#Obey Me Anemone
nellycanwrite · 2 years
His Queen
K’uk’ulkan x Filipino!Reader Blurb
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Summary: K'uk'ulkan pays you a visit to ask you to become his queen.
Rating: PG 13+
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1.5K
Note: Filipino!Reader is inspired by Marvel's equivalent to the Filipino Superhero Pearl Pangan, also known by her hero name Wave. You can control water and have the same capabilities as a Talokanil, but you are still a land-dweller born and raised in the islands of Mactan, Cebu Philippines.
It is also worthy to note that I have not included any Yucatec Maya phrases despite Namor speaking in his mother tongue as respect to his language. Therefore his mother tongue shall be labeled with italics.
This work is a connecting piece to His Timeless Love. Both can be read separately and in any order.
Hidden by the waves of saltwater was a man. But not just any man; K'uk'ulkan. The feathered serpent god from myths old and from legends foretold. Yet his divine countenance could not compare to your own. The water bent by your will, aides you at your beck and call. It surrounded you like a halo of shimmering fractals that danced around you with the flitters of a sea faerie from folktales. It was as if the sea was your bidding, yet it obeyed you like a knight to its queen. Such prowess came from disquieting origins, yet you wielded it proudly. Regally. 
He was enchanted by you.
There were no words to describe the blossoming heat from his chest, traveling from the pulsing veins of his fingertips down to the tingling crunch of fine white sand beneath his bare feet. You moved with the grace of dancing anemone, glowed as brightly as the stars of the evening sea that guided him through the throes of the darkened currents. No matter how many times he would see you, his breath always hitched. Time always stopped. 
Time was no concept for an immortal such as he, yet he found himself counting every precious second when he basked in your company.
"I know you're there." The sea rippled around him. He shook his head and chuckled.
"How did you know?" He rose from the depths of the water and stayed by the shore's edge. The waves lapped at his winged feet pleasantly like a greeting from an old friend. His eyes trailed across your back as you glided your arms in a dance of tradition with the water accompanying your movements.
"You're not subtle, K'uk'ulkan," you did not turn to face him, but you regarded him with a sliver of ocean water snaking across his arms. K'uk'ulkan held the urge to let a pleasant shiver run down his spine. You chuckled, "I saw you peeking your head from the shore."
"Is it unpleasant for you? For me to disturb you from your rituals." He asked. Your hands stopped.
"Never." You did not bother to correct him that your idle movements weren't rituals. It was mere movements controlled by the crashing waves upon the loose sand, imitating the flow of the currents that shook with each stroke. An impulse, maybe. An urge to dance with the hymns of your orient motherland.
You finally turned to face him, eyes locking with a magnificent earthen oak. He chose this moment to shorten the distance between you, his fingers finding solace at the supple of your cheeks. He caressed the lids of your eyes free of seawater and lingered a kiss to your brows with a satisfied smile. 
"Then why call me out?" There was a mischief behind his words hidden beneath the whispers of ardor. You smiled.
"I would rather have your company than to let you linger by the sea. I know you wish for the same."
You noticed his breath become albeit ragged—although it was but a sliver of a puff of air—so you willed the water to sustain his skin from the blistering heat knowing full well that he would stay with you until nightfall. The sun of Mactan, Cebu on the high end of summer's afternoon was one of the hottest recorded in any index; it would harm K'uk'ulkan if you were to let him stay under it any longer. A thin dome of water covered the both of you and the light bounced off from the water to your skins. Picturesque as it might seem to the eyes of an onlooker, there was something much more beautiful in the eyes of K'uk'ulkan.
And that was you.
"Thank you, my love." He spoke in his mother tongue. It was as pleasant and melodious as the wind chimes from your rattan house. It always filled you with immeasurable joy for him to use his language to speak so softly with you.
"Always," you guided him to sit on the sand under a nearby coconut tree, water covering you at every step and wetting the exposed skin of K'uk'ulkan. A question prodded in the forefront of your mind as soon as you were settled and huddled between the serpent god's legs, his arms wrapping around your waist and head buried on your shoulder, "why have you come to visit, my king?"
"Do I need a reason to see my queen?"
You sighed and shook your head, leaning back against his frame and turning your head to kiss the shell of his pointed ears. "A land dweller cannot be queen, K'uk'ulkan. You know that."
"Yet one lay in my arms at this very moment." He tightened his grip on your waist and peppered kisses against your neck. You tried your best not to humor his need for attention despite the growing heat that formed on your nape and cheeks.
"The people need a queen that is of Talokan blood. I can't simply take that role."
"Your achievements speak for itself," he raised his head from your shoulder and kissed your cheek, "you have saved Talokan from the hands of scientists who tried to scour through the depths of our oceans, kept our secret well-hidden from the land dwellers, and you have kept your promise of aid to my kingdom in times of need. We have seen you divert ships away from our home with your riptides and currents."
"That is hardly a reason. I've only repaid a debt."
"And what debt would that be?"
"Sparing me," your hands snaked towards the hands that locked itself on your waist. You drew circles against his skin as he sighed in content at the moment, "you had every reason to kill me when I stepped through the entrance of Talokan. You were a king who protected his people—I was sure I was going to die by your hand that day."
"You intrigued me," he supplied, his hands now taking yours and intertwining your fingers together, "you did not yield under my threats nor did you use the name my enemies have called me when I have antagonized you."
"Namor," you tried, the name foreign to your tongue, "I much prefer your real name, K'uk'ulkan. And why would I make an enemy of the king of a civilization that I have intruded?"
"You might be one of the rarer sane land dwellers."
"I try." You gave him an amused shrug.
"You are also special, my love," he added, his mother tongue chiming through the warm pacific winds, "my people already revere you as a god of their own."
"Do I really have to spell every word?" He placed two fingers on your chin and made you look up at the flowing dome of saltwater that you are effortlessly maintaining with your powers, "you control the sea. Our life source is at your beck and call. You can breathe like us, swim like us, and you could withstand the pressure of Talokan. You have garnered the love of our people."
"Your people." You corrected him. He shook his head and adjusted himself so he could lay his forehead against yours.
"Our people," he stared into your eyes, the rich earthen gaze reflecting that of his love for the sea. With it also came the tremendous love he had for you; his queen. No one was fit to rule by his side but you. Although there might be reservations from others of his kingdom, they cannot refute the fact that you—an entity that controlled the tides of their home—were to be revered. Respected. 
Your benevolent rule will be the legacy of his choice. And it will be living proof for the people that you were the only rightful queen to sit by the right hand of his throne.
"You hold the strength of the sea at your whim, yet you choose kindness above all else. But you do not hesitate to use force when it is necessary. That is the true makings of a ruler. Your judgment astounds me, your beauty is simply divine. You are perfect, my love."
"K'uk'ulkan…" his name was like a prayer to your mouth. It was ironic, you might say, for the prayers of the god of the sea fell into his attentive ears and returned the favor with worship—as if you were the divine entity and he the disciple. You felt his hands creep into the back of your head and pull you impossibly closer, his fingers tangling with your dampened hair from the obedient water from the ocean's tide, his lips fluttering with the tongue of praise to you; his god. He regarded your meager stature like the statue of a Santo Niño. Holy. Sacred. 
He uttered your name in a breathless whisper that wavered the dome of water from your command. He might have found that amusing enough to release a minute chuckle. He was the only one who could sway your otherwise earnest control.
"This I ask again, will you become my queen and rule Talokan by my side?"
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yeenybeanies · 1 year
patreon repost! because apparently i never posted this one here when i was posting my mermay 2022 stuff?? the prompt was "hidden" & honestly? i barely remember writing this at all lmao unnamed tiny merfolk & unnamed leviathan merfolk 701 words no warnings reblogs > likes!! thanks for reading!! patreon ✨ ko-fi
Where was this?
Where was the reef? The coral? The sponges and anemones? 
The little merfolk held their fins close to their body and looked around at the vast, empty blue. There was just nothing. They were in the middle of the ocean, Lords knows how far away from safety. 
Some part of them wanted to yell out for help. Another, louder part of them said that that was a foolish idea. A distress cry would more likely bring trouble than assistance. 
So they swam. With no way of knowing where they were going, if they were getting closer or further away from their home, they swam. And swam. And swam. 
The emptiness below seemed to churn with unseen danger. The little mer tried not to look down, if only to preserve the last remnants of their sanity. 
“Hello, little one.” 
The little mer gasped, heart leaping into their throat. They twisted around to face the biggest merfolk they’d ever seen. The leviathan stared back down at them, incomprehensibly huge. How had they not noticed her approaching?
“You seem lost,” she said. Her voice was deep, echoing through the water like a whale’s song. It shook the little mer to their very core. “How did you—”
Nope. The little mer turned tail and bolted. Maybe, just maybe they could outrun the leviathan. 
“No, wait, please—” Just like that, with one push, the leviathan closed the distance between them. From their peripherals, the little mer saw two massive hands sweeping in, encroaching faster than they would expect from such a large creature. Fingers larger than coral pillars interlocked around them, trapping them, sealing them in the darkness between her palms. “Please,” the leviathan said, her voice rumbling all around them, “I mean only to help you. Be calm.”
The little mer was anything but calm. Their heart was rattling against their ribcage. They flung themself against the rubbery walls of the leviathan’s hands, and tried to squirm out between her fingers. 
“Please,” she repeated, softer. She held her hands still, clasped gently, enduring the harmless beating from the little mer. 
“Let me out!” They shrieked. “Let me out!”
Sorrow in her features, the leviathan brought her hands closer to her face, holding them as if she were praying. “You will not survive out here alone, little one,” she said. “Calm yourself, and I will let you out.” 
The little mer rammed their shoulder against her palm one last time, then slumped down in a shaking heap. “I… I don’t want to die out here,” they whimpered, sure the leviathan wouldn’t be able to hear. But she could. 
“You will not die here, my little one,” she said. “I only seek to keep you safe, and escort you home. This I promise you.” 
Slowly, her fingers drifted apart, letting light and fresh water into the cavernous space she’d trapped the little mer in. They spun to face the leviathan once more, shaking and curled in on themself. She had kind features, and long, silken hair, like a forest of seagrass, or kelp. She had an unusual tail, the little mer now noticed. Behind her, keeping her afloat in the water column, were two huge, wing-like flippers, like that of a giant ray. Her skin was a sandy tan, decorated with white speckles that looked like sunlight dappling the ocean floor. 
She was a stunning creature. And she was terrifying. 
“Come, little one,” she beckoned, motioning for them to swim closer. “Rest in my hair, or beneath my wings. I will keep you hidden. No harm will come to you under my care.” 
Reluctantly, they obeyed. They shied away from her hands, and made a wide path around her head. Other small fish darted in and out of the soft forest that was her hair, either uncaring or unaware of the leviathan they resided on. They found a spot near the nape of her neck, and tucked into the forest, sheltering themself away from anyone’s view. Still their heart pounded, but what other choice did they have? She was right. They would not survive out here alone. They could not.
And the leviathan started to swim, propelling herself forward in gentle, languid strokes. 
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Riddle, Azul: Take Me There
ESSENTIAL OIL MLM HUN AZUL REAL????? 😂 (He gifted Riddle an “aroma light/lamp” as a present &.?/2&(:7?<[?h|fD;g)
Love how even Azul is shocked that Riddle would overlook Jade… being himself mainly because he has the arrogance to think he can control respect and obedience from Jade and be a good example to him. Riddle seemed reluctant with his own pick (it feels like a “lesser of two evils” decision), but I suppose it speaks to his self-assuredness that he picked Jade despite knowing what he’s truly like.
Riddle picks a brother based on social expectations (ie younger obeying the older) and whatever will benefit his academic life and not based on personal feelings; it’s a somewhat detached interpretation of what a sibling is, but it falls in line with the values Mama Rosehearts instilled in him (for better or for worse 💦) Anyway, Riddle and Jade together are basically Ciel and Sebastian Black Butler vibes—
I think it’s funny that Riddle acts so uppity (partly because of his upbringing) while at the same time dissing Sebek for being “arrogant and inflexible” in the same interview. Riddle 😂 honey… Look in a mirror?????
dbjsvsuwbwkw AnYwAy I think I rambled enough!! For this piece, I tried channeling the same kind of energy that Azul and Riddle had in episode 6; it’s some bickering and slightly jabs disguised as politeness.
Imagine this…
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The aroma of roses and sugar permeated the party venue. Sweetness came from the plethora of cakes and tarts Trey had prepared for the special day, deepened by the strong floral notes wafting from a colorful lamp. Together, they conjured a perfume reminiscent of childhood treats and long afternoons playing in a hidden garden.
How fitting that this was the favored scent of Heartslabyul’s dorm leader.
Azul cleared his throat.
“Roses suit you, Riddle-san. Red—bold and dignified, the color of courage and conviction. I would expect nothing less of one so ambitious as to brave Diasomnia. Truly, you’re the lone rose amid the thorns.”
