#with any emotion but Critically Thinking About How This Contributes To Us
quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
even does know what plants are though. (as per doctor who canon, the way ships manage to keep oxygen on long voyages is via having literal forests in them. now, nothing to that extent, obviously, they weren’t that well-equipped or funded. but there’s definitely plants In There, probably relegated to a much more ordered existence, think the difference between a natural forest and one grown for logging.) at least they have that. they have seen plants. not often, but they have.
i don’t think they really understand plants beyond their functions (to eat, keep everyone breathing, etc.) whereas with natural beauties and animals and other such things that even has no experience with and can wonder over, they can’t really. do that with plants. the ability to admire a flower rather than immediately think of it in terms of resources lost and gained in its creation is a skill they have to learn.
but you know. at least they have seen them. that’s something. that’s slightly less depressing, right.
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alyrasturnz · 1 month
can u write something about chris arguing with you and saying really hurtful things and later then feeling bad after 😭😭
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❐ summary » chris utters deeply wounding words during a heated argument, words that linger in the air like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over their relationship. as the echoes of his harsh declarations resonate, both chris and y/n are left grappling with the profound emotional damage inflicted. the rawness of the moment envelops them, each struggling to process the pain and regret that now defines the space between them.
❐ pairings » toxic!chris x fem!reader
❐ warnings » argument (resolved)
❐ a/n && w/c » a chris fic coming from me is rare  •  1.83k
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the room was thick with tension as you and chris grappled with the day's mounting frustrations. after yet another failed take, chris's patience finally snapped. he slammed a stack of papers onto the table, the sound reverberating through the room, his frustration unmistakable.
"what is wrong with you today?" chris's voice was edged with palpable irritation. "you keep messing up everything. can't you do anything right?"
your eyes widened, a flash of hurt crossing your face. you had been striving to keep everything on track, but the mounting stress was wearing you thin. "i'm doing my best. it's not like i'm trying to make mistakes."
chris's voice grew sharper, frustration seeping into every word. "your best? really? because it doesn't look like you're putting in any effort at all. maybe if you actually cared about this project, we wouldn't be in this mess."
you set down the cleaning supplies, trying to steady your trembling hands. "i care about this project. i'm just trying to keep up with everything that's going on. if you'd just communicate better, maybe things wouldn't be so chaotic."
chris’s laugh was bitter, a harsh edge cutting through his tone. “oh, so now it’s my fault? you’re the one who can’t keep up. do you even realize how much extra work you’re creating for everyone else? it’s like you’re deliberately trying to screw things up.”
tears started to well up in your eyes as you took a step back, your hands clutching the edges of the table. "i'm not trying to cause problems. i'm just trying to help, and i'm getting really tired of being treated like i'm a burden."
chris’s face darkened, his anger simmering over like a storm on the horizon. “a burden? that’s all you are right now. you think you’re contributing, but all you’re doing is slowing us down. maybe if you took a moment to think about how your actions affect others, you’d realize just how much of a mess you’re making.”
your tears began to fall freely, but you fought to keep your voice steady. “you don’t have to be so cruel. i’m already stressed out, and you’re just making it worse. i thought we were supposed to be a team.”
chris’s eyes narrowed, his anger unchecked, like a wildfire consuming everything in its path. he took a step forward, his fists clenching at his sides, the muscles in his jaw tightening as he struggled to contain his fury. “a team? this isn’t a team. it’s a joke. you’re just dragging everyone down with your incompetence. if you can’t handle it, maybe you should just step aside and let someone who actually knows what they’re doing take over.”
your shoulders slumped, the weight of his words pressing down on you like an unbearable burden. your voice broke, trembling with the raw emotion you could no longer contain. “i’m trying my best. i didn’t ask for things to go wrong, and i didn’t expect to be treated like this. maybe if you were more supportive, things wouldn’t be so bad.”
chris’s face twisted into a scowl, his patience completely exhausted, like a thread worn thin. “supportive? i don’t have time to babysit you. you’re a grown adult; you should be able to handle basic tasks without screwing everything up. maybe you should just leave if you can’t handle a little criticism.”
your heart ached with the sting of his harshness, each word like a dagger piercing your resolve. “i don’t deserve this. i’ve been working hard, and all i get is contempt and harsh words. if you can’t see how hard i’m trying, then maybe you’re the one with the problem.”
chris’s anger flared one last time, his voice cold and final, like a winter's chill settling over the room. “you know what? i’m done. i can’t deal with this right now. figure it out on your own. i’m leaving.”
without another word, chris stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him with a force that shook the walls. the silence that followed was heavy and suffocating, like a thick fog settling over everything. you stood alone in the room, your heart aching with the sting of his words and the weight of the unresolved conflict, feeling as though the very air had turned to lead.
as you quietly sobbed, the harshness of the argument hung in the air like a storm cloud that refused to dissipate. you felt utterly isolated, grappling with the emotional fallout of a confrontation that had left you feeling both hurt and abandoned, as if the very essence of your being had been stripped away, leaving you raw and exposed.
the clock struck three in the morning, and the house was silent except for the soft hum of the refrigerator and the occasional creak of settling wood. you lay curled up on the couch, the cushions barely cushioning the weight of your emotional exhaustion. 
the argument with chris had left you feeling hollow, and you had found yourself unable to sleep, opting instead to seek solace in the familiarity of the living room, where even the shadows seemed to understand your sorrow.
the door to the room creaked open slowly, and chris, his eyes bloodshot and swollen from lack of sleep and tears, stepped inside. he looked disheveled and hollow, as if the weight of the night’s argument had physically drained him. the moonlight filtered through the window, casting an ethereal glow that illuminated his troubled face.
he hesitated for a moment at the threshold, then took a shuffling step forward, as if the weight of his emotions were too heavy for his feet to bear. his breath came in uneven gasps, and the tear streaks on his cheeks glistened like fragile rivers of sorrow in the dim light.
the sight of him, broken and vulnerable, was almost more painful than the argument itself. you could see the raw evidence of his tears, each glimmer a testament to his remorse, which hung thick in the air, palpable even from across the room.
"y/n," he whispered, his voice cracking like fragile glass. he swallowed hard, a visible effort to compose himself, yet the depth of his regret seeped through every word. "can we talk?" his plea hung in the air, heavy with unspoken apologies and the weight of his vulnerability.
you didn't move, unsure of what to say or how to respond. your heart still ached from the harsh words he had thrown at you earlier, each one leaving a lingering sting. chris took a few more hesitant steps towards you, the weight of his guilt evident in every movement, as if each step was a silent apology. his eyes, filled with remorse, sought yours, hoping for a chance at redemption.
"I—I know it’s late," chris continued, his voice trembling like a fragile leaf in the wind. "i just... i couldn't stop thinking about what i said. i'm so sorry. i never should have spoken to you like that." his words, laden with regret, hung in the air, a poignant echo of his inner turmoil and the depth of his remorse.
you slowly turned your head, meeting his gaze. his eyes were filled with genuine remorse, tears spilling over his lower lashes like a sorrowful stream. he wiped at his face, but more tears quickly took their place, relentless in their descent. the sight of his vulnerability was both heartbreaking and confusing, a raw display of emotion that left you grappling with your own feelings.
"i was out of line," chris said, his voice breaking further, each word a jagged shard of his regret. "everything i said was hurtful and untrue. i didn't mean any of it, i swear. i just... i let my frustration get the best of me, and i took it out on you. that's not fair. it's not right." his confession hung in the air, a poignant testament to his inner turmoil and the weight of his guilt.
he stopped a few feet from the couch, his posture slumped and defeated, a silent testament to his remorse. "i've been thinking about how much i hurt you, and it's eating me up inside. i don't expect you to forgive me right away, but i want you to know how deeply sorry i am. i never want to make you feel like that again." his words, laden with sorrow, wove a tapestry of regret and a desperate yearning for redemption.
your silence was heavy, the air thick with the weight of his apology. chris's shoulders shook slightly as he tried to steady his breathing, his eyes locked onto yours with an earnest, almost pleading look. his vulnerability was palpable, a raw and unfiltered display of the turmoil within, leaving you to navigate the complex web of emotions that his words had woven.
"i know i've done a lot of damage," chris continued, his voice barely above a whisper, each word trembling with the weight of his remorse. "and i don't know how to make it right, but i want to try. i need to. please, y/n, just... tell me what i can do to make this up to you." his plea hung in the air, a fragile thread of hope amidst the ruins of his actions.
you studied him for a long moment, the pain still fresh but mingling with the realization of his genuine regret. his raw, tearful expression spoke volumes, and you could see how deeply he was affected by the argument.
slowly, you sat up, your heart softening despite the hurt. the silence between you was thick with unspoken words, a delicate dance of emotions that left you both teetering on the edge of reconciliation.
chris took a tentative step closer, his eyes never leaving yours. he reached out a hand, his gesture both hesitant and hopeful, as if afraid that any movement could shatter the fragile moment.
his fingers trembled slightly, a silent testament to the depth of his vulnerability and the earnestness of his desire to bridge the chasm that had formed between you.
