#wolfstar too but you have to redeem remus first
impishtubist · 2 years
Listen. Receiving some Sirius & Harry headcanons in my inbox wouldn’t fix me, but it sure as hell would make me smile 🥺🥺🥺
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sassmar · 3 years
literary wolfstar classics (rec list part 1, pre-2010)
Okay y'all. I threatened to do it and now I am doing it. This here is a rec list of "literary" wolfstar classics (all were originally written/posted pre-2010, many were written 2005 or earlier). By "literary" I mostly just mean heartbreakingly gorgeous with, like, decent grammar to boot. Sort of a rec list for snobbish lit-crit cunts like me (& probably Remus) and especially for any of you sweet children who weren't lurking the internet when a lot of these were being written/posted and may have missed some or all of these utterly seminal wolfstar texts :). Since returning to fic a few months ago after, like, a trillion years away, I've also discovered a few "new" (i.e. post-2010 lol) authors with some breathtakingly lovely and "literary" stories, and I'll try to get around to eventually compiling those into a similar list at a later date when I've got more free time. Probably won't be for a while yet.
So, without further ado/in no particular order - literary wolfstar classics:
"redeeming time" by minx.
A true classic. Written well before HBP (and maybe even before OOTP? - I'm not sure). A post-prank narrative told entirely from James's perspective (so it's also, of course, James/Lily, although wolfstar is the main storyline) and spanning Nov. 1976 - Nov. 1977. Minx's clean, straightforward prose works so perfectly for this story; it's, like, the quintessential growing-up narrative (but with gay wizards). This, this will always be canon to me. An all-time fave.
"fingerholds" by centaurea.
As far as I know, this is the author's only wolfstar fic, and omfg it is breathtakingly gorgeous. Non-linear narrative that shifts between First War & Lost Years. It tells the story of Remus and Sirius coming together after Hogwarts and then falling apart under the terror/suspicion of war. Again, the writing is fucking beautiful - imagistic, atmospheric, rife with metaphor. This might possibly be my favorite fanfic ever, although I really don't know because that's such a tough call. But anyway, this story will make you hurt.
"vector," "gasp," & "wane" by @rageprufrock.
Pru has written a number of wolfstar classics, so you can't go wrong with anything by her, but I picked these three because they strike me as the most "literary" (i.e. achingly gorgeous) of the lot. "Vector" is a lovely reflective piece in which Sirius, sidetracked by various memories in the midst of Christmas shopping, realizes he's in love with Remus; "Gasp" is basically just a beautiful, atmospheric sex scene (complete with a charming and pitch-perfect Confession of Feelings); "Wane" is a dreamy and poetic "fairytale for Remus," spanning his early childhood up through (and slightly beyond) Sirius's death in OOTP. I adore all of them. Her lighter/funnier fics (like "Seven Things") are also great so check those out, too.
"the times" by @imochan.
Absolutely everything imochan creates is gorgeous and she's written so many wolfstar classics. But I picked "The Times" for this list because the joy, the joy in this story is just so wonderful and palpable. It's a non-magic AU set in 1930s Ireland; Sirius is a paperboy and Remus works at the news office. This story is so beautifully written and unquestionably ranks among my all-time faves. A few other imochan classics I adore include "Liars Leaving My House," "Five Ways to Open Your Arms," & "Oh, Night, and Divine (The Selfish Wish Remix)." But really, anything by her is pretty much guaranteed to be gorgeous and wonderful.
"that the science of cartography is limited" by @sashayed aka rave/dorkorific.
Another true classic. Authored by one-half of the Shoebox Project team. Written pre-HBP, shifts back-and-forth in time between MWPP/post-Hogwarts days & post-OOTP/Remus in the aftermath of the veil, with the Marauders' Map and the boys' attempts to trace Hogwarts' ever-shifting walls with language becoming a sort of broad metaphor for the utterly tangible and seemingly solid yet eternally shifting, breathy, unstable, always-already crumbling foundations of human relationships - the "built-in" loss of relational existence. I mean, just beautiful.I cannot even. Another story that will hurt you.
