#wild kratts old games
kaythefloppa · 1 year
If I had a nickel for every time I got hyper-fixated on an obscure, PBS Kids-based flash game where you could create an avatar in a show's universe, and explore said universe, (venturing terrain, interacting with characters, fighting bad guys, etc) I'd have 2 nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
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z-mizcellaneous-z · 1 year
reblog this and put in the tags a show you used to watch as a kid that you still enjoy watching now
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bloodmoon24 · 2 months
New Tag Game
Name an old cartoon that you still loved and watched as a kid to this day
• Monster/Ever After High
• Wild Kratts
• Sonic X/Boom
• 2012 TMNT
• Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse
• Any Ben 10 series
• TinkerBell
@dead-dog-dont-eat @djkingxxxdm @king-trollex-fangirl @goofyroxy @faker-aus @loudlyhappycupcake @a-huge-bi-nerd @shadow-von-vamp @littlecircus1 @littlecircusproductions @samantha-and-her-chaotic-desires @mybirdis-theradiodemon @fannishcodex @gloomycherub-mysterious @drama-glob @angel-velociraptor @cjandxenaxenomorph2 @marvelousmugs @damonasimp @red-mage28
No pressure, and you don’t have to answer
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everykindofnerd13 · 5 months
Trolls Human AU but it’s college student snack pack raising Tiny diamond as all of their kid when Guy Diamond finds himself with a child at the rope young age of 19.
The crew having a schedule of who watches Tiny at any given time on any given day. (It is extensive and color coded and Branch had a great time making it.)
Everyone explanding tiny diamonds repertoire of skills before he can even comprehend his own existence. Like.
Suki who holds a one year old Tiny on her lap while she works on mixes.
Cooper and D who switch off holding Tiny in one of those chest carrier things while they play DDR.
Poppy who will give Tiny a bag of scrap paper and tell him to make a picture inside it. (She doesn’t want to let him actually touch the paper, lest he ingest it.)
Branch who puts on science kids shows like Wild Kratts and Sid the Science Kid on the background while he and Poppy have Tiny so that he kid can start learning fun science stuff early.
Sati and Chenille who started by dressing up Tiny in their studio, but ended up just letting him use his creative guidance on them. (They hold him above a pile of fabric and whichever two he picks they have to make work as a garment.)
Biggie who has “tea parties” with Tiny and Dinkles (his cat) and is always trying to teach the baby proper table manners, it’s futile, for Tiny is a menace.
Smidge who teaches the baby to “work out”. (She actually owns a bunch of grip training baby toys that she hands him while she lifts weights.)
Barb who insists she doesn’t like babies but will happily take Tiny in for a night when needed, making little purée dinners for him and spoiling him rotten for the evening.
Legsly, who encourages Tiny to dance with her in her living room, gripping his hands and holding him up so they can “dance”.
Fuzzbert who is canonically mute and uses sign language to communicate in this universe, who loves to bring Tiny out to the park to experience nature with him, always mesmerized by the baby’s wonder at the clouds and the leaves. (Listen, I just like to imagine that Fuzzbert as someone who often finds themself unable to make themselves heard, quite enjoys the satisfaction of such a small child finding joy in the same things he does.)
Tiny who is very monkey-see monkey-do, and actually is a very well rounded kid after being raised by so many well rounded people who care about a love him.
When they’re together as a group, usually at game nights, they’ll make Tiny little “mocktails” aka, like, mango juice, so that he doesn’t feel left out while they all drink their drinks of choice.
Tiny is the most spoiled kid on earth because he has so many aunts and uncles willing to pitch in and get him whatever he wants.
Brozone and Viva also loving Tiny when they meet him one day while Branch and Poppy are in charge of him. Poppy has a little stroller with a sunshade, and Branch is happily carrying the baby bag so the stroller isn’t too heavy to push. At first, everyone’s mortified cause they thing that their baby siblings have gone off and had a whole baby without telling them, but they quickly notice the “Tiny Diamond” printed across the baby bag and realize it’s in fact their siblings’ close friend’s baby that they’ve heard so much about.
Viva making the kid candy necklaces only to be quickly shut down by Clay who explains that they’re a choking hazard, and they should not be given to a baby.
Bruce who has kids of his own and will invite Guy Diamond to drop Tiny off at his place when he and the rest of the snack pack want a night out.
JD who is terrified of children after how much he feels like he screwed up with Branch, but is still infatuated by the little boy and basically gives him anything he wants.
Floyd who mostly stays out of the way while the baby’s around but is the first to volunteer to put him down for a nap so that he can sing him a lullaby and rock him to sleep.
Branch and Poppy being very blush when old women tell them they have a “beautiful family” when they’re out and about, because while they do consider Tiny and all of their friends family, they know the older women mean something different.
Listen this AU is living rent free in my head. I have a timeline. I have a whole thing. I have backstories and modern world adaptations of trauma. It’s pretty fun.
