#will prob edit later im tired
a-weird-writer · 2 years
I like how you sometimes write in a past tense, like the reader fucken died and then got brought back. which gives me an idea for a fanfic… a Uranus x reader where he looses the reader to whatever death but they come back to life and act like nothing happened and they start to slowly decay until they’re a puddle of zombie mass, and then reincarnate, then the cycle repeats like Groundhog Day.
Reminds me of "Life After Beth", which is a hilariously great movie by the way.
Something as completely ridiculous as this would just throw Uranus off his ass more than once,
you are human? Truly?
You are all he expects first but nothing he ever expects later, despite being so obviously human. You maintain little difference in normal Earth society, you walk hand in hand along the humans, a lower lifeform; fragile and condescending, human in every other way but this one.
Uranus has never been so stumped in all his countless centuries of touring and destroying galaxies. He has seen his fair share of shit, but you take it to another level entirely. He is very confused, slightly but still weirdly intrigued at your peculiarly unique "circumstances".
This goes against everything he has ever known about humans and the natural cycle of death in general. Humans are pathetic; they live and die than nothing. You spin that in a whole other direction and, he won't lie, is oddly tempted to learn more about your condition, as strange as it is. You're some kind of exception to how death's affairs work, to how humans normally function in their impending demise, which only pulls him deeper in an extremely confused spiral.
He kind of wants to witness your reincarnation process up close and personally. Mostly to answer his own questions with his own eyes and ears. Seeing is believing, purely in an educational manner of course; observe, experience and learn. He is keen and pays close attention to all details in his line of work. Ironically, he is a strange type of philosophical than what you'd normally predict. Fitting you suppose, given who and what Uranus is, he won't bother to hide his true intensity.
Fascinating honestly, how determined this alien is to pry in your life. Seems to stem right off his straightforward and rock-hard attitude, he hungers, an endless thirst for battle and conflict. An eagerness to conquer and destroy. To ruin his foes in ways they will never recover from. As his lordship says, "they were made to fight". He was the definition of a destroyer, and he effortlessly broke down all your walls with the sheer force of his will. Wrathful, a brute.
With his weight, he easily sways you with not even 10% of the full gravity of his mass, you fall prey to his gentle touches just as effortlessly. His short temper is a bomb waiting to explode but is endearing in its own strange way. There is personality hiding in the shadows of his intimidation. More than just a weapon, a dead-weight to crush his lord's foes under. He is also more philosophical than what you would ever give him credit for, his timeless memory and experiences far outreach yours, a reach beyond the stars themselves and further than that. You see quickly that he often likes sharing his travels with you, his heart is as big as he is, if not larger. As your one of the few that actually breathes in his physical direction you learn after.
He is feared. Understandably so.
With his curiosity and your...potential "provide", together it adds fuel to the fire.
You never want to add fuel to any "fire" any of the Stardroids light, regardless of the relationship.
This puts both of you in an interesting position, more so Uranus then you, there are a lot of things he considers doing with you. And that isn't something he dwells on often. Theoretically, while you currently die-if your decaying corpse is any indication of that-that certainly doesn't stop your brand-new awakening. You outlive you own current life, falling into the next one in the blink of an eye. You live running on a timer, but while common humans have merely one, your life has multiple. Limitless perhaps.
In this case, you do not have a life, not one nor two. You have lives. You respawn, fit as a fiddle to live out your next one, to then die once more and to yet again, return bright as ever. The flesh fresh, your breath healthy and lively. Like it never fell apart to begin with. So human.
Your cycle repeats. Again and again, your lives end but your time doesn't; not permanently, only temporality.
You prove more than what you originally appear, quite literally I might add. To think, someone like you living aimlessly, so at peace on this damned rock the lower lifeforms dare call a planet. It's a waste, there is much more out there then what even Uranus realizes. Your technically immortal and will outlive any and all pain you encounter. And I don't know about you, but that is intraileally intriguing to a lot of people. Weaklings are worthless, but you have merit.
That may be too little for some, but for Uranus its absolutely perfect. That is all the convincing Uranus needs to create more serious conclusions about yourself. Consider more...
let's say 'possibilities'.
You could perhaps, be of use to his lord.
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wendig1rl · 1 month
My top 10 actors of all time because no-one asked:
1. River Phoenix (rest in peace)
2. Jake Gyllenhaall
3. Mia Goth
4. Shelly Duval (rest in peace)
5. Angelina Jolie
6. Keanu Reeves
7. Oksana Akinshina
8. Joseph Gordon-Levitt
9. Winona Ryder
10. Michelle Trachtenberg
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hoodedjelly · 3 months
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Nicktoons unite main 4 in their respected styles ( minus jimmy neutron i'll explain more below)
i feel very mixed about these but it was still fun either way studying all of these cartoons respected styles. the final does make me happy, seeing all of them together ^__^ 💞
below i will explain my thought process working with each style so get ready for a wall of text:
first before anything you may be asking: why no jimmy neutron style!? it's because i tried and gave up! i was starting the rendering process for timmy and i hated it so i just didn't continue! no point of making myself miserable for something thats harmless fun style studies. but have these as a little treat:
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Fairly Oddparents style: the easiest style to work on and research for, fop style is not that complex. i should also add i didn't draw each style in one sitting i drew each character together and then edited them all, so that might be the reason why some look better then others, i just got good. but i'm saying that because the character i started with was spongebob! specifically because i was tired of ppl thinking dp style and fop style are the same and how spongebob would look the same in both styles, just a flat square. which is wrong! fop style is very different! i would prob describe it as a flat paper style. has sharp and rounded thick lines. the main source of research i used for it was the designer for fop was Ernie Gilbert. he has designed a lot of iconic characters for the show and i highly would check out his work, this is his website
Danny phantom style: now this one was tricky, prob the hardest one to figure out and i honestly don't think i really DID figure it out. the possible reason is i am still trying to go through the show atm myself, but i'd doubt it. they all just look off to me, just a little. which no need for me to work myself in a circle trying to make it "perfect". im no professional character designer! especially not Stephen Silver.