"the love song of sirius black" by @kaydeefalls.
Based on Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" and another true wolfstar classic. A poetic imagining of Sirius's fall through the veil as a sort of dreamy exploration of various major fork-roads in his life, with each section of the story depicting a diverging (i.e. non-canon) path from Sirius's reality. And the final dream scene - ohmyfuckinggod. You will cry. Unless your heart is, like, stone, but maybe even then. I'm so sorry because I'm just now realizing I should have probably called this rec list "wolfstar for masochists" or something like that because so many of these stories are just brutal. As a side note, kaydeefalls also has a number of other lovely fics worth checking out, such as "Quiet" and "Twas Brillig, and the Slithy Toves."
"in love" by minnow_53.
I adore minnow! She has written so many charming, clever, sweet (& often hilarious) wolfstar stories, and she has this way of stepping a bit outside of the characters and creating a fly-on-the-wall sort of vibe that is just so wry and funny, but also at times becomes ridiculously poignant. I know I already used this word but her prose is just charming, idk what else to even say. I picked "In Love" for this list because it is so fucking sweet, in the best way possible, and fairly indicative of her style generally, and also, just - ugh. How can this story not make you happy. The title is self-explanatory. Other fics by Minnow that I especially love include "The Cure" and "What We Did In The Holidays" (these two are just utterly hilarious).
"beat the devil" & "the love there that's sleeping" by musesfool/victoria_p.
Musesfool has written so many wolfstar classics that I cannot possibly account them all here and I'm pretty sure I haven't even read most of them. She is, like, prolific, and you likely can't go wrong with anything by her. But anyhow, I picked these two because they are, in different ways, so particularly gorgeous. "Beat the Devil" is a First War/Sirius pining/hook-up fic with just, such great atmosphere; the story is just thick with atmosphere. And "The Love There That's Sleeping" is a MWPP-era, Beatles-infused, cut-it-with-a-knife-sexual-tension sort of thing that is also, just, so lovely.
"the shortest distance between two people" by riko.
A year-by-year MWPP era fic (each section occurring during the corresponding Hogwarts year) that is just so lovely and charming and often so funny but with so much freaking hurt, too. And these utterly perfect characterizations to boot. This story is just good, I mean, really what else can I say.
"written by hand" & "the moon's significant tremble" by setissma.
I think setissma has written a lot of wolfstar (and some of it may even be hard to find now?) but I picked these two because they are just so lovely. "Written by Hand" features this beautiful premise where Remus has to spend a summer in Romania with no way of communicating with his friends/loved ones, and so with their consent he charms the walls in his summer flat to display everything they write down (letters, grocery lists, all of it). "The Moon's Significant Tremble" is a lovely non-magic AU wherein Sirius is posh and Remus is a schoolteacher and they meet on a train when Remus may or may not be attempting to steal Sirius's watch.
"a peripheral vision" by carmine_ink.
Another heartbreakingly lovely AU set in the 1890s, Cambridge, wherein Remus and Sirius share the misfortune of falling in love in a time/place where that sort of thing is Quite Illegal Indeed, and Remus's lycanthropy is beautifully translated into epilepsy.
"the drought story" by librae.
Librae's style is just so pretty - everything she writes is so atmospheric and poetic and richly imagistic. "Drought Story" takes place the summer between sixth and seventh year; Remus's owl dies and Sirius pays him a visit for the funeral rites. I don't even know how else to describe this story, other than - just lovely.
AND here are some "honorable mentions" aka more lovely/charming/very well-written wolfstar classics that I just don't have the time/energy to type up full summaries for rn. But these are also all very, very good!
"a few mornings in january" by omgsubtext - in which Remus maybe sort of forgets to tell Sirius he's moved in with him, actually.
"ever after" by busaikko - in which Remus is a geeky astrophysicist & Sirius a gay Scheherazade.
"delta" by fahye - in which every single sentence is so poetically crafted.
"it's not the years, honey, it's the mileage" by thistlerose - in which Remus turns thirty-five and Sirius brings him stolen library books.
