#why did i write this noone's gonna read this
negamekos · 1 year
Various games Himaruya has worked on: a small compilation
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(Warning: 3/4 of them are horror games)
With my newest hyperfixation now being visual novels, I've recently turned my attention to some of the visual novel-style games Hima has made in the past. There's a few super short personal project ones like Noto-sama and Cleaning Prussia which he made in pre-anime adaptation times, but I just want to share the more notable/interesting ones I know about.
Gakuen Hetalia (2011-2012)
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You've probably heard of this one. Given that it was released in the early seasons of the anime adaptation, it has that art style, for better or for worse. I honestly thought the existence of this game was a joke when I first heard of it but no it's a real game, developed by the one and only Otomate and released for the DS and PSP. It's an otome game with Seychelles as the protagonist, and is fully voiced. From what I've heard about this game, there's not much romance and has mostly platonic interactions. Also Gakuen AU.
Since this is pretty much a game adaptation of the anime, this is probably the one that Hima least had a hand in making, as compared to the ones I'm about to talk about. Still a neat game in its own right.
The Hetalian Horror Show (2015)
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Another one you might have heard of if you browse Hetarchive, which has a partial translation for this game. This one's a fairly short free game set in the Gakuen AU (again) with Bulgaria as the protagonist. It's basically about a couple of the nations gathering to tell 'scary' stories (whether they're actually scary varies). Features highlights such as:
Robul moment
America casually revealing Classified Government Secrets
Bear Grylls
Iggy bullying
Low-key nsfw illustration of Bul butt-naked and tied up
And a twist ending you will not believe! (not clickbait)
Like the other free games he's made, Hetahorror is completely made by Hima (even the background images were taken by him). You can download the game here from his blog. And Hetarchive's partial translation is here.
Now here are the non-Hetalia ones (which I think are a little more interesting)
Apathy Midnight Collection: Volume 1 (2007)
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See those characters in the top right? That's Hima's art. Yeah. This game is a horror anthology game released all the way back in 2007, with three different stories and each having different writers and artists. The first two stories are the longest (apparently they have over a hundred different endings combined), and if you look around I think you can find some posts about them, they're quite interesting. The one Hima did the illustrations (and direction) for is the final story, Hashira no Kizu (or Scratches on the Pillar), which is the one that I heard leans the hardest into the horror atmosphere, and is quite different overall from the other two stories.
If you're curious about this game, you can purchase it here on BOOTH, and you can find an English fan translation here.
By the way, this game is a retelling of sorts of a much older game (from the 90s!) called Gakkou de Atta Kowai Hanashi (Scary Stories at School). Which leads me to this game...
Inaka no Gakkou de Atta Kowai Hanashi (2014-2016)
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Edit: I have since played this game and boy what a wild ride it was! Full overview here.
This is a full-length visual novel made by Hima's doujin group Shimaoka Kenkou Land, and it's a homage to the aforementioned Gakkou de Atta Kowai Hanashi. It's pretty similar in setting to Hetahorror (in fact that game was probably inspired by that too), with students coming together to share their horror stories. It's very atmospheric, with a lot of ambient noises and background images which really drive home the 'inaka/countryside' part of the story. Hetahorror had shades of this too, so consider this a 'deluxe' version lol. Except unlike the Hetalia one I feel this game is actually pretty scary ngl...there's a lot of comedic moments, but also just as many genuinely gruesome scenes (I'm not kidding, some of the images are quite violent)
I only played the demo (which can be downloaded from the same page as the Hetalia game), and man the stories really range from 'I saw this lady walking her dog and holding a cute plush toy from afar so I asked if I could take a picture of it, but it turned out it wasn't a plush toy, it was a bag for dog droppings' to 'my friend and his entire family were mauled to death and it wasn't an animal that did it'.
The full game apparently has voice acting too, but this was a super-duper limited release (like it was sold in Animate stores for less than a year back in 2016) and I really liked the demo so I'm just considering getting it second-hand at this point. It's so obscure I can't find much info on the game in Japanese, much less English...
Just to show how atmospheric it felt, I have here a recording of part of the game which I can't stop replaying (sorry for no audio)
Anyway looking at the games he made really makes me wish he had the time to make one nowadays....he could probably make an amazing official Hetaoni horror game and I would pay real-life money to play it. This has been a PSA.
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syddsatyrn · 7 months
Omg your requests are open. I've seen some of your work and it's amazing❤️
Can you do a smut with Lucifer. He's become my new obsession.
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⛧Idle Time is the Devil's Play⛧ By Sydd Satyrn
⛧Pairing: - Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
⛧Warnings: Shameless smut, fingering, swearing, fluff
⛧Words: 2.5k
⛧Notes: This was actually rather fun to write, thank you for the request! My head canon in this one is that Lucifer wears reading glasses.
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The day started out on the wrong foot from the second you woke up. The dishes are piled up, laundry needs to be done, and how is there so much dust in here?! Nifty does her best to keep up but she's only one tiny person. You begin with the dishes, stack and stacks of plates and bowls, cups and flatware cover the counter. You let out a sigh of disappointment. After working for a short while, Angel Dust walks in with a surprised look on his face. “I thought you were dating the King of Hell, why are you wasting your time with chores?” The tall spider asks, holding a stack of dishes from his room. “Angel, I work here. I don't know how many times I have to tell you…” You reply with an eye roll. “Yeah, yeah, Charlie’s dreams, blah, blah, motherly nonsense. I’m just sayin’ you could totally slack off and get away with it.” He says, placing more dishes on the counter. You give him a side eye, and Angel laughs. “Chill out toots, I’m just playin’.” He says and heads back to his room. He’s right, you could slack off if you wanted to, but you felt the need to try for Charlie. You and Lucifer have been dating for a little over 6 months and within that time you’ve become rather fond of his sweet daughter and her dreams to rehabilitate sinners. So you took on a role at the hotel and did what you could to help make it possible. You wanted to impress Lucifer's daughter, maybe one day she might even see you as family, if you’re lucky.  You finally finish the dishes and take a step back and admire your handiwork. A clean sink, and counters, all the dirty dishes are now washed, dried and put away. It took a good chunk of the morning but it was worth it. The kitchen looks spotless and you decide to move onto the next chore. You tidied a few empty rooms and then delivered clean towels to each room with an occupant. You’re already running out of energy and it's only noon. “You look like you could use some coffee.” Husk says from behind the bar while wiping down the countertops. “You read my mind, Husker.” You say and take a seat at the bar. He pours you a cup of black coffee and sets it in front of you. “Thank you, you have no idea how much I need this.” “Don’t mention it” He says and returns to his countertops. Husk may seem grumpy all the time but you’ve come to know him as a rather genuine and helpful person.
You drink your coffee slowly and contemplate what you should do next. There are so many chores that need to be done, where should you even start? Nifty should be cleaning the bathrooms or taking out the trash by now. You decide to start dusting next, it shouldn't be too hard. 
After dusting the common areas, you begin on the hallways. You start at the top floor and work your way down. You hum quietly to yourself while wiping the window sills. As you turn a corner, you run into Angel Dust, and spill dusting spray all over his jacket. “Shit!” He says while wiping his jacked off with his hand, Angel looks frantic and upset, you’ve never seen him so scared. “I’m so sorry! Are you okay?!” You immediately apologize. “Y/N, I can't find Fat Nuggets anywhere! I took my eyes off of him for one second and he disappeared! My poor baby!” Angel says, clearly in a state. He looks like he might even cry. It’s gonna be okay, we just…need to split up! I’ll head downstairs and you stay up here.”You say, trying to remain calm. Angel nods, and you both go your separate ways.
You search all the rooms on the first and second floor, the lobby, the bar, and even the basement. There is no sign of the little pig. You were sure you would find him rooting around somewhere in the kitchen but still, no Fat Nuggets. You notice the back door is slightly ajar, you definitely didn’t use that door when you were down here earlier. You open it, expecting to have solved the mystery, but still nothing. You lean against the wall and let out a defeated sigh. “Dammit, Fat Nuggets, where are you?” You say out loud. Suddenly there is a rustlin noise inside a tipped over trash can. You lift the lid and inside is a very happy looking little pig. You scoop him up and give him a big hug, he must have gottens stuck out there looking for a snack. As you carry Fat Nuggets upstairs you hear a shriek of joy coming from Angel Dust. “My baby!” He cries as you hand him over. “Don't you ever leave my side again!” He says, baby talking to the little pig while giving him a snuggle. “I owe you one, Y/N.” Angel says with a smile. “Dont worry about it, I’m just happy we found the little guy.” You gently boop the little pig’s nose. —------------ As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of pink and orange across the sky, a sense of tranquility settled over the hotel. The warm glow of the fading sunlight painted the walls in soft, golden hues made the place feel somewhat serene. Finding Fat Nuggets took up the rest of your afternoon and you were feeling unusually exhausted. 
 You head down to the lobby and see Nifty cleaning up the last of the dusting you did earlier.
She greets you as usual. “Good Evening, Miss Y/N! How was your day?” She pauses her cleaning and stares up at you with her single cyclops eye. “I am so worn out, Nifty. How are you?” You return, smiling down at her tiny figure.
“I’m okay. There aren't as many bugs in the hotel to squish anymore so I’m getting pretty bored.” You smile at her, Not entirely sure how to respond to that statement. She always says the wildest stuff, but you’re used to it. Alastor says she's always been pretty quirky. “You should go spend time with your boyfriend.” Nifty teases,”I’ll deal with the rest of the chores.” “Thank you, I could really use a break. Today was a mess.” You say with a sigh of relief. After walking down the long, lavish hallway to Lucifer's room. You open the door slowly, you don't want to wake him if he is asleep. The King is already in bed wearing nothing but a robe and his reading glasses. The lamp next on the bedside table is the only source of light in the room. The blonde haired man is reading a book and glances over at you when he hears you come in. “I was wondering when you’d be here.” He says with a smile on his face. He closes his book and sets it on the nightstand along with his gold rimmed glasses. “Sorry I’m late, I’ve had a really long day.” You admit as you sit on the edge of the bed. “Oh? What did you get up to today?” He asks and crawls toward you. “There was a lot to do around the hotel today, a mountain of dishes and so much cleaning. Like seriously, where does all this dust come from?! Then Angel lost Fat Nuggets and he was outside…” You ramble on and Lucifer listens intently. “Fat Nuggets?” Lucifer chuckles and cocks his head to the side. “His pet pig.” You remind him. “Oh, I see…” Lucifer places his hand on your cheek. His warm touch sends shivers down your spine. He pulls your face closer and kisses your lips gently. Your heart flutters and you kiss him back, blushing slightly.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here now.” Lucifer laughs, knowing exactly what he's doing to you. “Sounds like you need some time off. I notice you do a lot around here, you shouldn’t wear yourself out like that.” “I just want to show Charlie that I support her dream and believe in her.” Your words make Lucifer’s heart swell, the fact that you are trying so hard to impress his daughter is quite possibly the cutest thing he’s ever seen. He smiles at you, his expression full of love and admiration. You return his smile, your face bright red. He pulls you in for a tight hug, burying his face into your hair. “You’re doing just fine, my love. You can let up a little.” He whispers in your ear, “You should let me take care of you for a couple days.” Lucifer's voice is sticky sweet, you can see why Eve was so easily swayed. You melt into his arms and he kisses the top of your head. “I know exactly what you need…” Lucifer days, his voice laced with a mischievous tone. “Do you…?” You ask and giggle at his bold statement. He reluctantly lets go of you and takes off to the bathroom connected to his room. You can hear him turn on the faucet to fill up the tub. Lucifer walks out of the bathroom a few minutes later, he grabs your hand and pulls you close, his eyes half lidded. He kisses your cheek and wraps his arm around your shoulder. “Come with me, my dear.” He leads you to the bathroom, the tub is filled about half way with warm water. The room is filling with steam and the lights are low, a few candles are lit. The ambiance is warm and charming just like he is. Your eyes widen and you feel Lucifer hands tug at your clothes, silently telling you to take them off. Your face feels hot as you start to remove your clothing, piece by piece. You leave them in a pile on the floor, trying your best to keep your composure. “I have to admit I wasn’t expecting this…” You say, Lucifer smirks, pleased with himself and your reactions. He removes his robe, revealing his perfect body. He steps into the tub and turns to you.
"Well, are you coming or not?" He teases, you take his hand and slowly get in the tub with him. He sits behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you just a bit closer. Together, you both leaned back against the edge of the tub, letting the warmth of the water soothe your weary muscles. The stress of the day melted away, you could feel your muscles relax, you lean the back of your head on his shoulder, breathing him in.
"See? Isn't this much better?" Lucifer purrs in your ear.  
You nod and let your eyes close. You can feel him kiss your temple and you can't help but smile. “I definitely needed this…”You murmured, Lucifer's hands begin to roam your body, his hands trace down your arms. 
"You have the most beautiful skin...I can't help but touch it." He whispers and kisses your neck, you sigh softly. "And you always smell like vanilla, I adore that..."
“You flatter me, Lucifer.” You reply. He kisses the back of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. His hands begin to massage your shoulders, "Are you cold?" He asks, noticing the goosebumps forming on your skin. With gentle hands, his fingertips traced delicate patterns along the contours of your skin. In the hushed ambiance, time seemed to slow, as if caught in the embrace of the moment. “No, I’m fine.” You assure him.” You’re just really good with your hands.” “Is that so?” Lucifer says with a playful tone. He can barely contain himself, the way your body responds to his touch is fascinating to him. Lucifer's hands travel lower down your torso and gently cup your breasts. You hum softly and push your body closer to his.
"My, you're a needy one tonight, aren't you?" He chuckles and runs his thumbs over your nipples. "I think I know exactly how to help you." His hands travel lower and lower until they reach your core. Your breath hitches and your face turns a bright shade of red and Lucifer notices. "Is that okay, my love?" He asks, making sure he's not overstepping his bounds.
"Y-yes, it's more than okay.”
Lucifer's fingers explore your folds, teasing and prodding. His movements are slow and deliberate, as if he's trying to memorize every inch of your body. You gasp as he enters a finger into you. You moan softly and your back slightly arches. "That's it, my love, just let go, let me take care of you." The King’s tone is lustful and alluring. Lucifer adds a second finger and starts thrusting in and out, his thumb rubs your clit. He moves his fingers faster and harder. “Luci…fuck…” You swear followed by another moan, the pleasure is overwhelming. You can feel him smile against your skin, his hand working wonders between your thighs. You bite your lip and whimper, gripping the edge of the tub. Lucifer bites the tip of your ear and quickens his pace. “That’s it my dear, are you gonna cum for me?” Lucifer groans and pushes his fingers deeper inside you. You let out a whimper, a feeling of warmth growing deep within your core. Between the steam from the bathtub and all the stimulation you start to feel a little dizzy. Lucifer groans and buries his face into the crook of your neck. He focuses back on your clit, his middle finger massaging little circles, picking up speed with each second that passes. You can't stop the moans from escaping your mouth, the pleasure is too much. You can't hold back any longer and your body is rocked with wave after wave of pleasure. Lucifer's fingers move slower, helping you ride out the waves of your orgasm. Your chest rises and falls rapidly, your face is bright red. Lucifer pulls his fingers out and wraps his arms around you, hugging you tight.
"Are you alright?" He asks, kissing your neck. You nod and completely relax into Lucifer's body. You lay in the bathtub together, his fingers caress your arm, he presses another kiss to your temple.
"I think it's time you got some rest." He says, barely above a whisper. You both get out of the tub and Lucifer wraps a towel around you.
"You're absolutely perfect." He says with a grin and kisses your nose. You smile at him, continue to dry off and wrap your hair in a towel. Lucifer loans you a pair of his silk pajamas, they are just slightly too big for you. But all that does is add to how comfortable they are. You lay in bed next to him, the covers pulled over your shoulders. He pulls you close and runs his fingers through your hair.
"So, tomorrow you will do no chores, no errands, just relax and take it easy.” He says, with a slightly demanding tone. You lay your head down on his bare chest and he picks up his book. “Yes sir…no chores…” You murmured against his skin. “He chuckles, "Good girl. That's what I like to hear.” He praises while putting his glasses back on. You're exhausted from the day and can barely keep your eyes open. Before long, you fall asleep in the arms of your love, ready for a trouble free day tomorrow. 
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main masterlist | supernatural masterlist
summary: dean searches your room when you’re missing, and the love letters he finds break his heart
pairing: dean winchester x female reader
rating: R for language
word count: 1.9k (1.5k excluding poems) 
warnings: reader goes/is missing, language, 
author’s note: please don’t make fun of my “poetry”, i know it’s not good that’s why i don't write poems lol
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“Hey Dean, I’m working a case near Wichita so I’ll probably be back home by the end of the week. See you soon, bye.”
“That’s the last I heard from her,” Dean told his brother after playing him the message you left. “It’s been over a week, I’m gettin’ worried here!”
“Do you know what kinda case she was working?” Sam asked, Dean shook his head. “Okay, well I’m sure she’s fine, Dean. Let’s call the hospitals around where she is and ask if she’s there.”
“You do that, I’m gonna head to Wichita,” Dean replied.
“I think we should call the hospitals first, Dean. She said she was near Wichita, she could be anywhere from here to there!”
Dean sighed but agreed with Sam’s plan.
The boys had no luck with any of the hospitals so they decided to head over to Wichita and look for you. They searched for a few days before heading back to the bunker, hoping you might be there waiting for them. You weren’t, of course, and that only made their worry grow.
You’d been missing for nearly two weeks!  
Dean thought there might be some kind of clue in your room and decided that searching it was next on his to-do list. Though he knew he was grasping at straws, he did it anyway.
