#why will?? bc her and will's mom was close and she raised him when he had no one else duh
fluffypotatey · 2 years
Being a medieval geek and watching medieval shows is both a blessing and a curse, because sometimes the anachronism is funny, and other times it makes you want to throttle the writers and ask them what the fuck they're doing.
Funny Things: technically none of the saddles on BBC Merlin should have stirrups, those didn't reach England until 10th century during the Viking invasions. The shiny decoration on Morgana's green dress wouldn't be beading but most likely preserved beetle shells. The bright red colour of the Pendragon banners and capes would come from a dye made with bugs.
I-Have-QUESTIONS Things: If Gaius and Hunith are supposed to be siblings and Gaius wasn't previously a freeman (ergo bound in service to Camelot, meaning his entire family was also) how did Hunith end up in another kingdom, that's literally illegal, she's also got an education that she clearly passed on to Merlin, so their family must have had wealth/importance at one point, so again WHY IS SHE IN PODUNK, ESSETIR, and [gunshots]
here me out: Young Hunith was an anarchist and deliberately left Camelot bc she wanted to start her own life somewhere else, thereby going against Gaius's wishes to stay low and keep the peace. unlike her relative Gaius, who stayed bc that was the law and whatnot, Hunith said "fuck that" and in this essay i will--
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watcherintheweyr · 5 months
'Rhaenyra is a bad mom bc she knowingly gave birth to bastards and she knew how much danger they'd be in!!!!'
1. She had no way of knowing those babies wouldn't pop out looking exactly like her, beforehand. And unfortunately she couldn't stop at Jace. The throne needed an heir. Driftmark needed an heir. And a spare was needed as well, given the sheer rate of Targaryen children dying untimely deaths.
2. She had to provide heirs to the throne, and to Driftmark. If she hadn't, society wouldn't have blamed Laenor, they would have blamed her- which makes her position even more unstable, bc then she 'can't fulfill a woman's duty' so why would men think her 'able' to fill a 'man's role' by ruling the kingdom? And she and Laenor tried. He was either unable (meaning infertile or impotent, or unable to get it up), or unwilling. (And they did try. We dont know what they tried but Rhaenyra is shown to be clever in the show so honestly i have no doubt she attempted what Margaery suggested with Renly.) Laenor was in on the entire thing. He was aware of every part of this. He wasn't duped, he wasn't cuckholded- it was a plan greenlit by him, bc this way he and Rhaenyra would both have their heirs and a family. This cannot in any way shape or form be compared to Cersei cuckholding Robert (fuck Robert Baratheon tho), seeing as Robert was **not** at all aware that his children weren't his, and wouldn't have been OK with that.
Either way- she chose not to maritally r*pe her husband and put him through more trauma after it was clear their attempts weren't working. Yall are always so upset for Alicent (rightfully so, bc show!alicent was maritally raped, even if it wasn't considered as such in that time), but you... WANT Rhaenyra to do that to Laenor? Hello???
[And no. Rhaenyra did NOT rape or coerce Criston Cole. The actors, writers, and directors have all stated their sex was consensual and 'an act of love.' It was Rhaenyra going to someone she felt close to and trusted after feeling abandoned and unwanted and betrayed. In that scene you literally watch, as after Cole tells Rhaenyra to stop undressing herself, she moves aside so she isn't blocking his way to the door. The director states that the moment they show Cole folding and setting down his cloak was him choosing his desire over his oaths. And Criston Cole has known Rhaenyra since she was 14. He knew damn well the sort of person she was- and she was not the person who would have harmed him for saying no. She was an intoxicated and emotionally vulnerable 19 year old- Criston was in his late 20s to early 30s. And it's explicitly stated in ep.9 that the ONLY person a Kingsguard cannot refuse is the king. In ep.7 Criston disobeys a direct order from Alicent when she wants him to mutilate Lucerys. Criston Cole was not assaulted. Stop trying to assign Aegon's sins to Rhaenyra so that you can feel better for supporting him.]
3. In the books, the rumors of their bastardry at large halted when all of Rhaenyra's boys' cradle eggs hatched. The ONLY people who continued to try and raise issue were the core green faction. But the realm at large *did not give a fuck* why? Because every actually relevant party claimed those boys. Repeatedly and without flinching. Laenor claimed and loved those boys even face to face with Alicent's bullshit. Corlys claimed and love those boys- he was proud of them, and it's been stated by the actor in the show that Luke was his favorite- that given the... events of ep.10, Corlys will be out for blood. And Viserys repeatedly insisted upon their legitimacy- because Laenor and Corlys claimed them, because he knew that by forcing Rhaenyra to marry Laenor in order to repair the damage his insults caused House Velaryon, that he had backed her into a corner.
Rhaenyras boys are remembered to history as Velaryon. Even **Green supporters** noted that they were good, capable, intelligent, and **worthy** princes. That their deaths were unfortunate *for the realm.*
Legally, those boys are legitimate. They cannot be proven illegitimate without Laenor renouncing them, and he never did. Furthermore, trying to declare children illegitimate due to their appearance is a stupid, dangerous precedent. The fact that it's people who have no ties to House Velaryon pushing these rumors and pushing for disinheritance makes it even worse, because they're meddling in the succession of a House that *is not theirs.* if that became a standard, imagine the feuds and conflicts that would erupt- lords pushing for the children of rivals to be declared illegitimate all for the sake of trying to grasp and steal land, power, and influence as a norm? The realm would tear itself apart. Not to mention the sheer danger that would place women in, in Westeros.
Furthermore, even whilst usurping her, even while calling her children bastards, the Greens also imply Laenor's homosexuality was inherited by the Velaryon princes- that they would use Rhaenyra's 'promiscuity' and Laenor's 'predilections' to turn the Red Keep into a brothel- ironic, considering that's more what Aegon would've done. So even while claiming that Rhaenyras children are bastards that shouldn't inherit, they try to state that what the boys inherit or learn from Laenor makes them unfit for the throne. They can't keep their own damn story straight- because their usurpation was never about what is moral, what is right, or the greater good. It was about greed. Power. Sexism.
It doesn't matter what those boys looked like, especially seeing as Rhaenys had dark hair in the books. What matters is that Corlys and Laenor and Viserys claimed them and declared them legitimate, and that they **never** deviated from that.
As for Vaemond, he was a second son. And he waited until Corlys and Viserys were dying and too ill to stop him to make a grasp for power. Youre not supposed to look at that and feel hes in the right. Youre supposed to look at that and see a man consumed by greed, and literally trying to bury Corlys' will and intentions before the man is even in a grave. He was NEVER Corlys' heir- he just wanted power. It wasn't about his House, or their legacy, it was about him.
(And before yall start shit about Rhaenyras boys stealing Laena's girls' inheritance... Rhaena and Baela are *TARGARYEN*. Not Velaryon. Their claim was to the throne or to any holdings in Daemon's name. NOT to Driftmark.)
Rhaenyras boys being betrothed to Rhaena and Baela tied up any issue of 'Velaryon blood.' Baela would have been queen consort of the seven kingdoms at Jace's side, and they very clearly adored one another in book and show. Rhaena would have been Lady of the Tides- which she never would have had a chance for, without Rhaenyra (and Laena) making those betrothals. She and Luke were also canonically very close- and in show she's very encouraging of him whenever he looks nervous or uncertain. They had a bond.
Rhaenyra stole nothing. She gave those girls more. And she loved them- they were the only daughters she got to have, seeing as the Greens treachery caused the early death of baby Visenya. If she hadn't loved them, she wouldn't have trusted Rhaena to look after Joffrey or give her Morning's egg from Syrax. She wouldn't have immediately invited both girls to the table when she was queen, which is something her father did not do for her until much, much later. He allowed Rhaenyra's voice to be silenced too often when she was first made heir. Rhaenyra did not repeat that hurt to her girls or her boys.
Anyways, moving on.
You lot do also remember that Rhaenyra herself has Velaryon blood, right? Jaehaerys I's mother was Alyssa Velaryon. Aegon, Rhaenys, and Visenya the Conquerors' mother was Valaena Velaryon. It's not immediate, but there *is* Velaryon blood through *all* of Rhaenyras boys.
Ultimately, Rhaenyras boys were only in danger because of the core Green faction usurping the throne. If they hadnt- no succession crisis or rebellion could have truly threatened Rhaenyras boys- because none of them would have had dragons. All of Rhaenyras children loved one another- her sons by Daemon would not have turned on her sons with Laenor (and Harwin). They were a true, loving family- possibly one of the healthiest and most close knit one House Targaryen ever boasted.
And another thing... 'her having babies with Harwin was stupid, she should have picked someone Valyrian!'
Here's the thing. Rhaenyra had to be careful as hell choosing who would father her and Laenor's heirs. She had to choose someone who was physically close, and who could be trusted. Someone who wouldn't try to publicly claim those boys in boast or jealousy. Someone who would keep their mouth shut and had no ambition of their own in regards to the throne. Do you really think Vaemond Velaryon (as I see him suggested a lot) would've kept his mouth shut? That he wouldn't have tried to use this to blackmail Rhaenyra and Laenor for more power and status? Do you think Rhaenys would have ever fought for or supported Rhaenyra if Rhaenyra had tried to have Corlys sire her children? And flying to see Daemon in Pentos and having a purely Valyrian child 9 months later would have made things look even more suspect.
Furthermore... she chose someone who cared for her deeply. Who clearly had a positive relationship with Laenor. She chose someone so she wouldn't have to traumatize herself- she took power over her body in a way almost no Westerosi woman has ever been able to. They were a family unit- Rhaenyra, Laenor, and Harwin. Those children were loved and cherished by two fathers and their mother. They were raised never doubting their mothers love, nor their father's- either father. They were raised and educated to be true, good princes of the realm.
Rhaenyra fought like hell for her children. She was an incredible mother. Yall just believe everything the Green faction says without looking at it critically, and that's unfortunate as hell.
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emmyrosee · 6 months
you asked for angst and I hate angst but imma give you some bc I love you.
It is widely accepted that the Miya twins dad is not in the picture. Mama Miya is a single mom and is worshipped by her twin boys. They always prioritize taking care of her bc "she's got no one else but us". Which is great, its one of the reason why you feel in love with your man. But it becomes a hindrance when he starts missing out on things important to you. Esp when their mom didn't even need them there at that moment.
Could work for either Osamu or Atsumu.
I hate my brain.
The moon is high in the sky when Osamu finally comes home, your hands buried in the sink as you wash dishes that have been sitting there far too long.
You’d asked osamu to do it, but he hasn’t even been home to look at them. A phone call from his mother took him straight from work to her house almost two hours away, leaving you to your own thoughts and feelings.
