#woah part three :0
brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Wow these wait times keep getting shorter and shorter. Is this a bad thing? Who knows :D What I do know, is that this chapter is messy and it’s nearly four am and I speedran the whole thing so hopefully it isn’t too bad- (I still will make updates to this if I see any typos while rereading 👍)
Another pretty slow chapter, but it’s still content!! :] That being said something will happen next chapter that’ll bring some excitement into the story sjdjfnfn
ALSOO, everyone give a thank you to XYZ for helping me with this chapter and also giving me ideas for the AU name (Something’s brewing,, haha get it? Tommy’s brewing a plan and Wilbur’s brewing potions?)
Not read over. All the typos and inconsistencies you see do not exist and you are imagining things. /j
Curiosity Killed The Cat (3)
_ WC: 2.1k
_ TW: Swearing, mention of death, vore, torture, poison, dehumanization (none uhappen and it is Tommy’s interpretation of the situation)
It’s settled. 
If he can’t get out on his own without Wilbur’s ‘permission,’ then he will do the next best thing and earn the trust of said giant. It will take time, however it’s time for a finished product that will end in his freedom. That is if he executes it well enough. 
Trust… won’t be easy. There’s a high chance Wilbur is deadly smart, and even then, if he somehow manages to get out, he needs to be subtle and do everything slowly without drawing attention to himself. 
After that he fucking leaves, quits his job, and hopes to Prime that he’ll never have to step foot on the sidewalk that walks across the length of the house. Of course that’s assuming Wilbur won’t also have a backup plan. It’s a shot in the dark but it’s one he’s definitely willing to take. 
Tommy settles against the glass jar, eyes closed in an attempt to get rest. Even with knowing this poor of a dream would have woken him by now while he was still on the edge of suspense, he still clung to the hope he’d wake up in his room, Techno banging on the door to take him to school after his alarm failed him. 
Alarm. Phone. 
Tommy patted himself despite knowing it was dead anyway. It was dead out of the blue which means there’s a slight possibility it will still work. Only if he’s lucky, and if he’s being honest, he does not feel lucky. 
His hoodie and jean pockets were empty. An unsettling feeling of knowing he was in the hands of a giant at one point twisted inside of him when he spotted it just slightly outside of the jar, almost like it was taunting him. 
It obviously has been placed there for that intended reason. 
Tommy scoffed, shaking his head and holding it in his hands. Wilbur had gone somewhere a while ago. Something about food is what he thinks the man was talking about, but he was too caught up in his thoughts to truly register anything he was saying. 
He couldn’t hear anything outside of the glass unless they were close, so, unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried to focus in on anything, it still didn’t work. Tommy groaned, fist hitting the ‘floor’ underneath him. He looked up as he sloped down against the wall further, nearly laying completely flat by the time he’d stopped. 
Huh, Wilbur was generous enough to leave air holes in the lid. Like a spider or some other exotic bug a child finds and captures. His eyes are heavy when he falls asleep looking at the copper ceiling of his prison. 
Tommy woke up to harsh footsteps, a sound he’s become semi-acquainted with in his… well, he doesn’t know how long he’s been here. 
Wilbur was sitting at the desk with a plate in front of him when Tommy was alert enough to finally sit up. He stood near the glass, itching to have whatever Wilbur had on his plate. He hid his hunger with folded arms and a fake expression that resembled something of anger. However the giant still noticed his curiosity. “Do you want some? Or I could make you something else,” Wilbur offered, a faint yet visible smile going along the side. “Uh.. no, I don’t want anything. You’ve probably poisoned it.” He scoffed, biting his lip awkwardly. “It’s not poisoned.” Wilbur said, a little offended. Tommy considered if he fucked it up but Wilbur just returned to eating. He still was tense. 
Tommy wanted to take his eyes away from the plate of pasta and what looked to be chicken, but each time he managed to find something to look at he just was brought back because of movement out of the corner of his eyes. 
Unfortunately Wilbur had to notice. “…Are you sure you don’t want anything?”
“Water!” He blurted against his own will. “Sorry- uh.. Water?” He tried again, noticing his dry throat now that his mind was on it. He swallowed and was left with a stingy taste that he somehow hadn’t managed to notice before. Wilbur looked at him for a moment, his heart skipping a beat as he wondered if that was the wrong thing to say. It didn’t seem like it would be.. Wilbur had asked for it, after all. 
He stepped back, his breathing going obscure after Wilbur still didn’t look away. The giant shook his head and stood. “Sorry- I’ll be back. With the water.”
Tommy furrowed his brows but nodded. Wilbur was either up to something or weirdly socially awkward, and, if he’s being honest, it’s the first one. He’d probably add drug shit to the water or put some potion in it to make him die or pass out so he can.. do something to him. Something ending in his death. 
He looked at his phone again, wondering if maybe he didn’t try to use it, it’d still work. At least then if he ever managed to get out he’d have some way of telling someone he needed help. Maybe if he knocks the glass over he could shatter it somehow. He scoffed at that, running a hand through his hair again in stress. 
His eyes found themselves on the food again, and despite it being his exact height, if not taller, he still craved it. He craved anything to eat, even if it was just a potion of the noodle. He frowned. 
Tommy sat again in wait for Wilbur. He swallowed again, debating whether or not he’a actually going to accept the water. He’d rather die now than spend days if not weeks in a jar, but he still wants to try and see if his plan can work. 
He should be hydrated for that though. 
This is a stupidly hard decision. Die or live with the risk of potentially ending back in this stupid jar with absolutely no freedom? 
The risk wouldn’t be too big. The second part of his plan would be a bit easier. It includes bringing the trust even further to letting Wilbur let him take a potion so he can go to a ‘normal’ size, which technically would be giant size. There’s always the wonder if that type of potion exists somewhere in Wilbur’s house. It should, if he’s that size, but who knows. It’s another shot in the dark that he’s willing to take. After he changes to a normal size, he’ll try to get his hands on a shrinkage potion and switch the roles of him and Wilbur so he leaves the now-tiny in a jar and gets the fuck out of this stupid house.
He really hopes this works because if it doesn’t, he’s completely, royally fucked and is served a life sentence in a jar for the rest of his life with a side of embarrassment on a golden platter. 
His stomach turned in hunger and his chest pulled in nerve of all the things that could go wrong. He wondered if he really could do this.. it seemed like such a foolproof plan when he had decided upon it, but now he’s just… doubtful. 
Whatever, he shouldn’t be spending time worrying about what will go wrong. 
Wilbur came back down the stairs to the basement quickly, something small and red in his hand. Tommy focused on it but his hand was shaking from the movement and he didn’t get a good look at it until the giant was slowing his pace as he approached the desk with Tommy on it. When the tiny red object was set on the desk beside his phone, Tommy’s brows once again furrowed as he studied the small thing that he now could see was a coke can. A small, tiny sized one for him. 
It confirms one of his spiraling thoughts but it’s still a shock to see Wilbur took the time to make something that he didn’t even ask for small for his benefit. Tommy looked up at Wilbur curiously, the man’s eyes however didn’t look down at him. 
A slight shadow cast over the jar as Wilbur placed his hand against the jar for support, startling Tommy into a yelp while he struggled to scramble away. The sheer size of it up close was nothing like he’d expected. He was unfortunately brought into more panic at the sound of the lid unscrewing. The jar tilted when the top popped off. Tilted.
Shit, fuck, shit, fuck, shit he’s not seriously going to be grabbed right now, is he? He kept his back against the bottom of the jar now that it had been tilted almost fully to its side. He considered running but quickly shut the thought down when he realized how utterly stupid that was. 
Too caught up in what-if’s, he hadn’t noticed Wilbur talking to him until he lightly tapped on the glass with his finger. “Fuck!” He cried out, again shifting to a different area to avoid whatever was happening. Wilbur couldn’t reach him through the top of the jar yet it still worried him to know what could happen if he was out. 
“Tommy, Tommy calm down.” Wilbur set the jar fully down and Tommy shifted just slightly. The giant put his hands up as if he’d been arrested, a slight look of guilt on his face. “It’s alright, Tommy. It’s just a drink, see?” He reached and carefully gripped the small can between his forefinger and thumb. He nodded, struggling to keep his breathing even. He was fine, nothing was going to get him, he’s as safe as he can be, it’s fine. 
He should start paying attention more, because he jumped at the feeling of something against his leg. He looked down to find the source. He picked the red van up, turning it over as if it wasn’t real. It looked normal. 
He looked up at Wilbur. “See? Everything is fine, Tommy. May I put the jar back up? Or we can keep it down.” 
He laughed perhaps a bit hysterically. It came out more as quieted huffs, but it was still the closest thing to actually gotten to being amused during these unfortunate, fucked up times. A giant was actually wanting his preference to things so he could be more comfortable. He brought him a soda after he’d asked for water. He even took the time to make said soda smaller. For him.
And yet he still found himself in a jar. 
A friendly kidnapping. 
“Tommy.” Looks like he wanted a response. He shrugged and set the can in his pocket so he could decide on actually drinking it later. Actually, perhaps he did have a preference. Keeping the jar on its side would mean he can roll it to where it shatters on the floor. But, then again, he’d just be sitting in a pile of broken glass and probably pass out from the height. On second thought, maybe he didn’t need to grab at every opportunity he saw. He really needs to learn to think before he does, because it could’ve saved him from everything that’s happened so far. He let the devil on his shoulder win, and, here he is, locked in a jar with a giant who seems just slightly insane. 
“Up.” He says finally, ignoring the urge to keep it down. Wilbur was a smart man, anyway. He probably won’t get very far. 
Wilbur nods and screws the lid back on, sealing his last chance of quick freedom away. Now it’s back to his original plan. 
The giant was surprisingly careful while handling the jar, probably just to keep him in tact so whatever he plans to do to him will be the only pain he feels. 
He tumbled only slightly when he was finally set back to his original position, but he rushed to correct it so he didn’t look like a fucking idiot. 
“Thank you. For the drink and shit. Even if it is poisoned.”
Wilbur hummed in response, a slight, startled laugh escaping him. “You’re positive you don’t want anything else? Whatever you need I can make.”
That’s bullshit. “Except for my freedom, yeah?” He looked up with a sarcastic smile. “Uh… yeah.”
Tommy scoffed again and slid against the back of the jar. “Then, yeah, I’m positive.” He said in a tone of fake friendliness and bitter hatred.
Wilbur nodded once, that look of guilt still on his face from before. The act was stupid by now, but it was funny to see his efforts, so hey, it’s slightly worth it. The giant returned to his seat at the desk returning his attention to his dinner. Tommy still side-eyed it but as he hesitantly cracked open the coke and a fizz and slight gush of foam came out, he took a small sip, then another, and by the time he’d become convinced it hadn’t been messed with, he let himself forget about his hunger. 
Just for now, though. He’s still fucking starving. 
----------------------------------------------------chapter four
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atticrissfinch · 8 months
Series: The Rogue Who Coaxed You | (joel miller x fem!reader) (18+)
Part 2: The Business Trip
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pairing: boss!joel miller x fem!secretary!reader summary: joel makes you arrange his business trip where he will be accompanied by his wife. you’re pouty about it, and joel reminds you of your place. warnings/tags:  [18+ MINORS DNI] mean!joel, very brief joel x ofc action, joel STILL respects you approximately 0% (maybe even less than that in this one jfc), age gap (no specifics), infidelity, hella power imbalance/dynamics, daddy!kink, also hella degradation and humiliation kink, semi-public sex, joel and reader suck at being quiet, unprotected PIV, creampie, use of slut, whore, etc extra disclaimer: we are going to be HEAVY on the infidelity in this series, folks. it’s basically its own character. it’s frequently referenced by the characters, very in-your-face, and will be used as a kink in this series. So if that bothers you, you may want to skip this one ❤️ word count: ~3K | ao3 a/n: there is humiliation kink in this one like WOAH so uhhh just be aware of that lmao joel is so fucking mean. But if you like that kind of thing……here u go lmao. Was too lazy for a moodboard on this one so maybe later lol Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Kofi
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The first email in your inbox when you come in this morning is from Joel. 
Subject: Business Trip 
We discussed this earlier, but I’m outlining my expectations below just so we are clear on them. 
First class. Not business class. Straight through flight if at all possible. 
Four or five-star accommodations only. Please ensure the room has a large jacuzzi and a balcony with a nice view on a higher floor. 
Book a couples massage and a couples spa treatment at the hotel for one of the evenings. Can split between evenings if absolutely necessary. 
Reservations for two for dinner each night—sophisticated places, please. I do not want to be stuck at Applebee’s on a Friday night. 
One of the nights should be Bertelli’s. If they give you any grief about times, drop my name. Marco has me on the VIP list. 
Don’t disappoint me, please. 
It is a little insulting. Because you had gone over all of this. Yesterday, in fact. Where he watched you handwrite notes about everything he said. 
You shake it off and double-check your notes just to humor him. All perfect, as you’d expected. Even if your pen bled through the paper from pressing down too hard in a few particular spots. 
You do your level best to not let it get to you, him deciding to bring his little wife along with him to Los Angeles. Emphasizing the “couples” amenities. The jacuzzi. The balcony on a “higher floor”, knowing exactly what he planned on doing on it. It made your skin itch. 
He’d taken you with him once, right at the beginning of your affair, on a short two-day trip to Denver. He’d left you in the hotel for most of it. Made you order room service to the suite for all three meals and then fucked you before passing out for the night. 
There were no couples spa treatments. No dinners at Michelin-star restaurants. Just hotel burgers, an orgasm or two, and then a scolding at the end of it for over-ordering on room service. 
Joel, the very picture of extravagance, berating you for spending his “hard-earned cash” on “too much food” when you would otherwise starve. He’d fucked your throat until you cried in the back of his Escalade on the way home from the airport as punishment. He then kicked you out at the doors of the high rise where Miller Enterprises comprises two sprawling floors and told you to get an Uber home on your own dime. Said he’d spent enough money on you, and he wasn’t going to have Douglas waste more gas. 
All while you knew a Tiffany’s box was shoved into his carry-on. For her. 
But maybe things would be different now. Maybe you’ve earned enough of his trust, his favor, that he might treat you more luxuriously if you went away together. 
Around eleven, you gather your courage and knock on his door. He invites you in, and you shut the door behind you, locking the door and shutting the blinds for good measure. 
“Did something confuse you already?” His glasses are perched on his nose as he looks up at you from whatever document he’s examining. 
Your eyes drift to the floor and you scratch the back of your calf with the toe of your shoe. “No…” You mutter, leaning against the wall to the right of his desk. 
“Then why are you in here wasting my time?” He drawls, returning his focus to the page in front of him. 
You swallow your nerves, drawing yourself taller and steeling yourself before propositioning, “Take me instead.”
That reels his attention back in. He sets the paper down on his desk and drops his glasses unceremoniously on top of it with an amused expression. “Take you instead of who, sweetheart?”
“Instead of her.”
Joel leans back in his chair and folds his hands onto his stomach. “Instead of Claire, you mean? You’re asking me to take you on this business trip instead of my wife?”
Joel barks out a laugh. “You’re a secretary. And a forgettable one at that. What could you possibly do to benefit me on a business trip? I don’t recall you being particularly helpful on the last one.”
A shred of embarrassment trickles through you as you assess his expression, mocking and unapologetic. Your fingers twiddle absentmindedly as you offer, “I could be naked in bed for you all day. Wet and waiting for you after every meeting.”
Joel sighs and beckons you toward him. You rush to his side and he takes your hand in his, patting the back of it placatingly. He looks up at you with what seems like pity in his eyes. “Baby, you aren’t worth even a fraction of the thread count of the sheets in the places I stay. You’re a…” Joel thinks for a moment, then continues, “You’re a motel hooker. If you set foot in a five-star hotel, they’d have to follow you around with a fuckin’ mop to clean the marble floors from the cocktail of sperm dripping outta you everywhere you go.”
