#why are some people convinced he could move on from her? My man jumped off a cliff for her
sunkissed-zegras · 9 months
✮ 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞, 𝐢 𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞. 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐢'𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | prologue jump then fall au
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au masterlist! masterlist!
♡ ─ word count | 1.7k
♡ ─ summary | adam was resisting the idea of hiring a nanny despite luca's insistence that paloma needed one. they met with a potential nanny who had good credentials and reviews. they decided that cece may be the right person to care for paloma, even if it would take time for adam to fully trust her.
♡ ─ warnings | mention of a troubled past, the hard time opening up, nothing else really!
♡ ─ taglist | TBD! let me know if you want to be in the JUMP THEN FALL AU!
♡ ─ ev's notes | oh my gosh, i haven't been this excited for an AU in a while. i have been so de-motivated for so long and i'm so happy that i'm finally back on my grind LMAO!! but on another note, thank you v @drysdalesv for helping me with this au, i love you and you're so amazing and creative HEHHEHEH. anyway, enjoy!!!
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"Adam, come on." Luca sighed as he leaned his head back in annoyance. "She's two, she can't survive on her own and you can't take her to every practice, or game."
Adam sat on the couch of his brand-new apartment as he listened to his brother trying to convince him to get him a nanny. He's been trying ever since the move and he understood why but he wasn't sure he was ready. "People are weird these days, Luca, I'm not gonna just hire someone off the street-"
"Adam, there are websites, background checks and so much more. You're not gonna hire some random person to take of her, I get it, but what do you expect?"
Adam, torn between his protective instincts and the practicality of the situation, sighed. "I know, Luca, I just… I've never been comfortable with the idea of strangers around Paloma. She's my everything."
Luca leaned forward, his voice gentle but firm. "Look, I get it, man. But we can't do this alone. You've got a career to focus on, and I've got my own life to manage, I can't be driving up here everyday and mom and dad have their work. We both love her, but we can't be with her 24/7."
Adam ran a hand through his hair, feeling the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders. He knew Luca was right, Paloma was his top priority, and his hockey career demanded a lot of his time. It was his dream but he had to make sacrifices sometimes.
"I know, I know. It's just… What if something happens? What if the nanny isn't right for her?" He's heard the stories of those crazy nannies who abuse their power and doesn't even know what he'd do if anything like that happened to Paloma.
Luca put a reassuring hand on his brother's shoulder. "We'll find someone who's perfect for her, someone we can trust. And we'll be there to oversee everything. Paloma deserves a chance to socialize, learn, and grow."
Adam nodded, the corners of his lips lifting slightly as he scoffed playfully. "You always know how to talk me into things, Luca."
Luca grinned happily. "That's what brothers are for, right?"
Adam glanced at his draft photo on the wall, picture of him holding Paloma in his arms, both of them wearing matching smiles on the second best day of his life. It was a simple reminder that Paloma's happiness and well-being were his top priorities. And the more he thought about it he realized that maybe, just maybe, he could find someone who would fit perfectly into their little family.
"Alright, Luca. Let's start looking for a nanny."
The air was warm and the scent of flowers filled the outside area of the Cafe Adam had chosen to meet with the new nanny one of his new teammates had told him about. She was around his age, maybe a bit younger, and was currently a student at Ohio State. She seemed like an ideal fit, with a schedule that matched Adam's needs—available Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 2 pm, perfect for morning practices. She also had many positive reviews from previous employers.
Seated outside, Luca observed his brother, who repeatedly checked his phone. Luca couldn't help but let out a soft sigh. "What?"
"She's late," Adam replied, his anxiety evident. He was usually laid back but right now, Luca could tell he was nervous.
"Since when do you care about punctuality? And it's rush hour, she's probably stuck in traffic." Luca replied as he tried to calm the boy down. She was the fifth nanny they'd met with in the span of a few weeks and he still hasn't found a match. Practice was going to start next week and this girl just had to be the right fit or he wouldn't know what else to do.
Adam tried to calm his nerves, playing with his keychain to try and calm his nerves. "Yeah, you're probably right. I just want this to work out, you know? Paloma deserves the best."
With an encouraging smile, Luca affirmed, "And she'll get it, Adam. We'll find the perfect fit for her, someone who'll love her like we do."
Adam nodded, appreciating his brother's reassuring words. He knew Luca was right; they would eventually find the perfect caregiver for Paloma, someone who would care for her as if she were their own.
Just as Adam was about to voice his concerns about the potential nanny's tardiness again, the cafe's entrance door chimed, and a young woman stepped inside. She scanned the outdoor seating area, her gaze locking onto the table where Adam and Luca sat. With a friendly smile, she approached them, her demeanor friendly and sweet.
She was pretty; that was the first thing Adam thought as he looked at her. She had a backpack on and it was obvious she had just come from a lecture, she looked the tiniest bit of tired but Adam thought that made her somewhat more attractive.
"Adam, Luca?" she inquired, her voice warm and welcoming. "I'm so sorry for being a little late, I got stuck in traffic on the way here."
Adam couldn't deny that Cece had a certain charm about her, and he appreciated her honesty. "No worries, Cece," he replied, offering her a warm smile. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Adam, and this is my brother, Luca."
Luca also greeted her with a friendly nod and smile. "Good to meet you, Cece."
Cece settled into the chair across from them, her backpack placed beside her. She seemed at ease, and her friendly demeanor put Adam's initial concerns to rest. It was important that the person they chose to care for Paloma was not only qualified but also someone she could feel comfortable around. The fact that Cece had come straight from a lecture also signaled to Adam that she was hardworking, which he appreciated.
"So, you go to Ohio State?" Luca mumbled playfully as he looked down at his Michigan sweatshirt. Cece let out a soft laugh at that and nodded.
"Yup, buckeye through and through." Cece faked a southern accent which made them both let out a soft chuckle, "Well not really. My entire family has went to Michigan, I'm the first to break the tradition."
As the conversation flowed, Adam couldn't help but steer it towards the topic that mattered most to him—Paloma. He had to know if Cece could connect with his daughter. With a warm smile, he began, "So, Cece, have you worked with toddlers before?"
Cece nodded, "Yeah I have. I worked with a toddler last year but they moved. I also have a little brother and some nieces and nephews.” A smile engulfed her face as she mentioned her family and Adam couldn’t help but be drawn to her genuine warmth. 
"That's wonderful," Adam replied, his own smile growing. "Family means everything to us, and Paloma is like our little princess." 
Luca chimed in, "She's a sweet kid, but she's been through a lot. We want to make sure she's comfortable with whoever takes care of her." Adam couldn’t help but stiffen at the mention of their hardships. He looked down at the table.
Cece sensed the change in the atmosphere as soon as Luca mentioned Paloma's hardships. She couldn’t help but wonder exactly what those were but she wasn’t going to ask anytime soon, it was obvious the wound was still fresh.
"I understand," she said softly, her voice filled with empathy. "Paloma's comfort and happiness will be my top priorities. I'll do my best to create a safe and loving environment for her, so she can heal and thrive."
Adam, still struggling with the memories of the past year, nodded slowly. It was difficult for him to open up about their challenging journey and even Luca still didn’t know the entire story with him and his ex. 
Luca placed a reassuring hand on Adam's shoulder, silently letting him know that they were in this together, and that Cece might just be the right person to help them move forward as a family. 
Adam leaned forward, "That's what we want, someone who can give her love and security. She's the most important thing in my life." Cece could tell how much Adam loves Paloma and she admired that. Her gaze softened as he spoke, it was so heartwarming seeing a father so involved with his daughter. 
Cece met Adam's gaze with sincerity. "I promise you, Adam, Luca, I'll put my heart into making sure Paloma feels loved and safe."
In that moment, as they discussed their shared commitment to Paloma's well-being, Adam felt a sense of hope he hadn't felt in a long time. Cece's warm and genuine personality made him believe that they might have found the perfect person to care for his daughter. Sure, it’d take a while for her to fully gain his trust, (if ever), but he had hope for them.
As their conversation came to a close, Cece, still smiling warmly, glanced at her phone. "I hate to cut it short, but I have to head to my next class soon. Is there anything else you'd like to ask or talk about before I have to leave?"
Adam exchanged a quick look with Luca, silently before nodding. With a smile, he replied, "No, Cece, I think we're good. Thank you for coming to meet with us, and for your willingness to be a part of Paloma's life."
Cece's smile widened, and she stood up, picking up her backpack. "It was my pleasure, Adam. I'm really looking forward to getting to know her better.”
As Cece left the cafe, Luca turned to Adam with a grin. "I think we found our nanny, Adam."
Adam chuckled, a weight lifted off his shoulders. "Yeah, I think so too. She’s good.”
“That’s all you’re gonna say? She’s perfect, Adam.” He chuckled as he picked up the water and took a sip. “And she’s just your type.”
Adam rolled his eyes and groaned at Luca’s insinuation as he laughed. He wasn’t wrong, she is exactly his type and not just on paper, she was sweet and caring and- Adam stopped himself before he got too ahead of himself. “Remember what we both said not even two weeks ago?”
“No girls,” they said in unison and Luca let out a dramatic sigh. They had to focus on family and hockey, their main priorities before getting into any serious relationships. It was mostly Adam, though - after what happened with his ex he felt as if he couldn’t even think about relationships. Hockey and his family, more importantly Paloma, were his top priorities and love was simply a distraction. Right now, at least.  
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-> make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated! <-
thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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camywamycam · 1 year
what was left behind in the rubble P.1
1,092 words
soon to be harry x reader
summary: you moved in with your father Sirius Black from California two months ago and he completely ignores you when Harry arrives for your birthday your adoptive father visits you and hell breaks loose.
you never knew your mom, right after you were born she left. you were only two when your father supposedly left too or at least that was what you were told. you were adopted by a nice muggle man named Joel and moved to America, you grew up with him since you had no other family and the ministry refused to give you to Remus. Joel was and is your best friend. most people wouldn't say that about their parents but you always did. he taught you how to skate, how to surf, and how to play lacrosse. during the school year, you attended Ilvermorny and during the summer you attended muggle school. you had friends and family there and everything was great until a giant man appeared at your door and somehow convinced your dad to send you to a school in Scotland. you were going into your 4th year and it was still summer? why did you have to go now? and on top of all of that, you would have to go through being a new kid all over again so you were very so not excited. you walked down the stairs holding your heavy suitcase and sat it at the front door so you could beg your dad not to send you. "Dad, what would I even do in Scotland? what if I get kidnaped? I don't know anyone there please don't send me there I can barely understand British people ill never be able to get the hand on Scottish accents what about my band!" the giant man stared at you and your father, obviously confused by your California English   " you have to go it's only for a few months you will be back in no time" you dad said comfortingly "er I believe we've ought to be goin' now" the giant man said in a thick accent as you picked up you bags and looked at your dad for the last time as the man apperated the two of you in front of two buildings.
  you watched in shock as a third building appeared and the man just walked in casually with you trailing behind him. Once you got inside you noted the darkness of the house, it all seemed very gloomy. the giant man walked into a dining hall as you stood behind him still holding your suitcase. "go on, introduce yourself don't be shy" the giant said in a hushed voice loud enough to be heard by everyone. "um..hey" you said not sure of what to say as Hagrid stepped to the side making you able to be seen. the adults looked at you as if you had a fish head and the children just sat there confused, then one of the women at the table jumped up and hugged you tightly "Oh you poor dear!" the ginger woman shrieked as she suffocated you, were all Brits this friendly? you looked at Hagrid with a look that screamed help me and he gently pried Mrs. Weasly off of you. She clasped her hands together "You look just like your father" she said with glassy eyes. you looked around the table confused "Is there something going on that I'm not aware of or something?" you said exasperated. a dark-haired man cried into the shoulder of a brown-haired man whose face was littered with scars. Hagrid looked at you confused "You don't know?" "know what!?" Hagrid leaned close to your ear and whispered "That's yer dad" There was a beat of silence and the children looked as if they were just now hearing about this. "what. the. fuck.
that was three months ago. you met your dad and for the first few days things were rocky but nice, until some kid named harry potter showed up lightning scar and all. it hurt that your dad had literally forgotten about you five days after meeting you but you didn't care, you still had Joel. what pissed you off though is that you couldn't go home for your birthday and spend it with your friends. so now here you were, in a room that isn't yours scrolling through your phone and liking all your friend's birthday posts they tagged you in. You planned on calling them later on. you received a text from your dad (you call Joel's dad and Sirius by his name) telling you to come downstairs. maybe he sent me a gift? you thought as you walked downstairs in your pajamas. to your surprise there was Joel holding a strangely wrapped present. he looked kind of different, he hadn't shaved. "Dad!" all the people in the room who had seemingly been interrogating him looked at you with shock as you jumped off the stairs and attacked him with a hug "I missed you too sugar cube!" Joel said ruffling your hair. The two of you broke apart and you ignored the stares of the people around you and the glare Sirius was giving "how did you get here! when did you get here? how long are you staying?" you rambled on as Joel laughed at your excitement "I got here a good 4 minutes ago and I think I might stay a day or two" you smiled impossibly wider and hugged him again. " actually I would prefer you left today." Sirius said pissy as hell. you ignored him knowing it's better to ignore him when he's petty like this. you weren't surprised that the people in the room were shocked, Remus, Molly, and some others had been trying to connect with you for a while but you had been so closed off they assumed you liked to be left alone and left it at that, but now you were ecstatically jumping around this strange American man like you were insane. "hey you still haven't opened my present!" Joel said prying you off him, obviously not comfortable with the attention you were bringing towards him as if the people couldn't be more shocked when Joel said "Happy birthday kid!" the entire room went silent and everyone looked at Sirius as he looked like he was going to faint. you ripped open the package and almost fainted yourself when you spotted a new board with the grip tape already on. "holy shit thanks Dad!" and with that, Sirius fainted.
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cwritesforfun · 8 months
Derek Morgan AU x Princess: Bodyguard
Derek Morgan is the bodyguard of Princess Y/N, the Future Queen. He has been guarding her for 3 years.
Y/N had a bad feeling about the ball being thrown for her and knew something was up, however, she couldn't have prevented it.
Y/N = Your Name
** I don't own any of the Criminal Minds characters **
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Morgan's POV
It all happened so fast. Some kind of fog was thrown in the room. Intruders ran in waving guns around. Someone knocked me out before I could get to Princess Y/N.
I woke up to find myself tied up to a chair and held at gunpoint. I look over and see the rest of the guests and the whole royal family is in the same position.
I see the intruders brought stuff to livestream the whole hostage situation and a TV is up, so we can see what viewers are seeing. I don't get why though. Nothing makes sense right now. There hasn't been news of a threat or anything.
I glance over at Princess Y/N to see if she's alright and I notice her slyly watching the intruders. I wonder what she's thinking. She's always thinking and planning. It's part of why I think she'll be a great Queen because of how she is able to think on her toes.
One of the men with a gun walks up to Princess Y/N and asks, "Do you have power as Princess? Or do you have to have your coronation first?" Princess Y/N answers, "I have some power. What would like done?" The man with the gun says "We want the government to fall. We don't believe it represents the people." Princess Y/N asks, "And what can I do for you? Surely this whole hostage situation would've worked better with Parliament." Oh my:/ The man slaps her in the face causing me to flinch and I try to move to protect her. Someone grabs the chair I'm in and clicks the gun at my side. Princess Y/N glances my way and gives me a slight smile. She turns back to the man in front of her and exclaims, "Do you have a person who you think can best represent the people? I'd like to hear them out and hear their plans for the future." She's playing along with them and she's buying time. What can I do? Come on think Derek think.
Princess Y/N's POV
I'm buying time for all of the guests and me. The more time they talk, the less chance there is that any of us get hurt. If the leader could just leave the room, I could convince someone to let me pee and possibly get a message out.
I notice Derek Morgan, my bodyguard, sitting there watching the intruders. Hopefully, he can help me somehow. I bet he already has a plan. I mean he's been guarding me for 3 years successfully and we've made it out of some sticky situations. Not gonna lie, he's pretty hot all tied up right now, and wow. I should not be thinking about this at the moment. Shut up brain!
