#why is everyone in star wars so fucking attractive but in completely different ways
piglet26 · 10 months
Reylo Scenes: TLJ
Rian Johnson gets loud vocal dislike for trying to make part 2 to JJ Adams film and his treatment of Luke Skywalker. Now I'm going to be honest..... Star Wars fans complain. That's part of the passion of it all. I guess. One area that he did succeed in was Reylo. He dealt with it with complete mastery. His invention of the forceskype or forcetime which allowed the protagonist and antagonist to actually talk was genius.
To add, I read the novelization which does expand on the story overall and it's great to read. There are comics as well. All which expand on the story.
Rian Johnson also is due a thank you for this moment.
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We'll call this no-more-daddies-Ren. That face should not be covered up.
Romance has always been apart of Star Wars. Yet, in the sequel trilogy there was this hyper paranoia of anything feminine and so anyone who sensed a romance happening I guess was just an unhealthy fool.
From a pure storytelling stand point, the dynamic between the hero and the villain is genuinely interesting. The fact that they are Ying Yang, alike but different, bonded yet on opposing sides and they attracted to one another only adds to the drama. It's the richest dynamic of the sequel trilogy.
So to all the Reylo haters
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In the first forcetime scene the rules of the forcetime get established. Rey can't hurt him physically (yet) and Ren can't jedi mind trick her.
The production team continued to show their balance yet opposition. When Rey wakes up the warm sunlight is on her face and her smooth cheek. In Ren's scene the light on his cheek is mechanical and the skin is scarred. Rey is surrounded by nature. Ren is surrounded by technology. They both have a childlike innocence to them. Something is happening to them that had never happened before. Something unique even amongst force users. Ren is curious. Rey is just pissed off.
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Ren is a man who feels very let down/betrayed by everyone in his life so by the time we meet him in The Force Awakens he doesn't want or need anybody. Within his comic Ben Solo is described as someone that everyone, including his peers, watched for signs of darkness. He's a bitter, hurt and jaded young man.
Rey is the denial queen. She has a childlike way of thinking that is purely optimistic. She latches onto people very quickly Finn, Han Solo, Chewie, Leia, Luke on and on. She understand the stories of the resistance, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, but doesn't understand any of the complexities. She's a very 'this is the truth as I know it so it must be the truth' kind of person.
When we arrive at the second Forcetime.
Rey overlooking the ocean. Ren overlooking the first order. Ren begins hearing the ocean waves. Rey begins to hear the snap of electricity. Ren sensing her turns and Rey, sensing him, adjusts and there they are.
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Rey, understand that she can't physically act out her anger against, verbalizes it. She's angry, but she wants the anger to be simple and it's not. He is tied to her in a way in some way.
What's interesting is Ren is very open to her in wondering why the force is connecting them. In the book Rey describes his eyes as hungry. Also, Ren wants to be understood by her. He uses this moment to reach her and get someone to understand a portion of how he became the man he is. The audience sees him approach her, get into her space, challenging her emotionally, physically and her ideas about him.
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"ah, you do" if it's possible to verbally create a orgasm....Adam driver accomplished it for women. It doesn't hurt that these two seem to always be eye fucking each other. The intensity in which they lock onto each other and don't pay much around them any mind. The actors writers dream of.
The scenes serves a purpose though. Kylo is once again shift from simple bad guy to complicated bad guy/human being. She doesn't know everything. In the mix of all of this is her experience with Luke. She disillusioned and she's disappointed with Luke. Her experience is shifting her to understand Kylo's position more.
Which leads to their third forceskype aka shirtless Ben
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Rey, girl, you're not asexual. It's the first where we see she does have a reaction to him physically. She opens herself to understanding. She wants to know if he had a good reason for killing his father. She also expresses her jealousy of him. He has a family, he had a father who loved him. She would give anything for that. Kylo is also expressing his pain and how relates to her. They both feel abandoned by their parents. Kylo wasn't abandoned in the way Rey was, but he feels abandoned. Kylo looks at Rey like 'hey you don't see the similarities between us?". You also being to understand Kylo Ren's need to embrace the dark side because everyone on the light side failed him.
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Part of her journey in The Last Jedi is about embracing her womanhood. After the force bond with the shirtless Kylo Ren. She goes to the dark sided vagina cave. She jumps in and when she emerges her childhood hair buns are gone. Rey enters in this vision and looks for answers as to who/where her parents are. Nothing is revealed to her. She didn't find the answers she was looking for and the hope that she will find them goes out of her. In this moment she's desperately lonely. Here our hero spiritually seeks out through the force bond the one individual she feels will relate to her, our villain.
Why do people call this scene "The Finger Touch Love Scene"
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Cause the level of intimacy these characters reach without many words and without being lewd. Rian Johnson, bravo!
The way Kylo Ren is just present, reassuring and nurturing as Rey relays her trip into the dark cave. This is a moment where he could stoke her negative emotions to the dark side. He doesn't though. He's completely emotionally present for her. Kylo Ren sits within his ship in a area that's lit with a soft blue light as he reaches towards her he's in the warm of the firelight. Now he is physically present for her.
Rey is completely raw. She's allowing herself to be seen emotionally naked. This is the first scene where she gives him something with free will. She gives him union.
She reaches out from underneath the blanket. He takes his glove off and they slowly, innocently, reach for each other. The eye contact they maintain as the force theme begins, we as the audience understand something profound is happening. Within them, in this moment, there is a balance in the force.
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They both have a vision of one another. Ren sees her past. Rey sees a glimpse of his future. This is the moment for Reylo, they both said to themselves "we're never letting this go". Rian Johnson confirmed it's from this moment that Ren decides to kill Snoke because that's the only way to protect Rey from him. Rey shift her belief system to complete Team Ben. She doesn't have a plan when she goes to meet Ben within the First Order. She just has complete faith in him that when the moment matters he'll stand by her.
We arrive at the elevator scene and just prior when she arrive onboard the supreme in a coffin from the Falcon that has his calligraphy on it. It's their first interaction after that intense force bond.
She expresses her faith in him and the possibility of a future. This is the first scene where she walks up on him. She wants that closeness and connection now. He's closed off we come to understand later, he's become he's protecting his mind from Snoke understanding his true intentions. They both express what they saw in their vision and conviction that one will join the other. It's canon that in this moment Kylo Ren wanted to kiss Rey.
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Snoke - It's not his story. Kylo Ren looked like a badass killing him. That's all we needed you for boo. However, I did enjoy the internal dialogue of Snoke that the novelization affords. Through the force Snoke can feel Kylo Ren's need for approval which is something that frustrates him. He can feel his conflicted nature for Rey and for the light. He can feel his pain and confusion when Snoke says he bridged their minds (he didn't). That was enlightening.
My favorite moment is right after Kylo kills Snoke and Rey and Kylo looks at each like
"You with me?"
"Yeah, I'm with you"
And they turn to face the pretorian guards. They are with each other, but they do have a misunderstanding on what that means.
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The fight scene is great and beautiful. Kylo Ren is a supportive partner to her and she to him. Kylo support her body with his and he takes on the majority of the Pretorian guards. He has a moment when he checks in on her, she get's hurt, he's upset and scared but then centers himself. When he's in trouble she supports him. It's described in the novel that they can feel each other's emotions through the force.
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(Couldn't find the gif of her getting cut)
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evolvingchaoswitch · 1 year
Scratches, Scars and Stars: Part 2
Rocket was looking down at your broken form as you laid in your room having been transferred from the medicine bay after you had been treated. It was less than two hours ago when you had slammed yourself into an exposed pipe thrusting it straight into your left shoulder with impressive force and flarkin lucky you didn’t end up puncturing a lung. Everything had happened so fast, you had bumped into Mantis, then that stupid message had been sent and you ran like you were being chased by bounty hunters before hurting yourself. Rocket tried to push the memory out of his mind of you being rapidly coloured by your own blood and how they almost didn’t make it to get medical attention because of where the ship was docked; new ship rule they now each carry basic first aid supplies.
Mantis had been hounded by the Guardians to explain what she felt when she touched you only giving the answer “They’re sick” before refusing to answer any more questions for everyone that wasn’t Rocket.
“So what the flarkin hell is wrong with them?” Rocket asked in his typical gruff voice but when you listened closer you could hear just the faint undercurrent of fear in his voice. Anyone with a functioning set of eyes or equivalent would be able to see just how upset Rocket was but he was trying to hide it, though was doing so poorly. All his muscles had been tensed, his ears pulled back and if you were able to look at his eyes you could see that corners were damp almost as if his eyes had been watering.
Mantis had smiled at him sadly before placing a hand on his shoulder “Better if I show you” before letting her powers seep into Rocket letting Rocket feel what she had felt from you.
Rocket was surprised with how familiar most of the emotions had felt to him as most of them were things that he felt himself. Your mind was just as unfriendly to you as his was to himself and he needed to know why. What happened to you on Terran to make the both of you so similar? Was this the reason he was attracted to you or was that the reason he stayed away because you might actually get him. Clutching his head in frustration, Rocket grabbed a medical scanner off the table before making his way back to your room to hopefully get some answers, sorting through feelings and emotions made him feel uncomfortable but going through scientific data points, that was his jam.
As he scanned you he was reminded of a major difference between you two, this scanner might help him to better understand you but would kill him. He cursed the High Evolutionary as he typically did when he was forced to remember the fact. When the scan was done Rocket started going over the information as you rested, Rocket was on the edge of hoping you’d wake up quickly and hoping you’d stay asleep so he could go over the information. It wasn’t pretty and Rocket wondered for the millionth time in his lifespan how Terra was so good at fucking people up without having galactic wars to help with that.
The frown on Rocket's face continued to deepen further as he went over the scanners results, how was it that some many of your neural pathways were damaged and why did it look like it started young. He had seen the ravages of poverty on other species during the Guardians travels through the galaxy but he wasn’t expecting it from you after Quill said that you grew up in a nicer country than him; the concept of countries still felt stupid to him, damn planeters. The levels of cortisol that still remained in your body even after being given relaxants was concerning, like your body couldn’t release stress like it needed a certain level to function; he put that on the growing list of things you both had in common. It was the levels of dopamine and serotonin that concerned him the most with levels this low your body probably had a host of chronic pain you didn’t talk about; like him. Your sleep patterns were probably completely out of sorts; like him. The levels most likely made it hard for you to do anything than feel the negatives in the world maybe more intensely than they actually were; just like him.
He knew the faces of the people that had pulled him apart and now he was desperate to know the faces of the people who pulled you apart just so he shove a blaster up their noses. His ears perked when he heard you rustle on the bed, looking over he could see a couple of tears leaking out of your eyes, so before he knew what he was doing he found himself beside your bed and in the process of stroking your head like Drax had done after Groot died. He watched as your head moved to meet the hand that was stroking your head, so he decided to test one more thing before drawing his own conclusions about you; the actual you. Rocket moved his hand slightly and watched as you tried to find where the source of comfort moving your head to reach for it; touch starved just like him.
You were both complementary opposites.
His trauma made him hurt others, yours made you hurt yourself and Rocket tried to swallow the feelings of guilt within himself that were bubbling to the surface, so he continued petting you. When you opened your eyes he was relieved then pained when he watched your eyes dilate in panic then fear, like you were expecting him to hurt you. Rocket was hoping the painkillers would help loosen your tongue so you both could get through the conversation you both needed but would rather avoid.
“Why’d you want to leave?” Rocket asked you softly as you finally came back to consciousness. It wasn't a tone that you were used to hearing from him nor was the soft look in his beautiful cognac coloured eyes.
After adjusting to the light in the room you stared at Rocket “You guys have Mantis back that’s the entire reason I was here remember to use my social sorcery. So I fulfilled my purpose on the ship, and was waiting for you guys to send me back. "You could feel the sides of your face begin to crease into a deep frown. Usually you’d tried to keep your less than pleasant emotions off your face but you really could give less of a shit right now. Right now everything about you pulsed painfully as you laid in the medicine bay, your head was the worst as the stress of this entire situation continued to consume you even outshining the anxiety that was swimming through your brain freely.
“Why the fuck would you think that?” The anger out drowned out the shock in his voice, why the flark would you think that you were some one use item for them to use then discard. The ghosts of similar memories flooded into his head where he was the one saying the stupid bullshit and he batted those thoughts away to focus on you. Rocket watched as your lips transformed into a cruel smirk across your face, your pupils narrowing to fine points as your irises held a biting cold to them as you glared at him.
“I don’t know after all I’m just the Terran that doesn’t know anything about space, and who gets to feel like a fucking idiot every time I come across something I don’t immediately get and you all roast me like this is common knowledge as if this isn’t my first time to the stars. This just wasn’t a good placement for me”
Rocket winced a bit at the harsh words, they had been doing that. It was the way they interacted with each other. It was sometimes hard to remember that you were fresh to space with how well you dealt with culture shock for everything that wasn’t technology related. He decided to put a pin in that thought for now “Placement”? He echoed back to you. The bitterness in what you said next was jarring to Rocket and uncomfortably familiar.
“I know I’m a stray that��s my fucking roll in life. People like to integrate me into their lives to fill a gap in relationships, they enjoy some novelty about my existence but soon enough the stray get released back and I get to add another experience to my abandonment issues”
Rocket stayed silent as he watched you roll away from his gaze “I just want to be alone with my broken brain” Rocket could smell the renewal of tears that were undoubtedly trailing down your face as he made the decision to sit on the bed with you and try some of that empathy shit that Mantis did. “Why don’tcha talk about it, I mean I’m not great but Quills decent”
“How could I to any of you, when your trauma is so much bigger than mine and mine is a statistic”
Rockets fur bristled “Why the fuck would that matter” “People have made it matter” You had tried to reach out to people of similar situations before and found yourself shut out one space after another since you didn’t rank high enough in their fucked up trauma hierarchy. You felt Rocket continue to pat your head, you didn’t have enough energy to move but you also didn’t want to move from the comforting touch. You swallowed thickly, your mouth suddenly dry before asking “Why did you leave, was it because I was terrible?” a few more tears leaked down the sides of your face and you couldn’t stand how pathetic you sounded but you hated not knowing more.
“No you were amazing” Rocket moved your head so you had to maintain eye contact when he spoke “You just hit some buttons that I didn’t know I had” You were fairly sure that Rocket was blushing and that made you feel a bit better.
“Why do you care? Most of the time before we had sex you’d seem to avoid me, you didn’t ever seem to trust me”
“It wasn’t because of anything you did wrong Kit” your heart skipped a beat at the pet name he had given to you during the incident “You were able to calm me down during times I didn’t want to be calm. When my head was fuzzy with rage you knew what to say like it happens to you”. You didn’t say anything “It is the same isn’t it” Rocket asked you with surprising softness and he could just barely hear you when you replied “Yes”.
You both sat there in silence for a moment both keeping eye contact with the other before Rocket spoke “I have a plan”
“Oh?” You were curious about what he had come up with in this short time, you were too tired to do anything but listen right now anyway.
“You seem to be shit at taking care of yourself” You snorted at the understatement of the year before waiting for him to finish “And I’m shit at taking care of myself so let’s switch”
You tilted your head to the side “What?”
“You’re really good at taking care of others but don’t really give a shit about what happens to yourself as seen in the lack of technology in your boots” Rocket felt as you briefly tried to pull your head away from the uncomfortable topic, and he would not let you do that but he made sure he was being gentle while restricting you from turning away from the topic.
“And I’m still in the bad habit of letting my brain do the talking when rage got my brain walkin, you know what I mean?”
You let out a weak chuckle, he was trying but you could tell this was hard for him to do.
“So you keep helping me with the calm down stuff and I’ll help you with the will to live stuff, a’ight? He sounded nervous but he looked at ease when he saw the smile slowly start picking up on the corners of your mouth so he added what he thought you needed most “I’m sorry I helped make you feel unwanted” You didn’t know how to respond at that moment so you settled on placing a gentle kiss on top of his forehead you always felt that forehead kisses meant more somehow, like someone was trying to show affection to your brain directly.
“If we have sex again you can’t leave without cuddling first, no after care mean no crazy BDSM style sex”
Rockets ears perked up “So sex is still on the table” He couldn’t keep the tone of cocky pride out of his voice and you couldn’t help but let out a giggle.
“I still like you Rocket that’s why it hurt so much when you left, I don’t do one night stands I need to know the person and how some kind of bond with them before I let myself enjoy myself”
Rocket was silent again so you continued “I’ll accept the offer if you can accept that my progress is going to be slow for awhile and I’ll probably backtrack a bunch”
Rocket snorted “I do that shit all the time hoping you’ll help me with that”
You smiled softly “I accept your offer Rocket”
Rocket’s face broke into a wide smile “Good I’m going to give you a kiss now” seeing that you had no objections Rocket laid a soft tender kiss on your lips without any of the sexual connotations that the last kiss had. He surprised you by placing another kiss on your forehead and that was when you knew things would eventually be ok.
This took awhile to write and I hope you enjoyed the ending. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue posting stories but I do have more ideas for this story and a few other OC's. If you enjoyed this story please let me know in whichever way you feel comfortable to show.
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merakiaes · 3 years
Captain Jealous - William Lennox
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Pairing: William Lennox x reader
Requested: By @neemonroe​
Prompts: #20, #41, #42 from the smut-list. 
Warnings/notes: Takes place before Transformers. Not proofread so sorry in advance for any mistakes. Might be a little bit OOC but I still hope you’ll enjoy it. Please reblog and comment, it would make my day <3 
Wordcount: 3806
Summary: Flirting with Will only seems to result in annoyance, but when you finally turn your attention elsewhere, he’s not very pleased. 
Growing up, your mother had always told you to be the kind of woman that, when your feet hit the floor each morning, the Devil says, “oh crap, she’s up”. 
You lived by those words every day of your life, not once backing down from a fight, always standing up for what was right, as well as holding your own and never giving up on getting the things you wanted.
To most, you were one of the strongest and most admirable women they’d ever gotten the pleasure of meeting, but to others… well, let’s just say that you might have taken your mother’s words a bit too literally.
You were absolutely relentless when you put your mind to something and one of the many people who had fallen victim to that stubbornness was William Lennox.
Having enrolled in the army around the same time and being equally as good at what you did both back in training and in the field, the two of you had always respected each other and rather than being competitive, tried your best to lift each other up.
If one of you took control of a situation and started shouting out orders, the other didn’t question it, not even when Will eventually passed you in ranks. Because your minds worked in the exact same ways and so it didn’t really matter who gave the orders since the orders would be the same in the end, anyway, no matter whose lips they passed.
But you did differ in the way that Will much preferred to keep his personal life separated from his professional life, while you had a habit of letting them merge together, which inevitably resulted in you bringing the obvious attraction you felt for him with you out on the field.
Will was one of the people who thought you had taken your mother’s advice a bit too literally. That was what he told you on a daily basis as a response to your endless flirting, at least. But you knew better; you knew that he, at least to some extent, reciprocated your attractions, thanks to the few moments you had shared back in training.
“It was all fun and games back then”. He liked to say in that stern, military voice he had picked up the second he was promoted to Captain. “But this is the real deal. This is serious, and this, this thing you’re doing, is unprofessional.”
Ever the workaholic soldier, he was, at this point basically having dedicated his entire life to the job with no time to spare for fun. But no matter how hard he tried denying it, you knew that the two of you shared something, and so did every other member of your squad.
The only ones who seemed completely clueless to this were the newbies and as you gradually lost hope that your stubborn captain would ever admit and give in to his feelings, you found it to be a breath of fresh air to be able to spend time with people who weren’t constantly making suggestive remarks and fueling the attraction from your side.
One, in particular, caught your eye; tall, dark and handsome. He had yet to gain more muscle than the bare minimum and was, admittedly, kind of lanky. He was one year younger than you which was way too young seeing as you’d otherwise not even go for guys the same age as you, but he had banter and shared your flirty, dirty, cheeky sense of humor which, most definitely, made up for what he lacked in life-experience.
Will had smugly watched all of the newbies try to make a move on you only to be shot down quicker than your enemies, but then the last of the soldiers had swept up by your side, put a long, lean arm over your shoulders, and hit you with the cheesiest pick-up line he had ever heard. 
“How you doing, mama? You must be a parking ticket, ‘cuz you got fiiine written all over you.”
While Epps, Fig and the rest of the team broke out into laughter at the man’s poor technique, Will’s face transformed from smug to stone-cold murderer. 
Why? Because he knew that you didn’t want a man to tell you the stars reflected in your eyes or that you took their breath away with your beauty.
What you wanted was someone who could make you laugh, and when you threw your head back and joined in on the seemingly endless laughing fit, he was overtaken by a feeling so strong that he didn’t quite know what to do with himself.
