kimberlyannharts · 5 years
I know that page is supposed to be dramatic, but I can't stop cracking up at Andros and Heckyl. Did they jump off something, did someone throw them? Why are you two in the air?!
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me bursting into mcdonalds at 10:59 AM to get an egg mcmuffin before the breakfast menu closes
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meanwhile heckyll is straight-up pulling off a naruto run in midair
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meztiredd · 5 years
worldoftherandom replied to your post “ardentgarden replied to your post “If you really think about, that...”
IIRC, Robin said that was his favorite Nygmobblepot scene so far because they had just done the table read for that episode not too long before a convention. It's possible there's others that they've filmed but he didn't know about at the time.
you’re so right!!
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skyland2703 · 2 years
Hey!!! :D Thanks for the askkkkkk!!!!
1. First impression: Anon who somehow noticed I like Heckyl from my pfp XD
2. Truth is: Mutual who loves Heckyl XD. No but really, I love all the convos we've had; we've made Heckyl our guinea pig for all sorts of things and it's the best thing ever because HECKYL XD AND YOUR BRAIN WORKS IN WAYS I CANNOT COMPREHEND BECAUSE JESUS THE IDEAS????!!!!!
3. How old do you look: Your pfp has left the impression on me that you look like you're probably.... 25-ishhhh??
4. Have you ever made me laugh: Oh yes. My fave was fem!Heckyl, tho 😂 the ideas are generally so willlldddddd as a whole I have a B L A S T!
5. Have you ever made me mad: ...no. I know that I probably make you mad because I reply to texts five days late or something like that hehe 😅
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: ....uhmmmm.... low key?? Kinda?? But we're friendos XD
8. You’re my: Genius mutual XD
9. Name in my phone: Heckyl. If I'd have to save you I'd save you as Heckyl. It's kinda my habit XD
10. Should you post this too? If you wanna!!!
Send me a ”hey” and i’ll do this XD
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Catching up with Gotham Reply Posts throughout my reactions...
@worldoftherandom replied to your post:  “My Reaction to “Gotham” S3E15″
I've been loving your reactions and have been waiting for you to get to this episode just because of that one scene XD 
Yeah.... I have... I have no words... it’s just... yeah... I’m still screaming internally
@theimpossiblescheme replied to your post:  “My Reaction to “Gotham” S1E6″
Can I just say that I am LIVING for how little of Edward’s shit you are taking so far? XD
Honestly, I hated Ed in S1.  I really did.  I mean, some of his attempts of wooing Kristen were kinda cute but he was a creep as well.
I would say that as soon as he started developing more into the Riddler, he was great.  I actually really like the first half of Season 4, where he was just Ed and fixing his friendship with Lee.  As soon as “The Riddler” properly came back, I went “Nope!  Nope!  Don’t like you anymore!”
@worldoftherandom replied to your post:  “My Reaction to “Gotham” S1E7″
I think in the first episode Oswald gets his leg broken and it doesn’t get fixed, so he’s left with the limp
Oh yeah, ‘cause Fish breaks it in the pilot!
@theimpossiblescheme replied to your post:  “My Reaction to “Gotham” S2E12″
I think “Arrow” explained McGregor’s Sydrome from “Batman and Robin” as sort of like an extreme form of pneumonia.  And I’ve heard other people say that Nora has Huntington’s disease.
Well the prescription drug she uses in the episode [Formoterol] tipped me off that it was some kind of respiratory problem- it’s some kind of asthma medication that helps clear up the airway.  So it could be either or. 
Plus in the Arkham games, they diagnose Nora with “Huntington’s Chorea.”
And also, Nora isn’t the first person to have this “McGregor’s disease.”  It pops up in CW’s “The Flash” when we see Iris and Wally’s mom appear for like half an episode and yeah it pops up in “Arrow” (which honestly, I have no desire in seeing).
MatPat on YouTube actually did a Film Theory video about this, which I highly suggest checking out.  He basically concluded that it’s basically an extreme form of lung cancer.
