#with pushing thru n doing things the harder way !!!!
cozybi · 1 year
i do NOT have to do things the hard way it is GOOD to do things the easier way it is GOOD to make things gentler for myself wherever possible and i DESERVE help and kindness in all situations !!!!!!!!!!!!
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greg-montgomery · 2 years
sorry but horny thoughtss with aaron!! like imagine reader and aaron are watching a movie in a dark room hehehehe and hes so nearrr you like you guys are connected his whole bodyweight is beside you and you know you can feel him more than one ways 😏😏😏 and you’re being a tease so you push yourself more into him and he’s all whiny and grinding against you and eventually he’s deep inside you taking you from behind while you’re screaming thru the night
horny thoughts with aaron are always welcome <333
whiny desperate hotch 😫😫
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
It was a good thing that the movie you were watching with Aaron was one that you had seen before.
Because, if that was your first time watching it and someone were to ask you anything about the plot, you’d just stare at them with no clue what to say.
But who could ever blame you? Aaron was attached to you, being the big spoon like he usually preferred, leaving you no room to think of anything else but him. His left arm was under his head, acting as his pillow, but the other one was all over you. Currently it was on your shoulder, his fingers drawing invisible patterns on your skin.
His touch made you shiver, and you figured he noticed because he left you a sweet kiss right where his hand was.
“Stop,” you giggled.
“Stop what? I’m not doing anything,” he murmured, innocently, against your skin.
“Right…” you said, pushing yourself back slightly. If he wanted to be a tease, you would be a bigger one.
“What? I’m not doing anything,” you mirrored his words.
Aaron’s hand moved lower, resting on your hip. He pinched you lightly and pushed himself into you like you had done earlier. You felt him grow hard, so you decided to move your ass against his crotch, causing him to let out a whimper.
His grip on your hip grew stronger and he started rocking himself against you, moving slowly but steady; his whines getting more and more pathetic each time.
You lifted your arm, bringing it behind you and rested your hand on the back of his head, pulling him close to you. “Keep going,” you told him. “I can feel how desperate you are, honey.”
“Feels so fucking good,” he said.
“I know…Got all excited just by watching a movie with me, baby?” you fake pouted.
“Mmm…” he only moaned, grinding against your ass.
“That’s it…” you praised him. “That’s it, Aaron…Are you gonna fuck me now?” you asked, your voice full of sweetness.
“Can I, baby?” he whined, his voice shaking. “Please?”
“Of course, honey,” you said. “Do you have any idea how bad it turns me on when you’re whining and begging to fuck me? When I know that your cock is desperate for me?”
“I need you.” Moving fast, he took himself out of his pants, and after pulling your own pants down, he was inside you.
You turned your head so you could steal a kiss from him. Your hand was still on the back of his head, so you took the opportunity to tug on his hair. “Fuck,” he hissed.
“God…You always fuck me so good, Aaron,” you sighed. “You’re so good for me.”
His reaction to your words made you think that his fingers on you were definitely going to leave bruises on your skin. You, of course, didn’t mind.
“Mmm…it’s like you were made for me.”
“I was,” he answered.
“Please, go harder, baby,” you asked him. “You know I like it when you get a little rough.”
Aaron was never the one to say no to you.
His thrusts got more and more intense and soon you were breathless, screaming his name, his cum filling you up as your own orgasm approached.
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tommyboykaulitz · 1 year
Ryan x Knoxville’s sister reader???
Description:Your big brother works for Jackass and you go in today to visit him and your crush. Later that night some confessions are made.
Author:I hope you guys enjoy this one. I’ll probably post a smut with Ryan tomorrow but I wasn’t feeling it today.
You’ve always been close to you brother, Johnny. He was 5 years older than you and significantly taller. He was tall with brown hair, and dark brown eyes. He was always doing stupid stunts with his friends for Jackass. You got super bored today and decided to go to the set to see what was happening. Once you got there you saw the boys at the table and decided to sit down. They were all nice to you knowing that if they went to far with a prank Johnny would come back even harder. One time Bam took his prank on you a little too far and Johnny dumped a bunch of snakes on him. 
You sat in between Steve-O and Ryan. Everyone at the table was good looking, but one person caught your eyes every time. His long hair, scruffy beard, and sunglasses. You had always thought that Ryan was the best looking in the group but it wasn’t till you fully got to know him did you grow a crush on him. Bam was the first to find out noticing small things you would do around Ryan. Always sit or stand beside him, look in his eyes when he talks, and the way you looked at him. You would think that your in love with him or something. You notice Johnny isn’t at the table but you hear the gravel crunch under his chucks behind you. You reach in your back and slowly bring out your taser, knowing you two are about to have a taze war. You jump up and turn around tazing Johnny in his arm before he gets you in your side. You both start laughing while everyone watches you taze each other. This happens weekly, Johnny has a free moment and starts messing around with you. You finish your little round and sit back down, huffing and puffing beside Dunn. You realize he has his right arm wrapped around the back of your chair when he starts picking sticks out of your hair, from falling with Johnny. You look at him and thank him. 
“Anything to make that rats nest on your head look better,” he plays making the rest of the table laugh. You playfully push his shoulder leading him to overreact and knock his chair to the ground, him following shortly after. He pulls you down with him and you start wrestling him before he pins you to the ground. “I win.” He laughs before getting up and helping you back to your feet. You check the time a see its getting late. 
“Alright I better head out, I love you guys,” you flip everyone off before heading to your truck. You hear some foot steps running after you, expecting Johnny you reach for your taser, ready to play one more time before going home. 
“Y/N wait,” Ryan shouts trying to catch up with you. You put your taser away and turn to him. 
“Whats up Ry?”
“I’m bored, I’m coming with you.”
“I don’t know about that,” you don’t even know why you tried saying that. He was already climbing in the passenger side. You pull you keys and smokes out of your bag before tossing it in the back seat. You start driving before lighting your cigarette and asking, “So what do you want to do.”
“I don’t care but I’m starving.”
“Ok Ry, I’ll stop by some place for you,” you say between chuckles, knowing he is going to want Taco Bell you pull up to the drive-thru and order his food. 
You pull up to your house and grab your bag before heading in. “I’m gonna take a shower, just make yourself comfy. Theres beer in the fridge if you want some and I think I have some tree in my drawer.”
“Oh sweet thank you,” his dopey grin followed by that. You get to your room and plop your stuff on the bed before finding some clothes to change into. At first you want to get Ryans attention before realizing you don’t want a one night stand. You end up grabbing some over-sized basketball shorts and a tight-t-shirt. You get in the shower and Ryans already opening his third beer (you took a while) and eating. By the time you get out you realize that you spent 30 minutes in there. You quickly get dressed and run downstairs to see ryan with a bunch of beer bottles on the table. 
“Oh shit, Ry. Please tell me you didn’t,” you muttered walking down to him and cleaning up the bottles. 
“Oh hey Y/N, I think your gonna need to buy some more beers, I don’t know what happened to them but they all disappeared,” he says giggling at his own joke. You can tell that he was already drunk, but its your fault. You let him have unlimited access to the beer. 
“It’s fine Dunn. Here just lay down, try to go to sleep.” the second his head hit the pillow he had fallen asleep. You started picking up around the room. Bringing his trash to the kitchen, cleaning the table, turning off the T.V, and taking off his shoes. You make your way back upstairs and turn off the light. Once you make it back to your room you plop down on your bed and read for about 30 minutes before watching Ryan walk in and slip into the bed beside you. You put your book away and ask what he’s doing as he slides his arm around your waist. Pulling you in to spoon you. 
“Have I ever told you Y/N how hot you are? Seriously I’ve liked you for a long time.” He admits leaving kisses all along your neck and shoulder. 
“No Dunn,” you hesitate before speaking again, hoping that he would forgot in the morning due to his drunk sleepy stage right now. “You know Ryan…I-I’ve liked you for a while too.” You flip over to be able to look at him before planting a kiss on his lips and burying you face into his chest. You guys fall asleep like that and when you wake up you see him flipped on his side, facing the window. You get up and brush your teeth, leaning into the door frame while looking at Ryan. You keep thinking about wether or not he remembers what you said last night. 
He flips over and sees you standing there. “Why hello there beautiful, what are you doin’ way over there? Come here,” you were already done brushing so you climbed into bed beside him. “You know I’m glad you like me Y/N,” he places kisses all over your face like you did to him last night. You push him off playfully as you wrestle in your bed, trying to push him off to be the new winner. Until you were interrupted by Johnny running in and tackling you. 
He looks over at Ryan and jumps to him, “What are you doing in my little sisters bed?”
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universe-requests · 6 months
Got any college tips?
Ps make it lengthy
Yeah! Note that a lot of this will be based on my own experiences as someone w ADHD at a large public university, and may not apply necessarily to you!
Academic Stuff:
even if textbook readings aren't mandatory, if there are associated sections/readings w your classes, you should read the textbook. there is a ton of stuff in there that's not gonna be covered well by your lectures, and you'll benefit from the additional context and examples you get from reading
make calendars and to-do lists weeks in advance. if your classes have syllabi with schedules, put all their deadlines onto your calendar. from the calendar, write down what you want to get done each day. i usually try to do 1-2 assignments every day. i do this usually a few weeks to a month into the future, so that i know what i need to get done each day. if you need to push an assignment, you'll know what you have to do for the coming days and can balance where best to put stuff you couldn't complete.
go to office hours! if you start an assignment and do what you can on it b4 going to office hours, you'll be able to better ask questions on what you're confused abt. for some of my harder classes, i went to office hours sometimes twice a week.
you may need to change your major! that's okay. i changed mine like 2 or 3 years in and had to do an extra year to make up for the change. i was afraid to "give up" on my first major (biomedical engineering), but if i'd switched sooner, i would've avoided needing to take extra time. if you do end up switching a bit later like i did, it's not the end of the world tho! it's more money obv, but this major has been much easier for me n i've made way more friends in informatics than i ever made in engineering
apply for disabilities if you think you'll need accommodations! i originally tried to go without them n realized that i was depriving myself of resources for no reason. having extra time on assignments n exams improved my grades bc i could take the time i needed!
Friendship Stuff:
compliment ppl on things like their fashion, hair, phone cases, pins, or backpacks! this is a great way to start a conversation and get a conversation flowing and i have had multiple friendships start just by giving a compliment and then continuing to chat from there
start/join campus discord servers! it's a great way to meet ppl in your classes or your building. i've made multiple friends thru discord servers for my classes, and you also get to work thru assignments or clarify things together
hang-outs don't have to be big plans. you can just msg ppl if they wanna get food at the dining hall n sometimes that'll evolve into a bigger hang-out if you end up wanting to go do smth after!
Mental Health Stuff:
if you're living in the dorms, you'll probably feel rlly scared/sad on your first night or even first few nights abt being on your own n such. both myself and my therapist sobbed our first nights in the dorms! but it'll get better n you'll feel more confident doing things by yourself/being away from home as you go
the first year can be rlly tough to adjust to. i was so depressed i was sometimes peeing in my trashcan bc i couldn't get myself out of bed. now, i'm doing much much better! as you go, you'll get better at your time management skills and knowing your limits and coping w frustration/anxieties
as much as possible, go to events on campus. go to plays, movie nights, clubs, concerts, craft nights, game nights etc. n don't feel afraid to do it by yourself! it's fun to have things to look forward to and get yourself out of the dorm and making sure that you're eating meals (bc if you're already out, you might as well eat)
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jakesangel · 2 months
hai princess ^^ i want to restart over everything. i feel like im way too um like unproductive? and haven’t been taking care of myself that well. do you mind sharing any tips or routine that i can do to start over? tysm 💕
hai anon bby <3 i myself been struggling wiht that the past two weeks but is slowly going back on track >< so here's what i do to my best during the remaining summer <3
꣑୧ visualize ur 'perfect day' wiht the goals u want to achieve. by that write them down ᵎ like what u want to do n how u're gonna do it w lots of details. help urself w pictures u can find on pinterest. it will help u want to do it n can be a good sense of motivation before building discipline ><
꣑୧ remind urself that excuses make today easier n tomorrow harder whereas discipled makes todays harder n tomorrow easier ᵎ
꣑୧ don't overdo or expect u're gonna be perfect right away ᵎᵎ what works is being consistent , so if u want to workout don't do the whole one hour heavy weight session but just a 20/30 min one w light weight for exemple so u can slowly adjust urself without too much of an effort >< also being perfect doesn't mena anything, just get better over time ᵎ
꣑୧ even if u don't wake up early n start ur day at 2, you can still very much do everything u want to do... it's not because u don't wake up 'on time' that everything is ruined ᵎ
꣑୧ stay away from your phone. it will only make things harder. or at least don't open those apps that provides short lengths content
꣑୧ often the high of being productive fades away in three/five days making it hard to keep on going, but push it thru ᵎ this is where discipline is in game n when u have to build it. so just do it ᵎ
꣑୧ another reminder : you're sacrificing who you are for who you want to be, whihc one are you picking today ?ᩚ
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ceciliaceofbase · 3 years
dude taste of peaches was soooo good!!! i loved it, i was wondering, since ur taking requests, if you could do a frat!peter parker x reader and they’ve been dating for awhile and the readers a virgin but peters more experienced and he’s super sweet and walks her thru it but also makes her asks for everything so major teasing and praise. only if ur comfortable!! ty :)
Thanks for your kind words, got me sobbing harder than when I was actually writing this cute piece. I really appreciate the request and my sincerest apologies for the wait! It was so much fun to write, I hope you like it :)
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Summary: [NSFW] Your boyfriend has been waiting for a long time, praying you'd give him what he wanted soon. Finally, you work up the courage to tell him what you want... unfortunately, he keeps making you ask.
