#world food program (wfp)
directactionforhope · 28 days
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Article here
"Inspector general examining two top WFP officials in Sudan -sources
Investigators looking at whether staff hid alleged role of Sudan’s army in blocking food aid
Probe also investigating disappearance of fuel supplies in Sudan
WFP, USAID confirm investigation of Sudan operation is under way
Famine watchdog IPC says 25 million facing food crisis in Sudan"
-via Reuters, August 28, 2024
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the-maddened-hatter · 1 month
Hey, so I made a group on Free Rice called "Let's Gain the Grains"
The join code is 2YL7W8VQ if you want to come play :)
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kidneys-and-custard · 2 years
Today I found out the FreeRice app has added a bunch of subjects. Basically you answer multiple choice questions and for every correct answer WFP donates rice to families in need. I’ve been playing for years and I highly recommend it if you like to learn fun facts or just want to help out.
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sayruq · 4 months
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The United Nations said Tuesday it suspended food distribution in the southern Gaza city of Rafah due to lack of supplies and insecurity. It also said no aid trucks entered in the past two days via a floating pier set up by the U.S. for sea deliveries. The U.N. has not specified how many people have stayed in Rafah since the Israeli military began its intensified assault there two weeks ago, but apparently several hundred thousand people remain. The World Food Program said it was also running out of food for central Gaza, where hundreds of thousands of Palestinians fleeing Rafah have sought shelter in a chaotic exodus, setting up new tent camps or crowding into areas already devastated by previous Israeli offensives. Abeer Etefa, a spokesperson for the U.N’s World Food Program, warned that “humanitarian operations in Gaza are near collapse.” If food and other supplies don’t resume entering Gaza “in massive quantities, famine-like conditions will spread,” she said.
The prosecutor at the International Criminal Court cited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for alleged “use of starvation as a method of warfare,” a charge they and other Israeli officials angrily deny. The prosecutor accused three Hamas leaders of war crimes over killings of civilians in the group’s Oct. 7 attack. The U.N says some 1.1 million people in Gaza – nearly half the population — face catastrophic levels of hunger and that the territory is on the brink of famine. The crisis in humanitarian supplies has spiraled in the two weeks since Israel launched an incursion into Rafah on May 6, vowing to root out Hamas fighters. Troops seized the Rafah crossing into Egypt, which has been closed since. Since May 10, only about three dozen trucks made it into Gaza via the nearby Kerem Shalom crossing from Israel because fighting makes it difficult for aid workers to reach it, the U.N. says. For months, the U.N. has warned that an Israeli assault on Rafah could wreck the effort to get food, medicine and other supplies to Palestinians across Gaza. Throughout the war, Rafah has been filled with scenes of hungry children holding out pots and plastic containers at makeshift soup kitchens, with many families reduced to eating only one meal a day. The city’s population had swelled to some 1.3 million people, most of whom fled fighting elsewhere. Around 810,000 people have streamed out of Rafah, although Israel says it has not launched the full-fledged invasion of the city it had planned. The United States has said Israel did not present a “credible” plan for evacuating the population or keeping it safe. The main agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, announced the suspension of distribution in Rafah in a post on X, without elaborating beyond citing the lack of supplies. U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said the UNRWA distribution center and the WFP’s warehouses in Rafah were “inaccessible due to ongoing military operations.”
An absolute nightmare
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joe-england · 1 year
Haiti is in dire straits right now, and I encourage anyone to give what they can.
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cyphyree · 6 months
FREE RICE - Official UN World Food Program free nonprofit game that Feeds those in Need!! https://freerice.com/
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What does it do?
You play simple trivia games in-browser, and for every correct answer you will help raise "rice" (meaning money to go into emergency relief such as rice and other foods) to help feed those most in need.
Freerice officially works with the United Nations World Food Program (see: https://unric.org/en/freerice/ ), which serves, as of writing:
State of Palestine
See more listed here: https://www.wfp.org/emergencies, as linked from Freerice
How does it work?
Private sponsors now match the rice grains earned in the game. Every question you answer correctly earns 10 grains of rice, triggering a financial payment to WFP. The donations generated through Freerice help support WFP's work in emergencies around the world. (source: https://freerice.com/frequently-asked-questions )
100% of all funds generated via Freerice go to the World Food Programme. Freerice does not earn or keep any money it raises.(source: https://freerice.com/about-us)
Important Notes!
