#will draw them both though because both are very interesting for similar yet different reasons
buddiebeginz · 4 months
Okay everyone listen to me Tim posting a B/T video (if he even did because his FB is private and people are saying he posted it but took it down) does not mean he’s saying Buddie is a no go and T*mmy is Buck’s endgame.
First of all let’s remember that Tim wanted to do Buck’s bi storyline years ago particularly back in season 4 and this was likely going to lead to Buddie (look at how the shooting arc was handled).
Second so much of this season has been geared towards Buddie. We had a lot of joint interviews with Ryan and Oliver (more than ever before). We’ve had Buddie talked about in pretty much every interview Oliver and Ryan have done both together and separately this season. This is not something that happened (to this extent) previously, it’s clear Fox did not really want them talking about Buddie. Also remember that if Buddie wasn’t happening and if Tim and ABC didn’t want them talking about Buddie they wouldn’t be allowing these kinds of questions over and over again. They would answer the Buddie question once or twice and that would be the end of it. Everyone knows how much people ship Buddie especially Tim. I'm positive he knows it would be really stupid to keep bringing it up if he wanted the subject to die down.
More importantly let’s look at how this season has gone we’ve had Buck and Eddie together more than ever. Tim even explicitly stated he was trying to put Buddie scenes in almost every episode. Look at how he answered that person about the karaoke scene. Tim basically said he was a Buddie shipper too.
Also think about this Tim knew he was going to have Buck come out and naturally it stands to reason that when it happened people were going to speculate more than ever about Buddie. If Tim has no intention of making Buddie happen and if his long term goal has been to put Buck with T*mmy as Buck's forever love interest (Like Bathena and Madney) wouldn't he have handled this season differently?
I'm not saying Buck and Eddie wouldn't have scenes together if the plan is never for them to be a couple, obviously not they're best friends but I do think Tim would have been extra careful with this being the first season Buck is out as as a bi character. Yet like I said we've had Buddie together more than ever. We've had them talking about sexual tension, dressing in couples costumes (when the actual pair that is dating didn't), singing karaoke together (even if most of it got cut), Buck talking about Eddie's cologne, Buck being a parental figure to Chris, Buck coming out to Eddie in a private quiet scene (when he only had two coming out talks this season), a buddie hug when we haven't had one for years, Buck talking about how he wished he could help Eddie when Eddie was talking about being sexually frustrated.
Most importantly though and what really seals the deal for me on why I think Buddie is happening is that Buck's entire bi awakening episode was focused very heavily on Eddie. Buck was NOT jealous that Eddie was getting to spend time with T*mmy in that episode (i.e. jealous because he wanted to spend time with T*mmy) he was jealous because Eddie was spending so much time and sharing parts of himself with someone else. He was jealous of T*mmy getting to spend time with Eddie and felt like he was being replaced. He thought him and Eddie had something special but then he sees the connection Eddie so easily formed with T*mmy and it hurt him.
We just haven't (as of yet) seen Buck really be willing to dig deeper to understand what he was truly feeling during all of that. How it was all about Eddie and not T*mmy. At this point all Buck knows is that T*mmy kissed him and Buck realized oh I like guys and he's reveling in the newness of all of that. At some point though he's going to realize none of this was ever about T*mmy and that even the main things drawing him to T*mmy were because of his similarities to Eddie. (I wrote a whole post about this episode btw)
But back to my point and that's why would Tim make a whole episode about how Buck obviously has feelings for Eddie and make it in the same episode where the audience (especially the general audience) realizes that Buck isn't straight? Why do that if Buddie isn't in the plans? If Tim's goal is B/T he still could have had something with Buck being jealous. What if T*mmy was hanging out with Chim and the rest of the 118 and he started being friends with all of them. They could have had it where Buck felt threatened kind of like he did in season 2 with Eddie but what it really was about was that Buck liked T*mmy and didn't know how to express that. What I'm saying is that Tim wasn't backed into a corner with this bi Buck storyline and T*mmy there were so many different ways he could have told it. He chose to tell it where it revolved very heavily around Eddie. Buck was even talking about Eddie right before and after he kissed T*mmy what exactly are we supposed to take away from that?
I know B/T stans like to say we just see what we want to see but decisions like having Eddie feature so heavily in Buck's coming out ep aren't made on a whim these are very deliberate especially when the powers that be know how much people ship these characters. Very specific choices have been made to tell a story with Buck and Eddie this season that is leading them towards the same goal and that's eventually together. If you're not seeing that it's because you don't want to.
There's also the fact that if B/T is the ship we're supposed to be rooting for if it's the ship that's going to be as big to 911 as Bathena and Madney (at least according to B/T fans) why has there been so little focus on them? I know some people might say it's a shorter season and they already have so much to fit. Or that they're trying to go slow with B/T's story but here's the thing they rushed into having Buck come out to the audience in one episode and then rushed into having him come out to all the other characters a couple of episodes after that. If Tim wanted more focus on B/T there would be. They also wouldn't even have to do much with them. We've barely even seen them have an actual conversation and the few times we have most of it has been when there has been some kind of uncomfortableness or annoyance between them. Like when Buck was full of anxiety during the date (and then T*mmy made that closet joke) or when Buck was upset about T*mmy not dressing up and T*mmy seemed annoyed.
I don't know I've watched a ton of different shows and to me this doesn't feel like how you build a ship you want the audience to root for. And I'm not saying that you can't have two people at odds and then have them get together. I love a good enemies to lovers thing but that's not what this is. To me the show is trying to tell us that Buck and T*mmy have an attraction but they really aren't on the same wavelength in other areas. Plus the show is always having Buck either talking about Eddie or having Eddie show up. Like when Buck came out to Maddie and was more concerned about lying to Eddie than his date going bad. We had Maddie literally Telling Buck if he had something to tell Eddie he'd tell him in his own time. What am I supposed to think about a line like that? Or when you had Eddie there during the whole scene with B/T at the karaoke bar or how the scene immediately cut from the B/T hospital kiss to Eddie. Plus we haven't even had a mention of T*mmy since 7x06 and now we're going into the finale. You'd think that they would have at least had Buck mention T*mmy during that date night scene where Buck was watching Chris for Eddie but no instead we had Buck being rather flirty with Eddie talking about his cologne and throwing popcorn into his mouth.
Now let's look at this video. There’s a high probability Tim didn’t even watch it. It’s long and not good in my opinion (I saw it before today). B/T stans call us delusional but they’re yelling about how Tim must believe in this bs invisible string theory they came up with and because it’s mentioned in that video. But here’s what the cover looks like
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And this is why I think Tim posted it (if he even did) because it’s not about what’s in the video it’s about the title.
Has 911 found Buck’s perfect match?
This is what Tim wants us thinking about going into the finale. Is T*mmy the perfect match for Buck? Some like to think so but we know there is someone better and Buck is going to realize that.
No matter what happens with Buck and T*mmy at the end of this season and even if they're still together going into season 8 I 100% don't believe that T*mmy is meant to be Buck's endgame. Buck is for all intents and purposes the shows main character. We were basically introduced to the show through him we've watched him have the most growth, tim is not going to give him some lackluster love story.
Most primetime shows have a couple that the audience can root for. A couple where the audience isn't sure if they're going to get together but everything happening with them makes you want to see it happen so it keeps the audience tuning in waiting for the day it finally does. 911 had that for a long time with Madney before they got together and then later when they broke up and got back together. But now that they and all the main couples are happily married and rather settled 911 has no main couple like that not one that will garner media and audience attention, except oh wait they do it's Buddie. If B/T were going to be the couple they were betting on we would have had at least one Oliver and Lou on screen interview by now talking about them and we haven't. We definitely would have had more press promoting the couple but we haven't. The focus like I said before is on Buddie. The focus in the episodes is towards Buddie, the focus in the media, it's all a bright neon flashing sign that says BUDDIE. Nothing is pointing towards B/T in actuality I think Buck and Taylor may have even had more press than B/T has gotten so do with that information what you will.
I know a lot of you will hear about Tim posting this and think that's it Buddie is dead in the water but it's just not true. We are closer than ever to Buddie happening I promise you. We just have to be patient and let the story play out. Please don't pay attention to all the negativity coming from that other ship in fandom. Block as much as you need to so you can keep your peace. The best thing you can do right now is to show your love for Buddie as much as possible. Make sure you're tweeting about Buddie, leaving comments about Buddie on 911's official accounts (on ig YT tiktok etc), making new posts and graphics about Buddie on tumblr. We need to continue to be a loud (respectful) presence online and to remind everyone that we won't give up on Buddie.
Sending love to all of you ❤️
And remember:
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syndrossi · 12 days
resonant ch27 dvd commentary
Favorite line:
The red priestess had thought Jon’s resurrection irrefutable proof of her god’s power, yet at times Jon had wondered if he was so different from the wights he faced across the battlefield: something dead, with fire breathed into him rather than ice, intended instead to be a puppet for R’hllor.
