#winter schnee x clover ebi
oddlyhale · 1 year
Tough Luck brainrot rewrite of V7-V8:
Winter had been so worried about becoming the next Winter Maiden that she felt unsure of how to talk about her worries. Clover had always been there to hear her out.
Like Ironwood, Winter sometimes lets herself silently spiral too much into worrying about the big and little things. Clover was always there to bring her back to not think so hard and to trust that the others have everything on their ends figured out, that she shouldn't try to micromanage everything.
Winter is the one that highly suggests that Team RWBY+JNR go out to train with the Ace Ops. She speaks highly of them, especially of Clover. Weiss jokingly suggests Winter may have a crush, which Winter bashfully denies.
Clover, though, does admit to Qrow that he really does like Winter, so this entire process of her becoming the next maiden has quietly worried him. He doesn't want her to become the newest target for Cinder and Salem. Qrow, while not always being the best at advice, gives some of what he knows, learning from his own past mistakes. To be honest, something he wishes he was with Summer.
Winter and Clover are getting closer throughout V7. They have a moment alone where it seems like Clover is ready to commit himself to her, when suddenly, Cinder and co. attack. They have to separate to deal with the different villains.
Clover gets killed by Tyrian and Qrow's poor decision-making. Winter is attacked by Cinder. She is radioed by the Ace Ops that have arrested Qrow and Robyn, as well as Watts and Jacques. That is where she learns that Clover is dead. She knows Qrow was with Clover last, so she decides to ask him what exactly happened.
This doesn't exactly go well. Winter is distraught by the news that the person she romantically loved is dead and she never got a chance to tell him how much she loved him.
Clover's body is not on the other side of the hall from Winter's hospital room (that's fucking weird that it was set up like that in the first place.) Instead, after Winter is done recovering, she goes to see him in the morgue. She makes a promise to Clover that she will get the person that killed him.
Harriet, knowing Winter loved Clover deep down, gives her his lucky pin.
Winter learns how Clover died, though not through Qrow. Robyn tells her because Qrow was far too ashamed to admit what happened. Winter's feelings towards Qrow had soured greatly to the point where she says she would rather leave him with Jacques to rot than help him. While the anger was impulsive, Winter leaves without apologizing.
While fighting Ironwood, Winter feels stung by the situation. She saw Penny in the white void, knowing that she has died. Now, she needs to fight the man that she looked up to as a second father. Instead of blasting him with her new maiden powers, she tries to make him listen to reason, but to no avail. Instead, she leaves, easily avoiding the canon blasts with her new agility. She doesn't know what to do at that point.
At the end of V8, when Winter becomes the next maiden, she is once against struck with grief that she couldn't save Weiss from falling. She keeps losing the people she loves so fast that it makes her feel horrible that she isn't fast or strong enough for them. She still helps get the survivors out to Vacuo's desert, but she still cries silently about the four losses in such a short amount of time.
The whole time during V8, Winter could be seen wearing the lucky pin on her lapel.
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Is Ozpin's surprised by Dwarf Jaune making his own kingdom or is this normal Arc behaviour in they are all born to lead
The Cost of a Crown
Ironwood: Ozpin, we have a situation!
James Ironwood burst into, Ozpin’s office to be met with piles of paper strewed all about his office. Bag, cups, and mugs of coffee were laying about amongst them. And, at a desk covered by both coffee, and paper, a pile of spent pens lay about it. All the while a mad man signed his name again, and again on one piece of paper after the other.
Ironwood: Ozpin?
Ozpin: Leave the papers on the desk… I’ll sign them when I get to them…
Ozpin pay no attention to who was in the room, and just focused on signing whatever was before him.
Ironwood: Ozpin!
James grabbed, Ozpin by the shoulders, shaking him out of his paper signing trance.
Ozpin: Huw…? Oh, Hi, James! H-How is it going…?
Ironwood: Not good, but no where near as bad as you. You look like hell; what happened here? You’re signing blank pieces of paper?
Ozpin: What…? Oh gods I am… Ugh… The hell am I doing…?
Ironwood: W-What’s going on, Ozpin?
Ozpin: Arc… Arc, happened…
Ironwood: Arc? As in, Jaune Arc? The King of the Kingdom Lunaris?
