#working in retail)
darth-revan-dark-lord · 3 months
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malinkymax · 10 months
I work in a bookstore/gift shop. Of the many things we sell we have little fridge magnets. A woman came in today, brought one up to the counter to buy, gestured at it chuckling and said,
“I’ve given up on the post office!”
I asked her to repeat it in case I misunderstood, but it was the same, so I just smiled and checked her out. I will wonder about the meaning of her words until the day death comes for my soul.
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larrydaleydaily · 4 months
the only conceivable ways for me to not quit my job on the spot:
1. pretend i am professor x and can explode people with my mind
2. have a wildly inappropriate and juvenile crush on my manager
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never thought the antagonists of my life would ever be moms and old people
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kaddyssammlung · 7 months
Today is some sort of unspoken holiday here in Germany. It's “Fasching” or “carneval” or whatever you want to call it. On this day our store is open from nine to 12 because of this. It's been like this for as long as I can think.
An angry customer messaged me on Instagram because he was told otherwise?! I don't think so.
Every one knows this.
He got so damn angry on IG I thought about blocking him.
One of my employees called him and offered him that she can hand him out the skies that he rented and did not pick up.
Idk why but this makes me so damn angry. Why did I answer on IG? Back in the day where you only had phones stuff like that would not have happened. No one there...you're loss. F*ing social media makes it seems like everything is available all the time. But it's not! Biting my tongue here...massively
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deandraxon · 4 months
How the fuck do y’all not realize how fucking rude it is to tell someone they “don’t look happy”?
I’m fine, mind your fucking business. Sorry I’m not all sunshine and rainbows, but I’m literally just fucking sitting here bro.
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davenportia · 2 months
can we normalize asking cashiers if they can break a $100 bill? i had to break like 5 today and not one of those people asked if i could break it.
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dio-without-an-s · 2 months
Customer: "Hi could you help me figure out this thing?"
Me: "Sure thing. Let's take a look."
Customer: "My wife has been in a mental asylum for two years and last week we discovered she has leukemia."
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dcjokerhs · 4 months
I did not spend my childhood trying to get a reputation as a Good Little Kid and then a Good Helpful Person to then deal with THE DISGRACE that is the disrespect of the Retail Management Staff.
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youknowsureyya · 5 months
You know the shift is bad when people only make eye contact with you and the stage direction in your brain goes 'enter two clowns'
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agir1ukn0w · 6 months
Since I don’t see a lot of people saying this, I want my fellow retail workers to know that it’s ok to not like your job, even if you work at a “good” store. I’ve worked at Target for about nine months now and I hate it. Despite the great energy of my team mates and how kind and respectful my bosses are (which initially made me really like working there), I feel like I’m barely powering through most days. I feel tired and depleted and lethargic every time I get home, and when I’m on the clock I’m praying to whatever cosmic force can hear me that I can find another job soon. The reason for all this is because I simply do not have the right energy or temperament for retail. I’m a good worker and I love working with people, but nearly everything about my job irritates me. Most of the customers are nice and very polite, and yet they set my teeth on edge most days. I’m paid fairly well for a retail worker, too, but lately I don’t think that’s enough to make me want to be here much longer. All this is to say, hang in there, and it’s ok to be dissatisfied even if everything else in your life seems to be working out.
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irlbop · 6 months
Bookstores (and retail in general) breed s u c h main character ego because I shouldn’t have to tell you that no, I can’t search for your membership by your name, otherwise you’ll be sharing your account with like five other women named Pamela Hart or whatever.
Additionally! Customers will tell you their name when signing up and feel the need to spell out the most simple names like “Jennifer” or “John” but then hand you a last name like Svanowskavitzowitz and not follow up like you’re the idiot for not ever having heard this surname in your entire life
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I have just been given a shift on the 10th March. Where I live it's mother's day on that day, so obviously I'm gonna have plans to spend it with my family, but I've been given an all-day shift anyway. And I was told that the only option is to swap with someone else but I can't do that because my other colleagues will be spending mother's day with their families as well so I have nothing to do.
Just the thought of serving customers on a day I was supposed to have with my family makes me fume.