You adored Ms. Miya. That wasn’t the problem. The problem was your feeling of neglect brewing in your chest, with each time he leaves you with no regard for your needs.
“Hey Angel,” he hums as he finally crosses over the threshold, toeing off his shoes and tossing his keys on the hook. He says nothing when you merely grunt back, but he does make his way over for a kiss.
You return his kiss, despite your own desires to not, you just wanted to be close to him again, feel his hands cradling your body and relight the love in your soul.
“How was your night?”
“Quiet,” you sigh. “Just… cleaning up from dinner.”
“Shit, you made dinner?” At that moment, his stomach growls, “I was so busy at Ma’s I didn’t get the chance to eat. Do we have leftovers?”
You nod sadly, “yeah. Help yourself.”
“…everything okay?”
He clears his throat and picks up a plate from the strainer, “are you sure…? these used to have a design on them.”
You scrub harder.
“Talk to me, baby. I don’t like us keeping secrets from each other.”
“We don’t have secrets. If you can’t use your cognitive thinking skills as to why the person you’re going to marry is mad at you, that’s not my problem.”
“Is this about today?” He asks, voice dropping in defeat.
“Usually is.”
“Baby, you know I-“
The plate snaps under the force of your scrubbing, but you don’t focus on that, though osamu’s brows shoot up.
“Your mother needs you, your mother comes first, your mother asked you, your mother this, your mother that, I KNOW, OSAMU!” You bark, wet fists balled angrily and teeth gritted sharply. “I know the damn drill!”
He takes a step back and raises his hands in surrender, but his brows are furrowed in worry, “hey… it’s okay-“
“It’s not okay!” You yell. Your hands come up to grip your chest, “what about when I need you? Hmm? Where’s my turn to be selfish and need you-“
“My mother is not selfish,” he growls. His brows furrow, “you damn know that.”
You roll your eyes, “no, she’s not. But I want to be. I want to be the big important thing in your life for once, I want to be the thing you run to; I want to be the one you drop everything for.”
“You are, but she needed me today, atsumu couldn’t make it-“
“Yeah, what was the big emergency today, huh? Problem with the internet? Phone bill? Fridge cleaning?”
He doesn’t say anything; merely scratches the back of his head, looking at you with tired eyes as if you’d done this dance far too many times. Which you had- but that’s not your fault.
“Tell you what,” you begin, using your wet hand to grab the engagement ring from the edge of the sink and grab his hand to put it in, “when you can give me more than 4 hours out of the day, you can propose to me again.”
He grips your hand sharply, and for a moment it snaps you back to reality for what you were saying, how venomous and toxic your words were, and your jaw slacks softly, “I… didn’t mean that-“
“We are not going to be this couple,” he snarls. “We are not going to weaponize our engagement when we get into fights. Understand?”
“It just came out-“
“Then keep it in. Do not question my love for you in such a meaningless fight. Do not give me the ring that I decided to give you back, sheerly because you’re mad at me. We’re not going to be a couple that threatens our love from each other. You know better than that.”
The room is silent, the only noise coming from the creaks of the house and osamu doesn’t let go of your hand. His eyes are firm but they shine with betrayal, and his Adams Apple bobs as he swallows thickly.
You sniffle under his intense gaze, “all I wanted was for you to come home,” you whimper. “I got a promotion at work. I cooked dinner, I bought a cake, I-I-I just wanted you to show up.” Your bottom lip wobbles as he simply nods at your words, encouraging you to speak up more if you need to. “I hate sharing you all the time. I want to be selfish and have you come home to me, and not have to wonder about when or if you’re going to come home because of how far away she lives.” He lets go of your hand to wipe a stream of tears that dribble from your eye.
“I just miss you, ‘samu…”
He takes a deep inhale in before pulling you in for a hug, cradling you close and letting you cry in his chest. “Thank you, for being honest,” he says softly, kissing your head. “It must be frustrating to have to share my attention, especially when you have something important to tell me.�� He lets you cry it out for a few minutes, before squeezing you closer, “but you have to communicate with me. You have to tell me if you’re feeling neglected. I can’t be here if I don’t know, baby.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, “I’m sure you wanted to surprise me today, and I’m sorry that fell through.”
You nod in his chest, relishing in the smell of rice and cologne, mewling and squeezing him tighter.
“How about we take tomorrow off?” He hums, pulling back to cradle your cheek in his big hand. “We can celebrate your promotion, and be together, yeah?”
“W-What about the shop?” You whimper. “That’s more important-“
“No.” He pulls back and looks down firmly. “Don’t finish that sentence. The shop will be plenty fine for one day.” He smiles softly, “after all. Need to celebrate my baby’s big break.”
You give him a watery laugh before inching to be closer to him again, more than anything just glad to be in his vicinity after so long.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you,” you whispered.
“Hmm… what was that?” He asks, cheekily.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you,” you repeat, this time with some giggles.
“One more time?”
He snickers and places a kiss on top of your head, “I’m so sorry I was busy with Ma all day. I didn’t think it would take that long.”
“What did she need?”
“Eh, she needed her oil changed and god knows atsumu’s not going to do that.”
You laugh against his chest and nod, “he’d never risk messing up his hair like that.”
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tojiwrd · 1 year
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thinking about shitty bf toji and ...
► toji would be so sweet at the beginning — not like, bringing you flowers every date n shit no. this man lives for the little ways to show u that he loves you i.e stopping in his tracks when you abruptly reach down to tie your laces in public when they untie, noticing how your face wash is running out, so he buys a new one when he goes to the store and the night after you run out and make a note to get a new one, you wake up n see that a brand new one is sitting next to the sink.
► but i also feel like toji is so ... difficult sometimes bc while he doesn't give you grand displays of affection and rarely ever tells you that he loves you, you know he does. but sometimes you need him to say it, and you need him to not untangle your intertwined fingers when you're walking together because he doesn't like showing affection in public.
► that would be a-okay if he did it in private, but he doesn't. two years or so into the relationship, you begin realizing that toji isn't truly yours to love because his heart lies in the cold hands of his ex-wife. he doesn't talk about her with you, but the times he did, he always claimed he was completely over her, that she's dead and nothing can be done.
► it should've been enough because he let you into his home and let you be a part of his bigger picture. he let you take care of megumi and play mother to him, but when toji hears sweet little megumi call you 'mom,' toji flips.
"toji, please," you said, trying to reason with him though it seemed all your attempts proved to be futile because he seemed as though he was wearing noise-cancellation headphones the way he barely looked at you while seething in anger.
he shook his head as if he was processing every single thought that crept into his mind. "how long have you been letting 'gumi call you that?" you moved your mouth to respond, but he cut you off. "don't fucking lie."
"this was the first time, i swear." truth. "toji, he's a kid."
"i know," he said, exasperation coating his voice. "i fucking know, y/n, that's why i don't need you making him think you are his mother."
you shouldn't have been surprised because yes, you weren't megumi's mother. but you were surprised because you went to megumi's school events and drove him to his friends' houses, you joined the parents' friend group and raised money for school fundraisers because toji asked you to, and you ironed megumi's clothes and made sure to place him on his chair every night so he wouldn't have to worry about his uniform before school.
"no matter how many times you cook for megumi or play mother at his conferences, you aren't. stop giving him the wrong impression."
"i know." you couldn't say anything else.
"you aren't his mother." he struck a blow. "you aren't even my wife." the tears began building up behind your closed eyes, but he continued. "i don't want you to be my wife. you're not a part of this family the way you think you are."
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lymmielove · 9 months
fairy tail headcanons bc why not
Natsu has the neatest handwriting out of the kids the grew up in Fairy Tail (Gray, Erza, Cana, Levy, etc..), Erza has the worst one.
Romeo's last name is actually Rose. His Dad and His Mom divorced, and he chose to have his Mom's last name since she raised him better anyways. So, his full name's Romeo Rose. Wendy told him his name was pretty. He blushed with pink fire coming out of his nose
Speaking of Romeo and Wendy, they're besties. They be gossiping about guild drama behind all they backs. Wendy knows about shit she shouldn't because Romeo was both literally and figuratively born in the guild
Lucy has Aquarius. Yukino has Scorpio. The two wizards are straight pen pals bc of it
Loke and Aries are dating. Ophiuchus was the only Zodiac to know.
Rogue cannot handle alcohol. He drinks mocktails
When the Barbie Movie came out, The kids who grew up in Fairy Tail dressed up in extravagant pink. Gajeel, Lucy, and Juvia went to go see Oppenheimer.
Romeo, Wendy, and Sherria are the friends you wouldnt expect to be friends
During when the gang was gone for seven years, Romeo got all of their clothes from when they were kids. He keeps them in his room. The gang knows, but doesn't comment on it seeing as they practically raised the kid.
Romeo's mom is a member of Quatro Cerberus. She was banished from Magnolia on something she didn't commit. After The GMG, she was allowed back. The Fairy Kid gang calls her "Auntie Enno"
Levy is the most "like that" out of the Fairy Kids. She has a glock and everything. When she was younger she always wanted the smoke.
Freed is the most "like that" out of the Thunder Legion. The Wizard Saints fear him. The Council fears him. Laxus loves him.
Bickslow's babies have deemed Lisanna as they mama. Bickslow doesn't mind.
Lisanna came back to the guild and immediately turned bi. Too many hot ladies and pretty men.
Yukino's first kiss was Minerva when they were like 12. Yukino didn't know it was Minerva until she met her in Sabertooth.
Minerva, Sting, Rogue, Orga, Rufus, and Yukino all had a plan to try and off Jiemma. Sting just snapped enough to get him early.
Yukino actually constantly compares herself to Lucy a lot. Yukino's dream was to get all 13 zodiac keys, but Lucy has them, so she backed off. She came very close to breaking all her contracts even after when she had her convo with Lucy. Her and Ophiuchus had a very heartfelt convo afterwards.
All dragons have a "dragon thing." Wendy can stop storms in their tracks several countries away. Gajeel's a human metal detector and magnet. Sting's a human glowstick. Rogue can bend rooms to his will if they're pitch black. Natsu has the highest spice tolerance in all of Earthland, AND he sheds scales regularly that can be mini-bombs if used correctly.
All dragon slayers (THAT HAD DRAGON PARENTS) are 85% dragon and 15% human. I didn't make the rules. They all have tails and horns and visible scales.
Dragon Slayers have a hoard network where they share treasures (i'll elaborate on this later)
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cyberkitty1 · 1 year
Hi can I ask for a miles 42 x telekinesis reader
Like she and miles got in an argument about how he hasn't been around and not making time for her at least
Miles knows she has powers
She knows he's the prowler
She gets mad and the objects in the room start flying around
She doesn't notice and keeps ranting to him about how he's shit and she slowly lifts herself from the ground
Still not noticing BC she's angry
Make the ending fluffy and cute
I tried, I got lazy because ive been getting similar asks with the same character so im trying!!!
