#why do bad things happen to the most precious boy
lil-shiro · 11 months
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Protecting him with my life
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lovelyhan · 1 year
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— down bad (so so bad) ⟢
it’s not like you’re curious about how the word would taste in your mouth whenever seungcheol calls himself daddy while talking to kkuma. nope. definitely not. 
★ FEATURING; seungcheol x pet-sitter!reader (ft. exo's sehun just 'cause LOL)
★ WORD COUNT; 5.7k words 
★ TAGS; friends to lovers, lots of denial, a twinge of fluff,  smut
★ WARNINGS; graphic sexual content (MINORS DNI)
★ NOTES; if u see me reposting this for the third time, no you didn't!!!!! JDKFGDJFKGGH i'm so sorry i should be working on one last enemies 2 lovers request, but the influx of kkuma content in seventeen street got the better of me,,
this is part of the doting on you! series.
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★ SMUT TAGS; getting caught, vaginal fingering, oral (f receiving), daddy kink, dom!seungcheol, praise kink, nicknames (baby, sweetheart, pretty thing, princess), reader is touch-starved AF
★ SVT TAGLIST; @wonderfulshinee - @misssugarlips - @yourfavoritefreakyhan - @jeanjacketjesus - @just-here-to-read-01 - @hanihans - @venusrae - @taestrwbrry - @minnie-mouser22 - @dreamhannies - @thvhannie - @kkooongie - @gae-uls - @lenireads - @gaebestie - @ryusha-rose - @enhacolor - @ilyvern - @woo8hao - @spk93 - @tommolex - @stariightjoyy - @asjkdk - @horny4hoshi - @asjkdk - @stariightjoyy - @jiniesclub
★ SEUNGCHEOL TAGLIST; @changk6un - @renjunphile - @pluviophile-xxx - @noveniadelia
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You spend a lot of time convincing yourself it’s not a big deal.
Because it most definitely isn’t. You live in a part of the city where there just happens to be a lot of idol and celebrity residences nearby, and ever since you’ve established yourself as a pretty decent pet-sitter, they’ve been enlisting your services much more than you initially expected.
But for some reason, every time the leader of that boy group whose dorm is right across the street comes to you with the most spoiled baby princess in his arms, it suddenly becomes a big deal. A huge, ginormous, larger-than-life—
“Hey.” Seungcheol grins, already dressed for today’s schedule from the looks of it. “I heard Sehun-hyung dropped off his dog yesterday, but we kinda have to squeeze in a last-minute shoot this afternoon, so…”
As if privy to the mention of his name, Sehun’s dog—a Bichon named Vivi—barks from your living room. He takes a peek behind the entryway to curiously peer at who’s at the door, but doesn’t make any moves to come out altogether. His presence makes Seungcheol’s dog, Kkuma shrink into her owner’s arms, almost whining. 
“Aww, baby, don’t be like that. You’ve played with Vivi before, right?” Seungcheol coos and you have to stifle a laugh at how he adjusts the pretty bow on her head before turning back to you. “So, uh, is it alright to double book you? I’ll be back for her tonight. Promise.”
Normally, you would’ve refused. Though you work from home, you don't want your attention spread too thin when you’re looking after a client’s pet. This is one of the main reasons why you mostly just pet-sit one at a time, but it’s as if the universe is intent on using your silly attraction to Choi Seungcheol against you—your usual terms and conditions be damned.
“Yeah, I think Sehun’s picking up Vivi later this afternoon, so it’s no big deal,” you reassure him before petting Kkuma affectionately. “You wanna go on a walk with Vivi later, Kkuma?”
Seungcheol told you once that his precious daughter is extremely picky about who gets to pet her and who should maintain a one-meter distance at all times. So when Kkuma has obviously taken a liking to you right off the bat, he knew she was in safe hands. Not to mention the assortment of positive reviews he’s heard about you from other idol friends in passing—he’d be an idiot not to ask for your help when you literally live right across the street. 
Lucky him that you’ll do anything for him if it meant you could have the pleasure of seeing Seungcheol right at your doorstep—flashing you that adorable, dimpled smile before he drops off or picks up his only child from your care.
Not like he has to know any of that, of course. 
“Oh, thank you so much,” Seungcheol groans with relief, shifting Kkuma into your arms before patting her head reassuringly. “My dad was supposed to pick her up from the dorms today, but something came up at home and he couldn’t make the trip. I owe you big time.” 
You chuckle at his gratefulness all while your heart swells as Kkuma nuzzles your chest. What an adorable little thing. “You know my bank account, Seungcheol-ssi.”
He shakes his head with a laugh. “I know you’re just messing around but really, you can call me Cheol. I think I’ve called in enough favors from you to be familiar at least.”
“Those aren’t favors, Cheol. You literally pay me three times more than you have to whenever Kkuma comes over,” you half-jest, startling a little when you notice Vivi circling your legs as he tries to sniff at the dog in your arms. “Anyway, shoo! Won’t you be late for your schedule? I’m sure a playdate with Vivi is just what Kkuma needs to kill the time.”
“You’re right, you’re right,” he sighs before leaning forward to take Kkuma’s face in both of his large hands—pressing a loving kiss on top of her head. “You better be good, okay? Oh, I’m gonna miss you so much, baby.”
Kkuma’s tail wags at her father’s blatant affection and you can’t help the smile that creeps up your face. No matter how many times Seungcheol baby talks to his kid before taking his leave, you don’t think you’ll ever get used to seeing such a side of him up close.
“Daddy’s gonna be back for you tonight. Promise. Oh, by the way, her vet put her on a sodium-free diet for a while, so don’t give her any treats. And…”
As Seungcheol fusses about Kkuma’s newly imposed feeding schedules and hands you a backpack full of pet care necessities, you find yourself zoning out—your head ringing with that one word that’s always made you a little flustered every time you heard it from Seungcheol’s mouth. 
“You get any of that?”
You blink, acutely aware of how Vivi has stood up on his hind legs, pawing at your thigh as he attempts to lick Kkuma’s face. When you realize that you’re just standing there like an idiot as Seungcheol waits for a response, you let out a dry laugh before setting Kkuma down on the floor.
“Yep, I only have to feed her once. Strictly two scoops. Not that I see you sticking to the feeding regimen though,” you tease while receiving the backpack from him. 
“You got me,” Seungcheol chuckles again. “Can’t ever say no to my princess when she gives me the puppy eyes and asks for another scoop. Luckily, you’re the one looking after her today, right?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll take care of it.”
Once Seungcheol finally takes his leave, you let out a long-winded sigh—pressing your back against your front door as Kkuma looks up at you with those big, dark eyes. Vivi seems to have made his way back to the living room after the initial curiosity and you’re glad that you don’t have to round up two energetic pups when your heart is still pounding in your chest.
To your surprise, Kkuma walks up to you, nuzzling your leg with a whine. 
Laughing, you sink to your knees to give her a few scratches underneath her ears. Dogs can be so attuned to a human’s emotional distress, it’s a little amazing.
“What does it feel like to be able to call him daddy?” you joke as she lays on her back for some belly rubs that you have no problem giving. 
The moment the question slips from your lips, you find yourself groaning again as you recall the tight fit of the black turtleneck Seungcheol was wearing today. How it accentuated all the features the fabric was meant to emphasize. You can only imagine how it would feel like to be caged in those big, beefy arms—
Kkuma jolts from her comfortable position on the floor when you suddenly shoot back to your feet, but you only feel half as bad for startling her.
You’re down bad. So ridiculously bad. 
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Sehun comes over to pick up Vivi about an hour after you got home from their walk. 
Like most of your clients, he usually shoots a text before dropping by, but he must’ve forgotten the usual protocol. So when you hear your doorbell go off while you’re in the middle of watching idol fancams on your TV, the internal panic is very much warranted. 
Vivi bounds straight into his owner’s arms the moment Sehun comes through the door and starts licking his face. You smile to yourself despite clearly looking disheveled from how comfortably you’ve been lounging in the living room, but you’re sure Sehun doesn’t mind.
“Oh? He’s got a little playmate?” He raises an eyebrow when Kkuma waddles over to help herself to some of his attention too. Despite how he looks, Sehun gives Kkuma a few pats. “Hmm… Isn’t this Seungcheol’s kid? Or is it Seungkwan’s? Mingyu’s? Their dogs look all the same to me sometimes.”
You snort before handing him Vivi’s bag of necessities that every doting pet owner has up their arsenal. “You were right the first time. I’ve never pet sat for Mingyu before and I’m sure Seungkwan’s dog is in Jeju with his family.” 
He nods in understanding before locking Vivi’s leash in place. “I see. Wouldn’t be surprised if they started to have you look after their pets too, though.” 
When Sehun’s all set, you both discuss payments and he gives you his word that he’ll have the money wired into your account when he gets back to his place. But just when you’re about to send him and Vivi off, he pauses—glancing at something behind your shoulder. 
Curious, you whip around to see what caught his attention and—
“Uh, it’s not what it looks like, I swear,” you stammer before throwing your arms out as if that’ll obstruct the view this six-foot idol has of your television screen. “I left YouTube on autoplay and I guess it paused when you arrived, and…”
Lies. You were in the middle of watching every single one of Seungcheol’s fancams before Sehun arrived and paused whatever was playing on screen. It just so happens that it slipped your mind that the screen froze at a very tantalizing part of his HOT fancam.
You’re not sure how you’re going to explain to Sehun that you don’t usually watch your clients' fancams like some closeted fan, but thankfully, he’s always been discreet about a lot of things. 
“Right,” he says, obviously unconvinced but seems that he won’t press further. “Well, we’re gonna head out now. Jongin-hyung might give you a call in the next few days, by the way. He’ll be busy promoting his solo debut for a while and Kyungsoo-hyung’s growing tired of all the fur in his apartment.” 
You nod swiftly, glad to have another business prospect right after this one just concluded. “Gotcha. See you again, Sehun.”
Once you’re all alone, you carry Kkuma to the living room—laying her down on the plush cushions of your couch before plopping helplessly right next to her. Thank god it’s Sehun who unknowingly bore witness to something so embarrassing. If it was Jongin, he never would’ve let you live it down.
But instead of wallowing in your shame, you unpause the video on screen—watching Seungcheol’s fancam in front of his daughter without another thought.
Kkuma doesn’t seem all too interested, immediately curling herself into a ball right next to you before promptly dozing off. You don’t get to see it though, since your eyes are glued to the screen. 
Surely the jury won’t condemn you too badly for biting the inside of your cheek whenever Seungcheol sticks his tongue out with a smirk, right? This is an idol who’s spent nearly a decade in the industry—if not more. Of course he’s got the art of fanservice ingrained into his bones. 
But just when you told yourself that this is the last one you’re going to watch before hopping in the shower, you end up viewing a couple more of his fancams first until you make do on that self-imposed promise.
This one’s a clip from their most recent fan meeting, you think. A DON QUIXOTE performance that’s been circulating around social media for the better part of the month. While you’re not that well-versed in their group’s discography, you happen to like this song a lot specifically because of how raspy Seungcheol’s voice is whenever he raps his parts.  
When he decides to unclasp a piece of fabric that’s been getting in the way of choreography, you have to bite back a groan when he practically throws it on the stage with that domineering air he never fails to showcase during their performances.
You press your thighs together, hyper aware of the heat that’s sizzling in between before casting Kkuma a guilty stare. Though she’s just a dog, you still feel a little bad about lusting after her dad while she’s sleeping right next to you. 
You’re not even sure what’s got you so worked up today. This isn’t the first time Seungcheol dropped her off in person so you’re not sure why you’re feeling this horny from a few fancams alone. Shark week must be drawing near.
Either way, you end up quietly easing yourself off the couch so as to not wake the sleeping princess on your sofa—turning the TV off altogether before making a beeline for your bedroom to grab your towel and a change of clothes. 
If there’s a more opportune time to take a shower and wash away the impurities infesting your body, it’s now.
But just as you’re about to head to the bathroom, your phone goes off on the coffee table. You pout a little when Kkuma stirs from the sound of your ringtone—looking around sleepily for the source of the noise.
“Sorry about that,” you coo before settling back beside her, running a hand across her smooth fur. 
When you glance at the caller ID, your heart nearly plummets to your stomach.
“Hey,” Seungcheol’s deep voice flits into your ears when you take the call, sounding all sorts of tired. “We’re just wrapping up our shoot. I should be there in an hour or-so. How’s Kkuma?”
“She was fast asleep before my ringtone woke her up,” you chuckle. 
“Oh. Shit. Sorry, baby.”
You tense up at the term of endearment despite being fully aware that it’s not meant for you in particular. That reminds you to put your phone on loudspeaker so that the intended recipient could hear Seungcheol’s apologetic voice.
“I think Vivi tired her out when we went to the park today,” you tell him fondly. 
“Sounds like she finally met her match,” Seungcheol laughs on the other end and Kkuma perks up at the sound of her owner’s voice. “Can you hear me, princess? I’m coming to get you in a while. Keep being daddy’s good girl for me, yeah? I won’t be too long.”
When Seungcheol says your name and thanks you in that same, tired yet raspy voice, you have to keep yourself from melting into a puddle right then and there.
