#wine talk đŸ·
sibylsleaves · 4 months
what do you think of fruitier wines? i dont know shit about wine honestly lmao but i wanna learn and im enjoying your answers
this is honestly @bibibuck's fault for exposing me as a wine drinker....and also my fault for exposing myself further as a Wine Drinker.
I think when people talk about fruity wines they often mean SWEET wines, which is not actually the same thing! Fruity is its own distinct flavor profile that is not interchangeable with sweet, although some wines can be fruity and also sweet.
There are also different kinds of "fruity" wines because there are different kinds of fruit! Some wines are more "berry" fruity, some are more "stone fruit" fruity, some are "melon" fruity, some are "tropical fruit" fruity. So "fruity" can mean a lot of different things!
For me, I like fruity wines but I don't usually like sweet wines (or at least not wines that people would think of as sweet...and actually in general I do not like sweets unless they are sweet AND something else. sweet and spicy or sweet and nutty or sweet and salty). I like wines with interesting and complex flavor profiles, and my favorite kinds of wines usually tend to have some mix of fruity/peppery/spice/earthy flavors. Over time I've basically figured out what kinds of wines are likely to hit the balance of these flavors well and that's what I'll usually drink.
There are some exceptions to this, like I do genuinely like the Kono sauv blanc at Trader Joes which I would consider to be a fairly sweet white wine...but it's light and tart and tropical and has a pretty interesting flavor profile that's not just sugary/sweet.
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kitwasheree · 9 months
Happy Birthday, Iris !
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happy 900 and... wait, how old is he again?
(please click on the image to see the details tumblr always crunches all my art into oblivion)
vvv bonus doodles + personal story under cut
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malva belongs to @1dont-really-know , thank you princess of briar valley for quality wine
NRC School Newspaper
A Birthday Interview with Iris
Yuu : Hello! Happy birthday to you.
Iris : Well, thank you
 I haven't celebrated my birthday in a very long time before coming to Night Raven College, but I suppose it’s nice to hear a greeting.
Iris : I don’t really see the point in making a big celebration over another year of your life passing, but maybe to humans there is much to cherish.
Iris : 
Whatever the case, I’ve dawdled enough. Let’s get on with the interview.
Yuu : What are your thoughts on the party?
Iris : It’s not bad, but I think I’d prefer something smaller. I don’t really think that my birthday is worth a lot of fuss, after all, it’s just one year in many years of my life.
Iris : 
.Still. It is nice to see Axel and the rest of the dorm having fun. Makes me a little envious, even
 But nevermind that.
Iris : I’m grateful for the sheer amount of presents. Really, what am I going to do with all of this
Iris : I’ve even received multiple gifts from the same individuals. Trying to get into my good graces? 
Cunning, the lot of you kids nowadays. I suppose this still is Octavinelle, though.
Yuu : What sort of presents do you like to receive?
Iris : Anything will do, really, as long as it isn’t unpleasant. Although, I personally enjoy small food and drink. For example, Ashengrotto gifted me a bottle of cranberry juice. It seems to be rather good quality, too.
Iris : 
.I have a feeling his gift has another meaning, though.
Yuu : Another meaning?
Iris : Perhaps it’s his way of gifting me something similar to wine, without actually getting wine. Clever boy. He knows I’m particular about wine, so he chose to play it safe.
Iris : Over the years, the quality of wine has drastically decreased. I’m rather disappointed, I thought humans were supposed to be ‘advanced’? And yet it seems most wine that is sold now is subpar at best.
Iris : At least there are still some businesses that are family-run and are still able to make good-tasting wine from hundreds of years ago.
Yuu : I see. You seem to know a lot about wine
. How old exactly are you?
Iris : I wouldn’t be able to answer that, even if I wanted to. It’s nothing for you to think about, though. I simply know a lot about wine, because it is my favourite.
Yuu : Alright, then. Do you have any hobbies?
Iris : Hobbies
 I suppose I used to play the violin, but then I left it to collect dust for quite a while. I only recently picked it up again, because of that Vanrouge.
Iris : He’s been inviting me to join the Pop Music Club for quite some time, but he must be positively mad. Senile, even. He says we could do a duet, but that’s nonsense, I play the violin and what does that man play? The electric bass.
Iris : Perhaps there isn’t a single sane person in this school, his clubmates dabble in entirely different forms of music, too. But maybe
. Just maybe, I’ll consider it. I make no promises, though.
Yuu : I’ll look forward to seeing you perform if you decide to join, then.
Iris : Thank you. I’ll think about it more, the old violin needs a good dusting off. For now, let’s just enjoy the party.
Yuu : Thank you for sharing all of this with us. Once again, happy birthday!
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queerdiazs · 2 months
britt đŸ©·
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i-love-southpark-milfs69 · 11 months
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Pip looks like he's about to murder me and Damien looks so sassy
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cadaverousdecay · 11 months
💉 blood-showers Follow
okay. but has anyone ever tried drinking their own blood? like from when they were alive?
đŸ· nvrdrnk-wine Follow
how the fuck are they gonna do that? go back in fucking time?
💉 blood-showers Follow
no no like. before they turn they donate blood or something and have it stored in a blood bank, and then after they turn they break in and try it
⚰ let-me-in-let-me-in Follow
thats disgusting
đŸ©ž fightmeorbiteme Follow
Friendly Reminder that taking blood from a blood bank is actually worse for humanity than feeding off humans directly.
💉 blood-showers Follow
can we not bring up blood bank ethics for five fucking minutes we're talking about drinking your own human blood right now
đŸ•·ïž renfields-spider-collection Follow
wouldn't it turn into dead mans blood? cuz you die when u turn? it'd fucking poison you
đŸ§›â€â™€ïž fromthekarnsteintomb Follow
no but it was drawn before you died
oh my god. my friends gonna sire me in a few weeks. i should fucking try it
🩇 sleepalldaypartyallnight Follow
@human-guy-steve its been 3 months is there an update????
💀 hung3r Follow
he's been fucking destroyed...
🌙 thecollinscurse Follow
Well. There's your answer.
đŸ§›â€â™‚ïž vampire-guy-steve Follow
still here! just remade lol
that was fucking disgusting
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frmisnow · 1 month
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summary. after you realize that the man you had a drunk one night stand with, was in fact your new ceo. you settle on avoiding him as best as you could- but why do you feel so drawn to him?
notes. welcome to a new verse (aka. series), usually most of my series are more fluffy w a touch of smut (besides two whores, one job lol) but this one is gonna be a lot more angsty and smutty! so i hope y'all are into that kinda jam đŸ·â­’â‹†ïœĄËš
warnings /includes. (1.7 k words / suggestive!) non idol! ceo! jungkook x non specified! reader, alcohol, shitty ex :/, jk is an alcohol nerd?, reader kind of uses him to kill bad memories ?, making out
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the air was heavy with the scent of alcohol and smoke melted with the faint music somewhere in the background: jazz, how unfitting for this kind of environment. the enviornment which people go to specifically to escape reality, for a few minutes, maybe a few hours.
the alcohol wasn't bad, at least judging by the wine and it offered a sense of peace or rebellion, stupid fucking rebellion. your ex used to despise wine with all of his heart, he hated the scent of it, didn't want you to drink any of it near him.
he didn't like when you drank alcohol over all, he was stern on the idea of keeping you innoccent. you chugged down the glass like a shot at the sheer memory of the behavior you used to put up with.
the glass hits the table with a dull thud and you could almost hear his voice, scolding you for how reckless you were. you reach out for the bottle, pouring yourself another glass. and this time you savor the taste on your tongue, the rich flavor.
you feel eyes burning into your face, no- not burning, observing. it didn't feel uncomfortable but you could firmly feel them on you. the man's presence cut through the fog of alcohol and self-pity that had settled over you, and for a moment, you simply stared.
you should have looked away, but you didn’t. instead, you lifted your glass to your lips, taking another sip of wine, feeling the liquid slide down your throat, heavy and warm. he watched you, his expression unreadable, but his eyes never leaving yours.
he stands up making his way to you, and suddenly the crowd and all the shitty memories fade away, it was almost like he had a bigger effect on you then the alcohol did and that said a lot.
finally, he spoke, his voice low and smooth, like velvet draped over steel. “mind if i join you?”
the question was formal, did he work in business? no, that would be stupid to assume based of just a question. you nod, slowly but surerly, motioning towards the chair next to you.
he takes the seat next to you, signaling for a nearby waiter, requesting another glass, before turning his attention back to you. his gaze is intense and unwavering, as if he’s trying to see straight through to your soul.
“rough night?” he asks, his tone conversational but his eyes still focused intently on you.
his thigh touched yours, the proximity with somebody you didn't know should make you feel uncomfortable but it strangely didn't. "yeah," you mouth. the whole truth was too complicated, too raw, to lay out infront of a stranger.
a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, before he speaks again, his voice was soft, almost soothing. "you're downing that glass like it's water."
you look at the almost empty glass that your fingers had been circling around while talking to him, he was right. you didn't even remember how many glasses you had, three perhaps?
"you have a pretty voice," you mumble, finshing what was left of liquid in the glass.
he raised an eyebrow at the compliment, surprised by the sudden comment from you. he can't help but chuckle a little, amused by the drunken confession. "thank you," he replies, sounding sincere.
you both barerly talked, you were two strangers in a cheap bar, why bother talking about boring jobs? the night was young.
the music in the background shifted, a slower, bluesy tune now. the more you looked at him, the more you could firmly feel his thigh pressed into your own. his fingers, tattooed, why hadn't you noticed that earlier? took the wine bottle from earlier, tilting it around to look at the label. he seemed to know the brand, humming in approval.