Derek's POV
I look around the room casually and count roughly 20 intruders in the room. I also see at least 8 other bodyguards tied up in here. If I set one intruder off, hopefully, they get the memo and can knock the rest out.
I look at one of the other ones and give him three slow nods. That means follow my lead in code. He does three nods back and starts to pass around the message.
I slowly begin untying the knots around my hands and I get it to where I can throw the rope off anytime now. I just need the perfect moment to do it.
Princess Y/N manages to keep them from actually injuring her more until she asks, "And do you think I represent the people? I'm genuinely just wondering." One of them says, "You're not elected by the people, so no. However, it would be treason to kill you." She replies, "Well you're already committing treason right now by attempting to overthrow the government." I swiftly jump up from my chair, kick it back into the guard behind me, and knock him out. I steal his gun and place it in my belt.
When I knock the first guard out, I move on to another one until I hear "Stop or the Princess dies!" I turn around and see a gun to her head. I hold my gun up and point it at the man holding the gun to her head. He wiggles the gun by her head taunting me. I exclaim, "Let's not make hasty decisions. Think through this. You don't want to do this." The guard asks, "Why don't I, Mister Loyal?" I answer, "If you kill off the Princess, our country's allies will revolt and fight you. From what I can see, you are not ready to take part in a war. Rethink this. What should you do instead? What are your options?" I hope I'm stalling him. I mean he does look a little confused and stumped.
I make eye contact with the Princess and I nods at her three times. She blinks three times and I know she knows the code. Good!
I yell "Now!" Princess Y/N kicks back into the guy and drops to the ground as I shoot at him. I hit him and he fell backward. I rush over to Princess Y/N and gently cup her face with one of my hands. She leans into my hand and I ask, "Are you okay? I'm sorry that I almost got you killed." She nods and says, "Yes thanks, Derek. I'm okay and I put myself in danger as much as you did. It's okay. Um... We should do something about the rest of the intruders, right?" I nod and turn to where everyone is staring. Did they all watch me cup her face? Geez. Great. This is great. I yell "Intruders, hands up. We'll take you down for questioning! Royal guards, take them out to the holding cells, please. Everyone else, please stay put until it is clear. Does anyone know how to turn off all the TV equipment and would be willing to do so?" Someone raises their hand and I lead them over. They then get working on it.
I help Princess Y/N start untying the ropes around the rest of the royal family. We manage to get them all off and they all hug her. I let them have a family moment and I make sure the TV is turned off.
That Night ... Derek's POV still
I finally get to relax. I mean I did take a shower already, but now I can sleep. I could also drink, but that wouldn't help my feelings and thoughts to cool down.
I can't lose Princess Y/N. We've been close for 3 years and I've really tried to push away my feelings for her, but I can't. She's kind, strong, tough, beautiful, and loving. She's the ideal woman. However, she is also the Princess soon-to-be Queen. That means that I cannot date or be with her romantically as much as I would like that. Then tonight when she kept putting herself in danger, I was freaking out on the inside and she worried me. I hope she is okay right now. I cannot help but wonder if she is okay. Maybe I should check up on her.
Yeah, I'm going to make sure she is okay.
Princess Y/N's POV
I can't sleep. My brain is too awake. Should I go for a walk around the palace? I'll go see if the guards are up for it or if I'm allowed to leave.
I open my door and see Derek Morgan holding his hand up like he was about to knock. Wait is he in pajamas? Wow, he can rock gray sweatpants. Damn, this man is fine.
He smirks a little and says, "Eyes are up here, Princess." I smirk and say, "Come on in, Derek. Please step in." I move aside and he steps inside the room. I pat the space next to me on the couch and exclaim, "Please just sit here. Forget that I am who I am and that there are rules. Just sit." He nods and sits next to me.
I glance at him and ask, "So what brought you to my bedroom at 1:00 a.m.?" He answers, "I wanted to check on you. I wanted to know how you were doing. You worried me when you taunted the intruders. I know you can take care of yourself, but the man did have a gun to your head." I nod and reply, "I know what I did was risky, but I also knew I had people in there that I could trust to help me. I knew you could come up with a plan, so I stalled and it worked. As far as how I am, I will be honest my brain is so awake. I can't sleep." He replies, "I couldn't either. I was going to drink, but that would've kept me more awake. I chose to check on you instead." I reply, "Thanks. I appreciate that. Thank you again for today. I'm so grateful for you and everything you do for me." He replies, "I'm glad you, the palace staff, and your family were all able to walk away from it." I nod and smile.
He exclaims, "I know you said you couldn't fall asleep, so if you'd like, I can give you a back scratch or a small massage to help you relax." I reply, "Okay. Do you mind if I lay in my bed?" He shakes his head.
I climb into my bed and ask, "Before I get settled, may I have a hug? It feels like a hugging moment." He nods and we hug. He kisses the top of my head too. Aw wait that was cute:-)
I then lay down and he rubs my back. I start to drift off a little and then I hear a door creak open. I snap up into a sitting position and ask, "What was that?" He answers, "The balcony door just creaked a little because of the wind. I promise no one is trying to break in. You are safe." I reply, "I'm sorry for that. I just am so stressed and today was a lot." I put my hands over my head and sit in a ball shape.
I feel my bed dip near my feet meaning he must've sat on my bed. I then feel his hands rub my arms. He leans close to me and whispers in my ear, "You're safe. We have everyone locked up or dead. I can stay the night in your room if you want me to. I don't mind for tonight." I move my face to look at him and I notice we are only 6 inches apart. I exclaim, "Thank you, Derek. Do you want to stay on the other side of my bed?" He answers "I don't think I could control myself." I ask, "From doing what?" He then leans forward and asks, "May I kiss you?" I answer, "Yes," and he kisses me. Omg!
When he pulls away, I exclaim, "Wow you're a good kisser. I really don't mind if you are in the same bed as me. Please stay for tonight at least." He kisses me on the cheek and then crawls over to the other side of the bed.
I flip off the light and we both end up falling asleep just by being in each other's presence.
A few hours later, I wake up to mumbling and I glance at where Derek is. I lean over and hear him mumbling, "You're safe. She's safe. It's okay. Relax." I gently rub his arm and he jolts up. I say softly, "Hey you had a nightmare or something. You were mumbling a lot. Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" He answers, "I was just scared you got hurt again. I see now you are okay." I reply, "I am yes. Do you want to cuddle? It might help, so you know I'm safe." He replies, "Yes please." I lay down and wrap my arms around him. He wraps his arms around me and we fall asleep like that.
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shortpplfedup · 8 months
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 11
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The end is nigh! Everybody takes a giant leap of faith in the mother of all transition eps, and we end on several cliffhangers of how those leaps will land Will Ray finally get his threesome? Will Nick agree to be Boston's boyfriend? Will Mew move in with Top? What is the actual factual deal with Boeing? WILL CHEUM GIVE BOSTON THE APOLOGY HE DESERVES? Last week y'all were split on who you were rooting for, with Boston and Boeing tied for your hearts. Here's the runners and riders this week.
🔺1. Nick (2)
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I'm not sure I'm ready to be anyone's boyfriend.
So many boys to choose from, that's my baby. I chose Nick as my fighter from jump and that was so the right decision. Baby boy is beating them off with a stick, and committing to nothing and nobody in the process. He might be in love with Boston, but he's actually thinking about what 'in love' means to him, after the mess his 'love' caused. He likes Dan, but won't lead him on. Helping Boston with Atom let him see a version of his own feelings and actions that have made him a bit contemplative it feels like, and I'm curious to see what decisions he actually makes in the finale.
🔺2. Boston (3)
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But you might be my exception.
Speaking of contemplation, Boston is definitely calibrating and rethinking some of his basic assumptions about life and people. Atom is an avatar of how and why Boston probably landed on his 'I HATE DRAMA' train, while Nick is an avatar of 'oh, I might have conflated people's feelings with 'drama' when they aren't quite the same thing'. He wants to maybe try monogamy, and you know what, that's his right, and he feels safe to try it with Nick. I have a lot of thoughts about how much Boston must trust Nick to take that leap, even on a short-term/trial basis, and I love the nuance in how this has been written.
🔺3. Yo (and Plug) (10)
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I should protect my heart first, shouldn't I?
MOM AND COOL STEPDAD ARE BACK TOGETHER! This has been a very tight runner, but I love it. I love that Plug was able to take a deep breath and swallow his hurt over Yo wanting to protect herself. I love that Yo was able to step outside of herself and take a leap of faith that Plug does love her. Using Yo and Plug as a thematic reinforcer has been effective for me, and I hope we get to see them one last time in the finale.
🔺4. Top (8)
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I'm gonna make you love me even more.
Force has been doing a thankless job incredibly well playing Top. When I tell y'all I know Tops, big dick swinging Big Men On Campus, Roc Nation Brunch types, successful on the outside but a total mess within, looking for a saviour, convinced that this One Thing or One Person, if they could just get them, it would mean that they're winners and not the losers they have nightmares about being...and Force is playing that so well. The other thing about these types is that the hole inside they're trying to fill is always an empty space, no matter who or what they try to stuff in there. There will always be a next thing that could save them. I've legit never seen this type portrayed this well on screen, and I look forward to seeing where he lands because he could literally go either way.
🔹5. Sand (5)
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Well, someone who's completely my type dumped me for someone else.
YES SAND SPEND THAT MAN'S MONEY THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU ALL ALONG! If he's going to call you a whore whenever he gets mad at you, and you're gonna accept that and forgive him every time, at least reap some goddamn benefits. On the other side of things, we see that Sand's simpness is not confined to Ray; this is just what he's like when he falls for somebody. Boeing reappearing makes that clear. That man cheated and dumped him and he still can't send him packing when he turns up again. 'We can be friends' NO YOU FUCKING CAN'T GUY, THAT MUCH IS OBVIOUS.
🔹6. Mew (6)
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You asked for a chance and I gave it to you.
As I said earlier this week, there's nothing wrong with Mew that couldn't be solved by giving him a pair of stilettos and a flogger, and I stand by that. Mew is struggling so hard with the feeling that he has somehow lost, and it's making him lowkey crazy. Top abasing himself and Mew getting to punish him would go a long way to making these two work, if that's what they want. Sometimes kink is 100% the answer to a complicated relationship, and these two are COMPLICATED. So much ego and image is wrapped up in these two's expectations of each other, they are never actually vulnerable, even when performing vulnerability. But one thing kink absolutely requires is vulnerability. I'm voting for Mew to realise his dom desires before the end.
🔹7. Ray (7)
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If you say so, then I won't be jealous.
Ray makes a valiant attempt at proper boyfriendism this ep, and it's actually pretty effective...right up until he's faced with the prospect that Sand's squishy centre is more about who Sand is than it is about Ray being extra special somehow. Sand's mom told him: this is how he is with people he cares about. So when somebody Sand clearly cares/cared about, Boeing, shows up, Ray gets a front row seat and he doesn't like the view. How he handles what happens next is gonna tell us whether or not Ray has learned a goddamn thing.
🔻8. Boeing (1)
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I just want to be with someone tonight.
There's a definite pattern to the rankings at this point, in that a character hitting the #1 is doomed to take a nosedive in the next ep, and Boeing is no exception. His game remains unclear at this point, but he does give the sense of having had plan A fail and moving on to plan B, taking a not-unrealistic leap of faith that Sand will allow him back into his life. This show has been pretty good about writing real people not cartoon villains, so I'm pretty sure Boeing's got his own human story animating his actions, and I'm curious to find out what it is.
🔺9. Atom (10)
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He didn't do anything to me.
Well he apologised and told the truth in the end, even if he had to be threatened to do it, that counts for something...
🔻10. Cheum (9)
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What did he do to you this time?
...but if she doesn't apologise for the fucked up things she said to Boston I'm gonna lose it I swear.
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lyn-1225 · 1 year
Military School
Paring: Carl Gallagher x fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, a little bit of violence, angst. Mostly fluff. A lot of fluff.
Word count: 1500
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A/n: I just got to season 7 episode 6 where Carl gets on the bus to go to military school. I already miss him tbh. I almost cried when Fiona told him she was proud of him.
Your POV:
Today was the day.
The day that Carl was supposed to go off for military school.
He had been talking about it ever since he met Dominique’s dad. Although Dominique was a bitch ass girlfriend, her dad was a kick ass dad.
When me and Carl got together a bit after him and Dominique ended things, he would talk about military school and how it would help him become a better man.
I was surprisingly very supportive in his ideas to go. I thought I would be more upset and try and convince him not to go, but after I saw his face light up while talking about kicking peoples asses and being able to hurt people without getting in trouble for it, I knew I had to support him.
It was gonna be tough. Really really tough, but I know that he would come back and be that man he said he would become.
Long distance was gonna be difficult but I knew we were gonna make it work. We made our friendship work while he was stuck in prison after Sammi fucking ratted him out.
God I hate that bitch.
Needless to say there was no doubt in my mind that me and Carl would end up okay in the end.
After Dominique decided to try and get back with Carl, he started to question everything he was doing. That’s when I had to intervene. She had no right to just swoop in and win him back like some sort of toy from a vending machine.
I was pissed.
Her dad knew that Carl and I were together which made him even more mad when she decided to try and make a move on him once again. He would never admit it but he most definitely was starting to like Carl.
When me and Carl were walking down the street together, he pulled up beside us and told us to jump in. I didn’t know where we were going but once we pulled up to a drive way with Dominique sitting on some man’s lap I knew exactly what Sergeant Winslow was doing.
My blood was boiling. Carl got out of the Car to handle the situation but i really couldn’t help my self. Before I could even think about what I was doing I got out of the car storming straight up to her.
Some not so nice words were exchanged and some punches by me were being thrown.
She had nothing to say after she went running to Sergeant Winslow to tell on me. Of course he was mad but he knew that she deserved it, as hard at it is to admit that about your own daughter.
She didn’t mess with me or Carl after that.
Even after we got to his house for the surprise going away party for him he was still questioning everything he was about to do.
I would question if I was doing the right thing too but In this case he was doing the right thing. He needed to do this for himself. Everyone knew it, including him.
Me, Fiona, Debbie and Lip gather in the kitchen trying to discuss where Ian was and why there were no decorations up.
“I was labeled as the distraction so I couldn’t have gotten any decorations even if I tried” I comment trying to clear my name from the argument on why no one got decorations.
“Ian said that he got it” Debbie says trying to get someone to help her bring Neal in the house.
Neal was an okay guy. He made me uncomfortable every once in awhile but it’s not really his fault. He just very honest with what he says.
Carl walks into the room with a slight frown on his face. He’s still questioning his choices.
Fiona immediately apologizes for the lack of decorations and how the party isn’t going as it was planned.
He started talking to us about wether or not he should actually go and if he was strong enough to do something like this.
I look at him with a blank stare before I speak up “that was the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard”. He looks at me as if I said the rudest thing in the world.
“I mean come on. Your Carl fucking Gallagher. The kid that got suspended for beating up two guys that were bullying me. The kid that got suspended for bullying other kids. The kid that said he was gonna make prison his bitch and did just that. The kid that landed himself in a gang and ended up getting out of it without getting killed. I don’t want you to ever say that your not strong enough for something like this. You are the strongest boy I know. Going to military school is gonna make you the strongest man I know” I practically yell at him all of my emotions spilling out. The frustration in my voice alone makes it clear that everything I’m saying is 100% my thoughts and opinions.
Debbie, Lip, Fiona, and Carl look at me with wide eyes. I calm myself down taking deep breaths into my body. “Listen” I start walking up to him before placing my hands in his.
“I believe in you” I pause moving his hands with mine in a sort of swinging motion between our bodies.
“You are gonna go to military school, become that man you want to be, then your gonna come back home and you’ll be able to show off that new man” I smile rubbing his hands with my thumbs.
He smiles brightly at my speech stretching his arms around my shoulders giving me a strong hug. “I’m gonna do it” he whispers before saying it a bit louder so that everyone else can here him “I’m gonna do it”.
