#will i write up something silly using a bit of headcanon from an AU that's never being posted? yes
acesgarden · 7 months
Can you please do a Lloyd X reader Lloyd has full control over his Oni form and he gives the reader big cuddles in private so no other ninja knows about the big cuddling because Lloyd lock his door so no one interworks the cuddling jay manage to take a photo of Lloyd and the reader cuddling and jay send the photo to garmadon and Lloyd ended up chasing jay till the reader calm him down (in this au not only does Garamond not sacrifice him self but he still has his Oni form and the other ninjas know about his Oni form and this take place a month after crystallized and when Lloyd chase jay Lloyd turns back into his human form this is just pure fluff)
I completely forgot about this request oh my. 😭 So so so sorry bout that haha. Anywayyyy this was fun to execute hehe, though not my favorite. I love writing soft and silly things oml. I needed this after this morning. I can now work on my other requests 😭
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Warm Embrace
Type ->
Pairing ->
Lloyd G. X GN!Reader
Warnings ->
Ooc Lloyd(?), Headcanons present👍, Fluff lots and lots of fluff!
Summary ->
Lloyds a big cuddle bug, does he want the rest of the ninja or even his family to know? No. Absolutely not. He’s embarrassed by it. Yet secrets are just something you can’t keep in the Ninja house hold…
853 words | Masterlist
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Peaceful, tranquil, soft. Three words you’d use to describe the scene. From the soft light filtering in, to the melody of birds songs, and the methodical rhythm of your lover’s heart beat; the rise and fall of his chest. It was not an uncommon practice between you and Lloyd. But it still posed the issue of locked doors and chatter of embarrassment. An issue you’ve grown to accept as it meant spending time with the boy you’ve grown to love.
And the best part? Double the arms, double the cuddles. He had grown to control his Oni form (he wouldn’t admit it but his dad helped a ton.) Lloyd had asked to try it out once and turns out you both enjoyed it to the point it became the common ritual of cuddling. Comfy clothing, snacks, maybe a show, and one giant Oni holding you like you’re the only thing in the world.
The big body shuffled around you, tired eyes meeting yours. a golden snout burying into your neck with a tired sigh. Reaching a hand up and stroking his hair.
“So soft..” it came out almost a whisper, a small laugh coming out with a loving smile.
Lloyd (like many other Oni) purred, his own lovingly fanged smile appearing on his snout. maneuvering you to lay on his chest with the small repetitive vibration occurring. It was one thing you tended to forget.
“Okayy you, c’mere.”
A shrieking giggle left her as he began to tickle her, unable to stop his four arms she was defenseless.
“Ch-hahaha-eater haha!”
This went on for a good five minutes till she spoke up from her laughter.
“I yield, I yield!” Her voice hoarse from laughter but bright and smiley as she calmed down, finding comfort in the room's now quiet sound. A quiet transition into simple talking.
Lloyd spoke of his day, the usual patrolling. Something stupid Kai and Cole ended up doing. Trailing on up to this one robbery they had to stop-
“-And then! One of the robbers jumped out from behind a plant and tried to ambush us!” Lloyd said, throwing his lower arms out dramatically.
“Oh really now? And what did you do to stop it?”
“Jay struck him with lightning..”
“Oh? Well that was very noble of-“ A camera clink and string of curses interrupted his retelling.
“What-?” Lloyd slipped out from under, looking at you confused with a bit of panic.
“I’m sure it’s nothing Lloyd.” He opens the door just to check, and is met with an equally panicking Jay behind the door.
“Oh- oh! Hey Lloyddd How’s it going?” You could see him hide his hands behind his back from where you sat on the bed.
“What did you see?”
“Liar.” Lloyd seemed to have caught a glimpse of something and began to chase. “Oh first spinjitzu” you laughed, worriedly. Hearing the shrieks coming from down the hall. You walk to the open door peeking out and down the hall to see a few familiar and curious but confused looking faces.
“Jay” was all they needed to hear before a disappointed Nya walked after them. You joined her, everyone else slowly filling after.
The scene the group would walk out too was Jay clinging onto a tall piece of equipment for dear life, as Lloyd was trying to find a way up. And it seemed Jay was trying to do something? frantically typing away as he screamed for Lloyd to leave him alone.
“Not until you delete that photo Jay!”
“What photo.. Wait- Jay Walker-Gordon I swear to the first spinjitzu master if you don’t delete it this instance.” You walk right up to the equipment, standing right beside Lloyd, glaring just as intense as Lloyd’s face looked embarrassed.
“.. Too late?”
“What do you mean 'too late’?”
“Jay what did you do?” The both of you spoke in sync, worried but poor Lloyd was panicking.
“I.. mayhaveaccidentallysentittoyourdad..”
You looked between the two. Lloyd looked shocked but flushed with embarrassment, then to Jay with a scared but awkward look.
“Lloyd, I’m sure we can deal with this later, maybe he won’t see for a while. It’s Jay, I'm sure his texts aren’t important, no offense Jay, to your dad. c'mon you.” Lloyd, who has since softed by you into his normal form, allowed himself to be pulled away by you and back to his room.
There they got comfortable again, Lloyd calming down while being held by the person he loved. Yeah.. thinking about it you were right. It was something that could be dealt with later.
Until the familiar buzzing of his phone was heard. Knowing immediately what it was he groaned. You just laughed smiling at the embarrassed ninja holding onto her.
His secret was out and there was nothing they could do but embrace the teasing that will no doubt follow.
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aerkame · 1 year
Alright I read your request rules and I’m ready to request!
Wally Darling x Curious Reader
You know that little fic you made where you wrote the puppets coming into the real world? (I commented on it!)——I hope you wouldn’t mind me trying to branch off it! Imaging it happening to me, I would actually like to inspect Wally since he’s clearly not human. Of course, with consent. I would open his mouth- see what’s inside, touch his felt, his hair, all of it.
And I’d imagine he’d be curious about us too.
Sorry for this being a bit late, I wanted a short break from writing and drawing all day. Also I'm perfectly fine with that being branched off of! Most of my previous posts are kind of like foundations for future fics and requests to go off of.
Also for the sake of simplicity I will just call this an AU(Alternate Universe). The Alive AU. It's exactly what it sounds like, the puppets come to life but as their cartoon selves in the real world and are capable of going back to their own world at any time. (Wally needs to do that though or they're stuck, he knows what he's doing). I'm also doing this so that in the future when we do have answers to Welcome Home, it won't interfere with theories or what is considered "canon". This request is based on a previous post (linked below this), for context.
Just a Little Look
Out of all the other 'puppets', Wally was the one you were most curious and cautious about. It wasn't that he ate differently, it wasn't because his eyes looked different from the rest, and it wasn't because he was always staring at you. No, it was the way he acted. He acted like he's done this before. The whole going into this world and not being a normal puppet bit. You decided that you might as well ask Wally if you could feel him or look inside his mouth...maybe not that first one though, that might come out as weird to him and the others. It's not like he had a reason to say no really, you were just curious.
The 'puppet' with an Elvis cut was sitting down on your couch one leg crossed over the other like the distinguished dude that he was, face buried in a newspaper from this morning. You don't remember teaching him how to read the newspaper, where did he even get that? "Hey Wally..." You shuffled your foot a bit, getting somewhat anxious. "Can I look in your mouth?"
"Hmm?" He looked up from reading the paper with an almost dreamy look to him. "Can I look in your mouth?" You repeated the question, this time he heard you as his head tilted to the side. "Now what would you want to look in my mouth for?" His voice was as calm as usual, though he did have a bit of a smirk today.
"I'm just curious is all, you're not like the others and I've never seen what you guys look like on the inside." You gestured to the inside of your mouth, sticking your tongue out. Wally slowly got up from the couch and leaned over you, smirk still lingering on his face. "Well, I don't see why not, but I'll only let you look inside me if you let me look inside you." You nodded, excited to finally get a look. "Alright, sounds fair." You responded as Wally folded up the newspaper and neatly placed it on the coffee table.
