#with thanks to my French friend-cousin <3
laurasimonsdaughter · 5 months
The werewolf sisters
Please share my delight in this folktale collected by Charles Joisten, from Joseph Lauzier in Champoléon in 1960:
There once lived three girls in the old water mill at Mourinou. One evening, they dressed as wolves and warmed themselves around the stove.
Some young men from neighbouring villages came to see them at their evening gathering. They were known to be pretty girls! Before going inside, they looked through the window to see if anyone was there and they saw the three werewolves. One of the young men said: "We must go back and we will arrive singing."
So, when the young girls heard singing, they quickly took off their wolf skins and the young men returned. But the young girls had not had time to properly lock up their belongings in the cupboard; there was a wolf's paw or tail sticking out.
Then the young men asked: “Huh, what is that?”
Then one of the girls replied: “If you had come a moment before, well we were wolves and we would have eaten you!”
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oonajaeadira · 6 months
I'll Leave a Light On For You
Fandom: Bloodsucking Bastards / Max Phillips
Pairing: Max Phillips x f!reader
Reader: Adult female. No other physical descriptors; no use of y/n. (There is a little description, but it’s still you. Believe me, it will make sense. We’re dealing with the supernatural here.)
Rating: T. 
Warnings: Angst. Character death. Allusions to the atrocities of war and its lasting effects. Max is a vampire. Traumatic soul memory. Me assuming I know anything about French culture of the 1930s.
Summary: Max has reservations when it comes to love, and for very good reasons.
A/N: This is my entry for the @pedrostories Secret Santa event. While I played one selfish card in my hand and wrote something of a companion to Light Only Shows You Where the Shadows Are, this can still be read as a standalone.
To my giftee, the amazing and wonderful @artemiseamoon : First of all, I admire you so much and I was really nervous to write for you. But I looked among your generous prompt choices (omgs thank you for so many good choices) and was surprised to find Max as an option. I wasn’t going to choose him at first but then my eye caught “past lives” and something in me zinged. Soul mates, angsty romance, second chance at love… and I’ve been itching to write an angsty Max. I know you are a fan of soft and whump, so all those elements had a party in my heart and here we are. I really hope you’re having a nice holiday and a good time off. Happy Secret Santa, Arte. <3
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What we’ve been told is that when you die, your life flashes before your eyes.
That’s almost correct.
The truth is…it’s not just your current life.
It’s all of them.
Max hardly remembers the fear, the pain, the cold of his draining. Even though he knew what was coming, bought into the cult, the human instinct of fight or flight is hard to dismiss no matter how well they’ve been prepped and it was to be expected. But it was a flash in the pan and once he came around to the undead side of things, those pesky human responses were all quickly forgotten.
For a time. Until he saw your light and–
Anyway. Human instincts. Pffft. Adorable. Trading the constant possibility of fear for that of glee, of rapture, of delight? Human instincts are trash. Not to mention their senses, poor suckers. The things they can’t see can’t hear can’t smell can’t taste? Tragic.
If only the feelings weren’t heightened too. It makes some things–some people–hard to ignore–
Feelings were something he could also have done without in his human life–the latest one anyway–and did whatever he could do to avoid.
It wasn’t until he died that he understood why.
As the life drained out of him and the delirium set in, there was a rushing sound, a pull through his soul like the drag of blood from his body, and he was laying, feeble, wailing, bloody and naked among the limbs of his mother.
But not the mother he so recently remembered, the one that showed her approval only when he provided her with some accomplishment worthy of crowing about to her society friends. No, this one was gentle, kind, held him and sang to him, lived her life for him until she died of fever when he was only five years old.
Max saw it all, from within himself and without, remembered the pull of his heart and watched the tears fall down his little face as they nailed his mother’s body in a pine box and put it in a hole at the top of a hill under a tree.
He always imagined he heard her singing to him in the grasses after that.
The world welcomed a new century, and not long afterward, he was a young man, looking to take over his father’s wine fields. But the chance was stolen when an archduke was shot. Max–Pierre, as he was called then–and all of the close friends and cousins he had were thrust into a great war. 
He was the only one to walk out of the fray. And when he came home, he found his father’s fields had been burned and that nothing remained.
That was a dark time. Ten years of looking back rather than looking forward. Ten years–it went by so fast–while he watched the world around him try to repair itself and find its footing again, not realizing that the roots of evil still grew beneath the soil.
He kept his head down and his hands working wherever he could.
But then he met a woman.
And she was Pierre’s life. Max’s life. Before he was Max.
It happened in the winter, just before Noël. And her name was Yaëlle.
Max remembered that before she even told him as he watched the story of this strange old life.
Yaëlle. It means “beautiful one.”
“It also means ‘goat,’” she’d said. “That seems more fitting.” She never thought of herself pretty, and perhaps she wasn’t fashionable and maybe she was stronger than she was dainty, with a weak chin and curly dark hair she couldn’t control. But the light in her eyes when she laughed–and what a laugh, like a little bird–the sway of her hips and the confidence in her carriage, her air of easy care and comfort caught his heart like a surly bear in the prettiest trap.
She’d simply been passing through the marché de Noēl, looking but not stopping, taking the kerchief off her head so the snow could land in her curls, when a child approached her selling buns in the shape of a cross and she gave the child a franc before sitting down at the statue of some cardinal or other in the center of the square.
She could have sat on any of the other benches, but she chose to plonk down next to Max. Next to Pierre.
“You want this?” she asked, offering the bun. “Not really my thing.”
How could she have known he was hungry? That he was lonely? That he was facing the market rather than the river because he was trying not to succumb to his inclinations, a pull to walk out onto the thin ice and let himself be taken by the stream?
He was instantly entranced by her. He felt himself smiling. Something shifted within. A destiny.
“You sure?” he asked.
She peered at him, scrutinized his whole self like she could see a glow around him and was looking for its source.
She found it in his eyes.
“Absolutely. I already ate three hand pies today. The last thing I need is more bread.”
He laughed for the first time in a long while. They talked. He ate.
On Christmas Eve when everyone was at the evening’s mass, she was there again, sitting alone, and this time it was he who had hot food and came to join her on the bench while the night was silent and cold and the stars were twinkling.
It was then that he learned why she was not in church–her folk did not observe Noēl. And she learned why he was not in church–he had lost his faith, that everyone he had ever loved was taken and there were not enough candles in the sanctuary to light for all of them.
“What if I lit one?” she’d asked.
“Who would you light it for?”
“For you. So you don’t have to sit in the dark.” When he was only silent, she said, “You fought in the Great War, didn’t you.” And when he looked away–when he shut her out–she continued. “My husband fought in that war. And he never could find his heart again. He said he loved me, but I don’t think he ever really did, not all the way. But I loved him all the way and when he put an end to his own life I thought I would have to do it too. Instead, I sat in the dark for a long time. It’s something I can see in a person. I can see you’re sitting in the dark.”
They stayed quiet for a time on the bench under the statue of the cardinal and when the church bells started to toll–signaling the magic of the empty square would soon be disrupted by the mass emptying into its streets–she stood and pulled her coat around her.
“My home is down that street, a little one with a red roof. It’s warm and I’ve plenty of hand pies--I made too many. I’ll leave a candle in the window until I’m asleep. You’re always welcome there, Max.”
And then she smiled and turned down the avenue where she’d pointed.
He blinked. Just before she reached the edge of the square he called out, “My name isn’t Max. It’s Pierre.”
She turned and gave a sly wink. “Good to know. I think once you get a belly full of my pies, you’ll let me call you whatever I want.”
He only sat long enough to watch the churchgoers file out of the holy service, many of them with people they loved, humming, happy, cheeks glowing in that way when one steps into a fresh cold world after being an hour or two soaking in the warmth. And once the square was empty again, he stood, gave only a fleeting look to the river, and then walked resolutely down Yaëlle’s street.
