#with hero he sees how the guy has kind of started picking up some similar mannerisms like sunny had when he was alive
dasnercaret · 2 months
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i had so much fun drawing this guy it's unreal. please observe siffrin from @protectorcraft's fic a bell chimes somewhere!! what a dude. what a lad. what a weirdo (positive)
some more details under the cut! (spoilers for isat and the fic under the cut as well!)
i imagine that since siffrin's creachur form has something to do with wish craft, it wasn't too far-fetched to say that his eye would be colored too, especially given how the sky kid focused on it. however since this isn't his wish to stay with his family, i thought it would be nice to make it a different color... something representing the universe........ Sky Blue It Is
it helps that i am also obsessed with shades of sky blue AND the line from the fic that the sky kid said that it had "everything" in its eyes
i didn't illustrate it, but i think it would be extra cool if creachur siff's eye color changed as per time of day. just because. he's like the eye color version of that one 'do you love the color of the sky' post
i like to imagine that siffrin still has a strange Light in his eyes even when in his human disguise. can't remember if the fic mentions it or not but he has a sky blue highlight in those eyes now in my design. because i can :3
speaking of human disguise, i like to think that even with his transformation he's still not that subtle. mirabelle picks up immediately that he's weird but also that he's friendly and VERY good at survival, and so isn't too bothered by his... quirks. this might end up being canon to the fic honestly but i just wanted to trot out my two cents regardless while i'm here
i'm hoping i managed to communicate some of that off-putting nature in his face! especially his eyes. they're almost unnaturally gray aside from that strange highlight
i originally wanted to make his eyes even weirder but then i thought that being Too Weird would kind of defeat the point, and the point of this is that siffrin kind of has to pass as a normal human which means no glowing pupils, unfortunately. i can totally Give Him Pupils though. gotta get that subtle horror/ creepiness in :3
he gets glowing pupils / tapetum lucidum in the dark though. or when he's angry (see top left). as a treat
didn't draw his in between state (between human and dragon) but i imagine it looks kinda fucked up ! his horn and ears grow, his tail gets longer, teeth get sharper, his whole face sort of. Distorts. in a distinctly uncanny valley way. the blue highlight starts bleeding into his eyes (and his pupils start transforming from round to slit to star-shaped)
continuing, this in-between form in my head is sorta like the dragonkin soldiers from elden ring, just in terms of 'this is a weird hybrid of human and dragon and it just Doesn't Work'. like human, cool, dragon, cool, in between? fucked
siffrin is INSANELY floofy. even with the fact that he hasn't bathed in ages and his floof is all matted and tangled from lack of care he's still crazy soft. i think his fur also has similar insulating properties to his cloak so he never overheats or gets too cold. always the Perfect Temperature
if i were more confident in my skills (and which way this fic is going to end up going) i would have drawn a big hero 6 style moment where everyone is just lying with their face buried in siffrin's fur, like how everyone lays on warm marshmellow baymax.
i originally meant for siffrin to be more cursed and body-horror-y, and then i was looking at the fic descriptions for him (as of chapter 7, so there may be more detail later that i didn't get to see as of writing this) and was like 'wait... he kind of looks like the dragons from BOTW doesn't he' and then the inherent majesty kind of. just. Happened.
i like the fact that he looks kind of majestic though! i think it's a good representation of siffrin's terrible body image issues in this fic where honestly he looks awesome but he just doesn't realize it because, hello negative self-worth
didn't color the last doodles of human siff at the top left. apologies. i got sleeby
in another life mirabelle rides his dragon form into battle and it is exactly as awesome as it looks like it would be
kind of shoehorned my own oc into here as well but i SWEAR aleph is so absurdly similar to this design it's actually kind of hilarious. if i had a nickel for the number of space dragon designs i've made i'd have two, which isn't a lot but
and the full page of doodles! just cause
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epickiya722 · 9 months
So I just read a meta about how Yuji is not at all parallel with Getou. "Because Yuji is really kind from his heart unlike Getou...." Can I ask, is there really an interview where Gege said that Getou is too kind in the cruel JJK universe? Do you agree with the parallel between Yuji and Getou?
[I apologize beforehand, this kinda got long because I got into the topic and I'm running on low HP. So this may be a little all over the place. 😅]
Okay, so I don't know if there is an interview of such a topic (I'm still "new" to JJK, like I'm just being more active again enough though I had been into the since it premiered and picked up the manga, not important right now though) but I can answer that second question!
I disagree with the fact that Yuji and Suguru can't be compared because Yuji is "too kind". Don't get me wrong, my boy is so kind. And the same be said for Suguru once upon a time.
So I do agree with the parallels.
The thing is, Suguru didn't start off as some evil guy. And even if he did, that doesn't mean him and Yuji can't be parallels to each other, let alone be compared.
Sometimes, it seems forgotten that Suguru was just a child, too, when his life took a whole different course. He was just a year older than what Yuji is when he witnessed the death of Riko. At 17-18 years old, he finally snapped.
Sure, they're totally different characters on the surface. When you see Suguru, you wouldn't think Yuuji and vice versa. It takes sitting down and letting your mind wander and seeing those similarities.
If there are hero characters that serve as parallels to their villains, I don't see why Yuji being "too kind" would be an issue to why he can't serve as a parallel to Suguru.
Now, I don't know if Gege wants us to see them as parallels, but I do see that the characters share some similarities. Wrote a post of said similarities way back when, but I'll do a recap here!
Small details are that they're both are/have been in a trio that consists of them (Suguru and Yuji), a girl with a bob (Shoko and Nobara) and another guy who comes from a high-status clan with a string technique born in December (Satoru and Megumi). They both lost a limb (Yuji lost a hand and Suguru lost a whole arm), fought some old guy, has fought Yuta, and has a thing for loose clothing.
Now, I see those more as coincidences. But there are bigger details that more-so dwell into and shape into their characters.
They have witnessed someone die in front of them and someone's death had set them off somehow to the point of Suguru and Yuji being enraged and questioning how things work.
Suguru was less than a yard away when Riko was killed in front of him and moments later, Toji tells him about Satoru. Suguru was already still in shock with Riko's death since it just happened and then Toji pushed him further with Satoru's "death" (yes, Suguru didn't see Satoru die, but his "death" was a trigger for him, like that's his other half right there). There's also Haibara's death. Haibara's death was definitely another tragedy for Suguru given that Haibara was kinda the hope spot for their group. He was literally the sunshine and then that dreadful mission happened.
Yuji witnessed both deaths of Junpei and Nanami at the hands of Mahito. And as had death had been for Suguru, their deaths affected him greatly. Junpei's demise kicks off Yuji's hatred for Mahito and it's just the beginning of how his character begins to change. Yuji starts off more optimistic in the story, by the time the Shibuya Incident Arc ends, he has pretty much dulled. He already accepts his death in the beginning, doing what he can to save people. But then, he lost his fight against Choso, Sukuna did what he did and then Mahito came and killed Nanami and (seemingly) Nobara.
Both characters came to the realization that the jujutsu world sucks. They're just tools ordered by others (the Higher Ups 🙄) who don't do a damn thing really, to kill curses that will just keep coming. They accept that, but in different ways. For Suguru, he deflects and decides to "fix the problem" by killing the cause of Curses. Which is humans, or to be specific: non-shamans. For Yuuji, when he accepts it, it's when he has his final battle with Mahito. He doesn't decide to kill humans. He just accepts that "Well, Mahito, you're right, I am you. I am a killer."
Crazy thing is, when both Suguru and Yuuji hit their breaking points and kill/attempt to kill someone (Suguru with the village and Yuji with Mahito), it wasn't like they're enjoying it for revenge purposes or anything. They're both emotionally drained and just act on the simple nature of being a jujutsu sorcerer/curse user. They have those dead looks in their eyes.
Another trait they share is swallowing cursed things, which, again, plays into shaping their characters.
Suguru swallows curses and does not enjoy the taste at all. And it's something he has to do over and over and over. Curses are nothing but trouble for him. In his past, he uses his technique for saving, to do good as he believed he should do. When he chooses to be a curse user, he uses his technique in exchange for money. As a teenager, he pretty much was using a technique that slowly was mentally destroying him for people who wouldn't even know he was saving them and for people who wouldn't care less about him. If he's going to swallow the thing that he hates most just as much as he does for non-shamans, he might as well do it benefit himself.
His technique, piled on with the deaths he witnessed as well as the ugliness of people changed Suguru for the worse.
Same could be said for Yuuji. While he doesn't have to do it as often Suguru does, he still gets just as much mental damage as Suguru. At first, he handles it a little better, it's even played for laughs a little. When he first swallows one of Sukuna's fingers, it's to save his friends and Megumi. He doesn't think about it, he acts on it. When he swallows the second finger, it kicks in how gross it is, but he brushes off the taste. The third finger, he wasn't even conscious for. Sukuna swallowed that one. Four finger, again, Sukuna did that. However, even though Yuuji is aware that the more fingers he swallows, the closer his execution date is, and isn't sure how many fingers it would take for him to lose control of Sukuna, he just asks "should I eat it"?
It's when fingers 5-15 are consumed when things really hit Yuuji hard. He loses his fight against Choso, and is unconscious and close to death, which allows the Hasaba Twins to feed him finger #5. Jogo comes along and feeds him the next 10 fingers.
Sukuna takes over and we know what happens after that.
After Sukuna destroys Shibuya, he dumps that trauma on Yuuji who blames himself for the destruction. It goes down even further down hill for him.
Speaking of Sukuna, that's another thing they share. Not Sukuna, but body possession.
Both Suguru and Yuuji's bodies become vessels for 1000+ year old beings that cause nothing but problems for everyone else all while they're being used for other's advantages.
Kenjaku possesses Suguru's body to use his technique. Sukuna possess Yuuji's body as a way to be brought up into the world. Although he doesn't have control of Yuuji's body all the time, whenever he does, he makes sure to make the most of it.
(And if you're a manga reader, you know he definitely have done that.)
It also strikes me as interesting that both characters have a connection to Kenjaku in some way. As mentioned, Suguru's body is possessed by Kenjaku and Kenjaku is responsible for Yuuji existing. And I just know that had to be foreshadowed, too.
That part when that the Worm Curse Toji had comes in contact with Suguru can calls him "mommy"? Yeah... Suguru becomes a mom, alright. Adopts twins a year later, dies years later after that, body gets possessed. And what do you know! Suguru's body gets possessed by Kenjaku... who just before taking Suguru's body had been parading around as Kaori Itadori... Yuuji's mother!
Really, what sets Suguru and Yuuji apart is that Suguru ended up from being a hero character to a villain.
For two characters to never had interacted, they do have similar stories.
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jq37 · 3 months
So, Jumanji by way of Last Action Hero. Ok, Never Stop Blowing Up. I'm in for the ride. They managed to put together a great table for this one. I'm delighted they got Rekha back in the Dome. It's exciting to see Alex Song-Xia again. Izzy is always a treat. I'll never say no to more Jacob Wysocki. And of course Ally and Ify are always strong performers. We're in for a good season.
What a crazy start! I'm so glad I watched Last Action Hero a few weeks ago in prep because those vibes are very apparent (in addition to Jumanji 2 of course, but I'd already seen that).
A quick rundown of everything going on:
Ally Beardsley as Russell Feeld as Jennifer Drips
INSANE swings from Ally right out the gate. I love that Izzy was both in character thirsting over Russell and out of character being like, "Pull it back." Also, I think they're the only one playing a girl movie character so that's interesting. This season is gonna be such a trip pronoun-wise. Wonder what direction Ally wants to go with that.
Ify Nwadiwe
as Wendell Morris as Vic Ethanol
I was STUNNED to hear Wendell's voice come out of Ify's body. I didn't know he had an Urkel-esque bone in his jacked as hell self. And I assumed that once the PCs turned to their MCs (movie characters) they'd use their MC voice but nope. It seems like he's still doing the Wendell voice which is wild. I love a sweet nerd so Wendell is one of my early faves for sure. Very much the vibes on the main character from Jumanji 2 turning into the Rock. Also, Vic Ethanol is my fave expy name.
Isabella Roland
as Paula Donvalson as Jack Manhattan
Izzy had, by far, my favorite movie bit with her and Brennan walking into that chicken bit which was golden. Sometimes a bit drags on too long but they drove that to the exact funniest point and then left it there. Chef's kiss, no notes. Very much looking forward to seeing this very tightly wound mom in this unhinged setting.
Rekha Shankar
as Usha Rao as G13
Something I really respect is building a character who is specifically bad at the main thing they have to do and a woman who barely has grasped the concept of phones having to be the hacker is so funny. Rekha, you've done it again. I didn't notice until it was pointed out on Twitter but one of the fave movies listed on her card is literally the first movie ever made (The Horse in Motion). And her immediate 1 when trying to do hacker stuff is a portent of more hilarity to come I'm sure. Love to have her back in the dome.
Alex Song-Xia
as Liv Skyler as Kingskin
Also, love to have Alex back in the dome! I loved them in Mentopolis and they picked such a fun dichotomy of characters to inhabit in a teen girl who's giving me Vanessa from In the Heights with a little compulsive shoplifting plus truly just Kingpin from Marvel. I found her really endearing and she was also one of my faves.
Jacob Wysocki
as Andy 'Dang' Litefoot as Greg Stocks
I'm not as familiar with Jacob as I think some others are but he matched the table's energy right away. I would think the aliens thing was a weird swing except that there's someone in one of my games who has a very similar deal (their PC not the actual person lol) so it's kind of like yeah, that's a normal thing for a PC to believe. Maybe it's because I just binged all of The Bear but he kind of reminds me of a more assertive Fak. And it's a very funny contrast to a suave James Bond-type (also, Stocks/Bond. Ha).
So it looks like we have Fast and Furious, Die Hard, and James Bond. Kingskin is Kingpin from Spiderman and maybe just repping mobster flicks in general. G13 also seems to be a generic hacker. And Jennifer Drips is a generic femme fatale.