CW: frat!peter, submissivevirgin!femreader, smut!!!, unprotected sex, pet names (babygirl, darling, sweetheart, baby, honey, good girl), LOTS of praise, teasing, explicit description and wording, less plot more smut, masturbation (m), begging, loss of virginity, extreme fluff, the reader being a cute insecure embarrassed crybaby mess (relatable tbh), Peter being needy and teasing yet the sweetest boy on the planet
A/N: I simultaneously love this and hate it at the same time? The prompt, concept, and Peter in this is chefs kiss... I just don't like the writing. Also, the reader is almost just me in this exact scenario so I apologize for the annoying amount of flusteredness. Enjoy!
Everyone in this fic is 18+
5k words, edited once
Just call my name, I’ll be there in a hurry, you don’t have to worry,” You sang, swinging your hips around to the song. You weren’t the best dancer, but you had a pretty good rhythm, prancing around the kitchen. “Ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough, ain’t no RIVER wide enough.”
“-To keep me from getting to you, baby,” A deeper, familiar voice came from the living room, making you jump and yelp in surprise. You heard him laugh slightly, walking deeper into the light and giving you a teasing smile. He was in his spidey suit, holding the mask in his hands to explain his messy curls.
“Peter,” You sighed, letting out a giggle, “you scared the goodness outta me, sheesh.”
You quickly walked over to him, bare feet padding on the cold floor, setting down the bowl you were whisking on the way over. You pushed into his chest, giving him a tight hug that showed you were grateful for him to be home from patrol. The smell of his cologne filled the air around you, his body still cold from whipping through New York at such a late hour.
“Oh, I sure hope not. It’s one of my favorite things about you,” He smiled, stroking your hair back and placing a kiss on your head. “Sorry, I’m late.”
You leaned back, giving him a dramatic pout.
“What took you so long? I was getting worried...” You trailed off when his hands came up to hold your face.
“The fraternity had another meeting-”
“AKA another party?” You raised a brow at this, pout still evident. He chuckled at the attitude, rolling his eyes. You hated it when he went to those parties, even if it was just for a minute. All the prettiest... experienced girls would try and hit on your boyfriend even if you were standing right there, attempting to get his pretty face and hot body in their bed. He was quick to politely decline, kissing you to show he had his own girl, yet you couldn’t help but feel bad.
He would never cheat on you, but his skill in bed was well known, talked about heavily between many of the women who stared. You would get so embarrassed and feel sick when you heard them talking about things like how lucky you were... especially when they got jealous, muttering quick insults on how you were undeserving. But even after those horrible parties, you’d still rather be there with Peter than at home all by yourself.
“Yes, but I have to make an appearance. They’ll kick me out in a minute you know,” He gave you a sympathetic smile and you sighed.
“I know, I just-” You hesitated, not wanting to sound ridiculous.
“Just what baby girl?” He pressed, subconsciously swaying both of you to the music in the background. “Jealous?”
“No!” You scoffed making him quirk an eyebrow. He wasn’t believing it for a second, so you dropped the act. “The other girls, you know... they’re experienced and could give you a good time. I’m sure that’s tempting when you got a-”
He interrupted you with a passionate kiss, you let out a surprised squeal that was swallowed by his own lips. You were surprised when his hands went to your ass giving a hard squeeze before he seemed to realize what he was doing, bringing them back to your hips quickly. He let himself groan into your mouth, holding you tight against him.
Your lips were swollen and you had to gasp for air after the tough kiss, surprised. You and Peter had been dating for a few months now, never going past some pretty tame make-out sessions, and that was the most passionate kiss you had EVER received.
“I don’t want anyone but you,” His voice was stern, so stern that it surprised you. You let your gaze fall to your feet, embarrassment flushing your features. His response was to lightly grip your chin and gently guide you to eye contact. “I’ll wait, no matter how long, until you are ready to take that step. I don’t care about experience, I care about you.”
The words stirred some emotion in your chest and you had to choke back a few tears. You knew Peter had lost his virginity and gained a lot of knowledge since high school, but the fact that he was being so patient with something you were so nervous about made your heart flutter. You didn’t know this, but Peter was actually putting himself through hell every second he was around you.
Your smell, your touch, your smile, the noises you made on a daily basis... it was driving him crazy. Every minute of the day he thought about all the things he would do when you were ready and no amount of “alone time” could fix the constant fire burning through his mind, heart, and dick. He was constantly holding himself back from what he was used to giving the people he dated, catching himself from lovingly tapping you on the ass as he walked by, or almost letting his hands travel to your breasts while kissing.
Peter was obsessed and it was killing him, every part of him itching to touch you even when you did the littlest things. When you raked your fingers through his hair, when you bent over the counter to grab your phone off of the charger, when you made little huffs to show your frustration... when you hugged him just like this. But he waited, as every partner should, even if it was burning him from the inside out.
“But-” You started to explain your feelings, stopping at his hard stare.
“I’m alright darling, I want to wait until you are fully ready. I’d wait until marriage if you asked,” He chuckled, suddenly getting a little bit more serious. He would wait that long, but he was also pretty sure it would kill him by that point. “But please don’t do that...”
You let out a laugh, letting your head lean into his chest again. You trusted Peter at this point and felt ready to step past just kissing, but the nervousness and embarrassment were still there. How do you tell your partner that you’re ready for sex? Hey Pete, wanna fuck my brains out?
It wasn’t on purpose, but when you pushed the hug further into his chest, your thigh had roughly brushed against his already aching cock. He had to stifle a groan, scrunching up his eyes into a frustrated face. If you were actually looking at him, he would have hidden the sexual frustration that he was feeling in a heartbeat. But the smell of you and the sound of your heartbeat so close to his was more than he could bear.
“I-I’m going to go get changed, okay?” He said quickly, hoping you didn’t see or feel the massive bulge in his suit. You were oblivious as he quickly strode into the hallway towards his bedroom, making you a bit confused. He usually really liked your hugs...
He shut the door quickly, shedding his suit and boxers immediately. His cock popped out hard and ready, the cool air making him groan. He felt guilty and gross, getting so turned on right after you confessed some hard feelings and only because you hugged him... he felt even more perverted as he touched himself to the image of you in his head, not feeling satisfied even after he came all over his hand.
“Pete... Are you feeling okay? I’m sorry if I said something,” You stuttered through the doorway, wringing your hands lightly. Your soft voice only made the problem worse and he had to remind himself that you weren’t doing this to him on purpose.
He cursed as he grabbed a shirt to clean up, he could hear that your heartbeat was sped up and that you were nervous.
“I’m fine honey, I mean, you-you’re fine! J-just give me a few more minutes, I’ll be right out!” He said, pleading you’d leave him to recover.
“Okay,” You were hesitant, worried about your boyfriend's weird behavior. But you figured that if he needed your help or assistance, not that he ever had before, then he would tell you. You were very wrong as he really, really, really needed you. Right. Now. But you were oblivious yet again as you moved back to the kitchen to finish your soup.
Peter was relieved, trying to block out everything about you while he calmed down. Changing into loose boxers and an oversized t-shirt, aka his normal before-bed clothes, he hoped that maybe his body could keep it down until you went to your own apartment down the hall. That hope was quickly diminished when he walked into the kitchen, his face falling and his throat becoming drier than the Sahara.
You had forgotten to grab the cornstarch, which Peter happened to store in the highest cupboard, on the highest shelf, in the whole house. So you were kneeling on the counter, your short athletic shorts being pulled up with your reach, so far that your ass was pretty much on display. And you were wearing one of his shirts... while making small grunts and sighs while attempting to reach the yellow container, eventually going to move to your feet.
Peter's spider-sense was blaring sirens at the sight of this so he was quick to run over. He lifted you up by the waist, making you squeal and giggle in surprise, before gently setting you down. Sure the cupboard was high, but all he had to do was jump with little effort and grab it for you.
“You should ask for my help, you could easily get hurt,” He scolded slightly, holding the container just beyond your reach. He tried not to be angry, but the sexual frustration he was having only seemed to heighten his annoyance. Horribly sexual thoughts flooded through his brain, scenarios, and images ripping through his very being.
“I’m sorry, thanks for grabbing it for me,” You smiled sweetly, looking up at him with big doe eyes. His frustration seemed to melt at your cute face and his expression softened immediately. You reached for the container, your legs brushing his own yet again, making him shutter... his frustration returning, only this time... you noticed.
He could sense your heart skip a beat, a familiar scent reaching his nose almost immediately. He was shocked at how quickly you were also suddenly aroused, your soup completely forgotten.
“Uh... Pete,” Your face was a bright red and a feeling of lust stirred in your lower stomach. Peter followed your gaze, to be met by a huge tent working past both his shirt and boxers. He mentally slapped himself, less embarrassed and more worried about the possibility of you being uncomfortable.
“Oh- I’m so sorry, just give me a minute and-” He started rambling.
“I- uhm... I could help you with that,” You mumbled so low a regular person wouldn’t have heard, extremely embarrassed at your own words. Your face was burning incredibly hot, and you could feel your heart pounding against your chest like it was trying to escape. Peter froze in his tracks, almost not believing what he heard.
“What was that sweetheart?” His voice was low, wanting you to say it out loud. Your face only got hotter as you stared at the ground, playing with your fingers.
“Do- Do you want me to help you with that?” You asked a bit louder this time, Peters breath hitched at the confirmation of what he thought you said.
“Of course, I do,” He sighed slightly, licking his lips. “But are you ready? You shouldn’t feel pressured to-”
“No, I-” You swallowed thickly, nerves igniting your whole body. “I want to.”
Your embarrassed state and arousal seemed to fill the silent room with a lot of noise for Peter, excitement bubbling in his chest at the thought of you finally being comfortable enough to lose your virginity... he felt honored, but his brain was fogged by the need to be on you. He knew he had to be gentle and caring, so he pushed down that urge, focusing on emotions... yet he couldn’t stop himself from teasing you, seeing you were all worked up already.
“Then say it. Say exactly what you want me to do with you,” He watched as your foot stomped lightly, at this point your eyes were glued to the floor with unwavering focus.
“I... I want to,” You let out an embarrassed little sigh, clenching your fists together. He was such an ass, making you all flustered and begging... if only you knew the reason why. You see, he had been left so needy throughout your long wait, it only seemed fair to him that he made you ask for what he’d had been internally begging for since you first started dating. Besides, it was making your panties absolutely soaked, so he knew you liked it.
“Come on... I want to hear you say it. You can do it, baby girl,” He encouraged, eyes twinkling with amusement as he moved closer to you.
“I want you to-to,” You scrunched your eyes up, before letting the last part of your sentence come out in a strained squeak. “fuck me.”
“Aw cute, but where are your manners?” He teased, acting nonchalant as if he wasn’t holding back his entire self from just grabbing you and not waiting a second longer. But he needed you to beg, knowing that you were feeling the same desperation that he was. You huffed, finally looking up to give him a dirty look.
“Please Peter,” Your voice was so needy, it seemed to drip with pure lust. “I want- I need you to fuck me, please.”
The sound of that voice, your own desperation, was like a hit to Peter’s chest. He thought he had never been this winded and taken aback before, even through years of fighting villains left and right. You seemed to be his only weakness, the only thing that could catch his senses off guard.
“There’s a good girl,” He praised, pushing himself into your small (well, small to him), soft body. He kissed you just as hard as earlier, only this time letting his hands squeeze your ass. You groaned into his mouth, your body quickly being enveloped by the same fire Peter had been battling for months.
You were so distracted by all the feelings that were rushing over you at once, you didn’t even notice Peter had guided you two to his bedroom until the back of your thighs brushed the comforter. He set you down gently, hands and mouth never leaving your body as he positioned himself on top of you. He let his lips leave your own, traveling to the crook of your neck.
You moaned aloud, the noise making your face flush red with embarrassment and Peter's cock twitch. He groaned into your soft skin, leaving small marks and hickeys to remind you of this special night. He could have stayed there forever, listening to your mewls for something as simple as a neck kiss but he needed release, and he needed it soon.
Fiddling with the bottom of your shirt, you realized what he was insinuating... it made your stomach flip, worrying about what he’d think when seeing your stomach and breasts. He pulled up to look at you and he could see the panic in your eyes.
“I want to take this off, I’ve wanted that for a long time now. Are you ready?” He asked, his gaze raking over your face. You pushed down the nervousness, realizing that he was also still fully dressed. You let your hands fiddle with the ends of his shirt as well, hoping he would get the idea but the smirk on his face crushed that.
“You want to see me, sweetheart?” He asked, tsking when you just nodded with an embarrassed look on your face. “You know how this goes, tell me what you want.”
“I want you to t-take your shirt off,” You said, quickly remembering the forgotten word. “Please.”
“Such a good listener, good girls get what they want. All you have to do is ask,” He smiled, acting like it was the easiest thing in the world, knowing it took all of your courage to muster a sentence like that. He took off his shirt letting your eyes rake down his sculpted body, drool almost immediately filling your mouth. You’d seen him without a shirt a few times, but now... the sight just made you want to cum on the spot.
You were pulled out of that trance as his hands returned to the ends of your shirt, and you didn’t want him to take it off. You were so scared of him seeing your body, so you shook your head, feeling disappointed that you couldn’t give him what he gave you. His eyebrows furrowed, worried at your sad face.
“What’s the matter? Why are you afraid?” He whispered, giving you sweet kisses on your chest making you squirm underneath him, wanting him to touch you somewhere else while also not wanting him to move.
“What if-” You cut yourself off again, but Peter understood what you were trying to say. He sat up quickly, looking you straight in the eye, his eyebrows furrowed.
“You’re beautiful, Y/n, every part of you. I don’t need to even need to see it to know that,” He said, seriousness etched on his every feature. When you still looked unconvinced he sighed. “You don’t have to take it off, of course, you can leave it on.”
You shook your head again.
“I want to, I’m just... I’m scared,” You said, your lips forming into another pout. He kissed it away before pulling back up.