And you noticed the change of demeanor immediately. The long, hard stares were only the tip of the iceberg, as was the way he would move closer to you and find a way to touch you as much as he possibly could without making it inappropriate or suspicious. 
The most extreme part of his change in behavior was how hard and strict he suddenly became with the rookie, who had quickly earned himself the reputation of your very own lapdog. 
He got scolded even for the most insignificant of mistakes, always got put on parade as the “example” in exercises in which he was usually thrown to the ground by Will himself and totally and completely humiliated.
Of course, those moments were just poor thinking on Will’s part seeing as you, besides being incredibly flirty and witty, also happened to be one of the most caring members of the team. 
Not only did he have to watch you laugh until your stomach hurt at the rookie’s bad jokes, but he also had to watch you comfort and reassure him after his one-on-one’s with the Captain.
And still, Will couldn’t stop himself from making the same mistake again and again, the consequences every time being that he was stuck watching you fuss over the younger soldier, because no matter how much it vexed him, he knew that you knew why he was acting the way he was. 
It was all a game to you and he played along because he wanted to keep showing you that he was the better option. Unluckily for the rookie, though, Will’s method of showing dominance was through physical contact.
You knew what Will was doing, how he was trying to punish the rookie, mildly and legally, of course, while simultaneously trying to show you that he was displeased with what was going on; that he wanted it to stop.
To a start, you only showed interest in the rookie to fuck with Will, but you quickly realized that he was actually a fun guy to hang around.
You enjoyed spending time with him. Not a second with him went without laughter and it was nice to be able to have fun like that for a change, and soon enough, you’d more or less forgotten about the silent war between the two of you.
You probably knew that it wasn’t a real interest, judging by the way you didn’t even care enough to remember his name, but it was fun to have another banter-buddy.
You’d had an identical friendship with Epps since the start, but two people could only keep the creativity up for so long; after a while, you just couldn’t come up with witty remarks and sarcastic jokes, anymore.
Up until then, Will had still kept his disapproval about the whole thing lowkey, because as long as you were only doing what you were doing to make him jealous, you were still interested. 
But when you started making moves on the rookie with genuine interest, without looking over at Will while doing it, it was no longer a game. 
While already on the topic of games, you were completely useless when it came to cards. It didn’t matter what game you played; you’d always end up as the loser. And although you enjoyed the banter that followed the teasing of your poor card-playing abilities, your patience wasn’t endless.
“Alright, I’m calling it.” You chuckled after losing the fifth game of the evening, dropping your thick deck of cards onto the table in front of you.
“Really? But it was going so good for you.” Epps wasted no time in firing back with feign-surprise, to which all you did was deliver a sharp slap to his head.
The table broke out into laughter. “You had that coming.” Fig shook his head, successfully starting a metaphorical war. 
You chuckled at their antics and pushed back your chair, getting to your feet and stretching your arms above your head.
“I’m gonna take a shower.” You said, and wasted no time in starting to collect your things.
The rookie’s attention was instantly piqued, and so was Will’s, who had been playing in silence nearly the entire time you’d been there.
“You know, I need to shower, too.” He stated, shrugging his shoulders with a smirk. “So, I should probably join you. You know, save water. Provide some extra heat.”
“Oh, yeah?” You raised a playful eyebrow and chuckled. “Tempting offer, but I’ll have to take a raincheck on that. Glad to know I have options, though. Maybe next time.”
Without waiting for his reply, you snatched your jacket from a nearby stool and playfully flicked his forehead, before turning around and walking away, completely oblivious of the pairs of eyes that kept watching you from the table you had just left.
You went about your shower routine like you always did; get undressed, wash hair, wash body, turn off the water in-between washes, get dried and get dressed again. Sharing the water with so many people could be hard, so you couldn’t really take the long, thoughtful showers you did when at home.
You were out again as quickly as you had gotten in and took your time getting lotioned and dressed, getting as much self-care into your night as you possibly could when at a military base.
“What are you doing with the new kid?”
You should’ve been significantly more aware of your surroundings as a soldier but in your defense, everyone dropped their guard to some extent when in a safe environment, so the scream that came out of your mouth at the sudden sound of a voice was completely justified.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” You swore as you jumped around, hastily reaching for your damp towel to cover your bare chest.
Coming face to face with a furious-looking Will, you glared. “Knock much?”
He didn’t look amused in the slightest, crossing his arms over his chest. “Knock, knock. Answer my question.”
Your mouth snapped shut at the dominance behind his voice and your eyes instinctively flickered to his biceps, veins and muscle more defined than ever in the way he had positioned his arms.
You were, however, proud to say that you were quick to come back to your senses, your eyes snapping back to meet his.
“Do you, maybe, oh, I don’t know, want to turn around?” You asked sarcastically with a raised eyebrow.
If you wanted him to turn around to gain privacy for yourself or simply because you couldn’t stop glancing at his bulging biceps, you didn’t know, but no matter the reason behind your wish, he didn’t move an inch.
“Answer the question.” Was all that he said, and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m just having a bit of fun.”
“Do you like him?” His questions kept shooting out as quickly as bullets and, again, you couldn’t refrain from rolling your eyes.
“He’s fun to be around.” You said simply, giving him a slightly annoyed glare before turning around and dropping the towel to continue getting dressed.
Will didn’t even try to cover the fact that he was checking you out, eyes shamelessly traveling your form and taking his sweet time to remember all the details his eyes could reach. 
It wasn’t like this was the first time one of you saw the other only partly clothed – you know, it was kind of inevitable for all of you to catch a glimpse of each other’s birthday suits once every blue moon - so once the shock of his sudden appearance had melted off, the nervousness followed.
“But do you like-like him?”
At the sound of that question in particular, you couldn’t help but snort.
“What is this? Third grade?” You threw him an amused look over your shoulder. “Say that I do like-like him, do you think I should ask Epps if he can give him a note asking him to check yes or no on whether or not he’d like to be my boyfriend?” You gave him a sarcastic pout.
At this point, Will was completely fed up with your inability to take anything seriously and spun you around by your arm. 
Luckily, you had just finished hooking your bra behind your back, said bra thankfully covering your chest from his view.
“Can you not make a joke about everything?” He asked, your wrist firmly held in his hand. “You have to realize how bad this looks to our superiors. First me, and now him. You can’t go around flirting with everyone. It makes you look unprofessional and uncommitted and that, in turn, makes it look like I can’t do my job.”  
“Is that really what’s got your big-soldier-boy panties in a twist, though?” You narrowed your eyes challengingly, and slowly fought your wrist out of his grip to, instead, grab a hold of his hand.
Further proving your point, he did nothing to protest, the glare remaining in his eyes, but the rest of his face being overtaken by exasperation.
“I just don’t get it.” He said. “You spend all this time pushing my buttons, being completely insufferable with your never-ending flirting, and now you’re suddenly interested in someone else?”
“I think the real question here is why you’re suddenly interested when I’ve spent so much time trying to get your attention to no avail and now, what? You suddenly want me because I might be interested in someone else?” You raised an eyebrow, and couldn’t deny the flash of heat going through your body when he lowly growled.
“I’ve never not wanted you.” He objected. “And you’re not interested in the rookie.”
“How would you know?”
“Because I know you.”
“So what you’re saying is, basically, that you can’t be with me, but I also can’t be interested in anyone else.”
“We both know that relationships in this work are highly frowned upon and-“
“Highly frowned upon, but not forbidden. You’ve still had the option to choose, and you actively chose not to act on it. Just making that clear.”
“I haven’t acted on it because it’s wrong.”
“If it’s so wrong…” You started, a sharp shiver going down your spine as your bare back hit the cold, wet tiles. “Then why did you just corner me in the shower?”
During that short minute of back-and-forth arguing, he had done just that, the two of you now standing chest against chest in the darkest corner of the room.
Your face was pulled into a determined glare, as was his, and the tension and intensity behind your shared stare was enough to have all of the previously discussed issues forgotten in less than a microsecond.  
The proximity between you in combination with the fact that you were at an obvious disadvantage in height and size made you feel both hot and cold at the same time. You felt like prey under his stare. You found yourself liking it all the while you were hating the feeling of being so powerless, and your inner conflict only added to the tension.
“You have no idea how much willpower it’s taken me to keep resisting you, to keep turning you down.” He spoke slowly, and lowly. “Each of my thoughts about you are improper and you put all of those thoughts into my head every day, pulling my strings, pushing my buttons, just walking around being… you.”
In one smooth motion, he intertwined his fingers with yours, and your eyes automatically flickered down to watch your now joined-together digits; rough and calloused meeting even rougher and more calloused.
“I like you. I care about you. More than I should.” He continued, prompting you to look back up with an eyebrow raised.
“What do you want me to say?” He asked, exasperated and impatient. “Do you want me to say that I want to be with you? Because I do. I. Want. To. Be. With. You.”
You snickered at his over-dramatic emphasizing, finding it nothing short of amusing that he’d been protesting and telling you how wrong it was only seconds before, and now he was more or less proclaiming his love for you. That, more than anything, just showed how stubborn he was.
“Took you long enough.” You mused, leaning your head back into the wall and smirking, all while looking him straight in the eye. “It’s just too bad that I’ve grown so fond of the rookie. You know, he’s quite-“
Before you could finish your sentence, you were interrupted by Will’s lips crashing into yours, roughly and urgently. In the process, you were pushed even further into the wall behind you, and as the sudden force threw you off balance, you instinctively reacted by moving your arms up to his neck to hold yourself in place.
In return, his hands moved to each side of your waist, big, warm hands squeezing down on the flesh that had long ago turned cold from being bare in the nippy air for so long.
You had always imagined what it would feel like to be touched by him like this, but not even your wildest imagination could compare to the intensity of the tingles that spread through your stomach and chest.
Your hands slowly sneaked up the back of his neck, your body reacting automatically, but just as you were about to tousle your fingers in his hair, the moment ended when he pulled away.
Both of you were left panting in silence, the only sounds available for your ears to hear being your ragged breaths and the rhythmic dripping of the shower beside you.
“Wow, Captain.” You were the first one to speak. “I knew you were hot for me, but try to keep it in your pants. That was hardly professional.”
Just like that, your sarcastic persona returned as if it had never left in the first place, your eyes opening after having been closed up until then and meeting his with a playful grin.
A deep chuckle rumbled through his chest. “I’m pretty sure you threw professional straight out the window the first time we met.” He pointed out and much to your dismay, stepped back. “Are you going to stop encouraging the rookie, now?”
Getting straight to the point, okay.
“I don’t know…” You shrugged casually, bringing your hand up to your face to inspect your nails and peeking up at him through your lashes with a devilish smirk. “Jealousy looks kinda good on you.”
“I’m not jealous!” He exclaimed quickly, and you immediately raised an eyebrow as a way to say ‘really?’
“I’m not jealous.” He repeated, this time in a lower, calmer tone. “It’s just, you’re mine.”
Those two words alone were enough to make you inwardly groan, like one would when eating that first scoop of ice cream after not having been able to eat any in a week. Or a day.
But in a brave attempt to not make a fool of yourself, you remained in your teasing element, raising your eyebrows and hitting him back with a feign-uncaring: “Is that so?”
To that, he stepped closer to you once again, brought his hands up to cradle your cheeks, and playfully glared.
“Stop flirting with the rookie.” He repeated.
“Is that an order?” You asked.
“I’m asking politely.” He lied.
“Hmmm….” You hummed, pretending to think only for a moment, before flashing him a shit-eating grin. “No. I’m having way too much fun watching you squirm.”
Still leaning against the wall, you carefully pushed yourself up, pushed your chest against his and watched in success as his eyes flickered down.
Taking your sweet time, you brought your hands up to his chest with agonizingly slow movements and leaned your head up to his.
His breath shook as you brushed your lips over his and whispered against them lowly. 
“You’re hot when you’re mad.”
Will pushed his head forward with obvious intentions, but before he could press his lips against yours, you slid out of the tight corner, resulting in him having to catch himself on the wall left behind.
With a proud smile, you walked over to the bench by which you had previously been working on getting dressed and snatched your shirt where it laid.
“You’ll drive me crazy before all this is over, you know that?” Will spoke from behind you, which only made your smile widen.
Quickly pulling on your shirt and collecting the rest of your things, you turned around and walked back up to him where he still stood in the shower.
“That’s always been the plan.” You replied simply, placing a quick peck to the corner of his mouth before once again turning around and walking away, this time leaving him completely alone in the room.
He had to take a few moments to collect himself and regain his composure, and by the time he walked back out, you were nowhere in sight. 
With only you on his mind, he headed back to the table where the rest of the team were still playing cards, and sat down in the chair he had occupied before leaving.
“So, now that it’s just us here, I could use some advice on-“ The rookie wasted no time, but didn’t get to finish.
“You couldn’t handle her even if she came with instructions, kid.” Will interrupted without even looking at him, reading his mind without struggle since the person of his interest was one they had in common.
Growing up, your mother had always told you to be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the Devil says, “oh crap, she’s up”. 
You lived by those words every day of your life, not once backing down from a fight, always standing up for what was right, as well as holding your own and never giving up on getting the things you wanted.
To some, this was an admirable quality while, to others, you might have taken your mother’s words a bit too literally.
When it came to Will? Well, he just had nothing bad to say about you. You might’ve gotten on his nerves ninety-nine percent of the time, and been completely and utterly insufferable, but God did he love it.
Taglist: let me know if you want to be tagged in any future Will Lennox fics!
617 notes · View notes
jyndor · 4 years
Rogue One Meta: Bookends
You know what I love about Rogue One? Well, a lot of things. The anti-fascist message, the characters, the found family trope, the soundtrack, how pretty the whole movie is... there is just too much to like about it. But one thing that really gets me going is how neatly the movie ties in its beginning with its ending.
Let’s do a recap.
So in the beginning, we skip the usual Star Wars crawl and get straight into the action: little Jyn runs to her parents, the family packs up what little they can grab, Lyra calls Saw to alert him to Krennic's approach, Galen asks Jyn to tell him that she understands that whatever he does it is all to protect her. She says she does (she doesn't, of course; she’s EIGHT) and they hug it out. Lyra takes Jyn off to go hide in their little bunker before she changes her mind, she gives Jyn the kyber necklace and then leaves Jyn to try to save Galen, etc etc. I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.
We all know that when Lyra tells Krennic that he will "never win" and is killed while shooting Krennic, Jyn sees it. We know that Jyn hides in the bunker for a long time, long after her lantern dies out, until Saw is able to rescue her.
We know this just as well as we know how the movie ends: Krennic finds Jyn on the top of the tower, she knows she is about to die so she tells him that she brings her parents' revenge, that he has lost and he snarls at her, monologues like a villain always has to do, aims his blaster and-
Cassian shoots him before he can pull the trigger. Jyn transmits the Death Star plans, Cassian stops her from wasting time on Krennic, they definitely don’t make out on the elevator, and then they go sit on the beach and cuddle while they wait for their deaths. It’s very cute and very sad.
We know that Jyn is Galen and Lyra's weapon, their revenge for the violence that Krennic did to them personally as well as for what the Empire has done to the galaxy. It's personal and political, as most things are. Rogue One makes this very clear - the personal is political (btw the radfem who coined that phrase can get fucked tyvm).
It’s actually always been how Star Wars works. We would care about Alderaan’s destruction, it’s a terrible thing, but we feel so much more connected to it because of Leia. The Empire oppresses every day people, but when we see Owen and Beru’s charred corpses (and Luke’s grief) we feel more about their deaths than if we didn’t just see them sitting down for a meal together with our protagonist. The Clone Wars is so effective because we care about the characters and see the war through their eyes. Politics is personal.
At the beginning, Galen is resigned to being taken by Krennic and working for the Empire against his will. It's why he sends Lyra and Jyn to safety, because he knows that they will be used as hostages to force him to complete the Death Star (and Lyra says as much). But Lyra obviously isn't willing to give her husband up without a fight (and she's also not willing to let the Empire get any closer to building a 9/11 times 100). It’s both political and personal.
Lyra’s heartbreaking act of resistance creates the narrative framework for who Jyn will become in the film but also for Cassian. In fact I would argue that Lyra's fridging sacrifice is just as important to the structure of Cassian's arc as it is to Jyn's. Don't buy it yet? Okay, look:
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Lyra hits Krennic in the shoulder but it's just a graze, and she gets shot first so whether or not she's any good is irrelevant. Cassian is a soldier and a sniper. She also doesn't have the element of surprise on her side like Cassian does. She's a civilian, he's an officer who grew up in the rebellion.
But Cassian doesn't hit Krennic in the chest or the head, which he clearly could do. Perhaps it's because he doesn't have the time to fuss with his aim because he makes it up to the top of the tower just in time. Or maybe since he's really hurting, like Lyra, he doesn't have the focus that he'd need to kill the motherfucker.
Cassian hits Krennic in the shoulder just like Lyra (although I assume given how Krennic falls on his face it's not a graze).
Lyra walks so that Cassian can run.
None of them - not Jyn or Cassian, certainly not Galen or Lyra - gets to kill Krennic; none of them matters as much to Krennic as Krennic himself does. He's a textbook narcissist, so of course he is his own downfall in the end. It’s infinitely more satisfying to see him regain consciousness, look up at his creation and watch it aim at his head, and it would be to see Jyn or Cassian kill him. Cassian gets to tell Jyn what Lyra no doubt would have liked to tell Galen - "leave it" - and then walk away arm in arm without sparing Krennic another thought, and Jyn gets to finally outgrow this childhood phantom.
So much has been written about how Cassian Andor does not let Jyn Erso down. It's adorable, hilarious and also heartbreaking to see him in full Jyn Panic mode for most of the film. In the novel he's clearly attracted to her (he is a POV character so we get to read about Cassian's fixation on her need~ and how "neither pity nor pragmatism" explains why he's saves her on Jedha, and how when he looks at Galen, Cassian sees Jyn's eyes lmfao okay we get it she’s pretty). According to Chris Weitz and Gary Whitta (in the ign Rogue One commentary) they were originally more romantic but over time that dynamic got dialed back (and they said they're sure some of that got filmed so show me tHE ELEVATOR TAPES MOUSE).
But I don't think Lyra and Cassian mirroring each other has to mean Cassian loves Jyn in the same way that Lyra loves Galen. Love takes many different forms - even romantic love. What isn't up for debate is that Cassian is the only person in Jyn's whole life who does not leave her behind. No one who cares for her wants to leave her - not Galen, Lyra, or Saw; not the Pontas in the extended content, not even the rest of Rogue One - but Cassian seems to comes back from the dead for her.
Which is exactly what Krennic sarcastically says about Lyra when she comes running up to them.
In this case Galen doesn’t think Lyra is dead but he has no idea what she’s dealing with. He hopes she’s hiding away with Jyn, which is why he tells Krennic that she died, but he’s just giving them time to hide away. For Galen, Lyra might as well be dead because he doesn’t think he’s going to see her again. But when she comes “back from the dead” he feels horror because he knows it won’t end well, that she won’t just go quietly.
Jyn thinks that Cassian has left her just like everyone else. So when he comes back, it’s like a revelation for her. In the novel, Jyn thinks that Cassian looks "as beautiful as anyone" she has "ever known" and after she rushes over to transmit the plans, she smiles up at him "like a child." Hell, the minute she sees Krennic get shot, she thinks that “her nightmare is over.” Which makes me think about how eight year old Jyn never gets the chance to smile up at Lyra like that. In her eyes, Lyra doesn't really protect her from the man in white, and neither does Galen. Saw does but then he abandons her when he worries people will use her as a hostage against the Empire. Galen, Lyra and Saw do try to protect Jyn from the Empire, but the steps that her parents take (all three of them) are to hide her, or to leave her.
In Jyn's eyes, that isn't protection the way going on the offense is. That is also the thesis of her speech to the Council - appeasement and hiding away from evil does not stop evil from harming innocents, these are not ways in which people can resist occupation and oppression long term. It makes sense coming from a former insurgent; to her, nothing but direct action is going to make a difference. And she would know - after Saw leaves her, she does take part in some minor actions (according to the expanded lore) but mainly she’s in hiding, looking out for herself and coping with the trauma of being abandoned by all of her parents.
So the one person who not only gets her mission off the ground, but who also vanquishes this monster who has been haunting her since her childhood is Cassian. He ends what Lyra begins.
But Jyn doesn’t end what Galen started. She continues what he started, just like Bodhi (who basically functions as Galen’s adoptive son you will not convince me otherwise). I started this essay talking about beginnings and endings in the sense of a story’s structure, but Rogue One in the larger context of Star Wars is neither a beginner nor an ending - it is just one generation (that of the prequels) passing on the torch to the next generation (the original trilogy). In politics there are no beginnings or endings, there is just (hopefully) generational progress in struggles.