It's an interesting parallel, and one that I'm sure Jon has mused upon before. The dead are not allowed to rest; they are tools to be used by unknowable forces. Unlike the wights, of course, Jon is alive and has free will, but that doesn't mean his return to the living wasn't meant to serve a purpose, as the wights do.
Favorite detail:
The gifts! I had a lot of fun picking the first batch out. Rhaegar's gifts are pretty easy/obvious, and we even had Daemon musing last chapter about getting him charcoals and parchment. The book written by Aenar Targaryen will definitely be important/useful as they go through it. With the dragons left in the care of the Dragonkeepers, it's not a book that anyone has likely read in a century. Aegon or Visenya could very well have been the last to do so, other than Viserys briefly scanning it for information to reconstruct the hatchery in his model.
Meanwhile, the generational cartography is something that felt fitting for dragonriders to do. It is far easier to map something from a bird's eye view versus going about slowly on foot, though it requires recalling the details later, as dragonback is not the most stable position to draw from! One eagle-eyed commenter on the chapter guessed at Daemon's reasoning for Jon's gifts: in both chapters 24 and 26, he's shown interest in ship movement on dragonback and the landscape in general. So he gets a map and wooden model ships!
(Obviously Jon is attached to his bronze knife, but Daemon needs more lead time to have a Targaryen equivalent made.)
And the gifts also reflect aspects of Daemon that he shares with both children: a curiosity about the lay of the land and the movement of people and things below (a strategic eye), and his own interest in their family's history and dragons. Daemon's similarities to Jon are often more obvious, because their personalities on the surface are closer, but he shares many things in common with Rhaegar too!
Favorite dynamic:
The cousins, naturally. Aegon and Aemond's childish jealousy (enhanced by their existing dislike for their nephews) of their shiny new cousins spending time with other children, doing that thing that kids do where they demand you admit that they're your best friend obviously and far superior to any other friends.
Then we have Aemond "letting" Jon be Aemon so that he can be Rhaegar's brother instead, living out the dream of having a brother he likes and can relate to / have adventures with. While Aegon wants to buy "cool points" with his secrets.
And the sibling sabotage with Aegon's secrets, of course! With Otto as their grandfather and Viserys as their father, they are privy to some interesting conversations, which is a resource that Jon and Rhaegar can try to leverage in the future.
Meanwhile, no one has made any guesses yet as to the secret Aegon wants to show them...
Quick hitters:
I hate the flow of "Princesguard" but it's KINGSguard and QUEENSguard, so symmetry demands it. It's also very patriarchal (it's not called Princessesguard), but so is the Kingsguard tbh. I imagine "Princesguard" will be considered a neutral term.
I quite enjoyed delving into Jon's musings on the gods, and his conclusion that he'll pray to whoever keeps his family safe. It's a sentiment we've seen from him before, when Rhaegar has been in danger, where he throws out prayers to whatever god might listen.
Jon opens himself a little bit to Jon Redfort and receives a memory in return. A few folks on AO3 have wondered why Rhaegar can remember parts of Raymar's life but not Jon, and it comes down to Jon being very resistant to opening himself up that way. He keeps a very hard line of separation, which can make his emotions more volatile (Jon Redfort's emotions reach a boiling point that spills over).
I considered writing the gift-giving from Daemon's POV after I finished writing it in Jon's. I'm fond of the "least knowledgeable" POV principle, aka writing a scene from the POV of the character who knows the least about what's going on. Daemon lacks context on the candle, and he has no idea what the boys feel about his gifts, so we'd get his reads on both their reception of the gifts and what they're feeling about the candle. But it also felt reasonably fine from Jon's POV and I usually don't bother rewriting a POV unless I'm unhappy with a scene.
Harvest festival + ball name drop! It's about two months out for the start of the monthlong festivities, which gives interested knights of the land time to make the trek for the Princesguard tourney at its close (3 months from now).
The toy ships were a bit of a bust from Jon's perspective, since he's not actually all that interested in nautical matters aside from their implications for conflicts/supplies. But he wouldn't ever want Daemon to think so, so we'll see if Jon forces himself to play with them for his benefit later. 😅 Laenor+the Velaryon boys are more likely to be interested! (Laenor: You know, Daemon, if you ever need someone to teach you about seamanship...)
I really like the godswood as a setting. It's quite peaceful.
This chapter in general was quite peaceful, until Daemon dropped not one but two "famous last words" remarks at the end.
No deleted scenes or even deleted bits this time to share!
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rainybraindays · 4 months
Saying this as someone who was bullied, and who is fat, but a corner of this fandoms unwillingness to give Cressida any sympathy while stanning Penelope is weird to me.
Cressida and Penelope are incredibly similar. Their mothers are both abusive women who look down on those around them. They both enjoy gossip, they both have a mean streak, and they're both in similar positions this season.
But for some reason Penelope is forgivable but Cressida isn't?
People often talk of Portias cruelty (though they often downplay it but thats a different post) and how its why Penelope does a lot of what she does, but its the same with Cressida.
As early as s1 we see Cressidas mother brushing her off, she says to violet "My Cressida may have the fortune, but Daphne has the face." And if I remember correctly Cressida is beside her as she says this. Her mother casually insults her, in public to a rather influential person, with no care for her daughters feelings. In s3 its even more blatant with how the moment Cressida voices how she's not interested in Debling her mother starts in on how shes 3 seasons in an unmarried, how shes on the road to spinsterdom. She says "you may find me cruel" and then guilts her with how her father is cutting their allowance to justify it. Cressida has no siblings so Araminta has made every other girl in the ton her competition to a far greater degree than other girls, because while they all seem to have friend groups, Cressida doesn't consistently have the same friends. How is she able to keep a friend when the one time one shows up to see her, shes told shes not to be seen with her anymore?
Eloise is the first true friend shes had in years, and its clear through their interactions that while Cressida can be cruel, its not all she is. The cruelty is a shield, much like Whistledown is for Penelope. The main difference is that while Cressidas cruelty is open and known, Penelope is hiding the worst parts of herself. Part of this is because while both Araminta and Portia are open in their cruelty to their daughters, the former is overbearing while the later is neglectful.
While Penelope has been left alone to try and find a husband, given up on before her presentation, Cressida is constantly thrown at everyman who seems to be looking for a wife. Theres no attempt to have her actually form a connection, which I'd argue is part of why her courtships never leave the early stages. She puts on an act for them, likely at her mothers insistence, much like Portia insists Penelope play dumb for Debling.
People also keep asking "why isn't Cressida considered a spinster?" When she very nearly is? She says it herself, her mother says it, this is her last year to really have a chance. The only reason she wouldn't become an actual spinster is because th Cowpers have connections the Featheringtons don't, and are not against marrying her off to the first old friend of her father's who is willing.
Cressida has done everything she can to draw attention to herself, her hair, her clothes, they scream "look at me!" She has put on mask after mask to try and be the woman whichever man she may be speaking to may want, and has failed everytime. She is one of, if not the last, of the girls in her debut year who has yet to get engaged, or even close to an engagement, and she is scared. Anything she does in part 2, I expect because at this point she has three (known) failed courtship attempts, and the threat of a man the age of her father as a husband hanging over her head.
Cressidas been a bully, thats true, but shes also being abused. If you can justify Penelope as Whistledown because shes bullied and shes abused, but can't even find sympathy for Cressida you should maybe think about why ones negatives are okay, but the others aren't.
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justhereformilgram · 5 months
Why yes I do find myself becoming enthralled with multimedia stories primarily told through songs and sometimes manga and other ways with characters labeled numbers one to ten who are all so complicated and deep <3
Under the cut is spoilers/speculation for the Kagerou Project and trial one and trial two of the MILGRAM project! If you’re a fan of one of these I recommend checking the other two out! Also discussion of suicide topics and general dark content considering these tragic characters
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Ok those up above are just paired by number (prison number and order of joining the mekkakushi dan) but here is how I’d pair them based on power/themes + explanations, maybe even if there was a crossover or au sort of thing. The ones with the blue squares are what I think definitely fit while the others I had to go back and forth on
prepare for a ton of yapping. Lol. Lmao.
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Kido and Haruka: Abandonment and attention issues + the power to conceal yourself so you don’t get noticed is really interesting to me… Kido is more confident and blunt than Haruka, and yet, I do think they match up fairly well.
Seto and Mahiru: I was debating on giving Seto’s power to Yuno or even Es since it’s like. I don’t know people pleasing/the whole motif of trying to see inside of people’s minds but Mahiru having mind reading powers compels me, since she’s so empathetic. It would also make her indirect murder so much more messy since she would have likely tried to show her love more if she could viscerally sense her boyfriend struggling, but ough.