Bending down, Wally opened his mouth quite a bit to let you look, making a small "Ahhh~" like a child would when letting a doctor look at their throat. You peered over to see inside. It was what a normal puppet mouth would look like save for the small black void at the back of the 'throat'. You're not even going to question how Wally speaks or eats, nothing surprises you anymore at this point. Kind of weird to see what is basically a tiny void though.
He closed his mouth once you were done looking before leaning closer to softly grab your face in his hands. It wasn't what you'd thought it'd feel like. You were expecting something like felt, but that wasn't it. It was some other material you've never felt before, it was soft and smooth like silk, but not in a sense that it was fabric. "I believe it's my turn to see the inside of your mouth now." You nodded quietly and opened your mouth as wide as you could, showing off your canines and molars.
It was awkwardly quiet in the living room for a while and you slowly found yourself leaning further and further into the soft hands that held your head up earning a small chuckle from Wally. "Tired?" You nodded. It's been a rough week both from your job getting busy and you being busy at the house trying to keep your new guests out of trouble. "It's like I'm taking care of a bunch of kids.." You mumbled into his hands.
"How about you take a good nap then, you'll be up and full of that energy you need." There it was again. You could feel him staring at you with those eyes. You were too tired to say anything this time though and opted for just getting up and heading to your room. Leaving behind a still smirking Wally.
I told you guys, I write medium to long posts even if they take a while.
Next up? Barnaby and Wally teach the dear reader how to slow dance. :)
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ozzgin · 1 year
Hi, i noticed you were taking requests so i wanted to know if you could make something with a tall reader and i thinking REALLY tall reader 😅 ( like Jack Hanma tall). However reader as a shy and kind personality. I thought of this after seeing " Tall girl" on Netflix 🤣. I was thinking you could write about reader first meeting and a small bit of dating with several Baki AU man cause I really think Hanayama and Jack would love a girl like this.
Of course you can choose to make this with yanderes if you want or to change a bit from my request so you can make something you're confortable to write about.
Thanks for reading this, i hope you'll have a good day, bye.
How exciting, my very first request here! Thank you for the suggestion, I’m loving the idea.
Baki Characters x Tall Reader Headcanons
Featuring Jack Hanma, Kaoru Hanayama, Baki Hanma and Pickle! And a VERY tall reader.
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Jack Hanma
Jack is only interested in becoming stronger and, as he often likes to mention, has no time for mundane pleasures like women.
It just so happened that (Y/N) was getting her regular checkup at the time Jack was discharged from his last bone lengthening surgery. You accidentally bumped into him in the hospital halls and immediately apologized. Jack would have responded with his usual scowl if he didn’t end up speechless and baffled at the fact he was looking someone right in the eyes.
He wasn’t used to the feeling of encountering someone of the same height as him. He immediately regretted acting so silly and became somewhat flustered, attempting to mutter some generic scolding like “Just be more careful next time”.
You were beaming at the fact there’s someone as tall as you out there. Jack, on the other hand, was increasingly irritated by the knot forming in his stomach upon seeing your wide smile.
Truly exasperating. He could be training right now and instead he’s awkwardly standing in front of a restaurant. He’s gritting his teeth in annoyance, but his jaw instantly relaxes when he hears your voice greeting him.
He starts noticing that outings with you result in him being more focused and relaxed afterwards. You seem to have a calming effect on him. Most people are, in fact, very surprised to see you two together. Someone as stubborn and intense as Jack is now accompanied by a timid, welcoming woman.
A certain fulfillment begins to make its way into his heart. If he’s going to fall for a woman, it should be someone like you. No, it HAS to be you. You’re making him a better man and ground him when he’s close to losing sight of what’s ahead.
He would absolutely never show it, but Jack loves entering the fighting arena knowing that you’re right behind, watching him. It’s the motivation he never knew he needed.
Kaoru Hanayama
Hanayama noticed you were having trouble with some street hooligans and quietly interfered to shoo them away. He was planning to leave the same way, without any further words, but he couldn’t help his curiosity.
He found it rather amusing that someone as imposing as you is, in fact, terribly shy. He’d wondered if you’re a foreigner given he’s never seen another girl like you. After his polite inquiries, he came to the realization that he finds your company extremely pleasant.
The first few dates were a challenge on whose turn it is to break the silence, with Hanayama’s introverted nature and your initial sheepishness leading to clumsy but cute interactions. Later, Hanayama was surprised to hear himself talking more than usual, giving you glimpses of his life. He was prepared to be a faithful, stoic listener, yet the roles often switched and he’d find himself completely open with you.
Perhaps it’s your warmth that invited him to be this raw and vulnerable, or your noble sincerity. Either way, he is grateful that you’ve allowed such intimacy to develop between the two of you.
Reputation is vital in the yakuza world, which is why Hanayama always strives to impress friends and foes alike. He couldn’t have asked for a better partner to stand by his side. He’s absolutely thrilled to introduce you as his, someone of his stature.
If you’re ever feeling insecure about your height, he will remind you to stand proud as the soon-to-be wife of the family head. Everyone already refers to you as Ane-san and Hanayama demands that you’re treated with the utmost respect.
Baki Hanma
The moment the young boy laid his eyes on you, his mouth hung out in amazement and he couldn’t help but exclaim his admiration. Only afterwards had he realized his rudeness and profusely apologized, with his blush extending all the way to his ears. Hopefully he hadn’t offended you in any way. You reassuring him with a friendly smile that you appreciate his compliment is what sealed the deal for him.
While your height caught Baki’s attention, it’s your personality that caused him to become entirely infatuated. You’re so kind and caring and he finds himself helplessly addicted to your affection.
He doesn’t mind the height difference and will constantly shower you with compliments, just in case you ever doubt yourself. Someone on the street giving the two of you funny looks? Baki will excuse himself for 5 minutes and will return with reddened knuckles. Nothing to worry about.
Even though you’re much taller, he likes to remind you that you’re still his precious darling. He loves to pick you up and carry you around like a princess. If he’s feeling cheeky he might tease you like this in public until you’re a blushing mess.
Pickle immediately noticed you among the spectators to his fights. He was struck with a faint familiarity, a female human closer to what he would’ve expected to see back in his time.
He’s intrigued and will do everything he can to see you again. Perhaps you’d even allow him to be your mate!
He loves that you’re shy and soft spoken and enjoys lazing with his head in your lap, listening to your voice. It calms him down and helps him sleep.
He doesn’t understand that your height is unusual and you might sometimes be self-conscious about it. To him, you look more normal than all those tiny humans and he cherishes your appearance.
You’re the perfect height for him to rest his chin on your head. He’ll often hug you from behind and just stand like that for as long as possible, purring lightly.
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three-realms-archive · 2 months
The Three Realms Archive: Masterlist and Rules!
Welcome to the Three Realms Archive, where you can find stories about the beings that reside in the Three Realms and beyond! Whether it be stories of the Avatars of Sin, the students of Prince Diavolo’s RAD exchange programme, or of the incredible human who became sorcerer under the tutelage of the Wise Sorcerer and Master of the Seven Rulers of the Underworld… You can find their stories here!
Atmospheric introduction aside, welcome to this side blog for writing to do with Obey Me! And Obey Me! Nightbringer. These will most likely be bits and pieces that come to me when they come.
My ideas inbox is currently open (use the ‘Ideas Here!’ tab to send them), but please read the rules below first!!!
This blog is new, so bear with me whilst I work on aesthetics and getting started on writing/uploading some stuff I've written :D
Rules and masterlist under the cut:
Rules and Considerations
Please be kind and respectful to each other!
For personal reasons, this is a non-NSFW blog. Please do not suggest NSFW in the ideas box beyond slightly suggestive - any requests like this will be ignored. I will do my best to place content warnings where I think it's needed.
