#wohoo I've done it
shrimpfriedeggs · 7 months
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played imperishable night!!!
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clockwayswrites · 8 months
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Been cleaning up my list since I'm getting things done (wohoo) and this is where things stand atm! It's subject to a huge amount of change of course. When I get the bobi (one stop soup shop) sequel done I've only got city pigeon left as the actual wip!
Which means that as soon as bobi is written and can go into hibernation again... we'll get a new dead on main fic moving into prime time effort! Question is, which one will get to be that fic?
(Also this is ignoring that Not So Imaginary might get a partner fic and that both Another Red and Demon!Danny are still slowly rotating in my brain.)
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your-queer-dad · 6 months
Hey um tw suicide attemp i think kinda??
So yesterday i was like really sad and i almost tried to hang myself but one of my friends convinced me to not do it and said "just think you'll never live through today again" and "if you're this sad now there was probably something that made you feel something else before" i know it doesnt make sense but i feel better
Also Ive been clean for 7 months wohoo
Hey kiddo- I'm really glad you're still with us. I've been there and I know it's really really hard sometimes- but it sounds like your friend really helped and I'm glad to have you here. The world is a much brighter, better place with you here and I'm so proud of you for not going through with it.
I'm also really proud of you for being 7 months clean!! That's amazing!!!! You've done such a good job and I'm so so proud of you.
Keep your head up and please feel free to reach out anytime, I'm always here to help day or night. I love you and I'm so proud of you kiddo!
- dad x
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veiledlinks-vn · 9 months
Last update for 2023
Hellu, guys! I hope the year, with all of its ups and downs, has treated you well despite passing by in such a rush.
I got stuck in overtime hell at my workplace these past few months, so my productivity has been down to zero on pretty much everything, including VL. I'm sad and disappointed, since I'd wished to have something more concrete by now, like the demo or at least a release date for the demo, but I don't even have that. I sincerely apologise for the lack of updates; next year seems brighter (pepper pepper knock on wood).
However, that doesn't mean nothing has happened; there has been some work here and there wherever and whenever I've had time or energy to squeeze something in!
Ryouken's part of the demo is so, so, sooo close to be finished! Just a bit more, and it's editing and proofreading time!
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I've also done a tiny overhaul on Yuusaku's route, mostly for the sake of keeping track on his route progressions without pulling my hair. And I've finally added Roboppi as a sprite, too! And with that, all the planned sprites are finished! Wohoo!
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Takeru's demo parts are practically done (still need to finish the last CG for him), so I've just typed a bit here and there on his later parts/ship routes whenever inspiration's struck me. We're getting there, even if it's slow.
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I've also done some belated GUI work and gotten those last things exactly how I want them, but that's not very interesting, I believe. ^^;;;
That's about it for now, unless I start throwing around more spoiler-y screenshots.
Have a happy new year, everyone! See you all in 2024! ♥♥♥
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
How much longer should we expect Homestuck/Moving to put the Interactive Fictional Story on hold for? I need to know if I should pull the brainworms out or if I can afford to let them stay there for now.
HI I'm just done moving in! (wohoo for me :D) but also i've got a couple of commissions on hold that I'm working on at the same time, so it might take me a moment. still, we're very close to the end of the fic, just 3 or 4 updates left imo so I'll probably be able to finish it sometime around next week. you can safely store your brainworms in the fridge without risk of spoiling methinks :P
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beforeiread-studies · 8 months
2024 Goals
I just remembered that I haven't done this yet so here I go now.
Academia. I just enrolled in my master's degree. My plan is to pass all my exams this year except for 2/3 (that I'll take next year). I also want to apply to study abroad in Korea next year (that's why I need to pass almost everything now).
Savings. Last year I had the goal of saving 5k for future semesters abroad. I want to do this again. It should be easy since I now have a PAID INTERNSHIP. Wohoo! I just need to not blow all of that money on bubble tea.
Crafting. For more details, see my knitblr @prettycraft5. Basically, I want to knit a bunch of socks and at least 3 sweaters or vests. And no knitting gifts for a whole year!
Reading. I set my GoodReads goal at 1 book this year. All I expect is to perhaps manage to read some books from my TBR. But I'll be busy enough studying + working so I don't want to add more stress to my plate.
Writing. I'm slowly working on the outline of my Novel. The plan is to complete the outline by mid-February and then complete the first draft by the end of the year. If I have time left, it would be great to write the whole thing & publish it. I'm also enjoying writing on my travel blog for fun so I hope I'll write at least 1 post a month.
Traveling. This year I WILL visit that museum I've been saying for years that I want to visit. I have 2 concerts coming up (if I can get the tickets for #2...) and 2 friends that I want to visit. I also plan on moving to Korea in September so there's that (please let me win that scholarship or I'll be super sad while reading this at the beginning of 2025).
Languages. I want to keep going with Hindi Duolingo whatever happens! I want to read at least 2 books in German. And I want to enrol in a Korean course, be it online or in person. (I'd prefer in person but would I have the time? Uhm).
Fitness. I want to keep up with ballet classes for the first half of the year + try to find a dance studio in Korea as well. I want to do a workout (at least 10 min) on the days I wash my hair + I want to do yoga every time my body feels cranky, no "I don't have time excuses.
Beauty. (this is a Legally Blonde blog after all) I want to grow my hair as long as possible this year. I promise not to cut my hair until September & to keep using spray leave-in conditioner and hair oil on the ends. I also want to experiment with rollers and get an appointment with a dermatologist. I also promise not to buy nail polish because I'm never going to use it anyway, but it would be nice to discover a way to deal with cuticles.
REMINDER FOR MY END-OF-2024-SELF: Start a 5-year-journal for 2025. If you still want to. It would be super cool, tho.
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korealog · 2 months
(1) I‘m still life (ENG/DE) — Thursday, 25.07.24
It's me again, can you believe it? Two days in a row KoreaLog, wohoo! Since I can't hide what I'm going to tell you next for long when I get back anyway, I'd better do it now. Please don't be to shocked ;) I had a relaxed start to the day on Thursday as I had an appointment at a tattoo studio at 2pm. So, now it's out! I am now one tattoo richer & I don't regret it at all. I've been planning this tattoo for 6 months, with motif & quote and what it should mean. I've been following the tattoo artist for over 2 years now, so it was an even greater honour to get the tattoo from her. There are 2 wildflowers, underneath you will find a saying in Korean, it reads as follows: ‘이젠 내 자신을 위해 살거야’ Translated, it means that I want to live for myself from now on! It stands for me prioritising my own wishes, goals & my own happiness from this moment on. From now on, I will make decisions that benefit me instead of always looking out for others. This tattoo means an incredible amount to me. Also because I was able to have it done here in Korea. Because this journey is the start of my own path and my own dreams! I feel incredibly at home here, almost as if I've found the missing piece of the puzzle. And yes, I know that might seem totally strange to you. Germany doesn't give me the feeling of being at home. Since I've been here, I've been able to get to know a completely different side of myself & met so many lovely people! I will carry these memories in my heart forever.
