#will update w/ new additions as i post them <3
tigertofu · 9 months
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💌 = ao3 | 💞 = mild nsfw | 💗 = explicit smut |❓ = requested
18+ only ! minors DNI.
please heed the tags on my ao3 fics !
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❀ longfics ❀
A Toxic Strain | E | Trevor/Female OC | 220k words, complete 💌💗
After a territory dispute with dispensary owner Franklin Clinton, 23-year-old Kacie Ocampo is coerced into abandoning her simple life of slinging dime bags of homegrown weed on Vespucci Beach and relocating to Sandy Shores to work for a violent, unpredictable criminal: Trevor Philips. A storm of conflicting emotions brews within Kacie as she falls victim to Trevor's manipulation while also harboring intense feelings of attraction to him - a storm that threatens her senses of morality and rationality with obliteration. She finds herself dragged into increasingly dangerous situations as Trevor tangles with a vengeful gang of bikers, his own mental instability, and a past that he refuses to let go of.
Growing Pains | E | Trevor/Female OC | 230k words, complete 💌💗
Kacie and Trevor's first few months as a couple have passed by in a hedonistic haze of sex, drugs, and petty crime. A toxic codependency has taken root, and neither of them have even tried to mitigate its growth. Trevor is more than happy to have an unlimited source of affection and attention, and so long as she's having fun with him, Kacie cares about little else. But a series of bad choices - some made by her, some made by him - may be enough to make things decidedly unfun.
Burning in Heaven | E | Trevor/Female OC | 34k words, WIP 💌💗
After starting a new life together in their totally–legally–obtained home in Rockford Hills, Kacie and Trevor are hard at work finding their footing in Los Santos. Getting Trevor’s new lifestyle coaching career off the ground has turned out to be no small feat, and the couple have turned to more familiar ways of squeezing profit from the city’s scores of drug–addicted citizens in the meantime. Though their work is challenging, more strenuous problems arise. Their relationship has finally levelled out into their own twisted (yet mostly happy) version of domestic bliss, but as an old flame is reignited and a new one is set, their peace is threatened by more than just the dangers of Los Santos’ criminal underbelly.
Handsome in an Ugly Way | E | Trevor/Fem!Reader | 27k words, WIP 💌💗
You're a clerk at a liquor store in Sandy Shores. The job is mind-numbingly boring and most of the customers are assholes. But one customer, the biggest asshole of them all, has caught your eye. And on one particular night, he notices you looking at him.
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❀ headcanon lists ❀
my stupid-long list of general trevor headcanons 💞
trevor w/ pregnant fem!reader & their baby 💞❓
north yankton trevor w/ photographer fem!reader 💞❓
general north yankton era headcanons about trevor, michael, and brad ❓
trevor as a husband and father ❓
hate to love w/ fem!reader & north yankton era trevor 💞❓
north yankton trevor w/ a goth fem!reader 💗❓
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❀ oneshots/short fics ❀
fem!reader meeting & hooking up w/ trevor 💗
north yankton trevor meeting & falling for fem!reader who is into boxing 💞❓
post ending-b trevor/fem!reader who reminds him of michael 💌❓
sandy shores exhile era trevor/michael 💌
fem!reader surprises trevor in lingerie 💌💗
chubby and shy fem!reader/trevor 💗❓️(+ separate ao3 link)
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panelshowsource · 6 months
hey frends!
just a lil update to say that i'll be moving soon, so over the next 2–3 weeks i'll be quite busy and won't be able to post a lot a lot (not that i usually post that much but i do try!)
now that many panel shows are wrapping up their seasons, it's not too much to keep up with the masterpost or anything, so i'll definitely keep that chugging, but gifs might be a little slow :') i have a few requests i'll work on, and it's fine to send those in; plus, i said i'd be making BIG gifsets for the recent taskmaster contestants and i'm definitely working on those! i wanna do a good job so taking my time :)
wanna remind everyone about some of the newer additions to the googledrive!
ed gamble — glutton (audiobook) (i'll be listening to this today while i'm packing! if anyone else listened pls lmk what you think!! i'm also wrapping up david's book and gonna post my thoughts soon hehe)
added the most recent alex horne/tim key celebrity pointless to the alex horne collection folder
a couple seasons of duck quacks don't echo upgraded to 1080p
bbc radio 4's hard to tell from 2011, with jonny sweet, charlotte ritchie, katy wix, etc.
complete british as folk, with fern brady, ivo graham, and darren harriott (any other homo reading this grow up absolutely and painfully obsessed with queer as folk? either version? oh man... this programme gets a 10/10 for the name alone, iconic)
live at the moth club
lots of fun new episode of growing pains, hignfy, taskmaster, outsiders :)
as well, there are a couple of new podcasts out: russell howard's wonderbox and james acaster's springleaf :)
i have a bunch of asks and i'll post them later! you guys are being so cute about taskmaster it's been so fun
hope everyone is having a great weekend!
btw... please don't feel obligated to anon me rude messages... i'm a little stressed with everything going on in Life, so maybe save those for the new year? i'll try to come up w witty retorts after i've had some sleep
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it's funny, i've been hearing a lot about blog competition and fighting for notes and monopolising panel show content blah blah in my inbox recently. (i only included one here but there's genuinely been quite a few just in the last couple of weeks.) i don't know what might be going on on other blogs or discords or whatever, and i honestly didn't even know these were still convos people are having; i kinda thought we all agreed that this site isn't as big as it used to be, notes aren't as plentiful as they used to be, but by golly we'll just keep on posting anyways. i don't know if there are edit tags for any panel shows but i don't use them; i just post content here for my current followers and if you guys like it then that's all i wanted to do. i don't care if there are other panel show blogs with more followers or posts that get more notes or better gifs or better blogs or whatever. it's all fine. i don't care. i don't think about it. so you don't have to ask me that stuff — how to grow your blog or get more followers or more engagement, or how i feel about other blogs that post the same content as i do — i won't answer it. just post it because you want to; don't race to be the first one to get stuff at (especially at the expense of making content you're proud of!); don't put other people down; don't send anonymous hate. just be cool and worry about you. if you can't have fun here without validation in the notes then you're gonna be miserable. flopping is integral to being active.
37 notes · View notes
damelucyjo · 7 months
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W e ' r e b a c k , b a b y !
I think the page couldn't cope with that many links, basically. No matter what I did, it just wouldn't work! So now we've got separate pages!!
The original page is the same, but there are categories listed at the bottom. If you click on them, it'll take you to a different page for just that category. Hopefully this sorts the problem! If not, I do have it all saved in a Google Doc now that I can just link instead.
This update also comes with a handful of additions!
I've added a 'Hosting' category, which now includes;
The Earthshot Prize 2023
All 3 nights of Eurovision 2023
The Olivier Awards 2023
I've also added a Podcast category, which now includes;
Hustle Rule: The Untold Stories of Women’s Soccer (Hosted by Hannah)
Variety Awards Circuit - Hannah Waddingham, Juno Temple & Brett Goldstein
Goodbye Crop Top - Episode 4 Hannah Waddingham
Still Watching by Vanity Fair - Game of Thrones - “Mother’s Mercy” With Hannah Waddingham
The Wrap-Up - ‘Ted Lasso’ Star Hannah Waddingham
IndieWire’s Million of Screens - Talking ‘Ted Lasso’ with Hannah Waddingham & Juno Temple
Next Best Picture Podcast - Interview With ‘Ted Lasso’ Emmy-Nominee Hannah Waddingham
Interviews have now been split up into 'Interviews' and 'Talk Shows'. There are a few additions to both of these categories too. ALSO I won't bother with a whole new post tomorrow, but the new episode of Krapopolis will be added tomorrow morning.
Fingers crossed everything is working again!! If anything isn't, or you notice something is in the wrong place, then please let me know.
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tcwmatchmakingau · 10 months
Date Night Pt. 3
Summary: Yen Ori'ken finally found her calling as a matchmaker. The work was involved and fulfilling. After helping Rex find his own perfect match, the Captain calls in a favor for one of his brothers. Yen knows she is up to the task, but this trooper proves to be her most difficult client yet.
A/N: Alright, y'all. This chapter has been rewritten so many times I can't even. Two seconds before submitting it earlier, I realized I didn't have the depth I wanted and did a lot of heavy edits and what was supposed to be the final chapter got split into two. So, now Pt 3 is more an intro to Yen and Dogma.
Pairing: Dogma x OC (Yen Ori'ken, RTL Matchmaker Extrodinaire)
Warning: SFW. Mentions of Umbara, general exploration of guilt and anxiety but nothing specific/no details.
W/C: 4,860
Tapping the papers gently on her desk to help them fall into place in their folder, Yen smiled, satisfied that another day of good work was done, her tasks all checked neatly off her daily to-do list one by one, falling into line like synchronized swimmers. She even managed to knock a few things off her weekly to-do list, and the week had only just started.
Yes, things in her little world were neat and tidy, kept that way through meticulous organization and perseverance.
And a large part of that was thanks to Right to Love.
Matchmaking had been the family business — at least as her grandmother told it. But that was decades ago, and it wasn’t much of a stable career back on her home planet. So when she graduated from Coruscant University with a degree in Business Administration and a minor in Sociology of Humanoid Species, she directed her attention toward making her mark on the business world instead.
One corporate desk job and three stints with start ups so immature the CEOs should have been wearing diapers led Yen to her wits end. One would think the realm of business would be orderly but somehow the entire enterprise operated on chaos, caffeine and petty spite.
No wonder so many companies relied on the war for profits.
It disgusted her down to her core how many seemingly well-to-do firms were war profiteers, no matter the regulatory handwaving by the Senate to grant capitalist exceptions that protected them from that title. And did these companies at least benefit the citizens of the Republic? No, of course not. Not unless you were wealthy and wanted a new speeder.
Yen had been about to quit her fourth job in as many years, more willing to face poverty in the capital than work for those self-important assholes again when her grandmother reached out. Apparently, the matchmaking community was still small enough, and the endeavor of Right to Love so large, that word had reached her Mid-Rim planet.
“Just think about it, love. You were a wonderful apprentice here, and it could be a way to continue our work. I know you have your fancy office job, but do consider this? At least for me?”
At that point, there really wasn’t much for Yen to consider other than how to best update her resume. Once she got the job, the rest of her post-grad life fell into place — she had a decent apartment, a job she enjoyed, and even made friends in the office.
Most importantly, in the six months since, she was proud to have matched ten happy couples.
It wasn’t a numbers game; more a critical analysis. A breakdown of information cleaned from clean profiles and messy interviews to put together a picture of a whole person — not just the wants they admit to, but the flaws and quirks they don’t — in order to pair them with a compatible match.
And Yen was quite good at it.
At least, that’s what her spotless record attested to. Despite not having the same amount of experience as some of her colleagues, Yen had been able to find each one a match they were happy with and currently dating.
One client was so impressed, he’d asked for some … additional help in getting another clone trooper comfortable with the process. Yen typically didn’t get so personally involved — it was hard to stay clear headed and objective if clients became friends. However, Captain Rex’s normally even tone had a hint of something … unsettled in it when he called earlier.
Clearly, her assistance was needed, and if it meant the captain would continue recruiting for her and spreading the word among his brothers of her expertise, then tonight’s small exception would be worth it.
With one last look confirming everything was in its place, Yen locked up and made her way across the city to an intimate little café. Her choice of location, one she knew would be welcoming to the men, but off the beaten path and quiet enough to allow a private conversation.
The journey wasn’t long, but she was late. Captain Rex was sitting at a table outside, facing her, dressed down in “civilian” attire. Yen was glad to see the deep bags under his eyes seemed a little brighter. In fact, his whole person seemed more relaxed, relieved. She tried to silence the small part of her that felt a little proud that her matchmaking may have contributed to this change from the first time they met.
Opposite Rex sat another trooper, his back to Yen. That must be the reluctant brother.
“Hello, sorry I’m late,” Yen said, as she came around the table to greet Rex first.
Ever the gentleman, the captain rose as Yen reached out her hand. ““Not reason to be sorry, we were early. It’s good to see you again, Yen.”
“Good to see you, too, Rex,” she said sincerely, squeezing the captain’s calloused hand before turning to the other trooper. Unlike Rex, he wore his casual fatigues. More striking than his choice to wear a uniform during off-hours was the intricate V-shaped tattoo that bisected his face. “And you must be the man Rex insisted I meet. I’m Yen Ori’ken.”
The trooper’s handshake was stiff and firm, and his eyes never once left hers. “Dogma, ma’am. And apologies. I told the Captain that this was unnecessary, but he pulled rank.”
Yen raised an eyebrow and leveled a look at Rex as she sat next to him. “Did he now?”
Rex raised his hands in surrender. “I just wanted the two of you to meet and have a conversation.”
“You can’t order someone to go see a matchmaker.”
“I didn’t. I gave Dogma the choice of desk duty for a month or one evening with good company and good conversation since he refuses to schedule his interview.”
“Oh, so your paperwork is done?” Yen asked, turning back to Dogma, who gave a small nod.
“Yes, ma’am. The Captain submitted it fifteen rotations ago through the holonet portal.”
Closing her eyes for just a moment, Yen held in a soul-deep sigh. She really should be used to the mental gymnastics clones employed to get their way. Even the commanding officers were guilty of it.
Sometimes they’re even worse, she thought, remembering Daria’s struggles with Commander Neyo. Taking a deep breath, Yen put her professional smile back on, softening it just a bit for the man across from her who sat straight and still as a board.
“Well, the good thing about being a civilian is that your captain can’t pull rank on me. This won’t work, it can’t work, if you don’t want it to. And I’m not looking to risk my record or reputation because one man is too afraid to tell his commanding officer to stay in line. So, Dogma, I leave the choice up to you.”
He looked at her like she was speaking Huttese. “Ma’am?”
“Yen, please,” she smiled softly. “Look, forget Rex for a second. Forget everything, in fact. Just take a moment to think about what you really want. Do you want to meet someone and have a partner in your life? Or do you want to continue as you are?”
The silence that settled wasn’t tense, but it weighed on the trio. Dogma looked down to the tabletop as if it held the answers he was looking for. He looked almost lost at her most simple question.
 After a few more beats, he finally looked up. His body was still rigid, but now there was a softness in his eyes as he met hers again.
“I think I’d like to try. For a partner, that is. My brothers … they all look so happy when we’re on planet now.” Dogma paused, like he was trying to find the right words but then the softness drained from his eyes again. “But I’m not leaving the 501st.”
It took all her strength to keep a satisfied smile off her face, but Yen could see from the corner of her eye that Rex didn’t exercise the same control.
“No one is asking you to,” she said. “Plenty of troopers are still enlisted. And obviously your legion still spends a bit of time off planet and that hasn’t been a problem for their partners. That’s where I come in. I’ll take what I know of you and find someone complimentary in our system.”
At that, Yen reached into her purse to pull out a small datapad and stylus.
“Naturally, that means I’ll need you to be completely honest with me. Lying to me means lying to a potential partner, and that does not end well. Further, while my record speaks for itself, I am not actually a miracle worker. You may go on dates that don’t end in a relationship. You may even have bad dates. Please don’t think of these as failures. They are opportunities for me to refine my parameters and try again. Understand?”
Dogma nodded, but his face had lost some color at the mention of failed dates. It was a risk to mention, especially with a nervous client. But one thing Yen had come to realize about clone troopers is their uniform preference to have all the data and face new situations as prepared as possible.
Still, it was disconcerting that Dogma’s mouth kept opening and closing like a fish trying to breathe on dry land.
“Are you okay, Dogma?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
It had left his mouth before she even finished her question.
“Strike one,” Yen said, brandishing her stylus in admonishment. “I said I expect complete honesty. Don’t lie to me again, trooper.”
Dogma’s eyes narrowed at her, nose crinkling slightly. “I didn’t lie, ma’am.”
“Dogma.” Rex’s tone was nothing like Yen had heard before. Must be his captain voice. It worked instantly and had his subordinate leaning back into his seat.
“Fine,” he spat. “I am intimidated by the idea of a date. My experience is limited and I have no training.”
Yen nodded. “Many of your brothers were — and are — in the same boat. And us natborns aren’t really trained in this, either.” She offered another small smile, relieved to see Dogma’s durasteel spine start to soften. She waited for him to relax a little further into his seat before continuing. “We’re all just winging it and trying our best. Some are just better at hiding their nerves.”
Dogma looked unwilling to accept the revelation, but when Yen met his eyes hoping to convey her sincerity, he stared back like he was holding onto a lifeline.
Opening up to civilian life, accepting change and chaos into their worlds that, while dangerous, had been so orderly, was a challenge for many troopers. Nothing unusual or unfamiliar for her to navigate. And yet, Yen couldn’t help but feel that something deeper was at play.
Well, the only way to solve that mystery is to dive right in.
Sitting back with her datapad at the ready, Yen let herself slip fully into work mode. “Are you alright with a few questions to start?”
Despite the rocky start, Dogma was impressively forthwith and thorough in his interview answers, sparing not even the less flattering truths about his personality and habits. Unlike other troopers, he didn’t withhold any information, even about his arrest for killing the traitorous Jedi Pong Krell.
That bit of information certainly caught Yen’s attention, though she fought to keep her surprise off her face. Everything about Dogma screamed regimented order. The thought that the man in front of her could have not only defied orders but turned against a commanding officer was almost unthinkable.
All that to keep his brothers safe.
The curl of Dogma’s fists into the tablecloth was the only physical clue he gave as to how much the incident still impacted him, prompting Yen to mark patience as a necessity in his potential matches.
As the trio ordered and their food arrived, Yen’s questioning became less formal, allowing Rex to hop in with commentary and anecdotes of his trooper, as well as a few stories that brought a tint to Dogma’s copper cheeks and she couldn’t hold back a teasing smile as the trooper turned the tables on his captain, playfully exposing how awkward Rex had apparently been leading up to his first date.
As the night progressed, Yen found she was enjoying herself more than she had in a while, the banter between them flowing naturally.
She had a good feeling about this client. And as she went home that night, she felt in her gut she would find a match worthy of such an exemplary soldier.
She was lucky she so often neglected physical exercise. Because just a little more strength in her grip and Yen really believed she could break her datapad.
Six dates. Dogma had been on six dates in two weeks and not a single one had passed muster to earn a second date.
If it was a lack of chemistry or incompatibility, she could understand. But the man was a damn vault. Every time Yen attempted a post-event interview to get to the bottom of where her analysis went wrong, he stonewalled her.
It just didn’t work out.
No, I’d prefer not to give it another try.
I’d rather start over than continue with this match.
Between his past and his general hesitancy signing up for her services, she knew she had to tread carefully with him, though she could recognize that the first date she set up was optimistic. That match being particularly outgoing and outspoken. The hope had been that a bright, extroverted energy would compliment Dogma’s introverted and quiet nature.
And maybe she corrected too far with the second, a much more softspoken match, one who would let Dogma take the lead and set his own pace.
But the last four? All perfectly lovely women, who happened to be comfortable being paired with a man who was still enlisted and had personalities that seemed compatible with Dogma’s.
So no, short of them all talking about their exes or their expectations of marriage on a first date — which she didn’t think had happened but couldn’t confirm — Yen could not understand what had gone so horribly wrong.
And from the interviews conducted with the matches, she knew Dogma wasn’t the problem. Apparently, he was a delightful date, well-mannered and respectful. A few had mentioned that he seemed nervous and stiff, maybe not the most forthcoming with conversation, but that was pretty standard for some troopers. All five were in fact quite upset to find their date hadn’t gone as well as they thought and that another wasn’t in their future.
The most frustrating thing was, Yen believed it. From all her own interactions with the man, Dogma had proved to be a grounded, driven man who was reserved but kind. Definitely an academic mind, almost like an old soul, which she supposed was ironic considering he was a clone.
