#why yes i am going to gif every scene of them thanks
wistfulwatcher · 2 years
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First Kill | 1.05, "First Love"
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contains major spoilers, let's start!
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how about we start with episode 7, hmm?
i must say, before the episode were released I had a theory, that alastor could make a deal with charlie and try to get her soul to(following the theory about lilith having alastor on a leash) try to exchange charlie's soul for his own BUT it did not happen, and I cannot say it's disappointing for me
as hannibal fun and an expirienced cannibalistic-joke maker it feels like a personal win to have cannibal town being one the most comfortable places in hell with cannibals being really wholesome and polite guys
and of course the diamond of the crown - rosie
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she was amazing in this episode. she definitely has the vibe of this rich auntie who visits you once a year and gives the best gifts and advices. she actually gives amazing advices, that's for sure. and i love her friendship with alastor, i bet they meet every weekend and share gossips
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all of us should be proud of charlie and the way she becomes leader and takes responsibility for her people. this is THE character development
here we are slowly coming to episode 8 also known as the finale of season 1!!
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it was a bright culmination of all of the season 1 and it turned out amazing
but dear readers, i'm sure all of you have already watched it (maybe even 2 or 3 times, right?), so why don't i just say a few words about my favorite moments
the scene before big battle, where everybody is just spending time with other is exactly what shows how much are this lost souls now bonded. they realise they have no idea what is there, waiting for them in tomorrow and that's what make this scene
and let me just say it: huskerdust
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it is a big joy to know this actually happened
i also might say that the victory wasn't easy nor unreasonable. think about the fact that nobody knew how to defeat angels is the exact reason hazbin's crew won. indeed the more power you got the less carelessness you should have.
and i'd really enjoy to share some of my highlights of this battle if I do say so
here wee goooo:
sir pentious kissing the girl he loves than heroically dies and goes to heaven. absolutely nailed it
charlie's demon form. and shall we not forget ruzzle and duzzle in their dragon form.
that absolutely iconic show up from lucifer and him in the whole battle
niffty killing adam. i'd say this is hilarious
alastor being beaten, afraid and panicked. yes, i WAS talking about it. it was important to show he can feel real emotions and fear and loss are one of them
three vees watching battle for hotel and living their best lives(i still hate val, just to be clear)
what is really natural about the battle that they don't just celebrate victory. they mourn pentious, and charlie feels guilty, but they still go on, rebuild hotel singing one of the best songs for the whole show
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i am intrigued by what the season 2 has to offer for us, my dear friends and I surely will be waiting for it
now i'm just about to thank you for reading this and wish you a pleasant day!
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runa-falls · 6 months
scratches and bites - 4
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pairing: miguel o'hara x spider-girl!reader
cw: suggestive scenes, insecurities, a bit of cussing
wc: ~2.1k
a/n: god i am SO sorry how long this chapter has taken. i'm not the type of writer to have multiple chapters in a series done before posting them every week, i literally post chapters right when i finish them lol. thanks for sticking with me and being patient!
series masterlist | main masterlist
Miguel is still a grumpy man, sneering at anyone who dares to get in his way, still stressed out about keeping the multiverse on track and recruiting capable Spiders to assist him, but at least you’re no longer the main culprit of his frustrations.
Well, you’ll take that back, you’re no longer the one being yelled at.
Your transgressions are dealt with in another way…
Miguel is…insatiable to say the least. Since the day he reprimanded you through very unconventional means, seven suits have fallen victim to his desperation, shredded until they slipped into a pile below you.
Before he could destroy another one, you demanded a nanotech one of your own, tired of having to wait days in between for another one to be tailored, but he refused to give you one because he’s concerned about the unstable WIFI.
Eager fingers tug at the neckline of your suit. He groans, listening to the delicious sound of his claw tearing at the fabric. Red eyes darken as he watches each thread give out to the sharp point of his claws, slowly revealing the supple skin of your throat. He only gets down to your collarbone when you suddenly move away with a huff.
“Mig! Stop.” He frowns when you pull away from his touch, confused as to why you’d reject his advances.
“You’re always tearing up my suits.”
He’s still confused. You’ve never complained about it before. Actually, you seem to enjoy it, flushing with desire when he uses his claws on you.
“Look, I’m done wearing the extra shirts you keep in your office, Miguel. It’s…awkward having to navigate through HQ to get home without real clothes.”
Miguel’s frown grows deeper. He loves seeing you in his shirts, watching how your smaller frame practically drowns in the fabric and brushes against the softness of your thighs. There’s a hint of domesticity in a sight like that, one that he’s longed for since losing his family. It brings out a whole new side to him and he’s stubborn to let it go.
“Plus, all the Spiders wear their suits 24/7 so it’s even weirder that I’m only in a shirt!” You don’t seem to notice how lost in thought he is, how much your words are impacting him. “...so how about getting me one of those nano-suits? That way I don’t have to worry about bothering the seamstress for the fifth time this week…”
Miguel’s hands pull you closer, cradling the back of your neck as his thumb fiddles with the small tear against your throat. “Mm…no, nanotech isn’t super reliable…” His hand drifts down and cups over one of your tits, “and I’m not letting anyone see what’s mine under here.” He squeezes gently, watching avidly as your lips part with pleasure.
“Yes, but–”
“No ‘buts,’ honey. This isn’t up for discussion. You know exactly what I’m talking about…”
It’s true, you’ve seen the risk of technologically powered nano-suits first-hand when Miguel gave the Spiders a glimpse of his impressive *cough* stature *cough* during a debriefing meeting.
Needless to say, he was the talk of the city for reasons other than being the grumpy boss…
“Okay, fine. But still…I’m serious about the suits.
That’s when you established the first ground rule of the relationship: no ripping suits unless there’s another one ready to go.
Sure, Miguel sulked about it for a week, making sure you saw his pout when he’d peel your suit off you, but he still made an effort to follow it, carefully evading the sharp tip of his claws when he’d get too eager to see what’s underneath.
You weren’t surprised when you returned to your apartment a few days later to boxes full of suits. Miguel stood there with a proud grin, fangs and claws ready, eyes glowing like rubies. You barely got in the door with your suit still intact.
You also made another rule: no touching during work hours.
You were surprised that you had to make the rule as Miguel is universally known as a strict boss, but similarly with your shredded suits, sometimes he just can’t help himself.
There were enough instances of almost being caught and having to scramble for one of his shirts (or tug on the biggest piece of suit left on the floor) because Miguel forgot to lock the door, that you had to put your foot down.
You grumble as Miguel attempts to pull you onto his lap.
“You know the rules, baby.”
His arms loop around you as you stand between his legs, “But it’s five o’clock!”
“Mm…check again.” He looks up at the holographic clock, you were right, it isn’t five. “It’s four fifty-five.” He raises a brow, unamused.
“Hm…” He yanks you against him causing you to fall over his seated figure, “Fuck it.”
Sure, being with him is hot and fun, but Miguel isn’t exactly ‘boyfriend’ material.
But it’s not like you’re any better.
Back in your dimension, you were never interested in relationships. You preferred to coast through flings and crushes rather than get emotionally involved with someone.
So this, whatever it is, is all new to you.
That being said, you had zero expectations when it came to this thing between the two of you. You’re like an eager puppy, enthusiastically taking everything he gives you and returning it tenfold. This could mean everything…or nothing.
You assume it’s been a while since Miguel has been with anyone. He’s…hesitant with you, sometimes, like he’s holding a part of himself back. Like it would be too much if he were to fully commit to you and show you what he wants deep down. There’s a constant push and pull with Miguel and it’s either very intense or barely there at all.
It’s a dynamic you’ll never get used to.
Sometimes you spend hours curled up on his lap, content with enjoying his company without a word exchanged between the two of you as he works on his computer, matching anomalies to dimensions and answering messages from different Spiders.
It’s peaceful and oddly domestic. You can almost forget about the collapsing multiverse, the worries that loom over all Spiders, and pretend it’s just you and him.
But then, there are the other times.
Moments that you’d like to forget.
Sometimes he needs space. He needs time to methodically plan out missions and brood in his office until it gets late enough that you know he isn’t coming to your apartment.
Sometimes he disappears for days, or even weeks at a time, never giving you a hint of where he’ll be, just an, “I’ll be back,” thrown over his shoulder. And then you’re left at the entrance as he shuts the door behind him, desperately waiting for him to return so you can be happy again.
You don’t know why he turns cold, and you’ll probably never find out because he doesn’t talk about his past.
It could be your fault.
You never ask.
You never push him to tell you about that little girl whose photo floats on his desktop, or the ring that sits in a drawer right beside his side of the bed.
Sometimes you wonder if you should. If that’s what you’re supposed to do in a ‘relationship’ like this. If you deserve even a crumb of vulnerability from him. But you’re too afraid to lose the fragile thing you have.
You left everything for Miguel. Without him, you’d just be a girl floating in a sea of spiders.
For some reason, you’d rather constantly be on the edge of your seat than lost without him. Because that’s how it would end. You convince yourself that the good times outweigh the bad.
Your infatuation blurs the blue waves and disperses the confusion and hurt until it barely feels like a pinch. He buries your seeds of worry with delicate kisses and numbs the creeping feeling of defeat with the heat of his touch.
With every cold shoulder comes a warm embrace, and you’ll wait weeks in the chill if it means you’ll be in his arms again.
Hobie is back, again, despite claiming to quit a couple of weeks ago. Always expect the unexpected with Hobie because consistency is not in his (very British and barely decipherable) vocabulary.
“Oi, Black-Widow, long time no see, eh?” His eye must’ve caught on to your new outfit, a custom dark-gray suit with nano-tech details. Miguel finally reimbursed you after carelessly shredding through your one and only suit.
It’s really nice, and you’re finally more recognizable with this one than the old red and blue traditional you sported before. You turn, spotting his iconic hair and piercings.
“Hobie! You’re back!” You practically jump into his arms, and he catches you easily. “Where’ve you been?”
“Ah, you know, here and there.” A cleared throat echoes through the room and he sets you down on your feet before slightly stepping away from you. Right, you’re still in his office. Whoops.
“Brown.” Miguel acknowledges Hobie, barely, despite talking directly to him. Hobie looks between the two of you, picking up on the change almost immediately. Whatever he’s thinking, he doesn’t show it.
“O’Hara.” He replies with an amused expression.
“Ready to get back to work?”
He shrugs, clearly not shaken in the slightest. “S’why I’m here, innit?”
“Good. Go report to Drew, you’ll be leaving in 20.”
“Right…” Eyes back on you. “I’ll see you later, then?”
“Yeah, we can catch up later! Be safe.”
“Will do, Spider-Woman.” You catch Hobie sending Miguel a teasing smirk as he draws away from the two of you and leaves the room. 
Freaking bugger, he’s trying to rile him up!
“I don’t like that guy.” He says it after a few seconds of silence.
You sigh, “I know.”
You turn to face him, meeting his signature scowl as he continues to glare at the door.
“With you.”
“I know.”
You’re still trying to do things your way, which, in your opinion, is the right way. And Miguel is still webbing you to any convenient surface and telling Parker to watch over you so he can get back to work.
“Not today, sweetheart.” You tug against the wisps of glowing red webs, nearly growling in your struggle. He’s clearly upgraded their strength after you’ve been able to escape and secretly tag along behind him.
“Wait, but, Miguel–!”
“This operation is especially sensitive. I can’t have you window shopping in a crumbling mall again.”
“That was one time! And we weren’t even on a mission.”
He raises an accusing brow, “Exactly.” He starts to walk away, ignoring your groaning and moaning. “Don’t forget you’re still on thin ice after you disobeyed orders last time.
“Ugh! C’mon, that was eons ago. I think I’ve proven myself.” He walks away, clicking a few buttons on his watch before a portal appears.
“Yeah, on unauthorized trips.”
“Brown, you ready?”
Hobie pushes off the wall he is leaning on and gives Miguel a teasing salute, “Aye-aye, sir.”
“What?! I’m stuck over here, but he gets to go?” The Brit sends you a teasing wink.
“He’s dispensable, cariño.”
You look over to the other side of the room where Peter sits.
“Okay, and what about him?”
“He's on babysitting duty.”
“Really? We’re still on this?” You raise an annoyed brow.
Peter holds his hands up in surrender, “Don’t look at me, look at your boyfriend. You’re not the only one suffering from this arrangement.”
“Boyfriend? More like father…” You mumble grumpily.
Hobie’s mouth quirks up, “Father? More like d-”
“Don’t fucking finish that sentence, Brown.” Of course, this doesn’t discourage him, if anything, the low growl only makes him smile wider. Miguel sighs, releasing the sudden tension from his body with a quick roll of his shoulders. “Alright, we should be back in a handful of hours.” He begrudgingly looks over at his mission partner, “Let’s go.”
“Okay, call me if you need help!” You yell as Hobie disappears into a flash of neon lights and pulsing sounds.
Before Miguel follows and slips through the portal, he stops and looks back, not at you, but at your babysitter, “And Parker,” He pulls his mask on, always ready for battle, “Make sure she behaves.”
“Oh, come on–”
Peter grins and sends Miguel a half-hearted thumbs up, “You got it.”
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novasway · 1 year
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hello my loves!! it seems as though a lot of you enjoyed the first part!! so much so that i now wrote a second part to it!! before we get into it i would just like to thank you all for the support and nice messages <33 sadly i cannot respond to comments due to this being a side blog but know that i appreciate you guys sososo much <33 love u sm - nova .
ps : this is very short because i am very tired :(( also not read proof!! and also peep the little scene from my fav podcast ever !!
one , two
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IT'S BEEN MONTHS . months since the sky people returned to pandora. months since the raids started and months since ( name ) last saw her family.
that was a normal day for ( name ) now, riding her ikran into battle every few days in order to protect her people. she no longer was the little girl that would once run around in the forests of pandora, she was now the olo'eyktan, the fate of the omaticaya was in her hands and she was determined to bring them to victory once more.
or so was the plan.
" olo'eyktan ( name )! " a hurried voice called out towards the young woman.
" lu'ìkx. what's wrong? you seem to be in a hurry? "
" i see you, olo'eyktan . " the warrior greeted the woman before continuing. " i do not mean to panic you, but u'är and veinnì found this while patrolling, we think that this might be an issue that you and your uncle should talk about. " he said, handing her a piece of paper.
" i see, well thank you lu'ìkx, i shall discuss this with my uncle, you're dismissed now. "
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" uncle i cannot — you! cannot ask this of me. i will not. "
" ( name ), i understand, truly i do! but i cannot risk to lose you, i know yes, you're finally olo'eyktan but i'd rather you have no title than no life. " sighed tsu'tey . " i know that the thought of leaving breaks you but please listen to your old man for once. "
" ... "
" ( name ) please. you read the paper, they want to kill you, they won't stop until you aren't standing anymore so please follow your family, go to the reef and just forget about this place for a while. "
" .. if i leave now i will be able to join my family ... if i don't leave now i will be able to still protect my people, my people are very dear to me — "
" dearer than your family? "
" no ... not dearer than them. never dearer than them."
"there you go, that's your answer. go and prepare, you will be leaving in the morning. "
with a heavy heart ( name ) takes one more look at the forest before going to her tent. the gentle breeze and delicate smells caressing her skin. the forest was all she knew, it was her home, her sanctuary, she vowed to protect it with her all and now her promise will be broken.
' oh eywa please forgive me for this is not the way you gave me, please great mother forgive me for not being able to protect your creation. '
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the morning came with heart breaking news for the omaticayans, yet another treasured member was leaving.
yet another olo'eyktan was leaving and with that the last sully was gone as well. with one last glance ( name ) got on her ikran and started her journey towards the reef.
the journey was a rough one, heavy rains and cold winds that made them almost crash or the hot sun burning at her blue skin during the day seemed to discourage her second by second.
being alone made her realize how awful it was not hearing lo'ak and neteyam's banter, or jake's stories from back on earth or tuk asking the most random questions. she wonders why only now her brain decides to remind her of such times. perhaps during the time that she spent in the forest fighting she didn't have time to catch a break and think everything through.
no matter the cause, ( name ) straightened her back and continued to fly towards her destination. she would get to be reunited with her family soon.
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nottapossum · 3 months
1.8 Guardians, & Angel's ❤️⚔️🪽
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⚠️TW: Getting caught, Valentino, screaming, fighting, (perfect storms) mean words, fear of abandonment, getting kicked out, abuse, past abuse... LMK if I should add, if I missed something.
This one is gonna be the hurt- Next chapter gonna be the Hurt/comfort.
'I made a wreck out of my handI put it through the wallI made a fist and not a plan
Call me a reckless wrecking ballI throw my plates against the wall
And give it all I got
I aim to break not one but all
I'm just a big ol' wrecking ball
I am unruly in the stands
I am a rock on top of the sand
I am a fist amidst the hands
And I break it just because I can.'~Wrecking ball, Mother mother.
Husk's morning routine has changed a lot this year.
Lately, he has woken up and actually started to take care of himself.
Cleaned himself up, brushed out his fur, making sure he looked presentable for the hotel…
But he also ate food and drank water, which was…new.
He remembered the days he wished he wouldn't get up… 
The days he'd drink alcohol in the morning forget any and all events of the day prior. 
His afterlife wasn't exactly better now, it didn't change too much…
He was still on a leash.
He just now had a few people worth getting up for… he supposed. 
He wasn't sure if he liked just how much he cared, he sometimes wished he didn't. 
He stays sober- or at least somewhat sober so he can remember small moments with these losers.
He walked downstairs and started getting everything situated at the bar. He actually looked up at the stairs every now and then to see when he they were coming downstairs.
He hears the sound of bottles clinking against each other in the cabinet. 
Husk sighs and rolls his eyes, knowing exactly what it must be: he opens the door to the cabinet and pulls out the small strawberry colored rat-mouse he knew and loved. “Niffty, what were you doing in there?” Husk says her.
“Shh, hiding.” Niffty giggles.
“From who?” Husk asks.
Niffty shrugs and giggles more.
Husk sets her back on the floor. “Niffty, it's dangerous to play around glass. Why don't you go play in your maze for a bit instead, hm?” Husk asks.
Niffty whines. “Noo! I don't want to!”
Husk sighs. “Well, then why don't you bother Alastor? He's the one who's actually supposed to take care of you, right?” He asks. 
“I bothered him last time.” Niffty says.
“Well, I don't know what to tell you, I can't entertain you right now, I'm working.” Husk says.
Niffty huffs and stomps away. “Fine, I'll go find someone else to play with me.”
Husk rolls his eyes.
Husk continued his work, his head down at the counter to wipe it clean.
“Angel, will you play with me?” Niffty asks.
“Not right now, Niff. I'm on the phone.” Angel says quietly to her. 
Husk looked up upon hearing Angel, he sounded so nervous and stressed out.
“Yeah, I can- yes, alright.” Angel's lower hands are fiddling with his fingers anxiously as he talks.
Husk rolls his eyes, it didn't take a genius to figure out who was on the other side of that conversation.
Angel sighs. “Yes, Val. I'm on my way.”
“Good boy, I'll see you soon.” ~ Husk can hear Val purr before he hangs up the phone.
“You alright?” Husk asks Angel.
Angel forces a smile on his face. “Yeah…just Valentino…again.” Angel says. “Have to go into work and film for a bit.”
“Will you be back tonight?” Husk asks him.
“Why? Will you miss me, Husky?”~ Angel teases.
Husk glares at him wordlessly. 
“I'm kidding.” Angel says. “I think I'll be back tonight, we just lost a few scenes from the last project, and now we gotta re-shoot them.” 
Husk nods and hums. “Good luck,” he says, eyes back down at the counter. 
“Thanks.” Angel smiles before walking out of the hotel.
Husker sighs, holding his head in agony. 
“Poor Angel, I wish there was a way to get him out of there.” Charlie, the princess says, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
Husk straightens up upon seeing her. “He'll be fine.” He says. 
“I don't know if Angel and fine go in the same sentence.” Charlie says. “At least not now, I- I just wish I could help him, but I also can't push his boundaries, and he's asked me to stay away from the studio and Valentino…”
Husk hums, he really doesn't want to think about Angel and Valentino right now… that fucking asshole really needs a knife through his throat. 
It would be a good look for the moth. 
“I feel like I'm completely failing him.” Charlie admits. “I'm supposed to help him, it's my job.”
“Angel can take care of himself.” Husk says, not sure if he honestly believes that.
Of course, Angel can take care of himself, but he can't escape the deal he made with Valentino…
He'd rather stay with Alastor for all eternity than let Angel suffer another day with Val-
Wait, he didn't mean that… Did he?
…Maybe he did.
“But, I can't help but worry about him.” Charlie says.
“I know what you mean…It seems like all I've been doing is worrying about him lately.” Husk admits before thinking. 
Charlie looks up at him, her pupils expand as she gasps. “Oh my gosh, Husk!”
“What?” Husk asks.
“You're worried about Angel!” She says.
“Yeah, I think I just said that.” Husk rolls his eyes. 
“Do you know what that means?!” She asks him.
Husk takes a step back defensively as his face starts to turn red. “What? It means nothing!”
“It means you're protective of Angel, you're practically his guardian!” Charlie says.
“Oh.” Husk says. 
