#why won't they let me in? why won't they let me help?
brain-deadx0 · 2 days
(Got a brain worm that I had to write. No plans to continue so feel free to take for yourself)
Batman was responding to reports of Harley Quinn running around Gotham. Joker had been put back in Arkham several months ago so there was a chance she was making a move to set him free again.
But apparently Harley was expecting him.
"Well finally! You sure know how to keep a gal waiting Batsy. Ive been running around all night waitin for ya."
When Harley turned to face him his eyes were immediately drawn to her stomach.
"You're pregnant..."
"Yeesh your manners are bad ya cant just say that!" Harley rolled her eyes before pausing with a sigh and a serious look that almost seemed out of place on her, "But yeah... I am."
"Joker?" Batman asked softly.
Harley nodded, "Thats why I was runnin around tonight. Wanted to get your attention." She looked down before continuing, "I was in denial about it at first. I was always careful with that birth control stuff ya know? And I didn't want it to be real. Before I knew it it was too late to... you know... but. But I dont think I coulda anyway. I know its selfish but I love em too much already. Thats why I need your help."
"I'll help in anyway I can." Batman told her, "I can set up a place for the two of you where Joker won't find you."
Harley shook her head, "No can do Batsy. Mista J wouldn't let me go that easy. Specially if he knows about my little puddin. And if I'm honest I love him too much to leave too.
"I need someplace to have 'im that won't tell. And... I want you to look out for him. Not like, take 'im in or nothing. If I see my baby runnin around as one of your birds in ten years I'll let you have it-" She sighed, "But find someplace away from Gotham and all this. I don't want this for my little puddin. I don't want him to turn out like me or Joker and his best chance is someplace else.
"Please Batman."
Bruce kept his promise to Harley. She gave birth in secret and Daniel was taken to the other side of the country to be left at a firestation with nothing but his name and a note from Harley saying she loved him.
When Daniel was adopted Bruce ran a background check on his new parents. Inventors who seemed to be researching some sort of renewable energy and already had a child. Seemed safe enough.
He checked the area when they moved to a small town in Illinois and it seemed safe enough even with the likely tourist trap of "most haunted town in America"
Daniel, or Danny as he seemed to prefer, got decent grades and had a few close friends. His grades dropped suddenly for a time but eventually they returned to their previous state so he didn't worry too much.
But when the boy applied to and was accepted into Gotham U, Bruce started to worry.
They had left Danny as far away from Gotham as possible. So what were the chances he should return?
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rockstarhaechan · 18 hours
mailboxes | lee haechan
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summary: haechan likes to send you voice notes to your mailbox when you don't pick up your phone.
warnings: swearing, pet names, freaky!haechan
paring: haechan x fem!reader
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"why are you never picking up your phone when its important, im in this dog café right now, aweeeee you're so cute im gonna take you home with me ,i mean baby you should've seen those cute dogs"
"baby you won't believe me, i just fell down the stairs and i got pushed, I GOT PUSHED! i couldn't see who it was but i assume it was mark since i knocked his chair over a few days ago , anyways i love you bye"
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"its 2 am, my hand hurts, can you help me out? darling you're so pretty when you get down on your knees for me, those tears in your eyes when you- i'm sorry i drifted off with my imagination eh"
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"remember when we first met at this mall? im right at the spot where we first met, and im so fucking damn glad i had the guts to ask you for your number YET YOU SUCK AT PICKING UP, oh shit everyone is staring at me, i love you and see you at home"
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"i am soaking wet, i repeat soaking wet. i canceled my uber because it was sunny outside, but GUESS WHAT!!! it started raining when i was halfway there, now im seeking shelter in a convenience store, god even my underwear is wet if you hear this before i arrive, please hold up a towel for me"
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"you rushed out before i could tell you, i hope your drive to the store was good. okay let me start, beer, beer and beer. i need beer. get the most expensive ones you can find, use my card for everything you buy today, treat yourself doll and i love you get home safe please"
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"help me, im running away from renjun cuz i stole his last slice of pizza. he's gonna get me oh my god BABY HE IS COMING CLOSE TO ME PLEASE HELP ME STOP RENJUN NO PLE-"
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Charlie: "Dad. Did you post this."
Lucifer: "Oh my 'selfie' with your dear lovely Maggie?? Why yes I DID! Do you like it!?"
Charlie: "Dad."
Lucifer: "Since she's your loving girlfriend, who you love, I thought gosh! I should really have on my social media page! Make a change from all the ducks, ha ha!"
Charlie: "Dad did you write the- the caption on it?"
Lucifer: "The c- oh yes! Well I wanted everyone to know how much I ADORE my daughter's girlfriend!!"
Charlie: "You wrote-"
Lucifer: "See, the 'bad' here means 'good'! I checked! Bad and bitch are bad on their own, but when you put them together it's like a, er, a double negative making a positive, haha! Maggie's a bad bitch- she's AWESOME- which ahaha I'm sure YOU know since you're dating her-and now all of Hell knows I think so too!!!! ISN'T THAT SWELL!"
Charlie: "But the actual whole caption says-"
Lucifer: "Aww and the picture turned out so great! Look!"
Lucifer: ".... you don't look super thrilled about it, Char-char."
Charlie: "Pulled, dad... Do you know what 'pulled' can mean exactly, specifically, in THIS context..?"
Lucifer: "... pulled.... into a... hug? Like in the selfie...?"
Charlie: "Dad."
Charlie: (deep breath) "I can't believe I'm saying this..."
Charlie: "You made it sound like you SLEPT WITH my girlfriend."
Lucifer: "......."
Lucifer: "Oh. HA! That's..."
Lucifer: (deflating balloon noises as he literally shrivels up into a crumpled pile of clothes mostly hidden by his hat)
Charlie: "We're not angry!"
Lucifer: ".... i m s o r r y..."
Charlie: "It's okay!!! IT'S FINE. A little mentally scarring and socially mortifying not to mention something our friends won't EVER let us live down, but- well- Just... Just-"
Charlie: "No more social media meme posting without running them past me or Vaggie first, alright!?"
Lucifer: "If I delete the post maybe no one else will see it...."
Charlie: "Everyone in Hell has already seen it, dad."
Lucifer: "..i could delete myself instead"
Charlie: "And HOW would that help?"
Lucifer: "...it would make me feel better..."
Vaggie: "Honestly sir, the most embarrassing part is how you look young enough to be my teenage son."
Charlie: "Thanks, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Check out my stress wrinkles and scars next his baby smooth face. It's like I picked him up from a cradle somewhere."
Charlie: "Please don't joke about cradle robbing my actual father."
Vaggie: "Sorry babe."
Charlie: "I mean I'll NEVER be able to look at ANY of my parents' family portraits the same way ever AGAIN, but thank you for being SO understanding about the rumor you're dating my DAD!"
Vaggie: "Sir, what kinda skin routine are you even doing?"
Lucifer: "room full of rubber ducks and despair"
Vaggie: "Sweetie, I'm ruffling his hair in the pic. It's hilarious."
Vaggie: "Feels like I'm about to call the king of hell 'kiddo' or something."
Lucifer: (a puddle on the floor) "i thought it was funny too"
Charlie: "Okay.... okay."
Charlie: "You two NEED to find a bonding activity that doesn't TRAUMATIZE me."
Vaggie: "Hmm."
Lucifer: "OH WE COULD-"
Charlie: "Or each other!"
Lucifer: "Oh well then I have nothing!"
Vaggie: "We'll always have that time you fake dated me online, sir someday dad-in-law."
Lucifer: "Our beautifully shared new horrifying past..."
Charlie: "Ha ha HA! Keep this up and either the dad part or the someday in-law part is gonna stop being accurate REAL quick!"
Vaggie: "It will?"
Charlie: "No but I'm trying to threaten you two right now so SHUSH."
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002. because i liked a girl
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pairings: paige bueckers x fem singer!reader
word count: 529
warnings: none
su’s notes: second chapter! i hope u guys like it heheh sorry no paige just trust me here
series masterlist
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fell so deeply into it, it was all so innocent
You couldn’t help but tear up as you scrolled through the different articles about you and Paige.
A photo of you moving out had spread and gone viral. After the events that had happened with Paige, you decided to go stay with your friend Azzi, who you met through her.
"Y/N, you really need to stop reading those." Azzi snatches the phone from your hand.
You sigh and throw your head back on the couch.
“I just don't get why she went back to her, Az."
Azzi sits in the spot next to you. "Come on, Y/N. You haven't been outside in a week. Do you still remember what fresh air is like?" She teases.
You roll your eyes. "I don't have a reason to go out, so I simply won't."
"Go to the grocery with me at least! Please? You do know not everyone is on Paige's side."
You hesitate, but end up giving in. "Fine. You're getting me ice cream though."
Azzi puts her hands up in the air. "Go, get dressed!"
"Okay, where's your list?" You both entered the grocery, your faces red and wide grins from the karaoke you did in the car.
Azzi opened her notes app and gave you her phone.
You furrowed your brows. "Azzi, there are like three things in here!"
"I know!" She grinned cheekily and disappeared into an aisle.
You rolled your eyes before walking off to look for your ice cream.
You walked through ice cream aisle slowly, eyeing the different flavors and brands.
“Y/N! We’re such big fans!” Two young girls walked up to you and squealed. “Can we get a picture?”
“Uh sure!” You smiled warmly and stood behind them, getting into the camera frame.
“Is it true you broke up with Paige?” They asked you, putting their phone down.
“Uhm, I’d rather not say.” You laughed awkwardly.
“Oh, okay.” They both walked away slowly. “I always thought Paige didn’t deserve her anyway.”
You tensed, but shook it off and continued to look for your ice cream.
Once you found it, you met Azzi in by the counter and paid for your things.
“You okay?” Azzi noticed your shift in mood.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s just go.” You grabbed a paper bag and walked out with Azzi’s hand on your back.
The minute you walked out, cameras started flashing and reporters shoved their microphones into your face.
“Y/N! Is it true that you and Paige Bueckers are no longer together?”
“What do you have to say about the articles?”
“Who are you eyeing next?”
“Were you with someone else during your relationship with her?
Your chest tightened as you lost your breath.
Azzi held you the whole way to her car, guiding you as you faced the ground and covered your face.
Once you both got in the car, Azzi immediately drove back to the dorms.
The car ride back was quiet. The soft sounds of the music playing in the background.
“I’m sorry for making you come with me.” Azzi broke the silence.
“It’s fine. You were just looking out for me.”
You stayed silent for a few seconds as Azzi parked.
You nudged her shoulder. “Come on, I have a whole tub of ice cream for us to eat.”
dating girls with exes, no i wouldn’t recommend it.
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leothil · 3 days
so i kind of took a hiatus for the first month the season was airing from episode 1 all the way to episode 6, so any chance you can link me to some fic recs that i missed during that time span by any chance. i think that was march to late april?