So while the trooper may not be everyone’s cup of tea, there was an enigmatic yet comforting aura to him that certainly had its own appeal.  
With nowhere to put the blame for the failures and no insight into what the heck was wrong, Yen was officially stuck. At this point, honestly, she didn’t even care if Dogma found a partner. Forget a relationship. She’d feel accomplished if he asked for someone’s comm frequency at this point.
Even worse was the backlog this fiasco was causing. Checking her to-do list was something that previously gave Yen a sense of focus and direction. Now, a sneer curled her nose and lips as she looked at the unchecked boxes that mocked her as her anxiety sparked.
“Oh, the scary face.” Daria leaned against the entrance to her office, raising her offering of iced caf. “So you do need an afternoon pick me up.”
“I never said I didn’t, just that I was too busy to leave.”
“Uh-huh.” Taking the seat across from her, Daria slid the drink to Yen. “Who’s pissing you off this time?”
Yen leveled a flat look at her friend.
“The 501st trooper? Again?”
Sucking down the biggest gulp of overly sweetened caffeine she could, Yen nodded. “Yup.”
“And he’s still being pigheaded about it?”
“Yes! It doesn’t make any sense! I’ve reviewed his application and interview answers at least four dozen times by this point! I know I’m setting him up with solid candidates and he refuses to give me one objective reason why he won’t consider any of them.”
She slid down in her seat that now felt too big to fill. “Maybe I’m just losing my touch …”
“No, no no no.” Daria pointed one finger right into Yen’s face, leaning across her desk to scold her properly. “We are not doing that ‘woe is me’ osik.”
“Osik?” Yen asked, one eyebrow raised.
“Bantha fodder.”
“Yeah, I know. I didn’t know you speak Mando’a.”
“Well, I do. Or I’m learning,” Daria explained, and if Yen didn’t know her friend so well, she may not have noticed the flustered way Daria’s fingers began fidgeting with the neatly lined styluses on the desk. “Regardless, we’re focusing on you. And what you need, my dear, is to go undercover.”
“Undercover?” she asked, her tone flat as a credit chip.
“Ok, not undercover. But you know what I mean. You need to see what’s happening firsthand.”
“Dar, please. Do not make me verbalize my refusal to go on a date with a client.”
With a roll of her eyes and a huff, Daria returned Yen’s attitude pound for pound. “Yen, please. Give me more credit than that. I’m not saying date him. I’m saying spend a little time with him so you can fill in the blanks. Think of it like field research.”
Yen leaned back in her chair, succumbing to her old habit of swiveling it aimlessly as she sipped her iced caf again. “Field research, huh?”
In the end, it really didn’t take long for her to consider Daria’s advice more seriously. As the workday drew to an end with still fewer tasks being resolved, Yen couldn’t take the uncertainty anymore. She caved, and rather quickly, too, for her tastes.
It took everything in her to break her personal code and send the message to Dogma asking him to meet up. She could hear her grandmother’s voice, chastising her the entire time, bemoaning that good matchmakers do not get to know their clients on a personal level.
It was that unspoken and unrealized disappointment that ensured Yen clarified no less than three times that this outing was a solution — unconventional though it may be — that could help her better match him and most certainly not a toe beyond professional boundaries.
Fortunately, Dogma didn’t leave her agonizing in limbo long. His reply came promptly, agreeing to her terms and leaving the planning to her.
Perfect. I just need to get to the bottom of this conundrum, and I can get things back to normal.
Dogma fiddled with the cuff of his sleeve for the fourth time in as many minutes, though the perfectly pressed seams were already sitting properly on his wrist.
He should have said no.
She was going to ask. Again. About why his dates keep ending in rejection. Why he hadn’t connected with any of the matches she set up for him.
She’s going to find out he lied.
Dogma had no kriffing idea what he wanted from a partner. He’d asked every brother he trusted when he found out Captain Rex was going to drag him to finally meet with the matchmaker they all kept praising. And those karking idiots couldn’t come up with a single answer.
It must be his curse, or the cosmic repercussions for his actions to be reassigned to the chaotic quagmire that is the 501st.
That’s what the Force was, right?
In the end, Kix was the only one to give him any sort of suitable advice. If you don’t feel a connection to your date, that’s ok. Just move on and try again.
The dates Yen set him up on were all lovely but … he just didn’t connect with them. He couldn’t.
Pouring salt in the wound was the way Yen would look at him with so much sincere kindness in her eyes after each disappointing evening. Looking at her like that, he couldn’t say the truth he knew deep down: he’s defective. He’s not meant for a partner. He’s barely meant for the battlefield now, but at least there he has his brothers to help him.
He wondered how long until she gave up on him, until she learned the truth.
The small seed of optimism that coaxed him into trusting the system around him still urged him to keep up hope. But that little voice had shrunk and grown quieter since Umbara. It didn’t matter that his brothers all agreed his actions were justified, or that he was considered a hero now. The betrayal was still there.
But not just Krell’s. His own haunted him just as much. Sometimes more.
Despite all the extenuating facts, Dogma still broke the ultimate rule, the foundation of a soldier’s code of honor: Trust in and listen to your commanding officer.
Even Captain Rex hadn’t been able to pull the trigger. But he had. And in his heart, he knew he didn’t shoot to protect anyone. The only thing he felt in that moment was rage … and pain. And he took that out on a prisoner of war.
Now, the guilt was what he operated on. He knew that it was preventing him from connecting with anyone. But how could he tell that to Rex, his brother who somehow still believed he deserved anything beyond the chance to make amends?
How could he tell that to Yen, to this civilian woman who owed him nothing but was clearly working her hardest to do right by him?
He couldn’t. So he didn’t. He went through the motions, and tonight he knew his lies would catch up with him. He hated the dread he felt, almost wishing it could be over now.
“I should have guessed you’d beat me here.”
Dogma hid his startled jump by turning at the sound of Yen’s voice, impressed she managed to get so close unnoticed. He must have been too far into his own thoughts.
She clearly came straight from work. Her dark hair pulled back and into a neat twist, leaving only her straight cut bangs out, cutting a military straight line across her forehead. Her outfit was simple but professional, all dark colors and gold accents perfectly tailored to her form, her bag tucked neatly under her arm. Everything about her was neat and orderly, as it was each time he saw her.
There was a small, pretty smile on her lips as she looked up at him expectantly.
It took him a beat too long to realize he never answered her.
“Just like to be punctual, ma’am.”
“Yen, please. And so do I, which is why I got here five minutes early. So now I’m wondering how early you got here.”
Her tone was light, playful, and yet Dogma still felt like he was facing a test no one had ever instructed him for.
“Sorry, ma- Yen, I mean,” he said, his arms automatically falling into an “at rest” position behind his back as she took the lead and began walking across the plaza, her eyes never leaving his. “I haven’t been waiting long,” he lied.
“No need to apologize. It’s kind of fun not being the one to wait for once,” she said, her smile widening. “So, as I said in my message, I’m a bit stuck in picking your next match and since our post-date interviews haven’t yielded any new information, I wanted to meet up and touch base.
“Of course, ma’am.” He gave a short nod and fought to hide his confusion as Yen’s smile fell from genuine to stale.
“I know you’re doing it out of respect, but I’d much prefer you call me by my name,” she said, her tone firm but not angry as far as he could tell. “I’m not your commanding officer. In fact, for tonight, it would be best if you think of me as a peer.”
“A peer?”
“Yes. I didn’t fully explain in my message, but this isn’t just to meet up. I wanted to see first-hand what a date with you is like. This way, I can have better insight when picking your next match. That can’t work if you keep treating me as a superior.”
A date?
It wasn’t real. It was just for professional purposes.
And yet Dogma couldn’t understand the rush that rose through him like a wave at the prospect of a date with Yen. Even a fake one. Out of all the civies he’d met — through Right to Love and in general — she was by far the easiest to talk to. The kindest, too. He kept all the soft smiles and the gentle encouragement she gave when he told her his story locked in his memory.
He always felt supported by his brothers. But the way she guided him that night was something he hadn’t experienced before or since.
“Is that okay?” she asked, looking as if she believed he would actually say no.
He had to remind himself that technically, it wouldn’t be out of bounds for him to refuse. And he ignored the incessant thought that said he should, that this couldn’t be regulation behavior. But she was offering, looking at him expectantly for an answer but unassuming beyond that.
Like a bolt, Dogma realized that’s what made him feel so secure around her. Yen expected nothing from him but himself. And she was the first person to do so.
He realized he liked that very much.
“Yes, it’s okay.”
“Wonderful! I hope you like light shows. There’s one tonight in the plaza, set to a Pantoran opera. It isn’t too long, so I figured it would be perfect. Ready?”
Yen didn’t wait for an answer. She took his hand without another word and began pulling him through the crowd to the opposite end of the plaza.
That same wave of gentle support washed through him, just like when he spoke to her after each date, and he reveled in it. Nothing had ever soothed him like this. Even before Umbara, Dogma struggled with his anxious nature, retreating into the order and boundaries of the regulations to guide him. Nothing could go wrong if he was acting as he was supposed to.
Or so he thought. Umbara showed him how limited the regulations were, how confining. And worse, how fallible the structures of power could be to corruption. Without those pillars, his anxiety had grown worse.
His brothers helped where they could. Kix, Maker bless him, had researched medication and breathing techniques to help him in acute situations. Captain Rex was always patient with him. And while Jesse still kept a bit of distance, Fives’ exuberant friendship did wonders alleviating remnant guilt, even if he wanted to punch the ARC trooper more often than not.
But this? The feeling of Yen’s skin on his, the natural warmth that oozed out of her cut to his core, silencing the thoughts that came unbidden to plague his mind. She was a quiet power — neat, organized, controlled. And yet so damn soft as she forged ahead without worry. At least, none that he could see.
He wasn’t sure if she expected people to follow her or just became accustomed to it. Probably the latter. He couldn’t see her demanding anything. And yet, it was so natural to fall into step just behind her. More so than the captain, or even the marshal commander. He knew on that first night that he could trust her.
She would never lead him somewhere unsafe.
As the crowd grew thicker, Dogma lengthened his stride until he pulled up to Yen’s side. With only the barest of thoughts, his hand dropped hers to rest gently on her lower waist, pulling and pushing with as little pressure as possible to help ease her movement through the mass of people, his own body angled to take the brunt when bodies would collide with theirs.
Recognizing what he was doing, Yen pulled herself closer to him, throwing an appreciative smile at him before turning back to watch where she was going.
He never really had someone he could trust his battered heart to before, so being able to help her back, steer her through this crowd with her approval had notes of pride and satisfaction harmonizing with the now ingrained sense of calm.
There was something else, too. Something more foreign, but …
Kix said to wait for a connection. Fives said he would just know. Dogma felt so stupid. Of course he wouldn’t just know.
But then again, maybe he did. Maybe deep down, he knew from that first meeting that Yen was someone special. And none of the matches she found could compare.
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thepringlesofblood · 10 months
pls help me figure out what pride flags these are
so i've been making a pride flag index just for my own personal reference and several of the picrews i've been messing with lately have pride flag backgrounds that i just can't place. i've tried looking them up, with mixed success, and i figured I could use tumblr scrying as a last resort.
putting em under the cut bc pictures big but ill link the relevant picrews ofc
important: no one make fun of or do discourse about any of these identities/flags or be mean to the picrew ppl. I just want to know the the identity(s) associated with these flags bc I enjoy knowledge. might post my full index when I can.
also. there are many (good!) online flag indices. none of them have these. i just gotta solve the mystery
from this picrew:
1 (found! it's a boyflux flag!)
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2 (found! it's the ace-spectrum (or acespec) flag!)
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3 (found! this is a pomogender flag)
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4 (found! it's the demiboyflux flag)
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5 (found! it's a disability pride flag)
then from this picrew
6 (found! it's a relatively new sapphic lesbian flag by a biracial lesbian named Lydia - 7 is the original, 6 is a variant she made to look more aesthetically pleasing)
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7 (this is the original, and the above is a variant rearranged for aesthetics)
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this one. has many flags. i legit couldn't get through them all. i'm choosing to just try to find these 3. it's like a ball so i extended the flags a bit to make em more recognizable.
8 (found! it's the cenelian flag!)
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9 (possible identification: a combination of the toric and trixic flags?)
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10 (found! it's an abroromantic flag)
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lastly, from this one
11 (found! it's the new polyamorous pride flag)
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will update w answers if I find them. thank you for your service picrew creators o7
UPDATE: thanks @hernymills for letting me know that 11 is the new polyamorous pride flag, and 5 is a disability pride flag!
UPDATIER UPDATE: thank you so much to @allexistencevoid for ID'ing all of these! the only mystery remaining is if 9 is indeed intended to represent both the toric and trixic communities, or if it has a different or additional meaning. @allexistencevoid identified that a combo of the toric and trixic colors were used, but neither of us have found this specific flag on its own.
I found a bunch of other flag indices through googling all of these identities too! god i love information lol
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Hello beloved Blog of Void, I've come to you again w/ another Homestuck post! I was reading the new Act 6 update and your previous prediction about Gamzee Makara getting killed by Nepeta was right! I couldn't believe it, but you called it dead on! I was shocked to see Nepeta come back to life, kill Gamzee, and then combine w/ Davesprite. We're clearly reaching the end of Homestuck, there's really not much more left for the comic to do and yet, we have a new character in Vriskatsprite^2 palling around w/ the sprite crew. Do you like this new addition to the cast? I don't like them much, I don't understand why at the end of the comic, we're introducing new characters for comic relief scenes that take up half an update. These pages feel very redundant, especially as we're nearing the end. I liked that we finally saw Tavros and John kiss! Their relationship has really come a long way from Tavros killing Jake English in front of John in Act 3. Isn't it wild how they went from rivals to enemies to lovers? I feel like Homestuck just invented a new romance trope. Do you have any pairings you'd like to see interact before Homestuck ends?
I heard a rumour that Caliborn is going to be killed by Vriska next update and that's why she was seen grabbing The Ultima Spear in the final page of the update. Do you believe that too or do you have other theories? Maybe the next update will be the last update ever? It's almost 4/13 after all.
Nice! I don't think I got that one right, but then I just picked the most unexpected one I could think of (I thought Vriska would have more to do than just die!).
I think most of the moresoirity involved with the next update is coming from the fact that it will be the 8th anniversary of the start of Homestuck -- if not the first page, at least the second page. So, 4/13, yes?
The next update seems like it should be the end of Act 6, but it's hard for me to say with any certainty. It looks like we're going to get a HUGE update (huge as Homestuck updates go, like the first two or three pages), but since it's the start of an "act" it's not a "perfect" resolution to the comic, and that might make things complicated. I kinda hope that some sort of "long arc resolution" happens, like the arcs at the end of Act 2, but I can't imagine what that might be.
(The one thing that seems most obvious is that in most cases where there has been some kind of twist or sudden reversal, a "long arc resolution" has occurred soon after -- like the reversals in Acts 3 and 5, or the sudden kidnapping and subsequent return of Jake in Act 4. So maybe something like that.)
The most interesting part of the update will probably be the final line? I mean, presumably the 13th Anniversary thing is going to be in there. (I mean, it has to, right? "On April 13" is not a sentence you can just tack on to the end of an Act 6 update. It's going to be . . . something)
I don't know what I think of the new character? Their sprite is lame but I guess I'm fine with the concept of a new fusion.
I don't like Karkat and Tavros' relationship or any of their dialogue, but I am glad they kissed. It didn't make me any more invested in Karkat or Tavros per se, but it was . . . a thing that had to happen. (And the fact that this new character was created as a result of it was kind of neat.)
The Ultima Thule thing makes the least sense to me. It's possible that it represents "Mituna in the Ultimate Heir," but (a) is the Ultimate Heir a sylladex? and (b) doesn't Hussie like Mituna? If he did intend to kill Caliborn, I'm sure he would have had Mituna do it, since they are friends.
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bizarrequazar · 1 year
GJ and ZZH Updates — May 07-13
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
05-07 → A Weibo account posted photos of Zhang Sanjian, claiming that they had had a “chance encounter” with him at a night market in Thailand. Two Twitter accounts also posted similar photos. None of these accounts belonged to fans. 
→ The Instagram posted an animated music video.
→ Yang Yang posted four photos of himself and Gong Jun from the previous day’s livestream.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted nine photos from Go Fighting! episode 4. Caption: “The journey to the forest begins, and the boss @ Gong Jun Simon turns into a northwestern wolf and strikes bravely. Lock on #Go Fighting!# at 9 o’clock tonight, let’s set off towards the ‘King of the Forest’!”
→ BesTV posted six photos of Gong Jun from Go Fighting! episode 4.
→ Go Fighting! season 9 episode 4 aired. A link will be added here once it becomes available.
05-08 → Hogan posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian) Gong Jun posted these to his Xiao Hong Shu shortly after. 
→ Deeyeo posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted a sample of another fake song, this one entitled Believer and sung entirely in English.
→ W magazine posted a short video of Gong Jun getting ready for the 04-29 Louis Vuitton event.
→ Gong Jun posted the Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Chinese release poster to his Instagram. Caption: “The formula remains the same We are groot! ! !”
05-09 → Shortly after midnight, the whalers’ Supertopic was set to private, meaning only accounts who were already following it were able to post in it.
→ Weibo Fashion posted a video interview with Gong Jun from the 04-29 Louis Vuitton event. 
→ The Instagram posted ten photos of “Zhang Zhehan” rehearsing. In the hours following, some “paparazzi” photos and videos of the inside of the venue being set up were posted to Chinese social media.
→ Peng Lihu’s fake Golden Shield Weibo account was suspended. 
→ The Instagram posted seven more photos of “Zhang Zhehan” rehearsing at the venue site. The face is only partially visible in four of them. 
→ #ZhangZhehanBangkokConcert trended on Twitter and would continue to do so throughout the following two days.
05-10 → The Rising with the Wind Weibo posted a new trailer. Caption: “Accompany each other, join hands side by side, interpreting the game and heartbeat; head against the wind, dare to venture and fight, and unswervingly move towards the future.” Shortly after, they posted nine promotional stills from the show, including one of Gong Jun. Caption: “Start against the wind, and meet your opponent in love. Move in the game center and move forward in the company.”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a video (flashing lights cw) of behind the scenes footage for a Fox Spirit Matchmaker photoshoot. Caption: “Elegant under the sky, and his elegance stands in the world. At the beginning of the month @ Gong Jun Simon looks back at his travels, and he was a gentleman, with love for the common people.”
→ Gong Jun also posted the trailer for Rising with the Wind. [subbed video] Caption: “Quietly moved, boldly favored, Xu Si advances and retreats.” This was reposted by his studio with the added caption: “Advance, strive for ideals; retreat, get ready to go.” and by the Rising with the Wind Weibo, caption: “Meeting against the wind, and walking side by side persistently, Xu Si's heartbeat came quietly!”
→ Gong Jun posted two promotional images for Fox Spirit Matchmaker. Caption: “Love originates and leads, it is Tu Shan.” His studio reposted this with the added caption: “The red thread is leading the world. At the beginning of the month @ Gong Jun Simon held a blazing break through ten thousand rounds, and he will surely become famous.” Three hashtags related to the show got on Weibo hotsearch. 
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→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a douyin of a shorter cut of the earlier Fox Spirit Matchmaker photoshoot. Caption: “Floating in the air, flawless and fairy-like, at the beginning of the month @ Gong Jun Simon is on the right path, galloping through the world.”
→ 1Zhenguoli posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The whalers’ Supertopic was closed.
→ The Instagram posted a photo of “Zhang Zhehan” from behind on stage.