“Hope the double booking wasn’t too much of a bother,” he murmurs and—god. You get that he probably doesn’t have a lot of energy to spare, but does he have any idea what his voice is doing to your underwear?! 
“Not at all,” you manage to say without your voice cracking. “I told you Sehun picked up Vivi early today. It’s just me and this spoiled princess right now.”
“Spoiled, huh? I guess that’s one way of putting it.” Seungcheol breathes out a laugh. “Anyway, we’re getting settled in the shuttle right now. I’ll text you when I’m at the door.” 
“Gotcha. Come on, Kkuma. Say goodbye to daddy.”
You don’t know why that cursed word slipped out of you so naturally, but Kkuma seems to respond to it in kind—her tail swishing with contained excitement before letting out a soft bark for Seungcheol to hear. Your client (that’s right he’s your client, you stupid, horny—) coos at the other end of the call.
You honestly can’t wait until he arrives to get her so you can have some real, much needed alone time.
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To your credit, the shower kind of helped.
Though you just took one of the coldest baths in your life, it managed to alleviate the heat that lingered on your skin once Seungcheol ended the phone call. That’s considered a win in your book.
As you towel your damp hair, you take a peek at Kkuma who’s returned to her little nap on your couch. The sight makes your heart flutter and you would’ve snapped a photo if that doesn’t go against the rules you’ve set for yourself and your humble business. 
Then again, fantasizing about one of your clients definitely goes against whatever principles you’ve been practicing all your life but that’s not the issue here. 
Not wanting to wake her until Seungcheol arrives, you silently pad off to your bedroom, intent on getting some work done before planning what you’ll have for dinner. However, the moment you hang your towel to dry, you end up lying in bed instead of hunching in front of your desk with a laptop full of backlogs waiting for you. 
You don’t even think twice when your hand inches past the garter of your thin sleep shorts.
Typically, you’d use one of your trusty vibrators to get off when you direly needed the release. It made things quick and simple. Plus, you don’t have to suffer through the ordeal of having your fingers pruning up. 
But your brain thought it would be extremely funny if you touched yourself to the thought of your fingers being Seungcheol’s instead of yours—gathering the slick from your aching pussy as he lathers your wetness across your slit.
While you’re…preoccupied in your bedroom, you don’t hear your phone buzzing on the coffee table outside. You’ve deigned to put it on silent mode so Kkuma won’t be rudely awakened by any unexpected ringtones again, but the decision is a bit short-sighted since Seungcheol did tell you he’d text you once he arrives at your door.
Said idol is standing in front of your apartment with a worried look on his face. He texted you about ten minutes ago but received no response, which is a little strange since you almost always reply to his messages right away. 
When you don’t pick up his third call, he starts to pace around nervously. Did you go outside? Were you busy? He’s normally a patient person, but when it comes to Kkuma, he gets jittery within seconds if there really is something to worry about.
Seungcheol tests the knob to your door but when he finds it unlocked, he’s further thrown into a haze of concern. Shit. Were you robbed? Where is Kkuma? 
Where are you?
He kicks off his shoes haphazardly in the entrance, closing the door behind him before twisting the lock as he looks around cautiously. There doesn’t seem to be anything out of place inside your house. The furniture is just as he remembered—not that he spends a lot of his time studying your interior—and finds no signs of ransacking.
Relief practically crashes over him in waves when Kkuma’s head pops up from behind the couch. She hops to the floor and zips straight into his arms, pawing and licking with all the affection she can offer. Seungcheol laughs, petting her to calm down before giving your living room another once-over. 
You’re nowhere to be found. 
Even if Seungcheol can just grab Kkuma and make his leave, he knows he’ll feel bad if he ditches you without a word like that. So after telling his only child to stay put at the doorway, he carefully treads around your apartment and makes his way to (what he assumes is) your room.
The door is slightly ajar and he could make out the figure of someone lying on the bed inside. With the knowledge that you’re safe and sound, Seungcheol’s shoulders relax. 
But just when he’s about to raise a fist to knock—
“Oh, daddy, please—” 
Seungcheol freezes on the spot.
He likes to think he’s a pretty decent person. Never one to think about or blurt anything remotely sexual especially if the situation doesn’t call for it. He also likes to think he has a pretty decent amount of self-control.
But for some reason, when he sees you with one hand buried between your supple thighs as the other paws at your breast through a flimsy night shirt, he can feel himself rapidly crossing that line he’s been so careful to maintain with you all this time.
Seungcheol should leave. While he doesn’t know the specifics of your love life—given that the nature of your friendship is mostly transactional—you probably have at least one person you’re involved enough with to call daddy while you get yourself off. He’s walked in on something he shouldn’t have and he still has time to recollect his thoughts somewhere else while dealing with the steadily growing hardness in his jeans.
But then, he hears you sigh:
“Cheol… Fuck!”
You’re on the very brink of the orgasm you’ve been craving since this morning when your hand is rudely yanked from between your legs. You jolt at the intrusion—fear shooting through your system at the thought of some psycho breaking into your house while you’re so vulnerable. But when your eyes meet Seungcheol’s hard gaze, you’re convinced that you’re dreaming.
To your horror (more like delight) he takes the hand that you’ve just been using to finger yourself to the thought of him—taking your slick digits into his mouth with a pained groan. The sight instantly makes your pussy quiver with need but before that…
“What are you doing here?” you ask weakly, not having the heart to pull your arm away when he looks so fucking hot licking the juices off your fingers. 
When his lips disconnect from your skin with a lascivious pop, he plants a kiss across your knuckles, smirking. “Those are such pretty sounds you’re making. Are they all for me?”
This is not happening. You probably slipped in the shower and hit your head or something. Because Choi Seungcheol—the client you’ve been having inappropriate thoughts about for the entire day—can’t be crouching in front of you right now, giving you the sexiest bedroom eyes you’ve ever seen.
You swallow thickly, trying to salvage what’s left of your pride. “Cheol, I’m sorry, I—”
He shushes you by placing a finger to your lips, the grip he has on your arm tightening with each passing second. You nearly moan when he presses his forehead against yours.
“Daddy, huh?” he asks, completely ignoring your attempt at clearing the air. “You want to call me daddy that bad, baby? So much that you have to get yourself off with Kkuma lying outside?”
Shit. That’s right. Kkuma.
However, in the midst of the moral dilemma that came with wanting Seungcheol to fuck you into the mattress while his adorable daughter was waiting outside your bedroom, you recognize that this is definitely a once in a lifetime chance. 
You’re not about to let it go to waste. 
You aren’t certain who it is that lunged in for the kiss. All you know is that Seungcheol has you pinned beneath his firm body as he licks into your mouth—larged, calloused fingers gripping onto your hips possessively as you moan his name against his lips. 
Your sleep shorts come off in no time. So does your shirt. It only occurs to you’ve been grinding down on the denim of his jeans with nothing but soaked panties on when he takes your bottom lip between his teeth—coaxing out a sound so heavenly, it shoots straight through his cock.
“You’re so pretty like this, sweetheart,” he sighs hoarsely, rolling his hips against your core so that you can feel how hard he is through his pants. “So fucking needy. When you get yourself off, am I the one you always think about?”
You want to say yes but Seungcheol captures your lips into another bruising kiss before you can utter a sound. 
He nudges your thighs apart with his knees, one hand reaching between your legs so he can inspect the mess he’s unknowingly made of your cunt. When he finds you wet and wanting, you feel a growl reverberate deep in his chest.
“Now this won’t do,” he tuts before sliding himself between your thighs, easing himself lower on the mattress so he can hook them across his shoulders. You mewl in anticipation and Seungcheol meets your gaze with a challenging smirk. “Is there something you want?”
“That’s not my name right now, baby. I thought you knew that.”
How the fuck does this man just slip so naturally into the subspace without making things weird or uncomfortable? If anything, the authority in his voice makes another bout of slick gush outside your entrance—making you pray to every single god out there for Seungcheol not to notice.
“Daddy,” you whine and the title sounds delicious in his ears. “I want you. Wanted you for so long.”
You want to curl in on yourself when you feel Seungcheol’s teeth trailing love bites along your inner thighs. The grip he has on them is weighted with nothing but gentleness but the contrast it has with his rough kisses is making your mind stutter with pleasure. 
“What’d you think about, hm?” he whispers. “Tell me all the filthy things you’ve wanted to do with Daddy.”
You nearly gasp when he flattens his tongue across your clothed core, breathing in the musky scent of your arousal. The overload in his senses makes him want to snap and have his way with you, but Seungcheol tells himself to take it easy. 
He has all the time in the world to make you feel good.
“B-But that’s embarrassing,” you whine, struggling to free yourself from his grip but Seungcheol tears your defenses asunder when he moves your panties to the side and licks a long, languid stripe along your glistening slit. 
The effect it has on you is immediate—you’re writhing against his touch, fingers automatically tangling themselves in his hair as Seungcheol helps himself to your cunt like it’s his first meal of the day. It doesn’t help that he’s so enthusiastic about eating you out. Almost like he’s thought about doing it at least once in his life.
���Daddy, please—” you whimper. “Need you…inside.”
“Not until you spill the dirty details, princess,” he chuckles before letting your panties snap back against your poor, sensitive cunt. You jolt at the contact, tears lining your lashes because of how desperate you are to get filled with something. Anything.
“I-I thought about you fucking me raw,” you start shakily, toes curling every time his nose grazes your clothed pussy. “Calling me pretty names and leaving your marks on my body. T-Then when I’m about to c-come, you tell me to hold it in ‘cause you want to come together. You’d also tell me how much of a good girl I am…”
Hm. An obvious pillow princess that likes being praised. While Seungcheol has a preference for calling his partners dubious names in the bedroom, he can make a few exceptions. 
Especially when you look so fucking wrecked for him when he’s barely touched you.
“I see. What else is cooking in that pretty mind of yours, baby? Daddy wants to know.”
You visibly preen at his words, further confirming his suspicions. Seungcheol has to bite back a groan at the sinister feeling that fills his chest at the knowledge.
He’s going to have so much fun with you.
“You’d— You’d use my pussy to dump your load inside me… Then you’ll just k-keep going even if I’m twitching and sensitive all over, fucking your cum deeper ‘cause you want me to keep it all in for days.” 
The mental image you’re painting inside his head is not doing his sense of control any favors, but Seungcheol remains steadfast. He won’t fuck you stupid when he hasn’t even asked you out on a date yet. He has more tact than that.
“That’s what I like to hear, pretty thing,” he chuckles before moving his head a little so he can remove your ruined underwear. He typically would’ve just torn the fabric in two, but he doesn’t want to scare you off just yet. “Such a good girl for Daddy. And you know what good girls deserve?” 
The innocent look on your face nearly makes him cream himself right then and there. “W-What?” 
With a no-good smile, he says:
“To come until you’re crying.”
Seungcheol easily slips in two thick fingers into your sopping heat, making you cry out in a way that’ll definitely pique Kkuma’s curiosity. He just hopes his baby won’t come nosing in where she isn’t supposed to while he takes care of his other baby the way she deserves. 
“You’re so fucking tight, princess,” he sighs—loving how your gummy walls practically cling to his fingers with each shallow thrust. “Can you even take more than this? I don’t want to break you when you’re being so good for me.”
You voice out your protest against his words with a pathetic mewl, bucking your hips against his fingers with erratic vigor. “N-No… I can take more, Daddy, please please. Want you to fuck me full. I’ll be good, I promise!”
Seungcheol has been producing his own tracks for years, but the sound of you babbling incoherently is music to his ears. As he continues pumping his digits in and out of your needy hole, he puts himself back to work—tongue tracing tight circles around your puffy clit as he forces your thighs apart. 
Your back arches off the bed at the sensation as your fingers desperately claw against the sheets. It’s so unfair how delirious he’s made you when he still has all of his clothes on, but you’re nothing if not his good little girl when you don’t even comment on it—focused entirely on the mounting pleasure he’s freely giving you.
When the pads of his fingers manage to graze that patch of spongy flesh deep inside you, your eyes nearly roll to the back of your skull. Seungcheol is all too privy to your reaction and you feel him smirk into your cunt as he curls his fingers to find that spot again—attaching his lips around your sensitive nub as he overwhelms you with stimulation.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you cry, hands finding their way back to his hair as you desperately tug him closer. “Daddy, f-feels so good! I’m gonna—”
“I never gave you permission, baby,” he growls and you quickly whine when he detaches himself from your pussy. “If you want to come you have to ask Daddy nicely. Unless you feel like being a bad girl all of a sudden?”
You shake your head, hips grinding against the air in a desperate attempt to get his mouth on you again. “N-No, Daddy. I want to be good. Can I please come? Please? Need it, need you.”
His chest tightens at the desperate plea in your voice and for a moment, Seungcheol is honestly kind of scared of getting too used to your desperate whines. Your needy whimpers. 
How on earth is he going to go back to being friends after all this is over?
“Alright, since my princess said she’ll be good for me,” he laughs as your walls clench around his fingers. “You can come when you feel like it, baby. Come all over Daddy’s face.”
