#and that makes it kind of funny right? that it’s rose they have a crush on.
quietwingsinthesky · 7 months
even does know what plants are though. (as per doctor who canon, the way ships manage to keep oxygen on long voyages is via having literal forests in them. now, nothing to that extent, obviously, they weren’t that well-equipped or funded. but there’s definitely plants In There, probably relegated to a much more ordered existence, think the difference between a natural forest and one grown for logging.) at least they have that. they have seen plants. not often, but they have.
i don’t think they really understand plants beyond their functions (to eat, keep everyone breathing, etc.) whereas with natural beauties and animals and other such things that even has no experience with and can wonder over, they can’t really. do that with plants. the ability to admire a flower rather than immediately think of it in terms of resources lost and gained in its creation is a skill they have to learn.
but you know. at least they have seen them. that’s something. that’s slightly less depressing, right.
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meraki-sunset · 1 year
having a hard time explaining grimdark and trickster to a friend
think you can help?
they get godtier just fine but the other two keep confusing them because right now they think
grimdark = chaos in anarchy sense, but trickster = chaos in haha funny meme sense
Sure, let me see…
GRIMDARK mode is described by Doc scratch as “going completely off the deep end in every way”.
It turns your skin an unnatural dark gray, and in rose’s case to be surrounded by a dark aura, while jade had a spacey green aura.
It’s basically a black magic power up deeply connected to the horroterrors, a state of mind that comes from letting them influence a broken mind. For Rose, it was the death of her mother, and then trying to reveal the horror terror’s secrets. For Jade, she was heartbroken, but also she got mind controlled into entering the grimdark state by the condesce, who is also connected to the horrorterrors.
As an extra, Hussie described Eridan as also going into grimdark when he began murdering people, tho his case must’ve been more symbolical, as he presented the perfect scenario to become grimdark, the complete loss of hope, waiting for Jack to kill them all (due to his title being prince of hope, ergo Destroyer of hope) added to Feferi breaking their moiraliance talking with Sollux, being the detonator for his broken mind, and him being a Derse player, so his dream self was around the horroterrors and had interacted with them prior, he was also interested in magic like rose, had a wand just like her and sought for answers about, like her. He just lacked the connection to the horroterrors in that crucial moment.
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So Grimdark is basically when the horroterrors cause the player's most primal and violent tendencies to be pushed to the forefront
The grimdark is also described a “the fabled blackdeath trance of the woegothics”. So a dark trance that people like Rose and Eridan are inclined to fall victim of (in my opinion)
TRICKSTER mode, in the other hand, is described by Calliope as something that brings out your full potential, that brings all your walls down and puts all your inner thoughts in the outside and all your creative power in your hands. It strips you from all social and mental barrier.
It gives you reality altering Powers, allowing you to jump from place to place, probably dimension hopping, manifest objects and makes you super happy and candy colored to the point of losing grip in reality
The problem is that cherubs are very different from humans. For a cherub, who is supposed to fly around in the endless space protecting/destroying a certain part of the void, and its inhabited planets, feeding of black holes, fighting entities to death to ultimately mate in the shape of a big ass snake, a juju that’s basically drugs that can make you forget every wall you built up floating around space alone, and move forward as a happy missile ready to find a mate sounds good. But humans are social creatures, and cherubs are not. Cherubs don’t answer to anyone and don’t have Friends, they don’t need to follow any social cues. Humans built their relationships carefully, and they have secrets and barriers to protect themselves and others. They hide things like crushes and resentment and problems, because well, for the sake of peace, for the sake of not braking every relationship they have. That’s something that Calliope and Caliborn never fully grasped and understood why the kids came to hate the juju when they woke up
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So that’s all I could gather. Essentially they are different kinds of power ups, opposite to one another at their core, BUT in both the person isn’t fully there and is being guided by primal instincts, be it rage/sadness or Hope/happiness and they both have consequences in the user because neither is supposed to be used on humans or even trolls.
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transmascutena · 11 months
something i find a little bit funny but mostly just really tragic is that utena is fully convinced she's in a found family show for so much of it. and in the most fucked up way imaginable she's kind of right? we all know what being akio's family means.
i do think she sees akio as an older brother figure for a lot of the show, much more so than she ever has genuine romantic feelings for him. this is clearest to me in the black rose arc, where all he is to her is her best friend's older brother who gives her advice and respects her more than any other adult ever does. it makes sense that she'd want to see herself as a part of their family too. there's nothing to imply that her feelings are at all romantic in nature. it's only when he starts getting closer to her and intiating physical contact that she starts blushing around him and might be developing a crush -- although personally, i read it more as confused uncomfortable embarrassment most of the time, combined with the expectation that romance is what she should want, and so that must be what she's feeling, right? (this gets kind of naively reenforced by wakaba telling her how cool and handsome akio is and how lucky utena is to be close to him.)
and i don't think it's a coincidence that akio starts calling utena "part of the family" after he's planted this idea of romance in her. reenforcing her previous feelings towards him only after he has started to make them change into something different. he is deliberately trying to cofuse her idea of a familial/sibling relationship with that of a romantic/sexual one, because to him there really isn't a difference, and so that when she inevitably learns about him and anthy, utena will see her not as a fellow victim to find solidarity in, but as competition for his affection. and it works, at least at first.
all this is why i vehemently disagree when people call utena stupid for not noticing that something is wrong about anthy and akio's relationship while she's living with them. not only is it deliberately being hidden from her by both of them for a long time, she also literally has no idea what a sibling relationship is supposed to look like. she has no healthy example to compare anything to. even if she did notice something off about how anthy and akio interact, why would she assume she knows better than them how to be a family? she doesn't have one, after all. and when akio tells her that she is his family, he very much does not treat her like it, but she doesn't really have much choice in believing that it's normal, because isn't that how he treats anthy as well?
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multi-fandomsfreak · 7 months
Just had a random idea that might be funny, Amy with a female exe reader that took her form. I think it'd be funny to have them start dating and all of Amy's friends being confused as hell as to her dating what kinda looks to be herself.
Amy Rose Dating An EXE!Reader
Hey there thanks for the ask!
Honestly I like that idea. Just imagine dating an existential being who just so happens to be a look-alike of you. Anyways hope you enjoy reading this.~Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: She/Her
Warning: ❌
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Amy + Sonic + Tails + Knuckles
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by Sapphire_Art_ on Twitter + Banner by narahverde on Pinterest
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- It was definitely a surprise for Amy when she first met you. She managed to stumble upon you just by chance she didn’t mean to. Seeing someone with her looks sort of at first kind of weird her out I mean if you were to see someone who just so happened to look like a demonic version of you you’d be freaked out as well, right? But at the same time she’s oddly flattered that you chose her out of everyone but still slightly weirded out. She didn’t want to get into any trouble from you so she just decided to leave you alone and prayed that you won’t do anything to bother you. Luckily for her you wouldn’t but after seeing the actual Amy who you based your form off of you couldn’t help but grew curious towards her. What was she like? Oddly enough even though you didn’t know why you wanted to get close with. So without much thought you eventually found her and decided to attempt to have a somewhat conversation with her.
- At first she was slightly panicky wondering what you were doing here but once you managed to calm her down then explained yourself about why you were here and just wanted to get to know her she managed to calm down and decide to at least hear you out. Surprisingly she actually enjoyed hanging out with you, she was interested in getting to know about your existence and powers. Now getting to know you a bit more she honestly didn’t mind that you just so happened to be a somewhat look-alike of her. She was more than happy to accept you for who you were, no matter what you were or what you do.
- After developing a friendship with you she pretty much treats you like all her other friends. She treats you with respect and is often very happy to see you come visit her. Sometimes she finds the simplest things to do just so she could have an excuse to go visit you, even if it means she’ll have to change plans with sonic and the others. In return you made a vow to protect her with your life. If you found someone being rude to her you immediately went into defense mode and personally made sure they would learn a lesson. Maybe it may cost them their life depending on how ‘kind’ you were feeling. But you made sure to keep those things away from her to not make her worried about what people say. But sometimes she does become aware of what people say about her but you reassure her that they don’t mean what they said and they are clearly idiots who don’t know what they are talking about.
- Due to yours and her close relationships she eventually developed a crush on you. With you protecting her and making sure she’s alright she couldn’t help it. But she wasn’t sure if you would accept her feelings due to the difference between the two of you. But that doesn’t mean she hasn’t expressed them mostly towards the others. Once they’ve heard her having a crush on someone else (especially sonic) they thought they were hearing things at first. Amy has a crush on someone who wasn’t sonic? Even Sonic himself was surprised but if Amy was happy then they were as well. They did try to ask her for information about you and she was more than happy to tell them. Once hearing what you looked like they just assumed that you just so happened to be a pink hedgehog just like her.
- Eventually though Amy couldn’t keep her crush for you a secret and decided to risk it and ask you to be her girlfriend to which you accepted. Making her shed a slight tear out of happiness and hugging you all giddily. She was more than happy that you accepted her feelings she never thought any would accept her feelings.
- Expect her to be really clingy towards you. I can imagine her love language being a combination of physical touch, quality time and gift giving. She’s a very affectionate person regardless if she’s with friends or a lover. She likes giving gifts to people ranging from items to food.
- She really wants you to meet her other friends Sonic, Tails and Knuckles since she’s already said so much about you to them. At first you were slightly hesitant but eventually you agreed being unable to say no to her so with your permission she gathered the other three so they could meet you.