→ The first day of the Zhang Sanjian concert was held. [Full post about both days] tl;dr Multiple impersonators, prosthetic makeup, and paid audience members. Likely also deepfakes used for the screens, but so far I have not seen clear enough fancam footage to confirm this.
→ #Primordial Theater# appeared on the general Weibo hotsearch for exactly ten minutes before disappearing again. Undoubtedly bought, though its disappearance is very interesting. 
→ The Weibo administration account made a post warning about celebrity impersonation fraud.
→ All of the photos of the “concert” posted by Ranyi to Weibo were removed; Ranyi’s account was later banned for violation of community regulations. Photos and videos posted by Xie Yihua were likewise removed.
05-11  → Zhang Zhehan’s 32nd birthday! 🥳 Below are collected fanworks created in celebration, if you made something that I didn’t include please feel welcome to DM me!  Art: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25 (nsfw)] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] Charity Drives: [1] [2] Fanfiction: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] Fan videos: [1] [2] [3] New Subs: [2021 birthday livestream] [2021 birthday concert] Offline Events: [1] [2] [3] [4] Photo edits: [1] [2] [3] [4] Public screens: [1] [2] [3 (flashing lights cw)] Misc.: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
→ #ZhangZhehan and #HappyBdayZhangZhehan trended on Twitter.
→ The Go Fighting! Weibo posted the trailer for episode 5.
→ Fresh posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Yahoo! Taiwan posted an article talking about the Zhang Sanjian concert, referring to Zhang Zhehan as an “artist who insulted China”.
→ BesTV posted two extended clips of Gong Jun from Go Fighting! episode 4, [here] and [here].
→ The Instagram posted photos of “Zhang Zhehan” rehearsing and a really ugly figure the scam is selling.
→ The second day of the concert was held, see the link above for more info. Things were far more quiet during this day than the first, with many attendees giving excuses for not posting photos or videos. Many of the photos Xie Yihua posted were again removed by Weibo. (As a note, photos of the real Zhang Zhehan have by and large not been removed by Weibo for quite a while now.)
05-12 → #ZhangZhehan continued to trend on Twitter.
→ Gong Jun reposted a post in rememberance of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Added caption: “Remember the pain and pay tribute to the rebirth. Bless Wenchuan, bless the motherland!” His studio did the same, added caption: “May the dead rest in peace, the country and the people are safe!”
→ The Instagram posted eight photos from the concerts.
05-13 → HBW, an anti who significantly participated in 813, made a post supporting Zhang Sanjian and said his friend had attended the concert. 
Additional Reading: → There is a Twitter space being held tonight to recap birthday events and announce giveaway winners. → Much of what happened with the Zhang Sanjian concerts seems to be directed at targetting CPFs. It’s been noted that many fans of other celebrities and accounts unrelated to c-ent have been claiming the concerts’ legitimacy and trying to hostilely engage with CPFs about it; ignore and block.    Some elements of the concerts themselves also were clearly intended to appeal to CPFs: some background dancers wore the white Givenchy lock jacket that Gong Jun wore the matching jacket to in Dream Garden, and in some of the “chance encounter” photos Zhang Sanjian was wearing the tshirt Gong Jun wore to the 2022-09-16 LV fashion show.    A reminder that CPFs have so far been the largest faction arguing against the scam, they have reason to want to divide us. 
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milkxtea666 · 2 years
🖤A Little Hate🖤
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Paring: Eddie Munson x (fem) Reader
Summary: As if being the new kid isn't hard as is, having one month of school, no friends, joining a club at the wrong time, making embarrassing first impressions, and being homesick makes it harder. So here to making new friends (and enemies)!
W/C: 4.6k
Warning: This is going to take place after season 4! So let's pretend all is well, Eddie didn't die, or that the "earthquake" was that bad. This is also gonna be a slow burn and an enemies to lovers!
A/N: I posted this on AO3 long ago, and i will continue to post it there. AO3 will be the first to update. So plz if u can go read it on AO3, same title and my username is kth666. But other than that enjoy the fic!!
CH.2 IS OUT!!!
♩♪♩♬༶•┈┈🖤┈♛ ♛┈🖤┈┈•༶♩♪♩♬
Being the new kid at school sucks, but what sucks even more is being the new kid at school
at the end of the year. Theres no time to make new friends, or to get used to the environment. I basically have a month to save my reputation before I am known as the loner. Then again, I don't really care. It's not my priority, it's okay if I become a loner; that means I'll become a cool, quiet, mysterious girl. In addition, I plan to go back to California for college, so if I'm gone then who cares about what people think of me.
A harsh bump on the road interrupted my thoughts. I snapped out of it & looked out the
car window, we were entering the trailer park, it looked a bit trashy but the cotton candy sunset did the view a favor.
"Y/N, remember, this is just temporary, you know we still need a bit more money
to buy Pepa's house." mother reassures me as she pulled into the driveway of our trailer.
"Yes mother, I know." I said with a small smile.
Pepa is my great aunt, she lives on the other side of Hawkins, and plans on retiring to Nevada by the end of summer. I got out of the car and looked around the park. I knew there was a forest around here, but I didn't it expect it to be right behind our trailer. I could see no end to the forest, who knows how deep it goes. I turned around and saw two trailers to my left and right.
There was a red-haired girl doing skateboard tricks in front of the trailer to my left. She did an ollie then turned to me, giving me a smile before continuing her tricks. I smiled back, and turned to the trailer to my right. I saw a van in front of the trailer. There was no one in sight but I heard thumping coming from the trailer. The owner was probably blasting loud music.
"Y/N, come and get your bags from the car" mother said
"Coming." I replied. I walked to the back of the car and opened it. The first thing I grabbed was the bag that had my skateboard in it.
"I still don't understand why you had to bring such a huge bag with you, we could have left it at the storage unit, you know?" mother complained.
"I told you mother, one bag has all my clothes and the other has my books & parts to fix my bike." I lied, "You don't want me to fall behind on my stulles now do you?"
Mother shook her head and smiled, "Guess not" she relpied.
Mother would never let me have a skateboard, she says it's "improper" for a lady
to use them. I bought this skateboard with 3 months of allowance; I was so excited to use it. I remember my mother being worried sick because of all the bruises and scrapes I got. I just told her that I was clumsy, and for a year the reputation I had in my family was the clumsy one.
I how it sounds controlling of my mother to dictate my hobbies, but I understand her intentions; given the woy she was raised, she just wants the best for me. I gathered my other bog that actually had my clothes and made my way inside.
There was already some of our furniture in the trailer, mother come the other day with the movers to set it up. I walked pass the living room and went into the hall. There were three doors, the one in front of me was the restroom, the door was open and I saw the toilet. I peeked into the room to the left and saw my mothers clothes spread out on her bed. This means that the room to the right is mine.
I opened the door to my room and to my surprise it was emptier than I expected. It only had a bed and a dresser. The bed only had a pillow and comforter. Since it was summer I didn't mind it. I put down my bag of clothes on the bed, and the bag with my skateboard I placed under the bed. I opened my bag of clothes and started to put them in my dresser.
"Y/N, your bike and backpack are still in the
car. " Mother yelled from the living room
"I know," I replied and walked to the living room, "is it okay it I get them tomorrow when I go to school? I'm pretty tired right row, I just want to sleep."
"Sure,"she replied. She walled up to
me and kissed my forehead. "Get some rest
pumpkin, you have a big day ahead of you."
I hugged her and went to my room. I put
away the last of my clothes and got ready
for bed. I turned off the light and shut the door. The moon was directly out my window, lighting up my room. I got in bed and shut my eyes. As I
was drifting off to sleep I heard a electric guitar in the distance. Whoever was playing it
is very talented, this was the best guitar rift I have ever heard. However, I couldn't put my finger on the song that they were playing.
"Pumpkin, wake up." my mother said softly as she gently shook me awake. I extended my arms to stretch and yawn.
''Morning mummy" I said in a groggy voice.
"Morning. get ready, I'll be making breakfast"
''Alright." I got up lazily and went to the restroom to wash up. Once I was done I
went to my room and picked out my clothes. I took out my denim overalls and a striped shirt.
I put my hair in a ponytail and put on my Doc Martens. As I was tying my laces I smelled
bacon. I walked to the kitchen & found my
mother making my plate already.
"How'd you sleep, love?" she asked as she handed me my plate.
"Surprisingly well actually." I responded as i
sat at the table.
"That's good. Oh I wanted to ask you something." She said. I took a bite out of my food and nodded.
"Are you sure you want to bike to school? I really don't mind driving you. What if you
get lost?" She asked worryingly. I swalled my food and gave her a soft smile.
"I'll be fine mother, I memorized the map of the city, plus, the route to school is not too complex."
"Okay then. Now hurry and finish, you dont want to be late." She said and kissed the
top of my head.
I nodded and took a few more bites of my food before getting up. I took my plate to the sink and looked out the window. I see a car pull up to the trailer where the van is. A middle aged man got out of the car and entered his trailer. So thats who lives there. However, I couldn't help but think, who was playing the guitar last night? I start to head out.
"The car is open Y/N, you can go ahead and grab your things." mother said from her room
"Alright mummy, I'll be off then. Love you."
"Love you too, be safe."
I walked outside, the crisp summer air tingled my nose. I have never smelt crisper air. The air in California is smoggy and polluted, this was an enjoyable change. I looked to the trailer to my left and saw the red-haired girl grabbing her bike. She looked at me and smiled.
"Morning." I said to her and gave her a small
"Morning." She repied and smiled back.
"I'm Y/N" I said as I grabbed my bike from the car.
"Max." she simply said. She then hopped on her bike and looked at me with a smile, "Gotta go, see ya." and she paddled away.
I leaned my bike against the car as I fetched my bag from the back. Once I got it I closed the car and opened my bag, fishing out my walkman. One I got it, I put it on then my backpack. I presed play on my walkman and AC/DC started to play. The reason I keep my walkman in my backpack is because mother would never let me listen to this type of music, she would ground me for sure.
The music was at full blast, but I heard a loud roar of a car. I turned to my right I saw the van pull out of its driveway. Since the van was facing away from me, I couldn't see who was driving; but I did see their hair, it was long
and curly. I put one side of my headset to the side of my ear and heard that Crazy Train
by Ozzy Osbourne was blasting from the van. Then the van stared to drive away, and with it, the music faded. I put my head set back on, got on my bike, and made my way to school. I wonder what kind of person they are. Could they be the one that was playing guitar last night?
Before I knew it I arrived at school, I got off my bike and walked to the bike ramps. As I was walking I looked around at the school. It was a very different vibe than my other school in Calilornia. I took off my headphones and heard the bell ring. I finished locking up my bike and I tugged on the lock, securing it in place before heading inside.
As I reached for the door handle I heard a Metallica song from afar. I turned to the parking lot and saw the van from the trailer
park pull up to the lot. What? Are they a student or a teacher? What are the chances, maybe I'll get to meet them. Finally someone with the same taste in music! I shrugged and opened the door.
I walked into the school and saw the front office right away. I went in to pick up my schedule and a map of the school. The office lady told me to come back after lunch to pick up my lock for my locker. I said my thank you and made my way to homeroom. The teacher greeted me right away and showed me my seat. I sat next to a girl with short, blond curly hair. She turned to me and smiled.
"Hi!" She said as I sat down.
"Hey!" I responded with a huge smile.
"I'm Debs." She said as she extended her hand to shake mine.
“Im Y/N." I responded
"What a cool name! What year are you in?"
"Oh I'm a senior."
"I see. What school did you come from?" Debs asked again, was she interrogating me or something? Whatever, at least she's nice and interested in me.
"Oh, it's in California, so I don't th-"
"California?" She interrupted with surprise.
"Yeah" I giggled
"You're so cool. Oh by the way, have you joined any clubs?"
"No, not really, I just got here." I said nervously.
"Sorry if I'm just bombarding you with questions but, do you want to join the art club?" she asked. "We are in desperate need of a new member for a project we have."
"Of course! I love to paint!"
"Great! We meet during brunch," she saw my map and leaned to me, "here." she said as she pointed to a room next to the gym.
"Okay." I replied with a smille. The bell then rang and class started.
I was off to a great start; I made a friend and joined a club within a matter of seconds. Looks like I won't be a loner like I thought I would. I was happy. My first few classes went
by smoothly. I'm glad that the teaches did not make me introduce myself in front of the class. I'm guessing they didn't do this because it's the end of the year and they just wanted to get their lectures over with.
The ball rang for brunch and I made my way to the art club. It wasn't far, I got there in
less than a minute. Outside the door I saw Debs waiting for me. Once she saw me a huge smile appeared on her face.
"You came!" She exclaimed.
"I did!" I responded happily. She took my hand and took me inside. She burst open the door and held my hand up.
"Guys, I found our last member!" Debs yelled.
All 10 some members turned to me with a smile. I have never felt so welcomed in my life, they all emitted a good vibe.A girl in the far back shot up from her chair and walked to me. She had her pin straight hair in pigtails, and wore a colorful dress. A huge smile was plastered on her face. Her hand extended to shake my hand.
"Aubry." She said introducing herself.
"I'm Y/N." I replied with a smile.
"You can paint right?" Aubry asked.
"I can! At my old church I was often asked to paint murals, so I'd like to think that I can paint well." I rambled. Aubry's eyes lit up.
"You're exactly what we needed! See, the school wants us to paint club doors as a going away gift for the seniors that are in it. We were short one member for a club, but now that you're here we have just enough people!"
"Oh, well I'm glad to be of help!" I replied. I was already valued amongst people, this made me feel like everything was going perfectly. Aubry turned to the rest of the members and made an announcement.
"Alright people, we can finally get started! Grab some supplies and go to your designated club room!" Everyone got up and grabbed their stuff along with some painting supplies. Debs gave me a pat on the back before leaving to get her supplies.
"Y/N, you can start painting tomorrow, for now I need you to go to the club room to pick up the references they want from their president. After that you can start working on your sketch." Aubry said.
"Okay! But um, where exactly is the club room that I need to go to?" I asked.
"Oh! Silly me, do you have a map?" Aubry said. I nodded and pulled out my map from my notebook and handed it to her. "It's over there." she said as she pointed to a room that was near the back of the school building.
"Got it. I'll be off then!" I said with a smile. As I began to walk out of the room I couldn't help but hear people whispering, I heard something along the lines of 'I feel so bad for her.' However, I payed no mind to it, I was excited to be part of this club.
The farther I went into the school, the less people I saw in the halls; this was probably because theres not much to do here other than doing some rebellious things. I approached the room, and on the door was a paper that said "Hellfire Club." Hellfire? Please tell me this isn't a satanic club of some sorts. I do not want to mess with that kind of stuff. The fact that no one told me what kind of club this is made me slightly worried. But I mean, how bad can it be? It's not like the school could allow students to do bad stuff.
My nerves got the best of me, I was shaking slightly as I opened the door. The inside was slightly dark, the only light were some dim stage-lights and fairy lights along the walls. I right away saw two kids sitting on a table talking, but stopped as soon as I opened the door, letting in the bright light from the outside.
"Hi, um I'm Y/N. I'm here from the art club, I am supposed to pick up the reference sheet from the president?" I asked nervously. I was stood at the door way, not wanting to enter the room just yet.
The two kids got up from their seat, grabbing some papers that were in front of them too, and started to walk to me.
"Cool! I have the references here, but I'm not the president, he's not here at the moment." said the taller kid. Once they got closer to me and into the light I got a good glimpse of them. They were both wearing shirts that said Hellfire on them, the shorter kid however had a cap that said "Thinking Cap," that was cool. The taller one had black hair while the other had light brown hair.
"Here," the taller one said and handed me the papers," Oh, I'm Mike, and this is Dustin." and pointed to the shorter one. Dustin smiled.
"Hi." Dustin said with an adorable smile.
"Nice to meet you guys." I said politely, "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly is this club? I need to know so I can, y'know, get a better understanding of what I need to paint."
"Well, Hellfire is a Dungeons and Dragons club, we basically-" Dustin spoke before I started to zone out. Oh no. I've heard of this game before, the reputation that it has is horrible, mother says that it's the devil's game. People always make fun of this game as well. Is this why the art club needed a member? Because they didn't want to be associated with this club? Did Debs just stab me in the back? Things were going well for once, but now, my reputation is about to be ruined. Why does this happen to me?
"Hey, you alright?" Mike asked. Shit, I zoned out.
"Yeah, I'm good," I replied "I gotta go and start planning this. See you." I then walked away without looking at them. This was so embarrassing, this is bad. I can't believe that Debs would do this to me without telling me. As I was speed walking I bumped into someone.
"Woah, hey there." said the voice of a man. I was too mad to acknowledge him, so I kept my head down and continued walking.
"Watch where you're going!" the guy shouted.
I walked into a restroom that was around the corner of the hall. I stomped into a stall and shut it, dropping all my papers.
"Fuck!" I yelled, clenching my hands. I was shaking in frustration. I wanted to go home. Not the trailer. My old home. I tried to give this change a chance. I tried to be open minded about everything, and not letting my reputation become my first priority. But this made me snap. I can't believe I still have four more hours of school left. I just wanted to leave. My frustration got the best of me and I punched the stall door. I looked down at my now red knuckles.
I need to chill.
The school day couldn't have passed by any slower. I was eager to go to the trailer and isolate myself from everything. I do admit that my feelings got the best of me, but then again I can't expect to be happy with these events. At least I'm expressing them and not repressing them, like I do when I get mad at mother.
As soon as the bell rang to end school I left right away. I did not want to talk to anyone, especially Debs. When I'm angry I can't control what I say, like I said; I let my emotions get the best of me.
I was dodging everyone on my way to the front of the school, I didn't want to just mindlessly bump into people like I did with the guy from earlier. I was finally outside and went to my bike. I unlocked it as fast as I could and rode home right away.
I was passing through an empty road with nothing along the sides; I took this opportunity to let my feelings out. I let out a scream, and a few curse words as well. I felt slightly better afterwards. Speaking of letting my feelings out I looked down at my knuckles, they were now bruised up. Crap, I can't let mother see.
In the distance I saw the trailer park, I felt a slight feeling of ease once I saw it. Finally, I'll be alone and away from my problems, for now. I arrive at the front of the trailer and shove my bike to the side, then I walk to the door. I open it and head inside, but before closing it I look at the trailer to the right, the van isn't there. I shut the door and head to my room. I throw my backpack on the floor and collapse on the bed, screaming into the pillow. Thank goodness mother works all evening, I definitely need some time to myself.
After an hour of relaxing I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make myself some food. I look though the cabinets grabed a can of soup.
"Yeah, you'll do." I said to myself.
I finished eating, washed my dishes and headed back to my room. I had no homework but I did have to work on the sketch for the damn art club. I really don't want to be in art club now. But I can't just not do it and leave them now, that'll be bitchy of me. Damn me and my people pleasing personality. It's okay, it's only for a month, after that it's going to be me and my dorm at a university in California, where I belong.
I took out the references that were given to me and looked at them closely. Wow, this is some fantasy type of stuff, is it medieval? I should have listened to Dustin, I have absolutely no idea what goes on in the game.I see a lot of knights fighting dragons, and a few weird looking creatures. I think I'll just take it easy and draw all the characters fighting a dragon. I am not going to try my best on this.
It was getting dark, I turned on my lamp but it didn't work. Weird. Guess I'll have to work in the kitchen. I grabbed my supplies and walked out my room. I placed my hand along the walls looking for a light switch, when I felt it I turned it on but there was no light.
"You got to be fucking kidding me." I groaned in annoyance. Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse, it did. I was at my breaking point. I threw my stuff on the kitchen table and tried to look for a flashlight in the darkness.
No luck.