"it's a good vintage." he says, still holding the bottle but his eyes are on you, studying your face in the dim light.
and this actually managed to crack a smile out of you. it wasn't meant to be a funny comment, in fact he seemed serious about it. was he an alcohol expert? the fact that you knew absolutly nothing about wine made it better.
he takes a sip from his own glass, his eyes never leaving yours. he can't help but find your lack of knowledge about wine oddly endearing.
please, talk me stupid about alcohol. i want to know what rebellion tastes like. the words linger on your tongue but you don't cave into the urge of saying them. i want you to teach me what he was so afraid of showing me.
"i have a whole collection of rare and expensive wines back at my place. some you would never find even in the best bars," he pauses, his hand brushing slightly against your arm.
"are you trying to make me come home with you?" you ask though it's not a question you necessarily need an answer to, you knew what he had meant.
"and if i was?" his eyes stay on yours, tilting his head, "would you come with me?"
stupid fucking question.
the second you step into his apartment, the door closing behind you, he is already on you. his hands are on your waist, holding you firmly in place as his tongue invades your mouth, tasting the mixture of your saliva and the rich flavor of the wine.
when you both take time to breathe, you ask, "so where is the wine you were talking about?" your tone is clearly intoxicated, your eyes a little hazy as he doesn't let go of you and you both stumble towards his living room together. the action seeming strangely domestic.
"it's right there." his voice a tad bit breathless, he motions towards a large display of alcohol, his eyes scanning the selection before settling on a particular bottle.
he reaches for the bottle, the arm around your waist still keeping you close to him, the alcohol clearly making the both of you more touchier then you would be sober.
jungkook holds up the bottle, letting you get a good look at the label. it was an expensive brand, even you could tell that, the words written on it swirling in an elegant script.
you hum, "italy," leaning into his touch sub counciously whilst he drew little circles over the clothed skin, twisting the bottle, "when did you get this?"
"i have a guy who brings me the good stuff from time to time."
your eyes wandered over the display, you wanted to kneel forward to look over the bottles but didn't want to get out of his embrace either.
it felt good, doing everything your ex would scrutinize you for. he'd be disapproving off even letting you look over all of these.
his head made a little motion towards almost like a silent 'go on' like he could firmly hear your thoughts.
the bottles seemed rare, visably very espensive and whilst you looked over the alcohol, he looked at you.
"what do you think?" he asks after a few minutes, tone soft and quiet like he didn't want to disturb you.
"i think i've had enough to drink already but it's all really pretty," you trail off, "you're really pretty"
jungkook smiles at the comment, reaching forward to run his fingers through your hair, the gesture seemingly absentminded yet surprisingly tender, "is that the alcohol talking?"
you shrug, grinning, "i honestly don't know"
he studies your face for a moment, his eyes roving over your features. he reaches out, his fingers grazing your jawline, the touch light and gentle. "you know, you're very pretty yourself," he says, his voice almost a murmur.
the color of the red wine in your hands is now the exact color of your cheeks and your mind is empty as you lean forward to kiss him once more.
this time when your lips meet, it was rather delicate and slow. as you both sat on the ground next to the large display and kissed eachother like it was the end of the world.
and you don't stop when you felt like you couldn't breathe, placing your hand on his chest, feeling the pulse beneath the shirt. this was what drowning memories was all about.
your ex didn't kiss like this. he didn't hold you like this and he most certaintly will never get the chance to redeem himself ever.
you find yourselves sinking to the floor while jungkook craddles your face as if you were something precious, something worth cherishing.
your ex kissed you just to check of the foreplay box, jungkook kisses you because he wants to.
"i want you," you mumur against his lips as you both take time to breathe.
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you wake up to harsh sunlight filtering through the blinds, you realize you're lying on a coach. his coach. the cool leather fabric is a stark contrast to your bare skin, that's when you notice — you’re only in your panties. red lace with little bows.
the rest of your clothes are scattered on the floor, your shirt draped over the armrest, your skirt crumpled beside it.
you try to piece the events of last night together, did you sleep together? ... you can't quite remember. you sit up slowly, your head pounding with the dull throb of a hangover.
jungkook's presence was no where to be found, the apartment was dead quiet. he left you here, naked and confused: what a dick.
you do your best to gather the clothes, slipping into them, you search for your phone, finding it next to the alcohol display. you take another look at the various bottles, now sober.
you shake your head at how easy you were yesterday, checking the time on your phone until your heart drops — the meeting. the meeting you could not afford to miss.
you let out a groan of frustration, fighting the zipper of your skirt, great- you were going to meet your new ceo looking and feeling like a mess.
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you step into the large building with your heart still pounding, why did the metro station have to be so far away from your job? running as fast as you can had been your only option.
you push through the glass doors of the conference room, instantly sitting down, you did not want the people to look even more then a second at the wrinkled skirt of yours.
the important man stands facing away from you, writing something down on a white board. he seemed pretty tall, confident posture.
and then he turns around.
your expression drops. it's him. it's the man from last night.
🍓 tag list — @chansloverr , @marimarvelfan , @bxcndd
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xoamiiren · 15 days
CHARMED BY HER, â‹†ïœĄÂ°âœ© 𓈒𓈒 girls to women
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đ–„” PRECIS. In which they suddenly call you “noona” PAIRING. younger bf!enha x older gf!reader GENRE. fluff WARNINGS. skinship, mild kissing, very mild age gaps
authors note à­šà­§ Something about the way I wrote Ni-ki
 Someone cooked here. đŸ·
Heeseung leaned against his car, his eyes scanning the bustling crowd outside the cinema, but there was only one person he was waiting for. In his hand, he held a bouquet of roses, but his mind was entirely on you.
He’d always loved that you were older.
There was something about the way you carried yourself, with a confidence and grace that only came with time, that drove him wild. He took pride in knowing that, younger or not, he could handle a woman like you.
When you finally stepped out, arm-in-arm with your friends, his heart skipped a beat. You were stunning, the kind of stunning that made heads turn and conversations pause. But Heeseung didn’t care about anyone else’s gaze. The way you looked at him, with that knowing smile, was enough to make him feel like the luckiest guy in the world.
You caught sight of him across the street, and Heeseung couldn’t help but smirk. Clad in all black with silver accents, he knew he looked good, but what thrilled him more was knowing that you appreciated it. He was obsessed with everything about you—the way you walked, the way you talked, the way you dressed. There was a maturity to you that he admired.
As you said quick goodbyes to your friends, your heels clicked against the pavement as you made your way to him. Heeseung’s eyes never left you, drinking in the sight of your swaying hips, the way your hair caught in the evening breeze, the way the city lights reflected in your eyes. By the time you reached him, he was already lost in you.
Without thinking, he pulled you into his arms, lifting you off the ground and spinning you around. The way you laughed, so freely and joyously, made his heart soar. As he set you down, he captured your lips in a slow, sweet kiss that spoke volumes. It wasn’t just about the moment; it was about everything you were to him—how much he adored you, how proud he was to be the man who could keep up with you, who could make you feel like the incredible woman you were.
When he pulled away, his lips brushed against yours as he whispered, “You look so pretty, noona
You felt your knees grow weak.
The way he said it, with that mix of sweetness and something deeper, more possessive, sent shivers down your spine. He knew exactly how to push your buttons, how to make you feel desired in a way that no one else could. It caught you entirely off-guard
You peered up at him, your playful persona melting as you giggled, like a girl in high school all over again.
? Since when do you—”
But Heeseung silenced you with another kiss, more urgent this time, before taking your hand and pulling you along.
His smile was teasing and there was no denying the faint blush across his cheeks, but his grip was firm, reassuring. “We can’t be late for dinner.”
And just like that, you were swept away into the night, feeling every bit the woman Heeseung loved to cherish.
Jay had never forgotten the first time he saw you—sitting alone at a bar, perched on a high-top chair. Your slender legs were elegantly crossed, and your manicured fingernails traced the rim of your martini glass with a casual grace.
There was something about you that caught his eye, something more mature and refined than the younger girls he was used to. You exuded a confidence and sophistication that intrigued him.
Summoning his courage, he approached you, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves. To his delight, you turned out to be even more captivating than he’d imagined—sexy, intelligent, and witty.
That night marked the beginning of something new for Jay, something thrilling.
Now, here you were, sitting on his kitchen counter, wine glass in hand, chatting about your day at the floral shop you owned—a detail that Jay found irresistibly charming.
As he sautéed the ingredients for your dinner, the sizzling aroma filled the air. He glanced over at you, admiring the way you effortlessly combined elegance with warmth.
He lifted a piece of perfectly cooked meat from the pan and held it out to you between silver chopsticks, his lips curving into a soft smile.
“Careful, noona
 it’s hot.” he murmured, as your plump lips parted to take a bite.
He didn’t even realize he had added “Noona” somewhere in there until he saw the way you paused, a blush creeping up your cheeks.
“Did you just call me
 Noona?” you asked, your eyes widening in surprise.
Jay’s own face flushed as he quickly realized what he had said.
 uh, yes,” he stammered, then repeated it more confidently, though still with a hint of shyness.
Your response was a tender smile as you slipped off the counter, moving toward him with a graceful stride. Leaning in, you pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, your breath warm against his skin.