+ As soon as she heard the three of them at her door she happily ran towards the door and opened it with a smile on her face “hey you three glad you can make it” she said “Don’t worry about it Ames we’re just really excited to meet her” Sonic slight chuckled to himself “yeah especially since for once you aren’t going after sonic” knuckles jokingly said before receiving a slightly above whisper from tails telling knuckles off before Amy waved off what knuckles had said standing to the side to let the other three in to which they did. Amy then went off to go and get you so you could meet them creating a slight tension as they asked questions between them like what your name was? What were you like? Things like that, however as soon as Amy returned with you a slight confusion yet surprised expression formed on their faces. “This is my girlfriend [Name], they’re a bit quiet so please be patient around her.” Amy said wrapping and arm around yours as you introduced yourself to the others. Honestly they were surprised when they saw you, they were somewhat surprised because you seemed to be a nearly identical look-alike of Amy but they didn’t want to say anything about it so they just gave you a smile as they introduced themselves to you.
- Out of the three of them ironically enough I can imagine you being the closest with Sonic. Since he’s pretty much used to having Amy chasing him all the time he’s now got to get used to actually being left alone by her. I like to think that due to her constant affiliation with him he knows what she likes or not so if you're struggling to figure out what to give her Sonic can tell you. You still are somewhat close to the other two but mostly sonic.
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silent-raven13 · 6 months
Hey Miles! What's your type?
Miles looks at his friends, "Hmm?"
"What's your type?" Gwen asked, "Like what do you see yourself with?"
Pavtri nodded, "Yeah, what kind of boy or girl you like?" Hobie stood listening them, his whole body turning into a curious colors; like soft green, bright yellow and gray with magazine and newspaper prints all over with symbols of curiosity fonts, and imagery.
"Hmm, I always did like girls like Gwen; smart, funny, serious, and vulnerable like good way. Like shows her sensitive side, I guess..." Miles explains about the girls he dated being similar to his old crush, Gwen. This got Gwen blushing so hard her face turns tomato red.
"Awe, love you too, man!" She plays off her blushing as she pats harshly on her friend's back. The two did like each other at one point, but it was at the wrong time. She needed to heal herself before getting involved in a serious relationship. Miles needs to deal with his own traumas and wanted the Spider people he was close to, to gain back his trust. So, they never went for it and slowly became close friends instead of lovers. It's safer like that.
"Ow!" Miles rubs his arms feeling pain on his back being nervous.
"What about guys! You said your into guys too!" Pavtri got close to his friend's face while holding his hand, even Hobie got close to listen.
"Well... umm... never really thought about it. I guess, the same thing as Gwen- um..." His honey-brown eyes started to drift away from eye contact being flustered. "I kinda like tall guys! Like really tall."
Gwen saw Hobie being pink, then stood next to Miles with his hand measuring Miles' height against his own. Hobie is a freakin' tall dude, being six foot and four inches while Miles only six foot. This made the teenager girl giggle.
"What else?" Pavtri asked.
Miles wasn't paying attention to Hobie and Gwen assuming they were being goofy with each other. "Umm... I always saw myself being with a guy that's edgy, likes music..." Hobie did a happy pose, showing off his outfit being punk and his guitar being, "romantic." The punker pulled out a rose being the romantic type.
"Funny, smart, not afraid to be sensitive, sweet with kids!" Hobie putting on a goofy glasses with mustache, then a book by Albert Einstein and pulls out Mayday from the blue while holding her. Mayday giggles at the punker being surprised he grab her out of home from a portal!
"Kids? You want kids!"
"No, I mean... i dunno a guy that's nice with kids is a green flag for me." Miles rubs his chin unaware of Peter 616 coming out of the portal to take back his daughter from the punker and wag his finger. Mayday merely laughs agains before waving the punker goodbye. The two went back to their world. "Oh, I always saw myself being with a black man, someone Jamaican or Caribbean but I wouldn't mind an Afro Latino or African or just black." He rub his neck.
Hobie happily stood showing off his tattoo of a Jamaican and Haitian pride alongside his West African flag to represent his descendants. Gwen snickers seeing how clueless Miles is being with his type. "What else? No Indian or brown love, Miles." Pavtri pouts.
"Oh, I don't mind that! I'm down for anyone." Miles shyly said, "I do like guys like you, Pav. Like sweet, funny and always putting a positive attitude!"
"Ohh, Miles! You make me wanna date you!" Pavtri hugs him having to nuzzle his cheek, "Hehehe, if I wasn't dating my Gayatri, you'll be my bae!"
That made Hobie jealous, turning grey with newspaper labels with prints, "Do not touch! Warning!"
"Hahaha, awe Pav, you're too nice." Miles giggles, then he said, "Oh, I like guys that are kinda bad boys... like they break the rules."
Hobie turns pink again, that is him. "Oh, and he cares about social views like Black Lives Matter, Women's Rights, LGBTQ plus umm... you know people's rights, heh. I guess, that kind of guy is unrealistic, huh?"
The punker looks surprised and exaggerated his pose into a big WHAT, with hands in the air and squatting. Gwen burst out laughing seeing how this is the perfect description of Hobie Brown.
"Awe, really?" Pavtri's brown eyes glance over at Hobie looking confused and lost. "I mean, I feel like someone already exists."
"I dunno... the guys I meet always be bums, then again I haven't dated much." Miles explains, "Oh, maybe this being a stretched but a guy with a nice accent is hot, y'know."
Hobie threw his hands in the air, Miles' man is right here. Pavtri giggles, "Miles..."
"You describe Hobie?" Gwen hums.
Miles looking flustered at his crush but the sixteen year old look so lost, "I did! Oh..." He glances over at the punker, "It's because you're so amazing! Anyone would be so happy to be with you, man!"
Hobie had hearts with his grey pop into a blooms of pinks being so happy, he picks up his friend with a nuzzle, "Awe, I love you, too, Sunflower!"
"Huh! Where did that come from?" Miles felt his face so warm, he cover his face being embarrassed by all this.
Gwen said to Pavtri seeing Hobie happily carrying around Miles like a couple. "You know... they are taking their sweet ass time to date!"
"You know, Miles... our sweet Miles is too shy and naive!" Pavtri giggles.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
How OP Men Ask to Be Your Valentines (SFW/Fuff)
Some are short and some are long. Also they all read poems.
Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, Usopp, Ace
Black Fem Reader in Mind
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Wellll….he didn’t even know that day existed.
He seen Sanji decorate the deck the day before with heart shaped tapestries and making love theme foods and he explained.
When sanji realized that Luffy didn’t know he then asked if he asked you to be his Valentines and he obviously said no after a following “what is that.”🧍🏽
Needless to say after some yelling Luffy went to go find you
It wasn’t the most traditional way, but Lord help him he tried.
He stole some cupcakes and cookies and even a balloon Sanji had put up in the kitchen and rushed over to you.
Unfortunately none of the sweets survived except half a cookie, but you still had a balloon though!
“Y/N! Tomorrow be my Valentines! Okay?”
Before you could say yes or no he shoves the cookie in your mouth and hands you the balloon. He’s so proud of his declaration you couldn’t be upset.
“Oh wait! Sanji said i need to tell you a poem!”
“Violets are red, Roses are blue, please be my Valentines or else…”
“….or else what.”
He just chuckles at you while squishing your cheeks.
You don’t know if he was actually threatening you or didn’t remember the poem.
Honestly you haven’t been more warmed in your tummy to see the slight blush in his face when you nod in agreement and kiss his chubby cheeks
9/10 would love to see again.
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Only knows about it because of how much you talk about the special love day.
Still manages to nearly forget to ask you.
All day you been hinting on him asking
“Sanji asked all the girls to be his valentines…”
“…You don’t think it’s cute he asked them?…y’know…seems pretty cute.”
“He made a fool of himself.”
It irked you he didn’t even have a light bulb moment and just ask right then and there and ask. You would have appreciated it, but no.
It wasn’t until Robin and Sanji asked what did Zoro gift you to ask to be your Valentines and nearly smacked himself on the head for it.
Luckily Robin was going out to a floral shop and Zoro tagged along. She assisted him on what flowers to give you and even a card with a pretty gold necklace (he now is in debt from nami again)
You were in your room pouting up until you seen Zoro awkwardly walk towards you with something behind his back and plop the flowers and gifts on your side.
He then plops HIMSELF on your lap and buries himself in your tummy while wrapping his arms around you
“Read the card.”
And you do so
“Blood is red. My shirt is blue. Be my Valentines, but either way I’ll screw you.”
“I’mma beat yo ass, Zo.”
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Poor boy is a nervous wreck asking you (his crush) to be his Valentines.
All week he has been drawing you. You both took a picture together a few weeks prior and since then he has been struggling to draw you the perfect Valentines Day Card
Of course he draws you beautifully but that doesn’t stop him from being a little scardey cat about it
“Hey! Y/N! Uh…can i give you something!?”
You smile and nod. “Of course. You made a another contraption?”
He smiles timidly and shakes his head no before he got lost in thought.
You see a rose inside a pretty pink card and it says on the front “Please open!”
You do and its a small drawing of you, Usopp, and the Going Merry and it says:
“Just as I am brave and smart, you’re even more with your sweet, kind heart. It would be my honor to be your Valentines, and if that goes well will you eventually be mine(s)?”
It was written so funny so you chuckle a little, but you then gasp to see the art he done for you. It was so detailed and gorgeous in contrast to the tiny doodle he did inside the card
Poor boy ran before you could answer
Luckily you caught him and let him know of course you can be his Valentines
And a little more too…because you felt the same way about him.