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jessadamsdraws · 28 days
Chapter one: Changes 
This au is the Wild Kratts Guardianship au by @littlecrittereli
The idea is that their is a bigger age gap between Martin and Chris (About 9 or so years apart) and Martin as legal Guardianship after Chris at a young age after they parent passed away (Think Lilo and Nani) I hope you like the first Chapter
Chris remembers that day well, he couldn’t forget if he tried. He remembers the teacher writing on the board talking about fractions. He remembers how bored he was because he knew this all and could do this in his sleep if he wanted. He remembers the teacher’s phone suddenly ringing causing everyone around him to jumping in surprise. But the part he remembers the most is the expression on his teachers face when she turned to Chris in terror like someone had died…
And it turned out someone did die.
The rest is just moments of him and his older brother coming back from Uni early (he was supposed to be back that summer break to hang out) them crying and holding each other. The fighting and shouting matches between Martin and their other relatives over him. The sudden change of moving to a super small one bedroom apartment with his brother. The meals going from warm and comforting to salty and small. 
But the worst change was Martin and himself. He could remember when his brother would read to him the animal picture books and would show him how a pather would leap into the air to catch its prey. It was so much fun being the wild cat’s hunting down its prey and how he would tackle his bro in their little make believe game. 
Now Martin would come home exhausted only to head over to the only expensive thing they owned, the laptop and work on his online studies. Chris now walked to and from school all on his own, coming to an empty apartment instead of the big house that felt like home then here, sitting on the floor and starting his homework on the tiny coffee table next to the second hand couch they owned. When he finished doing the little chorus he had and eating his dinner (if Martin remembered to make it). 
Then there was Lauren. At first Chris didn’t know who she was but he did know she was always coming to the apartment and she asked a lot of the same questions over and over again. She was sickly sweet around him but very short with Martin. Maybe they were dating? He had seen shows where the girlfriends were always mad at their boyfriends for some reason he couldn’t understand. But when he overheard some of his classmates talking about a CSP and what that meant with a quick bit of research, he finally knew who Lauren really was.
And that now he really didn’t like Lauren.
This life became the new normal for Chris. When he reached the ripe old age of 12 was when the fights happened. Chris couldn’t understand why he was so angry. I mean he could but more specifically he didn’t know why he was mad at Martin. It was like the littlest corny joke that came out of the older blonde's mouth was like it was directed at him like it was his fault or something.
By the time he became 14 was when his life changed again when Martin got an email from someone with an opportunity that would change both of their lives forever.
Aviva looked at the message over and over. Yes? Yes. Yes!! She did it! She got the grant for their research. She couldn’t believe it she couldn’t wait to tell Martin… oh, wait Martin. She felt her excitement turn cold in an instant.
Martin wouldn’t be able to go because of his younger brother. No, she couldn’t do this without him. It was their research, it was their project. If it wasn’t for him she wouldn’t have gotten the idea for doing this in the first place. 
It was her first day at uni. She was confident that she would excel in the classes. That wasn’t her problem, it was the fact that she didn’t think she would make any friends. After what happened in space camp she didn’t she ever would again. Zach had shattered her faith in people after the utter betrayal of stealing her technology for himself. Now he owned his own company selling the bots that she originally made. Though their ai was a little off before she could fit their code to learn how to interpret turn of phrase instead of taking them literally which made her happy a little. but , still she was at rock bottom again and needed a new angle and new hook to start inventing something that could help … someone, something? 
She hated this so much. She knew better than to put her eggs in one basket but she did anyway and look where it got her. In a classroom of over nine hundred students learning things she learned years ago. 
“Psst? Hey,”
She heard a voice coming from behind her. Turning to see a guy in a blue sweatshirt looking at her.
“Yes, can I help you?” She asked deadpan.
“I know this is gonna sound really cliche but I forgot my pen and was wondering…” Before he even finished his sentence she had produced a pen out of almost thin air handing it to him. 
“Oh my gosh you’re a lifesaver. Thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever.” She exasperated turning back around.
“I’m Martin” and a hand stretched out from the left of her face caused her to wip back around.
“huh? Aviva.” She said unsure of how to interact in this situation. She now gave the guy a better look at him. He was all smiles and started talking about something she wasn’t really paying attention. It was a bad habit she was trying to break. What she did catch was he wanted to be a Zoologist to travel around the world with his little brother when he grows a bit (if he wanted to cause he was only 8 right now). He talked about all the creatures that he liked (Mostly aquatic variety) It reminded her of a golden retriever which made her smile a bit, but then the next thing he said was what started this whole new road she would take not just by herself as she’d thought but with her new friends, no her new family.
“Imagine if you could have the abilities of these awesome creatures.”
What if?
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serendertothesquad · 10 days
The Ultimate Serendipity-Odd Squad Lore Post
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Because you people keep asking for my entire story.
