#with all the fuss internet spaces have made over the years like
diveyne · 28 days
oomfies is it just me or like. as the older you get. the less you want. younger people. around you. LMAO. like sjbkdcjksbd
anyway what y'all havin for dinner... i just cooked mapo tofu
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drbased · 10 months
JKR's racism/racial insensitivity/cultural ignorance isn't particularly special, unique or evil - it's literally just the product of an average white person of her generation. That's not to say that her racism is good, but rather this attempt to frame her as especially problematic is really tiring. White people will criticise 'Cho Chang', safely in the knowledge that their short stories where the main character's spirit animal is a kitsune and the villain has yellow eyes will never be made public.
In my lifetime, I have witnessed a cultural shift. Historically, there was this understanding in mainstream circles that your morals and your politics were kinda separate. But as the internet shifted the conversation, sympathies were extended to oppressed peoples, and it gradually became understood that in order to be a good person, you have to do things like 'not be racist' and 'not be homophobic' etc. Suddenly, everything that was considered a harmless joke was now 'under attack'. Consequently, there was a near-immediate backlash from conservative groups who wanted to preserve the social norms that meant they never had to consider politics in their actions. The conservative understanding is that 'good morals' means a good character - hard working, not complaining, good social etiquette, well-dressed, well-groomed, amenable, patriotic, 'stiff upper lip', not making a fuss, respecting your elders etc. etc. Now, they can't enjoy a good bit of bum-pinching, or laughing at a fake chinese accent anymore. Those things have now been included in a cultural understanding of what compassion is, and they don't like it. They find another way to distance it from 'real morals and good character', by using 'political correctness' as a way to make these new considerations sound cold and heartless, and 'social justice warrior' became a way to make the proponents of these social changes into over-zealous loonies, in the same vein as 'feminazis'.
I strongly believe the social changes towards anti-racism etc. are for the better, and since I joined the 'SJW' circles on tumblr years ago, I have found it heartening to see how much more consideration and compassion can be found in even the most basic of mainstream media.
These cultural changes were spearheaded by people who were already activists, and the conversations were taking place by well-meaning people, the majority of whom were already adults. There was a bit of jostling for where we should draw the line of acceptability (for example, terms such as 'stupid' and 'crazy' ended up being considered acceptable, since they were considered sufficiently separate from their origins as ableist slurs, and too widespread to reasonably remove from the average person's vocabiulary - a conversation that has fizzled out even though I would argue it still needs to be had), and these arguments were not always the most mature, but ultimately a consensus seemed to be reached on who gets to say what, and why.
Over time, however, I have watched the degradation of the initial concepts and I believe it's because of 1. a growing nihilism developed by over-exposure to world issues via the internet, compounded by the collective response to the 2016 electon result and 2. that movements are always influenced by the loudest voices - and often the ones who are willing to speak the loudest are the young people. When I first joined the internet, I was 12, and there were plenty of spaces for young people back then, but none of these spaces were particularly political. The increase in popularity of all-ages, all-demographic social media spaces meant that young people were being introduced to political concepts way beyond their understanding. I was only just 19 when I joined tumblr, and I was ready to clumsily absorb a lot of new ideas - but these days, most people are joining tumblr, twitter, tiktok and beyond as teenagers, some of them perhaps literal children. Unfortunately that means that this delicate balance of rightly criticising people for holding and perpetuating racist, misogynistic, homophobic, ableist etc. beliefs has rapidly degraded into a hyper-individualistic hellscape where what a person says/does is only used against them if they're already a public scapegoat. The overly zealous mentality of the fandom shipping war, where some ships are Evil and some are Pure has spilled out into real-world political discussions. Of course, that's not to say that this wasn't happening at the time - you had to sift through a lot of garbage - but ultimately the people at the core of The Discourse, who were leading the charge of cultural change, were adults with real political chops.
All of this is to say that there's a real irony in how The Discourse has shifted since I first came across it in 2011. The original 'SJW' understanding was that everyone in an oppressor class will say and do and think things that lie on a spectrum of 'problematic' to 'evil' - nobody is safe, everything we do is worth criticism, and it is not the oppressed person's job to coddle you and tell you that you're *actually* a good person when you continue to perpetuate real-world harm. If punching someone in the face means you're an asshole, then so does saying that women belong in the kitchen. The harm in the latter example may be less immediate than the harm in the former, but we're not children anymore, and we should be able to recognise that harm is still caused. Now, however, that aspect of 'check your privilege' is becoming increasingly muddied. There seems to be a collective cultural understanding that now, since we don't see yellowface or 'objectified women' in media anymore, the conversation is Closed, we've Solved Racism and Sexism and Homophobia and Ableism and so on. The treatment of JKR's writing and behaviour as a unique kind of evil akin to nazi dogwhistles is proof positive that people have latched onto this idea that they can 'cancel' women using all the well-meaning ideological rhetoric introduced by the previously hated 'SJWs' (often to protect women as an oppressed group!). The party line of the neo-SJW is that white women are the people that may not technically be the least oppressed, but they're the group that think they're way more oppressed than they are, and therefore deserve to be held to militantly high standards and mocked brutally when they get too out of line. In doing so they have accidentally outed themselves as not subscribing to their own beliefs; it is patently obvious that JKR's racism is nothing special or deliberate or insidious. That doesn't mean anyone has to like her, but the fact that she is clearly being singled out when no other white person (*cough* man *cough*) is.
It's been said before that white people have latched onto gender identity as a way to 'opt out' of being recognised as part of an oppressor class. Now, when we look at statistics about trans people, it's all 'trans man' and 'black trans woman'. Whiteness goes back to be omitted, invisible and assumed, with the 'trans' label being the primary descriptor of what 'type' this person is, obfuscating their relationship with white supremacy and allowing them to present themselves as Oppressed - the Most Oppressed, even. The cultural discourse has pivoted hard and fast to transgenderism, precisely because it diverts the conversation away from real-world oppression and towards easy things like language and indentity. The former makes oppressor classes uncomfortable and implies if not outright demands actionable structural change; the latter means people get to signal 'support' by putting their pronouns in bio and chanting some easy phrases. You get to put yourself on the right side of history by being trans positive, which means you never have to think too much about the other axes of oppression you may lie on. I have seen in my personal life people with centrist views, apolitical people and incels alike will all be supportive of trans people whilst not knowing or caring about any other leftist cause. The cultural discourse needed a conclusion - if 'being a good person means having good politics' is now the cultural expectation, then your average, apolitical normie needed something to signal that they're a good person without any meaninful change in their actual politics. Transgenderism was the easy pick. Mansplaining still gets to be a cultural joke whilst attack helicopter jokes are seen as a cringe product of the ignorant past. People who don't know what gender is (including trans people themselves!) loudly proclaim the support for transgender people's bravery. And people (women) who dissent are the easy scapegoat - bonus points if they're white, because then you get to pay lipservice to the discourse you are deliberately bastardising and cherry-picking from, thus the collective anxieties over actual societal change can be soothed.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super manga Ch. 64-67
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“Hey, everybody!  It’s me, Moro!  The cool new villain from Dragon Ball Super!  And I’m firin’ my lasers!  Shoop doo woop!  Ha ha!  Remember that?  There was this epic internet meme about shooting lasers out of your mouth in Dragon Ball, just like what I just did!  It’s pretty cool how I’m a big time Dragon Ball villain, just like Frieza and Cell, you know?  I mean, I get to be a pop culture icon, just like those guys, and people will make epic memes about the cool stuff I did in my saga.  Right?  Right?  You’re shaking your head no, are you saying the memes aren’t going to be epic?”
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So let me break this down.  This whole arc has been about Goku finally learning to use Ultra Instinct at will.  Merus tried to teach him how, but the best Goku could do was use the incomplete version of UI that he used against Kefla in the anime.  So after training Goku in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Merus decided to fight Moro himself and get killed, which would then infuriate Goku until he experienced a surge of emotion that would awaken his full potential.  It’s a totally original idea, you guys!
Anyway, it works, and Goku is so overcome with rage that he taps into something deep within himself and becomes the Legendary Super Saiyan achieves Ultra Instinct again.  Moro panics, and Goku starts whoopin’ his ass, which would be satisfying if any of this felt halfway fresh.
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I don’t like this arc.  Moro, Merus, and Seven Three are the only genuinely novel concepts to it, and they don’t get fleshed out nearly enough to justify the effort.  Moro’s sole purpose seems to be to prey upon all life in the universe.  What will he do once he consumes everyone?  That seems like an important question, but it never comes up.  Cell and Buu had similar career paths, where they would have gone on to destroy everything, but Cell and Buu were both monsters.  Moro’s a sorcerer or something, and he’s had ten million years to think about this, but we never hear any of his thoughts on the topic. 
Merus was an “angel-in-training” who became too sympathetic towards mortal justice.  How did this happen?  All we ever find out was that he joined the Galactic Patrol some time ago, and the nobility of fighting space-crime was too much for him to resist.  But why did he join the GP in the first place?  Whis and the Grand Minister seem to object to Merus’ life choices, but they also don’t seem terribly fussed about them either.  I can’t make sense of the guy, mostly because I can’t relate to his dilemma.  The angels in Dragon Ball are so vaguely defined in the first place that it’s impossible for me to judge whether Merus is doing the right thing or not. 
Seven Three is more of a plot device than a character.  He’s an android with the ability to copy someone’s powers and store them for thirty minutes’ worth of use.  Moro used this to serve as a handy backup of his own powers, and he ate Seven Three in order to reverse the gains Vegeta made against him earlier.  I feel like “fugitive convict alien android” could be a fertile field for storytelling, but Seven Three just stands around looking bored most of the time, like Hit with less personality.  The whole “copy ability” is symbolic of this entire arc, which feels like Toyotaro dared himself to borrow as many plot points from Dragon Ball Z as possible.
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Anyway, Goku clobbers Moro for a bit, then asks him to promise to return to the Galactic Prison.  Moro agrees, and Goku gives him a senzu bean.  This scene got a lot of heat when the chapter was published, and fans were furious at Goku for giving another bad guy a senzu bean.  I feel like this misses the entire point. 
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Let’s be clear, Moro tries to betray Goku immediately, and Goku just wrecks his shit all over again to prove a point.  “You can’t beat me, even if I restore your power and let you try again, so why not just surrender.”  But Moro won’t do it. 
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Moro even recovers the hand he lost earlier, which contained a copy of Merus’ angel powers.  He thinks this will allow him to close the gap between him and Goku, but it doesn’t.  Goku still dominates him.
So getting mad at Goku is dumb.  He was trying to convince Moro to give up, which probably isn’t a terrible idea, seeing as no one was able to kill Moro before, and it’s not obvious that Goku has the power to destroy him.  So maybe the best thing you can do is to talk him out of being evil. 
The people you should be mad at are Toyotaro and Toriyama, who came up with this whole business of Goku giving Moro a senzu bean, for seemingly no better reason than the fact that he’s done it before with Piccolo and Cell. But it had dramatic weight with Piccolo and Cell.  The first time, Goku had to give Piccolo a senzu bean, because Piccolo needed to survive so that Kami could go on living.  With Cell, Goku gave him a senzu bean because he was so confident that Gohan would pound the crap out of Cell, even at his maximum strength. 
Why is he giving a bean to Moro?  He can surrender to the GP whether he’s got all his power or not.  Indeed, Goku tries a more original approach after the first thing with the bean doesn’t work.  I like the part where he just talks to the guy, because we haven’t seen that before.  So the part with the bean just feels even more redundant. 
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Anyway, Moro’s body can’t contain the angel power of Merus, so it starts to expand and distort, which only makes things harder for Moro.  He desperately seeks out a new body...
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... And he winds up merging with the Earth itself.  This puts Goku at a disadvantage, because while it doesn’t stabilize Moro very much, it does mean that Goku can’t kill Moro without destroying the Earth in the process.  Whis explains that Goku needs to destroy the power copying crystal in Moro’s head to defeat him, but Goku can’t get at it, so Vegeta uses Spirit Fission to try to make the job easier.
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But Goku still can’t get the job done, so everyone starts gathering energy to share with Goku so he can regain Ultra Instinct.  For fuck’s sake, this is exactly the kind of crap they would do in GT whenever Super Saiyan 4 Goku got beat. 
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The power collected isn’t enough, until Jaco runs off to find Majin Buu, and then Goku suddenly receives a big boost that puts him over the top, and he makes a ki construct that rassles Moro down and finishes him off for good. 
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And that extra energy came from Uub, which is kind of awkward, since Uub hasn’t met the Dragon Ball cast at this point in the storyline.  Basically, Jaco remembered Merus’ theory about Buu absorbing divine energy when he gobbled up the Grand Supreme Kai, and that divine energy was split between Fat Buu and Kid Buu.  Kid Buu became Uub, so Jaco got Buu to find Uub and get him to send energy to Goku. 
Fuck all of this. 
Seriously, this is the most contrived nonsense I’ve ever read, and what purpose does it serve?  This arc isn’t a story, it’s a checklist of story beats and callbacks that Toyotaro wanted to use.
So then they wish all of Moro’s victims back to life, and then they go to a medal ceremony at GP headquarters, because Toyotaro decided to do a callback to Star Wars on top of everything else.  And Merus is supposed to get a medal for his role in stopping Moro, but he no longer exists, right?
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Wrong!  He disappeared that day, but he only ceased being an angel.  Now he’s a mortal, which seems to suit him just fine, since he can be a space cop like he always wanted.  See, this is what I’m talking about.  Was this always how it was going to do, or did the Grand Minister arrange this somehow as a way to strip Merus of his divinity without ending his life? 
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Because the Grand Minister could have prevented all of this by telling Merus to quit the GP from the start.  And so he kind of acts like he came up with this whole thing as a special rule-bending thing.  And yet, he punishes Beerus and the Supreme Kai for their role in this, ordering them to play with Grand Zeno for a while.  How was this Beerus’ fault? How was this the Supreme Kai’s fault?  Merus made his own choices, and Whis was the one who said he’d take care of Merus during this story, and that clearly didn’t happen. 
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So that wraps things up, right?  Wrong, because the recaptured criminals suggest to Jaco that Seven Three might have survived the final battle on Earth.  Jaco is confident that he found no trace of Seven Three, but they go back for another look and they still don’t find anything, but that’s because some other characters have already recovered his remains.
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They seem to have big plans for Seven Three, but before they can do anything with him, another set of space crooks show up and capture Seven Three for themselves.  And their leader is a guy by the name of Granolah, which leads us into the next arc. 
And that’s it for Moro.  It really kind of sucked.  I should write more about it in the future, but right now, I just want to move on.  I hope the Granolah arc is better, because I really need a win from the DBS Manga. 
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vaspider · 2 years
Since the queer post is going around, I want to send an ask thanking you for making me realize something. (It's not about the word queer; I've always been vehemently pro-queer--but that's another topic.) There was something in that post about how someone reblogged your post with rude tags and had a MOGAI/SJW/etc. DNI in their blog. And in the post, you made it clear you just blocked them and moved on. You respected their DNI.
I don't know why it didn't hit me to respect people's wishes even when I so vehemently believe they're wrong, even when they might be sorta-directly sorta-indirectly rude to me on the internet. Logically and without emotions, I know nothing good could come of it. At best, it would be nothing but an unmemorable interaction for that person, but at worst, but I might solidify their views I'm trying to change.