If nothing shows up when you hit "PLAY GAME," try enabling cookies to reveal the site shown above
Making an account is OPTIONAL, not having one does not lessen your impact
Can be used towards virtual community service (download a certificate to fill out yourself)
Freerice has no time limit and perfect for using in conjunction with arab.org, a single click website for various good causes
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northgazaupdates · 7 months
20 February 2024
The United Nations World Food Program has announced a an indefinite “pause” of its activities in north Gaza until conditions are safer for their employees. This is an absolutely catastrophic decision. The WFP’s contributions were already minuscule due to the blockade imposed by the IOF. Now the UN has given up even trying to get food into the north. The United Nations and the criminal governments who run it like a mafia have abandoned 750,000 starving north Gazans to almost certain death, if not by IOF bombs or snipers then by starvation.
The Media Office of the government of Gaza has released a statement in response to the WFP announcement:
🚨 Government Media Office:
We demand the World Food Programme immediately retract its disastrous decision to suspend the delivery of food aid and hold the United Nations and the international community responsible.
We received with shock the decision of the World Food Programme to suspend the delivery of food aid in North Gaza, which amounts to a death sentence for 750,000 people, exacerbating the humanitarian situation doubly. We express our absolute rejection of this decision, which will lead to a global catastrophe.
We demand all United Nations institutions to urgently return to work in the provinces of Gaza and North Gaza without hesitation, instead of shirking and fleeing from their responsibilities and international duties that must be carried out. We hold them fully responsible for the clear shortfall in performing their assigned tasks, as well as for the catastrophic results of the famine deepening in the Gaza Strip.
We call upon Arab and Islamic countries to take a historic, moral, and humanitarian stance in the face of this humanitarian disaster unfolding in the Gaza Strip, especially with the genocide and starvation war. We urge the Arab peoples to take to the streets in protest marches in support of the Gaza Strip, which is undergoing a genocide against civilians, including children and women.
Government Media Office
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
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revawake · 10 months
Misinformation check: Is Yemeni support for Palestine the reason for UN cutting food aid?
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AP News, Dec. 5th 2023: UN food agency stops deliveries to millions in Yemen areas controlled by Houthi rebels
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Al Jazeera, Dec. 5th 2023: WFP suspends food distribution in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen
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While it's true that the United Nations World Food Program has cut aid to areas of Yemen partially due to disagreement with Houthi rebel authorities, this disagreement is about the aid program itself, and is not related to Palestine.
Now read this phrasing again.
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The Houthis' support of Hamas should not be interpreted as Yemen's support of Palestine.
Houthis =/= Yemen. Hamas =/= Palestine. Civilians of any given nation are not responsible for the actions of the powers that rule them, and it should not be assumed that they agree with them.
Lastly, who is the source of the original tweet?
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(Who's Hezbollah?)
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eretzyisrael · 3 months
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In world affairs, the strategy of “just pretend it isn’t happening” has an extremely poor track record. Nor is it true that, as the chief of medicine on Scrubs once put it, “if you don’t look for a mistake, you can’t find one.”
Now that the world has been forced to admit that there is no famine in Gaza, it has been made clear that Israel is letting plenty of food aid into the strip. Which means it’s time to admit something is happening to that food, and it isn’t Israel’s fault. From the Wall Street Journal:
Officials from the United Nations, the largest distributor of aid in Gaza, say that people are looting trucks when they reach Gaza, making it unsafe for their employees to deliver aid. By midafternoon on Monday, no U.N. trucks arrived to pick up aid from the Kerem Shalom crossing, where on Sunday Israel began a daily pause to fighting from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. along a key north-south road used to deliver aid throughout much of Gaza. The Israeli military said 21 other trucks picked up supplies on Sunday. “We need to keep people safe,” said Scott Anderson, the Gaza-based director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, a key group tasked with managing aid distribution in the Strip. An official with the World Food Program, another U.N. agency that delivers aid to Gaza, also cited looting en route to WFP warehouses as hindering deliveries.
So UN trucks are allowed into Gaza, it’s just that the UN drivers don’t want to go because they fear Palestinian violence.