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Genuinely surprised why his birthday isn’t on Valentines Day but we move
Obviously Mr. Prince wouldn’t dare NOT to ask you for your hand in being his Valentines, especially since you’re his girlfriend.
He plans out the entire 2 weeks of spoiling you (more than usual).
He acts like youre ganna say no somehow when everybody knows youre not
Zoro absolutely cannot stand him all two week
Everything is heart shaped
The food
The snacks
The desserts
Everything all for you and everybody has to endure it
You swear his eyes are a Crimson pink now this entire month.
And by February 13th he takes you on the deck after dinner and hands you MORE gifts
“Ji! You can’t keep giving me—“
“Just read it.”
The night was perfect, he was wearing a beautiful blue and black suit lighting up his cigarette with one hand as his other was still filled with another gift. He even got you the dress you’re wearing. You felt spoiled rotten. And you were. And Sanji knew that but he didn’t care.
He’d give you the world if you asked it
You open the pretty card and rose petals fall out and it says:
“My love for you cannot be compared. My love for you cannot be tested. My love for you cannot be measured. Even until the end of time my love for you shall never perish. You bring me light, you bring me joy, you are what I think about when I need remembrance of what I am fighting for. You are the calm in my chaos. You are my escape. My love. My Mademoiselle. I love you. -Your Prince, Sanji”
By the time you look up he is putting his hand out to you with warm cheeks and a smile,
“Yes! Sorry…i just..YES I wanna be your Valentines!”
You were overjoyed kissing your now bloodied nose man on the cheek and he hands you one last gift.
It’s a fake flower.
“I’ll stop loving you when that flower dies.”
Fuck he was corny but so romantic with it.
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dreamwreaver · 2 months
@tacsorium I decided to answer in a post because it's too long for a reply.
To answer your question; some of the intrigue might be based on earlier drafts where Charlie was going to have crushes on men (including al) but end the series with a girlfriend. But also, Charlie and Alastor are dark reflections of one another so their dynamic is inherently going to be something that's interesting to watch. I can't say for certain what route they want alastor's potential manipulation to take; however they have already shown us inserting himself as a wedge between Charlie and those who have the potential to be closest to her, namely her father and vaggie. And, romantic or not, Charlie is being set up to be alastor's "person" his exception to all his personal rules. We know he doesn't like being touched without consent and yet he allows Charlie to do as she pleases with him.
As for chaggie, no, I don't feel like they felt like a couple personally. But my issues with that is solely how little vaggie feels like a complete character outside of Charlie that affects my perception of that dynamic. I'm not opposed to them being a couple, but I am annoyed I don't feel as invested as I should. Their relationship is supposed to be a core element and instead it's just... kind of there. And in a show where there's tons of diversity in sexual and orientation it feels like chaggie's relationship should hold more importance.
Lumity is probably not as apt a comparison since we did get to see it develop over two seasons before they actually got together. Did they have episodes where they went on dates? No, did the plot often get in the way of them being happy? Yes. But at the same time it felt like Luz's romantic connection with amity added more stakes instead of none. Falling for a witch was thematic too since it was part of what sent belos himself over the deep end. And here the villain sees what he deems "another poor human" falling for the same trap that took his brother from him. But Luz also doesn't love amity just because she's a witch, we saw at the time that luz and amity originally didn't get along.
One other ship that seems to be more in line which chaggie is Pearl and rose from Steven universe. Right down to the "do it for her" song "whatever it takes". The problem is that Pearl and rose did have thousands of years together, and even still the betrayal of rose deciding to be with Greg and have Steven cut her to the bone. But Pearl was made for Rose, in a very literal sense. Vaggie it feels to some extent would have fallen for the first person to show her kindness in that vulnerable state and it so happened to be Charlie, there's a sense of indebtedness in both situations. The reason it works for Pearl and rose is that part of pearl's journey in steven universe is learning how to be her own gem, her own person, both in and out her romantic relationships.
Vaggie... doesn't get any of that. And fine, whatever, it's not my show. I don't know what Viv has planned next. But I do feel that we can all agree that if they were going to bother to give vaggie her angel wings back (a topic that's a whole other rant) they could have at least paid it off by having Charlie be rescued by her angelic girlfriend instead of Lucifer ex machina once again. Punching Adam in the face was fine, funny even, but love interest rescuing the falling party is like visual story beat basics.
In short, I don't hate chaggie. I just wish the show had given me more to like. Charlastor fills a trope I like of heroine/villain. It's the trope of "I can fix him/I can make her worse". And as an asexual, it's the chance to explore a character who thinks he's above silly things like attraction of any kind to be walloped by feelings and suffer. I really just want to make Alastor suffer is what it comes down to.
Hope this answers any questions you had for me!
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roseadleyn · 2 years
𝙃𝙚𝙢𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙠. || 𝘿𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝘼𝙜𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙝𝙚.
a gift for @dion-s-lawyer and @d10nsaint <3
hemlock is a poisonous plant, toxic to both humans and animals, and it means 'you will be my death.'
...aah, can you tell where i started losing motivation?
— rose.
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affection — how do they show their love and affection?
dion does not know what affection is, or how to show it. he takes you with him on a 'mission' and gets confused when he gifts you a dead person's head and you start screaming. don't you like it?
blood — how messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
he's willing to bathe in a pool of blood when it comes to you (baby it isn't like you don't already do that). and he doesn't hesitate to snap off anyone's neck — be it his own family or anyone else. he's not waiting until someone proves malicious intent towards you, either. talk or reach out to anyone other than him, and that person is dead.
cruelty — how would they treat their darling once abducted?
he treats you just like he treated you before the abduction. he's a lot more.. hm, is condescending the right word? he keeps you on a leash and when he's feeling spiteful, makes you crawl. he likes it when you look up at him with pleading eyes to not put you through this humiliation. (he's still gonna do it, honey. sucks to be you <3)
darling — aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
uhm, this is dion? definitely yes. he doesn't care whether you're okay with whatever he does; he forces himself into your personal space and then expects to be taken care of. makes you sleep with him or on the floor. you're eating at his feet or not eating at all. the usual fare.
exposed — how vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
he feels like there's a knife in his side that's constantly twisting. are you okay? are you hurt? did someone try to harrass you and he has to kill them? his worries are never ending.
fight — how would they feel if their darling fought back?
amused. it's funny to see you trying to escape and act defiant. precious pet, you actually think you have a chance?
game — is this a game to them? how much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
it's.. a game at some points. he's fine with you crying, it's nice... but when you cry for him, give him that pitying look, he feels a rush of feeling like he's lost something. give him that look and he'll really give you a reason to cry. as for your escape attempts... he'd enjoy at it the beginning, but as soon as you get too audacious, he'll crush your little rebellion in absolutely no time.
hell — what would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
once, you tried to slip poison in dion's tea, unaware of his immunity.
dion locks you in the dungeons and whips you until your back is in bloody tatters. he takes a break when you fall unconscious and then starts again, making sure you're able to feel the pain.
ideals — what kind of future do they have in mind for their darling?
he doesn't care. as long as he has you, he's fine, he's not too worried about the future.. but sometime in the future, he'll marry you. not because of any loving reason. he'll just have a justification of being by your side at all times then.
jealousy — do they get jealous? how do they handle it?
if you ever give a second glance to someone else he gets jealous. and then he kills that person or gives them in as a toy. simple.
kisses — how do they act around or with their darling?
he tries to be a bit.. less frightening, but mostly he still gives you shivers with how he's surveying your body.
love letters — how would they go about approaching their darling?
he'd either get lant to arrange a meeting or he'll just abduct you straight away. it's not that deep for him. if you catch his eye.. oh, it isn't gonna be good for you. you'll most probably be knocked out, so you don't notice the pitying looks his siblings give you.
mask — are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
no. he acts with you just like he does with everyone else — stone cold, monotonous, blank. however, you two sit in the stairwell during a ball sometimes. he tells you about how he used to wait for his mother to come tuck him in as a child. she never came, of course.
naughty — how would they punish their darling?
blood. a lot of it. he'll lock you up and whip you, or he'll 'test' out a new knife on you, or he'll lace you up in a too-tight corset and enjoy watching you beg and plead for air.. the possibilities are endless. just please try not to anger him, especially on days in which he's already in a foul mood.
oppression — how many rights would they take away from their darling?
rights? is that like a thing? that you actually get?
patience — how patient are they with their darling?
not very patient. he'll let you defy him for a month. a week more if he's feeling generous. then you better prepare yourself. any more further disobedience will not go down well for you.
quiet — if their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
sort of? he just feels more hollow than ever. throws all your belongings in a fire and never speaks of you again. as far as anyone else is concerned, you never existed.
lant finds him a replacement girl who cannot for the life of her understand why her husband refuses to talk of you or why her husband almost strangled her to death for touching the picture he keeps of you.
regret — would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling?
just a tiny little bit. maybe this wasn't the amazing thing he thought it was because you're just crying and crying and — then it's swallowed up by justification. he believes a pet's rightful place is by their master's side — exactly where you are right now.
stigma — what brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
a neglectful father who views him as a weapon, and an insane mother who dissects people on an hourly basis, and a crazy family. blame maria and lant if you want, but they're both unhinged and mental so they don't really care 🤷‍♀️
tears — how do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
he will make you sob and then wonder why it doesn't feel good. isn't he supposed to feel delighted at the sight of your tears dripping down the bridge of your nose? why does he feel an urge to cuddle you until you stop weeping?
unique — would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
yes. he can't live without you yet he acts like you're absolutely nothing. makes you feel pathetic and worthless so you don't see that you're the one thing he can't live without, ever.
