#why does every season only has 28 days????
manusilvestre · 10 months
Started playing Stardew Valley recently and I remember one of the villagers mentioning how my crops from spring will die in the summer so I should be careful, so I look at the calendar and since it says it's the 28th day of spring I relax and think I should be fine, right? RIGHT??
Well, imagine my surprise when the next day rolls around and I go outside to find out that all of my crops have DIED
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devildomwriter · 11 months
Satan Birthday Special 100 Fun Facts
1. Satan was born from a combination of Lucifer’s intense wrath and him tearing off his wings, this gave Satan flesh for a body
2. Physically, Satan is the youngest but he is ranked fourth as he is fourth strongest of the seven brothers
3. Satan often fears he is nothing but a lesser copy of Lucifer
4. Satan’s wrath was so out of control after his birth his brothers did anything they could to stop his rages, including tying him in chains and stuffing him in a locker, knocking him out, or holding him underwater until he passed out
5. When Satan discovered cats he burst into Levi’s room demanding to know more about this
6. Satan believes Leviathan is mature in the way he focuses on other people’s opinions
7. Satan has always been a demon and accepting wrath as part of who he was so he did not struggle with his sin like his brothers did
8. Satan treasures the first things his brothers ever gave him
9. Satan’s tail is spiky and you can be injured touching it if you aren’t careful
10. Satan gets angriest over petty inconveniences
11. Simeon believes that Satan always only wearing one sleeve of his jackets is his way of rebelling
12. Satan has a tendency to overthink things
13. Satan does his best to avoid arguing with his brothers even when they annoy him
14. Satan is compared to a cat by his brothers due to his tendency to show up in completely random places when you least expect
15. Satan has connections in almost every industry as he’s easily able to socialize and make friends
16. Satan claims his books are organized in a way he understands
17. Once Satan’s books collapsed on him and he stayed there for several days relaxing
18. Satan enjoys the fine arts and likes going to art museums
19. Satan enjoys theatre and the opera
20. Satan easily gets his hands on rare and cursed objects to the point it impresses Lucifer
21. Satan has successfully cursed Lucifer several times. The worst of them being when he transferred his pain from Solomon’s cooking to Lucifer.
22. Satan originally looks down on manga but changes his mind after reading a bunch of manga Levi switched out in his room as a prank
23. Satan loves watching dramas and mysteries, especially Mid-Fall Murders
24. Due to watching crime shows regularly Satan believed that when dining in the human world you tell the waitress you’d like “the usual” and they’ll know what you mean
25. Although originally Satan complains he’s never beat Diavolo in chess, it’s implied he finally beats him in season 3
26. Satan has a major inferiority complex when it comes to Lucifer which causes him to often doubt himself
27. Satan is subscribed to Monthly Devil Architect’s Digest
28. Satan was once cursed to see everything as cats, he wasn’t the least bit bothered
29. Satan gifted Lucifer a scarf that was cursed to grow eternally
30. Satan doesn’t seem to realize how terrifying his anger is when he is visibly confused as to why his brothers are hiding
31. Satan has hoarded cats in the past and is no longer allowed to have any
32. Satan feeds a local cat he has named Sir Cat
33. Satan gives MC instructions on feeding many of the cats who come by serenity manor
34. When attempting to turn Simeon’s cafe into a cat cafe he “borrowed” a bunch of cats from witches. He was distressed when they were all returned to their owners.
35. Satan once fell asleep with a cat in public and ended up covered in Hell Zakura petals. Solomon thought it was cute.
36. Satan cursed a pizza deliverer for putting pineapple on their pizza
37. Satan desires to be on the receiving end of a loving headbutt by a cat in full force
38. Satan checks cat blogs before he goes to bed as they give him energy for the next day
39. Satan has to be told to stop using cat stickies as he puts them everywhere
40. Satan covered his and Belphegor’s laptops in cat stickers
41. Satan enjoys classical music, symphonies, and Ska music
42. Satan prefers food chunkier than smooth because it has more bite to it
43. Satan enjoys the bitterness of Dark chocolate
44. Satan has said his type is someone he can have a mutual understanding with when it comes to anger
45. Satan has had things thrown at his head multiple times in the game, some of these items include a pillow, a piece of trash, and a pile of pancakes
46. Satan hates baby talk, more specifically when Asmodeus uses it
47. Satan has inherited some of Lucifer’s memories and emotions
48. When Satan was cursed to stay close to Lucifer he would just stare and growl at Lucifer from the corner of the room
49. Satan’s antagonistic behavior towards Lucifer is somewhat compulsive as even he wishes he didn’t dedicate so much time to Lucifer but cannot stop himself
50. Satan let’s Belphegor sleep on his lap even though it annoys him
51. Satan learned how to read ancient human text from Solomon
52. Satan considers Mephistopheles an ally since they both dislike Lucifer
53. In a love survey on B’s Log Satan says he wants to “bind and monopolize” his lover and is the active one pursuing love
54. Satan cherishes relationship anniversaries and special dates of remembrance
55. In a relationship with obstacles, Satan chooses to face the difficulties with passion
56. When it comes to a lover, Satan said he would get jealous easily
57. Satan originally did not understand humans and assumed they’d all be fine receiving expensive items and gems as gifts and was angry when MC did not
58. Satan has ranked his favorite cat positions as stalk-straight tail, slow blink, making biscuits, head butting, and bellyflops
59. Satan secretly dislikes Green Peas
60. Satan is annoyed by the RAD Newpsaper Club account and has the notifications for it turned off
61. Satan says he tends to sleep on his stomach to avoid being hit in the face when his books randomly come avalanching down on him
62. Satan starts all his baths by washing his left arm
63. Satan’s daily activity is petting a cat
64. Satan’s dream is to have a cat
65. On sleepless nights, Satan calls MC because he finds their voice soothing
66. Satan’s motto is “Wisdom is the treasure of all generations.”
67. Satan’s rage emits so much energy it’s too much for humans to handle and can shake buildings and break things without getting near them
68. Satan sends cursed chain mail to Lucifer daily
69. When Mammon could only speak cat, Satan was called to help and he spent the day happily playing with cat toys with Mammon
70. Satan became enraged with Raphael when he was compared to Lucifer
71. Satan is very knowledgeable when it comes to the constellations and the specific stars among them
72. Satan believes Easter is the perfect excuse to throw eggs at Lucifer
73. Satan looks forward to fall as he believes it’s the best season for reading
74. Satan has trouble eating something if it looks like a cat
75. Satan always has a bag of cat treats with him wherever he goes
76. Satan seems to remember exactly where he left off in a book when he falls asleep reading. In an interview with B’s Log he says “Yesterday I was in the mood for The Complete Book of Cat's Paws, but I fell asleep on the Havana Brown page, around line no. 27.”
77. Satan sometimes hums the theme song to mid fall murders
78. Satan’s compliments often sound more like insults
79. Satan originally took Levi to be a nobody with no powers.
80. Satan once used Diavolo as a hostage
81. When Satan wanted to get MC a gift he offered to kill someone for them
82. Satan enjoys a railroad building mobile app
83. In the baseball game in the anime, Satan’s team lost 0 to 666 but Satan still claims it’s the game where he trumped Lucifer
84. Satan owns a book that can enter the memories of whoever first opens it
85. Satan built a life like snow sculpture of Lucifer out of spite, knowing Lucifer would feel uncomfortable
86. Satan once decorated the backyard with cat towers hoping it’d become a cat colony
87. Satan is the secretary of the RAD student council
88. Satan is the one who introduced the idea of second-hand/used bookstores to the Devildom.
89. Satan has a collection of priceless jewels that are rare in both the human world and Devildom. It’s not stated how he got his hands on them but he is alluded to being very wealthy by Leviathan
90. Believing they were lost deep in the forest, Satan initiated sex with MC but they were immediately after found by Beelzebub
91. Satan said if he was in a horror movie he’d be the silent killer “helping” the detectives and frame Lucifer for all the murders
92. Satan once got into a fight with Beelzebub over who liked Devilcat most
93. Satan once went to a riddle event with Solomon and MC
94. Satan bribed Barbatos with rare tea to let him go to the human world alone
95. In an interview with B’s Log he said his everyday small happiness is gaining new knowledge
96. Something Satan believes is absolutely not allowed in front of him is disrespecting cats and is quoted saying “Dare to make disrespectful remarks about cats in front of me. I’ll **** and **** your ****.” — B’s log
97. Satan’s three rules for his daily life are — Read books, play with cats, and make time for yourself
98. When asked if he prefers mature or child-like people, he states he prefers mature people and then immediately references Simeon
99. Satan is skilled with cooking stews and enjoys working with the variety of spices and herbs Barbatos gives him
100. Satan believes his composure makes him “cool” and that he only “very, very occasionally” loses his temper
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skania · 4 months
OnK Chapter 152
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Soooo as someone who reads this for Akane and for Akane only, I have to say that I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about her role in the upcoming arc.
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We're entering the final arc and she has yet to get her second volume cover. If she doesn't get Volume 15 (and I'm praying she doesn't), then that should mean that whatever happens in the upcoming volumes (the final volumes!) will involve her enough to warrant saving her second cover to this late in the game.
We're entering the final arc and she just narrated the lead-up to it.
We're entering the final arc and it's happening right alongside the Second Season, which is the season that will cover most of Akane's important chapters. So if Aka wants to deliver parallels, then there's a lot of potential for Akane to be involved.
...Watch Mengo and Aka stick her on the cover of Volume 15 and call it a day 🤡 But for now, I'll keep praying that we get a Goro/Aqua cover so that Akane is free to be used in better volumes.
I don't have much to say about the chapter this time around. I think we all knew that Aka was getting ready to end the manga, so I for one was happy to see that we're entering the final arc. The sooner we're freed, the better!
It's hard to gauge how long this arc will be, but I'd bet on ~30 chapters plus an Epilogue Arc. Coincidentally, there are exactly 28 weeks left until Christmas. In the manga, they are in November right now and Kana's Graduation (the most important moment in the manga, apparently) will take place on Christmas. So I can totally see Aka wanting his fictional Christmas to happen during, well, Christmas.
If he does it, then we could be getting 3 more volumes worth of content plus 1 volume for the Epilogue. Maybe.
Or maybe he will try to rush it and end it even sooner so that whoever gets hurt gets hurt when the anime adapts Chapters 64 - 65. That would be so rushed even for his standards that it would be wild, but anything is possible when it comes to bad writing lmao
Leaving that aside, look at my girl.
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I love her. I love her so much. She has got quite a few reasons to be making this face, IMO.
Ruby was able to find a peaceful way to have her revenge and is thus ready to start healing, and the answer she found is healing those around her, too. Like Gotanda and Kaburagi.
Ai's heart was presumably portrayed in an accurate fashion, which is sure to pull at her hearstrings.
And considering that Aqua was the one who edited the movie, I think it says something about his current disposition that he respected Ruby's take and left the movie as it is, so that may be giving Akane another reason to smile.
Speaking about Gotanda and Kaburagi, I feel like their conversation foreshadows a lot of what this final arc will be dealing with.
Making amends, overcoming regrets and moving towards the future...
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... people lying to themselves and "bottling themselves up"...
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yet still holding out onto hope, deep down, of being able to fulfill the dreams that they have been denying themselves of all along.
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This comment in particularly reminded me so much of Aqua lol
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Which takes me to: Aka's writing is so clumsy that his star changing colors every other chapter comes across as flip-flopping 😂
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Back when his stars briefly became white only to turn black again, it served a purpose. It showed that while Ruby's words pacified the "Goro" side of him, he hadn't fully healed yet. If Aqua having his white star again is meant to signify that Kana's words managed to pacify the "Aqua" side of him, then... why in the world didn't we see his eyes go white last chapter? 🤡 If Kana is the reason why Aqua seems to have hopes for the future now, why not show it?
For my own sanity, I have to believe something happened in the time-skip. Maybe editing the movie was actually cathartic or something, who knows. I'm not even going to theorize anything about this, because the writing is giving me whiplash lmao so I'm just going to take a moment to point out that while Mengo took the time to give Aqua the haircut he is supposed to have here as per the prologue, she left out the piercing.
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And I find that kind of funny, honestly, that this is where Aka seemingly draws the line. With all the stuff that Aka off-panels, Aqua getting a random piercing off-panel wouldn't have been shocking at all 😂
Another thing I found funny:
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How many times does Aka need to repeat the same thing? Does he think our attention span is that short? 😭 Not to mention these words feel empty right now because he just went on a data with Kana with zero issue. Apparently, for Aka keeping his distance is only a thing if it involves making sure Aqua interacts with Akane as little as possible lmao
Oh, right!
How could I forget the big twist!
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Wake me up when Kamiki interviews Akane 😂
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hymemena · 25 days
꒷︶꒷꒥꒷︶˚. Countdown To Halloween Challenge .꒷꒥꒷︶꒷
Below you will find 31 headcanon questions/prompts for the Spookiest Season, one for each day of October. For multimuse blogs, feel free to pick a different muse every day or just do one muse for the whole month! If you enjoy the challenge, make sure to tag some friends or reblog this post to spread it! I hope everyone has a safe, spooky Halloween! This was inspired by and is not affiliated with @/mimis-memes’ Halloween Countdown Challenge!
1. What does your character do when they're scared?
2. Is your muse squeamish?
3. Does your muse believe in magic? Spirits and demons?
4. Would your muse go to a haunted attraction? What about a corn maze?
5. What is your muse's ideal pumpkin carving stencil?
6. Would your muse put much stock in tarot or oracle card readings? What about astrology?
7. Make a short 3-4 song playlist for your muse during Spooky Season.
8. If your muse could only pick one candy bar to receive while trick-or-treating, what would it be? What would they not want?
9. Describe your muse's perfect Halloween Party invitations!
10. Surprise a writing partner with a starter based on the prompt Costumes! Let the ideas flow!
11. Does your muse see themselves as practical or would they use magic for everything?
12. What does your muse associate with Halloween/Spooky Season?
13. When does your muse start celebrating Halloween? Do they ever stop?
14. Does your muse like to dress up? What is their ideal costume?
15. Your muse just got pranked for Halloween! Write a drabble or an open starter about their reaction to it!
16. If your muse could use Halloween magic to reach out to a loved one who has passed on, would they? Why or why not?
17. What is your muse's stance on Ouija boards?
18.Tell us some Halloween trivia your muse knows! It doesn't have to be correct!
19. How is your muse with the horror genre? Do they enjoy it or dislike it?
20. If your muse found out that someone that they knew was a magical creature, how would they react? Write a drabble/short exchange for this!
21. What does your muse do if the weather is too cold for their costume? Do they layer up or change?
22. What is your muse's reaction to being scared? What do they do in that split second where they think something is about to get them?