Opening the door to your room, he smiled at the poster near your bed. It was the one he’d gotten you for Christmas last year. It was a kind of gag gift—it was his favorite band. (His real gift had been much more thoughtful.)
He began his search at your desk, digging through the mess of papers splayed out on the wood surface. His brows furrowed when he found one paper in particular. It looked like… a love poem?
The way your hair looks in the morning
The way your laugh adds life to moments boring
The way your breath hits my neck when you’re standing just behind me
Reaching over to grab something off the table
A lore book, of all things to be
And the way your eyes light up when you look into mine
I swear I almost see a hint of love
Behind those piercing starlights
Your lips on mine is what I need
Did you hear me? 
I said kiss me, you fool!
We’ve not got much time
In this line of life 
And I need you at my side.
Dean didn’t know if the poem would be considered “good” in the public eye, but he knew it made his heart clench. You were in love? But… with whom?
To him, the words were beautiful, and the thought that you wrote them about someone else broke his fucking heart. He knew there were no clues to your whereabouts in the next poem, but of course, he read it anyway.
I think of you when I drive and spot a classic car
I think of you when I eat a cheeseburger 
And I’ll turn it upside down when I’m missing you
I think of you when I hear a Zepplin song
And I turn the music up when I’m not with you
I think of you when I see anyone wear flannel
Or a leather jacket that’s clearly a size or two too big
And I love to think of you
It just makes sense to me
I love to picture you beside me
At night when I can’t sleep
Or when I get scared of what I’m facing
I think of what you would do
Day or night
Night, day, or noon 
I always think of you
Whoever this mystery person was, they were fucking lucky. Dean had never felt so jealous in his entire life. He always thought you two had a “will they won’t they” side to your relationship but at that moment he realized it was completely one-sided. The fun, flirty side to all your late-night conversations had just been friendly. Two friends playfully talking as if they both wanted to be more.
Of course Dean wanted to be more. Of course he knew he wanted to be with you. But now? Now he knew he’d either missed his chance or he simply never had one.
You were in love with someone that wasn’t him. And the love you’d been writing about wasn’t the kind someone gets over. It’s the kind that sticks—for life. The kind that people write songs about, the kind that people fight wars over, and the kind that makes people go crazy in the best way. 
He knew he’d found that love when he first fell for you, but it turned out you had found that love in someone else.
“Anything?” Sam asked, walking into your room.
“Uhm,” Dean cleared his throat, hoping his eyes didn’t look as cloudy as they felt. “No, nothing important. Just some love letters or something.” 
Sam furrowed his brows and picked up one of the poems off the desk, one that Dean had not read yet. As the taller Winchester read what you wrote his eyes grew wide, practically popping out of his head as his mouth fell open.
“Oh my fucking god!” Sam exclaimed. “Y/n’s in love with you?” He looked at his older brother in shock.
“Me? No, these poems are about whoever she’s been seeing recently, they aren’t about me. We’re just friends.”
“You haven’t read this one yet, have you?” Sam asked with a small smile before handing it over.
You asked me today; “what’s your favorite color?”
And I just shrugged; “I don’t know, blue?”
Cause how could I have said the truth?
The color I love most in the world
The color that brings me nothing but joy
In this sad, awful little life
Is the green and hazel of your eyes
The emerald diamonds that shine
When you look into the sun
The soft hazel that looks over at me
When we’re reading in the library
How can I tell you all of this 
When the question is so simple and plain
How do I go into such specific detail
About the color I’m in love with
Without freaking you out
Or scaring you away
Or making you laugh at me
Because I know your favorite color 
And I know it’s not the color of my eyes
“You…You think this is really about me?” Dean asked his little brother, hoping Sam was right.
“Dean in all my life I have never seen anyone but you eat a burger bun-side-down,” Sam chuckled a little having read one of the poems Dean had read earlier.
“Oh my god.” Dean furrowed his brows, looking back down at the paper in his hands. “We’ve gotta find her, Sammy, I gotta tell her!”
“Tell her that you went through her stuff while she was gone? Don’t think that’s the best idea.”
“No! Tell her I’m in love with her! Tell her that the color of her eyes is my favorite fucking color too! And every time her favorite band comes on the radio I turn it up, and every time I see a woman wearing her type of clothes I think about her. Tell her that all I do every waking moment of every day is wish I was with her, wish I was holding her in my arms so I could never let go.”
“I think you just told her.” Sam smiled, nodding to where you now stood at your door. Dean turned around quickly. Tears of joy stung your eyes as you looked at him and smiled.
“You love me?” you asked.
“More than anything,” Dean admitted as he hurried to you. He wrapped you in a tight hug, kissing your temple quickly before he tucked your head under his chin. “I’m so glad you’re okay!”
“I’m sorry I didn’t call, it’s a long story,” you mumbled. “When vampires ban together with twisted humans, they’re a lot harder to kill.”
“We were really worried about you,” Dean admitted. “Like…fucking terrified.”
“Is that why you decided to dig through my personal shit?” you asked. You were one hundred percent kidding, but Dean was still nervous.
“Yeah…sorry,” Sam cringe-clenched his teeth, “it was my fault.”
You and Dean pulled back from the hug, but you took his hand in yours as you narrowed your gaze at the younger hunter.
“I know your tell, Sammy,” you said. “But it’s sweet that you’re trying to cover for Dean.” 
“Yep, all Dean’s fault,” Sam admitted before heading for the door, giving his brother a pat on the shoulder on his way out. “Good luck.”
“Look, I didn’t mean to invade your privacy, I swear,” Dean told you quickly. “I was looking for something that might tell me where the hell you were.”
“How many did you read?” you asked.
“Three,” Dean sighed, still thinking you were pissed at him.
“So…you know, then? That I’m hopelessly in love with you? And you think I’d be mad at you for looking through my stuff?”
“I mean, I know you value your privacy.”
“Dean,” you started, putting a hand on his cheek and turning his face to look down at you, “would you please just fuckin’ kiss me already?”
He seemed almost surprised by your question but he quickly smiled as he bent down and kissed you. His one hand stayed clasped in yours while his other went to your waist and then trailed to your lower back. The hand you had on his cheek went to the upper back of his neck so you could tangle your fingers in his hair. The smiles on both of your faces only grew before you both pulled away.
“Wow, I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” Dean mumbled before he let out a short, breathy laugh.
“Me too,” you replied. 
You’d been back home for a few days now and you had explained the whole missing situation to the brothers. You told them how the simple vampire hunt turned sour quickly when you realized the small-town’s sheriff was in on it and helped the vamps with making humans just disappear. They’d made you as a hunter instantly and held you hostage for a few days before you killed your way out. 
Dean never left your side so when he saw a new poem on your desk his brows furrowed. Curiosity got the better of him as he sat down to read it.
My god aren't I lucky
Now that you're holding me at night
And that first time we kissed in the doorway
I could’ve sworn I was kissing pure sunshine 
When your lips hit mine it was better
Then I could’ve ever imagined
And the love poems I've written became
Manifested words of affirmation
The butterflies in my stomach fluttered
And the blood rushed to my head
Think I could stay like this forever
Won't overthink it, I’ll just go and kiss you instead
“Well, well, well.” You came up behind him, and put your hands on his shoulders before you trailed them down and clasped them together over his chest, leaning your chin on his shoulder and kissing his cheek. “Look who’s digging through my shit again.” You smiled against his skin. He turned his head and placed a deep kiss on your lips.
“I’m not even sorry this time, because I think this might be the best thing I’ve ever read.”
“I love you,” you said and kissed him again.
“I love you so fuckin’ much,” he mumbled back.
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bigtreefest · 4 months
Chapter 8b: Last Night
From: You Catch More Bees With Honey Series
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Pairing: Mob! Bucky x Farmer! Reader
Summary: It’s Bucky’s last night on your farm
Word count: 2,645
Content/warnings: MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY, SMUT, p in v protected sex, crying during sex (well technically after), dry humping, vaginal fingering, sweet soft intimacy, kissing
Author’s Note: This could probably be read as a stand-alone, but I’ll catch you up in case you feel confused. Bucky made a business deal to work on your farm for a month. This is the last afternoon/night of that after spending all that time side-by-side. If you’re interested in the series, you can catch up with the link below or check out the rest of the Outta Nowhere AU
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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On the final Saturday that Bucky was at the farm, the two of you practically stayed pressed together. It’s not as if you were unproductive, but you were glued at the hip, never leaving the office for too long without the other under the guise of tying up loose business ends before his departure. You knew once he was gone, he’d have to take all his burdens back off Steve, leaving him swamped with work, unable to pay you any more attention than he did his other associates.
With your efficiency and his inability to say no to you, all ‘work’ had been completed before noon. Sure, you could’ve dragged it out, but then you wouldn’t have had time to just enjoy each other’s presence like you had gotten used to. Before that could happen, though, you presented him with one last task.
Bucky sat on your oversized desk chair with you in between his legs. His chin was tucked over your shoulder as he rubbed up and down your thigh with his ringed hand. The cool metal gave you goosebumps on your bare skin, the nice weather allowing you to wear shorts and the lack of physical labor giving Bucky the opportunity to don his jewelry once again. You ignored the way your body shuddered at his touch, instead looking back at him over your shoulder with a smirk.
“Okay, cowboy. I think we’ve got your first few months of shipments all planned, so now onto my last order of business.”
He cocked his head to look at you with an amused, but tentative smile. “And what might that be?”
“Pull out a pen.” You stood up and shuffled the papers on your desk, looking for a blank one and setting it in front of him. You took a seat on the other side, not missing his slight pout and confusion as to why you moved so far and what was going on.
“Now that we’ve reached the end of the month, I want to assess what you’ve learned. I’m gonna shoot questions at you, and you write your answer so we can determine whether or not you actually took in information or just followed me around and mooched off my free meals.”
Bucky laughed when you shot him a wink and happily obliged you, a sparkle in his eyes, admiring the way you were demanding something of him with a sweet smile on your face, just like the first time you met. He gave a slight nod, pen at the ready. “Alright, sweet Honeybee. Hit me with it.”
You crossed your arms and legs, watching him as you rattled everything off you could think of, from super obvious things, like which animal lays eggs, to asking nearly impossible things, like the brand of feed given to the dairy cows. Bucky’s reactions to each question were a treat, some causing him to light up with knowledge, others making him roll his eyes at your specificity.
“Last question. This one’s worth a thousand points. Write something you think will impress me. Something out of the blue, whatever’s on your mind. Anything at all.”
Bucky sat there for a moment, tapping the cap of the pen against his bottom lip in thought. You watched his playful features morph into something serious, something soft, as he scribbled one line at the bottom of the paper.
‘I wish I could stay here longer.’
You leaned forward so could read his paper upside down, scanning the answers, each one surprisingly correct. Not a single one was off and he even put more information than you’d asked for on some of them. You were not only amazed with the way he indulged your ridiculous request, but with how this whole time, he had actually been listening and watching, holding onto every word and fulfilling his side of the deal.
As you looked up from the paper and into his eyes, you could feel the warmth through his gaze even that far apart. You stood up again and Bucky did the same, coming around to meet you. It was as if your bodies were magnetic, drawing you towards each other until his one hand was on your cheek, the other wrapped around your waist as yours perched on his hips.
His eyes shifted between yours and he closed his eyes, drawing his forehead against yours before he spoke against your lips. “I’m serious. I love every moment with you. And I’m sorry it’ll have to end.”
You swallowed and let your eyes flutter closed as you leaned into his touch and nodded. “I know. But I get that you have work to do and it was already a lot for me to request you being here for so long. But just…for right now, be with me. Enjoy what little time is left of this with me. Please.” It came out as a whisper, a plea for him to remain present while he still could. You opened your eyes and looked up through your lashes to see him searching for your gaze.
He whispered back, “You don’t have to ask me twice. Say the word and it’s yours. I’m yours. And I’ll be right there if you ever need anything. Whatever you want, Honey. And right now, I’m here with you. I only want to be… with you.”
Your eyes closed again and you nestled into his chest in satisfaction at the depth of his words. You knew he was saying he would be present, but it meant so much more. For him to make a promise like that, extending beyond just business, made you feel supported, protected, embraced.
He pulled you closer if that was even possible and pressed his lips to your hairline, then using his hand against your cheek, he pulled your head so you were both leaning back enough that your gazes met before he smashed his lips against yours. It was with purpose and a new sort of urgency that you hadn’t really experienced in the slower kisses and pecks you had shared. You began to walk backwards and Bucky followed, lips attached to yours in a near-lock as your tongues danced, not unlike your feet, performing similarly to the two-step you had taught him weeks before. Your hands slid up a down his chest and began to pop open the buttons of his flannel shirt as his ran under yours, feeling the softness of your belly and tracing upwards, raising the hem of your shirt as his callused fingertips sent a thrill through you.
The two of you removed your clothing piece by piece, discarding them carelessly as you crossed through the living room and waltzed carefully up the steps, grateful Peter was out of the house for the day and helping Curtis with the weekend chores.
Clad only in underwear, you grabbed Bucky’s hand and pulled him towards your room, falling down on the bed as he crawled over you. His lips met yours once again as you widened your legs, allowing his hips to grind on your core. Your gasp at the sensation allowed Bucky’s tongue to explore your mouth, swallowing down each other’s moans and drawing closer and closer. Bucky pulled away for a second to catch his breath, the both of you looking deeply into the other’s eyes and panting.
His fingers traced down your side to play with the hem of your cotton panties, and you nodded, wordlessly giving him the permission he needed to pull them down. Bucky groaned at the sight of the damp fabric as he dragged the material down your legs, kissing back up your body and stoping to lovingly lick and nip at your neck as you whined and writhed for some sort of friction again.
“Jamie, please.”
He smiled and sighed at the way you begged for his touch, not used to being the one in control of anything since he’d been here, and now holding your pleasure in his hands. His fingers reached down to find your clit, dipping towards your entrance first to gather your arousal before making slow, teasing circles on the sensitive button. His soft touch set your body on fire. It had been so long since you’d been this intimate with anyone, all of your focus on the farm, and the exhaustion after a long week, not to mention the hurt from Jake deterring you from the desire for a partner.
“I’m here, I’m with you, Honey. I’ve got you-give you whatever you want. Just wanna make you feel good.”
Sensing your sensitivity and deducing how long it had likely been for you, Bucky slowly slid his middle finger through your slit, his eyes never leaving your face. He didn’t want to miss a single second of the way you nearly crumbled under his touch. Your eyes were half-lidded in pleasure as your body lurched forward at his slow, gentle intrusion, accompanied by a moan. He drank in the view, more gorgeous than he imagined you could be, back bowing at his touch. Bucky added another finger and the sensation of the cool metal against the heat between your legs was almost too much to handle.
Your legs began to shake as he slowly coaxed in a third finger, his thumb gently strumming your clit, deft fingers stretching your entrance. The feeling was overwhelming and pushing you impossibly close to an edge you hadn’t experienced in years at the hands of another.
“Jamie, Jamie it’s so much. So good. I’m so close.” It came out between hiccuping gasps as you tucked your face into his neck, throwing your arms around his muscular back and legs around his waist, pinning his hand between your bodies. You were clinging to him with your whole being as you reached your peak with a keen, pussy clenching his fingers almost painfully, but Bucky didn’t mind. He would’ve let you break his arm to see and feel the way he was wringing pleasure from the distant corners of your body right now. He continued to slowly pump his fingers against your walls, bringing you down from your high.
You would’ve collapsed onto the bed if Bucky hadn’t had a firm arm behind you, holding you to his chest where you had curled into him, as you gasped for air. You were finally able to pull your face away and look into his eyes again, his burning with desire and yours hazy with post-orgasmic bliss.
“Do you, uh, do you have a-“ Bucky’s eager nod cut you off as he pressed another sloppy kiss against your lips before slinking back off the bed and walking towards his bag in the corner of the room.
“I think so. Let me check.” Bucky hadn’t expected anything like this to happen over this month, so he definitely didn’t have a condom prepared. Perhaps his emergency one was still in his wallet, but he honestly wasn’t sure. He was pleasantly surprised to find it easily, rolling it on and coming back on the bed towards you.
As he hovered over you, you ran your hands along the scruff on the sides of his cheeks before pulling him down for another kiss. You could feel the weight of his hard length resting against your lower stomach, reaching down to stroke him gently. Bucky tensed at the sensation with a groan, throwing his head toward your shoulder and taking the opportunity to kiss your neck and down your collarbone before making his plea.
“Ride me, Honey. Need to feel you.”
You bit your lip nodding, complying with his request and moving to sit up as Bucky laid down against your pillows, right next to where you had just been sprawled out. You shuffled on your knees to straddle his hips, grinding down and letting his cock run through your folds, slick in preparation for him. You reached a hand down to perch his tip at your entrance, basking in the groan he let out at the sight. You slowly lowered yourself, the broad tip pushing your walls outward, pressure causing you to sharply gasp when he passed the threshold of your tight hole.
Your thigh muscles strained as you attempted to slowly but steadily lower yourself on his length, hyper aware of the delicious stretch of his thick cock inside you. The two of you sighed in relief as you bottomed out, nails gripping tightly into Bucky’s shoulders. Bucky held your hips as you adjusted to him, careful to not squeeze too hard from every time your tightness choked his dick. He fought the urge to throw his head back against the headboard, wanting to keep his eyes on you and where your bodies were connected. The sight of you splitting yourself open over him nearly made him come on the spot, but he tightened every muscle in his body again, trying to resist the urge. He only had one condom, after all, and he wanted to drag out this feeling for as long as possible.