A little house with a red roof and a candle in the window.
He stayed for supper and came back many nights after.
And then one night he never left.
Max recalled the rest of that life with a lurking despair. While he couldn’t quite remember how it went, something in him carried it through to the life he’d just left…and he couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was yet.
A few years of joy, of the greatest love he’d felt since his childhood. Like the mother he’d lost, another woman who was gentle, kind, held him and sang to him, lived her life for him until she couldn’t anymore.
They never celebrated Noël as the others did, but in their own way. For a handful of years they would go sit on the bench in the square and hand out pies to their neighbors and anyone who came to join them where they sat. They would listen to the singing in the church and watch the stars scintillate overhead. They would leave their shoes by the fireplace and wake up to find gifts they’d bought for each other with the little francs that they had. And they would never talk about what they would do in the future, because they knew it would be this and that’s all they aspired to and it would be a happy life.
And Max watched Pierre forget about the rot that still ran its roots through the soil.
And one day soldiers came to town when he was out in the fields and they took Yaëlle and some of the other dark-haired, joyful, bird-laughing folk about town and murdered them. By the time he returned for the evening, the soldiers had gone and left him nothing but a ravaged house and a body to bury.
There’s nothing he could have done, the mourning neighbors told him, the tide was rising. If he had fought them, they would have shot him too.
Pierre said that it would have been better that way.
Pierre stopped working in the fields when he started to hear his mother’s voice singing among the grasses again…now joined by Yaëlle’s sweet alto.
He had one more Noël in that life. He drank as much as he could take without falling over and stumbled out to sit on the bench in the square, weeping once the churchgoers had gone. He didn’t say a word, but Max remembered what Pierre was thinking then.
Love hurts too much. It is always taken. It’s not worth the trouble.
And then Pierre fell asleep on that bench and never woke up again.
There wasn’t much time between that first life and this one, maybe a few decades in the dark. Just long enough for a voice to reach him in the void–a voice he knew well and loved with his whole heart for only a short time–to say,
“That was a good first try, Max. Let’s give it another go, okay? Another place, another time, when it’s not so hard. I’ll leave a light on for you.”
Max’s life had been shorter this time. But he’d learned a thing or two and kept love at arm’s length. Sex was good and companionship was fine, but he wouldn’t invest in anything that could drain him in an instant and leave him destitute. 
Now power, that could fill the void. 
So when fortune smiled and he was given the choice, he swallowed hard and put his neck to the teeth, traded in his humanity for power that nobody could take away from him…and a heart that had no need for warmth.
He was wrong about that last point though.
And he didn’t even know it until he saw something that humans couldn’t see.
Heard something they couldn’t hear, a long ago and far away voice singing.
Smelled you on the wind.
Followed it to you–a woman, just another human woman–walking out of a bar along some street in the city.
And he saw a light glowing from within you.
You wore another face, another body, but all he saw was you.
Beautiful one.
He followed you that night, and several nights after. He was the reason that car swerved before it hit you, the reason you weren’t approached by that seedy guy at the club. He was the reason you kept looking behind you now and then and when you finally saw him–having dinner at the same restaurant, totally by coincidence, you on a friendly outing, him trying to charm a client into a contract–it broke his heart that you did not know him instantly.
He found he was surprised that he still had a heart to break. He’d been so fucking careful.
Max almost gave into the anger, the disappointment. Replayed the pathetic way Pierre let himself be brought down and tried to remind himself not to let himself be broken again.
But then he heard your voice in a way only those who walk in death can.
Let’s give it another go. I’ll leave a light on for you.
Heightened feeling is the one drawback of all this power. It’s one thing to latch onto a target, to fixate on some middle manager or accountant or IT specialist until there’s a good time to finally strike. That is an itch that can be satisfied with a well-timed, fear-seasoned, adrenaline-soaked kill.
But love sinks its fangs in and doesn’t let go. It sucks at something that can’t be drained, has no end, can never get enough. It can drive an immortal--a never-ending being of heightened existence--to madness.
There will come a day in the future when you’ll trust him for no good reason, when you’ll understand the monster he is and whisper under your breath against your better judgment, when you’ll invite him in. For dinner.
And he’ll come around again and again.
And then one day, he’ll stay.
And you’ll yawn ask him on the edge of sleep, “Why me? Of all these humans that you could easily enthrall and have without question, why choose this?”
Max will look at you in the darkness and see nothing but your light.
You won’t understand when he puts on a show of an irritated sigh and tells you, “You gave me another chance, sweetmeats,” but you’ll doze in his cold arms, absolutely confident as he is that nothing will ever hurt you again. Including himself.
And that night he’ll stay until you wake.
He won’t have you sit in the darkness alone.
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ramshackledtrickster · 7 months
I hope you have a wonderful autism today :3
!! Thank you!!
My Ziio fixation has returned with a vengeance lately so indeed I’m having a fun time
Lemme share some headcanons for today methinks (some may or may not relate to my personal ac3 adaptation)
Undiagnosed adhd. Like she has big time adhd but not many successful ways to channel it n she stimulates herself most with her hands (rope work, making snares, beading, twirling or doing whatever with her knife, fiddling w the hem n fringes of her clothes etc)
In her heyday in modern au she’s definitely a punk
She got her freckles from her dad
Her combat greatly incorporates rope work and she’s a bit of a traps expert (the affinity for ropes later is subconsciously mirrored with Connor’s use of the shengbiao/rope dart)
Getting this out of the way, her thing with Haytham was a one night stand and they didn’t make any plans to move in together or start a new life (she found his journal and realized he’s . Kind of a weirdo Templar) . Sorry Forsaken. (Also probably moving the kiss out of the cave temple for personal ick reasons)
She grew up very “one of the boys” ish. Lovessss wrestling n making competitions of things and hates losing. Probably also “the weird kid” if you wanna put a modern lens on it.
She was hell to raise by Oiá:ner. She’s very headstrong and it’s hard to reel her in/she wasn’t sure what to do with Ziio half the time. Their relationship gets more strained as she becomes an adult and as the war starts though, but they still have a very strong bond and love for each other despite everything. In the end they both care so much about safety and protecting each other.
Oiá:ner sees way too much of Ziio in Ratonhnhaké:ton. Especially in his pursuit of risky/radical change and calling to outside the village
Don’t wanna give away too much yet but the Southgate Fort captives-freeing mission is VERY different and sets Haytham more at odds with her
Loud snort-laughter
It was very difficult for her to re acclimate to a more secure (mundane) life in the village when she finally came back home and secured their safety in the 7 years war. It just. Feels wrong not doing anything. Not making change. (Made harder by the fact she’s barred from becoming a clan mother)
Her and Kanen’tó:kon’s mother are close friends (maybe cousins?), and Ratonhnhaké:ton was raised by em after she died
Polyglot (multiple indigenous languages since she had to help rally non-haudenosaunee forces for the prologue, English, and French. Has no respect for the French language)
Has a tendency to save others before saving herself (Connor unknowingly repeats this— due to survivor’s guilt based in trauma, and so the cycle repeats)
Born some time in the winter (I’m thinking December? December 14 or something. Which makes her a Sagittarius I guess go figure.) I also intend this to be a callback to her name and how I associate her with snow since her most memorable scenes take place during that season in that weather imo
Big appetite high metabolism I got no reason tbh
Has two separate books within her in the aftermath of the prologue— one specifically for teaching Ratonhnhaké:ton English and one to record her own thoughts and feelings in like a journal.