"i'm so sorry," he repeated, his voice choked with emotion, each syllable a raw plea for forgiveness. "please, just give me a chance to fix this. i love you, and i never want to hurt you again." his words hung in the air, laden with the weight of his remorse and the desperate hope for redemption, a poignant symphony of regret and longing.
you took a deep breath, the pain and anger of the argument still lingering but softened by the sight of chris’s heartfelt apology. as you finally reached out to him, the first step towards healing began. 
the two of you sat together on the couch in the quiet of the early morning, the silence now filled with the weight of shared remorse and the fragile hope for forgiveness. the dawn's light began to filter through the windows, casting a gentle glow on the room, as if nature itself was bearing witness to the tentative mending of your hearts.
taglist —  @imwetforyourmom @meatballzerz69 @pinkishpearls @bandanamatt @thedangerousalleyway @muchloveforhacker @frozenpeanutbutterr @jetaimevous @everleiqh @conspiracy-ash @ifwdominicfike @blahbel668 @slutforsturnioloss @realuvrrr @sturnobsessedwh0re @cerismo @zainabthescientist @sarosfilms 
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tang0soda · 11 months
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I haven't seen a lot of discussion about RSD when it comes to ADHD discussions, so I thought I would do the honors since it's been affecting me for many years and I'd like people to know more about it!
I have had a diagnosis for ADHD but was never told- instead learning I had autism through therapy but still having some behaviors that I could never explain that just Happened.
I learned I had ADHD over the summer, and with that, severe rejection sensitive dysphoria.
before reading, please keep in mind that this is mostly talking from personal experience and some skimmed research! not experiencing RSD doesn't mean you do/don't have ADHD, and it may not appear like how it appeared for me. I don't only have autism + adhd either, so those may also contribute to any differences! ^^
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RSD is the immense emotional pain after being criticized, rejected, or even teased (ignore my misspell in the panel). This rejection can be real or perceived, and we react like this because it hurts.
The pain can manifest as aggression, bringing on symptoms of depression (thoughts of s/h, isolation, demotivation, etc) and anxiety/panic attacks.
it can cause physical aliments like the above. For me, it causes my heartrate to skyrocket, heart palpitations, the feeling of being in a crisis, and extreme shaking to occur along with stomach pain.
(In fact, right now I'm going through it because making a post talking about this, despite having & dealing with it, makes me scared of other's opinions on it.)
RSD can also take the form of avoiding situations, people, or conversations where rejection or criticism is very possible.
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Like other types of dysphoria, it is out of our control and hard to manage. It can last from days to weeks to months, all depending on both the trigger* and the individual.
I had a RSD episode that was on-and-off for a little over a year or two; getting more tame and bearable as it slowly drifted and stopped haunting my mind with the incident.
Compared to the other times my RSD was set off, this moment was a rather big moment in my life and ended up permanently changing me moving forward - which can be the reason why it lasted so long.
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Despite how unbearable it can get, there are some ways to cope with it & lessen the effect it has.
Communicate - If you need time to process something that's told to you, you should say so (as difficult as it is). Tell the person(s) involved about your RSD, how you need time to digest information like this and take some time to relax. Trying to respond to the information while going through the head of the dysphoria will be very rough and might not be what you truly want to say.
Distract - This is really useful for me personally! Do something that grabs your attention or occupies your mind. One of RSD's main symptoms is rumination, thinking of something over and over again. I usually listen to music, draw, or play a game that won't frustrate me - like minecraft! (i'd say rain world but some of you would call me a maniac /lhj)
Perspective - This may require some communication, but it can really help and connect with others. See what the involved people thought / perceived, explain, talk. This doesn't always have the chance to end in rainbows and rekindling but at least you understand. Sometimes simply hearing the person explain their own side is enough to ease my RSD, being able to have someone explain themselves to me so i can understand them better.
I also wanna point out the "don't take it personally" thing that people try to use to deal with it isn't something i agree with since we're going to take it personally at first regardless. Later on, not really, but you're trying to cope with the symptoms... telling someone (or yourself) that they're too sensitive & over-reacting is the worse thing you could do.
With time, you can even begin to build up your 'armor' and be able to sustain yourself in situations you might get hurt in. Of course, some things may be able to sneak past and hurt you more than you expect, but at the end of the day, you're trying your best to go about it the best you can while taking so many blows. you're doing great.
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OK i dont have a lot more to add so if anyone else would like to talk about their experiences, please feel free! Character showcased here was my beloved fursona Shiki! i'm just a little neurodivergent + black artist from new york :]
hope you enjoyed it! sorry for the long post </3
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shiftinglea · 5 months
I would like to share some personal things that I would like to create/manifest during this lifetime.
Aside from enjoying abundance in the world, traveling, shifting, and doing all these great things for my enjoyment, there are other things that I’m planning that (hopefully) will contribute to our society.
I have always been drawn to helping others, and I would love to make my work global and help people remember that we are all one and infinite power beings.
When I look at the world we live in, I see that we as human beings have made great technological advancements, but as spiritual beings, most people are still very primitive. And unless humanity starts to awaken, this world will be doomed. The number of people dying of starvation, lacking proper shelter, people killing each other, and exploiting the planet’s resources only grows each year, so obviously, the way we are doing things is not working. This world needs to change. And it starts with you, me, all of us.
So here are my current ideas on how I could help change the world:
1. I want to create public schools that will teach the new ways so that kids don’t grow up with limitations in their minds. The current educational system teaches facts (mostly filtered and changed to fit the government’s agenda), and they want kids to think as they (adults) think. I envision a school where critical thinking is encouraged, where it’s not about memorizing facts but analyzing how people’s behavior, thought process, and emotions play a part in creating their own reality. Where the principles of quantum mechanics are taught so that they understand on a scientific level how they create their own realities. The connection between body, mind, and soul and how to use them to create the lives they want. It would also teach how to be loving, compassionate, and see each other as one. How to embrace our similarities and differences, and many other things.
2. I would love to create hospices. (A hospice is a place of care focused on providing support for dying people). In my hospice, people would be taught more about death, that it’s a joyous and wonderful process. That it’s not death at all, that it’s merely a changing of form and entering a new stage of life. To instill joy and happiness in people before their last breath, to not be fearful of it. Such hospice would also provide care and help to family members of a dying person. To help them go through the grieving process and also remind them that death is just a new stage of life. To guide them through their feelings and help them to see the beauty in the passing of their loved ones.
These are my current ideas. I would also probably create some spiritual retreats with the same concepts. But yeah, such opportunities make me excited. I know it won’t be easy, that I’ll have to get a second degree in order to do that, but I’m here for it. I know I can manifest it being easy, but I don’t mind a challenge
Do you have any ideas that excite you?
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saintsenara · 3 months
My main takeaway from your unhinged ships series - which provides me with limitless entertainment btw so thank you for your service - is how intricate your knowledge of the HP series is!
I'm kind of in a weird limbo rn where I have a great love for this world and the series but JKR's behaviour in recent years has completely turned me off the whole thing. I've been too disheartened to engage with the canon material in any real sense for years, but your exploration of it is kind of rekindling my interest. Do you have any thoughts on this?
Also, is HP like your niche or do you possess an encyclopaedic knowledge on any other works of literature or pop culture phenomena? This is just pure curiosity on my end.
thank you very much for this anon! it's extremely sweet.
how to reconcile being a part of this fandom - and, especially, how to be in a corner of the fandom which places more emphasis on the text than others - with jkr's decision to become a bigot is a question i'm sure we've all spent a lot of time on, and it's one which is going to have an inherently subjective answer.
my personal view is that she'll never get another penny out of me - i'm persevering with my original copies of the books, judiciously sellotaped; i won't engage at all with the upcoming television adaptation; i've not seen the fantastic beasts films; i wouldn't go and see cursed child; i wouldn't play hogwarts legacy; i don't buy merch and so on - but that writing my little stories and yapping away on my little tumblr is fine, because it's an engagement with the series which, no matter how much it focuses on the text she wrote, is still mine rather than hers.
but - of course - there are entirely reasonable arguments against this position, in either direction. someone who does engage more with jkr's post-radicalisation output could justifiably say that - since i've written stories involving delphini, who only exists because of cursed child, the fact that i've never seen or read the play is irrelevant and my insistence that there's a meaningful distinction between enjoying the expanded world of the series and enjoying the expanded world of the series in a way jkr materially benefits from is performative nonsense. someone else could justifiably say that jkr benefits [directly and indirectly] from all fandom engagement, even if that fandom engagement is critical of her and even if it doesn't financially support her - the upcoming television adaptation, for example, wouldn't have been greenlit if hbo didn't think it would get an audience, and the continued vitality of the harry potter fandom undoubtedly contributed to their belief that it would.
neither of these arguments are wrong - although neither is objectively correct either. each of us has to form a subjective opinion, be ok with it, and be open to changing it as time passes.
and i do genuinely think that engaging with the text as a text - something else i bang on about all the time - is helpful when it comes to reconciling everything.
i know it sounds very pretentious [and i also suspect that many people think the series isn't "well-written" enough to justify such pretension...] to say that the fandom needs to get better at embracing a variety of methods of reading the text and understanding the author's relationship to it.
this isn't me saying that anyone who wants to get into fandom needs to be able to rattle of the names of literary theorists, or be able to give an answer to "the series is historiographic metafiction: discuss".