Read more: Here
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follow-up-news · 5 months
The United Nations food agency warned Sudan’s warring parties Friday that there is a serious risk of widespread starvation and death in Darfur and elsewhere in Sudan if they don’t allow humanitarian aid into the vast western region. Leni Kinzli, the World Food Program’s regional spokesperson, said at least 1.7 million people in Darfur were experiencing emergency levels of hunger in December, and the number “is expected to be much higher today.” “Our calls for humanitarian access to conflict hotspots in Sudan have never been more critical,” she told a virtual U.N. press conference from Nairobi. Sudan plunged into chaos in mid-April 2023, when long-simmering tensions between its military led by Gen. Abdel Fattah Burhan, and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces commanded by Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, broke out into street battles in the capital, Khartoum. Fighting has spread to other parts of the country, especially urban areas and the Darfur region. The paramilitary forces, known as the RSF, have gained control of most of Darfur and are besieging El Fasher, the only capital in Darfur they don’t hold, where some 500,000 civilians had taken refuge. Kinzli said WFP’s partners on the ground report that the situation in El Fasher is “extremely dire” and it’s difficult for civilians wanting to flee the reported RSF bombings and shelling to leave. She said the violence in El Fasher and surrounding North Darfur is exacerbating the critical humanitarian needs in the entire Darfur region, where crop production for staple cereals like wheat, sorghum and millet is 78% less than the five-year average. On top of the impact of escalating violence, Kinzli said, “WFP is concerned that hunger will increase dramatically as the lean season between harvests sets in and people run out of food.”
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gowns · 11 months
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The head of the UN World Food Program (WFP) described the situation in Gaza as "catastrophic" as only 0.002 percent of the coastal enclave's immediate relief needs have entered so far, according to Palestine's Health Ministry. Cindy McCain described the 20 aid trucks that were allowed to enter via Egypt on Saturday as a "drop in the ocean". Speaking on ABC's This Week programme, McCain said aid agencies needed secure and sustainable access to the enclave. She added that the WFP is doing its very best to ensure aid gets to the people who need it but that Gaza was a war zone and that "things happen".
-- Middle East Eye, 10/22/23
"Two small convoys entered Gaza over the weekend, totaling 34 trucks between them, meaning that the territory is 7,246 trucks short of regular deliveries."
-- CNN, 10/23/23
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2001zootycoon · 2 months
collection of resources
(this pinned post will be updated as i find more)
Master Doc for resources for Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Haiti, Yemen, Hawai'i, Lebanon (link to original creators post)
Doc of vetted fundraisers Operation Olive Branch Gazafunds Daily Clicks Taawon Watermelon Relief World Food Programme (WFP) Life for Gaza Arab Group for the Protection of Nature (APN) Purchasing eSIMs The Sameer Project Care For Gaza Palestine Children's Relief Fund Mutual Aid for the People of Gaza Help Gaza Children Medical Aid for Palestine (MAP) Gaza Wound Care Children Not Numbers
Focus Congo Help Women in Democratic Republic of the Congo Panzi Foundation CAMME UNHCR Donations (Canada) World Vision - Donations (Canada) Humanity & Inclusion - Donations (Canada) Save the Children (United States) Every Action: City of Joy (United States) UNWFP: World Food Program USA (United States) Malaika (United States) Heal Africa (United States) War Child (United Kingdom) UNICEF (United Kingdom) Save the Children (United Kingdom) Congo Action (United Kingdom) Action Against Hunger (United Kingdom) The Congo Tree (United Kingdom) Eastern Congo.org (United Kingdom) Comfort International (United Kingdom) Global Giving (United Kingdom) Care.org (Australia) Caritas.org (Australia) MHCDASA (Australia)
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fairandfatalasfair · 7 months
Why isn't desperately needed aid reaching Palestinians in Gaza?
"United Nations agencies and aid groups say the ongoing hostilities, the Israeli military's refusal to facilitate deliveries and the breakdown of order inside Gaza make it increasingly difficult to bring vital aid to much of the coastal enclave.
The World Food Program said Tuesday it has paused food deliveries to isolated northern Gaza, where the UN children’s agency says one in six children are acutely malnourished. A UN report in December found that a quarter of Gaza's 2.3 million people are starving. ... Hollingworth described the halt as a “temporary pause” and said the WFP was talking to “all the parties” to resume aid shipments. "We have to flood the area with assistance, if we’re going to mitigate and stop a famine,” he said."