Spongebob Squarepants style: this one was tricky but in the opposite way to dp style, where i didn't know what to reference! to start off the show is mainly nonhuman characters, so finding character refs were hard. the refs i did use were the mermaids and the superheros, so i used that for timmy. but in the middle of working on jimmys i was watching a video of someone ranking every single spongebob ep and TURNS OUT in the later seasons, i think season 13, there were human designs! (technically elfs but whatever).
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and weirder thing is how they draw patchy but im not going to get into that. i am assuming that style is for characters that are supposed to be real life humans up on land in that universe (but why not just use real life humans? idk, maybe tom kenny is getting to old for the role). BUT ANYWAY, i used the elfs for a main source for jimmy and danny, they turned out a lot better then the timmy in my eyes. i wanted at least one of them to have the black eyes but they all have bright blue eyes and the show usually always colors blue eyes. i get ahead of myself cause there was a lot more factors i still had to figure out. like the line art. the show doesn't have a clear line style like dp or fop, its just relatively consistent medium lines. so i just went with more recent show stuff then older stuff since it's HD.
ok but thats basically it, i can prob go on more but i'd feel no one gaf. i made these for fun and it was fun making them! i love all of these shows a ton so it was nice looking up the designers and artist for these shows. support the artists!!! fuck bitch fartman!!!!!
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aemondapologistfrfr · 2 months
Dethrone - Chapter 12
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Summary: The tour continues to Pyke, River Run, Winterfell, and Castle Black. They both are growing tired of the endless amounts of meetings and can’t wait to be wed.
Warnings: political plotting, drinking, swearing
Authors Note: first time it hasn’t been 18+ in a couple chapters 🫣, the way i thought when i copy and pasted these from my notes app the italics transferred 🫠 so im going to go back and edit the chapters and add the italics bc there’s ofc high valyrian in here and add summary’s 😎 - there will be no major edits that affect the plot or story xx I’ll probably be doing that in the upcoming days! (Idk why I’m getting so caught up in one shots rn but I’m not mad at it lmaooo and uh ill prob post another chap of this later
Word Count: 2.7k
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Our flight to Pyke is quick and fully coastal. Flying over water has become my favorite. It’s so freeing and gives me such an adrenaline rush. Vaelys dips into the water making me laugh as we dive and twist. She grabs fish out of the water with her feet and flies up to toss them to Vhagar.
As we approach Pyke the sky becomes clouded. The stone islands look like spikes rising out of the water. We land and place our bags next to us. Dalton Greyjoy approaches on horseback with two more horses trailing him.
“Welcome to Pyke.” he hops down off his horse with a grunt.
“Thank you for hosting us.” I say warmly smiling.
“Thank you for remembering Pyke.” Dalton chuckles as he attaches our bags to the two horses. “It’s nothing as fancy as Kings Landing, but it does what it needs to. The people work hard, I can’t complain.” He says offering me and Aemond the reins to the horses.
We mount our horses and make our way through the streets. We take in the life that keeps on happening around us. Aemond and I seem indifferent to this type of greeting. He still seems relaxed so I guess I’ll find out how he truly feels when we get to our chambers.
Once we get to the castle Dalton takes off our bags from the horses and calls for one of his sons. They bring our bags up to our chambers and we offer thanks. Dalton leads us to our chamber doors in comfortable silence.
“I figured you two could finish the day out how you please. Nothings off limits, we’re pretty laid back here. The people in town are pretty welcoming.” Dalton shrugs.
“Thank you, Lord Dalton.” I smile to him.
“Of course.” he returns the smile and shuts the door behind of him.
“I truly think he doesn’t know what to do with us.” Aemond says smirking.
“I agree, and I don’t necessarily mind.” I giggle taking off my jacket.
“Easy ally, we get to act like commoners, no big plotting. True time to relax.” Aemond hums pulling his shirt off.
“I wish to at least have one discussion with him at least. I think he would feel proud if we were to invite him to the wedding.” I think out loud as I rummage through my bag not knowing what to wear.
I decided to keep my riding pants and boots on and borrow one of Aemonds black shirts. I feel like wearing a gown in Pyke would make me stand out and not in a good way. Aemond hums in appreciation that I’m wearing something of his and kisses me deeply.
We find our way out of the castle and make our way to the streets. We visit the local market and see what they have to offer. It’s a different way of life here full of hustle and bustle but also contentment and relaxation. No one seems to look twice at us as we decide to enter a tavern.
“What’ll you have?” the bar hand asks.
“Two ales.” Aemond answers for us both surprising me he wants to drink.
We down our ale and order two more. We both start to relax and join in conversations with the locals. Everyone here seems to be having a great time as the tavern is full of laughter and shouts. Soon night has fallen and we’re all drunk and singing together. We laugh for hours on end and my cheeks are starting to tire.
“Cheers to realms lovers!” someone shouts and raises a cup.
The room explodes in cheers and chaos. Drinks are flowing and it’s starting to get too rowdy for our taste. Aemond and I slip out of the tavern and start our way back to our chambers. We’re giggling and stumbling until we reach the gates. We silence ourselves and try our best to make it back to our chambers unnoticed.
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We attend a couple meeting with Lord Dalton but it’s truly not as intense here with daily meetings and plotting. Lord Dalton isn’t afraid to ask for help with politics or with building something. He’s a very clairvoyant person and he will make an excellent ally.
We make friends with the locals and eat out in town every night. It’s quite refreshing to be able to act normally for once and have the people around us not care. The only time they seem to notice us is when we fly our dragons around the islands to take in their hidden beauty.
Dalton joins us at the tavern on our last night to share a meal with us. We extend him an invitation to our wedding and he is absolutely elated. He accepts right away and offers his thanks. We retire early to bed so we can head over to River Run at first light.
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The flight from Pyke to Riverrun will be our shortest flight. Within a couple of hours we’re already circling Riverrun and landing. We land outside of the walls of the city and are greeted by cheers and waves.
