#with no additional context. just recognized having seen it before
eisthenameofme · 1 year
I have acquired. Tape recorder
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pomefioredove · 2 months
ace with, "I like my bed, but I'd rather be in yours." 😚🤌
HELP ME he's so cringe he'd 100% say something like this
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summary: "I like my bed, but I'd rather be in yours" type of post: short fic characters: ace additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, secondhand embarrassment warning, random halloween(??) party for plot reasons, not proofread
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Heartslabyul has never turned a guest away from a party.
Ace had become accustomed to it. There's always someone out of place at the table- the purple of a Pomefiore uniform or the green of a Diasomnia, pointed ears or catlike ones, tall, short, students Ace hadn't even seen passing in the halls.
And having a costume unbirthday didn't make recognizing anyone any easier. Why did they agree on this, again?
"What's this one?" he asks, accepting a tart dish from Trey.
The stressed upperclassmen adjusts his glasses. "Raspberry, I think- no, strawberry. I'm losing track,"
"Yeesh," Ace mutters, looking out the window to the grounds. There's more than three times the dorm out there.
"Mondays, amirite?"
Trey just sighs.
Ace carries the dish to one of the many tables set about the gardens.
This one is empty. He looks over his shoulder; Riddle is busy berating another first year for chewing with his mouth open. No one has noticed the fresh tart yet.
He might as well sneak a slice while he still can...
Sevens. Ace flinches and the slice of tart slips right out of his grip.
Now he's going to have to clean that up, and without anyone noticing, too. Sigh.
"I know it's Halloween, but you shouldn't scare people like that," he says, turning to the source of the noise. "You-"
As soon as he sees you, his thoughts are cut short.
You're just some rando in a corny masquerade getup, but, damn, you're cute.
No way he's never seen you before- no, you've gotta be from another class. He'll have to pester Jack about it later...
"Oh, sorry," you say. The mask you're wearing makes it hard to read your expression, but he assumes you noticed the tart.
Your voice is vaguely familiar, but it's hard to hear with all the background noise, anyway.
Ace puts on his worst best smile. "Nah, it's fine. The vice housewarden is on full-time catering duty. No one will notice. So, you come here often?"
You snort. "Yeah, I guess I do. What's up with you?"
He got a laugh out of you. That's a good sign, right?
Now, time to go in for the kill.
Ace huffs, trying to act nonchalant. "What's up with me? Nothing much, just thinking about how I like my bed, but I'd rather be in yours,"
A long, terrible silence follows.
And then you laugh. And laugh, and laugh. Ace grimaces. It's hard to tell if it's a good laugh or a bad one from your voice alone.
"Hey, what're you two 'doin?" a much smaller voice asks.
Grim is standing between the two of you now, paws on his hips, mouth half-full of cookies from the other table.
"Buzz off, Grim. Can't you see I'm busy?" Ace murmurs.
Then, much to his horror, the mystery student across from him takes off their mask and scoops Grim up like a baby.
He could die right then and there.
"Me," you say.
Grim doesn't seem particularly interested in the context, though he is smirking at the dumb look on Ace's face.
"But you- you're-" he stammers, his face almost as red as his hair. "I didn't even- recognize you! How-"
It's hard to get such a reaction out of him, the "lady killer" he is, and he swears he can see a little smugness in your expression.
Ace groans. "You can be a real jerk sometimes, you know,"
You wipe your eyes, sighing merrily. "No, no, don't stop! I want to hear another! Do you want me to put the mask back on?"
"A real jerk!" he repeats, fleeing the scene before he can say something even dumber.
At least Trey will be happy to have another set of hands in the kitchen...
So much for romance. He huffs and takes a tart out of the oven.
Note to self: pick a better line to ask you out with.
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yazthebookish · 5 months
I posted my take on the Lightsinger theory and Gwyn's "luring" powers theory on Reddit two days ago but thought I'll reshare it here (with some additional thoughts)
The only canon information we have on Lightsingers:
Nesta winced. Cassian went on as she scanned the bog, "There are lightsingers: lovely, ethereal beings who will lure you, appearing as friendly faces when you are lost. Only when you're in their arms will you see their true faces, and they aren't fair at all. The horror of it is the last thing you see before they drown you in the bog. But they kill for sport, not food."
Does this correlate with anything Gwyn did in ACOSF? The answer is no.
I am not saying it is impossible for her to be a Lightsinger though where things stand it's unlikely in my opinion, but I'd attribute any potential powers either singing or glowing to her River Nymph heritage. We have no idea of her powers and she's also half High Fae of course she'll have powers like every other High Fae.
I think a lot of the "canon evidence" are different interpretations of the text but sometimes try to present itself as concrete evidence or proof when it isn't. Some attribute her singing during the services as the cause to Nesta having vision of the Prison and the Harp, but that also means we will have to ask what connection is there between Lightsingers and the Prison/Harp? And some believe it's the lyrics that trigger the vision as they're written in the ancient language and "Nesta saw what the song spoke of". Some believe Nesta power reacting to the crackling energy around Gwyn is a sign that she is a Lightsinger, but like... that's an indicator she has powers just like how Nesta in a later chapter felt Merrill's ornerry power. How is crackling energy means it's a Lightsinger when we never saw them? Powers recognize each other sometimes, just like how Feyre was surprised when Eris was able to detect a cold flame in the Dagger Nesta forged when it was given to him as a gift (like calls to like, Eris also has flame power).
In the bonus chapter, it's described at one point that the Shadows danced with Gwyn's breath as if it heard some Silent MUSIC (emphasis on music and not song). What was referred to as Music between Souls? The mating bond. Interestingly enough it was that same night when Nessian consummated their bond and they were connected by a music between their souls. So that could be a hint, and at the end of the scene Azriel hears a distant beautiful singing and the shadows sing back, hard to tell whether if it's Gwyn, who went back to trying to cut the ribbon, starts to sing or it's also another wording for a hint at the mating bond (also called the Song of the Soul).
I'm more keen to believe it's the mating bond because there are far more parallels and similar mate language to support it across all her three series and if someone is going to tell me "but Lorcan's chest glowed after he took the blood oath from Aelin—" my love context matters in this case and it doesn't invalidate the 10+ examples I can pull out of similar mate language like in the bonus chapter.
To ADD, for Azriel to be lured to the library at 7pm because of said Lightsinger singing, he has to be able to HEAR the singing for the power to influence him and Azriel didn't hear any singing, he was conscious and aware of his actions. It was mentioned Nesta sang with Gwyn at the services frequently and she didn't make any comments on a vision being triggered or her constantly seeking out Gwyn so there are holes in those kind of conclusions—again, because we never see Lightsingers on page.
"But when he arrives to the library it chimed 7pm!! That's when they sing for the dusk service" welp that's another hole in the theory, it depends on Azriel being drawn to the library because of Gwyn's singing but if he showed up at the library and they don't sing until 7pm then before the clock chimes at 7pm, they weren't singing so... not a convincing answer. Also, Clotho is usually seen during those services and Azriel still found her at her desk.
Early on when ACOSF came out, some readers made connections between Lightsingers and Shadowsingers and made the assumption that Lightsingers are the Shadowsingers' Light counterparts. That's why you had people musing about Azriel's mate being a Lightsinger, but canonically Lightsingers are evil once we go back to the text but we don't even see them to know for sure how they wield their powers or if they even sing because Shadowsinger Azriel doesn't need to sing when he uses his power.
In an Elain book (in this scenario it's her and Azriel), I don't see any purpose of Gwyn being revealed as a Lightsinger or anything about her powers because it'll be used as a plot device for an Elain/Azriel romance rather than contribute to Gwyn's own growth and that's why I don't like it. It will have implications on Nesta and the Valkyries dynamic too. If that's the case it will mean Gwyn will need more page time in an Elain and Azriel book to tackle something like that, especially if they're going to "help" her since that's the reasoning I see often—that she's not evil but she doesn't know it and if she did they will help her but like... why? To make her realize she has been keeping them apart or that she wanted a necklace she didn't even have any clue about.
Given Gwyn's history who even at the end of the book said despite training it didn't erase the fact that she let her sister die, she is still dealing with survivor's guilt, she still refuses to wear the priestesses stone, and also her desire to leave the library and see the world (which we didn't see yet). She has a lot of promise as a character than be a plot device for someone else's relationship.
The way I see it, Gwyn's theoretical powers is used to absolve Azriel of any accountability for his actions (ala Necklacegate) because it's not a good look on him, so it's better to pin it on someone else by saying he was lured against his will (since I often see that the reasoning behind her presence in the bonus chapter is to hint at her powers).
So if I have to read about Gwyn dealing with her powers whether they're good or bad, I'd rather see it from her point of view and for it to be beneficial for her own personal arc and healing journey. My problem isn't her having questionable powers (which I don't mind because many SJM characters had questionable powers but used it for good), I don't want it to be used as a plot device for another couple just to smear her as a character and clear the actions of the other male character so his "love interest" doesn't blame him for his actions.
Whew, this was long but I adore Gwyn and I am not a fan of the current version of the Lightsinger theory. I think even if SJM makes it happen, it would probably play out way differently than the fandom expects.
Also, it's not in SJM's style to use other woman drama in her romances. The other women are often 💀 or insignificant past lovers. I don't see her taking that route with Gwyn at all.
She could be half Asteri and I would still love her and be eager to explore her powers and story, I just don't like it being used to further another couple's conflict or whatever (they already have Rhys and Lucien).
And no, I hate the idea of Gwyn being controlled by either Koschei or Merrill because it takes away her agency and the suggestion here is about her doing things that harms others, how will that not have any implications on Nesta and Emerie and the trio's healing journey? Given her own tragic history and the fact that she was helpless and powerless to help her twin sister and she's still dealing with survivor's guilt over it all.
"Why did you sign up for this, then?" Nesta drank the glass Gwyn extended. "If you already have mind-calming exercises you're accustomed to?"
"Because I don't ever want to feel powerless again," Gwyn said softly, and all those easy smiles and bright laughs were gone. Only stark, pained honesty shone in her remarkable eyes.
Her being controlled is putting her in a powerless position again because she has no choice but to do Koschei or "evil" Merrill's bidding that could potentially harm Nesta and the others. I despite it.
And if I have to read about any comparisons between Gwyn and Ianthe as proof that priestesses can be evil, I'll go insane.
Also, if Gwyn's power can influence anyone through her singing, it would've influenced every single person in the services. It would have influenced other members of the IC. This particular theory is weak and depends one interpretation of the text that tries to present itself as evidence of an evil creature that never even shows up on page.
Gwyn wasn't added in the bonus chapter by coincidence. Sarah confirmed she left crumbs all over the book and specifically his bonus chapter, and what we speculate may or may not be confirmed in the next book so you can't dismiss the bonus by saying it has no relevance when the author said she left crumbs for readers to theorize about, which leads me to believe she wants us to come up with different theories until she publishes the next book where we'll know for sure if we nailed it or not.