But that part almost doesn't even matter. It doesn't matter if I could change their mind. What matters is that they have asked me not to interact. If I truly want to respect them in a way that I think is so essential, I need to be able to not interact with people, even when my brain is screaming at me to.
I can't explain why this was an eye-opening moment for me. Maybe it was because you were so upset (and with good reason) and you still chose to respect them. Maybe it was because you didn't back down from your anger over it, you didn't invalidate your own feelings--you just recognized they had the right to their own.
It's hard to explain, because it's not like that urge to yell at these people has gone away. But now I feel an understanding for why it's so fundamentally wrong and against what I believe in. I can't force people to interact with me if I disagree with them. The best I can do is curate my own space online, and take the opportunities when people with differing opinions are actually willing and open to talking to me.
Anyway. Thank you for the post. Both for being so loudly pro-queer and for helping me realize being respectful isn't about being right, it's about understanding.
Honestly, it's not about respecting their DNI. I don't really read DNIs on people who begin interaction with me - if someone talks to me, I'm not going to check and see if it's okay for me to answer them. But like... if I happen to see it, and someone is interacting with me despite their own DNI, or is pulling that whole, uhhh... "I'm talking to you, but don't you dare respond to me or you are violating my DNI," I block them because that shit is tiresome, I'm 45 years old, and I really just don't have enough hours left on this earth to indulge that kind of trifling nonsense.
They have their right to their feelings, yes. Everyone has the right to be a dick if they really want to, for that matter. Whether their feelings are genuine or they are just being a dick about it all, I just don't have time for fussing over it. They're strangers on the internet who think my identity is a word too bad to use.
I really don't know if I'm as understanding as you paint me to be, that is to say. But thank you?
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clouds-of-wings · 2 years
It’s funny to see the things I cared about in the 2000s as a teenager but which were mostly ridiculed now be pretty much accepted by the cultural mainstream (like for example: LGBTQ people being worthy of respect and equal rights, climate change being a severe threat, mental health issues shouldn’t be taboo) and things I thought but which seemed unsayable become sayable (like the (very likely) incompatibility of industrial civilization and a long-term livable future, yelling at children being a form of abuse, hunter-gatherer societies not being cartoonish hellscapes of violence and starvation). Back then it seemed like I was talking to a wall and nothing I said or did made any difference, but in the past 15 years something must have happened that shifted cultural perceptions. A whole lot of somethings rather, some bigger, some smaller.
I thought about this a couple of days ago after I got insulted elsewhere on the internet for defending asexuality and some related concepts and criticizing someone for using “virgin” as an insult. I got exactly the same kind of blow-back I got in 2010 and earlier for defending LGBTQ people. Stupid, oversensitive, just trying to be offended, etc. I noticed that these insults didn’t really affect me anymore, exactly because I have seen things change over the years. It’s more clear to me now that an effort is not really wasted just because you don’t see an immediate pay-off. By which I absolutely don’t mean that you always win in the end or people always secretly change their minds and just don’t tell you - things might culturally very easily go into a different direction than I want in the future. My point is more that the effect of anything you do or say cannot be accurately measured just after you did or said it.
It’s the same in personal, non-political issues. I used to have this really terrible next-door neighbour. She was loud, she was rude, quite stupid and very inconsiderate. I think I’m pretty chill and accepting as a neighbour, I don’t make a fuss over every little thing, but with her there was often no way around an argument. She would put her garbage into my storage space in the basement until I started locking it. She would leave her baby’s soiled diapers in front of my door for hours, causing the smell to seep in. She would spill copious amounts of beer all over the staircase and make it sticky, then blame people who weren’t there for it, she would come home at 3AM and turn on loud music. Her friends (who didn’t know me) would deface my door while drunk. Every single time I confronted her about something rude she did, she’d deny everything with the most ridiculous excuses (”The music isn’t loud, it just sounds loud to you” is one of her many memorable quotes). And yet - every time I confronted her about something, the behaviour stopped or at least became a lot better. Even though she never admitted to anything, she still didn’t do the thing anymore.
I learned through this to not care too much what people replied to me when I talked to them about a problem but to look at the long-term development that followed afterwards. I think this attitude carries over to political and cultural developments. In real life, maybe what you want to hear when you criticize harmful behaviour is “Oh I had never looked at it that way. Thank you for pointing it out, I’ll have to think about this!”, but let’s be realistic, that happens very, very rarely. Not just because many people have this weird idea about “saving face” where never admitting mistakes or ignorance is somehow dignified and respectable, but also because, for example, they need to hear something multiple times to wrap their heads around it, they need to think about it on their own first, or maybe they need to have a certain experience in their own lives first, or for any number of other reasons. And a spontaneous change of mind that isn’t deeply considered is often temporary anyway.
So my point of this long-winded monologue is that speaking your truth is never a wasted effort - or rather, you can’t know whether it was until infinity years later because your actions and words continue to have effects as they combine with other words, other actions, other experiences in the minds of those who heard, saw, read what you said and did. I find that this takes a lot of the pressure off of me, personally, and I wish I had known this when I was younger because I wouldn’t have beaten myself up so much for failing to change things for the better, both in my private life and in the bigger scheme of things. I see now, in my 30s, that somehow a lot of things changed for the better anyway, and often in the ways that I tried to bring about.
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suedrawl · 2 years
sue ramble/vent, trying to get brain to process and figure out how to tackle social media and interacting with others
i guess while i am in the process of using tumblr more—it might be a good idea to reconsider a lot of social media, and by default, friendships/socializing/what i really want to do vs what i am doing out pure habit. like, It’s Always Been that Way without having any awareness to consider…hmm, maybe that’s unhealthy, maybe this isn’t fun. so on. not all of it is inherently good or bad, but ready to move on and find a better path
it’s a variety of things that interconnect. small stuff like making sure i’m following/unfollowing/setting more practical tactics. to putting my foot down and communicating firmly over anything that may come up. this also will help me hopefully to figure out how i want to handle art and business side of my persona. i run a discord server and ultimately at the end of the day, a lot of that is my responsibility and there’s no way in hell i’m going to neglect it. but it’s not my job—i got fussed at that a year before, was grounded by my friends. so i’m far from flaws—fawning, people pleasing, helping. it’s a weird balance and sometimes goes up and down. then there’s my struggle with handling 1v1 and connecting to friends individually. and finally, real life and touching grass
so that mess of a paragraph shows the chaos and goals that are all over the place. but it’s progress. one thing that has been helping me is trying to spin both irl world and my internet usage on similar fields. ie—no, i do not need a ton of friends here and just because i dont go out every weekend means i’m not being social enough. or that “if i was hanging with irl friends the way i do online?” which made me realize that it’s not necessarily healthy to spend hours with a friend or a group everyday for hours at a time. i couldn’t handle that—going to a coffee shop, a meeting, meeting multiple friends throughout the day? Either of these sides don’t translate perfectly, and sometimes can vary.
and finally, i’m beginning to feel more on track with being myself, taking up space, and embracing my hermit aura. i think for years and years i was scolded for my like of solitary, and still clashed with my inherent habit of getting involved with communities, how important it is to help others, and loving to meet new people. but i’m getting pretty clear signs from others and the universe about where i need to shift—and if not, then it’s all learning in the end
i might make a simple to -do list, post it here? lately lists have done nothing for me, which is usually one of those time management techniques i need. some i think is forcing myself/i am out of practice. but the other bit is exhaustion. i always ramble about this, but god i can do so much more and it’s easier to do basic tasks to actual goals when i feel well. my brain is <insert some computer analogy>, so it keeps having BSODs, memory problems, the limited CPU can’t handle all the things that need to run inside my brain. so everything feels twice as hard and exhausting
mmm it is nice to be able to go beyond a word limit and just blog XD, it does help. i’ve been struggling as well to keep up with journaling and other practices that help with self-therapy
rn tho, feeling pretty anxious—I think it’s bcs I had too much coffee. but i turned off the PC, moved to the bedroom to quietly read or do art. Pablo’s already crashed; I feel safer if he’s right by me when i get all antsy
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hicentrikseo · 1 year
Top 10 benefits of implementing a mobile-friendly website for SEO in Dubai
Thanks to the Internet, our lives have changed in ways that we could never have imagined ten years ago. Today, we can complete numerous lengthy operations, including banking and shopping, in minutes. And using a smartphone is the most practical method to access the internet.
With the continuously growing number of smartphone users, businesses must optimize their websites for mobile to provide a captivating user experience.
Here are the top ten advantages of having a mobile-friendly website:
Help to gain a competitive advantage.
You may obtain a competitive edge over competitors in your industry by optimizing your website for mobile users because website visitors prefer to use their smartphones to browse items and services.
Unlock new advertising opportunities.
Make sure your click-to-call advertisements link people to mobile-optimized landing pages rather than your standard desktop site for optimum ROI if you want to gain from mobile advertising.
Better user experience:
A mobile-friendly website is made to offer users accessing your website from mobile devices a better user experience. This might boost your search engine results by increasing engagement, extending dwell durations, and lowering bounce rates.
Google's spiders adore mobile-friendly websites.
With all the wonderful search engines currently accessible, Google is still the search engine of choice for internet users. Because of this, businesses strive to appear high up in Google's search results; if your company is one of these businesses, you should start optimizing your website for mobile visitors.
Competitive advantage
Several companies in Dubai still need mobile-friendly websites. A mobile-friendly website may provide a competitive edge and help you stand out.
Increased conversion rates: 
A mobile-friendly website may increase conversion rates by offering a smooth and user-friendly mobile experience, resulting in more leads, sales, and money for your company.
Negligible loading time
Modern customers prefer to access websites quickly, and a solid internet connection eliminates all space for delays. Users are unlikely to stay on or return to websites that run slowly or don't load on their mobile devices.
High brand promoters
One of the elements that determine whether your consumers will support or criticize your business is the user experience. If consumers have a bad experience, they won't talk well about your company to their friends and acquaintances.
Faster conversion
Consumers shop in quantity and make hasty selections throughout the holiday season. The two most efficient strategies are text message and email marketing. In the case of mobile customers, these techniques guarantee a greater open rate.
Great support
For clients to receive 24/7 service without fuss, brands incorporate a live chat widget with their websites. Mobile-optimized websites are essential for this since it's likely that clients will need to contact you for assistance in the middle of the night and may want to do it using something other than a laptop or desktop.
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Hicentrik offers many services that might assist your company in creating an e-commerce web development. They will first examine your present website to find places that might want mobile optimization improvements. Then, they will ensure your website is optimized for various screen sizes and devices using responsive design strategies. This entails building a website that instantly adapts to the size of the browser window being used to see it. Also, they will ensure that your website loads quickly because poor loading times can negatively impact user experience and SEO. To guarantee visitors have a great experience and remain connected with your business, Hicentrik can also assist you with creating interesting and aesthetically pleasing content for your e-Commerce web development.
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allmightluver · 3 years
Can I get some headcanons for the Toshinori x Inko Midoriya ship? Like how they would get into a relationship and how Izuku would feel about it? Thanks!!! <3
Ooo Toshinko for the win!
Obviously they met first during the meeting with the parents. But things got a bit emotional and tense. So Toshinori thought it'd be nice to retry their first introduction. Izuku is his protégé after all, it's only deserved that he try to give a better impression on the boy's mother.
He shows up on her doorstep with a small and modest bouquet of flowers. He can't just show up with nothing to offer her, and he doesn't know what kind of food she likes. Oh no, are flowers too forward? Will she get the wrong impression? What if she's busy? I didn't even call, I should have called first to ask if this was a good time. Why didn't I call. I don't even have her phone numb-
Inko opens the door right as Toshinori goes in a downward spiral, and the both of them jump in surprise. Mr. All Might? Why is he here? And why didn't I fix my hair better and change into better clothes? He's, was, the world's top hero and I look like a slob!
Toshinori awkwardly hands her the flowers he's been squeezing the life out of while trying to come up with a decent excuse to have brought them. Inko equally awkward takes them, can't deny a gift from the number one, previous number one, hero. And while Inko herself never got into heroes as much as her son does, everyone's heard of All Might, and she has the utmost respect for him as a hero, let alone what happened at kamino. She’s still a bit star-struck from All Might being in her doorway.
He apologies for showing up unannounced, and explains that he wanted a better introduction than the one the other day given he’s training with her son. (He doesn’t go into details and leaves it vague) Inko blinks in surprise and lets him in.
Toshinori shuffles off his shoes at the door and watches as Inko hurries into the kitchen to make tea. He follows, trying to ignore the hero worship aura radiating from Midoriya’s room as he passes by. He meets her in the kitchen, watching her panic as she puts a kettle of hot water on the stove and puts away dishes left on the counter. He wants to say not to fuss, but he knows it’s futile, so he stands awkwardly in the kitchen behind her. 
Inko’s finally made the kitchen look more presentable, and has almost forgotten about her guest until she turns around. All Might stands still as a tree with his arm in a sling and bandages on his head, eyes downcast. Inko mentally facepalms, Oh! Please sit! She motions to the table. Thank you, he says politely as he takes a seat. She asks if he would like anything to eat. He declines can’t feel hunger anymore anyway.
When she’s finally seated across from him with tea in their hands, they start to talk. Tense. Stiff. Toshinori tries loosen up, but he’s always been a nervous and awkward man with new people. All Might could charm with his blinding smile and then escape from any real conversation with a simple leap. Toshinori can only jog away, and he’s even slower now as he heals from his injuries. He always somehow gets cornered and makes a fool of himself.
Inko tries to keep up in conversation; she’s better at it than he, but she has no idea how to speak to the man before her. She knows obviously he’s a human, just like her and the neighbor and garbage man. But at the same time he seems larger than life, almost a fictional image in her head from the many videos, pictures, and merchandise Izuku has collected over the years. She struggles to come to terms with what happened at Kamino. The shock of his reveal, the anxiety watching him freeze on the spot as he and the villain exchanged unknown words, and the terror of watching him destroy his own body to take down the villain. To keep everyone safe. Thinking about it too much makes her emotional. Not only for him, but she worries for her son as well, given his admiration.
Inko finally asks about Izuku, to which Toshinori finds easier to speak about. They converse about his progress, his grades, and Toshinori blushes in embarrassment over Inko spilling stories of Izuku scouring the internet and stores for more All Might themed merchandise. He has several that are limited addition, and some he waited for hours in line to get, being at the front of the line of course.
The conversation comes easier now, and it seems a smooth transition into moving on to subjects about themselves, and stories of what they’ve done. Before they know it, several hours have passed and the sun is already beginning to set. Toshinori takes it as his queue to leave. He moves to put on his shoes, and Inko stops him before he can walk out the door.
Would you ever…wanna have tea again? Toshinori looks behind him, surprised, but more than happy she asked first. He’d like that. Before he leaves, they exchange phone numbers, and then he walks home with several questions floating around in his head, as well as a warm feeling in his chest. Inko smiles to herself as she cleans the table. All Might is intimidating, but she can’t wait to meet with Toshinori again. She smiles at the flowers in the center of the table.
Izuku finds out during practice when Toshinori lets it slip unknowingly. Izuku immediately questions him, trying not to make his excitement apparent. Toshinori waves him off and assures they’re only friends for now.