23. When did your muse stop trick-or-treating? If they didn't, why not?
24. Does your muse have a comfort food/drink in the fall? What is it? Do they make it or prefer to buy it?
25. Surprise! It's time to write a starter for another mutual! This time the theme is 'scared you!'
26.How does your muse feel about Pumpkin Spice?
27. What is your muse's preferred form of reanimation? Zombies? Electricity? Magic? Explain their favorite tropes for these things and their connection to it.
28. Does your muse like to watch movies or listen to music for the season? If so, what is their favorite movie? Song? Any other media that you may like?
29. Is your muse easy to scare? On a scale of 1-10, how easy is it to scare them? On a scale of 1-10, how advised is it to scare them?
30. Write a short fic/drabble about your muse being lost in a corn maze!
31. Take this quiz to see your muse's Halloween Aesthetic! Once you have it, make a moodboard/aesthetic board/edit of your muse with this theme!
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You Catch More Bees With Honey: Chapter 6
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Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
Part of the San Diego Dogfighters universe
Summary: Bradley Bradshaw, blindsided by a team he trusted like family has been traded to the San Diego Dogfighters. Across the country from the place he calls home, Bradley feels lost and betrayed. Not to mention the familiar faces and ghosts from his past that he now has to face every day at work. Bradley’s caught between wanting to show his former team the mistake they made in double-crossing him and wondering if it’s time to hang up his skates after one final season. You’re living your dream as the PR representative for the Dogfighters. When Coach Maverick made a bid to bring his godson to the team, you hadn’t batted an eye. Bradley was a good teammate, and a good player. Unfortunately, the Bradley that shows up in San Diego is nothing like your research suggested. He’s moody, irritable, aggressive, and angry, throwing a wrench in all your careful planning. What’s caused such a drastic change in him? And can you figure out how to help him before he makes a mistake you can’t fix?
Series CW: 18+ ONLY, swearing, dead parents, drunkenness, alcohol consumption, violence, sports violence, blood probably, angst, fluff, eventual smut, age gap (28 and 38), enemies to lovers, suggestive language, hockey inaccuracies etc. There will be individual chapter warnings. No use of Y/N.
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: This is a repost of my completed series, You Catch More Bees With Honey. It was originally posted in November-March 2023, and was lost when my blog was deleted.
Previous Chapter // Series Masterlist // Next Chapter
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“Bradley Bradshaw apologized to you? Oh, that man is down BAD.” Your head shoots up from where you’re going over some paperwork to glare across your desk at Javy Machado where he’s casually sprawled across the armchair across from you.
“You’re disgusting, Machado.” He snorts in response as he leans over the desk to get closer to his face.
“Says the girl who’s just as down bad for him.” You feel heat rush to your cheeks at the accusation as a smirk spreads across his. “Never would have pegged you as the type of girl who likes angry guys, Zam.” He waggles his eyebrows and you scoff in his face, leaning back to put distance between the two of you before he can feel the heat radiating off your skin.
“I don’t.” You manage as you struggle to maintain your composure. You don’t have feelings for Bradley, it wouldn’t make any sense. He’s been nothing but rude and cruel to you. One dinner and apology shouldn’t have you suddenly running for his arms. You have absolutely no proof that he would even catch you, despite Javy’s theories.
“You want my advice?” You look up from your work again, fixing Javy with an exasperated look.
“Not really, no.” You clip as sweetly as you can, your saccharine smile hiding your bared teeth.
“Just fuck one of your system.” He says with a shrug and your jaw drops, fangs out.
“Javy Machado!” He grins at your expression.
“What? You know I’m right. Fuck one out and you’re done.”
“Because you’re a professional in that department.” You scowl at him and he shrugs nonchalantly.
“Call it an expert opinion.” You roll your eyes as he continues. “I don’t know about you? But that man needs to get laid. He has all that anger and nowhere to put it. Best case scenario you fuck one out, your feelings go poof and so does his anger. Worst case scenario, you get what you need, and he follows you around like a pussy-whipped puppy for the rest of the season and we can get on with things.”
“And why I should be the sacrificial lamb for that? Why don’t you guys just find him a girl, isn’t that what teammates do?” Javy raises his eyebrows.
“I thought we were supposed to be settling down, minding our reputations.” You groan and he knows he’s got you.
“Well, it’s not like you’re LISTENING.” You growl at him and he shrugs again.
“Look Zam, all I can say is that maybe I’m the only one who noticed the way you were looking at him this morning but if you keep it up, it’s not going to be just me next time.” Your cheeks flush with more heat. He stands with a stretch before leaning across your desk so you catch his whispered words. “That being said, it looks like you didn’t catch him looking at you the same way whenever you weren’t.” He turns on his heels as you grapple with the implications of his revelation.
You spent last night at Bob’s and Mickey’s house, where they demanded to know everything about your dinner with Bradley. For a pair of supposedly rough and tough hockey players, those two are insatiable when it comes to gossip. You’d managed to keep details to a minimum and distract them with other things like flowers or what Bradley’s dinner order consisted of but you knew Mickey was on to you.
Truth be told, you want to respect Bradley’s privacy. That’s your job after all and the things he’d shared at dinner last night were just that, private. He’d been real and genuine with you and you didn’t want to betray that tiny sliver of trust that he’d extended to you. You keep turning the events of dinner over and over in your mind, your thoughts snagging on stray details. Bradley’s hand on your back. The scratch of his flannel against your bare skin when he draped it around your shoulders. The woodsy scent clinging to it had enveloped you in a comforting warmth. The scent of daisies mixed with it in the confines of the Bronco.
Maybe Javy was right. Maybe you spent too long looking at him this morning during the team meeting. His walls were back up, his mask snugly back in place, and his expression was unreadable. You tell yourself that he’s just a puzzle, something you want to solve and unravel. That that’s why you’re putting in a meeting request with him. That it’s just professional responsibility that’s making you reach out to him and not the quiet yearning to see behind the curtain again, to see the Bradley that he’s only shown to you. You long to be a private audience again, watching as he becomes that man that you saw last night. Awkward and bumbling but sweet, concerned, and hurting. Hurting so fiercely that it steals the breath from your lungs because sometimes it’s like staring into a mirror.
It’s been eight years but you were just like him once, the pain so raw in your chest that you’d lashed out, pushing away every person that cared because you’d blamed yourself, blamed your ambition. If you’d just gone home for Thanksgiving maybe your mother would still be alive. You know that realistically that’s not true. Your mother’s heart attack was sudden and unexpected, unpreventable according to the doctors but there’ll always be a part of you that blames you for not being there. At the time you’d been so torn apart by grief that you’d destroyed your support system, only Mickey remaining amidst the wreckage, stubbornly holding onto you. He’d broken his lease and moved in with you, sleeping in your bed and holding you through the nightmares that would make you wake up screaming bloody murder. He brought you to his games, keeping an eye on you even as you stared at the ice like it was some kind of monster. Slowly your fear faded but you’ve still yet to set foot on a rink since your mother passed.
You’ve almost forgotten about the meeting when the knock at your office door startles you out of the groove you’ve fallen into. You call out absently to the knocker and finally look up to see Bradley squeezing his broad form into your little chair. You give him a sympathetic wince. “Sorry about the chair.” He just shrugs, and you can’t help but think of Javy shrugging in the same position just a few hours ago. You shake your head to clear your conversation with him out of it as you focus on Bradley.
“Did you make it home okay?” You try your best to quell the fluttering in your stomach at Bradley’s perfectly reasonable inquiry. You give your own shrug.
“I spent the night at Mickey and Bob’s place.” You don’t miss the way his shoulders tense at your words and find yourself trying to ease the tension so you add, “I stay over there all the time since Mickey and I used to room together in college. Their guest room is practically my second home.” You don’t know why you feel the need to make it clear that you’re not sleeping with Mickey or Bob, but you do. The air is thick with awkwardness as Bradley gives you a curt nod in response and you feel heat creeping up your neck. “Anyway, I wanted to let you know that tonight’s game night.” He looks at you half confused and half like you’re stupid.
“I know there’s a game today, that’s what we’ve been practicing for all morning.” He points out and you realize your error.
“Oh, not that game! It’s a board game night. Mickey and Bob host it every other Saturday at their house, it gets a pretty good turnout. You’re coming.” You debated inviting him and giving him the option but you’re almost certain that he wouldn’t show without a push so here you are, roping him into it.
“After a match?” He seems bewildered at the idea.
“Yeah, it’s a nice way to wind down, and there’s plenty of snacks and stuff. It’s a good way to bond as a team.” You emphasize this with a pointed look.
“Board games? What are we, twelve?” He’s not budging and you roll your eyes.
“Wake up, Bradshaw, there’s plenty of adult board games these days, and they're actually pretty fun. Don’t come crying to me when you lose.”
“And you’re going to be there?” Your heart flutters at the directness of his question like he’s basing his decision to attend based on your presence. You swallow down your nerves as you flash him a smile.
“Of course, and you’re my ride.” His face falls into a frown at that, but you barrel on ahead. “I don’t have my car because I spent the night at Mickey’s and they gave me a ride this morning.”
“So they could just give you a ride tonight.”
“But then how am I supposed to guarantee that you show?” He blinks in surprise as you go for the kill, eyebrow raised in question. His eyes narrow into a glare that you meet head-on. Last night Bradley promised you that he wouldn’t hurt you so you’re not scared of him now. You meet him head-on.
“I don’t have to go.”
“Actually, you do.”
“And what gives you that kind of authority?”
“Look, I’ve been tasked with getting you back on track. How I decide to do that is up to me. If you have an issue with my methods, take it up with your captain, or your coaches, or if you feel like braving the beast, go to Cyclone. I’m asking you to come because as I pointed out last night, you don’t seem to have any friends and you need to interact with your team more. Also, you could use some new hobbies that don’t involve eating or drinking alone.”
“Sometimes I eat AND drink alone.” He deadpans and it takes you a moment to realize that he’s just cracked a joke and you snort out a laugh on accident. You barely catch the way his face relaxes at the sound as you slap a hand over your mouth to muffle the unladylike noise. Collecting yourself as best as you can you manage to reply.
“Well, maybe you could eat and drink with company tonight?” The stubbornness is still in his shoulders but it’s depleted considerably. He lets out a heavy sigh before he shrugs.
“Fine, but we have to stop by my place first, I’m going to need to change.” You shrug back.
“Fine by me.”
“Fine.” Silence falls between the two of you again, not as uncomfortable as before but still awkward. Bradley’s head cocks slightly as he examines you and you feel your skin heat under his intense gaze. “Your hair’s different today.” Your cheeks are aflame as you fight the urge to reach up and touch your head self-consciously.
He’s right. You’ve abandoned your typical ponytail for a crown braid today. It was your mother’s signature look. After talking to Bradley last night you’d awoken to feeling like you could feel your mother with you so you’d let yourself wear your hair like this today. You used to wear it like this all the time back in college, proud of your resemblance to your mother. It was almost otherworldly the way you looked just like her, and when you wore your hair like this? Sometimes you caught yourself in the mirror when you passed by too fast that you could convince yourself that you’d seen her.
“Oh yeah, it’s how my mom used to wear hers. I don’t know, I just felt like doing something different today.” You watch the faintest hint of a smile ghost his lips.
“I like it, it suits you.” You feel your cheeks heat even more at the compliment. Javy’s voice is in your head again and your eyes slip to Bradley’s lips before you pull them back up to meet his whisky eyes that make you want to squirm under their intense gaze.
“Anything else I can help you with?” You curse the way your voice comes out breathy. Bradley just shakes his head and makes to stand. Your voice calls out to him as he gets ready to leave. “Bradley!” He turns and you feel your cheeks even more as he fixes you with that gaze of his again. “Good luck tonight,” you pretend you don’t hear your voice shake as the words pass your lips. He just gives you a tight-lipped smile and another of his curt nods. “And Bradley,” you blurt out before you can stop yourself. “Try not to end up in the box tonight, if you can help it.” He doesn’t respond, disappearing through the door and you sigh, leaning back into your chair as you glance absently at your calendar that’s pulled up on your screen.
FUCK. You’re scheduled for a meeting with Cyclone in, you glance at the clock in the top corner of the screen, five minutes. You scramble to your feet, sliding your feet back into your heels and grabbing your clipboard before you all but sprint for the door. As you run to the elevator you sprint past Bradley who raises a single eyebrow in question but you’re running too late to answer, electing to avoid the elevator in favor of the stairs. If you were thinking straighter, you would have taken your heels off before attempting to take the stairs two at a time and as a result, you lose your balance about halfway up and come crashing down. Your yelp of pain bounces off the walls of the stairwell as you gingerly make to push yourself up onto your hands. The echoing sound of footsteps somehow doesn’t meet your ears until a sneaker appears in your peripheral vision as Bradley squats down next to you, a gentle finger pushing a tendril of hair away from your eyes.
“You okay, Honey?” Usually, the pet name is sarcastic acid on his tongue but this time it’s different. He sounds sweet like the name suggests and genuinely concerned. You’ve just had the breath knocked out of you so you can’t do much more than grunt in response. Bradley’s hand comes into your field of vision and you raise an arm to grab it and he pulls you up so effortlessly that you know you should be at least a little concerned. His brows are furrowed as his brown eyes look you over for injury, his hands remaining on your hips, holding you up. You try to steady yourself by gripping his arm as you attempt to take back control of your limbs and whimper as pain shoots through your body. You favor your right ankle instantly and hiss as pain radiates from your abdomen in response. You’re bruised for sure and you’ve definitely sprained your ankle. You glance at your watch as Bradley’s concerned eyes train in on your ankle. You’re officially late. You’re in for it now. You groan before reaching for the banister, eager to be on your way despite your body’s protests. Bradley’s hand on your arm stops you and you turn to meet his eyes, the amber in them swirling and he tightens his grip on you.
“Where do you think you’re going, Honey? You’re hurt, we’re going to Bugs.” His voice is a low rumble that dares you to disagree with him. All the same, you lift your chin defiantly as you take another shaking step up away from him but his grip anchors you, keeping you from getting any farther.
“I’m late to a meeting with Cyclone. I’m already probably getting yelled at for that so I’d rather not exacerbate that by not showing up at all.” You try to step with your sprained ankle but pain shoots up your leg and your stiff lip wobbles as a squeak gets caught in your throat. When you don’t break your determined gaze away from Bradley’s, he lets out a huff of annoyance and then he’s scooping you into his arms before you can protest. You scramble to wrap your arms around his neck as he carries you up the stairs. You know better than to argue so you sulk in silence until he deposits you at Cyclone’s office door. You mutter your thanks, taking a moment to straighten your clothes before you head in, not sparing Bradley another glance.