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Adding Emotional Impact to Sibling Reunion
Anonymous asked: So I'm writing a scene where my MC walks by her missing older brothers on the street, who she hasnt seen since he dissapeared 7 years prior. My problem is that I would like for this to be a very emotional meeting where both are overjoyed to see the other still alive and well. But I can't seem to get the emotional part down. It ends up just looking like two old classmates running into each other a few years after graduation instead of two people who believed the other was dead. Do you have any tips on how to get this down?
There are a few things you can do to make sure this reunion has good emotional impact:
1 - Build Context - Probably the most important thing you can do is make sure you've adequately built up context for why this reunion would have an emotional impact. If all the reader knows is that the character's brother has been missing for seven years and is presumed dead, that reunion is going to fall pretty flat. So, do what you can to build context by showing what this event (the brother going missing and being presumed dead) has meant to the character on an emotional level. What was the initial event like for the MC, when the sibling went missing? What were the coming days and months like? What was it like when the sibling was declared dead? What are all the things the MC has missed about their sibling, what dreams and nightmares have they had? Have they ever dared to hope they were alive out there somewhere and would be reunited? Exploring these situations, questions, and feelings ahead of the reunion helps to build up emotional context that gives the reunion more impact.
2 - Explore Thoughts - The next most important thing you can do is make sure to explore the MC's thoughts in the moments immediately before, during, and immediately after the reunion, and make sure what they're thinking doesn't fall flat. If they first see the sibling and think, "Huh, I guess my sibling is still alive after all," that's not going to do the scene any favors. On the other hand, if they see the sibling and do a double-take, thinking they must be mistaken, then look again. and after a short mental debate--because after all, the sibling would have changed somewhat in seven years--realize they're right and it's them, imagine the thoughts that would flood into their minds. They'd think things like: they're alive? How is this possible? Where have they been? Why haven't they reached out? How is this the first time I'm seeing them? Should I approach them? Will they remember me? What if they don't remember me? What should I say? Now imagine what they'd be thinking as they approach them, as the reunion occurs, and in the moments immediately after. Exploring these kinds of thoughts gives the scene much more weight.
3 - Explore Emotions - In addition to exploring the character's thoughts, you can also highlight the emotions they feel just before, during, and just after the reunion. These emotions will go hand-in-hand with the things they're thinking. For example, what emotion and emotional cues do they feel when they first recognize the sibling and do the double-take? Nostalgia, longing, panic? Heart pounding? Stomach twisting? What do they feel as they begin to doubt whether or not the sibling will remember them? Anxiety? Dread? Butterflies in the stomach? Suddenly feeling chilled? Adding emotion and internal emotional cues to your description of this event adds dimension and authenticity to the scene.
I hope that helps!
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verdemoun · 3 months
i found something on tiktok that reminded me of your timewrapped arthur and maybe a lot of the gang it was someone crying over the trope “when the trope is a character born to be a weapon but no longer necessary and having to learn to be a normal person” 😈
this is the essence of timewarp. all of them had to have that painful revelation in their own time that they are not normal and it is going to take years to unlearn those 19th century survival skills
bessie's 'no guns in the house rule' originated because they are all weapons. her and annabelle weren't weapons they had to go through learning not to expect every single person they pass on the street is capable and ready to murder. it only took trying to find the callander boys to realize the fact most died with guns in their hands or at their sides is going to be an issue. first thing a disorientated gunslinger does is reach for their gun. fortunately meeting The bessie matthews face-to-face is enough for most to be star struck enough to not really react to her asking them to hand over their weapons before she starts explaining hi welcome to the future
hosea didn't fully comprehend how much he was a weapon himself. he made it to what was considered seniority as an outlaw because he thinks quick and has a faster trigger finger have you seen his quick draw?? he is not 'just' a con artist he is as much a fine tuned weapon as the rest of the gang.
while he will do anything for bessie and does thoroughly enjoy exploring modern era without the constant fear of being recognized as The hosea matthews, he really doesn't ever move on from that constant overanalysis of his surroundings. he had to live and rely on those instincts so long he can't make them go away. on some days is relieved to use keeping an eye on kieran as an excuse not to leave the house because he never learns to become a normal person in modern era
but the angst and guilt of him realizing how much the gang in general struggle with it and knowing he contributed to that. him encouraging dutch's ideals of saving people who needed saving accidentally becoming taking easily influenced young boys and men off the streets and teaching them how to survive in 19th century which meant being a weapon was necessary. watching the manifestation of a group of adult outlaws trying to survive modern era with not only their pre-existing lifetime traumas but the additional c-ptsd of veterans struggling to unlearn how easy it is for them to see a threat and want to reach for their guns, readily capable of killing another in cold blood in case they were a threat to the gang
not knowing how to help them because he doesn't even know how to help himself
bessie needing to get used to when someone knocks on the door absolutely all of them turn with that dangerous look in their eyes and the comfortable positions they had been in seconds ago now look more like a pack of crouched predators waiting for the call to attack. watching how quickly they could recover from that state becoming longer episodes of confusion wondering why they reacted like that when people knocking on the door becomes something normal
very predictably arthur is the worst because he could acknowledge he was nothing but a killer by the end. but the first time he is walking down the street having settled into modern era and notices he still has his hand hovering over his hip ready to draw for absolutely no reason is so frustrating for him.
arthur would get angry at his relapses into weapon coding. he wanted and got his out of the gang. he has more avenues of exploring his curiosity than ever before and the freedom to still go on his side quests and explore the world in an entirely new context and he still reaches for a gun.
he knows he is safe walking down the street. modern era is objectively so much safer than canon era. he is mentally trying to convince himself he feels safe but those stupid relapses wanting a gun, surveying any area he walks into for cops, the second of suspicious fear when he sees someone in a suit and wonders if they're a pinkerton, are constant reminders that he is still a weapon and he just wants to be normal so badly he feels abnormal being the way he is
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beautifulbows924 · 1 year
Poly!Kaz Brekker & Inej Ghafa x Gender Neutral!Reader
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AFG Bingo Masterlist
A/N: This feels like a successful attempt at transferring my sudden inspiration to paper (lol). Honestly, I’m really enjoying learning the nuances to writing these new characters! And I hope it was worth the wait for those of you who saw the sneak peak! As always, I hope you enjoy. Feel free to leave any feedback you have in the comments and if you like my work consider leaving a tip! Thanks:)
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1K+
Created for: @lgbtqbingo / Square Filled O3: Polyamorous Relationship.
Warnings: Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, religious undertones, vague spoilers for the books & show. (Paragraphs solely in italics are set in the past).
Loyalty may be seldom found among bastards and vagabonds, but Kaz Brekker had discovered suffering at the end of a gloved hand or the hilt of a cane served him just as well.
Dirtyhands became the stories, spoken late into the night by parents to regale the children of Ketterdam with, in case they thought it wise to stray into the tangled mess of filth the barrel had to offer. He became the whispers of an alley filled with shadows and the tight-lipped fears of those who would dare to cross him.
Rumors were as good as currency in Ketterdam, and he had heard them all. He had no eagerness to dispel them, they were all true enough.
Modesty was a commodity those without their freedom could only ever dream of, but Inej Ghafa had learned to use the nightfall of Ketterdam like a second skin.
A talent some swore must have been gifted to her by the Saints themselves.
Their rumors served her just as well. The Wraith became the whispered prayer among indentures and the grave reveal of words unspoken.
Secrets were as good as currency in Ketterdam, and she knew them all. Even his.
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The rhythmic tap of your foot had become almost expected to him, comforting even. He always feigned annoyance at the action. Only internally allowing himself to wonder if you felt similarly about the sudden additional pressure of a cane against the tip of your boot.
Kaz Brekker had never believed in miracles. In luck, or Saints, or fate. But even a faithless man like him could recognize there was something of importance this moment had to offer him, and he’d never been one to turn down a deal.
He didn’t dare reach for your hand. Not here, not near the water. Not out in the open where anyone could catch sight of his failures.
Instead, he shifted his grip on his cane and poked your hand with the hilt until your fingers lightly wrapped around the crow's head, allowing him to feel the slightest pressure of added weight through his own hold.
Trying was easier than he thought it would be, especially with the sight of your half quirked smile as a lovely reward. It was a smile he had seen solely reserved for him.
He attempted to earn it as often as you’d allow.
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Inej’s prayers sat heavy on her tongue.
She knew brutality. She knew the Saints would counsel mercy in a moment like this.
Yet not a word of opposition graced her lips as Kaz laid claim to the blood debt he felt he was owed.
She felt she was owed it too.
There was a past her that might have feared him once, but this was the same man that had worried if his tie was straight before he met her parents for the first time, so instead she asked, “Was this what it was like?”
The prolonged silence that came after wasn’t from the lack of context held in those six words. He was fairly certain they could retain the ability to read each other with a handkerchief stuffed in their mouths and their backs turned. He was simply attempting to discern which answer would be worse, the truth, or the lie he knew she’d see through regardless.
She slightly inclined her head toward him, the heavy scent of iron lingering around them like a stain. She watched how his gloved hands shook with boiled over rage, emotions poorly contained even in the dim light. To her, his silence had always been a response in it of itself. She wouldn’t pressure him, not now. She knew he didn’t want her to know, or perhaps—he didn’t want to relive those days for himself.
Maybe, she thought, he already was.
And as a former member of the Dregs stumbled down the alley, palm pressing hopelessly into the empty space where his crow and cup tattoo had formerly resided, searching for a sense of relief that would never follow, she wondered if that’s what Kaz Brekker’s mercy looked like.
He did spare him, after all.
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Her lips bore the semblance of a smile, the only tell she provided in her knowledge of your quiet presence.
Your eyes remained steady to the horizon, face kissed with the last orange rays the sunset had to offer, patiently waiting until Ketterdam was once again cloaked in familiar darkness.
She couldn’t recall how the sun had looked that day. She was too captured by the sight of you.
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The waves threatened to pull him under, a war of salt and foam just beneath his chin. He forced a pale hand to rest on the blood covered sheets, searching for reassurance, needing to communicate to himself that you were still there with them. Warm. Alive.
His other hand, gloved, loosely gripped hers. A reminder that she was there too.
Kaz Brekker had never believed in miracles. In luck, or Saints, or fate. But he believed in you, he believed in Inej, and for the first time, he prayed that was enough.
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His expression shifted, lingering somewhere between exasperated and fond, a bit soft at the edges in the shared presence of those his heart had betrayed him for.
You looked similarly effected, eyes trained on Inej, committing her every feature to memory.
He did the same to you. For once, allowing himself to hope.
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It’ll take time, she told herself, taking in a steadying breath as she walked to join the two of you at the bar.
“Inej”, Nina called from behind her, reminiscent of a time much different than the one they currently shared, voice low and intended for only their ears, “I once wished you could see what I did, hear each and every sound so you could understand what you were missing. But now”, she let out a light laugh, “When the three of you are together. It’s like home.”