“ So where have you been?” You say leaning against the doorway looking at Miles who came home at 2 am in the morning. You closed mouth smiles at you “ I’ve been out ma, you know.”
You sigh resting your face in your hands “ Miles no I don’t know, where have you been? You keep leaving early in the day and coming home next day at like 3 am!” Raising your voice a little.
“ Chill out I’m home right?” he says shrugging you off. “ No I’m not going to “chill out” how am i supposed to when i never see you. Why are you always gone?”
In the moment you are able to see what he’s thinking “ It might be time for me to tell her, shes getting suspicious.” You tense looking at him in his eyes, feeling like you could see his soul.
“ Time to tell me what? What are you hiding from me Miles” He sighs looking at the ceiling muttering “shoot.” So you do it again, if he’s not going to tell you, you will figure out on your own.
“I am The Prowler”
Those words in bald pounded though your brain. “ Why? why would you keep something this big from me? I told you about my powers yet you cant tell me that you are a gauntlet, mask wearing vigilante? or what are you?” He opens his mouth to say something. “No stop! stop talking! You’re telling me you have been lying to me this while time? how long have you been this” making hand motions everywhere.
“ Miles I have always been there for you since day 1! ok?! Day one! and now your going out killing people?!” everything in the room starts to shake. Miles looks around realizing what happening “ Please calm down, mal explicar todo.” (ill explain everything)
“No you cant just explain and everything’s all better! Miles this is the biggest lie you have ever told me? Do you know how i feel?” The tears start to fill your eyes, vision becoming blurry. Everything around you was floating even your hair. Miles was freaking out.
“Please please calm down ill explain everything” when those words left his mouth you felt your body get lighter.
“Miles there is nothing you need to explain! I get it; you are the prowler! Someone who kills people robs people and does it with no remorse! How could you keep something that big from me?!”
You were about 1 foot above the ground when you finally realized, am I in the air? Everything around us is in the air. You see the fear in his eyes, maybe you do need to calm down.
Taking a deep breath you release everything including yourself, you take a deep breath eyes closed. “ Im going to give you 10 minutes to tell me”.
“ Desde que murió mi padre, mi madre ha estado trabajando turnos extra, llegando a casa cansada y sin energía. No podía soportar verla así. ella es mi mamá, me ama pase lo que pase!”
(Ever since my father died, my mother has been working extra shifts, coming home tired and drained. He couldn't bear to see her like this. she is my mom, she loves me no matter what!)
“El tío Aaron consiguió un trabajo en el que pudo dejarme participar para que pudiera obtener más dinero para ella.”
(Uncle Aaron got a job that he was able to let me participate in so he could get more money for her.)
“Hice algunos y obtuve mucho dinero, pero cuando traté de retirarme, no me dejaron. Si me iba, te matarían a ti y a todos los que amaba. No puedo perderte.”
(I made a few and got a lot of money, but when I tried to withdraw, they wouldn't let me. If I left, they would kill you and everyone I loved. I can not lose you.)
You just looked at him taking in everything, you overreacted most definitely. “ why didn’t you tell me? I could have helped you” “ No it was easier that you didn’t know i didn’t want you to worry mi vida.”
He continues to explain his troubles to you, telling you what he’s been thinking when he pauses.
“Sabes que te amaré siempre ¿verdad? Todo lo que quiero es que estés segura”
(You know that I will always love you, right? All I want is for you to be safe)
“ I know Miles and I thank you for everything you do for me”. You say kissing him on the forehead.
“ And I love you so much” you look at him with the most loving eyes you could muster.
A/n: Guys I think i’m going to finish my last 1-3 requests about earth42! Miles Morales and not take anymore for a while because I feel they are getting repetitive and I don’t want you guys to get bored of what i’m writing so if you would like to request other characters i would love that so much!!!
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talaok · 11 months
Hey, I have this huge exam next week, it’s the biggest exam of my life so far and I’m stressed af. I consider myself a chill person but I’m feeling beyond anxious all the time and I have never felt this stressed in my life. It’s so hard to take care of myself rn like I don’t feel like eating but I have to because I’m nauseous and then I can’t find anything I’d like to eat and it makes me more anxious IT’S A VICIOUS CYCLE I SWEAR AND APPARENTLY I HAVE TO EAT EVERY FOUR HOURS EVERY DAY BC I’M A HUMAN??
anyway, sorry for oversharing. I was gonna ask if you could write sth with pedro taking care of stressed reader, making sure she eats and is hydrated, filing up her coffee, cuddling with her when she has crying sessions wiping her tears and telling her everything’s gonna be okay and he’s gonna be there for her with every step no matter what. I literally crave comfort right now, and I’d be so grateful if you could write something 🥹
I love how caring and kind you are with asks, thank you so so so much for being here. Love you 💕💕💕💕
pairing: Pedro pascal x reader
a/n: Im so so sorry love, im one hundred percent sure youll do great, but in the meantime, i hope this will make you feel a little bit better, love you💗💗 (this ask did skip the line bc if i posted it two weeks from now it wouldn't have made any sense)
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He didn't know how or when, but all of a sudden, all you did was study.
And at first, he didn't really think anything of it, you'd told him about the exam and about how important it was, so he understood, but what he didn't expect, was just how much you'd be studying.
You raised your head only to answer him, and even when you did, it was monosyllabic.
"Have you eaten anything?"
"did you drink any water today?"
"not really"
And no matter how many times he'd tell you how bad for you that was, the next time he asked, the answers were always the same. And that's exactly why by the second day, he had stopped asking and instead, started doing.
He had conceived a whole plan of attack.
For the days when he, unfortunately, had to go to work, he left two full water bottles and a glass on your desk, and an already cooked lunch in the fridge, so that all you needed to do was heat it up in the microwave.
But on the days when he didn't have to go to work, he took it upon himself to become your personal assistant, and your worst nightmare altogether.
No matter how much you complained, he forced you to take a break at least every two hours, he made sure you were drinking the water he poured into your glass, he made you coffee every time you asked, (always only after having reminded you that you didn't need more coffee but more sleep) and finally, he cooked or ordered all of your favorite foods in the hopes that it would make you feel more like eating (which never seemed to work).
Today, thankfully, he got to stay home, so for the thousand time, he walked into the studio to check in on you.
"hey there" he smiled, watching you half-heartedly wave at him before returning your full attention to your book "I brought you a snack," he said, placing the apple slices on your desk and making a soft laugh flee your mouth.
He had turned into a soccer mom, but god it felt good to hear you laugh again.
He got behind you to start gently massaging what he was sure must have been sore shoulders.
"how's it going?"
"bad" you grumbled, relaxing the tiniest bit at his touch
"I'm sorry" he murmured, leaning down to kiss the crown of your head "you wanna take a break?"
"It's not been two hours yet"
"I know, but I think it would be good for you" he explained "We could take a walk maybe"
You sighed, closing your eyes "I can't"
"sweetheart" he cooed, crouching down to be at your level and turning your chair towards him "you're gonna burn yourself out if you continue like this"
"I know but..." you glanced back at your notes "I can't fail this exam"
"and you're not gonna" he immediately reassured you
He watched something happen behind your eyes, 
"not if I keep taking breaks"
"baby-" he murmured, taking your hand in his and watching as your mouth curved downwards for the quickest moment 
"I just-I'm so anxious," you said, your voice breaking "I-I can't fail- I just can't"
"hey hey hey" he cooed, his eyes looking for yours "Sweetheart, it's ok"
And that was the moment you couldn't hold it anymore, all the stress and fear you'd been bottling up for days started spilling from your eyes.
"n-no it's not, I-I... I don't even know, I just..." you sobbed, and when you looked at him, he swore he heard his heart break " I feel like shit"
"sugar..." he murmured, wasting no time wrapping his arms around you "I'm so sorry baby," he spoke gently to your ear as his hands stroked your hair and back 
You hid your face in his chest as you cried all you had to cry.
"it's all gonna be alright sweetheart, I promise"
But at that, for some reason, you only started to cry harder.
"ok this is it, hold onto me"
And you had just the time to frown, before he had picked you up and walked out of the room and into the living room.
"w-what are you doing?"
"forcing you to take a break"
"I could have walked" A small smile appeared on your lips, and with it, a small wave of relief washed over Pedro's body.
"You've done enough today" he explained, sitting down on the couch with you, and in less than a moment, your whole body had clung to his.
Your left leg was draped over his, and your head was on his chest, as he held you close with both his arms.
"y/n, you're not gonna fail" he started gently "You're the smartest person I've ever met"
"That's not true" you muttered, your words muffled by his body
"yes it is" he insisted "And baby I promise you, that everything is gonna be alright" he swore, slowly running a hand through your hair "and that no matter what, I'm gonna be here for you, ok?"
It took a moment for you to respond, but after a few beats of silence, a muffled "ok" made its way to Pedro's ears.
"yeah?" he asked, again, encouraging you to meet his gaze.
"yeah" you sniffled, as you finally looked up
"Feeling better?"
"yes" you nodded "Thank you"
He tightened his hug, as he bent down, to ghost your mouth "I love you baby" he kissed you "Whatever you need, I'm always gonna be here for you"
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junekissed · 1 year
balloons & handmade cards
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member — dad!junhui x f reader genre — reeeally sweet fluff word count — 700 synopsis — your son and daughter tag along with your husband at the store while he buys some last-minute gifts for mother's day. warnings — reader is called mommy, jun is called daddy notes — based on an interaction i saw at the store today that almost made me burst into tears bc it was so cute i love kids so much !! i hope all of you have a happy mother's day, whether you have someone in your life or not, i'm giving all of you big hugs 💓
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"all right, kids, we're almost done here," junhui says as he stands in front of the greeting card section, a huge bouquet of flowers and a shopping basket full of groceries balanced in his arms. two toddlers run around his legs, each of them holding a balloon tied around their wrists that say "happy mother's day" and "i ♡ my mom".
he stops in front of the seasonal section, scanning the rack before picking one up and looking at the front. "did you guys finish making your cards for mommy?
"i did!" the older daughter of the two says as she jumps up and raises her hand in the air.
"so did i!" the younger boy adds. "i wrote that i love her a bazillion times infinity."
"well, i love her more than that!" the girl says, and jun has to hold back a laugh as he stands between them to separate them and stop them from fighting about who loves you the most.