She figures with how the world is changing with further interactions with colonists that her son should learn English sooner than later as a means of protection as well as being an inevitability on her eyes
But also yeah Haytham having a journal and learning abt his ulterior motives is. A lot. But when she meets Achilles and he recommended her be able to vent somewhere when things become too much he recommended a book like that of sorts so yeah (and that’s probably what Connor was reading in the beginning of his sequence— maybe he mistook it for his English-book n was trynna do his mom proud n accidentally found Haytham lore instead)
Connor learned to swear from her at a young age and she . Did not. Anticipate that or meant to do that.
A lot of the times she feels super unfit to be a mother. She was a good mom tho
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starfxkr · 2 months
So excited to find a black woc jj and rafe fan 😭 my cousins and friends made fun of me when they found out I was down bad for these unpigmented men ahhh! How do you think the boys would react to a black!reader asking them to braid her hair or changing her hairstyle or wearing a bonnet to bed?? Love your work and you’re responses you feel like a big sister or a best friend <3333
firstly thank youuuuu ur so sweet yes I gotta do it for the black girls!!! black readers rise!!!!
pope obviously dgaf its a normal tuesday for him. he probably has a bonnet tbh, you invite him over to spend the night and you go to get some snacks and come back he's comfy as hell in his pajamas with his bonnet on. is no doubt the best at braiding your hair, his favorite version of quality time is sitting you between his legs and doing your hair while yall watch a movie. cornrow king.
ive cracked this joke before but rafe sees you in the bonnet and calls you aunt jemima as a joke and is surprised you're offended because he just meant you're sweet like syrup duh! he pays for your installs though cause he's a trick and he's not new to this he's true to this, def picks the color and length tho
jj's not phased he's used to the hair changes imo like that's nothing new. but if you chop all your hair off he's very "woah thats new what made you do that??" then he gets over it. you try to teach him how to braid your hair but he kinda sucks? and then he proceeds to force you to let him keep practicing because he refuses to be the white dad who can't do his black childs hair, he gets better at simple hairstyles. he probably wears your bonnet to bed because he loves you <3
john b comments everytime you change your hair because he wants you to know how pretty you look <3 he won't stop going on and on about how you're the prettiest girl on the island <3 he learns how to french braid and cornrow because you won't stop getting into shit and complaining about your hair messing up and hes decent at it! he has to remind you to put your bonnet on bc you're liable to pass out and forget.
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starcrime · 1 month
do you mind doing more cameron headcanons haha... i run the cam ask blog and honestly i've been fixated on his character ever since lmfao. loser moment because everyone else hates him </3
thanks a bunch, no pressure !!
hey, ofc!
i definitely understand, although cam's not my fav he for sure gets wayyyy too much hate. personally im more than a cameron apologist and his actions, however shitty, were completaly understandable for a kid in his situation
anyways! still i don't have many cam hc just laying around so this isn't all that easy
first id love to point you to lexical-gustatory synesthetic cameron headcanons, if you haven't seen them (not mine!!) bc that's the post that solidifed the hc in my mind
his bio dad was french and he spent the first 5-6 years of his life in france
so technically english is his second language
his bio dad died when he was like 9 and his mom remarried pretty quickly
he is an only child
refuses to laugh at ANY of charlie's jokes . bc he's petty
i ve always imagined that cameron's family - grandparents n cousins specifically - live on a farm where he spends a all his summers
he actually loves typical farm activities too
he's a cow person. he has his favorite cow friend. her name is buttercup, she has huge pretty eyes and loves listening to him rant while cuddling <3
the first car he ever drove was a farm truck when he was 15
he's a lightweight and a giggly drunk, it's jarring how laid back and in a good mood he is when drinking. like everything is funny to him
he's (unintentionally) so hilarious . like look at him
like he has such an honest face, you can always tell what he's thinking and it's histerical.
he has no idea and can't lie bc of it
can never tell if he's being flirted with. he dislikes romance in general, actually. he feels a breeze of it in the air and his flight-or-fight immediately starts going off
still he somehow he gives pretty good dating/relationship advice
only drinks coffee black. not bc he's a snob (i mean he is, a little bit), he just likes it that way. his fav is an americano with sugar
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bumbledi · 1 year
♡ The road to parenthood 3 ♡
Pairing: time skip! Ushijima Wakatoshi x fem!reader
Genre: fluff
Summary: last couple of months caring Wakatoshi’s baby, getting ready for the baby’s arrival and great news
Warning: pregnancy (?), mention of sex, cursing (one time), parental talk
Note: I can’t thank you all enough for the likes on the 2 first parts... It’s easy to write something you already had in mind. So here’s part 3! I hope you enjoy it!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Read the sequel “The road of parenthood”:
Part 1
“Have you called Satori about the new shop, love?” You asked curling up to your husband’s side. It was a relaxing Saturday morning and you just finished making love with your husband.
“Not yet... I’ll call him later, I still need to know if he wants to stay here with us”
You were still in your six month and getting into the holiday spirit. It was December 11th and you were expecting Satori’s visit very soon. He is about to open a new chocolate shop in Japan.
“Do you think he’s coming with Elise?”
“Well, of course, Wakatoshi! She’s his wife”
Satori met a lovely French girl called Elise 5 years ago, she’s a dancer in Paris, she’s actually very kind, and they got married 2 years ago, such a beautiful weeding in Paris.
After that morning chat, you didn’t do much that day, you sent a couple of email, played with Mochi, watched tv, played some videos games and took a nap with your fur baby .
Seven days later, you were done vacuuming the guest room and turned the stove off, the curry was ready and you were waiting for your husband who drove to the airport to pick up his best friend (and his wife)
You were sitting on the couch petting Mochi when you heard the front door unlocked.
“Were home” Wakatoshi announces
“Welcome home!” You got off the couch and practically ran to the front door and saw your husband getting his shoes off followed by Satori and Elise. “Oh my Gooooood!” You squeak “hello! Please come in”
Once everyone one took their shoes off now you could hug. Tendo and you are very affectionate people, not really fitting the Japanese standard.
“Satori!” You didn’t waste one more second and gave your best friend a hug. “I’ve missed you so much” you could feel your eyes watering.
“Oh, (Y/N)... It’s been so long” he hugged you tightly “look how much baby has grown!” He let go of you and noticed you were now crying. “Oh, (Y/N)...” he chuckled and hugged you again.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry...” you whipped out your tears “hormones...” you chuckled “hello, Elise! I’m very sorry, please feel at home” you turned to her and hugged her too. “How are you?”
“I’m good, thanks for having us” she said with a chuckle.
“You must be tired, let’s get your stuff in the room so we can have dinner!”
“What did you prepare, (Y/N)-chan?”
“Your favorite...”
“You did not!” You laughed “You did not just cook my favorite to welcome us!”
“Well, of course! What kinda best friend do you take me for?”
“It feels fo nice to be back!”
After they got their luggage in the guest room and freshen up a little you all were ready to have dinner.
“When will the event start, tomorrow?” You asked putting the curry plates in front of them.
“I’ll do it” You husband whispered in your ear and you smile at him.
“Around 6 pm... You can get a little early, I’ll give you the VIP passes”
“Aw, thanks Satori”
“Appreciate it, Tendo” Wakatoshi said
“Oh, by the way... there’s one more thing we think it’s important for you both to know”
“Yeah...” You were about to sit down while your husband was getting your favorite lime soda from the fridge.
“We are considering moving to Japan” Elise said
“It’s that so?! That sound lovely! It would be nice to see you both more often”
“We know, we want our baby to be born here and play with yours as cousins...”
“What?” You looked at him not totally understanding what’s going on.
“Surprise...” he said with a light chuckle.
“Stop, stop... no you’re not!” You said looking at them both while covering your mouth.
