#why make his dog die INFRONT of him
r1elle · 25 days
for my peace of mind i want to live in the belief that miya atsumu has AT LEASTTTT got to be a candidate in the “pretending to be nonchalant but horrendously failing at it” trope.
like can you just imagine ..
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a just freshly out of the change room miya atsumu, —who, by the way, has his brothers clothes on. (he wants to make a cool impression, and unfortunately, it’s his brother who always has the better outfit choices between the both of them. though he’d rather die than admit it.) anywho, he’s outside of the gym on standby to see if you had already walked past the building at your usual time. (he knows because he’s timed it.)
and when he realizes you already did, and that he had missed to take advantage of that one time slot in your routine, he’s BUMMED. he’s bummed out like a bum in bum central. but it happens as much as it doesn’t, so he still can’t figure out why he’s so dejected whenever the outcome turns out to be the former. (maybe cause he’s just so in love with you like that ?? duh)
but anyway, cmon now. you really didn’t even stop by to see if you could catch a glimpse of him setting ?? serving ?? heck, even spiking ?!?! because he couldn’t care less whether or not you knew which position he played, or what move he often did on court—…okay, well, maybe he cared just a bit. but screw all that. he can just tell you all about it when he’s finally able to call you his ! because what’s most important right now, is you seeing him during the times when he looks his “absolute coolest”.
but goodness gracious you should see the complete 360 his expression does when he sees you laughing along with your friends near the vending machine, indicating you hadn’t fully left just yet. he’s basically grown dog ears, and they’re raised HIGHH. osamu just wants to throw up, especially even more so as he sees heart eyes practically being etched onto his twin brothers dna, and he could only hope it wouldn’t apply to him as well.
with this profound opportunity, atsumu suggests that maybe they should buy something from the vending machine using their remaining coins. (“their” as in osamu’s. atsumu has .99 to spare, but he thinks he’ll save it for another day. perhaps to buy you those 50 cent candies at the nearby 7/11?).
“i’m thirsty. are ya not? c’mon. let’s use ‘em remainin’ cents.” though, anyone can see that it wasn’t a suggestion. it was a demand. (atsumu has never loved the “i was born 5 minutes before you.” card so hard in his entire life.)
osamu can’t help but feel the obvious desperation radiating off of his brothers anticipating expression, so he feels bad and says yes. atsumu internally thanks his brother, thinking that maybe telling him that ‘he should’ve ate him in the womb’ a couple of days ago was a bit mean.
but now that he’s infront of you, what should he do? the boy can physically feel his critical thinking skills melting away.
and so, with little time to actually prepare, he settles on nodding his head towards yours as a greeting (? if it can even be called a greeting), avoiding eye contact as he poorly executes his cowardly advances. he internally wallows in doing so, because that was NOT what he wanted to do. gosh….why couldn’t he be as smooth as he was on court ?!?! what he wanted to do was,—
“hey,” [add in a lazy but still oozing with confidence expression. whatever looks nonchalant and cool!] “want this? i was gonna buy one for myself,” [handing off his coins with one hand while his other one goes off to casually brush his blond hair to the side,] “but eh. dun’ really want it. take it, if ya’ want.” [finishing off with a low-key but proud sniff as he shoves his hands onto his pockets.]
but no. that was not what had happened. at all.
instead, he’s now completely focused over to the vending machine, his eyes directly staring onto the drink he had caught glimpse of you already drinking. (how could he not? it was the whole reason his plan backfired.)
well. at least he was able to give out a (puny) nod at you.
before he could even do anything else to salvage this already weak pursuit of his, atsumu hears you and your friends’ conversation exit out of his earshot. assuming that you were now further away from him, his knees seem to find themselves giving in.
one may think it was due to the exercises coach had given for todays practice.
but miya atsumu is a star volleyball player who yields the magic of ‘athleticism’. so surely, the runs up the mountain during todays agenda should hardly be the reason of any damage caused on the blonds already well maintained physique.
and surely,
heated cheeks, rapid beating of the heart, growing sense of frustration, and a yearning for some sort of impactful interaction with you..
wouldn’t qualify as side effects of hard practice, right?
“stop leanin’ on the vending machine like that, ya’ idiot.” osamu snidely comments, and his ‘face-mushed-to-the-vending-machine’ twin brother can only groan in response.
the walk back home is surprisingly quiet, until a low grumble decides to finally greet the silence.
“i was supposed to talk to her.”
“maybe that lame nod told her all that ya’ needed to say.”
“it ain’t my fault she already had a drink in her hand!”
“yeah, yeah. sure. ya’ still looked lame, though. i almost felt bad.”
“shut up! ya’ don’t know what it’s like to be a man in love!”
a silence.
a silence from atsumu who’s now just truly realized how doomed he was.
a silence from osamu who wonders if the person behind them had heard atsumu’s rather flamboyant confession.
“love, huh? didn’t know you were that deep into her.”
and of course,
a silence from you, who couldn’t help but just take the longer way back home, all because it meant getting to walk a few steps behind him. (even if he had always failed to notice you doing so, every. single. time.)
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i was thinking of ryu sunjae from lovely runner while making this … i hope most ppl will see the vision 💔💔 I JUST LOVE LOSER MEN WHO JUST LOVE THEIR PARTNERS SO VERY MUCH !!!!
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despairots · 5 months
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PIECE OF LOVE! — till ivan | alien stage.
till said he liked you, but he always looked at mizi whenever she walks past. maybe if he looked back, he would notice you. waiting, staring, wanting it to be your turn before you finally looked the other way.
content warning | character deaths, swearing, unrequited love, brief cannibalistic metaphors, love triangles, male reader but not mentioned (they/them prns).
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till never looked at you, if he did (which is rare), it would be because of you talking to him just to get his attention. despite him saying he liked you when you both were young, he never gave you anymore attention once mizi arrived. till never talked to her, always expecting her to look back at him without asking her for it.
maybe that’s what you felt when someone you love is looking everywhere but you. you were always there for him, he knew too, always comforting him in his darkest times, praising him when he did a good job at his practice, making him gifts so he can be happy, but not once did he return it.
does he appreciate it? yes. returns your love? no.
till doesn’t know it but maybe if he looked back, he would see who was waiting for him all this time. it was only a matter of time before they turned away from him too when he finally looks back, and you were just waiting for you to eventually give up on him.
praying, wanting, needing for it to happen. if only things could be that easy, you would’ve been a lot more free. instead, you’re bounded to be hopeless forever, no matter how many times your alien owners tried to cheer you up. gifts, clothes, toys, stuff you needed to live until this day, it would never work.
it was until recently, at the rip age of 17, that you finally grew up and matured. turning around and living the life of a young star, your owners busting their asses for you to live a life of a celebrity. it felt good to finally be free, maybe you missed being chained down to till, after all, you still cared for him.
you wanted him to be apart of you, you still wanted him carnally, sinking your teeth into him, almost like you could smell his flesh from miles away. all that you concluded that you wanted to let go so bad, was that you still loved him.
till never looked at you.
“ [name]? “
ivan’s touch on your cheek woke you up, realizing you slept on a couch, uncomfortably so from the neck in your pain when you sat up. his black pupils that had a hint of red stared right back into yours as he kneeled infront of you while cradling your hands.
“ivan..?” you trailed off before realizing he won his match, making you softly smile, “congratulations.” ivan nodded back in acknowledgment before he stood up, pulling you up with him to bring you into a hug, putting your arms around him as you buried yourself in his neck. you were lucky ivan was here with you, loving you like till could never bring up the courage to do.
now, as you raise up your platform, dressed in white with the boy you once called yours beside you, a look of concern glistening in his eyes, wondering why you weren’t looking at him like you used too. all you were doing is staring at the ground, like you lost the will to win.
till never looked at you.
watching ivan die, just to save till with no regrets while giving him a goodbye kiss as he fell to ground made you realize something, ivan looked at both till and you, just to die for both of you. when he died, you died alongside him, now till has to go up against you.
till watched you walk up the stage, wanting to get this round over and down before he followed you like a lost dog. he never heard you sing before, he never listened to your rounds or music, he was too busy with his but once he heard you live, you sounded ethereal, pulling him into your downfall.
he didn’t notice that he was being your back up vocals before you grabbed his hand, mic just inches away from your lips, did he start his singing part. till noticed how dead your eyes looked, how cold your skin felt, and how you harshly let his hand drop yours grasp.
his eyes kept following your figure, noticing how smooth and soft your movements were, aswell as how soft your voice was being when you looked at him whenever he looked away from you. despite everything, you could never hate him.
you, who didn’t wish him harm.
you, who wished he looked back at you.
and you, who didn’t want to win.
because of that, you grabbed his wrist to pull him into a short kiss, pulling away until he pulled you back in, shocking you more than anything. a part of you wanted you to believe that he was only doing it because he missed mizi, that you were just filling in the role of her until he pulled away.
a sad smile on his face as his lips moved, saying words that you weren’t able to hear, there was a ringing in your ears, the scoreboard showing that you won. till managed to catch the look of disbelief when your eyes went back to him, he was glad that the glint in your eyes were back, just not the way he didn’t want it to come back.
the tight feeling on his neck disappeared, reaching up to grasp at it did he realize you placed it on yours. no, no! he’s already lost mizi, ivan, and now, you? it’s like the world didn’t want him to be happy with the amount of blood splattered on his hands.
your smile, and ivan’s smile will now haunt his dreams, watching your body collapse onto the ground next to him with your blood on his cheeks did he yell out of despair, cradling your body close to him as the crowd watched in disbelief.
till never looked at you.
he always did, whenever you weren’t looking in that case.