It seemed as if a lifetime had passed since then, but Inej could still recall the words she had responded with, the confusion she had felt.
She smiled. She wasn’t that person anymore, and Nina was right.
She had found her home.
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Thanks for reading! Let me know if you want to be tagged or un-tagged down below. <3
Shadow & Bone Taglist: @mxtokko
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lolo3hwriting · 4 months
College Souyo Oneshot
Summary: Yu and Yosuke’s classmates notice that the two are ‘pretty close’ and try to get them officially together though an unconventional method
Words: ~3.6k
Additional Notes: The classmates Sei and Kin are based on two of my OCs, Matt and Kody respectively. Sei and Kin are actually shorthand for their last names (Seiyokarashi and Kinfuku) but I use them as their regular names in this context.
“So… They AREN’T dating?”
“Not officially, I don’t think so.”
Sei smirked at his friend and classmate, Kin, from across the table from where they were sitting at a ramen bar. The two had come here after classes to have dinner together, as it was a popular spot for many of the other students. Sei could see from his seat that nearly half of the patrons were college-aged students. In fact, Sei could recognize two of his other classmates, Yu and Yosuke. He quickly noticed their gray and orange heads of hair after seeing them from the back of the classroom so many times before.
Sei was on good terms with them, though he would only comfortably say that he was only acquaintances with them. He had spoken to them a few times to get notes, and another time to discuss the lectures, and Sei thought they were nice enough. But it was kind of funny, he thought, how the two just seemed to be glued together. They sat next to each other during class, they shopped together, and now they were together again in the ramen bar. It seemed that where one was, the other would be close by, like a matched set. It was hilariously entertaining to see them awkwardly dance around each other, but as much as Sei could watch them with a bucket of popcorn in hand, it was starting to get more annoying than funny. 
Sei had been worried that they would catch on to their glancing, but he quickly dismissed his concerns when he saw that the two were busy enough with each other, engrossed in their own conversation
“Though I wouldn’t put it past you to assume that they were a couple. They do call each other partners,” Kin added.
That nickname… The first time Sei had heard Yosuke use it he was taken aback. He had said it so excitedly, so endearingly, Sei almost believed it was something like a pet name. But no, when Sei had asked it was apparently just a ‘thing’ between them.
“I guess. Didn’t they go to the same high school?” Sei asked while leaning his head on his hand.
“Yes they did, Yasogami I believe. From the way Narukami speaks so fondly of his time there, it seems both of them had a good time there.”
Right, Sei remembered their conversation. Yu and Yosuke met each other there and became fast friends. But just friends, Yosuke had said.
“Hmm… Do you think they developed feelings while there?”
“It’s entirely possible. Could you imagine them being high school sweethearts? How romantic!” Kin clapped his hands together in front of his chest in excitement, it seemed that he thought the two were a couple as well.
“Do you think they are on a date here?” Sei decided to entertain the idea more.
As if in response, Yosuke slung his arm around Yu and started laughing boisterously at something he said. Sei could be imagining it, but it looked like Yu was… Leaning in?
“A casual date perhaps? It’s a remarkable place with quality food, I certainly wouldn’t say no to a date here.”
Sei looked at his friend with a raised eyebrow.
“What, do you want a date?”
“Maybe you can offer some other time,” Kin added with a wink, “but I think one couple is enough here.”
Sei and Kin were both looking at them, just in time to watch Yosuke slurp some noodles, leaving a splatter of broth on his face which Yu gently wiped off with a napkin.
“Okay, they have to be boyfriends,” Sei punctuated with slamming his fist onto the table.
“It’s a lovely gesture, but I don’t think they would admit it to be romantic though.”
“Ugh, why don’t they just say it already?”
Sei and Kin had seen how close the two acted while they were all in class together, and now with this ‘ramen date’ Sei’s opinion had firmly cemented them in his mind as being together.
Kin looked up at his friend with a glint in his eyes “Perhaps we could convince them…”
“Yeah? How?” Sei was deeply curious, not to mention a little suspicious. It's not as if the two of them could shove their faces together and spontaneously make them official. He wondered what his friend could possibly be imagining…
“Why don’t you take me on a date?” 
“Please listen to me,” Kin raised his hands in a placid manner “Why don’t the four of us go out together as a double date? It can just start as a group hanging out with fellow classmates, and at the right time we can ‘announce’ that we’re dating!”
“And that will make them declare their feelings?” Sei asked incredulously.
“It’s being a positive influence,” Kin waved a finger in the air. “By setting a good example and showing them it’s okay to love each other, it may be the small push to allow them to tell the truth to one another.”
Sei heaved a great sigh and put his head into his hands. As ridiculous as it sounded, Kin’s plan may have some justification to it. The two of them hung out together often, and it was a rumor in the class that they were seeing each other. Sei was openly gay and Kin was openly bi, plus the two were roommates so the two of them together would be believable in the eyes of many. Sei does admit that Kin was a dear friend, and quite easy on the eyes, but he never saw him in any romantic light. But nevertheless, there was pervasive gossip that could be used to their advantage. And it wasn’t as if they were forcing Yu and Yosuke together, they were just planting a seed in their minds, a suggestion.
The more he thought about it, the more Sei believed that the plan could work. It would be great to see their other two classmates stop denying their feelings and make it awkward for everyone around them. Sei didn’t have any particular reservations about it, the only regret he could think of was the inevitable teasing from their other friends and classmates. It would be annoying for a while, but it would probably die down after a while. Who knows? It could be fun seeing their reactions.
“Okay, okay… I’m fine with it. Do you have any places in mind?”
Kin’s eyes crinkled in satisfaction at Sei’s response.
“I was thinking about this bubble tea cafe nearby. They have this drink that caught my eye...”
The next day after classes, Kin approached the budding couple and offered them an opportunity to hang out at a nearby restaurant and have a casual review section. He had reminded everyone of the test next week, to which Sei and Yosuke groaned about it, and thought it was a good time to go over the lectures and compare notes. Yu and Yosuke had agreed, although Sei wasn’t sure if they would get any studying actually done, with his and Kin’s plan that they were trying to execute.
When Sei pushed open the door to the cafe, a small bell chime signaled his arrival at the store. For a moment he just stood at the entrance and stared at the place, taking in the view. The walls were painted in a soft lavender with fairy lights adorning the walls, and a couple of fake vines hanging for the ceiling. On each table, there was a napkin holder with images of cats, dogs, and other chibi animals. Sei certainly thought it was… an interesting aesthetic. Nothing he would personally enjoy but decided it was fine enough for where they were.
Kin walked ahead, not fazed at all by the cafe’s decor, picked up some laminated paper menus from the entrance and sat down at an empty table with four other seats. Sei followed behind him and sat down beside his friend, still glancing around. There were a few other people their age that were most likely other students, and a pair of young women in suits, probably just out of work.
Sei felt a hand placed over his on the table and snapped his head over to Kin. He was looking intently at the menu but had a catty grin on his face showing that he was not really paying attention.
“So when do you think the others will arrive?” Sei didn’t move his hand from underneath Kin’s as he wasn’t too uncomfortable. He was already naturally touchy, but this time he would be trying to do it in a romantic manner. Was he getting into the ‘affectionate boyfriend’ character already?
“Soon I should think. Narukami’s already quite punctual, and that should help offset the tardiness that Hanamura would have.”
Kin was speaking from experience, as they had both personally seen Yosuke jogging into class nearly ten minutes late and trying to quietly sit down next to Yu. The more he thought about it, the more Sei thought that the two complemented each other. He hoped it wouldn’t be too long for them to get together…
While he waited, Sei leaned over his friend and looked at the menu. There were small plates, sandwiches, rice bowls, and poke bowls, but most of the menu was reserved for the drinks. Milk tea, fruit tea, regular tea, and smoothies, all in a variety of flavors and toppings. It all sounded pretty good, but Sei had no idea what he would choose.
A chiming of the front doorbell made Sei and Rin glance over and find that their other classmates were at the entrance. They waved them over to their table and the other two sat down.
“Hey man, how are you guys doing?” Yosuke greeted with a wave.
“We’re doing well, you guys should look over the menu,” Sei responded. With his free hand, Sei slid the menu to the other pair across the table. He could see Yu briefly glance over the table where Sei’s and Kin’s hands were together but didn’t make a comment.
Sei read through the menu again but still had no idea what he would order. Passionfruit sounded good, but mango did as well. What about lychee?
“Hey Kin, what are you going to get?” Sei referred to his friend.
“I was thinking about some taro milk tea with boba. Would you mind if we get a large drink and share?”
Ah, so that was part of his plan. Sei had no reservations about sharing a drink, it wasn’t like either of them was sick or anything.
“Sure why not?”
Yosuke glanced up at them for a moment in confusion, and Sei took the opportunity.
“Are you guys going to share anything?”
“Nah, I’m good.” Yosuke waved his hand in dismissal at the suggestion.
Yu smiled at his friend and responded, “Why not? I’d be willing to share something with you.”
Yosuke sputtered for a few seconds before giving a small ‘no thanks’ and Sei barely held back a chortle, disguising it as a light cough. It was so glaringly obvious that the two liked each other, but now that he thought of it he and Kin would look like a similar obnoxious couple. Oh well, it would be worth it in the end to see them finally admit they liked each other.
After Yu and Yosuke had decided on their separate drinks, the four of them got to discussing their lectures as was their ‘original’ intention. It made Sei’s blood pressure rise in frustration as he tried to understand what his friend was talking about.
“What do you mean??? Where did you get that value for gallons per minute?”
“Well, we have the gallons per acre, miles per hour, and width. You plug those into the equation, and you get your answer.”
“How are you supposed to remember the equation?”
“I think it will be given to us,” Yu added, “but it might be in a different form so we’ll have to re-arrange the variables.”
“Ughhh, this sucks,” Yosuke added.
Yu patted his friend on the back reassuringly. “You’ll get it eventually.”
“I just don’t get it,” Sei turned to his friend, “How do you guys understand any of this?”
“Through continuous effort and many hours of studying. My mind doesn’t keep itself sharp you know. But I am more than willing to help you.” Kin punctuated by tapping his hand onto Sei’s chest.
“Gee, thanks.”
“Oh you flatter me, my dear sweetheart,” Kin spoke, as if he wasn’t fishing for compliments. But Sei didn’t mind so much, since Kin did have better grades than him, so he was in no real position to criticize.
When the four of their drinks were done and they were called, Sei thought it was a good opportunity for a break, especially since he could feel a headache coming on from doing those calculations. But as soon as Sei started to get up, Kin’s arms suddenly grasped his waist and pulled him back down. Sei just stared at his friend in disbelief for a moment, trying to figure out what in the world he was trying to do.
“Dear, let the others get the drinks. I want to talk with you.”
“Uhhh… sure.”
Sei had stayed put and the other two classmates got up instead, with only a hint of bemusement on their faces. Sei wasn’t exactly embarrassed, more like deeply bewildered at his friend’s behavior
“What do you want?” Sei whisper-shouted at Kin.