Kano and Kazui: now this. This fits like a glove. They’re all about lies and pain baybeee… Yobanashi Decieve is such a perfect Kazui song it’s not even funny. (Using the Will Stetson Eng Lyrics but like. Come on)
“Act normal and all of that, but my heart’s still rushing fast so easily”
“I bit the fruit (apple motif!!) and the snake burrowed inside of me”
“But that’s only right, cause I’m a monster in kind”
“Listen closely to this coward’s beating heart, a selfish face that’s seeped in pain, the only me that remains”
“Though I say I’m really lonely, nothing’s ever gonna change”
Mary and Amane : Okay this is a more of a hear me out but hear me out. Both sheltered from the outside/real world, albeit for different reasons, Amane by her religious organization, Mary by her mom since she has Medusa blood. Petrification as a power would be helpful for amane in that murder and/or not getting hurt again, and/or punishing sinners. Also I think Amane would judge Mary since she’s all about stopping the natural cycle of death with all those timeloops
Muu and Momo: Simply they are both popular and that power of drawing eyes is so perfect for that. Less good for Muu once everyone turns on her but it still works.
Ene and Fuuta: This is so just because digital media like video games and twitter are so important to Fuuta like yes go into the computer buddy and cyberbully on another level. They also have similar outward prickliness <3
Shintaro and ES: this is really just about main characters and retaining eyes probably going to Es…? Wasn’t too sure of this one myself tbh
Hibiya and Mikoto (and John): Ok Focusing eyes I couldn’t really think of anyone since it’s very niche but ehh..? Graphic artist??? I do think a kagerou daze situation with Mikoto and John of John trying to save Mikoto in a death loop would fit them before the twist that oh no, sacrificing yourself just continues a different cycle…
Konoha and Kotoko: they can PUNCH. mostly did this one because kotoko would love to have the power to punch people to death and also. Well. Most inter-party kills. In konoha’s case due to possession but Kotoko would prob use hers for cold hard Justice
Hiyori and Shidou: ok this was Clearing Eyes since timeline shenanigans makes it so that Hiyori isn’t part of the group most loops. Maybe I should’ve put Kenjirou instead… well… welp. Shidou would go that far for his wife, that’s all I’ll say, and also the snake of knowledge fits him
Ayano and Yuno: Wasn’t sure about this one, since tbh Novel ES (the girl one) probably fits Ayano better, but Yuno having such a emotional power, able to express her feelings to another, while having everything she has going on could be interesting. Maybe Yuno matches Hiyori better I don’t know LOL Ayano is my favorite of the kagepro bunch though
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Character Analysis on Vere, Part One
I've just played the demo for Touchstarved recently, but I'm already hooked and intrigued. I've got so many questions, and since I'll have to wait two years for answers I figure there's nothing wrong with a little theorizing and reading potentially too much into the characters.
I plan to make this a series of going through the game and picking out parts I find interesting to analyze them and the rest of the love interests as well, but I started with Vere because he's my favorite and the most compelling to me.
Something that intrigues me about Vere is the way he repeatedly establishes that he and the MC are similar, and how he almost seems to genuinely (if absently) want to keep them alive for it.
The first example comes when he's smelling you outside of the Wet Wick. He says "Not quite human, not quite monster. Seems we're both--" before he gets cut off. After this, he tells his handler(?) that you're his friend (which is obviously a lie to get them off his back), and gives you the "advice" he later scolds you for ignoring, though it's more of a statement than warning: "Danger's drawn to you like a moth to flame. It will always find you given time." As is repeatedly stated in the demo, information is crucial currency in Eridia, and secrets are kept close to the chest. A statement that is presumably meant to act as a warning of caution like this can be precious, depending on the circumstances, and it is genuinely and (seemingly) out-of-character-ly merciful for Vere.
Later at the Wet Wick when you choose to speak to him, he claims not to be angry that you shunted his "advice," merely disappointed. The MC states that he's lying, but we're given no reason to believe so aside from their say-so and the bristling of his tail, which itself is only an indicator of displeasure in general than distinct anger.
(As the MC is neither omniscient nor a mind-reader, I'm inclined to treat them as slightly unreliable and take their assumptions with a grain of salt, save for where their connections and objective statements imply thematic importance, as we'll see later.)
Regardless, Vere is unhappy that you put yourself in danger at the Seaspring--but why? Because he wants you alive? Because his pride is hurt that you ignored his warning? Here we get the second instance of him comparing the two of you: "People like us can't help but attract danger." At this point I wonder if he's only buttering you up with feigned comradery to lure you into trusting him--it's after this that he lures you out of the Wick, alone with no witnesses. Yet if that is the case, why mention when you meet that you're both [redacted]? There's no guarantee he'll have ever seen you again.
Once outside you can ask him about what he thinks of the others, and I'll get to that later in the post (edit: I will not. It will have to be a separate post), but beyond that you ask him why he was imprisoned by the Senobium, and he does it again. "For the same reason they'll disappear you if given half the chance: I'm something special." Again, he draws a parallel between himself and you.
Ais tells us that Vere is the most honest person the MC will meet, so long as we ignore everything he says; Vere repetitively says that he and the MC are similar, so it may very well be manipulation, but I'm inclined to believe otherwise based on the contexts he's said them in: An observation of a stranger he's really smelling for the first time (being paired with the statement, "I knew I smelled blood. You reek of death and the road, and that fucking doctor," all of which we conclude must be truthful analysis on Vere's part due to what we as the player just witness the MC go through), an expression of frustration for his advice being disregarded, a report on the Senobium's well-known corruption.
We continue with his statements that differ per backstory. To an Unnamed MC, he says "You poor thing, mislead by those you trusted most. You caused so much suffering unknowingly. I know that pain. I can help you forget it all." To an Alchemist, he says "The misery born of your mistreatment haunts you. I understand what it's like to be used and thrown away. I'll give your life new meaning." Finally, to a Hound he says, "The betrayal, the loss of hope, the sheer desperation that drives you still to search and search with no end. I can give you something new to live for."
For the Unnamed and Alchemist backstories, he draws another parallel--he has felt before what you feel now. This could be further manipulation, but it's curious then that he wouldn't do the same for the Hound MC. This is not to say that he feels no kinship with a Hound MC--he's made three un-customized statements otherwise already, and one still to be addressed momentarily, but if it were all fabricated then one would think he'd make that emotional connection regardless of player backstory, in order to take advantage of the MC's emotional vulnerability.
Granted, during those statements he's trying to devour you. Some might use this as reasoning to take this evidence with a grain of salt; I am not so convinced, for reasons outlined below.
The inner monologue of the MC at about the same moment: "The look on his face makes my blood run cold. I've seen it before. Traveling through the wastes, the lanterns would occasionally reveal carcasses picked clean by starving scavengers whose eyes shone in the dark with the same ravenous hunger."
It is interesting to me that Vere seems by all accounts to relate to the MC and want to keep them alive, and yet kill them so irreverently and with next to no provocation. Personally, this seems like an apt and realistic scenario; as much as Vere seems to sympathize, he's known the MC for barely a date at this point, and likely doesn't care overmuch. Getting them alone was an opportunity for a snack; he well warned them of the way danger follows them, and yet they followed him alone into an alleyway regardless, and he is a killer after all. To me this seems like a rare extension of help (insomuch as Vere would help anyone) that was rejected, and so as this person is insignificant despite vaguely remind him of himself and his circumstances, a meal is a meal.
I bring you now to the final moment of Vere drawing a connection between the two of you. When choosing not to submit he releases you, and as a goodbye, states "You and I might be alike, but don't ever forget what I do best."
I feel that's a perfect way to wrap up that segment.
I'd intended for this post to encompass his feelings towards the MC as well as the other romantic options in the game, but I'd forgotten how I've a tendency to be verbose when theorizing and explaining my line of thinking. I'll split this into two parts for now, then, before moving onto the other characters (who I hope I won't have quite so much to say about ^^;).
Perhaps this all was obvious to you, but I like to think it's worth setting out in the open anyway, and most certainly fun to do so on my part.