“I liked that.” You purred, hugging him behind.
Jay’s heart fluttered at the affectionate gesture, and he couldn’t help but smile back at you, feeling a deep sense of contentment in the moment you shared.
Jake sat across from you, biting his lip in focus as he eyed the cards in his hand, but even with all his effort, you were winning—again, for the fifth time in a row.
When you confidently laid down your last card, a giggle escaped your lips as Jake groaned dramatically, burying his face into the pillows.
“How are you so good?!” he whined, voice muffled by the fabric.
You couldn’t help but crawl across the couch, rubbing his back gently and ruffling his hair.
“Jake~ it’s okay, baby
 this just isn’t your game.”
He lifted his head just enough to shoot you a playful glare. “Now you’re teasing!”
You laughed, shaking your head. "I’m just being honest
 we can’t be good at everything."
Jake huffed and pouted, crossing his arms. "Noona, are you cheating?!"
You blinked, raising a brow. "Noona?"
You had always teased Jake about being older, about how he liked older woman. The boys called it mommy issues. And well, he had always jokingly called you mommy
 but Noona? It had a lovely ring to it.
His eyes widened in realization, and he quickly pulled his hoodie down over his eyes. “I meant—your name! I meant to say (Y/N), are you cheat
His voice trailed off as you broke into laughter, and before you knew it, he sighed and tugged you down into a tight bear hug, his face nestled against you.
"Ugh, you’re impossible."
Sunghoon couldn’t help but admire you from his spot in the nearby chair, leaning back with his arms folded as his eyes trailed over your focused expression. The moment he met you at that art exhibit—before knowing the pieces were yours—he had been drawn to you.
And now, watching you with your glasses pushed up on your nose, hair messily tied in a bun, eyes steady on your work, he couldn’t help but think how beautiful you looked.
But as much as he loved seeing you so absorbed, he was starting to get a little jealous. You had been working for hours, and while he knew how much it meant to you, he wanted your attention. He placed a hand on your thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze.
" he muttered, his voice laced with longing.
You hummed in response, still not looking up from your work, and he huffed, sounding adorably impatient.
"Can we take a break?" he asked, almost pleading.
“I’m almost finished, Hoon
 be patient,” you replied with a raised brow, not bothering to look up.
He pouted, pulling away like a child who had just been scolded, fiddling with the fabric of your shirt. His fingers curled nervously, and he let out a quiet whine.
” His cheeks flushed as the word slipped out, and you immediately stilled, the playful smile tugging at your lips as you turned to him.
“Yes, Sunghoon?” you asked with a knowing smirk. He dropped his head in defeat, and you couldn’t help but giggle softly.
"Okay, okay," you said with a laugh, starting to pack up your things, your work finally getting the break Sunghoon had been waiting for.
It was the two of you’s day off, and you thought it’d be nice to go shopping with your boyfriend! After you picked out a few things, Sunoo had insisted you help him pick out some items.
Sunoo admired himself in the mirror, tugging lightly at the silky dress shirt you’d picked out for him.
As you stood behind him, you cooed, “You look so handsome
 and cute too.”
He giggled, his face tinged with pink, but still tried to keep a serious gaze on his reflection.
“You really think so?” he asked, fighting back more giggles as he examined himself.
You nodded, teasing him just a bit more before he hurried off to the dressing room to try on the next piece.
When he came back out in a soft crimson sweater, you snuck up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist, your chin resting lightly on his shoulder.
“You look so good,” you whispered sweetly. Sunoo tried to focus on his reflection, but you could feel him stiffen slightly at how close you were being.
You were being so cute!
Your big eyes peering over his shoulder at him in the reflexion of the shop’s mirror. It was completely different from the professional persona he sees you in at the cafe you both worked at, you being older than him, and his manager.
Finally, he slipped on a pretty knitted cardigan and came out of the dressing room. You smiled, stepping behind him again, and this time, you let your hands slide under the soft fabric, resting on his waist.
His blush deepened as you stepped up on your tip toes a bit and kissed the little spot behind his ear, humming softly against his skin.
“Do you like this one?” He asked, voice playful and a little nervous.
“Mhm~” you hummed in response, planting another kiss on his cheek.
He flushed even more, finally stammering, as he shied away, and without thinking, a soft murmur slipped past his lips.
 that tickles~” You froze, wondering if you had heard him properly before a smirk tugged at your lips.
“Noona, huh?” you teased, watching as his eyes widened.
“I didn’t- that’s not what I said!”
His blush deepened, and without another word, he quickly hid back in the dressing room, leaving you laughing softly as you waited for him to come out again.
The office buzzed with its usual energy, but today, something felt different.
Jungwon, a young intern from the university that everyone admired for his professional charm and leadership skills, not to mention good looks to match, was walking toward your desk.
It was no secret that Jungwon had a bit of a soft-spot for you. Making sure to pass by your desk everyday with a bright-eyed good morning and a coffee, walking you to your car at the end of the day, even staying late to help you with extra work loads from your boss.
Jungwon was a sweetheart, and maybe you too admired him just a little more than a co-worker should, but he was still in college! As he neared your desk, Your colleagues scattered in giggles as he approached, their whispers filling the air.
You were labeled as the office siren, known for your flirtatious demeanor and the constant playful glint in your eyes, just like right now, as you leaned up happily watching Jungwon set a cup of coffee in front of you— just the way you liked it.
“Good morning,” he smiled, his cheeks tinged with pink. You smiled back, amused by his bashfulness.
“Morning, Wonnie,” you replied teasingly, enjoying the way his name rolled off your tongue.
You couldn’t help but notice the way he watched you tugged your pencil skirt down to better cover your thighs, before you crossed your legs and sat up properly.
As you chatted back and forth, you noticed his nerves slowly melting away, from the way he tugged gently at his tie to when he raked a hand through his neatly styled locks. But then, as Jungwon slipped in a shy, yet flirty remark you decided to test the waters.
“Aren’t I a little too old for you, Wonnie?” You hummed softly, tilting your head.
Just as you finished, Jungwon took off his glasses, shaking his head as his gaze locked with yours in a way that sent your heart racing. The shy boy you knew had vanished, replaced by someone far more confident, more daring.
“Are you interested in someone?” he asked, his voice dropping to a low murmur.
 N-no, but—”, you began and he tilted his head.
“I’m a younger guy with rhythm, isn’t that better?”
You opened your mouth to respond, but the words wouldn’t come out. Jungwon leaned in, his breath warm against your ear.
 I think you need someone with lots of energy,” he purred, a playful pout on his lips.
“I can keep up, don’t you think?”
The world seemed to spin as you tried to process his sudden transformation. Just then, your team lead started making rounds, and Jungwon quickly straightened up, slipping his glasses back on with a formal bow.
“Have a great day,” he said with a polite smile, but not before sending you a cheeky wink that left you absolutely flustered.
As he walked away, back to his nerdy, professional self, you couldn’t help but stare after him, stunned and wondering what on earth had just happened.
Even before you and Ni-ki started dating, you had an ongoing joke. He'd tease you about being older, and you'd playfully scold him for not respecting you as his elder. But there was one thing Ni-ki always refused to do— call you "Noona."
He insisted he wanted you to see him as a man. But today, things were different.
You slowly blinked awake from your usual mid-day nap, noticing how warm Ni-ki's arms were around you. Carefully, you pried yourself from his hold and stood up, stretching your arms with a soft yawn.
But before you could fully wake up, you heard Ni-ki stir behind you, his deep groan filling the quiet room. You turned to see him sitting up, rubbing his sleepy eyes, his bangs messy and falling into them.
He looked beautiful like this—puffy-eyed, pouty-lipped, and a little grumpy from being woken up.
"You were so warm..." he muttered, his voice still thick with sleep.
A smile tugged at your lips as you sat on the edge of the bed. "Ni-ki, we can't sleep the whole day away."
"Just a bit longer... please...?" he mumbled, eyes barely open. Then, in a voice softer than usual, he added, "Come back to bed, noona."
Your heart skipped a beat, surprised by the word you thought you'd never hear from him.
"You called me noona just now..." you teased, leaning closer.
He hummed in response, already halfway back to sleep.
"One more time?" you whispered, knowing his answer before he even spoke.
"No..." he yawned, pulling you back down into his arms.
You sighed softly, smiling to yourself as you snuggled against his chest, your eyes drifting closed again.
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olokosomolo · 2 years
A good name is my fame
Now it's genuine it's the new trend that Emerges from the deepest place in the center of an intensifying tremor that rises and passes throughout the voice box that serves as a filter For a rhyme as special as a wild animal trying to express a good rhyme to TOBI. And today I heard it everywhere I went. No, I'm not delusional. It's an English grammar as the perfect personification of the beautiful wild animals that allude to a flawless rhyme to those letters T O V I please let me give you all an example. Walking in front of me I see a nice couple about to pass me and suddenly I heard the lady's voice say Trobi. What was that I heard well perhaps odds than a full house group of people stood on my path and while I came to pass they gave this girl the respect to say... shhiitt !!! right at this moment rn someone passed and said: I want tombi ?!?! I'm trying to digest is this phenomenon and I can't because it's too big for my size. Even though I know that the vast majority are haters I'm to bend on my knee and thank all the haters to say it, it is they who spreading it way way faster than any pandemic. Covid nothing doesn't even allow to play in send box of a public old and abandoned park. I'm too small to receive such an honor, I'm hiding shy and humble, blushing. It's funny that if it were an election then I wouldn't sleep at night to have time to fulfill my wishes to those who put me up against my request but is it for good things I'm the first to volunteer to do good for everyone and leave a mark for generations to come, Love, Love is the desire to do more for the neighbor than I want for myself Take the money from me give it to the whole. And leaving me with my good name is enough because a good name is better than any cognac x al or whiskey royal salute or patron platinum your name always walks ahead, in front of you again thanks to all the haters to come with such a brilliant. And much applause 👏
0 notes
landograndprix · 8 months
╰┈➀ ❝ desire ‱ l.n c.l ❞ iii
part two - part four
âžȘ Charles hasn't paid much attention to you after your daughter was born but a certain Brit does.