He could see it on your face and feel your body start to relax as your nails gently scratched over his tattooed chest. You rocked your hips, testing the waters, and dragging a whine from both your lips. Your speed picked up, his hands continuing to guide you, finding a smooth rhythm that pulled moans, grunts, and gasps out of the two of you, until just like before, Bucky could feel you clenching again. He lowered his one hand, thumb finding your clit and rubbing tender circles, leading you both barreling towards a shared peak. Your hips stuttered and wavered with exhaustion, but Bucky continued guiding you with his firm, strong hand.
“C’mon Honey. You can do it. I can feel you’re close. Let go for me, sweet thing. Please. Come with me.” His voice was gruff, dripping with desire.
Your hands ran down the muscles of his torso and squeezed against his abs, nails digging in slightly. You used your last bit of energy to nod your head and urge him to help you along. Bucky planted his feet on the mattress, thrusting in tandem with the grind of your hips. You leaned down for a final kiss, wanting to be ever closer to him. As he gave into the gesture, it felt like everything hit you at once along with your shared orgasm: the sweet, tender moment, the reverence and respect he was treating you with throughout, and the fact that you didn’t know if it would ever happen again or if you’d see him after tomorrow.
Bucky came with a deep, but soft growl beneath you as he stroked your hair after you’d pulled away from his lips and tucked yourself into his neck again. He sat there, letting you cling to him for a second before he felt the unexpected wetness against his shoulder. Tears has started streaming down your face, and when Bucky caught a glimpse, his look was similar. Jaw clenched with water in his eyes.
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The next morning, it was time for Bucky to go. The two of you had arranged it so you could have one last drive to the gas station together where you’d be meeting Gio.
Bucky convinced you to let him drive your truck for a final time, and you agreed, easily giving in to his request. He drove with the windows down, radio low on the dash, and one hand on the wheel. The other rested on your thigh while you clutched the arm attached to it against your chest and rested your head on his shoulder. His cheek was pressed against the top of your head. Bucky’s callused thumb made small circles on your skin as the breeze blew through the cab, paired with the warm glow of the early morning light, sun shining on your time together like it always had.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: All this writing and this is the first time I’ve done smut for Bucky. I hope you enjoyed, I’d love to hear what you thought from a comment, reblog, or ask!!!
Series Taglist: @mrsnikstan @scuzmunkie @openup-yourmind @vicmc624 @hawkeyes-queen @blackhawkfanatic @morgthemagpie @buckybarnessimpp @calwitch @thesarcasmqueen-22
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ln4madness · 4 months
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summary: you can’t fall asleep next to lando who is dead asleep😴😴😴
warnings: none, pure fluff
a/n: tell me how is it june alr?!?! also why do i have to go to school in june wtf?? (it’s because i’m graduating and have exams) also i cannot fall asleep at a reasonable time like once the clock hits 23:59 on may 31st my sleep schedule changes to sleeping from 3am - noon. anyways enjoy the fic and hopefully you can fall asleep before 3am on a school night😐
You had gone to bed hours ago, but still hadn’t fallen asleep. Meanwhile little Lando Norris here had been dead asleep for about 4 hours now. The clock read “2:38am” in bright red numbers.
You had absolutely no idea why you couldn’t fall asleep. Usually you’re in bed sleeping by 22:00 or 23:00, except now, being wide awake at 2am.
You decided to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water, maybe that would help you sleep. You had to wiggle out of Landos arms that were tightly wrapped around your torso, trying your best to not wake him up.
You made your way to the kitchen and turned on the lights. You got a glass out of the kitchen cabinet and filled it with water. As you were leaning on the kitchen counter you saw a really sleepy Lando enter the kitchen.
“Shit did i wake you up? i’m sorry.” You said. “Why are you not in bed?” Lando asked you, his voice raspy and still sounding like he was asleep. “Can’t sleep. Decided to get a glass of water.” You reply.
Lando makes his way over to your and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you in a little and putting his head in the crook of your neck. His warm body against yours feeling nice. “Come to bed, we’ll cuddle and then you’ll fall asleep.” Lando said softly. “Alright” you replied and kissed the top of his head.
You were now in bed, your limbs tangled together with Landos. You were getting sleepier and sleepier every second.
You eventually dozed off to sleep, cuddled against Lando, your head in the crook of his neck, arms wrapped around his body as his were wrapped around yours, holding you tight against himself.
“Goodnight, sweetheart, i love you”
“Goodnight, baby, i love you too” you replied to Lando and fell asleep.
a/n: i know this is really short but it’s something at least! i’m probably gonna focus on writing more but shorter fanfics seeing as i still have to go to school and i still have one exam left (math😨😀) and in a week i leave for vacation and then i graduate and go to camp and then ill have to work😨😨😨 so basically im gonna be busy all summer but don’t worry I WILL WRITE I PROMISE!!!!
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pianocat939 · 11 months
Hi! Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening! How are you? Hope you're having a pleasant time and don't forget to hydrate with water!😊✨
Oh and could you write a blurb about the Yan.Rise!Turtles' reactions if they saw MC who is video-chatting them, went into an animal expo and found their designated species and MC just excitedly compares or mocks or teases or bullies them lovingly like… 👉👈
MC: Hey check it out! It's you guys! HAHAHA!! Oh mi Gosh! Is that the big buff red Raph? He's so bulky! pats the shell Awww look at the Mikeys, they're so cute! scoops out one of them Hi Donnie! whispers shouts Leo! What are you doing there??/jk
And are their reactions gonna be jealous? Enjoys MC's excited blabbering? Laughs along with them? Give fun facts? I imagine one of them saying like "Why love that when you can love this very handsome turtle instead?" hehehe maybe Leo would say that stuff! 🤔
Sorry if this blurb is kinda confusing/awkward to you! Hehehe it's my first time so I'm nervous since I love your posts for a long time now! Have a good day/noon/night! 💖😄
~ ☁️ Anon
At first I was confused af but after reading it 3 times I just realized how simple it is-
I'm slowly but surely getting my inbox cleared- just randomly working on it.
Tw: Leo gets so pissy over a mini-version of himself
Reaching New Homosexual Autism Heights:
He finds it cute that you're teasing him. Although, he is a bit worried you might get your finger bitten off considering his species tends to be violent sometimes. If you like to nerd about his species, he's quite surprised. He ends up learning more than he knew about himself.
Last RuPaul Runway:
HOMIE IS NOT HAVING IT. Like man's getting beefy with a turtle of his own species. He’s like trying to maintain his smile but at the same time he’s like “Listen- I know they’re cute and all, but aren’t I cuter? I mean…I can at least do some cool tricks.” He will glare at the turtles.
Daily Banana Swallowing:
He’s deadpan the entire time. He occasionally might give a warning to be cautious of being bit. But other than that he’s just listening while occasionally sharing another fact. He’s much more interested in you rather than himself.
Marinated Fungus:
He’s calling the turtles cute, and listening the entire time. He laughs along to all the teasing…Internally, he actually doesn’t really care much for the turtles. But if you like them, then he’ll happily join. He’ll find the facts about him interesting though.
(AHA- Did you guys miss the funky names? I sure did. It's been a good while)
- Celina
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sakuraryomen01 · 2 years
Valentino.. /Sukuna Ryomen x Female Reader/ .o6
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warnings: asshole sukuna, college prep. school (aka bitch u at an expensive ass school), former friends to lovers, slow burned love, yuji is sukuna's little brother, getting ignored by childhood crush (*gasp*), slight peer pressure from Gojo, a drunk kiss or two, ooc sukuna, clingy!sukuna, drunk!sukuna, ooc getou, and shoko, alcohol, intoxication, passing out at sukuna's dorm
reader: female reader; 23 years of age, college prep.
plot: It's been years since you've moved from country life, since you've forgotten about all the things you used to love about your hometown and where you grew up from... you didn't think it'd chase you to college in the city after almost a decade..
words: 5.423k
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fanfic masterlist: .o1 .o2 .o3 .o4 .o5 .o6 .o7 .o8 .o9 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16 .17 .18 .19 .20
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a/n:: had fun writing this chapter honestly! i didn't think that the chapter would get so long, but it was finished and edited before i realised! thx for the support and i hope you guys enjoy reading this fanfiction to the end! ❤
Thank you for reading this bit! Enjoy~
. . .
"A party." You responded with a blank stare, disheveled clothes and messy hair. "And why would I go to said 'party'?"
It was almost noon on a day off, something you don't get often seeing as you juggle a part-time job and college courses all at once. And Gojo's sparkling smile, tall frame covered in a white T and sweats, wasn't exactly the best thing for you to see on the weekend. Your eyes continued to blur as your mind was still in a sleepy state, making you rub your eyes as Gojo started to whine.
"C'mon, Y/n-chan!" He pouted, his pretty pink lips quivering like he was going to cry. "I thought about it, and you have officially lived the most boring college girls' life!"
It took serious brain power to come up with that conclusion? You thought to yourself, leaning against the doorframe. All your weight pressed into the wood with a creak, you sighed and shook your head.
"Gojo, I don't need to go to a party," You mumbled, standing from your place against the frame and rubbing the morning crust in your eyes. "I'm perfectly fine not getting drunk and finding a pair of lips to play with like you, okay?"
The white haired demon you called a friend pressed his lips together in a frown, white brows scrunching together as if he was insulted.
It was true though.
"How could you?" He pouted, his voice a mock whimper to try and bait you into apologizing. "I've been one of the bestest friends you've ever had and you insult me so?"
You did get into a fight with Getou..
It's been a week since Getou and Gojo got into their little tith over a girl at some bar, but Getou was still walking around with a slightly swollen lip and a bruise over his eye. If you were completely honest, you were surprised Gojo made such a fuss over getting a bloody nose.
"Whatever, Sato’," You sighed, rolling your eyes and pouting your lip. "..Look, if I change my mind I'll call you."
There was a smile, a sparkle, and a coo that erupted and formed from Gojo. You could tell by how tightly he squeezed you after a few seconds just how happy you made him.
Wonderful, everyone likes a happy Gojo Satoru, You thought, laced with sarcasm.
Once Gojo had left your dorm apartment, you closed the door and made your way to the kitchen. It was a little over an hour when you decided to cook some eggs and have ramen when your phone began to buzz with notifications from Sukuna. Surprised, you picked up the phone and decided to call, hearing a disgruntled groan on his end and then a huff.
"Can you come pick up your twink friend?" He asked, making you wonder who he was talking about before you let out a sigh.
"Sorry," You mumbled before hanging up and hastily finishing your food. "Put him on the phone, lemme talk to him."
"Alright. Himbo, get over here."
There was a bit of a fight between Sukuna's name calling before Gojo's voice chirped on the line. "Y/n-chan, you're gonna need better friends than this brute! He keeps calling me dumb names, and it's hurting my feelings."
"I thought you didn't have feelings, Satoru," You teased, hearing a laugh from Sukuna in the background and Gojo whining some more. Eventually you got Gojo to agree to leave the apartment and started talking to Sukuna about studying that night.
"I was thinking about going out, actually."
"Ah, really?"
"Mhm, been cooped up for too long, ya'know?" Sukuna lets out a sigh, as he shuffles through some things. The sounds of some TV shows played while he continued talking. "..It's a little weird talking to you on the phone like this after so long."
"Hm?" You let out a small hum, although you did agree with him.
You hadn't talked on the phone ever, and texting was rare even. If you were honest, you didn't want to push Sukuna anymore by making him interact with you. You may have been friends in the past, but Sukuna changed a lot.
He wasn't the same as before. He's grown up into an adult.
"Are you going on that trip after midterms?" Sukuna cuts in, making you flinch for a moment. Trip?
"Oh right, the one to the old Willow tree farm?" You asked, your memories flooding back from when you were little.
All the blueberries you had picked with Sukuna and Yuji, the games and forts you used to do while school was out. The visits to the library after classes let out and in between, reading about anything; from flowers and beetles to dragons and legends. All those days and all those nights, your time was usually spent hanging out at the Willow Tree.
"I was thinking about it," You confess, scratching your nose and sitting down in the living room. A bag of chips in your lap as you flipped through movies to watch. "Why do you ask?"
"No reason, really. Just curious."
You hum again before checking the time, seeing that Gojo's party was going to start in about an hour or two. Bouncing your leg, tapping your foot, you started to consider Gojo's offer for a good time. What you didn't understand was why you suddenly wished for fun in your life, maybe it was because of the lack thereof in it. With a sigh, you stand and head to your bedroom, Sukuna languidly talking about classes and your next break.
"Hey, do you want to go to Satoru's party?" You asked, looking through your closet for clean clothes. Planning on getting into the shower, you hear Sukuna hum. "Is that a yes?"
"I don't know, really," Sukuna answered, some shuffling in the background. "Why? Are you planning on going?"
"I wanted to stop by, maybe have one of those horrible drinks."
Hearing a light chuckle on Sukuna's end, you smile and pick out a cute outfit for the party. Whatever the reason for your sudden change in plans, you decided it wouldn't be much to fuss over.
After a few moments, you hear a sigh and then a huff: "Mind if I tag along? Don't exactly like the idea of some douche leaving ya at a party."
"Aw, still worrying about me?" You asked, teasing with a gentle coo as a growl erupted from the other end of the phone.
"So help me, girl. You'll be the end of me."
. . . 
After you had taken your shower, hair dried and a cute outfit on, you sat in your living room until you heard a knock at the door. Turning off the T.V, you stood from your place on the couch and walked over to answer it. Much to your surprise, even after he had offered, Sukuna stood at your door.
Hair fluffy and slicked back, eyes as dark and brooding as ever too. Your eyes grazed down to take in his choice of fashion and it was a rather simple one. Unexpectedly, he wore a white T with a pair of ripped jeans. His jacket was black leather and Sukuna also wore a small silver chain around his neck. A small, silver cross hung from the thin chain and it made you giggle, coaxing a reaction from the man at your door.
With a tilted head, he pressed his brows together. "What's got you giggling?"
"Oh, nothing," You chuckled, reaching over to grab your dorm keys and phone before heading out and locking up. "I didn't think you'd actually give me a ride to the party, Sukuna. That's really sweet of you."
"Don't call me sweet," Sukuna huffed, nodding his head towards the exit and walking on ahead. "I got called 'sweet' at least three times coming here."
You rolled your eyes at the mention of your neighbors, seeing as they called every man or woman sweet. With a sigh, you followed your friend to the exit of the dorm, a few girls that had spotted Sukuna early wishing their goodbyes. Once you had gotten to the truck, Sukuna opened the passenger's side, waiting for you to climb in and buckle up.
After you did just that, Sukuna closed the door and climbed into the driver's side. You continued to tease Sukuna about being a gentleman all the while he started up the engine and denied the claims of being so nice to you. You laughed at this as Sukuna pulled out of his parking spot, turning a corner and heading in the direction of the party.
"So some random house?" Sukuna asked after you had given the directions. In return, you shrugged. "Seriously, you don't make sure you're safe before you go somewhere, do you?"
A dead panned look was sent his way, which in turn got a scowl. After a few more half-hearted arguments, you and Sukuna calmed down. A couple turns later, there were the sounds of random hip-hop and remixed songs playing from this large home in the middle of an upper-class looking neighborhood. Whether or not you knew this house, you had a little doubt that it didn't belong to Gojo's family.
"This is rather suspicious," Sukuna muttered from behind you, managing to find a space amongst all the cars and people crowding around the home. "Are you sure you want to go in?"
"Mhm, this is okay," You nod, waving your hand as you unbuckled yourself. "If you want, you can come in to see that I'm really gonna be fine."
Without much argument or need for thought, Sukuna undid himself too and climbed out of his truck. Hurrying over to open your door as a few girls and their dates walked by with the smell of booze trailing behind him.
Yeah, this seems very safe. Sukuna thought to himself, watching the couples stumble their way to a trash can that was laid outside on the lawn.
Sukuna quickly made sure to assert himself beside you as you started to make your way inside the house. Although, you were texting on your phone for a moment before putting it into your pocket. Sukuna opened the door quickly as the music inside the house started to grow louder and louder, the many bodies of couples and people looking for a hook-up danced to the rhythm inside.
You tried with all your might to not get caught up in the dancing frenzy, but a hand got ahold of your wrist and pulled you away from Sukuna. Unease set in as you felt Sukuna's presence went away, although you could hear him yelling for you from another part of the living room for you.
"I can't believe you actually came!" The cheriest voice known to man as he managed to pull you into a hug. "Oh, I'm so happy! Getou and Shoko-chan are in my room getting high off their heads if you want to join them!"
Your eyes managed to find the man's seeing pearly blue orbs shined bright even in such a dimly lit area. "Gojo, you scared me! Don't pull me like that, please."
Gojo pressed his lips to your forehead in a sudden peck and cooed, pinching your cheeks. "Don't worry, Y/n. I won't bite."
You held the place Gojo kissed with a flushed, and surprised, look on your face. Quickly regaining consciousness of the situation, you gave Gojo a quick slap on the arm and pushed him away. His giggles and slurred motions signaling that he was a little buzzed.
"I thought you didn't drink?" You questioned, seeing Gojo's white lashes flutter as he tried focusing on you.
"Today's special, since it's Getou's birthday," Gojo responded with a hiccup, covering his mouth as another cute giggle escaped him. "I think anyways, he said that it'd be cool to see me get wasted."
You sighed as you turned and saw Sukuna with an unreadable expression. His brows pressed together looking between you and Gojo, a sneer forming on his face for a moment before he shook his head and walked over to join you. Running a hand through his hair, Sukuna's eyes looked over the surrounding crowd and then at Gojo.
"Lots of people here," He mumbled suddenly, making Gojo tilt his head as if Sukuna was asking a dumb question.
"Of course there's lots of people here. I made a party for people to unwind from all the studying and tests!"
There was a sigh from Sukuna and a look that told you that he'd rather be studying than blowing his mind out with booze. You sent a small smile his way; seeing him actually worry about studies was a whole side to him you never wondered about before. You poked Sukuna's arm, announcing that you were going to go make yourself a drink, and wandered off to find the kitchen.
