#why couldn't they continue on with the song even when the demons show up?
of-pale · 4 months
You let me know, everything's alright
The twins were stuck between a rock and a hard place, battered like fish n’ chips. They struggled to stand, recuperating in a brief moment of peace in the bloodstained field. Not a true peace, as the tension for another inevitable battle charged the air.
“Hey, bro.”
“Remember that cheesy song Dad used to sing to Mom? The one with all the funny chanting bits?”
“I can't stop this feeling~”
“Deep inside of me~”
“Is this.. really the best time?”
“Girl, you just don't realise, what you do to me~”
“Aw, come on, Verge. You know the words. Just entertain me for a second, it’s not like we’ve got an audience right now.”
“I don’t…”
Vergil hesitated for a moment. This was beyond foolish; why bring up some pointless song at a time like this? They should be planning for the next attack, they should be looking over their injuries, they should be—Damn it all. 
“When you hold me…” Vergil struggled to sing the line as his lungs didn't feel up to the task, but Dante waved in encouragement to keep going. “...in your arms so tight.”
With a wince, Dante threw an arm over Vergil's shoulder and cheekily pulled him closer. Vergil didn't want to waste energy fighting it, but if he was honest with himself, he didn't want to fight it. It was… “You let me know, everything’s alright~” Vergil finished the verse.
Dante grinned at him, satisfied to have lifted their spirits, continuing, “And I’m~” He finger-gunned towards Vergil with his free hand, making him scoff. Still, Vergil played along, finishing the line.
“Hooked on a feeling~”
Dante turned his finger gun towards the horizon where more demons had gathered and were clearly heading their way. 
“I'm high on believing~” the twins sang together, standing up straight in preparation for the inbound battle.
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cemeteryspider · 6 months
Alastor x Singer! Reader
Summary: Why the Radio Demon left and what happened to his lovely girlfriend
Trigger Warnings: Violence, gore, blood, injury, manipulation, emotional distress
Word Count: 1350
The day you appeared in Hell, literally nothing changed. Everyone was still dealing in souls, threatening others, and everything worked as it had.
However, your life had turned upside down, quite literally. Minding your business, walking to work, you were killed in a robbery gone wrong. Then an instant later you were in Hell, your soul judged without mercy.
You scratched your neck where you remembered the knife sliding across, and took in your surroundings from your seat on the concrete pavement.
Everything was red and the people walking around barely resemble people anymore. Some were openly fighting, drawing weapons in the street. Others were, less than discreetly, doing drug deals. Some even had their teeth bared, and were ripping flesh off of decaying corpses.
Inhaling deeply, you continued your stride through the crimson streets of Hell, mirroring the casual walk you'd taken on Earth just moments before.
As you passed by a store, your reflection in the glass revealed the haunting beauty of Hell's transformation — the scar on your neck, the flapper-esque dress, and the crimson-hooved heels, each detail etched in infernal elegance. A huge coat with a fluffy fur collar and wrist cuffs. In your hair a single red feather.
It was a departure from your usual stage outfit but somehow it felt right in every single way possible.
With large eyes and a massive fur coat, you resembled a doe, the details carefully chosen to accentuate this striking similarity in the infernal surroundings.
With each step through the demonic streets, you couldn't shake the innate grace and vulnerability that now adorned you — reminiscent of a doe navigating the perilous woods.
As the crimson night descended, you graced the stage of an infernal club, your voice weaving sweet melodies and your body moving to the haunting rhythm, a living echo of your former life.
This went on for quite some time until your manager said they had someone you would want to meet. They wrung their wrists leaving you in an empty room.
In an instant a shadow turned into a smiling man with a microphone as a cane.
As his clawed fingers extended to meet yours, he greeted, "Hello, Miss, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I've been a fan of your performances for quite some time."
His voice sounded like it was straight out of the radio you used to listen to as a kid with your mother. You stood from your seat and met his hand with your pristine gloved ones.
This marked the inception of a perfect union, and the palpable electricity between you and Alastor sparked a connection that transcended the realms of Hell and Earth.
Later that week you quit your job at the club and began singing on his radio show. Sometimes a couple songs a day and others you would sing for hours into the microphone, and Alastor, as you would come to know him, kept you busy. Meetings and lunches were a daily occurance. Running around the Pride Ring with him might just have been the highlight of your afterlife.
Soon the talk of the town was Alastor and his new "girlfriend". The Overlord who took Hell by storm was now bringing a new face into his empire, despite many listeners not knowing what they looked like.
"Lucifer, Rosie, I can't believe you would bring that up"
"What dear, it was just lovely when we heard your voice for the first time"
"Yeah and I cried after because I was so afraid everyone hated the performance"
"Everyone loved you dear not to mention the encore! Cannibal Town has never heard cheers so loud"
Alastor stormed into the Emporium where you and Rosie were enjoying cups of tea.
"Hello Rosie, Dearie, may I sit"
You gestured to the open seat next to you and he sat down, smile never faltering.
"What's wrong darling" You tentatively put your hand over his clawed one.
"Vox asked me to take part in his atrocious video service to aid him in acquiring new viewers" His smile darkened as he said this. "He wanted to use us for his monetary gain"
"We just won't do it then darling, it has always been us against the world, has it not", Your eyelashes batted against your cheeks and a calming hum emanated from your throat.
Finally, his fingers intertwined with yours, a subtle relaxation spreading across his stern features as a small, genuine smile tugged at the corners of his lips
"We were just about to talk about Susan and her latest stunt" Rosie said, attempting to lighten the mood, and successfully Alastor's mind was off of Vox.
Still time passed and Vox could not seem to let the rejection go.
"So Sugar how's about a deal" Vox caught up to you after leaving Cannibal Town with the Venison that Alastor asked you to grab for dinner that night.
"Vox, neither him nor I will be taking a deal from you, and I would appreciate it if you stopped asking" Your pace quickened but he sped up to match you.
"But Doll think of the good things we could do together" The TV stood in front of you and grabbed your shoulders to keep you in place.
"I would suggest removing your hands before I remove them myself" Alastor appeared behind me, and Vox immediately let go and started his defense.
You just kept walking as the two started to argue in the streets.
Alastor paced the studio in the minutes after the broadcast ended. Finally you had enough of it.
"Alastor, what is the matter"
The deer in the headlights look would have made you chuckle in any other scenario. He stopped pacing and looked into your eyes.
"Vox has had the thought that he only needs one of us to make a success story for him"
Your brows scrunched and reached out to him.
"Darling we always have been a package deal"
"Yes, Dearie, but it seems that Vox will turn to violence in his child-like way of solving problems"
You embraced Alastor and inhaled his scent. A metallic musky scent that you have related to him the moment you were in a room alone together.
"I promise we will find a way to win, Darling"
"We shall, mon cherie"
Things got worse and worse from there. The two competitors just kept fighting and ruining the other's broadcasts. With the tension rising, something had to break.
A fight that left everyone with bruises and cuts, was finally over with Vox towering above you. The Vees stood victorious surrounding you and Alastor.
Vox made a deal with you, after the gruesome fight between the TV Demon and Alastor. For just two small things he would let the Radio Demon live and walk away. Just that Alastor had to leave town and that you stayed with Vox and became something of a co-host.
This was the deal. Everything you worked for had led to this moment. Alastor was on the ground bleeding heavily with Vox's new friends towering over him ready to end him with specially made angelic weapons.
As Valentino's blade pierced through Alastor's side, the Radio Demon didn't even flinch, his gaze fixed on you, the anchor in his tumultuous world. He tried to crawl closer to your spot on the ground. Vox's sinister smile loomed over you, and as you exhaled the breath you'd been holding, the realization settled in — he had won. Vox had you both right where he wanted you.
"Yes, Vox, just release him" A cold, blue flame materialized, casting an eerie glow on the contract before you. Your hands trembled as you reluctantly etched your signature at the bottom, sealing a fate you never anticipated. With the curly writing set in stone, your soul belonged to the Vees.
"Perfect, quite a lovely signature beautiful, I can't wait to see your pretty face light up all the screens in this city" Alastor tried to reach for you just as Vox zapped you into V-Tower.
"Wait just let me say good-bye"
Vox just chuckled.
"Sorry Babe, not in the contract"
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Under Spell, Right From The Start
Synopsis: He insists you're nothing special... but if that's the case, why do you cross his mind so often?
Pairing: Lucifer, Mammon, Satan, Belphegor × MC (separate)
CW: Gender Neutral MC, You/Yours, Fluff, Crushes, Spoilers for lesson 16 (OG) in Belphie's part, A smidge of angst in Belphie and a drop of it in Satan's too bc I couldn't resist
A/N: HEY HI!! So this is my first post, for this fandom specifically, and I'm still trying to grasp my writing style, so I apologise if it's a bit everywhere and not the best. However, if you do enjoy this trainwreck that I call writing, feel free to leave me a request. I'd really love to see some :]]] Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY ♡
How could this be? The Avatar of Pride falling for a mere human? Impossible. He would never.
...Is what he said initially.
Over time, he found himself craving your presence
There was something about you that had him absolutely enthralled
Maybe it was the way you convinced him to take breaks
Or maybe it was the comfortable silence you settled in
You were doing your own things, but... doing them together? Even better.
Perhaps it was the way you learned to manage his brothers
That's a lie. He never gets a break.
Now, you could manage his brothers
That doesn't mean you were always going to do it
He insists you're giving him grey hairs
But he enjoys having you around
And he cared for you, more than he wanted to admit to himself.
You're part of the family, after all :)
Pf- please. He's modelled for the biggest brands and has been on the covers of magazines.
He's got a line of demons waiting for him, and you think he'd get hung up on you? Yeah, right.
And he's definitely not trying to grab your attention when you join him for his photoshoots
And he'd never get pouty when you can't hang out with him because you've already made plans
Why should he care?
Oh, but he'd give anything for your attention
MC, he quite literally will run across the Devildom for you if you call
He's your first!
If he isn't by your side, and you aren't by his, then what's he gonna do??
He's greedy. That's what he is.
He's the Avatar of Greed, and you're his most valuable treasure.
He has his books, he has his knowledge, and he's very content with it all
The last thing he needs is anyone disturbing that peace for him.
But... you.
He strangely likes his peace even more when you're there?
You could both be doing your own things in mutual silence or you could be talking about a new book the two of you are reading (that is if you like reading)
You make him feel even more at peace than if he was on his own
Then it hits him, he doesn't enjoy your presence, he enjoys you.
He's thinking about you when he's reading a new novel
Imagining you both as the protagonists because he's shaking the thought out of his head
Because you wouldn't want that, would you?
He's taking his time doing more and more little things for you
Annotating books
Letting you borrow books from him
Recommending books to you
It's all worth it to see that smile on your face
He just didn't realise it then
He hates humans and you're no exception.
He just needs to get out of this stupid attic
Then he'll show them all
He's said it before and will continue to say it: this exchange program is a bad idea
... Because he's met you.
You're ruining this for him, I mean why do you have to be so beautiful?
Why do you have to be so nice?
Why are you so eager to help him?
You don't know how he's...
It. Doesn't. Matter.
You're human.
That's not gonna change.
Even after the murder, he finds his thoughts recircling
You- you're forgiving him? After everything? How??
More importantly, why does his heart swell with hope?
Hope that things can work out between you two
It's a crazy dream of his, that's for sure
Speaking of dreams, you're frequenting them more and more
He thought that it would be the opposite but boy was he wrong
His dreams are simultaneously becoming his worst nightmares because as sweet as they are while he's asleep...
Nothing quite dispels that feeling of disappointment when he wakes up again and you're not there.