The birthday boy’s gaze met Azul’s. “Coming from you, it sounds like you have ulterior motives in flattering me.”
“Me? Never. Perish the thought.” Azul chuckled. “Your goals are lofty ones, but I am certain that they are attainable for you. After all, you are consistently number one in our grade level, and it is clear that you put great effort into maintaining that status.
“Why, you consider taking the proper precautions even for your hypothetical battle with Malleus-san. I’ve no doubt that many of our… less wise underclassmen would not hesitate to challenge their seniors. Say, a certain heart and spade-clad duo against a rose red tyrant…”
Riddle’s expression scrunched into something scowl-adjacent. “A hasty declaration of war is no way to earn the crown.”
“Of course.” Azul nodded, pushing his glasses up. His hand his a growing smirk. “Whatever you put your mind to, you are capable of manifesting, just like magic. Your victory was assured.”
“Hmph.” Riddle folded his arms, matching Azul’s smirk. “You know as well as I that simply willing something into existence will not make it a reality. It requires both time and effort to make one’s wishes come true.”
His words were firm and grounded, like the roots of a rose digging deep into the earth. Maybe even deeper than that.
“That, we can agree on.”
“… Frankly, I’m not so sure I want to agree with you on anything.” Riddle folded his arms and frowned. “Your own shrewdness is only exceeded by your underhandedness.”
“My, such baseless accusations against your interviewer.”
“Really? Because I seem to recall a slew of hapless anemones running around thanks to you.”
“Oh, you kidder, you.” The merman laughed airily, but his eyes had adopted a steely ice. “… As I’ve said, great things can be accomplished if one puts their mind to it—both great good and great evil. It is the curse that comes with being ambitious.”
“Where will our futures take us, I wonder? There are endless possibilities for results-oriented individuals such as ourselves.”
At this, Riddle hesitated.
His future… It had already been decided for him, the cards laid out as soon as he was born. When he closed his eyes, he could already see the path carved forward, and a looming shadow behind him, urging him toward it.
And to his left, the path less traveled, the road not taken. A street studded with rose bushes, beckoning to be picked, to be smelled, to be enjoyed.
But if I can dream it, I can make it a reality, can’t I? he reasoned. Just like my magic.
The roses wrapped around him, calling out to Riddle. They told tall tales and whispered of whimsy. Promising the sweets and the flowers and the possibilities he had never had before.
I can take myself there—to wherever I want to go, whatever I want to be. I can go the distance.
“… Yes. Yes, I suppose there is.” Riddle hadn’t even noticed that he had clenched his fists. “We have our whole lives ahead of us, and what we make of it shall be determined by our own wills.”
Not mother’s.
His classmate smiled broadly, like sunshine skipping across the ocean waves. “Then let us send you off into the next year in good spirits.”
“I presume you’re talking about the pieing.” Riddle sounded less then enthused.
“You would be correct.”
“It’s the annual tradition, so it cannot be helped. Do ensure that you don’t miss, Azul.”
“And just who do you take me for?”
“Someone who struggles in Flying class.”
“Excuse me? As though your endurance is any better than mine!! You needn’t worry about my accuracy,” the octopus scoffed as he armed himself. “I will ensure that you are struck.”
“Do your worst. I welcome it.”
“As you wish. I cannot refuse a request from a fellow dorm leader.” Azul cleared his throat before bringing the pie back. “Do pardon me.
“Happy birthday, Riddle-san!”
The blow was unexpectedly hard. It was more like a punch to the face, sending Riddle flying. His tiny form collapsed against a cushiony red couch, and his limbs dazedly went limp.
He stared up at the ceiling. The colors swam in his vision, the lights far too bright until Azul’s shadow passed over him.
A hand, offered.
“Allow me.”
“How very kind of you,” Riddle said sarcastically. Whipped cream hung heavily from his lashes,and he grimaced in his attempted to blink through it.
“Consider it a special deal for your special day.”
“I don’t make deals. Not with you, at least,” the birthday boy warned—but in spite of himself, he reached for Azul’s outstretched hand and gripped it tightly to hoist himself up.
His grin, and his tongue, was sharp amidst his cute features. The taste of sugar at his lips, the smell of flowers in the air, and rebellion in his heart.
Thorns pushing against the petals.
As I thought, roses truly do suit you, Riddle-san.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 8 months
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*Warning Adult Content*
As Skylar West disappears from sight, dragged into the abyss by the weight of the rock chained to his tail, a yelp of agony rips itself from Martin Hunter's lungs.
He lunges at the barrier, as if he could somehow reach Skylar in time but Anemone throws her arms around his neck and holds him back.
"Martin. No. You can't help him now. He's... he's gone."
Her breath catches on a sob and trembles shake her thin frame.
Martin could easily throw her off but whether because of the power in her voice or because he simply lack the strength to resist the truth, his muscles go weak with grief and he collapses with a whimper.
"I'm sorry," Anemone whispers, laying her head atop his as she hugs him tight. "I'm so sorry, Martin."
A whine is all he can do to express similar sympathy but she understands.
As her tears wet his fur, pain fills Martin's chest, making it difficult to breathe.
"Martin?" Anemone sits up and shakes me lightly. "Martin."
He had stopped breathing altogether for a moment and rouse himself with an effort.
Between the remnants of his first mate-bond and now losing his second, the Devouring will almost certainly claim him.
'First, though, Natalis will pay.'
He gets to his feet, his limbs trembling and takes an unsteady step, head lowered and hackles raised.
Anemone grasps a handful of his fur, attempting to hold him back and he turns and snaps at her.
A wounded animal is the most dangerous sort and Martin is in too much pain to think clearly.
Undaunted, Anemone refuses to let him go.
Ill-advisedly, she gets in front of him, putting her face right in front of his.
Her eyes, fringed by long, ginger lashes, are the same ocean green as Skylar's.
"Martin, listen to me," she says, so intently he can't help but obey. "You won't win if you challenge her directly. Believe me, I know. But there's another way. Look."
From a pocket of her loose gown, she produces a familiar object.
Skylar's amulet.
"Help me," she says. "Help me find my mother's statue. If we can free her, she will have the power to stop Natalis and put her in her place."
Martin's heart aches with a burning mix of rage and sorrow and he wavers between warring impulses.
Part of him wants to find Natalis and tear her throat out and part wants to lie down, go to sleep and never wake up again.
She's right, though on his own, the first well-thrown spear will put an end to Martin's endeavor and he owes it to Skylar not to give in to despair just yet.
So he snorts, shakes out his fur and touches his nose to Anemone's forehead, a wolfish way of saying 'let's go.'
Grimly, she nods.
"I don't think Natalis can have moved the statue very far, not out of the palace, anyway and she'll have to have made the replica somewhere nearby as well. We'll search every room."
She rises, determination hardening the set of her jaw but Martin gently grasp her hand in his teeth and whine insistently.
They don't have time for that.
She shakes her head.
"I know. Natalis and her guards won't waste time now they've gotten rid of Sky. We'll just have to stay ahead of them as long as we can."
Martin nuzzles her hand.
Frowning, she unclasps it to reveal the amulet.
"You want this?"
He whines again.
Finally, understanding blooms on her face.
"Of course. It led Sky to you, maybe it will lead you to Mother. Here."
Bending, Anemone places it around his neck.
Sitting on his haunches, Martin tilts his head to the side in anticipation but the amulet is nothing but a cold weight upon his fur.
Then, faintly, he feels a trace of heat as the stone warms and a strange vibration like the buzz of a trapped insect fluttering it's wings.
Anemone watches anxiously.
Martin snorts and gets to his feet, claws clicking on cold stone.
Experimentally, he takes a few steps in one direction, pauses, double backs and tries the other.
The amulet warms a little on the second try and the vibration increases.
He looks back at Anemone and barks softly.
The pain in his heart remains and fatigue makes his head spin but it feels ever so slightly good to be on even this tiny trace of a trail.
"Alright," she says. "You lead the way."
Her expression is set, though her voice trembles with fear.
Martin can't blame her, if he were related to Natalis, he'd be scared, too.
They set off, wending a chaotic path down corridors and flights of stairs.
The amulet's pull is constant but the layout of the palace prevents Martin from following it in a straight line.
Several times he turns to Anemone, confounded by some obstacle and relies on her knowledge of the floorplan to get them where they need to go.
Fortunately, she knows the place as well as any kid knows her childhood home and gets them back on track without fail.
Finally, they arrive in an area Martin recognizes, emerging from a passageway into the grand hall.
Anemone holds him back while she checks that the coast is clear but the palace remains eerily quiet.
"It won't last," she says, reading his mind. "But Natalis can't just disappear after what she did. There will be questions to answer and condolences to exchange. We've got a few minutes yet before she can slip away without raising more eyebrows than are already up."
Martin leans his head against her leg to signal his understanding and then trots out into the hall.
The click of his claws echoes in the massive space and Anemone tiptoes after him.
In the center of the open space, Martin pauses once more, uncertain but the amulet's direction is clear.
Pointing his snout towards the throne room, he imitates a hunting dog and growls.
"In there?" Anemone asks, resting her hand on his head. "Are you sure?"
Martin whines and nips at her fingers.
It makes no sense to him either.
It would be silly of Natalis to keep the real and the fake statues in the same room and Natalis is anything but silly and yet the amulet's pull is undeniable.
Anemone nods.
"Alright. I suppose if there's one place I'd never think to look, it's in plain sight."
A sound startles them both and the tell-tale tone of angry voices tells Martin, their time is nearly up.
Together, they dash to the throne-room doors, where Anemone throws them open and slams them shut at their backs.
"Quick. Help me with the barricade. That will buy us a bit more time," Anemone whispers breathlessly once we're safely inside.
Unsure how much use he'll be in this form, Martin stays close to her side but it seems the emotional support is enough.
The heavy wooden beam, perhaps once salvaged from the mast of a ship, rests in a groove parallel to the wall.
With one good shove, it slides along an oiled track and falls into place with a satisfying thunk, a clever design obviously intended for one person to use as a last resort.
"There," Anemone says, dusting off her hands and huffs. "That should hold them for a bit. Now, as for Mother..."
She chews her bottom lip and scans the rounded walls of the cupola, as if hoping to catch a glimpse of the statue the way one finally spots an illusive item in a seek-and-find game.
With a quiet yip, Martin begins his own investigation, running a quick circuit of the room, letting the amulet guide him.
The heat and vibrations are strongest near the place where the false throne once stood and on his second round of the room, he begins to despair.
What if, this whole time, the amulet had only been attracted to the lure of the place it's former owner had worn it last?
What if Natalis had lied and she'd actually destroyed her mother's form long ago?
With no answer in sight and suddenly drained of energy, he lies down, rests his head on his paws and shuts his eyes.
"Martin?" Anemone kneels at his side and lays her hand on his back. "Don't give up now. We're so close. We've got to be."
A whimper and a shiver are the best reply he can give.
Meanwhile, new sounds reach them from the hall and Natalis' voice breaks through the clamor.
Anemone shrinks against Martin and buries her face in his fur.
"Please," she whispers. "Please, Martin. Sky believed in you. He'd never have brought you here otherwise. I believe in you, too. The amulet led you here for a reason. I'm sure of it."
A shudder wracks his frame, making his wolf's teeth clack together.
He wants to believe her but the truth is Skylar maybe made a mistake or the amulet did, leading the handsome merman to him.
Just as it made a mistake now, leading Martin here.
'I, on the other hand, feel I should have known better than to believe myself worthy of happiness, should have known it was too good to be true.'
Grief weighs on his heart, as heavy as the stone bound to Skylar and the urge to sleep is strong.
If he shuts his eyes, he can conjure his lover in memory, just as he appeared when Martin first met him in the art room, that fateful afternoon, when his life began to come undone.
'No,' he thinks. 'No, my life was already undone. Sky put it back together, one act of love at a time.'
Maybe the amulet made a mistake, maybe Martin never deserved Skylar and never will but for whatever reason, Skylar chose Martin anyway.
The least he can do is try to put things right now.
With an effort, he opens his eyes and raises himself to his feet.
Giving Anemone a reassuring lick on the cheek, he trots over to where a drapery or curtain hangs in loose folds against a wall.
Nosing his way behind it, he Shifts.
"Martin?" Anemone's voice lifts with alarm as his wolfish whimpers become a human cry of pain. "What are you... oh."
He steps from behind the drapery, holding a fold of it in front of himself for modesty, as the amulet is all he wears.
"I can sense it better like this and I need to think," Martin says, pressing the warm gem against his bare skin.
His voice is rough and raspy and he leans on the wall for support.
"Is there... something I can use to cover myself?"
Anemone shakes her head.
"Never mind. I've seen a naked man before."
He only hesitates a moment.
Skylar said the Mer-folk had no qualms about nudity and now isn't the time to be shy.