vice — what weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
none. no visible weakness. if you want a chance to escape, take a leaf out of roxana's book and patiently, subtly manipulate him. don't overdo it, though. he's not an idiot, he'll see through you in an instant.
wit’s end — would they ever hurt their darling?
with pleasure <33
xoanon — how much would they revere their darling?
sometimes, when he sees you asleep or in his clothes.. he feels his heartbeat speed up and something constricting his throat. he doesn't know how to express it or what even is it. just mutters a rushed 'you've got clothes of your own' before walking away.
yearn — how long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
he doesn't pine after you. he sees you, observes you for a week or two, and then kidnaps you if you grab his interest. he's not the waiting type of person. and either way you'll end up with him, so what's the point of delaying?
zenith — would they ever break their darling?
yes. dion often leaves poisons outside; he's immune so he doesn't necessarily need to fear. that being said, you are neither immune nor illiterate. you heard once how soldiers used to take suicide pills to save themselves from torture and imprisonment.. isn't that exactly what dion is doing to you?
the pills are in your hand before you can think about what you're doing.
taglist ; @hmerus, @dxmoness, @giyuus0nlywife, @parkykwho, @lady-navier0357, @sidra-29, @mysticmeena, @loekas, @hevaenly, @ylxntis / @ykassu, @that-one-pretty-bitch, and @elychee. (ely, jacqueline, i know you hate dion but i just. i couldn't not tag u i'm really sorry 😭)
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aokoaoi · 2 years
: 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭. 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞.
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⌯ two bestfriends, unaware of their romantic feelings for eachother. ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᶠⁱᵛᵉ
⌯ pairing : shuri x fem!reader
⌯ warnings : wakanda forever spoilers. fluff. short mentions of character death.
⌯ author's note : for some reason, my post is marked as mature for drug and alcohol addiction, and sexual themes😨??? Man, it's just some teeny kiss☹
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War had ended. Talokan and Wakanda had formed a 'truce', or so you call it. The Talokan army retreats, Wakanda rebuilds, and the two nations are at peace.
But despite that, there was a fall of a special someone. The fall of Wakanda's Queen, Ramonda. The woman who treated you like her own daughter, the woman who you cherished and loved so dearly.
It was a dark, dark time for the nation of Wakanda. It brought Shuri to a fit of anger. An anger that released a fierce desire for revenge. You couldn't blame her. Her whole family had been all killed, and there was no one else left for her.
No one else but you.
You were there for her the entire time of her sorrow, holding her close when she shed all the suffocating misery out. She held you so tightly, as if she was afraid you'd let go of her. Afraid you'd vanish right in front of her.
She couldn't even bare to think about that. Just thinking about it makes her head spin and chest ache.
But as always, she rose on her feet. She ruled Wakanda as the new Queen, and the protector. The black panther.
Riri had went back to her homeplace, but before she returned, she reminded a certain someone about her certain feelings for you. Shuri merely waved her off, playfully telling her to shoo.
And learning that her dearest brother had a son.
Weeks had passed after the war. Wakanda was still rebuilding, but lost of progress had been fixed already.
Shuri wanted to visit you after finishing up her work from the lab, but when she went to where you normally hung out you weren't there. Shuri located you location from your kimoyo beads, tracking where you are.
Seeing how you were at the palace gardens that was specifically built for you, she immediately went to you, wondering what you could be doing there especially when it's so late at night.
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"My love, what are you doing here all alone?" You heard a familiar voice call out to you. You let a small smile come to your face when you saw Shuri approach you from behind, taking a seat on the grassy land beneath both of you, sitting right beside you.
Funny how she went from 'love' to 'my love' so quickly. dont ask why you're pointing out the smallest differences out of nowhere.
"Star gazing." You answered the girl. You leaned your head on her shoulders, hearing her let out a quiet hum of delight, slightly smirking in your direction.
"You know.. you never told me about what you were gonna say to me that day." You suddenly brought up. You looked up at Shuri through your lashes, seeing her only give you a confused look.
"You might have to be more specific." She says.
"The thing Riri said when we first met," You analyzed her expression, noticing how she still looked confused. " 'Princess still has some things to tell to her 'dearest..?' " You repeated the Americans words from before.
Shari's face lit up in realization, then shifted to something that looked like she was embarrassed.
"W-well— uhm.. it's kind of hard to talk about it right now. So.. uhm.." she sweats nervously, trying to avoid your curious pleading eyes.
"Is it something personal..?" You whispered, and she shrugged. "Something like that. I'm just not prepared to tell you yet." She tells you, honestly. You slowly nodded, not wanting to push in the topic any further.
"Alright. But if you want to, you can tell me, okay?" You reassured the girl, placing a small peck on her cheeks.
Shuris fingers gripped the grass that was being crushed by her hand. When you placed a small affectionate kiss on her cheeks, it almost made her want to just risk it all.
But her fears of being rejected. It will ruin everything.
"Yes?" You perked up immediately, removing your head from her shoulder to look at her properly. The glistening light in your eyes have always been so beautiful to her. The smoothness of your lips made her heart race whenever it pressed against her cheeks.
Everything about you is so pure and beautiful. She loves that about you so much. She loves the way you do the littlest things and it makes her heart flutter with delight.
She loves you.
"I love you."
She did it. She's done it, and now she can't undo what she had said.
The look on your face, it was shocked and taken aback. The smile on your face had dropped, and she could practically hear your heart hurriedly beating on your chest. The place was filled with silence aside from the loud bustling sound of the people of Wakanda far from the castle.
Shuri paled, anxiously trying to form a sentence. "(name)— I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for that to come out so suddenly," She desperately grabbed your hand, caressing it gently as she repeatedly apologized.
"I shouldn't have said that, I wasn't thinking, I was lost in thought and just said what was on my mind. Please, dearest. I'm sorry, i don't want to ruin things between us."
You were tuning out the voices you can hear newr you, specifically Shuri's. You can barely hear her, only hearing a small volume of it. Your heart was racing at her sudden confession. You felt like you could barely breathe.
Then without thinking, you leaned in, cutting off the things Shuri was still apologizing about. She was wide eyed for a few seconds, surprised, but slowly she relaxed as she savored the feeling of your self lips against hers.
You both moved your lips rhythmically, slow and synced. You both barely didn't want to pull away, as if this was to be the first and last kiss that both of you would share. But eventually, you pulled away for air.
Both of you were breathing roughly and unsteady. Shuri laughed slightly, moving a hand to your cheek softly. She placed a small kiss on your lips, tenderly giving you the most loveable look she's always given you.
That was it. Love, that always showed in her eyes whenever you both looked at eachother.
You smiled at her affection, leaning in once again before whispering quiet words right above her lips.
"I love you too, dearest."
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we have finally finished the series:) tysm for reading, i appreciate it<3. i am planning on starting a full series about the whole wakanda forever movie once it releases on my disney+ app though, so if you're interested come visit my blog once in awhile;)
parts one, two, three, four.
tagging : @your-fave-overthinker @skimm0nzz @aki-ham @kucingberkokok @luxuriouslokistan-3 @5khannah @morphomelody @mikasadirtyscarf @liliana-byers @romanoftrash @faatxma @coalmistyy @louderfortheback @awolfcsworld @shaboingboing23 @hbpencil23
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conceptofjoy · 5 months
you know what. cut the middle man can we get a homestuck game tierlist. immensely interested in your thought process here because if i was in jakes situation ever id be flirting right back at either of those bitches. sorry.
ur telling me if your crush sent you their . ok sure ok. im ranking on how easily the humans can pull someone, not like maintain a relationship.
A) harlishes
B) june and jane
C) rose and roxy
D) daves and hal
F) dirk
jake’s rizz is a main part of his character, he can’t deal with anything more than surface level bc hes a problems haver. jade’s is genuine, she gells well with the daves, karkat was interested in her, she listens to people and’s empathetic, etc.
EVERYONE had a crush on june. her dorky and dry humor had the lesbians tripping over themselves. she wasnt really good at romancing anyone though lol. jane’s silly, down to earth, kind of a nerd, lesbians want him what can i say.
rose is. intriguing. kind of like jake honestly, she looks and acts cool asf and that ends up intimidating people (kanaya) so they have to play a mental game with her to even like talk to her. she thinks everything’s a contesstttt. she isnt able to keep her cool intimidating persona up constantly which can put people off i guess :(
roxy flirts with EVERYONE. she doesnt know when to give up sometimes holy shit. she can come off as intense and can make people feel bad, but the sheer amount of times she takes a chance guarantees her pulling someone. shes funny asf and friendly.
hal… um he doesnt dwell as much on details as dirk does. rolls with the punches better/ deals with rejection better but is equally as clingy. just slightly better than the daves.
the daves barely make the cut. their dorky but endearing swag might get someone to take pity on them. they have too many issues to be in an actual relationship with someone (unless they have just as many issues).
dirk. hes. one person says hes not interested. and hes like this close to immediately crawling under a table or getting down on his hands and knees to start begging. he’ll probably curtly excuse himself to go walk away stiffly (and crawl under a table).
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asteroidzzzn · 1 year
dance, baby! | part 2
pairing: dancer!reader x soccer!ellie
warnings: cursing, reader is still delulu and very anxious
word count: 1.9k
a/n: hi here is part 2 yayyyyy! im rlly excited i think this is cute :')
summary: ellie williams showed up to the nutcracker to watch you, which caused you to get distracted and fall. unfortunately for you, she's decided to make a habit of getting you flustered on stage.