After a few minutes, you managed to find the kitchen and got a small beer from the fridge. You were against drinking hardcore things like vodka or scotch, so drinking some beers wouldn't matter to you. You've never done drinking like Getou did, and you didn't plan to in the future.
While sitting in the kitchen and sipping your beer, your eyes made your way over to Sukuna, who was being felt by some girls. They looked dizzy and drunk, and Sukuna appeared to be less than comfortable around them. A scowl was permanently planted on his face as he entertained the clusty college girls.
You giggled at the sight, seeing him fumble as some girls continued to bombard him with questions and coos. He's so cute.
At the thought, you froze, staring down at your drink.
You wanted to give up on Sukuna, but lingering thoughts and feelings like that always managed to get in the way. Simply seeing him worry about made you smile, and laugh. No matter what, you didn't want them to resurface and force their way into your decisions.
After all that you had done to him, you were surprised that he allowed you to be so close.
Having said that, you don't even know how close Sukuna considered you.
"Oi, what's with that sad look?" A voice snapped you back to the present, making you flinch and look back at whomever held it. "You're at Gojo's house for a party, you must be having a good time."
The voice belonged to Megumi Fushiguro, a friend since the day you moved into the girls' dorm with Shoko. His eyes seemed to glow like his fathers, and his hair was just as dark. The outfit he chose was just a big, long sleeved grey shirt with some jeans. And, like always, his hair was a mess.
"That's funny coming from you, 'Gumi," You teased as Megumi rested his forearms on the counter's edge. "Why're you here?"
"Ah, that question again," He mumbled, sighing and shaking his head. "When I say I'm here to make sure Gojo doesn't choke on his own vomit, people usually laugh."
And you did like many others, a light chuckle that spiraled out of control. But eventually, you got scolded by your friend and continued to drink your beer until it was finished. Debating whether or not to get another, Sukuna had managed to make his way over to you and Megumi.
"Ah, Fushiguro," Sukuna said, sending a small smile towards him. "How's the babysitting gig going?"
"Tell me about it."
Sukuna chatted with Megumi for a short while before grabbing himself one of the bottles of liquor and downing a glass, making your eyebrows raise in shock. "You drink?"
"Just a little, when I'm stressed," Sukuna responded, swirling the drink down and nudging shoulders with you. Another friendly touch that made you blush, and Sukuna definitely caught it. "Don't worry, I won't become some himbo. I'll be able to drive you home later."
You hum with disbelief, scanning Sukuna and looking him over as he continued to drink and chat with Megumi. After a while, you made your way up the stairs and to the room that Gojo said your roommate and Getou were in. Like previously said, you could smell the weed that was being burned inside the room just by being outside the door.
Once you opened the door and saw the duo camped out on the large bed that sat in the middle of the room, you rolled your eyes and walked over to see if they were still breathing.
"Y/n," Getou's voice was rough and deep, and you quickly realised why Shoko and him were blow buddies. "When did you get here? Wanna join us?"
"Nah I'm good, I came to check on you," You responded, watching Getou's smile turn into a cute pout. "Making sure you're not choking on your drool."
"Don't be like that, Y/n," Shoko whined from her spot on the bed, waving a ringed finger at you. In return, you patted both of their heads and told them to give you a call if they needed anything.
While they continued to get baked, you left the room and fanned the air around you to try and make the smell go away. Joking to yourself, you worried that you might've gotten a contact high. As you made your way to the bathroom to relieve yourself, Sukuna meanwhile was still talking to Megumi.
But things were a little different after a few drinks of alcohol.
Things had derailed from school and work to girls and relationships the more the pink haired male drank, and even the setting changed for them. They had gone from the kitchen, to the living room, to the porch in the backyard. Sitting side by side on the grass of the yard, eyes trained on the stars above them, they continued to chat.
"...So you're telling me this is what you're worrying about?" Megumi asked, his genuine curiosity making him want to know more. He'd never wondered about this kind of thing before, seeing as he has no real need for a relationship at his young age.
"Mhm. It's annoying," Sukuna sighed, eyes closing as he thought about all the events for the last month and a half. Seeing you almost everyday each week, despite how much he didn't want those old feelings to find their way back into his heart. "I just don't want to go through it all again."
Megumi hummed in response, turning his attention from the stars to Sukuna, hands clasped together on his stomach. His bright eyes trying to look for something to say, something to comfort. He was never that good at comforting, despite how much of a bubbly person Gojo was underneath the seriousness and how much time he spent around the older classmen.
"If you really don't want to do it again, just tell her."
. . .
You found your way into the living room again after a while, a few beers in and watching the lingering party-goers dancing around like no one was watching. You had a few conversations with some of the boys and girls, them all really trying to relax before midterms and finals. The other half of those conversations were about numbers, and booty calls gone wrong.
While you sympathised with the relaxers, the booty calls made you laugh awkwardly. Why would I need to know this?
Turning your attention to the person behind you, seeing Gojo hanging from Getou's shoulder, hiccuping. Getou looked like he was recovering from his high as he held up Gojo and pointed towards the backyard.
"You need to.. hicc- Get Sukuna home. He looks like he's gonna- hicc- be sick."
"Oh, sure," You nod, standing and saying goodbye to the person you were just conversing with. "I'll see you guys later, okay?"
Getou waved and headed upstairs to get Gojo into bed, he looked like he was on his last leg too, stumbling after the raven-haired man. You watched them walk up the stairs to make sure they were okay before heading out to the backyard, catching the sight of Sukuna and Megumi laying on the grass and looking up at the sky.
Although they looked peaceful, you could tell Sukuna wasn't having that good of a time. Even if he was talking to a friend from one of his other classes, he still looked a little sick. With a sigh, you opened the screen door and made your way over. Megumi reacted immediately and sent a wave your way, and you returned with a head nod and looked down at Sukuna.
His eyes were heavily lidded, and he looked like a tired mess. His breathing was slow and deep, like he had fallen asleep with his eyes half opened. Megumi sat up quickly and told you that he drank a little too much and that taking home would be the best option.
"Heh, that's what Getou asked me to do," You announce, looking back down at the pink haired man and kneeling next to him. "You hear that down there? We gotta get you back to your dorm."
"..Y/n.." Sukuna mumbled in return, reaching a hand up to your cheek. "When did you get here?"
You smile at the touch, holding his hand to your cheek before standing and making your way around him. Leaning down to grab ahold of his hands and pull him to his feet, and it wasn't an easy task either. He weighed more than you thanks to all the muscle he built, and Megumi offered to help get him to his truck.
"I'll take one side and his drink," He said, slipping his arm around Sukuna's waist, joining yours and starting to lead him around the home.
While you and Megumi stumbled with Sukuna in your arms, you eventually managed to get to the truck and pop open the passengers side. After struggling for what seemed like forever, you got Sukuna buckled and in and leaning against the window (just in case he decided that the drinks he had wouldn't stay down).
"I'll see ya later at class, Ryomen," Megumi said, giving the window a pat and Sukuna grumbling a small yes in response. Megumi then looked at you, handing you the keys to the vehicle and giving a nod.
"Make sure he gets a good meal tomorrow morning, okay? That hangover will get on his last nerve."
You laughed and gave Megumi a pat on the shoulder. "Of course I will."
You parted ways at the curb and you climbed into the drivers side of Sukuna's truck. Turning on the engine and making sure to put the AC on for him and backing out of the parking space. Sukuna's head lolled against the window, groaning about his stomach and head, making you giggle and pat his leg.
"You'll be fine once you're at your dorm," You said, turning onto the main road as Sukuna huffed. "I'll get you in the shower, get some fresh clothes on you, and get you to bed. How's that sound?"
"Sounds like you wanna see me naked," Sukuna said flatly, making your brain go into overdrive over a response to say. It took a solid minute before it registered what you had said and your cheeks began to heat up at the confrontation.
"Am I right? You're getting quiet, and red."
It shouldn't be this hot to hear him drunk! You scream at yourself in your head, rubbing your cheek as you start to drive back to campus. Quickly, you tried to make up an excuse for the blooming colors in your cheeks and explain that you won't actually undress him.
"Ah," He mumbled eventually, his hazy marron eyes still dizzy and unbelieving. "Thought you'd try making a move since I'm not myself."
You grimace at the thought. "I'm not that low to try and sleep with you in this state."
The mention of doing something so intimate at the beginning of your relationship with an old friend made you flustered. Maybe your feelings for him haven't died out, and just maybe you wanted to be with him still, but he wasn't in the right mindset to ponder on something like that. You hadn't even begun to rekindle your friendship with this man, and he already assumed you wanted to sleep with him. Letting out distasteful sigh, you turn into the college parking lot and turn off the ignition, turning your attention to Sukuna.
"I'm not sleeping with you," You said outright, making his eyes glimmer. "We're barely friends. I'm honestly happy that I'm getting so much time to be around you."
This made Sukuna's brow raise and a smirk play his lips. He looked like he had won some kind of a fight, minus the bloody nose and busted lip. "So, you still like me?"
The question stung your heart, how could you say no?
"..Yeah," You sigh after a while, chewing on the inside of your cheek. Pulling the keys from under the steering wheel, you unbuckled and shook your head. "But it's not like you want anything to do with me, right?"
"And who said that?"
"You did, remem—??"
Something soft pressed against your lips, your brain not taking in the fact that it was Sukuna. Not taking in that Sukuna's hands had gotten ahold of your chin and tilted your head up to make the kiss. It took way too long for you to react, and by the time you were a blushing and muffled mess, Sukuna's hand was cupping your jaw in a drunken hold. Your heart was practically in your throat once you understood.
Almost in a panicked state, your body started to shiver uncontrollably. You didn't know what to do, how to react; all you did was sit in your seat and stare wide eyed at Sukuna's closed ones before he pulled away. A faint pop sound echoed in your head once he had released your bottom lip.
"You're mine. Got it?"
"S-Sukuna, stop it," You whimper once you catch your breath, grabbing his hand and pulling away from him. His eyes darken at this, and you were positive that a vein was bursting in his neck. "You're drunk, and tired. You need to get to bed."
He didn't respond for a while, making you wonder what else to say to coax him out of the truck before he nodded and exited himself. Sukuna's footing was messy for a moment before you joined him and held him by the waist. Guiding him to his dorm and making your way up the stairs. Once in the hallway, you noticed that some of Sukuna's neighbors were still up and playing games.
You understood the appeal, but it was almost 1 in the morning by the time you got to the dorms.
Get some sleep ya'll.
Finding Sukuna's dorm was an easy feat, seeing as you visited at least once a week for lessons. You found his key and unlocked the small home, pulling Sukuna inside and resting him on the couch. As you were leaving, Sukuna grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into his lap, nuzzling his nose into the crook of your neck and mumbling something you couldn't hear.
"Sukuna, I'm going to get you clothes," You said, petting his head as your heart continued to swell. "Please, let me go."
He released you after another moment, his face hidden in a dark shadow as you made your way into the bedroom. Finding him a pair of sweats and a tank top to change into, you started the water in the bathroom. Checking the temperature to make sure that it wasn't too cold but not too hot before making your way into the living room, only to be stopped by Sukuna's figure in the doorway.
"Ah— Sukuna, you scared me," You mumbled, looking up at him and seeing the annoyance in his eyes. "I got your clothes and shower ready."
"Stay put." He grunted, making you tilt your head. "Stay tonight."
You bite your lip at Sukuna's offer, not knowing what to say other than to tell him to bathe and you'll think about it. It seemed to lighten his mood a little, but his face was still unreadable as he made his way into the bathroom and began undressing.
(You had to closed the door for him before he got his shirt off, thankfully.)
As promised, you sat down on his bed and started to think about it. You always did like Sukuna's couch, it was comfier than your bed. And the blankets Sukuna owned were really soft now that you got a proper feel for them. Patting the cushiony comforter underneath you, you gave a small smile before it was washed away.
Remembering what happened in the car made your heart race, as you pressed a finger to your lips. It wasn't your first, but the second kiss that Sukuna had taken from you.
Why did he do that? It wasn't because of your feelings. He's not the type to just do something for the sake of making you of all people happy. In the beginning he told you he wanted nothing to do with you..
After contemplating what to do, you decided it was best not to worry about it. It was probably a fluke. You told yourself.
Shaking your head and slapping your cheeks, you took a breath and went off to Sukuna's kitchen to grab some water. Taking a sip from the bottle before making your way into the bedroom once again, the sound of the shower turning off makes you stop in your tracks at what to do.
Should you stay in the room? You left the clothes and briefs in the shower. Waiting would be weird though, even after everything.
You couldn't think as Sukuna opened the bathroom door and poked his head out, managing to find you in the hallway and grumbling.
"You didn't leave me a towel."
Choosing life over death, you made sure to look at the wall so you didn't catch a glimpse of whatever it may be hiding. "Ah, sorry! Must've forgotten it in the moment!"
Don't look! Don't look! Don't look!
You managed to find the man, getting water all over his carpet, a towel and handing it to him quickly. Sukuna stared at you for a moment, wondering why you were acting so strange over him in clothes, but he shrugged it off and went back into the bathroom to dry his hair. He heard you exhale and then his bed creak, making a small smile appear on his face over it.
After a few minutes of drying it, Sukuna let his hair hang loose and decided it'd be weird to style it for bed.
"Finished," He said once he exited the bathroom for a second time, looking over to see you seated on his bed like he thought.
"I'll stay tonight," You say, making him do a double take before humming. "Just tonight though, and I'll sleep on the couch."
That annoyed him. "No, I've got a bed that works just fine."
You sent a glare his way that was returned before you sighed and stood. "I'll be on the couch."
He watched you take a few steps towards the hallway before picking you up by the waist and hauling you over to his bed. Your small yelps and little kicks made his chuckle, remembering about the first time he had picked you up when you were little.
Though the nostalgia didn't last long once he got you under the blankets with him rested next to you. Your pout was just as cute as when you were little, the puffy lip and the teary eyes unchanged and unfazed by his antics.
"Are you teasing me?" You asked, catching Sukuna off guard. "Is this cuz I told you I still like you?"
It took a moment for him to answer, before he shook his head and leaned down, pressing a small peck to your cheek. "Yes. But I'm also drunk."
"You got that right."
Sukuna chuckled at this, laying his head down onto his pillow, pulling you close by the hip so you could share. His warm and minty breath fanned your shoulder every once in a while as his breathing got deeper and deeper, more relaxed and calm. Once you were positive he was asleep, you closed your eyes and followed suit.
Whatever your hearts had in store, you were certain that this moment wasn't going to be talked about easily.
. . .
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a/n: i wanted to get some touchy stuff to happen seeing as it's already the 6th chapter lol, so let's hope sukuna's gonna start being more touchy!! 👀 I hope that the next chapter will be just as good as this one! 🤭 Also, i decided last minute to just make Shoko Y/n's roomie since I didn't want to create any other characters lol. So ig that means Getou and Shoko are fuck buddies until further notice!
Chapter Song Theme:
— Saweetie & GALXARA - Sway With Me (Lyrics)
taglist: @mageyboo, @mzladyd , @mysticwonderlandangel, @sukunaspersonalfleshlight, @kawaiipenguin20, @k-indie, @okkotsufav, @cafeinthemoon93, @pulchritxde, @bontenbunny, @deepinballs, @kleeboomed, @fallenfeversstuff, @fiierytearzx, @wo-ming-bai, @ririkaxbz, @instantgalaxysheep, @watyousayin, @z3r0art, @sukunaobsessed, @lik0, @sukunasfirstlove, @princesstiti14, @nemoyr, @ladywolf44005, @cat-mak20, @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn, @hxlalokidottir, @instantgalaxysheep, @domainofmarie, @the-moongoddess, @dark-n-dirty-duchess, @agentdedf1sh, @sukunastoy, @lyn-soso, @bao-yu-sarah-morningstar-wang-9, @heyitstacy, @lost-in-tokyo, @chaoticqueen33
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A Visit to Draxum's - a @tmnt-write-fight attack
@ozymdis you have been attacked!!
Read the fic on ao3!!
It wasn’t normal for Mikey to still be in his room this late in the day. Normally by now he’d be out, already have cooked his family breakfast, and have waltzed into the lab, sketchbook in hand, to draw while Donnie worked on his latest invention. But by now it was nearly noon. And Donnie had yet to see him.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out why. Or maybe, since Donnie had been the only one who’d seemed to notice, it did.
Raph and Leo had fought before. They’d always squabbled here and there, ever since they were both old enough to talk. But things had gotten worse since the leadership change. Much worse. And the only way the pair seemed to communicate with each other anymore was through a screaming match. And there was only so much of that junk that Mikey could take.
Donnie didn’t know what they were fighting about today. Frankly, he didn’t care. The only thing that mattered to him was the fact that the arguing had kept Mikey locked up in his room. Mikey, who rose before the sun. Mikey, who was always the first to get cabin fever and beg to go up to the surface. Mikey, who only hated one thing more than isolation: fighting.
Stupid, selfish, dumb-dumb brothers.
In their old lair Mikey hadn’t really had a door. He’d had a curtain to give him the semblance of privacy, but you couldn’t really knock on that. To fix that problem Mikey had begged Donnie to build him a doorbell. He could still remember his brother's tiny, squishy face when he’d presented him with the finished project. His little brother was only five years old at the time.
He’d brought the contraption with him to their new house, and with Donnie’s help, had affixed it to his new door. 
Donnie stared at it, a small orange button with a smiley face haphazardly drawn on it by Mikey’s tiny hand all those years ago. Back when things were easier. Back when their dad still helped them with stuff. Back when Leo and Raph did more than fight.
