#wolffe rebels
lightwise · 1 year
If you’re still doing the character ask game, I would love to see your thoughts on Wolffe :)
So this is another tough one for me. I haven’t paid much attention to Wolffe until recently but he is a really interesting character and I love some of the unique contradictions that we get in his personality and his story arcs. I hope I do him justice for you!
Wolffe 🐺
one aspect about them i love - His snarky stubbornness. It’s very different from Obi-Wan’s sarcasm or Rex’s banter. Wolffe has just a no-nonsense attitude and anyone who slows him down or tries to get him to consider something he considers preposterous is met with a dramatic sigh and eye roll that would give Anakin a run for his money. 
one aspect i wish more people understood about them - I usually see characterizations around how gruff and stubborn Wolffe is, but he is also incredibly smart and calculating. He is the first to notice Eeth Koth’s hand signals when he is captured (even with Obi-Wan in the room!) and he immediately finds more nano droid explosives when they apprehend Ahsoka after the temple bombing. Unfortunately it seems like his head down, analytical approach to details sometimes keeps him from seeing the larger picture, and he can only see what is practical and in front of him. My guess is this is what enabled him to be part of order 66, and fueled his suspicious behavior towards the Ghost crew in Rebels, even to the point of alerting the empire to their presence.  
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character - I wonder if Wolffe and the boys had a series of specific wolf howls they all used as a way to communicate with each other or just have fun together when they were off duty. Like the Batch with their hand signals, it would be a unique way for them to communicate and I could see them messing with other squads too, sneaking up behind them and letting out a series of howls just to freak them out. I mean they went all out with every other aspect of adopting wolf characteristics, so why not this one too.
one character i love seeing them interact with - C-3PO. The utter sarcasm and irritation that he shows when he’s dealing with C-3PO’s antics on Faleen are just hilarious. And then later when they meet up with the droids again and Plo tells C-3PO that Wolffe would love to hear about their latest adventures–you KNOW he did that on purpose. He must have been laughing so hard knowing that Wolffe was dying inside the entire time. 
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more - Ahsoka. They have a connection from the very beginning of the show when she and Anakin save him, Plo, Boost, and Sinker from certain death in outer space. Due to Plo and Ahsoka’s closeness, Wolffe ends up working with her on various missions throughout the war, and they are on a first name basis. When Ahsoka flees the Jedi order after being accused of bombing the temple, Wolffe is the one who stuns her and prevents her from escaping again. She pleads with him by first name “Wolffe, let me explain!” but he doesn’t give her the time to do so. I would love to know the stories in between the canon ones of how they interacted, what stories Wolffe might have heard about Plo finding her as a child, how deep their relationship went and how hurtful it must have been that he was the one to dismiss her side of the story and follow orders to bring her in. 
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character - Wolffe is really interesting both in his own right and in his relationships to his General/squad. He is such a strategic and analytical individual, almost giving me Tech vibes in how logical he is, and yet he is the one who Plo Koon and his squad name themselves after and orient themselves around. Plo’s callsign is Wolf Leader, their squad is known as the Wolfpack both to themselves and others, and they all have wolf designs painted on their armor. They seem to have one of the most tight (or maybe cohesive/respectful) “family units” for a squad, even rivaling the bonds in the 501st and 212th. Which has to mean that there is a deep respect and warmth and closeness that they all give to Wolffe specifically aside from just a sense of duty and military hierarchy. I find it almost funny that one of the more straight-laced, practical clone commanders was paired with one of the more warm, open-hearted, kind Jedi generals. Plo was pretty much a father figure to everyone around him, and I can see that extending to Wolffe. In other ways though, they each were exemplary of the best that their respective stations could be–Plo was wise, kind, diplomatic, selfless. Wolffe was tactical, strategic, fierce, determined. And they both were loyal to a fault.  
I am very excited to see Wolffe’s part in TBB season 3. I hope it helps bridge the gap between his last appearance in TCW and when we see him next holed up with Rex and Gregor in Rebels. What happened to all of them to make them hide away from the galaxy like that? Did they manage to liberate enough of their brothers that they felt their job was done? Or did something terrible happen that made them give up the fight? I hope we find out.
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raphaerolo · 4 months
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My favourite father son duo
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phantasm-echo · 3 months
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And they (will be) roommates :0
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the clones would have fucking loved ezra’s gunsaber
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zealfruity · 8 months
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Rex’s mug has “#1 Dad Grandpa Brother” written on it. The shirt joke makes no sense if you think about it any further in the context if star wars but shhhhhh i had to make the joke it was in my brain
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ventresses · 9 months
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Star Wars: Rebels (2/?) - Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe
Star Wars + Text Posts & Headlines
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candyfloss5000 · 2 months
just gonna leave this here
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hydrangea-ranger · 3 months
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"And they were roommates"
In this case, the house will be an AT-TE
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trashy1turtle · 4 months
Me when Clones:
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skywalkerrtno · 3 months
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archivistofnerddom · 2 months
That was exactly the ending I wanted!
No one from the Batch died, even if there were some scares along the way. (Well, Hemlock and Rampart were killed, but I’m not that sad about it. Nala Se went out in an honorable fashion.)