The rest of the day Izuku can’t help thinking about it. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t picture All Might as his father several times, even as a child. He’s excited, curious, cautious. He wants to learn more of their relationship, but he’ll give them space for now.
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mostlymovieswithmax · 3 years
Movies I watched in May
Sadly, I kind of skipped writing a post for April. It was a mad month with so much going on: lots of emails sent and lots of stress. I started a new job so I’m getting to grips with that... and even then, I still watched a bunch of movies. But this is about what I watched in May and, yeah… still a bunch. So if you’re looking to get into some other movies - possibly some you’ve thought about watching but didn’t know what they were like, or maybe like the look of something you’ve never heard of - then this may help! So here’s every film I watched from the 1st to the 31st of May 2021 Tenet (2020) - 8/10 This was my third time watching Christopher Nolan’s most Christopher Nolan movie ever and it makes no sense but I still love it. The spectacle of it all is truly like nothing I’ve ever seen. I had also watched it four days prior to this watch also, only this time I had enabled audio description for the visually impaired, thinking it would make it funny… It didn’t.
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Nomadland (2020) - 6/10 Chloé Zhao’s new movie got a lot of awards attention. Everyone was hyped for this and when it got put out on Disney+ I was eager to see what all the fuss was about. Seeing these real nomads certainly gave the film an authenticity, along with McDormand’s ever-praisable acting. But generally I found it quite underwhelming and lacking a lot in its pacing. Nomadland surely has its moments of captivating cinematography and enticing commentary on the culture of these people, but it felt like it went on forever without any kind of forward direction or goal. The Prince of Egypt (1998) - 6/10 I reviewed this on my podcast, The Sunday Movie Marathon. For what it is, it’s pretty fun but nowhere near as good as some of the best DreamWorks movies.
Chinatown (1974) - 8/10 What a fantastic and wonderfully unpredictable mystery crime film! I regret to say I’ve not seen many Jack Nicholson performances but he steals the show. Despite Polanski’s infamy, it’d be a lie to claim this wasn’t truly masterful. Howl’s Moving Castle (2004) - 8/10 Admittedly I was half asleep as I curled up on the sofa to watch this again on a whim. I watched this with someone who demanded the dubbed version over the subtitled version and while I objected heavily, I knew I’d seen the movie before so it didn’t matter too much. That person also fell asleep about 20 minutes in, so how pointless an argument it was. Howl’s Moving Castle boasts superb animation, the likes of which I’ve only come to expect of Miyazaki. The story is so unique and the colours are absolutely gorgeous. This may not be my favourite from the legendary director but there’s no denying its splendour.
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Bāhubali: The Beginning (2015) - 3/10 The next morning I watched some absolute trash. This crazy, over the top Indian movie is hilarious and I could perhaps recommend it if it weren’t so long. That being said, Bāhubali was not a dumpster fire; it has a lot of good-looking visual effects and it’s easy to see the ambition for this epic story, it just doesn’t come together. There’s fun to be had with how the main character is basically the strongest man in the world and yet still comes across as just a lucky dumbass, along with all the dancing that makes no sense but is still entertaining to watch. Seven Samurai (1954) - 10/10 If it wasn’t obvious already, Seven Samurai is a masterpiece. I reviewed this on The Sunday Movie Marathon podcast, so more thoughts can be found there. Red Road (2006) - 6/10 Another recommendation on episode 30 of the podcast. Red Road really captures the authentic British working class experience. Before Sunrise (1995) - 10/10 One of the best romances put to film. The first in Richard Linklater’s Before Trilogy is undoubtedly my favourite, despite its counterparts being almost equally as good. It tells the story of a young couple travelling through Europe, who happen to meet on a train and spend the day together. It is gloriously shot on location in Vienna and features some of the most interesting dialogue I’ve ever seen put to film. Heartbreakingly beautiful.
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Tokyo Story (1953) - 9/10 This Japanese classic - along with being visually and sonically masterful - is a lot about appreciating the people in your life and taking the time to show them that you love them. It’s about knowing it’s never too late to rekindle old relationships if you truly want to, which is something I’ve been able to relate to in recent years. It broke my heart in two. Tokyo Story will make you want to call your mother. Before Sunset (2004) - 10/10 Almost a decade after Sunrise, Sunset carries a sombre yet relieving feeling. Again, the performances from Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke take me away, evoking nostalgic feelings as they stroll through the contemporary Parisian streets. There is no regret in me for buying the Criterion blu-ray boxset for this trilogy. Before Midnight (2013) - 10/10 Here, Linklater cements this trilogy as one of the best in film history. It’s certainly not the ending I expected, yet it’s an ending I appreciate endlessly. Because it doesn’t really end. Midnight shows the troubling times of a strained relationship; one that has endured so long and despite initially feeling almost dreamlike in how idealistically that first encounter was portrayed, the cracks appear as the film forces you to come to terms with the fact that fairy-tale romances just don’t exist. Relationships require effort and sacrifice and sometimes the ones that truly work are those that endure through all the rough patches to emerge stronger. The Holy Mountain (1973) - 10/10 Jodorowsky’s masterpiece is absolute insanity. I talked more about it on The Sunday Movie Marathon podcast.
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The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) - 10/10 Another watch for Grand Budapest because I bought the Criterion blu-ray. As unalterably perfect as ever. Blue Jay (2016) - 6/10 Rather good up to a point. My co-hosts and I did not agree on how good this movie was, which is a discussion you can listen to on my podcast. Shadow and Bone: The Afterparty (2021) - 3/10 For what it’s worth, I really enjoyed the first season of Shadow and Bone, which is why I wanted to see what ‘The Afterparty’ was about. This could have been a lot better and much less annoying if all those terrible comedians weren’t hosting and telling bad jokes. I don’t want to see Fortune Feimster attempt to tell a joke about oiling her body as the cast of the show sit awkwardly in their homes over Zoom. If it had simply been a half hour, 45 minute chat with the cast and crew about how they made the show and their thoughts on it, a lot of embarrassment and time-wasting could have been spared. Wadjda (2012) - 6/10 Another recommendation discussed at length on The Sunday Movie Marathon. Wadjda was pretty interesting from a cultural perspective but largely familiar in terms of story structure.
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Freddy Got Fingered (2001) - 2/10 A truly terrible movie with maybe one or two scenes that stop it from being a complete catastrophe. Tom Green tried to create something that almost holds a middle finger to everyone who watches it and to some that could be a fun experience, but to me it just came across as utterly irritating. It’s simply a bunch of scenes threaded together with an incredibly loose plot. He wears the skin of a dead deer, smacks a disabled woman over and over again on the legs to turn her on, and he swings a newborn baby around a hospital room by its umbilical cord (that part was actually pretty funny). I cannot believe I watched this again, although I think I repressed a lot of it since having seen it for the first time around five years ago. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 - (2011) I have to say, these movies seem to get better with each instalment. They’re still not very good though. That being said, I’m amazed at how many times I’ve watched each of the Twilight movies at this point. This time around, I watched Breaking Dawn - Part 1 with a YMS commentary track on YouTube and that made the experience a lot more entertaining. Otherwise, this film is super dumb but pretty entertaining. I would recommend watching these movies with friends. Solaris (1972) - 8/10 Andrei Tarkovsky’s grand sci-fi epic about the emotional crises of a crew on the space station orbiting the fictional planet Solaris is much as strange and creepy as you might expect from the master Russian auter. I had wanted to watch this for a while so I bought the Criterion blu-ray and it’s just stunning. It’s clear to see the 2001: A Space Odyssey inspiration but Solaris is quite a different beast entirely. Jaws (1975) - 4/10 I really tried to get into this classic movie, but Jaws exhibits basically everything I don’t like about Steven Spielberg’s directing. For sure, the effects are crazily good but the story itself is poorly handled and largely uninteresting. It was just a massive slog to get through.
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Darkman (1990) - 6/10 Sam Raimi’s superhero movie is so much fun, albeit massively stupid. Further discussion on Darkman can be found on episode 32 of The Sunday Movie Marathon podcast. Darkman II: The Return of Durant (1995) - 1/10 Abysmal. I forgot the movie as I watched it. This was part of a marathon my friends and I did for episode 32 of our podcast. Darkman III: Die Darkman Die (1996) - 1/10 Perhaps this trilogy is not so great after all. Only marginally better than Darkman II but still pretty terrible. More thoughts on episode 32 of my podcast. F For Fake (1973) - 8/10 Rewatching this proved to be a worthwhile decision. Albeit slightly boring, there’s no denying how crazy the story of this documentary about art forgers is. The standout however, is the director himself. Orson Welles makes a lot of this film about himself and how hot his girlfriend is and it is hilarious.
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The Mitchells vs. The Machines (2021) - 4/10 More style over substance, Sony’s new animated adventure wants so much to be in trend with the current internet culture but it simply doesn’t understand what it’s emulating. There’s a nyan cat reference, for crying out loud. For every joke that works, there are about ten more that do not and were it not for the wonderful animation, it simply wouldn’t be getting so much praise. Taxi Driver (1976) - 10/10 The first movie I’ve seen in a cinema since 2020 and damn it was good to be back! I’ve already reviewed Taxi Driver in my March wrap-up but seeing it in the cinema was a real treat. Irreversible (2002) - 8/10 One of the most viscerally horrendous experiences I’ve ever had while watching a movie. I cannot believe a friend of mine gave me the DVD to watch. More thoughts on episode 32 of The Sunday Movie Marathon podcast. Don’t watch it with the family. The Golden Compass (2007) - 1/10 I had no recollection of this being as bad as it is. The Golden Compass is the definition of a factory mandated movie. Nothing it does on its own is worth any kind of merit. I would say, if you wanted an experience like what this tries to communicate, a better option by far is the BBC series, His Dark Materials. More of my thoughts can be found in the review I wrote on Letterboxd.
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Antichrist (2009) - 8/10 Lars von Trier is nothing if not provocative and I can understand why someone would not like Antichrist, but I enjoyed it quite a lot. After watching it, I wrote a slightly disjointed summary of my interpretations of this highly metaphorical movie in the group chat, so fair warning for a bit of spoilers and graphic descriptions: It's like, the patriarchy, man! Oppression! Men are the rational thinkers with big brains and the women just cry and be emotional. So she's seen as crazy when she's smashing his cock and driving a drill through his leg to keep him weighted down. Like, how does he like it, ya know? So then she mutilates herself like she did with him and now they're both wounded, but the animals crowd around her (and the crow that he couldn't kill because it's Mother nature, not Father nature, duh). Then he kills her, even though she could've killed him loads of times but didn't. So it's like "haha big win for the man who was subjected to such horrific torture. Victory!" And then all the women with no faces come out of the woods because it's like a constant cycle. Manchester By The Sea (2016) - 6/10 Great performances in this super sad movie. I can’t say I got too much out of it though. Roar (1981) - 9/10 Watching Roar again was still as terrifying an experience as the first time. If you want to watch something that’s loose on plot with poor acting but with real big cats getting in the way of production and physically attacking people, look no further. This is the scariest movie I’ve ever seen because it’s all basically real. Cannot recommend it enough. Eyes Without A Face (1960) - 8/10 I’m glad I checked this old French movie out again. There’s a lot to marvel at in so many aspects, what with the premise itself - a mad surgeon taking the faces from unsuspecting women and transplanting them onto another - being incredibly unique for the time. Short, sweet and entertaining!
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Se7en (1995) - 10/10 The first in a David Fincher marathon we did for The Sunday Movie Marathon, episode 33. Zodiac (2007) - 10/10 Second in the marathon, as it was getting late, we decided to watch half that evening and the last half on the following evening. Zodiac is a brilliant movie and you can hear more of my thoughts on the podcast (though I apologise; my audio is not the best in this episode). Gone Girl (2014) - 10/10 My favourite Fincher movie. More insights into this masterpiece in episode 33 of the podcast. Friends: The Reunion (2021) - 6/10 It was heartwarming to see the old actors for this great show together again. I talked about the Friends reunion film at length in episode 33 of my podcast.
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Wolfwalkers (2020) - 10/10 I reviewed this in an earlier post but would like to reiterate just how wonderful Wolfwalkers is. If you get the chance, please see it in the cinema. I couldn’t stop crying from how beautiful it was. Raya and The Last Dragon (2021) - 6/10 After watching Wolfwalkers, I decided I didn’t want to go home. So I had lunch in town and booked a ticket for Disney’s Raya and The Last Dragon. A child was coughing directly behind me the entire time. Again, I reviewed this in an earlier post but generally it was decent but I have so many problems with the execution. The Princess Bride (1987) - 9/10 Clearly I underrated this the last time I watched it. The Princess Bride is warm and hilarious with some delightfully memorable characters. A real classic!
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The Invisible Kid (1988) - 1/10 About as good as you’d expect a movie with that name to be, The Invisible Kid was a pick for The Sunday Movie Marathon podcast, the discussion for which you can listen to in episode 34. Babel (2006) - 9/10 The same night that I watched The Invisible Kid, I watched a masterful and dour drama from the director of Birdman and The Revenant. Babel calls back to an earlier movie of Iñárritu’s, called Amores Perros and as I was informed while we watched this for the podcast, it turns out Babel is part of a trilogy alongside the aforementioned film. More thoughts in episode 34 of the podcast. Snake Eyes (1998) - 1/10 After feeling thoroughly emotionally wiped out after Babel, we immediately watched another recommendation for the podcast: Snake Eyes, starring Nicolas Cage. This was a truly underwhelming experience and for more of a breakdown into what makes this movie so bad, you can listen to us talk about it on the podcast.
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junicai · 3 years
Aria at Award Shows
Iconic Outfits
2020 AAAs NCT Daesang Award  
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Peoples’ jaws dropped when they saw Aria sidle up alongside the other 23 boys, strolling out like she owned the building. The heels gave her enough height to be nearly level with Renjun - something she wouldn’t let the boy forget - her hair dyed back to a natural black like it had been during NCT2020 promotions. It was rare that Aria didn’t look slightly apprehensive about stepping out onto a red carpet, but the confidence was rolling off her in waves. As she walked, the slit in the dress seemed to keep on going, trailing up her leg and changing the otherwise classy dress into something that left the innocent bystanders in the first row suffering from a high chance of a heart attack.
tldr; Aria’s hot and people are Noticing.
2019 Show Champion NCT 127 ‘Superhuman’ 
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NCT’s second win with Superhuman left a huge divide in nctzens; a rift between those who were ot21 stans and ot22 stans (sans and plus Aria). Up until then, there had been rumors around whether Aria was to leave NCT now that there was a new girl group supposedly debuting under SM. Their management team had refrained from publishing a response - but that only lead fans to create their own speculations and theories. This outfit played perfectly into the growing rumor; with the large circular pendant on Aria’s bracelet having two chrysanthemums etched into the gold. The flower symbolized happy endings and goodbyes, with nctzens taking this as the proof that Aria was truly set to leave NCT in the coming months. 
tldr; nctzens need to learn how to Chill.