But enough sentimental talk now. After the tattoo appointment, I went to Hongdae, one of the most popular neighbourhoods in Seoul, especially for young people. Shopping, busking and eating as far as the eye can see. There's something new to discover on every corner, you can't stay here long enough. I spent 2 hours at the street performances again. There is a lot of dancing here, especially in groups! The atmosphere was correspondingly electric. At around 7 pm, I settled down in one of the many restaurants & ate Tteobeokki. Afterwards, I wanted to walk along the streets until I was approached. 2 young, very pretty women engaged me in conversation :D Totally lovely people! We talked for quite a while, both in Korean and in English. Later they told me that they had studied Korean culture & now practise the traditional festivals and customs in cultural centres with lots of other people. Before I knew it, I Wasen my way with them to take part in a memorial ceremony. On the way we talked a lot about Korea but also Germany & the differences.
To be continued…
Ich bin’s wieder, kaum zu fassen oder? Zwei Tage hintereinander KoreaLog, wohoo! Da ich das, was ich euch als nächstes erzählen werde, eh nicht lange verstecken kann, wenn ich wieder zurück bin, mache ich das ganze lieber gleich. Bitte nicht aus allen Wolken fallen ;) Donnerstag bin ich entspannt in den Tag gestartet, da ich um 14 Uhr einen Termin bei einem Tattoo-Studio hatte. So, jetzt ist es raus! Ich bin nun um ein Tattoo reicher & ich bereue es in keinster Weise. Ich habe dieses Tattoo schon 6 Monate vorher geplant, mit Motiv & Zitat und was es für eine Bedeutung haben soll. Die Tattowiererin verfolge ich mittlerweile schon seit über 2 Jahren, es war mir also eine umso größere Ehre, von ihr das Tattoo stechen zu lassen. Es sind 2 Wildblumen geworden, unter ihnen findet ihr einen Spruch auf koreanisch, er lautet wie folgt: „이젠 내 자신을 위해 살거야“ Übersetzt bedeutet das Ganze, dass ich ab jetzt für mich selbst leben will! Es soll dafür stehen, dass ich ab diesem Moment meine eigenen Wünsche, Ziele & mein eigenes Glück in den Vordergrund stelle. Ab jetzt werde ich Entscheidungen treffen, dir mir zu gute kommen, anstatt immer nur auf andere Acht zu nehmen. Dieses Tattoo bedeutet mir unglaublich viel. Auch weil ich es hier in Korean machen lassen konnte. Denn diese Reise ist der Start für meinen eigenen Weg und für meine eigenen Träume! Ich fühle mich hier unglaublich wohl, fast so als hätte ich hier mein fehlendes Puzzelteil gefunden. Und ja ich weiß, für euch mag das vielleicht total komisch klingen, aber Deutschland gibt mir nicht das Gefühl zuhause zu sein. Seit ich hier bin habe ich eine ganz andere Seite von mir kennenlernen dürfen & so viele liebe Menschen kennengelernt! Diese Erinnerungen werde ich für immer in meinem Herzen tragen.
So jetzt aber genug sentimentales Gerede. Nachdem Tattoo-Termin ging es für mich auf nach Hongdae, eines der beliebtesten Viertel in Seoul, vor allem für junge Leute. Shopping, Busking & Essen so weit das Auge reicht. An jeder Ecke gibt es etwas neues zu entdecken, hier kann man sich gar nicht lange genug aufhalten. Ich habe 2 Stunden wieder bei den Straßen-Performances verbracht. Hier wird sehr viel getanzt, vor allem in Gruppen! Die Stimmung war dementsprechend elektrisierend. Gegen 19 Uhr habe ich mich in einem der vielen Restaurants niedergelassen & Tteobeokki gegessen. Danach wollte ich noch etwas die Straßen entlanglaufen, bis ich angesprochen wurde. 2 junge, sehr hübsche Frauen haben mich in ein Gespräch verwickelt :D Total liebe Menschen! Wir haben uns ein ganzes Stück unterhalten, sowohl auf Koreanisch, als auch auf Englisch. Später haben sie mir erzählt, dass sie koreanische Kultur studiert haben & mittlerweile mit vielen anderen Leuten die traditionellen Feste und Bräuche in Kulturzentren praktizieren. Ehe ich mich versah, war ich mit den beiden unterwegs um eine Gedenkzeremonie mitzumachen. Auf dem Weg haben wir uns viel über Korea aber auch Deutschland & die Unterschiede unterhalten.
Fortsetzung folgt…
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redstrewn · 11 months
More of my alchemist and leander angst wohoo
"If you knew," I struggled to swallow the bile down my throat, "why didn't you tell me?"
He pouted. I couldn't tell if he looked more sympathetic or disappointed. "I was trying to protect you," his words were emphasized, imploring.
"Protect me? By lying? Really?" I laughed.
He ran his hand through his hair, brows furrowed, and sighed, "It's not that simple, Elisa."
"Oh, it seems pretty simple to me." The vitriol in my voice was new. I hated it. I hated being this way. And I hated that I even felt like I had to.
Tears threatened to breach my eyes. Ugh. Fucking, really? Always weak, aren't I? In every fucking moment on this earth, I'm being used. And instead of unleashing hell, I crumple in on myself instead. I'm tired of it all. I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of everything. I quickly rubbed away the tears that streamed down my face.
"Listen, Elisa, it's for your own good. Believe me, I would've told you if I thought it would help."
"Oh, and keeping me in the dark is help? Stringing me along for whatever reason you please is helping me? Right. You're a real fucking piece of work, you know that?" As soon as the words left me, it felt as though I sent knives through my own chest. Saying these things out loud was an admittance of the most painful parts of my history repeating itself. Wounds that haven't even done so much as heal halfway have been torn into once again. This was real. This was happening. And there was no mistake about it.