Still, Anemone definitely looks when Martin lets go of the cloth and he's far from comfortable as he circles the room, doing his best to ignore the shouts and bangs from the other side of the door.
"They'll be through, soon," Anemone says, anxiously chewing a nail. "They'll have the hinges off."
"What's on the other side of this wall?" Martin asks, resting his hand against the stones as the amulet's vibrations subtly increase.
"Nothing," Anemone says, shrugging. "The sea."
"Is there another way out of here?"
"There's the viewing platform but it hasn't been used in ages."
"What is it?"
"Just a window, really. Sometimes when Mother gave important speeches it would be opened so people could gather and watch from outside."
"Show me."
Anemone joins Martin by the wall and presses a recessed panel.
A section of stone bricks lowers into the floor, revealing what appears to be glass but when he reached out, his fingers encounter something more like jelly.
It ripples beneath his touch and he suspects if he pushed hard enough, his hand would pass right through.
"Careful," Anemone says. "You can get out but not back in. For security, you know."
Withdrawing his hand, Martin studies the scene on the other side.
It looks like an overgrown, undersea field, full of waving kelp and glowing corals.
"She's out there," Martin says, somehow certain of it. "In the sea grass somewhere."
Anemone gasps.
"But that's... There must be a hectare of the stuff. It would take forever to search it. Much longer than you could hold your breath, anyway."
The shouts on the other side of the door grow louder and Martin hear wood splintering.
"We won't have to search the whole thing," Martin says. "The amulet will guide me right to her. Come on, it's that or face Natalis and her guards."
"Martin... you don't understand," Anemone lays her hand on my arm and gestures at the view with her other. "This is outside the palace walls. Outside the barrier. If you go out there, there's no quick way back in. You'll drown."
Martin looks at her and smiles.
"Not before I free the queen."
Her eyes fill with tears and the corners of her mouth tremble.
"How many people do I have to lose today?"
"Hopefully just one. And you'll get your mom back."
"I want Sky back more," she whispers.
"Me, too," Martin says, taking her hand. "Come on. Let's do this before they break through. It won't take them long to figure out where we've gone."
Anemone nods miserably but her eyes shine with determination as well as tears.
"Deep breath," she says.
'Last one for the win,' Martin thinks and fills his lungs.
Then, hand in hand, they step through the barrier and into the sea.
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wadebabe · 1 year
a poem based on the beginning of children of the ocean
I am the ocean
They told me to open my eyes
My mother and father
I obeyed easily; they were always better at making decisions
My world was blue and filtered then
Thick with atmosphere and pure life
I was the ocean
I was the branch to every coral
I was every clownfish in every anemone
I was every crab buried in the sand
I was the wings of every manta ray
I was the barnacles on every turtle’s shell
I was the scale on every fish
I was the ocean
And I was Beauty
I reached by hand out, hoping to touch the nature I was
And my hand hit glass, cold and uninteresting
But, I was still beautiful
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supimjustwriting · 4 years
Some Things Can’t be Forgiven
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Nightmare Headcannons for Lucifer, Satan, and Mammon A Lovely Request From @luminouslydark​  Author’s Note: I’m so glad you enjoyed that large flower patch! I worked quite hard on it. So, I’m happy to hear that others enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy the way this smaller patch of flowers blooms as well! :D 
Lucifer - A soft knock on his door caused the eldest demon to sigh as he reluctantly pulled himself away from his paperwork. The male was ready to scold one of his brothers for bothering him, only to stop the second he saw your puffy eyes and trembling figure.
- Lucifer let you into his room right away pouring you a cup of chamomile tea. Hopefully the scent alone will calm your nerves if you’re not up to drink something. Though he will be a tad insistent that the tea will help.
- Once you’ve calmed down a bit. That’s when he’ll ask you what’s wrong. When he hears you having nightmares about Belphie. His heart drops. He loves all his brothers dearly and wants to say that none of them will ever hurt you but your welcome to devildom wasn’t exactly welcoming.
- The avatar of pride will take it upon himself to make you feel safe again. He’ll forbid Belphie to be alone with you and ask, tell his brothers to keep an eye on you if you two are in the same room.
- If that reassurance wasn’t enough. I can see him letting you sleep on his bed for the night. As much as he’d love to join you and hold you close, he can’t. Sadly he needs to finish his work first but once his work is over. 
- Later in the night you’ll feel a strong pair of arms wrap around you protectively while he whispers a promise that no harm will come to you under his watch.
“Rest well Y/N. I swear to you, that as long as you’re living with me. I won’t let a hair on your head be harmed.”
Satan - The blond was perplexed when he saw you huddled by the library’s hearth in the middle night. He was gonna quickly grab what he was looking for and leave, until he heard you sniffling. Concerned, he’ll gently tap your shoulder, apologizing profusely when you recoiled from his touch.
- When you explain yourself, he nods in understanding, hand on his chin as he assesses the situation. Flashing you a genuine smile. Satan offers you his hand and asks if you want to be distracted from the dream or talk about it. He’s read a few human psychology books so he mentally references them while trying to help.
- Whichever you choose he listens to every word you say carefully and holds you close if you allow him. When it’s all said and done though. You find yourself laying on the sofa or resting your head on his shoulder as he reads aloud to you.
“I’m truly sorry about that incident. I know it’s only words but I hope they’re enough to comfort you.”
- This boy was gonna make himself at home in your room until he heard quiet sniffles behind your door. Now his new plan was to bust into your room and protect you from whatever is making you cry. Did a lesser demon manage to sneak in? Was it one of his brothers? Either way, they’re getting an ass whooping for messing with his human!
- Seeing you alone calmed him down but it didn’t completely make his concern disappear. Did you want to go back home again? He understands that life is different here but in his own way he’s trying to make you as comfortable as possible.
- “Y/N?” his voice was unusually soft as he sat himself on the foot of your bed. The fear in your eyes broke his heart as his thoughts clouded with reasons why he was the cause of this. 
- When you explain to him your nightmare about Belphie. He was ready to burst into his room and fight him. If you don’t want them to fight. Then he’ll at least lecture his younger brother, steam practically coming from his ears.
- Though that would have to wait until morning. He doesn’t have the heart to leave your trembling form alone. Shyly he’d ask if he can bunk with you he’s reasoning being “As your first it’s my job to protect you. You can’t have bad dreams with the great Mammon around!”
-  When you agree, he’s a blushing mess but seeing you smile through your tears is worth it.
“Don’t worry human. I’ll protect you with everything I’ve got. It’s my duty as your first after all.” 
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belphegorbillickin · 2 years
Hey! I made a detailed and gender neutral quiz to help you find your best match! I would consider the top five as your best matches. I'd love to hear who y'all got and what you think about it!
Here are a few of my the questions below the cut!
#9 Now, what flaws could you forgive in a S/O even if they were fairly prominent? Try to just a pick the few that would affect your relationship the least.
#11 You're lamenting your lack of food budget when you nearly trip over something. You found an expensive looking wallet on the ground, what do you do?
#15 Would you have signed the contract to save the anemones like Yuu did?
#24 Which Dorm Leader would you want to lead your group in a magic-less life or death situation? Like say a zombie apocalypse or being stranded on a dangerous island? You don't have the means to do anything but obey them.
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demonologistfucker · 3 years
MC wants to meet some Creatures - Obey Me! Brother’s - Fluff
Gn!mc asks one of the brothers to take them to find a magical creature. This is for the main brothers, but if people want one for the newly datables just ask! I would love to do more <3
Is Cerberus not enough? We can go down and pet him if you like 
It’s going to take some convincing to get this trip to happen. Needlessly risking the human's life just to see something neat? I think not 
But your eyes were so big when you asked… fine. He’ll find something worthwhile that isn’t going to get you killed
Prep for the trip is Lucifer covering you in about 50 different protection spells. 
Then you’ll be flying. Hold on tightly and try not to look directly into the wind. That’s not good for your human eyes. Lucifer’s arms are firm around you as his wings stretch out. With a push you’re off. Being lifted from the ground purely from the strength of his wings? It’s an undescribable feeling. 
Soon you are out of the Devildom and flying above the Hell Wilds. A vast landscape of all sorts of terrors. From red grasses that could cut through bone, or the vast tar fields that bubble toxic gas. There is a beauty to it. Especially if you are safe above it all.
A large canyon comes into sight. “This canyon was cut by Lotan’s first rampage, and where Levi made Lotan his pet.” Lucifer begins to descend. Swooping down in a tight spiral to slip into the canyon. 
It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the darkness. Then you can see something glowing. Many somethings glowing. They crawl over the canyon sides. They are nothing like you’ve seen before, but if you were to pin down to something earth like… they are most similar to sea slugs? But they have legs and bright, piercing eyes. With beautiful fins running down their back. Each looks to be a droplet of a rainbow. 
“Gems left in the earth can collect enough magic to come to life.” They have no name, but they could fit in the palm of your hand. Tho please don’t touch they are highly condensed magical creatures and could shred your human body without meaning too.
“Can I trust you?” He looks at you with surprising serious. Though he’s scratching his chin which makes it a little hard to take him seriously. When you say Of Course, Mammon quickly cracks into a grin. “Alright, give me a day, but-” He just starts nodding and runs off. Delighted with his own idea too much to tell you more
The Next day you meet Mammon outside the house of lamentation. He is already in his demon form and has a large sack in his hands. Which appears to be full of weird trinkets and a whole lot of grimm. 
Where are you going? The Hell Wilds. Which is… so unhelpful because the Hell wilds are nearly infinite. 
Mammon scoops you up bridle style, and then you’re off into the air. Mammon cannot stop smiling, “I haven’t taken anyone here before.” He mainly says this too himself. But looks at you with so much delighted you can’t help but blush. 
This would be a much longer flight if Mammon wasn’t so good at using the air currents to his advantage. Diving to catch the updraft that send you both rocketing through the air. You’re at not risk of danger. Mammon wouldn’t let that happen to you, but it does feel like a roller coaster. When you level out, you’re facing a dark mountain. It cuts into the air with jagged certainty. Mammon lands halfway up its sides. 
“She doesn’t like it when I fly into the nest. So we’ll have to walk to the rest.” If you ask any questions about what is happening. His response is a grin. “You know how Crows and I get along? Well… this is where that started.”
The mountain is only partial rock. The rest is ash, twigs and mud stuck together to keep the mountain from falling apart. Crows and ravens sit perched along the cliff sides. Some crows come flying to the mountain with fresh mud to repair parts of the mountain. The dark birds watch you and Mammon with intense, unrelenting eyes. Mammon smiles to them, and carries on with ease. 
The path winds up to a crack in the side of the mountain. Mammon gestures for you to wait outside while he walks in first. You can hear something massive stir. The rustle of feathers and the scratch of claws against stone. Then Mammon pokes his head out and beckons you in.
Curled within the mountain is a great beast. It’s hard to tell one part from another because she is massive, and her dark feathers blend into each other. Her head is stuffed into the bag Mammon brought. When she sits up, she has a golden cup in her maw. The Crow Drake is stunning and terrifying. Her eyes are molten red, and her teeth cut through the gold. 
The Crow Drake is the matriarch from all the crows and ravens in Hell. When Mammon was young, he fled to this mountain and was given a drake’s comforts. As well as his first crow familiar. 
She reaches up to get a good look at you. Her beak pressing against you. Nudging you around and bringing her eyes right up to yours. Then she sits back and let's out a satisfied sqwaks. Mammon is about to say something when the Crow Drake leans over and picks him up by the collar of his jacket. Mammon is plopped onto her soft back, and she begins preening his hair. Making little noises every once in a while. “I know I used too much conditioner, stop harassing me” Mammon is blushing fiercely. 
“Gah! Why can’t Lotan be more gentle.” Levi really wants you to meet Lotan, but it’s highly likely that Lotan would try to kill you the moment you met. All the photos of Lotan have been just… blue scales, or a big eyeball. 
But Lotan is one of many Sea serpents. Actually, there are all sorts of magical creatures in the sea, and Levi is going to tell you about All of them. While he tries to figure out how to make sure you can breathe underwater. 
“I am not allowed near the merfolk palace though, so... Can’t take you there.” If pushed on the matter, he will turn red and stammer about how Lotan just wanted a snack. 
He found a spell! He’ll need Solomon’s help, but it should give you 24 hours of breathing underwater. Now it’s time to go into his tank. 
Did you assume that he just had a normal wall sized fish tank? Of course not. The back wall has been turned into a convenient portal to The Ocean. It’s not an earth ocean, and hell doesn’t actually have a lot of clean water. This Ocean is an in between realm that connects to the abstract of earth’s waters, and all the magic that one could possibly find in those depths. 
At first Levi gets distracted showing you all the fish. Look at the coral! And the trigger Fish! Oh, what a pretty anemone. He’s so caught up in showing you around that he’s not even embarrassed to be holding your hand the whole time.