The trip to where everyone was boarding the buses wasn’t too far away. The entire time I was relishing in the moments that I had left with Carl before he got on the bus and went off to find himself.
It was gonna take awhile to get used to but I knew we could do it.
Lip pulled the car into a parking spot making sure the car was in park before we all got out. We all headed to the buses where Sergeant Winslow was standing there waiting for him.
Everyone gave him their hugs and their goodbyes wishing him good luck with everything.
Then it came to me.
I didn’t think I’d do this but I was standing there like a baby about to have a mental breakdown.
Tears were threatening to spill out of my eyes as I watched everyone say goodbye to him as if he were leaving for good.
“Why are you crying” he asks coming over to me after exchanging a few words with Fiona.
“I don’t know” I laugh my body starting to shake with the silent sobs coming from my body.
A big frown etched across his face as he pulls me into a much needed hug. We sway back and forth as we mentally note this beautiful moment between us.
My face is buried into his neck as the tears from my eyes run down my cheeks and onto his shirt.
Once I feel him start to pull back from the hug I pull my arms from around him before placing my hands around his biceps.
Tears continue to fall as I weakly smile at him. He genuinely looks happy to be going to military school which makes my mood lighten a bit.
I laugh a little at my state before wiping the tears out from under my eyes. Maneuvering my hands back to his biceps I rock my hands back and forth before another wave of emotion hits me.
“Just” I start not being able to finish until I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down.
“Just don’t forget about me okay?” I cry my bottom lip quivering.
Me crying like this made me feel so pathetic but I couldn’t help it.
“I would never forget you” he says placing his hands on my biceps to rock me a bit as well. He wants me to get it into my mind which is what I did.
He wouldn’t forget me.
He takes his hands back from my arms, me doing the same.
“I’ll see you soon” I say before pulling him in to my body. I wrap my arms around his shoulders before placing my lips on his. We don’t kiss for very long knowing there was people around.
After about a second or two we pull away huge smiles on our faces. “I’ll see you soon y/n/n” he says back to me before walking up to the bus doors. He gets onto the stairs before turning around to face us.
“Im gonna come back a man” he grins as the doors close in front of him. He gives us one more nod before walking up the rest of the stairs and down the isle to one of the seats.
It’s when the bus drives away that my mind realizes to its full potential that it’s actually happening. I won’t see him for awhile.
He had to do this. He needed this to become a better him.
I’m so proud of who he’s becoming.
A/n: Hi :) I wanted to write this imagine becuase I’m extremely sad that Carl just left for military school. I already miss him. I know it’s a short one compared to my other imagines but I actually quite like this one a lot so I hope you liked it as much as I do.
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ikeromantic · 1 year
The Old Switcheroo, pt 2
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Arthur and MC (Haruko) are cursed and end up in each other's bodies. Part 2 of 3. Approx words. 3400. Yes, it is long - I had too much fun with the concept. TW for sexual harassment, gender dysphoric descriptions. Tagging @tele86 and @briars7 @greinny123 requested
The Old Switcheroo Part 1
Haruko was not having a good time. The stack of crumpled paper in the wastebin grew while her remaining confidence dwindled. It turned out that writing was a bit like work. All she’d accomplished was polishing off a small pile of fudge and two cups of coffee. The blank page in the typewriter still mocked her. 
“You coming or am I on my own today?” 
Theo’s voice startled her out of her funk. Haruko jumped off Arthur’s stool and nearly fell. Damn long legs, she thought. Easy to trip over. 
Theo chuckled. “On edge?”
“No. No, I’m fine. I was just . . . writing something scary.” Arthur’s voice sounded less certain than usual, but Theo didn’t seem to notice the change. 
“Should I leave you to it then?”
Haruko cleared her throat. “Nah. I’m tapped out for today. Let’s go.” She grabbed Arthur’s coat and scarf and followed Theo out. It was only when the carriage door shut that she realized she had no idea what Arthur and Theo talked about on these little outings. Women? Art? Politics?
“You missed a good breakfast this morning. Sebas outdid himself on those pancakes. Even Napoleon had seconds.” Theo grinned. “Hondje was a little off though. Kept calling everyone ‘old chap’ and ‘luv’. I think you’re teaching her bad habits.”
“Uh, no he’s - I mean, I’m not! She’s probably just having a bit of fun with you.”
“Maybe.” Theo allowed. “She looked tired though. And clumsier than normal.”
“I am not - she is not clumsy.” Haruko tried not to be too indignant. Would Arthur be? She wasn’t sure. He did like to tease her, but always kindly. 
Theo chuckled. “Defending your little bird? Well, you’re right. Hondje is usually more careful. I expect you’re to blame.” His blue eyes were inquisitive and challenging, as if he expected some sort of specific answer out of Arthur.
Haruko thought for a moment on what she would expect Arthur to say and then forced a laugh. “Uh, I might have kept the skirt up too late with my, um, with my . . .” Her face heated as she tried to find a way to finish that sentence. One she could convince herself to say aloud.
“You look sick. Are you sure you want to go out?”
“I’m fine. Just . . . tired. From the. You know.” Arthur’s hands flailed in the air as Haruko tried to make a gesture that implied something sexual.
“Right.” Theo raised an eyebrow. “Anyway, I’m meeting some artists at the tavern. There’s one I think you’ll want to meet. If you aren’t too tired.”
Haruko’s heart froze for a moment. Was Theo trying to hook her man up with other ladies? Is this what they did when they went out alone? A flash of anger boiled away her embarrassment. “I’m never too tired,” she replied, baring her teeth in a smile.
The tavern was bustling as usual, and the two of them had to elbow their way through a crowd. Haruko was surprised how easy it was to get through in Arthur’s body. He was so strong, and when he gave people a hard look, they moved! As herself, she just had to squeeze past or ask nicely and hope they were polite. 
“Why are you smiling,” Theo asked as they took their usual seats at the bar. 
“Hm? No reason. Excited to meet your artist friend, I guess.”
The Dutchman shook his head. “You are one weird klootzak sometimes.” He signaled the bartended for drinks. “They aren’t here yet, but it looks like your fanclub is.”
“My . . . fanclub?” Haruko followed Theo’s gaze, landing at a large round table. Women sat around it. Working girls, to be more specific. Dressed in faded finery, last year’s fashion with tattered edges, smiles painted on their faces and false laughter on their lips. 
That Arthur would cheat on her with these girls . . . paying . . . what did they have that she lacked? Was it just that they knew all of the - the bedroom stuff? 
The ladies noticed her looking and one got up and sauntered over. She had an amazing figure. Statuesque, with large breasts and round hips, and very long legs. She walked like a dancer. 
Haruko waited to see if she would feel the same stirring and hunger she’d felt in Arthur’s body that morning but . . . there was nothing. Not even a hint. Not even when the woman leaned forward to kiss her cheeks in greeting. 
“Arthur! You scabby dog! I didn’t expect to see you back so soon. Off your leash again?”
“My . . . leash?”
She laughed. “The one your lady keeps you on.” The woman rolled her eyes. “Don’t play coy. You use it as an excuse every time you scoot out on us.”
“Right. Ah. My leash.” She felt her anger bubble up again. 
The woman shrugged. “I won’t tease. She sounds like a nice enough girl and she puts up with you for free.” She leaned against the bar and picked up Arthur’s whiskey, downing it in one swallow before he had a chance to drink it. 
Haruko tried to smile flirtatiously like Arthur would. “So, are we going to . . . do what we normally do? Me and you? Luv?” 
“What we usually do? Oh Arthur, you are so funny sometimes.” She patted his cheek. “I just wanted to come over and say thanks again for the walk home the other night. Me and the girls really appreciated it. I can’t think what might have happened if you weren’t there.”
“Oh? So I went home with all of you?” Haruko’s brows rose. 
She laughed again. “You do gallant deeds so often you can’t keep them straight? Well, if you don’t remember, I don’t need to be grateful, right?” She poked his chest lightly.
Haruko coughed. “I was a little . . . drunk?”
“Well, you were that. But you walked just fine. And whatever you said to those two brutes beforehand, they haven’t bothered us since. So even if you don’t remember, it’s appreciated.”
The woman gave Haruko what looked like a genuine smile. “I wish there were more gents like you. If ever your lady friend tires of you, I hope you remember the girls and I will be happy to let you cash in all your favors at once. You’ve racked up quite a few and you’ve yet to let us repay you in any way.”
“I haven’t?” Haruko blinked in surprise. She’d imagined Arthur would take whatever was on offer. And these ladies had clearly offered. 
She grinned. “Now you’re having me on. Of course not. You even turned down Serafine, and she’s my prettiest girl. You really don’t remember that?” Her eyes narrowed.
Theo rescued Haruko from the exchange. “Arthur’s not feeling himself tonight, Genevieve. He had a real long, tiring day. Writing.”
The woman’s brows rose. “Oh! Well, I suppose writers are allowed a bit of eccentricity. Anywho, we’ll talk later. I must see to my girls.” She blew them a kiss and walked away.
“What is wrong with you?” Theo grabbed Arthur’s shoulder and forced him to meet his gaze.
Theo didn’t blink or shift or let Arthur’s shoulder loose.
Haruko took a deep breath. “Le Comte said we shouldn’t tell anyone.”
“Since when do you listen to him? You never had a problem breaking his rules.” 
“It’s . . . this is different. You have to trust me.” It was funny, saying those words with Arthur’s mouth, when she had such a hard time trusting him too.
Theo scowled. “Fine. I trust you. But you’d better have an explanation for me later.” He let go. “And don’t embarrass me in front of my clients.”
Harujo nodded. She wasn’t sure what she should or shouldn’t do, but she would try her best. Being Arthur at a tavern was harder than she’d expected. 
The Dutchman’s guests arrived soon after, a jostling and noisy bunch of men. She felt a certain relief that none of them were women. Theo wasn’t such a bastard after all. A mean tease, but not a bastard. 
A round of loud, enthusiastic greetings between Theo and the newly arrived group took up several minutes. Haruko downed a bit of liquid courage as she watched them exchange kisses and back-slapping, joking insults and genuine sentiment. Then she was pulled into the mix. Subjected to the same, with Theo introducing her as ‘the smart-ass writer’. She did her best to flash them Arthur’s winning smile and friendly greeting. 
The last one in the group was another Dutchman by the name of Willem. His grip was firm and his smile was almost maniacal as he said, “So you’re the guy that beat Theo at chess. It’s about time I got to meet you. That kloothommel has been trouncing me at every game since we were kids!” 
“Oh! Yes. I uh - I love chess! I love beating Theo at it.” Haruko tried to think of what Arthur might say, and then added, ‘old chap’ even though Willem was not old.
Willem laughed. “Glad someone’s there to show him his place. I don’t suppose you’d teach me your technique?” 
“A - a master never reveals their secrets.” Haruko barely knew how to play chess. There was no way she was giving tips to this guy. She’d need at least another glass or two of whiskey to try that. Maybe more. It didn’t seem to hit Arthur the way it hit her when she drank.
“Ah, come on! At least let us watch you play him! Maybe I can pick something up.” Willem looked to the others. “Don’t you want to see a game between these two?”
Theo frowned. “What are you on about? We didn’t come out here to play chess.”
Haruko nodded, but her agreement was lost in the enthusiasm of the other artists.
“I’d like to see it,” one said. “Yeah, it’d be fun to bet on,” said another.
The barkeep pulled out an old, well-used chessboard to several cheers. 
“Oh. I really - I don’t think - that is -” Haruko started to panic as several other tavern guests came to watch, including the evening ladies. This was not good. She absolutely could not do this. 
Theo, on the other hand, had a vicious smile. He knew something was different with his friend and he was very much looking forward to trouncing him at chess on an off day. With an audience. 
Haruko took a breath. There had to be a way out of this. Maybe she could pass out? Start a fight? Guys did that, right? Or just run . . . she glanced toward the door. “Er? What about . . .” She paused, an idea blossoming in her panic-saturated brain. “Why watch me play him all by myself when we could take him on together?”
“What?” Willem blinked at her.
“I mean, why don’t we play as teams. Team Theo versus Team Arthur. We can collaborate on our - our moves.” Haruko tried to plead with her eyes. She had no idea what Arthur’s face looked like making that expression, but if it was the one he made at her when he wanted another nip of fudge or just a few more minutes in bed, then it had to work.
Several of the gathered audience members didn’t wait for an official agreement. They started calling out their sides, grouping behind Theo or Arthur. Willem grinned. “Guess I’m Team Arthur tonight.” He slung a friendly arm across Arthur’s shoulders. “Let’s make Theo cry.”
Arthur felt like every part of him was tired. He barely had a moment to himself, running from task to task, always with Sebas on his tail. His feet were sore, his back hurt, his hands were dry and chapped. After a day of doing Haruko’s work, he was beginning to think she really was magic. How did she do all of this and keep smiling?!
His final task of the day was to run into town and pick up their groceries. He had a list, written in Sebastian’s tight, neat script, access to the carriage, and the money to cover the expense. Easy enough. And a bit of a break from Sebas. He rubbed his forehead in memory of the day’s many thumps.
The carriage let him off at the corner of the market street. There were some gentleman waiting for a hansome cab, wearing proper hats and fine vests. Arthur gave them a nod as he hopped off the carriage stair.
One of the men gave a low whistle and waggled his brows. The other laughed, and said loudly, “Why lady, what a lovely bounce to your chest! I hope you take every stair just like that!”
Arthur grimaced. “Keep your eyes to yourself, scrub!” 
The man took a step forward. “What did you call me, hussy?”
Arthur balled up his fist only to remember how small and delicate it was. Rather than reply, he snorted and began to walk away. But the now-angry-man followed. 
“Apologize to me you little chit. How dare you speak to me like that, when I tendered you a compliment.” 
An unfamiliar fear took root in Arthur’s gut. One born of the realization he was fragile - Haruko was fragile. He’d never been afraid to walk alone, to speak his mind, to answer insult to insult. But as Haruko, everything had a different feel. A danger to it that he had not expected.
“I’m going to make you sorry.” The man shouted after him.
“Let her go Freddy! You’re scaring the daylights out of her,” the whistling friend intervened. “Let’s just get our cab and go.”
The angry man frowned. “Fine,” he muttered, and shouted at Haruko’s retreating back once more. “Don’t forget the lesson, slattern.” They walked off, already laughing as if nothing had happened.
When Arthur was well away from them, he leaned back against the building, breathing hard. “I am never letting Haruko out on her own again,” he said quietly. Once he had himself back under control, he made his way into the market.
Catcalls followed his trek from one shop to another as he picked up meat and cheese, pasta and vegetables. He didn’t respond to them. Not again. 
The last shop on his list was a little bakery. He went in, his head down, his heart heavy. Why had Haruko never told him it was like this for her? He knew men liked to call out - he’d even been guilty of such a time or two. Never again though. Not after feeling what it was like to be on the receiving end.
The smell of warm, fresh bread soothed his jangled nerves. He looked up to see a young man smiling brightly at him. 
“Haru! I was hoping you’d stop in today!” 
“Oh?” Arthur’s malaise at the treatment of women faded in the face of his curiosity. Who was this gent who knew his lady by a nickname. “Were you looking forward to seeing me?”
“I was.” His smile widened. “I experimented with my creme recipe. I want you to try it out. If you hadn’t come, I would have to eat the batch myself! Or worse . . . admit it to Monsier Park!”
Park was the owner of the bakery, Arthur reasoned. The shop was called Park’s Pain. “I see. Well then, let’s have it, luv.”
The boy blushed brightly, his scattering of freckles standing out. “Love? Wh-why would say that, Haru? Just call me Jack, ok?”
It was quite clear to Arthur that this shopkeep had a little crush on his Haruko. But he bet she didn’t realize. It would be cute, except that she was his girl. A little spike of wicked jealousy speared his gut. “Sure thing, Jack. So. Where is this new invention?”
Jack led Arthur to the back of the shop. It smelled of spices and yeast and butter. There was a small table with a little ashtray. Two rickety chairs were propped against it. Arthur sat down in one.