The ideas inbox is called such because you can be as vague as you want - even a single word. However, it is also called this because they are ideas and - depending on various factors like my schedule, how inspired I am, and how much certain ideas inspire me to write - there is no guarantee I write for every idea, or the same amount for every idea. Thank you for understanding in advance :D
I’m a fairly new OBM player, so if anything I write is contrary to the canon, please let me know and I can add a note or rectify it. Most of these are meant to be “imagine the character in this situation” and my personal interpretation.
Have fun!
🌟Inspired by an ideas inbox request!
Oneshot Fics
Checking In: The House of Lamentation family check into a human-world hotel.
Beware MC, the Kind: Sorcerer MC is gaining a reputation similar to that of their teacher, Solomon the Wise. But for what reasons?
Let's Form an Idol Group: Will Asmo's next attempt at making his brothers into a boy band succeed? (This one has a cute commenting challenge - please check it out!)
Dramatic Drama: Telenovelas can be very emotionally-investing for demons.
🌟A Small, Little Lie: TSL Arranged Marriage! AU. The sentence "I love you" means very different things to the Lord of Masks and his spouse and former-knight, Henry.
Love Me, Or Not: Satan pulls on flower petals, hoping to get the same result you did.
Was Never Your First, After All: A childhood friend visits you and Mammon realises ‘first man’ doesn’t suit him much anymore.
First Dates: A collection of first date thoughts from each Avatar of Sin.
Short Snippets
Ante Up: Mammon finds he's a lot more motivated to win quickly when he's at the casino with you.
The RAD School Play: Ideas about MC’s role in a school play at RAD.
Six Pillows and a Tattered Armchair: An angsty (ref. to Lesson 16) accompaniment to ‘Beel is Pillow’, exploring Belphie’s relationship with sleep in the aftermath of his actions.
The RAD Cheer Squad: 2, 4, 6, 8 - who do we appreciate? … Probably not whoever came up with the RAD Cheer Squad.
What Is Up, Fellow Celestials?: Luke finds this one human really, really cool. MC and Simeon suffer the consequences.
Just Wanting To Be Included: Mammon and Beel post a FabSnap video, but their brother just wants to be included.
Debuting Change: Diavolo invites a special guest to a special occasion.
Just A Study: Solomon tries to convince himself that living with you was just a study. Spoilers for Nightbringer Lesson 40!
Relent: Belphie has a super, super smart plan to get you to cuddle in bed with him.
A Rainy Day Indulgence: Simeon dances with you in the rain, and it reminds him of something.
Unhinged™: A bunch of silly headcanons that could each be their own anime episodes. Chaotic things the OBM! cast have done. Inspired by this post by @leniisreallycool.
Beel is Anything, If You Beel-ieve
A very unserious collection of slice-of-life snippets, where Beel goes on a journey to become as many things as possible.
Beel is Pillow: Beel is pillow.
Beel is Paint: Beel is paint, according to Asmo.
Beel is Anime: Beel is anime, and Levi is not okay with this.
🌟 Scars, Wounds and Minor Inconveniences
A series exploring slice-of-life snapshots of the Obey Me! characters in the aftermath of Lesson 16. Each chapter is made up of two posts: a oneshot centred around one of MC's scars, wounds or minor inconveniences; and a post with the general headcanons inspiring the oneshot. Features references to injury and spoilers for Lesson 16 of OG Obey Me!.
Phantom Pain (Oneshot + Headcannons): Mammon is used to your 'needles-thing' by now. He doesn't mind it. After all, he has his own things he does every now and again.
A Weak Wrist (Oneshot + Headcannons): Your wrist is still weak from the TSL Quiz; so Lucifer doesn’t understand why you trust Leviathan more.
Nightmares (Oneshot + Headcannons): Belphegor relishes you and Beel growing further apart... until he doesn't, when Beel's dreams change.
Splintered Arms and a New Bedtime Routine (Oneshot + Headcannons - Coming Soon!): The angels are confused at the weird routine you and Beel have before bedtime during a sleepover at Purgatory Hall.
Better, Quicker Reflexes (Oneshot + Headcannons - Coming Soon!): Lucifer used to think his form of discipline was effective.
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pixiecactus · 4 months
one of the headcanons/aus i'm really fond of is, lyanna survives jon's birth (we are going to ignore how all of westeros handles that change and it's repercussions, because certainly it would be a butterfly effect and this just a self-indulgent not serious at all post) and let's imagine the fact that she had a child out of wedlock and the shame westeros society would put upon her for this is ignored, or most importantly ned stark, lord of winterfell and warden of the north decides to completely ignore it and lyanna is living in winterfell of her own free will with her son, i hope this helps to set the scene. i'm not going to talk about jon finally having a mother figure and a loving one at that, i'm deeply sorry. but i will tell you that i definitely see catelyn and lyanna butting heads in this one, catelyn would not be pleased with having an unmarried and dishonored lady and her bastard son around her highborn family.
but this post is about my girl, arya. this little girl would benefit so much of having a northern woman around her. in canon it's baffling how much southern education is prioritized in the stark household over a northern one.
arya is failing at septa mordane's teaching all the same in this universe, she confides in jon, because you bet they are just as close in this au as in canon and this ends up with jon making a off-hand comment to his mother.
so lyanna decides to take action, she starts to attend the girls lessons wanting to know why arya, who reminds her of her very own childhood, is failing at them (i just want (1) one adult to actually take the time and pay attention to arya and figure out that she's left-handed, thank you very much!)
this post is getting to long when what i only wanted was to write a few lines, so let me get some plotpoints going:
i believe lyanna would talk with the septa about arya's preferred hand, look i'm a self-proclaimed septa mordane hater so you get where this is going, but the septa refuses to listen. no, i don't think she would get fired over this, maybe if i was her employer, well hell yes. but i don't see eddard and/or catelyn making this type of decision over this issue. so lyanna takes it in her own hands to teach her embroidery (i will make a reader's choice if lyanna knows how to embroider or not beforehand)
but the image of lyanna trying her hardest to make sure arya is able to succeed at this task in late nights sessions, because there's not really a reasonable time slot left in arya's itinerary, with jon at her side willing to learn too, because honestly who cares if a bastard boy is learning embroidery with his mother and cousin, who cares if that's a designated "lady activity", he just wants to see his mother and arya smile, it warms my heart.
i want this conversation to happen in this au too:
“A wolf with a fish in its mouth?” It made her laugh. “That would look silly. Besides, if a girl can’t fight, why should she have a coat of arms?” Jon shrugged. “Girls get the arms but not the swords. Bastards get the swords but not the arms. I did not make the rules, little sister.”
and you know what is the result of that conversation in jon's mind: the need to give "needle" to arya. of course in this context, it will not be a parting gift, so i think it could be meant as a nameday present. maybe when arya had reached twelve namedays.
i'm finally getting to the part i wanted to write initially:
i'd love to see both arya and lyanna's personalities shinning through, in lyanna teaching arya how to use needle. from the bits and pieces we have in the books, we can assumed lyanna was passionated about sword fighting and she loved the activity as well. arya is overly joyous in being able to learn something that was deemed "only for boys" too, after all, she considers that having activities designated to do by gender is pretty stupid!
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persnickettes · 5 months
War of Faith fics!
So @stultiloquentia told me to link my fic here on Tumblr! In truth I've been remiss about sharing my complete War of Faith obsession here, but I am so, so obsessed. This show isn't even stealth m/m romance, as far as I'm concerned, it's just a straightforward BL about these two and their intense smoldering obsession with each other, masquerading as political idealism, but no one here is fooled, I mean look at them look at them
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like if you haven't watched show yet you're sleeping on not only one of THE best c-dramas in recent memory, with stellar acting and edge-f-your-seat action and layered writing and intricate direction and absolutely gorgeous production design, but one of the most satisfying queer subtexts of any show ever.
um. which is to say i have been trying very hard to make this fandom happen by way of writing fics in a variety of shapes and sizes, and i haven't linked any of them here yet but if anyone would like to read them, here they are!