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itstokkii · 8 months
hi! could you talk more about gerkor? it's a ship i hadnt thought a lot about before but your drawings of them are making me interested!! what do like about them and/or what headcanons do you have?
first off thank you for sending this ask!!! i'd love to talk more about gerkor!!
both germany and south korea share a lot of similarities, the main one being that they're the youngest out of their sibling pair, with the older one being separated from them due to the imperialist forces of the us and ussr.
i like to imagine they'd both find comfort in each other that they can't find in their neighbors due to WW2 and before then. both are resentful towards the allies for their respective partitions. they'd both plan to leave the nations' meeting afterparties/galas early and just go home to cuddle. sure korea pulled up to the party bc america dragged her over but she's leaving with germany because they're playing board games at his place.
i've also heard of people calling gerkor the "river pair" because they both experienced a boom in economics and development, with korea's being called the "miracle on the han river" and germany's being called the "miracle on the rhine."
in the modern day, they'd both be workaholics(more like they have to, esp korea with our record of a 60hr workweek lol) but with different ways to relax and unwind after work.
korea will drag germany along to the best korean grilling restaurants, sometimes she'll take him to karaoke(where germany slowly loses his mind as korea slowly loses her voice), and sometimes they'll order delivery food and drink flavored soju(germany's the first to tap out) as they binge watch netflix.
though germany would initially be surprised that korea would have to go to work dinners(회식) after work in the evenings. He insists on coming around the end of it and being her ride home. it's weird to him because shouldn't work stay in the office?
germany leaves work about 1 or 2 hours earlier than korea(4~6PM), and sometimes even earlier on fridays. he cooks dinner until she arrives home, to which they both eat. Then they spend time together(playing video games, baking, watching a movie, what are other things couples do at home,)
its interesting because both germany and south korea are associated with the work culture, and yet they're both on two different areas of the spectrum. if korea comes home tired from work, they both take a nap(or just sleep, given that it's maybe about 8 or 9 as she comes home due to traffic).
germany sometimes gets irked with the way korea randomly drags him along somewhere when she's feeling bored("im bored lets go shopping") tell him at least a day in advance im soojin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he's still completely floored every time her age comes up. she's just a 2000 year old nation cosplaying as a 20 year old. hes only just about 150....
as per the small doodle i did, i do think south korea is maybe that big push to finally convince germany to have a skincare routine. all of a sudden his skin glows brighter than usual, and others are able to recognize the difference the moment he steps into the meeting room.
she loves gift giving and will regularly have at least a few gifts ready for him when he visits, ranging from luxury goods to giftcards to plushies. he does this as well, but mostly likes to gift her things that are practical and personal. if she really liked that german snack he gave her last time, he's sure to give her more as a gift.
they both love hiking and absolutely will go on hiking dates. korea is generally a very mountainous region, so there's plenty of mountains and hills to check off the list!
she likes hugging and holding hands in public. when they're waiting in line for whatever reason, she'll wrap her arms around his waist and wait that way. i can see germany not necessarily being a fan of that, aso she's had to limit her pda sometimes.
has joined germany for oktoberfest before and despite 1000 years experience of drinking, become absolutely wasted. neither of them were able to drive that night.
sometimes she sees the way he dresses and almost dies inside. sandals with socks are for when you take out the trash or a trip to the convenience store, not for...shopping? save the cargo shorts and windbreaker for hiking, not for a picnic!!!!! with the way he shows up to world meetings("it's like you shoved a giant stick up his-" she usually says before she's cut off by germany) she'd expect him to dress in a similar ilk in everyday life, but she has no choice but to accept it...
though sometimes she cheats the system by texting him "we're going somewhere fancy, make sure to dress up semi-formal" and he's sure to show up in an outfit put together with thought.
there's been times where she feels jealousy and anger for how she's been separated from her brother and how that split is regarded as "positive," whereas the partitioning of germany was seen as "negative" and its reunification "positive." she holds no ill will towards germany as most of it was beyond his control, and germany has also expressed support towards a reunified korea in the past(at least, merkel has). but sometimes she sees prussia and germany and can't help but wish that was her and north.
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ryuichirou · 5 months
We’re taking a short break with replies, but we’ll be back next week!
Anonymous asked:
Wow, Falin. So you now drew Dungeon Meshi. This looks beautiful.
Thank you so much <3 Dungeon Meshi character design is very nice, I’m glad I had an opportunity to draw Falin.
Anonymous asked:
any thoughts on the manga adaptation yuu’s? Yuuken, Yuuka and Yuuta.
i personally need a foursome with them.
I- I didn’t expect the second part of this ask! Good for you, Anon 😔👍 Aim high.
We don’t really care about Yuu either way (since we don’t read the manga), but I do like the designs for all of them and how different they are. We also posted a sketch of Yuuta at some point! We like him the most.
Anonymous asked:
On the Cater thing, logically, I know the brother comment was to appease the sudden censorship that appeared after the EN release (there's so much of it, just compare voice lines for first and second Halloween events) but that makes me sad so I choose to believe in canon brocon Cater instead.
Oh, so you mean the JP game is somewhat influenced by the EN censorship too? That would be a bummer, but also kind of funny because it was the second Halloween event where we got that suspicious line of Rook telling us how he woke up in the middle of the night and saw that Vil wasn’t there. I guess it wasn’t a voice line, so….
And yes absolutely, Cater canon brocon! Imagine being so tired of having sisters that your brain just says “if I had a brother I would be very into him, especially if it’s Vil” lol
Anonymous asked:
So I know you have your top/bottom rule but I was wondering who you would feel about two bottoms sharing a top or two tops sharing a bottom? I know you already have the tweels basically do this with Idia already but any thoughts on who else might be willing to share? I can picture Lilia being ok with Idia and Silver dating cause how convenient to have two of his favorite boys together! I've also seen you mention Rook and Ortho basically teaming up to stalk Vil. Just an interesting idea I thought you'd enjoy thinking about.
Ohh that’s a fun question, Anon!
Yeah, like you’ve noticed already, we don’t mind tops and bottoms sharing in a 3+ people scenario. Although when it comes to spicy scenes specifically, we tend to prefer “multiple tops, one bottom” route and not the “multiple bottoms, one top” route. But if we’re talking about it in general, I think this is pretty much our default state for a lot of characters? Their relationship status is very fluid…
Lilia could easily date both Silver and Idia, to be honest, I think Lilia doesn’t even necessarily consider it “dating”, he just has multiple partners and enjoys his life lol And Malleus would be on Lilia’s “list” too!
Rook and Ortho could find a good balance and date Vil together too! Rook could also date both Vil and Epel, although with Rook it’s tricky because he’s just going around enjoying life… just like Lilia…
Another trio that we’ve talked about recently is Trey+Riddle+Che’nya, they also work nicely as a throuple.
The first years have a lot of things to sort out between themselves, but theoretically? Maybe Deuce could end up with two boyfriends (Jack and Ace). But it absolutely won’t happen soon, they aren’t mature enough for this yet lol
Anonymous asked:
I don't remember if you've already talked about it, but do you think Idia has ever pretended to be a girl online to troll someone who annoyed him? After having some fun pretending to flirt it would probably backfire, with Idia getting weirded out when the other person starts talking about all the filthy things they would like to do to him. At the same time though, he doesn't really want to stop for some reason...
Anon, this is a scenario that I would absolutely love to witness, but unfortunately, I don’t think Idia would do that. Although he is such a troll sometimes, and he is super unlucky (lucky?) when it comes to how his social interactions spiral out of his control, that he might find himself in a similar situation… It’s the butterfly effect – one little joke from Idia, and suddenly a couple of hours later he’s talking to a guy who is in love with him and doesn’t listen to him trying to explain that he isn’t in fact a cute nerdy gal?? And then suddenly the other person STARTS TALKING ABOUT ALL THE FILTHY THINGS THEY WOULD LIKE TO DO TO HIM—Idia had no idea being an accidental e-girl would be so stressful lol
Let’s hope he realises how weirdly arousing it was to read all this gross horny stuff about himself  before he blocks the guy… He’ll probably send him a bouquet of computer viruses while still fuming and feeling the tingles uvu what a good girl.
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renae-the-turtle · 6 months
I have an idea and I gotta tell someone about it or else I won't be able to stop thinking about it.
It's a concept for a rottmnt au focused on the Disaster Twins, which I'm calling the Hybrid Twins AU. Full concept is under the cut, but if you don't wanna read my whole explanation, the idea is that Donnie and Leo got mutated with each others' DNA as well as Lout Jitsu's.
So you know those pods that Draxum stuck the turtles in when he mutated them? Well, in this AU, the gargoyles accidentally broke one after they captured Yoshi. Draxum decides it would take too long to fix it first, because he finally has Lou Jitsu and he's not going to risk giving him time to escape, even if he seems remarkably content in that cage.
So he has decided to go ahead and mutate the turtles, but he only has three pods, and four turtles. He's aware that if he sticks two turtles in one pod, they will mutate with each other's DNA as well as Lou Jitsu's, which could be unstable – all his experiments so far have involved combining only two sets of DNA – but, he reasons, if two of them... don't make it, then he'll still have the other two.
Obviously, this means he has to consider which ones he'd rather keep, and which ones have the most compatible DNA, to increase the chances of a stable mutation. After some consideration, he picks the red-eared slider and the spiny softshell. They're both aquatic species, and are similar in size and approximate age, so he estimates that they have the best chances of survival. And it could be interesting to see how their traits combine.
Draxum goes ahead with the mutation as planned, but with two turtles sharing a pod. All he actually gets to see of their combined mutation is that they now share similar markings, before Lou breaks out and snatches the turtles, just like in canon.
From then on things aren't really any different, except for the twins looking different and having a slightly different dynamic.
I really wanna draw out what they look like properly, as that's what I was focusing on when I came up with this, but I literally only thought this up today, and haven't had a chance to sit down with my sketchbook yet. For now, have this reference sheet I made for their markings and colour:
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Interesting things to note, which should be visible here:
- their skin tones have shifted towards each other, so Donnie's skin is a little lighter and Leo's is a little darker
- they both have yellow sclera (in canon, Leo has white sclera and Donnie has yellow)
- their shoulder markings go all the way down to their elbows
- Leo's markings are a bit brighter than Donnie's
Other things I came up with:
- their shell markings also match now, though Donnie's still a softshell and Leo is not. So Donnie gained lighter-coloured markings that perfectly match Leo's shell pattern, and Leo has dappled darker spots on his shell like the spots on Donnie's.