[although if anyone would like to try and argue in favour of that proposition... i'd shriek.]
what it is is me saying that the dominant way of reading the text in the fandom - which is to focus on the reader's emotional response [and, above all, the reader's emotional response in childhood] - can end up giving jkr quite a bit more authority in how we engage with the series than she deserves. it's why many of us might say that we feel she's "betrayed" or "taken something away from" us, for example - and it's why many of us might feel that she's forced us into approaching the series in ways which decentre the canon material.
and this is - obviously - a completely legitimate way of engaging and responding. but there's also a lot to be gained from thinking outside of our emotional responses about things like the genre conventions which govern the series, the tropes and archetypes it uses, its language and syntax, its existence as something standalone, the other works of literature which influence it, and the social and historical context in which it was written. treating the series as "just" some books reduces jkr's authority over our response to it - and while the argument that this doesn't mean anything in the real world, since all she's going to care about is that people are reading her stuff, is an inherently reasonable one, i do think it has real-world benefits to us in how we square the circle of enjoying the text.
more controversially, though, i think it's also worth thinking about the personal context in which the series was written.
for me, the author is dead based on whether or not i need her to be. i don't think that the only valid interpretation of a text is the author's intended one, and i don't think that the only valid interpretation of a text is one dependent on matching parts of the story onto the author's biography. but i do think it's important for readers to know both what jkr understands the text as saying and what has happened in her life that bleeds through into it [such as the way her difficult relationship with her father and her experience of her mother's terminal illness undeniably influences the series' prioritisation of sacrifical motherhood and certain coolness towards fathers]. this doesn't mean agreeing with - or even empathising with - her by any means, it's just another tool in our arsenal when it comes to thinking of the series as no more or less special than any other piece of literature, and jkr no more or less important to our interpretation of it than any other author.
and i think it's worth saying that she doesn't seem to be someone who's bothered when fans say that she doesn't understand her own text or that she's lost the right to speak about it or that the fandom has taken it back from her - which is also why when people say that non-canon shipping [especially of queer pairings] must piss her off i think it's just cope - because she can spin that as these people being childish and unwilling to face reality.
but she does seem to be bothered by people who say "yeah, i know that's what you think and i know that's what you intended... but i disagree and you don't have the right to dictate otherwise".
[this is why - i think - she gets so frothingly pissed-off by daniel radcliffe's immaculate stance against her anti-trans bigotry. he's always very firm in saying "she can think what she wants, but - firstly - this isn't about what she thinks privately, it's about what she does publicly and - secondly - i think she's completely wrong and i'm not going to change my mind just because she wants me to", and she obviously doesn't like the fact that this is much harder to spin into the narrative that she's being "oppressed" and "victimised" than she'd like...]
the text is just a text, and she's just one woman, but our ways of reading are infinite and important and ours. the new horizon in literary theory is "fuck her, we ball".
[when it comes to "do i have a good memory?" the answer is "yes, but for purely useless information". when the question is whether that good memory relates to other pieces of pop culture, i'm either very lucky or very unlucky - depending on where you stand on such things - that the fandoms for hit millennial sitcoms don't seem to be large... otherwise i'd clearly be spending all my time writing epic nick/schmidt or liz lemon/jenna maroney romances and/or being cancelled for being in george michael/maeby nation...]
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bonefall · 7 months
Any thoughts on Pebblefoot (Minnowtail's brother)? I had an AU with him when I was 16-ish and I've been weirdly attached to that little nobody ever since
Not too many, he's open to suggestions if he's your blorbo. Here's the downlow on BB!Pebblefoot at the moment though;
One of the VERY first episodes of Po3 is the Shinewater Plague. It's pulled up from TNP, so there's more time to dedicate to the WindClan Civil War.
In coming to help RiverClan with the illness that breaks out as a result of the oilspill, Hollypaw realizes she isn't cut out for the life of a Cleric. She is grossed out by the details of sick cats, and finds herself "in her element" when she's leading and commanding, not caring and nurturing.
Patient Zero of the Shinewater Plague is, famously, Tumblekit. Pebblefoot and Minnowtail's sibling, who Minnow dared to drink the shiny poison.
Pebble unfortunately blames Minnow for this. I see him as kind of a hardass, but also, he's not TOTALLY wrong
He doesn't really like "fun" and has trust issues. A stickler for the rules because, well, he didn't follow the rules once and he lost a littermate and was horrifically sick for a week.
Minnowtail's strained relationship with her surviving brother, plus the guilt she feels for how Tumblekit died, is a contributing factor for why she ends up in the Dark Forest.
And it makes Mousewhisker more attractive to her. He doesn't hold grudges, he's super easygoing and is a little bit vain, in a funny way.
He loves looking like he's tough, liked to mention his mentor Iceheart, generally he thinks he's a coolguy! But he's actually LAME.
And that makes him endearing. Ok toughboy. I don't think toughboys spend 15 minutes adjusting their hair in the reflection of a lake.
Pebblefoot disapproves of this, if he finds out any of this before Mouse eventually joins RiverClan much, much later (probably BB!ASC)
He's not ESTRANGED from Minnowtail, just critical of her and strained. He thinks she makes awful choices and deserves to be confronted about them
Pebblefoot has the sort of personality that will be VERY useful in the Impostor's crusade in BB!TBC.
Funny enough, it's a very similar personality to his grandfather, Swansong. They're confident and kind of rude, but Pebble has different life experience that has caused him to have different political opinions.
His uncle and aunt, Stonestream and Willowshine, are less than a year older than he is. I feel like he's pretty close to Stonestream for some reason.
Pebble's mother Dawnflower claimed Queen’s Rights for her litter. Her mate has a little split in the fur at the end of his tail, which gave Minnow and Pebble a false "flipper"
He was probably a Tribe cat, or maybe a loner. Dawnflower isn't interested in anyone in RiverClan, and lived through TigerClan which has made her not entirely trust the "protection" of the Queen’s Rights.
So she probably didn't even know his name, honestly. Didn't WANT to know it.
Dawn has her family, but going through that situation, seeing her uncle get slaughtered in front of a cheering crowd, having your rebel leader die after refusing to snitch out everyone's names including yours and saving your life...
She's traumatized. Acts in emotional self-defense a lot.
Pebble and Minnow probably grew up very aware of that.
I'm not sure when Pebblefoot dies, but it's probably NOT going to be in the great big storm of BB!ThunderClan's Tempest. I have use for him.
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fipindustries · 1 year
oppen heimer style
let me just start this by saying that this is not necesarily nolan being back to form, necesarily. i would place it just above the rest of nolan's dark period known as intersrellar, dunkirk and tenet. but that is not an exceedingly high bar to pass.
he has sadly become a director that i still respect appreciate and whose movies i enjoy but whom i can no longer say is an unmatched genius.
lets start with the bad.
its too long, and its pacing its a little awkward, no need to worry for spoilers here since we all know the history. the big money shot that we were all expecting, the trinity test, it happens roughly at the middle of the movie and after that the movie struggles to reach any other point of heightened emotion as high as that one.
its a solid three hour experience and more than once it had me wondering "ok, how much left, are we done yet?" but i will say this: once i reached the final scene and the credits start i did not feel a tired relief that it was finaly over, thank god. i feel dread, i felt doom and dread. i was fucking terrified. this movie has a good strong final scene that makes you forget of previous tests of patience you might have gone through watching it.
it tries to do this weird parallel story telling between lewis strauss and oppenheimer that it feels like they tried to film two different movies and then awkwardly splie them together. it jumps back and forth between the past and the present told form different points of view and a lot of it feels like it could have been cut out and the movie would have worked just as well. im not sure how necessary was the whole lewis strauss subplot to be honest.
the characters and dialog work a little better than in previous movies although we still get a lot of scenes of people talking in a clinical manner with expository dialog and deep philosophical musings. but once again i will say nolan seems to be learning some lessons, we do get a lot of scenes where actors are allowed to flex their emotional muscles.
in a lot of ways this is nolan's most lurid film. i think this is the first time we get to see breasts and naked people having sex in a nolan movie and it hits hard, both because of how unexpected it is in a nolan film and because of how out of context it shows up in-universe. i dont actually want to spoil this one because the effect it achieves actually worked really well.
and now moving on to the good, if i mentioned this might be nolan at his most lurid, it is certainly also at his most poetic. sure there is inception, but in here we get to see a lot of surrealist or downright metaphorical scenes without the excuse of being inside a dream. we get to see things that are not happening literally in universe but that are an artistic representation of what the characters are feeling. it felt really effective.
the man himself
this is a movie that is very much about the titular guy and trying to understand his inner world, trying to understand who the hell was this person, and honestly, where did he get off.
it seems oppenheimer was a complicated man, whose actions and desitions were sometimes confusing, sometimes downright contradictory (there is a nice wink to this when talking about the paticle/wave duality at the beggining of the film). he was a communist, he was a proud american, he was a genius, he was painfully naive,he was merely following orders but he had absolute control over his little town in los alamos, he worked hard for peace, he created nuclear war, he built a bomb that he didnt want people to use.