“i’m sorry for not loving you enough.”
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mikobeautifulheart · 7 months
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Megumi x reader 'first date'
TW: leave if you have gojo-phobia because he's going to be anoying in this one.
eh like maybe a 100 words at mosttt
Rblogs welcomed if u were wondering. JUST NO ITS NOT EDITED.
'I'll be at your dorm at 9:00, wear something comfortable' you read the text from Megumi over and over, your heart racing even faster ever time.
It was your first offical date with Megumi and he hasn't said anything about what it is. The only thing you knew was that Megumi was going to be here any minute.
You slipped out your uniform and into an outfit fit for a warm night like tonight. You and Megumi have spent hours the entire school day sending each other love sick gazes and awkward conversations. That's exactly why Gojo was sitting on top of the dormitory, waiting to catch somebody(s) sneaking out.
Gojo already knew something was up after the other night when he caught you guys in Megumis dorm, but he couldn't help but think something was up when Megumi turned red after looking at his phone.
You lied on your bed when you heard a knock at the door. It was Megumi, it had to be.
It was, you opened the door to a casual dressed Megumi holding a small handful of flowers. You could tell they were from the back of the school where plants were over grown and unkept.
It didn't bother you because the flowers were arranged and were wrapped with a blue ribbon tied into the prettiest bow. He must have looked and only picked out the flowers he thought he were the 'best'.
"Aww Megumi" you said taking the flowers he handed you and giving his cheek a quick peck.
His ears were red.
"When your done were going to need to sneak out" He said leaning in your door way as you willed a glass of water for the flowers.
"Okay" you said with a wide smile making his heart skip a bit.
When you looked at him you just realised he was holding two rolled up towels under his arm.
"Are we going to ues those" you said looking at the towels.
"Yeah." He said
You walked out the door and closed it behind you before linking your arm with Megumi's and walking down the doors hallway.
Megumi slowly opened the front door not letting it make a single creak. He held it open for you to walk through before shutting it gentely.
"So, where are we going" you whispered over the sound of crickets.
"You'll see" he said, a small smile growing
you both walked through the forest at the side of Jujutsu high and carefully stepped through bushes.
"I don't get it Megumi, where are we even going? There's nothing surrounding jujutsu high" you said looking down to try not trip over a fallen tree branch.
Just then a small gust of wind blew your hair back and you looked up to see a small beach infront of you.
You were astounded the sound of waves calmly leaving the shore made you feel like it was all a dream.
Megumi put the towels down near the forest and walked over to you holding a frisbee. You looked at it and started to walk backward with your arms up waiting for him to throw, but instead of catching a Frisbee, Megumi summoned his demon dogs that chased after you also waiting to catch the frisbee.
In the woods Gojo walked carefully hearing yours laugh and maybe most importantly, Megumi's laugh. Gojo was there for most of Megumi's life, he had been through alot, so hearing him laugh whole heartedly made him proud. Sure you weren't supposed to be out this late but he couldn't help but smile at the sound of Megumi laugh.
Fine, he'll let it slide, but not before getting a picture of you two and his dogs playing.
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AUTHORS NOTE: This is appart of my Meguimi growing up in Gojos eyes series. Don't worry most of the fics have little to no correlation, we build as we gooooo. If u have ideas or what u wanna read PLEASE REQUEST my inbox is so empty I'll die. Thanks for reading ig.
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apollodrider · 6 months
good afternoon, a request please from apollo x reader (daughter of poseidon) how does apollo react if the reader rejects him because he is a playboy (apollo really fell in love with the reader), how can he make him see that he does love the reader
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Apologies for the long wait!
Warning ; language
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Being the one and only daughter of Poseidon himself meant a lot. You were perfect — from head to toe and inside out. Unfortunately, an annoyingly persistent god who insists on making attempts to court you thinks you are above perfect. To him, you looked like a goddess who would look goddess in any state or position you're in — he'd die to have you his muse.
When he first saw you, he felt like he was reborn inside a vast garden filled with glowing golden butterflies and various kinds of flowers as the sun started to rise.
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You wouldn't easily be swayed by his nonexistent charm. Apollo had a reputation of being a playboy and though you aren't one to judge someone without knowing — he had a harem and who doesn't know about it? You felt that the man's audacity was out of this world so why was he standing infront of you, as bright and optimistic as ever?
Your brows furrowed, face scrunching up in disapproval when the man extended his arm to show off a bouquet of flowers. There were mostly pink and yellow flowers but right in the middle was a magnificent blue tulip.
The personification of the sun itself could be very persistent.
“It represents you in my arms.” Apollo drawls and that only makes you want to throw yourself off a cliff. You walk past him and Apollo's jaw drops.
“Hey,” called out Apollo. “Can't you hear me out for a moment?” He asked in an attempt to get you to stop in your tracks.
And it worked. You stopped in your tracks but didn't spare a glance. “Stop it.” You say in demand and to Apollo's disappointment, you walk away almost immediately.
Apollo sighed, it was yet another failed attempt to try to charm you. He held the bouquet in his hand with a tight grip. Maybe his explanation came off wrong. Even so, he'll atleast keep the blue tulip to remember you.
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Apollo had a lot of women around him, specifically in his harem. You'd normally find him talking to different women everytime you encounter him. This time was no different. During the day, you see Apollo entertaining a woman who was definitely a low ranked goddess.
Apollo would talk to her with a gentle smile all while saying words that flatter the other and immediately earn a blush from her. Despite this, when you walked by and he felt your presence (it was hard to miss) — he quickly turned towards you and waved. Leaving the woman all to herself, he waves at you and runs towards you with an even wider smile.
Your right eye twitches. Shaking your head at his antics, you were incredibly stubborn just like your father but even you could see that Apollo was just playing around would women and you would never let that happen to yourself.
However, Apollo's attempts to gain your favor became persistent. Yet the man still talked to other women and flirted with them to flatter them all. It was a terrible feeling, sometimes you'd see other gods and goddesses whispering about you, the god of poseidon, being easily swayed.
Of course, your father easily dealt with them but maybe you weren't as perfect as you thought. You were starting to find it hard to focus.
Walking through the garden and near the waterfall, you see Apollo standing there. Eyes wide, you raise a brow when you get a better look at the other. Apollo had just gotten out of a bath? Seeing his messy pink hair and water drops rolling down his fair skin and the way the white robe was the only thing clinging onto his body.
To be honest, anyone could see that Apollo was good-looking. “(Y/N)!” Apollo called out to you with a wide grin and your eyes went back to normal. At the sight of you, his eyes looked like they were sparkling. He was comparable to a dog, really.
You swallow thickly, turning on your heel and turning away. “Finish your bath quickly.” You say dismissively. Apollo responds by grabbing your wrist and causes you to halt.
You exhale deeply, frustrated. After holding in your emotions for a while and bottling it up — you pulled your wrist and turned around to face him.
Anger evident in your eyes, you snap. “What is your deal?” You asked him with a yell. “Why do you keep pestering me?” You again ask but in a much lower voice than before.
Apollo hadn't realized that you felt like this at all. His eyes were wide and his hand that moved to reach for you hesitated. Glancing to the side. “It might not be very obvious, but I'm trying to gain your favor.”
You wanted to scream and tell him that his words were nothing but shit. “If you want power just contact my father.”
“My love for you is genuine.” Apollo declared. “I like you.” You would stare at him and Apollo would instantly get the hint that you wanted him to prove it. He'd say more, yet all his words of devotion were unsaid.
Despite that, he wants you to know that he'd devote himself for you if you asked. Apollo extended his arm, reaching to caress your hair to comfort you. Somehow, he could feel that your eyes were teary. Even so, he knows you'd push him away, and having you uncomfortable with his touch made him choose not to move to touch you even if he had no ill intentions.
If your wish was for him to earn the permission of being able to not be pushed away by you, he'd do his best to earn it. All this time he's been acting like you were already close — was that wrong?
What was the reason he fell inlove with you? Was it love at first sight?
When he first saw you, he felt infatuated. You appeared at a ball Zeus had hosted and were accompanying Poseidon. Apollo admired your elegance and the way you were calm and silent yet effortlessly beautiful. You shined amidst the crowd of goddesses and that made him terribly infatuated.
