#with memory damage
shinotail · 2 months
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totally haven't been hyperfixed on this game for the past two weeks ahaha
+ some sif portrait redraws under the cut
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art-is-kayos · 2 months
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AU where Ayin Fucking Died so Angela had to make him a mini boxbot out of scrap.
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hydrachea · 18 days
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Explorers of Sky is a good game.
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yesokayiknow · 8 months
i think it'd be fun if while the master was on gallifrey and messing around in the matrix he found about abt the confession dial. not the sanitised story that twelve might've told missy during the vault but the actual real 4.5 billion years of the time lords using twelve's own will and testament as a torture chamber story. and he loses it. and he burns gallifrey. except he can't ADMIT that's why he did that he'd look SENTIMENTAL he'd look like an IDIOT so instead he makes up a story about how he found something in the matrix something so horrifying and awful and unbelievable that he HAD to destroy the time lords. and then thirteen ends up on gallifrey and digs a little deeper than he had and manages to reconstruct some of the missing files and when she runs back into him she's like i finally found out why you burned gallifrey and i can't believe they did this to me i can't believe they wiped my whole life and experimented on me and built the time lords from my stolen dna and the master's like yeah while mentally he's like hm i'm sorry they fucking what
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beaulesbian · 7 months
Every once in a while I think again about the end of Thriller Bark and feel completely insane and ill about Zoro's sacrifice, FOR LUFFY, specifically (you know, the character Kuma's threat was directed at). It wasn't even that long into traveling together, a few months maybe, yet Zoro was ready to give up everything in that moment - in the chapter with Kuma appearing being titled The End of the Dream ! - to protect his crew and Luffy, so he could continue in his journey.
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Since Luffy and Zoro met, they always understand how words and promises were imporant to them - with Luffy punching Helmeppo in ch. 3 for lying to Zoro. Zoro learnt how serious Luffy was about his dream, and soon he realized he backed up his words with actions as well - untiying Zoro and giving him his swords back - his biggest treasures. It meant that Zoro could be honest and honor-bound in the same way to Luffy, to gain this mutual respect and trust between them since day 1. To wield his swords to protect both Luffy and later their whole crew, and to step in a way between Luffy and danger.
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He was being actually more upset that Sanji got up from the previous Kuma's attack and interrupted their fight - Zoro was trying to keep the whole crew safe by this exchange for Luffy's head - if Sanji was offering his life for Luffy half dead and without much strength left to fight for himself (he started the offering of his own life already believing he woudn't survive, with a "you should find a new cook"), then this very specific sacrifice would be meaningless to the crew (- if this arc was taking place post WCI, then it would turn out very differently, with the strength of Sanji believing in Luffy, but it wasn't his moment during this scene) - it would hurt them more than help them, because as much as Zoro was prepared to die as well, he was prepared to keep fighting until the last breath.
Zoro was thinking he might die - Kuma's words were pretty certain he WOULD die - but he still had the willingness and strength to take on the deal for Luffy, for his captain and his crew. ("if i die here, it just means I wasn't worth much to begin with" this line he says times and times again during the overall story, like in Rogue Town throwing Kitetsu and waiting if it would cut off his arm, up until standing against King in Wano "it's my power that was lacking", and all the other times he was questioning his worth - it's something he tempts the fates he doesn't believe in, to actually harm him, to take his strength away if he doesn't deserve to survive. and it's him saying he knows and accepts his own weaknesses - of not being strong enough (in comparison to Sanji in this example), and always fights through them.)
He threw away his swords, including Wado Ichimonji - literally throwing aside his and Kuina's dream, to compell Kuma into a duel (with the anime playing 'The Very Very Very Strongest' when Zoro bowed down and pleaded Kuma, offering him his head instead of Luffy's) so Kuma wouldn't go after the crew and specifically Luffy later - no matter the outcome if Zoro would surive or not.
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And then, he was actually strong enough to survive taking his captain's fatigue, agony and pain! Possibly being the only one who could survive taking Luffy's pain.