No, no, not my life story. Christ sakes, we'd be here until Gen Z'ers died off if I had to reiterate my whole life story.
No, I'm talking about my entire Odd Squad story. You know, how I got here to begin with, how I rose to fame, and how I am objectively still a god without a religion, a cult, or a religious cult. That story. You all want to hear that story.
If you're an oldie, you've probably already heard my tale at least once. If you're new here to the funny kids STEM show fandom, then damn boy howdy are you in for a wild ride.
Get a snack and a drink, pop below the break, and let's begin.
Allow me to take you back to the year 2014. I was the ripe young age of 15, finishing up my sophomore year of high school, and suffering from undiagnosed depression of the "I'm trapped in my own home" variety. We didn't have cable, and so stuff like PBS Kids, NBC Kids, and 4Kids were the only things I watched on a regular basis. In the online space, I was largely chronline to the tenth degree (and note the "largely", because, y'know...school). The Internet, and spaces like Tumblr, served as escapism, and I spent a lot of time particularly in the Wild Kratts side of things.
I had first heard of Odd Squad through PBS's own upfront, the PBS Annual Meeting, that was held in May (though the show was, as I would find out much later, officially announced back in January at that year's TCA Winter Press Tour). It was the network's first live-action show since The Electric Company reboot in 2009 that got swiftly cancelled, which was already enough to get me interested because PBS hadn't taken a chance on live-action stuff since. The premise, as well, was charming and incredibly interesting -- a secret organization that solves problems using math sounded a little saccharine and thus perfect for PBS Kids, but since it was live-action, I figured it could bring a little spice to the network in a way that not other kids shows of the modern network era (read: 2013 onwards, past the network redesign) did. The fact that PBS was willing to go all-in on the show, up to teasers, previews, even having two new games available for fans to play before its premiere, was practically the cherry on top.
Fast-forward to around September. By this point, teasers and promos were already coming out for the show that showcased Olive, Otto, Oprah and Oscar in action. And by this point, I was absolutely invested. On a whim, I decided to take my Sony camera and record a reaction video of me watching it. Was it weird? Yes, but I had no money for a laptop that wasn't a decade old and didn't run about as well as a computer from the days of yore. You make do with what you have.
Needless to say, when the first episode "Zero Effect" premiered, I was having a whale of a time. That's...pretty much all I remember. Aside from the swearing. Lots and lots of swearing.
(...Look, it was 10 years ago. My brain can only go on a decline after being fully developed. And the depression has been eating away at me for that long. When astrophysicists perfect the art of the time machine, call me.)
I uploaded it to my YouTube channel the day after the show premiered. No editing, just a straight-cut video of my reactions laid on the table. I figured, "Okay, so this would be nice to look back on and laugh, maybe."
And then, a month later, I got a PM from Joshua Kilimnik, the actor who plays Season 1's big bad Odd Todd.
Before I get into that, though, a bit of backstory for my channel is necessary.
I had made my channel in 2011, when Wild Kratts premiered. At the time, it was mostly hosting Wild Kratts content, mainly Top 10 countdowns of fan videos I stumbled across on Tumblr or elsewhere as well as Sparta Remix-related stuff. (Yeah, remember that old meme? That isn't as dead as you think it is? Yeeeeeeah.) Around the middle of 2015, it unfortunately got struck down pretty hard when PBS began to go Nintendo on it, viewed fanworks as threats to their IPs, and decided to rip down my videos from the 'Net in three easy strikes -- and with it, my entire channel. It stung, to see my relatively hard work go down the drain. I'd be lying if I said I had wanted the channel to stay up just so I can look back on it in 5 years and cringe at how juvenile it was. Christ sakes, I even had MLP stuff up there at one point. Why? Don't ask me. I wasn't even watching the show at the time. I truly got into it when Season 5 began airing.
But back to the PM. You know, back when YouTube gave you the option to PM people.
Getting the PM from Joshua, I was, naturally, suspect. Celebrity impersonators are all too common, and as I would later come to find out, Odd Squad was not exempt. I had to laugh, because an autistic nobody like me getting a PM from a child actor who was in the industry long before Odd Squad was like Ariana Grande up and inviting me to have dinner with her because I made a few comments about her diction. It's a miracle, people. Miracles that only happen to those with life-threatening illnesses or those who have done good for the community. I had neither of those. Unless you count me going to high school as doing the community a service, in which case I have one of those things.
I read the PM again. And again. And again. And something in me thought, "Maybe...just maybe...this guy is actually legitimate. Maybe he's telling the truth about the entire Season 1 cast and the show's crew members, creators included, seeing my video. I mean it's 2014, what creator wouldn't look to the Internet for first reactions on their show?"
Fuck it. iBalled. I went for it. I reached out to Joshua.
And by God's oddness-laden utopia, am I so happy I did.