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Hi, thanks for asking and sorry for the wait, but I was busy all day yesterday. Here's some I found in my log:
the going water and the gone by @try-set-me-on-fire, where Eddie goes missing in the cruise disaster and is presumed dead. 31.5k words, rated T
illicit affairs by @burnthatbridge where Buck realizes he's bi and starts dating men, but isn't sure how well he'll do at sex with them, so Eddie offers to help him out. It's not cheating when he's just helping out his best friend, right? Note that as of now it's unfinished, but I'd argue it's still worth seeing their stupidity at work. 42.6k words, rated E
hearts will hold by farfromthstars (@doeeyeseddie) where Eddie keeps canceling plans with Marisol to hang out with Buck instead. 3.1k words, rated G
don’t wanna let you love somebody else but me by fleetinghearts (@shitouttabuck) where Buck and Eddie pretend-date each other during Chimney's bachelor party to be able to give Christopher advice about dating. 14.7k words, rated T
put my heart inside your palms by @markofalover where Buck accidentally calls Eddie baby and Eddie is overcome with love. 3k words rated T
every evening, every time by hrudayam (@eddiegettingshot) where Marisol points out that Eddie doesn't really talk about Buck, and Eddie is baffled but then the puzzle pieces start moving in his head. 2.4k words, rated T
rebirth by @renecdote, a Buck introspection fic where he lies and ponders his bisexual realization. 752 words, rated G
lest i go unsheltered by iphigenias (@oatflatwhite) where Buck comes out to Maddie. 1.5k words, rated T
my heart is working overtime by lecornergirl (@clusterbuck) where Buck sits with his feelings after 7x04. 1.1k words, rated T
my heart aches with love for you by farfromthstars (@doeeyeseddie) where Marisol slightly chides Eddie for interrupting Buck and Tommy's date, and Eddie kinda bluescreens. 1.8k words, rated G
got that, oh, I mean by @bekkachaos where Hen comes over to talk to Buck after 7x04. 2.7k words, rated T
some things fall when they're meant to fall by @sibylsleaves where Eddie realizes he'll never prioritize Marisol the way he does Buck, but his realization comes just a bit too late. 25.7k words, rated T
as lucky as us by hammersmiths (@henswilsons) where Ravi overhears and observes Buck and Eddie interact, and Suffers. 3.6k words, rated G
every little thing the sun shows, well it’s worth it by wafflesofdoom (@capseycartwright) where Buck drives to Hen to talk to her about his new realization and Tommy. 1.7k words, unrated but like G/T
so much to say that's subject-sore by @hattalove where Buck thinks calling Tommy his boyfriend feels wrong, even though he wants to continue dating him. 3.1k words, rated T
the gift you gave him by @thatbuddie where Tommy asks Eddie for tips on what Buck likes, and Eddie wonders why he feels weird about it. 5.1k words, rated T
I won't tell no lie by @lamardeuse where Hen shows up at Tommy's place to ask him about his behaviour while they worked together at the 118. 1.3k words, rated T
Ah hell this is so long already so I'll stop here, but feel free to come back and ask again after you've gotten through these, because I have many more! Actually, one last one I have to recommend immediately too:
good luck, babe by @hattalove, a twitter fic where an outsider observes Buck, Eddie, Marisol, and Tommy during Buck and Tommy's first date and tweets about it all. I cackled the whole way through! 2.1k words, rated T
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ohisms · 2 days
↪ 𝑽𝑨𝑵 𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑺𝑰𝑵𝑮 . ( a collection of sentence starters from the 2004 film . adjust phrasing as necessary . mature themes present . )
oh , [ name ] . it's just you .
where are you going to run , [ name ] ?
what are you saying ?
why do you think i brought you here ?
you said you believed in my work .
i would kill myself before helping in such a task .
you've been so kind to me , [ name ] .
you can't kill me , [ name ] .
so , you're the great [ name ] .
we all have our little problems .
let's make it your decision , shall we ?
i wish you a week in hell .
why don't you do something about it ?
this is all a test of faith .
i can curse all i want , dammit .
you . turn around .
strangers don't last long here .
the laws of men mean little to me .
i don't need your help .
you stay here . they're trying to kill me .
nice to see you too , [ name ] .
did i do something to you in a past life ?
i hope you do have a heart , [ name ] . because someday i'd like to drive a stake through it .
your reputation precedes you .
i am hollow ! and i will live ... forever .
please , say you will not try again .
do not fear me ... everybody else fears me .
i was unprepared . it won't happen again .
do you understand forgiveness ?
i would rather die than help you .
don't be boring , everyone who says that always dies .
may he rest in peace .
how long has it been , 300 , 400 years ?
you don't remember , do you ?
what exactly is it i am to be remembering ?
it's no surprise you would know all about me .
we have such history , you and i .
have you ever wondered why you have such horrific nightmares ?
[ name ] , it's alright , i'm taking you home .
what , did you think we haven't tried everything before ?
no one knows how to kill [ name ] .
i could have used that information earlier .
would you like me to refresh your memory a little ?
allow me to ... reintroduce myself .
i think we've overstayed our welcome .
don't give me that look .
you were right . i'm sorry .
monster ? who's the monster here ? i have done nothing wrong !
look , there's still time .
you were right . i'm sorry .
do you have any family , [ name ] ?
if you value your lives , and the lives of your kin , you will kill me .
evil may have created it , may have left its mark on it , but evil does not rule it .
now you know why they call me a murderer .
oh my god ... you've been bitten .
so much trouble ... so much trouble .
now you will become that which you hunted so passionately . may others be as passionate in their hunting of you .
don't worry , god will forgive us .
how many commandments can we break in one day ?
oh my god , you should be terrified .
how does it feel to be a puppet on my string ?
neither of us has ever settled for half .
you make my skin crawl .
i'm not gonna like this , am i ?
one brief moment of pain , and we can be together forever .
you have no heartbeat .
you are nothing but damned bones , and damned souls .
well , that doesn't sound like a good thing .
we don't have a choice . just don't get killed .
you don't understand , it doesn't matter what happens to me .
god is not the only one that can create life .
you can't go until i say you can go , and i say you can go when you're dead !
you're supposed to die .
we are both part of the same great game , [ name ] , we just find ourselves on opposite sides of the board .
you are being used , [ name ] , as was i . but i escaped , so can you .
if you're going to kill someone , kill them . don't stand there talking about it .
all i want is life . the continuation of my kind .
some things are better left forgotten .
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phoward89 · 24 hours
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Stepcest, Stepson!Coryo x Stepmother!Reader, Sub!Coriolanus, Switch!Reader, Crassus Snow x Younger!Reader
WARNING ⚠️ Coriolanus Snow is a warning in and of itself. Crassus Snow is a cold hearted asshole, but he's a hot asshole... Stepcest, older man/younger woman, arranged marriage, cheating, affairs, secrets, cussing, secret love child, Coryo is a bit selfish and too ambitious, Crassus decides to try and be a better husband/father
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Part 4:
Dinner has just been served, so you're gathered around the dining room table with Grandma'am and Coriolanus. Crassus isn't home yet, but you're not worried about his absence. He'll be home any minute. He always walks in around the time dinner's served.
In fact, you're expecting to hear the door open and your husband's footsteps echo against the marble floor at any second. Like you've been hearing every single night around this time since you moved into the Snow penthouse; became a part of the Snow family.
You’re picking at your food with disinterest while listening to Coriolanus brag about the praise he received from Dr. Gaul during his internship earlier in the day.
“Dr. Gaul wants me to help her conduct an experiment on a new test subject.” Coriolanus smiled proudly, icy eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Oh, I hope it's nothing too ghastly. Some of those science experiments can be atrocious.” Grandma’am says while cutting her chicken with such grace. Truly, her manners were from a time once forgotten- a time of gentleman and cavaliers. “Why, I remember when I was a girl our science teacher made us dissect frogs. Can you believe that?”
And suddenly the sound of the phone ringing fills the air.
Ring, ring, ring…
“I'll get it.” You announce, removing your napkin from your lap before standing up.
Coriolanus just nods before telling Grandma'am, “Oh, Dr. Gaul won't be having me dissecting frogs. Her experiments are more complex than that.”
Yea, the mad scientist will probably be having him dissect the latest drugged and numbed body of a district test subject turned mutt.
Ring, ring, ring...
You quickly make your way into the sitting room, which was closer to the dining room and had a phone in it.
Ring, ring, ring…
“Hello, Snow residence. Mrs. Snow speaking.” You answer in the polite way you've been instructed to take phone calls for the family. Yes, the Snows are an old and highly regarded family so answering the phone has to be a polite and professional affair.
“Y/N, it's me. Crassus.” Your husband says over the phone. Of course, the phone in the sitting room isn't a video phone, but a simple standard phone, so you can't see his facial expressions.
The video phones are in the living room and in your husband's study. Why, who knows. You really don't care either. Not like you talk to a lot of people on the phone anyways.
Sadly, the few friends you had drifted away from you once you married Crassus shortly after graduating the Academy. Apparently, your ‘friends’ didn't want to associate with you anymore because your husband's a middle-aged man; a cold-hearted war hero. Yes, you suppose that your husband intimidated your ‘friends’ just by his presence and that's why they all drifted away.
Sometimes your brother calls you to check in, but, sadly, he's too busy with his life as an Officer in 12. And your mother rarely calls. You don't know why, but for some reason you being married and a mother doesn't quite sit well with her despite the fact that she signed off on your arranged marriage contract.
Your brow furrows at hearing your husband on the phone. Shouldn't he be on his way home right now?
And as if he could read your thoughts, Crassus tells you, “I’m calling because I'm going to be late for dinner.”
As if he heard your mental musing, he explains, “I let my secretary leave early. It's his anniversary and he's taking his wife out for dinner.”
Of course, your husband lets his secretary leave early to celebrate his anniversary while you've never celebrated an anniversary let alone a birthday with Crassus. Hell, the only reason you celebrate holidays with your husband's because they're federal and all of the government buildings are closed for them.
“So, I'm afraid I'm not quite sure what time-” Crassus began to say, only to cut himself off mid sentence when he heard you sniffling over the phone.
Crassus couldn't help, but feel as if he's the reason you're sniffling. He doesn't know why, but it sends a pang to his cold heart. He's sitting at his desk, clutching his phone; listening to your sniffles turn into soft sobs and he has no idea how to deal with it. Crassus isn't a man that's a natural comforter; in fact he's naturally stern and aloof.
“Petal?” Crassus asks, the new pet name slipping from his tongue before his mind could think better of it. Before he could utter your name.
Petal? Since when does your husband use pet names with you? Are you hallucinating? Is your baby blues making you hear things? Wiping your tears, due to your rollercoaster emotions brought on by the baby blues, you compose yourself and tell Crassus, “I'll have your plate placed in the oven for you. You can reheat it whenever you get home.”
You didn't even give Crassus a chance to respond, just told him, “I'll see you whenever you get home. Bye.”, before hanging up on him.