Your bottom lip quivers, while your pussy sends a gentle, rolling pulse between your legs at his callous insult. 
“I mean, we didn’t even stay somewhere that nice last time and I still slipped the maids a couple hundred dollars extra just to refresh the room after we left. Who knows how many dicks you took in there while I was gone.”
You sniffle as you feel the threat of tears burning in your nose. “I didn’t…”
Joel’s brows draw together as he gives a gentle nod. “Ok, baby. I’m sure you didn’t,” He placates, clearly not convinced. “You wanna come sit on daddy’s cock? That make you stop whinin’?”
You scrunch your eyebrows and snatch your hand back from him, crossing your arms across your chest petulantly. You know you’re acting like a snot, but Joel is in rare form today, and it wouldn’t be fun if you didn’t push back. If you always immediately bit what he dangled in front of you. “No, I don’t.”
Joel just shrugs and settles back in his chair. “Okay then,” he says, raising his hands slightly and making a show of shooing you toward the door. “Get out and go do what I asked you to do.”
You stay put stubbornly, meeting his eyes with a glare. It takes approximately five seconds for you to second-guess yourself. “Ok, wait…”
Joel rolls his eyes, scooting his chair out a little further from his desk. “Make up your goddamn mind. You’re gonna go out there and do what I say regardless. So you can either do it with or without my come leaking into your panties. Take your pick. I don't got all day.” 
You grumble a little, and then mumble more audibly, “You know I’m gonna say yes.”
Joel gives you a slow nod. “Yes I do. And I gotta admit, it’s a little goddamn annoyin’ when you act all Sophie’s Choice about it, when we both know there’s barely a single thought behind those eyes that doesn’t revolve around my cock at any given moment.”
You feel your pussy throb again at his words and you inch closer toward him. “What the hell is Sophie’s Choice?”
Joel smirks up at you and holds a hand out for you to take. “Case in point. Now come remind me why I keep you around.”
You whimper and take his hand, allowing him to pull you up onto his chair until you’re straddling him with your skirt rucked up your hips, thankful that you decided to forego tights today. He works his cock out of his slacks, such a familiar and welcome sight to you at this point, and both your mouth and pussy flood at the same time. 
You slide your panties to the side as you hover over his cock, already hard from the way you’ve been taking the disparaging words he’s been dishing out. 
Joel snaps the crotch of your panties. “Don’t know why you fuckin’ bother with these anymore. You know you’re gonna take my cock more often than not,” Joel remarks, gliding a warm hand around the back of your thigh and gripping around it, using it to position you where you already have it ingrained in your brain to go.
You smirk to yourself as you stare up at the ceiling, feeling the tip of his cock teasing your entrance. “Didn’t think you would want me soiling your precious office chairs with the evidence of you cheating on that precious wife of—” Your words are cut off with a sharp gasp as Joel slams you down onto his cock in one thrust, burying himself all the way inside you until you are seated flush to his lap with your head thrown back and your mouth agape in alarmed pleasure. 
When you try to rise, his unyielding grip on your shoulder prevents your movement. Your head flops back down to meet his gaze, his lips parted slightly and his eyes looking down at you with an up-tilted head. You wiggle in his lap, but he continues to hold you steady. 
“Daddy–” You protest, but he cuts you off again. 
“You got a big fuckin’ mouth for a worthless cunt who can’t even suck or fuck her way to California with me.”
“Daddy, I—”
Joel’s face goes gravely serious, teetering on pissed off. He shoves two fingers into your mouth, pressing down on your tongue to shut you up. 
“Let me make somethin’ real clear to you. Cause I know you, and I know what rattles around in that goldfish fuckin’ brain ‘a yours.” Joel wets his lips and holds your jaw just this side painful, ignoring your wince as he continues, “If I find that you’ve sabotaged even a single element of this trip, I’ll have you scrubbin’ every toilet in this building and takin’ your piss breaks in the alley behind the dumpster. Understood?” He punctuates his words with a rough jolt of your head in his bruising grip, then slides his fingers from your mouth to allow you to answer. 
“Yes, daddy,” You whimper. 
“Good,” Joel states, dropping his hold on your face and placing both hands on your hips. “Now shut up and take this cock.”
You sigh in relief as he finally grants you the freedom to move, and you lift yourself up until the tip of his cock is stretching you open before dropping yourself down again and setting a brisk, deep pace. 
The two of you have never been super great at keeping quiet. You certainly try, but noises always escape you before you can catch them. You’re reasonably sure the entire office knows about the two of you, but no one is stupid enough to say anything about the CEO fucking his secretary under his wife’s nose. 
You breathe out a “Fuck daddy,” as his cock hits deep inside of you so fucking perfectly, like it always does. 
Joel growls as he bucks his hips into you as you drive down onto him. “Braindead fuckin’ whore. All you know is eat, sleep, and dick, ain’t it?”
You whine as your head falls onto his shoulder, your pussy clenching around him as the degradation fuels your desire. 
Joel grabs you by the hair when you don’t verbally respond. “Huh? Ain’t it?”
“Yes, daddy,” You squeak out.  
He tightens his grasp on your hair as he pushes in further, fucking up into you with what almost feels like disgust. “Ain’t that all you fuckin’ know? Ain’t it all you’re good for?”
“Yes, daddy!” You sob, always mortified by how hard his mistreatment gets you off as your cunt squeezes him and you feel your orgasm spiraling inside you. 
“Lucky your pussy’s so goddamn tight or you’d’ve been out on your ass a long fuckin’ time ago, huh?”
“Yes, daddy,” You moan again, your breath going shallower as the fatigue of riding him chases after you. You begin rolling your hips back and forth, using his cock to massage your g spot as he keeps rutting up into you. 
“People in this office probably think you’re a gold-digging little homewrecker, don’t they? But what they don’t know is you give it up so easy, I don’t even slip a measly dollar into your little thong when I’m done. Barely have a penny to your fuckin’ name and you’re still creamin’ on this cock for free. Nothin’ to goddamn show for it. No business trip, no diamonds, no fancy house. Just wide open legs, gettin’ run through like a McDonald’s drive-thru.” 
You moan into his neck as his rhythmic thrusts force your insides apart, opening around him every time without a moment’s hesitation. The humiliation has you shaking on his cock, tears slipping free down your cheeks as you bury your face in his neck. 
“And you can whine and complain about bein’ the other woman all you want, but I know you like this shit. You like bein’ my little dick ornament, nothin’ more. Don’t you, baby?” 
You whimper into his neck, but nod helplessly, clamping your pussy around him. Your hand finds your clit to push yourself over the edge, rocking your hips harder on his thick length as you gasp and moan into his skin. 
At your increased intensity, Joel starts to groan out his own release, holding you down into his lap as he unloads inside your pussy, your walls twitching around him. “Fuck yeah, baby. Take all that come. ’S the only gift you’ll ever get from me. Better cherish it.” 
Those words have heat and pleasure bursting from your core at last, spilling out through your limbs and leaving you breathless and boneless in his lap as you piece your brain back together to some semblance of cohesive thought. 
Joel melts back into his cushy chair, petting down your spread thighs and squeezing them periodically as he catches his breath. You wince as you lift off of him and tug your panties back into place to prevent any of Joel’s come from dripping where you don’t want it—which is anywhere but your panties to remind you where he’s been today. 
You wrangle Joel back into his pants for him and settle into his lap, sliding your hands to clasp around the back of his neck. Your thumb caresses his jawline softly as his lethargic stare studies you in his post-orgasmic haze. 
You release an exaggerated sigh, attempting to garner as much sympathy as you can as you beg, “Please don’t make me do all this.”
Joel offers you a half-smile. “I’m sorry? Don’t make you do your job? I mean, we have plenty of spare banker boxes. Feel free to clean out your desk whenever.”
You run your fingers through his dampened curls. “Then who would service you at work like I do?”
A small laugh bubbles out of him, and he reaches up to cup your face. “Oh, baby. That’s so cute.” He gravitates toward you, nuzzling his nose against yours and pressing a featherlight kiss to your pout. He breathes the rest of his reply over your lips, imbuing his tone with all the affection that his actual words lack. “You are effortlessly replaceable. I have no shortage of willing participants who would get on their knees and shut the fuck up far better than you do. Please don’t kid yourself.”
He says it as if he’s doing you a favor. Like he’s giving you genuine advice. It simultaneously feels like a fist around your stomach and a warm mouth on your clit. Like punishment and reward. Your eyelashes ghost the apples of your cheeks as you nod in understanding. 
“Yes, daddy. I’m sorry.”
You ignore the side-eyes from your coworkers as you mill back to your desk, smoothing your skirt as you take your seat. Wetness pools in your panties as you get comfortable, just like you’d anticipated. Ten minutes later, you get another email ping from Joel. 
Subject: Re: Business Trip
Please arrange transport to and lodging in Santa Barbara on Friday evening through Sunday night, straight from Los Angeles after dinner. Somewhere luxurious. Vineyard tour, wine tasting, the works. The Mrs deserves my full attention for a little longer. I’ve been gone too much lately. 
You text him on the Thursday night of his trip, just a simple inquiry about how things are going. 
Your phone buzzes twenty minutes later with a text that just says, “Exquisite,” accompanied by a video attachment. 
A bubbly jacuzzi bathtub, Claire very evidently in between Joel’s legs and up to her shoulders in suds. Joel kisses wetly down her neck, his tongue visibly working in tandem with his lips as he heatedly stares down the camera he has extended in front of them. Claire hums in contentment, biting her lip with a moan until she spies the camera on her. She bursts into giggles, bringing a foamy hand up to shield her face.
“Baby! Turn it off!”
“What?! I’m just—”
The video cuts off in the middle of Joel’s laughter-infused response. 
And you know it’s fucked up. You know it’s so fucking wrong. But you bury your fingers inside yourself and hit play again. And again. And again. Until the humiliation burns its way through your abdomen and drips off your fingertips with your orgasm. 
You don’t text him again. 
When Joel walks into work the Monday after his trip, there’s a glow to his skin, to his face. He greets his staff with a broad smile and pats to shoulders and backs, looking very well-rested and energized in a way he normally wouldn’t. When he gets to you he taps twice on the side of your desk to get your attention and gestures with his head for you to follow him. You reach for your notepad, but he mutters, “Won’t need that,” with a telling look, and waltzes in the direction of his office without another word.
As you stand to scurry after him, you hear one of your coworkers quip to another under her breath, “Can’t leave daddy waiting, can she?”
Your cheeks burn at their quiet snickers. But they’re right. You don’t leave him waiting. That’s one thing you’re good for.
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cursedkeyboard · 5 months
Babies shouldn't grow up ☆ Jason Todd & GN!Reader (PT.5)
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What does Jason do after he tries his best and fails spectacularly to keep his nosy family away from his kid? Make sure he is still your favorite when everyone starts spoiling you rotten, of course. [PART ONE ♤ PART TWO ♤ PART THREE ♤ PART FOUR ♤ PART FIVE ♤ PART SIX]
Pairings: Platonic Jason Todd & Child GN!Reader / Batfamily & Child GN!Reader
When everything was said and done, Jason explaining why he didn't want to expose you to more dangers by introducing you but also the reason why he felt compelled to be honest with you about their identities, the bats soon started to try and bond with you
Dick was the first one, as always, and introduced himself as "little wing's one and only older brother"
You giggled when Jason groaned at that, embarrassed, and Dick took that as a win
Dick's older bro charms 1 - Bruce's gloomy dad stare 0
After getting called out by you so directly and plainly, Bruce had been awfully quiet as everyone interacted with you
It wasn't every day he got called out for the worst mistakes he comitted
But he also was still reeling at the fact that he was a damn grandfather
Steph cooed at how small you were, pointing out how even Damian was taller
Which, in Jason's opinion, was totally unfair since you were only eleven while Damian was thirteen, going on fourteen, and had been trained for along time
Also, excuse him, only he could tease you
Dick would be asking Jason one and a million questions about how he'd been taking care of you, your education, health, etc
"Of course I– You think I wouldn't send my kid to school, Grayson?"
His kid, they thought, part giddy part dumbfounded
"Woah, woah, I'm just asking! Technically you're legally dead and the little angel over here doesn't exactly look like you."
Wow, for some reason that really pissed Jason off
He tucked you under his chin, squeezing you gently as you rested your head on his collarbone
"I signed the papers. I'm not fucking dumb, Dick, I've been the legal guardian for about a year now."
At that, Steph stopped trying to take pictures of you with her eyes alone and quirked one of her eyebrows
"... For the most part."
No one said anything at that, it's not like any of them really followed the law, especially not the old man behind them
You huffed in amusement at that, making Dick and Steph's hearts warm up
Damn, not even an hour into meeting you and they were already feeling those fuzzy, soft feelings in their chests
Needless to say, it wasn't a casual evening but it wasn't what Jason had been dreading, not at all
There was no screaming about him being reckless, no one tried to take you away from him, Bruce didn't even say much
Damian was still a brat and tried to pick on you, judgy little shit, only to get the nastiest clapback that made Dick choke on his spit
They all knew he was just feeling jealous, like every kid feels when a younger, cuter child shows up in the family
Boohoo, Jason thought as he watched fondly as you and Damian bickered, the demon brat was never as cute as my kid
Bruce, despite his melancholic gaze and awkward nature, managed to talk a bit to the both of you
He'd tell Jason that if you ever needed anything, to just use his credit card, no questions asked
Bruce would always be a call away and with Cass slowly taking over the mantle, he had a bit more time in his hands when the League didn't need him
He'd support the both of you to hell and back, his own way of repenting, and all he asked in return was...
For Jason to visit more
Because he was still upset about not having all of his kids home for Christmas
And bring you with him
it was high time you met everyone and became an official member of the family, he already knew exactly where your portrait would go
And despite his hesitance, you wanted to be a part of Jason's entire life, not just a hidden piece
Jason could never say no when you did a terrible impression of puppy dog eyes
So this is how it started; the start of the bats spoiling the hell out of you
After a couple of dinners together, lunch, and a tour around the manor and the batcave, seeing all of their old and new suits, ("Tell me you didnt actually wear this." "Shut it, I was a child." "I'm a child and I'd rather die than ever touch this."), with you glued to Jason's side always, packages started showing up at the doorstep
At first it'd be cute and silly things like a plush of the newest Pokémon and matching scarves for the incoming winter
Maybe even their own merch, because they're all losers deep inside
Then it was Bruce taking over any kind of expenses you and Jason had because, in his words, he wanted Jason to focus on raising you instead of worrying about rent
–Not like he wasn't already using Bruce's money to pay for everything
But he still felt begrudgingly soft at having his dad care for him and his kiddo like that, though he'd never admit it–
And then Babs and Tim upgrading the cyber security all around your block in the chance of a villain attack or any creeps following you home
From Duke and Cass asking Jason to spend time with you for some bonding time to your entire wardrobe turning into designer and your school materials updated by Wayne tech
Fuck, you even had terribly expensive yet thoughtful action figurines from your and Damian's favorite animated shows
The brat tried to hate you for ripping everyone's attention away from him, for making Bruce and Dick all... gooey, but it was hard when you had Todd's knowing eyes and a developing charm that always cracked a smile out of him
Infuriating, like father like kid
But... he liked you, quite a lot
And, throughout it all, Jason was panicking bad
Look, Jason Todd was always a jealous person by nature
He never liked his things touched, never liked sharing his interests in case someone also got interested in it, and he was particularly possessive with the few romantic partners he had
So when your attention was suddenly split among all of his family, Jason felt a little upset
It's like when a cat that usually only likes you allows other people pet it
Jason didn't quite feel betrayed but... that childish fear of not being your favorite person was very real in his head
So he upped his game
Whenever any member of his family gave you a gift, he'd get something better the next day
If they took you to a cool place, say an arcade or the mall to hang out and get to know you better
Jason was already booking tickets to go to Universal and taking you out for nightly motorcycle rides
Damian was insisting on watching the new season of your favorite show?