The whole movie can be summed up in one scene:
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But just because it can be summed up that way doesn’t mean it should be. Of course, John Knoll got the idea for the movie based on the scroll in ANH so it makes sense that Rogue One’s characters ultimately are just a footnote for the rest of the galaxy. But for us, the audience, when Luke destroys the Death Star... well, now there is even more weight to that moment. Now we understand what got sacrificed to get those plans, who died and how and why. (That doesn’t mean we need to make a movie about these guys getting butchered by Darth Vader. You don’t need to explain everything.)
Like Leia and Alderaan, this family we meet makes it even more personal. Rogue One is just as much about family as it is about standing up to oppression. It's a Star War, those are like the main tenets of any Star War. Not to quote a meme and make it serious, but maybe the real Star War is the family we found along the way.
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chimmyrockbison · 4 years
MASTERLIST Updated 03/20/2021
COMPLETED AO3 FICS [Kim Taehyung/Park Jimin]
1. The Sound of Your Heart
Summary: There was something so easy about it, it was almost scary. Taehyung didn’t want to feel this way, didn’t want to feel this overwhelming fondness; but not unlike his head, his heart was hard to persuade once it had decided a path. And Taehyung was scared that it had decided on the mute new boy with pretty features and a warm smile.
Words: 144,014
2. All the King's Men
Summary: Castle servants Jimin and Taehyung find themselves involved in a game with the Crown Prince.
Words: 52,531
3. golden haze
Summary: Taehyung watches Jimin’s mouth twist into a pout, forming the word ‘fucking’ with his thick lips before he’s whipping out his translation device again. Taehyung doesn’t have time to stop him when various pornographic images pop up on his holographic screen, Jimin’s eyes widening with intrigue, his mouth falling open at the suggestive images in front of him.
(or: lonely college student taehyung harbors an alien fugitive in his apartment. nothing goes as planned.)
Words: 34,850
4. Drag'on Together (Love Is Its Own Magic)
Summary: “I swear to God, Taehyung if you stop to pick up one more rock because you think it might be some sort of rare stone, I’m leaving you here,” Jimin huffs as he tries to sound intimidating.
“Jiminnie, we both know you wouldn’t survive a minute without me, so stop with the empty threats, okay?” Taehyung replies, happily ignoring his dark-haired friend.
Jimin would argue, he would, if it wasn’t for the fact that Taehyung was right.
The time Taehyung and Jimin finds a blue rock and it turns out to be so much more.
Words: 30,554
5. even the weariest river
Summary: It's moments like this that make Taehyung panic. The open derision on each courtier's face, the scorn of his brother as he turns from his prey. The slit of Park Jimin's eyes, just barely open and dark and hateful, as Taehyung swallows and squares his shoulders and says—
"I want to claim him."
The tides of war change, and sweep Taehyung and Jimin along with them.
Words: 152,979
6. i fell in love with the pizza delivery guy (and then i blew him in the bathroom)
Summary: Send your best delivery guy. Preferably cute, preferably packing.
“You're the one who ordered me,” Taehyung says. Not exactly a question; more of a statement.
“Well, I ordered pizza; you just happen to be a delightful bonus,” Jimin clarifies, lips drawn up in a smirk that sets Taehuyung’s blood on fire in a most delectable way. “Although, had I known a pretty face like yours was working there...maybe I would have been more specific with my instructions. At least I know for next time.”
(or, Jimin orders pizza and a little something extra, and Taehyung delivers without really knowing what he's signing up for)
Words: 18,438
7. Grand Jeté
Summary: Refusing to spend another night alone, Taehyung surprises his perfectionist of a boyfriend Jimin at his dance studio with the intent of dragging him home. But their pent-up emotions from spending time apart has the visit ending with a lot of kissing and a little experimenting.
Words: 8,200
8. Already Midnight
Summary: On New Year's Eve, Taehyung is drunk. So drunk that he doesn't recognize Jimin as his boyfriend. When Jimin kisses him at midnight, Taehyung threatens to call his man- aka Jimin.
Words: 3,951
9. Worth The Risk
Summary: The rules are simple: no kissing on the lips, no petnames, no cuddling after sex, no sleepovers, no labels, and no catching feelings.
It should be simple. In fact, it would be simple, if it weren’t for one tiny thing...Taehyung is pretty sure he’s in love with Jimin. And that’s absolutely against the rules.
Words: 23,645
10. Common Ground
Summary: Taehyung is rich, a little bit bratty, a lot a bit spoiled, and failing calculus. Jimin works full time, tutors, and is a straight-A student. There's a rulebook somewhere that states very clearly that people like Jimin should never associate with people like Taehyung. But rules are meant to be broken. And opposites always, always attract.
Words: 44,136
11. This is not a dream
Summary: He would think they were ships in the night if not for the fact that every night, Jimin lays his head in Taehyung’s lap and Taehyung runs fingers without nerve endings through his hair. If they didn't have this false, teasing closeness long enough to learn every detail of each other's lives, long enough that Jimin is the person Taehyung spends the most time with by a mile.
(Jimin leaves. Two months later, he falls in love with Taehyung.)
Words: 12,370
12. Shooting Stars and Silver Moons
Summary: Yoongi and Jimin make a bet, Taehyung makes bad decisions.
(Or: "I'm kind of pissed you didn't choose me to fake date, I'm your best friend")
Words: 20,206
13. the whole world is blue
Summary: Taehyung is not going to confess. That kind of thing never ends well. The movies are wrong. It doesn't always turn out to be mutual. Real life isn't so romantic like that.
Words: 10,829
14. Swipe Right
Summary: As a best friend, Jimin will do anything for Taehyung. This includes being his fake boyfriend to ward off the unwanted attention Taehyung is receiving after using a dating app and agreeing to meet someone.
Words: 26,085
15. Define Me in Terms of You
Summary: This is either Taehyung's greatest idea, or his worst.
“So, let me get this straight. You want me to teach you how to play guitar, join a fake band and enter a competition just so that you can impress a guy you like?"
Words: 9,808
16. i just adore you asking for more
Summary: Taehyung is a successful model looking for a discreet release. Jimin is a professional dom who won’t judge his browsing history.
Words: 90,201
17. Sirius
Summary: "Dude, our entire relationship could be an Ed Sheeran album."
Words: 16,955
18. it's your heart i wanna live (& sleep) in
Summary: The first time Jimin sleeps over at Taehyung's, it's an emergency. The other times after? That's a different story.
Words: 22,658
19. kissing up on fences (and up on walls, i don't want to fall)
Summary: They’ve always been close, Taehyung and Jimin. Where one went, it would be rare to see them without the other. This is a fact Namjoon knows better than most, having coexisted with them in close quarters for such a long time.
Namjoon had not, however, for all his proclaimed wisdom and prudence, had the foresight to see that they’d become this close.
(or: the five times the other members thought they were dating, and the one time jimin starts to wonder if they really are)
Words: 8,738
20. The Usual
Summary: Alternatively titled: The Regular
Jimin will date anyone, except for boys who serve coffee.
Words: 27,935
21. i'm so sorry but it's fake love (tbh, not really)
Summary: when chaebol/commitment anti-fan park jimin learns he's being married off, he does the smartest thing in the world: hire a fake boyfriend he found on the internet (aka Craigslist's personal ads)
all he needs is just three months with said fake boyfriend to convince his parents to leave him alone. after that, he'll get back to his regular programming.
except, not really.
Words: 209,565
22. Gravity//Oxygen
Summary: He already lost his parents.
He'll be damned if he loses Jimin's smile too.
We stay together.
Taehyung is out for revenge. And he'll do anything to get it.
Words: 180,321
23. A Screenshot of Youth
Summary: There’s a sharp intake of breath, Taehyung’s grip tightening over Jimin’s with a gentle squeeze. “Jimin,” his voice is serious, and Jimin watches him, strangely endeared. “Let’s be friends.”
And it’s like this, that they begin as friends in the heat of a sweltering summer, twelve years old and too young to think much of it, hands twined together under the blanket of a setting sun.
(In which Jimin and Taehyung grow up together.)
Words: 18,496
24. i'll take the desert, you take the coast
Summary: “Everyone I know is a candlestick nearing its demise. They’re afraid of bringing meaning into their lives, of cultivating that glow. But you, prince Park Jimin, you are different. You glow with the passion of more than a thousand suns.”
Words: 30,973
25. just to get a taste
Summary: The one where Jeongguk dares Jimin and Taehyung to kiss and it unravels a lot of feelings. But mostly more kisses.
Or the one where Jimin's heart is stupid and Jimin's best friend is actually irresistible. Who'd've thunk, huh?
Words: 24,375
26. tell them it's the end
Summary: Five months after Taehyung suddenly walked out on him, Jimin finds out that Taehyung has yet to inform his family, who absolutely loved Jimin, about their split.
Jimin tries to swallow his feelings as he once again “dates” Taehyung.
Words: 13,802
27. stay with you
Summary: Taehyung wondered why he always see this blonde man, getting wasted every night. Its such a shame seeing his pretty face wasting every single night of his life in this bar.
Until he saw his eyes, and he understood why.
(Or Jimin is broken and he wanted his happiness back.)
Words: 12,875
28. ring the changes
Summary: That's the nature of one-sided confessions. Things change.
Words: 45,248
29. summer, winter, spring (i'm falling for you)
Summary: The school starts to take notice of Jimin.
Taehyung has always noticed.
Words: 41,786
30. Make Me-al
Summary: In which Jimin starts to work at Jin's restaurant and there he meets Taehyung, the new rookie waiter that kinda gets him off his nerves (the feeling is mutual). Yet, the tension between them is hotter than the ovens from the kitchen...
Words: 26,886
31. such stuff as dreams are made on
Summary: "sir no one, may i have this dance?"
or: kim taehyung, a kitchen boy, sneaks into a royal masquerade. park jimin is the prince he never expected.
Words: 38,753
74 notes · View notes
5 Favorite First Viewings of July 2021
Quick note: Hi everyone, I'm back, things have honestly been getting better for me, and I'm glad to be on this site full of cinephiles, people that are too horny, and cinephiles that are too horny. I'll be more active on here. But anyway, let's talk about some movies.
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (1970) (dir. Russ Meyer)
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CW: Abortion mention
What a picture. What a gorgeous, sexy, horrifying slice of what Hollywood and star life can do to a bunch of bright-eyed young people looking for success. Also is a critique of how macho nature can ruin friendships and romantic relationships with total ease. I was obsessed with the scene transitions, like Pet pouring pancake mix onto a plate after the abortion scene, or Kelly singing after someone screams before their murder in the opening scene.
Great, campy flick with exceptional music too.
Deep Cover (1992) (dir. Bill Duke)
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Laurence Fishburne plays Russell Stevens, a Cincinnati police officer who hopes to do well by the community, to make a difference. He’s traumatized by the death of his substance-abusing father, and wants to make sure that he can help the people of his own town. He goes undercover on assignment as a drug dealer, where his boss orders him to take down the kingpin. Stevens realizes the police’s own failings while on assignment. The racist abuse he takes from Agent Carver, and the realization that the police department is protecting drug kingpins like Gallegos and Barbossa. Giving drugs to Black kids and Latinx kids so there will be less of them. The cops are no different than the drug kingpins looking to make filthy amounts of money.
Fishburne’s performance is excellent, as Stevens feels he has to maintain a stone face so he doesn’t get caught by Jason or Barbossa or any of his cronies, but also he maintains a stone face to try and hide his emotion, his trauma. But when he gets pissed, Fishburne acts it beautifully, as is when he has to deliver a funny quip to counter Jason’s douchebaggery. And the production design, holy fuck, the sets and the lighting.
A perfect neo-noir for the HW Bush years, arguably one of the most timeless commentaries on the era, as well as the police as a whole.
Fast Five (2011) (dir. Justin Lin)
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I was torn between including this or Furious 7, but I ultimately went with Fast Five because it felt like an important turning point in the series, it's a great heist film, and it reached the same chaotic highs and genuinely excellent filmmaking that I had been waiting for since 2 Fast and Tokyo Drift.
Fast Five opens where Fast & 4ious left off. Dom is hauled away to prison on a bus. Mia and Brian drive in their high-tech cars and knock the bus over, helping Dom escape. The title drops. Fast Five. It’s such an intense yet short action scene, and dropping the title immediately after it lets the viewer know that this movie is not fucking around. It’s arguably gonna be more intense and insane than the previous one.
And it is. The filmmakers made the decision to use a lot more practical stunt work for the film, and as a result, it leads to, so far, the best action in the entire series, since 2 Fast and Tokyo Drift. It’s not just how it’s shot or edited, it’s the geography of the locations, the rooftop chase echoes the rooftop chase of Jackie Chan’s masterwork Police Story, particularly the way each character bounces from top to top.
And of course, there’s the silliest moment in the movie, the one that matches the intensity and kineticism of a film like 2 Fast, which is driving the Reyes’ bank vault throughout the street, getting chased by corrupt cops.
I know we make fun of Vin Diesel for saying “family” all the time in these films, but there’s a reason we remember him saying all of these impassioned monologues. Because he’s unbelievably sincere, and has so much love in his heart for every single person in the room. Anytime he delivers a speech to any of them, it’s genuinely heartwarming.
This is the film that finally shows La Familia in their best environment, which is working together, in a movie genre that allows them to work together, which is a heist film. And a great one at that.
Last Days (2005) (dir. Gus Van Sant)
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CW: Mention of suicide
Several films have been made about legendary rock artist Kurt Cobain, and for good reason. He is one of the most tragic figures in rock and roll. A tortured genius who has written and performed classic song after classic song with his band Nirvana. He was called the voice of a generation, and helped change the face of mainstream alternative rock music as we know it. But with that fame, and all of those expectations came a worsening depression and further drug abuse, and his eventual death. But most of the films about Kurt Cobain ask one question which gets under my skin way too much:
It was him. He did. And it’s okay, I’m sad too. Thinking that Kurt Cobain was murdered is completely ignoring the depression that he faced. And despite Last Days being more inspired by the death of Cobain rather than actually about it, it feels much more honest than the conspiracy documentaries on his death, wanting to leech off of his dead body.
This is the last installment of Gus Van Sant’s “Death Trilogy”, the previous two installments being Gerry (2001), and Elephant (2003). While I have not seen Gerry, I have seen Elephant though, and love that film for its minimalist, raw nature, and its boldness for not romanticizing the school shooter or the lives they had taken. Last Days falls into that trap once, as I don’t agree with the shot of Blake’s soul climbing up a ladder, that always struck me as cheesy in a film that is anything but.
Last Days is similar to Elephant in terms of the way it is filmed. Its usage of long takes, and still shots of characters doing various things, such as Blake playing his guitar behind a drum set. The way these moments are shot is similar to a Chantal Akerman film, particularly Jeanne Dielman. Where the acts of the mundane are the stars of the film. Blake wanders around an empty house, and the viewer can feel the pain, not just through Michael Pitt’s acting, but from the house itself. Its decay, its paint peeling from the walls, from the soft glow of the lamp that lights his face.
I say this is the most honest film about Kurt Cobain, because, despite the characters technically being fictional (the main character who looks, walks, and acts like Cobain is named Blake), this film focuses on the mental state of a person before they eventually take their own life. They’re still working, still making music, still trying to talk to friends and bandmates, but the depression lingers on. Not once does this film try to make you believe that someone else killed him, because you can see the signs of his own suicide taking place just through the film’s excellent cinematography by Harris Savides, showing his mental state only growing worse through the production design.
And it’s empathetic with him. There’s no judgement for leaving rehab, there’s no finger-wagging at him or the people he was with, there’s just a silent prayer at the end of the film, hoping that he is in a better place than he was.
Sometimes you don’t need to show every event that led you to where you are, all you can show is the moment, which also makes this better than most biopics as well, as it never feels messy or muddled, just showing one moment of Blake/Kurt’s life.
I really loved this film, and I’ll be writing about it in full soon.
The Village (2004) (dir. M. Night Shyamalan)
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The Cracked.com/Channel Awesome audience stuck in 2012 will tell you that this was the beginning of the end for Shyamalan. That this was when people stopped taking him seriously, that this was when he became more of a punchline because of his twist endings.
But why?
The Village was released in 2004, deep in the Bush administration, during the early stages of the Iraq War. The leaders of the time were talking about imaginary boogeymen, terrorists that would attack the civilians if they could. Because of 9/11, politicians could get away with these false ideas with the majority of Americans fully believing them. The boogeymen in The Village are “The People We Don’t Speak Of”, monsters attracted by the color red. Yet we find out that they are all costumes made by the Elders of the land, designed to prevent people from going outside the land. They rule by fear disguised as love. They’ve gone through their own traumas through the deaths of their family members, but they’ve decided to completely abandon the lives that they’ve had and have their children living lies.
9/11 impacted American life by teaching citizens to live primarily by fear, to not trust anyone but their own people. And yet, post-9/11, all that increased was not “coming together”, but hate crimes against South Asian people. The rage white Americans had felt led to conservative politicians pushing fear-mongering agendas, and said white Americans blindly accepted. The outside world was progressing, but too many people were fine with living with further conservative politics only regressing American life further and further back, all for the illusion of safety. Meanwhile, the only threats to them were not the brown citizens outside of America they were so afraid of, but the white elders, the white politicians.
The Village explores these fears so eloquently, all while having a terrifying atmosphere, an enchanting score, and brilliant sound design. I enjoyed this movie very much.
Other viewings I enjoyed:
Beavis and Butt-Head Do America (1996) (dir. Mike Judge) (re-watch)
Blow Out (1981) (dir. Brian de Palma) (re-watch)
Clueless (1995) (dir. Amy Heckerling) (re-watch)
Furious 7 (2015) (dir. James Wan)
The Long Goodbye (1973) (dir. Robert Altman)
Lupin III: The First (2019) (dir. Takashi Yamazaki)
Unbreakable (2000) (dir. M. Night Shyamalan) (re-watch)
Velvet Goldmine (1998) (dir. Todd Haynes)
The Visit (2015) (dir. M. Night Shyamalan)
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 328 Quick Spoiler Analysis: From the USA to Japan
Ok, I’m gonna make this weeks analysis kinda quick because it’s been a really crappy week for me and I mainly wanna rest.  Anyway, this was another exposition chapter that is pretty much setting up the final battle:
The chapter goes to a month ago when Tartarus had it’s prison break.  Stain is the focus for the first third of the chapter.  He first takes out a sexual predator who wanted to get close to women again *ugh*.  Thank you for that, Stain.  I don’t condone killing, but yeah.
Stain then finds all the Tartarus guards dead except for one who is barely alive and hanging onto the chip containing the security info from Tartarus.  Isn’t Shishikura’s (Meatball boy from Shiketsu) dad a guard at Tartarus?  That’s one of the reasons he chose Shiketsu; the uniforms are similar to the prison guard uniforms.  I think that was in the Ultra Analysis book.  Oh god, I wonder if he died in this?  That would be our first hero parent death in the series I think.  Nana doesn’t really count since she was a figurative mother to All Might. 
So, Stain escapes with every other villain put in Tartarus and takes the chip to All Might since All Might is the only one Stain trusts.  Yeah, that checks out.  The LoV are no longer associated with him and Stain’s been a lone wolf for a majority of his villain career.  So, who to turn to than the man he considers the true hero?
Flash forward to after All Might recieved Stain’s info, Detective Tsukauchi and his team return for this chapter and damn, they look tired.  But, Tsukauchi looks good somehow?  His eyes are tired, but he’s grow a bit of a beard and his hair is kinda messy.  It’s kinda attractive ngl.  When all this is over and if he survives, I think Tsukauchi should keep this look minus the tired eyes.  It’s a good look on him.
So, All Might and Tsukauchi explain that AFO and Shigaraki were able to communicate via the Radio Waves Quirk and via a spiritual link between them similar to OFA and All Might.  The big difference being that AFO and Shigaraki can communicate with each other both ways while OFA and All Might can only communicate one way as we’ve seen before.  We, the readers, saw this ourselves during the war arc, but it looks like our finally figuring this out too.
So, the AFO has a psionic Quirk that can also use communication.  Tartarus caugh that communication and says that there are 38 days until Shigaraki’s completion.  That is SO MUCH shorter than the 2 months we were told.  Turns out the 2 months thing was a bluff told to the heroes to throw them off.  AFO really is playing 4D chess that clever, evil bastard.