All fics are Shen Tunan/Wei Ruolai.
Out of his system. 1,269 words. Just a short scene and a quick bit of shenlai suit kink because i couldn't take their blazing UST anymore. Written after episode 8, which was 5 eps before the show actually gave us canonical shenlai suit kink?!?! This show, I swear. I swear!!!!
Wedding night. 3,385 words. Written after episode 16 and the epic staircase wedding ceremony. Just taking things to the obvious next level.
Ask a Manager: My boss is showing blatant favoritism to my coworker. This is just a silly meme I wrote based on the actual AAM blog before Congyun's longsuffering got kinda sad actually.
of a feather. 5,657 words. Kind of a pre-canon AU that posits spy!handler Shen Tunan, meeting a teen Wei Ruolai. Cue mutual obsession. I was so obsessed with this headcanon, I had to write it.
鵬程萬里. 1,130 words. A sort of stream-of-consciousness ramble from Ruolai's pov on becoming half of an intense soulmate bond, look i didn't say any of this was restrained.
Okay and here finally is an actual fic fic, except not because it started out as just a series of 5+1 sketches and then became a fic in the second half despite my best efforts.
So I guess when I say I've been "writing fic" for this pairing I just mean I've been frantically coughing up loosely formed ideas hoping something sticks and might inspire other people to watch this show and join me in this pit because holy christ this pairing is off the chain— hot, sexy, mutually obsessed, so fucking smart and competent and obsessed with each other's briliance, so completely capable of trading who doms who in the relationship while equally capable of forming a lifetime lifestyle dom/sub partnership, 100% society elite power couple while also rough-and-ready rivals having intense soulmate bond sex in-between trying to fuck each other over for social justice, just an OTP for the ages.
sigh. just. shenlai everyone. SHENLAI.
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kalivasquezart · 3 months
Just wanted to say that I absolutely love your au about the Pioneer. Its so well thought out and just overall amazing and oh boy dont even get me started on your art— absolutely beautiful💖💕
I also am working on an au based off of Artis pups and when I found you I was like 🫢🫵 Very similar ideas 👀👀👀Also Hunter as Pioneer’s mentor is SUCH A COOL CONCEPT— Like like cause Hunters my favorite scug and the fact that you included him in your au and as Marbles’ mentor is just *squeals* but it also makes a lot of sense considering he comes a little bit after Arti and is one of the few scugs who can encounter pups in their campaign. I also wanted to ask if its okay with you if I use that idea/concept in my own au 👉👈
I was also thinking about Pioneer’s brother— Ik you said that you hc him as being dead, like officially, but I thought it would be interesting if he was still alive. I personally was inspired to let him live in my au simply because of some official art of Gorum (specifically his endings art especially the food quest one where he has a suspiciously familiar green slugpup). I was thinking something like what happened to Surv and Monk (the one-way pipe considering the fact that he kind of began to drift to the right as he sank) happened to him and Gorum found him. Idk these are just ideas Im using for my own au but thought I would share.
I just realized this is super long sorry HANDNAND I am insane and write too much
ahhhh thank you for the kind words skek YOU FLATTER ME~
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[there are rain world spoilers regarding artificer's capaign below, be warned]
while my current headcanon is that the green pup died, i've been thinking very hard about it for the last week or so, and IMO there's a high chance i will retcon that. if the pipe thing is canon to Surv/Monk campaigns then i'm even more eager to adopt that idea. my only real hold-up about the pup was that we clearly see it drown in Arti's dream (the same flashing aura behaviour when you swim underwater), and if he really did drown then the only way to bring him back to life would be through karmic rebirth "last checkpoint save" kind of thing… which feels a bit cheap? a little too simple for me. i'm heavily biased here, because a while ago i read an interesting lore post of someone trying to explain why Arti's pups wouldn't "respawn" if they were killed, while Arti did. in short, the pups were too young to be bound by karma and so when they died, they died for good (reincarnated as a different creature, maybe) - but Artificer being an adult and already having experienced the urges before, was brought back. if i can, i will try to find that post again, and link it here.
ANYWAY yeah, personal AUs don't have to strictly comform to the game's canon, i keep forgetting about that. hell, i've seen people revive scav king or, i dunno, SOS from the dead, and they made it work.
speaking of my AU again, i may also have headcanon'd Arti's mate as a semi-aquatic scug (less freaky than riv tho), and so Bryn/green pup would have inherited some of those genes, making him more likely to survive the drowning. so yeah, i think i like the storytelling potential of keeping the pup alive, althought i'd have to sit down and do a proper brainstorming on what that means… when Arti and Marbles eventually reunite with their long lost other half of the family.
by the way, if you (or anyone else reading this post) wants to use my ideas in their own AU then i'm okay with that! no need to credit or anything. many people come up with similar concepts anyway, it'd be silly to try and police them on it.
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alma-amentet · 2 months
Why do you dislike the DLC main story so much?
Not to argue or something, just wondering after seeing you ranting in the tags.
I just don't like it. It didn't meet my expectations. In the end, yeah, it comes down to preferences... Though I agree on 'bad writing', and it's just good to know I'm not alone in this.
You know, I'd like it. After all, I knew what I was messing into and didn't expect a happy ending, Age of Abundance (though it was in cut content, so...) or something. It could've been a beautiful tragic story of Miquella loosing parts of himself as a last desperate attempt to fix things but failing.
There are good rewrites, this is one of my favorites
But there are major things that I'll never accept as canon.
Promised consort Retcon. Makes no sense. Bad writing, and I will really die on this hill. Bc no evidence of this in the base game and a weird idea in general. Also how drastically they ruined the battle of Aeonia. Like... really? This feels like fanservice/trollery (assuming fandom's past fights). Horseboy's story should have ended with the festival (for me it did).
'Mohg beating allegations' and all that evil charm thing. First of all, no way he did, he's still an evil bloody cultist. Secondly, him being charmed makes it actually more problematic in some ways. I liked him as a well-designed villain acting on his own and Formless Mother's behalf, the new reveals ruin his character for me. Third, there are known plotholes (like others not acting this way under the charm or why would he travel to the Haligtree and back - could've stayed there or something). In the end, I think it's Ansbach who's a real charmer, charming the fandom. Luckily I'm not into handsome old men, so not buying it. He's devoted to his lord, that's all, no matter how wise and reasonable he may seem (still devoted, mind you).
There are other new bits of lore that look more OK... Though they have plotholes and contradictions, too (questioning ideas of godhood and the Shattering itself - that's what I can remember).
Much's been said in general, not gonna repeat (you can find it in my older posts and reposts). I see people analyzing and rationalizing new lore, enjoying the DLC. Good for them. Even envious at some point. As for myself, no matter how I miss my prev happy times in the fandom, now I see not much sense in discussing it, finding deep meanings etc. Loved to watch lore vids, now I mostly can't even if I want to. Maybe rewatching my older fav ones, but not most new ones. Some content is just upsetting. I'll need it anyway for my own AU and headcanons, so hope I'll find strenght, but not now.
Again, It feels like a joke or trollery, and if the authors themselves treat it this way, why should I bother wasting my time/energy?
There are some other details that are still interesting (like Marika's backtory n stuff), yet again, could've been a beautiful tragic story... but oh.
I used to be in kids/tween fandoms, which were silly by default, neither deep meaning nor dark complex philosophy. Yet some of them were making even more sense in writing, while others were not given high expectations right from the start, that's it.
Not leaving the fandom bc it's not done so easily, will even do some fanarts (finally. hopefully). I think I'll dwell solely on AUs / fixes / rewrites and some visuals without much context. Also on things I liked before the DLC and things I still like (like Maliketh/Marika), and filtering unsettling content as much as I can. But yes, you'll see me venting and supporting other people's rants. Untill my passion fades naturally and switches to something else.