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mimilogoff · 1 year
you're my music
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song: the night we meet
warnings: angst to fluff?, violence, death(not Danny nor you)
"I want to show you something," Danny said as he guided me to his room and locked it. "okay.....what is it?" I said squinting my eyes at Danny, grabbing my hand he dragged me fast in front of his work table, and then I saw the demonic-looking book. "Danny.... what's this, where did you get it from?" I asked with concern, I had a little hobby in the field of witchcraft and I already knew that whatever this was, wasn't good." That's why I called you to come over! I told you there was an earthquake!" he said while looking at you with that look that I knew too well, he wanted to do something with that book, something you wouldn't like not one bit. "Danny, how did you find it?" you asked with concern visible on your face. "when I was in the garage with those annoying rats, the earthquake came, and after it, I saw that there was a hole and went to check. You should have seen what was inside, it was like an ancient bank, but anyway, after I got inside I went a little bit ahead and saw a dark room with many crosses and coins hanging from the roof-" I stopped Danny from his paragraph with grabbing the book and putting it inside the cover it came with. "were going to place it back where you found it from" I said with my hands visibly trembling, this was a demon book, something none should ever touch. "but mom won't let me out tonight" Danny looked at me with that piercing look of his, oh how I wish I could kiss those lips...get yourself together! you mentally slapped yourself then sighed in frustration. "tomorrow first thing in the morning you're returning that book!" I told him with a stern voice. "but I could sell it for a good price!" Danny compromised with me. "no, Danny! this is very dangerous!" Danny looked at me with sadness in his eyes then he snapped "You don't know anything! The money I would sell this for would be a blast for Mom! you would never understand!" I let him finish and without a word, I went out, he did not even bother to follow me or say sorry, no, not a word. I hope he at least will follow what I told him. As I was walking home to my cold and dark appartament I had one of the worst feelings, should have I not left? ... ... ... Its his choice! I warned him! I continued to ramble to myself till I arrived at my appartament. Going to the bathroom i looked myself in the mirror, what is he doing right now, is he thinking about me how I'm thinking about him? nah, no way, he surely doesn't even care about me, literally forgot about me, I tell myself as I walk into the shower, while washing my face i couldn't stop thinking about Dann, is he good? is he sleeping? my mind couldn't stop thinking about it, about him, what is he doing? is he thinking about me like im thinking about him? at least 10 precent? no way could he ever... i keept telling myself the same thing till i somehow found myself in the kitchen making some tea. 3AM read on my phone, oh dear lord how did time pass that fast? i continued as i was making my way to the bed ploping in it and dozing off in an instant.
I shot my eyes open searching for my phone and looking at the contact...Danny? at 5AM? I answered, ready to scold him for calling me so early in the morning but I got interrupted by rapid breathing and hearing him scream at the phone for me to open the gates to the building I lived in, as I was rushing to press the button to it I heard him scream about his mom going crazy and all his family going crazy then I heard him running up the stairs to the 4th floor where I was so I opened the door and ran downstairs towards him when I saw him all bloody with his left arm covered in blood and visibly stab wound i=I helped him upstairs to my apartment and when I got him inside I locked the door as he kept shouting too, and started to undress him from the top to see the wound, not calling the ambulance as he said that he doesn't want to. "what happened?!" I asked him while searching in the kitchen for a pair of scissors without letting him answer I went into the bathroom to find the med kit then ran back to the kitchen almost slipping and starting to rapidly and messily throw everything on the table to find the disinfectant "tell me what happened?" I asked the second time a little bit calmer so as to not alarm him even more "Bite my shoulder if it hurts too much you'll tell me later what happened." I said as I started pouring the disinfectant on his wound making him scream and bite my shoulder making me wince in pain but I continued pouring, after making sure I got it clean I bandaged it as good as I could, his shoulder, arm, then locked it with a piece that went around his other shoulder. I sigh as I sit on the chair next to his handing him a glass of water. "now, tell me what happened." I asked as my hand went to his tight comforting." I.....I...I opened that damn book...and- and-" he began then got interrupted by his own sobs, I already knew what happened." did someone remain alive?" I asked as I looked at him sobbing not wanting yet to hug him, I had to know the truth. "yes Kassie and Beth, but They remained inside To kill it, I... I couldn't help and I just ran, it's all my fault-" he continued to sob then I hugged him. "Let's go to bed so you can lay and rest, you had a long night," I told him as I got up and helped him get up then he looked at me panicked "What's wrong?" I asked him then he shock his head and kept on saying that he didn't deserve to go to sleep and wake up, I then only realized how bad he actually felt "Oh Danny... come to bed, you deserve it, you're alive for a reason, stay alive for me, please." I beg as I look at him with pure love. He nods and grabs my hand as he lets himself dragged to my bedroom. When I let him sit after helping him to get his pants down and wash himself in the bathroom next to my bedroom I help him get the pajama pants he left over other times he came. I help him lay in my bed and as I go to the other side to go under the blankets too he grabs me with his right arm "Can you cuddle me...please?" he never asked me for physical touch, not saying a word I gently take him in my arms and make sure he's comfortable, with his head on my chest.
Before falling asleep he muttered something, something that will allways remain with me
"I love you.....please never leave me"
I kiss his forehead and whisper I love you, even tho he will never know how truly I love him, for how long I loved you, you will never leave me, you have nowhere to go, you have no one. I say to myself as I watch him sleep, oh how id do anything for you, my love.....
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if you liked it show me by rebloging or liking my post, it really helps! Requests allways open! I write anything.
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instarsandcrime · 2 months
Over the Radiowaves (2/2)
@ripelytoo So imagine me kicking down the door, completely out of breath with my hair partially on fire because hoo boy that took so long and thank you so much for your patience! Writing Vox and Alastor + life stuff got in the way of everything but I finished within the deadline baby! I hope the wait was worth it! We got silly, hurt/comfort, a smidge of emotions and feels, fluff, etc. Plus questionable, slightly less one-sided Radiostatic?
This is a sequel to @rosieknows's own request Under the Weather, so go check out part 1 if you're interested in starting from the beginning!
Quick cw: there is a small bit of mess at the end, though it's not very detailed. But I wanted to give a heads up at the end!
I'm gonna go lie down...in the meantime, thank you for the request and enjoy the fic! 🩷
Vox would not call himself a reckless man.
He prided himself on his maturity, his restraint, and a dash of opulence for good measure. All in all, he was the definition of the highest perfection in technology, a one-man revolutionary that never seemed satisfied.
But fuck did he need a vacation.
And that was just the case, glaring at the very screen that not too long ago sang a song that continued to haunt his processors. And the worst part was that he didn’t know why. He couldn’t quite place it, but it bothered him beyond belief.
“Ht’chhzzzt!” Speaking of which. It's not that his vents were irritated by Alastor's flu. It was just some bug– a minor glitch in the system. He was, without a doubt, above such an outdated virus! Clearly the rattling of his exoskeleton was from the malfunctioning air conditioning because holy Here it was fucking freezing. Clearly the excess electricity that rose his core temperature was from a long night’s work. And clearly the tingle that came with it, the static shock that ran from his processors through his wiring…down to his sk-skull…building with electric sparks until– 
“Het’chhzzzzt! ET’CHHZZZZT! HET’KSHHHZZZT!” The sound of shattering rained down like knives, luxurious chandelier lamps burst and broken by uncontrolled power. “Eh…heh! HEKT’SCHHZZZT! Guhhh…”
Vox pursed his lips, flicking a shard of glass from his shoulder. Well, maybe he should pay the walking germ fest a visit anyway. Just to rub his good health in that smug prick face. He nodded curtly, ignoring the overwhelming dizziness and cooling fans that sputtered like an old, rusty engine. It was clearly a warning for his overheating mind. But he couldn't not be all there, could he? Because he was fine! Taking a deep breath-- or one that didn't result in a debilitating coughing fit-- he focused on where he wanted to go. Flipping through channels and pathways, he had planned on not looking too desperate.
Which he wasn't, of course.
Maybe in front of the hotel. A few blocks away, even. He could see it now: he'd stroll up to those stupid, gaudy double doors and invite himself in. Make a grand show of the lack of security. Brag about how weak and defenseless The Radio Demon was, and how Vox was clearly superior because machines don't...hheh...cahhh-catch the–
It was around midnight when Alastor returned from his little excursion. Not to say his meeting with Zestiel was difficult, but it was...interrogative. The seven year absence can only boast mystery and intrigue when it remains an intriguing mystery. But now he felt quite silly for stringing one of his oldest friends along-- a little sympathetic, even. After all, the demon faced down on the hotel floor gave him a confusion and frustration that he didn't know was in him.
“Vox?” Alastor craned over the poor soul. Only for him to spring to life, finding balance with a hand to the wall.
“So we meet again, Alastor!” Vox laughed.
“What is happening.” His rival replied flatly.
“Isn't it obvious?”
“Is what obvious.”
“That I won! I beat you! You got sick and I didn't!”
A pause. Alastor looked at the state of the intruder. Then to the radio on his bookshelf, still flickering a striking electric blue. Then crossed the carpet with a sudden smirk on his face.
“I see! Then please, by all means, recount your glorious victory over the poor, defenseless Radio Demon!” He cried, holding a hand to his chest. “I deserve to hear it. All of it.”
“Well look who finally decided to give up and throw in the towel! And after I saved you from freezing face down in the snow!” His rival smirked drunkenly, tugging on his lapels– as well as himself, nearly stumbling into the corner of an armchair.
“A tantalizing sight, my life right in your claws for the taking.” Alastor recalled, catching Vox under the arms by the heel of his cane to push him upright.
“And– and I was the guy who carried you to the tower’s main office without being seen.” He slurred, pointing slightly left of himself. “You better be fuckin’ grateful, by the way. You almost blew my cover! Twice! Seriously, it's like your stupid flu was as disgustingly dramatic as y-yuhh-youhhh...are…! Hup’TSHHHZZT! HUTSCHHZZZZT!” 
A battered desk lamp flared in a firework of light before settling back again. The overhead bulbs momentarily shook with a sudden burst of energy. And in the middle of the flickering, flashing mess stood the Tech Overlord, sniffling miserably into a sleeve.
“Truly you are a paragon of grace and wit.” Alastor assured as he strolled towards the bathroom. Leaving Vox to follow him in his delirious, rambling rage.
“And then! And– Hep’shhhzzt! Sdnff!” His body jerked forward, screen glitching wildly just for a moment before resuming the one-man battle that he was definitely winning. "And then I treated you pretty good I think!"
"Whatever! I– ihh- It’schhhzzzt! Ughh. Th’ point is that I took care of you! Monitored your temperature, gave you blankets, made you tea. And then you just LEFT! How's that for morality--" Alastor hummed nonchalantly, passing him a downy comforter. "--oh, thanks. I mean come on! I already had like ten different projects I'm working on so the least you could do is..."
The Radio Demon stood, waiting expectantly while his potential patient trailed off. Vox stared down at the gathered blanket in his arms, hoarse voice lowering. "...you're taking care of me."
"Ah, I see your wires have finally uncrossed! Truly a headline for the ages, don't you think?"
"You're taking care of me?"
"Would you rather I show you the door? Because--"
"No!" Vox blurted. Then remembering himself, cleared his throat with a thick sniffle. "No, no, uh. It's. It’s juhhst- huh! HUT’SCHHZZZT! Ughh..." Already overworked vents shuddered with the effort, and his entire frame followed suit as it struggled to adjust. "I just-- I haven't seen you in a while. The, uh, other you."
The silence was heavy, and it smelt of dust and mold stuffed deep in the back of a closet full of unwanted things. Alastor paused. He inhaled. Then exhaled. "Let's make a deal."
At that Vox opened his mouth, stopped by a hand. "Verbally. And one I'm sure we would both prefer."
"...Okay." He exhaled wearily, wobbling to sit by the fireplace. "Lay it on me."
Alastor replied with another contented hum, sitting opposite, Cheshire grin still plastered on his face. "You’ve had the chance to kill me before, but decided instead to spare my fate. As you mentioned quite loudly." Vox’s flushed face spread to the corners of his screen, sinking into the blanket. “And judging by a severe exhaustion not dissimilar to mine, I’m sure that returning to your tower would be a near-Herculean task. So, for your repayment, I will assist you for tonight and tonight only. No strings attached, no loose ends untied. Do you understand?"
The Vee swallowed harshly, stuffing down his pride as far as it could go. “Fine. It’s a deal. You win.”
"Excellent! Now, then." In a snap a flurry of inky creatures circled the two, hammer and nail at the ready. “I believe it’s time to claim my prize. Shall we begin, old pal?"