"You know," to my dismay, my voice started to break and tremble, "I knew someone. Just like you. I trusted her with everything, too." I couldn't keep looking at him then. I laughed in spite of it all, "She was a mage, even. Funny. You lot sure know how to play people, don't you?"
"Elisa, I know this isn't what you hoped for..." I could hear him step closer. I wanted to shout at him—tell him to keep his distance. But I'm either an addict or a masochist. "But this is better, trust me."
Apparently I'm both, because I let him take my bare hands in his. And I felt everything again. I shut my eyes. But this time, even this wasn't enough to take away the thoughts that pierced into my head. I took a steadying breath. And when I spoke again, my voice was stable, clear, and hushed. "Better for who? Me, or you?"
His hold on my hands tightened. "Us. It's better for us. This is better than any cure we could ever imagine. We can do so much more. Don't you want that? Don't you want this with me?"
My lip quivered. Honestly? I was tired. My whole life I thought I was loved and cared for. I thought maybe this time it was different. But maybe this is all there is to it. What other use is there for some creature like me? Really, do I think I get to have a love so pure with a touch that ruins people utterly?
Thinking on it all, I've had the best outcomes, haven't I? I've been made to feel valued and worth something instead of tossed aside or chased out. Instead of being abandoned, I was found use. Purpose. In a way, I've been cherished.
What more could I ask for so selfishly?
I opened my eyes. "I get it," I whispered. At first I thought he didn't hear me. But when I turned to look at him, his eyes were trained on me, focused intently. He was waiting. "I think...you're right."
His expression immediately relaxed. "I knew you'd understand. I always did. I'm so glad."
He's kind to be patient with the likes of me. "I'm sorry. That I didn't understand sooner." My words came out flat.
His eyes softened and he gave me the gentlest smile, "It's alright. I knew you'd come around. I've been willing to wait as long as it takes. For you, I always will." And as he said his last piece, he pressed his lips onto my hand.
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rottingraisins · 2 years
CAIN PATHOS CROW!! Don't know what's up with that dude, but my god does he seem fun.
HE IS SUPER FUN im kind of guilty of not drawing him that much but whenever he is in anything I enjoy him immensely. My buddy ol’ pal kpc
fav thing: EASILY the most mad scientist out of all the scp doctors next to maybe mann. This dog has committed so many crimes against humanity. Never ask a woman her age a man his salary and Professor Kain Pathos Crow about project olympia
least fav thing: uhhh nothing rlly! Hes a pretty tightly written character with mostly consistent characteritzation across the wiki overall imo. Newer lolfoundation-nostalgia type tales where all the author seems to be able to do with him is put him in wacky dog situations™ suck sometimes but everyones characterization sucks in those so like. i just ignore em
favorite line: (abt extracting someones soul from their body) Hah! I've done it! It wasn't that hard.
BrOTP: Him and gears again probably though id love a tale or two about him and elliott... what can i say im a sucker for when the senior staff get protegès and also victim of experiment gone horribly wrong solidarity wohoo
OTP: /
nOTP: /
random headcanon: classical revival is so generally not very good but I like the idea that the dog whos body Kain ended up in used to be his guide dog that kind of goes hard in a sad fucked up way
unpopular opinion: /
song: /
fav pic: HAS COMMITTED UNSPEAKABLE ATROCITIES every time I think about crow I think about has committed unspeakable atrocities
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smilingperformer · 2 years
Wohoo \o/ More thoughts under the cut!
I REALLY adore the story in this game, and Area Zero is... oh man. The music is absolutely amazing, and the area was so pretty. And I love how it went more and more crystalized the more we went down and... ooh, so that's how Glimmora are found when in the wild... :D I had evolved mine, haha.
No screenshots atm because lazy, but oh gosh. I still don't feel much for Nemona, BUT, the group dynamic WORKS. It works really well. I loved how everyone was actually shown walking around the area.
And like... MY GOD, Sada being an AI explains absolutely everything. How she didn't really act like a mom to Arven, how her movements were stiff, and like... oh my gosh, haha.
I love that this was a different kind of story, truly revolving around the treasure hunting theme. Sada truly wanted to see the ancient times and it took her life. Aaah. Also I FRICKING LOVE KORAIDON, best lizard doggo, its my baby now, I'll treasure them gently and strongly <3333. Honestly surprised there's so far been no mention of Turo or Miraidon, so.... does Arven then not have mom or dad depending on the version :'D Huh. Also no third legendary yet, wonder if I've just not met it yet. Maybe post game, Necrozma was a random UB encounter originally too. Zygarde as well. Hmmmmmmmm.
Anyway. I've still got post game to do, but that's another time. TRULY loved Scarlet's story, and I'll probably try to check how sis' Area Zero journey goes once she gets there.
So, currently I consider Paldea storyline to be among top 2. Alola is still hard to top but like, I feel like I enjoyed Paldea over PLA (which I enjoyed a TON btw) and it's veeery close to Alola. I was so worried about the premise yet it worked well in the end. Well done.
Still could have used more polish ofc but, it's a good game. And I myself am not bothered by lack of voice acting lol. I've got imagination enough to picture voices for each.
Also. Yes. I cried. Because Arven ;____; Even if Sada was an AI she... she still cared in the end. And at some point it actually felt like it was Sada in it.
Man. Need to free up more space from Switch again, but I look forward to seeing what post game has to offer :D
No comment on Paradox Pokémon thou, haha, they're mainly meh for me :'D The Salamance was really cool thou!
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asoulofatlantis · 4 days
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This one is even harder! Damn it. I am really lost this time. My gut feeling war always right so far but I can feel that I fuck it up this time.
Uff. I was right.
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Awwww... I feel so sorry for him.
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I want a happy ending for this but I don't like the direction that this is going now. I think it would be much better to show that people can make mistakes when they are young but still become better persons as adults...
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Those smiley-answers seems to be for the purpose of him remembering stuff about the MC which is in the end very cute.
So basically his best friend was the one to blame for the accident, but he covered for him because he had it rough in life than and had helped him out before as his only friend. I don't like that and I wonder why the boy never said anything but whatever...
The best friend ended up confessing and the boy forgave them and so did his sister who caused all that trouble...
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They gave her a haircolor and an awful taste in clothes so why not also give her eyes? As if at this point it makes any difference if her eyes are brown or blue... which I assume is the reason why they don't give her eyes.