“Two months and a half...” Elise confirmed laughing
“Shut uuuup!” You started crying and heard Tendo laughed
“Congratulations, both of you!” Wakatoshi walked to his friend and gave him a hug
You got up your sit and walked over both of them, hugging them tight.
“I can’t stop crying... I’m just so happy” you sobbed and your husband gave you a tissue “thanks, darling...”
After that, all of you sat down again.
“You’re the first ones we tell” Elise said with a big smile while grabbing her husband’s hand.
“Oh, you guys... I’m gonna cry again...”
“It’s okay, it’s okay...” Wakatoshi rubbed your shoulder.
“We actually went to and appointment a couple of days before flying here and got a pictured of the ultrasound, wanna see it?”
“For sure!”
Satori handed you the little ultrasound, you took it in your hands and got one more surprise.
“SATORI! SHUT THE FUCK UP!” You screamed, making them both laugh.
“What is it?” He asked trying to look at the ultrasound.
“Look!” You showed him but he wasn’t getting it at all “oh my god, Wakatoshi! Look! 1... 2...” You pointed at each one of the embryos in the ultrasound “twins!”
“Tendo ...-“ Wakatoshi said, making you all laugh.
In the middle of your 8th month, you got on maternity leave. Even tho you have been fully working from home for the last month. And Wakatoshi will be talking his paternal leave you in one month.
Your mom has been keeping you company and you totally appreciate it, you get very lonely now that you are staying alone at home and don’t see your co-workers.
Also, Mochi and you have been taking naps together, she loves to sleep next to the belly...
The baby’s room is almost done, even tho you plan to let the baby sleep in your room for the first month or two. It’s common in Japan to let the new kid sleep in the parents bed for at least the first year but you both agree that this wouldn’t be the case.
You also got very busy looking for a good hospital for the last couple of months. You both wanted a more occidental experience, get to be together on the delivery, hold your baby when it’s born and all that... Even if you needed to stay all 5 days to recover after the birth. Which by the way, you decided on a natural birth and you both searched like crazy for an hospital that also gives you the epidural. There was no way you were going to push a baby out of you without it.
But your gynecologist was kind enough to help you with the search.
On the last week of your 8th month, you decided to finally do a maternity shoot. First you chose a beautiful spot where you could appreciate the cherry blossoms, if still was a little bit cold out but you had to cope with it. You wore a beautiful flowy white dress, Wakatoshi also rocked white. You had your hair done as well as makeup and nails. All thanks to the talented photographer and company you hired.
After some cute pictures in the location, you decided to go back home to take more intimate pictures. You both wanted to treasure this moments for the rest of your lives.
A week before Wakatoshi got into parental leave, you started receiving a bunch for visitors. Kageyama and Hinata came around now that they were visiting Japan and they brought a nice bottle sterilizer as a gift. Hoshiumi also dropped by with some cut baby clothes as a gift. The Shiratorizawa boys also visited you little by little. Leon and his wife and daughter, Semi, Yamagata, even Goshiki.
And Akemi would drop by at least one a week so you could eat ice cream together and watch tv.
You do have good friends
Wakatoshi got on paternity leave and you two were making the best out of the time before becoming a family of 3.
He would massage your sore feet, wash your hair while showering, help you shave, spoil you with your favorite onigiris for dinner, cuddle you all he could and talk to the belly every day.
“I can’t wait to push this baby out...” you groaned as he rubbed some stretch marks cream on your belly after your shower.
“We’ll met them soon, my love...” he says now massaging your feet.
“I’m nervous, Wakatoshi...”
“Why is that, love?”
“It’s just... We’ve been preparing for this baby so much. We tested our fertility, we organize our profits, prepare for receiving a child but... do you think we’ll be good parents?”
“Well... Nobody is born knowing how to “parent” but I can assure you we are going to do our best... We’re not only gonna provide our kids with a good economic support but we’ll me there for them, every step...” he tried to calm you down but you felt uneasy still “You know... with my parents’ divorce, I never really thought I would have all this... A nice relationship and eventually a family of my own.” He stood up, sat down next to you and held your hand “(Y/N)... You’re the only person I would ever do this with... I belong to you...”
“Oh, Wakatoshi...” you cried while hugging him “thank you, dear...”
“We’ll be okay... All three of us...” he touched your belly and almost instantly, you felt baby kicked
“meow~” You both looked down to see Mochi claiming back his spot
“Oop- Sorry, baby... All four of us” You laugh as Mochi walked between your feet.
You’re meant to be induced 5 days from now... You just can’t wait to meet your baby...
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drownedinlavender · 11 months
Helloooo, so I'm writing a long kyman fic. It's gonna be a slow burn multi-chapter one. I got like a good 1/3 of it down with like a skeleton of events mapped out. Since I haven't been active in any fandom or like written fanfic since I was a teen, I wanted to post an excerpt to kinda test the waters a bit haha I'm kinda shy about sharing stuff but was greatly inspired by a lot of people's work.
Anyway, the premise is Cartman impulsively taking the fall on something and being admitted to inpatient cause of it. This excerpt is when he facetimes the gang to tell them about it. Stan and Kenny are at school during lunch, Kyle's at the hospital (has to do with what Cartman took the blame for), and Eric's at home about to leave.
I'd greatly appreciate any criticism or input! Thank u for ur time 💜💖 ^^)/
"Dude, a psych ward? That sounds pretty serious," Stan looks mildly concerned.
"It is serious, Stan. That's why Kyle's gonna owe me big time when I get back," Eric smuggly declares, "Like sucking my balls big big time."
Kenny sneakers at the brunette still obsessing over a bet they made years ago when they were just kids.
"Man, you gotta lay off the balls thing, Cartman. That's hella gay," Stan drily informs while munching on a fry.
"Hey! It's not gay! It's about humiliation and having power over an individual," Eric offendedly denies, choosing to die on that hill.
Kyle, who has been absolutely seething in the background, finally bursts, "Fuck you, Cartman! I didn't ask you to cover for me, you did that all on your own!"
Eric scoffs, "Okay, fine, Kahl, would you prefer me going to PC principal and telling him I take it all back. That he should take you off the team like he wanted? Is that what you want, Kahl?"
Kyle tenses his jaw muscles as he grinds his teeth. Of course that's not what he wants but is Cartman holding one over his head any better? His eyes flicker to the side as he contemplates for a brief moment. Stan continues eating, staring at his screen waiting for his best friend to speak as if he's watching an enthralling reality tv show. Once Kenny's giggling fit finally subsides, he lays his head on one outstretched arm and sneaks a French fry from whoever's lunch tray is right across from him.
"Fine," Kyle bitterly concedes with a sigh, "but I'm not helping you do anything illegal like murder or whatever. And I'm definitely not sucking your balls," he points at Cartman through the screen.
"Oh…" a small voice utters in surprise across the room from Kyle. The redhead looks up at a shocked nurse half way through the door. "I-I'll come back in a second to check your vitals," she embarrassedly scurries out of the room.
Kyle's mortified face soon matches his hair. "God, damn it, Cartman!"
Kenny practically dies of laughter, not even bothering to hold his phone up right anymore.
"Dude," Stan snorts before cracking up as well.
Kyle hides his face with one hand, trying with every fiber of his being to maintain any ounce of composure he can muster before combusting from rage.
Eric's amused smile warps into a shit eating grin, he absolutely could not be any more delighted by the current turn of events. He obnoxiously clears his throat before continuing, "Very well, I'll leave a legally binding contract in your room before departing, Kahl. Now Kenny," he seamlessly changes the topic.
Kenny straightens himself out the best he can. "Uh-huh?" He responds through tears.
"Wait a second, fatass, do NOT break into my room!" Kyle protests.