- both of the twins are sensitive about their shells being touched. And they're very defensive of each other, so when they were tots, if one of them got his shell touched by someone when he didn't want to be touched, then both of them would try and bite the offender. Splinter has scars on his fingers, yes
- you know how rise!Donnie always wants to blow things up? And how his brothers always stop him? Yeah, in this AU, the only ones trying to hold him back are Raph and Mikey. Do not leave the twins alone together, because Leo's definitely not gonna be holding Donnie back from going lethal
- related to the last point: moral alignments! The way I see it, rise!Raph is neutral or lawful good, rise!Mikey is chaotic good, rise!Leo is... probably chaotic neutral, and rise!Donnie is chaotic evil. In this AU, the twins are both chaotic evil
- how about I let Leo swallow a sandwich whole. Even better, let the twins have eating competitions that focus solely on "how much can you swallow at once without chewing", which Raph and Mikey might try to get involved in, but it would eventually just become a twin thing. Mikey would always be the first one out, and Raph would last a bit longer simply by being bigger, but then it would be down to the twins
- can't believe I almost forgot this one, but they have actual twin sense. The mystics involved in their mutation, combined with their Hamato genetics, plus the fact that Leo and Donnie got mutated in the same pod and share enough DNA to be almost (but not quite)as closely related as identical twins, means that they have the ability to sense each other's emotions, and will probably figure out how to do the Ninja Mind Meld before even unlocking their ninpo. Or even before using any mystic powers whatsoever. Because yeah. I'm a sucker for giving them twin telepathy hehehe
- outfits! Have you noticed that in canon, whenever the turtles get dressed up, Leo and Donnie's outfits usually complement each other? Most notably the sweaters they wore for the family dinner in Repairin' the Baron, but other times too. Yeah, I definitely wanna draw them in matching/complementary outfits.
- I considered having Donnie wear a different mask, one like Leo's, because of his stripes, but I don't wanna get rid of Donnie's eyebrows, and neither does he, and trying to draw eyebrows on a mask like that would be too difficult. However, when little Leo failed to convince Donnie that they should have matching masks, he wouldn't stop crying over Donnie "trying to cover up his stripes" and "not wanting to be twins" and stuff like that. So, to get him to stop crying, Donnie drew red stripes on his mask, above his eyes where his natural stripes are (I can totally picture it and I absolutely need to draw it soon). He likes the way it looks and likes matching with his twin, so he keeps drawing those stripes along with his eyebrows
- with how similar Donnie and Leo look, there's no way anyone can deny that they're twins, not even Donnie, but it still bugs him that he doesn't know how they are twins, because he can tell that they appear to be hybrids of two different turtle species. He can't find the answers on his own, and so he bugs Splinter about it until he finally caves and tells the boys that they were mutated using human DNA (not specifying which human) and that Blue and Purple got some of each others' DNA as well. So when Leo is wailing about thinking Donnie doesn't want to be twins with him, Donnie comforts him in his own logical way and assures him that there's no way they could ever NOT be twins, pointing out that they share more DNA with each other than they do with Raph or Mikey or even whatever human they got their DNA from, and adds on that even if they didn't have that much genetic material in common, he'd still want to be twins. (I need them to be soft, plz! Turtle tot twins are adorable!)
- speaking of Splinter, whenever the twins aren't wearing their signature colours, he has a really, REALLY hard time telling them apart. He was worried about being able to tell Raph and Leo apart in canon; you can't tell me he wouldn't get these twins mixed up All. The. Time.
- the twins are nearly inseparable. They always wanna do everything together, especially when they're young. Because of this, they end up knowing a lot of the same stuff, because they are each others' favorite person to info-dump to when they learn something new. So this Donnie has a bit more respect for Leo's intelligence, which is to say he won't outright say or even imply that Leo is stupid. Calling him smart would still be going too far though, duh. Gotta have some squabbling somewhere in here.
- yeah I guess they're really competitive. They compete over everything. Including rights to being the older twin. I'm a firm believer of the the fact that they have no way of knowing which of them is actually older, even in canon, so there will be no "older twin" or "younger twin" headcanons here. It's way more funny if they're constantly arguing about it, anyway. Or if they switch it up depending on their mood, cuz sometimes being the second youngest of four can be pretty appealing.
- uhhhh let's see do I have anything else...?
- oh yeah, I'm considering giving Leo some sort of shell cover? 'Cause I said that he's sensitive about people touching his shell, like Donnie is, but he has a hard shell so he doesn't actually need a battle shell.
- leading from that, though, I think both twins have a lot of similar sensory issues. And they're both neurodivergent. Donnie is autistic, and Leo is AuDHD (that refers to having both autism & ADHD, in case you didn't know. It's what I've got)
Anyway that's all i have for now. Might edit this post if I think of anything more later.
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muninnhuginn · 1 year
So, going to link a couple of things before I start with this.
Firstly, the new MV for the Vortex/Overthink/Tides medley which is going to form the basis of my observations.
Secondly, this post, which makes a strong argument that Link Click is deliberately drawing from other time travel media. In this case, the 2002 version of The Time Machine. Also, a fun fact not mentioned in the linked post, but that I recently discovered is that the name of the girlfriend the time traveller is constantly trying to save is *Emma*.
Now that I've linked these two, I just want to say that this rest of this post is me having fun and I would love for these to be deliberate references, but let's be real, a lot of time travel media understandably shares a lot of visual language. Hourglasses, butterflies, and clocks are all fairly recurrent themes.
Click the read more for a mix of potential references to other time travel media and screenshots of specific details of the new MV I found interesting:
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Left: Link Click (note the photo reel design). Right: Doctor Who (specifically one of the intros for the Twelfth Doctor)
And to add to the photography aesthetic present throughout, the photo reel clock resolves itself into a camera lens:
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Next, we have a main character centred within a clock. In both cases, the character casts multiple shadows that resemble clock hands.
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Left: Link Click. Right: Steins;Gate
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The shot where Qiao Ling is stood still amongst a moving crowd is neat for two reasons. First, the people she's surrounded by seem to be those related to the cases CXS/LG have taken on. You can see Emma just behind in the above screenshot. And the other thing is that the first time this sequence plays the moving characters are too blurry to easily make out. When the sequence reverses however, and the lyrics speak of "pausing" the scene actually freezes with all the characters clear for a tiny bit. (I didn't screenshot purely because it was a pain to get the exact moment but you can check this if you want)
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Upper left: Link Click. Upper right: Higurashi Gou/Sotsu. Bottom: Steins;Gate 0.
Next up: fragments! This one is honestly a real stretch, but hey, there are at least two other time travel adjacent shows that use them as visuals in their openings. I would really like the use to be similar to in Higurashi (the example screenshot is from the anime sequel Gou/Sotsu but the sea of fragments is present in the og too). In Higurashi, each time "loop" is actually an alternate timeline (wherein events would differ slightly even without intervention) and so each fragment represents another timeline. For Steins;Gate, it's more a visual that exists purely in the opening sequence to play into the whole shattered clocks aesthetic.
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Left: Link Click. Right: Steins;Gate.
This one is inspired by me watching the opening only to go "Okabe Rintaro????" when Qian Jin showed up. But also. We can clearly see some of Qian Jin's scars in this shot. There appears to be one on the back of his neck and two over his left shoulder. These have to be relevant and obviously his eye colour has me side-eyeing but I don't think we have all the pieces for this character yet. (Him being a former cop with a connection to both of our focus cop characters though makes me think)
And a final one with generic anime trope no 58382929:
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Left: Link Click. Right: Steins;Gate
I know, I know. This is typical anime/donghua. But! It's deliberately a shot in Steins;Gate that returns again and again throughout the series. It's also very associated with the character of Mayuri so take that as you will.
Bonus whatever this is:
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Multiple Cheng Xiaoshis in different states of doing badly. I wonder if the centremost one is the one Lu Guang appeared to be thinking of in episode 1? Possibly another "fragments" situation or if not then it may be various things Cheng Xiaoshi will go through in this season
Anyway, the Steins;Gate opening visually has a lot of similarities and of course a lot of it is natural overlap because they're both time travel series. And they both draw inspiration from The Time Machine (especially Steins;Gate's sequel, Steins;Gate 0). But I find it pretty neat how all these series from different times and places do have these recurring themes.
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thyenemybeloved · 5 months
What does Shaozhen even look like?
Hello! Thank you so much for the ask :D I definitely plan on posting a sketch of him in the near future and there are still a few things that I must decide on about his final design but I'll try to answer your question as accurately as possible!
