#why are most of my favourite ocs girls?
rhaenyslay · 2 months
A New Prince
Part One: 'A Rose Between Thorns'
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Aemond Targaryen x OC!Niece!Reader
Summary: Rhaenyra gives birth to her fourth child, a son - much to Aelora's annoyance.
Warnings: Descriptions of childbirth (non-graphic), swearing.
Word Count: 2.7 K
A/N: There's no direct Aemond/Aelora interaction in this one, but don't worry, the next one will be full of it - I'll make up for it I #promise.
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The morning birds chirp happily as the sun rises warmly over the Keep’s turrets and gardens, hills and courtyards, and a robin perches itself happily on the young princess’s open windowsill. She smiles at the small creature fondly, gently making her way over to the window as she arises from the edge of her bed, stepping down from the dais it sits on, giggling to herself for a moment at the tickly feeling of the cold and slightly rough stone floors of her chambers against her bare feet. She sits herself on the stool just beside the windowsill.
“Hello, little bird.” She whispers with another airy giggle, causing the robin to cock its head to the side and ‘teek’, hopping closer to her hand that has since outstretched very tentatively.
There are a few seeds that remain on the windowsill from where she had fed some of the morning birds only a few days before - she nudges them towards the robin, who eagerly takes them with another ‘teek’. The robin hops forward once more, closer still to her outstretched hand, but is interrupted when the door to her chambers all but swing open.
“Mother and Father want us in the gardens for breakfast.”
The little robin quickly disembarks with a final ‘teek’, leaving Aelora to sigh softly, “Jace, what is it about knocking you find so impossible?”
Her younger brother shrugs, “What is it about not being annoying you find so impossible?” The young boy retorts with a teasing shake of his head, resulting in an eyeroll from the princess.
She stands from the stool, straightening out her chemise, “I suppose they’ll want us dressed and ready?”
Jacaerys nods, “Yes.” He seems to hesitate a moment, a coy smile on his face as he lingers in the doorway.
Suspicious, Aelora narrows her eyes slightly, “What?”
“Can I play with Moonfyre today?” Jacaerys asks.
Aelora pouts, lifting her chin up and looking away slightly, “No, you wouldn’t let me see Vermax last sennight.”
Jacaerys frowns, “Because you were mean to me!”
“Well, you can’t see Moonfyre today.”
“Because I said so!”
“Children, children…” Septa Marcia says as she strolls into Aelora’s chambers, a couple of handmaidens following behind her. The Septa - assigned to Aelora at the recommendation of Queen Alicent due to her reverence within the Faith and notable students past - was a warm woman in her early-mid 50s, her face round and youthful despite her age, with sage green eyes and what was once fiery red hair now greying and partially concealed by her hood. The daughter of a Tully and a Dornish man, Septa Marcia holds a warmth to both her appearance and her demeanour that Aelora has found most comforting on many occasions of emotional distress yet also inviting enough to weave giggles and smiles among it all, “Bickering still? You have another brother on the way soon, what example are you setting, hm?”
“Or a sister.” Aelora adds as one of the handmaidens begins to unlace her chemise, the other unplating her hair.
“Or a sister.” Septa Marcia nods and adds with a playful eye roll to Jacaerys, who giggles. She gently taps the prince’s shoulder, “Run along, my prince,” she says to him softly, “your sister shall join you shortly.”
Jacaerys nods and promptly leaves.
“Septa Marcia?”
“Yes, princess?”
“What’s your favourite colour?” Asks the seven-year-old girl, stepping out of her chemise.
The Septa laughs softly, “My favourite colour?”
Aelora nods.
“Well,” she thinks, “Blue, I would say,” the Septa muses, “a nice sapphire blue. Why do you ask?”
“Mother is having some more dresses sewn for me but I can’t decide on any colours.” Aelora sighs, this predicament being the main concern of her sweet little world, “There’s too many!”
Septa Marcia laughs once more, sitting on the stool Aelora had risen from just prior to her entry, “Oh, what an annoyance indeed.”
The handmaidens slip on a new chemise and follow it with a comfortable but equally beautiful purple gown - the sleeves puffed ever so slightly and the skirts loose, both of which provide a reprieve from the warmth of the summer sun. The laces are tied as the little princess continues to speak, “I like to have lots of different colours.” She says, looking at the fabrics of her dress, at the golden embellishments, “It makes me feel like a rainbow!”
“And a very pretty rainbow at that.” One of the handmaidens, Jana, comments with a smile.
Aelora smiles at the praise and compliment while they finish dressing her, now moving onto her hair, “Can I only have a little bit braided?” She asks, looking over her shoulder at the other handmaiden, Malia, as she feels her hair being brushed, “Like Princess Helaena, I would like to match with her.” Malia nods and continues to brush the princess’s hair.
“Helaena and I are getting matching dresses.” Aelora happily tells Septa Marcia, her legs swinging back and forth from where she sits at the vanity, “Hers is going to be pink and mine is going to be blue, but they will look the same.”
“You will both look very pretty, I’m sure.” The Septa says with a smile, beginning to arrange the embroidery for when Aelora returns from breaking her fast.
“I hope so, the Queen said that we c-”
For the second time that morning, Aelora’s chambers are interrupted by a brief knock, only for it to open all the same, revealing Ser Criston Cole, “The Princess Rhaenyra has entered her labours.” He announces, slightly out of breath, clearly having rushed, “I have been asked to escort the princess to be with her brothers.”
Aelora’s head whips towards Ser Criston, “She has? The baby is coming? Little sister, little sister!” She beams excitedly, doing a little happy dance before Septa Marcia tuts and promptly places a hand on her shoulder to stop her. 
The handmaidens and Ser Criston, however, smile. “Come, little one.” Ser Criston says to the young princess, “We can get something to eat on the way - some lemon cakes, perhaps?”
She instantly lights up and nods her head, making her way over to him, “Can we get one for mother too?”
“I’m sure she would appreciate that, princess.”
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Rhaenyra, weakened and burning with a tired fury, holds the newborn babe close to her chest as Laenor holds her arm, aiding her bloodied and weary steps towards the Queen’s apartments. She can still feel the oppressive heat at her core and head as she recoils at the way her silver tresses cling to the exposed and hot skin of her neck and forehead, the burn in her legs, the roughness of her dress against her skin - yet she perseveres, repressing a growl with the tensing of her jaw as she sees Alicent - stood upon her dais as a handmaiden checks her gown, chin up and poised - turn to look at her as if she wasn’t the reason for her being here.
“Rhaenyra,” Alicent begins, voice conveying a tone of shock and concern, yet her eyes convey differently, “you should be resting after your labours.”
“I have no doubt that you would prefer that, your Grace.” Rhaenyra responds, forcing a tense smile as she subtly masks the shaking in her arms as rocking the babe in her arms.
“You must sit.” Alicent graciously suggests, “Talia, fetch a cushion for the princess.”
“There’s no need.”
Talia, a handmaiden, promptly grabs a pillow and places it down on the nearby seat. Alicent takes the opportunity to run her eyes over Rhaenyra and the babe, her brown eyes flittering over the babe as if in search of something, hands fidgeting a little nervously. The tension continues to thicken as Laenor helps Rhaenyra sit, only broken when the King enters with a wide smile.
“What happy news this morning.” He sighs and beams at his daughter happily.
“Indeed, your Grace.” Laenor replies, returning the smile.
“Where is he? Where is my grandson?”
Laenor gently takes the baby boy from Rhaenyra’s arms and hands him over to Viserys. Alicent smiles at her husband, but her eyes continue to search.
The King cradles the small babe proudly, ‘What a fine prince - sturdy, you will make a fierce knight… yes you will…”
The babe makes a few little noises, seemingly content in his Grandsire’s arms.
Alicent redirects her gaze back to Rhaenyra and Laenor, “Does the babe have a name yet?”
“Well, we haven’t sp-”
Rhaenyra meets Laenor’s eyes with furrowed brows, looking up at him from where she sits. A pause follows. 
“He will be called Joffrey.” Laenor reasserts.
Alicent’s eyes narrow momentarily, almost fleetingly, “That’s an unusual name for a Valyrian.” She shifts her eyes to Rhaenyra.
The princess, still aching from her labours and now enduring the tension within the Queen’s chambers, manages a smile, casting her eyes down.
“I do believe he has his father’s nose.” Viserys, oblivious to the tension - as always - says, turning to look at Leanor, who promptly smiles and laughs softly, over his shoulder.
Alicent looks once more to Rhaenyra as Viserys turns away once more, a knowing look in her eyes. The princess diverts her gaze, as does Laenor. He clears his throat.
“If you don’t mind, your Grace, your daughter has exerted herself heroically and should rest.”
Viserys nods with a warm smile, “Of course.”
He hands Joffrey to Alicent - Rhaenyra watches with a tensed jaw and tightness in her chest as Alicent’s svelte hand brushes back the blanket that swaddles the babe, hearing Laenor’s muttering of “the hair…” as she does so. Alicent coos to the babe with a smile as she cradles him, rocking him in her arms and pacing the chambers. Rhaenyra’s eyes fix upon them, hardly noticing her father take her hand in his own.
“Well done, my girl.” He whispers fondly, “I do hope the labour was easy. Easier than it had been with Aelora, at least.”
She looks at him a moment before her head turns to Alicent and Joffrey once more, “I think I called the midwife a cunt…”
They share a smile before embracing each other with a kiss to their cheeks - a genuine warmth spreading through her at the feeling of her father’s arms around her, momentarily easing the pain of her labours and the tensions ensnaring her.
A few paces away, Alicent has since handed Joffrey back to Laenor, “Do keep trying, Ser Laenor, sooner or later you may get one that looks like you.”
Laenor feels the burn in his chest, the tingle in his fingers as he turns to the side to suppress his anger, instead cradling Joffrey closer to him.
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“...a big, scary dragon!”
“No! Not a dragon, I don’t want it to be a dragon.”
“Aelora, it has to be a dragon-”
“But they aren’t all scary - Moonfyre is nice.” “Moonfyre tried to eat Aegon the other day!”
“Well, then he shouldn’t have tried to touch her while she was eating!”
The siblings’ dispute is quickly silenced by the sight of their mother and father entering the room.
“Mother!” Jacaerys promptly jumps up from his seat on the stone floor, “Look!” He rushes over to the ornate, black pot among the cluttered table beside the princess, lifting the lid to reveal black dragon egg sat among hot orange embers.
“We chose an egg for the baby.” Lucerys announces proudly.
“You chose an egg for the baby.” Aelora mumbles with a pout, only just now standing from being sat on the floor, “You both went without telling me.”
Laenor gives her a sympathetic smile while Ser Harwin helps Rhaenyra sit down as she smiles at her sons, “That looks like the perfect one.” 
“Not everyday an egg leaves the dragonpit, princess, I thought it best to escort the lads.” Ser Harwin says, his deep, warm voice the perfect antidote for the tensions that were slowly leaving the princess’s body.
“Without me…” Aelora mumbles once more, making her way over to Laenor, silently hugging his waist and looking at the baby in his arms. Laenor kisses the top of her head gently and bends down a little to show her Joffrey better.
“Laenor and I thank you, Commander.” Rhaenyra sighs breathily as she smiles up at Ser Harwin.
“Another boy, I heard.��� He adds, to which Rhaenyra smiles once more.
“Unfortunately.” Aelora sighs, her cheek against Laenor’s blue doublet.
Ser Harwin smirks at her, “You wished for a sister?”
Aelora nods, “I’m sick of boys… they’re stupid.”
“But you’re always with Aemond, and he’s a boy.” Jacaerys says teasingly, putting the lid back on the pot, “And you always go to the dragonpit with Aegon.”
“Aemond is a nice boy.” Aelora retorts, “He doesn’t steal my plums.”
“I did that once!”
“And Aegon teaches me cool tricks to do with Moonfyre.” She continues, “And he steals - I mean - gets us cakes.”
Rhaenyra, too tired to delve deeper into that, laughs loosely, as do Harwin and Laenor, “Well, a boy it is - little we can do about that.”
Aelora sighs dramatically before looking at the baby once more, smiling softly, “But he is very cute.”
“Indeed,” Laenor agrees with her and looks down at Joffrey, “What a fine knight you’re going to make, eh?”
Harwin’s eyes linger on Joffrey longingly, “Might I?”
Rhaenyra looks up at him and seems to relax further in her seat, “Ser Harwin wishes to be introduced to Joffrey.”
Aelora’s nose scrunches up, “Joffrey? That’s not a very Valyrian name.”
Laenor sends her a look before nodding to his wife, “Of course.” He hands the baby to Harwin - he doesn’t miss the small glare Rhaenyra directs towards Aelora momentarily, clearly triggered deeper than the surface level of the words alone.
“Joffrey, is it?” Harwin hums, taking Joffrey into his arms - Laenor nodding in confirmation.
“Father, may I please hold Joffrey?” Lucerys asks Laenor, Jacaerys’s hand on his shoulder and his own hand reaching up to the baby, Jacaerys’s following.
Aelora nuzzles closer into her father’s waist, “Can I? I really want to - and mother said I could hold him first yesterday…”
“No, no, no…” Laenor, with a small smile, removes Aelora from his waist and gently pushes the boys’ arms away from Ser Harwin and the baby. “The dragonpit for you two, before they send out a search party.” He says to Luce and Jace, guiding them to the door, “And… somewhere with you.” He says to Aelora with a playful face. 
She giggles and allows him to push her towards the door, “But, father, I don’t want to go to my embroidery lesson… Helaena isn’t joining us today and the other girls are so boring!”
“I’m sure you will find something to do, sweetling.” Laenor kisses her head before turning to close the large double doors with a parting, respectful nod to Ser Harwin.
A moment of content and comfortable silence warms the chambers as Rhaenyra relaxes for the first time that morning, watching as Ser Harwin rocks Joffrey with an awe-filled gaze.
“Asleep in front of the Commander of the City Watch… terrible lack of respect.”
Rhaenyra laughs softly, “A certain insolence runs in the family, I’m afraid.”
‘Oh, I can tell…” He laughs too, gentle so as to not wake the baby, “Particularly with that little firecracker.” 
“Aelora? Oh, yes…” Rhaenyra’s smile falters momentarily, “Yes… all the beauty to attract a suitor when she comes of age, I’m sure, but none of the patience to keep one.”
Harwin scoffs in amusement, “Indeed, although the courtiers adore her; she’s been raised well - her comeliness can’t be denied.”
“Hm.” Rhaenyra hums in response, hands on her stomach as she feels the pain ease.
“A true princess, just like her mother.”
Rhaenyra smiles at the Commander, trying to ignore the flutter in her chest at his words. ༻❁
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myladysapphire · 3 days
My Lady Strong (VII)
Aemond had always been protective of his neice, obssessed even, insiting on keeping her sheltered, and purley his, he never let her stray far and following the incident at Driftmark, Aemma was rarley without Aemond as her shadow. How will the kind, sheltered girl fair in the dance of dragons?
word count: 3,051
CW: MDI 18+, toxic relationship, manipulation, mommy issues, bullying, co-dependancy issues, not beta read.
Fem!oc x dark!Aemond Targeryen
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclamer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my Original characters
a/n this chapter is just up and down, maniplaution, confusion and so much happens even im a tad cofnused of where i was going with this.
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Her mother sat across form her, staring awkwardly. She seemed as nervous as Aemma did. It was strange thing, her mother had once been her favourite person, other than Aemond that is. They had been so close, and now she stared at her, she couldn’t help but wonder what she had done wrong, how she had screwed up and ruined their relationship.
But sweet Aemma could only think of what Aemond had said, for her it was the most reasonable explanation, seeing as her mother had just left her, she had not argued much about her retuning to the red keep instead of Dragonstone. Perhaps she had felt betrayed, hurt that she perhaps defended Aemond before Luke. But why would she? Until today she had very little happy memories of her brothers. Whereas with Aemond, she had all of her happiest memories with him, and he had so swiftly pushed the negative ones from her mind, so swiftly she had started to think she had made it all up.
And now as her mother stared at her, with them both having no words to say to the other and using her brothers as shields so much so that she found she could enjoy her brother’s company.
“You know we used to be so jealous of you, you know” Luke had said absentmindedly, as they ate their lunch. Her mother had said nothing, only nervously pulling at her fingers, as if trying to figure something out.
“Really?” she asked, “I had always thought you hated me.”
“No!” Jace said abruptly, “no we didn’t, we envied you, you were always mother’s favourite. Its why we did all of those things, we wanted her to hate you and love us” he looked down ashamed, “we are sorry Aemma,” they had apologised repeatedly, begging for her forgiveness, and for the first time, she actually considered forgiving them entirely , perhaps forgiving them would give her mother a reason to talk to her, to acknowledge her.
“I know, and it is in the past now.” she said before she turned and looked to her mother, she took a deep breath before slowly trying to start a conversation with her, “I hear you are pregnant again.”
`Her mother nodded, a shy smile on her face “yes, dōna riña, I had mentioned it in one of the letters I sent you.”
Letters? That had confused her, and from the way her head shot up at the words, showing her mother just how much the word confused her “Letters? I never received any letters.” She shook her head, “the only one I received was the one sent last week, from Jace and Luke.”
“What are you talking about, dōna riña? I- “
Aemond entered then, cutting her mother off, she had thought it was almost as if he had sensed her distress, though in truth he had been listening on the other side of the door. 
The room filled with silence, and Luke shrunk in his seat. Aemma however shot up in hers. “Aemond? Have you come to join us?” She asked eagerly.
He smiled; happy she was eager for his company. “As much as I would…. enjoy it, I am not, dearest, I have come to escort you, to your last dress fitting” he nodded, smiling as she quickly stood.
“of course,” she spoke, before turning to look at her brothers and mother, “I- sorry to cut this short but I must go” she then turned to look at her mother directly, “perhaps you could come with me?” she asked nervously.
Her mother seemed shocked at the invitation but not unpleased, “oh course…I’d love too” to though she could sense some unease at the response, as if her mother wanted to carry on with their previous conversation, a conversation Aemma had quickly lost interest in.
She cared not about the letters, she had sent hers and received nothing in return, why should she trust that her mother did in facts send any when she hadn’t gotten a single one but had gotten Jace and Lukes.
Aemond scowled behind her at the invitation, before quickly correcting it to a smile “how delightful” he mused, offering his arm to Aemma, as her mother stood to join them.
The walk had been an awkward one, not that Aemma had seemed to notice, as she rambled on about nothing in particular, seemingly eager to find this time to win her mother over once more.
“I had mentioned in the last le- “
Aemond cut her off, “my sweet, I why don’t you tell your mother of your gown?” He had calmly suggested, though Rhaenyra had been quick to notice his interruption both times the topics of letters where mentioned, but she couldn’t say anything, as Aemma quickly explained in great detail how her dress looked and changes they had made to it.
But Rhaenyra was starting to see the hold the greens had on you. Her sweet Aemma had always been so easy to convince and persuade. Gods Rhaenyra thought, she should have stopped whatever had gone on between Aemma and Aemond in their youth the second it started. And yet Aemond was the one thing that had always brought her joy, and it seemed the same now. She hated it. Hated how she should have forced her to Dragonstone. Forced her away from Aemond, away from the green’s clutches.
 As it was transparent why her daughter did not see her hundreds of letters, letters of longing or love, comfort. And she in return received non either.
She had sat and thought on this during the whole fitting, eager for them to be alone so that she could once more talk to her Aemma. To convince her she had sent letters, had not forgotten about her, stopped loving her.
But she also had realised something, the bond she had with her ladies, with Heleana and…Alicent.
Her ladies seemed so close to her, a comfort even. Something Aemma had never had before, friendship, sisterhood. And now she had it, especially with the lady Cassandra. Her bond with her reminded her of the old bond she had had with Alicent, and it did seem it did for Alicent also.
So much so that Alicent seemed to have taken Rhaenyra’s place as her mother. She was so soft with you, and kind. She had been always in truth. Especially once your friendship with Aemond became apparent.
Rhaenyra couldn’t help but think she had truly missed so much, she had thought her daughter a prisoner, trapped, alone. And perhaps she had been, until Alicent wrote to her of her daughters need for ladies. But know, especially once her day gown was back on and Aemond entered once more, it seemed her sweet Aemma was happy. A happiness the greens had deprived her from having known or experienced with her daughter.
“Rhaenyra” she heard a voice say, a voice she realised was half-brother Aemond’s.
“Yes?” She saw Aemma being led to a corner with her ladies.
“Is there something on your mind” it seemed he was teasing her, and he was.
He had never liked his half-sister; in fact, he despised her. And now he knew she realised, realised the letters were never sent, and burnt upon arrival, he had her in the palm of his hand.
Aemma believed him, she trusted him, where she doubted her mother.
Rhaenyra scowled “you know exactly what’s on my mind, tell me the truth of it’.
He smirked, “hmmm, I do not know what you mean”.
“Yes, you do” she insisted, “my own daughter thinks I abandoned her, I know those are not her own thoughts”.
‘Oh, please, I only told her what she was already thinking” he smirked.
“That cannot be true” she seethed.
 “you’re not going to fix your relationship by arguing with me now are you?” he smiled, and Aemma called him over, “whether you like it or not she is to be my wife and to my Aemma, I will be here for her, and you…you will be swiftly heading back to Dragonstone, leaving her yet again” he quickly left before she could reply, not that she had much to think on as she knew everything Aemond had said was true.
After the dress fitting, Aemond had walked stayed in her rooms as her everyone else left, he seemed to smile at how she had nearly begged him to stay.
“Do you believe my mothers words?” she had asked once they had all left.
“no” he answered swiftly, moving to sit beside her, “she is simply covering herself”.
“But she seemed so nervous and egar to- “
“She has simply realised her error in ever letting you leave her side” he mused, grabbing her chin softly, “she only cares for your brothers my sweet- “
“but my brothers said that the only reason they ever… that they were only mean to me in envy because mother cared for me so much” she cut him off, moving her head, only for Aemond’s grip on her chin to tighten, “that now they wish to be closer to me, that hey regret trying to make mother hate me-“
“that’s because they one, sweet.” Aemond interrupted, moving his other hand to caress her cheek, “don’t you see? There only goal was torment you and make your mother see you as a burden so they would become her favourite instead! And after Driftmark… think Aemma you had desired to be with me no matter what, to the pint your mother left you with me to go with your brothers, there plan worked sweet.” He hummed, moving his hand and tucking her hair behind her ear, “and now they have come back here, realised they you had noticed their swift disregard of you, realised how you favour me still and have tried every effort to win you back over.”
She looked down, nodding her head, “I suppose you are right, but still… all I have wanted was to marry you, and be close with my mother and brothers, I have never wished for a divide, perhaps if I forgive them they will stay and we will grow as close as they talk about.
He gripped her again, roughly, “don’t be stupid, that’s there plan they wish to woo you and have you side with them!”
“What do you mean?” she asked, close to tears, not at Aemodsn grip but at confusion, she didn’t know what to think, only knew that she had always believed Aemond, and hated how she had seemingly angered him.
“Do you wish to be my strong lady once again, hmmm” he mused, and she flinched.
She had hated those three words, the words that still haunted her and the words she had learnt were true.
 “I- no I don’t” she shook her head.
“If you side with them, you betray me and you betray the farce your mother has raised you under.” He declared, standing up, “I shall see you at dinner” he walked out swiftly after, leaving her to think, and her dreams to stew.
Viserys and demanded the whole family attended dinner before the wedding, there wedding was to be held to unite the family, and yet even at this dinner the family showed clear divisions, greens on one side, blacks on the other.
Her grandparents and stepsisters had arrived a few hours before said dinner, though Daemon was still noticeably at yet to arrive. Not that Aemma minded, she minded, she didn’t know him and her only impressions of him were negative ones.
Aemma was sat with Aemond to her left and Jace to her right. Though she mostly kept to herself, with Aemond glaring at her mother, not that she noticed, and Jace talking to Baela, who sat beside him.
She seemed to be in her own head, her thoughts circling non-stop, her dreams playing on repeat, changing at every second, at every glare or snide remark.
But when the speeches started to come, they changed even more, the blood shed fading and dragons stopped dancing.
“I would like to toast to my sister” she heard Jace say, as he smiled down at her “we may not have been close in our youth but I non the less wish you all the best in your marriage”.
She smiled, moving to stand for herself before starting her own speech. She was never one for talking so publicly, even before her family. “I too would like to toast in kind, I hope that this marriage will open up the chance too untie us once more and allow for our family to no longer be divided by the black water” she spoke nervously, but made eye contact with her grandsire, Corlys who gave her an encouraging smile.
The table clapped, happy at her words, and her grandsire, Viserys, even more pleased.
The speeches stopped for a moment, the table content, and her mind even happier.
Then the pig was brought out, and Lukes laugh sounded from the other end of the table.