 Levi is such a strong swimmer he barely even notices dragging you along with him. His tail easily propels you both forward, and with great agility he can swim through the coral reefs. Then you hit the edge. Suddenly there is a vast nothing below you. Light fades below. 
Down you go! It would be more unsettling if you didn’t have leviathan right besides you. Who is practically vibrating with his excitement. Underwater Levi looks so much more comfortable. Moving with such ease and without any hesitation.
You can feel the water begin to shift as something Massive approaches. Levi pauses and let's out a trill. Which is met by a deep noise that rattles your bones. 
Red is a hard color to see in the deep ocean. Not enough light in that wave length can reach that far down. So at first it’s just a dark dot in the distances. Then it’s brilliant red head comes surging towards you. The water rushes around as the sea serpent begins to swim in a spiral around you and Leviathan. Leviathan is beaming and spinning around to keep up with the Serpent’s face. Letting out happy trills sporadically. 
Eventually the Sea Serpent settles down and lets its body relax out. The Serpent stretches out so far that it’s back fines look so small. Yet their face is larger than a bus. The Serpent looks at you for a long while, and then it flicks it head upward. Which makes Leviathan blush a vibrant red. 
She approves
Satan needs two weeks to prepare! But he has an idea. How do you feel about sewers?
“The Devildom aqueducts are actually one of the cleanest places in hell. It’s really an astounding work of engineering-” he goes on for a while about all the intricate workings. Seems there is a lot of plant filtering the waters, as well as creatures that can digest what the plants can’t process. 
Satan gives you one of his books of magic. “I am their friend, but if you want them to accept your presence, it’s best to provide a gift. To show you mean well.” Unlike the others, Satan will give you a heads-up on whom you’re about to meet. Though, he gives the explanation as you’re walking towards the sewer’s entrance. 
“Their name is Elos, and they are one of the oldest chimera’s alive. They were created in less than stellar circumstances, but handled it rather well.” By eating their creator. “Now they used the leftover alchemical equipment to do their own studying, as well as keep the aqueduct ecosystem in balance.”
The entrance looks like any other sewer grate in a city. Satan can easily move the heavy cover off, and watches as you begin to climb down the ladder. Satan closes the cover as he starts his descent. The sewers are Massive. The tunnel is about 20 feet wide and 20 tall. A perfect circle, except for the walk ways going along the side. A sort of seaweed is growing at the bottom of the waterways. Little fish duck in and out of the waving reeds. Further in more plants grow along the side. Some areas have full banks that cover the waterways. You can also see long claw marks running along the sides of the tunnel. As well as the residue of a recent magical explosion. “Hmm, looks like Elos got annoying company.” Satan smirks at the blast marks. 
One of the original designers of the sewers was the grand wizard who made Elos. So there is a laboratory at the dead center of the sewer system. If one were to look at the blueprints, you’d be able to see a magic circle drawn by the tunnels. Well almost one. Those plans were later worked over to fix the functionality of the sewer system for the devildom. Elos didn’t want to do any city wide magic, so they aren’t really upset about it. 
Outside of Elos’s laboratory is a large blue door. Painted on it are bright yellow runes that start to shimmer green as Satan approaches. Satan knocks, and it’s a full three minutes before the sound of the door unlocking. With effort, it swings inwards, and the smell of chemicals and herbs assaults your nostrils. 
Satan goes about the polite introduction. Leading you into the laboratory, but it’s hard to pay attention. There are so many strange machines littered across the room, and Elos themself is a feat to understand. Their face is divided into three parts, one of a bull, one of a woman, and the other of an ape. They have large arms with hands that drag across the floor. Their fingers are thin claws of a bird. Chest comes from some great lizard not from earth. Hide legs appear to be lion like, and its tail is an arched scorpion stinger. Elos looks at you with deep eyes. 
When you present the spell book Satan gave you. Elos sneers at you but takes the book. “A gift provided from someone else is weaker… but will do.” her voice is a dry and raspy. Speaking with vocal cords never crafted for such intricate language. 
“Want to meet some of the lovelies that help me torment souls?!”  
They’re the creature Asmodeous has easy access to, so I recommend saying yes if you want to go with him
“They’re for a very specific time of person. The sort who think their beauty makes up for all the harm they caused.” A dark look smolders in Asmo’s eyes, but when he looks at you, it softens. Back to his normal bright heart eyes. 
Asmo summons a cab to drive you both to the outskirts of the devildom. To… a ranch? Soft green meadows stretch out as far as you can see. Wooden fences mark the edge of the road. When you look close, you can see sigils carved into the posts. 
Out in the field you can see them. Powerful horses with glimmering spiraled horns. Some are pure white with long wavy mains, but they are as diverse as any herd of horses. 
“My beautiful unicorns,” Asmo leans over the fences to get a better look at them. “You’ll get to have a closer look at those in the stables right now. They won’t be too happy about being locked up, but they’re so wonderful just to look at.”
These unicorns come from more of a… vicious tradition. Their diets are completely carnivorous and with a strong preference for humans. 
While you enter the stables, Asmo explains that these stables are more for necessary check-ups, and not where the unicorns stayed. They had their own dens somewhere in the meadows. Asmo hadn’t cared to find it, but it is out there. 
So the unicorns that are in are here to have a thorough cleaning by one of the stable works. No you cannot help I’m afraid. These Unicorns would not be able to tell you apart from the souls they are encouraged to feast upon. All the other folk who work at the stable are non-human, and they still get bite. What’s worse is when a Unicorn decided to charge. 
To make sure none of that happens, you’ll be safely on the other side of the door. Even though you can’t get close. You still can see the Unicorns very well. They are beautiful creatures. The shortest is still taller than the average horses. With eyes set more forward on their skull, and sharp angular bodies. Their legs are less brittle. With hooves that are divined into three sharp angles. 
While most of the unicorns with in the stable seem antsy to leave. They all give their own greeting to Asmo. A dappled gray is the most affectionate. Letting Asmo pet the sides of their face, and rubbing up against Asmo’s head. It looks at you with curiosity. Sniffs the air and whinnies. “I know,” Asmo coos. “They are very tasty looking, but you can’t have any. I want this human to stick around.” The Unicorn snorts and flicks it tail in annoyance.
His eyes light up when you ask to meet some magical creatures. “We won’t have to go too far… but we should wait till the house is quiet.” Que Mammon sprinting through the hallways trying to out run Lucifer. “They don’t like the ruckus.”
Beel asks you to meet him in the kitchen once everyone else has gone to their rooms. When you enter you find him setting out a tray with a dish of milk, honey, and some crackers. He then hands you a block of cheese. “Cut up some cubes of this.” and so you do. Beel doesn’t take any food from the tray, but he does rummage in the fridge while you get the cheese ready. 
Once it’s all ready, Beel sets the tray in the middle of the counter. He then pulls out a little golden bell, and rings it.  There is a beat of silence, and then doors you had never seen before open. One door is tucked into the wall trim, another in the backspace, and a third underneath the cabinets. Who comes tumbling out are small fuzzy creatures. They walk on their hind legs, and have large flat faces. Almost like a bat, but their eyes are old and wise. They are dressed in hand stitched clothes made from old table clothes, towels, or other scraps of fabric they could steal without much fuss. 
“Who is this?!” One of them points pocket knife at you. “My friend,” Beel says and when he looks at you he can’t help but smile. “Hmm… did your friend cut this cheese?” Beel nods. “Next time make them smaller. Our children will struggle to hold these.”
These are House Brownies. A type of fae that can be found in most loving homes. They are a people of high standards but with over whelming big hearts. Beel is the main reason the house brownies live within the house of lamentation. No one else remembers to set out food for them. So no one else gets the help of the Brownies. Beel however often finds that his chores have been done for him, and snacks are often left on his bed side table. Small snack since the brownies can’t carry too much, but he deeply appreciates it. 
Brownies are some of the easiest fae to talk with. The worst you can do is hurt their pride, but they are quick to accept earnest apologies. Not the sort of fae who will steal your name and trick you into dancing yourself to death… well… There have been a couple brownies who have done that. But the people were true assholes. 
One of the brownies who is dress in a floral dress comes up to you. They give you a once over, and then start to climb up the back of your shirt. Now on your shoulder, the Brownie sniffs your face and pokes your cheeks. The Brownie’s whiskers tickle, and it’s hard not to react. But their fur is so soft, and they smell like honey and clove. 
“You should have brought this one sooner.” The floral Brownie says in a sing-song voice. “They can bring us human snacks, yes?” “I want a candy!” Another brownie cheers. “Are human homes as noisy as demon homes?” “What is a cat? We hear the mean one speak of them, but never have seen them.” “Is cat friend or foe to the brownie?” Another brownie is now climbing you. This one decided to perch on the top of your head. “Human smells nice. Keep them Beel.”
“Okay, but you’re paying for their snacks.”
Which turned out to be nearly ten pounds of red meat. You’re also the one who has to carry the bag as you walk into the properly sketchy parts of the Devildom city. Belphegor looks as nonchalant as normal. Except for when he needs to glare at any other Demon who might start making eyes at you. 
Now it’s into the dark alleys you go. Winding past business and into tight brick alley ways. The surrounding buildings seem to tower up through the sky. Blocking the darkness above. There is even a hint of sulfur in the air. 
“Alright, set the meat down.” Belphegor stops at the intersection of four alley ways. It makes a small circle in the middle. The ground is dark and stained from years of murk. Moss grows up the walls, and blooms in the cracks. You set the meat down and then back up next to Belphegor. “Are you nervous?” He grins a little and then brings his fingers to his lips and whistles Loud. 
You can hear them running. Many heavy feet charging down the paths. They’re coming from every direction, and now hear their panting breath. Growling and snarls as they try to be the first to reach their meal. 
If you thought earthly wolves are big. You are blown away by the size of hellhounds. They keep their heads low but still stand at least three feet tall. Their teeth are as black as their fur, and they have barbed tails that whip back and forth in a frenzy. The Hell hounds are at first completely distracted by the food left out for them. 
“When they’re not hungry, they’re really sweet.” Belphegor crosses his arms and leans back against the wall. Patiently waiting for the Hell Hounds to calm down. “They’re in the city to hunt down pests. Lucifer see’s them as exterminators,” One of the Hell Hounds now trots over to Belphegor. It rams its head into his stomach, demanding attention. Belphie laughs a little and starts to scratch its ears. Now content that it’s getting love. The Hell Hound eyes you. First a sniff, and then it tries to bite your clothes. “Hey,” Belphie says in a stern voice, and that’s all the Hound needed. You’re not food? Well then you must be friend too. 
The message is spread through the rest of the pack, and soon you are surrounded. The Hell Hounds breath is rancid, and they will not stop trying to give you kisses. 
Two of the hounds manage to get Belphie on the ground, and sit on top of him. Belphie’s face is flushed, and he only tries to get them off half-heartedly. Then accepts their cuddles and closes his eyes. “They’re not allowed in the house. So I come here a lot… you can join me next time if you want.”
A/N: Thank you @squidubus for the great idea of Mama Crow Drake preening Mammon’s hair. I luuuv uuuu
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2goth2moth · 3 years
Ink and Salt (GN!Squidperson x M!Human, NSFW)
Once again, big thanks to @xo-philia for beta-reading this :-)
Word count: 3257
Includes: Non-human genitalia of the tentacle variety, d/s undertones, praise kink, self-lubrication
Nothing Tilu ever did was subtle. No one could ever really tell whether it was natural or an extremely dedicated choice, but they certainly let it into every part of their life. The way they flirted was no different.
“Wanna make out?”
Only mildly surprised, Blair glanced at them over the top of his book. They were stretched out on their stomach across the floor in front of him, propping themself up on their elbows. “I thought you wanted to take a nap.”
“Yeahhh, I did,” they said with a luxuriant stretch. “But I got distracted by the cute boy sitting in front of me. And now I want to kiss him.”
Blair felt his face heat up. No matter how long he knew Tilu, their bluntness never failed to fluster him. He put a bookmark in between the pages of his novel before setting it on the desk he was sitting at. “Really?”
Tilu laughed, pushing themself back until they were sitting up, cross-legged. “You have to stop asking me that every time I want you. I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t want to kiss you. Do you want to?”
Blair nodded feebly, getting off his chair and sitting on the floor in front of them. Sitting on the same level made their already significant height difference even more pronounced. Even standing over a foot taller and with Tilu’s head barely reaching his chin where they sat, he still felt like they were towering over him. The markings that ran, jagged and electric, over their skin made them seem larger than life, an unintentional intimidation that was made more difficult for him to bear because of how much he adored them.
A hard fingernail made contact with his forehead. “You’re freaking out, I can tell.” Tilu brought their hand down to cradle Blair’s face, stroking his jaw affectionately. “Don’t overthink this. We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to.”
“No!” Blair broke in, grabbing Tilu’s hands in his. ”I want to! I just…” He took a deep break to steady himself. “You’re so beautiful. I want to be good for you.”
