#why would the factor that makes you decide to be vegan not be this. and you would go back to meat/dairy if it was 'healthier' to you
myhouse-pk3 · 1 year
i think vegans that are only on the diet for personal gain (and not like they're being forced on the diet due to medical issues, just them like idk wanting a more lean body) and personal gain only are more cruel than the people who arent vegan. thats probably just me tho
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deanwax · 19 days
Could I 👉👈 get an infodump on the world "Cycle's End" is set in? Anything that isn't covered in the story tag. I'm still mentally puking at how Chapter 6 ended, I know in my soul we don't have much time left with Deerfoot but I have a mighty need :>
Of course! I acknowledge that in my efforts to uhhh not write a 250K+ word novel (*side eyes Aure*) I have been a bit more scant on detail than usual!
Cycle's End is set in low-mid magic fantasy world where most flora and fauna are the same and the dominant species is people with pointy ears. Except, the entire continent is also covered in a network of Lodestones. When people enter the radius of a new Lodestone, they’ll be consciously drawn to it to make their mark on it, which can be done with clay or with a crystal. Once their mark is made, it stays there until the maker leaves the radius of the Lodestone and enter the next, then the process repeats.
Lodestones cover a large distance, maybe like a 25 mile/50km radius. While it's common for Lodestones to be the centres of towns and cities, there are small ones out in the wilderness like the setting of Cycle’s End. A Lodestone will actually grow in size the more marks that are made on it. The largest city in the land has a Lodestone so tall it requires scaffolding to reach the upper heights of it. So it's kind of like the land is full of magical living rocks, which is important to remember for later.
People have a pretty rich culture around this process of marking Lodestones. The majority of people make their mark using animal feet, and which foot you have says a LOT about you - it's probably the most important factor by which you're judged, socially. It also determines your ‘surname’, which is why Deerfoot refers to themselves as Deerfoot while they're still in a period of gender transition and haven't decided on a new first name yet.
The type of foot you have (the first one, anyway) is usually determined by the family you're born into. For example, Deerfoot comes from a family of trappers so their family taught them how to trap deer. Fishtails tend to stick together, farmers tend to be Goathoofs or Pigtrotters or even Chickenfeet, etc. You can change your foot at any time - but it matters how you get it. Basically, the only two acceptable ways are to kill the animal yourself and take the foot (and everything else - it’s very much a “use all the parts” culture), or to bond with the animal and simply take the foot when it dies before proceeding with a burial. So for someone to be a Wolfpaw, it meant they either fought and killed a fucking wolf, or lived amongst the wolves like some kind of wolf person. Less extreme examples of this would be a dairy farmer being a Cowhoof, or someone becoming a Dogpaw after the passing of a beloved pet.
This was why it was such a big deal when Deerfoot saw the bear paw mark: it meant this dude either killed an actual bear, or was the first person ever to live among the bears peacefully. If he really did just slot a hibernating bear’s throat, it would've meant he was a huge piece of shit - but we’ll never know because Gone already got to him.
(There’s probably also a small number of Barehands, this universe's answer to vegans, but they're not in the story.)
The other-other way to make a mark is with a healing crystal. Having a healing crystal (especially multiple crystals) is a big deal and healers are regarded very highly in society. They’re very rare magical rocks that have been around for centuries, and their origins aren’t well known. Basically the only way to get them (legitimately) is to inherit them from a healer you’ve trained under, usually for most of your life. Healing crystals grow white and when in proximity of a wound, they’ll start healing it. You do have to be smart about this, especially when it comes to more complex surgical procedures, hence the requirement for so much training. If you just close up sliced arteries willy-nilly and block someone's blood circulation, nek minute you’ve got a necrotic limb. Crystals can also be used to mark Lodestones and they’ll leave behind a little glowing star mark. In fact, healers will visit a Lodestone multiple times during their stay in any Lodestone’s area because it's believed the act of attuning “recharges” a crystal, somehow.
Which brings us to Gone, a being so cursed that if a healing crystal comes close to his scales, it will start corrupting and turning a dark blue/green colour. The effects of the crystal start becoming unpredictable once corrupted, and Gone used one of them in Deerfoot’s stew to make them pass out on the night that he captured them. I don't intend to ever explain how Gone’s curse truly came about, but basically in a world of living magical rocks, the root of his curse is an aberration not unlike cancer in a living body. And if cancerous cells had access to a body that never ran out of energy and died, they would keep dividing forever.
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spinningbagel · 5 months
so im currently avoiding the task that is writing the second chapter of the Isles story so I'm rambling a bit. About the Isles yes,,, but also about MB cuz they're on the mind simultaneously.
Specifically, it's about what the MB cast would have as a base & their magic in the Isles because my two interests are merging again.
okay, okay I'll actually talk now.
So Sheriff up first. for him I was originally thinking a bird of sorts, specifically an Australian king parrot. Though I didn't end up going with it and instead decided on a red fox. Not just because he's a ginger (though, that was a large reason to my choice/J) but also if you've ever seen the portrayal of red foxes in media you'll know that they're often painted as thieves- I hope you see where this is going- so I though it'd make sense to make Sheriff have a red fox base because well, he is referred to as a thief in the show.
And for magic, I could've stuck with the whole 'red' theme I've got going on and chose fire magic for him but no, we like switching things up here. Anyways I picked rain magic for him which is basically the ability to create rain when and wherever. like a toned down version of Leo's magic given the fact he can't make storms- just rain. Also his magic spark would be a light blue.
Shooter next, his base was the easiest to come up with. I wanted him to be a sea creature of sorts, my only question was just "which one?" I would like to say it was a difficult choice but I was pretty dead set on my first option, that being an axolotl. Now, there's not actually a reason for this, it just exists. And I personally think it's great and anyone with a different opinion can fight me/j
In terms of magic I think he'd have land magic but specifically rock magic which basically just means he can throw around rocks and dirt. again, no actual reason for this choice. It just somehow seemed fitting for him. Also yellow magic spark, similar to Leo's just leaning closer towards caution tape yellow.
Now onto Vegan. And I will admit her personality was a huge factor when I decided she was going to be a wolf, specifically an Alexander Archipelago wolf. idk I think they're pretty. But yeah, the only reason I decided on this was because of her personality in canon.
For magic I think her magic spark would be a darker grey, much darker than Sapphires (who I don't think I have shown the spark for) and her actual magic would be fire. Any reason for this? no. Did I want to give at least one character fire magic? yes. also dark grey fire sounds badass. you wouldn't even notice it in the dark.
Now you'd think I'd have BP's and Vegans bases the same, but no! they are different!! I have explained this, it's a 50/50 chance of you have the same base as either of your parents so him and Vegans bases aren't guaranteed to be the same. which they aren't. That being said, he is the resident bird man™ he's a raven but would probably enjoy making his wings all colourful with (safe to use) dyes
For his magic, I didn't really have a clue as to what he'd have but eventually settled on wind magic. Kinda like Ryan's (Isles Ryan, not MB Ryan) just a few notches weaker (like 6 notches weaker) and his magic spark would be bright orange, just cuz I think he's a bright and colourful guy but didn't want to use yellow again :3
Dr. White is the second resident bird man™ uh yeah no. He's the source of BP's very awesome wings- so he's a raven himself idk. I just really wanted him to be a bird man because it seems so him.
His magic would be levitation of objects (he can make people levitate, it just takes a bit more effort to do so) mainly because I think it'd be a useful thing for him to have. He could just,, have his work follow him everywhere idk yall.
And finally, Brutux. I decided on a polar bear. Not sure why- which is my main reason for 99% of my choices. but anyways. he's a polar bear so he'd actually live quite a bit away from everyone else because of his preference of colder climates (In the isles, climates are like their own mini kingdoms but are still below the three main rulers who technically rule the entire part of the world that fits their title {land, sea & sky} if that makes sense to anyone who isn't me) but yeah no, he'd live further away and would only visit during the season of the sea when it is much, much colder.
For magic, Brutux would prolly have snow magic which is just like,, creation of snow. kinda basic and plain because of his animal base but this is my oc world so fight me/J and also, his magic spark is red. not like, blood red or anything; something a little softer than that.
anyways. this took way too long to type and I'm regretting my choices but thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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harryniki79 · 5 months
How To Purchase GL-90 From Its Official Website?
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GL-90 Reviews: Should You Buy or Risky GL90 Side Effects to Avoid?
December 15, 2023 1:30 am
Our busy lifestyles have forced us to ditch consuming nutritious food items today, and most of us are stuck in the vicious loop of constantly eating processed foods instead – which often leads to issues like imbalanced blood sugar levels.
However, that is not the only reason why you may develop high (or low) blood sugar levels. Factors like genetics, stress, and underlying conditions may also pave the way for them, which is why it is crucial to supply your body with the right nutrients in the correct amount.
A great way to do that would be to take reputed dietary supplements like GL-90 daily. Tons of GL-90 reviews report how users who took it regularly could feel their insulin sensitivity getting better and blood sugar levels reverting to their normal range.
If such benefits interest you, you have arrived at the right place. In this article, we will walk you through all the relevant aspects of this blood sugar supplement that can help you decide whether it is worth your money. Let us begin by checking out its brief overview:
Product category:
Dietary supplements
Product form:
Servings per bottle:
What is GL-90?
GL-90 is a popular blood sugar supplement that can help you reduce the insulin resistance in your body and help promote healthier blood sugar levels naturally
Gymnema, Ginger Root, Bitter Melon, Fenugreek, Alpha Lipoic Acid, etc.
Suitable for:
Both men and women
All adults over the age of 18
Vegan individuals
Safety regulations followed:
Created in an FDA-approved facility
Each batch is GMP-certified
Pack of 1 bottle: $69
Pack of 3 bottles: $177
Pack of 6 bottles: $294
Refund policy:
180-day money-back guarantee
Where to purchase GL-90?
Official website
In What Ways Can The GL-90 Supplement Help Enhance Your Overall Health?
One of the best things about the GL-90 supplement is that it does not simply promote healthy blood sugar levels – it can also promote effective bio repair in the body to help its routine users lead healthier lives.
Let us check out the top health benefits of taking this supplement as reported by the various GL-90 reviews below:
Benefit #1: Enhanced Immune Health
The natural ingredients present in the GL-90 supplement consist of several healing properties and have been proven to enhance immune health when taken in the right dosage. This is why the makers of GL-90 ensured to combine them in a clinically researched dose to help its users experience the maximum benefits of taking it.
According to GL-90 reviews, several people have reported that they could feel their immune health strengthening within a few months of consuming this supplement. Even when they did fall sick, their bodies could fight off the disease/sickness quickly.
Benefit #2: High Insulin Resistance
One of the major reasons why people tend to develop abnormal blood sugar levels is that their body has high insulin resistance. While this issue may arise due to a variety of reasons, high insulin resistance has been proven to be linked with excessive weight in several cases too.
This is why the formula of the GL-90 supplement boasts several organic components that are scientifically proven to enhance insulin sensitivity, bring down insulin resistance, and thus lower blood sugar levels and body weight in the process.
Benefit #3: Increased Energy Levels
Consuming the right dietary supplements can help you rejuvenate your overall health and make you feel young again. The GL-90 supplement aims to do the same by helping increase your mental and physical energy levels efficiently.
Its ingredients do so by targeting the cellular health of the users. Then, they attempt to repair any wear and tears that might be present in the various internal regions of the body – which ultimately helps people feel more energetic throughout the day.
GL-90: Try it now, you won’t be disappointed!
What Goes Into The Making Of GL-90?
Let’s check out what’s inside the powerful blend of GL-90:
Gymnema contains compounds, such as gymnemic acids, that exert potent anti-diabetic effects. These gymnemic acids mimic the structure of glucose molecules, effectively blocking sugar absorption in the intestines. This action curtails the rise in blood glucose levels after meals, promoting glycemic control.
Furthermore, Gymnema influences insulin production and activity. It appears to stimulate the regeneration of insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, enhancing the organ’s capacity to secrete insulin, ensuring balanced blood sugar levels. Gymnema may also enhance insulin sensitivity in peripheral tissues, amplifying the effectiveness of insulin in lowering blood sugar.
Bitter Melon
Bitter melon, a staple in traditional medicine, harbors potent compounds that contribute to the prevention of blood sugar imbalance and regulation of glucose levels. Charantin, a key bioactive constituent, resembles insulin and aids in glucose metabolism. It promotes the uptake of glucose by cells, mimicking the actions of insulin and mitigating hyperglycemia.
Additionally, bitter melon contains lectins that possess insulin-like properties. These lectins support insulin signaling, enhancing its effectiveness in promoting glucose uptake. Bitter melon may also influence carbohydrate metabolism in the liver, reducing the production of glucose and further contributing to blood sugar regulation.
Ginger Root
Ginger root harbors bioactive compounds that contribute to the prevention of blood sugar imbalance and the regulation of glucose levels. Gingerols, the primary bioactive components, exhibit anti-diabetic properties by enhancing insulin sensitivity. Gingerols facilitate glucose uptake by cells, reducing blood sugar levels and improving overall glycemic control.
The spice also demonstrates the potential to preserve pancreatic function. Ginger may protect pancreatic beta cells from oxidative stress, promoting their survival and maintaining insulin production. Additionally, it may influence carbohydrate metabolism in peripheral tissues, further contributing to blood sugar regulation.
Learn more on the official website >>>
Fenugreek, a humble herb with profound metabolic implications, intricately weaves a tapestry of blood sugar regulation within the body. Its active component, 4-hydroxyisoleucine, takes center stage in the regulation of glucose homeostasis. This amino acid derivative exerts a dual action on pancreatic function and peripheral tissues.
It impedes the enzymatic breakdown of carbohydrates in the intestines, slowing the absorption of glucose. This modulation of carbohydrate digestion contributes to the prevention of postprandial spikes in blood sugar, fostering glycemic control.
Garcinia Cambogia
Garcinia Cambogia, renowned for its hydroxycitric acid (HCA) content, engages in an intricate dance with glucose metabolism, contributing to blood sugar regulation in multifaceted ways. HCA’s primary act unfolds in the liver, where it inhibits the enzyme ATP citrate lyase. This inhibition curtails the conversion of excess carbohydrates into fat, redirecting the metabolic pathway towards glycogen synthesis.
Glycogen, stored in the liver and muscles, serves as a readily available source of glucose when needed. By promoting glycogen synthesis, HCA ensures a regulated release of glucose into the bloodstream, preventing excessive spikes.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
ALA’s standout feature lies in its ability to enhance insulin sensitivity. It achieves this by activating key signaling pathways, such as the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway. This activation prompts increased glucose uptake by cells, reducing blood sugar levels and promoting overall glycemic control.
Beyond its insulin-sensitizing prowess, ALA demonstrates a unique ability to regenerate other antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E. This regeneration further amplifies the body’s defense against oxidative stress, a hallmark of diabetes. By fortifying the antioxidant defense system, ALA helps protect pancreatic beta cells from oxidative damage, preserving their function and insulin production.
ALA’s influence extends to peripheral tissues, where it optimizes glucose utilization and mitigates inflammation. It also participates in the regulation of cellular glucose uptake by modulating glucose transporter proteins, further contributing to the maintenance of blood sugar levels.
Get GL-90 now while it’s on sale – limited time only!
Who Created The GL-90 Formula?
The GL-90 formula has been created by a group of highly qualified researchers. Most of them have worked with diabetic patients throughout their professional experience which allowed them to gain a practical insight on the various struggles faced by them.
Hence, they decided to create a potent yet natural formula that could help people achieve healthy blood sugar levels and promote overall health at the same time. According to most GL-90 reviews, this product has been received well by its target consumer base.
What Are The Various Pros And Cons Of The GL-90 Supplement You Should Know Before Investing In It?
Knowing about the top pros and cons of any product can help you analyze whether the former is worth enduring the latter – which can further help you make a more rational decision. Hence, we recommend going through these two categories below and figuring out whether GL-90 can offer you all that you are looking for in your ideal blood sugar supplement:
Pros Of The GL-90 Supplement
Thousands of positive GL-90 reviews on the internet applaud the following aspects of this dietary supplement:
Made using 100% pure and premium ingredients
Dissolves quickly
No stimulants present in the formula
Warm customer support
Cons Of The GL-90 Supplement
The demerits of investing in this supplement, according to a few GL-90 reviews, are as follows:
The shipping costs are not specified on its official website
How Does GL-90 Promote Healthy Blood Sugar Levels, And What Is The Best Way To Take It?
The GL-90 supplement helps promote healthy blood sugar levels by targeting your insulin sensitivity and increasing it up to an optimal range. Further, several GL-90 reviews report that it can also help control sugar cravings, thus preventing people from worsening their blood sugar levels.
The formula and natural ingredients used in the GL-90 formula can also help promote your overall well-being. This way, when your body is at its optimal health, it will not find a reason to spike blood sugar levels in the first place.
Since every bottle of the GL-90 supplement comes with 60 capsules, you are supposed to take 1 to 2 GL-90 pills a day as per your preference. We suggest that if this is your first time taking a blood sugar dietary supplement, you should consider taking 1 GL-90 pill a day.
Once your body is accustomed to the effects of this supplement, you can gradually increase your dose to 2 GL-90 pills a day to experience stronger results. However, people who have consumed such products before and are looking for a high-strength formula can directly start taking 2 GL-90 pills a day.
How To Purchase GL-90 From Its Official Website?