@kookiesandjintonic replied to your post:  “Rewatching “Mandatory Brunch Meeting” Like”
Well, the first time I watched that episode, I was thrown off by Ecco.  I was just sitting there going “Wait?  Where else is there another Echo in DC?”  I knew the Echo as in Query and Echo (the Riddler’s henchwomen) but it’s clearly not her.  There’s an Echo in the No Man’s Land comics but the spelling was off (maybe they’re combining thaaaaatt I don’t know...)
But while I was typing up my reaction post for that, I caught Jeremiah’s line and went “Whoa... OK... that’s unexpected.”  Plus, like three episodes, bam! we got our Joker!  So hearing that line from our Proto-Joker, it threw me off.
Plus, I’m pretty sure it’s confirmed that Jeremiah and Ecco are gonna be together in some capacity in S5 (as our proper Proto-Joker and Proto-Harley) so I’m definitely intrigued about this... relationship, I’m gonna call it.
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Victor Zsasz, Oswald Cobblepot, and Ed Nygma domestic headcanons with a gn!reader
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Victor Zsasz
He’s tired most of the time because of his job as an assassin
Victor is one of the best, so he’s hired a lot
When he comes home, he just wants to lay with you.
On the couch or the bed, he just wants to be near you
But on days he doesn’t have a job, he takes you wherever you wanna go
He takes you out to eat, then brings you to an arcade or an amusement park or wherever you want!
You sometimes go with him on jobs, but usually stay back.
Sometimes he takes you to shooting ranges
Victor will sometimes try to cook for you as a surprise, and it either turns out amazing or burnt.
After dating him, you’re never put in danger again.
People are too scared to mess with you, they’ve seen what Victor can do.
Inbetween jobs he will find you (or text you) and make sure you’re okay.
He’s like your own personal security guard that kisses you everyday
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Oswald Cobblepot
He loves ranting about his mom to you
It usually ends up with him crying in your arms but he does it anyway.
Someone once kidnapped you to get something from Oswald.
At the end of that day, you and Oswald were cuddling watching the man who kidnapped you burn in Oswald’s fireplace.
Nobody else has tried anything with you after that.
He kisses you on your forehead before doing anything
He says it’s for good luck, but Oswald just wants to kiss you
If you guys ever go out to dinner or on a date or just going on a walk, he always holds your hand. He’s too scared of losing you.
Oswald wants everyone to know you’re his and he’s yours, so he will buy you both matching suits.
Os has a ton of nightmares, and loves when you comfort him after them.
Whenever it snows, he puts on Christmas movies, makes hot chocolate, and watches them while cuddling on the couch with you.
He’s been through so much and he just needs your love
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Ed Nygma
You guys spend most mornings cuddling on the couch with tv in the background, and he asks you riddles.
He doesn’t exactly care if you get them right or not, but as long as you’re trying, he loves it.
Ed gives you hints if you can’t figure it out, and when you finally do, he kisses you.
He traces little question marks on your arms or head when you guys are cuddling
Lots of kisses when you guys are alone together
So many homemade meals bro!!!
He cooks breakfast, lunch, and dinner for you when he has the time.
When he becomes the Riddler, he’s so much more affectionate with you.
Whenever he’s making a public threat, or sitting back and letting some people he hired kill other people, he’ll put you on his lap. (Or sit on your lap)
He wants everyone to know you’re his when he’s the riddler
But Ed’s still affectionate and soft with you in private.
Whenever he gives you a gift, it has a question mark on it.
He’s kinda obsessed with you, but he will not hurt you or let you get hurt at all, ever.
Tags: @nightmarelov @gotham-swag @vampynb @lokilaufeysonslytherin @teh-vampire-bunny @worldoftherandom @abnormalcore
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chierei · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Gotham (TV), Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Oswald Cobblepot/Victor Zsasz Characters: Oswald Cobblepot, Victor Zsasz Additional Tags: Gotham!Oswald meets BOP!Zsasz, Multiverse, Meet-Cute, But more violent, Explicit Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Oral Sex Summary:
There is something special about Oswald Van Dahl, and Victor finds himself pulled into his orbit.
Thank you to @worldoftherandom for commissioning this piece! I had a blast writing it. <3
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Things I’m working on
A commission for the lovely @worldoftherandom that’s half done
A fic that’s currently at almost 4000 words
And to top it all off, an angst filled fic!
