#witch spell book
occultesotericart · 3 months
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1600’s anatomical engraving with alchemical symbolism /// by Gerhard Altzenbach
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thejournallo · 7 months
Witchcraft Basics Masterlist!
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Witchcraft Basics and Giggles:
Everything to know before you start! The various practices The Tools healing, protecting, and grounding. shielding and banishing herbs,oils and crystals.| Herbs | Oils | Crystals the sabbatsthe Elements astrology + astrology calendar spells, hexes and curses energy manipulation the various entitis Divination tool Symbology Shadow Work Witchy hack Offerings Grimoire/book of shadows
more master lists!
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thespectralcottage · 9 months
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Witchcraft 101:
Cleansing vs Uncrossing vs Banishing
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Alright witches. Lets dive into some witchy basics and discuss the differences between cleansing, uncrossing and banishing. This will hopefully help you differentiate between them. But.. lets be honestly if you do something like call a spell an uncrossing when "technically" doing a banishing, who cares its all in good spirit. The reason i think its good to have a difference in mind between these falls into how you handle a spell. If I'm doing an uncrossing vs a banishing i would choose different spell ingredients, maybe work with different gods, or choose a different element to work with.
Cleansing: I consider cleansings as the foundation and most basic of these. Its almost an umbrella term the other two fall under. All banishings are cleansings, but not all cleansings are a banishing. Cleansings are when you're trying clear something away. Most often people will use this term in day to day workings and general upkeep to make sure nothing has stuck to them. This would include more casual things like smoke cleansing, showering and asking the water to cleanse you, sound cleansing, etc. Its not a full spellworking or ritual, but still done with energy and intention. Sometimes you may do a cleansing and realize whatever is there, is stuck deeper then you expected. So you take the next steps and do a more "intense" cleansing like an uncrossing or banishing.
Uncrossing Spells: Uncrossing specifically refers to removing unwanted energy. Usually when discussing what is an uncrossing, I sperate it from just a cleansing by describing it as a very intense cleansing where you're trying to strip away intense and specific energy. These are more work and a step up from an everyday cleansing for more intense scenarios. This is very spirit focused; think of it as taking out the bad and putting in the good. Some types of spells I would consider an uncrossing are: removing hexes/jinx/curses, removing the evil eye, spiritual detoxes, road openers, removing any stubborn energy, removing feelings, etc. I associate uncrossings with water: it's soaking in and getting that energy out. I would choose herbs/spell ingredients that are uplifting and purifying. Think salt, rosemary, rue, and lemons.
Banishing Spells: Banishing spells remove unwanted entities, spirits or people. You can use it to get rid of very deep rooted things like habits or insecurities. Banishings are quite a strong forms of spellwork. You're really kicking something out and away from you when you do a banishing. Its connected to more deep rooted things that you're trying to remove from your life. Some types of spells I could consider a banishing: cord cutting, exorcisms, banishing a spirit attached to you, getting rid of insecurities, freezers, etc. I associate banishings with fire. Burn and gtfo. I would choose herbs that have more of a kick to them and are defensive. Think nettle, blackberry leaves, cloves, even pepper in some cases.
Please note this doesn't have to be something strict. Like i said at the beginning this is just a guide that will help you differentiate so you can tackle the spellwork as effectively as possible.
✨Stay Spooky ✨
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tryingtobegoodwitch · 4 months
I don’t know who needs to hear this but having doubts about your practice is totally normal and actually beneficial.
Questioning everything is intelligence.
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hallow-witxh · 1 year
Kitchen Staples and Their Properties
If you're any kind of kitchen user, there are a few things that are usually present. Things like bread, cheese, beans, and vinegar are all things that many kitchens keep in stock. So, here is a list of some staples you may have in your kitchen, and what they mean.