"she knows you both love her very much, don't worry."
the girl jumps up and down again and points to a card at the bottom of the rack. "hey, daddy, i drew flowers on my card that look just like those!"
jun grins, reaching to pick out a different card and opening it to read the inside. "great job! i know she'll love it, sweetheart, i'm sure she can't wait to see them. when we get home make sure you hide your cards in a really safe spot so she won't find them before tomorrow."
the boy cranes his neck to stare up at the balloon waving back and forth as he tugs on the string, mesmerized by the way it moves. "daddy, why do we have to hide them?"
jun laughs and grabs an envelope from the rack. "because then it wouldn't be a surprise, silly."
"oh, right."
the girl tugs on his pant leg, and he looks down at her as he tucks his card into the basket and starts walking away from the aisle. "daddy, can i get a piece of candy?"
"we have sweets at home, honey. you can't have dessert tonight if we get candy now, and a little birdie told me that mommy has ice cream for later…"
"ice cream!" they both scream, and jun laughs, happy that his distraction worked. you probably won't be happy to have both your kids bouncing off the walls after he'd promised them ice cream for dessert, but he'd take care of them later.
"yes, ice cream. let's go pay for these quick, we have to hurry home before mommy sees what we got!"
with a squeal the two kids race off to find an open cashier, and jun follows close behind, double checking everything in his basket.
the lady at the cash register rings up everything with a friendly smile, even giving each of them a sticker with the store's logo on it.
"what do you say to her?" jun asks, and a chorus of "thank you!"s erupt from the kids before they dash out of the store, dragging him behind them.
"you guys hold on tight to your balloons, okay?" he says as they walk out the door, shrugging the bags of groceries onto his shoulder so he has both hands free to hold onto each of them. "don't let them fly away, because then we won't have any for mommy tomorrow! now, here, hold my hand while we cross the street, and look both ways first."
jun helps both of them climb into the backseat of the car and buckles their carseats before putting everything away in the trunk.
once he's sure all his passengers and cargo are secure, he slides into the driver's seat, ready to bring everyone home.
he glances over his shoulder at his daughter as he buckles his seatbelt. "yeah, princess?"
she grins at him, showing off the gap in her teeth from when the tooth fairy visited last month. "i'm so excited, i love mommy so much!"
the car starts with a hum, and jun smiles. "i'm glad, honey. i love her so much, too."
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flygutzz · 4 months
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Me n @nortsauce 's characters!
nort: Davy & Chime Mine (Fly): Wivie & Blink
more about them under the cut!
Name: Wisteria-Vineyard "Wivie/Wivy/YV/Wist/Vinny" Rose Age: 15-16 Pronouns: he/him Basic Description Wivie is an empathetic and upbeat hedgehog created by the master emeralds as a counter weight to a great evil that was spawned in the world. he was found by knuckles and adopted by Amy. Hes obsessed with legends and becoming a hero. unfortunately he kinda sucks at everything and has a lot of work ahead of him. He has a high emotional intelligence and wishes to help people any way he can. After discovering his special abilities he trains under sonic to become control his powers and protect his world and the ones he loves
at first he looked nothing like a mobian when he was first found but as he grew he seemed to to take a more hedgehog like appearance
Mama’s boy!! Always suspicious abt any of Amy’s girlfriends
Loves skirts and dresses.
can read tarot cards thanks to his mom aswell as palm readings
can skate/hoverboard
Name: Davy “Jokes” Leavian Age: 15-16 Pronouns: she/her Basic Description An aggressive and headstrong girl. She's tough and a skilled fighter and is always ready to show off her talents. She doesn’t talk about her past due to her not trusting who’s in the Codfather’s mafia gang that she is in deep trouble with. She’s obviously connected with the forbidden parts of the deep sea in mobius but never questioned why. She lives on her own, and has trouble keeping friends, but wants to prove herself. Can be blunt but means well.
Leviathan child
Glows when powered up
can shoot her back “petals” to poison or grab things
Name: Chime (Chee-Mei OR just Chime either works) Age: 15 Pronouns: she/her Basic Description Chime is an excitable girl of few words who is an apprentice of Espio. She’s not always silent but prefers to be as quiet as possible, hard to do when she’s got 100 pound weights on her hair and a bell she never takes off. She’s loyal and loves making friends, but she also is very skilled and deft with any sharp object. She’s precise and cunning, but her lack of any sort of magical or enhanced physical abilities make her a little insecure. She’s said to be a part of a group protecting… something.
Very Fast and Agile
Skilled in “cutting” weapons (knives, swords, any bladed thing)
Very quiet
likes tea parties
due to her being very quiet and skilled many people feel threatened by her but she's a sweetie
She’s also forced to wear the bell bcs she kept sneaking up and scaring people
Name: Blink the Hedgehog Age: young??? Pronouns: Gender fluid, changes any chance they get Basic Description: Blink an eccentric kid who wants to become as strong as they possible can be. They love to run around and mess with people with pranks, especially at Team Dark. Blink has some violent tendencies because of how they were raised by mercenaries and a war machine, so Shadow tries to keep them away from a lot of people. They have a close but complicated relationship with shadow and a distant relationship with sonic, with either of them barely even knowing that each other existed for the first few years of Blinks life.
slower than sonic but higher endurance
calls his parents "pops" or by their names interchangeably (great relationship guys 👍)
has a clock on their right glove and a compass on their left glove: this helps blink control and reorient themself after "blinking*" through time and space
Blink*: can bring them in and out of existence as a form of "teleportation"
Speed break: bursts of speed that allow them reach point A to point B in less than a second (tracer from OW)
No-Clip (lol) : can phase through objects (generally used during speed breaks)
Time Control (Only With a Chaos Emerald)
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watchyourbuck · 1 year
Oh god okay here we go
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Why must I go into heavy detail you ask? Well, I am actually unable to shut up so here it is them 10 TOP “there’s no chance this is a straight friendship” MOMENTS
“You can have my back any day” aka the enemies to lovers speedrun. The immediate feeling we’re supposed to get from the screen is jealousy. Buck is jealous of the new recruit because he’s hot, a medic, a veteran, whatever. I’ll give it to you children, he WAS jealous. But then they go on call and they get into immediate danger bc 911 is a drama and then Eddie’s very keen on being Buck’s partner. Nothing queer til then right? WRONG. Eddie’s line is pretty normal but the way Buck reacts isn’t. I have had my fair share of “huh this person I didn’t like is actually cool” moments but nEVER have I once sucked in a breath, forgot how to blink, rushed in my words OR stared at said person like I’d like for them to be my lover. Three points to Gayfindor.
“Is your son REALLY the reason you don’t date?” This line and the dialogue that follows makes absolutely no sense from the non-queer glass. Alright he asks bc he wants to know why two girls practically launched themselves at him and he declined (such a kind offer lmao) but… why are you standing so close? Why do you bump shoulders with him as you walk? Most importantly, what the FUCK does Eddie’s smirk mean after “they’re not my type either… not anymore.” Idk about you guys but when I’m not on the market I’m actually not in it 😀 and I don’t go around looking at my best friend like I’d consider fucking her (I’m actually kinda yikes about that thought bc she’s like my sister). Bottom line is: if you’re willing to fuck your best friend, there’s attraction. That scenes oozes attraction and I’d be willing to white glove challenge a body language reader.
The Tsunami. YES okay, there are far many moments in between but I also need to make this a somewhat readable list so here we go. We’re gonna pretend for a hot second Buck wants to save his best friend’s son, and not the child that he considers his own bc I’m tired. Let’s skip to the far end of this (be GrAtEfuL I’m skipping the whole sacrifice that this episode entailed. Buck was willing to die, to never sit down again if it meant looking for Chris [& the utter fear he has to face Eddie]. It’s a lot). Now, I do not OWN a child (thank god) but if I did, I wouldn’t be particularly comfortable with a simple friend from work taking care of them. They could be my very best friend from work and I’d still feel a little icky -at least nervous- about it. Yet Eddie not only takes Christopher back A F T E R the tsunami (Chris could’ve died and Eddie is nothing short of apprehensive), but he says ‘there’s no one I trust with my son more than you’. Um. Not his wife. Not his family (CHRIS’ family), not Abuela, not Tia Pepa. Buck. Who he… just met? Surely it isn’t bc he’s uncle buck… I don’t believe even Maddie has said that to Buck, where he’s actually, yknow, UNCLE BUCK. Co-parenting is not something done between a parent and a friend, and I know this shit bc my mom raised me with a few of her friends and guys,,, she never said that to any of them. Also Chris is practically never seen with anyone else from the 188firefam alone.
The Kitchen Scene™️. I have gone on rants about this before but truth be told THIS is the scene that conveys the MOST canonically sexual tension between them. We can joke about it all y’all want but this scene is unhinged. I don’t think Oliver and Ryan were aware that they should’ve been friends in this scene. The way the conversation shifts from apologetic sad puppy eyes to “you’re throwing your punches at the wrong guy” to I CAN TAKE YOU (???) you can what? “Oh you think?” “Oh I know” HELLO? Pls don’t even get me started on how Buck approaches Eddie, the way he’s puffy-chested, his hand on his belt, eyeing him up and down, nearly biting his lip, cocky grin,,,,, explain to me in hetero. I’m waiting😐 guys c’mon exPLAIN IT TO ME IN HETERO. The way Eddie glances to the side bc where’s Chris? And h o w he sips his beer right after, smirking, tiLTING His head. I’m sorry this is not straight in any way. I’m sorry you’re gonna have to accept this.
Clipboard Buck. Alright u got me!!! This one’s a lil silly, but so is my life, so it’s fair game. Clipboard Buck is annoying as fuck, he’s so fucking annoying. The entire firefam picks up on this, no one wants to be around,,,, except Eddie. You could argue that it’s bc he likes him as a friend and he’s just indulging …. 👁️👄👁️ sure but he also hides from Interim Captain Han soooo anyway what’s fun about this is how willing Eddie is to comply with everything he says. He’s basically twirling his hair, kicking his feet, smiling & blushing and “check!” 🧍🏽‍♀️ buck is kinky (that is canon e.g the ring cutter) and he gets high on authority and Eddie does backflips to meet his kinks. Exhibit 5 complete.
The Lawsuit Arc acka the first divorce era😔✊🏼. This one makes me rage a little bit because I get really upset at Buck for acting recklessly. Like baby let yourself HEAL. Anyway,,,, onto what brings us here 🥷🏼. It’s canon that the entire team is mad at Buck, they don’t really wanna bump into him, can’t really speak to him,,, but Eddie? Eddie’s filled with wrath. I cannot stress enough the fact that he uses Chris as an excuse “do you even know how much he misses you? how could you! you’re not here”. The way he expresses himself, and we’re choosing to ignore the fact that he HIMSELF misses Buck,, that’s how you talk to someone who has a responsibility with the child, not the fun coworker that randomly shows up @ your house with pizza every once in a while. “I couldn’t even call you to bail me out of jail”. He’s so u p s e t that for the first time they know each other he can’t rely on Buck when he’s hurting and in danger. And pls for the love of Jesus Christ my lord & savior don’t tell me that it’s a 118 thing bc he calls Ronda Rousey to come pick him up 🎅🏻 that grocery store scene is.. interesting.