Zoro could have back out when Kuma offered him the 'taste' of the pain, with the realization of the scale of the hurt with the very possibility of dying from it. But that wouldn't be Zoro now, would it? He accepted and took all of Luffy's pain so his captain wouldn't have to suffer or die, and when they found him afterwards, he still kept standing, tense with the fatigue but alive! (again, with anime adding the music of 'Luffy's Fierce Attack' to underline the importance between these two).
He was training for this since the beginning - to become stronger to shoulder the pain of his crew if necessary. (And not only that - he was preparing for that so another Kuina incident didn't have to happen). He was the first one to fight one of the Warlords before anything really began: his fight with Mihawk at Baratie really set the tone and his own goals to overcome - a glimpse to see on how much different levels the Warlords actually were in comparison to Zoro, Luffy and the others, and if they were supposed to beat them so Luffy could become the Pirate King, that always meant to be ready and to get even stronger than them.
(small spoiler for egghead, ch. 1102: seeing Kuma (a Warlord at that time) remembering this Thriller Bark event later, during Egghead arc, and thinking that even he might have passed out from the pain, makes it all the more meaningful that it was Zoro who took the pain and withstood it - establishing how high was the strength of his willpower, already before timeskip.)
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There could be so many other nuances and details from these last few chapters of this arc, and even what this deal meant for the following arcs! Zoro was still in pain on Sabaody, and because of that the crew wasn't as strong as it could have been (not to say they would have a chance anyway, knowing what all was in the motion).
The next is the tragedy and beauty of LUFFY never finding out about this. Half of the crew knew: Sanji, Brook and Robin knew the details, but would never tell Luffy - and that shows their loyalty to both Luffy and Zoro (and Zoro's decision). Luffy woke up and first thing he did was to jump up and down, excited not to be weighted down by his injuries, and only seeing his swordsman being down with injuries so severe he was out more days afterwards, knowing that something else attacked them (him = Zoro), after he was passed out from the fight against Moria, brought down his mood (even if it's not much noticable, but the change into subtle worry is there in the few next chapters).
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"I can't explain it either!" - meaning he was thinking about it too, possibly how weird it was for him to move normally after such long fight. We don't really ever hear/see Luffy thinking about something, except when it's mentioned how he came up with a solution or idea, telling us there's more to Luffy than just being straightforward in his goals and speech. With Luffy being sometimes very emotionally intelligent when he wants to be, he could have figured it out from all these other people in the room asking similar questions and deducing. Even Usopp was putting two and two togehter. We might never find out if Luffy actuallly knows or not. Luffy probably wouldn't ask Zoro directly, especially if Zoro wouldn't tell first and didn't want to talk about it
- because for Zoro, nothing happened! Nothing, that would compromise his and Luffy's first promise. For Zoro to become the Strongest he couldn't back down from the duel with Kuma (just like before with his duel with Mihawk at Baratie. When he's faced with something he swore to overcome, he can't back down or evade. Even back then Luffy understood that as he held back Johnny and Yosaku, but Sanji was perplexed how far Zoro (and Luffy) would go to reach their dreams). When Sanji was asking him in front of Kuma "What about your dream?" Zoro was still thinking about his dream- it was just that the context has changed, it changed into a journey. His dream is the most important thing, but it wouldn't mean much, if, when on his way to accomplish that, he would betray his other words and promises.
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pokeberry5 · 1 year
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tim in outfits i vaguely remember preppy boys in my high school wearing
(edit: drew more headband tim)
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introspectivememories · 7 months
mister lewis hamilton, sir, how are you gonna go on live television and talk about about how your karting days were the best times of your career and still never say nico's name? not once but multiple times??? oh you mean the karting your did with your childhood best friend nico rosberg? that karting? the karting where you met him? the karting where your families became friends? the karting where you spent months in italy together? the pizza eating contests and torn up hotel rooms? the frosties? the unicycling? that karting???? "i'm over the divorce," says man who is soo not over the divorce.
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with context this page becomes so fucked up on many, many levels
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min-xie · 6 months
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help i cant stop drawing fem neuvillette
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maegalkarven · 1 year
And yes, Durge is so narratively appealing to me because all what's going on on a Big Scale is literally Your Personal Fault.
The consequences of your own actions. The evil undead general? You WORKED with him.