Alastor expected whinging and moaning. Maybe a little bit of desperation. But instead Vox was eerily silent. Sensors glazed over lying propped up on the headboard of his newly built bed, watching. Waiting. Mind completely and utterly glassed over with fog. Not even a half-witted jab at the old-fashioned mercury thermometer that slipped from between his fangs. Sighing heavily, Alastor poured a spoonful of medicine from a bottle, humming softly to himself as he tipped the rim into his patient’s mouth. And ever so slightly some color seeped into sepia tone. Alastor was sure the second of cognisance was the foul-tasting syrup until a few weak notes echoed back– breaking into occasional coughing fits that rattled the poor man's chest. 
“You can't seem to stay quiet, can you?” The Radio Demon snapped, though it had no bite. Closing his eyes, the soft broadcast of a song began to whisper. 
“Does this satisfy?” Vox nodded slowly. Alastor swallowed a nauseating pang of relief. 
It wasn’t long after that his caretaker was jolted awake, eyes pried open by screeching static and shouting voices. Pushing himself to his hooved feet, each delicate step across the room grew heavier and heavier as the deer demon approached. Through mucky speakers it sounded as if this fever dream was submerged in muck and grime. But between the two of them, the tangled mess of a memory from seven years ago might as well be clear as a spring. The reflection in the water stared back at him, and Alastor couldn’t help but watch. It was like a bad telanovela, and yet he could read every page of the script by heart.
“Listen asshole! You don't get to tell me what to do with my company and how I run it! I make the rules, not you.” The bitter voice crackled painfully behind the monitor.
“I assure you that my ‘rules’ are sound. These flashy entertainment devices and security systems you flaunt are completely and utterly worthless in the face of the exterminations, and yet you claim they bear the freedom and safety to back it up. It’s foolish and irresponsible to half-ass a game if you hold all the pieces.” Alastor muttered, mimicking his younger self that responded in kind. He squeezed a fistful of comforter until it ripped. 
“Fuck no! VoxTech was made so sinners can feel safe. Seriously, what is your damage? You hide the fine print just like us, so why the Hell are you throwing a bitch fit about a few white lies?”
“Sinners need an honorable deal, not a gaggle of snake oil salesmen. The Vees are built on false hope, I have the power to actually fulfill my promises.  And that, my dear, is the difference.”
“They want an out, I’m giving them an out!”
 Alastor shot upright to face the bastard, every twisted feature hemmed by an eerie artificial glow. “If you cannot understand why I despise your nonsense business practices made of flowery language and empty promises, then I r̵̨̞͑͠e̸͉͚͛f̸͈̅ù̵̹s̶͈̅ë̵͇͉́̎ to join your useless little team you absolute–!”
“--Listen asshole! You don’t get to–”
And all too suddenly, Alastor snapped back to the present. The angry burn on his cheeks faded as the same memory played again. And again. Skipping on repeat over and over and over like a useless, broken record. 
He stumbled, collapsing back on the edge of the bed. Calm yourself, it's just a nightmare. He'll break out of it eventually. But time passed again. And again. The horrid sting could not reduce itself to a dull itch, finally breaking its pattern when a pathetic whimper passed Vox's lips and– alright, that's enough. 
Waking a person from a nightmare was dangerous, doubly so if said subject was a demon– triply so for an Overlord. And although The Radio Demon held far more power and control over his rival, the Vee still had countless amounts of voltage coursing through his veins. Hauling himself to his feet, shaking his previous nerves loose before plucking a snuff box from a high shelf.
Well, he decided, better a sneeze than the electric chair.
Sitting again by Vox’s bedside, Alastor held the powder under the vents that dotted the sides of his patient’s face, watching them shallowly suck in air– taking a small portion with it.
“Hhh..!” The reaction was immediate. The sound of sniffling and hitching replaced the cacophony of his dream, and he twisted with discomfort. Stuck in a torturous loop, unable to sneeze out the irritant. Alastor huffed in annoyance, rolling his eyes.
“Always with the dramatics.” He chided.
“Snffff snff! Ugh! And whose f-fuh-fault is…is thahhhHHH–! Hhhhghh…th-that!” Vox warbled out, airy voice pitching higher and higher. Finally deciding to end his misery, Alastor traced the tip of his claw around his vents with a feather-light touch. Quickly distancing himself, as a final shuddering gasp was his one and only warning before–
“Het’tshhzzzt! H’tshzzzt! ‘Zzzt! Zzt! hhhhHHHH–! …Hekt’SHZZZZHOO!” 
A pop, and a firework of electricity branched from his core, erupting from his suit and branching out– which Alastor casually stepped to the side to avoid. “Gesundheit.” 
Unfortunately, the blessing was premature. “HUT’TSHZZZOOO! HUP’TSHZZZZZT’hoo…huh-hehhHHHTSHZZZOO!” The ground rumbled with scorch marks from the lightning storm. Somewhere in the hallway, the shattering of a bulb made Alastor’s ears press to his head.
“Do you want to wake the entire hotel?!” He hissed through clenched teeth.
“I cad't hhhheh! helb ihhdt! IT’SCHZZZZTHOO! Heh! Hhh! …hghh…” The chaos began to settle, leaving the cyborg gasping for air as Alastor slapped his hands against his vents. Cringing as a thick fluid brushed his ungloved palms.
“S’rry.” Vox mumbled sheepishly.
“You're ill.” Alastor spat regardless, pulling back in disgust, “If you're going to annoy me, don't take credit for things you didn't do.”
“...Okay?” The sickly demon blinked blearily. He tried to sit up, stopped by the head of a cane to his chest.
“Ah-ah, don’t get up. I'll be back in just a moment.” The other sneered, plucking a tissue from the nearby nightstand and, wordlessly, exited. Ignoring the harsh, obnoxious blow that followed.
It took minutes for Alastor to wash the unidentified liquid from his hands and handle. It took an eternity for Vox to fall back asleep. Maybe he did regret that argument from seven years ago. Maybe not. Either way, he scowled and turned his back to The Radio Demon.
Because just for tonight, Alastor had won. Again. He had been cared for, doted over, and treated with the utmost respect. For the first time in a long time, he had a taste of happiness from an old friend.
And honestly? It was awful.
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avatar-anna · 1 year
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pausing our regularly scheduled program with a luke hemmings blurb bc i love him and his solo music and i'm sad i couldn't go to any of his shows 😔 i'll get back to harry soon, but i'll take inspo wherever i can rn. enjoy!
"The next one we're gonna play for you is one of the most vulnerable songs I've ever written," Luke said, mouth pressed up against the microphone. The shimmer you helped spread over the lids of his eyes practically glowed under the blue lights that lit the stage. You thought he looked ethereal, the very embodiment of the music he was performing tonight.
"When I was putting together the final tracklist for this album," Luke continued, "I was hesitant to add this song because I was afraid that it was too vulnerable, but I was convinced that it was worth sharing, that the emotions and experiences behind this song would reach those who needed to hear it the most.
"The person who convinced me, and played a crucial part of making this record, is here tonight, and to them, I would just like to say thank you. Thank you for believing in me when I couldn't and making me brave enough to truly face my demons. You pulled me out of the deep end when it felt like I was drowning, and I would be a completely different person than I am today without you. I love you. My heart and soul is yours to keep."
Cheers were heard throughout the venue as the opening chords began. As Luke started to sing, you were thankful that you decided to watch the concert from backstage, unable to keep tears from welling in your eyes.
"Cut like diamonds and sink like stones, starve myself 'til I'm skin and bone, I'm so much older than I ever thought I would be."
He said that often. My heart and soul is yours to keep. Yours to keep safe, was what he meant. It had taken him a long time to open up to you and trust your ability to be a good partner, so him saying that his heart was yours was huge. He trusted you that much not to break his heart, to never let him sink back into old habits and bitter thoughts. That level of trust meant everything to you.
In his little speech, Luke thanked you for being the one to convince him to release the song, which was true in a way. He'd been conflicted about the song at first, not ready to share such a dark period of his life so publicly. The song had originally been just a way to express himself, to put everything he'd been through on paper without ever letting it see the light of day.
Luke had shared what the song was about, had opened up to you just what had made him feel that way in the past—toxic relationships, poor decisions that led to even worse habits, hurting the people closest to him, all of his mistakes. He didn't hide any of it from you, and you took all of those misgivings, all of those past mistakes, and showed him that you loved him anyway.
"How far is far? Are we too deep in? How dark is dark? I need to see it."
It wasn't easy at first. When you met, Luke wasn't in a place where he could give himself to anyone emotionally. He believed that he was too damaged to be loved the way he deserved and that he was better off being alone and unhurt than trying to fall in love again and risk being completely ruined by someone he thought he could trust. He had been more closed off than anyone you'd ever met, but all of it just made you want to show him what love without conditions looked like. And he couldn't fathom why. Luke was never rude to you about it. He never snapped at you or pushed you away or treated you badly to make a point, he just truly believed that he wasn't worth your time.
You were at his house, hanging out as friends. Only this time you surprised him by bringing him flowers.
Luke had been completely dumbfounded, unsure of your intentions. You told him it was just to brighten up his home a little, and because you liked doing nice things for the people you cared about. He didn't question you much further, but the rest of the time you were together, you caught him staring at the bouquet that stood in the vase you'd placed them in. His gaze had been wary and apprehensive each time, and you finally told him the truth.
"I want to take you on a date," you said simply.
Luke seemed surprised, which led to a conversation that was perhaps a step below an argument, but only because you calmly listened to Luke and evaded his tactics to push you away with ease.
"I—I don't deserve you," he finally said, but his voice was heavy with emotion, like he desperately didn't want it to be true.
"Who decides what we do and don't deserve, Luke?" you said to him, resting your hand over his and rubbing your thumb over his knuckles gently. To your surprise, he didn't pull away.
"I'm not good enough for you," he amended.
With a close-lipped smile, you leaned over from your spot on his couch and placed your thumb between his brows, smoothing the furrow there. "I think you think you're a worse person than you are."
You kissed his brow, your touch just enough for him to feel your lips brush his skin. When you pulled back, you tapped his nose with your knuckle. "I won't push you, and I won't try to fix you," you said, because the truth was, you didn't believe he needed fixing. But you knew you weren't going to be able to convince him of that. Not now, anyway. "But I will tell you this: you are a remarkable person, and when you're ready, I'd love to love you one day."
"I'm on my way out, losing the dream. I feel it crash down, down on me. Caught in the madness, holding on me. Is this the way it will always be?"
It took some time, but Luke eventually believed what you did from the day you met him. You were there to see him through the thick of it, holding his hand when he needed you to and giving him space when he asked. He'd gone off to write for a little while, and when he came back, you could practically see the weight lift from his shoulders. It was as if he'd left his biggest demons at the cabin he'd been staying in.
And now he was at his own solo concert performing the songs that held the deepest secrets of his heart. Luke sang each word with passion and pride, the kind that came from knowing that he'd overcome the darkness that had held him for so long. He wasn't drowning anymore, but he sang his songs so that his fans could see that it was possible to be in a dark place and come out of it.
The song faded to its end, and Luke bowed before the crowd as they cheered. He held his hands together in front of his face, the appreciation written in his features abundantly clear. You watched him survey the crowd with so much pride you thought you were going to burst, but you ended up just shedding a couple more tears instead.
While fans were still cheering and his band was playing chords that would lead into the next song, Luke jogged to the side of the stage where you were standing. You hadn't expected him to come over to you, but when you saw his face, you knew what he needed.
Your arms opened for him just in time as he wrapped himself around you. He held onto you tight, his face buried in your hair as he lifted you off the ground. You held on just as fiercely, hoping it would sufficiently express just how much you loved him.
Time stopped as Luke held you in his arms. He had a whole crowd waiting for him to sing the next song, but neither of you seemed worried about getting him back onstage. When he finally set you back down, you kissed his cheek a couple times before kissing him properly, your hands on either side of his face.
"Okay, okay, no more of that," you said, when he kept trying to follow your lips as you pulled away from him, wanting just one more kiss. "There'll be plenty of time for that later. Now go. Everyone's waiting for you."