Lord Grover Tully approaches us and bows deeply. The servants come and quickly whisk our bags away. We follow Lord Grover through the gates and through the main doors. The castle is truly massive and takes my breath away.
“I hope your journey here was easy from Pyke. Your extra trunks arrived yesterday and I had them brought to your chambers to await you. Should you need anything in the meantime let someone know.” Grover explains as he leads us to our chambers.
“Thank you kindly.” Aemond hums as he ushers me in.
“I’ve left an itinerary on the table for you both.” Grover calls into the room after he shuts the door.
The itinerary is straight forward with us attending meetings and then ending the week in another celebration. These trunks are filled with our furs and heavy jackets. I will admit I’m rather excited to have the opportunity to travel north.
“My husband this tour is getting so repetitive.” I groan as I fall back on the bed rubbing my eyes.
“Do you want it to end?” Aemond asks as he lays next to me.
“Yes and no. I want it to end so we can finally wed, but I don’t want it to end because I’m enjoying seeing everything. The meetings are just getting old.” I huff rolling towards him.
“We only have two more destinations that require meetings, my love. Then we get a reprieve.” he hums kissing my forehead.
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The week rushes by in a blur as nothing particularly interesting or important happens. We stay attentive during the meetings and polite at dinners. The locals were very welcoming and I adored the trinkets they had in their shops.
On our last night we swap out most of our clothing for furs and jackets and then ship the rest of our clothes and belongs to Dragonstone. We prepare for the temperatures in the North by wearing long sleeves, pants, and fur lined boots. We bring along furs to keep outside of our bags to put on when the weather begins to drop.
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River Run to Winterfell is going to be one of our longest flights on this tour next to the one between Sunspear and Oldtown. I can’t help but be worried for Vaelys and Vhagar. I know dragons have come this far and have been fine in the winter weathers, but it’s still in the back of my mind.
When we’re about half way there I relent and bundle myself in my furs. I bury my head into my hood and cuddle against Vaelys. She’s still surprisingly hot and is like a large flying hearth. I turn to see Aemond do the same and we cozy in for the remainder of our flight. We keep straight and once Winterfell comes into sight I sigh in relief.
I quickly get my bags and slide down Vaelys. Aemond meets me on the ground and sighs out in relief with me. The sun is low in the sky offering less warmth. I cuddle in next to Aemond and then to look at our dragons nervously.
I see Vhagar scorch the earth around them and I thank the Gods were on the other side of the gates. Vaelys follows in Vhagars steps and scorches the ground some more. I turn and see Lord Cregan Stark approaching us.
“I’m terribly sorry.” I look frantically from Cregan to the burned ashes of earth.
“Worry not. I understand dragons need to stay warm.” he offers us a bow. “Speaking of, you two should come near the fire before the frost bites.” he says waving us over and men come and grab our bags.
We quickly follow Cregan in through the gates and into the main hall. Aemond and I huddle by the fire as we begin to defrost. I sigh out in relief as I slowly start to warm up.
“Thank you, Lord Cregan.” I offer sincerely as I turn to him. “Let me know if there is anything we can do to help repair the land that was damaged once we leave and we’ll see to it that it’s done with haste.” I tell him hoping it hasn’t ruined any potential relationship.
“The snow will cover it once you both leave and no one will know the difference. I appreciate your caring for the North though, it doesn’t go unseen.” Cregan smiles. “My prince, I’m sure you get this often, but I’m thoroughly impressed by your dragon.” he says looking to Aemond sincerely.
“Thank you, Lord Stark, for your hospitality and kindness.” Aemond hums and offers a genuine smile.
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Winterfell reminds me of Pyke in the sense that everything is more laid back. The locals do recognize us and whisper but are overall friendly and welcoming to a conversation and company. Cregan Stark is near our age so it makes us feel more relaxed being here.
We check on Vaelys and Vhagar daily and they seem to have no issues being in the cold. We discuss the practicality of only bringing one dragon with to the wall and decide we will only bring Vaelys. Vhagar, though mighty, is slower and we wish to make haste with the low temperatures. Vaelys is the smaller of the two as well and will take up less room at Castle Black.
We only pack one small bag as to avoid less stress on Vaelys. She is more than large enough to accommodate two riders, there’s just never been a necessity to do so before. We cover our faces with furs before Vaelys launches us towards the sky. I’m thankful this flight is relatively short as the temperatures keep dropping.
Vaelys has no issue making the journey with Aemond on her back as well. She shoots forward and makes impressive time. Once the wall comes into view I move my furs slightly to get a better view. It’s more massive than I ever could have imagined. She slowly starts the descent and lands on the outskirts of Castle Black. We each slide down off of Vaelys and start walking towards a man in black. Behind us Vaelys makes a circle of fire around herself and curl ups as the fire begins to dim.
“No one’s here to wait on you hand and foot, your highnesses.” the man sneers.
“Enough, before I send you over the wall.” a gruff man walks into view. “I’m the Lord Commander here.” he says as way of greeting.
“Pleasure to meet you.” I say trying to stop my teeth from chattering.
“Let’s get inside before I’m taken to court for allowing you both to freeze to death. Will that beast of yours be fine on its own?” he asks raising an eyebrow looking a bit terrified.
“She’ll let us know if she’s not.” I say quickly following him inside a building. I quickly shuffle over to the fire and Aemond is close behind. We practically shove our hands into the open flame unworried.
“So what is it you’re here to see?” the Lord Commander asks skeptically.
“I would like to see the top of the wall.” I blurt out without thinking. “We’re also here to discuss any needs you and your men may have. We want you to know you matter to us, even all the way in the south.” I say softly looking to him.
“You don’t need to win me over for whatever you both are plotting. My men can’t fight for you or anyone. We’re here to protect everyone against what’s above The Wall.” he responds simply.
“That doesn’t mean you still don’t have needs that aren’t being met. You’re all doing a service for the seven kingdoms and that shouldn’t go unnoticed.” I say firmly.
