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thewitchywitch · 11 months
Low Energy/Effort Witchcraft
Are you perpetually busy? Never have any spoons? This might be the post for you. Note that not everything here may be considered low energy or low effort to everyone, and that's okay :)
Carry a crystal around based on what you need. I have a black tourmaline bracelet that absorbs negative vibes throughout the day. I stick it on a selenite slab when I get home to cleanse overnight, then rinse and repeat in the morning.
Put a bay leaf in your wallet to attract money. If you have time, draw a sigil or a $/£/€ on it.
Dedicate anything you drink to your deities if you have any. I dedicate water and black tea to everyone and my favourite raspberry tea to Hathor. Coffee is for Caim.
Enchant your pill case so you remember to take them on time. Enchant your pills to work efficiently. ("Anxiety begone. Ye be banished" on all of my anxiety pills ✌️)
Draw a sigil on your body wash bottle to remove bad vibes or carve a sigil in a bar of soap.
Enchant your moisturizer to repel the evil eye. I fucking love this one.
Incorporate colour magic into the socks you wear (Goths who wear hot pink socks, I'm looking at you).
Enchant your charger so it doesn't break and so you don't lose it. Enchant your phone too while you're at it.
Sorry, I love enchantments--
Match those big ol jar candles to different intentions. Burn a cedar candle to cleanse/banish. Burn a cinnamon candle to draw in prosperity. Burn a citrus candle to uplift mood. This one is fantastic for broom closet witches.
Got a humidifier? Fill it up with moon water. You're welcome ;D
Politely ask the spirits of your plants to ward your space. Feed two birds with one scone this way.
Witchy social media. Scrolling on Tumblr and learning something new about witchcraft counts as witchcraft imo. Saving tarot spreads from Instagram for later counts too. Making Pinterest boards for literally anything also counts.
Keep a digital grimoire if doing it on paper costs too many spoons. I have used Google docs & drive in the past but I currently use Notion (You can copy and paste this way!)
If you still want a physical grimoire, print your stuff out and stick it in a binder or glue it in your journal. Boom. Physical grimoire
Listen to witchcraft related videos in the background while you do other tasks or chores in your home
Preparing a meal? Toss in spices that correspond with good health and drawing in positivity, or any other intention you have
Enchant your glasses to help you focus and "read between the lines" or see what wants to remain hidden (this one is a lifesaver at my job)
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blkqueerwitchery · 1 year
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prosperity ⚡ abundance 🌿 luck 🍀 simmering pot
- vanilla extract
- lemon slices & peels
- lime chunk
- cinnamon sticks
- cloves
- rosemary
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dancingwithfoxes · 10 months
10 little subtle ways and things you could be doing that are witchy!
(esp if you're still in the broom closet) ❤️🦊
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1. virtual and online altars
pinterest boards dedicated to your gods/goddesses; quotes and aesthetics.
tumblr dedication blogs.
social media page with your witchy alias.
discord server, a private place to organise channels and create categories for what you want, i.e., spellwork, candle magick, crystal associations, etc.
music playlists, for both manifesting and connecting with your deities, they love coming through music.
2. journal/book altars
similar to the idea of a book of shadows, this will be personal writings and thoughts for specific deities.
you can customise it and decorate it much like a physical altar! i.e., stickers, washi tapes, markers, sparkles.
custom spreads for whomever you work with, you can put prayers you've written for them, words you want to convey, and express.
3. the wooden box altar, also known as a travelling altar
a place to put all your trinkets and necessities.
if you're unable to have a physical space, having one that's portable will help you take your altar wherever you go.
you can carve/paint the box to be more personal for you, or to be ultra discreet about it you can just customise the inner part so it doesn't stick out to people you don't want knowing yet.
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4. origami shapes
for manifesting, write out what you would like and fold it into a star to carry out the manifestation.
use the idea of symbolism to embed your intentions, for luck, a four leaf clover. for allowing new opportunities to find you and let go, a butterfly, to succeed in something you could make a bird; "soaring to new heights."
you could also use this time to connect with your deities, just being with them in the moment.
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5. financial abundance
if you can't blow cinnamon on the first day of the new month, put a dash of it in your morning coffee or tea first thing.
use of coins in the soil of your plants welcomes in prosperity.
likewise with coins, frogs are symbolic of wealth.
a bay leaf where you keep your wallet/purse, the exchange of the money you give out you will receive back with a little extra.