"would it be weird to invite her though?"
"dude, you know she's gonna go anyways. she's like, obsessed with you."
"ugh, i don't know..."
you sat on your bed with jade, who was annoyed with your overthinking, convinced that ellie liked you back, while you were debating whether or not to invite ellie to your upcoming dance show.
you had told jade about the small crush you formed shortly after you realized what you felt. it didn't take long for you to fall for her. she was so funny and kind, and your heartbeat never failed to quicken when she would ramble about something she was interested in with a massive grin.
since she went to see the nutcracker back in december, the two of you spent nearly every day together, especially during winter break. in february, you told her you were accepted to choreograph your very own piece for the upcoming spring showcase, which prompted her to hug you tightly, telling you how you would do amazing.
that was one of the many things you loved about her. she knew just what to say all time to ease your nerves before you ever told her you were nervous. she could see right through you.
one thing you wished she didn't see, though, were the fleeting glances and rosy cheeks from each time her hand grazed yours for a moment too long.
you fell back on your bed, face in your hands.
"i mean, i think my dance is good. it's just... she's gonna watch it knowing that i made it.
jade blinked. "what's so bad about that?"
you let out an exasperated sigh. "it's like asking someone to read your essay. actually, asking a whole class. it's so nerve racking. everyone in the room will have an opinion on something i choreographed."
"oh, how dare people perceive you."
you chuckled. "yeah, how dare they. you know what? i'll just do it."
you typed out a message to ellie inviting her to the spring showcase in a moment of short-lived boldness.
jade had to click send for you.
on the day of the show, you sat in the dressing room applying makeup for the first piece you danced in. you wore a beautiful pink flowing dress which looked like rose petals, and you put gold glitter on your eyelids.
the dance was about how love can come unexpectedly. your favorite part was when each dancer ran across the stage, searching for their parter. once the partners were all together, the music crescendoed, and you performed a beautiful partnering section. your instructor made it for her wife and named the piece love is love.
the dance you choreographed was also heavily focused on partnering. you were given five dancers to work with, so one was left without a partner. they reached into nothing, while the people with partners disregarded each other, taking what they had for granted.
it ended with the lone dancer falling to her knees, with a spotlight shining on her, and the partners walking away in the darkness.
jade was the only person you trusted to watch the dance before it went to the stage. she loved it, but, no matter how much praise she gave you, nausea still washed over you as you made your way backstage to talk to your dancers one final time before your piece became known to the world.
you gathered the five and huddled together in the wings.
"ok guys, you're gonna do great. i've loved working with you, and thank you for making my vision come to life," you giggled softly as the girls hugged you, whispering promises to perform their best for you.
you sat and watched the dance, occasionally peeking at the audience to see their reactions. it was difficult to read most people in the room, but you could obviously tell ellie loved it, from the way she was attentively watching. she knew it was yours, because there was large text projected on the screen behind the stage stating your name and the title of your dance before the lights faded in.
you found yourself smiling wider than you would like to admit at the fact she was sitting in the front row, again.
once the dance concluded, the audience gave a large applause. everything went perfectly. you couldn't stop showering your dancers with praise for their performance.
shortly after, it was time for love is love. you met up with your partner you entered stage with backstage. you took multiple deep breaths with your eyes closed, clearing your mind.
your partner squeezed your hand. she could sense your anxiety from the way your hand trembled in hers. you were worried you would fall from the lift the two of you always struggled with.
you weren't sure you'd survive the embarrassment of falling in front of ellie (and a massive crowd, but they didn't matter as much) again.
"we got this," your partner whispered, and you flashed her a quick apprehensive smile. you entered stage during the blackout and sat down as the audience cheered in anticipation.
against your better judgement, once your head rose, your eyes found ellie's. next time you would have to tell her to sit in the back of the house. wear glasses, perhaps. she was too pretty for her own good.
you quickly turned away, and your partner guided you up. she gripped your arm and waist, pulling you onto her shoulder. you held your breath. wobbled slightly.
but you stayed.
you swiftly rolled off of her back and landed, taking her hand and running off for the next partner to enter. there was slight applause for the stunt, and quite a loud wooo! stood out from the front row.
you reentered the stage to complete the exhausting group section, eventually falling to the floor in a clump with the others, breathing heavily, holding each other close.
your gaze shifted to the audience a final time before exiting. ellie and the two people on either side of her had slipped away. you chose to push that to the back of your mind for now. you walked out during the blackout, panting as you made your way to the dressing room to grab water.
jade's yellow dress flowed as she ran up behind you, gripping your shoulders and almost tipping you over. you let out a slight squeal as she laughed, wrapping her arms around your neck.
"that was the best run we've ever done, oh my god! and your lift with marcie was so good!"
you giggled, "i know right! now get off of me, you're so sticky and sweaty, and i really need to get some water."
jade gripped your arm so you couldn't escape her hold. "actually, let's go outside to get some fresh air real quick."
"can i at least get my water first?"
"uh, no this is really important," she ushered you to the back door to enter the parking lot.
your eyebrows furrowed with confusion. "we could've gone out the side door, why are we all the way back..." your words fell short at the sight in front of you.
you recognized dina and jesse as ellie's friends, who stood giggling behind a very red ellie williams, holding out pink flowers to you. matching your costume, again. it was sickeningly sweet.
you approached her as she began speaking with a very noticeable quiver in her words.
"uh, ignore them," she gestured to dina and jesse, "i couldn't bribe them out of not being here."
you chuckled nervously, glancing back at jade. she threw up a thumbs-up with a giddy smile.
ellie cleared her throat before speaking again. "i was wondering if you... wanted to... go out with me? sometime? y'know, like a date...? we, uh, thought it would be kinda fitting to ask after a dance called love is love, cause, yeah. by the way, you were beautiful, it was so-"
you cut her adorable rambling short by wrapping your arms around her, whispering, "yesyesyes," into her neck.
she hugged you in return, nearly lifting you off the ground with how tight she was pulling you in. when you separated, the both of you wore beaming expressions.
jade suddenly punched your shoulder. "i literally told you she liked you back!"
dina folded her arms behind ellie, lifting a smug eyebrow. "yeah, so did i."
you and ellie flushed at the revelation you had been hopelessly pining over each other. despite that, words couldn't describe how ecstatic you felt that ellie reciprocated your feelings. you were over the moon.
she handed you the bouquet. "i should go, i don't wanna miss more of the show."
"yeah, i'll see you later," you pressed a quick kiss to her cheek, leaving her with a small mark from your red lipstick. once you reached the dressing room inside you immediately grabbed jade, pulling her into a hug and jumping up and down.
"oh my god oh my godohmygod!"
jade indulged your giddiness, jumping along with you as you squeeled. little did you know, ellie was doing the same exact thing, just outside the door.
near the beginning of may, ellie had a huge game coming up. and what good of a girlfriend would you be if you didn't try your absolute hardest to embarrass her?
ellie situated herself into her position on the field, where she was a midfielder, whatever that was.
was this how clueless she felt while watching you dance? she joked around about how she could never understand the silly dance terminology, and she insisted you were submitting yourself to torture when you told her you're actually standing on your toes in pointe shoes.
you watched the girls run around the field, cheering when the crowd did, even though you had no idea what had just happened.
after a few minutes, your team got a goal.
"hell yeah! let's go!" you whooped among the crowd, catching the attention of ellie. you waved at her, smiling. she seemed surprised you were there, attempting to mouth something at you, but she was rudely interrupted by a girl from the opposite team shoving her out of the way.
you snorted at the way she stumbled, catching your eyes one more time before running after the girl.
you hadn't told you you'd be showing up since you had a dress rehearsal for the upcoming competition, but you wouldn't miss any of her games for the world.
she caught up to the girl, swerving expertly around her and directing the ball to the opposite side, taking a risk and kicking it as hard as she could, and she scored.
"that's my girl!" you shouted loudly, clapping for her as her teammates ran up to her, high-fiving and celebrating.
despite all the attention she was getting from her team, her eyes were glued to you, her biggest cheerleader.
nothing in the world could compare to the way she looked at you once she found you in the bleachers after the game.
"hi," you giggled into her hair as she rushed up and pulled you into a hug, spinning you around. "you were amazing!"
"you're amazing," she muttered before kissing you. after a few moments she pulled away, still out of breath from the game. "i thought you had a dress rehearsal to be at right now?"
you pushed a piece of her hair that had stuck to her forehead away from her eyes. "well yeah, but you're more important than a dress rehearsal, i already know my dances like the back of my hand. and i told mrs. morgan i was gonna show up late anyways," you glanced over her shoulder to see her team beckoning her to come over.
you pressed your hands on her chest, pushing away slightly. "your team wants you over there, and i should head out now."
"ok," she pecked your lips and began backing away. "have fun at dance, baby! love you!" she called from over her shoulder.
"i love you, too els," you grinned brightly.
you were the luckiest girl in the world.
a/n: yayy im so happy with how this turned out!! (*^▽^*) btw i know nothing about soccer besides the things i've seen my little sister do when she plays so,,,,,, apologizes if i said something dumb ikik. again feedback is rlly appreciated bc im kinda sorta new to writing, anything helps! tysm for reading!! hope u enjoyed this :)
tags: @ximtiredx
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elvensorceress · 1 year
definitely not seven sentences Sunday oops
tagged by @alyxmastershipper @comaboybuck @spotsandsocks @rewritetheending @messyhairdiaz @spaceprincessem @capseycartwright @the-likesofus @wikiangela @buddiearemydads @ebdaydreamer @fiona-fififi mwah! 😘 
tagging @eddiediazisascorpio @captain-hen @rose-buddie @911onabc @ronordmann @evanbuckleysarms @thespermdonorstorylineisstupid @heartbeatdiaz @gentoodiaz @megsvstheworld @shortsighted-owl @hippolotamus @jobairdxx @bigassdiaz 💕
from Catching Lightning ⚡️ Eddie had awkward dinner with Buck and his new girlfriend and stormed out after Buck spent the night talking about all the fun ways he’s nearly died...