She felt Aemond flinch beside her, he went to stand, shaking of the hands she gripped him with. And ignoring her pleas.
“I would like to share a toast also, a toast to my future wife” she looked at him, dread filling her, memories swiftly changed by Aemond’s words flooding back to her, and her dreams returning in kind.
The flash of her body falling.
Her sons head rolling.
“I have long awaited to marry her, and now on the morrow she shall be my strong lady wife” She flinched, her brothers scowled. “I pray our union with be as strong and fruitful, as my bride wishes”.
He gave her a look; a warning and she knew that no matter what side she went with her dreams of blood and dancing dragons would become true.
The dinner had ended swiftly after that, her mother claiming the babe had tired her, and swiftly pushed her brothers out the door, in an attempt to prevent whatever Jace’s bawling fists were planning.
Aemond had escorted her back to her chambers, there walk quiet, but the second they stepped over her room’s threshold, he slammed the door behind him.
“You made a decision now hmm? You claimed your want for peace and yet it brought you the opposite, so tell me Aemma” he sneered “is that what you still desire hmm, or do you wish to finally see that the only peace you get shall be with me?
Flashes of silver and dancing. Not dragons but them, she smiled and danced, a hand holding her stomach.
“your right” she looked down, “I- I don’t know why it thought that perhaps we could all be united and happy, I was wrong , you were right.” she grabbed his hand, “please Aemond, don’t make me lady strong again, I swear I will only trust you from now on”
Aemond smiled, his words had one her mind once again, she was so tightly held in his grip that she would never escape him, not that she seemed to want to. For Aemond knew she knew the consequences of that. He didn’t know of her dreams but her knew she knew bloodshed would be inevitable.
“good” he smiled, caressing her cheek, “now gets some rest, on the morrow we shall be wed” he smiled, a true smile of happiness, and she seemed to return it in kind.
She had a dreamless sleep that night, and yet it wasn’t a peaceful sleep. She was awoken swiftly a dawn, much to her relief filling the room with chatter. Questions being asked left and right, joy on their faces for her wedding day. She was nervous, nervous of the wedding of what was to come.
She was swiftly washed and dressed, and as the wedding gown was put on her, nerves seemed to leave her body, and for the first time that morning she joined her ladies in there smiles and laughter.
Alicent and her mother soon came to get her, her grandmother accompanies them. They gave her good wishes, and her mother seemed to send her a look of Farwell, as she stepped into, her carriage, were she met her grandsire Corlys.
She smiled as she saw him, with him having visited her several times over the years, sometimes with Rhaneys or one of her new sisters also.
It was a weird feeling, begin close to man she now knew had no relation too, then her own mother.
“Dear Aemma” he greeted her with a smile.
“grandsire” she greeted him back, “are you to walk me down the aisle?”
He nodded, as sad look on his face, it should have been Laenor walking her, and d he had come to fill in his place “I am, dear”.
The rest of the short ride was sent in comfortable silence, the next words were ones of luck as they stepped out into the dragon pit.
The crowd was filled with lords and ladies throughout the realm. She knew few of the faces that greeted her and Corlys as they walked down the aisle, though she was happy to catch Cassandra’s eye as she walked down, she had sent her a reassuring smile, and the nerves of the presence of countless strangers started to leave her.
The ceremony was the same as most, the same vows spoken as always, expect unlike most ceremonies she had witnessed over the years, the words held some truth.
He brought her under his protection, something Aemond had repeatedly said was the reason he had spent so long ignoring her, to build the man that could protect them. And as he swapped her Veleryon cloak for the Targaryen one, she felt his protection and the loss of another. As if by, marrying him she had no say in what side she was on and no matter what she did, tragedy would follow. The security of whatever it was she felt in the few moments were her dreams turned to her dancing, to her smiles and laughter were gone.
But the smile Aemond had sent her, and how true his words were when he pledged his love to her made her forget it all, and hope for some happiness in the years to follow.
@melllinaa @ateliefloresdaprimavera @bellaisasleep @zillahvathek @aleemendoza2425-blog @theanxietyqueen17 @leavesmealobe @winchesterfamiliebusiness @gghoulzz @dark-night-sky-99 @violet-potter @iiamthehybrid @duckworthbean @apollonshootafar @deeeeexx @meowtastick @flrboyd @cynic-spirit @wondergal2001 @aelora-a @may-machin @sarahkimtae @yentroucnagol @loserwithnofriends @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @urmomsbananabread @azaleapotterblack @delaynew @adira03 @babyzzlove @zzz000eee @winter-soldier-101 @bunbunblogsblog @ka1afbr @amanda08319 @wolfiealina @aemondwhoresworld @tesha-i-guess
to be added to taglist
i've removed the people i can never seem to tag so if you see this and want to be added to the taglist again please let me know!
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literalite · 4 months
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mistki's the land is inhospitable and so are we (2023)!! as edits featuring mine and some of my friends ocs 😁 had a lot of fun with this project... rough explainer of how/why each song corresponds to each character/s under the cut because i love symbolism and talking! sorry it is long
bug like an angel - sapphire
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without spoiling too much of her story and arc... sapphire's life is not easy. she's hurt by people she cares for and who care for her, although inadvertently, and in turn hurts people who she cares for and who cared for her, also not by her own volition. it's kind of a terrible truth that you will harm and be harmed by the people you love, even when you and they truly don't want to. it's up to you how much you're willing to take and deal. you can't keep every promise you make and you can't right every wrong. but you have to keep trying anyway. that's sapphire's strength, and the core of her goodness and why i personally consider her one of my favourite ocs. i chose to depict bug like an angel in mitski's more positive interpretation here and in that light i think it works best for saph
buffalo replaced - heiya
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well first and foremost the vibes of the song fits heiya perfectly fhgjk but also lyricism and tone... yep. quick breakdown of heiya's background since i doubt i'll ever be able to do it properly she's an interesting character for me because she like a lot of my other characters has lost. everything. she had a wife and a child and they were both killed and she had to leave her home again and again and unlike how some of my others would have taken this she has never flagged in her unwavering dedication to preserving hope. for herself for her people for the future etc etc. which is a very fucking difficult thing to do! the world changes faster than you can keep up with it sometimes but for heiya she will not let herself tire and be swept away in it all. people rely on her. she's a guiding star as much as she is a woman. she's a lover and a fighter and thats what buffalo replaced means to me! so
heaven - vinny and caleb
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i feel like of all my oc couples so far they have like. the sweetest most kind of simply mutually trusting dare i say straight forward love. they just love each other so much and thats all. the world could end around them when theyre together and it'd be okay truly. also yeah vinny is ostensibly in heaven now bye angel i feel like this one was pretty self explanatory. me and who WHEN
i don't like my mind - sunny
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he just like me fr (said in denji voice) anyways wow ha. unstoppable unending guilt due to past actions that haunt your every waking moment? throwing yourself into any and all distraction just to take your mind off it, filling your time with other shit so that past sin doesnt for once echo in your awful and hollow brain? this song is perfect for sunny honestly just that sentiment also the "please don't take this job from me".... sometimes the coping is worse. you can be proud of something because you can do it better than anyone else even if that thing is terrible
the deal - wolfgang munch by @gunthermunch
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Wolfgang Amadeus Munch. umm this will make more sense later on but it still kind of makes sense now i think. he doesn't want to be himself he keeps . leaving and moving and running away from his own memories his own self in reaction to others. if he could pawn it all off he would. if he could be better in an instant without having to feel every agonising second of change he would! but thats not how the world works. or is it. read munch by gunthermunch thats an order
when memories snow - lilian
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i feel the older you get the more your past kind of swells up and trails behind you... at least for lilian that is shes very linked to the different versions of the girl/young woman she used to be. for her its a double edged blade, a lot of her own strength is drawn from who she was and what happened to her throughout her life. they haunt her but she's haunting it back in her own way
my love mine all mine - saige, bellona, ari
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stares you down okay so usage of this song very much almost verges into spoiler territory but uhm. uhm. starts twitching basically the whole dynamic here is . sometimes when you love you will sacrifice. and while that is usually a good thing sometimes it is not but sometimes it still is. sometimes you pay your dues for love and sometimes someone else has to pay for your love as well. and whether that is worth it to them remains to be seen. but it's all about love still. whether that's a worthy cause is up to you i suppose
the frost - yoshiki and hikaru from hikaru ga shida natsu
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fun fact (or not so fun fact since i had it listed as such) this slot was originally meant to be taken up by a gojo/geto edit and while it still works for them frighteningly well i swerved to do another black and white haired doomed gay pairing gfhjkl; i really recommend yall to read hikaru ga shinda natsu/the summer that hikaru died because honestly it speaks for itself! it's SO good i love it so bad
star - ari and luca by @anjitrait
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wow these two did not deserve the horrors the narrative (me) slammed down onto their heads. they're kind of the most married of all time to me but like of course under pressure even the strongest most loving of bonds will warp. they've been together for roughly a decade and a half now. they know and love each other as totally as you could possibly imagine. despite it all i am yours, no matter. are we picking up what i'm putting down chat
i'm your man - nayef and sióar by @lucidicer
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after the album dropped like at least 3 people swung into my dms with a ?this you?? about this song which. i mean the fucking dogs that start barking halfway through the song. are you kidding me. but anyways sioyef and devotion. sioyef and putting yourself in your lover's hands and looking to them like they are a god. this is super self explanatory. you know
i love me after you - redacted and ophelia
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HM.... all i'll say here is that sometimes the homoerotic tension filled high school friendship where both parties have something very wrong with them but in totally different directions can be. scarring. bad. sometimes love just isn't enough when you don't know what you're meant to do with it and when you've lived in survival mode all your life. but that once the dust clears you can scrape yourself off the ground get up keep going and that isn't gonna be the end for you there. or for love, even. sometimes shit just ain't meant to be and thats ok
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cryinginmyroomsposts · 7 months
Stuck with me - Kim Seungmin
Pairing: Kim Seungmin x Reader
tags: fluff, clg bf Seungmin, popular singer boy seungmin, mention of previous breakup, oc gender not specifically mentioned, friends to lovers, puppy seungmin
a/n: not proofread, just trying to live my delulu through writing, Seungmin in glasses has been stuck in my head
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"You what?" Your voice comes out in a screech that turns many heads in the cafe you frequented often, like most other students from your university.
Seungmin, who stood in front of you, looking calm and gorgeous as ever stared back at you with a glint of amusement in his eyes.
"You heard me." He says in a cool way that throws you off more.
"I- I need a minute." You manage to let out and cover your head in your hands. The embarrassment from screeching in the middle of the cafe and the shock of what had just happened was all too much to take in at once. You need to breathe.
It was yet another normal weekday filled with assignments, delusional romcoms and endless caffeine ingestion. After a rough summer filled with heartbreak and a depressing start to the fall semester, you had finally gained your footing. The fall had brought with it a lot of changes in you.
You found new classmates who had helped you through the rough times and cared about you. Amongst those classmates was also Seungmin, the menace of the group but surprisingly your favourite confidante. He had been nothing but a little prankster and a comedian who ensured the other boys- Hyunjin, Changbin and Jeongin, never got a single second of peace.
He went a little easier on you and Ryujin, the other girl in the group, and you figured it had less to do with your gender and more to do with the fact that he was positively scared of both of you. While he had been a little less annoying with you, it didn't mean you were entirely free of the classic Seungmin pranks either.
Which is why your first instinct on b being asked out on a date by the Kim Seungmin was to believe he was pulling a prank on you.
Seungmin might be a comedian amongst his friends but you were very well aware of his status as the golden boy of the university's band and the boy with the golden voice. On top of that angelic voice, the boy also had a face that could make everyone melt. That smile had made your heart skip beats on several occasions too.
You had met him on a very surly day of your class during the first week of the semester to discuss forming project teams. What began as a purely academic bond evolved into a sureshot friendship as his friend group got acquainted with you and your friend. You had grown very fond of the boys as they helped you forget your pain.
Seungmin was the first one to reach out and notice your melancholy and something about him made you open up about your struggles. It had been two months since then and he had been your source of support through the entire time. While the other boys were also sweet and Ryujin was your primary pillar of support, Seungmin gave you a comfort that felt worlds apart from the others.
You had your fair share of childish fun with him too. You started to notice how he let only Jeongin and you tease him. Changbin and Hyunjin never stood a chance against Seungmin and despite the latter's fear of Ryujin's brash honesty, he never let her off the hook easily either. It was not exactly a surprise to realise that Seungmin had a soft spot for you.
The surprise was that he had walked into the cafe on a random Tuesday afternoon and chose to utter the words "Will you go on a date with me?" in the most nonchalant Seungmin way with absolutely no warning.
And an even bigger surprise was how your heart was skipping several beats on hearing it and your brain was practically shouting at you to say yes even though you had never let yourself think about Seungmin in that sense.
Correction- you had consciously tried your best to not let Seungmin and his actions, smile, voice, hair or even his pranks affect you in a romantic way. You had just come off a horrendous romantic experience that should keep you sworn off romance for a decade at the least. But you would be lying to yourself if you said you hadn't thought about being with Seungmin at least a couple hundred times in the last month alone.
It had all started with that dream. One cold October afternoon, you decided to make the mistake of taking a nap and ended up dreaming of cuddling with Seungmin while watching the snow from your window. The dream threw you off balance and ever since you have been trying and failing to remove Seungmin out of your mind. The random blushes creeping up your cheeks and a pang of jealousy weighing down your mind every time he performed on stage and you had to watch all the girls drool over him. It was all really frustrating, to have to act normally around him while convincing yourself that you are better off as friends.
Especially since he had started wearing his new prescription glasses and smiling at you randomly. Everything he did got magnified and took up extensive real estate in your brain. Each night you convinced yourself you don't have feelings for him and each morning he would do something so small that would have you fighting for your life trying not to melt.
And now he had the audacity to prank you with something as big as a date and you had no idea how to react.
You parted your hands from your face to look up at him through the gaps in your fingers to find him missing. This made you sit upright and look around, part of you hoping he had left and another part sighing in disappointment at the idea of it being a joke after all. But no, there he was, waiting in line at the counter for his order- which you knew was an iced americano, no sugar and extra ice. You watched as he politely thanked the lady who handed him a drink, then turned around and smiled at the group of freshman girls giggling at him. An involuntary eye-roll escaped and you turned toward your laptop waiting from him to take the seat opposite yours.
"So?" He says, placing his drink on the table and placing his hands on the table as he leans forward.
God, that smirk on his face made your stomach do a backflip.
"So what?" You forced yourself to look and sound as normal as possible. And judging by the smirk that has taken on residence on Seungmin's face you weren't doing the best job.
"Y/N, come on. Stop playing hard to get with me."
"Seungmin what the hell! Stop trying to play one of your stupid pranks on me." This broke his stance. His face turned from playful to serious and it only made your heart beat faster.
"I'm not playing pranks y/n. I am serious." And he looks it too. You gulp down the ball of anxiety forming in your throat.
"You want me to go on a date with you? For real?"
Seungmin flinches at your tone. "Is that really such a weird thought for you?"
The doubt flashing on his face tugs at your heart and you immediately leap to say "no".
This brings the faintest hint of a smile back on his face. He takes a sip out of his drink and says "So it's a yes?"
You say the only thing that comes to your mind at that moment. "Why?"
"What do you mean why?" Seungmin's voice is barely above a whisper.
"Why me? Why now?" Your voice falters at the thought of being vulnerable only for him to end up calling it a prank or a mistake. But the way his face softens at your question removes the worry from your mind. He reaches out and takes your hand in his. The butterflies are doing a full ballet routine in your stomach and your heart thrums in your ears in anticipation.
"Y/N, I knew you were dumb but never thought you were this dumb!" You pout in response and he chuckles. "Okay okay, I was joking. But what I mean to say is... I've liked you for a while now. So I thought I'll ask you out on a date, see if it is an infatuation or something more and then figure out what to do."
It was very Seungmin of him to say that.
"What about my feelings for you?" You questioned out of curiosity.
"That's obvious. You're already head over heels in love with me." He says it with a shrug and you remove your hand from his in frustration. "Ya Seungmin, do you have a death wish?" you exclaim and roll your eyes. Of course, you knew he was joking but your stomach still churned in anxiety.
"Jokes apart, I really do like you y/n and I hope you give me this chance to show it to you. I was waiting all this while for you to take your time after your breakup and move on. Yesterday when you said you didn't even think of any of that mess or feel sad anymore I decided it is time to make my move. And of course, there is no force on you and I won't hold it against you if you reject either. But I really hope you give me this chance. The semester is almost over and we can go on one small date during the break and then figure out everything else. Please?"
Everyone called Seungmin a puppy and you were wary of the nickname initially but at that moment he was looking at you with the softest eyes, lips in a pout and a questioning look that made him look like the cutest puppy on the planet.
His heartfelt confession gave rise to a gazillion butterflies and everything beautiful in your stomach. The big smile formed on your face involuntarily.
"Seungmin that was... cute", you said chuckling. "Who knew you could be this wholesome!"
His pout intensified. "Hey, I am very cute always. But the fact that you haven't slapped me yes makes me hope I might get a yes?" The last sentence sounds more like a question even to Seungmin and you let out another chuckle.
"Yes, Seungmin. I will go on a date with you. Just one though." You feign nonchalance but he sees right through you.
"Y/N, please! I know you are squealing with happiness on the inside right now."
"Yea sure, like I am one of your cringe fangirls ugh! I am just doing this as a favour to you."
"Ahha I see. How kind of you ma'am." He says with a mock bow while his face is glowing with joy.
"Ya stop teasing me or I will back out." The ultimatum sounds like a joke even to your own ears but you keep up the act for the fun.
"No, you're stuck with me now. No backing out!" He said with indignance.
"Do you mean just about the date?" The question left your mouth before your brain could understand it and you regretted it the instant his expression turned serious again.
Seungmin looks into your eyes for a moment too long before responding, "You're stuck with me. That's all."
And just like he leaves for his next class, leaving you to smile to yourself like an idiot. A ping from your phone distracts you.
Seungmin: I'd be wholesome to you forever if it meant seeing you smile like that.
You didn't know what the impending winter would bring but for now, you decided to bask in the happiness and this new facet of Seungmin.
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saintslewis · 3 months
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pairing: sir lewis hamilton x fem oc; Nadia Hamilton
summary: social media posts from the most recent chapter! <3
warnings: twitter environment, cussing
saint’s team radio 🎀: 2 for the price of 1 😝. did not mean to take so long so here’s a little gift 🫶🏽
pic credit: pinterest and ig!
fc: @/unclewaffles_ on ig
plastic off the sofa: chapter 7
renaissance: the masterlist
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liked by taylorrussell, normani and 3,484,913 others
nadiahamilton versace x dua lipa.
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nadiahamilton guys my back tat looks so delicious
nadiahamilton hello 🤭
user and what if this causes my hospitalisation?
dualipa i was so lucky to see this in person
nadiahamilton thank you for such an amazing show!
versace 💗
lilymhe i fainted a couple of times
nadiahamilton i don’t, i swear 😭
kehlani can your man fight
haileybieber you look like a dream 🥹
user whatever your affirmations were, hand them over!
sza that ass is SITTING
francisca.cgomes i am begging for one chance
alexandrasaintmleux me too omg
user i don’t think you understand what you’ve done now
nataliatheedon you’re actually unreal WHAT
latto777 it’s actually so unfair that he gets you to himself
iamcardib like it’s actually pissing me off rn
amaraonmars this is insanity. do it again
jackharlow oh you was serious
user white boy, what are you talking abt? 🤨
user probably something at the party
user and dare i ask who took the photos….
user there could only be one selfish man who did this
user not you calling him selfish 😭😭😭
lewishamilton had to take a breather
charlottieee we’ll give you your pump, grandpa
fencer THIS IS SO CRAZY???
lewishamilton hi mrs hamilton
nadiahamilton hi 🤭
user they had to remind y’all REAL QUICK
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liked by bellahadid, zendaya and 845,246 others
nadiahamilton hello monaco! (can we pls focus on how good he looked)
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user publicly thirsting over him, aren’t you embarrassed?
user girl that’s her husband…..
carmenmmundt we need to get together like that soon, it was so much fun!
lilymhe i felt like i was in a chick flick
francisca.cgomes not when you tripped and your ice cream fell ‼️
alexandrasaintmleux kika let’s be nice but YES tinkerbell, i need another girl’s day or else i will combust
user YOUR SHIRT??????
nadiahamilton super cute right?
user it’s so iconic!!!!
user nadia liked and favourited an edit of mine, just wanted to flex 🙏
user now why would you expose that girl’s secret like that (share the edit)
nataliatheedon monaco isn’t a real place, hope that helps!
nadiahamilton if i were you, i’d keep quiet 🫵🏽
nataliatheedon 😧
user i have the slightest feeling that you can cook, can you?
nadiahamilton yes?
user since no one is talking about it, yes he looked so good that day Nadia
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liked by fanpage, fanpage and many others
f1femmepost bumping into nadiahamilton was the highlight of our Monaco Grand Prix weekend! Tell us what your favourite interview moments were!
view comments!
user “is this one of those tiny mics?? I LOVE TINY MICS”
user “i promise you, go up to one of these white people and they will give you a paddock pass. i’ve seen it.”
user “sorry i gotta fix my nose ring hold up”
user “there are days where he sounds incredibly british and it’s just so interesting to hear.” “but he is-” “and that’s what makes it better!”
user “these are my ladies, those drivers couldn’t stand a CHANCE!”
user a dog and its owner walk by: “omg look at it, i wanna squeeze that dog.”
user “i won’t hold you, i’m craving a big ass bowl of pasta rn.”
user *sings in the most angelic voice you’ve ever heard*
user “i’ll never stop being a teacher, it’s so much fun.”
user “if you’ve got extremely blue eyes, do not stare at people, it’s so scary. i’m talking about you, pierre gasly.”
user “omg you’re craving cupcakes? let’s go get them!”
user “you like that bag from gucci? let’s go get it.”
user “i love laying on the floor so much.”
f1femmepost because of all these posts, we love Nadia Hamilton so much! 🫶🏽
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saint’s notes 🎀: this took so long yoh, hope you enjoyed!
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sweetzscore · 2 months
What if I fakeposted about my ocs. What then
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🛸 ang3l-baby follow
Me: [after talking about aliens n space for 3 hours] I dunno I just think they’re kinda neat
🌌 cosmicgirlthing follow
Your record is actually four hours
🛸 ang3l-baby
Sometimes I just black out and talk about doctor who a lot too
32 notes
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💣 emooooeeeekid follow
Ive had girlfriends before which is really weird because I am the most idiotic loser ever. Bitch what do you see in me
🌌 cosmicgirlthing follow
This is true you are very much a loser
🎬 samthehotdog follow
I second this
💣 emooooeeeekid
Listen here you little shits
128 notes
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🎬 samthehotdog follow
I’m very publicly intersex and my favourite thing about this is that I am a high schooler and my classmates get rlly confused all the time and its so funny
🎬 samthehotdog
I like to ask them why they’re so interested in my dick (or lack thereof) and they usually just combust or something
💣 emooooeeeekid follow
high schoolers are very invasive an insensitive so I like to give them the funniest answers possible
I once told a kid that when I was born they asked me if I wanted a dick or a vag and I couldn’t decide so they gave me one of those multicolour pens where you click down the things to get the new colour
🎬 samthehotdog
That. Is the best thing I have ever heard
241 notes
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🍊 bowser-jrjrjrjr follow
Theres so many fucking fags at my school I hate this stupid place
🌌 cosmicgirlthing follow
What are you doing on this website
🍊 bowser-jrjrjrjr
Stfu tranny
🛸 ang3l-baby follow
I go to OP’s school and I can confirm he is very stupid and mean and nobody with any sense actually likes him
🎬 samthehotdog follow
339 notes
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💣 emooooeeeekid follow
Vent under the cut
read more
💣 emooooeeeekid
Fuckin got you didn’t I
🌌 cosmicgirlthing follow
Go fuck yourself
💣 emooooeeeekid
Don’t mind if I do
🧢 jord-the-trans follow
There’s something wrong with both of you
63 notes
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💣 emooooeeeekid follow
>be me
>have a crush on a guy
>guy likes someone else
>other guy is homophobic, used to be my friend but dropped me when I came out
>dont have the heart to tell my crush
Hes gonna get his heart broken either way and like :((( UGHH i just want him to like me
🎬 samthehotdog follow
Oof thats rough pal
🧢 jord-the-trans follow
Yeah Im real sorry abt that Val :(
A little off topic but I didn’t know you had a crush?
💣 emooooeeeekid
Haha nope. No crush here. I dont have any crushes nosireee
🌌 cosmicgirlthing follow
Real subtle mate
42 notes
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🛸 ang3l-baby follow
Im just gonna make it clear right now if you don’t think that straight aces are lgbt i need you to get the fuck off my blog right now
🌌 cosmicgirlthing follow
are you vagueposting abt your boyfriend’s haters
🛸 ang3l-baby
Die mad
402 notes
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anonymous asked: wait you have a boyfriend ???