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6. kitchen magick/green witchery
add spices/herbs to help achieve something you want i.e.,
pancakes with vanilla and honey to bring in loving and warm energy.
adding pepper/salt/basil/rosemary to encourage protection.
for clarity and insight, chamomile tea.
to have peaceful and calm resolve, lemonade with fresh mint leaves.
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7. clothing and jewellery
wearing items of clothing or jewellery in honour of your deities, i.e.
rings, bracelets, and necklaces that symbolise something of them for you.
shirts with quotes you feel resemble them; colour associations work plenty.
if you crochet or make your own items of clothing, knot magick or sewing in a symbol that means something for you can help you feel confident when wearing it.
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8. self-care can be devotional
doing things that make you happy whilst doing it in honour of your deities allows them to be present in your simple joys.
writing, poetry, reading; feeling called to read something because it holds a message for you.
indulging a show or something you watched in your childhood years, deities take pleasure in watching something that means alot to you and will be grateful to share that moment.
treats and specific cravings, i.e., little upg, but loki loves sweet pastries.
taking a walk about in nature gives your deities more room to show you the beauty of the world. take them to your favourite bench, to your favourite coffee shop.
knot magick, if you crochet, make something in honour of your gods/goddesses. they will ensure it brings you comfort when you hold it.
painting your nails, you can charge your nail polish beneath the moon or mix in a little moon water to be energised and intuitively connected.
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9. cleansing and clearing of old energy
will help the bad flow out and let the good flow in.
showers/baths are good for self-cleansing.
holding a glass of water before drinking it and wish your intentions.
crying, allowing yourself to feel what it is you're trying to process in order for it to be released. can't release something you haven't finished going through yet.
moon water, I recommend this during a new moon as that's more symbolic to starting anew, planting seeds and encouragement toward growth.
sun water, can help with energising you and bringing in positive energy, also a confidence boost.
holding onto a crystal for a few moments, just breathing in and out.
crystals can be used for cleansing, smoky quartz, clear quartz. there is a crystal for all your needs.
plants! plants are great for protection and for taking in bad energy. they will listen to what you have to say, and will love you as much as you love them.
food, especially grown from the earth can help you feel refreshed and buzzing with energy.
burning, writing out your hardships, struggles, anger and burning them (safely please).
lighting a candle while you work on something, very therapeutic, and you can visualise the bad energy being burnt out and released.
incense, the smoke is a natural cleanser and will do wonders. you aren't restricted to using sage to cleanse; others you could use are myrrh, sandalwood, lavender, or cedar. it's completely up to what your preferences are.
breathing in and out during meditation, as you take in some air and release it, upon release visualise what you're letting go of.
bells, the frequency of dinging bells helps to disperse bad energy.
sound cleansing through soft music, and intentional frequencies. you'll find alot of these up on youtube.
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10. divination methods (aside from tarot/pendulums that i know of)
clouds, observing what you see and the shapes you recognise, what you need to know will be reflected in nature.
ceromancy, candle wax, burning a candle after asking for some clarity or an answer and having the wax form a shape for you to interpret.
numerology, angel numbers, and the significance of the numbers.
automatic writing, done in your personal journal, it's unconscious writing that can help channel messages you may need.
bibliomancy, randomly selecting a passage or words from a book.
capnomancy, the use of smoke from candles or incense, and reading the shapes and forms casted by the smoke
conchomancy, divination through seashells, shapes, and the type of shell.
casting a set of charms on a cloth and divinating the meaning of where they landed.
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ladyamericanasstuff · 5 months
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unseendeity · 1 year
I need more ✨ witchy ✨ content on my dash ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
so reblog this if you're into/post about:
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deity work
angel work
death witchcraft
mythology (big on norse & greek)
catholic witchcraft (i'm not christian but the religion is interesting to me & i have a catholic dad so)
folk magic
any forms of divination
spell work
books on witchcraft
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tarotwithart · 1 year
ⴕ ( details of your future spouse⠀ )⠀⠀⠀ 𓆩♡𓆪
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❝ in every whatnot,
I'll tie a knot with you... ❞
⋆ .... ♡ how to pick a pile ୨ ɞ !