You don’t completely expect it when Seungcheol dives back into you, smothering his face in your pussy so greedily that you feel his nose bumping against your clit. He laps at your soaked folds like your arousal is the best thing he’s ever tasted—easing a third finger inside you as you muffle a scream.
“Yes, yes! Right there, Daddy!” you moan, tugging on his hair even harder as you grind your cunt against his face. “So close, so close—fuck!”
When you fall over the edge, Seungcheol doesn’t stop his relentless onslaught on your twitching pussy. Your walls clamp down around his fingers so tightly, he can only imagine how good it would feel to fuck you on his cock while you ride out your orgasm. 
The syllables of his name are all but broken when you frame them around a high-pitched keen. Seungcheol slurps up every drop that trickles onto his face and he only peels himself away from you once you’ve stopped thrashing against his grip.
In the aftermath, the two of you bathe in silence—nothing but your mutual pants filling the room. You’re looking at Seungcheol with stars in your eyes despite what he just put you through and the sight alone makes him more aware of the problem in his pants.
“Daddy, do you want—”
“No,” he says immediately and he feels bad just as fast because of the disappointment that crosses your face. “I mean—fuck. I want to fuck you dumb, princess. I really do. But I also really like you and it’ll be a chip on my conscience forever if I do that without taking you out on a proper date first.”
It takes a moment for his confession to completely occur to you and when it does, the dazed look in your eyes makes way for utter shock. Seungcheol wonders if he should be offended.
“You…like me?”
“Sweetheart, I’m a pretty busy guy. I don’t just let anyone come on my face.” 
You gulp. “For how long?”
Seungcheol shrugs. “A while. Now are you going to let me take you out on that date one of these days or are we going to have to pretend this never happened?”
You scowl at him. It doesn’t help that he still has that tightly fitted turtleneck on—distracting you from the topic at hand for a moment before you clear your throat and give him an answer.
“H-How about we go on that date now?” you suggest somewhat anxiously. “I mean, I was already thinking about where to get dinner after this, and…” 
Taking him by surprise, you lean forward to cup your hands over his ear—a devious smirk curling on your lips.
“Maybe you can fuck me dumb right after.”
Long story short, your first date with the idol you’ve been crushing on is a big hit. Right after getting himself to calm down (A.K.A., taking care of his hard on in the privacy of your bathroom), Seungcheol took you and Kkuma to a food park that’s open until midnight. 
It’s over dinner that you fess up and tell him the origin of your newfound daddy kink. Seungcheol has the gall to laugh in your face at your admission and you swear you’ll never pet sit Kkuma ever again if he keeps teasing you like that.
“Aww, baby,” he coos, pinching your cheek for added effect. “You don’t have to call it pet-sitting anymore. Now that we’ve established how much we actually like each other, don’t you think it’s more fitting to call it…co-parenting?”
Unwittingly, you receive his words with a scowl.
You want to smack him upside the head. Just because he’s a confident little thing on stage doesn’t mean he can just bring that side of him in a real life conversation. But for all your adamant bravado of insisting he’s being full of himself…
You honestly don’t mind.  
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⟢ end notes: yay! you got to the end of my delusions!!! that said, thank you to nova @duhnova and indi @playmetheclassics for title help and going through this spur-of-the-moment filth for me!! rip to the original genius title, daddy's good girl(s) bc tumblr wants to censor it so badly LMFAO
i don’t have anything else to say aside from i’m so sorry choi kkuma
this is part of the doting on you! series.
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steddiejudas · 6 months
STWG Daily Drabble 11/29/23
prompt: modern au
Eddie is harshly woken by his phone ringing at— JESUS christ, 4:30 AM.
The number isn’t saved in his contacts, and normally he would just let it ring or hang up the call so he could go back to sleep, but his brain is a little fried so early in the morning so he answers it like a reflex.
“Hello?” he asks. He can hear the sleep in his own voice and hopes to god this call isn’t something important that his slow, rough voice will make him look bad for.
A very loud, very drunk voice screams the name Eddie doesn’t recognize into the line. He lacks the wherewithal to really sus out what’s happening, so he summons every ounce of intelligence to the best of his ability to mutter: “huh?”
“Robbie I’m so drunk and my phone died. The bartender let me use his to call you. come pick me up.”
The guy is whining directly into Eddie’s ear. it should be annoying, should be grating to his sleep-addled brain, but he can’t help but think he sounds cute.
“Uh, hey man, this isn’t Robin. I think you got the wrong number,” Eddie says.
The guy on the other end of the line goes silent, and Eddie imagines he’s pouting over there, probably too drunk to remember he needs to speak into the phone.
“Hey,” he says. “You okay? Are you going to be able to call this Robin person?”
“I did,” the guy whines again. “You’re not Robin.”
“No, I definitely am not. I’m Eddie. And who are you?”
“I’m Steve. Will you please come pick me up?”
He considers this, chuckling lightly to himself. This Steve sure is trusting. Eddie could be a murderer just waiting for a cute boy like Steve to call him up, and he says as much, but apparently all Steve hears is:
“You think I'm cute? Wait, how can you tell? Are you in the walls or something?”
Is he in the walls? Jesus this guy really is ass blasted, huh. And Eddie can’t leave a fellow bad late night decision maker to fend for himself, can he?
“You sound cute enough sweetheart. sit tight, I'll be there in 15 minutes.”
“mmkay!” Steve sounds purely elated to have Eddie on the way, and hangs up before he has the chance to confirm where he is. It’s no matter really, there’s only one bar in the area that’s open this late, and it seems the bartender picked up on that lacking piece of information as his phone pings with a location pin a minute later.
It’s one of Eddie’s usual haunts so he gets there in 10, familiar with the route and aided by the complete lack of traffic at this hour.
He wonders if in the last 10 minutes Steve has forgotten all about him. He is just a stranger he drunk dialed after all, and Steve’s so far gone his short term memory must be nothing at this point.
But when he pulls up and enters the building, he sees the most beautiful face he’s ever seen alone at the bar. He hopes to any god that will listen that Steve at least remembers his enthusiasm about getting home so he can see the way that elation shows on his handsome features. The bartender who’s been babysitting, and appears to be forcing him to drink water, points to the door and Steve turns around, his face alighting with all the brilliance of precious gemstones.
“Eddie!” He shouts, throwing himself off the stool to stumble over to him. He nearly falls to the ground, but Eddie is there to hold him up.
Their faces are inches apart, and Eddie can’t help but notice the way his drunkenness flushes his cheeks, giving the scattering of moles across his cheeks a beautiful backdrop.
“Hey pretty boy. Let’s get you home, okay? Where do you live?”
“With Robin,” Steve says, his face betraying the fact that he really thinks that’s the answer Eddie needs.
“Mhm,” Eddie patiently hums. “And where does Robin live?”
“With me, silly.”
“Oh boy, you’re really out of it. Why don’t I take you back to my place, get some food in you, charge up your phone, and we’ll go from there.”
“Is food the only thing I'll get in me?” Steve asks, pressing in closer to Eddie’s grasp.
It startles a laugh out of him. One that starts deep in his chest and rolls through his body, throwing his head back and shaking his shoulders.
“Steve, you barely know me. You’re just lucky I happen to be a very nice, very respectful guy, who is going to
feed you and nothing. else.”
Steve pouts a little as Eddie puts an arm around his waist and pulls him out to the car, loading him in the passenger seat and buckling him in.
It seems Steve has zoned out on the ride, either lulled by the movements or, god forbid, incredibly carsick. Either way he sits in silence with his face pressed against the cool glass while Eddie lets him be alone with his thoughts for the short drive home.
Getting up the stairs to Eddie’s apartment is a challenge. It’s like Steve is doing his absolute best to go ass over tea kettle down them. Eddie braces himself behind him, hands on his waist to keep him steady, trying his absolute darndest to ignore the lines of hard muscle under his sweater.
Now is NOT the time.
They make it inside with little incident, Eddie plopping Steve down on the couch to disappear into the kitchen after fishing Steve’s phone out of his pocket and plugging it in next to him.
“So, I’m not much of a cook,” Eddie hollers. “But how do you feel about grilled cheese?”
No answer comes.
Eddie peeks out of the kitchen to find a snoring Steve, sprawled out on the couch like a starfish. Somehow he’s even cuter like this. It brings a fond smile to Eddie’s face as he covers him in a blanket, tucks a pillow under his head and leaves a trash can by his side just in case.
It’s almost 5:30 now, and the exhaustion hits him all at once. Eddie gives the man sawing logs on his couch one last once over before going back to his own bed and crashing, hoping for at least another hour or two of sleep.
When he wakes, it’s with an unexpected sense of excitement, expecting Steve to be on his couch ready to have a coherent conversation and a real introduction, but when he makes his way out to the living room, Steve is gone, his pillow stacked on top of the neatly folded blanket.
He shouldn’t be sad about this. Steve is, after all, just a stranger who was drunk and couldn’t even remember his own address. He was probably embarrassed, confused, hell maybe even scared to be waking up in a stranger’s house with vague memories of how he got there. He tries to focus on that aspect of the situation, rather than his own disappointment. He does not succeed.
Eddie sits down on the couch, in the very same spot Steve laid his head the night before and wraps himself up in the blanket. He buries his face in it, inhaling the faint scent Steve left on it and wonders why he even cares. It wasn’t as if they had some big whirlwind romance in the span of the hour they were together; but Steve was so sweet, so cute, so excited to see him after speaking on the phone for just a couple minutes. It wasn’t anything more than a random act of kindness, but maybe Eddie wanted it to be.
It’s as Eddie is thinking it over that his phone pings with a message. Eddie groans, it’s probably just Gareth, or maybe the bartender from last night checking that everyone is safe. Though even that is wishful thinking. He checks anyway, trying his best to tamp down any wishful thinking until he sees the unknown number on his screen with one simple word.
[463-291-8275]: Thanks.
Eddie feels a lump in his throat, his chest filling up like a balloon. He doesn’t know what to do, what to say, doesn’t even know if it is Steve, but shit he fucking hopes so.
[Eddie]: Steve? How did you get my number again?
[463-291-8275]: Uhhh… i definitely didn’t try like 10 variations of Robin’s phone number to find the one number i mistyped when i accidentally called you last night
Eddie frantically adds the number to his contacts before texting back, thanking whatever powers that be for giving him another shot.
[Eddie]: Wow I must have left quite the impression on you Stevie 😏
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: you could say that
Eddie smirks to himself, trying to ignore the blush that warms his face at Steve’s words. He tries to come up with what to say next, how to segue into asking him out on a date, but before he can, his phone buzzes with more messages from Steve.
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: so i know this might seem a little strange since we barely talked before i passed out in a drunk heap on your couch
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: thanks for not killing me btw
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: but um would you maybe want to hang out sometime?
Eddie jumps up from the couch, pumping his fist in the air like he just won the lottery. then, like he’s just remembering he lives alone, he yells at no one in particular: “FUCK! YES!” There’s an angry knock on the wall from his neighbor, but he doesn’t care in the slightest.
[Eddie]: idk about that Stevie
He goes to reply in his typical teasing fashion, but Steve’s reply comes in immediately before he can finish the thought.
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: oh
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: i totally get it
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: last night was probably weird for you
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: feel free to block my number i’m so sorry
[Eddie]: Woah, slow your roll there big boy!
[Eddie]: I said I'm not so sure about hanging out with you.
[Eddie]: But only because I’d rather take you out on a date
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: oh
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: Oh!
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: date! yes! date is good
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: i’d love to go on a date!
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: better even
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: i was fighting demons trying not to kiss you in the car last night
Eddie has to set his phone down so he doesn’t throw it to the ground and shatter it, opting instead to fist his hands in the pillow Steve used last night and shove it in his face to scream. He has to regain his composure before he texts back, doing his best to keep cool.
[Eddie]: A date it is then. Can’t wait sweetheart ❤️
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starsmourning · 10 months
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૮ ྀི◞͈ ˔ ◟͈ ྀིა ‧₊˚ ꒰ྀི it looks like the scary looking loner has been keeping a secret from the class ꒱
ᥫ᭡ ⋆゚⊹ ꒰ྀི yandere creep blade / gross pervert blade x male reader ꒱ — ( college au ノ dom/sub dynamics ノ yandere behavior ノ toxic mindset ノ perverted behavior ノ tresspassing ノ stealing ノ posessive and obsessive behavior ) 𐂯 ‧₊˚
repost. fem alligned & mdni blogs dni.
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Yandere creep blade who's known in class as that weird quiet creepy kid that always looks like he’s about to fight anyone at the moment making everyone not wanna be near him at all. It wasn’t his fault he has a resting bitch face, it's everyone who just assumes he does something bad. Though it all changes when he meets a cute little partner in a project.
Yandere creep blade who’d be enchanted at the nice and cute boy who comes up to him asking his name, with his cute little voice asking if his name is blade. He couldn’t help but blush a little as he nodded his head. His eyes wandering all over his small small body, he was practically towering him. He’s just like a cute little hamster in his eyes.
Just the way you pucker your lips, blink your pretty lashes. God, you're so adorable. He can feel himself getting hard just from this, seeing you shyly smile at him as you try to start the conversation about the project. Oh you sweet little thing you are.