Eddie Underground. Alright we’re getting serious now guys,,, might as well put on your thinking caps on this one. We all know the story, this isn’t a latest ep recap soooo The wAY Buck’s the ONLY ONE who desperately calls Eddie’s name when he’s fallen underground, amidst the heavy rain and dirt. Listen to me: he starts digging with his hands. With his bare hands I tell you!!!! 😩 Bobby has to physically pull him back as he cries on his lap. Buck is a smart man, he wouldn’t do something that’s completely illogic, he knows he can’t dig him out but he’s so desperate. His voice breaks, he can’t breathe, he becomes impulsive, reckless, impatient. Do I need to remind y’all the reason he wasn’t the one getting strapped to go underground??? “You’re not going down there. So we can have two cut off ropes?” Everyone knows he’s willing to sacrifice his integrity for Eddie bc his life doesn’t make sense without him. “We’ll get him back for you”
The Shooting + “I’ve made u my son’s dad lol”. When Eddie gets shot the world freezes for Buck. He’s left standing there, staring as Eddie’s blood splatters on him. He has to be tackled down. Even then, he’s unable to move, to breathe. He just looks as he bleeds out, and theN he snaps back into reality, bracing himself to go under the truck (foregoing his own trauma - I’ve said this before) and preparing for the amount of strength it’s gonna take to pull him under it. He screams at him to hold on, and later when he manages to pull him inside the truck he tells him he needs him to hang on. He rips his uniform open, he cries and screams,,, then Eddie wakes up, and he asks BUCK if HES okay. Bc he saw blood :( also as @butraura pointed out, he can’t die if Buck’s dying bc what about Chris? He only lets himself drift off when he knows Buck’s okay. Then we got The Will Reveal™️ also so unhinged. “You knew I wouldn’t turn it down” right what is this guys??? That was a year ago. He added him to his will A yEaR aGo. Idk about y’all but I haven’t added my friends to my will😀 also Buck’s the one who tells Chris ??? (I’m being very brief on this subject). Also “Because, Evan” shut up🧎🏽‍♀️
& 10. The Lightning Strike + “She sees me”. I’m doing these together bc I haven’t watched this episodes yet but I’m an addict so I’ve spoiled myself to the brim. The way Eddie screams Buck’s name, the way he saves him, “do more” h e l l o ?? The absolute PAIN in Eddie’s eyes, “you died Buck” “3 minutes and 17 seconds”, “his humor hasn’t changed” & the fact that he listens to Buck on his super genius math theory. And then Buck goes and says “I feel like Natalia sees me” ok. I mean my feelings mean nothing but Eddie’s face ??? That’s a man that knows he’s waited too long.
I rest my case. I’m missing a lot of scenes (like a lot omg Abby comes back, Buck under the Truck, Buck vomiting blood, the Taylor Arc) & y’all can argue in the comments about them, or add shit or try to dismantle mine, honestly the floor is yours idc wHat u do, just know you won’t convince me otherwise 🤸🏽these two are in love & that’s pretty much that on THAT. PERIOD.
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superblysubpar · 2 years
potentially very silly thought that’s been on my mind for forever so feel free to ignore! but stevie has glasses right? but he never wears them bc he doesn’t like how they look/doesn’t believe he really needs them (spoiler: he does). imagine dad!steve’s little baby comin back from the doctor and needing specs :( and his kid is all sad bc they think they’ll get bullied and that they look silly, but dad!steve puts on his like “see? glasses are cool, bud!” and they wear them together <3
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dad!steve harrington x mom!fem! reader
a How Sweet It Is story
summary: steve's kiddo doesn't want to get glasses | even if a fic is not marked 18+, my blog is
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Spring, 1993:
Steve rubbed at his forehead as he stirred the spaghetti sauce on the stove. Grace had fought him for hours, screaming and crying and throwing toys at him. He knew that all she needed was a nap but she refused, insisted that she wasn’t tired and wailed with a set of lungs that gave her Uncle Eddie a run for their money. He’s used to headaches by now though - too many hits to the head over the years and what felt like a constant squint to see things clearer, toddler tantrums were nothing when it came to the things that caused him headaches. 
But that didn’t mean he wanted her to wake up anytime soon. So when the loud crack of the front door handle hitting the wall pulled him from his thoughts he rushed out of the kitchen, hushing loudly. Whisper-shouting to you and your oldest, “Hey, hey, Grace is finally asleep!”
Nora kicked the wall as she tried to take off her shoes and coat at the same time, a flourish and frenzy of tiny grunts and zippers clicking together. Yellow dots on her sneakers lighting up and the yellow of her rain coat a fast moving blur - yellow was the color, or so he’s been told repeatedly by her in the last two weeks. He looked past his yellow blob of movement to see you slowly following her up the steps, rubbing your temple. 
Oh boy.
Nora was six. Opinionated and strong and curious. Sometimes she shocked them with her big ideas and her logic-searching questions, but every once in a while they were reminded she was in fact, a kid. A tiny human with too big of feelings and not always the right words to describe them. Right now, he’d bet money on some very large feelings bubbling up inside of her, and he just didn’t know if he could handle another tantrum. Her brown curls a mess like she’d run her hands through them too many times (a habit you’ve pointed out she picked up from him before she could walk), her face flushed and her jaw clenched, tiny hands trying to get her coat off too quickly and a furrow between her brows when it wouldn’t cooperate. 
Steve bent down to her level, hands reaching out towards her, "Hey cutie, slow down. Let me help-"
"No! I can do it myself!" tiny hands forming fists and a fury behind her eyes that would be alarming if she wasn't so small and cute. This was another new development - dad yellow is the color of the moment and oh by the way I’m a big girl now. It’s a lot for a dad to wrap his head around. 
Steve raised his hands up in surrender, "Okay, sure."
As you closed the door softly, Steve looked up and mouthed, "What happened?"
You gestured to your eyes, forming glasses with your fingers as you mouthed the word at the same time. 
His brow furrowed because why in the world would she be so upset about glasses? Heart breaking that she’s obviously incredibly worked up about something that isn’t really an argument if she needs them. 
As she flung her coat to the ground and went to stomp around it he snaked his arm around her waist, "Oh no you don't,” she huffed and crossed her arms as he squeezed her waist, “Nora, what's wrong?"
"I don't want them!" she cried out, stomping her foot against his thigh as he stood up holding her.
Steve pushed a stray curl from her forehead, faking obliviousness, "Don't want what? You gotta catch dad up here."
Her chin wobbled as she looked anywhere but at his face and his heart shattered into a thousand pieces. How can she hate glasses so much? She’s six! 
Nora clings to his neck as he goes back to the kitchen, the heat turned down and stirring it once more as they sat in silence, her little huffs of frustration mixing with the bubbling sauce. He’d wait patiently until she wanted to tell him. You followed wordlessly behind, pulling down a cup for water and setting it across from him. Steve’s arm supported under her butt and he leaned against the counter to face you. 
Nora spoke finally, quietly and forced out of her pouting lips, "Glasses."
Steve rubbed her back with one hand, cheek resting on top of her head and sighed. She was way too big to hold like this anymore, and he missed it. 
"Baby, why don't you want glasses, huh? Lots of people wear glasses,” you questioned softly from your spot at the otherside of the counter. 
Nora mumbled into his neck, "Daddy doesn’t like them. People make fun of glasses."
Steve made eye contact with you over the top of her head, swallowing harshly and blinking away tears. A small and sad smile rested on your lips. You leaned your chin into your palm and sighed, raising your eyebrows at him. 
His heart dropped into his stomach as he set her down on the counter and cleared his throat, “I love my glasses, what are you talking about?”
Nora shook her head quickly, curls flying everywhere, a deep breath as crocodile tears fell down her cheeks. Voice wobbly and on the cusp of some big sobs ready to break as she spoke rushed and loudly, “No. No you do-n’t. Mommy, you, y-you told Mommy that…that…” she hiccuped but pushed on, “Losers wear glasses. And, and Jacob…hims said…he…people who wear glasses are weird and, and…”
As Nora kept going Steve clenched his fists against the counter. He’d take back any and every thought he’d had about glasses if he could. He could throw up from the guilt swirling in his stomach, that he was somehow a part of the reason his little girl was so worked up about something she needed. Something so tiny and materialistic. He’d fix this. He had to fix this. 
“Woah, woah, who’s this Jacob kid and what does he know, huh?” He kissed the top of her head, pushing curls from her face that clung to her wet cheeks.
“Jacob, daddy,” she sighed his name out, bored and exasperated like Steve should know while she hiccuped again.
Steve nodded, face serious as he snapped his fingers and you smiled from behind her, “Right, that Jacob. Okay, but babe, Jacob doesn’t know what he's talking about. He doesn't know the super special secret."
Nora's hands swiped at her cheeks, "Secret?"
Nodding he chucked the side of his knuckle under her chin and handed her the glass of water, "Super special secret."
Nora's eyes went wide above the rim of the cup and you bit the inside of your cheek as Steve nodded and leaned in, "Only people who wear glasses get to know the super special secret," he glanced at you, “Oh, and mommy’s.” 
"Tell me," Nora whined, fidgeting and tugging at his shirt.
"Well, the secret is, is that people who wear glasses are super duper crazy awesome. They can see better, like superhero vision,” the small white lies building as her smile grew and he spoke with his hands, “And because they can see better they can read faster and get smarter. They can see so good with their glasses that they can sneak into the kitchen in the dark for late night snacks and-"
You made a disgruntled noise from the back of your throat and shook your head, mouthing the word no, but tried to hide your smile. 
Steve grinned wider at you but Nora frowned, not buying it. Too smart for her own good as she countered, "But, daddy, you don't wear your glasses. And you said lose-"
"You're right, I did say that,” he bit the inside of his cheek and ran his hand through his hair before waving them around, “But that's because I didn't want anyone to know how cool the super special secret is. But now," he leaned in and kissed her forehead, "I can wear mine all the time because I'm not alone! We can be crazy awesome together."
"Really?" Nora looked up at him, wide eyed and hopeful and he had to blink back tears again. 
"Really, really," he brushed the last stray tear slipping down her cheek, "Go grab mine for me and we can head to the store and pick out yours together."
He lifted her and set her down and she raced away. Steve fell forward onto the counter, moaning as he pressed his forehead to the cold tile. 
He listened as you stood, holding his breath until he felt your arms wrapping around his waist. A kiss between his shoulder blades before he spun to face you. 
