#with the exception of the friendship bracelets
milkweedman · 2 years
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I got a job as a summer camp counselor for kids ages like... 6 to 13 or so, and i get to teach arts and crafts ! Which i am just. So ridiculously excited about. But im having a hard time figuring out what kind of projects are kid friendly (especially for the little ones). Here are some attempts at making some sample projects. On top are two very simple friendship bracelets, which im very happy with and which is definitely going in the curriculum, and on the bottom are two crocheted pouches (the laptop im using as a background is tiny, btw, as are the pouches). Those im not sure about, if for no other reason than i only have 45 minutes with each group of kids, and i just dont think theres time. I made the small one in about 20 minutes, so its maybe doable. But if the beginning demonstration is 10 minutes or so, thats only half an hour for kids who are totally new to crocheting to make something.
Anyway, if anyone has any fun arts and crafts ideas for kids that take... a very minimal amount of time but still teach skills that arent cutting paper and glueing it to other paper, im all ears
#its rly hard bc... 1) time constraints and 2) my boss wants the kids who only want to spend like 10 minutes on something to still come away#with something cool#i completely understand why but also .... i really dont know any crafts that are done in 10 minutes#with the exception of the friendship bracelets#anyway i do actually have quite a few ideas but i dont really know how feasible any of them are#and also i really only have the time to teach like... 6-8 different things bc we're not doing arts and crafts every day#i would just kind of hate if the only things we do is collages or pipe cleaner things or popsicle stick whatevers#i remember doing a ton of that stuff as a kid in school and i hated it so much. and after the first time i didnt exactly learn new skills#if id been taught crochet as a kid i would have been so happy#and i mean i know i was not a very typical kid#and my experiences were not universal at all. which is good.#but i still think ill have failed if i dont teach them SOMETHING that has an actual use and function beyond 'something to do w your hands'#the previous arts and crafts leader wants to have them color pirate hats thatve been printed on cardstock#like.... i guess...? its not a bad activity obviously but esp for the older kids that is not gonna be fun or engaging at all#if you tried to get 13 year old me to color a cartoon pirate hat for 45 minutes i would have screamed#also that is something they absolutely are learning or have learned in school... and it would be cool to teach things they wont learn#in school.....idk#i cant tell if any of this is reasonable or not lol
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cornercritter · 11 months
i wish i could make friendship bracelets for my mutuals. alas. we are separated by time and space and. ocean. in some cases probably. there’s a shark in between us somewhere
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icedjuiceboxes · 7 months
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Friendship bracelets
Royal Protector!Billie DH1 AU
More details here
More art of this AU here
More of my dishonored fanart here
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rithmeres · 7 months
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at the end of the day, summerween isn't about candy or costumes or even scaring people. it's a day when the whole family can get together at one place and celebrate what really matters: PURE EVIL 😈🤪
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the-lonelybarricade · 10 months
I heard you're the person we thank for making seperatist apologist a Feysand? You did Gods work there, we don't deserve you
Turning @separatist-apologist into a Feysand was a complete accident! We were just trying to mutually lure each other into marriage friendship and ended up converting each other to our favorite ships in the process 🥰
Something something it all goes to show that the real ships are the friends we make along the way?
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loserharrington · 11 months
argyle has a sister a year younger than him and once he found out she was going on a date to the movies with Some Guy he recruited jonathan to come spy on them. they bought tickets for the seats RIGHT NEXT TO THEM and stared at the kid the entire time. not once did they blink…
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critterofthenight · 1 month
actually it was so prophetic that my friendship keychain broke like two weeks after i gave the other pieces to my friends
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nasa-parker · 3 months
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gooboogy · 8 months
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Bathroom activities ☺️
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eldragon-x · 1 year
I know I already talk about Bill being obsessed with Ford but really, just during Weirdmageddon, dude went: I'm going to offer Ford to join me a second time. I'm going to turn Ford to gold and keep him with me at all times. I'm going to offer Ford to join me again. I'm going to reveal a small part of my backstory to Ford. I'm g
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catboykilljoy97 · 5 months
Well, looks like I've joined the friendship-bracelet club 😝 It feels a bit silly but it's relaxing and more importantly it does not get me shamed by my screen time app. No, I will not tell you how many reddit-hours I had been logging per day. That's between me, God, and the ghost of Steve Jobs (who, i presume, inhabits every iphone)
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I also made a bunch of non-Swiftie ones. High-five for you if you catch the references
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Bonus video clip cause I was proud of this one and you don't get the full ~*experience*~ in a still image:
Unfortunately, I now have all these friendship bracelets and, uh...no friends.
...anyone want a bracelet?
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The three firebrands (and guests)- Incorrect Quotes Part 25
Vernestra: Why are Avar and Stellan sitting with their backs to each other?
Elzar: They had a fight.
Vernestra: Then why are they holding hands?
Elzar: They get sad when they fight.
Avar: here El and I made you a friendship bracelet in craft class, he already wears his and this is mine and if you take yours, we all three have them
Elzar: that way, everyone knows that we three belong together :)))
Stellan: i'm not really a jewellery person
Avar, with a sad face: oh okay well you don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to-
Stellan: No, I'm wearing it forever. Back off.
Elzar: *tells a really stupid joke*
Stellan: You're not funny.
Avar: I think he's funny.
Stellan: You don't count. You started laughing in the middle of a funeral because you started thinking of a meme you saw on the internet.
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anomalocarids · 2 years
miriam wandersong for the ask game? :o
favorite thing about them : she cares SO MUCH about the world and about people and is struggling very hard to express that. she is a very lonely person but despite that she cares enough to try and save the world all by herself.
least favorite thing about them : that she didn't actually get to sleep at the start of act 5. let her have a nap.
favorite line : the conversation at the start of act 7. the whole thing.
brOTP : kiwi! very obvious but very good.
OTP : i don't really have one? i hc her as aro, personally.
nOTP : don't particularly have one of these either! i haven't seen any ships i really dislike. maybe with peter.
random headcanon : i think she and kiwi have friendship bracelets. they make them together postgame, hers is green and kiwi's is blue :]
unpopular opinion : once again i don't really have one?
song i associate with them : i think i've said this before but "wireframe or render" by louie zong. not particularly sure why.
favorite picture of them : oh this is impossible to choose. here's a couple i enjoy
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^ from the wandersong artbook
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cagesings · 2 years
you  give  jo  a  wedding  ring,  she's  gonna  fidget  with  that  thing  for  literal  hours  on  end  while  a  happy  little  grin  on  her  face  because  she  is  married  &  she  loves  it.  
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dnmb-bish · 7 months
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steviiababy · 8 months
it’s the freakin weekend it’s time to be deranged on the internet
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