-` ✧ ࿐ from left to right — intuitively choose the pile through your mind or what your soul desire for. take what does it resonates considering this is a general reading...
𝐒ource & 𝐃isclaimer: pictures I've used for pick a pile was from pinterest, the divider was from @.v6que while the banner was made by me. expect plenty of grammatical errors, please kindly enlightened me in a nice way when you couldn't understand what is the message behind of the reading, thanks!
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6 of wands, king of pentacles, 9 of pentacles
Everyone eyes are all to them, whether it may glimpse naturally or seldom-a kind of individual who can turn heads by its appearance and good body. The definition of success and achiever this makes them quite popular or well known in others, although prideful doesn't mean they're narcissistic. In what scale in it, would likely people rate them as 9-10 not only for looks but for other traits and people will fall for them instantly. S/he could beat someone by using his/her skills no doubt needed- a great player indeed. An individual that denotes someone who is highly passionate about certain things into his/her own life yet will always be remain humble even though s/he's aiming top and to forthcoming.
S/he displaying a strong leadership which people adore and people can depend on these said traits also have major impact for people who surround them. For what I seen, s/he can make own money and wealth through being famous and it could give them a long lasting success in life. If being famous does make them to have more money and having money will make them more even famous. Into people's opinions and view s/he is perfect as they seen, who wouldn't right? money, success and fame are all at once to them- what a lucky man. Proud for what they achieve but not in negative way. Expensive looking- s/he would love those kind of things specially in clothing and jewelries, it makes them looks like having high status which can be true. Either s/he working as business owner or a wealthy land owner, it could also define working in real state as well.
Sometimes can be totally stubborn but they very mature and grounded most of the time, it's normal for everyone to be stubborn (it means that they aren't perfect as they seems) a totally hard working individual and who also aware how they can rule through designated society (work/place). It also signifies someone who will be generous into their finance, energy and time, s/he will knew what are their commitments and responsibilities and tends to do what they say. They tends not have any anger issues as long as s/he could understand the situation and the person however they tends to be like a volcano- will be very explosive when they do get mad. You will be lucky for having this person, quite indulgent when it comes giving gifts to their lovers- mostly will bring the best and expensive gift you'll be receiving.
However the lover will tends to be lonely as the spouse is often busy for something like work (workaholic/ self-driven/ career focus) on negative note s/he will view their lover as part of their possessions. As my advice don't make them feel jealous or dark moods that may occur in surface as it will turn to be very chaotic. S/he may possibly own some pets especially dogs and horses, they will be independent whether it is financially and emotionally. You would never found this person chasing others cause they can easily attract people into their lives. Rerely takes anything personally and reason is s/he knows it better and likely to appreciate the finest things in life.
hugs and kisses, Vella
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queen of cups, 10 of cups, the lovers, 10 of pentacles
A typical type of person who is sensitive and is attached to their feelings, s/he concerned with the matter of heart, emotions, family and relationships. S/he possess a strong empathy for the others, if their love ones is happy and so they are too. Strong intuition- they will be aware if someone needs them or isn't right, they are not judgemental and will try their best to understand the situation. In past, s/he experience a painful situationship and will do the best to avoid it again.
Typically shy in nature but a great listener when you someone needs them and mostly without knowing people will come to them naturally without hesitation- the only problem in here is that when problems occur into their own life, they rarely receive help from others. S/he is family oriented individual, they got some friends but family, partner and kids are most highlight and important for them. Even though you prefer men- he will have feminine features and if women she is gorgeous, may look like a goddess. In any occasion regarding to family, they will be extremely happy to gather their family especially his/her siblings with or cousins.
Generally a happy individual and rarely take negative insights as well will be feelin' grateful for what the above give to them. S/he might love to put smile on his/her face or to others, love to laughs even though in lame jokes- sometimes people do wonder if they faking their happiness but it actually isn't. They are contented to what God give to them and they probably cherish it with all of their heart, also they tends to be very spiritual individual too.
S/he will be come an excellent parent and partner and will do their best to serve and nurture their own family. This individual will possibly teach you a lot- that happiness doesn't come from material things and it comes from within, that happiness is a choice, that family and kids should be put first, that how you love your self is should be how you love the others and more great good lessons.