âžȘ the attention is nice even if it's not from Charles.
âžȘ established relationship mom!reader x dad!Charles x lando
âžȘ let's add some spice â˜ș again, thanks for the love, love reading your guys thoughts and talk about it đŸ„° google translate is my bestest friend
📍 Baku, Azerbaijan
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liked by landonorris, noellepicard and 561,999 others
y/nusername day 'n night â˜€ïžđŸŒ›
tagged: charles_leclerc, manon_roux
view all 1,672 comments
charliecharlie mother being back on the grid and serving cunt again made my day <3
norrizz will you be at the race tomorrow?
↳ y/nusername yes â˜ș
charloslesainz I'm seeing a camera..vlogging, did lando influence you for a jpg account? 👀
noellepicard bring my baby girl back, I miss her
↳ y/nusername she's packing her bags as we speak, putting her on the first flight back
noellepicard will be waiting for her
y/ncharles they grow up so fast đŸ˜«
lestappen116 hoping for a charles win tomorrow!
carlandooo zoĂ« being the cutest once again ❀
julieeeexo girl you have to tell us mamma's how you manage traveling with a baby, already dreading my 4 hours flight in 1 months 😭
↳ y/nusername what do you think the camera is for babes? 👀
yukisan I'm not a mom but I'll be watching these videos religiously
landonorris upsetting
↳ y/nusername I will not put my daughter in mclaren merch
landonorris the betrayal is unreal
norry4 lando trying to make zoĂ« a mclaren baby is such a lando thing to do 💀
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📍 Monte-Carlo, Monaco
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liked by landonorris, noellepicard and 316,678 comments
y/nusername 🛀
view all 1,816 comments
charliecharlie MOM?!?!
bott_ass now THAT is a milf 👀
noellepicard oh my god, zoĂ« her mom got it going on đŸ„”
↳ y/nusername so does her aunt 😍
noellepicard stop it, you're going to make me blush
leonardb Charles is one lucky man
norrizz mommy? no. mommy? sorry. mommy? no– đŸ˜«
stephan00 gaddamn I love milfs
tommyf Charles could you do us a favor and fumble this one and give us lads a chance?
↳ norry4 nah all these men in the comments have me crying tears lmfao
yukisan just saw a guy comment 'I'm 18 but real mature for my age' 💀
norry4 like did they not notice y/n being fine as hell on TV? 💀
yukisan she ain't showing so much skin during interviews though 😂
francisca.cgomes stunning 😍
↳ y/nusername you are 😍
manon_roux man I love milfs
↳ noellepicard we've been known babes, it's the hitting on every single mom you meet that gave it away
manon_roux imagine being attracted to men
noellepicard not by choice unfortunately
hamilt44n everyday I learn a bit more about this group of friends and they come out more unhinged everytime
robyn_diaz what a hottie đŸ”„
↳ landoscar babe are you blind, your man is hiding in the likes
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📍 Monte-Carlo, Monaco
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liked by landonorris, francisca.cgomes and 324,567 likes
y/nusername the homebody club đŸŒđŸ·
view all 1,672 comments
julieeeexo nothing better than being at home đŸ„°
norrizz you and me bestie, can I join the club?
leclerc_16 I'd love for you to give us some book recommendations because goddamn, that's the book collection of my dreams 😭
↳ carlito55 I second that and cooking videos!
ricric yeah why don't we make her a boring ass influencer mom? I mean she's well on her way, she's become so boring 💀
carlito55 why are you still here then if it bothers you so much..I rather be a boring loving mom than be like you đŸ€ź
leclerc_16 sorry that your life is so miserable that you feel the need to drag others down.
manon_roux now that's a club I want to be at đŸ•ș
↳ y/nusername we only serve the good milk, cold coffee and luke warm wines
landonorris turn up in the club đŸŒ
norry4 I am so confused lmfao, they really became besties huh?
lewisham I want you to adopt me like right now 😔
sainzcarlos her recent content is giving ✹ single mom ✹ not one mention of charles or anything..
↳ yukisan the season is not over yet, Charles is still racing..I'm sure they'll be spending plenty of time together during the winter break
arthuuuur fr and the fact that lando is in her comments and liking every single post isn't helping either 💀
charlesgirlies so you guys know when they are together or not? So you know when they call each other or not? pretty sure she mentioned 'facetiming daddy' in her last vlog but okay
landonorris still no papaya
↳ y/nusername thank god no â˜ș
robyn_diaz stop turning this cutie into a mclaren fan 😂
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y/nusername posted to their story
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📍 Monte-Carlo, Monaco
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liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc and 419,782 others
y/nusername pjs kinda day đŸ’€
view all 1,190 comments
charlesgirlies can I join, love me a pjs kinda day!
noellepicard okay but like..where was my invite? 😔
charliecharlie where'd you get your pjs from?
↳ leclerc_16 you should follow this account that steals y/n her outfits!
charles_leclerc ❀
↳ hamilt44n oh look he's still alive
norry4 haven't seen you here in a while
y/nusername ❀
sharl16 cuties 😍
bott_ass the best kind of days!
manon_roux matching with the babe again
↳ y/nusername always đŸ„°
charloslesainz just y/n and her mini me đŸ„°
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Everything taglist; @thomaslefteyebrow @hopefulinlove @smoothopz @honethatty12 @cixrosie @parkersmjs @ireadthensuetheauthors @celestialams @be-your-coffee-pot @heli991113 @kodzuvk @reality-is-a-con @80sloverry @bibissparkles @myescapefromthislife @lanando4 @elliegrey2803 @ravisinghs-wife @harrysdimple05 @minkyungseokie @pretty-little-bunny382728 @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @severewobblerlightdragon
Desire taglist; @fangirl-dot-com @sainzluvrr @writingworlds @chezmardybum @lewisvinga @xjval @fanficweasley @rockyhayzkid @aundercover @thecubanator2 @minchedchilli @crimeshowjunkie @alisoncasey21 @eeviepepi08 @shamelesspotatos @sleepybrokenmelle @leireggsworld @janeholt3 @iamahalicinationn @dessxoxsworld @kapsylia @22yuki @dark-night-sky-99 @sheslikeacurse @nerdreader @champagneproblems17 @norwayxo @sunny44
Lando taglist: @beatricemiruna @simp-for-fictional-people @landossainz @christianpulisic10 @bored-brunette2
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sibylsleaves · 4 months
For wines, do you know/like Viognier? If so, what would be the next closest thing to it? Because Viognier is so hard to get near me. I legit have to drive over an hour and half to a guaranteed spot and then they only have like five selections. And I’m too afraid to ask at the store.
Viognier is not terribly common here (although i think it's grown more widely in other parts of California) so I haven't had it much...but if you like an oaked viognier then chardonnay will have that same oaky-vanilla flavor profile. I'm not a fan of most chardonnays but there are some that i find tolerable to pretty good.
If you're looking for unoaked viognier taste then idk........maybe look for a floral riesling? some kind of white blend? my knowledge of white wines is pretty lacking
but just ask the wine shop people! they are nice i promise! they want to help you! teaching people about wine is why they work at a wine shop! you are doing them a favor by letting them tell you about wine!
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regal-bones · 4 months
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GLITZ (Glittering Liquid Internal Titration Zone) and GLAM (Grape Liquid Aeration Machinery) are modified Typhoon units that can be found in the Lounges of the THESPA-02. GLITZ units carry champagne for the esteemed guests of the luxurious cruise liner, and their carbonation technology keeps drinks fresh and fizzy. When it’s time to celebrate, a GLITZ unit will be the first to pop bottles and toast to good health! đŸ„‚ GLAM units carry wine, their internal systems always swilling, decanting, and showing off the beautiful robe and decadent flavours of today’s wine. A sommelier through and through, GLAM units will talk for hours about a wine’s history, production, and of course, price. đŸ· These two seemed to be malfunctioning even before the crash, and with time their processes dulled, speech slurred, and they are - quite frankly - a little bit tipsy.
For more information, check your nearest information terminal to see unit specifications, duties, and more importantly the cocktail menu.
Watch the trailer for Last Sprout: A Seedling of Hope at this link! đŸŒ±
You can support me on Patreon for ÂŁ1 and see concept art, assets, and snippets of story for the game!
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
Morticia and Gomez Effect
Mihawk X FemReader
Since Mihawk is based off of Dracula (Duh) and his whole goth dilf attitude it would make sense he's Romanian đŸ‡·đŸ‡Ž
Also I drank some wine đŸ· before this so enjoy!!
>>> Part 2
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‱ Giving Mihawk's personality I don't think he is the type that finds his opposite attractive. No this man likes those dark mysterious women-
‱ Def has a More Gothic wife.