i heard criticisms that this movie romanticizes his work, that it may excuse or justify the use of the bomb, that it may be too kind with the guy. rest assured it doesnt. the movie brings up multiple times how the japanese were basically already surrendering, how senseless and callous and cruel the use on japanese cities was, how attrocious and horrifying the effects of the bomb were. and how oppenheimer definely contributed to it. if it shows the guy hand wringing or feeling gulty or trying to be a martyr of sorts, the movie definetly calls him out on that too by saying that its very rich of him to have done the deed and then regret it as if he didnt knew what he was doing or as if he had no control over it. a lot of times the movie shows the man as spineless, as a moral coward, as someone who was too weak to take on a position. "you dont get to commit a sin and then make everyone else feel pity for you because there are consequences!" is yelled at his face.
yet all the same, either because he is portrayed by cyllian murphy and his puppy dog eyes or because nolan deep down still admires who he was and what he did, you cant help but feel bad for the guy and like him still. he was a person, a complicated person with ugly sides that this movie in no way ignores, but still a brilliant man who at the very least had the basic decency to feel bad for the atrocities he contributed to.
going back to the movie itself
its has a weirdly star studded cast. if you were surprised by the sudden appearance of matt damon in interstellar, get ready to have that feeling multiple times during this film, every other scene suddenly shows up a hollywood megastar and it will take a few seconds before you accept ok, i guess gary oldman is in this film, and is that rami malek? and oh right, robert downy junior and oh my god is that fucking kenneth brannagh. in fact the one hollywood actor who is NOT in this movie, is surprisingly, inexplicably enough michael caine.
truly, breaking new ground.
and the cameos dont stop at the stars, the characters themselves are a constant delightful surprise if you are into the history of quantum mechanics and science in the first half of the 20th century. you have einstein of course (presented as this old exiled king, his time of glory long past but still sough after for his wisdom) but you have also bohrs, heisenberg, feynman, fermi, and fucking gödel somehow (they managed to shoe in a comment about his paranoia and hipocondry)
the actual explosion
time to talk about the thing we all went to see this movie for. is the atomic explosion cool? is it big? is it loud? does it go boom? does it look cool?.
suffice to say. yes. one of the coolest experiences i had in watching film ever in my life. it has a build up of a solid 30 minutes or so (arguably its been building up the entire movie) the tensin keeps on rising all through out. the countdown slowly advances, the expectations are at the highest theyve ever been and by the time the bomb was actually about to go off in the middle of the american desert, the first atom bomb ever exploted, my heart was hammering out of my chest.
its fully worth the price of admission and the three hours.
final comments
i want to double back to the poetic filmmaking i mentioned early to comment about the main thing its used for. nolan makes it clear in no uncertain terms the horror that atomic weapons unleashed on the world. the man goes out of his way to make it clear, these things can destroy the planet. we've all become perhaps a bit desensitized to atomic explosion in film, made more and more espectacular with the advancement of cgi. but this movie brings it back home and leaves you with a last message about the danger of nuclear proliferation.
i walked out of the theatre with my legs shaking and my eyes falling out of my skull. i had a hard time talking a bit afterwards, i was a little shell shocked.
so, i guess in the end, my thoughts on this movie are just as complicated as the man himself, the man who oppenheimed the world.
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philosophersystem · 14 days
Helping Someone with Paranoia? This Guide Can Make a Difference
Do you know someone struggling with paranoia but unsure how to help? Our step-by-step guide is designed to gently support you in helping them recognize their symptoms without triggering fear or defensiveness. With practical, compassionate strategies, you'll learn how to build trust, introduce alternative perspectives, and gradually guide them toward realizing they might be experiencing paranoia.
The Guide will be further worked on to expand it until it is a comprehensive manual that teaches everything you need to know about it.
Discover how to:
Approach sensitive conversations without judgment
Use grounding techniques to reduce anxiety
Suggest treatment options in a non-threatening way
Help your loved one take the first steps toward understanding their experiences—and support them in seeking the help they need.
A manual for convincing someone who is suffering from paranoia that they're indeed suffering from paranoia.
This is a carefully handcrafted manual from Mono. It takes the knowledge from where we helped our ex-wife and our brother realize their delusions and wraps it neatly in a manual on how to approach the situation best in our eyes.
We often managed to convince our ex-wife that she's suffering from a delusion when she had one. For our brother this approach helped him understand in a gentle way. Once he is fit again, I'll ask him if he'll comment on how this was for him :)
1. Establish Trust and Support
Before addressing the paranoia directly, it is crucial to build a foundation of trust. People experiencing paranoia often feel misunderstood or persecuted, so any confrontation may exacerbate their distrust.
Be Non-Judgmental: Avoid dismissing their beliefs or immediately questioning their reality. For instance, Mono didn’t outright dismiss his brothers concerns about being surveilled but listened patiently and acknowledged their feelings.
Example: “I believe you, and I understand that it feels very real for you.”
Offer Reassurance: Let them know that you are there to support them no matter what. This helps reduce feelings of isolation and builds rapport.
Example: “I’m here to support you, and I’ll help you through this, whatever it is.”
Validate Their Emotional Experience: While you might not agree with their interpretation of events, acknowledge the distress they are experiencing.
Example: “It must be really stressful and exhausting to feel like you’re being watched all the time.”
2. Gently Introduce Alternative Explanations
Once trust is established, start by offering gentle, alternative perspectives on their experiences. Rather than challenging their beliefs head-on, explore other explanations that they might consider without feeling invalidated.
Normalize Stress and Its Effects: Paranoia often stems from heightened stress. By focusing on stress as a potential trigger, you can help the person understand that their feelings might be a response to external pressures rather than an actual threat.
Example: Mono mentions stress as a potential cause of psychosis: “Stress is the primary trigger for that... maybe the stress from feeling surveilled is contributing to how you’re feeling.”
Relate to Their Experience: If you have personal experience with paranoia or mental health issues, it can be helpful to share that. This approach makes the conversation feel less like a diagnosis and more like a shared experience.
Example: Mono references their own experience with psychosis and paranoia: “I went through similar stuff when I was psychotic... stress can lead to paranoia, especially if you’ve had a family history.”
Use Open-Ended Questions: Instead of directly stating that they’re paranoid, ask questions that prompt reflection. This encourages them to think critically about their experiences.
Example: “Have you ever noticed that these feelings seem to get worse when you’re more stressed or tired?”
3. Gradually Introduce the Concept of Paranoia
If the person shows signs of being open to alternative explanations, carefully introduce the concept of paranoia. This can be done without labeling them but by explaining it in general terms and letting them draw their own conclusions.
Educational Approach: Explain what paranoia is in neutral, non-threatening terms. Mono does this when they share information about paranoia with his brother without directly accusing them of being paranoid.
Example: “Paranoia is when someone feels mistrustful or suspicious of others, even if there’s no real reason to be. It’s common to feel like people are watching or plotting against you.”
Provide Reading Materials or Resources: Sharing articles, research, or personal accounts (like user-a did with the document on paranoia) can help the person see parallels in their own experience without feeling targeted.
Example: “This is a link to an explanation of paranoia that might help you understand some of what you’re feeling. See if any of it resonates with your experience.”
Example: This is another, more well crafted explanation using the knowledge from this guide.
Encourage Reflection: After sharing information, ask them how they feel about what they’ve read or heard. This helps them process the information at their own pace.
Example: Mono asked his brother to reflect on the paranoia document: “Does this sound like anything you’ve experienced?”
4. Encourage Medical or Therapeutic Intervention
Once the person starts acknowledging the possibility of paranoia, the next step is to encourage them to seek professional help. Psychiatrists and psychologists can provide the tools and medications needed to manage paranoia effectively.
Frame Medication as an Experiment: If the person is resistant to the idea of medication or therapy, frame it as a short-term experiment to see if it helps. This reduces the fear of a long-term commitment.
Example: Mono suggests trying neuroleptics for 2-3 months: “It wouldn’t hurt to try neuroleptics for a few months to see if it helps reduce the stress and these experiences.”
Emphasize Potential Benefits: Focus on how treatment could alleviate their suffering. The goal isn’t just to address the paranoia but to improve their overall quality of life.
Example: “Imagine how freeing it would feel if medication helped reduce those stressful feelings of being watched all the time.”
Validate Their Fears About Doctors: If they feel unsafe going to a doctor, acknowledge those fears but gently guide them toward professional help. It can help to offer to accompany them or assist in finding a trusted provider.
Example: Mono asks for clarification and offers support: “Why do you feel unsafe at the doctor? Maybe we can find a way to make it feel more comfortable for you.”
5. Use Grounding Techniques and Coping Mechanisms
While encouraging treatment, it’s important to provide immediate coping strategies for managing distress and paranoia. User-a introduces grounding techniques and mindfulness to help user-b reduce anxiety in the moment.
Teach Simple Grounding Techniques: Grounding helps shift attention from overwhelming thoughts to the present moment, which can be particularly useful during episodes of paranoia.
Example: Mono suggests focusing on sensory input: “Try drinking some coffee and really focus on how it tastes, or take a bath and focus on how the water feels.”
Use Distraction Techniques: Sometimes, distracting the person from their paranoid thoughts can reduce their intensity. Suggest engaging in an activity that diverts their attention from distressing feelings.