"cooler than frogs" by penknife - in which Sirius has a secret, and lycanthropy is very cool.
"the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime" by penknife - in which Sirius is Harry's brooding, Rochester-esque guardian, and Remus Harry's private tutor.
"a flame in two cupped hands" by such_heights - in which Sirius adorably pines.
"for someone came and kissed me there" by such_heights - in which Remus gives Sirius a scandal for Christmas.
"as red as hearts and autumn" by rosemaryandrue - in which Remus has a sexual encounter in front of mermaids under Brighton Pier.
"fire shadows" by mysecretashes - in which Remus, Sirius, and Peter spend the summer before seventh year at James's.
"being an historical record . . ." by moonpants - in which Remus is ambushed by James during truth-or-dare.
"earl grey" by mariinarusalka - in which Remus drinks tea.
"heat the winter floods" by daphnaea - in which R & S share a flat, and Remus keeps piles.
AND, finally, just for fun, this classic essay re: the canonical evidence for wolfstar, because I love close-reading and such nerdy shit as that: "the case for r / s" by elwing_alcyone.
oh and p.s. many thanks to @broomsticks for being so sweet & acclimating me to the wild world of tumblr!!
continuing to tag authors as i find them, pls lmk if you would like a tag or story removed
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kats-fic-recs · 4 years
Harry Potter Fics that are Simply Magical
Psssst see what I did there ;)
1) he will have power the dark lord knows not Words: 11, 809 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Gen
It was Mrs. Figg who suspected first.
She noticed many things, sitting on her side of her fence with her cats chasing butterflies and nuzzling her ankles, Mundungus and the other watchers dropping by for tea now and then.
Mrs. Figg noticed that Petunia was a nosy bit of work with insecurities hanging from her every harsh angle. She noticed when Dudley learned the word MINE-- the whole neighborhood noticed that one. She noticed that Vernon glared at owls.
She noticed that when Petunia gave Harry a truly horrendous haircut one year, it grew back in at a normal rate. Harry was uneven and weird-looking for ages, hiding under beanies when he could.
When Mrs. Figg had Harry over for carefully miserable afternoons of babysitting, she noticed nothing moved that shouldn't. He didn't accidentally make flowers out of fallen leaves, or levitate anything during tantrums, or turn toys funny colors.
Mrs. Figg called up her mother, interrupting the wizarding bridge game she was winning against the nursing home staff, and asked her how she had known, decades back, that her youngest daughter was a squib.
Love this concept so much and the author did a really good take on it.
2) the family evans Words: 3,529 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Gen
What if, when Petunia Dursley found a little boy on her front doorstep, she took him in? Not into the cupboard under the stairs, not into a twisted childhood of tarnished worth and neglect—what if she took him in?
Petunia was jealous, selfish and vicious. We will not pretend she wasn’t. She looked at that boy on her doorstep and thought about her Dudders, barely a month older than this boy. She looked at his eyes and her stomach turned over and over. (Severus Snape saved Harry’s life for his eyes. Let’s have Petunia save it despite them).
Let’s tell a story where Petunia Dursley found a baby boy on her doorstep and hated his eyes—she hated them. She took him in and fed him and changed him and got him his shots, and she hated his eyes up until the day she looked at the boy and saw her nephew, not her sister’s shadow. When Harry was two and Vernon Dursley bought Dudley a toy car and Harry a fast food meal with a toy with parts he could choke on Petunia packed her things and got a divorce.
God I wish this happened in canon. This made me tear a bit ngl.
3) a snake in the den Words: 1664 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Gen
you know what would have been great? if ron got sorted into slytherin.
imagine– we have this kid on the train, the first friend harry meets, with his corned beef sandwiches and smudged nose. ron is eleven years old and he wants gryffindor, because he’s a weasley and that’s what always happens. but it doesn’t happen.
what a way to redeem slytherin house– or, god, at least complicate it. because ron is petty. he is mean and sharp and ambitious and jealous– and he is loyal to the ends of the earth. he is all those things, and he is and always has been good.
potter becomes before weasley in the alphabet, so harry says not slytherin please and gets told might as well be gryffindor. percy and fred and george are all sitting there in red and gold, ruffling the already-ruffled hair of the boy who lived, smug, and then ron sits down and the hat spits out slytherin!