He'd ask his uncles, his parents, and even his sister about you. Artemis would get terribly annoyed the more Apollo kept talking about you. When he got to encounter you more — he'd feel a lot more happy and gradually feel a lot more safe and comfortable with you. When you talk to him he feels an indescribable sense of joy.
Thus, he chases after you and hopes to learn more about you so he could be able to love and appreciate you to the fullest.
You only had annoyance in your eyes at his confession. Why? You couldn't believe it. For some reason, you wondered how someone could love somebody like you. “Don't lie.” You said and turned away.
Apollo wonders if he's lying to himself too but seeing you makes his heart flutter, so just how could it be possible for him to lie about his love for you?
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You had obviously attended the ball your father hosted. Unfortunately for you, he didn't even pay much attention to you.
You thought everything will go fine, though you could feel eyes judging you and stopping themselves from talking since Poseidon was there. They still haven't seem to let go of their gossip.
You made sure to dress extravagantly today in hopes that it could help prevent hate from others. Uneasy, you walk to the center of the ballroom. You would occasionally shiver from the eyes of two partners dancing. At first, you wanted to ask your father for a dance — but clearly your father was far too busy.
Moving to the corner, you turn around and are immediately blinded by light. Using the palm of your hand to cover your eyes, you hear familiar laughter. “Come on, lady, why so down?” He teased playfully.
You would move your hand away, letting your eyes get used to how bright he is. You frowned in disapproval, yet with him — you didn't feel uneasy like before.
Apollo would smile. “Hopefully I'm not bothering you but you didn't look so busy.” You wondered if he meant to offend you with that.
Apollo then suddenly bent down and bowed, extending his arm an offering a hand. “May I have this dance?”
You were caught off-guard. “This... would worsen the rumors.” You say, looking down. Apollo would sigh. “Those awful rumors are things someone as beautiful as you shouldn't be bothered with.”
He did have a point... “What I mean is, if you want to — don't stop yourself because the crowd wills for you to do something else.” Apollo continued. His smile did not waver and his hand remained there, hoping for you to take it.
You take his hand and his eyes light up. Getting a better look at him, you released that the man put a lot more effort in his makeup. It wasn't a bad thing though, you like how the red eyeliner looks on him.
Silent, Apollo takes your hand and leads you closer. “Can I hold your waist?” He asked, wanting to gain your permission. He values your consent above all.
Placing one hand on your waist, he pulled you close. His other hand took your hand. He held you with both hands tightly. Swaying to the tune, he moves swiftly and flawlessly.
When your faces lean closer, you accidentally step on his shoe. Apollo's smile still remained and when you stumbled, he caught you with one hand and lifted you gently.
Many would comment and make remarks but Apollo would continue to dance with you. He sensed your uneasiness. “Don't worry, even if all are against you — I'll always be here.”
Twirling you around, he caught you once more and grabbed a hold of your waist. You blinked twice, unable to process the situation. He grabbed your hand again and had his other hand on your waist. He decided to just slowly sway to the tune along with you to make sure you won't fall again. “Are you okay? If it's too much we can stop.”
Apollo terribly confused you.
“... It's okay.” You mumbled and let him continue the dance with you. When the dance ended, you did a curtsy.
“Why are you doing this?” You asked, a sad look on your face this time. Apollo would keep smiling. “I love you.” He said again, a short and simple answer.
You clicked your tongue. “If you don't believe me, that's fine. I can wait. I'll do my best to prove to you that my intentions are genuine.” Apollo would declare again. Come to think of it, he hasn't really been talking with any other women since your last encounter.
Apollo stepped closer, closing the distance between you. He had his hand gently caress your hair. His eyes focused on you while they shined with admiration. Placing a purple tulip on your hair, he smiles and tucks your hair behind your ear. “I'm sorry, I hope that didn't make you uncomfortable.”
Purple meant devotion. “I'll take my leave now, princess.” He waved goodbye and instantly disappeared amongst the crowd.
You were left speechless.
Apollo did really want to try and learn to love you the right way. He hopes you'd one day realize his efforts and forgive him for his dumb decisions.
“Dumbass...” You murmured. The next time you see him, you'll give him a piece of your mind! Or well, a chance.
A smile gradually formed on your face. Feeling loved felt nice, but you want to take it slow with Apollo.
While you were contemplating about that ... Poseidon would talk to Apollo after the ball.
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What type of yandere do you think jouno and tecchou are?
I can answer this!
Masterlist (Request are open)
Saigiku Jouno (Yandere Idea)
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Jouno is a cold hearted yandere, I feel like he's a yandere in canon too.
You wouldn't expect him to be as dangerous as he actually is due to his facade. He shows himself as calm and composed, when that may be true to some degree, it's not 100%.
Would be kidnap you? Maybe, it depends. He's a hunting dog, the strongest one in his mind, he knows he can protect even when you're not tied to a bed in his house, but it's just a precaution.
Jouno is blunt, he will purposely be mean to you and be very honest about stuff he doesn't like about you. Talents, emotions, anything. Jouno is the kind of yandere to break you down into nothing purely for his own entertainment and for a power trip.
He's extremely possessive. He will literally whisper on your ear all the things he'll do to you, ranging from sexual to down right disturbing, all because you were talking to Techou for a bit too long. He doesn't get why you want to talk to that useless waste of space, and he's very open about that fact.
Punishments from him are brutal. Whenever you fuck up or you're caught doing something you weren't supposed do he'll look at you like this.
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You're left shaking and crying, covering his your own blood, bruises, cuts, everything. He'll leave you gagged, tied and naked on the basement, him smiling at your cries. Jouno loves your pain. The race of your heartbeat, the sense of fear he feels, your screams and begs, it all gives him a rush. Jouno however doesn't get carried away too often, so he knows when to stop so you don't die. He'll leave you down there for days, and when he sees you again you backing yourself into a corner while he kneeling Infront of you with that fucking smile on his face, asking you if you were done with you little rebellion.
He degrades the shit out of you, it's even worse if your a hunting dog. He'll moan and groan about how weak, pathetic and untalented you are, and how he's surprised you hold any use to them. Does he mean this? Most likely, whole heartly. Him degrading you turns him on, along with your tears. Sometimes he wishes he could see your face, just so he can see your tears, he bets it'll be adorable.
Jouno got no time or room for your disobedience. He doesn't like broken darlings however, he'll get rid of you due to you not being entertaining anymore. He wants a pretty strong willed, slightly disobedient darling, just so he has the excuse to pretty much torture you.
Despite this however, he loves you, well, more like he's obsessed with you.
Oh yeah. Hiding isn't a thing with him. You can lock yourself in a room to just avoid him, but he'll just appear Infront of you.
The thing is too, he acts like nothing happened after he punishes you.
Day to day life with him is full of fear, you can't read him. You're scared you'll mess up, what if he pins you to the floor and slowly breaks every bone in your arm again. He traumatizes you to such a degree that you can't even escape, mainly due to him being a hunting dog, but also because he's conditioned you with so much fear that if you got the chance to beg someone for help, you wouldn't take it.
Tetchou Suehiro (Yandere Idea)
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Techou is definitely one of the better yanderes out of all the yanderes in BSD.
He'll never put his hands on you, never. He doesn't like torture and he's not sadistic like Jouno. I feel like his punishments consist of being locked in your room with no food for a few days.
Techou would be pretty protective and he would do anything to make you happy. You want to go to mall sure? Sure, he'll buy you anything. Local cafe? Yes. Want to wear his clothes? Cute...
I feel like Techou would threaten you, but they're all empty. Techou wouldn't do anything to hurt you on purpose. If he gets mad and accidentally hits you, he's hugging you and crying for you to forgive him and that he didn't mean to.
Techou is pretty serious and he wants to have this relationship go well. He can go hours just staring at you.
I feel like you could have an actual good relationship with Techou if you ignore some of his red flags.
Techou would do anything for you. And he means it whole heartly.
A mad Techou however is a dangerous one.
I feel like he's way more on guard and lack some self control. So it you two were fighting he woke hit you and like pin you to the couch while staring at you with coldness and rage in his eyes before he realizes what's going on.
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elkieanddoppo · 10 days
kunikida angst where he's always the one who doesnt know anything. always the person whos last to know about something.
do they not trust him?
they should trust him. it's not like he's useless. he has an ability, for God's sake! he can surely help. he can surely understand. that's why he joined the armed detective agency. to help people.
he's not useless at all. right?
then his hands were cut off.
he cant use his ability anymore. he cant use it he cant use it.. he's useless without his ability. he cant help anyone without his ability. he should have died in that explosion. he can not live without his ability. his ability is his ideals. without his ideals, he would rather die.
he's useless now.
or wasn't he always useless?
hes not as smart as dazai or ranpo
hes not as strong as kenji or atsushi
his ability is not as useful in battle as tanizaki's or kyoka's or yosano's
why did he even think hes useful at all? he couldnt even save all those children who died INFRONT of him.
he's useless. he cant save anyone.
he should have died. he wants to die.
he was saved from the hunting dogs.
he was healed by yosano.
his hands is back.
this should not have happened.
they should not have saved him.
they should have left them to rot in that building.
he does not deserve to live.
he does not...
kunikida cried.