🛸 ang3l-baby follow
Actually @:reedinthemarsh isn’t my boyfriend he’s my wife
🍬 reedinthemarsh follow
When did we get married also when did I transition???
🛸 ang3l-baby
It’s only a matter of time
💣 emooooeeeekid follow
26 notes
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💣 emooooeeeekid follow
My parents think that me being non-binary might be confusing for my little brothers but I explained it to them once and they immediately understood, said “okay” and then asked me what my 2nd favourite colour was
13 notes
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🌌 cosmicgirlthing follow
URL check
Cosmic: nope
Girl: nope
Thing: sure why not
81 notes · View notes
stxr-slut · 3 months
Hi!! I saw your post about Finnick reqs so here I am :)
Could you do one where Finnick’s girl gives him a sweater she made for him? Like so casually lol (my oc is from district 8 teehee) and he’s just like so sweet and happy about it and maybe even ;)
lol sorry if this is dumb
My best friend is also a district 8 girlie so I'm happy to provide representation !! (although she isn't as much of a fan of finnick, sigh)
With you and finnick living in different districts, you didn't see each other much. You guys mostly just met up when you were both in the capitol, but finnicks schedule was so packed most days thar you barely got any time together.
So when he told you he'd landed a modeling gig that would take him on a tour of panem you were thrilled.
When he got to District 8, you couldn't meet him at the train station. It would spark rumours, and neither of you really wanted to go public. So you decided to meet up at a hotel later that night.
"Oh! I forgot, I made you something." You remember, pulling a box out of your luggage. You passed it to him and he excitedly unwrapped the pretty bow tied around it, lifting the lid. A bright smile lit up his already angelic features.
You two spent the rest of the night curled up in bed, enjoying each other company and bodies- and by the time you woke up in the morning he was gone. It hurt but you knew why he had to do it. Plus the fact that he ordered your favourite breakfast as room service for you was sweet.
You went to watch his show that day, just wanting to see him one last time before he went to the next district. You wanted to scream when he walked out onto the runway, looking so so pretty.
You were busy admiring his face, that was until you noticed that the jumper he was wearing with his look was the one that you made him. It made your stomach do flips..
Hope this is alright, enjoy lovlies !! ☆▪︎☆
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wordsbymae · 2 months
Honestly I wouldn’t mind if ya did a story that was just breeding kink baby fever pregnancy centered focused 🙈 No thoughts head empty just 🌽
But I do have to ask out of your ocs who’d actually make a great father vs shitty father vs meh father? And what are some of ya ocs parental habits for raising the babies?
Hi!! Honestly I wish I was sooooo much better at smut cause that's all I would write. I'm trying to get back into writing smut but I'm really not very good at it, but I'm practising! Also i promised a fic tonight but I'm tired and my writing is shit so I'll have a red hot crack go tomorrow after work.
Ok so I'll just do out of my yandere ocs, cause they are the ones everyone is more familiar with. TW: talks about domestic abuse
Great Father goes to the Farmer for sure. Look he's got traditional (aka outdated views) but that doesn't mean he would ever disown his children. He had a really horrible childhood and he always promised himself he would do a better job as a parent then his own ever did. He is very hands on, giving his children life skills and most importantly the belief that they can overcome what life throws at them. The farmer knows how hard life is, so he tries to instil good work ethic and most of all a be good to others way of thinking. Being a helping hand is important to him.
He may not like people that much, but being someone others can rely on made him feel as though he is wanted and worthwhile when he was always told by his parent's he was not. He would unfortunately believe in boy's things and girl's things. But that doesn't mean if a son of his wants to help mama sew or a girl of his wants to help him fix the truck he's going to go crazy. No, of course not, he believes that ALL life skills, whether others believe them to be men or women jobs, need to be taught to children. So he doesn't care about division of labour based on gender.
What makes him a bit weary is if his son wants to wear florals or pinks, or if his daughter ONLY wears masculine clothes, especially if they go into town. He's just not comfortable about it. However, over time I think he just wouldn't care anymore and would only fuss if they are wearing improper clothes to work on the farm with. Likewise he wouldn't disown his children if they came out as queer, he would most likely make really cringy jokes and ask embarrassing questions and then say something like "Oh, so I can't ask my child a genuine question? Is that not politically correct now?", but like sir, please the question was embarrassing.
But yeah, once he kinda understood it he would come to terms with it and actually would be funny. Like if someone in town asks him if he's proud of his kid for coming out hell say (absolutely seriously) "why the fuck should I be proud of them coming out of the house, why do kids these days need praise for every little thing they do!". like he wouldn't understand what the phase coming out even means. Anyway on to the next!
Meh Father goes to the Mad King. The man is all bark no bite. He pretty much only wants children as heirs and also to have levrage over the reader. He's not horrible by any means, he spoils his children when they deserve it, but he also makes them understand that nothing good in life is freely given and you have to take it. But unfortunately he also causes rivalries between his children. They are desperate for any attention/praise from him that they will try to out compete one another to gain it. Often resulting in arguments and injuries.
Reader (whether they wanted children or not) has to act overly motherly and affectionate to their children to counteract his actions. There is no favouritism or stern reminders of their places as heirs, just warm, welcoming love. Also his children aren't idiots, they can all tell that their parent's did not marry for love. At least on their mother's side.
They are torn between desperately wanting their father, the king, to show them true love not just cold approval and hating him for the emotional abuse he has put their mother through. It's actually kinda sad, because he was always desperate for the attention and love of his father and now he's caused the same thing between his own children.
There is moments of affection and love but the more he see's himself or god forbid his brother in his children, he begins to be very cold and distant. The man kinda forgot that a kid is 50/50 not just 100% their mother's. That's why his youngest is his favourite, although he would never tell anyone ever. His youngest is pretty much reader cloned, looks, personality, and everything. When he looks at them he is harshly reminded what he took away from reader the day he became king.
Bad Father goes to the Killer. This man would have absolutely no fucking clue what the fuck to do. And he would not care to try. Reader (who is usually gn but for the sake of this is afab) is heartbroken when they realise they are pregnant, and Killer has no idea why they won't stop crying. And why do they keep being sick all the time. A primal part of him likes the idea of caring and providing for his darling and their children, in fact he loves it.
When he figured out reader was pregnant, he started stocking up in furs, wood, meat and cloth. He made a crib from what he remembered his little brother's to be (omg lore drop). He likes to provide, but damn does he actually hate having a child. He leaves ALL baby stuff to reader, he pretty much refuses to look after or even pick up the baby. He gives reader all the resources they need and the Killer calls it a good job done. The poor kid(s) grow up very isolated and confused. Their mama loves them with everything they have but their pa won't even acknowledge them.
Resentment grows as they do. They of course don't really understand why they are here and why their mother/parent is with killer, because it's all they have ever known. They've known nothing other than this. I can see this going either two ways. One day the oldest snaps, they are sick and tired of listening to the screams of the their father's victims. Their mother/parent tries so hard to keep them from barging out of their small shack.
The eldest faces their father, who has grown grey over the years. However, he is still a scary and strong man, and the eldest falters slightly, it's enough for the Killer to smack their eldest to the ground telling them to go back inside. Reader sees this and just loses it. They have spent a good chunk of their life under Killer's thumb. They have seen so much death and violence they have become almost immune. But to see their child being struck by the man who killed all her friends all those years ago just causes absolute rage.
Reader picks up the old shotgun that they found hidden in the attic, they were always too scared to use it, especially when the kid(s) came. But now its time. Killer doesn't stand a chance.
OR the other way is that once the kid(s) reach maturity they follow in their father's footsteps unfortunately for reader and finally get their father's approval. I like the first idea better.
Hope you liked it! I should have my home invader story out tomorrow!
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luvangelbreak · 4 months
Deprived | Eleven
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: swearing, suggestive? word count: 2.3k a/n: sorry this one is shorter than i wanted it to be but i have sm planned for this series y'all i’m COOKIN
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pov: layla
"What?" I asked, scooping my first bite of ice cream out of the tub.
He shrugged, following my actions of taking a scoop of ice cream into his mouth before saying, "Twenty-one questions?"
"Are we in middle school?" I asked with an eyebrow raised and a small smile on my lips.
"Come on it's just so I can know more about you," he smiled at me and I rolled my eyes, scooping more ice cream into my mouth.
"Fine," I mumbled, swallowing the ice cream before I looked at him again, "You start since you wanna play so bad."
"What's your favourite food?" he asked as he placed another mouthful of ice cream in his mouth.
"Ramen noodles," I answered with a nod and he gave me a confused look, "What? They're cheap and they taste amazing."
"I was just expecting like pizza or sushi or something. Not ramen noodles," he chuckled as I shook my head.
"What's your favourite colour?" I asked, directing the conversation back to our little game.
"Blue," he answered quickly and I scoffed, "What?"
"That's such a basic answer. At least give me a specific shade of blue," I rolled my eyes playfully and he squinted his eyes at me.
Silence fell over us for a moment before he said, "The hoodie you wore to the game."
"What?" I asked, taking another scoop of ice cream into my mouth.
"The hoodie you wore to the game. That's my favourite shade of blue," he explained and I chewed on my bottom lip before he reached forward, pulling my bottom lip out of my teeth with his thumb before he mumbled, "You're gonna make yourself bleed again."
My eyes met his as he kept his hand under my chin and I felt my face heat up, my cheeks turning a light tint of red. I dropped my eyes back to the bed sheets in front of me and he pulled his hands away from my chin.
"It's your turn," I mumbled and he cleared his throat, leaning his back against the wall once again.
"Do you have any siblings?" he asked, resuming the game once more.
I nodded my head, placing my spoon in the middle of the tub of ice cream, "I have an older sister."
"How old is she?" he asked and I looked at him, making a fake serious face.
"It's not your turn, pretty boy," I deadpanned and he chuckled as he nodded, "Do you have a favourite parent?"
"No of course not," he shook his head, "I spend the most time with my dad but I love them both the same amount."
"That's cute," I let my smile peak through my lips as I bent my knees, pulling them towards my chest. His eyes flashed down to my thighs and I bit my lip, realising my shorts looked a lot shorter at this angle.
"How old is your sister?" he asked and I looked down at the bed sheets again.
"She's twenty-nine, eleven years older than me. I haven't seen her since I was 6," I shrugged, picking at the lint on the bedsheet.
"Why's that?" he asked cautiously and I leaned my cheek on my right knee, my face turned towards him as I spoke.
"She ran away. I talked to her through emails until I was 13 but my dad found out. She said for both of our safety it would just be better to not talk," I explained, a sad smile covering my face and his face softened as he looked at me.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled, a comforting smile on his lips, "My brother is only 6 years older than us but he went to college when I was 12, he moved out for that and never came back. We only really see him on Christmas now."
"Are you close with him still?" I asked, chewing on my lip before grabbing my spoon from the tub and taking another scoop into my mouth.
He shrugged, following my actions before saying, "We try to talk but he works all the time."
"It's good that you still try," I shrugged and he smiled while nodding.
"What's your favourite subject in school?" he asked as I stabbed the spoon back in the tub.
"English," I responded, looking up to see him smirking at me, "It's the easiest subject. Don't get too cocky now."
He hummed in response, a smirk still evident on his lips, "Sure, sure."
My mind drifted to the night at Downs, my thoughts swirling with worry and I looked down at the covers before asking, "You know how we went to Downs?"
"Yeah?" he asked, a questioning tone underlying his words.
"Did I like... go too far?" I asked, my nervousness clearly showing as I refused to look at him.
"What do you mean?" he questioned and I sighed, feeling uncomfortable expressing my worry but for the sake of my sanity, I needed to know.
"Like, with the whole phone thing. I didn't, like, make you uncomfortable or anything?" I picked at the lint on the covers and I heard a chuckle emit from his mouth, making me look up at him.
"Were you thinking that this whole time?" he asked with a smile on his face and I shrugged in response, "I wouldn't have done it if it made me uncomfortable. It's fine."
"You sure?" I double-checked, chewing on my lip nervously and he leaned forward, pulling my lip out of my teeth again with his thumb.
"Positive," he nodded and I bit the inside of my cheek, hiding my smile, "Can I be honest?"
"Would be pissed if you weren't," I quipped and he smirked at me.
"I kinda liked it," he admitted and I raised my eyebrows, pulling my knees closer to my chest.
"You're such a guy," I rolled my eyes, ignoring the excitement in my stomach as he looked at me.
"I have a real guy question for you," he announced, placing his spoon in the ice cream tub, "What's your body count?"
"You've gotta be fucking with me," I giggled, shaking my head in disbelief, "Contrary to popular belief, it's zero."
"Wait, what?" he looked at me with genuine confusion and I smiled, nodding my head, "You've never..."
"Yes, Matthew. I've never had sex. I am a virgin. Any other way you want me to say it?" I blandly stated with a smile and he raised his eyebrows.
"Wow," he had a downturned smile on his lips.
"Why's that so shocking?" I asked, amusement still on my face.
"Just is," he shrugged, avoiding my gaze now and I squinted my eyes at him, "You're just very pretty. I can't imagine it would be hard for you to get with someone."
I felt heat creep onto my face and I looked down at my thighs, "Thanks but that's not really why I haven't done it."
"Why then?" he asked, his nosiness making me amused in a way.
"I've just never really been into physical touch shit. I don't even like when people hug me," I explained as I looked at him again.
"You seem fine when I hug you," he pointed out, a smirk on his face again.
"You're the exception to the rule I guess," I shrugged, a small smile on my lips, "I feel like it's only fair to ask what your body count is then."
"It's four," he answered shortly and I raised my eyebrows, "Two of them were girlfriends."
"And the other two?" I asked now being the nosy one.
"Random hookups I regret to this day," he replied honestly and I nodded, "Do you ever think about it?"
"Think about what?" I asked, letting my legs slide out in front of me
"Ya know..." he trailed off and I smirked, waiting for him to say it as I gave him a questioning look, "Doing it."
"Doing what?" I asked, an obvious smirk on my face now and he gave me a deadpanned look.
"Having sex. Ya happy now that I said it?" he asked with a roll of his eyes and I giggled, pulling my sleeves over my hands since the cold hair nipped at them.
"I am a human, Matthew. Of course I've thought about sex," I smiled at him with amusement and he shrugged his shoulders.
"You could be asexual for all I know," he stated and I shook my head.
"Nope," I answered quickly before I took a breath in and said quietly, "I am bi though."
"Oh that's dope," he nodded and I let my tense shoulders relax, "Why did you look so worried?"
"Because you're a straight man. I was expecting some sort of whack-ass comment," I told him honestly and he frowned.
"I'm a straight man but I'm not fucking weird," he replied and I nodded, looking down at my phone to see it was already 9:30 pm.
"You think they're done in the living room?" I asked, looking back up to him and he shrugged, quickly crawling off the end of the bed.
"I'll check," he walked out of the room, leaving his door open and I took that as an opportunity to look around his room. He had a few art pieces on the walls all of which related to either music or nature. His room was clean and organised, the complete opposite of mine. There were very few clothes on the floor, all of which looked like pyjamas.
I heard footsteps up the stairs before he reappeared at the door and I asked, "They there?"
He shook his head, picking up a few clothes off the ground, "Nah. I'm gonna go get changed in the bathroom. You want some sweats or something?"
"Uh, I can't really sleep in full pants. It's super uncomfortable," I gave him an apologetic smile and he opened one of his two wooden drawers, pulling something out before throwing it into my lap.
"That work?" he asked and I picked up the black shorts that looked like they would never fit Matt, not even sure they would fit me, "They're Allie's. She leaves her shit here all the time so I just keep it in my room."
"Yeah that should be fine, thanks," I nodded and he smiled, opening another drawer to throw me another item of clothing, this one significantly bigger than the shorts he'd given me.
"What are you gonna wear to school tomorrow if you sleep in your only shirt?" he asked, a smirk on his face and I pursed my lips before nodding. With that, he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.
I quickly slid into the clothes he gave me, making a small pile of my clothes next to my bag and shoes. I grabbed my phone checking for any notifications but it was blank. With a sigh, I locked in again and there was a knock on the door.
"Come in," I called out and the door opened to reveal Matt now in a white wife-beater and blue plaid pyjama pants, "Allie is like half my size as you can see by the shorts."
I pointed to my thighs which were covered by the black shirt, hiding the fact that I was wearing shorts that could be mistaken for underwear and he gave me an apologetic, "I don't really have any comfortable shorts."
"It's fine. Your shirt's long enough," I shrugged, looking down at the white writing on the shirt which read 'Ransom', "Are their blankets and stuff on the couch?"
"Uh yeah," he answered, sounding confused as he threw his clothes on his gaming chair that was in front of his desk.
"Cool," I stood up and he frowned, moving to stand in front of the door.
"What do you mean 'cool'? I'm sleeping on the couch," he stated and I crossed my arms over my chest giving him an unimpressed look.
"I'm not letting you sleep on the couch, Matthew. Sleep in your own bed," I told him as I went to walk past him but he blocked me from walking into the hallway, shutting the door with his foot.
"I practically made you stay here. Sleep in the bed, Layls," he demanded and I shook my head.
"I'm not sleeping on the bed if you're sleeping on the couch," I told him stubbornly.
"You wanna sleep on the couch together or what?" he asked sarcastically but there was a small voice in the back of my head telling me that wasn't an awful idea.
"No. I want you to sleep in your own bed," I stated again.
"And I want you to sleep in my bed," he repeated and I huffed, pulling my hair out of its ponytail.
"Guess we're both sleeping in your bed then," I shrugged, walking back to the bed. He turned around to open the door and I spoke loudly, "You go down to that couch Matthew and I'm punching you in the nuts."
"Why are you so adamant about this?" he asked as he turned around to look at me again as I sat on the edge of the bed, ruffling my hair so it would sit on my shoulders better.
"Because," I shrugged, not really knowing why I cared about this so much, "I already feel like I'm intruding in your house. I would feel even worse if you had to sleep on the couch."
"I'm fine to sleep on the co-"
"Matthew," I cut him off, making him purse his lips and stare at me, "Get on the fucking bed."
"God, you're so stubborn," he mumbled, flicking off the lights before turning on his lamp that was on the bedside table. He plugged his phone into the charger before jumping past me to lie down on the side that was against the wall.
"I could say the same for you, pretty boy," I mumbled as I placed my phone next to his, not bothering to ask for a charger. I slid under the covers, the soft material gliding over my bare skin.
"You want a pillow here?" he asked making me turn to my left to see him holding a pillow in between us.
"Up to you," I shrugged and he hesitated before placing the pillow back behind his head.
A silence fell over us and the only sounds being heard were our breathing. I lay staring at the ceiling for a moment but I felt eyes on me. I didn't have to turn my head to know he was looking at me.
Instead, I just mumbled, "Go to sleep Matthew."
I heard him chuckle before he shifted to get under the covers and replied with, "Goodnight, Layls."
@ilovechrissturniolo1 @leprechaunbirthdaygirl @sturnfix @lilsstvrn @sturniololol
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untilnextchapter · 10 months
Masterlist : Marvel
Marvel Cinematic Universe
* = Smut (Minors DNI) || 🦋 = Series || Beware of the TW please
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Do you love Bucky series? @justkending is the writer for you! Here are some of my favourites:
Finding Memories 🦋 (Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader, Waking up with little to no memory of her past, and being saved by a group of individuals who call themselves heroes, sends a long time captive for a whirlwind trying to find some form of grounding in this world she quickly learns runs on chaos. But she’s not the only one trying to figure out her forgotten backstory. Bucky Barnes, along with the other Avengers, can’t help but sense that there is a lot more to the whole situation than a diagnosis of amnesia. Her background slowly starts to come forward in pieces of her past and hidden information discovered. Who is she? And why was she in the room they were meant to destroy?)
The Number One Rule 🦋 (Bucky Barnes x Rogers!Reader, Y/N has always been seen as “Steve’s rambunctious sister.” However, she grew up, graduated, and moved to London to study abroad for 4 years and get her bachelor’s degree. The girl that returns looks nothing like the teenager that left. But don’t worry, the attitude is still there and stronger than ever. What’s to come of the two grown adults that used to push each other’s buttons, but now have a lot more in common than they’ve ever realized?)
The Slip Up 🦋 (Bucky Barnes x Single mom!Reader, After a last hurrah to graduating college with a future to be a family practitioner, a little slip up happens… Seven years down the road, just when things just now seem to be going smoothly, Y/N approaches that slip up from all those years ago. She’s not looking for anything right now. She is just where she wants to be in life. It seems the universe has a different idea though. One called James Barnes.)
So, my number one for smutty Bucky is the wonderful @sinner-as-saint. Here are a few of my favourites:
Capital Letters * 🦋 (Bucky AU x Fem!Reader, You were fortunate enough to work for who was considered to be one of the best, most admired and affluent authors of your time; Mr. James Buchanan Barnes. And soon, things weren’t so professional between you and the man…)
His Obsession * (Mob!Seb x Housekeeper!Reader, You work for the notorious mob boss. You’re at his house regularly; tidying up and cleaning and surprisingly you’re not scared of him like the rest of his staff are. Sure he is authoritative, and mean but he’s never disrespectful or inappropriate, nor does he bark orders at you like he does with the guys. And you were almost certain that he barely pays attention to you. Until one evening he confronts you about something. And what starts out heated, ends in a night neither of you will ever forget…)
Miscellaneous Authors:
Diner Girl || @ofstarsandvibranium (Fem!Reader, After coming across a small diner, he becomes enamoured with you, a waitress)
Set me free || @intrepidacious (Bucky x Nymph!Reader, Once upon a time, a soldier fell from a train. Thankfully, this time, he is found by gentle hands, and a beautiful voice keeps him safe from the cold)
Heal me, baby || @/intrepidacious (Bucky x Nurse!Reader, Your friendship starts with you cleaning up his wounds and Bucky paying to get the blood stains out of your couch. Something else starts, too)
Nightingale’s Song 🦋 || @thatfanficstuff (Barnes x OC, James Buchanan Barnes. Captain America’s best friend. Hydra’s secret weapon. A man lost in time who can’t remember his own name let alone those he held most dear. Florence Anna Charles. A nurse on the front in World War II. A mutant in a time they weren’t known. A woman who can heal with a touch that catches the attention of Hydra)
Lessons in Love || @violentdelightsandviolentends (Bucky x Fem!Reader, Bucky didn't believe in love at first sight. Then he met you.)
[Not Named] || @terry-perry (Dad!Buck x Fem!Reader, Can I request of Jack is clinging on Y/n like koala. Like when Bucky try to pry him off of her but he said “No! I’m staying with mommy and protect her!”)
Mood lighting || @frankieetaylorr (1930s!Bucky x Fem!wheelchair-user!Reader, You never understood why he always came to the dances your resident home threw but you were always so glad when he did)
TW: brief mention of abandonment
Secret Book Club || @starks-hero (40’s!Bucky x Reader, Bucky’s got a new book and he just can’t seem to put it down)
Instinct || @dilemmaontwolegs (FATWS!Bucky x Blind!Fem!Reader, After trying to stop a mugging before Bucky intervenes as reward is offered and so he tracks you down)
Fall into Winter * 🦋 [Ao3] || Miajah (Bucky x Reader, Mae was just doing her civic duty when she saved Iron Man, now she can't seem to get rid of him. Then there was the Winter Soldier and of course Captain America himself. A girl can't catch a break)
Running From the Past * 🦋 [Ao3] || @green-eyeddragonfanfiction (Buck x Mutant!Reader, Reader is a mutant who was experimented on by HYDRA. Due to her unique powers, she escapes without being seen when the Avengers attack the Hydra compound she’s been kept in for the last 5 years of her life. Her mutations and Hydra experiments allow her to blend in with her surroundings (like a chameleon/cuttlefish/octopus) and change her appearance in minor ways (such as hair, skin, and eye color), though the changes are only temporary. She’s now on the run, avoiding both Hydra and SHIELD)
Steve Rogers x Reader
You and Me Together 🦋 || @/ofstarsandvibranium (Single Parent Steve x Fem!Reader, After the death of his wife, Sharon, Steve Rogers is now the single parent of their daughter, Grace. Three years after his wife’s death, his friends convince him to go back into the dating game)
Not a Perfect Princess || @shmaptainwrites || (Steve x Princess!Reader, Reader meets one of the heros who saved her country and realizes around him she doesn’t have to be a perfect princess)
Making the Team || @heliads (Dad!Steve x Daughter!Reader, The reader is the daughter of natasha and steve, and she is nervous about for her first mission. Her mom and dad tell her that everything is gonna be great, and the mission is complete, but the reader is badly injured and her parents and Bruce takes care of her)
10 Years Time 🦋 || @/justkending (Steve x Stark!Daughter!Reader, As princess of Alberia, it is your duty to grow into a rightful young lady if you plan on ruling your family’s country. Of course, the only way your father can see this happening is sending you off to a boarding camp at the age of 14 for 10 years to learn what it means to grow into a Queen.That means leaving all your friends and family behind. One specific person, your best friend, you never want to say goodbye to. But 10 years later, you come back grown into a young lady, and find your best friend has grown into a knightly young man. How will you two adjust after 10 years apart? Will things be the same, or will all that’s happened in that span of time affect your relationship?)