“I will think on this and talk with my men. Pick any room that’s empty and it’s yours for the night.” he says walking off.
“We should’ve just stuck with wanting to see The Wall. I don’t find him very inviting or worth it.” Aemond says with a hint of disgust.
“Aemond, we do not abandon anyone in our seven kingdoms. If we do we will lose them. These men up here are just as important as the men down there.” I say crossing my arms.
“Yes, my Queen.” Aemond relents and kisses my forehead.
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The Lord Commander only asks for supplies once every season and more men consistently. He escorts us up the wall himself and I’m in awe looking over it. There’s an entire other world on the other side and if I could handle the cold I would beg to explore it. I admit I’m extremely thankful we’re only spending a night at Castle Black because the chill is to my bones.
Once the sun breaks over the horizon we mount Vaelys and shoot back towards Winterfell. Once we land Vhagar grumbles at us in greeting, blazing the ground anew. Cregan approaches again and Vaelys spits her flames onto the ground heating me.
“Now I think it might be personal.” Cregan chuckles as he walks to us both. “So how was the wall?” he asks admiring our dragons.
“Cold but beautiful nonetheless.” I hum as we start to walk towards the Keep. “It makes the temperature here seem more bearable.” I smile once we get inside.
“Vhagar was an absolute delight, the children loved watching her burn circles around the Keep.” he says chuckling.
“It seems she wanted to keep you warm.” Aemond says smirking.
“Indeed she did, so we offered her some cattle as a thank you.” Cregan responds proud that he was able to take care of a dragon.
“Mm, shall you two be needing a visitation every month from now on then?” Aemond jokes.
“If you’re offering my prince I would never say no.” Cregan winks at Aemond.
“Would you two like a moment?” I ask trying to hide my laugh.
“Or two.” Cregan says before he bursts out in laughter clapping Aemond on the shoulder.
We make our way back up to our chambers to prepare for our last dinner here in Winterfell. I’m kind of sad we’re leaving because I quite enjoyed seeing Aemond have fun with Cregan. At least I know Cregan will support us in our future.
Dinner is full of laughter and cheers. The hall is warm giving everyone a red flush showing the lively atmosphere. Cregan shouts with joy as we invite him to our wedding. He promises to be there supporting the both of us and drinking the bar dry. He laughs and raises a toast to us.
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Dethrone masterlist
Main masterlist
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dullahandyke · 5 months
Hang on actually before I hit post limit.pinned post so I can edit this and have my tumblr thoughts even tho I'm post limited
Yup okay hit the post limit <3 new followers please know this is normal
Anonymous asked: did they put bugs in him again
Yknow it's hard to tell but I think they might have. Guys we need to get riku dewormed again, this keeps happening to him :(
Anonymous asked: I forgot I had notifs turned on for your blog . Oopsie daisy
HAHAAAAAAAA ANON I CACKLED.... flattered u have urgent coverage on which large surface I'm thinking abt being slammed into at any given time but ig this is an object lesson in paying too much attention to me or something
Listening to a queer history podcast and it's so funny they're explaining to me what yuri is... I know ❤
on my laptop now bcos i gotta study for this stupid test..d. and then afterwards theres a powerpoint im actually rlly gonna enjoy presenting but i gotta facking put it together, augh
niche complaint but it sucks shit when animanga do the 'character suddenly becomes hot as part of a daydream/joke' gag and they dont go full bishie. give that man a delicate jawline NOW!!!
really happy with this sticker on my laptop. whenever im feeling down i just rememebr that this man got a lobotomy
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[ID: a black frame meme featuring Hajime Hinata from Super Danganronpa 2 at the chapter 1 cabin party, smiling and holding a glass of orange juice. It is captioned, "This man, got a lobotomy.]
whew im a sneezy girl. the sneezing sneasler. wait thats a pokemon. ritalin on friday unless i have a heart murmur
@effervescentleaf asked:
i know im constantly posting abt my beard but its still weird as hell to consider that i have a beard that other people can see. when people look at me they see androgyny. what the fuck. i keep being drawn to people with beards and make-up/long hair/jewelry/whatever the fuck else as my favourite examples of gender non-conformity and like. IM that. im that with my stupid eyeliner. what the shit
also that reminds me im not gonna have time to do my eyeliner before my class test tomorrow :/ now i Could just go without it bcos i'll have a presentation later in the day that i should probably be serious for. but where is the fun in that. i will be wearing a hawaiian shirt instead of a t-shirt and thats all that can be expected of me <3
i probs need to eat a proper meal but the call of pop tarts it is so great.... sighhhh i got the bread out the freezer for soup so ill see if thats defrosted. and if not. squints. cup noodles. kinda want the cup noodles anyway but the soup is gonna expire soon so i gotta be fuckinnn responsible and nutritious or whatever
sidenote i kind of rlly enjoy having just one long ledger of posts all day. kind of fun
Ugh fuck my gay life I gotta make a PowerPoint... I'm tired I'm a bit sick i gotta sleeeep... wanted to make it fancy but ig that's fucked :(
I saw a video of a cat and now I miss bubbles :( bubblesssss... I'm going home tomorrow tho so I'll see her then :)
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jaydenundercover11 · 3 months
Day Five
hey guys!! I know this ask has come a lot later (for my timezone anyway) than normal, I just had a very intense day and was only able to get it out now, so thank you all for your patience!!! <3
~Character in a Book Edition~
if you were a character in a book, what character would you be? (main, best friend of main, comic relief, loveable side character doomed by the plot, annoying one, etc)
what would your story be like?
what genre would you be in? (and saying sci-fi/fantasy/etc is plausible, if you imagine your story would be a 'discovering magical world' trope or something like that, as long as you provide reasons. you can make something up too, like what direction you think your story would go)
who is the antagonist of your story (currently)? (could be a literal person, an idea, a movement you disagree with, or something else. if you're one of my Christian homies doing this you can say the Devil but you must also include something else for ~drama~ lol)
what would the fandom of your book be like?
and finally, would it be a standalone, a series, etc, and why?
thank you guys so much!! I will also start to answer my own questions as well, tommorow when I'm not so tired lol.