And because days have passed since that communication single was picked up, WE NOW HAVE 3 DAYS LEFT UNTIL SHIGARAKI’S COMPLETION!  3 DAYS HOLY SHIT!  So much for having Deku rest for a good week.  Boy’s barley been able to sleep and eat and now we’re even closer to the endgame than we thought.  Horikoshi is REALLY speedrunning this shit.
So, onto the international heroes!  What looks like the MHA version of the UN comes together to address the message All Might sent out to ask for international help.  Of course, because it’s All Might, it’s an important deal.  The international governments are unsure about this since having their respective heroes absent means crime will go up in their respective countries.  That makes sense, I guess, but I’d figure these countries would have a lot of back-up heroes to keep the country safe.  Japan needs powerful heroes, but they don’t need everyone I think.
Anyway, some international heroes do appear and some of them are from the 3rd movie!  The Egyptian one and the Lion one who’s names escape me.  So, the 3rd movie is cannon like the last 2.  Makes sense that Horikoshi would want to tie them into the main story somehow.  I wonder if this means we’ll get to see Rody and Pino in the main story too one day.  Horikoshi did mention wanting them in there, so there’s hope!
All the international heroes want to go out and help All Might in Japan.  While some are raring to go, the USA’s is already on her way.  She’s America’s top hero, Stars and Stripes!   Not only is she pretty and stacked, but she’s basically mix of All Might and Captain America in terms of patriotism.  Like goddamn that is America’s woman O_O.  She also refers to All Might as her “Master”.  Like, WHAT???  Did All Might train her while he was in the States for a while?  How long did they know each other there?  WHY HAS ALL MIGHT NEVER MENTIONED HER BEFORE?  HOLY FUCK WHAT IS DEKU GOING TO SAY? “YOU HAD ANOTHER PUPIL ALL MIGHT?  WHAT THE HELL?  I COULD’VE TAKEN NOTES ON THIS?” ALSO WHAT IS HER QUIRK I NEED TO KNOW?!?!?
I think she’s cool and it’s nice to see other heroes outside of Japan enter the fray.  Though I have already seen people complain about her.  Like “Why are we bringing America into this?” amongst other things.  I’m going to play Devil’s Advocate and say that Horikoshi is doing this because he loves American comics.  Marvel and DC comics stem from America and Horikoshi is very much inspired by those works it’s evident throughout the entirety of BNHA even during the recent chapters.  So, this is less of Horikoshi bringing in American politics into the story and more of him wanting to honor American comics more.  Though, I am aware that  I could be proven wrong sometime in the future.
End of chapter!  International heroes in Japan is going to be interesting.  Though, the fact that we have only 3 days left closes the time gap greatly.  Not only are we even closer to endgame, but we are most likely at the end of April AND WE’RE MISSING BAKUGO’S IN-STORY BIRTHDAY D:!  How dare we???  Damn you, Horikoshi.  We better see an extra with the kids at least trying to celebrate something.
Me finding out that we only have 3 story days left until the final battle begins:
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wonderduorising · 5 years
Bakudeku Fic Recs
Wonder Duo: Rising has reached 500 followers on twitter! To celebrate, we decided to come together and create a list of Bakudeku fic recommendations. All fanfics on this list are SFW, are within the range of 300 kudos or less, and were recommended by one or more of the anthology’s contributors!
Fic: stones at the starlight by Shousanki
Length: 2.9k
Summary: Katsuki and Izuku struggle to survive in an adult world not kind to (not-quite) childhood sweethearts as they search for the small and good things amidst petty indignities.
Fic: to the moon and back by Rejectimate
Length: 1.4k
Summary: Training camp has nothing on Katsuki's strict sleep schedule. But Deku's embarrassing ass sure does.
Fic: don’t misunderstand by Kokushibo
Length: 1k
Summary: three times that kacchan addresses him. one time that he does it differently.
Fic: Twin Stars Week ficlets by Hollyandvice (series)
Length: Varies
Summary: A collection of Bakudeku ficlets for Twin Stars Week.
Fic: CORDIPUGUS by Greatcloudninja
Length: 3.2k
Summary: Katsuki Bakugou, a slave-turned-gladiator, has one more fight to win to earn his freedom. His goal? To be able to marry his beloved Izuku Midoriya, noble son of Senator Toshinori Yagi. But first, he has to get through his toughest battle yet.
Fic: when the saints by Flapkack
Length: 2.5k
Summary: In Bakugou Katsuki’s humble fucking opinion, parade blocks were one of the most effective forms of torture. Telling someone to walk straight forward, eyes ahead, shoulders square, rolling their feet, playing the exact same damn cadences over and over and over again was already bad enough. But then, toss in a string of other people to keep in line, bad marchers and freshmen, to make matters even worse.
Fic: Small Town Change by CommanderSipShady
Length: 12.2k
Summary: They say nothing ever happens in this sleepy town, but that night everything changed for the better. 40 year old BakuDeku real world AU. 
Fic: At the Mountain’s Edge by Anzul
Length: 30k (multi-chap, WIP)
Summary: Muromachi Japan, 1465. Soulmates - once nothing but a flightful fancy among the Heian nobility - have become the political currency of the century. Blessed with telepathic communication and the ability to sense each other regardless of their geographical distance once a bond has been established, they are an invaluable commodity to any warrior hoping to amass power in the wake of the Ashikaga's weakening rule.
Bakugou Katsuki is no exception. But no matter what matchmaking house his family visits, they all tell him the same thing: that at the end of his red string, there waits no one. Katsuki is destined to walk his path alone.
Now forced to become a candidate for political marriage, Katsuki must learn the traditional arts and proper courtship etiquette to attract more suitors. Izuku, the adopted protégé and matchmaking master of the Midoriya House, is hired to be his tutor. Izuku himself is not only without a soulmate, but Bondless - someone without a red string at all, but capable of seeing everyone else's.
[Or: An alternate soulmate x historical AU where everybody has soulmates except Katsuki and Izuku.]
Fic: all the savage soul requires by Majjale
Length: 50k (multi-chap, WIP)
Summary: Bakugou seems to have exhausted his patience for words and no longer acknowledges that Midoriya exists, so Midoriya crosses his legs, stares down at his hands limned in firelight, and makes a list of things he knows.
One. His name is Midoriya Izuku.
Two. He is a Godmarked, future god of life, heir to the divine throne.
Three. The gods have been fighting Death for eons, and now he's coming for recompense with everything he’s got.
Fic: to measure a year by Shousanki
Length: 4.7k (multi-chap, complete)
Summary: The dance of two leaves around each other. Collection of Katsuki/Izuku drabbles, originally written between the winter of 2017 and summer of 2018.
Fic: we run in antiparallel by Kokushibo
Length: 1.1k
Summary: there are different ways in which a boy can be saved.
Fic: this is not a night for tragedy by Keigeyama
Length: .6k
Summary: Katsuki looks at him, forehead creasing, his expression somehow at once angry and soft—then he smiles, simpering. “Well, aren’t you just the best”.
Fic: once more, with feeling by OneshotPrincess
Length: .8k
Summary: He’s not Yamikumo, Katsuki tells himself fiercely. He’s not Yamikumo, he thinks as he watches him play in the grass with a kite with Kouta and Eri. He’s just fucking Deku.
So why does he still make Katsuki feel this way?
Fic: of all kinds by Coldbones
Length: 4.3k
Summary: A story is never just a story, and a dragon can never change its scales.
Fic: I Don’t Have Any Roses But I Have A Rabbit? by Teaandtumblr
Length: 3.3k
Summary: Midoriya has just stepped into the world of rabbit showing only to run into his childhood friend...who is apparently also into the same thing. Lucky his rabbit is so cute!
Fic: Starshine by Blueslove
Length: 1.3k
Summary: Deku’s eyes always light up when he talks about that book.
It’s as if his being lives to praise the pages, like his lips don’t know how to form any other words. He speaks of the characters like they’re friends, the story as if he’d lived it himself, and the place like he’d seen it with his own eyes.
Katsuki can’t stand it.
Fic: another old space odyssey by Sorethroat
Length: 2k
Summary: “Car-di-o-meg..aly,” Deku fumbles around the words. “I can’t see the moon with you.”
He stands there, Deku smiling tight like if he moves his tears will spill over, and they’re too young to laugh at the idea that the insurmountable obstacle in front of them is a heart that’s just too big.
Bakugou is an astronaut but he's forgotten why. Midoriya wants him to come home.
Fic: Butterfly Wishes by Sushirapper
Length: 4.2k
Summary: Deep in the middle of a forest out back of a little town in the country, there lay a wishing well.
It was not particularly pretty, nor particularly deep. It was not even that magical. But it was, at the very least, old—and all folk knew that with time came the strangest of truths, best left unbelieved or unseen altogether.
Izuku was one of these truths.
Or, Izuku can grant wishes, Katsuki is a mortal who doesn't know any better, and even the most innocent things always come with a price.
Fic: Beyond the Veil by Seeress
Length: 11.9k (multichap, complete)
Summary: A locked door. A ghostly presence. A long forgotten name.
Katsuki goes back to his grandparent's old house and finds a presence he barely remembers, still waiting for him.
His grandmother’s stories all had the same cautionary theme: Do not stray off the path. Keep your hands to yourself. Be polite to those you meet. Be wary of undeserved generosity. Do not be deceived by masks. Remember your way home.
But Katsuki was a child of skyscrapers and 24 hour convenience stores. He walked on streets lined with man-made lights that turned on before the sun goes down the horizon and never went out until the sun rises again. He lived in a house full of noise, in a city full of living, breathing people.
He had never known true darkness; nights when even the moon sheds no light and the world is silent, but you know deep within your bones that you are not alone.
Fic: Nowhere I’d Rather Be by Dat_heichou
Length: 1.8k
Summary: It’s 3 a.m. on the coldest sunday of the year and Izuku is too excited to feel tired. It’s release day of the newest All Might figure and he made sure he woke up early enough to buy one.
It’s freezing and dark and Izuku is sore from the rigorous training that U.A. third years go through, but he still excitedly shifts from one foot to the other. There’s nowhere he’d rather be.
“It’s cold as fuck out here,” Katsuki gripes beside him, burrowing his nose deeper into the collar of his thick, thermal lined jacket.
Fic: solar by Kindaopps
Length: 7k
Summary: Here he is, a god, wanting a mortal.
Fic: Sunlight Moving by Peredhils
Length: 3.8k
Summary: The night air was cool but not as damp and depressing as it had been when leaving England. The sea breeze was refreshing and it was crisper than it smelled standing from the shore. Although the rocking of the boat made him a bit nauseous, coupled with the unease that came with being unable to see any land on the horizon, Katsuki liked it more than he thought he would. Standing at the ledge and looking up at the stars, all so bright and clear, was easing the day’s troubles.
He wasn’t alone for long.
Katsuki, a duke organizing the creation of a new university in England, meets astronomer Izuku on board a voyage overseas.
Fic: let me hurt you, until we don’t by DeKatsu
Length: 3.3k
Summary: Deku decides that using his quirk with his hero license suspended is a smart idea. Katsuki doesn't understand why he's thrown into the holding cell as Deku's accomplice.
And then they talk about feelings.
Which isn't even the weirdest shit, considering that their cell mates end up giving them the push they need.
Fic: last days of war by antisora
Length: 38k (multi-chap, WIP)
Summary: When the first Kaiju climbed through the portal to their world, Izuku and Katsuki were six years old. And from the tender age of six, they knew they were going to be rangers.
All Izuku wanted, all he ever wanted, was to save the world alongside his best friend.
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This Week in Gundam Wing 23-29 May 2021
I’m so on the ball with this lately... >_> Sorry. Here’s this week’s roundup! May 23rd - 29th!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make next week!
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
The Preventer Calendar https://archiveofourown.org/works/31561295
Gen, Reader, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Zechs Merquise, OC - Character
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, Humor, Partial Nudity, Reader-Insert, Nudity, A teeny hint of TrowaxReader, Rating because of some gratuitous nudity on Trowa's side
Twelve models, twelve shoots, twelve different locations in the Ardennes, and all of it in two fucking days. Because Preventer couldn’t spare you their agents any longer than that.
Why had you agreed to do this project again?
It's all for the arts.
Helping Hand https://archiveofourown.org/works/31620146
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, Light Angst, Comfort/Angst, Minor Injuries, Implied/Referenced Blow Jobs, Not Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Compliant, after series, Flirting, Not Beta Read, slight reference to Episode Zero, Swearing
Duo realizes that Heero comes around whenever he damn well feels like it. They’ve been in contact for the last seven years after the Mariemaia incident, but generally at Heero’s own whim. Duo stays in the same place, it’s Heero who gravitates.
This time is no different.
Silent Menace https://duointherain.tumblr.com/post/652120818915115009/fic-silent-menace-11
Warnings: Mute Duo. Drugged and injured Heero.
Une always had the dark side of the job. She’d let others give out goodness, but bad news she owned herself. Duo had come to the conclusion that she was trying to take responsibility, trying to be a decent person. He could vibe with that.
Touched by the Stars (Ch. 7) https://archiveofourown.org/works/26314657/chapters/77885468
M/M, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Chang Wufei, Chang Wufei/Quatre Raberba Winner
Explicit, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, thar be porn, Dubious Consent, Aliens, Alien Abduction, Alternate Universe, mention of MPREG, everyone takes a turn with Wufei, alien anatomy and interesting dicks, Tentacles, Monster Boys, Slime, Double Cocks, Cum Inflation, Knotting, Oral, multiple dicks, Xeno, Spitroasting, Oviposition, Body Modification, Polyamory, Unbirthing, Triple Penetration, Cervical Penetration
University instructor Chang Wufei didn't even believe in aliens, much less intentionally attract their attention. But that doesn't mean much when they decided he'd be the ideal final mate for their group and scoop him off of the planet to take home to their queen. Enjoying him on the trip there, of course. 
Of the Sea (Ch. 10) https://archiveofourown.org/works/12749670/chapters/78205124
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, fairytale my way, Meroctopus!Dorothy, Slow Burn, Multi POV, POV Third Person Limited, merman au, MerMay, Fantasy Politics, mentions of abuse, Unnatural November
Heero Yuy will soon be reaching the age of majority, at which time he will ascend the throne of Wingaria. Before such time, he must needs choose a bride. But what if there are no good choices? What if someone else has captured his heart?
The Story of Wrong (Ch. 8) https://archiveofourown.org/works/13849020/chapters/77856332
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Explicit, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Duo POV, Angst, Drama, Tragedy, Spoilers, very dark, Heero and Duo don’t die, I promise, Yaoi, slowburn, Mental Instability, Mental Health Issues, Mental Breakdown, If those are in any way an issue for you then go ahead and skip this, Eventual Smut, VERY eventual, this is mostly canon-compliant but I’ve changed a couple things here and there
Duo recounts his experiences during the war in order to explain… well, why he was wrong.
love me like (tomorrow we’re) stardust https://archiveofourown.org/works/31458119/chapters/77811359
M/F, Treize Khushrenada/Lady Une
Treize Khushrenada, Lady Une, Original Characters, Hot Dog (gundam wing)
Explicit, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Angst, Near Death Experiences, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, unredeemable villain, Sex, Smut, consent is fucking sexy, Spoiler: He wore the Astro Suit at last!, Newtypes (Gundam Wing), no predators or prey here, intact brains
The World Nation would face off against the White Fang to bring about an end to all conflict between the Colonies and Earth. The plan had called for the bitter end of the last bastion of the old regime, Treize Khushrenada. However, as with every play on the stage of war, the actors have chosen to adlib. Effectively throwing the course of history off the rails, the director finds himself faced with a new road to choose.
Jiu Jie https://archiveofourown.org/works/31413956
M/M, M/F, Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner; Treize Khushrenada/Quatre Raberba Winner; Treize Khushrenada/Duo Maxwell; Duo Maxwell/Hilde Schbeiker
Explicit, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Relationship Negotiation; Polyamorous Character; Quatre Raberba’s Uchuu no Kokoro | Space Heart; Aged-Up Character(s); Newtypes (Gundam Wing); Past Relationship(s); Jealousy; Awkward Flirting; Bathing/Washing; Cuddling & Snuggling; Museums; talking about feelings; Psychic Bond; Dealing with exes; Ex Sex; Colonists exploring earth
Hilde waved goodbye as she left and Duo went to look for Treize and Quatre. What the hell was wrong with him. His body seemed to be saying yes but his mind was definitely not in that space at all. What the everlasting hell was going on. He wanted to see her again but why?
Treize passed him a picture of tree frogs, apparently feeling the confusion as Duo half jogged through the aquarium to catch back up. What the hell. Just what the hell.
It took him a while to get there, but the moment he got close, Quatre saw him, beamed a happy smile and the link opened up with a rush and he was surrounded again in emotional warmth. It was addictive and a relief, and there wasn’t, there wasn’t any recrimination from either of them. Just run off and see an old flame, it’s cool, we’ll be here when you get back vibes.
Lebensmüde https://archiveofourown.org/works/31413278
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner; Treize Khushrenada/Quatre Raberba Winner; Treize Khushrenada/Duo Maxwell
Explicit, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Aged-Up Character(s); Quatre Raberba’s Uchuu no Kokoro | Space Heart; Newtypes (Gundam Wing); Preventers (Gundam Wing); Cameos; Therapy; Aftermath of Torture; Aftermath of Violence; Rape Aftermath; Physical Disability; Gratuitous Smut; Psychic Bond; Psychic Abilities; Domestic; Injury Recovery
Treize remembered the discussion of gunpowder residue on his head; it was one of the things John had been livid about after everything, and unable to explain any more than Treize had at the time. Seeing it written down… was something else. Treize closed the book over his finger, gently tapping it on his thigh as he looked up at Quatre.
“The first hot chocolate of the season,” Quatre said sitting down next to him, comfort flowing over the link. “I really wanted something sweet.” He paused. “I can feel something is…oh.” He noticed the book in Treize’s hand.
“Adding to the list of things we need to probably talk about,” he said quietly, contemplating it as he reached with his other hand to take the cocoa. “Have you written everything up?”
Fanart/Crafts/Photo Manips:
Recollect - Trowa/WuFei, comic style
WuFei Chang, fanart
Heero/Duo, fanart, nsfw
Tallgeese, gunpla
Wing, gunpla
Duo Maxwell, fanart
Trowa/Quatre, fanart
Heero Yuy, fanart
Duo Maxwell, fanart
Trowa Barton, fanart
Trieze/Une, fanart, fanfiction, playlist
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Wing & Altron, gif
Quatre, manga page
Epyon is an icon.
Fandom Discourse:
Reader Insert Homage
Duo Maxwell, doujinshi
Trowa & WuFei
Heero & Quatre
Duo, Heero, & WuFei
Calendar Events:
Rhythm Generation 2021
Meet the Mods: https://gundamzine.tumblr.com/post/636708854145613824/come-on-over-a-meet-your-2021-zine-mod-team-head
Check out the blog for the Zine schedule!
Gundam Wing Pride 2k21 https://gundam-wing-pride.tumblr.com/post/648237909672083456/incoming-transmission-faq
A Beautiful Rainbow of Prompts https://gundam-wing-pride.tumblr.com/post/649898271517573120/a-beautiful-rainbow-of-prompts
Month of WuFei https://gwartserver.tumblr.com/post/649995521569767424/month-of-wufei
Shooting Stars (online convention) https://gwartserver.tumblr.com/post/650013463432888320/once-upon-a-time-lifeaftermeteor-and-myself
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, !
In need of Summer/Fall(Autumn) prompts!
(I’ll um... fix these when I have time to find more prompts.)
May 23rd’s Submissions https://gwlemonyshenanigans.tumblr.com/post/651999227800600576/may-23rd-submission
May 24th’s Submissions https://gwlemonyshenanigans.tumblr.com/post/652131130827571200/may-24th-submissions
May 25th’s Submissions https://gwlemonyshenanigans.tumblr.com/post/652252350922342400/may-25th-submissions
May 26th’s Submissions https://gwlemonyshenanigans.tumblr.com/post/652312096032342016/may-26th-submissions
May 27th’s Submissions https://gwlemonyshenanigans.tumblr.com/post/652433653693136896/may-27th-submissions
May 28th’s Submissions https://gwlemonyshenanigans.tumblr.com/post/652434486286548992/may-28th-submission
May 29th’s Submissions https://gwlemonyshenanigans.tumblr.com/post/652648408588353536/may-29th-submissions
Friday Spotlight! https://gwlemonyshenanigans.tumblr.com/post/652439213602684928/the-lastspotlight-friday
Welcome to Oztober Rust
We’re an up and coming Gundam Wing event with a slight twist! This page is still a work in progress, but you’re welcome to join us over on discord and get a feel for the event.