Bread: health, abundance, the hearth, kindship
Beans: wisdom in choices, luck, money, divination, prosperity
Butter: peace, friendships/relationships, spirituality
Cheese: goal completion, happiness, moon magic, health
Eggs: feminine/goddess magic, fertility, mysticism
Honey: joy, love, sex, wisdom, lust, purification, health
Milk (Cow's): feminine parenthood/guidance, love, sustenance, spirituality,
Rice: fertility, protection, luck, money, growth
Salt: purification, protection, grounding, cleansing
Sugar: banishing negativity, love, affection, invoking kindness/sweetness
White Vinegar: cleansing, purification, protection
Adding some things together melds their properties! Cooking in butter for your friends can strengthen your relationships with them, and baking bread can bring abundance into your home.
As always, do your research, practice safely, and blessed be!
Support your local witch on Ko-Fi!
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lucifersgurl444 · 8 months
✨Tarot tips for beginners✨ pt 1
Wands/Fire- Imagination, creativity, intuition
Pentacles/Earth- Finance, work, material things
Cups/Water- Love, Relationships, Emotions
Swords/Air- Thoughts,Ideas, Attitudes
Fives-Rules and law
Keep a tarot journal
Don’t try to remember every single card
Try to stick to the same deck in the beginning to build a strong connection
Allow your intuition to come through
Don’t second guess yourself always go with your gut
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bewitched-moonlight · 9 months
🔥 Magic potion to heal and re-energize 🔥
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I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling out of it right now. There's weird energies in the air... So here's my recipe for a quick re-energizing potion you can make any time you need to bring the 🔥 back
🔥 Ingredients & Properties
1 or 2 slices of lemon, for energy, balance, and purification
1 pinch of cinnamon, for power, desire, and romance
1 slice of fresh ginger, for strength, fertility and adventure
1 teaspoon of honey, for healing, prosperity, and love
1 pinch of cayenne pepper, for fire, passion and protection
1 teaspoon of cider vinegar, for health and positivity
🔥 Instructions
Place all ingredients in a mug. Cover with boiling water.
While stirring in a clockwise direction, focus on your potion, its color, smell and strength, and repeat this incantation: “Cold and sickness flee from me, Health and fire come to me”.
Drink immediately.
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enchantedwitchling · 3 months
Illuminating the Path: A Beginner's Guide to Candle Magick
Candle magick is a beautiful and accessible way to harness the power of fire and light in your magical practice. Whether you're new to witchcraft or looking to deepen your connection with this ancient art, candle magick offers a versatile and powerful tool for manifesting intentions, creating sacred space, and connecting with the divine. Let's explore the basics of candle magick, how to choose and prepare your candles, and discover simple spells and rituals to illuminate your path.
What is Candle Magick?
Candle magick involves using candles as a focal point for your intentions, prayers, and spells. The flame of the candle represents the element of fire, a symbol of transformation, energy, and purification. The act of lighting a candle and focusing on its flame helps concentrate your energy and send your intentions out into the universe.
Choosing Your Candles
The first step in candle magick is selecting the right candle for your purpose. Candles come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, each holding unique magical properties.
Colour Correspondences:
White: Purity, protection, healing, spiritual growth
Red: Passion, strength, courage, love
Pink: Love, friendship, compassion, emotional healing
Orange: Creativity, enthusiasm, success, joy
Yellow: Wisdom, communication, mental clarity, confidence
Green: Prosperity, abundance, health, growth
Blue: Peace, tranquility, protection, intuition
Purple: Spirituality, psychic abilities, wisdom, power
Black: Protection, banishing negativity, grounding
Brown: Stability, grounding, home protection, animal magic
Types of Candles:
🕯️Taper Candles: Tall and thin, ideal for longer rituals and spells.
🕯️Pillar Candles: Thick and sturdy, suitable for extended workings and larger spells.
🕯️Tea Light Candles: Small and convenient, perfect for simple spells and meditations.
🕯️Chime Candles: Short and fast-burning, great for quick spells and intention-setting.