“What did you think I was going to say?” Charlie asks in confusion to his response. 
“Nothing.” He says. “Wait- what do you mean I'm his guardian?” 
“I said practically.” Charlie explains. “Guardians are sorta similar to Caregivers in a way; Caregivers feel a need to take care of certain people, guardians feel a need to protect certain people. Of course, Caregivers can be protective and Guardians can feel a need to look after those they protect. You feeling protective of Angel may mean you feel this need to look out for him, take care of him.” ~ Her voice gets a little high as she smiles brightly.
“So…if you ever want to talk about that, that's what I'm here for.” Charlie says.
“I am not one of your wayward souls, Charlie.” Husk grumbles. “I'm not looking for redemption, Princess.”
Charlie nods. “Okay, well, I'm still here anyway, but as your friend, not your princess.” She says. 
Husk hums, not giving her an answer.
“And you know, if the redemption thing works for Angel, it would be nice for him to have a friend up there with him.” Charlie says.
“Not my path.” Husk says. “I made my bed, accept it…I have.” He mumbles as he looks away from her.
Charlie nods, but doesn't say anything.
He knows she was desperate to say something else, but she didn't. 
And he's glad she didn't.
Charlie walks upstairs, deciding to drop the issue and let him be.
Husk looks to the front door again.
Angel will be fine.
Charlie has nothing to worry about.
And if, by some miracle Angel does get into heaven, 
Husk will find peace in that.
Alastor's head hurt. 
His brain was fuzzy and his nerves were all over the place. 
Repression symptoms were honestly so torturous. 
He hated it! 
But he had to endure it for now.
He had no time for childish nonsense.
Besides, he doesn't need it…
Husker thought he was very clever, threatening to call Rosie on him. 
Who did Husker think he was?!
He can't deny how adorable the cat's little friendship with Angel was though. 
Which is probably the only reason Husk got away with his disrespect.
Had nothing to do with his little threat of course…
Although, he's not sure if he's ready to talk to Rosie yet…
~~~Alastor, A few weeks ago:~~~~
Alastor waited outside of Carmilla's building where the overlords meeting was held for his small egg spy to come back with news.
“You weren't going to leave without saying hello, were you?” A voice asks him.
Alastor's smile turns brighter as he turns to the woman. “Perish the thought, Rosie. I was clearly waiting out here to greet you.” He lies.
“Oh I'm sure.” She says, a smile still wide on her charming face.
“A skeleton lady!” One of the eggs gasped.
“Gone for seven years, no postcard, no phone call? I didn't get one lousy letter from you.” Rosie complained. “You didn't even say goodbye, I thought you must be dead. Because my pal Alastor would surely never leave without saying goodbye.” She ridiculed in a playful manner. 
“I apologize, Rosie. I would have told you if I could. Trust me, it couldn't be helped.” Alastor explained. 
Rosie hums, clearly not loving the sound of that.
“Careful, boss, she looks like she's up to no good!” One of the others say.
Alastor rolls his eyes and ignores the little egg creature.
“I see.” Rosie says, holding her hands on her hips, her face clearly concerned for his well being. “Are you okay?” She asks.
“I'll be fine, Rosie. Don't worry, there is no cause for concern.” He promised. “I have everything handled as always.”
“If you say so, I'll trust you. But that doesn't mean I won't worry.” She says. “You have a knack for getting into trouble.”
“I am not in any trouble, Rosie.” Alastor says with as much enthusiasm as he could muster. “Like I said, I have it handled.”
“You'd better, mister.” She says. ”Or I'll have to come and straighten it all out for you. And you won't like it if I do.”
“Want me to get rid of her for you boss?” One of the annoying eggs asks.
“I'd like to see you try.” Alastor says to Rosie with a laugh.
The egg however assumed Alastor was talking to him, so he waddled over to Rosie and started pushing her leg…which obviously did nothing, they were tiny. So, she kicked the egg and it rolled and hit all the other eggs. 
 “So, uh- do I want to know about the eggs?” Rosie asks him.
Alastor looks down at the small egg creatures. “Ah yes, the egg creatures…”
The little eggs got back on their feet, dizzy albeit, as they attempted to once again attack Rosie.
“Enough.” Alastor says to them. “Rosie is a friend, not an enemy, you nitwit.” He says.
The little eggs spun around. “Whatever you say boss!” 
Rosie chuckles. “They're charming.” 
“I was asked to dispose of the little pests.” He explains. 
Rosie looks at them and smiles. “Oh, don't you dare. They're far too adorable.” Rosie says. 
“You want them?” Alastor asks.
“Haha…no.” She says, face dropping the enthusiasm. “I have enough pests, but they're too cute to destroy.” 
“Thank you, skeleton lady.”
Rosie gave a curtsey to the small egg. “Of course, darling.”
“What would you suggest I do with them then?” Alastor asks.
Rosie taps her chin. “Hmm…cook them?” She suggests. “They're probably sweet.” 
“Interesting.” Alastor hums.
“I must be off, Susan will have a cow if I'm late for the town meeting.” She says.
Ah the cannibal town meeting, those were fun.
“Farewell Rosie, send everyone in cannibal town my regards.” Alastor says.
“I will. And hey! Don't be a stranger, mister. You hear me? I expect a visit from you soon.” She tells him. 
Alastor smiles as she walks away…
He truly did miss that wonderful smile, she truly had a way of making him feel right at home. 
It's not like he didn't think about calling her, visiting, letting go and allowing them to have a real conversation…
Honestly, there was nothing he wanted more than to converse with his best friend and (as Husker put it) ‘’Caregiver’’ again. 
Hear all the town gossip,
Maybe even allow her to take care of him for a short while…if she wants..
But only for a short while! 
Because he didn't need to regress…at least not as often as other littles…
‘Nonsense, Alastor.’ She had told him. ‘All littles need to regress at least twice a month. Repression only leads to more stress.’
And she wasn't exactly wrong…he supposed.
But alas, 
He must endure it for now.
He has a deal to fulfill.
He needed to help Charlie with her ridiculous hotel.
If he wants to keep his powers that is…
He has no time for friendship right now.
No time to be little.
He had work to do…
That’s what was important.
There was a small knock at his door.
Alastor hates that door sometimes… 
He walks over and opens it, no surprise he's met with the tiny souris.
“Niffty, what is it?” He asks her.
“Husk told me to bother you.” Niffty says.
“Why? Were you bothering him?” Alastor asks.
Niffty looks away from him. “Maaaayyyybeee.”
Alastor tisks and shakes his head. “Niffty, how many times must I tell you to not bother Husker while he is working?” Alastor asks.
“But it's fun! And I was soooo bored!” Niffty complains. 
Alastor hums, and walks over to grab her small bag with crayons and coloring books in it. “Here, how about you color for a bit, hmm?” Alastor asks. 
Niffty shrugs. “Okay, I guess.”
Alastor hands Niffty the bag. “Perfect, why don't you draw some pictures of everyone at the hotel.” He suggests. “It would be such a great help, everyone would be so grateful.”
That'll keep her busy for a while… he hopes so at least.
“But, will you color with me?” She asks him.
“I wish I could, but I have other matters to tend to at the moment.” He tells her.
“Aw.” Niffty pouts. 
“None of that now, we'll play later, alright?” Alastor asks her. 
“Promise?” Niffty asks.
“I promise.” 
Niffty huffs once Alastor left the room…
Everyone is too busy to play with her! It's not fair.
She looks around for some paper to color on but-
There isn't any. 
Only coloring books.
They have pre-pictures, no 
She looks around for Alastor, but he's already gone.
Oo! Maybe Angel has some paper for her to color on! He always had something for her! 
But Angel is gone…
She'll check his room then, just in case! Angel wouldn't mind- it's not like he tells Niffty constantly to stay out of his room right? 
Eh, he'll understand once he sees her beautiful art!
~~~Charlie and Vaggie, that night:~~~
Charlie and Vaggie were getting things organized for the next little session for Pentious.
“Do you think he'll like it?” Charlie asks her, holding up the regression journal she made for Pen, it was covered in gear stickers and little hearts and dogs.
“He'll love it, babe. I love it.” Vaggie says.
“I made one for Angel, Niffty, and Alastor too…just in case.” Charlie says. “I just- I have this feeling they might-”
“Alastor is not a regressor.” Vaggie interupts. “I thought we already agreed that he'd just messing with us.” 
Charlie shrugs. “I know, it's just for…in case he isn't.” 
Vaggie crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow at Charlie.
Charlie sighs, caving. “Okay…the truth is, I can't help but wonder if he might actually be a little.” Charlie says. “Maybe he's just an older little, sometimes it's hard to tell when someone is regressed.”
“How old did it say Alastor was?” Vaggie asks.
Charlie thinks. “I don't think it said. But we can check!” 
Charlie walks out of the room and down the stairs to head over to her office.
Vaggie sighs and shrugs, she truly doesn't understand how Charlie can believe in people so easily…
Though she supposed that's what made them so right for each other; Charlie trusts too much, Vaggie doesn't trust at all. Together they make a well adjusted person.
So, Vaggie follows Charlie downstairs to look at Alastor's  test.
Who knows, maybe they missed something- maybe Charlie was right…
But there's no way The Radio Demon was also a regressor. 
They make it to the office and Charlie gasps: “Oh no.”
“What is it? What happened?” Vaggie asks, panicked.
“Someone knocked over Pen's lego set.” Charlie explains, she picks up the tiny blocks and sets them on the small coffee table. “He worked so hard on this…did you knock it over?” Charlie asks.
Vaggie shakes her head. “No. I haven't been in here today.” 
“Hm.” Charlie considers for a moment…did she knock it over and just didn't notice? 
Charlie knows that she can be clumsy, but normally she's aware when she knocks something over…
She shrugs. It'll be fine, Pen is very understanding, she can just help him rebuild it. It'll be okay.
She goes over to her filing cabinet to grab the tests….
“What?” Vaggie asks her.
“The tests…they're kinda…gone.” Charlie explains, starting to panic. 
“What do you mean they're gone?!” Vaggie asks.
“I-theyre not here.” Charlie says. “I left them right-'' Charlie turns to Pentious's lego set. “Oh…no.” Her eyes are wide, and her breathing quickened. 
There's no way he- 
“What is it?” Vaggie asks.
Charlie bites her lip.
“Charlie, what?” Vaggie asks her again. 
“Uhm. I did see Angel coming out of this room last night…”
“He stole the tests?!” Vaggie asks.
“Maybe? But I'm sure there has to be a perfectly good explanation, when he gets home from work we can-”
“What explanation could he possibly give you to excuse this?” Vaggie asks.
Before Charlie could answer, they hear paper slide under the door.
They walk over and see a crayon drawing of Vaggie and Charlie.
But as they turn the picture around to see the back…
“Alastor's test.” Charlie notices. 
“Wait- so- where are the others?” Vaggie asks.
Charlie and Vaggie looked at each other. 
Charlie and Vaggie run out of the room to find the small woman who drew all over the tests. 
“Niffty!” Charlie calls out for her.
Niffty stops in her tracks and turns to Charlie. “Yes?”
“Where did you get this paper?” Charlie asks.
Niffty shrugs. “From Angel's room. He always gives me paper when I ask…was I not supposed to?”
Charlie looks over to Vaggie.
“Where are the other papers?” Vaggie asks her.
Before Niffty can answer, Pentious and Husk both walk into the main visiting area with tests in their hands with little Niffty drawings on them. 
“Charlie, why did Niffty hand me Husker's classification test?” Pentious asks.
“...and I have yours.” Husk says, handing Pentious his test.
Pentious takes it and averted his gaze. He was not ready to talk to his other friends about this…
Alastor appears via his shadow. “And I believe this is yours, my dear.” Alastor hands Vaggie her test back.
Angel walked back into the hotel, feeling awful. He fucking hated Val and his fucking waterbording kink. 
Everyone was gathered together in the main room, they all looked at him. “Uh…what's going on?” Angel asks them.
Vaggie holds up the piece of paper she had. “Care to explain how Niffty found these in your room?”
“Niffty found our classification tests in your room. Did you take them?” Vaggie asks again.
“So, you just send Niffty to go snooping in other people?” Angel asks.
“Niffty is our maid, she's supposed to clean up the rooms!” Vaggie says. “It's her job!”
“Okay, guys?” Charlie asks. “I think things are getting just a bit hostile, maybe take a deep breath and calm down.” Charlie says. 
“Charlie, I love you, but your fear of confrontation is what caused all this in the first place.” Vaggie says. 
Charlie was about to argue with Vaggie, but she bit her tongue. 
“First Alastor makes a mockery of the tests, and now this? You can't keep letting them get away with this stuff.” 
“Me? Making a mockery of your test? Did you care to consider that perhaps your silly test isn't as accurate as you make it out to be?” Alastor suggests. 
“You know you messed up the test on purpose!” Vaggie says. 
Charlie tried getting the others' attention. “Guys, please-”
“Interesting theory.” Alastor says. 
“It's not a theory, it's a fact!” Vaggie shouts. 
“It doesn't matter if Al lied or not! This test is fucked up anyway!” Angel argues. 
“Don't get me started on you, Angel!” Vaggie scolded. 
“Things were fine before you decided you'd exposssse everyone!” Pentious insists.
“Hey, I didn't mean for all this to happen! I just wanted to borrow Al's test…for- uh.” 
Everyone looks at Angel.
“Yes?” Alastor asks.
“For…blackmail...” Angel reluctantly finishes saying. 
“Ah yes, that changes everything. Doesn't it?” Alastor asks sarcastically. 
“Wait- no. That's not-” Angel struggles on what to say next.
“I don't care why you did it!” Vaggie says. “It was still wrong!”
“Angel, I thought we were friends, why would you do this!?” Pentious asks.
“They're right, you know.” Husk says to Angel. “It was wrong to take those tests, I don't care what he did.”
“Why do you care? I thought you hated smiles.” Angel says to Husk.
“I do hate him! But that does not excuse it.” Husk says. 
“Why don't you just go fuck yourself?” Angel suggests. 
“Very mature.” Husk scoffs. 
“Angel, Husk is right. You've done nothing but mess things up since you got here.” Vaggie says.
“Vaggie-” Charlie tries to interrupt.
“I didn't say that.” Husk says.
“Oh yeah? Well if i'm messing everything up. Why don't you just kick me out already?!” Angel asks.
Charlie reached out to Angel. “Angel, no-”
“Maybe we will!” Vaggie shouts. “We have a deadline, if we can't rely on you, if you're not going to take anything we do seriously, why are you even here?” 
Charlie's eyes start to fill with tears. “Vaggie-”
“That's fine, because I have better options, things were a lot better for me when I stayed at the studio anyway!” Angel shouts back.
“Angel, please don-”
“Angel, why don't you just admit that what you did was wrong and apologize?” Husk asks. 
“Because I'm not wrong! You all have been pestering me about this stupid test-”
“We have not been pestering you!” Vaggie says. “We never said you had to take the test, you blew everything way out of proportion!”
Alastor smiles as the group gets more and more heated.
“Well, you know what? I won't ruin anything else for you, because I'm leaving! I'll get my pig and I'll go home!” Angel shouts. 
“Angel no!” Charlie shouts. “Please wait, we can-”
“Great, you never took redemption seriously anyway!” Vaggie says, arms crossed firmly. 
“OKAY STOP!” Charlie’s demon form merges as she shouted over the group, causing everyone to stop arguing and look over at her “Listen, I'm sorry! I never should have asked you all to take the test. I- I messed everything up.” Charlie cries. “I just wanted to help you. But-” 
Vaggie's face drops, letting go of her anger to try and comfort Charlie. “Babe?”
“Charlie?” Pentious asks her. “Are you alright?” 
Angel runs upstairs to his room, closing the door behind him.
Charlie continues to cry, so Vaggie holds her.
 “I'm so sorry.” Charlie cries.
“It's okay, I'm here.” Vaggie says. “Just- follow me.” She says, taking Charlie's hands and leading her to Charlie's office. 
Pentious looked over to the girls with concern. “Charlie-”
Vaggie and Charlie left to the office, so Pentious slithered to his own room.
Husk sighs, rubbing his temples..“I guess I'd better talk to Angel. I don't see anybody else volunteering.” The cat says while he looks at Niffty and Alastor before walking upstairs.
Niffty was frozen where she was, unable to process this.
She made such a mess…
“Well, this was fun.” Alastor says before disappearing into his shadow. 
He doesn't know why he cares so much about Angel…
He truly doesn't.
The guy has so many issues, 
He doesn't understand boundaries,
He's obnoxious,
Husk pauses at Angel's door…
He really should just leave Angel alone…
But, he can't. 
He needed wanted Angel to stay…
He takes a deep breath and finally knocks.
'It takes a dedicated hand
To put it through the wall
You gotta wanna break the heart
Of all those pretty porcelain dolls
You gotta wanna be the drummer in the band
You gotta wanna be a battering ram
You gotta see the artistry
In tearing the place apart with me, baby
I am unruly in the stands
I am a rock on top of the sand
I am a fist amidst the hands
And I break it just because I can
Let's break it(Just because we can)
Deface it(Just because we can)
Let's break it
Just because
Just because
Just because
Just because.' ~Wrecking ball, Mother Mother.
Possum: Hope this is okay! If not....
The next chapter will be better. This was mostly build up for that. 😅
Ty all for the kind words last week in regards to the authors note as well as the chapter. 
You guys are honestly so amazing! I'm so lucky to have you all ❤️🩷🧡💕
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @babiegurlmuffin @ask-dusty-boy @dex-dawn
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 5 months
Hi Josi 😊 For the Top 5 BL: Best Hug and / or Most Beloved Sidecouples ✨
Uuhhhh, two in one! Maxine, thank you for this ask ❤
I love a good hug. Seeing those feels like I get a hug (and sometimes it makes me feel really single). There are the hugs that you can feel through your screen, some of them you just want to look away, because this moment belongs only to the couple on screen, they are just so intimate and there are so ones where one wants to crawl into the other one and I am here for this kind of hug. This desperate need for each others closeness.
The start makes the oldest one on this list:
My School President
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Their hugs just felt so good! I loved giffing those moments. They needed the other one physical close, they felt peace in those hugs and it was their way to show how much they cared for each other. I loved every single one of those hugs!
I just realised the next ones are all just some really desperate hugs... and I love them! I have a thing for them...
Kiseki: Dear To Me
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This hug felt so good. Finally they were reunited again. Finally they could hold each other again. And damn this was such a beautiful hug! They hugged with their whole body and soul. Imagine holding the love of your life finally in your arms again after years of spending apart. I love it!
Tokyo In April Is...
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There is no space for anything else between them. Kazuma made sure of that. He neeeded Ren to feel this hug, and for himself to feel this closeness again. Both are in love with each other, even though they couldn't tell each other yet, but for us viewers it was cristal clear. This hug alone made it clear for us. I love this hug so much!
Pit Babe
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Yes Babe, cry because you're so happy to have Charlie back in your arms! Beautiful. I needed this, he needed this and Charlie needed this too! We all needed this! And I love Pavel's facial expressions in this moment.
I Feel You Linger I The Air
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The most desperate hug after the most saddest fuck this year! Such a beautiful scene! They knew they didn't have much time left and just made love. They wanted and needed to feel every inch of each other, and it felt so intimate, I had the urge to look away and let them have this time alone in closeness and happiness and desperation.
And now after these beautiful scenes we go on to my favorite side couples 2023. I love a good side couple I can concentrate on and forget about the main couple 😅
The first couple is one of the most precious ones of this year. We knew them and we knew they had incredibly chemistry and could act really nice, but nevertheless they blew us away:
Heart and LiMing from Moonlight Chicken
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Their story was so wholesome and important. Their journey was so good. LiMing's struggles with his mum and his uncle, the money and the fact that he wanted to see the world were so ordinary and felt so real it was so good. And Heart's problems with his parents and the urge to be more independent and to be seen felt so sad and Gemini was so good. Oh I love these two and their stories!
Next we have a show I didn't like that much, but I was in love with the side couple. They were the only reason why I kept up with this show.
Zeke and Fifth from My Story
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They had an extreme intense chemistry. I loved them on screen and their journey to finally become a couple. I was hyped for their own show and was so let down. I couldn't watch it. It was too much cringe for me, but this is just personal preference. In My Story I adored them and this scene especially.
Next is the couple, that has the most entries in all of my Top 5s this year:
AiDi and ChenYi from Kiseki: Dear To Me
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I love them. They stole the show and my heart. Their dynamic is so adorable after they finally become a thing. In the beginning I was a little put off. I didn't understand their relationship, but within a few episodes this changed I was rooting for them so much! I was so happy when ChenYi finally understood his feelings for AiDi and AiDi finally got what he wanted desperatley for years!
I don't know if the next one counts... The show has three couples and I guess one was the main couple. Well, I cared more about the other ones.
Love Class 2
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Maru and Minwoo had the softest kiss this year in my opinion and Sungmin and Joohyuk had this lap-situation and everything else that came after. I really enjoyed their stories and their characters. The main couple was just not that interesting for me. But because of the side couples (or the other main couples) I enjoyed this series so much!