The next time he sees Buck it’s when they’re smushed together in the middle of the firetruck because they both climbed in from opposite sides and got stuck next to each other. Normally, it would be a welcome thing. If there’s ever a limit on space, they always squish in closer together to give everyone else more room. 
But today. 
Buck doesn’t look at him and he doesn’t look at Buck, and Buck even crosses his long legs so they’re crammed to the side but positioned away from Eddie as he holds onto his own knee to keep his arm nowhere near the space between them. Can’t have any part of him coming into contact with any part of Eddie. Can’t have that at all. Eddie folds his arms over his own chest. And all he can say is that it’s going to be a very long shift. 
They’re only part way down the road when Chim snaps his gum and looks between them with a narrow, suspicious expression. “Some kind of trouble in paradise?”
Buck tenses. And Eddie isn’t sure if anyone else notices or if they’d be able to tell. But Eddie can feel it. The hard wound strain and rigidity through his partner. Even now. Buck decides to play dumb on the matter and turns further toward Chim— away from Eddie. “What are you talking about?”
“You two,” Chim points back and forth this time. “Not talking, not looking, not touching. You’re never like this. It’s weird.” 
Hen, on Eddie’s other side, also gives them a scrutinizing look. “That’s true. All morning. You’re both very… detached. Did we have a fight?”
Chim makes a very serious, very stern face. “Did someone forget to put the toilet seat down?”
Hen makes a face at Chimney. “Why would they care if it’s down?”
“Right. Also true,” Chim says to her and then redirects to Eddie and Buck,
 “Were we asked to pick up milk on the way home but we forgot? Did we shave over the sink and not rinse it out? Did we squeeze out the toothpaste the wrong way? Did we leave wet towels on the floor or shoes out where someone can trip on them? Did we finish off the cereal and not write it down on the grocery list? Uh, what else…”
Hen adds, “Did we turn the thermostat up too high? Did we leave the dishes instead of washing them? Or did we load the dishwasher wrong? Did someone forget to make school lunch or that it’s their turn to pick up the child and help with homework and start dinner?”
They’re teasing. It’s teasing. They’re joking. It’s nothing new or out of the ordinary. Not even in the way they’re going about it. And most of the time, Eddie would roll his eyes and brush it off. He might even think it’s funny. Or accurate. 
Today though…
Today. The idea that they live together. That they’re like a married couple. Who share parenting and caretaking of a child. Today, it puts weight on Eddie’s chest and a stiff lump in his throat that’s difficult to swallow down. Today, it hurts to breathe. He’s trapped and crushed again, ribs broken, unable to move, unable to free himself. 
Alone. Always alone. 
They’ll never have that. Eddie will never have that. They’ll never have that together. 
Buck opens his mouth with what is no doubt a smartass retort. 
But Ravi beats him to it. “Buck has a new girlfriend.” 
Hen’s eyes grow wide and her mouth falls open, “What?”
Chimney holds up a hand either like he wants to be called on in class or he wants this to stop, “How?”
Even Bobby pipes in with a, “When?”
Buck turns to Ravi with a scowl. “How do you know that?”
“It’s all over your socials, man. Come on.”
Buck huffs and probably rolls his eyes. Eddie isn’t looking but it would be a Buck kind of response. “Whatever. It’s a few pictures.” 
Eddie’s busy watching a spot on the dashboard where the outdoors passing by them are only peripheral. Blurs of brown and green that might be grass or trees. Endless charcoal colored streets. Tan and beige and gray and taupe boxes on hillsides that all come out identical. Vehicular shaped objects that are there and gone in an instant. 
“Don’t think you’re getting out of this that easy,” Hen shakes her head. “When did this happen?”
There’s another long, aggrieved sound from Buck and he shrugs. “A few months ago? It’s not a big deal. We just started dating.” 
“Wait,” Hen says. “You just started dating? Or it’s been a few months?” 
“Both. It hasn’t been that long. We’re getting to know each other.”
“You never told us anything,” she says like they want to know about it. Maybe it’s just Eddie who doesn’t. Why wouldn’t they want to know what’s going on in Buck’s life right now? 
Eddie’s the problem. He’s the one who fucked up. He’s the one who can’t deal with another fucking couch that comes with another fucking girlfriend. Not that she’s the problem either. Someone else is the fucking problem. Life is a gift so I have to forget about actually dealing and instead throw myself at the first woman who pays attention to me. That will solve the problem!
Chim gives a concerned or at least sufficiently confused look like Buck’s into math again. “Yeah, what’s that about. You never shut up about your dating life.” 
“I did bring it up! I just didn’t say that she came back and wanted to be with me. But she did. There was a lot going on. Surprise, we’ve been dating. I didn’t really talk about Taylor when I was with her either,” Buck shoots back, a clear edge to his tone. 
And Eddie doesn’t really help that edge because, “Thank fuck for that,” comes out of his mouth before he thinks to stop himself. 
The others chuckle and murmur agreements with his statement. Buck deigns to turn to Eddie so that he can level him with a cold glare. 
Which— yeah, is fair. Eddie deserves that. But so did Miss Tell-All novelist. So, whatever.  
“Is that the only thing that happened?” Hen turns to them again. 
“Yeah, because the last time you two were like this, Buck was suing the city,” Chim says, and doesn’t stop there. “And then Buck was a deadbeat dad and Eddie was an angry ex-husband with no child support and we were all stuck in Grocery Store Drama Theater of Embarrassment and Cat Laxatives—” 
“Just think if the reporter-turned-author had been there to witness that one,” Hen says. “Imagine the chapter interlude that would have been.” 
“—No one needs to go through that again. No one should put lawsuits and laxatives together,” Chim continues. “It’s inhumane. Think of the children. Think of the excess of shi—” 
“And we’re here!” Bobby says very loudly over their headsets. “And we’re professionals who leave our personal business at home. Right, kids?” 
“Of course, Cap! What happens in the engine, stays in the engine.” Chim points two fingers at his own eyes and then at Buck and Eddie and back and forth a few times before jumping out of the truck. 
“One can only hope.” Ravi follows after but does tap Chim’s arm and ask in a hushed, confused voice, “Cat laxatives? What the hell?”
“Wouldn’t dream of anything else, Cap.” Hen gives them both wary glances as she sets down her headset and climbs out her side and follows Bobby. 
Leaving Eddie an exit to escape. He takes off his own headset and breathes in deep, once, twice. Cut it off. Shut it down. Put it away. 
Or, as Adriana likes to dramatically sing at him, conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know. Why his baby sister has to be infuriatingly accurate in fucking Disney song is beyond him. That’s the inhumanity right there. And also entirely the opposite point of the song but who is keeping track.
Eddie rubs his forehead briefly and moves to follow Hen and everyone else out of the truck. 
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sergeantnarwhalwrites · 2 months
Elliot and Ian the Deer Morphers
Look look I got lazy. I'm smashing them together. Let's get into morphing with these two. May be a little bit rushed, my bad.
Tag list: @outpost51 @nanashi23 @winterandwords @jezifster @kk7-rbs @aether-wasteland-s @dumbthunder @manathen @the-void-writes @livums @vacantgodling (Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!) 
cw: body horror, gore
Elliot sipped loudly on his slurpee. Straw squeaking against the lid as he jabbed at the ice. He noticed Ian's flicking ears, squeaking the straw again intentionally. Grinning at the expected ear flick happening in return.
Ian reached out in an instant. Gripping and effectively crushing the cup in his hand. Unbothered by the cold rushing over his hands and highly amused by the mess that fell right into Elliot's lap. Elliot gasped at the impact, trying to shake the cold off of him.
"Can't ever have any fun around you," Elliot huffed, flicking a stray clump of ice off of him.
Elliot tossed the punctured cup at Ian, tugging at his hood in mild annoyance.
"I'm not going to say sorry. You're fun is my suffering." Ian grumbled tossing the cup out of the transport.
He tugged on the strings, chewing on one idly, "You spend too much time with Julie. What's the job and where's Saz?"
Ian unbuttoned his jacket and pulled out a folded receipt. Shaking it out to expose his writing scrawled on the back.
"Picking up some of our soldiers. I heard things got messy. And like usual the old fucks refused to give more info," He handed it to Elliot.
Elliot sighed and leaned back in the transport, struggling to read over the handwriting. The transport bounced, lifting the smaller deer morpher a few inches. He landed with an unhappy thunk. Turning his attention to the larger deer morpher who hadn't been as affected by the bump.
"What makes you so sure that they couldn't? Seems kinda like they couldn't you think?" Elliot asked blowing a piece of reddish hair out of his face.
Ian worked on wrapping his hands, wanting a distraction as he thought. He had never been a fan for the way Elliot seemed to excused the elder morphers actions. But Elliot did kind of have a point. They had seemed way more—frantic than usual at his arrival.
"So we're actually going to have to remember what goes down during this mission. Don't get smacked around too much this time."
Elliot rolled his eyes, placing his hands beneath his chin in false innocence, "You sound like you don't like seeing me get my ass kicked."