Hii! I'm glad u managed to post today, i'm exciyed to answer this one!
First, I feel I would be the loveable side character doomed by the plot. I mean idk i feel like it suits me. I'm not main character or love interest so I feel like this is just right for me as a person
Second, the story would probably be like a rom-com type thing? (since im basing it on real life thats the most plausable) idrk lol. Mc has some love problems, side character and others help? Plot twist she gets with side character or friends? Plot plot twist side character or friends get with love interest?? Idk i'm getting these ideas from my butt lol.
Third, again, I think the story would most accurately be a rom-com js bcs I want love very badly and books are as good as it gets rn! Tropes may be like friends to lover, enimies to lover, idk
Antgonsts would obvs be the devil (hes the enemy since day one bro) and the mc may be an enemy to herself at some points? Or maybe random characters with sad backstories could be mean to her and stuff? Very basic things for a basic story
The fandom would 100% be mostly postive and cutesy. I just get that vibe from the book and the ppl who would read it!
FInally, I think it (whether or not there is a series) all depends based on the plot twists as stated above. If the side character gets the guy then yea there HAS to be a series. But if it just ends normally then maybe another series based on povs from the other characters/ friends of the mc. So yes, there would probs be a series but depending on how the first book goes changes the plot of the rest of the series.
Sorry if this is bad I did NOT sightread anything lol! This question was really good and its def one of my favorites (even tho I COMPLETELY lost topic on how i'm meant to be a character 😭)
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gay twilight princess character headcanons bc it pride month
look im sure someone else has done it but idc i have A Lot Of Feelings rn and they have 2 go somewhere so get on board or get off ma ass about it
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u no him, u love him, he has like 3 pixels in this game and all of them r doing their best!
he's coming from a conservative little backwater (i say this as the unfortunate alum of a conservative little backwater myself-- sorry, but Ordon's main export is like. goats or w/ever, there's no way there aren't any trump supporters in that town), but i think once he travels around n gets 2 experience different things on his quests n shit he starts 2 unravel some of that internalized homophobia & becomes a great ally and, dare i say it, a little bi-curious
"but, gabe," i hear u say, "link is such a nonbinary icon, what about the transmasc & transfemme gender envy???" and 2 that i say mmmmm yea yea ik, but i don't think he sees it in himself yet, i think that comes later when he's got more adult confidence n shit. like i can see a 20's/30's link with long luscious braided hair wearing crop tops and mini skirts 2 show off his sick nasty battle scars while he picks ppl up at the bar
final verdict is bi and, later, genderqueer, although i think he's one of those ppl who doesn't really care about labels/ pronouns bc he is simply 2 busy sparkle emoij boots the house down slaying monsters hahahah get it im hilaris
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now that's a she/they if ever i've met one
one of those ppl whose gender presentation is mostly just looking like a scruffy & stinky goblin cretur 95% of the time except 4 that like. 2% of the time they actually make an effort and turn out****
def has a bro-code friendship w link where they both just don't talk about their feelings and instead r violent together love this little war criminal & her dog best friend
ur 1st instinct is lesbian, but look a little closer, and u will soon realize that this is simply a pansexual with a strong preference 4 women in their natural habitat
i think she is trying 2 b a responsible queer bc she knows link is unfamiliar w the community n she is trying 2 b a good ambassador between link n the gays uhhhhh unfortunately she is simply 2 busy trying 2 commit crimes & being like. a chronically online 20-year old or however old she's supposed 2 be & i think link comes away more confused than ever b4
****couple things here: a) ik that doesn't add up to 100%-- i am gay, what part of do not talk 2 me about numbers don't u understand b) ik midna was literally cursed 2 b an imp by zant, but it doesn't change anything in my mind and u can't convince me that she didn't just pull out her "true form" bullshit 2 try an seduce zelda at the end of the game c) no i have no personal experience with this gender presentation at all how dare you insinuate anything of the sort i have totally showered this week totally now shut up
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Lesbian, no further questions ur honor
Furthermore, femme lesbian, often gets Assigned Straight On Sight & is very tired of getting hit on by straight men
One of those gays who wear wacky silly n fun statement earrings so other queer ppl know they're gay
We don't actually see her a lot in this game so there's not much 2 go off of with her characterization... this zelda has had a lot of pressure put on her what with being the sole leader of her people in this time of extreme stress, & so i think she is very competent & composed & controlled, but out of necessity, which will prob lead her 2 rebel later in life & act out a little when the country is not at war & she gets to be more of a child again.... basically what im saying is twilight princess should've had a sequel n it should've started w zelda deciding she's punk now, shaving her head, and making link help her run away from home
EDIT: how did i not see this b4...... i have been a fool...... zelda is secretly an astrology gay. it's one of her guilty pleasures bc she knows it's prob not real n the planets prob aren't doing anything w ppl's personalities, but she can't help but b like oooh but wouldn't it b fun if the real reason zant was such a little bitch was just bc his pisces is in retrograde?
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screampied · 4 months
hayoooo vaygus 💋💋💋
i’m glad da hear that you got some rest 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼!! omagaaaaa vinyls 😈😈, which one did you buy ? and plant food ?😭😭i didn’t know it existed 😨
i had a good day although tiring, but when i got home i changed the sheets, vacuumed and cleaned my room then showered and settled in my bed with my pou (lol idk if you see but the game pou (i bought a doll of it recently…impulse purchasing they say 😞😞) and then enjoyed some free time after all the exams🤞🏼🤞🏼
wouuuuyh, an actor seems so kewl and it suits you really good ☝🏼☝🏼 i have interest toward medicine too but the studies are so hard and long 😪😭😭 like i find the anatomy and just the medical sector so fascinating in general so i aspire to be a surgeon one day 🤷🏻‍♀️
otherwise, i’d reeeeeeally like to have a vlog channel (or a channel in general on ytb) and so TRAVEL. the first dream on my bucket list is to travel allllll around the world and also film it bc i loooove editing and stuff. i also would like to write more on tumblr specially in english, so, my other dream is to be bilingual 💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️ and to keep on with tumblr, having a community on it would be a must ,LIKE, having anons or ppl talking and sharing their life seems so kewl too 🌚🌚 and i think it’s gutch for nowww
off topic but, what are you 3 top song of the moment? for me, the songs i have on repeat are :
-astrology, kali uchis (unreleased)
-she’s my collar, gorillaz ft kali uchis 🌚
-low, sza
those songs are playing on repeat rent free in ma head 👨🏻‍🦲👨🏻‍🦲👨🏻‍🦲also off topic but you really gimme SZA vibes ???? (/pos ofc)
well bye bye (i wrote a whole essay sorry😭😭😭) have a good day, day at work, a good night and dreams 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼!