The best way to order the GL-90 supplement would be by placing your order on its official website as it can prevent you from getting scammed. To order a product, simply follow these steps:
Step 1: Launch the official website of GL-90
Step 2: Scroll down to the section that offers the various GL-90 packages
Step 3: Choose your favorite pack and click on the ‘order now’ button
Step 4: You will be redirected to a new page, where you will be asked to enter your address and payment details
Step 5: Once you fill in the relevant details and pay the cost, your order will be confirmed
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productsreviewings · 1 year
“Why does anyone on this planet ever eat something however breakfast meals?” … “Individuals are idiots, Ron.”– Parks & Recreation No quote summarizes it higher than that. Breakfast meals is the very best meals there's, however for those who’re on a eating regimen, it could really feel like there are many breakfast choices which are off-limits. When you’re on the street lots of don’t have time to cook dinner breakfast at residence, you'll have no selection however to show towards quick meals. The issue is that many quick meals breakfast choices are loaded with tons of energy. Don’t fear, I’m right here to assist. I’ve gone by way of each single quick meals menu for all the hottest chains in america to seek out one of the best low-calorie breakfast choices for you! I’m breaking this information up into two classes: breakfast sandwiches, and non-sandwich breakfast choices. Personally, I like breakfast sandwiches, and they're by far the most typical breakfast meals to tackle the go. However, these could not match each eating regimen, particularly for those who’re following a plant-based eating regimen, so I needed to offer another choices as nicely. Does low calorie imply wholesome? Simply because an possibility is tremendous low in energy, that doesn’t essentially imply it's “wholesome” in all senses of the phrase. When you’ve learn every other content material on this website, you recognize that “wholesome” may be very a lot subjective, so it’s inconceivable to make a blanket assertion about what's or isn’t wholesome. While you’re weight-reduction plan, a low-calorie breakfast is likely to be wholesome for you. If muscle constructing is the objective, a high-protein breakfast could also be wholesome. For somebody who's vegan, the plant-based possibility would be the wholesome optino for them. For this information, we're strictly taking a look at energy. Whether or not or not the choice is “wholesome” relies upon totally in your objectives. That being stated, it’ll rapidly develop into clear that some choices are higher than others to decide on frequently (you’ll discover donut holes on this record, that are clearly somewhat bit much less nourishing than oatmeal). It’s additionally value noting that I selected to cut-off the choices at 350 energy. Does that imply an merchandise with 400 energy is taken into account high-calorie? Not essentially. I merely wanted to attract the road someplace, and as I went by way of the assorted menus, it develop into clear that 350 energy was a reasonably widespread caloric worth throughout the board. Are you able to make substitutions to quick meals breakfast sandwiches? Only a fast shameless plug for my very own home made McGriddle recipe! The quick reply: sure, usually you may make substitutions to quick meals breakfast sandwiches. The longer reply: it is dependent upon the place you're ordering from and what you’d prefer to substitute. For instance, many eating places you order from can have egg white choices on their menu (though that’s not at all times going to be the case). Due to this, you possibly can usually substitute eggs for egg whites on a sandwich even when it’s not particularly listed on the menu. When you head to Dunkin’ and also you wish to seize your self a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel, it can save you your self some energy by getting egg whites as a substitute. If egg whites are provided anyplace on a restaurant menu, it’s usually a swap that may simply be made for you. One other factor you are able to do to avoid wasting energy is to depart off the cheese. Quick meals eating places should not going to be utilizing low-calorie or low-fat cheeses, so leaving the cheese off your sandwich can prevent anyplace from 50-100 energy! After all, what’s a breakfast sandwich with out cheese? It undoubtedly takes away a few of the scrumptious taste, however will certainly work for those who’re seeking to save your self energy.
Lowest Calorie Breakfast Sandwich Egg & Cheese Croissan’wich: 320 Energy, 18g Fats, 29g Carbs, 13g Protein Burger King has lots of breakfast sandwich choices, however most of them aren’t very low in energy. In reality, the Egg & Cheese Croissan’wich is the one Burger King breakfast possibility below 350 energy. The subsequent closest possibility is the Ham Egg & Cheese Croissan’wich, which comprises 360 energy. Burger King additionally provides the choice to order breakfast sandwiches on biscuits, with the bottom calorie possibility being the Egg and Cheese Biscuit with 370 energy. General, it’s a really comparable sandwich to the croissant model, however the biscuit itself provides some additional energy. Different Lowest Calorie Breakfast Possibility 3 Laptop. French Toast Sticks: 350 Energy, 12g Fats, 57g Carbs, 3g Protein Not like many different quick meals eating places, Burger King doesn't supply different breakfast choices resembling oatmeal or parfaits. When you’re in search of a low-calorie possibility that's not an egg sandwich, the French Toast Sticks are the way in which to go, though it gained’t be essentially the most filling of breakfasts. Lowest Calorie Breakfast Sandwich Egg McMuffin: 310 Energy, 13g Fats, 30g Carbs, 17g Protein I’m sufficiently old to recollect when McDonald’s provided an Egg White Delight McMuffin, which was a mere 250 energy. Sadly, the egg white delight possibility was discontinued, however the Egg McMuffin continues to be an excellent low-calorie possibility. If eggs aren’t your factor, you will get a Sausage McMuffin for 400 energy, however these are your solely 400 energy (or much less) choices. If you wish to make your individual low-calorie Egg McMuffin at residence, try my recipe right here. Different Lowest Calorie Breakfast Possibility Fruit & Maple Oatmeal: 320 Energy, 4.5g Fats, 64g Carbs, 6g Protein McDonald’s has at all times had top-of-the-line quick meals breakfast menus round, and the oatmeal is a big cause why. When you don’t wish to eat a breakfast sandwich however nonetheless want a easy breakfast to tackle the go, a cup of fruit & maple oatmeal is a implausible possibility. At simply over 300 energy, it’s a really filling & scrumptious possibility. Low-Calorie Wendy’s Breakfast Lowest Calorie Breakfast Sandwich Traditional Bacon, Egg, & Cheese: 320 Energy, 17g Fats, 25g Carbs, 18g Protein Wendy’s provides many alternative breakfast sandwiches on a breakfast roll, croissant, or biscuit. It comes as no shock that the croissant and biscuit sandwiches are all a bit increased in energy, so your greatest wager is to stay with this “traditional” breakfast sandwich on a roll. At solely 320 energy, it’s a implausible low-calorie breakfast possibility. The identical bacon, egg, & cheese on a biscuit will likely be 420 energy, and the croissant will likely be 410 energy. All in all, these are all first rate choices! Different Lowest Calorie Breakfast Possibility 3 computer. French Toast Sticks: 330 Energy, 17g Fats, 33g Carbs, 11g Protein Very like Burger King, Wendy’s doesn’t supply a ton of options to their breakfast sandwiches for those who’re in search of one thing low-calorie to take pleasure in for breakfast, however the French Toast sticks technically match the invoice! Lowest Calorie Breakfast Sandwich Egg White Grill: 290 Energy, 8g Fats, 30g Carbs, 26g Protein In relation to low-calorie breakfast, Chick-fil-A is among the greatest choices on the market. The Egg White Grill is the highest-protein possibility you’ll discover on the market, however they've loads of different superior low-calorie sandwiches to select from… Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Muffin: 310 Energy Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Biscuit: 420 Energy Chick-n-Minis: 360 Energy See much more choices in my full Chick-fil-A menu breakdown right here. Different Lowest Calorie Breakfast Possibility
Greek Yogurt Parfait: 270 Energy, 9g Fats, 36g Carbs, 13g Protein Want a low-calorie & high-protein possibility for breakfast that doesn’t include any eggs or rooster? Chick-fil-A has you coated with their parfait! At below 300 energy and containing 13 grams of protein, the Greek yogurt parfait is an superior possibility for a wholesome breakfast. Low-Calorie Dunkin’ Breakfast Lowest Calorie Breakfast Sandwich Egg & Cheese (English Muffin): 340 Energy, 15g Fats, 38g Carbs, 14g Protein Dunkin’ used to supply extra egg white choices, however they don't seem to be at present on the menu. When you’re in search of a low-calorie breakfast sandwich, the egg & cheese muffin is your greatest wager! When you order the identical sandwich on a bagel or croissant, this identical sandwich will likely be 460 and 500 energy, respectively. One other nice low-calorie possibility at Dunkin is the Wake Up Wrap, which is able to include anyplace from 180-290 energy per wrap, relying on the kind of meat you select. General, I discover the muffin to be a bit extra filling and pleasurable as a meal in comparison with the small wraps, however these are undoubtedly a superb possibility as nicely. Different Lowest Calorie Breakfast Possibility Bagel Minis: 240 Energy, 10g Fats, 32g Carbs, 7g Protein Loads of the donuts at Dunkin’ are technically thought of low-calorie (if we observe the 350-calorie rule on this submit) however I needed to current you with an possibility aside from donuts. Don’t fear, yow will discover the precise energy in every kind of donut in my information right here. For a low-calorie breakfast aside from a breakfast sandwich or donut, the stuffed bagel minis are a strong possibility. With below 250 energy and a sneaky 7 grams of protein, it’s an excellent low-calorie deal with. Low-Calorie Starbucks Breakfast Lowest Calorie Breakfast Sandwich Turkey Bacon, Cheddar & Egg White Sandwich: 230 Energy, 5g Fats, 28g Carbs, 17g Protein While you’re choosing up your Starbucks espresso very first thing within the morning, odds are that you simply’re going to wish to pair that with some meals, too. This turkey bacon & egg white sandwich is the bottom calorie possibility you’ll discover, with simply 230 energy, and it comprises fairly a little bit of protein for these low energy. Starbucks provides fairly a number of breakfast choices (except for their baked items), and plenty of of them are additionally fairly low-calorie: Spinach, Feta, & Egg White Wrap: 290 Energy Egg Bites: 250-300 Energy Bacon, Gouda, & Egg Sandwich: 360 Energy Unattainable Breakfast Sandwich: 420 Energy For extra choices, yow will discover my full Starbucks menu breakdown right here. Different Lowest Calorie Breakfast Possibility Berry Trio Parfait: 240 Energy, 2.5g Fats, 39g Carbs, 14g Protein Starbucks has loads of baked items that additionally match the class of being low-calorie, however this parfait is among the greatest choices for a wholesome breakfast at Starbucks. If you'd like one thing low-calorie but in addition increased in protein, this parfait is not going to disappoint. Low-Calorie Tim Hortons Breakfast Lowest Calorie Breakfast Sandwich Bacon, Egg, & Cheese: 350 Energy, 17g Fats, 28g Carbs, 20g Protein Tim Hortons has a handful of strong breakfast sandwiches obtainable, however the bacon, egg, and cheese is among the greatest. Which simply 350 energy and a powerful 20 grams of protein, it’s really one of many higher-protein sandwiches you’ll discover. Different Lowest Calorie Breakfast Possibility Combined Berry Oatmeal: 210 Energy, 3g Fats, 44g Carbs, 6g Protein With proper round 200 energy, the oatmeal from Tim Horton’s is a superb low-calorie possibility within the morning. Low-Calorie Taco Bell Breakfast Lowest Calorie Breakfast Sandwich Potato Breakfast Burrito: 340 Energy, 14g Fats, 44g Carbs, 9g Protein
When folks consider Taco Bell, they don’t usually take into consideration breakfast. However Taco Bell has some surprisingly first rate choices! Whereas Taco Bell’s Grande Breakfast Burritos and Crunchwraps are increased in energy, the usual breakfast burritos are all strong decisions. The Tacky Breakfast Burrito additionally has bacon or sausage choices, with each containing 350 energy. Different Lowest Calorie Breakfast Possibility Cinnabon Delights: 160 Energy, 9g Fats, 17g Carbs, 2g Protein Certain, stuffed Cinnabon bites is probably not the healthiest breakfast, and never very filling both, however it's at present the one low-calorie breakfast possibility that doesn't include any eggs. You’re seemingly including Cinnabon Delights as a aspect to your meal, however for those who want a low-calorie possibility, it really works in a pinch. Low-Calorie Panera Breakfast Lowest Calorie Breakfast Sandwich Avocado, Egg White, & Spinach Sandwich: 350 Energy, 14g Fats, 40g Carbs, 19g Protein Panera has a variety of breakfast sandwich choices, and since they concentrate on bread & bagels, there are tons of substitution choices you may make When you order as-is, the avocado, egg white, and spinach sandwich is the lowest-calorie possibility you possibly can order at simply 350 energy. Different Lowest Calorie Breakfast Possibility Greek Yogurt Parfait: 240 Energy, 8g Fats, 27g Carbs, 15g Protein You may’t go flawed with a Greek yogurt parfait, and for those who want somewhat additional protein to get your morning began, it’s an excellent possibility. Low-Calorie Jack within the Field Breakfast Lowest Calorie Breakfast Sandwich Breakfast Jack: 350 Energy, 18g Fats, 30g Carbs, 16g Protein Jack within the Field has all kinds of breakfast sandwich choices, however none of them are notably low calorie. The “Breakfast Jack” sandwich is the bottom calorie possibility with precisely 350 energy. This sandwich comprises ham, egg, and cheese on a roll. When you choose bacon, you possibly can order a Breakfast Jack with bacon as a substitute of ham, and it'll solely bump the energy up barely to 380 complete. Different Lowest Calorie Breakfast Possibility Mini Pancakes: 260 Energy, 1.5g Fats, 59g Carbs, 4g Protein If you'd like a enjoyable & scrumptious breakfast aside from a breakfast sandwich, the mini pancakes are the path to go! These mini pancakes are 260 energy, and that features syrup. With out the syrup, the serving is simply 140 energy in complete, so be happy to go for a number of orders. Low-Calorie Sonic Breakfast Jr. Breakfast Burrito: 270 Energy, 14g Fats, 22g Carbs, 13g Protein Sonic’s breakfast burrito packs fluffy eggs, bacon, and cheese, all for simply 270 energy! When you order the identical Jr. Breakfast Burrito with sausage, it will likely be barely higher-calorie with 300, however that’s nonetheless fairly low for a breakfast burrito. Since it is a junior burrito, it's on the smaller aspect, however that’s the worth you pay for a lower-calorie possibility. When you order the full-size breakfast burrito, it will likely be 470 energy, which is kind of a big distinction. Low-Calorie Subway Breakfast Lowest Calorie Breakfast Sandwich Egg White & Cheese Flatbread: 350 Energy, 11g Fats, 44g Carbs, 18g Protein Subway’s breakfast menu is kind of restricted, with the one present choices being breakfast flatbreads. The bottom-calorie breakfast possibility at Subway is definitely the egg & cheese flatbread, which comprises 450 energy. Nevertheless, they provide the choice to swap the eggs for egg whites, which brings the energy right down to 350 energy complete. When you make that very same egg white swap for the Bacon, Egg, & Cheese, in addition to the Ham, Egg, & Cheese, these choices will likely be 430 and 390 energy, respectively. Different Lowest Calorie Breakfast Possibility Oatmeal Raisin Cookie: 200 Energy, 8g Fats, 30g Carbs, 3g Protein
Since Subway is all about sandwiches, you gained’t discover many non-sandwich breakfast choices on the menu. That being stated, Subway does have scrumptious cookies! The oatmeal raisin cookie comprises 200 energy, which is probably not the “healthiest” of breakfast choices, however actually works for a fast low-calorie breakfast on the go. Low-Calorie White Fort Breakfast Bacon, Egg, & Cheese Slider: 260 Energy, 17g Fats, 15g Carbs, 12g Protein This White Fort breakfast possibility is low calorie as a result of the portion is kind of small, but it surely deserves a point out on this record. A slider is unlikely to fill you up for a full meal, however many different breakfast sandwiches on the market are fairly small, so that you might be able to make it work! White Fort additionally provides waffle breakfast sliders, which speaks on to my coronary heart. Surprisingly, the egg & cheese breakfast slider comprises solely 330 energy, and the bacon, egg, & cheese model continues to be solely 390 energy. Not dangerous in any respect! Sadly, White Fort doesn't supply any non-sandwich breakfast choices resembling oatmeal or parfaits, so the sliders will likely be your solely possibility. Low-Calorie Auntie Anne’s Breakfast Lowest Calorie Breakfast Sandwich Egg & Cheese Pretzel Sandwich: 240 Energy, 8g Fats, 29g Carbs, 13g Protein Auntie Anne’s doesn’t supply breakfast of their mall places as a result of most individuals aren’t visiting procuring malls very first thing within the morning. Nevertheless, at choose places like airports, Auntie Anne’s provides scrumptious breakfast sandwiches. With solely 240 energy, I'd by no means flip down a buttery pretzel breakfast sandwich! Different Lowest Calorie Breakfast Possibility Tender Pretzel With out Butter: 310 Energy, 1g Fats, 65g Carbs, 8g Protein Certain, perhaps a delicate pretzel isn’t a typical breakfast, however you might actually do a lot worse! Choose Auntie Anne’s places supply smoothies, however that diet data isn't simply accessible on-line, so I’m together with a traditional pretzel right here as a substitute. At Auntie Anne’s, you've the choice to ask for no extra butter in your pretzel, which is able to assist to convey the energy down a bit total. Low-Calorie Jamba Breakfast Lowest Calorie Breakfast Sandwich Sausage, Egg, & Cheese: 320 Energy, 23g Fats, 14g Carbs, 12g Protein Jamba started as Jamba Juice, they usually had been initially all concerning the smoothies. Now, they've a really spectacular menu exterior of smoothies, and this breakfast sandwich isn't any exception. With simply over 300 energy, it is a implausible low-calorie breakfast possibility, particularly when paired with a low-calorie smoothie. Different Lowest Calorie Breakfast Possibility Strawberries Gone Bananas Smoothie: 150 Energy, 0g Fats, 36g Carbs, 1g Protein Jamba has a ton of smoothie choices which are extraordinarily customizable, so this is only one of many choices obtainable to you. Personally, I'd additionally add some whey protein to this smoothie, which might maintain the energy low whereas including an additional enhance of protein to make it much more filling. Low-Calorie 7-11 Breakfast Lowest Calorie Breakfast Sandwich Sausage Biscuit: 330 Energy, 22g Fats, 28g Carbs, 8g Protein Is 7-11 technically quick meals? Nicely, you will get meals in a short time, so I’d say so! While you stroll right into a 7-11, there will likely be fairly a number of scorching meals choices obtainable to you, and it'll range a bit by location. A traditional bacon, egg, and cheese is available in somewhat over 400 energy, so your greatest low-calorie possibility is the sausage biscuit, which comprises simply 330 energy. Different Lowest Calorie Breakfast Possibility Berry Parfait: 210 Energy, 2g Fats, 43g Carbs, 6g Protein If you'd like a fast grab-and-go breakfast from 7-11, a parfait is a superb possibility.
