#wordle word game
toxintouch · 4 months
Hyperspecific modern era Ais Headcanon:
He still collects physical newspapers. He likes to do the crosswords.
He knows he could do them online or buy a book of crosswords, but something about the smell and the feel of the paper and the morning routine...
Edit: Danger-Bird made art inspired by this! Check it out!
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swiftpolls · 3 months
swiftpolls wordle challenge #5
make sure to put in the tags if you got it and how many tries it took! you can find the rest of the wordle challenges here <3
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mis-n-the-unwise · 3 months
Matt Boyd did today’s wordle in one ☝️!! btw
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mister-eames · 10 months
sitting here thinking what made eames snap at arthur “your condensation AS ALWAYS is much appreciated arthur thank you” what’s the back story what’s the hidden angst I’m dying here
This, reeks to me of at least one significant incident in the past of one of them shooting down the others idea shall we say 'gently, with a chainsaw.'
Maybe their last job together, before the Fischer job. Arthur was having a bad day, you know, like a rare and real Bad Day. His brain was too loud, his back was in pain, he had a burgeoning migraine, their extractor had fucked off so now Arthur was trying to fill two roles, his mom is very sick, and he has calculations of her medical bills interfering with actual calculations for the job. You know when you're at peak stress? Like you have 18 things to cross off your list before you can even think about a food break, and you just don't have the time to consider taking a breath, or delegating the tasks, you just have tunnel vision, your blood sugar is low, you just need to get through this and you need a radius of silence around you? I think Eames got in the way of that. He was probably trying to help Arthur out and volunteered an idea for the job and was shot down gently, with a (metaphorical) chainsaw. Arthur probably felt bad for it by the time the job was done and paid Eames some pithy compliment like, 'you did good' and Eames, who has been subjected to a terse and surly Arthur for a week thinks the compliment isn't genuine, is forced, hence the 'condescension' remark. Eames shrugs it all off. He doesn't need Arthur to stroke his ego, he knows his worth. It'd just be nice, is all.
Also, this may sound weird, but I also think it's also a very cute kind of thing that they do. They pick something to attribute to one another and it almost becomes a game. "Your sarcasm, Arthur, as always, is much appreciated." "Your inane ramblings, Eames, is much appreciated, thank you." "Your lack of enthusiasm, is much appreciated." "Your tardiness--" 'Your stubornness" -- and perhaps it slowly, slowly it starts to get kinder. There's a few "Your resourcefulness is---" and "Your creativity is---" until, until.....
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allieinarden · 5 months
I’m convinced everyone’s pretending NYT Connections is hard to make me feel good about myself.
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easeupkid · 3 months
has anyone else been playing strands ?? the new nyt word game ??
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moomoocowmaid · 10 months
I play Wordle and Connections every day, like a little habitual goblin who craves routine :3
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ashenpumpkin · 8 months
Word Games:
Wordle- https://www.nytimes.com/games/wordle/index.html The classy word game you know and love
Quordle- https://www.merriam-webster.com/games/quordle/#/ Four wordles at once
Octordle https://octordle.org/ Eight wordles at once
Sedecordle https://www.sedecordle.com/?mode=daily#box3,1,1 Sixteen wordles at once
Duotrigordle https://duotrigordle.com/game/daily/normal Thirty two wordles at once
Mini Crossword https://www.nytimes.com/crosswords/game/mini Self explanatory
Connections https://www.nytimes.com/games/connections Connect groups of four words
Spelling Bee https://www.nytimes.com/puzzles/spelling-bee Find as many words from 7 letters
Crossword https://www.washingtonpost.com/crossword-puzzles/daily/ Self explanatory
Word search https://games.washingtonpost.com/games/daily-word-search Self explanatory
Squaredle https://squaredle.app/ Find all the words in the square
Foxdle https://foxdle.jymfox.com/ The answer is always FOXES
Waffle https://wafflegame.net/daily Rearrange letters to make all the words exist
Verticle https://verticalwordle.com/ Each column shows you which letters exist in the word, if green it's in the right place. (on the bottom row)
Weaver https://weavergame.org/ Build a word bridge between two words
Xordle https://xordle.org/ Solve two wordles on the same board
Feudle https://googlefeud.com/feudle/ Guess a google search
Adoptle https://adoptle.org/ Guess a pet's name
Contexto https://contexto.me/ Guess a word based on contextual connection
Jumblie https://jumblie.com/ Find all the words from a specific topic
Readctle https://redactle-unlimited.com/ Find the Wikipedia article by guessing and revealing redacted words
Dordle https://dordlewordle.com/ Two wordles at once
Worldle https://worldle.teuteuf.fr/ Guess the country based on shape
Globle https://globle-game.com/ Guess the county based on proximity
Tradle https://games.oec.world/en/tradle/ Guess country based on exports
Travle https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=travle+&atb=v344-1&ia=web Make a bridge between countries
WhereTaken https://connectionsnyt.com/wheretaken Where was this photo taken?