I'll pick up the base game back when I can (my current PC won't run it by any chance), but will notbe buying the DLC. At least, for now.
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thehistoriangirl · 3 months
my mexican twin.... I DEMAND MORE LATINX READER X VIKTOR!! (politely) i think its just fun to see representation even in lil silly fics hehe
For now I have some headcanons I would love to write into fics but I haven't had the inspiration to do it as prettily as I wish to 😭😭 I hope you like them 💛💛💛
Okay so the headcanons:
Viktor x Latinx gn!Reader (SFW)
TW: These are Mexican-related (bc I'm Mexican lol), but some can apply to different Latin cultures! :3
He DEFS gains a few pounds once you two start dating
Like either because YOU feed him (sometimes against his will bc he's """soooooo busy""" (shoving him a torta de milanesa during his lunchtime)
Or because YOUR FAMILY feeds him once you present him over. Imagine your cool grandma/cool aunt inspecting it with 😱😱😱😱 faces because MY MAN IS SO SCRUNKLY. It's a family's duty to up some pounds on those bones
And he enjoys to be being pampered you know, I imagine him like the classic "Oh but I'm full already 🥺" when you put another bowl full of pozole in front of him, and then he says he's only eating it for peer pressure around the table--but that's. a LIE!!!!
Yall can't tell me he doesn't get a round bump after a particularly yummy party. He's like starting to doze off on the table like a baby after eating his fourth tamal during your cousin's XV años.
Even if at night he's like 🥺🥺🥺 "my love my tummy hurts" (for the spice, idk why i headcanon he can get gastritis really easily lkfhjdklfjf) and here it goes the milk remedy winkwink
Also pan de dulce 👀👀👀 he falls in love with pan de dulce istg, and he can eat it with milk????? sign him the fuck up. The same with pastel de tres leches
Also he starts to mumble songs in bad Spanish--an idea @apuwu had talked with me over Discord before JKDJHDFJKFJH. My man is just vibing without knowing the grisly lyrics behind a seemingly happy tune
But you prefer not to tell him because he just looks so adorable mumbling it mindlessly while working <3333
He doesn't dance much bc his legs hurt if he keeps putting pressure on it during too long, but you can definitely coarse him into dancing one or two.
Otherwise he just likes to watch you dance, even if you don't really know how to/are a lil bit clumsy. You look very happy dancing with your family/friends that he gets smitten all over again
He's kinda scarred for life once he saw kids breaking a piñata during one of your nephews' birthdays & un bolo during a baptism (where the hosts throw money so the guests could pick it up) (iykyk)
He started to watch telenovelas by mistake. Like maybe you were watching one or just putting it like white background noise while doing something else.
And at first he was like 🙄🙄🙄 "if the characters would do X thing or Z, this problem would be easily resolved/this problem wouldn't exist", and you tell him that it is for the 💥d r a m a💥
As it happened to the best of us when you're hanging out in the living room and your mom is watching a telenovela---Viktor just gets HOOKED. He doesn't know when it happened or how but he is invested
Sometimes you arrive home from a date with your friends and find Viktor and Jayce watching a telenovela on the couch
[For context, in my lil derange mind, in a contemporary AU Jayce is Latino. No i will not elaborate thank you]
He helps you make the Día de Muertos ofrenda <3333 he just loves to gets all craftsty and he's so interested about the concept that he even brings a photos of his passed family members. May even cook something they liked to put it in there alongisde yours :3
For now that's all! I hope to make some short fics with these soon! Like during Independence's Day KDJFDJKFJHF <3
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buffporcupine · 9 months
death note headcanons
because i know my death note mutuals aren’t getting what they wanted from me
-can crack his elbows the way one would crack their knuckles
-probably had to do a musical elective in his first year of middle school and chose guitar cause he thought it would be easy but it wasn’t.
-the type of song he really enjoys is very specific. going to hell yet i tried so so hard to please god song. i missed my only chance song. why wasn’t i like the other kids song. thrones playlist. i could elaborate but i won’t
-as for sexuality, i see him as not wanting to put a label on whatever he is in theory but in practice being some type of bispec (probably berriromantic) for romantic attraction and then somewhere on the asexual spectrum for sexual attraction.
-as for gender i see him as agender whose not really in labeling himself as anything when it comes to sexuality and gender.
-agender but probably 100% fine with being super male presenting. he just wants to keep out of gender as a convo and that’s great. good for him
-no!!!!! i refuse to say this mf is aromantic (because it’s not accurate and it’d be an insult to aromantic people to say he’s aro)!!!!!
-just because he manipulated misa and kiyomi into doing his bidding and didn’t love them doesn’t immediately make him aro. i’m sure he could have found someone if he wanted to, and he could have loved them if he was with them to love them, but he wasn’t with them to love them he was with them to use them.
-half belgian half japanese. her parents met in belgium while her father was on vacation.
-also im torn bcos i wanna write an au where misa is mexican and that’s it everything else is the same as canon but i’m pretty sure that’s just me wanting her to be even more Like Me (tm)
-speaks a little bit of english, way more french, and obvi japanese. finds linguistics interesting but doesn’t have enough time to research it that thoroughly
-likes being short and “small” small girl aesthetic i guess but sometimes wishes she had longer legs so she could wear skirts w/o looking silly and short
-panromantic does not see gender at all when becoming attracted to someone. i see her as def on the ace spectrum, maybe something like demisexual or aegosexual. could be me projecting dunno.
-she’s probably dated both girls and boys before
-would NOT break up with someone in a rude way or just dump them. she’d put a lot of effort into an apology and explanation into why.
-if she met miu iruma they’d be best friends. sorry i bring danganronpa into everything guys
-can we please just appeciate mexican misa for a second. she’s cooking sopa de fideo for the task and being the bilingual hot girl we all needed
-mexican misa
-as for her music taste she probably listens to upbeat english language music and sappy love songs. “there is a light that never goes out” and “melt with you” sound like go-tos for her sorry. i could also see her being a bimbo pop ayesha + britney manson girlie though
-tbh whatever your race/ethnicity is you could project it onto misa and it’d work. i love it. anyway d d d d d d d did i say m m m mexican misa
-i think she’d love love love getting her hair done!!! sensitive scalp mf but she’d still love getting her hair done
-mexican misa visiting mexico and getting braids and cute clothes and her fave candy
-was not a theatre kid. sorry guys but her middle and high school didn’t offer theatre 😔😔
-chronically dehydrated just because he forgets to drink water. he tries to drink water and always gets afraid of developing kidney / liver problems but he just keeps forgetting. what the fuck L
-soup stan i think he’d love some good soup. soup stan x soup cooker (lawmane)
-i think you could have a really deep convo about anything with L. if you’re passionate about anything he’ll just listen and he’ll talk to you about what he’s passionate about to. he loves to think and would def entertain you with a convo about whether a hot dog is a sandwich or something dumb like that you know.
-he’s a thinker he just loves discussions
-has a british accent when speaking english bcos watari and lived in england you know. he thinks british accents in english sound good tho and LOVES making fun of how silly new york accents are (me too bro. me too)
-if he went to middle school or the japanese/british equivalent of it, he’d def be the type to choose some weird ass elective fucking creative writing instead of the “normal” guitar, choir, band, orchestra and shit
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fakesimp · 1 year
Shu yamino being a total simp for you, yea.
Imagine how this dork would try to court you, how he'd have this silly smile everytime you walk by or when you two were done talking, how he'd blush from the slightest of your perfume scent, how he'd bribe your friends to tell them your favorite foods or things you'd want for your birthday, just absolutely head over heels for you..
Only to have you confess to him first
Can be a prequel to this too!
This is so cute, I love it.
Shu Yamino Hcs !
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Warning !
Fluff ; Highschool Au ! ; Prequel of "I, messed up-" , With Shu Yamino
A/n !