Tony Stark x Reader
Dum-E || @mostly-marvel-musings (Tony x Fem!Reader, DUM-E has probably tried petting Tony's hair with his grabby claw when Tony falls asleep in the lab because he's seen you do it and noticed that Tony likes it)
Hot Chocolate and Hoodies || @deadlymistletoe (Tony x Fem!Reader, A dare involving a hoodie eventually leads to hidden feelings being revealed)
Maybe to annoy you || @specialagentlokitty (Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader, Tony's daughter and she has a crush on Steve, like everytime she sees him she blushes and Tony is a little annoyed)
Two Wicks, One Flame * 🦋 [Ao3] || AmberSnapeBlack (Tony x Soulmate!OC, Emma has had it rough her whole life. Her experiences have shaped her into who she is today, a twenty three year old bus girl with no self esteem or backbone. She hates the lime light...well she hates socializing at all. She has never paid her soul mark any mind. Most days, she forgets it even exists. That will change for her in a way she never anticipated. What comes with bearing the soul mark of the man who is the forefront of the Avengers? Who is almost always in lime light? Who is possibly, already taken? Does she want to know?)
Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Little Love || @/ofstarsandvibranium (Loki x Short!Reader, where the reader is super short)
Shatter This Glass And Set Me Free * 🦋 [Ao3] || @shiningloki || (Loki x OC, Loki hasn't seen the light of day in years. He has been locked away in Stark Tower, waiting for Odin to free him of his punishment after his attack on New York. He's angry, he's spiteful, but most of all, he's lonely. It is not until one day when a new face comes along Stark Tower that everything begins to change. She's different from the rest. She's trusting, she's curious, and she's willing to give Loki a chance at companionship that no one has ever offered him)
The Eyes of the Beholder 🦋 || @/starks-hero (Gorgon!Loki x Blind!Reader, Loki has spent years in solitude, hidden away in the mountains south of Athens. Having been cursed by the gods for his trickery, anyone that sets eyes on him shall turn to stone. But what happens when an unfortunate mortal wanders into his domain?)
TW: Descriptions of blood, violence and injury, angst
Dances and Daggers 🦋 [Ao3] || Cozy_The_Overlord (Loki x OC, The Summer Festival is upon Asgard, as is the tradition of the dagger ceremony, where each unmarried gentleman chooses a lady to bestow with the honor of carrying his dagger for the night. As Prince Thor's betrothed, Teki's only goal is to accept his dagger with grace and hope that her violent stepfather doesn't find fault with her in the process. But Prince Thor is unpredictable, and when he ignores his engagement on a whim Teki finds herself in a desperate situation. Luckily, Thor isn't the only prince in Asgard…)
Avengers x Reader
Not a burden || @/specialagentlokitty (Autistic!Child!Reader, Would you be comfortable writing something where Bucky and Steve (or maybe the whole Avengers team if you like that better) adopt the autistic reader after finding out her mother emotionally abused her?)
Some Things Never Sleep 🦋 [FF.Net] || MotomamiBizcochito (Avengers x OC, Emma Rogers, AKA The Viper Assassin, has been under Hydra's thumb for nine long years until the Avengers rescue her from a Hydra base after receiving anonymous intel from the Winter Soldier. She's thrown into a world of freedom which she's never known but with the help of her grandfather, Captain America, she slowly becomes accustomed to her new life until Tony Stark brings up the Sokovia Accords. Emma is caught in the middle of a war as she becomes intent on protecting the man she calls her father and siding with her grandfather. Not to mention she crosses paths with a certain webslinging nuisance that knows just how to push her buttons like no other...what Emma would give for the days she spent knife fighting with her father in Siberia)
I know it's a Spiderman x OC but it's because of this story I discovered MCU and Emma has a lot of relations with Avengers. A LOT of TW, check them all please
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myladysapphire · 6 days
His Sapphire Princess (IX)
After the night in the brothel Rhaenyra is married to Laenor Velayron to protect the birth of her child. who in the years to follow is the only one of Rhaenyra's children that is believed to be his, she is loved by all in the red keep, even queen Alicent adores the girl, so when Rhaenyra proposes a marriage between Aemond and Rhaenyra's daughter Visenya, Alicent happily agrees.
The children having been best friends in their youths are more than happy to be wed but when the incident at drift mark occurs things change, will it be for better or worse?
word count: 2,455
CW: angst? some fluff (like they reunite and don't hate each other and decide to start over), tensions, refrences of past SA, not proofread!
Fem!oc x Aemond Targeryen
Masterlist | series masterlist | previous part | next part
disclaimer:  i do not own any of claim any of the A song of ice and  fire characters, all rights belong to GRR MARTIN, all characters are his except for my OC
a/n i hate this, but it's kind of a filler chapter anyway
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Aemond had been both eager and nervous for her return.
Though counting down the days, planning on how he would greet you, he also was scared.
He know she felt ignored by him, betrayed by how he had just stopped replying to her letters. Ignored her name days, ignored her completely.
But that was not entirely true.  He had wanted so badly to reply, writing letter upon letter, though some were just mindless scribbles. But not once did he find he wrote a letter worthy of her, worthy of the emotions he felt. He needed space and he had shown he needed it in the worse possible way.
He had hated how he knew some version of her, a guarded version. Her letters expressing less and less, over time just mere updates of her life before stopping altogether. And he hated that the version she knew of him was the scared little boy he had tried so hard to get ride of.
The version of Aemond he had gotten ride of, in all ways but with her. He wanted to be the old Aemond with her, but hated that he did. It was why he needed the space, the time to heal, the time to become the man he is today.
But as he stood in the training yard, staring at her as she talked to him, so ddiffernt, so cold.
He knew he made a mistake.
She was so different, she had changed, and not just her personality.
But her looks also. Gods she was the most stunning and beautiful woman he had ever seen, he had always thought it impossible for her to become more beautiful.
But her beauty was clouded by the look in her eyes, the anger, the hurt and the loneliness.
She looked so alone, even as she walked out the courtyard with her brothers, laughing. She same old melodic laugh that could capture a room. The loneliness ceased slightly when he looked into them, as if she was finally being seen.
He understood. There eyes always talked to each other, expressing their true emotions, it why he knew his eyes mirrored hers, but they also showed another emotion, regret.
Regret for reading your letters time and time again, annotating them as if they were quotes from his favourite novel. Regret from the stack of unsent letters he kept in his bedside draw.
Each filled with his thoughts. Most mindless scribbles, unfished letters ending with angry scribbled out words as words escaped him, as  fear filled him.
He had tried to write of the events in his life even detailing his fights with Ser Criston, his rides with Vaghar, the books he read. And yet he could never send them, fear of her seeing his liefe and not understanding why he needed the space, or fear that he would see the darkest parts of his mind grew as the years went on. The sweet kind boy she had once new fading, and a cruel, vengeful man taking his place.  
He had once longed to be a protector, her sworn sword, doing good in her name. now…now he revelled in fear. He loved how the woman would run at the sight of his sapphire eye, a sight he knew deep down she never would. He revelled in revenge, revenge by going to the brothel, the place of his hurt, and burning it.
It was ruthless, but the second he had done it, he felt free, healed.
And yet fear still gripped at him, fear of wheat you know thought of him.
Fear that she would not accept the new him, but as he had started at you he felt like the old sweet Aemond was still in there somewhere, but only for her, his Sapphire.
Watching her sway away he knew he had limited time, this week was the first week of their official courtship, but the week after they would begin the moon long celebrations for their wedding.
Celebrations were they would spend day after day, hour after hour together being the perfect couple.
And he didn’t want it to be an act.
He had returned to his rooms, opening his bedside draw, but instead of reaching for her letter he reached for his own, and realised what he wanted to do.
He waited, two days. Two days of agony.
He had somehow hoped those two days he would be able to approach her, talk to her. But now, all he could was watch her. Watch her spend day after day in someone else’s company
Whether it was one of the tens of ladies begging for her favour and chance at becoming her lady, or her brother Jace, or even Aegon.
Gods he had forgotten about Aegon’s obsession with her. He knew they wrote, Aegon often bragging about it. With Aegon telling him about her, their little jokes, their shared secrets.
Not that he was jealous, no. He was not jealous of how Aegon seemed to act as if they were betrothed to each other. For two days they seemed to walk everywhere together, sit with each other at dinners. Though her eyes were often searching for Aemond’s, Aegon’s eyes were always firmly planted on her. And whenever she wasn’t with him, he was like a lost pup, waiting for her to appear.
Those two days, though never alone they often found the other staring, their mouths would being to form words that they were never able to form. And so he finally built up the courage and sent her his letters.
When she had received Aemond’s letters she did not know what to expect.
They had appeared on her dresser, all 112 of them. Though some were scrapes of paper with random thoughts scribbled across them. One just one word repeated, 110 times.
Her name written, again and again, in the same neat, perfect handwriting Aemond had always had.
She then realised what this was, an apology.
She found the first letter he wrote that was left unsent, and she felt her heart break.
Dearest Visenya,
I am so sorry, I can not say why it has taken so long for me to only now reply.
Prepahs it was the guilt.
I never should of come to Winterfell, You had been kind and sweet, but I fear your kindness is unwarranted. I do not desire pity, I regret coming that night, I regret allowing you to see me so weak and scared. My whole life I have sworn to be your protector, your sword. And that night as I cried in your arms I felt like a small child, I felt smaller than when I did when Lucerys tore out my eye. And I hated it.
I have tried to look past it, look at it in away where I do not come across a whiny little boy and I am nothing but ashamed.
I had hoped to write you, bragging of my successes and yet all I can do I wallow In self pity at how I acted that night.
It matters not that I bested ser Criston for the first time, or how often I ride Vaghar.
For all I can think about it the look of pity you gave me.I do not need nor want your pity, my sapphire.
You gave me a place to stay and a place to cry, but I shall make it clear to you that the Aemond you saw that night is long gone. And shall never return. He can never return, not for you not for anyone.
So sweet, I shall not answer your request to come to Winterfell, I need the space, the time and so do you.
I fear distance is what we need, though we may hate it, I need to become Prince Aemond, and not just scared little Aemond, the boy who lost is eye, the boy who cried in your arms.
Yours, whether I say it or not,
Dearest Visneya,
It has been near six moons since I last wrote you, and you are writing less and less.
I have been cruel, I know. I have ignored you in the favour of bettering myself.
I do not deserve you, or your kindness even still.            
You seem to be doing well, a fact I envy not too see. But I myself am not.
I miss you more and more each day, I find myself looking for you ate very turn. And yet it has been over a year since you were at the red keep.
So much has changed, Aegon and Heleana are to wed soon, I have started training with a real sword.
I no longer wake in sweats from that night.
So much has changed and yet I have so little words to say, I hate it!
I used to have all the words in the world for you, never once fearing how you viewed me. For I knew how you viewed me then.
And now I fear you will judge me.
Hate me.
Resent me.
I fear I have become a stranger, and yet I have a dozen unsent letters all addressed to you, read and read time and time again your own.
I know you, and I fear you.
Fear your opinion of me, how you view me.
I fear-      
Most of his letters just ended, frustration finding him far to quickly, some were just mindless words and phrases.
I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you  I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you I miss you .
Some were hateful, words said in anger, at how she still cared.
Dear Visenya,
Stop writing me.
How long must I ignore you to realise I want not to know you as we once did.
How am I to become the man you desire we spend all our time writing each other, stuck in our silly little heads!
Then gossip filled the red keep, gossip that Cregan had asked for your hand.
please, my sapphire, I beg of you do not marry him!
Your mother bids it but I do not!
And then her letters had stopped and he left once last letter to her.
Please, don’t stop writing me!
I know I have not been a friend to you but a stranger but without your letters the world has stopped.
I now I am a hypocrite, a hypocrite who cannot find the words. Who never has been able to speak his feelings, but show them.
I know not of a gesture to prove I want you till, I crave you and I need you.
but please, I cannot live without you, knowing you, please.
forever your Aemond.
Gods, she thought, he had to been hurt. Though not by her, and she had resented him for it. Resented how he had opened up to her, and then abandoned her ignored her for so long.
She knew it was hard for, he was never one for words. Gestures yes, but words? They always frustrated him, he could never formulate his feelings and yet this, the scribbled erratic thoughts and letters, unedited and rushed. They showed so much but also so little.
She has spent the whole day reading those letters, seeing no one bar her maid delivering her meals. And had it not been for her mother coming to grab her for dinner, demanding her presence, she would have sat on her thoughts all day and night.
But as she was sat next to Aemond she realised she would have less time to think on what Aemond’s gesture meant and what it meant for them.
“Aemond” she greeted, flipping her hair to the side as she sat.
“Senya” he greeted in response, eyes firmly on her.
 She squirmed in her seat, unsure on where to start. “Senya” he said again, capturing her attention, as they made eye contact some tension left her body.
“why?” she asked, its all she could think of, why?
He coughed awkwardly, clearly not expecting this conversation now, “I was never one for words, Visneya. But gestures, have always been something I excel at.” He moved his head closer to her, their conversation too private for prying eyes. “ I never should have ignored you, I know realise, it hurt us both, more than I ever thought” he shifted in his seat “seeing the look in your eyes when you arrived and realising I had made a mistake”
She nodded, urging him on, as she began to plate up her food.
“I focused solely on myself, I was selfish, but I won’t lie to you, my sapphire”
My sapphire, she liked that.
“I have become selfish and cruel, I have become a man who craves fear, but not from you, never from you”
“then what do you want from me?” she asked softly, before nervously looking to make sure no one else was listening to their conversation. “you did not want companionship from me, you ignored me for years on end, and yet by the end of the moon we will be wed!” she took a breath “if you have truly become selfish, and cruel, how do I know that it is for your betterment? And how will I know that you wont ever make me fear you?”
“because I became that person, so that I never have to feel fear again, feel the fear I felt at Driftmark, at that… at that brothel” she sighed, taking her hand in his “ I want to be your protector, it is all I have ever wanted, and how could I become that if I remained that scared, naïve little boy?”
Everything he was saying was true, but it also made her realize she did not know him anymore.
She breathed in “perhaps we should start over? Get to know one another again?”
He nodded, “I would like that”
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My entry fo #Ghostchallenge, for @glitterypirateduck
Prompt 9. Alternate Universe
I want to dedicate this to my sweet anon that sends me fantastic asks all the time, actually this was born from one of them, when they asked me if my OC and Simon would have fallen in love in a civvilian setting.
Disclaimer: I use 3rd person but I tried to not describe her appearance further than being curvy. The render at the end is my own self service because after all, it's my OC
Tuesdays and Fridays were Simon’s favourite days at his butcher’s.
And the very reason why those were his favourite days just opened the door, with her usual radiant smile on her face that made his day, no matter how shitty it had been, all the better.
‘‘Good evening’’ Like a clock, every Tuesday and Friday after 6pm, when the hustle of the day had died down. Most likely when she got off work too.
‘‘Good evening, luv. I was about to close’’ Simon turned around to face the door, wiping his hands after taking his gloves off.
‘‘You say that every single time I come’’ She rolled her eyes with a small huff, still smiling. That time she only wanted a couple steaks and chicken breast, which was quite quick and easy to prepare as they chatted about the weather and the news.
One of the reasons his shop was still open and popular in the neighbourhood was that he closed a couple hours later than others. Why wouldn’t he? He had no one waiting at home. But thanks to that, people that worked late hours could still shop before going home.
‘‘Is that the nice girl from the museum? Remember you have a bag for her!’’ From the back room, Mrs Riley’s voice could be heard, and Simon wanted the ground to open and swallow him whole.
But the way she blushed made it all better.
‘‘A bag for me? But I didn’t order anything’’
‘‘No, I… kept bones from this week. For your dogs’’ Christ, he sounded lame. Was he sweating? He hoped not. ‘‘Are you still volunteering at the animal shelter?’’
‘‘Oh!’’ The way her whole face lit up with her smile had him weak in the knees. Pretty little thing, all soft curves and sweet eyes that made him feel like wanting to drown in them. ‘‘You’re so kind, you shouldn’t have…’’
‘‘It’s nothing, beautiful’’ Simon saw with satisfaction how she blushed again. The first time he had called her a pet name without thinking, couple months ago, she had gone red like a damn strawberry, and it had been so cute that he couldn’t help but test new ones every time she came into the shop, until he settled for the ones that seemed to have more reaction.
‘‘Is it very heavy?’’ She looked concerned for a second, but he just laughed, shaking his head.
‘‘It is, but I didn’t pretend you to carry it all the way to your house, luv. I’ll bring it over as a delivery, if that’s ok’’
‘‘Ah… yes, it is ok, but…’’ Fucking hell, the way she chewed her lower lip. Thank God the counter was high enough to hide his lower half.
‘‘What is it, beautiful?’’
‘‘I… moved last month’’ She looked down, brushing a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. ‘‘So I guess I should give you my new address?’’
‘‘That’d be useful’’ Simon nodded, opening the book where he wrote down his client’s addresses for delivery. After finding her surname, he wrote down the new address as she dictated it, still flustered. ‘‘All set then. When do you wish to schedule the delivery?’’
‘‘Oh, I… have no preference’’ She shrugged, with a small smile that tore at his heart. ‘‘If I’m not at work or at the shelter I’m always home’’
‘‘I’d prefer to be able to schedule it if you don’t mind, just in case…’’ Simon looked down at her over the counter, his mobile phone in hand. ‘‘Would it be best to call beforehand?’’
She nodded, like in a daze, and took her own phone out so they could exchange numbers.
‘‘Let’s hope the boyfriend won’t get angry when I call’’ Simon chuckled, saving her phone number as Her. She looked up from her own screen, her eyes wide.
‘‘There’s… no boyfriend’’
‘‘No?’’ He couldn’t believe it. Leaning over the counter, he cocked his head to one side. ‘‘Husband?’’
‘‘No’’ She was blushing again, but didn’t seem offended. He tried his luck once again.
‘‘Girlfriend or wife?’’
‘‘No’’ Now she laughed. With a quiet, shy giggle that she covered with one hand, and made his own smile widen.
‘‘Pretty sweet thing like you single, something is very wrong in this world’’
Oh, the way she blushed. He wondered if she’d look like that, every single morning while waking up in tangled sheets, bright eyes and messy hair, covered in sweat and kisses.
Trying to shake his unspeakable fantasies off, he placed her order on the counter, neatly wrapped and in a paper bag.
‘‘I’ll schedule the delivery for tomorrow evening after I close, is that ok?’’
‘‘Yes, of course, but…’’ She seemed to hesitate, chewing her lip again. And brushing her hair back again. He had noticed in the latest weeks that it was something she did often when flustered or nervous. ‘‘Tomorrow is Saturday… don’t you have… plans for the evening? After work?’’
‘‘Nah, just watching the game with my brother at home, most likely’’ Simon shrugged, oblivious to the way her shoulders fell a bit. ‘‘You know how it is. Beers at home and yelling at the goalie’’
‘‘Sure… well, I should get going before it gets darker’’ She smiled again, and waved at Simon’s mum when she came into view from the back room. ‘‘Bye, Mrs. Riley. Bye, Simon, thank you’’
‘‘Bye, sweetheart’’ Mrs. Riley smiled and waved, before turning to her youngest son the second the door closed. ‘‘I sure didn’t raise you to be this daft’’
‘‘What?’’ Simon looked at his mum, flabbergasted. What did he do now? ‘‘What did I do?’’
‘‘That new address of hers, is from the other side of town, you absolute idiot’’ The woman sighed, a bit dramatically, slapping her son’s arm. ‘‘She moved almost an hour away and still comes to buy meat from you. How oblivious can you be?’ Oh, and she asks you what are you doing Saturday night and you tell her you’re watching a match?? Oh, I’m going to disown you’’
Simon blinked, horrified. Fucking hell. Oh, Jesus Christ.
Mrs. Riley watched in amusement as her son bolted out of the door, shaking her head before starting to clean the counters.
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kaepop-trash · 11 months
not sure if you’re still taking requests for chance encounters but i just read the whole thing in one sitting and love it sm!!! i love your more angsty drabbles so i was wondering if you’d do one where yn and johnny are on a “break” 🥹
Give Up, Give In
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There were a lot of requests for going back to the club so I'm just adding some of my favourites:
Anon: I'm just a girl standing here asking for more Johnny (CE) yearning. Make him suffer ma'am 🙏🏻 [Yes ma'am🫡]
Anon: The club is your Chekhov's Gun and it's still lying unfired on the table. [This is the best ask I've ever gotten since this account started]
Anon: Just. More. Dom. OC. [Short and sweet. How can I refuse?]
Mini Masterlist
I was in quite the headspace when I was writing this and you can tell. In contrast to most other things I've published, I edited this painstakingly. Somewhere in the middle I watched Casablanca again and you can actually tell where.
This is just very intense. Idk what came over me, I think the characters came back to me like past lovers do in a dream. I wrote this in a daze. I also surprisingly like this. I'm posting it with love instead of just shrugging responsibility of it. Enjoy!
Warnings: Angst, Angst, Angst; A lot of references to a movie older than the Czech Republic; (There are just a lot of sexual warnings in this one girls) Smut, Voyeurism, Friction play, Light BDSM, Handcuffs and Whipping (not the main characters), Dom! OC/Sub! Johnny, Dom! Johnny/Sub! OC (They are switches in the most literal sense of the term), ribbon play (male receiving) [is that even real?], Abs riding, grinding, Dirty Talk, Degradation; Intense, INTENSE; So much angst like what was I thinking; Johnny's a bit of a babygirl in this lol idk how else to explain it; Pussy-whipped Johnny you are my #1; OC is mean, but Johnny actually likes it (He told me); A lot of misplaced anger and resentment (in a sexy way); Alcohol; Johnny has the kind of sadness in him that you only see in east european gay porn; There is some homosexual themes in this, don't forget that in this world everybody is bisexual (except Tenmin, they are full fruit loops); Bisexuality(?).
WC: 18.6 k (Honestly this can and should be read as a standalone.)
Her focus came in and out of the moment, mostly being drawn back by the occasional whimper or hiss that echoed loud against the cement walls.
It was a mistake coming here tonight. she knew it the moment Hyuck bought it up.
"You look lethal." Yuta crossed his arms the moment she walked into his house, equally confused and somehow proud. Beside him, Hyuck whistled. Both of them eyed her top to bottom, taking in the very nice dress she bought herself this week.
“Absolutely deadly.” Hyuck agreed, crossing his arms in front of him, “So where are we going?” He looked between the both of them.
“For dinner. A bar maybe, judging by how our friend is dressed.” Yuta mused, turning to (Y/N) for confirmation of the plan she laid out.
“What’s wrong with how I’m dressed?” She frowned. 
“What?” Hyuck looked between both of them, confused, “We aren’t going to your club?”
Yuta chuckled, “No (Y/N) is staying away from the hallowed grounds.”
“Why?” Hyuck turned to her, looking offended. “I shaved my balls for this.”
Both Yuta and her turned to the boy, incredibly confused and horrified by the information he willingly volunteered
She cleared her throat, deciding it best to ignore it outright, “That’s none of your business, Lee Donghyuck.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
“I just told you I shaved my genitals and you’re bringing up personal businesses?”
“You volunteered that information.” She grimaced, wondering why she didn’t see this coming. “You can’t just go to there on a whim. There’s a list that’s fixed a week in advance.”
“Aren’t you literally friends with the owner?” Hyuck mirrored her arms.
“The owner's friends gets benefits." Yuta shrugged, "You're roped in by extension, it seems.”
The very mention of the person who was not to be named made her spine straighten, “We are not going to the club. I don’t want him to think I am in his space, I don’t want him to think I need to. It’s a horribly petty thing to do.”
“He might not be there at all.” Yuta offered.
“We are not going.” She repeated herself, looking at the both of them with a sense of finality.
They ended up at the club less than two hours later. After dinner, entering a “normal” club reminded her exactly why she stopped doing this after undergrad. She wanted to just go home but Hyuck and Yuta were both slick menaces. And now she was here.
One of the men in front of her cursed, bringing her attention back to the present. 
Her original reasoning to slip into the basement the moment she entered the club was to mitigate even the most remote possibility of being confronted by Johnny. Another part of her was overcome with intrigue once the idea materialised.