Yandere creep blade who listens to everything you have to say about the project, how you think what you two will do. His ears are attentive to your voice although his eyes wander everywhere but on your own eyes, too afraid to meet in contact with them for some reasons. Was it shyness? Was it nervousness? he doesn’t know but god does he love your flawless neck. He wonders if you let him fill it with his marks.
Yandere creepy blade who’d get addicted to you after the project, you were just so cute? so nice? just such an adorable little thing. He has to keep an eye on you. His eyes are always staring at you in class. Observing every little thing you do. The way you bite on that pen as you look at your test with furrowed brows. He wishes he was the pen. God is his cute boy just so adorable?
He’s just so adorable as he greets him whenever he sees him, his hands waving his way as he smiles politely. God he wishes he could talk to you but why is it so hard? his tongue stopping him from saying any words to you only giving you his familiar cold stoic look nodding his head at you whenever he senses your wave. Shit why is he like this? oh well you seem to tolerate this behaviour of his and god he loves you for it. Don’t worry once he gets the courage he’ll talk to you again, showing all his devotion to you.
Yandere creep blade who’d die just to get a swift of your scent. His pants got tight as he got a wift of the new shampoo you used on your hair. It was lemon with a dash of vanilla? fuck thats just so like you and it made his boy even more adorable. After that he gotta stop by the washroom after all he has to deal with his little problem down in his pants. He can't help it, it's only natural to have desires. Even if that desire was to pin his sweet boy down as he thrust his cock inside him as he cried in pleasure. So? it's only natural.
Him trying to contain his groans of pleasure in stalls not wanting anyone to hear him jerking off as he fantasises about you once again. Fuck just Imagining it sounds so hot he wonders if you let his cock sink in deep inside you? Going back to the class as if nothing happened. His eyes back again observing every detail you have.
But it wasn’t enough. Looking and observing wasn’t enough, so when the pen you always seem to bite onto rolled down the floor. He couldn’t help but take that chance to take it, it wasn’t stealing if you lost it. It was simply just borrowing things that's all. As he picked up the bitten pen he looked at it with practical hearts in his eyes. He was practically drooling as he looked at it as if it was the most precious thing. I mean it is, it came from you, sweet beloved little y/n, his y/n. Pocketing it he can’t wait to collect more things from you.
Yandere creep blade who continues to borrow you lost stuff, remember the lip balm you always use? you somehow lost it don’t worry though bladie got it! but he doesn’t wanna give it back to you. He still remembers the many times he fantasised he was this lip balm, how he wanna kiss your kissable lips. This lip balm was so lucky to freely do that but now he has it! technically you two kissed if he also used it too right? just how romantic and cute is that!
It went from small items to much more bigger, the half eaten apple you threw away because you didn’t like the taste. It has your cute canine bite marks on it, look how adorable that is, he wonders if you’d give him some marks too. He got bolder and stalked you to your house, slowly trailing behind you making sure he’s quiet and making sure you wont notice him. God is his beloved home such a cute one? getting in secretly without you knowing. He was just visiting you thats all don’t worry! As he looks around the house, walking in your shower seeing the shampoo brand and soap brand you use. He wishes he could take them but you need them! I guess he’d suffice on buying the same brand so that he can imagine your scent filling his room.
Quickly coming back to his house as he opens the shrine he has made for you. All the things he has borrowed from you. He couldn’t help but giggle as he looked at his collections, isn’t this just perfect? his sweet beloved! He can't wait until the day he finally starts talking to him without feeling so nervous. As for now he’ll protect him from harm as he admires you from afar. His sweet boy~ created to be all his <3
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cod-dump · 3 months
For the teen!Ghost au, has there ever been a time where Price hasn’t come home? A mission gone badly and he gets injured? Maybe Nik has to handle the fort for a little while on his own because Price is trapped in the hospital?
(Also Roach is a precious bby)
John getting hurt bad enough he had to go straight to the hospital. He was unconscious or just unable to call home to tell Nik or the kids that he won’t be coming home that night. So Kate has to call, and she didn’t know enough to know that John would be fine after a minor surgery to correct whatever injury he obtained.
She calls Nik and tells him that John was in the hospital after a mission with south, and that she doesn’t know much about the situation or his condition. It was enough to make Nik’s blood run cold and him to be near hysterics. But Nik’s a professional and he was able to keep a mask up and keep the truth from the kids.
But they knew something was wrong. Dad wasn’t home when he was supposed to be, they hadn’t heard anything from him and Nik was being too quiet. The fact he wasn’t acting worried made them worry.
“Where’s Dad?”
“He’s held up at work. He’s not sure when he’ll be home.”
Nik never felt so much anxiety before, especially in the comfort of his own home. All it took was a phone call and now he felt so out of control. The hospital where John was hadn’t been disclosed with him, Kate hasn’t called and gave him any updates. For all he knew John was dead. And there wasn’t nothing he could do but stay home and care for the kids and animals.
There was nothing else he could do.
Simon and Kyle were not handling this well. Of course they knew something was wrong. They’ve always been anxious boys, and now their dad was missing. Farah was harder to read but Nik could tell this was affecting her as well. She was worried, scared. She was good at hiding how she felt, but he could see her fidget and watch her phone, waiting for a phone call from John.
They were all torn up about this, terrified of what the next call will bring. Nik couldn’t sleep for those two days of silence. He just laid in bed or just rested on the couch, hoping the front door would open and John would come in. He couldn’t speak on the subject with the kids, and he knew that made everything worse.
Kate finally stopped by when the boys were at school and Farah was at work. Nik had to do everything he could to keep himself calm when she walked up the driveway and to their door. He was expecting the worst, he was expecting having to tell the kids the worst thing he could imagine. Having to handle paperwork to become the boys’ legal guardian. Fuck- Pull strings to make it where they stayed with him if that wasn’t possible.
He was expecting the worst and it showed. And Kate blinked when she noticed the stress practically radiating off of him.
“God- He’s fine, Nik.”
Nik felt relief flood him, tears wanting to spill. Then he yelled.
“Don’t you dare yell at me! This has been the most hellish week of my life! I’ve been having to clean up John’s mess and practically live at my office, not having a moment without someone calling me- Are you crying?”
He did start crying. And Kate had him sit down and coached him through what had to be his first panic attack in years. And once he was calm she was able to explain everything that had happened and where John had been. Both him and Kate had been practically isolated after their intel went sour.
John, having been the most hands on in it, was put through debriefings, meetings, and picked apart by his superiors the moment he came out of surgery. He wasn’t allowed to call anyone until SAS was sure he had nothing to do with everything going wrong at once.
“He’s coming home tonight. He asked me to check on you before I headed home.”
Nik felt stress and relief flow intertwined, his heart pulling every which way. John was coming home, and he wanted to strangle him for making him worry. He didn’t strangle him when he saw him get dropped off. Nik instead swung the front door open before he even made it onto the porch and grabbed him and pulled him into a fierce hug. John squawked when he was grabbed but didn’t fight him, just slumped against him, exhausted.
“Missed ya, too,” he had muttered against his shoulder. John could have easily fallen asleep right there, in Nik’s arms.
He wouldn’t get a chance to, however. Once Riley started barking, the house came alive and John wouldn’t know peace for the next few weeks. A small price to pay for the worry he had put his family through.
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class1akids · 26 days
BNHA 423 - Thoughts (aka how to fumble your ending: a masterclass by Kohei Horikoshi)
I won't have time on Sunday, so I'll write up my chapter thoughts today. Probably the last time for this series (unless we get a Todo-family moment in the epilogue).
I've joined this fandom 6 years ago and written countless meta and analysis. I'm grieving today not that the story has come to an end, but the way it fumbled its landing.
Last chapter: Deku after a combo from everyone Rises to everyone shouting Ganbare and All Might Annointing him as HIS personal Jesus Greatest hero
This chapter:
Everyone's aggregate animosity (including 16 members of Class A - missing: Uraraka, Bakugou, Shoto and Aoyama) and the strength Deku added to OFA in 2 years kill AFO-in-Shigaraki's regen (even though he was engineered by Ujiko to be able to hold OFA).
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Deku punches the body of that little crying boy he yapped about saving of the big bad and it starts to crumble. So AFO looks for a new host in Deku.
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We get to the only good point in this chapter: as Aizawa is yelling for Midoriya, ShiraGiri worries about Tomura. The tragedy of how their lives went in separate ways. The only person on this battlefield who cares about Tomura is Kurogiri
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WTF - I'm emotional. This must help bring Tomura back, right?
Let me see! what's happening on the vestige side?
Is Kurogiri dead? Why?
Or fuck that - let's get to Bakugou, because why not. Obviously, he's in desperate need of another highlight.
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Let's even make sure he gets personally praised in case in the last 5 chapters he was not mentioned we forgot how he's the awesomest. Who cares about Kurogiri dying in the background? Who cares about Aizawa's or Mic's feelings? The most important question is how Bakugou got to the battlefield.
Oh, wait, here comes the twist. Remember that crappy little panel of Shoto in the last chapter? No? Don't worry. Neither does 99% of the fandom, except a few die-hard Shoto-fans.
Well, you see, that crappy panel was actually Shoto being hidden as he lifted up Deku at the end of that long combo to give him his last push. And the one above, is not a BKDK combo but an Origin Trio combo. It's just cropped the same way BKDK shippers always crop Shoto out of any Trio pictures.
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Congratulations, Kohei Horikoshi-sensei! What an amazing twist. You managed to write Schroedinger's Origin Trio scene! It happened, but maybe it never did. Thanks for stringing me along all these years through the rollercoaster rides of Origins and Risings. I'll take that playground from you and give it to fanfic writers who actually care about maintaining it.
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While Bakugou is yelling in the background, Deku is pulling a Mirio on AFO and calls him friendless. The worst thing that can happen to a Shonen boss.
There is some incomprehensible mumbo jumbo about OFA-magic - but don't worry peeps - it's all a set-up for Deku getting it back (in case you are one of the people who seems really to be worried about that)
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And then AFO realizes - due to Deku transferring the last bit just so - that he was just a sad little human who loved his brother all along. Yoichi's lifelong efforts to make an impact on AFO didn't do anything. Only the Jesus-Punch-of-Magic did. Too bad.
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Oh no, the whole fucking peanut gallery is back to nobody's surprise. (Actually All Might is missing, which may suggest Deku will only get the stockpile back). Even if Deku gets OFA back, please don't transfer these guys back. I'm so sick of them. They were a total waste of time and took Deku's precious real estate for introspection. Fuck that. I don't actually care. Deku has been damaged beyond repair.
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GROUP FIST BUMP!!! Amazing Climax. Maybe a double spread, Sensei?
HK: Sorry, I used up my double spread quota on Bakugou!
I'm not one to criticize Horikoshi's artstyle, but boy, this panel is so underwhelming compared to the stuff he drew in this endgame. Is this your big AFO vs OFA clash????
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What happens when Ghost Fist collides with Real blood? Of course, it will transfer all that sweet Ghost-DNA!!!
Aka - Horikoshi is saying - Don't worry, Deku won't be quirkless.
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OK. Well. Let's move on.
Here is another line from Horikoshi's outline. Did you want to see a heart-warming scene between Nana and Tenko? Too bad for you. You get Bakugou, you voted for him.
(Btw, Shoto is not the only one who doesn't seem to be allowed to have a proper scene with his mom, I guess Tenko cannot even get an emotional afterlife scene. If you are an abuse-victim in story, Horikoshi says - fuck you! Take a swan dive and hope to be reborn as a bully in your next life).
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Well, at least Tomura noticed that Kurogiri mysteriously died after Horikoshi couldn't think up an actual proper endgame for him.
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OK, onto the MAIN ANTAGONIST's final monologue. It will be deep after being built for 400 chapters, right?
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Shigaraki: Well, I didn't even manage to destroy your hand. I amount to just a crying boy.
Deku: Well, I still hate you for stabbing Kacchan and the others. (forget the others, I never cared about the others). I killed you because I was sick of your moping it's the International Board of Therapist's recommended therapy for victims of abuse and grooming.
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Shigaraki: Well, what do I say to that. That's so fucking stupid.
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Shigaraki: And to my gay little boyfriend, I leave my treasured Nintendo controller.
Deku: Yeah, whatever. I don't really have any thoughts. I've stopped introspection in Act 2. Your life sucked. You need to fuck off now and stop spreading the sadness, I have a victory punch to perform.
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Deku: This is the story of how I became the greatest hero by punching the fuck out of this crying, abused little boy and then bathing myself in his nasty pixie dust. killing 2 main villains for the price of 1 in under 7 pages and changed the weather for the dudebros on Twitter can cry about the blue sky in the anime again. I also eradicated sadness with punching it hard enough.
Also - I probably still have a quirk. Tune in to find out in two weeks.
Sensei, with all due respect - this chapter was ass. Visually, thematically, from a storytelling point of view. Even the good ideas were executed badly or were crammed in with terrible ideas. What a fucking let-down.
Will Shigaraki go and be the hero of the villains?