Next weekend he'd have prepared the living room to look like a cinema, with snacks and popcorn, for a movie marathon
Babs and Steph got you interested in makeup?
Regardless of gender identity, you know Jason would watchevery YouTube tutorial known to man about makeup so you won't have to ask the girls about it
Bruce would grow all fond of you once you got past, but did not forgive nor forget, the things he's done to Jason and started interacting more with him
So once he's talking about how he learned multiple different languages growing up, during one of the monthly family dinners, Jason would already be Googling how to learn another language fast
And god forbid Dick messed with your hair
He was not above picking a fight with Nightwing for ruining the hairstyle he spent hours doing for you
Look, Jason wouldn't be as petty as to keep you away from his family
No, in the contrary, he really, really loved watching you be coddled and loved by some of the most powerful people on earth
Getting the childhood he had so desperately wanted
It allowed that restless part of his soul to settle knowing you had them looking out for you, always
But Jason also would always want to be your number one
Your favorite person
Your hero
You dad
Yeah, he could admit it now without fear, he's definitely your old man
How could he not be when he's cutting apples for your school snack and making sure you go to bed before nine?
Never mind his age, Jason even bought a grill so you two could barbecue on the rooftop, there's no other more dad move than that
So, after a few months of this real life sitcom, when you were both on the couch watching Pride & Prejudice (Jason's choice tonight), all cuddled up and cozy
You'd rest your head on his shoulder and sigh happily
"You don't need to do all this, you know?"
"Hm? Do what, kiddo?"
"Trying to one up everyone. It's funny and I'm not exactly opposed to being spoiled as hell–"
"You're such a brat."
"Shut up– but you'll always be my favorite, you know that, dad."
Ok. Wow. He was tearing up.
"Oh, fuck off, don't do this to me."
His voice would be a little wobbly as he hid his face in your hair, squeezing you gently in his arms
And you'd giggle and hug him tighter too, your face warming up nervously but no longer afraid of muttering that one little word that had been stuck in your throat for so long
You two were so, so similar in that regard, afraid of overstepping despite the bubbling emotions inside you, the overflowing love threatening to spill out
So much faith and trust, devotion, care, and adoration
And all it took was one sentence to make it all better
"I still wanna go to the convention next week, though."
And Jason would laugh, teary and almost breathless, and press a kiss to your forehead, feeling happier than he's ever felt
"Yeah, okay, you nerd."
Wonder who you got it from
That night solidified it for him, calming his anxieties and petty jealousy
Jason would always be your favorite person
And you wouldalways be his favorite little one
Nothing would ever change that
To be continued... for one last time.
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chrismcleanswife · 1 year
Heya there writer!! <3
I was hoping for some good Alejandro headcanons?
Maybe when Owen broke the plane (ya know, when he opened the hole in the economical class) and Alejandro saving reader??
I truly like the concept of reader being Chris' 13 y/o niece and the fear she suddenly developed to the touch of other people so I'd love to see that reader in the ask! (That making the ask platonic ofc)! Maybe reader becoming comfy around Alejandro after that? Mhm, how does that sound? ^^
𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨 & 𝟏𝟑 𝐲/𝐨 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬' 𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫!
𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚋𝚒𝚊, 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚏𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚞𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚖𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍/𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚞𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚗 𝚙𝚑𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚊𝚕 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚝
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♥☁ -> You were still scared of almost everyone.
♥☁ -> Since what happened with Duncan at tdi you weren't able to be at peace with anyone that wasn't your uncle (Chris), Chef and Trent.
♥☁ -> They were the only ones who made you feel safe.
♥☁ -> Anyways that didn't mean that you weren't nice and kind to others.
♥☁ -> So as soon as your uncle gave you permission, you were running towards the "economical class" part of the not-so-safe airplane you were in right now.
♥☁ -> You wanted to meet again with those chaotic teenagers with whom you spend almost 8 weeks in that TV show.
♥☁ -> Anyways, you were surprised when you saw a new member among the crew.
♥☁ -> He was... handsome looking, but you didn't trust him that much, Justin was a plain cheating asshole after all...
♥☁ -> Anyways, you got yourself into the room and waved at everyone happily, most of them screaming with excitement when they saw you again (since you didn't appear at season 2 at all).
♥☁ -> ❝May I ask who are you, señorita?❞ you heard the new boy say, you turned your head towards him and smiled sweetly at him, you didn't trust him yet but he seemed like a polite person so you thought It wouldn't hurt anybody If you returned that politeness.
♥☁ -> ❝My name's Y/N❞ you said with a little smile.
♥☁ -> The new boy looked like he was about to talk again so you were quick to add ❝Y/N McLean❞ you finally said with a proud smile.
♥☁ -> the boy's smile changed into a surprised expression ❝Wait what-? Chris has a daughter?❞ he asked to the air as a reaction to the sudden confusion.
♥☁ -> ❝Nope! She is his niece! Isn't she adorable????❞ squealed Izzy from her seat, looking at you with a smile which you gladly returned.
♥☁ -> ❝Well, he then is lucky to have her❞ said the boy, getting up from his position and walking your way.
♥☁ -> ❝My name's Alejandro❞ he said, holding his hand out for you to take, gesture that made you flinch violently and take a few steps back as a reflex ❝Woah! tranquila pequeña, I have 0 intentions to hurt you❞ he said, quickly taking his hand back as a way to not scare you more.
♥☁ -> ❝Don't blame yourself boy, blame Duncan❞ Noah said without even bothering to lift his eyes from the book.
♥☁ -> You assumed it was time for an explanation and so you walked to talk with DJ, LeShawna and Lindsay, three of your favourite "campers" now turned into "passengers"
♥☁ -> ❝What did he do?❞ asked Alejandro, taking a seat next to Noah, wanting to get comfortable for the answers.
♥☁ -> ❝Mhm... let's say he threw her across the dodgeball court and made her scared of everyone besides Trent, Chris and Chef❞ explained quite calmly the boy, looking with disinterest at the Spanish guy next to him.
♥☁ -> ❝hermano, that's messed up!❞ he exclaimed in a low tone while Noah just shrugged, marking the conversation as an ended interaction.
♥☁ -> ❝Did he truly do that?❞ murmured Alejandro, now turning his head to Bridgette, whom only nodded while she bit her lip to his response, still feeling kinda guilty of making you wake Duncan up.
♥☁ -> You were now talking with DJ about how you were now taking care of a cuddly cat that your uncle let you bring to the airplane and just when he was about to ask you to bring it to him so he could see it the airplane started to tremble.
♥☁ -> Your eyes went wide as your body trembled but stepped away quite abruptly when DJ tried to steady your body with his hands.
♥☁ -> When you turned your head right you saw how Owen was dancing, making the plane shake in a not-so-safe way.
♥☁ -> In a blink, a before "repaired" hole broke again, sucking everything on the plane, and you being the only person standing in the middle of the "room" were an easy victim.
♥☁ -> You screamed in panic as your body flew out of the plane, you barely being able to hold onto the outline of the hole, gaining a deep cut from the shiny metal in exchange.
♥☁ -> The tears started running down your face as your heartbeat overshadowed any posible noise, your hands hurting so much as you tried your best to stay attached to the outline of the hole, seeing your short life flashing before your eyes.
♥☁ -> ❝Take my hand, quick!!!❞ a male voice shouted and you opened your eyes to see Alejandro being held by half of the time while he was holding his hand out for you to take.
♥☁ -> You wasted no time in taking his hand in a strong grip, feeling the relief overcoming your body as soon as you felt him tug your body towards the inside of the airplane again.
♥☁ -> As soon as you were inside of the plane again you bursted into tears while holding onto dear life to Alejandro, quickly staining his T-Shirt with the blood from your injured hands.
♥☁ -> Alejandro engulfed you in a thight hug, letting you get his T-Shirt wet with your tears as he also tried his best to shoothe you.
♥☁ -> God, why would everything happen to you???
♥☁ -> Alejandro started slowly and steadily rocking his body back and forth, while you trembled within his arms.
♥☁ -> Everyone was worried sick about you, and Leshawna was scolding Owen for having such a shitty idea.
♥☁ -> After a pair of minutes, when your sobs became much more muffled and the grip you had on the Spanish boy became less thight Alejandro separated your still slightly shaking body from his and asked to the air if someone had band aids.
♥☁ -> Harold was quick to lift his hand in the air.
♥☁ -> He lent Alejandro a pair of Ninja-Themed band aids and the boy carefully put them on the cuts you had on your palms, giving a kiss to each one after that.
♥☁ -> You giggled at his actions but when he was about to leave to go search for Chris next to DJ he felt how you griped his arm.
♥☁ -> He turned to you quite confused, but when he saw the desperate look on your eyes and how you tried to vocalise what you were trying to tell him he just hummed with a small smile and put his arm around your shoulder, keeping you close to him.
♥☁ -> His smile increased when he saw how relaxed you got when you were able to stay in contact with your savior.
♥☁ -> Alejandro was smiling sweetly on the outside while walking in search of Chris to tell him what happened, but in the inside he was grinning evily.
♥☁ -> You were a naive thing that needed shelter, and you were lucky that he truly liked you and didn't find you annoying (as he seems to find everyone in the plane, except Heather which he finds as a good competence), and now that you trusted him to the point of not flinching when he touched you he was going to use that as an advantadge.
♥☁ -> Of course he wouldn't dare to hurt your feelings or betray you because he has felt that at a similar age of yours and he doesn't want you to feel how he felt (or even worse), but he'll use your trust as a way to convince other of his "good intentions" and also use you as a way of making himself look like a dad and to cajole the girls so that he makes them believe they'll look as a great mother and that way make them fall even harder for him, and later use that to his advantage.
♥☁ -> Anyways, in the meanwhile it would not hurt him if he truly took care of you and let you stick around since you seem to like and trust him that much, maybe that way he can also manage to repair the injury that Duncan left that day so solely vivid in your heart...
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synthshenanigans · 5 months
woah hey a year has been passed wowie :0
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First two weren't posted here cos they were too long ago & not CJish related but love the way he took up 70% of the year lol
[ Full images + templates below :} ]
[TW for Bright Colors, maybe blood & very very vague themes of depression/suicide for like 2 drawings I believe]
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Long text about the arts if anyones actually curious!!
January: An old OC I completely forgot about until making this. He's based on old radio like things :}
February: Played Person 5 Royal last year & drew Joker cos idk he's neat. Fun fact, the same day I fully finished the game was the day Storm & a Spring came out. Also while grinding in the game, I had his Bidding & VoaC covers on repeat. Which was a bit annoying to do since they weren't on Spotify yet & YT on mobile didn't have looping then.
March: The Hawaii Part ii album cover :} I did post that eventually but that's the time I actually made it. Had listened to TME a couple of months before then which got me into the album, so months later I drew it cos why not? [Also the month Vol.1 fully released on everything. What's funny is my gallery for that day was a handful of memes I saved at 4am before I fell asleep. And then the next image saved is when I woke up which was a screenshot of the whiteboard in TfaR lol]
April: First main Jash art !!! And its not even with any of the songs from Vol. 1 lol. I had his Moss cover on repeat again & now that all of Vol. 1 was out, I drew Heart in some moss. Or really in the image from the video.
May: Lil animation I made of Heart with the song Don't Hit the Lights! Link to my post & the song can be found here :}. Still really like the song & even the drawings. Might remake em eventually idk
June: Sky/socialc1imb's Clue AU! I like murder mysteries & this one was real interesting so I drew it a lot lol. Might remake that one or one of the others I made at somepoint? It'll be a bit later if I do but ye
July: A redraw of a HMS piece I originally made back in May, based on the Three Wise Monkeys thing. I like the idea of it so I keep wanting to remake it.
August: I honestly can't remember if I posted that art or not. Actually yea I don't think I ever did PFFT. It's one of the few drawings I did of myself this year & its from CJs Not Perfect cover [as you can tell by the lyrics on it]. Also one of the very very few vent-ish arts I made. I like the background more than anything but its still neat ig?
September: Art for one of the best songs ever. I love Fine, I'm Fine its so good & I listened to it for like 70% of the 20+ hours it took me to make the drawing. Still proud of it so there's the sketch I drew on paper, the one on my tablet & then the final versions.
October: There was a lot from this month due to Jashtober. I still like this one lot & it wasn't insanely rushed so I picked this one to show lol.
November: I have no idea why I made a fun lil soul. I was having an identity crisis over my art style & ig decided to draw the guy who is a walking identity crisis/j
December: Same as September. One of my favorite songs ever was covered & released, so I made a drawing like everyone else lol.
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fairykazu · 7 months
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be with you — “and, fuck i want you”
summary: ayaka kamisato has been best friends with you since elementary school. she has witnessed your ups and downs. your happiest moment and saddest. you have the endless loops of having boyfriends and girlfriends. but when will you see that she just wants to be with you?
genres: best friends to lovers, slowburn, wlw, highschool au
warnings: this is fem! reader! this is a wlw implied story especially when i headcanon ayaka as a lesbian and y/n as a bisexual, angst, obliviousness, kys/kms jokes, ayato scheming, etc
pairings: ayaitto, ayay/n, yoitao & thomluc
status: incoming, will update every tues
notes: blue - ayaka pov, (♥︎) - written part, playlist: be with you
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profiles: ayay/n lovers | bitchless + yoimiya
one: new year new me!
0. this year i will... 01. internal conflict 02. woah whos that babe youre with thoma? thats kaeya and hes not a girl! 03. dying 04. hes so cute 05. shooting my shot! 06. j dw eoslfo
two: manifesting works... i have a bf!
07. y/n the bf haver 08. i love him 09. unrequited love 1 | ayaka 0 10. ayato schemes (♥︎) 11. double date with ayaitto! (what are you guys doing?!) 12. what a disaster 12.5. ayato the instigator
three: the cycle continues
13. silly bf gf 14. twofaced bitch! 15. liar liar pants on fire (♥︎) 16. surface tension formula is to hug it out 17. i told you so 18. apologies and hugs
four: maybe im in love with... (who?)
19. overthinking 20. ayato schemes (again?!) 21. double date (/p?) 22. AAAAH 23. dying pt2 24. i dont want to say it but… 25. she beat me to it! 26. i love you (not platonically)
taglist [open]:
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rootvegetableboy · 4 months
cm dev log #3 - january 2024
january was pretty good! i got a lot done this past month, including but not limited to the basic structure of my combat system. let’s take a look!
there’s a lot of things that went into this, so let’s break em all down. when in combat mode, the player uses the cursor to aim and left clicks to shoot. currently i have three different weapons to choose from, each with a different number and spread of shots. both the player and their enemies display their HP (the numerical format is a placeholder, hoping to eventually figure out hp bars), lose HP when touched by a damaging object, and die when their HP ≤ 0. enemies chase the player (some faster than others). if the player takes damage, they flash red to indicate as such & become invincible for the next second and a half.
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i also made my combat test room larger, which has been helpful (shocker)
initially i was pretty worried about coding all of this but it was actually kind of a breeze…? i’m definitely getting a lot better at understanding & working with GML’s syntax, which is really satisfying. i didn’t encounter as many funny errors this past month, it’s been a lot more of writing code and then refining it rather than writing code, then fixing it, then refining it.
around this point i noticed that if i entered a room to pick up an item, left that room, & then went back in, the item would respawn back to its original position. this wasn’t a glitch, it’s just how gamemaker works by default, so i got to work on some simple saving/loading scripts: basically just telling gamemaker what potential changes to a room it needed to keep track of & when to call for them. to be honest this kind of thing is a lot harder to show off in a dev log… but it’s important work, so i’m happy i did it! i finished up the save/load system by implementing a proper “full game save/load”, what you would normally think about when someone talks about saving & loading.