Ian couldn't help but chuckle at the image, "Seeing you get beat stupid is funny but I am not facing the anxiety filled elder morphers alone."
Elliot scowled at his first comment but nodded, "You know we're both leaving this fucked up right?"
It smiled, full of confidence, "No different from any other mission with you."
Ian's ear turned towards a noise, earrings gleaming beneath the sun. All of that confidence on his face draining. Instantly feeling fear settle in his stomach. Elliot turned his head in the same direction not yet seeing anything. The transport picked up speed, making Elliot's hair whip around, meaning the driver had heard whatever Ian was hearing as well.
"Morph now," Ian stated ripping the rest of his jacket open, tossing it aside to expose fishnets.
Elliot had began morphing as soon as Ian had said so. He took the neck of his hoodie into his mouth. Clamping down on the fabric as a set of ears began to grow right behind his human ears. He groaned at the stinging behind his skin. Every brush of the fabric too much for the deer morpher's overwhelmed senses.
The smaller deer morpher had broken his antlers earlier in the week. Growing them back was usually not a physically painful process. But then again it usually was a slower process.
Elliot's antlers grew from the stumps on his head. Quickly but still far too slow. The smaller morpher squirmed and cried as antlers rose. branching quickly. Each point sharp, knicking Elliot's scalp on it's way up making him wince. He gripped onto his hair nearly ripping out a couple patches as he grew more muscle mass rapidly.
His face stretched painfully, muzzle forming. He cried at every new centimeter of bone forming. Stretching his skin deliberately slowly over it. Elliot's legs shook as he wailed, a few strands of hair pulled out of his head at the pain. His fur shooting through his skin, covering his body in an instant. Elliot screamed out a flurry of curses.
Hard growths covering the top of his feet. He sobbed at the forced change of structures in his feet. Forcing them to be more hoof like in a lazy way, not fully changing it into one. Elliot was thankful he hadn't been wearing shoes, knowing the sensation would've sent him over the edge.
Smiling deliriously and weakly in Ian's direction when it finished. He laughed, even though it hurt to do so preparing to leap out of the transport.
The bigger morpher's muscles rippled sickeningly under his skin. Tremoring uncontrollably as his muscles grew denser and larger. It choked on a cry, drooling at the pain of his growing skeleton. The rapid stretch of his bones beneath his skin making Ian's muscles bulge. Creating tears in his fishnets. He grit his teeth, grinding them painfully as the rest of his body tried to catch up to his rapidly growing size. Its head fell to the side unable to keep the growing weight of its antlers up on top of the agony. A sudden jolt of pain nearly making it snap its own neck.
The larger deer morpher remained on one knee, a hand tugging at the lattices of his fishnets. Tearing through them as red fur, matching his beard grew over his skin. A final whimper of pain breaking free as a red mane grew down his neck from his beard. Antlers heavier and sharper on his head. His scream filled the transport as his face restructured. Forming the deer muzzle painfully slow. Fur covering it as an afterthought. Bringing smaller pinpricks of pain as it formed.
Out of breath now its mouth remained parted, but the screams were silent. He panted letting the drool dribble from his mouth. Ears flicked in discontent when he had finally morphed. His dark hair was a stark difference from the red fur poking through the fishnets that remained.
They both leapt and rolled out of the transport. Elliot now hearing what Ian had heard a couple miles off. Roaring.
Elliot felt faster on all fours. Zooming ahead of the morpher that towered above him. Both of them coming face to face with their soldiers laid out. Some dead, some unconscious with tranqs sticking out, a few fighting with the human spirit monster like them probably shouldn't contain.
A group of animal control officers tried to take down a familiar bear morpher standing with guts hanging from her maw. Covered in blood hardly distinguishable between her own.
Ian and Elliot stared at Saz, worried but proud. Ian came in head first. Stabbing through an animal control officer that tried to charge at them. Connecting his fist with the officer's throat. Taking his breath away. Ian pulled the officer off of his antlers and stomped on his face. It hadn't cared enough to make the officer's death quick and gentle. Stomping again.
Elliot had charged in to help the bear morpher, knowing the other deer morpher could stand his own. He dodged an officer's baton. Glad that it had seemed animal control used all their tranquilizers. Another officer moved in a little too close, allowing Elliot to take advantage. He yanked the officer down, his knee finding the unsuspecting man's side. When the officer lurched up in surprise Elliot's antlers stabbed through his stomach. Elliot shook his head tearing through the man more as he dislodged himself.
Saz's claws slashed animal control's throat to make sure the job was finished. They nodded to each other and panted.
They had to get through this quick. Backup could be approaching.
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WoF headcanons? Winter x Gender Nuetral Silkwing reader?
ɢ𝜚𝓷ⅇⲅ𝖺𝒍 Ԝⅰ𝔫𝔱𝞎𝙧 𝘳ⅇ𝙡𝙖𝗍𝗶𝝾𝕟𝚜Ꮒ𝔦𝖕 h𝐜
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ/ᴛᴀɢꜱ: ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ, ᴍɪɴᴏʀ ᴀɴɢꜱᴛ, 2ɴᴅ ᴀɴᴅ 3ʀᴅ ᴀʀᴄ ꜱᴘᴏɪʟꜱ, ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴜɴʜᴇᴀʟᴛʜʏ ꜰᴀᴍɪʟʏ
ᴛᴀʀɢᴇᴛ: ᴡɪɴᴛᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ᴡᴏꜰ
ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ: ʏᴏᴜ/ʏᴏᴜʀ/ᴛʜᴇʏ/ᴛʜᴇᴍ, ɢɴ, ꜱɪʟᴋᴡɪɴɢ
ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ <3
To start it off, you two probably met during arc 3 when Pantalans went to Pyrrhia for safety and cover. You most likely were a servant to one of the ladies of the hives and served her until you evacuated.
You were one of the first there, greeted by Moon, Qibli and Tsunami.
Along the way you would've most likely have met Luna, and got a bit close.
You met Winter when he was visiting Moon and Qibli, holding a small reading monkey alongside himself in his talons. This interested you, as a worker in the hives, you never really got to see a reading monkey, or what they call it, a scavenger.
You began asking him questions about the scavenger, growing more and more curious about the tiny creatures. He was very on guard at the moment and didn't trust you, but you didn't blame him, you came from another island.
When the chosen group of saviors left for Pantala, you stayed behind, volunteering to help out Winter in Sanctuary.
He grew to enjoy your company after a while of being against it.
Soon enough he grew a crush on you.
Did he have a thing for other tribe dragons? First Moon, then Qibli, now you?
You couldn't lie, it was nice hanging around him, you are there for his ups and downs and there to comfort Winter when all hope seemed lost, when he grew saddened as he watched his friends leave.
Although the night he confessed was quite awkward.
He had to build up a lot of courage unless you would confess first. He hopes you do, because even if he likes you and he knows you like him back, Winter thinks it's too embarrassing to confess it out loud.
Hopefully you can knock sense into him, or just confess your crush on him before he goes and has a stroke from panicking.
But if you make him confess first? It'd be simple yet special.
It was a dark but lovely night and stars shined above the clouds, casting a dim light down into the village below, Sanctuary. It was a lovely home for humans and dragons of all kinds. A silkwing sat alone on a boulder, watching the stars with a calm, relaxed smile, nocturnal flowers blossomed and a nearby stream of water gave an enjoyable background noise, it was just them and the Pyrrhian nature.  “[Name], finally, I found you,”A familiar voice called out from behind, causing them to turn around and face him, staring into the pale eyes of- “Winter. Hey, what do you need me for?” “What makes you think I need you to do something?”“Your tone…it makes me think you need something from me.”He paused, looking down and thinking to himself, deeply wondering if this was the right idea. [Name] felt suspicious and curious as to what was up, and they observed him, his scales shining in the moonlight like a beacon in the dark, he looked handsome like this with the stars reflecting off his blue scales. They quickly noticed a flower of sorts in his talons, and [Name] had a feeling of what he was going to say in these next few moments. “Do you ever plan on going back to Pantala? Don’t you have a home and family there?” He hesitantly asked, as if making sure they weren’t leaving. He was avoiding eye contact, afraid of showing vulnerability.
“Not for a while. I never really spoke to family and didn’t really have a home, I feel more comfortable here anyways.” That was all he needed to hear, giving a small, curt nod and smiling to himself, pulling the blue, frostbitten rose out into plain sight and offering it to them. Silently, [Name] took the rose and brightly smiled at him. “Thank you. It’s beautiful.” Winter casted his gaze towards the side, nodding as he avoided any eye contact. [Name] smiled in amusement at his behavior, finding it interesting and funny to see the usually stoic icewing be so vulnerable. They liked this side of Winter, they hoped to see more of it. Hopefully one day he’d be more open. [Name] carefully held the rose in their talons, watching Winter with a curious gaze as they motioned for him to sit closer, to watch the beautiful sky together. Noticing the motion, he sighed in content and scooted closer, sitting next to the silkwing. [Name] was curious, would they ever get to go home? Would they want to go home if they ever got the chance? 
Would they leave Winter behind?
Shaking their head, [Name] rid those thoughts and focused on Winter, smiling fondly as they observed him, eyes trained on the stars. Fluttering their wings, they gazed back down at the rose, carefully and delicately caressing the petals with love. They’d definitely be staying.
After you two started dating, he became more open with his opinions, gossiping with you and complaining about anything that had pissed him off.
He doesn't even need you to do anything, just sit and listen to him and he'll be happy.
Winter isn't into PDA and he prefers to not have anyone see him be soft, he'll twine tails or cover his wing over you, but nothing more in public.