The basement was one place she hadn’t had a chance to explore. Initially, Johnny would tease her with the idea of it, but he never lived up to his own promise in that department. A couple of months in, their visits to the club reduced considerably as work got harder and their apartments got more comfortable. Then the matter was never brought up again.
Sitting in it now, she tried to imagine what Yuta meant when he compared it to the few dungeons he frequented in Amsterdam. A few with Ten even— back when he was still single of course.
The place was a lot more elegant than the floors above, divided into confined rooms that felt larger than they were owing to the incredibly tall ceilings. Unlike the rooms on the second floor though, there was no pretence. Instead of looking like hotel rooms, each room was mostly minimal. Despite the baroque display of velvets and satins, each only had one tall bench and a few chairs. The lighting was also much brighter than the intimate dimmed ones above. The lights here were yellow and brazen, nothing hid under them. The most apparent of which were the contraptions and tools displayed audaciously on the walls, ranging from curious to downright frightening. 
Despite all that attention, the rooms were also open: no door, not even a curtain to lend privacy to the inhabitants. If she was clueless about what the requirements on this floor were, taking a walk down the length of the corridor gave her the clarity she needed. 
Pain of this magnitude wasn’t something she was ready to give or receive from a stranger. But she did gather that spectatorship was a part of the experience on this floor. The chairs in most rooms had at least one person seated, watching as other people made use of the various instruments available.
That is how she ended up here.
One of the rooms seemed to be void of any onlookers. Two men occupied the bench inside, looking at each other with tender trust. She stopped at the entrance, deciding that this was the palatable option. She might even learn a thing or two, she wagered.
At first, they seemed unaffected by her presence. She pulled a chair and sat down at a considerable distance, still feeling trepidation about the intrusion. She watched as they got comfortable with each other, imagining that they met here for the first time today. They decided to trust each other despite, was what she decided. 
Sometimes she wished that was how her initial visit to the club went.
“What should we use?” One of the men asked the other, the yellow sleeves of his shirt brushing over the man's cheek. The other looked to be the one calling the shots, so she was waiting to know as well. But he surprised her, turning to look at (Y/N) instead.
Her eyes went wide for a moment, not sure why she was being acknowledged.
“Well? You’re wearing silver aren’t you?” The man asked, his hooded eyes impatient.
Her hand went to touch the chain that Yuta had so creatively woven into her hairpin. It was supposed to be half a joke. 
Owing to the spontaneous visit, they were unaware that there was a theme tonight. It was classic movies night and none of the three were dressed for the occasion. So they decided to keep the spirit, deciding on pursuing otherwise uncustomary situations. Hyuck said he'd do anything the first person he met told him. Yuta claimed that today would be the day he pursued his favourite bartender. And she put on the silver chain and walked into the basement. A decision taken for the interesting stories it would birth. Much like this one, she relented.
She chewed on her bottom lip, trying to think of what she could possibly say.
“I don’t think–” Yellow shirt began to speak, probably sensing her panic.
“Did I ask you?” The other was quick to interject, keeping his eyes on her.
She looked at the two men carefully, the more compliant one much taller than the one clearly in charge.
“Take your shirts off.” She said first, “You’ve been rubbing against each other like kids at church. It’s pathetic.” Hooded eyes smirked, pleased to get what he was looking for.
“You heard her little boy.” He turned back to his partner, reaching out.
“You’re own clothes. Not each other’s.” She clicked her tongue, expressing her disapproval through her tone.
And that was how it began. They were excellent at following her instructions and slowly she began to take more liberties.
People came and went behind them. The first hint of another presence had surprised her. After that she started ignoring the sound of occasional shuffling. 
Except one that spoke with a voice she could not ignore. A familiar one.
Johnny was comfortable in his corner, pretending to listen to Ten explain the theme again.
“I was watching this movie with a friend while she was recovering from a broken leg. And it came to me!” He told yet another person, “Unfortunately, she isn’t here today.”
“What are you talking about?” One of Ten’s friends sat up at that, “I saw (Y/N) an hour ago.” She looked at Johnny for confirmation.
Johnny looked up, at least two pairs of eyes already on him. He shrugged, trying to play off his nonchalance by taking another sip of his drink.
“Babe,” The woman continued, poking the man beside her. “You remember seeing (Y/N) downstairs, right?”
Johnny snorted, “You must be confusing her with someone else.” He said with utter confidence. She would not be anywhere near him if she had the choice. Not after what he said.
“She’s in a white dress today, right?” He asked his partner, who nodded.
“Yeah, she’s downstairs. Martin told me when I went for a cocktail. I wasn't looking or anything.” He added quickly. “Don’t glare at me man.”
Johnny looked away, not realising he was. His mumbled apology wasn’t even trying to be genuine.
“There’s Yuta,” Ten raised his arm to call the man. “Let’s ask him.”
“There is no need.” Johnny groaned, but Ten ignored him with ease.
“What?” Yuta came up, looking thoroughly annoyed. No doubt being interrupted in the middle of something.
“Is (Y/N) here with you?” Ten asked.
Instead of answering, Yuta turned to Johnny. The cautious look he gave him gave him the answer he was looking for.
“Yeah.” He turned back to Ten.
“Where is she? It’s her theme tonight!” Like most other people, Yuta too did not care about Ten’s theme.
“You would not guess.” He said with a grin, sitting down with a conspiratorial chuckle.
And that's how Johnny ended up in the basement for the first time in a year. He walked past each room, looking in to find what he was looking for.
Johnny wasn’t sure what he’d even do when he found it. Would he stop her? Would he watch? Or would he leave her alone like he had himself wanted?
Johnny slowed his steps, only for a moment. Why did she have to come to the basement now? If she wanted to, why didn't she mention it to him? He thought she wouldn't like it. Or maybe he wasn't the one she wanted to share that with. That last thought was alone to add a spring to his step.
His thoughts only spurred him on as he passed more rooms without her in it. Almost crossing one, he stopped to take a few steps back. He had to be sure that the back that was facing him was the one he was seeking.
She was in white like Ten's friend had stated, a dress he never had the privilege of seeing before tonight. Head rested on her hand, she was watching someone else. He relaxed, walking further into the room. Once her side came into view, the relief that came over him seemed to piss him off. Any thought of leaving her alone evaporated with it. This was supposed to be what he wanted.
“I had to see it for myself.” He scoffed, the novelty of the situation only just coming to him. (Y/N) turned in her chair, looking up at him with surprise in her eyes. “Trying new things? You could have told me if you wanted to come down here. At least I know what your limits are. You were never the best communicator.”
“I would assume that I know my own limits best.” She turned away from him, back to the two men in front of her. Not a hint of kindness in her eyes.
He really must have said too much that night. 
One of the men sat quietly on the large wooden bench every room had, yellow shirt hanging over his shoulders, in place because his hands were cuffed behind him. The other man stood over him, a flog in his hands. His white pants matched her dress.
“Has he stopped asking for more?” She questioned the one standing. Both the men were watching her, waiting.
“Then why did you stop?” She questioned, voice impatient. “Does the little boy want something stronger?” Yellow shirt nodded like he was waiting for the question.
(Y/N) chuckled, getting up to walk to the small chest of cupboards. She leaned over, making Johnny finally notice the length of her dress— high above her knee. Pure instinct made him turn to the other people in the room, watching her with undoubtedly the same thought on their minds.
“Someone isn’t on theme.” Johnny clicked his tongue. It made the guys turn to look at him, then between the two of them.
Suddenly Johnny felt like they were the spectators, and he was the one on display with her.
“I didn’t plan on coming here tonight, so I didn’t receive the memo.” She didn’t even look at him, standing up with a thick whip in her hand.
“Eyes on me boys.” She turned to the boys, “Do you want this?” She questioned and the one meant to be on the receiving end nodded eagerly. 
She chuckled, walking over to them and handing the tool over. 
“Such an obedient boy, aren’t you?” She cooed, hand on his chin. Yellow shirt nodded enthusiastically. Giving in to her so easily that it nauseated Johnny. That would get them nowhere.
Keeping her eyes on his face and her fingers stroking his cheek, she handed the whip to the other guy.
“Start slow. You’re being too hostile.” She turned to the man with a warning.
“He likes it.” He defended, her hooded gaze remained bemused.
“I’m the one who’s calling the shots, am I not?” She raised a brow. The man swallowed, giving her a quick nod. As complaint as his companion.
This was no fun.
Johnny scoffed rather loudly, but she ignored him and as a consequence, the boys ignored him as well.
“What will you tell me you'd do?” She continued, focused on the man.
“I will listen and follow instructions.”
“Like a what?”
“Like the slut I like to pretend I’m not.” 
She smiled, letting the one in yellow go to run a hand through this one’s hair. He closed his hooded eyes to enjoy the feeling.
“Good. Now do what you’re told.” He nodded and she let go, turning around to walk back to where she was.
Her eyes met Johnny’s finally.
“Can I help you?” She asked him, the tyrannical tone bleeding into the question. Johnny’s cock twitched for the first time that evening.
“You can start by reminding yourself who you’re speaking to, pet. Or do you need assistance?” Johnny tongued his cheek, shoving his restless fingers into his pocket.
She looked at him with disbelief for a moment. When she rolled her eyes, he was sure she was taunting him.
“You can keep your reminders to yourself.” She rubbed her hands together, “I didn’t come here to play with you.”
“Why are you here at all?” Johnny raised a brow, unable to hide the vexation in his voice. Why didn't she tell him she wanted to come to the basement?
It earned him the first flash of anger in her, so far, apathetic gaze. “I didn’t realise you were marking territory? Am I barred from coming here now?”
“I was asking a question.” He took in a cautious breath, realising that she thought he meant the club. Perhaps, the alternative made him look less bothered. 
“Can't you see?” she pointed at the two boys, “I'm simply minding my own business. Why have you come down here? Looking for me?” She leaned against the head of the chair she was seated in before, waiting for his response.
Johnny let out a humourless laugh, “Who said I was looking for you?”
“I haven’t known you to come to the basement before.” She pointed.
“Just because I haven’t come here with you, doesn’t mean I’m a stranger to the place."
The words did what they were intended to do, her anger flared with an inhale she tried to play off. Johnny had to bite down his smile.
“Okay, be on your way then.” She flicked her hand towards the exit, dismissing him. "There are other rooms."
Johnny took a step towards her instead, “I stopped at this one because I could not believe you could be a watcher. I wanted to see for myself."
“She told you to leave man, why are you ruining our night?” The boy in yellow whined, making Jaehyun turn to find both men watching the exchange. The other one kept his eyes on Johnny.
She turned to meet his gaze, “Did I say you can speak?” She questioned. The boy gulped, shaking his head. “If you’re that impatient then get on with it. I didn’t say you can stop.” He nodded, turning back to the man in white pants with a demand, his eyes still watching Johnny. He looked familiar.
Johnny whistled and hissed, bringing her attention back to him. “Look at you. Even I almost believe that look on your face. What’s wrong, baby? You sound mad.” He cooed, mocking her.
“What’s wrong is that you’ve sauntered in here to ruin my night.” She failed to hide her frown.
"Ruin?" Johnny's voice raised in taunt. "I'm sorry to disturb your little pageant. You must have been enjoying just how easy this was before I walked in. They're eating up your every word, you must be elated."
Her jaw flexed and Johnny had to resist the urge to close the gaping distance between them.
"If you're done with your tantrum. You can leave now." She aimed her gaze at the door, a single and final order. It was Johnny's turn to flex his jaw. Tantrum.
"If you think this is a tantrum then what should we call your fucking fits?" He clamped his jaw the moment he heard the edge in his voice.
"We don't have to call them anything." Her volume rose, taking a step forward, daring him to continue.
"There it is." He smiled victoriously, "Why don't you stomp your foot while you're at it. Let's show everybody what you're really like under this act."
He could see the way she got blinded by her rage. For him he realised, that was something only he was capable of pulling out of her.
He should have backed off but Johnny stayed pinned in place, momentarily consumed by his sick desires to always get a rise out of her. He knew she wanted it too, her breathing hitched but eyes stayed glued on him. It was deranged but this is what he has signed up for with her.
“Fine," She said after a well contemplated silence. Johnny's lips quirked, knowing he was right as usual. Finally she was going to give in to him. For once. "Take off your chain and I’ll give you what you want.”
His smile faltered, brows furrowing. He regained himself quickly, reminding himself that he was being foolish to believe it would be that easy. Not after he was the one who told her they'd be taking a break. Not after the unnecessary things he'd said.
It was a silly thing that he regretted the moment he proposed it. But the tone she had ignored him for no reason still made his blood boil. At least he had the decency to lay down his intentions in front of her. She had absolutely no right to be angry. And yet, she was furious at him. It was evident in how she refused to so much as look at him since he had made the proposition, acting like he wasn't even there. Refusing to share an elevator, refusing to bring papers to his office.
He wanted to be civil but she went to great lengths to stay out of his path. Even reminding him that he wanted this when he asked her why she was sending interns with tasks that were done easier without the middleman.
It was infuriating and it only offended Johnny further. Even now, he was the one to come here with his pride between his legs. He told himself that he would not give in till she relented first. 
“And what is it that I want, Kitten?”
“What you always want.” She turned to walk back to her chair, pulling the object closer to him, letting it grate against the cement floor harshly. “Me.”
Johnny's teeth against each other. Taking his hands out of his pocket, he folded his arms. No, it was her turn to give in.
“I will give you what you want if you take that chain off.” He pointed at her head.
“What I want is for you to leave. If you can’t do that, I will have to abandon my new friends.” She pointed behind her.
They reached a stalemate with her words, silently sizing each other up. In the back, the boys had forgotten about the commotion all together. The sound of clicking locks signalled the introduction of the bondage frame. The next sound was the clean crack of a whip, followed by a harsh inhale once it touched skin. Johnny took in a sharp inhale himself, the sounds tempting him.
“What good will taking mine off do?” Johnny spoke through raspy breathing, “You give up too soon anyway. You don’t know how to be in charge.” Another slash echoed against the walls, this time Johnny exhaled slow. “You only know how to be a brat.”
Despite his words, she smiled, watching him shift on his feet. “Two weeks without being inside me and you’re already forgetting things.”
“Has it been that long already? I didn’t even notice.”
“Sure. The last time you went this long, you were throwing tantrums like this.”
It was Johnny’s time to be racked with anger, his exhale slow, dangerous.
The whips increased in frequency and moans filled the large roam, bouncing across the walls with urgency.
“Go slow.” She lashed, turning her attention back to the couple.
“Sorry." Both of them said together, the one whipping dropped his arm. The other opened his glazed eyes.
Johnny should have brought (Y/N) to the basement himself.
“Sorry what?”
“Sorry, miss.” They said in tandem.
Johnny scoffed, “I never realised what a good teacher I was.”
“What do you fucking want?” She turned back to him, lips twisted with irritation. “You wanted a break, didn't you? What was it that you said?” She finally sat down, leaning back and crossing her legs. “That’s right. “You wanted a change. What happened, are you bored already?"
"No," Johnny shrugged, unclasping his arms from his chest to walk towards her. "I just wanted to see what you were doing with your free time. It's such a pity to see you waste it. The only person bored here is you apparently." This time he did smile, enjoying the way she averted her gaze, "So I came to offer you a game just for tonight."
"Not interested. You need to come up with better excuses."
Johnny hummed like he didn't believe her, shadow falling over his entire form as he came closer. Her brows knit, gearing up to defend the truth. He cut her off before she could even speak.
"Stand up." He ordered, stopping his stride only when his knee touched the chair.
She blinked, practically rendered silent by his audacity. What pissed her off more was how she almost did it, the chair audibly screeching back before she could reign her instincts in.
(Y/N) crossed her arms, mirroring his stance from earlier as she sat back to play off the slip, pretending she was just trying to sit back.
She knew it didn't work when Johnny smirked. She was busy preparing herself for when he asked again, to stand her ground with more conviction. Instead, he leaned down, kneeling in front of her. The act was in sharp contrast to his previous words, giving her whiplash and leaving her out of depth.
His fingers brushed her dress, staring at her lap in a way that made her think he would rest his head against it. It was a thought that had no place in the given circumstances. Slowly he looked up with a tender gaze that was equally out of place.
"What game do you have in mind?" She asked, mostly to distract herself from the way her heart leapt when she met his eyes. After all this time, he still had the ability to make her feel so excruciatingly timid.
"It's movie night." His voice was soft, "Let's pretend to be different people." He ran his tongue over his cheek.
She wasn't sure what to make of the statement. After all this time he never stopped being an enigma.
"Who are you dressed as?" She looked down at his white shirt, making a note of the undone bowtie, "Roger Moore as James Bond?"
"I prefer Sean Connery."
She took the bowtie between her fingers, "You don't have his raw sexual magnetism."
Johnny's lips twitched and she couldn't help the way her own mirrored it.
"If we're going to be playing parts," She sighed, not entirely sure how he'd managed to lure her in. Then again, she was always too ready to give in to him, "Let's play ones different from who we really are. Something to keep this night out of our," She failed to hide the sliver of indignation in her deep inhale, "Current situation."
Johnny licked his lips, looking somewhere between amused and rattled. Yet again, she was stunned by his audacity.
"In that case, I have the perfect thing." He took her hand in hers, bringing it up to kiss her palm. This time her indignated inhale came before a pained exhale.
He came closer instead of finishing his thought, leaning till their noses touched. 
"Let's pretend we're in love."
Her eyes froze over in an instant, a foreign gasp making her turn back to the people who were now spectators to her vulnerability. Both of them watched with bated breaths, their own preoccupations long forgotten. They watched her, waiting for her response.
She pushed Johnny without looking at him. Predictably, he did not budge. When it happened the third time she did turn back, liquid rage dripping from her glare. Her mind mulled over a response multiple times, the sort of words that would express her outrage without hinting at her agony. It fell short, not finding the right ones to express how deeply unkind his words were. Not without betraying her closely guarded secret.
He was still close to her, close enough to let her count the lashes that framed his amber eyes, to see the stray one that fell on his cheek. This close it was easy to see that he was the most beautiful man on earth, easy to forget everything and just fall an inch closer. It was easy to want nothing more than to press her lips against his, to forget they were meant to be apart. This close she didn't need to pretend to be in love.
"Oh god." She heard Yuta's voice, cutting through the haze of lust that began to overcast her decisions. "(Y/N)." He marched up to them.
Only when she heard his footsteps stop beside did she turn from Johnny.
"Let's go, babe." He pointed his thumb at the door, whistling to play off the urgency.
She turned back to Johnny, who had moved back a few inches now. Miles, as far as their usual proximity was concerned.
She sighed, pushing her chair back.
"What do you need (Y/N) for?" Johnny asked casually.
"I need to keep her away from you." Yuta clicked his tongue, laughing awkwardly when Johnny turned to frown at him. "Nothing personal, buddy. She made me promise I would." He pointed at her.
Johnny turned to her, raising a brow. Waiting for confirmation.
"Don't bother. My instructions are to take her away whether she likes it or not. You know how crazy our (Y/N) is." Yuta chuckled like he was making small talk. She got out of her chair with a loud screech.
"Let's go." She grabbed Yuta's arm to turn him around, "I need a fat drink."
"You need a fat something." He scoffed, knowing himself that he deserved the smack she landed on his arm
"At least try to think before you speak sometimes." She groaned.
"Just tell her man." One of the boys spoke up, reminding Johnny of their presence. It was the one in yellow, his brows furrowed in deep thought. His companion scoffed, shaking his head.
"Did anybody say you can stop whipping?" Johnny raised a brow at the guy with the object in his hand. "Did you tell him to stop?" He asked the one tied up. Both shook their heads.
"In that case, you need to focus on your own endeavours." Johnny stood up from the floor, brushing the dirt of the knees of his good pants. "Enjoy your night."
As he turned to walk away, the sound of a whip cracked through the silence.
(Y/N) seemed to find more than a few merits in the basement. On top of being less crowded, the basement bar also housed some interesting liquor choices. A tequila bottle with a worm and some Baiju with an entire snake sat side by side on the shelf at eye level. While she would not be trying them, she could respect Ten's sense of humour.
Yuta also swore that this was the bar with the best cocktails. Martin, the bartender, was a legend on the premises if her best friend's claims were true. Patrons would sometimes grace the floor to only stop for a drink. She was sufficiently intrigued.
Nails tapped against the stone surface of the bar as they waited for the cocktails in question. She also waited for Yuta to speak, getting impatient and agitated from his stare.
"I just don't understand why you keep doing this." He huffed. Never one to express any overt opinion on the matter, she was caught off guard by his frustration. "If you really want to stay out of his way then do it."
"I'm trying. He came to me."
“You and I both know that you can enforce a boundary when you want to.” He groaned, looking away like the whole thing was making him uncomfortable. “Look, I don’t want to sit here and act like I can give you any real advice. I just want to ask you if you’re sure about what you’re doing.”
She could never lie to Yuta, not in a convincing way at least. She stopped tapping her nails, rubbing her fingers together and watching the bright lights above reflect on her nails.
“I know what I'm supposed to be doing. What it’s supposed to be like.” She mumbled the confession, spotting a chip in her nail enamel. “But it’s confusing with him. Everything is confusing with him.” Teeth ground against teeth as she let the words wash over her. She needed a manicure. She needed to stop doing this to herself.
"This has started to feel self-inflicted to me." Yuta assessed with accuracy.
"It needs to end." She spoke, the words rattling her to the core.
It was the only way left now.
"Then do it? What exactly are you waiting for?" Yuta raised a brow, making it blatant that he was baiting her.
Her lips parted, answer ready on her lips. She bit her tongue the next moment, putting the thought away.
"How do you just expect him to notice that you're this in love with him when you put so much effort into hiding it?"
She looked up at him fast, "I’m not–"
"Spare me, (Y/N)." He cut her off, "The only person who can't tell is the man himself. And that’s only because he’s too busy being in love with you.”
“Stop.” She shook her head, “That just isn’t true.”
“Are you stupid?”
“Fuck off, Yuta. You don’t know all of it. You’ve seen him be nice, you’ve seen him take me to the orthopaedic’s, seen him get me drinks. But you don’t know how he is. If Johnny loved me, he would say it.”
“Like you say it?” His brows furrowed, looking angry. She had never seen Yuta angry at her.
“It’s not the same.” She took a deep breath, her lungs fracturing from the force. A sound of wood cracking filled the air, followed by the laughs of multiple people. She turned back to see the cause of the commotion. Someone shouted that a bench broke, followed by a reassurance that everybody was fine.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Yuta spoke after, “You keep torturing the guy because you don't know what to do about how you feel. And you torture yourself because you don't want to make a decision." Yuta paused, giving a sympathetic sigh. "I love you, but it's not fair, you know that. He drops everything for you, I can’t believe you don’t see how he lets you toy with him. He’s always at the mercy of your whims and he doesn’t even mind it. Do you want to be the kind of person who does that to someone? He’s a decent guy."
She knew he was right. But he also didn't know all of it. 
"I don't want to torture him." She admitted, keeping her eyes fixed on the white bar top, “He's always trying to get a rise out of me and I just,” She paused to sigh, yet again feeling confronted by her own state. These were things she’d never said before. “So I give him what he wants, a fair fight. I don't know how this ended up being the kind of thing where we keep pushing to see how far it can go.”
Yuta frowned, visibly bothered by the notion. She couldn't blame him. It seemed to be like this all the time now. Both of them looked for reasons to fight lately, like they were testing to see who would get up and call it off first. Loving him made her angry and picking fights made it easier to pin that anger on the right target. He had begun to find her frustrating as a result.
"Why not just talk it out? It can't be worse than it is now?" Yuta questioned.
About this, he would be wrong. She knew Johnny too well by now. He would try to play it off, say that they can give it a shot without meaning it. Johnny was used to being admired, he would never understand its intensity. He would take it as easy as he took most things and it would ruin her.
"I think," She paused, looking up at the ceiling with a groan. "I'm not afraid of rejection. If he said no it would hurt, but I'd move on." She looked back down at her friend with a heavier heart. "What I'm afraid of is that he would say yes without meaning it. He's okay with everything. If I asked him for a relationship he'd say okay, if I ask him I never want to see him again he'd say okay too. If I asked him for the real thing I'd want it to work. But I don't know what he wants." 
She sighed, thinking about how complacent he was about everything. When she decided to ignore him on a whim he left it alone, when she decided to spend the last week of her recovery at Yuta's he was okay with it. He was okay with her sleeping with Doyoung and when she told him they don't anymore he was okay with that too.
"Johnny is just always okay with everything." She spat the words, before she sighed again. "I know that's not fair I just–" She paused again, entirely lost on what she even wanted. "If he loves me, he does a terrible job showing it."
“Oh,” Yuta said. To his credit, she could tell that he was trying to understand. “That does sounds complicated.”
That was what finally made her laugh. Complicated was exactly what she’d spend her entire life avoiding. It was why she spent her weekends with her friends and why she was insistent on keeping things casual with Johnny.