Example: “Listening to music, especially something calming or instrumental, could help distract you from the feeling of being watched.”
Promote Mindfulness: Encourage the person to stay connected with their immediate physical sensations. This helps reduce the emotional intensity of paranoid thoughts.
Example: User-a provides a mindfulness exercise: “Focus on simple, neutral sensations like the sound of water or the taste of coffee. This can help you feel more grounded.”
6. Provide Emotional Support and Avoid Blame
Throughout the process, remain emotionally available and avoid placing blame on the person. Paranoia can be a frightening and isolating experience, and blaming the individual for their thoughts or behaviors can make them more defensive and less likely to seek help.
Avoid Confrontation: When addressing delusions, don’t push too hard or demand that the person immediately recognize that their beliefs are false. This can backfire and lead to further entrenchment in paranoid thinking.
Example: Instead of directly challenging his brothers beliefs, Mono gradually introduces alternative perspectives: “Maybe the stress from feeling surveilled is affecting you, and medication could help reduce that.”
Encourage Without Pressure: If the person shows resistance or anxiety, back off and provide reassurance. Let them explore the idea of paranoia at their own pace.
Example:Mono remains patient and supportive, even whenhis brother expresses confusion or panic: “Take your time, and I’ll be here to help you whenever you’re ready.”
Offer Consistent Reassurance: Reassure them that their feelings, while distressing, are manageable and that there are ways to feel better with the right help.
Example: Mono regularly checks in with his brother: “I’m here for you, and you don’t exhaust me. I want to help you get through this.”
7. Be Prepared for Setbacks
It’s important to recognize that progress may not be linear. Individuals dealing with paranoia can have moments of clarity followed by setbacks where their delusional beliefs resurface. Stay patient and consistent.
Acknowledge Their Feelings in the Moment: When setbacks occur, focus on offering comfort rather than trying to immediately correct their thinking.
Example: When his brother panics, Mono doesn’t argue but instead offers reassurance: “It feels real for you, but I don’t think you need to leave immediately. Maybe a walk will help.”
Celebrate Small Steps: If the person begins to accept help or acknowledges the possibility of paranoia, celebrate that progress without pressuring them for more.
Example: Mono praises his brother for reading the document on paranoia and reflecting on it: “I’m really glad you found it helpful.”
In conclusion, addressing paranoia requires a careful, patient, and compassionate approach, balancing emotional support with gentle guidance toward alternative perspectives and professional help. From a psychological standpoint, building trust is crucial for reducing feelings of isolation and suspicion. Validation of their emotional experience—without reinforcing delusional beliefs—helps establish rapport, which can open the door to exploring less threatening explanations for their distress. Introducing concepts like paranoia in a non-confrontational manner and encouraging medical or therapeutic intervention further allows individuals to slowly reflect on their experiences and consider seeking help.
The techniques outlined—such as grounding exercises, mindfulness, and distraction—offer immediate relief from overwhelming thoughts and help the individual reconnect with reality. It's essential to remember that paranoia is often fueled by deep anxiety and stress, so these coping mechanisms play a vital role in reducing psychological distress in the moment.
Psychologically, this guide embraces the principles of non-judgmental listening, validation, and gradual reframing, which are central to effective interventions for paranoia. It also highlights the importance of patience and acceptance of setbacks, recognizing the nonlinear nature of recovery. By offering consistent reassurance and avoiding blame, the helper can foster an environment where the individual feels safe to explore new ideas, make small steps toward change, and ultimately reduce the impact of paranoia on their life.
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princeasimdiya12 · 6 months
Bucchigiri Finale Thoughts
So I watched Episode 12 earlier today and had some time to think things over. And unfortunately, I realized that I didn't like this episode very much. Granted there are a good amount of moments that I did enjoy and contributed well to the main themes of the series. But there were too many moments that I felt undercut my enjoyment of the show. So fair warning, a lot of what I have to say is fairly critical and kinda negative. If you agree or disagree with anything I've said here, feel free to reblog this with your own comments. And if you're not into negativity, feel free to ignore this.
But I will start by mentioning the things I did like.
Just like everyone and their gyoza-making mothers, I loved the final fight scenes. The choreography was well executed and I thought the animation was top notch, both when it came to Senya vs Ichiya and Arajin vs Matakara. I really liked how in depth they went with the fighting sequences and the dark colors fit really well with the tone of the drama of the scene. The emotional range between the fighters felt incredible; the actors truly gave it their all when going about their fights.
And the part with Arajin mustering the power to save Matakara was beautifully done. I was in awe when Arajin brought up how Matakara became the very monster he tried desperately to destroy which really got a crack on his defenses. The sequence of Arajin reaching out to Matakara's inner child to help him out of his despair was gorgeous. Especially since Ara-chan used the Friendship Stone both to help the inner child and later when telling his old friend that he's not alone anymore. That was really great and genuine character growth, especially since Arajin accepted that he was in the wrong for leaving him all the time.
And as I mentioned in an earlier post, I did love the first scene with Arajin meeting Matakara for the first time. But as a twist, it was Arajin who was inspired by Matakara's dedication to being a Honki Person and volunteered himself to train alongside his new friend. That was a great twist and it adds new depths to how Arajin was actually inspiried by his old friend and not the other way around like we believed for so long.
So those were the parts that I genuinely enjoyed. Now for the parts I didn't really like..
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On one hand, while it is nice that Zabu wasn't brutally beaten to subconsciousness, I do kiinda wish that he did have to be hospitalized. It just feels so off-putting how he's relatively okay despite being brutally mauled by Matakara only a few hours ago. Especially since Marito and Kenichirou wound up in the hospital after losing to Matakara. Plus I feel like it undercuts the drama and severity of the situation by having Zabu be fine enough to look for Matakara. It doesn't help that he and Komao don't really do much apart from running around trying to find their friend.
Also, I hope I'm not the only one but did anyone else feel uncomfortable with this scene?
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I understand that Mahoro did it in a desperate bid to bring her brother back but the way she described Kenichirou here was just... gross.
Not insane, not weird, not quirky, not even ridiculous.
It was just gross for me to see her dehumanize one of the few dark skinned characters on the show. Even if he's not black/black coded, it still rubs me the wrong way that she would say those things so casually. Especially since Japan can be really casual when it comes to making racist/offensive remarks to brown skinned people in it's media. Plus there are tons of other ways she could have referred to him without calling him a gorilla. Like meathead, blockhead, oaf, ogre. Any other insult could have worked and been more acceptable than the ape insult. And it's unfortunately consistent since she did call him a gorilla during the Gang War Arc.
And then there's this part...
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I don't know if it was Mahoro's doing or if that's what the original nurses did, but it was just uncalled for. Both for the unspoken racism and for how it doesn't even apply to Kenichirou's character. Out of the three banchos, he's always been the least violent and was always shown to be tranquil and easy to work with, unlike Marito and Akutaro who were more unhinged, wild and violent in comparison. There shouldn't be any reason for him to behave so violently that the staff would resort to shackling him like an animal. Especially given how defeated he looked when Matakara beat him in a fight.
Another reason why I dislike this scene is because the characters involved (Mahoro, Marito, Kenichirou) do nothing to contribute to the final duel between Arajin and Matakara. None of these characters actually show up until the end when Matakara apologizes to everyone. You could have made it so that during the apology scenes, the two gang leaders could have shown up while covered in bandages or crutches. There really isn't a need to show us Marito waking up since we could get that later on in the end with Matakara apologizing to Siguma Squad.
The same can be argued for Zabu, Komao, Outa, Jabashiri and Hagure. Even though they spend most of their time hunting down Matakara and Arajin, they don't exactly contribute to the final duel or offer any words to the main heroes. They just show up and the duo resolve their problem like nothing.
Regarding Ichiya's secret of him dying, while it's not the worst reason for him to be so insistent on fighting Senya, I do wish there was more build up or at least some hints to it. It just feels like a random reason for why Ichiya developed his grudge against Senya. It's not the worst reason and it does make sense for why he wanted to die like a Honki Person instead of to a random illness, it just leaves a bad taste to how it happened to him out of randomness.
And wow, Arajin is never going to overcome the internet hating him for being a perverted simp mc.
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In a way, it makes some sense since Arajin's character arc was never about respecting women or learning that there's other ways to be a man apart from stealing a girl's virginity. That was never the focus as the story wanted him to confront his mistake of abandoning his old friend and not running away from his problems. That said, this still won't look good for him since fans are going to be turned off of Bucchigiri because of his perversions and how the show doesn't encourage him to change.
And as I've come to realize, the show itself doesn't seem to mind with the characters not growing out of their negative vices. A critique I have is that the show doesn't go out of it's way to challenge the beliefs of these characters or push them to grow into better people. Arajin is perfectly okay with being rude to everyone while pursuing a girl just so he can lose his virginity to her, Mahoro continues to lust over her older brother and has no interest in anything else, Marito is still a bloodthirsty bad boy who lives and breathes fighting, Kenichirou doesn't mind repeating high school as long as he gets to run Minato Kai, even Yayako prefers to act like a bubbly airhead rather then act like a responsible and respectful adult. And even with Matakara's corruption arc, he doesn't really recognize how harmful his idolization of Arajin was since the focus was more on his loneliness and trauma of being alone. Maybe because I'm spoiled by Mob Psycho 100, but it saddens me to see how these characters don't grow into better people or make an effort to change themselves. Especially since there can be potential for all of them.