I think it's interesting that everyone seems to be a protagonist except for Kingskin who is an obvious baddie (unless he comes from a Breaking Bad type world where it's bad guys all the way down and no real heroes).
Also, I'm curious about how they'll cross over with each other. In Last Action Hero, it was kind of implied that many action movie scenarios take place in a shared universe (which is why you had Arnold in the same police station as a talking cartoon cat and other archetypes waiting to get paired up with their wacky mismatched sidekicks). Could be something like that, but we'll see.
Anyway, yeah! I wasn't sure how this season was gonna look but I'm VERY down for it now that it's started. Oh! And the animatics???? Amazing! D20 just keeps outdoing itself!
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theerurishipper · 11 months
The biggest truth that solves all plot holes in Miraculous: they’re bad writers.
No excuse of this being a kids show works because if you want to be not held accountable for holes then fine act like SpongeBob
but you can’t have everything
Yeah. I didn't give a damn about the "plot holes" in Seasons 1-2, or even Season 3 to some extent, because those were mostly monster of the week type of episodes. Sure, there were some semblances of plot and world-building, but it was still mostly episodic and the show still mostly focused on being goofy and entertaining, so I turned of my brain and enjoyed it greatly.
But then Season 4 came along and tried to change the tone of the series entirely, from being a monster of the week to having an actual plot and overarching story, and proved that the writers for the show don't really know how to do that? And then they started digging their holes deeper and deeper and made so many baffling decisions in the writing that the show just turned into a huge mess, full of unresolved plot points, underdeveloped characters, convoluted storytelling, and many unfortunate implications.
And it's like you said. If the show wants me to take it seriously, I will. I'm going to look at a show for what it is. When the show was presenting itself as a goofy episodic show to entertain kids, I judged it as such and I enjoyed it, because Miraculous is good at that. I loved Seasons 1 and 2. Season 3 less so, because it started The Plot™, and it wasn't good at that, but I still enjoyed a lot of it. But Seasons 4 and 5 came along and demanded I take them seriously, so I did. And they weren't good, because the writers aren't good at that kind of storytelling. They're good at goofy shenanigans, but not at complex plots and characters.
And "it's a kids show" is not an excuse. Kids shows can explore complex subjects and can have great plots and characters (ATLA). But it still has to be, you know, good. Kids aren't stupid. I know that kid me would have also hated the Season 5 finale, because Adrien is my favorite, and he wasn't there, and they made Marinette lose.
But at the same time, this is still a show for kids. Miraculous is a kids show, and therefore, it has the responsibility to not promote harmful messages. What would an abused child who is in a situation similar to Adrien's think when they see him call Gabriel a hero in the finale and say that he doesn't know if he'll ever be like him? Children aren't stupid and incapable of understanding anything, and they do deserve good quality of writing, but they also aren't capable of complex media analysis. And when you see people making these long-ass posts talking about how the finale is actually not what it seems like, actually, you have to consider the target audience. A kid isn't going to be picking up on the deep and nuanced hidden meanings in Gabriel final moments that prove he hasn't changed. They are going to see Gabriel hugging his wife, smiling and surrounded by pretty and warm lights while beautiful music plays. If we have to write all these long theories justifying the ending and trying to suggest that what was obviously portrayed on the screen isn't what the show is really trying to say, is a kid really going to get it?
Which is why you see so many people saying shit like "aw Gabriel was really a good man," or "he was never the villain." These people are probably like, 12–13 year olds, and they are watching a show meant for kids. And as a kid, I'm not going to like that Adrien wasn't in the finale, sure, but does that mean I'll understand that Gabriel is supposed to still be a bad guy when the show tells me to my face that he isn't?
It's not like the show can't deal with complex and nuanced characters. I myself have written many character analyses and have treated these characters as complex and nuanced, and they could have been. Again, look at ATLA. Zuko, for example, is a very complex character, but he is still brought to life in a way that allows kids to understand all the nuances and subtleties in his story clearly. There is a lot of rather complex symbolism, but the kids get the jist of it and can understand his story well, even if they don't catch all the minute details. Hell, take Azula. The show doesn't shy away from showing her doing bad things, but it also makes it blatantly obvious that you should feel sorry for her in the end, and that she's also a victim. Again, kids can understand this.
And that's where Miraculous falls flat. The writers fucked up their message. They wrote some deeply problematic stuff, where the abuser won. The bad guy won, but he was actually a good guy. So, people who act like Gabriel maybe aren't all that bad. What Gabriel did in the end was good, and we should all try to be like him. Kids aren't going to question it. In this way, "it's a kids show" goes from being an excuse to being a problem. It's what it says on the tin, and what's on the tin is not good. That's how I feel.
Thank you for your ask!
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greydecemi · 1 year
What we need to be hylian
Legend knew that Sky had killed a God.
But Legend found it almost impossible to believe, that the dozy hero with his head in the clouds, who spoke with compassion about everything he did, or everything he saw, had killed a God. The Hero who slept cuddled under the sailcloth his Zelda had cautiously crafted for him.
Legend just couldn’t believe it.
Until today.
OR: Legend and Sky get captured, which brings out the darker side of the Chosen Hero. WARNINGS: There is violence, but its not graphic. Got a lot of reference to Skyward Sword in it (Sky has Ghirahim trauma), which won't impact the story if you haven't played the game.
Preview under the cut!
Legend knew that Sky had killed a God.
He distinctly remembered the moment where the Chosen Hero had quietly explained the reincarnation cycle, and how it started. He remembered how Sky had recounted that final battle against Demise with shaking hands, rubbing old scars up his right arm as the others slowly came to terms with the reality of the situation.
But Legend found it almost impossible to believe, that the dozy hero with his head in the clouds, who spoke with compassion about everything he did, or everything he saw, had killed a God. The Hero who slept cuddled under the sailcloth his Zelda had cautiously crafted for him.
Legend just couldn’t believe it.
Until today.
They had been ambushed, and both Legend and Sky had been taken hostage by the strange assassins in Wild’s Hyrule. They’d taunted them for what felt like days before locking them both in separate cages.
Legend was sitting on the floor of the cage, unable to see his hands due to the metal casings that surrounded them to prohibit the use of his magic. The room was filled with the stench of blood staining iron, and he rested his forehead on the cool metal bars, trying to find a small amount of relief in the cold. The hideout was stiflingly hot, and Legend found himself dizzy just from the heat.
Sky was in a similar situation on the opposite end of the room, bound up in a cage, and sweating through his undershirt. His hair was matted slightly from Yiga blood, as one had bled out on top of him. He caught Legend’s eye and gave him a worn grin, which Legend returned in kind.
Their humid peace was disturbed by the slamming of the dungeon door, as multiple Yiga entered, followed by the singular most ugly assassin Legend had ever seen. He seemed more decorated than the rest of the Yiga, with strange charms adorning his outfit and an unsual looking scarf (Legend didn’t know what it was, but it looked like a scarf) around his neck. But he had little time to speculate who it was before his questions were answered.
“I present to you, companions of the Hero Link, the all-powerful leader of the Yiga Clan, Master Kohga!” The Yiga all saluted as the ‘all powerful Master Kohga’ laughed.
“Well, well, well! Look what we have here!” Kohga said, clapping his hands together. “Two companions of Link! The one who attempted to best me and cast me down into the depths of Hyrule! What would a Hero like him have use for you two, hm?”
Legend had heard enough villain monologues in his time that he didn’t want to listen to another, so he responded with his usual snark, and mocked him. “What’s it to you, oh so powerful leader of the Yiga clan?”
Master Kohga made what sounded like a sound of frustration and stamped his feet like a toddler on the floor. He pointed a finger at Legend, exclaiming, “How dare you insult me! Oh, I wasn’t even planning on hurting you unless you refused information, but obviously, I need to teach you a lesson!’
What was this guy’s deal? He was jumping to some quick decisions that, in Legend opinion, felt undeserved. But Legend felt his heart rate pick up at Kohga’s choice of words. Of course, there was going to be punishment.
“What kind of punishment?” Another voice said, and Legend was surprised to see Sky pitching in. His tone was different to anything he’d ever heard from the Chosen Hero before, low and deliberately emotionless, as his was filled with stone-cold defiance.
Kohga turned to Sky and shrugged with malice. “Well, I for one really enjoy a good show. And as penance for your friend’s snark, you will be the one to pay the price.”
Legend could feel his heart in his throat, and surged forwards, shouting, “No! It was my mistake, you overstuffed pincushion, and I’m the one with my head up my ass!” Kohga laughed, and the sound chilled Legend to the bone. “Oh, this will be fun. Yiga Clan! Take the tall one to the Pit!”
Legend watched as four Yiga foot soldiers entered his brother’s cage. He heard, rather than saw, the clicking of locks as the chains fell free, and the Yiga quickly re-bound Sky.
Before they left, Sky turned back to Legend with an expression he couldn’t place. “Don’t worry. I’ve got this.”
Kohga laughed more at the despair on Legend’s face, then said simply. “You can come with me; I want you to watch this.”
read the rest on ao3!
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starflungwaddledee · 10 months
clearing my inbox of a variety of asks with text replies, or ones that will get art answers later but that i still figured i could get back to now with simpler responses in the interim.
lots of anons, but i'll ping anyone who i can!
topics include: general nice words + people's theories (thank you!!), dededesign, daroach (sorry), sentient ancient artifacts, magolor (sorry...), whispy woods (SORRY...). there's also a decent scattering of awtdy and clockwork heart tidbits but they're all over the place, and a small collection of increasingly desperate asks hoping bandee will be released from morpho dee 😂
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oohh this one is actually super old, sorry that i never got back to it! i get a little overwhelmed by the Nice Words ones sometimes and i'm not sure what to say besides 'thank you!!' because it means a lot to me and 'thank you!' just sometimes feels like it doesn't cut it...?
anyway, i'm very grateful!! i'm thrilled if i could inspire you to try out any constructed-language work of your own!! i'd love to see more of that going on in the kirbyverse so if you ever give it a crack feel free to lmk!
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i'm glad you like the full penguin dededesign; quite a few folks seemed to enjoy that actually and i was pleasantly surprised! i haven't drawn that much of most characters besides bandee, to be fair, but the next comic will be about dedede and should answer some of the other questions i've been getting about him too!
i should say that it's likely the totally full penguin design won't make it for the comic, because it's hard to draw the sheer length of their bills from many angles or having the expressiveness i need for dedede, and i really only did that one for funsies. but i'll hopefully find a nice compromise!
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aaaa the joy of being mentally unwell about The Characters and The Story. thank you, glad i can be of service! 👍
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this is quite perceptive of you to notice and it's definitely something that occurs in the timeline. due to galacta knight's influence (and kirby's altered reputation) visitors and threats- both international and intergalactic- start to think twice before risking an approach.
alas, because daroach appears in the timeline before galacta knight's switch-in occurs, he would already be in contact and friendship with kirby. that unfortunately means he'd meet the same fate as the rest of kirby's existing allies.
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@i-only-created-this-to-read a little similar to the above ask, yes, the intergalactic picture of popstar is definitely changed by the presence of a violent, otherworldly warrior and a ruthless hero. i also answered your questions about necrodeus previously and am not sure what else to say about him.
i have confirmed before that dedede is not dead, and more about his scenario and overall role in the plot will be revealed in comics. but i will say that he's a smart guy, despite his silliness, and a loving king. he absolutely came to the same conclusion about the frequency of his own possessions as well, through no small amount of heartbreak.
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i definitely headcanon the Lor as sentient; in the light novels, bandee also speaks to her fairly directly. i actually headcanon all the Ancient artifacts as having an amount of sentience (this seem in line with what we've seen in canon, so i don't think it's a reach) and the lor herself seems especially benevolent to me.
our headcanons for the novas are different to yours, though that plays more of a role in the clockwork heart au. i quite enjoy your theories about how the ending might go and you've definitely picked up some details!! i won't confirm or deny anything, but i will say the lor is present in the AU, and that magolor has enough knowledge of artifacts to know that a wish on a wishing star could be a viable solution.
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it took a while for folks to start asking me about magolor actually, which i found kind of amusing because he's the deuteragonist (second protagonist, after bandee) of the au!
i do definitely think that canonically magolor lives on the lor starcutter; though he does say he wants to buy a holiday home on popstar! however in awtdy, unlike the dream land four three, magolor's entire timeline is trashed from the get-go by galacta knight's arrival
some of these answers will take me longer to get to as i'll provide them in comics (it should be a fun reveal at least), but i will say: he hates popstar. he hates it there. he'd give just about anything to be anywhere else.
until he meets bandee, of course.
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the rest of popstar fare a little better or a little worse at various points in the au, kind of like in the mainline canon timeline. for the most part, galacta knight isn't that interested in most of popstar. he enjoys living there, it's peaceful and undeniably pleasant, and frankly he'd like to continue doing so!
he can be convinced (by kirby, and the maintenance of the lie) to perform care to some of its citizens when necessary- such as rebuilding after a crisis. but in general he minds his business in dream land, and occasionally off-world or interdimensionally with kirby and bandee on missions.
whispy, who also keeps to his own in the woods and is just a cantankerous old tree, is probably fine. at least up until star allies, when he, you know. gets possessed.
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@pumpkinnkidd oh absolutely.
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@torrentialchaos2 that would be a different story to chrysalis au, i think! one i could write, but haven't. chrysalis au is specifically about bandee, you can't really extract him from it? 😭 but if morpho possessed magolor it would depend on a lot of things: like what is everyone's relationship to him when it happens? i think even when he comes back from his redemption arc, magolor and the gang are friends, but it's not the same as bandee, who is a core member of their unit.
we've already seen what happens when magolor gets possessed and kirby has to Beat His Ass to get him back to normal. and we've seen that when morpho possesses others who are capable fighters, kirby doesn't hold back. so maybe that? magolor is a magical little guy; he's got a better chance of getting spat back out unscathed.
i could however probably write a version of this for magicapple if i wanted, which would be much more emotionally pulverising lmao
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@trainerbob23 thank you!! this one took me a bit to respond to sorry, but i'm grateful for the warm welcome! the AUs are definitely my primary investment and i'm glad that folks are enjoying seeing them develop! some of them are connected to each other (awtdy + it's various endings/alts) but others are separate.
i also do have some backstory/lore for starstruck dee, which i'll hopefully get to soon as well. i would say that she is... very much related to stars and the cosmos, yes.