4) On Looks (and why shouldn't judge by them) Words: 11,102 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: T
Bill has spent his whole life as a big brother and makes sure that his siblings know to be careful because appearances can be deceiving. He doesn’t like getting approached by people who want a little bad boy in their life (he knows what impression he leaves on the masses).
Fleur is a big sister before everything but only ever gets complimented on her looks even though she knows she is valuable for more than that. She hates being objectified by anyone (even though when his eyes run down her figure, they feel more analytic than appraising).
He knows she’s dangerous from the moment they meet. They fall in love anyway.
I love Fleur. I love her. So when fics portray her as the badass she is, I immediately like them too. Her & Bill's fun dynamic in this is just a bonus.
5) All the Young Dudes Words: 526,969 Chapters: 188/188 Rating: M Pairings: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin & James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
LONG fic charting the marauders' time at Hogwarts (and beyond) from Remus' PoV - diversion from canon in that Remus's father died and he was raised in a children's home, and is a bit rough around the edges. Otherwise canon-compliant.
1971 - 1995
This IS a wolfstar fic, but incredibly slow burn. Literally years. Long build up but worth it I promise!
Sooooo I got on mauraders tiktok and EVERYONE knows this fic. So of course I have to include it. I barely started reading it and am currently on year 1 but god I already know this is a well written heartbreak
Annnnnnnd thats it :)))
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wolfstarlibrarian · 4 years
Hi! Do you know any college AUs? Preferably longer ones. Thank you!
The Librarians have stacks of college AUs, and here are just few that we cheer for. They’re listed in ascending length, so you can pick to your liking. Thanks for the ask! 
Wolfstar College AUs
Always Your Humble Translator by @catewip
When Remus finds himself on the verge of a panic attack on his first night at university, a handsome stranger is more than happy to save the day with Skam France, translations and flirting.
Timing is Crewcial by stevie_RST
The annual Gryffindor versus Slytherin Boat Race is around the corner and it's up to the Gryffindor crew to redeem themselves after losing the year before and severing the decade long winning streak their university had held.
Every Now and Then The Stars Align by @reytheghost
Remus spends too much time dreaming. Meanwhile, he falls in love, becomes friends with Sirius Black and contemplates the universe. And maybe, he lives a little.
The Sickness Unto Death by oliverdalstonbrowning
University AU. Sirius is not keen to take notes for the sick, sweater-wearing boy in his Gender Studies class. However, he soon becomes fascinated by this lonely creature, and does everything in his power to show him that he is more than just his illness.
Rollerskate by @poorlilgayremus
'You're a gold star fallen from its natural plane'
Remus Lupin isn't ready for university at all. As if leaving his old friends behind wasn't enough, now he has to deal with lovesick teenagers, ridiculously overambitious pranks, University Challenge tryouts, and that one gorgeous boy who just won't leave him alone…
Tumblr Trash -orphaned series
Padfoot and Moony meet over mutual follows on Tumblr. Remus, the blind student, hires Sirius, the fallen Aristocrat, to be a reader for his classes. They fall in love in separate ways, and fall apart. Then fall together. Their love is almost as ridiculous as they are.
How Remus Got His Groove Back by @theprongsletthatlived
After two years of noncommittal sex: Remus tells Sirius that he loves him. Sirius firmly rejects him. Remus tries to move on. Sirius is not happy. OR Remus Lupin becomes king of the cockroaches, Fabian Prewett writes a book, Gilderoy Lockhart is a catfish, and Sirius Black realizes he's a fucking idiot.
You Burn Brighter than the Stars by FarawayTreeFairy
Remus meets Sirius at the university bookstore where he works and falls instantly in love.