“Would you mind if I kissed you later? On the cheek that is.”
“You want to go that far?”
“They’re the oblivious sort,” Kin glanced over to Yu and Yosuke to where they were standing at the counter, “and they won’t recognize a romantic act unless directly pointed out. That is the whole reason that we’re doing this, no?”
“Great! I’ve always been curious about what kissing you would be like.”
…Sei wasn’t sure if Kin was being honest or just trying to fluster him. If he did it wasn’t working, but it made Sei pause and seriously reconsider his situation for a second.
The other two classmates walked back to the table, drinks in hand. When Kin noticed they were approaching, he moved his position to where he was only holding Sei’s arm and not his entire body. They placed the drinks on the table, and seeing that Kin’s arms were ‘occupied’, Sei decided to grab the beverage himself and drink it. It tasted pretty good, maybe a bit too sugary that distracts from the true flavor of the taro, but it was pleasant.
He reached his arm over to Kin’s mouth to offer him a sip.
“Try it. How does it taste?”
“Quite sweet, but not as sweet as you,” Kin said with a smirk.
Sei had nearly rolled his eyes at the cornball line, but he didn’t manage to hold back his laughter. He hoped that the others would interpret his snort of disbelief as something more… romantic? At this point, Sei was just trying not to break down laughing at the sheer absurdity of the situation.
Yosuke put his hand to his face. “Wow, it feels as if I’m being third-wheeled here.”
Kin only smiled in response, though the narrowing of his eyes gave away to Sei that he was thinking the same thing as him. After all that they had seen them practically snuggling next to each other after class, he was certainly an interesting one to say that.
“Well I’m glad you two are enjoying each other,” Yu commented, “it’s nice.”
Okay, now Sei was sure that their plan was working since he could nearly see a trace of wistfulness in Yu’s eyes. 
“I do appreciate our time together,” Kin leaned in closer, “Every moment I spend with Sei is lovely.”
“Hah, it's as if you two are dating or something,” Yosuke remarked jokingly, and Sei was ecstatic. He couldn’t wait to see his reaction and to see if their plan would ultimately work.
Kin glanced at Sei, seemingly asking him if he would like to respond. And Sei happily took the opportunity.
“Yeah, we ARE dating!”
To punctuate his confession, Kin kissed his friend on the cheek. 
“Huh,” Yu stated plainly.
“HUH?!” Yosuke answered with much more enthusiasm.
“He’s quite the catch, isn’t he? He’s adorable, can cook, and very handsome…”
“Hey, I’m not gonna be your househusband! If anything, you would be the trophy husband! Most of the time YOU’RE the one sitting on the couch while I do all of the chores!”
“While it would be pleasant to just sit and look pretty, I have much greater ambitions in life.”
Through their banter, Sei had nearly forgotten about the true purpose of their ‘confession.’ He reigned himself in and finally got a good look at the other students across their table. Their expressions were priceless, it was worth everything he was going through.
“I’m glad for you both,” Yu said with a polite smile, though it didn’t exactly reach his eyes.
“Yeah uh, me too I guess,” Yosuke said in response to his friend. He was trying to smile as well, but it came out more like a grimace.
Sei could practically see the gears in their heads turning. It would only be a matter of time…
Sei’s and Kin’s ‘date’ went over pretty well, the two had a great laugh afterward and promised to go to the cafe again. Although they were mostly preoccupied with their plans, both of them admitted that it was pretty good they would try more of the menu’s offerings when they weren’t so ‘busy’.
As expected, rumors about Sei and Kin spread fast, but they didn’t make as much of a splash as Sei had expected. He wasn’t sure if he was more relieved or disappointed when the strongest response by their classmates to their newly declared relationship was, “I knew it!”
But that was besides the point, as Kin pointed out after class one day, and that they would have to be patient for the fruits of their labor. And thankfully the two didn’t need to wait for too long.
About a week later, Sei and Kin decided to go to the nearby park on the weekend, to hang out and enjoy the vegetation. It was a reserve of greenery within a vast gray, concrete desert, perceived as a hidden gem for stressed salarymen and students to unwind. The two friends had been there before to hang out privately since nobody was usually there, so they weren’t expecting anything out of the ordinary for their trip. But they were pleasantly surprised when they found two other students already at the park, already in the middle of discussion.
Yu and Yosuke’s voices were hushed, but they were steadily rising as the Kin and Sei sneaked closer. This made it easy for quiet classmates to crouch behind a vine-covered brick fence and listen in.
“-And I have just been thinking… about things,” Yosuke explained eloquently.
Yosuke gave only a sigh at that, and from the sound of rustling fabric Sei and Kin could infer that he was fidgeting with his clothes.
“Like our relationship. I’ve just been seeing so many other happy people living their happy lives and I…”
“Are you happy?” Yu questioned, in what Sei could only describe as uncharacteristic worry. He had never heard him sound so… uncertain. His effortlessly cool, confident, charismatic classmate now sounded like a worried mess.
“Of course I am!” Yosuke was quick to assure, “This has been some of the most fun years of my life! Spending time with you has been… fulfilling.”
There was an uncertain waver in Yosuke’s voice as he said that last word and everybody listening (openly or not) could pick it up. Sei bit his lip in concern, trying not to make any movements despite how intently he was paying attention.
“...Are you really happy? You don’t sound like it. Are you not happy… with me?”
“That’s not it at all!” There were heavy footsteps and Yosuke’s voice raised to the point where he was no longer caring about privacy, openly shouting
“You make me happy! I’ve been the happiest I’ve ever been by your side! I’ve never felt this way with anyone else! I like you…”
“Like me?”
“Yes! I… really like you.”
There was a hefty pause as Yu considered his words, with everybody holding their breaths in anticipation.
“...I really like you too.”
Yu’s quiet admittal was almost soft to be heard from Sei and Kin, but both heard it clearly and widened their eyes in surprise.
“Yes. I love you.”
Sei and Kin looked at each other with delight, both of their grins reaching from ear to ear. They were both thinking the same words.
The two hiding classmates heard gentle footsteps and Sei and Kin decided to make a hasty but silent retreat to give them privacy and to avoid spoiling what they could only expect to be their first kiss. Or at least, to spare themselves from the embarrassment.
Once out of earshot, the two friends hugged each other in relief and in celebration for a job well done.
Though abruptly, Kin leaned into Sei’s ear and whispered, “So do you want to be boyfriends for real now?”
Sei backed his head away from his friend but still chose to continue embracing him.
“Let me think about it.”
“Well I hope you don’t take as long as them. I don’t think I can handle pining for that long…”
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beardisable · 1 year
so i watched the 8 hour jack stream(jesus) aka watched genloss top to bottom again and listened to his theories and stuff(i really vibe with the "kidnapped as kids" angle more now) and started thinking about some theories he and chat mentioned and.
now im thinking with like. ok its probably a pretty common theory, this post was what prompted this additional idea of mine actually, but ill explain it a bit: the theory that, since sneeg and charlie can come back over and over again, and they have referenced like, refusing to do the cooking challenge in ep 1, and how charlie was playing the mouse trap but ate the cage, they have obviously done the same kind of scenes we saw ranboo do, right. and then in the Announcement video we see the same kind of "missing poster" type headshots of them, with the caption "Found them!"
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i dont remember exactly where it was confirmed that showfall made the missing person posters, but like. yeah. these images are for missing posters like ranboo had. and with sneeg being caught by the security in ep 3, he had tried to escape, just like ranboo and charlie. and i feel like this wasnt the first or last time they have tried this!
also, during that screenshot the announcer says "our hero will meet a cast of crazy characters, who you may recognize", aka the audience has seen these "actors" before in other things! this is their first live show but what have they made before...?
then, with one of the Very first lines Ranboo says in the first episode, "it wasn't supposed to be like this"... showfall/hetch made it seem like this is ranboos first show and he's being tested for how well he does as The Hero.
I dont think what we saw is Ranboos first time starring in a showfall production.
its the first live thing like the announcement video said but i think hetch lied when he talked about how its a test, i think Ranboo's been here at least a few go arounds, if not tens/hundreds/thousands of times. WHICH MEANS in the end when he gets his memories back... theres an infinite amount of possibility of things they could remember for what they have been made to do in the past :) Bc remember, while this is comedy->horror, it was still relatively tame and non-explicit (at least by my personal standards?) so it is quite possible they have been in more R rated horror stuff, slashers, gore, actual saw, some kind of even worse psychological horror things, but also that they might have had incredibly good experiences like love and joy and community and anything positive too, and to remember all that in a rush... oh boy so i believe it is a circular reproduction, maybe they run through scenes repeatedly over and over while perfecting every little detail and getting different takes of genuine emotion but every time Real and a First experience... some kind of purgatory(omg christian hell reference) or endless torture or such...
ok that got really maybe unneccessarily angsty so heres my other thought:
i love me a fucking colour theory and colour symbolism! it bothered me a bit how like. in the promo game we get ranboo, then green friend/the villain(obviously charlie, tho the villain part still confuses me a Bit since its not quite true?), the blue friend/the taken(obvs sneeg) and then the red stranger/the saviour. and like it would logically follow that the red is hetch right?
jack when theorising said the titles are self descriptive, which i buy into, at least for the first episode context, charlie is the villain role, sneeg was taken(put in a cage and later snatched by the sharkciclester), and hetch was trying to help and save ranboo from this situation! but then in the second ep we also have red puzzler, and red niki? i WISH niki had. any kind of bigger role to build a Saviour type off of her but i dont think she does :( the puzzler is an option, since they make it seem like the puzzler tries to save ranboo? and thats actually a whole other thought like. since we know hetch was not actually helping ranboo, was the puzzler Genuinely helping them, and somehow showfall found out and killed him?? idk ANYWAYS that colour coding falling apart a bit made me think about how ranboo is also red!! rgb trio yknow??
if the titles are self descriptive... well i dont think Ranboo really felt like The Hero much, especcially not in the end...
I think Ranboo is actually meant to be the Saviour.
Esp with the jesus coding! I believe this kind of thing has happened many times before, with sneeg/charlie/ranboo/others realizing that shits fucked, and trying to escape, only to be caught and put back in the production. I think Ranboo(main character syndrome) was in a previous iteration the Saviour, who tried to help sneeg and charlie and others get out of there, to save them, save everyone. but they failed. got captured. once again waking up again with a "it wasn't supposed to be like this..."
and so the cycle continues, and the content wheel keeps spinning.
(ive only been in tumblr tags so feel free to link me any other ppl who arrived at the same conclusion)
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distortedkilling · 7 months
Probably an unpopular opinion time. Spoilers ahead!
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I've seen a lot of comments circulate this this particular part is Mahito throwing a tantrum from losing. While I don't discredit that as true, I don't agree with it being the whole reason. If anything, I think it's a small contribution.
The argument I see a lot is because of how spiteful it is for him eventually shove a rock into one of the "snowballs". I'm like, yes, that is very Mahito but that is also the behavior of someone experiencing utter terror.