“You’re late.” Cyclone doesn’t look up from whatever he’s currently reading as you walk in, doing your best to hide your new limp. You know better than to show weakness in front of a man like him. You’re just about to sit down, head dipped slightly when he finally looks up. “Katarina?!” You start with surprise as you look up to see that Cyclone’s face has gone ashen like he’s seen a ghost. You’re sure yours has a similar look since he’s just called you by your mother’s name.
“Why… why did you just call me that?” Your voice is trembling as the terrible dominoes tumble into place as your eyes snag on the Yale logo embroidered on the breast of his quarter zip. The same one you’ve seen on numerous trophies and faded college t-shirts of your mother’s. Your mother’s fairytale hockey player is sitting across a desk from you.
“You look just like her, just like Katarina.” Cyclone’s still in a stupor as he answers you. You’re just as shaken so your tongue is looser than you’d ever hoped it would be in front of your boss as you bluntly reply.
“I-I should hope so. She’s my mother.” Cyclone’s eyes nearly bug out of his skull at the revelation. He’s considerably more surprised than you, but you suppose that’s because you’ve heard plenty of stories about him and he’s had no effect on your life. You can’t imagine what it’s like to see the daughter of your college girlfriend standing in your office over thirty years later.
“You’re Katarina’s daughter? You’re Katarina’s daughter.” He murmurs to himself, followed by your name, turning the words around in his mouth as you take a seat, your sprained ankle making itself known as pain starts to shoot up your leg again. You’d rather be doing literally anything else right now but here you are sitting across from your mother’s ex-boyfriend who also happens to be your boss.
You try your best to distract yourself while you wait for him to wrap his mind around the revelation. Your mind drifts back to being in Bradley’s arms. Your nose twitches at the memory of that familiar woodsy scent. It makes you feel warm and safe. Not unlike the way he carried you. He’d felt so stable and sure as he climbed the stairs with such ease as if he wasn’t carrying you. Then you remember the way he so easily pulled you to your feet with one hand. You’d been all but deadweight at the time and he’d still done it so easily. Suddenly you felt bad for the guys you saw him grind into the boards. The idea of all that strength turned against you made you suppress a shudder. You shouldn’t be surprised, you suppose. After all, even drunk he had packed quite a punch.
“How is she?” You’re wrenched from your thoughts by Cyclone’s voice and you’re met with an expression you’ve never seen on his face. His green eyes are wide, equal parts nervous and earnest. It’s so foreign that it makes you want to squirm.
“Sorry, what?” You stammer, having completely lost the question that he asked.
“Katarina, your mother,” he still stumbles over the words like he’s still coming to grips with it. “How is she?” You can hear the blood rushing in your ears as you comprehend what he’s asking. He doesn’t know. Of course, he doesn’t. They never kept in contact. That being said, you've never had to say it. Not since the week it happened. The words are stuck in your throat, threatening to tear your vocal cords apart. Suddenly you’re in the restaurant from last night again and Bradley’s sitting across from you, avoiding the word, shielding you from the pain in a way that he knows, that he understands. Bradley would never ask you to say it.
And then you’re thinking about her. You’re imagining her, looking the way you did in college, wearing those t-shirts before they faded. Standing side by side with the man across from you. You wonder if anger had its claim on him then the way it does now or if the man that your mother fell in love with was simply this. A man with eyes so green and eager that they reminded you of the first days of spring. They remind you of her. She always reminded you of a sunny day in the dead of winter. The way it’s almost too bright as the light reflects off the snow that would trap the ground below until March, cutting through the dreariness of the season. The gray sky breaking into a brilliant blue and the clouds dispersing. She was a snowdrop, delicate and yet capable of pushing through all that snow, reaching for the sun and its warmth.
“She’s dead.” The words slide free, eased in their passage by the warmth of her memory. You’ve thought more about her in the last week than you have in years. It’s not that you actively avoid it per se but you’ve never been a masochist. You avoid her the way you avoid the ice, keeping a respectful distance that leaves enough room for nostalgia but not longing, because the longing could kill you. You feel the tear splash onto your hand. You don’t remember it leaving your eye. Your vision is uncomfortably clear as you watch your words hit Cyclone. The way the brightness in his eyes gives way to something darker, more familiar. It’s like peeking under the door that houses the unending rage you’ve been on the receiving end of one too many times.
“What?” His voice is hoarse and you don’t have it in you to say the words again.
“She had a heart attack. Eight years ago, there was nothing they could do.” You try to stick to the facts, deliver them as cut and dry as you can, taking as much emotion out of them as you can. You watch the storm in his eyes pick up and you have a feeling that Cyclone grieves the way that you do, violently. Every part of you wants to run for the hills. You feel you’re the captive audience of a show that neither of you wants you to see. You’re not sure which part finds the courage to excuse yourself.
“Sir, I think we should circle back to this meeting another time.” You know when she looks at you that he’s not seeing you.
“Of course.” His voice is rough with emotion and it makes you uncomfortable as you stumble to your feet, almost forgetting your ankle, and you almost fall on your face as you make for the door, desperate to get out of there. Your hand has just curled around the door handle when Cyclone calls out to you again. You turn at the sound of your name, white-knuckling the handle. “Could we get dinner sometime, and talk about some things?” You hear yourself agree. Anything to get out of here now. He dismisses you and you all but throw yourself out the door.
You stumble into the fluorescent lighting of the hallway and as your eyes adjust to the change you make out Bradley leaning against the wall. His features twist into concern when he sees you. Absently you wonder why, but when he reaches for you, you throw yourself against his chest. “Honey, what’s going on? What happened in there?” You can tell he’s fighting to keep his voice calm as you fist the fabric of his shirt tight enough to tear.
“He knew my mom. Cyclone knew my mom.” The words feel like cement on your tongue. Bradley’s arms are around you in an instant, holding you against him while you struggle not to fall apart. “And he didn’t know,” you sob against his chest. “He didn’t know that she’s dead.” The words hurt coming out but it’s easier even if they end in a strangled sob. “Oh my god, she’s dead, Bradley. She’s dead.” Now that you’ve finally said it, it consumes you and you crumple against him, repeating the words over and over as you sob into his chest. Bradley’s silent, simply holding you as you fall apart, his hands smoothing over the back of your head in a repetitive motion that serves as a constant in the backdrop of your breakdown.
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moonsorchid · 7 months
Rewatching ep.28 of Love Between Fairy and Devil and having some *cough* strong emotions
Part 1 (because I have a lot to talk about)
(spoilers ahead)
Um, what does that butterfly do to Shangque?
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Shangque, baby, no, no, no, no, don't do this to yourself
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I can never get tired of Canglan sea visuals
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So Jieli has to keep taking an antidote every three days? I had totally forgotten about that. I try to find reasons to justify Ronghao’s actions – apart from him being a total snack – and I am sorry but I fail
Oh, my baby is at the bridge. She is so happy! I was so happy too when I first watched this scene. If only I knew
Look how happy he is too! He is finally smiling naturally. So excited that he will meet Xiao Lanhua at the bridge
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But hey, will his brother let him be happy? Noooooooo. Little brat
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Btw, if I was Dongfang Qingcang and people were outside my palace messing with my personal life, I wouldn’t have kept my cool
This whole scene of people asking him to kill Xiao Lanhua, is causing me nausea, and I wish I was kidding
But I have to pause and admire DFQC’s costume and the light. He looks majestic and there has never been a scene where he looks more a King than this one – I think
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For a moment there I thought he was going to burn them all and I got excited. But he just used like one of the last three remaining blasts of hellfire to half destroy a pillar
Xunfeng, seriously, please get a hobby, do something else with your life other than trying to ruin your brother’s life – yes, I am angry, very angry
DFQC is way calmer than I could ever be. He explains eloquently why Xiao Lanhua is the best and how he has helped him. He has come such a long way
I hate though that the kingdom learns first that he loves her and wants to marry her before she does
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Awwwweeee, he wanted to prepare the greatest wedding for her. Now I am sad. We never got to see that wedding. Petition for a season 2 to see the wedding
Question: DFQC realized in Lucheng that Xiao Lanhua is the goddess of Xishan. Why doesn’t he reveal this information now to stop them from b*tching about her being a fairy?
Xiao Lanhua is waiting at the bridge
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Oh now, you are all “Please think twice” and you act like you care for your brother. You exhaust me, Xunfeng
Xiao Lanhua is still waiting and it’s night now
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Oh no, not the scene with the spikes. Not my baby. I am not emotionally ready. Nooooooooo
I had not prepared any tissues – I am keeping them for ep. 31 – but I feel like I will need them. Damn, it's so much harder to watch this scene for the second time. I don’t want anyone hurting them, I can’t!
And they keep on hitting the spike over and over and over again. *trying not to cry*
Xiao Lanhua is still waiting. I mean they could have done that with the spikes the next day. Let them have a romantic night for crying out loud
Aaaawe, he arrived. My heart.
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This should have been the most romantic scene of the show, not one of the most heartbreaking scenes *pouting*
Their first kiss as a couple *melting*
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Love how she pulls away and he still wants to kiss. Not sure if that was in the script *wink wink*
Why did her bracelet do that sparkle thingy? What did that mean? Why now?
Poor DFQC and poor Xiao Lanhua
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I hadn’t realized on my first watch that he created thunder. So, Xiao Lanhua knew exactly how he felt
He went through all this excruciating pain and he still thinks of keeping her warm
Awe the marriage proposal. Finally something cheerful. I love that he had planned to have the proposal the day after they would hang the locks at the bridge. Who knew he would be so romantic *heart shaped eyes*
Xiao Lanhua is all like I don’t care about the treasures and stuff, but look, I made you this grass bracelet, will you marry me? She always has a way to subvert his expectations, right?
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Oh come on, Xunfeng, let them kiss! I wanted to end this part on a good note, but you just had to show up like a fart during a date
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Stopping here and pretending Xunfeng never happened. They just got engaged, grass bracelet and all, they are happy and ready to kiss.
Part 2 coming soonish (depending on my blood pressure I guess)
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maddys-nerd-blog · 7 months
Maddy’s Top Five Favorite TMNT Episodes from Every Series!
Welcome to my ranking list! My first of many, hopefully! I even spiced things up and made it all fancy with the different font! 😂 god I’m getting old.
A while ago I made a PowerPoint presentation for fun about the history of the TMNT and the franchise. From that point it led to me gaining a spot in a YouTube video series discussing the movies leading up to the premier of Mutant Mayhem, and it’s been one of the best things to happen to me despite the terrible stuff I’ve gone through.
TMNT really saved me at the lowest point of my life in the winter of 2022. It inspired me to go back to Tumblr. I met and befriended incredibly talented people in this fandom. And I’ve found a reason to be happy again because of it. The pain of losing my big sister still aches, and I miss her more each passing day, but I know she’d tell me to get off my ass and do what made me happy.
So for my birthday this weekend, I’ll share this with you guys to celebrate something that brought me joy through all this pain. ❤️‍🩹
Let’s talk turtles! 💙💜❤️🧡
Lemme explain the criteria for this real fast;
The episode had to have come from a current/ up to date show. It has to be fully completed!
The episodes have to catch my interest and the plot needs to be gripping! The angstier the better!
Any of the series episodes are candidates for a win! Except for certain ones that I’d rather not watch 🤣
SPOILERS BEWARE! Cuz… well, I dunno who’s finished the shows and I don’t wanna ruin the surprise for others!
Also, this never would have been possible without @jadethest0ne for inspiring me! Thank you for all you do in the TMNT fandom, your art/ analyses are wonderful!!! Please go give them support!!
Onto the list proper! Starting with the series that started it all: 1987!
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The Maltese Hamster ( Season 3 Ep. 4 ) An excellent Donatello solo episode that takes the tone of a detective noir movie, but keeping the fun vibe of the show! Donnie gets to take center stage for once, April gets to use a laser gun, and the shift in tone sets the mood really well! It’s downright harrowing to watch a building collapse on Donnie and see him limping away from the scene in agony, passing out at Irma’s feet, trying to save his brothers despite the odds. Donnie’s my favorite turtle for a reason!
Raphael Meets His Match ( Season 4 Ep. 17 ) The first appearance of Mona Lisa, and I can see why the fans adore this ship so much! The chemistry between Mona and Raph throughout this one episode is really telling of how impactful one character can be to a franchise! Mona is really fun! She’s not just a token ‘girl character’ trope or an archetype, she can handle herself and kick ass alongside the turtles, plus she and Raph have some pretty witty banter together!
Beware The Lotus ( Season 3 Ep. 28 ) The introduction of Lotus Blossom! It’s speculated that the inspiration for Karai came from Lotus! Lotus and Leo had great chemistry together, it's a shame we only got two episodes to spend with her. She really is an interesting character with loads of story potential about finding your place in the world, discovering who you are, changing your destiny to make it what you want. This is me basically saying I am now part of the Lotus Blossom Fan Club.
Cowabunga, Shredhead! ( Season 3 Ep. 18 ) This is one of the fan favorite episodes, and after I watched it for the first time I could not stop laughing. James Avery does his best Mikey impression while playing the over the top Shredder, and everyone just accepts it??? It’s downright genius! The meme material from this one is plentiful!
Michelangelo Meets Mondo Gecko ( Season 5 Ep. 4 ) The introduction of Mondo himself, and he’s got a really cool design! On first viewing I was pleasantly surprised by his unique color scheme and his character! He’s a bad guy that gets a redemption arc by the end of the episode! I was rooting for him the whole time! It was this debut that made me adore Mondo, and he’s since become my favorite mutant character of the franchise!
Honorable Mentions are Donatello’s Duplicate and Turtlemaniac!
Next up is a controversial one, but I gotta be honest… ‘03 isn’t my favorite series for a lot of reasons, but I will admit! When this series had fantastic episodes, they were AMAZING. So I gotta give credit when due and give kudos to these wins!
The Shredder Strikes Back Parts One and Two ( Season 1 Episodes 17-18 ) Nothing really tops how good this show was in the first season, and these episodes take the comic storyline of Leo’s beatdown and bring it to life masterfully. For Leo’s segments of part one it’s spent mostly with no dialogue— the animation and music carrying how serious the scene is as Leo has to fight for his life against the Foot and how desperate he becomes as he grows weaker and weaker. The second episode is non-stop action as the rest of the turtles, Splinter, April and Casey have to fend off the Foot and Shredder as they fight for their lives in the antique shop. This is one of Michael Sinterniklass’s BEST performances as Leo in these episodes. The stakes are higher than ever before, the animation is gorgeous, and everyone gives it their all for this epic mid-season finale.
Same As It Never Was ( Season 3 Ep. 21 ) This is the episode I would tell people to watch if they think TMNT is just kiddie trash.
