#with the unseelie court
undead-knick-knack · 9 days
Trying to get an actual reason as to how the gods are tyrants be like
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And now the unseelie court is doing it too 🙄
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tesnuzzik · 10 months
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"Each leaf, a part of the story. Coloured in their orange beauty, the cold winds shall soon carry them off..."
Faerie Court Hwei concept - Unseelie Autumn Court original take
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malky-tea · 1 month
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The latest and newest artwork I'm pouring on the internet for the first time, hehe
This is my character that I play in Changeling: The Dreaming. It's been a long time since I've had such an easy, enjoyable and comfortable game. All the other games were good too, don't think so. I just feel like it's MY thing. Maybe it's the fact that I finally didn't limit myself and decided to take ALL the things I love and combine them into one character? Well, that makes sense…
Her name is Charlene René Wade, but in the fairy community she is known as Leofrun from the House Ailil. She has recently passed her Chrysalis and the Fior-Righ, but has already earned the title of knight in the course of our chronicle. She is a very emotional and passionate Autumn Sidhe from Unseelie Court. She enjoys making devious plans, participating in intrigue, unraveling other people's schemes and learning dirty secrets. More than anything, she longs to benefit the noble House Ailil. She likes to be a bit dramatic, although she loves fun and taking care of her loved ones. Sometimes she wants to appear more cold and impenetrable than she really is (she is far from it).
Like any Sidhe from House Ailil, she strives to be seen as nothing less than ideal and when that naturally doesn't happen… It hurts her. Sometimes she gets overly emotional and allows herself to think overly violent things. Part of her is frightened by this urge to burn cities and shoot at knees and… Charlene doesn't usually remember what happens next. A piece of her life falls out of her memory and it's good if she finds herself in a familiar place. She doesn't know, but in these moments that very part of her really wants to placate the universe and show that she is not bad, but on the contrary the kindest girl in the world.
❤ She has a chimerical dragon named Opal ❤ Loves cherries in any form, including cigarettes and perfume ❤ Very fond of human history and hopes to become a historian already in the society of changelings ❤ Very passionate about tragedies and stories with bad endings ❤ Afraid to engage in close combat and shuns the sight of blood. Instead, she has learned to shoot and loves firearms. She has a chimerical gun, which she named after the dragon guarding the Garden of the Hesperides ❤ At the beginning of the timeline she hated House Gwydion, now she will fight for loved ones from that house ❤ She loves abandoned houses with old attics ⛓︎ Afraid of repeating the fate of characters from her favorite tragedies ⛓︎ Ruined her relationship with her own Lady. ⛓︎ Very easily offended by things that another would not even pay attention to ⛓︎ Sometimes she dreams of previously agonizing death experiences and these dreams throw her off balance ⛓︎ Tends to succumb to paranoid thoughts and see enemies everywhere ⛓︎ Smokes a lot, literally can't live without cigarettes ⛓︎ Her family is known for her mother committing Rhapsody. Because of that, Charlene has a bad reputation, too
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nightfaeses · 2 years
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Lady of the Lost
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cuppajj · 2 months
I want more fun facts about living in Midnight Lilys kingdom / about Midnight Lily herself. I am curious about every day life in her kingdom.
Outsiders overlook how serene the silver kingdom is with how brutal they can be to everyone else. Through the hostile, deadly forest that protects its borders, and indeed much of the safest entries to Beast Yeast, lies a kingdom ever at work. Ordinary silver fae live most of their days doing what they’ve always done, caring for themselves and their kingdom in whatever duty they have. Under the Beast of Sovereignty, their individuality freedom is as valued as their devotion to her. (Ordinary fae are encouraged to assist in protecting the kingdom; in fact I see some of them hanging around the perimeter or going off to play tricks on unknowing cookies who stray too close.
I need to know more locations and info on Beast Yeast to really say how Midnight Lily has an influence over it, but what I can say is that the ancient history and magic of the Silver Kingdom makes it a slumbering superpower. Ordinary fae rest comfortably and oblivious to the means of Lily’s end, pay no mind to how slaughter is made from the serene and iridescent wildlife. There’s no questioning, only praise. Also a lot of ordinary fae like to hang around Midnight Lily in her garden; most keep a respectful distance doing other things for her, such as singing her songs or tending to her plants, but others are given permission to rebraid her hair or brush the dust off her dress. You’ll often see Lily surrounded by adoring fae who do anything and everything on her behalf.
Which might not be far from the truth; Lily can certainly make every fae in her kingdom stop what they’re doing and do everything for her with unseen devotion, but there hasn’t been a call to action yet.