Preparing Your Candles
Once you've chosen your candle, it's essential to prepare or "dress" it for your magical work. This involves cleansing, charging, and anointing the candle to align it with your intention.
Cleansing: Cleanse your candle to remove any unwanted energies. You can pass it through the smoke of incense, sprinkle it with salt water, or hold it under running water while focusing on purifying it.
Charging: Charge your candle by holding it in your hands and visualizing your intention. Imagine your goal or desire flowing from your heart into the candle, filling it with energy and purpose.
Anointing: Anoint your candle with a suitable oil to enhance its power. Use oils that correspond to your intention, such as lavender for peace, rosemary for protection, or cinnamon for prosperity. Apply the oil from the top of the candle to the middle, then from the bottom to the middle.
Simple Candle Magick Spells and Rituals
Basic Intention Setting Spell
This is a straightforward spell for beginners to focus on a specific goal or desire.
1. Choose a candle color that matches your intention.
2. Write your intention on a piece of paper.
3. Light the candle and visualize your intention coming to fruition.
4. Focus on the flame and chant your intention, such as "I am attracting abundance" or "I am protected and safe."
5. Burn the paper in the candle's flame and let the candle burn down safely.
Candle Meditation for Clarity
This ritual helps clear your mind and gain insight or guidance.
1. Choose a white or blue candle.
2. Light the candle and sit comfortably in front of it.
3. Focus on the flame and take deep breaths, allowing your mind to clear.
4. Ask a question or seek guidance, and watch the flame for any flickers or movements.
5. Meditate for as long as you feel necessary, then extinguish the candle.
Protection Candle Spell
This spell creates a shield of protection around you or your home.
1. Choose a black or white candle.
2. Anoint the candle with protection oil (e.g., rosemary or frankincense).
3. Light the candle and visualize a protective shield surrounding you or your space.
4. Chant, "By this flame, I am protected. Negative energies are deflected."
5. Let the candle burn down safely, reinforcing your protective barrier.
Love and Friendship Spell
This spell attracts love, compassion, and friendship into your life
1. Choose a pink candle.
2. Write your desire for love or friendship on a piece of paper
3. Anoint the candle with rose oil
4. Light the candle and visualize loving energy flowing towards you.
5. Chant, "Love and friendship come my way, with harm to none, this I say."
6. Burn the paper in the flame and let the candle burn down safely.
Tips for Safe and Effective Candle Magick
• Always practice fire safety. Never leave a burning candle unattended and place it on a heat-resistant surface.
• Use a snuffer or your fingers to extinguish candles. Blowing them out can disperse the energy.
• Be mindful of the candle's flame and wax. The way it burns can provide insights into your spell's effectiveness.
• Keep a journal of your candle magick experiences to track your progress and learn from each ritual.
Candle magick is a powerful and accessible way to work with the elemental energy of fire and manifest your desires. By choosing the right candles, preparing them with intention, and engaging in simple spells and rituals, you can harness the transformative power of candle magick to illuminate your path and achieve your goals. As you light your candles, may your intentions burn bright, your heart be full of magic, and your spirit be guided by the gentle glow of the flame.
Happy casting!
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thedarkwitchesblog · 1 year
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vanalex · 5 months
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bbgirl-aesthetic20 · 1 year
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Protective witchcraft
Witchcraft can be a powerful tool for protection, but it is important to approach it with respect and caution. Here are some tips for using witchcraft to protect yourself:
Set intentions: Before you begin any ritual or spell, it is important to set clear intentions for what you want to achieve. Visualize yourself surrounded by a protective energy that keeps you safe and secure.
Use protective symbols: There are many symbols that are commonly used for protection in witchcraft, such as the pentacle, the evil eye, and the hamsa. You can wear these symbols as jewelry or draw them on talismans to carry with you.