Ozpin: Yes, that short little toadstool of a Huntsman! I sent him on a mission along with his team, and another team to protect a small village, and the dust mine on the outskirts of the village. It was a simple routine mission, perfect for a bunch of first years. But, we received no reports from them in days! Fearing the worst I sent, Glynda along with a third year team to go find them. The third year team returned a day letter with this?!
Ozpin then forced an envelope into, James hand as he broke down on his desk. As he held his head in his hands as he silently plead with the gods that be at what he could have possibly done to deserve this. This time.
James stared at his friend for a moment before deciding he best read the letter contained within.
Ironwood: “Dear Ozpin, I am writing this letter to inform you that as of now, I am tending in my resignation as Deputy Headmistress, and Combat Instructor effectively immediately…” Wait, this is, Glynda’s hand writing?! Did, Glynda quit?! W-Why would she do that?!
Ozpin: Keep reading…
Ironwood: “I have taken up the position as the new, Headmistress of the Lunaris Hunter Academy?!” They have a Hunter Academy now?!
Ozpin: Yep… I lost a third of my students to them in three days… I heard, Mantle’s been having similar problems as well…
Ironwood: “I accept this position as the first Headmistress of the Lunaris Hunter Academy at the behest of, Jaune Arc the Engraver, King of Lunaris.” The Engraver, what kind of nickname is that?
Ozpin: I believe it’s more of a title, at least that’s what, Oobaleck thinks. Probably something to do with him engraving the history, the rise of, something to do with him building his damn kingdom…
Ironwood: “As such I will be leaving my position at, Beacon for green pastures as they say.” So she quit for a better job opportunity? That doesn’t seem like something, Glynda would do.
Ozpin: It isn’t… But, the next part will also explain why she’s quitting…
Ironwood: This better be good then… “I will also be becoming his Highness Jaune Arc’s first bride, and become the High Queen of Lunaris?!” She’s getting married to that, Arc bastard?! How the hell did this happen?! She’s at least a decade older than him!
Ozpin: Glynda has had a thing for, Mr. Arc since he first arrived here. Apparently it was because of the power, and persona his small stature seemingly emanated from him. As well as his noble, and courteous gentleman like behaviour that she found quite attractive. At least that’s what, Port said…
Ironwood: “I will send you official wedding invitations as soon as the wedding date has been set in stone.” Please tell me that’s not some sort of joke.
Ozpin: Best not to think about it…
Ironwood: “Sincerely, Glynda Goodwitch. Headmistress of the Hunter Academy of Lunaris.” T-The hell is all of this?!
Ozpin: Hell itself my friend! As soon as I received that letter I’ve been trapped here at my desk for days. Signing, and filling out document, after document! I curse, Arc for doing this to me! If I had know this was going to happen, I would have never sent him away that day! But, here we fucking are! Up a sewer line, without a boat!
Ironwood: You didn’t expect this to happen?
Ozpin: Who the hell would expect this to happen? That short little stunted dwarf goes for a routine mission, next thing I know, in a matter of weeks he’s built a kingdom that rivals, Atlas, both in its economy, and military power!
Ironwood: He’s what?!
Ozpin: Y-You didn’t know? Oh… You’re going to be in for a rude awakening…
Ironwood: What are you…?! Hold on, I’m getting a scroll call.
Ozpin: This should be good…
As, Ozpin drank from his mug, he watched intently as, James pulled out his scroll, and answered a call he would have never expected before this day.
Ironwood: Specialist Clover, what is it?
Clover: Sir, I need to deliver a report on our trip to the, Kingdom of Lunaris.
Ironwood: Already, what happened?
Clover: We were attacked as soon as we reach the cities gate by the, Lunarians. They overwhelmed us in minutes, taking us as hostage, and brought us before the, King.
Ironwood: How is that possible? They should barely have a mock militia, how could they beat of team of highly trained, Hunters?
Clover: Those reports are outdated, Sir. They have a military force on par with us.
Ironwood: How is that possible?
Clover: Unknown, Sir.
Ironwood: I take it we won’t be getting access to their, Dust supplies then?
Clover: Not likely, Sir; They have a strong anti-Atlas, and anti-SDC bias amongst the people here.