Time is a Fine Invention by bluepeony
Sirius Black expected university to be simple; a medley of moonlight trysts and Good Times. What he didn't expect was the yearning for home, the strains on his friendships, or falling for the hot-tempered History student Remus Lupin.
Thanks for visiting the Librarians! 
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Please write more of Remus not being able to stay angry at his boyfriend Sirius!! So cute!!!!
Hope this is alright. It’s been soooo long since I’ve written Wolfstar properly.
It’s a little nff-ish so be warned
This time, Remus was not going to give in.  He was not going to cave and stop being angry at Sirius.  He had crossed the line this time for sure - Sirius had literally forgotten their anniversary.  This was the same Sirius who remembered dates extremely well.  The same Sirius who knew even Snape’s birthday because he overheard someone wishing the Slytherin a happy birthday once in second year.  This was the same Sirius who had bought Peter a razor last month because it was Peter’s one year anniversary of getting his first chin hair.
But yet, Sirius had forgotten their anniversary.
Rational Remus wanted to just confront Sirius and ask him if he was forgetting anything important, but Angry Remus refused to give Sirius the chance to redeem his sorry anniversary-forgetting ass.
So Remus sat in the library reading his book and trying not to think about his boyfriend.
After about an hour and a half, Remus heard footsteps approaching and suddenly the chair opposite him slid back and Sirius sat down in it.
“I’ve been looking for you all day,” Sirius said.
“Hm.” Remus flipped the page of his book, not looking at Sirius at all.
“I couldn’t find the map, I’ve literally been searching the whole castle.”
Remus glanced up for a second. “That’s because I have the map with me.” Then he proceeded to look back at his book, but he was no longer able to focus.
“Come with me, I wanna show you something,” Sirius said, reaching over the table to take Remus’s hand.
“I’m not in the mood, Sirius.”
“What’s wrong?”
Remus snapped his book shut and glared across the table at Sirius. “You should know.”
Sirius looked confused and a little upset, but Remus wouldn’t let that ridiculously beautiful face win him over again. Not this time.
“I’m sorry, Moons, I literally have no idea-“
Remus sighed loudly and got up. “I’m going.”
“Hey, hey, Rem,” Sirius said quickly, getting up and running to catch up with him. “Please come with me?”
“I’m mad at you,” Remus said.
Remus closed his eyes. “No. I’m mad at you.”
He still had his eyes closed but he could tell Sirius was smiling. “So you’ve said. But you haven’t told me why, and I know you’ll love what I’m gonna show you.”
Remus exhaled and finally opened his eyes to see Sirius doing his best puppy-dog eyes and that smile which basically had Remus wrapped around his little finger.
“Fine,” Remus said shortly. “But make it quick. I have things to do.”
“Hopefully I’m one of those things?” Sirius smirked.
“No. Absolutely not.”
Ten minutes later and they were about to enter their dorm, Remus getting more and more irritated by the second. On the way up there Sirius had literally stopped a random sixth year Ravenclaw and told him to wish his mother a happy birthday, yet he’d still forgotten their anniversary.
They stopped at the door and Sirius slowly opened it, making room for Remus to walk in first.
Remus walked in and his jaw dropped - there were candles everywhere, beautifully smelling, flickering candles illuminating the room. Sirius’s bed and his own had been shoved together and a double silk sheet was covering both beds making it look like a double-bed. The bed was covered in rose petals.
Remus headed over to the bed to find a bouquet of roses lain on the silk and a heart-shaped box of Honeyduke’s finest, and on the box it had a personalised message saying “Happy anniversary Remus xxx”.
“Sirius, I- Merlin... I never expected-“
“Ah, wait, there’s more,” Sirius said, grinning as a Howler flew into the room. It wasn’t just a normal Howler, though - it was pink.
It hovered near Remus and suddenly Sirius’s voice was coming from it, reciting the sappiest, most god-awful poetry Remus had ever heard. He was sure Sirius had written it himself.
“- and you’re hotter than Venus, can I suck your penis?” The Howler finished, suddenly exploding in a shower of heart bubbles that made Remus feel tingly inside.