Use herbs & crystals: There are many herbs and crystals that are believed to have protective properties in witchcraft. Some popular options include black pepper, rosemary, black tourmaline, and amethyst. You can use these herbs and crystals in spells or carry them with you in a sachet or pouch.
Create a protective charm: You can create a protective charm by combining herbs, crystals, and other materials in a small pouch or container. This charm can be carried with you or placed in your home to provide ongoing protection.
Use visualization: Visualization is a powerful tool in witchcraft. Visualize a protective bubble of energy surrounding you, or imagine yourself surrounded by a circle of protective light.
Call on deities or spirits: If you work with deities or spirits in your witchcraft practice, you can call on them for protection. Some popular options include Hecate, Artemis, and Archangel Michael.
Cast a protection spell: You can cast a spell to protect yourself from harm. This can involve creating a protective circle, calling on the elements, and using candles, herbs, and other tools to set your intention and create a protective energy.
Create a protective sigil: A sigil is a symbol that is created to represent a specific intention or desire. You can create a sigil for protection by writing out your intention and then using the letters to create a unique symbol. This symbol can then be charged with energy and used for protection.
Use divination: Divination can be a helpful tool for identifying potential sources of harm or danger. You can use tarot cards, runes, or other divination tools to gain insight into potential threats and take steps to protect yourself.
Practice grounding & centering: Grounding and centering can help you stay grounded and focused, even in stressful or dangerous situations. This involves connecting with the earth and your own inner strength to create a sense of stability and protection.
Remember that protection is not a one-time event, but an ongoing practice. Incorporate these tips into your daily witchcraft practice to create a strong and lasting protective energy around yourself.
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mollybeenoel · 4 months
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© Susan Ilka
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p1xiemeat · 1 year
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𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔠𝔥 ༺🔮༻
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hallow-witxh · 2 years
Simple Things Baby Witches Might Miss
I was a baby witch once, and there were tons of small, little things that went over my head until later in my practice. I'm hoping that some of these will ring a bell for those who may need to hear them.
When you're cleansing a room, especially if it's a smoke cleanse, you need to open a window. This gives an 'escape route' for what you're cleansing away and also gives the smoke somewhere to go other than sticking to your walls.
Speaking of smoke cleansing, do not smoke cleanse in a room with pets in it. It can be very, very dangerous to them.
When you're doing research, you should be cross-checking across four to six different sources. If something matches across multiple sources, it's more likely to be solid.
You can incorporate your craft into pretty much anything. Showering? You're washing off the bad energy. Cleaning? You're preparing your space. Gardening? You're encouraging growth and prosperity. And delicious tomatoes!
If you're using a smoke cleanse, you can add the burnt portion to salt to make a beginner's black salt.
Spell jars don't have to go on your altar.
Altars are not completely necessary, especially if you're in the broom closet. Work with what you have.
Every herb has benefits and correspondences. You can utilize these without spell jars, burn spells, etc. Kitchen magic is one of my go-tos - cooking with spices and herbs infuses your food with their benefits.
Ask 'dumb' questions. Reach out to people. If they laugh at you for your questions, you know they are not a reliable source of information. (P.S. - my ask box is always open!)
White wax can replace any other color of wax. Get birthday cake candles for easy, fast burning.
Clear quartz can replace other crystals.
Here's a simple color chart.
Here's a simple moon phase chart.
Here's a simple guide to flowers and their correspondences
Here's a simple guide to cascarilla
As always, do your own research. Take everything you hear with a grain of salt until you do research - yes, even from me, because I make mistakes, too. Blessed be, and good luck, baby witches!
Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!
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lucifersgurl444 · 8 months
Grimoire Ideas✨ pt 1
Candle colors and meanings
Moon phases and their meanings
Different deities
Herbs and their uses
Crystals, their uses and meanings
Sigil dictionary
Tarot meanings
Divination types
How to scry
Elemental correspondences
Day correspondences
Magickal tools and uses
Alter set up
Energy work
Types of witches
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