I close this list with a couple, that is a little bit problematic for me. I don't like the series that much, mostly because of the main couple and the bad writing for them. But the writing for this side couple was so much worse!
Jaab and Jane from Step By Step
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I was so pissed with their ending! What was that? There was no real conclusion and I still don't know if they are happy together now. They had this huge cheating plot (and I like those tropes, but only with a good solution in the end) and before they could work on that Jane was never seen again. This was so sturpid, I was so angry. I wanted them to have their own stupid happily ever after, but no, we have some creepy stalker like behavior and some mystery... no thank you, but besides that I liked them so much and I wanted so much more of them!
Ask me Top 5 BL Anything from 2023
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number1mingyustan · 1 year
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streetracer!yeonjun x fem!reader
Genre: smut, established relationship,
Warnings: choking, unprotected sex (riding), grinding, kissing, cursing, creampie
Summary: Who doesn't love a late night drive?
Word Count: 2.3k
The night air is cold, so you’re quick to make your way to the car. It’s beautiful, a nicely polished white car with red and black detailing. You almost regret wearing a skirt, but as soon as you climb into the passenger seat you feel the heat inside of the car.
Yeonjun looks over at you with one hand resting on the steering wheel. “Hey baby.”
He leans over, planting a kiss on your lips. “Hi,” you smile.
You weren’ t supposed to be here. It was a little after 1 am and your parents think you’re in bed sleeping right now. Granted, they’re asleep too and you’ve gotten damn good at sneaking out since you and Yeonjun started dating.
You know they’d absolutely freak if they ever found out you and were dating, and Yeonjun at that. He definitely wasn’t the type of person to bring home, especially not to your parents.
He wasn’t necessarily a bad guy. He’s gotten into some trouble along the way, but nothing too extreme. However you know your parents would immediately disapprove if you brought home the 6’1 boy with all his tats piercings and all.
Granted, you had a secret tattoo of your own thanks to him, not that they’d find out any time soon anyway.
It’s been a bit hard to hide stuff from them lately because Yeonjun loves spoiling you so much. Random gifts often catch your parent’s attention nowadays, forcing you to lie to them more than you already do.
Your story was nothing out of the ordinary. The straight A good girl falls in love with the troublemaker hot guy. The extremely played out romeo and juliet trope, but nonetheless a goodie.
“You look cute,” he smirks, shamelessly eyeing you up and down.
He loved the way you dressed. You were always dressed so bright and bubbly. Your style consisted of plenty of pink and baby blue, headbands, skirts, fuzz, sweaters, leg warmers, and thigh highs. He absolutely fucking loved the thigh highs.
It contrasted him too perfectly, as he was currently dressed in a pair of ripped black jeans and a black graphic tee. There were silver rings decorating his fingers, like always.
“Thank you,” you respond. “You look cute too.”
Yeonjun chuckles. “Do I?”
You nod your head enthusiastically.
“Thank you baby,” he starts up the car. “Are you ready?”
You nod again. It’s all he needs before he speeds off into town. You’ve scolded him many times about driving so recklessly when he’s close to your house, but he never listens.
This has become a bit of a routine for you. Every Friday night at around this time, Yeonjun picks you up and you drive to the abandoned racetrack on the edge of town where Yeonjun races. At first, you hated it.
He was risking his life and committing a crime on a weekly basis, but it paid well when he won. And Yeonjun always won. The first time he brought you, you were terrified. You watch him zoom through the track with the other cars, going at least 90mph recklessly.
Slowly, you grew more comfortable. You’ve even been in the car with him a couple times during his races. It’s not really your scene, but you can see why Yeonjun enjoys it.
It’s not long before he pulls up to the familiar track. A crowd has already formed and cars have begun lining up at the starting line.
“You ridin’ with me?” he asks.
You think to yourself for a second before shaking your head. “Nah, I’ll be waiting for you at the finish line.”
He pouts. “You sure baby?”
You rode with him in a race, one time and one time only. Truthfully, you did have a lot of fun. But you’re not one to put your life in danger for a bit of thrill. Once was more than enough for you.
“Yes I’m sure,” you open the passenger side door. “I have to tutor tomorrow morning, I’m not risking my life.”
“You know I always take care of you,” he leans over.
“I’ll be waiting for you when you win,” you tell him.
He frowns before placing a kiss on your lips. “Be good my good luck charm,” he tells you.
You back away from the car, continuing to wave at him as you start walking toward the stands. He drives away toward the starting line and you push through the crowd.
You push your way to the front in order to watch the race from the best view possible. The engines are revving as the countdown begins.
The race starts and your boyfriend immediately takes the lead. People are cheering from the stands, yourself included as the cars circle the track.
No one really competes with Yeonjun’s speed, falling behind him and staying there for the duration of the race.
The cars circle the track 3 times trailing behind your boyfriend. The crowd is roaring with excitement throughout the race, and they only go wild when he jets through the finish line. The other cars soon follow after him, and he parks the car near the edge of the track. He climbs out of the car, flipping his head back and running his hand through his hair before scanning the audience for you. You stand up on the railing and wave at him excitedly. He blows you a kiss and shoots you a wink.
You watch as he pulls out his phone and types something before your phone buzzes. You look down at his text.
‘meet me in the lot’
By the time you look up, he’s already in his car revving up the engine and driving off the track and out of sight. You know which lot he’s talking about, it’s the area the cars go before and after races,but it’s about a 10 minute walk away considering most people drive around here.
You spot him, leaning against his vehicle while talking to Kai, his best friend at the tracks. There’s music playing from inside Kai’s car parked next to him. The two boys are talking, but his attention immediately turns to you when he sees your approaching him. He holds up his middle and ring finger, creating a ‘come here’ motion.“Did I make you proud?”
You walk up to the car sheepishly. “Yes,” you breathe out. “I knew you were gonna win.”
He smirks again. “Yeah, told you you’re my good luck charm.” He wraps an arm around you, pulling your body close to his.
He continues his conversation with Kai, but you find yourself quickly growing bored. Silently, to take his arm off your shoulder and walk to the passenger side of the car to wait for him. You sit inside of the vehicle on your phone for a few minutes before he knocks on the window.
You lower in, looking up at him. “You ready to go?” he asks.
You nod.
He plants a quick kiss on your lips. “Okay baby, give me a few minutes and we’ll go.”
The boys continue talking, but they’re soon interrupted by the sound of sirens and blue and red light flashing.
Oh yeah, what Yeonjun does is extremely illegal. The race track is an abandoned property no one is supposed to go on and there’s so much better that goes on about the dangerous sport.
“Shit,” Kai says.
The boys exchange a quick look before scrambling. Moments later Yeonjun is in the driver’s seat, starting up the car. The engine revs loudly and he speeds off. You hold on for your dear life, he can’t get caught, not with you in the car. If it was just him, it would be less than ideal but he could easily get away. But if he got arrested with you and your parents found out? He’d be a goner.
He races off, driving into the city. The cops trail behind him for a bit, but you know Yeonjun. He car twists and turns sharply as he drives through different side streets to outrun the police. Your heart is beating so fast.
“Yeonjun?” you ask.
“Hmm?” he hums.
“Where are we going?”
“You trust me right?” he asks.
“Of course, but I—“
“Just trust me.”
You stay silent, simply observing your surroundings. Once he loses sight of the cops, he pulls into the parking lot of a park. The area is secluded and dark, perfect. He parks the car
He pulls you in onto his lap from the passenger side. He doesn’t bother to say anything , simply running his hands up your thighs as he begins kissing your neck. "Wanna show me how proud you are? Hmm?”
“No way you’re actually horny from running away from the cops,” you breathe out.
It was a combination of the high he felt from racing and your outfit that did it for him, you looked so cute. A fitted cloth baby pink and white dress with leg warmers and moon boots. He loves that you’re so dressed up for him in the middle of the night. Your dress rides up at be adjusts you on his lap.
Besides, the adrenaline is pumping through his body and you look so fucking good. He knows you guys are safe from the cops and a release seems perfect right about now.
Your lips find one another’s desperately. He hands are on your thighs, pulling your dress up further and further until your your little pink panties are exposed.
His hands guide your hips, causing you to grind against him. Your panties are thin, allowing you to feel everything right where you need him. He’s growing harder in his jeans, cock poking right onto your clit as your grind down on him.
You’re soaking through your panties from the friction. You moan against his lips as you grow more desperate for contact with him.
You pull away hurriedly and reach for his jeans. Your hands fiddle with his his belt. He watches you, panting with a pink tint flushing across his face. His lips are swollen from kissing you, plump and puckered.
You finally undo his pants, pulling out his cock and stroking it. He leans back in the seat, smirking as he watches you jerk him off. The more you touch him, the more he leaks. The clear fluid spurts from his cock, coating the palm of your hand and lubricating his length.
“Shit,” he breathes out.
He quickly grows impatient, lifting you up and pulling your panties to the side. You’re so wet for him and he hasn’t even properly touched you. He slides the tip of his cock along your entrance, causing shivers to spread through your body.
He guides you down onto his cock, filling you up inch by inch slowly. You moan out as he stretches you open. It feels so good to have him inside of you again, to be full of him.
He takes his time splitting you open initially, but as soon as you adjust to his length he’s merciless. He quickly picks up the pace in his movements, pushing his hips up to fuck you. You bounce every time he thrusts into you, feeling his cock poke deep inside of you.
“You love it when I fuck you like this huh? Treat you like the dirty girl you are hmm? He mumbled into the crook of your neck.
“S-Shut up!” you moan.
“Fuck,” he grunts. “You’re lucky this pussy is so good. I should cum in your mouth next time,” he yanks on your hair, tipping your head back forcefully. “That way you can’t talk back to me.”
You let out a strangled moan at his words. His hand is now wrapped around your throat, applying just the right amount of pressure to make you see stars. He’s absolutely fucking you dumb right now and you love it. You love the way he’s rough with you, pounding into you at a harsh pace.
His cock stretches you open with each thrust, pushing deeper and deeper up your lower abdomen.
The windows are foggy and the car jerks with each thrust of his cock. You’re holding onto him for dear life as you feel the pleasure building in your lower region as he wrecks you.
You’re crying out his name like a chant, moaning pathetically. “ ‘M gonna cum baby, can I? Please let me, ‘m so close- fuck—so close.”
You feel him smirk into your skin at your begging. “Go ahead,” he permits.
He stills his hips, allowing you to ride out your orgasm while using him. He watches as you enter a state of bliss above him, grinding your hips into him desperately as you get off on him.
He thinks you’ve never looked sexier, in your pretty pink bouncing on his cock whole you cry out his name and use him for your own pleasure. It’s a sight to see.
You’re tightening around him, squeezing his cock perfectly as your orgasm pulses through your body. Fuck, he thought he was gonna last longer than this. But you’re squeezing him too good, too tight.
He curses, hips growing erratic as his orgasm courses through his body. He pumps his load inside of you as he thrusts messily. His head is tilted back, plump lips parted as he fills you up.
You both come down from your highs, panting heavily. There’s. a sticky mess you’ve created on his lap that causes you to cringe.
“Fuck,” he breathes out as he looks down. “I gotta get you home.”
You frown. It’s nearly 3 am and you know he’s right. Besides, you’re created quite the mess and you need to clean up. He lifts you up, causing you to cringe again as he pulls out of you. You sit back down on the passenger seat and fix your clothes. He redoes his pants, cringing at the very visible wet spot on the front.
He leans over and plants a kiss on your lips. “You’re so pretty baby.”
He licks his lips and smiles at you. You smile back at him. “I love you.”
He starts up the car again. “I love you too, now let’s get you home yeah?”
© number1mingyustan - Do not repost without permission.
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thevulturesquadron · 28 days
I have a question about why everyone keep saying Magneto start the war?( I mean technically is human start it.) And how do u think about it?
Hey there, space cowboy! 🌌
Oh I love this one! Had a couple of thoughts since the episode aired, but didn’t have the time to write them down. 
I’ve already seen a couple of takes online: as usual, mostly on the extremes; either people who refuse to acknowledge that Magneto is capable of horrific things or people who jump at any chance to completely vilify him - and both do the character a big disfavor.
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Short answer: yes, I believe his actions can be seen as a declaration of war. Both Logan and Morph were completely right in that scene and they are voicing out the two major interpretations of the events. Magneto did save all the mutants, he also declared war - one doesn’t negate the other. And I’ll try my best to explain:
Least relevant part are probably the human sentinels. During the EMP attack each and every one of them powered off. IF that means they are dead and not just powered off it can be used against him as a crime against humanity. Remember how in the scene with Roberto and Jubilee they were shown as standing down and keeping appearances in front of other people? So if it comes down to the argument of self-defense there are a couple of ways to paint these guys as just ‘protectors of humanity.’ Unlike the metal ones, these were humans, they were someone’s loved one.
Now… well… the consequences of the EMP attack: we saw the entire world go dark. That alone opens up the possibility for millions of deaths (humans and mutants) in countries across the globe. The few scenes we got were enough to paint a picture and leave it to the audience to fill in the gaps: turning off power plants can lead to catastrophic events (they showed a nuclear power plant for a reason); we saw threats that are now released to cause damage at large (Omega Red); the cameos from Spider-Man and Silver Samurai were not random picks either - cities engulfed in darkness will soon turn to chaos. And so many other things in between (hospitals, cars and planes, communication and defenses, all down). So yeah I am inclined to believe that his actions would result in a heavy loss of lives.
Magneto effectively saved the lives of so many mutants that were attacked by sentinels, but at the cost of many others. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
But why can it be seen as a declaration of war and not just an act of terrorism? (And again this show proves to be SO insanely good and planned to the smallest detail.) At this point Magneto is not just some terrorist. He went through trials in front of the world and got absolved; Genosha got recognized as a fully self-governing nation and Magneto was, at the moment of the attack, the de-facto leader of a nation. His actions are now the actions of the entire mutant nation. He didn’t do it to declare war, that was not the purpose, BUT a direct attack on a country is just that: a declaration of war.
I’ve seen the argument that he didn’t start it, that Genosha was a declaration of war. But Bastion played all his cards right - not one nation was officially responsible for the attack on Genosha - there was no proof to connect the genocide to a world power. The robots wore no flags, they were not the creation of one country. Yes, various nations ARE behind the Genosha genocide, but their hands were not the ones holding the proverbial weapons, merely providing the support for building them (sound familiar to anyone?)
That is the game Bastion is playing and Magneto is one of the most important pieces. ‘You were born for this’. Bastion orchestrated everything to the very last detail. Magneto had to be given a chance to be the face of Genosha, and most importantly the world had to see him truly believe in Genosha as a world nation among the rest, so than when he breaks, the world can see how dangerous mutants are, and how it’s a mistake to treat them as equals. It’s a vile and disgusting plan which makes Bastion an exceptional villain.
It’s why Cooper got concerned when Magneto announced he would be ruling Genosha in a partnership: while Magneto’s psychological profile was well documented and easy to break, him and Rogue posed a real problem to Bastion’s plan because they would have been able to provide a balanced form of government. They could have turned Genosha from an ideal to a functional nation. But he was stripped of all of that, of a peaceful future for mutantkind. Magneto knows each and every face and voice that was behind the attack on Genosha. But he is the only one. And, sculpted by Bastion, he is now a broken man with no consideration for consequences, only his and his people’s survival. Which, ironically, might be the final push to ensure that Bastion’s future comes to pass.
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lancermylove · 6 months
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Chapter 5 (N.SFW)
➣ Pairing: Demon brothers, Royals, Solomon with fem!Reader. ➣ Warning: N.SFW ➣ Word Count: 2,361 ➣ Chapters [SFW]: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12] ➣ Chapters [N.SFW]: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]
It was one of those rare occasions where you woke up with an energetic smile and took a deep breath of the fresh morning air as the sun kissed your skin. Was the spirit of the holiday, or maybe the previous day you spent with Levi? You weren't sure, but you giddily opened your bedroom door and skipped into the hallway. Sadly, not everyone was having a great morning, especially not Lucifer.
Lucifer's eyes darkened in the dimly lit hallway like two pools of pitch-black ink when his gaze met yours. His stern and prideful expression was now painted with weariness, his movements slow and sluggish, as if he was struggling to stay awake and function. He was a shadow of his former self, a hollowed-out shell of himself. He barely seemed to acknowledge you, as if he was too tired to do anything but simply exist in that moment.
"Lucifer, you don't look so hot," you whispered, bewildered. His eyebrow slightly raised at your choice of words, but he didn't tease or reprimand you.
"I should have suspected Satan's intention when he offered me a cup of coffee. Yet, I foolishly accepted," he explained in a dull tone but revealed none of his underlying emotions. "I believe he wished to temporarily cease our discord. Alas, he proved me incorrect. The coffee contained half a bottle of caffeine pills."
"Half a bottle...!?" You gasped. If Lucifer had been a human, he would have been in the hospital fighting between life and death. A lingering sense of guilt gnawed at the back of your mind. While you wanted to apologize to him and take partial responsibility for the prank, you feared incurring his wrath. So, you gave him an empathetic smile, "Why don't you return to your room and rest. I can bring your breakfast there."
"Thank you, (y/n). I would appreciate that," Lucifer chuckled, his dull gaze softening for a split second. But he didn't allow you the pleasure to see his tender gaze for long and walked back into his bedroom.
As you entered the kitchen, you noticed Solomon on one of the bar stools, staring absentmindedly out the glass patio doors. Was the sorcerer also having a bad morning? He didn't allow you to ponder that question for long and turned his attention in your direction with a warm smile. "Good morning, (y/n). Did you rest well?"
"I slept like a baby," you giggled and placed a marble tray with gold handles on the kitchen island. Solomon's azure orbs followed your movements as you arranged breakfast on the tray, ensuring every item was symmetrically aligned. The sorcerer raised his eyebrows at your precision and couldn't help but wonder if you were a perfectionist.
"(Y/n), does everything have to be perfect?" He questioned, his voice holding undertones of amusement.
"If this breakfast was for me, then no. But it's for Lucifer, so yes, everything has to be perfect," you chortled.
"Lucifer?" He muttered under his breath and sighed. "(Y/n), while I understand you care about the brothers, you need to think about yourself."
"Think about myself? Solomon, I am not going to war for Lucifer; I am only bringing him breakfast." His words were an overreaction to you, so you quickly brushed them off. Although, somewhere deep down, you knew the sorcerer disliked you spending copious amounts of time with the brothers, but you weren't sure for what reason.
"I am not talking about you serving him breakfast, (y/n). I am well aware something is going on behind the scenes," he said firmly, but his words were not harsh or angry. "Your behavior around Lucifer and Barbatos, Diavolo's discomfort around Lucifer, Barbatos and Lucifer's stare-offs - I have noticed them all."
You felt like walls were closing in around you, like your secrets were precariously perched and on the verge of being exposed. Against your will, your heart rate increased while your palms grew clammy. Noticing this, Solomon smiled slightly, "I have no intention of prying into your decisions. I am bringing this up only because I am worried about you. The brothers are adults who can handle their own matters, so you don't need to stress yourself every time for their sake."
Since when had the sorcerer developed this side? Was it always there, and you never noticed it until now, or had something changed in him? Regardless, Solomon's reassuring and surprisingly kind words soothed your tension instantly. With a firm nod, you flashed a sweet smile, "I will be at home today, so I will get some rest."
"Is that so?" Solomon chuckled, tussling your hair slightly. "Well, in that case, I will devise a plan to take everyone out of the house so you can rest without interruptions."
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Though Solomon asked you to rest, you were bored out of your mind and went downstairs to find it surprisingly quiet. The stillness of the moment was almost picturesque, creating an atmosphere akin to a painting on the walls. The only sound filling your ears was the melody of your own thoughts. Had Solomon actually managed to convince everyone to go out together? How? The sound of distant rustling from Beel and Belphie's room snapped you out of your thoughts.
"Hey, Belphie. Where is everyone?" You asked, startling him.
"You stayed back?" Belphie asked, surprised. "Solomon invited everyone to go to some winter wonderland or something like that. I thought you went with them."
"Wait, he managed to convince Lucifer to go? How?" You were intrigued by the sorcerer's ability to change the Avatar of Pride's mind. But you knew he either used manipulation or verbal trickery.
"Solomon said if Lucifer stays back, he will accompany him. Then they can have a nice, long chat about why Lucifer won't make a pact with him," Belphie chuckled.
Verbal trickery, it was, but you were thankful to the sorcerer for keeping his word. As you pondered this matter, your gaze fell on the youngest brother's bed to find ornaments, string lights, ribbons, and garlands laid out. "Are you planning to decorate the tree, Belphie?"
He nodded, "I want to get it over with so I can sleep. That's the only reason I got to stay behind."
Much to his joy, you offered to assist and carefully carried some decorations to the living room. The tall and stately pine tree stood a safe distance from the fireplace, its crisp needles glistening in the sunlight pouring in from the ceiling-height windows. Though you said you would help him, you wanted to see how Belphie would decorate the tree and silently stayed behind him.
Belphegor stood before the pine tree, carefully choosing from a wide selection of ornaments to add to the tree's greenery. He perused each option with deliberation, studying the colors, shapes, and sizes to find something that matched his taste and would receive your approval. But when he turned to grab a few more ornaments, you discretely snatched a handful of the decorations from the tree and slipped them into a nearby bag.