I can see him reconstruct with Overhaul and magic, or I can see that we will get a reveal where Deku had the Lion Turtle solution all along and he has punched Shigaraki just at the angle to magically manifest 5-year old crying Tenko and save him and he was cold and aloof because he already "saved the boy".
I can see a BS solution incoming. But it will not fix this chapter for sure, nor the broader writing issues with Deku's character and with the Deku - Tomura dynamic.
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yourlocaltreesimp · 8 months
Heyo! Can I request how the boys would react to the reader/their crush complimenting them?
- 🥣 anon
Yes you may, and welcome to the Anon list officially, officially!
PT 1: Time, Twilight, Wild
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Chain getting complimented by their crush!
Stone faced on the outside- buts that’s because he’s a windows error page
But when he resets it’s literally just him melting with adoration.
He’s thinking about that for the next week, whenever you’re next to him, whenever his mind gets to quiet, whenever he’s close to falling asleep.
“Hey Time?” Your curious voice was hushed as most other members of the chain were sleeping, and judging from your own sleepy voice, you weren’t too far.
“Yes?” He shifted over slightly to get a better look at you, sprawled out over your bedroll and propped up by an arm. The fire’s glow did you well, painting your in warmth and gold.
“That’s it- I just wanted to see your face. G’night” And just like that, you were peacefully asleep. He, however, could do anything but. He was unaware of courting in your universe, unaware of what that ment for him and his yearning for which he thought was one-sided. But he was glad the others couldn’t see the smile he let crack his face, hand the way he carefully tucked you in.
He skips the mental reset and goes straight to panicking.
Look, he was down bad before- he’s worse now.
Twilight couldn’t find anywhere else to rest his eyes except on you as you sat, a colony of stray ordon cats gathered around you. You tried your hardest to give them all equal attention, much as you did the group, but one crawled it’s way into your lap, garnering your attention. He didn’t know he could be jealous of a cat.
“I love being here.” His head soared to hear that you to loved his home, its charm outweighing any possible doubts you had in your mint
“Glad to hear that” He so badly wanted to say more as the silence lingered, but your content smile persuaded him into simply letting it be.
“I wanna live somewhere like here someday. Hell- I even might stay here if you aren’t sick of me by the end of all this” You looked up and his heart caught, he managed a shy smile as he wringed his hands out nervously. As if he could ever be sick of you- the mere thought was atrocious. “I wouldn’t mind staying here for you” If his cheeks weren’t red before, he could guarantee they were now.
There’s a few things you compliment him on that he’s suave af about. His scar, however is not one of them.
It makes him feel lesser. Reminds him of his shortcomings
Compliment that and this man is sold. Not only are you interested in him, but you’re interested in all of him. Not just the champion that he was dubbed
It was the forth or fifth time he caught you staring, your eyes lingering on his face. Now that’s not so say he didn’t like your attention, no, but he was starting to wonder.
“Why do you keep staring at me”
“I’m not staring at you” Your unassuming response gets an amused huff out of him “I’m admiring” The way you stressed the word made adrenaline deep into his blood in a way he was familiarly unfamiliar with- something only you could do to him.
“What is there to admire?” He looked down at himself, he was in his usual ensemble of clothing, his hair done the same way as usual, so what was it that caught you?
“Your scar” Oh? Oh. His mind was quiet, you were quiet. Of course the most radiant thing to walk the earth finally noticed his normality. Finally noticed his insufficiency. Finally noticed he’s a fa- “I like it” What? “It’s so… you. I hadn’t realised how well it fits your face. I wish whatever happened didn’t happen, yeah…” Your voice trailed off in an enraptured trial. Enough to leave his mind drawing blanks “But I think I like you more this way” You smiled, satisfied with your words and went back to what you were supposed to be doing while he could do anything but. The most precious person he’s met not only appreciates his most ugly and unworthy parts, but loves him more because of them… That was a concept he’d need to ponder.
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mylonelydreaming · 17 days
For me, Link being "unhealthily obsessed with Zelda and finding her to the point Ganondorf is a footnote" isn't something that I think is "bad" at all, but precisely what makes this version of him remotely interesting (to me) when Nintendo is otherwise so adamant about keeping him a stoic knight most of the time.
It adds a different layer to him, turns him from this perfect, bland stoic boy into someone who only outwardly appears that way, appears like he has everything together, but is in fact flawed inside and a little broken from what has happened to him. A little off. That makes him much more interesting to me. It gives him a major character flaw that can be exploited by his enemies, and what do you know, Ganondorf and the Yiga Clan do exactly that (they even remark on what good bait she makes).
I also find it interesting to think about when he became this way. Was it the years he spent with her in-between games? Was it well before that, when he was aimlessly chasing that "beautiful voice" even before he remembered who he was? Was it some point before the Calamity? Did he become a knight in the first place not merely to follow his father's footsteps, but to one day protect her? I find this compelling to think about. Is making a specific person your life's purpose unhealthy in real life? Yes. It's also very interesting in a story.
And also on that note, isn't him becoming at least a little too obsessed with her a completely natural thing to happen?
For me, if you take away Link's (yes, I'll admit, unhealthy although I kind of like that), obsession with Zelda, then all that is left is the exact ways that people who hate not only zelink but Link himself describe him as all the time: A robot who feels nothing but duty.
And sorry, but I just find that very boring. Dull. Unexciting. I also, then, can't see why on earth Zelda would have feelings for Link if she's just a duty to him and her acts of affection, like sewing him a new tunic, are never returned. Frankly, I think she deserves a lot better than that, to have her feelings reciprocated and a happy ending after all that she's been through.
And to be honest, why would any writer make her feelings unreciprocated when she's basically the main focus of these two games? How does that make any sense? I also doubt any professional game dev working on a deadline would waste precious time writing and coding dialogue about it into the games if it supposedly wasn't meant to mean anything? I honestly rather dislike people brushing off things like Kass's song, because it ignores that it was purposefully written by the game's creators to tell the player something. It not only feels disrespectful to whoever wrote it, but ignores an extremely common convention of video games. I don't think it's really very fair to call it "bad writing" simply because it delivers the information like a video game and not like other visual mediums would have. Video games have always demanded the player to read things, investigate and read between the lines. Especially so when they are more focused on gameplay, which is exactly where Nintendo's focus lies.
And when it comes to "it should have been more obviously shown", well, look how people complain even when it's subtle? If you're someone who hates it, why complain about the romance not being overly blatant? Isn't that good? I mean, clearly an even bigger fit about it would have been thrown if they had been even more obvious, so personally, I think that the way Nintendo went about it was perfectly fine.
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machiavellli · 7 months
Some painful headcanons about Mattheo and Draco growing up as brothers
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Summary: Draco and Mattheo became brothers once the Malfoy adopted him, now they suffer together as their youth is being stripped away.
Notes: one thing about me is that I like pain, I love feeling miserable, I live for tragedy. And I was about to write some cute Enzo headcanons but then this caught my mind, so I think that will be for later. I even though about putting a sort of reader situation were the two basically fight for you, but it was ruining everything, so this is the outcome. Some sad headcanons about two brothers by choice.
Warnings: painful memories, mention of bl0od, agony, children being slowly forced into a war that’s not theirs, Lucius Malloy being himself, voldy mention. English is not my first language, please alert me if I make any mistake!
I don’t know if this is a general headcanon but I personally headcanons Mattheo to be sort of adopted by the Malfoy family, so I started thinking about his life there
Lucius would be thrilled to have the dark lord’s son under his tutelage, it would be an honor for him (obviously).
Narcissa would feel bad for the little brown haired boy with eyes so big yet already full of pain and range.
It’s almost like Mattheo always knew who he was and always hated it.
Draco would obviously despise him at first, he would learn what jealousy feels like like with Mattheo
It seemed like Lucius liked Mattheo best.
But what could that little boy, that didn’t even looked like a Malfoy, have for his own father to watch him like the most rare gem?
Mattheo just arrived one day and he knew that he wasn’t his brother, so what was he doing here?
He tried to ask his father but he literally shutter him away, as expected.
His mum tried her best.
She explained that he was a less fortunate one
“But why do we have to help him? Couldn’t he go to an orphanage or something?” Immediately interrupted the short blonde figure
“Because we are kind dear and you shall be kind with him too”
After that Draco changed attitude, it’s not like he really understood what his mum said, but he understood that he had to be kind. It was mandatory.
His mum asked him, what could he do otherwise??
So he tried to approach him one day in the Malfoy manor’s garden with a game for the two to play
Mattheo was slightly taller, but his mum told him it was because he was also a couple of months older, so that’s normal, he wasn’t worried, a couple of months and he would have been as tall as him, if not more
They played together for hours and so on the day after, and the day after that, etc etc
Draco was so stunned by the fact that he actually grew affectionate to Mattheo, but he liked that
He liked that so much that one day, he really didn’t meant to say it aloud, but it just slipped out of his tongue, he called Mattheo “Brother”
Mattheo looked as stunned as the blondie in front of him, but his lips quickly turned into a smile
“Sure little brother” he just responded.
In their childhood they had their closest moments.
Laughing and smiling is all they knew.
And I like to think that Narcissa didn’t want another child because she wouldn’t ever want to ruin this precious yet delicate brotherhood that had formed between the two.
Her heart was warm at the sight of the two happy children and she felt at peace with that.
Lucius, wasn’t that pleased at first, but the fact that Draco was growing closer and closer with the dark lord’s son was for sure a good thing.
And the best thing ever is that, when the moment will come, it would be easier for Draco to fulfill his destiny as a humble servant of the dark lord. His own son befriended the closest thing to the dark lord, wonderful! Isn’t it? Isn’t it…?
With the departure for Hogwarts something shifted, no one knows what happened, but the two sort of drifted apart.
Is not like they weren’t friend, but their friend groups kinda melted what they had, that special brother to brother connection
Yet, they still cared.
But now Draco was the closest with Blaise and Mattheo the same with Theodore.
But they were all friend at the end, so it was fine, that’s what often they told themselves in their heads.
During the first three summer breaks from Hogwarts they didn’t spent that much time together.
That’s the problem about you prideful people:
So worried to be hurt that you prefer to hurt yourself first, so that nothing and no body could ever caught you by surprise
Such insecure people.
Such as Draco and Mattheo.
But you can’t actually blame them.
Imagine being forced into an ideology, being forced to hate, to refuse, to the point that you actually start to wonder if you are the dumb miserable idiot that failed to see life as your father wished.
Imagine crying alone in the cold, in the dark of a moonless night, because you don’t know what’s real.
Imagine suffering, to the point of breaking each one of your nail with your grip on the wood chair.
Imagine that blood rushing, imagine when it will stop on the corpse of somebody you didn’t even knew, when even the gray ashes floating around, of the candle that was once a life, have stopped.
Imagine thinking about all of this when you are blowing your birthday candles, knowing that it will be your everyday vision for the rest of your life, but with actual warm bodies, destined to become cold by your hand.
Imagine a child, a teenager, thinking it. Imagine being stripped of your youth that way.
That’s what I think was going in the head of the two.
And I feel like that they both feared the unstoppable in a way that made their bones tremble.
Perhaps that’s the reason they stared to drift apart.
Draco knew who Mattheo Riddle was. Who the dark lord was.
And when he discovered it, he grew so worried that detaching himself from Mattheo appeared as the sole logical thing.
He was trying to stand a chance against his destiny, can’t you understand?
Because what a fool he had been, volunteering for a life of pain.
But also…you shall be kind with him Draco…
This brotherhood, his mother’s words, both echoing in his mind.
He befriended the devil’s son and he actually cared about him.
He couldn’t simply let him go…they were brothers, right?
And Mattheo…well he had enough shit on his own. He always knew, but now that reality was about to break free on everyone face…well it was different.
He was so fed up by Lucius words, his father intrusion in his mind, the evil laugh of his mother. There was such a stark contrast between the chaos he felt when being involved with anything regarding the cause and the peace coming from Narcissa’s care and Draco’s brotherhood.
He knew what was right, he knew what light was because of them.
On the summer after the fourth year they had some of their moments again. A glimpse.
Draco living between shame and guilt
And Mattheo in the same rotted broth as his brother.
They sat down in the Malfoy garden in a warm mid July evening.
It was like when they were kids, Draco brought something for the two to do, but no more shiny toys, just disgusting cigarettes.
And as the smoke got in and out of them, hoping that it could actually burn something inside them for real, instead of living with just this imaginary fire, they talked again.
With they hearts open again
As if the two little children were hiding all along inside of them, both scared and miserable.
“You don’t have to be on my father’s side, I don’t want either.”
“It’s not like we got that much of a choice anyway.”
“Yeah right, little brother”.
My ask box is open!
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fortheb0ys · 3 months
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Sorry for the screenshots, I posted it without finishing what I was saying :)
I think older men with braces is so underrated. I think people tend to think braces is something we get when we're young but people don't realize how often older people get them. Hell, I've seen a burly mid 40 construction guy have them. AHHH HE LOOKED SO PRETTY😢
I have such a huge oral fixation that I just love love love them I can't even explain :3
Tiny lil drabble below :3
I'm just I'm imaging dog sitting for Shauna while she's at "book club".