“How about we make a deal. I take off your shirt, but you can leave your bra on until you get more comfortable. How does that sound?” He asked, wanting you to be more comfortable more than he wanted to see your breasts... something you weren’t used to hearing from a boyfriend. You trusted Peter more than anything, anyone, else. So you nodded and he beamed. “My brave, pretty, little girl.”
He slowly peeled the fabric off your body and over your head, eyes never leaving yours until it was all the way off just in case you changed your mind. When you nodded he let his eyes finally trail over you, his breath quickening just at the sight. Your face was red and embarrassed, his gaze scanning every inch of your torso and caged breasts. You moved your arms to cover up but he was quick to stop them.
“You’re so beautiful, please don’t ever hide from me again,” His eyes were pleading, so you put your arms back down, allowing him to see you. He moved down, kissing the cleavage that showed and every inch of your cute tummy. He peppered soft praises in between every kiss, truly entranced with every part of you. “So pretty. I’m never going to be able to get you out of my mind. So lucky to have such a pretty girl. Such a good girl for me.”
You covered your face in embarrassment, but the soft words made your stomach flutter and your eyes water. He was so gentle and understanding, it made you want to cry. It hurt him, how much you thought he was going to hate your body, even though this was the prettiest sight he’d ever seen. Only to be topped when you would be completely naked, flustered, and squirming just for him in the near future. He would wait for you, but until then he was happy to have what he could, praising every inch of his girl.
As he got close to the band of your shorts, he began to think about how much he wanted to taste you. But he knew you weren’t ready for him to be in between your legs just yet, you’re modesty and shame were keeping him from seeing your breasts... there was no way he was going to get a good look at your pretty pussy, without killing you with embarrassment.
So he kissed and marked your thighs, running a finger underneath the band of your shorts, letting you become wetter and wetter for him. Your need was growing strong, the pressure building in your stomach full of the urge to be touched. You knew he wasn’t going to push any farther until you asked, so you whined.
“Peter, please,” You whimpered, letting your hands fall into his curls. “Please take my shorts off and t-touch me.”
“I didn’t even have to ask this time,” His eyes twinkled. “You learn so quickly, such a smart girl.”
He complimented again while slipping his fingers below the skimpy shorts before pulling them off. The cold air hit your pussy and you shivered, slamming your thighs shut in an attempt to cover up, still covering your face in embarrassment. Peter’s eyebrows rose at this, a smirk once again settling on his face.
“No panties?” He chuckled at the embarrassed little grunt you made, squirming underneath the hold he had on your waist. “Such a naughty girl. Were you teasing me on purpose? Huh, baby?”
“N-no, I- I-” You stuttered out, unable to say anything else as your flusteredness clouded your brain, your pretty little spot between your legs aching to be touched. He let his hands run on the outside of your bare legs, making goosebumps appear all over your body.
“Can’t even get a sentence out to defend yourself... I haven’t even fucked you yet sweetheart,” He hummed, sounding disappointed even though it was exactly what he wanted, making your core flutter for him. But you still kept your thighs clamped shut and it took everything inside you to keep your hands from interrupting what he could see. You would have even brought your knees up if his body wasn’t right above them.
You were so ready for him, your slick covering your thighs and glistening under the light. He so badly wanted to lick it off of you, like it was some sort of forbidden glaze just calling out for his tongue. But he was only holding back simply out of pure respect for your boundaries... though he did need you to open your legs if he was going to fuck you.
So he started to slide his boxers off, your eyes glued to the sight of cock bouncing up and out of its confines. Your mouth watered and you wondered if you could even fit him, your legs suddenly wanting to part on their own. You watched as he touched himself lightly, letting soft sighs come off of his lips, it was a sight that had your legs shaking.
You whined, throwing your head back to look at the ceiling, almost willing to touch yourself at this point.
“Look at me,” He commanded softly, your eyes coming to face him immediately. “Do you want this cock inside your tight, little pussy?”
You whimpered nodding quickly, and he only chuckled.
“Then open your legs baby,” He said, only taking you a few seconds to follow the command, though only partially. You had never been so embarrassed, unable to even look at him while he stared down at your glistening folds. It didn’t take him long before he used his strong hands to spread your thighs all the way open for him, the cold air hitting your clit and making you gasp.
He slowly brought the tip of his angry cock to your needy pussy, dragging it up and down slowly. You moaned at the sensation, body bucking from the contact. You needed him right then.
“Peter, please fuck me,” You groaned loudly, not even caring about your nerves anymore.
“Fuck,” He wanted to tease more but he just couldn’t, he needed to be inside you just as much as you wanted him. Slowly, he entered into your tight hole, cursing under his breath.
A tight pain ripped through your stomach, you whimpered a bit while scrunching your eyes closed. He was barely inside of you, yet it felt like you were being ripped in half. You felt tears brim your eyes, but you knew it would fade just like everyone said.
Peter was torn between wanting to move and wanting to pull out, the look on your face paining him while your pussy was giving him a heaven-like feeling. He stilled, waiting for you to say if you needed him out or when you were ready for him to move again. He leaned close to your face, kissing the tears that escaped and whispering sweet nothings.
“You’re doing so good honey, this will fade. I’m so proud of you,” He said, voice dripping with honey and care. You entangled your hands in his hair, rubbing your face into his neck until you were ready, giving him a small nod. “There you go, almost there my sweet girl. Almost there.”
He inched forward, every time having extreme patience until he was bottomed out. Tears dripping down your face, slight bite marks in Peter’s left shoulder, and your body screaming at you. Peter was large and long, you being a virgin made the stretch intense, along with the nervousness that had enveloped you the whole time.
Peter was so loving and gentle, holding you like an injured dove, letting you grip onto his hair and whimper into his shoulder. Sweet praises dribbled into your ear throughout the whole time as he placed soft kisses along your jaw, cheeks, and ears. Over time, each small movement became less tight, less painful, and more pleasurable.
Your slick covered his cock as he slowly moved back and forth, Peter focusing on you. Every time your whines turned more into moans he’d go a bit faster, and a bit deeper until he was at a medium, rhythmic pace. This moment was passionate, sweet, and caring, his rough thoughts completely being left behind... until he knew you could take it of course.
Besides, he didn’t have to go fast. Your tight walls were squeezing him mercilessly while your open-mouthed gasps and small mewls were driving him insane. He had waited for you for so long, and he finally had all of you... Peter was in pure bliss.
“I’m so proud of you. D-doing so good sweetheart. You feel so nice, taking my cock so good,” He mumbled in between his own moans. You only nodded into him, your nails pressing into his back.
With every gentle push of his hips, nip of his lips, and every bit of praise coming from him the wave grew larger. Your orgasm was approaching fast and you knew it, your moans got a bit louder with every thrust.
“P-peter, I’m close,” You whimpered, legs curling around his torso.
“Tell me what you want,” He whispered, driving just a bit faster to push you over the edge. His dark brown eyes met your own, while yours glistened with tears from having such a wonderful partner and the tight cock splitting you open, his were filled with adoration, lust, and a glint of mischief. The euphoric smile still sat on his face, his curls rocking back and forth with his every movement.
“I want y-you to make me cum,” You stuttered, feeling dangerously close to the edge as the tightness in your stomach seemed to wind your toes into your feet. You pulled Peter as close as you could, your bodies rubbing against each other lightly.
“You wanna cum? Do it, for me. I want to feel you cum around me,” He groaned into your ear, the dirty words sending you over the edge.
“Peter!” You moaned as the wave of light crashed over you. Electricity shot through your spine as your whole body shook, your breaths coming out in quick little gasps.
The feeling of you finishing sent Peter crashing, usually, he could last for so much longer but the moment and you just felt so right. With his own moans and quick stuttering breaths, he let himself fill you up entirely. He bit into your own shoulder as you both rode your high until the end, one of you exhausted and the other one too happy to even try to continue.
Peter pulled out, your mess and his mixing into a canvas of passion on your thighs and sheets. Your body was still shaky more from nerves than anything, but the smile on your face was one of pure happiness.
Peter laid beside you, pulling you into his chest while he placed tons of kisses into your hair. You snuggled into him, listening to his heartbeat and smelling him around you.
“You did so good baby, so good. I'm so happy you trusted me enough, so proud of how well you took that,” He praised, letting his hands rake your back gently.
“Thank you, for being patient,” You whispered into him, soaking in his warmth.
“Anything for you... anything,” He hummed. “How are you feeling?”
“Sore,” You giggled a little bit. “But happy... I think this is the happiest I've ever been.”
“I think I feel the same... And don't worry, we’ll get you used to me in no time,” He teased, making you roll your eyes. He peppered kisses along your face now, feeling satisfied for the first time in months. Exhaustion caught up with you quickly and you soon fell asleep with your face in Peter’s hands.
He smiled at your fluttering eyelashes as your soft breaths came from your swollen lips. He thought about how lucky he was, and how lucky he'd continue to be. Slowly, he fell asleep holding you tightly, dreaming of the next time.
A/N: I literally cried my eyes out while writing this, so sweet. Praying for a boy like Peter to take my v-card just like this (tmi). I really hope you enjoyed it, and thanks again for the wonderful request, I really enjoyed writing it :,)
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maaaaaatryoshka0325 · 3 years
Cottontail - Bang Chan Hybrid Smut
Warnings: hybrid smut, rabbit hybrid reader, alpha wolf hybrid Chan
I haven’t updated in awhile so I’m giving y’all something for now 😅
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Your hips were up in the air, fuzzy little tail perked up in excitement. Your fluffy, floppy ears were pressed to the ground besides your hands, the soft fur tickling your cheeks. You felt his hands gently rubbing the soft skin of your ass, his fingers lightly grazing the lacy material of your thongs.
“Such beautiful skin, Y/N.” Chan said in a low rumble, his elegant fingers dancing along your smooth skin.
His long, silver-gray wolf tail was slowly wagging in excitement, his dark eyes eating you up like prey. Your friend, Felix, an orange tabby hybrid, had introduced you to Chan a few weeks ago at a party. His scent and aura attracted you to him, his alpha male demeanor drawing you in.
Now you were face down, ass in the air on a plush rug in his massive house. The chill in the room biting at your bare skin as you laid before him in just your bra and thongs.
You had never heard of a rabbit hybrid coupling with a wolf hybrid, and you had your doubts at first. But you couldn’t resist him, you couldn’t help but feel your heat get hot under his gaze, feeling like he was going to eat you up like the big bad wolf. Feeling like prey beneath him brought out a thrill in you, one you’ve never felt before.
You closed your eyes and let out a small moan as his fingers gently glided over your covered heat, gently rubbing your clit through the lace. The smallest touch from him sent sparks throughout your body, and he was loving the way your body was reacting. Your scent was driving him wild, but he knew he would have to be cautious. He himself had never heard of such a coupling either, and hurting you in a way that wasn’t for pleasure was the last thing he wanted to do.
“It’s taking everything in me not to be balls deep in you, little one.” He whispered, leaning forward as he spoke so that his long canines could graze the side of one of your fluffy ears. “I could ravage you in just one bite.”
You let out a low moan as he sunk his teeth into where your fuzzy ear folded, the sting making your core throb. Both of his hands came up and rubbed your ass cheeks, the warmth from his hands spreading throughout your lower half. His fingers lightly grazed your dripping heat, then he pushed your panties to the side.
“I’m gonna prep you enough so you can take me, okay?” He said gently, pressing a gentle kiss to your right ass cheek.
You nodded, your pussy throbbing excitedly, waiting for his touch. A rough slap to your ass made you whimper, a gasp leaving your lips as he gripped your hair from the roots and pulled your head bad.
“When I ask you a question, I expect a verbal response.” He growled into your soft ear. “Am I clear?”
“Y-Yes.” You moaned out as his right hand squeezed your ass, the other still threaded into your hair.
“Good, my sweet little bunny.” He purred as he let go of your hair.
You felt his elegant fingers run over your ass then down between your legs, where they finally made contact with your bare clit. You let out a soft moan as he circled your clit with his fingers, his soft breathing felt warm as he dipped his head down and pressed a soft kiss to the swell of your ass. You let out a soft moan left your lips as he gently bit into the soft flesh, his fangs breaking the skin as he sucked a dark mark onto your right cheek, his pointer fingers finally dipping into your begging entrance.
“So wet, little one.” He rumbled softly as he lifted his head and pressed kisses to your arched back as he began to pump his finger in and out of you.
Your cheeks turned a light shade of pink, but your mind was too full of pleasure for you to be embarrassed right now.. His finger curled in the best way possible, hitting the perfect spots inside you. Your eyes were closed in bliss as he continued to pump and curl his finger, pulling it out occasionally and using his soaked finger to circle your clit.
You yelped as he pushed your thighs up, making your knees practically touch your elbows. Your ass was now high and proud in the air, his thumbs moving to open your pussy completely. You were about to question what he was doing, but the words couldn’t even form in your mind, let alone your mouth, when you felt something long and wet slip into your entrance. A moan escaped your lips as his long hybrid tongue lapped at your soaked, velvety walls. His tongue twirled inside of you, his eyes watching as your hands gripped the plush carpet.
Your mind went completely blank as you felt your thighs become wet as your arousal dripped down from around his tongue. If it hadn’t felt so good, you would have surely been embarrassed at your position. You never thought being eaten out from behind would feel this good, and definitely never thought of finding yourself in this position.
His tongue was as deep as it could go, his hands holding onto your thighs as slurping sounds filled your fluffy ears. You squealed when you felt one of his hands come up and grab a hold of your fuzzy cotton tail, pulling on it gently, yet firmly. The sparks that shot through your body had your thighs shaking as you felt the sudden urge to cum, and you desperately tried to hang onto the littlest bit of consciousness you had left.