2017 M! Countdown NCT 127 ‘Cherry Bomb’
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Unfortunately, this era was the cause of a lot of strife for Arizens; the stylists either hit it out of the park and Aria was drop dead stunning - or she ended up looking a little like a bratz doll a toddler had gotten their hands on. Unfortunately for Aria, their first win with ‘Cherry Bomb’ left pictures of her in a plastic, obviously dyed blue skirt and cherry pink hair to match immortalized on the internet forever. 
tldr; arizens hoped that her stylist got fired after this era. the plastic skirt wasn't the worst thing they'd done.
Other Iconic Outfits
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Seating Arrangements
Depending on the venue, idols are normally sat on straight rows of chairs and benches, or at round tables. Given the choice, Aria would always prefer to sit at one of the tables, as not only does it give her a chance to not have to worry about her legs being seen while being covered by the tablecloth - if there is one - but it lets her keep everyone sitting near her in her direct line of vision. 
However, should she have to sit in one of the main rows, she’ll normally end up squished beside one of three boys - Donghyuck, Yuta and/or Renjun. Should one of those three be unaviliable, Doyoung and Jeno are usually quick enough to fill in the empty space. 
Donghyuck would always be her first choice, was it not for the boy’s incessant energy that sometimes left her nerves fried before their performance. Most days she adored the company - adored him and his efforts to get her mind off their impending songs with various games and ways to pass the time (they're not allowed play footsie anymore though, because Aria stomped on his foot with her heel once) - but other days she just needed someone to hold her hand and say nothing. That’s where Yuta and Renjun come in.
As Aria’s found out over the years, for all the man’s tactile affection and loud displays of love, Yuta’s highly perceptive to when she needs some silent comfort. Now, she’s not sure if he’s that perceptive to everyone or just her - but either way she’s not complaining. 
With Dream, Renjun is the one she’ll sit with and doodle on the white napkins that are laid out on the table for lord knows what reason. After being bored out of their minds for their first few award shows, Renjun had snuck two black ballpoint pens into the venue in the inside of his red suit jacket. The drawings had become somewhat a tradition, and the best doodle normally is uploaded to bubble shortly after the show has ended. 
All in all, Aria’s normally quite content to sit in the centre of the large group of boys - split over several rows or tables, boisterous and bubbly with energy. The only real downside to it all is the lack of blankets available to protect her modesty once she is seated. 
Most venues split the idols fairly evenly between the boy and girl groups - with blankets being allocated especially for the seating of girl groups. This meant, unfortunately, that when NCT files into their seats and sits down, there is rarely something in the close vicinity that Aria can borrow quickly without causing a fuss.
Sometimes she gets lucky - other female idols might spot her and are normally kind enough to hand over one of their cushions or blankets, content to share with their neighboring member. Occasionally though, Aria has no such luck and is left to either pull down her dress multiple times per minute to cover the prickly feeling over the tops of her legs when she felt like eyes were boring into her, or wait for some kind of break so she could go find a spare covering.
Aria supposed after the third time something like that had happened, her members were getting fed up with it all. 
At first it was their plan B: should some type of cover-up not be available in their immediate vicinity, Johnny or Lucas or Jaehyun - once, even Dejun - or another member who ran hot near-constantly would shrug off their jacket and fold it over Aria’s legs, pulling it up and then lifting her hands to place them in her lap to hold their jacket there. 
Eventually it became their plan A however, now commonplace for Aria to go looking for the member who was wearing multiple layers and who wouldn’t suffer from the loss of their outermost one.  
Iconic Moments 
Twitter: [180821] and people rly say nct doesn’t care abt aria :/
Red carpets were always something to dread, in Aria’s eyes.
The cameras flashing bright enough to blind you, and the knowledge that if she stumbled or - god forbid - fell it would be immortalized forever on Koreaboo’s newest blog post. 
However the worst bit, was always the footwear. High, stiletto heels that left her teetering around on nothing more than her tippy-toes, precariously balanced as she made her way up and down stairs, over carpet and tiled flooring alike. 
Aria was used to wearing heels, but the one’s she performed in were usually fitted with various types of ankle support and a thick heel to give her balance. Wobbling around on a heel the same width of a piece of uncooked spaghetti was not something she’d willingly choose. 
Not to mention the blisters. 
Designer shoes were gifted to the company on a regular basis - shipped over just in time for Aria to slip into the pair before stepping out of the van into the sea of bright flashes and reporters. It always seemed like designers were too pre-occupied with making a shoe look good rather than making them actually wearable. 
The first time Aria had been gifted a set of heels - early 2018 - she made the mistake of assuming that they would be in similar comfort as her performance heels. 
Two hours later and with a wad of bloody tissue stuffed into the back of them, Aria had learnt her lesson. 
From then on, it was commonplace for Aria to bandage her heels before she went out to shows - not quite as heavily as she normally would for a performance, but just enough to stop the skin splitting under the constant abrasion. 
She’d only been caught out badly once - but it was all caught on camera by a fan sitting close by, and spread over twitter like wildfire. 
Aria had limped her way back over to where NCT 127 was sitting, lips pressed together in a tight line and hands clenched in the tight material of the leather trousers she had been given to wear. The trousers stopped a few inches above her ankles, so the red mess of her heels was clearly visible as she hobbled over and sat down with a thud onto the seat. 
Donghyuck placed a hand on Aria’s shoulder, leaning in so that he could see her face behind the curtain of hair that she had let fall to hide her tear-filled eyes from him. 
“Riri?” Donghyuck whispered to her, thumb beginning to rub soothing circles into her arm. “Hey, Riri? What’s going on?” 
Aria only shook her head, gesturing to the pair of torturous heels on her feet.
Donghyuck inhaled sharply when he saw the blood trailing up her leg and soaking into the back of the heel. He turned to his side to elbow Doyoung, grabbing his attention.
“Hyung. Hyung.” He hissed, Doyoung turning around with an over-exaggerated sigh. 
“No, Hyuck, I told you I’m not going to-” Doyoung cut himself off upon seeing Aria’s pain-filled face. “Aria? What’s wrong? What’s happened?” 
Donghyuck slid off his seat onto the ground despite Aria’s protests that the floor wasn’t clean, get up, and explained what had happened to his hyung. Sliding her heel off as slowly as he could to not pull at the skin more, he muttered apologizes to Aria as she inhaled a shaky breath before exhaling it on a small, wet cry. 
“Hyung, did you bring anything for Taeyong-hyung’s shoulder that we could use?” 
“Yeah, yeah I did give me two seconds.” Doyoung bent into the small bag that he had tucked underneath the seat, pulling out a length of bandage that was stowed away in the outermost pocket. 
Donghyuck took it from Doyoung’s hands with a small ‘thank you’, moving to kneel back down in front of Aria and taking her ankle back into his lap.
“Hyuck, no I got it, c’mon the ground isn’t clean-” 
He silenced her with a look. Aria settled back into her chair - defeated - and Donghyuck wrapped the bandage around her heel as quickly but as painlessly as he could manage. 
Maybe Aria should have been paying more attention to the camera that was slowly panning around the idols, projecting their faces up onto a large screen beside the stage, but she was too engrossed in the current group’s performance. 
“그렇다고 네 맘이 작다는 게 아냐,” Swaying gently side to side and mouthing along to the lyrics, Aria was happy enough to smile along to the song and move her hands in a small mimickery of the choreography she’d taught herself off the group’s dance practice video she’d watched only a few dozen times. 
It wasn’t until Mark poked her in the side that Aria broke out from her own little bubble, twisting her head to look back at him and then up at the screen when he pointed. 
There, her face, staring back at her from the big screen was enough to make her mouth drop open a little bit and her eyes widen. She clapped a hand to her mouth before turning to hide her face in Jaehyun’s shoulder, shaking with embarassed laughter. 
Aria could hear Taeyong’s teasing laugh in return, before a hand came and ruffled the hair on top of her head, that she swatted away.
Twitter: [170911] lmao same aria
Aria knew she was there. 
She knew that she was sitting right there and that she was in one of those really skimpy dresses stylists loved to put girls in because apparently female idols don’t deserve modesty and Aria knew that she had a blanket for once and she should share it but oh my god.
It was Chungha.
Aria was going to pass out. 
Taking side glances every few seconds only confirmed the fact that Chungha was pulling down her dress to cover as much of her legs as possible, tucking her ankles together and underneath the seat.
Ok, she could do this. 
Aria took a steeling breath, before shifting on her seat to face Chungha on more of a diagonal. She lifted her hand before lowering it slighly, looking away. 
Should she- no ok she’s doing this. 
Without giving herself time to talk herself out of it, Aria moved to rest her hand on Chungha’s arm. The older woman jerked slightly - startled - and Aria was quick to apologize. 
There was no audio in the video uploaded - the original poster having been too far away to capture much - but the two women talked for a moment before Chungha pointed to the blanket and then herself.
Aria nodded emphatically, and Chungha’s face crumpled into something fond, bowing her head in thanks before they unfolded the blanket another time and Chungha scooted an inch closer to Aria so they’d both fit. 
Chungha sent Aria another grateful smile before refocusing on the performances - apparently not noticing, or perhaps choosing not to comment on the rather obvious red tinge that the younger idol’s cheeks had taken on.
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larentsaloud · 3 years
I’ve come to appreciate BTS in 2021. I mean I knew of their existence. I am not a barbaric creature. I think early spring after clocking them out and chatting to Wheatus on Twitter about their music I was quite taken aback by their talent. Didn’t really understand what the fuss what about at first. 😅
Oh in case you don’t know that band that composed the iconic Teenbage Dirtbag tune? Yeah. <IM JUST A TEENAGE DIRTBAG BAAAABYYYY> screaming in high pitch* also jumps* {Jimin joins. *pause* Jungkook joins* GUYS!! I’m in the middle of a story about yall.}
We got into a polemic about shipping, because I was and still am someone who supports one direction. From my user name you can probably guess I am / was a Larry.
~~~~ let’s not fight about this ~~~~
I love one direction and support their solo careers, there’s something about them that made me feel things, I’ve not felt for a long time. Ultimately it’s why I and the rest of the planet consume art. To feel stuff. It’s kind of safer than having a broken heart. It’s why certain songs are so addictive. Like that’s the whole basis of POP music / culture. Create consumable goods we can all be addicted to. Capitalism. All that jazz. *Tae throws hands* <Yes, Tae I know. I shouldn’t have brought jazz into it.>
Back to business.
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I think Zayn and Louis are my most played artists this year. Which is funny because I was a huge rock fan and wouldn’t go near boy bands. It’s kind of like I said I won’t touch the hot stove and here I am all over the fucking thing. Even running a blog. Lol. 😭😭😭
No surprises there! Anyhow.
Wheatus’s song has been covered by 1D and he engaged with me a little. We chatted about Ani Di Franco whom we both love and then he followed me. I was so 🥺🥺 because he’s such a cool dude. Sorry about this prelude, but I promise that it will be a point to this. <Jin stop asking us whats for dinner>
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Anygays, he shared a BTS song and loads of army flooded his replies trying to gate keep BTS from a ‘Larry’ so I got freaked out. God bless Wheatus because he publicly defended me saying music was for everyone. <Jhope just hugged me guys!>
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*leaves room for 5 minutes. Comes back confused. Where’s my flute? Can’t hear due to the sound of jikook playing it super out of tune. FFS guys. Lemme write this post.
I used to play flute back in the day. Not like Lizzo, it was a lot less sexy.
So after that I felt all sorts of feelings about BTS. I followed them on Twitter and checked out a few videos. Never thought much of it. Cute lads I said to myself.
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WORLD WIDE HANDSOME 🌎🌍🌏🥰🥰 *cue in namjoon eye roll
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In a recent bout of existential crisis I decided to pursue writing as a career and entered some competitions, wrote a novel or two that needs to be edited and finished off. LOL.
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While in that space, one direction fandom saved me. Literally saved my life, because I wrote a fan fiction in which I discovered my love for the art of sentences! I took the FF down once I evaluated some hard truths.
This meant being honest with myself about breaking the fourth wall. Once I cleared my conscience I ached to create stories and longed to write until my eyes bleed just not about THEM.
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Amidst the pandemic I was safe in my bubble where I found new friends and pals from all across the globe. We talk. We share dreams. We laugh. We cry. We watch Grammys together and scream. Internet is fucking powerful.
Of late I got attached to K-Drama. Initially I attributed this to the fact, that Korean dramas have original plot… and told everyone who was asking me about
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~~~regrets ever mentioning the thing ~~~
So I called it
But let’s be honest.
I needed a break from my book. I wanted romance. I want to cry on cue and laugh. I wanted to yell at yet another predictable story line when amnesia >>> arrived.
I live for that shit.
They do follow solid plot developments and I LOVED the cinematography in them, or their beauty, language, food, the intricate language and culture?! Maybe all of it.
I just fell in love with Korea first.
Once I crossed that path and starter messaging my mother in Korean when saying good night and telling her I love her, she confessed that she fell into the Korean loop hole, too. It was a truly beautiful moment for us both.
And from k-dramas it was only a matter of time before I started listening to BTS, watched their YT crack videos, in the soop, BTS run.
The thing about Jikook…
Kind of happened despite me trying. I fell in love with whatever they have.
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Outside chapter 25: What Comes Next
And here it is, the final chapter. It's been a wild ride, y'all, but more on that in the next chapter. Also can anyone guess who the sequel will involve? There's a hint, though it'll be a while before I get to it.
Stacy chopped the vegetables for the upcoming stir-fry as Scout watched from the other side of the sink. Will was working on measuring out the rice, hopeful that this time it would be the right amount. Scout hoped for another rice-explosion.
Rice cooker started, Will washed his hands and headed down into the basement. Nick and Riley sat in cages along the back wall, tied up and gagged. Riley glared at him as he approached, but Nick stared into space, unmoving and unseeing. Will came up to the cage and poked the Puppet's face with a pen, and on finding no reaction took the artist out of his cage, manually closing his eyes as he went.
Will laid the body on the table, untying him an removing the gag before wrapping him up like a mummy. Wrapped up in fabric and bound with silver infused rope, he was laid gently into a velvet lined box, that was closed and locked up tight with a key and code. It was placed on top of the box that held Mortimer, right next to the one that held Daisy. Right next to the many other boxes lining the wall.
Will finished checking in with the other dolls and toys, finding no change or escape attempts. He went to leave, but stopped first to look at Riley. She was obviously tired, no longer struggling against the ropes that bound her. Instead she opted to give a death glare, which he returned with a steady stare.
"You're next, you know." He told her quietly. "Don't worry, you won't get a different treatment from the others." She just glared harder, and he went back upstairs, heading back for the kitchen.
"Nick's gone dormant." He told Stacy quietly as she cooked the vegetables and rice in a pan. She frowned and nodded, but didn't reply beyond that. Scout was on the table, messing with the forks, and neither of them wanted to bring it to her attention. As he went on to stop the Puppet from her tower building, Stacy breathed a sigh of relief.
'Three down, just one more left.' She sighed in relief as she scooped the food onto four plates. 'It's almost over, then.' She set them up on the table while Will went off to find Canon. He returned quickly, no Puppet in sight.
"Yeah she's still up there, and not coming back down. But she did yell at me to go away this time, so I think we're making progress." He said, taking a seat. Stacy dumped the food that would've been Canon's into a tupperware before taking her own seat.
Scout, true to form, had already started stuffing her face. She stopped briefly, swallowing her mouthful with some difficulty. "I don't even know why you fucking bother. If she wants to be miserable, let her be miserable. Better than having her bothering me all the time." Another scoop of rice went into her mouth. "Why are we eating this again? It's fucking gross."