I guess we didn't pack one. What am I going to do? This sketch is due tomorrow. I'm so fucking stupid, I shouldn't have started this so late. I took a second to think of a solution then I looked out the kitchen window. I looked at Max's trailer and saw no light coming from it, nor a car out front, but the trailer to my right had its lights on, and the van was outside. I wouldn't hurt to borrow a flashlight from them.
I walked outside and headed to the trailer. As I got closer I could see that the van was beat up, I'm surprised it still runs. I walked pass the van and onto the doorsteps. Here goes nothing. I took a moment to gather my thoughts so I don't come off as rude despite my horrible mood at the moment. I knocked 3 times eagerly. I took a step back and waited for a moment. I heard a few thumps followed by heavy, clumsy footsteps.
"Coming!" The voice of a man said, extending the "i" in the word. His voice sounded familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
The door opened to reveal a tall guy with long, curly hair, so that's him. He was wearing the same shirt that Mike and Dustin wore, the HellFire shirt. You have to be kidding me. My mood instantly got worse, but I still needed that flashlight.
"Hi. My name is Y/N, I just moved into that trailer over there," I said with a fake smile and pointed to my trailer. He looked over at the trailer and back at me with an eyebrow raised.
"Wait, I've seen you somewhere. Hold up, hold up." He said as he put a finger on his lips and the other folded under it. Where in the world could he have seen me? I've never seen him anywhere other than the van at scho-
"You're that girl who bumped into me at school!" He exclaimed with a huge grin. Shit.
"W-what?" Was all I could say, I can feel the fear and embarrassment take over my facial expression.
"Yeah! It is you. Same outfit and everything!" He said happily as he crossed his arms. "You should really watch where you're going y'know?"
"Sorry about that," I said shaking my head and avoiding eye contact with him. A sly smile appeared on his face before speaking again.
"So, what can I do for you?" Tilting his head slightly to the side.
"The power went off in my trailer, I was wondering if you have a flashlight I can borrow for the time being?" I asked.
"Uhhhhh," he said as he was thinking "no." He smiled. I rolled my eyes in irritation and turned my heel.
"Thanks anyways." I said as I was about to walk away.
"I'm kidding!" He said as he grabbed my shoulder to stop me. A huge grin appeared on his face, nearly laughing. I am getting very annoyed now, I was not in the mood to joke around. I rubbed my temple in annoyance and turned to him.
"So you do have one?" I asked in a stern voice.
"Yep." He said as he reached to the side of the doorframe from the inside. I assume it was hanging there as he got it with ease. He was handing it over and i reached out my hand to receive it, but he pulled away.
"Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast, you've been a little bit rude to me." He pouted, pretending to be hurt. "Say the magic word please."
I wasn't having this. Tears of frustration started to well up again. I just wanted one simple thing, and I tried my best to be nice, so why is it so hard to obtain one simple thing.
I looked up at him, biting my lip, trying to stop myself from crying again.
"...please." I said quietly, voice nearly cracking. His face instantly dropped and a concerning look took over.
"Woah, you okay?" He asked, handing me the flashlight. I took it and turned around instantly so he wouldn't see my tears fall.
"I'm okay, thank you. I'll give it back soon." I simply said. I walked off the doorstep and just as I had one more step left I tripped over myself and fell to the ground knees first.
"Hey, you good?" He said in distress. He came up to me and squatted next to me. I stayed in the fallen positions for a moment, hiding my face as the tears were hitting the dirt bellow me. This is it, my last straw. There is no way I can continue living like this, why can't this be over.
"Do you need a hand? Are you hurt?" He said trying to help. I got up aggressively, grabbing the flashlight as well.
"I'm fine." I said and walked to my trailer, not looking back at him. I went in and shut the door loudly, leaning against it too, and slowly dropped to the floor, sobbing.
I'm not going to school tomorrow, I don't want to try anymore.
AHHHHHHHH HOW EMBARRASSINGGGG n e ways heres the link for this fix on AO3! plz leave a kudos if u can
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*edited Sept 2023: alternate version of agony because it bugs me how much the original one looks like a penis in this color scheme.
**edited Jan 2024: added another costume for him to use in a different post: (link)
***EDITED AGAIN Feb 2024: to be actually up to date for the years, including the black suit in late 2015/early 2016, between the pink tarantula and the fully pink shocking pink spider costume. Also made some new updates to the styling of the suit because I'd been avoiding figuring out how to give him a more practical suit. Now it's more practical.
agony is still just a hypothetical but I am not removing it from this post.
Anyway here he is, the one with a dedicated color scheme
obvs this uses the costumes i designed from (this post) but like ben's have been modified a teensy bit as i thought of small details i liked better or changed the soles etc. plus some minor additions like the fact that kaine doesn't have *checks notes* fingerprints
closeups under the readmore:
kaine's face is real fucked up esp early on, just fyi
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this is early one when Kaine is still only like... two years old (well, he's like, 24 physically and mentally, but Technically—)
anyway kaine only gets this outfit after a couple years, when warren sends him out to threaten peter's loved ones as leverage to get peter to cooperate/surrender. before this he mostly only wore hospital clothes.
he's pretty lean at this point but def buff.
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because of this fact kaine doesn't know how to tie his own shoes at first (but he figures it out) (he has a lot of amnesia so peter's memories aren't necessarily super helpful and the muscle memory is lacking i guess)
anyway the one (1) outfit warren gets him is probably all from an army surplus store or a thrift store or something, like the salvation army or w/e
(that's how you know he's evil)
i gave kaine's other suits vibram soles on purpose but this one was totally on accident, i was just looking for american army-issue boots that came in black and the ones i found happened to have vibram soles.
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After Kaine is rescued/escapes/starts hunting Ben down for reasons, he ditches the balaclava and starts growing his hair and scraggly beard out and steals a couple of other clothing items including a hot pink rain coat. His hair is greasy.
Also at that point he's homeless and his only source of medication is *squints* stealing ibuprofen and pepto bismol, so he's not doing so hot in general 😅 but at least he has ~bodily autonomy~ while wasting away.
he probably also kills some people (aside from Louise i mean) 🤷
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i haven't been very consistent about what marks, wounds and scars go where (except for some of his burn scars) but i was reading some wikipedia pages and decided i think probably a lot of the open sores and other things follow Blaschko's lines but maybe not all of them.
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so in spring 2014 after the aforementioned Lost Years and Redemption-based stuff, Kaine ends up leaving the country after making himself a costume, which is, of course, pink, and probably mostly stolen fabric.
His mask is like the Tarantula's 100% on purpose cause it ties into a little subplot where he goes to Medellín, in Colombia, gets mistaken for a member of the Tarantula's (Jacinda's) gang whilst minding his own damn business, and ends up dubbed the Pink Tarantula (aka La Tarántula Rosa) because of it. which he thinks is annoying but what can you do
Also he gets braces in Colombia after he starts stealing from rich tourists. i would say not so much out of vanity as much as the fact that his teeth need some help straightening themselves out after being physically (etc) abused by Warren for 3 years but it's probably both. but, you know, it's easier to chew when your teeth aren't aligned like a broken cartoon piano.
He also gets a whole new medical regimen while he's down there so he looks slightly less like a decaying corpse though he's def still plagued by clone degeneration side effects and feels like death a lot of the time but... better than before lol
Only vomiting blood SOMETIMES and not every day
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color matched soles—i saw these and was like omg... they're perfect... black and pink... (in your area) has been updated to be boots which I'll admit make him look extra Tarantula-y...
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Suit has been updated to be a two-piece so that Kaine can like. go to the bathroom without getting naked. Now it's a leotard which has been DIY'd to have a snap crotch (thus the back zipper).
it's regular ol' spandex... maybe with a slight metallic sheen of bluish idk... not the best material but he was just taking what he could get at the time.
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gloves. modified work gloves from before, and then some uh... well they're pole-dancing gloves to be perfectly honest, but i picked the style because they have a very low cut on the hand and i want as much room as possible for his spikes—could i simply handwave it and say all he needs is a hole in his sleeve, probably, but where's the fun in that.
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if i can't overthink logistics i'll die—anyway in this AU the spikes are a direct malfunction of a spinneret organ that Warren tries to give him, and which Warren does successfully give Ben (who has organic webbing). Kaine's don't work right so instead of webbing he makes spikes. they come out of his wrist and it's hard for me to draw 😂
black suit
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(this black suit has a separate post cause it's new) another leotard over tights. less visible since it's black.
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it's black. it's gothy. etc.
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this is a repurposed suit i was originally gonna give to peter but i changed my mind, adjusted some minor details, and am giving it to kaine instead.
and he'll swap to the pink suit after he stops shaving his head—v
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At a certain point Kaine stops shaving his head and starts wearing a new costume including a new mask... same old same old— expensive fire resistant materials etc.
i just reused the texture overlay from peter's FR suit for this. stretch nomex blend, basically. very durable, fire resistant, but still stretchy.
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OBVIOUSLY this suit is HEAVILY inspired by his red and black Scarlet Spider costume but I modified it a bit in terms of color and some of the patterning (like black arms), to make it pink, because... I think he should wear pink lol and I didn't include his tattered pink cape (i know, tragic) so I had to include something other than the rain coat
it's not a high tech stealth suit though. just regular expensive fabric.
Also updated the logo and has been made mroe practical now—it's tights over a snap-crotch leotard which, of course, means that all three of the boys are rocking the same setup, just in different ways. Even Ben, underneath his hoodie. lol
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Also, as i mentioned before, he has no fingerprints this whole time. because his palm is melted from using the mark of caine/kaine.
oh and his new gloves are made of lambskin and calfskin with perforations to make them more breathable. the claws are probably metal or something though idk.
he does have to take his gloves off to use his mark, though, which is true the entire time. it doesn't work well through fabric (though depends on the fabric) and if it did activate it would probably just burn or destroy anything on his hand since it's essentially just an exothermic chemical reaction related to his wrist spikes rather than... uh... magic? or whatever the 616 version is 😂 i mean lbr it's still basically magic bullshit though but i have pseudo-scientific basis for it (it's superglue)
the whole thing is intended to be durable. still has to get naked to use the bathroom though lmao
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these are also vibram soles. my reasoning behind this was that (i was tired of trying to make up new sole designs) he just buys shoes and takes the soles out, modifies them if he needs to, and attaches them to his suits by hand, either with sewing or glue or both.
decided to update these into boots.
also I originally wrote he has thermasilk underwear under this suit but I think I'm gonna ditch that.
here is a bonus of what the mask would be like for the above costume if he was still buzzing:
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also yeah he doesn't have web-shooters, because of his spikes, OR organic webbing, also because of his spikes, so he is a mostly parkour-based spider-man XD but he can still stick to walls and stuff since that's a different mechanism (electrostatic)
the real reason of course is that i was trying to come up with a design that would let me keep the lenses and also his beautiful long hair LMAO
(for a different design my approach was adhesive lenses which is also what felicia uses)
(speaking of that design i did recycle the body for this:)
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IDK if I'll actually use this, it was mostly for fun as I was thinking about how I could prevent Kaine from... uh... dropping dead and I was like. oh symbiote. Literally their whole thing in this setting is they originated as a medical thing so a symbiote is perfectly suited to Kaine's autoimmune dysfunctions etc.
And then I was like, hm which symbiote though? and then I was on the wiki page of symbiotes and was like, oh, Agony, duh lol she even has acid??? (not that kaine's mark is acid but, still)
also, you know, pink. (and purple since the color of Agony seems to vary slightly depending on artist team, host etc. so i decided to use both)
so i ended up with possibly the most glam rock hair metal blacklight poster symbiote-host pairing I've ever drawn in my life
and of course i couldn't resist making them just a little bit glossy.
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like every symbiote, is expressive, but kaine... isn't, so. you know. they're pretty much always glaring.
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alternately could go without the hair for a sleeker spider-man look i suppose.
i wanna say by this point he's gained some weight as well. I did slightly modify the lineart so that the Agony "suit" is slightly more solid than the Pink Tarantula suits and before but...
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lbr... very minimal difference in the lineup lol which bugs me but... you know. would prob be more of a difference if i was drawing it from scratch for each one instead of editing an existing drawing. he should be slightly less skinny—he's def huge either way tho just by virtue of being 6'4".
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long pretty hair... post 2015 prob. The hair color isn't quite right (his hair is supposed to be a little lighter and redder than Peter's) but I don't care enough to change it.
he is missing a piece of his ear, yes.
anyway his hair grows super fast:
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terminal length is to his knees as an adult, ~5 feet long ish... technically longer since it's curly and doesn't hang as far down.
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here is a bonus pic of him and Aracely from a drawing I have not finished yet which is basically just size comparison with a McLaren 650S lmao. that would be 2015 in-universe probably.
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also for the others:
Peter's high school and college suits: link
Peter's post-college/FF/late 20s suits: link
Peter's 30s-40s/post-Aunt May death suits: link
Ben's suits: link
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so2collection · 10 months
Star Ocean: the Second Story Secret Ending / Group Ending / Composite Ending / Ending 86 Strategy Guide & Walkthrough ! Happy 25th Anniversary Star Ocean 2!
I wanted to do something sort of special before Star Ocean: the Second Story R releases in November. After playing this game since release you sort of run out of things to do. Although I started off pulling my hair out, I am developing a strategy to get the special, final ending, also known as #86 / Secret / Group ending.
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When a guide takes 3 guides, 2 copies of the game, a new controller, a new composite cable, 3 websites, and 4 days... I’m prepared!
I started off by developing a chart after deciding on the party I want to attempt this with. I immediately got rid of Dias, because in the PS1 he has no PAs and therefore his relationship requirements would be more strict. I am playing the PS1 version mostly for personal preference but also because I have no easy way to play the PSP version. If you want to play that one, this guide might be applicable, especially with Welch and the new PAs all around that were added (including Dias). Another thing to keep in mind is that the grouping doesn’t really matter for the ending, you just need 8 characters.
After looking on a debug thread and 2 Japanese sites, I finally remembered I have the Japanese “Final Guide” and looked at that (with Google Translate, but still).
For my first attempt, I am focusing on a Claude playthrough. According to the Final Guide, you can play as Claude or Rena for the ending.
Here is the party I decided on: Claude, Rena, Celine, Ashton, Precis, Leon. According to the Final Guide you only need 6 or more to get the ending (in fact, it recommends that 6 be used for easier aquisition). These characters tend to have PAs with one another or a lot of PAs. Noel and Chisato are added to round the group to 8. Opera and Ernest were skipped because I feel Ernest has few PAs. Opera without Ernest is very difficult to override RP.
Further down the line I will post my chart which includes the boss events, joining events, and PAs that effect levels. Most of this information I gathered from GameFAQs thanks to a debugger, but they stopped around Disc 2 and even then the information is questionable except for what he could confirm with accessing FP/RP debugging.
The 100 battles = 1 point is a myth as far as I’m aware. I think how this myth came about is when party members die enough and you revive them or enough items are used (ie: Blueberry, Blackberry), I feel there is something there that may increase levels... This is speculation, though.
For information on pickpocket and reverse side, please click here and read the thread notes. I didn’t level for the Bandit’s Gloves, steal from Philia, or steal from the old man in Mars, since stealing comes with a huge risk in this sort of playthrough. I may risk the Bunny Shoes, though...
Claude and Rena won’t be included as they almost always have “30″ (game maxes at 15/16, but there is opportunity twice over for them) FP/RP by the end of the game. I didn’t need an extra tally to take care of. Just avoid PAs that reduce their relationships.
I am playing on PS2 hardware (partially due to the credits glitch on PS3). Therefore I have no way to check the levels 100%. Someone is welcome to try on emulator with debug using this guide (but please link it once I update this page). I will back up this post and add additional notes in my own text file, just in case. The only relations I can check 100% are Claude w/other members during Fun City.
The ending requires all characters 8 RP and FP for one another or higher (Final Guide). I will be shooting for 11, to make sure it triggers.
When I researched Blue Sphere, I stumbled upon a Japanese site that had a lot of information. I decided to check it out for this case as well. Along the way, I did find a calculation on the Star Ocean Wiki that says:
Affinity Points = RP x 2 + FP
The Japanese website also says (according to Google translate):
The conditions are that the party has 6 or more people, and that everyone has     8 or more affection value* and friendship value for each other .
*affection value in this translation is romance points
This confirms what the Final Guide says. 6 or more characters and equal FP/RP between all of them. I’m pretty sure reaching the end and using all books on each other doesn’t work (namely, because the 4 characters in the final fight get points, therefore, making them higher than the others... it seems the ultimate strategy would be to use books on everyone at the end except the characters you plan to use for the final battle, who would need an exact FP/RP of 7 respectively according to gender... I may try this in another attempt. Perhaps it would be possible to have a save before the Fields’ bosses and get everyone to 9... but raising the opposite values that aren’t raised by bosses becomes a problem.)
Please read my experience / walkthrough under the cut. Well, let’s start this guide! (I can confirm, somehow or another, it worked for me! If you’re after the ending, give it a shot! Let me know your results too!)
I started from a previous save that had Claude (with Dexterity, although I won’t be needing it yet), Rena, and Celine (start of Cross Cave).
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 5 RP, 5 FP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 5 FP, 5 RP
Celine/Claude: 5 RP, 5 FP
Celine/Rena: 5 FP, 5 RP
I played through the cave including the bat bosses. Celine joins. 
Note: Character join events Recruited Character Gender gains FP, Opposite gender gains RP. For example:
Ashton would give +1 FP to all relationships involving him and a male. +1 RP to all relationships and him involving a female. Relationships like Claude/Rena are not affected.
Note: Starting FP/RP levels are confirmed for everyone in the US and JP Official Guides.
Values should be:
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 6 RP, 5 FP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 6 FP, 5 RP
Celine/Claude: 6 RP, 5 FP
Celine/Rena: 6 FP, 5 RP
Next I will play until Ashton. 
Note: If you want Michief or to fight Unlimited Indalecio, don’t forget the PA in Clik. I do NOT recommend doing ANY stealing outside the 1 pair of bunny shoes later because the effect is so random. (See my notes/link above about Pickpocketing.) The values will be the following to start:
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 6 RP, 5 FP
Claude/Ashton: 5 FP, 4 RP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 6 FP, 5 RP
Rena/Ashton: 5 RP, 5 FP
Celine/Claude: 6 RP, 5 FP
Celine/Rena: 6 FP, 5 RP
Celine/Ashton: 4 RP, 5 FP
Ashton/Claude: 4 FP, 4 RP
Ashton/Rena: 4 RP, 5 FP
Ashton/Celine: 4 RP, 4 FP
To gain some levels, we will play through Ashton’s event until XINE. We will wait to complete Ashton’s event until recruiting Precis for an extra boost to her (Note: I haven’t tested this... I waited until I had Leon in my party and could go to Cross after the ruins and his join event DOES NOT activate... You MUST do it before the Hoffman Ruins like the official guides say. I had to go back before the ruins and complete this, because otherwise you miss an Ashton PA that boosts FP for all in addition to his join event!)
The next section will involve playing until Precis joins, PAs, and our first boss fight to increase affinity. Note: Specific boss fights listed in this guide are confirmed to increase relationship. How so wasn’t listed officially, but the Final Guide does confirm the bosses. The debugger says that it works like join events and +1 FP to same gender, +1 RP to opposite gender.
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 6 RP, 5 FP
Claude/Ashton: 5 FP, 4 RP
Claude/Precis: 5 RP, 5 FP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 6 FP, 5 RP
Rena/Ashton: 5 RP, 5 FP
Rena/Precis: 5 FP, 4 RP
Celine/Claude: 6 RP, 5 FP
Celine/Rena: 6 FP, 5 RP
Celine/Ashton: 4 RP, 5 FP
Celine/Precis: 4 FP, 3 RP
Ashton/Claude: 4 FP, 4 RP
Ashton/Rena: 4 RP, 5 FP
Ashton/Celine: 4 RP, 4 FP
Ashton/Precis: 7 RP, 5 FP
Travel to Lacour, visit Linga, perform PA to recruit Precis. All FP +1 (same gender) and RP +1 (opposite gender) are added.