Remus was laughing at the Howler and Sirius’s ridiculous poetry and how overly cheesy and romantic and cliché this whole thing was, but his heart was racing. It was perfect.
He turned to say something to Sirius, but Sirius had already walked over to him, and as he turned their lips met in a soft kiss. Remus grinned into the kiss and when they pulled apart their hands stayed intertwined.
“You still mad at me?” Sirius asked, smiling.
“Mad for you, more like. Sirius, this is amazing. I’m so sorry I ever doubted you.”
“Why? What did you think?”
Remus laughed. “I thought you’d forgotten our anniversary. I realise now how stupid I was.”
“I’d never forget something as important as that.”
Remus nodded, letting go of Sirius’s hand and heading over to his bedside table. He reached into the drawer and pulled out a card. “I feel kinda lame now giving you just a card.”
Sirius opened the card, reading it and smiling at what Remus had written. After reading it, he looked up at Remus. “I love you so much.”
Remus grinned. “I love you too, Sirius.”
“Now, James and Peter promised not to come back to the room until seven, and since it took so long to find you we only have half an hour left,” Sirius said.
“Hm, what are you insinuating?”
“A quickie.”
Remus laughed. “A quickie it is, then.”
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buttercup-bard · 7 years
For the ask thing: Harry Potter
Aaah hi, Thank You very much!
my favorite female character
Hermione, she was quite a bit of an inspiration to me as a kid. But I also love Tonks and McGonagall, they’re both so great and badass too.
my favorite male character
Lupin probably, I can’t even explain why. He’s just great and deserved better. I also like Sirius very much though.
my favorite book/season/etc
Mmmm my favourite book is the Prisoner of Azkaban. (*cough* Maaaybe because Remus and Sirius are introduced?)
my favorite episode (if its a tv show)
Ok I’ll put my favourite of the movies here, which would have to be The Goblet of Fire. It’s just so stunning visually. (Even though it does have the infamous “DID YA PUT YA NAME IN DA GOBLET OF FIYAH?” :’D)
my favorite cast member
Probably Emma Watson!
my favorite ship
Mmm I have to say I was too young to really actively ship when I was first reading the books and stuff so I never really developed strong opinions on this... I guess Wolfstar (is that what’s it’s called?) is nice, it’s the one I can get behind the most I think.
a character I’d die defending
Remus and Tonks, because I’m still so upset that Teddy never really got to know them.
a character I just can’t sympathize with
This is obvious probably, but Umbridge? Literally 0 redeeming qualities.
a character I grew to love
Luna! I didn’t like her that much at first, but she’s actually great! Also Neville.
my anti otp
Again I don’t have strong opinions on this, but I can say I was not very happy with the canon parings from the epilogue? Especially Hermione and Ron, I’m not really strongly against it, but I’m really not sure if that would work out.
ask me
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sunkissedhoshi · 8 years
Wolfstar Fic Rec List (Part I)
I’ve been reading wolfstar for at least a month now so I figured it was time to do this.
I feel like you should know that I am very picky with fics, as I can’t handle cringe-worthy plots and writing styles, and I’m a bit of a grammar freak, so what you’ll find here will probably be quality stuff. 
Also I don’t read non-magical AUs so you won’t find them here either. I’ll probably post a second part someday, but in the meantime have this :)
The Shoebox Project by Lomara: This one is the fic. The mother of all wolfstar fics. Very few rec lists have it because just about everyone has read it, but if you’re like me and just found out about it, I shall provide. Follows the story of the marauders from 5th year at Hogwarts until they’re out of school. It’s a bit of a slow build-up but it’s really, really well written and the concept is incredibly original. I cracked up at least thrice in each chapter, it’s amazing. 26 chapters.
Feet of Clay by anythingtoasted : I think this was the first wolfstar I ever read and let me tell you, it was the best to begin with. It’s amazingly accurate and just so fucking cute. Divided in two parts, 29K words. Absolutely worth it.
Change by Puppylovele: This one’s really cute. Remus has a major crush on Sirius and Sirius decides to do something about it. 9 chapters, 37k words.