All it took was his fingers rubbing your clit in fast circles and you came with a loud whimper. Your thighs shook and your breathing was heavy as he lapped up your juices, your hands still clutching the plush rug. He gently pressed kisses from your soaked heat up to your soft ass before standing up. You turned your head and saw him unbuckling his belt, his pretty hands easily popping it out of its place.
Your eyes widened when you saw his length spring free, and you had to stop yourself from gasping. His length was long and thick, a massive vein running through it and up to the tip. You subconsciously moved forward, your one hand reaching out and wrapping around the tip. You leaned forward and licked around the tip, making him chuckle.
“Usually I don’t allow anyone to touch me without permission, but you’re just so cute.” He purred.
You smiled around his thick length as you took it further into your mouth, the base too big to completely swallow it. His fingers gently rubbed over your soft ears, making them twitch as the sound of you slurping on his length filled the both of your ears.
“You like my dick, darling?” He asked.
You hummed happily around it as you pulled back and licked around the tip, your tongue focusing on the slit for a moment. You felt him grab your ears, and before you could question it, he shoved himself down your throat. You half choked as he kept his hold on your ears and thrusted into your mouth, his dick pushing down your pipes.
Slurping and slight choking sounds bounced on the walls as the vein in Chan’s neck began to pop out, one of his sharp canines piercing his plump lower lip. You looked up at him, a soft grown leaving his lips when you made eye contact.
“You’re so cute.” He groaned.
His thrusts got harder, and so did his grip on your ears. You clutched his hips tightly, expecting for him to finish. But instead, he ripped himself from your mouth and you nearly fell over, but his strong arms grabbed you.
He lifted your chin up with his one hand and pressed his thumb into your saliva covered lips, gently spreading it around before sticking his thumb into your mouth. You parted your lips and allowed his thumb in, giving it a soft duck as he chuckled.
“Good girl.” He rumbled.
He turned you around and bent you over again, your cottontail high and proud in the air. His right hand grabbed a handful of your ass, his fingers denting the skin. You felt him rub his tip along your soaked heat, your eyes closing in bliss. He swirled the tip around your clit, making you whine.
“Please.” You whimpered.
“Hm?” He asked.
“Please give it to me Chan, I need it. I need your knot.” You whimpered, knowing full well male wolves went crazy when it came down to their knot.
You heard his breath hitch at your words, and you almost smiled. But the feeling of his thick tip beginning to push into you made your jaw slack as it stretched you out. You whimpered as the tip was in, knowing it wasn’t the thickest part. His hand came down and rubbed comforting circles into your back, his voice gentle.
“You’re doing so well my sweet little cottontail, just hang in there.” He rumbled softly.
You closed your eyes as he began to slide deeper into you, your nails digging deep into the carpet. He leaned over you and began to leave comforting licks on your neck, a soft whimper leaving his lips as he pushed further into you.
“So tight.” He rasped.
You let out a loud whine as he pushed the rest of himself into you, your legs shaking as his tip was pressed against your cervix. You could feel the beginning of his knot sitting outside of your entrance, your heat getting wetter as you thought about taking it in you. He licked your neck for a few more moments before lifting himself up. He gently caressed your ass cheek before pulling out a little and thrusting back in.
Your toes curled as he began to thrust into you, your gspot and cervix on full display for the alpha’s thick length. His hand reached up and pulled your ears back like a pony tail, making your back arch as he began to snap his hips into yours.
Loud moans left your lips as you threw your hips back into his, the pain of his length pummeling your cervix slowly started to be a full pain. His grip on your ears tightened as he pulled your head back, his tongue brushing the shell of your ear as he pounded into you.
You could feel his knot slamming against your entrance, your loud moans music to his ears.
“Your moans are so cute, I could listen to them everyday.” He rasped in your ear.
You couldn’t even think of a response as his hand went down your back and gripped your tail. You whined loudly as you tightened around him.
“Oh?” He asked with amusement, thrusting harshly into you. “Do you like your tail being grabbed?”
You couldn’t form a coherent sentence with the way he was pounding into you, his grip on your tail became harder as he used it to bounce you back off of his hips. You were dripping all over around his dick, your moans getting louder and more high pitched. His hips started to smack off yours harder as you came around him, a high pitched cry leaving your throat.
He slowed down a bit and rolled his hips into yours through your high, before turning you over. He lifted your legs over his shoulders and slammed into you, his hips slapping off of yours. Your eyes went between your body’s, and you saw the bulge in your lower abdomen every time he thrusted into you. You could feel his heavy knot smacking off of your entrance, trying to find its way in. But Chan wasn’t ready for the two of you to be finished yet.
He held the back of your thighs as he pounded into you, his thrusts fast and hard. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips, and you got lost in the difference between his harsh thrusts and his soft pillowy lips. You moaned into his mouth as he pulled all the way out to the tip and harshly thrusted back in, soft groans and grunts leaving his lips.
His fingers skillfully dropped down to your clit and you whined loudly as your thighs tightened around him, hitting another high. He didn’t let up this time, his thrusts becoming harsher and more faster. His hand came up to your clit and stayed where his dick was appearing in your abdomen, a loud groan leaving his lips.
“That’s so hot.” He painted.
You yelped as he flipped you back over, lifting your hips up and slamming back into you. You gasped when he wrapped his arms behind the back of your knees and lifted you up, thrusting up into you and making you bounce harshly on him with his arms. His lips grazed your neck, then he sunk his teeth into your off flesh as he continued to bounce you harshly on his length. The burning of the bite made you realize he was marking you as his, he was claiming you.
You tightened around him at the realization and he whimpered into your neck, licking at the spot that had started to bleed. He went over on his side, keeping you just the way he was as his thrusts went crazy. Your jaw was slack as the knot began to push into you further with every thrust, until Chan let out a loud whine as it pushed into you. You cried out at the feeling of it stretching your further, your toes curling as you hit what felt like your tenth high of the night.
Chan was lightly still thrusting into you, licking your neck and holding onto your thighs tightly. When his thrusts stopped, he still kept his arms under the back of your knees, clinging to you tightly. You could feel his knot pulsing inside of you, your eyes closing in pleasure as it was pushing against your gspot with every pulsation.
Your thighs were shaking and he nuzzled your neck softly, making you smile.
“You were meant for me, my little cottontail.” He purred.
You went to move when you felt the knot tug and he whined, pulling you closer into him.
“We’re gonna be stuck like this for a bit, so don’t go trying to run off.” He chuckled hoarsely, a small groan leaving his lips as he felt his knot swell harder.
You looked down and gasped, your stomach was swollen, and you realized it was from Chan’s knot cumming so much. He licked the shell of your ear and nuzzled his face into your hair, his fingertips gently rubbing the back of your thighs.
“You have me hooked, cottontail.” He purred in amusement.
“You also have me hooked, alpha.” You said back.
Chan pulled his hips back as his knot deflated, and you let out a small moan as cum poured out of you, your stomach beginning to deflate as well. Chan lifted you into his arms, his glowing eyes full of desire.
“I’m not done with you yet, my love.”
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harrystylesslutt · 3 years
can you write mean dom reader with sub harry please? love your writing <33
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I live for sub harry😩🤚🏼
Warnings: smut, mean dom reader, sub harry, rimjob, choking, slapping, degrading kink, mommy kink, spanking. (the reader is mean in the beginning but soft in the end)
You and harry had been invited to dinner with friends. Harry had been in a subby mood lately, but you didn't really think it would matter so you just accepted to invitation.
So that's why he's been whiny and touchy all night. His hand rested on your thigh as he leaned in to whisper in your ear the dirty things he wanted you to do to him earlier.
You tried to ignore him as much as you could, but when you saw him palming himself thru his pants while looking at you, you couldn't take it anymore.
You leaned in and whispered in his ear "follow me in 5 minutes" and then you excused yourself to the bathroom.
In less than 5 minutes you saw harry walking in the ladies room, smirking. He obviously thought he won. He walked over to you, you wasted no time, quickly grabbing him by the hem of his shirt pulling him closer to you to smack your lips together.
While your lips moved messily together, you brought your hand down and unzipped his pants, making him groan into your mouth.
Once you undid his pants you noticed that he wasn't wearing underwear, you pushed him against the wall, wrapping a hand around his throat, making his eyes widen, obviously not expecting that.
"You're a fucking attention whore you know that?" You said while wrapping your other hand around his hard cock, slowly stroking it, the action pulling a moan out of him.
"Couldn't stand not having me all to yourself huh?" When you get no answer, seeing he was lost in the pleasure your hand was giving him, you stop your movements and bring your hand to his face and slap him.
You feel his cock twitch against you, "You like getting slapped hm? Like the proper slut you are." You pause to chuckle slightly "When I talk to you, you fucking answer me, understand?"
You slap him again, and tighten your hand around his throat, "fuck yes m-mommy I'm your fuck toy, your slut, please do something" he whimpers.
"C'mon be a good whore for mommy and bend over the counter" you order him, releasing his throat from your hand, watching him obey you quickly, he pulls his pants down pushing his ass back to nothing, "pathetic" you mumble before moving over to join him.
You spread his ass cheeks enough to see his hole, "please mommy" he whines. "What do you want, c'mon tell me" You started tracing his hole with your finger, hearing him groan.
"answer me" you pull his hair, only making him moan and push his ass back "Stop being a fucking brat" You bring your hand down to spank him "harder" you hear him whisper.
"So now you wanna give orders too? fucking brat, you know what maybe I should fuck someone in front of you, maybe you can learn from them how to be a good boy, and who knows, maybe they can replace you"
"N-no mommy, please, I promise I'll be your good boy, you're only mine, no one else gets to feel you, please I'll behave" you smirk at his desperate words "Pretty selfish of you, if you ask me"
You spank him one more time before kneeling and blowing on his hole, making him shiver. "Be a good whore for me and you'll get to keep me yeah?"
He nods quickly whispering a low "I promise" before letting out a loud moan when you start licking over his hole, while tugging his cock.
You pull your hand away not wanting him to cum too soon, teasing him with the tip of your tongue, before pushing it all the way in, making his fist slam on the counter, his eyes screw shut, and his mouth hung open.
"fuck mommy!" You start thrusting your tongue in and out, trying to keep a fast paste. Suddenly interrupted with a knock on the door. Your eyes widen, and you tap harry's thigh, signaling him to answer.
"o-occupied!" he says, trying to sound as normal as possible, since you were still fucking him with your tongue.
"Is everything okay in there?" the person asks, you roll your eyes, and bring your hand down to fondle his balls, making it harder for him to keep his moans in.
"Yeah! I'm o-" He gets cut off with a moan, feeling you circle the tip of your finger around his slit, collecting the precum, spreading it all over his cock, before stroking it fast.
He tries to cover it up with a cough "Um y-yeah I'm fine". The person mumbles something else, which you don't bother to hear, since you're too busy focusing on making harry cum.
You then hear foot steps, which means the person left. Thank god. "Fuck! Mommy I'm so close, gonna cum all over your hand!"
You pull your tongue out, and stop moving your hand when he says that. "I was so close! please, I was being good mommy".
"shh, calm down sweet boy, want you to turn around, can you do that?" you whisper softly.
He slowly turns around, his knees almost giving out, when he does, you wrap your hand around his cock again, and put his tip in your mouth, sucking it, while stroking the rest of his dick.
"fucking- just like that, love your mouth mommy" he moans. You push him deeper in your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat and you start bobbing your head up and down fast.
"oh shit! fuck fuck fuck, so close" he whines and starts thrusting in your mouth with no warning, making you gag and your eyes water. But you don't mind.
His hand grips your hair, his thrusts becoming sloppier, his breathing becoming erratic, "Mommy! I'm cumming!" at this point neither of you care how loud he is, you're pretty sure the people who walked past the bathroom heard him, but it doesn't matter.
You feel his warm, thick cum shoot down your throat, some of it dripping out of your mouth, you moan at the taste of him, before pulling him out. You lick his tip clean, and collect the cum that was dripping on your chin with your fingers before sucking them clean.
You slowly get up, pulling his pants up and helping him zip them, while he's still trying to catch his breath.
"Kissy?" he mutters, while looking at you. You smile softly and lean in to press a kiss to his swollen lips. "Was I too harsh?" you ask worriedly.
"No you were perfect, I loved it, y'not actually gonna replace me are you?" You chuckle at his words, exchanging another kiss before saying "nope never, now c'mon let's get the walk of shame over with".
A/N: I can't even describe the things I felt while writing this😩 I wanted to keep the reader mean till the end but I just couldn't I'm sorry😭🤚🏼 anw I hope you liked it! Request for more! <3
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jaehyunfirstlove · 3 years
hi! could u please write smth abt jaehyun taking care of his s/o thru her period and even offering to do the nasty 👉🏼👈🏼 u can also make it smutty if ur brain juices allow
Pairing: boyfriend!jaehyun x f.reader
Genre: smut (18+ only)
Warnings: mentions of menstruation, unprotected sex, shower sex, sex during menstruation, cum kink
Word count: 1.2k
Taglist: @jaehyunnie77 @mrg-jjh @keeach @the-universe-in-you-jjh @nootnoot-yoonoh @winniet @jaejoongiewifey-blog @iknowyuno​ @tamakikaname​ ​@ellethereal00 @michplusb​ @nctnews-main​ @deardayjm​ @yincotton​ @misschubswrites​ (send me a message/ask if you want to be tagged in future fics)
A/N: please heed the warnings! at any rate i didn't make it too graphic :) thanks for the request!
“Jaehyun, please hurry! I’m dying!”
“Hang in there, babe, I’m coming!”
The pain in your lower abdomen left you immobile, a heating pad wedged between you and a pillow and meds doing nothing to alleviate the discomfort you were feeling. Jaehyun, being the good boyfriend that he was, did everything in his power to help you feel better.
“You’re a godsend, thank you so much,” you sighed, when he came into the bedroom with the chocolate ice cream you requested. He got into position sitting back against the headboard, while you sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around you. The warmth and comfort of his presence always helped you during this time of the month, and you already felt your body relaxing bit by bit as he rubbed your back gently.