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Given how he is drunk again I hope he does not fall asleep on you this time XD
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Awwwww ♥
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Given my taste in fictional man I am obviously biased but there is nothing better than a hot office man wanting to do you all the freaking time XD
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You could have had her much earlier if you hadn't chickened out back then XD
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My do we get a fucking treat at the end of this route XD
I applaud the voicactor. The only one who also managed to be this good so far was the final guy from Olympia Soiree.
AND DONE! I've got the good ending without much mistakes it seems. Wohoo!
Honestly? I didn't think I would finish the game. I actually planned to switch to another game tomorrow, but if it keeps up the pace I think we stay with this one until Kai.
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keratoconusgroup · 21 days
My first post here after ages of lurking, wohoo! I have quite advanced keratoconus, if that's even the way to describe it. Bit of a rant and sharing of thoughts, I guess?
My eyes are pretty messed up, can barely see anything really and without my scleralenses I only see light and shadows. With lenses, my vision improves immensely. It's still bad and I'm mostly deducting what the blurry shapes I see actually are, but its such a huge difference that honestly, I'm not too upset about it. There are screen readers, audio books, podcasts and accessible gaming out there. Adjustments can be made and life goes on. I'm thankful for the sight I have as opposed to upset about the sight I lost, I guess? I'm not happy about the situation but I'm also not miserable about it anymore. Its been a journey to come to terms with as its still progressing and I keep having to adjust to new normals which is often overwhelming but still like.. It'll be fine, you know? I guess the word is acceptance. I was diagnosed late all things considered (late twenties) because my vision started getting quite poor very early, in my teens. I compensated for so long that it just wasn't picked up by people around me, and when I said my eyesight wasn't good, nobody really listened. And since that happened I sort of just assumed I was overreacting and didn't do much about it until I moved countries and my GP pinged it. They yeeted me to an eye specialist. Things improved a lot from there, but I have a feeling I'll end up needing a transplant at some point either way. Not to keen on the idea but I've read about a lot of people having great experiences with having theirs done, ya live ya learn! I have my second cross linking scheduled in October. One step at a time! I want to say that I always get so happy reading that so many of you get to do like an early crosslinking and that things can be easily adjusted easily with scleralenses/glasses after that. That's amazing! I'm super happy for you! If you're lurking and not sure if you should post here to not - Please keep sharing your experiences (if you are comfortable doing so, that is), no matter what they are. Its always nice to see all parts of the spectrum here! If not, then keep reading about other peoples experiences! I genuinely believe that community is important when you get a diagnosis like this, hearing other people going through similar things can make a great difference when you feel like nobody around you understands or just.. don't get it. At least it has for me! I wish I knew about this place when I got diagnosed, I think that would have helped me a lot in not feeling so alone and confused about things. Anyways. I see you! Pun 100% intended. submitted by /u/Background-Soil8695 [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/Keratoconus/comments/1f9hjmf/my_first_post_here_after_ages_of_lurking_wohoo_i/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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rose--nebula · 7 years
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Thanks to the absolutely fantastic @tenroseforeverandever who helped so so much with this, to @hanluvr for pointing things out, Mercedes who helped me clean the first version and @timeladyofthesith and @zekimmzie for having a read-through and liking it. :) ---
The Pleasures Of Jealousy by Rose_Nebula “On a girls-only day with Donna, Rose finds herself the subject of malicious behaviour. When her Doctors find out, they are not pleased.”
The Tardis doors opened with a loud squeak and a bang when Rose Tyler popped free of the time ship and stumbled into the street. "Thank. Heavens. I couldn't have taken it for one more second," she told no one in particular while taking in her surroundings. A second squeak announced the exit of her companion and partner. The Doctor leaned a brown-suited shoulder against the blue wood of the door frame and folded his arms. He watched in silent amusement as Rose took in deep breaths of London’s polluted morning air, fanning her face with her hands as she did so. Even though his time sense told him it was only April on Earth, Rose wore only the tiniest of dresses. Well, not exactly a dress. The planet they had just left issued specific rules about the make-up of their female citizens’ clothing. It consisted of a single strip of fabric that wrapped artfully around the whole body and was held together by several strings of red leather, leaving a rather astonishing amount of skin exposed. Rose's ensemble was made of a beige linen-like material that felt incredibly soft to the touch, and made her look delicious. Not that she didn’t always look stunning…  But that wasn’t the point. The fact was Rose had not bothered to go through the unravelling process yet… Weeell, he rather hoped she would leave that to him and his other self. Thinking of - A voice wafted out from somewhere inside the ship. "Rose, the Tardis scanners suggest we go and watch this movie. The one with that horribly unrealistic take on alien life on Europa. You know, the moon? We could sit in the back, laugh ourselves silly, share a popcorn and a few snogs… and maybe a grope. The human experience!” Rose shot an exasperated look over the Doctor’s shoulder to where an identical man, dressed in blue, had appeared cheekily waggling his eyebrows. His hopeful expression quickly turned into a thoroughly chastened one, even though he wasn’t completely sure what he was being scolded for. Rose huffed and the Doctor in blue pulled his ear. "Would you rather ... do something else?" he asked. Rose took another deep breath, filling her lungs with the familiar sense of home and tried to rein in her irritation. It wasn't their fault after all. "I'm sorry, Doctor," she explained. "All this ... alienness lately has just been so exhausting. Don’t get me wrong, I love it … but we’ve been stumbling from one adventure to the next and I feel like my adrenaline level never dropped back to normal after the incident on Nevas.” The Doctor was about to protest, but Rose steamed right on. ”I just need a day off. Time to do human things. Girl things. We’re not too far from Donna's. So what I'd really like to do is walk over there and drag her out for a bit of mindless shopping." "Do you want us to join you?" the full Time Lord asked, guessing the answer but still willing to offer. Rose appreciated the sentiment. "Nah, you two go and watch your movie. We can meet up later." "Right," the Doctor in blue sniffed without his usual manic enthusiasm.