A cool blue flush dusted Tilu’s face and ears. It rose prettily on their snow-white skin, contrasting with the rich wine-red of their markings. “You’re so fucking cute. Just get over here and kiss me already.”
He obeyed. Tilu’s hands found their way to his face again as their lips met. Their mouth was cool against Blair’s, and he shivered as the tip of their tongue traced the seam of his lips. Small, round fingertips caressed the delicate skin behind his ears as he opened his mouth to Tilu. Their tongue was long, and dextrous like the rest of them. It filled Blair’s mouth, flicking around his throat and palate, tracing over his teeth. He sucked on it gently, eyes fluttering at the feeling. His hands came to rest on their waist, stroking up and down their sides, dipping fingers up under the crop top they were wearing. Both of them were moaning softly and Blair could feel spit dripping from the edge of his mouth.
Tilu pulled away from him, leaving him slack-jawed and panting. They had translucent black saliva smeared around their lips. He was unbelievably pleased at the thought of himself matching. “I want to keep going.”
The question was unsaid but fully understood. “Yes please.” He whispered.
Tilu moved back in to kiss him again. It was sloppy, and their small, sharp teeth dug into his lips as they moved together. They shoved their hands up underneath his shirt, scratching over his ribcage and chest, pausing to lightly play with his nipples. He moaned again, loudly, and pulled back enough to let Tilu take off his shirt. His own hands found their torso, and began tracing over their markings. Dark red, spidery, scratchy things, they burst at the centre of their belly, curled over their delicate collarbones, framed pitch black eyes. He let one hand dip low enough to trace over the markings that rose above the waistband of their shorts. Even though he couldn’t see the rest, he knew that they marked the centre of their scalp and ran down their spine, and his mouth watered.
Clearly getting impatient, Tilu pushed him roughly. “Lie back.” They quickly stripped off their shirt, revealing an expanse of quartz-like skin. They ran their hands over their chest and abdomen, uninterrupted by nipples or a navel. “I want to ride your face and your cock.” Their shorts were next, a thin rivulet of black liquid dripping from a small slit in their pelvis down the inside of one thigh. “Take your pants off too, I’ll stain them.”
Blair rushed to obey, kicking his pants off his legs before settling on his back. His cock was half-hard already, lying flushed and sweet against the bottom of his stomach. Tilu shuffled over to straddle his chest first. They grasped his chin firmly, turning his head from side-to-side slightly, as if appraising a piece of art. A small thumb was shoved between his willing teeth. Blair sucked on it softly and thought that he would die a happy man if this was the last thing he ever saw.
“Good boy,” they cooed down at him, that pretty blue blush spreading to their shoulders and chest. “Are you ready?”
He nodded eagerly. Tilu pulled their thumb from his mouth with a quiet pop, the digit still attached to Blair’s mouth with a string of spit, and repositioned themself over his face. More black fluid was leaking out of them, slicking their public bone, running into the creases of their thighs. It smeared itself into the tacky mess of saliva already covering his face as they lowered their hips over his mouth. Blair flicked his tongue out to lap some of it up, the taste strong and salty. He continued running his tongue over their skin, doing his best to clean all the dark fluid up, not yet teasing their sheath. Tilu rocked their hips against his face in small, insistent circles. His adoring touch redoubled, brushing soft kisses and sucking small blue bruises anywhere his lips could find purchase. Still, as much as he wanted to, he didn’t start on their sheath. A tight grip in his hair broke Blair’s concentration and he pulled back, gasping, as far as he could.
Glassy black eyes stared down at him over the smooth milky stretch of their body. “Come on, baby. Don’t you want me to ride you?” Tilu smirked playfully at him, leaning back to play with the head of his cock. Blair let out a strangled moan, simultaneously nodding his head and trying to buck his hips into their hand. “You do, don’t you?” It was punctuated by a single rough grind down on his face. “Well, you have to get me ready first.”
With a nod and a whimper, Blair dove back in, now focusing all his energy on their sheath. Tonguing at the tender skin at the opening, he felt more inky liquid spill into his mouth, staining his lips and leaking out of the corners. He could feel Tilu getting more turned on in the way they rode his race more aggressively and sweet sounds of pleasure rose up from their throat. As he kept working them over, the tip of a cool, slick appendage emerged to probe his mouth. Blair opened his lips to let it in. It roamed his mouth, caressing the inside of his cheeks, wrapping around his tongue. He let it slip into his throat, tongue free to continue working at Tilu’s soft skin. More tentacles began slipping out of their sheath as he gently worked it open with his mouth.
“That’s right, baby,” Tilu murmured. They began running their whole hand up and down his hard length. “You’re such a good boy for me, aren’t you?” Their voice had gone soft and breathy in that lovely way it always did when they felt good. Blair could feel himself flush under their sweet words and touches, and he hummed around the tentacles slowly filling his mouth. There was no doubt that he looked like a complete mess: cock stiff and leaking on his belly, eyes full of tears, face and neck smeared in black slick and spit.
The way Tilu’s tentacles looked now was clear evidence of their pleasure. Teased out from their slit by Blair’s hot tongue, they bloomed like an anemone, gently waving about and stroking his face. His eyes rolled back in his head as more of them breached his mouth, stretching his jaw almost painfully, slowly fucking his throat. Moans escaped his mouth as he suckled on the salty-slick tendrils. A foggy haze was beginning to fill his head, senses overwhelmed by the sheer enormity of what he was feeling. The rich, briny scent of the black liquid, the pressure of tentacles filling his mouth, the rocking of their hips onto his face, the feather-light strokes on his dick. Tilu still pinned him to the floor with that bottomless gaze, although it now fluttered with every lap of his tongue.
Small fingers closed around the base of Blair’s cock with shocking force. His whole body tensed up and he moaned loudly, though the sound was muffled by the writhing mass of tentacles in his mouth. Tilu backed up from his face to straddle his stomach. They cradled his face lovingly, spreading the thick black slick around his mouth. Emotional tears leaked from his eyes and they wiped them away with a gentle hand. “Look at you. You’re so lovely, you know?” The way they continued touching, as if he were something to be treasured, nearly reduced him into a puddle. “I want to ride your cock now. Let’s see how much lovelier I can make you, hmm?”
“Oh my god, yes please,” Blair begged, squirming helplessly beneath Tilu. His desperation was met with a pleased smile that was filled to bursting with affection and needle-sharp teeth. They leaned down to kiss him sloppily. One hand worked over his dick in slow, teasing strokes as that long tongue licked deep inside his mouth again.
“I’m gonna make you cum so fucking hard,” Tilu purred against Blair’s mouth with one last kiss. They positioned their sheath, now open and surrounded by tendrils, over his steadily leaking cock. The tentacles curled sweetly around his hard length, like tongues and fingers in one, running along his shaft and just barely breaching the slit at the head. Sharp bolts of pleasure shot through his body, burning through his ribcage and making his toes and spine curl. A high-pitched whine tore from his throat. Tilu planted their hands on his chest, nails digging into the soft flesh above his nipples, and braced themself to lower down onto his cock.
Even heavily slicked and with their tentacles fully extended, the size difference between Blair and Tilu made this a delicate process. Pointed teeth stuck out over the ridge of their lip as they bit down hard enough to draw icy-blue blood, face a cool-flushed mask of concentration. The head of Blair’s cock pressed hotly into their sheath, the stretch just bordering on painful. It took all of Blair’s self-control to stay still under their body, effort betrayed only by breathy gasps and a lightly jumping muscle in his abdomen. The slick pressure that engulfed him felt unbelievably good. Easing down a little bit more sent Tilu’s head arching back violently with the beginnings of a strangled cry.
“Fuck, you’re so good like this,” they said through clenched teeth. “So patient. Just a little longer, okay?”
Blair nodded, moving his hands to rub reassuring circles into their calves. Tilu’s head being thrown back gave him an excellent view of the pearly skin of his torso. The starburst of dark red on their stomach dipped and rolled with their heaving breaths as they lowered themself the rest of the way down his shaft.
When his cock was fully seated inside of them, Tilu exhaled shakily, loosening their grip on Blair’s chest. Small red crescent-moons mark the swell of his chest where their hands had been gripping for dear life. They apologetically soothed the marks with their cool fingertips, rubbing the divots flat before ghosting their hands over his nipples. Teasing the nubs up to hard pebbles with feather-light touches, they worked over his tender flesh before giving an experimental roll of their hips. The movement dragged Blair’s cockhead against the slick walls of TIlu’s sheath. A bolt of pleasure shot through Blair’s body, drawing a long, low groan out of him. Another roll splintered the sound in his throat and drew the fluttering muscles in his belly taut. The look of stubborn concentration melted off of Tilu’s face, being replaced by one of confidence and pleasure. Blue flush now traced down their throat, chest and shoulders, as well as staining their face and ears.
Tilu stared down at him with a cocky smile. They pinched at his pebbled nipples, hard, and ground down onto his dick again. Their tentacles started winding around the shaft of his dick in earnest now, squeezing around the slickened skin instead of just teasing it. Leaning forward enough to place their lips against his ear, they whispered, “I want to make you cum so hard that you forget your own name.” Blair keened loudly, arching into them, nails digging into the meat of their calves. A single tendril snaked down to cup his balls. “Get fucking ready, baby.”
They rose up on their knees, his cock sliding out of them until the tip was the only thing stretching them open, before slamming back down. The feeling set both of them moaning loudly and Tilu began fucking themself on Blair’s cock properly. Their legs spread over his hips gave him a mouthwatering view of the inky black spread over them and the azure hickies that he left on their tender inner thighs while he ate them out. “You’re- AH- so beautiful!” The cool walls of their sheath were squeezing him tightly, the rest of his shaft and balls wrapped in slippery tentacles, nipples still being roughly worked over in skillful hands. His moans were quickly turning into cries in the face of such extreme pleasure.
A particularly hard grind sent Tilu’s black-glass eyes rolling back, the surfaces wet with tears. They moaned wantonly, long tongue lolling out of the corner of their mouth. “God, I love your cock so much!”
Hands wrapped around Blair’s wrists where they were still gripping into Tilu’s calves, wrenching them upwards so that he could hold onto their hips. He grabbed into the soft flesh, holding on as if they were a rock in a stormy sea. He could feel the muscles under their skin flex with every motion. Sparks were shooting through his blood, curling his toes and drawing desperate sounds from his mouth. “Oh shit! Slow down. Ple-ease! I’m about to cum!”
“Cum inside me, baby.”
Blair’s entire body was tensed up, but Tilu didn’t let up. They started bouncing even harder, even faster, walls squeezing around him. Leaning down to his chest, they wrapped their lips around his left nipple, keeping their hand teasing his right. Sharp, needle-like teeth bit around the sensitive bud, careful not to break skin, the pain soothed by flicks of their slick tongue. Translucent spit leaked out around their mouth, creating a mess across his chest. Their hips began stuttering on him but they refused to let up. Riding his cock with even more intensity, they bit down on his swollen nipple at the same time as a tentacle wrapped tight around his balls.
“Ah, I’m gonna...AHH!” The pleasure coming at Blair from every direction was too much and it tipped him over the edge. His hips stuttered deeper into Tilu’s sheath once, twice, before he came impossibly hard, near-screaming out in pleasure.
Tilu continued bouncing on his length, even as he spasmed with overstimulation. Blair could feel them getting ready to climax as their tentacles started writhing wildly and their chest began heaving even harder. Sweet, high moans were spilling rapidly from their lips, mixed in with curses and little words of praise.
“Fuck, just look at you. So gorgeous.” They dragged the nail of their pointer finger through the tacky mess of slick and spit on his face. “You look so damn good, even all filthy like this. I’ve never met someone as pretty as you.” Tilu always got sappy when they were about to cum. Sinking all the way down onto his softening cock, the tentacles splayed out like the petals of a chrysanthemum and the walls of their sheath constricted even tighter around him. Their back arched dramatically, and they came with a high-pitched whine. “FUCK!”
Blair rubbed his thumbs into the meat of their hips, feeling pulsing aftershocks go through them, the overstimulation making him flinch. They leaned down against his chest and kissed him deeply.
“Mmm, that was good,” Tilu murmured against his lips, smiling needle-toothed and affectionate. Rising up on their knees, both they and Blair groaned quietly as they pulled off of him. He looked filthy. Saliva and slick were drying in dark smears on his face, chest, and crotch, and he was still sweaty and panting. His eyes were foggy and happy as he sat up.
TIlu were barely in better shape. Thick, jet-black liquid, the remains of their orgasm, leaked out of their sheath, marbling grey with Blair’s semen. The mess covered the hickies on their legs, and almost their entire body was flushed, the cool colour lovely against their red markings. Their thigh muscles quivered from the stress of holding themself up for so long, and when they moved to sit beside him, he could see their knees were turning blue as well. Even so, their eyes were soft and warm, and they looked thoroughly content.