“Is it helping?” he asked softly, planting kisses on your shoulder as he watched you take big spoonfuls of your ice cream.
“Yes, the ice cream is good,” you mumbled between mouthfuls, “but it still hurts.”
Jaehyun’s eyes turned soft as he looked at you, clearly concerned. “I’m sorry, Y/N, I wish there was more I could do.”
“You could fuck me,” you said half-jokingly, thinking he wouldn’t want to do anything of the sort while you were on your period.
“Would it help?” he asked in all seriousness.
You just shrugged, licking the last of the ice cream off the spoon. “I don’t know, never tried it.”
“Hm,” was all he said, but you could already feel his bulge growing beneath you.
“Jeong Jaehyun, are you considering it right now?” you couldn’t believe he was actually thinking about it.
A mischievous smile spread across his face, his eyes twinkling and dimples appearing in his cheeks as he nodded at you. “So what if I am? Would you want to?”
You had to admit you wanted to, when it came to your boyfriend you always wanted to fuck him, that wasn’t even a question. You’d heard from some of your friends that sex always helped them feel better when they had bad cramps, but you had never tried it, always just worried about the mess.
“I mean, I always want to,” you answered honestly, “but you know, it would be… messy.” You wrinkled your nose at the thought of the cleanup involved.
“We could do it in the shower,” he suggested, a little too eagerly as his face lit up when he said it. Clearly he had already been thinking about the possibilities.
It was a good idea, you had to admit, and with the way he was looking at you, like he wanted to devour you, it would have to do. “Alright, let’s do it.”
Excitedly he jumped out of the bed, almost pushing you off of it, and ran into the bathroom to get the shower running. When he was satisfied with the temperature of the water he brought you in, undressing you carefully and gently, and helping you step into the shower. While you relaxed with the warm spray of the water, he undressed himself and stepped in with you.
“How’s the water?” he asked, slotting his body behind yours and placing his hands on your hips, “is it helping with your cramps?”
“Mm-hm,” you nodded, but what was really helping you was his touch on your bare skin, made even more arousing by the wetness of your bodies and the heat of the water washing over you.
“How’s your tummy?” he asked softly before attaching his lips to your neck and sliding a hand around to caress your stomach. You leaned your head back against him and moaned, the warmth of his hands sliding over your skin heating you up.
“Better,” you answered, because you could already feel the pain easing up little by little, the more he touched you. “But I need more please.”
“Greedy,” he chuckled, before sliding his hand down between your legs and finding your clit. You moaned as his fingers rubbed circles around your sensitive nub, his other hand coming up to fondle your breasts and pinch your nipples.
“Oh god, Jae,” you moaned, the pain of your cramps forgotten as the feeling of pleasure took over. “More, please, I need you.”
You heard him whistle low behind you, and then you felt the tip of his cock teasing at your folds. You’d never had sex during your period before so you weren’t sure how it would feel, but when he pushed inside you the pleasure you felt almost knocked you off your feet.
“Tell me if I hurt you, okay?” his voice was deep in your ear and it made you shudder.
“No, no, it feels good,” your breath was starting to come in small gasps, as arousal overtook all of your senses, “god it feels so good.”
This encouraged him, and he started to pick up his pace, holding onto your hips as he pounded you, your hands splayed against the tiled wall of the shower to keep yourself from smacking face first into it.
“So tight,” he murmured, “so fucking tight.”
You could feel your entire body tingle as the pleasure built up, your orgasm coming on so fast it was making your head spin.
“Jaehyun! Oh my god!” you cried out as he railed you, your moans and whimpers echoing off the tiled walls.
“You gonna come, baby? Hm? Come all over my cock then,” he growled, pounding you harder, his hands coming up to squeeze your breasts.
“Oh fuck!” you screamed, coming hard when he squeezed your nipples and thrust into you so deep you felt him in your guts. Your pussy milked his cock, but he wasn’t done with you yet, pulling you flush against him as he fucked you harder.
“Wanna fill you up, baby,” he said, his voice husky, “wanna fill you so full that my cum will be the only thing dripping out of your pussy.”
You gripped onto his forearms as he came inside you, hips stuttering as he filled you, a loud groan escaping his lips. When his body stilled he kissed down the back of your neck and along your collarbone and shoulder, before sliding his hand around to rest on your lower stomach.
“Do you feel better?” he asked, the spray of the shower doing a wonderful job of washing away the remnants of what just occurred.
“Yes, baby, I really do,” you sighed, squeezing his arms in gratitude. You felt the water starting to cool though, and you were suddenly struck with the feeling of sheer exhaustion. “But I think I want to go to bed now.”
“Of course babe, let’s go to sleep,” he turned off the water and grabbed a towel for you, helping you to dry off before he dried himself off. He helped you change into your pajamas, and then you slid into bed together, where he spooned you (naked, because you wanted to feel the warmth of his skin against you, even through your pajamas).
“Good night, Jae, thank you for taking care of me,” you said sleepily, placing his hand against your stomach.
“Always, my love,” he replied, and just as you drifted off you felt him kiss the top of your head, his hand rubbing gentle circles on your stomach.
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the-winter-spider · 3 years
Element: Part 2 | B.Barnes
Characters: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Hints around possible suicide attempt, angst
A/N: Got this out a lot faster than i thought, once again i didnt read thru it lol so please excuse if there is any errors!
Word count: 2.4k
Revised Version
Part one
You were fully clothed, limp, cold to the touch, skin pale, lips blue. Not like he was used to, this wasn't the you he grew to love. You were radiant, your eyes were the most beautiful colour they reminded him of the night sky the way they shined like the stars, your lips were plump and filled with colour, looking at them now he almost couldn’t remember if they were more red or pink, he could feel his palms getting clammy, panic was running through him, when was the last time he saw the sparkle in your eyes? You were his sun, you were warmth, in this moment he felt regret he never got to kiss your lips.
As Bucky held you, memories flashed through his mind—memories of the times you spent together, the quiet moments that had meant everything to him. The first time you made him laugh, that ridiculous “that’s what she said” joke at dinner, the way you had listened to him when no one else could, the warmth of your hand in his, the way you had looked at him like he was more than just a broken soldier.
But those moments felt like a lifetime ago now, slipping through his fingers as you slipped away. Bucky had always known pain, but this was different. This was the loss of something precious, something that had once given him hope.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, pressing his forehead against yours, the cold metal of his arm the only thing keeping him steady. “I’m so sorry. I should have been there. I should have fought harder to bring you back.”
But you were gone, your spirit lost in the storm you had created, the storm that had taken you from him. The darkness you had succumbed to had claimed you, and Bucky was left holding the shell of the person he had fallen in love with.
He set you gently down on the tiled floor, you laid there lifeless, Steve was already kneeling down getting ready to start chest compressions, anything to bring you back, to Bucky, to him, to the team.
“No no no” Bucky mumbled.
“Vitals?” Steve asked the AI
“No heartbeat detected”
Bucky didn’t know but tears were streaming down his face, so much regret was running through his veins, he didn't try hard enough and he knew that now but he didn't want to push you, he hated when Steve or Sam tried to push him.
He wanted to hold you more and not like this, he wanted to feel life in your body, not this, all Bucky had ever known was death after being used by HYDRA for all those years and when they were finally out his head, everyone he knew before HYDRA were dead, except Steve of course but you brought life back into the super soldier something he was almost positive would never happened and Bucky was barely ever wrong but with you it felt so right.
The water surrounding them slowly started to evaporate, they realized it wasn’t coming from the tap in the tub, you made all the water and the fact it was disappearing, panic set in. “Where's medical?!” Steve frantically shouted, still doing chest compression followed by CPR trying to keep you alive.
“They are on there way” FRIDAY announced
Bucky couldn’t wait; he waited his whole life and it was a long one to finally be free and find someone like you, it felt like hours had passed since he busted down your door but he knew it had only been seconds, if not minutes. He scooped you up off the floor holding you in his arms as tightly as he could, he felt like they were wasting time sitting here doing what felt like the bare minimum when he knew the kind of medicine Tony had, he was a Stark after all and from being in the war he knew every second counted, he had a small hope that if he started running towards the medic wing your chances would be better rather than waiting around.
He couldn’t take his eyes off of you fearing that this would be one of the last times he saw you and he wasn't prepared for that. You were so limp in his arms, water no longer dripping off of you. As he passed the rest of the team, all he could hear was gasps.
He met the medical team half way, setting you on the stretcher before they ran off with you to med bay, Tony and Bruce trailing close behind them.
The medics worked quickly, moving with the urgency that only came in the face of life and death, but Bucky was scared that it was too late. That he had lost you before he even fully got the chance to have you.
Steve stood in the ruins of your room, the water still trickling down the walls like tears. The storm outside had begun to subside, but the emptiness it left behind was suffocating. He couldn’t stand to look at it any longer, he was sure it wasn't even truly close to how you were feeling on the inside. He shut your turning, following the wet foot steps letting them lead him to Bucky.
“She’ll be okay,” Steve said, standing beside Bucky, though his voice lacked conviction. It was as if he was trying to convince himself as much as Bucky.
But Bucky wasn’t so sure. He felt the coldness of your skin, and he knew that even if you survived, something inside you had died. And it was his fault. He had let you go when you needed him most, too afraid of pushing you away, when what you really needed was for him to hold on.
Bucky was frozen in place, he couldn’t feel anything, he felt like he was in a dream, a bad one, not like the nightmares he was used to this felt much worse.
He kept hoping that he would wake up and leave his room to find you in the kitchen eating your morning cereal with Steve and you would give him the most beautiful smile he’s ever seen in all his years, the way he felt your eyes light up and the sun got a little brighter when you were near him, you thought he didn’t notice but Bucky noticed everything with you, or he thought he did.
He doesn't even know when he stopped noticing things with you, or when you started to ignore the team, especially him. Part of him didn't even want to think about how long ago it started happening, how long you were truly alone.
Steve placed his hand on his best friends shoulder giving in a gentle squeeze “they’re gonna do everything in their power to get her back Buck”
Bucky couldn’t stop but replaying the last couple weeks or was it months? In his mind, did you do this on purpose? Was it an accident? Why did you do it? He remembers the first time he decided not to ask you to come with them.
Sam, Steve, Natasha and him were going to try out this new chinese restaurant as they were coming up to your door, he was hoping for a miracle and you would open the door already ready to come with them and it would sort of be like a date but not really but he would pretend it was, but it didn't happen and he wasn’t sure how much more his heart could take of being shot down all the time so he decided he wasn't going to ask you tonight, when they finally reached your door, Steve stopped “Buck, aren't you going to ask y/n if she wants to come?”
Bucky's eyes went to your door, he doesn't remember the last time he was in your room, laying in your bed with you talking about anything and everything.
He felt a pain in his chest and he mumbled out “No point” shrugging his shoulders leaving the 3 of his friends behind him making his way to the elevator. He heard them laughing, probably at him he felt pathetic he was a super soldier for christ sake but he couldn’t muster up all the strength in the world to ask you on a real date just him and you, or to admit his ever growing feelings for you, so he did what he knew best, kept quiet and to himself, he just wish he knew then he was hurting you in the process too, not just himself.
Everyone was patiently waiting in the common room just outside med bay. Bucky couldn't take his attention away from the plum tree just outside the window, when you grew it for him he swore his heart skipped a beat, that was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for him, he still remembers that day like it only just happened.
He had just left the gym and was heading back to his room when he saw you laying down in front of his door reading whatever book you were reading, you must have been deep into the book because you didn't notice him standing directly above you, he whispered “Good book?” making you jump and drop the book on your face, he couldn’t help but chuckle, he threw his towel over his shoulder offering you a hand up.
“It was a good book till i lost my place” You huffed
“Sorry doll” he smiled, something he only ever did around you, the real kind of smile, the kind that made his cheeks hurts not the fake kind he did around everyone else, he watched you dust yourself off and run your fingers through your hair, fixing yourself up, he didn't understand why you already looked perfect “So what do i owe the pleasure of having a beautiful girl like you waiting on a guy like me?”
Giggling “Well i have something for you, a gift” you blushed, he watched you rock back and forth on your feet, he was getting that feeling in his stomach again he wasn't sure what it was but it was warm, something he didn't think he deserved to feel again let it actually happening but here it was, with you.
He quickly showered and changed, when he stepped out of the bathroom you hadn’t moved you were still sitting on the edge of his bed, flipping through your book, trying to figure out where you left off, when you felt his presence you looked up, your eyes meeting his “You ready to go Buck?”
He nodded making his way to the door “after you doll”
It was silent when the two of you were making your way wherever you were leading him, he didn't ask any questions he would follow you anywhere, anytime no questions asked. You made your way outside to a tree he doesnt think he seen before, because it was the only tree there, he watched you start moving your hands with elegance, he was and always has been in complete awe of your abilities, with a doubt in his mind you were the most amazing person to have ever come from HYDRA. He had no idea what the gift was but he knew he would love it, whatever it was because it was from you, but when Bucky saw something start growing on the tree his eyes went wide “How did you know?”
“I overheard you talking to Steve about them the other day, how you missed them and the ones from the store didn't taste the same” You spoke softly, folding your hands behind your back looking down shyly.
Bucky made his way to the plum tree picking one before he made his way over to you, he used his right arm to put a strand of hair behind your ear, his fingertips lightly touching your cheek while doing so it sent shivers down your spine and butterflies in your stomach, you lifted your gaze to meet his. He took your hand in his, giving it a light squeeze “this is my favourite gift”.
“The tree or that one plum?” you giggled, pointing at the perfect plum in his hand.