Precis joins (PA):
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 6 RP, 5 FP
Claude/Ashton: 5 FP, 4 RP
Claude/Precis: 6 RP, 5 FP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 6 FP, 5 RP
Rena/Ashton: 5 RP, 5 FP
Rena/Precis: 6 FP, 4 RP
Celine/Claude: 6 RP, 5 FP
Celine/Rena: 6 FP, 5 RP
Celine/Ashton: 4 RP, 5 FP
Celine/Precis: 5 FP, 3 RP
Ashton/Claude: 4 FP, 4 RP
Ashton/Rena: 4 RP, 5 FP
Ashton/Celine: 4 RP, 4 FP
Ashton/Precis: 8 RP, 5 FP
Precis/Claude: 6 RP, 7 FP (Start) should change to 7 RP, 7 FP
Precis/Rena: 7 FP, 6 RP (Start) should change to 8 FP, 6 RP
Precis/Celine: 6 FP, 5 RP (Start) should change to 7 FP, 5 RP
Precis/Ashton: 5 RP, 5 FP (Start) should change to 6 RP, 5 FP
Since we’ve reached Lacour, you may want to consider learning Publishing. This is why we are keeping track of values, because RP and FP books reset the values to 8, no matter how high/low they are to begin. I purchased the skill set with Writing and Machinery in Hilton. You should already have maxed out Preserverance, so this shouldn’t be difficult if you saved all your SP from Ashton’s quest. We can learn Orchestra but it is unusable until Disc 2 / Part 2, because of the lack of instruments to purchase... We can wait and increase other needed skills for now. While you can make the romance books, I don’t recommend it without Orchestra, and since we can’t use that, it’s going to have to wait. So, for now, we will only increase F values with the common books for each character. Make 5 of each (remember, Leon) and if you want, make an extra totalling 6 of each book so you can publish them ASAP on disc 2 (this is a great way to get cash).
Also it would figure since I haven’t turned on my PS2 in three years that everything starts breaking down. Over the years of downsizing, I had only 1 composite cable and controller... controller has left stick drift and w/vibration on it randomly cuts out the analog ;___; Now my composite cable is giving flashy feedback and has corosion... Hopefully I get that fixed by the evening (thank God for Game XChange).
By the way, if you’re having trouble on funds, spend some time leveling in the Sanctuary. If you started the quest for the herb, just don’t venture too far back. You may also not want to over level for Leon. It couldn’t hurt to learn the Identify All! super specialty (Identify + Metalwork) to help ease the Fol cost at shops, either.
Precis joins (PA):
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 6 RP, 5 FP
Claude/Ashton: 5 FP, 4 RP
Claude/Precis: 6 RP, 5 FP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 6 FP, 5 RP
Rena/Ashton: 5 RP, 5 FP
Rena/Precis: 6 FP, 4 RP
Celine/Claude: 6 RP, 5 FP
Celine/Rena: 6 FP, 5 RP
Celine/Ashton: 4 RP, 5 FP
Celine/Precis: 5 FP, 3 RP
Ashton/Claude: 4 FP, 4 RP
Ashton/Rena: 4 RP, 5 FP
Ashton/Celine: 4 RP, 4 FP
Ashton/Precis: 8 RP, 5 FP
Precis/Claude: 7 RP, 7 FP
Precis/Rena: 8 FP, 6 RP
Precis/Celine: 7 FP, 5 RP
Precis/Ashton: 6 RP, 5 FP
After all Friends books are used:
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 6 RP, 8 FP
Claude/Ashton: 8 FP, 4 RP
Claude/Precis: 6 RP, 8 FP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 8 FP, 5 RP
Rena/Ashton: 5 RP, 8 FP
Rena/Precis: 8 FP, 4 RP
Celine/Claude: 6 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Rena: 8 FP, 5 RP
Celine/Ashton: 4 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 8 FP, 3 RP
Ashton/Claude: 8 FP, 4 RP
Ashton/Rena: 4 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Celine: 4 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Precis: 8 RP, 8 FP
Precis/Claude: 7 RP, 8 FP
Precis/Rena: 8 FP, 6 RP *do not need to use Rena’s book on Precis
Precis/Celine: 8 FP, 5 RP
Precis/Ashton: 6 RP, 8 FP
After an hour I got 1 romance book (Precis) and 5 of each friend book. This included learning Identify All and some small grinding for cash.
Everyone’s values should be 8 now at for Friendship!
Complete PAs before the tournament. Some of them are unavailable after the tournament is done and you can’t leave during the tournament. The tournament must be completed before starting the quest for the herb in Linga. Here are a list of the ones I managed / chose to do. It is possible I missed a few. The original US guide doesn’t list the FP/RP changes, so I have to match and go with the PSP version’s guide. 
Private Actions: Linga: Unable to trigger any PAs except the salesman.
Herlie and Hilton: No relevant PAs.
Location: Mars Character: Precis Info: Choose Choice 1 gives Precis/Claude +1 FP and open up a PA in Giveaway later. Updated value: Precis/Claude: 7 RP, 9 FP
Location: Mars Character: Ashton Info: Choice 3 gives Claude/Ashton Ashton/Claude +1 FP each Updated values: Claude/Ashton: 9 FP, 4 RP Ashton/Claude: 9 FP, 4 RP
Location: Mars Character: Rena and Ashton Info: Choice 3 Rena/Ashton +1 FP, +2 RP; Claude/Ashton -1 FP Updated values: Rena/Ashton: 7 RP, 9 FP Claude/Ashton: 8 FP, 4 RP
Location: Mars Character: Rena Info: Choice 2, no change
Location: Mars Character: Precis Info: Unable to trigger (going to try after the Tournament)
Location: Cross Character: Ashton and Precis Info: Requires 100 Fol. Choice 1 Ashton/Precis -1 FP, +4 RP; Claude/Ashton -1 FP Updated values: Claude/Ashton: 7 FP, 4 RP Ashton/Precis: 12 RP, 7 FP *RP SET Note: Should have waited to use Ashton's book on Claude... Oops.
Location: Cross Character: Precis Choice 1, then Choice 2 Claude/Precis +1 RP Precis/Claude +2 RP Updated values: Claude/Precis: 7 RP, 8 FP Precis/Claude: 8 RP, 9 FP
Salva: There are 2 PAs (Celine/Jam Shop and Young Girl PAs) that you should wait to trigger for a party wide boost in points. We also will be coming back later for a PA with Ashton anyway. I wasn't able to trigger any PA except Celine's which I avoided activating.
Arlia: I did the PA with Rena in her room (no change) and wasn't able to trigger any other PAs.
Note: If for some reason you plan to do the bonus dungeon, don’t forget to do Ruddle’s quest now.
Total with updated values: Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 6 RP, 8 FP
Claude/Ashton: 7 FP, 4 RP
Claude/Precis: 7 RP, 8 FP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 8 FP, 5 RP
Rena/Ashton: 7 RP, 9 FP
Rena/Precis: 8 FP, 4 RP
Celine/Claude: 6 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Rena: 8 FP, 5 RP
Celine/Ashton: 4 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 8 FP, 3 RP
Ashton/Claude: 9 FP, 4 RP
Ashton/Rena: 4 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Celine: 4 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Precis: 12 RP, 7 FP *RP SET
Precis/Claude: 8 RP, 9 FP
Precis/Rena: 8 FP, 6 RP
Precis/Celine: 8 FP, 5 RP
Precis/Ashton: 6 RP, 8 FP
Note: I’ll use SET for when a level reaches 11 or above. 
- Tournament of Arms / Claude “wins” (must complete ALL 3 FIGHTS before Dias first try, then lose to Dias) will give the usual increase of +1 RP/FP to everyone. This was found via debugging.
Note: Don’t forget to grab the Sharp Edge (Claude’s story) from Gamgee so you can make the Eternal Sphere sword later. This must be done before leaving Lacour whatsoever.
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 7 RP, 8 FP
Claude/Ashton: 8 FP, 4 RP
Claude/Precis: 8 RP, 8 FP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 9 FP, 5 RP
Rena/Ashton: 8 RP, 9 FP
Rena/Precis: 9 FP, 4 RP
Celine/Claude: 7 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Rena: 9 FP, 5 RP
Celine/Ashton: 5 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 9 FP, 3 RP
Ashton/Claude: 10 FP, 4 RP
Ashton/Rena: 5 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Celine: 5 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Precis: 13 RP, 7 FP *RP SET
Precis/Claude: 9 RP, 9 FP
Precis/Rena: 9 FP, 6 RP
Precis/Celine: 9 FP, 5 RP
Precis/Ashton: 7 RP, 8 FP
I checked again for that PA with Precis in Mars and I couldn’t sail during the tournament. However, *after* the tournament the PA triggered for me, so I’ll update those values now:
Private Actions
Location: Mars Characters: Precis Info: Choice 3 Claude/Precis +1 RP Precis/Claude +2 RP Notes: I checked a few guides out of laziness and both of them had conflicting reports of what this PA does. I took these points from the official Second Evolution US guide.
Updated values:
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 7 RP, 8 FP
Claude/Ashton: 8 FP, 4 RP
Claude/Precis: 9 RP, 8 FP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 9 FP, 5 RP
Rena/Ashton: 8 RP, 9 FP
Rena/Precis: 9 FP, 4 RP
Celine/Claude: 7 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Rena: 9 FP, 5 RP
Celine/Ashton: 5 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 9 FP, 3 RP
Ashton/Claude: 10 FP, 4 RP
Ashton/Rena: 5 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Celine: 5 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Precis: 13 RP, 7 FP *RP SET
Precis/Claude: 11 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Precis/Rena: 9 FP, 6 RP
Precis/Celine: 9 FP, 5 RP
Precis/Ashton: 7 RP, 8 FP
Once you move onto the Sanctuary of Linga the boss ( Visseyer, this one is optional) increases the same as join events except for participating battlers only. This must be calculated carefully. We can choose between Claude, Rena, Celine, Ashton, or Precis. Consider which characters have a lot of PAs to increase points, like Ashton and Precis or already have high points including Claude and Rena. If you’re playing as Rena, you may consider forgoing her for another since she will have other PAs with characters and more opportunity to raise affection than someone else.
I decided on: Claude, Ashton, Celine, Rena (Claude and Ashton’s friendship was slightly damaged and Ashton/Celine Celine/Ashton Ashton/Rena values are low.) After this boss we are close to getting most characters at 10 or higher!
Updated values:
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 8 RP, 8 FP
Claude/Ashton: 9 FP, 4 RP
Claude/Precis: 9 RP, 8 FP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 10 FP, 5 RP
Rena/Ashton: 9 RP, 9 FP
Rena/Precis: 9 FP, 4 RP
Celine/Claude: 8 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Rena: 10 FP, 5 RP
Celine/Ashton: 6 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 9 FP, 3 RP
Ashton/Claude: 11 FP, 4 RP *FP SET
Ashton/Rena: 6 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Celine: 6 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Precis: 13 RP, 7 FP *RP SET
Precis/Claude: 11 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Precis/Rena: 9 FP, 6 RP
Precis/Celine: 9 FP, 5 RP
Precis/Ashton: 7 RP, 8 FP
Now is a good time to complete Ashton’s join event. Leon can’t benefit from it and it and another PA are inaccessible after the ruins so go do it now before you miss two chances to increase some FP. 
Ashton’s join event updated values:
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 9 RP, 8 FP
Claude/Ashton: 10 FP, 4 RP
Claude/Precis: 10 RP, 8 FP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 11 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Rena/Ashton: 10 RP, 9 FP
Rena/Precis: 10 FP, 4 RP
Celine/Claude: 9 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Rena: 11 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Celine/Ashton: 7 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 10 FP, 3 RP
Ashton/Claude: 12 FP, 4 RP *FP SET
Ashton/Rena: 7 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Celine: 7 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Precis: 14 RP, 7 FP *RP SET
Precis/Claude: 12 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Precis/Rena: 10 FP, 6 RP
Precis/Celine: 10 FP, 5 RP
Precis/Ashton: 8 RP, 8 FP
I highly recommend you teach someone with Love for Animals the Survival skill and buy a full stock of pet food (purchase in Linga) from now on. I don’t know how but I got through the dungeon with 3 revives and like... 10 blackberries, including the boss on my first save in making this guide. I taught Precis the specialty but sadly I forgot Pet Food... This skill is invaluable going forward so make sure to have someone learn it ASAP. (Luckily when I had to redo the ruins I went in extra stocked... see details below.)
You may also want to get Aloe Jam (Linga, restores MP), Root Beer (Hilton, restores MP). These will be useful going forward as you’ll be flying through MP more often. I also got Leon some Suede Boots, a Reference Book, and an Amber Robe from Hilton and Linga. In general, if you have been ignoring weapons/armor you could upgrade now (especially if you struggle in the ruins).
Leon joins us at Lacour Castle’s lab, so he cannot benefit from books with his join bonus. He is included in the bonus, so let’s see what the values are now. (Leon’s values include his starting FP/RP +1)
Updated values:
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 10 RP, 8 FP
Claude/Ashton: 11 FP, 4 RP *FP SET
Claude/Precis: 11 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Claude/Leon: 6 FP, 4 RP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 12 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Rena/Ashton: 11 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Rena/Precis: 11 FP, 4 RP *FP SET
Rena/Leon: 6 RP, 5 FP
Celine/Claude: 10 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Rena: 12 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Celine/Ashton: 8 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 11 FP, 3 RP *FP SET
Celine/Leon: 5 RP, 5 FP
Ashton/Claude: 13 FP, 4 RP *FP SET
Ashton/Rena: 8 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Celine: 8 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Precis: 15 RP, 7 FP *RP MAX
Ashton/Leon: 6 FP, 5 RP
Precis/Claude: 13 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Precis/Rena: 11 FP, 6 RP *FP SET
Precis/Celine: 11 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Precis/Ashton: 9 RP, 8 FP
Precis/Leon: 6 RP, 6 FP
Leon/Claude: 7 FP, 5 RP
Leon/Rena: 6 RP, 5 FP
Leon/Celine: 6 RP, 5 FP
Leon/Ashton: 6 FP, 4 RP
Leon/Precis: 6 RP, 6 FP
Note: Black screen of death in Linga and now Hoffman ruins... Man, I never had it happen this often on PS3. I did get a new controller, so that’s some problems fixed. I will try one of my two other extra copies of the disc just to see if that somehow helps but I’m probably just having bad luck!
Note: After reloading to a previous save for Ashton’s quest... got black screen’d in the Salva Drift. -.-; I’m starting to wonder if it’s an issue with the PS2 Slim / PS2′s age that’s making it occur more often...
Don’t forget to max out Leon’s Perseverance before anything else. You should also take a little time to make 5 FP books and use the remaining FP books from the others on him to bring his values up (I forgot... and I can’t be bothered to go through the Ruins a third time, so I will use them later.)
Hoffman Ruins ( Harfainx/Phalanx) Bonus. Again this must be considered carefully. This fight is easier with Celine’s Thunderstorm, so she may be a given. Two fighters is recommended so we really can’t use Leon (this is subjective, if you want to). Asthon, Precis, Celine, Rena seem the way to go. If you aren’t using Claude often, you may change him out for one of the other characters, although this gives Ashton/Celine and Precis/Celine time to bond.
I raised Celine to level 31 so she had Thunderstorm for the boss (Leon joins at level 30 so I switched him out for the random battles). You might want to consider Flare Rings/Ruby/Star Rubies for random battles and Crystals for the boss fight as accessories to protect against the Salamanders and Phalanx’s respectively.
I want to say the values seem to be tracking... Before I had to reload my save, Celine died in a random battle and Claude cried her name. I’ll try to make note of any of these occuring, but I think on Disc 2 they will be pretty numerous.  I haven’t had any deaths in the boss fights and I know in SO1 that would cancel out the bonus for the dead character, so avoid letting anyone die in the special boss fights. If you’ve had this happen, you may want to adjust your numbers just in case.
Updated values:
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 10 RP, 8 FP
Claude/Ashton: 11 FP, 4 RP *FP SET
Claude/Precis: 11 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Claude/Leon: 6 FP, 4 RP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 13 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Rena/Ashton: 12 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Rena/Precis: 12 FP, 4 RP *FP SET
Rena/Leon: 6 RP, 5 FP
Celine/Claude: 10 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Rena: 13 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Celine/Ashton: 9 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 12 FP, 3 RP *FP SET
Celine/Leon: 5 RP, 5 FP
Ashton/Claude: 13 FP, 4 RP *FP SET
Ashton/Rena: 9 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Celine: 9 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Precis: 15 RP, 7 FP *RP MAX
Ashton/Leon: 6 FP, 5 RP
Precis/Claude: 13 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Precis/Rena: 12 FP, 6 RP *FP SET
Precis/Celine: 12 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Precis/Ashton: 10 RP, 8 FP
Precis/Leon: 6 RP, 6 FP
Leon/Claude: 7 FP, 5 RP
Leon/Rena: 6 RP, 5 FP
Leon/Celine: 6 RP, 5 FP
Leon/Ashton: 6 FP, 4 RP
Leon/Precis: 6 RP, 6 FP
Note: Once you arrive in Hilton, talk to the guy on the left (not the soldier) and you can go to Cross.
Complete PAs before returning to Lacour:
Private Actions
Note: If I didn’t list a PA I either missed it or there weren’t any relevant/good outcomes.
Location: Salva Character: Celine Info: Choose Choice 1 and Choice 1 again gives Celine/Claude +2 FP and All/Claude +1 FP
Location: Salva Character: Young Girl Info: Choice 1: All/Claude +1 FP
Location: Salva Character: Ashton Info: No choices availible. Claude/Ashton +2 FP, +1 RP; Ashton/All +1 FP
Location: Arlia Character: Rena and Precis Info: Choice 1: Precis/Claude +1 RP
Location: Arlia Character: Ashton Info: Need at least 1000 Fol. Event takes 80% of Fol from you. Ashton/Claude(or Rena if you’re playing her) +1 FP Note: I skipped this PA because I had 77k Fol... Hoping it might be there in VR Expel later...
Location: Linga Character: Precis Info: Need previous PA in Salva. Decline the offer for tea: Precis/Claude +2 RP Note: The SE guide says choice 1... but the choices are flipped from the PS1. Whatever version, just decline the offer for tea for the best result.
Updated values:
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 10 RP, 8 FP
Claude/Ashton: 13 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Claude/Precis: 11 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Claude/Leon: 6 FP, 4 RP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 13 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Rena/Ashton: 12 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Rena/Precis: 12 FP, 4 RP *FP SET
Rena/Leon: 6 RP, 5 FP
Celine/Claude: 10 RP, 12 FP *FP SET
Celine/Rena: 13 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Celine/Ashton: 9 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 12 FP, 3 RP *FP SET
Celine/Leon: 5 RP, 5 FP
Ashton/Claude: 15  FP, 4 RP *FP MAX
Ashton/Rena: 9 RP, 9 FP
Ashton/Celine: 9 RP, 9 FP
Ashton/Precis: 15 RP, 8 FP *RP MAX
Ashton/Leon: 7 FP, 5 RP
Precis/Claude: 15 RP, 11 FP *RP MAX, FP SET
Precis/Rena: 12 FP, 6 RP *FP SET
Precis/Celine: 12 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Precis/Ashton: 10 RP, 8 FP
Precis/Leon: 6 RP, 6 FP
Leon/Claude: 9 FP, 5 RP
Leon/Rena: 6 RP, 5 FP
Leon/Celine: 6 RP, 5 FP
Leon/Ashton: 6 FP, 4 RP
Leon/Precis: 6 RP, 6 FP
Once you move forward, Expel won’t be accessible for some time. Make sure you got / did everything you needed to do, especially any PAs that become blocked later, or if you’re like me, use any books you forgot to use (ugh, Leon’s books... I’m so dumb). There are also 2 important relationship boss fights coming up shortly, so recheck your values after PAs carefully. Leon leaves temporarily in Claude’s story, so if he has any accessories you wanna use in the interim, remove them before returning to Lacour. When he does permanently join, we will get another bonus.