"We have to have at least two nights where we eat real food." Stacy told her. "It's healthy."
"It's. Gross." Scout repeated. "Didn't you make a cake? Where is it?"
"Cake comes after dinner. Eat your rice." Will told her. And, with some grumbling, the Puppet continued to shovel the stir-fry into her mouth.
"My Dad wants me to come home for Thanksgiving." Stacy said, after a few minutes of silent eating. "I think I should probably go this time, rather than just call."
"Might be a good idea." Will agreed. "Doesn't Danny need to, uh, do something anyways?"
"That's another reason I'm going. And why Scout is coming too."
"What? Ew no I don't wanna go." She dropped down into the chair behind her. "I like this house."
"It's just for a few days. Besides, I want you to meet my brother. It's important."
"How important? Also isn't he the one who can't hear? That's weird." Scout commented, peering over the edge of the table like some sort of gremlin.
"Yes, and yes he is weird but not because he's deaf." A pause, as Stacy realized something. "So don't tell him that that's why he's weird."
The two stared at each other, long enough that Will sighed and reached over to pull the Puppet back up onto the table. "Finish your food so we can get to the cake already." He grumbled, stabbing into a larger piece of carrot. "Also has Lisa gotten back to you on that project she's working?"
"Not yet, but apparently it's been more difficult than she thought. Neither Stitch or Bonzai are cooperating, and Scout doesn't even want to know what she's working on." Stacy side-eyed her Puppet, who glared right back.
"I want no part of that crazy bitch's plans!" She insisted, and was met with two sighs.
"You don't even know what it is." Will pointed out, and got a handful of rice in the face for his trouble.
"I don't fucking care. It involves fabric, and I don't fucking trust her!" She went to grab another handful of rice, only to find her plate gone, and Stacy halfway to the sink with it and the other two plates.
"Who wants some cake?" She asked with false cheer, holding the pan and a knife up. Scout cheered, and Will just sighed, though with a small smile.
Lisa sighed heavily, pulling at her hair as she stared down at her notes. Nothing seemed to be working, though not like she could even test her theories with nobody cooperating with her. Even Stitch, who had agreed to help, and been swayed into not helping by Bonzai.
Finally, she stood and swept the notes into a folder, shelving it for the time being. She had classes to plan for next year, and should probably get on that. She grabbed a fresh notebook and opened it up. 'I wonder is Stitch would be willing to come with a few days out of the week.' She thought as she started on the plans. 'She's not that creepy, and isn't as loud as the others. And kids always love a Puppet.'
A light smile crossed her face as she thought of vague scenarios and sketched in small notes on where the Puppet could fit. She wasn't sure if her supervisor would even allow it, but it was nice to fantasize. Unfortunately, her fantasies were soon broken by a loud crash from the living room.
'Oh what did those three do now?" She stood and left her study, to find the little train Mason had set up crashed into a wall. Her roommate was doubled over laughing behind a camera, while Stitch and Bonzai were arguing. She leaned against the wall, watching the scene.
"I hope you got some good shots, cause it's time to clean this up." She told them, and instantly he sobered up.
"Aw, come on Lees, they love the train. Just look!" He pointed to the two Puppets, of which Stitch was actively strangling her brother.
"It looks like they're trying to kill each other." She leaned down, scooping the Puppets into her arms. "Besides it's gonna be time for bed soon, and I don't want to trip over this again tomorrow morning."
"Ugh, fine." He pulled his phone out and snapped some pics so he could put it back together later. He then started grabbing track pieces and putting them into a nearby bin. Bonzai let out his own groan, just now noticing what was going on.
"Hey wait don't put it away!" He struggled, but couldn't break Lisa's hold on him. "I wasn't done with that! Stop!"
"Ah but my Host has spoken. You are done with it." Stitch intoned smugly, to be met with a hard glare. He was ignored as Lisa carried them to what had been a guest room, but was now set up as their room. Not much had really changed about it, save for there being more toys and some kids' books around. It was mostly a temporary place for them, that had become permanent.
"You guys really gotta clean this place up." The blonde muttered as she stepped over things to put them in the bed. Bonzai tried to escape the second he was let go, but Lisa grabbed him again and almost forcibly tucked him in beside his sister. He crossed his arms and sulked while Stitch looked far too happy to be fussed over like that.
"Glad you're enjoying this humiliation." He muttered.
"It is only humiliating if you dislike such actions." Stitch whispered back as she watched her Host put away some of their things. "Personally, I feel like this was an optimal outcome. Look at her, cleaning for us."
"Well I wasn't done playing with Mason." He grumbled, just loud enough that Lisa heard.
"What were you guys doing, anyways. I saw Mason had his camera set up." She said, coming to sit down on the bed with them.
"We were making a movie! With fun action sequences and a train chase!" Bonzai told her excitedly. "It was totally awesome!"
"He told us he would put it on the internet when he was finished." Stitch told her, and Lisa frowned briefly before covering it up.
"That sounds so cool!" She said. "I can't wait to watch the finished thing. I bet it's gonna be awesome!"
"Hell yeah it is!" Bonzai agreed, and received a small pat on the head for it. He quickly brushed her hand away while she gave Stitch an identical pat, then stood to leave. Turning the light off as she went, she made sure the door was tightly shut before heading back to the living room.
She took a deep breath. "You're going to put them on YouTube?!" She whisper-shouted with a squeak.
"Uh, yeah? I'm not gonna make a whole ass movie just to let it sit in the camera." Mason told her, putting the last of the track pieces in the box.
"You can't do that! What if somebody sees? Oh man we're gonna get in so much trouble!"
"Lisa, relax. Stacy made a whole TikTok account for Scout, and nothing's happened to them." He pointed out.
"That's Stacy though! She has, like, supernatural luck or something! We're gonna get caught and they'll be taken away!"
"Look, Lisa, it'll be fine. And besides, the movie's not done yet. There's plenty of time to see if Scout gets caught because of TikTok or not." He grinned, which faded at the hard look Lisa was giving him.
"If anything happens to anyone because you put that video on YouTube, you're dead." She told him, but he just grinned back.
"Fair enough." He said. "But don't worry so much. It'll be fine, I'm sure of it!"
Sammy walked into his half-dark apartment, not bothering to turn on any other lights. His backpack fell to the floor with a heavy thump as he wandered into the kitchen for a soda from the fridge. Drink gotten, he opened it up as he wandered into the living room, sitting on the couch and lighting up a joint.
He blew out a mouthful of smoke, barely noticing as Bit appeared on the couch. She crawled over to lay her head in his lap, letting out small coughs occasionally. He stroked her hair absentmindedly, slowing down as his mind drifted with the smoke.
"You need to stop doing that." Bit mumbled, coughing again as Sammy finally passed into a weed fueled haze. She got no reply, so she sighed unhappily.
She'd been expecting something... more with Sammy once they got back. And her siblings seemed to have gotten that, even if Canon was being a weird bitch about it. But all she got was a Host that left her alone for days at a time, only to come home and smoke himself into oblivion. And then he'd leave again the very next morning.
He didn't talk or play with her like the other Hosts did with her siblings. It was almost enough to bring her to tears when she was left alone in the dark apartment. Almost. She never actually cried from it(not like she'd admit it, anyways).
She was tired of the taste and stench of the smoke, however.  It made her cough, and smelled worse than anything in the Studio. She wished he could get through one day without smoking. She knew that the next time they all met up, she was going to stink.
Stacy brushed her hair, sitting on the bed next to Scout, who was deep into playing an old Gameboy that had been found in a box. As soon as her hair had been tied back into a braid, she lifted the Puppet into her lap and gave her hair a few quick strokes with the brush.
"Okay, it's bedtime now. Save the game and turn it off." Stacy said, putting the brush away. She unhooked her prosthetic and set it down beside the bed, in easy reach for the next morning.
"Can't save can't pause gotta keep playing." Scout mumbled. Her Host sighed before grabbing the game and pausing it, then plugging it into the charger on the side-table. The Puppet reached for it, but was held in place as Stacy turned off the light and laid down.
"Bedtime is now, Scout. Will's already asleep." She muttered as she settled down, and Scout finally stopped fighting it. Stacy would go limp soon enough, anyways, and then Scout could go back to playing.
And, just as predicted, once Stacy was fully asleep it was easy to squirm out of her loose grasp and grab the Gameboy. She settled into the corner of the room to play, when she noticed a light go by the open door.
Too low to the ground to be anything but Canon, Scout eased through the gap between the door and door-frame. She followed her eldest sister to the kitchen, just in time to see her pull the tupperware of gross rice out of the fridge. It landed on the floor with a thump and she pulled the lid off to shove the cold leftovers into her mouth.
"You know that tastes better warm, right?" Scout asked, and Canon jumped, then hunched over her food and glared at her sister.
"Shut up and go back to your Host!" She hissed before chomping down on another mouthful of food. Hunger satisfied for now, she put the lid back on and hefted the container back into the fridge. She then closed the door, plunging the kitchen back into darkness.
"C'mon Canon, Will's worried about you. I think." Scout scratched her head. "It's honestly hard to tell with him sometimes."
"I. Don't. Care." Canon said simply, pushing past Scout in order to get back to her hiding place.
"But he's your Host!" The elder sister paused, leaving Scout feeling safe to continue. "Everyone else likes their Hosts! Did... did something happen or-"
"Just because the rest of you are happy to be pets doesn't mean I am." She stated. "They'll all get bored of you eventually, so don't drag me into your delusions." And then she vanished, leaving Scout with a rebuttal dying on her lips.
"Well, fine then! Be a bitch, see if I care!" She grumbled as she made her way back to the bedroom in the dark. She Jumped onto the bed, crawling under the blanket and up against Stacy.
"We're not fucking pets." Scout muttered. "They care about us. Stacy cares about me. I know she does." She sniffed, burying her face under the covers. "Why does she have to be such a bitch about it?"
Somewhere far away, in a different, rainy city, sat a small building. Out of that building, through the boards covering the door, a tiny figure made of wood squeezed out, dragging an envelope with him. Holding it over his head, he raced to the nearby mailbox sitting at the corner. It took some work, but he was able to climb up and stuff the letter he was carrying inside.
And just in time, too, as a flash of lightning showed a stark white figure about the size of a child standing just inside the doorway. Thin strings wormed their way out through the boards, attaching themselves to the puppet's limbs. It screamed, a high-pitched, sharp sound as he was dragged back inside.
The rain continued to fall as the city slept on, completely unaware.
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captain--sif · 3 years
Lift me up
Words: 5.5k Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Maddie Buckley Additional Tags: minor Evan "Buck" Buckley & Maddie Buckley, minor Eddie Diaz & Christopher Diaz, Trapped In Elevator, Elevatorstuck, Elevators, Flirting, Pining, Alternate Universe - Apartment Building, 5+1 Things, beta read by grammarly, Fluff, no angsty elevator drama, No Angst, just waiting Summary:
 They are both intently staring at the lights changing from one number to the next. Then the elevator comes to a halt and Buck assumes he’ll soon be alone. But instead of pushing away from the wall, the other man is just furrowing his brows. Then Buck realizes the door isn’t opening. His eyes flit back to the current story: Four. That’s not where any of them wanted to get off. Buck groans. “I think we’re stuck.” Buck laughs a humorless laugh. “Shit.”
Buck gets stuck in his apartment building's broken elevator with his good-looking neighbor from the sixth floor.
for @lydiabennetts whose fault it is that I wrote this fic. All the descriptions of being stuck in an elevator are based off of my own experiences. I obviously can't talk for all elevators 🤣
Read the full fic on AO3, wattpad or under the cut.
It’s late , is all Buck is thinking when he’s opening the door to his apartment building. I promised Maddie I’d be on time.
He’s cursing his boss internally.
For a second, he’s contemplating taking the stairs as he knows he’d be faster running up the stairs than waiting for the elevator. But then he’d probably have to shower and he really doesn’t have the time to do that right now.
So he trots to the elevator instead, pushing the button more than just a few times for good measure.
“I don’t think it makes the elevator come down here faster,” a male voice says and when Buck looks up there’s an amused smile curling around the lips of the man who’s coming towards him.
Buck recognizes him: About as tall as him, short brown hair, probably a few years older, decently attractive (not that Buck has been looking). He thinks he’s living a story or two below him. Buck instantly resents him for the comment.
“It doesn’t hurt either,” Buck replies and sees the other man recoil at his sour tone. It’s probably immature but Buck doesn’t care. Why should he care about what some neighbor thinks of him? All he cares about at the moment is not to get late to Maddie’s.
The elevator doors slide open and Buck pushes the button with the number eight in passing, paying his neighbor no mind. He enters just behind Buck, pressing the six. Buck’s gloating a little internally over being right. Childish, yes.
He leans back against the wall of the elevator, his neighbor doing the same on his right. There’s not much space in these city apartment elevators.
They are both intently staring at the lights changing from one number to the next. Then the elevator comes to a halt and Buck assumes he’ll soon be alone. But instead of pushing away from the wall, the other man is just furrowing his brows. Then Buck realizes the door isn’t opening. His eyes flit back to the current story: Four. That’s not where any of them wanted to get off. Buck groans.
“I think we’re stuck.”
Buck laughs a humorless laugh. “Shit.”
His neighbor steps towards the panel, presses and holds the emergency button. The tone it makes when it connects is obnoxious, but it doesn’t keep Buck’s thoughts from drifting away. He’ll be late to Maddie’s , is all he can think. Again.
“Please try putting your flat hands on the door and pushing it closed,” the person on the other side instructs them, and his neighbor steps towards the door to do as told. Buck watches but nothing happens. He sighs in frustration. Maddie will kill him.
“I’ve sent a technician your way. They’ll be at your place in around an hour to an hour and a half, depending on traffic. Is everything okay healthwise?”
His neighbor looks at Buck, who nods dumbly. He’s okay. He’s just gonna be at Maddie’s an hour late. He thumps his head against the wall behind him.
The worker disconnects and Buck’s neighbor looks at him. “Better tell that person you were rushing to that you’re late. Let me guess: Girlfriend? Parents? ”
Buck shakes his head.
“Boss?” he guesses again.
“Sister,” Buck replies and slides down to sit on the floor. The other man’s eyes follow him.
He takes out his phone, searches for Maddie’s contact and calls her.
 “You’re late because you’re stuck in the elevator?” Maddie asks him incredulously and Buck starts to relax. She’s not mad she’s… laughing at him.
“Please laugh at my misery,” he quips, which only makes her laugh more.
Shifting to a more serious tone she asks: “But you’re okay?”
Buck answers in the affirmative and then proceeds to roll his eyes when she proceeds to fuss around his well-being. His neighbor huffs a laugh at that.
“I’m hanging up now,” Buck warns her. More softly: “But I’ll come around later.”
He lowers the phone.
“How much time remains?” he asks.
His neighbor looks at his watch. “At least forty minutes.”
Buck sighs.
“You got something with you to do during that time? A book?”
Buck lifts his phone with a smirk. “The internet is right here.”
His neighbor laughs and maybe Buck doesn’t resent him anymore. He has a nice smile. Buck wouldn’t mind looking at it for a while longer.