The baker brought out little chocolate rolls. The creme inside them was a little green, rather than the usual white or buttery off-white. Jack set them down on the table with a flourish and then sat in the other chair.
Arthur picked up one of the rolls and sniffed it. He wanted to make some witty insulting comment, but the thing honestly smelled delicious. He took a tentative bite and was surprised by the minty spiciness of the creme. “What - what is in this, old chap?”
Jack laughed. “I can tell by you face that you like it. That's good. I packed you a little box of them to take home.” He picked up one of the ones on the plate and popped it into his own mouth, chewing slowly. After he swallowed, he answered. “I put some ground mint and a touch of coriander into the creme. I don’t like the color but the taste is a perfect match to the rich cocoa, don’t you think?”
“It is.” Arthur sighed. He hated it. It was too good.  
“Here, let me get you some coffee to wash it down.” Jack stood up.
“I could use a smoke too, if you don’t mind.” 
“You smoke, Haru?” Jack’s brows rose. 
Arthur gave a wicked grin. “I guess you don’t know me as well as you thought, hm?” 
Jack scratched his chin. I guess not. I don’t mind though.” He fished out a hand-rolled cigarette and handed her a match, then went to pour the coffee.
Arthur lit the cig and stuck it between his lips for a drag. He didn’t smoke all the time, but after the tension of his market walk, this one was well-earned. Except . . . when he took a mouthful of smoke, he began to cough and choke. His throat burned and his eyes watered. 
“Ah, Haru? You ok?” Jack set down the coffee.
“Y-yeah,” Arthur squeaked. “Not my usual brand.” He tried to laugh and coughed some more. 
Jack grinned. “Sure. Anyway, I added cream and sugar to your coffee but let me know if you want it more sweet.”
Cream. And sugar. In his beloved black coffee. Travesty! Arthur gazed into it’s milky depths and then drank it down anyway. He needed to soothe his burning throat. 
While Arthur sipped the abomination of sweetened coffee, Jack rattled on about his day. The weird customers he had, his boss, and so on. Arthur didn’t say much, which seemed to surprise the baker. 
“You sure are quiet today. Something up? Did your boyfriend cheat on you again?” Jack leaned forward, keen on the answer.
“I never - I mean, he doesn’t do that! He would never cheat on me!” Arthur was aghast. Did she really think that?
Jack shrugged. “Well you said last week that he didn’t come home until sun-up. And I can’t imagine what else a man would be up to when he stays out all night.” He reached across to pat her hand. “I’m here, if you need to talk, you know?”
Arthur jerked Haruko’s hand back. “She - that is I - don’t need to talk to you about our relationship! Arthur would never cheat on me. I trust him.”
“I know you do. I just - I worry about you. You should be happy. With a guy that treasures you enough to come home on time and shower you with love.” Jack smiled. “And maybe some tasty baked treats.”
Arthur wanted to snap back, but Jack’s words hit a nerve. Haruko did deserve a man that came home to her instead of making her worry. One that showed her how much he adored her. “You aren’t wrong, old chap. You aren’t wrong.” He stood up. “I need to get back.”
Jack sighed. “Alright. Let me pack up your order and the creme rolls I made you.” 
The whole ride back to the mansion, Arthur lost himself in thought. He never considered there might be someone else vying for Haruko’s affection so sincerely. Nor had he known what it was like to be a girl alone. He felt like he’d got so much wrong. And he wasn’t sure where to go right with it. All he knew was that he loved Haruko more than anything and he had to let that love guide him.
Next: The Sweet Ending
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bi-bard · 1 year
Don't You Ever Tame Your Demons, But Always Keep 'em on a Leash - Dream of the Endless Imagine [The Sandman]
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Title: Don't You Ever Tame Your Demons, But Always Keep 'em on a Leash
Pairing: Dream of the Endless X Reader
Based On: Arsonist's Lullabye
Word Count: 1,889 words
Warning(s): physical pain
Summary: (Y/n) has always been able to see and hear the dreams of other people. At first, they felt tortured by such a gift. However, when they catch the attention of the ruler of the dream realm, a new connection is made and relief is finally offered.
Author's Note: This one feels a bit like a stretch, but oh well.
I remember when I first heard the whispers of a dream that was not my own.
Well, the first time after I was able to create lasting memories.
I was five. I was lying on the couch with my mom while we watched some silly movie that I never did remember the name of.
And then, the whisper. Quiet. It almost tickled my brain. I looked at my mom. She wasn't speaking, but I could hear the mumbling.
It was in another language. At my age, I couldn't even tell one word from another, never mind ever know how to place it. I looked to my mom again. I asked her why one of the women in the movie was talking so funny. She asked what I meant, I explained, and she was confused.
It took three occurrences of me asking why there were "funny voices" on the TV for my parents to sit down and talk.
I spent a few years going from doctor to doctor. Everything was fine. Well, that's what the doctors said. My parents weren't convinced.
I spent a lot of my childhood and teenage years in my room. I didn't like getting questioned. It was always about what I was doing or what I heard.
There was a while when I thought maybe I had a purpose.
Like I was meant to help people somehow. I gave up on that dream when I realized that I couldn't figure out who anyone was, so I couldn't help them.
I waited.
I spent forever coping and trying to hide from whatever was in my head.
There were days when I would barely hear anything. And there were days when the voices were so loud that I thought that I was going to lose my mind.
I was never able to stop it.
I stopped trying at about 20 years old.
I just... dealt with it. No purpose for it or way to stop it. All I could do was survive with it.
That didn't change until many years later.
I didn't fully understand where I was. I didn't know about the dream realm being its own plain of existence. But I found myself walking into some large throne room. It felt like I needed to be there. Like it was the right place for me to be.
My voice echoed against the stone walls. I looked up at the ceiling. It was a moving image of space. Stars and swirling colors. Beautiful.
"Excuse me?"
I jumped when a voice pulled me out of my thoughts. There was a woman standing off to the side. I took a deep breath.
"Who are you," she asked.
"(Y/n)," I said. "And you?"
"Lucienne," she replied.
"Hi," I waved awkwardly. "Sorry, I don't... I don't really know where I am."
"You don't know?"
"No," I forced a chuckle. "I just... It felt like I was supposed to be here."
"I brought them here," another voice spoke up. We both looked to the stairs at the end of the room. "I apologize for how long it took for me to do so."
"That doesn't change that I don't know where I am or who you are."
A grin teased the edge of his lips as he walked down the stairs to meet me. "My name is Morpheus. I am the ruler of this realm."
"And this realm is..."
"The realm of the dreaming."
I laughed. I couldn't really help it. A man looked me in the eye and told me that I was in the realm of the dreaming, and he was in charge. It was hard to believe.
Both of them furrowed their eyebrows.
"I'm sorry, but... you weren't expecting me to believe that the first time you said it, were you?"
"I have yet to have many people question me."
I slowly nodded. "Well, why did you... bring me here?"
"Your power," he said. "You can hear the dreams of other people."
"I don't know what you're talking about," I tensed a bit. My parents had been firm in the belief that I shouldn't tell anyone about my gift.
"Is that so," he asked.
I didn't respond.
He stepped closer to me. I kept my eyes fixed on his. I refused to offer any indication of fear.
His hands moved up. He stopped them just next to my temples.
"May I?"
I furrowed my eyebrows.
"I believe it may help you."
I gave him a skeptical look before hesitantly nodding. What was it going to hurt?
His middle and index fingers touched my temples. My eyes closed for a moment as the voices in my mind slowly faded to silence.
I took a deep breath and opened my eyes again.
"What did you do," I asked.
"Offered a temporary solution," Morpheus explained. "They will return when you leave here."
I slowly nodded again. I was starting to believe what he had told me before.
"It must have been so loud," he continued.
"Sometimes," I shrugged. "I... I never thought I'd experience silence like this."
"I am sorry that I did not intervene sooner."
"Why... Why did you?"
"I want to help you control this gift on your own. It will allow you to find peace by yourself."
"You could do that?"
"I hope so."
I grinned at him. "Okay."
I spent the next few weeks in that very room.
It was strange to think about how I was spending my nights in some other world trying to use some power that had haunted me for so long. Not to mention that those nights were spent with the ruler of that other world.
I had lied to my mom about it. She had asked about if anyone had found out and I shook my head and said no. I hated nothing more than the guilt twisting in my chest, but I didn't know how to explain it without her thinking that it was a new symptom.
Regardless of my guilt or how strange the situation was, it was working.
It was getting better. I was able to spend time in beautiful silence without Morpheus's interference. The first day that it happened, I almost cried. I had never known peace like that.
I remember how tightly I hugged Morpheus when it happened. He chuckled as I did. It was a huge milestone.
I was hopeful. I was finally taking steps forward that I didn't think were possible. It was a miracle.
Maybe my hope was why it went wrong.
It was easier to believe that I was to blame. Because if I wasn't to blame, then who was? I would rather know who to target my resentment and anger at than accept that some things are entirely out of my control.
No. I could never accept that some other entity with no connection to me would ever torment me in the same way I was capable of tormenting myself.
I had been walking home from work. I had just gotten through my door. And then, it was like a tidal taking down the wall meant to keep it from flooding the town.
Like drums. Slowly building. Voices crept up on me, louder and louder. I tried to ignore it. I tried to control it. I couldn't. It was a choir of screaming people. Wants and needs and silly dreams all overtook every part of my mind.
I remember the pain in my head growing. A dull ache turned into pounding. It was overwhelming. The tears welled in my eyes as a sob tore through my throat. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know who to beg for help.
My vision started to blur. Black dots filled the space that tears didn't.
I stumbled to the couch, putting my hand out to find the cushion before my vision went entirely dark and I fell onto it.
I collapsed on the floor of the throne room as soon as my mind escaped the waking world. The hard stone made my knees ache, but my focus couldn't even acknowledge that feeling. I let out a sob as I tried to cover my ears. It didn't work.
I could barely hear Morpheus's voice over the growing chorus. My nails dug into my skin as I felt my head pounding.
Another sob escaped me. The walls of the throne room shook with my pained cries. Morpheus didn't pause at the disturbance to his realm.
He knelt in front of me.
"Please, make it stop," I begged. I wanted to shout over the voices, but nothing escaped me other than some broken whisper. "Please."
Morpheus's hands touched mine. He gently guided my hands away from my head. I was shaking so much.
"Shh," he spoke quietly. "I am going to help you. I promise."
Two fingers from either hand pressed against my temples.
The volume was going back and forth. Like he was fighting against another force. I just kept my eyes screwed shut and fought the urge to reach up and claw at his hands or my face or anything else.
And finally, it was over.
A heavy sigh of relief came out as my body seemingly went limp.
Morpheus's arms wrapped around me, holding me close to his chest as I cried.
"I am so sorry," he whispered. "I pushed you to test these gifts. I led you here. I am sorry."
I didn't reply. I was too focused on getting my breath to even out. I didn't think it was physically possible to be exhausted in the dream realm. But here I was, feeling like I was on the brink of losing consciousness.
I slowly pushed myself to sit up again. I looked at Morpheus. My heart almost broke clean in half at the look of guilt written on his face. I moved forward and hugged him properly. One of his hands cupped the back of my head as his other arm wrapped around me.
"I am going to keep you safe," he promised. "I will never leave you to cope with this power on your own. Not again."
I closed my eyes and hid my face in his shoulder.
"I am so sorry."
"I forgive you," I replied. "I never blamed you."
He leaned back slowly. I grinned at him. He grinned back at me.
He stood up, taking both of my hands to help me follow his lead. "I am going to find a place for you to be at peace."
"Are you going to stay with me," I asked as he led me out of the throne room.
"If you will let me."
I nodded. "I would be much happier if you stayed with me, Morpheus."
His smile only grew.
The rest of that evening was spent in some comfortable silence. I laid back in a field of grass, taking the first calm breaths I had taken in hours. Morpheus sat next to me on the grass.
He would look at me from time to time. There was a cautious look on his face. I would grin at him. I knew that he was scared that what he had done wasn't enough, so I didn't stop him from trying to watch over me.
And that may have been the most peaceful night I had ever experienced.
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 6 months
Gilded Age, 02x06, Warning Shots. My thoughts...
Turner can go fuck herself! Seriously her revenge doesn't go the way she wants it to, so her next is to steal Bertha box at Met. By getting some getting some old money people to go to new opera house she has some cojones. Hoe I don't think so! I love that George set everything right again, don't mess with his wife! Good man! Can someone, but Bertha please expose Turner for who she really is, a two bit hoe lady's maid that tryed pathetically to get her bosses husband to sleep with her. She'll be dropped out of high society on her ear!
The word frenemies should of been invented to describe Bertha and Mrs. Astor's "friendship". I swear the moment Gladys said 'I thought you were friends' to Bertha, frenemies started flashing in my head in neon red lol.
Omg Marian, I felt so horrible for her put on spot like that in front of everyone. He didn't even court her or anything! Oscar at least kissed the girl he's trying to convince. He's gay for crying out loud, can't imagine kissing a woman high on list of things to do but he did damn it! Marian and Dashiell haven't even done that, let alone gone a true date or anything. I do like him, it just feels like he's jump the gun alot. It seems like he's looking more for a mother for his daughter than an actual wife. Which isn't cool dude! I do like how Marian got around saying yes, that was creative.
How cruel to do that to Aunt Ada and Luke. It's just evil! I just bust into tears. She finally finds her person only to have this happen. Aunt Ada has the purest of hearts she and Luke don't deserve this!! All I know is there better be a goddamn miracle happen and he lives!!! When Aunt Ada comes down stairs and Aunt Agnes is waiting for her just being her big sister. I couldn't take it, I started sobbing right along with Aunt Ada. Because not matter what Aunt Agnes said or does she loves her little sister.
I really don't like what their doing with Peggy and her boss! This week I'm liking she's all get away you're married. Just hope it stays that way. Because other wise it's just going to come off as badly for both characters. I really don't like her boss! Beyond he's already married! All I know is if I heard the line my wife doesn't understand me like you do. I might scream!
Ok I'm so confused what Oscar is up with the investment. I am glad he moved in direction that might lead to something more then friendship. I do like them together.
Can George please be a good man to his workers. He's such a good man in so many other respects. When he was in the head of labor union house it was easy to see he cared. Especially the fact that son worked at the plant or that the children didn't go school or have one to go to. He's not like the guy that works for him. George isn't a heartless, unfeeling, subhuman who would of gladly killed all those men and not even blinked an eye. So I'm hoping we'll see George do the right by working with the labor union to come with deal that works with for both sides. Also see build a school, George Russell is a fictional character after all why not make him like say Milton Hershey who really champion for his workers, build them homes, schools, a hospital and everything else in Hershey, Pennsylvania so they could work more easily at his plant. Because it's like we can him wanting do that. He stop those soldiers from shooting on the striking workers, where the other dude would of been happy with countless die and wouldn't of cared, he'd all been price of doing business he's just subhuman!
I think it so amazing what Jack did with clock! I definitely don't think he shouldn't give up. Love how everyone in the house expects one believe in him and gave him the money to go to patton office.
Can we take a minute to talk about Armstrong. They show us how horrible her mother is ok I can get that, but there are people with horrible parents that don't become that. I'm living proof of that! So what else is her deal!?! Because she's one dimensional at this point, even after them showing us her mother it's still impossible to have any empathy or simple care for her. She's just the most bitter, jaded, miserable character of the whole series. If anyone would be entitled to feel that way it would be Peggy's, her baby son died but she's nothing like that. So I hope they give us more on Armstrong character. Because I'm so tried of her being a buzz kill, shit Aunt Agnes isn't that bad!! When she said that stuff when Jack's patton get approved, truthfully I just really wanted to slap her. Because being cruel and horrible is a choice, it's abusive. It's not because of how she was raised with her mother if that was case she's be like to everyone. She's not, if she was like that with say Aunt Agnes her ass would of been fired by now. She's selective on who she's abusive too.