Ironwood: Haa… The, Atlas council is going to love this. I’m going to be having, Jacques Schnee screaming down my neck for this.
Clover: Speaking of the, Schnee’s, Sir. We’ve had some… interesting developments.
Ironwood: What kind of developments?
Clover: Well, the King of Lunaris has made several threats to, and about the SDC. And, is witnessed to have said, and I quote: ‘I’ll take, Jacques wife, and show him how a real man fucks.’ End quote.
Ironwood: Well, Specialist Schnee must have loved hearing that.
Clover: Yeah… Uhhh… Sir, Specialist Schnee… has resigned her commission with the Atlasian Military…
Ironwood: SHE WHAT?!
Clover: Apparently as soon as she saw, King Arc, and his glorious beard… She dropped to her knees, and pledged her life to him. Hoping to improve relations between, Atlas, Mantle, and the SDC. Specialist Ederne has also resigned for similar reasons.
Ozpin: The, Arc charm strikes again…
Ironwood: You’ve got to be kidding me! I lost two, Specialists just because they looked at a man?!
Clover: And, his most glorious beard…
Ironwood: Haaaa… Is there anything that can be done to bring them back?
Clover: Not unless you convince her to leave yourself, Sir. There isn’t anything else I think we can do, Sir.
Ironwood: Understood, Specialist. Take what’s left of your team, and return to, Atlas. You’ll be debrief further on your return.
Clover: Very well, Sir.
James soon ended the call as he cusped his head in his hands, tiredly groaning as he took in all of this new information.
Ozpin: So… What are you going to do now?
Ironwood: …
Ironwood: Get drunk?
Ozpin: Good idea.
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bonez-yard · 2 years
Time to hop onto this train-
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hadesisqueer · 2 years
Very much probably tomorrow (if not, the next day) I'll start with the Best RWBY Ship Poll. It will include 32 ships (monogamous or poly, no incest) that I've selected, and it will have the same system as the Hottest RWBY Character Poll.
Ships included:
1) Renora (Lie Ren x Nora Valkyrie)
2) Arkos (Jaune Arc x Pyrrha Nikos)
3) Nuts and Dolts (Penny Polendina x Ruby Rose)
4) Bumbleby (Yang Xiao Long x Blake Belladonna)
5) Whiterose (Ruby Rose x Weiss Schnee)
6) JNPR Berries (Poly team JNPR)
7) Frosen Steel (Weiss Schnee x Ruby Rose x Penny Polendina)
8) Qrowin (Qrow Branwen x Winter Schnee)
9) Blacksun (Blake Belladonna x Sun Wukong)
10) Seamonkeys (Sun Wukong x Neptune Vasilias)
11) Bees Schness (Yang Xiao Long x Blake Belladonna x Weiss Schnee)
12) Poly STR (Raven Branwen x Taiyang Xiao Long x Summer Rose)
13) Martial Arcs (Lie Ren x Jaune Arc)
14) Sunny Bees (Yang Xiao Long x Blake Belladonna x Sun Wukong)
15) Schneekos (Weiss Schnee x Pyrrha Nikos)
16) Crosshares (Velvet Scarlatina x Coco Adel)
17) Hellbore (Winter Schnee x May Marigold)
18) Tauradonna (Blake Belladonna x Adam Taurus) (ew)
19) Cinwin (Winter Schnee x Cinder Fall)
20) Rosebird (Raven Branwen x Summer Rose)
21) Fair Game (Clover Ebi x Qrow Branwen)
22) Ladybug (Ruby Rose x Blake Belladonna)
23) Monochrome (Blake Belladonna x Weiss Schnee)
24) Freezerburn (Weiss Schnee x Yang Xiao Long)
25) Spicecream (Neopolitan x Cinder Fall)
26) Gemstones (Emerald Sustrai x Ruby Rose)
27) Emercury (Mercury Black x Emerald Sustrai)
28) Catmaleon (Ilia Amitola x Blake Belladonna)
29) Guard Dogs (Jaune Arc x Marrow Amin)
30) Schneewood Forest (Robyn Hill x Winter Schnee)
31) Arcotta (Saphron Cotta-Arc x Terra Cotta-Arc)
32) Prismatic Ponytails (Ilia Amitola x Weiss Schnee)
I know there are many (too many) more ships but I've selected these 32 that are mostly popular or well-known so. Have fun when it starts!