His heart still squeezed with regret. “Tilu, your knees,” Blair said, reaching out to catch one of their hands and bring it to his lips. He kissed their knuckles, then their fingertips, then their palm with a kind of apologetic reverence, settling the curve of his jaw against the inside of their wrist. “I’m sorry, I should have thought to put something down for you to kneel on.”
“Shhhh,” they chided, rubbing lightly behind his ear. “Don’t be silly. I could have put something down too, if I’d wanted to. Don’t be so hard on yourself, you were wonderful.”
Blair felt his face heat up again at their soft words. He leaned against their cool wrist, humming into the delicate skin there. “Okay,” he whispered. “You were wonderful too. You look very pretty right now. Like this”
Tilu smirked at him. “‘Like this’? Bruised and blushing and dripping cum, with all of my tentacles out?”
“No!” Blair blurted out. “I mean...yes, but I meant...satisfied? Happy. You look happy right now. I like seeing you like this.”
They stilled for a breath before surging forward and wrapping their arms around him. “You’re a goddamn sap, you know that?” They said, turning their head to the side so that their face was nestled into the side of his neck. “I also love you so, so, so much.” Tilu kissed his throat once- ever-so softly, ever-so sweetly- before standing up, tentacles starting to re-sheath themselves, and offering Blair their hand. “Shower with me?”
He looked up at his lover, standing there beautiful and happy, and he nodded.
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bansept · 3 years
Ichihime Week | Day 1: Flowers
Ichigo scratched his head, his thoughts running wild in his head as he stared at the internet research. Once upon a time, he fell in love, started to date the woman who loved him back and all was well in the most beautiful of many worlds. Honestly, everything with Orihime, now that they were officially together, was marvelous. Waking up, while it was fastidious before, was oh so sweet now. Going to his work, taking a meal, hell, even walking in the streets was a source of unlimited happiness if his beautiful girlfriend was by his side.
Not everything was all shiny and butterflies though: with some occasional “fights” between them, and moments of silence that go with the dating experience, Ichigo was always left feeling guilty. Everyone assumed it was for no reason, since it was normal to chew a bone occasionally. But then, the same people had not been the greatest of help finding the perfect way to reveal his feelings for the auburn beauty, and the young man had to it alone, so, he’d rather not listen to unexperienced dead souls.
A few days ago, Ichigo had been a dick. An unpleasant one. After a long day of listening to nonsense sputtered by tiny kids, who did not want to obey the requests of “an orange top man” and stretch properly otherwise they would be in pain, having the same remarks from an older sensei about his lack of smile and being drenched to the bone because of sudden rain, Ichigo had been exhausted. So much he had grumbled at Orihime, and made her feel like she was bothering him by welcoming him with open arms when, quite exactly, it was the opposite. But, of course, with his greatest weapon – grumpiness – he had managed to push her away, shut this enlightening smile of hers. She had forgiven him later, shrugging it off as “it’s just a bad day, it happens from time to time”.
So now, ashamed of his behavior, feeling unworthy to even look at her without a proper apology, he was asking to google what to do. A few ideas popped in his mind, but one can never be too sure about them.
Flowers. They could mean someone carrying their courage and revealing the truth about their feelings. They could mean an apology, a vibrant “I’m sorry” as well as a desire to remain close. Very good.
It was stormy outside, once again. This time equipped with a large umbrella, Ichigo walked to the ABCookies bakery, frowning at how utterly impossible it was to hide the bouquet of bright white and soft orange flowers with the green herbs surrounding them. People glanced at him, mumbling about how he was either trying to be forgiven for something or trying to have a good night. He ignored them, stopping at the corner of the shop.
Deep breaths. He could do it. He had to. Orihime would forgive him for almost anything, because she loved him deeply, but he would man up and truly deserve forgiveness.
The door opened with the sound of a light bell, right above the door, and Orihime was not to be seen behind the counter. Ichigo frowned, the other worker stopping in his tracks to stare at a tall, orange-haired and clearly confused man.
“Can… I help you with anything?”
Ah. So that guy in the work clothes was obviously new. Great. Ichigo walked closer to the desk, the sound of his shoes in the silent room making it look like he was ready to fight someone.
“Could you tell me where Orihime Inoue is? I have to talk to her.” He requested, nicely and politely.
The man, shorter than him, obviously sporting fewer muscles, looked him up and down, then at the flowers, then at his face.
“Who’s asking her? I’m pretty sure those flowers won’t make you have a date with her.” He questioned, crossing his arms over his chest to look scary, Ichigo guessed.
That little… The Substitute Shinigami breathed in deeply, opening his eyes wider to not yell at the young man, who was probably just doing his job and protecting his co-worker from, maybe, yet another dude asking Orihime for something…
“I’m her boyfriend. Could you please tell her that Ichigo is here? It’s rather important.”
The man behind the counter squinted his eyes at Ichigo, not trusting him, but still going to the back to ask for Hisayo, the “boss” of the co-workers, eldest and responsible of the shop. Who knew Ichigo and shook her head when she saw him standing there like an idiot.
“Yeah, Hiro, he’s right. Orihime and he are dating. Let him through next time, otherwise he’ll scare the clients away.” She chuckled, but her face was unamused, remembering how complicated it had been to convince everyone that no, he wasn’t from a gang and yes, her clients were safe, a few months ago.
The orange-haired man nodded at her and walked at the back of the bakery, in the resting room. There, he saw Orihime enjoying a little snack she had made in the morning, licking her fingers to not waste a drop of wasabi and red bean paste.
“Hime…” He talked, surprising her and making her face him, face full of food. Ichigo tried not to laugh at the spectacle, walking up to her and lowering himself down, crouching to meet her incredulous eyes.
“Ichigo? What are you doing here? I’m supposed to get back to work in 5 minutes…” She wondered, raising her hand to touch his hair and caress it.
“I know, I’m sorry I’m perturbing your time off. But… Listen, I’m so sorry for snapping at you the other day. I was tired, drenched and pissed off, and while none of that excuses my behavior, it still is what happened. Because of my bad mood, I downgraded yours too. Made you feel bad… Which I swore never to.”
He placed the flowers in front of him, right under her nose for her to smell, and her eyes widened again, mouth gaping.
“Ichigo… Really, it’s fine! I told you I understood that you were in a pissy mood the other day. You didn’t need to buy those…” She tried to refuse them, but her eyes had left him to stare intently at the tiny blossoms of white anemones, dahlias and soft orange geraniums. Her boyfriend really was… so many things, from sweet, kind to caring and atrociously scared of hurting her feelings. She needed to reassure him, tell him all was fine.
The young man in front of her watched as she accepted the bouquet with a hand and taking his in her left hand, intertwining their fingers together.
“I know I might be overdoing it… But everyone and everywhere, people say that one tiny thing can ruin a relationship if it’s not tended to, so I want to apologize for every time I’m a dick to you. I… Don’t want to lose you because of my bad temper.” He admitted, blush on his cheeks as if he was mortified to admit this out loud.
Orihime smiled gently, sniffing the flowers for a bit before lowering the bouquet on the table, far from her leftovers, to take Ichigo’s face in her hands, kissing him on the cheek.
“You won’t lose me because you grumbled. Or because you don’t talk to me for an hour. Or something close to that. I’ve known you for years and years, and that behavior is part of who you are, and I love it as much as I love your eyes, your hair or your hands. It’s part of you, and I would be a terrible person to ask you to change that. So… Everything is fine.”
Her eyes were shining like two gems, tiny droplets shaking in them as he nodded his head, hugging her close.
As the two enjoyed their time together, the feeling of being understood and cared for, the other workers left them have their sweet moment together. Ichigo thought, with a smile, he had done a good job bringing flowers with him, if Orihime’s attempts to touch them over and over again was a sign to take into account.
Well, well, well. Here it is! Day one of IH week 2021!
I decided to pick “flowers” because I wanted to write something cute but realistic. I think a lot about the thoughts and little scary moments Ichigo can imagine in his big head about his girlfriend, and how insecure that might make him. He might be Soul Society’s savior, he’s still a human boy that never got any kind of indication on how to act around women his age, and certainly not around his own girlfriend.
Flowers can be something cute, romantic, erotic, sad, desperate and so many more things. I decided to go with the meaning of the three flowers I chose: anemones, dahlias and geraniums. Go look them up on internet lol
Thank you for reading this! See you tomorrow for Day 2 hehe
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roadkillramble · 3 years
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Darkstalker : Great potential, shit execution
Aka me rambling about our favorite genocidal theater kid.
The opinion on Darkstalker in the fandom has a tendency to be very polarized : one side sees him as a redeemable character that is placed as a victim in the story, and the other as complete villain who is completely unjustified in his actions and should have died.
I think (and far from me to imply I'm the only one, I've seen a few other take note of it) that both are facets of the character, and not entirely true or false. Darkstalker is an extremely complex character that is both thematically rich, representing the madness of animus dragons and magic itself, and the feud between nightwings and icewings, that can be interpreted as somewhat dragon racism in general if widened a bit, as well as complex to portray due to his history of both being abuser and abused.
And, since Tui is both a child book writer, and quite frankly not very good at handling more deep themes in realistic ways (especially when her characters are grounded in real people), it was,, quite frankly botched.
A character I tend to compare him to is Bane, the albinos rat that is the main antagonist of Chronicles of the Underland. That book serie has a few things i could comment on, but overall, it handles a lot better a lot of darker themes, including a villain that is "destined to greatness" and abused. Both Darkstalker and Bane are born to a bad father that abuses them. Both are given an opportunity to do better, but continue to spiral out of control, with in Bane's case an extra layer of manipulation. Both end up as tyrannical leaders of a group that wants to commit genocide on another, although Bane goes further and the books are a lot more explicit about his acts. However, where Bane explicitly ends as a villain, and is killed, the fate of Darkstalker is to be reborn, "rebooted", which I personally found extremely unsatisfying.
I'd say Bane is a good character. Although his abuse is a massive part contributing to who he is, it is not an excuse, as there is a very clear limit after which you cannot excuse his actions, no matter how misguided. This limit is more grey in Wings of Fire, as actions tend to have a lot less consequences, and deaths tend to almost be meaningless.
I think his character is portrayed in the two ways the fandom sees him as in the books, hence the clashing. And i think sticking to one or the other narrative would have made a lot more sense.
I usually stick to the true antagonist route : the whole of arc two has an underlaying theme of using magic to transform other as being extremely bad (which makes Darkstalker's fate all the more puzzling), and he's the antagonist that is almost represented by this action, in the murder of arctic, and his manipulation of... Pretty much everyone.
His abuse can be present without his portrayal being insensitive toward abuse recovery : wings of fire is chokeful of abused kids, and one can very much be used as his reflection. In fact, it's interesting to see how the arc 2 character parallel the ones of Darkstalker's time. Moonwatcher is treated somewhat like Clearsight, Turtle is directly compared to Fathom, and both Qibli and Winter have parallels to Darkstalker (and none of the two became murderous like him, although you could argue it is because of the lack of animus power as an option to do so).
I'd have enjoyed this being explored further in the books : I'm not sure what good end Darkstalker could meet, but it at least would serve as a very good way to be directly confronted to his own choices. Especially winter, who is so similar to him while being the very tribe he despises.
He could realize that his choices were his own, and after a time not "forced" by any hand, or deny it. I think portraying all of his actions as things to be forgiven because he is hurt to be extremely dangerous : after all, he does transform a young dragon into his dead girlfriend, which is,,, gross, especially since it's a mind controlled version of her that basically obeys him, manipulates everyone into liking him (this one is *not* the worst, but adding up the rest is,,, ehhh), as well as provoke a genocidal plague upon a whole tribe. Even on a one on one level, he is manipulative toward Moonwatcher and Clearsight, and tries to get anemone, a child, to murder her whole family, which... You can't really justify by having a bad dad.
If he was to be redeemed, it should be before these actions in the modern WOF era, and with a heavy side of introspection on his actions toward Clearsight and Moonwatcher.
I enjoy the idea that didn't go through being that Clearsight would be revived. Her being the one to bring darkstalker down, to finish the job, feels right. She could have matured, with her life being spent with ppl who were not abusive toward her. She could have reflected on Darkstalker, offer him another chance, but take it back if he does not change. I don't like the fact it's basically tui's self insert from what I understood, and i don't have a vision of her as this perfect person, but being the one closest to Darkstalker, she also is the one with the most even field, especially if she is born again from his magic, which could have some implications of bypassing his other spell, mostly bullshit to justify how she could be able to harm him.
Hope, too, could have been the one to bring him down, in the way Yellowfang brings down her child, brokenstar (yet another exemple of this sort of character).
Finally, Moonwatcher, Winter and Qibli as a trio could be very good as the ones to take down Darkstalker, with the help of kinka and turtle. I like the idea of each being able to break at a part of him, with turtle being the one that handles the whole magic part.
That's it for now, disjointed ramble over.