‱ Mihawk is not one to openly talk about his fine but doesn't hide it either. If someone points out the gold ring hanging by his cross he will say it's his wedding band-
‱ However when his wife is around, he is quite flirty. A smirk on his lips as he will wrap his hand around your waist, lay kisses on your hand or pepper a kiss to the side of your neck. Uncaring if the world sees
‱ You also can defend yourself perfectly fine so he doesn't have to worry too much about you getting attacked- Truthfully he would pity someone so foolish to do so. Cause if you didn't kill them he would.
‱ But what was most known was- Mihawk was so whipped for you. Figuratively and Literally-
‱ The way you were formally introduced to the whole entirety of the Strawhat pirates was a necessary evil.
‱ "Zoro we need this- It says a red ruby is needed in order for this and we have non thays big enough!" Nami yelled pointing to the treasure map, Zoro sighed. He had accidently admitted he knew someone with a ruby big enough-
‱ After enough pestering he agreed and they set sail to Kuraigana Island
‱ It didn't take long to arrive at the gloomy island, A quick journey to the large castle and the spare key hidden under the mat lead the group inside.
‱ It looked like a cleaned haunted house- Which frightened the group more till the sound of your voice shook them from their thoughts
‱ "Is someone here?" You call from the large lounging area. Drawing them all in to the well lit room with a crackling fireplace.
‱ Sanji covered his nose quickly to stop a nosebleed as he stared at you, So elegantly seated with a cup of tea and a amused look on your face at seeing such a young group or pirates breaking into your home.
‱ Before Sanji could say a word Zoro slammed his hand over the blondes mouth quickly.
‱ "Madam Dracule" He said formally and bowed respectfully
‱ His whole crew stiffening at hearing the formal use of your name.
‱ Sipping your tea you raised a brow at Zoro as he bowed deeply to you. You knew he respected you just as much as Mihawk- the wife of his teacher as well as one of his teachers as well since you did assist in training.
‱ "Zoro, My dear child what brings you and your friends here?" You ask calmly, setting your tea aside as you felt the shift of the room.. they were nervous.
‱ "We came here to ask you-" The sound of the door slamming open shook them as they heard heavy footsteps walk to them. Revealing the man of the home, Mihawk. Wet from rain and pulling his hat from his head with a stoic frown
‱ "Dragă (Darling), What is this?" Mihawk questioned as he returned to his island home to see a familiar pirate ship docked and his Pupil on their knees before his wife. Paired with the group of familiar pirated standing in his livingroom.
‱ "I am not sure yet love, We were just about to discuss it" You say softly, standing up to gelp him take off his sword and coat. Already feeling his eyes following you as you did this-
‱ Both of you knowing it was an excuse to touch him.
‱ "We wished to temporarily barrow your ruby necklace Madame." Zoro said still bowing formally
‱ Mihawk's eyebrow twitching at hearing this-
‱ "You wish for my wife to give you her necklace?" He said as his eyes narrowed down at them.
‱ "J-Just for a little bit Sir!" Nami said, feeling anxiety wash through her system.
‱ "My Love" You cooed, reaching a hand over and touching the side of his face. Immediately it was like dealing with a feline, Leaning into your touch as he gave you a warning glare.
‱ "Barrowing a necklace is so minor compared to us at that age. Remember Cohi Island?" You purred, Mihawk giving a subtle growl in the back of his throat. "Ah Cohi Island, How can I forget?" He all but purred out.
‱ The two of you reminiscing as Mihawk began to place kisses up your arms as you pulled him close and whispered sweet sensual words and memories to him.
‱ "A little necklace won't be much trouble, Especially since it will be returned~" You whispered in his ear
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‱ The poor strawhats subjected to the very outward affection of the Warlord. It was quite a unpleasant experience for them all-
‱ Mihawk unclasping the necklace with his teeth before tossing it at Zoro who quickly caught it. The Warlord glaring at his Pupil lazily
‱ "It will be returned' He said stoically, before returning to his task at hand.
‱ You wave them off, Smiling softly as Mihawk leaned into your neck to lay kisses and love bites.
‱ Zoro bowing again quickly as he held the necklace and the youthful pirates quickly filed out of the castle as fast as possible. Zoro still clutching the gemstone
‱ "Holy fuck! She literally got Hawkeye of all people to give you the necklace!" Usopp said in shock as Zoro nodded. Nami's eyeing that diamond necklace
‱ "Yes but it must be returned-" He stressed. Not being stupid enough to let anyone steal from his mentor or his wife-
‱ The group nodded and looked out at the raging storm that beat against them.
‱ "Well it's raining maybe we can ask for a room-" Usopp started but Zoro quickly shook his head, His face pale and eyes like he was living through War Flashbacks.
‱ "No- The unholy noises that are about to invade that castle no one will sleep" He said in a deadpan voice- and from the look in his eyes everyone believed him.
‱ That was a couple too in love
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chunniwritesalot · 1 month
mrs. alonso - fa14 smau - part 2
i jut cant help myself chat
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 a
cw: nothing really! none of the photos used except the one below this is mine! all of them are from pinterest
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fernando and y/n have been married for 18 years now, but their love has been the same since they met 26 years ago.
information: spanish speaking! reader, fem! reader, you have 2 daughters- one is 18 and one is 5. you and claire ann stroll are best friends! this is really just how i see old people using social medias 😭
Francesca or Fran is your OLDER daughter and Rubi is your YOUNGER daughter.
(in the tweets it was y/o/d which stood for your older daughter but i ultimately decided to name the kids just so it was a little easier for me! i don’t feel like changing the tweets so
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"mama!" fran called out as she walked downstairs into the kitchen. rubi was doing her homework at the counter as fernando and y/n cooked dinner- some seafood dish that smelled absolutely amazing. fran plopped herself down on the seat next to her younger sister and watched her parents. fernando turned to her from the stove and raised an eyebrow, "hm mami?" he asked her. the oldest daughter rolled her eyes, "papa, i wasn't talking to you" she sighed, fernando grinned, shaking his head, "mama and i are basically the same" he chimed, turning back to the stove, y/n chuckled and turned to fran "yes, mija?" she asked, smiling at her eldest, she was such an angel. fran pulled out her phone and showed her mother the tweet. y/n frowned, "no posts from mrs. alonso?" she read out, raising her eyebrow, "posts from what? why are they getting weaker? do you know this person?"
francesca sighed, "mama they want you to post on your instagram, thats what they mean."
y/n's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, "hmph, i didn't know people were waiting on me to post... fernando, did you know this?" fernando frowned himself, turning away from the stove once again, "no i didn't know this fact." he too, leaning forward to read the tweet on fran’s phone. he shrugged, "tal vez sea una señal (maybe its a sign)"
y/nalonso has posted!
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liked by franalo14, landonorris, lance_stroll, fernandoalo_offical, claireannstroll, and 506,980 others
y/nalonso Mi post en Instagram...😘😼
(translation: My post on Instagram)
tagged: @/franalo14 @/fernandoalo_official @/chloestroll @/lance_stroll @/claireannstroll @/lewishamilton @/logansargeant
view comments...
franalo14 everyone thank me!
user1 thank you fran user2 thank you fran user3 thank you fran user4 thank you fran user6, user6, user7, and 580 others have responded...
y/nalonso Hello mijo, please come over...Rubi misses you...thank you...🙃🙃 lance_stroll sounds good...😹 user8 HELP SAVE LANCE NOW.
lewishamilton Thanks for the dinner invite! Amazing food 🙌🙌
fernandoalo_official Thank you Lewis😛 lewishamilton I wasn't talking to you 😅 fernandoalo_official Oh.......đŸ˜«đŸ˜„
claireannstroll Amazing photos sister...đŸ˜˜đŸ„° Come over tomorrow for lunchđŸ‘Żâ€â™€ïžđŸ‘©â€đŸł
y/nalonso Sounds like a plan, I will bring some wine Fernando got from Italy...May need to stay over! Can not drive drunkđŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ˜‚đŸ·đŸ˜” claireannstroll L.O.L!! Sounds risky...😎😏đŸ˜č user9 oh to be invited to the stroll alonso hangouts franalo14 @/user9, trust me you do not want to be invited.
fernandoalo_official So hotđŸ˜«đŸ˜
fernandoalo_official No puedo dejar de pensar en ti...😏đŸ˜Č (translation: I can't stop thinking about you)
fernandoalo_official Eres el postre perfecto para una cena romántica 😍😋 (translation: You’re the perfect dessert for a romantic dinner) <thank you to the anon that helped me translate this 💗> user10 why is nando replying to himself this cannot be real
y/nalonso Thank you husband😏đŸ€ȘđŸ„ș
user11 MRS. ALONSO YOU HAVE TO REPLY TO THE COMMENT 😭 y/nalonso Oh...please do not cry at my mistake...I am very sorry😯😓💗 user11 @/y/nalonso wait mother im sorry 💔 user12 @/user11 shes a little confused but she got the spirit
chloestroll such a fun beach trip with you, aunt y/n! can't wait to see you again soon 💕💕
y/nalonso You must come soon...😉
user13 mother has blessed us again!
oscarpiastri mom said thanks for the recipe mrs. alonso
y/nalonso Please tell Nicole to come over again...Oscar... oscarpiastri 😩
logansargeant thank you for inviting riley and i for dinner 😁
y/nalonso Please come again soon, mijo... food will be hard to come by when you are unemployed logansargeant oh... 😹 riley_whittal HELP? user14 SHE VIOLATED LOGAN LIKE IT WAS NOTHING
carlossainz55 ¥Qué bueno verte! (great seeing you!)
fernandoalo_official ¿Cómo te sientes? (how do you feel) carlossainz55 He arruinado mi vida. (i have ruined my life) fernandoalo_official 😬😬
maxverstappen1 P wants to see Rubi again!
y/nalonso Let us arrange a playdate. Rubi likes playing the Dressing game on Robux🎼🎼with PđŸ«›I am in đŸ‡Č🇹on the 13-20th.Please text my number Max

maxverstappen1 Yeah
 sounds good đŸ€šđŸ˜‚
my requests are open! if you want to see something special done w this series dont be afraid to ask :)
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tevanbegins · 3 months
LOU FERRIGNO JR. as TOMMY KINARD, 5 seasons apart. đŸ”„
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The big daddy energy definitely amped up x1000! đŸ˜‚đŸ„”
Like he's extremely handsome in both, but the vibe in the second is soul-piercingly different. â€â€đŸ”„
Talk about ageing like fine wine. đŸ· This man's such a sight for sore eyes! 😍
We get it, Buck. We totally get it! 😌
(P.S. love how the hair shape is exactly the same in both pics lol)
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fisshbones · 2 months
Bath Time with Genshin Characters đŸ©”
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Characters: Furina, Pantalone, Diluc, + Columbina!