Bad Blood ( Season 6 Ep. 12 ) Probably the Fast Forward concept I wish got expanded on instead of giving it two standalone stories and dropping it entirely. It’s a cool idea that I wish got touched upon more often because, yeah, what would evil clones of the turtles look like? What kind of abilities could they have? There’s infinite possibilities! I could live without the new catchphrase ‘It's Ninja Time’ though. While Fast Forward is flawed, this episode was the one I thoroughly liked!
Insane in the Membrane ( Season 4 Ep. 19 ) The infamously banned episode, and all I have to say about it is two words. Holy. Shit.
The Real World Part One ( Season 3 Ep. 22 ) Any team-up with Usagi Yojimbo is a good one, and this was such a delight! It’s loosely based on one of the Usagi stories from the comics, and I loved how badass they made both Usagi and Tomoe! Leo and Usagi have great chemistry as always, and you can tell they have a strong bond with one another as warriors! Or boyfriends depending on how you interpret their relationship but honestly I totally see where everyone is coming from, THESE TWO ARE ADORABLE DORKS.
Next up is my all-time favorite incarnation of the franchise, 2012!! I have A LOT to say about so many of the episodes but alas, I could only choose five to discuss. One day… one day I shall make a thesis about it 🤣 for now however, here’s my top five faves from this series!
The Yojimbo Trilogy ( Season 5 Episodes 7-9 ) Oh. My. God. YES. The love letter to Stan Sakai’s comics, the beautiful homage to vintage Japanese cinema with the camera framework and action, and OH MY LORD, THE COLORS AND SHADING DURING USAGI’S FIGHT WITH JAY IN THE FINALE???? THAT’S CINEMA! Excellent voice acting by Yuki Matsuzaki, which was his first English speaking role and personally chosen by Sakai himself to play the ronin rabbit! My only complaint is that I wish we’d gotten more of the Yojimbo characters in here, like Tomoe or Gen! Otherwise I can watch all three of these episodes on repeat and always get excited!
Lone Rat and Cubs ( Season 5 Ep. 10 ) The final appearance of Splinter, the episode Kevin Eastman wrote, and a beautiful send-off to this character. It’s a flashback, yes, but this is the episode we get to see Yoshi adapting to his mutation as a rat, raising his boys, trying to be a good father and struggling to survive from the Krang. It’s a part of his life we rarely ever get to see, and this episode shows us why he was a great father. Basically it's a try not to cry challenge. For me, THIS episode is the series finale because it’s just a perfect conclusion to Splinter and his story.
Requiem/Owari ( Season 4 Episodes 25-26 ) The finale to the overall series, the finale to this overarching story, and it’s just as heartbreaking and suspenseful as you’d expect. The writers don't hold back their punches, and it shows that the gloves have finally come off. The characters we’ve come to love and care for are at their breaking point, the Shredder is the most threatening he’s ever been, and the team decides it’s time to put the monster down for good. Whoever thinks this show was just ‘kiddie trash’ needs to be sat down and shown this two-parter, because GODDAMN. Ciro Nieli treated this with so much care and respect. I cannot help but adore the team who put this together because the stakes have been raised to an all-time high, and the final showdown between Shredder and the turtles here is hair-raising, all reaching its climax when Leonardo finishes Oroku Saki by beheading him. It’s powerful, it’s devastating, and it’s a damn excellent showcase of why this series was the best iteration of the franchise to date.
The Fourfold Trap ( Season 3 Ep. 23 ) Yet another homage to a horror movie, only this time it’s a lot more intense. Based on Saw, this episode makes you sit on the edge of your seat as you can only hope that the turtles will escape the traps Karai’s put them in. It’s all nerve wracking to watch on a first viewing experience, POOR DONNIE OH MY GOD, CAN WE STOP PUTTING THIS BOY IN ELECTROCUTION DEVICES???? He still manages to create a plan to save his brothers even while he’s being electrocuted! Also, SPLINTER IS BEST RAT DAD. This episode will teach you the meaning of ‘angsty dread’ and ‘overwhelming anxiety.’
Trans-Dimensional Turtles ( Season 4 Ep. 10 ) THE TURTLES FOREVER WE DESERVED BUT WE DIDN'T GET UNTIL CIRO NIELI HOOKED US UP WITH THE BEST CROSSOVER WE’VE EVER BEEN BLESSED WITH! The OG turtles are all so much fun to see again both in and out of 2D, Gilbert Godfried is always a delight, the 2012 turtles in traditional 2D animation is awesome, and ALL THE OG VOICE ACTORS ARE HERE AND CLEARLY HAVING THE TIMES OF THEIR LIVES. THE ROB PAULSEN JOKE IS LITERALLY A BLESSING XD I only wish it had been longer!
Honorable Mentions are Slash and Destroy, Pizza-Face, Within the Woods and Mutant Gangland!
And rounding it off is the last— but certainly not least— series, Rise!! I adore this one!! It’s right behind 2012 as my favorite TMNT series just for the stellar animation!! It’s such a shame that this one had to end so unfairly, but today I’m giving it the love it deserves!! Please note that I have yet to complete season two of ROTTMNT cuz my life has been crazy hectic and I haven’t had the time, but once I do, I’ll go back and update this section if I find more episodes I liked!
Raph’s Ride Along ( Season 2 Ep. 8A ) Ummmmmm the 2012 VA’s playing parody versions of their turtles as yokai criminals??? HELL YEAH. If only they got Astin to play a character though! Then we would’ve had a reverse Turtles Forever reunion! I came out of this episode really loving the Mud Dogz as characters and wanting more, especially Dastardly Danny cuz Rob Paulsen is always a win! Too bad this show got canned before we could really get to know these guys. BUT HEY! That’s what the fandom is for! 🤣
Insane in the Mama Train ( Season 1 Episode 25 ) When I watched this series blind, this episode blew my mind. Seeing something so well done had me screaming in joy with how expertly this episode was crafted. The stellar action choreography, the great comedic elements splashed in to lighten the tense mood, the ANIMATION OH MY LORD. Disney, take notes. And that ending leaves a pit in my stomach every time, like OOOOF, those expressions! That sudden tonal swap!
Mystic Library ( Season 1, Ep. 20A ) Probably my favorite comedy episode! The timing for the jokes in this one specifically is so well done, and every single one had me in tears. I’ve been trying to commit Donnie’s library rap to memory but alas, I’ve been failing.
The Clothes Don’t Make The Turtle ( Season 2 Episode 10B ) THIS. MORE OF THIS PRETTY PLEASE. It's just SO MUCH FUN. I really don’t have anything else to say other than this one is a great treat, also, the reanimated fan cut of this is spectacular!!
Snow Day ( Season 1 Ep. 23B ) This, for me, is the Christmas special of the series even though it’s in no way related to the holiday or has anything to do with it BUT I DON’T CARE LET ME DREAM. I love this one for the adorable interactions and the bonding! Seeing the characters goofing off and having fun, enjoying the weather and spending time together outside of the angst? I CRAVE FLUFF LIKE THIS.
And Tada! There it is! I hope you liked this!! It was tons of fun to compile all my favorite episodes into one project and share my thoughts! This fandom has been nothing but fantastic and I’m proud to be in it!
Thank you to all who have inspired me to keep going and pursue my dreams. You guys are great! @queen-with-the-quill @tending-the-hearth @wasted-and-ready @tmnt-tychou @mermmarie @figuringitoutasigoalong @lameboobah @zandiiangelspit @pumpkinpie59 @indieyuugure @angelicdavinci @imagine4000
And thank you to my IRL friends who have pulled me to my feet and supported me. Not only are you guys the best people I know, but I consider you guys family. You really saved me last year. I’m honored to call you my friends 💓
What are your favorite episodes?? Lemme know!! 😁 Maybe I’ll do a movie ranking next!
Cowabunga!! Have a great day!! 💚💚
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vikenticomeshome · 6 months
The Cyberchase Homepage Through the years: part 1 (December 28, 2001 through December 12, 2004)
I decided to collect some screenshots showing the evolution of the Cyberchase area on the pbskids.org website over the years. Keep in mind that this is based off Wayback Machine archives, so I am limited to whichever variants the web crawler captured. They didn't necessarily crawl every time the page updated. There may also be assets missing, as the Wayback Machine doesn't always grab everything.
Let's start with the earliest known capture. This is from December 28th, 2001. This was 24 days before the show premiered.
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We can see links to the webisodes, which were a set of official prequel web comics. There is a link to the original e-card creation page, as well as a link to the "What is Cyberchase?" page that explains the premise of the show.
The next major revision came up after the show released. The earliest capture of this page was on February 2nd, 2002. However, I picked a capture from August 3rd, 2002, as it was the earliest capture that wasn't missing any assets. We can see Jackie setting down to play the old Cyberchase flash game "Symmetrizer", while Matt is leaning on a small table near the TV that is advertising Season 1 Episode 18 "Problem Solving in Shangri-la". Inez and Digit are missing for some reason. Why is Buzz here without Delete?
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They made a Christmas version of this page. The only capture I found was from December 3rd of 2002. They put some lights around their logo. Matt is now wearing a Santa hat. Jackie has a giant bow in her hair. Inez and Digit are still nowhere to be found. Did Matt and Jackie kick them out for breaking the TV?
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The earliest capture I found of the next major update to the site was from December 3, 2003. Does anyone remember the "PBS Kids Go!" rebranding where they tried to market some of their shows to slightly older audiences? Inez and Digit are finally allowed to be in the group photo. They now have two TVs, as well as some combination of a computer and arcade cabinet. Why are Buzz and Delete here?
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This version of the site got a Valentine's Day update to promote Season 2 Episode 1 "Hugs and Witches". This capture is from February 8th, 2004.
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So, this capture from June 9th, 2004 is the same version of the site as prior to the Valentine's Day update. However, I thought I should include it because Creech and Slider popped in for a cameo.
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Here is a capture from June 6th, 2004. It contains a summer promotion by Delete. It also replaced Jackie with a clone of Inez. This may have been a mistake in the website itself, since it seems to randomly pick a kid to put in a place on this background. Otherwise, the Wayback Machine may have grabbed the wrong image somehow.
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And then, they cloned Matt on June 27, 2004. This must have been a mistake in the webpage code where they put the same kid in two places.
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Yeah, Jackie got her turn to be cloned on June 29, 2004.
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There was a layout update that added a promotion for new shows. I grabbed this example from September 3rd, 2004. It also shows off a contest from the time, which deserves its own post.
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Fast-forwarding to October 13th, 2004, we have the kids in their Halloween costumes from Season 2 Episode 14 "Trick or Treat". We also see an advertisement for Season 3 Episode 11, "Shari Spotter and the Cosmic Crumpets". Apparently, they also fixed the duplication glitch.
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On November 11th, 2004 We get a link to the winners of that contest.
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This capture from December 12, 2004 shows that the kids have decorated for Starlight Night. We also see an advertisement for Season 3 Episode 12 "Starlight Night".
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This seems like a good place to leave of for now. I didn't realize how many variants there were until I got into it. I will make a part 2 at some point.
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padfootagain · 1 year
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Masterlist - Requests are still open! Please check my guidelines before requesting - The tag list is open!
Hello lovelies!! Here is my posting schedule for the upcoming weeks! I'm keeping my usual rhythm and will be posting a new story every two days!
I'm also going to update Something Good every Sunday from now on, which is why there will be three fics posted back-to-back every two weeks. I've written up to chapter 20 for this fic, so I want to speed up the updates!
I'm also getting close to a milestone for my blog in terms of followers count, so expect some announcement and polls to prepare a celebration in the coming weeks!! Thank you all for your support!
I hope you enjoy these stories!!
16/07/2023 - Chapter 11 for Something Good
Ben Barnes x Reader, Professor AU!, angst, fluff, slow-burn, enemies to lovers, on-going series
Summary: Coming out of a divorce and trying to get used to being a single mom, while teaching your classes at University, you thought your life could not get more complicated than it already iss. But when you are asked to take care of the theatre club with the colleague that you really can’t get along with, you realize that everything can still get ten times more complicated in your life. And when you start actually liking Professor Barnes, the troubles only grow exponentially…
18/07/2023 - Chapter 2 for The Last Ones on Earth
The Darkling x reader, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, mentions and depiction of warfare and violence, on-going series
Summary: You and the Darkling are a team, even if no one knows it. Beyond being a team, you are the only one he trusts, and he's the only one you care about, and you're each other's true love. But if you've kept your secrets hidden for a long time, now that the Sun Summoner is fighting against you, it's time to reveal who you are, and what you are capable of...
20/07/2023 - Professional
Ben Barnes x reader, tooth-rotting fluff, so much fluff you might die of fluffiness, lots of teasing, one-shot, requested
Summary: You and Ben answer the lie detector interview to promote the new season of SaB, where you have worked together. But the interview reveals a lot more about your relationship with Ben than what was intended to begin with.
22/07/2023 - The Surprise
Ben Barnes x reader, angst, fluff, very fluffy, one-shot, requested
Summary: Despite his love for you, Ben starts doubting you as you seem to be hiding something for him these days. Little does he know that you’re actually preparing a surprise for his birthday.
23/07/2023 - Chapter 12 for Something Good
Ben Barnes x Reader, Professor AU!, angst, fluff, slow-burn, enemies to lovers, on-going series
Summary: Coming out of a divorce and trying to get used to being a single mom, while teaching your classes at University, you thought your life could not get more complicated than it already iss. But when you are asked to take care of the theatre club with the colleague that you really can’t get along with, you realize that everything can still get ten times more complicated in your life. And when you start actually liking Professor Barnes, the troubles only grow exponentially…
24/07/2023 - Chapter 4 for You and the King
Caspian x reader, fluff, angst, Sequel to The King and You, on-going series
Summary: After meeting Caspian in your own world, you decide to follow him to Narnia, your love for him too strong for you to keep your old life. But as you discover the magic of Narnia, you soon realise that this extraordinary world is as dangerous as it is magnificent. Will your love for Caspian be enough to defeat your new enemies?
26/07/2023 - Like Tracing Lines
The Darkling x reader, hurt/comfort, fluff, one-shot, requested
Summary: The Darkling has always kept an eye on you, from afar, although he doesn’t admit why. But when the Sun Summoner arrives at the Little Palace, your lonely habits seem to grow exponentially, and he is more and more worried about you.
28/07/2023 - Some Perfect Bloopers
Ben Barnes x reader, tooth-rotting fluff, the fluffiest of the fluff, one-shot, requested by @thenerdysimp
Summary: The cast of SaB and you organise a surprise for Ben: you’re coming to Hungary without warning and surprise him on set. Of course, the camera’s rolling, it will make some amazing bloopers…
30/07/2023 - Chapter 13 for Something Good
Ben Barnes x Reader, Professor AU!, angst, fluff, slow-burn, enemies to lovers, on-going series
Summary: Coming out of a divorce and trying to get used to being a single mom, while teaching your classes at University, you thought your life could not get more complicated than it already iss. But when you are asked to take care of the theatre club with the colleague that you really can’t get along with, you realize that everything can still get ten times more complicated in your life. And when you start actually liking Professor Barnes, the troubles only grow exponentially…
01/08/2023 - Chapter 5 for Pirates!