helloooowww star 👨🏽‍💻💓
hehe yessss, i love anything vintage related so i have a lil vinyl collection — mostly the vinyls hang around my room and the rest i play while i work or write >.< i got the demon days vinyl by gorillaz and a night at the opera by queen, two of my fav bands of all time 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ i wanna get a tame impala vinyl too bc currents is prob my favvv album ever
lel yes 🧘‍♀️ i have a venus flytrap and it basically eats bugs and stuff like that. its near my garden, plant food in general i usually buy things like miracle gro n stuff !!
i’m glad u had a good day tho !!!! my day was okay, yesterday i basically stayed inside and did nothing. i’m gonna visit some campuses later today maybe and i have a piercing appointment today also 🙂‍↕️ LOOK AT UUUU being productive 🤞🏽 this is inspiring me to do spring cleaning today (is it still spring aha) so thank u !! <3 aw i remember pou, i used to stave mine bc i forgot ab it. poor bb
ooooo a vlog channel would be so nice !!!! 💓 i kinda wanted to do smth like that too, like it could help w my speaking bc i hate speaking but its soothing to record urself and just talk yk? doing grwms or shopping hauls would be soooo cute. and same i wanna travel too, i hope to visit the states one day (im from the carribbean) but i wouldn’t know where i wanna go first :0
THANKKK YOU 💖 i know right, i kinda backed out of medicine bc of the long years of school you need for it. im okay w my current career path but imagining me as a neurosurgeon would be kinda cool 🙂‍↕️ it was greys anatomy that even made me so interested in medicine LMAO. ik how the show is nothing like irl but i loveee greys n had a little doctor phase for a while heh. but i wish u luck on ur writing + bilingual journey !!!! you got this my friend mwah mwah
top three fav songs would be — dark vacay by cigarettes after sex, pyramids by frank ocean, and evil by melanie martinez
ITS OKKAAY i always appreciate whenever u stop by 💓💓 you too love have a good day !! BISSOUS 💋
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mangofmoon · 10 months
wait ive never shared this on here—
this is the first animatic Ive ever posted (and im still quite proud of it? weird). The way I made it tho… is uh… probably unconventional (click the read more thing to learn how ;3)
OK SO I firstbtried using flipaclip. but after the sketches and figuring out timing I realized that exporting the video caused the audio to be offset and that bugged the shit outta me so I changed plans i screen recorded the preview in flipaclip, imported the recording to procreate, and COUNTED THE FRAMES. INDIVIDUALLY. Finally i could match the number of frames to the actual nice ones I made in procreate. sweet! i had a video! i think! then i realized: “wait how do i add audio” PANIC
then I remembered the iMovie app my brother and i used to make home movies with. That could work! (i have no computer so no actual nice software, and less features in imovie) (sad) so i put the video into imovie and added the audio it… it was off. like very off. i tried editing it but it was so bad i got tired and gave up. i forgot about it completely.
like a month later i found it again, and being less sick of looking at it, I was like: yea sure i could upload this. I asked my brother, who had a computer, to add subtitles. But the program he used made incredibly crusty subtitles and i couldn’t match them completely with the frames. oh well. i uploaded without the subtitles and carried on my day.
until a few days later I realized I could make it BETTER I went back to the timed frames and added subtitles individually to each, according to the original music video, so us english speakers could know what the lyrics are (which i wanted because the korean lyrics are mostly the reason this song resonated so strongly with my story) so I tried to edit the timing in the frames better, but in imovie it again sucked ass. so, i finally gave up, and slapped the “timed” frames in so I could split the video in imovie and cut out extra time and get the timing PERFECT! it took like 3 hours cus i didn’t know what i was doing but I did it! i sure did
anyway ask me if u wanna know any lore stuff :) ill try not to give away too much
(also apologies if this is hard to read) (probs gonna edit it for clarity later)
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foreverxdaydreaming · 2 years
pay attention to who pays attention to you, bc ik everyone acts like it's entitled to ask for basic decency nowadays but like... im tired of giving way more energy than i get, and im gonna start dishing that lack of interest right tf back. sorry for the vent but im t i r e d man
if you can't even bring up a thing that makes you happy or an interest (for the first time mind you) without having that person just deadpan on you, but they love to talk about their stuff.. they just love their own voice then lol. fuckin tired of this shit
#my friends my father basically everyone i know#my mom is usually the only one who ever even bothers to listen#and that's prob bc i also ask her about her shows and all that stuff#so like.. neither of us watch the other's stuff but at least we can converse lol...#literally whenever i go 'ooh i started this thing and thought it was cool!' or 'i think you might like this thing it reminded me of you'#its just deadpan. or the gc just dies... like gee sorry i bothered you with my friendship bro.... lol#yet everyone else's stuff is cool and yall talk about shit.. despite us all being into similar stuff...#but i always feel like i get the short end of the stick when it comes to respect and i am T I R E D of it#like yall will hang out w/ toxic 'besties' who backstabbed you & gaslit / manipulated but the second i bring up a thing noooo how dreadful#sorry for this rant ik i prob sound nasty and toxic asf rn but im just.. genuinely so exhausted... with everyone and everything...#its so hard for me to make friends but at this point... i might as well just talk to the wall.. why bother if im always gonna feel left out#deep d e e p sighs rn#but anyway i edited some wps today and just letting myself go thru it#tired of acting like nothing is wrong but also tired of trying to bring it up bc they never see anything wrong so like#me and mom against the world ig.. cause my dog likes my dad too much bc he spoils her against my will 🥱#/neg#vent post#vent / rant#rant#delete later probably#or keep it to archive how many times ive nearly never spoken to my only 2 friends again... lol#idk if i hate myself more or ppl in general more.. but both are top contenders tbh
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a-weird-writer · 1 year
i think for me, breeding kink falls under the claiming kink category, which… i’m sure i’ve made it clear where i stand with that.
but would leon actually have a beloved, or would he more view them as an… entourage?