Have discord, will fan. https://oztober-rust.tumblr.com/post/647568110262566912/i-see-a-nice-and-steady-following-we-do-have-a
Summer Event Voting https://seasons-of-gundamwing.tumblr.com/post/646220556727877633/seasons-of-gundamwing-okay-wingers-its-time-to
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/644080386309275648/events-calendar-update
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
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The fact that Bakugou Katsuki may fall in love was nothing less than the most unexpected scenario to anyone and everyone who knew the explosive pro hero. However, it wasn’t the first time the hot head of class 3A proved everyone wrong. It all started when the Big 3 of class 3A, the batch of UA who almost always got attacked by villains, came to visit class 2A.
You were sitting in your usual place, completely bored. Ofcourse you were bored, who wouldn’t be when they are surrounded by idiots? You were one of the four students in class 2 who actually passed the provisional licence exams in their first year. To you, most of your classmates were useless dumbfucks since they didn't even pay the slightest effort to try to be a better hero. Not that you would ever say it loud though. You believed in showing them how stupid they are with your abilities instead of calling them out. You were a quiet person in general, rarely speaking to anyone from your class unless it's absolutely necessary. They avoided you as well, since, well, you were kinda intimidating and unapproachable. You always came second in written exams and first in practical exams after all. You were the star student of class 2A and you never failed to rub it into their face as you gave them a smug smile as soon as you beat someone's ass during training with quirks. Your quirk was strong and there was no questioning it. Your quirk was called energy. To put it simply, you could manipulate energy. It was a very overpowered quirk but it came with a price. Your quirk allowed you to go against the law of physics to create or destroy energy. You could make something explode into pieces just with one look while you can undo the kinetic energy of a bullet to render it useless at the same time. While creating energy, your own body's energy gets used up if you overdo yourself, which might make you pass out. When undoing energy, your bodt absorbs the energy that you had undone. Overdoing it may give you a heat stroke. You were better than all the dumbasses in class anyway.
When your homeroom teacher entered the class with three familiar senior students, you finally found interest in class. They were introduced as the big 3 of class 3A. You were always interested in that batch and you mentally cursed yourself for being an year younger than them. You loved a good challenge and almost no one from your class was good enough. They were cocky enough to ask the big 3 for a fight though. Midoriya Izuku, the green haired boy standing between the two other boys was reluctant about the class's proposal. Todoroki Shouto, the boy to the left with mismatched hair looked like he couldn’t care less. However, Bakugou Katsuki, the ash blonde boy to the right was the one who caught your attention. To be fair, he had your attention as soon as he entered the classroom. He wanted to fight and show these morons their place. Most importantly, he threw a challenge at the class to come at him. All 20 students against one. Needless to say, you loved a good challenge.
Bakugou Katsuki went into that class thinking that he'd have to deal with some cocky losers. 2A was known to be full of overconfident brats anyway. When those idiots threw a challenge at him, he expected them to be on their ass the second they attacked him. He was partially right. All of them were on their asses except this one girl. Her quirk was interesting. Every time he threw an explosion at her, the impact would come on him. She was untouchable. It took a while for Bakugou to figure out her quirk. At the end, Bakugou threw her off balance only after figuring out that she was untouchable as long as she could see him. He had to admit that this girl intrigued her since she gave him a competition on the level of Deku or Icyhot bastard.
The next time Bakugou saw you was when you came to him the next day, asking for help in training. You explained how everyone from your class was useless, a sentiment that he shared with you, and how you couldn’t improve your quirk sparring with them. Bakugou had ever chance to turn you away but your control on your quirk interested him, making him accept your invitation. You on the other hand was nervous. You knew Bakugou Katsuki from the sports festivals. On his first sports festival, you saw how much he wanted an indisputable victory. You came to respect that man then and there. After fighting with him, you were in awe. There was no denying the fact that he was your role model when you decided to join UA. As you expected, he was an amazing fighter, the only person who ever defeated you in a sparring match. Hence, you were nervous about asking THE Bakugou Katsuki to train with you. You almost were ready for a rejection but he surprised you by giving you a time and place and barking at you about not being late.
You were always a very punctual person. Hence, you were at the park he asked you to be at right on time. However, Bakugou was, well, more punctual, if that's possible since he reached 10 minutes before you did. "You're late." he grumbled at you. "You're early." you replied, not liking the fact that he called you late when you were not. "Tch whatever. Show me what you’ve got." he grumbled before you two started fighting. This was the begining of a little personal war between the two of you over who arrived first at the park. This always led to the sparring to start earlier, hence, end earlier as well. At the begining, you both just went home but after a while, the two of you had conversations on the one topic you both had in common, bitching about your stupid classmates.
When you were in your third year and Bakugou started his career as a pro hero, you expected these training sessions to stop. By that time, the two of you got close enough for Bakugou to consider you as a friend. You didn't know how much of an achievement it was for you. You were sad about the entire thing as you went for your presumably last training session, only to find at your delight that Bakugou decided to make time to 'train your stupid ass so that you could survive out there'. You were used to his brash manner of speaking. In his defence, you weren’t much better. The two of you bickered a lot but that's what it was, simple bickering. There were times when you two were fighting over something stupid and then laughing your asses off over something stupid that your classmates did. You didn’t know that you were the only one who could make him laugh this way.
However, there were some things that you did notice. You noticed that no matter how hard it was for him to make time between his hero duties, he never missed out on the training sessions. You never failed to remind him how grateful you were for his help. You noticed that no matter how much he wanted to be the number 1 hero, he always pushed you to surpass him. Ofcourse, you rarely won against him but you were much, much better than the first time you fought him. Most importantly, you noticed the lingering touches every time he pinned you ensuring his victory, his sharp crimson eyes gazing at your body for just one extra moment than required. You would be lying if you said that you didn't do the same. Over the years, the respect and admiration towards him turned into attraction. How could you even blame yourself? Watching his muscles flex under his tanktop every single day, his sweat covered beautifully sculpted neckline, the sweet caramel smell emitting from him, the strength of his sharp intense gaze, the diversity of his expressions every time he ranted or shouted or laughed and the soft smiles he rarely showed, there was no helping it. You had fallen for this explosive man and his explosive demeanour.
You had a general idea that he had some sort of interest in you and you knew that you definitely were interested in him, yet, you didn't have the courage to make a move. Why? Because it was common knowledge that pro hero Ground Zero doesn't do love. He said so in interviews ever since his popularity blew up. Many women approached him and he rejected everyone. Hell, he even ranted to you about it. You had a general idea that he was attracted to you but you were sure that he wouldn’t return your feelings. However, Bakugou broke your expectations yet again.
It started with Bakugo being distracted by the way you look every time you trained. He found himself looking at your flushed face when he pinned you down defeating you and imagining scenerios where you made that face for a different reason than training. He found himself admiring the way your breasts looked, wondering if it would fit his hands perfectly or if your ass was as soft as it looked. At first, he convinced himself that it was just his hormones acting out. After all, he was 18 and had a high sex drive. Things escalated when he realized that he had started to think about you every after he woke up with a morning boner, every time he fought a villain, pretty much all day. Memories of you laughing put his anger at ease (as much as it can get) and when he actually makes you laugh during training sessions, he literally doesn't shout at people nearly as much as he normally does the whole day. At this point, he was in denial. Deep down, he knew that he fell hard for you. For fuck's sake, you understood him. You were as ambitious as he is, you tried to improve yourself as much as he did and you never got offended by his behaviour. You were perfect. Then again, you were a weakness and the last thing he needed was a weakness. The number 1 hero shouldn’t have weaknesses. Yet he found himself helping you train everyday. You were a drug that he couldn't get off.
Bakugou never saw himself asking a girl out. Sure, he had one night stands like any other rising hero. However, not in a million years had he thought that he would go into a romantic relationship with a girl who would end up being his future wife. The sparring sessions continued even after you graduated from UA and went on to become a pro hero yourself. After all, your quirks worked perfectly together. As a rising pro hero yourself, you got invited to the I expo gala that year. The only problem was, you had to bring a plus one. You never were the most social person, however, ever since you became a pro hero, you befriended some people with an equal amount of ambition unlike your useless classmates. You were planning to ask Bakugou to be your plus one before one of your male friends asked you out. The guy had been flirting with you for a while and to be fair, you had already decided that you had no chance with the explosive hero. When Bakugou asked you to go to the I Expo with him as friends, you had to reluctantly reject the offer since you already had a date. While Bakugou didn't show any reaction to it, deep down, he felt a pang of jealousy and a strong desire to explode the unworthy bastard who thought he could take you from him. There was also anger within him at himself because it was his fault that he didn't make a move earlier. Hence, he decided to go to I Expo with his assistant at his new found agency.
After you went to the I Expo with your so called date, you realised that the bastard came with you to boost up his own career. Sure, he was a pro hero, but you were much popular than him thanks to your extremely powerful quirk. When talking to the media, the bastard had the audacity to declare himself as your boyfriend and acting as if you two had a secret relationship for years. You being a snarky person, completely denied everything on his face infront of the media, completely calling him out and leaving him there with the media as they proceeded on ruining his career with the latest gossip on how the pro hero tried to forge a relationship with (H/N) to gain popularity. Hence, you found yourself standing at the balcony attached to the hall room where the event was taking place. Taking a long sip from the alcoholic drink in your hand, you let out a sigh. Oh how you wished that you were here with Bakugou instead... It seemed like the Gods had finally looked upon you because you heard an extremely familiar voice behind you saying, "Seems like your dumbass got popular enough for people to start forging relationships huh?". Turning back, you found Bakugou staring at you with his familiar intense crimson gaze while sporting a smug smirk on his face. "Seems like it. Did your date run off too?" you asked him, discreetly checking out how perfectly the black suit complemented his frame.
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"She's talking to the media to make them like me cause apparantly I'm an asshole." Bakugou grumbled, standing beside you. "You came with your manager?" you asked him, curious. "Manager/Assistant. Standing one person is better than two." Bakugou explained his reason behind overworking the poor woman. As if Bakugou understood the fact that you were silently judging his ethics, he snapped at you, "I pay her enough dumbass! She literally gets twice the amount than a regular manager cause I don't want to deal with too many shitty extras!". "Yeah yeah calm down.. Zeez.." You muttered with a smile. You really enjoyed his company. "Oi (L/N)?" you suddenly heard Bakugou call you after a moment of comfortable silence. What surprised you was his voice. It was softer than usual. "Yeah?" you answered, looking at him. He was looking at the floor, his eyes hidden by his hair. "Were you interested in that guy?" he asked you. A bit surprised by his question, you answered, "What? No.. Not really... He was a good friend but no...". "I see." Bakugou answered before looking straight at your eyes. "Since both our dates are stupid and left us alone, let's make this our date." he stated. Bakugou thought you wouldn’t notice the fact that he was blushing but he was wrong because you did. Unlike him, you knew that there was no hiding the fact that you were a blushing mess when you asked him shyly, "a friendly date or a date-date?". "A date-date you dumbfuck! I thought you were smarter than those extras!" he snapped at you. "How the fuck am I supposed to understand if you throw this at me out of nowhere?" you snapped at him. "By using some damn common sense you stupid fuck! Is it a yes or no for fucks sake?" he almost exploded. "Yes damnit! Stop exploding at everyth..." you were cut off with a kiss. Bakugou truly was a perfectionist at everything, you realized. Even at kissing. Your tongues battled for dominance, a battle that he won. His hands were on your waist and you didn't realise when your hands moved up to his shoulder. The media had a lot to say about it on the next day since someone took a picture of rising heroes Ground Zero and (H/N) passionately making out.
With Bakugou Katsuki, you always had to expect the unexpected. Ofcourse, you never expected him to confirm your relationship with him as soon as the media caught up, which was literally the next day, nor did you expect him to propose you in the most tsundere way possible five years later. He literally demanded that you marry him, throwing the topic at you out of nowhere and shoving a ring on your finger. Now that you were at the hospital, watching him hold your new born son, who looked almost like a mini Bakugou, with glossy eyes, you were yet again surprised by his tenderness. After all, Bakugou Katsuki always did the most unexpected things.
[Author's note: Hey! It's my first Bakugou×reader fanfiction. Hope ya'll enjoyed it! I do bnha requests too!]
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solohux · 4 years
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We’re almost halfway through the year so I felt in the mood to make a rec list, and what better fics to rec than the ones which have possibly been overlooked in 2020!
Please remember that this is my own rec list and not being on here does not reflect skill, enjoyment or anything else. It’s just my opinion!
Enjoy! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
• Pretty Little Bunny by funnylookinfella (2.2k, E) Kylo makes the 'mistake' of telling Hux he thinks bunnies are cute. Just a silly little smut fic for springtime!
• Kitten by koi_boi (3k, M) Hux sleeps in an orange cat onesie (which happens to match Millicent). Kylo catches him snoozing in said onesie. They cuddle.
•  Paintball Warriors by @rudbeckiasun​ (2k, E) Supreme Leader Kylo Ren decrees that all officers must have shore leave. Then someone suggests teambuilding activities. Hux isn’t convinced, but paintballing turns out to be far more entertaining than he ever imagined.
• You're My Fucked Up Remedy by @nonsensicalsoliloquy​ (15.7k, E) For years now, Hux had plans. For so many long, arduous years he’d schemed in the shadows, waging a silent war with the men who’d taken his life and diligently strived to have it suit their every desire. He thought himself prepared for anything. However, what Hux hadn’t planned for, what took over his messed up existence like it suddenly had any other meaning beyond vengeance…was Ren.
• Revenge is Best Served with Hesitation by @heresetrash (4.6k, E) Hux had never been one to do his own dirty work. He preferred to send others to perform those tasks for him. Not because he couldn't do them himself - he was more than capable - but such work was time-consuming and messy, and he had better things to do. Kylo, however, was different. This was personal. Hux didn't just want to kill him himself, he needed to.
• Matters of Efficiency by mundanecactus (4.3k, T) A diplomatic mission goes awry, and General Hux is forced to admit that maybe he doesn't have a protocol for everything...
• Sick Day by newh0pe (2.3k, T) Kylo Ren has killed Supreme Leader Snoke and become one of the most powerful men in the galaxy... but his boyfriend still has to drag him out of bed when he isn't feeling well and baby him.
• We Remain by @drxcomxlfoys​ (1.1k, G) Kylo finds Hux in the holding cell after Pryde shot him. They both decide to leave the First Order.
• Smirks and Cigarettes by @ashenpages​ (1.8k, T) The first time Hux has Ren light his cigarette, it isn’t planned or discussed, or even a sensible time to be smoking.
•  ghosts from the past by morlawny (<1k, T) It was the same nightmare he had been having for the past few months, and it was haunting him. His father’s voice, the look he gave him… The way his hand touched his face... Kylo released a deep, heavy sigh, causing the body next to him to stir.
• Regeneration by DaisyChainz (3.8k, E) Hux discovers Kylo Ren out in the woods practicing a local ritual to welcome their current planet's Vernal Equinox. Somehow he gets drawn into the rites and finds that, while he objects to the mess, there might be something to the idea of 'renewal'.
• You're Making Fun of Me by DeviantDarkBelle (<1k, M) Kissing something that shouldn't be kissed.
• A Murder on Starscatter Isle by @theweddingofthefoxes​ (WIP, 8.2k, M) Detective Armitage Hux has volunteered for the case of a lifetime -- solving the murder of Snoke, the leader of a mysterious and isolated commune. If he succeeds, he's sure to get promoted. But if he fails, he could be in for more than he ever expected. Is the new leader, Kylo Ren, a friend, a foe, or something else entirely?
• By the Grace of the Fire and the Flames by Mothwing (11.1k, E) The sight of the pale, sunken chest lifting, pausing, falling again as the valve released. Air escaped the slack mouth with a little huff. Hux’s eyes were sunken and closed. He looked so much smaller than Ben remembered, vulnerable, almost soft around the edges, all his wiry strength gone. Ben had strangled him with both the force and his bare hands before, in anger and in a lust that felt very much like anger. And even though it could have never been easier to end his life, something stopped Ben just as it had always stopped Kylo. Something about the dry patches on his hands. Something about the blue shadows under his eyes. It felt odd to say this, but there was simply no honour in killing this man. Nothing good would come from ending this life, even though, and Ben knew that, they both deserved to die. A little balance. A little justice. And you could not tell a corpse that it’d lost. Ben dismissed the thought. No one was even keeping score any more.
• Whole Worlds Fade by boomsherlocka (34.5k, M) Their first meeting was not noteworthy. Hux was not yet General, and Ren was not yet what he would eventually become.
• Watch This by DaisyChainz (2k, E) Hux had never had a lover like Kylo before: someone that wants Hux, and not just a random warm body. So Hux Really wants to give Kylo what he's asking for, but he's just so damn exhausted. Luckily, Kylo has a stimulating solution.
• Aural by @kyluxtrashpit​ (2.7k, E) Hux fucks Kylo's ear.
• let go by DarthKyloRen (1.8k, G) “You’re in pain,” Ben’s small voice broke the silence. Kylo nodded in agreement. “I am.” “You don’t have to be.” “Yes I do.”
•  The Bidding by tsar_saltans_swan (3.4k, T) "Going once, going twice, won't these gentlemen suffice?" Armitage, a young lawyer, is suddenly thrown into an auction house to atone for the crime of not finding a wife by 25. It's a living hell... until he meets Ben.
• My Jolly Sailor Bold by @ellalba​ (<1k, G) A ship wonders into the Knight’s of Ren territory and get taken down by Kylo and his knights. Kylo has always been fascinated by humans but never really gotten the opportunity to actually interact with one in a way that doesn’t end with bloody murder. So he spots his opportunity to keep one when he sees a survivor getting away in a rowboat. A survivor with red hair.
• Take A Jump And Pray, May The Force Guide You by @ggerisminth​ (5.5k, M) The Resistance won, there is peace, well their version of peace. It isn't peace, it isn't even stability. It's just as worse as it was if not worse. But the far greater tragedy is the death of her family, and she will do everything in her power to get them back, even if that means using a technology created by the Sith to take her back in time. Even if it means that it might not work, or that she can never come back. She will never stop fighting to get them back, that is a promise. A promise to the Force, the Stars, and the Moon.
• Stay or Go? by Lokisbestgirl (5k, M) Hux enters into an arranged marriage with General Pryde for power and protection, but he's not getting any satisfaction in the bedroom. When Kylo comes around, they start sleeping together behind Enric's back and Hux finds out he is expecting. The trick is to get Pryde to sleep with Armitage again before suspicion arises. Will Pryde find out or will they get away with it all?            
• Fixed by Offing (<1k, T) There was a small bottle sitting on the side table. It was clear, filled with a yellow liquid, and labeled simply, “Happiness”. A hypodermic needle sat next to it.    
• I Really Wish I Hated You by inquisitor_tohru (1.5k, T) In another galaxy far, far away, Kylo Ren becomes aware that the voices he's hearing may not be aIl that they seem and comes to the unfortunate conclusion that Hux may be his only hope.              
• Caim by Eiramma (20k, T) Hux is stolen from his academy bunk late one night and is dumped on the frozen waste land that is Ilum along with a small handful of his other classmates. Despite never having dreamed a night of his life, on his first night on this frozen planet, Hux finds himself in the body of an angry padawan, Ben Solo. As his stay on Ilum continues, it becomes apparent that pair of them share some sort of deep connection forged through mysticism of the Force, that permits them spend their dreams in one another's waking lives, and Hux has no idea why. But with danger lurking around every snow covered tree, Hux begins to wonder if he will be able to live long enough to understand the mystery of their bond, never mind deal with the growing fondness for the other boy that has begun to bloom in his heart.
• A War of Wages by R_Quarion (2.9k, M) When Kylo Ren kills Palpatine and the power is passed onto him, the Rebellion becomes a story of the past. With the First and Final Order in control of the galaxy, Hux cannot believe that he doesn't even have control over his own paychecks. Phasma is stubborn.
• Wookie Wash by @bostarsky​ & @sunnywritesstuff​ (5.6k, E) There had been posters, propaganda on the minuscule level. Nobody had been bold enough to do anything directly, but Hux could tell the decision had not been taken well by his men. That was when he had prompted the head of morale on base to do something about the insurrection, and she had told him she would fix it. Hoping he had finally washed his hands of the matter, Hux had gone back about his day as normal. That had been three days ago, before all the racket. The issue with the campaign was that the model who had been shown in the ad was... Incredibly attractive, to say the least, and apparently the morale officer said that that man was none other than Kylo Ren. Now, nobody had ever seen his face before, but everyone always assumed he was ugly. Hux loathed drama and gossip of all kinds, it distracted his officers from their important duties... But even he couldn't get over the ridiculousness of the new advertisement. There was no way in the galaxy that such an attractive man could be under that mask, and Hux wanted to get to the bottom of it.