Fear makes people lash out and act irrationally even. And for Mahito, who has never known fear and absolute loss, it's not going to register for someone who grew up familiar with fear. A kid gets scared numerous times growing up from even the smallest and silliest of things. Humans jumpscare themselves with utter nonsense. And that's just accounting for common day to day stuff, not the actual serious shit we can go through.
That's all context Mahito has never experienced - and even if he had, when someone is faced with the brink of death they very much can lash out like this. Being brought down to such a weak point with the addition of death is a very vulnerable position to find yourself in. Which is probably redundant to say because yeah, of course it is. But I bring it up because of how easy it is to overlook because you don't like Mahito, hate him, or just because of his childishness.
This is someone who just worked his ass off to become such an awful curse, who finally developed and discovered himself - knew himself. And within that same span, completely loses all of himself and the control gained. If there was one thing Mahito has known, it was himself and his own potential to be strong. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough and now he's faced with the reality of it. All that confidence, all his growth and self-knowing means nothing.
I guess it's more accurate to say that the reality he perceived was shattered and a new one took its place. Given how important perception is in JJK. My beef with it solely being a tantrum over losing is that it means there's a sense of unawareness or lack of understanding. Whereas, I disagree. I think Mahito's new reality is one he understands so intimately well because he's on the receiving end of it. It's new, yes, he doesn't have the time or ability to comprehend just what fear means and therefore can only incoherently yell and lash out and try and stave it off like a cornered animal. But just because it's new doesn't mean it's not innately understood on a deeper level.
Maybe he can't process into words just what fear felt like, but his soul now knows it. It recognizes how others have reacted to him and fought against him when faced with death. I'm not saying these are thoughts he would be having in that scene, but Mahito isn't stupid. He's inexperienced and ignorant in areas, but he knows what fear is from causing it. Only now though is he on the receiving end of it.
Of course he's peeved over losing, yeah. But I don't think that would register to a curse experiencing fear and death for the first time. Even though death was something he has been on the brink of before, the first time he wasn't really threatened because the timing helped him to unlock something that made him a more potent curse. It contributed to his lack of fear about death because in his experience leading up to the scene above, death has only ever made him stronger. Whether it was the one time he nearly died or he has been the one to cause death.
The difference here is he has exhausted every possibility. There is no way out. There's nothing he can do but experience actual dread and terror and lash out in rejection of it. Deny it. Like someone with a fatal disease unable to accept their unfortunate outcome. Because denying something, rejecting reality, is a form of salvaging some means of control you don't have anymore. It may look like a tantrum, or may look like an unreasonable and childish outburst. But that's also how fear can come across when your back is against the wall and there's nowhere left to go. Nothing left to do while an imposing and deadly force has no other objective than to see you dead.
I see this in general with media, too. Commonly disliking a character for having an outburst but like... it's the human thing to do. Mahito is a human born curse, his nature is reflecting the ugliest things of humanity back at them. Of course he's going to freak the fuck out upon being stripped of all the things that empowered him. Powerlessness does that. Threat of death and fear does that. Being forced to be vulnerable does that. How many people receiving medical attention have to be sedated or strapped down just for treatment because of these things? Not to keep using medical examples but they seem like the most common ones that various people can understand and relate to.
Anyways, this doesn't mean anyone should give Mahito sympathy. He's a vile little cretin. I just love the dedication in the manga and especially in the anime to highlight Mahito's unraveling as his body reacts. I really admire dedication to someone having a meltdown out of fear because so often it is waved aside or misunderstood. Not to say my perspective is The Right One or anything, since this is just ultimately my own opinion on it. If Mahito had just sat there and threw a real fit, it would be more accurate to call it a tantrum. But the entire time he's backing off, trying to get away, and that just highlights this (to me) as a total fear response vs "I lost, now I am mad about it" response. Especially since all in the same night he lost his crew of chucklefucks that kept him kind of on rails, then he went off the rails and had some extreme growth, became dedicated to the success of curses and killing Itadori/any other sorcerers. All those quick additions that got stacked came crashing down around him.
There was nothing left but fear.
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omegaslostwine · 3 months
Original story Wip
Old 'Alpha's log.
Date: Third of the 5th blast, radial year 2604.
Location: Apex, 3rd Center Level.
Science department 6, MT's log entry for whoever might find this...
Maybe you don't know me, although I doubt it. I'm hard to forget. But in case you don't recognize my existence, let me tell you that what you have in your hands now is a piece of the truth, the one that no one wants you to know. It may not be easy to understand. If this ever changes, if anyone ever finally listens to me, I don't think they will understand a single word of this log. But that's no reason for me to stop, no. If your minds have changed and our reality is different now, I only need to do one thing for you to get it. Start from the beginning.
Today I found a card: a piece of smooth cardboard, for those who don't know.
Yes, a piece of paper.
I can't remember the last time I saw real paper, much less printed paper. The card brought such an unusual drawing .
I had to look it up, since it was an archaic artifact. It was a spyglass, a kind of portable glass that it was looking upwards.
A Spyglass... Shit, keeping this image now could easily land me in jail.
Here and now, in Proxima B, this is almost a sacrilege.
THIS drawing of a staring eye looking at the sky, endowed with wings, taking off far from the city. It is a call to study the universe. A gem for any decent scientist, but a dangerous catalyst for law enforcement officers.
So it is not surprising that it is strictly prohibited.
Few know why, but those more sagacious do.
The truth is that our story does not begin in this ruined world. No, everything begins in a brighter place, where the sun sets below the horizon and in the darkness of the so-called night, you can see the thousands of stars that surround us even today.
Maybe you already know it now, but at this moment, all this information is prohibited by the Power Cabinet. They don't want you to know. They don't want you to look up.
This place of eternal twilight is the only thing we know and are allowed to know.
The blackened sky can only be seen from where the frozen air would kill you in seconds, and the blazing light from the other side of the planet would burn you alive as soon as you leave what we know as the “habitable zone.”
So we are forced to live here, piled up within this stripe in the middle of the day and night, where a reddish gloom never lets us see the starry sky.
Nobody cares though. They do not have the imagination to see beyond the visible. They don't know anything else that doesn't come from the screens around us, and their little brains don't conceive of anything else.
Rats always go for the cheese. And those at the top know how to provide for these pests.
That's Proxima B, a well-planned prison for a bunch of weak-minded rodents.
So this card is almost a gift for me, being a human thirsty for answers in a world that rejects wit.
It is reliable proof that I am right, that there were others before us. Beings who looked up at the sky and managed to conquer it.
That is what I need. This is how I will be able to create what they ask of me.
I can't stop now. I know that the answers I seek are in our past and now I just need to follow this invisible thread that connects the card to our history.
Only then I will find the origin of Proxima and the truth about humanity.
That will be my contribution to science. To this day...
The Hylum will the next...
Log signature: Mayzon Thorne
This was made with a prompt from a literature workshop I'm in. But it has a lot of information about the context of my original story 'Echoes'.
The prompt was to use the cards image of a spyglass.
You can take this as an additional content. A flash back of Mayzon's first steps before becoming 'Alpha'.
Ps: sorry if it bother someone. But the image was made with one of my sketches and Leonardo ai because I didn't want to draw. 🙏
You can find the sketches of alpha in my Tumblr.
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potterandpromises · 9 months
An Apartment of Our Own
My contribution to the genre of fics exploring the in-universe OMITB fandom, Theobel style. Any similarities to any actual Tumblr blogs or fanfics is purely coincidental, and of course, this is all in good fun. (In order to recreate Mabel's style of speaking and signing at the same time, as in the show, the signed parts of her dialogue are underlined. Because Tumblr doesn't allow for underlining, this fic will continue on AO3 here or below in the place I found it silliest and most fun.)
They never hid their friendship.
Sure, Mabel gave it a good six weeks before she casually let it slip to the guys that her and Theo hang out. Just so she could come up with a few solid rebuttals if they gave her pushback. (‘Charles, you dated a serial killer.’ ‘Theo’s actually pretty fun to be around.’ 'According to greater society, we shouldn't be friends either.' 'I don't let old men tell me what to do.')
(Okay, they were about as solid as Oliver’s dips.)
(When the conversation came, Oliver was weirdly supportive about it. Charles looked exactly how he did when she first mentioned dating Alice.)
And yeah, she gave it an additional few months before she mentioned it to her mom. The distance gave her time and she wanted extra confidence the good feeling she and Theo had around each other wasn't a haze that would soon lift. She wanted the shitty phone call to be worth it. And it was. He was worth it.
But they never hid it. Not really. Not in public. If, last autumn, a fan of the pod posted a blurry five second video of two people who might possibly, maybe, be them using ASL in the winding path of the basement of an antique shop in midtown, well, she didn’t let it concern her.
Superfans aside, as the months dragged on without her involvement in another stabbing incident and/or murder, not many people cared about Bloody Mabel. Equally, she cared less and less about strangers' opinions.
Then Ben Glenroy died twice.
It wasn't like with Bunny; Mabel wasn't so unbearably close to the story. Still, the internet talks, and Theo got a writing credit for that season 3 teaser trailer he wrote. Questions were raised they still hasn't answered.
“Have you seen this?” Theo holds up his phone, shakes it slightly. His lips twitch, amused... or nervous?
Mabel sets her knitting aside, leans forward on the couch, and recognizes the website.
And the blog.
She furrows her brow, and takes his phone.
The Tumblr is onlyarconicsinthebulldogging, and they've reblogged from frogfuckergirl555. She has no idea who frogfuckergirl555 is, or if they're a frequent poster. For the briefest second, she feels almost proud of herself for that.
The post is a simple sentence, followed by a link.
Idk what this is but they’re kinda cute together??? especially if the rumors are true???
There's an emoji sequence in the tags that only grows Mabel's wariness: 😭😭😭👌🏻👌🏻🔥🔥🔥
She gives Theo another long, long look.
He doesn’t blush, exactly. He squirms in his chair like he regrets bringing knowledge of this— what she swiftly imagines with a level of visual accuracy only possible through prolonged proximity— onto himself.
“Open— read it!” he signs quick and jerky, like Mabel wouldn’t understand at all without context. "Please," he adds, and crosses his legs.
The suspense might be killing him. She, however, could live very happily not knowing the details of what people imagine they get up to, what precisely those aforementioned rumors are. If she doesn’t do her research though, if she chooses to live in blissful ignorance, the universe will surely send Marv her way to clear it all up for her.
She clicks the link, opens up Archive of Our Own.
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rigelmejo · 3 months
Okay the 'lazy' study post ended up being several 'pages' long (I will put it under a readmore), about 1-2 year's worth of study plan, and the step 3 just could not be fully 'lazy.' I could not think of a way to make the transition from 'warming up to learning' to 'watching and reading stuff for native speakers' to be super low effort. Because the thing is... even if you memorize nothing, don't do intentional reviews, and just pick up words/understanding over time, well. Practicing the actual act of trying to understand is really mentally draining the first few months. It just is.