Then he takes out his own phone. “I guess I could play some games on my phone too.”
Buck raises his eyebrows. “You don’t look like someone who plays mobile games.”
The furrowed brows from earlier are back and Buck misses his smile. “I don’t know which way to take that.”
Then he adds: “Everyone plays mobile games.”
Now it’s Buck’s turn to furrow his brows. “They do?”
His neighbor laughs again.
It’s silent for a while and Buck starts scrolling through social media. They sit in companionable silence until the voice from earlier breaks it.
“Are you still feeling well?”
They do, they assure them and they disconnect again. Another twenty to fifty minutes. Buck sighs.
The other man lowers himself to sit down on the floor next to him, putting his phone down on the ground.
“So,” he starts, “you’re gonna go to your sister after we’re out of here?”
“It’s nice that you live so close to each other.”
“Yeah, it is,” Buck agrees, “It’s nice to have her around.”
“I have two sisters myself,” his neighbor shares, “they still live in El Paso, where my parents live. I don’t see them very often.”
Buck nods. “Maddie’s only recently moved here but it’s been nice. Having family near.”
He gets a nod in reply.
Then it’s silent again.
The voice checks in with them a few more times before the elevator finally starts moving again.
“Have a nice evening with your sister,” his neighbor wishes him when he gets off on the sixth floor.
“You too,” Buck replies when the doors close.
He calls Maddie again. “The elevator’s moving. I’ll be there soon.”
   Buck’s on his way to work. He’s not running late but he also doesn’t have a whole lot of time to catch his bus. The usual.
The elevator is stopping on the sixth floor and Buck’s heart stops, thinking the elevator broke again. But then the doors open and one of his neighbors from the sixth floor is walking into the elevator. The neighbor he was actually stuck with. Buck laughs to himself.
“What’s so funny?” his neighbor asks, amusement playing around his lips. It’s the same expression that made Buck resent him initially. Buck’s come to appreciate it now.
“Ah, nothing,” Buck replies sheepishly.
“On your way to work?”
Buck nods.
“Me too.”
The doors close, and they’re moving. But not for long.
Buck looks at the lights in disbelief, then at his neighbor, who’s matching his expression. Only the scowl is new.
Buck waves at him. “You know the drill,” he says, and his neighbor gets to work on the door.
Again, nothing happens, so he presses and holds the emergency button.
The call connects and they go through all the steps again, the person on the other side reminding them that the crazy scenes they see in movies won’t happen and that they are totally safe. That the elevator can’t fall. 
A technician will be there in an hour.
“I felt safer before the reminder,” Buck comments once they disconnect.
His neighbor laughs and again, Buck is quite pleased with himself.
Then he slides off his jacket, laying it on the floor, and pushes up the sleeves of his shirt over his forearms, before sitting down on the jacket.
Buck shrugs and sits down on his side of the elevator.
His neighbor turns to him. “If this becomes a pattern it might be nice to know each other’s names. I’m Eddie.”
“Buck,” Buck replies, and “it’s not a pattern yet.”
Eddie lifts his brows.
“One’s chance,” Buck recounts, “two’s coincidence, three’s a pattern. We’re at two now.”
Eddie laughs at him, and Buck is reminded why he started liking it.
“We’re on our best way to make it a pattern though,” he points out and Buck replies with a shrug.
Eddie leans his head against the elevator wall behind him. “I’ll have to call in late to work.”
At this reminder, Buck mimics him. “Oh shit,” slips out of his mouth, “me too.”
They both get out their phones to do the calls and Buck thinks that, no matter how much it sucks to call your boss, their calls will at least pass some time. It’s better than to just sit around and do nothing.
After they finish their calls, they sit around in silence for a few minutes, fiddling with their phones and staring at the walls.
“Ah!” Buck exclaims excitedly, “I downloaded a mobile game.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow at him, questioningly. “You did?”
Sheepishly Buck ducks his head, both at his not very subtle attempt at doing conversation, as well as the confession he was about to make. “The last time we were stuck in this elevator…”
Eddie huffs a laugh at that.
“... you said everyone played them. And well, I hadn’t so far. So I did some research.”
Eddie widens his eyes incredulously. “You did research? On mobile games?”
“Shut up,” Buck laughs, ”it’s not my area of expertise.”
Eddie shakes his head.
“So I downloaded Hay Day.”
“You downloaded Hay Day.” Eddie seems to ponder over it. Then he tilts his head. “Do you like it?”
“It’s surprisingly fun,” Buck admits, “but I don’t like the long waiting times.”
“Yeah,” Eddie huffs, “that’s how they try to get your money.”
“ Right? ” Buck latches onto it. “Why make the game free if you’re gonna charge for everything anyway? Just make people pay for it up front!”
“I can’t believe people spend thousands of dollars on that.” Eddie shakes his head. “But I assume that is exactly the reason. How much does a game cost on a console? Maybe sixty dollars, possibly eighty. They can [probably] get a lot more this way.”
“Yeah. I still prefer consoles. You can keep your mobile games.”
Eddie opens his mouth as if to say something but closes it again before a word can leave it. Instead, he chuckles.
“I hope your meeting with your sister was nice the other night.”
Buck furrows his brows at that obvious change of subject but it’s not more sudden than his exclamation about mobile games earlier, so he goes along.
“It was,” he reassures Eddie, “Maddie is a big fan of wine and I’ve been getting cooking lessons, so we’ve made it a thing of proving our knowledge to each other. I’m choosing the recipe to prove I can indeed cook, and she chooses a fitting wine to prove she knows her wine.”
“Does it work?” Eddie asks and Buck shrugs.
“Most of the time.” He laughs. 
They jolt when the voice comes back through the speakers to check in with them and inform them of the technician's progress.
Buck starts laughing once they disconnect, Eddie joining in soon.
Once they calmed down, Eddie worries his lip with his teeth.
“I’m not a good cook,” he admits, “it’s one of the things my parents have always been criticizing.”
Buck shoots him a sympathetic glance, extending his legs for as far as possible in the small elevator.
“I haven’t been until recently either.” A shrug. “And if I was still talking to mine, they’d have probably bugged me about it too. But it’s been fun to learn.”
Contemplating, he tilts his head. “You say that like they criticize you a lot.” 
Eddie huffs. “Yeah. I don’t think I can do anything right in their eyes.” He shrugs. “But I don’t wanna bore you with that.”
“Oh, you aren’t,” Buck rushes. For a second, none of them speaks. “Is that why you moved so far away from them?”
“One of the reasons,” Eddie nods and Buck can’t help but nod along.
It feels shorter this time, surprising them both when the emergency worker connects to tell them the technician is there and will soon get the elevator to work again.
They get up, slowly, collecting their things, stretching their limbs. It moves, and they both exhale in relief, sharing a smile.
“Let’s not make this a pattern,” Buck says when they leave, though he has the suspicion that he doesn’t quite mean it.
Eddie laughs at that and shoots him an “I’ll see you around.” when they part ways in front of their apartment building.
    Bread, Buck thinks. Mayonnaise. Cucumber. Eggs. The elevator doors slide open and Buck goes over his grocery list another time while stepping inside and pressing the zero button. Bread. Mayonnaise. Cucumber. Eggs.
The doors close after him, then opening up again as soon as they touch the other side of the door frame.
Buck groans, stepping towards the panel again and pressing down on the “Close door” one.
It closes and Buck leans against the wall at the other end of the elevator, closing his eyes and waiting for all eight floors to pass by.
But then the door opens again and Buck really wishes he had taken the stairs today. He’s about to get out of the elevator to do so after all when he hears someone with crutches coming into the elevator and opens his eyes to see his neighbor, Eddie , coming in.
Eddie looks tense, subtly, but Buck is good at reading people and associated with the crutches he heard, he’s about to ask if Eddie’s okay.
But then he looks down and his eyes land on a small boy. His hair is longer and a lot lighter than Eddie’s but the resemblance is nevertheless unmistakable.
Before he can think better of it, he blurts out: “I didn’t know you had a son.”
Of course he didn’t. Despite being stuck together in this same elevator twice, they are still nothing more than strangers who live in the same apartment building. Neighbors who know each other’s names. Buck doesn’t know where this is coming from.
He doesn’t miss how Eddie’s jaw tenses and Buck fears he may have just ruined the tentative friendship? Acquaintanceship? That they formed during their conversations in the elevator.
“That’s Christopher,” Eddie says nevertheless, and then to the boy: “Chris, this is Buck. He lives on the eighth floor.”
“Ah, is he the one you were stuck with in here?”
“Yes,” Eddie agrees, “that’s the one.”
Buck chuckles at that. “I hope I don’t become known as the one people get stuck in elevators with.”
“You got stuck in the elevator with someone else too?” Eddie asks, his tone subdued. Buck thinks something is up with him but he doesn’t know Eddie well enough to feel confident asking about it.
“No,” Buck laughs self-consciously, “but I think I may have just jinxed it.”
As if on demand, the elevator stops moving.
Eddie’s eyes flit to the ceiling and then back to Buck. “I think you just did.”
“Are we stuck?” Christopher asks. 
“Seems like it, buddy.” Eddie is ruffling his hair and Buck’s melting because of the softness in Eddie’s voice.
Buck pushes away from the wall. “So, the usual steps.”
Eddie nods, but before he can reply, Christopher asks: “What are the usual steps?”
“May I?” Buck asks, waiting for Eddie's assent to pass the two of them and put his hands on the door. Christopher’s eyes follow him, so once he’s got his hands in place, he half-turns to look at the boy. “Now I just have to push the door closed.”
Christopher watches as Buck follows up on his words.
Buck doesn’t expect it to change anything, and in fact, it doesn’t, but Christopher’s face lights up when he asks if he can try too. So Buck makes room for him by the door and helps him push after Christopher has given his crutches to his dad to hold.
“Nothing happens,” Christopher states afterwards, disappointment evident in his voice.
“It hasn’t the last two times either. But it’s worth trying.” Buck shrugs and then looks back to Eddie, checking that he’s not overstepping. He’s happy to find a small smile playing on the other man’s lips, the tension from earlier missing in his shoulders.
Christopher motions for his crutches again and Eddie’s quickly handing them over.
When Buck’s leaning back against one of the walls again, his eyes fall on the emergency button.
“I think we should…” he starts, making Eddie follow his line of sight.
Eddie huffs a breath. “Yeah…”
Now it’s Buck who’s standing closer to the elevator panel, so it’s him who steps towards it and presses down, waiting for the call to connect.
He’s answering the usual questions: how many people are inside, if they tried closing the door, how they’re feeling. Buck thinks about how it’s starting to become a routine.
That’s when Eddie says: “I think I’m allowed to call it a pattern now.”
Buck nearly chokes on his laugh.
“No no,” he argues, “the variables have clearly changed. It’s two times I’ve been stuck in an elevator with you, and one time I’ve been stuck in an elevator with you and your son. That doesn’t make three.”
“I assume you don’t have a college degree because you clearly failed math,” Eddie quips and Buck laughs, again.
“I can’t even object to that because I did fail math in college.”
“I’m good at math,” Christopher pipes up, “I got an A on all tests this year.”
“Impressive,” Buck nods in recognition. “You like math?”
“Yes. It’s my favorite subject.”
Christopher talks about it with glee in his eyes and Eddie’s features are equally soft while listening until they contort in a way that is best described by “Oh shit” .
He fumbles for his phone while addressing Buck: “Do you have anyone you have to inform that you’ll be late?”
“Oh no,” Buck shrugs, “I’m just on my way to buy groceries.”
Eddie nods. “I’m gonna have to…” He motions to his phone.
“Yeah, sure.”
Buck and Christopher patiently wait for Eddie to talk to whoever’s on the other side of the line, describing their situation and how long it’ll probably take them.
“I’ll text you if anything changes,” he ends with. There seems to be assent from the other person because soon after they’re disconnecting.
“So,” Buck asks, “who were you supposed to meet?” He thinks of Eddie’s questions the first time they found themselves in this situation. “ Wife? ” he corrects the voice in his head with a thought to Chris.
“Ex-wife,” Eddie answers abashedly.
“Dad is bringing me to mom, so I can spend the weekend with her and grandma,” Christopher shares excitedly.
“Shannon and I divorced two years ago,” Eddie feels the need to explain, “she’s caring for her sick mother, so we decided Chris would stay with me most of the time. Makes it easier for all of us.”
Buck nods. “You seem to have a good relationship with her.”
“We’re trying,” Eddie says with a half-smile, “for Chris.”
“It’s nice,” Buck reiterates, “my sister and her ex-husband split on really bad terms. And let me tell you, that sucks. For everyone involved.”
He swallows, then adds: “So it’s really great that you’re doing the effort for him.”
It’s then that the emergency worker reconnects for the usual check-in.
Afterwards, Eddie offers his phone to Christopher to play some games.
“What are you playing?” Buck asks the boy.
“Hay Day,” Christopher replies, concentrating on the game in front of him.
Buck shoots an amused look towards Eddie who seems to have reverted to his earlier state of discomfort and avoids meeting his eye.
Weird , Buck thinks and hopes he didn’t cause it by asking Christopher about his game.
He makes another try, “Cool! I recently started playing it too.”
“Really?” Christopher looks up at him, beaming, “what’s your farm’s level?”
“Oh, I barely just started, It’s only level thirteen.”
“Mine’s level 47. Look.” Christopher turns the phone over, so Buck can look at his little digital farm.
Buck chances another glance at Eddie, now leaning back and more or less relaxed. Confusing . Buck would love to figure him out.
Conversation comes easy for the rest of their stay. A little tenseness remains in his features but other than that he’s either sharing things with Buck himself or observing Chris talking to Buck. Soon enough, they get out of the elevator, into the corridor on the ground floor. Buck gets the door and holds it open for the two of them. He sees them walking towards a car on one of the parking lots in front of the building, Chris climbing in first. Eddie turns around and looks at Buck, so Buck seizes the moment to walk up to him.
“He’s a great kid,” he says, then follows it up with, “I love kids.”
Eddie smiles. He dips his head towards his car. “I love this one.”
Buck laughs and skips away to finally get his grocery shopping done.
   “Keep the door open for me!” somebody calls out from the corridor and Buck would be lying if he said he didn’t recognize the voice. Instantly, he puts his hand in front of the sensor and, sure enough, Eddie hurries around the corner. He’s alone again and greets Buck with a smile as soon as he sees him.
“Thank you,” he pants.
“In a hurry?” Buck asks him, as the doors close behind him.
Eddie huffs. “No. I just don’t trust the elevator to come back down for me.”
Buck laughs. “Fair point.” After a contemplative dip of his head: “Probably wise, too.”
“We really need a new elevator,” Eddie sighs, “I don’t know what I’m doing with Chris if it breaks down with someone else inside and we have to take the stairs.”
It comes as a surprise to no one when the elevator comes to a halt. Buck and Eddie look at each other.
“Speak of the devil,” Buck breathes.
“I’m starting to think hell might as well actually be a broken elevator.” Eddie sighs.
Buck laughs. “Am I really that bad?”
Eddie’s eyes shoot up to his, red color flooding his cheeks. “I’d rather have met you in a different way but I do like the company.”
Then let’s meet somewhere else , Buck thinks but discards the thought as fast as it came up. He’s not even sure what he meant to offer.