• To be Licked, Topped and Loved by hexgoldyloins (2.1k, E) Ren wants to be licked, topped and loved. Hux is willing to explore that.
• For This One Night by Lady_Faulkner (<1k, T) As Starkiller Base nears its completion, Supreme Leader Snoke orders General Hux to go on vacation. The general isn’t pleased. At least he has Kylo Ren in a speedo to look at.
• Halloween Candles by @paperprinc3​ (1.3k, M) Ben convinces his friend Hux to help him with a ritual so that Ben can try and talk to his dead grandfather Anakin. The ritual requires a virgin host to take the spirit however Hux didn't think that it was meant literally.
• Fate Is A Cruel Thing by shinogi (<1k, T) What would happen if Kylo was on the steadfast during the events that took place to Hux?    
• An Eros Festival Gift by Lady_Faulkner (<1k, T) Hux has been away for two weeks, but he’s due back on the start the Eros Festival, a galaxy wide festival of love, and Kylo has the perfect gift for him. That is, he hopes he does.
• An Earned Reward by PrincessDesire (5.2k, E) Hux rewards his sub Ren for a successful mission.
• Snow Powered by IsaiahVirus (<1k, G) Kylo finds comfort in the snow and in Hux.
• Calligraphy by @emperorsvornskr​ (1.1k, T) Kylo goes back to an old form of meditation assistance, and asks Hux to participate to give them both some stress relief.
• He's Got the Whole World in his Hands by undernightlight  (<1k, G)   Finally, he is the Supreme Leader. He has the power he’s always deserved, the power that was promised to him, so then, why does he still feel hollow?    
• Twin Crowns by kylux_nonsense (<1k, G) Twin thrones, one black marble on white floor, one white marble on black floor. Twin crowns, one rests amongst long, dark hair, one sits atop fiery red. There is but one galaxy, and in all its infinite variety every corner owes its allegiance to one or the other.
• Eh, it's love by @abboh​ (<1k, G) Hux was never one to show love of any degree but then there was Kylo, who showed his love in his own little ways.
• Castles in the Sand by orphan_account (2.4k, T)   A depressed General Hux and his secretive obsessive pining for Kylo Ren.      
• The Duel of the Fates by mheb (31.2k, E) Hux’s datapad chimed again, a call from Kuat this time, and he sighed aloud at it, exasperated. “What?” Hux leaned back in his chair, eyeing the holographic figure seated across from him, the shadowy form of their TIE cockpit barely visible around their body, the entire image emitted from the steel inlay in the far wall that Hux used to transmit his speeches. Hux carelessly knocked over a good half of the physical chess pieces in front of him, putting his bare feet up on his desk. His projected guest scowled at him. But Hux paled at the words that met his ears through his datapad. 'Jedi are with the rebel group that bombed the fueling station...the girl is here.' He ended the call without a goodbye, returning to the other conversation he’d been having, up until this point quite pleasant. “Ren.”
• And They Were Bottoms! (~oh my God, they were bottoms~) by   Ki_Ken_Tai_Ichi (<1k, T) Kylo and Hux both had very similar -and yet very different- plans for how their first night of intimacy was going to go.
• Tough Games by ouigeneral (4k, E) Kylo Ren and Armitage Hux have been participating in a secret relationship for a while. Both men love power play and experimenting with bondage. One night Hux organises a surprise for Kylo. Kylo certainly is surprised.  
• Hate until you love by SuperEllen (<1k, T) Can you hate someone so much that you actually love them?            
• Mark Me, Burn Me (the sun is nothing compared to you) by                 DiamondCrystalInk (1.7k, T) Enjoying a morning on Coruscant, Hux gives Ren a proposition. It's time Hux leaves his mark.
• Put Your Money on Me by Asrael_Valtiri (2.5k, E, WIP) He felt Ren press against his back, wrap his arms around his waist. He couldn’t help himself; he leaned back into Ren’s broad chest. Hux was glad their full-length mirror was behind them; he didn’t want Ren to see his face. So Hux closed his eyes a moment, let himself pretend he possessed all he’d ever wanted. Power, security, order, galactic peace--and above all, Ren.
• deep by g4t1t0 (2.9k, T) snoke dies and kylo ren is lost. hux hates to see him this way, but for a reason he cant name/hux prefers to see ren enraged, violent, hungry/he gets what he wants
• Heads Will Roll by @pizzzazlut​ (2.3k, M) Hux and Kylo decide to venture into the notoriously haunted Arkanis Asylum one night to try and see if they can get actual evidence in their ongoing investigation into the question, are ghosts real?
• Grandfather of the Century by ashangel101010 (<1k, T) The Emperor of the Seven Sith Hells does his best to protect his grandson.
• Love and Fear by @abboh​ (<1k, G) Sometimes it is better to be feared than loved by your people. But, gazing down from above, love can be found amdist all that fear.
• Take A Moment To Ask Yourself, Is This How We Fall Apart? by @bumblebae8​ (1k, T) Take a moment to ask yourself… if this is how we fall apart?
• You Ruined It by ravenlights (1.1k, T) Kylo Ren is serious about home-baked muffins, and Hux, well. Hux ruins it.          
• Crevices Of Sanity by WynneWritesHQ (<1k, T) How late the hour was, or how ramshackle the small room in which General Hux had decided he would spend the night, did not matter anymore. Not when everything he could think about was the man kissing his neck, carrying him aloft and onto some crates that, miraculously, withstood the general disorder better than the dusty residues beneath his always-well-polished boots.
• Pygmalion by orphan_account (17.4k, T) This is a story inspired by the theme of artificial intelligence and explores Armitage Hux's feelings of loneliness and isolation in the First Order. Unable or unwilling to seek out human connections and relationships, Hux turns to a company which provides custom built androids as personal companions to satisfy his need for intimacy.
Adjacent Ship Recs
• Home for Dinner by DaisyChainz (2.9k, E) Matt is always so sweet and attentive to Techie. When he's having a bad day, Techie tries to be brave enough to make things better for him.
 • Icing on the (Strawberry) Cake by Luxuria_Ira (3.6k, G) On a rainy night in June, Clyde takes Stensland up into the rolling hills of West Virginia and asks him a question that's been on the tip of his tongue since they met.
• Better, Ren? by DeviantDarkBelle (1.5k, E) Before Hux and Kylo have to return from leave, Hux hopes he can treat Kylo to something nice. Of course, Thomas and Charlie are more than willing to help out.
• Someone could see us by DeviantDarkBelle (<1k, E) Thomas McGregor is on vacation in NYC. He runs into Charlie Barber. Somewhere along the way, feelings are caught.     
• Horny Hearts by Rattlesnake (9.5k, E, WIP) Techie has a new flatmate called Matt and all he can really think about is doing it with him.
• Leaving It Up to You by undernightlight (8k, E) Henry Beard had been staring at him all day - Flip wasn't blind. Once it was just the two of them in the office, Flip decided to casually confront him about why. He had a mild suspicion, but he wanted to know for sure. He likes to be proven right.
• The Might and Measure of Love by @atlinmerrick (1.2k, E) A clearer invitation to go poking around inside Mr Cheung's house was never made, so a minute later and sure enough Clyde found Stens in the bathroom making weird little frantic noises. Clyde knew those noises. They were 'trying desperately to get off because of awkwardly-timed stiffy' noises.
118 notes · View notes
ellewritesfix05 · 4 years
Prince Charming
Characters: Sam x Reader, Maggie, Jack, Dean, Bobby
Warnings: Fluff, like one or two “bad words”(?)
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: I was watching Mamma Mia 2 a couple days ago and thought up this little fic based on a song from the movie, Andante Andante by ABBA. I really hope you like it 💜 Listen to the song here . If you’d like to be added to my Sam Darlings taglist, let me know here  ☺️
Here’s my full Masterlist if you’d like to
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The bunker had never been so full of life. Being part of the large group of people that was rescued from Apocalypse World by the Winchesters, you didn’t know this but, seeing the way Sam and Dean acted, it was apparent that they were not used to a busy bunker. For the past two weeks, you’d tried your best to help around the place, earn your keep by performing as many tasks as you could, anything from going out on hunts to cleaning the common rooms. 
For those two weeks, however, you’d also been getting close to the youngest Winchester. It was no secret to anyone that even though the whole family was to thank for your relocation, it was Sam who was the most involved with making sure you all felt safe and comfortable in this alternate universe you now called home. Working closely with him, you couldn’t help but develop a small, innocent crush on the tall hunter. 
Admittedly, it had begun with physical attraction, and who could blame you really? Tall and broad shouldered with long, silky hair and the sweetest smile you’d ever seen, Sam quickly invaded your unrealistic day dreams of being swept off your feet by your very own Prince Charming. However, the physical appeal soon turned into an emotional affair. Not only was he devastatingly handsome, but he proved to be incredibly smart, strong, and most of all, kind. He didn’t know any of you but the way he took you in and took care of you would make anyone think you were his family. Not to mention, those hazel eyes that seemed to change color every now and then, like a beautiful autumn day. 
Yeah, you had it bad for Sam Winchester.
“Earth to (Y/N), anyone home?” Maggie’s snapping in front of your face brought you back to reality.
Looking down at the soaped glass you were supposed to be rinsing, you chuckled in embarrassment, “yeah, sorry Mags. Had my mind somewhere else.”
“Thinking about Sam again, I’m guessing?” Maggie elbowed you playfully. Ever since meeting back at camp in Apocalypse World, you and Maggie had become very close friends. She was more talented in research, while you were a very skilled hunter turned fighter which meant you complimented each other. That and the fact that there weren’t many other people left around the place and those who were didn’t exactly share in your interests. Then again, with the world falling apart around you, who had time for anything other than learning how to survive?
Being your closest friend, Maggie had quickly noticed your interest in Sam. You rolled your eyes but agreed nonetheless, “I was. I just can’t help it. Despite everything we’ve been through, I’m still a hopeless romantic at heart.”
“I get that. It’s okay, it’s good that you didn’t lose that little whimsical part of yourself,” she replied.
“I guess,” you smiled.
“You know,” Maggie started, “with everything going on I was thinking maybe we could have a little party? Have everyone hang out, maybe a little barbecue… and who knows? Maybe you can use that beautifully melodic voice of yours to win him over.”
“Yeah, right!” you snorted. Truth was, while you weren’t the most self-assured person on earth, the one thing you’d always been proud of was your voice. Not that there’d been much singing during the past years, but once in a blue moon you’d have little get-togethers with other people at camp and sing soft melodies of better days. That usually got you compliments, and once even an invitation to dinner by a friend, days before he was killed while out on a supply run. 
“Hey! I’m serious,” Maggie chuckled, “just wait until he hears you, he’ll be absolutely floored!”
You smiled and put the last dish on the rack for her to dry, “sure Mags, keep dreaming.”
After drying your hands, you walked out of the kitchen and back to your room. She could be on to something, you thought. Shaking your head at the ridiculous notion that your romantic life would play out like something out of a cheesy rom-com, you flopped down in bed and let sleep and your imagination create yet another impossible scenario for you to live in until morning came.
“So, I talked to Sam about the party and he said it was a good idea so it looks like it’s all systems go!” Maggie said, walking into your bedroom. 
You placed down the copy of The Marvelous Land of Oz that you’d been reading, upon Sam’s recommendation, on your nightstand and sat up, facing your friend, “what systems? Please tell me this isn’t about your ridiculous plan to get me to sing in the hopes that Sam will magically fall in love with me like I’m the little mermaid or something.”
“What? No!” Maggie lied, “not at all! I just thought the barbecue could be a fun way to have everyone let loose for a night. Like a celebration, and a thank you to the Winchesters.”
You narrowed your eyes at her, completely unconvinced but still deciding to play along, “very well, then. Let’s head out to get some supplies.”
Getting up from the bed, you both walked out of your bedroom and headed towards the library. Maggie stopped in her tracks, “Shoot. We’re going to need to borrow a car. Why don’t you go ask Sam if we can take one of the cars from the garage?”
“Why didn’t you ask him when you talked about the party?” you asked.
“I forgot, sorry.” Maggie shrugged.
“Ugh, fine. I’ll go,” you said, “wipe that smirk off your face, Mags. I’m just asking to borrow a car, not for a date.”
Entering the library, you quickly spotted Sam sitting on a table across the way from Bobby. You walked over to them and cleared your throat softly, waiting for him to notice you since you didn’t want to interrupt their conversation. Luckily, you didn’t have to wait at all since Sam noticed you right away.
“Hey (Y/N), how’s it going? Do you need something?” he asked, flashing you his signature sunshine smile.
“Uh yeah. I think Maggie talked to you about the barbecue she’s planning? We were hoping to borrow a car from the garage to go get the stuff we need,” you replied in an abnormally soft tone that made Bobby puzzled since he’d never known you to show timidity around anyone before.
Sam’s smile widened, “Yeah, sure thing! The spare keys are in the cabinet down there by the war table, first top drawer from the left.”
“Great, thanks!” you replied, quickly walking away before he could see your reddened cheeks. It was almost unsettling how this one man could have such an effect on you, especially since you’d never felt like this before. Grown ass woman with a schoolgirl crush, for fuck’s sake.
Meeting up with Maggie in the garage, your annoyance at her antics made her laugh as you climbed into a light blue 1972 Dodge Dart, a car you’d seen Sam drive before when Dean wouldn’t let him take the Impala.
Six hours later, the food was ready and you were helping Maggie set everything down on the library tables for people to help themselves. Proud of the result, you sat on one of the reading chairs off to the side, sipping on a glass of whiskey as everyone else gathered around the feast. Soon enough, the bunker filled with music, chatter, and laughter as the large group sat and ate while sharing anecdotes of their past before tragedy hit.
It was a couple hours, and more glasses of whiskey, later when someone suggested a song from you. Looking up from your drink, you smiled sheepishly, “Oh I don’t know.”
“Awe, come on (Y/N), you always used to sing for us after a nice meal!” Maggie chimed in, and the rest of your group hummed in agreement. 
“Maggie said you have a very nice voice, I’d really like to hear it too,” said Jack, who was sitting next to Sam and Dean.
“Uh, alright then since you asked so nicely,” you replied, rubbing your hands down your thighs in the hopes that the denim would soak up the moisture that had settled upon them.
Turning in their chairs to get a better view, the group placed their attention on you. Suddenly, you were painfully aware of Sam’s focus on you and closed your eyes to calm your unusually hyperactive nerves. Singing was your comfort, how could he make it any different by just looking at you?
Taking a deep breath, you began
Take it easy with me, please
Touch me gently like a summer evening breeze
Take your time, make it slow
Andante, andante
Just let the feeling grow
As your voice filled the room, smiles formed around you. Unbeknownst to you since your eyes avoided him, Sam had discarded his plate of food and found himself inexplicably more drawn to you than usual. While you thought he was simply showing you kindness, all this time he too had come to develop feelings for you. Feelings that the hunter refused to act upon, due to his own bad luck with previous relationships. 
Even though he was mesmerized by your beauty from the moment he met you, your voice was now like a siren’s song; enticing and soft, tugging at his heartstrings as he found himself leaning forward, gravitating to the source of such dulcet, beautiful sounds. Sam couldn’t help but be fascinated by you; the way your brow curved, the slight fidgeting of your fingers that moved as though you were playing an instrument. 
With newfound courage, you dared to look in his direction and the moment your eyes met, they locked on to each other in a way that made it so he became your sole audience. Everyone and everything around you dissolved until it was only you and Sam, together in the middle of a sea of infinite stars.
There's a shimmer in your eyes
Like the feeling of a thousand butterflies
Please don't talk, go on, play
Andante, andante
And watch me float away
Looking straight at him, you noticed a sparkle in his eye. It made you feel as though you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Without saying anything, those hazel orbs told you tales of pain and doubt, but also profound tenderness and, dare you say, love?
Andante, andante
Tread lightly on my ground
Andante, andante
Oh, please, don't let me down
Coming to an end, your voice faded into silence until the sound of someone clearing their throat snapped you back to reality, breaking the eye contact with Sam that neither of you had realized was visible to everyone around you.
Light clapping broke the tension and you looked to the source, Maggie, who was looking around at everyone as if to silently ask them to join in, which they did. Standing up from your chair, you gave a small smile and excused yourself, not risking a look Sam’s way. 
If you had, you would’ve noticed his disappointment at your escape as well as the teasing wink Dean gave his little brother.
Walking out of the bunker, you flopped down on a nearby bed of grass, silently begging to be swallowed by the earth then and there. Resting your head on your arms, you almost missed the sound of feet shuffling through grass behind you.
“Y/N? Can I join you?” Sam asked.
Looking up like a startled squirrel, you shot back up and ran your hand through your hair in an attempt to smooth it down. 
“Sam! Um, yeah sure,” you looked around and noticed he’d come out to see you alone.
“Hey, uh, is everything okay?”
You nodded and sat back down on the grass, legs crossed, motioning for him to join you.
“I’m okay, just felt kind of tired. Long day,” you said as he sat next to you, his long legs awkwardly folded in front of him.
“You sure? I want to make sure that you’re feeling comfortable here. And I wanted to apologize if I made you feel awkward in there, I didn’t mean to stare,” he chuckled, running a hand through his hair and making you wish it was your fingers flowing through the silky strands instead.
You felt your cheeks warm up as you looked towards the trees to avoid his gaze once more, “No. It was my fault, I’m the one that made it look like I was serenading you or something. Which, I wasn’t. It was just a thing that I did, but I am sorry for making you uncomfortable and you didn’t have to come and apologize, you didn’t do anyth-”
“Woah, Y/N, breathe,” Sam laughed, placing a hand on your knee, “I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. To be completely honest, it was actually kind of nice. You really are very talented.”
Widened eyes fixed on the large hand on your knee, your heart began to race and you found yourself speechless. He noticed your reaction and quickly removed his hand, the cold contrast of its absence making your heart drop.
You looked sideways at him, noticing a slight change in his demeanor as if he was saddened by the lack of touch as well, “So you don’t think I was being totally weird?”
“Not at all,” Sam smiled warmly, “I was flattered, actually.”
A new wave of courage took over you, and before you knew it, you were turning to the side to face the handsome hunter, “so, you really did like it?”
“I really did like it,” Sam reached out instinctively and pushed a strand of (Y/H/C) hair behind your ear, the contact of his fingers with your cheek sending an electric shock down your spine.
Before you could realize what was happening, he leaned forward and lightly pressed his lips against yours. The moment he did, it was as if fireworks went off around you. Though taken aback for a moment, you soon melted into the kiss, hands running up his firm chest until you stopped to grab at his jacket to pull him down with you. Laying on the grass, you felt tickles from the green blades surrounding you but that only added to the intensity of Sam’s touch. The way he ran a hand down your side, stopping at your hip to pull you closer. The way his kiss turned more passionate and fervent, something you wouldn’t have expected from such a sweet soul but that was nonetheless an incredibly nice surprise.
Breaking the kiss to catch your breath, you opened your eyes to a wondrous sight; Sam’s gorgeous features highlighted by an unusually starry sky above him, the trees surrounding you forming a canopy of sorts that reminded you of fairy tales. He smiled down at you, so close you could feel his warm breath on your skin, setting it ablaze despite the cold breeze that was beginning to pass through.
“We should probably get back inside,” Sam said, noticing your shivering body before you did.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” you chuckled. Sam leaned down to peck your lips once more before standing up and offering a hand to pull you up. You both walked back to the bunker, hands clasped together as you did. He slowed his strides to match your much shorter ones, causing you to giggle; a reaction that warmed Sam’s heart in a way he hadn’t felt in a very long time.
Stopping at the door, Sam turned to you and leaned down to kiss you once more before you broke the news of your newfound relationship to the rest of the bunker residents. Taking a deep breath, you opened the door and smiled, ready to take the next steps to your new life by his side.
Pond Tags
@whispersandwhiskerburn @roxy-davenport @impala-dreamer @deathtonormalcy56 @samsgoddess @frenchybell @spn-fan-girl-173 @deandoesthingstome @deansleather @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @mrswhozeewhatsis @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles @idreamofhazel @wevegotworktodo @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog @memariana91 @plaidstiel-wormstache @chelsea-winchester @becs-bunker @ageekchiclife @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @evilskank-inthemegacoven @maraisabellegrey-blog @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @clueless-gold @winchester-family-business @there-must-be-a-lock @just-another-winchester @emoryhemsworth @serenity-sam @cas-backwards-tie @sierra-grace1227 @firefly-in-darkness @emilyshurley @deanwanddamons ns @idreamofplaid
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martinskis-lydias · 4 years
it’s made my soul come to life
pairing: derek hale/stiles stilinski
word count: 1868
notes: sequel to this but can be read as a standalone
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Derek snorted at the episode of Supernatural he was rewatching. It was one of his favourite shows but he laughed at how inaccurate it could be sometimes. He couldn’t say he knew everything about the supernatural world (not even close) but there were some things that he knew for a fact weren’t real.
