when you come to and all you can feel is pain. It’s almost a guarantee that you’re gonna have some bruises later. Possibly a concussion if you’ve run out of your bit of luck. 
You’re still trying to recover from the rough fall when your body is violently shaken by no other than Ben. Not only that, but he’s muttering your name in this pathetic tone like you just died. You almost wish you did if it stopped you from experiencing this nightmare.
“I’m fine.” His hands don’t move from their place on your shoulders and you’re forced to shrug them off. “And stop that.”
He huddles closer to you as you look around, noticing the rest of the group conversing. 
“Stop what?” Your head turns, and he’s right in your face. 
With a jolt, you bring your hands to his chest and force him away from you. 
“Being so touchy!” 
With eyes like a kicked puppy, he apologizes. However, he doesn’t stop despite your complaints. He still keeps himself uncomfortably close to you, shoulders hunched and eyes searching for the monster from earlier. He shows some understanding and stands farther than he was before, at least. 
Although even as you walk over to the rest of the group, he refuses to be more than half a foot away from you. 
“The observation tower was that way? Or was it that way? I…” Brooklynn sighs. 
A hand grabs your shoulder and you’re just about at your limit with Ben. Though when you turn around to scold him once more, it turns out to be your alleged dino-buddy, Darius. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, eyes searching your form for any visible injuries from the fall. 
“Yeah.” You say curtly. You watch out of the corner of your eye as Darius chews his lips anxiously, and you almost apologize.
Before you’re able to, Darius is patting his chest for something, and then his eyes widen and he searches his clothes for something unseen. 
“Where’s—No, no.” He whimpers. “My necklace, I left it in my bunk!” 
A roar rings out across the forest, causing your group to huddle together in fear. 
“We’ve got slightly bigger problems than—”
Another roar, this time sounding closer than before. 
“We have to run now!” Sammy warns.
You wish you had picked up exercising as a hobby. Maybe then this whole experience would be easier on you. 
“Everything will be fine when we get back to camp,” Darius huffs as he runs.
You wish you could agree, but when you all finally get to campgrounds, it’s all just a pile of broken wood on the ground.
There’s a solemn atmosphere surrounding you all as you explore the wreckage.
“Dave, Roxie, the other workers, they must’ve all gotten away!” Sammy says positively.
“Not all of them.” Ben gasps as he retreats from a flipped jeep.
With a grimace, he returns to your side shakingly. It’s easy to assume that he regrets his attempt at searching the debris. 
When he reaches out to hold your arm, you don’t stop him this time. Only because you’re sure whatever he saw wasn’t pretty. 
“Hello?” Yasmina talks into the walkie-talkie left for you by Roxie and Dave. The same one you almost came back for. 
You’re not sure if you’re happy that you didn’t come back to camp or not. On one hand, you might’ve been able to call for help. On the other, you’re not sure when the dinosaur from before had wrecked the place. 
It could’ve been right after you all left, which would’ve left you and Ben at the dinosaur’s mercy. And based on what it did to the brachiosaurus and those men, you’re certain it has none. 
Or it could’ve destroyed camp after you guys fell. You’re not sure how long you were out for. You just can’t help but wonder if you’ve made the right choice or not. Could you have called for help? Or would trying to do so only put you and Ben in danger? 
Well, the what-ifs don’t matter. Either way, the fact is, you and your fellow campers are on their own.
“Give me my phone!” Brooklynn suddenly shouts as she runs up to Sammy
The girl in question raises her head. “What?”
“I don’t care about you sneaking into Dr. Wu’s lab, I don’t care about whatever you did with the skin samples you took from the sinoceratops—” Brooklynn’s rant is cut off by the rest of the confused campers. However, she ignores the rest of you in favor of continuing her tirade. 
“I don’t even care that you stole it now! All I want to do is call for help! Where is it?” She cried in exasperation.
Sammy was silent for only a second before she shook her head in confusion. “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.” She walked away from Brooklynn and towards the rest of the group as she continued. “Skin samples? Sneaking into labs? You made up some crazy thing in your own dang head!” 
“Back off!” Yasmina yelled. “Not everything revolves around you and your phone!” 
The two came face to face as the arguing carried on.
“It isn’t Sammy’s fault you lost it!” 
 Ben intercepted worriedly. “Would you guys please keep it down?! There’s a big--”
“A big, scary dinosaur?” Kenji cut him off. “Of course there’s a big, scary dinosaur! There’s always a big scary dinosaur.” 
“Don’t get mad at him just because he’s right!” You didn’t mean to, but you jumped to defend Ben from the likes of Kenji. 
“You’re always such a big-mouthed jerk!” Ben adds with furrowed brows.
“Give it back!” Brooklynn yells at Sammy.
“Back off!” Yasmina shouts.
Kenji fumbles for a comeback. “Yeah? Well, at least I don’t play with crayons!” 
“With your maturity level, I’d expect you to!” You can’t help but shout.
“What is your problem with me? I’m trying to get us all out of this mess!” Brooklynn asks desperately. 
“I didn’t lie to you about it!” Samny defends herself.
“Just stop!” Brooklynn screams. 
“Well, my dad—” Kenji’s interrupted as Ben yells.
“Money isn’t going to help us out of this! No one’s getting out of here! We just saw people get eaten!” He says, weariness overtaking him. “We’re alone, we’re defenseless.”
He brings his knees to his chest and holds them close as he finishes. “We’re dead.”
The rest of the group scoffs and walks off. And while you wished to do the same, you couldn’t bring yourself to.
Instead, you sit next to Ben and put a hesitant hand on his back. He doesn’t react verbally, but you can tell that he appreciates it. 
“We’re not giving up.” Darius says firmly. 
Everyone’s head turns to look at him in bewilderment. 
“I get it. It’s scary. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be.” He sighs. “Things aren’t always gonna go your way. Life is messy and sometimes…” 
Everyone comes closer as Darius goes on. 
“... things fall apart.”
He smiles. “But that’s okay because when that happens, we pick up the pieces and keep going. And we never give up.” 
Your companions stand in silence before Brooklynn breaks it reluctantly.
“What about your necklace?” 
“It’s not important. I’ve got the memories right here.” Darius touched his chest as he beamed.
“What are we supposed to do?” Yasmina asks.
“Go south to the park. Get help. And the only way we’ll make it is if we do it together.” He asserts. “We’re a team or we’re nothing at all.” 
Ben holds up a finger as he argues. “Or, you know, we don’t go back into the jungle.”
“You can wait for the negligent babysitters, but I’m with Darius.” Kenji states.
“Wait, really?” Darius raises a brow.
“Dude, there’s no way I survived a dinosaur attack…” 
Ben yelps when a board of wood falls right in front of Kenji.
“... only to be taken out by cheap camp debris. Kenji ain’t goin’ out like that.” 
Kenji walks, dragging Darius along as he concludes. “We’re going south. The rest of you coming or what?”
“I’m in.” Brooklynn decides as she begins to follow the two.
“We’re in, too.” Yasmina makes the decision for her and Sammy as she slings an arm around the girl.
“Me too.” You say tersely. 
Ben holds his hands up to argue, but with your added contribution, he just whines and runs after you lot.
“It’s just one dinosaur.” He utters continuously. Whether it was to console himself or to remind you all, you couldn’t be sure.
And so your horrible Jurassic adventure begins, or maybe Cretaceous would be more accurate. Either way, something new is starting and you’re not sure you’re going to like it.
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