He took a moment before responding to you, really taking everything in, the view, his feelings because he was feeling a lot of them, some new some old, the emotions he could see in your eyes, how perfect you truly were but also how right it felt having your hand in his, “You” he breathed out, you kept your gaze on him for a few more seconds before you felt heat rising to your cheeks, looking back down, his thumb rubbing circles on your hand, he wasn't sure if you felt what he was feeling but when a single butterfly landed on the plum in his hand, he knew.
Bucky wasn't the best with time, after being in and out of cryo for so long he didn't care to tell time, so he wasn't sure how long he was standing here staring at the window lost in thought till he was finally pulled away from it, he felt Steve come up from behind him, he cleared his throat, placing another hand on his friends shoulder looking out the window to see what Bucky was staring at for the last hour.
“Y’know she grew that for me?”
Steve smiled “I know because you wouldn’t shut up about it”
Bucky let out a soft chuckle, turning to face his friend “I messed up Steve”
Steve’s eyes stared at the plum tree off in the distance “We all did” He turned looking at his best friend who couldn’t tear his eyes off of the tree, grasping onto any part of you he could find.
The feeling Steve felt in the pit of his stomach was a feeling he felt before, when he let Bucky fall of the train, it was a feeling he felt when he officially lost Peggy and it was a feeling he prayed he would never feel again.
He didn’t know what to say or do because it was unknown if you were alive or not, he knew you were a fighter but what he saw, you were lifeless, FRIDAY even confirmed there was no heartbeat, he wasn't trying to give his oldest friend false hope, so in the meantime he decided that just being there was enough.
“I don’t understand, she can breathe underwater can't she?” Natasha finally spoke to no one in particular, turning all heads towards her before anyone could respond when the door opened.
Tony walked in “She can” all eyes were on him, something he usually loved but it made him feel uneasy today. It was quiet, Tony sat down took off his glasses, he rubbed the bridge of his nose with his fingers before looking Bucky dead in the eye “they found a heart beat, its shallow but its there”
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
ok but what about harry being so big and ur a virgin (or haven’t been w anyone for a while) and he’s trying to get you as relaxed as possible so he can fit in but u guys keep trying and it just won’t fit bc ur rly tight. but harry isn’t giving up and he’s just being a sweetheart. but then he finally pushes in all the way for the first time and he’s super turned on by seeing his print thru ur stomach and becomes super cocky bc you take him so well and you’re his angel who now looks freshly fucked
The one Where Harry and Y/n Try to Make It Fit
A/N: All I have to say is that it’s filthy and it’s the second blurb for ‘A Series Of Firsts’ Enjoy 🙃
You haven’t been with anyone for a really long time. And it was for two reasons. The first being that you hadn’t been in a relationship where you really wanted to have sex, and the second being that you were fine taking care of yourself (and you would like to think that you were pretty good at it). You were perfectly fine up until now. And by now, you meant Harry.
From the time you met Harry to now being in a relationship together, it was like a switch went off inside of you. There was something about simply being in his presence that lit an insatiable fire inside of you. You couldn’t explain it, but even the slightest touch got your blood pumping. You two had been together for a little over six months at this point and you couldn’t go any longer without having Harry deep inside of you. Harry’s mouth and fingers always did wonders for you, better than you could have ever done for yourself. He always knew exactly what buttons to press and how to make you fall apart instantly for him. It didn’t matter if it was his tongue or fingers, Harry always made you cum hard. And as good as he never failed to make you feel, you wanted more. You wanted to be filled to the brim with his cock, and you wanted to feel his hips crashing down against yours as he pushes himself in and out of you. You knew exactly what you wanted and you didn’t know how long you could go without getting it.
This desperate need for Harry led you to the position you were in now. Lying naked beneath an also naked Harry. It was supposed to be a cozy and romantic night in for you two, but after a couple drinks and many kisses in between the two of you went from simply kissing to ripping each others clothes off. When you whispered to Harry that you wanted to have sex, things got even more heated. His mission to get you naked only intensified and his lips were pressed harder against yours. Once the sex part actually came though, the mood instantly changed. Harry’s movements became much less frenzied, and more languid and soft. There was no doubt that he wanted you just as much as you wanted him. It was just that he wanted it to be a moment for the both of you, and your relationship as a whole. Even though neither of you were virgins, the both of you were strong in your feelings for each other and you wanted the first time you had sex together to be special. Another thing Harry made sure to take into account was the fact that you hadn’t had sex in a while and it’d take a little more adjusting than normal. So, Harry was going to take his time and make sure that you were comfortable above anything else.
“I just need y’to relax f’me baby” Harry coaxes. He knew that you were tight, but this was unbelievable. Every time he went to push into you, you always winced a little bit.
“I am, you’re just really big.” You point out. You took Harry in your mouth before, so you were well versed in how sizable Harry was. You had no idea how big he was when it came to other parts of your body though. Whenever he tried to push into you, it felt like he was piercing into you. You’d never taken anything or anyone that could compare to how big Harry was. “M’surprised you haven’t killed anyone with that thing.” you continue.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Harry chuckles before sitting back on his calves between your spread legs. “If y’want we can stop. Don’t wanna actually kill yeh.” Harry rakes his hand through his hair, pushing back the curls that were sticking to his forehead.
“No!” You sit up, resining back against your elbows. “If you don’t fit one more time then we can stop.” You bargain.
“Y/n, I don’t wanna force it. I don’t want you t’be-“ Before he can finish his statement, you reach forward towards him, and you grab his hand. You pull it towards your glistening center and you place it right on you.
“Please?” You pout, making sure to bat your eyes up at him. Harry doesn’t respond immediately. His eyes fall down towards where you placed his hand and he begins to move his hand against you. When he hears a small whimper leave your lips, he couldn’t stop his cock from twitching. “So is that a yes?” You ask him once more. Instead of responding, Harry lifts himself back up and brings himself back down towards you.
“Forget me killin’ you, y’gonna kill me first.” Harry mumbles under his breath. He wraps his hand around his cock, giving himself a few tugs. “Y’ready?” He asks, looking up to you for an answer. You nod your head before dropping it back down against the pillows. Harry gives you a final reassuring look before moving his eyes back down. He lines himself back up with your entrance and he takes a deep breath. “Relax f’me babe.” He instructs before slowly beginning to push into you.
“Oh my god!” You whimper out. You could feel him stretching you out completely. You felt so full from him simply pushing the head of his cock into you that you didn’t know how much more you could take. Once he’s all the way inside of you, Harry had to take a minuet. He couldn’t believe that you managed to take all of him inside of your tight hole. Just saying that you were tight would be a complete understatement. You were so tight that he felt like he could cum right then and there. As his eyes moved up your body back to yours, he immediately gets stopped in his tracks. He could clearly see his cock trough your lower stomach.
“Y’need t’feel this.” Harry groans. He reaches for your hand and he presses it down right agains the prominent bump in your lower stomach.
“Is that-“
“Mhm” Harry grumbles.
“That’s just-“ you couldn’t even make out anything else. The only words you were able to say were the ones telling Harry to fuck you. And when he did, it was better than any feeling either of you had ever felt.
Harry couldn’t believe how well you were taking him. Not to mention the fact that he couldn’t get over how undeniably pretty you looked beneath him. The sounds that were leaving your mouth were like music to his ears. Hearing you slur out how big and deep he was only fueled his fire. What made him even closer to to the edge was what you managed to get out through you moans and whimpers. The way Harry was taking care of you was beyond compare. He touched you softly as if you were made of porcelain. You loved the way he put your pleasure ahead of his own, but you wanted to see his rough side. You saw a little bit of it earlier, but you knew there was so much more. When you told him to go harder, his moments against you stopped and he looked you right in the eye. He could see from the look in your eyes that him slamming his cock into you was non-negotiable. Since you wanted this, he was going to make sure you got it. He pulls almost all the way out of you before crashing his hips back down against yours, sending a loud slapping sound throughout the room.
“Harry!” You cry out to him. You wanted to feel the slight sting of him pounding into you, shoving his cock deep inside of you over and over again. You could feel the prominent veins that were on his thick shaft gliding against your walls. You could also feel the swollen head of his cock, slamming into that special spot deep inside of you over and over again. The way harry was pounding into you exceeded any expectations you had going in. The way he swiftly slammed his cock into you over and over again was amazing. It was so amazing that you could feel your eyes beginning to water.
Right now, Harry’s head was spinning faster than he could even process it. You were making him feel things he’d never felt before. It was like your walls were begging him to keep on fucking into you. You were doing so well for him that he wanted to just stay inside of you forever. Harry was even starting to get a little bit lightheaded. He couldn’t hold himself up for that much longer, so he lays himself down against your body. As a result, your body is completely pinned down against the mattress and all you could do was take every last thrust he gave you. You wrap your legs loosely around his back to keep him tight against you and you dig your nails into his biceps. You could already feel him going deep in your stomach, him laying on you only made you feel it ten times as much. It also meant that Harry could feel it against him too. On top of that, he got to hear the way you were crying and panting out to him at how good he felt inside of you even better, and was like music to his ears. He knew that he wasn’t going to last that much longer, all he had to do now was focus on making you cum. He stays in this position for a little bit longer until he feels you beginning to clenching around him. He pulls himself up from your body and he brings a hand up to your chest, squeezing one of your breasts in his large hand.
“Look so beautiful with m’cock buried inside yeh.” Harry pants above you, continuing to shove his cock into your tight cunt. “Where do y’want m’cum angel?” He asks, feeling his release quickly creeping up to him.
“Inside” you slur out to him.
“Fuck” he whispers. You’ve been blowing his mind the entire night. The fact that you wanted him to cum inside of you too, painting your walls white with his cum was just the icing on top of the cake. “m’gonna need yeh t’cum with me then” Harry demands, slowing down his hips.
“M’so close” you whimper.
“Y’can do it angel, just let go f’me” Harry coos. When your cries get louder and shakier, he knows that you’re about to cum. Your thighs begin to quiver below him and you could feel the tight knot in our stomach beginning to unravel. “Look a’me angel. Let me see those pretty eyes” he softly coos to you. You slowly but surely open your eyes for him and he can see the tears from pleasure pooling at the outer corners of your eyes. He pushes his hips up against yours, keeping his cock deep inside of you. When he does this, you completely let go around him. You let out the loudest cry you’ve made all night as you cum around him. The tears run down the side of your face and you stare into Harry’s eyes as you cum around his cock.
Feeling your already extremely tight walls contracting around his cock made Harry cum too. You feel a warm rope of his cum pour into the deepest part of you. Once the both of you are done, Harry begins to pull out of you.
“Squeeze my hand baby, it might sting a little.” Harry warns, intertwining his fingers with yours. And he was right. He made sure to go extra slow, giving you small reassurances along the way. Once he’s fully out of you, Harry couldn’t help but sit back and stare. He couldn’t believe how pretty you looked right after being fucked. You skin had a light veil of sweat and your body was almost, if not completely limp. When he looks down to your pussy, he can see his cum dripping out of you and right onto the sheets. The way your stomach was contracting as you were trying to catch your breath, reminded him of how his cock went all the way up there. Subconsciously, Harry’s hand reaches out towards the area, and the palm of his hand presses into the area. He realizes what he’s doing when you place your hand onto of his.
“You were so deep.” You slur out to him. You have a blissful smile painted across your face at the thought.
“ And being the pretty little angel you are, you took it all so well.” He praises.
“Mhm, just for you” you sigh. Harry then brings his face down to yours and slots his lips against yours, lazily kissing you. “Y’ready f’me to clean yeh up?” He mumbles against your lips. You send him a small nod and he gets up off of the bed to take you to the bathroom.
When you sit up, you see him standing next to the bed, looking over your body once more. When you give him puzzled look, he explains exactly why he’s looking at you this way.
“S’just that you’re my sweet angel, and y’look so pretty when you’re freshly fucked.” Harry explains.
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Blind Trust
Bucky x Fem!Avenger
Set to: As the World Caves In (Cover by: Sarah Cothran)
Warnings: Main character death, blood/violence, betrayal, fluff
It was meant to be a simple recon mission. Steve didn’t like sending the two of you on missions alone. He didn’t like the thought of not just losing both of you, but you two losing each other. But you both had so many successful missions under your belt, you insisted.
You and Bucky had loved each other from the moment you met. Steve was always worried his pal wouldn’t find true love after everything he’d been through. When SHIELD recruited you, you were the perfect fit. Just as skilled as Black Widow, no family, no real friends, fluent in English, French, Russian, Spanish, and Italian. You were ready to serve something bigger than yourself. You quickly made your way up the ranks and became an integral part of the Avengers team. Your super powers were your trusting physical features, your ability to blend in anywhere, and your deadly, but easy smile.
Those things made you a good agent, but they also stole the heart of the infamous Winter Soldier.
Love became second nature between the two of you. Attached at the hip, always training together, reading together, eating together, and sleeping together.
Now, you both found yourselves at what you thought would be a recently abandoned Hydra base. Your mission: collect any data left, scavenge for any remaining files, maps, and plans. This base was rumored to be abandoned recently and hastily. Your inside man said his Hydra unit had received notice that the Avengers had been made aware of their latest site and experiments.
You trusted this agent. He never gave you false information, he never allowed your team to go in blind. Until now. He had started at SHIELD with you, in your graduating class of new agents. That was 10 years ago. A few years after that, he was sent off to be recruited by HYDRA, or attempted to be recruited. It was difficult for agents to make the transition. You were sad to see him go, you liked Jake. He liked you. But you were grateful to know a good man would be on the inside.
When you entered the facility you found it very much not abandoned. You were ambushed. Bucky barely had time to react before 3 agents were on him. You felt yourself go deep down and into survivor mode. Your throwing knives were out of your hands and into the throats of the closest two agents that came for you before you knew you were moving.
You both made your rounds, fighting side by side for what felt like an hour. Once you knew no more agents were coming, you glanced at each other panting and exhausted. He didn’t look too beat up, you’d seen him in worse shape. He gave you a slight nod and you made your way to retrieve your knives before searching the remaining parts of the building.