Luke began to turn like he was going to do just as you said, but before he walked away, he spun on his heel and caught you in one last kiss. Satisfied by your tinged cheeks, he grinned and kissed your cheek. "Mean the world to me, darlin.'"
Hearing him say that made you melt every single time, and he knew that. Shoving his shoulder playfully toward the stage, you said, "Yeah, yeah, I know. Now go be a rockstar, will you? You're keeping everyone waiting. Myself included."
Luke finally turned around for real and did just that.
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kokusfluffyhair · 1 year
Hearing Kokushibou Sing🎤🎵
(Inspired by finding out about the songs recorded by Kokushibou's Japanese v/o, Okiayu Ryotaro) Kokushibou is shy about his singing voice. He thinks his voice sounds too high when he sings. When he speaks, his voice is very strong and deep, but when he goes into his singing range, it becomes higher and lighter. Because of that, he doesn't like to sing. It makes him feel emasculated and self-conscious. No matter how much time passed, Kokushibou is still trapped in the trauma from his childhood, where he had to be the best and the strongest in order to receive any kind of love from others.
Even though the two of you have been together for a while, he still doesn't feel comfortable bearing too much of his gentler side for you. Whenever he starts to get softer with you, letting down the shield he built up for himself of what type of man he "should" be, he freezes and stiffens up again. It can be very frustrating, but you are patient with him. Once over some sake, Kokushibou (probably accidentally) opened up to you about why he is always so stoic, so you understand where he is coming from. Still, you wish he would feel comfortable to show you all sides of him.
One day, you went out to get some things at the market. You wanted to buy food lawfully, instead of waiting for it to become dark so Kokushibou could steal food as he tended to do. He always wanted to make sure that there was enough human food in the house for you. He also started to eat more human food himself since the two of you were living together. Kokushibou refused to eat people in your presence, and he wanted to share meals with you as much as he could.
You told him that you would probably be gone for a couple hours, but you got back home quite a bit earlier than expected. You went back into the house and set the bags of food aside, before going to find Kokushibou. Even as a human, you can sense his presence, since his demon aura is as powerful as it is. After taking some moments to concentrate, you could pinpoint exactly where your demon lover was.
He was in the bath. You smirked at the thought. You were going to give him a little surprise. Trying not to giggle, you quietly make your way towards the bathroom, until you suddenly start to hear a faint noise.
You stop in your tracks. It was Kokushibou singing.
You were stunned, to say the least. You had never heard him sing before. It almost sounded like it couldn't even be him, but you knew it was him. No one else was in the house besides the two of you, and the singing was coming from the same place where you sensed his aura. His voice was so sweet and gentle. It made you smile as he occasionally went a bit off-tune. He was so endearing to listen to.
You weren't sure if you should disturb him or not. It would surely make him embarrassed to know that you heard him singing. He was doing it at a time when he thought he was alone. He obviously didn't want you to hear him singing, because if he did, he would have done it at any time.
You felt bad that Kokushibou wanted to hide his sweet voice from you. Hearing him was such a pleasant experience for you. You loved the side of him that he was expressing. Now even more than before, you wished that he would share his complete self with you. It was his gentle side that you could always see in his eyes and feel in his touch that made you love him in the first place.
You decided to approach the bathroom. This was as good as a time as any to try to tell him that you wanted to see more of this Kokushibou. So, you quietly continue to the bathroom. Kokushibou's voice grew gradually louder as you grew closer, but it never got very loud or strong. It was still soft and gentle.
He was so caught up in his own world that he didn't sense you coming. It was a few seconds of you standing in the doorway of the bathroom before he noticed you. When he did, he immediately stopped singing, his body stiffening up as he became overcome with dread. He looked like he wanted to dunk himself into the water and disappear. One of his hands gripped the side of the bathtub as he stopped breathing for a moment.
"Your concert was very nice," you say to him, trying to give him praise.
You see his Adam's apple bob in his neck as he swallows.
"I'm sorry if I disturbed it," you say.
"You didn't hear anything," Kokushibou said.
"All right," you say flatly.
Kokushibou's hand gripping the side of the bathtub shakes a little.
"I wish you wouldn't be so shy," you say to him.
"I am not shy," he says.
"All right." You are clearly disappointed.
Kokushibou takes a deep breath. "Forget what you just witnessed. I do not intend to bring you shame."
"What do you mean? How would you bring me shame?"
"Because of that pathetic voice of mine."
You step into the bathroom and approach the tub. He doesn't budge as you come closer and he still stares harshly ahead of him.
"I liked hearing your voice, Kokushibou."
"Do not lie to me."
"I'm not lying to you."
He became silent.
"Kokushibou, will you look at me?"
He seemed like he was about to say "no" and tell you to leave him, but he didn't. Instead, his eyes look at you and then he slowly turns his face a bit towards you.
"Kokushibou, do I look like I'm lying to you?"
There is a pause.
"Then, you see, I'm telling you the truth. I really loved hearing you sing. Your voice made me very happy."
His face softened a little. "It is a terrible voice, y/n."
"I don't think so."
He looked down slightly. "Do you not find it to be ... weak ...?"
"No. Not at all." You grab a stool in the bathroom and bring it by the tub. You sit down so that you and he are at similar levels. "Kokushibou." You put your hand on top of his. He was still gripping the side of the bathtub, but with less force than before. "Your voice isn't weak at all. It's very special to me. It makes me love you even more."
Kokushibou was silent.
"I wish that you would let yourself bare that sweet and gentle side to me more often," you say. "It really is what I love about you. Even if you don't show it, I can tell it's there, Kokushibou. That's why I'm here with you, and why I want to keep being here with you."
He was still silent.
You take a deep breath. "I guess we won't agree on this anytime soon."
His hand releases the side of the bathtub. He turns it around so that it holds your hand. He gives it a gentle squeeze. "I will think over what you said." He paused. "I want you to be happy with me."
"I am happy with you," you tell him. "But I would be happier if you would be comfortable to share both sides of you with me. I want to be able to love both the samurai Kokushibou and the singer Kokushibou."
He was silent for a moment. "I will gather my thoughts about this." He nodded to himself before releasing your hand. "I would like to finish my bath in private."
"That's fine." You get up and give him a kiss in his hair. You see him blush slightly as you step away from him.
As you leave, you hear him continue to wash himself in the water. You feel a bit better, knowing that you talked about it with him. Although Kokushibou still appeared to be closed, you could tell that some progress was made. You smiled at that. You knew that it would take baby steps for him to feel completely comfortable with himself, and that was okay.
Later, after Kokushibou finished his bath, he went to cook with you. As the two of you cut the vegetables together, he started to hum a song. When you glanced up at him, you saw him smile very slightly. He was enjoying it, and he would continue to enjoy sharing his whole self with you.
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darksiders-junkie · 1 year
Horsemen are feeling a little down, so I guess it's your job to cheer them up with a little song :))
Part 1 with War and Death
War's song: Rises the Moon - Liana Flores
Death's song: No Matter What - Steven Universe
You've been traveling with War long enough to understand when he was becoming down. You could never tell from his facial expressions.
It was the silence. The separation that gave the horsemen away. Now, he was always quiet and distant. It was his nature.
Looking at him now, though, sat by the lake he chose for a resting spot, far from the fire he kindled for you. You couldn't help the way your heart clenched. This wasn't like him. He'd sit close by. He'd grunt or nod when you talked. If you were lucky, you'd even get a glance, and if you were really lucky, a response. Usually, it is a question to quell his curiosity.
You wished you could do something for him. Something to lighten his burden. But you can't fight demons and angels. You can't trek the distances he can, and you most certainly can't wiggle information out of demons. They'd just laugh in your face.
Although.. your mother, when she had been alive, always had a way of cheering you up. And just maybe, it might cheer War up too.
So you steal your resolve, and stand. Slowly making your way over to War and sitting besides him. He gives you a small glance, before staring out at the water again.
It's silent for a moment before you open your mouth
"Days seem sometimes as if they'll never end
Sun digs its heels to taunt you
But after sunlit days, one thing stays the same
Rises the moon"
The confusion on his face is ever present, but he does nothing to stop you, so you take it as your sign to continue.
"Days fade into a watercolour blur
Memories swim and haunt you
But look into the lake, shimmering like smoke
Rises the moon"
It seems he took your words literal and turned to look at the little lake where the moon reflected off in the most beautiful way.
You couldn't help but give a little snort, which in turn gets you a glare from War. You shake it off quickly to continue the song for him.
"Oh-oh, close your weary eyes
I promise you that soon the autumn comes
To darken fading summer skies
Breathe, breathe, breathe"
It seems now he's understanding not to take you words to heart, and instead just quietly listening as you sing. Staring out at the rippling waters as he let's the words sink in.
"Days pull you down just like a sinking ship
Floating is getting harder
But tread the water, child, and know that meanwhile
Rises the moon"
You can just hear the gears turning in his head. It seems he's catching onto the fact this is supposed to cheer him up.
"Days pull you up just like a daffodil
Uprooted from its garden
They'll tell you what you owe, but know even so
Rises the moon"
You take your chances and lean against him. A way of showing your support, of saying you're here. You might not be very useful towards his goal, but that doesn't mean you're useless. He seems hesitant but allows you to stay nonetheless.
"You'll be visited by sleep
I promise you that soon the autumn comes
To steal away each dream you keep
Breathe, breathe, breathe"
It's silent for a long while after you've finished. Not that you mind. You believe War got the message, and you're more than happy to stay here by his side and watch the quiet scenery before you.
"Why?" His voice is gruff, and he doesn't look at you.
"My mother used to sing me songs to cheer me up. I thought it might cheer you up too. Even just a little."
He let's out a little hum and it's quiet once more for a little while until he breaks it. "Do you know more songs?"
"Why? Want me to serenade you some more?~" You couldn't help but tease him lightly. Laughing loudly when he grunts and turns his head away from you.
"I'm kidding War, what would you like to hear?"
You absolutely hated when he became grumpy. The sole reason? The quest you're on to help his brother.
Whether it be some being that annoyed him, or the fact it took him longer than he wanted to solve a puzzle, or anything small like that really.
He always became "salty", as much as he loathed when you called him that. It was true regardless, he became more sharp around the edges and in his tongue.
But today you were prepared! You were gonna sing him a song, and he was gonna sit there and enjoy it whether he wanted to or not! Because you weren't gonna travel with a salty Death until he decided to let whatever trivial problem that bugged him go!
The second he was finished setting up the camp area (which was really just the fire and some logs to sit on), you gently set Dust down with an apology when he squaked in complaint of losing you lap as a bed and headed for the horsemen.
He gave you a glare as you grinned up at him.
"What do you want girl?"
"In the light of the day
In the dark of the night
When you're raring to go
When you're tired from the fight
When you're losing your mind
Let me give you a thought
I'm gonna be right your side no matter what!"
You can see his eyes squint, likely our of confusion. "What are you-"
"In the dark of the night (in the dark of the night)
In the light of the day (in the light of the day)
When you're rising to shine (when you're rising to shine)
When you're hitting the hay (when you're hitting the hay)
I'll be hanging around (I'll be hanging around)
If you like it or not (if you like it or not)
I'm gonna be right by your side no matter what!"
You were really getting into it. Regardless of his continuous glare. Even starting to dance a little, even if you knew he'd never join you. This was to cheer him up. To take his mind off whatever got under his skin.
"No matter what (no matter what)
No matter what (no matter what)
No matter what (no matter what)
No matter what (no what)
Oh, I'm gonna be (oh, I'm gonna be)
Right by your side (right by your side)
I'm gonna be right by your side no matter what"
He gives a little sigh, letting the tension out of his shoulders. It seems he's given up, and is just going to let you finish. Not that he'd be able to stop you without physically restraining you.
"In the dark of the night
In the light of the day
When you're rising to shine
When you're hitting the hay
Just remember this song
How's it go? I forgot
I'm gonna be right by your side no matter what"
You giggle as you see him roll his eyes. Moving to grab his hand and spin yourself, not taking it personal when he reels his hand back the second you've finished. It's honestly an achievement he even let you finish your spin. And that makes you happy anyway.