She nodded in agreement, a pitiful smile lifting her lips. "I'm ready to take all of it too. That's how afraid I am to be without him. I keep playing his games and I keep making new ones. Hoping it will keep him interested. Hoping that for once he'd say more than okay. Even if it was a no." She groaned, once again angry at herself.
"What happened to you?" Both of them laughed, her face scrunching.
"I don't know, man. I've tried so many times to figure out how I let a person rattle the peace I’ve spent my entire life protecting. A man who could replace me without any effort."
"No one can replace you." He sounded offended.
She scoffed, mostly finding his reassurance touching.
"I get that you're moping, but you make no sense." Yuta's brows furrowed, "He's wrapped around your fingers."
"That's just because I keep him on his toes." She shrugged, "To overthrow predictability is to strive for more compelling experiences." She repeated the words Johnny had said to get once, the words leaving her tongue bitter. 
Yuta tapped his knuckles on the bar with a frustrated groan, pointing an accusatory finger at her. " I told you to not play fuck monopoly. You've gone and turned it into a tournament." Yuta groaned, knocking his shoulder against hers.
"I should have listened to you.” She admitted, lips twitching when Yuta looked surprised at the confession. “Sometimes I wish it wasn't so combative. If I wasn't so afraid of losing him every second he's with me, then maybe I'd love him without fighting it all the time."
The words left her heavier than she imagined, wishing she really could do it. When she wasn't so busy fighting it with all her might, she knew that loving him was worth all of the things it came with.
"You can just love him." Yuta's words made her close her eyes in denial, "Everybody is at the risk of being lost, no? Nobody comes with a guarantee, why should he? I could have a heart attack tonight while having the best sex of my life and you will never see me again. You don't fight our friendship? Why fight this?"
She looked up a little at loss, unnerved by the wisdom Yuta suddenly imparted.
"What?" He asked.
"I can't believe you just live, laugh, loved this." She snorted. Despite everything, she felt more grateful for Yuta now than she ever had before. "I appreciate this. Really, you are my ride or die." She gave his hand a squeeze.
"Aw, you're so sentimental. Do you still want me to keep you away from Johnny?"
Yuta sighed, "I guess I was also being too optimistic expecting you to change overnight. Think this through when you can."
"I will." She promised.
"That's good enough for me."
Leaning against the bar, head resting on her palm, she took in another deep sigh. (Y/N) had lost count of how many it had been. A deep melancholy had settled in her bones and it could neither be shaken off nor be cured.
"What can I get you?" The bartender came up to her.
Her order came to the tip of her tongue like it was second nature, a glass of whatever red was the best. But she stopped herself when she realised that it was Johnny's second choice, not hers. Then she thought to ask for a whiskey but immediately realised that it was Johnny's first. Maybe making a simple decision shouldn't be so complicated.
"A gin and tonic for the lady, Martin. The one you make with the lavender gin." Johnny spoke as he took the seat in front of her. "Since she walked into my gin joint of all places."
The words made her finally realise what he meant to dress as, a humorous smile tugging at her lips. 
It had been a while since she'd seen him properly. Johnny had spent most of the past few weeks on a work trip, spending the remainder of his time on the recording floor. The rest, she took the effort of being out of his way, taking his need for a break to heart. A break from her, he meant. It was the least she could do.
Right now, in the depths of her despair and with two glasses of two different liquors in her, she allowed herself a good look.
To her misfortune, he looked as he always did. As breathtaking as the first day she walked into this club. He was different behind these walls too; always at ease, not exhausted, not burdened by the condition of his position. In here Johnny was always just a man.
She seemed to understand then. He wanted a break to get back to this, to be carefree and fun. Without the predictability and bitterness that had settled into what they had. Her fingers squeezed the edge of the bar.
Johnny ran his index finger over the rim of his glass, mixing the sound with the tapping of his shoe— making some unknown melody. The action brought her attention to the flicker on his wrist, from where hung a single gold chain. Her eyes wandered to his collar, where the silver chain from earlier was missing.
"What brings you here, Miss?" He sat back in his chair, his eyes sparkling under the sparse lights.
She took a moment, taking his words in. His question was an open ended request. She could be anybody she wished right now, say whatever she wished. She could be carefree and fun, be as unpredictable as she liked. 
She could make him stay.
"A miscalculation. I thought it would be an enjoyable night. Yet I'm stuck making boring small talk with a man who thinks he can order drinks for me." She couldn't help the words, the anger from before still remaining. If he wanted time away from her then why did he keep coming in her way? Why did he make it hard for her to walk away from him?
She could be anybody at that moment. Yet, (Y/N) chose to be herself.
Johnny's eyes danced with embers, tongue darting out to lick his eager lips. He chose to be himself too.
"My apologies, Miss." He tipped his head, not meaning it in the slightest.
"You seem to know my tastes." She picked the drink up once Martin placed it in front of her, giving him a quick smile.
"I am a man of many talents." Johnny answered.
"I was talking to the bartender, Sir." She turned to him, nose raised high. Martin chuckled, apologising to Johnny almost immediately after he could. The title was meant to mock the one he used for her. Yet the very formation of the word on her tongue reminded her that it was a word between people they were trying to run away from at the moment.
Johnny's lips twitched and she couldn't tell what it implied, what he was reacting to.
"What brings you here?" She asked, humouring him at last.
"To this place?"
"To me."
Johnny chewed his bottom lip, clearly a little frustrated at her adamant need to be difficult. In truth, she couldn't be sure why she was being like this either. But Johnny liked when he was cornered, rendered retortless. And the distress marked so clearly across his face made the depths of her belly twist in a way it hadn't in weeks.
"Do you gamble?" She asked him, once again steering the conversation away from the dead ends she sent them into herself.
"I did once, lost everything I had."
"That must have been hard. My condolences to you."
"It doesn't matter to me. At least we'll always have Paris." He gave her a smile that was uncharacteristically warm. It pulled her out of the act, reminding her of what she was missing.
(Y/N) remembered making Ten and Johnny watch the movie. One of her all time favourites, she had warned him when he complained about the cliché premise. She knew that was why he was doing this. She just couldn't tell if it was out of spite or affection.
"My husband is waiting for me upstairs. I must go to him." She stood up, breath catching in her throat when he caught her wrist.
"Your husband is gambling."
"My husband doesn't gamble."
"We all gamble, my love."
She jerked her hand out of his hold, the words stinging her like a live wire. Sucking in her teeth she couldn't help the way her face twisted, seething.
"You will be back." Johnny sat back, face neutral.
"Why would I?" She tapped her hand on the bar, lifting her drink into her free hand.
"Because we all have something at stake." He let her hand go, eyes shifting with sorrow. She wondered if he'd always been such a good actor.
Johnny played her face over in his mind so many times that he hoped it would dull the pang in his chest. Could it really be that bad? Did she hate the idea that much? Was being in love with him that unpleasant a thought to her?
He groaned, sitting up on the sofa. The sound earned his friends attention, Ten turning to him with a particularly impatient gaze. He looked ready to say something.
"Can you just–" He began, his husband's hand coming up to stop him.
"Johnny needs another drink." Taemin gave Ten a warning look, turning to Johnny after. "There's a good Japanese whiskey out today." He offered with a smile, pitying him.
Johnny wanted to scoff, but he was aware that he had successfully over wrung everybody's patience. So he nodded and got up to leave.
He realised that he had become the reason he avoided the fancies of things as tedious as love, sitting here by himself drowning his aching sorrows in alcohol too expensive to be drunk so copiously. Just like the movie he had made fun of, Johnny was yet again a cliché.
"This needs to stop." He mumbled to himself, not remotely drunk enough to pull half the antics he did tonight.
Johnny had always believed that he’d find love when the time was right. He never sought it out because he believed that these things happened on their own. The fact that he spent the entirety of his twenties building his company was something he was proud of. He didn’t believe he had wasted the time.
In truth, Johnny had spent his entire life working towards something. Too occupied to ever feel loneliness in the way it was perhaps meant to be experienced. Which was probably why he wasn’t prepared for it. Love had finally found him and Johnny was plunged headfirst into wanting something that he failed to work towards. There was nowhere to go. What he wanted was right in front of him. He just didn’t have the courage to grab it.
He heard the hesitant intake of breath he’d recognise anywhere. The sound dragging him out of his musings.
"You were right." Her words pierced through his thoughts.
Johnny halted the urge to whip his head immediately at the sound.
"Are you here to finally gamble?" He spoke to his glass. She came around to stand in front of him, shaking her head.
Her hand reached out, moving the few stray strands off his face, When he flinched at the touch, she retreated her fingers quickly. 
"You aren't the only one to have lost everything in Paris." She spoke carefully.
He sighed, the sound more like the wince of hot sand when it finally rained. Looking up, his eyes met her vulnerable ones, the ones he’d keep making the same stupid mistakes for. The ones he'd happily run into a million dead ends for.
Johnny put his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She didn't fight it and he was sure that his relief was written across his face as he rested his forehead against hers.
“Who are you really?” He sighed.
“We said no questions.” She sighed along with him; caressing his hair, playing his game.
"We have to stop doing this to each other. To ourselves." He let the liquor speak for him, soaking up the courage it came with. Johnny took a breath, telling himself to take the leap; to say what he needed to say, to ask for what he yearned to have.
Her hand landed on his arm, squeezing. “Johnny.” Her whisper trembled past her lips.
“Hmm?” He said with incredible caution, squeezing her tighter and bringing her closer. Slowly he opened his eyes, waiting for her to speak.
“Let me go. I don't like this game anymore.” She tried to get away from his hold.
Johnny’s brows furrowed, “What?” He breathed out, not expecting that. He was being serious, he needed to speak before he lost his nerve.
“Just,” She huffed. “Move. I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” She hit his shoulder when he didn’t listen.
“You came to me.” He reminded her.
“Yes, and now I want to go.” She grit her teeth. “Please.” She pleaded, practically whimpered in pain, and his hands relaxed the very next moment, letting her go.
“Whatever, (Y/N). I’m tired of this.” He turned away from her.
Despite her earlier insistence, she faltered. He could see her watching him from the corner of her sight, hesitating. Just as he turned to call her out on it, or to finally ask (he wasn't sure), a voice called his name. Both of them turned.
“Hey Johnny,” It was Jessica, the model. “Can you come with me for a moment?”
Johnny turned his gaze to look at (Y/N), finding her jaw gritted and eyes fixed on the girl. His lips quirked despite himself, tongue sliding over his lower lip as it lifted.
“Sure.” He sat up, “I was done here anyways.” He stood up from his seat.
“What?” Johnny stopped in front of Ten. If the way he snapped didn’t betray his irritation, he hoped his face did. “Why did you send Jessica to call me?”
Ten turned to Johnny, taking in the apparent displeasure with a frown of his own.
“Yuta mentioned that he’s meant to keep the two of you apart. I thought I would add to the effort.” Ten shrugged.
Johnny ran her hands through his hair, “Okay.” He groaned, sounding anything but. “But why did you send Jessica?”
“She was passing by and she knows you.”
“Yeah but now (Y/N) thinks–” He paused, exhaling in a way that sounded like another groan. “Nevermind. Did you even want anything?”
“Not really.” Ten smacked his lips, “If I avoided all the people you’ve slept with in my club then I would have had to go call you myself.”
“You should have since you’re so passionate about this. (Y/N) can make her own decisions, just leave it alone.” He flicked a pillow from behind Ten, making the guy fall back into the sofa.
Ten turned around, eyes laced with intention.
“You’re a coward Johnny.”
“Ten.” Taemin cautioned but his conviction did not falter.
“You need to grow up and have a real conversation with the girl you love.” He continued, giving his best friend a pertinent look. “You’re just punishing yourself and that girl for no reason.” His face softened for a moment, looking like he was pitying Johnny. “Sometimes we ruin things beyond repair by letting it be.”
“You need to,” Johnny took a step closer, “Leave it alone.” It was a plea, partially because he knew Ten was right.
“He’s right.” Taemin interjected, “You can’t meddle in his matters.”
"I'm not meddling." Ten hissed at his husband, "I'm tired of watching my best friend wallow in a misery of his own making." He looked at Johnny, "It won't go away if you ignore it. And it won't change till you do something about it. So why?" He asked.
Johnny rubbed his hand over his face, not in his right mind or place to have this conversation. “You don’t get it.” He said with a lost voice.
“You have to do something, Johnny. Do you expect to live in limbo?” Ten added.
He expected her to deal the death blow. Something he would not say out loud. This entire time he had expected— practically hoped— that she would be the one who would have left by now. He would have accepted it, he would have swallowed it as an inevitable, and he would have taken solace in having been right from the start. That she would get bored of him.
He had been so sure of it that he wasn't prepared for this. He hadn't accounted for ever making it this far.
Johnny nodded to Ten, a silent promise. His friend was right, no matter how much it pissed him off. Johnny knew he would at least have to make a decision soon.
(Y/N) walked away from Johnny with cold hands. This was it, her steps faltered. She walked as far away as she could. All the preparation she had done for that exact moment had evaporated with his words. She couldn’t believe that she ran away like she did, only delaying the inevitable.
He was ready to do it, she could feel it in her bones. She could read it all over his face.
I’m tired of this.
That was the exact indifference to the matter she had feared most of all.
It was like being stabbed by a rusted knife— messy and unnecessary in its cruelty.
Whatever, (Y/N).
Her head hurt, she pushed through to get deeper into the club. To somewhere she could not be found. She needed to prepare herself better for this. She was afraid she’d beg him to say, afraid she’d cry. This wasn't the place or the state of mind she needed to be in for this.
She took a deep breath. No, she needed to prepare herself better.
She couldn’t believe that he would do it here. And he would have. Her exhale came out irate, he would have held her in place and told her he was tired of her.
He would have finished the thought had it not been for the model. Miss belly button herself. Her next breath came out utterly furious.
She was tired of this too, she coaxed herself. Tired of being stuck in limbo with the most elusive man she could have possibly laid hands on. She was tired of loving him too, she lied to herself.
She stopped, realising that she was in the emerald alcove. Yuta’s favourite corner. It was a cosy spot lined by arches that circled the area, littered with chairs that were closer together. Each arch had large and thick curtains that were never drawn, but nonetheless served as a visual policy that added to the sense of seclusion it was meant to emulate.
It was also the part of the club where Johnny had fucked his blonde companion on that night. 
(Y/N) shoved the thought out of her head as fast as it emerged. The first order of business would be to stop thinking about him all the damn time.
She picked up her drink from the bar, a sweet and potent cocktail this time, her kind of drink. Looking around to find a corner to sit in, her eyes landed on a man at the bar. One she recognised. One of the guys from the basement. The rough one with hooded eyes.
"The glasses really change your face." She sat down on the bar stool beside the one he occupied. The man looked up, surprised to see her.
"Usually people tell me how used to my glasses they are, that my face feels empty without them," He smiled to himself. "But I suppose we met under extraordinary circumstances." He tapped his glass, still giving her an odd look.
"You look disconcerted by the memory." She pursed a smile.
"Not particularly, I just didn't think I'd see you again. I'm a little surprised in all honesty." He commented.
"It's a small world." She shrugged.
"It's an even smaller guest list."
This time she did smile.
"I do finally understand why new faces are such a sensation around here." She continued into a new territory, enjoying the confusion on his face.
"Isn't it so?" He snapped back into a casual retort almost immediately. "It gets awkward really fast when everybody is a friend of a friend."
"Speaking of, where's your friend?" She looked around, wondering if he was close.
The guy smiled, almost like he was expecting it. "Why? Would you prefer his company to mine?"
She looked back, "I'm just curious." Her shrug was noncommittal.
"He must be around here somewhere." The man shrugged back, equally evasive. "We aren't friends, we just fuck sometimes. These big, important men and their secret need to be in the palm of someone's hand." He told her like she somehow knew what he was talking about.
She gave him a puzzled look that made him chuckle. 
"I thought Johnny Suh used to wear copper as a joke." This time he steered the conversation into new waters, "But you, I always knew were the silver type." He pointed a finger at her, more victorious than accusatory.
"Nonsense." She laughed.
"You're a natural. I knew it on the day the man spent the entire evening on the floor with your foot in his lap."
"I," She paused, stunned at the mention of the day. From the perspective of a virtual stranger nonetheless. "I can't believe you saw that." She blushed, the memory coming back. It was a joke, something they did to see how their friends would react. It never occurred to her before now how it might look to an onlooker.
"Small pool." He shrugged, "When I first started coming here, I had my eyes on him. But it's easy to tell that he's not the surrendering type. So when I saw that, I couldn't help but have my eyes on you."
She was surprised by the easy confession, an effortless breeze .
"Did I live up to your expectations or was it disappointing?" She questioned, playing her surprise off as flirtation.
"Yes and no." The man smiled, pushing his specs higher up. "On one hand I've finally solved the mystery that is Johnny Suh."
"Oh.” She stopped to wonder if she should ask him to elaborate, thinking against it immediately after. “And on the other?" She asked instead.
"I really wish you did more than just watch."
Her mouth opened with evident surprise, the words so easily said. An absolute and uncomplicated request. The man laughed, clearly enjoying the surprise on her face. It made her snap back.
"Maybe in a few months, we can get back to this." She half joked.
"Months?" He winced, "Are you going on a trip?" He sniggered.
She smiled, not willing to elaborate any further.
"Something to look forward to nonetheless." He raised a glass, "I think your usual is waiting for you." He pointed over her shoulder, making her turn.
Her usual was sitting on one of the sofas, at a considerable distance. She wouldn't even have noticed him without the prompt.
"Well, your glasses work for sure." She squinted. "Trying to get rid of me?" She asked while trying to gauge Johnny's expression. She was unfortunately not wearing her own glasses.
The man laughed, "No, I just believe that some things are best left unbreached." His voice was careful.
She turned back, "And here I thought you were flirting with me."
"Oh I absolutely am. I just have different tastes. Also best left unencroached." He licked his lips.
Her eyes fell on the movement, "I have ears and an open mind." She looked up deliberately slow.
"I don't know, will you just using me to make a point?" He teased, eyes darting behind her.
"You don't seem to mind being used."
His cheeks turned red and it made her lips twitch. She had been denying herself the extent of what the club had to offer, (Y/N) realised.
The man's eyes went behind her again just as she heard shuffling. She rolled her eyes to the heaven's themselves. Eventually, she'd tire of Johnny's predictable antics. Maybe then she'd tire of her own too.
"Is she bothering you again?" Johnny put a hand on her waist, effortless and clear in its intention.
"We were just getting to know each other." The man smiled.
She realised that she hadn't caught his name yet.
"Are you finally socialising?" The question was blatantly aimed at her. But she pretended not to understand, turning to call the bartender over instead.
"A repeat?" The server pointed to her glass but she shook her head.
"Time for us to go home, babe?" Johnny leaned down, his breathy question warning her neck. The heat from his hand burned her through her dress as well. The assumption in his words burning her pride.
"You're intruding." The words slipped from her tongue. She didn't look at Johnny but the other man looked up at him with a glint in his eyes.
Johnny laughed again, this time a little more nervous. Good, she thought. She was done pretending to take him in stride.
"(Y/N)–" Johnny began, his words careful.
"Go home, Johnny." She interrupted. "Didn't you say you were tired?" She turned to look at him. Johnny looked down at her with a heavy frown. She braced herself for some dreaded response. But he said nothing, just watching her for a fleeting moment in a way that gave her hope. Hope that immediately soured when he looked away.
"I'm actually tired." She said simply. "You might have to go look for belly button again. What was her name, again?"
"You never asked her name."
"Right. It's for the best, I suppose." She grit her teeth, hands tightening around her glass. "It would be a long day if I tried to keep up with them all."
His eyes glimmered with ill intention as he leaned closer to her face. Pride made her stand her ground, not look away.
"I've done it to you too. If you want me to do it again just ask." He licked his lips, a heated reminder of a few months ago when things were so very different. Every inch of her skin flushed.
"Fuck you." She spat, the implied consolation in the words enraging her from head to toe. Especially when he didn't sound consolatory at all. 
She turned when she heard the chair beside her move.
"Leaving so soon?" She asked the man. He shrugged, adjusting his glasses and giving her a nod.
"Come on." Johnny nudged her, "We're done."
"No, I'm just getting started." She met his gaze from the corner of her eyes, You can go back to whatever cunt you crawled out of." She eyed Johnny's unruly hair, ruined by god knows what, truly at the tail end of her patience and pretence.
She turned back to give the man a smile, "I'm sorry, please just ignore him."
He gave an uneasy laugh, looking up at Johnny before back at her. Before the man could get another word in, she felt Johnny close in again. This time his fingers slid down her arms. 
He did it so deliberately slow, so expertly, that apart from breaking into goosebumps, she also visibly shivered. His lips part against the shell of her ear, the sound rattling her spine.
"The only cunt I'm crawling in or out of is yours. I’m sure you’re smart enough to figure that out by now." He kissed the skin under her ear, making her shut her eyes. The words and the action did exactly what he intended. She melted against him, heart soaring at the confession. 
The chair beside her slid back further, making her eyes open. "Never a boring day in this club." The man chuckled to himself, walking away after giving her a last wave and Johnny an amiable nod.
"I hate you." She spat at Johnny once he was gone. 
"Okay." Johnny said, not even pretending to take her seriously. "Come, I want to fuck you." He brushed his fingers over her knuckles. The words made her stomach twist and clench. "I even wore your favourite little chain."  He took her hand in his, the gold chain hanging from the wrist.
Her lungs slammed her heart, no doubt exhausted by its flightless fancies. He was giving her what she wanted. It was all she would have. Johnny was giving in to her for once.
Fuck. She cursed in her head. Just this once.
She still didn't turn to look at him, "Will you honour it?" The words came out easier than she would have liked. Johnny hummed against her ears, lifting her hand to his lips.
"Anything you want." He kissed the tips of her fingers one by one.
"Are you still playing your game?" Doubt made her ask the question, finally daring to turn just enough to see his face. She wanted him to say no. He looked up and remained silent instead.
Her ensuing exhale was one of surrender, "Fine, let's play."
A game was all it was, she supposed.
Johnny lay back in bed with a kind of cocky smirk that looked like he had already won. She couldn’t fathom what he was so proud about. But then again, he had no clue what was to come.
“How will you have me?” He asked, undeterred by the weight of any consequences. He put his arms behind his head, relaxing further into the bed. She didn’t answer him, turning her back to him to peek through the amenities drawer. After rummaging through all the intriguing objects, she settled on a long satin cloth. Running it between her fingers she closed her eyes to feel it, deciding that this would have to do.
When she turned, his eyes were waiting, taking the object in.
“Are you going to blindfold me to deprive me of your pretty face? Or will you do it to yourself to pretend I’m someone else. The man from earlier, perhaps?” He raised a brow.
She said nothing, keeping her eyes roaming and on anything but him. Gently, she put the cloth down at the very foot of the bed before walking into the washroom.
When she returned, Johnny’s brows were furrowed. He tried to smooth it out when she came into view, but the subconscious frown on his lips remained. It made her purse a smile.
For all his menacing ways, Johnny was a generous lover. His intention was to push her beyond the edges of her flimsy patience, going a little further each time till she was surprised at her own limits. 
But he was also kind in a way that he didn’t realise. Johnny would take his time, but the man always gave in before he intended. True to his personality, he went with the flow and stayed starkly aware of his partner. She could always trust that he would never push her beyond a limit she could not handle.
She however was not the same. Not as seasoned as he was, she was driven solely by her need to stake a claim on his bottomless patience. 
Her need to control him was unique to him only. (Y/N) had never desired to conquer a man like she wanted to conquer Johnny Suh. It made her petty and it made her unpredictable. He had known how to push her buttons from the first day she walked into this place. Even before that, Johnny always knew how to push her professionally. He drove her to blinding rage that left her vulnerable.
It made her mean in retaliation. Her method was to distress him in an effort to shatter his usual easygoing resolve. She liked to watch him beg as much as he did her, but more than that she liked to watch him as he let her get away with it all. 
She was always at his fingertips. But he was also wrapped around her fingers. And she'd take every opportunity she had left to remind him of that.
He turned to look at her, trying to hide his growing impatience. She untied her hair, letting it fall over her shoulders with a sigh.
She stopped at the edge of the bed, eyes going over his entire form. Her eyes halted at his legs, returning to his waiting gaze with a silent instruction. Johnny decided to play dumb, raising both his brows in clueless question.
She didn't move, watching him with such impassive patience that a part of her was impressed by her own restraint. There was a silent stare off that she promised to win on account of the indignation she'd been holding at bay for two weeks.
Johnny smiled, a thought sparking his eyes.
"You do it." He stared at her, "Please?" His voice dripped with his taunt.
She turned away from him, walking back to the foot to pick up the sash she left. His eyes followed her as she came back. Sitting beside him, she placed her hand across his torso. Tilting her head to her shoulder she watched him for a second, eyes storming with contemplation.