Initially, Belphie was confused at the disappearance of the baubles but brushed it off, assuming that he was simply tired due to the lack of sleep. Unable to resist the temptation, you continued your prank and hid a few more ornaments. The Avatar of Sloth caught on to your antics the second time but decided to stay quiet as he wanted to catch you red-handed. When you repeated your prank thrice, Belphagor swiftly grabbed your wrist and chortled, "No stealing, (y/n)."
Though you complied with him for the time being, you had a few other tricks up your sleeves. As he wrapped the ornament-covered tree with Christmas lights, you stepped in front of the tree. However, Belphagor continued his task, stringing you against the tree in a light-hearted act of mischief. You purposely waited for him to finish before dramatically touching the back of your hand to your forehead and speaking in an exaggerated and theatrical tone.
"Alas! I am trapped in a tangle of lights, my movements restricted as if by a restraining order! All that I can do is gaze upon the decorations, but I cannot fully enjoy them as I am caught up in this Christmas snare! Oh, cruel fate! Why must I suffer such a harsh and unjust punishment at the hands of a demon?"
He laughed and applauded, "That was the worst performance I have ever seen."
You huffed loudly but played along with his joke, "How dare thee utter such nonsense. Mine performance - it doth warrant an Oscar, an Emmy, and a Tony, and thou knowest it well! I am the best actress among the past hundred of years, and none shall ever compare to my skill and innate talent!" With those words, you crossed your arms and pretended to sulk.
"Are you upset?" Belphie chuckled and freed you from the binds of the festive string lights. "I am sorry."
When you didn't give him attention, he poked your shoulder, followed by your right cheek and left cheek. Then, he brought his fingers up and curled them slightly before suddenly digging them into the curves of your waist.
"Belphie!" You squealed and squirmed under his tickles. Breaking free from him, you dashed away, but the Avatar of Sloth had no plans of letting you walk away. For a while, you played the game of cat and mouse as laughter echoed through the empty cabin.
In a swift maneuver, Belphie spun you around into his arms and pinned your back against a wooden wall. He captured your lips in a playful kiss that only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough to feel butterflies in your stomach. There was a moment of silence as the two of you locked eyes, your lips curled into small smiles. He noted your warm and sweet breath caressing his lips and dove in for another kiss. This time, your lips slid and met in a heated manner.
Amidst the lip-locking, Belpahgor raised the knee of his right leg, which was between your legs to prevent you from escaping his grasp, and pressed it against your womanhood. The gentle touch awakened your senses as a loud gasp escaped your lips. Though you tried to maintain your composure, heat rose to your face, and you couldn't hide the enjoyment of the sensation.
"Do you like this, (y/n)?" He whispered in a low voice in your ears, erecting a moan from you in response. The Avatar of Sloth found pleasure in your reaction and rubbed his knee harder between your legs, causing your breath to become shallow and your heart to race faster.
"B-Belphie, you need to...finish d-decorating the tree...before they come b-back." You had to fight the urge to moan as you got your spoke to him. With a sigh, he released you, but the lack of presence of his touch left you disappointed.
Belphagor instantly returned to his original task while you assisted him, still a bit shaky from the heated event. The two of you took a step back to examine the fruits of your labor. Various silver and gold baubles and decorations hung from the branches, surrounded by colorful lights, giving the living room a festive yet inviting glow. The garlands were draped over the branches and complimented the other decorations without overwhelming the observers. The red bows around the tree trunk tied the look together. There was only one item left to place on the Christmas tree - the star.
"Satan told me the tradition of placing the star is important," Belphie softly said, holding out the star for you. "So, I want you to place it on top."
His words tickled your heart, and you gladly accepted the task. While he gripped the ladder to stead it, you carefully climbed the rungs until you could reach the top.
Having completed your mission, you descended the ladder but failed to notice a spark of mischief gleaming in Belphie's amethyst orbs. When you were close enough, he reached his fingers up and lightly grazed them between your legs, earning a yelp from you.
Your protest fell on deaf ears and caused him to rub them harder in a circular motion. Your breath caught in your throat, and your body trembled from the stimulating touch. While the feel of his touch was thrilling, the slight shaking of the ladder terrified you, forcing you to cling to the sides with all your might. As if he sensed your fear of falling off, Belphie withdrew his fingers and watched you shakily climb down. He wordlessly clasped your wrists and pulled you to his bedroom.
Clothes lay scattered throughout the room, some tossed carelessly on the floor and others draped over furniture. There was an overwhelming smell of musk in the air, the scent of passion and arousal hanging in the space. The sound of skin sliding against fabric mingled with the rustling of sheets and covers, and the moaning became more audible as the scene grew more heated. Your eyes were closed while your face flushed with the intensity of the moment. You could feel Belphie's ardent gaze on your bouncing breasts as his fingertips dug into your hips, guiding them on his erect length.
As you reached your peak, your breath caught in your throat, and your body shuddered in pleasure. Belphie's face tightened, but he continued to thrust upwards inside you, getting closer to his climax. Soon, he pulled out of you with his eyes squeezed shut and released the tension on your chest and stomach, filling your nostrils with his slightly bitter scent.
Before you could fully catch your breath and snuggle with him, the Avatar of Sloth gave you an impish smile. "Beel messaged me a while ago. Everyone will come home soon, so you better get cleaned; otherwise, they might find out what we did."
Your eyes grew the size of discs as a squeal escaped your lips. Without caring about your ragged breath or shaky legs, you hopped off the bed, scooped your clothes, and ran out of his bedroom. In the background, you heard Belphagor's hearty and playful laughter.
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➣ Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2][3] ➣ Main Masterlist
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sanaxo-o · 5 months
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Be the one (Eric Sohn)
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To @deobienthusiast K, from Sana: Hihi K :) I know that we don’t talk much (which is a shame because I think your company would be a great addition to my lonely life) but I really had so much fun writing this for you. Despite not being able to write for Sangyeon and Juyeon (I was thinking about making three different fics but *sigh* time is a bitch). I hope we get closer in the future and that you enjoy this small silly fic I wrote for one and only, Eric Sohn hehe.
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Warnings: kissing, drinking, cheating, in a scene Juyeon jokingly implies that readers a bad person, um mentions of balls (don’t ask, just read), reader and Eric act stupid (way to much), mentions of peeing and all (plz don’t judge me yall 😭), PG 13 jokes (yes), reader jokingly says that she is in a relationship with a old man, mentions of doing excessive amount of drinking and drugs, few scenes inspired by TV show Gilmore Girls and a classic movie 10 Things I hate about you, some of it is inspired by Sabrina Carpenters song Santa doesn’t know you like I do.
Genre/trope: angst, fluff, friends to lovers, slow burn, hurt/comfort
Taglist: @cloverdaisies @kimsohn @mosviqu @from-izzy @mars101 @stealanity @deoboyznet
Sana: this actually took everything in me to write 😭. Like I have never in my life ever written slow burn so this was definitely a challenge! A big thanks to @mosviqu @from-izzy (especially izzy for giving me all those correct punctuations and all 😭) and @o-onikix for beta reading this huge ass thing of mine 😭 (also to my irl friend for reading bits and pieces and giving me the confidence)
Word count: 13,785
“Are you coming to the Christmas party?” You hear Soyeon ask you. Stopping in your tracks in the middle of the hallway, you turn around to face her again as you give out a small sigh at her repetitive question. The answer was going to be the same either way so you don’t understand why she is so persistent on getting you to come to the Christmas party.
“No, I don’t think I am coming to the Christmas party thanks for asking tho.” You say as you give out a small annoyed smile before you continued walking to your next class with Soyeon tailing behind you.
“But why? It’s the last party you will get!” She says once she catches up with you.
“There’s…there’s prom?” You say with your lips pressed in a straight line. Dropping by your locker you pick up a few extra books you needed for the next class.
“Which you will never attend! Come on, it’s gonna be so fun at the party.” She says with a pout resting upon her lips as she shakes your arms back and forth trying to convince you.
“Parties are not my thing. You know it and it’s like any other typical party I have attended in the past. There would be loud music, then of course, alcohol which was sneaked in by others and in every other corner would be people making out. On top of that, no one has asked me out yet.” You tell her before you push her away gently and close your locker with a thud.
“No one is asking you because they’re scared you will reject them like every time.” You hear Soyeon mumble with the small pout still resting upon her lips as she played with her sleeves trying to gain your sympathy which she was miserably failing at.
“Even if I do come I won’t enjoy it.” You point out as a matter of fact.
“What about Eric? He can ask you out!” She suggests totally ignoring the fact that you just said that you won’t enjoy the party either way. But you let out a snort when you register the fact that she just said that Eric could ask you out. At this point it was a normal thing for her, in every other conversation she would always manage to bring up Eric.
She thinks Eric is the perfect boyfriend anyone could ever ask for and from her point of view she says that Eric is totally smitten for you which is most definitely not true because after all you both are just really close friends.
Despite the sweet names he calls you by, holding your hand when it’s cold to warm you up, buying food for you as his treat, the occasional sleepovers at his place on every Friday as you both cuddled together on the same bed and of course the way he’s always looking after you no matter what.
You still remember the day when you had fallen sick and Eric by all means tried his best to manage everything on his own. From taking care of you to helping you complete your notes despite being from different majors.
“Eric? He’s just a friend, nothing more, nothing less.” Saying that you start walking away.
“I beg to differ, every other person thinks that you and Eric are dating!” Soyeon says with a whisper.
“I don’t care what every other person thinks and that’s not even true, I mean yeah I used to have a thing for Eric in the past but I am over it. He already likes someone else I guess…” you say, your voice coming out small.
Giving you a look Soyeon looks at you with a knowing look “Are you sure about that?” She says before stifling a laugh when she sees the glare you throw her way.
“Yes I am sure about that and as I said before Eric already likes some else..” you say with a slight groan at the end.
“What are you talking about? Eric and Yuna broke up months ago and not to say you’re still single. It’s a perfect opportunity!!” Soyeon says with an excited smile now playing upon her lips.
“Nah, Eric and me are better off as friends I’d say.” Saying that you walk away from Soyeon and enter your class.
Taking a seat at the very end of the class, you place your bag and books on the table before you get your headphones out.
Looking out the window you looked at the calm stretched morning, it was like any other day you would have. The professor was blabbing away about something you did not care enough to pay attention to.
You would catch up on it later on anyways but the morning was ruined when the door slammed open and one of your peers, Sunwoo walked in with rage.
Standing right in front of you he leaned down to speak with you, “How could you leave me yesterday night? After the amazing night we had you just storm out in the morning just like that with no other thought in mind?? How could you Y/N!?” Sunwoo screamed loudly as he continued, “I thought we were heading som-” Another uninvited yell cut him off. getting cut off Sunwoo was interrupted with another yell.
“What the hell man? How could you just barge in like that? I told you, Y/N is with me now.” You see Eric say as he approaches you and Sunwoo.
“You stay out of this Eric!” Sunwoo yells at him.
“Why? Just because you cannot have her why blame it on me?”
“You asked for it you little shit!” Sunwoo yells at Eric as he pounces on top of him.
Looking around the room you see everyone whisper things while watching the fight unfold in front of them, and if that was not enough in came Juyeon with a security guard outfit on as he blew the whistle to stop the two of them from fighting.
“All right that’s enough you two!” Juyeon yells as he goes over to both of them and picks them up by their collar before he turns around and looks at you while still having a hold of them. “Y/N you should be ashamed of yourself for toying with boys like this! They used to have pride, they used to have dignity and most of all they used to have balls!” Juyeon yells as he starts dragging both of them to the door before stopping midway “Damn it Y/N, give them back their balls!” Saying the last line all three of them exited the class before laughter began to erupt everywhere.
Looking around you slide down against the chair trying to hide yourself. You knew being friends with them meant having some crazy experiences but never did you ever think that they would do something like this.
Sitting in the cafeteria with Soyeon, you listened to her babble about something that happened in her class before she stopped talking when Eric approached your table with Sunwoo and Juyeon by his side.
You just observed him take a seat beside you before he grabbed a French fry from your plate. Sighing you just pushed the bowl towards him, suddenly having no appetite.
“I hated the stunt you pulled in the class today. Like no I do not have your balls. Just because you’re the son of a rich man does not mean you do this.” You say with a solemn voice as you drink your cup of coffee.
“Seriously Y/N? Having coffee at lunchtime?” Eric asked with a deadpan expression as he looked at you with confusion totally ignoring about the fact that you were mad at him.
“No, don’t change the subject. I am still talking. I mean who in the right mind would do something like this? It's so humi-” Before you could finish your whole sentence your mouth was stuffed with a bunch of fries in your mouth. Chewing onto them you glared at Eric before you looked away from him.
“Okay, I am sorry I did that. How about I make up for pulling this stunt which was in your language very much absurd and humiliating?” You hear Eric ask you. Stopping yourself from taking any more sips of your now almost empty cup of coffee you gave him a look of suspicion, not believing him yet.
“And how will you do that?” You say with suspicion evident in your voice, you did not even try to hide it.
“I know about a carnival which is happening in my area. How about I take you there? Good enough?” Eric asks with his hand out for a handshake.
“You pay for everything and buy me a soft toy?” You ask with hesitation before you grab his hand and shake it to seal the deal.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart. So I’ll meet you at your place at 4?” He asks before standing up from the bench. Nodding your head you give him a small smile as you wave him goodbye.
“Looks like a date,” you hear Soyeon say once Eric leaves the cafeteria with Sunwoo and Juyeon. Throwing a glare at her you stand and gather your things getting ready to leave for your next class.
“It’s not a date, he’s just making up to me for the stunt he pulled on me today in my class which was by the-”
“Very humiliating and embarrassing. Gee, you said that already Y/N. Say whatever you want but I totally see you two dating in the near future.” She says with an irritatingly knowing voice as she blows a kiss towards your way before she watches your figure walking away.
Standing outside your house you look at your watch in impatience, it was 4:02 and there was still no sight of Eric. Rather than being mad at him for being late you were rather more concerned about him, what if something happened to him on the way here? Is he alright or what if he had hurt himself really bad leading to him being late?
Your train of thoughts came to a stop when you saw Eric’s car pull up at your driveway. Heaving out a sigh of relief you walk towards his car and take a seat in the passenger seat.
“Why are you so late?” You ask him once you put on your seatbelt and sit comfortably on the seat.
“Only two minutes sweetheart, why so worked up?” Eric says with a chuckle as he gives your head a soft pat with a teasing smile playing on his lips.
“I was worried about you. What if something would have happened to you while coming here? How would I know? You did not even give me a call. Why were you even late?” You ask him again with a frown evident on your lips and your eyebrows raised up in a tense manner.
“Aww, you were worried about me, sweetheart?” He says in a sing-song voice as he starts the car.
“No, I was not. I was worried about the fact that you got in an accident before you took me to the carnival.” You lied to him trying to cover up for yourself, you did not want him to get cocky about this again.
It did not take long for both of you before you reached the carnival. Stopping the car in the parking lot Eric parked the car safely without bumping into anything (which you were surprised at because a normal person would have gotten distracted by your constant yapping unlike Eric who paid attention to every single word you said yet managed to park the car safely).
Getting out of the car and locking it, Eric came and stood by your side as he subtly took a hold of your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours as he started walking towards the entrance without looking at your now red blushing face.
“Where do you want to go first, sweetheart?” You heard Eric ask which snapped you out of your train of thoughts. Looking around the carnival you saw the area for the prize stuffed animals.
Without any thoughts, you started dragging Eric towards the area ignoring his shoutings which were telling you to slow down.
Stopping at the game you looked at Eric before looking back at the stuffed animals, raising your hand you pointed at the animal you wanted “Can you win the penguin stuffed animal for me?” You ask him.
“Um…yeah sure, why not if that’s what you want sweetheart,” Eric says as he takes the arrows given by the worker and looks at the balloons intently.
He had five arrows and five chances to win the toy. To get it he would have to pop three balloons. Observing the balloons, Eric moved his hair out of his eyes as he threw the first dart.
“Eric, this is your third time. You really don’t have to go to this extent to get me the toy you know? Why don’t we just go to the Ferris wheel hmm?” You ask him tiredly as you shake his arms.
“Shhh I am trying to concentrate here. You know, as they say, third time’s a charm. If I don’t succeed this time, I will leave it okay?” He says as he starts to throw darts again.
And he did it. He did win you the penguin.
“Here, I told you I would get you this so I did. Do you like it sweetheart?” Eric says as he pats your head gently and softly grips your hand again before he starts walking towards a different area.
Nodding your head you stare at the stuffed toy in your hand lovingly and bring it close to your chest giddily as you hug it close to your body tightly “I love it so much! Thank you for winning this for me. I will always keep it close to me.” You exclaim happily.
“I am glad you like it,” Eric says with a sheepish smile spread across his face, glad that you were happy with the prize he won.
“You wanna try that?” You hear Eric’s voice beam with excitement. Looking up you follow his gaze and see the paintballs area. Giving Eric a knowing smile, both of you run towards the place with your hands still intertwined together tightly.
Looking around the place cautiously you look down at your bag of colour balloons again. Counting the remaining balloons you take a deep breath in when you realise you still have 10 left. That should do for now then.
Your train of thoughts were interrupted when you felt a cold balloon hit your neck. Snapping your head back you notice Eric standing behind you, a white jumper on which now had a bunch of different colours splashed onto it.
His hair was now messy as he held the dirty, balloon-filled bag in his one hand while his other hand had a balloon.
Looking around frantically you hide behind a huge pipe as you grab a balloon and wait for Eric to show up. Taking a peak you immediately throw the balloon in his direction which in return hits him on his stomach.
You saw Eric running towards your direction, picking your pace up,you started running away only to be caught by him in no time.
“Thought you could get away from me sweetheart?” Eric says as he splashes the balloon on top of your head which makes the paint fly everywhere.
“Okay okay, I am done. I don’t have any more left.” You declare with a defeated sigh. Once Eric lets you go, you take a peek at him only to see him look around the place. Taking that as a chance you grab the last balloon you had and hit it on his head which makes his hair dye the colour of the balloon.
Taking his shock manner as a chance you run away from the scene with laughter blaring through your throat and a content smile spread across your face.
Sitting on the table placed by the food truck, you stabbed your fork into the pasta that Eric had bought for you. Having a big bite you looked around the place, admiring the lively atmosphere, the little happy giggles coming from the kids who were happily spending time with their families.
You later saw Eric walking towards your direction with a box of donuts in one hand while his other held a large iced cup of cold drink.
Reaching your table he placed both of the stuff on the table as he himself took a seat in front of you in exhaustion.
“Here, have some donuts and cold drinks. The line was so long like who the fuck drinks so much liquid at a carnival?” Eric says in annoyance
You look down at the big cup in your hand and then back at Eric as you slowly keep it back on the table “Well…us.” You tell him awkwardly before you grab the cup again and take a sip from it.
Eric stares at you for a moment before he looks at the cup filled with iced coke, “I mean, other than us, why would anyone want to drink liquid? What if they have to pee after drinking so much coke?” He pointed out as he raised his hand to point at a guy behind you who was peeing by the trees.
Looking away immediately, you glare at Eric in disgust and trauma.
“I did not need to see that thank you very much.” You say sarcastically as you take a bite from the donut which was in front of you. “But why would they pee after drinking coke?”
“Why won’t they? It’s liquid sweetheart. Everyone needs to pee after drinking liquids, be it water, alcohol or cold drinks.” He says as he grabs your donut and takes a bite out of it.
“Hey that’s mine! Grab another one.” You say with a scowl on your face as you throw a nasty glare towards Eric.
“But I bought it!” Eric argues back only to sigh in defeat once he realised that he cannot win against you. “Fine fine, you have it.” He says with a roll of his eyes jokingly before he speaks up again. “So do you have any plans for the Christmas break?” He asks before taking a sip of the cold drink.
“Oh, I am gonna be spending some time with my boyfriend!” You beam with happiness, a cheeky smile resting upon your cheeks.
“What…boyfriend?” He asks with confusion all over his face. I mean from what he can remember you had never mentioned anything to him about you finding a partner, so this was a sudden news for him.
“He’s a bit older, has grey hair and a beard, but rest assured he’s like super hot.” You tell him, a smile still playing upon your lips
“Are you serious right now or…?” Eric asks in concern as he places his hands on top of yours, stopping you from eating “Sweetheart please don’t tell me your boyfriends an old creep. Where is he even from?”
“He’s from a city which is colder than it’s here. He came here for his break to spend some time with me. Cute right?” You give Eric a small smile as you grab a donut and take a bite out of it ignoring the concerned glance Eric was throwing your way.
“Are you actually serious about this or you’re just joking with me and pulling my leg again? If you're, I am telling you, this is not a funny sweetheart.” Eric rambled on as his hold on your hands tightened in worry.
“Of course, I am not serious, but do you know who else is old and hot?” You ask him with peak interest as you lean closer to him trying to build up some suspense for him which you were clearly failing at when you saw Eric looking at you with confusion before he muttered out a small ‘what?’
“Santa.” you say with a straight face. You noticed Eric’s lips twitching upwards as he tried to stop himself from letting out a small smile at your silly response.