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Propaganda is below the cut.
“The grooming makes it hotter. Screwing your abusive dads narrative parallel goddamn. Textbook electra complex. Daddys little nepo baby.”
“The best boss x subordinate pairing I swear—the hothead x restrained dynamic! The mutual dedication and respect! The blatant favoritism! The even more blatant daddy issues! Mwah.”
"I fully believe Jaune styled his hair like Clover's after seeing how cool and amazing he was and wanting to be just like him. Like, and then the gushing later on? That boy was crushing hard."
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rainbow-multishipper · 6 months
Ship name for Winter x Clover x Qrow x Robin?
RWBY Ship Name Trials #145
Winter Schnee x Clover Ebi x Qrow Branwen x Robyn Hill is
Some Lucky Ducks
Winter Doves
(Okay, maybe the first is a reference to the Bob's Burgers Movie. BUT ALSO!! Ducks are considered incredibly lucky, and so are white doves! The latter particularly for the future, hence why they are so present in traditional weddings.)
Thanks for the suggestion! Remember ask box is OPEN for Ship Summaries, Headcannon Requests and Ship Trials!
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s1r3ns-c4ll · 1 year
Request Rules/Who I Write For/Masterlist Link
 Hello hello! the name’s Siren and here’s the post where you can see what you can request, who I write for, and eventually a masterlist as I start putting up requests and my own little writing blurbs! You’ll Find all my Hogwarts Legacy and RWBY fics on the masterlists and the tags #Siren HL and #Siren RWBY
Hogwarts Legacy RWBY (Coming Soon)
Fandoms I Write For (Might Expand Eventually):
Hogwarts Legacy
What I’ll Write:
x Reader (GN will be the default if not specified, but I will write fem/masc reader focus if requested!)
Non-Explicit Mature Themes (teasing explicit themes, but not actual smut will be written)
Fluff ( I love fluff with all my heart ;) )
What I WON’T Write:
Works glorifying S/A themes
Rape/Non-Con themes
Abusive themes (I can elude to pat experiences but will never explicitly write works with abuse being the focus)
Illegal age gaps
Hateful content that paints another character in bad light (ex: “Can you write something where [sweet character] does [bad thing] to [sweet character] and reader helps them through it?”)
Extremely dark themes
Hogwarts Legacy Characters:
Poppy Sweeting
Natsai Onai
Samantha Dale
Imelda Reyes
Anne Sallow
Garreth Weasley
Ominis Gaunt
Sebastian Sallow
Note: I’d love to write for every Hogwarts Legacy character! But on Tumblr, there is a heavy focus on Sebastian, Ominis and Garreth (Mainly the two Slytherin). So I don’t discourage requesting them, but please do send requests for our lovely women in the game :)
RWBY Characters:
Team RWBY:
Ruby Rose
Weiss Schnee
Blake Belladonna
Yang Xiao-Long
Team JNPR:
Jaune Arc
Pyrrha Nikos
Nora Valkyrie
Lie Ren
Coco Adel
Fox Alistair
Velvet Scarletina
Yatsuhashi Daichi
Team SSSN(N)
Sun Wukong
Scarlet David
Sage Ayana
Neptune Vasilias
Nolan Porfirio
Atlas ACE-OPs
Clover Ebi
Marrow Amin
Vine Zeki
Harriet Bree
Elm Ederne
Winter Schnee
Emerald Sustrai
Penny Polendina
Ilia Amitola
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ranger-lcat · 5 years
Another Late Frost blurb.
Winter sneezing and accidental freezing things as she learns to control her new maiden powers.
Usually it’s her own coffee, and Clover is kind enough to get her a fresh one.
Penny thinks it’s funny and Ironwood is trying to contain his amusement after she freezes one of the guards to the floor.
Most of her guards get frozen to the floor at least once. Except for Clover. He’s just lucky like that.
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robynsscarf · 3 years
Clover, arresting Robyn: everything you say will be held against you
Robyn: Winter Schnee
Clover: that's not how it works
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demonboi96 · 3 years
Rwby) gang had made it tl the atlas. What would be your ships between characters in your headcannon. Be it two people or poly ship
Well thats a hard question to ask because I don't think relationships are on their mind at that point in time.