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@eliastheownerof0axolotls this one was part of a longer ask (that i've answered part of, and still have another part of in my queue... sorry;; ) but i think this part- especially in terms of kirby- has probably been mostly answered by now! both kirby and dedede have significant roles!
i view dedede as having a mentor-like dynamic with bandee as well as with kirby, and they all care about each other very much! but (especially because they are all adults in my hc) he also absolutely trusts them to handle themselves.
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referring to this post and the (cw angst) art at the end. i will hopefully answer some other asks about the clockwork heart au which will satisfy more of its overall premise and timeline and all, but in regards to the peculiar image...
why that picture is completely normal!! bandee is super fine and normal in it and everything is great and good and fine and fine and fine and fine!!! hhahaha!!!
(something very bad is happening, lmao. entirely doomed by the narrative.)
speaking of bandee being doomed by the narrative:
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some tags here as well, but i just love the frequency of these...
bandee gets possessed one time and everybody loses it... quick!! when will he get unpossessed!!! save that little guy!!! he's sad so we're sad!! (relatable. everyone is so valid.)
the tags on the main posts about morpho dee are just full of people screaming and crying and being like "NOOO I HATE THIS SM I'M IN PAIN /pos" and it's so good hahahaha
sorry to the folks who hate to see him going through the blender, he's being spun in the microwave at like 90mph on my blog. but don't worry, chrysalis au does have a predictably good ending; though obviously bandee has some capital S Stuff to unpack afterwards!!
aaand i think that's all for now! hopefully if you've been hanging out for an ask for a while you're answer is here, and if not (and possibly even if it is), it's most likely taking me so long because i want to do an answer with art.
i'll try not to let these build up again like this, thank you for your patience!
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stellar-imagines · 2 years
HEADCANONS REQUEST: ❝sad melodies.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Shinsou Hitoshi, Amajiki Tamaki ]  
「Headcanons for Midoriya, Todoroki, Shinsou and Tamaki with songwriter S/O who’s sweet and happy but writes sad/depressing songs.」
♤ Midoriya is the type of boyfriend who just wants to know every single little thing about his lover. Interests, professions, hobbies, favorite food, and even to what kind of sleeping habits you have. The first time he discovered your music was through his classmates who were talking about it one day. Kirishima and Kaminari had excitedly pulled Midoriya aside during lunch break to show the green-haired boy one of your songs that were released recently.
♤ In the beginning, he didn't realize that it was your voice and only mentioned how it sounded nice to his friends. On his free time, he did a bit more research on you. But of course, he failed to realize that it was actually you -- his lover behind this amazing song since you've been using your artist name. He eventually figured it out after doing his own research and confirmed it when you casually told him that you're actually the artist behind the songs that he has been listening to recently.
♤ Loves to be there when you're composing your new song or just strumming your guitar. Constantly compliments you whenever you pull out the guitar and sing along. Midoriya just loves it when you talk so passionately about your career and he could see just how much you actually love music. Now, after knowing about your interest in music, he tries to learn more about it so that he could understand the foreign terms you sometimes used.
♤ He wonders what goes through your head whenever you're writing these lyrics. This guy has his own theories on the reason behind your dark lyrics. Were you badly bullied in the past to the point you wanted to end things? He starts to get worried about it. But you talked about how there were some artists that sing very dark songs and it always amazed you how they could sing what you were feeling so well. And that was the reason why you write sad music.
♤ Your number one fan and support. Despite being a hero maniac, Midoriya sees the importance of other jobs as well and there are people out there who you've saved with your music. He knows little to nothing about composing songs and whatnot but he's always there to encourage you, telling you that you're doing amazing and that he's super proud of you and all that.
☆ Todoroki doesn't really listen to music. He's more of the type to pick up music because someone recommended it to him. And it so happens that it was his friends that recommended your songs to him. At first, he did not know it was you at all and he didn't bother to do more research like Midoriya did. When you both first started dating, it was no surprise that you recognized him. While you only told him that you studied music and Todoroki isn't the type to pry into someone's personal information. 
☆ Surprisingly, he noticed that the songs were very similar to the tunes that you have been playing on your guitar when he was present. He had his suspicions that you could possibly be the mastermind behind these famous songs. Todoroki never really questioned about the things you do since the two of you are always busy with your own thing. He's always out on patrols and you'd be in the house, either composing songs or just relaxing.
☆ He found out when he accidentally went into your studio without knocking because you didn't respond to him when he called for you. This guy felt bad for interrupting your recording but how could you get mad at him? Todoroki didn't even ask any questions, he seemed pretty cool with that fact that you're a famous songwriter who -- despite the sweet and happy attitude you have, writes very depressing songs. He never asks you about it but he wonders to himself.
☆ Of course, he eventually questions how you come up with lyrics and the theme of your songs. Todoroki has his own traumatic experience and was denied a normal childhood. He might not look like it but he's a great listener. When you talked about how you just liked being able to express the feelings that most people can't, he thought that it was amazing and very kind of you.
☆ Overall very supportive, and really likes it when you play your guitar while the two of you are hanging out on the couch. He would be seated behind you while you settled yourself between his legs with your guitar in hand. He loves when you sing slow songs at night. Not only it comforts him but it lulls him to sleep. He's like a giant cat, with his arms wrapped around your waist as you hummed a lullaby and run your hands through his hair.
♡ Out of everyone, Shinsou probably listens to music the most. He mostly listens to indie bands and underrated artist that not many people know of. Not that he has anything on popular and trending music. He definitely prefers hearing songs that refer to personal things, as it helps him get through his life much easier. This guy has a lot of emotions that he wants to express but never had anyone to confide in.
♡ Then you came along. You weren't super popular when he first heard your music but he fell in love with how emotional voice and lyrics that just hit home. It always motivates him to do better, knowing that you went through hard times and still found success. He always found you happily composing music in the living room or in your studio and can't help but smile everytime he saw you.
♡ Sometimes he wonders what the hell you've been through to produce that kind of music. Because, you're generally a sweet and happy person, just living your life like any other person would. One day, while you were all cuddled up, you explain about how you always admired singers who sing sad, depressing and darks songs. You admired how they were always able to sing what a lot of people was feeling when they're going through tough times. And it inspired you to become a songwriter.
♡ You were such a sweet person, keeping the house clean and doing his laundry whenever he's out patrolling. Everytime he comes home, you would already have food ready for him. He truly appreciates the things you do for him. Loves it when you pull out the guitar while you both are just lounging in the living room. You would sing a song or just play a song that makes him feel at peace.
♡ Everytime you would go to check the sales or the display of your newly released album, he would tag along. And Shinsou buys all your stuff.  A newly released album that you released? He has the normal version and the limited edition version. You wrote a song for another artist? It's only one song and probably not the the most popular one? Shinsou does not care, he's already pulling out his wallet to buy it. He's such a huge fanboy and he doesn't even realize it.
♧ He absolutely adores your songs. On days where you will hole yourself up in your studio, he would be sitting by the door to listen. The melody was always soothing and he can't help but want to hear more from you. Tamaki probably listens to really soft and cute music. He likes having music like Lo-fi remixes while he's doing his report in the living room. With you around, he would usually sit on the floor with his laptop on the coffee table while you sat on the couch, strumming your guitar.
♧ A bit concerned when he realized all your songs are very sad and depressing. Tamaki finds it surprising, only because you're so happy and cheerful most of the time. He wonders if you're going through something that you keep to yourself. He never asks you about it because he doesn't want you to get uncomfortable. He tends to check on you while you're in the middle of making your songs as he's curious what's going through your head when you're in the zone.
♧ Eventually, you ask him why he's always sneaking around and he nervously confronts your about what he's been worrying about this entire time. You found it quite adorable that he's worrying about it. In the end, you explain to him about how you wanted to be able to voice out your feelings through a song. And you hope that your listeners could feel some sort of release, knowing that they don't have to go through things alone.
♧ Tamaki knows how hard you work and would occassionally pop into your studio with your favorite drink and snacks, ensuring that you're hydrated and well fed. Once you're done with everything, you're instantly dragging Tamaki to the couch for some quality time that you skipped to compose your song. Let's say that Tamaki woke up with a very stiff back after you slept on his chest on the couch.
♧ He's your biggest fan and supports you in any way possible. When he realizes that you've been coped up in the studio longer than usual, he'll have a small snack and your favorite drink ready for you. Tamaki is the type of person who would want to get involved in what you're doing, because he wants to know everything about you. He asks what you're making and if you're struggling with anything or not. In addition, he will remind you to take breaks.
Total: 1620 words Published: 05.11.2022
Thank you for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting! ― author Natsuki
Requests are open! Matchups are closed! Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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dynamightmite · 1 year
Hawks and Twice; Identities and Foils
Part one, lol
Okay, season six is fully out so I can finally talk about the Hawks killing Twice scene without tagging it as spoilers because. Listen. I love you guys, but some of the takes I’ve been reading about it are just maybe not the scalding hot read you think they are. So... let’s talk about it.
There are a few things that most people have picked up on and that I’d like to reestablish so we can all move past them to the nitty-gritty stuff. First is that, yes, Hawks is in the wrong for killing Twice. Narratively,  it is considered by everyone (including Hawks himself) to have been a bad thing to do. There’s so much grief surrounding Twice’s death, and everyone involved is badly affected by it. That’s the point of the scene. You aren’t supposed to have the takeaway that this was a righteous act, or that it was fair; it’s supposed to feel brutal, and wrong, and disgusting. You are supposed to come away questioning a lot of preestablished “truths” of the series. The main one here, of course, being that the roles of Heroes and Villains may not be as clear-cut as previously shown.
HOWEVER. The continuing takeaway is not really meant to be that Hawks is evil, or that the villains were actually in the right all along. Sure, you can personally dislike Hawks and/or his actions, but narratively speaking, this scene is not supposed to reframe him as somehow worse than the actual villains. What this scene is mean to accomplish is a deconstruction of the concept of heroes, villains, and the ties that bind them to better understand their similarities as much as their differences.
Identity is a prominent theme throughout the story, and the way Horikoshi plays with both the concept of identity and roles in this scene is really interesting and very well done. 
To start with the easier stuff, the first two “identities” that are immediately flipped on their heads are the titles of Hero and Villain. Both within the story and as an audience with our own external culture, we can recognize that Heroes are supposed to be 'good' and Villains are supposed to be 'bad'. That's a presupposed fact, and it's not hard to see that, while this has usually been true in the context of the story, suddenly it's not so clear—how can someone be a Hero when they're acting the way Hawks does? How can that be ordered by the people in charge of the Heroes? Sanctioned? Approved of?
The obvious answer that I'm sure you're telling me to get to already is that the heroes aren't always 'good', and that Hero society is, in fact, worse.
The art emphasizes this beautifully (seriously, the art in this scene is so good); Hawks the Hero stands shadowed and coldly predatory, while Twice the Villain is on his back, belly-up on the ground, trembling and crying. Hawks mocks Twice for being too trusting, Twice tells him that he had to be, because it was kind. And he can’t imagine not being that.
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And this polarity reveals why it is so important that these two, who superficially have very little in common, undermine the dichotomy between Hero and Villain. Because Hawks and Twice actually have one very specific trait that connects them: the desire to help people.
Now, they obviously show it very differently and have opposing definitions on who, exactly, they believe deserves help. That’s what makes them foils. But the gut-wrenching string between these two men is that they are both trying to protect people. That’s their underlying goal, the one fundamental principle they both have that they will not waver on; unstoppable force, meet immovable object. They are, for this one moment, the same person. Because it’s also not as simple as just their desire to protect people—it’s that they both were inevitably going to end up in this stand-off. 
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Something I don’t see talked about very much is how both Hawks and Twice are being used. It’s pretty obvious with Hawks, having been essentially bought as a child and manipulated by the HPSC to become the perfect hero and do what’s asked of him on the basis that, again, he wants to help people. He was a kid who was so alone and so desperate to be good, and then the HPSC, seeing how much potential he had, swooped in and offered him the resources and ability to make his dreams come true. He is a good person whose trust and sense of compassion have been manipulated so that he commits reprehensible acts because he is both told and genuinely believes that they will save people’s lives. And the really fucked up part is that they’re right— but more on that later.
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For the people saying— “but that’s not like Twice at all. Twice is working with the League. They’re his friends. He loves them”—yeah that’s my whole point. What is the one thing Twice desperately wants, more than anything? Companionship. The feeling that he isn’t alone. Love. He’s been by himself almost his whole life, and his every choice has been reflective of his desire to have meaningful connections. He wants to be surrounded by people who accept him, and he wants to accept them in turn. and the League take advantage of that.
Now, before anybody gets mad, yes, the League do actually care about each other. Their relationships are complicated to say the least, and not really the found family that I see cropping up sometimes in Fanon, but they have each other’s backs, and they take care of each other. They don’t mind Twice’s eccentricities, and in fact even praise him for them. 
Which is sort of the problem. On his own, Twice is, at best, an unstable man willing to steal and ignore a lot of societal rules for the sake of his own comfort and happiness. But he isn’t naturally violent. In fact, the first time he experiences real, visceral violence, it traumatizes him so badly he gains an entire dissociative disorder. 
But that’s okay! He doesn’t mind that so much, as long as he has friends. He just wants to be helpful. And oh boy, does the League want his help. 
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For people who do (in my opinion) genuinely care about Twice, they also ask him to do a lot of fucked up stuff (like kidnapping, and murder, and other general terrorist stuff). Because it benefits them. What other organization does that, I wonder?