Silver tree knights remain fiercely loyal to the silver queen. They are the ones who guard the kingdom and go abroad to wherever Lily goes when she leaves it. Their loyalty is expected twice as much now in comparison to their sovereignty; they might actually have little of it anymore, swearing it off when they gave their flavor up. They’re valued highly as loyal guards and soldiers, but anyone who questions that loyalty—or witches forbid the Queen herself—may put a new stigma on them, one that sees them as incomplete at best and unfit for the silver kingdom at worst.
TLDR life is normal but everyone serves Midnight Lily in the smallest of ways. It’s basically become the new culture, as well as being free to do whatever outside of it. And when the kingdom’s tainted by the will of a Beast, fae reflect it in what they do. Still waiting for more BY lore to flesh out Midnight Lily stuff tho
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nymphofnovels · 2 years
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I saw @gendercents ‘s post and well... here we are
[image descriptions in alt]
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lavenderskye29 · 1 year
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We would like to take a moment from our usual monkey business to introduce Fae!Konig.
We will now get back to it.
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margareturtle · 9 months
I can see The Last King of Faerie giving City of Ashes like:
Ash: hey, Shadowhunters, despite having no reason to trust you at all I wanted to warn you that there’s some shady stuff going on in Faerie
Clave: sebastian morgensterns evil son grrr
Alec: *is too busy trying to keep the clave running and trying to negotiate the cohort system to pay attention to Ash*
Clary+Jace: *too busy being kidnapped by janus*
Simon+Izzy: *off on their honeymoon or smth*
Ash: idfk who your little brother is
Ash: *gives up and goes back to faerie with Dru + Thais, who willingly go with him*
Ty: *at the scholomance sighs and adds more names to his list of ppl to find which now includes: the first heir, Jaime, Dru, and Ash*
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loki-nightfire · 7 months
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Unseelie court AU: Magnus Oberon
This is the illustration for fic by Mikky, written due to Samhain. Magnus Oberon as a king of the Unseelie court. Alec as Puck is following I hope. Read and enjoy here
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samraeduke · 2 years
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“The Queen of Air & Darkness - Archfey of the Unseelie Court”
I’m thinking of painting a series of fey creatures, and this is the first of that series. Eldritch, twisted and full of magic✨
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undead-knick-knack · 5 days
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Let it be known that Sorrowlord Zathuda fucked many a time in his day
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tesnuzzik · 2 years
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The Seelie and the Unseelie
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radio-silents · 2 years
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the six words every queer DND player waits to hear:
“send me your fancy party outfits”
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nightfaeses · 2 years
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Prince beyond the pillars 🌹
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centuryberry · 2 months
Fae AU
As I promised in an ask, here is a detailed outline of the Fae AU. The AU itself has grown and changed a bit since I first presented it.
Summary: Fae Lord Wukong fell in love with the mortal who entered his forest. It didn't matter that the said mortal had a wife and child. He would make him his. Years later, Yue willingly jumps through a fairy ring to bring back what the fae stole from her.
This AU is split into three parts: The Abduction, The Change, and The Rescue.
Part I: The Abduction
Macaque, Shanzha, and Yue (who are all humans in this AU) went out camping as a family one beautiful summer.
Fae Lord Wukong catches sight of Macaque and falls in love with the mortal instantly. Taking a mortal form, he lures Macaque away from his family. He tricks him into giving Wukong his true name. After that, he whisks the mortal away through a fairy ring.
While enthralled by Wukong's beauty, Macaque's love for his family and his iron wedding band gives him enough clarity to start struggling against the Fae Lord.
Fae Lord RinRin hears her husband complain about his lover's stubborn attachment to his mortal life and decides to sever it by killing the wife and snatching the child. She fails spectacularly when she takes one look at Shanzha and falls in love.
So, RinRin decides to approach Shanzha in a mortal form, get close to her, and then whisk her (and Yue) away into the Fae Realm. She's only half successful since Yue managed to slip away at the last second.
Macaque and Shanzha reunite in the Fae Realm and try to escape. Their fae kidnappers make a game of it. If the humans win, they can go home. If they fail, they stay in the realm forever.
Despite passing many of the trials set in front of them, Macaque and Shanzha lose when they're both inevitably charmed into the Fae Lords' beds in a moment of weakness. They take their defeat happily (their emotions are influenced mostly by fae magic).
What Wukong and RinRin didn't tell them was that they would have never won. They had already consumed food in the Fae Realm. They would have eventually crawled back or died of starvation.
At some point, Macaque and Shanzha snap out of their happy haze long enough to flee. They make it out of the boundaries of Wukong and RinRin's lands, which are the Summer and Spring Courts, respectively.
Part II: The Change
Being exposed to the Fae Realm started to affect Macaque and Shanzha and change them as they survived in their suddenly harsh environment. But they remain as their situation is better than being enthralled puppets of their kidnappers.