"why did you save me?"
"because you're one of us, kunikida. you're part of the family."
"we love you. we need you. we would not have survived if you weren't here. you're our glue."
"you're someone whos strong, unwavering, and aware of his weaknesses. a person capable of rising above everyone else. a person who can easily lead and take care of others, because you balance your strength with empathy and insight. your awareness of your own vulnerabilities enables you to guide and support those around you with genuine understanding and compassion, making you not just a leader, but a true pillar for those who rely on you. and we appreciate that, kunikida-kun"
they need me?
they.. need me.
im not useless..!
kunikida smiled genuinely for the first time in months.
"thank you."
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tobisoundx3 · 5 months
Half Life Headcanons
In no particular order QuQ
-Half life Return to Ravenholm tales place before half life 2 and its episodes. Adrian and Grigori end up bonding and having a father/son type relationship, both of them relating to being alone for so long. At the end of it Adrian dies to a complication with a headcrab zombie, leaving Grigori truly alone.
-Some resistance members actually doubted that Gordon was real, their only proof being hearing stories from people who actually knew him. Most of the people from Black Mesa weren't bothered by it, although it did bother Barney a bit.
-When Gordon and Alyx first met Alyx had a crush on him, but as time went on and they become closer friends it went away.
-When Gordon first joined Black Mesa, because of how young he was compared to the other scientists Barney assumed he would be a stuck up rich kid. He and Gordon now joke about this.
-The Combine tried using Poison Headcrabs as a torture method but they were hard to find outside of ravenholm, so they eventually moved onto other methods.
-When the Combine first started their journey of taking over worlds, they had reason and mercy but as time went on they forgot their ways and become cruel and merciless. They now only know power and hunger.
-Gordon lost his sense of smell after the Resonance Cadcade. He could be smelling absolutely AWFUL and wouldn't know unless someone told him.
-Eli lost his leg in the 7 Hour War. Alyx and Kleiner don't like him leaving the bases but they can't rlly stop him.
-Gordon is Autistic and is selective mute. When he does actually talk its in singular words and only around people he'd trust his life with.
-When the Combine first came to earth many people actually willingly joined because they believed the Combine would be beneficial.
-Colinne and Gina end up dying in Xen. They have a teary goodbye before they die where they confess their love for eachother.
-Barney got a bit of a drinking problem and threw himself into work after Gordon went missing. Kleiner was the one who helped him get his life back on track.
-Adrian loves dogs and ends up growing very fond of the houndeyes.
-G-Man actually doesn't have a proper gender. He goes by He/She pronouns but prefers to be called a man and dress masculine.
-Stasis consists of a dark void with a watery floor. To save time people who are put in there are put into a deep sleep.
-Alyx smokes weed.
-Gordon was somewhat scared of vortigons because of what happened at Black Mesa, but after they helped Alyx his fear went away entirely.
-Alyx can get extreme back pain if she over works herself. This originated from when she was impaled.
-Adrian has body dysmorphia and doesnt like to take his gas mask off because of this. When he was dying he took it off so he could feel truly vulnerable infront of Grigori before he died.
-When Gordon and Barney first became friends they made a trade. Barney teaches Gordon how to shoot a gun and Gordon teaches Barney how to tie a tie.
-Barney has gotten more sarcastic as he has aged.
-The resistance will often make fun of Breen's broadcasts and can't help but giggle at them when they walk by them.
-Kleiner feeds wild headcrabs like someone would feed feral cats.
-Although skibidi toilet is not a thing in the Half Life universe, G-Man knows about it. She doesn't know how and it scares him.
-Gordon doesn't know how to use a microwave. This is why the microwave incident happened.
-EVERYONE in the resistance makes fun of Barney and exaggerates his age to the extreme.
-Most scientists at Black Mesa were snotty to Gordon because he was so young.
-Gordon wants a cheeseburger so bad during half life 2 and its episodes.
I'll probably be updating this list in the future but these are my main big ones!! :D
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mmyashas · 1 year
please talk about roier and his spiderman curse please please please I wanna read what you have to say
HI OK this includes some of his past mc series and cubitos but i promise it makes sense.............. This is why i thought qroier cubito saying he's cursed w death was pretty interesting
see. roier usually refers to himself as spiderman which is funny because. he's always the one to watch his loved ones die or even cause it indirectly everytime he's just a bit too late
mariana dies infront of him in mc extremo because he asked him to log on, and he couldn't do anything ab it (he fell in a trap)
roier and aldo in squidcraft 2 "confio en ti wey" (mi trauma cinematografico) he literally died in front of roier cubito . (as well as also dying in front of roier in squidcraft 1)
well. in chafaland his kids die in front of him too (Ok . well if were counting "went missing")
and here on qsmp his pet (well. he didnt really have an emotional attachment to the dog but he did lose his friendship) died in front of him, he experienced tilin and juana's death. and well . Bobby. You know
basically roier cubito is doomed to see his loved ones die in every fucking universe . so the whole spiderman shtick is pretty funny #canon event
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lunar-tone · 1 year
16 Era Soukoku short story.
It was a cold, storming winter night when Chuuya was startled awake from a loud banging on his apartment door. He blearily looked around, an empty wine bottle from earlier that evening still in his hand and his t.v playing some French drama show that he could barely even follow.
The banging on his door returned and Chuuya grumbled, getting up and rubbing the tiredness from his eyes "Yeah yeah I'm coming!"
Looking at the clock, The numbers showed it was 2:30 in the morning. Chuuya scowled, grumbling. He opened the door, already talking "This better be fucking- Holy shit! Dazai!?"
Standing at his door was his partner, Dazai. Dazai was shivering, a blanket curled around his shoulders and over his usual work attire, and snow could be seen melting into the fabric. The brunette gave a weak smile, lips blue from cold "H-H-Hey C-C-Chibi!"
The poor boy couldn't even speak properly from how hard he was shivering. Chuuya scowled, pulling Dazai into his apartment. "What the hell Shitty Dazai? Why the fuck are you freezing to death on my doorstep!?"
Dazai simply shrugged and let himself be plopped down infront of Chuuya's electric fireplace, unconsciously leaning into the warm air it was emitting "N-No heating in a sh-shipping container C-Chibi. Heater c-can only do s-s-so much"
Chuuya scowled, internally cursing the fact that Dazai lived in a shipping container. It was below fucking 30 C°! The ginger is surprised Dazai is even still awake. "Fucking hell dude, why didn't you come here sooner? Or stay at a hotel while the storm goes through? You could have fucking died! Fuck you still might-"
Chuuya busied around the other, grabbing soft blankets and heating pads, debating if he should make some hot chocolate before saying fuck it and walking to the kitchen to make some. Dazai shrugged "T-Thought I could do i-it. N-N-Never had a problem b-before. W-Why? You worried a-about me C-Chibiko~?"
Chuuya scowled, smacking Dazai upside the head as he set down the hot chocolate infront of the other "Fucking hell- is it so wrong of me to show a little empathy for your sorry ass? Besides I don't want to have to clean up your dead body!"
Dazai laughed lightly, stopping suddenly as he broke into multiple sneezes. When he finally stopped he looked at Chuuya with a pathetic expression "Chuuuuyyyaaaaaa!"
Chuuya rolled his eyes "Drink the hot chocolate mackerel, and stay near the heat. I won't have you dying in my apartment and staining my floors!"
Dazai grinned, slowly feeling the ever prominent cold fade away. He would never admit it, but having Chuuya fuss over him and worry made a warm feeling spread through his chest that he didn't quite know how to describe. "Fiiiine! Put something interesting on though hat rack! I don't speak French!"
Chuuya rolled his eyes, grabbing his t.v remote and searching for something stupid to put on. Settling on some sci-fi action movie, Chuuya stood up and stretched "Fuck I'm tired and my head hurts. I'm taking some medicine and going to bed, don't die while I'm asleep Bandage waster!"
Dazai pouted "But I'm still cold and wet!"
Chuuya groaned, walking into his bedroom without replying. Dazai pouted even more, flopping backwards and whining "Chuuuyyyaaaaa!"
Suddenly Chuuya was back in his field of vision, holding out a pile of pajamas to him with a few bandage rolls on top. "You know where the bathroom is. Take a shower and then go to sleep, Mackerel. We do have work to do tomorrow after all"
"Awww how sweet of my dog to bring his master clothes!" Dazai grunted as he was kicked in the side, snickering as Chuuya walked off grumbling under his breath. As the gingers bedroom door closed and locked, Dazai looked at the pajamas. They were in his size surprisingly, a black silk button up and blue silk bottoms. How Chuuya knew his skin was sensitive to cotton fabrics he doesn't know, but it warmed his heart none the less.