We immediately hit it off, taking our conversation from YouTube DMs to Twitter DMs (no, my current Twitter is not that ancient -- my time on birdsite-now-saltyman-hellhole is a whole different story) and discussing our hobbies and what we did. Joshua confided in me that he helped disabled kids, which, honestly, is a green flag in my book off the bat as someone who is, in fact, disabled. I told him about my animal shelter work and how I loved the show.
At the same time, I had posted on Tumblr about the show. Don't ask me what the post was about -- I honestly couldn't tell you, and combing through the tag is something I'd need a hell of a lot of motivation for -- but it somehow, by some astronomical means, took off. People came in like a small trickle. It was small, but over time, we built a strong community. I didn't exactly know how big my impact on people was until I read "how I got into Odd Squad" stories and saw my name pop up enough times to the point where I could safely say I was an inspiration to more than one person.
At some point in 2015, I had created a Wiki for the show. Fandom -- or Wikia, as it was called back then -- wasn't exactly new territory for me, as I had visited other show Wikis before. However, my Odd Squad Wiki didn't take off, and someone else ended up making another one that became far more successful.
...Yeah, you're surprised, aren't you? Figures. But not even I can lay claim to everything.
When the other Wiki took off, Joshua decided to dive right into the fire and engage with the fandom directly. Now, for any big-name fandom, this is everyday normalcy. The My Little Pony fandom has fans directly engage with cast and crew members who answer their questions, for example. But for small fandoms of niche IPs -- and oh believe you me, Odd Squad was incredibly niche back then -- a cast member interacting with fans was a huge deal. The hype only increased when Joshua was named an administrator, along with a few others, myself included.
Needless to say, Joshua being involved boosted the fandom's activity exponentially, and not just due to his spectacular acting on the show. Fanfics, fanart, fan videos...it was a bustling time of fan content. I can recall some of the most notable works just off the top of my head. The fandom got to be so busy that I made a news blog just to cover every bit of news, shifting away from my Wild Kratts news coverage to focus on a different show instead. I enlisted a few old friends to help me out, converted them to be oddballs (which, I will say, was a stroke of luck), and put them on the "staff team". My aim was to create something akin to Equestria Daily, but on a smaller scale. We did editorials, episode followups, and scoured the Internet for any and every bit of Odd Squad news we could find. It became a reliable source for many, especially considering PBS's horrible track record with even the most basic of news -- cancellations, renewals, and other such announcements. Not to brag, but I like to think I did a better job than them at actually giving news to fans who deserve it. (Hell, I still do. My hunger for even small crumbs of news is very strong indeed.)
I can easily recall when Season 2 was announced. Me and my friends were ecstatic. For me, I never thought Odd Squad would get a Season 2, and the Season 1 finale -- affectionately named OINFO (don't confuse it with "O is Not For Old", that's a different rodeo; this is "O is Not For Over") -- made sure of that. Originally, it was set to air in May, before it got shifted to June to coincide with Season 2's premiere.
And even long before that, the movie being announced blew our minds. I genuinely couldn't believe this niche little IP, birthed only several months ago, was getting a movie. And not even one of those specials that PBS markets as a movie as a ratings stunt. No, no, this was a full-blown theatrical movie. With A-listers to boot! And it was a damn good movie!
(...Okay, unrelated, but man, I'm reading through all my old posts and comments on the Wiki and cringing. God, did I really type like a 10-year-old back then when I was in high school? Egh gross cringe. The "let her say fuck" was strong with me back then.)
Of course, as most actors do, Joshua largely moved on from the show as the years went on. Most long-timer fans stuck around until the end of Season 2 before either other interests caught their eye or real life just got in the way too much. A majority of these fans dropped off the face of the Earth like an introvert who suddenly disappears mid-conversation, though they still popped into the Discord server a few times and I reconnected with one or two on Twitter. Hell, some of them even made a "hey, I'm back, and here's what's up" post on Fandom that made me ask if their accounts got hacked.
As a result, when Season 3 premiered, the fandom had slowed down to a crawl. Anyone who's bore witness to it, whether an episode or a nugget of criticism, can probably guess why. (And anyone who hasn't can feel the wrath of my "trust me bro" card, thank you.) It was like I willingly leapt off of the boat, it sped away without me, and I was trapped in the middle of fuck-all nowhere with sharks. So, you know, like Open Water if it was actually good. But the point stands in that I was pretty much all alone. I couldn't crawl to anyone for the sweet release of death after seeing just how hard S&P tried to avoid The Shadow's very obvious murder attempt by way of hacking into a car to make it fall into a lake of green goo. All I could do was scream and cry into a mic, edit, upload to YouTube, and let all the unsupervised kids looking for free episodes come to me in droves.
Oh, and post to Odd News. Until I accidentally deleted the account.
By that point in time, my old friends had all left due to real life commitments, and only one, Angelica, remained. But even she drifted away, and I was stuck running it all alone. So, I made the difficult decision to let it rot, and frankly...I haven't touched it since. Largely because I left Tumblr entirely and only just now came back. On the news front, I expanded my coverage to PBS Kids as a whole network, just as I do on Twitter.