She ignored his disappointed pout, knowing it wouldn’t do her any good to give in now. Human time for the human was a necessary thing once in a while. Besides, Time Lords didn’t pout, so that was that. “Don’t worry, I'll signal you when we stop for a bite to eat and you meet us when you feel like it.” Rose watched them retreat into the Tardis to grab their coats, the part human Doctor having acquired his only days before. Being a similar shape to its twin, it sported a reddish brown colour the Doctor found quite dashing. It toned with the burgundy shirts he liked to combine with his blue suits. Even though the full Time Lord Doctor proclaimed his own Janis Joplin coat to be the best in the universe, Rose had caught him in the wardrobe winking at his reflection while flapping his other self's coat around his body in a rather roughish fashion. Hiding a grin at the memory, she waited until they were suitably dressed and dapper for their day in town. One Doctor pulled the door shut, the other turned the key. Rose whispered a kiss onto each of their right cheeks and shared a hug with both of them. "Be careful," the Doctor in brown insisted, his eyes sincere. "Of course," she smiled. "I have Donna to watch over me. She is a force of nature." "That she is," he replied, sharing a look with his other self, identical eyebrows raised. Donna hadn’t gotten any less feisty after being subjected to the chameleon arch. The Time Lord consciousness she had gained during the meta-crisis had been conveyed just in time to the part-human Doctor, whose body had absorbed it quite happily. "See you later." Rose retreated with a little wave before they could utter any more worries about her safety, or go on about her supposed jeopardy-friendliness. --<--@ Spring in London was something else. Special. Even though Rose didn’t live through the long and dark winters anymore, she always appreciated the smell of the fresh pink and white blossoms. They swayed in the soft breeze and showered her once in a while with satiny petals. A tiny laugh of joy escaped her lips. As much as she loved her Doctors, this quiet alone-time did a world of good for her sanity. Rose’s legs were accustomed to regular exercise and covered the distance to Chiswick in no time. Soon she rounded the final corner. The Noble's little row house sat calmly in its street of similar buildings. The brick facades were alive with a pattern of varying tones of red, changing with the play of sun and clouds. Rose entered the front garden and leaned down to brush her fingers over a handful of lush red tulips that sat in a spot of honour next to the path. A little sparrow, disturbed by her presence, hopped onto a nearby hedge to throw her a reproachful look. Rose winked at it, walked up to the front door and gave the inlayed glass a few firm knocks. It wasn’t Donna who approached the door in a slow but steady pace. Wilf had given them all a scare the previous year when his foot had gotten stuck under a root on his way down from his hill, making him fall down and break his wrist. He insisted it had just been a little dark, but they all knew his eye sight wasn’t as good as it once had been. Donna had decided to tolerate Sylvia’s nagging and move back in with her family to spend more time with her beloved Grandfather. Wilf spotted Rose through the pane and broke into a huge grin. He had taken a shine to her when she had first hidden with them in this very house during the Dalek invasion. The door was opened with a flourish and Rose got pulled into a tight hug. “Didn’t you bring those Doctors of yours?” he asked, releasing her and having a good look at the front garden as if the men in question would suddenly jump out from behind the bushes. Rose laughed at his antics. “No, I needed a bit of girl-time. I want Donna all to myself today. Is she in?” Donna came from the kitchen, leafing through a stack of letters in her left hand. “Granddad? I thought I heard … Rose!” She stopped short at the sight of her friend. “What the hell are you wearing?!” “Oh, this.” Rose brought her hand up to her shoulder, only now sensing that her appearance would look a bit odd to the good people of Earth. After travelling through all of time and space for so long, she hardly even noticed what she was wearing anymore. “We just came back from Tau Ceti.” “That rock with the heat and dust and everything?” “The same.” Rose half smiled. “This time we stayed there longer so I had to change into the native fashion. It’s quite comfortable”, she said, stroking the fabric. “You must be freezing”, Donna snorted. “That strip of nothing is nearly as thin as a Time Lord.” Rose’s ears turned pink. “Actually I am wearing a gel that protects my skin from too extreme temperatures. The Doctors found it in a cabinet of the med bay … and rubbed … um applied it in preparation of the trip. Thought it might be useful.” Donna rolled her eyes. “You can stop right there, Blondie. I don’t want to know what those old lechers are up to with their paws.” Rose glanced in the general direction of Wilf whose eyes were sparkling in merriment. “Right” she said, changing the topic. “I hope you didn’t have any plans for today ‘cause I really need some human-time, if you don’t mind.” “Desperate, huh?” Donna sympathized. “A bit, yeah.” “MUM!” Donna shouted, making Rose jump at the sudden racket. “I CAN’T DO THE SHOPPING TODAY. I’M GOING OUT.” Not waiting for an answer, she grabbed Rose by the elbow, kissed her Grandfather’s cheek, and out the door they went, Rose waving a hasty goodbye. --<--@ They spent their day on Chiswick High Road, ruffling though the shops. Rose couldn’t try on any clothes due to her complicated outfit, so giggling like school girls, they picked a greenish pantsuit with a matching hat and handbag for Donna. Rose found a pair of red Converse with a swirly golden pattern. It reminded her of the sticky notes that cluttered the Tardis console. She also picked a little gift for her Doctors and pocketed everything in her bigger-on-the-inside pouch, patting it with a little smile. After an extensive stop at the bookshop, they were getting a bit footsore. Aching arms laden with bags and parcels they drifted towards an inviting looking corner café. “Let’s get in there, I’m starving,” exclaimed Donna. Rose agreed with an exhausted sigh. Through the wide glass front, they could make out tables of different sizes positioned in a circle around a parquet floor. It guided the view to a bar in the background and some more cosy looking sofa areas, everything illuminated by generously-sized windows down the length of the left wall. While Donna went inside to secure them a table, Rose pulled out her sonic and fiddled with the settings. Satisfied, she pressed the button that would broadcast a beacon to the Doctors’ screwdrivers that would lead them to her current position. Repacking the sonic in her pouch, Rose pressed one shoulder against the door and entered the café. She paused for a moment, looking for her friend, when she heard a barely suppressed snicker from her left, followed by some whispers and a derogatory snort. Following the sound with her eyes, she found a group of three young women watching her … laughing at her unusual clothes .... judging her. Whatever, Rose thought. She was an Estate girl and used to aspersions. Holding her head high, she crossed the floor to a carpeted section. Her marvellous friend had secured them one of the couch-surrounded tables, probably murdering someone in the process. Smirking, Rose sank into the comfortable cushions. They were pleasant against her exposed skin. She tried to let the lingering uneasiness from the encounter by the door dissolve with the slowly decreasing ache in her feet. “Sooo, what’s it gonna be?” Donna asked oblivious to Rose’s discomfort, burying her nose in the menu. “Lava Cake is apparently a speciality of the house. What do you think? I haven’t had one in ages.” “Sounds gorgeous,” Rose replied. --<--@ The third time Rose glanced over to the other table, Donna noticed. "What's that dark look for then?" she asked, frowning. "It's nothing. See the girls over there? They were laughing at me earlier, what I’m wearing. I shouldn't let it bother me, but apparently there are some of my old insecurities left, even after all this time," she shrugged. Donna barked a laugh. "Rose. You are ten times more worthy than they will ever be ... a hundred times. If they knew what you have done for them and