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Instead of returning to the dining room, you opted to spend some time with your son in his nursery. Since Cassian's sleeping, you decide to just sit in the corner rocking chair while watching him.
Cassian was such a precious baby. Over the last few days he's started to settle easier; sleep a bit longer. He's a good baby; doesn't cry too much- just when he's hungry or his diaper’s soiled. Little Cassian Xandros is also a very happy baby. Even tho he's barely a week old, you swear he smiles at you every time his icy eyes (Snow eyes) lands on you- his mom.
You're not sure how long you've been in the nursery for, but you know it's been a while because Coriolanus enters the room with a frown maring his prominent and flawless face.
“You never came back to the dining room after answering the phone, mommy.” Coryo tells you, closing the door behind him and striding over to you.
“I wasn't hungry.” Is your excuse. Well, it wasn't an excuse per say. You truly did lose your appetite considering you were picking at your plate before Crassus even called. You're blaming that on the baby blues since you're feeling a bit melancholy.
“You can't skip meals, Y/N. You're a nursing mother; you need all the strength you can get to properly feed our son.” He chastises while towering over you.
Sighing, you remind your lover, “As far as legality’s concerned, Coryo, Cassian's my son with Crassus; he's his father while you're the older brother.”
Coriolanus' handsome face contorts as his baritone echoes out darkly, “Don't throw that minor inconvenience into my face. Despite what legal papers say I'm the baby's father and as his father I want what's best for him, which includes you eating properly in order to nurse him.”
The University student's berating sounds harsh to you. Perhaps it's because of your baby blues or perhaps it's because he's making you feel like he's attacking your abilities as a mother. But whatever the reason, his lecture has tears springing to your eyes. Tears that you just can't control.
Coriolanus' face skews up in bafflement. He can't understand why you're breaking down in tears over nothing. He's just having a conversation with you. And he's noticed that this isn’t the first time you've been weepy and dismal for no good reason.
Yes, over the last few days while coming and going from the penthouse, Coriolanus has noticed that you've been a sniffling, melancholic mess. But he can't figure out why. You have him and the baby he decided to give you, you should be happy- no, not just happy, but grateful for those things; not boo-hooing when you think you're all alone.
Frankly, the golden- haired devil with a halo of curls is tired of your tears. They have no merit. At least not in his mind.
Taking long, quick steps over to the baby's crib, your lover picks up the newborn, causing him to wake up with a loud wail of a cry, and storms over to you. Literally shoving the baby into your arms, Coryo callously orders, “Stop your mindless weeping.” As you soothe your baby, you're hiccuping while tears still continue to stain your cheeks. “You have me, who loves you, and the baby I gave you; there's no reason for you to be so out of sorts, mommy.” The platinum blonde tells you, trying to get you to see how unwarranted your cries are.
But before you can even explain that it's not your fault, that according to Grandma'am you have the baby blues, Coryo sees himself out of the room with the excuse that he was homework to do to ensure he's still the top of his graduating class.
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When Crassus gets home, his mother's up and waiting for him. “Crassus, I'm appalled and ashamed that you never came home for dinner.” Grandma'am chastised her only living son as soon as he set foot in the main room of the penthouse, briefcase loosely clutched in his large hand.
“Mother-” The cold and stoic man begins, only for his mother to cut him off with a firm and motherly, “Don't mother me, Crassus Xanthos Snow. Not when you come home 2-hours later then you should; missing dinner and quality time with your family.”, while rising from her seat and marching over to her son with as much speed as her old arthritis filled bones will let her.
“I called Y/N and told her I'd be late. Didn't she relay my message?” Crassus asks- using the question as his defense against being late.
“She received the call while we were gathered in the dining room for dinner; she never returned after your call.”
Great…him coming home late made you so sad that you couldn't even rejoin the family for dinner. Were you crying so badly that you couldn't control it; that you felt the need to eat perhaps after everyone else was done as a way to hide your sadness from them? Oh, hell, did he screw up not coming home for dinner?
He's a horrible husband.
A horrible, shitty, cold-hearted husband that doesn't know how to treat his wife, who’s 2-decades younger than him. But, despite being a cold, indifferent husband towards you he doesn't want you crying at the drop of a hat and being sad.
His first wife seemed so happy to be Mrs. Snow; she even seemed to smile a bit brighter when she shoved him out the door for work- and that was back when he was stationed in District 12 as the Commander and only came home to his Corso penthouse in the Capitol on furloughs. How is it that his late wife, Demeter, was never saddened by his absence while you are? You both married him at similar ages, both knew what was expected of you- being a proper socialite housewife of the respected heir of an esteemed founding Capitolite family, so what was the difference between you and her? Why is it that you're a mess, crying your eyes out, because he's emotionally cold and unavailable while his first wife wasn't bothered by it; didn't seem to mind his cold-hearted and stern ways?
Were you more emotional because you took after your father, Javani, more than your mother, Helenium? Were you more of an introverted, kind-hearted, sunshine and roses type then he originally thought? He remembers that Javani Halvir, his late best friend and your father, was very introverted and only opened up around those he was truly comfortable with, that he truly didn't have a mean bone in his body- hence why he got along so easily with just about everyone he crossed paths with, and that he always looked on the sunny side of life.
Oh shit…
If you truly have a personality like your father's then your marriage to Crassus is probably slowly killing you since he's not doing anything to make you feel comfortable. Maybe he should've looked harder to find you a suitable match with somebody younger and less jaded? But, truthfully, Crassus jumped the gun and married you in fear of General Byzantine (the former Commander of 2 that was on the rebels' side of the war before siding with his friend Strabo Plinth and joining the Capitol against the rest of the rebellion and ending the siege around Capitol City) using Strabo Plinth’s money to seduce your mother's soul into allowing him to have your hand in marriage. He knew that Javani would roll over in his grave and haunt him from Elysian if Crassus let Byzantine get his grubby, lecherous hands on you.
Giving her son a motherly whack on the arm, the type all mothers use for scolding, Grandma'am gives Crassus a much needed lecture on his skills as a husband. “Crassus, I draw the line at you missing dinner tonight. You're not a very caring or attentive husband to Y/N and maybe before my new grandbaby came I could turn a blind eye to it, but I can't do it anymore. You need to be more understanding and considerate of your wife's feelings, Crassus. She's a new mother to Cassian; her entire life is now devoted to raising the child that you gifted her, she deserves a husband that at least pretends to care about her and his newborn then one that blatantly doesn't.”
“Mother-” Crassus tried to dig himself out of the hole that was his mother's scolding, but was cut off by her snapping, “Crassus, I'm ashamed at how you're treating your wife. Being a new mother's very taxing on her; she needs your support, even if it's just faux support.”
“My first wife wasn't like Y/N; she didn't need my attention and support so badly.” Crassus points out as a weak way of defending his shitty actions as a husband.
“Demeter, bless her heart and rest her soul, was nothing like Y/N.” Grandma'am told her son. Not waiting from him to make a reply, the elderly woman explained her remark with, “She was a youthful, vapid, vain girl that viewed joining our family by marrying you as a way to get out from under her parents thumb. According to Pluribus, she batted her eyes and powdered her nose at you while plopping herself down at your table while at his old nightclub. She wanted a marriage, but was too insipid to truly want anything past the successful husband and the perfect family that includes a male heir to coddle and spoil."
Grandma'am grew to care for her first daughter-in-law after living with her for so long, since Crassus didn't take her on base with him, but she never saw her as having what it took to be a true Snow. She always thought the young lady was lacking something since she always seemed a bit dull, despite being a gentle-soul.
“And Y/N’s like her father, Javani.” Crassus stated what he'd only just realized a few minutes earlier.
Grandma'am patted her son on the cheek, a small smile gracing her lips. “It took you long enough to see it, my boy.”
Now, in Grandma'am's opinion you have what it takes to be a Snow. You're a lovely girl, very well rounded. But she's afraid that if her son doesn't support you during your baby blues then you'll turn into a former shell of yourself.
Grandma'am, unlike you, had the support of her husband during her boughs of the baby blues. Hopefully she can get her son to be benevolent towards you.
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After Crassus placed his briefcase in his study, he went to your shared bedroom only to discover that you weren't there. He knew that the only other place you could be was the nursery. He made a mental note to go to the nursery to see you once he was finished showering and dressing in a pair of fine silk pajamas.
So, that's why when you're in the middle of singing your son to sleep with a pre-Panem song that you remember your father tucking you into bed with before the war: Cat’s in the Cradle, Crassus walks into the room.
Your husband quickly realizes that you're smiling at the baby cradled in your arms as you softly sing to him. That you seem genuinely happy. Crassus can't help, but to wonder if the only time you're happy and not sad is when you're spending time with Cassian.
“And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon. Little boy blue and the man in the moon.”, You softly sing, only to be interrupted by your husband's deep voice saying, “I think he's asleep and it's time for you to join me in bed, petal.”
Nodding, you stand while holding the baby close to your chest. The sight reminds your husband of a fierce lioness with her cubs. “Did you get your dinner from the oven?” You ask while bringing your baby over to his crib.
“No.” Crassus shakes his head. “I thought-” He began, only to be cut off by you flatly telling him, “You should eat before going to bed, Crassus.” Placing Cassian into his crib, you add in the rhetorical question of, “It wouldn't be good for the breadwinner of the house to get sick from malnutrition, now would it?”
Crassus assumes that you ate once Grandma'am and Coriolanus were done eating in the dining room, so he doesn't ask you to join him in the kitchen for his meal of leftovers. No, instead he just nods and tells you that he'll join you in bed once he's done eating.
And when he does join you in your shared bed, well, you're already fast asleep. So, he quietly joins you in bed- making sure not to disturb you. Like his mother said, you're a new mother whose world revolves around your son; you need as much rest as you can get.
But as he lays his platinum curls on his pillow, he realizes that you look peaceful in your sleep. He can't honestly say that he's even seen you look so content before.
And for some reason, unknown to him, he wanted to see that look of tranquility on your face during waking hours as well.
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Leo Davis stepped off the elevator and went over to his desk. He was 15 minutes late, but he did have a very passionate night celebrating his anniversary with his wife last night. A celebration that started at dinner and ended in the bedroom of their modest apartment that they're paying too much rent for. And as soon as he sat down at his desk, the door to his boss's office flew open.
Oh no, was he in trouble for being late? Crassus was always in the office way before the official start time of 9 o’clock, so did he know that Leo just arrived? The secretary was scared to death of being fired for being late as he watched his boss emerge from his office. The imposing man, who was well over 6 feet tall, walked over to his employee’s desk with his coffee mug in hand.
Coming to a stop at Leo's desk, Crassus took a sip of his coffee and asked, “So, Leo, how was your anniversary with your wife last night?”