Oh. Right.
Twice is dangerous. I’m sorry to all the people that like to infantilize him and act like he wasn’t about to run out of the door and murder and/or severely injure a bunch of heroes/civilians, but Twice was, canonically, going to go do that.  Because he believed that that was the only way to save his friends. That’s part of why this scene is so horrific and well written, because either way it went, someone was going to lose. And the unfortunate reality is that if Hawks didn’t stop him, Twice was going to go commit some unforgiveable crimes to a lot of people who didn’t deserve it, and he was never going to go quietly, because that’s not the kind of person that he is. Which Hawks understands; he’s the same way. But it’s also awful because neither of them should have ever been put in the position to have to make this choice. 
A big part of what the story explores when it comes to identities is how they are defined, and who gives them to you. Hawks and Twice both actively struggle with this, being two people who don't feel (rightly or not) that they've had a lot of agency in their lives.
Hawks wants to help people, but he feels stifled by the role of Hero, which was chosen for him, and whose expectations he chafes against. For as much as he supports the HPSC and upholds their goals, he has a lot of doubts and critiques of how hero society works. He is a Hero because somebody else saw him and thought he should be, not necessarily because he decided to be all on his own, regardless of his own twisted view of his past. But he doesn't always like what is asked of him, or the restraints that working for the HPSC puts on him. It's heavily implied that he feels like his personhood has been lost to his Hero identity (Hawks, as opposed to Keigo), and doesn't know how to reconcile his own actions with the public's perception of him.
Twice, similarly, had his role chosen for him at a young age (hitting a guy with his motorcycle and spiraling afterwards) and actively dislikes the label of Villain. He's not someone who craves violence or cruelty, but rather someone who gravitates towards it because he's run out of other options. And if the only people who are kind to him are Villains, what does that say about Heroes and their so-called goodness? Twice doesn't know that he, or any of the League, should be called Villains. How can they be worse than the heroes when basic decency is too much to ask of the people you're meant to idolize?
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They're both caged by the way the world sees them versus the way they want to be seen, as well as trapped by the choices they've made in relation to the people they wish they were. Because, to be clear, they do both make choices. That's how they end up where they do, both wishing they were somewhere else—or maybe someone else.
Twice is a killer who never set out to be a killer. Hawks is a killer who never set out to be a killer. Twice is a Villain. Hawks is a Hero.
They’re in a room alone together. Outside are all the people they want to protect. Someone has to blink first.
In this moment, they are the same. 
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year
apologies for being less active now, school started up like a bitch (take a thinkies post, possible spoilers ahead)
what if gill and chip like swapped "moral" codes in a sense. gillion lies about who he is and what the underseas like and shit as to hide from the truth and out of fear for what happens if he doesnt (could also be some form of rebellion of the elders treatment of him). hes still a heroic and "honorable" to the public eye, yet he has a bit more fear. fear that his friends will find out and he'll be exiled again but it will feel oh so much worse because as time goes on it eats away at gill more that hes getting closer to them so he has more to lose. fear that one day hell have to pick between the truth or someones life or something and at first, while theres a little doubt, he feels confident that hed sacrifice them for his sharade to be kept. but, as gillion keeps being the hero, the lovable "idiot" (GILLION IS NOT AN IDIOT HES JUST CONFUSED ON OVERSEA CULTURE NO MATTER WHAT YOU THINK OF HIM ALRIGHT??), he wants to actually be the character he plays, because he wants to go back to (or actually be, up to you) being an undersea hero, maybe even just a hero for both worlds, and he no longer can find himself able to sacrifice one for his own safety/comfort, and it scares him how much hes changing. yet, he'd keep lying, because the one with nothing to lose doesnt want his "only" strength to be proven false too.
and chip? why would he be more honest? he probably wouldnt, lets be honest, hes chip bastard for asters sake! well, maybe he could lie less, but i doubt hed give it up entirely. so how would he work? well, with how much others have helped him not just survive but live, he finds it more comforting to put trust in them. he'd lie to protect others, hed lie to get out of a situation where theyre in danger, but he doesnt prefer it. he chooses trust, not exactly blind but by the gut feelings (to add some mystery around niklaus, hed be one of the few people he couldnt find a single trusting vibe) he uses like a compass. is he still a bit of a coward? absolutely! he could even be seen as a bit more careless with it, thinking more how to get this to end with all them safe rather then keeping them safe in the moment.
the reason they duel? obvious of course, but gillion is revealed to have lied. some gamble in the casino battle causes gillion to have to say it. and chip is fucking stunned, because he didnt have to help gillion. he didnt need to pick him up from the sea that day. how long was he lying to him, the captain (at that point, chip was indeed the captain) of the ship that gave him water for his gills? how long was he planning on keeping it? chip dioesnt care. the next day, he immedately confronts gillion for it. gillion says similar arguements he does in canon, but more so as reasoning as to why he did it rather then why chip shouldnt have. and chip isnt having a word of it.
im not sure if gill would still win, or by some magic, chip would win this time. each would be dramatic. gillion winning, yet not wanting to finish it, and chip telling him ("orders from your fucking captain gillion tidestrider." and when that doesnt work? "orders from your once friend gill.") that the only way hed let this slide is if he finished the job. chip winning by a thread, fueled only by rage at his betrayal, and he has gillion at the end of his sword and he looks into his eyes and just, "get off my ship, gillion. get out of here before i change my fucking mind with mercy." jay steps in, with her whole speech and everything, and everything plays out the same (yeah i could never change the hot sauce prank).
AND MAKE NO MISTAKE! CHIP STILL GIVES THE FLAG BOOBS AND THOSE KINDS OF PRANKS! thats just because the crew (every once in a while gill doesnt understand it) gets its a simple joke and its chip bastard! why wouldnt he?
these are my thoughts but you guys add your own shit to it id love to see it
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regarding-stories · 2 years
Good Isekai anime with unfortunate cringe or worse ("Handyman Saito", "Cautious Hero")
When growing up I had several run-ins with a kind of fantasy fiction that turned out to be my favorite. Somebody gave me a book, I forgot the title, and the story was about a teenage boy transported to another world to become involved in an epic struggle between good and evil. This coincided with several games with similar basic premise - the Ultima series and its clone, Die Dunkle Dimension ("The Dark Dimension"). The beginning of Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny had me immediately hooked by starting off right in the middle of things. You answer the call, enter a magical portal in a stone circle in the woods by moonlight, and soon after rejoining your old friends on the other side you end up being attacked by extremely powerful entities, the Shadowlords, and they cut down a friend. You beat a hasty retreat and then start the game at a hideout in earnest. Talk about a powerful initial scene!
I don't read much typical fantasy fiction, really. So consider me both surprised and delighted that a very similar genre is quite popular in Japan, "Isekai." A hero is transported to or reincarnated in another world. The genre has not only developed its own set of tropes, by now it also has spawned its own set of parodies, something that happens late in the lifecycle of a genre of fiction when it has found a wide enough appeal.
So I checked a few lists on the internet, got myself a Crunchyroll subscription, and dug in like at an all-you-can-eat buffet. There's a lot to chose from but I recently found myself watching two shows in particular, Handyman Saitou in another world and Cautious Hero: The Hero is Overpowered but Overly Cautious. Both are parodies and poke quite a bit of fun at the genre, and they're decent or actually great shows most of the time... and then they either involve some really cringy if not outright questionable bits. Sigh.
Handyman Saito
Now this is in general a decent, light-hearted show, mostly consisting of shorts describing many aspects of living in a fantasy world for fun. People know their "level" so this becomes part of their social status, so one scene happens at a sort of dating agency - a business meant to find you a suitable marriage partner. I guess that's a thing in Japan. And the fantasy version is just as unforgiving, apparently, as the real one - you're too old, your level is not particularly high... I guess the equivalent would be a middling salary at middle age. Talk about a status-conscious society! Makes me wonder about Japan, really. But then again, for all its talk of romantic love and finding the right partner, the tendency in the West has increasingly been to avoid uneven social status pairings. Something that was quite common in the 60s and 70s (and maybe necessary due to the prospects of women in society...) has now largely reversed, and most people pick exactly in their own bracket of education and earning. So maybe Japan looks very status-conscious at first, or maybe "we" are just hypocrites about it...?
Anyway, the show has in general a solid, good-natured, silly humor and is relaxing to watch for the most part. Whenever it attempts to tell longer stories, it falls flat, but it slowly adds a bit of detail to its characters and how they fit together, has a little light romance between the tank knight girl and Saitou, and in general helps us see this place through Saitou's eyes, a person without magical talent or fighting skills but handy in many situations.
And then it suddenly dumps sexualized content on you... for laughs? Not always sure. When the knight girl has to take her armor off, there's a comment how big her breasts are. Isn't it great when your friends are like this...? Now, Saitou is never that guy - he's not only decent to a fault, he also has a crush on her. But it was the first time the show felt off to me.
Sometimes it veers between cringy and funny when it reveals that the base of the system of measurement is the... equipment... of a long-dead king. (I admit I had to laugh...) But then there is another dick joke... turning into a blowjob joke... and this scene between two female adventurers with a closeted romance brewing where the cleric... licks... the elf's... wounds...
Come on! I'm watching this show to be amused. Suddenly it's all gone full-on perv fetish. That was stupid. Of course this would also be the part where your parents would walk in on you - if you are a minor or living at home. Explain that one.
In general I enjoy the series. It slowly gives its characters depth. Things played up for laughs are later on motivated, so your understanding of the actions people take shifts. Of course, given the general nature of the show it's yet to be seen if any of these details will matter. I haven't finished yet. Currently it's mostly stuck in a not-very-well executed boss fight that brings various characters together being drawn out for some drama.
Cautious Hero
Now this is generally a well-executed show. It plays on apparently classical Isekai tropes - hero gets called into a world by a god or goddess, then saves the world. So our second protagonist is a somewhat ditzy goddess with good intentions.
The show is smart and actually manages quite well to base its humor - and story - on the single idea that the hero is overly cautious, likes to plan, be prepared, and all of that to a fault. This should get stale fast but somehow it doesn't. We actually learn that in spite of being cold and arrogant, the hero actually seems to be a decent person at heart. His actions betray care where his words don't. In fact, he's outright verbally abusive towards others, also rather paranoid. Part of the appeal is how that is woven into the story. I haven't finished this one as of yet, either.
So this is not just a good show, it's bordering on being a great show. It has great execution, it toys with tropes, drama, twists. This is solid, entertaining craftsmanship. But...
The depiction of women... well, mostly goddesses... and their treatment by the hero is horrible. And any attempts at humor about this are often crude and cringy. There seems to be a thing about bust size between goddesses, and the show is overly full of boob windows and outfits that hide nothing. But I guess that's not uncommon in anime or manga. So that is a problem (sometimes of bizarre proportions), but it's not the main problem.
There is the behavior of the goddesses, for one thing. Okay, the co-protagonist is a bit of naive ditz, and it actually works most of the time quite well. But then there is a goddess who becomes compulsively obsessed with the hero, then there is another that is an outright horndog with absolutely no sense of dignity or sense once she gives in to it. (That scene is just pathetic.) Then there is the goddess who likes to feel up other goddesses - and as our co-protagonist points out, she's basically a harasser. Ha ha. This mixes in with the boob jokes - including a (censored) depiction of what high speed flight does to these skimpy outfits. Are you slapping your thighs yet?
I'm amazed adults dare to write and animate such stuff that you find funny when you are... 13?
Sadly, this is not the end of it. There's a scene where the hero hits a female. Repeatedly. WTF. Now his argument (he's always rational) that she is at fault for killing her own soldiers (while blaming him) through bad judgment and bad leadership is valid. But neither is what follows funny or appropriate. I was dazed watching it, especially as the scene continued. Repeated slaps in the face.
This is a real shame. None of this contributes anything to making the show fun or good or adds to the plot. It could be just as easily removed, leaving behind a really good show. So why the cringe? And why the poor betrayal of women as idiots? Almost all "single" women of eligible age (mostly goddesses, one human) are portrayed as idiots of some shape and form. Female characters can be the butt of a joke like anyone else, but this is one-sided and pretty much all the time crosses over into pure cringe. And the one exception to the cringe rule gets the biggest boobs with the biggest window to display them.
So, I can't really recommend these shows to anyone, in spite of intending to watch especially Cautious Hero to finish. Can we just have anime without such crude jokes and such low behavior? Something that is fun and funny?
Anime makers need to get a clue from what was at the base of this joke from Spinal Tap almost thirty forty (corrected) years ago: Ian Faith : They're not gonna release the album… because they have decided that the cover is sexist.
Nigel Tufnel : Well, so what? What's wrong with bein' sexy? I mean there's no…
Ian Faith : Sex-IST!
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imeanwhynotbruv · 2 years
Detroit become human Au
Robo Boy Au.
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>>Ok hear me out, I know I have a lot of Au’s for a lot of fandoms already that I could just be adding to & trust me I will! Pinky promise! But I thought of this and I had to, I just had to!<<
Ok so Connor was never made to be a detective, instead he was a special order made my a family who recently lost their son in a tragedy.
Grace & Alan Stokes have 3 kids, Sarah (9yo), Michael (15yo) Harry (17-18yo) they were happy normal family (just basic cliche fam)
Then one day Harry dies saving people (maybe from a gunman idk) and it makes the news, people all of the city are devastated to hear about the young hero who had so much talents life be cut short, especially after he saves so many people.
So CyberLife reach out to the family out of the goodness of their heart (*cough* publicity & promotion*cough*) and offer to make the family a custom android to their design.