And vampires weren’t real.
Either way, he loved the show and watched it whenever he could.
And they’d actually had some down time the last couple months where everyone could relax a little bit. The college kids could focus on their school work, everyone else could go to work and not fear losing their jobs because they had to keep missing days, and Derek had gotten to watch some of his favourite shows or read some of his books.
It had been absolute bliss.
The Pack didn’t know what he’d been doing, they probably thought he was sitting and brooding in his apartment with a single lamp as his only light source.
(That wasn’t a guess, he’d heard Erica and Stiles saying that a week ago.)
But whatever, as long as they weren’t disturbing him. Or making fun of him for his show preferences.
After he finished another episode he got up to make himself lunch. He was draining the pasta and thinking about what sauce he wanted to use when he heard a car pull up out front. He sighed when he heard Stiles thanking Scott for the ride.
He didn’t want to have to do this, have to pretend he wasn’t in love with Stiles, have to watch his every word, make sure he wasn’t staring, overthink every little thing. And that’s what he did every time he was around Stiles. And Stiles was alone, which he wasn’t sure was better or worse.
At least when others were around he could focus on them, but they also tended to tease him and try and make Stiles notice his glaringly obvious crush.
Maybe it was better that he was alone. Stiles never seemed to notice anything, so as long as he controlled himself-
“Dude, are you watching Supernatural?”
He’d forgotten that the show was still paused on his TV.
“No.” Nice one, totally believable.
“No?” Stiles repeated incredulously. He was smirking and Derek knew Stiles didn’t believe him at all.
“It was just on,” Derek lied.
“You’re watching Netflix.”
“It was an accident, I clicked the wrong show.”
“Oh, gotcha, sure. Well, I love Supernatural. I bet you like it because you and Dean have the same car,” Stiles said, turning to walk to the kitchen.
“Dean and I don’t have the same car!” Derek yelled. “I have a Camaro and Dean has a ’67 Impala!”
Stiles turned to face him again, beer in hand and broad grin on his face. “I thought you didn’t watch the show?”
“Fuck.” Derek had fallen for it. “Fine, I watch the show. Happy?”
“Ecstatic. Why were you lying about it? It’s a good show,” Stiles asked.
“Well, I didn’t want the Pack to find out because they’ll probably make fun of me,” Derek mumbled, grabbing pasta sauce and mixing it with the noodles he’d drained. “It’s just a thing Laura and I used to do, and I didn’t want… I don’t know,” Derek finished, finally looking up at Stiles.
He handed one bowl to Stiles, seeing as he usually made enough for three or four in case someone stopped by, and they went over to the couch.
“Derek, they wouldn’t make fun of you. I know a bunch of them watch the show, we could all watch it together if you ever wanted company,” Stiles told him gently.
Derek nodded, feeling a little stupid about how dramatic he’d been. It was only a show, but it was just a connection he’d had with Laura and he didn’t want it to be something he was ever embarrassed or ashamed of.
“Anyways,” Stiles said, mouth full of pasta. “That’s not why I came over here, obviously.”
“Why did you come over? Not that I’m upset or anything, you’re always welcome,” Derek added hastily.
Stiles smiled a little. “Well, I have something I need to talk to you about,” he explained. Derek could hear his heart, hear how nervous he was.
“Is everything okay?” He asked, hoping he could help Stiles.
“Well, that depends on the next couple minutes, honestly,” Stiles answered.
That didn’t clarify anything so Derek stayed quiet. So did Stiles for a few minutes, but Derek could tell he was working himself up to something.
Finally Stiles opened his mouth but what he said wasn’t anything Derek had been expecting: “I think I’m in love with you.”
Derek felt like his brain was trying to reboot, like it wasn’t fully capable of processing what Stiles had just said. So it took him a moment to reply.
“You… you think?” was all he could get out.
“Uh, yeah, I think. I don’t know, it’s not anything I’ve ever felt before which is why it took me so long to figure it out. It’s not what I felt for Lydia or Malia or anyone else. This feels… different. Stronger, I think,” he explained. Derek could see how anxious he was, how much control he was using to talk about this so casually.
“And you’re sure about this?” Derek asked, because he needed Stiles to be sure. He knew that if he told Stiles how he felt and it all ended up being a joke or something that it would break him.
“Yeah, Derek. I’m sure. I was sitting in class the other day, bored out of my mind because I already knew everything that the professor was saying, and I was just thinking about you and I realized how often that happened. I think about you all the time. But I don’t think about how you’re probably the most attractive guy I’ve ever seen, or how great sex with you would be – okay, yes I think about those things, obviously – I also think about you,” Stiles was up on his feet, pacing in front of Derek now.
“I think about the fact that, even though you’re not the Alpha anymore, you take care of everyone like you are. You listen to everyone when they’re having any kind of issue, you constantly back Scott up, you help him when he’s in over his head. You give everyone everything they need but you never do that for yourself! It’s infuriating how much you care about everyone else but completely dismiss yourself!”
“No, shut up, let me get this out. I was thinking about this and I got so angry and I didn’t know why it pissed me off so much. And then it came to me. It pisses me off because you’re so wrong! You deserve everything, you deserve the moon and all the love in the world and you deserve to be taken care of. And I realized that I want to be the person that does that for you. I want to tell you how wonderful I think you are, I want to yell at you when you’re being a self-sacrificial idiot, I want to make your favourite dessert when you’ve had a bad day and I want to hold you on the couch when you fall asleep while I make you watch all the Star Wars movies.”
Stiles was breathing heavily now, his chest rising and falling quickly. There was a blush creeping up his face and he started to look from Derek to the door like he was judging if he could make a quick escape.
“Derek, it’s fine. You don’t have to say anything, I just… Scott told me that I should tell you and this was so stupid I’ll just go…”
Derek moved to stand in front of him, stopping his escape. “Stiles would you give me a chance to tell you that I’ve been in love with you for years?”
Stiles was finally silent, his eyes wide and staring at Derek’s face, trying to see if he was going to take it back.
When he didn’t, Stiles threw his arms around his neck and kissed him. Derek didn’t hesitate, he grabbed Stiles’ face and kissed him back with everything he had. Stiles’ hands moved down to Derek’s hips and pulled him in closer.
Derek practically melted against Stiles’ hold. He hadn’t been kissed in years, and he doesn’t think he’s ever been kissed quite like this. Like Stiles thought he was precious and something to be treasured and wanted to hold him forever and protect him from the world.
Everyone Derek had ever been with expected him to be the protector, the one who was supposed to hold the other person up and growl at the world to keep the darkness away. The stereotypical top in the relationship. And he could do that, he wanted to protect the people he loved.
But sometimes he wanted to be held gently and taken care of and made to feel like he was so important that they would tear down the world to make sure Derek was safe and loved.
And that’s what Stiles was showing him with the protective hold on his hips and the soft but commanding press of his lips against Derek’s and the feeling of absolute love radiating from him so strongly that it almost knocked him over.
A few minutes later (or maybe a few lifetimes, Derek’s not exactly a reliable source on that detail) Stiles pulled away from him. They only moved away enough to breathe a little, but almost every other point of contact stayed, which was nice.
“Wow,” Stiles breathed. He had a look of shock and amazement on his face, one that probably mirrored Derek’s own.
Derek could only nod, speechless. He was also a little worried that he would say something stupid and this moment would be over much sooner than he’d like.
“So you… you really love me?” Stiles asked.
Derek snorted fondly. “Yes, Stiles, I love you. I realized I loved you years ago when you almost got into a fight with Liam because he tried to grab the last mozzarella stick when you knew I wanted it,” Derek admitted. He pulled Stiles closer to him, curling into him despite being a little taller and taking comfort in Stiles arms wrapping around him.
“You’re such a dork,” Stiles laughed. “But so am I, so I guess it works out.”
They just stood there for a bit, holding each other and feeling so unbelievably lucky to have this.
“So, do you want to watch a few episodes of Supernatural?” Stiles asked.
Derek laughed and pulled him onto the couch, starting up the episode he’d paused. He curled against Stiles’ side and Stiles pulled him into his lap, kissing his forehead and running his fingers through Derek’s hair.
Stiles loved him, and he understood him more than anyone ever had without even having to talk about it. He knew there would be issues, they were Stiles and Derek, of course they would fight and argue and make mistakes. But overall, he knew they would be happy. And that was all he could ever want.
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
Ancient Soul
Time Travel, Quirkless, Feudal Japan AU
“Your soul does not belong here.” Those were words you never thought that you would hear. Now, thrown into the past in feudal Japan, you must find a way to survive, all while struggling to avoid the growing feelings for one hot-headed war general. War, romance, death and love drive you forward, to find the place where your soul truly belongs.
Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader
Want to start from be beginning? Check the Ancient Soul tag. New chapters released every Wednesday as long as schedule permits.
Genre: Romance / Angst Story Rating: Explicit | Adult Themes, Sex, Death, Depictions of Violence, Alcohol
Chapter 18: Silent Words - NSFW Chapter
Chapter Rating: Explicit | Cursing, Making Out, Foreplay (fingering) Sex (Vaginal) Words:  3197
“I have no other choice but to believe you. No one could come up with such nonsense and it not be true… You have no proof, sure, but it does mostly make sense.” Taking the sake flask from you, Bakugou took a hefty swig before putting it off to the side, and you figured that he didn’t think you needed any more of it. “And that’s why you know so much about us and the battles we have been in… Because it’s already happened.” 
“Yes… I’m sorry I’ve lied to you for so long, I just… How could I come out and say that?” You put your mostly eaten fish off onto the ground beside you, finding that your stomach was in too tight of knots to eat anymore. “At first, it was because I didn’t want to be… killed or thrown in prison. But after I got to know everyone… To know you, I really just… I wanted to protect you. To do what I could and hopefully keep you safe. Nearly every time the past couple of months that we’ve met up to go over things, I wanted to tell you.” 
“Honestly, it’s better that it happened this way… I’m not sure how I would have felt if you just came out with this with no warning. I always suspected something was off, but what’s worse is the way I… Well, not worse, but strange, how you… Or, how I--” Bakugou interrupted himself with a heavy sigh, tossing his own stick away in agitation. “Never mind.” 
Sniffling, you wiped the tears from your eyes before turning your gaze up to his face. The words he wanted to say just weren’t coming together in his mind, just as they were reluctant to in yours. Yet, you knew exactly what he was trying to say. This connection the two of you had, a pull so magnetic and fierce, wasn’t something that you figured either of you could ever come to comprehend. By now, you knew that it was nearly impossible to fight, and the strain of trying to resist your mutual attraction was taking a huge toll. Now that you knew there was no way to return home, was there really a point in trying to continue fighting it? Wouldn’t it be better to just live your life to the fullest in this place? 
He had accepted you more than you had ever expected, especially with the fit you threw at the shrine. He didn’t think you were insane, nor did he want to push you away. In fact, he seemed even closer to you, now, which was to be expected after learning what he had. He was the only person in this world who truly knew you, everything about you that you had been able to share so far, and he hadn’t wanted to rid himself of you. 
After all of this, his actions and his words, one simple fact was made obvious. 
Bakugou cared about you. 
“Can’t find the words, huh…?” Your voice barely a whisper, you took hold of his hand tenderly, softly stroking the top of his fingers with your thumb. With your touch, Bakugou’s crimson glare softened, pulling away from the fire to gaze down at you. Immediately, you felt heat rush up into your cheeks, your heart beginning to pound so heavily you were sure he could hear it. 
“I never can.” Slowly, as if any sudden move he made might startle you, Bakugou turned his hand until his palm was pressed flushed with yours, fingers aligned. It was as if there was an electric current running through you from his touch, and for a moment, you could picture yourself dying without it, like a computer being unplugged. The heat of his palm was carried with the current, warming every inch of you and swirling around in your belly. You knew what this was, the tingling in your core and across your skin so familiar and yet… It was new. 
You had never felt like this with another person in your lifetime. This closeness you felt to him was so perfect, so… right. How else could you possibly explain it? The words were lost to you as Bakugou’s free hand caressed your back, only sending more of that electric spark pulsing through your body. It didn’t fade as he released your hand to instead caress your cheek, softly stroking the hot and flushed skin with his thumb. Somehow, the two of you had grown incredibly close, enough to where you could feel his lips brush against yours as he spoke again. 
“But I don’t think I need words… Not anymore.” 
The first kiss he placed on your lips was soft, a tender brushing of skin, as if he were testing the waters for any negative reaction from you. Instead, what he received was nothing but your longing as you returned the affection passionately, your hand sliding up his arm to caress the hand that rested against your neck. Three times you had been kissed by this man, but this time there was a clear difference. There was nothing holding you back now, no worries about returning home or concerns that he may not truly care about you. All of that, which had held you back before, was completely gone and all you could feel for him was your pure and absolute love for him. 
Without even taking a moment to think about where this would lead, you shifted yourself to sit on his lap, facing him and straddling his legs. There wasn’t an inch between you as he wrapped his arms around your torso, his strong hands caressing your figure. His touch was something that you just couldn’t resist, the heat in your body flaring as his hands began to wander. You wanted them all over your body, to feel those hot and rough palms on your bare skin, but you wouldn’t be given that just yet. Instead, he began to pull loose the cloth around your midriff, each piece coming loose before they were tossed aside. With each item’s removal, your kimono loosened, until there was nothing holding it closed but the weight of the heavy fabric. 
Although your under layers were still in place, this gave him more direct access to your body for now, his arms slipping under the top layers to hold you close to him. How much the thick clothing had obstructed his touch hadn’t been made clear until that moment, so you shred the outer layer completely, letting it fall behind you onto the ground. 
“That was expensive,” Bakugou spoke with a teasing growl against your lips, though the passion in his gaze gave away that he truly didn’t care. “I guess I shouldn’t buy you any more clothes.” 
“Oh shut up,” You silenced him with another kiss, feeling your passion raging as his hands slid up your thighs and under the white fabric of your final layer of clothing. The speed at which your arousal had grown was starting to become unbearable. You needed to feel him inside you, to find that final connection that you had both been longing for. As your hands slipped between your bodies, you pulled loose the single sash that held his robes closed, as he had already removed his outer layers in preparation for sleep. 
The soft gasp that escaped your lips as his burning palms gripped your ass was something you couldn’t hold back. Just the thought that his hands were so close to your aching sex was making you feel impatient, wanting to feel him touch you so badly. Your wish was granted faster than you had expected as his fingers slid forward, stroking across your wet pussy and to your clit. You hadn’t even noticed that you were as wet as you were, his fingers effortlessly sliding across your skin to tease and roll the sensitive button. 
Moaning softly at his touch, you couldn’t resist shifting your hips up, hiding your face into his shoulder as your pressed tighter to his chest so he could reach better. You could feel him smirk against your shoulder, exposed from your movement, which only became more exaggerated as two of his fingers entered you. It had been so long since you were touched by anyone but yourself that, at first, the size of his fingers was a bit uncomfortable. That feeling vanished quickly as he began to move them within you, making you tremble and pant into the fabric of his robes. 
“Damn, [L/N]... I didn’t expect you to be so lewd. You’ve always given off such a shy vibe, but look at you now, sticking out your ass for me.” 
Heat rushed to your face at the low and resonating sound of his voice so close to your ear, which only made your body tingle and clench around his fingers. You had always expected that he may be a bit frisky, probably into dirty talk and dominance, which was something that you weren’t bothered by in the slightest. In fact, it only excited you further. You didn’t exactly expect your first time with him to be slow and sensual, especially not since you had both been holding back for so long. There were so many things that you wanted, for him to hold and caress you, but also fuck you roughly until you saw stars. 
“D-don’t tease me,” You couldn’t really believe how desperate your voice sounded, tinted with a sweet note of pleasure. “I can’t help it, Katsuki. You make me feel like I’m on fire-- a-ah, fuck!” Your hips rolled with his sudden rougher movements, already feeling a tingling building up in your stomach. “Y-you’re going to make me cum!” 
“Cum? Is that what you call it in your time? Sounds filthy. I like it.” Pleasuring you just a bit further, he removed his fingers just at the peak of your orgasm, leaving you frustrated. 
“H-hey-!” You were silenced as he pulled your hips back down, kissing you again. One hand on the back of your neck, you willingly found yourself submitting to him, gasping softly as his tongue invaded your open mouth. You found the way he kissed you so hot and fierce, the heat only growing stronger between your legs. But, with a sudden shifting of your hips, you realized that it wasn’t you that was so warm. His cock, hard and erect, had come free from his loose robes, pressing up against your sex. 
Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you began to slowly rock your hips, stroking yourself along his member. Bakugou gave a low groan into his kiss with your movement, his grip tightening against your scalp. “Fuck… I’ve wanted you for so damn long, [L/N]...” 
“Then take me.” With a slight shifting of your hips, you lowered yourself down onto his cock, letting it vanish inside you slowly. Just like his fingers, you weren’t quite prepared for his size, squeezing his shoulders tightly. He was larger than average or anything you had in the past, to be sure, and by the time he had completely filled you, breathlessness began to set in. You were hit from all side with a multitude of overwhelming feelings, forcing you to pause as you pressed your forehead against his. 
That connection, that rushing current had increased tenfold, rushing from your core into pleasured tingles across every inch of your skin. You felt full, so absolutely wrapped in his presence that you found yourself wanting to just soak in it. From the look in his eyes, his crimson gaze locked with yours, he was just as enamored, lost in the feeling of your walls squeezing around his cock. As your hands moved up to caress his neck, lips pressing into his softly, you felt that familiar fluttering in your stomach. No one had ever cared for you in such a way, and though this may be the first time being so intimate, the way he caressed you and just soaked in the feeling of you being connected was proof enough. 
“I want you to take me, Katsuki…” Your voice trembled as you spoke into the kiss, finding that it took a great amount of effort to begin rolling your hips. His size was difficult to adjust to, but it didn’t take long to find your rhythm, grinding against him slowly. “I want to be close to you…!” 
The kiss you shared was short lived, finding your urge to moan too strong as you picked up your speed. Balancing yourself with your hands on his shoulders, you moved at your own pace, allowing him to kiss and nibble at your neck and shoulders as he pleased. You were surprised that he was allowing you to set the pace at first, though his soft sighs and grunts of pleasure were enough to tell you that he was enjoying it. 
That is, until his hands gripped your hips, using his strength to urge you to change your movements. Instead of grinding, you began to bounce on his cock, moving your body up and down at the speed he set. The pleasure made it almost impossible for you to keep your body moving, and yet, you couldn’t stop. His cock sliding in and out of you from the tip to the base created such an addicting pleasure, one which was already making your mind numb. 
All that you could think about was him. You didn’t care that your white robe fell loose around your chest, exposing your breasts to him as they bounced with each impact. You didn’t care about how roughly his fingers dug into your hips or how your voice traveled across the grassy hills. You were alone with this man that you adored, on this silent and mildly chilly night. 
“Katsuki--” As that familiar pressure began to build back up inside you, you began to feel incredibly weak, feeling as if you would collapse against him at any second. “--I can’t, i-it’s too much!” 
“Too much, huh?” Bakugou slipped his hands around to support your back, pausing just long enough to lay you down beneath him on the bedding he had laid out. His robes fell open the rest of the way, though he kept them on as he began to thrust his hips, slamming into you at an even quicker and rougher pace. You felt completely hypnotized by him, your eyes glued to his muscular body and the way he moved. He was such perfection that, for a moment, you couldn’t help but marvel at the fact that he had chosen you like this. 
Time to think about anything else wasn’t within your reach as he released your legs, propping himself up on his elbows on either side of you. Fingers digging into your hair, Bakugou kissed you passionately for a moment before moving his lips to your neck, the hitching of his breath and groans giving away that he wasn’t going to last much longer at this rate. You knew that you weren’t going to either, but you were distracted momentarily as he spoke, deep and ragged near your ear. 
“I want you to be mine, [L/N]... Stay here with me…” 
A new heat rushed to your cheeks at his confession, wrapping your arms around his neck as you nuzzled your face into his hair. “I-I will, Katsuki! I’ll stay with you!” 
You knew that it wasn’t just the pleasure that pushed you to make this decision. It was something deeper, a strong connection that was undeniable. It was your soul, latching onto his and melting into each other in such a way that you would never be able to break them apart. You never wanted to. You wanted to be here, with him in this world for as long as you could, to love and hold him as you were now. “I never want to leave you!” 