A mixture of both, in my opinion.
Leon Cromwell is very capable of romantic and general attraction. You can sing praises and devote yourself to the devil, can love him.
But how could the devil love you back?
How could anyone love someone like him in this lifetime? How can you ever possibly justify loving a Demon Lord?
Love is such a specific human feeling. A feeling Leon is wary of ever experiencing, given everything he's done and will keep doing, he is more than aware of his less-than-ideal influence upon the people around him; Leon is a lot of things but delusional isn't one of them.
His choices don't make him any less of a monster, pitiful as the true reasons are. (As seen in his brotherly relationship with Chronoa, but I'll tie those spoilers under wraps.) Leon's logic and personal regards are warped and selfish, at times hypocritical in Shizu's case.
Nothing hints about Leon's emotional state. It is a personally crafted safety mask, a blank façade of apparent indifference. No openings, no weakness; A hollow shell of humanity, an eroded stone wall.
Leon's past is tragic and complicated; whatever innocence was maintained in his previous world lost itself after the distortion incident, further coated in malice thanks to Leon's current status as a Demon Lord. Not above committing the most heinous crimes and atrocities known to mankind if beneficial to him in the long run.
Leon can and will be mean if he wants too, the sheer definition of cold and cruel to his bystanders. Very tightly wound on himself and his self-driven goals. Even when his "softer" side shifts, shown to very very few people that actually know him for far more than his status, he may still come off as too blunt and careless. Barely expressive.
Leon Cromwell just doesn't grasp emotions too well...
Through the eyes of surrounding observers unfortunate enough to have to deal with him, your existence is just barely regarded with any sort of harsh twitch or grimace.
To his beloved, he seems not to consider you at all, constantly riding on the edge of your surface tension.
But there is a however. What Leon lacks in expressive vocabulary, figurative or opposing, is later proven contrary through actions and acts of service in sacred chambers.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 4 years
#@me: literally no one expects u to comletely reformatt all ur data by monday#u can put wip data into the grant. the just want to see thst ur making progress#and u still have to rewrite the body of the work plus do hw#also me: fuck u fuck u fuck u. i will everything done if it fucking kills me#i want to see these fucking results#i only have like 4 more charts to make#later now: it only took me all fucking day but i made the charts#and i did it in like half the code it took me the 1st time. if i learned to make loops for nested data i could make it even shorter#but no time for that now. i still have hw and fellowship editing to do#even later now: tomorrow is gonna suck. still have hw to do plus compeletly overhauling the body of my fellowship i guess??#like im resubmitting so its like the same as i did last time but also i have to change it but its like its the same project so...?#ugh i dont want to read papers. my mental state is v fragile rn#also i feel fairly sick atm. prob just stress but whatever#ugh theyre prob just gonna reject me on this stupid fellowship and then wtf am i gonna do? i dont even kno#ugh i need to stop procrastinating and get my <6hrs sleep. yay#cant wait to be awake again....#literally why did i do this to myself? i new i was making horrible Choices and yet here i am. suffering#who would have guessed. me. i would have#ugh im not even tired now. gotta try to sleep. am slightly delirious#the next day: i was right. today did suck#i submitted my proposal but i met my pi this morning and she ended by saying see u in an hr#and i was like oh god i forgot to read a paper for her class#so i had to read a paper and manifest 9 question in an hr. luckily it was done by a person i kno on a topic i kno#now i just have to write a lab report for tomorrow#and prep for the rest of this garbage week#i feel so horrible. like real sick#lab report = done#but like fuck literally everything rn#why do i do this to myself???#unrelated
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florshedworf · 3 years
yo.. yonkagor joined a vc i was in (in a public disc server)
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alright its past midnight and i got back from film class an hour ago. I have a japanese test in the morning but something has been bugging the living crap out of me
my film class tonight was in international cinema. we watched a film from India in the 1930s and in that film a woman (she is a prostitute, which is actually relevant for once) literally says "you treat me with respect. no one has ever done that before" while giving this man she just met 5 minutes ago goo goo eyes
theres a lot to unpack here.
on one hand, good on the creators for realizing even in the 30s that sex workers are people too, who dont get even the basic respect they deserve
on the other hand.
why, of all the irritating romance tropes to use, did it have to be That One?
guys, gals, nb pals of all shapes, colors, sizes, abilities, nationalities: a person treating you with basic dignity is not a reason to stay with them. it's not a Main Reason to fall in love with them (though it should definitely be One of your reasons) and it's a dangerous lesson to teach in media
look. my ex treated me like gotdam royalty. but I ended things when I realized my feelings had faded. that was it. end of story. did I feel bad? of course! he was a really great guy who would have been good to me, but that doesn't, in any way, mean that I should have felt obligated to stay with him
I wish media would stop trying to force people to believe that human decency is worth falling in love over
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yanbub · 3 years
multiple announcements coming through !
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okok first of all, im back 😋. as in ill be fully active again like usual xdxd.
i know i didn't seem like i was on a semi-hiatus but shhh i had to take care of things and i had to fix my mental stability too.
i'm really sorry that i didn't reply to my inbox while i was gone !! i was very unmotivated to reply during the whole break even tho i rbed some ask games LOL. ill reply to them later so your wait won't be that long anymore !
thank you all 4 ur patience and efforts 💞
pls read the other announcements utc! its all important and i just cut it so that it wont clog up other's dashboards.