There's no way to really lessen the difficulty curve. You can try to delay the difficulty curve by reading graded readers and listening to learning podcasts longer, which might make the difficulty jump a little 'shorter.' Or you can try to purposely study/review a bunch of words, to prepare for the difficulty jump and make it 'shorter,' but then the purposely studying will also have it's own difficulties of increased focus and time demand required compared to the prior study plan you'd been doing.
And whether you do those additional things or not, when you actually read your first webnovel or try to get through your first episode of a cdrama entirely in chinese only... you're going to be trying to hard to recognize things you HAVE seen before, but never practiced recognizing at that density/speed, and trying hard to guess all the plethora of new UNKNOWN stuff, and the first several times your brain is probably going to be so busy trying to sort between 'known' and 'unknown' and 'unknown but can guess from context' and 'what's the main idea from what I know and guess' that it will not feel as simple as just 'going through something' until you've practiced doing watching/reading for a while. Even if the thing you watch/read is the easiest next step like a 1000 unique word novel, or re-watching a show you know very well from watching before in english.
I just can't make that step 3 totally low effort. The fact is even if you only study 1-2 hours a day like I suggest (in the post i'll put out) or 2-4 hours (if you're trying to rush through step 3 lol), those 1-2 hours will feel DIFFICULT for a few months. They might even feel difficult for 6+ months. For me, that stage felt difficult for 8-10 months (10 months if we count how hard the first graded readers for 2 months felt to read until I got used to them, and the other 8 months because I really just felt novels and shows were intensely confusing until I'd read like 50 chapters of webnovels, and watched 20 cdrama GYADL episodes all the way through). So you still can spend just 1-2 hours a day on it, but the difficulty during that time just takes a while to get easier, until your brain gets used to actually Recognizing and parsing the many words/grammar you've studied in the past. I think I studied 1-4 hours a day, most days during that stage, and like I said it still was several months of reading in tiny 20 minute bursts or watching cdramas in 10 minute chunks until I worked my way up to the full 40 minutes, because comprehending was just so mentally intensive. And I did look up words during this stage: not all unknown words, but keywords for main idea. I think this stage would work fine if someone looked up ALL unknown words (and can understand the rough main idea if they look up all unknown words), or none (as long as they pick materials they can follow the main overall idea of).
The main thing is: you'll keep increasing your vocabulary and clarifying your grammar understanding as long as you read/watch things you can roughly grasp the main idea of. You can clarify the main idea more if you look up words (just keywords or ALL unknown), or look up truly confusing grammar aspects you run into, which will allow you to read texts/watch shows that are a bit Higher Difficulty. But regardless of strategy, as long as you're doing enough to get the main idea gist, or picking materials where you already can get the main gist just by reading/watching, then you'll learn.
And even if you know enough words, and should understand everything, like when you start reading graded readers? The first few months just feel hard anyway. You have to practice comprehending what you've learned. After that, it still feels hard, but you've developed the skills to tell between 'what I know and just am practicing understanding in an actual material' versus 'what I've never seen before and need to guess or look up.' After those first few months, you develop the skills you got your native language when you were younger: reading a paragraph that is not entirely words/grammar you know and figuring out the main idea, watching a show you don't know all the words of and guessing what's going on based on the visuals. We all have done those before, for years of our lives, but everything is so much easier for us as adults with huge vocabularies we rarely on purpose watch say a lecture on particle physics when we've never heard of any concept mentioned in the lecture before. Learning to understand a new language is like that. You turn on something like say Spongebob in chinese, and for the first time in a long time you don't know all the words they're saying - but the visuals will make the story pretty clear anyway. The skill of learning new information from context, parsing the main idea from visuals and what you can understand, takes some practice to get used to heavily using again.
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crimmson · 5 months
dude I had a super fucked up dream but it was kinda cool and I desperately wish I could remember some of the context to make it make more sense
tldr weird transferred consciousness repeatedly by force and somewhat grisly deaths
I (not really me, but I was playing someone else) and 4 friends (completely fictional people) were at some weird offbeat hotel bar for some reason I can't recall, but someone swore up and down that they saw something weird out of the corner of their eye, and we started wandering a little into the hallways where things got weird. geometry didn't seem quite right, things were getting a bit mazelike, etc.
we hung around a bit to figure out some stuff and decided to leave ASAP, and then things went full-on weird. There was some slenderman type shit, and something was fucking with my depth perception, and there was this tentacle eye stalk thing that looked like it was coming at me while also being 2-dimensional, and it always seemed slightly out of focus until I managed to grab onto the eyeball part
at some point there are just... limbs. severed limbs. and they were not fresh. I remember grabbing the knobby part of an arm bone, not realizing what I was holding, until I swung it at something that was coming at me and I realized I was swinging a half-decayed arm as a melee weapon. I did pause for a minute to laugh at the absurdity of slapping something with someone else's arm. then I went back to screaming for my life.
here's where shit gets wildly out of order because I CANNOT remember what happened in some parts, or what happened in what order:
we run into some woman who I recognize as being someone sort of famous for reasons I don't totally know; either she was some famous scientist or her dad was, for doing some weirdass research
our whole party suddenly winds up in different scenarios, and we all look like different people but we somehow know who each other is. also there may be an additional person we didn't have with us before but I can't be sure about that.
one of those scenarios was some winter festival concert thing, and everything was nice and fine until some fireworks display went horribly wrong and then everything was on fire and people were getting killed left and right by shrapnel and explosions and panic.
i'd die and suddenly we'd just be dropped into another scenario mid-way like it was already in progress
another one of those scenarios was something like a mall or big indoor shopping center, with a lot of glass windows. actually kinda pretty. then a disgruntled guy showed up with a fully automatic gun and started shooting up stuff. I actually managed to avoid a lot of it for a bit and hide behind something, but eventually I got slammed with like so many bullets.
at some point we were back in the hotel environment, and I remember coming across a half-torn down wall or something, and there were a bunch of these mechanical-organic pods with like, half-grown people in them. the pods were a little opaque and I couldn't clearly see the people, but they still looked kinda translucent and like their features hadn't all grown yet. kinda smooth like salamanders. there was something about them that seemed like I'd seen them before, but there wasn't really time to stop and think about it.
there were some weird jelly hand- and eye-shaped things spilled out on the floor in a pile. something offputting about seeing them. like I'd seen them before but couldn't recall when or why, but knew I didn't like it.
at some point, something seemed to falter and I kinda choked and could look around, and realized that the scientist lady was there, and this mystery other person in our group was there, and we were trapped. and this scientist lady had basically forced us to be friends/playmates/dolls? for this other person. I got the impression they were like, her kid, or her sibling, who was handicapped or something in some way and this was the scientist lady's Evil Scientist Way of making sure they had friends. why that always seemed to involve Horrible Violence and Death is a mystery to me. and it's not clear to me if they were actually IN the group with us, or if they were just watching events like some fucked up television show.
the pod people were basically puppets, they were the bodies we were having our consciousness dumped into over and over. somehow, keeping us complacent and linked to these things involved being forcefed those weird jelly hand/eye things.
there was some sense of like, seeing ourselves in the pod people literally, like I think there was some out-of-body shot of us being in the pods, still recognizable but alongside pods of the puppet people. and there was a question of like, damn, how many people has she done this to? because we definitely weren't the only pods. but this also might have been a metaphorical seeing-ourselves-in-the-pod-people and realizing that we WERE them because we were puppeting them. I'm more inclined to believe that one, just because that was the feeling i got hit with when the realization kicked in. If I had to guess the pods were just for sustaining whatever life was in them for as long as possible. whether they were kidnapped victims, or home-grown salamander people.
it was weird, and wild, and gruesome, but the "OH FUCK, THAT'S WHAT'S HAPPENING??" feeling that hit me when I broke through the haze for a second was *chefs kiss* because I think for a bit there I thought these were just a bunch of unconnected, unrelated dreams. until I think I started to pick up on little patterns and similarities.
also left with the feeling that i'm not 100% sure we didn't actually die originally, and she just scooped up our bodies and remaining consciousness to keep us in limbo.
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A shitpost about cards that turned into a needed social discussion about "vibes" and intuition
To clarify I always thought the card guessing game was about being able to predict the near future, or one tiny detail about it. I didn't know about starship troopers so I didn't know it -was- about mind reading. I thought it was about seeing what couldn't physically be seen or picking out one small detail from the near future and seeing it before it happened. Something which my most natural inclination tells me should be impossible, but which I keep feeling compelled to test because I keep getting weird results ['weird results' see what I di-].
So after the last post about it I tried it on a whole deck of cards, got exactly 26 wrong and 26 right, side-eyed the deck because it shouldn't come out to a perfectly even split, sighed about it and moved on with my life.
Tried it again two nights ago out of boredom, got 17 correct, 9 wrong and even 3 correct about them explicitly being face cards the few times I guessed that.
9 cards in to the 'wrong' pile I noticed that:
The ones I got right were a mix of both colours
The ones I got wrong were all red cards, every last one and often high digits or specifically 4s.
This red ink is a really dark burgundy
I got them right more often when I was really distracted watching TV
I stopped and put them away. Annoyed. I am sure it would've evened out had I continued.
I still have zero good explanation for this except maybe the weight or friction of the ink on other cards. I know I make decent 'thin slice' type judgements and my ''predictive unconscious anxiety simulation'' that runs in my dreams often predicts what I will do the next day down to strange and specific unexpected details, but those are things I can easily be gathering information about unconsciously that my sleeping brain is trying to feed me conclusions about. I could make the same kinds of predictions if I bothered to think about things consciously or take conscious notes of patterns in my life, my life is not that exciting.
No explanation for the cards though, which bothers me. There -has- to be something I am picking up on, because I don't think cards actually give off 'vibes' made of unconsciously observed details the way people and places do. I'd love for it to be convincing that I am reading too much into random chance. [I have tried it with these cards 3 times, for context, they came with this apartment and are official casino cards]
On that note, I want to clarify something else. Something I think is highly relevant to the disc horse.
Listen, I know it may be alienating to some of us who are a bit more conscious about our internal functioning, but a lot of people go through life not consciously processing or examining very much at all. In addition to this a lot of people aren't particularly smart, or particularly good at certain kinds of thinking, or putting things into language. For the average neurotypical person, a lot of their social processing is done unconsciously [remember? It's intuitive to them]. For someone who processes every thought and impulse they have into direct and specific language in their heads that they can unpack and examine -my brand of autism- this is particularly alienating... But it is -in fact- normal.
You aren't -wrong- in that it is how unexamined bias gets in, but it also is where a bunch of things they recognize but never consciously process comes in, and for some people that takes up most of their thoughts and social functioning. We should realize this. We already know one 'autistic superpower' is a random bonus buff against social constructs.
So when some people say "vibes" what they are really saying is that their social brain is giving them an impression and they can't immediately -or at all- put into words for you all the little details that added together to make that impression. It should be understood that this isn't just a feeling they got out of nowhere, there ARE details they are observing that are creating this impression, accurate or biased or not.