Leo Davis nearly choked on his own spit. Since when does the General Crassus Snow want to know about his personal life? The man was always shutting down all attempts at conversation that even remotely seemed to steer towards personal things, such as family. If it wasn't about work, a coffee, or a good order then Crassus didn't talk about it.
“Well, did you have a nice time?” Crassus asked as Leo just looked at him wide-eyed, like a deer caught in headlights.
“Oh, yes, yes, we had a nice time.” Leo nods, nearly tripping over his tongue as he answers his boss. Holy hell, he still doesn't believe what's happening. That his boss is asking him about the details of his anniversary.
Deciding to not look a gift horse in the mouth, the secretary smiles and tells his boss the details of his night. Well, the details that are safe for work that is.
“You should bring your wife to Palace Arms for your anniversary. You'll have to make a reservation and it's located in the Denver Palace Hotel, but it's worth it for a special occasion.” Leo advised his boss, just to be friendly. Perhaps being friendly will get him a lesser workload. Eh, wishful thinking never hurt anyone.
Nodding, Crassus simply says, “I'll keep that in mind.” He knows that since he didn't do anything with you to celebrate your last anniversary that the he'll have to make up for his lack of interest with the upcoming one. So, he truly means it when he says he'll keep the prospect of taking you to the Palace Arms for your next anniversary in mind.
Before seeing you crying in the corner of your shared bedroom, Crassus would never ask for marital advice- and from a lowly employee as well, but now all he wants is to make you happy. He wants you to stop crying so much; wants you to stop being sad. He also wants to know what to do to change things, so that's why Crassus straight up asks his secretary, “Leo, how do you make your wife happy?”
“What?” Leo asks, wide-eyed and taken aback. Did his boss really just ask him that?
“My wife's been sad lately and since you seem to be on good terms with your wife, I was wondering, how do you make your wife happy?” Crassus asks, explaining his previous question in length, before taking another sip of his coffee.
“Um, I suppose I make my wife happy just by doing the little things for her.” Leo answers while wishing he didn't accidentally leave his travel mug of coffee at home on the kitchen counter. He could really use some right now.
“What are the little things you do for her?” Crassus asks, clearly oblivious to what ‘the little things' means. The man was cold, stern, and indifferent by nature. He wasn't one to make gestures out of care of love. So, yes, he really has no idea what his secretary's talking about.
And that was the moment that Leo Davis knew he was doomed to be General Crassus Snow’s personal marriage counselor/advisor. Oh, how the stars seemed to play a cosmic joke on him, huh?
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @princess-harvey @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3 @jacesvelaryons @tempt-ress @nayveetbhh
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animeredhead101 · 1 day
Tim Drake/ Danny Fenton Masterlist
An Interesting Family Tree by Scififan33 :
Danny's life in Amity Park wasn't perfect, but it beat his old life. The GIW and Fenton parents didn't make things easier but at least ghost attacks had lessened since he was named Prince, to be crowned upon his twenty first birthday. He'd run from the League almost a decade ago, risking getting their attention, and for a stranger? It was insane. And yet he still got on the plane to Europe to find and warn one Tim Drake that he was being targeted. Word Count: 68,348 On-going This is one of favorite fanfics, I love the interactions of Danny and Tim throughout the story. I also love how the author writes two story lines together. I love both Fandoms and to read a story were they work well together is always a treat!
Tim Drake's I.E.F (Invisible Eldritch Friend) by Half-dead Ham :
The last thing Tim expected while getting stalked was to get used to the unseen creature and how they started taking care of him. He expected even less for them to be the same age
Word Count: 72,042 On-going
I find it hilarious that the bat stalker gets stalked and they some how make it into a funny Rom-com.
Till Death and Beyond by Scififan33 :
Danny and Tim have known each other for a year, have been dating for months, and are very happy. Sure, Tim would prefer if his boyfriend let him help him at least get a nicer apartment, or even an internship at WE but Danny won't let him. Dating Tim is not keeping his head down but as far as everyone knows, Danny Fenton died with his parents and sister. Danny Nightingale has no links to him, thanks to Tucker and Technus' magic. But there are still those who would love nothing more than to get their hands on Phantom, despite his not having been seen in a long time. And why is there a vigilante bleeding out on his apartment floor? Word Count: 79,279 On-going I love the fic for the fact that we talk about how the bat-fam treats Tim. Like he is such a sweetheart and he is not treated they way he should be. Like don't get me wrong I love the fics were Damion and Tim get along and fix their relationship but the way they interact this would not have occurred and to see this in this fanfic and Tim recognizing that its not okay was amazing. I also love that Danny doesn't take any shit from the bat-fam, hes likes fuck with Tim and see what happens. Defiantly one of my top 5!
Mesmeric Revelation by DisillusionedDanny :
Danny couldn’t stop the future. That much was true. Despite not cheating on his CAT and doing every single thing by the book to make sure that this future was not a reality, it had happened anyway. The nasty burger had blown up. His parents, Jazz, Sam, Tucker, they were all in the building when it happened.
With his friends and family dead, Danny goes to the only place he thinks is safe. The infinite realms.
As Danny attempts to move on from the tragedy he manages to get summoned by cultists, build a new family for himself and even find love. Not all in that exact order.
Tim Drake thought getting kidnapped by cultists was probably the most annoying thing to have ever happened to him. Little did he know it would also be the best thing to ever happen.
Word Count: 71,980 Complete
Its very heartwarming with a dark tone in the beginning. I enjoy reading this as a comfort fanfic.
Shovel Talk by SummersSixEcho :
When Tim decided to tag along on a road trip with Danny to meet his parents, he was kinda ready for the shovel talk with his friends and family. But bringing out the secrets buried in Amity Park? That’s another kind of shovel talk Danny hadn’t prepared him for. Word Count: 71,396 Complete
Family introductions by Half-dead Ham(Grima101) :
Danny and Tim have been dating for about a year now, figuring out their relationship between Tim’s vigilante duties and Danny’s Ghost King responsibilities. Danny is taking a small (unauthorized) break from his paperwork to find his bf flat on his ass sick trying to go on patrol. The only way to stop him was to take his place, and Danny was lucky they're the same size.
Word Count: 14,070 On-going
Wanted: Dead and Alive by Astereae :
“Hey, I do I... Do I know you?” Danny asks, a hand coming up to brush something off Tim’s cheek. “No,” Tim says. “We haven’t met.” “Oh, no, I do.” Danny says, and he smiles, teeth white and sharp. “You’re that guy who rearranged my guts!” Rearranged his- Tim glances at the knotted scars on the boy’s abdomen. He can see the shine and shadow of haphazard stitches that weren’t meant to hold forever, that tore and healed over. His- This- “WHAT!?” Nightwing shouts, equal parts confused and delighted. Tim’s fucked. OR Danny Fenton's been in GIW captivity for 4 months. Tim Drake gets kidnapped by the GIW one Tuesday evening in May. Considering how many of the Bats and the Birds have died and come back to life, it was only a matter of time for some people interested in the afterlife to come poking around. The detectives can't seem to uncover any information about the mysterious white vans, however. And they keep losing the mysterious boy who seems to be the one person in Gotham to know anything at all. Word Count: 121,281 Completed
The Rebirth of Tim Drake by Bewitched_Forest :
Tim gets turned into a halfa after an incident with a newly spawned Lazarus Pit, electricity, and Ra's Al Ghul. When he awakens, he finds himself in the Ghost Zone. Taken to fellow Halfa, Danny Fenton, he travels to Amity Park where he learns with the help of Danny and his friends just what he has become. And how being a Halfa has made him one of the most hunted beings in the world.
Not Abandoned! Updating will just be whenever I feel like it cause I got burnout.
Word Count: 57,663 On-going
My Name is Not Wounder Boy! by CrepuscularCryptid :
Casper High's juniors go on a trip to Washington DC every year. This year it's Danny's class's turn. Absolutely nothing goes wrong. Nothing. Shut up, Tucker. ************* Wherein Danny meets Wonder Woman, fosters diplomacy between the Living and the Dead Realms, and eventually gets a new haunt. Word Count: 44,832 On-going
Bitter, had the Heart by CastrianAmore :
Tim is the only one consistently watching. Thus he’s the first and only one to notice one more body following the streets like the bats do. A kid with all black hair and white motifs and an attitude problem that reminds him a tad too much of Jason. It was a shame Jason was adamant that he “didn’t know anything”, what a liar right?
But the streets of Gotham listened and the name on everyone’s lips playing like a discordant harmony was one word: Distortion. Not that Tim knew what it meant yet, but Danny would make sure he would. If Danny lived long enough for Tim to find out.
Word Count: 182,548 Complete
Tim Jr. Coffee Machine Extraordinaire by PaperPuffin :
Dick worried his lip between his teeth as he looked Tim over. His little brother was standing, zombie-like, in front of the Cave’s coffee machine. Not that the act was unusual for Tim. Just… the thing was, Tim had been doing better. Word Count: 2,330 Complete
Rated M
A Grave Affair by OnlyHereForTheSnacks :
Tim was used to life taking unexpected turns. It was just another part of being a vigilante. Sometimes life gives you lemons and sometimes an immortal assassin sells you into an arranged marriage to the Ghost King for a piece of jewelry. (Lots of plot. Smut in Ch.3. Mind the tags)
Word Count: 14,744 Complete
Seeing Double by Wraiith(Jayyydez) :
"You remember that conversation we had about me being able to duplicate?" Tim's brow furrowed even more. Which conversation-? His mouth dried all at once, his heart threatening to burst out of his chest. Oh. Oh, Ancients and Gods alike, help him. Danny was having this conversation with him. He was having it with him right now, and Tim felt more awake than he had in days. Word Count: 7,752 Complete
Skin of Your Teeth by halfgone(milkywxy) :
Tim can't bring himself to lie about his secret identity anymore. When he spills his secret to his boyfriend, Danny, many more secrets are soon to follow. Some with interesting results.
Prompts: Tim Drake |Eldritch Danny| Teeth
Word Count: 7,065 On-going
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eternity-111 · 2 days
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He's the type to... 𖹭
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ Title is explanatory, this is the side characters part! including thirteen,Raphael & Mephistopheles. NO LUKE! (fem reader x side charas)
NSFW! minors scroll down ⊹
name calling (princess, daddy, etc), overstimulate, size different, public sex, creampie,Dacryphilia, etc
𝜗𝜚 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
reblogs, likes are appreciated! If you see any grammar mistakes, feel free to tell me <3
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Diavolo is the type to purposely ruin you, in a good way of course. He loves to see you beg and whine for him to slow down because you can't take it anymore.
"princess, I know you can take it."
I know you don't want him to stop, so stop asking him to slow down. Besides, you are his anyway. Let him ruin your pussy whenever he likes. Oh, not only he can ruin you with his cock but he can ruin You with his thick fingers! You don't want to upset the future demon king, don't you?
Barbatos is the type to have a quick sex or a blowjob during his working hours.
"This will be quick, I promise you mc."