"Through whoever you've been
Through whoever you'll be
Through whatever you lose
You will always have me
At the end of your road
I'll be holding you taut
I'm gonna be right by your side no matter what
Be right by your side, Be right by your side
Be right by your side no matter what"
You leaned into his side at the end, give a little laugh when he sides steps for some space. Grinning up at him regardless.
"And that was for what exactly?"
"To cheer you up and get your mind off whatever made you salty! Can you even remember what you were so upset about?" You can't stop grinning, eager to hear his response.
He gives you a little glare at the salty comment, patiently waiting for you to finish before he opens his mouth to speak. "You have a poor idea of what 'cheers me up', and yes I still remember. One awful song and dance won't make me forget. Don't be a fool girl."
"Oh? So you need to hear it again then?"
He seems to shiver slightly for just a moment. "Consider it forgotten."
You can't help but to cackle at his response. Immediately stopping when he pats your head and turns to leave. Surprised at the kind gesture and his next words.
"Thank you.. for trying anyway."
You roll your eyes. "Can I ever get some nice words or compliments without an insult tacked onto it?"
Death gives a chuckle "Maybe one day when you earn it."
"How rude!"
Posted: July 9th, 2023
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okay!!! this is my sign to go insane abt lucifer/charlie !!!
they have the potential to be so cute and wholesome, but it's me - i can't have my ships nice and fluffy. healthy relationships are for the real world, everything needs to be fucked up in fiction !!
my headcanon is that charlie always had a special relationship with her dad. a better one with mom, but her times spent with lucifer even though rare were closer. but its normal, she's his only daughter and it's just normal parental love!! he didn't dare try anything when she was little, hes not that horrible (he totally is but he cant show that part of himself to charlie). it was a loooong investment to slightly push those boundaries more and more, but he has all the time in the world to do so.
so, when charlie is all grown and lucifer visits the hotel for the first time, they greet eachother and start making out. everyone freaks out because holy shit why didn't she ever mention theyre like that??? why are they like that???
she never mentioned it cuz its normal for her. she never knew another father-daughter relationship, it's nothing out of ordinary for them to cuddle, kiss and get a little touchy. and lucifer couldn't give two shits about what some lowly sinners think of that when he can destroy them with a snap of his fingers.
they were never human, so human taboos don't apply to them. or maybe they apply to hellborns too, but as i said - lucifer simply doesnt give a fuck lol. he's the devil. from the bible. let him be a little awful...
ALTERNATIVELY, they had a normal regular not weird relationship. and when charlie reunites with her dad, he's acting just a bit weird. okay, maybe he just doesn't know how to act after such long separation, maybe he's nervous about others, maybe he's just not used to his little girl being grown up.
or maybe that's what bugs him. she's so different now, responsible, so mature and oh lord why is she kinda hot?!?!? she can't be hot, she's my daughter!! but all denial went out when he saw her kicking ass in the final battle, full demon form.
he gets even weirder, there's so much emphasis on my charlie, my daughter, my little girl, and yeah okay he missed her for sure but isn't that a bit over the top??
he's surely just overprotective as always, angry at anyone who touches charlie, anyone who spends time with her alone, and he always growled at alastor when he was too friendly with her. so its not weird. charlie just has to accept him as he is, she could've just misremembered how he was before.
(small intermission: radioapple enemies to continued enemies but they're now both fucking charlie so they have one thing to agree on. they make a competition out of this too tho.
okay, back to the scheduled ship!)
eventually his self control breaks and they fuck nasty about it, charlie knows it shouldn't be like that, but it's not cheating, right?? he's not her lover, he's her dad. and she always wanted him to pay more attention to her, so now that he does charlie shouldn't complain. take what he gives, and if it's mind-blowing sex that's an added bonus (adam's first and second wife didnt seem to hate what he had to offer, charlie doesn't seem to hate it too ^w^)
so, two options! either she's on that from the start, or he drags her into this later (that includes more guilt and shame!! always a treat)
and about charlie x vaggie x lucifer - i thought of that too and it's fun, but i just can't bring myself to really get into anything chaggie. don't get me wrong, they're cute, but that's their only thing. vaggie's personality doesn't (yet? i hope) exist besides charlie, she's just her girlfriend (that happened to be an exorcist but that's it. not much else). chaggie and vaggie's character in general had so much potential, but imo they ruined it by automatically making them girlfriends. both songs that vaggie sings revolve around charlie, it's always vaggie AND charlie!! (barbie and ken kinda situation, they ken-ned vaggie 😭) give my girl some personality, damn it. and what draws me to a ship is all the intricacies that make the relationship interesting, i sadly can't see that in them :/
(but consider this: charlie and lucifer's "more than anything" love song, and vaggie having to sing a reprise later to say "hello??? im also your partner, remember??? i love you more than anything too???" LMAO)
- 🌈
Ah! I love reading your rants, rainbow anon.
Both of these scenarios are so fucked up and yummy! I really like the guilt aspects that can be played with in this ship. The denial <3 "Oh, im just being... overprotective! Its nothing weird! It cant be weird! Im her father!"
Plus, Charlie gaslighting herself into thinking its okay and healthy is sooo good😋 of course, with them being in Hell, they dont have a moral system like us humans do, so it makes sense they wouldnt really care. But, I like the concept of Charlie and Lucifer both intuitively knowing what theyre doing is wrong (maybe influenced from Lucifers time in heaven, considering he is a fallen angel). They both have sex, and Charlie is overwhelmed with feelings of guilt, but she cant stop. It feels too good, and she loves that shes finally getting one on one time with her daddy. She feels so loved and safe.
Lucifer feels bad, because he knows he groomed his daughter into this situation, but he just cant help himself. Shes so pretty, prettier than Lilith could have ever been. (haha I like the idea of him secretly lusting for Charlie over Lilith, I read a fanfic about it and it drove me wild.) Shes his daughter, he created her, technically owns her, in a sense. He can do what he wants to her. Thats how he justifies it.
Matter of fact, I've read multiple Morningstarcest fics. When I first joined the fandom, I was uninterested in the ship, but then I got an urge to just... look at the tag on ao3. Give it a shot. I was sold 🤭
Oh, and I TOTALLY agree with you on Vaggie. "They ken-ned Vaggie" is SO TRUE i never even thought of it in that way but thats such an accurate way to put it! She really needs to go off and have her own adventures/goals/whatever, separate from Charlie and the hotel. Some sort of type B plot.
Hmm... random idea that popped into my head, maybe she could make some sort of support group for other fallen angels in hell (im assuming her and Luci can't be the ONLY ones down there), and they could like. Train for exterminations or something. Ah, im going off topic.
Anyway, yeah! Morningstarcest is great.
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justhere4kpop · 2 years
Idol!Song Mingi x Reader
Mingi wants you to this to their new single before they release it. Will you like it?
tags: @layzfeelit, @senpai-of-doom Love you guys!!
WC: 2330
a/n: I couldn't sleep when I thought of this so I wrote down the idea and then thought about it all night. I hope you guys like it! Thanks for the continued support! I'm so happy to be writing again!
You knew dating an idol would be hard when it came to seeing each other regularly. You knew fans would take a majority of their time, you knew practice, recording, fittings, photoshoots, music video shoots, lessons, and all the other things would take priority over your time together. You knew all these things yet you still fell for the man in front of you showing up with yellow and red hair. 
I met Mingi in 2020, I was hired to help KQ’s next group of trainees, KQ Fellaz 2. I refer to them as the babies. I help them with the language homework, mostly English, but I can help them with Japanese too. I help them make TikToks, Instagram reels, YouTube Shorts….you get the picture. I’m basically their mom but I’m paid to be. They are nice boys….even when they torment me. Oh right! I was talking about how we met. The two I had in Fellaz were off for the day but Eden asked me to come in since I could work the board while Ateez was recording a song at the time. I hung out there for at least a good 18 hours, maybe 20. I was so tired the next day I had to wheel myself in a rolling chair all day. Mingi went to the 7-11 with me a few times to pick up snacks and drinks those 2 days and well…he just kind of started getting snacks with me everyday until he said something cheesy like “You’re my snack cake.” and I laughed so hard I think soda came out of my nose. Or was that the time hot chocolate came out? Both of those hurt by the way. 
“Jesus Christ, someone's going to recognize you!” I whisper-screamed, pulling him into my apartment. “Is it new?” I smiled looking at his new hair.
“Just did it today.” Mingi smiled at me. “Do…you like it?” he asked a sudden wave of nerves hitting him.
“Like it? Are you crazy? You look like Rengoku from Demon Slayer, I more than like it. I love it. Oh Rengoku, gone too soon from this world.” I wiped my fake tears away over my one of many fictional husbands.
“I am right here you know.” Mingi dead-panned.
“I am aware, and very grateful for that fact.” I kissed his cheek.
“I missed you.” he pulled me back against him, holding me gently.
“I missed you.” I mumbled into his chest. “How’s the album coming along?”
“I really like you’ll love this song Jagiya.” he swayed us lightly. “Especially since you loved Hala Hala so much.”
“Oh? So is it a continuation? Hmm? Mingiiii tell me…tell me tell me tell me!!!!” I smiled and jumped up and down a little causing him to smile.
“I’ve already said too much.” he chuckled. “How are the babies?”
“Hmm? Oh you know them. Minjae and Sumin like to call me grandma. I’m not that old. Right? Why are you laughing?” I pouted up at him.
“Because that sounds exactly like them.” he laughed more. “Does that make me grandpa?”
“No you’re Big Brother Mingi.” I frowned more. 
“Oh? Do they know we’re dating?”
“Yeah and Junghoon and Jinsik don’t leave me alone about it. HoW cAn He DaTe SoMeOnE sO oLd?” I rolled my eyes. “They pick on me all the time MinMin.”
“Oh god you still remember that?” he smiled.
“Come on, let's sit down.” I motioned to the couch.
“Yes ma’am”
“Not you too.” I giggled.
With the Fellaz getting ready for Kcon Thailand I knew I was going to be busy, they were still excited from getting to tour with Ateez and show off themselves. The whole group was practically buzzing all the time. I tried so hard to get them to focus on the English lesson today. It was a goddamn nightmare.
“You look stressed y/n.” Hongjoong looked at me as I was hiding in the practice room.
“I am stressed, their maniacs today.”
“Maniac 나사 빠진 것처럼 미쳐” Wooyoung sang overhearing me.
“Haha you’re so funny.” I sighed. 
“Jagiya? What are you doing here?” Mingi came back into the room.
“Hiding. They’re crazy today. It took 3 hours to get through the lesson they had today. It should’ve only taken 1!”
“Do you think they’re just bored?” Hongjoong asked.
“Probably, and they absolutely adore being onstage, I don’t blame them, it’s what they’re paid to do and of course it’s what they want to do. I just…today was rough. Maybe some of the jokes hurt a little more today than I let on, I’m not mad, just maybe I’m a little tired of being called old? I’m not that much older, just a few years.” I pouted from the floor.
“Just one of those days where you feel a little more sensitive. I get it.” Mingi sat down next to me. “You didn’t sleep well last night, I can tell.”
“How?” I looked at him like he just told someone my darkest secret.
“You messaged me three tiktok edits of myself at 3am, seven edits and 5 twitter posts at 5am and then at 8am you messaged me with a youtube video of Mingi being Mingi for 10 minutes straight”
“Sorry.” I said as small as I could.
He put his arm around me. “Don’t be, I’m sorry you couldn’t sleep.” he kissed the side of my head.
Mingi and I very rarely get to spend more than a few hours together so finally being able to have a day off together to be together is a warm welcome. He came over the night before so we truly had 24 whole hours together. We made ramen, we played a few rounds of Guitar Hero, then we watched a movie and let’s say….he really showed off what he fingers could do. Waking up next to him was the start to a day I didn’t want to end anytime soon. Pulled into his chest as his soft exhales hit the top of my head. I wanted to stay there forever. 
“Mmmm stay.” he mumbled out, feeling me shift around.
“Mingi, we’ll have to get up at some point.”
“Not now.” he pulled me back into him. “5 more minutes.”
“Alright…5 more minutes, but then I really need a shower.” he rubbed my back soothingly.