A/n: this is probably ooc. Written before Pantalone & Columbina’s release. Some are shorter than others. I was gonna do Arlecchino but i started blank out 😓 Will probably do a pt2. later on!! Tw: None !! Sfw + Fluff :3
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Furina đŸ©” 🍰
Baths with Furina are always fun! Every once in a while she accidentally puts too much soap in the bubble bath and it overflows a little. Oopsies. She’ll clean it up later dw! But when in the bath with Furina she’ll often pick up some bubbles and put it on your head. Please do it back to her!! She loves it so much (even if she won’t admit it.) Sometimes she will use her hydro abilities to make little animals and shapes in the water, just for funzzies.
Pantalone đŸ’œđŸ·
You can tell this guy is the wealthiest man in Teyvat just by the sheer size of his bathtub. Bathing with this man is the definition of relaxing. He will light some candles, dim the lights, and pour you wine (or whatever else you wanna drink.) He mostly washes his own hair but when he’s really stressed he’ll ask if you can help him <3 He enjoys doing the same thing for you. He often rambles on about his grievances with work during this time.
Diluc â€ïžđŸ”„
This man knows you so well!!! He knows the exact temperature you like your water. What drink you’ll end up wanting, Even the scents of candles you like!! He’s rather quiet in the bath but it’s a peaceful quiet. He really cherishes the alone time you guys have together. This is the perfect time to talk about your day or any of your problems. Not only does he like to just hear your voice but he also believes this is a perfect time to catch up with each other. While you guys chat, he’ll make sure to massage the knots out of your neck and shoulders. When you wanna get out he’ll help you out of the tub so you don’t slip :)
Columbina đŸ©·đŸ•Šïž
Bathing with Columbina is certainly an experience! A good one or bad one who knows?? She is very playful in and outside of the bath. You’ll have to run the bath yourself, as for some reason she always makes the water scorching hot. She is another avid fan of bubbles!! She loves to scoop bubbles off of the water and blow them in your face. She moves around a lot for some reason, which causes water to splash about. After five or ten minutes she’ll settle down and nestle herself into your neck as she sings a little tune. Her tune will eventually go down to just humming until either she falls asleep or you guys get out of the bath..
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lipstickmarks · 1 month
beauty is a beast that roars, down on all fours, demanding Mor. đŸ’‹đŸ·đŸ’đŸ„§
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Pairing: Mor x fem!reader, former Azriel x fem!reader (mentioned)
Summary: "They've both taken lovers over the years..." // Azriel and Mor have both taken lovers over the years but what happens when Mor discovers they both have had you? Your "fling" with Mor that is growing more serious by the day and your history with Ariel becomes the catalyst for Mor finally admitting the truth to Azriel.
Word Count: 4.9K
Warnings: violence (not toward reader or Mor), blood, alcohol, coming out, internalized homophobia?, mentions of death (in the past), nipple play, scissoring, tribbing, food play, teasing, overstimulation, oral (f receiving), fingering, hickeys, biting, fluff, mean Mor lowkey đŸ€­
Author's note: title has nothing to do with anything except the fact that it always reminds me of Mor and I felt like "she's my cherry pie" was too cheesy | if I missed any tags, pls lmk! I don't know all the fancy terms for this shit nowadays đŸ«¶đŸ»
It was a stupid, idiotic game suggested by stupid idiotic males. 
Mor was nursing a glass of red wine, sat at a round moonstone table at the river estate. The inner circle’s usual night of reverie at Rita’s culminated in everyone slumping back to the estate half-dead with 90% liquor in their veins. The night started out fun with good food and good-natured ribbing amongst her family but it had devolved into a headache. Truly, a nuisance was building at the back of her head, thumping uncomfortably. The alcohol certainly didn’t help but she wasn’t about to endure a drunk Cassian and Azriel without a buzz going. 
Feyre and Rhys had absconded to their room long ago and Amren had disappeared with no notice and no indication as to where she had gone (typical). Elain and Lucien went on a moonlit walk and Nesta had deemed the night over and stomped up to her room the moment Cassian started quoting a dirty passage from the novel she was currently reading. 
Leaving Mor with Cassian and Azriel and a stupid, idiotic game. 
They had somehow gotten on the topic of lovers and Cassian being Cassian, was eager to pry into everyone’s intimate business.
Mor was planning to call it a night soon anyway. This game didn’t interest her and she’d rather be with you. In your arms, in your bed. You’d known each other loosely for a while ever since you worked as a lounge singer at Rita’s but one night, Mor was one of the only people left in the place after your set. You two got to talking and the chemistry was un-fucking-deniable. Your chance meeting quickly blossomed into a fling.
Except something deeply wounded Mor to call it a fling. It made it sound so
 cheap and flimsy. Yes, you were phenomenal in bed. Yes, she could cum just from the mental image of you with your head thrown back and her fingers plunged inside you. But you were also talented and ambitious and witty and matched her tit for tat when it came to her silver tongue. There was still some anxiety she felt when she was with females. It never allowed her to fully relax or lose herself in a moment. But you

You excited her. 
“Okay, okay. Azriel’s turn. Name the best lover you’ve ever had.” Cassian smirked. 
“I don’t kiss and tell.” Azriel said.
“Come on, Az! I told you mine!” 
Azriel snorted.
“You’re mated. You wouldn’t have said any name except Nesta’s. And if you had, she would have ran down here and kicked you in the balls.” 
“And it would have been a major turn on because everything Nesta does turns me on because Nesta is the best lover I’ve ever had now DISH!” Cassian screamed, pointing his wine glass at Azriel and making the wine spill everywhere.
Normally, Azriel didn’t partake in such games. He didn’t kiss and tell. He was respectful and likely got a kick out of being so stoic and mysterious. But they had been drinking so heavily for so long. The shadowsinger’s hazel eyes were swimming with mischief.
“Alright. It was fairly recent. About 10 years ago.” Azriel began to loosely describe this female he had a fling with over the winter that he met while shopping for Solstice presents. The smirk on his face deepened as he described their love making. “She had a phenomenal body and I swear, I didn’t think it was possible for my dick to go so deep inside someone. She was a great cook, too. She always baked me a pie afterward. ” Mor was barely listening. She was about to dump her wine into the plant in the corner and winnow to your apartment when something turned her blood to ice.
Your name.
Your name coming from Azriel’s lips.
It happened in less than a span of a heartbeat. Less than the flutter of an eye closing than it took for Mor to sail across the table and connect her fist with Azriel’s jaw. 
She could barely register Azrie’s weight beneath her, Cassian’s cackle that turned into a worried shout was muffled as she began punching Azriel over and over. Mor roared and gripped the lapels of Azriel’s shirt, readying to bash his head into the floor when a force stronger than drunken Mor pulled her away. 
Azriel’s shadows.
Azriel groaned, blood trickling out of his nose mixing with the spilt wine on the floor. He wriggled his nose and winced. Not broken but Mor gotten in a hell of a punch. 
“What the hell, Mor?!” Cassian shouted. 
Mor was held back by Azriel’s shadows, tears streaming down her face. So many emotions were washing over her at once, spawning in the pit of her stomach and trailing to the center of her chest. Jealousy and rage flowed to the top. 
Azriel had been with you. The two of you had made love. Azriel had known your body, tasted you, gazed upon you in your naked form. He’d known the pleasure only you can provide.
And she wanted to fucking kill him for it.
Azriel just stared at Mor while Cassian berated her, screaming some nonsense about how they’re a family and hitting is only okay if they did something to provoke it.
“Cassian.” Azriel’s sharp voice cut in. “Leave us.” 
Cassian complied. Even this drunk, he could tell when his brother truly needed something. He murmured something about going to get ice and a healing tonic and left the two of them alone. 
Azriel stood up and slowly walked to where Mor was restrained by his shadows. Another feeling started to mix in with the others. Shame. She’d hit Azriel. She’d hurt Azriel. She’d hurt her family. And now there was no hiding anymore. 
Azriel leveled his gaze at her and Mor shivered. He’d never looked at her that way. Never as the feared, icy, ruthless Shadowsinger of the Night Court.