Shaking himself free of his thought, Donnie pressed the button. It only took a few seconds for Mikey to appear at the door. A smile was plastered to his face, but Donnie could tell from his red-rimmed eyes that he’d been crying.
“Morning, Donnie,” Mikey said quietly.
“Good morning, Micheal,” Donnie said, shifting his backpack to better fit over his Battle Shell. “Would you care to accompany me to Draxum’s?”
Mikey’s eyes lit up. Donnie could acknowledge that Draxum had been invaluable during their fight with the Shredder. But that still didn’t mean he had to like him. Mikey did, though. And apart from wandering the New York City streets aimlessly (not exactly the safest thing to do, especially in broad daylight), his apartment was the only place they could really go. 
Besides, he was done listening to all the fighting too.
“Really?” Mikey asked. “You’ll come with me?”
“Yes. I know you’ve been going over there to practice your mystic stuff and I figured I could come too.”
“You want to practice with me?” Mikey said, his voice climbing at least three octaves. That wasn’t what Donnie had meant. He’d planned to sit and work on Shelldon’s new body while Mikey and Draxum practiced. But he wasn’t about to extinguish the light that had just returned to his little brother’s eyes. He wasn’t that mean.
“...Yes,” he said with some struggle. “I would love nothing more than to spend my time working on something not useful.”
It must’ve been a good lie, because Mikey shot forward and wrapped his arms around him, squeezing as tightly as he could.
“This is gonna be so much fun!” he said. “We can practice our Ninpo! Ugh, I’ve been trying to help Draxum unlock his, but he just hasn’t gotten it yet. I wonder if–”
Mikey continued talking, but at that point Donnie started to tune him out. He desperately hoped he hadn’t just gotten himself in over his head.
“What are you doing?” Draxum asked.
“Exactly what you told me to,” Donnie bit back. “Are you sure the problem isn’t your teaching? Maybe we should try something else.”
“You need to master the basics first,” Draxum said. “I already told you, if you can’t do this then you’re not ready for anything more advanced. It can be very taxing on the body. Do you want to turn to dust?”
Donnie rolled his eyes. He’d prefer turning to dust than spending one more minute doing this.
“Your brother got this easily,” Draxum muttered under his breath.
“You know what, work with him for a bit,” Donnie said, walking over to the table and opening his backpack. “I’ve got other stuff to work on.”
Draxum didn’t argue.
As stupid as he was, Draxum was right about one thing. To Mikey, this stuff was easy. In the past few months Mikey had blown past the basics and was now working on some more advanced things with Draxum, particularly learning how to fly. This was where Mikey had hit a roadblock.
He’d tried explaining it to Donnie on the way over. But, considering that almost none of this made sense to Donnie, he hadn’t been much help in discovering a solution. Something was keeping Mikey from unlocking his true potential. They just couldn’t figure out what.
Luckily, Draxum was a bit kinder in helping Mikey with his issues than he had been for Donnie. But, if he appreciated one thing about Draxum, it was his honesty. Even if it meant that Draxum didn’t try to hide his favoritism. Besides, out of all of the brothers, Mikey was a good pick.
In between their practice sessions, it looked like Mikey had a good amount of time to work on sprucing up Draxum’s apartment too. The last time Donnie had been here (that horrible family dinner) the place had been nearly empty. Now there was a vase of fresh flowers on the table, the pantry was stocked with snacks, and pictures of their family that Mikey had sacrificed from his own room hung on the walls. 
One of the first things Mikey had done when they’d got there that particular day was start making lunch. He’d cut up some meat and vegetables for a soup and set it to cook. When it was finished, it would signal it was time to take a break and eat. 
The pleasant aroma of the soup filled the air around Donnie as he worked on his designs for Shelldon’s new (and hopefully indestructible) body. He had been smart enough to not ask what was in the food. Another thing Mikey had been learning from Draxum was how to cook with Hidden City ingredients. And as much as he enjoyed that most…eccentric dishes at Run of the Mill, he figured he would enjoy the food a lot more if he didn’t know what was in it.
“Have you brothers been practicing their exercises too?” Draxum asked. Donnie resisted the urge to sigh. Leave it to Draxum to bring up the one topic that they’d come here specifically to avoid.
“I think they’ve just been too busy,” Mikey said. A familiar tone had returned to his voice. It was the same one he used whenever he talked about Raph in Leo. A quiet melancholy that he was trying desperately to cover up.
“Well, moving is time consuming,” Draxum said.
Donnie paused what he was working on. Despite the fact that they’d been in their new house for months, they hadn’t really started “moving” yet. They had their rooms, sure. Their necessities. But most of the rest of their things still sat in stacks of brown cardboard boxes, scattered around their new lair. A good amount of their stuff was still at the old one too. Had Mikey not told Draxum any of this yet?
Then again, maybe that was a good thing. The stuff that was going on at home was family issues. And as much as Mikey tried to include him, Draxum wasn’t family. He never would be. Not to Donnie.
“The soup should be ready by now,” Mikey said, cutting the conversation short and walking over to the stove. He grabbed three bowls from Draxum’s cabinets (before Mikey he’d only had paper dishes) and ladled soup into all three.
Donnie cleared the table in front of him, shoving all of his stuff back into his backpack. Back home Raph, Leo, and Splinter would all be eating lunch separately. If they ate it at all. 
The only times that the Hamatos bothered to have a meal together was when Mikey insisted upon it. He’d always been like that. The family’s glue.
Donnie looked across the table at Mikey. And then suddenly it clicked. Why he cared about Draxum so much, why he was so insistent on bringing them together. No matter what he did, Mikey couldn’t get Raph and Leo to get along. He couldn’t bring his family together. He couldn’t restick the bonds that had begun to sever. He felt useless without his job. Something Donnie understood all too well. 
He wasn’t gonna let his little brother keep feeling like that, though. If getting along with Draxum, if playing family with him was what it took to help Mikey, then he was willing to do it. He’d do anything for his little brother. 
“Draxum?” Donnie asked. “After lunch maybe I can try that exercise again.”
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pinknightsinmymind · 2 years
【 hell week - abby anderson 】
abby anderson x fem!reader
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wc: 2.2k
based off request prompt: What do you think about them being in college and braving through finals together? Like, they've been working for hours and they collectively decide to encourage each other through it?
content: modern!au, college!au, established relationship, helping each other manage stress through finals, you and abby being caring gf's, LOTS of affection between you two, one sexual joke, abby being happy and sharing her sense of humor, lots and lots and lots of fluff, cuddling, use of pet names (babe, baby, love, etc.)
a/n: wowowow this was so cute to write ik its a little past finals week as the next semester has either begun or will be starting soon for ppl, but i hope reading about going through finals week and being domestic with abby is still heartwarming. i hope it can also be a comfort to be read again at a later time when its finals week again and you're stressed and need a moment to relax :) more than anything taking care of yourself during finals is the most important which is something i've barely learned and figured out how to do. anyways, now that i'm done lecturing, pls enjoy!!!!
“I think I’m going to drop out,” Abby announced. You snorted.
“Like hell you’d drop out,” you said back to her. You knew Abby was just being dramatic and complaining. Despite how draining the work was, you knew she loved her major and being in pre-med.
“No, I think I’m actually gonna do it this time. I’ll just scam people online for money. This medical shit just isn’t it. In fact, I think I’m gonna become the country’s most wanted con-woman.”
“What you need is a break from studying, not to drop out,” you advised. You leaned forward from across the table and closed Abby’s textbook and notes. She sighed and rubbed her temples. “You’ve been studying hard enough. Don’t push yourself.”
“You’re right.” She shuffled some of her note cards in her hands absentmindedly. “Neither of us have taken a break in a while. My brain hurts.”
“Tell me about it,” you grumbled. “Wanna get something to eat?”
“You read my mind. I think the walk would be good for me.”
“Plus, we’ve done enough studying for a while. We can study more later tonight.”
“You’re a genius, [Y/N],” she grinned. “That’s why I keep you around.” You rolled your eyes as you gathered your things together and shoved them in your backpack. Abby followed suit as the two of you prepared to leave the library. You checked your phone and saw it was around three o’clock, and you had both been there since before noon. Yeah, you both definitely needed the break.
“Tonight,” you started as you walked by Abby’s side, “we’ll study some more. I say we take a few hours to ourselves.”
“Oh, yeah?” she asked flirtily. You hit her arm.
“Not like that! I meant we should decompress for a while. Eat, watch some TV, that kind of thing.”
“Physical activities are good for decompressing,” she countered.
“Oh, I’m sure they are to you. Look at you. You go to the gym, like, six times a week,” you joked.
“Five,” she corrected.
“See!” you exclaimed. The two of you finally exited the library, the sun’s warmth and beams hitting you. The warmth was delicious, and much better than the freezing Arctic inside the library.
“I thought you liked my physique. Some say it’s Grecian.”
The laugh spilled from your lips before you could even stop yourself. “Oh, my God. You did not just say that.”
“I think I’d be a Spartan,” she mused.
“You’re joking.”
“No, I’m one hundred percent serious. Sparta’s no joking matter.”
“You are so—I don’t even know what to say.”
“Charming? Hilarious? I’ve heard it all before,” she said cockily. Before you could even respond you felt her hand slither close to yours and lace your fingers together. “What do you want to eat?”
“I don’t know. What’s closest?”
“That sandwich place you like is nearby. We just gotta walk past the art building and it’s right there.”
“Deal!” you agreed. Walking through campus was always enjoyable with Abby by your side. She made the weather less dull, the day less mundane. It was these little moments with her that you enjoyed the most. Sure, it’s boring everyday life, but she made it special. Abby swung your interlocked hands through the air as she matched your stride. Yes, you may have been in the middle of exams, but at least you had Abby by your side while you endured it. You enjoyed the small journey together, taking the time to admire the beautiful landscapes before you. The university had many trees planted around campus whose lush, green branches provided bountiful amounts of shade. There were squirrels roaming around searching for food, while only a few other students wandered around. For some finals week had barely begun, while others were going through the dregs of it.
Nearly everyone had coffee in their hands while they were dressed lazily—and none of them you could blame. Finals week tired you out beyond compare, and you still had a paper to complete tonight. Abby had two more exams to prepare for, while you only had one more in a few days. You were both just trying your best to make it through the week, both vowing to help each other whenever necessary. That included monitoring each other’s sleeping schedules, making sure you both stayed on task, and making sure above all you were both taking care of your health. That was the most important one seeing as the two of you had a streak for getting so involved in your studies you often neglected your well-being. It was a slippery slope, but when you had each other to look after one another, it made things somewhat easier.
“Hey,” you said to Abby suddenly. She glanced at you, waiting for you to finish speaking. “I’ll pay for lunch today.”
“Really?” she asked.
“Yeah. My treat.” You squeezed her hand in yours, watching as a smile spread across Abby’s face. She looked radiant whenever she smiled.
“Trying to wine and dine me?” she teased.
“You know it.”
Lunch with Abby was just as calming and therapeutic as you thought it would be. Not only did it calm your nerves, but it gave both of your brains just the break they needed. You both took your time to eat, looking to enjoy each others’ presence and the food instead of rushing. After eating, the two of you decided to head back to your shared apartment rather than go to the library again.
“Do we have to start studying right away now that we’re home?” you asked her. Abby glanced at her watch. It was barely five, but she didn’t want you to stress yourself out more. In fact, she felt you deserved to rest more, instead.
“’Course not, babe,” she answered. “You’ve already been working hard enough. Let’s just watch something together.” Abby pulled together some blankets and set up her laptop for the two of you on your bed. Settling herself against the headboard with the blanket wrapped around her, she opened up her arms for you to join her. You quickly joined her, Abby wrapping the blanket around you as well. She pulled you close to her body, arms around you tightly, as you began to watch the show you binge watched together. Abby placed quick kisses against your cheek and forehead here and there, but still made sure to concentrate on the show before her. Despite this, you still managed to distract her and pull her into more heated kisses every now and then.
After a few episodes you asked Abby if she was ready to finish studying, and when she said yes the marathon ended. You sat at the small dinner table together, Abby turning through the pages of her textbook and making countless flashcards. You, however, pulled out your laptop and began working on your paper. It was due tomorrow at noon, so you wanted to be sure you got it done by tonight, even if it meant staying up extra late. You’d make that sacrifice if you had to. You wrote page after page, inserting your quotes, making arguments, for what felt like forever. However, you were still nowhere close to done. It was already past 10 P.M., and you had at least three to four pages left to do. After about twenty more minutes, Abby wrapped up her studying and announced she would take a shower.
“I’ll be back, love,” she said, giving you a small kiss before heading to the bathroom. You sighed as you heard the water start running. You knew it was going to be a while before you finished, but you’d have to bear it for the time being. You worked in a frenzy as the pressure of your final grade hung over your head. You just wanted to finish this assignment so the semester could finally be over. Abby finally returned from her shower after some time, rubbing the strands of her hair in her towel to dry it off.
“How’s the paper coming?” she asked. You shook your head.
“It’s coming,” you groaned.
“It’s getting pretty late. Are you almost done?”
“Hardly,” you answered. Abby came up behind you and began massaging your shoulders. It helped to calm you somewhat, her hands managing to rub the spots that ached the most.
“Want me to stay up with you?” she asked softly.
“I’d like that,” you said. Abby finished massaging your shoulders and pulled out the seat next to you.
“I’ll stay here the whole time with you, baby, but let’s make a deal.”
“What is it?” you asked. You looked away from your screen and into your girlfriend’s eyes as she spoke.
“Before I tell you, what time is this paper due?”
“Tomorrow at noon,” you answered.
“Okay, here’s what we’ll do. I’ll let you write a little bit more, but after midnight you’re gonna take a shower and go to sleep.”
“But I need to finish this,” you argued.
“Yeah, but you can’t tire yourself out, babe. You’re not pulling an all-nighter on my watch. We’ll wake up early together tomorrow and you can finish it, okay? So just do what you can tonight.”
“Fine,” you grumbled.
“So, how much you got left?” she asked.
“About two to three pages,” you answered.
“I think you should write until you only have one page left. How does that sound?”
“Doable,” you responded. You turned back to your laptop and continued where you left off. Abby leaned over and rested her head on your shoulder as you wrote. Usually you didn’t like having people watch you write, but with Abby it was different. You adored her and cherished her company. While she leaned on you, one of her hands rubbed circles onto your back absentmindedly.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking you to finish your paper in the morning,” she spoke up suddenly. “I just don’t want you to burn yourself out or stay up too late. I know how we both get when it’s finals, so I just don’t want either of us to make the same mistakes again, you know?”
“It’s okay, Abs. I don’t mind,” you reassured her. “To be honest, I kind of like it. It makes me feel cared for.”
“You’re very cared for,” she said, pecking your cheek. Finally, after about twenty more minutes of writing, you finally reached a stoppining point that wouldn’t be too hard to continue the following morning.
“Done!” you exclaimed. Abby smiled at you and shut your laptop for you.
“Good. Now do what you need to do. I’ll be waiting for you.”
“You better not fall asleep,” you warned. You pecked her lips as you rose from the table to go take your shower. The warm water was calming as it soothed your joints and cleansed your body. Once you finished your shower and nightly routine, you found Abby waiting in bed for you. She had the blanket covering her legs as she read one of her books quietly. You crawled into bed carefully beside her and curled up into her side.
“Ready for bed?” Abby asked. She closed her book and placed it on her nightstand.
“Yeah,” you answered. Without another word Abby turned her lamp off and pulled you into her.
“Good night,” she whispered into your neck.
“Good night,” you said back to her. It wasn’t long before the two of you dozed off.
+ + +
“Hey,” she whispered. “Wake up, sleepyhead.” You groaned as you wiped your eyes and they adjusted to the bright lights. She must have had the kitchen lights on and the blinds open like always since she was the morning person in the relationship. You could smell fresh coffee and feel Abby’s arms around your body. Her hand stroked your cheek as she whispered to you softly. “Come on. I’ve got your morning coffee ready. Just how you like.”
“For real?” you asked. Abby laughed at your response.
“Yes, now go wash up.” You groggily dragged yourself out of bed and to the bathroom to wash up, the cold water you splashed on your face waking you up. After you finished brushing your teeth, you wandered to the kitchen where Abby sat at the table waiting for you.
“What time is it?” you asked.
“Barely nine, so you have plenty of time to finish up your paper and edit,” she said. You came towards her and sat in her lap, wrapping your arms around her neck. Abby’s hands immediately found refuge around your waist as she rubbed them against the small of your back.
“You’re the best girlfriend ever,” you muttered into her shoulder.
“Well, thank you,” she said in response.
“Alright, I’m gonna finish my work,” you announced. You rose from Abby’s lap as she reluctantly pulled her hands away from your body. You pulled out your chair and grabbed the coffee mug Abby left out for you. It was exactly how you liked it, just as she said. After working for nearly an hour, you finally finished your paper and began editing it. That took close to another hour, and by then you were able to turn it in confidently. You let out a sigh of relief as you glanced at Abby beside you.
“All done?” she asked.
“All done,” you said happily. Abby leaned over and kissed your cheek.
“Happy to hear it. Wanna cuddle the rest of the day? I say we rest today since we have a couple more days till our next exams.”
“You don’t even have to ask,” you answered.
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cb-writes-stuff · 5 days
Guess what? I wrote. 310 words. That's a 160 more than I had to write for repeating note milestone! And it adds up to a total of 11,838 words.
And guess what? You're gonna get to read all of them. That's below the cut, if you're interested!
What I Wrote Today:
Finally, it was second long-shadows, on the first day of the weekend. He sat at a table in the Fox and Rabbit, stretching his arms. His shift ended early, as it did every year on the day before Wyrd’s Watch.
Lynn approached, carrying two small mugs in her hands, and took the seat across from him. He thanked her as she handed him one. “Is Ven not joining us?” she asked.