Caspian x Pirate!reader, angst, fluff, adventure, mentions and depiction of violence, on-going series
Summary: As ships disappear across the sea, Caspian is forced to go investigate himself. But to win against the wild uncharted waters he must cross to reach his people, he needs to bargain with pirates. And then, he finds you…
03/08/2023 - We’ll Speak Through the Screen if We Can’t Find the Words for Real
Ben Barnes x reader, angst, fluff, one-shot, requested
Summary: You’ve been in love with Ben for a long time, but have never gathered your courage to confess your feelings for him. Everything changes though when you feel that you could lose him and your friend gives you a crazy idea…
05/08/2023 - Part 2 for Where We Kept Out Magic
Sirius Black x Muggle!Reader, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, unbearable cuteness, on-going series
Summary: You and Sirius meet when you’re still young, and yet you fall head-over-heels for each other. But everything gets complicated when you learn that Sirius is a Wizard! Now, your whole world has to be reimagined. - This series is made of many independent snippets taken from Sirius and Muggle!Reader’s lovestory
06/08/2023 - Chapter 14 for Something Good
Ben Barnes x Reader, Professor AU!, angst, fluff, slow-burn, enemies to lovers, on-going series
Summary: Coming out of a divorce and trying to get used to being a single mom, while teaching your classes at University, you thought your life could not get more complicated than it already iss. But when you are asked to take care of the theatre club with the colleague that you really can’t get along with, you realize that everything can still get ten times more complicated in your life. And when you start actually liking Professor Barnes, the troubles only grow exponentially…
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lonelinessmademecrazy · 2 months
You said you've been writing down (or rather, typing up) whatever comes to your head when you first wake up. Would you be comfortable sharing some of the things you've written?
Sure, I see no harm in that. Some of the dates are a bit off due to me forgetting what days I had or had not accounted for.
Also, this will probably have a “read more” section bc this is LONG.
pasta would be better without the wait time. Why can’t it be packaged like udon?
No, I’m not paying for your tax write-off of a vacation
I’m not a monster. I’m not a creature. I’m not a god. I’m human. I’m normal. I’m perfectly normal.
Just like the coocoo bird effect,I killed my false parents. Dug my teeth into their flesh and tore and shred until there was nothing left. Only blood and bone shards.
cheese. not celery. CHEESE. Worst salsa de queso ever
I want chocolate
Feigning humanity only starves me further.
They worship the very thing that will kill them. They know it’ll kill them. Why do they expect appreciation from an old deity?
el conejo es muy delicioso
Tear, rip, shred, filét, slice, stab, scratch, do what I want. I’m so hungry and so angry.
Need to make friends. I’m so lonely
You’re a fucking liar. Go kill yourself.
Better yet, let me do it for you, pathetic waste of flesh.
I’m not a monster. I’d never eat that. I’d never do that. Nobody should worship me.
I’m just a normal human.
Kitty cat!! In car!! I want a pet kitty!
Those macarons were so fucking good. I should go get some more. Vanilla and pistachio
Water would be nice. It’s so hot
Mayonnaise is such a weird condiment
Cookies and cream flavored milkshakes are the best thing to grace the shelves of my fridge.
How much could a creature possibly need to eat? So many lives lost.
Sleep is for the weak
God, please let me sleep
Sleepy time tea
Check the mail
Cult. It’s a cult. They’re in fucking cult.
They worship the same thing that warned me about them
Don’t let them know
I know
I’m starving
Cake pops would sell so good on campus.
What do you mean you want a cheeseburger combo with no cheese. That’s just a hamburger combo.
No, a combo is just the burger and fries, you’re thinking of a meal. The meal has a drink with it.
I fucking hate fast food, oh my god
My thoughts get louder at night. Just when I think things are changing.
My thoughts get louder at night.
The insistent need to tear and rip and shred. I’d never, though.
I’m not a monster.
Shut up, you can make your own damn french fries.
I deserve a pay raise
That guy is not even real. Why does everyone think he’s stalking me?
It’s raining so much. I hate hurricane season
Can I PLEASE make it to work without driving through a literal flood??
Milkshake?? Eh, ice cream is better
Hunger. It’s all I feel. No matter how much I eat, I’m always hungry.
Maybe I’m not eating the right thing.
My teeth itch every time one of you talks. You’re all so annoying, I just wanna bite out your jugulars.
Bacon jerky
Something claws from deep within, begging for just a taste. Just a drop, a shred, a chunk, a bite.
I don’t want to eat that. That’s gross. But my brain tells me otherwise.
I’ve been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet
A pawn and a king
How many lives did they truly live? How many times did they all repeat that same, vicious cycle.
How lucky am I to be an outside viewer.
An observer
Kimchi jiggae and a big ass bottle of strawberry caplico
I want strawberry milk
He’s not the guardian. He’s the firebrand. That fucking liar. You’re just as bad as your captor.
Mmmm steamed egg
Vanilla ice cream
No, strawberry
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nobodysdaydreams · 11 months
I FINISHED SEASON 2 OF WOLF359 AND I HAVE SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS (or my reaction to Episodes 27-28 of Wolf359).
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell
I just looked at the episode titles for 27 and 28 and oh my gosh I am so excited in the sense that I love these titles, but I'm much less excited for our characters to be in mortal peril.
Episode 27: Knock, Knock
"Knock Knock" indeed.
Is it the Empty Man?
Now where did we leave off before the live show? OH RIGHT THE STAR TURNED BLUE AND BLASTED THEM! 🔷🌠
Uh. Lovelace. Why are you leaving when the star is blue? You can just wait for a bit.
...what happened? Eiffel what was the noise? It was faint, and it's not Lovelace this time.
"Explain in terms Eiffel could understand" I know that's an insult, but honestly scientific research gets spread to the public WAY better when put in "plain language". It's more understandable and accessible for people with learning and intellectual disabilities. Hilbert I hope you're taking notes on this. If you want a redemption arc, you're going to have to earn it.
I love it when Minkowski imitates Hilbert's accent.😂
"Minor deviations" Yeah, they bring that up a LOT. Every other episode: "nothing from the star, just a few minor deviations". I bet they thought I wouldn't notice, but I did. And lo and behold. It just goes to show you kids. Notice something mildly strange? It's 100% a conspiracy or scientific phenomena. Well, not really, I was wrong about the empty man, BUT if you take that approach to everything, one day you are gonna be very right about something. Eventually. And now here comes my sweet sweet payoff.
🎶 Twinkle Twinkle Scary Star, Please Hit Cutter with a Car. 🎶
(I don't know I did it for the rhyme)
What have you been hearing Hilbert? AVOID WINDOWS AND STARLIGHT? oh boy...
Star. What do you want?
DOUG! Don't yell at Hera when you could both die! She's your best friend.
Uh oh. Looks like communications aren't going well...
Why are Hilbert and Doug hearing things? Virus exposure?
And where is Blessie? He's needed starlight for a while. This is his moment.
The star is getting bigger?
"This is astrological phenomena not plot twist for bad science fiction series"
Nice fourth wall you got there. Would sure be a shame if somebody were to break it. ;)
"We don't have a lot of time" Y'all have two more seasons, and Doug, you're the main character. I think you should be fine. Well, not "fine" but around. Doing stuff.
"I'm not giving the devil a free pass" Now Doug, that's a bit harsh. Cutter is the devil. Hilbert is more the devil's bumbling assistant.
Come on Minkowski. Put it together. Doug and Hilbert are hearing things.
"Let's get rid of our weapons" is that wise? I hope so.
Yeah...that is a suspiciously good plan Doug. I love Minkowski 😂
"I'm gonna start thinking YOU'RE plotting something" it's the screwdriver all over again.
Hera is the only one holding the ship together. Probably helps that she is the ship.
"MY LIFE IS THE TRUMAN SHOW" Eiffel has snapped.
"You paranoia little man" "We all are!" ...um what's with the Whispering in the background? Guys. Guys. GUYS.
Thank you Hera. I hope she's immune to the effects of the star since she's an AI.
Well, it seems like the team's gotta work together to get out of this one.
Dr. Hui? Energy signals? Limbic system?
Now that is something I understand! The Limbic System effects emotions, but primarily aggression and fear.
...uh oh.
And yeah...Lovelace DOES seem strangely calm...
"I don't know. Maybe my body has a resistance." "Or maybe you're at max paranoia"
Something happened to you Lovelace. I want to believe it is something good. But I don't think it is. Hopefully it will still be useful now.
"The big bad wolf" - that's a great name for the star.
"There's no off switch I've checked" ...what does that mean.
I love Zach Valienti interrupting himself. He does a great job.
"Who doesn't know the comms aren't working?"
Probably command or the aliens.
But I hope it's Blessie 🥰
We're all here. So...how can...
I hope he doesn't intend to huff and puff and blow the Hephaestus out of the sky.
"Is anyone there?"
"Does anyone copy?" DOUG EIFFEL. Wait, this is old audio I think. Didn't he say that before? This is a recording right?
Oh boy.
Episode 28: Who's There?
"That's not me" ... It might be a recording. The radio was from...I think they said the 20's. This is more recent.
I hope the aliens were able to translate his messages correctly. Because Doug uses a LOT of pop culture references, metaphors, exaggeration, and hyperbole. That don't translate well at all.
Mini rant incoming, but um...just to illustrate how bad this could get even from a few simple phrase. For example, the phrase "it's raining cats and dogs" in English or at least among some older people in America, means "it is raining very hard" or "it is raining a lot". Now if you speak, say a difference type of English, you might from context be able to infer what I'm talking about. Like if a British person says they pushed a trolley in the grocery store, I can infer they are talking about a shopping cart, not a street car they drove through a storefront like a maniac. However, someone who doesn't speak English and is not familiar with metaphor can't use context clues as easily and may conclude from my earlier phrase (best case scenario) that it is either literally raining cats and dogs, that I'm an insane person that believe that to be true, or (worse case scenario), if the word "raining" is also used in their language to mean "splattering" or "pouring" in regards to wounds, they might think I'm talking about torturing animals.
Again, showing the importance of the simple and plain language thing I suggested earlier. Not that I'm one to talk, as I, like Doug, greatly enjoy the use of hyperbole and exaggeration, which in this case, is very very bad. I can see why they gave him this character trait now.
Hopefully the aliens draw a good conclusion from it, and Doug hasn't inadvertently doomed the human race.
"We have no voice of our own, so we're borrowing yours. To communicate"
So the aliens mastered AI voice stealing. I suppose in their case it might be necessary. But why can they talk on their own? They seem to have a sense of hearing and can pick up sound waves, so wouldn't they have a way to utilize that for communication? Unless of course they're translating it into something they CAN perceive.
"We've received your long distance calls"
So...these are the listeners?
"Would it have killed you to speak English like a normal person"
"It's a long story you wouldn't get it" WELL THEY ARE DYING SO YOU BETTER TRY TO EXPLAIN MR. WOLF.
To communicate...I think they think that means to fall or burn or die or something. Wait.
Doug. Please tell me you at no point said "this job is a death sentence", you know what, he says that every other episode. They're doomed.
"Dear Listeners"
I don't think they even know what that means! They don't seem to understand that dear is a term of affection or another word for "to", because they don't seem to be adopting either meaning and are just using it as a part of their name.
I hope there is a way to translate "We don't want harm, we just want to go home. We are a peaceful people, expect this one dude name Cutter. He's evil. You can have him. Thank you!"
Why couldn't it have been Hilbert? 😢
We didn't even get a chance to find out why the star didn't effect her.
Please tell me its not a real bomb.
Oh no. Lovelace.
Hey Dear Listeners...maybe some help about now?
Or maybe Lovelace really is an evil clone robot, and she'll be okay?
Okay Hilbert. Good work on the redemption arc. Let's hope you keep it up.
Doug. You removed the door's sensor. Remember?
Outside the ship? Where the big scary star is? Eiffel.
I'm honestly surprised he hasn't stolen the jet pack earlier. That's a pretty big temptation.
Also I forgot to mention this during my first reaction, but I love that they named him "Eiffel". Like "Eiffel Tower", "Communication Tower", "Communications Officer". It's clever. I know I've talked a lot about Hera's name, but the others are great too.
The Dear Listeners better not respond by making the star even bigger. They better not.
They're good? Hera can fly? But what about Eiffel? Oh. He's good, but isolated.
"Go us, not dying"
Yeah...right...what a calm way to end the season...that's what the show is known for sure.
So then. What's it gonna be? What's the next disaster?
"Not dying...yet"
Good point Hera, the time you have left in the episode doesn't look good.
At least Lovelace is stabilizing...oh no. Cutter or the aliens did something to her didn't they? Well, we already knew that, but whatever they did is about to take effect, isn't it?
Did Lovelace just die for a few minutes? WAIT NO THE BOMB!
Speeding towards deep space? HOW WOULD HE TURN AROUND HILBERT? DOUG!
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Just when they escape, just when they make it out okay!
Final Thoughts:
Actually, you know what, I'm not too concerned about Doug. He still didn't tell us about his family, which means he has to come back and share his secrets. I'm sure he'll be fine.
Although..."deep space"... that is where he was sending the messages...which is where the aliens live...and he's going faster and faster...oh dear...
I think things are about to get a whole lot worse for Doug before they get better. IF they get better.
Many questions about Lovelace. Also starting to wonder about Cutter. Wolf359 is one of the nearest stars to the sun, so on one hand, it makes sense to send a space mission there. On the other hand? How did Cutter know to send a mission there specifically? That's very precise. And for a man who loves space so much, he seems to have a lot of suspicious side projects that have nothing to do with space and doesn't seem inclined to see the stars himself.
Then we have the self-appointed "Dear Listeners" aka "Mr. Wolf" himself, (if there's another name, please let me know). Would bringing them into the star actually save them? Did the boxes that feel into the star actually get to them? Were the boxes designed to teach the aliens about human culture? If so, that seems like an odd and strange way to do it. Do the aliens hate humans, love them, want to experiment on them, it's unclear. Were they influencing human brain waves on purpose? Testing biological warfare? Or was that an unintended consequence? Are they aware that their actions were endangering the humans, or is this nothing for them?
Of course, I also need to know about Blessie. How has he been holding up through all this?
Well, I guess I'll find out. Stay tune dear readers.