Eric purposely ignores his rival, knowing it'll anger him further. "Kenny, my mom says you can use your spare key to clear out my fridge whenever. She's gonna stay up in Denver with some cousin until I'm out. We don't want the food rotting up and stinking up the place so do it sooner rather than later, got it?"
"Seriously, dude?!" Kenny immediately straightens himself out in elated surprise. Woohoo!" He cheers. He knows their fridge is always packed so he and his little sister are definitely set for bit.
"Knock yourself out, dude, just don't let anything rot in there. Seriously, I'll kick your ass if I come back and my house reeks like spoiled ass."
"You got it, bro," Kenny assures with a thumbs up.
"Don't ignore me, asshole!" Kyle's demands only serve to further Cartman's amusement.
"Welp, gotta go pack up some essentials. Don't know how long I'll have to be admitted … but it's all worth it for my dear friend Kahl's sake," Eric fakes sincerity. With a hand over his heart, he winks at Kyle.
"Oh, Fuck off," Kyle rolls his eyes.
"Well, good luck, dude. Don't blow up the place trying to escape," Stan waves goodbye from his screen.
"Guys, wanna say bye to Cartman? He's gonna go do some time at a loony bin," Kenny asks, reversing his camera to show the rest of their lunch table.
"We heard. You guys are super loud," Craig complains before biting his burger.
"Hey! Don't call it a loony bin, asswipe! That's totally insensitive to people with mental health issues. Not cool dude," Cartman condescendingly lectures, doing what he does best, playing the victim.
"Cartman's getting admitted? Dude, that's crazy!" Tweek comments.
"Wait, who's getting what now?" Clyde looks up from his phone, unaware of the conversation going on around him.
"Cartman, dude, he got in trouble again so PC principal's sending him to a psych ward," Tweek rapidly explains.
"Oh," Clyde responds in his usual nasally tone.
"All in order to save Kyle from getting kicked off the team," Cartman adds.
"Don't act like you did it from the kindness of your heart, fatass!" Kyle quickly corrects.
"First it's Cartman, then they'll be coming for the rest of us!" The jittery blond panics.
Craig pats his boyfriend's shoulder. "No they won't, honey, we don't cause the town to blow up every other month like they do."
"Hey!" Kyle indignantly exclaims.
"We haven't been directly responsible for the town's destruction for like," Stan counts the time in his head, "at least a year now!" He defends himself and his friends, receiving a middle finger from an unimpressed Craig.
"L-l-later, Eric, don't dr-dro-dr-dro-drop the soap," Jimmy jokes before offering up his signature smile.
"Jim, that's for jail," Tolkien corrects.
"Aw, we'll miss you, Eric! Don't take too long in the psych ward!" Butters gleefully shouts.
Kyle rolls his eyes, feeling himself getting more and more irritated by the situation at hand. "Oh, for Pete's sake, it's not like he's dying, you guys." The longer these farewells are dragging on, the more he can feel a twinge of guilt spreading throughout his subconscious and twisting up his guts.
"Poopsikins, mommy can't find Mr. Kitty's carrier, do you remember where we left it?" Liane can be heard calling from the background.
"Just a second, meeem!" Eric hollers off camera before getting back in frame and sticking out his tongue with a peace sign, "Later, losers ~ " he sings-songs and hangs up.
"You know …. For someone being sent off to an insane asylum, he seems really unbothered by it," Tolkien points out.
Kyle's eyes flicker down for just a second before choosing to quickly dismiss further analyzing Cartman's reaction to being sent away. "Well, yeah, it's Cartman. Do you really expect him to react normally about anything?"
"That's true," Tolkien immediately agrees, chalking it up to Cartman just being Cartman.
For a brief moment, Kyle remembers the time he was admitted when the town wouldn't believe him about Mr. Hankey but before he can even decide on entertaining that thought, Stan speaks.
"Wow … so he's really leaving, huh?" Stan says more than asks, looking a bit absent minded.
"I guess so," Kenny pensively looks down at the lunch table, head resting on crossed arms. He turns to Stan and forlornly admits, "dude … I'm actually feeling kinda bummed out."
Kyle bites the inside of his cheek. The reality of their current predicament further sinking in.
"Aw, Ken," Stan frowns and pats Kenny's shoulder.
"It's okay, Ken," Butters comforts, patting Kenny's back, "he said so himself, he probably won't be there for long."
"Isn't this a good thing though? Things are going to be a lot more peaceful while he's gone," Tolkien suggests.
"If Cartman gets admitted for the rest of the school year, I'll be sooooo happy," Craig chants in a monotone.
A sniffle directs everyone's focus towards Clyde.
"Clyde, you okay, buddy?" Craig puts down his lunch to fully focus on his friend's concerns.
"We *sniff* were starting to *sniff* get along more *sniff* this year," he powers through a closing throat.
Kyle bites his cheek even harder. Cartman was certainly a lot tamer as of late. Things were finally getting comfortable between the two of them, too.
"He was being a lot c-coo-c-coo-cooler this y-year," Jimmy admits.
The nurse knocks before entering Kyle's room this time. "I'm going to take your vitals again, okay?" She smiles.
"Yeah, sure," Kyle replies before addressing his friends, "I gotta go guys. Stan, can you come pick up my keys and move my car before my parents get back? I have a minor concussion so I'm under observation for a bit."
"Yeah, dude, totally," Stan confirms.
"Later," Kenny mumbles, waving with one hand, his face fully immersed in his crossed arms.
"Alright, thanks, see you guys later," Kyle says his goodbyes, queuing the nurse to begin taking his blood pressure.
Kyle barely moves, too busy contemplating Eric's departure. First, Stan moves and now Cartman's going to be gone for God knows how long? He bitterly sighs.
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itsmariejanel · 1 year
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61. Halloween pt.2
previous [.beginning.] next >
transcript under the cut 
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on this post we have gunther by @gunthermunch ; joaquin and sergio by @djservo + cas being mean to one of her sons 😩 ; don by @okruee ; oliu by @verthu ; gio by @moodnamars ; and ofc helios by @literalite ; also in the background the caliente sisters by @yekkiz <3
Mia - Hey Don. Don - Oh great, another Caliente woman… What do you want, Mia?Mia - Oh uncleach, Don. I come in peace. Don - Hm. Drink? Mia - Sure, why not. Don - Your usual? Mia - [nods] Thanks. Listen, I’m getting straight to the point. I can’t bear this weight on my chest anymore- My cousins told me what happened and I just wanted to make sure you and the baby are alright. If you have a place to stay, money, you know, everything you need to take care of a newborn. Don - Why do you wanna help me? Mia - Listen, what you did, what we did, was wrong. Hell, I know you were also fucking my cousins-  Don - Errr, you know about that? Look, Mia- Mia - Don, I’m not dumb and you were not that special babe Don - Ouch- Mia - I don’t care.You were my friend though, so I’m calling a truce. Don - Alright, truce. And hm, everything is fine right now, luckily Gunther took me and little Maximiliano in- Mia - You did NOT name your kid Maximiliano- Gunther - It’s ridiculous isn’t it?  Mia - Very. I can’t believe you’ve let that happen, Münch. Don - Maximiliano is a cool name- Gunther - Please, I need help. You should come by the house, I’ll make us some tea and we’ll discuss new names, maybe something less Don. Mia - Definitely! What the hell was he thinking? Don - I’m right here-
Joaquin - Damnnn Kiara babe, looking fine as hell, as usual. Kiara - [ giggles ] Sergio - [ sighs ] Of course he knows her… Jace - Hmpf, funny... I don’t remember Kiara telling us she’s dating someone. Do you?  Makoto - [ smirks ] Do I sense a ping of  jealousy, Jacey man? Jace - Pfff, no? Why would I be jealous? Of course not- Makoto - Hmhm, [ hic ] of course not... She isn’t though, buddy. Joaquin’s just an old flame if I can even call him that much. They hooked up once or something like that after Dustin. [ hic ] More of a rebound then I guess. Jace - That guy? For real? Makoto - Yeah well, she has a little “thing” for french guys- [ hic ] Cheers bro, you have my blessing.  Jace - [ laughs ] You’re so drunk, you don’t even know what you’re saying right now. Let’s go outside and drink some water maybe, yeah? Makoto - Water is a go [ hic ] good idea, yes.