The next morning, the two never spoke about what happened, but Chuuya did shove a key to his apartment into the others hand and said to take the spare bedroom, so Dazai assumed that was Chuuya's way of asking him to move in. Despite the teasing, Dazai quickly moved his clothes and meager belongings into the spare room and made himself at home. Neither mentioned the warm feelings in their chest and how quickly they adjusted to having the other in their personal space. It didn't matter either way. They were content.
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jinkicake · 2 years
Sigh, back at it again😔 okay so hear me out; my fav thing is to like subvert popular fandom tropes bc everyone is wrong and I’m right. Like no Venti isn’t your uwu little blushy bottom boy he’s a god who can and will fuck you in his church on the altar and nobody will stop him🥰 so the chaotic switch Venti has grabbed me by the neck and will it let go and I’m just imagining everyone else, back to my (toxic) ex boyfriend Xiao propaganda I imagine like in your head your like “ lmao this man has not had ass in like 4 centuries imma Rock his world” and like 20 mins in you have to tap out and ask for a water beak and he’s like 🙄 is that all? Like you gotta train like your training for a marathon to fuck Xiao like even when he’s not all rough and animalistic, he’s just attacking all your weak spots at once, truly feel like he could have you suck his dick while he does like paperwork (in a modern Au) and he wouldn’t flinch like he has the best poker face ever so you gotta throw him off his rhythm 👀 itto I actually hc as bad at sex and it’s funny asf bc someone made like a tweet about it that and I’m like??? Your absolutely right!! He cums so quick but bc oni blood he can do it as many times until your satisfied and he tries rly hard to please you so it’s fun to tease him and his dick is huge so by default he’s already better than most, only time I will allow him to destroy someone’s insides is when he’s in heat and can’t think straight, gorou my beloved; he’s a whole war general like he’s killed people and seen his friends die same as kazuha there’s no way this man don’t know about sex.. HES A DOG! Like he in my eyes is a switch leaning bottom bc hehe funny god man have sensitive ears but if you tease him too much he will have to put you in your place, starts talking all sharp and serious likes he giving orders to his recruits and it’s a lil scary, and next to him kazuha , idk what I want from him exactly bc I do like mr steal yo girl I can make you cum without even using more than 2 fingers but also would like to tie him op🤔 he to me feels like a bag of tricks like he’s always a surprise, like he seems like a calm quiet poetry boy but he’s literally so unhinged like in the last summer event w everyone he body slams a delusional man to get him to come to his senses and every one is like😰 and done even get me started in his mirage,,,,, yeah that is not a good boy for even when we meet him in the quest he such a little shit!! “ you fight well” and telling the dude who stole the dead vision that he was gunna break his fingers???? Even paimon was like?? Ayo why we going so fucking fast??😭 he just be saying shit to throw people off!! Like him and Beido always got this “ flirting but not really but we have a secret that we can’t tell you but we gon talk about you infront of you” vibe going on like the way they speak?? Yeah I would not be surprised if you ended up in some back room on the ship at night w both of them bc they always scheming 😒 albedo my beloved melanin challenged man💕 he’s just like his twin so I feel like whole he wants to act all soft and romantic he will get scary if you test him or if he gets stressed enough, def the type to hit sore spots when you argue that’s like okay see I wanted to fuck you bc your hot when mad but imma punch you now🔪 definitely does everything w passion and romancing in mind. Would not be surprised in the slightest if he read books on flirting like noelle did in her hangout thing💀 mf is in that lab watching romcoms!! When I frost got into the game I was like he is never beating the weirdo allegations bc I always see him and trying to do some kind of experiment on someone like??? You can literally ask me like lmao I’m down you don’t gotta be sneaky unless it’s crazy
no, i agree that everything you say is right, nothing can prove that wrong!!!!!
but yes.... people always soften venti and it's like,,,,, come on.... come on!!! are we talking about the same venti? it's all a front he puts on to fool and distract everyone! i know he is crazy!!!! (.... i like crazy and reckless venti, hes the fucking free archon like?!)
AND I NEED YOU TO SPEAK LOUDER ON XIAO BECAUSE EXACTLY, EXACTLY. He's sometimes written as someone who doesn't know shit about pleasing a bitch and it's like LOOK AT HIM... LOOK AT HIM!!! Xiao knows exactly what to do and he can go for DAYS while doing it.... my heart is racing just thinking about it!!! I love toxic ex bf xiao!
itto is a himbo (that is my one cliche trope idc idc) so yes he cums in two seconds but can go for hours on end... I agree i agree!!! speaking of gorou,,, i love a good itto gorou ship,,, there i said it!
also yes kazuha would be insane bc it's always the quiet ones that surpise you the most!! the mention of beidou and kazuha just reminded me of how i literally ship anyone w everyone like itto sara the whole enemies to lovers is fun and theyre hot together- i could ship xiao w a fucking rock if i thought they were fun together omg
albedo.... i could do a thinkpiece on him truly- i just love the quiet psychos!!!! not that he's really a psycho but he could be! like his unleashed power that's supposed to destroy ****** ,,, wow..... just wow! but about his experiments.... i wouldnt hate them HAH YEAH I would read some good yandere albedo performing experiments on the reader..... it sounds fUN
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Ok idk how the last one will do but these are fun to make.
Cousins Gothic(big family)
You cling to your siblings, a relationship already tedious. but are abandoned for a look alike.
stick to the younger ones. the questions are not so personal. reveal nothing.
You stare blankly as an adult speaks to you. they where not so old last you spoke. you realize you haven’t seen them in years.
You stay away from the older ones. your family tells you to.
a girl you’ve just met is your blood. they all are. you are all related. and you look the same. and nothing alike.
the eldest speaks to no one but you. your the only one who listens.
your siblings are no longer your friends. you are expendable in the face of humor.
you sit in class. the boy next to you is your cousin. you have lived together. you know everything about eachother. it just yesterday he was an infant. your where asleep on the couch next to eachother. why is he so big now? no time has passed.
You hear your mother speak ill of your eldest cousin. they did nothing wrong in your eyes. but you are like them. so you stay silent.
you do not know how Jackson is related to you. but you know he is and for some reason you would die for him.
you listen to the banda as someone cries into your shoulder. you cannot cry too. you didn’t know who they mourn like they did. you swallow your tears.
You stand together infront of a crowd of 100+ people. you only know 80. and you sing and dance like a seal alongside the others. smile. smile and dance and sing. you may get a prize. and even if you do not… the scrutiny isn’t worth it.
you pull him out of the road. he did not see the car. you are now tasked with baby sitting him the rest of the day… you are the same age.
you hold your cousin in your arms. and his mother is also your cousin. you help her clean. she needs the support.
you are asked what someone wants for their birthday. you do not know why they ask you. you do not know who they speak of.
never hit back. they may hit you, kick you, spit on you. just ignore them and they will move on. if you tell you will be punished.
you continue a conversation you had earlier. you started it a year ago.
you try to count them. name them. memorize them. it is 3 am. you are tired and you can barely remember 23.
you are called by a name that is not yours. you respond anyways.
you are all no one individuals. the adult will assign you. “the girls” “the guys” “the big kids” “the babies” they haven’t been babies for years.
your all huddled and stuffed together. the confetti pops off. the newest addition announced! they will be a boy. i cannot be disputed now.
there are presents. none are for you. they forgot about your side of the family.
you are invited to a wedding. you meet the new cousins. you laugh knowing there are too many now.
you are forced to bathe together. neither of you make eye contact.
you sleep in their room. you are on the floor.
they know this town better then you. you do not know how. you where born here. have they been here before?
you are pulled aside by one of the “older kids”. she is an adult. she tells you a secret. her lover. you will die with this knowledge.
you play Minecraft with one online. he needs help. he is unsafe. there is nothing you can do. so you build him a house. and you get him a dog to tame. he kills it. better to leave him alone.
they pull you over the brick wall they puh you off the other side. did you arm break? who knows. you promise not to tell. you are silent.
you watch a movie with them. they scream who they are. they assign you role. that is not who you are. that is not who they are. you are silent.
they trust you. you do not trust them the same way.
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kiame-sama · 2 years
Of Cats and Hawks- Yandere!Hawks x Reader
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Warnings; cat quirk reader, mention of fights, growling, snarling, barking, hissing, yowling, teasing, stalking, obsession, vaguely delusional yandere, over protective father, bad communication skills, hero/sidekick reader, flirting
The low growling coming from the giant hulking man infront of you only served to irritate you, pointed ears folding back and tail lashing angrily. Your response only served to make the snarling grow louder as you squared off with the muzzled man. It was to be expected to hear the significant lack of human speech whenever you and Hound Dog got into a disagreement.
You had been discussing your options as a hero with your father, Hound Dog, when two rather unexpected opportunities showed up. Given the offers you had to seriously consider what you would choose as it would determine how you would move forward. Two hero agencies had reached out to you in an invitation for you to join, the more unique part being that the heads of those agencies were the ones to directly ask you.