Appearance-wise, he's very much a fusion between my own version of Sanzang and Wukong (that you can see in said previous post I made): he's closer to Sanzang in size (1m70 as opposed to Wukong's 1m60) and looks more human-like than Wukong. Basically, where Wukong looks very much like a humanoid monkey demon, Shaozhen looks more like a human with monkey-like features (like his nose/mouth area and ears are more monkey-like, and he also has fangs and claws), he has white/blond/light-colored fur covering most of his body (not as much as Wukong's though) but he's missing a tail. He has similar eyes to Wukong's but gentler and his sclera is lighter with blue (?) irises (still haven't decided yet). Overall, despite his demonic heritage, he kinda has an angelic/saintly air about him, "pure" for a lack of better word. Since I picture both Sanzang and Wukong as being rather beautiful (though in their own, different ways), I also imagine Shaozhen to be the same but I will need to draw them side by side to really differenciate the different ways I imagine them to look, which is similar enough to notice their relation to each other but also different enough that they all look unique and like their own person, which is difficult to put in writing alone.
(Although, bear in mind that in my story, he's only known as Sanzang's child at first, which is already taboo enough on its own given Sanzang's status as a monk, and not Wukong's, which is why Shaozhen usually hide his appearance. He's already being ostracised and shamed for being the son of a monk, especially one as famous as Sanzang, and since he and his group are often relying on people's charity during their travels, he cannot afford to let people know about his true nature as it would both further compromise Sanzang's reputation as well as his group's ability to find shelter and whatnot, given that they're all demons and Shaozhen is considered the only "normal" one in their group.)
His clothes are honestly the coolest part of his design in my opinion: he wears long, all-white robes that covers the entirety of his body and a large straw hat with a long, half-opaque white veil that mostly hides his face from view. He also wears several pieces of golden jewelry that are actually power limiters, kinda like Wukong's circlet. He's known to never reveal his face under any circumstances, which he likes to claim is because of "spiritual reasons/modesty", which causes a lot of people to gossip about him but he honestly couldn't care less. Underneath his robes, he wears a black, sleeveless turtleneck shirt and combat pants for when he needs to fight. Basically, he looks very regal, elegant and refined as per his monk status but when he's angry or fighting, all this refinement goes of of the window. He's also way more laidback when in the company of his friends alone, it's just that he has to pretend a lot and be composed most of the time, lest people find out his secrets. Shaozhen is also never seen without his fan and antique cigarette-holder because he's classy like that.
There you go! So sorry this got so long, I know I kinda rambled a lot but I was pretty excited and this quickly got out of hand lol If you ever have more questions about his appearance or want to know more about his personality or his relationships to the others in their group, do let me know, I'll be happy to answer you again! I hope this was a satisfying answer and if not, stay tuned for future art posts about this AU! Thanks again for your interest :D <33
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inkblot22 · 7 months
I agree!! aftermaths are ALWAYS my favourite to read during forced pregnancy stories and I actually hate when it ends with the yandere impregnating darling like how do u know if she truly got pregnant? where’s the horror in finding out you’re carrying your rapist’s child(ren)? how does reader deal with that? how does the yandere react to that? (I’m sure he knows but finding out the news from you yourself would surely elicit different emotions) how does he react when you say you wanna get rid of it? how do they both cope as parents? sooo many possibilities!! I’m glad to know the story I requested will not end with epel just impregnating darling!! thank you sm for that <3
also seeing as how both you and the other anon rank epel low I hope to see he be ranked higher in the future >:3
- epel felmier anon 🍎💜
ALL the freaking possibilities! The machinations of the yandere's mind when the baby-trapping (consensual or not) isn't received well is bound to be endlessly fascinating. Idk, stories work well sometimes if you let the reader imagine the hopelessness of a situation, but they work even better if you showcase it.
I'm putting the other stuff under a cut because I'm about to go on a bit of a tangent. Also, I have not read book seven yet, if anyone spoils it, I will temporarily block you until after I have read it.
I ranked Epel a C the first time because I didn't know anything about him at the time, almost every character save for the ones I really loved the designs for were lower than I would put them today, and frankly some were higher. I've done another tier list, this is not the old one. I have a pretty high opinion of most of the characters regardless of their ranking, here's the maker I used.
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Okay, so, I feel the need to specifically explain Crewel: I don't like being treated like a dog. Pet play is not my thing, and I do not understand the hype surrounding him whatsoever. Why would I want to hang out with someone who probably smells like a really strong, expensive cologne and refuses to call me anything other than "good boy"? No thanks, y'all can have him. Crowley is self-explanatory.
Riddle, Silver, and Lucius all have their good qualities, I will admit. But I'm the type of person who would avoid both of the people for varying reasons (Riddle is annoying, I don't like being bothered when I'm minding my own fucking business because I'm "breaking the rules" and I don't want to wake up Silver and I don't know enough about him,) and I would get irrationally mad at Lucius for always getting into fights with Grim.
C tier is somewhat similar to D for me. I'd very likely not go out of my way to interact with these guys, but they're either more approachable or less irritating than D tier. I'm sure you can see a trend with at least two of them, but most of these mfs are too high energy or too intense. Sebek is here because while I don't like petplay, I do like degradation and I think he would be excellent at that, given his usual temperament and opinion on humans. Deuce is there because I find him to be a very one-note character. Everyone in this game is well-written, but not everyone can be interesting. Trein is here because I know I'd be constantly getting in trouble in his class for drawing instead of paying attention. By the way, when did people who were 50 become old? Idk I consider old to be like 70+ but maybe that's just because of the people I grew up around.
B tier is characters that I am aware I am sleeping on, with the bonus of Vargas, who I actually like quite a bit. Not enough to put him in higher than B tier, though. Ortho and Idia are sort of a package deal, but I do like Ortho less than I like Idia. Azul pisses me off but I am a sucker for a pathetic man.
EPEL!!! THE ONE WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!! Epel is like Deuce, if Deuce had more of a twisted view of himself. Reading though his little dilemma in book 5 didn't make me sympathize, but it did endear him to me. I can understand getting upset because you are literally unable to express yourself in a way that you would like because of reasons outside of your control. Beyond that, I love it when characters have a secret rough side (sorry Deuce.) Two-faced characters are my favorite thing.
A tier is characters I would like to put in S but I am too scared of them to do so. While C and lower are characters I would avoid because they're annoying, A tier is literally just characters I would avoid because they're freaky. I think people forget that the first interaction we have with Leona is him threatening to beat the shit out of us because we accidentally tripped on his tail. While Trey is sweet, he's the absolute definition of a two-faced character and he's way too observant to be comfortable around. Idk, maybe that makes him boyfriend material. I feel like anyone who has been on this blog at this point already understands my viewpoint of Jade, Floyd, and Rook. They scare the mess out of me and I love them for that.
With S tier, I'm actually going to specify a couple things: Sam is up there because I know I'd constantly be in his shop, buying things with thaumarks I should save just because I know his shop would smell like home. I feel like where a lot of people see Sam and think "this man can FUCK," I see Sam and think "big brother material." The sibling that I am closest to is literally just barely a year younger than Sam. Also, to clarify, I'm Black with family from the south. Grim is also sibling material. He's like a little brother, and I love him for that even though he pisses me off.
Now back to the WHORE KNEE. I very desperately want to bring my personal Vil series to this blog. I think maybe someone else would enjoy it, because what's more lovely than a man who sees what he wants in a person that isn't what he wants but forces to be what he wants anyway? I love that shit. Lilia is prime fodder for coercion fics, and I'd love to see more of those because he's very wise (because he's old as hell) and he's had a lot of practice at being a sweet talker. I think with a gullible reader?? Oh my god??? I'm not shy about my opinion on Malleus, Jamil, and Idia, and I think I talk about Idia a bit too much. Jamil stole my heart from the minute he was all sweet and kind in book 4 because he is so obviously two-faced that only the overly trusting would fall for that. Also, Jafar was something of an awakening for me. Who cares about Aladdin? I want the old man. As for Malleus, I like that he fills out the gap moe trope, but not overly so. He absolutely strikes me as the type to assume he knows best for both parties involved, and if he doesn't assume, he decides for you.
Anyway, knowing me, this list will have switched all over the place in a month's time. Thanks for reading my garbled nonsense.
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kaycode1999 · 1 month
Hello! I’d love to ask for an LMK matchup, but I’m not sure if you do them for anons. Would you also mind me resubmitting this ask if you don’t?
I have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Also vertically challenged coming at 5’1.
Pronouns & Sexuality:
I go by she/her and I’m heterosexual.
My actual aesthetic is casual with a preference for lighter colours. However, my favourite aesthetics are vintage and light academia.
I love indoor activities, but I’m open to taking walks and going outside. I usually draw, play video games, and watch video essays about anything that catches my interest. I can’t do anything too physically taxing or I will suffer.
My Type:
Just someone who’s patient with me as I try to figure out myself, helping me whenever I get stuck, and is sorta similar to me in a way. I want someone who understands and doesn’t mind me being wishy washy with my affection. Doesn’t mind that I am not physically affectionate and can struggle with being affectionate. Someone that prefers quiet moments, doesn’t mind my occasional rants. We have a silent connection, and can usually tell what the other wants/needs. Someone who’s willing to talk and be honest with me about how they feel, and I can wait if they’re not ready. Looks wise, I prefer less muscular, taller than me (not a tall ask haha), and cute/pretty guys (I don’t mind hot/handsome though.)