Jeff's a but weary of you at first cause he's a loyal doggie to Shauna.
Of course, you'd be friendly and tried to win him over. You'd bring treats, toys, and take him for walks down trails Shauna said he liked. He'd just take the treat to his puppy crate and munch on it quietly or play with his new toy alone in the backyard as you sat on his porch, watching hoping he'd want to play fetch. You'd always treat him kindly, calling him a 'good boy' whenever he'd do the smallest things.
But nothing worked. Most days he'd sit and whine at the door, waiting for Shauna to return home. You'd never try to push him, knowing he was only really ever comfortable around Shauna.
You'd push you luck and try to give him pats but he'd shy away from you touch and give you warning nips at your hand. Jeff had a biting problem that Shauna was training him on and knew it would get him in trouble if he bit you hard.
Unfortunately was going to be a situation that he'd find himself in.
Jeff had a plush bunny named Bunbun that Shauna had gifted him for one of his birthdays. It had became his most precious item. He'd never leave it out of his sight, taking it everywhere he went.
It'd seen better days and was a bit raggedy. Though in Jeff's eyes that what made it special. All his happy memories told their story in each hole and stain.
One day while Jeff laid down for a nap, you thought it a kind gesture to surprise him with his Bunbun all fresh and fixed up. You sneakily take his plush without waking him and patch and wash it up.
You wake him up for dinner and show his plush fixed up Bunbun. To your surprise, Jeff does not take it well. You ruined him. All those special memories washed away. It wasn't the Bunbun Jeff knew nor liked.
Jeff was seeing red. With teeth beared and a growl sounding deep from his chest, he lunged at his biting deep into your hand. You quickly throw him off, now just as angry as him. Blood oozes from your hand as you cradle it to your chest.
You yelled at him calling him a 'bad dog', taking him by the collar to drag him to his crate and locking him inside till Shauna came home.
Now alone to reflect on his actions, Jeff felt the guilt weight on him. You were just trying to be kind. Tears welled in his eyes as he whined out.
It felt like an eternity before Shauna had come home.
Jeff could hear you explain what happened and her apologizing profusely than the door closing as you leave. When she comes in the room, a look of disappointment paints her face.
"Jeff, what the fuck? Why would you do that? He's just trying to be fucking nice and you bite him! You're such a bad dog."
Before Jeff could argue his case, Shauna stormed out turning off the lights leaving Jeff locked in his crate alone in the dark.
All night Jeff cries. Why was it just earlier he was a good boy but now he's just a bad dog? He just was upset about his bunny and he's working on his biting problem.
He fails into a restless sleep, only to be awaken by the front door slamming shut. The early morning sun is telling him that Shauna has left without giving him a goodbye kiss. She must still be mad at him.
Before he could sulk farther, Jeff hears footsteps. He perks up thinking Shauna hadn't left but he sees you walk into the living room. Jeff grins, happy to you back. You must have forgiven him but the empty look behind your eyes tells Jeff something different.
You walk over to his crate, unlocking it. Without saying a word you sit on the couch, turning on the television to fill the silent room.
Jeff shyly walks over to sit next to you. He takes his place, a gap taking up the space in between you.
"H-hello, Y/N." Jeff nervously tries to apologize but he's not sure how.
"Jeff, I'm only here cause Shauna paid me in advance. I'll be gone at the end of the week." You said coldly before Jeff could even apologize.
Jeff countenance falls. You used no nicknames. No sweet tones. You hate him. Shauna hates him. He really was a bad boy. Tears once again fill his eyes and this time he couldn't quietly cry. He sobbed out apologize, pleading that he was a good boy.
His begging broke you. It was clear Jeff was genuinely remorseful.
"Jeff? Puppy? It's okay. I forgive you." You comfort him while pulling him in, holding him close to your chest.
Once he calmed down, Jeff apologized properly, explaining his motives and with his explanation you agree to start over again.
Jeff was still a bit weary mostly but soon you found yourself caring for him most of the week. Shauna spent more and more time at her book club.
Of course Jeff didn't take it well. Spent his time whining for her return. You kept him preoccupied with toys, walks and playtime. His separate anxiety was a bitch but you seemed to fill her place just a bit.
Unlike the first, your kindness didn't go unappreciated. Jeff and you grew closer. He was much more hyper, was attached at your hip and wanted psychical and emotional affect. Even when Shauna came home, Jeff was upset to see you leave.
Shortly after you found things had became more sexual. You were bathing Jeff after he gotten himself dirty while playing in the mud.
Jeff was enjoying his bubble bath, you both giggling and splashing each other one minute than the next Jeff finds himself pulling you into a bruising kiss.
You pushed him off, asking what Shauna would think. Jeff admits to you that there's no book club, that Shauna's cheating, that's he's just a mutt to her.
God, you knew you shouldn't have went farther but everything felt so right with him. If he wasn't Shauna's puppy than he'd be yours.
From that moment on, you and him began your relationship.
He'd greet you at the door, completely naked with only his ears on and a tail plug snug in his asshole.
His tail plug wagging as he bounces up and down excited to see you. You'd be fucking him on the couch within a minute. His beg panting filled the room.
You'd have sex so often that Jeff rarely ever wore clothes while around you. The moment Shauna left so did his clothes. He'd dress when you left but the fabric on his skin felt so foreign.
His energy sure came in handy as well. Different positions, different places in the house, he could fuck for hours. His sexual urges were unsatisfied. At times you'd arrive to watch him and he'd be in his puppy crate masturbating. The mess in his crate signaling he'd had already came a few times already.
He'd look at you with big puppy eyes, begging to have your cock in his mouth while he pushes his plug in and out of his hole.
By the time you put your cock in him, he's cum more times than he could count. The blonde fur on his tail now a dark brown, completely soaking wet. His cock's sensitive that he whimpers as you stroke him.
He loves belly rubs especially after sex. His tummy slightly bulging from how times you've cummed in him. His belly looked like it was a full litter of your pups.
He was always a loud pup. From barking at anything and everything or crying for attention. During sex he was no different. He'd whine and whimper. You bought him a bone gag to keep the noise down.
Remember his biting problem he'd be working on?
At times you'd leave the house covered in bite marks. When Jeff was completely lost in the pleasure, he'd bite unknowingly. When he'd realized what he had done, he'd lick your wounds clean.
Jeff would wear a plug constantly. He loved the feeling of being full. Whether it was the plump head of your cock, plug or toy, he craved the feeling.
Praise was always a big thing to Jeff. He needed to be reassured that he was a good boy due to the rocky start of your relationship. Whenever he felt like he had be bad, he'd cry and beg for you not to throw him away. You'd pull him into a tight hug and cradle him till he calmed down. Once he did, he was back to his hyper and horny self.
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lipglossanon · 11 months
Want puppy boy Leon to be so excited for his new home. He’s been practicing with the older dogs to make sure he knows how to protect his home, he learns how to keep his area the cleanest of all the puppies’, he knows all the tricks! He’s a little shy still, and also big for his breed so it’s been a couple adoption days and he’s still here, but he knows he’ll be adopted today! He’s a good boy, he promises! He has his area all clean, he’s sitting without squirming (too much), and he’s looking at the people who are coming by with the prettiest shy blush on his face! He’s whining a bit in anticipation and giving little tips of excitement because he KNOWS that he’ll get a home today! Maybe there’ll be little kids for him to play with! Maybe other hybrids, or an actual dog! He’d rather not live with a cat, hybrid or not, but he would get over it if the owners were nice enough!
Finally, you walk over and he can smell you through the door. It’s so sweet and you’re so pretty and his tail is wagging so fast it almost hurts and he’s glad he wore his baggier pants because his puppycock is reacting to his excitement to see you and your smell. And then you speak to him!!! Your voice is so pretty! He wants to listen to you, always! He tries to ignore his puppycock leaking when you say his name with a smile, how you lean down and he can see down your shirt to your gorgeous tits. You look away to grab something from your bag, and he humps the air/his pants, only to whine and stop when you turn back. He feels bad for lying about biting his tongue when you asked why he whined, but he promises himself, once you adopt him, he won’t lie ever again. He just has to get you to adopt him first. And you do!! You leave him with a shirt you slept in (for a couple night!!!!!) and say you’re going to let him sleep on the decision, and if HE agrees to be adopted by you, you’ll take him back tomorrow?! You asked if HE wants to be adopted by you?! You are a saint. Leon huffs the shirt as he humps his “breeding” pillow - a pillow with a hole in it specifically for hybrids so they can have something to mount. He doesn’t let a drop of his cum get on it because he’s worried you’ll change your mind if he ruins it, plus it’s his most treasured possession now.
Adopting puppy boy leon was the best thing you’ve done. He’s the best boy in the entire universe, just so sweet and handsome and smart, and he’s always looking for new ways to be a good boy for you. The only issue is he seems to do a lot of laundry. What you don’t know is that his puppy cock is as tied to his emotions as his tail is. Every time you cause his tail to speed, his puppy cock is erect and weeping. But if he gets too excited, he cums and pees a little. Poor puppy is happy, because he gets that release and gets to scent mark his home (and sometimes yoh since you don’t always notice when he releases when cuddling you, though he always makes sure to leave shortly after to clean up so he doesn’t overstep boundaries, because he’s a good puppy), but he’s embarrassed and ashamed of not being able to control himself, to not be able to stop himself from cumming and sometimes peeing. Big boys don’t have this problem. It’s only puppies who get so excited they can’t stop their cocks from leaking. He just hopes you won’t ask about the laundry, otherwise he’ll HAVE to be honest since he made that no-lying promise, and surely you wouldn’t be so mind-bendingly horny at the thought of your precious puppy Leon cumming just from you saying “good boy” or from getting him so turned on he leaks a little piss 👀 surely you wouldn’t want to test to see how many orgasms you can pull from his pretty puppycock 👀 surely you wouldn’t reward your good boy by letting him hump you as he drains his balls and his bladder 👀👀👀 (that’s exactly what happens, and Leon is no longer ashamed of his leaky puppy cock, because you still praise him and let him rub it all over you whenever he wants).
Anon did you just want to wish me a happy Friday or what? 😮‍💨 🤭
(And you should totally write this!! You have it pretty much drafted already 😍 😉)
But holy mother that was 😵‍💫 😵‍💫
I-I’m just speechless
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cinyemina · 2 months
Popularity does matter and helps measure a characters worth. If they are written well then they generally will be the most popular. Also you should care about popularity seeing how that keeps a conversation going and keeps that character relevant and keeps the fanarts and fandom works coming.
Levi is no longer popular and that just goes to show that he fell off as a character. He had potential to be something great but just left many disappointed. This is why he's no longer the face of aot or the most popular in his show. (Eren took that shit back!!!) This is why he's losing polls to characters like Gojo. He's just not relevant anymore. You're more likely to see Eren and other characters on anime fan creator pages than Levi now. Levi barely pulls in the interactions and likes on twitter whereas Eren and Mikasa are bringing in the numbers. You see Levi used to be the talk of the town and the anime IT boy. He used to be everywhere and if you spoke against him you'd be swarmed. Now that doesn't happen. People just don't care. If you have a character that was that popular and now they're barely talked about, you know something went wrong. You know they fell off and disappointed people because their writing was lacking. So yes I do actually think popularity measures the worth of a character.
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Hey, keyboard warrior.
Here is the thing about throwing shade from the anonymity – it takes about as much courage as a moldy banana peel challenging a hurricane. If your opinions are so earth-shattering, why hide behind anon messages like a frightened internet ghost?
I find it hilarious that you are saying Levi is the one who "had potential to be something great but just left many disappointed" when in reality it is Gojo who has left many disappointed. (Not hate)
Let's talk popularity. You act like it's some holy grail of character worth, this infallible judge of quality.
Newsflash: popularity is fickle. It's a vapid internet windsock, blowing whichever way the latest meme dictates.
Sure, a well-written character with depth can grab attention, but sometimes pure entertainment value steals the show.
The goofy dumb hero with a tragic backstory might not win a Pulitzer, but they keep the popcorn tubs overflowing, right?
Trends shift faster than Kardashians change their hairstyles.
Characters dominating discussions today are yesterday's news tomorrow.
Guts is one of the most well written character of all times, but we rarely see him dominating popularity polls. Because popularity is a snapshot in time, not a mark of quality.
Are Kaneki and Light still relevant online? Maybe, but probably not the first name that pops into someone's head when they think "hottest anime character." Why? Because Tokyo Ghoul and Death Note are not the shiny new toy everyone's playing with anymore.
That doesn't make them bad characters now, does it? Just means Jujutsu Kaisen is the new kid on the block.
Popularity reflects the current hype, not some objective measure of quality.
Now, about that "Levi isn't popular anymore" claim.
Here's a little fact for you: Levi is declared the most popular anime character of all time. Still riding high on My Anime List at number 2, with Eren trailing behind at 13th and your precious Gojo at a respectable 16th.
Funny how you cherry-picked one popularity poll to fit your narrative (Anime Corner 2023), isn't it?
Bet that pinches a bit in your anonymous little corner.