You made your way to the basement levels and found Jake beaten and bloody, barely alive. You ran to his side and called for Bucky. You had an eerie feeling while assessing his injuries. Why was he here alone?
“They found me out! They thought they killed me and left me here for you both to find me.” Jake half screams to you.
Bucky has moved deeper into the cell with you. He didn’t like this either, but didn’t know why. You helped Jake to his feet, turn around and place him on a chair. You and Bucky exchange glances, and that’s when you realized what was off.
Turning back around you ask “Jake, how did they know it would be just me and Buc-“ but it’s too late. Jake is up and out of the cell, locking it behind him.
You can’t believe it. Bucky can’t believe it.
“It had to be you two first. We need Steve Rogers nice and emotional when he comes to find you. Mistakes will be made. This is the end of the line for the Avengers.”
You begin pleading with him. Never in a million years would you think that Jake would allow himself to be influenced by such hate. But that’s how it starts isn’t it? Hydra has brainwashing down to a science. You should’ve seen this coming.
After Jake laughs and walks away, you hear him trigger a timer not so far away. Just enough time to get himself out, you assume.
When the end came, you stripped off your gear. Bucky took off his leather jacket, his gun holster, you removed your knives, your jacket. You wanted to hold each other as Bucky and Y/N. Not as Avengers.
You wanted to say everything ever left on the table. Instead, you just held each other stared into his soul. You’re memorizing each other’s features. His strong jaw, your big eyes. He pushed some bloody hair out of your face. You held his waist. You both tried to not cry, always strong for each other.
As you heard the first bombs go off in the distance, he finally spoke.
“Y/N, I have never not loved you. You saved me after I left Wakanda.” His eyes are glossing over. You tried not to mirror him, but you realized your tears were already falling thru the gun powder stuck to your cheeks. You wondered if you looked as beat up as he did. A black eye forming over his perfect face. You didn’t care. You had the privilege of seeing him laugh, smile, cry, be pissed off, and feel loved up close for 5 years now. That’s what you thought of in this moment as the next round of bombs went off. You realized that that they were leveling the entire facility.
“Buck, you’ve kept me going through my darkest moments. Let’s do it one more time.”
He studies you for a moment more. It seems like his life is flashing before his eyes, but he’s staring at you.
“So how would you rather die? Poison or electrocution?” He asks.
Ah yes, the game you’ve played for as long as you can remember. It hits a little different right now.
“Hmmm” you say, “I think electrocution. Short and sweet, nighty night.” He laughs even though he’s holding you a bit harder, as the noises around you become more violent. “A knife fight or drowning?” You ask.
“Damn, that’s a hard one. Seeing as I’m more of a skilled knife fighter than YOU are, I think drowning would be my downfall. Never enjoyed swimming that much.” You giggle at his taunting, even as you're both looking death in the eyes.
There's a long pause. Both of you not really wanting to continue the game you both so loved playing during your free time.
“Y/N, I only have a few regrets in my life, but the main one is not making you my wife.”
“Really, Bucky? That is the most 1940’s shit you’ve ever said to me” you laugh. “What matters is that I can say whole-heartedly that I’m grateful in my short life that I got to spend it with you.”
You hear the ceiling in the cell you’re trapped in start to crack. You both look up and at then at each other one last time.
“I love you, Y/N”
“I love you, Bucky. Thank you for being in my life and choosing me.”
“There’s no one else, Y/N. No one else.”
He smiles at you one last time as you hear the ceiling start to cave in. Before everything goes black, you hear him say “Goodnight, love.”
You lean in one last time to kiss him. You’re holding on to each other with every last ounce of energy you have. “Goodnight, Bucky, I’ll see you soon.”
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dimpledlavendeer · 4 years
[2.56] pm
Practice Room
Suggestive 😁🖤
You entered the hall with bright lights and take quick steps towards the practice room, where your boyfriend Heeseung was at.
You opened the door and meet a sweaty Heeseung chugging down a bottle of cold water, which was quiet a sight to see.
He realized you were here, "You came earlier than I thought" he said with a smirk on his face, "I guess you missed me bad huh?"
No matter how tired he was he always loved teasing you but you played hard to tease him back.
"Gosh Heeseung, you called me saying you were hungry, I came as quick as I can to not make you starve but i guess maybe I should have took my time🙄" you said trying to sound teasing, not giving into his cute grin while he's taking slow steps to your direction.
When he was close enough he took the bag of food from your hand and put it to a side, standing behind your back and placing his hands on your waist.
You were afraid to turn to face him, knowing how hot he looks sweat dripping down from his forehead, his long hair is all messy because of how hard he practiced, but most importantly the way he knew how he affected you which was making all of this 100 times hotter.
But tbh at this point it didn't even matter you weren't facing him because he was behind your back, hands gripping your waist, lips leaving wet kisses at the back of your neck making it clear that no matter what his presence was something you can never resist.
Knowing how he is affecting you, seeing how hard you're trying not to give in he wanted to make things harder for you by saying "I wasn't talking about the food when I said I was starving tho"
You were literally chewing on your lower lip, knowing damn well that he can now hear your heart beats because of how excited you are but you certainly weren't the one to give in, so you remained silent.
You felt him moving behind your back, his grip on your waist was gone and you took a quick glance at the mirror on the wall to see what he was up to this time, still not turning your back to face him.
And you almost gasped at what you saw.
He took off his sleeved shirt, so now all he was wearing was the sleevless one, while he took his hat off to fix his hair and put it to a side. Realizing your gaze on him, his eyes met with your reflection's on the mirror and he said "I guess you only wanna enjoy the view today huh?"
You look away from the mirror, a small panick rushing thru your body as you don't know where to put your hands bc they were desperately wanting to be gripping on his hair while you were kissing his lips.
Heeseung took advantage of your little daydreaming moment to make a quick move to turn you to finally face him.
Your gaze just landed on his lips as he was an inch away from you, his hands holding yours not letting you get away from him this time.
"You didn't want this huh?" He whispered giving you a small kiss on the lips. He was kissing you slowly, totally in control unlike the beats of your heart that were about to pop out of your chest.
"Then don't you dare kissing me back y/n" he said biting on your lower lip, pulling you closer while moving to your neck.
"The second you make a sound, or try to kiss me or touch me I will stop, do you hear me?" He asked and you answered nodding your head.
You didn't want him to stop, you wanted to kiss him, touch him and just feel him completely but you knew you teased him to the point that where he wasn't gonna let you get what you want without making you beg and suffer for it.
He locked your hands behind your back, holding them with one of his hands while his other hand was playing with the hem of your shirt, his way of telling you that he wanted it off.
You were trying hard not to moan, chewing on your lower lip to the point where it was red red bc of the blood rush, but it didn't help you let out a small whine when he sucked the soft skin on your neck, wanting it to bruise until tomorrow.
"What did I tell you?" He said pulling off, releasing your hands on moving to finally have his food, which was his excuse to get you here.
Your pride was the last thing you cared at the moment because you wanted to be able to finally touch him so you hold from his wrist, turning him and pushing him on the bench at the side. You quickly get on his lap and before he can do anything you just smashed your lips to his making him groan at the sudden action.
He didn't push you, instead pulled you closer grabbing your ass and pushing his hips against yours making you whine in pleasure.
Your hips were moving in harmony while the kiss is getting sloppier, your breaths getting heavier and both of you just losing control desperately wanting each other.
You let out a smile whine when he pulled of from the kiss only to tell you "Tell me was it worth all the resisting?"
"Yes it was" you said trying not to laugh at the wave of shock that was radiating on his face after he heard you.
"Because we're not done, get your stuff and meet me at the car" you quickly said getting off of him and grabbing your coat.
"Unless this is enough for you, in that case you're welcome to stay here" you said giving him a grin while sprinting outside of the room, leaving behind a shocked Heeseung.
Of course it didn't took him long to meet you at the car and when you guys got home he made sure you had "enough" of him ;)
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xavadak3davrax · 4 years
Poisoned Lovers
Prince!Fred Part 3
Fred Weasley x Fem Reader
Title: Poisoned Love
Warnings: NSFW, 18+! unprotected sex ,dom/sub /Fred is called sir) degradation, dirty talk, overstimulation, dirty talk, light degradation, spanking, grinding,this is bathroom sex. if I forget anything please warn me
Taglist: @manuosorioh @itsbebeyyy
Summary: y/n has been working for fred for a month and they can’t stop thinking about each other. None of them knows this until fred makes an unexpected move.
a/n: posting this until is appears in the tags because it isn’t showing.
Part 1. Part 2. 
Y/n had been working for Fred for a whole month. To say she was tired was an understatement. She knew it would be a big step from working for her parents (even though she did a lot more outside their little stand, like getting everything they needed). But wasn’t just in the Prince’s personal staff. About two weeks into y/n’s there Agatha thought she wasn’t doing enough. After all being a maid for the prince didn’t require much when he himself woke up always late and almost never was present (something y/n was thankful for since she was still trying to get over her attraction over him). So her superior found her other tasks around the castle that she would suitable for. Fred did know this and didn’t think it was wrong doing, if she wasn’t being taken from the main tasks she was put to do.
Never once did she complain about this, since she was able to get a little more money that what she first expected. y/n had also started to make friends around. She soon found out a lot of the girls working in the kitchen and has maids were the same age has her and they become close very soon, sharing a lot of experiences with her, of what it was like working for royals.
In the days she did see the Prince she was never alone and so she only ever spoke to him when necessary. She was quick to figure out the simple things about him, how he liked his things done a certain way, the people he did allow near him when alone in his chambers. She figured a lot of them were girls, but they never spent the night. She also so how his mood had changed since the first week she had started there.
Things with his marriage were going very fast, but she never asked him personally about it, after all it was not her business and she was merely working for him. But she heard rumors, specially from the queen’s personal maids, who knew almost every detail. The date was set, so it was official from what she could see. But Fred never once mentioned anything even in the few moments they had alone in his chambers when she was preparing something.
He usually kept to himself, trying to busy his mind but when she wasn’t looking he would let his eyes fall on her, on her soft skin, on her beautiful tender face. And more often then not on the soft curve of her breasts, bunched together by the corset she used underneath her working dress. How the skin looked so inviting, how he wished he could undo every little knot on her dress and see her in all her glory. He let himself imagine what her soft hands could do. Never had he watched her do anything without care, and gentleness. How they would feel on cock, how he would moan her name and feel his knees tremble.
He has never felt her touch for more then mere second and however he could not let himself stop from thinking all these filthy thoughts. He wished she would stay longer in his chambers, he wished she would help him undress to get in his bath, he wished she would get in with him. He wished so many things. His thoughts would run so wild at night, in the nights he had no one to touch or hug he would think about her and then would have to stock his cock until he could silence his mind. And in the nights he did have someone he would think that she was the one there, the one calling his name and cuming undone for him.
But the reality wasn’t so good. He had to watch you from a far and dream of you at night. He had to imagine you while he was sitting had the breakfast table, with his future wife in front of him.
“The water is ready, sir” y/n spoke, she was just now leaving his bathroom but since they weren’t alone she decided treating him by his first name was risky and would not be well seen. Fred nodded and then look at the rest of the maids in his chambers.
“You can leave, I will not need you for the rest of the night.” He said, and you took this has your cue to leave, so you placed his towel in his chair and started to leaved after the other maids. “Actually y/n I need you to regulate the water, it was very cold yesterday.”
He didn’t want her to look bad in front of her colleges but he needed her to stay behind, today or never. So he had to think os the best excuse and that would fit and not make her stay look suspicious in front of everyone else. So she nodded, looked at the others with a small smile and closed the door, going immediately towards the his bath and waited for him there. She knew what this would entail, seeing him naked, having to look at him like that and not being able to say or do anything, scared of the consequences.
“I barely see you these days.” He was now in front of her and with a small gesture of his head and hands pointed to the very hard gold finery that adorned his body. When she didn’t move he had to speak. “Would mind helping me take it of? Today’s events called for something more formal and I hate this because I can never seem to take them off.” A lie, but also not a lie.
With shaky hands y/n got close to his raiment and started undoing the buttons. It was indeed hard, but she figured since her hands were not has agile had others, that would justify it. He surely could take this himself could he not? From what she was told in the beginning he never had anyone present when he would bath himself. He was always alone, so why now, and why her of all people? A hand full of them have worked here longer than he has. She tried to maintain silence upon them, but it looked like that was not on his books.
“You can talk to me you know, we’re alone.” He made a move for his hand, coming to brush against her arm, in a slow and gentle, but still somehow sexual move. He could’ve sworn he saw her shiver. So she was affected by his touch. “Do you know how much time I spend of my day thinking of you?” he figured there was nothing to loose after the way he had examined her behavior since they were left alone.
“You highness, please,” her voice came out in a whisper “don’t do this, we-we can’t.”
“We can’t what?” Fred had now his hand on her neck where his fingers brushed her skin slightly and then put his hand behind and neck and very gently tucked closer to him. Her breath hitched in her throat and she felt her hands shake. It was getting harder to finish up her task. “Do you not desire me?”
She kept her head down, pretending to concentrate on the last button she had to do,  also that task not being hard since he has taller than her by some. “I should not speak of such matter.”
Once she had finished the buttons she took a few steps back letting Fred’s hand fall from her and then she looked at him. Without a word he took the piece of clothe of him, and then proceeded to take the white tunic underneath with him, leaving his chest bare. He was now only adorned in his pants, his feet uncovered and hitting the cold ground. He came forward to close the gap y/n had opened and took her face in his hands.
“It’s just us, please y/n, please.” He begged. His thumb caressing her cheeks. And they both looked at each other they somehow knew there was no turning back from this. She nodded, unsure of herself and of what this would mean. But her brain didn’t let her overthink the moment because she felt his rosy, warm lips hit hers and everything else seem to fade for a few moments.