“5…mo…re….minut…..” he had already fallen back asleep…..was he even awake in the first place? Probably not. “I love you.” he mumbled out softly.
“I love you too.” I whispered back to him so I didn’t wake him up.
So we stayed in bed for probably 30 more minutes. I lost track of time hearing him mumble things in his sleep and watching him take a well needed rest. He’s so cute when he’s sleeping.
“Hmm?” he stirred, finally waking up.
“Morning Sleeping Beauty.” I giggled and gave him a soft kiss.
“Mmmph. You can wake me up like that more if you want.” he said voice still thick with sleep.
“I’ll think about it.”
“I could get used to this.” he smiled, eyes still closed as if trying to go back to sleep once more.
“What? Sleeping in?” I chuckled.
“Waking up next to you.” he kissed me this time.
He still gives me butterflies.
“We don’t have to be at work today and you want to go to the studio?” I asked from the bathroom sink while brushing my teeth.
“Yeah I want to show you something!” he called out from the shower. “You’ll like it I promise!”
“You promise that a lot!” I called back.
“And I’m always right, except that time we ordered Tempura and got a fried banana in there by surprise!”
“I mean it wasn’t bad, just unexpected.” I chuckled at the memory. “Oh! I saw the promotional photo this morning while you were asleep!” He turned off the shower and came out wrapped in a towel. “All I’m saying is that if I don’t get you at least once, I’m definitely changing biases.” I chuckled. “Also you’re never allowed to change that hair.”
“Well I guess I’ll have to make sure that doesn’t happen.” he smiled and picked me up to set me on the counter. “I love you.”
“I love you.” I closed the distance with a kiss. “Get dressed.”
“We don’t have to leave right away,” he shrugged.
“Oh? Once wasn’t enough I see.”
“Jagi, once is never going to be enough.”
I snorted. Sometimes he’s sappy, sometimes he’s just plain horny. Sometimes either one makes me laugh, or both. 
I let him lead me through to the studio since he obviously had this all planned.
“And we’re in the studio because??”
“I want you to listen to something.” he smiled.
“I want YOU to listen to Something.” he gestured to the computer.
“Okay I don���t know why this couldn’t wait until tomorrow.” I sat down and put the headphones on. “Ready when you are boss.” I gave him a thumbs up. I heard the synth and then Seonghwa.”Is this the new single?!” I looked at him and he had a big smile on his face. “Mingi!” I paused it. “You can’t be showing me this!”
“I can and I will. You work here, it's not like it’s a secret we have a comeback soon.”
“Mingiiii.” I pouted a little. This is a big deal, he’s never shown me things before release, not that he didn’t want to, he just never had the time. 
“Please keep listening.” he adjusted the headphones back onto my ears. I gave him a nod and he started the song over so I could listen. 
I nodded along listening to everyone come in, it wasn’t until-
“IS THAT YEOSANG!?” I yelped out at the deep voice coming through. Mingi just nodded. It got to the chorus and I was hooked. I paused it for a second and rewound it to the start of the chorus.
“Oh no.” I looked at him and his face fell. “Oh no I love it.” I hit play again listening to the words flow into my eardrums.
“YA!” He hit my arm and I let out a laugh.
I bobbed my head along starting the chorus over again before letting it continue. “Oh Hongjoong!” I smiled listening a little closer.
“Who Are You? It’s just-” I paused it again hearing Mingi’s voice come through.
“No.” I looked at him. “That’s you?!” I squealed, unplugging the headphones and playing it again and again. Not even letting the first line finish. “Wait…” I played it again. “No Fix On?”
“It’s for a purpose.” he chuckled, enjoying this all too much.
“You guys and all your lore, I’ll never catch up.” I smiled and hit play again.
“Who are you? It’s just me, myself, and I.” the recording sang out. 
This time I finally let it finish and I immediately started it over not saying a single word this time, just listening to it ring out in the space. Okay. Wow.
“Ok?” he started fidgeting nervously.
“I’m obsessed.” I smiled. “It’s…literally so good. I like can’t even speak right now. I feel like I’m in shock.”
“You’re gonna hear that song a lot Princess…I don’t think it’s leaving my queue for a solid month after it releases.”
“You mean it?” he started beaming.
“I really do Mingi. It’s so good.” I smiled while hitting play one more time.
This is a big deal for him, he wrote this song with Hongjoong, he let you listen to it first, he let you listen to a part of him he’d put out for everyone before anyone else and he watched you smile like he gave you the world. Mingi never doubted that he loved you, he never doubted asking you out, never doubted following you to the 7-11, but in this moment watching you accept the piece of him he offered he fell for you ten times over.
“I love you so much.” He pulled me into his lap as the song began to loop. He had a few unshed tears in his eyes.
“I love you so much more, Mingi.” I smiled and held his hand in mine. “This was the best day off ever.”
“Well I can think of a few other things we could do with our time.” he raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah not in the studio.” I chuckled. “Yet.”
“Oh so that’s a maybe.” he laughed as I got up off his lap to get my things.
“It’s a maybe someday, but not today. However if you speed back to my place it’s a definitely in my bedroom kinda day. Maybe you can even sing your part again for me.” I pulled my purse over my shoulder just as he scooped me up.
“You my dear drive a hard bargain.”
“Not the only thing hard is it MinMin.” I winked and we walked out of the studio together.
“Yeah….I could absolutely get used to this.” he smiled hearing me hum the song a little.
“So when does preorder start?” I asked refreshing my web page for the 5th time in 3 minutes.
“You know you could just ask and I’ll grab one.” Mingi watched my eyes strain at my phone screen.
“But then what’s the point?” I looked up. “It won’t count towards sales! And you’d rig it so I definitely got your photocard and I want to know if I’ll keep pulling Woo or not.”
“I’m pretty sure you pay your own paycheck at this point.” he sighed deeper.
“Ah!” I jumped up and hit a few buttons and clicked a few things before grabbing my wallet and typing in more things and pulling my card out to look at it. “Okay done.”
*A Few Weeks Later*
“What do you mean you got 6 albums!?” Mingi looked at the stack in my arms.
“And this was just a preorder.” I smiled as I started taking the plastic off.
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I'll always be with you
*A dedication to my father who will indeed always be with me*
Being a father was something new.... well, being a father to a teenager was something way out of left field for you. Not that you minded. Iruma was a good kid. Yes, he got into trouble, and yes, you swore you were gonna die of a heart attack.
But hey, he was yours, and you wouldn't change it for the world. So you guided him. Taught him what you could. You wanted him to stand up with pride and face the world.
It was only natural that you would notice something was off after the harvest festival was completed. Iruma was clingy more than usual. You didn't mention it while in a crowded place. The last thing you wanted was to force your child to say what was wrong. But as soon as you got home you wanted to know what was worrying him so much.
"Hey buddy, I know something is wrong. I'm here if you want to share." You had not expected to be jumped by a crying teenager, but thank Devi you were able to catch him before you both knocked over anything. You could only make out a few words as your son cried on your chest like alone and abandoned.
You panicked, thinking being lost for over 13 hours had triggered something in Irumas past when he mentioned biological parents wanting him back. You tightened your grip and held him closer. Listening to his fears as you stroked his back, trying to find words.
Your heart about broke when he said how even you had left him. Grasping his chin and guiding his tear stained face, you looked him in the eyes. "Hey, that's not gonna happen. You're my kid. And I am never gonna just walk out on you." You started wiping his tears and rested your head against his.
"Who am I, Iruma?" You asked patiently. "Dad, you're my Dad." You smiled happily. "That's right, and that means you're stuck with me for life." Quickly, you stood up, fully carrying your boy in your arms and up the stairs. "Even when I'm old and grey, even when I can't carry you like this anymore, I will always be your dad."
Irumas tears had thankfully stopped as you made it to his room. You were never good with words, but you knew that actions were also needed in this case. Iruma had delt with so many lies in the past that he couldn't just trust mere words alone.
So in the dark recesses of your mind, you remembered a song, a song from back when you lived on earth that you had almost forgotten up until now. Setting him down on his bed, you knelt in front of him.
☆Come stop your crying it will be alright. Just take my hand hold it tight.☆ gently you held his hands, watching him squeeze you your fingers.
☆I will protect you from all around you. I will be here, don't you cry~☆ You looked him in the eyes, trying to convey the meaning behind your actions.
☆For on so small you seem so strong. My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm. This bond between us can't be broken. I will be here, don't you cry.☆
Irumas' small hands gripped yours tighter as you continued. Like you were a lifeline. You squeezed back to show that you were there. Guiding his hand over your heart, you let him feel your heartbeat as you continued.
☆Cause you'll be in my heart, yes, you'll be in my heart. From this day on, now and forever more. You'll be in my heart. No matter what they say. You'll be here in my heart always~☆
Iruma started to relax and reach out for you, which you quickly responded by holding him again. Rubbing his back as he hid his face in your shoulder. Taking a deep breath, you continued.
☆Why can't they understand the way we feel? They just don't trust what they can't explain. I know we're different, but deep inside us, we're not that different at all~☆
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a curious Sullivan and Opera watching you through the doorway you motioned for them to come in as you shifted both you and irumainto a more comfortable position as the two demons sat on either side of you.
☆Don't listen to them, cause what do they know. We need each other, to have to hold. They'll see in time, I know.☆
Having the whole family in the same room was relaxing. It was almost touching how warm you felt in this moment. You could only try and place that warmth into your words.
☆When destiny calls you, you must be strong. I may not be with you, but you've got to hold on. They'll see in time. I know~ we'll show them together. Cause you'll be in my heart. No matter what they say, you'll be in my heart, always☆
Both you and Iruma clung to each other as you drifted off to sleep. It has been a long week for both of you. Not realizing when you both had been lifted into irumas bed nor when you were tucked under the covers as you just succumbed to sleep.
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shallowseeker · 1 year
"Behold the golden calf"
More random snippets for time travel fic idea
Dean, Jack, and the thread of music:
The head goes flying, and the spray of blood is sticky and warm on Jack’s cheek. Sam makes quick work of the second vampire, and Jack feels Dean’s hands snake down to cut the binds on his wrists.
Dean doesn’t hold back ripping the tape off his mouth.
Jack almost yelps at how much it stings. “Y-you came for me,” he chokes, doing his best to cover the whine. (He doesn’t like how small and afraid his voice comes out.)
Dean doesn't answer right away, but yanks on Jack’s elbow with too much force, and Jack stumbles in the direction of the barn door.
“Dad told us not to," he hisses.
Sam is at the door. He looks both ways, mouths “coast is clear,” and then beckons them towards the outside.
Jack pictures John’s stern face. “Because he thinks I’m crazy,” he guesses. “Because last time I called you, you couldn’t see what I was seeing.”
Dean’s eyes snap to him in alarm, and Sam’s chest heaves with what looks like a panicky sort of guilt. They continue stumbling outside, and Jack can just barely make out the outline of the Impala in the dark.
Sam grimaces, “Okay, yeah. Maybe we thought you were The Boy Who Cried Wolf.”
Dean is more honest, “Dad thinks you’re planting this shit to throw us off the yellow-eyed demon’s trail. Whenever you show, trail goes cold.”
Jack appreciates the bluntness.
“Oh. I-is Bobby okay?”
“He hauled ass to check the other barn, which turned out t’ be empty. Lucky for you, we had more luck than him.”
It’s embarrassing to be taken down by just three vampires, Jack thinks, but so far, this Sam and Dean don’t act like it’s anything to be ashamed about. If anything, they seem skittish, maybe even a little afraid.
“Get in,” Dean says, letting go of his elbow to push him at Baby’s rear passenger door.
“Aren’t we gonna take care of the bodies?”
“No time,” says Sam, and within a few seconds, they’re roaring down the gravel road.
Except for the purr of the engine, it’s deathly silent. Sam keeps glancing at Dean, and it’s the kind of “nervous Sam face” that tells Jack that he’s antsy or suspicious of Dean's decision-making.
Jack blurts, “I won’t tell John that you helped me. I’m sure Bobby won’t either.”
Sam’s shoulder relax, but only a little, and it gets quiet again.