Whereas 7-11 does have a ton of baked items, resembling muffins and donuts, they're all a lot increased in energy. For a low-calorie possibility, the parfait is a superb selection. Different low-calorie quick meals breakfast choices There are many different quick meals chains on the market, particularly at a regional degree, so that is in no way an exhaustive record. To assist bridge the hole, I’ve put collectively a number of infographics to present you a number of extra low-calorie breakfast choices. Plus, seeing all of it collectively in a single graphic can be a really helpful method to digest the knowledge, in my view! First up, listed here are some low-calorie quick meals breakfast sandwiches: Another choices not talked about on this information embody the egg sandwich from Whataburger, which comprises 310 energy, and the Breakfast Rollers from Del Taco, which include 250 energy. If you wish to take pleasure in a low-calorie breakfast aside from eggs, listed here are some extra choices: Smoothies are sometimes an excellent possibility for breakfast, and there are various low-calorie smoothie choices on the market. I touched on Jamba on this information, however Tropical Smoothie Cafe and Smoothie King are two superior choices as nicely. In relation to non-sandwich choices, it’s clear that some choices are a bit extra nutritious than others. For instance, donut bites from Del Taco is probably not as nutritious as a Greek yogurt parfait from Panera, however I needed to current you with all of the obtainable choices! Can quick meals breakfast be wholesome? I’m in a continuing battle attempting to persuade folks to not be afraid of quick meals. Certain, there are some very high-calorie, high-fat, and total not-great choices you possibly can order, however there are additionally some strong choices for any eating regimen. The standard of quick meals is probably not fairly as nice as for those who made your individual sandwich at residence, however you might do a lot worse than consuming some quick meals breakfast. And if you break the meals down into the macronutrients, you’ll see that quick meals could actually not be fairly as “unhealthy” as you beforehand thought. As a substitute of assuming a sandwich from McDonald’s is routinely dangerous, break down the macros (diet info) of the meals, and also you’ll rapidly see that it’s not all dangerous. This is the reason I like breaking down completely different choices into their macronutrients- it could actually flip an possibility you'd have beforehand prevented into one thing you possibly can take pleasure in guilt-free. Finally, what's “wholesome” is completely as much as you and your dietary preferences, however I hope you possibly can see by way of this submit that there are some nice quick meals breakfast choices on the market. #Discover #Healthiest #LowCalorie #Quick #Meals #Breakfast Folks love breakfast meals, however it may be tough to seek out low-calorie choices when on the go. This information breaks down one of the best low-calorie breakfast sandwich and non-sandwich choices from the most well-liked quick meals chains within the US. From Burger King's Egg & Cheese Croissan'wich to Dunkin's Egg & Cheese Wake Up Wrap, there are many scrumptious and nutritious choices! however your mileage could range! Different Lowest Calorie Breakfast Possibility Oatmeal: 290 Energy, 4g Fats, 53g Carbs, 6g Protein Dunkin’s oatmeal is among the greatest quick meals oatmeal choices on the market. It’s loaded with fiber, comprises 6 grams of protein, and is simply 290 energy. Q1. Does low calorie imply wholesome? A1. No, low calorie doesn't essentially imply wholesome. Whether or not or not an possibility is wholesome is dependent upon the person's dietary objectives. Q2. Are you able to make substitutions to quick meals breakfast sandwiches? A2. Sure, usually you may make substitutions to quick meals breakfast sandwiches.
Relying on the restaurant, you might be able to substitute egg whites for eggs and depart off the cheese to avoid wasting energy. Q3. What's the lowest calorie breakfast sandwich at Dunkin'? A3. The bottom calorie breakfast sandwich at Dunkin' is the Egg & Cheese (English Muffin), which is 340 energy.
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vegi1 · 1 year
Can vegans eat shrimp?
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Vegans shrimp for environmental, health and ethical reasons. Shrimp has a very complex nervous system and is able to feel pain and suffering.
The answer to this question is pretty simple, but there are some additional factors that I have to tell you about to complete the solution you will get from this statement.
I’m Sara, and I have been vegan for seven years, and because this lifestyle has offered my family and me many benefits, I would like to share my experience with you.
Let’s begin. Many people, including some vegans, claim that shrimp do not feel pain However, most vegans agree that there are no exceptions to the rule of not eating animals, even on the basis that an animal may or may not feel pain.
Vegans can replace shrimp with other alternatives on the market without breaking their way of life.
So the final decision you have to make as a vegan is to choose one of the alternatives, and luckily in the next section of the article, I will tell you about some of the alternatives that may come in handy.
So, let’s get to the next section and see the vegan alternatives to shrimp. Most of the pescatarians follow this pescatarian diet for religious reasons, and some may avoid eating meat and poultry due to concerns about the environment or animal welfare. Some pescatarians eat fish, shrimp, oysters, and crabs because of the omega-3 found in seafood. But vegans believe that there are vegetable alternatives rich in omega-3, which have more protein and omega-3, and we humans will not need to eat seafood and shrimps to supply omega-3, and instead, we can get omega-3s from walnuts, flaxseeds, chia seeds, spinach, and pumpkin. If you used to eat shrimp and now you have decided to become vegan, you should know that there are extremely delicious foods that taste like shrimp and fish, but are made from plants and have many more benefits. I personally love the taste of vegetable shrimp that we make from tofu and it is very tasty and nutritious.
In this section of the article, we shall discuss the fact that shrimp has alternatives in the vegan world, and you can easily replace it with other excellent vegan food to get everything that you would get from a shrimp.
Keep in mind that vegans are not obligated to eat shrimp because there are a lot of other foods that you can replace the shrimp with, and it would have the same benefits.
Before getting to the alternatives, you have to keep in mind that some factors can cause the behavior of vegans, the shrimps have an advanced nerve system that can feel pain, and the way that harvesting shrimp can damage the earth, specially the4 ocean and sea beds makes an argument.
And besides, the method that these shrimps get produced.
And that is why vegans avoid shrimp and other meat, so I will tell you about the unique recipes that can make vegan fish or even shrimp.
So, if you are ready, get a pen and paper, and let’s get to the alternatives.
Sweet Potato The first one that we have to talk about is the substitute the shrimp for vegans is the sweet potato.
Let me tell you a recipe for a sweet potato that can replace the shrimp; you will need:
· Sweet potato
· Paprika
· Gluten flour
· Oil
· Garlic
Only mixing these ingredients and adding salt to them can make decent and very healthy food for your brunch or even lunch.
Remember, though, that after you have mixed the ingredients, you have to cook it once more, and it will be a fantastic meal.
Tofu The first matter of order about this food is that it contains a considerable amount of protein, the same substance that will help you to function.
For the foods where shrimp comes as a topping, like spaghetti, you can use roasted tofu instead.
Mix these ingredients for a perfect meal:
· Olive oil
· Lemon juice
· Red pepper
· Salt
· Black pepper
· Garlic
This is a topping for your food, and we advise you to make this food first thing and see what a fantastic meal it would be, and besides, you will get every mineral and vitamin that you need.
King oyster mushrooms
This food is one of the best alternatives because while it has lots of benefits, like shrimp, it has a similar texture, and using this food can be very beneficial if you miss the shrimp taste.
If you want to make this food taste like shrimp, go with these ingredients:
· Salt
· Paprika
· Noir sheet
· King oyster mushrooms
Mix these ingredients, and then you shall easily roast them with olive oil, and then you can use this food as a mixture of rice and these substances for a complete, healthy, and vegan meal.
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lampsteam80 · 2 years
Some Ideas on Traditional Bonfire Night Food You Need To Know
30+ Easy Camping Recipes for Your Next Journey to the Great Outdoors These will definitely make everyone a happy—and full—camper. Along with these, you'll be completely awarded when your guests show up, and you'll be able to possess their favored rv encounter while you're there. Perfect for walk, mountain range biking, or backpacking (and even for your little ones or whatever) you'll possess an easy location to explore up that will definitely not meddle with your other options. And who doesn’t enjoy some delectable fire meals after a day of trip and exploring the outdoors. In this full week's incident of The Oregon Trail, Andy and I look back at what would have been therefore much exciting, why we decided to specified the pub for a few years, my ideas on mountain range biking and why trip is concerning taking points to the following amount, and share my notions on what we came up with for this full week's trail. To help you consider your upcoming outdoor camping journey appropriately, we’ve put all together a list of our best camping outdoors dishes, side foods, effortless treats, and even some pleasant delight because there’s nothing better than toasting marshmallows over a fire. We've put together some of the greatest camping outdoors outdoor camping dishes we assume you would adore to attempt. All of our meals are cooked coming from the best of our roasting racks so they're not too big or as well small.
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Create this popular grilled corn topping on your following camping trip or at your next barbeque! The Perfect Rice Bowl is readily available in a large wide array of sizes and appearances. It's quick and easy to use for a lot of explanations. The filling may vary from rice bowls packed with shredded cheddar cheese in the filling for extra taste, to pleasant or zesty seared corn. Add-ons add various other filling tastes like salsa, avocado, and more. Utilize all of the toppings available! After a long day of discovering the excellent outdoors, you're going to be craving a hearty dish. It's like a fantastic dish! If you're in the practice of eating a sizable amount of vegetables, you might miss out on the impressive and extremely versatile tossed salads. Some of the ideal vegan staples in the nation are a couple of of our preferences like tofu – yams, rice, vegetables, and a delectable soy sauce, each with some terrific taste combos. This classic backpacking dinner dish is very easy to throw together—thanks to a grill and a cast iron skillet. The recipe includes a deeper fried egg yolk, and after that a slim cut of sausage and sausage trim (which likewise helps make it ideal). I cooked up a set myself and created certain it was seared prior to cutting it in the oven and it came out completely crispy. It's therefore effortless to create, you may essentially eat it uncooked for times and sunrise just before producing it. Looking for vegetarian or vegan outdoor camping recipes? Listed here are some wonderful vegan recipe books produced by vegan teams. 1. Vegan Cookbook by Lourdes Camping Whether it's in a backpack, or a rear pack, these vegan-friendly vegan recipe books help you get inspired and live up to your dreams! This year's edition includes cooking in a contemporary site, and has been included conspicuously in numerous international cookbook introduces this year. Clean thyme and a light sauce help make these effortless grilled kebabs sample incredible! The only factor I don't such as concerning these is the heavy topping. You can't create these without them and if you're not careful it are going to get excessively warmed. Official information here after that expand the bottom a little and takes the flavor out. This dish was initially featured on Cookbook.com. Please discuss it down the internet and offer us a like in the reviews! This is camping meals at its finest. It's like tossing cash right into the hands of a hungry man.". In case you didn't know, the restaurant's Facebook web page promotes for its "remarkable hamburgers, wings along with vegetarian butter in them, roasted almonds, clean tomatoes and a large range of fried sea food dishes". The chicken has actually a tasty smoky, hot and delicious. Just the day before my ultimate see on Monday, I went to choose a scrumptious snack food. It's easy, hearty, and total of flavor. What's not very easy, however, is how a tiny intestine can easily lug such a intricate mixture of micro-organisms, fungis, and various other aspects that is known to lead to a array of ailments featuring inflammation, pneumonia (pneumonia due to an infection) and other health troubles that might ultimately lead to fatality. In a handful of scenarios, the bowel is actually a bunch of microbes that are current inside the gastrointestinal device to help with the growth of well-balanced germs. Spice up your summertime corn along with this simple luster! It could have been the end for the year but in a quite favorable method - we liked the suggestion of this! Thus then I developed this one! It switches out very properly – so well that it's challenging to strongly believe it didn't happen with an also extra wonderful dish, but you are going to really love it because you are going to eat the rest of it! You'll desire to rub it on everything. It's like a little bit of detergent and white vinegar. You can't observe or experience anything. It actually is a good cream.". The oil has around 100 opportunities even more elements than the most well-known creams, but is likewise much even more successful against dry skin – particularly those that are specifically sensitive to oils in the face. And, of training course, it is likewise much less annoying to sensitive skin. Prep and marinate this poultry prior to your camping outdoors excursion and these kebabs will definitely be fire ready in no opportunity! My boy adores this recipe. We used it as our "kitchen staple" and have always had a sturdy distaste to utilizing various other porks. I am not certain if that is because my mama gave this recipe to her little ones or we only possess a private flavor for kebabs that are not excellent but will become our dining buddy for the rest of our times?
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cuisinecravings · 2 years
What is the Best Substitute for Parsnips?
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Are you searching for Best Substitute for Parsnips? Parsnips are excellent additions to main courses, sides, and snacks since they are cream-colored, tasty, and packed with nutrients. The carrot-like veggies with a sweet flavour can be baked, fried, roasted, or otherwise prepared without losing their distinctive sweetness. Honey-parsnips baked at home make delicious snacks and can take the place of manufactured chips. Parsnips may give bland foods some kick, and their sweet flavour can make most dishes look appetising. They have an outstanding nutritional profile and are great for both children and adults. What additional components would work well in place of parsnips, given all the charm they possess?
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Best Substitute for Parsnips Which alternatives to parsnips work best? Best Substitute for Parsnips Turnips, sweet potatoes, parsley root, and carrots make the greatest alternatives for parsnips. Celery roots and salsify are other acceptable replacements.
A Summary of Parsnips
Parsnips are native to Eurasia and have been grown at least since the time of the Roman Empire. As early as the 1600s, they were used in regional American cuisine. Parsnips are incredibly nutrient-dense foods. Up to 34 milligrammes of vitamin C, or about 56 percent of the daily recommended amount, can be found in a cup of raw parsnips on average. Best Substitute for Parsnips Although they are high in fibre, they are also low in fat. It is a vegetable that may be used in a wide range of cuisines and for a variety of reasons. Similar to carrots in sweetness, parsnips also have a nuttier, more earthy flavour. Their white flesh is often exposed by peeling back their thin outer tissue. They can be relatively affordable during the season and are often priced moderately.
Why Are Parsnips Replaced?
Here are two factors to consider if you decide to stop eating parsnips: You need fewer sweet alternatives: If the sweetness of parsnips doesn't sit well with you, you definitely need less sweet options. Allergies: Particularly wild parsnips, certain parsnips might result in severe allergic reactions. Best Substitute for Parsnips Finding a replacement is the next step if it has been determined that you have any allergies to parsnips.
Best Alternatives to Parsnips
Some of the top alternatives to parsnips are listed below: Turnips Turnips are very nutrient-dense, just like parsnips. They can take the place of parsnips in many recipes thanks to their sweet, luscious flesh. Turnips have a less sweet flavour, which may soothe you if you find parsnips to be excessively sweet. Best Substitute for Parsnips In a number of vegan meals, they can be used in place of parsnips. Typically, turnips have a strong flavour somewhat akin to raw radish or cabbage. Turnips might satisfy your craving for a little bit of robust taste in your salad. Turnips and parsnips are both low in calories and high in vitamins. Turnips include 17 calories, no fat, 1.6 grammes of fibre, 0.5 grammes of protein, and about 4 grammes of carbohydrates per half-cup. When parsnips are accessible, turnips are likely to be as well. Best Substitute for Parsnips The same time of year is typically when both root crops are in season. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FZeL7H-Ds8 Carrots There are many similarities between carrots and parsnips. It's fairly simple to confuse a parsnip for a white carrot based on appearance. They are similar in texture as well. The distinct flavour that parsnips provide sets the two apart. Carrots are loaded in vitamins, fibre, and antioxidants, just like parsnips are. Although they go well together in some cuisines, carrots can also be used in instead of parsnips. Carrots have less sugar than other vegetables if you're watching how much you eat. Best Substitute for Parsnips Carrots are a wonderful substitute for parsnips if you want something that contains more antioxidants and vitamin A. Vitamin A content in 100g of carrots is significantly higher. The growth of soft tissues, bones, and skin, as well as the preservation of good vision, all depend on vitamin A. Compared to parsnips, carrots contain more fibre and water. Increased water content is crucial for efficient digestion while fibre helps with the digestive process. potatoes sweet Parsnips can be replaced with superb sweet-tasting sweet potatoes. Although sweet potatoes can be found all year round, they are a winter vegetable just like parsnips. Best Substitute for Parsnips You might bring in sweet potato crisps as a snack in place of parsnip crisps. Although you'll have to term it "carrot sweet potatoes soup," sweet potatoes can equally well be used in place of parsnips in carrot parsnips. Sweet potatoes meet the bill if you're looking for a sweet alternative with less sugar. Compared to parsnips, sweet potatoes have around 13% less sugar. That's not all, though. Additionally, sweet potatoes provide 30.83 percent more protein and 14.67 percent more dietary energy per 100g. Sweet potatoes are an excellent substitution for parsnips if you need something with additional protein. Sweet potatoes are more protein-rich than parsnips, and they also contain more iron and fat-soluble vitamin A.