I'm just not gonna go in on that day. I'll probably pull a sickie cause if they're gonna snake me like that, I'll just snake em back
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Overheard a 'god I wish that were me' retail moment, after a few minutes of 'that tickets not valid but I'll just sell you another half so you don't have to pay the full ticket an on the spot fine'
bratty little customer: aye, But. I. Am. Sixteen. ?.
Conductor: see where my finger is? See that word there? Under. You need to be Under. Sixteen.
Bratty little customer: *huffs*
Bratty little customer: right no need to talk to me like I'm stupit tho
Conductor: aye well, I did have to explain it to you three times soo... You've got it now though! Well done! *hands over card machine to pay*
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kissoflightning · 10 months
A Bad Cup of Coffee
I wrote this fic from Leo Manfred's perspective when I was depressed; it's an original headcannon of what he was going through the day before his first appearance in Detroit: Become Human
Teen And Up Audiences
No Archive Warnings Apply
Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Leo Manfred
Jerry(s) (Detroit: Become Human)
Original Female Human Character(s)
Additional Tags:
Leo Manfred POV
Leo Needs a Hug
Hurt No Comfort
I'm So Sorry Jerry
Physical Abuse
References to Drugs
Song Lyrics
References to Depression
One Shot
Language: English Series:Part 1 of Carl Dies
Published: 2023-10-25
Leo fucked up again. (The events of this story take place the day before we first see Leo's appearance in Detroit: Become Human)
This fic is mostly a self-indulgence. I wrote it when I was extremely depressed and ironically I felt better after writing it. I decided I wanted to write these little stories as one shots, but I plan on writing a few more (Completely out of order), hence why I am tying this to "The Graveyard" because these stories will all be very much their own thing but work together in the same timeline. The song Leo listens to 2/3rds through the story (If you'd like to read along with it) is Green Day - Boulevard of Broken Dreams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Soa3gO7tL-c
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Work Text:
Thursday, November 4th, 2038
The alarm blared and it was time for another dreaded day for Leo to go to work. He had his third breakdown last week when some idiot gave him crap over how much cream cheese was spread over a fucking bagel. "Why aren't there equal amounts of cream cheese on both sides? I asked for equal amounts of cream cheese on both sides!" Leo was so done with this shit and he SCREAMED at the man "YOU FUCKING IDIOT! The cream cheese stuck to the other side, it ain't my god damn fault!" His boss threatened to fire Leo if an incident like this were to occur again.
Leo took a hit from his Red Ice vape, just enough for him to vibe enough to put up with whatever bullshit he was going to put up with today. Enough that the intrusive thoughts were there, but not enough for them to take over. Leo HATED the way he acted when he had taken too much, but it felt so god damn good!
He dragged his sorry ass to the coffee shop and lay his bag down in the break room. His boss peered over his shoulder, "You better not fuck up today, Manfred."
"Yeah, whatever." Leo replied with a shrug.
Leo asked his coworker, Sheryl to man the till today so he could avoid talking to as many customers as possible and she complied without hesitation. Sheryl was the only person who was tolerable to work with at this shit hole of an establishment. Other than her, he hated EVERYONE, even Jerry. Especially Jerry. Fucking androids. They'd never have to deal with feeling like a miserable, worthless piece of shit like him.
One hour left in his shift, and Leo had successfully managed to keep himself from getting fired so far. Sheryl pulled off the "customer service" act so well, despite the usual barrage of annoying idiot customers. He always looked forward to the end of the day where she'd go back to her normal self and talked so informal saying fuck and shit in almost every sentence with a tone that would be considered a "bad attitude" from the boss. But in reality, she was super cool. Something felt good about being the only one at work to see that side of her.
A man who ordered a few minutes ago, came back raging. "I TOLD you I wanted a fresh cup and this tastes like the stalest oldest shit you could give me!" The man screamed as he threw the coffee at Sheryl, scalding her.
What Leo saw next was neither customer service Sheryl or badass Sheryl...it was broken Sheryl. She froze, broke into a sob, and ran out of the shop wailing and crying. For once Leo's intrusive thoughts were in sync with his regular line of thinking.