I’m not even sure how many people even read Nygmobblepot fics anymore, but I hope that people feel comfortable reading my fics without having seen the show (since they are canon divergent but I do try to keep things similar) Plus I see new posts under the Nygmobblepot tag every time I check so there must be someone lol
Also I’m considering dipping my toe into other pairings, but I still need a gentle shove in the direction of encouragement
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kadetjaina · 5 years
worldoftherandom replied to your post: Harley Quinn the animated series has left one...
Apparently the “Killing Joke” story happened not too long before the show started and instead of enduring it like he does there, it has left Jim a bit… broken to put it lightly
Yeah, I can see that be a thing. Tbh, even if Killing Joke didn’t happen, it’s a miracle the police force in Gotham is not full of insane people.
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bookmawkish · 6 years
Guilt (Heckyl in the MCU)
I have no idea why this was so hard to write
“----’s down!”
The comm is crackling, breaking up. Clint must be moving. “Repeat, Hawkeye.”
“I said Tony’s down. As in out.”
Steve is running, so he doesn’t sigh: his body is pushing all its energy and instinct into making him move smoothly and efficiently like the powerhouse he is, and has nothing to spare for inefficient breaths. But he wants to.
“Details,” he demands. He can’t get there any faster and he’s still at least two minutes out. Two minutes is a long time in a battle, especially one against a completely unknown antagonist.
The attack had come at dawn, and had been devastating within a very short period of time. People had just started to drop in the street - night shifters on their way home, early commuters, the deli workers heading out to prep for the breakfast rush. The first few casualties had not raised the alarm at the hospitals - unconscious but otherwise stable people who just weren’t waking up. Could be the leftovers from a wild night out.
But by seven in the morning, the numbers were moving into the hundreds, and the emergency services started to raise their voices in concern, and within the depths of the hugely complex and intelligent machine known as JARVIS a series of little red flags were raised.
And Iron Man was on the street before the clock hit seven-fifteen.
“I was watching,” Clint’s voice says. “I don’t know what went wrong. It looked like he had it on the ropes, he was advancing, it was backing up, then he just - stopped. Looked like he was in pain, hands to his head. Then he went down.”
“He never took the helmet off?”
“Never. All suit, all the way.”
Not a good sign. Steve is reminded, as he often is, that Clint is highly trained and lethal, but he‘s still only regular human. Not enhanced, not magical, not heavily armoured. “Stay out of range, Hawkeye. That’s an order.”
Clint is hesitant. And says so. Clint is not someone to keep a perfectly good opinion to himself.
“You’ve got no backup.”
Which is partly why Steve had wanted to sigh, because that was true. Banner was away at some kind of science junket in Europe, Natasha had gone dark somewhere in Syria the past two weeks, and Thor and Loki were doing politics in Asgard, which left him, Clint, Tony and -
“Get Heckyl out here. Now. Tell him no time to suit up, just get here.”
He can almost hear Clint clenching his teeth. Clint and Heckyl are not friends. If Steve’s being honest, Heckyl’s probably not his favourite person either, but he’s a hard hitter and you can generally trust him enough to fight on your side. And besides, they’re out of options and people are in danger. Steve weaves between traffic, horns blaring at him as he goes, and vaults a parked cab.
“ETA thirty seconds. Call him now.”
And then he’s in range, and he can see it, and there is no more time.
The monster is huge, at least fifteen feet tall: or at least as close as can be reckoned, because its form is not set and solid. It roils and bubbles like cloud or ink, ugly amorphous shapes shifting in and out of solidity along its breadth. Sometimes it appears to have arms, which reach and grab, and at others dark maws seem to open up, champing and snapping towards anything that moves.
It is easy to see how in the half-light before dawn this creature could have stayed hidden, taken victims without warning.
Wrapped in the coils of smoky body at the base lies the flash of red and yellow that is Tony, and Steve’s focus contracts onto the one sprawled visible length of armoured leg.
How do you fight smoke?