They want or having desire to have at least two kids perhaps a twin will be perfect for them. It also refers to someone who is playful but can be childish sometimes and very very talkative when you get to know them or when they are comfortable in someone. The type of love language they want is physical touch so be ready for lots of kisses, hugging and touching, technically they enjoy the attachment of skins. Also they proud for what body or skin do they have, confident is the key here. S/he will make you feel how deep the love is, they will understand what you have been through. You both have different lives and what have been through however they will put to understand you that life is like that and happiness is just around. You will experience unconditional love from this person.
And yes they do have some money to flaunt too but they value more the family, health and gratitude for the others. S/he do appear very lavish into how they clothes themselves even though they don't try to be like that. The only person who will make you feel that you are safe and secure into their loving arms. They do love dating (even at this moment) but do searching for someone who can have long term committed relationship with them and don't want to rush things when they do date, they want to get more someone into deeper level.
hugs and kisses, Vella
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4 of wands, the fool, 3 of wands reversed
A kind of individual who is the real representation of being naive and happy person, they do love their family and is willing to go whenever there's occasion regarding into family circle. It would represents someone who do brings joy and happiness towards other life by making silly jokes or for simply uplifting them in their hardest situationship. Whenever someone ( proclaiming it is a love one ) is weak, they bring something to feel this certain individual comfort like “ Hey! make it chill, I'm here for you ”. It also the type of person who is making an effort to attend or be able to be present in family gathering even though they are quite busy they wouldn't hesitate to be right there with the fam.
Negative aspects of them which I can tell for only few of you who's happen to pick this pile, that this person will be more focus into their family rather than you. It might be one of the reasons why you both will have disagreements. Anyway, let's just move on and see what the future holds for you.
To continue, it could also symbolize someone who do love to play a lot probably a playboy or girl vibes, if not I see that they really to loves to play which can be games physical or online. I see that they do love pranking people who do close to them such as friends and cousins, can be siblings as well if happen they have one. This person represents someone who do care more to their appearance rather than for who they are. Sometimes people end up envying or feel jealous about them especially their peers.
As we're getting near at the end I feel that they are younger than you or it might be physically as well. It could also be mean that they are young at heart or someone who have young faces or can be an innocent. They do love their love freedom and do loves to wonder around or exploring the places that they never been. It might also symbolize someone who can be childish and likes being at the outdoor rather than indoor.
hugs and kisses, Vella
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reuna · 2 years
Achtually ya know, it's not a Grimoire if it doesn't contain ways to summon demons and dead people
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But seriously. If there are any people new to witchcraft here, please remember not to take anything you see here as a strict law. We all have things that work for us, specifically, but the things that work for me don't necessarily work for you. Some people seem to have a strong need to create universal rules out of things that work for them, but it's still just their take on the issue. It's like those people who say that tarot cards only work if you got them as a gift from someone else. Nope. That's not a universal rule either.
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divine-crows · 19 days
10 Ideas for When You Want to Practice Divination but 'Don't Have a Good Reason to'
Sometimes you just get an urge to do some tarot, or the urge to mess with runes, but there's nothing you really want or need out of it. So I came up with some ideas that scratch the divination magic itch!
To note: for most of these prompts I will be referring to "cards" since I prefer cartomancy the most, however most of these ideas can be adapted into other forms of divination.
1. Artwork
I love drawing a random tarot card and making a quick and easy collage. Or sometimes I let the cards pick a prompt for me!
2. Make your own oracle cards/make your own form of divination
You can create your own themes, give the cards a specific use, or even just make some cards meant for witchy decoration-- do whatever you please! Likewise, you can also create your own divination system using items, symbolism, or "runic" imagery.
3. "Hang out" with your preferred divination device
I like to sit with my cards and admire the artwork, or sometimes I'll watch a movie while randomly shuffling them. It helps me feel connected to them!
4. Conduct an "interview"
Since my preferred method of divination is my tarot cards, I'll typically ask them to give me a reversed card for 'no' and a right-side-up card for 'yes'. I'll then proceed to ask it whatever questions pop into my mind. Sometimes I'll even ask it questions about myself. You can definitely adapt this idea into other forms of divination and give it a try!