I'm over Mr. McAllister playing both side! I feel he needs to be loyal to one side now. I of course I want it to Bertha's. personally find Mrs. Astor too arrogant, overblown, way too many people been kissing her ass for so long that thinks she just be a bitch to everyone. Or that her personality because outside her daughter we haven't seen her be truly nice to anyway not ever Mr. McAllister. It's she walks in a room she just expects them all just to kiss her ass. Where Bertha generally nice to people, especially her staff. Which is one of things I do really love about her. I do wish be less shape with Gladys. She keep Gladys in a golden box than snap at her when she doesn't understand something. It's like Bertha you only have yourself to blame if Gladys doesn't understand these things. Chill woman! Gladys looked so hurt by Bertha words and tone. I understand that feeling very well. I would really love to see a scene where Gladys stands up to Bertha when she snaps at her and Bertha realize what she's doing. And they have a moment where Bertha said she's going to stop doing that. Because we have seen it in her Bertha way she does truly love both her children deeply.
I do have to say I want more Bertha in last two episodes she's been seriously lacking. Or at least it felt lacking to me. I know there are bunch of other story lines going on and need they need equal attention but I still want more Bertha!!
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Boredom is a silent killer.
A person could sit in a bed for hours doing nothing, withering away as the seconds go by, and nothing would be done about it. They would simply be left to their own devices, forgotten by the world while they disappeared.
“You’re being dramatic,” Kakashi commented, barely even looking up from the paperwork that Tsunade-sama had brought into the room to keep him busy while he was by Gai’s side. “It’s not that bad.”
“Easy for you to say,” Gai huffed. “You at least have something to do.”
“I could give you my paperwork.”
Gai regretted his words instantly. “No, I think I’m good,” Boredom was enough to do him in. He didn’t need to be killed faster by paperwork that wasn’t even his. “Why are you doing that anyways? Isn’t it supposed to be signed by the Hokage?”
“She is signing it,” Kakashi objected. “She just asked that I look through it and sort out what she should sign and what she should just put in the trash.”
“And you agreed to this because?”
“Because it was the only way I could convince her to let me take time off of missions so I could be here with you,” finally he dragged his eyes away from the report he was reading, an unimpressed expression on his face as he stared at Gai. “I could leave if you’d like.”
Gai wanted to jump up and stop Kakashi. To physically hold him in place so he wouldn’t move, but his chest ached at the mere thought of moving so he continued to sit there. Bored and buzzing with the energy he couldn’t burn.
“I could just do a few-”
“No.” Kakashi returned his focus to the report. 
“If I only do-”
“Zero,” his partner responded without looking up. “You will do zero.”
“But I’m bored!” He couldn’t even flop back against the bed dramatically since Shizune had lifted the bed in order for him to sit up. “I want to do something, Rival.”
“And your solution to that is to work out?” 
“Well, I do like working out…”
Sighing, Kakashi set the report back on top of the pile that Tsunade had placed beside him and turned towards Gai. “You just had top surgery,” he reminded him as if Gai could forget. As if he’d just miss placed that information when he’d been looking forward to this day for months.
No, years.
“I’m bored.”
“You’re recovering,” Kakashi placed a hand over Gai’s. A comforting gesture that did little to ease Gai’s anxieties. “What do you always tell me when I end up in the hospital because of Chakra exhaustion?”
“Rest is just as important as training,” he muttered his mantra under his breath, insulted that Kakashi would sit and throw it back at him. “But-”
A finger pressed against his lips, sealing in the words he was trying to say.
“No buts,” Kakashi whispered. “Shizune said you’ll be here for three to six days recovering. The more you overextend yourself, the longer your stay will be.”
Three to six days. If it were Kakashi in this bed the time would fly by. Gai would have an endless list of ideas for things they could do together that wouldn’t overextend his partner and earn him a longer stay.
When it was him stuck in bed, though, he couldn’t think of a single thing to do. 
Not one idea came to him no matter how hard he tried.
“How about a game?” Kakashi suggested suddenly, earning him a confused look from Gai. “I can go get a board game from your apartment. One of the ones we played last time I was stuck in here.”
A board game.
“How did I fail to think of that?” Gai scolded himself, immediately earning himself a flick to the forehead. “Ow! Kakashi!”
“You’re recovering,” He stated as if Gai had somehow magically forgotten that. “Give yourself a break Gai.”
“Sorry, I forgot that I was expecting to lose some of my ability to think when I got rid of my chest.”
“Well, you did always think with your dick and you still don’t have one of those yet.”
Kakashi’s response blindsided him. Never, in all the years he’d known the other man, had he thought he was capable of using such cutthroat words against him of all people. The elders, yes. Naruto, maybe. Iruka-Sensei, absolutely
But him?
Maito Gai?
That was taking things a step too far. Thankfully, Gai had the perfect comeback prepared within seconds. 
"Is this why you don't want bottom surgery?” He asked, a smirk tugging at the edge of his lips when Kakashi narrowed his eyes. “You have enough dick in your personality to make up for the lack of one down there?"
There was an honest effort made on Kakashi’s part to keep his cool. A deep breath, the scrunching of his eyes. All done in an attempt to keep his composure and not give in to the weight of Gai’s words.
It all failed, though.
Not even five seconds after Gai had uttered those words, Kakashi was curling into himself laughing. It wasn’t his usual chuckle either, but a full belly laugh that filled the entire room.
“Ok,” Kakashi wheezed. “For that one, I’ll pick up Dango on the way back.”
A board game with his best friend, his favourite treat, and a chance to hear more of that sweet laughter his rival kept so carefully hidden from the rest of the world. Recovery didn’t seem so bad when Gai had all of those things to look forward to.
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probsnothawkeye · 3 months
The grotto server got me writing small fics again so woe! Grotto/woe.begone crossover be upon ye
Matt knew that he shouldn't go back to the caves. He knew that. His body was wrecked, his finger was missing, he was lying to David–
“Woah there, pard,” a voice, gruff and low and accented, one he didn't recognize, said suddenly. “Take some deep breaths for me, alright? That's it, pilgrim, just match my breathing.” Matt opened his eyes– when had he closed them again?– to see a man in a cowboy hat standing beside his bed. The confusion must have been evident on his face, as the man just gave a small chuckle. “The name's Michael. I'm going to be helping with your physical therapy.”
“Are you really a cowboy?” Matt found himself blurting out, not wanting to focus on the pain in his body or heart so focusing on the cowboy hat instead. “I feel like this is one of those things you have to disclose. Otherwise it's entrapment. Cowboy entrapment.”
Michael let out another laugh. “Do you reckon I'd be wearin’ the hat if I weren't a cowboy?”
“It could be very dedicated cosplay.”
“I think we'll get along just fine, pard. Now come on, I'm gonna be teaching you some stretches today which should help with some of the soreness that I'm sure being cooped up in here has caused.”
That was how it started. Every week, Matt would have a physical therapy appointment with Michael– the man somehow maintaining his cowboy hat even when doing stretches lying down. Michael was… Matt wasn't really sure what Michael was, but the stretches were helping and he was starting to get used to the missing finger.
“So what happened to it anyway?” Michael asked one day, gesturing at Matt's hand. “And don't try to give me the same story you told the docs. I ain't enough of a fool to let you convince me that this was the result of you getting jumped.”
“You wouldn't believe me if I told you what happened,” Matt said, feeling like the most cliche of characters in a movie but not even caring. Michael *wouldn't* believe him; how could anyone believe that Matt cut off his finger because he thought it would appease the supernatural beings in the Grotto and let him speak to Emily? The only thing that could come from this would be Michael getting Matt hospitalized *again* and Matt didn't want to go back to the hospital.
“You'd be surprised what I can believe, pard. I promise I won't go runnin’ to the docs, I ain't a narc. I just wanna help, Matt. Whatever way I can.”
Something about his words had Matt spilling his guts, the same way he did to the person in the cave.
“So you cut off your finger to try an’ talk to her again?”
“Did it work?”
“...No.” It was hard for Matt to admit that, hard for him to accept that he had done himself bodily harm and for *what*? He didn't even get to talk to Emily. All he did was lose a finger and terrify David.
“If’n you don't mind me askin’, why the ring finger?” Michael asked, pulling Matt out of his mind.
“I'm hardly gonna need it anyway. The only one I could see myself marrying was her and… And she's gone.”
Michael hummed thoughtfully at that. “Well, pard, the way I see it you've got yourself two options. You can continue wallowing’ in misery an’ refuse to move forward with your life. This will likely lead to you dead in a ditch– or a cave, given your track record– before the year is out. An’ you might think that's the option to take, might think that nobody’d miss you anyhow. But I've seen that boy who drops you off an’ I can tell you for a fact he'd miss you. And he leads me to option two: let the people in your life help you so you can move on. I ain't sayin’ you need to forget Emily, but you don't need to die for her just cos she’s dead. Don't you think she'd rather you live for her instead?”
For the first time in a long time, Matt thought about his future. It felt like it had slipped away with Emily and Michael was right, Matt was diving head first into an early grave just because she was gone. But she wouldn't want that for him. If she had been the one who lived, she'd be doing things to get her life back on track, not almost getting herself killed in caves. She'd let him go, not because she didn't love him but because she loved him enough to keep living.
And he could do that too.
“Does all this wisdom come with the hat or did you stumble upon it yourself?”
“I've been around more kinds of scenarios than you'd imagine, pard,” Michael said, patting Matt on the back. “I've made it out alive an’ you can too.”
“Yeah,” Matt said, catching sight of David in the waiting room through the small window on the door. “Yeah, I can too.”
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lunacat777 · 2 years
Part 2 Mission: Songbird (Simon "Ghost" Riley fan fiction)
Hello! Here is the second part of Mission: Songbird. Let me know if you're enjoying this short story so far!
WARNINGS: Under 18+ only, death, death, and some traumatizing events and retellings.
Chapter 3:
Mission: Songbird
The men had me converse with a woman named Kate Laswell. She was head of the team. In a flattering but threatening way, she said that I could assist the U.S. with intel or leave me at the mercy of my father. 
“Your father helped a man by the name of Hassan. Do you recall if this led to anything else other than vieling him from the Mexican and U.S. Military?”
It didn’t take much convincing when I mentioned a woman by the name of Valeria. That she and my father were creating some kind of tunneling system to hide incoming threats for money. That was when it was decided that I should be taken out of Mexico and brought to the U.S. 
“Soap, Ghost. It’s very important that she gets out of there alive. I’ve set up a pick up order but you’ll have to move out of the city.”
“heard that Carlos has put a bounty on her head. More than just the cartel are out for her now,” Alejandro said.
My stomach drops. 
“Exactly why we need to escort her out covertly.” Laswell said. “Ghost, Soap, and Alejandro. Only a few men should be with you. Have reinforcements close but not enough to give you away.”
We moved out that same night to a village nearby. Los Vaqueros set up a watch around the village to keep an eye out for any incoming threats. 
The whole ride there Alejandro would strike up conversation. I decided to join in and ask about the neighboring city. I wasn’t allowed out further Las Almas. Soap and Alejandro were courteous and responsive but Ghost seemed to actively ignore me.
They set up a hideout at a run down motel. They had me stay in a room by myself but a few others stayed in the room next door. I thought it would be best to shower to wash off the blood and grime. 
I dried myself off and walked back into the room, wrapping the towel around me. I jump when I see a figure standing at the doorway of the room. A small lamp sat at the nightstand providing almost no light, making the corners of the room an abyss of darkness.
It was Ghost.
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“Why would you come in here like that?” I called out.
He said nothing. In his hand he has a foam takeout box. “Thought you were hungry. Didn’t mean to scare you.” 
He sets the box down and begins to leave.
“Thank you,” I said. “And thank you for saving me, too.” 
He stops midway of opening the door, hesitating for a second.
“I hope you like what I brought you. Not much round, here, princess.” He leaves.
What a strange guy, I thought. I brought you. He had personally gone out of his way to get me this food? No, if anyone saw him they’d call out to the cartel. But if he didn’t get the food personally, why bring it directly to me? Not whomever that got it? Whatever, I’m looking too much into it.
That night I was restless. My father had sent a bounty for me. That already tells you enough that he’d rather put my ass on the line than his own. I had to look out for myself now. The ladies that would care for me back home will miss me. I’ll miss them, too. And the people. If this was a possible way that I could, I will. But the cartel is like mold. You think you get rid of it but there is a new spot that creeps up out of nowhere and consumes again. 
“...the girl…” I could hear them talking in the room next to mine. The bed’s headboard is against the wall tangent to their room. I sit up and put my ear against it. Through the thin wall I could hear them clearly. 
“She’s like you, Ghost,” Soap said. “Sneaking around and spying.”
“What’d you see before the extrusion, LT?” Alejandro asks.
Ghost was quiet for a moment. 
“She stays in the house most of the time but she doesn’t stay still. She goes searching for talk, sneaks around. Knows the exits and entries of the house very well. She’s quick and quiet. She said she doesn’t like to get involved in her father’s business but it looks quite the opposite to me.”
“What makes you say that?” 
Another pause. 
“Whenever she goes to the village, she splurges. She throws out money like Robin Hood but for hush money.” 
My heart dropped. Not only has he been spying on me during my private hours but he thinks that I take part willingly. 
“Do you know anything about her mother?” Alejandro said. 
Silence. I assume they men shrug.
“Her mother was a prisoner. Forced marriage. Everyone knew how much that woman loved her daughter. She loved the people, too. Her name was Julieta and she was a kind woman. She did so much for the community until Carlos coerced her into marriage. I don’t think Rosie is anything like her father.”
I noticed that I stopped breathing. Alejandro had come to my defense. I wondered why? The commander of Los Vaqueros defending a cartel’s daughter. I’d believed that he would have hated me. 
“Where is she now?” Ghost asked. 
My ear lifted from the wall. Moments later I could hear their door open and close. Talking aroused again.
“She’s fascinating isn’t she,” Soap said.
I quickly got up on the bed again and pressed my ear to the wall once more. This is silly, I thought, childish even. 
“All the years I’ve known you, Ghost,” Soap said jokingly, “I’ve never seen you look at anyone the way you do her.” 
“You’re sick in the head, Johnny,” Ghost said back. “I have eyes for no one.”
“Except for me, right?” Soap said. No reaction. “Well then.”
He stayed silent for a moment. 
“She’s quite attractive you have to admit.” 
“That’s like falling in love with dynamite, boy.” 
“Wouldn’t be so hard for you.”
Soap was trying to get Ghost riled up.
“She’s the mission. That’s it.” 
Just as I lifted my ear, Ghost said, “But yeah…she’s quite fit.”
My stomach flutters.
They didn’t talk much after that. I don’t remember falling asleep but I awoke to a knock on the door. Soap was on the other side telling me to get ready. I threw on my clothes and was out the door. They moved me out quickly into a discrete military vehicle.
I sit in between Ghost and Soap. It was a hard squeeze. Both of the men were burly but Ghost was definitely the biggest out of the two. It could’ve been the kevlar vest which made him look larger than he seemed; nonetheless, he had an intimidating presence.
The convoy began heading north. We drove on the road for a while until we came to a full stop. Alejandro was in the passenger seat and his second in command, Rudy, was driving the vehicle.
“Why are we stopping?” Ghost asked, already agitated.
“Don’t know.” Alejandro spoke on his radio for updates. 
Suddenly a car came bolting from beside us, spraying us with bullets. Ghost arched over me to shield me from the bullets. Nothing came through but it was a reaction I wasn’t expecting. He covered me with his entire body and pressed me against the seat. It wasn’t comfortable to be shoved up against his diamond hard vest but I could smell him. Musk with a hint of pine and sandalwood. It was so faint I could’ve been dreaming it. My heart was pounding. I looked up to his face and his dark brown eyes looked into mine. I could see through the slits of his mask that his eyebrows were puckered. 
“It’s an ambush!” Alejandro yelled.
“Fucking move then!” Ghost shouted.
Rudy punched the gas and we jolted forward. 
“Don’t return fire, we can’t engage in combat with her here.” Alejandro brought out his gun and cocked it. 
Our tire was shot out and we were forced to stop at a gas station in the middle of nowhere. All the men bolted out of the car, their weapons drawn. They separated to cover from the incoming men. 