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woah, the save section of the in-game menu does something now!
the full game save/load code is basically a more elaborate version of the room-to-room save/loads: telling gamemaker what it needs to keep track of and when to recall it. to be honest i do not really understand the save/load code itself….. something something JSON… it was copied from a tutorial <3 but it works, which is what matters! honestly the most difficult part here was integrating it all into my in-game menu system, though even that wasn’t too bad because i was able to reuse a lot of the code i wrote for the inventory.
the last thing i did this month was start on my sound effects management system. i wouldn’t consider it “finished” but i have some really good bones for it i think! i whipped up a few sfx in vcv rack and they’ve implemented nicely. it’s crazy how much of a difference a few sounds can make: i haven’t really changed any of the sprites since their conception but already the combat feels a lot juicier.
at this point i’m getting to a place where i want to start tackling the gameplay and implementation of everything i’ve built: creating rooms, mapping out worlds, tiling, introducing npcs, etc. i have a lot of systems in place but almost nothing resembling the actual game. this has been totally fine so far—i’m glad to have these systems! but i feel confident enough now that i really want to get started on actual play. by april i’m hoping to have something of a rough playtest, maybe the first 10-20 minutes of the game… but we’ll see how everything pans out!
in the meantime, i have work to do, as always :^) see you next month!
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h-doodles · 11 months
oh, so many ideas so little energy and time,,, so ummmmm authors feel free to take a spin if you find something u like <3!!!!
1.) inspired by Loving you is beautiful (darkfic) by @rippersz — wherein reader learns to enjoy Larissa's red flags rather than slowly wilt from the distinct skewed version of love :)
You've been hurt by the world.
Pain is the only thing you remember, ever since you were young. Always remembered a yearning hunger deep inside your heart. Wishing to be loved, to be saved by someone.
But humans were monsters— it wasn't until you've found yourself on the gates of the so called Monsters' precious academy that you've found what seemed to be the shelter from the storm that is your life; found the answer to your prayers.
Found her.
Your savior, your goddess, your beloved.
You won't lie, trusting such a vision was a bit hard to bear, because to be so lucky was not in your nature. But oh, Larissa is so tender, is so sweet, is so caring, and is ever so patient— to stay by your side, equal parts loving and protecting you from harm. You feel a little silly now, asking all those questions then, about her kind; of how outcasts like her lived.
Isn't it such an irony, that it took you finding 'monsters', to find humanity?
Well. Well.
--and thats all ive got for it rn lol--
2.) ICE SKATER AU or wherein reader was a former ice skater but has since been retired, and is a part of their past they'd just occasionally brush off for stress relief. Can either be a new teacher for Nevermore or the new barista in town, who gets pestered to sign up by their former partner & still best friend (also a new hiree crushing majorly on one Coach Vlad :]) to a local skating contest. They didn't initially plan to, but after overhearing that a certain principal was interested in seeing the performances, well... local disaster gay brushes off the dust off their skates ;3
"You. Me. The lake, with your skates. NOW."
"Woah woah woah Y/N, hold on a moment. I thought we were going to the booth to cancel—" Elijah says, but I whap him with a rolled up newspaper.
"Well, that was BEFORE I learned SHE was looking forward to watching the event." I start. "And since we both know I am a small, disaster gay with 0 rizz and speaking skills, THIS is my chance to get her attention! It's brilliant! It's foolproof! She'll never see it coming!"
"Who'll never see it coming?" Coach Vlad pops up half dressed behind Eli, and I blink.
"Hold up, are you guys—"
"Yes." "N-Um." The two men look towards each other, before looking back at me. Eli mouths a yes.
"I cannot believe YOUR fucking luck!"
Bestie in Christ I WISH I had the luck, skills, AND charisma of THIS manwhore of a bestie-slash-longtime-skating-partner I have. Maybe then I COULD grab a whole fucking date with one Principal Larissa Weems. Is it too much to ask???
3.) academy time! Morticia/Larissa/Reader or where before everything went downhill, three girls had a secret worth keeping. bc i need the "and they were roommates + they're galpals <3" soooo bad
4.) 5 times they kissed + the 1 time they didnt FLUFF & then major angst >:) bc i love me a relationship establishment fic and then the worst pain imaginable to man aka Wifey death /// or if more fluff, just 5 dates and 1 wedding (BUT OFC THEY HAVE MORE DATES) :)
5.) Sleepy reader being a clingy mess and touch starved Larissa sooooo torn between having to get ready for the day vs staying in bed for 5 more minutes just to savor r's presence :')
...and then the NSF ones
6.) Reader is being more of a brat than usual so Larissa punishes them the next day by making them wear a remote controlled toy for the WHOLE day & getting teased at the most inopportune times but they are not allowed to cum >:)))
7.) OH GOD TRADE OFF where usual brat reader has been a V good girl™ for some time and in turn Larissa allows them one (1) wish...... and R picks revenge by having mommy wear the accursed toy and being teased 👉🏻👈🏻
8.) R making Larissa jealous soooo bad they need to be taught a lesson, marked & properly bred to appease the green eyed demon in Larissa's mind :) :) :) (and it works out bc R has been. entertaining v v filthy breeding kink thoughts oop)
9.) R has quite the closet of costumes and they find a cat maid cosplay 👉🏻👈🏻 practicing their meows and nyas and being all cute not knowing Mommy's been watching from the door the moment they started meowing
10.) oblivious reader unknowingly teasing Larissa all day and the woman is abt to FUCKING burst in horny except oh no???? reader was not oblivious and this has been part 7 of the 10 step plan to get Larissa as her gf >:))))))
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honeydukesheroine · 1 year
New Chapter
Total Knockout (Ginny POV)
👀 ⏰ 🐍 🤕 🧩
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In which Ginny reacts to Harry's bludger to the head in the Half Blood Prince.
Thanks @fizzyginfizz for beta'ing this part of the chapter:
As painful as it was to admit to herself, McLaggen was a skilled Keeper. The rest of the team knew it too, but none dared to speak it aloud out of loyalty to Ron. Well, none except McLaggen himself.
Pointedly. Loudly. Frequently.
So Ginny was grateful to put the final practice behind them after a week of enduring McLaggen’s verbal abuses. She entered the locker room through the door Dean held open to see her team huddled around, whispering intensely.
“What’s going on?” she said.
They split apart, revealing McLaggen’s broom with several splinters of branches circling around it.
“What happened?!”
The three eyed each other, daring the others to speak up.
“Can’t we just ‘Reparo’ it?” asked Dean.
“It doesn’t work on broomsticks, remember?” she said. At that moment, they heard the tap of McLaggen’s shower turn off.
“Demelza, Jimmy - you distract him,” said Ginny, rushing to assess the damage.
Demelza sounded appalled, “What, in the shower?”
“Dean, get a trimming kit,” Ginny instructed, picking up the broom hiding it behind the second set of old lockers.
She came back around the corner to find Ritchie, who had been attempting to gather splinters, had sliced his hand and was now staring wide eyed at the gathering blood.
“Ritch, don’t look at -” but she was too late. He fainted.
Ginny knelt down on the floor to put pressure on Ritchie’s bleeding hand. She swept the edge of her Quidditch robes over the remaining splinters just as Dean rushed past with the trimming kit.
McLaggen reentered the locker room with Jimmy and Demezla on his heels, to see Ritchie’s limp form sprawled across the floor.
“What’s going -”
Jimmy panicked, grabbed two Beater’s bats and yelled, “CORMAC - Look! “ and began juggling. Demelza followed suit, and began clapping along with a large showman's smile on her face.
Harry entered the locker room last, stopping short as his eyes skipped over the scene: Jimmy still juggling, McLaggen with a Weird Sisters towel wrapped around his waist, and Ritchie knocked out cold on the floor.
Ginny fought hard to bite back laughter at his reaction and the ridiculousness of it all.
“What the -”
Then from around the wall of lockers, Dean appeared brandishing the repaired broomstick and exclaimed, “Woah, Cormac, what a gorgeous piece of equipment.”
McLaggen’s face quickly changed from shock to anger. “Do you know how expensive this is? It’s a Vintage Classic AeroFlyer Elite! Only 217 of them were released! Ever!”
“Shocker. 0 to 60 in oh…five minutes,” Ginny mumbled under her breath.
Harry grinned down at her. “Who wouldn’t want one?” he said, kneeling down next to Ritchie as he took several hazy blinks back to consciousness.
From the beginning: AO3
From latest chapter:
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Spoilers for my story
MC: ello!!
Bee, hugs you: omae!!! ♡(> ਊ <)♡
Bee(?) Smacks bee face off and hugs you: no!! their are my omae!! Fuck off fake.
Bee: I'm not fake!(ʘ言ʘ╬)
MC kisses the two them: it's okii. Fake or not what's important is my I love you is true. ╰(*´︶`*)╯
Bee: ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
Bee(?): (//ω//) o-omae... C-can we leave now? 🥺👉👈
MC: no. Not yet.
Bee(?): dang it.
Bee: 😔
MC: anyway! We're gonna do a requested thing. (ノ*0*)ノ
Suddenly the scene went to the three tied in a chair.
Doll: what the fuck. (`ー´)
Reaper: ahm... Does it really include being tied? (• ▽ •;)
Mad Hatter: this seems quite unfair. How come those two aren't tied. (◕દ◕)
Mad hatter then gesture towards at Bee and Bee(?)
MC, takes out a rope: good point. (*˘︶˘*).。*♡ Now be kind and let me tie you two up. (ʃƪ^3^)
You approach the two who don't even badge and let you tie them up.
MC: anyway, you guys are tied up so you won't try to kill each other again.
Reaper: oh. Then chain those three real good then. (︶︹︺) I fear those ropes won't last long to stop them.
Doll, already trying to rip off the ropes from what reaper says: WHAT DID YOU SAY?! YOU BASTARD, DID YOU MEAN IM A WAR FREAK!? IMMA GET YOU
Reape, PANICSr: SEE!! ヘ(。□°)ヘ
MC, takes out photo and show it to doll, doll stops and stare at the photo and calm down.
Doll: fine. (´ε` )
Reaper:???????? (?・・)σ What.
MC: anyway, I also have this.
MC then show a patted plant given by Grey and Mad hatter glares at that minion of his.
Bee: what's that? (◕દ◕)
Bee(?), Kick bee's chair; A plant dumb ass. (c" ತ,_ತ)
Bee, crocodile tears: waaah I'm being bullied, omae!! (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
MC: don't fight you two!(`ー´)or I will give all your secret box you won't let me see to Ai.
Bee:(ㆀ˘・з・˘) it's not me through. It's him.
Doll: (¬ ¬) I felt it's a box of merchandise and questionable things of their MC. Weirdos.
Reaper: (◍•ᴗ•◍) I saw your box too full of stuff you get from every pink kkoma--
Doll, powdered by embarrassment he kicks reaper's chair off the stage: SHUT UPPPPPPԅ( ͒ ۝ ͒ )ᕤ
Reaper, who rolled down the stage: ヘ(。□°)ヘ someone help me pls!!!
MC: I'll do it!!
You quickly return reaper back but this time to make sure, you made his position beside hatter who seems the most harmless from all of them. You then made sure to tie their legs to not kick anyone off the stage.
Mad Hatter: hi(◍•ᴗ•◍)
Reaper: pls don't kick me off too. ヘ(。□°)ヘ
Mad Hatter: why would I? As far I'm concerned. You don't do anything against me. (◕દ◕)
Reaper: oh. Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
MC: okii, that's fix it. How about we start the reaction time! Ahaha.
Doll: (︶︹︺) why would we fight for a reaction time?
Reaper: I dunno doll, I felt it's a secure safety first move I think. (;^ω^)
Doll: then why are you tied up then? (¬ ¬)
Reaper: I don't want to be left out! (´・ᴗ・ ` )
Doll: (¬ ¬)tks.
MC, picks up paper: here's the first one.
[ what if someone kills the only way to save/find/help your MC what will you do? And that person wish to marry you ]
Bee(?) Who knows the reason: That's one specific question, omae. (• ▽ •;)
Doll, eyes look at straight at you with undescribable emotion if negativity, almost felt like haunted doll aura: (´・ᴗ・ ` ) hey do you know how many blades a person can take before they flat line? I'm curious if you know... For totally no reason. (◉‿◉)
Mad Hatter: oh, it's depend how sharp the blade is, or where are you stabbing or how deep it is(◍•ᴗ•◍)
MC: (ㆀ˘・з・˘) too bad
Reaper: (︶︹︺) I dunno if there's a reason why they did that then I'll understand but marrying them seems questionable choice but if I cared and love them then why not.
MC: (✯ᴗ✯) woah how nice of Reaper.
Reaper: no. (︶︹︺) it's more like they are probably human and it mean I can easily caught them to join the third cycle of winter without needing to catch them anywhere. (´・ᴗ・ ` ) chase is the hardest part and besides if I marry them I will grant their last wish and I won't be guilty about the next action I'll make. (^~^;)ゞ oh love do mean freeing them from the shackles of their sins in this life, so I'm doing them a favor. (◍•ᴗ•◍)
Doll:... (• ▽ •;)
MC: ...( ╹▽╹ )
Bee(?): Do you really think not every version of me have no crazy screw lose in their head?
MC: (●´u`●) hanii, as far I know it's canon you have to be defeated before you get engaged and that person have to beat ya dad too. (´・ᴗ・ ` ) so it's just the matter of that person to be able to do that fit. It doesn't matter if another you says no. ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ after all your a dude a who follow traditions. (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
Doll:... Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑) wait did that mean biological or figure... Or s-something
MC: (◕દ◕)why are you asking that doll. For you it's probably the family who ask you to be made or your dollmaker. (´・ᴗ・ ` )
Doll, in deep thoughts:
Mad Hatter: (´・ᴗ・ ` ) someone is thinking how someone will defeat theirself to do such fit huh.
Reaper: (︶︹︺)then marrying that person who did me bad is impossible. In the first place I don't know where my dad is.
MC: ohΣ(-᷅_-᷄๑) that's indeed a problem.
Bee: what about mad hatter answer then?
Mad Hatter: (◕દ◕) me?
Mad hatter: Who knows. ♡(ӦvӦ。) Surely it be interesting thing to experience.
Doll: (¬ ¬) figures.
MC: (◕દ◕) anyway next question.
Doll: there's more? Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
MC: obviously there's another one. But--
Mad Hatter, remove the ropes around him with ease, dust himself and went towards you, holding your hands you can see CHau Kohaku burning the rope with Shire anger in his eyes with how Mad hatter is being close to you.
Mad Hatter: I know what your trying to do... it's ok if you call me Mad Hotter I know I have the best drip from any of them. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
MC, push Mad Hatter face away: with all due respect (●´u`●) move your bloody face away from me or I'll punch you in the gut to the moon and back, servant.
Mad Hatter: how sad. (´・ᴗ・ ` )
MC: (´・ᴗ・ ` ) your smile looks so fake, shall I paint a realistic one in it?
Bee(?) Engage combat with Mad hatter : YOU BASTARD STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!
Bee hugs you: omae don't be tempted by that mad hatter pls!! (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) I can copy his drip too!
MC pat Bee: it's okii. Even if you guys share the same face and name. I still know who's my bee cause your my beeloved. ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )*Chuu.
Bee: ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
Bee(?) Who finally back after punching Mad Hatter away: *GASP. where's my kisses!? (。・//ε//・。)
MC: shameless today aren't you ? *Chuu. ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
Bee(?): (*μ_μ) if I become more shameless do I get more kisses.
MC: who knows~ ٩(◕‿◕。)۶ but I have no name to stop my hubby from wanting to kiss me. (っ˘ω˘ς ) your too shy to ask. But my lips are free to sample by you. But of course I have to do the same for you. ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ ) *wink wink.