"Come here." She finally said, fingers brushing over the buttons of his pants. He moved so fast that he almost threw them both off the bed. Her lips twitched and she had to look away to bite it back.
"We don't know each other." She said softly, fingers flicking the button off. When she looked up, Johnny's brows were furrowed in confusion. "We're strangers who met here today. That's the people we can pretend to be."
Johnny chewed on his bottom lip, looking like he wanted to say something.
"It's my turn. That's the part I want to play." She reinforced her idea, taking his silence as agreement. 
Johnny nodded, confused but intrigued by where this was going. She was angry, it was plain to see. Johnny had never really seen how her fury looked when it boiled over. But he hadn't expected it to be this silent. He tried to push down the fear it brewed deep within his bones. With all his pushing, Johnny also knew how to pull back. So he allowed himself to go along with the game, hoping he hadn't pushed her too far.
When she did pull his pants down, Johnny's dick stood up like it was peering to catch a glance. As usual, a traitor. She unclenched her fingers, the sash falling on his legs. Still unsure of its purpose, he extended his hands to her, wrists held together.
She looked up at him with cold amusement, "Do you want to be restrained that bad?"
"What else could it be for?" He asked, voice betraying his impatience.
"You don't need to be tied, Johnny. You never do. It's not like something so flimsy would hold you anyway." He watched her toy with the object, gingerly wrapping one end of the cloth around her palm a few times. The other end still resting against his thigh.
"What? Don't trust me?" She raised an expectant brow.
"Right now, I'm not sure what you're going to do." He gave her a cautious gaze, yet again failing to gauge her state of mind.
"Just lie back."
So he did, he listened to her and relaxed back against the pillows.
She raised her hand flicking the sash up, the material brushed against his dick, making it twitch again. She did it again, moving it back and forth against his tip till he was clenching his thighs.
"What are you doing?" He asked between rapid breaths.
"Don't like it?" She questioned, meeting his gaze. When she moved it again, the smooth cloth brushed over the underside of his cock, grazing the vein that was now bulging. Johnny's hips lifted off the bed. "You seem to like it." She hummed.
She looked back down, spinning the sash around this time. The thing wrapped around his cock in hypnotising circles, covering the length with feather light brushes. When it brushed over his tip, Johnny had to close his eyes.
He had been so on edge all evening, so excruciatingly hard, that his dick was beyond sensitive. It made the delicate friction shoot liquid electricity up his legs, fresh blood pumping into his already stiff dick.
Then she tugged the ribbon with one harsh pull, the entire thing tightening around his length in one exquisite clench.
"Fuck." He groaned, hips bucking up again. "That's–" He began, but the material was already coming loose, making his eyes shoot open just as she let it fall slack. 
Before words could form in his mind, before Johnny even tried, she was moving it back and forth again.
"What are you trying to do?" He asked, feeling as confused as he did aroused.
"I'm going to get you off. That's what you want, right?" She blinked up at his face, giving him an innocent look.
He wanted her to touch him. But that felt like a confession of subjugation.
"I'm not going to get off like this." He said instead. Her lips twitched, the glint in her eyes telling him that he'd said the wrong thing.
"Are you assuming, or is that a promise?" She questioned.
Johnny didn't respond, knowing well when he'd walked into one of her traps. She knew it too, returning to the task at hand with a chuckle.
"I'll take that as a promise then." She spoke softly, words as gentle as the satin that brushed against his dick over and over.
With each stroke, he felt the skin get more sensitive than he thought possible. His hips squirmed more frequently, eyes fluttering shut, the fabric edging him to insanity. The precum that was beading at his tip began to make each brush a little harsher. 
It wasn't enough to even pretend to search for the beginnings of a build up. Yet it made his cock twitch a little more with each brush, just enough to feel good in what it was denying him. Johnny's lips parted when she wrapped the ribbon around his dick again, brows creasing as she tugged the thing tight around his length. He would have laughed at his state had he not felt so incredibly turned on.
"You love this." She seemed to choke on her own realisation, just as he felt the cloth begin to wrap around his dick again. Knowing what was coming, he braced himself. "Look at you, Whore." She clicked her tongue, "Your fingers are going to tear the sheets."
Heat spread from his forehead down his chest, suddenly too aware of the effect this was having on him.
"I'm trying not to grab your hair and put your mouth where it belongs." He opened his eyes, just in time for her to pull the sash taut again. A moan slipped past his open mouth.
"Where does my mouth belong?" She goaded him, "On your cock?" A dismissive hum slipped past her lips. "Looking at you now, I think my mouth is too good for you."
With that, Johnny could agree. Her mouth was too good for anyone. He wasn't sure that he wouldn't come the moment she so much as brushed her lips against it.
"You've kept me hard and waiting all night. There's only so much a man can take." His thighs unclenched as the ribbon released his length, falling around the base in circles.
"I told you to go bury your busy cock in some other hole."
"And I told you I only want to bury myself in you." He raised a brow, annoyed that she refused to believe him.
He saw the shift in her gaze and the red that tinted her cheeks.
"Let me feel how wet you are." The words rushed out with desperation, taking the liberty the moment gave him. Slowly, he dragged his hands closer to her. Despite the caution she was menacing, tightening the cloth against his base with a swift jerk. The friction made him wince, his hips lifting off the mattress again.
"Take your time with your game. I just want to see how much your pussy missed me."
Her breath came in and out in sharp waves, never too far to not be affected by the right words. Words he knew best.
"Behave." She warned him.
"No." He sat up, enjoying the uneven rise and fall of her chest.
"Alright." She said, letting the sash go entirely. 
Johnny raised his head, a little surprised by her agreement. He also couldn’t believe the pang of disappointment that racked through him at the loss of the touch.
"Take your shirt off." She pointed her chin to his chest.
Experience told Johnny that there was a catch, but it also told him to do what he was told. He took off his buttons rapidly, afraid she'd change her mind.
“You’re very eager.”
“I’ve had a long night.”
She got off the bed, bending over to pull her panties off. Johnny licked his lips before he could truly understand and control the urge. She caught the sight, lips cocking in an arrogant smirk. Both of them turned to catch his dick twitch.
She stood up once the garment was off, walking back towards him while Johnny curbed the urge to demand she take her dress off too.
Slowly, she got on the bed. Resting either knee over his waist, Johnny put his arms behind his head to watch her straddle him. Feeling cocky himself, he let a smirk light his lips. When she caught it, her own smirk looked to pity him.
“You’re also very presumptuous.” She started moving forwards. His tip brushed against her clit as she moved, both of their breaths seizing in tandem.
To his surprise, she got a hold of herself before he did, lifting herself higher to avoid a repeat.
Having already lost the upper hand in the situation, Johnny parted his lips. “Do it again.” He asked shamelessly.
She ignored the words, not even refusing or reminding him of his current station. When she sat down, it was on his abdomen. For a moment, his senses blurred. 
Johnny could feel the smooth glide of her wet slit, practically slipping.
“Fuck Kitten, You’re so wet.” He hissed, stomach clenching tight along with his fist as he resisted the desire to grab her waist.
“I’ve always wanted to do this.” She breathed out, the shake in her voice betraying the intensity of the sentiment.
“Just listen to your sopping pussy squelch for me.” He groaned, head falling back as he heard the sound of her pressing against him. “You just love using me, don’t you?”
“How can you tell? Are you used to being used?” She questioned.
Johnny thought it was a joke, lifting his head with humour in his eyes. But upon meeting her gaze, he saw it bore into him, looking displeased.
He forgot they were strangers.
“I know the type.” He answered after several moments.
“Oh? A lot of experience in the area?”
“Mmhm.” He hummed.
Both her hands pressed against his chest, “Eager and presumptuous men should be used once in a while. Keeps you grounded, don’t you agree?” Her hips slid forward, head falling over almost immediately.
She bit back a moan. Johnny smiled.
“I’m not sure I do.”
“No?” Her next glide came as Johnny flexed his stomach, pulling a hiss from her. “You need a change in perspective.”
“Is that what you’re here to do? Enlighten me?” He raised a brow.
She nodded, eyes fluttering closed. With each glide of her hips, it got harder for her to hold still. Soon, her legs were tightening around his waist. They still shook, despite the tight grip.
“Your legs will be sore tomorrow.” Johnny warned.
"You should be more concerned about yourself right now."
"I think I'm doing good." He sighed, lips lifting in a relaxed smile.
"That's unfortunate. We can't have that." Her breath stuttered as Johnny flexed his stomach in retaliation.
Johnny scoffed, "You just love to make it harder for yourself, don't you? Just wait till later."
"Later?" She hummed, hips coming to a halt. "Do you think you'll see me again?"
Johnny chewed on the inside of his cheek. That was not funny to him at all. It leeched what little enjoyment he had and he had to close his eyes to take in a furious breath as she began humping into him again.
(Y/N) couldn't tell why he had gone quiet all of a sudden. She wasn't supposed to care, she wasn't going to. He was doing what she had intended to do. She told herself that his silence was also a tactic. That is why she felt bothered. Her hands pressed against his chest with more urgency, the movement of her hips getting faster.
"Enjoying yourself?" He asked after so long that she gasped at the sudden sound. She nodded, her pace increasing as she felt the knot in her stomach tie itself tighter.
She looked up at his eyes, this close the building pleasure in her core muffled her brain further. (Y/N) leaned in, eyes fixed on his lips. Everything aside, she always missed kissing him the most.
She didn't expect his hand to move at all, nonetheless to grab her chin. He squeezed her cheeks harshly, lifting her face to meet his gaze as he sat up.
"I don't kiss strangers." He reminded her, making her crumble inside. "Understood?" He raised an irate brow. She nodded and he let go as fast as he had grabbed her, bringing his hands back to his sides and relaxing again.
Her pace slowed down a little despite herself. She felt rattled by the words.
She forgot that he could be cruel too when he wanted to be. At least in these cases, they were true equals.
After losing her rhythm, the tightness in her belly slipped away. No matter how fast she moved her hips, what angle or pattern she tried, she felt frustratingly far away from the build up that never came.
"You don't seem to be doing too good. Need help?" His words were a taunt. She thought it best to ignore it, moving down to sit atop his length. Johnny's head fell back as a sigh left her.
"I think I can manage." She muttered, too distracted by her own frustrations.
"I don't think you can." He spoke through a tight jaw, "Ever used a man before, honey? I don't think you know how to do this." He continued to provoke her.
"And you do?" She asked, sliding over his length. Both of them gasped when his tip nudged her clit, leaving his length wet from her leaking insides. "You look too busy being pussy drunk."
"I'm nothing if not a multi-tasker." He groaned, hips bucking once before he pressed it back down with the sheer force of his will.
She smiled, "That's a lot of promises."
"Give me a chance and I'll show you."
She thought about the first time he was at her mercy like that, the time feeling like it was years ago instead of just one. His every overconfident claim drove her mad, even more so when he lived up to each claim and more.
She thought about her first night here, not even strangers back then. She thought about the first time she had met him. About how she knew him as the man who had built himself a monolith. 
In truth, Johnny had never been a stranger to her. She walked into her interview the same way she had walked into the room much like this one a year ago.
Absolutely enamoured by him.
She stopped moving entirely, "Fine."
Johnny lifted his head to look at her, "What?"
She thought about the little things that could have been different the first time around. Whether they would have produced a different outcome.
"Show me." She lifted her arms, surrendering to him.
His hands came to her back in a flash, lifting her and dropping her down in a heartbeat. Her head fell on the very edge of the bed, knocking the air out of her.
"Are you sure?" He asked, eyes boring into hers.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, "Have you known me to offer anything if I wasn't?"
He raised a brow, forehead gathering. "I thought we didn't know each other."
"Your turn." She told him.
The words made him chew on his bottom lip, his free arm tracing up and down her leg and driving her wild.
"Alright. Sit up." He nodded, pulling back.
Confused, she regardless did what he asked. As she sat up, his hands came to her waist, keeping her on his lap.
Her nose knocked into his, the proximity to his stormy eyes making her dizzy.
"First thing," He whispered, hand coming to her hair. "We don't need these." He unclasped the pin that held the chain in her hair, taking the one on his wrist off right after. 
She gave him a confused look but didn't question it.
"We play my parts now." His breath hitched, "There are no winners. I don't want to fight, I don't want to win. I don't want to be strangers." She heard the small clink of the two chains being placed on the table, his eyes coming back to hers right after, "I want to make love to you." He kissed her eyelid.
Her chest crumbled at the words, caving in and grinding itself into pieces. Helplessly, she nodded.
He shifted, gently placing her head on the pillows.
"Wrap your legs around my waist." He whispered, words as delicate as his actions. She did what she was told.
"Why are you doing this?" She couldn't help but ask, needing an answer.
"You said you wanted to be furthest from who we are. We're already strangers, (Y/N). Despite everything, I still don't know you."
"You could just ask." She whispered, brushing her knuckles over his chin. "I'd tell you anything you want. All you have to do is ask."
Johnny's eyes steeled over at the words and she bit down on her lips hard, cursing herself for letting her sentiments get ahead of her.
"You were truly born to drive me crazy." He groaned, leaning down to kiss her jaw. She froze, expecting him to kiss her. But his lips moved lower instead, hands coming up to the ends of her bunched dress.
"Taking this off." He mumbled against her skin. She nodded.
He pulled back to do the task, watching her with intoxicating intensity as she lifted her hips off the bed.
"So beautiful." He sighed, "I don't understand how you're mine." He breathed out, making the growing cavity in her chest swarm with butterflies. The lines between pretence and reality blurred long before they even existed.
"The same way you're mine." She dared to say, the thought itself as devastating as it was euphoric.
Johnny groaned with approval, hands slipped between them to pull her panties off, "Should I ease you into it?" He asked, finger brushing over her entrance.
Despite seeing white spots in her vision at the touch, she shook her head. "No, I'm good."
His head lifted, eyes coating with tenderness, something she didn't realise she had been yearning for, "Still, it's been a while."
She tugged at the edge of his shirt, bringing him closer, "Your dick is inside me more than it's outside it." She wiggled under him, her impatience already fighting with her need to cherish this moment, "I promise you, I can take it." She huffed.
"What a filthy mouth," He curled his smiling lips, leaning forward till their foreheads touched. She held her breath, again expecting him to kiss her, but he just brushed his lips over the corner of her mouth. "Did you miss my cock?"
"Johnny," She whined, "Please. I need you."
"Answer me, (Y/N)." He asked and she nodded.
Her eyes screwed shut, "I–Fuck." Her words jumbled, when she felt him nudge against her writhing hole.
"Did you?" He asked with a wispy voice, stuttering.
More than anything else, she missed him. All of him. The confession at the very tip of her lips, threatening to flow.
They were playing a part she reminded herself. For a few moments, she was safe behind it.
She forced her eyes open, "It was you I missed. God I miss you so much I might just go mad."
Johnny forsake his control, slowly beginning to ease himself into her. Every muscle in her body went stuff, endless mutters leaving her lips.
"Really?” He asked through his teeth.
"Every goddamn day." She responded with the same gritted jaw.
He hummed, sounding infuriatingly unconvinced. "Why didn't you come to me then?" He stopped after only a few inches, pulling back out again.
"You told me you wanted a break. From me. What was I supposed to do? You weren't even here. You did everything you can to avoid me."
"You did it to me too." He muttered. To her surprise he pouted, the gesture giving her whiplash as he entered her again a little further this time. "You're so wet, baby. So tight." He groaned, eyes shutting for a moment like he was taking it in.
Baby. It was something he had never called her before. Her insides clenched around him in the same way her heart squeezed around those words— holding the moment as tight as she could. He'd used an array of words to refer to her, to call her, to praise her and degrade her. Yet nothing ever felt like this one. As unassuming as it was. Maybe she was actually mad.
"I can't come and just demand your attention. I'm not like you, I just can't do it." She huffed, frustrated and relieved at the same time.
"You're always demanding my attention."
"That's untrue."
"Is it?"
It wasn't. She did always make an effort to be at the forefront of her mind. Of course like many other things, she'd assumed she was good at keeping it covert. In actuality, like most other things, he was just letting her get away with it.
But this was different. This wasn't about teasing him or toying with his need for excitement. This was him wanting a change. She knew that because he told her as much. It hurt her beyond consolation and she couldn't be in front of him with that. 
It had been a year and she had probably become stale to him.
"Why are you fighting with me?" She said instead of acknowledging those things, "I thought you wanted to be in love?"
"This is how love feels like," He looked over her face. "So I'm told." He marched the words with the slow retreat of his length.
On this, she could agree with him. Of all the things people had to say about love, no one warned her how gut wrenching it could also be. She'd hate it if the good parts hadn't made up for it and more.
Her overwhelmed mind made the next question spill, "What does it feel like to you?" She asked him, not sure what she was expecting.
"Like this." He sighed, beginning to push so slightly back inside her. "Like being inside you."
The words made her clench around him yet again. She wanted nothing more than for him to mean those words. Moments like this made her wonder just how she had managed to mask her real feelings for so long. Especially now, when every inch of her seemed to be bursting with it.
"Kiss me, Johnny." Her eyes fluttered open, swallowing whatever remained of her pride to ask for what he already denied her. “Show me just how much you love me."
Johnny’s eyes softened like they melted— glistening despite being in the shadow.
Then his lips pressed against hers and she felt like her entire being lit up with the brunt of her relief. Her hands came to his neck, his to her hips, holding each other like it was the only thing they knew.
She sighed into his mouth without meaning to, the faintest moisture collecting in the corner of her eyes. She had truly missed kissing him. He had ruined the act of it. He had given her the privilege of kissing her, and now she considered it a privilege outright.
It would also be the thing she would miss the most. That and his smile, the sound of his voice when he laughed, the way he said her name. (Y/N) wondered if she'd ever truly be able to kiss another person again.
Johnny's lips moulded over hers like they were completing a puzzle. His hand stroked her thigh gently as her head tilted up to deepen the kiss. He kissed her slow and he kissed her fast, taking his time to navigate each familiar crevice. His sigh was touching, one of relief and comfort. She could get lost in that alone, locking the sound away in her memories.
She'd miss him so much when he was gone that she missed him already. Her arms pressed him closer to her, with more urgency. When he trailed his kisses down her neck, she used the opportunity to wipe her eyes against her shirt, still hanging on his shoulder.
Now Johnny entered her completely, and it took her breath away. Her arm squeezed his neck, his shoulder muffling her moan.
"Good?" He questioned, more as a gauge of her state than to fish for compliments.
"The best." She couldn't help herself if she tried. When he probed the thicker part of her walls she moaned his name so loud that she was sure it could be heard all the way to the basement.
"Yes right there." She added once the stars in her vision dulled.
"Yes, I know." He chuckled, peppering kisses all over her neck and cheek. "I know." He reassured.
"Don't stop." She whined, the pleasure mixing with the flurry of emotions to drive her mad. "Johnny, please."
"I won't." The words accompanied a tender hush. "I've got you." He promised.
"Johnny, I'm so—" He cut her off by grabbing her chin, lifting himself higher and making her look into his eyes.
"I love you. You." He tripped over his words. "I love you so much. More than life itself." He groaned, brows furrowing. "Fuck, you were just made for me and I spend all my time thinking about just that." His thrusts started to get sloppy, only spurred on by her tight grip around him. "That and just how much I fucking love you."
Her lips parted on their own accord, "Johnny, I–" But the words were cut off by a moan as he came with a sudden shiver. The feeling of his come shooting inside her sending her into her own orgasm as he kept up his ridiculous pace.
(Y/N) had never felt hollow the way she felt when he pulled out of her after what felt like hours of just laying there. She couldn't even feel the relief of his weight lifting off her chest. 
He was staring at her from the side, she could feel his eyes looking her over, analysing each movement on her face. When he took in a breath— to say something, she got out of bed. Once again fear grabbed at her, mind filling with every possible explanation he would have to dismiss everything that had just happened.
"I should get cleaned up." She mumbled to the floor, not even bothering to gather any of her clothes. She just went into the bathroom and stayed in the tub. Long enough to be sure he was asleep. 
Or gone.
(Y/N) woke up to the feel of Johnny’s hand sliding up her legs, resting on her hip. She smiled, pulling her head back to look at him through her slitted gaze.
“Morning.” Johnny’s voice, as deep as it was on most mornings, was too cautious. Her brows knit, confused for a moment. Then the previous night came back to her, reminding her that this wasn’t most mornings.
She hummed in response, “Where did you get pajamas?” She asked, eyeing the dark green t-shirt and pants that she was certain weren’t from his closet.
“The bottom drawers in the dresser always have a pair or two.” He informed her, the first she heard of this.
“Why didn’t I get one?” Her brows gathered. Johnny just gave her a cheeky grin.
“We haven’t spent a night here before, have we?” He questioned her.
“I haven’t.” She mumbled, shifting to bury her face further in his neck then she found it when she woke. But the reminder had ruined the harmless mood.
Pulling away felt too awkward to pull off so she just tried to shift again. Johnny must have read her mind because his arm came back to her leg, pulling it up on his own and leaving a chaste kiss on her forehead. A sigh left her lips, finding comfort in the familiar situation despite the circumstances. The air in the room was, nonetheless, tense. She told herself she'd take away these moments as relics.
None of them spoke to fill the silence. In truth, there was nothing to say. Only when it got too hot did she pull back from him. 
Silently, (Y/N) slipped out of bed, looking around to spot her clothes. A knock on the door made her rise, grabbing one of the robes that always hung from the bathroom door.
She opened it to find Charlie, one of the servers, standing with her things in his hand.
“Mr. Nakamoto sent your things.” He reached his hands out with her bag, “I took the liberty of bringing Mr. Suh’s things as well.” He handed her the paper bag as well.
“Thank you, Charlie.” She smiled, “I heard that you’re getting married?” She beamed and the man blushed in response, giving her a shy nod.
The overnight bag she had packed for Yuta’s house was heavy and made it difficult to open it with both hands full. She reached into the packet in which Charlie handed over Johnny’s belongings, taking his wallet out to pick out a note to hand to the man for his efforts.
“Next time you’re manning the bar, I want to know how you met your partner.” She smiled at him and he thanked her for the tip. Once she closed the door, she could put the bags down. Sighing from the release of the burden, she opened her bag to fish her own wallet out, replacing the money she took from Johnny.
“You didn’t have to do that.” His voice came from behind. She turned, finding him leaning against the wall and watching her carefully, arms crossed in front of his chest. She just shrugged in return, coming up to hand him his things before walking into the bathroom.
When she emerged, she was dressed for the day. Johnny was laying in bed with his feet on the floor, looking up from his phone when she walked into his line of vision.
“Where are you going?” He asked, brows furrowed like he was somehow expecting her to stay.
“Yuta and I are supposed to have brunch today. Hyuck too.” She spoke while clasping her watch.
“The breakfast here is pretty good. You can just eat downstairs.” Johnny sat up, phone dropping on his chest and then on the bed.
She looked up at him, lost. Breakfast was another thing she did not know the club provided.
Johnny seemed to catch on, eyes lighting up with amusement. "Really, it's like a hotel if you can ignore the large bowls of condoms everywhere."
She laughed under her breath, “Ten’s more entrepreneurial than you are.”
“I’ll have you know that it was my idea.” He said defensively, smiling nonetheless.
“Oh.” She chuckled, “My apologies. The condoms or the breakfast?" Picking up her shoes, (Y/N) sat down at the edge of the bed.
"The breakfast. The condoms are more of a legal failsafe. Your department more than mine."
Both of them laughed.
The next several moments were silent till she finished putting on her shoes, his hand coming to her waist as she started getting up.
He snaked the arm around her to halt her efforts, “Stay.” It was a single word packed with a heavy request. She could feel his eyes on her in the mirror in front of them, keeping her own gaze fixed on the floor.
“I can’t.” It was an equally simple response, laced with a heavy implication. She looked up at the mirror, meeting his gaze. “We have reservations.” It was a flimsy excuse that seemed to get a rise out of him. 
His soft eyes hardened, “You came prepared to stay the night, it seems.” His eyes drifted to her large bag.
It was a petty thing to say and for a moment she wondered if she should lie, give him the shot of provocation that he was seeking when he said the words. But the antagonism that filled the previous night had weighed down on her. She was tired.
"My original plan was to go for dinner and crash at Yuta's. It was Hyuck who insisted on coming here.” 
Johnny hummed, the sound heavy with the words he held back, unconvinced. It made her turn to him, “I have no reason to lie to you.” The words were the simple truth and she could tell that it did the very thing she was trying to avoid.
Her eyes wandered over his face, taking in the way he was trying to hide his outrage. She wondered if it was his ego or if she wanted to delude herself into thinking he actually cared. “All this time and I still don’t understand you.” She bit the corner of her mouth, regretting the words for the argument it would spur.