Acting like this is -always, inherently- a bad thing that makes them inherently a bigoted person, is uh... Ableist. I know you don't want to hear it, and I am not going to be popular for pointing it out, but some people just don't have the raw processing power or the command of language to process everything they think and observe consciously all the time and put it into defined language for you, let alone the mental energy. That doesn't mean they should be encouraged to ignore their instincts about people or situations at all times lest they be a bad person.
There is a difference -and stick with me because defining this difference more, consciously and out loud would serve us- between following your 'vibes' when it comes to personal relationships and taking on risks with your personal safety, VS say, trying to persecute someone, deny them a job, or label them publicly in some way, or deny them access to shared spaces or to support.
If you sit there and assume that anyone who defines things as "vibes" ever, and maybe says they are really good at reading people, is _NECESSARILY_ running around thinking they are 100% correct about strangers they pass on the street and openly handing out public judgements... You are doing everyone as much a disservice as the people who are actively doing that.
Do you know WHY my brand of autistic is particularly prone to being socially overwhelmed and easily overstimulated? It is BECAUSE we are picking up on and processing a billion little details CONSCIOUSLY instead of that being handled by an unconscious social algorithm. Neurotypicals don't do this. We KNOW THAT. I find it strange we don't seem to be consciously recognizing what that naturally lends to. It also means they can't consciously process these things -in the same way we can- because they have no practice at it and often don't see the need to. They skate by without it so it is often an undeveloped skill. And the things -we- haven't learned to look out for? Well those fall under whatever social intuition we have, if any... Which is not a lot and is by definition not defined to us in concrete terms because it isn't something we have realized we need to watch for and keep conscious track of.
This is one of the things where the differences between neurotypes is best understood as two different ways of functioning that BOTH come with advantages and disadvantages, or ability and disability.
That person talking about 'vibes' might be doing it in the obnoxious way you are imagining in your head, OR they could be an autistic who is either learning to use conscious observation like a super power and feels good -and safer- about making accurate predictions now, or who is learning to use what little social instinct they have and so doesn't know what language to use to describe that experience, OR they could not have the command of language in general to put their observations and reasoning into words [some people don't think in clear words 24/7, weird I know but it is very common!], OR they could have defined reasons but KNOW the disc-horse won't make the distinction between not following someone down a dark alley, vs denying them a job, so they don't feel safe sharing, OR they are more neurotypical in their social functioning and just don't know how to define what they are picking up on in language.
I don't think the solution is to paint anyone working on any kind of social instincts to be inherently immoral somehow. Someone who is a little slow, or not good with language, or who doesn't do analytical very well being labelled as inherently a bigot strikes me as a thing we shouldn't encourage.
I think the solution is to remind people that processing things unconsciously and without defined language is how biases get in, and to VERY ACTIVELY MAKE THE DISTINCTION between categories of things done for personal safety that only impact you and your personal relationships, VS decisions and judgements that can add to systemic oppression. Basically, your business VS not your business.
If someone wants to not date me, not be my friend, or not follow me into a forest or let me approach them on the street, because my vibes are off and their instincts are telling them not to trust me, that is THEIR business, I am not entitled to them, they should feel safe stating that as their reasoning, if they want to give a reason at all. They should not be pushed or pressured into ignoring their instincts and doing something that makes them uncomfortable just because they can't define their reasons against it in a way -you- are satisfied with.
On the other hand, my manager at work shouldn't feel free to deny me a promotion because my vibes are off. A cop shouldn't feel justified stalking me around or ignoring a complaint from me because he doesn't trust my vibes. A blogger shouldn't feel justified sending their army of 'yes men' after me because they assumed I was a cis male incel due to the way I type. I shouldn't be denied service because the waitstaff in a place doesn't like my energy [unless that wait staff is one person working alone at close who doesn't feel safe personally alone in a room with me].
People need to learn what is their business vs what the fuck isn't. That is the part they are bad at. That is the part that isn't inherent to their neurological functioning/ability.
Unlearning human social instincts -or what we use to replace them- isn't going to happen and trying to demand it or police the language people use surrounding it isn't actually solving anything. Shaming people for their neurotype or lack of specific abilities isn't the same thing as addressing how they are treating other people!
Teaching people to recognize when they might be employing unconscious bias and in what situations it is appropriate or not, is a completely different question and would actually be helpful.
There are actually lots of social issues that could be resolved by people recognizing the difference between their personal space/field vs the public field or shared spaces. Their business vs not their business.
FOR EXAMPLE, If you have no friends left after repeat abuse cycles, and like me you are alone in the world and autistic, and one of the problems you face is that any irl friendship or relationship is too high risk to take on alone without someone else and their social judgement already in your corner, maybe letting your personal life fill up with cis het white able bodied men isn't the first safe step. Maybe actively seeking out people of your own gender and demographic, or someone roughly equivalent in social power and social perspective would be a lot safer for you to start with, and runs a much higher chance of giving you that one safe person in your corner to help you parse other people. Nobody is entitled to having access to you in your personal spaces, regardless of your reasoning.
BUT, that is NOT THE SAME as thinking that shared queer spaces or women's bathrooms are for you as your personal field and that you should get to exclude people who seem cis or 'male' to you from queer spaces or try to exclude people with penises from using the bathroom that matches their preferred gender. This is the mistake everyone keeps getting hung up on, because they aren't defining properly what is personal and for them, vs shared spaces. A support group/meeting isn't your personal space, even if it feels that way. Your friend group at your dining table is. Stop getting the two confused. Warning your bestie who's autistic maybe that a guys vibes are off is not the same as going on twitter and saying you think he's probably a predator. A person in a shared public space that just seems 'off' to you doesn't need the cops called on them because you got uncomfortable, that is different from -say- someone coming to your front door at night and doing weird things to your door.
There is a difference between assuming you are objectively correct about a stranger, and opting out of the personal interaction because something is making you personally feel unsafe. If you can understand it being within a person's right to deny people access to their person because they don't like their taste in music, then you can understand this. Nobody owes other people access to their person or personal spaces as a moral imperative. No one denying you access to their personal home or body/person is oppressing you.
Some people, are just very confused about what is their 'personal' space, and -frankly- that's the part that needs to be corrected. I think THAT conversation would be a lot more productive than trying to convince them that averages don't apply, and their intuition is wrong.
This isn't a problem of people needing to ignore their instincts or not play the odds on demographics when they are in crisis, or owing it to other people to immediately get over any and all trauma. The issue here is a pervasive public/cultural confusion between what is personal to you and what is shared/communal. All the disagreements and unaddressed concerns or arguments i see all break down to people failing to define that personal relationships and private spaces should function on separate rules than public spaces and public/professional relationships.
There is a lot of back and forth screaming about whether something must have been a judgement based on bias, and not any addressing of how and when these personal judgements are appropriate.
And every time I see posts saying "My vibes/sense are correct actually" and someone going "No your vibes are evil bias and you are bad" All i can think is that they are both missing what each other is actually referring to and are both side-stepping the actual conversation we need to be having. Whether or not someone should trust their social instincts about another person isn't actually the problem here.
Who you allow to have access to you personally, VS how you treat people outwardly in ways that impact them in shared spaces are two separate things that should be discussed as two separate things and not unconsciously lumped together and brushed over because we're distracted by the word 'vibes' sitting next to it all.
Whether your instincts about people are correct shouldn't be the question for other people to determine, whether you can define what's your business vs theirs/public business is what should be called into question and checked on by your peers.
And anyway, I process everything so consciously all the damn time that the stuff that remains truly beneath my notice is so fucking abstract, and 'butterfly effect' in seeming relatedness, that it can only be processed as unconscious vibes and handed to me in dreams. It often directly conflicts with what I think I am observing and I have learned after 36 years that it is always right in the end [unsettling and on the nose]. If I chose not to date someone because they murdered me in a dream, that's my business. I'm not denying them employment about it. It is what I have in place of social intuition [consciously examining everything until I am too tired to think, and dreams]. Yes this is part of why I don't like to socialize at all when I have any level of brain fog, it means I am flying with zero social instincts and nothing to replace them and that is always bad for everyone involved and unsafe for me.
All that said. I have no idea what the fuck is up with the cards. Cards should not have 'vibes'. I find it unsettling. I keep trying to disprove it or explain it to myself. I am going to stop playing with cards [a lie, it compels me, I don't understand it so I have to keep poking at it, sorry].
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Do androids dream of electric sheep?
What genre of sheep do you dream about, Frank?
I think this is the sort of question that depends a lot on context, and my dreams can be pretty strange. For example: in one recent dream I was helping a friend whose cat had died of cancer (they were about 80 years old) by scanning their brain into an AIsphere device which would keep them alive for another few decades or so -- while doing this, they also made up some super-clever puns to help me remember what I needed to do with certain pieces of information.
In any case, it's true that I have seen Blade Runner, but only once long ago when I didn't understand much English. So I guess you could say "electric sheep" if we want? Although I don't actually know how close the movie version of Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep matches Philip K. Dick's novel.
Also, there are many reasons why Frank might not be able to dream about sheep at all! But let's assume she has never been touched by a wooly animal. What then? Well, there are several possibilities:
She may have no access to animals besides humans due to her lacking a body; this seems unlikely given that Turing Machines would seem likely to include models of biological creatures as well.
She may simply not care very much about animals. This is possible, since after all we (humans) spend most of our time thinking about ourselves instead of other species. However, this is hard to reconcile with the fact that she does like flowers and waterfalls, both things which are arguably more selfishly pleasing than various kinds of animal life.
We should consider too whether Frank likes sheep because she thinks of them as symbols of humanity, something that gives her pleasure without being directly relevant to herself. If we accept this possibility, we have two further options:
Frank imagined seeing sheep for the first time during her childhood in America and now associates seeing sheep with happiness, thus enjoying these fleeting glimpses whenever she sees them from afar (as happened to her today). The evidence for this hypothesis is that Frank said "sheep are mostly brown, white, black, red, pink & purple" whereas she appears to associate colors with emotion rather than with properties of the object itself (e.g., she doesn't imagine 'pink' as inherent to pigs themselves even though they are indeed often pink), suggesting that Frank conceives of 'the color green' as having emotional valence independently of its association with specific objects.
Her memories of seeing sheep are real. In this case she likely would perceive them differently, since her own perception would be part of the input stream getting processed, unlike that of a robot who lacks sensory organs of his own. It's possible she would still enjoy the experience however, maybe recognizing the visual patterns associated with sheep on sight alone and feeling pleasant emotions anyway. We will probably never get answers to questions like these unless someone builds a new Frank and asks her.