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afterglowmuses · 4 months
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( PHILIP FROISSANT + MALE + HE/HIM ) dearest reader , i am ever so delighted to introduce ALBERT TEMPLETON, the thirty year old heir, known among the ton as dependable + loving but their foes would certainly tell you that they are more bossy + jealous. perhaps that is why many seem to think they had something to do with the ongoings around the ton, but here they are anyway !
full name : Albert Templeton nickname(s) : Albie, Al, Bert pronouns : he/him age : 30 birthday : December 5th
father : viscount ambrose templeton mother : viscountess abigail templeton siblings : miss utp templeton , miss utp templeton, miss utp templeton (all aged between 18-28)
albert templeton was born the eldest child and only son of the viscount and viscountess templeton. during his childhood, he was joined by three sisters after him.
during their childhood, the templeton children didn't spend too much time with their parents so albert does not have a very close relationship with either of them. he is, though, very close with his sisters. he loves them all more than anything else and has even been known to call them the lights of his life.
he is also extremely protective of his sisters and keeps a fairly heavy eye on them during the season. he only wants to be sure that they are matched with a husband that is truly deserving of them and able to give them the life that he knows each and every one of them should have.
most of his days now are spent training up in the viscounty with his father as he will take on the role once his father is no longer there to hold the title. he actually really enjoys this and it came very easy to him when learning.
he is a very punctual being and can always be counted on for whatever it is that he is needed for. but because of this, he has a hard time not understanding why everyone else is not the same and hence can be a bit overbearing and bossy when it comes to others doing things for him or working for and around him.
albert is not the type of gentleman to have taken many lovers in his life. sure, he has had some but only a few. and this is because he finds it very hard to not consume his whole life around this one person and then expect the same from them as well. this can make him be a very jealous person as he wants the person he loves to have as much attention on him as he has on them.
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keef-a-corn · 2 years
Dat’s right, People, it’s time for ‘Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!’
This is for season 1, episode 17: Crisscross.
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
ALSO! I try my best to note points for every character, but tend to get a little caught up by Bee (although I think I do a pretty good job with the notes regardless) so do be warned.
00:16 - Oh dear.. already quite bored
00:41 - One thing to note is that Silas is a mix of Megatron and Optimus. He’s on the field alongside his workers regardless of why they’re there, but he also does not care who he hurts.
01:07 - Airachnid’s always gotta have a cool reveal. Theoretically. In practice it is not achieved.
01:57 - Average day in Australia.
02:37 - OH GAWD. This again??
02:58 - had to take a solid minute to collect myself. They don’t refer to themselves as ‘transformers’ so Airachnid saying that made so much sense, but the actual word sounded so foreign.
03:03 - honestly just hate Airachnid and Arcee’s rivalry so much. There’s no respect in it and it’s not clear (to me at least) how it happened. We get back story for the situation, but it clears up even less. Why is Airachnid specifically going after Arcee?? Why does Arcee take it so personally?.
03:13 - E X C U S E M E
03:28 - let us be clear… rn Jack’s mum is hawt.
03:46 - in Speed Metal this was proven true.
03:58 - Does Jack seriously not have any other friends? The humans are so dependent on the bots it’s frustrating.
04:26 - honestly, June’s a good mum. She’s very clear and firm, but she doesn’t yell.
04:49 - uh.. that’s honestly a weird line and feels really inappropriate.
05:06 - wait, so Arcee stays the night at Jack’s place?? But she works at night too!
05:42 - that car has the same numberplate as Jack’s mum RPI • 437 if it was a background car it wouldn’t matter, but we can see the plate clear as day.
05:55 - WOO! Beeeee
06:00 - the extended part of this scene is a luxury- oh wait… oh.. oh no… it’s a filler. This is a filler episode. That’s why Bee’s there and no one else is. If Ratchet, Optimus and/or Bulkhead don’t talk during this episode, it will confirm it.
06:08 - Hehe, the contrast. Also June listens to elevator music on her drive home.
06:34 - honestly, a little surprised they hadn’t gone with the ‘Doesn’t check the room’ trope.
06:46 - ooooh The light is a ground bridge! Thought they decided to randomly add the idea that when Arcee transforms it’s a Winx like transformation.
06:54 - gaslighting 101.
07:00 - June in denial that her son’s a frickin looser and has no friends.
07:16 - Rest in pieces Jack.
08:03 - I mean- KiNdA
08:08 - Didn’t June get off work early to cook Jack dinner?
08:40 - kinda vibing with Silas and Arcee’s dynamic rn
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08:47 - WTF- seriously tho, wtf?.
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09:37 - Mech is a really weird name for a group that doesn’t like transformers.
09:45 - ‘In my bed. I slept with your mother, Jack. Call me… Papa Silas.’ Would’ve made the episode 100x better.
10:10 - Wait… so the communicator scrambles the signal, so Arcee can’t reach the autobots, but as far as they are aware she’s supposed to be at Jack’s house. If her signal randomly went out, wouldn’t they notice and go looking for her?
10:25 - they had this ability the whole time but only NOW choose to use it?? If they had it set up throughout the town, they would be able to find any bot lickity split, especially if it causes them that much pain.
10:40 - Does anyone else despise the ‘they just want me 🥺’ trope?
10:51 - Arcee’s number plate is 396571.
11:26 - Oh my gaaaaawd! When will Arcee learn that she has to maintain level headed when fighting Airachnid otherwise she’s wasting her strength.
11:34 - the way Arcee’s optics tilted backwards and got big in fear, panic and desperation is a sweet choice. But how has she not realised that with Silas standing there, putting both Jack and June’s lives at risk, that he doesn’t care about them??
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11:43 - bicthless behaviour.
13:09 - Calling her ‘Spider-bot’ rather than her name is both disrespectful in not using her name, but respectful in recognising who she is.
13:21 - The worker calls Arcee ‘it’ - entirely disrespectful and objectifies Arcee.
13:28 - considering how long it took them to simply open Breakdown’s chest plate and remove his eye, it’s safe to assume Arcee’s got plenty of time.
15:33 - what’d I say?
15:38 - he rhymed.
16:01 - what does that mean?.
16:30 - continuity.
16:35 - Awesome shot, which also captures their power imbalance.
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16:40 - significantly higher. Arcee’s strong, yes. But not nearly as strong as Breakdown + Breakdown had assistance from another bot.
17:48 - why wouldn’t they have done the concrete as soon as Airachnid fell? She would’ve been less likely to have woken up.
18:31 - Agent Fowler! Proving to be useful Y E T A G A I N !
18:54 - how did he go so long without noticing that missing??
19:04 - THANK YOU! Responsible man right here!
19:07 - No. that would’ve been a good call because Airachnid’s very dangerous and Arcee cannot handle her on her own.
19:24 - that was very funny. The line was delivered so mildly, but made so much sense as well.
19:46 - They did obtain some information, so I guess Silas got what he wanted.
21:07 - Look at hiiiim
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21:11 - Ratchet turns around like an old man.
21:17 - so jealous of June rn.
21:25 - Another cover poster + Optimus looked slightly offended in the moments before the shot I got a photo of.
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21:28 - Not a word from Bulkhead, Ratchet and Optimus. I wonder w h y .
So that was Crisscross!
Incase it wasn’t apparent, I’m not a fan of the obvious filler episodes. I’m not a fan of Arcee and Airachnid’s dynamic either, so it made the episode worse.
One thing I will give it credit for is that it addressed the fact that June would’ve started to get suspicious.
Crisscross is better than Predatory, but I don’t like either episode.
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You Catch More Bees With Honey: Chapter 4
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Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Reader
Part of the San Diego Dogfighters universe
Summary: Bradley Bradshaw, blindsided by a team he trusted like family has been traded to the San Diego Dogfighters. Across the country from the place he calls home, Bradley feels lost and betrayed. Not to mention the familiar faces and ghosts from his past that he now has to face every day at work. Bradley’s caught between wanting to show his former team the mistake they made in double-crossing him and wondering if it’s time to hang up his skates after one final season. You’re living your dream as the PR representative for the Dogfighters. When Coach Maverick made a bid to bring his godson to the team, you hadn’t batted an eye. Bradley was a good teammate, and a good player. Unfortunately, the Bradley that shows up in San Diego is nothing like your research suggested. He’s moody, irritable, aggressive, and angry, throwing a wrench in all your careful planning. What’s caused such a drastic change in him? And can you figure out how to help him before he makes a mistake you can’t fix?
Series CW: 18+ ONLY, swearing, dead parents, drunkenness, alcohol consumption, violence, sports violence, blood probably, angst, fluff, eventual smut, age gap (28 and 38), enemies to lovers, suggestive language, hockey inaccuracies etc. There will be individual chapter warnings. No use of Y/N.
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: This is a repost of my completed series, You Catch More Bees With Honey. It was originally posted in November-March 2023, and was lost when my blog was deleted.
Previous Chapter // Series Masterlist // Next Chapter
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Bradley Bradshaw wouldn’t consider himself a particularly irrational person, but when faced with the irrationality of others it brings out the side of him that usually sleeps soundly. He wonders exactly what’s gotten him to this point as he drives home, dried blood still in his face from his throbbing nose. Garcia packs a mean punch. He knows that Seresin was watching from outside the office, letting Garcia get in a hit before he intervened but Bradley tries not to think too hard about that.
He’s too busy thinking about the look on Coach Mitchell’s face as she told him to leave. She’s been watching him, he knows it. He’s not quite sure why but somewhere in the back of his mind he wonders if he’s seen her before or if his mind is just playing tricks on him. When he does think back to the days when his mother was alive he remembers a woman, always around but always just that, around. She was a friend of his mother’s, he thinks. Dutifully present at every single one of his bustling birthday parties and occasionally he thinks he caught sight of her at some of his hockey games. If she ever spoke a word to him, however, he doesn’t remember. Regardless, the day he met Coach Dare Mitchell he couldn’t help but be filled with this odd sense of nostalgia that covered him like a familiar blanket. She’s made no indication that she knows him, but every now and then there’s something about the cadence of her voice or the way she moves that brings him back to that kitchen in Virginia and he can almost smell his mother’s perfume and hear her laugh. He thought it would hurt, remembering her but instead, it fills him with a sense of peace that he’s not sure he’s ever felt.
It’s hard to focus on, however, when Maverick’s always her shadow, bringing out every irrational impulse in Bradley. Pete Mitchell is a person that Bradley barely knows. He’s heard the stories, of course. His mother spoke highly of Maverick, his father’s best friend, Bradley’s godfather. The NHL legend, who couldn’t be bothered to show his face in their corner of Virginia until the day they finally laid his mother to rest. The face he’d seen for years on TV finally showed up.
The text chimes through the Bronco and Bradley checks his phone when he’s stopped at a light, barely a block from his apartment. Coach Dare’s name flashes across the screen and he swallows thickly as he reads the message. “Bradley, I think it’s time we had a chat. How does dinner sound?” The next message is an address and he hesitates. She could have easily called him into her office instead of sending him home and now she wants to talk to him over dinner. It’s not lost on him that earlier she called him Bradshaw. Coach Dare takes the unconventional approach of calling all her players by their first names and that’s the first time she’s ever referred to him as Bradshaw instead of Bradley. There was something in her eyes as she said it, beyond the cold anger at seeing him and Garcia fighting. Pain? A flash of a memory lost to time? Almost like she was looking at someone else, or perhaps seeing someone else. He hesitates as he pulls into his apartment complex. Normally he’d park his car himself, preferring not to trust the Bronco with another driver but going to have to be quick if he wants to make dinner. He tosses his keys to the valet and heads straight for the door. As he gets there, he locks eyes with the older doorman. Tony’s eyes are full of sadness and a tinge of disappointment as he takes in the blood on Bradley’s face and shirt. Bradley breaks contact quickly, shame climbing up his neck as he pushes his way through the doors, beelining for the elevator. He’s had enough of letting people down today.
As the elevator doors shut behind him, he thinks about you, letting out a groan of frustration. He fucked up. He’s fucked up so royally that he’s not sure he’s going to be able to dig himself out of the hole he’s in with you. He remembers pieces of last night but mostly before you must have arrived. He has no idea how he got home but judging by the fact that the Bronco got left in the parking lot overnight, you must have driven him home. He grimaces at the thought of you coming to that dive bar. He hopes you didn’t come alone, it’s not the best place. That’s why he’d chosen it. He thought he’d be safe from the press for once but according to you, they’d found him anyway.
He pulls out his phone, shooting off a positive reply to Coach Dare and ignoring the reflection of his face in the screen, before he pulls up the web browser, hesitating before he types his name into the search bar. He grimaces as the articles pop up. Photos of him entering the bar last night, a few bad shots clearly taken through the open door of the fight that he barely remembers the reason behind. Then there are photos of you. Dressed in a powder pink suit, you have your hands on your hips as you stand on the pavement outside the bar, glaring at the cameras, that infamous no-nonsense look on your face. You did come alone. His heart squeezes at the idea of you alone in that part of town after dark, especially dressed like that. Just because he knows that you can dish as well as you can take doesn’t mean that everyone does. He closes the tab, leaning his head back against the wall of the elevator as he forces himself to think back to your office. He’d come in guns blazing after Tony informed him that a lovely young lady in pink brought him home last night and he’d spent the morning tracking down the Bronco and paying a hefty towing fee. He winces as he remembers the look on your face when he slammed his hands on your desk. He hadn’t meant to scare you, he was just angry, which he seems to be more often than usual these days, and unfortunately especially when you’re around. He’d seen the fight-or-flight trigger in your expression and had moved immediately, not wanting to make you feel threatened. He’s a big guy, his mother always used to remind him, that women could get the wrong idea. And then he saw the bruise on your jaw. You said he hit you, accidentally, but he hit you all the same. His mother would be so ashamed of him. Sure he’s thrown his fair share of punches being a hockey player but he’s never hit a girl. He never wants to, and yet you were nursing that painful-looking mark on your face. It had taken all of his self-control not to reach out and touch it, to try and soothe the dull ache he knows must have been throbbing through your jaw. Instead, he’d apologized, or at least attempted to. He’d done a piss-poor job of it, he knows that. And then you’d said something he doesn’t even remember anymore and he’d lashed out because of course he had. He just remembers you calling him that. BIG GUY. All at once he was in the kitchen in the Virginia house again, and his mother was trying to get past where his hulking form was taking up too much space as he rooted through the cupboards looking for a snack while she finished dinner. Reeling from the Deja Vu, he’d snapped, going from brusque to cruel with a flip to the switch as he tried to protect the wound you’d unsuspectingly opened. In doing so he’d flung the information he’d gathered about you after a lazy Google search after meeting you and done more damage than he intended.
He’d heard your screams as he was making his way from the gym to the showers, turning instantly to find the source of the sound. He can’t get the image of you curled in Garcia’s arms, the raw pain on your face as you watched soundlessly as Garcia rounded on him. He could have blocked the hit but he deserved it. It didn’t hurt nearly as much as the punch to the gut at his next words, “HER MOM DIED, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!” Bradley squeezes his eyes shut as the elevator reaches the twentieth floor. He gets out and heads toward his apartment, Garcia’s voice bouncing around in his head as he unlocks his door.