Roots of parsley
The roots of parsley are very similar to those of parsnips. Best Substitute for Parsnips Either of them could easily be mistaken for the other. Parsley roots, on the other hand, tend to be more pure white and less creamy in hue. Parsley roots are another another nutrient-dense substitute for parsnips with a remarkable nutritional profile. The roots of parsley are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. They are very rich in folate, zinc, and vitamin C. Significant levels of magnesium are also present. Similar to parsnips, parsley roots are a good source of antioxidants that promote health. Parsley roots can also be highly adaptable. It may be used into a variety of cuisines and is edible both raw and cooked. Parsley roots are always available all year round, so if you have trouble finding parsnips when they are out of season, you'll find them easy to get. Alternatives to Parsnips That Are Considerable You can also try celery roots and salsify if the aforementioned products are unavailable or do not fit your needs.
Carrot roots
Celery roots are similarly nutrient-dense than parsnips. Similar to parsnips, celery roots include health advantages such as better digestion, better bone and tissue growth, and support for a healthy heart. Best Substitute for Parsnips They contain a lot of antioxidants, too. An excellent low-carb substitute for parsnips are celery roots.
Salsify has similar nutritional properties to parsnips. It has a low calorie count and is high in vitamins and fibre. It has similar health advantages to parsnips. Salsify may be a wonderful substitute for parsnips in stews, soups, and gratins. Related Articles :- - What is the Best Substitute for Broccoli Rabe? - What is the Best Substitute for Udon Noodles? - What is the Best Substitute for Horseradish Sauce? - What is the Best Substitute for Ponzu Sauce? - What is the Best Substitute for Old Bay Seasoning? - What is the Best Substitute for Taro Root? Read the full article
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therealvinelle · 3 years
What do you think the impact of being brought up as vegan would be on a vampire? I mean if you’re non vegetarian then it stands to reason that killing for food is normal (and humans are food for vampires) but if you’re raised to believe killing animals for sustenance to be a sin would that affect you when you turn? It doesn’t seem very likely with the way vampires act in Twilight where it seems empathy, for humans specifically, was just lost during transition (Carlisle seems to be an exception), but maybe it would?
I’m the person who asked the vegan thing.
I just realized that being raised vegan means that food was food to you so it really wouldn’t affect your diet much as a vampire. Humans were not acceptable to for both vegans and non-vegans but they both would probably end up eating them anyways as a vampire.
But what about people who changed from eating meat to abstaining because they grew up eating it and somewhere along the way realized that they were killing for it and decided to stop. In this case, the family and friends of this person were okay with meat but they decided to stop for the animals’ sake instead of a social norm. Would this kind of person be more likely to go for the vegetarian vampire diet because of their card for humans as well? How much of their personality would remain that they could still care about humans?
This here touches upon why Twilight vampires eat people in the first place.
Before I get into that, though, I feel I should point out that what people eat a is not so easily divided morally as vegans = recognize life has worth, vs. omnivores = don’t. Factors such as culture, income, class, social environment, education, health, politics, and priorities all play a part. There’s a reason why your average young and urban female college student is much more likely to be vegan than a rural male seventy-year-old factory worker, and it has nothing to do with an inherent sense of morality. Even then, someone could become a vegan for reasons that have nothing to do with animal welfare, such as protecting the planet, a special diet, or sustaining a superiority complex (this last category will of course never admit that that’s the real reason and you should unfriend them on facebook if you don’t want your timeline to be filled with guilt-tripping photos of smoking factory pipes and sad-looking cows).
But you weren’t asking about that, you were asking about vampires.
So, when a vampire wakes up, they are faced with this unbearable thirst. It’s different for everyone, or at least they describe it differently, but the whole point of this thirst is that it’s strong enough that you have to actively hold yourself back, at great pains, to keep from killing people over it. Some vampires, when especially hungry (newborn Carlisle when a herd of deer ran by) or confronted with a particularly delicious scent (Emmet when he met his singers) or just when caught off guard (Jasper at Bella’s birthday party), appear to lose their senses altogether.
Choice doesn’t really factor in it, not when you’re a newborn, and not really later on either.
Even if it did, we know that creating a vampire requires tremendous effort. There are two vampires I know of that were accidents, Carlisle and Garret. The vast majority of vampires were created as a conscious decision, and even if they weren’t, the Volturi have a law that Thou shalt not abandon thy newborn. And so this paragraph finally gets to its point: most newborns wake up with their creators nearby. And their creator will take them hunting, at a time when they’re not yet able to resist.
And so you have these people who wake up in completely new and foreign circumstances, their bodies not their own any longer, with this unbearable, constant pain in their throats they can’t escape. They can’t sleep, they can’t eat something else, they can’t tune it out with drugs. There is no reprieve. And yes, it does get better - but in those first few fateful months, they’re pretty much forced to kill people.
Carlisle was the exception, and while I don’t wish to lessen the incredible willpower and humanity he displayed when he resisted his thirst, he was in a unique situation that allowed it. His creator wasn’t there to force him to feed, he already knew what vampires were and as such was repulsed by his own nature, and he was sequestered away in a potato cellar, and therefore not in immediate proximity to humans. What he did was still incredible, but the circumstances allowed him to do it in the first place. Every other man-eating vampire in canon was not so lucky.
My point being, for newborn vampires eating people can’t really be called a choice.
Even as vampires learn control, I imagine the choice to continue eating people is a mix of several factors. In bullet points:
Sunk cost fallacy They’ve already eaten so many humans, why stop now? If there’s a heaven or a hell, they know which one they’re going to. Might as well get a good ride.
Humans aren’t people Vampires in Twilight are dismissive of humans more often than they’re not, often expressing surprise, incomprehension, or disgust at Edward falling for one. And I see why they would: it’s a coping mechanism, for starters, to stop seeing the people you’re tearing apart on a weekly basis as someone with thoughts and feelings. It’d be hard not to, when every interaction with a human is spent having to actively fight the urge to eat them. Men struggle enough with seeing women as people because we have boobs, vampires are the extreme version of that. More, a vampire’s human memories are fading, and what they do remember was so blurry and dull. With the sharpened and enhanced nature of the vampire, being endowed with vampirism will seem like more. Which makes humans less. (Relevant meta)
Blood is hard to resist The thirst is a huge problem. Even as vampires get better at controlling themselves, few of them seem to be particularly good at it. Keep in mind that the Cullens are all training to get to Carlisle’s level, they’re not representative of your average vampire. Most will fail when trying to create a new vampire, and they all balk at Carlisle being unbothered by blood.
Blood tastes amazing Siobhan’s reaction when she learns Carlisle has created a vampire of his own is, verbatim, “how tragic - to be deprived of the greatest joy in life.” (Midnight Sun, page I’m-not-sure) And I can’t blame her for it - blood puts out the fire in her throat, and is the single greatest pleasure in the world. Jasper, Emmet, and Rosalie all agree that it’s the thing a vampire craves more than anything. And living a meandering life where there are no milestones, no community, no home, no deeper meaning to anything, the intense pleasure of drinking human blood becomes the only constant and the only thing they have to truly live for and enjoy.
Then you have the fact that most of them have no idea that animals are an option. By the time they find out there’s a door number two, they’ve successfully dehumanized humans, have nothing else in life and the sunk cost fallacy is sky high. More, Carlisle is a crazy monk asking them to forgo their reason for living to go eat dishwater and be malnourished instead, all so that the mayfly humans can go die of consumption instead. I can see why they said “...no?”.
So, yes, Twilight vampires are terrifying demons who turn into psychopaths. But I can’t in good consciousness hate them for it, because they don’t really get a choice in the matter. Their very nature is designed specifically to turn them into this. Carlisle is a freak who makes everyone else look bad.
In other words, vegans are just as susceptible as others to becoming serial killers. If anything, vegans would eat those filthy meat-eaters to save the planet.
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tg-headcanons · 3 years
You ever think about that whole argument (from the narrator/Ishida) that humans are just like ghouls because they eat animals to survive? So, so flawed. A LOT of people are vegetarian or vegan these days. It would have been better to make the argument that any animal's survival is dependent on the death of others, whether those 'others' are slaughtered or not. Circle of life and all that.
This is one of the ways in which tokyo ghoul gets close to a nuanced philosophy, but instead falls short into a tired old cliche. It’s just inches away from getting the point, but is held back by a major issue with Ishida’s writing style: Full focus on individual responsibility
We see it with how he portrays Kaneki alone with very little focus on countless other people who contributed as the catalyst for Change. We see it with how he portrays a handful of CCG members and Ghouls as “the bad ones who are making it worse for everyone else” rather than predictable products of their world’s system. And we see it with how he frames the world in a philosophical sense. There’s far too much focus on single people and simple goals. What will Kaneki do to save the world? What will Touka do to protect kaneki? What will Hinami do to decide if she’s a good person or not? It fails to take into account the sheer immensity of outside forces. It shouldn’t be “will X character choose to do Y?” it should be “how does Z effect X character’s ability or reason to do Y?”
Think about how Hinami had to kill Kureo because otherwise she and Touka would die horrifically. Was that even a choice? Could anyone blame her for fighting for her life when it was the only way to live? Or how Nishiki ate a piece of Kimi. Was he ever in a position to turn her offer of herself down? Was there any other way for him to survive then? Or how countless ghouls hunt down innocent people to eat. How else are they supposed to get food for themselves and their families? What other way can they survive starvation when every other Avenue is purposely blocked?
But I’m every single case, the situation these characters are in are set aside in favor of framing it as decisions they made with no other factors than their own desires
Now let’s compare that to how humans interact with meat. We’ve evolved for it, we sweat, see, and even support complex brains because we eat meat. Whether we like it or not we are predators, and that has been the case since the first hominids took down prey with sticks and rocks. We’ve been doing this for ages and it’s ingrained in our biology, cultures, and day to day life. Of course throughout history people have chosen not to. Whether it be for religious reasons, not liking it, or just being uncomfortable with the thought of eating animals some people have always been vegetarian, but in recent years there’s been way more. Sometimes it’s about diets, but other times people claim that to eat meat is unethical. “How could you eat a poor animal? How can you support factory farms? That’s disgusting I’m gonna email you a link to a poorly researched paper focused solely on Eurocentric ideas of consumption and terrible comparisons to actual human suffering that will guilt you into veganism”
The thing is, eating meat isn’t inherently evil. Not to sound like a cannibal or anything but I don’t think there’s anything morally wrong with eating both humans and animals given that it’s done respectfully. The problem comes when we focus on what farming is like now, that animals are mistreated, that farm workers are mistreated, that it can harm the environment, but does that make people who eat meat evil? Are they supporting this when they get dinner?
No, of course not, and to understand why we need to look at the reasons. First and foremost, it’s just good for a lot of people. Many people can’t survive on vegan/vegetarian diets, many people struggle with food and animal products are what they can eat, and often animal products are the easiest and most affordable food out there. Even in urban areas it’s hard to find food without animal products that are affordable in the long term for everyone, and that’s in the best case scenario. Look at places like Alaska, food most take for granted costs so much that no one can reasonably live only off that, and people there have lived off of animals they’ve caught for millennia before diet crazes existed. And yes, there are so many ways in which the methods of farming are unethical and harmful and those should absolutely be called out, but the responsibility lies with those profiting from it. How much evil is someone tight on cash trying to make it last until their next paycheck doing by taking their family to McDonald’s rather than getting food so much less filling for the same amount of money or more?
There’s so much complication added by factoring in society and capitalism and colonization’s effect on the local environment and what kind of life our meat animals live, but in the end, predation is natural. Animals eat animals, and humans who have benefited so much from our rise on the food change as early hominids are the only ones who take issue with it. Some people believe it really is evil and unnatural to eat animals, and they are free to believe that for themselves, but it speaks volumes about their own privilege when they turn that judgement on the people just trying to eat enough to survive. It isn’t a massive personal stake, it’s trying to survive in a world that has so many roadblocks to something as simple as a full meal
So compare that to ghouls. They steal bodies and hunt and kill because they have to. The rich may be able to outsource the carnage and keep the blood off their hands so they seem ethical, but they contribute to the deaths of humans the same way people touting that the animal farming industry is killing the world will buy animal product substitutes that harm people and the ecosystem just as much. After all, is the agave syrup that some company tore up a shitload of land in a more exploitable country to farm any less harmful because you can pretend that no people or animals were hurt? They can feel bloodless, but that doesn’t make what they do more ethical. It just lets them feel like it
As for the poor ghouls? They have to hunt. They get to play the part of ravenous monster because they don’t have the time or money to have someone else get bodies for them. Even anteiku ghouls have a little privilege by finding bodies that are already dead. Not every ghoul has a car to pick up corpses, or bodies that can walk that distance, or the knowledge to find good spots. Most hunt since the people that have died naturally are locked away because humans think of themselves as too evolved to take part in the circle of life, and would rather ghouls keep killing than let their loved ones be eaten like most animals are
In the end you’re completely right. Any animal’s survival is dependent on the deaths of others. All we as people can control is how kindly that is done. Humans with the means to can choose not to eat meat, but humans who don’t and ghouls can’t, and that does not make them evil. If humans in the TG world were willing to give the dead to the ghouls, it’s entirely possible that they wouldn’t need to hunt anymore. Meat will always be necessary, but the way they get it can be better, and that change relies solely on the system preventing them from having ethically sourced food. The fault does not lie with the individuals who need to eat
Ishida fell just short of the point in favor of the boring and nihilistic “oOoOh HuMaNs ArE tHe REAL mOnStErS” thing because it’s edgy and easy, but not correct. There’s nothing evil about having a biological need to eat meat, there’s nothing evil even for humans who don’t need to to eat meat, it’s just the circle of life. Nature is gruesome sometimes, but claiming that people are inherently evil is just edgelord bullshit. We can make the ways we get meat better if the people profiting off of it are held accountable, and ghouls can too if the people profiting off of their slaughter are held accountable.
Humans and ghouls are alike. Neither are bad for feeding themselves, and both can benefit a whole lot by not fighting over who is worse and instead demanding that the people in charge of their world make it better
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secret-engima · 3 years
Please don’t feel obligated to answer, I’m just curious why you don’t like vampires? Is there a specific reason or more just general dislike?
Hm. Gonna preface this by saying I have nothing against people who like the vampire tropes? I know people have a lot of fun with it, and this is just not my cup of tea, but since you asked imma give a short rant now.
Admittedly a good part of my dislike is my Christian sensibilities angrily smacking at the concept of the Undead in general like a cat smacks furiously at an invader in its box.
But mostly I just-
Really really do not like or get the idea of undead things. Reincarnation is a fun trope I've come around on, and characters "dying" or getting super close to death and then being magically saved and restored to normal is also a trope that is really fun to play with. See all my Nox spinoffs XD.
I'll even take "has a healing factor that keeps them from dying/staying dead under all circumstances" ala poor Ardyn, because at the end of the day Ardyn IS actually fully alive and that's half his problem.
But "100% dead and still wandering around causing problems"? No thank you. My ability to hand wave fantasy stuff can't manage to cover that one. *especially* since Vampires are dead and yet CAN APPARENTLY HAVE KIDS WITH LIVING PEOPLE????
*cat smacks the concept off the table like a glass of water*.
Also the blood drinking thing low-key annoys me and freaks me out, for similar reasons as the "dead but can have children" thing. Like- why blood? Why usually only human blood? In the vampire tropes I have unwillingly absorbed through osmosis, it always seems like human blood is somehow "better" than animal blood, or that animal blood is incompatible entirely? Like- dude. it's just blood. It's got all the same ingredients and building blocks. Either suck it up or go the vampire version of vegan.
I've seen some people do versions of vampires that only keep the blood drinking thing thing and some of the powers and insist they're actually alive, which confuses me more because if you're alive WHY DO YOU NEED BLOOD SO BAD. Sounds like anemia and/or severe iron deficiency and (especially in more modern AUs) there are *medications for that*.
Also if vampires and zombies (which is another trope I severely dislike) are ALREADY DEAD THEN HOW CAN YOU KILL THEM? Like- this thing is canonically already DEAD. Why does a wooden stick through an organ that *no longer functions* going to make it lie down and stop moving around? Or for zombies, why does a bullet or sword to the brain, an organ that *can no longer be producing signals because that is the definition of dead* make them suddenly decide to stop running around biting things????
*flails* I know that a lot of fantasy does not make sense but the Undead thing, like Vampires and Zombies, just seems *so utterly pointless to me*?????
That and it's always coupled with some kind of intense desire to kill/eat humans over anything else and the very sour part of me is just: ah. So we're just doing this for the horror porn. Okay.
It just feels like there are a thousand more creative monsters someone could make or use in their fic to be scary, or to do their morality investigations with. I don't get why two of the popular options boil down to "it's a corpse with grandiose ego issues" and "it's a corpse that for some reason feels hunger even tho the stomach is probably rotted out and either way definitely doesn't work".
I DO get that the idea of some kind of dangerous Other race lives among humans and blends in and occasionally gets the munchies is interesting to play with. I get that there is an element of potential world building in there that can be fun. But I continue to screech at the sky and ask WHY DEAD THINGS THAT DRINK BLOOD in the same tone I screech at many video games WHY GIANT SPIDER BOSS. It feels like it would be so easy to just like- make a fae culture? or aliens? If it was fae then you could even have the "humans can be turned into them" since that's a thing in mythology I think. All the fun of creepy world building and secret societies and none of the corpses running around getting delusions of grandeur.