Not that Ren ever has relationships in mind considering I believe he's asexual.
Jaune definitly be avoiding a relationship because him persuing Weiss definitly had an effect on his self confidence and the Pyrrha situation in general as made him put off relationships for the time.
Nora and Ruby display attraction to Jaune but they know he isn't ready for a steady relationship even if while on their trek through anima they often shared his tent for a night every once and a while.
Yang is still a bit self concious about her arm qnd getting over being left behind by Blake to just jump in a relationship and Blake is still trying to sort out her feelings about her affecting Yang by going back home and killing her crazy ex. So both of them have decieded to work on themselves before they try dating anyone.
Weiss is the most willing to be in a relationship at this point but she doesn't know how to feel about certain people. Neptune openly flirts with other woman and she is no ones side bitch. Jaune saved her life and actively persued her so she knows he would make her a priority but part of her still sees him as the annoyance that kept bothering her in Beacon. And she already decided she wasn't dating anyone from Atlas so she also decided to wait it out. Either to find someone she really clicks with or for her figure out how she feels for certain people.
Oscar has a crush on Ruby but Ozpin being in the back of his head kinda throws a wrench into that. He wants to try to ask her out on a date but he is to nervous and worried about the war with Salem to actually go through with it.
Qrow unknowingly started dating clover. He wants to officially ask the guy out but thinks they're just friends (a similar situation to Summer where he did ask her out but was unfourtunatly refused that date, Raven laughing at him afterwards didn't help.) but he is unaware that for all intents and purposes they have been dating, they just haven't actually made it official and hooked up.
Winter is busy with her duties but that doesn't stop her from finding out Jaune to be a way better catch then her sister described in her letters home.
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vaskemire · 3 years
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arabesdiangelo · 3 years
Qrow: *seriously injured*
Winter: He's losing too much blood!
Clover: Quick! What's your type?
Qrow: Great fighter, badass, preferably a highranking Atlesian soldier...
Clover and Winter: *blushes*
Winter: He meant blood type, you idiot
Qrow: Oh...
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Broken Files
Clover: General! Arc, broke into the personnel files yesterday!
Ironwood: Arc! That bastard! No doubt he was looking for something to use against us!
Clover: I’m not so sure, Sir.
Winter: Why is that so, Specialist?
Clover: Arc, only went after the files containing to us, the Specialists, Sir.
Harriet: Our files? What would he get with those?
Winter: He wasn’t after yours… he was after mine…
Ironwood: How do you know that?
Winter: Ja… Arc! Arc, seems to be infatuated with me, Sir. Several of his crimes were meant to solely draw my attention. The rest are spent acquiring wealth, and… seemingly to annoy you, Sir.
Harriet: I would say all of his crimes are meant to annoy the general…
Ironwood: Just like this one?! He’s clearly planning something and this is just a ruse to throw us off!
Winter: I’m not so sure, as far as it seems, he was just going through my files.
Harriet: Yeah, for all we know, he read them just to find out, Winter’s, Three Sizes?
Winter: Harriet?!!
Jaune: Ah… so, Winter’s birthday is, December 16. Nice, I have loads of time to find her the perfect gift for her birthday!
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bonez-yard · 3 years
Team CRQW (Crow (like how team.. RWBY is-))
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Also yes this is towards my Cold Luckybyrds leave me alone-
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Winter:Clover, I request your assistance.
Clover:That’s a surprise. What’s up?
Winter:To avoid any future problems with communication between teams, I’d like yoy to have a talk with Marrow. I catch him staring at me every so often. Clearly he must hold some kind of ill will towards me, being a Schnee and all. I would like for that not to be a prob-
Clover:Uhhh Marrow just thinks your pretty.
Winter:I’m sorry, what?
Clover:Yeah, he also looks at you when you’re around and his tail wags a bit.
Clover:Want me to tell him to stop staring?
Winter:I mean...it’s not like it’s harming anything. If I find it a problem later on then I shall confront him about it. Yeah....
Winter:*red* Shut up.
Clover:I didn’t- sigh, yes ma’am.
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roguesofremnant · 3 years
The Zine comes out on June 28th. Thank you for all the submissions
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