Makoto - Hey there, little angel.  Helios - Hey devil man. Makoto - You look so cute like this, I’m not used to seeing you this angelic but it’s definitely very, very cute.  Helios - Angelic, you say? You say that because you haven’t seen what’s underneath. Makoto - Why don’t you show me then? Helios - You’ll just have to wait, won’t you? Makoto - [ whines ]
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nikarie5 · 8 months
Pumpkin Spice - drabble
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Rating: General Audience - there are ships, and they have sailed. General description: Zoo trip with a toddler. Bonus material: Toddler is better at art than the author is. Thanks to @lumosinlove, @noots-fic-fests, and @hazelnoot-analyst
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Cap and Loops join James and Lily on an excursion, taking not-quite-3-year-old Harry for his first visit to the zoo. At the zoo shop afterwards, Harry doesn’t want a little lion toy, but instead hones in immediately on a giant stuffed red panda. “Sweetie, it is bigger than you, you won’t be able to carry him home.”
"‘Sa colour ‘a punkin spice. ‘Sa best spice. Like Momma's hair. Gonna call her Pie." Sirius and Remus sneak the purchase through while James and Lily are preoccupied with getting Harry to use the bathroom before they head back to the car.
"Tanks Unca Pafoo’! Tanks Unca ‘Oops!" ---
Unca Pafoo! Unca Pafoo! Pie painted you a picture! For your fridge! 'Sa burnt pumpkin pie!
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[Picture description: 44 inch stuffed red panda sitting on a wooden table with its paws folded as if silently asking you to admire its artwork. The artwork is in front of the stuffed red panda, a crinkly A4 sheet painted with abstract swirls of olive green and orange paint.] *This was a "get well" picture made for me by my friend's three year old. It really is titled burnt pumpkin pie. Pie is actually called Panda Roux, and you can find their cousins in zoo shops around the world or online. They provide excellent lumbar support. **Most of my submissions from here on out are likely to be short, or silly and very low effort, and there is only one that might maybe be in French...
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farmersliga · 5 months
i have less than one more hour of 2023 left, so i want to look back a bit. this year, i…
learned to be a little more independent
discovered how much i enjoyed casual walking, even though it’s always crazy hot here
had my student driver’s license expire because i didn’t finish my required hours of practical training and i was too scared to take the test anyway
got super close to some family members i didn’t talk to so much before
had a very public breakdown for the first time in a long time. also had problems with being overwhelmed more than usual
started seriously considering teaching as a career path because, in what was the kindest move ever by a teacher to me, my native german prof pulled me aside to say he thought i had a gift for it
went on a trip abroad with just my cousins and had a blast. then went on a trip abroad for uni and had even more of a blast
met up with four online friends. shoutout to irena, jade, clara, and cher for being the bestest most lovely people ever <3
discovered new hobbies like listening to cassette tapes and crocheting, the latter of which i was able to use to make tiny little plushies for all of the online friends i met this year
flew abroad four times, which is the most i’ve ever done in one year. i got to visit hong kong, taiwan, the usa, and germany!
speaking of germany, got to go there for the first time ever. it was amazing to be able to experience the place i’d only ever seen in textbooks. i have fond memories of being able to talk to shopkeepers in german now too. but i also came to the realization that there’s still so much more for me to learn. because i went there with only 1.5 years of studying the language, and i was half floundering
stayed with a host couple for a few days in germany and conversed with them almost solely in german. they ended up getting married later in the year and i’m so happy for them
had multiple direct experiences with racism while abroad, including being accused of theft?? which was sad but also funny in a depressing way
started studying italian from scratch and loved it. also accidentally started studying french from scratch and hated it
affirmed a lot of my personal values, mostly with regard to social situations
started seeing a psychologist on top of my psychiatrist sessions
got incredibly emotional hearing my national anthem played during a football world cup for the first time ever, then got even more emotional watching us win a match. when i first watched these girls, they’d almost gotten kicked out of the qualis for the asian cup that got them into the wwc in the first place. and now they’re stars. it’s beautiful to see
finally helped to start fixing a really bad family problem that i’d known about for a few years now that nobody was doing anything about
saw both taylor swift and fall out boy live in concert. these were my first concerts ever, too. and both these artists were my favorites from high school so it was super special to me
watched my first full tennis season and cemented my love for the sport along with it. also got significantly more involved with the tennis side of tumblr and met the loveliest people there
took my baby nieces to their first trip abroad just this christmas <3
and probably much more that i’m forgetting now. but it’s really been a good year, definitely the best i’ve had since the pandemic happened. i dealt with a lot of mental health issues as usual, but i also learned to cope with them in healthier ways. and being able to go out more this year (not just abroad, but outside in general) and talk to more people was a big plus
so i just want to say thank you to everyone who helped make this year a much happier one for me, and i hope you all stay in my life even in 2024!
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blorbologist · 7 months
I absolutely adore your historical Quebec AU!!! My friend is also super excited to see what you do with it. Do you have a tag for it?
!! Oh, thank you so much! I think I had the tag filles du roi AU, but I only see the original idea pitch come up for it. Which is unfortunate, I know I've written a lil snippet for it. AHA, found it! Enjoy <3
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I'm not sure when I'll get around to actually writing it - longfics are a scary undertaking for me because I want to see them to their end, and I know just at a glance that it'd be a massive undertaking:
I am a huge nerd. Though my focus is biology, I have a visceral reaction to people spreading falsehoods or inaccurate information. I don't want to do that to part of my own history, which would mean a lot of research. Which is kind of tough, when I'm already laden with research for gradschool and history isn't my forte. Seriously, I don't want to describe a kind of paint that wouldn't exist, or the wrong type of snowshoe, or a prayer to a saint that was actually not well-regarded. Because this is a very rural context, I couldn't easily handwave a lot of the details without detracting from the immersion. So I need to know how Vex would skin and sell beaver pelts, and the going-rates for materials for Percy's pepperbox or I'll go completely insane and tear my hair out in shame.
I think trans Vax would fit into this setting super well (get an extra dowry from the king by posing as another Fille du Roi with his sister, even if he's Absolutely Not), but. Though I'm queer, I'm not trans, and want to respect Vax and not just have him endure getting misgendered by the church and crown constantly.
I also do not want to whitewash the history of Nouvelle-France: the French stole this land from the Native American people that lived here and co-opted them into their conflicts. There is a long history of discrimination, and genocide, that I'd want to tackle carefully, both as a white author, and because Vex and Vax would be Métis, with a French father. It's delicate, in a way that other historical AUs usually sidestep. (I would like to help educate people that Canada's image as the squeaky-clean goody-two-shoes cousin of the USA is a complete fucking fabrication, though, so it'd be worth the headache and heartbreak.)
It would also require a very different sort of prose and dialogue than I'm used to. Trying to figure out a nice balance between keeping that Old feeling while also having it distinctly come off as French (more than that, French Canadian) would be a mess! A delightful challenge, though :D
I really do love this AU, and the idea of sharing this fascinating (if very, very complicated and messy and tragic) part of history with the fandom means so much to me! It's just very daunting for lil' ol' me - the fact even two people are excited really made my day, though <33
Have a bit of worldbuilding: the Briarwoods killing Percy's family still happened... only it was because they owned land that produced excellent deposits that colored glass a rich, incredible green. They call it residuum, and sell it as a luxury good and claim it has many arcane properties. Because it glows in the dark.