One of the agencies was a rather thematic choice for you given their usual hero outfits and approach to dealing with villains, The Pussycats. The other was one you hadn't even considered given the high probability that you would clash with the head of the agency, Hawks. Naturally, your father outright refused both offers before you could speak which started the snarling match to begin with.
It was surprisingly common when you or your father became angry to forget how to speak, simply reverting to animal speech as it was technically the first language either of you learned. What was uncommon was for you two to be snarling at each other given your father's fiercely protective behavior when it came to you. Ever since your mother- a previous member of the Pussycats- died in a fight against a villain, your Hound Dog father had grown extremely protective of you.
"Would you two please calm down so we can talk-"
Ectoplasm C, another hero who worked at UA where your father worked, attempted to placate the two of you. Naturally, he had to quickly back off as you both turned to snarl at him in indignation for interrupting. Though the others couldn't understand a word the two of you were saying, you two were conversing in your mother tongue which came across as hisses, snarls, barks, and yowls.
"Team up with that Bird!? Out of the question!"
"I have to go somewhere, I can't stay at UA forever!"
"Yes you can!"
"Not happening! We both knew the Pussycats would ask after they scouted me for internship and work study-"
"Your mother was a Pussycat and they let her die!"
"I'm not her!"
"Exactly why you should say no!"
Your tail lashed in fury as your claws slid out, teeth bared in aggression at the demanding way your father spoke. Out of the two of you, you knew that the day would come when you would leave your father's protection, but clearly he didn't want that day to be so soon. You were a licensed hero in your own right and had been working security with your father for at least a few years after graduating, wanting to explore new horizons.
"Do you even hear yourself!? Why let me be a hero if you are just going to argue any time I try?"
"You are a hero with me," he barked out fiercely, teeth bared and visible behind his muzzle, "your father! Not some strangers!"
"I grew up around the Pussycats! They aren't strangers!"
"I won't stand for this, (y/n)! You are my daughter, you will do as I say, end of discussion!"
"You may be alright with only having one scrap-yard to protect," each hiss was vicious and drawn out to emphasize point as your tail cracked the stone beneath you, "but I need to roam! I'm a Street Cat, not a tame dog! Known by all, owned by none!"
"Then why join an agency and not freelance? I just don't get why you want to leave so badly!"
"Because," your yowls had begun to draw attention and gain volume, "if I never leave your protection, how could I ever think to call myself a hero!?"
A heavy silence hung in the air, both you and your father bearing your teeth in aggression and staring angrily. With a nod, you both turned your backs and walked several paces in opposite directions, much to the confusion of the onlookers. Aizawa, who had stopped to watch the spectacle looked over to Vlad King who had also paused to watch the exchange.
"What are they doing?"
"Well... It was hard to keep up, but I think they're going to fight."
"Yeah, they-"
It was then the usual blond commenter took the field, a rather large group of students having already gathered to watch the argument. Students, teachers, and visitors alike made a decent battlefield for the fight to take place as more began to show up to watch the brawl.
"Yo! Listen up, UA! All prospective heroes, fans of Hound Dog and fans of Street Cat will not want to miss this fight!"
The five outsider heroes were surprised by the turn of events, but they did want you to join their agencies. The four Pussycats wanted you to join due to your mother being a former Pussycat and your cat quirk. Hawks- the current number three hero- wanted you to join his agency for a more personal reason that others didn't know about yet.
It had been years since he first saw you, catching sight of you patrolling with Hound Dog one breezy afternoon. He didn't usually visit UA and typically stayed near his agency, but he had little work and felt like watching the other heroes. Upon seeing you, he first thought that you were some tame kitty who had to rely on Hound Dog for everything, but you quickly changed his opinion by getting into a bloody scrap with a rather unhinged villain.
Ever since that day he found you on his mind, watching you whenever he could get a moment either through use of his feathers or by physically being present. He found great humor in the irony of having a bird quirk and following someone with a cat quirk around. Even so, he was prepared to do whatever it took to get you to join his agency or otherwise be by his side.
"On one side we have Hound Dog! A tall muscle man with a canine quirk who has worked at UA as a non-curriculum teacher and as security! On the other side we have Street Cat! Don't let this cute kitty fool you, she is all bite and no bark! Today's battle will decide if Street Cat stays at UA or leaves for another agency!"
You and your father stared at one another as you prepared to fight. After the fight- which you were certain you would win- you would have to choose between the two agencies, but you were leaning more towards Hawk's agency. You loved the Pussycats and grew up around them, but they were your mother's team, not yours.
Even when you were young, you were more like Hound Dog than your mother and that difference is what was influencing your decision. Your mother was the pro hero Aristocat and had a similar quirk to your own. She was the one who helped bring the Pussycats together in the first place and she was a very refined woman in every way shape and form.
Though you respected and adored your mother even after her passing, you would always be Street Cat, not Aristocat. Part of you worried that the Pussycats would always compare you to your mother and expect you to be like her. The last thing you wanted to do was let them down in any way, so you knew which agency you would have to choose.
The sun hung low in the sky by the time the fight concluded, almost everyone in the school gathered around the makeshift arena to watch the fight. You were a well liked hero and along with Hound Dog, you two were practically the visual representation of the UA guard staff. It wasn't exactly an official title, but the students and staff all knew that either one of you would show up if anything happened on school grounds.
A news station picked up on the scrap and managed to receive permission to film on school property, broadcasting the fight as it was rare for two fully fledged heroes to have a one on one fight like this. It was also clear that Present Mic was all too happy to provide colorful commentary during the scrap, making it quite clear what the fight was about. There was even a scoreboard for votes on what people thought you should do, from staying with Hound Dog and UA, to joining the Pussycats, and even joining Hawks.
The vote was fairly even most of the match but eventually the column for joining Hawks pulled ahead into the lead. Apparently viewers around Japan who had been watching the fight- it became fairly popular quickly- actually called in to cast their own vote for what you should do. What surprised you was when pro-heroes began to show up to voice their support for their vote and to receive publicity for being present during the fight.
It became clear to you that you had little choice but to take the voting into account as it seemed like almost every eye in Japan was on the battle and scoreboard. Heroes were ranked due to popularity and general helpfulness, All Might, Endeavor, and Hawks being the top three for several years in a row. You wondered if the votes for joining Hawks agency had anything to do with those popularity votes.
When the battle finally ended, you had managed to knock Hound Dog out and to the ground. This left you as the unanimous winner of the battle and cheers erupted from all around you. Despite the noise and the chaos, you found yourself solely focused on the scoreboard that had been keeping track of what people had voted regarding which agency you should join.
The final results were in favor of Hawks and you knew that meant you should join his organization instead of the Pussycats. A part of you wanted to defy the vote simply because you could, but you also knew that you had already decided on joining Hawks long before the voting even began. The reporters and news agencies swarmed into the mock arena to be the first to get confirmation of what you chose to do, but none managed to even get close to you.
Instead, you found yourself very high up above the ground in a pair of rather strong arms and far away from the prying reporters. Hawks was grinning in an almost frightening way- though that could have been your nerves for being up so high- and his bright red feathers seemed rather dazzling in the light. His wings lazily beat in a relaxed way, keeping you both suspended above the ground and in place.
"Looks like we're going to be working together, Street Cat."
"Who said I was going to join you?"
"Aw," he gave a small frown of mock sorrow, "and here I thought we were going to be such good friends!"
You huffed at his teasing, tail lashing and ears pointing back in annoyance at the sheer confidence he seemed to exude. Hawks couldn't keep himself from chuckling when he noticed your irritated gaze, golden eyes admiring the way you unconsciously clung to him to keep yourself from falling even though he wouldn't dream of dropping you. He was well aware of the fact that the input of the public had a large influence on what you would likely do despite the way you growled at him in defiance.
"You're no Aristocat, you're Street Cat, and there is no one who belongs at my agency more than you do."
"Fine. Put me down or I'll bite you."
"Save it for in between the sheets, not out on the streets, Kitty~"
"Piss off."
"Is that any way to talk to your new boss?"
"Deal with it."
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rvrindousvpet · 3 years
HII, I LOVE UR FANFICS AND BLOG SM(ITS SO PRETTY OGMGOGMG) YOU CAN LEAVE THIS HERE BUT HEAR ME OUT, bonten x tomie!reader (shes from the junji ito collection) where bonten is a bunch of down bad dogs for her and would do anything for her, the plot is up to you but if you're not comfy with writing it then its totally fine mwa!! <3
bonten with tomie!reader
characters : sano manjiro, akashi haruchiyo, hitto kakucho, kokonoi hajime, haitani ran, haitani rindou, akashi takeomi.
pairings : bonten x tomie! reader
warnings : swearings, graphic gore, death, mention of death, rape, attempted murder.
genre : fluff, angst?
note : hiiii hehe thankyou for you kind words anon! tbh I've never read junji ito, but i do know tomie. i actually can't handle horror shit- like idk i just can't handle it and it scares me like crazy, but just for this reqs, i prepared myself to read 2 volumes of tomie. hmm more than scared, i feel annoyed and bad for tomie cause she's surrounded by shitheads, so yeah I'm not really scared but more to angry. also I'm sorry if the reader doesn't really act like tomie, i tried my best to portray her and I'm sorry if did such a shitty job, well that's too much i hope you enjoy this! and I'm also sorry if y/n is too ooc, or not like tomie
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- hmm let me be honest, we don't know why tf your presence is not affecting them, like if it others they would hate you like crazy or obsessed over. but not with bonten... it's like they're bunch of people who's immune to you and it felt so weird lmaooo
- how you met with bonten? well just another normal day for you.