Because I forgot, here are my updated values for Leon’s Affection levels after using his books and other’s FP books:
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 10 RP, 8 FP
Claude/Ashton: 13 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Claude/Precis: 11 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Claude/Leon: 8 FP, 4 RP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 13 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Rena/Ashton: 12 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Rena/Precis: 12 FP, 4 RP *FP SET
Rena/Leon: 6 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Claude: 10 RP, 12 FP *FP SET
Celine/Rena: 13 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Celine/Ashton: 9 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 12 FP, 3 RP *FP SET
Celine/Leon: 5 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Claude: 15  FP, 4 RP *FP MAX
Ashton/Rena: 9 RP, 9 FP
Ashton/Celine: 9 RP, 9 FP
Ashton/Precis: 15 RP, 8 FP *RP MAX
Ashton/Leon: 8 FP, 5 RP
Precis/Claude: 15 RP, 11 FP *RP MAX, FP SET
Precis/Rena: 12 FP, 6 RP *FP SET
Precis/Celine: 12 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Precis/Ashton: 10 RP, 8 FP
Precis/Leon: 6 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Claude: 9 FP, 5 RP *did not use Claude’s book as it would decrease level
Leon/Rena: 6 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Celine: 6 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Ashton: 8 FP, 4 RP
Leon/Precis: 6 RP, 8 FP
Play through the game until you reach Eluria Tower and defeat Shin. At the top of the tower you’ll meet the 10 Wise Men and fight Berle. This fight, like the first Shin fight, is one of survival. Make sure no one dies and outlast the hidden timer! This effects values and if my previous suspicions are right, don’t risk anyone being dead at the end of the fight. I set my fighters and mage to avoid and usually control one of them to keep Berle distracted. Have Rena still set to heal. Because I actually had to consider values, I picked these characters for the battle: Ashton, Precis, Leon, Rena.
Updated values:
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 10 RP, 8 FP
Claude/Ashton: 13 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Claude/Precis: 11 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Claude/Leon: 8 FP, 4 RP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 13 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Rena/Ashton: 13 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Rena/Precis: 13 FP, 4 RP *FP SET
Rena/Leon: 7 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Claude: 10 RP, 12 FP *FP SET
Celine/Rena: 13 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Celine/Ashton: 9 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 12 FP, 3 RP *FP SET
Celine/Leon: 5 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Claude: 15  FP, 4 RP *FP MAX
Ashton/Rena: 10 RP, 9 FP
Ashton/Celine: 9 RP, 9 FP
Ashton/Precis: 15 RP, 8 FP *RP MAX
Ashton/Leon: 9 FP, 5 RP
Precis/Claude: 15 RP, 11 FP *RP MAX, FP SET
Precis/Rena: 13 FP, 6 RP *FP SET
Precis/Celine: 12 FP, 5 RP *FP SET
Precis/Ashton: 11 RP, 8 FP
Precis/Leon: 7 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Claude: 9 FP, 5 RP
Leon/Rena: 7 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Celine: 6 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Ashton: 9 FP, 4 RP
Leon/Precis: 7 RP, 8 FP
I want to reiterate this as you will soon be learning Orchestra to help with item creation. This is particularly helpful if you plan this ending with Noel (you can use books on him before he’s recruited and go back to the city for supplies from his house via the teleporter if you need to). Also purchasing a Beret and having the character you’re using to make books equip it will help. Try to have Orchestra at least around Level 8. Finally, move the current character to the top of your roster for slightly quicker crafting. Make sure to save frequently and use Identify All to lessen the cost. You may want to gain some levels around North/Central City and put the skills into Music and Writing. If you can afford to or make them, get the support accessories (like the Writing Software you should have obtained in Eluria Tower).
Note: When you do learn Orchestra DO NOT max everyone’s Music Talent (especially Claude!!) if you plan to do any post-game or extra stuff, as the Music level of a character, must be lower level.
Book value changes after Orchestra/Romance Books:
Note: Bold indicates a change.
Books used (RP): Claude/Ashton Claude/Leon Rena/Celine Rena/Precis Rena/Leon Celine/Rena Celine/Precis Celine/Leon Ashton/Claude Ashton/Leon Precis/Rena Leon/Claude Leon/Rena Leon/Celine Leon/Ashton Leon/Precis
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 10 RP, 8 FP
Claude/Ashton: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Claude/Precis: 11 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Claude/Leon: 8 FP, 8 RP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Rena/Ashton: 13 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Rena/Precis: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Rena/Leon: 8 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Claude: 10 RP, 12 FP *FP SET
Celine/Rena: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Celine/Ashton: 9 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 12 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Celine/Leon: 8 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Claude: 15  FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Ashton/Rena: 10 RP, 9 FP
Ashton/Celine: 9 RP, 9 FP
Ashton/Precis: 15 RP, 8 FP *RP MAX
Ashton/Leon: 9 FP, 8 RP
Precis/Claude: 15 RP, 11 FP *RP MAX, FP SET
Precis/Rena: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Precis/Celine: 12 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Precis/Ashton: 11 RP, 8 FP
Precis/Leon: 8 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Claude: 9 FP, 8 RP
Leon/Rena: 8 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Celine: 8 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Ashton: 9 FP, 8 RP
Leon/Precis: 8 RP, 8 FP
Sell any extra books (I had 20 of each FP book, so I sold 15 of them in case I want to lower values later) to the Central City Publishing House. I think I made something like 130k before royalities (we will go back before the Field of Power and nab that sweet Fol for late-game weapons/armor)
(If you’re using Chisato, don’t forget her recruitment requirements before proceeding.) Defeat the Psynard (no bonus points), other bosses, ect. and continue with the story up until the Field of Courage or Power. You may want to check any PAs that open/close during the time (IIRC, many are open pretty much indefinitely or only open after late game story events).
I’ve been sort of tallying the points, estimating what they would get participating in boss fights, and well... A lot of characters will still only have an FP/RP of 8 by the end, just because there aren’t PAs for them. My strategy going forward will be to use them in all the outside battles and hope something there raises it. Perhaps the ending requires 10 + same-gender points and 8 opposite gender points? I’ll try my best to figure it out, as I see no way to raise certain characters’ missing values (For example, Rena/Precis and Precis/Rena will be stuck at 8 RP... there is no way to raise it other than books at this point...) There are a few Second Evolution PAs that raise some characters further (like Ashton/Leon), but alas these are additions only to that version... I will most likely use a party of Ashton, Precis, Leon, and Rena going forward for random battles in some attempt to raise them...
I used Precis, Ashton, Leon, and Rena for the Cavern of Red Crystal.
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My friends and I called the Psynard the Psnaef (Puh-snay ff) ! We call the ones in Last Hope the Prehistoric Psnaefs. :) I had to take a picture for my bff, because we named a Minecraft ‘Sniffer’ after it...
Before starting the Four Fields, I did this Private Action in North City with Celine:
Location: North City Character: Celine Info: Choice 2, Choice 3: Celine/Claude Claude/Celine +4 FP, +2 RP Notes: Cannot do this PA after Fields are cleared
Updated values:
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 12 RP, 12 FP *RP SET, FP SET
Claude/Ashton: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Claude/Precis: 11 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Claude/Leon: 8 FP, 8 RP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Rena/Ashton: 13 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Rena/Precis: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Rena/Leon: 8 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Claude: 12 RP, 15 FP *RP SET, FP MAX
Celine/Rena: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Celine/Ashton: 9 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 12 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Celine/Leon: 8 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Claude: 15  FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Ashton/Rena: 10 RP, 9 FP
Ashton/Celine: 9 RP, 9 FP
Ashton/Precis: 15 RP, 8 FP *RP MAX
Ashton/Leon: 9 FP, 8 RP
Precis/Claude: 15 RP, 11 FP *RP MAX, FP SET
Precis/Rena: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Precis/Celine: 12 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Precis/Ashton: 11 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Precis/Leon: 8 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Claude: 9 FP, 8 RP
Leon/Rena: 8 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Celine: 8 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Ashton: 9 FP, 8 RP
Leon/Precis: 8 RP, 8 FP
While tackling the Field of Intelligence, I used Ashton, Celine, Leon, and Rena. There aren’t any changes but figured I would list it for anyone curious.
Field of Courage Guardian value changes:
Note: I used Ashton, Precis, Leon, Rena.
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 12 RP, 12 FP *RP SET, FP SET
Claude/Ashton: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Claude/Precis: 11 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Claude/Leon: 8 FP, 8 RP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Rena/Ashton: 14 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Rena/Precis: 14 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Rena/Leon: 9 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Claude: 12 RP, 15 FP *RP SET, FP MAX
Celine/Rena: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Celine/Ashton: 9 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 12 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Celine/Leon: 8 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Claude: 15  FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Ashton/Rena: 11 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Ashton/Celine: 9 RP, 9 FP
Ashton/Precis: 15 RP, 8 FP *RP MAX
Ashton/Leon: 10 FP, 8 RP
Precis/Claude: 15 RP, 11 FP *RP MAX, FP SET
Precis/Rena: 14 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Precis/Celine: 12 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Precis/Ashton: 12 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Precis/Leon: 9 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Claude: 9 FP, 8 RP
Leon/Rena: 8 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Celine: 8 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Ashton: 9 FP, 8 RP
Leon/Precis: 8 RP, 8 FP
The jump in difficulty grows here, so now is a good time to make the best weapons and armor you can. I hope you’ve been putting SP into Blacksmith, Alchemy, and Customize. I won’t list the details here, but make sure everyone has the best weapons/armor (remember to use Sharp Edge and make the Eternal Sphere) and good accessories like Fairy Rings, Star Guards, ect. before moving on. I usually train in the Field of Power. If you have Practice, even better. Save frequently and gain some levels and skills before moving on.
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Ronixis, you’re ancient! (It’s okay, just makes me love you more.)
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Star Ocean 2 mentions the Lezonian’s/Rezonian’s a lot... Having just platinumed First Departure R, I was suprised to see them talked about. That third party can’t give Ronixis a break...!
I trained with alternating characters. Claude, Precis, Leon, and Rena were who I used on the mountain itself.
I decided to go with Claude, Precis, Leon, and Rena, since Leon needs at least one more point with everyone.
Field of Power Guardian value changes:
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 12 RP, 12 FP *RP SET, FP SET
Claude/Ashton: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Claude/Precis: 12 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Claude/Leon: 9 FP, 8 RP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Rena/Ashton: 14 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Rena/Precis: 15 FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Rena/Leon: 10 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Celine/Claude: 12 RP, 15 FP *RP SET, FP MAX
Celine/Rena: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Celine/Ashton: 9 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 12 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Celine/Leon: 8 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Claude: 15  FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Ashton/Rena: 11 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Ashton/Celine: 9 RP, 9 FP
Ashton/Precis: 15 RP, 8 FP *RP MAX
Ashton/Leon: 10 FP, 8 RP
Precis/Claude: 15 RP, 11 FP *RP MAX, FP SET
Precis/Rena: 15 FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Precis/Celine: 12 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Precis/Ashton: 12 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Precis/Leon: 10 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Leon/Claude: 10 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Leon/Rena: 9 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Celine: 8 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Ashton: 9 FP, 8 RP
Leon/Precis: 9 RP, 8 FP
For the final field, although no points are given, it does give you some indication (similar to L’Aqua) of who your protagonist ends up with. I used Precis, Ashton, Leon, and Rena for the fight. Precis was my hostage (I couldn’t find any info, even in the guides on this; it seems random. I’ve heard its lowest affection level, which sort of tracks. It could have been either Precis or Ashton according to my numbers so far. However, what I didn’t expect was Celine to be chosen for the scene after the fight. This is more-than-likely-but-not-confirmed to be your highest affection character... I was really shocked it wasn’t Rena and I’m kind of worried I wasn’t keeping track of their points lol... This also explains why when I had Celine die during training that Claude was enraged lol I haven’t noticed too many other cries (I get Ashton/Precis a lot... ugh) but I HAVE had more “rare calls” than any other playthrough... I wonder if affection levels increase the chance of these. For example, Rena’s call for Fairy Heal is just Fairy Heal, but in rare instances she gets annoyed and calls “Please!” (as if saying, will you bastards stop getting hit?! lol)
Technically during writing this section it is 7.30.23 and I am kinda bummed I missed the anniversary by one day,  but I had to visit my mother and help her paint her living room... In Texas and summer, that’s a feat. Forgive me, Star Ocean gods, I had other duties ;__;
Just making a quick note I can’t fit anywhere, but if you’re struggling with the Barker, use Metalwork with a Star Ruby to make Protection Rings. Yes, they have a chance of breaking, but they can really turn this battle around when in effect by taking no damage/healing from Lost Patience... I didn’t record who I used for the fight, but it was likely Claude, Ashton, Leon, and Rena.
I performed the Private Action for Precis to learn Holo-Hologram for the first time. Very strange! There are no affection changes I’m aware of...
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So, this playthrough has gone from ‘obtain the secret ending’ to ‘this is truly a commerative playthrough for the anniversary’. My bad RNG continued. After 3 hours and almost 60 Bunny Race tickets, I only got one set of Bunny Shoes, 50k Fol, and 3 Fairy Rings. (I highly rec getting the 50k Fol if you’re going for a full set as it easily covers the cost. Otherwise, you can wait until the Cave of Trials opens...) But wait, that’s not all!
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I will go back and add some tidbits of screenshots I took and my wife had to get video of the following, but during the Marsillo fight, I had a wierd glitchy screen beforehand and during battle, without Leon in my active party, Precis had Leon’s voice lines when being hit or using her KMs... Specifically his Ouch!, Word of Death, and Ice Needles. Very strange, as in the fight with Shigeo, it was all normal...
Video here
Unless you want to use two mages in the last fight, this is your best bet to get Celine and Leon’s levels up in the same fight. I used Precis, Celine, Leon, and Rena. Leon and Celine’s levels are still low, but we can fix that with a PA in Fun City soon.
Berle (Armlock) value changes:
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 12 RP, 12 FP *RP SET, FP SET
Claude/Ashton: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Claude/Precis: 12 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Claude/Leon: 9 FP, 8 RP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 14 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Rena/Ashton: 14 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Rena/Precis: 15 FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Rena/Leon: 11 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Celine/Claude: 12 RP, 15 FP *RP SET, FP MAX
Celine/Rena: 14 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Celine/Ashton: 9 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Celine/Leon: 9 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Claude: 15  FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Ashton/Rena: 11 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Ashton/Celine: 9 RP, 9 FP
Ashton/Precis: 15 RP, 8 FP *RP MAX
Ashton/Leon: 10 FP, 8 RP
Precis/Claude: 15 RP, 11 FP *RP MAX, FP SET
Precis/Rena: 15 FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Precis/Celine: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Precis/Ashton: 12 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Precis/Leon: 11 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Leon/Claude: 10 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Leon/Rena: 10 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Celine: 9 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Ashton: 9 FP, 8 RP
Leon/Precis: 9 RP, 8 FP
There are two PAs in Armlock we can do, one with Ashton and one with Leon. There is also a PA in Fun City you can use to increase Leon’s romance with any of the girls (I’m gonna pick Celine for this experiment) The other PAs availible are either unneeded or can only be triggered later. As I said before, there’s even more PAs if you’re playing Second Evolution.
Private Actions
Location: Armlock Character: Ashton Info: Choice 3, Choice 3 (Choose: Heartthrob drink) Claude/Ashton and Ashton/Claude RP +1
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Location: Armlock Character: Leon Info: Choice 1 Claude/Leon FP +3, RP +1; Leon/Claude FP +3
Value changes:
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 12 RP, 12 FP *RP SET, FP SET
Claude/Ashton: 13 FP, 9 RP *FP SET
Claude/Precis: 12 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Claude/Leon: 12 FP, 9 RP *FP SET
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 14 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Rena/Ashton: 14 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Rena/Precis: 15 FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Rena/Leon: 11 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Celine/Claude: 12 RP, 15 FP *RP SET, FP MAX
Celine/Rena: 14 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Celine/Ashton: 9 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Celine/Leon: 9 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Claude: 15  FP, 9 RP *FP MAX
Ashton/Rena: 11 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Ashton/Celine: 9 RP, 9 FP
Ashton/Precis: 15 RP, 8 FP *RP MAX
Ashton/Leon: 10 FP, 8 RP
Precis/Claude: 15 RP, 11 FP *RP MAX, FP SET
Precis/Rena: 15 FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Precis/Celine: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Precis/Ashton: 12 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Precis/Leon: 11 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Leon/Claude: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Leon/Rena: 10 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Celine: 9 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Ashton: 9 FP, 8 RP
Leon/Precis: 9 RP, 8 FP
I couldn’t trigger the PA with Leon because it wanted me to trigger the one with Rena in the fortune teller’s room (yes, I did the cooking competition)... I didn’t want to raise affection anymore at the time between them or risk lowering it (there is no nuetral option), so I avoided both and hoped for the best.
From here, we go to the L’Aqua scene. This only shows who Claude’s highest value is with and most likely it will be Rena, so in aiming for an equal value playthrough, it’s pretty useless. Suprise, suprise, after the Space Time Lab, they had the highest affection and spoiler, I got their ending. That scene seems to add a lot of points...
For reference, I used the following to climb the tower: Claude, Ashton, Celine, and Rena. I used them for the first fight with the 3 Wisemen, then switched Celine out for Leon for Vesper / Decus.
Cyril: I think I used Ashton, Precis, Leon, and Rena...
Notes: Nothing else really notable, especially because I have the dungeon path memorized, I didn’t have to battle often. I got more rare voice clips, though!
Only thing left to do at this point is reach Indalecio and battle him. This increases the values as shown below. I used Ashton, Precis, Celine, and Rena.
Claude/Rena: N/A
Claude/Celine: 12 RP, 12 FP *RP SET, FP SET
Claude/Ashton: 13 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Claude/Precis: 12 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Claude/Leon: 9 FP, 8 RP
Rena/Claude: N/A
Rena/Celine: 15 FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Rena/Ashton: 15 RP, 9 FP *RP MAX
Rena/Precis: 15 FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Rena/Leon: 11 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Celine/Claude: 12 RP, 15 FP *RP SET, FP MAX
Celine/Rena: 15 FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Celine/Ashton: 10 RP, 8 FP
Celine/Precis: 14 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Celine/Leon: 9 RP, 8 FP
Ashton/Claude: 15  FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Ashton/Rena: 12 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Ashton/Celine: 10 RP, 9 FP *RP SET
Ashton/Precis: 15 RP, 8 FP *RP MAX
Ashton/Leon: 10 FP, 8 RP
Precis/Claude: 15 RP, 11 FP *RP MAX, FP SET
Precis/Rena: 15 FP, 8 RP *FP MAX
Precis/Celine: 14 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Precis/Ashton: 13 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Precis/Leon: 11 RP, 8 FP *RP SET
Leon/Claude: 10 FP, 8 RP *FP SET
Leon/Rena: 10 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Celine: 9 RP, 8 FP
Leon/Ashton: 9 FP, 8 RP
Leon/Precis: 9 RP, 8 FP
Ending Results:
The basic endings were... Leon alone, Celine alone, Precis/Ashton (Ashton is at Precis’ house trying to run away from her for trying to remove the dragons) and Claude/Rena (Rena is going to have a baby ending)
I was so nervous... but I waited until after the beautiful credits and I got the Composite Ending!