He pressed his nose into your cheek as you whispered, “Good job, dad.”
He huffed, not unsimilar to his daughter and mumbled, "I hate my glasses."
You hummed, running your hands up his back before speaking, "I love your glasses,” you laughed and kissed his jaw, voice laced with fake shock and wonder, “And why would you hate them? Didn't you hear the super special secret, Steve?"
Moved to your neck, he grumbled, "Ugh, I'm gonna punch that Jacob in the face."
A laugh bubbled out of you as you squeezed his waist, a kiss to his temple as you reminded him, "He's six, Steve."
"Right. Well. Maybe his dad then," he kissed your neck and removed himself as tiny feet raced back down the hall.
"Woah! You're right daddy! I can see crazy awesome!"
He stood up fully to see Nora zooming around the corner with his glasses on her face too big and dangerously close to falling completely off and you covered your smile with your hand.
He swiped the glasses from Nora and slid them up his own nose. Picking her up he smiled and asked, "Should we go pick out yours now?"
Nora nodded excitedly and bounced up and down once her feet were back on the floor, energy radiating off of her as he tied her shoes and zipped her coat. 
When they returned home, she nearly broke his arm, she was tugging so hard, "Mommy! Mommy! Look, look, look!"
You came around the corner holding his sleepy toddler and grinned, "Woah! Yellow! Crazy awesome!"
As he turned to close the door Nora beamed and shouted, "Daddy said the yellow was even more super special because yellow would help me see the cookies waay on the top shelf better."
Steve bit his lip as he spun to face you shaking your head, a smile twitching on your lips. He shrugged and stole Grace out of your arms with a kiss to your cheek as he mumbled, “Yellow is the best color, mom.”
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Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you thought, and I hope you consider reblogging my work to get it circulated to new readers - thanks for being here 💛
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tainted-heartz · 1 year
I know you're not taking any request right now, but this is just an ask (this is more of an idea). I love the yandere Wally darling x reader. How bout the next one could you do the reader little sister got a life size plush of wally darling as a birthday gift. She brings him wherever she goes. To the store, to the park, to the dinner room table, to bed. And when the reader sister can't find Wally. Wally is always in the readers' room where you least expected. He could be under the bed, under the covers, behind her pillows, in her closet, anywhere. The reader found Wally and there talking until the reader sister came in and said ."There you are wally, you silly pants!" While the reader sister takes Wally away. wally looks at the reader and smiles. I just think it'll be perfect for part 3 if you're ok with that? ( You can add whatever else you want to it.)
| I LOVE THIS IDEA SM DEAR LORD- also I'm taking requests so don't worry about it!! I'm gonna go ahead and just slap something down bc this idea is making my brain go feral. I may make a part two of this since this was rushed- |
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- a new wally life sized doll had come out just around the time your younger sisters birthday rolled around so you saved up enough to help your mom purchase it for her birthday. hell she even had a welcome home themed birthday party which just made you sick to your stomach. the damn child was OBSESSED with wally...why couldn't it have been barnaby or poppy?
- once she had gotten that plush she wouldn't let it go for a second or let it out of her sight. she'd bring it grocery shopping , to daycare and even to the damned dinner table where she demanded ‘ wally asked for a plate too! ’ if you were crazy that doll was probably actually talking to her.
- well one night was different , your sister had always took wally with her while she was brushing her teeth but this time she seemingly didn't. you found that damned plush hidden under your bed hiding behind some junk you left back there. you picked it up and stared at it before your sister ran in asking you about it and gasping once she saw wally in your hands and quickly took him from you. “ there you are wally , you silly pants! you can't go wandering into big sisters room! ” she hugged the doll close and went to leave.
- your heart nearly stopped as the dolls eyes moved to stare at you then smiled at you. it slowly raised a hand that wasn't visible to your sister and waved goodbye. you really hoped this was all a dream , you found that damned thing unsettling enough this shouldn't be getting worse or well you hoped.
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amulet-or-not · 1 year
Ok so I watched rise of the titans and it was... An experience...
The things I loved/liked:
Children of the sun summoning the amulet sequence. It was pretty cool. But it's funny this is one of the things in this category since it was basically ripped straight out of the scene in 1x12. But I don't mind a little self plagiarism if it's satisfying
Toby actually being smart and having a part in the defeat of bellroc
Toby's last moments with Jim. Not to say I liked Toby dying that was fucking horrible but seeing Toby and Jim be close again was something that had been desperately absent for a few seasons. And the idea that Jim even after winning would sacrifice the entire world and take on the burden of going back into the past himself, just to save Toby is kinda sweet even if this movie didn't go in that direction. Cuz it just proves this boy would give up anything for his friends and that's one of his core qualities and why we all love him
The opening sequence on the subway. That was pretty excellent and raised the hype and allowed everyone an equal chance to shine
Aarrrgghh going batshit when Toby dies cuz mood
The taco truck with the little tune entering arcadia and all the government are like 'remove the barricades, let them through!!'
Jlaire was pretty cute in this movie, not the best it's ever been but y'know.
Douxie was pretty good throughout
The things I was ok/unsure about:
Ajas characterisation. I know a lot of people hated it in this movie but it wasn't the worst. She acted like a leader trying to protect two worlds of people, and that's entirely fair tbh. I didn't like how she doubted Jim but as she didn't know him that well especially as neither of them remember the events of d'aja vu it was kinda understandable. And I agreed that they did need a contingency evacuation plan
Krel. He was consistently good in this movie as usual but didn't get enough time to shine individually, same goes for blinky and aarrrgghh
Stricklake getting married was cute, however I didn't like how Barbara was used as a mouthpiece to mediate all of Jim's relationships with the older men in his life, i.e. when her and Jim talked it was either about strickler or James SR. and honestly that's just a disservice to Barbara's own character (and makes me realize that I doubt this movie passes the bechdel test)
The things I disliked:
Eli basically doing nothing all movie and being useless
Having Eli come back after a glow up for the sole purpose of having a moment where Steve is jealous and distrusting of his girlfriend. Actually no this can go in the hate category too ❤️
Jim saying 'i always wondered about dad' to his mom. The only reason this isn't in the hate category is bc it meant we actually spent time on the relationship between Jim and Barbara which is something that was sorely lacking in wizards tbh, and something that really made trollhunters shine. But what happened to 1x17's 'you know I don't care about my father'? Like what is this bfr
Toby being used as comic relief didn't bother me in this as much as in wizards cuz at least he got that important moment at the end but him saying 'moral support is the lamest superpower' what happened to the Toby that cherished supporting his friends and knew that his support was the greatest gift he could give to Jim and Claire just as their support was his greatest gift. Cuz that seemed like a key factor in earlier seasons imo. Also what happened to the Toby that started becoming confident in his abilities in earlier seasons of trollhunters?
The blatant Hollywood stereotyping. The kids kicking the football in Brazil and the fishermen in the South China sea, and then the bright neon lights of anywhere in east Asia at nighttime visual. It's not the worst but I'm tired tbh
The things that I absolutely fucking hated:
This shouldn't matter to me so much, but why when Jim went back into the past, did he wake up at 8.00 instead of 6.00? You could claim it was because it was cuz he was disoriented, but the time of his alarm should never have changed. If I remember that it said 6.00 on the alarm, and I haven't watched the first episode since probably 2018, the screenwriters should've too. It's just lazy. Or maybe it's symbolic of the fact that Jim only used to wake up at 6.00 to make his mom breakfast and all of them lunch, something which was a key part of his characterisation and clearly showed how much he cared for and loved the people around him - something which is very obviously no longer a part of his character since he allowed Steve to bully Eli and manipulated Toby into becoming the trollhunter. But idk. You choose
Nomura's characterisation?? First of all she just seemed ooc, like a stereotype version of herself for some reason. Secondly, her death. She died. In the sun. She's a changeling. The sloppiness of the writing team in keeping their facts straight is fucking astounding.
Stricklers death. Just for shock value and a play on emotions cuz it contributed nothing to the story. Same with nomuras. All it showed me is that the writing team were sitting around a table and someone goes 'you know we should kill off a few characters early on in the movie just to show this is a serious level threat'.
Pregnancy being used as a fucking joke. I wouldn't have necessarily minded the mpreg concept happening but the execution was just. Ugh. Steve being pregnant was treated as a joke and gross and just something to fill in time as comic relief, rather than what pregnancy actually is which is fucking hard work. It just seems like another extended misogyny-as-comic-relief trope again and Steve's character and everything was thrown down the drain
Toby Jim and Claire not having a group moment together. There was a scene somewhere in the movie where Claire was comforting Jim and I was wishing Toby was there too. If they're going to play the moral support joke with him at least have him be there when morals are at the lowest
Toby being stuck to the van. The treatment of his character in general throughout the last half of the franchise, he should've been given proper development as a character since trollhunters ended but fuck that I guess
Getting human Jim back was WASTED. Utterly wasted on this poor excuse for a movie. The peak of Jim's character arc was accepting himself in every form even when his humanity was stolen from him. The 'am I a hero without the amulet' in this and even the corruption storyline in wizards were both forced, particularly the former, as we'd already gone through that part of his arc in s2 (and it was one of the best arcs this franchise has produced frankly). It was really really apparent they couldn't think of anywhere to go with his character but still wanted to use him bc he remained the most popular. Fanfiction writers can and have done better. Fuck this movie
The lack of emotional maturity and depth between a lot of the characters honestly?? I really don't know how to explain this other than anytime this movie paused to have an emotional conversation or moment between two characters it seemed hollow and worthless because none of them were going through true important character arcs
I'm sure I have more things in this category but for now this is all I can think of. Might rb later with more if I can think of more things that really annoyed me :)) time to rewatch trollhunters s1 and remember how good this franchise used to be :))
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I Was Gone for Two Seconds
garrus vakarian x fem! shepard
summary: in purgatory, shepard steps away for a second and her stool was taken
a/n: if it sounds like that one scene from victorious you're right and you should say it #mybad
tags: tooth rotting fluff, set in ME3, catty comments (sorry i’ve been rewatching dance moms), garrus being oblivious as always, shepard being rightfully pissed (smh), species hostility kinda???, reassurance, lovey dovery gross stuff, ooc bc garrus says ily (LMAO), busy couple making time for each other ):
ao3 version
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shepard was sat at the bar in purgatory with her legs crossed in a little black dress and heels, nursing a purple drink that she had already forgotten the name of. she was waiting for garrus to arrive to have some semblance of a proper date for the two of them. however, knowing him, he most likely got caught up with calibrating the weapons in the normandy for the umpteenth time, but she didn’t blame him nor was she mad. in fact, she had arrived later than their decided time as well since she got caught up in her own paperwork.
suddenly, she felt a tap on her right shoulder. she looked over, but saw no one. she turned her head to the left and saw the face of her favorite turian with a nervous smile on his face.