Instead, he changes the topic: “Shall I try the door or do you want to?”
Eddie takes a dazed look at the door behind him before nodding in assent. “I can do it.”
Buck nods and proceeds to watch Eddie while he rolls up his shirt sleeves, puts his hands on the door and pushes it towards the opening. He leans back, expecting the elevator to stay as still as ever.
But for the first time, it actually starts moving again.
Buck nearly jumps in surprise and Eddie continues to stare blankly at the door that his hands are still touching.
Disappointment overcomes Buck and he can’t help but question where that feeling is coming from.
“We didn’t even have to call for the technician.” Eddie’s voice betrays the same feelings that Buck is feeling: confusion and a strange tint of disappointment, and Buck is relieved that he’s not the only one feeling that way.
Still, he got no time to mull that over before the elevator stops on the sixth floor. Eddie’s floor. The other man goes through the door as soon as it opens, but turns around to say goodbye.
Buck could swear Eddie is still standing in front of the elevator and looking at him when the doors are already closing. He tries not to think about it.
   “Are you sure we shouldn’t just take the stairs?” Maddie asks, eyeing the elevator warily.
Buck rolls his eyes while setting down the bags he was carrying. “Sure, if you want to carry all of this, for eight full stories , then please do.”
She sighs as Buck presses the needed button, waiting for the doors to close.
Buck hears the doors open up again after having slid halfway closed; informing him that one of his neighbors is about to step into the elevator with them.
“I don’t trust your elevator not to break down on us.”
Buck huffs. Turning around and seeing that it’s Eddie who joined them, his brows furrowed, Buck decides to reply to his sister’s statement after all. “You might be onto something.”
Buck feels her perking up at that and stepping towards the unfamiliar man.
“So you’re Eddie,” it’s not really a question, and Buck winces. Maddie, unbothered, puts down her own grocery bag and reaches out her right hand to shake his. “I’m Maddie.”
A smile breaks onto Eddie’s face as he takes it “Ah, the infamous sister.”
Maddie nods, pleased. Buck isn’t quite sure what is happening.
“Is it one of your Wine and Dine sibling evenings?” Eddie follows up.
“Yes,” Maddie points at the bag they just set down, “we just came back from the supermarket. Now it’s time to cook.”
“What are you making?”
Buck started to feel like a fifth wheel but now Eddie is unmistakably looking at him.
“Coq au vin.”
Eddie lifts his eyebrows, looking impressed. “Sounds fancy.”
Buck laughs. “We’ll see. I haven’t really tried this recipe yet.”
He means to add another joke about his amateur skills, capitalizing upon Eddie’s demeanor having shifted back to the light-hearted and relaxed state he was in the first few times they met.
He doesn’t expect Maddie to ask: “You want to join us?”
Buck’s choking on his own saliva, trying to send a death glare towards his sister without making Eddie think he dislikes the idea of spending more time with him. He doesn’t. He just doesn’t like Maddie springing this on him without any warning.
Whatever the outcome he’ll have a bone to pick with her.
Even though the color rises into Eddie’s cheek, he keeps his composure. “I’m sorry, I can’t,” he apologizes, “my son is waiting for me at home. And I wouldn’t want to impose on your family time anyway.”
Maddie nods empathetically and shrugs, “maybe next time.”
Buck is so going to kill her for this.
Of course, that’s when the elevator stops moving.
Buck just rolls his eyes while Eddie sighs in exasperation. “You spoke too soon.”
“I didn’t speak this into existence,” Buck teases, “our elevator just sucks.”
The corners of Eddie’s mouth tick up but frustration [leeches] into his smile, “Truer words were never spoken.”
Buck takes note of his sister observing them with something that can only be described as apt fascination while they go through the usual steps to alert the emergency center and get out of this elevator as soon as possible.
“You make quite the team,” she remarks when the emergency worker disconnects.
Eddie shrugs and Buck is surprised that he can recognize that the nonchalance is only pretended, “I guess that’s just a given when this has now happened the fifth time in a row.”
“And it’s always you two?”
Eddie nods and Buck knows it’s a mistake as soon as he sees Maddie’s face.
She shrugs, so faux-casual that Buck doesn’t think even a stranger could miss it, and says: “If I were you, I’d start asking myself if the universe was trying to tell me something.”
“Well, your brother ,” Eddie starts and Buck realizes in alarm that he likes this turn of events even less, “thinks it’s not really a pattern because we haven’t quite been fully stuck in here for at least three times just the two of us.”
Maddie laughs and Eddie smirks at Buck, pleased.
“Now it’s your math that’s skewed,” Buck quips back, “I’m pretty sure we reached the three times just last week.”
“Oh?” Eddie lifts his eyebrows in question, the smile still on his lips, “We didn’t even get to call the emergency call center. You don’t consider that a variable change?”
“That depends on what we define that the action is. If it’s us having to wait for a technician to free us, then yes. If it’s just the elevator breaking down while we’re inside, it’s a no.”
“You never fail to surprise me,” Eddie says and Buck doesn’t think he imagines the fondness reflected on his face and in his voice.
Before he can help himself, he’s winked at him.
Once he realizes what he’s done, he refuses to look at his sister. He can feel her smugness anyway.
“I hear you have a kid,” Maddie asks then, and Buck is happy for the change of conversation before she adds: “Buck loves kids. He’s really good with them.”
“Yeah, he met Christopher already. They have a lot in common.”
Buck gapes at him in mock-offense. “It’s Hay Day! You told me that everyone played Hay Day!”
Now it’s Eddie who winks at him and Buck doesn’t think he’ll get out of the elevator alive this time.
By the time the technician arrives, Buck’s flustered and embarrassed and more than glad to get a breathing pause from the quick succession of bantering with Eddie and teasing from his sister that he’s been subjected to for the last hour. He hopes the last part has been subtle enough for Eddie not to pick up on the full extent of it but Eddie’s attentive, so he can’t say he’s positive.
“He’s cute,” Maddie remarks as they leave the elevator, “and he definitely likes you.”
Buck tries very hard to ignore her, but she’s his sister… She knows all his weak spots.
   There’s a moving van parked in front of his apartment building when he comes home and at first, he doesn’t think anything of it. He has a lot of neighbors and he doesn’t even know most of them. It’s not uncommon for someone to move out or someone new to move in. They do it all the time.
The elevator isn’t working - to no one’s surprise - so Buck takes the stairs. He comes across quite a few people carrying boxes, some smaller, some bigger and he winces in sympathy for whoever’s moving.
When he finally arrives on the sixth floor - only two more to go- he sees that it’s Eddie directing them and his heart stops. 
As quickly as the feeling overcame him, he’s waving it away. Being stranded in their elevator together for a few times does not mean they’re friends or - anything else, really. He’s got no rights to feeling like this.
But he can’t help walking towards Eddie anyway. He figures he can at least say goodbye to him and maybe - maybe even offer his help.
His heart constricts when he sees relief washing over Eddie’s face once he sees him. 
“Buck!” he waves him over. “I hoped to catch you once more before I left.”
“You’re moving?” Buck asks and winces at how sad he sounds. You got no right to feel like this.
“Yeah,” Eddie breathes, “they refuse to repair the elevator and with Chris, it’s just - it’s not working anymore. We needed a new place with a working elevator.”
“I uh, I get that.” And Buck really does.
He pushes a smile on his face and motions to the object of their talk. “So as our good friend the elevator failed you another time, do you possibly need help carrying those boxes?”
Eddie returns his smile but shakes his head. “I wanted to talk to you about something else, actually.”
Buck thinks there’s nervousness laced into Eddie’s features but he’s so high strung himself that he doesn’t trust himself to interpret the signs correctly.
He nods, unable to speak and Eddie takes a deep breath.
“I really hope I didn’t misread things. I really liked spending time with you, even if it was just in a broken elevator.”
Buck huffs a laugh. “Yeah, we really could’ve met under better circumstances.”
“We really could’ve.”
“Point is,” Eddie continues, “I really like you. And you’re okay with Chris. And… as much as I’m looking forward to leaving this shitty elevator behind, I’m going to miss spending time with you.”
Buck nods, unable to speak, as emotions run towards his eyes. He swallows.
“Me too,” he finally manages to croak out.
“So,” and now Buck is sure he doesn’t imagine the awkwardness in Eddie’s composure, “if that is something you were interested in, I think we could go on a date. Somewhere that is not an elevator.”
“Oh God, yes,” Buck rushes out, the nerves falling off of him. Then he thinks better of it and replies a little calmer. “I’d love that.”
He starts tapping his pockets, looking for a pen but Eddie just reaches over and grabs a sharpie. Buck feels a little bad for writing his number on the side of a cardboard box but Eddie smiles at him and wipes away all his thoughts.
He does end up asking if he can help again and Eddie gives him the box with his own number on it with the words: “Make sure it’s stashed away properly.”
Buck winks at him and bounds down six flights of stairs.
Also find this fic on AO3 and wattpad.
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simptasia · 3 years
Sorry I'm a bit late, but here's some Lost nonsense from my brain:
If Jacob's & MIB's adopted mum didn't adopt them, then a whole lot of mess could have been avoided.
Why didn't John's dad just say he was moving after he stole his kidney and see him like once a year? (That way if you need to borrow a lung later down the line the option is is there.)
If I knew my past self was gonna kill my son I won't let that happen. Screw the time space continuum, I'm doctor who-ing this nonsense.
And on top of that.
How come no one really tried to mess about with time in the 70s? I know there was a bit of "ahh don't effect the future" but like, if I was stuck in the past I'd have a go at screwing around with time. I'd be like suck it universe, there's no Internet and I've got people in the present I care about. I know alot of the Lost people had reasons not to, like Jin's trying to keep his family safe and Sawyer doesn't really have anyone outside of the island. But Julie's sister? Kate needing to find Claire? WHY WASNT THERE A DANIEL FOCUSED EPISODE ABOUT HIM TRYING TO CHANGE THE FUTURE AND SAVE CHARLOTTE THAT JUST MADE THE FUTURE HAPPEN MORE SO THAT THEN WHEN SAYID SHOT CHILD BEN I COULD HAVE BEEN ALL LIKE nah bro thats no gonna help, when instead I thought there was gonna be some funky timeline nonsense that I'm always here for AND THEN THERE WASNT. Also more Daniel.
Last thought (sorry I can't shut up)
Now I'm thinking about it, why was everyone's reaction to Sayid shooting child Ben as a bland "this is bad" ?? Im not trying to say it was good, but its like the whole 'go back in time and kill Hitler as a kid' argument? I thought characters would at least have thoughts? Like no one even talked about it beyond face value?? Or even had an emotion?? Everyone was just like: "this is bad, but let's leave him with his abusive dad" ???????????????
Epilogue Thought: i genuinely thought when Kate handed child Ben over to the Others she was doing to say something to him along the lines of what adult Ben said to her at the beginning of series 3 when they had breakfast together. (My memory is so bad, but it's something like "I wanted you to have a nice memory to cling onto because a lot of bad is going to happen.") And then it was gonna be like a weird time loop thing of who really said it first, like Ben doesn't remember them properly or anything (but it might help why he didn't just ask Jack for surgery help when they first crashed.)
lost spoilers ahead
Okay, first of all, how the fuck did you send a message this long. Whenever I send messages, I'm given a character limit???
If Jacob's & MIB's adopted mum didn't adopt them, then a whole lot of mess could have been avoided.
"Adopted", yes that the's word for it. And yeah... yeah. The entire plot of LOST, down the drain. Isn't it ironic, this show is known for so much daddy issues and all of this fuss was caused by mommy issues
Why didn't John's dad just say he was moving after he stole his kidney and see him like once a year? (That way if you need to borrow a lung later down the line the option is is there.)
Short answer: Because Anthony Cooper is a cunt
Longer answer: it's pooossible that anthony genuinely didn't wanna spend any time with locke at all. as you pointed out, this isn't pragmatic on his part. but he's a dick. he also has a history of not sticking around the people he's conned
If I knew my past self was gonna kill my son I won't let that happen. Screw the time space continuum, I'm doctor who-ing this nonsense.
I've had this same thought. Offense to Eloise, but I'm different.
like, yeah, even if it turns out to not be possible, there's merit in fucking trying to prevent this. like, morally, emotionally, i'd respect eloise if she'd fucking TRIED to not kill her baby boy :(((
legit, same, if i knew i was destined to kill my boy, i'd be like "no"
and at the very fucking least, i'd give the best life possible! which, paradox or no, is what a parent is SUPPOSED to do, eloise!!
not only does eloise not even try to not do this, what makes it so much worse is that she didn't allow him the life he wanted. you know he's gonna die young, bitch, let him have love and piano!
HES NOT EVEN ASKING FOR MUCH. free will??? please???
i Cannot talk about eloise without going on this rant, it seems
and the rest of ur message, i won't copy paste, but what ur saying about time travel. i'm kinda indifferent to a possiblity of them trying to change more but thinking about it, it's odd that they didn't Try more. however this can chalked up to like, not enough run time. but yes i'm all in favour of the characters ties to other characters mattering more. and charlotte mattering more. grrrr
oh boy the ben thing. well, i don't blame them for the This Is Bad thing. because it is. it's very bad to shoot a child. i wanna say, sayid is so fucking out of character when he does this. the writers mishandled sayid pretty bad in seasons 5 and 6, sigh. personally i don't believe its anywhere near okay to try to kill somebody because they're gonna be a bad person One Day. but yeah i am surprised there wasn't more of a debate about this in canon. we have people of different morals here... plus, it's a debate in real life. i'm in the "punish the people who have actually done something wrong" camp
it's fucked that he has to stay with roger though. i don't put that on our losties tho, overall i blame the others. because they could have accepted ben into the others way sooner and they really should have. richard could see this kid was suffering and they let him stay with his abusive dad. that's awful. then again, charles was in charge during this time period so that makes THAT make more sense but ugh
and finally. inch resting... i always saw kate's sympathy for little ben as 1. he's only a child, he's Not big ben. and 2. she grew up in an abusive home too so she sees a kindred spirit
regarding ben's memory, it annoys me how the writers felt the need to erase some of little ben's memories to supposedly Make It Make Sense but i felt that was unneeded. i think it's perfectly viable for ben to remember all the stuff that went down in season 5 but he never mentioned it because why the fuck would he. for one thing, he was henry gale at first, he's hardly gonna be like "oh hey are you the guy who shot me when i was a kid??" no, he'd keep his memories to himself. i think ben keeps a lot of things to himself for tactical reasons so i think the lost writers employed a get outta jail free card when they really didn't need to
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littleturtle95 · 4 years
Alec’s birthday weekend celebration 🥰 Day 2 // free space. TLBOTW review
I havent’t seen a review for the book, only critics/praising and comments on specific moments, so I’m here to do a proper analysis.