TimeGuessr https://timeguessr.com/roundonedaily Where and when was this photo taken?
Flagle https://flagle-game.com/ Guess the flag
Misc science
Metazooa https://metazooa.com/ Guess the animal based on it's family/order Metaflora https://flora.metazooa.com/ Guess the plant based on it's family/order
The wiki game https://www.thewikigame.com/ Start with one value of Wikipedia, get to another value with only links as fast as you can
Angle https://angle.wtf/ Guess the angle
Nerdle https://nerdlegame.com/ Guess the math formula
Mathler https://www.mathler.com/ Find the calculation
Nerd Shit
Daily Chess Puzzle https://www.chess.com/daily-chess-puzzle Self explanatory
Sudoko https://sudoku.com/challenges/daily-sudoku Daily sudoko
Squirdle https://squirdle.fireblend.com/ Guess the pokemon
Gamedle https://www.gamedle.wtf/ Games by cover, artwork, keywords and guess
Framed https://framed.wtf/ Guess the movie
Bandle https://bandle.app/ Guess the song
Daily Tomato https://www.rottentomatoes.com/movie-trivia/ Guess the movie title of the day
Guess the game https://guessthe.game/ Guess the game
Guess the movie https://fliktok.app/ Guess the movie
Moviedle https://likewisetv.com/arcade/moviedle Guess the movie from a fast clip of the full movie
Plotwords https://plotwords.com/daily Guess movie from plot keywords
MovieMusicQuiz https://www.movie-music-quiz.com/home?background=superheros Guess movie from soundtrack
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transdragonlira · 3 months
So I play quorlde and octordle pretty frequently right? And I always start with the same twee word combination
However. Yesterday I found out that 'daunt' was a word that's also valid. And you know, I figured that a d instead of a v might be better, so I switch up "vault" with "dualt" for once. And you'll never fucking believe which word was featured in the octordle of today.
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I have never been so devastated in my entire life by a sequence of octordle moves. I should have listened to the gambler's fallacy. Also I should never ever fucking gamble in my entire goddamn life but that is the case for more people and yet they do it anyway
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coquelicoq · 9 months
today is the first time since i started playing that i think i might not be able to solve le mot wordle...i've got the first and last letter and i'm running through all the french phonotactic rules i know and i'm coming up with nothing. got two rows left but i don't even have any guesses. ô dictionnaire ne me déçois pas quand je suis dans le besoin...
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themadbard · 1 month
Connections is my new opp. You're going to have "Bowie" "Mercury" and "John" and there NOT be a category for British musicians? Absolute waste of my time 😡
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swiftpolls · 2 months
happy word game wednesday! here’s today’s custom wordle:
swiftpolls wordle #6
no spoilers! put in the tags how many tries it took :’)
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mrbexwrites · 7 months
Wordle-Building Wendesday
Tagged by @duckingwriting and you should play their wordle - a game that I am terrible at!
Rules: using this Wordle maker, come up with a relevant word for your WIP, and share the link! Then, below a cut, share why the word relates to your current project.
Passing the Tag onto: @sam-glade @sarahlizziewrites @queen-tashie @scifimagpie @alnaperera and leaving an open tag for people who want to join in :)
A very common occurrence in Memento Mori this is the first word that sprang to mind as soon as I read the rules of this game!!
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lipper09 · 4 months
Has anyone played Picsey?
There are so many Wordle and copycat Wordle games out there. I'm curious if anyone has discovered Picsey (www.picsey.io)? It's a daily online picture trivia game. Every day is a new category (ie Celebrities, architecture, name the sport, bands...). You click on a tile that reveals part of the picture underneath. You have to guess in as few clicks as possible. It's part of my daily Wordle, Spelling Bee Connections ritual. It's super fun!
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titsthedamnseason · 1 year
i think michael dicostanzo is playing cowordle right now and i know you’re thinking “likely place for him to be” which yeah but honestly while many people that i’ve played have wordletok related names this one is “Vintage” and of course uses starting word stare and none of this would feel significant if this person didnt keep BEATING ME IN TWO SECONDS FLAT like i like to think i’m pretty good but seriously this person has now beaten me twice either while i was still on my first word or before i even got to type it and it’s not like i don’t have a strategy i’m ready to go when that timer stops but they’re just so quick like i almost thought it was a computer or something so i think it must be him because who else is this level of insanely good 😭
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freezingsheep · 10 months
Ever since it became “a thing” I’ve been doing Wordle pretty much daily. My mum sends us her Wordle, Quordle, Octordle and Squordle scores every day and responds to our Wordle offerings with glee and emojis if we did well and heartfelt words of encouragement if not.
Well one of our friend group has now discovered Connections (another NYT game) and we got hooked again. But even better - we found an app that lets you make your own!
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So without further ado, here is my very own Connections game wot I made!
Connections by me #1
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