#wish me luck frens
ageless-aislynn · 2 months
Well, friends, this week since Camp NaNo ended has truly been one of the most... weeks I've had in a while. 😑 I won't bore you with the details but it honestly was a rough road. 😵‍💫
On the writing front, my word count was enough for me to "win" Camp NaNo but I still failed to finish anything.
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Yes, "15 Minutes" chapter 11 went through 14 different drafts just in July. Draft 7 and 8 are only a few minutes apart because I completely threw out 7 and restructured it into 8. Nothing has helped. I'm stuck on not only bringing home the events in the chapter, but in shuffling in things from later chapters, taking them back out, restructuring the order of what's here. It's a mess.
It's solvable, of course, but here's the heart of the issue: I don't feel like writing. If you asked me what I would like to do for fun, writing isn't even on the list of options right now. Honestly, if I didn't feel SO compelled to finish what I've started, I'd just chuck all of my WIPs over my shoulder and not look back. But that will legit haunt me for some reason so I can't. But I don't feel like writing, I just don't. There's no joy in it for me right now. I don't know how to get that back. I've rested. I've shifted to other projects.
I was thinking about what I've done in the past to recharge my writing and it finally dawned on me: I always shift to vidding. That way I'm still "storytelling" but I'm thinking visually/musically instead of just in words and that seems to help for some reason.
But I haven't had my Vegas since last November. No wonder my creative batteries are almost dead.
I was hoping to finish/post chapter 11 before I try reinstalling Vegas again, in case it absolutely tanks Georgette. I think I'm going to have to take the chance now, though. Otherwise, I don't know that there's any hope I'll ever finish anything writing-wise. 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, we'll see how it goes. Wish me and Georgette luck!
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(Technically, that's me, Georgette and Eobard. Who knows, maybe Eo wants to do some vidding, too? 🤷‍♀️😂)
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endlessnightlock · 1 year
the smut demon is tapping on my shoulder again
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sailforvalinor · 2 years
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new years resolutions!! And why I should try to achieve them for motivation (no specific order)
Find out what's wrong with my legs -> kinda obvious, so Ik also for mobility aids
Eat healthier -> even a little bit will help my body, I shouldn't feel guilty for not eating healthy when I don't have the energy for healthy food though
Get accommodations at school before February -> well that's kinda obvious, it'll help me
Exercise 10 - 30 minutes a day-> have a more masc body
Less screen time by even just 10 minutes at first, then more and more slowly -> I'll get to sleep earlier hopefully, and find better and/or more productive things to do
Age regress more -> also kinda obvious, coping mechanism
Get to know myself better -> well, I'll know myself more, my triggers, strengths, weaknesses, and how I can improve
Make at least 1 new friend irl -> frens!!
Draw at least 10 minutes every day -> I'll draw more
Try wearing a mask more -> for disabled ppl, even one person can make a difference bc it'll convince other ppl to mask more hopefully
Start birth control -> no shark weeks!! I can do so much more!! Wish me luck if I do start it tho bc I heard it can cause irregular shark weeks
Let go of at least 5 things I don't use, need, or want anymore
Start therapy and get a therapist that I trust and won't ditch me like the last one
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urban-hart · 2 years
Hi yes, so. I am sort of back because I am honestly more lonely than previously realized, gosh I could use some friends. I mostly just need the (entirely self-imposed, I'll be honest) pressure of posting my own stuff, off my back for a while longer. Thus, I shall mostly lurk and invest in Fren Art instead for the time being. :) Frens here are so freaking hard-working and good at what they do, and I need moar of it.
Retail has been. Overall an okay experience actually. I've been fortunate to have fellow staff whom I actually like and patrons who have been for the most part quite lovely. That said, it's been 6 months and I need out of the drudgery.
Recently, I've been applying online for things art-related (and with the lowest bar possible set for entry level positions-- ie too poor/unmotivated to pursue higher education, but needing to start somewhere), so please pray/wish me luck. :') having to basically sell yourself for usually nothing is exhausting, and I seriously wonder if I have some mild form of ADHD that scatters me so on my off-time.
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I made some Homestuck oc's...hope my fren sees them! (I recently started watching a reading of the entire comic on yt. Wish me luck)
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@h00mb00 (notice me senpai -)
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gatheringofaccounts · 1 month
peace ya'll
I'm playing Dandy's world with sleep deprivation and being on mobile
Wish me luck
Dear person: you my fren :>
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ageless-aislynn · 4 months
For @mrtobenamedlater @acidalic and, you know, anybody else who cares? "Recreation" chapter 4 is set to post on Monday, May 13, should Georgette be agreeable! *crosses fingers in PC that continues to crash most days* 🤷‍♀️
Why not today? Well, I'm hoping to be able to make one more GIF if I possibly can get around the restriction of not having my GIF making program, lol! Wish me luck! 😎👍
If I can't make the GIF, then it'll just have to post with what I've got but I'm hoping to get this to work!🤞😣🤞
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endlessnightlock · 2 years
While I’m waiting for my writers block to clear, I’m actually editing Home Is Wherever I Am With You with the intent to self-publish! I’ve been telling my mom (whom I wrote the story for essentially) for years that I’m going to let her read it. The goal is to give her a copy for Christmas. 
What has held me back was the idea that I need to expand the story before printing it, but I’ve finally come to the realization that it’s mostly okay as-is. Just some minor edits and fleshing out are needed (I think) and removal of the smut. We’re just leaving a lil’ bit of sexiness to the story in order not to shock Endlessnightlock’s mom and family, lmao.
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Birthday, not mine.
Day 17
It was nice to go out and see my frens. I am tired but reluctant to go to bed because once I go to bed… that’s it. The insane six weeks will have begun. Tomorrow is the first day of the workshops. I am both excited for the material and horrified at the workload. Pray for me. I am now going to go take my make up off and get ready for bed. Wish me luck.
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insomniacintp · 7 years
i'm failing math class (yaay, breaking the stereotype of intps being good at maths) and i have a huge math exam in litsrally 8 hours... i should be studying but guess what?? i'm wasting my time on this hellsite
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yeosin-n · 3 years
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“mn..? what’s wrong..? you still can’t sleep?”
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134340am · 2 years
i’ve started talking to a boy (ノへ ̄、)
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nyanryan · 3 years
trying to communicate with landlords when autistic is literally like playing minesweeper i am trying so hard to be normal and i think i am being normal and then all the sudden they r like ........ and its like SHIT. BUT I NEED A FUCKEN HOUSE
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shxyo-sho · 2 years
whyyyy are my notifs in bold ⁉️
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hunsa-jars · 3 years
It's monke time 👏
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