I can be slightly withdrawn and anxious at first meeting, opting to be accommodating and generally nice. But once I open up, I can be energetic and talkative. I’m very open-minded to everything and everyone (logically, there’s no reason for me to hate!), but I have trouble opening up and talking about my emotions, and can only do that comfortably under some form of anonymity (online friends for example) or if someone has prior experience with me venting. I will jump to defend people close to me if they’re being disrespected, and I can get pretty heated in the process. My friends tell me I can be brutally honest, borderline mean sometimes, but I really don’t mean to be (I have a different perception of what is rude.) Slightly touch-averse, but I won’t mind if you ask. I don’t like myself, but I don’t actively put myself down either. Finally, I am clueless about pop culture, and I can come off as pretty boring because of that.
Characters I don’t want:
I don’t want to be matched with Peng, The Mayor, or any character similar because I don’t like their personalities. Also Pigsy, Tang and Sandy, because I genuinely cannot see them in a romantic light.
Thank you! And I’m sorry for this long ask.
I match you with
Ao Lie
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You two are like Yin and Yang or the sun and the moon ( Yes I did that on purpose😂). You are both so alike, yet different.
Where one person struggles, the other excels and just ends up lifting the other person up. For example, he struggles to stand up for himself or express when he doesn't like something whereas you're blunt yet honest
In that way you both learn and grow with each other and make each better
His personality is much like yours. He's also energetic and talkative and nice, but he also struggles with self-confidence and liking himself. He also knows you're a lot like him so he makes sure that even if you don't like yourself that you know he does- you do the same for him too
He kind of has to stick with indoor activities or something not too taxing because bless him he's so clumsy he might actually accidentally hurt himself so he tends to stick with you in whatever activity you are doing
Draw him something and he will keep it on his person at all times. Its so dear to him.
He will of course respect any physical boundaries and/or be understanding of your level of affection.
You two are actually so close, you just get each other. You don't have to tell each other to know what the other needs, so he will likely already know what you need at the moment before you say it.
Whatever you need he's there just like you're there for him .
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fabdante · 6 months
I feel kinda stupid for not thinking of this earlier, but:
Both the preboot and reboot twins' swords are a LOT more durable than normal, Human Realm steel. Or seemingly any other metal from the Human Realm, for that matter. They can also cut through just about anything, too. The Yamato even moreso, given that it can cut things like human and demon souls/memories and literal dimensions, but the Rebellion is pretty absurdly sharp, too. (I'm mostly talking about the preboot swords here, but I'm gonna assume the same for the reboot swords as well, unless proven otherwise.)
Which also means that those Devil Arms would probably be particularly good for something illegal, like, say, cutting into a bank vault. Or even just breaking into or out of a place.
I headcanon that preboot Vergil probably did his fair share of illegal shit in order to survive on the streets as a kid, especially with Mundus and Mundus' minions hunting him. Not sure how much breaking and entering preboot Vergil did- I COULD see him breaking into places and stealing things, but only if it was stuff relating to Sparda and the demon world. Power, and all that. Or if he just absolutely HAD to break into somebody's house to steal food and clothes, or into some abandoned building to spend the night because the weather outside is awful, but even then, that was probably mainly when he was a kid. Not a lot of mercenary jobs available for 8 year olds, y'know? Unless you count following people and pinching small items. Which I could also see him and preboot Dante doing, tbh- gotta do what you can to survive.
Reboot Dante, though, I feel like probably WOULD of broken into places for the sole purposes of stealing shit. For similar reasons as the preboot twins, but also probably for some gang/"official" illegal shit, too. I couldn't see him robbing banks or anything, but I could maybe see him robbing some rich people's house while they were away on vacation or something. Just to get by- I think he leaned towards more mercenary work than theft and drug peddling, and even then, only when he couldn't get honest work. Could also see him entering into some underground fighting rings- he's got a healing factor, so he figures, what the hell? Why not? Tho of course he'd be holding back to make sure he didn't kill anyone. Even if they paid him to kill someone. Might be kinda hypocritical, since I said I could see him doing mercenary work, so... Maybe he would, Idk. Mercenary work seems like it'd be different, tho, from fighting in a ring. Gotta draw the line somewhere.
I could see the twins swords being stronger then regular swords!! I had a lot of complicated headcanons about how Rebellion and Yamato were made and their purposes in the reboot which are explored in Swan Song but I still have yet to finish that asdfghjkl but I definitely think both were painstakingly crafted so them being particularly strong and that being useful to the twins makes a lot of sense
Also I am a big fan of combat sports, I find them really interesting, and have a particular soft spot for underground fighting rings in fiction so I support Dante doing this. I like the concept and I tend to headcanon reboot Dante as a person with very low self preservation and very much wants to punch people so being able to do that while getting paid would be a plus for him
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anulithots · 8 months
Happy Sunday!! A few questions about The Land of The Fallen Fairies to start off your week!! 💚
What's your favorite part about writing Anuli's story? What's your least favorite part (if there is one)?
How does Kamari's life change after all that occurs with Anuli? It seems fae is affected most directly by faer choices. It's very interesting!
Lastly... please tell me more about Ankh. So mysterious. So intriguing. I must know everything. ���
HAPPY SUNDAY!! Thank you for the questions. (I love them)
Question 1) Favorite and least favorite part about writing this one:
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My favorite part about writing Anuli is faer ridiculous prose. Fae will talk to faerself, go off on tangents, spent an obscene amount of time describing the stories of dust and spiders and fae will have morbid descriptions of feelings. (Bad feelings get metaphorical body horror, whereas good feelings get nature surrealism.)
I basically get to take a feeling or a random thought and explore it as Anuli, and I can pretty much do this whenever I want.
(I also like Anuli and Kamari scenes because they are so so silly... before they get tragic... which is also fun!)
My least favorite part about writing Anuli is something I hope to stop doing, because it isn't really part of writing Anuli inherently, but more so because of the storytelling method I was following before.
Basically: I hate writing long scenes/like a normal novel.
I prefer episodic snippets.
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For Kamari, this isn't an issue, faer prose is direct and concise, so I can get through scenes within a day.
I spend months writing one Anuli scene because of how much fae thinks/how different faer prose style is.
The workaround I'm trying to employ is writing small snippets. So any one of Anuli's tangents counts as one 'scene' (similar to how I write Kamari's snippets, except for Anuli it would be a lot of these snippets in one larger 'scene')
(I'm not going to rewrite my long scene to be snippets unless it works out that way tho... this could be one of those 'multi-part episodes'. )
The funny thing is that I was doing this (a bunch of Kamari and Anuli fluff) before I got to a 'pivotal scene' (everything changed when the fire nation attacked)... and I wrote a long scene. Granted, I was writing multiple sections of it at once (Anuli's prose is soo weird, I'm basically doing multiple drafts on different pages at once and I'll have to puzzle piece them together later)
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TL;DR - the plan for Anuli is to get faer storyline to a place where I can write one 'scene' in a longer arc. (Again, similar to Kamari, but Anuli takes a LOT longer to have any plot development because of Anuli's thinking.)
2) How did Anuli's decisions affect Kamari?
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Anuli pretty much ruined Kamari's life.
Because of this one decision (hence my long scene because this one moment literally changes everything) Kamari's entire life went downhill, and Anuli never stopped regretting it.
(And Anuli didn't even know what fae did was wrong until Kamari got upset... and ANULI HAS HIGH EMPATHY SO IT FEELS LIKE FAE IS DYING WHEN KAMARI IS UPSET WHOOPDEDOO <3)
Kamari's life as the High Protector? Gone. All for nothing.
Kamari's life with Ankh? Gone. Now Kamari would have to kill Ankh. Wonderous!
And the thing that does it for Anuli is that (once Anuli realizes that it's faer fault) Kamari did everything for Anuli, and fae ruined everything.
Yet Kamari still cared afterwards.
Fae shouldn't. It would've turned out better for faer if fae didn't.
And Anuli will never be able to fix it. No matter how hard fae tries.
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3) the mysterious Ankh
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(When I wrote that 'Ankh's smile did not match faer face', I did not think that it would actually be hard to draw. I was a fool.)
And I think part of the reason that Ankh is so ~mysterious~ is because
so I hide that <3
But anywhosies! Here's what I have for faer so far, I'm still figuring faer out though, so some things are subject to change!
(Also I'm almost to the point where both Kamari and Ankh get to Ankh's tree and that should have some more information about faer.)
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Ankh doesn't show much emotion. Fae doesn't feel anything that strongly for it to show upon faer face. Rather, fae is practical and observant, and fae cares so so much.
Ankh shows that fae cares with advice and suggestions. Fae also trained to be a healer.... and a comforter apparently... so both! Fae can do both!