And while I'm glad that Arajin and Matakara were able to become friends again, it feels like a letdown that there's no build up to it. It just rushes straight to them becoming friends again without acknowledging their negative attributes. Th same with puppy boy getting everyone to just accept him with no repercussions or consequences. It feels like letdown as there were no serious consequences for his actions. Like he could just go on a despair-induced rampage again and they'll just keep accepting him. On paper it's rather wholesome, but it does feel contrived if everything just works out without problems or how Matakara doesn't need to work hard to earn their forgiveness. That would have been for a greater character moment and to show Matakara taking responsibility for his actions. But we never see Matakara doing that and him being accepted by the gang feels rather hollow. It's technically nice that he has his friends back and that SS won't have his heart on a stick, but it feels hollow.
Speaking of taking non-responsibilities and being accepted by the gangs, Akutaro is now back with the NG Boys and they're accepting of him?
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I really do wish we could have had a scene that explains how the heck he was able to win back his old gang despite them professing that they weren't going to let him beat them around like before. It just feels offputting that Akutaro is back in charge and has their respect with zero explanation or even any build up to it. He spent all his time trying out different jobs and activities but nothing to suggest that he wants to go back to his old club again.
Not to mention that this is still bad news for Minato Kai since Akutaro still has his hatred for Kenichirou and still longs to destroy him. And given how he also hasn't grown out of his negative vices, it's more than likely he'll come up with a new plan to destroy them albeit a different approach. Though the other gangs will be aware of him trying to wreak havoc on them again, I sincerely doubt that that'll stop Akutaro from having his revenge. And with the NG Boys and Girls behind his back, he definitely has a shot at it.
Then there's the resolution with the Nyan Nyaight Love segment. While it was endearing with the Receptionist wanting to help out the Customer, I'm just trying to wrap around the logic behind the Receptionist accepting him again.
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It doesn't make sense to me how he'd be accepting of the guy who abducted one of your prized cats, lose her, and then just welcome him back with another cat. It's setting up a cycle for the Customer to fall in love with a new cat only for him to become obsessed with her and then try to steal the cat out of "love". And while the show focuses on him learning to lose his shame of visiting NNL, it doesn't try to challenge his dependency on cats for company along with his hostile jealousy.
Is the Receptionist aware of this potential problem and how it can happen again to another cat? Is the manager of NNL willing to accept the Customer again along with the risk of jeopardizing his business? I can't imagine how difficult it must be to promote a cat only to lose it because of a depressed nutjob.
Also, to the anon who was grossed out by Arajin's mom, I'd like to give a complete apology to you for refuting your claims. Because this...
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This was not necessary.
I mean, it is interesting to know that Marito shows attraction to girls/women which gives more depth to his character. And while it is weird for him to hit on an older women, it's still technically okay since it is normal for teens/youth to show attraction to adults that catch their interest.
But what isn't okay is Yayako's reaction to his attention.
Again, she is a grown woman getting over excited because a teenage boy is trying to hit on her. And she's okay with this? Like ma'am, not only is that concerning because of the blatant age differences but you're also a married woman (according to the additional info). How are you so lenient with being hit on by a guy who could pass for your son? Like really? I used to think of Yayako as a quirky, wholesome woman who needed to not let her son treat her like trash. But now I'm seriously questioning her values and how she treats everything in her life like a soap opera.
In regards to Mitsukuni being in a coma and waking up, it was... okay. Like I'm happy that Matakara will get his big brother back and they'll be able to move into an apartment like they wanted to. But I feel that the reveal of him being in a coma undercut alot of the emotional turmoil Matakara went through. I don't know, it just feels rather hollow knowing that Mitsukuni was always there and was going to make it out alive while his little brother was running around like a war machine. It's conflicting in all honesty.
But what isn't conflicting was how much I really didn't care much for Senya returning in the last shot. I wasn't moved by Senya showing up in the last scene or how Arajin secretly missed him. Maybe it's because of how Arajin constantly yelled at him or acted like he didn't care. And while he does care in his own way, I just felt disinterested in the reunion and I had no strong emotions of Senya returning. It doesn't help that the part with Senya and Ichiya "leaving" didn't really have alot of emotional depth to make the reunion more impactful. Senya not coming back would not have me upset.
And those would be my thoughts on the final episode. For those who stuck around to read all of this, I thank you for doing so. And to those that stuck around, I apologize for the excessive negativity. And like I mentioned above, you're more than welcome to reblog this with your thoughts and whether you agreed, disagreed or have something to say regarding my post.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this along with my other posts for this ridiculous show. Your feedback means alot to me and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Nana na na, Nana na na, Nana na na na na...
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bitesize-astrology · 9 days
A Drastically New Approach
Saturday - September 14, 2024
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When I became a contributing Astrologer at Sirius Joy (SiriusJoy.com), I had to address my own questions about the correct House system to use. I used Placidus but that didn't seem right. SJ uses the Equal House system, but even now I STILL have questions, and am doing a deeper dive into all of them. And that includes the radical idea that House systems are still not correct, or are even necessary.
Can you get outside of your own opinion and intellectual comfort zone and go higher? That's the teaching today as the Sun sits at 22°, an Aquarius ruled degree that invites you to stretch your emotional and intellectual maturity in order to create a more satisfying reality given we are in Virgo season. And with the Moon in Aquarius that should help you detach from any emotional or intellectual constraints in order to find the deeper truth.
This is how you avoid the intellectual traps of cognitive dissonance, confirmation bias, the framing effect, group think, or strawman arguments. Remember, there are all kinds of products we have today that 50 years ago inventors were being criticized for even dreaming about.
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cringefaecompilation · 3 months
been thinking about how essek is only ever said to be a person of color (using the forgotten realms drow lore that cr retconned explicitly because of its violent racism) by white fans as a gotcha whenever anybody complains about him getting fandom preferential treatment and how he gets defended from literally any criticism. like he is a white man. you see him as a white man nine times out of ten.
and i know it's only for a gotcha because i've seen how the fandom treats actual poc. how gilmore is mocked for being part of "yaoi" with vax and said to not actually contribute to the narrative outside gay shipping. how beau was and in some cases still is put down to prop up caleb. how people violently bash veth and widobrave. how dorian is whitewashed into being a generic Fantasy British prince because people only recall the silken squall through a game of telephone from fanfic. how fy'ra, opal, and nydas are completely ignored by fandom. how laerynn is treated as the most evil and irredeemable member of the ring of brass. how people accuse deanna of being emotionally abusive to an actual GOD. how people see bor'dor as pure manipulative evil from day one (when previously they saw him as an "innocent golden retriever boyfriend" before the reveal) and conveniently forget that prism, laudna and orym pitied him and wished things were different.
hell i think a lot of people even contribute to dorian's whitewashing by treating d/orym as shado/wgast 2. but it's worse when he's expected to be the caretaker and emotional support for every single white character the authors like (magical indian stereotype much?) as opposed to essek who's either treated as a person on the same level as caleb or elevated.
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valenshawke · 7 months
Law & Order, Season 23, episode 5: "Last Dance"
Blah, blah, blah, rich tech mogul commits murder to cover-up that he's a sexual predator. Variation on a tried-and-true story that the show has used since time immemorial.
But they had to make it more complicated to write Jack McCoy off the show.
@albatrossisland and @monidon, this one's for you.
In Seasons 18 and 19, you had Governor Donald Shalvoy and he was very clearly a fictionalized version of former NY Governor Eliot Spitzer. I guess they didn't want to anger the current NYC Mayor, Eric Adams, by having a fictionalized version of him being corrupt. But in the era of #MeToo where formerly untouchable powerful men (for decades) got away with all sorts of sexually predatory actions, it strains credulity that someone would not simply cut their losses and distance himself from the suspect. But you need an antagonist, right?
I'm often not a fan of the criticism that something is contrived. A story is a story and the actions a character takes are written to lead to a certain point. Everything is contrived in fiction. It's how well you do it.
Since the show came back, the writers show they simply cannot do it well. Everything has gotta be a twist, curve-ball, or an absurd social commentary (and I'm saying that about a show that did social commentary since episode ONE). If anyone is wondering where my gripe is on that last one, it goes back to my bone to pick with Nolan "Spineless Coward" Price giving IMMUNITY to a SCHOOL SHOOTER so he could PROSECUTE THE FATHER for the shooting.
Now, do I believe (in certain cases) parents should be held responsible for the actions of their children in this case? Absolutely. The Ethan Crumbley case in Michigan is a perfect example! There NOT definite warnings signs: There were FUCKING FIVE-ALARM BELLS and red flags the size of football fields that something was seriously wrong with the kid and he needed help, not for his mother to buy him a fucking gun. Parents were charged without any immunity. I still hold that against the writers.
Rick Eid's run as show-runner has demonstrated a clear lack of knowledge of character history on the show (Jack in particular), a lack of even the loosest understanding of the law works in the show's universe, and a desperate need for actual lawyers as consultants or on the writing staff.