Pick a card and then pick a song you feel fits the vibe of the card the most. Keep doing this until you have a full fledged playlist!
5. Make a divination-led playlist!
6. Learn a new form of divination
To name a few for inspiration: Aeromancy, Bibliomancy, Carromancy, Curiomancy, Cubomancy, Dowsing, Dream Interpretation, Scrying, Palmistry.
Please note that some forms of divination may be closely tied to closed practices and cultures and should be treated with respect.
7. Create "companion" cards for your tarot deck OR "companion runes" for rune casting!
This one coincides with idea #2 but it's a concept I love. The idea is you add new symbolic cards/runes based on preference, personal ideas, etc. It's a great way to make your deck feel even more personal to you! You could even find preexisting runes/cards and add those in if you're unsure about creating your own.
8. Make your own divination spreads
Even if you won't nessicarily use them in the moment, or even if you have a lot of spreads saved-- you can still have fun coming up with your own and writing them down to test out in the future! Think about hobbies, interests, or themes you like to inspire you.
9. Multi divination tool readings
Sometimes its fun to figure out how you can use multiple forms of divination. Write down some ideas in your grimoire on how you can possibly incorporate multiple methods so you can test it out in the future!
10. Try to predict your dreams
This one may not be a big favorite for everyone (especially considering you can argue that you'll subconsciously make your dream turn out a certain way because of your reading), but it was a fun activity i used to do when I was a beginner and needed an excuse to practice my skills! I usually would just ask a baseline question like "what will my dream look like overall?" And then from there I would ask more questions to get an idea of what it would look like.
I hope my list of ideas were helpful for anyone in a divination slump! I understand they may not be helpful for everyone so feel free to make your own posts with your own ideas! Likewise feel free to comment any other ideas.
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lunarsorceress · 2 months
Me as a beginner witch: "the sun is setting! I absolutely need to prepare my water jar. Okay quick I must place it outside in a good spot where the moon's energy will definitely reach it. I'm setting up my alarm for tomorrow at sunrise so I can immediately bring it inside!"
Me now: "20 minutes will have to do. It's so cloudy and I have no idea where she is but she knows what to do."
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eveshmeve · 2 years
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bewitched bog - drawtober 2022
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thewitchywitch · 5 months
Resourcefulness in the Craft
You can divine by throwing twigs and pebbles onto a graph you made with a sharpie and some printer paper, or use said printer paper to make your own cartomancy deck.
Use cool stuff you find outside as offerings if you want.
My mom taught me how to make wreaths out of porcelain vine or wild grape vines when I was a child, try it. Or teach yourself how to weave a basket.
Use dried "kindling" twigs to make a small besom in the fall.
Find interesting places outdoors, mark them on maps. Create your own correspondences for components you find while out and about.
Raid your own art or office supply storage boxes.
Use twine or tape for binding spells, use staples for curses, fold origami for attracting abundance, use paperclips for memory spells.
And sticky notes for sigils. And felt for poppets.
And a binder with loose leaf notebook paper for your grimoire! Spice it up with dividers for different topics!
Spending money on the tools and ingredients to make a money bowl is incredibly counter-intuitive. Grab stuff from the kitchen like rice, cinnamon, and basil, and stuff from outside like broadleaf plantain, blades of grass, and a cool rock. Scribble some sigils on yellow or green sticky notes, gather some loose change, and toss it all in a bowl you already have with your intention layered between your ingredients and components.
Magical practitioners have always used what was around them. Being resourceful is part of the practice :)
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aleksandra-czudzak · 2 years
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Release illness spell Aleksandra Czudżak 
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redribbonsandblood · 2 months
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dancingwithfoxes · 10 months
🩷 Kind & Gentle Witchy Reminders:
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➜ if reposted elsewhere please give credit. 🤍
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i want to be mysterious but like in a cute way. i want people to know i’m kind and gentle, but at the same time i want to wear a long black coat and want people to look at me and whisper to each other “nobody knows anything about this woman. she lives alone and doesn’t talk much. stay away from her” but then mothers would bring their sick children to me so i could heal them with my mysterious cryptic healing powers because i am the witch of the town.
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amylen-doodlebug · 7 days
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Made a poster. It’s called Autumn Equinox.
She’s so SHINY
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