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second of all, the blog will go a heavy revamp session! please don't mind the spam posting, it'll just be me organizing my blog all over again.
the revamp will include the following:
a new tagging system
(finally) an official post for my blog rules, writing rules, etc. i know i have a carrd for that but im tired of editing it every now and then
a clean up! ill be deleting some old posts such as my shitposts and some other miscellaneous things i want out of this blog. and sadly, this includes the requests that was left in my inbox. sorry that you didn't get your request done ^^'
i think thats p much it? again dont mind the spam posting you'll see when this is in progress!
asks will be answered AFTER this revamp session is done.
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third, a new character for the character list! thoma is added now. as for gorou, well, that's still dependable since i haven't grasped his personality yet with the little interaction we got from the archon quests. ill try writing for him but only on specific and self indulgent ideas.
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not that important but new theme hehe. ive had this theme on pc for a while now but i wanted to change it on mobile once im back from the break. anyways stan remi ayasaki for clear skin yalls
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to explain further about me deleting requests in my inbox, as you saw during my break i only posted self indulgent content.
i don't really wanna open requests for a while since i have so many self indulgent ideas that i wanna focus on. the ideas that you sent in were honestly great but im sorry that i won't be able to write it :((
though there might be times that i won't be writing because deadass i post content almost everyday, i need a break too 🧍‍♀️.
HOWEVER! if you're willing to send in some brainrot at my inbox, ill be more than glad to whip up a small blurb/ficlet for you! or maybe ill add more onto that brainrot, who knows really.
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anyways if you reached this part of the post, congrats! you're probs the only one who bothered to read all the important announcements.
ill be off to revamp the blog now and istg ill finally answer asks after that 😭 i missed interacting w yall but i swear my motivation said no <//3
bye bye now, ty for reading <33
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grizztheexplorer · 4 years
Reaction umbrella academy. Ep 10, s1:
- looks like reggie is a time traveler. But with his wife was he in the past or future???????
- I understand possessed vanya destroying the rooms she felt excluded from, but tell me a memory of luke and allison doing unplatonic things trigger you??? Girl who wants to cockblock. If anything the usual reaction is to go “shit sorry” and then leave😭 i just feel like that’s an odd memory to trigger her. Felt more like a reminder of allison and luther’s feelings going on since they were young, than something that upset vanya.
- god I understand she was possessed sort of and not in control but how she murdered pogo? Even if i can like her and all she can never be my fave. That was horrible. Him and Grace were the only love she got as a child. To murder him like that and watch him as he struggles with his last breaths?? Awful. Im glad his death was emotional and luther was hurt. An emotional scene is what pogo deserved :(
- mom’s moment is heartbreaking too.
- uhm.... can we just take a moment to realize this is all happening because five left for like 30 minutes?? Sjfjdjf literally nothing would have happened if he had stayed. I just KNOW he would have called them dumb for locking vanya and talked to her himself bc her demons talked to her.
- damn fuck you got me. I started the show bc i saw a fun edit of s2. Ik allison finds a husband and loves him very much, but fuck im rooting for her and luther to end up together a little?????? They just have a bond sjdjdjd i hate the writers for this they really should have just had a strong sibling bond but here we are :/
- respect to hazel for that cha-cha has me tired. Has anyone had the conversation that from the only black women in the show the dark skin one is the insufferable one?? No?? We still waitong on that!? Would have literally made more sense to have her be in the position of hazel and hazel be the sort of power hungry one. I dont even blame the show, Netflix just had such bad reputation with dark skin female characters. Still glad cha-cha got fucked tho sjdjdjf
- why is diego on luther’s ass about a plan and being a leader as if he wasn’t just as bad lmaoooo. Y’all don’t function unless is under five or allison’s instructions sir pls sit tf down you BOTH useless.
- five is literally the only one that ever makes sense. However the one thing he lacks is communication. He keeps wanting to save everyone on his own and keeps leaving them in the dark. Had he told them earlier of apocalypse with vanya there this wouldn’t happen. Had he told them more about everything he wouldn’t be pulled away so easily. He gotta work on not thinking himself as the one carrying everyone and rely on them more. Altho i agree with him that he is the smartest. The others getting angry at that is dumb. He is 58 anyways and all he had to do for decades was read books. So that’s a given.
- i was gonna say thank you luther but never mind. WHY ARE MAN SO DUMB LET ALLISON DO IT DAMN IT.
- damn it agnes she really is an angel “everyone has a past” god i love her
- also i wanted five to kill the handler im a little :/
- men ruined it. Couldn’t let vanya have this. After all the shit, i like vanya more than luther and diego. I don’t dislike them BUT THEY NEVER FUCKINF LISTEN.
- im soso glad hazel and agnes made it and escaped. Agnes deserves the world thank u for coming to my ted talk
- i can see why allison in s2, being separated and not knowing if luther is alive AND having him constantly ignore her bc “he knows better” caused her to marry someone else later and offer him to go with her. I honestly do like luther and allison and they prob will be endgame, but he has to learn to listen to her and know they can protect each other and is not always him protecting her. He has to get the “but im the leader” bs out of his head to make it work with her. Which im guessing will happen in s3 later on anyways.
- if only they listened to FUCKING ALLISON
- i wonder if allison had just like,,,, hugged vanya instead of scaring her with the gunshot the apocalypse wouldn’t happen????
- i see they aren’t escaping but rather five has a plan to run away and just start again in order to solve it. Makes sense.
- glad cha-cha died goodness gracious
- i liked that the children appear on the last shot of the circle. If only andy mustard ugly ass would have taken notes for It Chapter 2 BUT I DIGRESS
Overall good season good show. I liked it. I like all characters but top 3 are def allison, five, and klaus. And ben. So top 4 bc ben is a puppy who i will always love a treasure. Hope we keep seeing klaus’ powers grow too.
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