I'm also convinced that writers hate Hugh Dancy. The guy has acting chops, he was wonderful in HANNIBAL. But like… refer to my earlier description of Nolan Price.
Which brings us to Jack's sendoff and the overall story.
Mayor Payne? Yeah, that's certainly subtle.
I often think back to how Jack (and Mike Cutter) fought back against the GOVERNOR and they can't handle the freaking mayor? Writers, what the fuck?
I guess where the writers got something right was Jack believes in justice for the victim, regardless of who you are. And they gave Jack one last courtroom battle. And, on one hand, it is fitting. They wanted Jack to go out in a figurative blaze of glory. He was alone in the court, no second chair. I do wonder if he thought about all the second chairs he's had and how they helped him along the way (I am getting weirdly emotional writing this). And despite the fact he got burned, he managed to burn his enemies on the way out.
But this isn't the end I wanted.
Sometimes, a low-key ending is suitable for a character who worked (by my own calculation) 50-plus years in the DA's office (perhaps closer to 60 years). Who tried some significant cases, contributed to case-law that the show SHOULD HAVE REFERENCED, mentored each of his second chairs after Claire and Jamie. Mentored Mike Cutter.
Jack simply deciding just to retire and not run for re-election and spend the rest of his days fixing his relationship with his daughter, spend time with his grandson, write a book, maybe be a talking-head on legal shows (no, I can't see that), fine. But I wish they could have convinced Sam Waterston to finish out the season, maybe recording something so they show a goodbye party or SOMETHING to start next season, and then have the newly-elected DA introduced. That would have been more satisfying.
As for everything else about this episode. Couldn't the writers, I don't know, research and clarify their own damn show?
Ben Stone
Jack McCoy
Mike Cutter
All Executive Assistant District Attorneys. I know there was some debate on whether or not Nolan Price was actually an EADA. But now he's Deputy District Attorney? What? Writers, there are other EADAs in the DA's office. I realize that the writers have always played fast-and-loose on the hierarchy of the fictional DAs office. SVU had Chief Assistant District Attorney Charlie Philips who spoke of "assigning" a case to Jack McCoy, which I always took more as a administrative role versus a trial role, which put him above Jack in whatever hierarchy worked in the show.
But there were times it very much seemed like Jack WAS the next person in charge if the DA was unavailable until his own appointment.
And then you have the board shown in Season 21 where it seems they had dug it out of storage since it still hate Mike and Connie listed, with Mike being "Chief Assistant District Attorney" before they changed it to "Nolan Price" by the next episode.
I've always been frustrated with the sloppiness of the writing since the show came back and this just adds to the pile.
"It's been a hell of a ride."
It has. I started this show in September of 1998 and even in the periods I didn't watch it too much, there was some comfort that Jack was always there. And I delayed watching this because I just couldn't accept the end.
And now I have.
Memories of days gone by.
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ryuichirou · 11 months
Hello!! I'm too shy to send you this out of anon, but I wanted to let you know how much I admire you. I'm a TWST artist myself, and I like certain problematic tropes and pairings. I also want to draw nsfw of my favorite ships, but I'm too afraid of doing it. The anti movement in fandoms is too overwhelming and I'm scared of people going after me. I don't mind kids yelling at me for drawing teens doing what most teens do nowadays (like sex) but everything has escalated so far that people are willing to doxx you and ruin your life over what you ship or draw, and that's what I'm scared of. I know that you probably get nasty messages and people bothering you, but seeing you and Katsu continue creating regardless of what people might say gives me encouragement to post whatever I want. And you seem to be a sunshine of a person, not to mention that your art is amazing. I wish I could post daily as you but sometimes I'm a little bit lazy and I yet need more confidence even if I've been drawing since I was a teen. Anyways, sorry if this got longer, but thank you for contributing amazing art to the TWST fandom. (I'm also into Hetalia and SnK!!! Seeing that you like DenNor made my day haha)
Sending you and Katsu my best regards!
First of all, thank you so much for your support and for your kindness, Anon. And thank you for messaging us at all about this topic, even if anonymously. I think this is a very important thing to talk about, and your message honestly made us kind of emotional. It was a bad idea to read it before going to bed lol
Just like you said, the anti movement is honestly psychotic. I feel like a lot of people who participate in it simply don’t realise the weight of their actions and words, which make sense, because the majority of them are very young; and the ones that are adults are usually quite deranged and dangerous. It’s not rare for their actions to lead to horrible consequences, but I guess this is nothing new. It used to be overbearing conservative parents, now it’s some kids with too much free time. That being said, these days we see more and more people who ignore, criticize or ridicule the antis for their hypocrisy, and this is very nice to see.
We really do get quite a lot of hate, but honestly, we used to get even more stupid comments, even though we haven’t been hated with such passion before. But still, the support we’re getting now is also much more impactful and vocal than what we used to get. There also are people who aren’t even into our ships, but would defend us just because of what this whole thing represents: their own right to do whatever they want when it comes to fiction.
Our personal thing is that we’re just way too spoiled and self-indulgent with stuff that we like. Even if it meant that we’d never get hate, we would be miserable if we had to restrict ourselves for the sake of others; and I know that because we tried. So the worst thing that could happen is that we’ll stop posting, but we’ll still continue creating, because it gives us too much joy to give it up just because someone has no friends at school and wants to impress other antis with their sick (moronic) post when they completely miss the point of our content and ignore our 18+ warnings.
So yeah, I hope you’ll remember what you love about drawing and keep doing whatever you want, even if you don’t post it. But I also think that, if you’re comfortable at any point, you should also post it. You can create an account with no link to your regular acc and your personal info whatsoever and post whatever you want there. You could still get hate, but at least it will be safer and without any high stakes, although I understand you might feel fear because people could recognise your artstyle and connect the dots.
Also preventive bans work wonderfully. If we stumble upon a post that has certain aggressive messages (you know the ones), we simply block everyone who interacted with that post. It takes time, but it’s worth it, I think. Hell, people use “call-out” (because there is nothing to call out, we’ve stated everything plainly ourselves) posts with us to block people.
Also also, ironically, ignoring the hate also kind of helps… I know it’s easy to say, and it’s not a 100% guarantee, but we just think that people are more prone to attacking you if you react to hate in any way. So the best thing is literally to just block and delete it. Oh, and always report it if it gets aggressive – this could do nothing, but it could also bitchslap them out of nowhere lol
Anyways… I am very grateful and glad if we could give you any type of reassurance and comfort with our posts. I hope to see your stuff one day, and I hope there’ll be more people who post whatever they want, so fandoms can become healthier again.
And I’m very happy you like Hetalia and SnK too, especially DenNor! <3
Thank you again from both of us, and I hope you’re having a good day.
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drdemonprince · 2 years
Do you think the idea of "I feel" statements being better/less argumentative than "you" statements is an (almost) universally useful idea or is it just a cultural thing?
I think like many therapeutic tools it's overly blunt and very easily misused or rules-lawyered into a manipulation tactic.
Have I benefited from pivoting to "i feel" language in the heat of an interpersonal conflict or romantic squabble before? Absolutely. I think using "i feel" sentences help the most when you're swept up in an unproductive fight about the facts of a conflict, or the meaning of someone's behavior, when really you just want to drive down to the emotional truth that you are hurting.
Sometimes emotions get heated but you're terrified of revealing how vulnerable you are and so you latch onto some error the other party has made or some leap in their logic that you can sink your teeth into, and you pursue that intellectual task, angrily, your rage intoxicatingly distracting you from how wounded you actually are, and making everything worse and more contentious. in such moments, if you really value the relationship, it means a lot to be able to step back and say instead, "Sorry, i don't even actually care about the thing we are supposedly fighting about. I just feel really hurt/criticized/like you're gonna abandon me."
Lifting up the lid of rage or judgement and finding sadness and fear underneath can be really helpful. And sometimes, all a battling pair really needs is for at least one party to acknowledge that they aren't being perfectly rational and they aren't the sole arbiter of the truth, they're just feeling attacked or left behind or undervalued or filled with grief. once you switch from debating facts to acknowledging feelings, both parties in a "fight" can work together to repair the relationship, instead of trying to score points on one another.
That's all great. It works when both parties give a shit about how the other person feels, and both have the capacity to admit to being wrong.
That said, I often it cloying and manipulative when people shift into "I feel" language during a scenario where emotions are not the core problem, and there is actually a fact that was wrong or a behavior that needs to change. I'll share an example.
A few months back, I was invited to contribute to a social media platform branded as being by Autistics, for Autistics. The organizer wanted me to answer a bunch of questions from Autistic users on her platform. "This is your space too!" she told me, cheerily. "Make yourself at home!"
I went on the platform, answered a few reader questions, and then took a screenshot of one of the more interesting q&a topics and posted it to my other social media pages, a thing i am very known to do. A few hours later, the organizer of the platform sent me a long private message.
"I am so hurt and so disappointed that you have done this," she told me. "This platform is for all of us. This is your community space too. I want everyone to feel safe here. But you have gone and violated the terms of service for our platform by posting screenshots on public social media sites. I'm so sad that you would do this."