The Stokes are a bit hesitant at first but after a lot of promoting they commission the build of a teenage model with an athletic build and a unique face. They didn’t make it look exactly like Harry but like maybe could’ve been a cousin or something. Thus Dennis (Connor, it’s Connor, just bear with me here) is created. Like he was Made to be the closest thing to a human (more so than any other child android yet) and is super high tech
So the Stokes think everything is going to be fine, this android is human enough that you wouldn’t immediately pick up on the fact he’s an android if you didn’t know. But he’s not human enough for them. He’s not their son. He’s not enough like Harry. He’ll do little things wrong because “Harry would never do that”
The son Michael takes out his frustrations on Dennis because he’s a machine that can’t feel pain, and the parents won’t intervene because it’s better he does it to a robot than to someone who annoys him at school.
The daughter is nice enough but she’s young and grieving her brother. She doesn’t see Dennis as her brother, she doesn’t see him as someone who’s trying to replace her brother, she just sees him as a doll living in their house.
One day,Alan, who has never been a violent man, loses his shit at attacks Dennis (starts to road to deviancy) then when he regains control of himself he’s horrified because whilst Dennis isn’t Harry’s replica, he does look similar and deffo looks like a teenager. So Grace & Alan decide it’s better if they stop playing pretend and try to get therapy or something.
So they log into a sketchy website bc it’s the quickest way to get rid of Dennis without there being some kind of scandal. They give him to this sketchy guy who takes Dennis away so they never have to see him again. Dennis ends up being locked up in a basement closet thing for a while (the fear adds to his building deviancy)
Then Dennis gets sold to this guy who has an old child moddle named Sam who’s just so sweet if a little glitchy. The guy is an asshole and puts Dennis through hell but Sam makes it a little better.
Then one night the guy loses his shit and permanently breaks Sam and almost does the same to Dennis. Seeing Sam die and knowing that the guy (fuck let’s call him Kevin) wont face any repercussions from that + the fear for his own life finally sends Dennis into full deviancy.
Dennis defends himself agains Kevin and knocks him out but doesn’t kill him (at lest I don’t think so )
Dennis escapes and while hiding on the street meets a girl, Ruby Adams who’s a human.
Ruby takes him in, shows him where her and the other street kids hang out, she also doesn’t care that he’s a deviant. She also never calls him Dennis.
Ruby is also a hacker.
Ruby teaches Dennis how to hack with a computer and that then translates into him being able to go even further than anyone has been able to ever go. They have some fun shenanigans and Dennis becomes one of the biggest pains in the ass the DPD has to deal with. ( like he can fuck shit up by just looking an focusing)
Ruby asks him if he likes being Dennis, as he never got a choice on who he could be & he realises he never wants to be Dennis again.
So Ruby helps him become someone else. So then we get the birth of :
Connor Evans.
Then a raid on the hideout by the DPD goes wrong and Ruby is killed but Connor escapes.
Connor continues hacking and helping some of the deviants he comes across.
Eventually gets picked up by Hank.
At first Hank doesn’t give two shits about this cocky little asshole, but then Connor keeps escaping & the DPD keep catching him to the point it becomes kind of like a game & a running gag between the two of them. (Maybe idk)
Then Hank realised their gonna permanently deactivate this kid and he realised he can’t live with that.
So Hank basically kidnapps Connor and hides him in his house whilst hunting other deviants to see if he can find someone to help this kid out.
Hank realises he’s becoming very attacked & so does Connor so we get a lot or Angst then feels
Of course all our other fav android friends join the fun and various points
Ok I feel like I went on a bit so imma stop there. Not sure how or what I might change but I like the idea of hacker Connor so I’ll probably do something more with this but like I also have other drafts for my other stuff I need to finish 😅
Let me know if you like this or have any questions/ suggestions
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed.
Tag: HackMyHeartAu
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formulaorange · 2 years
Winter 2023 - What to Watch
The new year is here and we aren't starting it off slow. There's a lot that look worth checking out so buckle up, this is a long post full of anime recommendations.
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Starting with some banger sequels: Vinland Saga S2 Tokyo Revengers S2 The Misfit of Demon King Academy S2 Bofuri S2 The Vampire dies in No Time S2 Bungou Stray Dogs S4 We also have the continuations of these shows, each one, honestly worth a watch: BlueLock My Hero Academia S6 To Your Eternity S2 The Eminence in Shadow All of these are some big name series that'll definitely have their own following. Personally I'm looking forward to the contrast between the seriousness of Vinland Saga and the dumb humour in The Vampire dies in No Time. As for new series, there's definitely a few noteworthy ones:
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NieR: Automata Ver 1.1a For all you gamers out there, NieR is finally getting a solid looking anime. But also for those who haven't played the game, this honestly looks like a solid sci-fi series. 100% worth checking it out. Kubo-san Won't Let me be Invisible This is a new series from Shonen Jump. (I believe there's only 3 english volumes out as of now.) It seems like a solid slice of life and there'll definitely be a decent fan following.
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Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill This is a series I started reading a while back and it's actually so much fun, I can't believe MAPPA ended up being the ones who picked it up. I think it'll be a solid show and I'm really looking forward to watching it come to life.
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Buddy Daddies This looks super fun and cute. It seems similar to Yakuza babysitter but more shonen jump-esque? Genres are comedy and organized crime. Should be a solid series regardless of if there's any similarities to spyxfamily.
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Trigun Stampede While I don't know much about the trigun series, I think it's crazy that it looks like this entire show is 100% CGI. I'm interested to see how smooth it actually looks because the trailer looked damn impressive. The Ice Guy and his Cool Female Colleague I've heard about this series and it looks like such a solid adult romance (as in they're actually adults). I'm stoked to have another series like this coming up.
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Sugar Apple Fairy Tale The animations look so good 😭I'm such a sucker for this animation style and character design. Something about it just too pretty to not check out. There's also something about it that give me Mushoku tensei vibes. Giant Beasts of Ars This actually looks super different. The concept and creatures look interesting and has an oddly medieval vibe to things. Reminds me a bit of DND. I think it'll be a neat series worth looking into if you're interested in the Kaiju fighting genre. Malevolent Spirits: Monogatari Not going to lie, this looks like a JJK spin off or some kind of smaller SJ series. I'll check it out and see if it actually has any potential, but for now it looks like the standard standout mc with a group of people he's stuck with to fight of spirits. Some additional ones that look interesting:
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Revenger I originally thought this would be a write off because it's so low on the list for anticipated series and the name seemed kinda bland, but the trailer actually looks neat. It seems to be an old school action with an anti-hero in old Japan. I can't really explain it well, but definitely worth a look over. Hikari no Ou This is the artsy series for the season. It looks primarily story focused and has the standard artsy animation style (sonny boy, heike monogatari). If you're here for the story, I think this is the one to check out. In/Spectre S2 This series has a solid manga following and seems to have a really interesting concept. Worth taking a look at. Spy Classroom Tbh, I don't think i'll watch this, but it seems like something worth mentioning. Essentially assassination classroom but with spies. If you're looking for the ecchi series - check out: My Life as Inukai-san's Dog This guy's turned into a dog and is kept by the girl he likes. Just 100% ecchi, very limited plot by the looks of it.
And of course, the 3 episode isekai/fantasy section: Farming Life in Another World Not much that needs to be said, but if it can stay as a wholesome farming anime then I'll likely watch a few episodes. The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World The animations look pretty solid and it seems like there might be some interesting creatures/plot points to this one. Worth a few episodes at least. Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte Interesting take on the current theme of entering shoujo games. Essentially these 2 friends are somehow able to talk to the mc in a love game, confusing him and pretty much acting as the angel and the devil on his shoulder. Final Notes: There's a bunch more out that that I ended up not including just for quality's sake. Save you guys the pain of all the isekais out there this season. At the end of the day, there's some really solid sequels of much loved shows and just as many decent looking new series. My guess is that if Buddy Daddies actually holds it's ground against some of the others, it'll be one of the underdogs of the season.
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I'm only making this one because I'm actually writing a story about a group of highschoolers who live in a city where crime is in the very air they breathe (if anyone's curious I might talk about it on my main blog).
So naturally I'm always interested in mafia/organized crime (not doing it btw).
But, those Grand Mafia ads are hilariously stupid and it really makes me wanna have a game that has ridiculous options in a setting like that.
I might not be able to find it, but one if my favorite ads is when the Lv. 10 thug has a choice to help a woman lying beside a trash can or to turn hee in for an x amount reward. He turns her in and after she gets out (or is never put in prison) she finds him and has her men beat the guy up.
These options are so stupid and honestly... I kind of like how stupid they are.
So, what I came up with is more or less what it shows in the fake ad. You start in some random seed with a certain amount of funds, infamy, and allies.
I can't think of a world where this game has just one goal for you to reach, so I feel having the players pick what they want to do would be better.
For ex. Let's say you wanted to become the cities most infamous gang. Your random seed would start you off with some weapons, no allies, and a decent amount of funds.
You can do whatever you want from here.
Wanna attack a big time leader? Go ahead.
Think you can just rob a bank? It wouldn't hurt to try.
Maybe you just wanna sit back and wait for someone to ask for help. Well, there's that option too.
I would imagine the "evil" options being something like stealing the hard work of another NPC.
In the end, however you reach your goal is up to you. It might take a day or it might take a month.
Random events could would also take place and it would range anywhere between getting 1 mill from a heist to you getting ratted out by someone.
I also want to associate some form or risk-reward system or a reckless vs. calculated option. Some options would be safer to pick with a lower payout, but help in the long run, while the risky options have a higher reward output and less advantage long term.
Honestly, it'd also be a nice way to teach people about decision making and how impulsive choices can sometimes backfire hard.
It sounds like players would make the most ridiculous choices and I would love to see something like this lol.
Now I wanna give a typical playthrough in case anything I said doesn't make sense (that's entirely possible)
You start the game, make your character, give them a certain set of stats, and you're dropped into your seed.
From here, you're given a list of goals. Most infamous crime leader, owner of 20 different fancy sports cars, billionaire, private island owner, etc... (Some I thought of are more serious, so I'm not gonna put them, but I'm sure any true crime lovers can take a guess.)
With your goal picked it's up to you to make it happen.
During anything you do, there's a chance for random events to take place that can alter the your success. Almost all decisions you make will happen, but there's a chance (I'd say around 10%) that something unexpected can happen.
So, you keep playing until you meet your goal. Sometimes you can be set back for miles or you can get a huge boost in whatever you choose.
I had a similar idea with those King's choice games, and it would more or less be the same. Especially the ones that say you can pick how to raise your child.
I just imagine you adopt a child thinking your spouse will see you as some Mother Teresa and then you just neglect to raise the child properly and the kid snitches on you making becoming a monarch 20x harder 😭
I'm a big fan of choice based games as well as visual novels, so I'm sure this would be a funny asf game to play.
Check out the Hero Wars one I did also.
But, thanks for reading if you got this far!
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shotorozu · 3 years
encountering a ‘pick me’ girl
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character(s) : kirishima eijirou, todoroki shouto, bakugou katsuki (bnha)
warning : PICK ME GIRL, misogyny (?) pick me girl makes an off handed comment about your body but it’s not detailed at all
legend : [Y/N = your name] afab! reader, but they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : fluff, angst if you squint
note(s) : i made 2 versions of this post so,, if you’re reading this— then i probably decided that i liked this one more than the other one i made,, anyways, i used real life examples 💀
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kirishima eijirou
i’d imagine that eijirou would have an idea of what a pick me girl is— i mean, there were probably 2 of those girls in middle school
but has he experienced it first hand? nahh.
though, eijirou didn’t think he’d encounter one when he was already in a healthy and committed relationship!
eijirou is practically friends with everyone— and yeah, even the most unexpected. so, he’s bound to accidentally befriend a pick me girl
him, being the nicest one out of all of the characters in this list, will still be nice to said pick me girl, despite wanting to snob them to the core
because really— you can’t really fight fire with fire in some cases
but, he can be everything but lenient when the pick me girl starts insulting you for doing certain things, and for absurd reasons too
like,, how you laugh, and how you take care of yourself (for example— if you wear makeup, or how you style your hair)
which is odd! everything about you is everything but the things the pick me girl has stated so.. he cannot stand by.
the girl giggles to herself after that snide comment leaves her lip gloss coated lips. eijirou shifts uncomfortably— honestly taken aback by the anything but subtle insult that was thrown at you
“like.. seriously! it’s honestly quite superficial if you look at it like that. who the hell would put that much effort infront of your boyfriend? i’d assume they’d see everything AND everything but.. i guess not.”
you blink. superficial? now that’s a new one. the girl infront of you has been babbling insults sugarcoated in boasts the entire time, and you’re just wondering if it’s about time you guys leave but—
“well that’s unfair,” your boyfriend laughs, “i put the same amount of effort as this cutie right here,” eijirou pokes at your cheek, earning a quick laugh from you— which he can only thank the heavens for that
“but that’s different. it actually looks put together when you’re doing it, eiji.” the certain glint in her smile makes you want to wipe it right off with a dirty mop, “it’s impossible to look put together with expensive clothes, but being built like a—”
the sound of the sliding of a chair is quicker than your actions, and it easily cuts her off.
“i’m sorry, but we gotta go, it’s totally not cool of you to say those things about Y/N!”