So yeahhhhh that's my rant on why Vampires (and zombies) really bother me.
But I do know that people like them so like. Whatever. Have fun. I'm just gonna sit back here and be confused.
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foolzstar · 2 years
fuck it, i said i would do it so here: why free range farms aren’t nearly as ethical as you think.
keep in mind that i am not an expert, however family rescued a bunch of chickens and have been keeping them for years, plus ive done research on what corperations do, as well as done research from the charity who we rescued these birds from, its not loads, but its definetly enough to compile a bunch of facts into a post just so that people can be more aware, but anyways:
1) free range hens only get to live around 18 months. this is because all farms care about is productivity, and a hens peak egg laying time is between 6-18 months in the standard conditions. some can lay every other day well into being three years old, but for the most part with the average hen, it starts to slow down around 18 months, and so unless the chickens are rescued, theyre killed on mass, usually by being gassed.
2) despite being free range, the conditions theyre kept in are still incredibly poor. hens are kept on mass, with anywhere from 50-200 hens per coop (or in the uk, barn, as due to the risk of avian flu, all free range hens have had to be kept in barns) the conditions, whilst not as bad as battery farms, are still not cleaned regularly enough, and due to the large flock sizes, many of the hens are forced to fight for food, leaving many of them malnurished, almost all of the hens that we rescued a few weeks ago were underweight, with one of them dying recently due to this.
As well as this, in order to lessen the chances of any of the hens escaping, almost all the hens have thier wings clipped so theyre unable to properly fly, and in some cases, the birds beaks also get clipped, and due to being kept in such large masses, many medical issues the birds my face go unnoticed, things like potential infections, deformities that could affect their wellbeing, or any illness are either ignored or have them killed for it because, same with the reasons their lifespans tend to be so short, it lessens productivity. 
3) flock sizes, whiilst i did mention them in the previous pont, flock sizes are technically be a whole factor on its own because of how it impacts the chickens behavior.
hens have this thing called a pecking order, a heriarchy that basically decided between the hens, whos number one depending on how strong they are. this determinds things like who gets to eat food first, who gets the nicest bedding, as well as who gets to be quite literally, pecked at the least. the pecking order is decided through a physical fight, the lower down on the pecking order a hen is, the more theyre picked on, feathers plucked out, open wounds, you name it. in smaller, more tame flocks, this tends to be alright, feather plucking is kept to a minimum because the fight for who gets the nicest thing is less dire. 
in the case of farmed hens, where hundreds of hens are fighting over who gets the most food, the fighting can get brutal, most of our hens came to us with missing festhers around their butts, necks, heads, even our healthiest bird, peach, still came with many of her feathers missing that we are trying to help grow back.
i understand that they may only be a few points, but theyre very major points that do affect chickens wellbeings on a large scale.
in no way am i saying to never eat an egg again, my family eats eggs almost every day (we’ve had to with the 3-4 eggs a day we have piling up in our kitchen) and being vegan isnt an option for most people, in most cases is actually more detrimental to the planet if you measure it by water consumption and food miles with how far things like soy beans, almonds and coconuts have, but i feel as though its important to be aware of the conditions that your food comes from, not to guilt you out of wanting to eat them, but to make you think of little things that you can do to make the demand for eggs from mass productions slightly less.
not everyone has the privalige to do so, i know that im incredibly lucky that the flat my family lives in has such open rules about pets and has such a large garden in the suburbs where conditions are great for raising hens, but if it is a possiblilty i really do recomend trying to do anything you can, no matter how small.
buy from local farms or from farmers markets, where the people selling their produce tend to do it on a much smaller scale than most corperations. adopt hens, chickens are actually amazing pets, that when raised properly make amazing companions, i could probably make an entire post for a guide to raising chickens going through all the different breeds, how much space they need, eggs, life spans, the works, i may be a ninjago fan account but i could definetly be a chicken blog if given the oppertunity.
the saying peta likes to shove down our throats that theres “no such thing as an ethical egg” is bullshit, and, corperations are to blame for most of climate change and the harm that is done to animals, but small acts done by everyone can still make a difference
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apocalypseornaw · 3 years
Always be Yours-5
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Word Count:4,476
Story Summary: Inspired by the 2 part I did of the same title. Follows Dean and Reader through season 9 into season 10
Chapter Summary: During a hunt a spell results with Dean tapping into his more k-9 nature
Warnings: ridiculousness along with the usual
After the interruption by Sam the night after Charlie left you expected Dean to find a moment to ask you whatever it was but it seemed as if he intended to act as if that moment had never happened between the two of you. Your bruises healed and with Kevin's mini vacation being over life in the bunker went back to as normal as it ever was.
You had just walked into the map room where Sam was sitting at the table when Dean walked in from the hall "Wow" you cut your eyes at him as you handed Sam a cup of coffee than sat across from him with your own "What?" Sam asked turning to look at his brother. "Kevin, I just poured some buffalo milk down his gob twice" you stifled a laugh. Poor kid was still recovering from Branson. "Buffalo milk?" Sam asked and without thinking you spoke over Dean "Hangover cure-all. Has everything in it except buffalo milk" Dean raised one eyebrow at you knowing what he meant and Sam not but luckily before he could comment on it Sam said what you were thinking "How is that kid still recovering from Branson?" "What can I say he's an amatuer. The slippery nipple shots at the Dolly Parton dixie stampede nearly killed the guy" "Not the slippery nipples" you muttered into your coffee and made both boys look your way with matching smirks before Sam told Dean he may have found a case.
"Are you sure you're up for a case Sammy?" Dean asked and you braced yourself for the ongoing back and forth where Sam would assure you and Dean both he was feeling fine and Dean would express his and yours concerns because the two of you actually knew what Sam's insides were like. "I am Dean. Look, Kevin's back on the heaven spell. Crowley's locked up so we should be out there doing what we do best. Plus we have Y/N here so three hunters are better than two"
Dean glanced your way but you kept your eyes trained on the coffee swirling around in your cup when Sam asked him "Are you at least going to listen?" Dean finally looked away from you and waved a hand "Go ahead" You turned to look at Sam as he started reading from the article "Taxidermist named Max Alexander crushed to death. Nearly every joint in his body dislocated, every bone broken. Poor guy is a human pretzel. You tell me what's got that kind of strength" "A demonic luchador?" Dean offered and the eye roll Sam gave him was deep enough you were certain Sam saw his own brain. "Shop's a couple hours away in Enid Oklahoma. We should at least check it out. Y/N you in?"
You looked up and shrugged "Sure, why not" Dean still hadn't said yes or not so Sam pushed "Unless there's some reason you think we shouldn't Dean" When you stayed quiet Dean finally let out a breath "Meet you both in the garage in twenty"
You sat in the backseat of the impala doing your best not to look Dean's way so you busied yourself with talking to Sam,double checking emails from other hunters and even fussing with your suit jacket. When baby finally came to a stop outside of Mounted Treasures Taxidermy you were relieved to get out of close quarters. Maybe you needed a break from the bunker too? You'd decide after this case.
You fell in step behind Sam and let out a low whistle when you saw the words "DIE SCUM" written in what you hoped was just red paint on the side of the building. Dean cut his eyes at you "Subtle isn't it?" Sam pointed out a symbol on the end of the letter M. It was an upside down triangle with a paw print inside. "I don't recognize it" you said before Sam took a photo "We'll look it up later"
Dean opened the door and motioned for you to go ahead so you smirked "Age before beauty" he rolled his eyes but stepped inside so you walked in between him and Sam. The interior of the building was even less welcoming than the message on the wall "The creep factor just skyrocketed" Dean muttered and you nodded in agreement glancing around at all the mounted animals lining the walls.
When Dean spoke the officer who you were assuming was in charge of the scene turned and spotted the three of you "Woah woah woah" You knew the drill so you had your badge out before Sam did the introductions "Agents Michaels, Deville and Jameson" motioning to Dean, himself than you in turn. The officer immediately turned a lot friendlier "The body's already went to the morgue just wrapping it up with Dave Stephens" then explained that Mr Stephens was who discovered the body. You glanced at the back room then back to the officer when he added "Sure a shame. I used to go hunting with Max. He was a real good egg"
"Sorry for your loss" Dean told him and you nodded in agreement. The officer thanked you both so Dean then said "Mind showing my partners around? I just got a couple questions for Mr Stephens" The officer nodded "Ok, Come on"
You walked in behind Sam and spotted the "Game of thrones" themed animals on the desk and nudged Sam. He picked one up and turned getting Dean's attention. If looks could actually scold anyone the look Dean threw at you and Sam was Bobby level scolding so you smirked then took the animal from Sam and replaced it with the others. You turned back to Sam "So emf? Hex bags?" he shrugged "You take emf, I'll look for the bags"
After a few minutes with no luck you and Sam headed back to the front room. Dean excused himself from Mr Stephens and the officer when he saw the two of you coming. "Excuse us"
"So?" Sam asked. "We got a thief jonesing for animal parts, a pagan symbol and a human pretzel" Dean said so you replied "Yeah it sounds all witchy but there's no hex bags or proof of anything we normally deal with every being here" So Dean shrugged "Well let's keep digging" then you noticed him look up at an owl that was on the wall before he added "Just not here" You looked at the owl then back at Dean "Did he insult you? Should I defend your honor here?" he smirked "I just don't like the way that thing's looking at me"
You were walking back to baby when Dean cut his eyes at you "Y/N, you good with one room or do we need two?" you shrugged "I'm fine with one" so he nodded "One it is"
Dean was going through his bag and you were coming out of the bathroom when Sam said "The symbol in the graffiti..It's not wiccan, It's copywritten" You walked over to where he was sitting on the foot of one of the beds and leaned over his shoulder to look at the screen then up at Dean "Local animal rights group, Enid's answer to PETA" Sam turned the screen around and Dean read over the screen "S.N.A.R.T? You got to be kidding me" "Well it makes sense that an animal right's group would have an axe to grind with a taxidermist" you offered pushing off Sam's shoulder to stand back up.
"Why? The animal's already dead" Dean asked and Sam responded "Yeah but hunters are what keeps them in business" Dean rolled his eyes and Sam added "Now the question is are those bleeding hearts actually witches or just hippies?" "What's the difference?" Dean asked and you laughed under your breath "We can shoot the witches?"
Gentle Earth Vegan Bakery was listed on S.N.A.R.T'S website so that was where you all headed. When you stepped in the door Dean looked around then said "Always knew I'd find the source of all evil at a vegan bakery" you tilted your head then said "Just wish I would've packed my leather jacket just to screw with them" and was rewarded with a wink from Dean and an eye roll from Sam.
Sam sniffed and his nose scrunched up "What's that smell?" "Patchouli" Dean answered and when you and Sam both looked his way he added "Mixed with depression from meat deprivation" you shook your head then noticed that the guy behind the counter was wearing sunglasses so you nudged Dean who followed your line of sight "Know who wears sunglasses inside?" You asked and he answered "Blind people and douchebags?" you shrugged "Point for the eldest Winchester. Sammy try to keep up"
You followed the boys to the counter then spoke "Olivia and Dylan Camrose?" the man and woman behind the counter looked your way "Yes ma'am?" "You two are members of S.N.A.R.T.? correct?" you asked and Olivia smiled "Founders and Co Presidents actually" then held up a pamphlet "Can we interest you in some literature?" Sam shook his head politely so Dylan offered a flax seed scone that was wheat, gluten and sugar free. "I'm gonna stop you right there" Dean interrupted "We're here to investigate the death of Max Alexander, local taxidermist" "He's dead?" Olivia choked out and appeared to be genuine. "You knew him?" you asked and she looked at Dylan before answering "Ish. Small town"
"Well he was murdered last night and a S.N.A.R.T. logo was found at the crime scene" you told her and wished she'd take those damn glasses off so you had a chance of catching a reaction of some sort. "You two wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?" Sam pushed looking between the two of them.
Olivia and Dylan were a bust. Turned out while they were tagging the taxidermy place the night before they got spooked by a hissing sound and ran into the alley where they ended up getting maced. You didn't miss the irony of it but remained quiet when they removed their sunglasses to show their faces.
With no other leads you headed back to the motel to change and dig a little deeper because the "mace" on Dylan and Olivia didn't look like any macing you nor Sam had ever seen.
You sat across from Sam while he typed into his laptop and took the beer Dean offered you. "Necrosis" Sam announced so Dean asked "Necrosis?" "Premature death of tissue, that's why their eyes were all messed up and it's not caused by mace" "Then what caused it?" you asked while Dean leaned over Sam to look at the screen.
"Blunt force, radiation, venom" Dean read off. "As in snake?" you asked and Sam shrugged "Taxidermist was constricted. Olivia and Dylan heard hissing and they were sprayed in the eyes" "By venom" you finished and took a sip of the beer.
"So we talking some sort of freaky ass snake monster?" Dean guessed sitting next to you on the chair and you shook your head at him but refused to move. Sam looked between you two then shrugged "Maybe but the weird thing is, snakes either envenomate or constrict. No snake does both" "Correction, freaky ass mega snake monster. Awesome" you scoffed which made Sam chuckle and offer "Could be a vetala?" "Yeah but they're not afraid to sink their fangs in" Dean brushed off the suggestion and you agreed "Taxidermist was bite free. Doesn't fit the profile"
Sam sighed "So we call Kevin? get him to look some stuff up?" "Best option we have at the moment" Dean agreed.
With nothing else to do for the day Dean went to grab some food so all of you could eat and attempt to get a little sleep. You were sitting at the table in the room and Sam cleared his throat so you glanced up "Yeah?" you could tell he was wanting to say something but also not risk you getting upset at whatever it was so you stared at him expectantly "Just say it Sam"
He scratched behind his ear as he stood up and walked over to sit across from you "Is there something going on between you and Dean?" you didn't have to act in that moment because you were honestly confused "Huh?" he shrugged "Lots of conversations just from looks being passed back and forth. Dean worried about you leaving the bunker. The couple times I've walked into a room and the two of you jump apart.." You shook your head "There's nothing like that going on Sam. Just when you got so sick after the trials I guess it just pushed me back fully into your lives and then after the two of you talked me into moving into the bunker we're close quarters and all" He didn't look too awfully convinced but nodded nonetheless "Ok, I mean I just wanted to say I wouldn't have an issue with it. You both deserve someone to make you happy and if that happens to be each other.." you held up a hand to cut him off "We're friends Sam. That's it" about that time the door opened and Dean walked in carrying bags of food and soda and looked over at you and Sam "You two good?" you nodded "If you got my cheeseburger we are" and Dean grinned and held the bag out "Got your one and my three"
You ended up sleeping in the same bed as Sam with you under the blanket and him sleeping on top of it. When you woke up Dean was making coffee and looked over "Sleep good?" you glared at Sam's side of the bed since he was already in the shower "Fucker snores, next time you're scooting over"
He smirked at that "Anytime you want in my bed just say the word" you bit the inside of your cheek to stop the warmth from spreading through your face, caused by his words then climbed out of the bed "Can I have a cup?" Dean held out the one in his hand "Here, we take it the same and I'll just grab me another one" you took it with a smile and teased "Dean Winchester dances and gives his coffee to a damsel in distress" He laughed "Sweetheart you may be a damsel, there may be times you are in distress but I haven't seen a lot you can't handle"
By the time you made it out the shower Dean was knocking on the door to tell you to go with the fed suit instead of usual jeans and t-shirt. There was another body on the ground at the animal shelter.
The body was of the guy who worked the front counter at the shelter. He had claw marks down the side of his face and according to the cops all the cats that had been registered at the shelter were now missing. "So yesterday snake monster, today killer kitty?" Dean scoffed and you cut your eyes at Sam who said "I don't know" Dean stopped both of you and pointed at a pen "Doesn't that mutt look familiar?" "He's from the first crime scene isn't he?" you asked and Sam doubled checked the clipboard on the pen and nodded.
"So he's been at both crime scenes, suspect?" you asked looking at Dean who agreed with you by saying "Could be a skinwalker or a shapeshifter" "Doesn't really look like a monster to me" Sam was looking at the dog but Dean had already dug a silver coin out of his pocket "One way to find out" Dean squatted and called the dog to the gate. He rubbed the coin behind the dog's ears but there was no reaction. "Well at least the pooch isn't the killer?" you said about the time the officer from the first crime scene walked up and the taxidermist's dog started barking until the officer took his hat off. He spoke to Sam but Dean noticed what you did especially when the dog once again started barking when the officer put his hat back on.
"Can we borrow your hat?" you asked and he handed it over. You held it right over Dean's head and the dog started barking until you pulled the hat down. You cut your eyes at Dean then handed the hat back. The officer snarled "Good luck getting adopted" at the dog and you had the strongest urge to punch the damn cop.
Sam read the clipboard again "So Colonel's not a suspect" "He's a witness" Dean confirmed. You squatted down and scratched Colonel's head "You speak sign language buddy?" he whined at you and tilted his head so you could scratch further. Sam perked up "No but there may be another option" and pulled his phone out. You curiously looked at Dean who shrugged until Sam said "Hey Kevin, it's me.. how do we speak to a dog?"
The shelter let you take Colonel with you so you sat in the backseat of baby with him laid across your lap back to the motel.
Kevin called back with the spell about the same time you made it back to the motel so Sam was currently combining the ingredients? while Dean sat across the table and you sat on the floor next to the table with Colonel. "So it's an Inuit spell?" you asked. Sam looked up from the bowl "Yeah, who knew the men of letters had its own eskimo section?"