“It’s not like you ever ask.” He slid closer, nose knocking against hers. His eyes looked up from her lips expectantly. 
She wondered if he wanted a question or a kiss.
Her phone rang while she debated and she told herself it was divine intervention. Except it was just her best friend.
“Ask Johnny if he wants to go for brunch with us.” Yuta skipped the greetings to land the poignant jab. Of course he already knew who she was with. There was never going to be anybody else.
“No.” She got up from the bed, gathering her things. 
Despite every ounce of sense telling her otherwise, she turned to look at him, meeting his gaze to give him a silent farewell. There was the brimming fear of this being the last time, afterall.
The thought made her still. She had to shake her head and look away.
“Meet me downstairs. Did you find Hyuck?” She asked, walking out of the room.
Another week passed and (Y/N) had begun the process of mourning. Taking the last two days of the work week off, she had holed herself up in the safety of her apartment for three days now. The time had been spent consuming enough sugar to remind herself that she never had a sweet tooth, before shifting to the store of sour candy that was seemingly endless. Putting the first one in her mouth made her eyes well. 
Finally, she started looking for a different job, her constantly blurring eyes making the task take much longer than intended. 
That Saturday night, she fell asleep trying to imagine how she would hand in her resignation to him. What could she even say? How would she avoid explaining to him that she couldn’t be around him. 
She simply was not as aloof as she wanted both of them to believe.
The building phone never rang. The day doorman never had to see people come to her apartment unless they were with her or he knew them as her regular guests. The one on the night shift was new. 
Her first thought was the most obvious one. It was Johnny, it had to be. But she reminded herself that she had other people in her life. It could be Yuta with some ridiculous situation that only he could have. It could be Doyoung since she had let it slip that her non-relationship with her boss was beginning to sizzle off.
“Hello?” She finally answered the phone.
“I’m sorry Miss, there’s a man here that refuses to give his name. He says you know who it is. I told him that you don’t take visitors this late.”
She huffed. That reduced her guesses to two of the three. Nonetheless, she was grateful for the man’s caution.
“I’ll be down in a moment.” She sighed.
The elevator dinged and she clenched her hands inside the pocket of her hoodie. The one that was not hers. Despite her reasonings, she of course knew who was the moment the phone rang.
Johnny stood in the lobby with his hands on his hips, a frown set deeply on his face. His hair glistened under the lights and her eyes drifted to the doors behind him. 
It was raining.
“Your new place is definitely high on safety.” He remarked, lips still downturned. "Your doorman thinks I'm a thief who'd walk through the front door." He pointed behind him, a small grunt leaving his frustrated lips.
She loved him, she realised for the millionth time. This time with a sudden jolt. Despite every rational thought begging her to do otherwise. She loved him so dearly and so hopelessly that she didn't know what to do with it at all.
Johnny looked restless, his feet tapping against the floor. She could understand and she could forgive it. That was how much she loved him.
She loved him. A sigh of relief left her, like the crashing of waves on a rocky shore after it finally met land. It was useless to pretend otherwise. She loved him and she'd let him in anytime he showed up.
He was in a suit, the rain ruining the fabric permanently. She wondered why he was in one on a Saturday at midnight.
His hands dropped to his side, “You haven’t been coming to work.” He said as the gap between them began to close with each stride. “I was preparing for the quarterly distributor meeting and Kun’s notes made no sense. He’s on a work trip too. I had to call the entire legal team into work today because all of the copyright issues seem to be funnelled through you.” 
She stopped a few metres short of being in his personal space. “I’m entitled to my leaves.”
“Then you should brief the team properly so work doesn’t stop when you aren’t around.”
He was right, she gave him a nod to affirm it as well.
“Did you get what you needed?” She asked, flexing her fists in the safety of the deep pockets of the hoodie.
“Yes. The intern, Hendery, had a decent idea. I hired him tonight.”
“Good. He’s good enough to replace me with enough training.”
Johnny’s frown went from expressing discontent to a confused one. She'd put the hint in his mind now. 
“HR said you’re sick.” Johnny mumbled after a moment of silence, shuffling.
“It’s a cold. I just needed the time off to feel better.” 
Johnny nodded, hands coming back to his hips. He kept nodding, deep in thought.
“Is that the reason you came all the way here? I was sleeping.” She finally huffed, feeling the brunt of her own indignation suddenly.
His brows knit, arm coming up so he could glance at his watch.
“Oh.” His face smoothened in one go, “I didn’t realise it was this late. I was just driving around to clear my head.” He slowly put his hand down, biting down on his bottom lip.
She finally took her own hands out of her pockets, only to cross her arms in front of her chest. She knew why he was here, but she wanted him to admit it. She needed him to confirm so she could act like she wasn't giving in without a fight. Her dignity was the one thing she wanted to walk away with.
“I’m sorry!” He finally huffed, following with a groan that came from somewhere deep inside him. She blinked, incredibly surprised. “Is that what you want me to say?” He huffed again.
The last part ticked her off, “I don’t want you to say anything. What are you sorry for? Is it for waking me up because that is fair, but it’s not the first time you’ve done it.” The words were deliberately cautious.
Johnny groaned, running a hand over his face. “You’re making this so much harder than it needs to be.”
“What are you sorry for?” She asked, raising her chin and burying her brimming hope.
He gave her a look of furious disbelief.
“For once,” He groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose like he was second guessing himself.
“What?” She asked with more anger bubbling in her words, taking two steps closer. He took notice, his own two steps closing their gap. Now they were in each other’s personal space.
“For once, can’t you give in to me?” There was a desperation that made the edge of his words blunt.
She stared at him with disbelief. "From the moment I met you I've only ever given into you."
"I'm not talking about that. I'm not talking about work, or bed. I mean your pride. Put it aside for once. Tell me you want me. Give in to me." He took just another step closer.
Remembering the place, she turned to the doorman, “You can let him in next time.” She raised her voice enough to be heard by the man. 
Her gaze softened when it came back to Johnny and she prayed to god that he couldn’t see the glisten in them. Finding a real touch too scathing to execute, she settled for hooking her finger through one of his belt loops.
"You wouldn't be here if you believed I don't."
"I'm here because I'm giving up. I'm done. I don't want a change, I want you."
The confession washed her in a flood of relief. She would love him as long as he'd let her.
"And I came down here because I'm giving in. I don't want a break. Either leave me once and for all or never say that to me again."
Johnny chewed on his bottom lip, taking in the tempest in her eyes.
“Take me upstairs.” He asked like that wasn’t exactly where she was taking him. Like it wasn’t the inevitable outcome he had in mind when he walked into the lobby. For all his claims, he knew how quick she gave into him. “You can sleep, you look so tired. I don't want anything, I just want to be here.”
“You will sleep too.” She announced, turning away to pull him towards the elevator.
Once on the elevator, a thought made her freeze, “The place is a mess.” She warned him, remembering the cave she had turned the place into in the past week. 
He gave her a cautious look, “(Y/N). Baby.” He laughed, her gut kicking up an assault at his tender tone. “Your place is always a mess.”
 She frowned, taking her hand out of his to smack his chest. 
“Hey!” She huffed.
Johnny groaned, a grin tugging at his lips after.
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lovelytsunoda · 5 months
take my breath away // tom 'iceman' kazansky
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a traffic jam on the interstate and a diamond ring in a glovebox compartment
temporarily stationed in nevada, tom and heather decide to take a weekend in las vegas to see their favourite new wave band. all the while, all tom can think about when to ask heather to be his wife.
part of the heather and tommy universe started in 'tell me something girl'
pairing: tom kazansky x female oc (named heather)
warnings: fluff overload, marriage proposals, traffic jams.
author's note: guys i know that 'kick' didn't come out until 1987, but bear with me on this one, i was trying to make all of the dates work without the wedding feeling rushed (you'll know what i mean if you check the date headings on 'tell me something girl')
October 25th, 1986. Just outside Las Vegas, Nevada.
the weak air conditioning system in her boyfriend's hummer did nothing to block out the nevada heat as they sat idle, listening to the sounds of engines humming and horns honking. heather schneider held a small camcorder in her hands, the viewfinder trained on her boyfriend's face as he raked his hands through is hair, aviator glasses hiding his eyes. duran duran played on the radio, a tree shaped air freshener dangling in front of the windshield.
"babe, i’m so sorry. i had no idea traffic would be this bad." tom sighed, pushing up his glasses so he could run his hands over his face.
the move to nevada had been sudden. back home in virginia after graduating top gun, tom wasn't expecting to get marching orders so fast after coming back from a mission. the two harrowing weeks in the ocean after the academy had rattled him a little, and he was looking forward to finally spending time with heather again. now, he was scared about what nevada would to do his relationship with heather, until heather dropped a bombshell of her own.
she was quitting her job.
working in a law firm that did work closely with the us military did things to a person. and one day, heather just snapped. she came home in tears and told him that she couldn't do it any more.
and then she quit.
and now she was in nevada with no idea what she was going to do with her life. tom was stationed at the nellis air force base, which was very near to the las vegas motor speedway, a place they spent many a weekend watching stock car racing. tom was easing into his role at nellis quickly, seamlessly and with his trusty backseater ron kerner at his side.
heather was still lost. deployment was only for five months, part of a training program for a plane that most people in the military weren't even aware of yet. and after that five months? would they go back to virginia? stay in nevada? where would she work?
"kaz, stop worrying. the concert isn't until tomorrow night anyways." she soothed, running her thumb over his knuckles. the hummer eased forward, but traffic was still at a crawl.
"nellis is eight fucking miles outside of vegas, why can't we get into the city on a friday?"
"because everybody else is also trying to get into the city on a friday."
in the three months they had already lived in nevada, despite only living eight miles outside sin city, heather had still never been to vegas. never walked down the strip, never seen a show.
until tom surprised her with tickets to watch australian new wave band INXS play at ceasers palace. the band meant so much to heather, and she had been waiting for this weekend for the last six weeks.
tom, on the other hand, knowing the significance of the weekend had something bigger planned. the ring was burning a hole in his glove box, right next to his service weapon.
all that time away had taught him one big thing: he wanted heather in his life, by his side, for the rest of his life.
"hey, heath, do you remember that blue bungalow in miramar? the one that was on the water, with the backyard that walked out onto that small square of beach?"
"yeah, why?" heather hummed, panning the camera over at the traffic in front of her. the pair never went anywhere without their cameras, digital or video. there were envelopes full of negatives in their apartment, shoeboxes bursting at the seams with pictures they'd taken since they started dating in the spring of 1985.
tom tapped his slender fingers against the steering wheel, easing the hummer forward another few feet as traffic picked up, and then promptly slowed. he moved to roll down a window due to the heat, but then reversed his decision after smelling the latent gasoline exhaust in the air and hearing the noise of the jam.
"it's for sale. has been for a while, miramar isn't a hot area for us young people." he stopped to take a breath, looking over at heather. her eyes sparkled as she turned to look at him, popping a small pretzel into her mouth. her large, round prescription sunglasses made her look like an owl.
he adored every part of her.
"i want to put a deposit down. with your permission, of course. i know your life is in virginia, and we can go back if that's what you want. but i see a life for us in that house. kids, a dog. at some point, i want to teach at top gun. that's where maverick is, where slider is going to go. but none of that means anything if you aren't with me, heath."
heather closed the camcorder, dropping it into her lap as she reached for tom's hand, clasping it between both of hers. "tom, i'd love to. let's do it. let's move to california."
tom's heart swelled with love as he brought heather's knuckles up to give her a gentle kiss. everything was finally coming together. they were ready to start their life together.
and he knew he needed to ask. he had planned to wait until they were in the city, planned to get down on one knee underneath the false eiffel tower and present heather with his grandmother's ring.
but, as impulsive as it may be, he knew he needed to ask her. in the middle of stalled traffic on a nevada freeway. his hair had grown out since he'd come home from top gun, bangs curling into his eyes and sticking up in all ways after he pushes his glasses up.
"babe, pass me the camcorder and take a look in the glove box." tom said, putting the hummer in park. he would have turned the engine off to save gas, but who knew if traffic would pick up again and he'd have to drive off the freeway?
after heather passed him the small metal camera, he popped it open, discreetly recording as she opened the glove box. her sunglasses held her long, brunette hair back like a headband as she rooted around the compartment.
"behind the service weapon, sweetheart. it's a small pink box."
"found it." she hummed, her manicured fingers clutching the small cardboard box. (tom had been insistent that she go get her nails done with slider's girlfriend maria before they left nellis, but she had no idea why).
she pulled the lid off the box, a gasp getting caught in her throat when she saw the stunning sterling silver ring, and the large blue stone in the middle, framed by diamonds.
"this is your grandmother's ring."
tom's parents were polish immigrants. when his parents left poland with nothing, they brought his father's mother with them (his mother's parents would follow later). angela kazanzky was classically trained ballerina with the warsaw ballet corps, but had left poland with almost nothing after her husband was killed. all she brought with her was a suitcase of clothes, and that sapphire engagement ring.
"heather, the time i spent at top gun taught me a lot of things. how to be a better man, a better soldier and a better pilot. but it also taught me that i hate being away from you. i hate waking up at the crack of dawn and you aren't there next to me." tom began, reaching for heather's hand. she turned to look at him, eyes wide and hands shaky as the gravity what this was set in. "i hate coming home at the end of the day to an empty dorm without you there. yeah, i love the guys, and i love this job. but none of that holds a candle to the way that i love you, heather anne schneider. i was going to wait until we actually got to vegas to do this, but now's as good a time as any."
he smiled nervously, a shock of giddy, pure love shooting through her veins when she looked at him, an equally wide smile breaking out across her face.
"heather, will you marry me?"
"yes! yes, tom, of course i'm gonna marry you. is this what that house talk was all about? yes, of course i'll do it!"
"thank you." tom exhaled, speaking so softly that she almost didn't hear it. he extended his open palm, waiting for her to press the ring into his palm. she was a giggling mess, trying to hold her hand steady while tom slid the cold metal band onto her ring finger. "i'm so in love with you, and i hope we stay this happy forever."
god, she loved that man.
"i love you more, lieutenant."
stretching as far as her seatbelt would allow, heather leaned over the hummer's center console, kissing her fiancé with an intensity that was out of place on the freeway. she couldn't stop staring at the rock on her finger, and thinking about the promise that it represented.
they were forehead to forehead, full of giddy smiles, the camcorder resting on tom's lap still recording as the pickup truck behind them began to honk.
traffic was flowing normally, and they hadn't even noticed.
they broke apart, laughing as they stowed away the camcorder and the now-empty ring box. tom put the car in drive, throwing his middle finger up at the driver behind them.
they were both still smiling, daydreaming about what their new life together would bring them. heather reached for the radio, turning up the volume as they began to play INXS' 'never tear us apart'.
tom smiled fondly, looking over at her as she began to sing.
"this is going to be our wedding song." she smiled to herself.
the following year, they would get married in monterrey, and they would have their first dance to that same song, heather in a simple white dress, and tom in his navy dress whites. and two years after that, they would welcome their first of three children.
and when mitchell kazansky got married? he used that same sapphire ring to propose to his now-wife amelia.
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@magnummagnussen @libraryofloveletters @sidcrosbyspuck @diorleclerc @lorarri @cartierre @userlando @thatsdemko
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ax-cx · 5 months
Luke Castellan x Fem!OC
slight Pervy!Luke and Toxic!Luke
Warnings: swearing, heavy make out, mentions of slight stalking, super obsessed Luke, mention of drugs, flirting
Just pure fluffy love really
“You can’t keep dancing with the devil and ask why you’re still in hell.”
- (of alcoholic drink or a drug) liable to cause someone to lose control of their faculties or behaviour.
- exhilarating or exciting.
- "an intoxicating sense of freedom"
Laila was intoxicating. Just looking at her made my mind run miles. Her beautiful brown hair, falling down over her shoulders. Her beautiful green eyes, glinting when she looks up at me. Her beautiful smile, contagious and bubbly.
Fuck man, I’m so done for. The way she says my name, gods help me.
“Luke.” soft, sweet and silky. Just imagine how it’d sound beneath- no shut up Luke. She’s perfect. Don’t ruin her.
“Yes sweetheart?” oh gods, stop looking at me like that dollface. Can’t you see me melting here?
“I need your help.” her cheeks reddened. Like strawberries and summer sun.
I can’t be this crazy for a girl, right? I’m just Luke. I’m the best swordsman at camp, son of Hermes, and a silly little Demeter girl can’t make me feel this way. Even though she picks flowers everywhere she goes, and the roses greet her like an old friend; even though the shrubs and plants seem to bloom brighter when she walks past, nature pouring from every pore of her pure soul.
“Of course Laila, what do you need?” my voice was shaky, of course it was. She was so fucking stunning my heart hurt. She gave me a headache and a high I couldn’t chase anywhere else. So I was her little servant instead.
She wanted help? Always. Can’t choose an outfit? Sweetheart you look perfect in blue. Someone giving her a hard time? I’ll fucking kill them. She wants food? I’ll get her anything. That bracelet’s cute? Bought it already.
I followed her like a wolf trailing behind a little lamb. All I wanted was her aura, her devilishly inducing soul. I’d do anything she asked. I’d burn the goddamn world to the ground. Just to make her happy. Anything to see her smile.
Chris told me I was obsessed. Maybe I am. Just a little. Just a lot. She takes up my every waking thought, tying up my mind in flowers and thorns, sweet smiles and sugary sounds. The way she walked. The way she talked.
I found myself hidden outside her window, looking in on her dressing once. Like a child outside a candy shop, my face was pressed to glass so hard I nearly fell through. The curves of her body, the scars on her knees, the freckles across her shoulders and clavicle. She rivalled Aphrodite, the fucking beauty she is.
“I need a new bikini and I don’t know which one to get.” fuck. How am I meant to hold myself back now? Surely she’s trying to kill me.
“Laila you look great in anything. But-“
“Blue’s your favourite colour, I know Luke, I know.” Laila I’m begging you, don’t put a blue bikini on, I might fuck up this perfect relationship. “So I picked out two blue ones but I don’t know which ones better.”
Oh god. I could feel my blood going south already. I watched as she slipped into the changing room, drawing the curtain, metal scraping metal. I listened as she shuffled, watched her clothes hit the floor and the shadows of her curves pulling the material on. I hated how long I waited, I was dying to see her.
I was dying to see my girl.
Metal scraping metal, and a soft whisper. “Luke?” my eyes met perfection.
Shamelessly letting my eyes wander, the blue fabric was tastefully perfect on her sun-bronzed skin. I’d forever be grateful for Apollo for how he made her shine. Her hips, her breasts, smattered with freckles and battle scars, marred in its most perfect form. Glowing and radiant. A princess in its finest definition. My beautiful drug. Little shells and gold trinkets were looped into the mesh, woven into the blue and trailing down her ribs and thighs.
Her hair was tucked behind her ears, her face on full display. Strawberries and summer sun dancing across her cheeks. Playful freckles smeared on her skin, full lips pulled into a meek grin. I stood up, and took her chin by the finger, lifting her embarrassed eyes to meet mine. I saw her curl in on herself.
“Laila you don’t need to be ashamed. You look great.” great. A disgusting understatement for how ethereal she looked. Aphrodite worked her magic and worked hard on her. The word felt filthy on my tongue. A princess like her needed to be praised and showered in the filthiest compliments, degraded by affection and ruined by attention. She glowed, and the world stopped.
I couldn’t hear a thing but my heartbeat. Racing, trying to tear from my chest and embrace hers. Her eyes gleamed, and I felt my resolve crumble. My confidence, my senses, my mind and soul falling to bare parts of who I am.
A man so effortlessly infatuated with a woman.
Losing all my thoughts, all my being, I melted into her. I gave up, finally leaning into my instincts and pressing my lips to hers.
They say your first kiss with a person you love is like fireworks. Your lips ignite and everything feels right.
It’s a lie. It’s like a fucking war. Winning and losing, fighting and failing. Kissing the girl I’m completely besotted with. Fuck. Her lips were heaven on earth, soft and plump, the perfect fit to mine. Gods this girl was meant for me. I truly must’ve been blessed, for finding a girl that just fits effortlessly, lips the missing piece to my fucked up puzzle, is a one in a billion girl.
I reluctantly pulled my lips from hers, immediately missing the warmth that bloomed in my chest, the warmth of her lips.
“Laila I’m so sorry.” she blinked, once, twice, still processing what is just done. I’d fucked it, I’d royally fucked it. “I couldn’t, I just couldn’t help my-“
My breath cut short, her fingers pulled on my belt loops, pulling me in, roping me further into her spell. She kissed me. Crashing our lips together, all teeth and tongue, all love and war. My perfect girl perfectly kissing me. My eyes were shut so tight, sight a pathetic sense when compared to her taste, her smell, her feel. Like the world was put right.
My hands swallowed her hips, kneading the supple bronze flesh. She was gold personified. Glowing, valuable and just stunning. Her skin was putty in my hands, the perfect golden feeling against my calloused hands. Soft and untouched. All mine to ruin.
I almost felt bad. Touching something so celestial, with my broken and damaged hands. With my plans and my anger. With my disgust and falsified details. With my wrath and rage. With my betrayal and my suffering. But I didn’t care. My care was out the window as soon as she kissed me. I finally got to be selfish for once. Thinking only of myself for once.
She was pure sugar. Addicting, intoxicating. Like my own personal cocaine.
Her hands were woven into my curls, like the soft curves of a tapestry twisting a timeless tale. This is a moment to remember for as long as I live, something I don’t ever want to forget.
She pulled her lips from mine, and my lips ached for the contact again. “So this one?” she grinned, her beautiful beautiful smile on her beautiful beautiful lips.
“I’ll get you both princess.”
My beautiful drug.
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welivetodream · 7 months
How much do you think Richard lied about the story?
Because I think he was lying about a LOT of stuff. I do not trust words that come from this man. He is sus.
Since he is talking about the past, it could all be misunderstandings and blurry memories (he was high half of the time) Or it could be just lies.
My favourite headcanon is that Richard was writing a book about his college life. He is a bit delusional and grandiose so when he went to college, he expected to have this main character vibe going on. But his college life was as normal as any of ours and he was disappointed. So, he tried to live vicariously through a book, which he wrote as an "autobiography" (he literally starts the book with "this is a story of my follies"). Richard is telling us, the reader, "his" story. He is acknowledging it as a "real" story. But that too is a lie. Richard made it all up. All the characters were written by him.
That's why Camilla was portrayed as an angel, she is the heroine, his damsel in distress, love interest. Henry was the mythical Jay Gatsby to Richard's Nick Carraway. Henry was someone he could obsess over and idolise. Francis is the gay one, he is another 'kind of' love interest, he is always making passes at Richard, he is snarky and a bit grumpy, that's his entire character. Charles is the mean villain, he is abusing Camilla and committing incest, his existence makes all of them appear better than they are. Bunny was homophobic to a degree that didn't make any sense, he was in a fucking Greek class and was friends with all these people with major gay vibes, what did he expect? If Bunny was sympathetic, we wouldn't have accepted the murder so quickly. And Julian is Julian, he is so out of reach and ethereal; depicted as a type of teacher we would love to have, the story's John Keating.
Now when we come to the ending. The only one who gets to live a "normal" life and has any success (at least graduating college) was Richard. Yeah, Camilla turned him down and all but, he doesn't seem that mad about it (he admitted he loved Henry too, which gives major Nick Carraway vibes) He doesn't really face any consequences of what they all did (he is an accomplice to murder after all)
Camilla is traumatised, she is still in love with Henry and he fucking died in front of her. Her relationship with Charles is ruined and that would be traumatising as well.
Francis is forced to stay in the closet with no choice in the person he dates. And he almost dies of a suicide because of that. He is done with life.
Charles tried rehab but then ran away with a woman in her 30s that was married. His life is a complete mess and he has no contact with his old friends or sister.
Henry commited suicide and Bunny was murdered by his own friends.
Out of all these situations, Richard was the lucky one. He still has ties to Camilla and Francis and they still are kind of friends. He graduated and got a job. He dates one of the most popular girls at college and moves in with her for some time. He is doing something in his life.
In the end, Richard got the best of all of them. Maybe because that's just his real life. He doesn't have a crazy backstory. He doesn't have a huge personality. He doesn't have many connections to these characters. He gets the best ending. He is always the outsider. He is the narrator. He is a liar. He is a storyteller.
It's Richard's world, we are all just living in it.
(I know this theory is not at all true. Donna Tartt was not going for it to be like this. But I find the idea of Richard faking the entire book for his own entertainment and delusion, fascinating. And it's even plausible because of his personality)
Just imagine if TSH happened in the present day. The afterward would be just Richard going to his desk job with four hours of sleep and revealing he was writing an OC self-insert fanfiction about a modern Greek tragedy in AO3.
(okay, this turned out so funny. I get Richard, I want to escape from my boring life with writing too)
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