Map of the Problematique by SullenSiren: Four words: This! Fic! Broke! Me! oh my gOD i can’t stress enough how GOOD this fic is, it’s the perfect character developement and plot development and I just *screams* it’s so good. So. Good. The marauders share a flat after hogwarts. 2 chapters, 15.2K words.
Redeeming Time by Minx: James’s POV, about the year where Sirius plays The Prank on Snape. It’s really good. Not really sure how many words, but it’s not too long. 
Let Nothing You Dismay by montparnasse:  After Hogwarts, around Christmas. Listen, I know this time is filled with angst and stuff but this fic is just PURE FLUFF. Fuck it’s so so so so cute. 18.9K words.
Adagio by lupinely: Ungh. This one is so painful but sO GOOD. First-War and Lie Low at Lupin’s. 6.5K.
The Problem with Eggnog, Uncommon Thoughts, and Sharing a Bed with Sirius Black by xylodemon: I’ve seen this one around a lot, and I gotta say, now I know why. This is so fluffy and sweet and GOOD. 3K.
The Great Christmas Biscuit Misunderstanding of 1977 by xylodemon: THIS ONE WAS SO FUNNY I LAUGHED SO HARD. It’s like impossible mutual pining until FINALLY it happens. You know the drill. So. Good. 3.2K.
Five Types Of Love Sirius Black Had For Remus Lupin by FanficIsLove: The title is self-explanatory and honestly this is just so cute and sweet. I love it. 2.6k.
Hopeless by OfficialStarsandGutters: just. UNHLKFJDLKAJLDKFJSLDKFJFALDKFAÑSLDKFJ. There, enjoy it. 2.5K.
being an historical record of events surrounding the unfortunate truth-or-dare game of february the twenty-second, and consequences thereof by moonpants: This link was kindly provided by @lotstradamus! This is Hogwarts years and, well, the title is self-explanatory really. Long-ish but so so so so so worth it, DEFINITELY one of my favorites. 
Pair by moonpants: link again provided by @lotstradamus. This one is funny and Sirius is as charming as Sirius will ever be I love this so much. 
In The Middle by blossomwitch: This fic is amazing, especially because JAMES. JAMES JAMES JAMES JAMES. I love James. And also it’s incredibly cute it’s just so good and dlfkjdlfkjdslfkajdsflñkasdjf. Basically James has to spend almost 3 years with the knowledge that Sirius and Remus like each other, but since he has sworn to secrecy to both of them, he can’t do much about it. 3.7k.
A fearsome Business by CanisM: Lie low at Lupin’s. SO. GOOD. idek how to explain this fic ia lot of stuff happens, and it’s all so great and amazing. It’s incredibly well-written, too. 6 chapters.
A Feast In Azkaban by Nyx Fixx: ah, where do I begin. where do I BEGIN. This fic was absolutely mindblowing. Begins with Sirius being thrown into Azkaban, and we get to see the Dementor’s POV like. HOW COOL IS THAT. And there are flashbacks and memories and overall it’s just so. fucking. Good. It’s also amazingly written and very, very serious. You have enough dose of both fluff and angst. There are a few TW and there is definitely mature content, but the specific warnings are listed there in the link. THIS WAS SO LONG BUT I FEEL LIKE THIS FIC DESERVES A GOOD REVIEW AND A GOOD REC BECAUSE IT WAS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. 7 chapters, long-ish. 
Undercover by Kettle: This is settled around first-war era but it’s one of the chillest I’ve read of this time. Sirius is kinda tired of telling everyone he’s straight. He’s very very very gay. As we know he is. This is SUPER SUPER SUPER fluffy, 2 parts, amazingly cute. 
As Red as Hearts and Autumn by rosemaryandrue: Settled in 6th year, divided in 30 parts. This is super fluffy and wonderfully written. It’s basically Sirius and Remus throughout a month of 6th year and it’s just sooo good because you get not only their story but a lot of other backstory too. Totally, totally recommend it. The link will take you to the last part so you can have  a display of all the other 29 parts. 
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