"And it's supposed to let us communicate with the Colonel?" Dean asked looking at the dog who had his head laying in your lap where you were sitting leaned against Dean's chair. "Yeah..well that's the plan" Sam plucked a few hair from the Colonel then explained that it was a sort of animal/human mind meld which meant if it worked whoever drank it would be able to read the Colonel's thoughts.
You watched Sam pour the foul looking concoction and was glad when Dean grabbed it "I'll do it" he looked into the cup and at the face you were making "Doesn't look so bad" he downed it in a gulp and his entire face twisted for a moment "I was wrong"
Dean read off the spell but the Colonel barely moved. Dean tried to talk to him but to no avail so it was decided to get some lunch then call Kevin for more ideas.
You were sitting on the foot of one of the beds when Dean looked at the Colonel "What?" "What?" you and Sam echoed. "Shut up! It's working" Dean clarified then looked back at the Colonel "Say that again" after a moment Dean said "Dennis DeYoung's not a punk" you were more than a little lost but amused that the dog was apparently arguing with Dean. "Dean! Focus!"
"Oh yeah" he looked back at the Colonel "Hey boy, what were you trying to tell us about the coyboy hat?" you and Sam sat watching the scene unfold which even though the two of you could only hear one side it was clear there was a full conversation happening. "and the pothead too?" Dean asked and Sam glanced at you then turned his attention back to them. Sam threw a balled up napkin in the trash and told Dean to ask about the cats. Dean threw the paper back to Sam then asked about the cats. "I don't want this" Sam told him then chunked the napkin again.
You laughed when you realized that the mind meld was more than talking when Dean once again retrieved the napkin and said that the guy who was doing the killings smelled like ground chuck, soap suds and old lady cream. Sam finally held up the napkin "Dean, what are you doing?" Dean scratched his head in the same spot the Colonel had kept urging you to scratch on his "I don't know"
When Dean started beating on the window yelling at the mailman you fell over on the bed laughing "Dean's a dog dude!"
While Sam called Kevin to check side effects on the spell you sat between Dean and the Colonel. You weren't really paying attention to either until the Colonel bumped your knee so you absentmindedly scratched his head. It made you freeze when Dean let out a light whimper and you looked to see he was looking at your other hand "Are you serious?" he looked at the colonel "He's being smug that you're scratching his head" The colonel looked up at you and if you'd ever seen a dog laugh it was in that moment so you scooted over so you scratch Dean's head too. He let out a contented sigh and laid his head over on your thigh.
Sam hung up and arched an eyebrow at your current position so you stopped scratching both of them despite the whimpers so he could explain the spell's side effects which was what Dean was experiencing.
A few words were passed between Dean and the Colonel and you had to laugh again when Dean announced "I don't have the urge to sniff butts" "Dean?" you asked and he seemed offended "No! Sam how long will this last?" "Kevin doesn't know" he replied and you ran a hand across your face, as if your life could get weirder.
Dean pulled a candy bar out of his jacket pocket and you grabbed it out of his hand "Woah! What the hell Y/N?" you motioned to the Colonel "Dogs can't have chocolate Dean. Do you really want to test it?" the Colonel looked at you and let out a sharp bark so you looked back at Dean "What'd he say?" Dean glared at the dog then answered "He said you're cute for a human and smart" "Aww, thank you" you cooed rubbing the Colonel's back and could've sworn Dean let out a light growl of all things? Sam looked between the three of you then said "Let's head back to the shelter to see if we can find more clues because I swear Dean's getting jealous over a dog" "Am not" Dean argued but cut his eyes at the Colonel as he spoke.
After you and Sam having to de escalate an argument between Dean and a pigeon you were in tears from laughing as you climbed in the backseat with the Colonel and it only got worse when they both wanted to hang their head out of the windows.
When you got the shelter Dean argued with the Colonel for a second before saying "Y/N, he wants you to hold his leash" you winked at the Colonel then grabbed his leash as you climbed out and held the door open for him "C'mon big guy" he climbed out behind you and looked up at Dean who glared at the dog. "Quit being smug you asshole"
Watching Dean interrogate dogs was somewhere between just weird and the absolute best entertainment you'd had in years. A yorkie turned out to be a star witness and wanted a belly rub from Sam in return for information. You stood there watching Sam scratch the yorkie while chewing your bottom lip to not laugh. Apparently the whatever you were after had a sweet tooth for cats according to the yorkie.
The burlap sack the guy had taken the cats from the shelter in had "Avant-Garde Cuisine" written on it so that was finally a solid lead along with a vague description of the guy.
When you were about to leave Dean said "Hold up" and passed you the Colonel's leash then went back and opened all the cages. You shook your head with a laugh when he said "Ok, now let's go"
You were once again herded between Sam and Dean as the three of you walked into the restaurant after Sam picked the lock. In the first office you found a photo of "Chef Leo" who wore a cowboy hat like the yorkie had described along with a frickin pharmacy worth of pain meds.
You were going through a drawer when Dean said "Did you hear that?" you glanced at Sam the shook your head "No?" "Sounded like little kids" Dean explained so you stood up straight and strained your ears to no avail.
It turned out to be a cage of rats who lead Dean to the fridge that contained everything from cheetah liver to grizzly heart while Sam found a shamanism spell book. According to the book whatever animal organ you ingested along with the right mix of hoodoo and spices resulted in the temporary gain of the power of that said animal.
Meaning owl brains for IQ, Cheetah liver for speed..etc
A clanging drew all of your attention so Sam killed the only light in the room and you all pulled your guns and flashlights then headed out into the hall.
The hall was empty so you moved into the kitchen clearing each corner carefully. There was a lone cook so when he asked who you were Dean said you were all from the health department for a surprise inspection.
He told you all that the reason the restaurant was closed was due to the chef having a private party and would be there any minute. "In that case you're shut down" you ordered and glanced at Sam who added "You're clearly in violation of penal code eight fourteen" "You heard em! Out Now" Dean barked out and they quickly moved to comply.
Dean took the front, you took the halls and Sam took the back to try to find the chef. Working plan was to simply empty a clip into his head and hope for the best.
After a fight with the good chef Leo resulting in Sam getting knocked out, you getting slashed on the arm and Dean calling in an entire pack of dogs as assistance the good chef got exactly what he had coming.
When Dean ran back into the kitchen you were crouched over Sam trying to wake him up. "C'mon Sam!" "Y/N!" Dean hollered so you shouted "OVER HERE" he slid to a stop at your side and crouched next to you "He's alive Dean" he let of a breath of relief when Sam finally stirred. "Thank god" Dean helped Sam to his feet then looked at your arm "Do you need stitches?" you shook your head "I don't think so"
The three of you made it outside in enough time to see some bloody dogs running away from the heap that had been chef Leo.
After getting the Colonel adopted out to Olivia and Dylan you hit the road back to the bunker. The only unfortunate thing was chef Leo had put some doubt in Sam's head by asking what Sam was. From what you and Dean could piece together Leo had slit Sam's throat and Zeke healed him. Wasn't like the two of you could tell him that so instead you convinced him that Leo was simply out of his head.
When Dean pulled out onto the road he shot you a look in the mirror and you met his gaze fully. "It'll be ok" you mouthed and he smiled then turned his eyes to the road.
Tags: @facadeformyrealblog @akshi8278
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bettertheworld · 3 years
To change, you have to change.
The most important crash-course our planet is on is with itself, it doesn't matter that in billions of years our solar system is going to collide with a nearby galaxy, our planet is on a crash-course with human habits and they're already ruining the world bite-by-bite, meal-by-meal.  
Yes, there are other factors threatening our existence causing climate change, but none of those factors have as much impact as what we ingest as 'foods' and 'drinks'. None of those other factors can be compromised because people need to travel to and from work, move about the world, people need to get goods from one part of the world to another etc...  
What people don't need is to support the burning and deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest and other grasslands to allow cattle to graze, we don't need meat to exist as a thing that keeps us fed - that idea is 100s of years old and if you haven't heard, Justus Von Liebig was wrong – very wrong.  For an idea that old to be so strongly affecting us today, means we're living in the past - we don't need animals to get ample protein in our lives.  Ignoring the problems the present is creating is a true and horrible crime of today, but you should also realize that someone is pulling the strings behind the scenes and initially, it's not our fault. If this scenario were a person in their life, a medical doctor would send that person to a psychotherapist, and you know that doctor would have already started them on an SSRI among other drugs that they would be getting kick-backs on.
Later on I'll describe to you what the Disease Model is, and how Doctors operate within those boundaries to keep us sick, but alive.
The Covid-19 pandemic is the canary in the coal-mine telling us that if we don't change our ways, minds, and belief systems, it's going to be too late to save life as we know it; look at Covid-19, it’s already doing that.  Misguidedly, I tried so many times to inform and help people accept the facts, but at that time, I didn’t know that, new facts are polarizing, they don’t just change belief-systems. I burnt so many bridges wasting effort on people who weren't ready to accept new information, who didn't want to change, and who at best wanted to make me look like a blabbing fool.  What does it take to make someone talking pure gold look like their talking garbage? The answer is a loyal following.  Take away the loyalists, and you take away Those-Who-Resist's ground to stand on. Inform the following, and instead of working against them, like Othello, you're now working with them.  Seems easy, but it's an absolute nightmare sometimes to be on this mission – while trying to do life.
The bottom line is this, If we don't change our eating habits, we're going to be looking back on 2020 and we're going to regretfully say, 'we should have listened, we should have read the true science and informed ourselves and understood that vegan activists are sharing information so that we can minimize our impact which elongates the future for generations to come, not to take away anyone's rights or freedoms today'.  You might not see all of those right away, but I need to make the point about 2020 and it's a bit cheesy, here it is in a series of extremely short sentences. 2020. Vision. Hindsight. (You see what I’m doing here?) Covid-19.  Human deaths. Animal flu Spillover. Cause of covid. These points are all strongly connected and the answer to the problem is, leave the animals alone.  We can easily be getting all nutrients from plants, thereby eliminating the ability for animal flu spillover, stopping future pandemics and living successfully and healthfully. Wow, seems simple. If you need proof about how vegans can kill it physically, check out Nimai Delgado on Instagram.  Here's a hint - do not worry about adequate protein intake – I would worry a whole lot more if I still ate meat.
Did you know that a chickpea has every amino acid that your body needs and none of the cholesterol that lays down fatty streaks in your arteries?  Dietary cholesterol only comes from eating animal products.  Did you know that of the 20 amino acids, only 9 are essential?  Did you know that plants make amino acids? Did you know plants make ALL amino acids? Did you know you can live healthfully with just eating plants? If you doubt, check out nutritiondata.com; it will set you free.
I had the hindsight to realize that we are the problem, what I was eating was harming me, and that change happened without me forfeiting anything and that what I needed to thrive and live my best, most fulfilling and healthiest life was growing in the ground and putting carbon back into the ground thereby removing carbon dioxide from the air? What was being bled out, hung upside down, chopped into pieces, packaged, and then referred to as Halal Beef or 'extra-lean ground chuck' was killing me from within.  It is my hunch that in the future, Halal will be condemned as an inhumane and non-sustainable practice.  If you doubt my words, consider watching Earthlings, and I mean ALL of Earthlings – It's free on Youtube.
Covid-19 was caused by humans' interactions with animals.  You can try to re-word, re-frame, re-everything the previous sentence, but you can't, we caused it by conquering the world and being negligent with our logistics and lack of science.  It doesn't matter if you can conjure up conspiracy theories or already understand that it's our closeness with animals that has caused the pandemic. I'm not going to get into the nitty gritty details because that's already been done.  I'm here to send a wake-up call to anyone who will listen, anyone who will change, anyone who cares about their children, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, parents, or anyone who will live beyond your years, basically anyone beyond yourself.  Yes these are strong words, but these are grim times.
Are you going to be in the group who changed given the information that is out there, or will you be in the stubborn group who thinks they can interpret the science better than the professionals can? Are you going to continue to believe that every falsely "debunked" meat-free solution as a result of fake news is remotely inclusive or correct? Are you going to choose greed and personal choice over minimizing your impact on the future?  Are you going to let fake news scare you into eating meat?  The only reason why you have a choice today is because of capitalism, but is capitalism helping or killing you? Take capitalism away, and you would be left with no choice, you would be doing what is best for the planet because that’s also best for you and, if you don’t know, climate change is already here!  
Again, I'm not here to take away your personal choice, I'm here to instill a sense of agency within you, to give you the power to take control of your life, to be in the driver's seat with regard to your own health, and to reframe the choices that you have so that you can choose better for whatever the rest of your years look like or whatever may come to be on this planet because of you.  Do you want to be part of the solution, or would you rather defend your right to live unsustainably because you have money?
Take the rich for example, whatever you want, you get because they have the money for it. Well, consider the fact that heart disease has not been linked to a lower socioeconomic status, instead it affects everyone roughly equally if you're all eating an equal amount of animal protein and animal fats, you're all getting just about the same amount of sick (ignoring specific nutrient deficiencies).  Whether you're eating the rarest of blood-dripping steaks with the fanciest 1000-thread count napkins on your laps, or you're going through a McDonald's drive-thru dropping lettuce all over your car because all your bank account will let you do is get a Bacon-Double-Cheeseburger and the person who made it can’t get all the lettuce between the patties, either way that animal fat is being pushed into your arteries by your blood pressure and the animal protein is wreaking havoc in your body promoting your genes to signal cancer growth within your body. It doesn't matter if you're eating only white meat vs red, animal protein does not promote optimal health for a human being.  
Eating meat was the exception and necessary at one point in time within evolution, but it was never meant to be a long-term solution, how do I know this? Our bodies tell us that. Our teeth are flat for grinding roughage, our teeth cannot shred muscle very well.  We have elongated GI systems designed to absorb complex carbohydrates, our stomach acid is not as strong as true carnivores.  We require vitamin C in our diet which relates to us having trichromatic vision, vs Lions that only see black, white and grey. Vitamin C is found in plants, not meat.  Yes we have the ability to digest meat, but it wreaks havoc on our bodies, and it takes a long time to see the result of that action develop into symptoms of various cardiovascular diseases, and cancers.
With regard to deciding to finally kill Betsy the cow because you’re starving and need to eat something? Can you imagine being that person who had to hack up the first cow when it went against their way of life at the time? How traumatic it would be! Maybe you can imagine doing it yourself right now, and or it's time to think, "If I can't do it, how am I going to pay someone else to do it?  Ask yourself that 3 times.
Necessity has a way of changing us because we’ll do anything to survive. Whether you accept it or not, we're already at that point of necessity with regard to climate and I’m glad someone has done something about it.  Look at Greta Thunberg, if you haven't seen her documentary, I highly recommend it, it's called 'Greta'. A child who has been handed an unfair start at life, facing a climate crisis and being left to think, 'what's the point of me doing anything other than this?' The answer to her question is 'quite honestly, barely any". Her campaign of 'Skolstrejk for Klimatet', translated it means "school-strike for climate" has gained momentum and woken people up, but was that her resonsibility in the first place? We all know the answer to that, and that proves that our ignorance is making the future more and more unfair for each child born, and if that’s your child, and if you eat meat, you truly do not what to offer the best planet to your children.
I have to address this quickly because so many people refer to it.  If 'God' created the world, the bible via prophets and animals to eat, then god also created Science and Philosophy and Logic, which has now proven many facts about diet and disease, so how are we going to defend eating meat with words of the bible and ignore the Science, Philosophy and Logic that was also bred of God? You tell me what you come up with.
You tell yourself that it's just one meal, it's just a couple meals a day, or it's every meal and it's your choice and you can do whatever you want to your body.  That is true because capitalism allows that, but if you want to grow and become better than you already are, you should really ask yourself a question that about 98% of people ignore - "Am I doing this whole food thing right?" And therefore, "Am I giving myself too many allowances? Do I have a realistic or horribly unrealistic view of my own life and my existence?"  Yes, it goes deep, but is it too difficult to critically look at yourself? Think beyond yourself.
For those educated regarding Critical Theory and higher degrees of thought in school, you may ask yourself a lot more questions than that, but before you begin to answer them with regards to food, do not even think about answering them with regard to your experience if you have only tried eating one way, you need to go with science on this one and use yourself as an experiment - make changes, and gauge how you feel – cut the meat and dairy, align your thoughts and feelings with what is on your plate.  
It was only a year ago Canada made their first food guide without Research from the companies providing the animal products.  Is it just me or does it seem crazy to have ever used research from Beef producers about beef?  Regarding the changes which nearly left meat out completely, I have my own conspiracy theories as to why meat was left in, but take a hint people, it was all but removed. Wake up and smell the chickpeas, ditch the animal products.
What do you think your children, grand-children, great-grand-children, etc.. will think of you? No you will not meet all that come to be because of you but they'll know if you were the first go ditch meat, and take control of your health. You have the power to choose, you have the agency to act autonomously and to think for yourself.  What legend do you want to leave behind? What are they going to say about you if you refuse to change?  
My mother has smoked my entire life, always telling me that she'll quit, it's hard I know, but after 35 years, I've given up trying to change people, instead I refuse to keep secret for her, her habits that are shortening her life day in and day out. Telling her that if she dies of anything related to her smoking or eating habits, that I will use her as an example to teach my nieces about cause and effect.  Call me brutally honest, call me anything you want, but before all, call me a realist.
Did you know that even in abusive relationships, the abused will at times defend the abuser? Did you know that happens a lot more than you realize? Maybe now you can realize that you're being abused by the meat-producers and now you're defending them by defending your 'right' to eat meat?