"Once aid trucks enter Gaza, there's often not much further they can go. Israel has isolated northern Gaza since the opening days of the ground offensive in late October after ordering its population to flee to the south. Tens of thousands of people remained there, despite the flattening of entire neighborhoods and severe shortages of food and water.
Aid groups say the Israeli military often denies their requests to access northern Gaza, and that even when it is granted, little protection is provided.
The drive from southern Rafah to Gaza City, in the north, used to take around 45 minutes. It now takes several hours because of ongoing hostilities and roads that have been damaged, blocked or closed by the army."
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mariluphoto · 9 months
As many of us know by now, Yemen has been the GOAT! A poor Muslim country doing everything in its power to help Gaza and because of this, the WFP (world food program) cut them off. Malnutrition rates among women and children are the highest in the world. If you are able to, please make a donation!
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kp777 · 28 days
By Jake Johnson
Common Dreams
Aug. 29, 2024
"This is totally unacceptable and the latest in a series of unnecessary security incidents that have endangered the lives of WFP's team in Gaza."
The World Food Program said Wednesday that it was forced to suspend the movement of its employees in Gaza after the Israeli military fired on one of the United Nations agency's teams as its clearly marked vehicle advanced toward an Israeli checkpoint in the Palestinian enclave.
The agency said in a statement that the WFP team was returning from a mission with two armored vehicles "after escorting a convoy of trucks carrying humanitarian cargo routed to Gaza's central area."
"Despite being clearly marked and receiving multiple clearances by Israeli authorities to approach, the vehicle was directly struck by gunfire as it was moving towards an Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) checkpoint," WFP said. "It sustained at least ten bullets: five on the driver's side, two on the passenger side, and three on other parts of the vehicle. None of the employees onboard were physically harmed."
While the WFP's statement doesn't explicitly attribute the gunfire to Israeli forces, U.N. spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric told reporters Wednesday that the food agency's vehicle was "struck 10 times by IDF gunfire, including with bullets targeting front windows."
Cindy McCain, WFP's executive director, said the attack was "totally unacceptable and the latest in a series of unnecessary security incidents that have endangered the lives of WFP's team in Gaza."
"As last night's events show, the current deconfliction system is failing and this cannot go on any longer," said McCain. "I call on the Israeli authorities and all parties to the conflict to act immediately to ensure the safety and security of all aid workers in Gaza."
The Israeli military's latest attack on aid workers in Gaza came as famine continued to spread across the strip, which Israel has strangled with a blockade that has restricted the flow of food and other necessities.
Kenneth Roth, the former executive director of Human Rights Watch, characterized the WFP attack as part of "Israel's starvation strategy." Israeli forces have repeatedly targeted humanitarian workers in Gaza, making the enclave the most dangerous place in the world for aid agency employees.
Chef José Andrés, the founder of a nonprofit whose Gaza team came under deadly attack by Israeli forces earlier this year, expressed solidarity with the WFP in a social media post late Wednesday.
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WFP did not say how long its pause on employee movement would stay in place, but any disruption to the agency's humanitarian operations could be disastrous for starving Palestinians.
In its statement Wednesday, the U.N. food agency said that Israel's "frequent and ongoing evacuation orders continue to uproot both families and food relief operations intended to support them."
"Last week, WFP lost access to its third and last operational warehouse in Gaza's middle area, while five of WFP's operated community kitchens had to be evacuated," the agency said. "This week, on Sunday 25 August, the evacuation orders impacted the main WFP operating hub in Deir al-Balah, forcing our team to relocate for the third time since the war started."
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"The Israeli military's latest attack on aid workers in Gaza came as famine continued to spread across the strip, which Israel has strangled with a blockade that has restricted the flow of food and other necessities.
Kenneth Roth, the former executive director of Human Rights Watch, characterized the WFP attack as part of "Israel's starvation strategy." Israeli forces have repeatedly targeted humanitarian workers in Gaza, making the enclave the most dangerous place in the world for aid agency employees.
Chef José Andrés, the founder of a nonprofit whose Gaza team came under deadly attack by Israeli forces earlier this year, expressed solidarity with the WFP in a social media post late Wednesday."
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