He circles for a moment. The creature has no visible eyes, but nonetheless Steve feels unaccountably observed, and indeed observed in a forensic fashion. He feels stripped back, as if the thing in front of him can see inside his veins (Bucky) and is gnawing on his thoughts (Peggy) and -
The guilt washes through him like bile, in a rush, all at once, and Steve buckles as if he’s taken a tank direct to the gut. It’s like poison -
- the most virulent kind of poison, and the creature is dragging it out of him through every vein, every pore -
(couldn’t save him/her/them)
(not any of them)
(all dead)
(all your fault)
It’s like an evil, backward form of dialysis: the creature siphons the guilt through Steve, takes it in, circulates it gluttonously to power its own form, then pours the dregs back into Steve complete with all the alien awfulness that its rotting self can give.
Human beings are very good at guilt. It’s a distinguishing feature of their species. And you cannot punch guilt. You cannot take it by the throat and shake it. It is so much harder to fight when the enemy is inside you, in your past, in the faces of everyone you ever lost or loved. By the time Steve has the ability to muster a thought (and that thought is “Under attack”) he is already on his knees, his body unable to cope with the sickening alien bio-feedback, his mind a tormented whirl of distilled and corrupted emotion. He feels the hard, chill smack of the sidewalk against the side of his face before he is even aware he is falling. He rolls, inelegantly, his face up so all he can see is the sky, and the coiling smoky tendrils of the beast, ever-expanding, glutted on his guilt. It is full: he has never felt so empty in his life, and everything hurts, from his heart to his stomach. Consciousness fades in and out and it is likely only the serum that keeps him from drifting permanently into the black.  
It starts to rain. And someone leaps over Steve’s sprawled body, boot-heels slamming hard on the street, and gets in between him and the beast.
It’s Heckyl, of course, because even though he’s definitely got his problems he does fight on the right side these days. Clint has called him as promised, and here he is. Steve blinks away raindrops, his blurring vision taking in the flap of Heckyl’s coat-tails in the breeze, noting with hazy gratitude the arched, aggressive stance the man is taking in front of him. Heckyl’s body language looks mad as all hell, and possibly this is only because he’s been dragged away from whatever fun thing he’d been up to so he can pull their backsides out of the fire, but Steve is grateful for it nonetheless. An angry Heckyl is a good thing to have at your back in a pinch.
But if whatever that thing is can fell both Steve and Tony like cut flowers, then there’s a real danger Heckyl’s about to get the same treatment if he gets too close, and then they’ll be in no better place than before. He can hear Clint on the radio, and Heckyl’s terse responses. They’re ready to fight.
He tries to speak. He needs to warn his team-mates. They have to know what this thing can do. He tries, he really does - but his lips feel frost-bitten, old, useless, his tongue a heavy strip of leather in his mouth.
“ -!” he manages, and that useless sound makes Heckyl glance down at him, frowning, but nothing more. Failed. Once again. Failed -
(can’t save him)
Steve drifts towards unconsciousness, fighting all the way.
It almost claims him.
The rain on his face is cold. He opens his eyes again, and to his huge surprise Heckyl is still on his feet. And not only that, he’s advancing. He looks like a mime doing the whole walking-against-the-wind thing, as if he’s pushing against some terrible pressure, but he‘s taking the fight to the thing and (even more unbelievably) it‘s backing away. Steve is vaguely aware of Clint screaming abuse down the comm, but mercifully it’s abuse of the “Get the fuck out of there you colossal idiot, you’re gonna die -!” variety. Friendly, team-spirited abuse. Oh good.
The vast, smoky bulk of the creature is definitely growing. Swelling, billowing, as if it will envelop the world. Heckyl’s lips pull back in a snarl, his teeth clenched viciously, but he keeps moving. As Steve watches, blinking as much as he can will his leaden eyelids to, Heckyl drags his fists up to almost boxing-style pose - he looks as if even that small change in position is like wading through treacle - and starts to call on his power.
The beast before him balloons. Bulges appear, amorphous limbs trying to resolve and strike out at the man in front it, but becoming instead shapeless swollen lumps which bubble uncomfortably before sagging back into the mass. It strains. Steve has the impression that if it could, it would be howling. But instead there’s just an eerie silence, as the thing continues to inflate and grow to unbearably stretched proportions. Heckyl, his face set and pale, two trails of blood now running from the corners of his eyes, takes one final step until he’s almost pressed into the distended form of the creature.
And it explodes.