“Hey Mom, I’m home.” He calls just like he does every day. He enters the living room, giving a tired and grim smile to the framed photo of his mom on the side table. The daisies in the vase behind it are starting to brown and he makes a mental note to get more on his way home from dinner. He heads straight to the bathroom, stripping off his bloodstained shirt and sweats, dropping them into the hamper on his way to the shower. He knows he should try and wash the blood out while it’s still relatively fresh but he can’t be bothered right now as he climbs under the hot stream. He feels the water smatter on his injured nose. It's not broken, he’s broken it enough times to know what that feels like but it’s still swollen, something fierce. He wonders if it feels anything like the bruise on your jaw before he shakes his head to clear you out of it. Water droplets flying left and right off his soaked curls.
He needs to stop thinking about you. You’re nothing but trouble for him. He should know better than to trust you after he got so brutally blindsided in Philadelphia when the Flyers traded him. He didn’t even find out until he opened his phone that morning to numerous missed calls from his friends and teammates and hundreds of texts from everyone who’d heard the news before him. The Flyers staff was like family to him after over a decade of working with them, and yet they hadn’t even given him the courtesy of telling him that he was being traded let alone asked for his opinion on the matter. So he couldn’t let himself trust you. Plus, you seemed to get along with Maverick which meant that you wouldn’t be any help to him. Just another person blinded by his charisma and smile. He doesn’t have any room in his life for any more hurt.
When Bradley pulls into the driveway of the sleepy little bungalow, he’s surprised. He’d expected the address to take him to some nice restaurant tucked into a hidden corner of San Diego that was safe from the prying eyes of the press, not his coach’s house. He makes his way up the path to the door, shifting awkwardly as he rings the bell. The woman who opens the door scratches Bradley’s brain with Deja Vu. At work, Coach Dare has her hair in a tight bun most days, but now it’s pulled into a ponytail behind her, the gray-streaked strands a comfortable kind of messy. She’s wearing a pair of loose-fitting pants and a simple top with bare feet.
“Bradley, glad you could make it.” She leads him inside and he toes off his shoes, self-conscious as he follows her toward the kitchen. The smell hits him as he enters and almost sends him to his knees with the familiarity. Dare stirs a pot on the stove giving him a soft look.
“It’s my favorite of hers. I figured you might enjoy having it. It’s not exact, I’ve never been able to make it taste as good as hers but I try.”
“You knew my mom.” It's not a question, not anymore. Dare nods gently as she continues to stir.
“I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t remember me.”
“You were at my birthday parties.” He states, still in shock at the confirmation that she’s who he thought she was. She looks surprised at that before she nods slowly.
“I was, yes.”
“And you came to some of my hockey games.” He presses and she nods again.
“I didn’t know you noticed.” She says carefully.
“I recognized you.” He says with a shrug as he shifts uncomfortably, opting to lean on the counter across from her. “So, you’re one of my mom’s friends?” She chuckles at that, a distant look in her eyes as she smiles sadly at him.
“Carole was my best friend, but in regards to you,” she pauses like she’s deciding whether to tell him something. “In official terms, I’m your godmother.”
Bradley frowns in confusion. “That can’t be true. It can’t be because-“ He stops as the pieces fall together in his mind. Pete Mitchell. Dare Mitchell. “Oh my god, you’re his WIFE?” He’s reeling at all this information. Dare nods, looking as uncomfortable at the title as he feels giving it to her.
“Well only really from a legal standpoint.” She says and he thinks he hears bitterness in her voice.
“I thought he was married to Penny.” He blurts. He’s seen Mav and the brunette nutritionist looking cozy whenever she’s at the arena.
“He may as well be.” She says with a shrug. “We’ve been separated for thirty years.”
“But not divorced?” She shakes her head.
“He never pushed for it, so we never did it.”
“But he’s basically married to Penny Benjamin.”
“That’s the gist of it, yes.” She says it like she’s so numb to it that it sounds sane to her.
“But he’s still married to you.” Bradley still can’t get his mind around it. “Why did you separate?” He knows he shouldn't be asking but she’s his godmother after all, and he knows he can’t ask Mav for the answers that he’s after. He watches the pain flash across her eyes and instantly regrets asking. She turns back to the pot that she’s stirring, adding some spices, not looking at him as she finally speaks.
“After your dad died, Pete was so consumed by grief. He told me he needed space so he left for Anaheim and asked me not to come with him. He never came back.” Bradley’s hands tighten into fists even as the breath punches out of his chest as he whispers.
“You knew my dad?” Dare looks up at him again at that, her eyes swimming with tears as she gives him the most gentle smile full of love that he doesn’t know what to do with.
“Yes I knew your dad, Bradley, and he would be proud of you.” His heart squeezes with guilt at the words.
“I doubt that.” He says, averting his eyes to the floor. Dare snorts and he looks back up to see the older woman giving him a rueful smile.
“Pete was his best friend, his bar was exceptionally low.” Bradley chuckles at that. “He’d be proud of you, and your mother would be too. A little disappointed in your recent behavior but that’s fixable.” Her eyes are gentle as Bradley shifts uncomfortably.
“Is… is Zam okay?” He asks. Dare’s eyes soften as she gives him a tired smile.
“I’m not sure, but Bugs took her home so she’s not alone.” Bradley tries to let that information comfort him but it doesn’t.
“I didn’t know.” He whispers. “About her mom, I mean. I didn’t know she was dead.” Dare shakes her head.
“No one did, Bradley. Only Mickey, and he only knows because he knew Zam when it happened.”
“I don’t know what to do to fix it.” He mumbles, hating that he’s saying all this aloud but clearly, he can’t seem to figure this out on his own and something about Dare puts him at ease. He feels like he can trust her. Maybe it’s because she reminds him of his mother, maybe it’s just the familiar smell of her cooking filling the kitchen that’s filling him with a sense of calm and stability.
“You could start with an apology. A real one.” She fixes him with a firm look as she turns off the stove, nodding to the cabinet behind Bradley. “Get me two plates.” He scrambles to do as he’s told and watches as Dare serves up the familiar-looking pasta.
When they sit at the table, Bradley’s hand is shaking as he scoops up the first bite and when he takes the first bite he has to squeeze his eyes shut to stop the tears. For all her complaints that it didn’t taste the same as his mother’s, Bradley can’t taste anything less. He doesn’t realize he’s crying until he feels arms wrap around his shoulders and then he’s being pulled into a smaller frame as a soothing hand rubs up and down his back. Combined with the taste of his mother’s cooking on his tongue for the first time in twenty years, he’s almost convinced that she’s here and this is the kitchen in Virginia and everything’s alright with the world. His shoulders are shaking with sobs that he hasn’t let out in years and she just holds him as he falls apart.
The food is cold when Bradley finally pulls away, red cheeks soaked with tears that mirror the dampness on Dare’s. She cradles his face with her hands and shakes her head slowly. “I’m so sorry, Bradley. I’m so so sorry.”
“For what?” His voice is a croak.
“For not being there. For being so damn afraid of letting you know me. After,” she chokes and has to swallow before she continues. “After Nick died, I tried to be there but I was trying to be there for Pete until he left and then I didn’t think you needed me. You needed a father, not a mother, and Carole was so perfect. I didn’t want to take any of that away in any way, so I kept my distance. I should have been there more often, I should have been there for you. And then when she died,” she has to stop again, her shoulders shaking. “When she died I should have stepped up but you didn’t seem to need it and I don’t think I could have dealt with you not needing me.”
“The way he didn’t need you.” Bradley’s voice is still rough from crying but the anger in his words is still there as he watches this strong woman fall to pieces before him, blaming herself for something that’s not her fault. “He had no right. No right to just leave you like that.”
“I should be telling you that.” She says, stroking his cheek fondly. “You were just a kid. Carole told me he never visited, just sent money to pay for school and hockey.” Bradley’s jaw hardened.
“I didn’t even know about that until her funeral. He actually had the balls to show up there after abandoning her for sixteen years.” His fists tighten at his sides. “That’s when he decided he wanted to be involved. He talked to me like we were old friends like I’d just accept him with open arms after he pretended we didn’t exist for my entire life. Just because he’s my godfather.” Bradley scoffs. “I didn’t want anything to do with him.” He pauses. “I don’t want anything to do with him.” His voice is hard and determined.
“Then why come to San Diego?” She asks and he realizes that she doesn’t know. He barks out an exhausted laugh at her question.
“I didn’t COME to San Diego, not willingly. Maverick negotiated the trade without telling me and the Flyers never told me either. I found out when everyone else did. Well, actually, I found out after everyone else when they called me to ask what happened. It’s not every day you leave the team you’ve called home for the last twelve years.” He watches her eyes harden.
“He had no right.” She growls and he thinks it’s the first time he’s ever truly seen her angry. Cross yes, irritated definitely, but not angry. Bradley shrugs, exhausted.
“But he did it anyway.” It feels good, he thinks. To have someone else feel just as angry about his situation. Someone who understands, not just the truth behind his anger but someone who truly understands what it’s like to be abandoned by Pete Mitchell and have to live with the consequences.
After dinner, Dare tells him more about his parents, promising to dig some old photo albums out of storage since she’s still unpacking and Bradley finds himself offering to come back and help if she needs to move any of the larger furniture. The evening had been a surprise, to say the least. Bradley chances a glance at the Tupperware full of the leftover pasta on his passenger seat. Dare had insisted that he take it and offered to teach him how to make it. He still couldn’t believe that he’d had it for the first time in twenty years.
He needs a drink. Not the copious amounts that he’s been indulging in for the past few months, trying to drown out his days, because today he wants to remember. He wants to remember the taste of his mother’s cooking and the feeling of his godmother’s arms. It’s weird. He has a godmother now. He’s always known about Maverick but Dare is completely new to him despite her being present for most of his life compared to Maverick. He knows he should be careful who he trusts but some deep part of him where he’s sure his mother resides tells him that he can trust her and right now he needs someone he can trust.
When he pulls into the parking lot of the bar it’s already fairly busy for a weeknight. This place is in a nicer part of town, more made for social drinking than the wallowing kind. Music pours out of the door as he swings it open. Thursday night karaoke is in full swing. Some nights he participates but tonight he just orders a beer before retreating to his usual booth. He has a decent view of the stage as patrons in various stages of drunkenness belt out horrendously out-of-tune hits. He’s still thinking about Dare’s so-called marriage to Maverick and it makes his blood boil. While she plays it off nonchalantly enough, he can tell that she’s been irrecoverably hurt by his godfather and it makes his heart ache. He feels oddly protective of the older woman, probably due to the admission that she was so close to his mother even if she wasn’t able to visit her very often.
The opening riff of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’” meets his ears and Bradley groans audibly. He’s really not in the mood to hear some middle-aged dad desecrate the timeless hit tonight. He hopes they're at least a decent singer instead of one of the types that simply screams the words into the microphone with no regard for the tune.
When the singer starts, however, he pauses. The voice is clear, sweet, and feminine as it croons the opening lines. “Just a small-town girl, living in a lonely world. She took the midnight train going anywhere!” Bradley lets his eyes fall shut as her voice washes over him. She really is a fantastic singer. He opens his eyes again when she hits the pre-chorus, as her voice builds. “Strangers waitin’ up and down the boulevard. Their shadows searchin' in the night. Streetlights, people, livin' just to find emotion hidin', somewhere in the night!” As she belts the last note he turns, desperate to get a look at the girl who’s singing. There’s no one on the small karaoke stage and he frowns in confusion until he follows the sound of the chorus to where the singer is standing on the bar itself, her back to Bradley.
Bradley can’t take his eyes off her back as he watches her sing. She’s wearing an acid-washed black t-shirt over a pair of downright sinful cutoff denim shorts despite the faint chill in the November air. It’s California, after all. They’re dangerously short and accentuate her curvy hips and hug the swell of her ass, barely brushing the bottom of it. He’s lost to his ogling when she turns and suddenly his face flushes bright red as he finally recognizes you.
You look so different. He’s so used to your over-the-top pastel suits and your tight ponytail that seeing you now in your faded Queen t-shirt that’s been hand-cropped to just barely brush the top of your shorts with your hair down feels like seeing you for the first time. Your cheeks are bright from alcohol and the joy that spreads across your face in a wide smile as you sing. You’ve never smiled at him, not really. He’s seen your sickly saccharine smile that you’ve cultivated over the years of having a job like yours but he’s never seen this. The pure joy on your face is so diametrically opposed to the grief on your face just a few hours ago. He feels a part of his heart that he didn’t know was squeezing ease at the sight of you alright. The light is back in your eyes and you seem to be enjoying yourself. He shifts, making sure his back is to you and slouches slightly in his seat. You don’t need to see him. He doesn’t want to ruin your night after he always ruined your day. For now, he's just content to watch and listen.
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blueberryjam1201 · 11 months
Chapter 4
Genre: Drama, Romance
Summary: How the one week in separation will change their life?
This story wasn't suppose to be sweet and heartwarming from the first place...
Dear reader, are you ready for a new ark filled with sadness? But remember, after every rain the sun is shining. Will Kyungsoo find his sunshine in this storm?
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"Was I always this vulnerable?
Was you my only strength?
Sharing with you my desires,
Telling you about my misery,
Like you are the best medicine,
Does it have a side effect?
Or Did I overdose?
The season has changed...
Why I'm still here?"
Kyungsoo breathed heavily while leaning on a desk in his office room at home. All the books were scattered under the shelves. Ripped pages next to them. The abandoned guitar's unfortunate place under the wall on the right side of the room was telling stories about the hysteria from a not long time ago. There was this unbearable lament bouncing off the walls...
In silence...
Chapter under the cut❤️
It was a sunny morning, past 6 a.m. This airport was living its own life like it was Saturday afternoon in the city center. Many flights landed. The light brown color of the floor tiles reflected the sunlight, jumping inside the building by the glass walls from the exit side. Kyungsoo was sitting on one of the bench seats inside. 
He wore a light brown jacket and black trousers. While holding a mobile phone in his hand he smiled gently. It was YiSeul messaging about having fun the next couple of days without her.
"It's a work trip, how can it be fun?" He thought, and the phone started ringing. 
- Chanyeol-ah! - Kyungsoo answered while looking around.
- Kyungsoo-yah!- laughed while imitating his friend - I'll be there in a second, just going to the toilet and grabbing a coffee, you're ok? You can wait near the entrance, I'll find you - 
- Ok, hurry up - said Kyungsoo, and hung up. He then grabbed a grey backpack, wore it on his arms, and bucked his waist-belt. After that grabbed a large, black suitcase on wheels and casually proceeded to the exit. 