Digging himself somehow deeper into you, Bakugou ravaged you until the little sliver of control you had held onto finally broke. Clutching onto him tightly, your hips arched up into his as you came hard, the power of your orgasm forcing him to slow down to weak thrusts. Groaning into your shoulder, Bakugou fucked you slowly against your pulsing walls until you felt a heat explode inside you, making you tremble against the slightly cold breeze. His hips flush with yours, Bakugou didn’t move from you, even after he had finished. Instead, he melted into you, as close as he could possibly get without crushing you. 
Panting to try and catch your breath, you softly ran your fingers through his hair, placing tender kisses against his ear and temple. “Katsuki… That’s not at all what I expected from you…” 
“No?” Bakugou placed soft kisses along your neck, trailing them up towards your lips slowly. “What did you expect?” When his lips reached yours, you found yourself silenced, unable to resist his kisses. After a moment, you let your hands slide down his arms, smiling up at him. 
“It was a lot sweeter than I expected. I thought that you’d… maybe get a little rough with me.” 
“I wasn’t?” Bakugou’s brow furrowed, confused. “That… wasn’t rough to you?” 
Feeling your face flush, you glanced around, trying to find anything in your surroundings that might help distract him from the question. “O-oh geez, now I feel like a freak… No, it, uhm… That wasn’t rough to me… if that’s… not a bad thing…” 
Snickering, Bakugou gave the tip of your nose a bite, the playful action startling you into your own round of giggles. “Well, [L/N], I’ll be sure to please you properly next time.” 
“No, no, don’t get the wrong idea, Katsuki.” You cupped his cheeks gently, wiping a bead of sweat from his eyebrow. “It was perfect. I… I’m honestly really glad that I couldn’t figure out how to get home.” 
“Oh?” Bakugou softly moved some hair from your face, shifting the position of his legs a bit. As he did, you couldn’t help but gasp out softly, his member still deep inside you. Immediately, you saw a change in his expression as it softened, his lips hovering closer to yours as he gave another light buck. Your body tingled with the light pleasure, allowing your legs to wrap loosely around his waist in a silent wish for him to continue. And so, he did, slowly moving himself within you as heat returned to your skin. 
“Y-yes…” You kept your gaze locked with his, struggling to speak against the urge to moan. “I… I didn’t want to lose you. Katsuki…--” Cut off by the hitching of your own breath, you tried to blink away the emotional tears building in your eyes. As the first few escaped, Bakugou kissed your lips softly, pulling you back to him for the time being. 
I love you. Those words you just couldn’t get out lingered in your actions as you held him close, stroking his hair and kissing him so tenderly.
I love you, too, he responded silently with his touch, wiping away your tears as he made love to you gently under the stars.
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abbyrynt · 4 years
Tsubasa’s Trauma and Why I Disagree
So a recurring opinion I’ve seen in a couple different places where I creep/lurk (reddit, tumblr, etc) is that XV should not have pummeled the shit out of Tsubasa.
I strongly, vehemently, aggressively disagree even though I can see where they’re coming from. The first time I watched XV, I literally texted someone: “What are they doing to my poor baby Basa this season?”
I think the reason my opinion differs is because I think I come from a vastly different background than most viewers. Not to say anyone’s perspective is wrong, it’s just different. First, let me tell you why I love Symphogear.
I am in my mid-thirties and left the Army after sixteen years in February 2019. So from age 18 to *cough mumble* I was a soldier. I won’t go into gnarly detail, but I have lost many friends, more to suicide than to combat operations which is seriously fucked. I have PTSD, insomnia, physical disability, etc. as a result from my service.
War is complex. I joined because I wanted to make the world a safer, better place for all people I never wanted to hurt people but reconciled myself with the fact that I may have to hurt “bad people.” Here is the thing about “bad people.” They are people. They have families, friends, lives, goals, aspirations, dreams. They get hungry and sleepy and sad and happy. To them, I’m also the bad guy. You think, “Hey, it’s easy to figure out who the bad guys are.”
It isn’t. And most of them aren’t bad. They aren’t evil. Their “justice” is different from mine. They are on an opposite side from me but they might not even understand why.
In my experience, there are very few truly “bad guys.” Most of the hardcore Taliban: super bad. Most of their foot soldiers? Not so much. But where it becomes shady is that in my experience, some of the “bad guys” were on my side. A president who lied to the American people and sent us to die in a war we had no business fucking starting. Big businesses that profited from that war and the deaths of my comrades. There are just as many bad guys on both sides, and sometimes the bad guys are supposed to be the ones you trust.
Symphogear lets me experience that and process it without triggering me. It allows me to have a world where I get a happy ending because in war, there is no happy ending, there is no “winner,” there is just one side that loses a little less.
Symphogear lets me retreat to a place that I can be safe.Where I can be idealistic, where I can hope for the best, where I am not crushed by reality. Where I can count on people to do the right thing in the end. It allows me to hope, which I so rarely dare do in the real world. It gives me the opportunity to reach my hand out to my enemy, to try to understand them. And I cannot tell you what that means to me.
And one of the reasons I am drawn to Symphogear is because of Tsubasa. She starts out having trauma, and it changes her in a way that is readily recognizable to me. When you experience shit like that, it is normal to “turn off” the human part of yourself. You don’t ALLOW yourself to feel because that can get you killed. So you turn off your emotions, you focus on your duty, and you do whatever you can to survive. I went through that exact same thing.
You turn yourself into a tool, a weapon, a thing so that you can do your duty. You dehumanize yourself to survive. It becomes your “normal.” It’s a defense mechanism, and sometimes the only thing you can do to protect yourself.
And then Tsubasa is redeemed because she realizes that there is no point to what she does if she is willing to sacrifice her humanity. That’s literally the same realization I came to. What’s the point of fighting if you become no different from that which you claim to stand against? Our humanity is literally the most precious thing any of us have, our capacity for love and compassion and empathy.
One thing I have come to appreciate about anime is that the writers seem to ask themselves the question, “What’s the worst thing that can happen to this character? Let’s do that.” They did it to Tsubasa in XV. They broke her completely. They took away everything she valued, everything she held dear, everything that made her initial recovery possible.
Ta da! That happens in real life. You have setbacks. You have new trauma. Bad things happen. You lose what you value. You lose sight of your “justice.”
Watching her hit bottom, I was like “Girl, I know.” But unlike my battle buddies that I watched hit bottom, I got to see her recover. No matter how far she descended, she came back from it, she survived. 
Survival is a triumph. Survival is a win. Because so many don’t survive. They succumb to their experiences, succumb to their trauma, succumb to the loss. They never find their way back.
I am lucky. I am lucky every day that I did. And watching a character mirror my experiences, the experiences of my battle buddies, gives me hope. It gives me consolation. It gives me reassurance. It tells me that it is okay for me to hope and wish and fight for my survival. Because even if she is fictional, even if it isn’t real, it tells me that I can do it too.
It’s why so many people relate to Chris. Who I would argue endured just as much trauma if not more than Tsubasa. She saw her parents killed, she was sold into sexual slavery as a CHILD, endured that for seven years? Only to be rescued and acquired by Fine who further abused her in a romantic/sexual/BDSM(ish?) relationship.
It is sad, but so many people can relate to that: to feeling broken, damaged, isolated, alone, unloved. They suffer from self-esteem issues, from loneliness, from feeling like they will never have a safe space, of being scared of even wanting it because they’ll only be disappointed and hurt again.
I do not relate to Chris. I’ve been sexually assaulted, but... her trauma, her experiences, her recovery, does not resonate with me. It isn’t mine, but I understand that it is other people’s, and it is valid.
I am not Tsubasa. I don’t identify with any of the main characters. I’m a smartass like Kanade. I am easy-going like Kirika. I am reserved like Shirabe. I am maternal like Maria. I am supportive like Miku. I am determined like Elfnein. I like to eat like Hibiki. I am principled like Tsubasa, but at best, I’m probably a background character.
But even if I don’t identify with Tsubasa, I can empathize with her. Because I know that feeling. I know what it’s like to make all the right decisions, do all the right things, to fight with everything that I am and that I have, and for bad things to still happen. Because that is life. It isn’t fair. You can hold tight to your ideals, do everything you are supposed to, and you are not promised a happy ending.
I know that sounds fatalistic, but it’s not because the point is YOU STILL TRY. Even if your only reward is more shit, you pick yourself up, hold onto your justice, and keep trying to do the right thing. Not because it guarantees that nothing bad will happen. Not because you’re ensured a reward, but because it is the right thing to do.
And Tsubasa does that. She has everything taken away from her including her autonomy and self-determination, but in the end, she still stands back up and tries again. She takes the hands of her comrades and does not give up.
And that is all I want for myself. I want to stay true to myself no matter what happens. I want to be able to keep living. And seeing her do that makes me feel like I can too. 
I’ve been at home for... 65 days now, leaving only maybe once a week for groceries. My PTSD has flared like a motherfucker. I started doing weekly video-sessions with a therapist, I made a pillow fort on my bed where I work from home to make me feel safe. I wear the Symphogear hoodie one of my partners got me for my birthday.
But what has helped me the most is watching and re-watching the entire Symphogear series over and over again because it makes me feel safe. it gives me hope. It reminds me that I will come through this again. It does not just give me hope, it gives me the courage to hope.
The writers of Symphogear did not just heap pointless trauma and violence and loss on Tsubasa just to abuse her. If it was just a bunch of horrible things dumped on her to make her suffer, I’d hate it too. But it wasn’t. The gave her a journey. They gave her redemption. And that journey and opportunity for redemption gives me hope. And sometimes when we are at our worst, hope is the only thing we have.
I know this post was super long and dramatic, but it bothers me that people want to take away the part of the show that I most closely relate to, the part that helps me, the part of the show that IS ME. 
I guess my point is, just because it isn’t your journey or your trauma or your story, does not mean it isn’t someone else’s. Like I said, Chris’s journey/trauma/story is not mine, but I can see why it is other people’s, and why so many people cling to her.
So uh... yeah, that’s it. I’m done. At least for now. Stay tuned for our next episode where I ramble at length about Azur Lane and how I totally did not expect a show about women who are literally warships to so accurately portray and explore the complexities of war. And how parts of that show feel like they were lifted directly from my brain because I’ve struggled with the exact same thing as an aircraft carrier. And how conflicted I feel being attracted to a light cruiser.
(Side note: Please do not feel sorry for me or thank me or anything. Soldiers are not heroes. We’re just people. We do the job we volunteered to do, but we aren’t special. We don’t deserve a gold star for doing what we signed up to do. We’re just normal people trying to do what we think is right, just like everyone else. My trauma is the same as everyone else’s, no better or worse. It was my honor to serve, and no one owes me anything, not even gratitude. /endrant Sorry, I really hate the “hero myth” of the soldier. It’s fluffer-nutter.) 
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avengerscompound · 5 years
The Grind House - Chapter 8
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The Grind House: A Bucky Barnes Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x  F!Reader
Word Count:  2166
Rating:  E
Square filled: @star-spangled-bingo - Playful Relationship
Warnings:  Smut (F/M, oral sex, vaginal fingering and sex)
Synopsis:  When Bucky Barnes stops to get coffee and warm up at your coffee shop, he had just expected that caffeine might lift his mood a little. He didn’t expect to fall head-over-heels for you over a game of chess.
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Chapter 8
He came into the Grind House the following Monday.  It was during lunch so you made him a white chocolate mocha, toasted a panini and brought them over to the table by the fire with your own lunch and a caramel tart.  The two of you had played a game of ‘Codenames Duets’, which he completely annihilated you at.  While you had both played you talked about the plans for the week.  He thought he had a mission coming up.  You were considering buying some more games for the store.
In the final 10 minutes, you'd asked him if he'd come to.game night again.  He said the only thing that would keep him away was HYDRA.  He’d asked if you might like to go out on Saturday.  You had said you'd love to.
That's how it was dating you for the most part.  Playing games over lunch at The Grind House most days.  He'd come to the game night, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends.  Dates on the weekend that were often casual and always involved long makeout sessions.  You hadn’t had sex yet.  Not because either of you was waiting, but because you were being patient.  You were leaving room for his body to catch up with what his mind wanted.  He wanted to have sex with you, but the intense way his body reacted to just making out, he worried that there was no way he could get from there to sex without blowing his load.  So you did other things.  Kissing, dry humping, erotic massage.  You showered together.  You took baths.  He got you off and oh god did you get him off as you patiently went through every kind of intimate touch so he could acclimatize to it.
It had only really been a few weeks since he’d officially asked you on a date but he was falling for you fast.  He still had these huge worries about being with you.  You were just a normal person who had lived an average life.  There had been good and bad but you owned a coffee shop and played board games.  You weren’t average by any sense of the word but you were good and untouched by the kind of life he had experienced.  He worried that at some point the burden of the things he carried or the life he led now as a hero trying to clean up his past was going to be too much for you and in the end, you’d either get hurt or pull back before you let yourself be hurt.
Only it was exactly all that stuff that he was attracted to you for.  You weren’t touched by this.  He relaxed when he was around you.  He smiled.  God damn it, he let himself laugh with you.  When he was visited you part of the world, the non-Avengers world, he felt a little bit like the guy he had been before he’d ever put that army uniform on all those years ago.
Which was really odd because he knew for a fact that that guy wouldn’t have been caught dead drinking salted caramel lattes in a place like The Grind House.  He was too cool for things like that.  He always had to be moving.  He always had to show girls how extremely cool and talented he was all the time.
Now though…
Well, now he loved the Grind House.  It was like it had been designed just for him.  He loved how almost none of the chairs matched.  He loved all the different board games and card games.  He loved how it smelled.  He loved the fireplace.  He loved the different coffees and the sandwiches and the cake selection that never seemed the same from one day to the next.
He also thought he might love you.
Or at least he had that first little sparks of what could be love.  Those little things that he definitely did love that led to actually falling in love with a person.  He loved when you teased each other.  He loved when you won a game and got all smug about it.  He loved when he won you were always genuine with your congratulations.  He loved how patient you were.  How funny.  How kind.  God, the depth of your kindness seemed infinite.  He’d never known anyone like that.  He’d never known anyone so fearless and yet so absolutely determined to give to those who needed it.  Steve came close he guessed, but where Steve had always solved problems with his fists you always went the pacifist route.
So it was there and he was falling hard and fast.  It was scary and exciting.  Like being on a rollercoaster where the risk was real but the reward was real too and just might be worth it.
Steve, Sam, and Natasha all seemed to think so.  They were always pushing for more information.  While not everyone always came to the game nights, if those there were in the city, they went with him.  They talked him up to you even though, he kind of thought that wasn’t necessary.  He wasn’t sure why still, but you seemed to genuinely like him.  You didn’t act like you were feeling sorry for him.  You weren’t scared of him.  It was affection and it was real even if he wasn’t sure he deserved it.
You touched him on the tip of the nose and he blinked at you.  “Where’d you go?”  You asked.
He chuckled.  “Space.”
“Oh yeah?  That sounds fun.  What were you doing in space?”
He pulled you tighter to him.  “Oh, you know?  Flying around in a spaceship at light speed.  Meeting aliens.”
“Aliens like Thor?”  You asked.
“Nope.  More bit gelatinous blob monsters.”
You both started laughing and he pulled you against him.  “Pity.  Thor's hot.  Maybe he could have given you some hot alien booty.”
Bucky completely lost it.  He couldn't remember the last time he has laughed as hard or as genuinely as he was now.  It had to have been before he was taken.  Likely before the war.
He tightened his arms around you and nuzzled into your neck. “I love you so much.”  The words were out before he realized he'd even said them.
You pulled back and smiled down at him, cupping his jaw.  It felt like his heart had stopped.  He was sure that was too soon to say it.  Even if he did feel it as strongly as he did.  You couldn't possibly feel the same way.  Taking out the paranoia of no one loving him because of the monster he'd become.  Saying ‘I love you’ too soon was relationship suicide.
Your smile was soft and reassuring and you caressed his cheek with your thumb.  “I love you too, Bucky.”
It took a moment to process the words.  To process that you’d said them back.  Not only had you said them back but you had meant them.  It wasn’t you trying to placate him or manipulate him.  He loved you and you loved him right back.
A smile spread slowly over his face and he leaned in and kissed you.  Slowly and tenderly at first before deepening it quickly.  Your tongues dancing together as you moved your lips against his.  He moaned softly, pulling you into his lap and you rolled your hips against him, his already rock hard cock rubbing through his clothes.
He groaned and bunched a hand in your hair as the other ran down your side and gripped your hip.  You pulled back and looked down at him.  “Let’s go to the bedroom.”
“Mmm good idea.”  He teased and got up, lifting you with him.  You squealed and kissed him hungrily as he carried you down to the bedroom he tossed you onto the bed and you let out another squeal as you bounced on the mattress.  He laughed and climbed up on the bed after you, crawling over your body and leaning in to kiss you.
You cupped his jaw just before he did and looked into his eyes.  “We can go at the pace you want.  I have no expectations right now.”
He nodded.  “You are too good to me.”
You shook your head.  “Nope, you deserve the world.”
He leaned in and kissed you again, deeply and passionately.  He wanted you now.  His body ached for you, but he knew he was going to need to slow down at least a little.  He rutted his hips, grinding down against you.
He broke the kiss and trailed his lips down your neck.  Peppering your skin with kisses.  He pulled back and lifted your shirt over your head before kissing his way down your body.  He wanted to taste you.  To make you come.  To drink it up before he sunk his dick deep inside of you.
You squirmed under him and ran your fingers through his hair as he kissed down your stomach and pulled your pants down.  He softly kissed the inside of each thigh before sucking hard enough to mark them.  You moaned loudly and lifted your hips off the bed.  Almost presenting your cunt to him, glistening with your arousal.
He hummed and breathed you in as he spread your folds with his fingers and licked his tongue over the exposed pink of your pussy.  Wide at first, coating his tongue with your juices.  Savoring the sweet and salty taste of them.  As you squirmed and moaned and tugged on his hair he focused in on your clit, drawing random patterns over it.  Sometimes large and sloppy, sometimes small and focused.  Your moans got louder and you pushed him down into your cunt more.  He chuckled and sucked your clit into his mouth and sucked on it as he pushed his fingers inside you.
He fucked you with them, curling them and stroking them inside you as he fucked you with his fingers.  His senses were being overwhelmed.  The sound of your moans filled the room as the scent and taste of your cunt filled him.  His cock was hard and throbbing and he wanted to be inside you, but he needed you to come in his mouth.  He wanted it badly.
He kept working your cunt, his fingers dragging over the soft spongy surface of your g-spot as he held your clit between his lips and flicked his tongue over it.  You arched up suddenly and came.  He kept pumping his fingers as he drank up what he could, your fluids running down his wrist and your body shuddered.
You sat up and guided him up with you, still breathing heavily, your eyes blown out with lust.  He kissed you deeply and you pushed him back against the headboard of the bed without breaking the kiss.  You unfastened his pants and pulled them down, his cock, sprang up and lay against his stomach, rock hard and throbbing.  You hummed when you saw it and gently ran your fingers up its length.  It jumped and twitched at your touch, sending a shiver up his spine.
“God, your dick is so fucking big.”  You hummed as you climbed into his lap.
“I’ve noticed.”  He teased and you both started giggling.  “It’s partly the serum.  Are you worried?”
You shook your head and slowly sunk down on it moaning as the wet warmth of your cunt enveloped him.  You squeezed around his cock, sending a shock of pleasure through him, making him moan and buck up into you.
You relaxed your core muscles and slowly began to twist your hips on him.  He groaned and looked up into your eyes.  It felt like ecstasy.  So good compared to anything he’d felt for so long.  Even with the gradual build up, it still felt so much better than he had remembered.  He leaned down and nuzzled at your breasts.  He sucked on them.  Pulled your nipples into his mouth and bit gently on them.  He moved up, capturing your lips, kissing you hungrily.
His balls tightened and he started to thrust up into you.  You rubbed your clit as he fucked you and you moaned into the kiss.  Just as he was sure he wasn’t going to last any longer you came again, crying out and throwing your head back.  The sudden clenching of your cunt was more than he could handle.  He thrust hard up into you and came hard, grunting and burying his face in your neck.
The two of you collapsed down on the be and you curled up in his arms, resting your head on his chest.   “Well, I got what I wanted,”  You teased, running your hand over his chest.
He laughed.  “Just that?  I’m sure I could do better if you stuck around.”
You broke down into giggles.  “Alright, alright.  I guess another time might be okay.”
He chuckled and leaned down and kissed you.  He wasn’t sure what he had done to deserve you, but he was definitely holding on to you now he’d found you.
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