Nauth shook his head as he took a sip of the wine. It wasn’t the best wine, no, but it was certainly better than ale. “He’s already left.”
“Left? For what?”
“The lost sons thing,” Nauth told her, waving his hand. Everyone knew this.
Apparently, that didn’t include Lynn. She nodded along expectantly. He sighed. “For Wyrd’s Watch.” She nodded again. More, then.
“Every family sends out a son to the oasis north of the city. They get there around noon, have their own festivities, and leave for the city. They usually get back early the next morning.”
Lynn thought for a moment. “Huh.” Her scrunched eyebrows told Nauth she still didn’t get it. “So... So, what does everyone else do?”
Nauth took another sip of the wine. He always tried his best to be patient, but... Well, he shouldn’t have assumed anything. “Tomorrow night, every house will have dinner, there’ll be dancing, and then the oldest woman in the family will realize the son is ‘missing’ and keep vigil at the North Gate until he returns. Then there’s more feasting, more dancing, all throughout the day.”
She stared at him, squinting. “Okay.” She looked into her mug, as if there were answers in there. “Why?”
“‘Why?’” he repeated. “What do you mean, why?”
“I mean, what’s the meaning of it?” She took a very dainty sip from her mug. “Usually, holidays like this have some sort of story behind them.”
He shrugged. “I’m no historian,” he said. “If you wanna know so bad, you can ask Ven.”
“Ven isn’t here,” she replied, smirking.
He grinned snidely. “Well, that’s just too bad, isn’t it?” They both laughed. Lynn had a good sense of ir-Vandeth humor.
This was originally indented, like my usual "favorite thing I wrote today"s. But it was hard to read. Also, if you count it, it's more than 310 words. That's because I also grabbed a little bit from before what I wrote.
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mebemilena · 8 months
I'm loving all your Maya Lopez stories. They are amazing!!
"I hope you know that this has nothing to do with you"
A/N/: This was gonna be smut but i decided to have it on a chapter of it's own, in case some of you who have followed this storyline dont read smut.
To the sweet anon that sent me a message, this is for you.
Friendly reminder: i write on the drafts of my email so i can edit anytime before posting.  It turns out sometimes i cant proof read it and some grammar and spelling mistakes go unnoticed. i'm trying to pay more attention and let the text rest for at least a few hours before reading it to corret. Might edit the past chapters soon.
Tittle from Big girls don Cry, by Fergie.
- - -
Though Maya had told you to leave by the morning without breakfast, you were adamant about cooking her something.
"Why are you so stuborn?", she signed while you fried some eggs and bacon, the smell of fresh coffee spreading through the small kitchen of her childhood house.
You looked at her all heart eyes, like she put the stars on the sky, and that was clearly bothering her. You filled her a plate and smiled lovingly.
"Stop looking at me like that.", she frowned at you.
You noticed Maya was in a very bad mood, which didnt make much sense to you. She had kissed you last night, cuddled you on your sleep and left a kiss to your neck before getting up this morning. Not even an hour later, here she is. Staring daggers at you. 
"What's wrong?", you asked but Maya just looked away. You walked closer, standing in front of her as she avvoided your eyes. 
You tapped her nose with your index finger, getting her attention and making her face you. "Look at me?", you asked.
Maya kept staring at you, waiting for you to say whatever you wanted to. "Look, if we play our cards right, everything will turn out well." , you tried to convince her.
"This is not a game. And I'm not a prize.", she told you, arching an eyebrown.  Was she talking about Fisk offering money to whoever found her?
You rolled your eyes. Who was being stubborn now?
"You're not a prize, Maya. You're..." you started but paused. You kept looking at her, deep in thought.
"What?", she asked.
"I forgot the sign for that.", you tried.
Maya huffed.
- - -
At noon, it started to rain. You made sure to close the windows before going up to Maya. She was standing against the back of the couch, watching the rain fall down on the outside of the house. 
"This is perfect.", you told her. The rain falling and the smell of wet grass embracing your nostrils made you a little clingy. 
Maya looked at you, a strange look adorning her bautiful face. She seemed sad. 
Right there and then, you were sure she was gonna simply tell you to forget about her, to move on and leave Tamaha. You thought she'd tell you that she didn't like you anymore, tell you to leave her alone and go back to New York. 
Then you'd go right away, walking in the pouring rain and crying your heart out. And it'd be like a sad romance movie.
But she did the oposite of that.
Maya tugged at the hem of your shirt, pulling you to be in front of her, and brought you closer, hiding her face on your neck. She inhaled your scent and you remembered why you hadn't change your perfume in such a long time. 
It was something you thought would work when you started flirting. Picking a smell that'd make her think of you whenever she smelled it. That's why you walk around with tangerine essential oil on your clothes and inside the necklace you're always wearing.
- - -
When you first met Maya she always kept a serious face. As you became close, she'd show you a softer side and you'd take the opportunity to actually learn more about her. 
You had met many versions of Maya and you loved all of them, though you'd seek a few of them more often than the others.
Fierce Maya was one of your favorites. She'd keep her chin up, lips sealed and a perfect eyebrown arched, looking into your eyes like she could make your soul bend to her own desire. 
Funny Maya was all sarcasm and light teasing. She'd smile wild watching you trying to understand a joke she just told. She'd playfully bump your shoulder with her own and she'd even wink at you while at work.
You loved all versions of her, but right now you'd love to have Sexual Maya. The one with wet kisses and a dirty mind, the one that'd make you scream filthy words in three different languages while making you go over the moon.
Maya was a sweet lover but she did have her moments of pure desire. "It's just sex, this is not a relationship", she had told you when you first started your thing. 
At that time you only understood the word "sex" and "relationship".
- - - 
" i missed you too.", she started. "But it wasn't fair to bring you into all of it. I wanted to keep you safe.", she explained. 
You heart grew ten times. Maya telling you she cared for you made you believe things could work out again. Screw Kingpin and New York, you could restart in Tamaha. You'd restart in a small iglu in Alaska,  dressed as a polar bear, if she'd have you. 
"I want you.', Maya signed, bringing you to reality, her eyes full of something you were yet to understand. "All of you.", she continued before claiming your lips with her own, taking your breath away.
Check out my redbubble shop:  https://www.redbubble.com/people/MilenaFernandes/shop?asc=u
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Hi! It's time for another fanfiction... And if you love crimes/solving crimes and a little hard detective Work this is the perfect one.🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♀️
Also, to see how Helen Hope B and mister detective Void meet for the first time click on this fanfiction as well:
This is set 6 months before detective Void got his mask, so he is an ordinary detective here.
Warning:If you hate/dislike snakes you better not read this!
This is actually the third part, the second i didn't wrote it yet 😅
I plan to make at least 10 fanfictions, they are not conan to the real detective Void lore, but for me they are because itis set in the same Universe...
The fourth part name is: The other side of the mirror
This fiction is set a month and 4 days later after the actually lore.
P. S:This fanfiction took the life out of me, lmao 🤣🤣🤣😅 Thank you for your support, you are the best sweet slice of cake!
Hope you like it!
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Title number: A box full of snakes-619
Fanfiction class:Euclid
Summary: 🐍🐍🐍👀Helen Hope B finds herself in a very strange case with none other than our favorite detective Void... 👀🐍🐍🐍
Disclaimer:I don't own detective Void, he is not my original character!! Find this cute original character on Youtube!!
The event was better than he hoped it It was the 15th anniversary of the company, a world-famous company, every guest had a good time, he was an old man at 62 years old with lots of responsibilities, one if his important guest madame Rossiya with her fiance mr Berliini, she was a lovely lady of about 47 years and he was the new director of a major Austrian bank just invited him at their table, they wanted to make a generous donation for the greenhouse where the exotic plants were keept, she was impressed by their colors and beauty, something worth conserve for the future.
Mr Greenmark also had been looking for him for sometime by now, the new reporters arrived and they wanted an exclusive report,it Was the moment everybody celebrate with a bath of confetti but in the moment the ceiling opened a male body not older than 49 years dropped, the wires nearly behead it...lt was a scene noone was gonna forget about too soon.
Three days later after the incident Mr Williard decided to open the tourist resort, 514 guests were invited all over the world, they have just received an operating permit from the emergency authorities, so all he had left to do Was to check the food, the lights if they were in the right position and of course the great speech which he wrote and rewritte all over again.
"Why so nervous old friend?"
Mr Greenmark was the second after Mr Williard in the great business, they have known each other since they were in their 30th.
Later that day the guests arrived, everyone were so excited, the good music, the lights, the atmosphere, some of them decided they will return again, the other already made up their mind to spend their honeymoon there, everything went well then it was time for the great speach however Mr Williard couldn't find his business partner Mr Greenmark anywhere and he made a gesture toward some staff to make a little search while he made his way to the microphone.
"Welcome to the Hazel willow tourist resort and also one of the largest laboratory where the anti-venom is prepared, we have a large range of anti-venom from at least 1471 species... The laboratory name is Lady-in-white such a beauty, and i am your host Mr Williard W. Monarch, my grandfather was a butterfly specialist, did his research on them all his life, clearly i choose something more dangerous. Enjoy your stay! I am ready to answer all your questions!"
"Sir, mister Greenmark is dead, sir in the west wing of the greenhouse...It's too horrible!"
Everybody turned their heads at the maiden that just come in while some of them gasped or returned a shocked gaze upon mr Williard, some of them even started to gossh, it was something neither of them would forget too soon.
"Poor fellow, being buried in a pile of venomous snakes... Now that is what we call a venomous karma death... All the bad blood between in and out you see...Well, till the police arrives we better check out our rooms for snakes and lock ourselves in them..."
"I agree, who knows who will become the next victim, poor mr Greenmark, rest in peace!"
People talked and gave opinions, that was everything you could heard in the next three hours, it was getting late and the luxury event waan't luxurious anymore after the macabre incident, yes, that is how they put it...Mr Williard was affected the most, two murders in the same place in such a short time, the police still investigated the other one, what a bad luck.
"Is everybody ready, well i would like to say a few words, now i know some of you are concern about all those snakes bites but we guarantee we are trying our best to control the situation, no snake can enter the resort, please don't panic. Now lot's of you asked me why this is happening well my opinion is that because of the hot sunny weather, the climate change, the rainy and dryness, snakes are active pradatory if they find food much easier they build their muscular mass, they shade more often and that creates a need for reproduction, with optimal conditions.The female snake can lay 20 to 60 eggs, in the wild the eggs don't usually survive so that is one of the reason of such many eggs, some of the eggs are infertile those are named slugs... Now it's time to identify some types of snakes like the coral snake, we have the picture in the left corner as you can see, the king Cobra on the right, you can see the beautiful head, magrove snake in the middle. "
"Mr Williard, may we have a moment... Your snake presentation was fascinating but i would like to know more about those snake accident..."
"Such a shame indeed, me and my good friends put a lot of efforts in this company, to be attacked by those creatures... What on Earth is going on?Imagine being bitten by a snake and then ended up hung, who would do such a thing and why?"
"Do you have a greenhouse, sir?"
"Oh yes, is where we keep some of the most rare flower species, my mother loved them, we are trying to protect them by giving them what they need, i am afraid that the ground quality had dropped in the past years. We need to be prepared for anything as humans. "
Helen was in her light blue dress, she looked for any sign of a potential anomaly on the guests that were coming, the heels was killing her, even if it was an elegant event she wish to have brought a pair of sneakers. It was some few moments later that she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning around Hope had found an interesting familiar face, this time he Was wearing a dark light mask which made her was sad a little, Hope considered the color of detective eyes very beautiful and unique, she couldn't understand why would detective Void choose to hide it.
"And what are you doing here? With another SCPs bussiness? This place is the last place i would expected to see SCP foundation members. "
Hope was taken back a little, the detective voice was a little cold and dark, that was strange for her, it was like he was there with her but still he was not.
She didn't wanted to make a scene, yes Hope was a little hurt, but it's not like she would actually admit it, It had to be diplomatic, the diplomacy was always the key to success.
"Look, i don't know why you are acting like a jerk, but not really...Well, yes, sort off... We intercepted some strange calls from this center being attacked by snakes..."
"Is that all? Is there something more about it and you won't tell me just because it is a foundation thing to do, who is the jerk now?"
"Why are you acting like this? You know very well if some objects are involve in this, how dangerous it can get... Clearly, you mister detective can't keep away from these anomalies..."
"It's nice to see how much you care!"
"I don't like it when people are getting hurt, i am trying to change something for the better..."
"You don't make such a good job..."
"Look forward mister detective, what do you see, those people are afraid, to think this all started two months ago when first Mr Williard found a strange gift box on his desk and when he opened it, it had sheded snake skin along with an actual dead venomous snake in it. Of course you don't have to believe me you can ask him in person. "
"Well, it's the moment we all have been looking for, before we end this i want to thank you all for all of your support even in those hard dark moments, on your seat you will find a box that is a gift from our company to you, dear guests, together we made a better year. I felt honored to be here with you today."
As everybody was preparing to open their gifts, looking at the box detective Void had a feeling about that, something told him to stay away from ot and his reflections kicked in.
"Wait a second, do not open the box! Hope the boxes now! "
Hope throw her gift box as well, the others were confused and some people started to scream, they could hear some kind of hiss coming and the first thing they thought was it might be a bomb.
"Those are taipan snakes, they are native from Australia."
"You know those snakes well, maybe we can work together, can i see the Laboratory where they recolt the venom from the snakes?"
The next day even When everybody took their breakfast the tension remain thick, the police told the Witnesses to remain in the building as if one or more of them could be the culprit behind all of those acts, they woldn't have been surprised even if they found a snake in their pot of tea.
"Chef inspector Daniel Sunrise and this is my young sergeant Jaxon, we are here to investigate the strange case of the snakes, we need your statement as well as your fingerprints, in this case everybody is a suspect, we are just doing our duty if you may follow us."
"Great, just great, please mister detective Void tell me you had worked with the police in the past... Now we have them on our tail too, great so freaky great. I am so tempted to use amnestics on them after all this is over, they could put us in the jail for something we didn't do...Oh, fuckk my life double it! "
"Hope don't be so drastic the police is not the problem here, we just need to be careful not to arouse suspicions, as far as they know we are cousins and that is all."
Detective Void and Hope could see that it was more to this story so they put aside the whatever Was going on and tried to work as a team, they both were mature enough, plus Hope felt much better with a familiar face, since she wasn't used to work alone, that and too many strangers.
"If you may take a seat, this should be quick, we still have 303 suspects to check them so first question is where were you at 8:21 pm this Tuesday?"
"I was with mister Gorenje talking about the big event that night unfortunately that was postponed because of the discovery and my cousin was waiting his turn for the karaoke number, you can ask our host, Mr Williard."
"Seems fine till now, let us see some ID cards, huh interesting seems like we have a private detective here, I swear that all detectives have this nature that anywhere they go, they will find a mysterious case."
"I would like to offer my assistance in this delicate situation."
"Fine by me, just don't mess up the scene, let us handle it and if you find anything let us know after all this is an official police department business not some detective work.Come on, send the next ones on the list, you two are free to go for now!"
"Ok, i am gonna put myself together! We have to work together to end this nightmare, like i said before those people are afraid, mr Williard is one of the nice people i have meet, always making sure others get their anti-venom if their life are in danger even if they can not afford it."
"Seems like I will take this case, with 4 murders in such a short time and 3 more victims, the police sure are not enough."
"Ahem, you won't be alone mister detective Void, i will help too, i always wanted to work with a detective in secret that is... I sincerely would love to."
"Fine by me, but no SCP foundation business...Also are you saying this only to make yourself feel a little better and find courage? "
"Is not like i can call them, if it's not an anomaly they don't care speaking between you and me and to answer your second question, it is an yes, snakes scares me."
"Great... Now lets find mr Williard office, somethong tells me that he is there, did he mentioned anything about the office?"
"Mr Williard i will take the case, along side with Ms Bright here, we will try to make everything in our power to find the culprit and help the police catch them."
"First thing first this has security cameras, right? I will go and see what the cameras caught and you Hope, i have a list of question s you may address of guests and stuff around here, maybe they saw something."
Thry have been searching and asking question for about an hour and 45 minutes till they finally meet again.
"Well, what did you find out, mister detective Void? Had any luck?"
"Well, not so much, it made me think that whoever is behind this knows well this place, but i found something interesting in mr Greenmark death. You see, mr Greenmark was all alone at the moment when it happened, noone was around but somehow he stumble upon a wire, i suppose it was a bit dark maybe he did not see it and the venomous snakes falls upon him."
"That is crazy indeed, maybe we did not find anything else because the police took the rest already, anyway i also found something interesting."
"I doubt chef inspector Sunrise would leave such an important evidence behind, so what have you found?"
"First Mr Williard and Mr Grinschmoire, the man who was the second death, had an argument two days before, a maid named Sylvia heard them and told the receptionist about it. Unfortunately, Sylvia has been missing for some time, everybody thinks she is sick or that she has left after the second murder..."
"That is strange, maybe Mr Williard hides something from us, he told us there was no trouble at all... And for this maid i wonder why nobody thought she could be dead as well till now?"
"Maybe we should call off today, mister detective Void, i'm tired from all this detective work...Hope you don't mind it but with so many snakes around here i'm feeling much safer with you."
"You can stay, it's not like i can make you leave in the first place, i will read all the answers and organize notes about everything we know so far."
"Goodnight and thank you!"
Even so, the truth was that Helen forgot to take a room, she though that she didn't need it in the first place, nearly almost 3 days without sleep, she just tried to be busy as a bee just to forget about something, anyway if she knows something about men Was that they have big egos.