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askjerrydandridge · 3 years
Aconite, Amaryllis, Anemone
(( MMMmmm delicious questions, last one will be challenging. I shall try my best ))
Aconite: What are your muses thoughts on their own species in general? Do they believe in inherent goodness of them? Generally self-serving? Etc?
(( I think this is best answered by Jerry himself ))
"I admire my own species, after all, I am one of them. They are more in tune with their surroundings, it's easier to talk to another of your kind rather than a human. Humans are people you need to put up an act around, they are incredibly sensitive creatures, the way they have treated life as a game to be played with is..disgusting? I don't know how to put it. Vampires have more appreciation for life."
"Inherent goodness.." He tapped his chin with a claw. "Evil is what we are known for, evil is a subjective concept though..so I wouldn't say we are completely rotten. Vampires do what they do because..well..we follow our nature. I believe that the brothers and sisters of my kind are capable of great things. My real sister is a different story, but we are allowed to hate each other too. I guess in conclusion to that piece, I do believe that. Yes."
"Self-serving? Among our kind, sometimes. It does not come often. There are many greedy vampires, I would put myself into that group. We have our own territory, gifts we only give if we are close. Like family. Or in clans."
Amaryllis: How proud is your muse, and what do they think of others with the same level of pride as theirs?
(( I will answer this one out of character, as I feel Jerry wouldn't be open about this part of himself ))
He is incredibly proud, you grow to become that when you are an ancient being that is around five hundred. Pride will eventually get to you, it isn't only a human weakness. Jerry likes to think of himself as a monster because he has accepted it. He thinks of himself as intelligent and above his peers. It makes sense when the only people around you aren't even a part of your species.
Hm, the other bit is interesting. I would say that Jerry admires them secretly. Then again, he would feel that they have an ego. Hypocrite. He thinks that those people are harder to interact with because Jerry can be a challenge to their own pride--vice versa.
Anemone: What was the worst rejection that your muse has experienced?
(( I'll pass this back to Jerry ))
"Worst rejection.." He clapped his hands together and rubbed them. "I usually get what I want, so not many rejections happen. So, something mundane would probably be more severe to me." He tilted his head down, chuckling a little. "When thralls don't obey, that is a horrible form of rejection. As leader, I must be listened to. When one person goes out of line, it can spread like a disease. I don't tolerate disobedience. That is why, sometimes, you have to remove the source. Cruel but necessary."
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thepoisonjackal · 3 years
finally someone else who doesnt like turtle, he just seems kinda selfish to me?? like blue realizes that obeying the system is letting people get hurt and stuff but turtle went on a whole rant about how terrifying animus magic is then proceeds to make anemone an animus right after
I don't hate Turtle by any any means, but he had a lot of potential that felt a little wasted to me. A lot of buildup with him seeing blood, going crazy over hitting Chameleon, and his guilt for giving Anemone powers but it never really goes anywhere. I get that there's passive characters in stories that don't want to be involved in what's going on but its not the best trait to have for your main character. As for Blue, I like him more than Turtle but his book just didn't interest me. Stuff happens to him more than he does things to impact the story. He also just falls into the trap that I'm dubbing Arc-Kickoff Syndrome, i.e., the dragon to start off the arc usually gets pushed to the side for the rest of the arc, even if they do some things they're never as involved once their book is over since their character arc is pretty much complete. Moon, Clay, and Blue all fall into this. This is just my opinion and observation of course, but that's why Blue just doesn't interest me as much as some of the other characters in the arc do.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 8 months
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*Warning Adult Content*
Cold water envelopes him in a crushing embrace and Martin Hunter nearly gasps at the shock of the sudden change.
Pain pierces his ears and his head throbs with intracranial pressure.
He can't see and his lungs feel like they're going to explode.
Panic closes in and his body convulses.
'Be calm. You're all right.'
Princess Anemone's voice sounds inside my head, the vibrations amplified by the water.
She uses just enough of her power to cut through the chaos and terror and make him listen to her.
'Open your eyes.'
He obeys.
Anemone is right in front of him, holding him by the arms.
His eyes are ill-adapted to seeing in water and his vision is blurry but he can make out a few details nonetheless.
Anemone's hair floats free like red silk and her skin is covered in delicate patterns of pink and green scales.
Her loose gown has fallen away, shed in the water and her legs have become a long fishlike tail.
The end flares into a beautiful, streamlined fin and smaller fins sprout from her forearms.
Delicate webbing stretches between her fingers and a pair of transparent inner eyelids allow her to see clearly underwater.
Her green eyes meet Martin's, her brows pinched and she lays her hands alongside his face.
'We don't have much time,' she says. 'I but if you allow it, I can buy us a little more. I can help you feel calm. Slow your heart rate. You'll be able to hold your breath a few minutes longer.'
When he was a kid, martin was proud to say he could hold his breath for a family record of three minutes.
At the moment, he feels like he'll be lucky if he lasts one.
Martin nods.
Anemone's lips move but again it sounds as if she's speaking directly inside his head.
'You are calm,' she says. 'Your heart beats like the slowest drum. Nothing hurts. You are safe. You're all right.'
It isn't true.
He knows it's not.
He's in serious pain and he's got minutes to live.
But he believe her anyway.
His heartrate slows, his fear melts away and a strange tranquility settles over him.
Martin feels like he could hold his breath forever.
Meanwhile, as Anemone looks over his shoulder and through the one-way barrier into the throne room, her own expression registers alarm.
'They're through,' she says and spins me around.
For a moment, Martin thinks she merely wanted me to see Natalis pointing angrily and shouting soundlessly at her guards.
Then, she wraps her arms around his chest, hugging him tight and streamlining his body against hers.
'Tell me when when you sense her strongly,' Anemone says. 'Tap my arm. And pinch me if we overshoot.'
Martin nods and makes a noise in his throat.
Behind them, he hears other noises and Anemone says something in Mer-folk that sounds like a swear.
'Kárkos. They're gaining on us. Hold on.'
She pulls up sharply into a backward loop and shoots straight down towards the kelp.
Martin expects her to pull up again and level off,but she doesn't.
He shuts his eyes, thinking they're about to smash into the sea floor but with a swish and a slimy caress of kelp fronds, they shoot down and into the forest.
Then I understand.
The grass-like fronds are like the top of a dense, rainforest canopy.
Each clump is attached to a long stem, which is anchored to the sea bed several meters below.
Now they zip along among the strands, invisible to those pursuing them above.
In the meantime, the amulet grows hotter with every beat of his heart, until if it weren't for the fact it's submerged in cold water, Martin's fairly certain it would be sizzling against his skin.
It's pulsing vibrations increase as well, until it seems to fill the cavity of his chest and he can feel it buzzing in his bones.
Martin taps Anemone's arm, signaling that they must be very close but at the same time, something bursts down through the canopy of kelp overhead in a cloud of bubbles.
Natalis, flanked by two guards holding long, flat-bladed spears.
Anemone swears again and veers off to the left, darting through the kelp like a startled fish.
Martin pinches her and taps her arm.
'I know,' she says breathlessly. 'Natalis must be guarding the spot. She must have realized she doesn't have to catch us. She just has to stop us from reaching the statue in time.'
I make a sort of squeaking moan which I hope will translate to 'What do we do now?'
Somehow, she understands.
'Leave Natalis to me. And plug your ears. When I let go of you, swim straight down. The rest is up to you.'
Martin shakes his head.
Despite the super-powered pep-talk she gave him, oxygen deprivation is taking its toll and his mind is starting to cloud while his lungs burn.
'I'll be useless on his own.'
Anemone isn't having it.
'You can do this, Martin,' she says. 'I know you can. For Sky.'
Martin doesn't know if it's the power in her voice or the delusion of an oxygen-starved brain but he believes her.
'For Sky.'
Martin taps Anemone's arm again and nods signaling that he's ready and she gives a strange whoop, like a war-cry and does another brain churning loop and barrel roll, shooting back in the direction they'd come.
He spots Natalis through the kelp strands.
She spots them, too and points, shouting something to her guards.
'Earplugs, now,' Anemone hisses.
Martin stuffs his fingers in his ears.
Anemone drops him like a torpedo launched from the bottom of a submarine and he sinks fast on a downward slanting trajectory.
Before Natalis can react, Anemone pulls up short and releases the most hellishly terrifying sound Martin has ever heard.
Any fish in the vicinity that doesn't immediately die of a heart attack is going to be severely traumatized for the rest of it's life.
It's some sort of acoustic weapon and it works, at least on Natalis' guards.
They drop their spears and flee, leaving Natalis to face Anemone alone.
Natalis isn't easily distracted, however and turns her sight on Martin but Anemone isn't done.
With another hellish shriek, she accelerates again, her long tailfin whipping back and forth like the tail of a shark and crashes straight into her sister.
Much as he'd like to, Martin can't stick around to watch the fight.
He's got his own task to finish, one last thing, for Sky.
Unplugging his ears, he blinks and scan the dimly lit sea floor for any indication of a statue-like shape but it's all gray and featureless, drained of color to his surface-dweller's eyes.
The amulet is a steady guide, though and grows hotter as he descends, telling him, he's in the right place.
Something falls past his ear and Martin looks up to a sight that makes his heart thuds painfully in his chest.
He doesn't know how long he's been holding his breath at this point but Anemone's magic has about done all it can.
As has Anemone.
Natalis holds her by the throat and then she goes limp.
She releases her sister and turns blazing eyes on Martin.
'Oh shit.'
Something else whizzes past him and he turns to see one of the guard's spears embed itself in the sea floor, stirring up a cloud of silt.
It gives him an idea.
Kicking his legs furiously, he hugs the sea floor and stir up as much silt as he can, muddying water, like an octopus releasing a cloud of ink.
Then he kicks off the bottom and shoots to the side in the direction the amulet seems to be leading him.
Somehow, it works, at least for a moment.
Just as he clears the cloud of silt, he sees three tailfins disappear into it, giving him just enough time for one last look.
Martin finds it mostly by accident.
He swims right over it, in fact, a little canyon, about an arm's span wide and maybe ten feet deep, lit with a tell-tale glow.
He drops into it, his blurred vision revealing a narrow passageway and the entrance to small cave.
Praying that Natalis hasn't stationed some monster in here to eat him at the very end, Martin swims inside and then he sees her.
The queen, just as she appeared in replica and yet so much more majestic, somehow.
She sits upon her throne, one hand resting palm up as if to give or receive something, the other pressed over her heart.
Martin swims towards her.
Red and black blotches obscure his vision and there's a ringing, no... a singing in my ears.
The most beautiful music he's ever heard.
Forcing his cramping muscles to obey, Martin pulls the amulet over his head and place it over her's.
Something cold touches his side.
A spear embeds itself in the base of the throne.
Martin looks down and see blood spilling into the water.
The blade must have grazed him.
'Oh well. It's not like I can die more than I'm already dying.'
His vision clouds.
A rumble shakes the deep.
Something powerful stirs.
On the verge of oblivion, Martin looks up and see the amulet pulsing like a red heart.
Stone cracks.
Stone shatters but it falls away to reveal the beauty trapped beneath.
The queen awakens.
Strangely, in this last moment, Martin's vision is perfectly clear.
He sees long golden hair floating free and a face that resembles Skylar's powerful yet delicate fins, blue green scales and eyes like gems of the sea.
Martin smiles at her and she tilts her head to the side and reaches for him but he shuts his eyes.
'I've seen enough to give me peace.'
Then Martin Hunter opens his mouth, water fills his lungs with liquid fire and the darkness takes him.
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adiabolikpastel · 3 years
Title: Lunar Eclipse Masquerade
Laito pt. 1
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 1,576
Pairing: Laito x Yuki (m/m)
ღ Living with Laito has it's challenges, but Yuki just wants to try to make things right - but were they ever? ღ
Mun Yu: This is going to be presented a little different than my other written works. Since it is so long, I have decided to publish it in parts, rather than the novel that it is. Each boy will receive their own post, some getting more post than others. For each post, it will make a sort of time line of events - to help paint the entire story. All post will begin with the premise, and the continuation under the cut. Enjoy.
Additionally: I would love to thank @akai-anemone for their wonderful analysis on the affects of the Lunar Eclipse in DL
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
Despite what most people think, demonic beings are very social creatures. The elites hold countless balls and parties, celebrating their immortality together, and entertaining one another with stories. Typically, they are done in celebration for something – though this is not always the case. All types of beings from across the Demon Realm will come if the host is of high enough prestige.
There would be no such host if it was not for Karlheinz. Seated as the head of the Bat Clan (vampires), Karl’s reach spans far. Being the widow for the former Demon King’s daughter, and having children of the first blood, an invitation from the Vampire King is not one to refuse. Though why would you? In his immaculate castle within the Demon Realm, Eden Castle, it is always quite the spectacle. While the celebrations held in his Human World mansion are nice, nothing compares to a true night of pleasure within the true home of the King.