Bee(?): (//▽//) o-ok.
Bee: *faints.
Doll: (︶︹︺) does anyone have a gun, I wanna shoot myself than watch this scene.
Reaper: hey now let's not get aggressive --
Mad Hatter who appear beside doll with variation of guns: I have bunch, which type do you like? Silencer or loud one? ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Doll: Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)
Reaper: (• ▽ •;) do you bring weapons with you all the time?
Mad Hatter: hmm. That's a secret. o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o
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hpcprecure · 2 years
Happy Campers Precure Final Chapter: Friends Forever! Always Happy Campers!
"Good morning!" Airi opened her eyes, squinting at the opposite bed. Ena was stretching, and seemed to be the most excited.
"It's already morning?" Airi said, yawning. "It feels like I only just went to bed."
"Well, you guys did get here at around one, so that's probably why." Ena shurgged as she brushed her hair.
"Five more minutes." Hina mumbled, turning around in her sleep.
Ena's eyes widened. "It's the last day of summer, and even you aren't excited?"
Hina immediately sat up, practically jumping out of her bed. "Oh yeah!"
Airi laughed, climbin out of her bed. "Did you forget?"
"I guess...." Hina said, running into the bathroom to change.
Mei sat up, pulling her hair up. "Ena, didn't you ask us what happened last night?"
"Oh yeah, I did." Ena said, nodding. "So, what did happen?"
"It was a lot more complicated then this, but we defeated the evil queen we were fighting against in the first place." Airi said, joining the conversation.
"Correction!" Adelaide said, looking in the mirror to make sure her pig tails were even. "Airi defeated her."
"Geez, you guys." Airi said, blushing with embarrasement.
"Another thing is that..." Mei's expression turned into a melacholy one. "We'll never be able to see Anzu again."
Ena jumped in the air, shouting, "Did she die?!" 
"No!" The three girls exclaimed at once.
"She just doesn't have access to Earth anymore." Adelaide exclaimed. "And we don't have access to her world anymore, either."
"Wait, but aren't you from there?" Ena asked Adelaide, who nodded.
"Yeah. I'm moving in with Mei for the school year."
Hina opened the door, dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt. "Also, you are in charge of explaining where Anzu went." She said, pointing at Ena.
"I don't trust even me to talk about her without ruining the mood." Hina said. "Just say she left early or something."
"Got it!"
Adelaide ran to the door, smiling. "Enough with all of the chit-chat, let's enjoy our last day of camp!"
"Yeah!" The girls said in unison, running out of the door.
They stood on the patio for a few seconds, admiring the sunrise.
Airi looked at the the other girls, "Umm, what are we supposed to do?"
"Anzu has a schedule on her phone, right? We could see if it's in the cabin." Mei said, running back inside. Sure enough, her phone was sitting on the bedstand.
Hina grabbed the phone, furiously tapping on it. "Does anyone know what the password is?"
"What's her birthday?" Ena asked. No one answered. "None of you know?!"
"Are there any important dates to her?" Mei asked.
"The first day of camp was the ninth of June, right?" Airi asked. The other girls nodded.
Airi grabbed the phone from Hina, tapping 0-6-0-9 into it. The phone unlocked, and Airi almost dropped it out of joy.
She scrolled down until she reached a calender app. She opened it, scrolling to the date. "We're supposed to clean at our main classes."
Adelaide leaned over Airi's shoulder, reading along. "Then, we come back here and pack, and after that, there's a picnic."
Ena shrugged. "We'd better get to our classes. At this point, we're probably late."
At that moment, the girls frantically sprinted out of the cabin to each of their individual classes. 
"Not that late!" Ena yelled through the half-opened door, walking casually out of the cabin.
Adelaide burst into the garden, almost falling after she stopped running. 
"Woah." Sumire said as she and Akio but supplies into the shed. "What happened?"
"I'm sorry for being late!" Adelaide exclaimed, gasping for breath. "I didn't know I was supposed to clean up here, but then I found out, so I-"
"It's not that big of a deal." Akio said. "Besides, we don't have that much cleaning up to do."
"Actually." Sumire said, closing the shed. "I think we're done."
"Now, to move onto the fun part." Sumire said, walking towards some empty patches of dirt. "Planning what to do next year!"
Akio tossed her a notebook, and Sumire opened it to a random page. "Does anyone have any ideas?"
Akio and Adelaide stood in place, neither of them saying a word. "Okay, then!" 
She threw the notebook back to Akio. "Sleep on it." She said, "Maybe we'll have some ideas then."
"But today's the last day of summer?" Adelaide reminded Sumire.
"Then tell me next year." She said. "I want to make next year's garden even more amazing, even grander!"
"Okay!" Adelaide exclaimed, smiling.
Mei opened the door to the art building to everyone staring at her. "Sorry!" She said, running to her art spot. "I forgot we had to clean up."
"It's fine." One of the campers said. "Our camp councelor isn't even here, so why does it matter?"
Mei raised her eyebrow as she picked up all of her projects hanging on the wall. "Who was supposed to be here?"
The camper looked at the paper at one of the desks. "April Laverne,"
Mei smiled, "Oh, she had to leave early."
"But still..."
Mei scanned the things she had grabbed, making sure she didn't miss anything. 
She ran to the door, opening it.
"Bye!" She said, before slamming it behind her.
She breathed a sigh of relief as the door shut. "Hey."
"Ah!" Mei yelled, almost dropping her artwork. Adelaide was standing next to her, grinning. "Adelaide!"
"Sorry." She apologized. "Anyways, can I see your artwork?"
"Maybe." Mei said. Adelaide reached for an artwork in response, but Mei tightened her grip.
"Later!" She said, pulling the artwork away from Adelaide's reach. "Maybe you can see it later!"
"Okay!" Adelaide replied. "We have to clean up the cabin now, anyways."
Just as she said that, they reached the cabin. Adelaide opened the door for Mei, who dumped her pile of art on the floor.
Hina and Ena, who were sitting on Anzu's bed, immediately lunged for the art. Mei pulled the pile away from them. "No! I'll show it to you guys later."
"But..." Hina pouted.
"Sorry to break it to you, but we don't have a later." Ena said.
"I can video chat." Mei pointed out.
Hina scrolled through her phone."None of us have your number." 
"Let's exchange them, then." Mei said, grabbing her phone. The three girls huddled together, Adelaide watching over Mei's shoulder.
Airi suddely burst through the door, looking at the towering pile of assorted paintings, then the huddled girls. "What did I just walk into?"
"We're exchanging numbers!" Hina exclaimed, waving her phone in the air.
Airi dropped her bag, pulling out her phone. "Without me?"
She made room for herself in the circle, looking at the other girls' phones. "Done!" She exclaimed after a minute.
"I think we all are." Hina said, looking around her.
"Aren't we supposed to be packing?" Adelaide asked as the girls put their phones away.
Mei looked at the time, grimacing. "Yes, I believe so."
Adelaide grabbed her sleeping bag, along with the dress Anzu had given her. "Done! Where should I put my stuff?"
"We'll squeeze it into my bag." Mei said. Adelaide nodded, stuffing it into Mei's suitcase.
Mei took the sleeping bag out, tossing it towards the door. "Doesn't that belong to Ms. Hyuta?"
"Oh, yeah." Adelaide said. She ran towards the door, grabbing the sleeping bag. "I'll go return it!"
"Go ahead!" Airi said, waving to Adelaide as she closed the door.
"Hina, how did you bring your plants to camp?" Airi asked as she packed her things.
"I didn't."
Ena spoke up, "Then what did you do, buy them?" 
"I burrowed them from the other buildings. I'm sure they didn't even notice they were gone."
"Hina!" Mei yelled. "Go bring them back!"
"Right now?" HIna asked.
"Yes, right now!" Airi said. 
"Fine." Hina said, dragging her feet as she walked towards the door. 
She left the door open as she walked on the patio. "I can bring them back next year, right?"
"Sure." Airi said. "You're taking the blame if someone realizes, though."
"Yes, ma'am!" She said, slamming the door. 
Adelaide opened the door to an almost empty cabin. "Wow, this place looks kind of sad."
"It does, right?" Mei agreed as she pulled her suitcase to the door. "Now, to wait for Hina."
As if waiting for the right moment, Hina barged in. "I have an idea!" She said, pulling out a knife.
The other girls ran to the back of the cabin. "Drop it!" Mei warned.
"No." Hina plopped on the ground, bringing the knife to the floor. “I’m going to carve something.”
Mei sighed out of relief, but still sprinted towards her.
"I think everyone would rather have the artist do it." She said, grabbing the knife. "What were you planning on putting?"
Hina shrugged. "Our initials, I guess?" 
Mei nodded, drawing a big heart. "Everyone, put your initials in the heart.”
"Okay!" The others replied, each carving their initials.
"You know, we'll probably be in different cabins next year." Mei said, admiring the initials.
"I think you can put in requests." Hina said. "We can also beg for this cabin next year!"
"I call bringing the rug to cover this!" Airi said.
"As long as we all agree on the rug." Ena said.
"Got it!"
Adelaide looked through the window, gasping. "Mei, what time is it?"
Mei checked her phone. "It's twelve-thirty."
"I think the picnic’s almost over."
She opened the door as the others sprinted through it. 
"Why are we late to everything today?!" Mei asked.
"I don't know!" Ena said.
Airi pulled out a blanket from the bag, letting it go. It flew into Hina's face. "Set up our area! I'll get food!"
She sprinted towards the large table of food as Hina sat on the blanket.
"Seriously, we still have some time." Hina said.
Airi put the multiple plates of food on the blanket, almost tripping. "Just pick and choose what you guys want."
"Okay." Mei said, picking up a sandwich. 
"So, what is everyone's plan for the school year?" Ena asked as she ate a carrot stick.
"What is my plan, Mei?" Adelaide asked, quickly turning towards her.
Mei thought for a second, "Um, I think you're going to the same school as I do."
"Yes!" Adelaide exclaimed.
"I only think Airi and I live an hour away from each other, so I was thinking we could go on picnics every weekend." Hina said.
"Not every weekend. I still have to study." Airi pointed out.
"Studying is boring, though!"
"What are your grades?" Mei asked.
Airi spoke first. "Mostly in the nineties."
HIna shrugged. "seventies and the occasional eighty."
"My point proven!" Airi said.
Hina rolled her eyes, "Well, let's at least meet every other week."
Airi grinned, "Deal!"
"We should all video chat once a week." Mei said. "Considering Adelaide, Ena, and I live farther away."
"How about on saturdays!" Adelaide suggested.
Everyone nodded. "Well, that's settled!" Hina said. 
"Everyone!" Ms. Hyuta was now standing in the front of all of the blankets, megaphone in hand. 
Once the chatting had died down, she continued. "In a few minutes, many of your parents will be arriving. Please make sure you have all of your luggage. Once you leave, there's no coming back until next year."
Just as Ms. Hyuta was walking away from the front, she turned towards the girls again. "Oh, one other thing. People riding the bus, we will leave in twenty minutes."
As soon as Ms. Hyuta left, Mei jumped up. "I forgot my luggage!" 
She sprinted towards the cabin, the others following closely behind. Mei turned around, "You don't have to follow me!"
"But, we want to!" Hina said. Mei smiled, tripping on the front steps of the cabin.
"I'm okay!" She assured the girls, running inside the cabin. She quickly came out with her suitcase. "Let's go!"
They ran back to the blanket, Mei dragging the suitcase behind her. 
She looked out towards the parking lot, frowning. "I think my mom is here."
She turned towards the girls. "I guess it's time to say goodbye."
Airi stood up. "You're acting like we aren't going to follow you to the car."
"Yeah, who else will help you explain Adelaide?" Hina said as they started walking towards the car.
Mei's mom got out of the car, waving at Mei. Mei waved back. "Hello, mom!"
"Hi, Mei!" Mei's mom said. 
"Um, I have something I want to ask." Mei said. Adelaide walked up to Mei, smiling at Mei's mom. "Can Adelaide..." 
Adelaide gave a quick wave. "Can she live with us? She doesn't really have a family, and came to camp in the middle of summer..."
"My parents, um, kicked me out." Adelaide said.
"She's really nice!" Ena said.
"Yeah, and smart!" Hina added, looking at Mei's mom with pleading eyes. 
Mei's mom took a step back, trying to comprehend everything thrown at her. "I'm sure your father wouldn't mind. I've always wanted another child, anyways."
"Thank you!" Mei exclaimed, hugging her mom. 
"Yeah, thank you very much." Adelaide said. 
Mei's mom opened the trunk, putting the luggage in. She opened the car door to the back, where Adelaide and Mei decided to sit.
"Bye!" Mei and Adelaide said in unison, rolling down the window as the car started moving.
"See you sometime!" Hina said, waving at them until the car was out of sight. 
Ena looked quickly at another car in the parking lot, sighing. "It looks like my parents are here too."
Airi and Hina tackled Ena in a hug. "I'll miss you two, shananagins incuded."
"We'll miss you, too." Airi said. Ena backed up from the hug, running to the car.
"Bye!" Hina said as Ena got in the car. Ena waved as the car backed out of the parking lot.
As she watched the car leave, Airi sighed. "Looks like it's just us, now."
"Oh!" Hina said, turning around and running.
"Hina!" Airi said, following her. "What are you doing?"
"I forgot my luggage!" Hina said, pulling the cabin door open. 
"We were just here ten minutes ago!" Airi yelled. 
"I know!" Hina said, throwing her bag out of the cabin.
Airi caught it, almost falling. "We're going to be late."
Hina ran out of the cabin with her second bag, grabbing the other bag out of Airi's hand. 
"Not if we hurry!" Hina said, running towards the bus, which was starting to load people. 
Airi reered off to the side, scooping up the picnic blanket, along with her bag. She caught up, sprinting towards the bus.
They barely got to the door, stopping ther driver. "Wait! We're coming too!" Hina said. The driver opened the doors again, and the girls walked towards the very back of the bus.
Airi plopped into her seat, Hina sitting next to her. "This is exactly like when we met!"
Airi nodded. "Yeah." She looked out the window, silent for a few seconds.
"This is also where I met her."
"Yep. I was here to get my bag, and she insisted that she hide in my suitcase. Then chaos happened."
Hina laughed. "Chaos is an understatement."
Hina opened one of her bags, pulling out a notebook. She flipped to the page she had doodled her dream cabin in, sighing. "I never did find that asparagus fern."
Airi shrugged, "You found every other plant within a fifty mile radius of you, though."
The girls talked for what seemed like a few minutes, reminescing about the summer. As the bus stopped, Hina gasped.
She looked at her phone. "It's been an hour?!"
She looked outside at the sidewalk the bus had stopped at. "This is my stop." Hina said.
She hugged Airi, smiling. "Bye!"
"Bye." Airi said as Hina walked towards the front of the bus. 
Airi stood up, "Hina!"
"What is it?" 
"Thank you for changing my life." 
Hina froze up, sweat on her forehead. "I-?"
The bus driver started tapping his foot on the ground, and Hina ran off the bus.
As the bus started up again, Airi sat down. She looked out the window to Hina, who was typing something on her phone.
Airi's phone buzzed, so she picked it up. Hina had sent a text to her.
She opened the message, her phone buzzing even more. As she scrolled up, past the many hearts and smiles she had been sent, she got to the first actual message.
Hina: You're welcome! :D
As Airi's phone continued buzzing, Airi opened the keyboard.
Airi: Stop with the emojis, my phone feels like it's going to buzz itself out of my hands.
Airi then put her phone back in her bag, daydreaming the rest of the ride. As she started recognizing the landscape, she sighed.
She grabbed her bag and moved to the edge of her seat, the bus slowing to a stop.
Airi stood up, walking to the front of the bus. She looked at the now empty seat that Hina and her had sat in, before leaving the bus. 