So be prepared for a few surprises during the day. Sometimes he can even go bold and fuck you where everyone can see. Meeting room, or even the garden, he doesn't care! The feeling of being able to show everyone that you are his makes him crazy. Moan his name out loud, Let everyone know that you are his!
Solomon is the type to use magic while having sex. randomly tying you up, making you hotter, and his favorite.. making his cock bigger inside you!
"What's wrong? it seems like you want to tell me something but physically can't."
It's true, his cock makes you go crazy. Especially when he suddenly makes it bigger! But.. you can't complain, you like it anyway. He can do whatever he wants! just relax and look sexy for Daddy! Maybe he'll reward you with a creampie if you are good enough.
Simeon is the type to get very vocal during sex, not that you don't like it but sometimes it's hard keeping him quiet while talking on the phone!
"Mmnff.. Mc.. Nghh.. I-im trying to be quiet! b-but you are making it harde- ahh.."
To be fair, you did that on purpose. You love it when he whimpers and moans. But you are calling someone right now! If he doesn't stop making noises.. you'll have to punish him! By not letting him cum or touch you. Watch that needy guy beg and whimper. He's so desperate to cum inside of your pussy!
Thirteen is the type to make toys that are specifically made for you. I mean.. you can use it on her but will she allow you to?
"Don't try to dominate me you little slut, I'm your mommy!"
She's good at making traps, and also toys! but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. She loves to see that her creations can make you lose your mind. Especially when you cry telling her to stop or else you'll get overstimulated. You can cry all you want but your wet pussy still needs her.
Raphael is the type to ask you for "help" about a certain topic from today's class, but he's actually just scanning and daydreaming about your body.
"what? me? yeah im listening princess."
All of that daydreaming made his cock tighten up inside of his pants. Why don't you make his dream come true and help his cock? He can finally touch every part of you while you ride him! It's a win-win situation, Your pussy gets what she wants and so does he. The way he touches you make you even wetter anyways, such a whore.
Mephistopheles is the type to fuck you at the RAD newspaper club. He'll even try to make news about you having sex with him.
"Don't worry mc, if you suck me a little bit longer I won't publish it!"
You already did a blowjob, a boobjob, and even a thighjob but he still wants more?! How the fuck are you going to be able to hold that wet pussy of yours? You can't just tell him that! Maybe give him a hint? Look pretty while you suck his huge cock, And swallow every bit of cum he released. all that effort just to try to get him into fucking your wet pussy. At this point, You don't even care if he published it or not. Just use that needy pussy, please.
#the_sidecharas ꩜ .ᐟ
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jenomi · 1 day
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"i don't think i'll come to the campfire tonight" you say leaning against your roommate's doorframe.
"noo why?" your roommate and best friend cries as she sets down her makeup brush to grab your hand.
"i'm just feeling really tired from work and need a night in" you reply swinging your connected hands, "let everyone know that i'll be at the next one."
"alright fine cuz I know how long this week has been for you, but we all know a certain someone is going to be disappointed" your roommate teases.
you could only blush in response. a part of you hoped deep down that haechan would miss you at the campfire tonight, and you wanted to pull yourself together to see him but you know your own limits. you knew you wouldn't be great company tonight.
you met haechan through friends of your roommate. ever since you had moved into this new apartment, you and your roommate had decided to start hosting small get togethers with close friends at the communal outdoor area. this space had games like ping pong and pool and a campfire area. you had met haechan at another friend's party and grew close as you continued to see him at other functions.
you definitely played a role in how close haechan got with you as you would seek him out at parties and want to spend time with him. occasionally, the two of you would step out to get some fresh air and fall into deep, yet comfortable, conversation with each other. you started to grow fond of him and send messages to him with memes that you thought he'd like or message him to join you for some coffee or lunch.
it was only when your roommate called you out that you realized you liked haechan more than a friend. all the times you would bring him up, how you would always look for him in a crowded room at parties, how you're always giggling when texting or calling him. it made you shy to admit it, but it was true. you weren't sure how he felt about you, though. your roommate had tried to tell you multiple times that your feelings were reciprocated but you thought he was hard to read. nonetheless, you were pretty confident that he only saw you as a friend, so you felt discouraged seeing him and pining after him.
so there was a small sense of relief in how you wouldn't have to see him tonight and feel hopeless. what a way to beat you when you're already down.
an hour later, your roommate heads downstairs to meet up with the others and help start the campfire. haechan shows up an hour late as usual, and the first thing he notices is your absence.
"hey y/rm/n, where's y/n?" haechan asks almost immediately.
a smirk spreads across your roommate's face before she replies, "she's upstairs. she's had a long week so she's burnt out."
haechan nods in response. he wanted to see you, but he also didn't want to overstep. he also felt disappointed in himself. how had he miss the signs? he had been texting and calling you all week, and he never noticed that you were tired.
"you should go up and see her. i'm sure she won't mind." your friend says as haechan is deep in thought. "really? are you sure?" haechan asks, a little too eagerly. "yea she was bummed she couldn't make it. she's probably really lonely up there."
haechan doesn't need to ask again. he quietly slips out of the group and heads towards your floor. he nervously rings your doorbell. you groan as you throw off your blankets and get up off the couch. your eyes widen in shock as you open the door to your crush, haechan.
"hyuck?" you say dumbfoundedly "how could you not tell me you’re burnt out?” he demands making his way into your apartment. "okay come on in” you mumble.
as he takes off his jacket, you become hyperaware at the fact that you're in your pajamas, bare-faced, with messy hair. little did you know, haechan loved seeing you like this. naturally beautiful.
“i wish you’d told me you’re tired. i would’ve come earlier to cheer you up and brought your favorite food” “i didn’t want to bother you?” you’re still confused at his reaction and sudden appearance. “why are you nagging me right now?” “you know i only come to these things to see you. imagine my surprise to see you weren’t there”
he only comes to see you?
haechan takes a step closer to you. “i care for you y/n. i wish you had told me you weren’t feeling well”
you were shocked at his words. he cares for you? he wants to take care of you?
haechan must see the confusion in your eyes as he adds, “i like you y/n. more than just friends. i think about you all the time and i want to see you even when i’m busy. i want to know everything about you, even the smallest things, and i want to hear about your day and comfort you when it’s hard. i want to take care of you and make sure you never skip a meal. i want to be there for you when you're tired and help you feel better. let me be a shoulder for you to lean on. let me care for you properly.”
your eyes were wet with tears. there was so much sincerity in his voice, you don't remember the last time you let someone take care of you. sure, you had your roommates and friends but you hated bothering them with your troubles. most shocking was the disbelief that you were both on the same page without knowing it.
he pulls you in for a hug. you feel yourself immediately relaxing and leaning into donghyuck's touch and smell.
“i’d like that” you whisper into his shoulder in response to his confession.
he rubs your back in response and places a kiss on your forehead.
together, you move back to the couch and he orders your favorite take out as you tell him about the long week that you’ve had while cuddled into his shoulder. he listens intently while giving you words and touches of reassurance.
you feel a weight lifted off your shoulders sharing your struggles with donghyuck. you felt so incredibly lucky and grateful to have him here and you vowed to yourself in that moment that you would allow him to be a shoulder for you to lean on and to be there for him in his struggles as well.
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cantstoplovingjude · 3 days
Underneath the Black Veil: Jude Jazza Epilogue
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This is from Ikemen Villains EN, Cybird owns everything.
It was our wedding day.
We'd made a vow of love that was more like a curse, binding ourselves to each other until death.
Kate: "Jude, I'm really okay now."
Jude: "That's for me to decide."
But right after our wedding, several armed thugs attacked us with weapons.
Amidst the scuffle, I couldn't help but think how beautiful the shower of broken glass how beautiful the shower of broken glass was as it gleamed through the air.
The ringleader of the attack had been rendered unconscious by my groom's merciless kick. Apparently, he had some kind of grudge against Jude.
Speaking of my husband, he was currently examining every inch of me to make sure I was all right.
My wedding dress was barely hanging onto me.
And that wasn't the work of the thugs, but my husband's.
Jude: "Oy, I can't see. Look this way, at me."
Kate: "Jude..."
This wasn't the first time he'd seen my bare skin.
But that was precisely why my body was reacting to his rough touch.
Kate: "N-ngh..."
I bit the back of my hand to suppress the moan that threatened to spill out as his fingertips grazed my skin.
Kate: "I told you I'm fine, so you really don't have to check so thoroughly!"
Every time he touched me or looked at me, I felt my body heating up.
Jude: "I need to see every scratch on your body, so I know just how to torture the bastards who did this."
Jude: "Tch... I'm gonna find out who leaked the damn info 'bout our wedding, too."
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As I listened to him muttering with irritation, I remembered how reluctant he'd been about having the wedding.
Kate: "Is this the real reason why you were against having a ceremony...?"
Jude: "Huh?"
He glare at me, scowling.
The fact that I actually adored that expression on his face meant I was too far gone.
Kate: "So that I wouldn't end up in danger?"
Jude: "First you're lookin' 'round at the pretty sparkles, now you're grinnin' like a fool. The hell's your problem?"
Kate: "You didn't deny it."
Jude: "Cuz you're just gonna interpret it however ya want anyway."
Kate: "Aha, that's true."
Jude: "Go on 'n laugh now. But one wrong move 'n they coulda stabbed ya to death."
His long fingers slipped down from my breasts to my stomach.
Kate: "Ahh, mm..."
The stimulation only made the desire inside of me build more, and a moan slipped out.
Jude: "...The hell are ya moanin' for?"
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Kate: "I was just surprised!"
Jude: "Oh yeah?"
Without warning, he roughly pushed me down onto the bed.
He loomed over me, his hands gripping onto my waist.
Jude: "I forgot. There's still places I gotta examine."
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He pushed up my wedding dress and lifted my legs into the air, spreading them.
Kate: "Jude!"
I shrieked his name in surprise, heat bursting across my cheeks and deep in my belly.
Jude: "So that's the sound ya make when you're just surprised, huh?"
Jude: "Lewd."
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Kate: "H-hold on a second."
Jude: "Hm? What was that?"
A sharp pain raced through me as he nipped at the tender flesh of my inner thigh.
Kate: "Nngh!"
Jude: "That hurt?"
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I nodded. But he already knew that pain wasn't the only thing I felt when he did that to me.
Every time he sank his teeth into my feverish skin, my heart raced and a sweet throbbing sensation built up inside me.
And as his tongue sweetly traced the bite marks he'd left, an even deeper desire pulsed through me.
Jude: "Ya really love pain, don't ya?"
I bit my lip hard when I heard that teasing tone in his voice.
Kate: "You made me that way."
He was the one who turned pain and shame into pleasure, who made me get off on it.
He was the one who changed everything I thought about what made me feel good.
Jude: "Mm, I love that sexy look on your face."
Jude: "I won't let ya go even if you cry or scream tonight, just how ya like it."