I'll write a bit of headcanons for you and the others to enjoy! I hope you don't mind, hehe (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
I guess, I can say this could be the prequel of the fic. Depends on how you wanna see it. (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
Shu Yamino, would definitely help you whenever you need help, or even simplest thing that you probably don't need help with he'll help you. Just because he want to spend time together with you.
Shu Yamino, would definitely help you with math if you have difficulties with it. He's literally explaining it in streams before, come on, don't deny it. He's a smart kid.
Shu Yamino, once he realized he developed feelings for you. He's going to be more fidgety around you. But of course he won't show it, he's hiding it so well that you don't even realize he liked you more than a friend !
Shy ! Shu Yamino whenever you talk to him or ask him about something, he would stop whatever he's doing to look over at you and focus on you only.
"Hm? ..Oh hey, what's up? ..oh, uh huh? I see I see, well how about ...."
Ever since Shu knew he liked you more than a friend, you are plaguing his mind.
Would unconsciously start looking around for you if he haven't seen you.
Once he do his face would lighten up and his signature V-shaped smile would slowly rise on his face.
Shu will remember every, detail, you said, what you like, dislike, anything that you said to him about yourself.
He's taking a mental note to himself, and when your birthday comes, he would buy you your favorite things.
And would say it's a coincidence when you asked how he knew that you wanted the thing he bought for your birthday present.
Shu Yamino is such a dork, that him realizing he liked you is thanks to his friends. If not he won't realize he have feelings towards you.
They have to literally point it out, numerous times. At first he was in denial, until he slowly realized it himself.
Shu Yamino would definitely notice the change of your perfume if you changed it. And would shyly ask you why you changed it.
And he would definitely, accidentally, spat out that he liked the previous one.
"The last one smells pretty nice- eh- wait- shoot I- That shouldn't have happened, Ignore what I said--"
He would be so red after he realized what he said.
And if you laughed at him he would be more flustered than he already is.
But the next day, if you decided to use the perfume he mentioned yesterday. He's not going to miss it, he will notice it. But this time, he will just keep his mouth shut about it.
He's just trying not to fluster himself again in front of you, really..
It took him a damn while for introducing you to his close friends, because he knew, he will never rest from his friends' teases.
But his friends are very welcoming !
Ever since Shu introduced you to his friends, they often invite you to eat together with them. Even hangouts !
His friends will definitely tell you somethings you don't know about Shu, of course they will tell something about him with his consent.
You learnt new stuff from his friends, mostly good ones though.
Everything was fine, it went well for him and for you.
That is until you confessed.
©fakesimp . 2023
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A/n !
There we go ! The prequel ! Of the fic ! In headcanon form..
Hope you all enjoyed it !
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oneforthemunny · 9 months
munny's one-derful year
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to celebrate my one year on tumblr (january eighth, to be exact), i have decided to open up a little writing prompt. some of my favorite lores, asks, and others for anyone to participate in <3 thank you all so much for your love and following me around onto three blogs lol!!! i love you all so much!! 
rules: must tag #munnysonederful and @oneforthemunny to each entry so i can read and reblog ofc. unlimited entries, and i will be reblogging and making a masterlist on my own page so everyone can read/find the works :)  can be blurbs, full works, headcanons, honestly anything you want! 
rockstar!eddie and nepo baby!reader’s favorite hate fucking moment. where does it happen? why does it happen? are they just playing, or did one prompt the other? What happens ;)? get as smutty and gross as you want to babes, no one here will complain lol. 
based off the lore that older!eddie gets slutty on teqila lol. gimme tequila eddie. make it slutty. the og prompt was at the beach for a wedding of a cousin, if you’d like to follow that, but if not- where does it happen? how do you think it would go? don’t spare a single detail please!!!!
modern!eddie and his lil mean girl’s first date, like official date. i get a lot of questions on this and i honestly want to know what you guys think! what’s it like? where do they go? any awkward moments? what’s the convo like? does he try to over impress or play it like he’s too cool? have fun with it! 
ofc i would never deny anyone here a chance to write about our beloved mafia!eddie and the dogs lol. vecna, diablo, lucifer, and zeus (and beelzebub if you want to add him). i love anything with the dogs, specifically with them being spoiled, so spoil me for a moment and write about them! eddie’s bitching because they’re “guard dogs!!! they’re trained to kill!!!” and you’ve got them totally spoiled, so tell me about it. how would you spoil them? 
janitor!eddie deserves the world, so give it to him. give me something with spoiling him. why are you doing it (birthday, valentine’s day, hard week)? how are you doing it? is it planned or a surprise or impromptu? and of course, how does he react? could be angsty, fluffy, smutty if you’re feeling it. just show him some love. 
cowboy!eddie and sweet girl’s animals. i gotta know about them. there’s three parts of lore here: the cow, the chickens, and the goats. take your pick or choose all of them. make it your own, or me, personally, i want to know how they came to be? how did that conversation of convincing eddie to get them go? expectations vs reality? have fun with it, be silly with it. 
the horny hours convo we had (in april??? maybe lol) with dom!eddie was quite possibly the most successful and most interacted horny hours we’ve ever had. so with that being said, i’m opening up the prompts to be rewritten in your version. so there was three big ones: “don’t make me pull this car over” aka car troubles, “go pick a switch” aka switching it up, and the bath brush aka dripping down. rewrite it, make it your own, make new drama, if you’re not a brat make it non-bratty lol, make it slutty is all i ask. 
bouncer!eddie being a switch really shook everyone up and i loved it, so i want whatever version of him you want to write. him being subby, him being dominant, him just being him and being a little flirty and silly and slutty and the love of my life. expand on the walk in blurb if you need inspo, or what happened after a night where you or him got jealous from someone flirting at the hideout. 
funson’s freebies: 
in honor of my og blog (funsonmunson, gone but not forgotten) these are freebie plots for any of my au’s <3
give me an angsty breakup fic. why did they break up? who broke up with who? make me cry, ruin my day- or take mercy on us and give us a happy ending, up to you. 
self care nights. what do they do? is it a night in? a night out? is eddie taking care of you, or you taking care of him, or a little bit of both? what’s going on, just let me feel all gooey and lovey inside!!! 
i always get birthday requests, and technically it’s my tumblr birthday, so what do the eddies do for your birthday? where do they take you? what’s the cake situation? surprise party, planned party, no party? night in or out? presents? birthday sex? truly whatever you picture!
another highly requested, is a wedding. i love weddings and my guilty pleasure is wedding fics idk why, so give me that. you can follow the lore if they have it, or do whatever you want! proposal, ceremony, honeymoon- honestly whichever you want! where does it happen? what’s the details? who’s there? if you put vows i’m gonna sob so just fyi on that. 
finally, i have to give it up for the domestic babes. give me something soul crushingly domestic. dog!dad eddie, dad!eddie, pregnancy one, newborn, child- i don’t care. i want to feel motherly in this bitch after i read it. 
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aerkame · 1 year
Smooth Moves
🌹Wally and Barnaby teach you how to dance🌹
(Takes place in Alive AU from my A Silly Thought and More post)
Posted later than intended rip
Some mood music for this writing. POV playlist
It was late at night, most of your guests were inside fast asleep while you, Wally, and Barnaby finished up making space on the large porch. Barnaby was insistent that he and Wally teach you how to slow dance when you mentioned you've never danced before. Plus you two needed to figure out who was doing what tomorrow. Winner gets to choose after seeing who dips better.
"Alright, so if I win I get to pick what we do tomorrow. And if you win you get to pick what we do tomorrow. Deal?"
You held your hand out to shake on it, but Wally gently grabbed a hold of it and turned it over to plant a small kiss on the back of your palm. Heat rushed to your cheeks as the two of you parted ways to opposite sides of the porch. You wished you could just hide away in a corner right now until your cheeks looked normal or at least pretend that you were fine.
You slowly looked over to where Wally was, he was staring at you still, eyes half-lidded and a droopy smile on his face. That cheeky little bugger.