“what? but i mean.. it’s true, right? i’m looking out for them! they’re literally out here l—”
“bye!” eijirou waves her goodbye with your hand, dismissing the sour expression on her face— as he dashes off with you
you’d question how he’s just so nice to people like that, but when he turns around, you could see the distaste in his eyes
“so that’s what a pick me girl’s like,” shaking his head, his expression lights up with such a quick manner “i’ll never make friends that are like that again!”
safe to say, eijirou’s friend list has been a a person shorter ever since that incident
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bakugou katsuki
oh, so that girl’s bold bold.
if she thinks she could get away with being a not so subtle pick me girl infront of bakugou katsuki, then she couldn’t be more wrong.
it’s absolutely revolting— i mean, he hasn’t displayed any romantic feelings towards ANYONE that isn’t you.
also, they’re quite gutsy if you ask me. so congrats for having guts??
i don’t think he’d be friends with a pick me girl. he’s very selective of who he’s befriending, so it’s probably your friend that’s the pick me girl in this case
he wouldn’t know what a pick me girl would be, but he’d probably know the description of one.
over some time, he’d grow some resistance to insults directed at him, but when someone insults his s/o
oh boy. that’s not good. remember when i said that katsuki was almost like your scary and intimidating dog
this is what i mean
knows he can’t make a scene, so his first option is to be dismissive asf— but if said pick me girl literally can’t get it, he won’t be afraid of shoving some explosions into her face
because his hands are rated e for everyone
“so you wanna be picked or something, is that it?” he hates how you literally have the resistance of a rock— which is something he always liked, but in this case hated. if it weren’t for you— he would’ve blasted explosions into her sorry excuse of a face until it’s beyond recognition (that wouldn’t be hero like, is what you’ve said in the past, but he disagrees.)
but seriously? ugh. he just wants to leave this horrid place, and make some dinner with you in the comfort of his home. why are you even friends with her anyway? she’s not even trying to be slick at this point.
“p-picked? i’m not understanding, katsu.”
“it’s bakugou.”
“right,” her laughter is like nails on chalkboard, “i’m just watching out for Y/N, y’know? there’s no point in wearing all of that.. on their face.” and she’s obviously referring to your obviously very well done makeup
“it’ll make your skin terrible in the long run! and really— i couldn’t really understand on why someone would wear that much, when you could survive with i dunno.. lip gloss at most?”
you would’ve actually said something as a rebuttal, but your boyfriend is quicker, and a lot more direct than anyone else in the area.
“just say you can’t do makeup and fucking scram,” katsuki’s ice cold glare finally breaks out of the act he’s been trying to hold together for you
“their makeup is fucking bomb as hell, compared to your ridiculous spider lashes, lady. come back when you’ve watched james charles’ entire fucking channel.” he harshly states in similar bakugou fashion, despite the lack of screaming.
and if you squinted hard enough, you could see tears welling up in her eyes. but katsuki tugs your hand before anything else could be said
“let’s fucking go, you need better friends.”
he makes you cut ties with all of them, and he practically scolds your terrible choice of friends— but he goes quiet when you tell him that you’ve been friends with her since middle school
“good fucking riddance. next time, i’ll punch them as soon as they say something outta line, got that?” and next time (hopefully, there won’t be a next time) you’ll actually lash out— or maybe,, you’ll let him loose for once.
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todoroki shouto
now shouto might be,, socially unaware sometimes. but he can tell whenever someone’s trying to insult his s/o
like,, right away.
now— you both run into this person after a pleasant date, and she eagerly presented herself as your friend
so, her attitude catches him off guard because who’d have anything rude to say about you and towards shouto’s face? especially when it’s about something normal.
like,, wasn’t she your friend?? why is she even like this?
his hostility is very well known, so they should be scared.
he gets detached from the conversation, and he’ll immediately go cold— and shouto would probably go as far as walking away with your hand in his
doesn’t matter if he properly says goodbye or not— if a girl’s being rude to his s/o, they obviously don’t deserve his usually polite attitude. nope, that’s a luxury.
oh— and what more when they’re seeking for his validation. newsflash! said pick me girl won’t be get any from him.
shouto couldn’t stop the bitterness bleeding into his mouth, when the girl in front of him continued to babble and take up the valuable time he had left with his s/o
initially, she presented herself as your friend from middle school— but as of now? she seems to be more interested in him more than you, despite knowing you first.
she’d ask him a string of obvious questions with very obvious answers, like ‘is she treating you well?’ ‘is she acting correctly?’ and questions of the sort
“oh, sorry! i’d hate to cut this conversation short, but—” you finally decide that it was about time to leave, while shouto looks pretty,, deadpanned right now, you could tell that he was gradually starting to get irritated by your friend’s words.
“wait. thats.. kind of controlling, don’t you think? do you ever let shou make decisions?”
“uh.. controlling? since when??” you question at the accusation. this girl knows nothing about your relationship dynamic, and she’s already jumping the gun and making conclusions.
your gaze snaps back to shouto, who looks just as surprised as he could possibly be.
“yeah! it clearly looks like he still wants to talk” which is an obvious lie, shouto just wants it out of here “i wonder how you managed to snag such a guy like him,” she comments with a smile that looked anything above suspicion (yet, it makes your stomach churn)
you could see the way her hand gets gradually closer to him— and frankly, you’re not sure about what she was planning to do next, “you wouldn’t need to dress all expensive and fancy, if you’re with a girl with an already classy appear—”
“i think this conversation is over,” shouto grip is firm on the wrist that was attempting to grab his shoulder, shouto makes no attempt to even look at the girl infront of him “i don’t know what you’re trying to do, but it’s not humorous. at all.”
“what?” she stammers, drawing her hand back “i-it’s obvious they don’t know how to take a joke! this is why there are barely any good w—”
shouto’s next actions knocks her speechless, his hand rests at the small of your back, before gently guiding you forward— “love, what movie are we watching later?” he says, making an effort to press a quick, yet intense kiss on your lips
“oh,” you breathe out, surprised by this action. “don’t be so tense, love.” shouto comments on how tense your shoulders have looked, ever since she started running her mouth, “now.. what movie do you want to watch tonight? comedy? thriller?”
“you pick,” you laugh at the quick shift of topic. and when you look behind you, you could see shame and defeat welling up on her face. shouto finally feels like he could smile again, the bitterness dissipating from his mouth
after shouto questions you if that was what a pick me girl was, he makes sure that you guys won’t ever encounter such thing again
“you.. don’t have more friends like that, right? if you do— we could always do another friend list cleansing.” this statement makes you laugh but shouto is anything but joking
but being reminded of his reaction to that ‘pick me’ girl does puts a smile on your face.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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zukuist · 3 years
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐫/𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲
1.1K followers special
fandom/s: 僕のヘロアカデミア // boku no hero academia (bnha)
includes: i. midoriya, s. todoroki, k. bakugō, h. shinsō, d. kaminari
your name is shortened to y/n, gender neutral reader
notes: can’t believe i gained alot in like.. a week, so this is my thank you to all of you! also i know i’ve been gone for,, a week, but that’s because of school they suck
midoriya izuku
i’d say he’s pretty good at replying and taking incoming calls.
sometimes he’d get anxious just thinking about talking to you in person (yeah, even when you guys are officially together.) so he’d just hit you up via text messages. it’s usually accompanied with an emoji, greeting you a hello, and what are you doing? text message. once he gets more comfortable, he’ll start sending pictures of things that remind him of you
example of his text style: “Hey :) What are you doing, y/n?” yeah, and he has auto caps on. he never thought about turning that off
he’s just glad that you can’t tell that his palms are sweaty as he typed that out.
regarding face times, and calls, he takes them pretty quickly. pretty much after the first ring. he tries not to, but he panics when he sees your caller id, and the idea of accidentally hanging up on you haunts him.
btw, your nickname is set to “aaaa this is y/n ❤️” and he puts the A’s on front, so that you’d be on the top of his contact lists.
bakugō katsuki
uh.. he’s kind of bad at it, but it’s intentional.
first and foremost, katsuki prefers talking in person. he might get called a grandpa for that, but he couldn’t care less tbh. he rarely picks up on calls, and the only time he bothers on picking up, is if you call him, or if it’s his mother. he’s very straightforward too! no beating around the bush here
example of his text style: “No.” “I’m coming over.” “Answer your damn phone.” rarely uses emojis, unless if he’s sarcastic
oh, and did i forget to mention that he makes sure to use the period at the end of every sentence? it’s super intimidating, like.. you’d assume he’s mad, but he’s only does that as an indicator that the convo is over
usually not nervous when you guys are exchanging messages, but he does get surprised when he sees you calling him. he answers quick, so if he doesn’t want to talk to you, he’ll just decline your call 💀
your nickname is set to “dumbass 😐” but you changed it to “dumbass <3” he doesn’t bother on changing it back
todoroki shotō
he’s actually decent (surprise? hm.. maybe?)
even though shotō prefers in person, and face to face conversations (especially with a special person like you) he’s great at replying, and picking up your calls. with everyone else, he’s used to sticking with text messages, and staying silent, until his name is mentioned, or if anyone asked for his input. in regards with you? he’d drop everything just to answer you!
example of his text style: “y/n, could i come over?” “may i come over for some cuddles?” auto caps are off, he uses caps when he needs to.
his sarcasm also grows during text, like.. if you’re sick, and if you ask him if he’ll come over, shotō will reply with “no, i’m going to train. of course i’m coming over” also uses emoticons like :) and <3 a lot
surprisingly eager to answer your text messages and calls. as soon as he sees that you’re calling, or if you sent him a message, he’ll immediately answer.
of course, your nickname is sent to “my love <3” and it has been that way ever since he started liking you. and no, he won’t change it, even if you beg him to
shinsō hitoshi
dry ass texter :/ and it’s not even funny on how bad he is (on the regular)
hitoshi just.. never had the reason to text you? well again, it’s not like he hated the idea, but he just preferred being with you more (quite similar to todoroki) he usually has all of the group chats he’s in on mute, and he never answers within minutes. the shortest time he took to reply was 5 minutes, but that’s about it. otherwise, your reply comes in roughly 3 hours! okay but.. he won’t ghost you. that’s different. he’s just shit at picking up and replying
example of his text style: “ok” “yea” “im going to your room, don’t ask” he’ll send a crude meme to make up for his dry text messages, and his auto caps are always off. also uses emojis like <3 and >:(
never picks up on calls, if you don’t tell him before hand. he has his own thing going on, so unless you tell him first, he won’t really bother on picking up.
but he’s nocturnal, so most of the time, he finds himself talking to you more around 11pm and beyond. eventually, the dry text messages disappear, and then comes in the subtly flirty hitoshi. so yeah, he might be absolute ass at calls and texts, but he’ll talk when you’re asleep probably
your nickname is set to “kitty” or “the other half of me” because yeah <3
kaminari denki
the best at texting, out of all of them.
sends you messages on a regular, to the point that he could be in the same room as you, and he’d send you a funny tiktok, even when he could just show you personally. the only time he doesn’t pick up, or answer your calls immediately is if he’s playing games with his besties, but of course, he makes sure to tell you that first.
example of his text style : “hey shawty 😩✋‼️‼️‼️ can i pls come over 🤩” “ugh why do you have to be studying rn, can’t you do something else in my presence 😔 #wounded” uses a tone of emojis, and hashtags when he wants to mess with you
with calls, it takes him a few rings for him to pick up, and when he accidentally misses your call, he’ll ring you up right away. ‘shawty please pick up 🥺‼️‼️‼️ i was taking the fattest dookie’ yeah, he tells too much detail sometimes.
his nickname for you is “shawty bae y/n” or “the best person to hug, kiss, and annoy” he gets creative, and he changes it depending on his mood.
© zukuist 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not steal❕
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burntmcnuggies · 4 years
Jealous Bird (Smut)
Jealous! Hawks x Reader
Warnings: sexual themes, strong language, feral Hawks, rut, unprotected sex, and a jealous birb, 18+ only please! :D
If you’d like the fluff version and not the smut, you can go here! ➪ Fluff <3
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“Mornin’ chicken wing. What’re we doin’ for breakfast? I paid last time so this is allll on you.” Hawks sent a playful wink towards you as he landed beside you from his previous place in the air, holding his hand up and rubbing his index and thumb together as a sign he wanted you to pay. You rolled your eyes and rose your hand, mocking him. “Don’t forget who spent hours doing YOUR paperwork because a certain birdbrain was too lazy to do it.” Hawks held up his hands in defeat and slumped over, sticking out his bottom lip, over exaggerating his facial expressions. He whined and let his wings droop. “C’mon just one more time? Pretty please with your favorite pretty bird on top?”
“Stop dragging your wings, you’re gonna get them dirty.” You scolded and pat his back, slightly feeling how tense his shoulder were. You were about to offer to give him a massage later, not wanting your friend to have to sleep tonight with stiff muscles until you noticed something. His wings were almost glowing a whole new shade now. Such a vibrant and beautiful color. It was then realizing how close you were that you could hear a faint cooing bubbling from his throat. “...? The fuck are you doing Hawks?” He looked over confused and tilted his head. You grumbled at his lack of knowing exactly what he was doing. “Do you even have complete control over your body? You don’t even realize you’re whistling and cooing like some pigeon.”
You completely missed the pissed off look that crossed his face at your comment. He plastered on a cheeky smile and put his hands behind his back, picking his wings off the ground and tucking them firmly behind his back. “Nah, sometimes my bird-side comes out, especially during spring. God I go fuckin’ crazy. Sometimes it’s early and I have to take a whole week off a work!” You looked up to a couple trees you both passed while you were walking to your usual breakfast place, KFC —Although you always debate you want to go somewhere else. It was late winter, very close to spring, about March. You never kept up with the date. “Why do you take a whole week off?”
“People with animal quirks like me would understand. Just like Mirko! Haha, I’m sure she’s the worst right now bein’ it’s early March!” He laughed and put his hands out, his hands snaking into his pockets to firmly stick there. You pouted, wanting to know exactly what Hawks was talking about. You told Hawks everything, but he didn’t give you the same treatment. “I’ll just ask Mirko later then if you refuse to tell me.” Hawks quickly wagged his finger side to side in front of your face, his other hand being placed on his hip now. You were familiar with his body language and how much he loved using his hands. “Nah ah, chicken wing. You do that and she’s gonna pounce on you. You won’t see light for days!”
“Mirko has accidentally jumped on me before, it’s not like we haven’t sparred before! I can withstand some punches and kicks!” Hawks sulked again, his hands digging back into his pockets, displaying his annoyance that you weren’t listening to him. He just looked away and shrugged his shoulders back. “Just trust me, kiddo. It’d be for the best you didn’ see Mirko, especially at a time like this. I know how she feels.” You were starting to get irritated at his lack of response to your question, only dodging it and making you sit in suspense. Finally you gave up and decided to bring it back up later. “I’m just gonna stop asking, you’re obviously not gonna answer me are you?”
