#women's history - usa
tsmoxie7 · 2 months
Just trying to look beautiful 😍❤️
Been a transgirl is the most beautiful and amazing thing ever
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theeiris16 · 17 days
This is real. Stop sitting on the internet arguing with other people about celebrities. Who is who and all that bs. Ts is getting out of hand fr.
We’re taking multiple steps back in history. Everything your grandparents and great grandparents build is getting knocked down.
Mention these topics to your favs and get them to talk about it, yeah it maybe annoying but is getting scary out here and this shit will affect them too.
There is hundreds HUNDREDS of pages republicans have wrote that’s stripping minorities and women’s rights.
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decolonize-the-left · 6 months
In the winter of 1990, when the Congressional legislation to turn a proposed Americans with Disabilities Act into law stalled in the House Committee on Public Works and Transportation, hundreds of concerned disability rights activists and others from the affected community descended on Washington, D.C. There, they joined with local activists at the White House and at the U.S. Capitol Building to protest the efforts within government to stall and stop the Act from passing.
The most memorable moment in the winter’s activism happened on March 12, 1990, when dozens of these protestors at the Capitol abandoned their mobility aids and began to climb, crawl, and edge up the steps to the top of the west Capitol entrance on the National Mall. Some climbing on their own and some climbing with help from friends and family, they were cheered on by allies, onlookers, and the press. This direct action, which forced Congress to see them, is known to history as the Capitol Crawl.
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"Jennifer Keelan-Chaffins got on all fours to begin the ascent. Just 8 years old at the time with cerebral palsy, the climb up the stairs took almost an hour. But she was determined.
"As a matter of fact, I said, 'I'll take all night if I have to,'" Keelan-Chaffins told ABC News about that day."
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coochiequeens · 5 months
Another TIM with a history of domestic violence is using the courts to to play victim
By Anna Slatz January 12, 2024
A trans-identified male is suing the City of New York after he was placed in a men’s detention center while awaiting transfer to another state on charges related to domestic violence. Ali Miles, formerly known as Dylan Miles, is demanding over $22,000,000 in compensation for discrimination on the basis of his gender identity.
Miles, who identifies as a Muslim woman, was incarcerated at the George R. Vierno Center on Rikers Island from June to July of 2022. His custody was a holding prior to his transfer to another state, as he had warrants for his arrest in the state of Arizona. He was then transferred to Yavapai County Jail where he was ultimately tried and found guilty of two counts of aggravated harassment per domestic violence, a Class 5 felony, for instances dated in November 2021 and February 2022.
He was also found guilty of disorderly conduct, harassment, threatening or intimidating, and false reporting to a law enforcement agency, which are all Class 1 misdemeanors.
In October of 2022, he was placed on supervised probation for a period of three years and sentenced to 312 days in jail, with credit added for the 132 days he had already been held there. Miles was also subject to a domestic violence assessment.
But Miles is now taking to the court to sue to the City of New York for detaining him with other males while he was awaiting transfer to Arizona. The suit argues that Miles faced discrimination, assault, and human rights violations after being placed with men.
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From the lawsuit filed by Miles on August 24, 2023.
While asserting that he “wears women’s clothing and in all appearance expresses as a person of the female gender,” the filing argues that Miles was housed in a male facility at Rikers despite allegedly having a court order directing his placement to the female unit.
The suit reveals that following his arrest, Miles informed a judge that he was transgender, and required special housing accommodations to which a judge reportedly agreed. The court file and orders were then marked to notify the prison and their Intake Personnel that Miles was to be housed in the female section of Rikers, but he was not.
“As Miles approached the inside of the building, Miles realized it was a male jail which caused shock, panic and fright to Miles,” the suit reads, referring to Miles using feminine pronouns. “Miles requested and pleaded … that as an LGBTQIA+ individual who was transgendered, she required and needed an accommodation, and that she should not be placed in a male population jail.”
Miles then alleges that a prison staff member said “we don’t do the trans thing here.” He was then strip-searched by a male guard he alleges told him that he had “nice tits” and “one hell of a pussy.” This is despite Miles not having had any known genital surgeries.
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Miles continues that he was routinely harassed, “misgendered” and subjected to humiliation during his detention at the George R. Vierno Center. In particular, Miles emphasizes his “sexual victimization” by multiple “African American male” inmates as a result of his placement in a male facility, one of which he alleges sodomized him using butter as lubricant.
Miles is seeking a minimum of $22,000,000 in compensation for the various mistreatments he claims, arguing that the prison’s “unlawful conduct was a direct result of Rikers’ pervasive practices, and customs of discrimination, deliberate indifference, against transgender people.”
Miles is a prolific litigant, and, as previously reported by Reduxx, has filed a number of suits alleging discrimination by various businesses.
In May of 2023, Miles filed a lawsuit against a New York yoga studio seeking compensation of $5,000,000 after employees reportedly asked him to use the men’s restroom instead of the women’s.
In the suit, Miles alleged that the personnel at Chelsea Yoga “deprived [him] of his civil rights because he is gay, undergoing a gender transition, and because Miles does not conform to … gender-based preferences, expectations, or stereotypes about how a man/woman should dress and conduct himself/herself.”
But shortly after that suit was launched, Reduxx learned that Miles had filed at least four other lawsuits, making similar claims of victimization in each.
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Dylan Miles. Photo Credit: X / TWITTER.