The lunatic murderer? She is an annoying little sister who stabbed you.
The tyrant closing black fist over the Baldur's Gate? Your Buddy. You were his FAVORITE.
It's not just some random "evil force takes the wheel and you need to save the world."
I mean, it is, but YOU are the part of this evil force. Everything bad happening around can be easily traced back to you and your evil plan. It's YOUR evil plan (and Gortash's, but you were A TEAM of evildoers, equally into it).
You were SO GODAWFUL the tyrant choking Baldurs Gate sees you and lights up like a candle.
Of course it's narratively pleasing, the entire Dark Urge playthrough is just "and if these are not consequences of my own actions" and it's AMAZING.
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 6 months
AU where after Glamrock Bonnie’s decommission/after he goes missing, Glamrock Freddy and the rest of the remaining animatronics end up being reprogrammed—or, basically, having their memories messed with.
The only change to the rest of the animatronics is that they don’t remember anything about Glamrock Bonnie. They’d know about Bonnie Bowl and small things like that—but have no idea that they all had a Bonnie.
As for Glamrock Bonnie himself, they end up having something wrong with the memories, too. Although it’s not because he was reprogrammed or anything—it’s because of the damage/the state they are in.
And with them, whether it’s a “Cassie finds them during Ruin and helps, then leaves with him” type of situation, or something different (like Gregory staying and finding him), Glam. Bon would eventually see Glam. Fred again.
Though, there’s that problem: Reprogramming for Glam Fred to literally not know who the bunny is, and Glam Bon having all of that damage.
But, despite that, both of them feel like there’s something—even just the tiniest bit—familiar about the other.
Long story short: Glam. Bon goes, the others are reprogrammed and forget them—Glam Bon’s damage causes him to forget. The two reunite, but have no idea who the other is.
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witchygirlgray333 · 9 months
Journal prompts / ideas
Poems (either ones you've written or just ones you enjoy or connect with)
Book review
Film review
Write about your day
Vision board
Habit tracker
Calendar page
Notes from something you're learning
Quotes you like
Draw some outfits you like
Search up creative writing prompts and do those
Meditate and write down your thoughts before / during / after (I don't do this everytime or sometimes I'll only write afterwards but when I write before, during and after it's always really interesting to read back on and see how much has changed)
Stickerbomb page
Films to watch
Books to read
Bucket list
Highlight of the day (I like to have a page in my journal where I write a short sentence of my favourite thing that happened that day, it's nice to look back on and it's nice especially for days when I'm not feeling well enough to do a longer entry)
Gratitude list
Random thoughts
Drawings and sketches (I'm not even good at drawing but I love drawing or sketching in my journals and just expressing myself)
This one is more for chronically ill people but making notes for doctor / hospital appointments which helps so much! I have severe memory loss so a lot of the time I'll turn up to an appointment and have totally forgotten about anything I'd hoped to say so this has been a total lifesaver
Along with what I said in my last point about living with severe memory loss my whole journal works towards helping me deal with living with the memory loss. I'll probably do another post soon about more in depth ideas for journaling to help life with memory loss but I write down SO MUCH. I've got to do lists, a calendar page, my night routine (I'll also have my morning routine written down once I've actually worked one out!), things I need to do everyday (such as brushing my teeth, washing my face etc), contact info for people I'm close to, labelled photos of my loved ones (it can be really scary when I don't recognise people so having these pages really help), a list of things I can do throughout the day (I'm on bedrest but having a list of things that I enjoy doing written down is a nice reminder, some of the things on the list at the moment are make tiktok videos, do makeup, watch a movie or tv show, journal, scrapbook etc)
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teehee-vibes · 4 months
Read the most life-altering gay fanfic written by @some-guy-liam, everyone else should read it too
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animatedjen · 5 months
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A haven... not just somewhere to hide, but somewhere to live.
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slayerscake · 2 months
Once again, shout out to Vax'ildan for taking no damage every time the party got hit by meteor swarm. (Like 3-4 times)
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fourphoenixfeathers · 5 months
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TFA Bee and Ratchet!
Sorry I haven't been uploading much, my personal life exploded.
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