“Is there something you need to tell me, Morrigan?” 
Mor insisted on talking in Azriel’s room. This wasn’t a conversation she wanted anyone else to hear and his was the only one she trusted to be thoroughly soundproof. 
She sat on Azriel’s bed, clutching a pillow in her lap while Azriel stood over her. A blush crept onto her cheeks.
“Don’t stand there, Azriel, like I’m a teenager in trouble. Sit.” 
It was his room and his nose and jaw that she’d tried to break but still, he sat.
Mor took several steadying breaths and begged herself not to cry. She wouldn’t be able to get out the words if she cried. But still, her cheeks and eyes warmed as fat tears began to pool in her eyes. One of Azriel’s shadows came up to wipe them away. 
And Azriel’s scarred hand gently placed atop hers.
” His voice was tight. He’d only seen her cry on a few occasions: when Rhys was captured by Amarantha, when Rhys returned, when Nyx was born and he and his parents almost died
 It wasn’t a sight he enjoyed. 
“I just–” She heaved a sob. “I need a minute, okay?” 
Azriel squeezed her hand. 
“I’ll wait.” 
Azriel had waited. He’d waited 500 years for something to happen between them. Something that would never happen. Something that Mor had communicated in a roundabout, cruel way. Gods, she hated herself for it. But who could blame her for being skittish? For being so scared that she’d kept this part of herself hidden from even her family? 

Azriel wouldn’t. 
Mor took another breath. And another. And another after Azriel had conjured up a glass of water for her. 
They sat there for close to 20 minutes before she finally spoke. 
“The first fae I ever loved
” Mor sighed. “Was a female named Andromeda.” 
She weaved the tale over an hour and a half, detailing the first flicker of confusing affection she felt for females, twined with the lesser but still present affection for males. The sexual politics of her taking Cassian as her first lover. Andromeda. Their love story that culminated in the loneliest sadness Mor had ever felt. Loving and losing and her heart caving in all while her family was unaware. The lingering fear and panic she felt regarding her father and Beron and Eris. How she’d avoided Azriel by sleeping around with other males. All leading up to you. How the two of you met at Rita’s one late night after you’d finished a set. How she bought you a drink. How she bought you a second drink. How you became quick friends. How your friendship spiraled into something steamy and undeniable. How Azriel saying your name had unlocked a river of white-hot rage buried so deep inside her that she didn’t even feel like herself when she’d launched herself across the table at him. 
Her throat was dry and raspy by the time she was done talking. She’d cried through a lot of it, especially when talking about Andromeda. She braced herself for Azriel’s reaction. 
“I am sorry that you have been hurting, Mor. But I am also hurt that you thought–” Azriel’s head whipped to the side like he’d been phantom-smacked. His tongue darted out to lick his lips. “I am hurt that you thought I would
 what? Berate you? Drag you kicking and screaming into the Court of Nightmares and drop you at Kier’s feet? Be so heartbroken that I would resent you?” 
Mor shuddered.
“Don’t you?” 
Azriel sighed.
“Mor, you are
 dazzling. Beauty and wits and heart is what you’re made of. It’s no mystery why I fell for you. It’s no mystery why anyone would fall for you. You’re also kind, and caring, and family.” 
Azriel’s hazel eyes burned into hers and she shifted slightly on the bed, unnerved by the intensity of it. 
“You were always going to be one of the most important people in my life. And no, our relationship didn’t fall into place the way I desired it to and yes, it hurts but what I can’t get over is that you didn’t trust me. You didn’t trust any of us.” 
Mor pulled on the end of her dress, just to have something to do with her body aside from sit here in this uncomfortable conversation.
“Um, actually
 Feyre knows.” 
Another deep sigh from Azriel. Mor has never felt so small. So unguarded. Her secrecy was the only armor she had and now it was dust in the wind. No going back. 
“Do you hate me?” She whispered.
Azriel scoffed.
“By the Cauldron, Mor, have you been listening to me?” Azriel reached for her hands. “I could never hate you. I don’t care if you like females or males or both or neither. I don’t give a shit about any of it. You are my family. In 500 years, I have never felt safer than I have with all of you.”
She sniffled, tears welling in her eyes once more.
“Of course.” Azriel said, his voice softer than it had been all night. “Look, I’m not saying I’m happy with you for toying with my feelings and this might take a while for me to process the fact that it’s never going to be us but
 I love you, Mor. I’m happy when I’m around you and it kills me to know that you haven’t been completely happy around all of us.” 
Mor felt a swell of relief in her chest. She slipped her arms around his neck and hugged Azriel and hugged him and hugged him until she felt like crying again. This time, she let the tears fall until she was sobbing into his chest.
They spent two more hours talking, ironing out their feelings, and crying. Well, mostly Mor cried. Azriel conjured up more water for her and some food as well. It was practically dawn anyway with the dark blue sky conceding to a blushing, orange sunrise. 
“How do you feel now?” Azriel asked over a strawberry flake strudel. He was now sitting at the foot of his bed, his back leaning against one of the four posters as his wings draped lazily on the ground. 
Mor loosed a long sigh and pulled the straw in and out of the plastic coffee cup she had long since drained until Azriel told her to stop because the sound was annoying.
“I feel like
 I want to go see my girlfriend.” She was spent. Her emotions had all spilled out of her like nightmare vomit and she was utterly empty. She craved nothing more than to curl up in your warm bed and stroke your soft hair until she fell asleep. 
Azriel barked out a laugh. 
Mor’s brows knit into a line. She kicked at Azriel’s foot but he quickly dodged. 
“What?” She bit.
“That’s a funny word.” Azriel said, smirking as he finished off his breakfast treat.
Mor sat her cup on his nightstand and sat up.
“What do you mean?” Sure, you two didn’t have a label yet. But you were basically girlfriends, right? You spent most nights together, you slept together, went shopping in Velaris together, had lunch dates all the time. At least, she hoped you’d want to be her girlfriend.
Azriel rolled his eyes at her.
“Morrigan. You flew across a ten-foot long table and beat the shit out of me just because one time, a decade ago, I slept with–” 
Mor growled. That same feeling she got when Azriel first said your name last night was building up again. She felt it from her navel all the way up to her chest. A dark, swirling vortex of negative emotions and yet, somewhere within was a bright white light. 
No, not white. 
Mor’s entire world cracked open. Every scar. Every ounce of pain and trauma that she’d collected split open and filled with a shimmering golden liquid that came from the reservoir of your soul and bled into hers. 
Azriel said it the moment Mor realized it. Everything aligned for her in that moment. The seas were bluer, the birds chirped a perfect melody, and everything made sense. It had all been for this. All been for you. Every awful horror, every fitful night of sleep, everything
 it was all aligning for Mor to find you.
She scrambled to get up, all the while Azriel was laughing. She couldn’t find her shoes. Where were her godsdamned shoes? 
Mor decided to forgo the accessories and just go straight to you. Barefoot and in love. And although the bond was pulling at her, willing her to find you, she turned back to Azriel. 
“Az? Are we
 are we going to be okay?” She was scared to ask, but it was high time to stop being afraid. To stop keeping Azriel–her entire family, really– at an arm’s length. They all loved her and she needed to embrace that, or else she’d never be truly happy.
Azriel leaned his head against his four-poster. 
“Of course we will, Mor. Maybe not today, but we will be.” 
Mor nodded slowly and headed for the door. She looked back one last time at Azriel. At her family. She knows she hurt him and she would have to do some serious groveling to earn his forgiveness. Even though he was a good male and would likely not accept any gifts or excessive sweetness, she would do it anyway. Mor would win back his trust and help heal the scars she inflicted. But the cage she had trapped herself in had suddenly combusted. The world was wide open. And she liked it. And so Mor said, for perhaps the first time in her life, but meaning it fully:
“I love you, Azriel.” 
Rushed knocks were all she could manage. Feeling a mating bond that had yet to be reciprocated was suffocating and intoxicating all at once. She was shaking and bouncing on her feet like she’d had 300 coffees. If you didn’t open the door in three seconds, Mor didn’t know if she could keep herself from knocking it down. 
Mercifully, it swung open. And there you stood.
Her mate. 
Her perfect, beautiful mate. 
You wore a pair of tiny shorts and a very thin, very see-through white tank top underneath a red kimono robe that Mor was almost certain had once been at home in her closet.
Despite dawn just rising up to wish Velaris a good morning, you didn’t seem perturbed at Mor’s early intrusion. You gave her a lazy feline smile.
“Hey, good looking—” 
You never even had a chance. Mor pounced on you like a jungle cat, claiming your mouth with hers and grabbing at whatever skin she could get her hands on. Although surprised, you didn’t waver for even a moment. You slid your hands up through the fae’s hair and walked her backwards into your apartment. 
Mor’s heart sang a golden chorus that blended in with chirping birds and distant water fountains.
Mate. Mate. Mate. 
Happy. Happy. Happy.
You pulled Mor off of you for only a moment, but she chased after your lips, her hands practically pawing at your chest like a needy housecat.
“What’s gotten into you?” You asked, giggling. But the second Mor’s wide eyes looked into yours. You saw it. You felt it. That golden tether tying you to Mor. 
The noise you let out was something between a happy gasp and a squeal. 
You surged up and kissed her again, parting and letting her claim your mouth and claim you. She tugged the kimono down, shoving it off your perfect shoulders. You tried to do the same with her dress but she insisted on wearing those cross-back ones and intricate tit chains and it was so complicated to get off in a rush. 