I think we are ready to remove the veil, but to do so you'll have to do the research yourself and not just take my word for it. Everything I spout nowadays, is the opposite of what I knew myself to be in 2014. The fact that I have been through university with a degree in Human kinetics, spending time with nutrition and other Biomedical sciences - nothing woke me up better than meeting a Vegan who cared enough to hold my hand and walk me through what big businesses never wanted me to find out. That what we eat is killing us, the planet, and the future.  Now, science has shown us that with a vegan diet, rich of fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, we can reverse the number top killers (heart disease and many cancers) of people caused by ingesting animal products or at least optimize your chance at fighting off or living with a disease. Eating animal products is never part of the solution, it’s the problem.
Take control of your life and inform yourself because only you can live your life.
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vegi1 · 1 year
How Vegetarians Lose Weight?
How do vegetarians lose weight?! Are you vegan and worried about this? Do not worry because I’m here to tell you all about that.
Veganism is a fantasy world with lots of lovers, and when it comes to certain principles, this diet and lifestyle are one of the best ones on the planet earth, and there are some valid reasons for that.
Some of the vegans I have seen conduct their lifestyle, and they are committed to that form. However, some do not take it as seriously as they should.
In this article, we will be talking about vegetarianism and veganism and their connection to weight loss.
In other words, we intend to tell you all about the facts and points you must know if you want to lose weight as a vegetarian.
But before getting to that important matter, I want to tell you about some of the reasons and cultures for veganism and vegetarianism.
I’m Sara, and I have been living as a vegan for more than seven years now, and the impact I have received from this lifestyle is immaculate, so it is only fair to share all of the information I have regarding this case.
So, the main question is: how do vegetarians lose weight?
When I decided to become a vegetarian, my body reacted negatively. In the first two months of vegetarianism, I lost a lot of weight, my hair fell out and I became extremely thin. (Of course, it was not bad because I was overweight) At that time, I didn’t know what plant alternatives I should include in my daily diet, and that’s why the initial vegetarianism had negative effects on my body. Over time, my body returned to normal and the hair loss stopped. When I researched this, many people on a vegetarian diet had the same problems.
During this time, try to include vitamins and plant nutrients in your diet and drink more water daily
In this section, I intend to tell you all about the factor that can cause excessive weight loss, and then I will list some of the diets that would help you to lose weight in a healthy and vegetarian way.
So if you are ready to lose weight and are a vegetarian, come with me so I can enlighten you.
First, let’s talk about unhealthy weight loss:
Some vegans or vegetarians presume that losing weight excessively is the right way to go however they might not know that some facts happen when this happens.
First of all, your organs will go under extreme pressure.
And this may cause organ failure shortly. However, that is not the only way to lose weight.
Some of the other vegetarians and I have been using special diets that let you healthily lose weight, meaning slow but constant.
This is the way to go; now, let’s see what these special diets we have to discuss are.
Here are some of the strategies that you can conduct to lose weight healthily as a vegetarian:
· Cut the starch The first way we have to talk about is the carbs you have to cut from your diet; however, carbs are needed for your metabolism, so we have to know how much is too much.
Imagine making a plate for yourself that includes carbs, such as pasta, if you replace half of the container with non-starchy vegetables.
This means that you are cutting the carbs in half but balanced.
· High protein is the key. The second method you can use is protein-based; keep in mind that protein intake can increase your energy and stamina and give you more metabolism.
Try to increase the foods with high protein levels, such as seeds, beans, and nuts.
Be sure that this diet will give you the energy for the rest of the day and even a day at the gym.
· Don’t go crazy on calories and protein. Although I said you have to increase your intake, you must balance it with some low-calorie foods like broccoli.
Keep in mind that consuming too many calories and protein can work in reverse and give you an overweight state.
But when you are balancing, it only helps you to lose the extra fat.
Besides high-calorie rate is not suitable for your heart as well.
· No processing The following diet I have to tell you about is whole foods, which means the foods that do not get processed; therefore, they don’t have any additional ingredients, which means that they are in the healthiest state.
Fruits and seeds are foods that can be eaten whole.
Remember that you must consume this diet daily to obtain energy and health.
· Limit the process I’m not telling you to cut the processed food altogether, but the matter is that in some processed food, you can find artificial ingredients that are not good for your body, and you have to balance them or cut them a little.
If you consume 100 grams of these foods daily, you must reduce them to at least 40 or 50 grams daily.
This guarantees that your health will be obtained correctly.
I use these diet ideas daily because it is healthy for kids and me; remember that you must adapt to these diets to lose weight healthily.
Now that you have all the information you need, let’s get o the end of the article and sum up all of the matter.
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47pictures · 3 years
Link to original r/nosleep post:
I finally made it to Hollywood… at least, I suppose that’s what I’d say if I were trying to make it big. That wasn’t exactly the case, though. On the contrary, my old hometown friend was the one who I’d say ‘made it big,' and she was the only reason I managed to get there. No way in hell I could just stroll through these Hollywood gates without some sort of reputation associated with my name.
I’m currently pursuing a degree in journalism, and right now I’ve got a pretty successful status as a blogger, and hopefully podcaster in the near future. My topics typically cover things involving entertainment, specifically movies, television, some celebrity gossip here-and-there, the ins and outs of the film and occasionally music industry, nerd topics about comic books or comic book movies, and I could go on. Essentially, all the things you’d expect from an entertainment blogger.
I don’t have a secret or special tip for how I grew a mass following. It just sort of happened. I did it since I was in high school - sophomore year, to be exact, and it started mainly as a hobby. Most people are surprised to hear that I was such a good writer and articulate for my age when they look back on the articles I’d put up during that time, speaking on topics such as the ‘downfall of blockbuster films,’ and the ‘toxicity of media's body standards on the youth.’ Truthfully, I didn’t know all of what I was saying half the time. Writing was sort of just my natural gift that I honed to where I could essentially bullshit anything well enough to make a great story. However, being ethical always remained my moral code.
The topic I was covering now involved my own personal ‘investigation’ of a famous movie studio known as Gemini Films. They’ve put out several flicks now that have garnered what most would consider moderate success (they're no Warner Bros. or Paramount, that's for sure). They deal mostly in the thriller/horror genre, sort of like Blumhouse. I’m a bit more in the sci-fi, comedy realm when it comes to my tastes, but really, I’m a bit of a pussy when it comes to scary stuff.
So why am I 'investigating' them? Well, as it turns out, it's their amazing use of special effects. Yep, that’s it. Special effects, that thing we fell for as children we called ‘movie magic,' and growing up learned that some of it were all the crafty work of well-put CGI. Though that’s usually the case, this time, something about Gemini Films seemed different. They’ve always been praised for their ‘hyperrealistic’ visual effects and pulling off stunts that would otherwise seem impossible. I was watching one of their action/horror films titled Last Thorn, and in a particular scene, a character’s on-screen death is, well, very lightly put, gruesome. I’ve seen my share of on-screen gore and played plenty of Mortal Kombat growing up, but I gotta say, I found the scene hard to watch. To clarify, it involved a character literally exploding before the camera, and from the way it was shot and the lack of cuts and edits typically required to create the illusion of a scene, it seemed quite real. A little too real…
They’ve done other things aside from their special effects department that some people on internet discussion forums found a bit too impressive. Take the actors, for instance. In their dramatic scenes, especially the horror flicks, I’m almost always convinced that the actors are actually going to die on screen. I’m surprised all of them haven’t been given Oscars yet, ‘cause goddamn, you’d think the director was holding them at gunpoint. We all saw just how amazing the acting was in films like Hereditary and The Babadook were, but I gotta say, after watching these films, they make those two look like child’s play (no pun intended to the Chucky series). I was so impressed with the actors that I had to look them up and see what other work they’d done, but from what I did find, their resumes didn’t seem that much greater than the work they’d done for GF. It was almost as if that was the peak of their careers unless they decided to further their contracts to star in any more of their movies. Anything else they did pale in comparison that showcased their acting chops.
Jamie Douglas.
It had somewhat of household name potential, I thought. She was the next rising star. She’d just won a Golden Globe for her leading role in a TV series I’m sure no one had high hopes for in the beginning, and her name was now attached to an Academy Award-winning film for Best Original Screenplay, all at the age of 22. Her acting was stellar, always had been even growing up back in high school when we did theater together. I was never for the acting side of things; I always preferred the technical realm and behind-the-scenes work. She, however, had the ‘it’ factor. I never once doubted that she’d be famous. It was destined for her.
The taxi driver dropped me off in front of a luxurious one-story home in the Beverly Hills neighborhood, surrounded by other similar houses with a property value larger than what I’d probably make in my lifetime if I was being honest. From the outside, her home reminded me of that gilded, golden age of Hollywood back in the 60s, with a slanted roof and art deco-styled exaggerated features. It was nice and simple. But that’s how Jamie was. Nice and simple.
I could see her peeking through the curtains of her window before she came running out the door to meet me in the front yard. That big beautiful smile and those joyous eyes came rushing at me with open arms.
“Christian!” she screamed my name with excitement, as she gave me a big, suffocating hug.
I hugged her back with my free arm, as my other one was still carrying my trolley bag and she had that one pinned in her grip.
“I’m so glad you made it,” she exclaimed.
“Yeah, I made it to Hollywood, right?” I dryly humored.
Jamie giggled as she began to pull back from her hug and put both her hands on my shoulders.
“Yes we did,” she said with a big smile, flashing her perfectly straight, white teeth. “We sure did.”
She led me inside the house and gave me a tour. Compared to the outside, the inside was the complete opposite in regards to the decorative era. Whereas the exterior was ‘groovy’, the inside was a bit more with the times. Wide-open spaces, tan or beige-colored furniture and walls, a wide sliding door for the backyard where you can see the pool. Jamie recently moved into the house, so I figured there wouldn’t be a lot of things to fill it up with just yet.
“Someone said Bette Davis used to live in this house, which I knew was bullshit, otherwise the value on this home woulda been way outta my league,” Jamie commented.
I chuckled. “Oh, I think you’re well on your way, trust me,” I reassured.
I was going to be staying with her for a week while I did my journaling/blogging. We did tons of catching up. She gave me all the inside scoop of what goes on in Hollywood - or ‘Hollyweird’ as I liked to call it - and even some of her other famous neighbors you might recognize living double lives on the down-low. She said she’d been to a couple of big mansion parties as well, where you’ll see all sorts of celebs from different categories of entertainment. Actors, athletes, musicians, models, influencers, you name it. But Jamie insists that she doesn’t attend those very often, if hardly at all. She prefers to be a homebody when she’s not seeking work through her agent, and her extraversion mostly comes to play when it involves networking.
The rest of the night we stayed up watching TV and YouTube videos. One that fascinated both of us was a video explaining how scientists managed to find a way to make a perfectly cooked steak from a cow, but without actually harming or slaughtering it. Instead, they extracted a small sample of the cow’s cells and took it to a lab where the cells would essentially grow into muscle for it to be cooked later.
“I’d consider that over going vegan,” Jamie said.
But I grimaced at the thought. “I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem right,” I remarked.
"What, are you vegan?"
"No, not that. Just the thought of cloning animals, ya know?"
“I mean, it’s not like they’re killing the cow or anything. They said it’s perfectly unharmed.”
“I know, but still…”
The next morning was day one for me. Jamie had the right connections to get me an on-set tour of the studio lots associated with Gemini Films. I was greeted and led by the third assistant director (or AD as they’re commonly referred to).
“Hi, I’m Tiffany, nice to meet you,” she said, with a rather forced smile and handshake.
She carried a clipboard in her other arm, as well as a hand-held radio clipped to the pocket of her jeans, and I saw that she also had an earpiece nestled in her right ear. I could tell she was about her business and probably didn’t have time to be overly nice or talk too much.
I got a sneak peek of their most current production under the production title *"*Cold Silence", which required me to sign an NDA beforehand, of course. That wasn't actually their final name for the movie, but it's a common thing for them to do when shooting a film when either they haven't decided on a name yet or to keep the nature of the project a secret. It sort of took me back to my theater tech days with all the set designs and props lying around, except these were much more detailed and intricate thanks to their higher budget than what my high school had at the time. Here, there was limitless potential. Tiffany also introduced me to the other ADs, PAs, boom operators, cameramen, make-up artists, and then last but certainly not least, the director.
“Jeffrey?” Tiffany called to the man sitting in the director’s chair. The man turned to face her and then me. “This is Christian Watkins. He’s the man we’re giving a behind-the-scenes scoop for his… blog?” She looked to me for confirmation, to which I nodded. “Yeah, for his blog.”
The man in the big chair stood up with a cool smile and classy charm and extended his hand for me to shake.
“Christian, nice to meet you,” the man spoke in a tenor pitch. “Jeffrey Bachmann,” he introduced himself.
I didn’t take too much time last night trying to read up on his bio, but from what I could tell at first glance I knew that he was about in his mid to late fifties, as his hair was greying and skin was starting to wrinkle, and I could see that he had a surprisingly calm and laid-back demeanor. Surprising to me, at least. I always thought directing was a high-paced, chaotic mess that never ceased to present a myriad of complications onset that’d make any man want to pull their hair out. But Jeffrey seemed calm, collected, and very personable.
“Hi, thank you for having me,” I replied. “Seriously, this is like a really cool opportunity for me and my blog.”
“Hey man, it’s my pleasure,” Jeffrey said. “I heard you got a big following behind your name. Props to you. I respect the work ethic, especially giving your readers what they really want to see, ya know?”
I shrugged modestly. “Well thank you, but this time was mostly in my own interest to seek out this idea for my current blog,” I said.
“Ah, an interest in GF, huh?” Jeffrey replied. “Well, what would you like to know? We’ve got nothing but time today. In fact, we’re just getting ready to shoot the mangle scene for today and then we’ll wrap it up before we review the dailies.”
“Mangle scene?”
“Oh yeah, if you’ve got a weak stomach or aren’t into gore you don’t have to watch.”
At least he gave me discretion. “Hmm, I think I’ll tough this one out,” I said. “For the blog.”
Jeffrey gave me a sincere but slightly unsettling grin. “That’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.”
He was a nice guy so far, but you know how you just meet certain people that for whatever reason, out of their control, their aura seems off? Maybe it was my preconceived notion and warranted cynicism I had of people working in Hollywood. Just a bunch of sharks in a pool with hungry eyes for desperate young talents eager to take a dive in the spotlight. But as I’d imagine with any field, there had to be a decent share of lambs among the many wolves.
Suddenly, one of the makeup artists scampered over to us, their attention directly at Jeffrey.
“Hey,” they said to him with a noticeably fake inflection.
“Hey, what's up?” Jeffrey returned.
“Savannah? She’s losing it back there. Said she wants to talk to you and only you.”
Jeffrey nodded. “Don’t worry, I got it,” he said, as he patted his hand on the MUAs shoulder. He then gave me an apologetic look. “Sorry, Christian, duty calls, but hey, Tiffany?” he looked to the stern AD. “Make sure he gets a front-row view for the martini shot.”
“Yes sir,” Tiffany replied.
Jeffrey and the MUA stepped off to handle whatever business needed handling regarding one of the actresses backstage in the dressing room.
“Martini shot?” I asked.
“Last shot for the day,” Tiffany explained. “For me, that’s a term I like to take literally.”
She seemed so serious all this time that I found the joke almost funny.
There was now quiet on the set. Shooting was about to start shortly. At this point in the movie, the main character has a stand-off that turns into a big fight scene with the main bad guy at a warehouse factory building. At first, there’s a gunfight, then eventually they both run out of ammo and it comes down to a fistfight before finally having a standstill on top of a rail just over a giant industrial shredder.
Right now, the actor playing the bad guy, Will, is hanging on for his life over the rail above the shredder, while Thomas, the main good guy, is standing over him victoriously. My question was, is the shredder real? ‘Cause it sure as hell looks like it. It wasn’t turned on yet, but just from a glance it seemed legit enough that if I dropped something as sturdy as a microwave in there, it’d come out jelly on the other end.
For the blog, I told myself. For the blog…
Suddenly, my suspicions were confirmed once Jeffrey called to have the shredder turned on. The machine roared to life, the inverting sharp metal gears rotating past each other being a black hole eating everything that passes through it with no escape. Holy shit. It was actually fucking real.
Jeffrey gave the nod to the 1st AD, and the AD returned the same.
“Action!” the AD called.
Based on what Jeffrey showed me from the script, Thomas is supposed to stomp on Will’s hand that’s gripping onto the edge of the rail, causing him to fall to his death into the shredder. The camera was now rolling, yet, I didn’t see Thomas do the deed. Was he pausing for dramatic effect? Was he acting for the camera? I wasn’t quite sure why he was hesitating.
I peaked over to notice that Jeffrey, the once calm and collected man I met backstage earlier, was now beginning to seem noticeably impatient and about to snap at any moment. There was now that dark edge I noticed about him from before but couldn’t quite put a finger on that I could see now coming to light.
Hesitation filled Thomas’ veins, about to raise his foot, then not, dragging on the scene longer than intended. From this distance, I tried to see Will’s own expression, and I regret ever doing so. Surely he was acting, but I’ll be damned, it was too good. Whatever fear he portrayed transmuted itself into me now. It was the kind of fear that I didn’t think could be replicated on command. Jeffrey stood up from his seat, but just before he could say anything or call ‘cut’, Thomas stomped his foot down on Will’s hand, and we all watched as his fingers slip from the railing. Will sent out a bloodcurdling scream as he plummeted to his ‘death’. What followed will haunt me forever.