Barnaby walked up to the center of the porch and held out his paw towards Wally. "Hey buddy, I think we should show em' how it's done first, it's their first time right?" His voice was a cheery as usual, but something felt a bit off about it tonight, it had a deeper tone to it. "That it is, maybe we'll each get a turn with our host?" He peered over at you as he took a hold of the beagle's paw. "I sure hope so, I love dancing with new partners!"
Barnaby leaned to the side where a table was and quickly pressed the play button on the stereo you had given him the day before. He loved that thing to bits.
The music started out slow and steady as the two began to step and sway along with the beat. "Make sure to match up with your partners movements...like this." They both swayed to the far right, then the left, both of their feet being in sync perfectly with every single step. Clearly these two practiced frequently. The music went on for a while as the two circled, swayed, and danced around in patterns. It was so smooth that you almost felt hypnotized into a daze, only snapping out of it when Barnaby and Wally slowed down into a large dip. Wally, ever the dramatic suave, put one leg up as he was dipped down. "There, it's as simple as that!" Barnaby looked over at you and gestured for you to come over. You shook your head though, now too nervous to really put yourself in a spotlight like that.
"Ohh? Is someone nervous now?" Wally teased, hanging off of his friend's arm lazily. "It'll be fine, we can both teach you at the same time if you want!" Barnaby butted in, seeing how nervous you looked. Maybe his new friend needed some more encouragement.
"Alright...I'm not good at dancing though so I might step on someone's foot." You did not feel confident in yourself quite frankly.
"That's okay." The two pals separated as Barnaby went to go behind you and Wally right in front of you, boxing you in. "Besides, now you can have two partners!"
You felt the soft blue paws grab onto both of your hands and guiding them, placing one on Wally's shoulder and one on his hip, Wally mimicked the position on you in the opposite direction. Barnaby spoke up "Now remember, try to match your partners movements and just let us guide you until you get used to it." You nodded and looked down at your feet making sure they were in the correct position, missing the knowing looks the two had with each other.
"I think our dear host will catch on quick, won't you?" Wally smiled sweetly, giving your hip a small squeeze as you looked back up, earning a small squeak. How adorable of you. They wondered what other noises you could make.
It started out just like before, Barnaby having restarted the song and returning to being behind you. You stumbled a bit for the first few steps but you caught on quickly, seeing the pattern more clearly. It also helped to have two giant soft paws behind your back in case you tripped or fell.
"Wow, see! You're catching on already!" The blue friend continued to encourage you. "Now this part might be a bit harder, you'll need to swing your hips with the movement of your feet. Let me show you." Barnaby gently cupped your side and helped move your hips along to the rhythm of the music as Wally kept your shoulders in place. You stumbled though, having a hard time trying to match your footwork with theirs.
"Here, like this..." Wally spoke up and his friend backed up a little bit for some space. He took hold of your hip once more, this time more gently. "Just copy what I do."
He put one foot to the side and you did the same, allowing Wally to control the movements of your hips with his, one step at a time, one sway here and there, a few twirls, and it was like you were an expert at this. You didn't even notice that Barnaby had gone to sit down, locking eyes with Wally to give him a big thumbs up. Or the small crowd of friends standing by the back door watching the two of you.
The music kept going. The longer the two of you danced, the more you started to feel yourself getting used to this. Suddenly, Wally guided you into a deep dip, exaggerating his position into what that of a lover would be as the music came to a slow stop. He leaned in closer squeezing your hand in his. "I believe I won, yes?"
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hiii you’re headcannons are a such delight!! do you have any of hs au klance?
oh stars!! first off, thank you! I love that I can make you happy with my silly little ideas. Second, of course I have hs au headcanons!!
Keith and Lance sit next to each other in Biology, so they're bound to be lab partners. At first they really don't like each other. Lance thinks Keith is always trying to one up him, and Keith thinks Lance is insufferable.
By the time they're assigned probably their third project together, they decide that doing research separately is just too conflicting, so they agree to meet at The Park™️.
They start discussing stuff and writing down any relevant info they cover, but inevitably, they start getting off track. They start talking about clouds, which leads to the rain, rain leads to the ocean, the ocean leads to fish, then to what Lance had for dinner last night, favorite foods, favorite pass-times, family, and so on.
They each go home thinking that maybe, just maybe, the other isn't so bad.
Keith starts listening to Lance whenever he goes on rants, he engages, asks questions, and brings up new ideas.
Lance starts seeing Keith flaws, he starts seeing that they aren't too different, and that they're much closer to the same level than he'd thought.
In time, they both start to admire each other for different reasons.
Keith notices the way Lance talks about certain topics, how the glow in his eyes will shift when someone he does or doesn't like enters the classroom, the way he bites his lips when he's concentrated, or how he dulls when he gets texts from certain people, (cough cough, a boyfriend because conflict, cough cough).
Lance looks up to Keith, he admires how he can do pretty much anything he puts his mind to, how he never gets caught up in the local drama, how no matter what rumors are spread, he always walks with confidence and purpose.
One day, Lance comes into class looking distant and reclusive. Keith tries to ask him about it, but his only response is "We can talk about it later."
And so they go through Biology hardly speaking a word. Keith feels his stomach pooling with anxiety, wondering if it was something he did, though he knows he hasn't done anything wrong... has he?
Time goes by slowly. Minutes feel like hours. An hour feels like days. But eventually the bell finally rings, and the day is over.
Lance stands and gathers his things, and he's barely gotten his bag on his back before Keith grabs his wrist and drags him into an empty room.
"So, what is it? What's going on?" The sharpness in Keith's voice makes him come off a bit more irritated than he his, and naturally it's taken the wrong way.
Lance scoffs and crosses his arms, "What's got you so pissed off?"
Keith sighs, "I didn't mean to say it like that." And he asks again in a much gentler tone, "What's going on?"
"My uh... Well, I found my partner shoving his tongue down some other guys throat earlier this morning.... Again.... And then before Biology he had the audacity to tell me to stop talking to you, so I dumped him..."
"You aren't telling me everything. Something happened after that."
"Gods, I hate how well you know me..."
"So, what was it?"
"He... Uhm.. He told me that nobody could ever love me the way he did... He said he was the only one who could love me.. The only one that knew me and still cared... He said my friends talked about me, and even though I know they don't I still-"
At this point, tears are dripping from his eyes, his voice is cracking on every other word, and he's curling in on himself.
Keith pulls him into a hug, silently swearing on every breath that he'll make things better for him.
"If it makes a difference... I think you're pretty cool.."
"Yeah, thanks.."
Lance dries his tears and takes a step back, "We should probably go. My mom's gonna kill me if I miss the bus.. And plus if Rachel finds us in here, we'll never hear the end of it."
Keith nods and they leave the room.
Agghhh it was so hard not to turn this into a confession, i didn't want too because the last one was a confession and using the same idea that close together goes against my author brain.
also they're in choir together.
and they joined the volleyball club (shush i'm rewatching Haikyuu)
Keith is a setter, Lance is a Libero. You cannot change my mind.
during lunch they complain about teachers and gossip with each other
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thlayli-ra · 1 month
Which 5 fics you've written are your favorites or most proud of?
Ooh! Thank you Anon for slipping into my askbox with a lovely little question. Must admit, this was hard! I'm proud of most of my fics so whittling it down to just five was tricky but here goes;
1. Flint and Steel - I feel like this is the best writing I've ever done. I wrote it back when I had bags of time to edit and re-read what I'd written previously so it's a better coherent story. I love the world-building, the imagery, the harsh but beautiful love story. This is probably still my best work to date and I really hope to finish the series one day and do it justice!
2. Would You Offer Your Throat To The Wolf - This one just feels... special to me. It's the most brutal, graphic and depressing fic that I've written and my first foray into pure horror but was very liberating to write. It also felt like something of an event at the time - I'd been building up towards it here on Tumblr so when I finally posted it, it kinda had its own little following. It's also a fic that has prompted so many incredible comments and feedback from readers, many of which said it inspired their own writing and that is just so cool to me!