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A sweet shiver ran through my spine as his eyes glowed with a sadistic passion he didn't even try to conceal.
With him, I'm sure it would be heaven even if he made love to me on a bed of nails.
Jude: "We're both outta our minds, ya know that?"
He murmured as he lightly caressed my left hand, my fingers uncurling from the sheets to lace with his.
He wore an identical wedding band on his left ring finger.
And I couldn't help but grin when I saw it.
Jude: "Now what're ya grinnin' at?"
Jude: "What's so great 'bout that foul contract we made, huh?"
Kate: "You said so yourself. Those who will break the vow will break it. Those who can keep it will keep it until they die."
Jude: "How the hell can ya remember somethin' I said so long ago in that lil brain of yours?"
Kate: "That last part was unnecessary."
Jude: "How can that bird brain hold so many memories?"
Kate: "...I feel like the insults are just getting worse now."
Jude: "So what?"
Kate: "You're the kind of person who won't break his vows, no matter how foul they are."
Kate: "And because I know that, I'm happy."
Kate: "The fact that you made a vow to me..."
Kate: "Means you're going to keep to it, no matter what."
Jude: "...Even though y'know it'll just hurt ya in the end."
Jude: "The fact that you're happy there's no escape from me for the rest of your life means you're hopeless."
The man I loved was a dangerous man who earned people's grudges and got attacked in broad daylight, even on the day of his wedding.
But I knew a long time ago that being with him meant facing endless danger.
Kate: "You're the one who made me like the pain."
Jude: "Oh, so now you're blamin' me, huh?"
Despite his sarcastic tone, his touch was gentle as he stroked my hair.
Jude: "Nasty lil princess."
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End Epilogue
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obsessedwrhys · 2 days
I was wondering if I could request a Leo or/and Donnie x reader. (I don’t know if you do multiple- if you don’t- super sorry! Just do whichever one you feel in the mood to do) where if someone runs a finger through their hair or scratches for scalp they just melt? Like full on limp- very easy to make reader stop overworking themselves, cuddle with them, just get them to sleep, ya know! Hope that makes sense lol!
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ fluff, no angst, reader is gn!! (I didn't know what to name this headcanon 🤷🏻‍♀️)
You just know being with this man means being constantly showered with affection.
That's why you two are easily the perfect pair.
Everytime you find yourself stressed from your work, he could feel his senses kicking in from a mile away. Before you know it, he's already by your side to provide emotional support.
"Alright alright!! Time to take a break!! Chop chop!!" He'd shoo you out of the chair and drag you to his bed.
He knows how hard your work is, at least he does from the things April has told him. That's why he goes over the top when helping you unwind.
Back massages, feet rubs, and your favourite, head massages. Dude would definitely purchase body oil for you. The way he so delicately runs his hands through your hair while also making sure he applies just enough force for it to be soothing. You couldn't help but hum happily.
Those noises being signs that he's doing things just right!!
Apart from that, if you were to finish your work, he would definitely reward you by buying all your favourite snacks while also cuddling together to watch a show you've been meaning to start.
But if you're too tired. He'd just play your comfort songs as you guys just cuddle to sleep.
He has a ton of playlists that contains your favourite songs.
You could ask him about that one song you don't remember the name to and he'll instantly know which one you were talking about.
He likes to brag about having such a hard working partner to his brothers.
Like pleaseeee you wish you could get lucky like me 🤭
Of course he's not fine with you overworking yourself. That's a huge no no for him.
If you were to object his idea of taking a break, this man will straight up kneel down and rest his head on your lap like a dog desperate for your attention. He wouldn't stop sighing or making sad noises until you've given in.
He knows you like physical touch so if you ever liked, he wouldn't mind keeping you company as you worked, which most of the time resulted in him falling asleep on the table.
He just wants to be apart of it okay!!! You like to tell him he's doing a good job even though he doesn't do much but play with the pencil by trying to balance it on his nose.
100% cutie patootie
Now this man don't play around.
If you tell him you need to get the work done on time then this man will help you make sure it's done on time.
He's extremely helpful, he watches as you work but he won't intervene unless you request for his assistance. That's because he wants you to grow and solve things by yourself.
However if he were to see you start to burn out from frustration, he'd suggest you guys to take a break which he likes to call "Coffee break"
Do not ever say no to coffee break because this man will talk you to tears by justifying about a topic you strongly disagree on.
He'd brew you both a cup of coffee, but if you happen not to be into caffeine then tea will do.
Since he's aware of how you seem to shut off your mind from physical touch, he would cuddle with you as he just scratches your scalp. The way your eyes flutter close makes him smile to himself.
As someone who also struggles with burn outs, he would hate for the same to happen to you. Yeah sure he doesn't take care of himself that well but that doesn't mean he'll let that happen to you!!!
If you are ever too exhausted, he'd offer to wash your hair for you. You know like those things they have at the saloon where you lay down and put your hair in the open sink thingy (im lazy to find the name)? Yeah he'd definitely make one in his lab just for your personal use.
He would 1000% watch tutorials online to give you that sensational experience.
Everytime you guys cuddle to sleep, you would still be a little awake to feel his hands tracing the features on your face. This habit of his pretty much became a routine that you have a harder time of sleeping if he isn't caressing your face.
He likes to reward you with kisses on the forehead everytime you get your work done. But that's not all, he'd always invent something new just for you. He may or may not have caught a sneak peek of your wishlist, and since some of the things you've wished for can be easily made by him. Why not save that money and let him do his magic?
He surprises you each time with the gifts and you are grateful every time.
Cuddles during movie night is a must!! I don’t know why but I just have a feeling this man probably has like a small cinema hidden in his lab.
You guys would always watch any TV series together, like one will not continue on to the next episode without the other there to watch it with them.
His cuddles are the best when you guys are watching romance movies. Especially during a romantic scene. His body would scoot closer to yours without him even realising. His arms around your body tightening slightly as he nuzzles his face a bit onto your skin.
100% supportive bf
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yogurtkags · 15 hours
[11:23pm] rubbing your bleary eyes, you squint at the clock. shit, must’ve fallen asleep.
you pat the sheets on the other side of the bed only to find it empty. no sign of tobio.
throwing off the blanket and pushing yourself up, you shuffle into the living room to find your boyfriend hunched over on the couch. tablet propped up on the coffee table was playing the team’s performance during yesterday’s practice match.
you stood by the doorway watching him - he's focused but the bags under his eyes betray his facade.
practice has been running late with the new season coming up and tobio's gradually been coming home later in favour of more training. dinner as of the past week has been had alone, his portion packed in the fridge with containers labeled "for u ♡"
"tobi?" you quietly call out as you moved closer, trying not to startle him. glancing in your direction, his brows furrow but you know he means no malice, taking your cold hands in his, "hi baby, why aren't you in bed?"
sinking down on the couch, you rest your head on his shoulder as he wraps an arm around you and pulling you close. he presses a kiss to the top of your head and you melt into his embrace, mumbling, "i just woke up and you weren't there."
there's truth in your words and tobio knows this: sleep always comes more naturally when you're together - two lovers spooning, his chest flush against your back and legs tangled under the covers. he always has to be touching you in some way or another even in slumber, and it has now become something you can't live without.
his frowns apologetically with softened eyes, "i'm sorry, i'll turn in soon okay? just let me finish watching this part."
humming in agreement, you bring your intertwined hands up to your lips and leave soft pecks on the back of his.
nights like this aren't a first and definitely won't be the last, but you're happy just being in his presence. you just wish he takes better care of himself.
you very quickly start to drift off in his faithful hold, eyes fluttering shut as the warmth from his body envelopes you like a weighted blanket. you can't see tobio's expression but he's gazing down at you with such gentleness and awe in his eyes, like you're the best thing since sliced bread. better than his favourite yogurt drink.
he can't help but want to kiss you but is afraid of rousing you from your well deserved sleep and delayed slumber, totally his fault, instead settling with mumbling a soft "i love you."
a/n: thank you for reading ★ it’s been a long while since i’ve written anything, i hope you enjoy this little piece of brain rot ( っ˶´ ˘ `)っ♡ reblogs & interactions are always appreciated !
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i need some serious help/guidance. i feel like a failure. i don't know where to turn – my family is part of the problem and they don't care about helping me, i don't have any IRL friends that i can ask for help from, and i've been so busy dealing with all my IRL shit that i've drifted away from any of my online friends. i've applied everywhere in my town that's hiring, and i mean EVERYWHERE. either i get aired from the jump, or i get a call back, ask for accommodations during the interview, and then never hear back from them. i feel like a lost cause. i can't continue to ask you guys for help forever, but i don't have anywhere to turn to IRL. without donos + commissions, i would actually be dead by now. i'm not kidding. my family doesn't give a fuck if i'm struggling or not, in fact they put me in positions where they KNOW i will struggle. they don't care. my parents never taught me how to do ANYTHING. every practical skill that i know how to do is self taught. they've literally set me up for failure in every aspect. they didn't help me with homework when i was younger, they didn't help me learn how to read or write, they didn't teach me how to socialize and make friends, they didn't teach me how to drive, how to cook, how to clean, how to apply for jobs, how to do taxes, how to do anything at all. and when it comes to the physical aspect, they knew that i was toe walking from a young age and didn't take me to a doctor because it was "cute" and "funny" how i walked on my tip toes all the time and i was so "clumsy" because i had no balance. the window for non-surgical remedies has closed, and now the only thing that can fix it is surgery, that i definitely can't afford, even on insurance, and i'm going to fall off of my parent's insurance next year when i turn 26. the toe walking has led to chronic pain in my feet, legs, hips, and back, and that, coupled with my fibromyalgia, makes just existing feel impossible sometimes. there are days where i don't want to move from my bed because my entire body feels inflamed. even if i were to get hired, how am i supposed to hold a job like that??? i don't know how to file for disability but i know that i need to, as soon as i can. i genuinely don't know what to do. i'm stuck in this house full of people who use me as a personal punching bag, mentally and verbally and physically. i have to keep my room locked at all times or people will steal from me or destroy my belongings. i can't even keep my insulin or food in the public fridge because my brother has destroyed my insulin with a hammer before, and my food will get eaten even if i label it, so i had to buy a mini fridge for my room. my brother shoved me down the stairs last year and my knee is permanently damaged from it, and that was somehow my fault. the only time anyone is talking to me in a kind way is when they want me to do something for them, and if i don't agree to do it, then all hell breaks loose, i've been screamed at, slapped, kicked, had things thrown at me, spit on, belongings destroyed, holes punched in the wall beside my head with a threat that next time it'll be my face. to the point that i just agree to run their errands and do their chores most of the time anymore. in fact, even though i pay my dad car insurance money every month, 9 out of 10 times he won't let me use the car for my personal reasons (doctor, store, pharmacy) unless i'm also doing something for them. they treat me like a child. no, they treat me like an object. but i'm supposed to be an adult. to be honest, i don't feel like an adult. i don't feel like a real person at all. i don't exist outside of this house or these blogs. i could disappear and only a handful of people would actually notice.
i want to do more than just survive by the skin of my teeth. i want to live, i want to thrive, i want friends, i want a sense of community, i want to feel loved and cherished, i want to be hugged. i can't remember the last time i was hugged. i don't know why i wrote all of this. i think it's a cry for help. i need someone to hold my hand through the process and tell me what to do because i have no idea where to turn. i don't know what the next step is. i know the things i need to do, but i don't know how to do them. i need to pay off my court fees, i need to buy my own car, i need to file for disability, i need to file for food stamps, i need to apply for a tax credit apartment so i can finally get out of this house. i'm just too stupid to figure it out on my own. with the constant swath of bills and no consistent income, it feels like i'm drowning and i'm never going to be able to get out of this situation. i can't do this alone. i need help. i'm so tired guys
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hanniebaeee · 1 day
Crazy For You - Final Part
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Hyunjin x fem!reader
Warnings: SMUT, drinking, cursing MDNI
Genre: enemies to lovers, fluff, angst
Summary: You and your best friend's cousin, Hyunjin don't get along very well. This game of cat and mouse may be a disguise to hide your real feelings.
a/n: Hyunjin is just the cutest bun!