Ghost jumped out of the car and turned to rush me out. At the edge of the seat, Ghost wrapped his hands on my waist and helped me down. He puts me behind him. 
“You stay close, alright!” he commanded. 
He led me away from the hail of gunfire toward the side of a building away from the action. I could hear the bullets whistle by.
Men came rushing from the corner of the building. Without hesitation Ghost charged at them. He shot at two of the men. He took out his knife and slashed it across the cartel’s neck and in the same motion, stabbed him in his throat.
He turns to me and hands me a pistol. “You use this only if anyone but me, Soap, or Alejandro get close to you, yeah?”
I shake my head.
“Got it?!” He shouts.
“Good girl.” He spots a beat down truck and leads us to it. He shoves me in the back. 
The gun feels heavy in my hand. It’s like a grenade. 
“Soap! Alejandro! I got a vehicle. Where are you?” Ghost yells over the radio.
“Behind the tanks!” Soap exclaims. 
“On my way! Give me some cover!”
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We haul over to Soap, Rudy, and Alejandro are taking cover. They start firing back in order to cover us. The men rush into the vehicle. As Ghost begins to drive away, the cartel stops the vehicle by standing in front of us with weapons drawn. They bark orders for us to get out of the car. 
Blood spurts out from their chest. Alejandro’s men have arrived and tell the commander over the radio to go.
“Drive down the mountain, into the forest!” Rudy says. 
Ghost does so. And away we go from the gunfire. 
Chapter 4: 
“Okay, gentlement,” Laswell said. “You’re on your own.”
“Where can we go where the cartel doesn't have eyes?” Soap asks. 
The men began devising a plan to get around this roadblock. Alejandro, looking the most fixated on his thoughts says, “I have an idea.”
Alejandro hesitated for a moment before speaking further. “My family home. It’s secluded. No one should know where it is.”
“Rural?” Ghost asks. 
“Yes…but it’s risky to put my family in danger.” 
“Sergeant,” Laswell began. “, we all have sacrificed for the greater good. Your sacrifice, though, won’t come without reward. The loss of some of your men has proven your loyalty. You can expect some aid from the U.S. in the future if you help get this done.”
Alejandro thought long and hard. 
“Chingao. I’ll do it. No one should be there anyway. Only if it means that no one else gets involved.”
“You’ll have to remain there until tomorrow. Ghost, you make sure this happens discreetly,” Laswell demanded.
“Yes ma’am.”
We found refuge in an abandoned tequila distillery. The distillery room was surrounded by large steel barrels and empty crates scattered all over. A steel table existed in the middle of the room with industrial chairs tucked underneath.
To pass the time the men conversed amongst themselves. I sat and watched. Ghost didn’t do much talking either. After a few minutes, he got up and picked up a couple of crates and set them against the wall making a makeshift target. Thud! Ghost began throwing his knives.
Soap stood, scouring the room. 
“Wonder if they got anything here. What’d you say this place was, Alejandro? A tequila distillery?”
“Yeah, it was run down when American businessmen started opening their own distilleries down here. They were outcompeted and put out of business.”
I watched Ghost closely. He was throwing his knives with such precision.
“Can I try?” I ask him.
Ghost threw his last knife. He seemed adverse in the beginning but gave in.
“C’mon,” he walked over to the target and pulled out the knives that stuck out from the board. 
He and I met at the marker, where he stood before upon throwing his knives. His existence is like dark matter, the air becomes heavier, and has a gravitational pull. Even with this fact I don’t feel endangered. The opposite actually. My lower back prickles. 
“Go on then,” he says with a voice so deep and rich. Presenting a selection of knives, Ghost extends his hand out to me. 
I take a couple and it’s heavier than I thought they’d be. I bring the tip of the knife and push it against my thumb. The knife has blood on it. 
“Carefull,” Ghost says as he clasps on my hand. He looks delicately at me. My stomach fills with warmth. The hair in the back of my neck stands up. I feel him undressing me in his mind as his eyes wander up and down. I wonder what he looks like underneath the mask. His poise is tempting, seductive. 
“Don’t want you to cut yourself,” he says gently. 
“I’ll be fine.”
“I’d like to get you out of here in one piece.”
“Didn’t think you’d like me enough for that.” 
“I like you intact.” 
Without hesitation, he turns to the board and flicks a knife toward it. It hits dead center. “You have to throw it confidently. And always watch it because it can bounce back.” 
Standing tall where he stood, I take a deep breath and throw a knife at the board. Though not centered it sticks.
“I’m impressed. The first one I ever threw bounced right off and hit me in the thigh.” 
Soap exclaimed, “Ooohoohoo, I think I found something.”
I return the knives back to him and he grasps my hands with his black skeleton laced glove. He squeezes it gently before letting go.
Soap, distracted by our subtle flirting, says. “No Scotch but this will do.” 
“Careful, soldier,” Ghost starts, “we have to be in top shape to get her out of here.” 
“LT, we’re not gonna get pissed off of one shot. C’mon.”
Soap finds four small taste test flutes from the same crate and sets them down on the steel table.
“Tequila? Bloody hell.” Typical Brit, I think.
“Well what did you expect in Mexico?” Alejandro jokingly said.
Soap poured the tequila into the four flutes. Rudy and Alejandro take one. Soap extends one out to Ghost. 
“Tequila tastes like dog piss.”
“I’ll have it,” I said. 
Soap looked at me, perplexed, but handed me the unwanted drink.
“Cheers,” Soap said and lifted his glass for our drinks to clink.  
“Actually,” I said, taking back my flute, “it’s salud.”
“My bad. Salud,” Soap corrected himself. 
Rudy and Alejandro say salud. Rudy, Alejandro, and I take it down easily, though it burns, Soap struggles to take it down as some of it sputters from his mouth. LT huffs. 
“Soap, didn’t think some tequila would take you out.” 
“I'm not used to drinking this. Prefer a Scotch.” 
“English and their drinks,” I laughed. 
“‘Scuse me, I’m not English,” Soap corrected. “Scottish.” 
“Is there a difference?” I say to stir him up. 
Ghosts chuckles. My stomach fluttered. 
“Seriously, LT?” Soap said. “You’re supposed to have my back.”
“Can’t blame the girl, she’s got some fire in her.”
Rudy decided to take the night watch. The three men talked about the small little things they missed while they were away from home. Soap said he missed his family. Alejandro missed his mother’s food and family. Ghost didn’t say anything. 
“I miss my mom,” I blurted out. 
“Do you mind me asking, Rosie. What happened to her?” Soap asked. 
“My father killed her.” 
“She was having an affair with one of my father’s men. I remember it. He shot her himself, did you know that? He made me watch. Told me that, ’That’s what happens when you turn out to be a whore’ and boom!,” I mimicked a gunshot, “killed her right then and there. He didn’t hesitate. Didn’t cry. That stain was there for a whole week. He’s a fucking hypocrite because he would spend all his time at whorehouses…”
It got quiet. I didn’t notice that tears fell from my eyes until I felt them crawling down my chin. I felt stupid. None of them wanted to hear this sob story. I've never talked to anyone about the death of my mother or how much it hurt. 
“My father made me watch a prostitute die of an overdose,” Ghost said silently. I turned to him. He stared ahead, his already blackened eyes turning sinister. “Piece of shit. Fathers.”
“Fuck sake, Ghost…I didn’t know that.” Soap said.
The conversation died down and we all decided that it was time to get some sleep. 
I had drifted away sitting at the table and awoke to find myself on the floor atop a make-do bed that consisted of just a cape. I looked up to see Ghost looking out the window with binoculars. His cape was missing, the one that I layed on. 
He situated himself to take watch atop the industrial catwalk which was at the same level as the windows overlooking the farm. He sets down the binoculars and looks over to me. I give him a jovial smile. I’m not sure what expression he returns, if any. But he continues to gaze at me for a second longer before looking back at the outside. 
Alejandro, Rudy, and Soap are asleep. I stand, wrapping the cloak around me. It smells like pine. I make my way up the catwalk, slowly approaching, unsure if he’d like my company. 
“This thing is comfortable.” I say jokingly. “I see why you wear it.”
He doesn’t move. Almost like if I hadn’t said anything at all.
“Just because you have daddy issues doesn’t mean you have to be such an ass,” I say.
I begin to make my walk back down and he says, “Wait. Stay.” 
I do.
“There’s no need to be cordial in this job, princess,” He continued. “Just because you’ve been treated like royalty doesn’t mean you’ll have the same treatment with us.”
“I don’t expect to. And you’re wrong.”
“Wrong about what?” he doesn’t take his eyes off from the outside estate. 
“You think that I’m doing my father’s bidding. I grew up watching people die because of him. Innocent people. And the only thing I can do is try to make their lives better.”
“What? Pay them with blood money?”
“Okay, yes, blood money,” I grow frustrated. My voice is rising. “But what would you do?”
He takes his eye from his scope and looks at me. 
“You think I don’t trust you?” 
“No. I heard you say that you watched me before the extrusion.”
“I know everything about you, Rosie.” He says my name delicately. “You’re naive…but you have a good heart. And it never ends well for those that get close to me.”
“I understand. But I’ve learned that life is short. There’s not much you can do. I was powerless protecting my mother. I continue living though. I think you have to for those that you lose.” I reach out and lay my hand on this knee. “I’m not scared to take risks.” 
“It’s not that easy, princess.” He grows frustrated but so do I. 
“Rosie, first of all, and I know it’s not. Why is it hard to trust me?”
He didn’t answer my question. He takes a pause, looking intensely at my hand on his knee. 
“Simon…that’s my name. We can start there with trust. Don’t throw out the name all about, though.”
“Thank you,” I say. 
The conversation warms up. He still looks intensely through his scope as he scouts the factory's orchard but his communication excels. I ask him about the equipment he has strapped on. Grenades, ammo, all the sorts. No personal items, though.
He asks me about my life. I tell him my favorite things in life. Movies, ice cream, shows (telenovelas). 
“You’ve never seen Tenant?” He asks shockingly.
“No, should I?”
“Course. Christopher Nolan is bloody brilliant.”
I tell him I’ve never visited England but I would love to.
“If we get you outta here alive,” he says, “maybe I’ll give you a private tour, how does that sound?”
I blush. 
“Private tour? Sounds like a promise.”
Soap wakes from his slumber. We both watch him make his way up to us and he returns a bewildered look. 
“I’ll take it from here, Ghost,” Soap says with a smirk. “Why don’t the two get some shuteye, aye?”
We walk back down and I separate from Simon to my own corner. He tells me to keep the cape. 
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“Sweet dreams, Simon” I whisper to LT. I don’t think he hears me.
“Sweet dreams, Rosie.” 
Simon sits against the wall and crosses his arms. I lie on the ground with the cape wrapped around me. I drift away.
To be continued…
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constant-mason24 · 1 year
Video Killed the Radio Star (Chapter Nine)
Riddler x F!Reader
“The Court of Owls? Is that even real?”
“I’m afraid so.” Riddler doesn’t sound too concerned as (Y/n) hands the paper back over to him. He turns to put it back in the box. “So that’s what you wanted, Miss (L/n)? To know why I had you leave my message?”
“Yeah. But I have more questions pertaining to it.”
The man turns back towards her, leaning back against one of the wooden crates. “Ask away.”
“Why did you want the Court to know what you were doing at the Hall of Records?”
“I was hoping they’d show up in person to stop me. I knew it wasn’t likely but I figured it was worth a shot.”
“Stop you from doing what? You were looking for something, what was it?”
“Think about it this way,” He spoke, fiddling with her purple gloves. “If the Court of Owls were to really exist, they’d have to set up shop somewhere, right?”
(Y/n) nods, “Right.”
“I suspect that they have some kind of tunnel network below ground, somewhere that gives them a good chance to watch us all while staying out of our sight. I was hoping to find blueprints of the old Gotham sewers and train tunnels to get an idea of where they might be.”
“But the prints you needed were taken. By the Mad Hatter?”
“So it would seem.” he rolled his neck.
“What were the Courts threatening you with? And why? What are they after?”
Riddler chuckles. “You have a lot of questions.”
“Sorry.” (Y/n) sheepishly smiled. “I’ll slow down.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” he stood straight again. “But please do understand that I shouldn’t and won’t be sharing every detail with you. We aren’t close enough friends for that.”
“Of course.”
“You seem pretty driven by your own curiosity. Perhaps if you could do me a favor, prove that you can be trusted, and make yourself useful, I’d be more inclined to keep you informed.”
The man walked over to her, though not too close. (Y/n) wasn’t sure whether he was trying to seem threatening or inviting, but honestly, she was terrified.
“What kind of favor?” She had no intention of agreeing right off the bat. Who’s to say what he would ask her to do?
“Well, I was hoping you could talk to someone on that radio show of yours for me.”
“You want me to interview someone?” (Y/n) is surprised. “That’s not my typical gig you know. I work the night shift, most people don’t do publicity interviews that late.”
She’s laughing it off, trying to convince him it wouldn’t be worth it. Every time she leaned in to take a closer look at the Riddler’s shenanigans, she ended up falling in that much deeper. This was too much.
“I think you could pull it off. Your shift starts at six, correct? Seven PM doesn’t seem too awfully late for an interview.” He smiles at her again, charming but definitely holding ulterior motives. Damn, did he know how well that worked? He had to know…
“Who would it be?”
“Gloria Guthrie.” He focuses his attention away from (Y/n), adjusting the lapel of his suit jacket. “She’s one of the women with money here in Gotham. And she’s good friends with the Mayor.”
“I’ve heard of her. Wasn’t she dating Bruce Wayne for like… a week?”
“I don’t think they even lasted that long.” he scoffs. “I’d like you to call her in for an interview, probably under the guise of promoting her friend’s political career. And when you have her talking, I have a very specific question I want you to ask her.”
(Y/n)’s attention is drawn to a shadow moving by the window. The movement seemed to have caught the Riddler’s attention too, as they both stare out, waiting for any signs of life. A stray cat yowls, jumping out of the dark in search of shelter from the rain. (Y/n)’s sigh of relief is audible; The Riddler’s is visible.
“What do you want me to ask her?” She asks, looking back at the man who begins to walk back toward the room he had come from.
“A riddle, of course! I’ll get it to you soon.” He turns back to her with another dashing grin. “I’m sure you’ll need time to set this opportunity up. And don’t trouble yourself with the window on your way out. The door can be opened from the inside.”
(Y/n) blinks slowly. “Okay. Goodnight, Ri- Mr. Nygma.”
“Goodnight, Miss (L/n).”
The sound of Amelia tapping her pencil against the desk was driving (Y/n) absolutely insane, but she was trying her best to be patient. The space between them on their table was filled with papers, most of which were covered in doodles and sketches on every inch of the page. Amelia was quite the artist, often leaving behind little drawings showcasing her skills in the station. Usually, (Y/n) was thrilled to watch Amelia work, but today she was more focused on thinking, and this was a rather unwelcome distraction.
“Hey there, Gothamites! How are we doing this fine evening?” as Amelia began her segway into the next few songs, (Y/n) allowed herself to tune her coworker out. Thinking about the Riddler’s request, she needed to figure out how to get Guthrie in the station for a radio interview. That is if she decided to do what she was asked. But did she have a choice? It hadn’t felt like a threat. Yet a part of (Y/n) wanted to do this either way. Each time she got more involved with the Riddler she felt the urge to go along with it growing stronger. Like the thrill of being caught up in something she really really shouldn’t, was a drug she couldn't get enough of. It was dangerous and so very stupid. Wasn’t it great?
(Y/n) knew she would probably have to get it approved by her boss first, so a story good enough to convince him would be needed. Why would she want to hold an interview with Gloria Guthrie? What would be a good reason?
With a soft sigh, she picks up her phone and her cup of tea at the same time. With one hand occupied feeding the cup into her mouth, she opened Google and typed the woman's name in. Were there any recent news articles about her that could serve as a decent excuse? It would seem so.
The first article on google was something about her short-lived relationship with playboy Bruce Wayne. He took her to lunch once, and then apparently dumped her. A pathetic drama sob story wouldn’t be solid enough for this. The second article, however, seemed much more promising. It read out “Gloria Guthrie makes generous donations to S.T.A.R. labs.” That could work.