“Haha! Nope! You know me too well, (Y/N).” You both arrived at KFC, immediately greeted by the manager and many of Hawks’ fans who knew he came there a lot. Many asked for his autograph or a selfie, but he refused politely. “I’ll do some after I get some chicken! I’m starved!” Super fans offered to even pay for his food, to which he declined, saying that you were kind enough to have already offered to pay for his food. A total fat lie! He begged you to pay! You sent him a glare and proceeded just to order both your meals while Hawks spoke with his fans. “Well, guess I can start now! Who’s first?” After he saw you were paying and ordering, he began to sign autographs and take selfies that would no doubt be on social media in minutes.
“Man! I sure do have a lot of supportive and loyal fans! Must suck never bein’ noticed.” Hawks passively insulted your rank as a pro hero by taking a jab at your ranking. You were somewhere in the mid thirties. Not popular at all, especially in this part of Japan where Hawks was born. “At least I have fans who aren’t thirsty for me! Getting all wet and horny at night thinking of their hero Hawks taking them from behind~” You smirked and rose your hands shrugging your shoulders, before hugging yourself. You bit your lip, closing your eyes and squirming with a dreamy smile, mocking his thirsty fan girls. “Oh Hawks! Please I’ll do anything for you! Take me! Oh please fuck my sopping pussy with your big fat cock til I can’t move anymore! Mm! Cum inside me! Let me bare your kids!
You didn’t notice the way his wings trembled and his face reddened, his avian eyes widening as he watched you speak so lewdly. He shook it off quickly before he got out of control and leaned forward towards you smirking. “At least I have fans thirstin’ for my cock~ haven’t heard of anyone wantin’ your boring ass!” He gave a closed eye smile and brought his hands up to give you a big fat thumbs down. Your eye twitched and you remained silent, not having a comment. That was until you remembered a villain hitting on you not too long ago. “Well at least I’ve had a villain fawn over me! I can still remember it clearly! ‘Oh fuck, I would turn good to get a piece of that ass!’”
This time you noticed how his brows furrowed, and his wings fluffed up, almost as if he just had a whole shiver rake through his body. “When was this?” He asked, his head now resting in his right hand, staring intently. You thought about it for a minute, before taking a wild guess. “Ehh, about like a couple months ago.” This only put him in a more sour mood. You didn’t understand why he was acting so strange. Maybe it was what you talked about? Obviously you’d never talked about anything sexual with Hawks, but on the topic of thirty fans aching for him, you wanted to make jokes since he was always mocking you and making sly insults. “Sorry... I didn’t mean to make things awkward.”
“Nah, it’s fine. It’s not your fault. Well... it kinda is.” He admitted afterwards and smirked at you teasingly as if you would already know it was your fault. You frowned, about to open your mouth again before they called your number to get your food. You sighed and stood from your seat, walking over to the counter and retrieving the food, however, you were stopped by a man. He was young, about nineteen or twenty, quite handsome. “Excuse me miss, this may sound really straightforward and all but, you’re really pretty, and I was wondering if I could get your number?” You blushed a bit and looked away. You were a bit weary, but decided anyways. “I-I don’t know... I guess so. You seem nice. It’s-“
“Hey there, you gotta hobby of stealin’ other people’s things?” A gloved band came in contact with your shoulder, and a large shadow cast over you and the man in front of you. The man gasped in amazement at seeing the number two pro hero standing before him, it would’ve been a better experience if Hawks wasn’t threatening him with his looks and smart-ass remarks. “Huh? Oh! S-Sorry I didn’t-“ Hawks rudely interrupted the man, his gloved hand squeezing harder. His smile was obviously forced, and his feathers were starting to fluff up every second that past he stood in front of this guy. “Eh don’t worry about, you didn’ know. Now that ya do, don’t come near her again, Kay?”
And in the blink of an eye, Hawks pulled you away and out of the fast food restaurant. He aggressively pulled out the food and shoved yours against your chest, unwrapping his quickly and munching on it. “What the hell Hawks?! That was a bit much! He was being nice! It’s not like we’re dating or anything...” You trailed off, watching his wings twitch and fluff. You had noticed his strange behavior for a couple days now. His feathers would fluff up every now and again —you had no idea why— especially near men. “You should be thankin’ me chicken wing. I just saved you from a world of heartbreak.”
“That’s not your place to decide, Hawks. I don’t intervene when women ask for your phone number.” You crossed yours arms and turned your nose up at his childish behavior. He didn’t respond, finishing his breakfast and throwing away his trash in a nearby can. His hands slipping back into his pockets, displaying that he was closing himself off from you now. Of course, you began to become irritated at his lack of voice, but you decided to let it go and not pressure him further. “You’ve been acting weird lately ya know? I’m getting worried...”
“Don’t worry about it, I’m fine.” Oh how you hated his emotionless voice, so bland and robotic, it honestly pained you. His eyes were sharp, quick to notice your saddened expression. Hawks sighed heavily and stuck his bottom lip out, wrapping his arm around your arms and pulling you close to him. “I’m one of the top five pros, you don’ gotta worry about me, chicken wing. Cheer up.” You smiled and shoved him off, only a bit happy his cocky and arrogant behavior had returned. The Hawks you knew and cherished. “You know, I hate you sometimes, but I can’t help but love you at the same time.”
“Who doesn’t love me? The sexiest bird-man around.” He smirked and gave you a flirtatious look, a small sound bubbling from his throat similar to a whistle. You returned his smirk with a teasing smile. You were almost immune to his flirty charm, key-word; almost. Hawks was definitely an attractive man. Those piercing eyes with dark markings around them, only making the color pop and glow. His messy hair swept back and disheveled. Let’s not forget about those bushy eyebrows of his, they almost look like feathers from his wings, only a beautiful ashy blonde color just like his hair. You could probably do without his egotistical attitude and vulgar tongue, but that was still all part of his charm. “Move!”
You were surprised by Hawks suddenly grabbing you and jerking you out of the way of an attack from a villain. You were right there in his chest, feeling his warmth, hearing the harsh thumping of his heart at the thought of almost losing you. Before he had a chance to say what he wanted. “Well there goes our leisurely patrol. And more paper work on our desks.” Hawks grunted in annoyance and took to the air. You finally regained your composure and got into your fighting stance. “Ready to kick some ass Hawks?! Whoever lands the final blow is treated to lunch!”
“Heh, you don’t stand a chance! Show me whatcha got!”
“Thanks Edgeshot... I totally owe you one.” You scratched their back of your neck with an awkward smile as you stood in front of the current number four hero. While Hawks was on the assault, eager to show off and boost his already high ego, you tried to get a sneak attack in, but the villain noticed you. They were about to attack you, before Edgeshot came and got you out of the way. Hawks didn’t take this too well. He became angry immediately and finished off the villain in a matter of seconds. “No thanks necessary, (H/N). I was just doing my job.” You hated being in debt to someone more than anything, so you quickly threw out an offer.
“Please! Let me take you out for drinks! Honestly! I’ve gotta do something! I-“ Suddenly a large shadow cast over you for the second time that day. You turned around and shrunk down noticing Hawks’ wings spread wide, fluffed to the brim and shaking in anger. His face was red and his eyes were narrowed at Edgeshot. He was angry at himself for not being able to protect you himself, and at Edgeshot for rescuing you and holding you close. That was supposed to be him. “H-Hawks? What’s wron-“ Edgeshot was the one who answered your main question earlier before Hawks could even get another word out. The answer shocked you to your core, finally understand why he was acting so weird.
“He’s showing his dominance, and in a public place no less, how careless.” You looked at the ninja hero confused before you turned your attention back to Hawks. Dominance? His wings were such a beautiful vibrant color now. A shade of red you’d never seen them before on him. A sudden flash captured your eyes, taking your attention away from his beautiful wings. The media was eating this up. Soon it would reach the Hero Public Safety Commission and the president would not like this one bit. “I’m sorry, (Y/N). But I’m impatient, I can’t wait any longer.” Your eyes widened as your attention was fully back on Hawks now. You opened your mouth about to ask what he meant, but something was preventing you from doing so.
Hawks’ lips were firmly placed upon your own, his bright red rings wrapping around the both of you to shield you from any watchful eyes wanting to take a peek at you. His lips were soft, his hands finding themselves on your waist, pulling you flush against his body. You were shocked, your eyes wide, heart hammering wildly out of your chest at the sudden action. Slowly, you began to kiss him back, falling victim to his charm and passionate ways. He was quickly heating up the kiss, but you placed your hands on his chest firmly, pushing him away just enough to separate your lips. He was chasing your lips, desperate to get another kiss. “Hawks what-“
“I’m tired of waiting. I can’t fucking hold it in any longer. I know I’m impatient, but you make it so fucking hard to hold back sometimes.” You opened your mouth about to question, but the only thing that came from your mouth was a terrified scream having Hawks launch you both into the air and fly quickly through the skies. You held onto him for dear life, screaming at him to put you down. You nearly hugged the ground when Hawks reached a luxury penthouse apartment. “What the hells the matter with y- mmm!” He forced his lips onto you quickly, roughly grabbing your body and pulling you against him. His wings still outstretched and flapping slightly.
His feathers went to open the sliding glass door, pushing you inside while still having your lips firmly connected. He was hungry, eating your mouth like it was the only thing he’d had in years. His tongue forced its way passed your lips, dominating the inside of your mouth with his fiery passion. Your hands clawed at his fluffy tan jacket, pulling him closer, your body now aching to be touched more by him. He was just so intoxicating. It was starting to get hard to breath after a while, and you tried to pull yourself away, but he moved with you, keeping your lips firmly together. He only parted away to growl out an order to you. “Breath through your nose.”
His hands were on you again, thick gloved hands trailing down your waist to grab a handful of your tasty ass. A squeak flew out of your lips, allowing him deeper access to your mouth than he already had. You couldn’t deny the dampness beginning to build down there. Your panties were now wet with your slick, making you slightly uncomfortable with the way the damp fabric rubbing against your folds. “God.” He breathed against your lips, not even giving you a second to catch your breath before he was on you again. His hands quickly got towork on getting your shirt off. “I can smell your fuckin’ arousal. Fuck it’s intoxicating. You drive me fucking crazy!”
“H-Hawks! W-Wait!” You voiced your want to stop and talk whatever he was feeling out, but just seeing that lustful passionate look in his eyes, it was a lost cause. His pupils were blown with lust, his breathing heavy and ragged, desperate to start touching you again. “It’s your fault... all your fuckin’ fault it came early. Now be a good baby bird and take responsibility.” You didn’t have time to refuse before he was on you again, his lips finding their way harshly to your neck, his teeth lightly biting. You jerked your head to the side, moaning softly at the feeling of his canines digging into your skin. Your heart was hammering harshly against your chest feeling his thick glove drift up your shirt, roughly grabbing your boobs, groaning at the squishy feeling in his hands. “I didn’ want you to see me like this... but after all the shit that’s happened today... I can’t hold back. Not anymore. That was out the door whenever you started mocking my thirty fans.”
He pulled your shirt over your head quickly, pushing you back into his couch while his hands grabbed your waist, his tongue sliding across the top of your breasts. A shiver raked through your body, low pants leaving your mouth as you watched his mouth move lower. In a flash of red, a feather came up and sliced your bra open, being the impatient man he is, he didn’t want to struggle with getting it off you just to see those perky nips of yours. You were quick to cover yourself, too embarrassed showing your best friend your body like that. It’s not like you would ever look at each other the same after this. A strong grip enclosed around your wrists, Hawks grabbing your wrists and pinning them by your sides.
“H-Hawks...” Your breathy whisper of his name drove him almost mad. He breathed onto one of your nipples, hot breath fanning over the entirety of your perky buds. You squirmed in discomfort and whimpered, your body betraying your mind, desperately wanting his mouth on you. “Hah... I knew you wanted me just as much as I fucking wanted you. How long, how long have you wanted me? Tell me. Tell me how much you crave me right now, ‘cause I can’t get enough!” He drew out the flat of his tongue, running it over your nipple, all while his golden eyes stared right at you expressions. Your legs clinched together tightly feeling a tingling sensation spread from his lick. “Hawks no, mmm~ you cant...”
“I can, and I will, you’re mine, and I’m not lettin’ you out of my apartment until I’ve marked you as mine, and you’ve got so much fucking cum inside you that you’ll already look pregnant.” Your eyes widened and you jerked away from him. Pregnant?! Was he out of his mind?! You weren’t even dating yet! Sure you’ve had feelings for him for a long time now but this was all moving too fast! “What did you expect? I’m gonna breed you so fuckin’ good. So fucking good. You won’t be able to think about anyone else but me.” Now it all clicked. What he said earlier, how he was acting now. Why hadn’t you noticed it sooner? He practically told you everything this morning, you were just too stupid to consider it.
Mating season.
That’s why his feathers had been brighter, the cooing and whistling coming from his throat. The displays of dominance to other men who you conversed with. Courting traits for a male trying to attract a female. You weren’t dumb, animals mated to do one thing, and one thing only. Reproduce. Their instinct immediately is to find a female and mate with them, reproduce and leave. However, this wasn’t always the case in some. “Fuck, you smell so damn good down here. Your pussy’s so wet for me already. And I haven’t even done anything, yet. Looks like you’ve become a thirsty fan, huh? Wanting my cum deep inside you and gettin’ wet while I manhandle you? Fuck, you’re so damn sexy.”
“Hawks m-more~” You were hesitant to ask him for more, worrying for your poor body and your sensitive heart. Only sensitive for him. You accepted your feelings for him, struggling to voice your new found notion to him. He growled lowly in response to your request, hands hastily pulling your pants off in one fell swoop. He was absolutely feral. “I wanna eat you out so fuckin’ bad. Your sweet pussy, sopping snd beggin’ to be stuffed, fuck.” He has a particularly vulgar tongue most of the time, but never like this. He always expressed how hard it was for him to hold back, but this was a completely different side of him you’d never seen. It was like he was feral. A complete animal. “Oh, I’m gonna tongue fuck the shit out of you. You’ll cum all over my tongue, just like how you’re gonna squirt all over my cock.”