She ran to where her parents' driveway was, and dropped her suitcase. She hugged them tightly, "I missed you."
"We missed you, too." Her dad said. "Now, how was your summer?"
Airi grinned, "Amazing!"
-Ten Years Later-
"I think this is it." Hina said, checking her phone to make sure. She fidgeted with the hair that had sneaked out of her bun, before opening the door.
The flower shop was small, but plants of various colors were hanging everywhere. A girl with long blue hair was working behind the counter, writing something down on a piece of paper.
The girl smiled at Hina. "Welcome to Flowery Bouquet-" 
She abruptly dropped the paper she was holding, running around the counter. "Hina!"
"Nice to see you, Adelaide." Hina said as the two hugged. 
Hina looked around at the shop, marveling at the beauty. "This place is really cool."
"Thank you." Adelaide said. She quickly turned to the stairway at the back of the shop, ducking under the employees only sign.
"Mei, honey!" She yelled up the stairs. After waiting a few seconds, she huffed in dissapointment. Right before running up the stairs, she looked at Hina.
"You can come up if you want." She said.
As Adelaide ran to find Mei, Hina admired the apartment. She sat on a small, leather couch, that was plopped on a small rug. To the left of her was a hallway that led to the kitchen, and the door to what she assumed was the bedroom. On the right was a door that was slightly open.
"What?" Mei asked from the room.
"Hina's here!"
Something fell in the room, and Hina could here Mei stand up. "Oh!"
The door flew open, and Mei came out. Her hair was short, just barely going to her shoulders. She had on a light blue sweater, but it was covered by a paint-covered smock. Even so, paint had gotten on her pants and on her sweater. 
"Sorry." Mei said to Hina. She turned towards Adelaide. "My girlfriend just happened to not remind!"
"I did remind you, right before you painted."
"Oh," Mei quickly said, before turning back to Hina.
She sat next to her on the couch, smiling. Adelaide sat on a chair that was adgacent to the couch.
"So, how has the camp been going?" She asked Hina, who perked up.
"Pretty well. I stil can't understand how Ms. Hyuta was able to handle an overnight camp, though. I feel like a majority of my camp kids wouldn't go the night without someone breaking their leg."
"I think you're the most suitable for it, though. You were the best counselor out of the four of us." Mei said.
"Even though everyone in my cabin got in trouble at some point?" Hina laughed.
"Other than that." 
Hina excitedly looked at Mei. "Anyways, when are you guys getting marr-"
Mei jumped out of the couch, practically pushing Adelaide into the hallway. "Adelaide, can you get some snacks?"
Adelaide tried not to laugh, looking at Hina. "Sure?"
Mei turned back around to Hina, marching up to her and putting her hands on Hina's shoulder. "Look, I am going to engage to her, eventually." She said in a hushed voice.
Hina raised one of her eyebrows. "You guys have been dating since, like, the start of high school."
"The second year of high school." Mei corrected. "Also, I'm waiting until Airi and can come. It would feel wrong not to do it with the four of us."
Hina nodded, "That makes sense." She looked baxk at the hallway to the kitchen. "That being said, I'm pretty sure Adelaide knows you want to propose."
"Yeah, I know that. I'm just pretending that I don't know that she knows."
"Guys?" Adelaide asked from behind the two. Mei jumped onto the couch, casually looking up at Adelaide.
Adelaide put a bowl on the table. "I brought chips."
"Thank you." Hina said, grabbing one. "Wait, can I see your art gallery?"
Mei nodded. "Oh yeah! I forgot you haven't seen it yet."
She opened a door to the right, and Hina walked in. It was a small room, with a bright blue tarp on the ground. Unfinished and finished painting covered the walls, along with a small shelf that had piles of buisness cards on them. A canvas was sitting in the middle of the room, still wet with paint. It was of an overgrown field, with rain pouring down onto it. 
"I still haven't done the sky, but it's almost done." Mei said.
"It looks beautiful!" Hina said. "What is it based on?"
Adelaide opened her phone, showing Hina a picture of an identical field. "Airi sent us this. She's competing somewhere in Europe right now."
"I heard she's doing well in the tournament." Hina said. "I wish I could watch all of the games, but I don't have the willpower to stay up late to watch some of them."
"I still can't believe she's playing internationally." Mei said. "I still remember when she was struggling to win games at camp."
"I miss camp." Adelaide said. "Even the whole 'saving the world' thing."
"I know, right? Sometimes I can't believe I'm feeling nostalgic for that one time I almost died." Hina said, laughing.
Mei looked at the painting, sighing. "Even so, those were fun times."
A girl with white hair walked through the castle's hallway, clasping something in her hands.
She rolled her eyes at a man with blue hair, who was leaning against the wall. "Julian!" This place isn't going to clean itself!"
Julian picked up a rag, scrubbing the windows. "Sofia, I miss those times when you were on my side."
"You mean, never?" Sofia said, walking past him.
She turned into the throne room, where Anzu was standing nervously. She held a put-together gem in one hand, and a bag in the other. 
Sofia ran up to her, placing a gem fragment in her hand. "Here!"
Anzu fumbled with the gem, placing the piece in the right spot. The gem emitted a glow, beofre returnin to normal.
Queen Juniper watched from her throne, nodding at Anzu. "Are you ready?"
"Of course." Anzu said, holding the gem to her heart.
The queen smiled. "Make sure to be back for dinner."
Sofia laughed. "Bring Airi if you want!"
"I'll make sure to be back on time." She said as the gem grew brighter. She closed her eyes in anticipation, and dissapeared from the throne room.
Airi put her tennis racket in her suitcase, looking around the hotel room to make sure everything was packed. She wiped the sweat off of her forehead, still exhausted from the match she had won earlier. 
She looked at her watch. "One more hour until I have to leave." She was about to turn on the tv before a light flashed behind her.
A familiar girl stood there, with stunning pink hair that faded into blue, stood behind her.
Airi stood frozen, in shock. "Anzu?"
Anzu smiled. "Hey, Airi."
-The End-
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dreams-your-smp · 2 years
For others, Minecraft Update Spoilers
Honestly, my hype was for the new default skins. But that was mostly because of the fact I actually drew three of them back during the Wild Update trailers and before they were confirmed with names and as part of the actual game!
I even self reblogged my post from both of my blogs. I just got happy I got to draw them initially.
My second favorite that was purely a new feature would be the bamboo wood type along with their raft. I did like the mosaic block, but I loved the new boat design more!
Woah that’s awesome!!
exactly!!! We can do so many new things with it!!!! im personally really excited for the book shelves :0
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Woah I actually post some thing for once?? Thank you @you-can-be-what-you-want-to-be for tagging me ;0;; so honored :3 (also bear with me I'm tired from a con so I'm probably misinterpreting the questions but who cares, that tell you more about me I guess)
Tag game
Tag game: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
Last song: I think it was L's theme B uhhh it was for a panel I swear
Currently watching: I don't even remember I've been on a death note binge, I think it was sailor moon?
Three ships: okay ngl I don't really know what this question is asking me so I'm just going to list out the current 3 I like (which I think is the question to begin with??) YooHanKim, Lawlight, and Wangxian (also shiguang and Taibani they all mean a lot to me I can't choose ;0;;
Favorite color: I like orange, blue and green a lot, but generally any color that is in a sunset/pastel is my favorite,, just not too much of it. The color is easy on my eyes but I'll go crazy if everything was pastel
Currently consuming: xXXL beef and cheese stick except I'm only eating the beef part because I don't like cheese. Scavenging for a protein to eat with my sticky rice though. (not the beef stick, that is wrong)
First ship: I don't know if this is asking about first ever ship or your favorite (Probably the former). My first ever ship in a fandom was Rinharu from Free! (I shipped lawlight without watching the anime until like 2 years ago) my favorite ship rn is YHK
Relationship status: I'm gay aro ace and poly with 3 partners. Which is very hard to explain to people because I'm queerplatonic with all my partners and my labels probably contradict each other. Do I care? No, I don't. But they're all very nice and we all lowkey act the same so *shrugs* :3
Last Movie: I think it was Death note: light up the NEW world. I didn't finish it but it was for research purposes I swear, or else I would have watched something else 😭
Currently working on: it was a death note panel but NOW I'm working on preparing to go to class tomorrow (I'm not doing anything)
I don't think I actually have many mutuals I talk to tbh so uhh just
@squishmallowo @imnoturcatgirlwaifu @foxboy-light-yagami @smol-grey-tea and @luicremdo you don't have to do it if you don't want to >_<
One day I'll be less antisocial with new people but that day hasn't come yet so.... ;0;;
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mrsbsmooth · 7 months
Scripts - S7 - Episode 14 (Part 2 of 2)
Rest of Excess Baggage, confrontation with LI's Ex / Stephen
Another bag drops down onto the conveyor belt.
This time you pick it up.
You reach into the bag and find three dollhouse nightstands.
PLAYER_HAPPY: What is this?
UMA_HAPPY: They’re nightstands!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Ahh, multiple nightstands?
You pull out the card and read it.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: This Islander has never had a one night stand.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Oooh interesting!
You reach into the bag and find a model Eiffel Tower, two tickets and a baguette.
UMA_HAPPY: Hmm, this looks pretty French to me.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Oh, really?
You pull out the card and read it out.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: This Islander once took someone to Paris for their first date.
UMA_HAPPY: Woah, someone’s a big spender!
PLAYER_HAPPY: That’s a big gesture.
You reach into the bag and find a snorkel, an engagement ring and swimming trunks.
PLAYER_IDLE: Some kind of swimwear, marriage thing?
UMA_HAPPY: Mermaid wedding?
You pull out the card and read it out.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: This Islander once helped organise an underwater proposal.
UMA_HAPPY: Knew it! Mermaid wedding.
You reach into the bag and find a mini surfboard, a piggy bank and a USA flag.
UMA_HAPPY: Seems about right.
You pull out the card and read it out.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: This Islander once worked in a surf shop to save enough to take his girlfriend to the USA.
UMA_HAPPY: Aw, that’s cute!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Must have been a lot of saving.
BONNIE_HAPPY: So, who do you think it is, {0}?
PLAYER_IDLE: I think it’s got to be, {0}.
Kiss him
You walk over to {0} and kiss him on the lips.
He looks at you with a beaming smile.
Peck him on the cheek
You walk over to {0} and kiss him on the cheek.
He looks at you with a beaming smile.
Point at him
You point at {0} with a cheeky smile.
He smiles, guilty as charged.
{0}_SURPRISED: How did you know?
PLAYER_HAPPY: Because I know you.
{0}_HAPPY: I’m very impressed.
PLAYER_IDLE: I think it’s Evan.
Kiss him
You walk over to Evan and kiss him on the lips.
He looks at you with a beaming smile.
Peck him on the cheek
You walk over to Evan and kiss him on the cheek.
He looks at you with a beaming smile.
Point at him
You point at Evan with a cheeky smile.
He smiles, guilty as charged.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, is it not?
EVAN_FLIRTY: Nope! But interesting that you think it was.
PLAYER_IDLE: I think it’s Travis.
Kiss him
You walk over to Travis and kiss him on the lips.
He looks at you with a beaming smile.
Peck him on the cheek
You walk over to Travis and kiss him on the cheek.
He looks at you with a beaming smile.
Point at him
You point at Travis with a cheeky smile.
He smiles, guilty as charged.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, is it not?
TRAVIS_FLIRTY: Nope! But interesting that you think it was.
PLAYER_IDLE: I think it’s Bonnie.
Kiss her
You walk over to Bonnie and kiss her on the lips.
She looks at you with a beaming smile.
Peck her on the cheek
You walk over to Bonnie and kiss her on the cheek.
She looks at you with a beaming smile.
Point at her
You point at Bonnie with a cheeky smile.
She smiles, guilty as charged.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, is it not?
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Nope! But interesting that you think it was.
PLAYER_IDLE: I think it’s Vicky.
Kiss her
You walk over to Vicky and kiss her on the lips.
She looks at you with a beaming smile.
Peck her on the cheek
You walk over to Vicky and kiss her on the cheek.
She looks at you with a beaming smile.
Point at her
You point at Vicky with a cheeky smile.
She smiles, guilty as charged.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Yeah, is it not?
VICKY_FLIRTY: Nope! But interesting that you think it was.
{0}_HAPPY: This one is me.
{0}_HAPPY: Surprise surprise!
ALEX_EMBARRASSED: Never had a one night stand.
ALEX_HAPPY: Not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
UMA_HAPPY: It’s neither.
BONNIE_HAPPY: I think it’s sweet.
ALEX_HAPPY: I’ve just always liked to get to know someone before we hook up.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I’d known this girl for ages and always had a crush on her.
BRYSON_HAPPY: She had said that she wanted to go to Paris for years but never could.
BRYSON_HAPPY: One day I finally got the courage to tell her I liked her and she felt the same.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I knew we couldn’t have any ordinary first date, so I took her to Paris.
UMA_HAPPY: So romantic.
ALEX_HAPPY: Very smooth, man.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: So, what happened?
BRYSON_HAPPY: We decided we were better off as friends in the end. But it was a great trip.
PLAYER_HAPPY: So, what was this proposal of yours then?
JOYO_HAPPY: It was two of my friends who are also scuba instructors.
JOYO_HAPPY: We all went on a trip to Greece to dive around some different spots.
JOYO_HAPPY: Then he asked me to help him with a proposal.
JOYO_HAPPY: So I told her about this old shipwreck we could dive to.
JOYO_HAPPY: We went out there and I brought an underwater camera.
JOYO_HAPPY: He proposed to her on the deck of the sunken boat.
UMA_HAPPY: Oh my days, that is so romantic.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: Yeah man, that’s wild!
PLAYER_HAPPY: What’s the story then?
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Well, my girlfriend at the time was an artist.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: She used to make sculptures and things.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Then one day she got one of her pieces into a gallery show in New York.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: It was through an online competition. They paid for the sculpture to be shipped.
RAFAEL_IDLE: But they couldn’t pay for her to fly over and she couldn’t afford it.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: So I got a summer job at a surf shop and started saving so that she could go.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: It was an amazing trip and she got to talk to loads of artists and VIPS.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: And she even sold her sculpture!
UMA_HAPPY: That’s so kind of you, Rafael.
BONNIE_HAPPY: So cute! What happened between you two?
RAFAEL_HAPPY: We just ended up going in different directions in life.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: We are still friends though.
UMA_HAPPY: Ok, ok, who's next?
Another bag drops down and Travis picks it up.
He pulls out some lipstick and some heels.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Lipstick and heels? That could be any of us.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: Hold your horses, I haven’t read the card yet.
He pulls out the card and reads it aloud.
TRAVIS_SURPRISED: This Islander once cheated on their boyfriend.
EVAN_SURPRISED: Interesting!
ALEX_SURPRISED: I really don’t know who that could be?
TRAVIS_SAD: I’m just gonna pick at random because I don’t want to be accusing anyone!
Travis walks up to Bonnie and gives her a kiss on the cheek.
TRAVIS_EMBARRASSED: I said it was random.
BONNIE_IDLE: Nothing is random.
UMA_HAPPY: Alright stop squabbling you two. It was me!
UMA_HAPPY: Oh, don’t act so surprised! I can’t be the only one who has slipped up.
UMA_HAPPY: Besides, it wasn’t as bad as it sounds.
UMA_HAPPY: Me and my boyfriend were drifting apart.
UMA_HAPPY: I went out for a girls night and ended up in this club.
UMA_HAPPY: And a guy asked me for a dance. Just being friendly.
UMA_HAPPY: He was a great dancer, the boy's hips didn’t lie I can tell you that.
UMA_HAPPY: He offered me a drink and on the way to the bar I tripped on a step.
UMA_IDLE: Oh yes… but he caught me.