everyone, they would worship the floor beneath your feet." Rose gave her half a smile and studied the rug. Golden rays of sunlight filtered through the side windows, painting dancing spots onto the flooring. Little dust particles floated slowly around like a cloud of scattered stars. Rose calmed down. She relaxed back into her pillows. No way would she let those cows destroy her mood any further. She was a bloody grown-up woman who faced evil things on a regular basis. She could certainly face these shrews. “So,” she uttered with a more sincere smile. "That's the spirit", Donna approved. They talked a bit more about traveling and work. Rose had some fascinating new stories about wondrous worlds she had visited. Donna told her about the guy she had met at work. "I know,” she said, when Rose jerked an eyebrow at that. “But he's nothing like Lance. And I like to think that I learned a thing or two since that time." She went into detail about the amazingness of her crush and Rose zoned out for a bit, watching people passing by on the side street. A sliding noise from the front door alerted her to the presence of another customer. Donna and Rose turned in time to see the girls at the sneer-table make eyes at the Doctor in brown as he stepped through the door. Standing in a puddle of sunlight, eyes sparkling, he slowly let his gaze have a wander through the room, searching for his companions. However, before he discovered them in their comfy spot, a call from his left distracted him. The bints waved him over and with a confused frown he complied. There was a short conversation and one girl actually fluttered her lashes at him, making Rose roll her eyes. Although, seeing the Doctor politely refuse a seat appeased her inner hag. Eventually he turned his gaze in her direction and a smile lit up his face at the sight of her. Her answering beam was just as bright. The Doctor closed the small distance to her quickly and Rose stood up to catch him as he enclosed her in a tight hug. His fingers slipped around her back, finding sensitive spots of soft skin beneath her mesh of cloth. Both she and the Doctor squeezed their eyes shut, relieved to be back in each other’s presence. After a long moment Rose pulled back slightly to place a sweet kiss on his mouth. The Doctor, intoxicated by the feeling of her warm body, soon deepened it into a full on snog. "Oi, get a room!" Donna disrupted the awkward silence, her hand kneading a tissue into a projectile to throw at them. Reluctantly, with one last lick at Rose’s lower lip, the Doctor let go. "Mhmm, chocolate," he exclaimed, making their friend snort in amused exasperation.   After he had shared a friendly hug with Donna, Rose pulled him down into the seat next to her. "That gained you an extra round of dirty looks," Donna winked. Rose allowed herself a little smirk. Now that the Doctor was back by her side she had fully regained her equilibrium. The Doctor, who was busy inspecting Rose's cake, trying a spoonful, raised his head. "What?" "Oh, it's nothing", she assured him. He gave her a stern look. ”What happened?" Rose sighed. "Oh, alright. That lot over there laughed at my outfit earlier. A bit too alien for them, I’ll wager. But they made me feel a bit self-conscious.” The Doctor took another look at her. “Why would anyone do that? There is nothing wrong with it.” He leaned in to whisper, “I think it looks rather fetching.” “Because,” Donna explained, “people are narrow-minded and perhaps a bit envious, especially if they happen to be silly girls sitting alone at a table, desperate for male attention.” The Doctor felt something tighten within him. How dare these petty females insult his Rose! He pulled his feet under him and was about to give the little cows an earful about manners, when Rose laid a calming hand onto his arm. “Really, I’m fine now. They’re not worth getting all worked up over.” He searched her eyes. When he found sincerity and acceptance, he nodded, swallowing his rant and decided on a different strategy. --<--@ “What did you do with the other Doctor,” Rose asked him several minutes later, shivering a little when his deft fingers worked their way under her hair and up her neck. “I raced him. We took different routes from the cinema. He probably got lost,” the Doctor smirked, feeling superior. He was massaging the back of Rose’s head now, fingers tangling the strands of her hair. Some hidden petals from her morning walk tumbled to her shoulders, making the Doctor smile. Rose purred. Donna, trying to ignore that little scenario, exclaimed “Let’s hope he didn’t find himself in any trouble. It’s been such a nice day.” “Nope, there he comes now,” Rose proclaimed happily. The Doctor in blue just wandered past the side windows, eyeing his sonic screwdriver. He was still following the beacon when he suddenly sensed his other self’s presence and looked up. They seemed to share a short telepathic conversation and the outside Doctor’s face hardened noticeably. He nodded through the window and rounded the corner to the front of the café. Stepping inside he stood still for a moment pretending to search for them. To his left the girlish voices fell silent as their owners gaped at the newcomer. Disbelieving looks were shot at the man next to Rose and the Doctor in blue. Sensing a second chance, one girl left her chair and swayed her hips over to chat him up. The Doctor graciously talked with her, staying friendly but reserved. Apparently the girl took that as a challenge, as she became more and more flirty. When she touched his sleeve and tried to take his hand however, he pulled away. “Sorry, but that hand is reserved. Forever.” Looking flustered at this implicit refusal, she followed his look to Rose who winked at him. “Rose Tyler," he gesticulated, "the bravest, kindest, most compassionate, stubborn, and determined woman I have ever met ... and the most beautiful.” The girl flushed deeply at that, muttered something apologetically, and returned quickly to her seat. The Doctor didn’t watch her go. Instead, he strode through the café, circled the table, and slid into the bay next to his Rose. His other self smiled proudly at him while Donna dabbed at a tear. "Thank you," Rose whispered gratefully, cupping his face in one palm and pressing a lingering kiss onto his lips. --<--@ For the rest of the day, they were all in a carefree mood. Donna and Rose giggled about the Doctors' descriptions of the movie they had watched, both men one-upping the other in their indignation about the limits of human imagination about alien life. "There are endless forms of colonisations and infinite forms of life out there and they managed to get them all wrong." Rose found a piece of popcorn under the blue lapel of the Doctor she currently cuddled and proceeded to eat it. A moan escaped her lips at the taste of the buttery treat, making her male companions twitch. Donna showed off her purchases and asked Rose to do the same, so she pulled out her new shoes. As they came into view, both Doctors doubled over in laughter, pointing and gasping. At Rose's puzzled look, they explained how back when they were still one person, the Doctor had sent an enquiry to the Converse manufacturers. Apparently, the Tardis hadn't translated it, so the staff mistook the message for an actual request. Rose now owned a pair of red shoes that said in gold circles "I was quite miffed to discover that there is no banana pattern among your wide range of offers. Please rectify this as soon as possible." "Well, at least they’re pretty," she laughed. When Rose put them back into her pouch, her fingers brushed the other little package hidden inside. Waiting until Donna excused herself for the loo, she pulled it out to show the guys. With a little smirk and under their curious looks, she opened the casing. It revealed a tiny pair of scissors with rounded tops. Rose fondled one of the leather straps on her dress-like clothing, counting the seconds until the penny dropped. They hurriedly left money on the table and a note for their friend that promised they would visit again very soon. When Donna stepped out of the restroom all she could see were flapping coats disappearing through the swinging café door, and the bunch of girls gawking after the trio with expressions of jealousy and awe. She rolled her eyes. --<--@ Over the next few weeks Donna noticed a rising tendency to strappy little excuses for outfits among the young females of Chiswick.