“A-actually, Dean made the call to come save you,” Sam says eventually, like he’s admitting to a crime.
Jack’s not upset. He wouldn’t trust himself either, were he in their position.
Eventually, Dean speaks.
“It was the song,” he says, but Jack can’t tell if he’s talking to him or Sam.
When no one replies, Dean continues.
“When you cranked out all that shit to Bobby about being an amnesiac from the future, we thought you were fruit loops for cocoa puffs.”
Jack winces. He hadn’t meant to tell Bobby that. He’d been panicked and delirious. He sputters, “And I told you it was just a dream, okay? I was, uh, total ‘Pink Elephants’ situation.”
Dean makes a nasally sound. “But then, at Bobby’s, you were singing this weird song. It was when he was flapjackin those chocolate-chip pancakes for ya. Two months ago, not too long after you turned up in that ditch west of a I-25.”
Jack blinks. Huh? He repeats slowly, “A song…that I was singing?”
Jack doesn’t even remember what he’d been singing at the time.
Dean huffs, impatient. “‘I spent 20 years trying to get out of this place, I was looking for something I couldn't replace, I was running away from the only thing I've ever known, Like a blind dog without a bone?’”
“Oh. Bon Jovi.”
“Damn straight, Bon Jovi.”
Sam looks as irritated as Jack feels. “What’s your point, Dean? Keith can like Bon Jovi if he wants. It’s fine, even if you think--!”
“Well, unless Keith here has some kinda hopped-up two-step going on with Bon Jovi in the downlow, there’s no way he’d know that song.”
“It just came out, Sam. Two weeks ago. That’s why I stopped us in the mall. It was blaring on the speakers while you were browsing your Mary Kay n' Vera Bradley. I looked it up. S'called ‘Who Says I Can Never Go Home.’”
Sam moves right past the barb, “So, what? You think he knew it…because he’s from the future?"
“Well. Yeah.”
“And you’re sure it was the same song?” Sam sounds weird, like he doesn’t trust Dean’s know-how. “He coulda heard a preview or—or a demo. You know seizures can rearrange memories. Maybe you just hit your hea—”
Jack blurts, “I can tell you more.”
Dean’s eyes find his in the rearview.
“More hits, I mean. From 2006. Or—or 2007. For some reason, I remember music.”
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Embarrassment and Secrets
How in currently looks like:
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(I was tired to clean up the freaking background so just live with this for now on)
Well...this is awkward.. I thought it would be good to listen to songs while waiting for Lied. I got carried away, didn't I?
Lied-kun and Opera-san was peaking outside the room. I noticed that Opera-san was holding a recording device. I'm not even surprised at this point, I'm honestly just happy. I took off my headphones.
"Don't mind us, continue. " My face flushed with hues of red on my ears. I'm fine with Opera-san saying that. If Lied-kun wasn't here. It's quite embarrassing to dot on me when my friends are around.
"Operaaa-saaan!" Lied chuckled at my response. " Sumimasen, Iruma-sama." Opera-san placed a bag near my clock and asked Lied kun. " Have you eaten yet?" Lied kun nodded as he responded "Hmm! Daijabu!" he pulled out a smirk and a piece sign as reassurement.
They reminded us to call them if we needed them for something as we agreed in sync. Great, now that me and Lied-kun are now alone. We can finally talk about what I wanted to talk about.
Wait! Shouldn't we talk about light topics first, it'll be weird if I just lay it on him. What did I say we would talk about? Oh yeah, Akudols! It is related to that topic so it's better if we start off there!
Before I said anything, Lied pulled out a bunch of Gyari theory sheets, artworks, posters and etc. Lied-kun took one look at my face and smirked at my reaction.
" You can't possibly think that demons post theory, fanarts without doing work right?" his tone sounds like he was teasing me.
A small laugh escaped from my mouth as I looked at his face. After I calmed down I grabbed one of the fanarts and before I could catch a glimpse of the artwork, Lied snatched it from my hand and looked away.
" What the-?" I looked at him confused. Wait is his ears red? ...Don't tell me he's shy? I can't help but laugh in the inside. " I promise I won't judge, just let me see it. Please?"
It took me five minutes to convince Lied-kun to show me his drawing. " Fineee! But don't you DARE LAUGH!" He showed me his drawing with his hand shaking.
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(Honestly i'm way too tired to carefully draw there eyes.. Btw everything Lied-kun said is based of me dissing myself with my fucking crippling anxiety. But the point was for Iruma-kun to make Lied-kun feel better.)
His drawing looks pretty decent! I don't understand why he wants to hide it.. He needs to give himself more credit. "It looks great!" I tried to encourage him but he just looked at me like I called a demon pig cute.
" I appreciate your encouragement but look at the hands it looks like fucking cardboard and what's with the fucking coloring? and-" I don't like cutting sentences. I really don't. But this got me upset.
" Lied-kun. Please don't talk about yourself that way, no one is perfect. Everyone have room for improvements. You're no exception." His face turned into shock quickly as I finished the sentence.
" You're not perfect Shax Lied, but you're still an amazing friend. Remember that."
He looked at me with signs of gratefulness? relief? I can't really tell. "Well, I wanted to talk more about Gyari-chan but- let's admit it with this atmosphere we can't really go back can we?" Lied-kun smiled sincerely as he looked for my response.
I slowly nodded my head. Why? I wanted this right? You wanted to talk to him about it... why am I suddenly feeling so nervous? My head's getting blurry.. Oh god... I was on the urge of crying until I remembered what Lied-kun said.
"Friends care for eachother right? You can always talk to me if you ever feel uncomfortable. But if you want to keep it to yourself, its fine also."
I want to talk about my insecurities but..I can't do it. Not right now at least. My body couldn't handle it yet. But he did come all the way to hear about what I wanted to say.
I sighed as I looked at his face with a smile that reassured me. I returned the smile right back. " Okay, so do you know the new Akudol?" He nodded at me. "You sang about his song half an hour ago."
" Well I think because of him... I realise.." I gulped as Lied-kun looked at me with anticipation in his eyes. I closed both my eyes as I confessed. "I like boys and girls.." I opened one of my eyes to see his reaction. He looked at me with a calm appearance.
"You're okay with that right?" He nodded at me then he looked down. " You really underestimate how much our class watches you, Azz-azz and Clarin huh?" ...what? He looked at me again.
" We knew you weren't straight ever since you've declared Azz-azz and Clarin your soulmates." He chuckled as he said that. They knew the whole time?...They've been watching us quite closely huh... my train of thought suddenly came to a stop sign when Lied-kun interrupted.
" All though why did you tell me first? Why not tell Azz-azz and Clarin? They're a lot more closer to you than me." I paused for a moment. "Well.. it would be awkward to come out to the demons that made you partially made me realize...My heart can't take that.."
Lied-kun raised both of his eyebrows but he is not surprised. "Plus you're the one who is closest to me besides Azz-kun and Clara.." He looked at me with sparkles in his eyes. He moved his body closer to me. As I slightly back away to not bump into him.
" Wait really?! I'm the closest? Wow, wow, wow. Oh my devi!" he laughed as he responded in excitement. His laugh was contagious and I started laughing with him. It went to the point where we basically rolling at the floor.
I yawned as I looked out the window. " We should probably go to sleep." Lied-kun nodded after he yawn as well. He took out his sleeping bag and put it right beside my bed. Meanwhile, I pulled my blanket on top of my legs and laid my head on my pillow. After we settled and got comfy, I turned off the light.
"Oyasuminasai, Iruma-kun."
... I smiled.
"Oyasuminasai, Lied-kun."
So yeah.. that's all for the fanfiction.. Just please tell me in the suggestion if you have any other ideas for my fanfic series.. I have ideas but but the space timeline between the plot is huge af. So please tell me. Or should I do oneshots?
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storytimewithnova · 1 year
Trapped in the Limelight Exploited and Exhibited
This is part of my inner demons series the message behind this story is Showing how the music and entertainment industry uses people to their pleasure that the limelight isn't all glitz and glam and you are that stage and it starts to feel like that old school active of show and tell
Once in a humble town, Shona, a young woman with an extraordinary voice and an unmatched passion for music, lived her life. Shona was deeply in love with Eita and Keiji, her partners in both love and music. Eita was the talented guitarist and vocalist of their band, and Keiji served as their manager. Together, they toured the world, sharing their musical magic.
Shona and her bandmates, Semi and Keiji, consistently graced the stage, enchanting their audiences with harmonies and lyrics from the heart. But behind the spotlight, Shona battled an unrelenting pressure to not only perform but to bare her soul on stage. Her songs were her confessions, laying her darkest thoughts and vulnerabilities out for all to see.
One day, everything changed for Shona. During a live performance, she suffered a public mental breakdown, exposing her raw emotions to the world. It was a moment of vulnerability that shook her to her core, leaving the crowd in stunned silence.
Among the onlookers was Shona's manipulative ex-boyfriend, seizing the opportunity to exploit her fragile state. He wove his web of manipulation, targeting her insecurities and fears.
This was Shona's harsh reality, and she found herself once again ensnared by her ex's manipulation. The aftermath played out during a major concert for Songbird Paradise. As the lights dimmed, Shona was suspended on stage like a marionette, controlled by invisible hands. She wore a lifeless expression.
She gazed upon her brother, ex-best friends, former lover, and fans who treated her as an object. With a sigh, she began to sing, her voice laden with emotion:
Sho: 🎶You pull me by my hair, so I don't go nowhere Tell me you love me, but you treat me like I'm never there🎶
Fans surged onto the stage, trying to touch her, leaving her angry and disheartened. A live stream allowed viewers to interact, leading to questions and concerns:
Comment: Ace, what do you mean? Another comment: Does she mean literally or...? One comment caught her off guard.
Anno: God, she is so annoying and whiny. Why do you idiots like her? She can't even sing; she probably uses auto-tune. FAKER 😂
Sho: 🎶You say the cruelest words, you used to break my heart 💔 'Cause I'm over here working my ass off🎶
Semi couldn't hide his upset and anger. Shona's perspective echoed her internal struggle:
Sho: 🎶Why is it so hard to see? (Why?) If I cut myself, I would bleed (kill me) I'm just like you, you're like me Imperfect and human, are we?🎶
Sho's pov: Why can't people see that I am human? I am not a machine. What do I have to do? Overwork myself until I'm bleeding, or perhaps end up in the hospital, comatose or worse?
🎶Show and tell I'm on display for all you fuckers to see🎶
The performance felt forced and unnatural. Shona was no longer authentic; it felt as though she were merely a puppet manipulated by others.
Sho: 🎶Show and tell, harsh words if you don't get a pic with me🎶
Refusing photos and autographs led fans to turn hostile, pushing Shona to relinquish fan interactions to her bandmates.
Semi: 🎶Buy and sell🎶
Semi sang with increasing concern.
Sho: 🎶Buy and sell me, baby, like I'm a product to society🎶
Shona felt like a commodity for people's amusement, an exhausting and dehumanizing experience. She sighed and continued:
Sho: 🎶Art don't sell unless you fucked every authority🎶
Shona acknowledged the harsh reality of her world, where she had to plead with people to watch her, like, subscribe, and listen, often appearing desperate. All she wanted was success for her group, but it came at a cost.
Sho: 🎶You beg and cry for more,he had 'em on the floor There are strangers takin' pictures of me when I ask, "No more" It's really hard for me to say just how I feel I'm scared that I'll get thrown away like a banana peel🎶
As Shona continued to sing, her movements appeared orchestrated, as if she were a marionette controlled by invisible strings. It was a painful metaphor for the inner turmoil that haunted her life.
The applause thundered through the arena, and Shona forced a strained smile, acknowledging her fans. To them, it was another electrifying performance, a dazzling display of talent. But deep down, Shona couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped, a puppet dancing to the whims of an audience that demanded more and more.
As the lights dimmed and the stage went dark, Shona stumbled backstage, her breath ragged. Her bandmates rushed to her side, concern etched on their faces. Semi and Keiji watched her backstage, equally worried, but Eita in particular couldn't hide his concern and upset any longer. Shona didn't look like she had control of her body anymore; it was as if someone else was manipulating her like a puppet master.