UMA_IDLE: I kissed him on the cheek to say thanks, but then it turned into more of a snog.
UMA_EMBARRASSED: Yeah, but that was as far as it went! And I told my boyfriend straight away.
PLAYER_IDLE: How did he take it?
UMA_EMBARRASSED: Oh, we broke up. But it was heading that way anyway.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Oh well, these things happen!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Do they?
UMA_EMBARRASSED: You’ve never made a mistake and cheated?
{0}_SAD: Nope. I could never.
UMA_SERIOUS: It was an accident and I fessed up.
UMA_SERIOUS: Urgh, I don’t want to talk about this anymore.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Annyyyyway. I’ll go next.
Bonnie grabs the next bag and pulls out a male action figure and two female dolls.
ALEX_IDLE: That looks suspiciously like a threesome to me.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yep, this Islander has had a threesome!
The boys all look at each other awkwardly.
BONNIE_HAPPY: So, ladies, who are we thinking?
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think it’s Alex.
PLAYER_HAPPY: You give off that vibe.
ALEX_HAPPY: A threesome vibe? Not sure how to feel about that!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think it’s Evan.
EVAN_SURPRISED: For real? Why?
PLAYER_HAPPY: You give off that vibe.
EVAN_HAPPY: Well that I was not expecting. Thanks, I guess?
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think it’s Travis.
TRAVIS_SURPRISED: Huh? I just got here, how would you know?
PLAYER_HAPPY: You give off that vibe.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: A threesome vibe? Not sure how to feel about that!
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think it’s Bryson.
BRYSON_FLIRTY: I mean I can see why you’d think that…
PLAYER_HAPPY: You do give off the vibe.
BRYSON_HAPPY: It ain’t easy being this magnetising.
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think it’s Joyo.
JOYO_FLIRTY: I mean I can see why you’d think that…
PLAYER_HAPPY: You do give off the vibe.
JOYO_HAPPY: Erm, thanks?
PLAYER_HAPPY: I think it’s Rafael.
RAFAEL_SURPRISED: Wait what? Really?
PLAYER_HAPPY: You do give off that vibe.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Well, that’s news to me!
Bonnie thinks for a moment, then approaches Travis and kisses him on the cheek.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Sorry, Travis, you’re just the newest person.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: Nah, that’s ok I get it. Pick on the new guy!
PLAYER_HAPPY: So, who was it?
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Erm, that would actually be me.
UMA_SURPRISED: Not so innocent now are we!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Guess not. Whoops.
UMA_IDLE: We’ll talk about this later.
The next bag drops down and {0} goes for it.
He pulls out a pair of handcuffs…
And then a Most Wanted poster…
And finally a stuffed animal.
{0}_HAPPY: Hmm, it seems we have a fugitive in our midst.
He pulls out the card and reads it.
{0}_HAPPY: This Islander was once on the front cover of a national newspaper.
UMA_HAPPY: Oh wow!
TRAVIS_HAPPY: But what for?
{0} walks over to Bonnie and kisses her cheek.
{0}_HAPPY: I have a feeling you may be suspect numero uno.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Alright, yes! I confess, it was me!
BONNIE_HAPPY: We were protesting about an oil spill.
BONNIE_IDLE: We handcuffed ourselves to a gate.
BONNIE_HAPPY: And I got snapped by a journalist.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Next thing I know my face was all over the news.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Didn’t realise we had a celeb in our midst.
VICKY_HAPPY: Ok, my turn to grab a bag.
Vicky rushes over and takes the next bag.
From it she pulls out a climbing rope, a little mountain model and a heart shape.
VICKY_IDLE: Mountain heart? I’m lost.
JOYO_HAPPY: Read the card, Vicky.
VICKY_HAPPY: This Islander once saved someone’s life while rock climbing.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Woah! We have a real life superhero here.
DAPHNE_FLIRTY: Woah! We have a real life superhero here.
VICKY_HAPPY: Which of these boys are climbing mountains though?
PLAYER_IDLE: It’s gotta be Evan!
UMA_FLIRTY: I think you might be onto something.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yeah, look at those arms.
PLAYER_IDLE: It’s gotta be Bryson!
UMA_FLIRTY: Hmm I’m not so sure.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yeah I don’t exactly think Bryson is one with nature.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s gotta be Travis!
UMA_FLIRTY: I think you might be onto something.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yeah, look at those arms.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s gotta be Alex!
UMA_HAPPY: Really? Don’t think there are many mountains in Warrington?
BONNIE_HAPPY: Got a point there.
ALEX_HAPPY: You’d be surprised. There’s some pretty big hills.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s gotta be Raf!
DAPHNE_FLIRTY: Oh for sure, look at his arms!
UMA_HAPPY: Really? I don’t see it.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: I could totally climb a mountain.
PLAYER_HAPPY: It’s gotta be Joyo!
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Oh for sure, look at his arms!
UMA_HAPPY: Really? His vibe’s more underwater than up a mountain.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Got a point there.
VICKY_HAPPY: Ok, ladies. I’m going in.
VICKY_FLIRTY: I’m going with Alex.
Vicky walks over to Alex and kisses his cheek.
VICKY_FLIRTY: I’ve never been to the mountain ranges of Warrington…
VICKY_FLIRTY: But I know rock climbing arms when I see them.
ALEX_FLIRTY: Well! You are completely…
ALEX_HAPPY: Wrong! Never climbed a mountain in my life.
ALEX_HAPPY: Or saved a life for that matter.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Who was it then?
TRAVIS_HAPPY: That would be me.
JOYO_HAPPY: What happened, man?
TRAVIS_HAPPY: It’s not that heroic really.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: I went on a rock climbing course.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: On the last day we did our biggest climb all on the same guide rope…
TRAVIS_IDLE: Then the climber above me forgot to clip onto the next section of rope.
TRAVIS_IDLE: They slipped and ended up falling onto me.
TRAVIS_IDLE: I had to hold on for dear life.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: I managed to keep us both up until they could clip onto the rope again.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: Wow, you are a lifesaver!
TRAVIS_HAPPY: It was just instinct really.
UMA_FLIRTY: Well you’re my hero, Travis.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: Yeah, I know where to go when I’m in trouble.
SUMMER_FLIRTY: Well I’m tempted to get myself into some trouble right now, just to be saved by Travis.
BRYSON_IDLE: Ah, that’s nothing. I’ve saved thousands of lives.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: And how have you done that?
BRYSON_FLIRTY: I once found a tired bee out in the sun. Gave him some sugar water.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Saved the little guy's life!
BONNIE_HAPPY: That’s not saving thousands of lives.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Yes it is! I save the bee, the bee goes back to his hive…
BRYSON_HAPPY: The bee contributes to the survival of the colony.
BRYSON_HAPPY: The bees thrive, they pollinate the plants, we get oxygen from them.
BRYSON_HAPPY: Basically saved the world!
TRAVIS_IDLE: You’re a true inspiration, Bryson.
NARRATOR: Wow, I can’t bee-lieve how brave Bryson is! Travis could learn a thing or two.
NARRATOR: Up next was {0} as it was revealed he had slept with over 70 people!
NARRATOR: Funnily enough you could hear Bonnie being icked out from over 70 miles away.
NARRATOR: He was followed swiftly by Vicky who once organised a romantic lighting display to get out of the friend zone.
NARRATOR: Apparently the friend zone is guarded against sentimental light shows…
NARRATOR: But whose secrets will be revealed next…
{0} sidles up to you, whispering in your ear.
{0}_FLIRTY: I wish we were still up in that bedroom…
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Oh do you now?
{0}_FLIRTY: There is so much more I want to do with you.
They are interrupted by the next bag.
{0}_HAPPY: I’ve got this one!
{0} rushes over and grabs another bag.
From it she pulls out a wad of cash, a paint brush and a little painting.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Interesting!
{0}_HAPPY: The card says, this Islander once donated £15,000 to charity.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Baller alert!
PLAYER_HAPPY: That’s super generous.
UMA_HAPPY: Can I register as a charity?
BONNIE_HAPPY: I think I know who it is, what do you think, {0}?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: My money is on Bryson.
BRYSON_HAPPY: I am a bit of a philanthropist. Just ask the bees…
BONNIE_HAPPY: I’m not buying it.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: My money is on Evan.
EVAN_HAPPY: I’m not saying a word.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Hmm, that’s telling.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: My money is on Alex.
ALEX_HAPPY: I’m honoured.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Hmm, I’m not buying it.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: My money is on Travis.
UMA_HAPPY: A life saver in more ways than one.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: My money is on Joyo.
JOYO_HAPPY: I don’t know what you think scuba instructors make…
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yeah, I’m not buying it.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: My money is on Raf.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: The surf shop didn’t pay me that much!
BONNIE_HAPPY: Yeah, I’m not buying it.
{0}_HAPPY: Ok, let’s see shall we.
{0} walks up to Rafael and kisses him on the cheek.
{0}_HAPPY: You may not be a billionaire but I think you have the heart.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: That’s kind of you. But you’re right, I’m no billionaire.
RAFAEL_HAPPY: If I was, I’d give it all away, promise!
PLAYER_HAPPY: Who was it then?
EVAN_HAPPY: It was me.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Evan! You had £15,000 spare?
EVAN_HAPPY: No! It wasn’t spare.
EVAN_HAPPY: It was my first ever commission for a piece of art.
EVAN_HAPPY: I wasn’t convinced I was good enough to deserve it at the time.
EVAN_HAPPY: And I was so nervous that the painting wouldn’t be good enough.
EVAN_HAPPY: All I could think about while painting was the money.
EVAN_HAPPY: So I donated it to charity.
EVAN_IDLE: It worked. It put my mind at ease and I’m still incredibly proud of that piece.
{0}_HAPPY: That’s amazing! I’d love to see your art some time.
EVAN_HAPPY: You’ll have to come to my next show when we’re back home.
{0}_FLIRTY: It’s a date.
The next bag arrives.
Joyo grabs it and pulls out a record, glow sticks and headphones.
JOYO_HAPPY: Got everything we need for a party!
JOYO_HAPPY: It says this Islander once impersonated a DJ and got kicked out of a club.
JOYO_HAPPY: Oh my days, there is no way.
JOYO_HAPPY: This exact thing has happened to me!
JOYO_FLIRTY: I think I’ve got a pretty good hunch who this is.
Joyo walks over to Summer and gives her a big smooch on the lips.
SUMMER_HAPPY: How did you know?!
JOYO_HAPPY: Because me and you seem to be the same person.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Partners in crime.
PLAYER_HAPPY: What happened?
SUMMER_HAPPY: Urgh, the DJ sucked. Everyone just wanted bangers.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Then they took a break so I seized the moment.
SUMMER_HAPPY: Smashed out a 15 minute set of pure hits before they figured it out.
JOYO_HAPPY: I love that! Sometimes if you want it done right you gotta do it yourself.
Rafael grabs the bag and reaches inside.
He pulls out a picture of a broken heart.
RAFAEL_IDLE: That’s the only thing in there?
BRYSON_IDLE: What does the card say?
RAFAEL_IDLE: This Islander told someone they loved them when they didn’t.
ALEX_IDLE: That’s a rough one.
RAFAEL_IDLE: I don’t want to judge anyone so I’m gonna go random on this one.
Rafael walks over to {0} and kisses her on the cheek.
{0}_SERIOUS: I’m totally taking offence for that.
RAFAEL_SAD: I said it was random.
{0}_SERIOUS: Whatever. It wasn’t me. I would never do that.
RAFAEL_SAD: Then who was it?
DAPHNE_SAD: That one was me.
RAFAEL_SAD: You did that, Daphne?
DAPHNE_SAD: I didn’t mean to! They just came out with it and I didn’t know what to say?
RAFAEL_SAD: So you strung him along?
DAPHNE_SAD: Not on purpose! I told him soon after.
There is an awkward silence, Uma coughs to get everyone's attention.
UMA_HAPPY: Looks like there’s one more suitcase.
BONNIE_HAPPY: One more bit of baggage you mean.
ALEX_HAPPY: It’s gotta be juicy!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Urgh, I bet it’s about me. That would be typical.
UMA_FLIRTY: Something you’re hiding, {0}?
UMA_FLIRTY: What do you say, {0}. Want to open up the final bag?
*Let’s do it!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Of course! I want every last bit of gossip.
UMA_HAPPY: It’s all yours.
Not interested
PLAYER_IDLE: I don’t really want to know.
UMA_IDLE: You sure? We may never know what’s in there otherwise.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: We don’t have to open it…
UMA_HAPPY: Of course we do! You really don’t want to know, {0}?
UMA_HAPPY: It’s a chance to get to know someone better.
UMA_FLIRTY: Plus you’d get a kiss.
*Ok, let’s look!
PLAYER_IDLE: Let’s get that bag open!
UMA_HAPPY: Yes, girl! It’s all yours.
No way
PLAYER_IDLE: I really don’t want to know.
{0}_HAPPY: Fair enough, that’s probably enough drama for one day.
UMA_HAPPY: Sure, let’s leave it for now then.
You take the bag and open it up.
Inside is a plastic phone, a copy of the Kama Sutra and a little suitcase.
You read the card out.
PLAYER_HAPPY: This Islander accidentally butt dialled their boss, while having sex.
UMA_SURPRISED: Oh my days! That is so embarrassing!
SUMMER_IDLE: I can’t imagine anything worse.
DAPHNE_IDLE: I can’t imagine anything worse.
Inside is a nude sculpture and a paintbrush.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Hmm interesting.
You read the card out.
PLAYER_HAPPY: This Islander once posed as a life model, and had sex with the artist.
UMA_SURPRISED: Damn! This is a story I have to hear!
SUMMER_IDLE: That is bold!
DAPHNE_IDLE: Sounds romantic!
UMA_FLIRTY: So, who do you think it is, {0}?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think I know who it is.
You strut over to {0} and look him in the eye.
Snog his face off
You lean in and cup his face in your hands.
Planting your lips on his you both hold each other tight.
His arms wrap around you as you close your eyes and the world around you drifts away.
The kiss becomes a passionate and wanting snog.
You pull away and look into his eyes.
Give him a peck
You lean in and plant a peck on his lips.
He closes his eyes and takes in the moment before opening them with a smile.
Boop his nose
You lean in as if you’re about to kiss him, he closes his eyes.
Then with your finger you prod the end of his nose.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think it was you. If you couldn’t tell.
{0}_FLIRTY: You know me too well.
{0}_HAPPY: Sorry, {1}. That wasn’t me.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think I know who it is.
You strut over to Evan and look him in the eye.
Snog his face off
You lean in and cup his face in your hands.
Planting your lips on his you both hold each other tight.
His arms wrap around you as you close your eyes and the world around you drifts away.
The kiss becomes a passionate and wanting snog.
You pull away and look into his eyes.
Give him a peck
You lean in and plant a peck on his lips.
He closes his eyes and takes in the moment before opening them with a smile.
Boop his nose
You lean in as if you’re about to kiss him, he closes his eyes.
Then with your finger you prod the end of his nose.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think it was you. If you couldn’t tell.
EVAN_FLIRTY: You know me too well.
EVAN_HAPPY: Sorry, {0}. That wasn’t me.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think I know who it is.
You strut over to Vicky and look her in the eye.
Snog her face off
You lean in and cup her face in your hands.
Planting your lips on hers you both hold each other tight.
Her arms wrap around you as you close your eyes and the world around you drifts away.
The kiss becomes a passionate and wanting snog.
You pull away and look into her eyes.
Give her a peck
You lean in and plant a peck on her lips.
She closes her eyes and takes in the moment before opening them with a smile.
Boop her nose
You lean in as if you’re about to kiss her, she closes her eyes.
Then with your finger, you prod the end of her nose.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think it was you. If you couldn’t tell.
VICKY_FLIRTY: You know me too well.