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snowiemimi · 3 years
RAIN STORM [Aaron Hotchner x FM! Reader] CHAPTER 1
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SUMMARY: Hotch is not very nice to her, and she will not sit there and take critisism. Enemies to lovers, will eventually be smutty, yeaaa
A/N: this is the first chapter of my first Hotch fic and I hope it is to someones liking ehehe.. I've worked really hard on it and i hope it turned out good!! I'm working on more chapters and more fics (wohoo) so watch out!!!
please leave comments and feedback!
NO PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION (she/her pronouns are used)
WARNINGS: swearing, bickering, some mean comments.. (please tell me if i forgot something)
word count : 1.3k (it’s a short one :// )
She was new at the BAU, sure, but she was not ‘NEW’ at the BAU. She had been there for almost a year already, but when Hotch told her she could not join on the next case because she was not ‘ready yet’, she snapped at him. Is it smart to snap at your boss? No. Did he get very pale and flustered? Also no, come on, it was Hotch we were talking about. But he did get surprised. As did the other team members in the room.
The past year, he had treated her as a kid. Yes, she was young. And not to mention fresh out of the academy at 22, the youngest person to join the BAU, beating Spencer by a whole 2 months. But that did NOT mean she was stupid. She would not have made it this far if she was.
He was the one accepting her on to the team, he knew she was exceptionally smart, yet he still talked to her like she could not even dress herself.
And in no way shape or form would she accept that kind of treatment.
“I’ve been on this team for almost a year, Hotch, you know damn well I can work a case. I’ve done it before, and I WILL do it again.” The other team members were watching intensely. Hotch was now standing up from his chair, not a single emotion displayed on his face. Garcia also got up, carefully, seemed as to not disturb the tension in the meeting room. “Very sorry to interrupt, but Sir, she is right...” Hotch’s head snapped towards her so fast it could have fallen off. Penelope shrunk back in her chair, terrified of the big boss man.
“Give me one good reason for letting you work on this case.” He said firmly. She was confused, what did she do to deserve to not work the case. So, she asked him that. He chuckled, not even bothering answering the question. The others seemed shocked, Emily quickly jumping up to defend her. “I don’t think we can do a good job without her; we need her brains.” Hotch shook his head disapprovingly, “she’s not that special.”
After a solid 30 minutes of arguing, he gave up and let her work the case. She left the room still confused, but not about to let the comment get to her. She knew her worth; a man could not convince her otherwise. The rest of the time spent waiting for the jet, the team was talking and checking in on her just in case.
When JJ announced the plane was ready to leave, every team member sat down in their preferred spot. Hers conveniently far away from the unit chief. Next to her sat Spencer, quietly asking if they could play a game of chess while they waited for Garcia to call to talk about the case. She said yes with a small smile, at least this was normal.
Hotch very rudely ignored her the best he could the remainder of the flight, until he had to talk to her for updates.
After the team got set up in one of the conference rooms, she got started on the geographical profile alongside Spencer. Both knew very well Spencer could do it by himself, but Hotch was still sour about letting her work and she was not in the mood to argue any more than she already had.
Even though the work was limited at this point of the case, she had a decent time with Spencer. He was one of her best friends and being the closest to her age wise was just a plus. She did not know many people her age who had the same ‘gifts’ as her, even if she would not really call them gifts. A lot of people saw her quick wits and high IQ as a threat, and when people feel threatened, it is not quite easy making friends.
Derek walked into the room, muttering something in his phone before he put it on speaker. On the other side of the line was Garcia with some update on the victim. She caught herself not paying attention, her mind occupied with her angry boss. Before she lost any more important information, she had told herself to do the best she could to solve this case, to prove Hotch how competent she was for the job.
When Rossi came back from the crime scene with Emily, he spent a good 10 minutes trying to calm down the grieving family of the victim. Before he could explain to the family how exactly they were to catch the unsub, Hotch walked in with his eyebrows furrowed and eyes only looking at her.
Her knees were weak, not in a good way, when he called her name. “You’re coming with me on a stakeout.” Derek chuckled behind her. “What.” She said, before realizing how fun it would be to torment him in a car… Alone.
Taking the FBI SUV for a stakeout would be stupid, it would attract too much attention, so they borrowed an unused dark blue family car. They spent the next few hours sitting in a middle-class neighborhood, watching a grey house.
She broke the silence after a while; “why did you want me to sit on a stakeout with you? You could’ve chosen someone else. Anyone else.” He let out a low laugh, “Because” he started, now looking into her eyes with a small smile on his face. “you’re the most entertaining.”
Confused, her eyebrows furrowed. “Entertaining?” He looked back out to the now gloomy street. “Yeah.” He simply said, and she shrugged it off. He was clearly playing some kind of game, and she was not into it.
They were eating Chinese food, waiting for any kind of action or sign to get out of the suffocating car. “Why do you eat like that” she said, deadpanning. “Like what?” He looked at her, “Like a fucking pig, you’re supposed to put your food in your mouth, not on the car floor.” She made a disgusted face, motioning to the seat and floor around him covered in lettuce and sauce. “Why do you care how I eat? You can’t even do your job right”
“Well, you can’t even be professional at work. Some kind of unit chief the BAU has, right?” He gasped audibly. “You’re a brat, you know that?” She laughed at his comment. “I’ve been told before, yes.”
His phone rang in his pocket, Rossi was giving updates. They knew who the unsub was. Hotch started the car and drove back to the station to get ready to make the arrest.