The message went on and on and on about how the organizer of this platform felt -- but the problem wasn't her feelings. She and I are nobody to one another. We aren't friends. We've never spoken before. I can't repair her betrayed emotions because we haven't any relationship to repair. The problem was my behavior. I violated the terms of service for her site. And so rather than getting swept up in attending to her feelings, I focused on concrete facts. And I said,
"Oh, sorry, I didn't know cross-posting was against your ToS. I'll take it down. Thanks!"
And that was it.
A few years ago, I would have gotten all defensive and shitty in the wake of a comment like this woman's -- I hate when people try to hold me responsible for their emotions or when they use an appeal to feelings to make me feel bad. It's off putting and makes me feel gross. It's manipulative and not relevant to the issue at hand. But it's exactly the kind of thing a white lady with chronic HR department syndrome and a background in therapeutic/supposedly nonviolent language would do. (and it's especially funny that this communication error happened on a site for autistics -- you'd think if anybody could be direct about rules and expectations without getting emotionally involved, it would be us).
Her use of emotionally loaded language -- and her telling me, a complete stranger to the platform, that the platform is "my space" while simultaneously telling me I have horribly violated some rule of the space I was never informed of and never agreed to, says a lot to me about her outlook. she's shown me her way of operating and i know that i'm not interested in being near it.
and if i'm not taking responsibility for others' emotions anymore, then, dealing with her complaint is pretty easy. i dont actually have to care that a complete stranger projected all kinds of unarticulated expectations onto me. i can just apologize for my behavior, correct it, and then never think about this woman or placating her ever again.
so, that's where I think the usefulness of "i feel" statements comes to an end. I feel statements can be great at redirecting the conversation toward the interpersonal relationship and the emotions of the people within it. But if the problem at issue is not anyone's feelings or their relationship, then communicating more concretely about facts and actions and consequences seems to me the more prudent thing.
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ladyluscinia · 10 months
I'm trying to coherently express a bunch of connected fandom observations and the first draft is not working. Trying again.
People are not wrong when they observe that broadly individuals in fandom (especially newer fans) are getting increasingly prone to emotional prioritization (ex: feeling personally attacked when people criticize a character they identify with, or feeling personally betrayed by creators they've parasocialized when reality differs from their view) and also a general lack of boundaries with cast and crew (thanks twitter), and it's leading to bad outcomes - both from a "stifling healthy analytical engagement with the narrative" perspective and a "leading to bad behavior toward creators / other fans" perspective.
I also think that emotionally driven analysis attitudes like "I liked this therefore it was objectively good" are contributing to idolization-cancellation cycles, which is known, but also the resulting polarization (ex: "Since it's objectively good, the only explanation for the people who dislike it is they must wrongly think it's bad and probably harmful") + awareness of the first point might actually be creating the assumption of backlash that isn't there? Like - personal anecdote - despite being in the center of the canon-critical discussions post-OFMD S2 and historically having seen twitter receipts about the fandom's bad behavior, I have yet to see any post, screenshot, or even direct telling of an incident actually @-ing the creators other than circulating posts with effusive praise for the season (which sometimes have an attitude of trying to "drown out" the supposed harassment?). And yet people in both camps re: S2 are seemingly convinced creator harassment is a serious problem that is undoubtedly going on because fans are posting criticism in fandom spaces (some of which does accuse the show of ableism or homophobia due to everything being moralized nowdays - too many people think something needs to be problematic before they can criticize it - but again doesn't actually @ anybody).
And on top of that, both of these views of what is going on when someone posts angry criticism of X - either the concern for the health of their emotional investment in a story that's not being written specifically for them OR the assumption that there's an inherent malice and moral weight in disliking something where critics think the creators must be punished and the show canceled - ignore a pretty big elephant in the room that sometimes people are just venting. Sometimes the salty post about how maybe the main character should have been killed off is literally just sarcasm and bad feelings entirely proportional to watching a tv show and not actually a concerning lack of media literacy. Occasionally the op (myself included) probably is being kind of a dick because they are irritated but tbh it's not any bigger of a deal than that because lots of people are dicks sometimes.
There's a real, complex person behind all those posts, and - especially on tumblr - the fandom engagement / online persona that you see is not actually all of them? A post on their 95% fandom posting blog about eating a showrunner's heart in the marketplace doesn't actually prove that the most serious concerns of their day to day life are showrunner crimes or that they approve of the death penalty for bad writing.
Like in the midst of being concerned about troubling trends we should also maybe remember to watch out for various ways to assume the absolute worst of anyone who disagrees with us, because that in itself is a troubling trend that can easily make fandom worse?
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badassbutterfly1987 · 3 months
Black Sun Rising Ch. 6-10 (in which I get more critical)
Chapter 6:
I was a bit confused by this chapter at first since we switch to an entirely new POV of an angry merchant upset about lost cargo
apparently the Weird Trio (my nickname for the things from a previous chapter that looked human but weren't) used the ship carrying his goods to reach the city and sunk the ship and other people on it to cover their tracks i think
the monotone voices and general lack of emotion really make them unsettling
Chapter 7:
we get a flashback/dream from the Patriarch's POV
so his mother had a drug addiction when he was kid, then she was killed and eaten by monsters
obviously a formative memory and probably contributed to his zeal for expanding the Church's influence
Chapter 8:
apparently Damien has a habit of staying awake during true night so he could be aware of any users of dark fae nearby; it's mentioned he was taught this by a mentor, I'm presuming another sorceror or Adept since this isn't the kind of thing the Church likes
he's good at reading the fae currents back in Ganji but they're too volatile in Jaggonath, so he's just chilling in his room for a couple pages then goes to sleep (wait it says it's 3am, is this a witching hour reference? neat)
then Ciani's shop explodes and she's presumed dead, mention that there's specifically blue fire. that color was mentioned last time with the earthquake-resistant wards. the emotional part of this is weakened a bit for me because I know the general plot of the rest of the book
For the most part, I like the rest of this chapter. Damian's understandably rattled, he really liked Ciani and there was the potential for a genuine relationship. We even get a nice moment where the Patriarch has a moment of not being an ass and offers his condolences to Damien, recognizing there was a bond despite his hatred of Adepts and the fae.
Damian has the thought that he might have been falling in love with her. Here's the thing, I think they're fun together, they have a nice flirty dynamic and I could see myself writing ship fics for them. But that was all that was there; there weren't moments where they connected on a more intimate level and Damien doesn't read as having a romantic enough personality to fall this hard this early.
extra note since I didn't think to mention it last post: what kind of Church follower taught to fear and hate demons, would then name their kid Damien? Is it going to be revealed that his parents were Adepts/sorcerers who later converted? it would be a neat reveal; I don't think his parents have been mentioned yet, and it could have influenced with his ease about using fae
Chapter 9:
Weird Trio confirmed to have been hunting Ciani and maybe intended to eat her? didn't intentionally cause explosion. maybe she tried to fight back and triggered the wards in a way that overloaded them?
they apparently have another task to fulfill. how ominous!
Chapter 10:
Ciani is confirmed to be alive and hiding at Senzie's place, surprise surprise. but this is a genuinely sad scene, her attackers ripped out chunks of her memory and all her ability/knowledge as an Adept, something that is an inherent part of her identity
turns out Senzie caused the explosion in an attempt to make the attackers think she was dead and wouldn't attack again. unfortunately, this means that any research or artifacts that could have helped Ciani have been destroyed. Senzie insists he did what was best in the moment, which is fair but the way he says it points to a deeper insecurity. kudos to Damian for knowing how to de-escalate, he's like a warrior-poet but religious (is this just what dnd clerics are? I haven't played)
on a lighter note, we meet Allesha. she was briefly mentioned before as a fellow assistant and someone Senzie seemed to be mildly annoyed with. turns out she's his fiancee which makes that previous thing a little awkward
then we meet Karril, Ciani's demon friend who seems like a pretty chill guy; were he a modern guy, he'd probably wear Hawaiian shirts. what exactly demons are in this verse is a little unclear; the Church calls them demons and Damian treats them as such but other people seem to worship them as gods? Karril's domain is pleasure and he does have Dionysus vibes (also I know there's some fics that ship him and Damian so presumably he shows up again)
I really hope Ciani isn't going to be a traumatized husk for the rest of the book because she was a fun character and this already treads the line of fridging the only notable female lead (Almea dies in the prologue and Allesha is only relevant as Senzei's partner)
apparently Ciani investigated the rakhlands before (far too curious about unknown, similar to Damian), was trapped for a few years in which a rakh fed on her memories/substance as a person, and she barely managed to escape. while Karril wasn't able to get her to fully explain what happened, he did help her forget the experience at her request.
this is like that on a larger scale. the only way to fix it is to hunt down the specific creature that caused it. I might be misreading this part but they seem to be implying it could be a rakh or a more general (but still very dangerous) monster. I guess it's a red herring to the characters/audience to suspect Tarrant and while he is an amoral bastard, his brief POV chapters haven't suggested a motivation to do so (and he did notice new competition in the area, probably the rakh attackers)
Also, just for funzies, this is what I initially marked down for general thoughts that I wanted to make sure I expanded:
Senzei acting sus. defensive because insecure
romance where? barely know each other.
close to fridging. Ciani angry when?
where Tarrant?
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