“sorry for running late shepard, the primarch needed help with-”
shepard leaned in and cut him off with a kiss, pulling back and patting his chest with a smile, “garrus i barely got here, you’re fine big guy, i get it.”
garrus’ shoulders relaxed and a sigh of relief left his mouth, settling into the stool next to her, “thank you sweetie, i can’t promise that it won’t happen again, but i can promise i’ll always make up for it.”
he had been holding a hand behind his back, bringing it forward to show to her with a blue blush creeping up his neck. shepard looked down at his hand and gasped, picking up the gift and examining it, “a thermal scope! i’ve been wanting to try one of these babies out forever!”
shepard grinned like a kid on christmas and threw her arms around garrus’ neck, kissing his cheek with an emphasized “mwah”. garrus wrapped his arms around shepard’s waist and purred with her in his arms, looking at her with love in his eyes.
“i’m glad you like it.”
“like it? i love it.”
“more than you love me?”
“know your limits vakarian.”
the two laughed together and shepard let go of the embrace, garrus’ hand remaining on her thigh with her hand over it. he waved the bartender over and ordered a drink. the two of them chatted for a while about anything and everything, talking to each other as if they were the only ones in the room. shepard excused herself to go "powder her nose", aka she's had to pee for the last 10 minutes and couldn't stand it anymore.
when she returned, she was met with a surprise.
a female turian was sitting on the stool that she had occupied not long ago, talking to garrus a little too enthusiastically for her liking. as shepard approached, she was able to hear their conversation.
"why don't you stick to your own species? that little human has nothing on a real turian woman."
garrus looked appalled and opened his mouth to say something, but shepard cleared her throat before he got the chance. her hands rested squarely on her hips, her eyebrows raised with her jaw tightened. the turian woman looked her up and down, then rolled her eyes, "speak of the devil."
"that's commander devil to you."
garrus laughed at that and covered it with a cough, letting shepard take the lead.
shepard plastered on the fakest smile she could and tilted her head, "sorry, but this little human couldn't help but notice that you took my seat. i’d like it back now."
the turian scoffed and slid out of the seat, shoulder-checking shepard as she passed her, "he's all yours, who wants a man with a damaged mandible anyways."
shepard balled her hands into fists before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, letting her fists go before walking up to garrus.
"shepard i'm so sorry, we were talking about the newest black widow that was released onto the market yesterday and then suddenly she changed the subject-" shepard cut off his rambling by taking his mandibles in her hands and kissing his lip plates, kissing all around his face before pulling back to look into his eyes, searching for any semblance of doubt in them. when she found none, she smiled reassuringly to him and rubbed her thumbs against mandibles.
garrus reached up and wrapped his hands around hers, turning his head to kiss her right palm before nuzzling his cheek against it. she knew he was being genuine, and even if she was blatantly flirting with him, shepard knew he would never pick up on it, that's for sure.
"for the record, i am one of those women who find scars attractive."
garrus laughed by letting a puff of air out of his nose and kissed her other palm, "for the record, i love my commanders a little devilish." shepard snorted and plopped down into her seat again. she leaned her elbow against the bar and resting her hand against her cheek.
"i love you vakarian."
"I love you too shepard."
"why don't we go back to the normandy and i can show you just how devilish i am," shepard said with an impish grin on her face.
"i wouldn't mind a little demonstration. i am a physical learner," garrus flirted back before quickly downing his drink.
shepard giggled before finishing the rest of her drink, standing up and grabbing his hand before leading him back to the Normandy. she glanced back just before they left purgatory and made eye contact with the turian woman from before, sticking her tongue out childishly as she led the love of her life back to their own home away from home.
notes: i'm actually happier with this piece than i thought i would be!! pls leave a comment if you want a part 12 with smut 👀 if i made any spelling or grammatical error pls lmk too
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itefi-n-ferlet · 8 months
💙 About Jellal's Father ❤️
After the Jellal's past revelation, I have being thinking some theories/headcanons about his father, childhood & etc so, I made this thread:
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Seeing how sad they were at his tomb, Im totally sure he was a great father & they were a lovely family, but seeing how harsh Jellal is with himself, I think his dad was a serious, very strict man with high moral values & high discipline, probably religious too.
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His dad probably was a well respected but solitary man & only showed his soft face to his family & Jellal learned to be a gentleman because he saw how his dad treated his mom, his dad also was a "protector type" that's why Jellal wanted to become the new protector of the family and a protector to his friends ans people in general.
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I think they raised Jellal to meditated of every one of his actions and steps in life, in this panel you can see how his mom guides him with questions, but allows him to think by himself and find a solution/path to fullfill his wishes by himself. That' why he has leadership qualities.
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My headcanon is that his dad came from a distant country with quite a different culture and probably Jellal's tattoo is part of a tradition of his dad's culture, that's why not even his mom & neither anyone on his town had a face tattoo besides Jellal.
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Other headcanon is that Jellal's dad had a tattoo in his face, a mark that it was costumary to pass to their children, some villagers were scare of him for that, that's why even if they respected him, they didnt like to be very close to him.
There were rumors that it was a "curse mark". Jellal's mom worried about those rumors because she didnt want her husband to feel bad about them, but when he heard them, he just laughed and said: "Ignorance is the real curse, this tattoo is a legacy of pride and love of who we are and who we love"
His father didnt talk a lot about his past, but by breves conversations Jellal secretly overheard from his parents, the country were his dad came from suffered from a magic related "disaster" and wiped out almost the entirely of their people.
Jellal loved his dad's tattoo, he always wanted one bc he wanted to be as cool as his dad, it wasnt painful either, it was made with magic, a really ancient ritual magic only know for the ones like his father.
I think his father knew how to use magic & was a skillful mage (even so he probably prefered to keep that as a secret), that's why Jellal first thought after his dead was that; in order to protect his mom, he had to learn magic & go to a magic school, because his role model was his dad.
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I have this other headcanon that the slavers didnt went for that village before because some years before they tried, but were secretly stopped by Jellal's dad, but then he died and they came again.
His dad had some ancient magic books that Jellal wanted to read as a kid, but he didnt understand the language, later, as the "fake Sieg" he learned it, that's why as member of the council he collected & read a lot of books, unconsciously, he was trying to find those books.
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Could the books still exist? Maybe. His father have them in a secret place on his house, my headcanon is that Jellal will find them when he finally decides to go again to that devasted village alongside with Erza, of course.
He wants to go & make a tomb for his mom alongside the one of his father, but he really dont want to go alone, so, Erza will go with him, bc she wants to supports Jellal & she wants to give her respects to the parents  of the gentle & amazing man she loves so much.
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Jellal and Erza also want to ask them for their blessing for their incoming marriage and then later, for blessings for their child(ren). 💙❤️💜
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💙 F I N ❤️
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Hi friend! 👋 I’d like to submit a request, if I may. It’s not an original prompt, I don’t know where I first saw it, but I haven’t seen an actual fic with this premise yet.
Will comes out to Nancy who goes “I know nothing about this BUT I know someone who does” and brings him to Eddie, who brings both of them (bc let’s be honest Nancy isn’t letting Will out of her sight alone with Eddie) to a gay bar in Indy. Lo and behold who do they see but Steve and Robin. And it’s obvious to those who know what to look for (Eddie) that they’re both looking to get lucky. Steddie endgame (obvs lol) but maybe some Byler as well if you want/can swing it..?
I love everything I’ve read from you so far and I’m sure I’ll love everything you come up with! ❤️ thank you!!!
My star ✨✨✨ This is a future fic, but not future enough for Will to be 21 (I'm gonna put him at 19, almost 20 here so still like a tiny baby but also an adult). The first part of this is definitely Will focused, but there is more focus on Steddie at the bar itself. - Mickala ❤️
“Nancy? Um, can I talk to you?”
Will had been working himself up to this for weeks, months really. He came out to Jonathan and his mom officially last weekend, though they both already knew.
He wasn’t exactly good at hiding it, and around them, he didn’t really try.
But Nancy Wheeler was smart, and she was quick to come to conclusions, and probably already had figured it out.
Plus, she was decent at giving advice, and could possibly give him some insight into how Mike felt if he felt anything at all.
That was why he was here, coming out to her, being brave.
“Of course,” Nancy replied, smiling comfortingly.
She knew. He knew she knew. But he had to say it out loud, he had to get it out there to other people.
“I just have to tell you something that’s like, a big deal, and hopefully it doesn’t bother you, but also I don’t want it to be a big deal. It doesn’t have to be, actually. I just-”
“Will,” Nancy placed her hand on his shoulder, looked up at him with a knowing smirk. “Just say it.”
“I’m gay.”
There. He said it. It’s done.
Nancy nodded once, like she was confirming that she heard him, but she already knew, which was what he expected.
“Anything else?”
“Um. I’m in love with Mike?”
“Yeah, that’s pretty obvious. Anything else?”
“What do you mean it’s pretty obvious? I thought I hid it okay!”
Nancy laughed. She actually laughed.
“The only person who doesn’t notice that you’re in love with Mike, is Mike, and that’s had a few close calls. And before you ask, I have no idea how he feels. I know he’s in denial about his sexuality, so once he clears that up, who knows. But for now, let’s focus on you. What do you need from me?”
Nancy had a “let’s get down to business” attitude that Will respected, that everyone respected, but she sometimes forgot that not everything was business.
“Well, I guess just…support?”
Nancy raised her brows.
“That’s it? You already had that.”
“I guess maybe…advice?”
“I mean, I really don’t have any for Mike. He’s an enigma even to me,” she started.
“No. I mean, it would be helpful to have it, yes, but just. In general?” Will interrupted, a blush covering his cheeks.
“Oh! About…” she trailed off as she realized what he was asking.
“Okay, well I don’t know anything about that or really anything, but I know who does!” Nancy clapped her hands together.
“Eddie?” Will asked as they stood on his porch, waiting for him to answer the door.
“Eddie’s gay?”
“Well, he’s bisexual, but he would be the one who knows the most,” she answered.
“Prettier Wheeler! What a surprise!” Eddie exclaimed when he opened the door. “And my favorite Byers! Were we supposed to be doing something tonight? Fuck, did I forget something? Wayne is convinced the bats ate the part of my brain that holds memory, even though they didn’t even bite my head.”
Eddie was a rambler, sort of like Robin, but he usually at least made some sense.
“No, no you didn’t forget anything. Will just needs some guidance on something,” Nancy said as she pushed her way into the trailer. “Is Wayne home?”
“Uh. Nope. Come on in, I guess,” he said, nodding at Will.
Once they were all settled on the couch and chair, Nancy gestured for Will to tell Eddie.