Part 1 , Part 2
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You hadn't spoken to Hyunjin or even glanced his way after the dinner party events. But seeing him at college with Rose, both engaged in a conversation, and laughing like the leads of a Kdrama had you bristling in rage.
Fine. If that's how it's gonna be, then fuck you, you thought as you made your way to the library. All you wanted was to be alone. You were so tired with this thing with Hyunjin, you just wanted a break. As you stormed on furiously,  you walked straight into someone.
'Wow!  You OK?'
You looked up to see Chris giving you a concerned look, holding your arm so that you wouldn't fall back. It was enough for the floodgates to open. Tears rolled down your cheeks and you throw your arms around Chris, who put his arms around you protectively.
'Hey, hey, its OK.' he said, as you cry against his chest.
He stroked your hair, trying to calm you down. Once you were better and your breathing was back to normal, he gave you a soft smile and said,  'Let's get you something to eat, OK?'
You nod and let him walk you to the cafeteria, holding hands.
'Wanna tell me what happened?' Chris asked, placing a steaming cup of your favorite coffee in front of you.
'I-' you began. 'I don't think whatever we tried to pull off...worked.'
'How do you know that?' Chris asked.
'He was cosying up with Rose just now.' You said, your voice shaking again. 'I'm sorry you had to see me like that, Chris. I couldn't hold back.'
'It's totally fine.' Chris said, shaking his head. 'I want you to come find me whenever you need help, yeah?'
You smile through your tears.
'Thank you so much for coming to the party, Chris.' You said. 'Jennie and Minho and Lisa all love having you over.'
'Thank you for inviting me, sweetheart.' Chris said giving you a smile. 'Now, what can I do to stop these tears, hm?'
'Let's go out for lunch. I need to get away from him. How about that new cafe near the bus stop?'
'Let's do it.' Chris said, nodding.
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Hyunjin dropped his backpack at their regular table and frowned as he didn't see you there.
'Where is she?' he asked.
'Having lunch with Christopher.' Jennie said, in between feeding Changbin a mouthful of salad.
'What? Why?' Hyunjin asked, his heart racing.
Jennie shrugged.
'Um, she wanted to, that's why you pabo.' Lisa said, clearly enjoying his reaction.
'What the fuck is going on here, Lisa?' Hyunjin growled, eyes narrowed. 'Why is he always around?'
'The real question is why is it not YOU, Hyunjin.' Lisa said. 'You're always around, but you do nothing but hurt her over and over again.'
Hyunjin stood up, grabbing his backpack.
'Changbin. Outside. Now.' He snapped at Changbin,  who sprang up from his seat after giving Jennie a quick kiss.
Once outside, Hyunjin glared at best friend.
'I told you it wouldn't work!' he said. 'See what's happening!'
'Calm down, Jin!' Changbin said. 'Shit.'
'How do I calm down!? I know I fucked up OK?' Hyunjin said. 'I can't lose her to him!'
'You won't!  This is Y/N we're talking about!' Changbin said, trying to be strong but he was panicking. 'We'll make it right, I promise!'
Just as they finished talking, they saw you and Chris walking together, laughing at something. Hyunjin felt jealousy taking over him. But again, you looked so genuinely happy, it broke his heart that it wasn't him who was making you smile like that.
Hyunjin starts walking, pushing past Changbin. He didn't stop until he was inside one of the bathrooms. And to Changbin's horror, Hyunjin burst out into tears.
'Dude!' Changbin said, rushing forward to pull his friend into an embrace. 'Hyunjin, stop!'
Hyunjin just sobbed, letting out years worth of despair and pain that he'd been holding in. He was so heartbroken, Hyunjin didn't think there was anything left to do. He had lost you and he didn't have it in him anymore to fight through this. This was it.
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'I'm not going!' You said, shaking your head. 'Look, he clearly likes Rose. Let them be!'
'Oh my effing God!' Jennie growled in frustration. 'Y/N L/N, apparently we are not the only idiots here. Ok? I spoke to Binnie and he told me that he is the one who made Hyunjin ask Rose to the party. Got it? That pabo wants you. Not anyone else. What's wrong with you?! Why won't you just see it, already?!'
'Jen, calm the fuck down. And, Y/N. It's just us. Since when do you care if he's around or not? You're coming and that's that.'  Lisa said, walking out of the room to avoid an argument.
You look at Jennie with sad eyes and she comes forward to hug you.
'I'm sorry, Y/N. I love you, ok? I want you to be happy. It is just so frustrating when you decide not to see what's really happening right in front of your eyes. I know you feel put down and insecure, but can't you try?'
You nod, allowing Jennie to pick your dress and do your makeup.
And that's how you ended up at the nightclub in a dress you hated. Your friends were adamant on making Hyunjin see what he was missing. Even though the only thing he did was sit by the bar, taking shots and drowning in his misery.
'He didn't bring her along.' Lisa noted, and Jennie nodded.
'Where's Y/N?' Jennie asked and Lisa pointed out to the couch where you sat with a drink in hand and a jacket covering your dress.
Jennie stomped over to you and said, 'Darling, we're trying to get things to work here. Please. Do your part!'
'I don't want to do anything!' You said stubbornly. 'I wanna go home.'
'Don't make me mad, Y/N.' Jennie said. 'Now get that darn jacket off and go get you man!'
'Do I have to?' You plead, making Jennie close her eyes tightly and purse her lips.
As much as you wanted Hyunjin, you just couldn't even think about a rejection. After all, it all went down after you refused to go further with him.
'Y/N. Listen to me clearly, yeah? I've known you for long enough to know what Hyunjin does to you. I've seen you falling for that man over and over again. You can tell me that he's an asshole. I will agree. But it never stopped you from loving him. And I know for a fact that my brother loves you as much as you love him. You're both the biggest idiots I've ever come across. You wasted so much time bickering and having ego clashes. You know that he doesn't even like Rose. He's crazy for you. But he stinks at showing it. He's afraid you'll reject him. He thinks you didn't want to fuck him because you think he's not good enough for you. He doesn't understand that it's because you want to be meaningful with him. He's just confused. Just give him a chance. If you can.' Jennie took big breaths and sat down, gulping her drink down in one go.
The music was too loud and yet only Jennie's words float around your brain, stabbing you at all the right places. He thinks he's not good enough for you? He really thinks that, when you actually think he's the most perfect man you've ever met? Arrogant, yes, but still, perfect.
'She's right you know.' Lisa added. 'He tries to show that he doesn't care. But he's just really insecure and thinks he doesn't deserve you.'
'Uhhhh!!!' You cry out before standing up and getting the jacket off. 'Fine. I will kill you both if he does something stupid.'
Fixing your hair and adjusting your dress, you walked over to Hyunjin.
'I hope this works.' prayed Jennie. 'I'm so done seeing to them cry over each other. Fucking idiots.'
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You stood behind Hyunjin, your hands sweaty with nervousness.
'Oh God.' You say under your breath.
Hyunjin felt so numb as he looked at his glass of alcohol with no real interest. He didn't want to drink, he was just trying to get the image of you with Chris off his mind.
You clear your throat and he paid no attention. You take one step forward, now standing beside him. He looked sideways, and seeing you, he sighed.
'What do you want, Y/N?' He asked, dejected.
Your heart flutters at the way he says your name.
OK, stop being so dramatic!, you tell yourself and sit next to him.
'What's this, Hyunjin?' You ask.
He swirled the drink in his glass, chuckling sadly.
'I'm doing some self reflection shit Changbin wants me to do.' He said.
'He wants you to do that in a club?' You ask.
'Apparently.' He replied. 'And why are you here?  Where's your boyfriend?'
'I don't have one, Hyunjin.' You said with a sigh.
'Oh, the one you went on lunch date with?' Hyunjin asked, and you could see the sadness in his eyes through the lights flashing on his handsome face. And there was no teasing there. None at all. Just sadness.
'That was just a friendly lunch outing.' You said. 'So that I could avoid seeing someone I care about with someone who had made life really hard for me.'
Hyunjin's heart skipped a beat.
'What?' He asked, his heart breaking into a thousand pieces. 'What do you mean?'
'Don't pretend now, Hyunjin. Everyone knows.' You say sadly.
'I don't.' Hyunjin said. 'What do you mean?'
'Rose used to bully me back at school, ok? And it had a lot to do with you. Anyways, I think she regrets it now, but some things just don't go away with a sorry, does it?'
'Baby, I never knew. I would never have agreed to-' Hyunjin felt horrible. He wanted to cry. 'I'm so sorry.'
'Where is she anyway?' You asked, ignoring his apologies. 'I half expected to see her wound around your neck when I came in.'
Hyunjin gives you a look and you shrug.
'She's not my girlfriend, Y/N.' Hyunjin said. 'Please.'
'Ok.' You say, your heart beating louder than the music in the club.
'Honestly, why are you sitting here and talking to me?' Hyunjin asks, pushing his drink away.
'Because you are too much of a coward to come to me.' You said under your breath.
'Excuse me?' Hyunjin gives you a glare.
'Because, Hyunjin. If I keep waiting for you to come back, I'm afraid you won't.' You said loudly.
He just sat with his eyes wide open.
'So that you can reject me again? We were in a relationship and you pushed me away when I -' Hyunjin just laughed sadly and reached forward, grabbed his drink and gulping it down. 'Oh wait, you pushed me away twice.'
'When you wanted sex? Hyunjin, we had a made up relationship because your sister dictated us into it. I love Jennie for trying so hard to get us together. But that's not how it should work. I want you to ask me out. I want you to take me out on dates. I want us to be a normal couple.' You said, the weight on your heart getting heavier and heavier. 'I want to have sex with you, but I want it to mean something. You won't even talk to me. Tell me one meaningful conversation we've had. Just one. I can't live in the fear of you getting bored with me after I agree to a random fuck with you. No.'