This book has many perks and a few lows and I’d like to talk about both. I’ll start with the lows to end on a positive note. Surfing on the internet I’ve read that the plot feels a bit rushed, and I have to agree. I had the impression that the whole book serves the sole purpose of introducing Sammael and showing the last scene with all the princes of hell. Everything that leads to that (the thorn, the two swords then merging into one, the trip to Diyu, Shanghai and the false tracks) were born and died in this book and it felt like they were not well integrated with the TSC universe, they were just there to write something that could realistically lead to the final moment. The two swords Alec and Magnus carry are literal Gods that we’ve never heard before, they use them one time and then they’re gone. You don’t introduce something this powerful that carries so much weight just to shrug it off after one use, one use that doesn’t even involve the sake of our main characters (and why did only Alec have to be tested to prove his worth? both Alec and Magnus got a sword 🤔 that’s something I didn’t understand at all, if you know it feel free to explain in the comments) Another example of this are the two guardians of Diyu, the demons that heal constantly touching the ground of hell, apparently undefeatable. You don’t introduce something like that and kill it off in half a chapter, it’s anticlimactic. And you don’t hype up the father of all demons and then you get him defeated by Isabelle riding a tiger (come on he should have killed them all in that scene) and, even worse, you make him run away like a common demon after things start getting rough. Shinyu leaves and Sammael is “Fuck this, I’m out.” Bitch, you’re a Prince of hell! You’re the Prince of hell! Stop her! Kill them! WTF dude. Yeah, I think this is the main problem of the book. It introduces these huge elements and then it shrugs them off in the most anticlimactic way possible. The other thing I didn’t like was Ragnor’s reaction to Raphael’s dead. Ragnor probably isn’t one to make a fuss, but ffs they were extremely close friends. In TBC Ragnor scolds Magnus because Raphael calls him much more than Magnus does, they exchanged letters, calls, gossip, they used to have meetings, in GOTSM we see them greeting eachother with a high five, and we know how Raphael gets, he’s not so openly friendly even with Magnus and he died for him. They weren’t friends, they were great friends. All we get is a “he passes all stages of grief at once” and “I liked him // He liked you too”. Ohhhhhhhh and a “every war has a life count” like WHAT THE FUCK Seriously? Okay.
Well, what I didn’t like is over so let’s start with the perks. I’ve read many times that the characters are ooc. Jace feeling down because he has a broken foot and he can’t fight (Jace Herondale would never avoid a fight for a broken bone!!!), Simon feeling insecure (the first time he went down to hell things were even worse and he didn’t make such a fuss!!!), Alec calling Magnus pet names (it’s not like him he never did it!!!) and I’ll tell you this: At first I had this impression too, but in the long run I don’t think it’s fair to say those things. The TMI gang we know is younger, less mature, a teenage rebel gang. We read about the grown up them in other spin off books or in TDA, that’s for sure, but not as main characters, just as cameos, so it feels weird to see them as grownups. We thought we were familiar with them but we don’t feel the same familiarity anymore and that’s fine. It would be crazy if they were the same people as before. The Jace we knew was reckless, self destructive and didn’t care much if he lived or died. This Jace that doesn’t feel safe fighting with a broken foot and chooses to guide the others with his strategies is a Jace that knows his limits, a Jace that cares about his life and understands that his well being affects others, a Jace that accepts that the fact he can’t fight for once doesn’t make him less worthy. This Jace is the Jace he became, we are not used to it, we don’t recognise him at first, but what he does is perfectly normal. It would have been less realistic if he acted like he would have acted in City of Bones or even City of Heavenly Fire. This Simon is not the Simon he was the first time they went to Hell. That time he was a vampire, he wasn’t expecting to die. That time he cared deeply about Clary, he fancied Isabelle, but that was kind of all of it. Now he cares about Clary yes, but Isabelle is his family. Jace is his family. Magnus and Alec are his family, too. He is worried because he is mortal and because he has much more to lose. He is worried because he just lost a friend and for the first time he has to come to terms with the fact that being a Shadowhunter really means you go out in the morning and you don’t know if you’ll make it to dinner time. And this doesn’t only affect his bestfriend and the girl he dated while he dated some other chick. This affects him, his fiancée, his parabatai and the rest of his family. It’s not like City of Heavenly Fire, it’s okay for Simon to break down like this, it’s not ooc, it’s a character that changed because the story lead him to change. Alec calls Magnus pet names and is affectionate because he is not the closeted angsty teen he was in TMI. He is a father, a man, someone that knows his loved ones support him and someone who doesn’t have to hide. Come on, in GOTSM he showed Magnus’ and Max’s pictures to everyone he’s met, he stops randomly a werewolf girl getting ice cream, points at Magnus and says “See that man? That’s My Husband overthere.” He is not “He’s not my warlock” Alec, he is “That’s my husband” Alec and we aren’t used to it because we’ve never seen him as a main character in other books after his change, but we know this change happened so we can’t have a Pikachu face if Alec says “My love” or kisses him on the street in front of other people. This is not ooc, this is Alec, the same one, the one who is now more than twenty years old and wants to get married and is raising a child and in a few years is becoming consul. It would be absolutely nonsense for him to keep the distance he kept in TMI. Another complain I’ve seen is “not enough Malec and too many characters”. I don’t think there were too many characters and I don’t feel like we hadn’t enough Malec. Yes, the whole TMI gang was there but I liked that, that’s a plus for me. It’s true, Alec and Magnus’ relationship didn’t evolve in this book, they stayed pretty much the same, we don’t see an actual arc like we did in TRSOM but the romance was still there. There’s no need for relationship drama, and a book about romance doesn’t have to be a push and pull to be interesting. We had a lot of romance, but the angst and the challenges came from other people. It was an established relationship book and I think it worked well with it. The exchanges between the characters were genuine, witty, and I feel like every one of them bonded just right. The relationship between Alec and Jace, Simon and Clary, the other two couples, they were all on point and in character and I liked all their interactions. It was really nice to read them all together and I needed this. Now, the Tian discourse. I feel like Cassandra did a great foreshadowing with this one, something that I immediately noticed. In TRSOM I knew the whole time that Shinyun was going to betray them. It was said multiple times that Alec didn’t trust her and when they’re on the boat in Venice coming back from the party Alec is sleeping and still stops Shinyun that was going to touch Magnus waking up for a moment. Alec is really smart at reading people (except for understanding when they’re in love and that’s hilarious). A line that made me go mhhhh🤔 was when the book says “Alec trusted Tian”. Why say that in that way, totally random mid chapter? Why not to say the others trusted Tian too? Magnus at least? Or why to say anything at all? In that moment they weren’t discussing his worth and he hadn’t even started to act weird. The line made no sense. So I wondered if the line wasn’t saying Alec trusted Tian, the line was saying we should trust Tian, because the other time a trip like this happened Alec didn’t trust Shinyun and she turned out to be a total pain in the ass. Another thing I loved was the action. This is what I want from a TSC book, I want demon hunts, magic artifacts, trips to hell, weapon shopping. Our shadowhunters actually shadow hunting. This book had more of it than TRSOM, so kudos to that. To give this rant a end, I enjoyed this book. I enjoyed this book very much. I disagreed with some choices, I disliked some details, but I’m glad I bought it. It brought me back home, and that’s everything I wanted. This family, the TMI family, is a bit like my family now, and they were so much themselves that I couldn’t help but love it.
P.S. The cameos were rad. The parts with Maryse and Kadir were perfect, I adored Elyaas and when I read there was Raphael I screamed.
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Let’s start this article with a quiz: Name a Black model from the 1990’s that isn’t Naomi Campbell or Tyra Banks?
Stumped? It’s safe to say that if the question were asked to name a White model that wasn’t Kate Moss or Cyndi Crawford, best case scenario you would’ve excelled with a list to provide. Maybe something like: Linda Evangelista, Claudia Schiffer, Christy Turlington, Shalom Harlow, Carla Bruni, Heidi Klum..you get my point.
At times, Pop Culture can be a fair-weather friend. Monday’s It-girl becomes Friday’s nobody and by Sunday there’s a new hot thing in town to get all the girls in a fuss. But as nostalgia-trends rises as capitalism’s newest enterprise, endorsed largely by social media app, Instagram, history is being retold by the agenda of it’s curator. The selective hearing of  Instagram accounts like @90scelebvibes (391K followers) and @90sanxiety (793K followers) present a facade that the past was rather beige, leaving largely out the credit due to the Black and people of color creatives that developed and inspired the trends imitated today.
Bay area based, Fashion archivist Rashida Reneé, takes on self-love to a familial level celebrating her love and the appreciation of Black designers, models and other fashion industry influencers that otherwise go forgotten in our modern culture. In fashion, as in anything else, things old become anew. However, Reneé takes on the responsibility as a trend gatekeeper, providing evidence of what fashion used to be and recognizing the faces we longed forgotten.  
Q: Name a Black model from the 1990’s that isn’t Naomi Campbell or Tyra Banks?
A: Beverly Peele,  Gail O’Neill, Iman, Kara, Young, Karen Alexander,  Louise Vyent, Roshumba, Veronica Webb, etc.
Culture Jock: What is a typical day for the most hated hoe in the city?
RR: (laughs) It’s weird, I kind of like to keep it to myself. Keep track of what I like and my thoughts. I don’t know. I'm very low-key person in real life, but when I do leave the house (pauses) I do, I promise! I just like my personal time, but when it’s time to be out I am present, as much as possible. I do what I do becauseII like giving information to people and give them links and information just so they know.
CJ: What brought you into fashion archiving?
RR: My whole archiving process was originally for myself and filling in spots of information where there it was empty of black people. Of course, there is street fashion, but in terms of online fashion, sites like Manrepeller, you didn’t see a lot of black girls doing it and the people doing it I thought were lame. Finding other black people who weren’t anti-black in those kind of spaces. I felt a lot of people were trying to make us to assimilate. Everyone was kind of like doing the same things and it was like, ‘Naomi Campbell!’ But if it were any other dark girl it didn’t matter. So, I started my own blog and then I had to stop myself from posting Naomi Campbell’s photos too. I would do one picture of Naomi Campbell a day and try to really give props to other black woman involved and black people in general. When I was younger I was familiar with the other models not just Naomi Campbell, my mom was really in it with Naomi. She worked in a beauty salon, which had magazines of all the models. Like, black hair magazines, they always listed the models so, no matter what you knew who they were. Whoever it was in the 90s, ‘this is who that is and this who that is.’ You’d see the oldest Destiny Child’s video shoots in black hair magazines. I just haven’t seen other people doing that. There are other girls now that focus more on Hip Hop in 90s and 2000s. Livejournal, fashion spot, Tumblr, people didn’t go out of their way to scan the black models or even try to name them. It’s funny, people online, they don’t even try to hide their biases. No one was really fashion blogging the way I like or how I see .
CJ:In your piece for Office Magazine you mention, from Patrick Kelley to today’s influence of Dapper Dan, American culture from its roots drips of Black influence and culture. Why do you think Black culture is so immutable and where do you see the ownership of our creations.
RR: People I mean know, it’s just like, it’s weird and odd to even talk about. Not just people referencing me or copying, I feel like I am being gaslit all the time or being told that. People love stealing from black people. People love stealing from black people. People love stealing from black people and lying about it. People hate black people but they think we are cool. I can’t even (pauses)yeah it’s very weird. The twitter thing is weird (sighs).
CJ: It is weird.
RR: (sighs) It’s not really helping them. It’s boring to live with no personality. To see someone interesting and steal from them to bolster themselves. [On social media] we have the means to share with each other, like, moments that are of shared experiences of oppression and that is even imitated. I don’t know why the copy of things are okay. It is such a multi-layered thing. Or the way the Stans talk like mainly the Black queer and Black trans talk and how all of that is now being used by everyone. Ariana Grande, ya know, icons talk like girls on the ballrooms did back in 2006. Parodying things. It helps them develop their own brand, I don’t understand their fascination with us anyway. I’m into my own shit and own culture. I like the way black people express themselves and other people use us and what we do to talk to each other or communicate and then take that to feel cool. I’ve always been,like, ‘why would someone want to be like this?’ or pretend. I don’t get it. People run out of content. I know people used to make fun of me and the things I used to be and ironically they are into it now. People need to find their own hobbies. They are bored.
CJ: The internet is complex. It’s a parody of itself.
RR: Knowing your history is important. You need to know where you came from to know where you are going. When it comes to fashion archives the question is, ‘what is it that you are looking for or trying to highlight?’ My concern is that fashion archiving is feeding into nostalgic trends, where it’s easier to mimic what was done before rather then create new moments. Do you share the same sentiments?
CJ: What is it about fashion that excites you?
RR: It’s so fun and so funny. The dolls are taking over. That’s how most things go, the things that happened come back with a hyper focus. It really is going full out now. It’s interesting to see how people are dressing now. [Fashion] is always reflective of the political climate. Think about the 80s everyone is dressing like a dickhead. Then when people got sick of dressing like a dickhead, minimalism comes in. We cycle through trends so fast, today. I remember a girl wearing a hair clips and no one was into it. Then the next week everyone was wearing them, then I see Cyndi Lauper in an interview wearing hair clips. She’s like 50-something and she’s wearing hair clips made out of Swarovski crystals. It’s so interesting. It’s funny how it happens. Now everyone is into fashion.
CJ: Who are your biggest fashion influences ?
RR: My biggest influences are Naomi Campbell and my mom. Girls I follow on the internet. My mom is from San Francisco lives her own life and is very eclectic. I get a lot from her and different taste. Foxy Brown is also very inspiring, I reference her a lot I think about her and Steven Miesel. Steven knows how to do everything. Steven can do everything. Everyone knows I am a crazy Beyoncé fan. But, I have different girls for different moods. My main inspo is Naomi and Foxy Brown. I really gravitated to Foxy because she was more into Prada and Chloe when Stella McCartney was there. Because of Foxy I love Chloe. She was very cool. Naomi is, you just aspire to that level of greatness. There is no one else. Even in her flaws she handles them so well. I can’t imagine someone else with that kind of rap sheet to not get fully canceled. I judge people by how they react to criticism. She handles it really well. I find that really inspiring.
CJ: What film or television do you think has the best fashion catalog? If you could what character's closet would you love to raid?
RR: I am so frazzled. There’s so much stuff I like. I write things down specifically, because I can never remember. I watched The Nanny last year with Fran Drescher, when I was really depressed and was like, ‘Wow this is inspiring.’ Brenda Cooper, her mind. Everyone had a look in. Pose, is another one. Everything has intentions from the main characters to the background characters. I really like the first season of costume design. It’s commitment to that era. Someone is always dressed like, Karen White or Jodi Whitley. Elektra is very dynasty, that high lady energy. I love that about the show. I love Glow, the costume designer, Beth Morgan. I love when people do era shows, specifically the 80s and they don’t try to soften it, especially in makeup or hair. They aren’t scared to embrace the ugliness, I love that. That’s what good costume design is about. High fashion is easy, but what really gets me is watching old movies and looking at the clothes.  
CJ: We are moving into a new decade of 2020. I have a feeling it may be the year of 2020 vision and final clarity. What are your aspirations for this new era and what do you hope to see from the world?
RR: I feel like the children are our future. That’s what I’m looking at, to see what the kids are into. People are more focused into what they look like and I remember if someone dressed a little bit out of fashion it was a huge deal and get talked about. But now they are embracing their weirdness and experimenting. Do you watch that Tik Tok stuff? I just want a regular life. Happy, healthy, all my kids are happy and healthy. When I move to [Los Angeles] and get hotter, hotter and I want to  become, what is that called, a wellness person? I want a Goop moment, but with Solange aesthetics. Maybe make a propaganda film to get people to stop wearing wigs.
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