His hands traveled thru her body slowly until they stopped at her waist and pushed y/n flushed against his body. She lost all sense she had In her and let her hands rest against his chest, his muscles moving and flexing underneath her touch. “y/n,” he said against her lips while workings his hands to undo the strings from the gown she wore. “if we do this, I’m afraid I won’t be gentle. That is not how I’ve imagined taking you.”
As he spoke he finished undoing them and helped y/n get of from her dress, it pulled around her feet and she stepped out of it. Her breath now a little more rapid, her lips swollen from the kissing, but her trembling seemed to have disappeared. She now had other feelings, starting in her core that travelled all the way thru her body, but mostly coiling in her belly. She could feel herself getting wetter, only by the mere kissing of Fred Weasley.
“Shower with me.” She nodded at his words, and they both helped themselves of the remaining clothes they had. Any shyness she might have had was nowhere to be seen now, now that she was so vulnerable to him. Her nipples were hard from the cold hair of the bathroom, she was wet and she could feel it, now that she didn’t had the panties to cover any of it, that it was covering and running down her thighs. He was hard, his cock was stiff and red at the head. Pre-cum was cuming from his tip. It was somewhat painful what he was feeling, like he’d never been touched before, and he was touched starved for her. But he did not feel like pushing her against the wall and fucking her right then and there would satisfy his need for her. So he took y/n by her hand and helped her get in the big tub in front of them, steamy hot water in it. She felt all her muscles relax almost instantly, clearly no use to this kind of thing, since her baths were usually taken with cold water.
Fred seated himself first, and in the few moments she stood there in front of him, completely naked he had to take every bit of her in his mind. Before he allowed her to seat directly on him, he let his hands roam her thighs, squeezing them knowingly, and let them travel all the way to her ass where, without anything as a warning he gave it a light slap. The moan that came from her throat made it self feel now only on her but also on Fred’s cock.
“You like that princess, don’t you?” he came forward a little and pushed her against him so his face was in front of her pussy, and he kissed her gently on her clit. y/n brought her hands to his shoulders for support or she would’ve fallen on top of him in that moment. “I would very much enjoy it if you use your words.” His dominant side had come out the second he had slapped her ass, or even before that, when he has just looked at her fully naked, he didn’t exactly know.
“Yes, sir, I like it very much.” She squeezed his should when he left another kiss on her clit and sucked not so gently on it, while his hands massaged her ass.
“I will not taste you properly today, as I’m afraid I’m also being selfish and in need of you in this moment, but I will taste you on our next time.” He pulled back from her and then guided to seat on things that were spread a little to allow y/n to have her space on him. As soon as she seated on him, her pussy brushed pass the head of his cock making her whole body shiver and a moan of his name leave her lips.
“That’s right princess, just like this.” He positioned his hands on her waist and rocked her back and forth on him so she was griding right on his cock. Her moans had become a little louder and so he had to kiss her as to know arouse any suspicion from the guards that stood outside his door. For all they know she was just helping him with the water, little did they know she was helping in something more than that.
“So b-big.” y/n had put both of her hands on each side of the tub for support and was griding a bit faster on him, since the pleasure was consuming every cell on her body, and the rhythm that Fred had put for her was not enough.
“Greedy little thing princess, that’s what you are. Just grinding way on my cock, just claiming it as yours. You would like that wouldn’t you? To have my cock all for yourself just so you do this all the time. I bet you would like me to be inside you all the time.” The words came from his mouth so effortlessly, the filth spiling from him had her on the brim of her orgasm.
The grinding, his filthy words, and the sweet little name princess were starting to be to much for her.
“Please, please Fred, fuck me.” Her head came to rest on his shoulder while she took the chance and her words to grab at the base of Fred’s cock and direct to her entrance. She was a bit scared now. She hadn’t been with anyone in months, she didn’t know what is was to be touched sexually in months, so she feared it would hurt. Of course it will, she thought, Fred was very big along with a thickness that her mouth water just from thinking of it. She wished she could suck him. Just nibble and suck on the head of his cock and the take him down her throat the best she could to satiate her thirst for him.
“Did I gave you permission filthy girl? Did I allow you to touch me, ahm?” When she didn’t answer he slapped her right ass cheek with some force, but nothing ever that would make her scream in pain. “Answer me, now.” His voice came out strong, and an octave down making her roll her eyes with the pleasure she felt just from him speaking with her like that.
“No, sir.” Although she had answered this, she didn’t let go from the position she had on him. She stroked her hand thru his cock with gentle pressure making goosebumps appear all over his body and a groan leave his mouth.
“I didn’t did I? But since you are so starved for me, go ahead and fuck yourself princess. Make yourself cum on me.” y/n didn’t waste a second, and positioned him again on her entrance and started to go down on him , slowly trying to adjust to his size and thickness. The moan that left her mouth was so filthy that Fred’s hips gain life and came to meet hers half way, making y/n loose all her balance and him being fully seated in her cunt. He could feel himself being engulfed by every little piece of her, and he could that he was touching the sweetest and forbidden spot inside her that would make her go limb.
“You- I-” They were incoherent thoughts coming from her mouth. One of her hand shad the tub and was positioned in her belly.
“Can feel me in you belly baby can you? It feels so good baby, knowing the only thing you are full of is me. Your Prince. Full of me is what you will forever remember. You are mine now. Mine, and my cock will forever be engraved in you, made for you.” He put his hands on top of hers, and pulled them both again the sides of the tub and in a position that was suitable for both of them. He started to thrust his hips into hers, slowly at first, because he wanted to enjoy every feeling her pussy was giving him, and then started to fasten his moves, not being able to keep that slow pace much longer because he needed to feel her, to hear the moans of his name that came from her mouth. His face came to nibble on one of her nipples, and his eyes were on her face.
y/n had her eyes closed, her mouth opened and sometimes no sound came out. Not that she wasn’t feeling pleasure, but it was so much that her mind and body couldn’t process it all at once. She could feel him hit her g-spot over and over again, making her tighter but which of his movements. Her orgasm was approaching like lighting speed, only mere minutes after he had been in her. Could blame her? He was different from all the guys she was ever with, she didn’t know she would be like this, and it would feel like this.
“You’re gonna come princess, I can feel it” Fred had drawn himself from the nipple he was working on to speak. Waited for her answer and when y/n nodded, he smiled, his lips coming to meet her other nipple. She felt a little shy by cuming so fast on her first time with him but it all melted way from her mind when all the feeling from her orgasm hit.
She felt chills all over her skin, her body tensed for mere seconds and her pussy contracted around Fred’s cock, making his moans come out more often and his sucking on her nipples stronger. Everything he did contributed for this strange but amazing orgasm that left her speechless and numb against the Prince.
Never once did he pull out of her, and instead, gripping strongly and with his head now in her neck he started to move again, when he felt her high has now subsided. Her hands were shaking violently from the different pleasure she felt now, overstimulated by her first orgasm, and with Fred pounding into her more fiercely, his hair a complete mess, y/n’s hands were now on it making it even messier and pulling on it hard making his moans louder.
“Shhh” it was her time to speak, teasing him for what he had said earlier, about the noise. But her teasing got caught on her throat when he gave a particularly hard trust that hit her g-spot and had her scream his name.  
“Better watch that mouth Princess, or next time I might have to cover it.” The delicious smirk on his face made you roll your eyes.
Fred kept his face on the crook of her neck and bite on it. In a place were he knew it would be hard for her to hide. “So everyone will know you belong to me.” He knew they wouldn’t know it was him exactly, but they would know she belonged to someone and would be approached by anyone.
“I’m gonna cum.” It came out strangled by the harsh tug of y/n, on Fred’s bright red hair. She squeezed deliciously around him that was is undone. He came inside her. Rapid spurts of his cum coating her walls, filling her up good and making her second orgasm even better than the first, everything around them didn’t matter because they were in each other’s embrace.
They stayed like that for a few minutes. Trying to relax and come down from the high of such strong orgasms.
“I hope you know, princess, that you’re mine now. This pussy is mine and for me to do what I want with it.” His dominant voice was not so present anymore, but he still spoke in a way for her to know not to contradict him. y/n moved her head “yes” the best she could. She didn’t want to think about it much, not after what they just did, but she couldn’t help herself.
What had happened here was a mistake for crying out loud. He was the future king, soon to be wedded and she was his maid, someone he met a mere month and half ago, who he barely knew yet somehow was attracted to, and thought this could happen again? It couldn’t, but in this moment, with his flower and sweaty smell evading her nostrils, and his soft skin under her touch she didn’t bring herself to tell him that.
That this wouldn’t happen again. That they couldn’t be a thing, that they shouldn’t be a thing. That she would distance herself, for his good, but also hers. y/n could handle a lot of thing, but not a heartbreak.
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i have my ap exam next week,, n i wanna ask for testing accomodations or honestly just one: extended time. but the last time i asked for accommodations to my 504 plan it was hell. my school is incredibly ableist n racist. n it's way harder for me to get accomodations than for my yt friends to get them. another white kid who has a 504 plan as well was talking about if u have a 504 plan they basically have to pass u,, no sweetie you're just white. i don't have the luxury of not worrying about not passing to the next grade.
i don't wanna go thru the process of being pushed away n then when i finally do get in,, having to ask for things over n over n then told i dont need accomodations.
i wanted an iep but they told me i dont need that. like it wasnt until another meeting with my mom after asking for a few weeks or so,, n being told my grades were "great you're doing amazing, v impressive" (i had 1 A, 2Fs,, n the rest were Cs),, that i finally got extended time for assignments (which they all,, meaning all the counselors n social worker n school psychologist,, told me n my mom i didnt need it n would make me worse. we fought for it tho) n it's still,, along with all my other accomodations,, not being enforced.
most of teachers dont even know i have a 504 plan unless i tell them. they arent emailed or explained what the things mean,, n i can barely explain shit to them bc idk wtf the vague shit means either.
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kalofi · 3 years
Hey mx lofi I know nothing about sk8 so could u tell me if it’s genuinely worth watching or legit just gaybait?
ok i have a few things to say abt this
i LOVE sk8 i thought it was such a fun and exciting show and one(if not the only?) shounen-y skateboarding animes out there so obv it has moments of skateboard skills that r just not humanly possible but its an anime so. lmfao. but overall it stays p true to the heart of skateboarding!! awesome animation cool characters (except. well. we'll get to him) and just an overall eye catching aesthetic ❤️ v cool v swag v epic
there is ONE character whom i hate so dearly 🥰 i hope to kill him until he dies hes basically the hisoka of sk8 in which he is obsessed with a child due to their "skill" but its played in an almost romantic way and he calls them the EVE to his ADAM (his name is adam btw). so yea hes a freak i hate him sm if shit like that makes u uncomfy just. steer clear of this show i know there were some parts where i had to pause and take a walk around my bedroom bc i was so angry and uncomfortable when he was in a scene
putting THAT to the side, the show is also p focused on the whole bromance narrative so there r limited female characters and the one girlboss we DO get just putters around for a few episodes then gets kicked out like wtf 💀 its not my biggest gripe but it made me a lil salty lol
but id say despite that it is a v worth while watch tbh!!! i had so much fun binging the first couple episodes, then consequently waiting one week for every new one BDJFKNSKDOD i got hooked real fast, the main characters (reki (reki my beloved) and langa) have such good chemistry they r so fun and sweet together and the ensemble cast is amazing too, joe n cherry n miya n shadow deserve the world and more. ALSO. sk8 has made me laugh out loud so many times there r loads of silly moments to giggle at 🙏🏽
now moving onto the topic of queerbaiting...
first things first. there is a post out there somewhere talking abt this in better detail but i couldnt find it so i'll try to put it into my own words. u shouldn't rly look at sk8 thru a western viewpoint of whats queerbaiting or not.
in the western world, while still not as prominent or accepted as cishet relationships, lgbtq relationships r a lot more present, mainly bc they r allowed to b. now this is not to say that its sooooo easy to make queer relationships appear on the big screen, they still face a lot of backlash from ppl even IF the entertainment industry has made good steps in being inclusive. with this im just trying to point out that while still not normalized completely yet, lgbtq representation is easier to produce/consume
in this way, i personally dont believe sk8 was gaybaiting or queerbaiting at ALL. pls feel free to correct me if im wrong, im not the most knowledgeable on the subject, but it is arguably harder to produce or animate queer relationships in Japan, especially if its meant to be a shounen-type anime.
thru claiming sk8 is queerbaiting by not animating their two leads kissing or confessing to each other or whatever, u r discrediting everything else that makes reki and langas relationship so special. no they do not profess their love for each other under the light of the moon, but they are shown time and time again to care very deeply for each other, to push each other to b and do their best, they are shown to b very physically affection, to have have a strong bond built not only on a mutual love of skateboarding, but a mutual respect for one another
if u RLY wanna get shippy tho (not judging) there are a few moments that rly cement how much they like/care abt the other sprinkled throughout the show. i wont get into too much detail to avoid spoilers, but while one of the main characters is talking to his mom, she thinks he is asking her how to confess to a girl when he says he "likes the person." the same main character tells the other he wants to "skate infinitely" with him. which is pretty gay in and of itself if u ask me
so, from all that, i would say the producers, directors, animators, voice actors, and everyone who worked on this show did the best they could in terms of getting the ship as close to canon as they could what with all the restrictions they had to tiptoe around. i was pretty satisfied with the ending (bar the small complaints mentioned previously) and i know a lot of other ppl were too!! again, deffos worth watching in my opinion
this got kind of rambly so sorry for that but i hope this clears some stuff up, and if u end up watching it i hope u enjoy!
p.s. if u truly r desperate for ship content (again, not judging) u can always check the dub and the content that comes with it! the english VAs r very vocal abt their love for the ships in the show so u can get ur share of that from there ❤️
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