It wasn't until the back half of Season 3 premiered that the fandom slowly but surely began to grow from planted roots, and I could connect with people again. Seeing people flood the Discord server and Tumblr, sharing art and news and theories, was amazing. Not for Season 3, though -- it was because of the past two seasons. Honestly, to say there's been more talk about Otis and Odd Todd than about any other character in the entire franchise is a hell of an understatement, because it dominated pretty much 98% of the fandom.
From there, new fanworks, fanart, and other pieces of fan-created media were created, and many still continue to be created to this day. Though hyperfixations can be yoted off the cliff and die in an instant (with deepest apologies to Shroom), it's great to see a burst of activity in such a small fandom. Hell, it even got big enough to where we had a Secret Valentine's exchange a couple months back, which was a real joy because it gave me a chance to flex my writing chops even if it did leave me on the verge of a third panic attack. And...the fandom being revived did land me a solid interview for a college assignment. Which, to me, is my own equivalent of getting a dedicated panel at a convention.
But this isn't a whole entire story about fandom lore. It's a story about me.
And honestly...I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little tired with Odd Squad myself.
Between the choking responsibilities of adult life (yay work), the state of my mental and physical health (yay depression and anxiety), and the franchise being fucked over sideways to Pluto and back by numerous entities (yay TV industry), I really can't just focus on Odd Squad anymore. Now, I'll give a fair warning to you and tell you to make no mistake -- my enjoyment of the franchise will die with me and my entire bloodline if the franchise itself doesn't die first. But I've found other special interests and hyperfixations that have grabbed me more than the funny kid agent franchise has. I derive more joy from binging the 90s Frasier series, Pretty Cure, and Neighborhood Wars than I do with the funny kid agent franchise.
Now, does this mean I'm leaving the fandom? God no. To do it on the verge of the franchise's 10th anniversary would be utter blasphemy. And I do plan on weaponizing this blog for more Seren's Studies, including episode reviews and character analyses I can't do with the limited resources I have. But the drive for Odd Squad is just...no longer there for me. I did not, unfortunately, get the "Odd Squad forever" autism. I got the "childhood is hell, but okay, sure, I'll make you a functioning competent adult to a certain degree" autism.
Maybe one of these days, amidst the countless new pieces of media that keep releasing, I'll be able to rewatch Odd Squad. It's worn out its welcome nostalgia-wise, but I find it to be a pretty enjoyable view when I take off those glasses and put on the "my God is an awesome God and that's why I try to attend church every Sunday" ones. I'm still making crossover fan projects to other IPs like MLP, Super Monkey Ball, and Precure. And of course, I'll be seated for Odd Squad UK to see if it's good or not -- I'm more than happy to take the bullet for people who don't want to see it for whatever reason, just as I did for the back half of Season 3. But for now, the drive is pretty much gone.
I will admit, I'm likely missing some stuff. My memory is absolutely terrible, and I had to go fishing for a lot of stuff to refresh it (one of the reasons why this took so long to release in the first place). But this is what I can dredge up.
I'm honestly proud of the little fandom I birthed. I could work a hundred jobs in my lifetime and still say that founding the Odd Squad fandom is by far my greatest accomplishment. I've met so many amazing people, seen so many amazing things, and really, I'm hoping to see more people in the years to come. If the aim is to introduce Odd Squad to new generations of kids, teens, young adults, and adults alike, then I'm all for it. Expose them to goodness. None of that Cocomelon shit.
Thank you for reading, and to all of the people in the fandom both old and new, thank you for touching my life in ways I never thought of. If you've got any further questions about my story, send 'em my way; I'll be glad to answer 'em.
See you all in the next Seren's Studies, whenever that may be.
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cloudyvulpine · 30 days
mental health may be shaky but i found old wild kratt games so i call this A FUCKING WIN!!!!!!
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alain-redeemed-rodent · 2 months
About the Mn
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Name: [REDACTED], but call me Mod Squirrel!
Age: 20
Pronouns: They/them
Sexuality: Pan
Single Or Taken: single
Hobbies: Gaming, drawing sometimes, rping
Favorite Color: orange, but they're all nice!
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Current: Cult of the Lamb, Plants VS Zombies, MHA, Helluva Boss, Wild Kratts, SMG4, Poppy Playtime, TF2, FNAF, Minecraft, Skylanders, FNF, Pokemon, Sonic, Mario
Other Blogs: @soulful-rodent [main] @lookout-anon, @leafy-tea-anon, @necromancer-anon, @tired-anons-adventures [my anon sonas], @socialbutterflythehonse [my pony sona], and @ask-the-milos-brothers [Sonic OCs!]
Favorite TV Show: Spongebob!
Do You Cosplay?: No, but I want to!
Favorite Media: Any current fixation
Favorite Book: I can't choose!