- you're pinned down on the dark alleyway by man with his eyes glazed like crazy and uncontrollable man.
- "ahhh, I'm about to die again huh?"
- well that shithead start making his move, groping all over your body while threatening you
- just as you're about to accept your fate and let the disgusting man lick you
- suddenly a bang* sounded out, and the bullet hit that man shoulder
- suddenly he was thrown off you in seconds
- a man with black hair and big scar ran across his face was in front of you
- "miss, it's okay you can go and run away now, we'll take care of him"
- huh? why is he not affected???
- seeing you not responding that man decided to ehem carry into some car heading to idk where.
- "oh well hello there beautiful, what a pleasure to meet a beautiful woman like you, the name's ran, what's yours?"
- umm another man that's not affected??? what the actual fuck!
- fast forward
- basically uhm, they bought you to bonten hideout/place. and you're introduced to bonten executives, and now that you know them. ain't no way you're escaping from them.
- all of them r real down fucking bad for you. like sure at first they're memerised at how gorgeous you are, but after spending more time and observing you they've fallen for your behaviour and personalities.
- they love how confident, how you stand tall, how you have your own principal, how you never bow down to others, how you behave towards them and how indifferent you act to them
- basically bonten is a simp for your my queen.
- there's one time wherein you're on your way to supermarket to buy groceries, you bumper into man at the isolated walkway. the man become enchanted with you, he's obsessed with you and slowly that turned into hate filled with urges to get rid of you out from this world
- as the man corners you and about to kill you merciless, a baton was bashed into his head knocking him aside.
- looking up you saw the bonten trio, ran and rindou being infront of you and sanzu is on the side pushing his feet into the crazy man face
- "say how crazy you are to disturb bonten's property huh?" rin spited out feeling angered at how that shitty man almost hurt you
- "oioioi where the fuck you you're going bitch, you gonna sit here and take what i give you as your punishment for touching bonten girl" sanzu said while pointing his katana on the crazy neck that keeps on muttering how he needs to kill you.
- "ahhh, you're annoying me :)" ran said after bashing his baton into the man head once again to the point he's fainted.
- when all bonten executives ge to know what happened all of them were fumed in fear, mikey even instructed his man to put the crazy bitch into one of their torture room
- after a while of silence, kokonoi voiced out asking "say y/n why that man is so fixed on killing you as if he's posessed?"
- welp here we go telling them the truth.
- after explaining to them, how you attracting people attention that will either be obsession or hate and will develop to them hating more than anything wishing you to be gone from this world
- how if you're dead, you'll get regenerated from your own dead body, how you healed so fast and all of that stuff. and also you kinda? told them what shits you've experienced and been through.
- instead of them freaking out, throwing you away calling you monster. they actually felt sorry and hurt and angry for you, for all the things you've been through.
- takeomi said "y/n, even though you've been through that shit thousands times and be resurrected even if you're dead, it doesn't change the fact that it's hurting you. don't get used to giving your life away so easily please. You're worth more than anything"
- fuck. they just make you feel something.
- "y/n" mikey calls out to you "if there's any people that disturb you or want to kill you just inform any of us. we'll get rid of them for you. you can't be injured"
- "sweetheart, dyya remember those shit heads name lemme kill em and get rid of em for you kay?" sanzu let out while grinning maniacally
- "y/n, if anything remember that we're here for you. we love you for who you are and anything else didn't matter" kakucho said
- fuck. you've never feel so loved and complete. after all of this time, after those ressurected time, after countless of death, after countless of time being called monster left alone and hated. you've finally get to feel what is it like to be loved to feel happiness
- they managed to bring another side of you, the side that no one ever saw.
- they love you nonetheless, they also love your new side. how you would get all clingy and waiting for them. they love all of you.
- at the end of the day, they will never leave you. even after knowing the truth.
- for a few days you noticed that they've gotten a lil bit busy?
- uhmm lemme just say that bonten is doing their business over what they say, lemme quoted "now it's time for payback motherfuckers, you messed with our y/n you mess with bonten."
- they would do anything. anything for you.
- got a creep that obsessed with you? considered it done, that motherfucker will die in no time
- don't tolerate shit. like literally, if they ever caught someone talking shit bout you or take your picture. uh well yeah they'll be 6 foot under in no time.
- absolutely fucking wholesome, will you praise anytime, anywhere.
- watch them fight each other to over who should take care of you.
- refuses you to let you do anything on your own
- love taking care of you, will baby you at any chance they get
bonus : since you're not apart of bonten officially? you didn't really have a desk or office, but! mikey decided to do something for you, ehehehe he actually make a lil space for you inside his bigass office and all bonten executives will take any chance to get into mikey's office just to see you or talk with you ><
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Shock (NSFW, 18+)
Dano! Riddler x Mutant! GN! Reader.
Summary: the reader is a mutant with Psychokinetic powers (sort of like Eleven from stranger things). The reader had kept their powers hidden from everyone their whole life until one night.
On their way home from a date someone decided to try and mug Edward and the reader. The reader uses their powers on the mugger, killing them.
You and Edward were laughing and joking around as you walked back to his apartment after a date. Edward had decided to take you to see a movie since it was his turn to plan the date for date night, he chose a movie he knew you really wanted to see and since it was a warm night in Gotham the two of you decided to walk. A horrible decision in hindsight.
Though there were two of you and you felt safe with Edward, you still felt uneasy, like you knew something bad was going to happen.
You weren't wrong either.
You blinked and there he was infront of you two, a masked man with a gun... oh shit.
You stopped in your tracks, Edward stepping infront of you protectively as the guy began to calmly demand anything of value from the two of you. Edward shook his head no, sizing up the man as you weighed your options... if you ran you'd be leaving Eddie by himself to deal with this man who was a great deal larger than him, but if you stayed the both of you will most likely end up dead... the thought of watching Eddie get shot, suffering and possibly dying because he was trying to protect you caused tears to prick your eyes.
You knew what you had to do. You didn't want to do it, but you had to, you had to protect your Eddie.
And so you did. Before the man could react you'd gotten infront of Edward, holding out your right hand as you let loose the powers you'd kept hidden for all those years. Lifting the mugger up into the air, you began to choke him, watching him thrash around in terror knowing he's going to die.
After a few minutes you dropped the limp corpse of the mugger, breathing heavily as you began to panic. You just used your powers, and infron of Edward no less! He was going to leave you for sure, you're a monster, why the hell would he want to be with you after that?
"Wh-What the fuck was that?" You heard Edward's voice, his voice was shakey but he didn't sound scared. You didn't respond. "Y/N... what was that?" He placed a gentle hand on your back, rubbing circles on your back soothingly. "Psychokinetics.... I'm a mutant... I-I didn't want to tell you because I was afraid you wouldn't want to be near me, I understand if you don't like me anymore.." you didn't look at him, you were too scared to, you knew what was coming next and you didn't want to watch. He stopped rubbing your back and you tensed up, but instead of leaving like you expected him to do he pulled you into a near suffocating hug "oh, sweet angel... why do you think I'm going to leave you? That was amazing! You didnt even have to get near him to kill him!" He said excitedly. You looked up at him with tears running down your cheeks "Y-You're not scared of me?" Edward shook his head chuckling softly "absolutely not. We should make you a persona though, with powers like those we could clean Gotham up in no time."
You chuckled softly, wiping the tears away with your sleeve "H-How about 'the judge'? Or is that too dull?" Edward smiled brightly "I love it!" He began peppering your face with kisses making you giggle.
The Riddler and The Judge, an interesting, but terrifying duo.
NSFW ahead! 18+ only!
"Oh come on, please Y/N? Just once?" Edward begged, giving you puppy dog eyes in an attempt to get you to say yes. "Why do you want me to do it so bad? Do you have a death wish?" You chuckled softly, brushing off his begging as you get back to folding his laundry. "I just want to know what it feels like! Please Y/N, you don't have to do it hard!" He wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing his forehead to your back. You folded the last bit of laundry and let out a deep sigh "Fine. But we have to have a safe word, okay? I don't think I could live with myself if I hurt you." Edward nodded excitedly, agreeing to use the word 'yeild' if you went too far (though he probably wouldn't use the word anyways, being killed by you is the only way he wants to die.)