I don't use Twitter (X) now, because that platform lowers the IQ of the entire internet by several notches. Who cares who's trending there? It's a chaotic mess of fleeting opinions and manufactured outrage.
Attack on Titan season four took a sharp turn, shoving Eren into the villain spotlight. His descent into darkness was undeniably intriguing, and I can see why it grabbed people's attention (and mine too). Let's not forget Eren is the protagonist. The entire story revolves around him. Of course his character development and tragic romance with Mikasa would be a focus!
But here's the thing – Levi's popularity doesn't magically disappear because Eren's on the rise. They're both compelling characters in their own right.
In fact "Bad Boy" manga that is going to be released is revolved around Levi.
So, instead of anonymously whining about a perceived decline, why not ditch the negativity and have a real conversation? What makes a character truly tick for you? Is it the emotional depth, the badassery, the hilarious quirks? Let's dissect what truly makes a character shine, instead of resorting to schoolyard taunts about a fictional character.
In the end, Levi's legacy in Attack on Titan is undeniable. He's a fan favorite, a symbol of unwavering strength, and a character who continues to inspire cosplay, fanart, and endless debates. Maybe the hype has shifted a bit, but his impact and popularity on the anime world remains. So, take your anonymous complaints and channel them into something constructive. The internet could use a little less negativity and a lot more genuine discussion about the characters we love, flaws and all.
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scaryspears · 5 months
Earth 42 Miles x Telekinetic Autistic (Black) Reader
Notes: The Reader was inspired by Carrie. Why? I wanted to do a black reader with super powers, but I didn't want to write her like other black readers have been written with 42 Miles. I just can't relate with how they speak or the situations. This isn't to say she will be a sweet, precious thing, just odd.
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You had a bunch of issues. First, you were a target for harassment, verbal most of the time. Vandalism was rare, but it did often happen. Your locker would be painted with unkind words, and a pencil would be missing from your pencil case and you could never point out who took it but you always had a suspicion. It wasn't too bad, depending on who you compared yourself to, but it still hurt. It was still bothersome.
You had to wonder what made you such a great and easy target in the first place. Your habit of wearing the same clothes everyday, sleeping in class, and taking things too literal. Even worse, you were too gullible. A genius would've just said these were your autistic traits, but too bad you didn't know that at the time. The many times you attempted to be different didn't work out, always setting a standard. So you gave up, counting the days until graduation. Hoping that it would come sooner than expected.
There was only one worthwhile thing in school and that was art class. Not too many people present. You weren't amazing with drawing or art in general, fairly decent, but it was the only class with any peace in it. The least judgemental lesson. In every art class you sat behind Miles Morales, and you would find yourself staring at his back. At his pretty braids.
You always liked boys with long hair, and Miles was no different. This day was no different, quiet as always and slow. It would be most preferable if you didn't make your crush obvious.
"Are you going to keep staring at me or are you gonna look away?" You heard him speak. He didn't even have to look over his shoulder.
You blinked hard, "Hmm?"
"You're staring. Stop." he didn't sound angry from what you could hear, but his tone wasn't pleasant either.
You immediately did as he asked. You tried to focus on your sketches, drawing pictures of magical girls from your favourite childhood cartoons, then drawings of more serious things. The Prowler had been on the news again, reporters painting him in good and bad light. He saved two teenagers from a burning building, others say he caused the fire. But teenagers always did stupid things, and you would know from being one. Just thinking about it made the windows crack a little.
"Look at the windows!" one of the boys spoke, pointing.
Everyone else, except Miles, either got up to have a closer look or sat in wonderment from their seat. You feigned surprise as best as you could, you've long since learned that you weren't good at faking expressions. The teacher ordered everyone to start packing up, safety being the number one priority. There was no reason for the windows to break by themselves, and you contemplated if you should stop.
As you stared at the window you slowly started packing your equipment, watching the cracks reach the corners and edge until every single one of them smashed entirely. It was like lifting an eyebrow, some could do it naturally and others couldn't.
"Alright, everyone out!" the teacher called.
Your classmates were already rushing out of the room, but only Miles remained sitting while you stood looking at the broken glass on the ground.
"[LN], Morales! Time to go!" the teacher called.
You left the room, but halfway through the door you heard Miles say behind you, "Serena had a party last night."
You started fiddling with your top, dreading what he would say. "Okay."
"What were you doing that night?" he asked coolly.
That party. That damned party.
"I got invited, and then I left." that was the truth.
"So you weren't there, when Jordan..." he grabbed your arm, "Threw his drink at you."
That's not all that happened. They threw food at you, and your clothes became stained. You dressed special for that day, hopeful, unfortunately expectant.
"I..." you tried to pull your arm away.
"How did that fire happen?" he turned you to face him. You averted your eyes. Miles' eyes were beautiful but the way they bore into your soul was most unkind.
You had heard that artists were weird. They either did weird things or had something weird about them. Maybe this was another occasion. You tried to forget about these powers. Even though you have embraced that there was something wrong strange about you.... you couldn't help the need to be decently normal deep down. Now these powers just had to bite at your behind.
"What fire?"
"Don't play stupid, you've seen the news. Serena and Jordan are now in the hospital, the others might still be in a coma."
"How is that my problem?" you asked, your cruel side demanding attention.
Miles was mildly impressed with your response, the grip on your arm loosening. "It isn't," he admitted, "I just know the fire wasn't natural."
"I don't know what happened to them."
He let go of your arm, "Fine."
You walked away.
If you ever wanted to grab the attention of Miles Morales, you didn't want to grab it like this. You weren't sure if your classmate suspecting you of arson should be something to worry about.
"I can't blame her if she did do it, I mean I don't think I should go around killing my classmates, but can you believe they decided to live stream it?" Miles removed the screwdriver from his claw.
Miles' uncle, Aaron, sighed, "Kids as old as you run wild, boys most of all. Girls are different, they go out of their way to plan stuff. I don't know what to tell you."
"I worry about her, tio. She really didn't do anything to... warrant that behaviour."
This, Aaron knew what to say to. "Sometimes people don't need a reason to do something, they'll just do it. That hazing thing was a classic example of that." he tossed a drill to Miles, "Was there a chance she got any clue what they were planning?"
Miles shook his head aggressively, "I don't think she understands basic human interactions even if she tried, I've seen how she is. All they did was smile in her face when they invited her. Smiles are a good thing, and it takes her a while to pick up on the fact that she's getting made fun of."
"Look out for her, then. If she really has something to do with that fire like you suspect, then this could turn bad. Women can be crazy, Miles."
"Okay. I will, tio."
Some days passed since the minor interrogation with Miles, and though he seemed to pretend you no longer existed, you could feel his eyes on you. You tried to be on your best behaviour, and you've had better control of your powers ever since he brought up the incident. You didn't want to be suspected of a single crime.
Upon this suspect-tion came sleepless night, which led to sleeping in class.
"[Name]." sounded faint, like the screams that only felt regret from fear and not guilt.
"[Name]." it was louder this time. A warning for your attention. You search through the heat for where it was coming from.
"[Name.]" This time there was no mistaking it, this voice was not from the dream.
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Wherever you were, there was no escaping that fire. Although you had gotten so used to the dreams, you couldn't help your eyes tearing up. You made sure to turn your face away from whoever had shook your shoulder.
You weren't sad or scared, but you couldn't help it. Something about being unable to regulate your emotions.
"[Name.]" the person hadn't left, and now that you were no longer as sleepy you recognised whose voice it was.
"Hey, Miles."
"Hey." he greeted.
He hadn't moved back to his seat, so you looked up to his face, waiting for him to potentially say more, this time not averting your eyes.
He did have more to say, "You're a Tokyo Mew Mew fan." he looked down at your sketchbook, which was still open.
You quickly covered it with your arms, glaring at him. Daring him to say something about your long lasting interest.
"I'm going comic con this Saturday. Do you wanna come?"
His face, and his eyes, were kind. But you couldn't help suspiciously being on edge.
"I don't know." left your lips quicker than it usually did.
He didn't appear disappointed, judging by the lack of expression on his face. He glanced to the side, "Class finished five minutes ago, by the way."
So that's why it was so quiet.
"Can I walk you to lunch?"
Yes. No. What was the correct answer?
"I don't know." you couldn't come up with a better response.
For whatever reason he smiled, or smirked(?). For better or for worse.
"Come on, I'll make sure you get there safely."
Feeling cute, might do a part 2.
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dried-mushroom · 2 years
Breed (for anon)
The Grabber x reader
Warnings- Kidnapping, Stockholm syndrome, rough sex, dubcon breeding (I didn't make it too rapey bc i was uncomfy)
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You've gotten used to it. Every bit of this torture. You were being locked away in this basement of all places, by a deranged man who usually kidnaps young boys. You honestly think picking a girl would throw off the police in the search. You really didn't know why he chose you, it was a constant lingering thought in the back of your brain. He wasn't overall brutal towards you, gross threats here and there, 'If you don't stop fucking complaining I'm going to shut your mouth for you mhmm' or 'Be a good girl while I'm out, you wouldn't want me to hurt you now would you?'.
You knew exactly what his words implied and it sent a sinking feeling to your stomach, you really didn't want to endure what he potentially had in store for your future. You really didn't care about how the poor conditions you were subdued to, you stopped caring when you realised that no one was going to come to save you, you might've as well just start warming up to the man. You took notice of his sudden changes around you, he gave you nicer food, and he let you shower (obviously with the door unlocked, and him behind the door, 'supervising you') and he became more touchy when visiting you. You tried telling yourself that it was just your imagination at first, but it was clear as day (not that you saw any) that he was hiding something, and you were secretly willing to do almost anything to leave the dark room.
Smol Time Skip
He really liked you, like really liked you, not a small schoolboy crush like perhaps Albert may have had when he was a younger man, no this was more of an obsession for you, no love for you. He knew that he had to have you, at the very first glance. Now with you downstairs, practically at his whim, he knew wanted you to be his, his precious dove, by his side always. He ran a hand through his already tousled hair, exhaling sharply as he sat in the kitchen, staring intently at the closed-door leading to the basement, waiting patiently to see if you would betray him, see if you would leave him, leave the beautiful thing you both had together. Before he would have drifted to sleep by now, but with such an intriguing victim like you, he couldn't shake the thoughts of you doing lewd things to him.
He used his free hand to slide down his khaki-clad thigh and palm at his crotch, his head lolled back as he started to thrust into his hand carelessly. He had one particular fantasy in mind that made him rock hard, it was one where he'd chain you to his bed, and use you for hours upon hours on end, coaxing each orgasm out of you, and even with you overstimulated he'd keep going until he'd fill you up with his cum to the brim, he wanted you to get pregnant, to be this little perfect mommy in his fantasy, you'd love him and never wish to leave. He could feel that he was going to cum soon, the harsh feeling of his cock rubbing against the rough interior of his pants, made him whimper softly behind the frowning mask which adorned his face. He was borderline on orgasm, his hips bucking up into his hand, he could even feel the amount of precum leaking from him. He knew he didn't want to cum in his pants, he would much rather it be inside you, so he begrudgingly moved his hand away and got up, discarding his belt and lead himself down those very familiar stairs.
You were staring wide-eyed up at the bleak ceiling, starting to slowly reckon with age, you couldn't sleep. It was a routine most nights, he'd come down with a bottle of water and would say goodnight, then leave the door locked, most of the time. Did he really think you were an idiot? you knew something bad was bound to happen if you'd ever walk up those stairs, so you would just lay there, all night if so, just to feel some spark of control when he'd come down the morning after, radiating disappointment. it was almost like he wanted you to leave, like he wanted you to get hurt. Perhaps your other self would have tried, the one who had many friends, the one who couldn't stand being home all day, and the one who wasn't trapped here.
"I hope you don't mind this."
You honestly didn't understand what he meant until he grasped your chin with his hand and tilted it towards him, you saw how blown wide his pupils were and you didn't fail to notice the rather large bulge in his tight pants. You couldn't help but get slightly aroused, you hadn't fucked anyone in ages and there was practically offering himself on a silver platter for you and perhaps this way a means of a way out, perhaps get close and he'd let you out of this room. So when he left his thumb drift to your bottom lip you were more than happy to oblige, you let it past your lips and proceeded to suck on it, looking up at the man with doe eyes. You could see he was losing it, his breathing was erratic and you weren't doing actually anything to him How pathetic? you snickered to yourself.
Then out of nowhere, he pounced on you, straddling your hips before ripping your shirt wide open, his hands went straight to your still clothed breasts, squeezing gently. He let you hastily unclip your bra, throwing it somewhere unimportant before he continued his administrations. Seeing him on top of you, was something else, he oozed confidence as he quickly tore off your shorts. You let out a loud gasp as his calloused fingers slid over your clothed pussy, feeling the wetness through the thin fabric. He chuckled lowly,
"You naughty girl, are you this really this wet for me?"
Condescension laced his words but a hint of praise was underlying, as he craved you to be like this. He shoved your panties to the side and slipped two fingers into your slick, relishing how wet and how fucking tight you were around his fingers. You felt something thick and cold now grazing the lips of your pussy, drawing closer with each stroke of his fingers. You whimpered softly as you realised it was the rings he adorned constantly, it was a pleasant addition to his already amazing fingers inside you. He moved his thumb to softly rub at your sensitive clit. You could feel the coil that was building up inside about to burst if he kept pleasuring you. You were so so close, teetering on the edge of coming.