“Well thank god you were just joking about that old guy thing.” Eric says with relief washed all over his face as he leaned back on the chair with ease.
“But you have to agree, Santa is really hot and sexy. Like have you seen that beard and that thick figure he has? Like damn daddy, have some mercy on me please.” You say to Eric with a straight face, enjoying the reaction he was giving you.
Eric licked his dry lips as he stayed quiet. Not knowing what to say with your ridiculous statement and the unwanted information he just received about what you think about Santa.
“Whatever makes you sleep at night, sweetheart.” Eric says as a small smile lingers on his lips. Man, was he smitten for you?
Yes, yes he was.
Laying down on your bed you spent the night watching shows. Soyeon lays beside you as she used her phone paying no mind to the ridiculous comments you kept passing to her whenever a character did something insanely stupid or idiotic.
“Oh wait, you never told me how your date went with Eric?” Pausing the show you stared at Soyeon when she beamed at you with such a ridiculous question, a silly smile falling upon her face as she stared at you expectantly waiting for your response.
“What date?” You ask with boredom present in your voice as you stare at the wall, not having the courage to look at Soyeon in the eyes.
“You know! The date with Eric! The carnival!” She says now shaking your arm aggressively as she let out a small whine at your uncooperative ass.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about..” you say in a sing-song voice before you push her away as she dramatically falls off the bed onto the floor.
You heard a gasp leaving her lips, “My butt!” She exclaims.
From the corner of your eyes, you see Soyeon stand up before she grabs your laptop and closes it shut before you can even reply. Grabbing it, she placed it aside on the side table before she slammed her body down on you with force.
“Tell me about your date or else I am not getting up.” She says, her voice coming out muffled since her face was placed onto your shoulder.
“I did not go on a date with Eric first of all! He is just a friend and get off of me! You’re fucking heavy!” You cry out in pain, your voice coming out a bit heavy because of the force Soyeon was putting onto your body, tho half of it was acting she does not have to know about that now, does she?
“Okay okay, whatever you say! Just tell me how your night went with Eric!” Soyeon screams in frustration as she stands up from the floor and looks up at you.
“What do you mean by my night? That sounds so wrong…you make it sound like Eric and I banged together…” you say with a pout as you play with your sleeves acting as if you were shy.
“Well…did you?” She says with suspicion evident on her face and her tone as she squinted her eyes at you while leaning down with her hands on her hips.
“No!” You scream at her as you throw the nearest pillow you caught at her. Throwing a glare in her direction you stay quiet. “Now I don’t feel like telling you about my friendly date with Eric.” You tell her as you show her your tongue and look away from her, sulking.
Hearing you say that, Soyeon groans in frustration as she sits down beside you on the bed again. “Don’t be like this. Tell me please,” she pleads while batting her eyelashes to you, a way to gain your sympathy back.
Groaning at her behaviour you close your eyes with the palms of your hands as a way to protect yourself from the sight in front of you. “Fine! Just stop whatever the fuck that is. It’s making me nauseous geez.” You say with a whine.
Hearing you say that Soyeon immediately stops batting her eyelashes as she sits straight while clearing her throat, “Go on.”
“Well nothing much happened, he won a soft toy for me, played a few games-”
“What kind of games?” Soyeon interrupts you in excitement.
“Paint balls…”
“Aww you guys had a date which was in 10 things I hate about you! So cute!” Soyeon squeals. Looking at her in disbelief and disgust you sigh as you continue what you were saying.
“We then ate, chatted a bit and he dropped me of. That’s it.” You tell her what happened.
“That’s it? No kissing? No nothing?” She says with disappointment in her tone of voice.
“Why would that happen? Come on grow up. Mine and Eric’s love life is way different, and his and my type are also very much different. He likes girls who are much…how do I say it…calm?” You say with a question mark evident on your features.
Soyeon shakes her head in disappointment as she lays down on her back on the bed “When will you both understand about the feelings you guys hold for each other?” Soyeon says mostly to herself but you catch on to it but decide to say nothing on it.
Sitting at the back of the class you sketch in your notebook as you don’t pay attention to what your classmates are talking about.
Sighing, you look up for a bit and notice Sangyeon entering the classroom, dropping down your pencil on the notebook you wait for Sangyeon to approach you.
Picking up your bag, you keep it aside and wait for Sangyeon to take a seat beside you.
“Hey, what are you doing?” You hear Sangyeon ask you once he reaches your place. Giving him a small smile you look down at your sketchbook and then back up at him
“Nothing, was just sketching. What are you doing here though?” You ask with expectant eyes.
It was not that common for Sangyeon to be in your classes. He was in a different major so it was very uncommon for both of you to cross each other’s paths unless you both met at a party or just in the cafeteria where your other friends would be.
“Are you free this Saturday? Some of us are going out after our afternoon classes. Maybe you could join us?” Sangyeon suggests as he looks into your eyes with expectation
“I don’t know…do we have to bring someone along with us?”
“It’s not necessary, if you want to you can. Eric is bringing this…Yuna girl with him to tag along. You can bring someone if you want. Maybe Soyeon?” Sangyeon gives you a suggestion.
You just stare at him blankly when you hear him say about Eric bringing Yuna with him. You thought they had broken up…but maybe not? It was all just a rumour then, huh?
But what about the time you both spent together that day at the carnival? Was it not a date? Wait of course not, you guys are just friends. That’s it, right? Right?
“He got back together with Yuna?” You question Sangyeon, your voice wavering a bit at the end.
You don’t know why you’re even upset when you hear Sangyeon say this. You should be happy right? Happy for Eric getting back in a relationship with his ex-girlfriend? Happy for his love life at least going somewhere? But you were not happy. Not even a bit.
It’s as if someone had punched you hard in the gut which caused you to stop breathing and you felt like you were gonna faint any moment.
“I…I don’t know. He just said something about him inviting Yuna. I was not paying that much attention. I am sorry but is there something wrong? You don’t look so well right now.” Sangyeon said with concern laced in his voice.
“I am fine, yeah I just…I just need some alone time. I should get going. See you around!” You tell him as you tuck your hair behind your ear and start packing up your stuff.
“Wait! Are you going to come with us on Saturday? You can decline if you don’t want to. It’s alright-” Before Sangyeon could finish his sentence you stopped in your tracks as you turned back around and took a deep breath in before speaking again.
“I will come on Saturday. Don’t worry!” Saying that you rushed out of the classroom to your dorm.
You needed to vent this feeling to someone and there was no other person who could help you other than Soyeon.
Entering the dorm you looked around the living room for any signs of Soyeon. Calling out her name you heard her voice in the kitchen.
Running towards the kitchen you just stood in front of Soyeon with tear-filled eyes, “I think you were right, So” You say softly as you looked up at the ceiling trying your best not to let your tears flow.
“What are you talking about Y/N? What was I right about? I mean I am always right..” she said in a joking manner but stopped immediately when she saw your tear-stained cheeks.
“I think I do have feelings for my best friend after all…” you say your voice barely above a whisper but Soyeon heard it crystal clear.
“I would have said told you so but looking at your condition, I think I can postpone it.” She says as she walks towards you and holds you in her arms. “Now would you tell me why you’re crying over the fact that you actually do have feelings for Eric? Shouldn’t you be thinking about how to confess to him or something?” She says to you while rubbing your arms to create some kind of warmth and comfort.
“He is…he i…back with Yuna I guess…” you tell her softly as you bury your face in her neck trying to control your uncontrollable sobbing.
“What?? But didn’t he break up with her?” Soyeon asks in shock as she stops rubbing your arms and pulls away from you to take a look at your now red eyes and tear-stained face.
“Well I thought so too but Sangyeon said that he invited Yuna over to the place they’re going on Saturday and I don’t know what to do. What if I lose him? I don’t want that!” You say with panic filling your voice.
“Don’t worry. I won’t let that happen. You and Eric are destined to be together and I know that Yuna is not permanent...I guess. I mean I hope so.” She said as she chuckled nervously while scratching her nape.
Entering the barbecue place, you immediately noticed your group of friends sitting by a table in a circle. Soyeon decided to tag along with you as she had nothing better to do, I mean better for you.
Reaching the table you noticed that Eric was sitting beside Yuna as they both chatted without even sharing anyone else a glance.
“Oh Y/N! Great, you're here!” You heard Sangyeon beam making you divert your attention to him as you gave him a small smile and took a seat beside him as Soyeon sat beside Sunwoo.
“Yeah me and Soyeon had nothing else to do so thought why not just join you guys.” You say with a small chuckle.
“I am glad. Would you like a drink?” Sangyeon asks as he leans forward to grab a bottle of beer only to be stopped by you.
“No no, it’s okay. I don’t really drink much.” You tell him as you grab his hand so that he doesn’t get the bottle of beer.
“Well if you say so,” Sangyeon says as he pulls back and gets more comfortable beside you.
The night was still young. Most of the guys were drunk as they sang some songs the whole time while eating.
The whole time you tried your best to not steal glances at Eric but whenever you did, you always saw him chatting with Yuna, and every time you saw that you felt your heart ache in pain. You desired to be there instead of her but that’s not gonna happen, you both are just friends after all.
Looking around the restaurant you started to have trouble breathing. As if you were getting suffocated in there. The place was getting too stuffed for you.
Standing up you excuse yourself from the group as you walk away once you grab your bag and phone.
In the rush of getting yourself out of the place, you failed to notice the pair of eyes which followed your every moment, till he himself stood up and decided to follow you out.
Sitting down on the footpath with your heels in your hands you stared down at the ground with no thoughts in your mind.
Placing your heels down on the ground, you bring your arms up to cover and warm yourself up by the cold. You were already heartbroken, you wouldn’t want to catch a cold on top of that too knowing he wouldn’t be there to look after you since he is now a taken man.
“Hey,” you hear a voice say behind you. Already knowing that it is none other than Eric you don’t bother enough to look back up at him as you just continue staring ahead of you with no particular thought in mind.
You noticed him take a seat beside you on the footpath by your peripheral vision, you did not even bother enough to say anything back.
“Why are you out here alone? You might catch a cold sweetheart..” Eric says softly before he removes his jacket and places it on top of your shoulders.
Shrugging the jacket off you give it back to him without looking him in the eye. “You don’t have to do this anymore. People might get a wrong idea or something since you’re now back together with Yuna.” You mutter under your breath as you place the jacket on his lap.
“Why are you acting so cold towards me out of nowhere sweetheart?” Eric whispers softly as he tries to hold onto your cold hand only to get pushed away by you.
“Do you not get it? Eric…you’re now back together with Yuna! You cannot act like this with me now. People will think you’re cheating on her or something and I don’t want to be the other woman in a relationship.” You tell him what you had in mind as you take in a deep breath trying not to lash out at him and say something you don’t want to.
“Sweetheart, what me and Yuna have is totally temporary. I like our relationship, I like the fact that you’re my best friend.” You close your eyes in pain when you hear him say that you’re just his best friend. Exactly, nothing more nothing less. Those were also the words you said to Soyeon so why do you loathe these words now? It’s not like the meaning has changed or anything but your feelings surely did.
“That’s the thing Eric, I…” you inhale a deep breath in as you stop yourself from saying what you have been meaning to say. Yes, you liked Eric but ruining your friendship with him just for that is not worth it. Because even if you do get into a relationship with him, which is nearly impossible, what if you both break up? Your friendship and your relationship would be ruined forever.
“Sweetheart, please tell me. Don’t keep your feelings bottled up.” Eric says as he leans forward towards you and brings your body closer to his warmer one as he held your shoulders in a tight grip while giving your forehead light kisses to calm you down.
Just being in his arms at that moment made you break down in front of him. Your eyes immediately turned red, your nose turning a shade of pink as your cheeks started to get stained with your tears.
You saw Eric raising his other hand as he gently wiped your tears away, “Just tell me when you’re ready. I am always here for you.” Eric says softly
Taking a deep breath in you collect yourself together as you lean away from his warm embrace, you immediately feel the cold envelop you making your hands shake from the cold.
“Eric I…I like you. I never thought that I would ever have feelings for you in this way but the more time we spend together, the more my feelings grew. I always denied this feeling whenever Soyeon said anything but when I heard Sangyeon tell me that you’re back together with Yuna…I just felt my stomach drop. I felt hurt all over, I could not breathe properly because that was the time I realised that…that maybe I like you more than a friend. Now I know that we would never get together because of our differences but I just feel like you needed to know about this since well you’re my best friend and I tell you everything. I totally understand if you need some time away from me since this might have been a shock for you but please, don’t break up our friendship.” You say everything you ever wanted to let Eric know. You knew that this was probably a bad decision but you just had to let him know. “I should go now…see you around?”
You were about to get up when you felt a hand grip your wrist stopping you from getting up. Looking down at your wrist you noticed Eric holding onto it.
“Do you really like me?” He says as he leans closer towards you, his hand still gripping your wrist. Nodding a bit, you notice him lean even more closer as he leaves your hand and grabs a hold of your cheeks.
Both of his hands cradles your cheeks as he holds them delicately, staring deep into your eyes his gaze moves down towards your lips before he looks back up at you.
Placing your hand on his chest, you stop him before he manages to kiss you, “You cannot do this. You’re in a relationship with Yuna, it’s…it’s wrong.”
Groaning at your answer Eric goes back to his original place not having the energy to argue at what you said because no matter what, he was not a man who would cheat on a woman to be with another.
He was gonna kiss you because he was not in the right state of mind, right? Not because he might also be having feelings for you? No, he wouldn’t, if he did he would not have been in a relationship with Yuna.
“Oh Y/N! Great, you're here…with Eric?” You hear a voice say behind you. Looking back you notice Sangyeon coming out with a drunk Soyeon leaning on his shoulders.
Giving him a small wave you stand up from the footpath and walk towards him before getting a hold of Soyeon. “Yeah. I was just about to leave, I can take Soyeon back home. You can go back in and enjoy.” You tell him as you give him a soft smile.
“No, let me drop you off. Soyeon is already drunk so I will just drive you back to your dorm. I have my car with me.” Sangyeon says before he starts walking away with Soyeon still in his hold only to stop midway and turn back around to look at Eric. “You might want to go in and check up on your girlfriend Eric. She’s drunk and trying to kiss Sunwoo…” Sangyeon tells Eric with slight disappointment laced in his tone.
Giving Sangyeon a small nod, Eric looks at you with a longing gaze as he watches you walk away with Sangyeon and Soyeon.
Heading back towards the restaurant he opens the door and sighs tiredly when he sees Yuna babbling some incoherent words because of how drunk she is.
Sitting by the kitchen counter you stare at Soyeon as she drinks the coffee you made for her.
“I am having such a bad headache…” she mumbles as she takes the last sip of the coffee and places the cup down on the table before she diverts her attention to you.
“So…are you gonna tell me about what happened yesterday or?” You breathe out a sigh as you place your head on your palms in agony.
“I confessed to Eric…” you tell her the truth. You could hear her let out a small gasp in surprise as she stood up from her seat and sat down beside you.
“What did he say?” She asks with her hands on your shoulder before she forcefully makes you face her.
“Nothing…but I think he was gonna kiss me if I had not stopped him..” you say with a frown resting upon your lips before you shrug off her hands and gaze at the floor.
“He what??!” Soyeon screams in shock, “You know what Y/N? I cannot look at you being heartbroken like this anymore. Why don’t you go on a date? Maybe that would make you feel better.” Soyeon says as a suggestions
“But I don’t think it would be fair for the other person knowing I still have feelings for someone else…” you tell her.
“It’s just one date. If you don’t like him you don’t have to go again and it’s not a big deal. He’s a friend of my friend so it won’t affect anyone. What do you say?” She asks as she stands up from her place and grabs her phone to make a few quick phone calls.
“If you say so…”
“Well, it’s done then! I will inform my friend to let her friend know about this.” Soyeon tells you with a smile resting on her lips. Returning the smile you look away from her and stare out the window with thoughts flooding your mind.
Sitting alone in the bar you looked around in discomfort. Maybe coming to a bar alone with a man you just met today really was a bad idea? I mean...you did not know him personally except for the fact that Soyeon was a friend of his friend.
Agreeing to come to this date really made you fall back into this slump you were in. Because your love life was so bad that you had to go to this extent, meet up with a guy you barely knew, only for him to turn out to be this crazy person.
I mean, no one would want to be cramped in a car with 5 men they never met only to smell all the weed and cigarettes they were smoking on your face as they leaned onto you with no care in the world. This would barely even be considered as a date. Because who in their right mind does this on their first date? Does this person even know that this was a date?
Being lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice the now-approaching man, the man Soyeon thought would be good enough for now. I mean you cannot blame her completely because she did not know how he was.
Her friend told her that he was a good guy so Soyeon thought it was a perfect opportunity to match you up with him. Oh boy, Soyeon was gonna have it from you once you reach back home.
“We’re planning on going to the pool which is nearby. Come on, let’s go.” You felt startled when you heard him say that. Because no way in hell would you want to go to some random pool with a bunch of strangers who were high and drunk. You were sooo dreading this night you were in.
“I think I will pass on that. I will just leave now but thanks for the offer, Jonah.” You say with a slight smile as you start gathering your stuff, which is not much considering you only had your sling bag and phone with you.
“Oh let me drop you off…” he did not get to finish his sentence as he trailed off once his attention went back to his group of friends who did not seem to have a sense of reality whatsoever.
“It’s okay. It looks like your friends need you more than me. I will be fine.” You reassure him as you watch him walk out of the bar with his friends without looking back.
Sighing you open your wallet to pay for the beverage you bought for yourself.
“Fuck…,” Standing up from your seat you approach the nearest waitress you say, “Hi, could you tell me where the nearest ATM is?” You ask nervously.
“Oh, it’s a few blocks down, but I wouldn’t recommend walking there alone at night in this area. Many crazy stories about this place you know?” She says that as she walks away with a tray of drinks in her hand.
Sighing deeply, you slump down on your seat again as you stare at the contacts on your phone.
You most definitely did not want to call him knowing he was with his dear, bitchy girlfriend. But you had no option. It’s not like you want to risk your life going out in search of an ATM to take out some money. You had enough adventure today as it was.
You hated yourself for only thinking about him the whole time, the fact that he was the first person to come to your mind when you got yourself in this situation.
Biting on your nails, you nervously clicked on his contact name before putting your phone close to your ear, waiting for him to pick up as you looked around the bar once more.
“Hi, Eric. It's me…are you free right now?” You ask nervously. You tried paying attention to his background noises. So far, you could not hear a sound. The good thing was that you did not hear his annoying girlfriend's voice which made you feel somewhat better.
“Yes, yes I am. Are you in trouble or something?” He replied as you heard some shuffling noises coming from the background as if he was in a hurry.
“Yes, I am stuck in this bar and I have no cash with me and these people don’t accept credit cards and you were the first person who came in my mind to contact. I am so sorry if I am disturbing you.” You kept on rambling on as you felt as if you were a burden to him. I mean…you should be able to take care of yourself, but instead, you were asking your best friend to come pick you up from this unknown place you were stuck in.
And knowing what you two almost did yesterday made this situation all the more awkward for you.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. Just send me your location, I am already in the car.” You heard Eric say. Ending the call you send him your location as you look around the bar while hugging your body.
“Eric!” You call out his name once you see him enter the bar.
“Hey, oh god thank god you’re okay. So what happened? What are you doing here?” He asks as he sits down in front of you.
“I feel so stupid, so Soyeon had this friend who knew this guy I was on a somewhat date with. From what Soyeon said the guy was in diapers or something.”
“The boy was in diapers?” Eric asks questionably as he looks at you with furrowed eyebrows.
“No, Soyeon said her friend knew him when he was in diapers but that’s not the point. I thought this date might go well, I might get myself a potential boyfriend, but no! The boy turned out to be a maniac. He was drinking, and smoking and god I hope he did not do drugs and that’s when I realised, that these are the last people I want to spend my last moments on Earth with. Like no what if I die in a car crash with them? I don’t want that and did I tell you how stupid I felt? Because I thought it was going to be a nice date but it turns out he had brought his friends with him and then oh god…” you sigh in frustration as you lay your head on your arms, tired from the events. “And I did not even eat anything since breakfast and I am starving but I have no money. How pathetic can I be?” You say to yourself while you stomp your foot on the ground in agony.
“Uh, I have money. I can pay for the meal, what do you want?” Eric asks softly as he asks for the menu to the waitress passing by.
“Do you want this to go on the tab?” She asks while handing out the menu to Eric. Looking at her in confusion, Eric stares back at you thinking you would know what she was talking about. “Oh, the card is still open. You can still order.” She says with a smile.
Giving Eric a look you look down at the menu. “Put your wallet away. Would you like to start with starters??” You ask Eric as you already start pointing out the dishes you want to have.
“Whoa, I am full after having all of that.” You announce once both of you are seated in the car. Putting on your seatbelt you stare out the window.
“So um should I drop you off at your dorm?” Eric asks once he starts the car.
Looking back at him, you give him a nod. You knew he wanted to talk about that day again but you also knew about the fact that if he does bring it up, there is a huge possibility that you would have a breakdown.
The whole car ride there was silence. Both of you did not speak a single word to each other. To make the situation less awkward Eric did play the songs on the radio on low volume.