In February of 2022, Miles filed a civil action for $75,000 in compensation against Sedona Soul Adventures, an Arizona-based business he had previously worked for. Miles alleged that the tourism company had wrongfully terminated his employment shortly after he was hired after subjecting him to “gender identity-based harassment and discrimination.” The suit was dismissed after an out-of-court agreement was reached.
One month later, Miles filed two separate civil actions — one against Planet Fitness and one against Bagel Point, both, again, on the basis of “gender identity-based harassment and discrimination.” In both, Miles represented himself, and failed to use consistent pronouns, often calling himself “Mr. Miles.” 
In his poorly-written civil action, Miles alleged that staff at a Planet Fitness threatened to sound the “lunk alarm” on him for entering the women’s facilities, and used a slur when referring to him. The “lunk alarm” is a fixture seen at most Planet Fitness gyms intended to provide a humorous “warning” to those being too loud or obnoxious in the gym.
Miles demanded compensation of $10,000,000 from Planet Fitness, but the suit was ultimately dismissed after he failed to file the appropriate paperwork and pay $402 in filing fees as requested by the court.
In his action against Bagel Point, a cafe in Brooklyn, Miles sought $75,000 in damages alleging he had been wrongfully terminated and subjected to verbal abuse on the basis of his gender identity.
Miles had been an employee of Bagel Point for a short period of time, during which he claimed the owner, a Muslim woman, had referred to him using slurs and mocked his gender identity, as well as crafting “unsubstantiated” complaints about his performance. The action, which was poorly written and rife with spelling errors, was dismissed by the court once again after Miles failed to file the appropriate paperwork and pay $402 in filing fees.
In yet another suit, Miles sought compensation from New York Presbyterian Hospital, once again claiming to have faced discrimination on the basis of his gender identity. The suit was dismissed and an appeal was not filed.
Though it is unclear when Miles began to identify as a woman, he appears to have converted to Islam around the same time. On his social media pages, he has alluded to learning Arabic and following various Islamic teachings.
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While Miles’ past cases were quickly snuffed out of the court system, his most recent suit against the City of New York appears to be proceeding. Having previously represented himself unsuccessfully, Miles has retained an attorney for this suit who has requested the case be referred to the court’s Alternative Dispute Resolution Program (ADR). The ADR is an alternative mediation-style arrangement targeted at speeding up settlement.
On January 10, the lawyers for the City of New York requested a time extension to review the details of the case, with the next hearing being set for February 22.
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nickysfacts · 10 months
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Happy Women’s Equality Day!🚺🗳️🚺
The Vote is one of the most powerful right we have, never take it for granted or let your vote be used against your own or other sisters interests!
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nathaliacastro6 · 5 months
Just try to feel myself has a trans ❤️🏳️‍⚧️❤️
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i learned that Eleanor Roosevelt held her own press conferences where only female journalists were allowed. This ensured they kept their jobs during Depression-era layoffs, earning a steady income & professional status (x)
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miawashere · 8 months
tignon law of 1786
in louisiana, during the 18th century, a law was passed in order to outcast and oppress black women of color by forcing them to cover their hair with scarves. this was due to the fact that white people (especially women according to online sources) were jealous of their hair because of how eye-catching it was, so it led to african american women’s hair getting regulated. this led to women becoming creative and finding ways to make the scarves beautiful and still be following the law, which didn’t end until 1803. the tignon law is just another example of poc getting oppressed because of an unfair and biased legal system.
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halpwhatdoiputhere · 7 months
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Just gonna slide this on here and say this is at the Field Museum and as far as I know it’s here to stay along with a new addition to the Native Americas that elaborates even further about the colonization and the impact and how you are on stolen land and that indigenous peoples are still here
So yea
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tsmoxie7 · 2 months
Just trying to be my self with this new look
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a8ra · 1 month
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theeiris16 · 17 days
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nickysfacts · 1 year
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All racism has ever done is slow down the creation of new beauty💜
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silicone-sweeties · 15 days
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My little cuddle bug 🫶🏻
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totallyhussein-blog · 1 month
Meet the Arab Americans, whose heritage is a roadmap to education
Have you ever visited the Arab American National Museum or checked out their book awards, film festivals and concerts? The museum “provides people with a more authentic and real representation of what it means to be Arab American.”
“We communicate the American narrative in the voices of Arab Americans. They express their experiences in their own words,” says Diana Abouali, director of the Arab American National Museum, located in Dearborn, Michigan.
Arab immigrant stories aren’t well-known among mainstream America. And what little Americans do know about Arabs is often informed by negative stereotypes.
Arab Americans are a diverse community that come from 22 Arab countries stretching from northern Africa to western Asia. But once they settle in the U.S., the museum director says, they become as American as they are Arab.
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Ralph Nader is known for his lifetime of activism and fearless critique. Yet in this fresh and inspiring book The Seventeen Traditions: Lessons from an American Childhood, Nader takes a look backward - at a serene and enriching childhood spent in bucolic Winsted, Connecticut.
In his most personal writing to date, Nader fondly describes his father’s restaurant and how it taught him about work, community, how to share in the spirit of others, along with the value of his mother’s Lebanese cooking and how it defined his relationship with his heritage.
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miawashere · 9 months
IWCA: what is it?
the IWCA stands for Indian Child Welfare Act and was passed in 1978 to keep native children with their families. at the time, native children were being taken away more often from their native households than they should’ve, so the federal government created standards to keep native american children around their culture and keep them safe. in 2022 there was a Supreme Court case that determined whether or not the IWCA would be overturned, but thankfully the law was voted to be upheld on June 15, 2023.
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