As Amelia stopped talking to the listeners, another song fading into the airwaves in her places, (Y/n) skims through the first couple paragraphs of the article. Miss Guthrie made a large donation of money- nearly a million dollars, in fact- to the laboratories' chemical research following a rather vicious attack from Poison Ivy late last year. The lab had stated being close to creating an antidote for Ivy’s latest toxins when Guthrie made the donation to help their cause. This could work out in her favor.
“God, I’m starving,” Amelia muttered, standing to grab some food she had stashed in her purse. “Don’t tell Ryan I’m eating in here okay?”
“He’s got cameras in here, you know.” (Y/n) smirked up at her friend, who only shrugs.
“He never checks em unless something shady goes down in here. And at that point, he’s got bigger fish to fry.” Amelia grins victoriously as she pulls open a granola bar. She waves a second one in the other woman’s face.
(Y/n) shakes her head. “Shame on you. You’re a terrible influence.” She takes the bar anyway.
Amelia chuckles and moves to sit back down while (Y/n) opens the email app on her phone. She’ll pitch the idea to her boss now, hoping to get the ball rolling before a certain someone who wears entirely too much green gets impatient.
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glennis-hate-blog · 1 year
If not Dennis though then who?
if you're asking something other than who would i hate if not dennis, sorry for answering wrong (though the amount that i wrote should qualify my answer as wrong no matter what). i did three reading comprehension tasks total throughout my entire education, and received feedback on none of them. i went completely off the rails so skip to blue, bold text if you just want the real answer
-must of course be contextualised with the fact that when it comes to dennis, i am untethered and my rage knows no bounds. no amount of hate for any other person would substantiate. the runner-up for my-most-hated would compare to dennis as athlete's foot compares to gangrene. having established this, we can move on to establishing why i am dragging my answer out so much. it is because i crave human contact, yet i seem to dislike anyone close to me. the internet provides me with scraps of impersonal human contact that leave me oblivious to the real person, the human behind that interaction. this allows me to feel comfortable enjoying an interaction without convincing myself that i hate the other person. how can i hate someone i do not know? excellent setup! i feast like a starving lion. i suppose that with this in mind, i might claim that if not dennis, i could hate myself the most. but im assuming that we're talking sunny characters here.
it's hard to understand how i feel about the other characters, because i hold my affections about them while aware that they are obviously horrible people.
my mind jumped to dee first, seeing as she shares a lot of the same qualities that make me hate dennis. the most glaring example being that they are rapists. seeing a pattern of this trait in TWINS makes me a little sad though. it shows that what caused this probably had something to do with their parents. the fact that dennis is worse than dee can probably be attributed to his getting raped by the school librarian or whatever it was, as well as how differently their parents treated him on account of his being male. i think some patriarchally motivated power issues stem from that treatment, you can see how he acts out around women in this way (as if i have to explain). anyway dee would make sense as a solid contender. by default ill add her parents to the ring since im blaming them for making her the way that she is.
... im not a huge cricket fan. sure he has his funny moments which i adore, but that is much the same as the reynolds twins. i didnt love him before his decline/the development of his drug addiction, weakness and catholicism repulse me. (HALF JOKE. SORRY. sorry.) i say that he is weak due to his susceptibility to manipulation (a trait he shares with dennis- a man who was tricked into digging up his dead mother 'for gold')- by dee. she wasnt even in her milf era at the time and he left the whole church without even seeing a ring... ok :|. girlie travelled to a bar full of people who bullied and sexually assaulted him to check out a water stain :/ PLEASE. anyway then there's the drug abuse which was actually fairly slay i dont take issue with that. he got better and more acceptable after that in my mind.
third and final person ill seriously consider will be gail the fucking snail. ive seen gail apologists... no... shes not even that bad it's just that shes a caricature of REAL PEOPLE i have to deal with, i totally sympathise with the twins over hating and salting her. idc if she just wants to hang out. she should learn what fuck off means and start trying to find herself, rather than continually finding other people to latch onto obsessively and dissolving into a radioactive puddle of self-pity and non-committal, performative 'shame' every time she is rejected before restarting her circuit of the same 3 people she harasses. oh my god i dont think im talking about snail anymore. whatever. it's what she represents IT DOESNT HAVE TO MAKE SENSE OK THIS IS ABOUT THE PEEPEEPOOPOO SHOW.
scrolling back through all ive written over a simple six-word question, i can see that it is my fucking bedtime. i will be concluding now. ok so i think it's fair to eliminate cricket here, since she redeemed herself by learning parkour and being funny. while i hate gail and everything she represents, she isnt a rapist. she just needs to stop asking for my address and suggesting we have sleepovers and asking whether im a top or a bottom. fucking snail. that would make Dee Reynolds my second-most-hated sunny character! i couldnt hate her with the same fiery rage that i hate dennis, but if there were no dennis, there may very well have existed a dee hate blog.
yip-fucking-ee im so sorry to anyone who thought it was worth investing the time to read any of that, especially the second two body paragraphs. im going to bed now have a fantastic day
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upwards-descent · 2 years
"Peppermint hot chocolate for Stacey? Peppermint hot chocolate for Stacey and an extra hot flat white for Shawn."
Peach scanned his eyes around the cafe. Of course he recognized the exact people who had ordered the drinks and of course they weren't moving an inch to claim their beverages. Typical. The flicker of frustration that made his tail puff out subtly was a good piece of evidence as to why he wasn't allowed to work the register. Oh well. He wasn't here for customer service anyways. He was here to make drinks.
"Hey, Peach," Alyssa called over her shoulder, jotting down another order on a cup. "We got an earl grey latte and an iced pumpkin spice latte coming up."
"On it!"
Sometimes Peach worried he'd gotten this job out of pity. He filled a cup most of the way with hot water and dunked in a tea bag. Two metal cups were filled with milk and promptly steamed. The owner knew his mother. Unfortunately, she knew Peach's entire situation. Fatherless from birth, his mother put in assisted living since he was five, a real sob story. When he was young, he and his mom were close. Calliope was a soft spoken woman with a heart of gold and a genius intellect. She was selfless, passionate, and would give the very clothes off her own back to anyone in need. She was also, however, delusional.
"Shit, Alyssa, your handwriting is so bad," Peach bemoaned, realizing he may have just wasted product. "Does this say soy milk or skim milk?"
"Soy milk. Sorry." Alyssa's expression flickered with annoyance.
Rather than apologize, knowing he'd just been an asshole, Peach went quiet, his ears laying flat against his skull. He dumped out the milk and grabbed the correct item from the mini fridge. Calliope was convinced Peach's father was not of Earth. She said he flew down on a space ship and swept her off her feet but had to leave to tend to unfinished business. As if. Peach knew the truth. She'd fucked some junkie and he flaked. Maybe he shot up radioactive waste and that was why he's the only known freakish cat-human hybrid. Maybe his family had latent superhuman DNA but instead of being able to fly or run faster than light, he was prone to fleas and jumped at loud noises. Once the milk was steamed, Peach added pumpkin spice syrup, honey, and cinnamon to the bottom of one cup. When the milk hit the sweeteners, it turned a funny orange color.
Peach tried not to hate his mother. She was sick. He knew she was a wonderful person, he had very fond memories of his childhood, but from adolescence onward was hell. The only person who supported him was himself. At least he could afford nice things now. His studio apartment was cheap since he lived in a rough part of town and he made enough money to fund his hobbies. He was a recluse so nothing was wasted on clubbing or socializing or whatever. Life was... Fine. It hurt sometimes but it was fine.
"Earl grey latte and iced PSL for Terri? Earl grey and pumpkin spice for Terri."
Sliding the drinks across the counter, Peach was relieved that the two previous ones were gone. He wiped down his station and turned to apologize to Alyssa when the front door jangled open.
Peach's jaw dropped.
The most handsome man he'd ever seen in his entire life walked in. He was built like a god and very little was left to the imagination. His thighs were like tree trunks, his arms like canons. While the hair all over his firm chest and soft belly was dark, what swooped off his scalp was a lovely salt and pepper. He had kind eyes and a dazzling smile. For a moment, Peach wondered why he was in cosplay in public on a Tuesday afternoon, only to realize the Adonis before him was a superhero.
Holy shit.
Scrambling over to the register, Peach swore under his breath when he accidentally bumped into Alyssa. She had venom in her eyes.
"I'm so so sorry," Peach hissed under his breath. "You get my share of tips today, please, I just. I NEED to talk to this guy."
Shockingly, Alyssa stepped back a little, still hovering, still cautious, but she shook her head and smiled. Peach grinned excitedly.
"Afternoon!" The man beamed, clasping his hands. "Super cute place you got here! Didn't even know you all existed."
"Welcome! We've been here for five years," Peach punched himself mentally. He reeled himself in and grinned wider. "How can we help you?"
"How's your matcha?" The man tapped his lips as he scoured the menu. "I haven't had a good matcha latte in a while."
Oh my god, this holy specimen was interested in his favorite drink? Peach found himself tripping over his own words and delighted gesticulating.
"Yes! Oh, I love matcha and we have GOOD matcha," Peach leaned far over the counter so he could point at the chalkboard. "If you like it plain, it's good, or we do it with strawberry milk or right now we're doing it with caramel for fall. I also like getting it with salted cold foam."
"All of those sound amazing," He absorbed his options, eyes dragging up and down. "The strawberry one sounded the best, a large, please."
"Hot or iced?" Alyssa piped up. She was a much better cashier.
"Iced, please. Thank you."
She typed in the order and he slipped a wad of bills into their cutesy piggy bank tip jar. Peach didn't even wait for Alyssa to write the order on a cup. He plucked one up and started working. As he steamed half the milk to help the matcha dissolve better, the man took in the rest of the cafe. Cuppa Charm was pretty damn cutesy, everything in soft colors and decorated like a children's bedroom. They offered oversized plushies to serve as drinking companions for solitary diners. You could lose your ass in the armchairs, they were so soft. It was Peach's paradise, really, and perfectly matched his aesthetic.
"Been working here for long?"
Peach put in considerable effort to tear his focus away from his task to address the man. He despised small talk, especially while he was working, but this man absolutely deserved his attention.
"Since we opened," He replied primly. "Since I was about 22."
"You get a lot of regulars?"
"Oh, I'm sure, I never really pay attention," The steamer hissed and Peach retrieved the milk. "I'm kinda more... Head down and work."
"I respect that," He smiled and Peach's heart fluttered. "Well if this is as delicious as you say, I may have to come back for more."
His cheeks were burning and he wondered if his pupils were as round and big as he expected. Based on the guy's little chuckle, they probably were. Spooning strawberry preserves into the cup, along with the matcha powder, Peach topped the drink off with more milk, popped on a lid, and gave it a vigorous swirl. Setting it down on the counter, he watched the man's reaction.
"Here's your drink, uhm."
"Silas," He smiled. He had dimples under his beard. Wow. "Nice to meet you, Peach."
"How did you--"
He glanced down. Right. Name tag.
"Cute name," Silas took a sip. Even with the lid, some greenish foam clung to his moustache. "I'll be coming back for sure, this is absolutely delish. You have a good one, yeah?"
He winked and Peach squeaked, watching him swagger right out the door. Alyssa watched the whole ordeal without hiding any surprise, her brows raised high and her smile splitting her face from ear to ear.
"I have... NEVER seen you crush on someone before," She gawked, giggling. "Is he your type?"
"How is he not everyone's type?!" Peach threw his arms out wide. "Wow! I don't think I've ever seen a more handsome man in my LIFE."
"Well lucky you he liked the drink," Alyssa snorted. "And lucky him you work full-time."
Peach leaned his hip against the counter, wiping down the same inch with a rag for a few minutes. He couldn't stop staring at the door, quietly hoping Silas would come right back.
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Fiery Christmas for Steve
Chapter 3:
Chicago Fire House 81 January 3rd 10am
            I was sitting behind my desk trying to work on my paperwork when I let my mind wander to the Clause brothers once again. This was crazy I needed to get my head clear and stop letting what happened that night distract me from work. This man was important to Christmas and the North Pole why would be drop any of that to came back and see me. Besides I kept telling myself I was not ready for a relationship. I kept saying that every time I went out with my friends. It had only been three months since my last terrible relationship ended with that cheating, backstabbing doctor; Wesley.          
            I was sitting rereading the same email about the new gear to be delivered when I heard a knock on my door. I looked up to see my best friend Erika walking into my office. She must have been on a break from working on a case since she was in her street clothes with her gun belt on. She works with my father in Chicago violent crimes division as a detective.
            “Your door is open. I am guessing it is safe to come in.” She just walked in without waiting for an answer and plopping down in one of the chairs in front of my desk. She looked around at the clutter in my office before smiling back at me. Most people thought she was intimidating since she is usually all serious and death glares. Only me and a few of our other friends get to see her smiles and the girly side of her that she tries to hide.
            “Well just make your self at home detective. Now how can I help you ma’am.” I tried hard not to laugh at her when she raised an eyebrow at me. There are very few serious moments between us other then when we are working a case together. She might as well by my sister; my dad moved her in with us when we were still in high school after he had helped her leave the gang life.
            “Oh, cut the shit. How have you been? Your dad says you seem like something has been on your mind. You were late to Christmas which is not you.”
            I sighed as I rubbed my hands over my face thinking about what to say next. I couldn’t tell her the truth and have her tell my dad, so they both can think I am crazy. “I have just been tired.” Which wasn’t a complete lie; I have not been sleeping well. I have been up thinking about a man I am never going to see again.
            “Is Wesley bothering you? If he is I can have his brother talk to him, you know Jason would do anything for you. Or has Casey rubbed off on you and your out with a different guy each night.”
            It was my turn to raise an eyebrow at her. “No Wesley isn’t bothering me, or I would have cut his dick off and taped it to his forehead like a limp dick unicorn.” We both laughed at that since I have already punched him in the junk once after I found out that he had been cheating on me almost our entire relationship. Before we could continue Jessy came running in asking what we were gossiping about.
            “No gossip. I am just trying to figure out what has been up with Sam here. You never did answer that last part of my question.”
            I laughed before answering her since she knows there is no way that is true. Right?  “No, I am not out prowling for men every night of the week.”
            “Then what is going on with you?” Erika asked clearly done with this beating around the bush conversation as she got up to close to door to give us some privacy.
            “Well…nothing really, just I have someone on my mind.” Both of their eyes light up. They have been trying to convince me to move on from my ex for a while practically shoving men at me every time we go out.
            “When? Where? Who?” Erika asked leaning forward on my desk.
            “Yeah? Who? Is he sexy? Cute? Handsome?” Jessy was jumping up and down spilling her coffee everywhere.
            I felt my face heat up at how they were so interested in what I was saying. “It doesn’t matter I am never going to see him again he doesn’t live around here, so I need to stop thinking about him. But yes, he was all those things. Something about him made me want to rip off that pin stirp fur lined Versace Santa suit and take him on my kitchen floor. I mean the size of him towering over me and how ridged he was. You know he has some stress that he could take out on me. Just that broadness of his chest you know he has got a jolly saint dick. Just the thought of his large hands gripping my waist while slamming into me on top of my kitchen table… urgh… I wouldn’t have even cared that his brother would have been watching as I screamed his name while he permanently added me to the naughty list.” I realized I had been rambling and I finally collected my self to look at them. They were both looking at me like I had officially lost it. I cannot believe I just said that to them. I mean it was all true, but why did I have to say that to them. I already knew what they were thinking; that I had just got a one-way ticket to crazy town.  
            “That is a nice dream and all, but I think you are just horny and need to get laid. What man or men are running around in Versace Santa suits that aren’t weirdos or pedophiles?” Erika said as Jessy picked up her cup she dropped out of her hand while listening to my rambling.
            “Chris’s one friend is single he isn’t too bad on the eyes, and he is real. I think you are just lonely. Or is it that you are just looking for a Daddy?” Jessy added as I turned around to hide my embarrassment. I knew they wouldn’t believe me I don’t even know why I said anything. I must tell them what happened that night and let them judge me, but I must let out everything I have been thinking about.