Reaching your dorm, you undo your seatbelt as you stare ahead of you not knowing what to say anymore.
“So um see you around I guess?” You hear Eric says as he breaks the awkward silence. Looking at him, you nod your head as you put your hand on the car door to unlock it only to get stopped in the middle.
“Wait, Y/N! I need to let you know something…” Eric speaks up before you could even leave the car.
You could feel him grab onto your hand as he made you sit back down on the seat.
“I hope you know that I do like you. I know that I said I only look at you as my best friend but…but maybe I feel something more than that? I am still trying to understand my feelings for you completely but please don’t shut me out like this. I don’t think I can ever go on with my life without you.” Eric says as he leans forward towards you and gently places his hand on your cheeks before he looks into your eyes.
“Please don’t leave me like this, sweetheart.” Eric whispers softly. Your gaze unknowingly travels to his lips as you bring your lips closer to his.
Softly placing your lips onto his you start moving them in sync with each other, his chapped lips on your soft ones felt like a perfect pair to you.
Bringing your hands up to his chest you deepen the kiss more, moving your lips in sync you could feel his hands roaming all over your body.
Entangling your hands with his hair you pull on them a bit making Eric open his mouth which gave you an access to enter your tongue in.
You could feel both of your tongue’s fighting each other when you suddenly snapped out of it and pushed Eric away from you.
From the corner of your eyes, you could feel Eric look at you with a hurt gaze but before he could even speak up you had already opened the car door and stepped out of it, “See you around!” You say that in a hurry as you close the door with a small thud and walk away from there to your dorm.
Closing the main door you slide down with your back against it. Bringing your hand up to your chest you hold it as you take in a few deep breaths.
“Y/N! Are you home?” You heard Soyeon shout from the living room. Not giving her an answer back you just stay on the floor not knowing what to do anymore.
You did not know why you did whatever you did back there. I mean kissing a taken man? That’s not good. Then making out with him? That’s worse.
“Oh god! Y/N! What happened??” You hear Soyeon shout in distress as runs towards you before sitting herself down on the floor with you.
“Did something happen at the date? Oh god, I am so sorry. I should have asked my friend more about that guy before setting you up. Did he turn out to be a total creep and a jerk?” Soyeon rambles off before she helps you take off your coat while you were still on the floor.
“I kissed him..” you tell her with your eyes staring at the wall which was in front of you, “I kissed him Soyeon and he’s…he’s taken. I am horrible…” you say with your voice wavering at the end.
You could feel the tears sliding down your cheeks which you did not bother enough to wipe.
“You kissed Jonah? Why?” Soyeon says in confusion as she takes a seat beside you before bringing her legs close to her chest as she rests her head on her knees and stares at you.
Slowly bringing her hand up she pulls your head towards her as she gently places it on her shoulder.
“I kissed Eric…” you say softly.
“What…but isn’t he?” Soyeon did not bother enough to complete her sentence.
“Exactly! I am so horrible. I cannot believe I let my feelings get the best of me. He practically cheated on Yuna with me…” you say with a crack in your voice. Sniffling, you look at Soyeon with sadness feeling your eyes. “Please don’t leave me just for this. I promise I am not a horrible person.” You cry out before your sobs grew harsher with each second.
Sitting in the cafeteria alone you kept on playing with your food. It had been days since your last encounter with Eric.
He had not been coming to school ever since you guys kissed in his car, some part of you was glad that he did not attend the school because then that meant you wouldn’t have to face him but the other part of you was rather more worried about him.
All those what if’s returning to your mind, is he hurt, is he sick, did he wrap himself up in some kind of trouble? But your questions were left unanswered.
Sighing, you grab your bag as you start walking away from the cafeteria to the place where Eric’s best friend would most certainly be at.
You had to know if Eric was alright, all you needed to hear from them was that ‘Yes Y/N, Eric is alright. You don’t have to worry too much.’ That would at least make you worry less and not stress over anything.
Reaching the back of the school you see Juyeon and Sunwoo talking with each other as they played some video games on their phone.
Walking towards them, you stand in front of them grabbing their attention “Oh hey Y/N, what makes you come here?” Juyeon asks with his eyes still glued to the screen.
“Nothing, I just wanted to know something. That’s all. Could you stop playing for a moment and pay attention?” You ask both of them, now getting annoyed at their behaviour and lack of attention.
Pausing the game Juyeon and Sunwoo look up at you with a confused face, “What’s up?” Sunwoo says awkwardly. Not knowing how to react to your sudden appearance
“Do you know where Eric is?” You ask them the question straight away. Not having the energy to beat around the bush anymore.
“Ah, did you not call him?” Juyeon says as if it was a normal thing for you. I mean normally it was, but not after you kissed your best friend and then walked away when you got back to your senses knowing that he is taken.
“If I would have called him I wouldn’t have been here now, would I Juyeon?” You say sarcastically as you flick his forehead in irritation and also because of how stupid his question was.
“Ow sorry and to answer your question Eric caught a…a cold a few days back so he was taking a break?” Juyeon says to you. From the way he was talking, it felt as if he himself did not know what he just said.
Looking back at Sunwoo you throw a glare in his direction when you notice him laughing at Juyeon. Seeing you look at him like that he immediately stopped laughing as he looked down at the ground too scared to look you in the eyes.
“Fine then, if that’s what you say so.” Saying that to them you walk away from the place with numerous thoughts floating in your mind.
The next day when you entered the school hallway with Soyeon by your side, your eyes moved all over the place in search of Eric.
Walking towards your locker with Soyeon you noticed Eric standing by the class door with Juyeon, talking with him.
Handing all your books to Soyeon, you took big steps towards Eric, “Eric! Wait!” You shouted out his name only to get no response in return.
What you did not expect was for him to walk right past you without sparing you a glance. Stopping dead in your tracks you move your body around and stare at Eric’s figure walking away.
You noticed Juyeon turning his head back and looking at you with sympathy as he mouthed out a ‘sorry’ on behalf of Eric you suppose.
Giving him a small nod and a wave, you go towards Soyeon again as you take your books back from her hands, “Let’s go?” You say quietly as you start walking away from the place without letting her speak anything any further.
“I am sorry…” Soyeon says to you softly as he interlocks her hands with yours as she starts walking with you.
Giving her a smile you look down at the ground not knowing what to do anymore.
You knew you messed up when you initiated the kiss first. But did Eric really have to ignore you like that?
It had been a few days since you last saw Eric again, he has been really irregular at school so confronting him face-to-face was not an option.
You tried everything, you called him, texted him, hell you even went over to his house but there was no answer.
The more time passes, the more worried you’re getting. Is he avoiding you on purpose? Is all of this happening just because of you? All you wanted to do at this point was make everything right but you could not do that. Not with the way Eric was treating you.
Is he now avoiding you on purpose? There were so many thoughts in your mind, so many questions but they remained unanswered.
Groaning in frustration you grab your coat and storm out of the house to go over at Juyeon’s. You were gonna get answers from him today, if he does not give you a proper answer you won’t let him off the hook and that’s for sure.
Stopping your car in front of his house, you stare at his front door with hesitation filling your body. Should you really be doing this? What if you’re crossing the boundary by doing this? Is this too much? Probably not right? I mean Eric did not break off your friendship with him just yet.
Stepping out of the car you lock it as you take slow, hesitant steps towards Juyeon’s house.
Ringing the doorbell, you wait for him to open the door. Okay, there’s still some time. You can just turn around and leave the place right now. That way you won’t have to confront him about Eric again.
Getting ready to turn around you were stopped by a voice calling out your name, “Y/N! Surprised to see you here…what brings you here tho?” You hear Juyeon ask with surprise laced in his tone of voice.
Looking at him with an awkward smile plastered on your face, you lick your lips thinking of the right words to say to him.
“May I come in first?” You say nervously as you shift your weight from one foot to another.
“Yeah sure, you’re always welcome. Come in…” Juyeon says as he steps aside for you to enter his house.
Removing your coat, Juyeon takes it from your hand and hangs it on the coat hanger as he leads you towards the living room.
“Want some hot chocolate? I was making some for myself…” Juyeon says as he walks towards the kitchen with you tailing behind him.
Taking a seat by the counter you shake your head as a no as you clear your throat, “I am here to speak with you about something that has been bugging me…” you tell him before you stare at his back.
You notice how he stopped pouring the hot chocolate into his cup before he turned around to give you his full attention, “Is this about Eric?” Juyeon asks slowly before he takes a seat in front of you.
Nodding your head you suck in a deep breath, “You see, I have been trying to reach him for days but he isn’t responding to any of my texts or calls. I even went over to his house but there was no answer. I know he is your closest friend and the fact that he shares everything with you so I probably know that you must be having an idea on why he is doing this. Please just tell me…” you say on the verge of tears.
“Y/N I don’t know if I have the right to tell you about what’s happening with Eric right now. Look, I know what you’re going through is really tough but…” juyeon stops talking when he sees the tears coming out of your eyes. “Y/N no…” Juyeon sighs softly as he stands up from his seat and pulls out a chair to sit down beside you.
“We’ve always shared everything, you know? And him just shutting me out like this suddenly pains me. I know I was at fault for kissing him but I regret it immensely right now because I certainly know that I might have ruined his relationship with Yuna. Look, all I want to do right now is just make things right with him. Just tell me where he is and I promise I won’t trouble you again.” You beg to him, sniffing you look at Juyeon with your red eyes and nose.
“If you say so. Eric’s at the hospital, his dad's been severely ill for the past few weeks which has led to him missing out on school and everything. Now I know that I told you this but don’t tell Eric. He did not want you to worry too much about him.” Juyeon says as he stands up and brings you a glass of water.
Getting a hold of the glass you take a few sips as you place the glass down on the counter again. “Thank you so much.” You say as you stand up from your chair, “Are you guys gonna plan something for his birthday tomorrow?” You ask him right before leaving.
Thinking for a bit Juyeon shakes his head as a no “He did not want us to do anything this time. He said he would be too busy tomorrow to even think about that.”
Nodding to his words you grab onto the door handle only to get stopped when Juyeon spoke again “Hey Y/N…”
Turning around you look at Juyeon with a slight frown on your face, “Yeah?”
“Please take care of yourself…” he says softly before giving your back a gentle pat.
Nodding to his words with a small smile on your face you open the door and walk towards your car, now somewhat feeling relieved.
Standing in front of the hospital you look down at the cake which you had bought just for Eric. You knew that he would be busy looking after his father so the least you could do for now is buy him a cake so he can at least celebrate his birthday today.
Entering the hospital you go to the receptionist. “Hi, I am looking for Eric Sohn, his father was admitted recently.” You tell the woman sitting at the front.
You see her slide down her glasses as she stares at you for a minute or so before she starts flipping through the pages in front of her with no questions asked.
“Mr.Sohn is on the first floor, room number 111 and here’s your visiting ID. Do not lose it.” She says sternly before she goes back to doing her work.
Nodding at her words, you immediately scurry away from there.
Entering the elevator you press on the first floor button as you wait in silence. You did not know what to say to Eric once you met him.
You guys were never this awkward. Even when the first time you both met, the conversation with you both just flowed right.
Never did you ever think you would be in such an awkward position when it came to Eric and this just made you feel worse than you already were.
Reaching the floor you start walking towards the room Eric’s dad was in.
Standing in front of the door you stare at the scene in front of you through the glass window.
There stood Eric holding his dad's hand in his own hands as he spoke to himself. You could see that he was shaking, probably because of the cold or the fact that he was in fact crying.
Knocking on the door you wait for Eric to look up at you, once he did divert his attention in your direction you could feel yourself forgetting how to breathe when you saw his face.
He looked pale, probably a bit thinner than he used to. He most certainly lost a bit of weight which made you feel like you just hit rock bottom because why were you not with him when he needed someone by his side the most?
Taking a step back, you wait for Eric to collect himself together because obviously, this was a shock for him seeing you here in the flesh after not responding or talking with you for days.
“Sweetheart, what are you doing here?” Eric asks you once he comes out of the room after trying to make himself look presentable enough.
“It’s your birthday, so I brought you a cake.” You say with a smile playing upon your face as raise your hand up to show him the bag which had his favourite cake in it.
“Who told you about me being here?” Eric asks, his voice sounding serious yet it still held that gentleness in him that he always has when talking with you.
“That does not matter. What matters is that I am here for you right now. Please just…just celebrate your birthday with me?” You ask him softly as you walk backwards and sit on the seats which were placed outside. “Look I know you’re in a rough spot right now, but all I ask from you today is for you to spare a few minutes max to max and just celebrate your birthday. I promise I won’t ever trouble you again.” You say the last line with difficulty.
Sighing Eric walks towards you as he sits down beside you. Closing his eyes he makes a wish as he blows out the candles which you had lit for him.
Opening them up, Eric cuts the cake as he feeds you a piece of it.
Taking a stroll on the rooftop of the hospital, both of you talked with each other about what you have been missing out on.
You kept Eric updated on all the things that have been happening in school since he has been missing out a lot. You told him how Soyeon almost choked Sunwoo because of how annoying he was. In her defence, Sunwoo had no reason to keep on troubling her and in the end, Sunwoo did get what he deserved.
You also promised to keep him updated on all the classes he has been missing out on despite being from different majors, which Eric was immensely grateful for.
Stopping by the railings, you and Eric stared at the night sky, the moon which was now shining brightly as you looked for stars that were covered by the clouds.
“Y/N, I have been meaning to tell you this…” you hear Eric say with a serious voice. Turning your gaze to him you notice him looking at you with no expressions on his face.
“Look, I…I like you sweetheart. I really do. The time we spent apart these past few days, I understood my feelings towards you. But at the moment, I really don’t have the time to commit to a proper relationship yet. I don’t think I have it in me to be in a committed relationship and with everything going on, I don’t know if I can truly give you the proper attention you deserve. I know you like me, I like you too but…now’s not the right time. I don’t even know when my dad will be all better. Hell, I don’t even know if I can still come to school regularly. I am so sorry.” Eric says as a tear rolls down his pale cheek.
Wiping the lone teardrop, you give him a small broken smile as you immediately take a step back, too afraid you would do something you would regret later on.
“Well, at least you told me about this.” You say as you sniffle. Looking up at the dark sky you try to keep your tears in which Eric immediately took a notice of.
“No, no please don’t cry because of me, sweetheart..” Eric says softly as he immediately engulfs your smaller figure in his own warm one as he tries his best to comfort you by keeping your body close to his and hugging you tightly.
Pushing him away gently you take another step back before you give him a shake of your head. “I think it’s best if I leave now…” you say, your voice wavering a bit at the end “Happy Birthday though…” you say with a small smile.
Saying that you immediately walk away from there, not having enough courage or the energy to look Eric in the eye after what he just said.
You knew you should not have kissed him. This is all because of you, and now because of this small mistake, you lost a friendship that you used to value and love so deeply.
Meanwhile all Eric did was watch you walk away from him with tears rolling down his cheeks.
Kneeling down on the ground he brought his knees closer to his chest as he started sobbing, his body shaking violently with each sob leaving his mouth.
All he wanted at that moment was for your arms to be around his body, hug him closely but that was not possible since you were not there with him anymore. He had lost you, forever.
Entering the dorm, you don’t care enough to inform Soyeon about your arrival. Entering your room you slump down on your bed with a tired sigh leaving your mouth.
You could feel your body giving up, you don't even know what you’re going to do anymore at this point. You did everything you could to make things right but nothing worked.
What if you would have not went over to Juyeon’s house, would things right now be different, maybe even better? Or maybe if you would not have gone over to Eric today, to celebrate his birthday this would not have even happened.
Biting onto your pillow you stop yourself from letting out the sobs you were dying to let out. You knew Soyeon was sleeping right now, you did not want to be a burden to her anymore.
“Y/N? Are you okay babe?” You heard Soyeon’s soft voice speaking through the doorway as she slowly opened the door to your room and let herself in.
“No Y/N…” Soyeon says mostly to herself as she immediately joins you on your bed. Lying down beside you, she hugged your body closer to hers from the back as she patted your head whispering sweet things in your ear, hoping that would calm you down.
“I am so pathetic, So…I just…I wish I could just die right now. I cannot believe I just ruined my friendship with Eric. I…” you could not even get yourself to finish the sentence as you let out harsh sobs, not being able to control them anymore “I ruined everything…” you say as a hiccup leaves your mouth.
“Shh, Y/N if anything Eric is also with you in this. It’s not like the kiss was one-sided. He kissed you back…” Soyeon says as she continues to pat your head.
The entire night, all you could remember was crying your eyes out as you spoke incoherent words to Soyeon. You knew you were gonna have a puffy face and a bad headache tomorrow morning.
It was the 31st today, the day everyone would be rejoicing since in less than 24 hours it would be the start of a new year, a new chapter of everyone’s life, a new beginning to something beautiful for some people, sour reality for some of them since they were dreading this time of the year since their whole lives.
For you it was no different, you were not in the mood to celebrate with your friends, and you did not have the energy to even leave the comforts of your bed after everything that has been happening in your life.
It was just you, your bed, your laptop with your favourite TV show on loop and the cup of hot coffee that was with you since day one.
“Are you sure you’re just going to be okay to stay here all alone on the new year?” Soyeon asks you as soon as she enters your room. Giving her a nod you wave her goodbye.
Checking your phone, you frowned in confusion when you saw 20 missed calls by Eric. 20 missed calls? At this time of the day? By Eric? Why would he even call you?
Immediately dialling his number, you wait for him to pick up the call only to get sent off to voicemail.
Getting worried you get out of your bed in a hurry as you grab your car and house keys and head towards the door.
Opening the door you jump back in surprise when you see Eric standing in front of you with his hands placed on his knees as he took deep breaths in while trying to catch his breath.
“Why…why the hell were you…not picking up your calls!?” Eric shouts at you while still trying to catch his breath.
Standing up properly, he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand before he looked you in your eyes, “Are you free?” Eric asks once he his breathing had gone back to normal.
Looking down at the attire you were wearing, you stare back up at Eric with an awkward smile. “Well looking at the fact that I am in my pyjamas I think I am free yeah.” You notice Eric roll his eyes playfully as he enters your house and grabs your coat which was hanging on the coat hanger.
“Wear this. It’s cold outside…” Eric whispers in your ears as he helps you wear the coat.
“Where are we going though?” You ask Eric, noticing the impatience.
“Just start walking will ya?” Eric says as he grabs your hand and intertwines his fingers with yours unknowingly.
You both had been walking on the twinkling footpath since the last few minutes. The silence had engulfed you both but this time it felt more comfortable rather than awkward.
You looked around the busy streets of the road as everyone was out there celebrating the last day of the year with their loved ones.
Reaching a calmer and quieter street you looked around the place when you noticed that there was no one around and it was just the two of you there.
“Okay sweetheart, what I am about to tell you, just please listen to me before you say anything okay?” You hear Eric say. Turning around to face him you notice Eric taking a seat on the grass as he stares ahead at the scenery which is in front of him. “Come sit.” He says as he pats the place beside him.
Sitting down beside him you screech in surprise when Eric pulls you closer to his body while grabbing onto your waist. “That’s better,” Eric whispered softly before he took a deep breath in.
“I missed you…” he says softly as he straightens out the strands of your hair which were flying around everywhere.
Looking him in the eye you softly respond to him “I missed you too. All I did was think about you since our last encounter and I…I am sorry.” You whisper that, afraid your voice would break if you speak any louder.
“I wanted to tell you something, I just couldn’t get myself to say it out loud because I was afraid something would happen.” You give him a look of encouragement, a sign for him to continue speaking which he caught on immediately.
“I love you Y/N, I knew that when we were away from each other and I was sure of my feelings for you when we had that talk on the rooftop of the hospital. I was just so caught up in the fact that my dad was on the verge of dying I unknowingly pushed you away. I knew I left you in the dark after just disappearing after we had kissed that day in my car and that was no way in hell right but…I was just so much in denial about the fact that I love you more than a friend. I was freaking out over the fact that I might lose you if our relationship does not go well, I was afraid that I would mess it all up when we got together but when we had a talk on my birthday, I realised that you’re the only person I will ever love this much, I just love the way you smile when I make a stupid joke even though it was not funny. I was afraid that if I confessed my feelings we would not be able to spend Christmas together, which we did not because of my stupidity. I missed the time when we would bake the cookies on Christmas Eve, I missed the time when we would wrap the gifts we bought for our friends for the Christmas even though they were utterly ridiculous but most of all, I missed spending time with you sweetheart. I missed hearing your sweet voice, I missed the fact that you were not the first person who wished me a Merry Christmas. I love you Y/N. I truly do and this time, I am ready to commit. Commit for us and for this relationship we would have in the future. Would you take the honours and be my girlfriend?” Eric says as breaks down in tears at the end of the sentence.
Grabbing his cheeks, you make him look up as you lean closer and place your lips on top of his, you could taste the saltiness of his tears but the sweet taste of the lip balm he was wearing.
Smiling in the kiss, you move closer to him as you move your hands towards his neck as you pull him closer towards you. You could feel the slight smile that appeared on his lips.
Being lost in the kiss, you both failed to notice the snow that had started to fall, that was until you saw the small snow that rested on Eric’s nose which made you let out a small giggle.