Macaque grew more ears. Shanzha's teeth and nails sharpened. Macaque's shadows started to move on their own. Shanzha's steps start to leave behind frost. They both gained monkey-like features, reminiscent of the natural forms of their fae.
The Autumn and Winter Courts were empty as their previous rulers had either disappeared or were struck down by Wukong and RinRin.
After growing into their new powers and forms, Macaque and Shanzha take over the seats of power and become the new rulers of the realm.
While they sometimes miss and yearn for Wukong and RinRin, they're also very bitter about being taken away from their old life and their child. So they are in constant conflict with the Spring and Summer Courts, who are unaware of their old identities.
The Seelie and Unseelie Court are embroiled in constant fights.
Part III: The Rescue
Years later in mortal years, Yue grows up beautifully under the care of her godparents DBK and Iron Fan. While she's still haunted by the events that took her parents away from her, she managed to move on and make a life for herself. She's even engaged.
Her spouse-to-be turned out to be a Changeling and was snatched back into the Fae Realm just a day before the wedding. Witnessing this, Yue jumps in after them.
Yue somehow comes out into the other side in the Autumn and Winter Court where she reunites with her parents, who are very changed.
Their reunion is tearful and very emotional.
Yue's beloved is stuck in the Spring and Summer Court, so she fights her way to them with her parents' help. It's very dramatic.
Wukong manages to take out Macaque's eye during the battle before he realizes his enemy's true identity. RinRin has a similar revelation. Struck with guilt and desperate to have them back, Wukong and RinRin allow Yue and her beloved to safely return home - no fae tricks this time.
Shadowpeach and Iceflower's relationships remain open-ended since forgiveness would take a lot of groveling and time, which the fae have a lot of. Perhaps Macaque and Shanzha eventually forgive them and take them in as lovers again. Perhaps Wukong and RinRin are stuck pining and yearning as their beloveds try to stab them. Who knows?
There are two endings:
"Good" Ending - Yue and her beloved reunite and escape back to the mortal realm, but not without a tearful goodbye to Macaque and Shanzha. She finds her closure and steps into her new life with her beloved and their families in the mortal realm.
"Bad" Ending - Yue's beloved embraces their fae nature and forces Yue to stay in the realm with them. She mourns the loss of her human life but is comforted that at least she's still with her parents.
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slippinmickeys · 6 months
I got tagged by @wexleresque to post a snippet from a WIP. (Thanks for the tag, btw!) It’s a casefile that I’m pantsing called The Unseelie Court. Will probably take me forever to finish it, as it’s been in my drafts…also forever. Not tagging anyone because I’m terrible at it.
“I thought you’d be half done by now.”
“I got a late start,” she said, pulling the mask low. “I take it you’re still married to this fairy idea?”
“Personnel file lists me as Single, Scully, you know that.”
“Cute,” she said humorlessly.
“My mother always said so.”
She gave him a look, her mouth a long, thin line.
“The fae, or people like them, exist across nearly all cultures,” he finally said, tipping his cards so she could see his hand. “That kind of prevalence usually indicates at least a foundation in authenticity.”
“A version of Santa Claus exists in many cultures, Mulder, and I think we can both agree he’s not real.”
“I don’t know,” he replied, his voice a little husky, “I finally got what I wanted.”
Scully felt a flush rise up and spread along her collarbones. For a moment she could feel his rapacious mouth clamped over her vulva, his long, thick fingers curled into her, three knuckles deep. She leaned against the metal countertop behind her and inhaled before speaking.
“There is a theory that fairy folklore evolved from folk memories of a prehistoric race,” she said. “Newcomers superseded a body of earlier human or humanoid peoples, and the memories of this defeated race developed into modern conceptions of fairies.”
A slow, impressed smile crept up the corners of Mulder’s mouth. “…you’ve been doing some research,” he said.
“I may have spent a little time on the computer, yes,” she said, trying not to appear too pleased. “I think I pissed off my diener.”
“He’ll get over it,” Mulder said with a dismissive wave. He shuffled his feet and leaned back against the wall with an eager look on his face. “Hit me with it.”
Scully licked her lips before continuing, feeling a surge of sensual energy.
“Proponents of the theory find support in the tradition of cold iron as a charm against fairies, viewed as a cultural memory of invaders with iron weapons displacing peoples who had just stone, bone, and wood at their disposal, and were easily defeated. In folklore, flint arrowheads from the Stone Age were attributed to the fairies as ‘elfshot,’ while their green clothing and underground homes spoke to a need for camouflage and covert shelter from hostile humans, their magic a necessary skill for combating those with superior weaponry.”
“It’s a decent argument, but it’s not much fun,” Mulder said.
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