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Conclusion/Final Thoughts:
When I started this blog of my adventure, I didn’t intend to succeed or celebrate on the same day as the 25th anniversary... but I did! 
I was in tears when the secret ending popped up...! Also, it was the first time I have seen the ending CGI in a long time, which also brought tears to my eyes... The melancholy of wondering what it must be like for the characters after their journey and what it must be like seeing the ending for the first time...! I really felt I got to experience that again! My bff was anxiously waiting for me to complete the game again and my wife cheered me on the whole way! <3
I got to hear so many rare voice clips, experience wierd glitches, and I had the worst RNG I’ve ever experienced playing this; all in this playthrough! I feel like Tria was testing me! (Or perhaps, for a veteran like me who has logged 1000+ hours of my life into the game, they really wanted this to be unique!)
In anticipation of the release of Star Ocean: the Second Story R, I am glad to say I finally got to accomplish my dream of obtaining this ending, playing on original hardware, and experiencing new things even two decades later... that’s part of what makes this game the greatest of all time and why it is my favorite and will always be special to me. I often imagine I’ll be playing this, the original game, when I am 80 years old and senile... because I can’t stop going back and looking for new things, experiencing the adventure again, enjoying the exhilirating battles and beautiful melodies. This game really is a treasure!
Future Notes (that I don’t want to forget as I play) / useful for other characters:
The official guide confirms the following bosses increase same gender FP and opposite gender RP:
Visseyer (Sanctuary of Linga, and this one is optional)
Harfainx/Phalanx (Hoffman Ruins)
Berle/Metatron (both fights, Eluria Tower and Armlock)
Guardian (Field of Power)
Guardian (Field of Courage)
Indalecio/Gabriel (I don't think it matters whether he has his Limiter or not)
Rena and Claude get a boost before they both join one another after Salva. Not sure the extent of this (please see the same thread as the Pickpocket thread as it’s debug info).
Rena and Dias gain a RP for each other during the tournament of Arms while you're helping Dias recover his sword
The Final Guide says when pairing your MC with another, the scene at L’Aqua before Fienal is a good indicator of which couple you get (however, this can change thanks to the final boss, PAs, ect.)
And unlike when most characters join, Dias gained no FP/RP with the other characters when he joined, and no one seems to gain anything with him.
Claude and Rena get +2 at the laboratory / tree scene.
An easy way to tell if your MC has affection high enough for another party member (no way to check between party members):
Note: Also taken from the GameFAQs thread:
It seems that your friendship with him is going all right, and romance too... Wait, that's hard to tell. Sort of... more than friends but less than lovers... you know? Romance does not look probable. He is more like that classmate you used to have long talks with.
My, you are getting along well, aren't you. You can easily hope for things to develop romantically. But don't take things for granted. If you care for him, think of his perspective in everything you do. One mistake could wreck the relationship. But there's no chance of that is there?
My, you are getting along well, aren't you. And the romance seems to be developing well. But don't take things for granted. If you care for her, think of her perspective in everything you do. One mistake could wreck the relationship. But there's no need to worry.
Hmm. Both of you seem to be beginners in love. I'm not saying that you are lovers yet, things still seem Platonic. But you must both learn about each other, understand each other, and by making up for each other's shortcomings it may be possible to arrive at your first, true love. There is still a chance. But if you miss it, then it will be difficult.
Your friendship seems to be going quite well, and she would be fine as a woman friend to hang out with. But there is little hope of developing a romance. But don't give up. There may be a chance. She's like that childhood friend and classmate you had long talks with.
Your friendship is going very well, and he will probably be a life-long friend. And this friend is turning into a lover now. You can look forward to that.
Numbers 1, 4, and 5 are easy to understand. #1 means FP and RP are both under 10. #4 means RP is 10 or greater (enough for an ending) but FP is below 10. #5 means FP is 10 or greater, RP is below 10.
No idea how to interpret numbers 2 and 3. My best guess on #6 means FP is maxed out, and RP is at least enough for an ending together, but not maxed out.
Chisato adds +2 FP/RP (dependent) when she joins instead of 1. You can’t use her books before she joins, unlike Noel.
6 notes · View notes
serendipitous-mage · 8 months
*Hello! I'm currently between jobs and actively looking, but no luck yet. The household is pretty hard up on funds right now and any additional income would be so very very helpful, especially with student loan repayments kicking in this month ;w;
*Regardless of the type of commission, I will gladly work with you throughout it and give updates/the opportunity to make adjustments if you would like! 
*The examples below range from about $4-$40 USD, ordered most to least expensive, all are based on complexity and time to complete. Prices are open to negotiate prior commitment, and can be made in multiple payments if needed! (some examples are a bit old)
*Anything that’s a meme or I highly enjoy the concept of doing is up for a potential discount :3
*If you’re interested, feel free to message me here or send me an email at [email protected] (anon asks are also enabled)
*Trigger Warning: One example has light gore/blood
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~approx $35-$40 USD
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~approx $15-20 USD
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~approx $5-10 USD
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~approx $20-30 USD
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*approx $15-20 USD
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*approx $4-10 USD
*I can do lineless digital, but I’m not as practiced with it
*Traditional commissions will be scanned(or potentially sent in actual mail) for optimal quality. More colours/subjects will cost more
*Digital drawing is all around easier for me, and in general will be cheaper than an ‘identical’ traditional version would be
*As mentioned above, anything that’s a meme or I highly enjoy the concept of doing is up for a potential discount, more fun means its less taxing which means i can drop the price a little &lt;3
*Will Draw:
    -AU characters
    -Rough/simple animations and gifs (we can talk..)
*Won’t Draw anything:
    -Explicit underage
    -Taking place in hospitals/based around illness
*You can view more of my drawings at my DA Gallery or, for less polished but more religiously updated posts, here
*I always read a lot in school, and over the years that turned into writing stories. I have a few fanfics running currently, but any commissions would be given priority
*Thinking $5 per 500 words? May adjust depending on complexity/any needed research/longer pieces
*I’ve found I write best with fantasy genres, but you can absolutely commission something else! Some things you may want to consider:
    -Is it original or fandom based?
    -What point of view do you want? First, second(reader inserts), or third person?
    -Past or present tense?
    -Old timey speech or modern feel?
    -Fluff, feels, something in between?
    -Where are you in the spectrum of “can you relay enough information about what you want that I won’t need to overly interpret/fill in gaps myself” and “do you have an end goal or outline, and want me to make the rest happen” ? In other words, how much of this do you already know you want, and what if anything are you willing to let me interpret as the writer?
*Some excerpts:
First person
    The brambles and lower branches suddenly appeared much denser than when we’d come from the other direction, and I kept as much distance from the two of them as I could. Their incessant arguing was still discernible, but not overly so.
    We took our new torches–which seemed a little brighter than they should have been–and set off continuing our search for tracks, holding the fire as close as we dared to any brush and leaves that were near the forest floor. The quiet pulsing of the place at night was almost unnerving, and much different from our campout the evening before. Unseen critters chirped to a rhythm we outsiders weren’t aware of, falling silent if we at any point passed too close to them.
  The eerie limbo was broken when I suddenly noticed a light coming toward us, followed quickly by Dagger who swooped low and squawked into my ear.
    I batted him away and asked Dex if the light was Sara, but felt I already knew the answer.
    “No,” he confirmed, squinting at it in suspicion.
    “Clariiisaaaaaa!” Sara shouted again, her voice tumbling across the vague grassy mounds that just barely made the classification of ‘hills’. “Clarissa!“
   “Quiet down,” I finally warned her. “There’s more on the prowl after nightfall.”
    She spun around to glare at me. “You say that like I don’t know. It doesn’t matter we have to find them.”
    “We’re not going to find anyone if we’re dead.” I countered.
    “Well what if they’re dead!?” she shouted.
    I was a little taken aback at the sudden outburst, almost snapping at her in turn but pausing at what looked like a faint shimmer in her eye.
    It began to rain soon after we entered the wood. Drops fell in a constant, distant thrum on the leaves above, and it wasn’t long before a chill settled in around the trees. Heavy dampness filled the air as the rain increased, making its way below the canopy to turn patches of the ground to a sticky mush. I’d hastened my pace twice already, and the rain still continued to thicken. Mini waterfalls poured down here and there where the foliage had positioned itself just so, and the aftermath was sent streaming between roots and stone along my path. I gave up trying to keep my boots dry and went as quickly as I dared, careful with my step to avoid sprawling in the dirt.
Reader Insert
   There’s a soft *ping* and your body is suddenly overwhelmingly heavy, but luckily something else is holding your weight. You feel yourself rise a little into the air before being pulled forward, through the screen, through the words, through the space between, through the Barrier…
   Into the Underground.
   You notice you’re staring the ceiling. But not just any ceiling, New Home’s. And there are two faces looking down at you.
   "they’ll be fine. just–“
   "SANS,” he warns.
   "a little down.“
   "NNNNGH!! SANS YO–! HUH?” Papyrus turns to look back at you, as you’re practically dying of laughter on the floor. 
 You’re here! Actually here! They are talking and joking and breathing right in front of you…the skelebros, in the flesh heheh.
   You tilt your head so you can Sans, tears in your eyes as you have a little difficulty breathing. He raises an eyeridge and grins a bit more than usual.
 "it wasn’t that good of a joke…i like ‘em.“ he says lastly to Papyrus.
   The younger brother mumbles something and reaches down to help you to your feet. Though they always seemed small, especially when younger, the monsters are around the same height as you. You wonder aloud how tall the king and queen must be.
   You freeze at the deep, rumbling voice approaching. Solid footfalls sound closer and closer still, and you find your gaze drawn to the large figure coming down the hall. You’re overwhelmed with the details. The apparent thick softness of fur, curved smooth horns threatening to reach the ceiling, and impossibly violet robe that drifted behind his gait.
   "Oh, Howdy! Boys you should have told us you had, a…guest,” he stops, sudden distress plainly visible in his expression.
   Your blood runs cold as you realize, you must remind him of them. He thinks you’re–
  Chara?“ he falls heavily to his knees, tears streaming around his muzzle. His eyes search you over, filled with guilt, hope, disbelief, so many different emotions almost simultaneously. Papyrus runs up and tries to comfort him. 
   You lower your eyes and faintly shake your head, saying you’re sorry but, you’re not them.
   The haze that you and the skeletons hadn’t noticed before returns to his expression. He squeezes his eyes closed and inhales deeply before looking back at you again. 
   "I, forgive me … what is your name?”
   You find it a little difficult to speak, but manage to give him your name.
   He smiles. “It is very nice to meet you.“ 
 Third Person
    “Oh, oh dear.” Alphys was staring at the base of the chalkboard with a frown. “Has anyone seen the chalk?” She held up the stub end of one. It had an odd jaggedness on one side. “This is all that’s here…I’m certain there was still have a box left,”
    No one answered, and Frisk certainly didn’t know, so they kept quiet as well. 
    The class crawled by about how one would expect it to. No one seemed particular enthralled by Alphys’ teaching, except for the girl in the front row. The bird Frisk was behind was ‘too smart’ to pay much attention, unless there was a point he wanted to argue. MK had a bit of a short attention span, and Temmie as well, but she seemed to be trying very hard. Probably wanted to get into a good college.
    At some point in the lecture, Frisk stopped taking notes and looked through the pad of paper that had been in their desk. It had haphazard quotes and diagrams, some dated and some not, with some days considerably more organized and thoughtful than others. Frisk turned to the back and flipped the book around, making a new beginning to it. They started penning all their observations. Differences and similarities, people that they’d recognized, and every explanation they could think of that might be true of whatever had happened to them. 
    There wasn’t much in that column. 
  Before long a semi distant bell sounded, and Alphys released everyone for lunch. 
    “Is ours broken?” Frisk wondered aloud.
   "Yo, you don’t remember?“ MK asked. “Susie totally busted the speakers last week! They still haven’t been able to fix it yet.” MK cocked their head. “Yo, Kris, you okay dude?”
    “Fine,” Frisk answered briskly. “I um, I gotta talk to Alphy.”
    MK raised an eyebrow and gave a tiny nod. “Uh, OK, sure…see ya.” They trotted off after the others to what Frisk assumed would be the cafeteria somewhere. 
    Frisk stayed in their seat a moment, wondering if this was really the best idea. Alphys didn’t seem to recognize Frisk as themselves either. And if they told her everything…they carefully closed the notebook and flipped it back the other way, then made their way to Alphys’ desk. 
        The boy’s dark, messy hair completely shrouded his face from view at his stance. He stood behind one of the chairs, his head slightly bowed, gripping the back of the furniture as though it were his only lifeline to reality. The elder prince closed the gap between them with a few strides and put a hand on the boy’s shoulder.
       “I…“ he trailed off, suddenly realizing he had no idea how he could begin to comfort him. “I am not sure, what to say–”
       “There is nothing to be said.” the boy interrupted, his words strained. He didn’t look up. “If I had not been born, you would all have rest now, to live normally upon the morn. Mother would really smile again. No one wou–”
        “It is not your fault, brother.” The eldest countered firmly. “You know the rules…If not you, then someone else, it has naught to do with you yourself. We all were chanced to be a part of it as equally as any other. This was none of your doing.”
    A certain heavy, comforting quiet hung in the air. Stillness that was enhanced by the soft hum and crackle of the flames. Sans and Papyrus had both fallen asleep before the fireplace amid the excitement, much like the first day they had arrived. Toriel had woken early, along with her husband, and was now reading in her armchair.
     There was a knock at the door.
    Papyrus sat up quickly, eyesockets half closed. “WH-HUH..?” he looked up at Tori, who’s eyes were crinkled in quiet laughter, and suddenly realized who the knock must be. A tiny gasp escaped him and vaulted off Sans, to mild protest, running down the hall toward the door. He tried stopping but had too much speed and slid past his mark, scrambling to get back to where he’d tried for. Papy gave a little jump and pulled the handle down, staring up in awe. 
    “Ho ho howdy little one!” Santa laughed heartily, fully dressed in his red and white outfit and with an old sturdy sack over one shoulder.
    Papyrus’ eyesockets were practically sparkling. “S-SANTA! SANS!! SANTA HERE!!” he ran forward and grabbed Santa’s large leg, hugging him tight.
   “wow. sure has a presents.” Sans offered, coming around the corner. He gave a stretch popped a few bones. “snow real surprise, though.”
Thank you for considering and looking over the page this far! Feel free to contact with any questions, and stay determined &lt;3
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sophiamamamia · 2 years
Ukrainian paramedic Tayra was held captive by the Russians for about 3 months. Miraculously, she was freed. I just read her recent interview and I'm impressed by what she tells about the conditions of detention of prisoners. I think I wouldn't be able to stand it and would quickly break down. But Tayra is a strong woman and her experience in Eastern practices, yoga, physical preparation for participation in the "Invictus Games" etc helped her to endure. Anyhow, what she tells is very scary (and she cannot yet tell everything in detail, because the investigation is ongoing).
There were 22 women in the prison cell 3 by 6 meters (one woman is in the 7th month of pregnancy). There are 10 beds for all of them. You can't sit during the day, only stand, this is a requirement, otherwise - punishment. All this time, Tayra was in the same clothes, it was impossible to have a shower, jailers don't provide medical assistance, there is no telephone connection or any other connection with relatives.
The psychological pressure is terrible. In addition to bullying and tortures, jailers were also separately "tortured" Ukrainian prisoners with constant lies that "Ukraine has already lost, the world doesn't give a shit about you and it is better for you to commit suicide". But Tayra didn't. And she confidently says now that "I won't be captured again, that's 100%." I understand exactly w h a t she means. I heard the same from various military: death is better than captivity, especially by the Russians. No laws of the Geneva Convention apply there, these are the conditions of a concentration camp, full lawlessness, people are destroyed physically and morally.
Today, I saw another piece of news that currently more than 10,000 people from Mariupol are being held by the Russians in such prisons on the territory of the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic". Prisoners are in terrible and inhumane conditions. 10 people are locked in cells 2 by 3 meters each. The prisoners hardly get water and food. They are not taken outside etc.
The world must understand that it is impossible to even think about any kind of agreements with Russia. Russian methods are medieval tortures, concentration camps, cynical lies and actions beyond any red lines.
On the picture: this's Tayra's "selfie" which she posted in the first days after her release, because she didn't want to show her exhausted face.
And I add the recent interview with Tayra in the comments below, but it is in Ukrainian. As soon as I find the interview with English subtitles, I will update.
Iryna Tsilyk
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market-news-24 · 20 days
Hey gamers, get ready for some exciting news! A bunch of underrated and overlooked games are set to join the Game Pass lineup. If you've been looking for some hidden gems to dive into, now is the perfect opportunity. Stay tuned for more updates on these soon-to-be-released titles on Game Pass. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] The month of May is looking incredibly promising for Xbox Game Pass subscribers, with a lineup of exciting games to dive into. One standout title is "Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II," a highly anticipated first-party exclusive launching on Game Pass on May 21. This action-packed game is the sequel to 2017’s "Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice," developed by Xbox and Ninja Theory. In addition to "Hellblade II," the May Game Pass roster includes other hidden gems worth exploring. From last year's overlooked releases to upcoming titles like "Immortals of Aveum," there is a diverse range of games for players to enjoy. The full list of games coming to Xbox Game Pass in May and early June includes: - Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - Chants of Sennaar - EA Sports NHL 24 - Immortals of Aveum - Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II - Galacticare - Hauntii - Moving Out 2 - Humanity - Lords of the Fallen - Firework - Rolling Hills On the flip side, as new games join the lineup, some existing titles are set to depart Xbox Game Pass at the end of May. Subscribers have the option to purchase these departing games at a 20% discount if they wish to continue playing them post-removal. The titles leaving the subscription service on May 31 include: - Chicory: A Colorful Tale - Farworld Pioneers - JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle - Pac-Man Museum Plus - Little Witch in the Woods - Railway Empire II Stay tuned for more updates and announcements from Xbox Game Pass as the gaming world continues to evolve. Explore these exciting new releases and enjoy a diverse range of gaming experiences through the subscription service. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What games are coming to Game Pass? - There are several slept-on games coming to Game Pass. 2. How can I access these new games? - You can access these games through your Game Pass subscription. 3. Are these games popular? - These games may not have been widely recognized, but they are definitely worth checking out. 4. Can I play these games on multiple devices? - Yes, you can play these games on various devices that support Game Pass. 5. When will these games be available on Game Pass? - The release date for these games on Game Pass has not been announced yet. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none';
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starlightkun · 6 months
okay my superlong ask part 1/3 (i could do it in 2 but i decided to do it in paragraphs so it makes more sense and is easier to read)
https://www.tumblr.com/warmau/734555744763035648/this-is-how-all-the-men-i-write-are-like?source=share ^^ changer and buzzer beater sungchan be like
FIRSTLY the new masterlist is GORGEOUS and so well thought out! it just looks so organised and the notes about the inclusivity and how you're going back to fix old fics is so professional im really impressed and its really kind and generous of you to take such an initiative by taking the time to do so. Also the note about how you may say that certain members are taller than reader insert with sicheng only if you're feeling extra nice had me ROLLING
also the bite updates are so funny, like mark is so losercore and the fact that reader is going to be a loser as well is so up my alley and so endearing. like flirting about FAX MACHINES?! only the highest quality loserxloser content.