After successfully catching the unsub, the plane ride home was quiet. Spencer was asleep, Derek was listening to music and Hotch was dividing the paperwork to give when everyone got back to the bureau. She was sat reading her favorite fantasy novel.
Back at the bureau, the work had been put on each desk, the team collectively groaned as they sat down to finish up the case. Hotch was sitting in his office, writing up his own report.
“4 folders of this? Geez, this wasn’t even a big one?” Spencer groaned on the other side of the wall divider. “4?! Why do I have 7?” She said loudly. The other members laughed, “because you’re getting on his nerves, sweetie.” Derek answered.
An hour later, the bullpen was empty, except for her who just finished her 7th folder. She made her way up towards her boss’ office and walked in without knocking. He jumped slightly, looking up annoyed at her. “You fucker, why did you give me more work than the rest?”
“Because I enjoy watching you suffer.”
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charlotterhea · 2 years
Wohoo, another one! XD Thank you! :D
Okay, so, I'm a Snamione shipper and I've always wanted to write a story without a happy end. This would be it. ^^
I've always been fascinated by the Marriage Law fics - but most of the ones I've read so far don't seem that believable to me. I just don't see why the Ministry should pass such a law. And since I love to start my plots thinking about how something could be created more plausible (at least in my eyes ^^) I've twisted it up a bit.
Imagine Harry has never been able to return from the place he met Dumbledore after Voldemort cast the Killing Curse. Imagine someone else killed Voldemort and Snape (who ofc survived Nagini's attack, d'uh!) is sentenced to Azkaban because he wasn't conscious when his case was tried and nobody cared to look for his memories (or considered them valid). And now Harry is in this kind of vegetative state and no magic seems able to get him back. Ginny suffers, Ron suffers, Hermione suffers. And so she decides - years after the war has ended - that they need a specialist. And the only one they haven't questioned so far is Snape.
So she requests a meeting with him - and gets denied. She tries again - the same result. He just isn't allowed any visitors, not even Kingsley is able to get her into Azkaban. So she researches and finds an old as dirt marriage law that allows her to marry a convicted criminal and get him out of Azakabn because his magical powers will be bound under her control through the marriage. She will be responsible for him. And although she's in a relationship with Ron they decide to do it because there is a two-week deadline after the ceremony until they have to consummate the marriage and make it valid and they think they'll get him to help Harry within these two weeks.
But after years in Azkaban Snape isn't really conscious anymore and is in no state to help anybody, not even himself. But the Ministry urges them to get it done because Snape's magic is only bound under Hermione's control if they consummate the marriage and at this point, everything is a whole mess of Ron freaking out, Hermione caring for Snape and trying to get him into a better state of mind, in the meantime slowly falling for him because he tells her one thing or another in the few moments he has a clearer mind, and the Ministry eventually trying to get him back to Azkaban - which Hermione can't let happen anymore.
So they do it. Consummate the marriage. It's Snape's first sex and terribly embarrassing and Ron's furious and Hermione's desperate (and still in love), but Snape is getting better and eventually, he is able to look after Harry and very quickly understands what's the problem. The Killing Curse is demanding a death - and Harry refuses to go.
Snape doesn't tell anyone what's the real matter. He has sworn to save the boy and he will, so he prepares to take his place in the matter, giving himself as the victim to the Curse. Hermione only realises when Harry wakes up and Snape becomes unconscious - and she forbids him to go! Since his magic is bound to her will she can do that.
But as the days go by she realises that she can't get him back. She can't ask someone else to sacrifice themself for Snape even though she loves him. So she finally allows him to go and he dies in Harry's place and Hermione stays behind with a broken heart. And because I love Ron and I'm convinced he's a much better person than a lot of Snamione stories make him out to be he is still there for her and loves her in spite of everything she has put him through.
I really love this plot and like to muse about it when I need a little bit of heartache. ^^
Sorry that it got so long though. XD
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wilderlingdev · 3 years
devlog #02 - 400 followers, wohoo! + some progress
hey, everyone! we just hit 400 followers, which is mind-blowing for me, especially with how spotty my presence here has been these past weeks (months? what is time even). thank you so much for showing interest in both briarheart and the hanging heart. it means a lot to me.
the hanging heart
as i said in the hanging heart's intro post (here, if you haven't seen it), this will be a very short game for interact-if's game jam, though i have my doubts about making it in time. i started very late and work + real life problems have made it difficult for me to sit down and write. i have the whole game planned, so sit down and write is all i need to do, really. the only thing i'm worried about is a small mechanic i want to include but that i might not have time to test even if i make it in time for the game jam.
i'm really excited about the story, though! i'm honestly just going a bit crazy with it, not in the sense of "wow" things happening all the time, but in the sense that i'm cramming all my favorite tropes and imagery and, well, everything in this tiny little story. i love (as some of you might have noticed) forest magic, weird fantasy stuff and time shenanigans, so this is more or less what you can expect from the hanging heart.
i'm trying to get back into drawing as well and this short game (and ffxiv endwalker, to be fair) gave me some inspiration to dig up my ipad for the first time in some weeks. here's the full image from the intro post, because i quite like it, even if my anatomy is wonky:
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and here's a tiny snippet from the game:
The hungering tree stands tall on the hill beyond the village.
Its skeletal branches cast long shadows on the moss-covered rooftops, fingers creeping up the stone and wood to brush against the fires hidden by shuttered windows. A part of you knows it can’t be true - the tree isn’t big enough, the village is well beyond its reach, and as much as the sun moves through the sky the slithering shadows don’t stray from their path. But your eyes do not deceive you. Impossible as it is, the hungering tree hungers.
my main project, briarheart, is a different beast from the hanging heart, mostly because i think it's going to be huge. like i said in my last devlog, i've been writing for years, but only linear, regular fantasy novels, not interactive fiction, so it's hard for me to gauge just how big briarheart will be. my favorite IF games are heavy on choice and consequence, and that means a lot of content and keeping track of tons of details. it's hard to make something like this (for me, at least), but i believe it's worth it.
in short, i'm taking my time with the first chapter. i wrote a bit for it, didn't like it, scrapped it all, went back to the drawing board and have something i like quite a bit more now. again, i just need to sit down and write it now, but well, i have the hanging heart for this month and also life in general. i plan on going back to the first chapter once the hanging heart is done, which hopefully will be by the end of this month.
that's all, i think. thank you again for 400 followers and please feel free to ask/suggest anything. i will probably write some lore posts for briarheart soon, either on faes and elves or on the main places of the crowned grove.
see you all in the next devlog!
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