VICKY_HAPPY: Sorry, {0}. That wasn’t me.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think I know who it is.
You strut over to Travis and look him in the eye.
Snog his face off
You lean in and cup his face in your hands.
Planting your lips on his, you both hold each other tight.
His arms wrap around you as you close your eyes and the world around you drifts away.
The kiss becomes a passionate and wanting snog.
You pull away and look into his eyes.
Give him a peck
You lean in and plant a peck on his lips.
He closes his eyes and takes in the moment before opening them with a smile.
Boop his nose
You lean in as if you’re about to kiss him, he closes his eyes.
Then with your finger you prod the end of his nose.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think it was you. If you couldn’t tell.
TRAVIS_FLIRTY: You know me too well.
TRAVIS_HAPPY: Sorry, {0}. That wasn’t me.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think I know who it is.
You strut over to Bonnie and look her in the eye.
Snog her face off
You lean in and cup her face in your hands.
Planting your lips on hers you both hold each other tight.
Her arms wrap around you as you close your eyes and the world around you drifts away.
The kiss becomes a passionate and wanting snog.
You pull away and look into her eyes.
Give her a peck
You lean in and plant a peck on her lips.
She closes her eyes and takes in the moment before opening them with a smile.
Boop her nose
You lean in as if you’re about to kiss her, she closes her eyes.
Then with your finger, you prod the end of her nose.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: I think it was you. If you couldn’t tell.
BONNIE_FLIRTY: You know me too well.
BONNIE_HAPPY: Sorry, {0}. That wasn’t me.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Yeah, that one was me.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Whoops!
PLAYER_HAPPY: What happened?
{0}_FLIRTY: Well it was my birthday.
{0}_HAPPY: Me and my girlfriend were hanging out in bed.
{0}_HAPPY: And as a present she said that we could do anything I wanted…
UMA_HAPPY: Ooh saucy!
{0}_FLIRTY: We talked about it and I wanted to do my favourite position.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: What is it?
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Reverse cowgirl…
{0}_FLIRTY: So we did it!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Little did I know I had accidentally called my boss when I put my phone on the side.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: She had heard the entire thing. The chat and the start of us… you know.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: Then she hung up.
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I didn’t find out until I went into work the next morning.
PLAYER_IDLE: What did she say?!
{0}_EMBARRASSED: I heard you had a rooting tooting birthday last night.
BONNIE_EMBARRASSED: Did you have a good 69th birthday?
{0}_IDLE: Yep.
{0}_HAPPY: I wanted to try something challenging and new.
{0}_HAPPY: Something that would take me out of my comfort zone.
{0}_FLIRTY: So I signed up to do life modelling.
{0}_HAPPY: I did a couple of group sessions and then someone hired me privately.
{0}_HAPPY: When I got there she turned out to be stunning!
{0}_FLIRTY: She painted me for a few hours and we got chatting.
{0}_FLIRTY: Turns out we had a lot in common.
{0}_HAPPY: Then one thing led to another and the rest is history.
{0}_FLIRTY: I never saw her again after but it was a wild night.
PLAYER_HAPPY: The more you know.
UMA_FLIRTY: Yeah, that was some juicy baggage.
{0}_HAPPY: I knew that it was going to be something about me.
SUMMER_HAPPY: That was fun!
SUMMER_HAPPY: Feel like I learned a lot about everyone.
DAPHNE_HAPPY: That was so fun!
DAPHNE_HAPPY: Feel like I learned a lot about everyone.
{0}_SERIOUS: Yeah, pretty enlightening.
UMA_SERIOUS: And what’s that supposed to mean?
{0}_SERIOUS: Well clearly you don’t think cheating is a big deal, and I do.
UMA_SERIOUS: It was barely cheating! The relationship was practically over!
UMA_SERIOUS: You’re making a fuss out of nothing!
{0}_FLIRTY: Have to say I’m with {1} here. I would never be unfaithful.
EVAN_SERIOUS: Oh really? That’s funny.
{0}_SERIOUS: Yeah? Why’s that, Evan?
Evan looks over at you.
EVAN_IDLE: Do you want to drop this truth bomb or should I?
I’ll do it!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: It would be my pleasure.
{0}_SERIOUS: What are you two talking about?
EVAN_SERIOUS: Don’t act like you don’t know.
You go ahead
PLAYER_IDLE: Nah, you go for it.
{0}_SERIOUS: Go for what?
EVAN_SERIOUS: You know what.
EVAN_SERIOUS: You know, don’t act naive.
{0}_SERIOUS: I don’t know what you’re talking about.
EVAN_SERIOUS: Fine, I’ll spell it out for you.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I overheard {0} and {1} earlier.
PLAYER_FLIRTY: They were talking about some guy called Stephen?
PLAYER_HAPPY: He was a bombshell before Casa Amor apparently?
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Back when you were still with {0}?
{0}_SERIOUS: Yeah, what about Stephen?
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Well apparently you took a bit of a liking to Stephen!
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: And then one night {0} saw you sneak out of bed…
{0}_SURPRISED: What?!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: And go downstairs… To where Stephen was sleeping.
{0}_SERIOUS: {1}?!
PLAYER_FLIRTY: And he saw you two together, snuggling on the sofa. Kissing.
{0}_SERIOUS: That’s not true!
{0}_SERIOUS: Oh really? Then why did you pull me for a chat about it the next day?
{0}_SERIOUS: You said it wasn’t what it looked like and it was a goodnight kiss.
{0}_SERIOUS: But I could tell something more was going on.
{0}_SAD: I can’t believe this!
EVAN_IDLE: I was speaking to {0} and {1} earlier.
EVAN_IDLE: They told me about some guy called Stephen?
EVAN_IDLE: He was a bombshell before Casa Amor apparently?
EVAN_EMBARRASSED: Back when you were still with {0}?
{0}_SERIOUS: Yeah, what about Stephen?
EVAN_HAPPY: Well apparently you took a bit of a liking to him.
EVAN_EMBARRASSED: And then one night {0} saw you sneak out of bed…
{0}_SURPRISED: What?!
EVAN_FLIRTY: And go downstairs…
EVAN_FLIRTY: To where Stephen was sleeping.
{0}_SERIOUS: {1}?!
EVAN_SERIOUS: And then he saw you two together, snuggling on the sofa. Kissing.
{0}_SERIOUS: That’s not true!
{0}_SERIOUS: Oh really? Then why did you pull me for a chat about it the next day?
{0}_SERIOUS: You said it wasn’t what it looked like and it was a goodnight kiss.
{0}_SERIOUS: But I could tell something more was going on.
{0}_SAD: I can’t believe this!
{0}_SERIOUS: You’re such a hypocrite, {1}!
{0}_SAD: It wasn’t like that!
{0}_SAD: I don’t want to hear it.
{0}_SERIOUS: And why didn’t you tell me about this, {1}?
{0}_SERIOUS: What happened to bro code?
{0}_SAD: Sorry, man, I didn’t know what to say…
{0}_SERIOUS: Sure you didn’t.
{0}_SERIOUS: A true friend would tell you if you’re being cheated on!
{0}_IDLE: Well in that case, I have something to tell you.
{0}_SURPRISED: What?
{0}_FLIRTY: Before Excess Baggage I went upstairs to get my water bottle from the bedroom.
{0}_FLIRTY: When I walked in I saw {1} and {2} in bed together!
Before you can respond you hear something.
A phone pings!
You look down at your phone and read the text.
LITEXT: Islanders, tonight there will be a recoupling. {0}ShakeItUp {1}MixAndMatch
NARRATOR: I don’t know what to say, I’m honestly speechless.
NARRATOR: Quick! Think of a joke to lighten the mood.
NARRATOR: Why did the big cat get dumped at the zoo?
NARRATOR: Because they were a Cheetah! Oh wait… bad timing.
NARRATOR: Come back soon to find out what happens next on Love Island!
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annepandesal · 2 years
hiya!!! if you want more project shadow information, i have a few links!!
https://chao-island.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=48956 (there's three parts but the other two should be towards the end of the page)
(i've also got a few fics myself on ao3 that flesh this theory out, if your interested ^^[https://archiveofourown.org/series/2967798])
let me know if you have any questions!!! i'll probably be making a giant master post about this soon haha
hi!! aaaaa thank you sm! ive started reading your fics (youre such an awesome writer btw sjhdjsbs) and woah this theory is just so dang cool and actually makes a whole lotta sense 0.0
i'll check those other sources out, thank you again! and i'm forward to looking through the masterpost :0♡!
0 notes
goldentsum · 3 years
━ thirst posts - idol! reader 
CHARACTERS: bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, kirishima eijirou, shinsou hitoshi, kaminari denki
GENRE: suggestive themes, crack
AUTHOR’S NOTE: finally, another bnha post-- my submissive and overstim fic on my bnha masterlist was lonely so i whipped up another bb HAHAHAHA UNEDITEDDDD
━ bakugou ♡
an angry boy that hides his feelings inside and in social media--.. he has multiple accounts that caters to different moods that he has, there’s the daddydom acct then theres the sweetbabyboi acct-- HE WOULD RATHER DIE THAN SOMEONE FINDING OUT HE HAS THE LATTER ACCOUNT
kacchan loves you because of the fact that you two were different but also similar, with him being angry and intimidating on the surface but a mess of feelings inside and with you being sweet and soft on the surface but a vixen inside 
DUALITY-! TODOROKI DOESN’T EVEN COMPARE TO YOU WHEN IT COMES TO DUALITY-! bakugou would fight anyone for you if someone calls bullshit on you. he would 100% NO HESITATION would deck someone-- 
he def has thousands of pictures of you in his phone and laptop, the ratio of pics of him and other things to you is outstanding,, 1:8 def
HE ALSO SCREAMED ONE TIME WHEN YOU POSTED A VIDEO WITH YOU SHOWING YOUR DUALITY--! everyone in the dorm thought he was angry, in actuality he was hyperventilating because you’re so hot-- also this happens so frequently, class A doesn’t even address it
class a: lol, yall hear something--
━ todoroki ♡
he’s basically the epitome of head empty just (y/n) 24/7 pls--
people would look at him and think, “huh, i wonder what goes inside that pretty head of his?” then todoroki’s brain just goes: “rAIL (Y/N) RAIL (Y/N) RAIL (Y/N) RAIL (Y/N) RAIL (Y/N) “
if someone has a mind-reading quirk, press f for them because of how sinful his thoughts are-- 
in his room, he has a wall and altar that is dedicated for you. all of your merch, the past concert tickets and bands, polaroid pics he got in your albums, and polaroid pics of when he bought the royalty ticket are all on that wall-- yall wondering how he has all that money to afford that? three words. endeavor’s credit card. 
this boy goes all out when you have a concert-! HE STAYS UP ALL NIGHT TO WAIT IN YOUR WEBSITE WAITING FOR THE SECOND THE PRE-SELLING OF TICKETS. he refreshes the site every 1 second pls--
shouto: [refreshing the site for the nth time at 3 AM] [clearly sleepy]
shouto: [SHOOKEDT] [awake af] i AM SPEED-! CLICK YOU FU-
he’s also so cocky and boast-y on his account pls-! he’s so different in his main and irl 
[officially_(y/n)sbabydaddy]: i GOT THE ROYALTY TICKET-! AGAIN! you peasants can’t relate, huh. press f for all of you. i’m going to see my baby mama again <3 a little fact for yall, (y/n) smells really good <3 especially when she’s sweating 🥴 bet she tastes amazing as she smells <3
━ kirishima ♡
baby kiri is still a little shy about mentioning that he likes you and kpop but that doesn’t mean if someone ask him about kpop, he’ll act like he hates it or he doesn’t know. 
hard stan kiri goes HARD FR like his quirk and his dicc AND HE CAN’T BE STOPPED IF HE STARTS
he has you being pretty as usual as his lockscreen and got all giddy and happy when his grandmother ask if you were his girlfriend,, bet your ass that kiri said that you are-! 
inside his phone though, is a completely different matter-.. this boy has all sort of thirst pics of you! and he gets a little shy when he stares at your pictures for a little too long and makes eye contact with you in the pic LIKE HE WASN’T JUST THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING LEWD-! 
he and kaminari binge watches you and your group’s web series and THEY ALWAYS WATCH YOUR COMEBACK TOGETHER AND SCREAM TOGETHER
kaminari thinks kiri is a soft stan and tries to get him to join the dark side aka the hard stan side of twitter-- what kaminari doesn’t know is that kiri is on there already and also creates contents here and there 👀
kaminari: bruhh-! look at this edit of (y/n) as a demon-! 
kirishima: [looking at the video he edited all night] wow--
[rockhardfor(y/n)]: if you see something in my pants- PLEASE ITS NOT A WEAPON AND JUST MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! i don’t wanna go through that again as i try to explain that a video of a queen throwing it back is the cause of that-- </3
━ shinsou ♡
also that tired look on shinsou’s face is not showing what really goes on his head bUT unlike todoroki, he gets conscious of his thoughts when he gets to the real nasty parts when he’s daydreaming as he remembers there’s people with quirks around him
shinsou: [thinks about you getting your guts rearranged by him] hehe~ <3
also shinsou internally: [realizes that someone might know what he’s thinking about] 002223444212487537924 lah la la la laaa! i’m thinking of rabbits-... yeah rabbits lol fluffy rabbits that hops across the garden- nothing dirty here. just pure innocent thoughts
shinsou also creates and reads fanfiction-- as soon as that bell rings, he would zoom zoom out of that classroom and into his room to read smuts
then he gets inspired and he stays up all night to write THE DIRTIEST SMUT ANYONE HAS EVER READ-!! the piece gets A LOT of hearts and comments and he’s PROUD PROUD
now he also has commissions for fanfiction and shinsou is getting money because of how perverted his thoughts are-! he’s also so talented in writing! HE LEGIT GOES INTO DETAILS SO PEOPLE ARE LIKE: “WOAH-!! HOLY WATERRR”
it’s a win-win for shinsou, he can turn his fantasies into stories and GETS money for it? bruh, fap material AND GET CASH <3
[(y/n)as_akittycat]: so is anyone not gonna comment on what (y/n) was doing in the background? KITTY WAS ON H E R KNEESS-!! bruh, kitty is flexible- ya’ll know what this means, right? mORE POSITIONS-! <3
━ kaminari ♡
this boy has no filter THEN HAS THE AUDACITY TO GET EMBARRASS BY IT-! LIKE AREN’T YOU THE ONE WHO SAID, “i want to fuck (y/n) so hard that her ancestors could feel it-” 
so are you not gonna do it? bruh, talk about empty promises- 
HE MAKES SHINSOU SHOOKEDT WITH THINGS HE SAYS AND THAT TIRED BOY MAKES SMUTS-! shinsou def uses kaminari’s lines in his fanfics pls whatta power duo
kaminari: i wanna shove my dick down in (y/n)’s throat and cum so deep, you could see it trailing down her throat--
shinsou: [SHOOKEDT] what the fuck dude?
also shinsou internally: wRITE THAT DOWN! WRITE THAT DOWN-! 
ONE TIME, he got too excited when you posted a video of your choreography wearing those tiny shorts and he short-circuited-- he really went: “wIEEE~” 
he’s cautious now not too excited, especially when he’s outside and you post out of no where
it’s also a miracle that his twitter account is still running with how erotic and lewd he gets in his tweets-- HE ALSO RETWEETS EDITS OF YOUR MOANS IN HIS FEED-! IN HIS MAIN ACCOUNT! HE DOESN’T EVEN HAVE A FAN ACCOUNT
he’s either REALLY FUCKING brave or just plain stupid. maybe both idk
[(y/n)k.denki]: have you ever just look at someone and go, “wow, i would really wanna fuck you hard right now” because i do. everytime i see my queen-- LET ME HIT (Y/N)-! I’LL BE GOOD I SWEARRRRRR
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