[He needs to get his ass kicked]
Leo hopped over the counter, clutched him into a chokehold, and threw him onto the floor. He should have stopped there, but the violence felt so good. [It's justified] He thought to himself. [Sheryl didn't deserve that] He pinned the man down and laid down punch after punch as the man and any customers that were around to witness screamed in horror.
Suddenly he was stopped and pulled up by that fucking android, Jerry. Leo's temperament wasn't settled. "Fucking piece of plastic! Let go of me!" Leo shouted before shifting to hook his fist directly into Jerry's right cheek.
The impact scraped the part of synthskin where it landed, and the android seemed to emulate fear. "My name is Jerry!" The android shouted before frantically running out the door. That display was so convincing that Leo almost felt bad about punching the thing. However, he knew better than to fall for the emulation of human emotions. Self-preservation was probably something built into their program - or perhaps Leo caused it to malfunction from hitting it too hard.
The boss came out finally. He'd probably been in his office blasting shitty music and playing Level 28,453 of Candy Crush or something. "What the hell is going on here? Where's Sheryl and Jerry?" He hollered.
"Your employee jumped over the counter and attacked me like a wild animal!" The beat up asshole shouted.
"He started it! He threw hot coffee onto Sheryl and she ran out crying!" Leo protested.
"Which I wouldn't have done if you had given me fresh coffee like I asked!" The man retorted.
"FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Leo screamed before throwing the man a sucker punch in the stomach, and he fell to the ground.
The man, speechless, shook his head and limped towards the door once he regained his composure.
"Please don't press charges." The boss pleaded to the customer.
"I won't, but I want to see you fire him." The man told him.
"With pleasure." The boss complied before he turned to Leo to shout "YOU'RE FIRED!"
Leo went home and upon approaching the door to is apartment, he'd spotted an eviction notice. "Fuck my life!" Leo shouted out loud as he entered through the door. He plopped onto his bed and screamed into his pillow. "AAAAAH!"
He plugged his airpods into his ears, and blasted the song Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day, closing his eyes for a moment and taking a exaggerated breath during the initial guitar riff. He started singing along to the lyrics. "I walk a lonely road. The only one that I have ever known. Don't know where it goes, but it's home to me, and I walk alone." He proceeded to load the red ice into his pipe, lit it up and took a deep inhale, laying back into his bed as he watched the red smoke release into the air. He sank into his bed as he felt his stress start to dissipate, though a lingering was left behind. Leo needed more ice; he was almost out. Not to mention he would wind up homeless soon if he could not get any money.
Leo continued to sing while laying down, attempting to relax. He nodded his head slightly while belting "My shadow's the only one that walks beside me. My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating. Sometimes, I wish someone out there will find me." He took another inhale from his vape, savoring it before releasing the breath. He closed his eyes and hummed along with the "Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah. Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah" while simultaneously feeling the music, imagining himself walking down a deserted outskirt in slow motion.
Leo tried to let his mind wander, but it kept coming back to reflect on his shitty predicament. He would need to ask his dad for more cash. If the requirement to ask his disapproving father for money was not bad enough, having to see Carl treat that plastic toy like his actual son was so much worse.
"Read between the lines. What's fucked up, and everything's alright. Check my vital signs. To know I'm still alive, and I walk alone." Maybe if he punched Markus, it would run off like Jerry did. However, Jerry had been in a public place at the time; what if Markus reacted more violently? It could be incredibly dangerous to pick a fight with an android where nobody could hear you scream.
And there was something different about Markus; it was so good at acting human. Leo would not doubt it if Kamski built it with some protocol to beat the shit out of anyone who provoked it. Leo closed his eyes once again and let his mind continue to drift until he passed out.
If you enjoyed reading this story and you firmly believe that Leo Manfred deserves redemption, feel free to give a Kudos/Comment on AO3 to give him some love!
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kaddyssammlung · 9 months
Good Morning
The past two days have been great. Every customer was so nice and idk why but they were just so nice and relaxed and joking around. I love that :)
Let's hope today will be the same. Last day of work for that year. My mood is fantastic because I had a great mediation today. Hugging all of you right now, if you want me to :)
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