“What’s so funny sweetheart?” Eric says between the kiss as he kisses you deeper, not even letting you answer the question he had just asked.
Pulling away, you look at Eric with a wide smile resting on your cheeks, your smile reaching your eyes, his favourite kind of smile of yours truly.
“Is that a yes then?” Eric asks as a giggle escapes his lips. Giving him a small nod you peck his red nose as you let out a small laugh.
“See, I can be the one for you sweetheart.” Eric says with a silly smile on his face before he starts peppering your face with kisses making you fall down on the grass as laughter blares through the quiet place.
“I never said you couldn’t…” you say with laughter. “I love you, Eric Sohn…” you whisper softly as you look up at him while lying down on the ground, as Eric stared down at you while being above you.
“I love you too, sweetheart.” Eric whispers the last words as he kisses you deeply.
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philistiniphagottini · 2 months
I honestly am just in that Dante mood that I believe almost EVERYONES HAD. BUT I BRING YOU ITACHI UCHIHA MAKING THE MOST PERFECT EGGS YOUVE EVER HAD AFTER A TOUGH NIGHT (Yes I did reference that one scene with him cooking iykyk. Yes he did break in. And No he will not answer how.) BUT IN THE END YOU GOT COMFORT AND GOOD FOOD WHAT MORE CAN YOU ASK FOR🫶
Yes I know exactly what you mean!!! Itachi making the perfect eggs <3 Thank you for the request, your ideas always inspire me to write. I hope you enjoy :)
cw. fluff
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You had an awful night sleep. Your eyes felt scratchy the moment you awoke from your restless slumber, struggling to peel them open when the songs of early morning birds graced your ears. Your limbs felt like they were made of lead, tangled between your sheets as your mind stirred and your eyes finally cracked open. A pitiful groan tumbled from your lips when you were greeted to the morning rays of sunshine, your eyes burning against the sudden onslaught as the warmth caressed your face. You rubbed your fingers under your tired eyes, flicking away specks of sleep that clung to the corners of your vision as you slowly rose. The mattress beneath you groaned in protest as you yawned loudly, teeth bared as a long and lethargic sigh blew past your lips.
You felt like absolute shit. A rough night sleep was to thank for that. You couldn’t recall how many hours you had actually slept. It didn’t matter. A long night of constantly waking up and falling back to sleep would ruin whatever little few hours of peace you had managed to obtain. Your mind was still defrosting as you shuffled towards the edge of your bed, flinging the bedsheets from you and retreating from your warm nest of fluffy blankets and pillows. Since you were awake, you decided you may as well get up and have something to eat. You doubted it would actually help but your stomach was growling so loudly that you couldn’t just ignore it. You slipped your favourite pair of fluffy slippers over your feet before standing up.
You were disoriented for a long moment, mind slowly swirling and vision hazy as you wobbled on your legs. You had to wait for a moment for the floor to stop feeling like it was shifting beneath you before you even dared to move. Even when you did, your sore muscles ached in protest, the burn resonating deep in your bones as you dragged your feet to your bedroom door. You rested your hand on the cool, metal handle, fingers loosely gripping it as you took a deep breath. You hummed softly when the smell of freshly cooking food tickled your senses.
…Wait a minute. You lived alone.
Your eyes slowly widened as your lagging mind finally snapped to attention. Your grip slowly tightened on your door handle, the tips of your fingers tingling as you stared at the wooden frame of your door. Your head was starting to spin, one hundred and one different scenarios running through your head all at the same time as you tried to comprehend what was going on. Why could you smell food cooking? Who the hell was in your house? Your eyes quickly scanned your room and you snatched the closest item to you before sneaking out of your door.
You clutched your hairbrush tightly to your chest as you crept through the hallways of your home. It felt so unnatural to be sneaking through your own home, but fear of the unknown set your teeth on edge. You were acutely aware of every small noise. The creaking of the floorboards beneath your feet. Your own, baited breath. Your pulse filling your ears like the loud beat of a drum as your heart lodged itself into your throat. You could smell cooking oil and hear the crackling of food being cooked as you cautiously approached your kitchen, body pressing against a wall as you tried to peer around the corner and get a look at who was in your house. All you could see was their static shadow. Before your mind could conjure up any more ridiculous thoughts, you heard something speaking, their voice echoing down the halls as they called your name. You froze, shoulders jumping up to your ears as your heart almost came to a screeching halt.
"Ah, you’re awake. Come in here and sit. Breakfast is almost ready."
The familiarity of Itachi’s calm voice was a soothing balm and the tension abruptly left you. You were still a little skittish as you approached, hairbrush still tightly clasped in your grip as you finally rounded the corner and stepped over the threshold of your kitchen. You blinked owlishly at the sight before you, mind still frazzled as you stared. You briefly wondered if perhaps you were maybe still dreaming. You didn’t expect to see you boyfriend standing in front of the stove, long, raven hair tied back in a neat bun and a frilly, pink apron tied around his waist. He turned towards you as you rubbed your hands beneath your eyes, irritating the puffy skin around the lids as you tried to clear your vision.
"Am I dreaming?" you questioned, voice tapering off into a slur.
A small smile tilted Itachi’s lips as he slowly shook his head. "No. You’re awake."
You still continued to stare at him, completely dumbfounded by the sight before you. Itachi didn’t pay any mind to your blatant staring as he continued with his task, the smell of freshly cooked eggs and toast wafting through the air. Your mouth was starting to water and you were ashamed at how fiercely your stomach was growling.
"Sit" Itachi repeated.
His command broke you out of your stupor as your mind abruptly returned to reality. You smiled bashfully as you followed his order and sat at your designated spot at the table. Everything had already been set up and your food had already been cooked, ready and waiting to be eaten. You could feel your face start to heat up, your chest feeling light at the heart-warming gesture. It wasn’t uncommon for Itachi to occasionally cook for you but it felt a little extra special to you after the awful night you had just had. It felt like he really cared and you honestly thought you were about to start crying as you reached for the jug of freshly squeezed orange juice to pour yourself a cup. You also poured one for Itachi as he finished cooking, the stove turning off with a soft click as he joined you for breakfast. As Itachi sat down his eyes flickered to the brush you had placed on the table, a hint of amusement tickling his voice when his sharp gaze travelled back to you.
"I hope you were not thinking of warding me off with a simple hair brush" he said, a hint of teasing lacing his voice.
Your ears burned hotly at his remark. "It was the closest thing to me" you grumbled into your cup as you took a sip of your drink.
Itachi hummed softly, eyes slowly scanning your face as you tucked into your meal. You looked exhausted, face haggard and eyes looking like they were ready to fall out of your head. He could tell you had a horrible night sleep yet he didn’t want to prod you for further information. You could talk about that after you had eaten something.
"I thought you were an intruder" you continued, knife gently prodding the perfectly cooked egg sitting in front of you. "How did you get in?"
You were certain that Itachi didn’t have the keys to your house. It wasn’t because you didn’t trust him. It was just you only had one set and you were kind of a bit lazy to get another set cut. And besides, Itachi still lived with his own family. He didn’t particularly need them anyway. When you looked to Itachi for an answer all he did was raise a single eyebrow in response to your question. It took another long moment for your brain to catch up and you inevitably answered your question.
"Ahh. Right. Part of the Anbu. Dumb question" you mumbled before promptly stuffing egg and toast into your mouth to shut you up.
"How is it?" Itachi asked.
You hummed in content and gave him the thumbs up, lazy smile stretching your lips as you happily munched on your breakfast. You swallowed your bite as Itachi took a bite of his own with much more finesse than you could ever manage.
"So good. You should cook me breakfast more often" you said with an airy chuckle.
Itachi hummed in thought as he swallowed, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth as he gazed at you fondly. "Perhaps I should" he mused to himself.
You didn’t quite catch what he had said as you continued eating, the hot meal already doing wonders for your body. You still didn’t feel the best, but Itachi’s food made it better and right now, that was all you really needed in your life.
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the-chosen-fanfiction · 7 months
Andrew | Beautiful You | Romantic
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Requested: Yes
In spite of your low self-esteem, Andrew reassures you that you are just as beautiful as those you compare yourself to, and to him, even more so.
Thomas is not exactly subtle. Whereas he has been staring at Ramah for the past twenty minutes across camp, you have found him out the second he set eyes on her, and are now observing the strange scene by looking up from your sewing every so often.
Matthew tries to be more discreet, but your keen eye has spotted him as well. His gaze is fixated upon Mary, watching her carefully, eagerly drinking in every detail of her.
The two women do not seem to mind it. At least, they don’t seem to be sensing a pair of eyes scrutinising them. 
You don’t feel a pair of eyes on you, either. 
But why would you? It’s not like you’d ever be half as beautiful as Mary or Ramah. Their hair shines, their faces brighten up under any circumstances. Even when tired, they are rays of sunshine, vessels of pure beauty, and you… You are just you. 
Plain, simple, unassuming. With (h/c) hair you wished to be more healthy. And you are certain your (e/c) eyes don’t sparkle as vividly as Tamar’s dark ones. Of course the bachelors around camp will not even consider you a potential marriage candidate. Not when the other three women around your own age here are way more attractive than you are.
You are sunken away in thought as you are suddenly roughly disturbed from your focused state when you accidentally poke your finger with the needle you are holding. Yelping, you immediately bring it to your lips to take up the small droplet of blood that immediately appears. 
Footsteps approach you from behind, and before you can even withdraw your index finger from your mouth, Thomas’ voice rings inside your ears. 
“Hey, (Y/n), could you maybe help me with… Are you okay?” 
You slowly take your hand away from your face and hum, eyeing him expectantly as he gives you a strange look. 
“Well then. Okay, could you maybe help me with trying to ask for Ramah’s hand? I-I mean not like that! I am just… I am trying to… Do you know… Does she… Ever mention me?”
One of your eyebrows rises higher on your face. Thomas awkwardly grins as he gives you a hopeful look, anxiously awaiting your answer. 
“She does, but… What would you need my help for? I do not know the kind of man her father is, so I’m not sure of what use I’d be and–”
“Kafni is fully aware that I intend to marry his daughter one day.” Thomas interrupts you, “It’s just… I want to do something special for her, you know? Ah… Let me rephrase. Imagine being a bachelorette waiting for a potential love interest to ask for her hand…” – Not that difficult to imagine, you bitterly think to yourself – “What would you like him to do? What would make you more interested in marrying a man?”
You put down your sewing work and purse your lips, humming in thought. “Let’s see,” you muse, “Ah… I never really considered anyone being interested in me that way, but… I think I would be interested in being with a man who is Godly, respectful, kind and caring, and most of all he’d have to accept me as I am. I wouldn’t want him to do anything specific, but…”
Pausing, you take a deep breath, suddenly feeling emotional as your throat feels tighter. 
“But the only thing I’d ask for is for him to accept me for who I am, flaws and all.”
Thomas thinks for a moment, gazes over at Ramah, and then shrugs. “Not exactly the kind of answer I was looking for, but thank you anyways, (Y/n).”
You give him a grimace of a smile as he stalks off before even giving you the chance to react. You’re certain he didn’t mean anything negative with it, but it leaves you feeling even more lonely than you are, a pit growing in your stomach. 
Suddenly, you are yearning for some time alone.
Putting down your work, you stand and stretch your sore limbs before heading for the women’s tent, grabbing your shoulder bag containing a few belongings. 
“Where are you going?” Tamar asks as she looks up from her chores, “Is something going on?”
With a small shake of your head, you smile at her. “No, nothing is going on. I just need some time to myself.”
“Where will you be heading?”
You sigh, but there is no hint of annoyance in the sound. “Just to the nearby lake, I think. I need to sort out my thoughts.”
“I know that look. You seem troubled.”
You halt in your step and momentarily consider opening up to her. Tamar seems concerned enough to inquire about it, so why not? She is your friend after all, but you’re not sure if she would understand completely.
“I’ll be fine,” you reassure her, “Thank you. I’ll see you later.” Tamar remains unconvinced as you leave the shade of the tent, stepping out into the scorching sun. 
Holding onto the strap of your bag, you head for the body of water you know to be nearby. 
You had seen Andrew and John head out for it yesterday evening in the hopes of catching a few fish for dinner tonight in the shallow parts of the water, although the latter of the two had returned to camp with no catch and an upset stomach about an hour ago, complaining about feeling under the weather. 
The lake seems deserted for as far as you can look and is only a few minutes away. Part of it is around a bend, but there grows little to no foliage there, leaving you to take a seat with your back to camp, finding some coverage underneath a small tree. 
You sigh and look out over the water, drinking in the feeling of serenity and solemnity. You’re just far enough away from the encampment to not hear any sounds from it, leaving you to your thoughts alone. 
They soon drift to the future. Where would the ministry take you? Where would life after the ministry take you? 
Thomas and Ramah would likely be married. Perhaps something would blossom between Mary and Matthew. Tamar would not have any trouble finding a spouse, either.
You’d be the only bachelorette left without a husband. Not that you needed one, but it hurt regardless. 
You’d have to become more pretty, like they were. 
The sun reflects on the water and makes it so that trying to use it as a mirror is futile. From your bag, you take a polished shard of glass you usually use to see your reflection and hold it in front of your face, inspecting your own features in the harsh light of the nearing noon.
Your (s/c) skin lacks radiance, you establish. With your index finger, you point at a few blemishes here and there. It’s dry and flaky from the damage long walks in bright sunlight has brought along. Your lips are chapped in spite of you usually rubbing them with some oil every night before bed. The (h/c) hair that frames your face doesn’t shine like Mary’s luscious locks do, nor do you have the sweet freckles Ramah has, nor the beautiful allure that Tamar possesses. 
A tear rolls down your cheek and you don’t even bother wiping it away. How will you ever be enough? All the bachelors around camp must have crushes on these three women. There is no way that you can compare, even though it is not meant as a competition.
You sniffle, tucking some hair behind your ear in the hopes of making it look better, but the insecurities take the better of you. With a blurring vision, you wrap your free hand over your mouth and stifle the small sob that threatens to escape.
“Hey, are you alright?”
Andrew, carrying the net he has just cleaned over his arm, startles you greatly. Your eyes widen as you instinctively shy away from the sound of his voice, your heart skipping a beat. 
“Are you okay?” he repeats his question when you do not answer. It takes you a second to gather yourself, wiping dry your cheeks with the back of your hand. Andrew, however, has seen more than enough to know that you are crying. His brow is furrowed in worry, although this goes unnoticed by you.
Your cheeks are flushed with embarrassment as Andrew drops the net onto the ground and takes a seat next to you, the concern not leaving his face. “Hey now, (Y/n). You’re clearly upset about something. Did something happen?”
Sniffling, you shake your head. “It’s nothing, Andrew,” you hiccup, “Thank you, but I’ll be fine. I’ll just need some time by myself.”
The younger son of Jonah does not seem to move to get up again, instead leaning closer to you. “If anyone hurt you, just let me know so I can go and–”
“It’s okay.” you cut him off, “Really.”
Andrew doubtfully sighs. “I will not force you to answer, but know that you can go to Jesus with everything, too. I am sure He will know a way to help you.”
You scoff involuntarily and close your eyes in immediate shame. “I don’t think that He can help me. Plus, I don’t want to trouble Him with my insignificant issues.”
“If they are so insignificant, why are you here all by yourself, crying your heart out?”
Swallowing away the lump in your throat, you exhale. “Because it is significant to me, and me alone. I don’t want to inconvenience other people with my nonsense.”
“You can always inconvenience me with anything, (Y/n),” Andrew emphasises, causing your heart to pleasantly jump inside your chest. “If you need anyone to speak to, you know where to find me–”
“Do you think I’m ugly?”
The question leaves your lips before you can realise it has formed there and your neck and throat immediately turn crimson in humiliation. New tears well up inside your eyes, and they soon roll down your face.
Andrew stares at you dumbfoundedly. “What? I-I mean, what are you talking about? Where does that come from?!”
“You aren’t denying it.” you whimper. 
He shakes his head frantically, and if you hadn’t been so dismayed in this moment, you’d have found the movement of his curls humorous. 
“What? No! Not at all, (Y/n)! I-I think you’re gorgeous!” Andrew's cheeks turn pink and he clears his throat. “But– Where are you getting the idea that you aren’t?”
Your face pales. Did you just hear him correctly, or is he just saying what he’d think would comfort you? 
“W-Well, Tamar is always stunning in her gowns and alluring beauty. Ramah is bubbly and beautiful and has caught the eye of Thomas. Mary is so sweet and caring, so it is no surprise that Matthew is totally infatuated with her, but… No one is looking at me! There is no way that I can ever be as appealing as they are, and it is making me feel… Like I’m not worth it.”
Andrew’s jaw drops. 
“(Y/n), you are worth it!”
You inhale sharply. “Thank you, Andrew, it’s kind of you to try and make me feel better, but I know that you’re just saying it because you think it is what I want to hear, but I know that I am not half as beautiful as–”
“I mean it, (Y/n)!” Andrew counters with a tone to his voice that is almost pleading. You finally dare to look back up at him, his dark eyes filled with genuinity. “I think you are one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met.”
You gulp. 
“Any man would be so lucky to marry you. You’re a wonderful woman who pursues Adonai so eagerly. You’re friendly, generous, selfless, admirable. You are beautiful on the inside and on the outside.”
Processing what he is truly saying, you chew the inside of your cheek, your heart hammering inside your chest. “That is one of the nicest things someone has ever said to me.”
Andrew smiles at you - delightfully so - and your stomach swirls with sudden butterflies. 
Could he be… 
His eyes sparkle as he looks at you. You think back on the brief conversation you had with Thomas, about what you’d look for in a potential partner. 
Godly. Kind. And the way he is making sure that you are alright is more than enough evidence to prove that he is sweet and caring. 
And he accepts you just the way you are.
“Andrew,” you croak, voice heavy with emotion. “I… Thank you.” 
The former fisherman hums, smiling a bit, but his face twists as if he is thinking about something.
“I would… I would be very stupid if I were to pass up on this opportunity to ask you if you would be interested in arranging a marriage between you and I… I-If you’d have me, that is.”
Your heart skips a beat. “Are you… Are you serious right now?!”
How could a handsome man like Andrew ever fall for someone like you? Sudden uncertainty tugs at your heartstrings. What if this was some kind of twisted joke he was pulling on you?
No, Andrew would not do that. 
“Of course I am serious.” he whispers. “It would be such an honour to have a woman like you at my side for the rest of my life.”
A large grin breaks out over your face. “Then yes! Yes, please!”
Relief floods Andrew’s features. “Oh, that is wonderful! Thank you for trusting me with this, (Y/n)! I must… I must admit that I’ve been in love with you for a while now.” He averts his gaze, shyly looking away. “For quite some time, actually.” The words make your heart soar and you put your hand on his, smiling broadly. 
“Thank you, too,” you respond, “For seeing in me what I didn’t see in me.”
Andrew smiles softly, brushing some hair out of your face. “I’ll repeat it from now until our final days, (Y/n), that you are the most magnificent woman I’ve ever met.”
Blushing, you lean into his touch as he gently cups your cheek, remaining like that for a few long seconds. 
“Shall we sit here for a while longer?” you suggest after a minute or so. Andrew smiles, scooting closer to you so that his leg brushes against yours. 
“Yes,” he says, looking out over the lake. “You and I, let us sit for a while longer.”
He takes your hand into his and squeezes.
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wheresarizona · 2 years
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gif by @pedropascalsx (Thank you! Hope it’s okay to use!)
Looking Part 1
summary: You're on patrol with Joel Miller outside of Jackson, admiring the scenery, and he’s admiring something else.
rating: T (Soft Joel Miller, established relationship, post-TLOU 1, flirting, failed attempt at flirting, mentions of sex)
pairing: Joel Miller/f!reader
word count: 1k+
a/n: There will be smut in part 2, like over 2.5k. A fic for my follower celebration for an anon who requested Joel Miller, and the prompt, “Have I told you I love you today?” I figured I’d keep the first part relatively tame because I’m pretty sure they just wanted some soft, fluffy Joel, and I am very happy to provide. Shoutout to my beta invisibleismyname, who is amazing. And also a big thanks to the love of my life, @juletheghoul, who also beta’d. You should check out her amazing Joel series.
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
Part 2 - Masterlist
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You lived in a world where the future was uncertain. You woke up each day with the possibility that it would be your last, but when you moved to Jackson, your chances of survival skyrocketed. For once, since everything had gone to shit, you could relax a little—in the confines of the town walls, you could even let your guard down, not by much, but enough to allow a gruff, hard man to worm his way into your heart, and bed, the two of you deciding that if your days were numbered, you’d go about them together. Tentatively allow yourselves to be happy under the circumstances.
Letting Joel Miller get you a drink in the bar soon after you’d arrived had been the best decision of your entire life, second only to moving to Jackson in the first place. You’d been happily together for over a year, living together in his house, with his adopted daughter, Ellie, taking up residence in the converted garage out back, wanting her own space.