"Good morning, ready for a new day? I woke up with this feeling which tells me that we are gonna find the last piece of clue to end it today, can not wait. "
"I just spoke with mr Williard, we have a new clue where we can search, i added to my agenda, are you ready for a trip Hope?"
while they were going detective Void saw a white-yellow substancs powder on a top of a rock, it was the same one found in the laboratory were some snakes were held captive, it was indeed odd to find it there since those snakes were caught in the opposite direction away from the place they were.
The door to the cottage was unlocked, but it was more like someone forcing entry, Scratch marks were present on the wooden door. So entering the cottage the two of them begone to search for anything usefull that may had lead them closer to the truth.
While searching detective Void tripped over a ditch almost would have fallen too if he didn't grab the first thing he could get his hands on, slowly revealing a nice nest full of eggs.
"Those eggs are tall, big and heavy, wonder which bird lays them?"
But he did not have time to find the answer When Hope started to speak, by the sound of her voice the detective notice she Was afraid of something.
"Mister detective, there is an anaconda... A 15 feet long life anaconda...Ahh!"
Her heart skip a beat, Hope was paralyzed by fear, the sharp snake tongue hissing at her and the huge opening mouth revealing its sharp fangs was a nightmare before her, she felt like a mouse.
Mister detective Void could see only the half of the body of the giant anaconda, the anaconda was in the position to strike probably it compare Hope with a heavy meal.
Before she knew it, Hope felt on a pile of something, the anaconda head look at her from above but the window Was too small for such a large body shape.
Helen couldn't open her eyes she still Was afraid, of course dealing with anomalies Was much easier for Hope, they have the technology and there were people she could count on, plus an anaconda that long could eat you in a second and you should know better than to provoke such a large snake.
"Am i dead? Am i in a belly of an anaconda?"
She did not dared to open her eyes yet till she felt a hand on her check, the detective wanted to make sure Hope was still alive and to assure her that there were no snakes near her, he sigh as for someone who was kissing the danger almost everyday Hope sure Was more pale than usual.
"No silly, you just passed out, come on, that anaconda won't bother anyone ever again!"
Hope slowly opened her eyes, finally he thought, they could move on, still she wanted to know What was hiding behind the pile on which she had landed.
A mountain of boxes beautifully arranged they were in front of them, and the detective knew, the only question remain Who brought them there?
"Well, at least we know what happened to the gifts that were suppose to be given, are you alright?"
Hope yawned, Who would have known that the cases were so energy-consuming, she looked at detective Void, clearly something was with him but she couldn't figure it out and it's not like they spoke about it. The poor detective must have been shocked too, that snake had been something she was sure they won't forget soon.
"Just a little dizzy, probably from that snake..."
"Put your hand around my shoulder mister detective, let me carry you, we come together, we leave together...ok?Just try to relax, you are too tense."
They reached the resort, mr Williard was waiting together with Karina also there was another police car near, they have been waiting for them.
"Do you need anything, water, are you hungry? I will speak with Mr Williard myself, promise me you will stay here."
"Incredible, an anaconda this tall takes some years and if they have enough food, what happened to the eggs? We can not let such a gene pass, having more anaconda like this it will destroy the eco-sistem."
"Yes, i know, we also found the gift boxes discarded and covered with an old blanket, we didn't found much i'm afraid.
Helen was in one of the dead point, if the detective was right this was the moment they finally catch the one responsable for the unfortunately incidents. It wasn't long before a shadow appear, it was fast, Hope had begun the chase...for her it Was now or never.
She had both of her guns with her, the suspect would have no escape from her, she was determined When she heard a bottle break, and initially thought it was detective Void.
"Well, what do we have here, i will take that... Do you recognize this remainder of broken shard, miss? I will only ask you once, judging by your face, I know you do so let's hear it! "
"I recognize it because i was in the kitchen before, but only because my detective cousin haven't a proper meal and i was worried for him! I told the Head chef if he could make some dumplings for detective Void, it was there when i saw the package with sealed champagne bottles to be given to Mr Williard guests in that evening. "
"How convenient that you just see these bottles, the same bottle with which my sergeant was hit in the head. What i am saying is that you both are liars, do you even know your so called detective cousin name, miss?"
"My name is Simon Angelo Smith, and my cousin Helen Hope Bright doesn't use my name when i do the whole detective work, please stop with this, you are on the wrong track here if you think she has anything to do with this attack!"
"That would make a cute story for children but i'm afraid the facts prove otherwise, hands behind your back miss, you are arrested!"
"Let her go, you have more important things like your sergeant laying bleeding on the floor."
"Hands up you, in the corner right now!I am the one who gives the order here, back in the corner."
"This situation is geting out of control, mister detective..."
They watched for more few seconds, there was when Hope used the B class amnestics on the inspector and his Sergeant, after they left the sergeant on the Infirmary, they put the inspector on a chair somewhere else for when he was going to wake up and left him there.
"There is nothing amnestics can't resolve, now the 24 hours are gone. So glad i have them with me."
Hope and detective Void decided to tell everything they know to Mr Williard, the poor old man was waiting for news like hot bread, the mam understood them and give them the keys.
As they split up again later that night Helen saw something moving, it was big and looked heavy, plus some pleople in uniform but trying to get closer another trap net full of snakes falls on her, lucky Hope knew exactly about it but the sound it made caught unwanted attention which forced her to flee from there.
"Mister detective Void, i saw something... Ah...Ugh, also i think one of the snakes bite me, i can not feel my leg anymore..."
The detective caught her, leaving Hope gently to the ground, then he took the out station he had at hand while trying to make sure the venom wouldn't spread any faster, mister Williard and a team of medics soon arrived after, Hope attempted to make some jokes, she didn't wanted to put more salt on the wound.
"Obviously for someone who got bitten by a venomous snake you are pretty chilling and vibing... Glad to see you are not the type who would scream their lungs out!" One of the paramedics said as a joke, it was nice to see someone agreeing with her, slowly turning her head in detective Void direction.
"See mister detective Void, i told you i am a tough cookie, not made of sugar...And why should i scream when i know everything will be fine, after all i have the best detective i could ever ask for right next to me and a dedicated rescue team!"
After a while only detective Void and mr Williard remain, the detective carefully planned the next move, he was very focus looking straight at the door, maybe it was time to put an end to this whole saga.
Mister Williard looked at the detective, him and the girl risked so much for the sake of his business and for the lives of the others, he had to encourage the young man somehow but didn't know how.
"It's lovely to see how much faith she has in you, as a young couple I assume...Don't worry we will keep an eye close to her, Hope is in good hand, now you can go and finish what you want to do."
Those words took him back, he slowly took two steps back, couldn't believe what he was hearing... Sure, he and Hope Were a little closer after all they have been through but a couple, the answer was simple: no.
"Am I that obvious?"
"It's just an old man thought, i used to be very protective of my sweetheart as well when i was young.When we, men, find the right person for us we don't know where is left and where is right anymore!"
"Alright, i am going to work on some paper, you know hospital related, don't move around too much, let the anti-venom do it's job and drink lots of liquid..." The nurse slowly put her hand on Hope left shoulder, encouraging Hope, while she left, Helen moved her head to the window, knowing the detective she couldn't stop being worried at what he might do all alone with the" vipers".
"Please be careful mister detective Void, don't get hurt!"
Detective Void enters the room, somehow he knows exactly what to expect, he didn't know how, he just did, the room colors gave him a headache and the smell of perfume, it wasn't like an ordinary criminal case where the walls were old and smelly with some visible mold.
"l must say i have found our marriage boring at one point, he was always looking at young women, do you know how boring that was? Even when it was our anniversary he couldn't take off his eyes of some maid ass or chest, made me sick...Tell me detective what would have been the point if we got divorced? why shouldn't i have all his money and even have more money from those sales? Elegance lies in snakeskin, shoes, coats, hats, purses, Wallets, i could have rule the world, me a woman, a fresh widow which doesn't give a penny for that weak pig cheater!"
"You bribe your husband and Mr Williard economic agent to do your dirty work just so you could eliminate him later. After you got what you wanted you left those papers in one of Mr Williard books as a clue for the police to find it later, so that they would thought he is the one responsable. Two birds with one stones!"
"Exactly detective and if you were smart enough, you would have left things just the way they are."
"Well, it turns out there's nothing more to say then..."
"Exactly. Goodbye detective!"
"What a wonderful terrifying experience we had, right mister detective? Also thank you for saving me again, i just can't keep my little tail out of trouble, don't I? So, um...would you like to meet more? It's not like you keep yourself out of the whole anomaly situations anyway..."
It's been a week since the police arrested Mrs Grinschmoire and the whole operation shut down, Hope felt better and she just finished her entire report of course without mention the detective, she knows Matei and Vivienne would not let her go that easy especially after she was bitten but Helen could live with that.
Chef inspector Sunrise and some other police fellow found the suspect in the middle of the room, her gun was five meters thrown away from Mrs Grinschmoire as she was on her knee looking like a crazy old lady, nobody could find an explanation, they also found a confesion voice recording type along side with money and a large snakeskin clothing range, soon after they found the rest of accomplices, unfortunately Sylvia was found dead.
"Speak for yourself, Hope i am busy..."
"Well, i tried, what can i say more? Just, try not to get yourself killed, alright? Hope we meet again, i can't wait for it, so much fun when you are around..."
"Before we take a different path again I feel like there is something else you want to say to me, your expression gives you away, so what is it?"
"I...Mister detective would you like to go and see... The next time we meet each other maybe we could go together and...Damn, it's much harder to say what i want to say... Look ok, since you like so much to... All those SCPs thing, maybe one day we could make a visit to this lovely place which is a SCP, it has an incredible view..."
"I have one question first:why me?"
"Because just don't ask, i don't have an aswer, i just want to show you the good part of the scps not only the bad one..."
"I will think about it and don't worry if i accept i will let you know after all i am a detective and i always have my ways."
"I would never thought the other way anyway, mister detective Void, till then take care, hope i will see you soon!"
They shook hands and then the door closed behind the detective, he had done well for now, sure never doubt himself ever again maybe after all this detective Void will find the right path to find what he has lost.
The end!
The simple drawing without text:
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otakusef · 3 months
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Qsmp dead eggs (trump) x dead egg reader
Song:fourth of july
Not proof read, this is my first oneshot
‘Why did I not get love?’ The small egg sits in the grass, the sound of a bird chirping around in the tree, slouched as they mess with the flowers in front of them, their mind running a million miles an hour, how come no one came for them? How come their siblings have families? How can it be fair that they had to sleep in the cold while their siblings got soft warm beds? How come everyone never knew about them?
The little egg gets up from the ground and starts to walk around the hugs island, they're little feet not making a single noise or even a dent on the grassy ground. As get closer to spawn they can hear the laughter of the some of the residents of the island, as they get closer they stop in between the adults to stare at the residents laughing and talking about who knows what Noone looking down or even noticing the little egg they then hear hitting and look towards the sound to see her two brothers ramon and dapper hitting each other and running around. The egg walks closer following the two watching them swing swords and axes, as ramon swings a sword to dapper only to miss,it instead went through the little egg that was right next to the egg with the top hat, the eggs running away in happiness as ramon tries to hit dapper once more.
The little eggs just shivers, the feeling of the sword going through them sending a cold spike up their eggshell, it was nothing new it wasn't the first time something had gone through them, certainly not as they remembered the first time it happened when they first got too close to they're siblings playing not knowing that no one could see them, Leonarda had been trying to hit her father with a sword and missing ,it instead went through the little egg who at the time was scared thinking they were gonna get hit only for it to go right past them, confused and scared they noticed one one could even see them no matter how much they tried to get someone's attention. That was weeks ago though,They never understood why, ‘why do they ignore me?” The question swirled around their mind.
As time passed they continued to wonder the island, walking around big rocks, and climbing hills, they look up seeing another egg who seemed to be crying, wearing nothing but a helicopter hat, they walk towards the little egg and sit beside them not a single sound made, though to their surprise the egg looks up and stares at them confused, the little starts to look around trying to see what the slightly older egg was looking only for the other egg to put down a sign ‘who are you?’ The egg then looking back at them, the other egg reads the sign their mind processing what's happening before they came to a realization ‘someone can see me’ the little egg tremble slightly before grabbing the sign the boy set down erasing what he wrote and bringing to write once more ‘hello, sorry if I scared you’ the egg reads the sign before thinking for a moment ‘It's alright, I've was just surprised, what's your name’ as the egg goes to write an answer they realized, what was their name? Did they even have one? Thinking for a second they hesitate before writing out their answer and showing the other egg ‘I Don't have one..” the boy stares at the sign for a second before realizing what happened, why their fellow egg could see them, why they didn't seem them around when he wasn't locked up in his room, the other egg in front of him was dead, like he was and for who knows how long, ‘did they even get to experience anything? I'm not one to talk either I guess’ as the little egg stares nervously towards the other egg they what was going through his head ‘did he find it weird that i don't have a name’ after a second the boy grabs the his sign and erases it before writing something and showing it to the little egg ‘if you want… I can give you a name’ The little egg looks at the other egg surprised at what he wrote,
The little egg thinks before nodding, making the other egg quickly erase what he wrote and starts to think of a name for the other egg. He smiles, figuring it out and then he starts to write ‘hello [name] I'm trump!’ as the egg apparently was named trump flips the sign towards the other egg they stare at it trump jumping up and down in confidence
And that was the start of the two's friendship and the beginning of the little eggs road out of loneliness.
Should I make a second part?
☆desfruta la Isla☆
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a-regular-ol-pill · 2 years
I kind of got distracted and made a ff about sons of the forest instead of continuing the request.. My false. I'm so sorry i should have continued writing about the request fml. Here's the ao3 link, but if you want to read here. Here you go!
Day 30
"You're not going..?!" Your voice was nearly drowned out by the swirling blades of the helicopter, but it was loud enough to be heard by everyone. Virginia turned to the Mercenary, brows slowly furrowing as Kelvin notices how you froze mid step to go inside the chopper. The Mercenary shook his head, turning back and heading towards the orange pack he's been carrying around since the crash. Meanwhile, the Son and Father went ahead to board the chopper.
Timmy LeBlanc beckoned you inside as the chopper slowly raised, but deciding to stay, you pulled your feet down and turned towards the surprised Kelvin. Your fists clenched as the chopper slowly flew away, and you walked towards the Mercenary. He was already facing you, awaiting the punch. What he didn't expect was you silently taking your own pack and carrying it on your bag. "You're not gonna-."
"Don't tempt me. I am pissed enough." You cut him off. Footsteps resounded behind you as Kelvin, with his cheerful aura, brightened up the situation a bit with an eager smile. For a moment, you nearly forgot that he had lost all hearing. Speaking of which, the sides of his face.. it looked like the blood had long dried. "Didn't you say you'd take care of his ear?" You asked, turning to the Mercenary. He nodded in reply. "I did. I just didn't clean up the blood."
You flicked your mini flashlight open and went to Kelvin's side. Your hands made him stay put as you inspected the inside of his ear. Mercenary said the truth, he just didn't clean the blood. Virginia suddenly started backing away and pointed at something near the bushes. The Mercenary took his axe out as you swiftly cleaned up the sides of Kelvin's face. Missing the adoration in Kelvin's eyes in the process. Planning to join Mercenary in fighting, though, when you turned back, it was just one of the curious cannibals. You sighed in relief. A breeze flowing past the group as it approached.
"They're friendly." You spoke up. Turning your head towards Kelvin and finding him mildly curious himself. "Yeah.. we should get back to a camp right now. It'll turn night soon." The Mercenary had unarmed himself and started walking towards a certain direction while looking at the GPS. You groaned. He had a bad habit of leading the way and then hopelessly making the others in the group lost.
Virginia and Kelvin both shuddered at the realization. So you got their attention and tied a cloth between the three of your wrists. A system you're used to doing whenever you suspect that the Mercenary will go on his own again. Sometimes, you felt like you're babysitting a bunch of curious puppies. But you won't tell Virginia and Kelvin that. You aren't sure how they'll react since it's like an insult but not at the same time.
Day 35
Collecting wood and giving them to Mercenary was an exhausting task all things considered. You should have finished collecting wood by noon because of Kelvin, but somehow, three brutes swarmed you and made you drop all your logs in the process of trying to escape. The brutes were killed by Virginia, but after she did. You were scolded harshly by the Mercenary. Though you argued that he could have helped while you and Kelvin were collecting what he requested. Getting to scream at him was a relief.
You have lots of thoughts that are buried under your caring aura, and that screaming was just one of the many, many reasons you want to just beat him up. You had been advised by your therapist to write your troubling thoughts away, but your flimsy pencil can only write so much before it turns into a stub! Besides, you need it to speak to Kelvin, otherwise. He'll be.. lonely— The thought made you blink. Why did you think of that just now? Nevertheless, you wanted this frustration gone somehow. The only source of relief was murdering the cannibals.. it was night. It was dangerous.
But it was better than being tempted to murder your comrade. With that mindset, you excused yourself from the camp and wandered the forest, desperate to find something to pour your frustration out onto before finding a blind mutant tied to a pole. You stabbed it through its head and chopped it down. Dragging it away from the cannibals as you began slicing away at the mutant. A disgustingly weird grin on your face with tears filling up your eyes.
Blood began staining your clothes as you continued your merciless tantrum. Only when it was in pieces did you come to your senses. Nearby leaves of bushes has been stained with blood, the grass even has bits of organs on it. Seeing it really made your stomach coil, and you bounced back from your position over the diced up mutant. You became hyper aware of the blood on your skin, and you started brushing it off. When you felt like you couldn't, you rushed back to a river you knew nearby and dived in. Crying out in relief and a sign of another part of your mental health cracking.