There’s almost no sound, only something like an inhalation of air rushing into a vacuum left by the creature’s abrupt departure, but fragments of oily black ash start to float down through the air, falling into Steve’s face. It smells abominable, stale and anciently corrupt, like the inside of a sarcophagus.  
A scrape of boots. Heckyl is crouching down next to him, swiping an arm across his face to wipe away the tracks of blood, and looking extremely weary. But he’s alive. Alive and awake.
“Can you walk?” Heckyl is asking him, his tone bitter and irritable. “Because I’m not carrying you.”
For I’m not Steve correctly reads I can’t, the sarcastic manner aside. Heckyl looks dead on his feet. It’s amazing he’s able to carry his own weight, let alone someone like Steve who outweighs him by almost half.
“Yes,” Steve replies, somewhat astonished by the fact that he isn’t lying. As soon as the creature exploded, he’d started feeling better. Like he’s had the world’s worst dose of the flu, but better. He starts trying to sit up, and between him and Heckyl’s supporting arm, they manage it. They sit there for a while, as the rain and ash continue to fall and the air starts to clear of the stink.
“Cap, Heckyl.”
“We’re here,” Steve says, and even hears (to his great relief) an affirmative grunt from Tony, who is evidently annoyed at being counted out of the game despite having spent most of the action lying comatose on the street.
“Je-sus.” Clint’s voice is half-admiring. “What was that thing.”
“I’m more interested,” Steve says, locking eyes with Heckyl, “as to how you knew how to kill it.”
Heckyl just shrugs - a testament to how tired he must be, usually he’s far more elaborate - and looks away.
“What an assumption,” he says. “I didn’t kill it. One might say it killed itself. Obviously none too bright. About as sentient as the average caterpillar, I‘d say. A brainless eating machine.”
“And it ate itself to death,” Steve says, the horrible truth of it all dawning on him. “It found an almost limitless supply of food and it just couldn’t stop itself.”
“Boom,” agrees Heckyl, soberly miming an explosion with both hands spread. He is steadfastly ignoring the way Steve is looking at him.
Tony’s forty-odd years and countless acts of regret had barely served as a snack. His own near-century of horror and loss had only satiated the creature for a moment. But Heckyl -
- Heckyl was millions of years old.
And had, as Loki had once put it, darkly, done things. On a planetary genocidal scale of awfulness, for countless centuries.
No wonder the creature had exploded. And Steve, because he is a good man and values his own sanity, makes a careful and conscious decision to put this from his mind. Besides, it’s almost palpable how uncomfortable Heckyl is about this whole thing, and the man’s been through enough.
“Come on,” he says, as the rain begins to falter and the sun attempt to filter through the grey clouds. “Let’s try that walk now.”
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hunterbradley · 6 years
Post your top 10 tv shows as gifs without revealing the title
Tagged by @kathillards ❤ & in no particular order:
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Tagging: @henshinharo @worldoftherandom @nursepurpleranger @sporkshoard @riraki @aquastranger @prgirlsrock @sydneydrews @therealpinkranger @universalmorphingrid @rivulet027 @faithandlovewillkeepmestrong @xander-bi @sparkyrider @mysuperlexy43vr-aka-weirdo and anyone who would like to do it~
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kimberlyannharts · 5 years
What's the biggest thing you want out of Beast Morphers?
h i m
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(i s2g if they cast him as some GUY instead of making him robo knight 2.0 hasbro and i are gonna have some WORDS)
but other than that i’m really hoping for some good solid stories with the side characters!!!  while i’m not totally against victor and monty, their stuff was definitely one of the weaker aspects of ninja steel, and i wouldn’t want a repeat of that with the beast morphers side cast - especially since everyone seems so close and friendly with each other  
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jazismikeys · 7 years
☠ she said to me, "forget what you thought 'cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught, so just turn around and forget what you saw." ☠
☠ she said to me, "forget what you thought 'cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught, so just turn around and forget what you saw." ☠ by worldoftherandom featuring heeled boots ❤ liked on Polyvore
Chicnova Fashion vintage sweater, 32 AUD / Yves Saint Laurent mini skirt, 950 AUD / Kate Spade patterned tight, 27 AUD / Dr. Martens heeled boots, 39 AUD / Above the Mark Rubber Stamps | foreign Text, 7.83 AUD
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chierei · 4 years
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Rules: Without naming them, post 10 gifs of your favorite tv shows then tag 10 people.