Will wasn’t prepared for it, but he knew he could trust him, especially if what Nancy said was true.
“I’m gay.”
It was getting easier to say out loud, just like it had been easier to say to himself when he first realized it and started letting himself think it every day.
“Amazing! Was that a secret?” Eddie asked, somewhat confused.
“Apparently not as much of one as I thought. But yeah, just my mom, Jonathan, Nancy, and you know. Officially, anyway.”
“So you have a boyfriend? Is that why you’re coming out?”
“No. I haven’t-”
“Oh, so Mike hasn’t gotten it together yet?” Eddie asked, playing with his rings distractedly.
“Nope. But it’s gonna take a big moment for that to happen. Will just needs some guidance on other stuff,” Nancy said.
“Oh! Like sex?”
Will was as red as he could possibly be.
“No! Not sex. Just, like, being gay I guess.”
Eddie looked between Will and Nancy a few times.
“Right. So let’s go,” he said as he stood up, making his way to his bedroom at the end of the hall.
Will and Nancy looked at each other, then back to where Eddie disappeared.
Before they could say anything, Eddie was back in the room, his new denim battle vest pulled on, and his boots laced up.
“Let’s go. Got places to be, queers to see!” Eddie yelled as he started moving out the front door.
“What the hell,” Nancy shrugged, getting up and following him out the door.
“What is happening,” Will said to himself as he followed them both.
What was happening was that Eddie was taking him to a queer bar on the outskirts of downtown Indianapolis.
He’d heard of the place during his very little research of the local scene. He’d heard it was shut down twice in the 70s because of police raids, but now it was mostly just a quiet, safe place for queer people to be themselves.
The bar was laid back, only two bartenders even on the busiest nights, usually just pouring draft beers and the occasional martini. A jukebox in the corner never stopped playing, even when they only had a handful of customers.
Will felt a little out of his element as he took in the amount of people crowding the bar, the tables, the small dancing area that really couldn’t even be considered a dancefloor.
Eddie seemed right at home, and he explained it was because he came pretty regularly, usually just to try to convince the owner to let his band play sometime, but he’d managed a few bathroom hookups along the way.
Will couldn’t hide his blush at that thought, knowing that he was in a place where that would not only be possible, but that it would be encouraged, maybe even expected had his mind fantasizing.
He welcomed it; Anything to get rid of the thoughts of Mike, who would probably never get his head out of his ass even if Will came out to him.
“Alright, one drink rule for the kiddo!” Eddie said as he walked to the bar with a hop to his step.
He was always exuberant, but he just seemed light here.
Will kept looking around, taking it all in.
Nancy suddenly grabbed his arm, and when he looked over, her eyes were huge.
He followed her line of sight, only getting distracted for a moment by a very attractive man who looked to be about his age.
His eyes settled on Steve and Robin.
In a queer bar.
In Indy.
“Is that-”
“It is.”
Eddie came up behind them, drinks in hand.
“Alright, drink up! Take the edge off and then you can have some wonderful experiences- what are you two looking at?” Eddie looked over and his eyes widened. “Not possible.”
“It’s them.”
“But, they aren’t. Are they?”
Eddie squinted, looking at the way they were standing, what they were wearing, the way Steve was open to the room, not turned towards Robin.
“Oh my God,” he said.
“What?” Nancy’s head whipped towards him.
“How did I miss it? I spend so much time- but, no. He- and she- no.”
“Eddie, you aren’t making any sense! What?” Nancy whisper-yelled, as if anyone could hear them over the sound of everyone else talking and the music playing.
“They’re both queer! They’re here lookin’ for someone!”
“That’s impossible. Steve is the straightest person I know. I think even Mike knows he’s more likely to-” Nancy was cut off by Will hitting her arm. “What?”
“Robin just looked over here.”
They all looked at each other, panic in their eyes, as they realized it was only a matter of moments before they were completely caught here.
But, really, what was there to worry about? They were here, without knowing anyone they knew would be here, clearly looking for someone.
Will turned back to them, watching as Steve and Robin both looked at them with wide eyes.
“Might as well go talk to them,” he said before walking towards them, not waiting for Nancy or Eddie to agree.
“O…kay,” Eddie sighed before following.
Nancy followed silently, and Eddie didn’t really have time to figure out what her face was doing because Steve and Robin ended up meeting them halfway.
“Hi guys!” Robin waved, awkward as always, maybe more so because of where they were. “Kinda weird seeing you here, right? Like in Indy? Or in a bar? Since Will is underage! And also this is a pretty specific establishment, so-”
“What Robin means is,” Steve starts, lines in his forehead making him look more serious than he needs to be. “Why are you in a queer bar in Indianapolis?”
Robin smacked Steve’s arm, but he didn’t even flinch, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
Like he was ready to protect Robin.
And himself.
“Well, this happens to be one of my favorite bars, and Will needed to be in this type of environment for the first time, ya know?” Eddie said in a way that would definitely give away more if Robin and Steve were actually here because they were queer.
“So you’re…” Steve relaxed slightly.
“I am. Are you?”
“Um. Yeah. Yep. I am.”
“Me too,” Robin added.
“Yeah, so am I,” Will said.
All of them looked to Nancy, who suddenly seemed to catch up to the conversation.
“Oh! Um, not me! I don’t think. I’m just here for support!” She had never looked or sounded as nervous as she was in this moment.
“So how’s the crowd today?” Eddie asked.
To be honest, Eddie hadn’t bothered trying to find a hookup here for months.
The reason?
The man standing in front of him: Steve Harrington.
He’d tried, really he had.
But every time he thought he would get beyond basic flirting with someone, he thought about the way Steve sometimes touched his arm or his shoulder for longer than he needed to when he passed by him, and the way Steve would rest his head on his shoulder during movie nights, or the way he sometimes looked at him like he wanted to devour him.
Like he was right now.
Eddie would be nervous about it, but he doesn’t think Steve actually means anything by it.
He just has a very intense stare sometimes.
“Sorry! What?” He turned to see Robin and Will giving him knowing looks. “What?”
“I’m gonna take Nancy and Will over to a table that just opened up. You coming?” Robin asked.
“Sure, in a minute. Gonna run to the bathroom first,” he said, ignoring the way Steve was still watching him.
He walked away before anyone else could say anything.
He just needed a minute or two to collect himself.
The realization that Robin and Steve were here for the same reasons he was was probably going to need more than a minute or two, but he could deal with it later.
The bathroom of this place wasn’t the best, probably hadn’t been properly cleaned since the place opened, but it also wasn’t the worst place to have a minor breakdown.
He didn’t cry, but it was damn close.
It was overwhelming to know that there were others in their little group like him, but it was also just a lot to take in that those other people included Steve.
He heard the bathroom door open behind him, but he didn’t look up, just assumed it was someone else from the bar.
He stood at the sink, looking down, gathering himself to go back out and pretend this was entirely normal when a hand gripped his waist.
His head shot up and he looked in the mirror to see Steve’s reflection looking back at him, a hesitant smile on his face.
They stared at each other in the mirror, silent except for their breathing and the muffled sound of the music from outside the bathroom.
“I didn’t know you were…”
“Me either,” Eddie said quickly.
“You didn’t know you were queer?”
“No! No. Wait. I did know that. I knew it a long time ago. I mean I didn’t know you were,” Eddie clarified, unable to properly focus on anything except the way Steve’s hand felt on his side.
His thumb was rubbing circles against his shirt, the fabric bunching up little by little.
“It’s a new-ish discovery.”
“How new?”
Steve looked down at where his hand was resting on Eddie, then back up, his face red.
Eddie caught up quickly, realized what was happening, and definitely didn’t want it to stop even though he wasn’t sure how far he wanted it to go in the bar bathroom.
“Yeah. This annoying guy who was trying to steal Dustin from me decided to get involved in all our fucked up shit and Robin informed me that the way I was acting and talking about him wasn’t very heterosexual. Her words, not mine.” Steve smirked. “So, I kinda just admitted to myself I was into him and now I’m here.”
“Oh. Is the guy at this bar right now?”
“Yeah. He is.”
Eddie turned around and pushed Steve against the bathroom door as gently as he could.
“You’ve been driving me mad for years, Stevie. You know that?”
“Years?” Steve gulped, but kept smiling.
“Years. And now you’ve given me all that I need to do something about it.”
“Have I?”
Eddie answered him with a kiss.
It wasn’t spectacular, wasn’t even that good as far as kisses go.
Steve seemed caught off guard, like he hadn’t actually expected Eddie to take what was right in front of him, take control.
But then he caught up.
His hands gripped Eddie’s hips tight, the rest of his body relaxing against the wall as Eddie crowded against him further, their fronts touching from head to feet.
Their second kiss came right after a pause for breath, and that one was spectacular.
It was longer, wetter, hotter.
Eddie didn’t want it to end.
But someone banged on the door and they couldn’t be those people.
As they moved away to let the person in, Steve leaned his head against Eddie’s shoulder, like he did on movie night.
“So you’re into me too?” He asked.
Eddie could hear the smirk in his tone, didn’t even need to look down or at their reflection in the mirror to know he was being a little shit.
“No, I just kiss all the boys who come up behind me in bathrooms.”
Steve leaned his head back and nipped at Eddie’s neck, sending a shiver down his spine.
“Behave, big boy. Gotta go pretend we weren’t five seconds from fucking around in a public bathroom,” Eddie said as he guided Steve out of the bathroom.
When they got back into the main room, Steve tensed, started to pull away.
Eddie let him, tried not to let it bother him.
But then he was back, head back on his shoulder, arm around his waist.
“Sorry. Just. Not used to this being something I can do,” he said so only Eddie could hear.
“‘S okay. We’re safe here, though.”
No one commented on it when they got back to the table, though they both could tell everyone wanted to.
Will seemed ready to explode with excitement when someone came and asked him to dance and everyone at the table encouraged him to go.
He wasn’t much of a dancer, but he’d learn.
Nancy and Robin eventually went back to the bar to grab more drinks, and Eddie couldn’t help but watch the way Nancy was looking at one of the women who was standing alone by the jukebox.
“Hey, is it possible that Nancy’s…”
“Oh, yeah. Robin and I have had at least four conversations about how much the Wheelers desperately need to admit to themselves that sexuality is fluid.”
Eddie pulled away to look down at Steve, baffled at how educated he was on everything and kind of hating himself for being surprised.
“You’re somethin’ else, sweetheart.”
Steve kissed his cheek in response.
Nancy came out to them a month later, at the same bar, while staring at the same woman who was standing by the jukebox the month before.
She didn’t really use a label, but didn’t feel like she had to.
Mike took a bit longer, but eventually, Will lost his patience and kissed him.
He came out about ten seconds later.
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