Virginia, having been worried about your long stroll, followed your tracker and found you crying in a river. The water barely pushed you, making you seem robotic— like a rock as you stayed there sitting down. She called your name, earning your attention as you swiftly stood up. Realizing that your clothes are now soaked. Sure this happened before, but this was your last pair of clean clothes. The rest were up on a rack drying in the camp. You'll have to beg the Mercenary to give you some.
You grimaced at the thought. One time, the man gave you burnt meat. And the other time he gave you barely enough bones to make bone armour. Oh! And another thing! He had pranked you by giving you the raw head of one of the cannibal brutes. So yeah, you had a bad experience with him alright. "Do you have any spare clothes?" You asked, turning to Virginia. She lightly shook her head but pointed back to your camp. What surprised you is that, she wasn't pointing at the Mercenary. She was pointing at Kelvin.
You couldn't recall Kelvin having the ability to carry things around. Much less, actually have things because the Mercenary often steals from you. "Uh.. are you sure he has extra?" You asked. Virginia nodded and beckoned you back to camp. Meanwhile, looking around for any potential attackers. Blind mutants were slowly becoming common around the area, so you'd set up extra protection around your camp. Getting in was a bit tricky now that you might accidentally activate a trap and will have to rebuild it again.
"Do you need a towel?" The Mercenary asked you. You nodded and slyly watched him take out a towel and hand it over to you. "I'm not gonna fuck with you." He said. You deadpanned at the man as you used the towel to dry off your clothes. Opting to just get it dry and change as soon as your other clothes dry as well. "Still, you've fucked with me plenty of times." You argue. Drying your hair and standing near the campfire and spotting Kelvin running back with sticks. You frown. "It's late at night! Don't you know you can give Kelvin a break more often than 'once in a while'?" You scolded, the Mercenary, completely ignoring what you said, grinned upon having a mischievous thought. Instead replying to your previous argument with; "And I assume you haven't fucked Kelvin yet?"
Your throat dries as Virginia coughs to distract herself from what he just said. "I'm right, then." The Mercenary looked between you and Kelvin before walking over to you, alarmed, you were about to take out the blade you used to cut up the mutant before the Mercenary wrapped his arm around your waist. Suddenly confused, you looked at him with your mouth slightly agape. This sent off the wrong message, as Kelvin's smile twitched a bit and a few sticks fell from the pile he was holding.
The sound caught your attention, and you quickly lit up once you saw him. You pulled away from the Mercenary and wrote on a notepad; 'Do you have spare clothes?' You showed it to him, and although he didn't react for a few moments, he eventually nodded and gave the Mercenary the sticks he was holding. Virginia gave you a look, but you missed the reason why— The Mercenary was just being an asshole.
Kelvin went inside his tent when you followed, you waited as he shuffled around inside. You had the respect to not try to peek inside at least. Unlike the Mercenary.. that's why Kelvin preferred you giving orders to him than Mercenary. Though he may argue that Virginia is the most respectful since you do shout foul languages when you get pissed off. Kelvin smiled at the recollection. Then it fell once he found the clothes he was looking for.
Will you go back to the Mercenary wearing his clothes? He doesn't know. And he wasn't fully sure that you liked him either. But the close physical contact he saw? That was enough proof for him that he doesn't have a chance. You sighed in relief once Kelvin crawled out of his tent and mouthed a thanks to him after he handed you his clothes. You invited him to stay near the campfire and went to your tent to change. Kelvin's clothes felt warm in a way, and you savored it before going back out and sitting next to Virginia. She gave you a look yet again, but you only furrowed your brows before she gently shook her head and turned back to the fire.
You leaned on her shoulder and subtly lift up the collar close to your face. It was soft. Really soft.
Day 43
"Fuck, fuck!" You shout, dodging an attack from the Fingers mutant and jumping back from the attack it tried to land on you. You were out of shot gun bullets and Virginia had run away to ask for help. So you're alone, trying to fight this shit of a mutant while being awaited by cannibals who were watching. For entertainment or to get the creepy armour, you weren't sure. "Just fucking die already!" You took out a bow from your backpack and shot at the creature, it spew whatever goo it had towards you. Thankfully, you avoided it. But a spear to the shoulder surely caught your attention.
The spear went clean through and you could see the other side if you just look to your left. That gave the mutant enough time to charge at you and grab you with its fingery excuse of a maw. You struggled against the mutant, dropping your bow and crying out for help as it took you to a nearby cave entrance. Your heart was pounding and your face was scratched as it squeezed its way through the opening that barely fits it. It spewed the weird substance onto you in the process, making you disgusted and nearly throw up if it didn't run past a group of blind mutants.
You held your breath and cried out at the impact when it dropped you. Your stomach felt like it was pierced before you felt the thing grabbing at you. It forced the spear out of your shoulder. The pain was agonizing before you felt it bite on your shoulder. But suddenly, it went limp. Nearly crushing you with its weight and forcing the wound on your shoulder to hurt even more. You didn't even know the thing had a mouth sizable to your shoulder!
The weight was pulled off you before you were able to turn around and see your saviors. You were surprised to see Kelvin kneeling down to hug you. The Mercenary not far behind as he killed the remaining blind mutant in front of him. "Did you lose too much blood?" The Mercenary asked, running over to inspect your shoulder. Kelvin meanwhile, pulled away and looked surprised to see the wound on your shoulder. "Not really, no." You answered, reaching up to cover the wound.
"Lets get back to camp so we can see if the bite had any effect on you or not." He paused and looked over at Kelvin. Who was still focused on the wound on your shoulder. You tapped Kelvin's hand to get his attention and motioned to the exit. He quickly got the hint and helped you up as the Mercenary lead the way for you. Virginia was waiting outside, and she looked relieved when she saw you. She also helped you walk all the way back to your camp. "Did you know? Kelvin was the one that shot that arrow." The Mercenary suddenly said, catching you off guard and nearly making you trip. That had an impact as your shoulder hurt from you suddenly lunging forward.
"Very funny. I'm probably infected here and you're still mocking me about Kelvin." Though, what he said next surprised you. "I'm not joking. He chased after Virginia when she motioned that you were fighting a mutant alone." It warmed your heart a bit knowing that Kelvin cared for you enough to follow Virginia. But saving you..? That was totally out of the blue. He was never seen in combat nor was he brave enough to fight a mere cannibal. He would only point them out and run if they start to attack..
The wound in your shoulder started to act up, so you shut up for the meantime once you reached your camp. You couldn't help but steal glances from Kelvin though. He looked shaken up and was also stealing glances at you too. Because of the back and forth glances, you were distracted enough to not be in pain while Virginia patched you up. Your shoulder ached after she finished, it was obvious by the way your hand was constantly shaking. "Where'd the Mercenary go?" You asked, trying to stretch your arm, only to pull back with a soft wince. Virginia shrugged, looking around before deciding to stand up and take a stroll. You were left alone with Kelvin. Normally, you'll just write on your notepad. But not today.
Not like you could write anything anyway. You'd rather just be with Kelvin rather than speak to him. His company is more than enough to bring comfort to you. You stood up and moved to sit next to him. Missing the look on his face as you leaned on him and closed your eyes. The soft breeze every now and then filled the gentle silence, and a few leaves tickled your skin as it flew with the wind. You barely notice the way Kelvin's body is shaking from nervousness. He used to love talking about his feelings, but now that he can't speak, he's been finding it hard to try and act on it.
Tears began welling up in your eyes, but you held it in. Heart heavy from the situation that had just happened. It took a huge toll on you than you'll soon realize is bigger than you can ever imagine..
Day 50
One funny thing is that you'll never admit to being scared of the cannibals. But now, standing over a brute that has been brutally gutted out by a mutant made you want to puke. More and more mutants had began coming out from the caves, and seeing sights like this left everything to your imagination. What murdered this person? Their guts are shining out in the sun like it's no one's business! And mutants don't leave their victims like this! They eat them! Unless they're killed during the process..
Gosh, your thoughts are running so fast to the point where you can't even understand what you're thinking yourself. You look away from the gruesome sight and head towards the mountains. Suppressing your running thoughts and emotions as you hunted a few deers for their skins. You left the ones that had their young though. You were nice enough to do that. Were you even nice in the first place? You faintly remember trying to abandon Kelvin because he became a liability. But the Mercenary forced you to come to your senses! In short, he was the nicest one out of all of you. You had no right to have been calling the Mercenary an asshole after all this time.
You're slowly losing your mind pondering about these things, you slowly stopped walking and subconsciously stopped by an abandoned cannibal camp. You sat down on one of the logs and thought until you feel like your brain can explode at any moment. You felt impending dread, you felt guilty and worse of all. You're falling into insanity. You were always warned not to fall into it at any cost, but it feels like you're not given a choice. You're being pushed into the edge and you were on the brink of tripping.
A ruffling from the nearby bushes caught your attention. Usually curious cannibals hide in bushes, so you decided to ignore it. Opting to continue your mental breakdown until you felt a hand on your shoulder. You screamed and quickly backed away, blinking and suddenly feeling embarrassed upon seeing Kelvin behind the log— A natural response considering you were losing your mind. "It's just you." You spoke, not really to kelvin but to yourself because.. well. He couldn't hear you. You went to reach for a notepad before remembering that you only brought hunting equipment so your back could rest.
You looked at Kelvin with an apologetic look. He just brushed it off and sat down on the log, tilting his head at you curiously— Silently asking what's wrong. He's always reminded you of an obedient dog, and here it's in full display. You slumped your shoulders and sat next to him. Getting a feeling of deja vu as you leaned on his shoulder. You've done this before, the only difference is that you're not that injured anymore. You slowly start to doze off, finding comfort in Kelvin's presence.
Meanwhile, Kelvin is looking down at you, arm twitching to wrap around you as he subconsciously does. A pair of arms wrap around you as you two sat in silence. You, slowly finding relief in your state of mind. Even if it's just a brief moment.
In the distance, Virginia is walking towards the abandoned camp, spotting you two on the log. Hugging. A smile made its way onto her face when Kelvin leaned down. She didn't see what he did, as he had leaned down so close to your face that the bushes she was hiding it blocked the view. But she did know that when Kelvin pulled away, your face looked flushed. Eyes closed and you not daring to open them. It was a shame you didn't open your eyes, you would have seen Kelvin's biggest smile at your reaction.
"What're you doing-?" Mercenary was quickly shut up by Virginia as she pulled him down into the bushes, you looked over upon hearing the ruffling but saw nothing. Kelvin looked over to where you were looking as well before taking your cheek in his hand and nuzzling the side of your face. Successfully earning back your attention and making you hug him once more.
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feyre-darling92 · 2 years
Headcanons: Being married to Cassian Andor
A/N: Hello, everyone! How are you doing? I couldn’t bring myself in the position to write a oneshot or anything so headcanons it is. Hope you like it and let me know if I can help you with anything
Word Count: 782
T/W: Nothing
Taglist: @stanny-uwu​ , @hollymac79​ , @triumph-of-form-over-content​ ,  @michelle-l-a-k ,  @lovepeaceorelse​  ,  @mithicakurogo​
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To begin with this man loves you with his whole heart. Like really
He would come up with a sweet nickname for you and would call you that instead of your name, unless if you don’t want to
I can imagine him sometime accidentally calling you by your name and you immediately getting worried
“Y/N, can you bring me the holopad, please?” he asked and you sat frozen at the couch looking at him.
“Is- did I say something wrong?” he questioned surprised by your reaction.
“Yes, you called me by your name”
“That’s not how you usually call me”
“I am sorry, mi vida, can you bring me the holobad, please?” he raised his eyebrows amused and you immediately fulfilled his request.
“Don’t ever do that again” you gave it to him and kissed him on his cheek.
Usually after missions if you have free time you spend it together in bed
“I think we deserve to stay here and sleep for a day or two” you sighed as you threw your bag off your shoulders and jumped on the bed.
“I couldn’t agree more” he lay next to you. “I can’t believe we have three days off”
“Yet here we are” you turned to face him, “You know” you yawned “We have to change”
“I know. In a minute”
“Yeah, in a minute”
This minute actually became a couple of hours and only when Cassian woke up first did you change (mostly with his help because you were half asleep) and actually lay under the covers. And the next day you indeed slept in until noon.
He is a great cook (which judging by my cooking skills is great because I am capable of burning a toast) and loves to cook for you
“Cassian, that’s great!” you took another bite of your favourite food.
“I know” he smirked and sat down next to you, taking his own plate.
“How can you even cook so well? I could never make this”
“Darling, you can barely boil an egg” he chuckled and you elbowed him.
When you’re sick he is the first to take care of you and will always, and I mean always will stay by your side
“Cassian, the medical droid said I’m fine!”
“I know. But I want to stay with you. Unless you don’t want me to” he sat on the bed next to me.
“Of course and I want you to stay”
If you play a musical instrument he will secretly listen to you every time you play
And if you like reading books he will gladly read with you or will read to you out loud
At the first opportunity he takes you to trips to different planets
He just loves the look on your face everytime you land on a new planet
He’s never celebrated his birthday before, mostly because he didn’t know the exact day so the first time you organized him a small celebration he was surprised
“Happy birthday!” you and K2 shouted when he came into the living room of your apartment.
“What? How do you-” he was taken aback.
“I read it on your file and I thought it would be a nice idea, you know to celebrate” you answered a little bit shyly, “We can just leave it if you want to it’s-”
“Thank you, mi vida” he kissed you before you could complete your sentence.
“Happy birthday, love”
Of course you had made the cake with K2′s help
You sometimes argue for the silliest things but usually make up in less than ten minutes
“How many times do I have to tell you not to let your socks everywhere?” you shouted for the third time that week.
“I am sorry I forgot it”
“That’s the third time this week! Why can’t you be more carefull?”
“You leave your hair ties everywhere, but I don’t complain!”
“Oh, so you say that I am cranky?”
“I didn’t say that but sometimes you really get annoying”
“Excuse me? Alright then, sit here alone in your misery”
“You know what? That’s what I’m gonna do”
You stood there for a minute but then sighed and approached him.
“The holoshow will start soon” you sat next to him, refusing to face him.
“I know” he side-eyed you, “I am sorry”
“Me too” you slowly hugged him, still not looking at him, “Now quiet”
Last but not least, he is very proud of you. I can imagine him telling everyone “That’s my wife. Isn’t she amazing?” after you did anything good, or standing on your side with pride at any event or celebration you attend together.
He just loves you too much
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dirtbra1n · 7 months
HII good morning time for ask game. Throwing rare ssmy ones at the board. Shirabashi. Hiramiya. uhhh kuresawa tashiro No wait i cant do that to kuresawa. He loves his girlfriend. I WILL do it to ogasawara though. ogasawara x sasaki. And for fun if you have brain power. tell me about ur favorite mairuma dynamics….
HIII GOOD MORNING I’ve still got twenty minutes til noon as I write this part it counts. woke up read this and said aloud Oh sunnfish loves me…. my friends love me………
shirabashi: I get it, it doesn’t compel me*.
*I’m continuing my effort to get myself into these things. this is definitely still following the trend of I’m Not Doing Enough To Mindpalace Niibashi. sunnfish wouldn’t it be really funny if I shoved him into pathologic au. no better way to get me really invested in you than to suffer sundry agonies I’d say.
I think some of the kagibashi points sort of reflect onto the wall a little warped here which is really fun. Why are you tall. why are you so good at basketball. How Are You Single. followed by one conversation that concludes, Oh, that’s why. being someone who knows that shirahama cares so much about his appearance adds some fun color to this too. I think there’s some fun stuff to poke at there I’ll turn the heat up and let it simmer awhile
hiramiya: I get it, it doesn’t compel me**.
**You know. it’s also kind of a lie I think I just don’t follow through enough on putting petri dish miyano under a microscope. like. I think even in a world where miyano didn’t meet sasaki and consequently did not have to reckon with #BisexualityGate. having bl brain is kind of just a by-default queer thing straight up. Yeah I want to watch Hirano senpai and his handsome roommate I know next to nothing about gently and sensually embrace one another. I want Hirano senpai to be on the bottom. I’m normal. This is normal. like miyano can we talk about this. we’re taking this conversation to the hirakagi dorm and you will put the clipboard DOWN.
in other words Someone definitely would have to pitch me on more straightforward hiramiya—it won’t be hard, I didn’t say hirano was the dating sim au game’s default and preferred route for NO REASON—but going by system settings of What’s funniest. I’m 100% primed to skip down the road of Miyano most insane voyeur moments (#1). this is kind of a theme for hirano ships for me actually. Wait hold on HOLD ON JUST. ONE SEC
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kagi would be there too. just chilling.
I know you took it back but I think a we got married setup with tashiro kuresawa and yuki would legitimately be very funny. just wanted to say that
SASAWARA: HA HA . YOU KNOWWWW…. probably could go trudge up one of my. I’ll be right back again
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ogasawara sex comedy teaser for public consumption. don’t worry about masato here this isn’t about him
being brief It’s the old friends feeling. being verbose it’s You’ve seen me at my worst and snappiest and least tolerable and you still haven’t gone anywhere. you’re so annoying. are you home right now? need to drop off a cd. you’re gonna hate the third track but the fourth one’s gonna make you cry.
I’m always thinking about it. sasaki wanting ogasawara to leave him and miyano the hell alone on their date but the second ogasawara vanishes sasaki’s texting him Hey, where’d you go? old friends feeling. am throwing up all over the floor currently. I Get It. It Compels me.
MAIRUMA. BY THE WAY. love trio are my kids. I think the passive competition between clara and alice is the funniest cutest thing in the world
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^ page saved in may-nearly-june 2021.
also Literally every single relationship with iruma involved compels me that’s my LITTLE BLUE BOY!!!! going to come back to this on the mairuma front later on the coattails of either rewatching the anime or catching up on the manga. and then They’ll all be sorry…… okay wrapping this one up now I love you sunnfish
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