(Healers and comforters are two different roles. Healers will heal wounds and more short-term ailments. Comforters help with long term issues and general health. Ankh wanted to be a healer, but the others pushed faer to be a comforter, because it didn't match faer personality. It made faer look cold and heartless compared to other comforters.)
Ankh doesn't realize that fae comes across as cold and heartless to others, nor does fae particularly understand why others get so hung up about their emotions. ("Why would you feel sad about that? It's only [logical explanation])
A lot of younglings love Ankh though. Particularly the ones that are more fallen fairy-esque than the rest. Ankh does like being around them, and faer tree. Fae doesn't understand how someone would fret over such small, small issues: like the way Ankh phrases things Everything is fine. Why ruin that?
Ankh comes from the Receiver territory. And in the Receiver territory, they value independence and a lack of influence from outside forces.
And Ankh doesn't seem like the best influence to some of the guardians. (Why is fae so harsh!? Why would we let faer be around our younglings!?
Meanwhile the younglings: you are our favorite fairy ever.
Ankh: None of you make any sense.
The younglings: *laughter*)
And this is the RECIEVER TERRITORY. It's so so rare for them to out a fallen fairy because they value independence so much.
But if someone makes them uncomfortable....
Yea so they collectively gave Ankh up to the ambassadors.
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Ankh, being practical, decided to make them regret that. Fae would chew faer claws to sharp points if it meant fae would survive. Fae would kidnap/convince the High Protector to stand down because this entire system is so ridiculously dumb. Fae would....
Well, fae can't exactly distance faerself from the Receiver Territory. Faer tree is there. And Ankh needs to regulate the ~weird feelings~ when fae is away from faer tree. Fae hates that.
... so perhaps not a revenge plot. Maybe a 'forget you all I'm doing what is right and fixing your mess... your welcome' plot.
(I'm still working on Ankh, but I think faer thing is supposed to be about society, that you can't really be satisfied without society accepting you. That Ankh has to fix it first... but by the stars that is difficult.)
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more ramblings
then they juxtapose each other!! YAY!!
(And Anuli doesn't really care about anyone other than Kamari, so faer response to that is to ruminate and regret and punish faerself)
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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I wanted something to draw, so I decided to continue my Favorite Cookies thing, so here’s the 3rd batch, featuring animal based Cookies
Also I was planning on having them all say things, but I couldn’t think of anything for Mocha Ray and Scorpion to say, so only Lobster says things
Lobster Cookie: I really like Lobster Cookie. First off I just like his design. Honestly I didn’t think I’d like a lobster as much as I do. Second I just think he’s interesting as a character. Despite being part of the Cookies of Darkness he’s probably one of the least evil of the group, considering he’s being manipulated. And even in the Sugarteara storyline, he doesn’t seem a bad guy, just being manipulated into thinking darkness is the way to save Sugarteara. And it’s clear he still loves the city and still takes his duties seriously
To be honest, I really want to see him interact with Dark Choco Cookie, because they’re very similar, yet different in crucial ways. Lobster wasn’t the cause of Sugarteara’s fall, and he still believes that it can be saved, though he’s blinded by that drive and doesn’t see that what he’s doing is wrong. Meanwhile Dark Choco is the cause of his kingdom’s fall, and he’s given up all hope of making things right. He knows what they’re doing is wrong, but seems to be here more as a form of self punishment than anything else, thinking this is the path he deserves. It’s kind of funny, they sort of each have what the other lacks; Dark Choco has the awareness to know what they’re doing is wrong, and Lobster has the hope that things can go back to how they once were. There’s also the fact that they both lost a physical part of themselves, but there’s a clear difference in how they feel about those things. Lobster lost his claw defending the temple, but he sees it as a symbol of his loyalty to Sugarteara and says he would gladly lose his other claw for the sake of it. Meanwhile Dark Choco lost his eye during his duel with his father, and while I don’t think we know how he feels about it, it’s likely that he sees it as a constant reminder of his actions and wrongdoings. I wonder, if the two were to team up and actually talk about each other’s past and motivations (because I doubt they’d do that normally, they’d probably both just see any mission together as a job to do and not talk much to the other), could they maybe help the other see that they can abandon the path of darkness and find a better one?
…sorry I’m in my literature class and I think it’s influencing me. I kind of want to write an essay on these two now, but I think I condensed all my thoughts here
But in any case, honestly I really want Lobster and Mocha Ray to be in Kingdom, but I don’t know how Sugarteara could reasonably fit into the narrative. I mean I suppose it could be a side story, but then Lobster is part of the main villain group, and that’s kind of important. Ah well. It would be nice, but I’m not sure if it would happen
Mocha Ray Cookie: to be honest, I love her mostly for her design. She looks so soft and squishy, I just want to hold her in my hands and like, gently squeeze her. That sounds weird. But you get what I mean? And she makes adorable noises when she slides, she sounds like an owl. I just really like her from a design perspective
And I hope she and Lobster are able to meet again and make up. To be honest I don’t know much about her from a personality perspective, but she seems interesting. It’s more about the aesthetic for me
Scorpion Cookie: similar to Mocha Ray, I mainly like her for her design. It just looks really cool and I love the colors. I also just want to know more about her. I like how she seems nice, but also I know she’s an assassin and that niceness may just be a facade, but she still seems interesting. I would also like to know more about the history between her and Lilac, and if there’s ever gonna be a confrontation about them with that
I also want her to be in Kingdom, and have a whole Yogurca update of some kind. I suppose it’s not urgent, as from what I can tell, Yogurca has no significance to the overall plot, so you can save it for after the Dark Enchantress storyline ends or just as a side story, but I’d like them to at least have some sort of update with them
Yeah I had much more to say about Lobster than either of the other two, but that’s probably because he’s been a target of my hyperfixation before, whereas the other two are more just Cookies I like looking at
Though now I’m curious what a group comprised of these three would do. Though I also imagine Scorpion would end up as some sort of third wheel here, given the other two’s history
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ovenmade · 3 months
9, 11, & 14!
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9. For canon characters, tell what drew you to use a character to make them a muse? Any of your choice.
I'll just talk a little about all of them! Strawberry Crepe was an easy choice for me. The moment I have a mess of lengthy, disorganized notes on my phone and a handful of Google docs filled with ideas and headcanons about a character, it's almost certain I'll be making a blog for them lol! Perhaps there is some familiarity with them and even Silverbell, as Strawberry Crepe has some shades of Sora Shiun'in while Silverbell has hints of III / Michael Arclight, but they're still very much different characters and certainly can't be treated as the same. Though now that we're talking about Silverbell, I honestly ended up picking him up pretty quickly because he just instantly appealed to me haha. I loved nearly everything about Secrets of the Silver Kingdom update, especially the culture and mythos of the faeries ( and of course the beasts ), and I will absolutely be expanding it with my own lore and such! I hope we get to revisit the faeries at some point. Red Velvet and Stardust both kinda fall in the same category — I love both of them as characters and enjoy their stories, but I've never quite written muses like either of them before. I've always wanted to broaden my horizons and try new types of characters, and Cookie Run gives me that chance in a way that other fandoms I'm in don't seem to. I'm not exactly confident in my portrayals of them yet, which is why Red Velvet and Stardust are currently labeled tertiary, but I actually do have a lot of thoughts and feelings about both of them! Eternal Sugar and Peach Blossom was purely because of aesthetic. Now that we actually have the story of Peach Blossom, which did not satisfy me simply for my bias of wanting him to be more important / involved ( especially considering his character inspiration ), it's more because of the potential I see in him. I feel a lot more can be done with Peach Blossom, and I very much plan on developing him further and having fun while I'm at it! As for Eternal Sugar, I'm very much looking forward to their debut episode ( whenever it comes ) and learning about how they became corrupted. I have a feeling all the beasts have a similar setup to Mystic Flour ( in that they didn't become 'evil' for the sake of being evil — there was a cause, a reason, an epiphany of some sort. ) My portrayal will probably stray away from canon to some degree because I already have a few personal headcanons for them, but to be honest, all my portrayals here are headcanon-based on some level or another. Some more than others, but my point still stands!
11. Have you ever drew any of your muses, if so can you show a drawing?
As far as my Cookie Run muses go? I haven't yet and that's a crime! My art is still amateurish and I haven't drawn consistently enough to have improved very much, but I've been trying to revisit the basics and go forward from there more recently, jotting down ideas for when I feel my skills are a bit better. That said, there isn't really anything worthy to show off really unless you want to see a bunch of studies lmao, but here's some of my old art anyways! Again, far from professional, but as Bob Ross says: "Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you're willing to practice, you can do."
14. Which of your muses is the easiest to get along with? Which one is the hardest?
Out of the current roster, Peach Blossom is probably the easiest and Strawberry Crepe the hardest! Almost anyone could get along with Peach Blossom honestly. It's actually a little funny that he was in Dark Cacao's story, the cookie with the least trust for strangers ( though his distrust is understandable, especially with what he went through in Beast-Yeast. ) Strawberry Crepe being the hardest to bond with is also ironic, given that they are actually lonely and do desire the company of others ( despite acting like they don't. )
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