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There is a chill in the morning air, the sun beaming down and melting the last remnants of snow high up on the ridge, as you ride astride your horse, Joel on his own beside you and closest to the edge. He is a little behind, allowing you a clear view into the valley below, with the town surrounded by so many green trees and the mountains in the distance towering on the horizon. The view always takes your breath away, the picturesque scene, staring in wonder at how there was still beauty in this desolate world, and you cherish these moments where there are no signs of death—only life, so much beautiful, and rich life.
“This is why I asked Maria for this patrol,” Joel says, pulling you from your reverie.
Your eyebrows furrow as you look at him, finding him watching you with soft eyes and a fond smile on his lips.
He is wearing his blue flannel today, the material stretching tight across those broad shoulders of his. You’d trimmed his hair the night before, his greying waves moving in the breeze, and the bald spots in his patchy beard looking kissable.
“What?” You ask.
“You get this look when you take it all in like you’ve never seen anything so beautiful. Your breath hitches, and eyes go big as saucers like you’re seein’ it for the first time, even though we’ve been through here before,” he smirks. “It’s cute.”
You feel heat creep up your neck that Joel was apparently watching you while you were gazing at the scenery.
“I mean, look at it,” you point towards Jackson. “Have you ever seen anything as gorgeous?” You ask, looking back at him.
His eyes are still on you, not moving to where you indicate.
“Yes, I have,” he nods.
“On one of your many trips across the country?”
Joel had told you every detail about the life he’d lived, and you knew about all of his travels—getting out of Texas, his time in Boston, and him trying to get Ellie to the Fireflies. He’d told you everything that happened when they’d gotten to the lab in Utah, and you’d urged him to tell Ellie the truth about it all, which led to some upset, that was resolved with many apologies and a heart-to-heart.
“No,” he shakes his head. “At the bar in Jackson.”
You scoff.
“The bar is uglier than sin, Joel. What are you talking about?”
“You really wanna know?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Please enlighten me on what could possibly compare to the gorgeousness of all that,” you wave your hand in the direction of the valley you now can’t see because trees are in the way.
“I’m lookin’ at it right now.”
His eyes are still on yours, and you turn your head to look the other way, assuming he’s talking about whatever is over there, seeing dirt and trees on the hill. You frown.
“I mean, I guess the nature is nice,” you concede.
You hear him sigh.
“Are you messin’ with me, baby?”
You look over at him, seeing his lips turned down.
“How am I messing with you? I looked at where you were looking.”
He has one hand on the reins, the other on his hip as he tilts his head.
“I was lookin’ at you.”
You feel your eyes widen as your heart speeds up.
“Oh! Oh my god, you were being romantic.” Your cheeks are heating. “Joel, that is the sweetest fucking thing. I just cannot believe you’d rather look at me than the scenery.”
“Baby, I’d rather look at you than anything else on this godforsaken planet.”
You can see the truth of his words in his gaze, and it makes you feel warm all of a sudden.
“You’re really laying it on thick today. What’s gotten into you?” You ask, adjusting your grip on the reins with one hand, the other smoothing down the horse’s mane.
“Nothin’s gotten into me. Have I told you I love you today?”
The smile he gives you is mischievous, and your eyes narrow.
“You did before we left, and I love you, too, but you’re not going to distract me with your sweet words. You asked Maria specifically for this patrol, and you’re being exceptionally romantic. Something's up. Spill.”
“‘Cause I know how much you enjoy the ride there,” he says, nonchalantly.
“And it has nothing to do with this morning?” Your eyebrow raises.
You’d been interrupted during an intense morning makeout session that was about to turn into something more, by Ellie banging on the front door to let you know it was time to leave.
You see his throat work as he gulps.
“Just thought the ski lodge was better than the lookout,” he says, looking away.
You snort.
“Yes, because it has actual furniture we can fuck on.”
He looks at you, those chocolate brown eyes of his looking hopeful, raising his eyebrow.
“Does that mean…?”
“Yes, Joel,” you giggle. “You weren’t the only one cockblocked.”
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Part 2
Thank you for reading! If you’d like to be tagged in part 2, please let me know! I also have a taglist link in my bio and masterlist.
Tagging: @absurdthirst @kirsteng42 @littlemisspascal @athalien @thevoiceinyourheadx @elegantduckturtle @harriedandharassed @girlofchaos @mswarriorbabe80 @spanishmossmagnolia @star017 @javier-penas-wife @artsymaddie @hansolosleftbuttcheek @deadhumourist @pretty-brown-eyess @hotchlover @eternallyvenus @allfoolsinluv @eppy816 @katareyoudrilling @babykangaemoji @punkerthanpascal @breezythesimp @bruxasolta @peachyaeger @din-jarhead @lovesbiggerthanpride @loonymagizoologist @pinebeam @spacenerdpascall @padbrookcottage @karlawithacapitalk @trickstersp8 @that-friend-in-the-corner @iamskyereads @beskarprincessjenny @beecastle @manuymesut @alexxavicry @leithatnight @trinkets01 @boiistfu @kulicny @xoxabs88xox @enjoyourlattebitch
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thelunarfairy · 6 months
Hey, when that incident happened, Teru was with Akane, one of the clock keepers. Why would he use the prince charming card while having the perfect alibi? His lack of self-awareness is hilarious though. XD I wanted to ask if Tsukasa is too strong or if the clock keepers are too weak and owls are too useless, but you've already talked about it. Thank you. I know Teru is stuck with handcuffs and no sword, but do you think he has a chance against Tsukasa? Cause Tsukasa seems undefeatable and unlike Teru, he decided to get caught and has a plan. ( I am biased)
Maybe because he himself said he can't have family or friends as an alibi, and like every jury, he also can't defend whoever is being tried.
It's generally like this, a judge cannot judge a family member or acquaintance in real life (of course it will depend on the laws of each country, but I'm talking about mine specifically).
That's why I think Akane didn't defend Teru or testify for him. Did you see he was also rooting for Nene?
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He has to be impartial.
Hmm…. I think Tsukasa wins. I mean, Teru is a very good exorcist, but Kou said that his grandmother, with much more experience, couldn't exorcise Hanako, just seal him. Teru also lost to number six, they didn't even fight, number six just needed to attack by surprise, in this case, he tried to defend Kou.
If it were Tsukasa in that situation, do you think he would be knocked out like Teru?
So think with me, Hanako is sealed and he PURPOSELY pretends to be weak. Yes, he fakes it, did you notice that he recovers extremely quickly when he fights Teru?
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When the entire fight scene ends, Hanako simply returns to normal as if nothing had happened. In arc number six the two fought intensely, or rather, Teru fought, Hanako only defended himself, he was crossed several times by Teru's sword, but when Nene appeared he simply ran away
As if nothing had happened. Remembering that Hanako was already waiting for Teru to exorcise him, he didn't mind disappearing because he was going to be away from Nene, so he was allowing it, he just didn't give up before because he wanted to take Aoi to the other side.
In other words, all this power that Teru claims to have is not as great as it seems. Hanako is so powerful that Tsukasa, who is JUST his yorishiro, is extremely strong.
So, Tsukasa is fast and strong, besides being very intelligent, he is clearly not afraid of Teru, in fact he is not afraid of anyone.
Based on this, I think Teru would lose, he would give Tsukasa a hard time, but he would hardly have a chance if he fought in Tsukasa's full form, that is, without any advantage such as an item that reduces his strength or anything like that.
Ironically, I think the only person (besides Hanako) who could give Tsukasa a lot of trouble is Tiara.
Yes, Tiara.
This would be an extraordinary fight, this girl has so much power that she destroys supernaturals with her hands, but no one is talking about it.
Obviously, she's a child so a serious fight between them wouldn't happen, but I'm comparing their power level to each other.
Tiara is stronger than her older brothers, consequently, she has a better chance of winning, remembering that she is STILL a child, so her power will increase when she gets older.
I can't tell you if she would have the ability to beat him, since we haven't seen all of her power or Tsukasa's, but I think that among everyone, she's the one who would give Tsukasa the most trouble.
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leonpob · 5 months
Top 10 Bls for 2023
So I feel like this is going to be such a long post. First of all I struggled so much choosing what was going to make the top 10 and why. I feel like my opinions are a little different from the majority. For example, I did not incude Only Friends, Moonlight Chicken, Our Sky 2 or Our Dating Sim. It was interesting how my top 5 was easy and after that I was like ahhh what do I do?! So here is what occurred. Thank you bestie @gunsatthaphan as always for making the gifs. They are GORGEOUS and add so much to my words. Without further ado,
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I have been anticipating this show since it was first announced in 2022. Let me just say, I LOVE JimmySea. I love their acting and chemistry. I also love these characters Day and Mohk. Jimmy and Sea are both doing a fantastic job at portraying them. This might be my favorite show of all time and I don't know how that is, but after each episode I just love it more and more. P'Aof always does such a good job directing each scene. I love his vision especially in this series. If you know me at all you know A Tale of A Thousand Stars has been my absolute favorite show for years now. Nothing has surpassed it. I think Last Twilight might do that. I had to give it to the top for these reasons alone. It's kind of funny that JimmySea are the top spot 2 years in a row. They just do something for me.
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My precious little Korean BL. I was obsessed with this show. I think I watched it 3 times. This one just proves I prefer story over nc lol. This show had so much story which I enjoyed and the mains were so cute as Ji Won Young slowly found himself falling for Yoon Tae Joon. The second couple were also pretty fun and added to the show. This is why it is number 2. Go watch it if you enjoy story with a happy ending. I could probably watch this one 5 more times. The way it was acted was also fun it really kept me invested. So much character development. Okay I will stop now.
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Did we think this would be this high on the list? I don't know. What I do know is watching this week to week was so fun and I still listen to a majority of the songs on spotify. This was high school, but also was so fun. Tinn was such a simp for Gun. FourthGemini did very well. As we can tell by the gif I ended up loving WinnySatang as SoundWin in this. They were just adorable! The umbrella scene, the singing scene, the scooter scene. They had so many. Also the fact this show did a music video for one of my favorite Thai songs was just...gah! I need to rewatch this one soon. I miss it.
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Ah! my precious show that I waited forever and a decade to air. When the first trailer came out I was like YES. I am one of the few that have no qualms with Krist and then when it switched from Mike to Gawin I was like HUH?! It ended up working somehow. GawinKrist did very well and had pretty damn good chemistry. This story was so fun. The time traveling and the different stories. I loved watching Kawi become himself. Piasang never waivered and that was adorable. Aye as Pear was also so nice to see. All of the characters in this show were done so well. It had to get the number 4 spot. Unable was one of my most played song this fall most likely lol I love Gawin's voice.
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I was surprised by how much I loved this show. It was so cute and done so well. It was one of the best surprises of the summer. There was so much story and characterization. It had such a good plot. I just loved them the whole way through. I don't usually like friends to lovers it depends how it is done and this was done perfectly. Love my little Bo Ram and Han Tae. Go watch this if you haven't. Cuties being cute.
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ForceBook always take me over. I don't know why, but I just love them. GunCher were so cute and adorable and healthy. I throroughly enjoyed this show. They had to be in my top 10. Also we can't forget how adorable and sweet the second couple were. Koala hugs for the win okay?
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PondPhuwin as Palm and Nungdiao. What a great show. I loved every second of this. All of the drama and excitement. All of the references to the Chinese story. I just really liked this one and I love PondPhuwin. Also the little snippet we got of PerthChimon. This was a good show. I don't care what the majority of you say. The ending scene with needing a charger is the cutest thing ever.
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I don't know what it is about this show. I don't know why I love HiraKiyoyi so much. They are so strange and yet these two actors just captivate the characters and I can't stop watching. This scene is so funny because we have never seen Kiyoyi really get jealous of Hira. That is why my dumbass couple who can't communicate if their lives depended on it are in the number 8 spot.
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I honestly have no idea if anyone else enjoyed this one as much as I did, but I really loved them. They were so cute. I am a sucker for we met before and cuteness. Lee Jun and Ha Ram were just cute. Ha Ram softened Lee Jun from his previous relationship. Also their chemistry was pretty dang good.
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I really struggled in placing this in my top 10 for a multitude of reasons. The main one being the second couple took over the show and we got a rushed ending for the mains. That kind of irked me a lot. I just had to include it though because of one man BAI ZONG YI. He was the CUTEST character to ever exist. He never ever waivered. Him and Piaseng should compare notes LOL Anyway my babies are rounding out the tenth spot. I didn't dislike Ai Di and Chen Yi, but I was upset by how they took over. Both couples had chemistry chemistrying 🧪 which was nice.
So with this list I had to exclude a lot of shows that I did enjoy. I am going to list them here.
It pained me not to include Our Skyy 2 because I loved all of the couples but some of the episodes were just so cringe lol or bad. My precious PhuphaTian getting their happy ending was probably one of the best things though. That scene still brings me to 😭 . The episodes of Our Skyy 2 that were good were Never Let Me Go, A Boss and a Babe, 1000 Stars and it pains me to say this, but the Bad Buddy one was not that bad because it included 1000 Stars. Also Vice Versa's was weird, but it was enjoyable.
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry 2 didn't make the cut and that hurt so much because I think Minato and Shin are a comfort couple for me and they were adorable this season. It was just the plot. I don't want to spoil this if you haven't seen it, but yeah. I still love them though so they are getting mentioned.😍
Love Tractor was such a cute show and the character of Ye Chan was just so puppy coded and adorable. 🐶
Moonlight Chicken was a show I was so difficult about. I don't know why, but I did not enjoy it as much as I wanted to so it was not included. EarthMix still have my heart 🧡 and FourthGemini stole the show.
Only Friends was a show that everyone was waiting all year for. I think they did a very good job, It was entertaining and Mew is probably my favorite character of the year aside from Mohk of course lol I just couldn't include it in my top. I'm sorry :(
I am actually surprised that there were so many Korean shows on the list this year. They really showed up. If you read the whole thing. Thank you. This took me hours to think about and put together.
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moaserendipity · 2 years
My Top 10 BL's of 2022
I am Back with my BL drama top 10, I might’ve been quiet but I have been actively watching BL dramas. Remember this is my opinion and you might not agree with it but I made up my mind and these are my top-tier BL’s of 2022😎❤️‍🔥
10. Cherry Blossoms after winter 7,8/10
This heartwarming BL was something that I needed when I watched it. I wished it was again longer though because it just didn't feel finished yet and was sometimes a bit rushed. Like I would love to see more about them as high schoolers, especially with that bully storyline, and then the College part was also short or the acceptance of his mom, that could've gone better I feel. But other than that I loved the chemistry between our main leads. The tension was there every time, so that was a big plus, and just their whole relationship, it made me feel warm.
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09. To My star 2 8/10
We all know what I am going to say...Again way too short, also I was super confused when I started watching. The sudden jump in time and then back. I was so confused and heartbroken as well. Thankfully everything got clear throughout the other episodes but yeah. This BL definitely did not disappoint as sequel and I can't thank them enough for making it because I feel like we finally got real closure and to see them, in the end, being happy together made me feel so warm and for a change, I didn't feel sad when it ended because they were happy and I felt that happiness. These two actors are definitely amazing together.
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08. Cutie Pie 8,5/10
I wanted to watch this because of Zee and mainly for Zee but when the first episode aired I was hooked. I love Nunew and his chemistry with Zee but not only them, also the friends were amazing. I fell for Syn & Nuer even though I disliked Nuer at first because he was after Kuea but that changed when his attention went to Syn, and from that moment they had my heart. Of course, we can't forget about Nat and Max who are playing Yi and Khondiao because they were brilliant as well. Now I have to admit that I probably said every single episode that I was in love with Zee, which isn't a lie because this man can act, the way Lian looks at Kuea, I think I drowned every single time. The reason I give this an 8,5 is simply because of miscommunication, also the sudden change from hate to love was like huh? like why you tell him you don't love him but the next day you suddenly do. The purposely hurting your lover just because you want to see who he really is? yeah, it didn't sit well with me but that being said it's still a good BL for sure!!
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07. Love Mechanics 8,9/10
The BL that I have been waiting for, for what is it 2 years!! Did I maybe overhype it in my head, yes I did. Now I have to say that I think what they did was brilliant because the NC scene in the first episode wasn't forced anymore, because both were under influence, still not completely okay but it's better than before.. I love Yinwar because their chemistry has always been on point but with this 2-year gap it's nice to see how much they grew and the acting was so much better. Now what I didn't like and this is kind of a pet peeve of mine with BL's is the lack of communication and with this BL that was definitely the case, no one wanted to listen to one and another, which left to heartache which wasn't necessary at all and also the Yeehwa involvement which often led to the misunderstandings, was annoying to me but other than that I loved Yinwar portraying Vee and Mark because together they were brilliant.
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06. My Only 12% 9,1/10
When I started watching this, I knew I was set up to cry a lot and that was not a lie the first few episodes, I cried a lot. I really have to give it to Earth & Santa because I was completely invested in their relationship. Earth is really a brilliant actor and knows how to make you cry your eyes out! I think the sudden change in character was brilliantly done. the way the roles were reversed in which Cake was now the one that got treated how he treated Eiw first. I loved that a lot. I think Santa was brilliant in expressing the jealousy he felt as Cake for Eiw and I do think it's good that he actually spoke his mind, even though it hurt Eiw. I love how Cake is there for Eiw even in the most difficult part of life. I just loved it. I just really think this was a seriously good BL.
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05. The Eclipse 9.3/10
The Eclipse, another GMMTV BL, which is brilliant. Now I only knew Khaotung as a light-hearted goofy character so I was pleasantly surprised to see him being this badass guy who isn't afraid to stand his ground and then he was paired up with First, who played the brainwashed perfect. This is amazing and I love how they change when they are together. Now I must admit that I am not crazy about their school being this crazy ass cult, I just hate Cults and everything surrounding it, it's creepy to me but other than that this is an amazing BL. I love seeing people fight for what they believe in and their rights, and I am totally on board with it. I also have to praise Neo for his character in this BL, I LOVE seeing him play a serious character, it just suits him so so much better and I love that he is paired up with Louis, they have such great chemistry! I do hope we get more projects with Khaotung and First because they are perfect together.
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04. Not Me - 9,5/10
Not me was a surprise to me because I had kind of forgotten about it until I suddenly saw the trailer popping up again. I loved this cast and especially, Offgun & First, Fluke, they really were outstanding. The rest of the cast of course! I love how Off finally played a serious character instead of the goofy player kind of person because he can pull it off so well. I was very impressed with every episode. Gun also was outstanding as Black & White, I love it when he plays characters like this, it really suits him, and also he was playing a twin. Then we have the side couple Fluke and First, they were brilliant, I felt their emotions through every scene and when that scene with Yok in the hospital happened I was a sobbing mess. The reason I gave this a 9.5 is that I already knew who put Black in the hospital and also I felt somewhat disappointed with Grams character, I was so convinced that he was in love with Black but then he suddenly wasn't but other than that this was brilliant and refreshing!
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03. Semantic Error 9.7/10
Semantic Error, what a fantastic Korean BL this was. I was hooked from the start and loved the dynamics between the two main leads Park Seoham(Jaeyoung) & Park Jaechan(Sangwoo). I cannot express my love for this drama enough. I was obsessed with it and it's now one of my comfort BL's. I love how Sangwoo's hate changed into Love. It was definitely a battle within himself and the way Jaeyoung stayed patient with him, was just amazing. The reason why it has a 9.5 rating is that for me it was too short but this is always the case with Korean BL's, I do have to admit that I was already happy that the episodes were a bit longer this time around but yeah other than that it was a perfect warm BL.
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02. KinnPorsche La Forte - 9,9/10
This Bl was THE BL that I had been waiting for, for over a year if not more and it did NOT disappoint. It took me on a real rollercoaster of emotions. I went in for KinnPorsche and I enjoyed them a lot. I laughed a lot because they might have the worst bodyguards, but who cares. The chemistry between Apo and Mile was amazing and I couldn't help but feel flustered at times....like that scene in the bathroom..but yeah they were amazing. I also fell for KimChay. These two cuties, one that loves too much and one who didn't know how to accept that love, very Taylor swift if you ask me but I loved every second of it and I really hope they will give them their own side story! Now Tankhun..This man was brilliant, I never laughed this hard while watching a BL, I applaud Tong for his brilliant acting! Now the couple that took over this BL and that was VegasPete. The way I fell for them was no joke. I was obsessed and still am. The angst between them and the way they fell for each other and then that scene where Vegas got shot. Everything was perfect. Now you are wondering why 9.9. I think they started too late with VegasPete's story and I want more of KimChay!
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01. Love In The Air - 10/10
Love in the Air was THE surprise of this year, at least for me. I didn't know much about this BL until I randomly came across it a few weeks before it would air BUT boy did it leave an impression. BossNoeul & FortPeak did terrific jobs, especially since they are new actors. I have never seen a BL Drama where there was so much love and communication. PayuRain didn't really have a plot but this was not something that I missed because I thought their love story was wholesome. everything was perfect. Their Chemistry was top notch and I just loved everything about them! FortPeak also was amazing. The way Peak portrayed Sky was brilliant; you could feel his pain and how Fort showed how Prapai changed for Sky was amazing. The pain Sky had been through and for Pai to be the one that opened his heart again and even saved him, I have been in awe and pain and in love the entire time while watching this BL, so I think it's fair enough that this BL is at the top of my list for 2022. In my eyes, this was the best one!
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