Favorite Band: Gorillaz
Favorite Movie: The Spongebob Squarepants Movie
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Do You Have Pets?: Yes! 2 Dogs, one Jack Russell terrier/ Chihuahua hybrid named Bandit, and a 13 year old rescue Dachshund named Mama Girl.
Favorite Animal: Squirrels are my absolute fave, but I do love spiders, dogs, sharks, and frogs.
Do You Play Any Instruments?: No, but I want to learn!
Favorite Hellaverse Character(s): Lucifer, Charlie, Stolas, Blitz, Loona, Moxxie, Millie, Angel Dust, Husk, Vaggie, Sir Pentious
Tagged by: @hells-ringleader
Tagging: @angeldust-fucks, @charlie-morningstar666, @theexangel, @theoriginaldick, and anyone who sees this
(divider by @featheryhoe)
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fridayyy-13th · 1 month
📷 - What’s set as your phone’s lockscreen? the same exact thing as the last time i answered an ask game question like this lmao 😅 i hardly ever change lock/homescreens. in like the last seven years i think i've had five different ones total?? but it's currently this:
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(it's also my homescreen lol.)
🌴 - Desert island item? assuming necessities are taken care of, probably my notebook (and a pencil, if i can squeeze that into the parameters). i use it to jot down story notes or scene snippets in when i'm in class and can't access my flash drive or notes app lmao. i figure i can while away some time like that while i wait to be rescued.
✨ - Do you have any nicknames? a handful, yeah. two are just a shortening of my irl name and an elaboration thereof from an old inside joke, and then the wonderful @justanotherenbyhere bestowed upon me the nickname Fry (the equally awesome @cornmazehater has also called me Fri).
🦖 - Favorite extinct animal? probably the thylacine. there was a Wild Kratts episode about them that i absolutely loved when i was younger.
[ask game]
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starf4wn · 2 years
Ok time to talk about this guy
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His name is Naztarim (I always give to my OCs crazy names)
He is a genetic engineer and despite the seriousness of his work he never takes it very seriously, to him it seems like a game of modifying and mixing, thanks to this an accident with chemicals occurred and caused a burn on the right side of his face (I'm still not sure whether to leave the right eye blind or leave it that way)
He grew up with wealthy parents who were away most of the time due to work trips and tried to fill the void of parental love that Naztarim lacked with expensive gifts.
When he was a child he was obsessed with dinosaurs and the fact that current animals were descendants of these thanks to this he began to be passionate about genetics and how he could modify genes to bring back extinct species or create new ones.
He has an adopted daughter of 14-16 years old which I am still managing.
He has genetically modified animals to create chimeras and hybrids (his attempts at creating chimeras mostly result in aberrations)
He has tried to bring back extinct species ever since chickens were discovered to be far from T-Rexes, he has tried to modify animals to bring back their ancestors but has failed with these.
One of the most successful hybrids/chimeras she had was a chinchilla and a mouse which is, in fact, her daughter's pet.
He has a collection of dinosaur figures, fossils, dinosaur movies, dinosaur games, and more (this guy was obsessed with paleontology)
Although he is a son of a bitch with the Wild Kratts, he is an overly affectionate father and tries to give all the love that he needed when was a child to her daughter.
He gives his daughter as much affection as he gives her lies, he manipulates her all the time so that she does not believe that the things he does are bad or he does everything possible to hide the macabre things he does.
His original hair color is black or brown.
He saw Chris as a good target for his experiment (Forest Green AU Context) because due to the CPS Chris DNA became very malleable and it would not cost him so much to make a chemical that would change it.
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kaythefloppa · 2 years
Anyone who created a PBS Kids account & played "Your Room" on the Wild Kratts website, and created a customized avatar to try on the Creature Powers from the games, ironically created some of the first Wild Kratts OCs in the fandom without even realizing it.
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ember-not-amber · 2 years
Here’s some things to know about me & my interests!
- I’m a 20-year-old cishet girl, I have been in a LOT of fandoms or more accurately, I’ve been obsessed with a lot of things and I never stop loving those things even when I fall out of my phases again and again, I eventually have a relapse in my obsessions sometimes. I joined tumblr bc I’ve heard that it is a very accepting place for fandoms and I’ve been on my Instagram fanpage/s for years where I have dealt with a bunch of unwelcome hate in addition to my real life middle school experience that still haunts me to this day, and I’m looking to finally have a safe social space where I won’t get any of that and I can be my true self and fangirl as hard as I possibly can. I’ve also watched Strange Æons’ yt videos about tumblr and I’m very interested in everything that happened in the world and on the internet when I was little and not allowed to have a phone (I’m a 2004 baby).