Tagged by @esperata​. Since I don’t watch much TV and/or get hyperfixated on one thing, I included YouTube channels and basically any fandom.
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And I tag @bri-notthecheese​ @inkfowl​ @nervousobservationland​ @lateral-org​ @worldoftherandom​ @gdriddxnce​ @penguinssupersecretsafehouse​ @bandicoot88​ @space-cadet-jean​
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Tagged by: @esperata
Are you staying home from work/school?
Yeah :( I’ve been off work for 18 days
If you’re staying home who’s there with you?
My aunt, her dad, my cousin, and her wife
Are you a homebody?
Yes, except when I’m not 😂
What movies have you watched recently? What TV shows are you watching?
I recently re-watched Smart House, but as for TV I haven’t really watched anything because I’ve been watching YouTube
An event you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
Going out to a restaurant for my 21st. Also my girlfriends play got cancelled.
What music are you listening to?
NSP, P!ATD, and a bunch of other stuff
What are you reading?
I’ve been re-reading some of my bookmarks on AO3, but I’ve also been looking through the Oswald/Edward tag for some new things to read
What are you doing for self care?
Trying not to cry every day lol
Tagging the last 8 people I’ve messaged (but it’s totally up to you to do) @knightinpinkunderwear @eros-heartache @multifandom-slytherin @arcanana @worldoftherandom @the-cactus-prince @augustjustice @polgara6
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bookmawkish · 6 years
Suddenly His Problem [Heckyl: DINO CHARGE CANON DIVERGENCE]
No I don’t know why I wrote this when I have so many other ideas (and much better prompts) and I’m not incapably drunk why would you think that
@worldoftherandom because you are my partner in Heckyl crime
People didn’t phone Chase at work. They really didn’t. Truth be told, if you’d asked him, he probably would have said that the old landline hitched to the wall just inside the supply cupboard door didn’t even work. However, his own feeling about it regardless, as he’s cleaning up the kitchen on the first Saturday night after the world almost ended (and hell, the world almost ending certainly put people in the mood to eat out. The café had been packed to bursting for the past two days) the phone rings. Persistently.
Chase is alone except for Ivan, who is out front trying to hurry up the last few stragglers to finish their Cretaceous Cheesecake and pay their bills. He’s loading the dishwasher, and has to wipe off his hands and stumble quickly to the wall - he makes it just in time.
“Hello?” he says, letting all his bafflement come out plainly in his tone.
“That the Dino Bite Café?” says an unfamiliar male voice. British accent. The line is noisy. A lot of background chatter, and music, and the clamour of a busy room.
“Yeah?” says Chase, still none the wiser.
“Ah, great,” the voice says, and they do sound relieved, whoever they are. “Thought you’d have all gone home already. Who am I speaking to?”
“Uh, Chase. Chase Randall. The cook.”
“Hi Chase. It’s Gary from The Inkwell down the street.”
Chase’s frown deepens. The Inkwell was a bar. Not one of the nicest ones in town, but still a bar. “Look, can you come down here and pick up your friend? He’s not looking too great and I don’t want to just throw him out like that, you know?”
Chase is instantly thrown into turmoil. Tyler? Riley? Not Ivan, Ivan’s here.
“What friend?” is all he can manage.
“Ah, sorry, he works for you, I assumed he was your friend, you guys all seem pretty tight in there. Your waiter? The tall one with the sharp suit?”
When Chase, startled, doesn’t immediately respond Gary continues, starting to sound doubtful. “Ellis recognised him, said he worked for you? He took her order when she came in for her birthday a while ago. I asked if she was sure, she said she was, no other bloke in town has blue hair -”
“That’s him,” Chase blurts out, more to himself than to the phone. “That’s Heckyl.”
“Heckyl?” repeats Gary, evidently both amused and incredulous. “Well, that explains a lot. If my parents had named me Heckyl I’d’ve been getting drunk every night.”