On this night, there was to be a Masquerade in honor of the first Lunar Eclipsed Moon in over two years. While this night may serve each species differently, the idea to celebrate its return was simply too tempting. For this reason, Karlheinz took it upon himself – or rather – his house, to host the event. This extended to his offspring as well, regardless of their personal agenda. Members of every social elite race accepted the offer, and gathered for a truly unforgettable evening.
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With Yuki still in school, there were large hours where he was unable to see Laito. He longed to simply quit, but his keeper wouldn’t allow that. Dr. Reinhart had been nothing but kind and accommodating to him. So there was no way he could disrespect him in that way. The doctor was already understanding of his desire to leave the Sakamaki’s manor with Laito.
It was under the condition that he be responsible, so Yuki got a job during the day. In the mornings he would work at a coffee shop. It was a miracle that he even got the job – but Yuki was fairly sure Laito secured it for him. Laito was so kind! There was no way he would have been able to do it on his own.
He was actually surprised that he wasn’t fired. Yuki was never loud enough for customers to hear, and people in the morning can be really angry! Yet here he was, at 7 am, working. He’d had this job for a couple of months now. On this particular morning, he would be there until noon, which wasn’t too bad.
“H-How can I help you?” Yuki asked, as the next guest came up to the register. They ordered very quickly, “Ua… I’m sorry… Could you say that one more time?” He was able to understand it a little better, “One… um… Do you want that with regular milk or-" The guest glares at him, “S-Sorry! My… I don’t work that fast so if you could…” They repeat to him once more, this time much slower. “Thank you… We’ll get that ready for you…” He offers them a smile and they go down to the other window.
The day continues like this, though most people are less patient. Finally his shift comes to an end, and the manager calls him into her office. “You… asked to see me?” She directs him to sit as she finishes sending a text. Yuki obeys, sitting in the small chair, fidgeting slightly.
It feels like forever before she finally acknowledges him. Telling him finally that his work ethic is there, but he has no talent for customer service. However, she would be willing to keep him on, if he gave her his ‘friends’ number. She goes on to say that after they hooked up a few times, he’s never given her a phone number to call him at.
Yuki sat motionless for a moment. It wasn’t as if the news was surprising. Laito had always slept around. However, this felt dirty. “… I’m sorry ma’am… Senpai doesn’t have a number to call. So… if that’s all…” He needed to get out of here. It was taking all of his strength not to throw up. The manager tries to start talking again, but Yuki excuses himself and rushes out of the shop.
He ran as far as he could, before his stomach couldn’t take it anymore. Moving away from others, he can’t help but lurch over and let his body cope. It felt awful. Not just the act of heaving, but the pain in his chest to go with it. Why was everything like this? Yuki could feel tears sting as he lowered himself into a crouch.
What was he lacking? Was it so bad that he was a man? Wasn’t it enough to love Laito more than anything? Why was this so hard? Yuki couldn’t even answer himself as the tears fell onto the ground. What was he doing all of this for? After allowing himself a moment to calm down, Yuki walked home. Normally, he would use this time to jog, but he didn’t think it was smart to do that today.
He and Laito were renting a luxurious apartment, which Laito mostly ‘paid’ for. Yuki wasn’t sure how he did, but decided it was a vampire thing. The little money that Yuki made himself, went to keeping food in the house. Even though Laito ate that too. As Yuki entered, all the lights were switched off. This was normal, as Laito was probably sleeping.
Yuki moved as quietly as possible, and walked over to his ‘room’. Laito didn’t want to get any more space than needed, so if Yuki was adamant on living with him – he would have to be on the coach. Today this all seemed to bother him. Perhaps it was because he never got to see Laito anymore, even though they lived together. With school, work, and who knows what Laito does – it was as if the two were strangers.
Perhaps that is what hurt the most? Why all these thoughts and worries ran through his head. Yuki decided that it was not the time to think too hard on it – as he was exhausted. So the small human used the restroom to change, get ready for bed, and tucked himself into bed. Determined that tomorrow night he would see Laito.
“Huh!? How did you find me?” Laito’s voice startled Yuki awake. Shooting up in worry he looks around to see Laito sitting at the breakfast counter. Nude it would seem, aside from his headband. Before him was a raven, but it wasn’t making any sounds. “I do not plan to ever go back there.” Laito affirms to the bird.
Yuki sits up and scuttles to the restroom while Laito finishes his conversation. When he comes out, the vampire is pouting while eating some cereal. “Even when I'm gone they expect me to do these things. I cannot believe this.” Yuki walks into the kitchen to prepare himself some food, but all the cereal is gone. “… Laito-senpai… are we all out of-?”
“Hm? Oh… I didn’t see you there.” Laito smirks at the human before him. “Sorry~ I was so hungry after… well… you get it. Ah, but you have no school tonight right~ Go to the store and buy some more.” He finishes the last bites of his own.
Yuki nods softly, deciding that he didn’t need breakfast anyway. “Senpai… I was… could we maybe… tonight…”
“Ehh? Laito-kun has plans tonight. Not to mention my glasses wearing older brother, has told me to come home.” He says, sighing and walking back to his room. In a bit of a panic, Yuki follows after him. Laito tries to shut his door, but Yuki gets in the way, squeaking in pain for a moment. “What is it, Stalker-kun?”
Yuki held onto Laito’s door, he wanted to ask him if he could go with him. Wanted to tell him about yesterday. He didn’t want to be left alone in this place. “C-Could I… we could go… together! That would be… better right… I mean…”
Laito looks down at the human trembling in the doorway. Then out into the living room. The place was well kept, but it had Yuki’s things everywhere. His school books, clothes, blankets. “When are you going to get it?” He finally says. Yuki looks up at him confused. “Don’t you think it’s been long enough? I am annoyed with seeing you all the time.”
Yuki's heart thumped in his ears. He could barely hear what Laito was saying. He was annoyed with him? They barely got to see one another, and he was annoyed. “M-Maybe if we… were actually able to… to sp-spend time together… l-like before…!” Yuki could feel his fist gripping tighter to Laito’s door. He didn’t know what to do or say.
Laito let out a tsk, “I am able to do as I please now – though clearly not as much as I had thought. Why would I need to keep you around? I do not need your blood. I do not need your body. Fufu…” Laito reaches down and takes a hold of Yuki’s chin, “You are an eyesore to me…. And I want you out.” Without another word, Laito effortlessly pulled Yuki from the door. Tossed him slightly out of the way, and closed the door behind him.
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。 TO BE CONTINUED ☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
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supimjustwriting · 4 years
Leviathan’s Bouquet of Roses
Trigger warnings: Self doubt, Anxiety, Angst
It’s been a few months since you’ve been in devildom and befriended the otaku. To celebrate your months of friendship. Leviathan decides to buy you a gift! Though things don’t go as planned.
Author’s Note:
I’ve posted this story on Animo already but I thought I’d share it here as well. I hope you enjoy and friendly reminder that requests are open.
Yellow Roses Meaning: Jealousy, Friendship, Joy, Remember Me Read the other brothers versions: Lucifer, Mammon (WIP) , Leviathan <- You are Here, Satan, Asmodeus (WIP) , Beelzebub (WIP) , Belphegor (WIP)
“Henry! Can you believe it? It’s been almost three months since I’ve befriended the human. Sure, they tricked me into it but they’re a lot nicer than I thought,” his eyes darted around the room, making sure no one was listening in on him and his best friend. “Just don’t tell them I said that, okay?”
Speaking of the human. Maybe he should reach out to them, just this once. Not that he believes anyone would want to speak to a worthless otaku like him. Though they do regularly reply to his texts, answer his phone calls, wave at him on the rare occasion he leaves his room. No, no. He’s simply overthinking it. There’s no way someone as perfect as them took him seriously. It has to be pity. Yeah, that’s it. It’s safer to think this way after all but something nagged at him. Even if it wasn’t real. The least he can do is thank them.
Humming at the thought, Leviathan’s amber eyes scanned his room looking for good reference material. Should he do what the protagonist did in ‘I Thought You Totally Hated Me But It Turns Out You Were A Tsundere This Whole Time?’ It could work. Though he wasn’t in a romantic relationship with the human. So, red roses were out of the option. Besides, they reminded him too much of Asmo’s fans trying to win over his affection, not that he wanted to be praised by his friend or anything. So, to the internet he goes.
Wanting to gift the human flowers. He expected a reaction similar to ‘Welcome to My Flower Shop Where Everything is For You,’ just a giant grin and maybe just maybe a tear or too.
“Maybe I’ll even get a hug!” He grinned to himself, feeling himself sway with glee. “Wait. Focus Levi. This is just a simple gift for a friend. Nothing more should be expected.”
Carnations are pretty but the white and pink ones might make them think I’m hitting on them. Then there’s the two-toned ones but I don’t wanna say that I cannot be with them. What if they think I want to stop being friends?
Pfft! Sunflowers can mean false riches. I can totally see Mammon mistaking them for real gold too.
New beginnings and forgiveness, huh? Maybe if they don’t like the first bouquet I send. I’ll send them daffodils next.
“Maybe I should stick to roses after all. They’re a classic for a reason,” he mumbled to himself as he lazily scrolled through the meanings. “Blue for unrequited or fairy tale love. Purple for royalty and pride,” his amber eyes sparked interest as they landed upon yellow roses. “Friendship. Check. Remember me. It’ll be nice if they did. Plus joy! Ahh, this seems perfect for them!” Ordering the yellow rose bouquet, the purple haired male fiddled with his phone debating whether to warn their friend about the surprise. “No, no. I bet their smile will be absolutely adorable,” for once, Levi felt like something was going right in this unfair world.
Waking up extra early, so his brothers won’t spot his highly anticipated package. Levi brought the roses to his room, leaving a sweet scent in his wake.
“Now I just need to think of the time I give it to them. Maybe after dinner? Yes! Just like in that other scene from  ‘I Thought You Totally Hated Me But It Turns Out You Were A Tsundere This Whole Time?’” With that final thought. Levi left the bouquet in a spare vase with a bit of water. He didn’t want them wilting on him now.
Soon enough it was supper. Seating himself at his usual spot, he couldn’t help but steal glances at the human. Feeling a fire burn in his stomach as they laughed at Mammons jokes or complimented Asmo’s looks. Did he even hear them make plans to take a nap with Belphie? He was their friend first. They should at least hang out with him to watch anime or play video games. Besides, he has a gift for them. Not that he told them yet but still! It’s the thought that counts.
Once he finished his dinner, Levi rushed to his room. Sighing in relief as everything seemed to be in place. The flowers weren’t wilted and it didn’t look like Mammon snuck in and stole anything. It looks like everything was going to plan. All he had to do was go to the living room, meet up with his friend and give them the flowers. Easy enough. Just don’t think of your stupid brothers faces if they happen to be there. You don’t want to ruin your moment with them after all. Taking a deep breath. Levi headed to the living room, hiding the bouquet behind his back. 
To his dismay, his brain decided to barrage him with doubt. They won’t feel his sweat on the steams right? What if they hate yellow? That means the daffodils will be a bad choice too. Will his brothers tease him? Well, that wasn’t new but it still hurt. Shaking away the storm, Levi put on his best smile as he walked into his destination.
The sight burned his throat as the rose stems snapped from his grip.
“Hey Levi! Wanna join us?” they cheered, Mammon’s arm draped around their shoulder as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. “We were just talking about-” Levi shook his head violently, fighting back tears. “I was just looking for something!” He took a quick glance around the room, already noting as Mammon’s suspicion grew. “Guess I was mistaken. See you around!”
The male practically sprinted to his room, leaving a trail of yellow petals. A slam was heard down the hall causing both Mammon and his friend to jump. Getting up to check on Levi. Mammon grabbed their arm, shaking his head. “I might not be the sharpest stick in the pile but I think it’s best if we leave him alone for now. As your first it’s my job to protect you and all of ‘that’, That screams danger to me,” reluctantly the human sat back down beside Mammon, laying their head on his shoulder.
“I just hope he’s alright..”
“I should’ve known! This always happens to me,” Levi screamed. Throwing the bouquet to the ground, stomping on them. His amber eyes flickered to the now crumpled piece of paper that demanded his attention.
Clearing his throat Levi read the content aloud, his voice dripping with venom.
MC I just wanted to thank you for letting me be myself around you.
You make me feel like I’m worth something and that maybe 2D people aren’t that bad. Just maybe though.
Since its been a few months of us being friends. I wanted to get you something!
I really hope you like yellow roses. Looking them up I read that they meant friendship and remember me.
I know it’s a lot for me to ask but it would be really nice for you to remember me after you leave devildom. A worthless otaku like me isn’t worth remembering but I can’t help but ask.
I guess things are just easier to write.
Levi Groaning at his own words. Levi tore up the letter before tearing into the roses, leaving them in the trash.
If only he remembered that yellow roses were also the symbol for jealousy.
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