- My favorite YouTubers are Cody Ko, Athena P, Not Even Emily, ColeyDoesThings, Nickisnotgreen, Daz Games, HTHAZE, Smosh & their other channels, Strange Æons, TheOdd1sOut, Aaron and Jo, Jaiden Animations, Alex’s Corner, Chad Chad, Danny Gonzalez, Drew Gooden, Kurtis Conner, Duncanyounot, Rebal D, YAP TV, and lots more. I used to watch Amy Lee33 when I was 10 or 11 and now her videos are just nostalgic for me, and I used to love the Minecraft YouTuber, Aphmau until a little bit after she started posting content targeted at kids. I really miss her role play videos :(
- My favorite shows (including my childhood shows) are TMNT 2012, Lego Ninjago, MLP, VeggieTales, Manifest, Lucifer, Once Upon A Time, The 100, Merlin, The Summer I Turned Pretty, Boy Meets World, The Amazing World of Gumball, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir, Anne With An E, I guess I’m kinda invested in Riverdale, I haven’t seen every Friends episode but I’ve seen enough to ship Joey & Rachel, Martha Speaks, Dinosaur Train, Word Girl, Wild Kratts, Wonder Pets, Super Why, Jem and the Holograms, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Odd Squad, Horseland, and Olivia.
- My favorite music artists are Marcus & Martinus, Tiny Meat Gang, Taylor Swift, One Direction, Harry Styles, Ricky Montgomery, and more. To be clear, some of the artists I listen to are artists that I don’t know much about, I just like their music and I don’t have the energy to get to know who they are but I know a bunch about most of the artists that I listen to. I also love a lot of songs from artists that make royalty free music for Epidemic Pop like Loving Caliber, Lvly, and Tape Machines which is all thanks to Aphmau for using their songs in her YouTube videos.
-My favorite movies are Peter Pan (the 2003 live action movie) + many other Peter Pan movies, Mirror Mirror, Rise of the Guardians, Mune: Guardian of the Moon, the 1968 Romeo and Juliet movie, every old Barbie movie, Turning Red (that movie got me obsessed with 4⭐️Town and made me develop a crush on Robaire), and the Tinkerbell movies.
- My favorite ships are Jelsa (Jack Frost from ROTG and Elsa from Frozen) a very nostalgic ship for me that I got obsessed with when I was 10-12 and I’ve never stopped shipping it even though I’m not as obsessed as I used to be, the love square from Miraculous Ladybug, Laurmau from Aphmau’s Minecraft role play series, especially MCD, I used to ship Garmau in addition to shipping Laurmau but I think Garroth’s silliness in Mystreet kinda turned me off from the idea of him and Aphmau together so I just shipped Laurmau. I only ship Aarmau in the Mystreet series bc that’s the only series where it feels right for them to be canon (except for their age gap when they first met😬). Jess wrote Aarmau as the canon ship in almost every series she has created (besides the series that don’t have the characters Aphmau and Aaron in them) and I got really tired of it and wanted something new so I became a BIG Laurmau shipper. Travlyn and Zane~Chan from Aphmau’s series, I’ve shipped Peter Pan with Wendy in the original Disney movie and almost every adaptation of Peter Pan while also having a crush on him, Shirbert (Gilbert and Anne Shirley from Anne With An E), and Jerranne (Jerry & Anne from Anne With An E).
- I’m not really much of an anime person but I’m really enjoying Toradora at the moment
- My favorite WEBTOONS are (including ones that have been finished for a while) Eaternal Nocturnal, Siren’s Lament, Operation: True Love, Suitor Armor, Maybe Meant To Be, Forever After, Act Like You Love Me!, Adventures of God, Archie Comics: Big Ethel Energy, Succubus x Delinquent, Rewriting Our Love Story, The Kiss Bet, Green & Gold, Date First, Love Later, Go Away Romeo, Unlovable Replacement, Annie Green Hates Girls, Goth Boy & The Jock, Meme Girls, True Beauty, Jackson’s Diary, Internet Explorer, Lore Olympus, Honey Lemon, The Four of Them, Goth Girl & The Jock, Cursed Princess Club, Castle Swimmer, Romance 101, Swimming Lessons for a Mermaid, Mom, I’m Sorry, Sarah, I’m Sorry: Welcome To Our Galaxy, Spells From Hell, A Summer Night’s Dream, Everything is Fine, Stalker x Stalker, Mines & Monster Girls, Drawn To You, Phoenix Drop High, Opposite of Always, Love and Leashes, Before We Knew It, There’s Love Hidden In Lies, Jungle Juice, Let’s Play, Reunion, Age Matters, The Princess’s Jewels, Love Me Knot, The Wendybird, The Wrath & the Dawn, Unholy Blood, LUFF, My ID is Gangnam Beauty, #Killstagram, Crumbs, A Good Day to be a Dog, and Days of Hana
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rat-nitty · 1 year
I think people dont really realize how easy it is for anyone to unwillingly stumble upon adult content while looking up shows - especially kid shows (mlp, bluey, wild kratts, etc) -  Or how this kinda content can actually really mess up a childs brain
Take it from someone whose entire mindset towards this stuff has been heavily fucked over ever since 11 year old me wanted to look up mlp art and got bombarded by adult content/games instead - also Deviantart, old Tumblr and specifically anime YouTube freely exposed you to this kinda content and for the most part even tried to normalize cenrtain themes that shouldnt be normalized
I'm not saying that you arent allowed to make adult content (of 18+ characters) just keep in mind that YOU bring the adult content into a space for children not the other way around
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tiwaztyrsfist · 2 years
Please understand that what I am about to say, I say as the 40+ year old parent of a toddler who watches this show and plays it's shitty, shitty flash games, not as a fan of the show itself.