Sighing you hold out your right hand, using your powers to lift him into the air. You waited for him to give you the signal and when he did you began to choke him like you did the mugger, just with less force. He tilts his head back slightly as his cheeks began to burn red. "C-Come on, you can do it harder than that, I can take it!" He urged, causing you to roll your eyes and oblige, adding a bit more force. The noises coming out of your boyfriend were concerning but he didn't use the safeword yet so you kept going, adding a little more force. You only stopped when he made a loud noise, sounding like a noise a dying animal would make. You dropped him onto the bed, rushing to his side with a panicked look on your face "Christ, Eddie! Did I go to far?"
Edward laid there for a minute, panting heavily "N-No, quite the opposite actually." You stared at him until it registered "You... You got off on that?! Fuck, Ed I thought I'd hurt you!" Your panic was gone, replaced by nervouse laughter "All I did was choke you, and you got off on that?" Edward nods with a huge grin on his face "Do it again?"
You shook your head "Absolutely not."
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gwinam-apologist · 3 years
some random gwinam headcanons
note; might be angsty, might not <3 still applies strictly to kdrama gwinam, as i have never really read the webtoon
He doesn't smoke, but carries a lighter with himself to make it look like he does. No one really noticed.
The reason why he reacts to hits with fear and shell-defense is because his parents are most probably abusive
On a brighter note, he probably loves dogs. Not all kind of dogs, but he would find comfort simply chilling next to one.
He can cook. Not an a list chef, but he is okay at it kinda.
He would be a quite kid if it wasn't for his mental issues.
He doesn't use his phone that much. Only when he is bored, expecting a text or wants to look up something.
He doesn't show much emotions infront of a larger group of people - or any - because it's embarrassing for him
He isn't very emotionally intelligent - although i don't think he is dumb - that's why he is able to tell what people think based on logic.
He generally loves eating. Nothing unhealthy, I just think food is something given to him.
He doesn't do anything if he thinks it's not a necessity.
He has never been in love before.
However he would treat his love differently from other people. - based off of interviews -
He isn't friendly in general, but calm unless disrespected.
His father is probably the most terrifying person in his life. - based off of nothing, just a gut feeling. -
Have you ever seen a homophobic bisexual?! Well now you have!
On a serious note, i don't think he really is homophobic, but says things that are because 'if people will know he accepts it they will say he is gay!'
Takes long HOT showers
Kids love him actually. Even if he might not know how to act around them. - They take his rude comments to be playful. Nothing extreme.-
When crying he locks himself in the bathroom and let's the shower on because no one will hear or interrupt. Though it really doesn't happen often.
I mean he is rich, but not extremely rich yk?
Does not fucking know maths but can tell you where any place is at by heart.
Probably talks in himself, not like a maniac, but casual comments.
He loves affection, but he doesn't love anyone enough to be affectionate
Working out is a hobby of his, but not something he commits to regularly - I mean come on, he was strong even before becoming a hambie -
Fast food sucks and he stands by that!... expect desserts
He listens to true crime documentaries sometimes. Only on tv though, when there is nothing else playing.
Hates cars. He just does, no specific reason.
I don't think he would be mean to everyone he comes across, only people he looks at as annoying and bothersome. Almost everyone.
Is dominant by nature.
The thrill he gets from fights is the adrenaline rush. It goes through his whole body. - That and 'putting people in their place' -
He doesn't really like listening to songs, but enjoys khiphop and rnb.. maybe some instrumental modern music.
He reacts to annoyance by anger.
Doesn't like anybody from his school. Like at all.
Has morals but they are very odd. Mrs Park is pregnant and cheated on husband with Mr Kim? Who gives a fuck, not his business. Mr Yoo dates a student younger than him? Now what the fuck.
Bro is depressed. He thinks it's just growing up. He needs therapy.
His way of self harm is mentally destroying himself.
Don't tell anyone and he isnt a fucking bitch but he kinda thinks the colour pink is nice. 🙄
His favourite flowers are roses.
That being said he also once beat someone up with roses.
When he was a child kids were scared of him.
Most people think he is funny most of the time but he probably isn't joking.
He is a pervert but is good in controlling himself, I guess.
Will CHOKE you. If you are going to die or c** is a mystery.
No seriously, he enjoys being strong. No matter the situation, he enjoys having the upper hand.
Last but not least, he sleeps in light clothing.
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babu-haitani · 3 years
omg I have this idea. What if smiley, mikey hakkai and baji had a very hot male s/o who’s kinda like a chick magnet and girls always give him love letters all the time. They also fight over him in public but the s/o is like completely oblivious to all of it and is a airhead who only thinks about his boyfriend 24/7.
This sounds good <3 I'll do it! Hope you will like this! <3
Tokyo Revengers with an Oblivious Chick Magnet Male S/O
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons, Jealousy
Pairings: Hakkai, Mikey, Smiley, Baji x Male S/O
P.S characters are 18, Senior High School Students
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I see Hakkai as a really soft person, like really soft person...
It took him months to actually confessed to you and when he confessed to you he almost die of sweat tbh... XD
When you two started dating he would never thought girls that like you were over the top, He knows you're a chick magnet but not this much!
He gets jealous as well so he won't tell you, You're oblivous to people flirting with you but you're not that oblivous to not see your Boyfriend is jealous.
You and him are now sitting in a cafe, you and his hands intertwined. Hakkai hates holding hands with you since he gets flustered too easily but loves it at the same time. You were ready to order food so you signalled one of the waitress to your table.
The waitress looked at you and in her head she is thinking 'Wow, he's hot...'
Everytime you give your order to her she giggles, In your mind 'She's annoying' but to Hakkai he was slowly getting insecure...
You looked at your boyfriend only to see what you think it is, Grabbing his hands again you kissed it infront of the waitress and mouth the words 'I LOVE YOU'. This words made Hakkai blushed but for the waitress she just snickered and left with you two's order.
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I see Mikey as the obsessed boyfriend.
He knows you're oblivous and an airhead so that's why when he knows someone is flirting with you, he would glare at them. EVEN IF THEY ARE A GIRL!
After shooing one of your admirers he would cuddle you even if it's in public. It's his way to ease up his jealousy.
Mikey invited you to eat Ice cream since it's been really Hot lately. You two went to his favourite Ice Cream shop.
"Y/N, sit here I'll order for us both" Mikey said which you smiled and nodded at him. After a few minutes of waiting two girls approached you, they were well dressed and cute.
"Hi me and my friend here thinks you're really good looking can we have your number?" One of the girls said. Since you're an airhead you smiled and asked for their phones, just when you're about to type in your number someone snatched the phone from your hand. That someone was Mikey.
He was now glaring at the two girls.
"He's oblivous and an airhead, he and me are dating for 6 months now" Mikey said as he glared at the two girls, The two girls left leaving you and mikey with your Ice cream. You thanked him and hugged him which made Mikey nuzzle his nose at your neck.
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Unlike Mikey and Hakkai...Nahoya will laugh at you everytime he sees someone is flirting with you.
He knows you're oblivous so for him that means there is Low Chance for you to replace him.
But if it goes to far, for example touching your arms? He would smile at the person and spill death threats at them.
You were on a date with your beloved boyfriend Nahoya when a girl approached you two and asked for your number, earning a smirk and a light laugh from your boyfriend.
"Y/N give your number to her~" He teasingly said, of course an airhead like you wouldn't notice that so you did. After giving your number the girl suddenly snaked her arms around you right arm, Nahoya saw this of course.
He grinned, a vein showing at the corner of his eyes.
"If you don't let go of his arm right now, I'll rip your tits of your chest and feed them to dogs" Nahoya replied which made you realize...'Oh shit he's jealous!'
The girl quickly removed her arms of you and ran away from you two, looking at the girl running away you turned to look at Nahoya smiling lovingly at you.
"This is why I love you" you said which made Nahoya chuckle and hold your hands.
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Baji is chaotic!
Like Nahoya if it goes to far he will spill Death threats...but that's not enough...
He would likely destroy cars after, that's why you need to make sure to tell him you love him and only him before he destroy 20+ cars in one night...
Baji waited outside your classroom, waiting for you to finish packing up your things.
As soon as you were done you two decided to leave, opening your shoe locker another flood of love letters scattered on the ground. Baji looked at you before opening his mouth.
"Didn't you just had a flood of letters earlier this morning????!" He yelled, you looked at him and nodded. Baji was about to speak again when a girl grabbed the hem of your uniform which made you look behind you.
It was the class president.
"Y/N!! Can we please walk together?" The girl asked as soon as you were about to reply, Baji grabbed your arms away from the girl.
"I don't mean to disrespect you but I've had enough of you girls flaunting over MY BOYFRIEND" He said with anger, glaring at the girl. The girl got the signal and left.
Baji started walking earning a confused look on your face.
"Baji, where are you going?" you yelled asking him, as you wore your shoes and quickly threw the love letters to a nearby trash.
You need to make him stop...but it's not going to be easy...
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