But eventually you both worked all the offending garments off and onto the floor. Mor lifted you up and carried you to your kitchen table, her mouth never leaving your neck as she did so. 
She laid you out on your back and attacked your neck with kisses, nipping and biting at your jaw, your ear, anywhere she could reach. Her fingers went down to trace the insides of your thighs, drawing a shudder of pleasure from you. 
Her hand dipped even further, her middle finger tracing the outside of your entrance, barely ghosting over your skin, playing in the wetness that was already there. 
“Wait!” You shouted, just before Mor could get her fingers inside of you.
Her brows knit together in concern and her perfect lips formed a pout, but the distress melted when she saw you reach across the kitchen table grabbing at a tin of cherry pie you had made. You pulled it toward you and grabbed a sloppy handful from the middle. You held it out to Mor, your eyes wide from both love and lust. 
“Eat.” You gently nudged the pie up onto her lips. 
Mor watched a stream of cherry juice drip down your hand and wrist. She leaned in and traced it with her tongue, collecting it off your skin. She dragged her tongue down your arm and back up until she took your entire pinky in her mouth, sucking on the digit. Then she did the same with your ring finger and your middle finger and so on. Her teasing was utterly unfair and you pouted as she took her sweet time sucking on your fingers until she finally ate the handful of pie you’d extended out to her. 
A pang of jealousy sang in her chest, remembering that you baked pies for Azriel after every time you did it but the solidification of the bond quickly stamped that out. 
Mor ate every bit of pie you offered her and licked the palm of your hand clean. Her lips were stained red from the cherries and the sweetness rested pleasantly on her tongue. 
“I love you.” She murmured, placing kisses along your bare chest and over your boobs. She wrapped her mouth around a nipple and sucked and nipped at it, drawing precious little “ah!”s and moans from you. 
 I love you too, Mor.” You said, twining your fingers in her hair, not caring that you were getting pie crumbs all in your lover’s blonde hair. Because she wasn’t just your lover anymore. She was your mate. 
She fixed her attention on your other nipple and her fingers found her way back to your entrance, teasing, grazing. 
Your mate sat up, eye-fucking you as she took in your form. It didn’t make you shy. You were never shy with Mor, or at Rita’s when you were belting out a song. It was one of the things she loved about you. One of the reasons you were perfectly matched to her. The Mother did a good fucking job. 
“How much do you love me?” Mor said in a sing-song tone, dragging her knuckle up your slit. 
“So much.” You gasped. You truly did love Mor. She was confident and carefree and fun. She made you feel like every day only happened so you could experience pleasure. Like mornings were made for strolls in the sun and evenings were made for lovemaking under the moonlight. There was no pain and no turmoil when you were together. There was just you and your mate and the golden love that flowed through you and around you. 
“How good do I fuck you, baby?” She whispered, sliding one finger inside you. 
You gasped and grabbed her wrist. Not to stop her but just to have any sort of contact with you. Mor rectified this immediately by holding one of your hands in her free one and pressing kisses to the back of it. 
“So good, Mor.” You murmured as she lazily dragged her finger in and out of you. It wasn’t enough. You needed more. 
Sensing your needs, knowing exactly what her sweet mate needed, she added another finger and amped up her speed ever so slightly. You moaned your affirmation.
“I know what you like.” She whispered. The minx. You could hear the smirk on her face.  
She pulled you right to the edge and then retracted her fingers faster than you could comprehend. Your eyes shot open and tears quickly filled them, so close to your peak and then denied so quickly. 
Mor shook her head, grinning at you the whole time.
“Sweet girl
 you know how this goes. We don’t ever finish that quickly. Besides,” Mor dug her fingers into the pie you had decimated, plucking out a single cherry and holding it up to the light, admiring it like a lost artifact. “You haven’t had breakfast.” 
She dragged the cherry around your lips, painting them red. Your tongue darted out to lick at the tips of her fingers and she placed the cherry on your tongue. You chewed and felt the bond growing stronger, more prominent in your chest with every little bite. The second you swallowed, Mor was on you again, kissing you desperately, licking into your mouth. 
She hiked your leg up and started grinding her wet cunt against yours. The warmth was perfect and you felt your body and soul practically singing with how right it felt, how perfect you two were. 
Mor’s warm, wet pussy was like a dream. You grinded against her, creating more friction and soon you were both shouting, both unable to contain your moans. Mor sped up, bouncing against you and that simply wouldn’t do. You couldn’t let her have all the fun. You broke from the kiss and took her nipple in your mouth, sucking on it as she had done to you. Except, you had a little payback in mind for her edging you. You let go of her nipple with a wet pop and started sucking a love bite onto the skin of her breast, right on top where it would be visible in those low cut dresses she wore. Everyone would know she had a mate. Everyone would know she belonged to you. 
Mor moaned your name in a desperate whisper, increasing her speed. The two of you weren’t going to last long. The pressure was building up and it was already too perfect, too all-consuming. 
Once you were satisfied with the darkening mark on her chest, you latched onto her neck, kissing and sucking. But that wasn’t enough for your mate. She gripped your chin in her hands and kissed you desperately. Like she needed you to breathe. 
That was what sent you over the edge. 
You came and Mor followed soon after. The pleasure flowed through you two freely like the love through the bond. You’d never felt so connected to someone and by the pulsating you felt at the other end, you knew Mor hadn’t either. 
“I love you.” She slurred, pupils blown wide with lust. You swore they almost looked like little hearts. 
You returned the sentiment, murmuring it into her skin as you kissed up her sternum and across her jaw before she finally gripped a fistful of your hair and dragged you up to her lips. 
You sighed in contentment against your mate. But Mor wasn’t done with you yet. 
She sunk to her knees in front of you, eye-level with your glistening wet pussy. 
” she drawled, licking a stripe up your slit, collecting both her and your wetness on her tongue. “When were you gonna tell me you fucked Azriel?” 
At the same moment you uttered “what?” Mor plunged her tongue inside you, swirling around and suckling at your clit. You clawed at the table, wishing you had laid a tablecloth down so you’d have something to grip onto. You were still so, so sensitive but Mor was relentless as she toyed with your bundle of nerves. 
“I know you fucked him
” She mumbled against your hot core. 
You laid your head back in pleasure, unable to form any thoughts. Mor knew you liked a little overstimulation and the mating bond was amplifying it by one hundred.
“Was a long time ago
” You murmured. Utterly pussy-drunk. 
“Don’t care.” Mor said, plunging a finger inside you. “Should’ve told me. I almost broke his nose.” 
Some part of you deep down felt bad for Azriel but that part was trapped beneath an ocean of pleasure and right now, you’re not sure you could even remember what Azriel looked like. 
” You moaned, your clit twitching as Mor sucked on it. She added two fingers, pumping in and out of you faster than she did before. 
Mor brought you to the edge again and you could barely register her lifting you up and carrying you into the bathroom. You were so lost in your own pleasure and the feeling of your mate holding you that no other sensations even mattered. Your body simultaneously roared at you to fall asleep and to hop onto Mor’s lap and grind your pussy against hers over and over again. 
“Sleep, my love.” Mor said. 
You felt her easing the two of you into a hot bath, her keeping you tight against her chest.
“No.” You grumbled petulantly, though your eyes fluttered closed. She did wake you up awfully early and make you cum twice. Mating frenzy or no, you were exhausted. “Need to fuck you.” 
Mor giggled against your ear.
“We’ll have a lifetime of that, baby.” Mor ran her fingers up and down your arm, the sensation calming you and sending tiny tingles of pleasure to your brain. She was most definitely moving you into the river house once the frenzy was over. Or she could move in here with you. Or maybe you two would build a new property. You could design your dream home together. Whatever. Permanent decisions could wait until after your mating ceremony. Because you would be having a mating ceremony. A spectacular, classy, romantic affair. Candles everywhere and her whole family in attendance. All of fucking Velaris. She would marry you in front of anyone anywhere in the world. 
You nodded your affirmation and slumped against your mate as she took to washing you both with your nice smelling soaps. 
When you woke up, Mor would find your vibrator and make you come two more times with it. She loved getting you worked up because once it was her turn, you were relentless. You would pull orgasm after orgasm from her until she was in tears and screaming your name so loud, the cranky neighbors pounded on your door demanding you keep it down. 
“Tell me, mate.” Mor whispered as she shampooed your hair. “What flavor pie did you bake Azriel after he fucked you?” 
You hummed and pinched Mor’s thigh for fixating on silly things and pulling you out of your sleep. You and Azriel had a fling that lasted less than a winter season ten years ago and had only ever been casual friends since. It was nothing compared to what you felt for Mor. How pleasure overtook every cell in your body when you were together, even if all you were doing was sharing a turkey sandwich at a bistro down by the Sidra. 
If you peeked into your skull, it would be filled with images of Mor. Your lover, your best friend, your mate. She was your ending and your beginning. Nothing before or since matters. 
Mor nipped your ear and your moan signaled you liked that a little too much. Even as your eyes fluttered shut, you grabbed her hand and guided it to your center. You wanted her to make you cum one more time, just one more teeny tiny orgasm before you fall asleep. 
Mor massaged your wet, soapy breast with one hand while the other lazily circled your clit. She pressed hot kisses over your neck, occasionally licking and nipping the skin there too. 
“You’re only making cherry from now on.”
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