I NEEED someone to make a DECENT Wild Kratts video game. Like a 2d metroidvania or a Megaman clone. It doesn't have to be Triple-A. Hell, it doesn't have to be Single A. It could be a B- game. As long as it's decent.
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jessicasland · 1 year
Tumblr media
Here is my take on Marvel’s Power Pack.
For my take, I decided to make Alex and Katie adopted children while Julie and Jack are biological siblings and I gave them each different eye colors instead of them all having the same eye color.
Created with Adobe Illustrator.
Name: Alexander "Alex" Timothy Powers
Age: 11
DOB: August 11th, 2012
Gotcha Day: August 24th, 2014
Skin: Light Medium Golden
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blonde
Main Color: White
Power(s): Gravity Manipulation
Occupation: Sixth Grader, Leader of the Power Pack
-He was adopted by the Powers Family when he was two years old
-He’s three years older than Julie
-Has a fear of failure
-Made himself the leader of the Power Pack simply because he’s the oldest
-He and Katie have a close brother/sister relationship
-Captain of the schools boys soccer team
-He’s the peacemaker of the family
-Will do anything to protect his siblings
-Plays the keyboard piano
-Known to be an active artist and seen sketching and doodling from time to time
-He has a crush on Caitlin Johns
Name: Julia "Julie" Meredith Powers
Age: 8
DOB: December 18th, 2015
Skin: Light Golden
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde
Main Color: Red
Power(s): Flight, Rainbow Trail, Super Speed
Occupation: Third Grader, Member of Power Pack
-She was born the Friday before Christmas that year
-She’s known to be the brains of the family
-She’s well advanced academically for her age and has a higher IQ than anyone else in her class
-Never once got detention or sent to the principals office
-Leader of the schools mathleetes team
-Made the honor roll four times
-She’s a second leader of the Power Pack
-Known to be an active reader
-Sometimes she’s so smart that it’s scary for the others
-She and Jack don’t often get along as any typical brother and sister would
-Had a fear of snakes
-Plays the violin
-She has a channel where she does all kinds of science experiments
-Her best friend and lab partner is Gregory "Greg" Thompson
Name: Jackson "Jack" Andrew Powers
Age: 7
DOB: March 2nd, 2016
Skin: Light Golden
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Main Color: Blue
Power(s): Manipulation of Molecular Density
Occupation: Second Grader, Member of Power Pack
-A year younger than Julie
-The only one in the family with freckles
-Has a massive crush on Jean Grey
-Doesn’t take school seriously
-Known to be the class clown and jokester of the family
-A fan of the “Ninja Master” TV show
-He has a channel where he makes videos of him practicing his skate tricks, playing pranks, and video game commentary
-LOVES to ride his skateboard
-Plays an electric guitar
-He wants to be a rockstar when he grows up
-The messiest of his siblings
-Always doing something to try and impress the ladies
-He’s on the school basketball team
-He is terrified of spiders
-One of the members of his “gaming gang” is a girl named Chrissy Fletcher who is obsessed with him
Name: Katelyn “Katie” Marie Powers
Age: 5
DOB: June 9th, 2018
Gotcha Day: September 15th, 2018
Skin: Very Light Almond
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Light Blonde
Main Color: Yellow
Power(s): Power Balls
Occupation: Kindergartner, Member of Power Pack
-Adopted by the Powers when she was three months old
-A big fan of cartoons (especially Spongebob, Wild Kratts, and Bluey)
-Has a special crochet plush turtle that was a gift to her from the court on her adoption hearing day
-Loves stuffed animals
-Her favorite animals are ponies and penguins
-Has a fear of clowns and the dark
-Often gets picked on because she’s the smallest of her siblings
-She can’t sleep unless the light in the bathroom is on
-Her favorite thing in the world is chocolate milk
-She can’t read very well yet so the others have to help her
-Plays the tambourine
-She takes ballet classes three days out of the week
-Her very best friend is Franklin “Frankie” Richards
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guymaito · 2 years
#8 for the ask game :)! 3 shows you never get bored of?
pokemon definitely, it might have 24 seasons but its definitely worth watching
wild kratts, mainly due to liking animals n the fact that sometimes old interests die hard <3
naruto <3 ngl i started watching it for kakashi but i ended up really liking it <3
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