It's actually uranium glass and thus mildly (very mildly) radioactive :3 But it's fun to think of the Briarwoods and their cronies irradiating themselves with their hubris! While feeling a bit magical for the time and setting!
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tackytigerfic · 2 years
I just love your fics. so much.
I don't even have the words. Thanks so much for sharing your gifts with all of us. <3
Anon 😭 I don't know what prompted this but I am so touched by your message. Thank you. I should say that it's really me who should be grateful - I never thought I'd be able to do anything creative, or have friends with the same (very specific, niche, queer wizard-related 😂) interest. Being in fandom and having people like you say nice things about my writing has brought me so much pleasure, given me a new confidence, and allowed me to explore a creative side of myself i never knew i had. I'm very grateful for your kindness. I wasn't able to write a little something to say thank you but here's a little snip of something I will be working on after my current project is done!
There wasn’t much notice before the hitwizards arrived.
It was the dog, that stupid yappy little pup of Dudley’s, that tipped Draco off. If it weren’t for the dog, they’d probably all be dead.
Finnegan was standing by the big double doors to the garden, and the dog was lolling at his feet, tail swishing along the floor and tongue hanging from its mouth. Then the dog’s ears pricked up and it scrambled to its feet, little paws clicking frantically at the glass as it leapt at the French doors.
Harry’s cousin—that useless sack of meat, Draco wanted to hurt him—was the one who cinched it for Draco. Because while everyone else was watching the dog, Draco was watching Dudley, and he could see by Dudley's face that the dog wasn't acting normal. That got Draco moving.
The others weren’t far behind, in fairness to them. Finnegan was sharp as a tack, and for all his messing around, he was highly trained and swift to react. Ginny Weasley never hung about in the face of action—she may not have even known what was happening, but the second she saw the look on Draco’s face she was moving, swinging into defensive stance, pulling Luna along behind her. Longbottom looked slow and steady, but he was deadly when he was pissed off, and anyway, surely nothing could be quite as terrifying as a massive man-eating magical snake, and Longbottom had taken care of that fairly briskly at seventeen. A little ambush probably didn’t faze him.
Draco swallowed down his own sick terror, and wished yet again that he wasn’t such a coward; he fucking hated the fighting part, and especially now that he had so much to lose. He wondered if it was partly because he was frightened of who they might send after him. He was pretty certain that if his father was at the other end of a wand, he still wouldn’t be able to bring himself to kill him. Though he’d try very fucking hard, at least he could be sure of that.
“Get upstairs, Dudley,” Harry said briskly, “and take your mum with you. Hide, if you can.” He didn’t bother watching Dudley slinking out of the room, powerful shoulders rippling as he hung his head. All Harry's focus was on the garden; he was in fighting mode, and that made Draco feel a tiny bit better. Harry had never let him die before, chances were he wasn’t going to start now.
“They’ll come in from front and back.” Harry was at the curtain, eyes narrowed as he peered into the garden. There was still no sign of them, but here and there Draco could see a shimmer of something, like a ripple against the privet hedge and the rose bush and the big magnolia tree. “They’d be stupid not to take advantage of the house. We’re like rats in a cage here. The good news is that they probably don’t know there are so many of us here. Draco, how did they track us down?”
“Could be anything,” Draco said queasily. “I didn’t think to check anything like that. Fucking stupid. We’ll need to run some scans, later. If… if we…” 
Harry looked around at him from the window, wand hand flexing as he drew from his holster. He smiled, that heartbreaker of a thing that made Draco want to fight for him.
“Yeah, let’s do that,” he said. “When we get out of here, we’ll do that.”
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selcouthangel · 1 year
This is the perfect moment, I only have two students, the others didn't come to school. These two are working on their proyects while listening to Taylor Swift, I mean....what a fantastic morning! Thank you for tagging me @poppy-inmyhair <3 (i'll follow your mastermind plan of the two parts together)
are you named after anyone?: Yes, there was a show my mom and dad used to watch. The main character's name was Angel Andrea, and that's my name.
when was the last time you cried?: I can't remember...i believe it was earlier this week but it was because of a video....
do you have kids?: Nope, but my little cousin is like my kid. She is glue to me and I love her.
do you use sarcasm a lot?: Sometimes. I think I used to be more sarcastic a few years back.
what's the first thing you notice about people?: I'm not sure....Their facial expressions?
what's your eye color?: brown.
scary movies or happy endings?: Happy endings! no doubt. I like to feel like "everything is going to be okay" after watching a movie.
any special talents?: Not really.
where were you born?: Mexico.
what are your hobbies?: Reading, listening to music or watching series (lately i've been watching too many series)
have any pets?: Nope
what sports do you play/have played?: I don't play sports, but I can hulahoop... so I do it sometimes...like once or twice a month
how tall are you?: 5'35 (My students are taller than me)
favourite subject in school?: English.
dream job?: I used to think that being a disney cast member was my dream job, but not anymore because that would kill the magic, right?...So, no job. I just want to enjoy life and have money.
first ship: It was Derek and Odette from the swan princess.
three ships: This is too difficult.. I have too many. Clark and Lois, Lisbon and Patrick, Sherlock and Molly .
last (current) song: In the car I was listening to breathless by the corrs.
last movie: Christopher Robin.
currently reading: posts on tumblr.
currently watching: The night agent.
currently consuming: nothing.
currently craving: Nothing really.
I'm tagging all my friends and anyone else who wants to do it!
I’m tagging @classickook @asherloki @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds @frostandflamesfanfic @astudyinlaura @clueingf0rlooks @gaitwae
@meetmymouth @feral-for-strange @zuesue @strrvnge @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @frostysfrenzy
@bakerstreethound @laneynoir @lykaonimagines @pradaxstyles @swiftmendeshoran @teigo-the-explorer
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4, 10, 21, and 46 🩵
Hi, friend! Thank you so much for the ask <3
4. Which cryptyd being do you believe in?
None, sorry.
10. Would you slaughter the rich?
Well, obviously. That’s like, the one good thing about French people, we’re always ready to fuck up the bourgeoisie XD
21. Something you’ve kept since childhood?
Nothing, really. A lot of my childhood stuff went to my cousin when she had her daughter.
46. Favorite holiday film?
Probably The Holiday.
Weirder Asks
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bellewintersroe · 2 years
Hey there! Could I get an Easy Company ship (romantic and platonic) please?
I’m 5’5, olivey skin, dark hair, with big hazel eyes and long lashes. I’m half Italian and half French. I live right next to Toccoa and my cousin runs Camp Toccoa and I help out there on the weekends. I love getting to meet the Vets and hear their stories and promoting the Camp on social media! I’m an ENFJ 7w6 . I have a biting sense of humor, I’m very bubbly, have a can-do attitude, with an adventurous spirit. I’m a hands-on learner and I’m getting my PhD in Archaeology right now. I love to learn history and science facts, I fly planes in my spare time, make music, and am a Division-1 archery champion. I drink coffee like it’s going out of style lmao and I love going on long drives with friends ( I make perfectly curated playlists for each drive). I am a total dog mom and really want to adopt a dog for my new apartment.
Thanks for doing these! You’re doing God’s work out here!
Ahhh thank you so much for your request!! I honestly had so much fun reading up on your personality type, you sound like such an interesting person omg !! The fact you live next to camp Toccoa is so cool too, omg <3
My requests still are open if anybody else wants a ship!
I ship you with… Bill Guarnere!!!