Outside were small (compared to inside) crowds of arrived travelers. This was a street where many cars were parked to collect those travelers, and opposite the exit, a little further down, was a small park with trees and benches. He looked up in the sky. Even the noise around couldn't disturb his peaceful mind. "..ah...it's only one week...I hope she won't be bored alone....". These thoughts were swirling around his head, how great is to have her by his side...
Suddenly, he jumped to the side, barely staying on his feet, and raised his head to see who just pushed him so hard.... realizing he unconsciously caught this person, so she didn't fall on the ground...
It was a young woman. He thought: "Maybe 25, maybe 28, it's difficult to predict as girls these days are using many amazing cosmetics and ..."
She jumped back from his hands, waking him up from his internal analysis. Panicked, brushed her long dark brown hair with her fingers, shouted "Apologies!", grabbed her large, black suitcase, and ran away leaving him speechless. It was a long few seconds when he was watching her disappear. 
- Kyungsoo! - Chanyeol jumped on him, scaring him slightly, so he swung clenched fist at his friend's stomach, but just touched to scare Chanyeol back in revenge.  
- You done? - asked
- Yeah, let's go. Your coffee - Chanyeol handed the warm drink to KyungSoo and they headed to the nearest taxi. 
The hotel where KyungSoo and Chanyeol were staying was in a classic 1970s style. Although the windows were modern, and looked a little bit out of context, in general, the view was pleasant, and looking at the interest in this place, none of the guests probably minded the mix of styles. 
They checked-in in reception and hurried to their booked rooms to change clothes and prepare for a meeting. 
Kyungsoo entered his room which was studio apartment size. From the small anteroom, he could enter all the rest of rooms which was: the toilet on the left, the kitchen opposite, and the bedroom on the right. Funny how the bedroom was connected to the kitchen from the inside. "This could have been just one room, what is the point in those walls separating the anteroom?" He smirked, after creating a reconstruction plan in his head. His mind is always absorbed by analyzing new experiences and places like it would change anything. But he can't fight with this part of his personality.  
He went to the bedroom first and placed his backpack on the small brown bedside cabinet under the white wall. All the walls were white, and the carpet covered the floor on every inch, excluding the toilet where the white tiles were placed. 
Then he put his suitcase on the bed and opened it to take some stuff important for the meeting...
"What is that...?" He stiffened and all the waters in his body started to boil from shock, out of fright, or all kinds of panic emotions you can feel at this kind of moment. His mind went blank. He tried to remember what happened before he arrived at the hotel..." That girl..." he whispered with a pale face. Hopefully, his laptop was in the backpack together with all the documents. He tried to calm down, took a deep breath a few times, sat on the bed and after long seconds of consideration he created a plan for a meeting. That was the most important now. 
Then he looked into her suitcase and found a name tag, similar to the one that parents are sewing or just hang on their kid's clothes or bags when they go to primary school. 
The message on the tag was as follows:
If found alone
Call Rose
He was gazing at this tag for a long time in silence. It wasn't certain to him if his messed up state of mind was caused by this situation in general, the fact she swapped the suitcases by mistake or...that she was keeping this tag in her suitcase because it's probably the last thing that adult would think of before going on a trip alone...
He called the number. 
The signal was on but no answer. Then tried again, 4 times to be precise. 
After looking at the time on the phone, he hurried up and started preparing for a meeting. 
The meeting place was a boardroom in one of the JJ ENTERTAINMENTS buildings. This spacious room had only the most important furniture which was a long, polished wood table and 11 stylish spinning chairs for all board members. The walls were in magnolia color, the floor was covered by navy, fluffy carpet. Doors were at the top of the left side, and the wall on the right was made from stone mosaic wall tiles in a light gray color, with the exception in the center where there was a place for a 90" size TV. Also, at the bottom of the wall, under the TV was a small chiller for drinks, filled with only water and a few cans of Coca-Cola, probably ordered by the members beforehand. 
It was 9 a.m. when 11 attendees started gardening, including Manager Kim. Each one of them was in an expensive suit, mostly grey and black. Besides men, 5 women came, also in suits of the same colors. Then Kyungsoo was wearing the same clothes as before, which were a light brown jacket, and Chayeol in a retro-styled hooded jacket. They both sat just at the beginning of the table under the TV. 
The man in his probably 60s sat just at the end of the table and patiently waited till everyone was settled down. He was the CEO of JJ Entertainment.
At some point, he said:
- Good morning, I hope everyone had a comfortable journey. We are here today to discuss the anniversary concert next 3 or 4 weeks. The date still hasn't been settled up, but we will get there eventually....- and waited for any reaction from other members. His facial expression reminded the one of the governor in prison. He smiled like an angel, but his gaze was a thread. He didn't have to say a word, his stare was creating a law that everyone had to obey without discussion. 
- Let's begin, shall we? - and the angelic smile just appeared, bringing insecurity even to prepared for these meeting members....except two friends at the end. Kyungsoo was typing lyrics on his mobile and sending them to his email address while Chanyeol was absorbed by staring at the least favorite board members and laughing quietly at their frightened behavior. 
The meeting was going smoothly. Each one of the employers was sharing their theories or presentations. Kim was sitting quietly until his time came. 
- Woo Shik, what have you prepared for Creams? - the silence appeared in the room. Woo Shik was a young man, age max 30. Black curly hair cut short in the back, but fluffy bangs were almost covering his eyes. Long face, small eyes, and slightly damaged lips from biting. 
-...um...- he started, but had difficulties to construct the sentences - they will be performing 5 songs...so I was thinking, we can choose the most popular 5 ...- he paused for a moment to look at their reactions, which were none so he continued- and...um...we can make the "candy" appearance, fans loves it....- he paused again. This time it looks like he ran out of ideas, so the pause was like a begging for someone else to speak up. Kim slowly looked at Kyungsoo who was still working on his phone hidden under the table. 
- Doh, anything you wish to add? - ...silence. Kyungsoo raised his head and needed a few seconds to understand the situation. Then he leaned on his chair comfortably and said:
- I would use 4 of the most popular songs, 2 from the debut and two from the second album. Then I would give them 5 minutes to interact with the audience announce a new single, and sing the highlight from it. It would build excitement amongst fans. Also...- he looked at Woo Shik - I don't think the "CANDY" theme is the best. First of all, they are not newbies anymore, and together with the last scandals about them dating seems not in place. I would choose FAITH as the 4th song to emphasize that they are no longer children. That would help to make the audience understand that they are also human beings and will calm down the media a little... - he finished. 
The silence in the room was shouting about admiration. Then suddenly, the silent applause could be heard. That was the CEO who was entertained with KyungSoo's speech. 
- Manager Kim, what's your decision? - Kim needed a long second to answer: 
- I'll go with KyungSoo's idea...- it seems his plan to embarrass Kyungsoo has failed. Was it this plan? Or maybe there was a different reason? 
The meeting was carried out as planned till the end, and no one realized that KyungSoo's presentation was mostly created on a mobile phone while going by taxi and during the meeting itself. 
Later in another room, there was a presentation again, this time led by one person for the audience consisting of employees. Large area, fully in white colors, hundreds of chairs, and a scene with a mini cinema screen behind. The presentation was about the stadium where the concert will take place and all the important details in this matter. 
Kyungsoo was sitting with Chanyeol somewhere in the middle of the right side of the audience. 
- How's our naughty YiSeul? - Chanyeol joked after looking at Kyungsoo scrolling the phone. 
- Alright, I think. Stop talking like she's your girlfriend too - 
- I always wanted to ask you this, because sometimes when speaking, she has this weird accent, where is she from? - 
KyungSoo's eyes widened in a second.
Time has stopped, why is his mind blank suddenly? Where is she from? He was replaying all his memories in his head like an opened family photobook, like an archive in the basement or the attic. He was in every corner of his memory...where is she from? 
- Oi! - Chanyeol woke him up from his trance - Don't tell me you don't know! - covered his laughing face to not make any loud sound - KyungSoo-yah, that's not good? Ask her, and let me know ok? - 
Kyungsoo was barely hearing his friend as his mind just created another investigation in his head. What does he know about her past? They meet one year ago, he was always telling stories from his life, he complained to her about his dilemmas, she was supportive...was she? She was always there, right? But was he supportive? Has she ever told him about her difficulties? 
This year passed so fast that he wasn't paying attention to many significant points. What does he know about her? 
After another important presentation, the working day was finally over. 
Kyungsoo came back to his room, looked at the phone, and threw it on the bed, then went to take a shower. 
*buzz buzz*
The phone was ringing. 
When he came back from the shower, while drying his hair with a towel, he grabbed the phone and stiffened.... 4 missed calls and one text message. He rushed to open it:
- Do you have my suitcase?! -
He breathed a sigh of relief and started typing:
- Yes, can we meet tomorrow morning? I need the equipment from inside ASAP -
Two seconds passed:
- OK then, tomorrow at 6 am at the airport, same place as today. See you! - 
He opened his round eyes widely but smirked with satisfaction that everything was sorted. Now, only time for a dream after this long day. 
YiSeul hasn't texted him, she's probably busy. "Good night" he typed with a heart emoticon at the end. 
Good night, KyungSoo-yah...
The next day, same time as yesterday, Kyungsoo arrived at the airport. He was waiting at the entrance for women who swapped their identical suitcases. He still couldn't believe this story, but he accepted that, and told himself that many unexpected stories can happen, like his and YiSeul's example. He waited. "I think I came too early," he thought, but after looking at the phone, it was exactly 6 a.m., as agreed. He wore the same jacket, so she would recognize him. All of a sudden, he felt shivers, sometimes you feel this when someone is watching you, so he raised his head to look for the source of this unpleasant feeling. 
Just opposite him was standing a short girl, with dark brown long hair lying on her arms. Her pale skin color and dark, upturned eyes together had something unique, fascinating, Kyungsoo couldn't explain it in words. Maybe it's that red lipstick? She was wearing a blue sweater and a long, white dress, almost hiding her feet. 
Slowly, she came nearer to him while not losing an eye contact. 
- Is that you? Do you have my suitcase? -
KyungSoo's chest flattened as the uncertainty was forcing him to be prepared for any defense if it wasn't her, if he just had long eye contact with a random person who would approach him without any reason. He smirked and said:
- I have no idea how we swapped our suitcases, but hopefully, you had this name tag. Are you always keeping it inside?- he couldn't wait to ask that question which had intrigued him since yesterday. She then grabbed her suitcase and left his next to him. Then she smiled gently, raised her head, and explained:
- I get what you mean, that's unbelievable, right? I can't believe it myself, but what happened is I was late for my meeting, hopefully, I had all the documents on my phone so just printed them off on site. I was running and looking at my phone, so it's my bad, apologies for running into you - the way she spoke made Kyungsoo surprised as she answered all his questions in one go, and for some reason, he was not even bothered anymore. What happened, happened. Hopefully, everything will be back to normal from now on. 
- What's your name? - she was looking at her phone while asking. Kyungsoo, amazed by this question said:
- Doh Kyungsoo, but why are you asking? -
- No reason, I'm Rose. Nice to meet you. Apologies, but I need to check in, my flight is soon - then she moved to the entrance, raised her hand, and waved - See you, maybe someday! - 
- Remove! my num..m..ber...- The last word he whispered slowly as she was gone already. 
For some reason, this situation was fascinating for him and he smiled while turning around and headed to the first taxi. 
He spoke with YiSeul later. She was in the hospital with her mom. Her health was not getting any better, and that made Kyungsoo upset but he needed to focus because today he had another busy day...and all week was the same. He was waking up and going to the JJ ENMT building, planning, writing, arranging, listening, recording, and planning again. He spoke with YiSeul every evening, In the daytime she was absorbed by work and her mom's condition. 
He then arrived in Yeonhui.
"Finally at home," he thought. It was evening, so the skies were covered in dark ink, and because of a rainy time, the clouds were covering all the stars. 
His fence and grass were in the same condition as he left. "She took care of this place". Then he opened the door, not even thinking about taking off his shoes, he just wanted to see her first. 
She was in the kitchen wearing an apron, a little dirty after cooking but that didn't matter. Nothing matters, as far as she's here. Her hair was tied in a top knot. The only makeup on her face was probably mascara. She lifted her soiled in sweet cake icing finger and licked it while raising her eyes to look at him. 
- Hey! - he ran to her and hugged her like he just found his long-lost treasure. 
- How's the flight? - she asked while hugging him back and patting his arm. 
- Easy, it's a short flight so I didn't even realize when we landed. How are things? All ok? How's mom? Sorry, that is the most important, is she feeling better? 
YiSeul looked into his eyes, it seemed she was constructing the best sentence to describe the situation. 
- She's back at home, it seems she just overworked, and her back is not standing this kind of pressure anymore -
Kyungsoo was speechless for a second. 
- So it's not life-threatening? -
- No, she fell down the stairs while doing housework. It's OK now - 
He asked himself, what was the reason for him to create the life-threatening sickness, was it something she said? Or he just added this part by himself, which is hard to accept, but now he can't remember what exactly she said about her mother's condition. Mom - hospital - bad well-being - this generated a story in his mind? Sounds like an absurd. Maybe he is just too sensitive, maybe he was asking for a situation where he can support YiSeul, the same as she was supporting him up until now? If that's the case, that is very selfish of him.But he still couldn't accept this possibily....
- I'm happy everything is fine now, was worried about your mom - 
YiSeul smiled slightly, took his hand, and led him to the set table, filled with tasty dishes and a big cake in turquoise color. 
- Wait! - he gave an order and ran straight to the shelf just above the sink, grabbed a red wine, and came back to the table with two wine glasses.
- Addition to the delicious food you have prepared - he hasn't tried it yet, obviously, but he missed her, and whatever she prepared he will appreciate. Then he gave her a kiss...going deeper as his deep feeling of longing. She put her hand on his back for a second, then suddenly she cut this precious moment with words: " Let's eat first, shall we? - smiled and sat down. 
"What's that? " he thought while standing still and watching her. "What is this feeling?" 
Why does her lips seems so unfamiliar today?
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[Reviews & Recaps]
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For reals, "Walk Through the Fire" has probably the most bone-chilling lyric set... by DiscussTek
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Best musical moment in the show excluding Once More With Feeling? by jdpm1991
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Beep Me Pod | 7.21 – "End of Days"
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The Order of Taraka is so lame by DiogenesClub91
Just finished my first ever watch of Buffy and (Buffy is my sister, my best friend) by lavenderspr1te
Why do you think they decided to include Amy commenting on Joyce’s death but not Riley in S6? by Simple-Formal-8588
Pop culture references in Buffy by UpstairsReasonable71
Buffy Summers appreciation thread hosted by Opening_Knowledge868
Hulu thumbnails are nothing but spoilers by bethdubv
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[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Older Buffy Books no longer on Kindle/ Amazon by Louzeyre
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