Although when it's just you and him, he's incredibly soft and enjoys any and all affection, he may not initiate it though, instead, he'll wait for you to show affection.
No matter what though, he's a big lover boy.
Winter's main love languages are acts of service, gift giving and quality time.
It isn't a shocker when he gifts you a new pair of earrings or asks you to spend time together studying scavengers, or maybe even offers to take over your tasks for the day and hunt for you.
He especially enjoys getting you flowers. Daffodil thinks you two are the cutest, and usually runs off from Winter when you two are interacting, she doesn't exactly like being around Winter anyways.
Constant teasing from Qibli.
I imagine Winter would've wanted to keep the relationship a secret, but since you probably don't have skyfire, Moon would've read your mind and figured it out easily.
She did keep quiet about it for a little while, until Qibli caught onto Winter's softened personality around you.
Overall, Winter is soft on the inside and needs a lot of comfort. <3
ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ʙʏ ʏᴏᴜʀꜱ ᴛʀᴜʟʏ, ᴀ ᴡɪɴᴛᴇʀ ᴋɪɴɴɪᴇ.
𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗!
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tragedyofdevotion · 2 years
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Wanderer x reader, implied Cyno x reader
Slight Angst
Spoilers for Genshin impact version 3.3 archon quest
Wanderer is fond of bitter things. He likes tea, he likes Chazuke. However, he now knows that there is one bitter thing he hates, his feelings for you.
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It feels bitter, from inside of his mouth. And he did not even drink tea. The hole inside his chest feels emptier than usual and his stomach feels funny. He knows what this feeling is. This is what human calls hatred. It is funny how he is capable of feeling hatred even though he does not have a heart to feel.
Even now, he gets that bitter, bitter taste as he watches you smiling happily. He feels like walking towards you and stripping that smile out of your face. But he doesn’t. He doesn’t because you don’t deserve it.
You had been nothing but kind to him when he was a harbinger and a false god. Even someone like him can feel a semblance of gratitude for all you had done for him when he was being experimented repeatedly by the damnable Doctor and the sages.
You first met him in Sumeru when you accidentally wandered into his factory. Seeing him broken and battered, you tried to heal him with your Dendro vision, not realizing he was a puppet. After that, too, you sneaked in again and met him regularly after failing to convince him to ran away.
Eventually, he walked towards you. He had to gave you back your stupid handkerchief that your ignorant, careless self had dropped.
“Excuse me, you dropped this.”
He handed you the silk handkerchief with the mark of the Sumeru rose embroidered in the corner. You instantly looked back at him with that disgustingly pure eyes of yours who has never faced a single cruelty of the world, completely opposite of him.
“Oh! That’s the handkerchief I was planning to give to Cyno! Thank you very much, Mister- May I know your name?”
“Thank you very much, Mister Wanderer? You have such a weird name, Mister Wanderer.”
Oh, so, this time you are giving this handkerchief to that Mahamatra. He knows what will happen after giving it. You will confess about your foolish little crush to him.
“How utterly pointless,” he thought.
In the previous timeline, you gave the exact same handkerchief to him and confess with the blushful dusts covering your cheeks after sneaking into his factory. Of course, he laughed at your naïve confession because at that time, he was trying to overcome all feelings.
He still cannot forget the way you ran out of his chamber, eyes stained with tears and apologies coming out of your mouth. But now, he can see clearly what a liar you are. You said that you will love him no matter what kind of fate the Tayvet has to offer. And now, you will say that to another man, won’t you?
Well, it is great that you will be confessing to an equally foolish man. Unlike him, that imbecile will treat you right. You two will surely make a well-matched couple that most humans deem as soulmates.
There it is again. That bitter feeling. He normally enjoyed drinking bitter tea but this feeling, he hates it from the bottom of his heart, should he have one.
Ignorant to the hatred boiling in his chest, you mumbled continuously.
“Really, thank you very much, Mister-wanderer. This is very important to me. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is y/n. I am a scholar at the Academia. I am guessing Mister-wanderer is from Inazuma, right? I have seen the Inazuma people who wear such clothing. If you don’t mind, will you share some story from your native place. I am doing a study about the different cultures of seven nations, you see.”
Now, you are sharing all your information to a man you just met. He see that guileless habit of yours remains the same even in this universe. Don’t you ever think about what will happen if he misuse the information.
And just as he is about to warn you not to be too trusting, he felt a presence behind him and looked back.
“I have nothing to say,” he replied curtly.
“Cyno! You are here. I have been waiting.”
You brightened instantly.
“Sorry, I was late. The mission took longer than expected,” the man said as he looked warily at him.
Perhaps noticing that he was no ordinary person, Cyno walked up and stood protectively by your side.
“No, it was okay. I was also having a conversation with this mister. He was kind enough to bring me something I dropped.” You said, not noticing the tension between the two men.
And then, he understood, you can remain pure and sweet now because that man beside you will protect your innocence.
Emotions are strange things because he felt two extremes of relief and sadness by the knowledge that someone will keep you safe. Aren’t they opposite to each other? Why does he experience both at the same time? He will have to ask this to Buer when he meet her.
For a moment, though, he is glad that he does not have a heart. Because he feels like the unbearably bitter feeling would become worse if he had a heart in his empty hole.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Hi! I'd like a romantic concept of modern Amy Rose, please! A yandere Amy would be a force to reckon with for sure, and not in a good way....
Sure. I was thinking of Sonic Prime's! Amy for this as her VC makes her sound older. Aged up as usual. You can put this for any Amy if you want.
Yandere! Modern! Amy Rose Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession at first sight, Delusional behavior, Stalking, Jealousy, Clingy behavior, Possessive behavior, Forced relationship, Mentioned kidnapping, Mentioned mental snap, Isolation, Attempted stockholm syndrome, Overprotective behavior.
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Honestly, Amy always seems vaguely yandere/clingy to me since I was younger.
It was worse in older media but in newer media they managed to tune it down.
That being said, she would make a great yandere character based on how she acted before.
Amy's Obsessive, Clingy, Manipulative, Delusional, Caring, Easily jealous, Expressive, Overprotective, and Impulsive.
I like to think this takes place in an AU where she gives up on her crush towards Sonic.
She's calmed down since she was younger and accepts the fact that Sonic is her friend.
She still supports him and everything but isn't obsessively in love with him.
She feels it's time to move on, tucking away her intense feelings to become her own person... or hedgehog-
She doesn't meet you until later.
You could be a new friend to the gang or a returning friend.
Amy either hasn't seen you in awhile or never at all.
It's not until she meets you through Sonic that old familiar feelings bubble up.
It's funny to the pink hedgehog, honestly.
Her old crush introducing her to her new crush.
She tries desperately to hide her blush when she sees you, greeting you eagerly and considers you a friend of hers if you're a friend of Sonic.
Amy seems like a love at first sight kind of gal.
She also believes in fate and thinks meeting you was destiny.
Amy tries not to let herself get drawn into another obsessive crush.
She'll only get her heart broken again, right...?
. . . .
It's worth a shot.
Amy is an obsessive yandere.
She wants to know what you're doing all the time.
The hedgehog ends up giving into her urge to stick around you.
She's clingy and often wants to do what you're doing.
She also invites you on outings she plans herself.
Amy often takes all of your attention, finding some way to occupy you.
She loves the attention of her crush.
Amy feels neglected when she sees you with someone else.
The idea of you being closer to someone else instead of her makes her follow you around.
She's very open with her emotions, too.
Even if she doesn't confess until later, Amy still comes off as intense with her emotions.
She clings to you when happy or sad.
Honestly, just being around you makes the hedgehog obsessive for your attention.
Amy isn't entirely possessive.
She's easily jealous but not too possessive to the point of complete isolation... at first.
It's possible to get to that point with her but it's later in the obsession.
She would be the type to threaten rivals.
Amy is just clingy for the most part.
She expresses overprotective behavior towards her darling, often wanting you safe and cared for.
She can cause harm with that hammer of hers, too.
Amy is a delusional optimist with her obsession.
Even if you don't show interest in her, she still thinks you adore her just the same.
Even if you reject her confession... she's upset but thinks you'll change your mind.
You'll surely love her if she keeps trying, right?
Many of the characters in this universe wouldn't murder, except Eggman and most of the villains, Amy is no exception.
She may injure others when jealous, but never murder.
Amy is incredibly caring, to her darling and her friends.
She may have violent tendencies when jealous but she tries to keep her emotions in check for you.
Amy likes to do things for her darling.
She likes to cook/bake for you, she likes to give you gifts, she even likes to plan trips for the both of you to go on.
She includes you in everything... she would like it if you did the same with her.
Amy is already very clingy and intense as a yandere.
She'd get worse if you neglect her or keep rejecting her.
She seems like the time to kidnap but she tries not to since she wants her darling happy.
Amy is delusional, although any attempt to break her fantasies will make her snap.
She just wants your attention.
She could be a yandere who has the belief of "If I can't have you, no one can!"
Except she'd never hurt you physically.
She'd isolate you and try to get you to love her via stockholm syndrome if she did kidnap you.
Even when she has kidnapped you she'd still be as caring as ever, still desperately trying to get your approval and adoration.
Amy is definitely a yandere who is deep in her delusions.
She says she won't hurt you, yet does so by accident.
Amy promises to be better, yet falls into her old habits.
Overall, Amy is a clingy, easily jealous, yet caring yandere towards her darling. When given attention, she isn't that bad.
Neglect her, however... and Amy becomes a bit TOO caring towards you even if you don't want her to be.
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