3. When We're Alone - Of all my fics, this is probably my own little personal favourite (and one of my least popular 😂). It's a silly, little Underpunk fluff piece set in the Valetverse AU. I just loved writing a hopelessly un-domesticated Punk trying (and failing miserably) to nurse Taker back to health while he was injured. I usually write Punk as very intense and moody so having him in more of a comedy role was a lot of fun (although he's still very moody!)
4. The Moon Rises Red Tonight - My other unloved little baby! It's a close second for my personal favourite fic. It's utter self-indulgence - I wanted all four of my faves to fuck! That's it! That's the premise! But, because it's me, and I'm god-awful at writing smut, it somehow turned into a porn with plot fic, focusing in on politics, corruption, and trauma, whilst also being rather light-hearted and wholesome. And filthy too! It's a weird bag! I adore the au, I adore all the flawed characters and their self-discovery throughout and I want to draw and write more for it in the future.
5. The Chain - Sometimes, a moment sticks in your head and magic happens. That Smackdown where Drew carried a bloody Punk to the ramp and dumped his carcass for all of his hometown to see was....... [local dogs start barking]. I had to write something for it! Originally it was going to be another headcanon essay talking about a motif I'd used in several fics of Punk and AJ being connected by a chain with hooks embedded in their chests when it dawned on my to actually write a fic about it, resulting in this twisted soulmate au. To me, it's a perfect little fic, a beautiful gemstone in my collection and I'm very proud of it.
[Honourary Mention - Yes, I'm cheating here but I couldn't not mention my most popular fic The Valets of WWE. Despite it easily being my worst in terms of writing prowess, it's a huge personal achievement for me. It had a massive cast and was heavily influenced by reader requests and input so I had to think on my feet for every chapter and change things up on the fly sometimes. I also had to write for characters I didn't know very well during an era that I admittedly didn't really watch (no, I'd never seen any Legacy or Social Outcasts footage until writing this fic!!!) so that was a bit nerve-wracking. But despite the challenges, I managed to create this huge, intricate soap opera, that had so many interlinking storylines and plot threads, that had characters bouncing off each other constantly and even if it reads more like a script than narrative, I'm still very proud of it and I always look forward to returning to the valetverse for more!]
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r0semirages · 1 year
So. I made an RTC swap au!!
It started just with an idea of John Doe!Ricky that I had for a pretty long time, but recently I decided to turn it into something cooler, so I made this whole thing. Maybe I'll sketch their designs later (or at least make picrews of them), but idk how much time it will take. I haven't change some things, like the relationships between some characters, because I thought it wouldn't work very well. But, this isn't fully finished yet, so there's some moments that may be changed in the future.
I imagine this AU more like a play, than a musical and honestly I really don't think that it'll become something serious, cause I'm not that good at writing and creating full stories, so, at least at the moment, it's just for fun. Also, the designs are based on the 2016 cast, but feel free to make your own interpretations with your favorite cast. And maybe someday I'll make them too, we'll see. Anyway, hope y'all enjoy it!! (Pls excuse me if there are any mistakes, english isn't my first language, blah blah blah. Also there are a lot of spoilers for rtc, so if you plan to watch it — don't read further!)
So, first is Penny — the most imaginative girl in town. She's super silly, sometimes awkward and doesn't really have any friends because most people think she's weird. Penny often gets left out or bullied, and she uses escapism to cope with this + all the stuff with her parents, who she didn't get enough love from. Her fantasies is a bit different from the original Ricky's: they don't have a lore, she just makes up random stories to escape from reality and writes them out sometimes. She *definetely* writes fanfiction and probably posts it online. For some reason people find it cool, but no one in the choir knows about it. She's still a Seven-Up fan and she plays the ukulele (that will be used in the new birthday song for Ricky)
I changed her design just a bit, now she wears a lot of accessories, mostly pins (bc I headcanon the og Ricky having them) and it's mostly based on Emily Rohm's Penny, while her personality is more like legoland Penny's.
The next is Ocean — the angriest girl in town. Like the og Mischa, she hates her parents (but in this case they aren't adoptive) and their lifestyle, but instead of becoming the most succesful to prove that she's different from them, this Ocean just becomes a total mess and starts hating everyone. Idk if I will make her like shitty rap about money in autotune, but she definetely has a history of stealing stuff from stores, lol.
Design changes: messy hair; she doesn't have a headband and a tie, her shirt isn't fully buttoned up. She wears a sweater vest over it with a short skirt (a dress, actually).
Then we have Constance — the most succesful girl in town. She's a big nerd and spends a lot of her time studying because she wants to be the best. In general she behaves just like original Ocean and treats Noel like Ocean would treat her in the og musical (they're besties, but not really). She's pretty mean and very ambitious. This Constance doesn't have as much love for her town as the og one and she plans to move out (and become a premier minister of Canada, maybe :p) She's the one to make the final vote in this AU and of course she will choose John Doe/Ricky.
I haven't change a lot of things in the design, but her hair isn't dyed anymore, buns are down, she has a tie and maybe some hairpins. In general she looks a bit more tidy
Next one: Noel — the nicest boy in town. A complete opposite to the og Noel, he doesn't want to change anything in his life and enjoys living in Uranium. He's still super homosexual and has a big crush on Mischa, and, as I've said before he's "best friends" with Constance who treats him like shit and makes jokes about how he's never gonna breed👍🏻 /ref
He's really insecure about himself, but very friendly with everyone else (especially Mischa). He still enjoys all the french stuff, but you know, in a less... horny... way. And his mother is a baker and Noel often helps her in their cafe
He now has a short-sleeved shirt, round glasses and half of his hair is purple (it's also a bit more messy). In general I didn't change a lot in his design, but I made him such an UwU softie boy /j
Then, Mischa — the most romantic boy in town (ah yes, this one is for you, Mischa simps). He's still in love with Talia and his backstory is the same, but instead of becoming an angry rapper, he became a sad romantic guy, who dreams about moving to Ukraine with his (probably non-existing) internet fiancé. He just wants to be happy :(
Design changes: his clothes and hair aren't that messy anymore and he has a black jacket (like the one chance theatre Noel had). Also his nails are usually black or any other dark shade!!
And! Finally! My best creation yet — John Doe!Ricky. Perhaps, the rest of the choir doesn't remember him (well, in fact they do remember him, but it's a different theory and I don't want to bring it here) because he couldn't talk and no one really noticed him. The only person he was pretty close with was Penny, but still, they weren't even friends, they just standed close to each other while the choir was performing and both sat in the back of a rollercoaster when the accident happened. There will be a role-swapped version of the Savannah scene, but I don't know what name should I use instead of Savannah yet (if you have any ideas, please drop them in the comments!! I'll be very grateful)
When he gets choosen by Constance he'll came back to life as Ricky and yes, he WILL remain disabled because I'm a very big Ricky fan + a very big ableism hater, don't expect that shit from me👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 Also he will still have 14 cats because. Why not. I love cats.
The only thing that will change is the fact that he's a little happier now?? People around him treat him better and he doesn't have to fantasize about fucking cat-people from Zolar to be happy lol. Oh man I'm writing a bit too much about him sorry I just love this guy a lot. Bless his little heart
Finally, about his design: honestly he's just a yassified version of this picture /hj
Tumblr media
Okay, so he has a head stolen from some super swag dressed in a Bowie-like style doll that for some reason was in the warehouse. He has a big purple star around one of his eyes and some parts of his hair are also colorful (purple/blue/pink). His clothes isn't very different, but maybe I'll add some more accesories
Well, that's all atm. I will try my best to make some content for this and keep developing this idea and I really really hope you will like it!
Reblogs/comments/likes are VERY appreciated and again, if you have any recommendations for improving this au I'll be really glad to hear them or just any of your thoughts!!!
Ty for reading (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
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