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Bill would pick up on you being half Italian immediately.
let’s say you’re in a bar or cafe near Toccoa and Bill finally has a weekend pass, he spots you from across the room and instantly he’s attracted to you, eyes following you around the room.
then he eyes up the other men to make sure they hadn’t seen you.
like your eyes and those long eyelashes, omg Bill knew he had to speak to you immediately before somebody else did.
Woukd deffo approach you confidently and ask you something like “you’re Italian right?!”
when you turn around and flash him the biggest beam ever, he thinks he died and went to heaven. Almost gets nervous? And William Guarnere never gets nervous, but you’re so stunning it sets him back 2 steps.
“You’re a fuckin’ Angel sent down just for me, I swear. I gotta take you out.”
ugh he’s so sexy and confident.
Finds out you’re half French and won’t stop boasting about you to the boys. Would probably mix up race and ethnicity- look he’s super excited ok, you’re gorgeous.
Webster would deffoooo correct him to which Bill would grumble a quick, “shut up, she’s a fuckin’ goddess, that’s my point.”
your bubbly and can-do attitude would match his confidence perfectly.
bill would LOVE that his girl is so confident and adventurous, he’d show you off and you would love it sm omfg.
youre such an interesting person to talk to? Like let’s say you’re telling him story about all the older war veterans you’ve spoken to, Bill listens to every single word you say.
I feel like this is super unique cos Bill is usually the one talking, but with you he could just listen to you for hours.
“Listen, hun, idk wtf you were saying cos I got too mesmerised by how good you look.”
amazing at flirting with you, like it’s not even cringe? He’s so fucking confident it’s sexy.
Would probably kiss you pretty soon after your first date? He doesn’t care about taking things too fast or slow, just moves with whatever tf he feels like.
listen, the fact you’re so inspiring and charming?? All of Bill’s friends instantly love you, he doesn’t hesitate to bring you over to where they’re all sat.
because you’re so outgoing and adventurous I think you’d have a hard time NOT getting along with all the men? Like Luz, Toye, Bull, Malarkey, they’re all sooo in love with you omg.
Bill does keep a watchful eye on the boys around you- youre fucking beautiful and some of the men don’t know how to handle that.
I feel like Bill would be very sure and confident within you to handle your own conflicts??? Like say if some guy was flirting with you harmlessly, he’d trust you enough to brush it off as he stands and laughs at the poor fool who thought he had a chance.
but if anybody gets out of line? Oh nooo, he’s not having that, would practically barricade his body between your body and any fuckers that tried to get close to you.
“What the fuck are you doin’?” “are you stupid or not all there?” “fuckin’ prick had his head so far up his own ass I bet he could taste it.”
doesnt fuck with any man EVER again that’s disrespectful towards you cos fuck them?
fiercely loyal and fiercely protective (when he needs to be) apart from that I think he’d be quite chilled out?
would love a good play fight with you? Like he’s a lot more gentle than you’d expect, he’s ripped and very aware of his strength but never ever, ever, ever comes close to using it on you.
the BIGGEST hugs ever- omg the only time this man is using his strength is to hug you.
and during sex (consensually)
Wants you to enjoy it, he doesn’t if you don’t so don’t even bother lying he can see right through you.
more of a giver than a taker but fucking loves when you go down on him.
forever compliments you during sex, omg the praises are endless.
really fucking good at sex, idk how else to put it??
dirty talk, dirty talk, dirty talk. The man is TOO good at it, like cracks it out whenever he’s horny and knows it’ll get you weak in the knees for him.
loves you SO much to the point he thinks he might explode?!!!
Doesn’t get drunk often?? When you do he’s so gentle and loving with you, super vigilant and keeps an eye on you.
If he can’t or has to go to the toilet he’d deffo make sure Toye or somebody is looking out for you.
let’s say you go missing or something? Maybe he’s a bit jumpy from coming back to England after D-day and fighting, and he loses his shit.
Panic panic panic central omg, he’s shitting himself and gets angry at anybody tryna give stupid recommendations.
turns out you’re peeing or something lmao.
Let’s say you take Bill out on your plane, it’s one of the only times you see him get nervous? He’s bouncing his legs and SHAKING?! Like Bill calm down your in good hands.
he’s sweating and repeating the same 5 questions over and over again. Wiping the sweat of his brow CONSTANTLY.
stresses when you’re out flying and ONE singular drop of rain falls.
Makes up in his own mind that it’s raining and stresses even more??
each and every time you don’t see him let’s say for a couple of days or a few hours he still greets you with the biggest smile EVER omg.
his heart races and he literally gets butterflies??? Finds himself going soft around you
only other times he gets nervous is on your wedding day and if you two end up having any kids.
acts like a cocky little shit to wind you up. Your humour is something he finds sexy, like the fact he can give it right back omf-
He’d shut you up by kissing you soooo passionately omg.
Let’s say you and Webster are having a conversation about “the smartest shit I ever heard!!” He watches in awe.
might not have a clue what you’re talking about? But admires you CONSTANTLY.
“I hope he gets your brains and not mine.” Bill sighs whilst holding a little bundle in his arms. “Bill, that’s a dog??”
maybe not to keen on having a dog at first? But nah ends up loving it and kissing it and cuddling it. He WILL baby talk the dog.
would much prefer long drives with you rather than aeroplane rides?
steals jeeps and goes joy riding with you in Toccoa to impress you.
After the war he’s a little apprehensive about seeing you for the first time and what you’d think? I think he could have the potential to shut down a little but you seem like such a warm& genuine person who wants to inspire others so you’d 10000% motivate him to carry on.
needs you in his life fr.
not that he becomes dependent on you? But almost can’t live life properly without you there.
forever flirts with you and smacks ur bum ALL THE TIME.
neither a bum or boob guy he loves whatever tf he’s given.
stares at you? Not in a creepy way but constantly checks you out.
I think he’d find it a little difficult expressing his emotions with words so physical touch is his strong point??
life with you and Bill would be one big adventure. It would be so fun omfg I LOVE this man.
Platonically I ship you with… George Luz!!
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I had a hard time thinking of who you would be closest friends to?
because you’re so bubbly adventurous I think you’d be extremely popular amounts all the boys.
so I went with somebody a little more realistic? Like George is such a funny and outgoing, friendly guy, he’s be impossible not to make friends with?
would deffo make an effort to speak to you, ask you how your day went and crack jokes with you.
you two would probably laugh at Guarnere together to which he’d flash you both back a confused expression. Like what the hell are you both laughing at you pair of hyenas.
if you wanted to go on an adventure George would deffo be down, he’d look out for you whether Bill was around or not, like George genuinely felt like he’d made a close friend in you whilst training at Toccoa.
tries to question you constantly if you speak Italian or French?
if you do he wants to learn but butchers all the words.
If you don’t he’d act gravely disappointed cos he’s a drama queen!!!
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Once you see this, say 5 things you like about yourself, publicly, then send it to 10 of your favourite followers. SPREAD THE LOVE 💌 <3
Oh, thanks! Hmmm, a bit of a difficult question but I'll try
-I like my small tooth gap, I think it's cute
...ok I need four more, woops
-I like my art style! I think even tho I obviously want to improve a lot more, I'm still quite satisfied with what I draw which is a nice feeling
-I like my writing as well; I don't really share it because my english is full of mistakes everywhere and I don't write in french -which is still full of mistakes anyway- but I think the writing itself is pleasant enough if the reader is forgiving of the mistakes here and there.
-I like that I'm relatively easy to make laugh? If maybe a little too easy to amuse, I'm like a dad laughing at every dad jokes possible pfff
-I like my cat and my friends and my dad and my cousin a lot
Tada? gtrhtrhtr
Also I think a lot of people I follow would not necessarily want to answer this kind of asks so I'll just say, whoever wanna answer this, feel free to do so!
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