Then it just stopped, he halted his movements, making you mewl at the man on top of you.
"aw look at how cute you are when you're desperate. But you're not cuming until I do."
You didn't want to admit it but the power that this man had over your body made you even wetter, he chuckled when he felt you clench around his fingers. He quickly removed his fingers and unzipped his pants, pulling out his throbbing cock. You honestly would be drooling over how gorgeous his cock really was, the tip was a blushing shade of red and was already leaking pre-cum for you. He lazily stroked himself, you watched eagerly on your elbows as you noticed his veins popped out with every flex of his arm (🥵). When he was satisfied with himself, he pushed the tip to your entrance and slowly thrusted inside you. You threw your head back in pleasure as he filled you so heavenly.
He hooked your right leg over his shoulder, as your other went around his waist, pulling him closer. He started to thrust slowly in and out of you as if preserving this very moment. His mask still was on, it was as if he still didn't trust you, even with you seeing every other part of himself, you just couldn't meet his eyes.
His pace became faster, erratic even. He was now even becoming loud, he grunted with every thrust and every so often he'd groan, particularly in your ear, showing you how much he loved your pussy. You were honestly no better, letting out moans every time he hit your cervix. Out of pure fucking curiosity, you begged him,
"Choke me."
He laughed, amused at your seemingly odd request. He placed one of the hands that were holding your hip and wrapped it around your throat, squeezing gently. The constriction paired with the pleasure he was giving you with every thrust made you squirm with euphoria, bucking your hips to meet his rough thrusts. His pelvis, with every thrust, rubbed deliciously over your clit, adding to your bliss. With one more thrust, he had you unravelling around him. You moaned out in downright fucking ecstasy, you were squirming underneath his tight grip as you succumbed to your orgasm. Your tight cunt clenching delectably around him was driving him crazy. Even with you still dick-drunk, you muttered in his ear.
"P-pull out."
He snickered at your cute little demand, he wasn't going to pull out, he was going to fill you til the brim and knock you up. The thought of you pregnant with his child made his hips stutter and he unexpectedly came with an animalistic groan. He relished in the feeling of him spurting into your heat, and how you whimpered when he slowly pulled out of you. He sat back on his knees, admiring his 'handiwork', while you dreaded opening your eyes, you knew what he did. And now you're stuck with him.
Time skip (bc lazy)
Here you were smiling fondly, while Al rubbed your stomach gently, caressing the child inside. Ever since that night, he had changed. He let you out of the basement from time to time, letting you shower (with supervision of course) and eat with him. But when he bought you a pregnancy test and it came back positive, he was ecstatic with you. You were going to be his perfect little mommy.
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princelylove · 6 months
Thank you a lot for the ranking yandere of the Jofoe, I agree with you on that although I quite suprised that Kars end up being the most dangerous (I thought Dio would be more much dangerous, the way he charm everyone he meet and manipulate them to serve him)
Btw are you still write nsfw request? I hope you don't mind I request it, I would love to know how the first time of Jotaro, Noriaki, Dio with their darling (you can write about your fav character too :>). Like how they prepare for it, how they feel to be their darling's first time, aftercare ?
~ 🏵️ anon ~
What DIO views as “They’ll come around, they always do,” Kars views as “You are my possession from the beginning and you must submit.” Kars is the ultimate lifeform- without his invention of the mask, there is no DIO. When I think of DIO, no matter his age, I always think of the little boy who wanted nothing but love. When I think of Kars, I think of how he left Santana behind. Kars has no issue treating you as something like a prized possession, but to DIO, you’re his everything. Kars doesn’t want worship or something as silly as love, he wants to be amused. 
You happened to choose three characters that I tend to view as dominant/enjoy topping, so I threw in some submissive ones, for variety. 
Jotaro has no idea what he’s doing. He has no idea what lube is, no idea what aftercare is, no idea what foreplay is- he got all of his sex education from a half assed (Sorry, Holly.) ‘talk’ from his mother, watered down into childish language. He knows he’s supposed to put himself inside you, or something, but he’s… not really sure how it’s going to do that. Jotaro avoids sex for as long as possible- he’s not about to embarrass himself in front of the only person he wants an opinion from. Eventually, when he thinks the time is right (After he watches enough porn to “study”), he’ll work up the nerve to tell you that he expects sex from you. He has a bit of a fetish for you being a virgin. He views it as “pure,” and it plays into his delusion that his darling is the most innocent thing ever and will decay if he stops watching them for a single second. You’re precious, and he’s defiling you… The very thought is enough to rile him up. He treats his darling delicately afterwards, but that's sort of a given considering how fragile he treats you normally.
Noriaki has eased his darling into being ‘comfortable’ with at least foreplay, why not just go all the way? He normally gets his sadistic fantasies out of his system with little sessions- Hierophant Green ties you up and hangs you from the ceiling, and Noriaki tries absolutely everything he’s ever wanted to do, besides from penetration. He hasn’t really thought about it, but one day while toying with you, it occurs to him that he could’ve been doing that this entire time. You’re already bound so nicely for him, it’s such a waste to not at least try it. He supposes he would say he’s only curious- he’s fooled around with people before (If you count flirting and getting disgusted because they don’t meet his standards), but real, ‘proper’ sex has never been something he was very interested in. There’s a first time for everything. Noriaki doesn’t mind your lack of experience, he finds it cute. If you do have experience… it’s generally the smart move to not tell a possessive type that you let someone else see you in that way. 
DIO is surprisingly patient with his darling. Sex isn’t everything in a relationship, and he doesn’t want you to just see him as a sexual partner- having it too early can lead to expectations that, although he’d happily fulfil in the right mood, leave a bad taste in DIO’s mouth. He isn’t just a body or cold hands to keep you happy at night. He waits for you to make the suggestion, and focuses on your pleasure, for the time being. DIO’s fairly happy to service you- he thinks that if he pleases you enough, you’ll start to care about pleasing him. It’s only fair, isn’t it? He normally takes a dominant role in sex, touching him is only to boost his ego or to hold on for dear life. He thinks it’s the natural order of things, and will outright refuse you if you suggest that you want to only focus on getting him off. Don’t be silly, pet. Let him take care of you. His pleasure is brought on by your pleasure, he tells you. But, should you take the lead in kissing, or get as handsy with him as he’s been craving… well. DIO loves special treatment, just don’t make him beg for it, since he is actually opposed to pleading for his own darling’s touch, and he’ll roll onto his back nicely for you. As long as you’re not seeking sexual attention from someone else, DIO is willing to put aside how he feels about you having another in your past. First or not, he’s your eternity. You’re very well taken care of. Any aches or bruises are kissed better, and possibly massaged. If your hips ache too much, he’ll have a devotee carry you where you need to be, should his hands be busy elsewhere. 
Holly considers sex to be part of her marital duties. She’s supposed to let you have her, right? You can do whatever you want, she won’t complain, as long as you keep telling her you love her. Holly wants your first time to be after you’re officially married- which, to Holly, you already are. What’s in the past doesn't matter, she’ll guide you through how to touch her if you need it, and is a little bit too eager to make you forget about anyone that isn’t your wife. Asking for “aftercare” is not at all necessary, did you think she’d leave you all alone after working so hard? Take out your stress on her, get a little rough or go as slowly as you want, as long as you’re happy, Holly will take it. If you’re not in the mood, that’s fine… but she’ll think she did something wrong, and go sulk in another room for a few hours. It’s better to just get a little cardio done for the day and tire her out, maybe you’ll have some privacy if she falls asleep right after. 
Trish will beg you to fuck her. She does absolutely everything she can think of to get you to make a move on her. She’ll put her legs up on your lap when you’re sitting next to her- looook, she just shaved, feel. She said feel. She’ll only wear miniskirts and keep bending forward in front of you because she's “looking for something.” If none of her hints work, she’ll get on top of you, and tell you to do it. She may have matured a lot, but she’s still bossy. Just not during sex. It’s embarrassing- she seriously has to tell you? You should just automatically know when she wants it and how she wants it and to call her pretty and gorgeous and give her soooo many compliments and kiss her everywhere and you get my point. Trish will do absolutely no work, she fully expects her darling to do absolutely everything, and often forgets that you need love after too.
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salty-croissants · 6 months
m a y b e a bullfrog (or ray I don’t mind) with a FtM partner ? :3
Thank you for the request !
I gotta say I was a bit nervous about this one , this is the first ever FtM reader I’ve ever written … I really hope I got it right :,I
Details : use of FtM reader ( he/him pronouns are used ) ;
established relationships ;
no warnings needed 
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Bullfrog 💚
Okay , so three words : supportive frog boyfriend .
Bullfrog is the biggest sweetheart and he is going to support any decision you make regarding your identity . 
He is going to love you no matter what , nothing is ever going to change that ❤️
If your hair ever gets too long for your comfort , Bullfrog will be more than happy to help you with it since I think he’d be pretty good at those aesthetic related things …
Plus it’s just very relaxing to feel his gentle touch on your head as he takes care of you …
< Thanks sweetie, I really appreciate it ~
 I would’ve cut it myself , but you remember how it went last time , haha … > 
 < No need to thank me mon amour : you can always count on me . >
He definitely takes your preferences with pronouns and names very seriously , and if someone were to make you uncomfortable by not respecting them or saying something bad to you in general Bullfrog will definitely react accordingly : he may not be in favor of vengeance , but he won’t allow anyone to make his beloved upset , and he can be very … 
Persuasive . 
< Alright sir … I need you to listen to me , because I will not repeat myself .
Unless you start treating my y/n with the respect he deserves I’m afraid I can’t let you be near him . > 
< Hah , and why would I be scared of … of …
Is that a … knife … ? > 
< Oui , and I assure you it would be quite a shame to … go down this path . 
I hope I’ve made myself clear . > 
< Haha , yep ! Yeah , we’re clear , crystal clear !! > 
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Rayman 🧡
Rayman is just so proud of you for finding an identity that fits with who you want to be , and much like Bullfrog he is incredibly supportive of any choice you make .
I also believe that since he spent his whole life being cast out for who he was and what he looked like , he would definitely shower you with love and compliments to let you know that he accepts and loves the person that you’ve become . 
< y/n … ? Have I told you how beautiful you are today ? > 
< Hehe , you did , three times I think … but I won’t mind if you tell me again ~ > 
< I just can’t help it , darling … when I look at you , I just can’t believe I got so lucky , y’know ? You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me … I really mean that . > 
< Aw Ray … I love you so much ~ > 
If you need to use binders ? Rayman is going to make sure that you have the most comfortable ones he can find , discussing all the details with you to get something that works the best for you : 
he just can’t stand the idea of his y/n hurting in any way , shape or form , and he wants to do his best to actively help you somehow . 
< You okay honey ? Does it feel alright ? > 
< Mhm , yeah ! Thanks again for helping me pick it Ray , this one fits so well ! > 
Despite his very friendly and cheerful demeanor around other people , if somebody ever were to say something mean spirited about you … 
Boy , he’s going to be pissed .
< Uh , excuse me … ? What was that about my partner ? 
How about you leave him the hell alone ? > 
Rayman is definitely very protective of you , and he’ll do anything to keep you safe , even if it means risking to damage his reputation as Eden’s voice …
You’re far more important to him than any of those things after all .
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Ramon 🖤
Remember what I said about Rayman being protective of you ? 
Well , now this man will go absolutely feral if anyone dares to even remotely touch you or say something bad to you .
You’re precious to him beyond any measure or logic , and this means that Ramon will often be quite careless about himself if it means keeping you safe …
< Ram , what was that ?? Those guys could’ve killed you ! > 
< It’s fine … I’m … okay . > 
< No you aren’t , you’re bleeding . 
I can handle those kinds of comments , I’ve dealt with them before , you know that … 
I don’t want you to throw yourself at dangerous situations for me , isn’t that what you always tell me not to do ? > 
< That’s different … hiss - > 
< Careful , don’t move around too much … that’s a deep cut , we need to patch it up right away . > 
< … thanks y/n … sorry about that . I just - when I heard them call you those terrible names , I couldn’t just … >
< It’s okay sweetie , just take it easy … I’ll take care of you , now and always . > 
Sometimes you like to surprise Ramon by wearing his clothes ( even though they’re often a bit small ) , especially his coat , and the way he smiles while staring at you never fails to make your heart skip a beat …
You really are the only reason for happiness he has left . 
< Heh … what are you doing ? > 
< Well it was getting a bit cold , and your coat was right there , soo … I thought I’d try it on for a little while ~
I can take it off if you want though - > 
< No no , you can keep it … looks good on you , love ~ > 
Overall , Ramon will do all he can to make you see how much he cares about you and that he really can’t live without you in his life :
expect lots of physical affection , which also includes gentle caresses and kisses on your scars ( only if you’re okay with it of course ) … anything he can do to make you feel appreciated ? He’ll do it .
< God , you’re so pretty , y/n … I wish we could stay like this forever … > 
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