Chase’s mind races. Heckyl. Who had disappeared entirely after giving them the tipoff about the greenzillas. Who had not turned up to fight alongside Snide or Sledge or the Rangers or anyone during the final battle. Who had adamantly denied that there was any good in him or anything on Earth worth saving. Where had he been this whole time? And, more importantly, what was he doing right now in a dive bar?
Chase voiced that final query aloud, and Gary barked a hoarse laugh. “He’s drunk as a skunk, mate. That’s why I called you. Normally I just chuck the drunks out in the street at the end of the night, but your buddy here looks like he’s about ready to drop right now and it’s hours til closing. Plus he‘s drinking me out of vodka and I‘m pretty sure he‘s run out of cash.”
Vodka? Chase is finding all this very hard to process. For some reason he cannot fathom, Heckyl being incapably drunk in a bar has suddenly become his problem. Heckyl. He must have made a strangled sort of sound, because Gary misinterprets it, and hastens to reassure him. “Look, he’s okay, all right? He’s just had enough. More than enough. He’s going to be sick as a dog when he sobers up. Can you come down? I’ll keep an eye on him until you get here.”
“I’ll - I’ll be right there,” says Chase, because there really isn’t anything else he can say, and Gary, after thanking him profusely and Britishly, rings off.
Chase stands in the kitchen for a long moment, frozen to the spot with complete shock, then remembers that Heckyl has powers. And a completely uncontrollable temper. And now, quite likely, a much lowered set of inhibitions due to liquor.
He tears out of the kitchen in a panic, dragging off his apron as he goes, and almost runs straight into Ivan, who is chaperoning a couple of old ladies out into the night. Ivan sees the look on Chase’s face, hastens the customers with a huge grin and pats on the arm, then turns, all business.
“What is it? What has happened? Where is the fight?”
“I need you to come with me to a bar,” says Chase, caught in a fit of agonised anxiety. “Right now.”
He’s never been so grateful for Ivan’s unwavering faith. The knight does not question. He simply pulls off his own apron, folds it neatly onto the nearest table, and locks the doors dutifully as they both hurry out into the dark street.
 When they reach The Inkwell, it’s not hard to find Gary. He’s the big man behind the bar, remonstrating with one of his staff. It would be difficult to imagine anyone more Gary-like than Gary: muscular, tattooed, absolutely no nonsense but friendly as all hell. He also has a purpling bruise on the side of his jaw.
Chase hurries to the bar and waits in agitation as Gary finishes up his conversation. He can’t help but scan the crowded bar, looking for Heckyl. God knows, Heckyl was bad enough in general, but angry drunk Heckyl would be something else entirely. Ivan, hanging back at Chase’s shoulder, looks quizzical. He still has no idea what they’re doing here.
“- told you to cut him off,” Gary was saying.
“I don’t know what to tell you,” the bartender was saying. “He - he didn’t look that drunk. Or sound it.”
“Ah, get out of here,” Gary growls, evidently unimpressed by his staff’s observational skills, and turns away. Chase’s intently anxious expression evidently draws his eye, and he raises a hand, jabs a finger in the Ranger’s direction.
“Now you must be Chase Randall. Thanks for coming. Come round, I’ve stashed your buddy in back. He took a bit of offence at my cutting him off, and seeing as he packs a pretty punch for such a skinny guy, I thought I’d better put him somewhere to cool down.”
“I am so sorry about him,” Chase says, mortified because the bruise suddenly makes horrible sense, but Gary waves this off.
“He’s drunk, kiddo, he ain’t himself. I didn’t have the heart to call the cops on him. He was nice as pie to start off with. Very polite, if a bit sarcastic. But if you ask me he was miserable as all crap when he started drinking, and drinking hasn’t made him any happier. Maybe you can talk out his problems with him once he’s slept it off, might help. Anyway.”
He’s led them both to a door marked “Private Bar”. “Usually use this for parties. Your friend Heckyl is a pity party all by himself if you ask me. Take as long as you need, when you’re ready, take him out the back. There’s a fire door, it’s not alarmed, just push the bar and go on out.” And he holds the door open. Chase takes a deep breath, and walks in.
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kimberlyannharts · 6 years
What if the Solarix somehow brought the other Ranger's Zords into the void dimension for them to use?
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