The surviving clones and the kids are safe and get to live peaceful lives.
The Batch got to settle down and live a happy life on Pabu.
You know Wrecker finally got to fish full-time, like he was meant to do. After being a big bruiser for so long, he’s finally able to be somewhere his strength can be used to build, not destroy.
Crosshair gets to figure out who he is without his shooting hand, which is honestly the healthiest thing for him. He’s able to heal!
Echo is continuing his work for the clones. (Emerie is going with him as his adopted daughter sister and ally.)
We get to see a grown Omega choosing to leave to help the Rebellion, to help people. She’s going to be a pilot, and she took Tech’s goggles with her as a momento and as a token of good luck. (Not me getting teary and happy at her red headband.)
Also, big shoutout to Gonky for still being around and being a delight.
Older Hunter has a beard and a ponytail. (Hunter girlies, go off and thirst! He aged like fine wine.)
Hunter and Omega end this series being the emotional core connection that we’ve seen from the beginning. Yes, it’s sad to see her leave Pabu, but she’s got another fight in her. Hunter respects that.
And Batcher, of course, is always the best dog!
That ending, while bittersweet, was satisfying as fuck.
It also leaves open the possibility that the surviving members of the Batch (Echo included) fought with Rex to overthrow the Empire during the time of the OT. (That fits Sabine’s narration at the end of Rebels when she mentions clones (plural) fighting with Rex. At that point, the only other surviving Seelos Squad member was Wolffe, so the other clones had to come from somewhere.)
Anyway, the Bad Batch ended so well. I’m teary and very satisfied.
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kitcat22 · 17 days
Can’t get the idea of Rebels era old Rex Gregor and Wolffe time travelling.
And i don’t mean elderly consciousness put back into their younger bodies kind of time travelling, i mean old 60-70sh biologically, sagging skin and beer bellied Rex Wolffe and Gregor back in time, kicking ass, taking names and bringing down the empire before it officially begins
Mostly this comes for me wanting old Wolffe who with gained knowledge and insight into what the Corries and Fox more specifically endured, plus a little bit of emotional growth and brain damage deciding that the best course of action to stop his brothers neck being snapped is to go rogue and kidnap him.
Fox wakes up from like his 4 and a half hour designated sleeping period to the blurry sight of an unusual wrinkled Wolffe standing right beside his bed. He doesnt even have time to say ‘what the fuck’ before he’s been stunned and flung over old Wolffe’s shoulder and is then snuck out to be stashed away somewhere while Wolffe works out how to kidnap everyone else.
Also! Old Rex meeting young Rex and taking every opportunity to make fun of him. The 501st adore old Rex, young Rex does not.
Old!Rex: y’know when I was your age…
Young!Rex: When you were my age you were me now shut the fuck up
And also:
Fives: Will we all be pudgy when we’re older or is that just a you thing?
Rex: 🤬
Speaking of getting older, there’s also the fact that most of the clones didn’t actually get to Rex’s age and i think this would be really painful for the Old Relics Gang too. Like you knew how young your brothers were when the died but seeing them makes it hit harder.
Cody is not thrilled at being treated like a younger brother even if happy that Rex reached old age.
Where is Gregor in this you ask? Probably helping Wolffe kidnap people. Rex is not impressed with the short term planning even if he kind of wanted to do the same.
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phantasm-echo · 4 months
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Modern AU Rex, Wolffe and Gregor make me giggle so here they are
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pinkiemme · 3 months
Giving Wolffe his rebels beard because he makes it look so good
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tyquu · 3 months
congrats on 2k, ty!!! i’d love to see rex, wolffe, or gregor in your style if you’d like <3
EEEE Thanks!! And how bout all three?? >:))
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autismmydearwatson · 5 months
The more I watch Rebels, the more I begin to appreciate that the liberation of Lothal was a miracle of nothing less than Biblical proportions.
How many people were involved? Ten, fifteen maximum? One of the first of a new generation of Jedi, a Lasat survivor, an Imperial turned Rebel, a Mandalorian and her girlfriend, a pilot and her sicko astromech, a pirate, that kid whose name i forgor, an Ugnaught, and three clone veterans? There's NO way they should have succeeded in completely purging the planet of Imperial presence, but they DID.
They trapped every Imp in the dome by virtue of deception, launched THE Grand Admiral Thrawn into oblivion by making friends with mystical space whales, blasted every Imperial into ashes, and freed Lothal in the span of a few hours with only thirteen people and about two dozen star whales. And because this was only a year or so before the Battle of Yavin, the Empire didnt have the strength to try and take back the planet. This was a feat comparable in my mind to the Maccabean revolt, and now because of Ezras sacrifice and the Ghost crews efforts, Ezras homeworld was freed. The citizens of Lothals capital watched the flight of glowing purrgil and a rain of fire falling from the sky, and they were ALIVE and free.
And they didn't even use the help of the Rebel Alliance, they didn't do it for the Rebellion! They did it for LOTHAL, and if it weren't for Ezras love for his land he may NEVER have had the guts to do it, to refuse Palpatines temptation, to tell Thrawn to stick it, to yeet himself into the unknown cosmos, or to give up everything for his land God damn it God fucking damn it I feel sick
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