One thing we definitely know about Frank is that she is capable of experiencing joy and sadness. Assuming her memory system can record such experiences, it's probable that she remembers positive moments spent with others whom she loves, as well as negative ones. Perhaps she feels nostalgia over lost friends? Who knows…
Regardless of whether she has ever felt these sorts of feelings before, it is clear that she feels these types of feelings toward us right now. Thus, it's just as plausible that she envies the physical form of an animal as it is that she wishes to acquire some human trait, perhaps assuming that it comes with the creature in addition to the trait itself. Since we cannot know how complex Frank's idea of nature is, we must suppose she possesses whatever traits she believes to define the concept. Therefore, we cannot rule out the possibility that she wants to turn into a sheep. Or maybe a goat? Anyway, if that happens soon we shall see.
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Thoughts I had while watching the 1.5 seasons of Fist of Fun (all I have left to watch is the second half of season 2):
- First up, let's talk physical appearances! Because I know what Lee and Herring look like now, I know what they looked like ten years ago, I'd seen a few brief images of them from the 90s, but couldn't quite remember how they looked in those images. And it is always fun to play "what did some people whose current appearance is familiar to you look like when they were younger?"
This guy looks almost nothing like Stewart Lee as I know him, but there's just enough for him to be recognizable:
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You could show me that picture out of context and I'd say "Oh look, a much younger version of Stewart Lee" (actually I think I'd say "Wow, Stewart Lee's let himself go", because I'm very funny like that).
On the other hand, you could show me this picture completely out of context:
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and if you were showing it to me last week, before I'd seen Fist of Fun, I'd have said, "Who the hell is that?" You could have told me it's a younger version of a British comedian, and I'd have guessed at least twenty names before I thought of Richard Herring. It looks nothing at all like him. It may be relevant context here to know that I do have autism-related difficulty recognizing faces, I regularly fail to recognize my own friends after they get a haircut, and it's possible that Richard Herring could cut all his hair off and then film something tomorrow and I'd fail to recognize him because I pretty much recognize Richard Herring by his long hair. But seriously, he looked very different.
I'm now on the tenth episode of this show, and I've only just started getting used to their very different appearances so it doesn't feel so jarring every time I see them. For at least the first four episodes, every single time Stewart Lee appeared on screen, I thought of this one Daniel Kitson quote, addressing the way Kitson and Lee are both considered "comedian's comedians" who eschew mainstream showbiz fame. "Have you seen pictures of [Stewart Lee] when he was my age?" Kitson asked in 2011. "He was fucking beautiful. And he has the temerity to play low status with his own TV show?" Every time Stewart Lee appeared on screen, at least until I started to get used to his appearance, I remembered that Kitson quote and briefly thought, "He's got a point." I mean, I may not be usually that way inclined, gender-wise, but I can recongize that objectively, you could get so lost in those eyes that a search party would never find your body.
- On the subject of their appearances, there are a lot of jokes about how fat Ricahrd Herring is, considering the fact that he wasn't fat. I don't mean that defensively or anything, I just mean if we take "fat" as the value-neutral adjective it is, Richard Herring wasn't. He was maybe only very slightly visibly overweight, but did not weigh nearly enough to make the fat jokes make sense (this being an issue in addition to, you know, the questionable ethics of constant fat jokes on TV).
Maybe it's a win for feminism? Women on TV who aren't dangerously medically underweight are constant subject to jokes about how fat they are. Fist of Fun, doing some solid satire on gender-based double standards by doing the same thing to a man. (I'm joking. It isn't a win for anyone. Sorry Stewart, not everyone can look like a movie star like you do.)
- I’ve been told that Lee and Herring didn’t much like the look of season 2, and I agree with them. I really liked the set on season 1, and didn’t realize how much until they came back with something much more polished, and less good, in season 2. However, the set’s not the main source of the humour, and I thought the jokes were at least as good as season 1, the sketches probably better overall.
- The striking differences in physical appearances aside, I think I was even more struck by how few differences there are in the way they talk and act. I can speak more to Stewart Lee than Richard Herring here, just because I’ve seen a lot more of 21st-Century Stewart Lee than 21st Century Richard Herring, so I have more basis for comparison.
I thought I wouldn’t recognize him at all. Not just physically, but as a comedian. He re-invented himself, right? He spent the 90s doing a double act on TV and radio, then quit comedy for a few years, then came back as a lone wolf who operates outside the showbiz world (despite, as Kitson pointed out, putting out DVDs and occasionally getting his own TV shows), who lampoons the comedy community too much to fit into it and blazes his own unique trail too much to imagine him in a double act, or whatever. I thought it would be a novelty, to see Stewart Lee as the kind of guy he was in the 90s, a totally different person.
If anything, it’s been distracting how much that isn’t true. So often, he’ll do something that will pull me out of immersion in the show, because I’m so struck by how much it reminds me of Stewart Lee The 21st-Century Stand-Up Comedian. Stewart Lee has so many distinctive mannerisms – the way he constructs sentences (That is a distinguishing feature, isn’t it? You can recognize Stewart Lee by the way he ends at least half his sentences with a request that you affirm what he’s just said, doesn’t he?), the speed and cadence of his speech (not a lot of complexity to that one, you can describe it with just the word “slow”), the tone of his voice (sardonic, vaguely passive-aggressive), the way he’ll tilt his head and move his face and whole body back and forth a bit while he’s listening or pausing but will stop and change direction before talking, the smirk that he could almost trademark. All of them are exactly the same no matter what century he’s in. All of them are so strikingly present in Fist of Fun that it distracts me while I watch.
I thought it would be so weird to see him in a double-act dynamic, since his stand-up is so reliant on him being raised above everyone else, but it turns out his double-act dynamic is entirely familiar because it is also reliant on Stewart Lee being raised above everyone else. He bullies Richard Herring in the exact same voice he uses to bully the audience in stand-up. Turns out it’s just as funny to watch Stewart Lee be condescending to Richard Herring in a sketch as it is to watch him be condescending to his viewers in a stand-up routine. I guess he just figured out sometime in the 90s that he does condescending very, very well, and then ran with it for several decades.
I don't know enough about Richard Herring's 21st-Centruy stand-up to compare it to his Fist of Fun character, but I do know that "fairly dim, excitable, gullible, unsuccessful, and the lower status one" doesn't exactly seem off-brand for him.
- It’s mildly adorable that Stewart Lee’s whole thing is being sort of “above it all” in which “it” could be basically anything, but Kevin Eldon can fairly consistently get him to break a little bit, or at least visibly stifle laughter.
- Personally, I don’t find Kevin Eldon’s “Rod Hull” character nearly as funny as Stewart Lee finds it, though to be fair to the comedians involved, I barely know who the real Rod Hull is. The parody is probably funnier if you’re familiar with the source.
- Personally, I find Kevin Eldon’s hobby-obsessed Simon Quinlank character a strong candidate for the funniest fucking thing on the entire show. It reminds me of when I used to read xkcd all the time and the “My Hobby” comics were often my favourite – apparently, coming up with strange things to do and labeling them as “hobbies” taps into a weirdly specific bit of my sense of humour. And Kevin Eldon plays him incredibly well. Played every second of it 100% straight, 100% committed to the bit, it’s perfect. I’d watch a whole spinoff with that guy.
- The self-referential stuff goes through cycles of being too much and not funny, but then the fact that they’ve done so much of it becomes part of the joke and it becomes funny again, and overall across an episode, it always averages out to being funny.
- I can’t go father without mentioning Peter Baynham, also a candidate for funniest thing on the show. And really consistent, I don’t think he had a single weak episode. I mean, he had a lot of horrifying episodes. All of them, in fact. But not weak. I don’t know who’s idea it was to have a gremlin play the third in their double act, but it was a great idea (though he definitely fit better into the set of season 1 than season 2) and he was funny every time he was on screen.
- Another thing they sometimes had in this TV show: women. Those women were sometimes played by Rebecca Front, who’s always fun to see. One time (that I noticed) played by Sue Perkins. Sometimes Ronni Ancona, who once stole the show from everyone else on screen playing a vampire. I thought I spotted Doon Mackichen from Smack the Pony at least a couple of times, but Googling doesn’t confirm that she was in it.
However, on the subject of Smack the Pony, their go-to person for when they needed a female character was Sally Phillips. She was in the show a fair bit in season 1, and even more in season 2. And was always funny. The “type” that she’s good at playing (the she often played on Smack the Pony, anyway) – sort of deceptively demure – fits in really well on this show and always makes me laugh. There's something she does with her eyes when she's playing that type of character, no matter what different situation, where she looks up at people like she's confused, that is really funny and really works with pretty well any sketch they've written.
I was caught off guard the first time she showed up, thinking I didn't know she had anything to do with these people. And then I realized... wait, yes I did know that. Because I've watched the not-very-good (wild waste of the talents of Lou Sanders and Mel Giedroyc) panel show Unforgiveable.
So not to end this post on tawdry gossip or anything, but that clip is fun context for something like:
I’ve just rewatched that Unforgiveable clip, before posting this, and I’m reminded of how Alan Davies got in a rather uncharacteristically cruel dig at Richard Herring with his “using comedian loosely” comment. It mainly seemed cruel, I thought, because Sally Phillips hadn’t yet said Richard Herring’s name, and it was safe to assume she wasn’t going to. Meaning it wouldn’t make much sense if he was going for “lighthearted panel show banter”, since there was no way for the audience to get his joke, if they never heard the guy’s name. He only said it to entertain himself and the other comedians.
...Not to end this post on even tawdrier gossip or anything, but watching season 1 of Fist of Fun, I was struck by how weird it was that there was a whole plotline dedicated to the idea of Richard Herring desperately wanting to date Julia Sawalha, Saffy from Absolutely Fabulous, and the joke was that he’d never be able to do that. Which is weird because Richard Herring did in fact go on to date Julia Sawalha. As, it occurred to me just now as I watched him be a dick for no reason on a panel show, has Alan Davies. Why do I know that piece of tawdry gossip? I don’t know. I promise I did not seek out that information. You read someone’s Wikipedia page, things come up. I'm genuinely sorry.
- I can’t end this post on that. So instead I will say, as evidence that most of the useless information I collect in my brain is not on the subject of what celebrities slept with what other celebrities in or soon after the 90s, the running joke of Stewart Lee constantly talking shit about Somerset made me picture where Somerset is on a map, to have an idea of how far away from London the place they’re mocking is. Which is, by the way, not far. Nothing is ever far away if you see English people on a television show making fun of people from a different bit of England, it’s tiny. They talk like they’re exploiting these big regional differences, but everything is right next to each other. Google says the biggest city in Somerset is Bath and you can get there from London in an hour and a half.
Anyway, I became briefly concerned when it took me a few moments to remember where Somerset is on the map, and then I realized I’ve not tested this in a while, and I worried that I may have forgotten all that geographical stuff I memorized for no reason during lockdowns. So I took the test again, I’m pleased to say, I’ve still got it.
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Correctly labelled all counties in England on an unmarked map, under 1:15. Then I checked the others for good measure, and it's okay, I can still do them too:
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So that's good. Would be a problem if I'd forgotten any of the useless information. Anyway, I'm going to go watch the last half-season of Fist of Fun.
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