            “Well, if this had happened what did this man look like? I can try to find a real-life man who looks like him for you if you want?” Erin asked walking around the desk to rest a hand on my shoulder. I pulled away from her to sit back in my big chair behind my desk.
            “Erin, it is fine just drop it. I know you think I am crazy. I must be over working myself. Sorry I said anything.” I ducked my head and started going through my papers once again.
            “Oh no we want to hear more about this supposed man, but I think the Santa suit was a wet dream of yours. Now tell us what he looks like and his name. Please.” Jesse was perched on the edge of my desk waiting for more details. I mean I could tell them about him even if they don’t believe me about the Santa part and at least it seemed that Jessy somewhat believed me.
            “Yeah, sorry the Santa part was a dream I had.” I added to quickly make them not think I was crazy, “There is still no point he doesn’t live in Chicago. His name was Steve, and he was tall and very broad chested. His eyes were an icy blue that I could have gotten lost in, and his steely gray hair looked so soft. He was a little curt and short as far as his attitude, but when I had meet him, he was under a lot of stress. I don’t think he handles stress well.” I felt a weight lift off my shoulder when I told them about him. “Something about him was drawing me in. I had wanted to go to him and rub his shoulder to relax him and calm him down… Do you know what I mean or understand anything I am saying?” I looked to them for reassurance.
            “It sounds like love at first sight like from some kind of fairy tale.” Erin looked at me like she felt sorry for me and that she was going to be sick. She didn’t believe in love or cute mushy relationships. She believed that everyone was out only for themselves and would step on anyone to get what they wanted.
            “This so sweet! Do you think he felt the same or would come back to see you at all?” Jessy was bouncing with joy.
            “I doubt it. That is why I am just trying to forget the whole thing. He is important where he if from, and he wouldn’t drop everything to come see some nobody like me.”
Meanwhile, outside Sam’s office
Steve POV
            I put my back to the wall outside her office door trying to take in everything I had just overheard. I felt dizzy and lightheaded. Did I just hear her right? She loved me too. What was all of that about wanting me to take her on her kitchen table? I was sweeting bullets unsure what to say or do now. I was nerves before, but now I was terrified. Also, she said all of that to her friends out loud. What are they going to think about me?  
            A man started to walk down the hall toward me and stopped once he got to me. “You can knock. I think she is just in there talking to the other chicks of the fire house gossiping.” Before I could tell him not to worry about it, he knocked on the door.
            “Ozzy. What is it?” I heard her sweet voice ask the man who had knocked on the door once she opened it.
            “This man he been standing out her waiting to talk to you.” He points to me and as she leaned out of the doorway to look in my direction I started to panic. The moment she turned and looked at me her face turned a bright shade of red and somehow this made her even cuter. Her two friends pushed out the door to look at me too. The man who knocked started walking past me but stopped and thanked me for the cookies that everyone had took from me downstairs.
            “Steve what are you doing here?” She asked pulling herself together as her friends kept looking me up and down. I started to panic. Does she know that I heard everything she said? Did she mean me when she was talking just now; I mean Steve is a common enough name. Before I could send myself into a full panic attack her one friend walked toward me and start circling me like I was her prey. Her cold hazel eyes bore into me and showed no emotion or kindness; that was until she looked back to Sam, and they light up slightly.
            “If this is him, he isn’t impressive. He reminds me of the pedophile I arrested a couple of months ago.”  She shifted the weight to one foot and crossed her arms to just stare at me.
            “Erin it is fine you’re going to scare him. I for one think he is as sexy and handsome,” as the other one walked toward me and was on her tippy toes looking at me. I don’t think she knows about the definition of personal space. I took a couple steps back to give me some space.  Her and I both dropped our jaws at what they were saying.
            “How about you two get back to work and I will see you guys tonight at the bar. I will talk to Steve alone.” She stepped in to save me for there staring. They both walked past me to leave, but the excited one she called Jessy grabbed by ass and gave her the thumbs up. What is with these people why are they picking on me when I am obviously terrified. “Would you like to come in my office to talk? You look like you are about to have a heart attack.”
            I walked into her office and the first thing I noticed was all off the books stacked everywhere. I heard the door close behind me and I turned to face her and once again I had stopped walking just inside the door and when I turned around, I had her pinned between me and the door again. She was so close to me. I could smell her perfume which was a sweet lavender; I noticed her breath hitched as I was staring at her, and she was starting to blush. It felt like time had stopped. I almost wondered what she would if I leaned downed and kissed her right now. I stood there staring at her until she lifted her hand and placed it on my chest and the touch startled me pulling me out of my daydream which caused me to jump back making myself stumble and trip over a stack of books she had on the floor.
            “Oh my God are you ok? I am so sorry I know my office is cluttered.” She rushed to me offering her hand, but she ended up tripping over my boot causing her to fall on top of me. On instinct once she landed on top of me, I wrapped my arms around her to keep her from fall off me. She felt so warm in my arms. She leaned up, looking at me. Her face turned a dark shade of red; that cute face was all I needed to lose control of my actions. I ran a hand up through her hair cupping the side of her face. I looked to her lips as I noticed she was looking at mine.
            Stop this what if this isn’t what she wants! Oh my god her lips look so soft, and I want them locked with mine! My mind was racing as I lifted my head bringing my lips closer to hers, but not all the way in case she didn’t want this. I felt like I waited there forever before she licked her lips and started leaning forward to meet me. Suddenly there was a sharp ringing sound and a siren going off.
            “Company 81. Ambulance 18. Truck 81. Squad 8. Victim trapped on balcony of high rise. Police on scene.” She jumped off me and ripped open her door to run out of it but stopped and turned to me. “You can wait for me to get back. This call shouldn’t take long.” She smiled at me before leaving and I am pretty sure my heart skipped a beat. Before I could answer she was gone leaving me in her office; alone.
            I looked around her office noticing it filled with picture of her life and stacks of books on every and any topic. I noticed that she still had Christmas twinkle lights hung up in her office as well. Her office smelled like her perfume mixed with her morning coffee that was still sitting on her desk half drank. The cup was still warm; meaning this was probably he second cup of the day at least.
            The longer I was in here alone I started pacing and my nerves were on end. Every sound made me jump thinking it was her coming back. How was I going to tell her how I felt; I didn’t even have the balls to kiss her when she was on top of me. Do I ask her to dinner and tell her then? Wait, she had plans tonight she told her friends she was meeting them at the bar later. Do I just tell her when she comes back calmy and rationally? Yes, I think that will work. I kicked another pile of her books over in my pacing. I was in the middle of picking up the pile when I heard the door open. I turned quickly and saw her smiling coming back in from her call.  It was now or never I had to rack up the courage and tell her.
            “I love you!” Did I just say the out loud. I slapped my hand over my mouth. I started sweeting and waving my hands in front of me. I must apologize for just yelling it at her. She was just staring at me unblinking and unmoving. I took a step toward her trying to think of any way to make this better, but she took a step back. “I am sorry. I didn’t want to just blurt out how I feel. I am just so nervous. I have never felt like this about anyone before.” I took another step toward her, but this time she didn’t step back this time. I lifted my arm towards her to see if she would let me get even closer to her.
            “Why does it matter you won’t stay here in Chicago. I have a life here.” Streams of tears were running down her face. I reached up and wiped them away cupping her cheek gently. What changed? She seemed like she was ok with us almost kissing earlier, but now she seems upset that I like her. I thought she would be happy about me returning the feeling she had toward me.
            “You wouldn’t have to give up your life here. People have long distance relationships all the time. If you want, we can try working something out.” She started crying harder, but she stepped forward grabbing a hold of the front of my shirt burying her face in it. I wrapped my one arm around her and the other I cradled the back of her head. I was unsure what to do. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
            She stopped crying and she stepped back and looked up at me. She tugged on my shirt pulling me down to meet her. Once I was closer to her level, she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me. The kiss was sweet yet passionate and full of the same fire I had burning in me for her. I pulled her into me deepening the kiss. I didn’t want it to end.  She pulled away from the kiss just parting from me slightly. Her breathing was heavy and kept her grip on my shirt like she was holding on to me for dear life.
            “I am sorry for how I reacted. I have never had a good tract record of men I have liked. I was panicking thinking of all my terrible ex’s then I remembered that they are not you. That you could be different than them.” Her eyes were a light with a hope for a future with me. I was so happy that she loved me too that now I didn’t know what to do now. I was expecting her to not return how I felt or even hate me for my rudeness the first time we meet.  “What do we do now?” She finally let got of my shirt stepping back to compose herself.
            “Honestly, I am not sure I was expecting you to not return my feelings that I didn’t think that far ahead when I was thinking this through.” I rubbed the back of my head feeling embarrassed for my actions.
            “Well, I must finish my shift and I do have a meeting coming up with some top brass of the department. If you would like to you can go back to my place and wait for me to get off and we can discuss what is next for us over a drink and dinner tonight?” She started fishing through her desk drawers and pulled out what looked like a spare key to her house.
            “That sounds like a good place to start to me.” I pulled her back to me by her belt and kissed her again. The taste of her lips on mine was intoxicating and I was never going to get used to it. The sweetness of her taste and the softness of her lips; I still am not convinced that this is real. This amazing woman for the moment is mine and I am still not sure how I got her.
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thewatchau · 2 years
Fae Hunt Chapter 3
Jumping to the 16th, and Jon Quillian belongs to @marginmaster87
Bard's Note: Eternal Thanks to @theshapeshifter100 for getting this all written up!
Jon Quillian wandered through the halls of Fort Stiofán looking for Ivy, chewing on a piece of bread he brought. It took him a little while, but after he didn’t find her inside the main fort, he eventually wandered out in the direction of the forge.
Ivy was indeed still in there, and at her current rate she might need one more day on the spear. The socket was taking shape and it wouldn’t be long before she could fit it to the shaft of wood. The actual spear head needed more work though, to shape and sharpen it.
Jon leaned in through the doorway, blocking off the light, and squinting until he was certain it was Ivy.
“Look’s nice, what’cha makin’?”
Ivy looked over at the door, not immediately recognising the voice. “A spear, why…?” she squinted at the person in the doorway, before remembering the voice, and face. “Jon Quillian? Why are you here?!”
“Didn’t you get my letter? I’m coming with you.”
“Yes, and I sent a reply telling you no,” Ivy stubbornly went back to her work, trying to make it clear that she didn’t want to continue this conversation. Whether it would work was another matter.
“And then I sent a reply telling you yes,” he walked into the forge and looked over her shoulder.
“I didn’t get it,” Ivy moved so he wasn’t over her shoulder. “I’ve been here all day today and yesterday,” she added through gritted teeth.
“Well, then I’ll reiterate: I’m going. I’ll try not to go alone, but I doubt I’ll find anyone else willing to go with me. You have absolutely no obligation to worry about my safety, though, so don’t worry about it!”
“I will be worrying about it anyway,” it was just another addition to the stress and nerves building in her belly. “Since I can’t seem to convince you to leave it, fine. You can stick around. Only if you get approval from everyone else who’s coming.”
“And also-” Jon stopped, confused. “Wait, you’re agreeing? Just like that?”
“You’re not giving me much of a choice, and I’m not in the mood for a fight,” Ivy slammed the hammer down a bit harder than she meant to. “If everyone else agrees, then fine. I’m not happy about it, but fine.”
“Alright,” Jon was a little cowed by her tone. “Where can I find the others? Are they meeting here?”
“Morgana is either in her room or the Archives. Green isn’t here yet.”
“Oh, okay,” he wasn’t sure who those people were, but he made a note of their names. “Do you… want some help with that spear?”
“I’m fine. It should be done by tomorrow,” Ivy used the tongs to pick up her spear head so she could get a better look at the forming shape of the socket. “There’s more metal lying around and a free anvil if you want to make something.”
“Oh, sure. Hey, is Gus going to come? He acted like he might, but you didn’t mention him just now.”
Ivy froze. She had just been thinking that she was glad he hadn’t mentioned Gus.
“Gus isn’t coming.”
“Why not? Is he busy?”
“He’s injured,” it wasn’t a lie, just, leaving out the ‘how’.
“What?” Jon looked over. “He wasn’t when we met, what happened?”
“He broke his hand, I think.”
“Oh man, that sucks… maybe I’ll send him a card or something, do you know where he is?”
“He should be back at the Hold. I haven’t talked to him in a while,” not since they fought and… his hand broke.
“Alright. I’ll do that, then,” Jon picked out some metals from the store.
Ivy nodded and picked up her half made spear. The socket was pretty much done now, just the head to finish. She looked over at Jon, who had got some metal and gotten to work. While she was still annoyed at him, she was also curious.
“What are you going to make?” she asked.
“A short sword. I don’t have one. I have a dagger and a good knife, but I feel like I’ll need something larger,” he held up the metal he’d picked out. “Fae are weak to iron, right?”
“That’s a myth. Annoyingly,” Ivy began to heat her metal again, then hammer it flat, gripping the socket with the tongs. “You do know how long it’ll take to make a sword, right?” in her experience, they could take weeks if you didn’t use a mould.
“Of course. I’ve made one before, for a Guard guy who broke his,” he sandwiched his metal and set the alloy in the forge.
“Alright. I don’t know if we’ll have the time. Just, have to wait until Green gets here,” Ivy heated up the metal again, trying to ignore butterflies in her stomach about the upcoming quest. “That’s one of the reasons I went for a spear. It’s quick.”
“That’s true, but I don’t know much about polearms. At least I’ve worked with swords before.”
“I’m not doing anything fancy, like a halberd. It’s just a basic spearhead. All I care about is it not falling apart.”
Jon chuckled. “Yeah, that’s definitely an important spear quality.”
“I’ll be enchanting it anyway, so it should hold up,” Ivy wiped some sweat off her forehead. It felt about as hot as Tandeli’s Calorona Desert in here. “How’s Beck?” she enquired after Jon’s other sister.
“She’s dead set on finishing the harvest, but she understands why I’m leaving. She’d probably come too if it weren’t for the crops.”
Ivy was suddenly glad that she wasn’t dealing with both of them. She suspected Beck would be worse than Jon on his own, let alone together.
“Well, you have to eat and make money, so… yeah,” she commented.
“We get a bit from the government for our research, but the crops definitely help. We’re growing pumpkins and beans this year.”
“For carving?” Hallow’s Eve was only two and a half months away after all.
“For carving,” Jon agreed, “but mostly for food. We’ll roast the seeds of the small ones.”
“Sounds good. What can you make with pumpkin anyway?”
“Pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, pumpkin biscuits…” Jon listed off. “Mostly pastries, but the rest of the town has the staples covered. We’ll trade for what we need over the winter.”
“I will have to come around in winter then,” Ivy noted, provided they didn’t die. Yes, she was definitely still worried about that.
“Provided we find her by then,” Jon had different but similar thoughts. “This could take months.”
“We’ve got a plan. We know roughly where we’re going and have an idea how to get there. We’ve been planning this for months.”
“Yeah, but still… the forest is so big, and she might be in an even bigger Fae world…”
“Green has met friendly Fae before, that’s who we’re banking on. And where Jen is, we think we know. Finding her in there and getting her out will probably be the hardest part.”
It was the only part they couldn’t really prepare for. None of them had any idea what they might find.
“Yeah…” Jon stared into the fire as he heated his metal.
Ivy meanwhile hit her spearhead harder than she meant to. “We can do this,” she was mostly talking herself up. “That’s why I’m making this. I’m going to enchant this spear to disperse magic, so that should have some impact against the Fae who took her.”
“Can you enchant my sword too? I can’t… you know,” he wiggled his fingers.
“If you finish in time, then I will try to enchant it.”
“Alright, thanks,” he went back to staring at the heating metal, but his back was a little straighter. “We’re going to do this.”
“Yes. We are.”
This did not settle Ivy’s nerves much, but no one else needed to know that.
If you've forgotten what happened to Gus, he and Ivy got into a fight, he punched her in the face, her magic activated, which caused him to break his hand. As detailed here
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