Do you know what it sounds like to have a person’s body mangled to death? Have you bitten into the bone of any sort of meat? Heard and felt the crunch? Or maybe even the crunch of celery? I myself have never broken a single bone in my body, but imagining what it might sound like other than what I’d heard in movies or video games all seemed elementary now. At first, I had to look away, but what forced me out of my seat to leave was Will’s horrifying screams. He’d fallen feet first into the shredder, so his lower body had to suffer first before reaching his upper body and finally silencing him at the head.
I ran to find the nearest trashcan and hurled. I guess I really didn’t have the stomach for gore, at least, not to this degree. Will’s screams kept looping in my head. It was a new primal sound that evoked a dread within me that I wish I never discovered. The sound of torment. One thing was for sure, Will was one fucking hell of an actor - if this was acting. But the shredder…
It seemed so real. And there was no greenscreen besides the ones to be used for the background later in post-production. I saw him fall right into the damn thing. With my own eyes. In living color. There were no edits, no crazy tricks, no lighting effects. There couldn’t be. It just wasn’t possible.
I was sitting down trying to recuperate, as everyone else around me was wrapping up set for the day. Tiffany came over and handed me a bottle of water.
“Thanks,” I said, taking it.
“You feelin’ better?” she asked.
“Hmm,” I answered with a scoff, raising both my eyebrows and taking a sip from the bottle.
“I’m surprised you stuck around if you had such a weak stomach. I mean, he at least warned you.”
“I usually don’t. But that?” I shook my head. “How do you guys do it? It looked so real.”
“I’m just pulling your leg. I almost vomited too my first time. Nothing to be embarrassed about.”
If it was a shame to flinch at something so vile, I don’t wanna know what goes on in Jeffrey’s mind to even come up with such a scene. Speaking of which, I still didn’t get a one-on-one interview with him as I’d hoped. All I had was the end result of his ‘movie magic’, but not how he did it. At this point, I'm not sure I really wanna know.
I went to go get my belongings, which were left in one of the dressing rooms, and was stopped by the sound sniffling from the one a couple doors ahead of mine. I looked on the door to read whose room it belonged to. It read: SAVANNAH YOUNG. She was one of the lead actresses in the movie, or rather I should say the only actress in the whole film. With the makeup artist and Jeffrey thing that happened earlier, it was evident to me that something sour had gone on behind the scenes I didn’t know about.
The door was cracked open and I couldn’t see her face entirely from my view, but I knew she was sobbing. She looked to be sitting in front of her mirror. I was about to just ignore it and go on about my business.
I lightly knocked on the door. “You okay in there?” I asked.
She stopped and I could hear her get up and approach the door. She pulled it back just enough to where I could see her whole face. She was beautiful, just like Jamie, even if she had been crying.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Savannah said. “Thank you.”
There was a brief awkward moment of silence between us. Clearly, she wasn’t fine, but I didn’t wish to pry any further than that.
“Are you one of the new PAs?” she asked. I arched a brow. “Production assistant?” she clarified.
“Oh, no, I’m just a visitor,” I assured. “Writing for my blog. I was supposed to be writing about behind-the-scenes things and how it all works around here, but I bitched out from the ‘mangling scene’.”
Savannah gave a short nod. “I see,” she said. “Well… I don’t blame you.”
I wasn’t sure if it was the way she said it or just from the state that I was in, but her words gave me chills.
“I should get going,” I told her. “Nice meeting you.”
“Likewise,” she replied, and then shut the door.
I got my stuff from the dressing room and got ready to head out. I wonder what could’ve made Savannah so down to where the director had to get involved and set her straight. Jeffrey seemed pleasant to work with at first glance, but who knows, maybe he had a mean streak to him after all, especially the way he looked during the shooting of the scene. God, I just wanted to forget about it. I can’t unhear the sounds. The bones crunching, the blood splattering, and the screaming. The fucking screaming…
As I was leaving the studio lot, I noticed the cleaning crew of two men dump a large amount of black bags in the dumpster. From the way they swung the bags over into the bin, the shit didn’t seem light. The bags were in several different sizes, some small, some big, some disproportionate. I stood there and watched as the two men finished disposing of the junk and walked away to go about their other duties.
Regular, common sense me would’ve just picked up the phone, called Jamie to let her know I’m ready to get picked up, and go about my day. But the nosy blogger me kept itching…
I made sure the coast was clear and made my way over to the bin. I can’t believe I was actually dumpster diving, and for what? What did I really expect to find? In my head, I knew the answer, but was avoiding it, either out of how ridiculous it may sound or, God forbid, I was right.
The trash wasn’t stacked high enough from the bottom for me to simply reach, so I had to literally get in there myself. I climbed over on the other end, raised the lid, and jumped down on the piles of plastic bags, holding the lid up with my arm and my breath so I didn’t get a huge whiff of the smell. Though, if I did need to puke again, I supposed this would be the place to do it.
I immediately noticed the bags the men threw away, but in order for me to check what was inside, I’d have to crouch down and let the lid close on me. Fine. That’s what the flashlight on my phone was for. Surrounded in darkness and garbage now, I turned the flash on, illuminating the four dirty walls around me and I pulled back one of the bags. I felt around to try and see what sort of contents might be inside. Mush. It felt all mushy with chunks of solid and a little bit of liquid.
This was stupid, I thought. I realized how stupid I probably looked right then and there, sitting in a bin full of filth looking for clues like some sort of private detective. My followers have no idea how far I’d go, but this was ridiculous. Oh well, I’m too deep in it now, no pun intended.
I held my phone in my mouth as I used my hands to rip open the plastic. My heart began pounding as I slowly pried the bag open. Once I got a peek inside, shame and embarrassment came over me.
I should’ve just called Jamie to come get me. Had I really become that desperate? I threw the bag over and out of my way. Then I noticed the bag underneath had trickles of fluid. Curious, I shined the light down on it. They were red trickles. Considering how I’d just overreacted only to find a bag full of thrown out lunch, I wasn’t about to get all up in arms about finding red drops behind a Hollywood studio lot. I didn’t know the full recipe for fake blood, but if I recall correctly, Alfred Hitchcock used chocolate when they filmed the shower scene from Psycho.
I tried to follow the small trail and see if it led to another bag. I slowly pointed the light further up and it led me to the bag just behind the one I tossed to the side. Looks like it had a small bust that caused it to leak. When I pulled this one over, a very noticeable smell filled my nostrils and erased any other scent of the trash that surrounded me. It was a metallic, rusty sort of odor, like copper from a penny. However, that smell also belonged to something else…
I ripped open the bag, and with the shine of my light beaming down, I was welcomed to a bright crimson sight of mashed blood and guts. It had to be fake, I thought. It had to… but the way I recoiled from the putrid metallic fresh scent of carnage, my primal instincts told me that wasn’t the case. I innately knew that it was real. I was staring at Will’s mangled body.
Frozen from fear, I sat there for who-knows-how-long. What the fuck was I supposed to do? I’d call the cops first, of course, but they would need evidence, and even then they’d probably dismiss me after I told them I dove into the dumpster of a movie set where fake blood is a common prop. I’d tell Jamie the same, but she’d look at me crazy, too.
I unlocked my phone and started snapping pictures. As much as I could. I even opened some other bags and did the same. I tried to snap every bit of remains that was left of Will and saved them into my phone. It felt like a sick test to see how long I could hold my breath so I wouldn’t gag, and I think I broke a new record that day.
I snapped probably about 47 pictures on my phone before I finally shot up and threw open the bin. The wave of fresh air hit me like a truck, and enjoyed it for only a brief second before turning to see Jeffrey, Tiffany, and the other AD standing by his side. My soul left my body right then and there.
“Christian?” Jeffrey said, sounding concerned.
Fucking say something, I told myself. I did my best not to stutter and look stupid.
“Hey, Jeff,” I said, raising the inflection of my voice, probably sounding dumb.
“Going for a swim there?” Jeffrey joked.
I fake laughed, then put on my best acting skills. “I cannot for the life of me find my ring.”
“Your ring?”
“Yeah, my mom’s ring?”
Then, with the slick subtle motion, I hid my hands to where they couldn’t see them behind the walls of the bin, and with careful coordination used my fingers on my right hand to pull the ring I already had on and flicked it down onto the trash below. I shuffled my feet over the bags I stood on to make noise so they wouldn’t hear the ring drop. Please God, don’t let the ring hit the hard bottom floor or one of the rusty walls, I thought. To my relief, it didn’t.
“Oh man, I’m sorry, Christian, I haven’t seen it,” Jeffrey said, as he looked at the other two as they also shook their heads. “But we can definitely look around again and let you know if we find anything.”
“Uh, yeah, sure,” I said, trying not to make my voice tremble with anxiety.
“Now, c’mon, let’s get you outta there,” Jeffrey said, waving his hand over.
I nodded and shot a quick timid smile. I climbed out of the bin and faced the three before me, wiping myself down.
“Hands a little messy there,” Jeffrey said.
Anxiety raced through me again, but adrenaline had my back to make sure I didn’t fuck up by saying anything dumb.
“Oh, the fake blood?” I chortled. “Yeah, you guys lots of that shit in there. Smells like a chocolate factory.”
Jeffrey fell for it, and laughed. Good. But he could just as easily be playing me right now.
“Given how you ran off earlier back there I’m surprised you can stand to look at it, better yet, touch it,” he remarked.
“I’m sorry about that,” I stammered but stayed on track. “It’s just… I now see for myself, no one does it like GF.”
“Haha, you don’t have to flatter me to get back my respect. Don’t sweat it. I totally understand.”
Is that so? I thought.
“You could use that martini shot right about now, huh?” Tiffany joked.
Definitely not with her any time soon. Or any of them, for that matter.
“Well we’re just heading out for the day, you got a ride?” said Jeffrey.
“Yeah, I should probably call Jamie now and let her know I’m done,” I replied.
“It’s no problem, man, I can give you a lift. I can drop you off wherever you need me to.”
“No, it’s fine.”
“Seriously, I insist-”
“Jamie and I got a spa appointment to catch in a bit. Otherwise I appreciate the offer.”
Jeffrey had a brief look in his eyes, a glint of what I could only compare to a wolf’s gaze hiding behind that sheep’s clothing he carried himself around as, and then smiled and nodded.
“Okay, Christian,” he said. “Once again, nice to meet you and I hoped you enjoyed the tour, and hopefully make some good content for your blog.”
“Absolutely,” I said. “Thank you so much again. Seriously, I can’t thank you enough.”
“It’s nothing, Chris,” Jeffrey said, throwing me off a bit. “Can I call you, Chris?’
I shrugged. “Sure. I mean, I called you Jeff by accident,” I said.
“It’s fine. Chris and Jeff it is.”
I needed to get away from here. Now and as fast as possible. But I still needed to do one more thing.
“Any chance I can wash these off inside?” I said, raising my bloodied hands.
“Oh of course,” Jeff said.
“I can lead him back,” Tiffany said, ready to go with, but Jeffrey stopped her.
“Ah, he knows his way in, right?” Jeff looked to me for reassurance.
“Yeah,” I answered confidently.
“Good, well hopefully I’ll see you around, Chris, and you enjoy the rest of your day.”
“Thank you, Jeff. And you all do the same.”
As I walked past them and towards the studio lot, I couldn’t help but wonder if I was being set up. Why hadn’t he let Tiffany escort me back inside? I’d think that would be customary for them to do for visitors entering and exiting the building. But I felt that they were watching me from behind, and with every step, I grew more and more anxious.
I’d made it inside and the lot was now nearly empty and quieter. I didn’t see a single person in sight, and only a few lights remained on, making it mostly dark. I hurried the fuck up and did what I came to do, as I didn’t wanna be here any longer and didn’t feel safe.
Down the hall where the dressing rooms were, I rushed over to Savannah’s door, and saw that it was closed. I tried opening it only to see it was locked. Looking down, there was no light shining through the cracks either, meaning there was no one inside. She wasn’t there. Shit.
I washed my hands in the bathroom, scrubbing the dried blood off as thoroughly as possible, getting under nails and all, cringing at the thought of it being Will’s. Suddenly, I heard a noise from outside the hall leading to the bathroom. Petrified, my heart sank into my chest, and I froze. I shut the water off, and carefully approached the door. I listened for any other sounds as I placed my ear closer. After a few moments, I heard the noise again, but then realized that it seemed to be coming from one of the dressing rooms just outside in the hall.
Since I carry a notebook around most of the time for jotting down notes, I certainly always carry a pen. What most people don’t know is that I carry a military tactical pen for a variety of uses, and in times like these, it can be used as a subtle but effective weapon. I switched the tip from an ink ball to a small slick blade.
I opened the bathroom door and crept through the hall over to the dressing room door that made the noise, holding the pen underneath the breast pocket of my sweater. On the outside of the door, it read, “WILL BANKS.”
Confused, I wasn’t sure what to make of it. Common sense me once again kept barking in my brain telling me to GTFO, but I had to be sure. I gave three shy knocks and waited. There was definitely someone in there because whatever noise I thought I heard from behind came to an utter halt. I could hear faint whispers of someone’s voice, and then another. There was more than one. My hand trembled as it tightly gripped the pen underneath with sweat as I heard whoever it was on the other end of the door approach.
It swung open, and there stood Will Banks, the man whose blood was just on my hands moments ago, alive and well, in the flesh. It couldn’t be, I thought to myself.
“Can I help you?” he said.
I just stood there, baffled, without answering. Behind him, I saw Savannah, who instantly recognized me and came over.
“Hi,” she said. “I thought everyone left.” She looked to Will. “He was visiting the set today for his vlog, or I’m sorry, blog.”
Will nodded, understanding now. “Oh. Sorry, I didn’t get to meet you. Will Banks,” he said, pointing at his name on the door. “As you can see.” Savannah chuckled, and Will extended his hand for me to shake.
“Christian, or Chris,” I said, releasing the pen from inside my sweater and reaching my own hand out to take his. "Whichever you please."
He had a firm shake, and it felt uncanny considering what I’d just witnessed. I was touching him, feeling his skin and bone underneath, the warmth of his body temperature through the flesh. He was real. He was alive and breathing. That couldn’t be faked. That couldn’t be a visual effect. This was real. After we let go, suddenly my hand went cold. Everything about this seemed off and downright strange.
“Did you stick around for the shoot?” Will asked.
“I did, as a matter of fact.”
“Well, what’d you think?”
I wanted to say so many things right then and there, he had no idea.
“Um... y’all are some damn good actors,” I said.
Will laughed a bit, accepting my sham form of flattery, but Savannah, not so much. She gave one of those forced gestures as to not make it feel awkward, though, I noticed it right away.
“How do you do it?” I asked.
“I would give you some artistic bullshit answer like ‘study your craft’ or ‘years of training,' things like that, but honestly… it just kinda clicks, ya know?”
I fake chuckled. “No, I don’t. It looked kinda real from my end. Too real, I might add. Care to go into detail how you guys pulled it off?”
“Well, uh-”
Savannah interrupted. “Wait, you know what Jeffrey would say,” she whispered to him.
“I know, but it’s for his blog,” Will argued.
“But still.”
“I mean, Jeffrey’s not here, right?” I chimed in.
They both looked at me, then at each other. There seemed to be some sort of nonverbal understanding between them, and Will looked back at me.
“All right, for the sake of your blog, I’ll give you what I can to the best of my wording, that sound good?” Will proposed.
I took the pen back out from inside, switching it to the ink ball with a short click, and whipped out my small notebook. “Hit me,” I said.
“Get ready for this one. Basically, we’ve been using a new thing in the biz lately sort of like mocap but it’s not exactly. It’s also kinda like hologram sort of tech?”
“Really?” I said, eyes widened with interest as I wrote words down.
“Yep. That’s how we did it. What you saw, was as real as the hologram thingamajig allowed you to.”
“The shredder, too.”
“The shredder. That was a hologram also.”
“Really? Okay…”
I finished writing on my notepad then turned it so that Will could read it.
BITE ME, I wrote with a big circle around it.
He laughed. Savannah did, too, but, again, in a strange nervous and restrained demeanor.
“That’s a nice story,” I said. “So if you’re ready to quit bullshitting with me, and tell the truth, I’m ready,” I spoke in a playful yet no-nonsense tone. “How’d you do it?”
“You’re good, man,” Will said with a smile, pointing his finger at me. “Like a true journalist.”
Any other day I’d be pleased to hear that, but I was serious. I needed to know, so much that I’d forgotten how long I’d actually been here. I told myself I was gonna leave as soon as I could, but now, for some reason after talking with Will and seeing how personable and genuine he came off, he put me a bit at ease. Maybe I was blowing this out of proportion. But then the screams echoed in my head again, and the smell...
“You’re not gonna tell me, are you?” I said.
“Look, I wish I could, honestly, but if I did, Jeffrey may not be too happy with either of us,” Will responded sincerely. That much was true, I could tell.
“All right, I think I tortured you enough,” I said, then immediately regretted my choice of words.
“No worries, man. Nice meetin’ ya. Good luck with the blog.”
I looked at Savannah one last time, and she looked back with a serious and almost scary gaze as though she needed to tell me something very bad. That’s who I came back for anyways. But that opportunity was a lost cause now, as I left with nothing and still no understanding of how Gemini Films did their visual effects? And I lost my mother’s ring. Fuck, I didn’t have time to go get it right now. I didn’t wanna risk being seen again. Hopefully, Jeffrey keeps his word and they somehow manage to give it back. That being said, I'd be fine with not having to see him ever again.
Whose blood was that? Whose body was that in the dumpster? Was it real? Was it actually just that well made to where the average person could be fooled into thinking it was actual flesh? Who’d go through the trouble of all that?
The screams of losing your life inch by inch, the sounds that would haunt me forever. And the smell of what was inside that bag. That instinctual gut feeling… how was it not real?
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