Sho: 🎶Why is it so hard to see? (Why?) If I cut myself, I would bleed (kill me) I'm just like you, you're like me Imperfect and human, are we?🎶
Sho continued to move and contort in ways that were far from normal. She looked possessed, and it was freaking out her boyfriends and bandmates, but she kept going.
Sho: 🎶Show and tell (show and tell) I'm on display for all you fuckers to see (fuckers to see) Show and tell (show and tell) Harsh words if you don't get a pic with me🎶
Semi: Cut the show; this isn't looking good.
A staff member replied, "We can't."
Semi: Cut the damn show, damn it! Something is happening to her!
Shona was still singing, but tears were spilling from her eyes.
Semi: 🎶Buy and sell🎶
She sang softly, her voice no longer carrying the roar of the crowd.
Semi: 🎶Buy and sell me, baby, like I'm a product to society🎶
His words were a silent reassurance, a promise that they were in this together, navigating the treacherous waters of fame as a united front. Shona appreciated his support, but the weight of her inner demons still bore down on her.
Shona's Pov: How did it come to this? When did my art become a mere commodity, a product to be bought and sold? The very essence of my creativity feels tarnished, and I'm drowning in a sea of expectations and demands.
Their manager approached, his eyes calculating, already thinking about the next promotional event and the tour ahead. Shona could hardly breathe; the relentless cycle of shows, interviews, and fan interactions threatened to consume her entirely.
Sho: 🎶Art don't sell unless you fucked every authority🎶
Her thoughts drifted to the choices she'd made and the compromises she'd accepted to reach this point in her career. She wondered if there was a way to reclaim her authenticity, to break free from the chains that bound her.
As the night wore on, Shona found herself alone in her dressing room, staring at her reflection in the mirror. Her face was a mask, concealing the turmoil within. The lyrics of the song, "Show and Tell," continued to echo in her mind, a haunting reminder of the price she paid for stardom.
Sho: 🎶Show and tell Why can't you fucking hear me? Show and tell, um Are you listening yet?🎶
The room felt suffocating, and Shona longed for a moment of solitude, a chance to reconnect with the artist she once was. She knew that the journey to reclaim her authenticity would be a difficult one, but it was a path she was determined to walk.
Sho: 🎶Show and tell (show and tell, baby) I'm on display for all you fuckers to see (fuckers to see) Show and tell (oh) Harsh words if you don't get a pic with me Buy and sell Like I'm a product to society Art don't sell Unless you fucked every authority🎶
In the midst of the chaos and manipulation, Shona's inner demons had grown stronger, but so had her resolve. She would find a way to break free from the strings that controlled her, to rediscover the true essence of her art, and to show the world that she was more than just a product of society.
Days turned into weeks, and Shona's determination to break free from the suffocating grip of her fame grew stronger. She knew she had to confront her inner demons and find her authenticity once more.
With the support of her bandmates, Semi and Keiji, she decided to take a hiatus from the music industry. They canceled the remaining tour dates and retreated from the public eye, seeking solace and healing in a remote cabin in the woods.
In the serene isolation of the cabin, Shona started to reconnect with herself. She spent hours by the fire, writing songs that came from deep within her soul, not songs meant to please the masses, but songs meant to express her truth. The lyrics were raw, unfiltered, and free from the constraints of commercial success.
Semi and Keiji were there every step of the way, providing emotional support and encouragement. They too had felt the strain of fame, and this retreat was a chance for all of them to rediscover their artistic roots.
As the weeks passed, Shona's music became a cathartic release, a way to process the trauma she had endured. She shared her new songs with Semi and Keiji, and together they created music that felt genuine and authentic.
During this time, they received messages of support from fans who had witnessed Shona's breakdown. Many of them had realized the toll that fame had taken on their idol and were now expressing their understanding and empathy.
Shona decided to document her journey to self-discovery and healing through a series of heartfelt vlogs. She shared her struggles, her moments of vulnerability, and her determination to find her true self again. The response from her fans was overwhelming, and she realized that she could use her platform to advocate for mental health awareness and the importance of authenticity in the entertainment industry.
Months passed, and Shona and her bandmates emerged from their retreat as changed individuals. They were no longer slaves to the demands of the industry; they were artists who had found their voice and their purpose.
Their return to the music scene was met with anticipation, but this time it was on their terms. They refused to compromise their authenticity for fame and fortune. Their music resonated with fans on a deeper level, touching their hearts with its honesty and vulnerability.
Shona's journey had not only transformed her but had also inspired others in the industry to prioritize mental health and authenticity. She became an advocate for change, using her platform to raise awareness and support for artists struggling with the pressures of fame.
In the end, Shona had reclaimed her authenticity, and in doing so, she had found a new kind of success—one that was built on self-expression, resilience, and the unwavering support of her bandmates and fans. It was a success that allowed her to be true to herself and to inspire others to do the same.
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kiwikiwikiwisstuff · 1 year
(Rengoku, Uzui, Obanai and Shinazugawa followed the group of circus performers to the outskirts of the brothel, taking advantage of all the commotion of the fight. They looked towards the roofs and at least six of the ten young men, without their costumes and revealing their identity, running upstairs at full speed, so the four of them jumped up to chase them) Tsubame: (looking back, next to Ren and Hiroko, half annoyed but mocking) Tsk, did you fall out of the crib when you were born that you are stupid from birth or are you, Ren? Now we have that little group following us! Ren: the work they gave us now was boring and slow, we needed a little action, even if they are mortal, Tsubame~ Hiroko: I don't know why youtake it lightly, guys, demon slayers and high-ranking people are following us, what a nuisance! Tsubame: Shhh… not everyone knows the existence of that, Hiroko Hiroko: Explain to me who the hell will listen to us if we're running on the roofs like it's nothing! Ren: (turning his head) HEY, IDIOTS! Are you following us for this?~ (he said in a sing-song voice, making the Hashiras even more furious) Shinazugawa: GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK, YOU SON OF A BITCH! Ren: Do you talk to your mother with that mouth? Shinazugawa: MY MOTHER IS DEAD, DAMN IT! Ren: (to the girls) Oops, this time I lost my bearings~ Uzui: (to Shinazugawa) Hey! It's still not your money ["At least he's helping me get my bag of money back"] Rengoku: keep up with him to reach them, there are only three in front. (Suddenly, Kaito, Enko and Yoru jumped next to the Hashiras, they were laughing at them and grinning)
Enko: Wow, wow~ What do we have here? People who were in the audience want more show? Kaito: What if the three of us fight, guys? It doesn't matter if they are one more, I'm sure we can Yoru: Kumiko gave the order that we should not fight anyone and unless we shed blood, Kaito Kaito: How boring… then we'll have to stop them Enko: But we can mess around without any problem~ Yoru: HEY, REN!! PASS IT ON!!
(Ren threw the bag of money at Yoru and together with Kaito and Enko they deviated between mocking laughter. The Hashiras began to chase them, already annoyed by the new boys next to them) Obanai: Give that back, motherfuckers. Enko: Oh~ excuse me, but my mom had an honorable job, how about yours, guys? Yoru: I couldn't tell you, I didn't know my mother. Kaito: At least mine too, how about yours, new guys? (laughs) YORU, HERE! (The boys separated and Yoru threw the bag to Kaito and had Uzui and Shinazugawa at his sides) Kaito: Wow, he's the guy who tried to flirt with Kumiko at tonight's show (his tone was mocking but jealous) Enko & Yoru: ["Are you seriously going to think about that while we have this chase?"] Shinazugawa: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Kaito: Oh, plus you have an attitude… strangely she likes guys like that, but the vacancy is filled Shinazugawa: SHUT UP AND GIVE ME THE BAG Kaito: You should put a muzzle or something on your friend the mad dog (this time he was talking to Uzui) Uzui: (for the first time in all that time, his face lit up and he laughed) HAHAHAHA HE'S RIGHT THAT YOU LOOK LIKE A MAD DOG, SANEMI! (Kaito continued running and turned around, with the bag in hand and doing pirouettes to get away from the group faster and smiled at Uzui) Kaito: Well, I'm quite right~ Uzui: To be stealing from me, you have a very elegant and flamboyant style. Kaito: Oh well, thank you, it's part of the show to have grace, style and be handsome… but we're not stealing, we're borrowing Uzui: What? Kaito: God will provide~ ENKO! (he threw the bag to his friend and whistled)
Shinazugawa & Uzui: OH C'MON!
(Enko received the bag and laughed, behind her was Rengoku) Enko: I can't believe they're doing all this for a bag of money. Rengoku: It's my friend's money. Enko: Your boyfriend? Rengoku: MY FRIEND AND COMPANION Enko: It's just a couple of borrowed coins Rengoku: I don't care! Just by carrying out the act they would be considered criminals! Enko: (laughing out loud) Did you guys hear that? Now the law is officially looking for us but with demon hunters! (While his companions laughed, the Hashiras looked bewildered) Hashiras: How do you know who we are? Enko: Oh, it's a long story, like for a cup of tea or something else… Hey, Kaito! Did you call Toshio too? Kaito: I called everyone, Kumiko and the rest still don't show up (Quickly, about five monkeys and a falcon appeared next to each one, throwing each of the young rebels a sword guard, although they were very different from each other… Enko received a Masakari, but the material was not common and ordinary) Rengoku: (widening his eyes, he was stunned) nichirin katanas? A Nichirin Masakari? Enko: (grinning) That's right… you are not the only demon slayers in this chase~
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
I'm feeling like such a whiny bitch but I just. really didn't like the translation of mdzs. I know it flows better in some ways but the changes are just, it doesn't feel like mdzs. Also, it kinda softened jc. I was hoping they wouldn't, but. I'm just sad. I had such expectations. Now I have to listen to my Identitarian cousin comment on wwx's cultivation from a 'christian' perspective (bc it has 'demonic' in the name, I was already expecting it) and how jc was just being cautious and he was right, bc the tl says it was 'precautions against people being possessed by wwx' and that they were sure to 'lose half their lives' by his torture, BUt they weren't killed. he was doing the 'good work'. (why she even reading it?!! leave it ALONE!!)
Sorry for coming to you to whine, but I miss the old tl. I wish they had fixed the flow but not changed so much of the words, ig. Why can't the Jingshi be called the Jingshi?. I miss 'great news!' and 'mark your words' and just. UGH
haha don't worry I will be the bigger bitch. I really really didn't like it. I knew I wouldn't like it when snippets were posted, and I didn't like it when I got it. But I didn't buy it thinking it will be life changing. I bought it because it was important to me to a. further compensate MXTX for the joy her work brought me <3, and b. to contribute to showing publishing companies this genre is financially profitable. That there is a market for it so they're incentivized to invest more in such translations in the future. Which is why I believe everyone should buy them (if they have the means). Also I don't pretend that my taste speaks for everyone. I'm sure 99.9% of people will be more than satisfied. The art additions are nice.
I agree that it made some weird choices re some of jc's lines and added words, changed some meanings/emphasis [what was the reason! it's not in the og text]... Don't love what they called his sword. Admittedly I might not be so sensitive to it if this fandom weren't such a shit show. The glossary is all over the place, esp the character one? The tone is all over the place. Are we being silly? Are we being serious? Are we being random? Is it an actual glossary with facts or are we misleading the reader for suspense. Don't see the point. I would've preferred if they used it to keep more pinyin in and just add the definitions there, eps since a majority of the target buyers are already familiar with the work & names. It can feel a bit like someone popped open a thesaurus to make the translation different for the sake of having it be different, so it can feel like the linguistic choices lack continuity. I too will miss the things you mentioned... But I also think perhaps the dissatisfaction stems from the fact that I ended up reading all the translations that were out there in whatever varying degrees of completion they were. So in my heart I couldn't help but wish for (the impossible) something that would distill the best in all of them into one ultimate translation to rule them all. But ofc that wasn't going to happen, this is just another new translation. So it depends entirely on how you vibe with the translator's sensibilities. It will also be particularly hard not to compare it against what you're used to that was your first intro to the story in the english language. A bit like hearing a beloved song in a different key... it might sound a bit off but the meaning is still pretty much the same.
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