Hyunjin was silent, but his hands trembled. You are silent too, waiting for him to speak. Your eyes fall on his trembling hands and you slip your fingers through his, holding them tight.
He exhaled noisily,  turing to face you completely.
'I'm sorry.' He said. 'I'm sorry for being a pain all my life. I'm sorry for saying that no one would want you...its not true, because you're amazing, Y/N. I've loved you since we were kids. Then we kiss at that party, you push me away and you ignore me and pretend like nothing ever happened - it broke my heart. You should understand that nothing I have with you is ever meaningless. I would never fuck you and leave you. I could never. Because I love you too much for all that.'
You squeeze his hand as he struggles to speak.
'My mother is, well, she's unbearable. I didn't want her to harass you any more than she already did. I teased you and stayed away all those years ago, only because I didn't have it in me to drag you into any shit with my mother. Then we moved, and I started seeing you all the time. I hoped I could finally get somewhere with you. But every time we spoke, it ended in a fight.' He said, shaking his head. 'I started to believe that you're too good for me. You deserve better. Someone like Chris. And it made me so angry.'
You had never seen this much honesty from Hyunjin. His thumb rubbed soft circles on your hand, and it relaxed you.
'I have loved you since I was what,��seven?' He said with a chuckle and it made you laugh, a tear rolling down your face. 'I will wait. For however long it takes. 'Coz I want you.'
'I think I have waited for this long enough.' You say,  and lean forward, placing a soft peck on his lips.
Hyunjin gave you the brightest smile ever, scooting closer and placing a hand on your cheek, kissing you. His lips moved softly with yours, and you could taste the alcohol in his mouth.
Pulling back a bit, you speak against his lips, 'Are you drunk, Hyunjin?'
'I had one drink, Y/N.' He said. 'Good enough to remember this for tomorrow.'
Getting off his chair and dragging you along, he walked towards the exit.
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Jennie, Lisa and Changbin stood watching you kiss Hyunjin.
'Yes!' Jennie said, pumping her fist in the air. 'Finally!!'
She kissed Changbin in happiness and Lisa grinned at the two.
'I hope our work here is done. I'd rather murder them both than try to get them together. Again.' Lisa said, shaking her head.
Jennie laughed happily.
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You close your eyes, melting as Hyunjin's lips placed open mouthed kisses along your neck. Both of your lips were swollen from kissing and a few pink marks were starting to show up on your neck.
'I love you, baby.' He whispered, his sweet voice sending shivers down your spine.
'I love you too.' You managed to reply, only to have him capture your lips with his. His hands gripped at your hips, desperate for some friction. He held you close,  and moaned softly as you moved your hips, almost involuntarily.
'I want you.' Hyunjin said, struggling to control himself. 'I can't hold back anymore.'
'Then don't.' you tell him, cupping his cheeks with your hands.
'Are you sure?'
'Take me home, Jinnie. I want this.'
Letting you climb off his lap, Hyunjin drove you home. His hand remained on your thigh, squeezing gently, like he needed that touch to make sure this was real.
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He had no patience. Scooping you up in his arms, he walked towards your bedroom. Kicking the door shut behind you, he dropped you on the bed carefully,  climbing in behind you.
More kisses, more urgent ones, followed. His hands roamed your body, not missing an inch of it, as you had yours around his neck,  holding him as close as possible. His fingers moved towards the zipper of your dress and he looked at you for permission.
Pressing your lips to his for a small kiss, you give him a smile and nod. His fingers graze your smooth skin as the zipper fell open. Pulling the dress off you, his lips buried themselves in your soft breasts.
Legs intertwined, fingers intertwined, his lips left shades of pink on their wake on the soft flesh of your breasts.
'Jinnie!', you cry.
'Yes, baby' he purred, his thigh pressing against your sensitive core.
'Please -' you whimper.
You were overwhelmed as you watched him strip. This being your first time, you were nervous. You entire body trembled in his arms.
His lips found your hardened nipple, and he sucked on it gently. You moan, your fingers gripping his hair tightly. Back to devouring your lips, his hand moved down, disappearing between your thighs.
You gasp as you feel his fingers graze over your sensitive bud. You hold on tightly as he explored your wet folds, fingers slipping inside you and then surfacing to massage your clit.
You were falling apart. Ragged breaths and soft moans filled the room.
'Baby, can I?' Hyunjin whispered against your ear. You nod slowly. Getting in between your legs, he positioned himself at your entrance. He was so handsome, you were lost in his beauty. And you gasped again as he rubbed the swollen head of his length against your wetness.
'Hyunjin, wait-' you stutter.
'Hmm?' He looked afraid all of a sudden.
'Please go slow...I -'
'Is this...?' He looked concerned, and a bit surprised.
You nod, blushing.
'Its ok, baby. We can stop anytime you want to, ok? Tell me if it hurts too much. And I'll be slow, I promise.' he says, kissing your cheek lovingly.
He kept his promise as he pushed in slowly. It felt so uncomfortable and the stretch was painful. But he kept whispering sweet things to you, asking you to relax. A few tears were shed, as the pain and sting felt way too much. But once in, he waited for you to adjust to him. When you finally nod, allowing him to move, he did ever so gently.
It stung, but the pleasure was beyond words. You were both so giddy with excitement and happiness. Finally.
You lay in his arms, spent and cuddling. Your head rested on his chest, his arms wrapped around your waist. You quickly clean up before falling asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.
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You woke up to the sound of someone knocking on your bedroom door. You try to untangle yourself from Hyunjin, but he didn't let you go.
'Jinnie, it's really late.' You laugh, turning around to face him.
'I don't want to get up. Just wanna cuddle with you forever.' He mumbled.
'Well, you're lucky, 'coz you can do that forever. But let's go get breakfast now, yeah?' You said and he agreed reluctantly. But he pulled you closer and pressed his lips to you before letting you go.
Wearing a sweater that covered most of the hickeys, you step out. Jennie and Changbin gave you teasing grins.
Jennie glanced at the purple bruise on your collarbone that unfortunately wasn't covered by your dress and cleared her throat.
'So-' she began.
'Are we gonna ignore that little-?' Lisa points at the hickey, and you drop the slice of toast you were buttering.
'Lisa!!' Jennie hissed.
Changbin sniggered and raised his eyebrows at Hyunjin who had joined the table. He saw you trying to pull at your sweater and raised his eyebrows.
'Why would you hide it?!' Hyunjin asked, making you blush more.
'Oh my God!' You groan, turning away from him.
'Wow. This would take some getting used to.' Lisa said. 'I think I liked it better when you guys tried to kill each other all the time.'
Hyunjin hugged you from the back, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
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Hyunjin wanted to walk you to class and followed you around like a lovesick child. ALL THE TIME. He stole a kiss or two whenever opportunity presented itself. You think you've never seen him smile so much.
He literally wanted to carry your books for you. The two books you just got from the library. But you thought he was the cutest little bean. Chris saw Hyunjin fussing over you and had the time of his life, laughing. He would never let you forget this. Ever.
Chris: I just saw the funniest thing.
Chris: Oh My God. LOL.
Y/N: Christopher.
Y/N: I saw you staring at us and then rolling on the floor laughing.
Y/N: I thought you'd be on my side.
Chris: I'm sorry. I'm so used to you wanting to strangle him.
Y/N: We didn't even do anything.
Y/N: Stop it. You're doing it again.
Chris: What have you done to Hwang Hyunjin?
Chris: Playboy. Campus bad boy.
Y/N: He's not!
Chris: He's like a puppy rn
Chris: Wtf did you do?!
Y/N: I hate you
Chris: Ok sorry. I'm so happy for you. And puppy.
Chris: 🤣🤣🤣
Y/N: 🙄🙄🙄
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seramilla · 11 hours
Something I think could happen in the Vaggie is Related to Carmilla AU, but after the reveal that Vaggie is her lost child, Carmilla occasionally gets nightmares that the Exorcist she killed was Vaggie
Sure she had already "fallen" at that point but now knowing the truth about Exorcists Carmilla has these nightmares of losing her daughter again, and that it's her fault again
(pretty much had this thought with both your AU and sunsetcougar's Biotech Exorcists AU)
For as long as she's been forging angelic weapons, the threat of the Exorcist horde has been a real, tangile reality for the Carmines, as long as they were putting themselves in the crosshairs of the conflict with Heaven. Carmilla had managed to mostly stay under Heaven's radar for a long time. Until the day she and her girls were discovered, and there was an attempt on her daughters' lives. Carmilla had only done what she had to do -- protect Odette and Clara at all costs, even if the cost is an angelic life.
The dreams have plagued Carmilla ever since. It's always the same variation of the same dream -- an Exorcist is attacking her girls, and she swoops in to save them, letting that infusion of adrenaline and fear fuel her actions, and chopping off their attacker's head at the neck. The sight had been traumatizing, grotesque, but also necessary. Still, Carmila worries if this is a new part of her punishment here in Hell for killing an angel -- to forever be plagued by those memories. Especially since they are worse now, knowing that Vaggie, her daughter, used to be one. Now Vaggie is the one invading her dreams.
Ever since this realization came to light, the dreams have twisted into an ugly, terrifying, evil approximation of the original nightmares she used to deal with. A part of her wishes she could go back to those, because now all she can when she's going in for the killng strike is Vaggie there in front of her. Every time, night after night, she kills her own daughter, and can't help but wake up screaming into the void of her dark, empty room, all alone.
She's tired. She needs sleep. She just wants the dreams to stop, so she can get some actual rest for the first time in weeks. Maybe it's the sleep deprivation, or her maternal instinct is finally getting the better of her; Carmilla isn't certain, but she reaches over to grab her phone all the same. The clock app says it's well after midnight. Still, Carmilla just needs confirmation. Needs to hear her voice. She just has to know...
Carmilla calls Vaggie. She doesn't know why she does this. Vaggie will either be angry at her for calling so late, or won't pick up at all, because her phone is on silent. Thankfully, blessedly, after four rings, Carmilla is sent directly to voice mail. She clears her throat, and waits for the beep to indicate she should leave a message. At least she can get some of her anxiousness out of her system this way.
"Vaggie...this is Carm--your mom. I'm really sorry to be callng so late. I was just...thinking about you. Wondering if you're okay. You don't need to call me right back. I just wanted to hear the sound of your voice. This is probably very strange. You don't even need to call me back, if you don't want to. A text would be fine. Just, please...let me know you're all right? Okay. I....love you. Good night."
Carmilla hangs up the phone, and rolls over to face another fitful night's sleep. She hopes Vaggie doesn't think she's crazy for leaving that voicemail. But Carmilla considers that is the least of her worries, right now. Just so long as Vaggie is okay, protected, and safe...then Carmilla will be okay, too...won't she?
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