- ✨anon
under the cut <33
the post u linked to was deleted 😭 im sorry im sure it was very funny and true to my sweet baby boys changer!sungchan and bb!sungchan
thank youuuu abt the masterlist! i was contemplating abt reorganization and everything for a while and i knew i didn't want too complicated of a key, but i wanted to be able to delineate a little more than i had in my last one between my more serious fics and my more silly fics a la dr_magic lol (and i also wanted to take the opportunity to unofficially "archive" some older fics of mine that i feel like aren't as representative of me as a writer anymore but i also didn't really want to delete either, so the old mlist is my "archive masterlist" now with all my fics pre-love bites) ;; and on that height inclusivity note, i myself am 5'8/172cm ish, so i know when i personally read fics where like kun is supposed to be towering over the reader it completely takes me out bc like. i am not delusional that man is 1 inch taller than me. i would be taller than him with some thick-soled shoes try again lol. i put on my platform doc martins and its OVER for him. i don't consider anybody "tall" unless they're noticeably taller than me (which is usually 5'11ish, but i call it at 180cm international for good measure. sicheng's official height is like 179cm/5'10.5" so if i'm feeling nice i'll include him in the tallies club. esp now that he's the tallest wayv member and he just absolutely towers over wayv tinie line lmao). i know it's the sort of heads-up i'd like as a reader, esp considering how some writers seem a bit. obsessed with the reader-insert being absolutely tiny and smaller than every member (which hey! some readers are actually 4'11 and dejun would be huge compared to them!) but when it's mentioned not only in every fic but in fics w members who are canonically shorter than me irl it just so detracts from the moment for me.
i've been going back to edit stuff for moments where i thoughtlessly mentioned the reader blushing/turning pink or gripping smth so hard their knuckles turn white, in addition for the random dozen cameos that are in quite a few (don't get me started on sleepless cinderella,,,, idk what i'm doing with her yet other than fixing skin tone refs). i got an ask a couple years ago abt the blushing in one of my fics, actually, and while i changed the specific instance right then, as well as made sure not to reference skin tone in my future writings, i know that people still find my older fics and i personally just kind of,,, idk cringe? when i revisit old fics and they've got skin tone refs in them like that. bc it doesn't represent the writer i am now, and i hate for people to think that it's representative of me and my fics currently. so yeah, i'm slowly working through fixing old fics for those bits and the dozen references too
the bite is actually a kun fic (u may be confusing it w baby fangs? which is a mark wip, and i can see how the titles would get confusing) but we do in fact get some loserxloser content in BOTH the bite and baby fangs yep yep i love writing losers in love its trueeee. they flirt about fax machines and it's truly soulmate behavior im afraid (the bite!mc literally says "i think men with fax machines are sexy, especially personal fax lines" like somebody COME GET UR BESTIE SHE IS CRINGEFAILING ON MAIN RN!! and kun adores her and her cringefail flirting ehhehe)
okay long ask part 2/3 now onto LOVE BITES omg i know its only been a few weeks since changer was released but i missed these two so much. your description of sungchan as a weighted blanket was so cuddly and delicious i just love him he's such a big puppy even though you said jenos a puppy and sung is a wolf hes still just a little guy to me (he is 185 centimetres, taller than most refrigerators) the way you write sungchan is just so great, the way hes just a big sweaty guy and has little insecurities that him and reader work through makes him feel so real and so vulnerable in an endearing way. also when reader pulled out the old photos of sung and taro from mr jung i was DYING. like "little dweebus uniform" is so relatable, we all have skeletons (terrible photos from primary/elementary school) in our closets (parents houses) when reader and taro are texting and reader is like "my little guy :( so uwuw" and taro is like "that fucken TREE OF A GUY?!" and "IS THIS YOUR MANS?!" with the horrifying close up i felt very seen and also got a very helpful reminder to burn all my group photos from school. honestly there are so many quotes from love bites that i want to frame but um……. mel what is this "You didn’t deserve to ever feel… an aching hole, because of me.” 🤨🤨🤨😏😏😏 i KNOW you know what you did and honestly i was so close to screaming and throwing my phone across the room when it happened. but you know what? changer sungchan unintentionally saying the craziest innuendo whilst trying to make a sincere apology is probably the most fitting thing for his character. anyways, thank you for slotting in dirty jokes for us because its so unexpected and funny. i think thats all i have to say about love bites! thank you for taking the time to write the most amazing, comforting, sweet and funny story. - ✨anon
changer sungchan IS a big puppy but don't say that to his face or he'll pout abt it </33 also idk why "taller than most refrigerators" made me laugh so hard but it did. comparing men to refrigerators for height reference is just a very funny concept to me.
i also LOVED writing taro and reader's continuing bickering friendship throughout the fic i thought they were fantastic and i did in fact make myself laugh a couple different times, esp writing out the texts with the mathletes pictures. i also loved being able to show that reader was just as delusional whipped IN LOVE abt sungchan as sungchan was for reader. like being absolutely endeared and heart eyes abt your s/o's dorky old school pictures while simultaneously roasting your mutual friend who is also in those same pictures for being dorky. mwah, chef's kiss, i love them and rip taro
I TRULY DID NAWT REALIZE THE INNUENDO UNTIL U SENT THIS ASK OMG. i was just trying to write sungchan being the sweetest lil guy ever but alas........the aching hole that i will never be able to UNREAD now. but it is sooo in-character for him that i truly was overtaken by the spirit of changer!sungchan in that moment and had no clue what i was writing good lord
OKAY FINALLY PART 3/3 for the timeline question hmmmmmmm i dont know i think i kind of just assumed that the fics were coming out in chronological order but now im not sure????? like obv for the ones with sequels the sequel is after the first but like the rest its all kinda up in the air for me. so like, changer is after pupsick because in sung got with changer!reader because of pupsick!reader and friends. dr magic i assume is happening between pupsick and changer or at the same time as changer because renjun seemed very much single during pupsick because he was at the cafe FAST when pupsick!reader called him and during dr magic, renjun was very much busy between meeting drmagic!reader to witness her pepe silvia arc, being dr magic and studying. tdhea imo is before pupsick just cause all the dreamies have way too much time on their hands to tease and get frustrated about jisung and tdhea!reader and imo that's peak single behaviour because like i said before, renjun was a BUSY BOY during dr magic and jeno was literally sick during most of pupsick so he wouldn't be as spritely as he is during tdhea. for romance is dead and strawberry sunday i literally have no clue, i just assumed that they were both early on considering they were released first. its also just a lot harder because theres only one strawbsun fic for 127 and wayv each so there's less overlap in the members and just less context clues to go off of. but i'd love to know just how wrong i am in my assumtions (if you're willing to give up such information) and compare it with what everyone else thinks - ✨anon
okay so ur timeline looks like:
rid/miracle/strawberry sunday > tdhea > pupsick/abh > dr_magic2303 > changer/love bites
which isn't too far off other than the placing of rid/miracle, which makes sense bc that one kind of has the least context with the other fics. here's my official timeline (sans some unofficial wips) that i've been working off of as soon as i realized this was going to be a lot more than 3 fics. i based the general years off of strawberry sunday!reader/jungwoo's college career (they're in sophomore yr in their fic). the whole crew is generally all the same year, though, so the years are pretty accurate for everybody
they uh, they get busy junior yr huh...
also i feel like jeno didn't do too much meddling in tdhea to be considered single behavior, he was just kinda there......bc he had nothing better to do while pupsick!reader was at study sessions 😔 very conveniently-timed study sessions and bakery shifts without jeno that leave jeno completely free to be in every relevant scene for tdhea... aw shucks 😔😔😔 and her very convenient bakery shifts in changer2 like wow 😔😔 minseok is rlly working pupsick!reader to the bone huh 😔😔😔😔 pupsick3 is just gonna b reader and jeno unionizing against minseok
one thing to know abt strawbsunday universe!renjun is that he is going to be BUSY and BOOKED between school, running an online persona solving people's magical ailments, meddling in his friends' relationships, and falling head over heels for his academic rival who is currently in her pepe silvia arc. do NOT underestimate his multi-tasking abilities. he's built different
but im rlly so happy that you liked the fics so much to send me SO MUCH abt it and have all these little thoughts like you truly keep my writing heart fed. like i write for myself but i post for others, and actually knowing that there's a human out there reading them and coming to interact with me and give genuine feedback rlly makes posting worth it so THANK YOU so so much truly 💗💗💗🫶🫶🫶
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thepringlesofblood · 1 year
Dimension 20 Neverafter FPE (Fairytales Per Episode): The Numbers
I’ve been updating the original version of this post since Ep. 3, and as such it has a lot of theories/additions/explanations/ramblings. This is just the numbers. Every fairytale, nursery rhyme, or piece of folklore included, referenced, or alluded to across the series (that I found).
For some of these, I was unable to determine one specific tale, and for some of these, I am unsure as to whether the reference was intentional. I’ll put that if that’s the case. It is what it is, baby. Enjoy!
Full list beneath the cut, by episode.
Ep. 1
The PCs (and their backstories)
 Mother Goose (+1)
Mother Hubbard  (+1)
jumped over the Candlestick (+1)
and the Beanstalk (+1)
Ylfa (Little Red Riding Hood) (+1)
“Huff and puff, little one” = 3 little pigs allusion (+1)
Pib (Puss in Boots) (+1)
Pinocchio (+1)
Cinderella (+1)
stepmother’s official art says “Cinderella...” at the bottom
Rosamund (sleeping beauty/briar rose) (+1)
Gerard (the princess and the frog) (+1)
Snow queen (mentioned by Elody) (+1)
the rest of the episode
the little red hen (+1)
Ol king Cole (+1)
The little old lady who lived in a shoe (+1)
(alluded to) Alice n Wonderland (+1)
rabbit pulling a teapot
total tale count: 16
Ep. 2
Herr Drosselmeyer (+1)
The Nutcracker
Snow White (+1)
(alluded to) Beauty and the beast (+1)
furniture coming alive
total tale count: 3
Ep. 3
.........nothing new to report
tale count: 0
Ep 4
the fairy with the turquoise hair is actually not exclusive to Pinocchio - she has her own book*.
*I found out later that this is not true, hence no +1
(alluded to) the little mermaid (+1)
“a dancing princess who either cannot or will not speak near a beach.”
there’s. So many rabbit and fox tricksters in the world.
One specific tale for Fox is alluded to, so he gets (+1)
a reply to the original post mentioned a character named Reynard the Fox from medieval French literature that might be the reason that the Fox speaks with a French accent.
“Isengrim” is the name of the daggers Pib gets. There’s a tale called Ysengrimus from 1152 CE where Reynard the Fox (along with a certain Wolf) appears.
No specific tales for Rabbit are specifically referenced except for Pinocchio’s story, but if Fox’s French accent is an allusion to Reynard the Fox, I’m taking Rabbit’s Cockney British accent to be an allusion to Peter Rabbit (the most famous British trickster rabbit I can think of.) He gets a (+1)
There are surely other rabbits that inspired Brennan, but I’m not qualified to sift through all trickster rabbits ever.
I’m sorry if it’s not a Cockney accent. That’s just what it sounded like to me. +1 for each of them seems fair regardless.
the golden goose (another Jack/Mother Goose tale not specifically mentioned before) (+1)
total tale count: 4
Ep. 5
hey diddle diddle (+1)
the dish ran away with the spoon + the cow jumping over the moon
itsy bitsy spider (+1)
first allusion to little miss muffet (+1)
(alluded to) goldilocks (+1)
”just enough” oats
first mention of Aesop (+1)
1001 nights (+1) (scherazade/The Endless Nights)
“spider queen”/scherazade’s spider (+1)
I cannot describe the lengths I have gone to to try and figure out who the mythical spider that fuses with Muffet is. there are many possibilities but none seem more likely than the rest. please, god, if you know which spider is being referenced here, let me know.
sinbad (+1)
“Sinbad the Sailor”
magical palace w the tapestries of starlight (+1)
there’s a fuckload of magic palaces in 1001 nights. idk which one this refers to but it does refer.
total tale count: 9
Ep. 6
No new tales - expands on ones already mentioned (muffet, scherazade’s spider)
first actual appearance of little miss muffet
total tale count: 0

Ep 7
the cloak of rushes (the gillesuit/haystack cloak) (+1) 

As of Ep. 9, we know that this is probably from the English fairy tale “Cap-o’-Rushes”
the golden bridle (+1)

some cursory googling indicates that this is most likely from the celtic tale of Guleesh.
In ep 13 & 14 (& the adventuring parties) they talk about what it does, and while nothing they say rules out Guleesh, it doesn’t really match up either. 

so…….maybe it’s not intended to be the one from the tale of Guleesh. I remain optimistic. 
the golden chair (+1)

a grimm fairytale with a weirdly christian bent
it is very possible that this was not an intentional allusion.
I have to mention here that the cloak of stars recovered from the spider’s den is a reskin of the DND 5e “Robe of Stars”
I spent multiple months trying to figure out what this cloak could be an allusion to. there’s nothing clear-cut. like the sword of truth, I believe this to be an archetype from no one tale in particular.
total tale count: 3
Ep 8
first actual appearance of Aesop!
the lion and the mouse (+1)
the boy who cried wolf (+1)
the scorpion and the frog (+1)
total tale count: 3
Ep 9
(alluded to) the princess and the pea (+1)
siobhan asks if anyone sees any stacks of mattresses without peas under them to sleep on
(alluded to) this little piggy went to market (+1)
it’s not in the captions but emily axford says ‘well there has to be a market, right? cause this little piggy went to market’
first actual appearance of 3 little pigs
total tale count: 3
Ep 10
(alluded to) peter and the wolf (+1)
the baron’s named peter and there’s a wolf. that can’t be a coincidence,
total tale count: 1
Ep 11
the emperor’s new clothes (+1)
“the naked emperor”
rumpelstiltskin (+1)
“the king of apogee“ and the rumor about him
Koschei the deathless (+1)
(alluded to) the binding of Fenrir (Norse mythology) (+1)
Ylfa puts her hand in the Wolf’s mouth to prove her and Mother Goose’ good intentions.
I didn’t catch this one at first - thank you to the many posts about it in the #neverafter tag!
total tale count: 4
Ep. 12
Rapunzel (+1)
The North Wind (+1)
from what I can tell, this is from "East of the Sun and West of the Moon"
I’m sure The North Wind is from other things too, though
first actual appearance of the little mermaid!
total tale count: 2
Ep. 13
no new tales - expands on the little mermaid & pinocchio
total tale count: 0
Ep. 14
the legend of the children of Lír (+1)
it is revealed in this episode that the sea witch is named Alba Mac Lír
“Mac Lír“ in Scottish Gaelic = son of Lír
thank you @twoeelsforsupper for this observation!
total: 1
Ep. 15
no new tales, unless you count Clara The Horse Princess
total: 0
Ep. 16
thumbelina (+1)
hans christian anderson tale from 1835, in the second volume of his Fairy Tales Told For Children series.
tom thumb (+1)
English folklore, there was a 1621 book called The History of Tom Thumb
Jack the Giant Killer (+1)
in ep 17 adventuring party, brennan talks a bit about the multiplicity of jacks, and clarifies that there are TWO separate Jack + Giants myths.
Jack and the Beanstalk - an English fairytale about a young boy who accidentally grows a beanstalk to the Giant World and only “kills” the giant at the end by cutting the beanstalk down, leaving the giant to fall to his (their?) death.
Jack the Giant Killer - a Welsh fairytale about a warrior named Jack who fights a bunch of giants with a huge club and wins
So, while we’ve already counted Jack and the Beanstalk, this episode does introduce a new variation on Jack - Jack the Giant Killer.
total: 3
Ep. 17
Fear Not (+1)
another grimm fairytale
the brave little tailor (+1)
aka “the guy who kills a bunch of flies with his belt”
Jack and Jill (+1)
three blind mice (+1)
total: 4
Ep 18
The Wishing Star (+1)
look there’s many stars you can wish on. “star light, star bright” has one but there are many others
Ep 19
no new tales - it’s finale time!
total: 0
Ep 20
so in the 1880s, Andrew Lang wrote a series of fairytale books named after fairies of various colors. I’m counting each fairy who has a book named after them as a new tale.
NOTE: the Blue Fairy (+1)
ok look i fucked up yall. The Fairy With Turquoise Hair is re-named “The Blue Fairy” in a lot of adaptations, so when I previously counted her separately from Pinocchio bc she had her own book, I was referring to “The Blue Fairy Book”
so we’re counting it here instead bc it’s the first appearance of the actual Blue Fairy
The Red Fairy Book (+1)
The Green Fairy Book (+1)
The Orange Fairy Book (+1)
The Yellow Fairy Book (+1)
total: 5
total series tale count: 62
allusions (aka ones where nothing is referenced by name e.g. Fenris): 17
could be unintentional: 8
direct, clear references: 37
have a good one yall!
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jacksonville-fl-near · 7 months
Eden at Kendall West in Jacksonville, FL
We know that it’s fortunate to have the Eden at Kendall West in the city. It has remarkable apartments for rent in Jacksonville location, by the way. Well, it’s perfect for many people who want to live in a luxurious rental property. In addition, their community amenities include resort-style pool with lounge seating, poolside grilling pavilion, state-of-the-art fitness center, clubhouse with gaming and TVs, pet-friendly community, dog grooming station and dog park, friendly, professional on-site management, resident social events and private social network, easy online rent payments and maintenance requests, and 24-hour emergency maintenance. Knowing all these awesome facilities, it’s exciting to rent a living space in the said real estate property.
Jacksonville, FL
In preparing a travel plan, it’s important to check out online travel portals. In case of finding pre-scheduled activities in Jacksonville, FL location, it is vital to check Eventbrite posts. For example, it’s posted on their site that there will be Jacksonville Holiday Market this coming Saturday, November 18, 2023, at around 11:00 AM at Adam W. Herbert University Center. Besides, the LSDREAM - Jacksonville, FL - The Radical Audio-Visual Experience is scheduled on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, at around 7:00 PM at The Glass Factory. Lastly, you can also attend the Gospel Fest 2023 this coming Saturday, November 18, 2023, at around 5:00 PM at Paxon Revival Center Church.
The Catty Shack Ranch Wildlife Sanctuary
The Catty Shack Ranch Wildlife Sanctuary is a perfect place for a travel adventure. After all, the said tourist attraction is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization situated in Jacksonville, Florida, serving Duval, Saint Johns, Clay, Nassau, and Baker counties. In addition, they’re also proud to be a famous destination for many national and international visitors. Because of the beauty of their place and excellent management, they are humbled and honored to be Trip Advisor’s #1 attraction in Jacksonville. Moreover, the mission of Catty Shack Ranch Wildlife Sanctuary is to provide a safe, loving and forever home to endangered big cats and to educate the public about their plight in the wild and in captivity.
Jacksonville Zoo tiger Cinta gives birth to three cubs
There are many interesting news reports in Jacksonville, FL location. In a recent news article, the topic was about a Jacksonville Zoo tiger. Reportedly, the Jacksonville Zoo & Gardens is helping to save endangered tigers. Aside from that, they’re aware that there are only 150 Malayan tigers left worldwide, but now there are three more. They have new mom Cinta to thank for that.  In addition, the zoo last updated on her pregnancy in a week ago, prompting locals to follow along the journey. Cinta had three pups on Sunday, the zoo has announced through a Facebook post. Lastly, zookeepers are monitoring them, but for now, the new family is being given their privacy.
Link to maps
The Catty Shack Ranch Wildlife Sanctuary 1860 Starratt Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32226, United States Get on I-295 S from Starratt Rd and Pulaski Rd 10 min (4.9 mi) Take the exit toward Tredinick Pkwy/Regency Sq Blvd N from FL-113 S/Southside Connector 9 min (8.8 mi) Turn right onto Tredinick Pkwy Restricted usage road Destination will be on the right 18 sec (436 ft) Eden at Kendall West 9105 Tredinick Pkwy, Jacksonville, FL 32211, United States
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