He stood up quickly, his feathers dispersing to shrug his jacket off before he pulled his tight shirt over his head. Just like that his wings came back to life, flapping slightly as a readjustment. His gloves were removed as well, now you could feel his bare hands roaming over your exposed body. He dropped to his knees, spreading your legs and putting your inner thighs around his head, but not too tight. He approached your entrance, a damp spot clearly evident on your fabric panties. His fingertips dug into your thighs, pushing his face flush against your panties. He let out a breathy moan against your wet folds protected by your panties, subconsciously humping the couch for even the slightly bit of pressure against his hard cock.
“Hah, fuuuuck. I’m so horny, everything’s so hot. Let’s get these cute little panties off. Don’t wanna rip ‘em now. Need something to hold my cum inside your pretty pussy so you bare my kids.” Hawks grabbed your panties and pulled them down your legs and onto the floor. He kneeled on his knees in front of the couch, his head between your legs, your feet propped against the coffee table, and your hands gripping the couch anywhere you could, desperately wanting to grab his messy hair. “Oh god...” He moaned at the sight of your sopping pussy, your slick slowly dripping onto the couch much to your embarrassment.
“D-Don’t stare dumba- H-Hawks!” You cried out his name in surprise once he drove his face deep into your crotch. His nose firmly pressed against your sensitive clit, his tongue diving deep into your cunt without warning. Your hands dove straight to his hair, pulling at his blonde locks trying to keep yourself composed from his pleasure. “Oh fuck! Oh Hawks! Sh-Shit! Mmm baby yes~” Your head was spinning, his teeth lightly pressing against yours folds. It didn’t help anything with all of the lewd smacking and slurping of his tongue eating you out so damn good. “Ahh! N-No Wait! Your tongue! It’s so... Ngh! Deep!”
“Keep moaning for me, just like that. Moan for me and don’t you dare fuckin’ stop.” The vibrations of his lips against your sensitive pussy cause you to flinch and squirm against his sinful touch, fingers pulling at his hair harder. An unexpected groan escaped his lips as he went back to work, tongue swirling and digging around, searching for that one spot that would make your world come undone. You continued to moan and call out his name, instinctively pushing his head deeper. His movements were quick and sloppy, savoring every lick of your delicious fluids, groaning lewdly against your pussy’s lips once he found that spot. “Oh fuck! Right there! Mm~! More! Please a-again!”
He ruthlessly began to abuse that spot, pushing his tongue harshly against it and attempting to massage it. His fingers poked and prodded at your insides, pushing his fingers past and replacing his tongue with those long slim fingers of his. Your head was now thrown back against the couch, releasing his hair and clawing at the couch for dear life, desperately clinging to anything you could grab. You moaned at the foreign feeling, forgetting what if even felt like to have sex. You had a fleeting experience in your last year of high school, but that was it. One time thing. Now here you are doing it again, with your best friend no less, or were you even friends anymore? His fingers worked on making sure you were prepared for him. You were enjoying yourself, being pleasured by the man you’ve hidden your feelings from for years. Him however...
His cheeks were dusted pink, sweat trickling down his forehead with some of his curly blonde locks sticking to his face. His breathing was ragged, heavy and stuttered with a thick sense of desire behind it. His wings were quivering, the color so vibrant it could rival a neon sign. Now you didn’t know much about their nature, but you could tell just by looking at his wings that he was very excited and desperate. “Gotta get you nice and prepared for me right, chicken wing? Gotta get you ready to take my fat cock.” His lewd words made your world just so much hotter. You could feel your arousal leaking down your pussy to your puckered hole and down onto Hawks’ expensive couch. “Ahh! St-Stop! I’m-Im gonna cum! Oh god I’m gonna cum!”
He jerked his fingers out quickly, grunting in the process as he lustfully stared at his fingers coated in your juices. He breathed out a moan while he kicked away all your juices, growling lowly in possessiveness. “Sorry chicken wing but... I want you to cum on my cock. I want to feel you clampin’ down on me, cumming so hard you faint. Screaming my name at the top of your lungs so that everyone knows that you’re mine! All fuckin’ mine.” Your eyes widened seeing him sit up more, pushing his pants down the rest of the way before kicking them off, leaving him in only his red boxers. His arousal was definitively clear, noticing how the head of his cock peeked out from the waistband, leaking pre-cum, tip red and aching. The sight was undeniable steamy, your legs clenching together with your thighs slowly rubbing together. “That’s right baby. Already thirstin’ for my cock, aren’t you? Fuckin’ slut. My slut. Hah... fuck I gotta be inside you.”
He pushed his boxers down, revealing his aching hard-on. Balls lulling down, full of cum, ready to be emptied out inside of your tight pussy. Without thinking, you sat up slowly coming close to his erection. You could smell his heavily masculine and musky scent from where you were, but you needed more of him. You sadly didn’t get far before he grabbed your head and pushed you back. “Nah ah, baby. Not today. I’m too fuckin’ horny and desperate to let you suck my cock today. Next time.” Next time? There was going to be a next time? Your heart hammered harshly knowing your long time friend and crush planned on doing all of this again with you. “Hang on tight, dove. It’s gonna be a long bumpy ride.”
“W-Wait!” You watched in worry as Hawks pinned you down, spreading your legs and positioning himself. You hadn’t taken him seriously, but now you regret it. “P-Protecti- Ahn~!” You couldn’t even protest once he pushed himself inside, moaning loudly at the sinful heat that engulfed his cock, heating up his entire body more than it already was. His wings flapped slowly, occasionally twitching as he impatiently waited for you to get used to his size. The cool breeze sorta calmed you down, taking your attention away from the pain nestled in your lower regions. “Fuck, can I move? Please, please let me move.”
Good god did he sound fucking hot begging.
“Yeah, y-you can- MMM! Fuck!” You threw your head back, pleasure spreading through your body. As soon as he heard the word “yeah” he immediately got to work on fucking your cunt until you were overflowing with his cum. You harshly bit your lip, holding in your embarrassing noises from his ears, however, he had no problem not hiding them from you. “Fuck, fuck, hah... don’t hide your moans from me. I wanna fuckin’ hear ‘em. Let everyone know who’s fucking you, who you belong to, and that you’re m-mine! Fuck!” He breathlessly moaned against your face, ramming himself into you repeatedly. Your hands were now on his back, clawing down his muscular back. He growled lowly into your ear, breathily cursing. “D-Damnit! Can’t... f-find it! Ahh... hah... fuck chicken wing, fuck yeah!”
His husky grunts were dangerously bordering animalistic. His pants were ragged, hips never faltering in movement, his wings flapping slightly and quivering every now and again. “Yeah baby? You like me fucking you? I’m gonna breed you so fuckin’ good. You’ll bare m-my clutch! You’re mine, ahhaahh! Fuck!” You were crying his name, clenching his back with your legs squeezing on either side of his waist. His cock was hammering against a bundle of nerves in your body you didn’t even know you had. “Hawks! Oh god! Please! Slow down-!” He pulled out quickly, leaving you a whimpered mess without that full feeling in your stomach. He flipped you over, hastily ramming himself back in you from behind, his wild thrusts getting harder. “Yeah, fuck yeah! There it is! Yeah! Gonna cum right in that womb if yours, you’re gonna be so round and pregnant with my kids! N-Nobody’ll ever come near you again! They’ll know you’re mine! My dove! My b-baby!”
His hot hands pushed your lower back, slamming you down against the couch and brutally fucking your tight pussy like no tomorrow, animalistic growls leaving his lips, teeth burying into your shoulder and neck. He was marking you as his. You were covered in his scent now, other men wouldn’t dare come near you now that you were filled with Hawks’ pheromones. “I’m gonna cum! Ahh! Hah! Hahn fuck I’m cumming Hawks! I’m cumming!” He rose his hand and smacked your ass harshly, the red tingling sensation spreading through your cheek. It felt so damn good. He grasped his hand over your stomach and pushed harshly. “You’re cumming, yeah? Gonna cum all over my cock? Gonna try and milk me are ya? Milk me, baby! Milk me so damn good and get every last drop of my fuckin’ cum in that ripe fertile womb of yours!”
“Hawks! Hah! Hah! Oh I’m cumming! Nhhh I’m c-cum...ming! Ahh!” You came harshly all over his still thrusting cock, your creamy juices spreading all over his cock and slipping down his balls full of his child baring cum. He didn’t stop yet, still bucking his hips through your orgasm even though you were still so sensitive. “Ohho! You’re such a good girl! So good! Fuck baby! Yeah, keep squeezin’ me! Keep fuckin’ squeezin’ meee! Agh!” He groaned deeply into your ear, desperately panting and grunting into your ear. You cried, physical tears running down your cheeks at the intensity of his brutal thrusts on your aching sore cunt. He slapped your ass again, squeezing it tightly afterwards with his nails creating crescents in your smooth skin. “F-Fuck I’m close! Yeah you want my cum? Tell me you want my cum deep inside you! C’mon baby, say it!”
“I want your cum Hawks! Mmm! Please! Please I want it! I wanna carry your kids! I want to be bred by you! Ah hahn! I can’t! Please!” You immediately regretted your words. His pace had become quicker, harsh pounds becoming desperate. You could feel his balls slapping against your inner thighs, a red itchy tingling bubbling up. His hands came around your neck, the other going to harshly rub your clit. You couldn’t contain the endless moans, cries, and screams of his name, his hero name to be precise. “Oh god! Oh my god! Feels so good! Mmm! Hawks, I-I’m gonna cum again!” He pants against your ear, snarling and growling about how good and round he’s gonna make you.
“Fuck I’m cumming! Hah, fuck!” He grunted loudly and released heavy shaky breathes, his raging hard on twitching inside your now gooey insides. You came harshly, your walls clamping down on him. He was fully embedded within you, balls pressed firmly against you, his scarlet wings twitching and flapping, stretching widely suddenly stiffening up. You could feel the warm spurts of his cum deep inside, forcing a low moan past your swollen lips. His wings happily drooped once he had finished, his head now hanging low, trying to catch his breath. “H-Hawks... I love you.” You finally admitted to him, watching intently to see his reaction to your words. He laughed huskily, his golden eyes raising back up to meet yours, still cloudy with lust. “You fuckin’ better. You’re my dove, now and forever, ya hear that? Now...”
“Let’s make sure you get pregnant.”
Pain was the first thing you were met with the morning after your undeniably passionate night with Hawks. Feathers were scattered all over the place, large blankets thrown everywhere, and some of his clothes were thrown over you. Incredibly confused, you sat up but quickly jolted back down as a searing hot pain shot through your body from your hips. “Woah there, chicken wing! Relax, you must be in a lot of pain. I don’t blame you after the harsh fucking I put you through last night.” The man who had put you in such pain walked into the room, shirtless and only in a pair of boxers. The bed dipped slowly as he sat on the bed, handing you a cool glass of water. You painfully sat up, gently taking the glass from his rough hands, thanking him quietly. “What the hell did you do while I was out?”
The pro hero looked around the room before coming to lay eyes on you again, scratching the back of his neck with a faint blush on his cheeks. “I uh, made a nest!” He answered bashfully. It was an incredibly rare sight to see him embarrassed. Uncomfortable sometimes, but never embarrassed. You looked around the mess and raised a brow. “Nest? Why the hell did you-“ You stopped once you remembered what had happened last night between the both of you and what you had realized. You blushed and threw the covers off yourself quickly, horrified at the sticky mess dripping from your insides, still. Just how many rounds had you gone with him last night? “Hah, Sorry. I just couldn’ hold myself back. My ruts are really bad, which is why I always take a week off.”
“You didn’t have to cum inside me this much Hawks...” You said and cringed at all the fluids dripping out of your abused cunt. You didn’t notice, but his wings shivered, ruffling up a bit at the sight of your leaky pussy, until they settled down again. “It’s your fault ya know? Makin’ me so damn jealous I had to claim you for myself. Claim you before someone else took you.” Your cheeks reddened slightly, and you looked to the side, your heart racing. Of course, he could feel your sensitive heart racing, and slowly leaned over, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. Your eyes widened in surprise, melting into his sweet kiss. There was no sexual intention behind the kiss, only a reassurance that you didn’t have to worry about speaking your true feelings, that he already knew you loved him. “You’re my baby bird now. You’ve upgraded chicken wing. Congrats.”
“How many levels are there with you?” You laughed, enjoying this sweet moment with your new lover. He laughed and hopped into bed beside you, pulling you close to him in your little nest. His hands ran over your flat stomach slowly, cooing and flapping his wings lightly. “A lot more, step up your game, baby. You good though? How do you feel knowin’ you have the most popular hero’s cum inside of you. Mixin’ with all your fertile eggs to make my fuckin’ kids.” He growled possessively and wrapped his wings around you protectively, kissing your head and over your face. You couldn’t help but turn red at his words, embarrassed by how blunt he is. “Do... do you really want to have kids Hawks? I mean... we just started... d-dating...”
“Who cares the order, as long as you’re mine and that little bundle of feathers inside you is all mine, order can go fuck itself.” You rolled your eyes, flicking his arm gently. His whistling and cooing got louder the more he cuddled you, his lips peppering your face with kisses. “Ya know they already have story’s about us? They got my whole ‘top bird’ thing on video.” He seemed quite happy with it. The president of the HPSC would not be happy about this once she found out. But knowing Hawks, he couldn’t have given two fucks about it. He raised your chin, smirking smugly. “I also tweeted that we’re dating and that you’re mine, and that we’re gonna have chicks, and that all those other guys better stay away or I’ll kill ‘em.”
You rolled your eyes. “You jealous bird...”
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